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Filename: 20100322_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 22, 2010
3057 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Monday, the 22nd day of March, 2010.
The behemoth government power grab known as Obamacare has passed the House.
It is now a formality to leave the Senate and go to the President's desk sometime this week.
We are going to open the phones up specifically for listeners to talk about points in the plan they like.
I would imagine those folks haven't actually read the bill.
They'll just regurgitate talking points that they heard the media, the controlled corporate media and the Democrats spew.
You're welcome to call in about what you like in it or what you don't like.
What you think is most dangerous, not just about the bill, but the way it was passed and 38 states lining up to sue to try to block it.
It is unbelievably unconstitutional, amazingly illegal.
We're going to be going over every stinking facet of it today.
Folks need to stay angry and get truly educated on what's happening because the establishment knows it's going to take a few years for any of this to be phased in.
The taxes will hit right away.
All the different taxes and fines and fees and the IRS grabbing your bank account or your paycheck or your tax return, $16,500 to $20,000.
They're debating new IRS enforcers now running your life, involved in everything you do, setting the precedent to make you buy private insurance.
And that's only the beginning.
The sky is the limit here.
But this is not socialism.
Socialism is bad enough.
This is highway robbery.
That's why I've had more time to read over the final bill, 2,700 pages, I've just scanned it with keyword searches, and I have a correction to make, because the media have been lying, saying that it started becoming phased in in 2013, three years from now, and then fully phased in 2015, five years from now.
I'm sorry, much of the bill, the so-called benefits don't hit for seven and a half plus years, till 2018.
And now they're saying, oh, well, you might not actually get free health care.
This will just expand Medicare and Medicaid, but then cut the amount of services you get under it.
So it raises taxes and cuts benefits.
And that's why Howard Dean and Ennis Kucinich had been against it.
They wanted real socialism.
This is just like the banker bailout, where they say, oh, we need all these trillions of dollars to unfreeze the housing market.
On October 3rd, 2008, on October 4th, they said, guess what?
We're not spending it on that and we're not going to tell you where we are spending it.
And we have seen seamless political integration from Bush to Obama in the banking theft that's going on.
So basically, this is just the government passing a health care bill
To grab another large percentage of the economy on top of grabbing the auto industry, the greenhouse gas tax, home inspections, property controls.
The Senate won't pass, so Obama's just implementing it by executive fiat.
That's grabbing much of the economy.
This is a controlled economy where they can selectively enforce on whoever they want.
That's another discriminatory issue.
A bunch of different large labor unions and other groups, they get to keep their so-called Cadillac healthcare, which just means that basically all medical procedures are covered and you don't have to pay a deductible.
And so select groups, they're not going to be penalized, but the general public, it will.
And small businesses will.
And so small businesses, the biggest employer in this country, will just let employees go and keep a skeleton crew and then give them insurance, but also cut their paycheck.
And then it'll be watered down health care.
And it's all here in the fine print.
We're going to go over it, but I had a caller yesterday near the end of the broadcast, the Sunday show, who said, Alex, explain this to me.
How are the insurance companies benefiting from this?
How are the insurance companies behind this?
We'll break that down first when we get back and take your calls 1-800-259-9231.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
All of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The end is near.
No, this is not a New Age prophecy.
I'm Steve Schenck.
Alex and I told you two weeks ago about the Buy 3 Get 1 Free production special that eFoods Direct is running on the New
You know you're going to need all the food you can get.
You can't afford to wait another
Big Brother!
A day that will live in infamy!
The federal government, controlled by criminal offshore banks and corporations, greedy for more revenue streams, has seized control, depending on what numbers you look at, at 16 to 20 percent of the U.S.
They already have much of the auto industry.
Under their environmental initiative, they are taking control of all industry.
Power plants, production, farms, ranches, the federal government has passed in the House and is very close in the Senate to passing the cyber security bill that allows the president and the federal government unilaterally to shut down the web completely or restrict and censor and tax the web in any way they see fit.
See, dictatorial power is being handed to the government.
By the government.
This is the essence of tyranny.
The essence of the seizure of power.
This is bonafide tyranny.
Bonafide authoritarian system.
And I saw all these Republicans getting up there righteously saying, this is tyranny, this is the end of freedom, this is the greatest power grab ever, this is treason, this is an overthrow of our country, of our republic.
Limbaugh's saying it, they're all saying it, and they're telling the truth, but hey guys, hey girls,
You were for the Patriot Act, clearly written for the American people, has nothing to do with foreign cave dwellers in Central Asia.
You were all for illegal wars not declared by Congress.
Wars of aggression, lies about WMDs, now confirmed to be premeditated lies, not mistakes.
You're all for having the military run warrantless checkpoints in the nation.
You're all for NORTHCOM spying on the American people without warrants and secret arrest and torture.
You're all for shutting down websites you don't agree with.
See, this is how tyranny works.
It's always sold against some unpopular minority.
In the case of Nazi Germany, Jews, Communists, and others.
But it's always designed for the mass.
Because you are the people the system wants to rob.
And once they start violating the Bill of Rights and Constitution,
There is a race to the bottom.
And now the bottom has fallen out.
There's nothing holding us up anymore.
And the system wants to fully bankrupt the country and the states so they can bring in a new order, a new bank of the world, a new constitution, an open world government built and sold as the savior to the world economic crises.
All these decades they denied they were forming quietly a shadow world government.
Now it's coming out of the shadows because they think they've got us right where they want us.
Now, throughout the next few hours, I'm going to walk through all the different facets of this.
I tried to get to it all yesterday and we covered quite a bit, but I want to really go deeper today.
But I also want to open the phones up, but specifically on tyranny in this country and the government health care plan and what you're going to do to stop it.
Now, there isn't going to be a silver bullet to this, but the number one thing is getting informed, getting active, getting on your feet, getting aggressive, and staying angry, and never stopping, and realizing that many hands make light work.
This is going to be a process.
The globalists have come to power through an incremental process.
We are going to take our society back through an incremental process.
Through the long view of history.
We're having a lot of victories against them.
They can't get the Senate to pass their global carbon tax takeover.
So they're illegally going to implement it through the EPA.
But the lawsuits are being filed by the states and by private interest.
But more importantly, the states are lining up to say they're going to pass laws that nullify it and that they just won't follow it within their borders.
On the Second Amendment, on the land grabs, on the carbon taxes, on every front.
They tried to get their Copenhagen Treaty through to set up the banking world dictatorship.
That failed.
So now they're just having the central bankers of the G20 set it up by fiat.
We have to challenge that criminality.
See, now it's about open tyranny.
They try to pass this stuff.
They try to get it through.
And sell the public.
But when they can't, they go ahead and try to implement it regardless.
But then it's that much more obvious what we're dealing with.
But they have gotten this bill through.
It will go to the President this week.
He will sign it.
And they got it by very thin margin, what, four votes.
And it will be political suicide for the Democratic Party.
But they're bought and paid for.
That was their job.
To collectivize this country for the banks.
The bigger problem is the Republicans will be swept to power in November in the House.
In the next election, it'll take two elections to get control of the Senate.
And in two and a half, three years, look for a Republican president to be elected unless Obama's controllers stage some false flag terror attacks.
And look for the Republicans to not fully repeal this legislation.
If I had to simplify this issue,
It's about a long, hard war and it's about identifying incumbents as the enemy and cutting government and cutting taxes to cut off the blood supply to this tumor.
And if I had to simplify the legislation itself, I analyzed the first four versions of the bills.
We had a lot of experts on to go over it with a nonpartisan true analysis and
Saturday morning and then again last night I did a lot of keyword searches in the 2700 page bill and all it does is let the federal government take control of health care and then turn the IRS loose, the biggest expansion of IRS power in its history, the private collection agency for the private Federal Reserve.
And it really doesn't even give people free health care.
Those that are supposedly getting the free health care.
Won't be able to get jobs in the debt economy, so they'll be forced to get it.
It doesn't even do that until 2018.
It does extend some Medicare and Medicaid payments to a larger group of people.
And that's supposedly raised off of people making $125,000 a year, or combined incomes of $250,000.
But what it does is cut Medicare and Medicaid.
Cut the amount of money that can be spent on it, and it begins the long process of the government telling doctors via federal government-controlled computer systems what treatments they can give people, and that's under the term comparative medicine and laid out by the original author of the bill three years ago, Tom Daschle, in his book.
But first, before I go to your calls, I wanted to get into this issue, because I had a caller on the Sunday show, and it was near the end, I didn't have a lot of time to elaborate, and he said, Alex, now explain this to me.
How are the insurance companies for this?
Well, to be clear, the big insurance companies that are subsidiaries of the private central banks, who get all this government debt,
They are for it, because this will cause a vertical integration through government monopoly over healthcare.
There are some smaller groups of insurance companies and others who did lobby against it.
And I don't have it in front of me anymore.
I do have some articles I dug out this morning, but I remember I was a few months ago in an airport in Los Angeles and bought a Wall Street Journal, and I read that article several times on air, where it had quotes by the head lobbyist, who was the head of the political pack,
For the health insurance industry saying, look, we wrote this bill.
And we like this bill.
But if you put a public option in here, we are going to put our support against it.
And so that's why you don't have a true public option in this legislation.
All you think you're getting a free ride, a free lunch, uh-uh.
You're gonna get your salaries cut.
If this ever even gets implemented.
It's so unconstitutional, so illegal.
And so they're on record at press conferences admitting all of this.
And so all it is is a new tax by stealth and a government power grab.
As Biden, the Vice President, said last Friday, we will quote, the Democrats will quote, the government will quote, own and run healthcare as a political power brokers that they can dole out to people and selectively enforce.
But here's CNBC today, March 22nd, 2010.
Healthcare stocks to outperform.
And it goes on to say, insurance company stocks, pharma stocks, and health care management company stocks should perform better in the next few months.
At first, they're going to be down a little bit, and that was what was predicted last week as people sort out the bill, but now they're already going up many of them this afternoon, and they predict in the next few months that you'll see a big increase in the stock values.
That's why Warren Buffett, who's a big insurance
We're good to go.
Because if you are self-employed, say, upper blue collar, lower middle class, and say you're 35 years old, and maybe you got insurance for your kids but not for yourself, you're going to be forced, you and your wife, to go out and get this.
And so that's a lot of money going to be going to the insurance company.
So there's no doubt, they wrote the bill, they controlled the bill.
But that's CNBC healthcare stocks to outperform.
Cheap U.S.
healthcare stocks should perform well in the next few months now that legislative uncertainty about reform in the sector has been removed, said Legg Mason, fund manager.
Here's another one.
Healthcare overhaul adds millions of new customers.
Business week.
Booing insurance companies.
Then I want to go back over what Howard Dean and Kucinich said before they got politically threatened and flip-flopped when they told the truth months ago about this.
Then we'll go to your phone calls and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We'll die for the system.
We'll die for the system.
And this does have the death panels.
It has the government deciding what test and what surgery you can have.
The grandfather of all of this, Tom Daschle, wrote a book, we read his quotes out of Bloomberg yesterday, where he said, the old have a duty to die, just like in Europe.
And they decide what health care you can get.
And they're taking over health care.
And the IRS is to be their enforcer.
But continuing, here's Business Week today.
Healthcare overhaul adds millions of U.S.
That's right, immediately it makes self-employed people go out and buy insurance.
That'll be phased in very, very quickly.
And there's all these new taxes on small employers,
And on corporations and all these fines and fees if you don't get insurance.
It's nothing but a big tax.
Drug makers and health insurers will gain millions of customers under legislation overhauling the US medical system.
The industry also will pay new fees to the government and face stricter rules that may narrow profit margins and fuel mergers.
See, the big boys wrote this.
And this will give you less choice.
Did they let you go across state lines to get insurance?
Did they talk about kicking the 30 million illegal aliens?
Bankrupting the system off?
Are they covered in the bill?
The bill that the House passed, 220-211, vote yesterday, so I guess it passed by nine votes, excuse me,
Expands coverage of 32 million uninsured Americans according to congressional number crunchers.
That means more sales for Pfizer, Inc., the world's largest drug maker, UnitedHealth Group, Inc., the largest health insurer, and a cluster of other companies led by Amerigroup Corp., that specializes in managing services through Medicaid, a program that will grow in the remake.
So see,
They cut the quality of Medicare and Medicaid, and more of the profits will go to the mega-corporations, the top four or five on the top, and you'll get less choice, and then you'll get cruddy health care, and the government will take a big cut of it as tax money to be given as interest on the debt.
Remember what Kucinich said three months ago.
This is out of MSNBC.
Health reform legislation is a bailout for insurance companies.
Well, it's not even a bailout.
It's a robbery.
The House Most Unabashed Progressive condemned Democratic leadership for removing his amendments that would allow states to create their own single-payer systems.
Then he called the entire legislative package a bailout for insurance companies.
Oh yeah, I mean, if you're gonna have real socialism, it's a lot cheaper, and it's constitutional, to have the states say, we're gonna tax you and give poor people healthcare.
But no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
The big insurance companies and banks and Big Pharma wrote this.
And there's one consortium company we just mentioned,
That runs it all.
And of course, Warren Buffett's heavily invested in that, and he helped get Obama into power.
It's all about monopolies.
That's where the real power is created and maintained and expanded.
Remember what John D. Rockefeller I said?
Competition is a sin.
He said it over and over again.
It was a mantra.
He wrote news articles, editorials, saying competition is a sin.
And healthcare costs are gonna go up and up and up, and the quality's gonna go down, down, down.
All run by Amerigroup Corp.
Isn't that nice?
Itself a subsidiary of the private shareholders of the Federal Reserve.
Here's the Washington Post back in December three months ago.
Healthcare bill wouldn't bring real reform.
Howard Dean.
Or is he flip-flop quickly?
We'll talk about solutions to fight this and how to resist these people after we take some calls.
And I'm going to just go through a laundry list of issues and points I want to make about this after we hear some of your points.
And coming up, this is Bloomberg today.
Obama pays more than Buffett as U.S.
risk AAA rating.
Talks about how Warren Buffett's company gets a better rating than the U.S.
And how treasuries, they're having trouble selling treasuries now.
This is happening worldwide as they get ready for a global devaluation.
First they had to seize control of healthcare, another way to empower the banks and prop up their derivatives, tsunami.
The government running healthcare, the IRS garnishing your wages.
Does that sound like the American way?
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
One major world crisis away from having a totalitarian type of system.
The main event is the wholesale destruction of the world economy.
The push for every nation on the globe to identify and number all of its citizens.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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In this economy, with this unemployment, with our desperate needs for jobs and economic growth, is this really the time to raise taxes, to create bureaucracies, and burden every job creator in our land?
The answer is no.
Can you go home and tell your senior citizens that these cuts in Medicare will not limit their access to doctors or further weaken the program instead of strengthening it?
No, you cannot.
Can you go home and tell your constituents with confidence that this bill respects the sanctity of all human life and that it won't allow for taxpayer funding of abortions for the first time in 30 years?
No, you cannot.
And look at how this bill was written.
Can you say it was done openly?
With transparency and accountability?
Without backroom deals and struck behind closed doors?
Hidden from the people?
Hell no, you can't!
Have you read the bill?
Have you read the reconciliation bill?
Have you read the Manager's Amendment?
Hell no, you haven't!
Order, Mr. Speaker.
Both sides would do well to remember the dignity of the House.
Mr. Speaker, in a few minutes,
We'll cast some of the most consequential votes that any of us will ever cast in this chamber.
The decision we make will affect every man, woman, and child in this nation for generations to come.
If we're going to vote to defy the will of the American people, then we ought to have the courage to stand before them and announce our votes one at a time.
I sent a letter to the Speaker this week asking that the call of the roll be ordered for this vote.
Madam Speaker, I ask you, will you, in the interest of this institution, grant my request?
Will you, Mr. Speaker,
Grant my request that we have a call of the roll.
Mr. Speaker!
Will you grant my request that we have a call of the roll?
Under Clause 2A of Rule 20, a record vote is conducted by electronic device unless the Speaker directs otherwise.
And you, Mr. Speaker!
Will you grant that request?
That's Republican leader John Bonner in the House of Representatives and they did not allow a vote with yeas or nays because they're a bunch of cowards and they know that every poll out there shows more than 70% of the American people against the government running healthcare.
Sure, some polls show more than 50% that want to give poor people some health care.
You know, this is a big-hearted country.
A lot of stupid people that think there can be free lunches and that our society won't collapse and it won't breed dependency.
But the vast majority of Americans know the government will not deliver that.
All they ever do is break every promise they've made.
They've stolen the Social Security money.
They've stolen the Medicare and Medicaid money.
And now they're jacking up all these stealth taxes
That many of which go to the federal government but a lot of it goes directly to the top insurance companies and that's why they wrote this bill.
So to all of you socialists out there that believe in this imaginary pot of gold with leprechauns at the end of it that serve out free lunches, you need to know you're going to get
Lower standards of care.
And let me tell you something, nobody goes without care in this country.
The illegal aliens already know that.
We've had Ron Paul on, a medical doctor, to talk about it.
My dad's a physician.
And the illegal aliens know.
They show up at the hospital, they get whatever they need.
They have babies here, it's all paid for.
Citizens are told and taught they don't get healthcare taken care of.
Rob Jacobson was real sick.
and needed to have a surgery, and they were telling him he didn't get to have it.
And I went and showed him the rules, and he went and got a $40,000 surgery and hospital stay, all paid for.
And it was done through the charity department, because under the old rules and old laws, one-third of a physician's work is to be done for free!
That was taught in the colleges until just a decade ago!
You are supposed to render free or discounted care.
We had the best health care system in the world and the least expensive until government in the last 35 years got involved and the more tax money it got pumped in to the big giant oligopolies, the big health cartels who are incredibly corrupt, the more money got pumped into them, the more the prices went up.
That's just one reason.
30 million illegal aliens and the rest of it adds to it.
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
There's just so many facets I want to go over.
Another issue, because I know the Constitution, but now they're admitting it all over the news that that is the case, an executive order does not trump a congressional law.
And so Obama has said he'll sign an executive order restricting taxpayer money going to abortions.
But as Ron Paul pointed out on Fox News last night, that this has already been going on.
You've already been funding abortions with Medicare and Medicaid and all these different systems.
You've already been paying for it.
The federal government comes into hospitals with money, it's given to them, and they simply shuffle the funds around.
They'll take the money and use it on one area of care, and then use the money from that old area and move its money over into abortion.
They don't even have a term for it.
But regardless, an executive order does not trump congressional law.
Now, usually Congress doesn't challenge the President,
Or past presidents, when they use executive orders to bypass law.
Just like they can't pass the greenhouse gas tax takeover.
Two thousand plus page bill, home inspections, if you don't make the changes in your house, under federal zoning, in one week your home can be taken and forfeited without a judge, a jury, control of people's land, taxes on flatulence of cows and pigs.
Grabbing huge areas of property.
Australia's already doing it.
Taxes on all industry, all oil, all power, all energy.
2.6 billion tax in three years in Austin.
Within three years of it, 2.6 billion.
I'm just using the town where I live as a microcosm example.
You notice though, Congress isn't saying to Obama, okay, we can't pass the greenhouse gas tax bill, but
You go ahead and implement it through the EPA and other federal agencies, and they're doing it!
So it's the same thing, but in reverse.
Yeah, Obama may sign the executive order, and when we see it I'll guarantee you it's going to have holes in it you can fly a 747 through.
Holes as wide as the Grand Canyon.
And then,
The bill is what is going to be acted on and you're going to pay for abortions.
They had polls in Austin where over 80% of Austinites in Travis County, again just where I live, only county in Texas that uses taxpayer money for abortions, tens of millions of dollars a year to Planned Parenthood and others,
Didn't matter if the Commissioner's Court was packed out.
Didn't matter if the vast majority of people in the town where I live were against it.
They still do it.
They just do what they want.
Because this is a lawless group of criminals.
And the way they passed the bill was illegal.
The way they gave special favors was illegal.
The way they wouldn't let the public see it until the day of the vote or the day before the vote was illegal.
And if they're going to do something unconstitutionally legal, why not just have the deeming?
Well, they said Sunday they weren't going to do that.
Because that was so outrageously criminal.
Oh, we're not even going to have a vote, period.
We'll just say it's law.
The Speaker, Pelosi, deems she's got the votes.
Oh, okay.
Nobody has to be on record.
This could be used against the enemy if you stay angry, if you stay focused, if you stay involved.
If you start working now against it.
But I've heard the Democrats bragging.
They say, oh, don't worry, this isn't going to politically hurt us because this doesn't kick in for a few years.
Well, the taxes kick in immediately.
But they think that their constituents are going to like some of the little freebies they get.
They'll wonder why they can't find a job.
This economy already has 22% unemployment.
This will easily push up to 25% or higher.
But still, they think that you're not going to notice the implementation of this or the IRS grabbing your refund or garnishing your wages.
They think they can depoliticize it and it'll just fade into the background and be something that's unpopular that just continues on forever.
Like abortion.
64% to 67% in the polls we've seen are against abortion.
Still continues.
You've got over 90%, 91% in Gallup Poll against the open borders.
And all the freebies and the anchor babies for the illegals.
You got 60 plus percent of Americans wanting us out of Iraq.
It continues.
You had 99%, and that's conservative, 2,000 calls to every one call for the banker bailout.
People knew that was a fraud.
They knew it wasn't to get their mortgages unfroze.
They weren't stupid.
People finally figured out the government's a pack of criminal liars.
They still rammed it through.
So they don't care if 70 plus percent of Americans in the average focus group or poll are against this.
They don't care.
This is a group of lawless criminals.
And so what if these House members that voted for this get kicked out this year?
Or two years after that?
The next congressional election.
They don't care.
Because they're all going to get revolving door jobs, and their wives and husbands are going to get revolving door jobs, and their kids are going to get revolving door jobs.
In the big healthcare industry companies and banks that made the payoffs.
They're all going to get half a million dollar, quarter million dollar jobs out of this.
I mean right here in Austin where I live.
The former mayors and city council people that stole tens of thousands of acres in the late 90s under S.O.S., they now literally own private banks and companies that build and own the housing areas, the luxury million-dollar-and-up homes that were built all over the Texas Hill Country with the land they stole.
This is pure mafia, ladies and gentlemen.
They don't care.
They're seizing over a trillion dollars.
This is actually small monetarily compared to the banker bailout heist of 28 trillion.
That's gonna hit you with dollar devaluation.
All right, I'm gonna shut up and go to your calls now until the bottom of the next hour.
Then I've got more audio clips of Pelosi saying this is a declaration of independence, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, you deserve this.
I mean, these are the shackles.
And may they sit lightly upon you, those out there that like this.
Forget that you're our brethren.
But the truth is, most people didn't buy this.
And so the tyranny, the corruption, is coming out in the open, and that's a good thing.
If we can stay angry, stay focused, have the states challenge it, but not just with lawsuits, with laws saying in our state this is null and void.
The federal government under the Commerce Clause has no authority to be doing what they're doing.
And the fact that this thing is selectively enforced makes it even more outrageous and more discriminatory.
Let's go to your calls.
I've got a lot to get to, though, folks.
Steve in Michigan.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Can you explain to me some things about this health care bill?
Can you explain to me how it's going to affect small business owners and labor unions?
Well, here's the problem.
I'm going to be honest with you.
I have probably spent more time than most talk show hosts, well there's no doubt of that, and most members of Congress, trying to read the last five bills.
I have not read this 2,700 page bill.
I did keyword searches in the last few days on it, and I've read the breakdown and analysis of it, and on its face, it is a 2.5 to 5% tax on all businesses, and then a tax on all workers.
You're going to pay for the so-called free healthcare.
It will also then cause a lot of businesses to not expand because of the liability of hiring more employees.
It will hurt the economy.
I mean, look at how the greenhouse gas taxes, right when our economy is imploding, they come in and want to slap a 50% tax on all coal plants that supply 51% of our power.
Everything is about shutting the economy down, bankrupting you, driving you into welfare, driving you into the control of the banks.
So the government has a bigger and bigger dependent class of not just government workers, but people on the dole who can then be used as a political weapon to further rob the
Are you coming with a single payer?
Can you tell me what a single payer is?
I don't know what that is.
A single payer means the government just writes you a check and you don't have to go deal with an insurance company.
But the Republicans tried to say that there was a public option and a single payer in this and there really isn't.
It's even worse than that.
If we're going to have socialism and you're going to take my money,
Then there should be absolutely no bureaucracy, and the person, you know, should just be given the health care.
But no, that's not going to happen.
What it does is, it gives money to insurance companies to give a lower standard of care.
Steve, I appreciate your call.
Let me explain it to you this way.
My dad's a dentist and oral surgeon, and he's done over the years consulting for big dental chains.
And he's tried to explain to dental chains that it works the first few years, but after that it destroys the dentist there and the level of care.
And this is just one part of it.
It's called capitation.
An insurance company or an HMO will come in to a hospital or a clinic or a chain of dental offices, whatever the medical care is, and they'll say,
We'll give your chain of say 300 dental offices or 300 emergency clinics.
These are just hypotheticals.
These are boil downs.
We'll give you 30 million dollars and on a two-year contract to accept all of these cards.
But you've got to do it for this incredibly low amount.
And many times it won't even cover, say in the case of dental offices, the cost of the labs that have to make the dentures or the... and so that quality goes down.
And the dentists are literally making 20-30 bucks an hour.
So, I mean, there it is.
And so you get lower standard of care.
People don't want to become nurses.
They don't want to become doctors.
They don't want to become nurses.
They don't want to become dentists.
And so what you get is something like Cuba or England where there's big giant lines to get health care.
It happens everywhere.
That's why Canadians and Cubans and Brits and Germans come here for health care.
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I think so.
Okay, I want to try to accelerate through your phone calls now.
I know people are really hot to talk about what's happening with this government takeover of health care.
It's really a private, corporate takeover of health care.
It's more akin to just highway robbery.
Speaking of highway robbery, for years I've been talking about
How different Mexican gangs and Latin American gangs just don't care.
They're killing cops all over the U.S.
When they do kill them, it's kept real quiet, though, because they only want to demonize patriots and conservatives and libertarians and gun owners with cops, and the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center have them all shaking in fear of anybody with an American flag or NRA sticker on their car.
But I wanna get into the Vagos Motorcycle Club, pumping gas into the LAPD Police Department, try to blow it up, booby trap guns, narrowly killing cops, killing police, and it's just a minor footnote.
And I wanna dovetail that with how our country's gonna collapse just like Mexico, because we have a criminal government.
And once your government goes bad, the criminals at all levels just become completely lawless.
Let's talk to Ralph in Wisconsin.
Ralph, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
On yesterday's show you had mentioned that a typical business owner will compensate for the cost of health care by lowering wages for existing employees and possibly letting some employees go.
My question is, do you think it's possible that they would also raise the prices of their products and services, which in turn would
The Congressional Accounting Office and other organizations that break this down, the General Accounting Office as well, have said there's no doubt that this is going to cost the economy 500 plus billion dollars over the next five years.
It's going to cost a lot more than that.
I mean, they told you it was a 787 million dollar bailout and now it's 28 trillion, according to Bloomberg, and that number is almost three months old.
So absolutely.
But that's what, again, what does Bloomberg report today as well as Businessweek?
The big insurance companies, the top four, wrote this and they stand to become incredibly powerful.
So this is an organized consolidation with whole new levels of red tape written by them.
This is designed to shut down industry.
So this could quite possibly cause a raise in the cost of living for all Americans across the board.
Okay, we'll take the LA Times last week.
28% increase in the first year of the mayor's new greenhouse gas taxes.
28% cost in gas and electricity first year.
Again, all of this is designed to rip you off, but what this is, is taxes to private interest.
See, that's the new frontier, is taxes to insurance companies.
Taxes to power companies.
It's just, it's blasphemous.
I agree.
I was so upset when it passed last night.
Well, Ralph, that's the good news.
People are really angry.
They see this for what it is.
It shows us the government is lawless.
So the wake-up call is here.
And the government's not going to stop now.
They've already gone for broke.
So, girt yourselves for political battle.
Frank and Louisiana, you're on the air.
Good to be with you, Alex.
I thought you gave a great presentation of what it's really all about.
You see, the former government we're under is a plutocracy.
We've lost the Republic.
And this medical plantation has been planned for a long time, just like the drug-infested and crime-ridden welfare plantation.
What they're trying to do is they're setting up a massive bureaucracy.
The bureaucracy that they're going to set up
Is that if you think you can go to your doctor or your dentist and just get the regular health care that you're used to, that you've actually paid for, that everything is going to be guidelined and it's going to be limited care.
I fear that it's going to be... Frank, stay there.
No, no, it says limited care in there.
I want to come back to you because you're hitting the nail directly on the head.
Stay there.
You're 110% right.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is a corporate robbery.
The insurance companies, the top insurance companies, wrote this legislation to force 30 plus million Americans to buy their overpriced crud.
Then the government comes in with government power and lowers the standard of care.
We're going to break all that down coming up today.
But you've got the $16,500 to $20,000 to begin with IRS agents with new total power to grab your refunds, bank accounts, whatever they want.
And the IRS can now share your medical records and your tax data.
The IRS is now your doctor.
They've been good, faithful servants.
And just like in Europe where they give you Prozac for a brain tumor.
Just go away and die.
And you're going to see it all manifest.
I mean, remember the case for killing Granny?
The cover of Newsweek?
How great it is to get rid of old people and then meanwhile they deny.
Oh, we don't want to ration care.
See, once they get you collectivized, then they can play the dumbed-down mass off against anybody that's got two pennies rubbed together and say, yeah, you're drinking beer, you're eating steak, or you're eating ice cream, you're unhealthy, we've got to tax salt and fat, and we've got to now be the nanny state and run your life.
This is the global plantation.
This is the welfare plantation.
And Frank in Louisiana, he laid it out.
Frank, go ahead and finish up.
Yeah, Alex, you see the left in this country, which has been a useful tool for the bankers, because they've always pushed the Marxism National.
They paid for it in 1917 because that's what they want for people, not for themselves.
And what's happening here is they're not telling you this figure they throw out of 30 million people who are uninsured are going to be insured.
Look, that figure was bogus.
They don't tell you about the 270-80 million people that they had planned to put under this plantation system, which they set up about 80 or 90 years ago.
Well, that's right.
Hillary, what, 17 years ago, tried to force every American to be on a government health care plan, so that failed, so now they've done it by stealth.
That's a very good point.
Well, you see, and the key to me that when I was listening to this stuff was when they said that the IRS,
is going to be the, the compo that's going to do this stuff.
Well if you've read, if anybody knows anything about the whole system, we know that the Federal Reserve Banks are private.
Lewis versus United States tells us that.
But if you look, IRS is not even an agency of the United States.
As the term agency is defined, Chrysler Corporation versus Brown, and the diversified metal products.
No, it's a quasi-governmental
It's an NGO of the private banking cartel.
The global government is private banks and they're now openly announcing a global government of and for and by the banks.
The banks have seized the nations.
Now a global constitution where the banks sign a global government agreement with each other.
You're under a little plutocracy.
The stock is owned by the banks on everything just about.
The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, they own this stuff literally.
And like you said, you pointed out well, you gotta separate the big transnational corporations from the small guys.
There's a difference between the two.
If people think that they're gonna get something
For nothing, I got news for you.
The insurance companies will give you some extra, but they're going to charge you for it.
They don't do nothing for free, so a big class of American people are going to pay more money in taxes.
I mean, more money in taxes and for their insurance.
That's set.
You know, so some will receive a little something and the plantation mentality people will say, oh, this is good.
But for the rest of us,
You know, we're going to just keep being drained and drained and drained, which is all part of the plan.
And it's going to be hard.
And it's going to be hard to repeal this.
You've got to have 60 percent of the House vote for it.
And the Republicans, they always complain about the Democrats when they pass this stuff, but they're going to love controlling it when they get into power.
We've got to have a complete shift in this nation.
and remove this criminal banking cartel or it's only going to get worse.
Great points Frank, Dee, Don, George, Brian and others.
Your calls are straight ahead.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There are so many important points and facets to go over and I have a big laundry list of notes that I've written that I want to go over at the bottom of the next hour.
James Dillingpole is joining us for 30 minutes of the next hour to talk about the latest attempts to implement the Copenhagen Treaty by stealth and this big university research project in Canada that found that on average
Environmentalists that were interviewed in a double-blind study are six times more likely to steal and to lie.
Well, of course, they're parasite control freaks.
That doesn't mean if you want to drink clean water or don't want to overfish the ocean or don't want genetically engineered food on your table, as a real common-sense environmentalist,
As a good steward?
No, no, no, no.
They went out and interviewed your mainline, hardcore environmentalists.
They're not.
They're thieves.
They're Nazi party members.
They're thugs.
They're a gang.
They love looking down at you.
They love hating their fellow man.
This is big news in the BBC, London Telegraph, and the National Post of Canada.
In fact, I covered that last week.
Will you guys reprint me all those articles about that?
Because I know he's coming up.
He's only on for 30 minutes.
Then I'll continue with calls.
We're about to go back to your calls right now.
But then at the bottom of the next hour, I'm going to go through a point by point on this and just blitz through all the information and all the different angles and facets.
But of all the important points about the bill specifically, it does not give anyone free health care.
Anyone knew free health care.
If you're on welfare, you get horrible government health care.
The CPS hunts your children, takes the poor people's children at birth, puts people on drugs, gives them horrible care.
But this doesn't give people free health care.
It's a bunch of taxes for the government and tens of millions of people that are forced to go buy
Insurance from a ever-consolidating pool of big-moneyed interest that financed this, and that's in Businessweek today.
The hundreds of billions of dollars a year that the top four to five, there's four insurance companies and then one overall management consortium, so five total, and it reports the incredible profits they're set to make and how they're going to consolidate
The market.
But look at the genius of it.
Posing as so-called communists and socialists and liberals, they had MSNBC and CNN beat the drum that insurance companies are against this.
Insurance companies are against this.
And so the average person out there who buys into the collectivist model, it's actually not the working poor and blue-collar folks.
They're a lot smarter than your college-educated control freak.
But you've got the welfare plantation slaves, black, white, it doesn't matter.
You've got the illegal alien contingent that just know it's a free ride, because they're here to drive down wages, so they've got to be given a supplement to be here.
They have no idea the larger plan.
And if you go back to 1993-94 with Hillary Claire, it said every American is given a national ID card,
And every American will have to go through the government to get their approved insurance or to have the government provide you insurance.
Or care.
Single-payer, public option.
And you're gonna have that national ID card.
Well, now you've already got one.
You know, Clinton couldn't get it in 94, so a few months after it failed, he signed the executive order that we cover in my film, America Destroyed by Design.
Where he said all the states, if they want their highway funds, they take the state's money, send back about 33% on average with strings attached.
The feds say, Bush signed an executive order four years ago saying, if you want any highway funds, you've got to hand over so many thousand miles of roads per state to private toll road companies to put toll roads on it.
See, this is all about private interest.
They go in, they give the politicians money, the politicians say, okay, have the infrastructure.
But you gotta hire all my buddies and my cronies on top of it.
This is just piracy.
This is grand larceny.
And so Bush did that.
The Republicans went along with that.
You think they're really gonna repeal this?
They may make a few changes.
They'll probably cut the little bit of care you get.
That's why Howard Dean had said three months ago, this is a Republican bill.
And it really is what you'd expect from the Republicans.
It's a big rip-off, just like Bush and the banks.
A year and a half ago, right before he left office.
But it's all continued by Obama.
It makes no difference.
We have to have a complete wake-up to the system.
And that's why Politico reports Dick Cheney's writing letters, they're raising money, all the big neocon groups are going after Rand Paul in Kentucky.
He's beating, in all the polls, by upwards of 10 points, the Democrat, who's got all the big funding, and the Republican.
He's probably going to end up being
The Republican, the new Republican Senator from Kentucky.
See, it isn't just the Kennedy seat being lost to Brown in Massachusetts.
It isn't just Debra Medina getting 19 points out of nowhere in Texas.
This is happening everywhere.
People are starting to get it.
So this could blow up in the system's face.
They're losing more battles now than they're winning.
That's why they're so desperate to get full control of your life now.
And so, they wanted a national ID card.
They couldn't get it, so instead they did it through the driver's license.
And they said, in the executive order, they haven't implemented all of it, but they have implemented the Real ID part, where it's federally standardized with a face scan, photo, thumbprint, all integrated into a federal system.
Took them a few years to get it done, but by 2004 it was in place.
They announced it to the slaves a few years later and said, we better have a congressional law on this.
They put it in, then they try to pass the law.
And what did that executive order do?
It created a ID number.
And it says in the bill they can take urine and blood to get a driver's license.
Now you hear about cops everywhere at checkpoints taking blood without warrants under federal grants.
They're just training you that cops take your blood.
And they put you in naked body scanners.
That's what they do.
That's what they do.
This is the public's complete and total journey into bondage, into slavery.
But think of the genius of the big insurance companies, the top four, with this other data company, Amerigroup Corp.
That's the banking monopoly that runs it and interfaces with Medicare and Medicaid.
Think about it.
They tell everybody.
Well, they never had to say it.
The news would lie and say they were against it.
Because they would have never gotten away with this if they said, oh, by the way, you're going to become physical slaves to the insurance companies.
The IRS is going to grab your refund, your bank account, or garnish your wages to make you, if you're privately employed, let's say you mow lawns for a living.
And they've got provisions for money laundering in there.
If you're getting paid cash and mowing yards, you want to just live out in your little house, you got 10 acres out in the country, you drive into town to mow yards.
I know a lot of people do that, live pretty good, have a little bass boat.
You know, you're not rich, but the wife and kids are doing well.
They're certainly not hungry.
You're happy.
That's over.
Remember last year?
Million dollar fine for garage sales that aren't federally approved?
Associated Press?
This isn't a game, folks.
This is about hunting you down.
Running your life.
You're going to buy the healthcare.
And you're going to have IRS agents come to your house.
Do you understand?
You're going to be under the government's control.
You're going to work for them now.
You're going to take your money and you're going to put it into an insurance company.
Who then gets to lower the quality.
And so if you missed it, here it is simply.
They couldn't get the National ID card through with Hillary Care.
So they did it through the driver's license.
And now they're coming back with your Tax ID number through the IRS and your Social Security number and now you've got your Plantation ID number running your healthcare.
Oh my gosh, it's just the magnitude.
Alright, who's up next here, John?
Dee in Minnesota, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
The bill was $3,500.
Where can I... HR 3590, actually, is what it was.
Where can I go to see that, because I can't pull it up through a Google search.
No, you go to thomas.loc.gov, thomas.loc.gov, Library of Congress, and you, uh, I mean, just put into search engine, the final text of the past health care bill.
Or the text of the House health care bill.
We can do it right now.
I read 4872, and that was bad enough.
I wanted to see
Um, 3590, because when I was watching that C-SPAN debate last night, that's where this thing originated from, so I wanted to see it.
And read it.
Um, see if what I was thinking was correct, that it is bad.
Well, let's be clear.
I mean, the Democrats, I drove out to Fredericksburg out in the country.
This weekend with my family.
So driving out there, I listened to XM.
Driving back, I listened to XM.
And I listened to all the Democrats on CNN, CNBC, Fox.
They admitted, well of course the IRS is going to be collecting it.
They're good at that.
Well of course you're going to have your wages taken.
Well of course.
None of this is debatable.
This is all admitted.
Okay, so the website was thomas.loc.gov?
Yes, and you put the bill number in there, it'll give it to you.
Also, one other question.
Does it not say in the Constitution that only Congress has the authority
To declare war on somebody.
I thought I'd seen that.
Exactly, but so-called conservatives, that means warmonger, said in Korea and Vietnam, we don't need any stinking declaration of war.
That was just as treasonous as this health care bill.
And so, again, the government has been breaking every canon of our free society religiously to set the precedent.
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Okay, I've been a little bit long-winded in my answers to callers.
I want to try to accelerate through your calls now and get as many of your points on air.
We haven't heard anybody call in in support of the legislation.
I wonder why?
We're not screening the phone calls.
If you do support it, explain to us why.
You think you're going to get something for free?
Explain how that works.
The third world's been down this path with the banks.
Europe's been down this path.
This is designed to bankrupt us.
Don in Ohio, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, I'd like to read a letter from yesterday's Cleveland Plain Dealer in response to Congressman Kucinich's switch to a yes vote on the health care plan.
Okay, it says, Dennis Kucinich, as a longtime resident of the 10th Congressional District, I am disgusted that you have chosen to vote for the health care bill, and I will, for the first time in my long life,
Work diligently to vote you out in November.
You swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, but you have chosen to put equality before liberty.
My family left a communist country specifically in search of freedom, escaping a government promising equality.
Democrats, after many years of Republican excess, have awakened the sleeping giant that is America.
Understand that for
For those of us who value liberty above all else, equality means nothing to one who is not free.
Remember what Thomas Jefferson said, when the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Our eyes are wide open now and we're paying close attention.
And if we stay awake and get active,
You don't have to save the world by yourselves, folks.
Just do little things and wake others up and get their eyes wide open instead of wide shut as they've been.
We can turn this around.
And what's so bad about Kucinich is he came out and analyzed the bill as a rip-off for the top insurance companies and banks.
So did Dean.
I mean, it's bad enough to say we're going to tax middle class people and give it to poor people, but that's not even what this does!
It's a complete rip-off, and everybody's going to experience it now.
Could I read three more lines from the end of another letter?
Go ahead.
It says, how fitting it is for the mayor who bankrupted Cleveland to become the congressman who helped bankrupt the country.
I tell you, people in the Cleveland area really know what's going on now.
I hear you, Don.
I appreciate your call.
You know, I keep going back to Austin where I live.
It is now, per capita, the richest city in the United States.
Not Manhattan, not San Francisco.
A lot of the rich people from those cities and all the crime have moved here.
Many of the shopping centers and places I drive by are half empty.
The joblessness is exploding.
The government's raising all these taxes.
I've got articles here today where they're telling police everywhere to increase the fines and fees and all the... It's just more and more taxes, less and less benefit.
They only give you benefits in a great society to get you domesticated.
You know how our ancestors thousands of years ago domesticated cows?
They were just wild buffalo running around.
In Europe, it's the same species.
There's different varieties.
It's what they called buffalo in Europe.
Look very similar to American buffalo.
Well, how you domesticate them is you start putting out a grain that they like in a little fenced-in area, but with an opening.
And the cows start coming in, the wild bovine, and after a few months, they start expecting the food, and then you start closing the gate.
And then you cut out their offspring when they have babies, you raise them in a new pen, you feed them, you raise them, and now they're domesticated.
And that's what government is.
That's what government schools are.
It's taking your children, raising them in the government pens.
I mean, how did our ancestors thousands of years ago domesticate pigs?
They were wild boars running around.
Same way.
How'd we domesticate horses?
Same way.
How'd we domesticate donkeys?
Same way.
How'd we domesticate chickens?
First animal humans domesticated.
Tens of thousands of years ago.
You start giving them little table scraps.
From the campfire, from the camp, or even better, you kill the mommy and daddy and you take the puppies.
That's how they did it.
And what did the communists do?
What did the Nazis do?
They took over people's kids!
It's very, very simple, ladies and gentlemen.
This is not rocket science.
That's what's so horrible about it.
We know what collectivism is.
We know it's tyranny.
We know it... America was truly free market.
Wasn't perfect, but 4% of the population had half the world's wealth, over 90% of the patents.
We were the best when we had some modicum of freedom.
You take freedom, you become a cesspit like Mexico or North Korea.
More calls straight ahead.
Great points, Don, George, Brian, Terry, others.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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We're good.
This is the spirit we need to defeat tyranny.
They weren't getting any free health care then.
Can you imagine if they told people in the 1800s or even the 1900s the government's going to give you something for free?
They'd laugh.
They'd say, are you kidding, boy?
Trying to rip me off?
You think I'm stupid?
We fired our guns.
And that's all we've got to do is keep firing our guns in the Infowar.
Standing tall and strong.
Telling the truth.
Well, let's go to George in Connecticut.
Thanks for holding, George.
Hey, Alex.
I was thinking, these guys are so devious.
Maybe we've got to be a little devious too, maybe on the state level.
Why can't we get our state legislatures, they don't want to do this stuff.
Uh, put a couple of poison pills in this thing so they can't, can't implement it in our states, for example.
Uh, force them to have the public option.
The insurance companies don't want this, so they mean this is one way to get them all worked up.
Great job!
Actually, actually, actually rob one group to actually give it to another group that isn't the bankers and it'll never happen.
That you knew exactly where I was going.
You're reading my mind exactly.
And also do that, force them to take the money and put it, it has to be taken from the state and directly to the state's, uh,
And that way the Feds won't get 70% of the money.
Well, no, that's common sense.
I mean, that's common sense, but, you know, they've specifically written a bill where it's, look, where it's hard for that to happen.
We just need the states to not just sue, as 38 Attorney Generals are stating.
This is completely unconstitutional.
The federal government has no business
Not just taking your money and giving it to offshore banks, but giving it to insurance companies and then taking control of health care.
I mean, the government is saying they're going to decide what type of health care you can get.
And so what this does is this is going to raise everybody's insurance that doesn't have preexisting conditions.
Alex, I have an idea for a t-shirt as well.
IRS on the chest of Uncle Sam in a black ops thing, holding granny and shaking out the last pennies, and then on the bottom it has Daschle's expression, now you should be ready to die, or you have the right to die, if they rip you off.
Absolutely, I appreciate your call, it's a great t-shirt idea George, make one.
Just to be clear about this, they are implementing it slowly,
So that people don't get too upset.
Again, it's domestication.
It's done incrementally.
But the country is so bankrupt already.
I agree with Ron Paul.
He was being questioned on Fox News last night and they said, well, do you see this ever being repealed?
And he said, well, I see it being repealed by the country going bankrupt.
But that's the problem.
The banks don't care.
They believe NORTHCOM and the police state they've set up is going to be able to maintain control of the government throughout this process.
And they don't care if things get messy.
Five years ago, we reported that the CIA was launching a drug war in Mexico against scores of cartels that were not part of the CIA money laundering operation.
In the 500 billion dollar a year industry here in the U.S.
alone, and that you would see all hell break loose in Mexico.
And we had former DEA agents on, we had sheriffs on, we had scholars, professors who's written books about Mexico on, all predicting it.
This is a war!
They don't care if Mexico completely collapses, as long as the big banks get all the drug money.
It's the Mexican government teamed up with our government doing this.
Well, how do you end the whole thing?
You decriminalize the drugs.
And then there's not a monopoly over it.
The price drops.
It isn't cool to use it anymore.
Low-level drug dealers aren't driving brand new Corvettes and Escalades.
They're not cool anymore.
Just like in Prohibition.
You end Prohibition, the mafia loses its business.
You have 10 years of alcohol prohibition, the mafia more than tripled in size, and it corrupted our police!
So, I mean, the government doesn't care if it wrecks Mexico and the Southwest.
In fact, it's out in my car.
Remind me to get it before we go live on TV.
I want to show people the headline on the cover of the San Antonio Express News Sunday morning.
I bought the Sunday paper.
I'm going from memory, but the headlines, South Texas towns and cities collapsing.
How many years have I been telling you that and the media wouldn't cover it?
It's collapsing!
They are killing cops every day.
I see articles in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, where the Mexican cartels and drug dealers and motorcycle gangs are killing people.
They don't care.
They're completely lawless.
See, you've got a domesticated American people that roll over to tyranny, and so the police and government squeeze us, push us around, dress up in their black uniforms, raid us, abuse us, because we're easy targets.
The cops are scared to death of the Mexican mafia.
They're scared to death of the Russian mafia, who are overtly out killing cops.
But then citizens say, oh,
We just want to arm ourselves as militias.
The government's gotten too big to protect ourselves.
And, oh, Homeland Security and NORTHCOM and the ADL, Southern Barbary Law Center, run around screaming in fear.
Because you have a criminal class with all these thousands of different criminal groups who all, at the highest levels, work together.
Terry in Ohio, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex, I work for two insurance companies.
Uh, here in Ohio.
And I know, uh, from what I was told going through training and everything like that, that, uh, they informed us of the banks that they own.
And the insurance companies, uh, even their spokesman even stated that the insurance companies will never go under.
Because if insurance companies go under, this nation, the United States,
And other countries will also go under because it's the insurance companies who have the money.
And it's the people who give the insurance the money through insurance policies, annuities.
And now they're going to make you buy something from them.
They are the governments.
But to say that insurance companies own banks, that was the insurance company spokesman basically creating the inverse.
It's not even that banks own insurance companies, the top four, it's that
They are banks.
It's just a subsidiary of the private banking system.
Working for the insurance company, when people will lapse their policies, like they can't pay on them and such as that, they can't make their premiums.
When the insurance companies have lapses in policies, which here, just a few years back, they had a very big major
Class action suits filed against many of your bigger ones because of these universal policies that they sold people.
That they had them turn in their whole life policies and buy these universal policies that had variable interest rates and things on them and people lost their entire life insurance policies that they had and they were paid up policies.
But the people still come out on the on the bad end of things for plain simple reason they didn't realize what they were doing.
They were being talked into something that wasn't true.
They were lied to.
Needless to say, I lost my job at one of those insurance companies.
I mean, they're probably going to say, well, he's disgruntled.
Well, I'm not disgruntled because I quit.
Because I chose not to do something dishonest.
And I was told to tell the 21 agents under me, because I was a manager, that they will do, exchange these policies for people.
So that we can, you know, take a paid up policy and make them buy another policy at a variable rate, that they would do that or they would lose their jobs.
And I said, no, I'm not doing it.
And I left the company.
I went to another insurance company because I had an insurance license, and it's the same thing there.
They own loan companies, they have banks, they have all the money, and even them, when I went through their training, because they all wanted to have you go through to teach what they want you to teach, or to say to people,
One of the things that they even pointed out is insurance companies will never go down because they are the ones that control the money and control the government.
I appreciate your call.
The insurance companies are an arm of the big central banks.
I don't mean your corner insurance company.
You know, the big mega insurance corporations.
They're an arm of the big banks to take control of your life.
And now, oh, you must buy car insurance.
Oh, now you must buy health insurance.
Next, you must buy fire insurance.
And then when people can't pay, you then go basically on to the government dole.
And then taxpayers pay to get you all of that insurance.
And it's less and less taxpayers, more and more people on the dole, but the big insurance companies and banks don't care because they're taking control of society in the process.
But think of the genius of this.
It's come out in the news, they've admitted, that in the last decade they would order the people that were out there selling mortgages to lie to folks and to get them to sign on to mortgages that they knew they couldn't pay.
Because the banks didn't care.
They were literally just loaning fiat money that they produced out of nothing.
And I'm going to cover this more in the next hour.
I've mentioned it a few times, but I want to spend more time on it.
Failed banks may get pension fund backing as FDIC seeks cash.
This is in Bloomberg and in Businessweek, both, because Businessweek is talking about Bloomberg now.
And it says that the government is going to the bigger pension fund owners and to the governments, state, county, city, and federal, that administer these.
And because they're political creatures that take political orders, they are telling them, invest in derivatives and invest in failing banks to prop it up.
And the government has said, when we go fully bankrupt, they're going to take your private
Hey, what's going on, guys?
First-time caller, long-time listener, huge fan and supporter and activist out here.
I just wanted to say, man... Yeah, thanks, bro.
You know what, dude?
Let's just bring out our secret weapon again.
Let's bust out the Obama Joker posters and let's just canvas the entire nation with them, all over the world, in Japan, all over the place.
Because this one right here, we have to get the attention of the Patriots.
Because people right now, this is the critical moment where we have a chance to do a kill shot.
You know what I mean?
We need to actually just get visible and get people thinking, hey, wait a minute, yeah, this is a joker.
This is a joke.
And hey, let's turn around, let's look at what we got over here.
That's all I got for you, man.
I love you.
Have a good day, alright?
Mike, I love you too.
Look, two weeks ago I officially launched the $15,000 prize contest for the Naked Body Scanner protest.
You have a protest or demonstration or event in whatever way you want, and you videotape it, you put it on YouTube, hundreds of videos will be made,
Millions of people will see it.
Everybody wins by getting the word out.
Because the naked body scanners are a key part of their control grid and driving us into submission.
The second prize is $3,000 for the best naked body scanner poster.
And a lot of things go into it.
You know, best design, you've got to post it, videotape it, post it to the web, and then $2,000 prize, whoever can go back and call out all the videos and audio of my predictions that have come true.
And I've had four or five of these contests, and normally two weeks in, we get a lot more responses.
I noticed for the first week and a half that we didn't even have the link in there, contest, at InfoWars.com, to send your submissions.
But folks need to get on this now.
This is a really great way to inform the public, and the naked body scanners are very unpopular, and now the Chicago Tribune reports that they plan to make a mandatory in the next two years.
Well of course, they put them in, they train you to accept it, then it becomes mandatory.
Now they've got mobile trucks they're going to put you through at checkpoints.
That's from a Homeland Security press release, with the video.
So please, everybody go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, just type into a search engine,
InfoWars officially launches Naked Body Scanner protest contest.
And there's banners that rotate on InfoWars and Prison Planet that link to this page that has the contest rules.
It's very, very easy.
Very, very simple.
And people need to get on this now.
And yes, I mean, look.
Hundreds of newspapers.
It's got to be close to a hundred TV stations.
British TV, Japanese TV, National US TV, CNN.
Four TV stations in Dallas alone.
I mean, it's got to be hundreds.
I don't know.
They would talk about arresting whoever in Commons areas would put up Obama Joker posters with Infowars.com on them.
And then that made more people do it.
They kind of backed off.
So yeah, nobody's stopping you.
Go to the old Obama poster contest page.
Print off the
PDFs and go to Kinko's or I guess it's FedEx Kinko's now and print up a hundred.
I mean, look, big things start small.
And I did that contest to show you, even if they shut the web down, which they're openly talking about doing now, the power of just putting up posters with a simple message because everybody else is feeling screwed and lied to and robbed.
But they feel like they're alone.
Okay, we're going to go to break.
I'm going to talk to Aaron, Chris, Annie, you're, Brian, and others.
And we got James Dillingpole coming up for 30 minutes, and then I'm going to break down the entire healthcare operation, go over all the facets like I did last night on the abbreviated Sunday Show, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, and get into some new information as well.
We're going to continue with your phone calls.
Before I go to break, I want to tell you about a few of the sponsors.
That have made today's radio show possible.
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A lot of interesting stuff on their site.
Check it out.
We'll be right back with more of your phone calls.
Stay with us.
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That's 800-686-2237.
Folks, I've been on the air almost 15 years, and I remember reading the Department of Labor, the Department of Commerce, the Agriculture Department, talking about how they're going to tax everything you eat, everything you do.
They're going to track you with a national ID card that you've got to swipe, that then
Has a graduated sales tax, you know, in the name of poor people not having to pay sales tax.
We have to track everybody's purchases and who they are.
They're going to tax salt.
Prison time if you don't make changes to your house they order.
This is serfdom.
And we don't make this stuff up.
I mean, when I read an executive order by Clinton to take blood to get a driver's license, and when I read the federal documents 14 years ago about how they take babies' blood at birth, and I showed the documents on air, people thought I was making it up.
They wouldn't even go look it up.
I'm not making any of this stuff up.
You know how frustrating this is?
To have bonafide, hardcore, grade-A tyranny, oppression, authoritarian garbage, scientifically being foisted on us,
It's disgusting.
Aaron, Chris, Annie, Brian, Steve, I'm going to you here in a moment.
I've done an hour and 55 minutes, and I haven't even plugged yet that I got two new films coming out in April.
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Pre-order both films at InfoWars.com or call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
Or you can write to me, P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760, and bare minimum, get the trailers that are up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPundit.com, and send them out to everybody you know, because the trailers alone are a big wake-up call.
Aaron in Nevada, thanks for holding.
Yes, thank you very much, Alex.
Alright, um, you know, I've woken up.
I'm on 20 cups of coffee, basically.
What I want to do is a march on the White House
March on Washington.
You have the platform, you have the audience to coalesce that kind of people movement.
I think we gotta have, after the wake up, we gotta have action.
And if the Mexicans, the illegal alien Mexicans, can march on our capitol, so can we!
Well, I want to be clear, I want to be clear, and I'm not poo-pooing what you're saying, but they were over, the park police said, a million two hundred thousand tea partiers.
So a few thousand illegals marched, they want some free health care.
They're about the only group that actually gets something free, but that's only because it's to destroy the wages and turn us into a third world nation, and to allow the U.S.
to be a steam valve so Mexico doesn't completely get overthrown.
So the bankers are doing them a favor that way for the elite in Mexico.
Because if they were forced to stay down there, they would have taken their country back a long time ago.
But I think marches, you know, to the Capitol and to the White House are important, but those are happening every day, sir.
The media just ignores it.
So what we do is we build the alternative media and we take back our states.
Look, the states are where the fight is at.
We have the 9th and 10th Amendment.
The states need to be pressured, and they're ready to do it, to not just sue over this health care bill or over the greenhouse gas tax bill, which is now happening.
What we need to have them do is pass laws saying we're not going to follow this.
So that's what I think the number one solution is.
What do you say to that?
I say there is no time for that.
And in order to be taken seriously, because you represent like the truth movement and the other stuff that is the Tea Partiers are not really, you know, representing.
I'm talking about your cadre of people that are about this, marching.
I think it's good to include that with the DVDs, with the waking up.
Now that a lot of us have woken up... Listen, I gotta jump.
I gotta jump here and we'll come back and take more calls.
It's just... We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We need to march on the state houses.
We need to be in the state houses corridors in the capitals.
We need to be running for political office to take our states back and nullify the federal government that's been seized by offshore criminals.
That is the biggest solution.
And we need to person-to-person educate people and take our cities and counties back.
That is the big solution.
And yes, support candidates that are truly constitutionalist at the federal level.
I'm all for marches, ladies and gentlemen, but say when I do Coast to Coast AM for an hour, I reach probably 3 million people.
I reach 2 million people a day on this radio show.
The power of what I do media-wise is all the 25 films, the thousands of radio shows, the tens of thousands of interviews I've done in the last 15 years.
But when I do just one thing or one event, we don't have that much power.
The power is in my overall body of work and in the people we've woken up.
In my response to Aaron saying I need to organize a march on Washington.
Let's talk to Chris in Washington.
You're on the air.
Yeah, this is a great segue into what you were saying about needing to get to the state government.
I'll show her, Rochard, what we're doing in Washington and Idaho because there's this thing called a ballot initiative where you can bypass the state legislatures and the governor and have something directly submitted to the people for them to vote on.
Idaho's getting ready to say no naked body scanners in their state.
I mean, this is happening.
You've got to go to your states and say no in-state tuition for illegal aliens.
We actually have ballot initiatives in Idaho right now circulating, that would.
Not Butch Otter's bill, which basically, if you read Butch Otter's belief sign last night, it's neutered.
It basically says, oh, AG, please petition the feds and sue them so this doesn't go into effect.
No, what we've got is a bill
We need 60,000 signatures being sub-circulated right now that authorize the state to arrest federal officials attempting to enforce Obamacare mandates in the state of Idaho.
And that's how it always worked!
I mean, the FBI had a few crimes they could investigate.
It was very controversial, and they even created them back in the 20s and 30s.
And they would have to come hat in hand.
Now they're involved in everything, including some idiot 16-year-old saying black people must leave Walmart.
They're having press conferences and the feds all rubbing their hands together to sound like they're trying to stop racism when all it's about is federalizing local police.
We have got to kick the feds out of our states.
That's what the Founding Fathers said is our main course of redress.
I agree with you.
And all it takes is you use the power of the internet with the initiatives.
We've got a site, for example, Idaho, it's IdahoInitiatives.com.
It's FreedomInitiatives.com.
People can go there if they're in Idaho and they just print out... Stop, stop for a minute, because you're... Number one, you're overdriving your phone.
It's distorting.
So I'm not hearing all of what you're saying, and you were punching buttons.
Give us the website slowly.
IdahoInitiatives.com, Idaho.
Hold on a minute!
You just did it again!
Oh, sorry.
My voice is too loud.
No, no, no.
You're hitting buttons every time you give the website.
Give it one more time.
IdahoInitiatives.com Three's the charm.
And FreedomInitiatives.com for Washington.
And if people just print these out, give them to their associates and whatever, and we've got a series of initiatives here that are all about taking some... And other states can take your initiatives or write their own initiatives, and people say, well, what's the power in that?
And I appreciate your call.
Great call, Chris.
That's taking action.
That's the kind of call I like.
We're going to talk about solutions coming up later in the hour, but I'm going to break down the entire legislation here.
But I had the idea eight years ago.
To have cities and counties and states say, we're going to follow the Bill of Rights and Constitution, we're not going to follow the Patriot Act.
800 plus cities and towns passed it.
And that sent a strong message, but you need to get the states to pass it.
And absolutely, that is a power-packed call from Chris.
That is important.
And it's a lot of work, and you won't succeed every time, but when you first don't succeed,
Because we know sitting here sucking our thumb isn't gonna save us.
But we know when we take action, we kick New World Order butt.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, here in the third and fourth hour today.
We are simulcasting in living video color in this multicast at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Now, I originally set James Dillingpole up for the show, London Telegraph writer, best-selling author, to talk about a Canadian study that came out that shows how many more times likely environmentalists are to be dishonest, to rob, to steal, and how they hate their fellow man.
Now, anyone who's had their SUV's tires slashed here in Austin, or had their car dealership burned down in Denver, or had their home burned down in Los Angeles, knows how vicious these people are.
They're a gang of thugs who use the moral excuse of hating their fellow man as an excuse to be collectivist.
And it doesn't matter if it's the head of climatology at NASA saying we want to destroy the industrialized world.
People live too well in the West.
There's too many people in the third world.
Their greenhouse gas taxes will conservatively kill a billion additional people in the first 10 years of implementation.
That is very conservative numbers from Lord Monckton, who's scientifically broken it down.
This is the facts that we're talking about and this integrates into health care.
But first we're going to talk to him about health care because he's also written about the nightmares of government-run health care in England.
Now listen, I don't need to talk to Mr. Dillingpole to know this.
I've got Paul Watson, Steve Watson that work for us at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
One lives in London, one in Sheffield.
They've got insurance and it's a nightmare.
Everybody has to wait.
Everybody gets treated like trash.
But I've seen Tony Blair
Three or four years ago, before he left office, in the House of Commons, during Prime Minister's questions on C-SPAN, and they were standing up giving cases of one woman waiting 18 months for a brain tumor.
They reported that it was over 90% operable, means they could
Take it out and save her.
90% of the time, she would have 100% recovery.
But if you wait more than 6 months, almost 100% chance she'd die, and she did die.
And Blair said, yes, that's too bad, we're working on that.
He didn't even deny it.
Why are Canadians coming here?
Why are British coming here?
Why are people from socialist nations coming here?
Because free market gave us the best healthcare in the world.
Government involvement in the last 35 years is what screwed up our healthcare.
So we're going to get James Dillingpole's take on that.
His website's jamesdillingpole.com.
He's also a best-selling author.
We'll tell you all about that before he leaves us.
We're at a best-selling book on Obama.
And it certainly turned out to be very, very accurate.
It was released right as Obama got into office last year.
But this isn't just James Dillingpole saying this.
This is the National Post of Canada.
Here's the London Guardian.
Give me a document cam shot.
How going green may make you mean.
Ethical consumers less likely to be kind and more likely to steal.
Many times more likely.
And the BBC even said, oh, the greenies are criminals.
Had a tongue-in-cheek article, but very serious in the body.
Well, remember what happened down in Latin America last month?
You had a wife and husband kill themselves and then try to kill the baby because they were worried about global warming.
In fact, here's a story out of the Telegraph.
Liars, cheats, thieves.
The terrible truth about the mean greens.
Here's another one.
Are green consumers more unethical?
Look, these people, you go to a grocery store, the paper bags bust on you.
I've read the statistics that they actually create more acid, more pulp, more energy used.
Not that that matters.
That's industry.
It's renewable.
The plastic is actually better.
But they don't care, they will get in your face about it.
These people want your house, they want your car, and if you go to Zilker Park, there's glass everywhere in Austin, just everywhere, all over the ground.
Anyone that parks an SUV, it happened to us, gets it keyed, if you're lucky, normally windows locked out.
Tire slashed.
Hey, listen!
I got three children.
I got my wife.
When my parents went someplace with us a few weeks ago, all of us, all seven of us, could ride in the car!
But these little control freaks want to run our lives.
Now, I'm ranting.
I apologize to Dillingpole.
We're going to get into this coming up.
But first, I wanted to get into government-run health care and what it's really like from Airstrip One in this 1984 system.
Mr. Dillingpole, good to have you with us.
Thank you for having me back, Alex.
Yes, so you want me to tell you about the British National Health Service experience?
Well, it seems to me
There are two ways of allocating scarce resources to do with health.
One way is to do it through the market.
If you pay, then you will get service.
The other way, which is what we've got here in Britain, is a form of state rationing.
Now, maybe this way of allocating healthcare was appropriate immediately after the Second World War.
But somehow I feel that the world has moved beyond the Second World War mentality where you're kind of grateful for what you get and you're happy to queue up for your rubbish service.
The fact is that Britain has the lowest cancer survival rate in the G8.
That in itself is a pretty grim indictment of our system.
We also have, I don't know whether you follow this in America, we had the scandal of Stafford Hospital.
The hospital where as many as 1,200 patients may have died because of government targets.
Oh, I saw an article last week where the guy just showed up over three days and died on a gurney.
Yeah, this sort of thing happens.
At this particular hospital, patients were being left unwashed for up to a month.
They were abandoned in their soiled, blood-stained sheets.
The nurses weren't doing anything about it.
They weren't giving them water.
They weren't, you know, patients were crying out in pain.
Now, I'm not saying that this is necessarily the common experience, you know, that everyone suffers every time they go into a National Health Service hospital.
Sometimes you do get good treatment.
And, you know, when you do, I mean, I burned my hand once and
After my three hours in a waiting room that made the Star Wars cantina scene look like Baywatch, eventually I got my treatment.
But you do have to wait a very long time, and often the service you get is rather
Because, you know, you are treated as a supplicant, not as a paying customer.
You are treated more or less like you don't really deserve to be there.
Well, that's what Tom Daschle three years ago said in his book.
We've been reading the quotes where we need to be like Europe, where old people know they have a duty to die.
Yeah, the grass is always greener, isn't it?
I mean, I do worry for America because I think, OK, so you've now adopted this new Obamacare system.
It's going to cost you, A, an awful lot of money, and B, the moment you give big government a say in allocating health care,
Big government also feels it suddenly has the right to tell you how you should live your life, how much you drink, how fatty your food is.
They're already saying $1,000 fines and jail time for salting your food in New York State, and I see them pushing similar things now in England.
Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
And they're setting the precedent to literally run your life and tax certain foods more.
I mean, they're openly saying this.
Oh, absolutely.
There is no question about it.
Because you see, government, once government starts spending money, I mean your money, let's not forget, when government starts spending your money on healthcare, it thinks that the best way of making the service cheaper and getting better value for money is not through the actual service it provides, but by spending a fortune on advertising and measures to forcing free individuals to behaving in a way that conforms with the government's idea of health.
So, you know, abnormal behaviour is not allowed anymore.
You have to eat lettuce and live like a rabbit and not drink alcohol anymore and definitely not smoke or you won't get the medical treatment that you paid for.
And that's why they love to collectivize things, because then they get all of the rabble that's on the dole angry at not just people with more money than them with class warfare, but now they're not just angry about the plastic bags or your big car, now they're looking at what you're ordering.
Yeah, and of course the other thing you get is, I don't know how familiar you are with this, you're going to get lots of health tourism.
I mean, the number of health tourists we get from the third world coming over here, sneaking into the system and, you know, getting treatment that they haven't paid for is, you know, it costs the British Exchequer a lot of money.
So our service goes down and down and down and you have to wait longer and longer and longer for treatment.
By the way, I just pulled this article up.
I have seen scores of cases in Kansas City, but also at Walter Reed and another part of the country.
In fact, here's the Washington Post.
Pentagon is probing veterans home.
The government accountability office warned the Pentagon this week that residents of a home may be at risk in light of allegations of severe health care problems.
Residents have been admitted to Walter Reed Army Medical Center with the most serious type of pressure sores.
And in one case,
This is one of many.
With maggots in a wound, a bunch of vets have died from a special type of fly that goes up into the nose and lays eggs in the mucous membrane and then they have a meal of your brain.
So I guess we're getting screw worms now that we eradicated for cows now feasting on the vets.
The one place where the government does run the health care and it's absolutely abhorrent.
Yeah, well, I mean, welcome to our world.
This is what it's been like for the last 50 years in Britain.
You know, I mean, people in this country are very sentimental about the National Health Service.
They see it as this free service, and they look on America with horror, many people, and go, well, that's an awful place where, you know, if you get run over by a car, the first thing that happens is you get checked whether you've got medical insurance.
Well, I mean, that's not quite fair, is it?
I don't think anyone gets turned away and allowed to die
No, that's asinine.
You go directly to the emergency room, it's all free.
Yeah, exactly.
I think you've opened the floodgates here.
I don't know how much it's going to cost the American taxpayer.
Well, James, stay there, because I want to talk to you about how it's enforced in England, because we all copy each other in tyranny.
The worst aspects of each nation, the bureaucrats share it, but the IRS, 16 to 20,000 new employees, garnishing your wages.
We'll be right back with James Dillingpole.
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Coming up in the next segment, we're going to dovetail the environmental population reduction movement in with the government health care.
Because they're on record saying, well the case for killing Granny, the cover of Newsweek, shows an image of a plug pulled out of a wall and says, we've got to get rid of old people.
That's how we'll fix health care.
So first they collectivize, then they start cutting.
But you talked about hospitals where people for two, three weeks aren't given baths.
Same thing with the VA where the government runs it.
How do they enforce it in England?
They just take the tax money with other taxes?
Because here they're saying the IRS is now going to be our nanny and basically run our lives.
Oh yeah, we have no choice.
I mean, our tax burden has risen enormously in the last 12, 13 years under our socialist government.
And they've spent more and more of our money on this creaking health system
We're good to go.
You can't complain about the service you get, because as I said, you are treated like a supplicant, not like a customer.
So you pay for it with tax money, but that's not good enough, and then third world populations pour in who are on the dole and don't even, in many cases, work, and it gets more and more bankrupt.
Where is this headed in England, so we can get an idea of where it's headed here?
Oh, I mean, you know, our country is going the way of Greece.
We have a massive structural deficit, you know, running into billions of pounds, and our government is not faced up to the fact that it cannot afford to spend any more.
I mean, already the public sector of the economy has just overtaken the private sector, which means that, for obvious reasons, if you've got ordinary hard-working businessmen and people
Supporting more than 51% of the economy.
You have a recipe for financial disaster and this is what's happening now.
We can't afford the NHS.
We can't afford anything really.
We are a nation of bureaucrats.
And the government's just getting started.
They've got the snoops that dig through your trash.
I saw headlines they're recruiting seven-year-olds to report on their parents.
They're making... Don't even get me started on the environment, you know.
We have all three of our major political parties in Britain.
I think we are.
We're good to go.
What about Australia, where they announced millions of acres of people's own land that they can't run sheep and cows on, and they just say that's the way it is?
I know this is rather pandering to your listeners' view of the world, but I have to say I'm trying to agree.
We have seen in the last decade, and it's growing and growing and more and more, we are seeing the approach of one world government.
All these different bureaucracies around the world, they are conspiring to take away our freedom, and I fear very much for what's going to happen in the next decade.
I think unless we resist,
More than a year ago, you published the book, Welcome to Obama Land, I Have Seen Your Future, and it doesn't work.
I'm not even confident that Republicans, when they get into power in a couple years, won't repeal this.
I mean, you talk about your big three parties, your Tories, they're all going along with it.
It is one of the big problems, and I have to say, Alex, I am rather relying on you Americans to save our sorry asses, because you are our only hope.
Over here, we live in the
Well, James...
I want to get into the mindset of these people.
We have a psychological scientific study showing what a pack of pirate criminals they are.
We're on the march.
Stay there.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Alright, your phone calls are coming up in this hour.
For the full next hour, I'm going to have open phones and I'm going to break down all the major facets of the health care bill.
You've got friends and family that want to know what's really in it.
We'll go over it step-by-step and break down every facet of it.
It isn't just the takeover of health care.
The government's taking over every facet of our lives and has select big corporate interests behind it who want to vertically integrate the economy.
This is a monopoly being formed, as the founder of the Rockefeller clan said, competition is a sin.
Before we go back to James Dillingpole, author, best-selling author of Welcome to Obamaland, I've seen your future and it doesn't
He also writes for The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, The Sunday Times, The Times, and The Independent.
And we're very honored to have him.
We're going to get into the mindset of these people.
When I get up here and tell you that I've been to smart growth conferences a decade ago, and I couldn't believe that they would laugh at me and say, of course, we're robbing everybody off camera with all these big bankers and politicians and environmentalists.
And that they hate everyone, and they're thieving control freaks who want an excuse to rob you, and they use guilt to control you.
This study, along with a lot of other research that's been done, proves, on average, these are a bunch of criminals who get well-meaning people to then let them run their lives.
So that's coming up.
I want to remind listeners, two new trailers are out for two new films.
I never release two films in one month.
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They're done.
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Okay, James, I sidetracked you into the health care, but you are a guinea pig who's been living through this.
But it does integrate and dovetail into the overall mindset of these people.
In fact, I have articles here where they say, lowering our carbon footprint, destroying industry, will save the earth.
And that we do need to reduce population.
And then we have this Canadian
Prestigious study done.
And again, here are the headlines.
How going green may make you mean.
Ethical consumers less likely to be kind and more likely to steal.
Massively more likely to steal.
So that's the guardian who are basically made up of a lot of these people.
Uh, admitting it.
It's not just James Dillingpole, uh, writing about it, but James has been saying these very things for four or five years that I've been reading his columns since I've been aware of him.
James, how did you know this about them?
I guess you had the same experience as I did, but let's find out.
And then, B, let's get into this study in detail.
Well, I think, Alex, it all fits into the bigger picture.
I think this rule doesn't just apply to Greens.
It applies to Libtards, Marxists, Dukidas generally, people of the Liberal Left.
Conservatives generally feel that because they vote for a form of government which involves wealth distribution, which involves government punishing the rich and making rules, they feel that that is their moral get-out-of-jail-free.
I think conservatives are much more honest about the facts of life.
They believe much more in personal responsibility.
Absolutely, and I don't even call them liberals.
It's a control freak cult who hates everyone and loves to run people's lives.
I think that liberals have a, or call them what you will, watermelons, Marxists, whatever, they have a very depressing view of human nature, which is that we are all so essentially evil that the only way that we can be coerced into good behaviour is for big government to step in and rule our lives.
And I think they include themselves.
Subconsciously they think of themselves as these flawed
Corrupted people.
So they don't feel the need to behave well in the same way that you or I might.
Ultimately I'm going to be judged for my behaviour.
I expect people to behave well towards me as I behave well towards them.
Your libtard doesn't care about that because, hey, that's government's job.
It's government's job to police behaviour.
And if you can get away with it, as in this rather interesting
Research from Canada, where this experiment was done on all these students and they divided them into various control groups and they discovered that, where are we, let's see, it says, later in an honour system in which participants were asked to take money from an envelope to pay themselves their spoils, the Greens were six times more likely to steal than the Conventionals.
This is a psychological experiment, but I think we all know where it's coming from.
It's borne out by our daily lives, is it not?
Well it is, but expanding on that, I think it's even worse.
Talking to these people
They see themselves as powerless scum who never have any future, who are very envious and hateful, whereas a more libertarian or classical conservative has a high view of themselves and enjoys life and likes seeing others do well.
I mean, that's how I am.
I never thought of myself as some special good guy.
This was just who I was and my parents and my culture.
We spend our whole time being eaten up with envy about other people doing well, because we think, well, that's how the system works.
Some people do better than others, and normally it's through... Exactly!
It's an envy-based thing, so they feel that they get power through the state.
They feel like that it's their state, their government.
It's an extension of them.
They're living vicariously through Stalin, or through Obama, or through Mao.
That's totally true.
And I would say the very worst, the lowest of all vermin, I'm afraid to say, are the watermelons.
The Marxists who've essentially moved into the Green movement and corrupted it for their own ends.
Because I see, you know, I spend a lot of time arguing with
The majority of dark green eco-fascists that I have met is that they really do not care about nature and they loathe mankind.
They are not in it to save the world, they are in it to
I don't think so.
Well, I mean, absolutely.
I mean, it's not just Maury Strong, it's Pochari, it's the UN, it's the Biological Diversity Assessment 96.
Let's not forget the WWF, who are very much part of this.
Yeah, let's talk about the Nazi founder of that, Prince Bernhard, who then got caught using World Wildlife Fund cover
In ivory sales.
I mean, again, most of them don't consciously know this is a fraud.
They consciously know that it's a eugenics movement.
Well, it's riddled with it.
Of course, Maurice Strong, I think, is closely associated with the World Wildlife Fund.
You think about it, when I was growing up in the 1970s, I was very familiar with that cute little panda, you know, the panda motif.
I think every child in the world is brought up to think of the World Wildlife Fund as this caring, sharing organisation which has nothing more than the world's best interests at heart.
This is an organization whose income is currently, what, it's about, I'd say about 300, no more than that, it must be about 400,000, 400 million pounds a year, so what's that, that's about 550 million dollars a year.
More than that, it's about 650.
The World Wildlife Fund makes $600 million a year.
That's its income.
There's nothing cuddly about the WWF?
They have bought up swathes of the Amazonian rainforest.
And they reckon that
If carbon trading gets enforced by governments, if carbon regulation gets railroaded through by the likes of Obama, then the World Wildlife Fund stands to make $60 billion.
Well, let me expand on that.
I keep going back to where I live and my up front, front row seat to this.
Growing up, you know, in Austin since high school, every week, bang, bang, bang on the door, young environmentalist, gouging and shaming my mother into giving them money for SOS, Save Our Springs.
Has nothing to do with Bull Creek and a spring-fed pool called Martin Springs.
And the city of Austin stole more than 20,000 acres from citizens, paid them pennies on the dollar, and then all the local green leadership
Literally did deals to basically sell at reduced prices or give themselves the land they own their own banks and they're making hundreds of millions of dollars a year in the West Austin area where they stole all this land and now it's hotels and million-dollar homes and I mean
They are conscious thieves, and they know it.
I mean, this is just... Look, there's nothing even green or liberal about them.
It is a cloak for their authoritarian tyranny.
This is a wrecking crew of hardcore criminals.
Well, it's not like we didn't know, Alex, that they would never trust a hippie.
Look how they did!
Well I...
Well, I want to expand on that, though.
You've got a lot of useful hippies that mean well, and they all got mad once the banks ripped them off and didn't turn it into a big park.
They just hated the people that owned the property, but now they're even more mad, but they're not marched up to the front of the city council anymore and told they're angels.
They've been, many of them, banned from even speaking in Austin.
You could be living in California.
I mean, that truly is a green Marxist paradise, isn't it?
You've only got a tiny bit of your state being taken over by the libtards, but poor California is just being completely wiped out by it.
Yeah, the mayor of LA said a 28% increase in the first year on your power bill.
I think you may have to encourage California to succeed from the rest of America and allow it to go bankrupt and allow them to stew in their own juices and see the error of their ways and then, you know, get a proper governor in, a sort of Reagan-style governor who brings them back from the brink.
But instead, James, California, as you know, well, the UN talks about this, tax havens, they want to make all the rest of the country like that, and they say, oh, this socialism will only work once no one can run, and that's what the New World Order is, is a globe run by these people where there's nowhere to run, because wherever the hard-working people go, that becomes a wonderful place, and wherever the parasites are, vampires can't feed on vampires.
James, is your phone cut off?
I thought you'd lost it.
No, no, no.
I was saying vampires can't feed on vampires.
No, I know.
And who would have thought ten years ago that the only place in the world safe to flee to now is Canada?
I mean, Canada is about the only country in the world which is not buying all this eco-fascist nonsense.
And the reason is that they're sitting on loads of oil and they live in a country which is so cold that no way would any government get away with enforcing the kind of fuel bill hikes that we have to accept in the rest of the world because, you know, people couldn't afford to heat their homes.
I'm afraid to say that America, Europe, even Australia is going down this greeny sinkhole.
I'm not sure how we escape from this.
Well, the good news is they've been exposed as frauds.
Briefly, because you've been chronicling this, there's a new scandal every two or three days as big or bigger than the Climategate emails.
And now, I was reading last week, where the UN's going to Hollywood saying, save us, no one believes us anymore, Obama can't get his bills.
No, I mean, but you know what really frightens me in all this, Alex?
Okay, we've had the Climategate scandal and it had a lot of publicity and we've had, since we've had Amazongate and Glaciergate and PachauriGate and AfricaGate and HollandGate, all these revelations which show that the UN, the IPCC, has been lying to us constantly.
You know, these scientists have been exaggerating the extent of global warming
We've actually happened to derail the AGW bandwagon.
We have still all the governments in the world conspiring to commit us to ever greater regulation, ever greater carbon reductions, ever greater taxes.
I'm hoping that one good thing
We're good to go.
Well, I agree with you.
I mean, if people think government grabbing health care is bad, and the IRS to enforce it, compared to the multi-thousand page bill that's already passed the House, home inspections, if you don't fix your house in one week, no judge, no jury, the government can just take your home, going to jail for light bulbs, batteries, trash inspectors, they mean business here, and if health care won't shut the economy down,
Then certainly this green power grab will, and I'm sure you saw the Audi commercials about the green police.
The mayor of San Francisco where that was produced said, this isn't a joke.
This is what we want to do.
We want to turn hordes of authoritarians loose.
America, this is my message to you.
If you lose the battle on cap-and-trade, if cap-and-trade passes, the world is doomed.
That is it.
You've got to make sure that Obama is a one-term president, number one.
And number two, you've got to make sure that the guy who replaces him, or girl, or maybe, does not buy into this watermelon nonsense, because it is going to be a disaster.
Okay, but hold on.
Gordon Brown, heading up the G20, says they're going to have a world constitution of banks, they're going to raise the money for climate taxes from the nations, unilaterally, outside of legislation, and that this is just the way it is.
Obama agrees.
What do we do when they just lawlessly do whatever they want?
Well, I think what we have, at the moment at least, is the power of free speech.
And I know that a lot of the ideas that are discussed on your show and discussed on the internet are very different from the kind of nonsense that our governments are conspiring to tell us.
That gives me hope.
Every day I get more and more emails from people who
I don't understand the nature of the problem.
We've just got to make our voices heard.
I think the Tea Party movement has been a very important part of that.
People are saying enough is enough.
We don't like big government, whether it's being imposed on us in the name of conservatism or in the name of liberalism.
I sometimes think that the big parties are all conspiring together.
They all believe in big government and we don't.
We're sick of taxation.
We're sick of it.
Well, of course, they're government bureaucrats and politicians.
They get more power out of a bigger government.
Stay there.
Final segment with James Dillingpole.
Then we're going to Annie, Brian, Don, James, Matt.
A bunch of calls and I'm going to chronicle the entire health bill from top to bottom and boil it down.
I also want to hear listeners' solutions to defeat this at the state level.
James Dillingpole is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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Final segment with James Dillingpole.
I'm going right to your calls.
What areas of the bill you hate the most?
Your anger?
Or if somebody calls in who agrees with it, we'd love to hear from you.
We don't screen your calls.
Ideas to beat this thing.
The Democrats think you're gonna forget about what's happened.
They've said this.
And that they're gonna incrementally put it into place so that you don't feel the pain.
They know it was unpopular.
Over 70% of the country in polls against it.
They don't care.
A lot of people are saying this has finally woken their eyes up, woken their eyes up, finally made them open their eyes and woken them up to...
Be able to really understand that this is only the beginning.
This is how tyranny works, James.
I mean, you've studied tyranny, you've studied history.
I was going to say, one book I read recently, I don't know if you're familiar with it, a book by a Frenchman called Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd, it was called, A Study of the Popular Mind.
And this book was written in 1895, and it was the first book to analyze the way a crowd thinks.
And it was a big influence, this book.
I think so.
What you must do is repeat something over and over again until the crowd believes you.
And this is what's happened with global warming, for example.
We've got Al Gore with his propaganda movie, you know, An Inconvenient Truth, you know, his version of Triumph of the Will, where he says, the science is settled.
And if you repeat this soothing phrase over and over again, you know, the consensus says, 20,000 scientists say, you know, et cetera, et cetera, the world is heating up.
What happens is that gradually this idea gets absorbed by the whole of society and people start
What Gustave Le Bon also says is that there comes a point where the prestige of the demagogue who is spouting this nonsense, if that becomes threatened at any point, then his overthrow can happen very, very dramatically and very suddenly.
And I think it is quite possible, the way people are understanding global warming now, the way listeners on your show, readers of my blog,
I think we could be approaching this wonderful pivotal moment where we see Al Gore swinging from a lamppost.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
And this is an all or nothing exercise by this criminal class of collectivists that are becoming fabulously wealthy and powerful from this.
And that's why they're so dedicated.
That's why they've invested so much.
And they know the score.
And we see their fraud falling like dominoes.
So now they're trying to trust in the police state and apathy to carry them through.
But no tyranny has ever stood.
We're good to go.
Shorting carbon!
Yeah, people out there who are going to make money by betting that the carbon market is going to fail.
You know?
And I think those are the people who I think are making the right call.
I reckon that this whole thing is going to collapse.
I do not think that they are going to be able to get away with imposing this global carbon tyranny on us all.
That's what I'm praying for.
James Dillingpole, thank you so much for spending time with us.
Website, jamesdillingpole.com.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you.
All right, final hour, Total Blitzkrieg of info on healthcare.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is the fourth and final hour, the day after the treasonous, treacherous act by the House of Representatives.
The bill is a done deal, a formality in the Senate, going to Obama's desk very, very soon.
I want to hear your outrage or your support.
I want to hear folks' ideas to defeat this, to stop it.
I'm going to take a bunch of calls right now, then I'm going to go over all the different facets and angles and a bunch of key points I want to make in this jam-packed final hour.
Thank you so much for joining us.
This is The Collectivist trying to make you dependent on them and seizing another giant section of the economy.
And all the power and control that comes with it.
Let's talk to Annie in Indiana.
Annie, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a senior citizen, over 60, and I'm also a Texan in Indiana.
I'm so old, I remember when you came on the air.
That dates me, doesn't it?
I'm familiar with some of the proposals in President Sotero's death care bill and I'm going to ask you if you know if these carried over.
I have no reason to believe that might have been taken out.
I want to give you a quick scenario.
Go ahead.
Say I am over 60 and I'm in good health, have insurance, I'm hit in a car accident by an illegal drunk alien with no
Health insurance, no car insurance that would provide me with any medical care.
I have my own health insurance.
I'm laying up with a broken body in the ER through no fault of my own.
I have a broken leg and say my face is smashed up and I need eye surgery.
It's my understanding that at any age, if I am not current in my vaccinations, immunizations, including the swine flu shot,
They did have specific areas in there previously.
What they did was leave an open door to what they call comparative care, where with the big insurance companies and with the federal government, they will decide what care you get.
And they use examples of women below 45 don't need a mammogram or you know you don't get a colonoscopy till you're 50 and you know it sounds you know kind of
But it gives them the power to do all this, and we know what Europe's done, we know what Tom Daschle said, how this should be implemented, that yes, they want to then let the bioethicist board decide that Annie doesn't really deserve all this extra care, that should go to somebody younger, and so they will be given liability protection.
And yes, there were provisions, I don't know if they were in the new one, I haven't had time to read the 2,700 pages entirely,
Uh, to where if you didn't have all your vaccinations and things, they could try to refuse your care.
Uh, and might some of the insurance companies pick that up and say, gee, we can, we'll have to cancel your private insurance if you're not current on your vaccinations under the new government.
Go ahead.
Yes, and there's also federal standardization in there to where the government says it's part of policy that you have to take an implantable chip while you're in the hospital.
That is in the bill.
I appreciate your call.
Good point.
Uh, Brian in Canada.
Brian, you're on the air.
Hello Alex Jones, how are you doing today?
Good, thanks for holding.
The reason I'm calling is because I have a solution to not only the health care bill but many other things.
And it's, um, I want to share that with you today.
Go ahead.
Okay, the first thing I wanted to let people know is that there's been a lot of emotions stirred up through this recent passage of that bill yesterday.
And I just wanted to say that it's time for calm.
I wanted to say the Bible says, thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil, Exodus 23.
So, first of all, this is a time for calm, not for getting violent.
Yeah, that's right.
But on Facebook, I have noticed a lot of... First, that is.
Go ahead.
Okay, so what I've done is, on Friday, I was inspired to write a sample letter to Congressmen.
And you are right when you say that the battle isn't within the states.
It's not with the federal government anymore.
It's with the states.
That's where it will be won, I believe.
Well, how long's your letter, Brian?
There's five quick points.
I don't have to read the whole thing, but I just wanted to... Alright, we'll come back.
Hit those quick.
I want to get to Don, Matt, Damon, and others.
I'm Alex Jones.
Don't forget, two new trailers for two new films coming out in April.
Watch them at InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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I've done a lot of research on all five versions, and I'm not going to lie to you, I haven't read all 2,700 pages, but I've listened to all the debate, researched it, scanned through it.
This is the worst bill of the five.
Some would say, well wait, it's a better bill.
It doesn't have a public option.
If you're going to have socialism and steal from one group, you might as well actually give the money to somebody.
The top insurance companies, not the little ones, the top ones, and it's in Bloomberg today, their stock's going up, they're set to make massive profits because the government's giving them liability protection.
It lets them lower the standard of everybody's care, just like in England and Europe.
We know how this works.
And it gives the illegal aliens the health care.
It will further destroy the economy.
I'm going to go over all of it
Today, but Dennis Kucinich was right a few months ago when he said, this is an insurance company bailout.
So was Howard Dean, but they rolled over.
Now, I was against their plan as well, but at least they were honest about this plan being a scam.
Now, I'm going to go to your calls.
I want to hear from you, but I also want to hear your solutions.
I believe it's the states, not just the Attorney General suing.
But the state's passing law is nullifying this.
This is completely illegal, unconstitutional.
The way they got the votes for the bill is illegal.
This is a criminal fraud.
We should have grand juries start criminal investigations.
As Ron Paul has said, the evidence is there, and this will bankrupt our country.
Cap and Trade will bankrupt it.
The Senate won't pass it, so Obama says he's going to implement it.
Through the EPA.
But, I'm going to give each caller about a minute.
Brian in Canada said he had five points he wanted to make.
Make them, Brian.
Okay, I started a group on Facebook on Friday called Forcing Obama Out of Office for Not Ending Abortion.
And my- the five points that I want to go through are, um, 60% of Americans are already opposed to abortion.
The second point is that an unborn baby is a 100% living human being, demonstrating having living systems, like, necessary for life, including DNA in the blood that's different than that of the mother.
The third point is that Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 52, Section 1111 of the United States Criminal Code says that murder is an unlawful killing of a human being, which would include an unborn baby.
The next point is that there have been approximately 3,000 murders of unborn babies committed every day on the watch of Mr. Barack Obama, and he has exercised nothing of his executive powers at his disposal, acting as President of the United States, to end those atrocities.
All right, Brian, I appreciate your call.
I'm going to get into the abortion issue.
Obama and his so-called executive order.
The guy lies about everything.
An executive order doesn't trump congressional law.
And as Ron Paul said on Fox yesterday, in fact, I want to cue that up for later in the hour.
I want to play a clip of it.
We're already funding abortions.
They send federal money down and the hospitals use it for however they want.
Or they'll take their abortion money and put it over here and then use the federal money to pay for other programs, but still essentially paying for the abortion.
And that's why all the major congressional groups against abortion and all the major Catholic
Bishops and the Protestant groups, all of them have looked at it.
This is funding abortion.
It's making you pay for abortion.
And yes, abortion is one of the biggest hoaxes in history.
50 million dead people.
Since Roe v. Wade 37 years ago, 51% of blacks are never born.
They kill more than half the black people in this country.
But you hear all the fake liberal black leaders never talking about that.
Half the black people in this country haven't been born in the last 37 years.
I mean, this is outrageous.
And to make people pay for this and then try some maneuver where they say an executive order won't let the federal funds go.
All the scholars, even on both sides, say that's a fraud.
The pro-abortion groups have said, psst, don't worry guys, it's a scam.
We're still going to get our death money.
Let's talk to Don in O.K., Oklahoma.
Go ahead, Don.
Thank you, Alex, for having me on.
I was just going to ask you, is right now the time for a constitutional convention?
Here's the problem with the CONCON.
The states, if you've got a majority of states to go for a new amendment, they can pass whatever they want during the Constitutional Convention, and we've seen a lot of globalists trying to push for one, so it's very dangerous.
What we need to do is take control of the states, have them nullify this unconstitutional law.
They're claiming the Commerce Clause.
That the government, the federal government, can make you buy something from a private corporation?
They never had a federal law that you've got to buy car insurance.
They did that at the state level.
And that's still unconstitutional.
But not as openly unconstitutional as the federal government.
Now they can say, you know, you've got to buy an electric car from GM to prop it up.
Now they can say Obama's pushing for national service, not just a draft, but
People are in denial about this.
I have the video clips of his chief of staff on C-SPAN saying all Americans will serve in national service.
And once they've bankrupted America, they're going to use that crisis to say we've all got to get together in the depression.
You know, your kids have got to work for the government.
The cyber security bill says they're going to take high school kids and make them work for the federal government, spying on people.
But no, I'm scared of a con con.
What do you think, Don?
That's why I was asking.
Oh, I don't know.
Any other points?
Well, I appreciate your call, Don.
Very good question.
Let's talk to Matt in the United Kingdom.
Go ahead, Matt.
Hi, Alex, and welcome to Eugenics Britain.
I was listening to you and James there.
I've got two questions, actually.
I reckon the British NHS system is very much going to get like yours in America.
If you can't pay for medical care, then obviously it's the endgame and it's the eugenics thing.
And also in the UK, what they're doing now, Alex, is
They're handing out leaflets saying we are going to pass your medical details and exchanging between different doctors and the hospital services to obviously think if you're obese or...
You think alcohol?
Again, another eugenics problem.
It's the nanny state where they tax beer, salt, beef.
They track every facet of your lives.
And as you know, you live in England.
It's been in the news.
Some people will rot for a month and die in their beds.
Look at the one area in the U.S.
where the government ran health care.
And it's the worst health care in the nation, the VA hospitals.
And the more money they throw at it,
The VA hospital on average gets more money per patient than any other, even private group, but they give the worst care.
Because it's all going to bureaucracy and the parasites in government.
Yeah, I mean, also, what people are doing now, we've got a thing, a private medical care thing called Bupa, I don't know if you've heard about it, and basically what, obviously the rich and the aristocracy are obviously going to Bupa, because obviously now the NHS is obviously faltering and falling.
Absolutely, they always create a two-tier system where the elite can still get their health care.
Great points from the UK, Matt.
Damon in South Carolina, you're on the air.
Hey, um, call from South Carolina.
You know, I don't want to sound like doom and gloom, but I'm really concerned because we had Mark Sanford, love him or hate him, try and refuse to take the stimulus money, and you had all the bulk of the Congress, of the state Congress in South Carolina,
Basically put him up before the Supreme Court and made him take the money.
You know, so... Well, take Eliot Spitzer.
He's not perfect as the governor of New York, but he exposed the banker bailout as a fraud and they were surveilling him and knew he was visiting hookers and selectively busted him.
Look at your governor.
I mean, I'm not saying it's good to cheat on his wife, but compared to all the other things, you know, Barney Frank can have underage callboys in his house and that's okay because he's a globalist, but then your governor goes out and cheats on his wife and it's as if he's Satan.
And I think what you're going to find is that no matter any state that has the guts to stand up to Obama and his brown shirts right now,
They're just going to go down.
They'll cut their funding.
They'll do whatever they have to do.
That's why we have the states and the legislatures.
They can't get everybody in the legislature when the people are behind them.
That's why they nullify and start keeping their money.
This is our money.
The federal government has made us dependent because the federal government is run by offshore corporations.
That's what we've got to make the Republicans talk about.
This isn't a bunch of communists.
Oh, it's communists at the ground level to get control of us.
This is the biggest, most wealthy interests that want monopolies.
Anything else?
One more thing.
I think the ultimate solution here, and we haven't heard much from them, is the doctors of this country.
Either they're all getting something out of this deal, or if they don't all go on strike and just say, you know what?
We're not going to take your government plan.
All right?
We didn't want...
That's already happening.
You've got Walgreens and many of its chain stores saying we're not going to accept April 16th and past that Seattle Post-Intelligencer or Seattle Times, excuse me, reported that last Friday because the compensation isn't enough to even pay for it.
And so a lot of doctors are just retiring early.
But the system doesn't care.
You know, they don't care if they put naked body scanners in and you don't fly.
They don't want you flying.
The big banks issue the currency and credit.
They want to shut down the economy.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kenneth in New Mexico.
Kenneth, you're on the air.
You got me?
Yes, sir.
Hey, well, they did it and here we are and I don't know what we're going to do at this point.
We can scream and yell and raise all the cane we want.
They've done it.
I don't know how in the world we're ever going to do that.
We're back to a left-right thing.
This isn't a left-right deal.
No matter, if we fire them all and put all new ones in there, how much do you think they're giving each one of them, like Kucinich?
You think he got a billion, a half a billion?
No, Kucinich, his wife is definitely wearing the pants, and I would imagine he was told, you don't have a political future if you don't do this.
Well, so take their money and go ahead and destroy your own country.
Well, that's what's so bad about Kucinich is he knew, even as a socialist, you could respect him because he was against this bill saying, this isn't even socialism.
The healthcare companies wrote this.
This lowers care, cuts Medicare and Medicaid, and steals a bunch of money and turns the IRS loose on people.
And then he got a ride on Air Force One, was taken up on the mountain by the devil, Barry Sitaro.
And that's his real name.
That's even mainstream news.
It's all a fake name.
All the evidence says he wasn't born here.
I mean, he became U.N.
More calls straight ahead.
I don't know.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're good to go.
Coming up in the next segment, I'm gonna break down what's really in the build.
What this power grab is really all about.
Right now we're continuing with your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sam in Oklahoma.
You're on the air.
Yes, Alex.
Why aren't the voters in the states where the Senators voted for the health care bill trying to recall their Senators that are elected in 2012 and 2014?
Well, until 1913, with the 17th Amendment, we elected the legislators to our state houses, and they then voted for the senators.
And they would routinely recall them, not just to remove them, but to interrogate them, or to make them change their vote.
They were truly creatures of the states.
That's why that was such a tyrannical amendment, the 17th Amendment.
But absolutely, recall senators, recall House members, take our states back, get aggressive, do the same thing that was done to Gray Davis.
But notice they were waiting with Schwarzenegger, the gun-grabbing, open-border-promoting, fake environmentalist.
But no, I mean, we can't just let the Attorney General sue over this.
The states have to stand up.
That's the number one solution.
And the lawsuits have to be filed.
The discrimination in the Cadillac plans, where the big labor unions are exempt.
Their plans don't get touched.
The payoffs to politicians.
The port barrel to get this through.
This unconstitutional executive order.
Now, I mean, if this is
If this stands, presidents will have executive orders to amend, to legislate.
The executive branch doesn't legislate.
Okay, thank you.
Good point, Sam.
Jerry in Louisiana, you're on the air.
Hello, how are you?
Good, sir.
Good deal.
Two points of view from the South.
First thing, I just appreciate what you're doing.
And, you know, something about people believe they're going to get a free thing no matter what it is, and people think it all comes from the government, and we know it comes from the people.
The other day, I was listening to one of the other talks, so a host, I won't name who, but he was talking about how nobody knows what's in the bill.
Well, nobody knows what's in the bill, and so I called in.
I said, well, I know what's in the bill.
The pharmaceuticals and the insurance companies wrote the bill.
And then he says, yeah, they were taking down this road and misunderstood what was going on.
He really didn't know what to say.
So I just want to tell you, I appreciate the truth in what you're saying and how you bring it out.
And I'm not for baby killing and I'm not for that type of thing.
You're right on the mark.
And what you've said over the years is true.
And and I just keep plugging in there.
And you are making headway.
I just want to let you know that.
Well, God bless you, Jerry.
I appreciate the call.
And I'm going to cover that when we come back from the break.
The big Republican talk show hosts are telling the truth when they say, this is an overthrow of our Republic, this is tyranny, this is authoritarianism.
I was watching congressional speeches last night after the radio show, right before it passed, and they were telling the truth, but only so far.
It's like saying, hey, your house is on fire, but not telling you who set the house on fire.
And the biggest
Insurance companies.
It's right here in Bloomberg today.
This is not a secret.
Their stock's way up.
All this new added bureaucracy is going to shut down their competition.
They wrote the bill, and all it does is make 30 plus million Americans buy insurance from them, and the government then comes in and lowers the standard of care in this, quote, comparative care term.
And we know from the white papers what they mean.
The bill just gives the bureaucracy the power to do whatever they want.
And so the Republicans are not telling you that industry wrote this.
They're not telling the people.
I mean, obviously, if you've got trillions of dollars in the insurance companies that are controlled by banks,
And they've got enough power to steal tens of trillions of dollars in the last year and a half with the banker bailout takeover and then not say where the money went.
Well, this same group isn't going to let a bunch of socialists and a bunch of welfare people actually get something over on them.
There are some new taxes in there on doctors, on health care equipment.
These big corporations, they don't care about that.
So, yeah, you can find some medium-sized and small insurance companies who were against this and lobbied.
But the big folks, three months ago, it was in the Wall Street Journal, what we already knew.
They had the spokesman.
This was not the Wall Street Journal saying this.
They had the spokesman.
In fact, I ought to pull that up, because when I read his quotes from a speech, I went and found it on C-SPAN.
The head of the insurance company, healthcare insurance company consortium, saying, we wrote this bill.
And if you put a public option in here, which would be a supposed free lunch that the people pay for, but a free lunch for some, we're not going to be for it.
What happens is, the government lowers everybody's... Look.
Normal insurance carriers are going to have higher prices.
Then there's the taxes.
There's the IRS enforcing it.
There's the National ID Health Card Initiative in there.
Through the ID number.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Welcome back, my friends.
We are definitely living through strange days.
They have found us.
And this will only embolden the criminals in government.
They all know they're about to be thrown out of Congress, so why not steal even more?
You know, I've heard people say, we should make Congress cut their pay from a couple hundred thousand dollars a year.
Or give their money back, like Ron Paul does.
They don't spend, what is it, thirty-something million?
In fact, Google that.
Average congressional election cost.
I believe it's 33 million.
A Senate is even more.
They don't spend tens of millions of dollars to get in the House of Representatives to make $200,000 a year.
They didn't spend over a billion dollars on Obama so he could make 400 and something thousand dollars a year.
Those guys pay millions of dollars, many of them, but Bloomberg in all his elections has spent more than a billion to be mayor three times and broke his promise to not run for a third term and then got term limits that he campaigned on the first time, got it repealed.
Just absolutely incredible how much money that these people spend to do this.
I want to tell you about a few of the sponsors, then I'm going to break down some of the most important points of what's happening with this health care bill and the fight.
Then we'll continue with Shelby, Lisa, Michael, Brandon, and Ronnie.
That'll probably be all the calls we have time for left here in the next 26 minutes of live airtime today.
We'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Standard time.
If you don't have an AM and FM that carries the whole show, you can always listen at InfoWars.com on the audio streams of the free podcast.
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One of the biggest issues here is private corporate interest who are not free market, who are monopoly men, wrote this bill.
So this is not even socialism, which is bad enough.
As Kucinich and Dean admitted before they flip-flopped.
This is where the government might help you get insurance, but everybody else and the working poor, you've got to pay for $5,000 a year in insurance.
The IRS is involved in your business, in your life.
16,500 to 20,000 new IRS agents.
That's in the bill.
That's confirmed.
The Democrats have been on the news bragging about it.
So now the IRS becomes the nanny state.
You're not in a free society when the government can force you to buy something.
From private interest.
That's more akin to fascism.
But here's IRS.gov whistleblower informant award.
And I'm going to have the document cam for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers zoom in.
It says you get 30%
15-30% of any amount of money seized when you whistleblow on people not paying the IRS.
What have we seen in the phony drug war?
What type of crime have we seen with informants lying about insurance salesmen, school teachers, you name it, to get drug money?
The cops give them a few thousand, they say, I bought drugs from that house, they raid them.
In fact, I promised to get to this earlier during the next break.
I'll dig it out.
Oh, here it is.
For a decade or more, Mexican mafia has been, and all these different gangs, has been killing people all over the country.
What does this have to do with this?
The police won't do anything to stop them because they're afraid of them.
The American people who roll over to anything are a better target.
But instead of the government going after the really dangerous gangs in this country that are now attacking police stations, can you imagine if a patriot, conservative, or libertarian group pumped natural gas into the LAPD police department to blow it up?
How big a news that would be.
Or if they rigged booby traps with guns to shoot cops.
Or if they killed cops or came across the border and robbed sheriffs when they seized drugs.
Mexico is collapsing, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to cover this more tomorrow because I want to get back into health care, but look.
Gang crackdown.
Vegas Motorcycle Club targeted in police raids.
And it gets into how they were caught pumping gas into the police department.
That's the main suspects in this.
Biker gang investigated in booby trap mystery.
Drilling a hole in the roof of a police building and delivering a natural gas line from a heater filled the space with flammable gas.
The trap was discovered before anyone was hurt.
$200,000 reward for info on helmet police booby traps.
Gang tries to kill police, on and on and on and on.
Mexican mafia poses danger in Arizona.
But no, most of the feds that are out there, and most of the regular cops that are out there, are busy CPSing people's kids because they spanked them.
Or seizing people's houses for environmental groups.
Or writing people tickets.
And that's in the news that all over the country, the quotas, the police have now admitted they have quotas.
They've always lied about it.
To write more tickets and squeeze the citizens are increasing.
And meanwhile, the IRS is to enforce this through the health care bill.
And there's a separate provision on narking on people who are mowing yards or having that people won't believe it, pull up million-dollar fine and jail time, it's Fox News and AP, for garage sale.
I want people to see that on screen and hear it on the radio because
Again, we are the target, the general public, but the criminals that run society, they are above the law and are being completely allowed to run wild.
Okay, now let me start getting in to a big recap on the health care bill and the type of control that we're seeing unfold here.
I'm busy here trying to dig through my stack and, uh, get all this together.
I did a lot.
I covered a lot of this in the first hour and two hours yesterday, but I'll definitely have to do the first two hours tomorrow.
And if we have guests, we better just move them or something, because I, I need to have some time to walk through this.
And I start getting desperate here in the last 19 minutes of the show to cover it all.
I've got all these news articles you can see on the document cam spread out in front of me.
And I've got backup with the bill and with the subsections on every one of these issues.
But I'm just going to run through it quickly and then tomorrow I'm going to go back through all this in total detail because it's so important.
I mean on this first point I happen to have the stack here in front of me.
But on other areas I need to be able to dig into the stacks because it's just a nightmare of proof and information.
There's too much proof.
This nation is bankrupt.
We owe hundreds and hundreds of times with the derivatives and all the rest of it what we actually produce in our GDP.
This has been done by design by the banks and they know it.
And so we cannot pay for this.
The nation is collapsing.
All our jobs are going to India, China, Mexico, and other third world nations that have none of this bureaucracy.
Communist countries have much lower taxes than we do.
Third world nations do.
The IMF paints a grim picture of fiscal tightening needs.
Reuters, where they're going to raise
Taxes, but then cut your benefits, just like the health care bill cuts Medicare and Medicaid, raises everybody's taxes who does have health care, the IRS controls, and can garnish your wages or take your refund of your bank account.
Here's another one.
Failed banks may get pension fund backing as FDIC cash.
And this is out of Bloomberg.
And it says federal regulators are going to the big government, police, fire, state, and federal and saying, we're telling you to invest in failing banks.
That's actually in this article right here that I'm going to show you a shot of.
Failed banks may get pension fund backing as FDI seeks cash.
Folks, you've all got to Google or search engine or smartpage.com this article and read it.
It says to prop it up, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp is trying to encourage public retirement funds that control more than $2 trillion to buy all or part of failed lenders.
Did you hear that?
They want to invest your pension
That's already invested in the stock market and down by 40% in many cases in failed lenders taking a more direct role in propping up the banking system.
It's not propping them up, they're stealing your money.
Out one door.
This is out of Business Week.
Here's another one.
Healthcare overhaul adds millions of U.S.
Talks about how the big four insurance companies wrote it and are getting all this money and power out of it.
Here's another one.
Healthcare stocks to outperform in the coming months because this is good for them.
Here's Kucinich before he flip-flops saying it's a bailout for the insurance companies.
You see, if the Republicans... I hear Limbaugh every time I tune in and say how good the insurance companies, how great they are.
They're a barrel of snakes at the top.
Not your little local ones.
They're a barrel of snakes.
I saw an article where one owner of an insurance company made over a billion dollars last year, and that's fine if they did it through free market, but they're doing it because through Medicare and Medicaid and all the government payments.
It was like Frisk in the Senate and all that money he made off of government contracts.
That's why this happened.
That's why this got passed.
But I get back to the good news.
38 states are saying they're going to try to block it.
We have to make sure the states pass laws to nullify it.
Just like this Reuters article.
states sue EPA to stop greenhouse gas tax rules.
There's no law.
The bureaucrats are just doing it.
So the people are saying no.
Alright, continuing on through these points here.
Another key point is this comparative medicine term.
That's the death panels.
That's the bioethicist boards.
That's Tom Daschle, the original author, writing that you have a duty to die.
That's for people that are paying for insurance.
And could afford insurance, they're going to lower your overall care for their profits and then pass some of that on to the illegal aliens and others that were marching and were called darlings by the media over the weekend.
We have foreigners in our country telling us to give them more free goodies.
You have how this was planned, how this was rammed through.
In some cases, billions of dollars of pork barrel to certain districts and sweetheart deals to get votes.
You have the fact that this is so unconstitutional for the government to order you to buy something.
You have that some unions and government unions are exempt from the Cadillac tax of 40 plus percent on people that have premium insurance.
Total discrimination.
And you have the key point that the Republicans have sold us out and supported unconstitutional measures in the past and are guilty of helping the Democrats set this precedent.
You can't have undeclared wars.
You can't have the Patriot Act.
You can't have torture.
You can't have secret arrests.
You can't have NORTHCOM.
You can't have warrantless wiretapping.
All of that is just as egregious and illegal as this health care bill.
You can't pick and choose what part of the Bill of Rights and Constitution you like.
I hear all these idiots saying the Constitution's failed.
No, we failed enforcing it, and we need to look in the mirror and realize it's we, the people, that take a lot of the blame in all of this.
The establishment is crowing and bragging on the news that they think you're going to forget about this because this is phased in from 2013 to 2018.
And they are bragging that they're going to incrementally do it and that you're going to forget about it and that your anger is going to dissipate.
The key is you can't let that happen.
You have to make this the establishment's waterloo.
Remember how they promised us NAFTA and GAFTA?
The real unemployment is 22%.
So first they destroy your industrial base, take your jobs, and then they bankrupt the states with more and more unfunded mandates.
Then the people become so poor they've got to have the free health care.
They rob whoever else has got a job left.
This is about conquering society.
This is about domesticating you.
This is about breaking your will.
And they know what they're doing because the banks get their power when the society goes bankrupt.
And once they've got more than half the public with a government job or on government payroll and some kind of government check, I know they took your money to pay for it.
I know a lot of you paid into Social Security.
I'm not saying you don't deserve something.
The point is they make you dependents and then they use you and the illegal aliens they've brought in as a political weapon against the Republic.
And in the end, they're going to take all the chicken feet away from you as they've done in every other nation.
So this is a slow roast that we're witnessing.
This is incremental slavery.
But it is an eye-opener to show the people that it's unconstitutional, it's illegal, it's unpopular, but still they did it.
So the number one thing is to commit yourself with cold determination to go to city council, to go to the state houses, to run for office, to support good candidates,
And to demand your city stop having sanctuary cities, and discriminating against citizens, and letting the illegal aliens drunk drive and not have IDs, but citizens get the book thrown at them, and to make the cities take the fluoride out of the water.
Every poll shows the people want that.
Why doesn't it happen?
We don't care if you say it's good.
We know it's poison.
We have to get angry and take our government back.
I don't care if you start following city council people around as investigative reporters, start your own blog, and videotape them with hookers, or taking bribes.
People in government that are selling their country out at the mid-level and high levels are all corrupt.
You start surveilling them, you start putting it on YouTube, they will fall.
Alright, I'm going to look over all my notes.
There's so much I haven't even gotten to yet.
I'm going to take a few final phone calls, too, in the final segment.
And I want to go back to what Obama tried last year with healthcare to give you an idea of their mindset.
Remember, he wanted to take veterans' healthcare away.
Remember that?
The websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
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We had the head of the VFW on in February of last year.
Remember when Barack Obama proposed that veterans no longer get their VA cruddy care?
That now they would just give the money to insurance companies and that veterans would have to actually buy their own insurance.
Veterans groups irate at Obama's private insurance proposal.
That is the type of things that these people are doing.
That's the type of mindset they have.
And they know you'll get angry now, but what will you do down the road?
And then Republicans, who 30 plus years ago were against Medicare and Medicaid, which has driven up the price and screwed everything up, now they're for it.
But see, what this bill really did was cut Medicare and Medicaid.
But Dennis Kucinich still went for it.
So, it's even worse than socialism, and that's the important point I keep hammering home here.
Shelby in Texas, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I'm here in Austin.
It's the first time I've called.
I'm a little nervous.
But I'd just like to point out the fact that you used to talk about Holdren's and his echo science.
It seems to fit right along in there with depopulation, taking your choice away, and health care and denied treatments.
Oh no, no, no!
They say that they want death care.
The case for killing Granny, cover of Newsweek.
They say they want to get rid of people.
That's what government becoming your doctor and deciding what care you can get is all about.
It's like the T4 program in Germany during World War II.
Where they killed the mentally ill and infirm.
Appreciate your call.
Michael in New York.
You're on the air.
Hey, Michael.
Okay, we're going to let him go.
Let's go to Brandon in South Carolina.
Brandon, you're on the air.
You know, sometimes when it rains, it pours with these callers.
You go to them and they're just not there.
And other days they don't do that.
Brandon, are you there?
Okay, Ronnie in Texas, you're on the air.
Three's the charm, hopefully.
Thank you, sir.
The first solution here is freedom for family farms and to cancel the Mexican drug war with freedom for the Constitutional Army of Medicinal Marijuana Enthusiasts from 14 states and many municipalities that already exist since 1996.
Fourteen states.
Well, Ronnie, I appreciate your call, but what you're saying is part of a bigger picture.
With the animal ID, the premises ID, the flatulent taxes on cows, they want to shut down the family farms.
That is the policy.
They want you dependent on government.
They come into the states and say you can't decriminalize marijuana or even farm hemp that's better than cotton and has no THC in it.
You could smoke an 18-wheeler load and get nothing but a headache.
But that shows how the federal government is out of control.
But some so-called conservatives, even though it's unconstitutional, say, yeah, we don't want these 14 states decriminalizing marijuana for them potheads.
We need to keep the drug war going.
Well, that's unconstitutional.
So you're going to get Obama's health care.
You're going to get unconstitutional wars.
You're going to get the Unconstitutional Patriot Act.
And last year, law enforcement gave us the MIAC and Homeland Security documents.
We broke them.
People couldn't believe it was real for a week.
Where Homeland Security is set up for we, the people.
And now the IRS is your doctor.
The IRS is going to run your life.
The IRS, every two weeks, is going to be looking at your tax ID number and making sure you're paying that tax money in for insurance.
And this is only the beginning at $5,000 a year.
It's going to go up and up and up and up and up.
And the quality of the care is going to go down and down and down and down.
And these big mega-corporations that wrote the bill and ran the scam that they didn't want the bill in the media, they're going to get more rich and get more power and control.
And they don't care if America goes bankrupt.
They're offshore banks.
Mexico doesn't care if they go bankrupt as long as Carlos Slim runs everything.
Or North Korea.
They don't care as long as Kim Jong-il runs everything.
This is the nature of a corrupt, decadent society.
God bless you all.
Great job, crew.
We'll see you back live tomorrow.
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