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Filename: 20100318_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 18, 2010
2748 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
You don't see the federal government screaming bloody murder when Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv gets a distributed denial-of-service attack.
No, in fact, the Pentagon in the last two years, and Kurt Nimmo has written articles about this, linking to it, has talked about how they're going to attack websites in the U.S.
and also sent out fake bloggers
To create disinformation.
We have Cass Sunstein at the White House saying the same thing.
And then some will say, well, if the government wanted to shut your site down, they'd just do it.
Well, a lot of this is just testing out their systems.
Was it a corporation that did it?
What is it we covered yesterday?
Was it the Greenland situation?
That we had the leader of the Member of Parliament who successfully got the referendum passed?
In Iceland, I always say Greenland, in Iceland, saying no to the banks fully raping them financially.
There's another article up on InfoWars.com, Brit Army of Spies, Private Army of Spies gets illegal snoop power, print that for me.
I've seen that this morning but I've forgotten to cover it.
We've got Dick Russell, co-author of Jesse Ventura's book, American Conspiracies, coming up in the next segment.
We've got Ventura on Friday.
Look at this.
California watchdog sees climate policy job losses.
Even the fake greenies taking over the economy, deciding who can have a factory, who can have jobs, admit it'll make them lose jobs.
California is likely to see modest job losses in the near term from its aggressive climate change policy due to higher energy costs and other factors the state independent legislative analyst office said.
And they're moving to put big taxes on supposed gas guzzlers, similar to what's in the London Telegraph today.
Fuel bills will pay for eco-upgrades.
More than 10,000 homes a week will be given eco-upgrades under government plans to make every home in Britain environmentally friendly.
That means charging you for water that's always been free there, because they have so much water in England.
And smart thermostats that control the inside of your house.
Austin Energy didn't ask us last year.
They just came on the side of the building and put it in.
They can control our thermostat, and they say they may.
California's already got these in place.
It's like a prisoner.
It's like I'm living in San Quentin or something.
If the government wants to control the thermostat, they can.
That's land of the free, home of the brave.
And oh, here's a government-funded laptop for your school kid.
We're gonna watch you at home.
Oh, yeah.
Isn't that great?
Isn't that just special?
Airport body scans breach rights, UN expert says.
Here's another one.
I love how the UN always pushes this stuff, but now the other side of their mouth says they're against it.
A UN expert on Tuesday said the growing use of full body scanners in airport security was a breach of individual rights.
Well, yeah, British law says it breaks child porn laws.
Same thing in the US, but again, take a photo of your daughter in a bikini in the pool, you go to jail.
Not even illegal, you still go.
But you actually videotape people naked in their homes without a warrant, hey, that's no big deal.
And they just throw it in your face.
The use of full-body scanners, which reveals graphic details of the human body, including the most private parts of all, is a very easy violation of human rights.
Martin Shinanen, the UN Special Rapporteur of the Protection of Human Rights, said that in the fight against terrorism, scanners were both ineffective means of prevention and excessive intrusion into individual privacy.
Yeah, it doesn't even hide bombs.
But see, that's... it doesn't matter.
It makes
Chirred off a lot of money, some.
And it goes on.
It goes on from there.
We're going to get back into that in the next hour in this article by Paul Joseph Watson at PrisonPlanet.com.
Perversion is fine so long as you're in a position of authority.
Also, China says they're unsure on global warming's cause, but they're going to stick to their new carbon taxes, which are non-existent, because they want the U.S.
to go ahead and put them in so all our jobs shut down.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, breaking down the amazing new hardcover book.
Jesse Ventura with Dick Russell, American Conspiracies.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are one hour, eight minutes into this Wednesday edition, the 10th day of March 2010.
For the next 50 minutes or so in this hour, we're joined by the co-author of several of Jesse Ventura's books, Dick Russell.
He also wrote the bestseller, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me.
When I got an advance copy of this book a month ago, I was very impressed with it.
I think it's Ventura's best book, and I've read Don't Have Time to Bleed and
I've also read, of course, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me.
I remember four years ago, giving Ventura my documentary films, he said, yeah, my son's already educated me some on this, but I'm very honored to be at least part of Ventura's latest education in reality.
I mean, he's always been a rebel, always questioned the system, an amazing individual.
So I don't want to say that Ventura's son and myself woke him up, but we certainly contributed to him having a crash course in
The true reality that the establishment media calls conspiracy theory.
I mean, I remember 2002, I was saying Saddam didn't have WMDs, I was having former weapons inspectors on, former top CIA analyst on Iraq on, and the media was calling me and other guests conspiracy theorists.
And, I mean, here's an ABC News article, I was on Geraldo Rivera Saturday.
military wanted to provoke war with Cuba.
Military drafted plans to terrorize U.S.
cities to provoke war with Cuba.
Staged terror attacks, staged shootings, bombings, hijacked jets by remote control.
And I held up the actual Operation Northwoods document.
In fact, give me a document cam shot on that, guys, for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
And I held up Northwoods, I held up ABC News, and Geraldo's co-host just said I was a conspiracy theorist.
She said, how dare you make these allegations?
These are not allegations.
Right here, I've got an Army Field Manual.
Army Field Manual, FM-31-20-3, How to Stage Terror Attacks.
This was in use from 1994 to 2004.
Army Field Manual.
I mean, here's ABC News, staged terror attack plans.
But they don't care.
They just call it a conspiracy theory.
And I've been watching Ventura on the Today Show and on other programs.
We've got them posted up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, all those different videos.
And they always say, well, this is your opinion or this is your conspiracy theory.
And Ventura says, no.
I may speculate at the starting or the end of a chapter, but everything in here is government documents and provable information.
And it is an encyclopedia of, really, Ventura's research and Dick Russell's research as well.
Dick's been researching true reality for a long time.
So, I want to walk through some of the chapters, and for the rest of the hour, Dick Russell and the censorship by the Huffington Post, but I want to just add this book is available.
We bought 3,000 of these.
We've already sold 1,000.
And we just now started shipping it earlier in the week.
And you get a free DVD film, Loose Change Final Cut or Reflections and Warnings, free with the book.
No one can offer you that deal.
Because I want you to have this book and I also want to fund and expand our operation.
We're in an info war here.
You're our supply line supporting us.
It says the first not alone nut
John Wilkes Booth, Chapter 2, the big money plot to overthrow FDR.
That was the Nazi takeover plan with George Bush Sr.'
's father.
Three, the Kennedy assassination, biggest cover-up of my lifetime.
Four, the assassination of Malcolm X. Five, the murder of Martin Luther King.
Six, the assassination of Robert Kennedy.
Seven, Watergate revisited, the CIA's war against Nixon.
Eight, the Jonestown Massacre.
Nine, October Surprise, the first stolen election.
Ten, your government dealing drugs.
Eleven, the stolen elections of 2000, 2004, and almost 08.
Twelve, what really happened on September 11th?
Thirteen, the Wall Street conspiracy.
Fourteen, the secret plan to end American democracy.
Epilogue, further reading notes.
This is Jesse Ventura's best book, in my opinion.
And we are very honored to have Dick Russell, co-author and researcher with Ventura, on with us.
Dick, good to have you here.
Thanks, Alex.
Good to be with you today.
Is this your favorite Ventura book?
Well, I really enjoyed working with him on the autobiography, the memoir of his years as governor and then what happened to
After that, when he went to Harvard and was censored, basically taken off the air at MSNBC because he was, quote, too controversial.
I mean, that was a lot of fun, and that was the book that, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me.
But this one, American Conspiracies, is really close to my heart and his, and for many, many years I've been researching and saving material on these subjects and did some fresh interviews along with Jesse also for this book.
Yeah, I mean, I'm thrilled to have it out there, and he's masterful on TV and believes deeply, and we've got to get the truth out about a lot of the things that the government's been covering up for many, many years, and so it's great to have collaborated with him on this.
Well, Dick, this is a hardcore book.
I mean, I've read it now almost twice.
I've almost gone through it a second time, and I agree with the analysis in this book.
There's deep research here, because I've been researching this for 16 years, 14 on air, and, you know, I'm kind of one of the grand poobahs of
Well, yeah, I mean, he is.
And to tell you the truth, putting this book together, it was
Kind of scary to me.
I mean, the fact that when you look at the history of the last, you know, especially 40, 50 years, uh, really starting, uh, you know, with the CIA getting so much power in the fifties, but then with the Kennedy assassination on through, uh, these various events and you look at, uh, what's really been really been going on in, in the country leading up, you know, finally culminating with the, the years of George W. Bush and, and, uh, two stolen elections and nearly a third, and then the cover up around nine 11 and,
I mean, it is indeed heavy duty, and I know that Jesse told me at one point that his wife, Terri, was kind of scared by the whole thing.
But I feel like it's crucially important for the American people to take an alternative view, to realize that what we've been told all these years is not necessarily the accurate truth.
What we read in the history books, what the kids are being taught, and so it's time for
It's time for this alternative picture to emerge and for people to start raising questions that they hadn't before.
Well, cutting right to the bone here, the establishment in literally hundreds of publications a week, and I'm sure you've noticed this Dick, is panicking.
They're saying these conspiracy people are taking over the whole culture.
It's crazy.
No one believes the mainstream media or the government anymore.
These people are nuts.
There's no world government.
There's no government drug dealing.
There's no lying about WMDs.
And they're only digging the hole deeper for themselves
Well, yeah, I think that's true.
I mean, starting with the Kennedy assassination, where
You know, you have all these, the only books that are going to get reviewed by the establishment media are the ones that come out and say, yeah, the Warren Commission was right and Oswald did it alone.
But the fact is, I think the last figure I saw was 75 to 90% of the American people don't believe that.
They know it was some kind of conspiracy.
And you start there with this terrible event that really changed the course of American history back in 1963, and you go on up to today.
And you know, the fact is, the public is getting wise to this.
And yet the media, of course, are going to continue, which are mostly corporate-owned, as I'm sure most of your listeners know, are going to continue to promulgate the fact, or not the fact, but promulgate the notion, the false notion, that none of these things have ever happened.
Now, did you work on this book in the U.S.
with Ventura, or did you do this down at the beach?
It seems he told me you were down there visiting with him in Mexico.
Yeah, well both.
Especially for our first book together, we did a lot of that in Mexico.
I have a place there, my friends do, that I stay in sometimes in the winter and was there for six months for the first book and we would meet every week and I would interview him and then transcribe the tapes and we put the book together like that.
For this book I did more of it in the U.S.
because this is where my files are and then he and I would communicate on the phone and I would go out to
When we were shooting Conspiracy Theory
Out in California.
I came into the hotel and was checking in and Ventura came up behind me.
He was checking in at the same time.
And we were talking and he said, Alex, I just got back from Alaska.
My head is spinning.
This stuff just gets deeper and deeper.
And again, I mean, Ventura 30 years ago knew about the JFK situation.
So it's not like he's just now waking up.
But to see him opening up to the full research and really digging into it.
He told me that when he's down in Mexico, he on average reads
Well, I guess that's true, of course.
You know, as he said, and I'm sure he'll tell you when you have mine later in the week, you know, what he wants is the fact that in 100 years from now, when people realize that there was an alternative view than what we're getting in the Orwellian history books.
I have a variant on that, and that's what I told Texas Monthly in this month's issue at the end of the article.
I don't just want people in 100 years, and that's important.
I want people in 20 years, because we lay out just how illegitimate and unaccountable this power structure is globally, that as things get worse and worse, we put out an alternative view of what really happened, so that people understand the type of tyranny and corruption we're dealing with, so we have a chance to remove it.
Well, of course.
So do I. Otherwise, there's no reason to do the book really now.
I mean, you know, the book is hopefully going to catch the attention of a lot of people and make people think in a different way than maybe they did before they read it.
And sure, I'm hoping that that's true as we speak.
Dick Russell, co-author, researcher with Jesse Ventura on the new, already bestseller,
American Conspiracies, number seven on the Amazon charts, but you want to get it at InfoWars.com as you get a free film with it.
I want everybody to read this book.
We'll be back and get into the book.
We'll ask Dick his favorite chapters of the most scary chapters in the book.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
They have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us, as American citizens, to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying,
Who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Dick Russell, Jesse Ventura, New York Times best-selling author, American Conspiracies.
He's our guest.
I want to get into different chapters in the book with you, Dick, today, and I appreciate you spending time with us.
I know you're busy, but I was pretty... well, actually, I wasn't that shocked, but when you emailed us yesterday to let us know, and I appreciate you doing that, that the Huffington Post had sent the Ventura article into the Orwellian memory hole.
What happened there?
Yeah, it was a very bizarre, to me, very bizarre thing that happened.
The Huffington Post had asked for a series of pieces to run with excerpts from the book over the next couple of weeks, and the first one was fine.
It was about the whole drug situation, and of course Jesse has commented publicly that he'd like to see marijuana legalized, for example, and take care of a lot of the problems that we're seeing with big money and all of that.
What happened with the second piece?
The second piece was called, What Really Happened on September 11th?
And the intro to it was simply reporting the fact, and Jesse and I worked on this together, that while you didn't say anything about it in the mainstream media, there was this conference in San Francisco a couple weeks ago, where more than a thousand architects and engineers signed a petition demanding that Congress start a new investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 on September 11th.
Okay, and then it cuts to an excerpt from the book, just raising the question, you know, could there have been something other than those hijacked planes that brought down the towers, and could there have been controlled demolition involved?
Okay, so this goes up on the Huffington Post yesterday morning on the front section.
Picture me and Jesse, and then suddenly later in the morning it's moved to the back.
And I went to check it, I don't know, around 11 o'clock in the morning yesterday, and there was this disclaimer in it that said, So, all that was left were the 65 comments that had already come in from people in response to it.
And, you know, again, it really stunned me and made me think, wow, the Huffington Post, I mean, I admire Arianna Huffington and generally what they do with this.
And even the, you know, this internet blog is suddenly, who's talking to these people?
Is this order coming down from on high or what's really going on?
So Mark Crispin Miller put out the piece and, you know,
Well, there are peer-reviewed, as you know, Dick, journals
Of scientists, of physicists going over Building 7's collapse.
NIST has had to admit, after years of denying it, it was free fall.
They say thermal expansion.
They don't know why this happened.
No other steel buildings ever did this.
You have a thousand architects and engineers in an international web telecast meeting to put on their evidence.
You have, depending on how you look at the number two or number three guy in the Japanese government, right under the president of the Diet, who we've had on before, being demonized in the Washington Post.
You have former German Defense Minister Andres von Bülow saying clearly this was a staged event.
And, uh, you have all these questions, they can't just come out and say that, oh, it's a conspiracy theory, where, depending on the poll, 36 to 84% in scientific polls, it varies widely, don't believe the official story, and you have 6 of the 10 9-11 commissioners saying that there was a lot of deception and cover-up that was going on.
Well, yeah.
The 9-11 Commission, I think, has been shown, even in a recent book by this guy, Farmer, who was part of it, that, you know, there's a huge cover-up on the level of the Warren Commission, if not worse.
And, you know, that they would only examine the evidence that led to the conclusion that they had already preconceived, and that the Bush administration had appointed Zelikow to run it, who was, you know, one of their people.
I mean, you know, what's going on?
I mean, if you think about it, to say that the 9-11 attacks were done by bin Laden and these 19 members of al-Qaeda, isn't that a conspiracy theory?
I mean, weren't Bush and Cheney putting out a conspiracy theory?
Really, I mean, it just makes no sense to me that the Huffington Post would react this way.
I have never in eight years of 9-11 Truth seen the media demonizing 9-11 Truth, spending more time on 9-11 Truth like they are now, to the point that I said in the last three months I believe they're going to stage attacks on government buildings, and that's in Northwoods.
Fake shootings and try to demonize 9-11 truth because they kept saying 9-11 truth is violent and we've never been violent and I saw them getting the public ready for it and so voila it happens but when we come back I want to ask you Dick Russell why is the system so scared of 9-11 truth and asking questions generally then I want to walk through some of the chapters in the book and ask you what you think
The best chapters are the most informative or the most well-documented chapters are in the book.
He is the co-author of two books with Jesse Ventura and his latest is American Conspiracies.
He's Dick Russell joining us now.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We are here live.
Ladies and gentlemen...
You can get Jesse Ventura's book on the online video bookstore at InfoWars.com for $19.95.
That's $5 off the retail price and get a Loose Change Final Cut DVD or Reflections and Warnings film free.
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I saw a Nightline special the other evening demonizing 9-11 truth.
And they said 9-11 truthers claim that the 9-11 Commission says that there were questions, but that's not true.
And they cut to Lee Hamilton saying, no, it was quite conclusive, everything.
Total lie!
Six of the ten are in newspapers, have written books.
Farmer, one of the head lawyers, says it was all a fraud.
The Pentagon was, quote, in a criminal cover-up, that there should be criminal investigations.
That's in the Washington Post.
But Nightline thinks you're so stupid.
That they sit there and deceive you, and then they showed a clip from American Conspiracy's author Jesse Ventura on Conspiracy Theory, his TV show, number one on cable.
Above all the major news shows on all the other cable shows except for Fox.
Number one news show on TruTV.
Number one above all the networks except for Fox.
Really number two overall but number one for a new show.
Out of the gates and maybe Ventura will have news for us on the TV show whether it's been picked up.
I mean I know but I'm not going to say.
He probably won't say so we'll just leave it till
We'll leave the good news or the bad news, whatever the news is, for the future.
But that's why the system is losing so much credibility, because many Americans have read 9-11 commissioners saying there was a cover-up, there were lies.
Dick, I mean, doesn't the system understand what they're doing to themselves with this type of continued deceit?
And in the piece, they demonized Ventura, saying, these conspiracy theories are getting so popular, even Jesse Ventura's doing it!
Well, you know... Yes, sir.
It doesn't surprise me.
I mean... You gotta figure that... You know, the media... My phone seems to be losing its juice here.
Yeah, I can hear you, Dick.
Do you have a landline you can pick up?
Let me... This is the only landline I've got.
Alex, if you call me back in...
I'm going to put you on hold and let you handle it with my producers.
That's why when I get set up to be a guest on Coast to Coast AM or something, even though I've been going on for five years, six years, they will say, you're on a landline, correct?
And you're on a...
Not a cordless, because number one, cordlesses don't have as good audio, and they run out on you on air.
So that's a 101 that we ask guests, and then we will avert many of these problems.
But regardless, it's technology, and this is just what goes on.
Seems like phone quality and electronics quality just keeps going down and down and down as a society.
Let me go ahead, since we're doing this now,
And, uh, shift gears into some other subjects.
Jesse Ventura, again, will be joining us for a full hour off a hard line, uh, from his home in Minnesota on Friday.
Uh, continuing, it's not just the censorship, uh, of
Jesse Ventura's article.
It's not just the calls for internet censorship.
It's just not the distributed denial of service attack that we were under yesterday and continuing into today.
There is an attempt, as Cass Sunstein at the White House says, to restrict
Free speech, period.
And that's because the system now admits that, quote, conspiracy theories are taking over.
It's not conspiracy theories.
It's a loss of confidence in the system from lies about WMDs and lies about banker bailouts and stolen elections and the CIA crashing airplanes full of pure cocaine in Mexico.
The people know the truth.
We've got Dick Russell back.
Dick, you heard the point I was making before your phone cut out about, again, the system really seems to be panicking right now.
Well, yeah, I mean...
There's good reason for it.
I mean, people are finally starting to wake up and realize that indeed, if the Bush administration would take us under false pretenses into the war in Iraq, obviously in 2000 the Supreme Court handed them the election and there was a lot more going on than that.
A lot of questions being raised about September 11th and whether at the very least, I mean, all the warnings, at least we know that publicly, that mainstream media couldn't avoid that.
There were so many warnings coming in that something was going to happen that were completely ignored by the Bush people.
Whether they then orchestrated it, of course, that's a taboo question, but very much an open question in my mind.
But the fact is that most of the corporate media will not look at these things, just as they've never looked at the earlier assassinations, and whether there were more than Oswald and Sirhan and James Earl Ray involved.
And that's what, of course, we're trying to do in American conspiracies, is bring these things
So where do you see this going as more and more of the public discover they've been lied to and the establishment media and government and corporate line is you're a conspiracy theorist?
Well, I think things are getting more and more polarized.
I mean, people really should be calling for new investigations into what happened.
I'm not saying that there's going to be a legitimate response to this, but if enough people do it and are ready to take to the streets for some kind of real action.
Uh, to get the truth out about what we've been told.
And also, you know, in terms of getting out there and pushing for the healthcare reform, for doing something about global warming, all these things I believe should be getting much more of a citizen response.
And, uh, right now I guess we're just all, many of us are too comfortable to do it.
But I think people's eyes are being opened and, uh,
You know, it's going to get interesting in the next few years.
We'll see, Dick.
Separately, you know, Jesse did an investigation of supposed man-made global warming, and he believed in it as well, like you just said you do.
You're welcome to your research and your opinion.
And that's fine.
But then he did find massive evidence of them cooking the books in ClimateGate.
Are you concerned about that?
Well, here's what I'm concerned about.
I'm much more concerned about the fact that a lot of these big oil and coal companies have bought and paid scientific experts who are coming out and claiming that the very strong evidence that the International Panel for Climate Change and others have come to, that it's very real.
But they've bought these guys.
They're hired guns.
And to me, that's a much bigger conspiracy.
I mean, you know, I don't believe in cap-and-trade legislation or a solution is going to make that much of a difference.
And yes, I've read, certainly companies like Goldman Sachs are planning to make a killing off this, and I'm opposed to that.
I don't think it's a real solution.
But, you know, it is a very real situation and something that we've got to be hip to and looking to do something about.
Dick Russell co-author with Jesse Ventura of Don't Start the Revolution Without Me, a New York Times bestseller, and already a bestseller only officially out since Monday, so we're three days in, American Conspiracy.
Bottom line, we do have serious environmental crises from my research, like genetic engineering, open-air planting of these pharmacological crops, but I see nothing being done about that.
Instead, a call to tax carbon dioxide that plants breathe.
But expanding on the book, there's so many alternate views of history, so much evidence of government lies in many of the
We're good to go.
Well, I think they were the most clear examples of cover-up and of major events that have changed the course of our American history.
And, you know, we could have looked at other things.
We could have taken on maybe UFOs, or, you know, I'm not saying that there are not other important subjects to be looked at, but these seemed like the ones that really made a huge difference in all our lives.
And, for example, the stolen elections of recent years that allowed the Bush administration two terms.
And from my research, it doesn't matter whether you see yourself as a conservative or a liberal.
If an election is stolen, it's stolen.
And there's no doubt the 2000 and 2004 elections were rigged.
Let's talk about that chapter in the book.
Yeah, I think that chapter has some of the new evidence that's really going to be compelling to people.
You know, I'll tell you a personal story.
I ran into John Kerry.
Of course, he ran for president in 2004 at a fundraiser thing in Boston, and I talked to him for a little bit, and I asked him if he was aware, because I had done a piece with Bobby Kennedy Jr.
in Rolling Stone about the electronic voting machines and the theft of the election, and he said, I know I won the election.
But by the time my lawyers, he went on, could come up with a smoking gun in Ohio, it was too late.
So, you know, my thought after that was, well, if Kerry knows this, then how come he's never spoken out publicly about it?
I mean, wouldn't this be something that you at least want the American people to know?
In my research into this and working with Governor Ventura on it, we came across this really interesting story of a guy named Michael Connell, who was the IT guy, the computer guy, the expert for Karl Rove.
Uh, for some years.
And, um, strong evidence.
And I interviewed several people about this, and there's a lawsuit in Ohio that brought him into it as well, that he wasn't directly involved in rigging the 2004 election in Ohio, which of course defied the election, and you had Secretary of State Blackwell who was very much involved with the Bush people in doing this.
I'm not going to get into all the details of computer, what they call a man-in-the-middle plan, but they had this whole system set up.
Where they could send the votes from the various Ohio precincts or districts to a voting machine out in Chattanooga, Tennessee run by another operative.
They could have apparently been then sending this on even to the war room in the White House.
But they were changing votes that night.
And changing them in such a way that Bush was going to win Ohio.
At least technically speaking.
This guy, Conal, continued to work for the Republican Party, and as late as 2008, not too long before the election, he was called into court to give a deposition, in this case that had been brought by some people in Ohio, about what had happened there.
And he was stonewalling to some degree, but apparently ready to talk.
And there's pretty strong indications that Karl Rove
Who was saying a week before the 2008 election that McCain still pulled it out.
That when McConnell was called in to give a deposition,
The day before the election, that they decided, hey, wait a minute, you know, we can't go forward with this.
Plus, Obama's probably got too big a lead.
If we try to steal this one, too, if Connell and others manipulated the computers, we're going to be found out.
And so suddenly, the night before, Roe wrote a column indicating, saying that, no, Obama's going to win by a relative landslide.
So, there was a possibility they were going to try to steal that election, too.
And then, what happens to Mike Connell?
About a month later, he's flying back in his private plane from Washington, D.C.
to Ohio, where he lived, and the plane goes down under very suspicious circumstances, and Connell is killed.
So, rack that up with another mysterious death in this whole process, of which there have been many, you know, dating back to the Kennedy assassination, certainly.
Let's get into some of the other sections.
Your government is dealing drugs.
That's a bold statement, but it's absolutely part of historical fact.
Even the 1996 CIA Inspector General testified to Congress that was the case of the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s.
But let's get into that chapter a little bit here.
Yeah, well it really goes back, you know, to the formation of the CIA and bringing heroin out of Southeast Asia to fund a lot of their activities, working with the big mafia drug lords like Lucky Luciano back during World War II when there was still the OSS.
Then, of course, during Vietnam there was this whole Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia where, again, a lot of money for covert operations was
Was being, you know, funneled through and also making some private fortunes for some of the agency people.
Places like the Nugent Hand Bank, for example.
My people might remember that.
They were channeling funds through that bank for covert ops, all drug money.
And then the Iran-Contra years.
It's public record that, although they didn't want to get into it too much in those Iran-Contra hearings, which, by the way, Lee Hamilton was one of the chairs of, the guy who ended up chairing the 9-11 Commission.
Iran-Contra Affair was very much involved with the Contras being funded by drug money that Oliver North and others were helping raise for them.
This has been going on a long time.
Gary Webb, people may remember him, he's the journalist who broke the story in the San Jose Mercury News about the
Well, Gary Webb was found dead.
That's right.
I don't know the details of it, but
But yeah, it was allegedly suicide, and of course he was, before that, the media just destroyed him.
You know, it came out and did this whole series of articles that he was supposedly blowing smoke, and you know, the fact is that he'd come out with something that was absolutely right on.
That the drug gangs in L.A.
were very involved with the CIA.
And, you know, then you had the whole PCCI, the Bank of Crooks and Criminals, really, scandal a little bit later, and right up to today, where you've got a situation where in Afghanistan, biggest, you know, opium-growing area in the world for heroin coming into this country, Pakistani intelligence service being very involved, along with the President's brother in Afghanistan with the drug trade, and of course Mexico, where
You know, we're supposedly fighting this war on drugs, but the fact is that you know how many people have been killed between December 2006 and the spring of 2009?
More than 10,000 people were killed in those drug wars in Mexico.
I mean, this is all about, again, a lot of people looking the other way.
uh... gold information this is blue chip uh... writing that we're talking about here and and it's it's again so bold i mean you're learning about how they kill a lot of people that prominently oppose them uh... i would imagine you've gotten the willies a few times uh... or you know the chills uh... have you ever gotten spooked dick knowing you were writing this book and it was coming out because you get into the wall street conspiracy ripping everybody off by design you get into the secret plan to destroy democracy
Freedom here in the United States with a shadow government and continuity of government.
I mean, this book covers it all.
Well, yeah, it does.
And yes, I wouldn't say it makes me rest easy to have put it out there, but...
You know, I feel that the truth is important, and the truth is based on a lot of facts that are out there that somebody needed to put together.
And, you know, back, I wrote two books on the Kennedy assassination, and spent a number of years researching that.
And back in those days, in the 1970s especially, yeah, I know I was followed by the CIA and other people.
And, you know, I'm not a paranoid type of person, but this is what happened.
You know, I should have talked more about you today while you were with us.
I mean, yeah, you're one of the most well-researched and respected JFK researchers out there.
I actually read one of your books.
Something like 10 years ago.
I'd even forgotten that.
I mean, I knew that you were a JFK researcher and an author, but it's just you've got such a huge body of work.
And now another book, American Conspiracies with Dick Russell, available at InfoWars.com.
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I think so.
We've got to get Dick Russell on separately for a full hour sometime just on his JFK investigation because if they're lying about 9-11, lying about JFK, lying about government drug dealing, what else are they not lying about?
No, they're lying about basically everything.
I mean, it's come out in government documents that I've had the army
Watching me Ron Paul, but they go to our events and spy on us that Homeland Security spying on even little churches mainline groups COINTELPRO that came out in the 70s all of this is going on today and finish up Talking about some of the things that happened to you when you were writing treatises on JFK
Well, I had a guy named Richard Nagel who was a CIA, had been a CIA contract agent, and also worked for the Russians, and he was one of my main sources, and never told me everything he knew, but told me enough.
It's a long story, but we can talk about it some other time on the air.
Well, toward the end of 1995, anyway, he was found dead the very day that a subpoena from the Assassination Records Review Board appeared in his mailbox.
And that shook me up a great deal, because I had just given a talk the week before that the Review Board had listened to, and then decided to subpoena him and all his records and interview him, and suddenly he's no longer with us.
And so, obviously, things like that happening give one pause.
In fact, we forget, what was it, 78% that Congress found a probable conspiracy?
They said 98%, didn't they?
Well, yeah, they came out with an official published report that there was a probable conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, directly contradicting the Warren Commission.
Oh, you wouldn't know that today, because, you know, Bibliosi comes out with his big book saying the Warren Commission was right, and that's the book that gets all the review attention, along with Posner's book, Conspiracy Books, quote-unquote, don't even get reviewed by the mainstream media.
I don't think either of my books was ever given a big review.
So, you know, that's just the way it is.
It has to happen by word of mouth, really, and people talk to their neighbors and say, hey, you want to know the truth about what happened?
Check this out.
Yeah, well, you've certainly risked your life, and I'm going to ask Ventura a question Friday I've never asked him, and I'm going to ask you this now.
On record, because I told the D.C.
madam to do this on record on air, and she said, on record, I'll never commit suicide.
She told her landlord, I'm being tracked, they may try to kill me.
They did.
Let's get it on record, Dick, you're never planning to commit suicide.
No, I'm not.
That's absolutely right, I'm never planning to commit suicide.
And so, if they find you with a, God forbid, an empty bottle of sleeping pills, they killed you.
I would say that's true.
Hopefully that won't happen.
Well, you know, reading some of the people originally involved in the JFK criminal investigation down in Louisiana, Garrison and others, they did make the point it's important on record to stay public, to stay visible, and to tell people I'm not planning to kill myself.
And I want to say that today about Alex Jones, because
You know, it seems like 30 years ago they did pretty much kill everybody that criticized them.
Now they don't kill as many people, I think, because they realize that whack-a-mole technique isn't working anymore, Dick.
Well, that could be.
They certainly, 30 years ago, they killed David Ferry in the Garrison investigation and George DeMore and Shield, the supposed suicide.
And when the House Committee was just about to interview him, and he'd been Oswald's buddy and handler, I interviewed DeMore and Shield a couple of times.
At one point I remember his wife calling out, screaming out, well of course we know it was a vast conspiracy.
They didn't ever elaborate, however, and he was never allowed to.
We're about to go to break into five more minutes with you, but separately, we actually first had the audio tape inherited here.
Rolling Stone covered the transcript.
What do you think of E. Howard Hunt's deathbed confession?
Um, you know, I don't really know what to make of it exactly because Howard Hunt is somebody that I never put a lot of stock in, whether he was going to be telling the truth or writing another fiction novel, which he wrote many, and he worked for the CIA for a lot of years and was certainly involved in the Watergate... Stay there!
Gotta break!
Gotta break!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, one of the most famous and respected JFK researchers has now written several books with Jesse Ventura.
Dick Russell, the new one's American Conspiracies, available at Infowars.com and better bookstores everywhere.
Already going up the top ten bestseller charts all over the place.
But the only place you get a free documentary film with the book is at Infowars.com.
Okay, Dick, we got four minutes left and you've agreed to come back on just about JFK in the next few months.
But separately, here, real quick, a few of the other chapters.
The Wall Street Conspiracy and Chapter 13 and Chapter 14, The Secret Plans to End American Democracy.
Yeah, well, we'll start with the Wall Street one.
I mean, that was really doing research into just what happened a little over a year ago when the big bailout went down and how come Goldman Sachs and AIG got away with murder, basically.
We're good to go.
To put the pieces together, which is what Governor Ventura and I tried to do with this chapter, is to do certain things that went on in the books during the Bush years, especially the continuity of government plans for martial law, something called Endgame, which again is part of the Homeland Security
I love these codenames, you know, Vibrant Response and Excalibur, and I wonder, you know, who's making this stuff up?
And Endgame, End of the Republic, because that's what it spells out, an incredible book.
Briefly, the Malcolm X chapter, amazing.
Or the conspiracy by the CIA against Nixon.
Yeah, well the conspiracy by the CIA against Nixon was a fascinating thing to look at because so many of the players in the Kennedy assassination come up again in the Watergate
Well, we know he was in Dallas and it looks like his fingerprints were on it, but go ahead.
Well, yeah, I mean he was there for Pepsi-Cola bottlers convention and before that he worked on the CIA Mafia plots to get rid of Castro when he was in the Eisenhower administration.
So how much, when did Nixon know, what did Nixon know and when did he know it is very much an open question.
But I laid out the evidence in that chapter as to how all of this seems to tie back, a lot of it anyway, to November 22, 1963.
And, uh, and Nixon's attempt to get at the CIA records on this, and the CIA then going after Nixon in retribution.
And a lot of, you know, the burglary was a setup.
I mean, they left the tape on the door.
McCord had worked for the agency, so had Hunt.
They were obviously trying to, uh... And, Liddy, I mean, you know, this thing was not what it was made to appear.
Whether the Woodward-Bernstein thing is what we were led to believe, I don't know.
Well, you know the Washington Post is an organ of the CIA.
Yeah, well, certainly they've had their ties over the years.
And so have the New York Times, so have Life Magazine.
I mean, let's be honest about it.
And I lay some of that out in this new book, too.
Well, Dick, we're going to have you back in the next month or so.
We'll get into the Malcolm X area, we'll get into JFK, the murder, assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Again, we only scratched the surface of the book, available at InfoWars.com.
Dick, I'm really impressed with your work, and again, I'm really impressed with this book, and all I can say is congratulations that it's shooting up towards number one, just showing, again, the hunger the people have for the knowledge and the truth.
Well, thanks, Alex.
It's been very good to be with you today, and I hope people indeed do find something new and alternative to look at in the book.
Let me say bye to you off-air here, because I forgot, should we give out, or do you have a website?
Do you have a website people can visit, Dick?
Yeah, it's dickrussell.org.
W-W-W, Dick Russell, my full name, all one word, dot org.
Awesome, dickrussell.org.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we got 52 minutes left and G. Edward Griffin is our guest.
G. Edward Griffin is a writer, a documentary film producer for 45 years, been exposing the hidden agenda now that's out in the open of the world government.
Well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand.
With many successful titles to his credit, he has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology,
We're good to go.
More deadly than war.
Perhaps we'll talk about the capitalist conspiracy today and explain why we always see big bankers and and and oligarchs and industrialists behind communist movements and why they're pushing for government-run health care and big government and the green tax takeover today.
But gee Edward, we started getting into
When three guys decide to rob a bank, that's a conspiracy.
When somebody conspires to murder their spouse, it's a conspiracy.
People conspire in a non-criminal way to open a sandwich shop.
I mean, it's insane for the government and the media to say all these other countries and people are involved in conspiracies, but our government, it's never involved.
Powerful people don't get behind closed doors to try to expand their power.
Well, yeah, anybody that scoffs at the concept of conspiracy today, I kind of feel sorry for them, because I know that their brains have been captured in some way by the propaganda, and it also tells me that they have never read a history book.
Because, you know, any cursory glance at history produces the realism.
I don't think there's a single major event in history that wasn't centered around dozens, if not hundreds, of conspiracies, large and small.
It's the nature of man.
It's certainly the nature of man when he's in a position to acquire great wealth or power through conspiracies, and of course at the apex of that little chart of how you can
Or conspiracy to defraud the public and so forth, but they... Oh, not in government, as you just mentioned.
Well, actually, a government is the most likely place for a conspiracy to be found, because tremendous profit and the benefit pay off.
So anyway, people who scoff at conspiracy, I understand them.
I just have to laugh internally, thinking, well, these people have a little more to learn.
But in time, they will learn it, and they'll be saying somewhere down the line that, well, I've been telling you all along that there are conspiracies out there, you know.
But it's our job to educate and to present the facts so that people can come to that conclusion themselves, not because we said so, not because we labeled it a conspiracy, but just label out the history of what happened, who did it, and document it, and then they'll say, by golly, that's a conspiracy!
Well, G. Edward, I do a lot of interviews like you do, to magazines, newspapers, I was on CBC Radio yesterday, and they said, how did you come upon these views, how did you
Become a conspiracy theorist, and it's the same answer you just gave.
My parents are big readers.
My mom was a history major in college, and my dad's a physician.
And I learned early on that history books were more entertaining by the time I was about 12.
And my son's now the same way at 7.
That's his favorite thing is children's, and he's now even reading adult history books.
Well, I guess the uh...
Head to Brute, we all know about the Roman conspiracy and assassination that took place there.
I'm just, I wasn't prepared for that question, but it would be a fun thing to assemble.
I remember back in, I think it was the 50s or maybe the 60s, there was a lot of television coverage and news coverage to exposing the Mafia, the Mafiosa and the Costa Nostra in the United States and around the world.
That's a conspiracy.
Everybody acknowledges that.
You know, it doesn't take long.
If you really are looking for a conspiracy to study, all you have to do is go down to your local courthouse and sit there and listen to cases for a day or two and you'll find out that, I'm going to guess, probably 10-15% of them involve conspiracies.
Conspiracies are all over the place.
They're the norm.
Families conspire to steal the inheritance away from the primary inheritor.
Corporations conspire to defraud the public.
Pharmaceutical companies conspire to hide scientific evidence that shows that their drugs are killing people.
You can just go.
There's no trouble finding conspiracies.
Let's go back to the Mafia.
That's the best example I've ever heard.
I hadn't thought of that.
Here you have J. Edgar Hoover, who was clearly being blackmailed by the Mafia.
Getting up in speeches and saying there's no such thing as La Cosa Nostra and then researching those cases, because it's so interesting.
I probably read 15 books or more and watched a lot of television programs like most people about it.
You had less than 30 mafia families in Italy, in Greece, in Western Europe, in Eastern Europe, and in North America
Controlling the opium trade, the cocaine trade, prostitution, gambling, olive oil importation.
I mean, these were just 30 families or less, but then government and giant private corporations and
intelligence agencies with trillions of dollars of funding since the National Security Act of 47 operating in total secret, doing whatever they want.
You mean powerful, avarice-filled people aren't going to move into those positions even if it was founded good, which it wasn't?
You mean they're not going to move in and take power?
You mean there's not a blue blood?
Yale group on record that founded the CIA almost purely of skull and bones.
That's mainline, you know, New York Times to fully take over the mafia and then knock off the Italian mob.
Yeah, there's no question about this.
We're talking about history now.
This is not difficult to document that there's always been a very close working relationship between the Cosa Nostra, the Mafia, and government so-called security agencies.
In fact, there's some people that move back and forth.
Some of the most fascinating information that's come out, in my opinion, regarding the Kennedy assassination.
is that there appears to be a was a very close uh... operational a team put together partly uh... involving the uh... chicago uh... mob and partly involving uh... government agencies primarily under the direction of the c.i.a.
but not necessarily limited c.i.a.
but there was a merger there and these people work together so they might you know compete once in a while sometimes they work together and then you come away from that you put the book down you put down the uh...
We're good to go.
A very patriotic kid.
I thought America was, you know, the land of the free and the home of the brave and I heard all of this and I know that it was at one time, but I never realized that through most of my younger years that the America I knew and the America I had revered was gradually being stolen by this organized syndicate, this crime syndicate.
So anyway, that's a harsh reality and I don't expect
Well, I have read
No exaggeration, more than a hundred books, mainline history books on World War II, and the declassified Nazi files of how Hitler got to power, then what he did to secure power, all he was doing was constantly trying to stop the Communist conspiracy in the government, he was constantly trying to stop the Freemason conspiracy, he was even suspicious of Catholic groups because he didn't think he fully controlled them, though some backed him, and it's all about him securing
His power structure from the other mafias that were in the government.
Well, yeah, the gangs often have to do that.
You know, they're always worrying about each other.
They unite sometimes because the common enemy, in a way, is the public because they've got to police the public.
So they'll, you know, sometimes cooperate on that.
But meanwhile, they're fighting for turf.
I don't think it's much different than street gangs in a big city.
And yeah, they often compete with each other.
Amazing, G. Edward Griffin.
You know, I've got a lot of questions to throw out, a lot of different angles and places to go.
I want to come back and take a few calls, just to mix it up a bit, because we usually wait until the end for calls.
But then I want to talk about all the exciting things that are happening right now, and the explosive growth curve of the awakening we're seeing, and where you see that going.
In fact, we've got a minute or so.
Start getting into it now if you can.
Well, yeah, that probably would benefit from a little thought, but what the heck, let's just jump in and swim.
There's no doubt that there is a very, uh, rise in awakening regarding, a public awakening of the fact that, uh, that their own government has been taken over or heavily influenced at least by this criminal syndicate that I've been talking about.
They're beginning to realize that the politicians and the bureaucrats in Washington that we generally refer to as our government
That really consists of people, and the people have loyalties that are not to the Constitution and not to the people of the United States.
They have loyalties to their inner group.
They have loyalties to a concept of internationalism, what they fondly call the New World Order.
These people are running the show.
I mean, they're our team, supposedly, and yet they're really playing for the other side.
And people are waking up to that.
The question is, what are they going to do about it?
Alright, stay there.
We're going to come back and continue to discuss this with G. Edward Griffin.
We'll give you his websites as well and take your calls.
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Okay, Jim Griffin, you were talking about what are we going to do about it.
Well, look at Iceland.
They identified the banks as the enemy, trying to make the public pay for debts that they didn't even owe, that the banks had engineered in a Ponzi scheme.
I mean, I think that's another prototype of what the rest of the world should do, just to
Identify these people.
Expose them.
Expose their mafia syndicate.
I mean, that's all the Federal Reserve is, from my research, is a cartel.
And as you expose a creature from Jekyll Island, your best-selling book, they met in secret, like the mafia, to set it up.
Well, yeah, that's one of the earmarks of the conspiracy.
We're back to that word again.
I don't think that these guys that created the Federal Reserve thought of themselves as conspirators.
They thought of themselves as being
Uh, shrewd businessmen and, in a sort of weird way, being high-minded citizens.
You know, they really thought they were putting together a system.
No, but that's what David Rockefeller says in a lot of internal minutes that have come out there.
We bankers know best.
We need eugenics is good.
We're going to take over for you.
You don't know what's best for you.
That's it exactly.
That's the collectivist mind.
And so they really believe that stuff.
And it's clear when you read their letters and their
You mean commoners writing legislation?
Well, maybe not commoners.
Maybe we're common, but I don't think we're too common.
I wish there were more of us, and then I'd say, yes, commoners.
But no, I think that brings up a really good point, because there's sort of an implied expectation among a lot of newly awakened people that, well, we've got to get 51% of the population on board before anything can happen, because this is a democracy, isn't it?
And the majority must rule and all of that.
But the reality is that always throughout history, and certainly throughout American history, the country has been led by a very small people.
Percentage wise, way less than 3% of the population have always led this country.
And that's true of every country in the world.
The others will just go along with whatever.
And that's why the conspirators are so scared of us because I'd say we conservatively have 15% that are now really hardcore awake and all the polls show that and 60-70% that are really upset and ready to be awakened.
Well, that's true, but the rest of that formula is the catch.
It's not just the numbers.
Yes, I would say we have 15% or maybe more, but the other part of the equation is where are these people?
Who are they?
What power do they have?
Well, our 15% doesn't hold enough power to match their 1%.
Because the collectivists have burrowed into all the honeypots, like parasites, and they're up there greedily running everything, and they see us waking up, so they go, hire SWAT teams, build armored fortresses, scan them, control them!
They're waking up that we're sucking off of them!
We're collectivists, we're saving you from global warming!
I love that, Alex.
You ever think of going into show business?
I'm sorry, I was having some fun.
Yeah, it is fun, but it's pretty accurate, too, amazingly so.
They probably don't sound hysterical, but possibly inside their head, they're thinking that way.
But that is it, exactly.
Our 15 or 20 percent, and it's growing, just can't match their 1 percent or half a percent because, as you say, they're in all the honeypots.
They're in what we call the power centers of society.
They control the
The government, they control the military, they control the media, you know, so that gives that 1% a tremendous lever of power over the rest of the population.
So, back to the question, what do we do about it?
We have to become influential in those same honeypots.
We have to move into those areas of influence.
That's what we should be doing.
Not just saying, oh my goodness, we ought to do this and write a good paper on all these
Well, gee, Edward, do you think there, and we'll talk more about solutions when we come back and go to calls, but clearly, and they even say this in some of their white papers, Cass Sunstein at the White House, that because we're waking up, because we're trying to take over the states peacefully, because we are going with the long view of history that you and others have rightfully called for as historians, they are now racing to the finish line and trying to put their control grid in to try to checkmate us before we build up enough of our initiative to defeat them.
That's it exactly, and there's some...
Debate as to whether or not they've already reached that point.
I don't think they have, but I think they're very close to it.
I mean, the two pillars of sovereignty are monetary sovereignty and military sovereignty.
Well, they're racing right now to get rid of American monetary sovereignty.
And whether the military is really sovereign or not is up for debate too, but it's certainly no debate.
Stay there, let's come back and talk about it.
And to transfer all our laws over to the UN and regional governorships, G. Edward Griffin, one of those evil people straight ahead!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
We're going back to G. Edward Griffin here in just a moment.
And then straight to your phone calls.
Always great to have him spending time with us.
We're going to give you some of his websites as well.
Full of solutions, free videos, articles, you name it, and an organization, Freedom Force International, trying to organize for the long view, the long haul.
Because as Ron Paul and others have said, as the oppression intensifies, more people are going to be looking for solutions.
And the establishment puts out counterfeit solutions, they even have written books about this, to try to control opposition.
William F. Buckley taking over the conservative movement,
Uh, we see the Republicans taking over the Tea Party, Obama creating a fake coffee party, stealing our idea of two months ago, but ours was to truly, you know, take back the Tea Parties.
This is Obama creating, really, an illegal alien party.
We've analyzed it, it's mainly illegal aliens.
Uh, but now they call it the Coffee Party.
Oh, we're the true Americans!
We're 10,000 illegal aliens out here with an Obama operative, and the media's like, it's so grassroots!
Uh, lying to everyone.
We're going back to G. Edward Griffin here in just a moment.
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Okay, oh, by the way, we are being hacked again.
We were hit with a distributed denial-of-service attack.
Last year, on InfoWars and Prison Planet, when we were exposing the swine flu at the height of the government hysteria, now proven to be a hoax, and we were hit yesterday, and it took down PrisonPlanet.tv for about three hours, there was some other stuff going on with the other sites, we beefed those up, wasn't too bad of a problem, they're now hitting us again, since about one o'clock today, about an hour and a half ago,
But we've beefed it up, people can still get on, watch the films, watch the live show right now, simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv and live in color, and read my book, Paul Watson's book, all the access is there, so counter this attempted censorship!
By getting a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
Six years up and running in April coming up.
Okay, going back to G. Edward Griffin.
G. Edward, when I was doing my David Rockefeller imitations, I was interrupting you.
So you were talking about solutions to kick out the parasites.
I think, number one, my job is to expose them for the criminal parasites they are.
Well, that pretty well sums it.
All I can do is cover the same ground, Alex.
The fact of the matter is that humans have this
We have this instinct to follow and to cluster into groups and follow leaders.
And we have this herd instinct, there's no denying it.
And so we tend to follow the opinion leaders of our country, the political leaders of our country.
Before we make up our minds, we say, well, what did they say about this on the news?
You know, that sort of thing.
It's silly, but everybody has that instinct.
And so our opponents have figured that out long ago.
They decided, OK, we'll just be the leadership of all of these power centers and opinion-forming groups.
And then 1 percent or less of us can control the other 99 percent.
No problem.
And they're right.
That's the way it's—actually, that's the way it's always done.
But they have perfected it.
They've made a real science out of it here in this country.
And so the solution is not just to say, my goodness, what are we going to do?
The solution is to reverse that process.
We have to go into those areas of influence and become the new leaders and replace the old leaders.
That's all there is to it.
There is no other solution.
The idea that, well, if we can just find one man, one man like a Ron Paul or somebody else and put him in the White House, that'll take care of everything.
Well, that's nonsense.
One man, first of all, is not going to get elected if you've got all of the media against him and the educational system against him.
And all the unions against him, you know, and everybody's against him.
These organizations, I should say, maybe the people would be for him, but the people would be convinced that he doesn't stand a chance because of what the media says, and so forth.
So you could never get the man elected into the White House in the first place without having some influence of these other power centers.
But even if you did, take that example for just a
He wouldn't be able to do anything because he'd be blocked on every side.
And by the way, Ron Paul has said that.
He said he's just a focal point of education to run other campaign for liberty type people at the state and federal level and that it's all part of a process and that it's the power of the people that is going to do this.
Yes, and then you take it one step further and say that even
You know, even if he were not blocked, and he could do great and wonderful things, he wouldn't.
Because the kind of guy we're talking about would want to follow the Constitution, and the Constitution says that the President doesn't do anything except follow the orders of Congress.
And that's what he has said.
That's the problem.
That's exactly the problem.
And so we say, well, let's put a man on a white horse in charge and just let him be a dictator for us.
No, no, no, no.
It doesn't work that way or we don't want it to work that way.
So we're back to the drawing boards, which is the only way to solve this problem, in my view, is to
Ride the wave of this mass educational awareness that you and I and others are trying to create, and then out of the mass numbers that come forth, there will be maybe 1% of those people who will say, by golly, I'm going to go into politics, or I'm going to stand up at my union meetings, or I'm going to become influential here and there.
I'm going to be part of the new leadership.
And that is when things finally begin to happen.
And that's going to take a little time, but it's a proven formula.
We know it'll work, and I'm happy to say that right now I'm convinced it is going to work.
Well, how do I think it's going to work?
I see it already happening.
We get letters all the time, emails, phone calls from people saying, you know, we've decided to follow your advice.
We ran for city council six months ago, and
Lo and behold, we won!
And somebody will say, well, I've decided this year I'm going to declare my candidacy in the congressional seat in my district.
Yes, it's held right now by a very staunch, well-known political figure, but nobody really likes him.
It's just that nobody has a choice.
So, we're going to offer a choice.
Well, this is just the beginning of that kind of a thing.
Once every year we have thousands of people making that kind of a decision, and if they have the smarts of being able to organize a well-run, well-thought-out, and well-funded political campaign, once that starts to happen, and it is starting to happen now, but once this
Let's be clear about this.
We lost 9 out of 10 conservatively of the battles against the British during that 7 year war but it was the perseverance and with a few little victories like Trenton
Then that began the shift of momentum as people began to realize they did have power.
They could win.
So take a Debra Medina.
She runs for governor, gets 19 percentage points out of nowhere.
That spurred masses of other people to start running in their state.
So we may not win every time, but we're out there getting the message out.
Just like Ron Paul didn't win in 2008, but it
Got the real issues out there about the inflation tax, the wars, that conservatives don't have to be warmongers.
He won the CPAC straw poll.
But the bigger issue is, once we support Patriot candidates and if they start flip-flopping, you gotta drop them immediately.
There has to be a code that we don't just run and then start getting some power and flip-flop.
If that happens, you gotta drop somebody.
You gotta go with people that are steadfast and have proven that they won't waffle
That they won't give in.
But take the global warming hoax.
It's completely collapsing.
The masses are waking up to it.
The establishment doesn't care though.
They say they're going ahead with it.
But so that fight will continue.
But we're seeing that we're gaining momentum.
We're getting purchased.
We're getting a toehold.
We're having successes.
The flu was exposed as a fraud.
Record numbers of people said no.
The Wall Street Journal reported the lowest level ever for both seasonal and the swine flu.
Well yes, I'm glad you brought that up because although I think we all can take great encouragement from that, there's an area involved in that issue
And it scares the heck out of me, which is that, under these conditions, it is extremely easy for someone from the other side to provide false leadership.
I can tell you that, well, what's an example?
The Federal Reserve System, by which I know a little, was actually sold to the American people.
Not entirely, but partially, because the very people who drafted the Federal Reserve
Pretended that it was that they were opposed to it.
In other words, they led their own opposition to make sure that the opposition would fail.
And who is that today?
It's Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin.
I mean, clearly they're the Judas Iscariots.
I would certainly say that's an easy choice.
But they're out there.
And some of them, I'm not sure that there are some of them that could come on your radio show and agree with everything you say, and agree with everything I say, and say a few other good things, and yet they could be just planning to get elected so that people would say, ah, we got a good man elected.
And yet they won't do anything.
They'll buckle, as you say.
And that points to the fact that when we say that they're going to buckle or they're going to switch, it's because we've never asked these candidates what they really believe.
We've seen what they said.
We've heard what they said.
We said, well, they're against the swine flu charade.
They want to get us out of the war in the Middle East and so forth.
Well, heck, Obama said that.
But, you know,
What they say is not important, it's what they do.
And nobody's asking these candidates, what do they believe?
What are their principles?
What's their ideology?
And that's where I come into the fore, because as you know, with Freedom Force, we're totally focused on ideology.
We have a creed of freedom.
And we want our candidates who are going into office to say, yes, this is my creed.
I believe this.
These are not issues.
These are principles, you know?
I believe, you know, that the individual is more important than the group.
And that the group must not, that the individual must not be sacrificed in the name of the group.
That's a firm principle, you know?
And we believe that all laws should apply to all groups of people equally.
Not any exceptions.
You know, this is a principle.
Well, anybody that says, yes, I believe that, would have to vote against all of this nonsense.
Progressive income tax, for example, does that treat all groups equally?
It starts out from the very beginning to treat those who are making more money in a different class and those who are making less money.
And those who have got certain political connections can get exemptions that other people cannot.
If you're married and you've got 25 kids, you don't have to pay any tax.
Whereas if you're not married and you have 25 kids, you do pay tax.
And so this doesn't treat everybody the same.
So anyway, my point is that now is the time for a lot of candidates to come forth and they'll speak
Very brilliantly against all of the bad things that are going on.
It's time to ask them, oh wait, okay, now we know what you're against.
Now what do you believe?
What are you for?
What are your principles?
What kind of a new system are you going to create?
And then just sit back and see what they say.
All right, G. Ebert Griffin, always amazing having you on.
I want to take some calls here in the last 14 minutes we have, but fire out the websites for new listeners.
Well, the commercial website where we sell books and videos and recordings is called Reality Zone, realityzone.com.
You'll find about a hundred different items there.
But our think tank site where we talk about issues like we're discussing today, that's our organizational site for Freedom Force International.
And the URL for that is freedomforceinternational.org.
So, that's the place I hope people will go and spend some time reading about these ideological issues.
Let's go to Brian in Texas.
You're on the air with G. Edward Griffin.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Go ahead.
Actually, one thing I wanted to mention, I think one thing you guys are, what we need to do is really take the wind out of the sails of these guys.
The Parasite Criminals!
The ruling criminals!
Well, no, I just mean as far as correcting other individuals when we hear them saying it in the common day, even as far as like Obama's... Yeah, well, they call public servants authorities, officials, and I always point that out.
G. Edward, do you have a comment on that?
Uh, amen, that's about it.
How about the king of parasites?
And I think your caller, Brian, is right.
Well, what's a good term for them then?
King parasites?
Mafia rulers?
Illegitimate scum?
I mean, what do you call them?
I guess it depends on the occasion.
You don't want to offend people.
The object is not just to spit out... But what do we call the ruling class?
The ruling criminals?
What's wrong with the ruling class?
And let people decide for themselves whether they're criminals, you know?
I think sometimes we tend to force our editorial conclusions on people.
I think we probably would be better off if we just stuck more with the historical fact and let people put the twist to it that they want.
Okay, good point.
Anything else, Brian?
Yeah, I actually had one other point I wanted to ask G. Edward directly.
The release of this, and Alex, you touched on it earlier in the week, Adam Gadon issue, if they found him, they didn't find him.
Do you think that's a pretext of them trying to gain sympathy for Homeland Security to come in and start going after Tea Party goers, conspiracy theorists, things like that?
I think so.
No, no.
Go ahead, Alex.
Go ahead.
Well, I think so, yeah.
They want to keep that mentality of fear always present.
And so they've got to talk about terrorist threats and red alerts and yellow alerts and so forth.
That's constantly there.
Well, Governor Ridge admitted in his book last year they issued fake alerts.
Thank you, Brian.
And by the way, that's a violation of the Patriot Act to issue a fake terror threat.
Let's talk to Doug in Tennessee.
You're on the air, Doug.
Hey, Alex, I want to ditto what Brian said.
We need to stop calling them authorities and stop telling them that they have authorities.
They're beyond their authority.
They have power, but they don't have authorities.
But I watched a video the other day that really inspired me.
It's called The Solution.
It's on YouTube, The Solution, by Schaefer Cox.
And you can find it also on LincolnCountyWatch.org.
And what they're doing... Do you have a question for Gabbard Griffin?
Well, this is the solution he was talking about.
You know, what do we do?
And what they're doing up there in Fairbanks, Alaska is setting up their own court and having a common law court and they also have a militia for enforcement and they have a call-in line where people can call like a 911 type situation when their rights are being violated by
Yeah, even police officers.
Well, I don't want to pass judgment on this, but I've seen this a hundred times, a hundred.
This is very dangerous what you're talking about.
There is a common law.
Our courts, set up through the state constitutions, are supposedly carrying it out, but they're not.
But we'll talk, we'll get G. Edwards Griffin's take on what you just talked about on the other side, Doug.
We'll be right back.
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I was up at InfoWars.com reading the article about
The pervert behavior of government, naked bodies scanning us, cameras in school bathrooms, the girls' showers.
And people are posting links to articles where they check girls' panties in school, making sure they're the right color and everyone's agreeing, yeah, yeah, that happens at my school.
And it's just, there's a method to the madness.
It's about training you that you have absolutely no rights and you're like a slave.
It's like, we're going to strip you down and make you naked before we herd you into the showers.
It's just the power-tripping government going completely insane.
But shifting gears back to G. Edward Griffin, G. Edward Griffin, I've seen these common law courts over and over again, people always get mad and say, no, they're real, this local guy says it is, and then people, you know, get arrested.
I mean, you have to, you know, if a city sets up an unlawful court, they get in trouble from the state.
Well, I'm certainly not an expert on that, Alex, but I do have two rather strong thoughts on it.
One is that I think they're dangerous because although the people
who are forming them today appear to be well-motivated.
They appear to be reacting in righteous indignation, which is, I'm glad to see that, reacting against all the bad things that are being done by their national and regional governments.
Still, they go out and they form these courts and these militias, but they have no rules.
They have no limitations.
They're really like
Like a lynch mob, in a way.
There's no limit to their power, and really what they're doing is they're advocating the formation of a government.
This is the essence of government, to use organized force to compel other people to comply with what you want them to do.
So, although they're sure in their mind that what they want other people to do is right, I don't see any rules and regulations.
I don't see any constitutions.
I don't see any limitations on their power.
Well no, they're going to say they're following the common law and the Constitution.
My issue is, the states are chartered by the people, we have the state constitutions, the counties are created through that, the cities are chartered by that, and
Arte Civeta without a law can't go shut down a gun show, and so the only way these courts have any basis is a citizen's arrest.
I mean, when you have lawless police operating outside the common law, shutting down a gun show, the citizens have an innate right to say no to it, but the problem is the criminal government's going to come after you.
Well, yeah, that's the other issue that, uh, two thoughts came to mind.
The other issue is that even if all these constitutional issues were solved, uh, how are they going to enforce it sooner or later?
They're going to have to be able to, uh, get in the trenches and shoot it out with the established, uh, so-called authorities.
Yeah, they're playing a new game now.
You know, they're trying to say that they're a new government to the big mafia government instead of taking the system of the government back.
And all I'm saying is, folks, don't play in traffic.
I mean, I think it's fine if you have committees and meetings and videotape it and hand out the Citizens Commission verdict and then go to the grand jury with it.
And, you know, I think it's great to investigate or sue politicians.
I've just, I mean, how many times have we read about these citizen courts and they go off and do something and then it turns into a nightmare?
Yeah, right.
Well, yeah, I like your expression, don't play in traffic, it's very dangerous.
And I don't think people have thought it all the way through.
Well, anyway, I've written a little bit on vigilante action, and that's very close to this topic.
Vigilantes have a very interesting history in America.
And generally, it's a positive history.
Believe it or not, vigilantes usually spring up when their local sheriff or some local government official who has duly authority has been abusing them.
See, Edward, we're out of time.
I want to thank you for coming on, but I want to add this.
Covert vigilantism has done some good.
The issue is, these people think by saying they have a court, that makes it legal.
If you're going to be a vigilante, you better watch your butt.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
He is a member of the European Union Parliament, hailing from England.
He's back in England now.
And, of course, he was the former United Kingdom Independence Party head.
He stepped down for that to run for another office.
And we are joined by him.
He's all over the U.S.-British-European news, skewering Herman Van Rompuy, the guy that openly calls for world government, a $45 trillion to begin with, wealth transfer from Europe, England, the U.S., and Canada, Australia, to the U.N.
Gordon Brown last week called for a global government through a banking constitution where the banks take full control of the nations and the taxes are paid directly to them.
He joins us for the next 30 minutes.
Nigel Farage, Rampage of Rudeness is the Guardian headline.
Nigel Farage faces reprimand for calling Herman Van Rompuy wet rag.
London Telegraph.
I would call him even more a horrible, sickening, criminal parasite.
Thank you for joining us, sir.
Thank you very much, and yes, I think given that what people like Van Rompuy are doing is robbing us of our democracy and robbing us of our ability to determine our own futures, I think I was quite moderate, really.
I think he were.
I mean, this guy wants to take 45 trillion from us and give it to himself.
He's unelected.
The whole climate thing has been proven to be a fraud.
I mean, he's heading up a criminal enterprise.
It is extraordinary.
And of course, you know, he's not being put there by any democratic means.
He can't be removed.
By any democratic means.
And he was talking openly on Rumpi this week in Brussels about the move towards world government.
Nothing hidden anymore.
They're not even pretending anymore.
This is what some of these people are pushing for.
Yes, Paul Watson in Prison Planet two days ago wrote another article with multiple quotes of him saying global governance, global government.
I mean, and it's undemocratic.
The Financial Times of London admits it's undemocratic.
England's already under it even though you haven't voted to be part of it.
I mean, when does this end?
Well, you know, some things in life have to get worse before they can get better.
I think the fact that they're being totally open now about their ambitions shows that they think it's in the bag, shows they think they've done the deal, they're the winners, it's all over.
And of course when people get as arrogant as that, then you know the old saying that pride comes before a fall?
It will come!
But, you know, it's difficult to see, in the depth of a time like this, exactly what the catalyst will be.
But I just know, from my travels, from talking to you guys across your side of the pond, I just know there is a growing awareness, a growing feeling amongst tens of millions of people.
They're beginning to wake up to what's being done to them, and it can't go on.
Well said.
Let's talk about the punishment you're going to undergo.
What can they do to you?
Well, yes, I have got to report to the headmaster's study at midday on Tuesday.
It's all so reminiscent of being caught smoking at school, isn't it?
Who sends off to take your six of the best wax, or whatever it may be.
I'm going to his office at midday.
At his request, obviously.
I think that over the last couple of days this has escalated into a diplomatic crisis because the Prime Minister of Belgium, the non-country as I called it, the Prime Minister of Belgium is demanding an apology and demanding that this doesn't ever happen again.
So I think they're going to ask me to apologize.
They don't want you to continue to point out the obvious that especially Belgium and other nations are fully controlled now by the unelected EU.
You have the unelected Van Rompuy telling you, an elected member of the Parliament, to shut up.
Oh, absolutely!
Oh, absolutely!
I mean, that analysis is entirely right.
I am guessing that I'll go and see them next week.
I'll be told to apologize.
I'm going to point-blank refuse.
I have nothing to apologize for.
I mean, telling the truth should not be something for which I have to apologize or confess.
I mean, crikey, we're back to the days of Stalin and the show trials, aren't we?
And I'm guessing they're going to suspend me from the Parliament or something like that.
Well, let them do it.
I don't care.
That'll only draw more attention to this...
A viperous, viperous little demonic creature.
I mean, Von Ruppe, just his whole demeanor, not just his actions, is like Pachari.
I mean, they look like something out of Oliver Twist or something.
Classic villain.
Stay there, Nigel Farage, UK member of the European Union Parliament.
We'll be right back in three short minutes.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
They're asking for more matches!
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
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That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.
The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
The Bilderberg Group documents from their founding meeting in 1954, covered by the BBC a few years ago, reported they wanted to set up the European Union.
They said Hitler had failed to take over militarily, that the European Union would be established, and then economically
Take over the planet.
Now they admit the European Union unelected, the separate group of bureaucrats that control the nations.
...are now telling the elected members, like Nigel Farage from the UK, part of the European Union Parliament, that he can't criticize Herman Van Rompuy.
And he joins us now, he's being called in next Tuesday to be chastised.
Recap that, Mr. Farage, and you're saying you're not going to apologize to Van Rompuy or to anyone else and you expect to be suspended?
And how does that work?
How long will you be out of the Parliament?
Difficult to tell.
The European Parliament hasn't ever really had to deal with anyone like me.
You've had the odd person that's made a protest because they wanted to get a particular story aired at a moment in time.
But what they've never had in the European Parliament, they've not had a leader of a group in the Parliament who is utterly
Implacably opposed in principle to robbing nation-states of their democracy.
So, in the past, miscreants have been fined two or three days pay, and the odd person has been suspended for two or three days, but they've never really had anybody who persistently has done this.
And as I say, I was called in back in December and told that my behaviour was unacceptable.
Expanding on this, for those that don't know, listening in the US and around the world, when you talk about
The bureaucrats being unelected, absorbing England even though your nation's never been able to vote on this.
Lord Monckton and many others yourself have talked about as much as 80% of your laws are not even British laws, they're just bureaucracy handed down.
Obama's now saying he doesn't care if the US Senate won't ratify
Yeah, the way the EU works is there is a thing called the European Commission.
And there are 27 people.
Each is appointed, not elected, but appointed by their own member state.
And each of them has a job title and a brief.
So you have, you know, someone in charge of health and someone in charge of EU expansion, etc, etc.
They have beneath them 30,000 bureaucrats and the European Commission has the sole right within the European Union to propose legislation and the sole right to repeal, amend or change legislation.
So, what happens is, the Commission comes up with a law, it gives it to the Parliament, the Parliament messes around with it, the Parliament can delay it a little bit, and then in the end it gets rubber-stamped further down the line by more civil servants.
So everything, the way in which our laws are actually drawn up in the European Commission, the whole process is done entirely in secret.
The relationship, of course, because with the
It is distinctly unhealthy.
And it is a remarkable thing to think that it is the bureaucrats that make law and the parliamentarians that just fiddle around with the implication.
And that, in essence, is the model of this system.
We cannot vote for commissioners.
We cannot remove commissioners.
It is the absolute destruction of democracy and the victory of bureaucracy.
So, here's a cheap analogy.
Tell me if you agree.
They're hanging England and the rest of the former sovereign nations at a...
at a hangman's gallows, but you get to decide the color of the rope that is put around your neck.
You get to decide what color a bullet is painted that's put in a handgun and fired into your head.
Yeah, that's quite a cool point to put here, really.
But yeah, the nation-states aren't disappearing.
And of course, already it's not working.
I mean, the last time I came on your show, I talked to you about Greece, if you remember, and how Greece was signed up to the single currency, and things weren't working.
Well, now, this week, we've had a general strike in Greece, we've had the police using tear gas, rubber bullets, all this kind of thing.
And a war of words beginning to break out between Greek politicians and German politicians.
So even as they've kind of put the finishing touches with this recent treaty they got through, as they've got their new president in Van Rompuy, as they've got their foreign minister in Ashton, even as it appears that they've succeeded, actually the cracks and contradictions within the system are showing that actually this empire isn't going to last very long.
The inherent tyranny is there for all to see, and I see polls in Europe every time a country like France or others gets to vote on some new EU expansion.
They don't normally let nations even have a vote like England and others.
They vote to get out.
They don't want it, and I've seen it in Reuters.
I've seen reports out of Spain and Greece where government officials are saying big banks, just like Iceland, engineered this collapse.
The EU has set it up so that Greece will fully become bankrupt and be completely absorbed into this system.
And you alluded to that when you were chastising and calling Van Rompuy out on the carpet a few days ago.
Here is a quick clip of that.
I sense, though, that you're competent and capable and dangerous, and I have no doubt that it's your intention to be the quiet assassin of European democracy and of the European nation states.
You appear to have a loathing for the very concept of the existence of nation states.
Perhaps that's because you come from Belgium, which of course is pretty much a non-country.
In layman's words, I mean, you're not exaggerating.
This is even in the newspapers all over Europe.
The EU is this predatory bureaucracy, globally setting up carbon taxes, $45 trillion.
You even have fissures within the EU with some of the moral people, the 47-member health board, with
Wolfgang Wodar came on the show and said they found out that the EU and the UN were literally getting money from Big Pharma to all of their heads, bribes, to lie about the swine flu.
So it's just all a giant global corporate system, corporations coming in, banks coming in, and using this government holding company to literally engage in piracy.
Yeah, it all fits together, doesn't it?
Hand in glove, you know, the big businesses, the bureaucrats that have the sole right to make laws, you know, it all fits together.
They're all very happy with the world they're creating.
But the optimistic thing, the optimistic thing is, you know, whatever happens to Greece, you know, at some point in time,
There's going to be a revolution where the Greeks fight and insist to get back their own country and their ability to run it.
This stuff, tyranny, you know, it can be an awful thing.
It can last for years.
But in the end, all these things break up.
And I just, I'm hopeful.
I'm hopeful that people are waking up to this.
And I just don't think that having a single currency for countries as different as Germany and Greece, it can't work.
It just can't work.
They appear to have all the cards at the moment, but we're winning the battle of public opinion, and that's just what we've got to do.
Philosophers have said it many different ways, but to paraphrase it, adversity makes men, and easy times makes weak.
We're good to go.
People got fat and decadent, now the pendulum swung towards tyranny and it's creating that awakening and that rediscovery of freedom.
And you calling him out, not letting him be the quiet assassin, is devastating them and they look very afraid of you.
They're terrified.
Yeah, they are.
You know, they really are scared because they know that I'm articulating a view that is already held by tens of millions of people across the European countries.
And their real fear, of course, is if we have a proper big debate about these issues, then the numbers who support me will double or treble from where they are now.
So they are scared.
Very, very scared, and it's remarkable when you think about it that in that Parliament this week, you know, there was the President, there were all the Commissioners, the leaders of the European Socialist groups and all the rest of it, and here's just little me, and yet they're absolutely scared with this.
So I'm going to go on scaring them, even if I have to have a short holiday away from the Parliament because they suspend me.
Let's talk about his global government comments, because he's really out in the open.
You said this week, and I saw it in the news, he's just spouting off about what they're going to do with our lives and how they rule us.
Specifically, what was Van Rompuy saying about the global government?
Van Rompuy spoke, and he firstly talked about the need
Not just for a single currency in Europe, but for a full economic government of Europe.
And that wasn't particularly surprising.
He said similar things to that before.
But what he said was that he was very encouraged.
By moves that he'd seen through the G20 and elsewhere, which presumably means the United Nations, he was very encouraged to see that we were now starting to deal with global problems on a global governmental basis.
And by that, of course, he means climate change taxes.
By that, of course, he means, you know, attitudes towards ultimately tax and spend.
I mean, this guy, you know, I've never heard
I've never heard anybody inside those EU institutions ever openly talk about world government, talk about global solutions to problems.
It's one of those things that's been talked about in the corridors.
It is now out in the open.
And it just shows you how mad and dangerous these people are, doesn't it?
They're making their move.
Nigel Farage, UK member of the European Union Parliament, will be with us on the other side.
We'll give you his party's website.
They control the right and the left in England.
This is the only real party that has a chance and is winning seats everywhere and really starting to scare the system.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Five more minutes left with him.
He's got a book coming out in three weeks.
He'll be back with us.
Von Rumpy deserves to be pulled down, deserves to be insulted, to demystify this unelected scallywag.
But, I mean, was it your tactic to add some insults so it made even more news?
So people would actually look at the facts you laid out about him trying to assassinate sovereignty?
A. B.
Yeah, I mean my...
To be honest with you, this was the first time he'd appeared before the European Parliament.
And my plan going in was to basically say, who are you?
No one's ever heard of you.
You know, how can you have power?
How can you have a salary that is bigger than the President of the United States of America?
How can you have these 30 staff working for you?
How can you have an incredible tax scheme where you only pay 17% income tax?
How can you have a 5 million euro pool of money which you can dip into as and when you like?
So that was my plan, was to say that.
But I listened to his speech, and it was so boring, it was so dull, it was limp, it was lifeless, it was just so ghastly, that that's where I suddenly thought, well what I'm going to have to say is, Sir, you have all the charisma of a damn rag.
And let's be clear, many countries in Europe have over a 50% income tax, France even higher, but the EU made their own jurisdiction where their ministers and bureaucrats pay 17% or lower, so they're exempt from taxes.
I mean, this is classic textbook tyranny.
Nigel Farage, plug the UK Independence Party website, your strategy across the world to get people to unseat these globalist-controlled puppets.
Listeners, find out what we're doing, go to UKIP.org, UKIP.org, and you'll find what we're up to.
We are a party that started with nothing.
A few of us in a pub in London, and we've taken that on, and last year we came second across the entire UK in the direct elections to the European Parliament.
And my message to everybody the world over is do not, under any circumstances, vote for people who will give away your libertism rights,
Do not vote for people who are supporting the growth of global government.
If it means going for new candidates, if it means going for new parties, do it.
Don't think it's hopeless.
It isn't.
We're proving it can be done.
And when you're doing it, remember that in the end, good will always triumph over tyranny.
And you and many others are the model for others to believe they can have success.
We've got almost 40 states, it's at 37, 38 now, moving to declare 10th and 9th Amendment power over the federal government.
It's self-seized by foreign banks and government institutions.
And so there is a massive awakening worldwide and all over the planet.
The third world, three months ago, wouldn't sign on at Copenhagen.
They know the scam.
I mean, we've really got the people.
Yeah, the scales are falling.
I mean, they really are, aren't they?
People do not believe or trust their political classes, their right not to trust them, and we're now seeing that moving into active, real politics.
And hey, to a large extent, what I was able to do this week to the President of the European Parliament is living proof that if something's wrong, you've got to get out there, hold your chin up and do things differently and fight hard.
That's what we've done.
We're making progress.
I want others to do so right across the world.
And you hadn't been politically active.
You just saw this and stood up yourself just a few years ago and look at all the success you as the progenitor of this have.
I was in business.
I don't come from one of these ruling class families or anything like that.
I was just an ordinary bloke who just felt that something was horribly wrong and I felt if there was nobody out there
We are.
If we have the will to stand and fight, you're a great example.
In the last minute we've got left.
Simply go to UKIP.org and you'll see me, you'll see Lord Monckton.
If you dig deeper, you'll see our thoughts on our failing education system in Britain.
You'll see our thoughts on our failing public healthcare system.
You know, we're a party that believes in less government, that believes in small government, that believes in liberty, freedom of the individual, and they're the things we fight for.
If you look at UKIP.org, you'll see links to all sorts of other things.
You'll see links to my own websites, but that's the first place to look.
And in closing, I saw another BBC article yesterday about
It's the government secretly bringing in foreigners, and I saw that six, seven years ago with Tony Blair.
I mean, this is a lawless government.
Yeah, I'm afraid.
You know, we are a relatively small country geographically.
Our population is going up at such a rapid rate.
We're projected to go up to 70 million by 2020, where we were quite happily settled at 58 million when Mr Blair came to power in 1997.
We haven't got the roads.
We haven't got the schools.
We haven't got the hospitals.
Nigel Farage?
We're out of time.
Thank you so much, Godspeed, for supporting it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Nearly four decades after abortion became legal, a woman's right to choose continues to anger millions of Americans.
Pro-life advocates regard abortion as the killing of an unborn human.
But according to Pastor Clenard Childress, Roe vs. Wade doesn't just target babies.
The New Jersey Reverend says the Supreme Court ruling is being used to wipe out an entire race of people.
Pastor Clenard Howard Childress, thank you for joining me.
Thank you for having me.
I understand that you are the founder of a pro-life website called blackgenocide.org.
Why did you start this website?
Well, when I heard the disproportionate amount of African American women
uh... that were falling prey to the abortion industry and knowing uh... indeed that abortion had now had become very much a part of the decision-making african-american women were making or doing uh... the numbers staggered me and so african-american women make up twelve percent of the population but thirty six percent of the abortions and for every
Cause anyone concerned and thus blackgenocide.org.
Why is it that you believe these women are victims of a system rather than making decisions on what they want to do?
No doubt the abortion industry targets African-Americans, minorities.
78% of all Planned Parenthoods
Abortuaries, I call them, but clinics are located in minority neighborhoods.
The targeting of African Americans has now been documented.
So we have to look at the abortion industry and look at the philosophic views.
And minorities is something that they want less of.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg made the comment.
At the time Roe vs. Wade was decided,
Uh, we believe they were trying to get rid of populations that we don't want too many of.
She made that comment, uh, July 11th, 09.
And, uh, today, uh, of last year.
Today, we're seeing that Roe versus Wade was not decided based on law.
But based on ideology.
Just to clarify, you're saying that abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood are purposefully trying to unleash genocide on the African American female community?
That is their intent.
Well, yes.
If abortion was not lucrative, it would not be legal.
There's no question that Planned Parenthood, the leader of the abortion industry in this country, they account for 18% of all abortions.
And when you look at the abortion leader, and you look at their ideology and their philosophy and their roots, and see where all their abortion clinics are located,
In Houston, right now, they're building a mega, it's an enormous building, in the African-American neighborhood, and Hispanic, designed for, completely, abortion.
They're marketing abortion, not women's health care.
They're marketing abortion, and many people need to know, on that building, in that building, there's a floor dedicated
To late-term abortions.
And I want America to know, late-term abortions are still going on in this country.
And so we have to understand that the ideology, the philosophic views of the eugenics movement was to target African-Americans, and they're still being targeted today.
Planned Parenthood provides other services other than abortions for the patients that go there, to the clinics.
And all their patients are not black women.
They have women that are of all race, all religions, all ethnicities.
What do you say about all the white women that get abortions?
Well, I'm looking at the locations.
We're good to go.
At a young age and be their health provider when it comes to the mindset of what they're going to do and how they're going to engage in their sexuality.
We will sell you the condoms.
We'll give you the test.
We become your guru, your teacher, your mentor.
If Planned Parenthood was really interested in the health of these women
They would tell them about the obvious links between abortion and breast cancer.
And we're going to talk about those documented, scientific, hundreds of major studies that every abortion you have massively increases your chance of getting different types of cancer.
If your body is meant to abort a baby, 99% of the time it will.
It's very unnatural.
Making the film Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, I didn't just believe the quotes by Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood and others even in modern times.
I went to the universities.
I sent off for copies of the actual letters where they call black people weeds that must be exterminated.
And you see Bill Gates and his vaccine program clearly tied to reduced fertility, sterilization, Nobel laureates on record.
Even BBC reporting that women are getting HIV.
You've never had sex in Africa, but they've had vaccinations.
They were caught in Libya doing this.
We have the UN and their internal documents that I covered in Endgame saying they want to force inoculate to introduce cancer viruses, autoimmune viruses.
This is going on against everyone, but
Going back over a hundred years ago, when eugenics was like a rock and roll craze, up until the 40s when Hitler embarrassed them, they then changed the name of it.
Blacks were the number one target because they could sell more people in the community on going along with it.
On that Russia Today video piece we played half of, we'll put it back on screen, it's Abortion Inc.
Is it carrying out black genocide?
Promoting black genocide.
Abortion Inc.
Inside the United States.
In the comments, I see people in there, the minority, but still they're there, saying, you black people complain about everything.
You black people always say you're the victim.
You black people always say people are out to get you.
And yeah, well there are too many black people.
There are too many black thugs out there.
On and on and on and on.
And then see, once that idea has been accepted,
Then it could be done to everybody.
I remember debating Planned Parenthood people and debating CPS when they were seizing people's kids for no reason.
They would email me, write me, call me, or in person say, who's going to adopt all these black babies?
Are you going to do it?
Yeah, we're getting rid of them.
And it's come out in the news that you can call up Planned Parenthood and say, I want to give money specifically to get rid of black babies.
Absolutely, we agree.
We'll help you.
This is a eugenics organization.
And Bill Gates's father, of course, formerly headed it.
And they're all pushing this agenda right now.
The carbon taxes are about cutting off everybody's resources where you can't even afford to have children now.
And so I wanted to have Pastor on our show today from blackgenocide.org because he's been fighting this for more than a decade.
And he's been standing up against this corrupt system and fighting for more than a decade.
And so we're going to get him to break down
Basically what we face as a society.
But the fact is there's more people wanting to adopt every year in the U.S.
That's why people import folks from South Korea and Europe and other places and Haiti.
And the truth is people do want to adopt black babies, brown babies, white babies.
But the system knows this, and they don't tell you when you're at Planned Parenthood that there are Christian groups who will 100% of the time pay you, take care of you, and help adopt the baby.
No, they just say kill the baby.
And so this is a window into a much bigger situation.
So I've prefaced that now, but I want to go to Pastor Clynard Howard Childress Jr.
from blackgenocide.org.
Pastor, thanks for joining us.
Break down your awakening, who you are, what you've done, your research, what we're facing here, and obviously the larger eugenics operation.
Well, you know, sometimes the longer I stay in it, the more I find that it's a humongous machine, that I feel the only way it could be uprooted at this point is for the church, that God has always used the church to deal with all social
Uh, injustices.
But how I began was just, uh, defending the unborn here locally, uh, in my normal teaching.
Did not even know such thing as the pro-life movement or pro-choice, all the terminology.
And a young lady, uh, who was more involved than I was regionally, uh, asked me, did I want to get more involved in the movement?
She had met one of my, uh, students.
walking by an abortion clinic thinking she was going to go in.
She approached her and she said, no, my pastor taught me about this already.
And she said, well, who's your pastor?
And that led to me going to Learn Life Education Resource Network.
There was a conference down in Virginia Beach and I felt that I should go.
And my wife and myself went.
The first time I heard of the Negro Project
And even why the Akua Farrow was the presenter.
And I heard of the eugenic design, the mindset, the ideology, the players.
And I was stunned.
And I was stunned to find, even more so, having gone to college and gone to seminary, that I never heard any of these things.
Not so much as an iota of these things, and yet
It was prevalent, dominating, and at that time the figure was 1,452 African-American children killed each day.
And here I was, a shepherd, and didn't know of this devouring agent that was preying upon the African-American community to the degree in which it was.
So I talked to Pastor Johnny Hunter, National Director, and I said,
Want to partner with you in addressing this issue nationally and locally and thus began My quest and in 2001 I came up with the idea, but 2002 we launched the website blackgenocide.org and actually the young computer Michael Spielman who does aboard 73 and
Abort.73 is another great website if you want to see what abortion is.
He was helping me put the site together.
We put all the information together.
He said, what are you going to call it?
And I said, ah, just call it Learn, I guess.
Learn Northeast is just a reach.
I want to reach the African American community with the message of abortion.
And he said, well, why don't you just call it Black Genocide?
That's what you're always calling it any other time.
And when he said it, it was like when Mary
Mary heard Elizabeth something leaped in my womb and I said that's the name, black genocide.
So we called it blackgenocide.org and it's uh... Well we're going to break down with you the real numbers.
52 percent, and that's conservative, of blacks never get born, they're murdered.
That is a bigger statistical genocide than we've even seen in Rwanda against the Tutsis or what we saw with Hitler.
This is a real genocide and eugenics
Is the religion of the elite, they teach it as phony environmentalism, that humans are a disease and a scourge.
This is what funds the entire global government movement.
It's what you always find.
It's what all the big banks fund.
And blacks are their number one target, but they're doing it to everyone now.
And so all these fools out there that are racist deep down and say, yeah, get rid of these black people or get rid of these brown people.
You know, all the white supremacists out there, it's being done to you as well.
This is for everyone, but blacks are the apple of the globalist eye.
And I just want to add that, you know, the good news is we see national statistics.
More and more people are beginning to wake up to this, but let's break down the black genocide program, the Negro program, as it was called by Margaret Sanger and the Rockefeller Foundation, and what these mass murderers are doing right now.
Well, no question about it.
It was a systemic design by the eugenics, the elitists of this nation, who are very much more in power than I ever dreamed that they were.
And the key thing was to introduce abortion and sterilization to the African American community.
It varied down through the years, but of course in 1973, by their own evaluation, they finally found the key element to reduce the numbers of African Americans under suspicion, that they would not be deemed as suspicious, and that was through abortion.
It was also through commandeering key African American iconic figures
To condone it.
And this is the greatest strategy.
You know, Jesse Jackson, 1977, is basically where I coined the phrase, black genocide, was from Jesse Jackson, who said, abortion is black genocide.
What happens to a mind of a person in the moral fabric of a nation that can abort a baby without a pang of conscience?
Yeah, that's the one good thing about Jesse Jackson is he did come out against that.
And you go back to what W.E.D.
Du Bois and others, you read Margaret Singer's letters, she said, we can't let these people know we want to kill them.
They don't trust us.
We've got to get rid of these weeds.
We've got to hire black leaders.
Three or four colored ministers with engaging social backgrounds was her exact word.
And Jesse, when he decided to be president, he wanted to be president, realized he wasn't going to get the money he needed unless he switched his position.
And so, uh, he literally became a shepherd leading the sheep to the floater.
So early on he was good, but then he flip-flopped for power.
How many millions of blacks have been exterminated?
16 million, and that is a conservative estimate.
I mean, is a billion dollars worth it to kill 16 million of your own people or anybody?
I mean, Satan could lead me up on a mountain and say, I will make you God on Earth if you'll kill one child, and I wouldn't do it if they were black or polka-dotted or green or white.
I mean, this is so evil.
It is unquestionably evil and it's very sad commentary to the Civil Rights Movement because Dr. King died in 1968 and he more or less never was really a designated Joshua to come in and lead and basically they began to fight amongst themselves for power and this brought about an opportunity with Rovers of Ways which was right around the corner
To offer money to these leaders and they basically defying their silence and asking for their
They're a legion.
And now 16 million dead people.
16 million.
And then there's just the consciousness of the deaf culture being so deeply embedded in the African American community.
The fact that we would embrace a message that would cause a woman to do the antithetical thing about life being
In her, and that is to kill it.
That is just the opposite of God, of faith, of a walk of, you know, religious bringing.
Reverend Childers, stay there.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're going to come back and continue breaking this down.
And of course, they don't stop there.
They put the fluoride in your water, the GMO crops, all designed to sterilize.
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Here's a Times of London headline from May 24th of last year.
Billionaire club in bed to curb overpopulation.
The Rockefellers, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey,
Secret meeting, it says at the end of the article, for a world government to forcibly reduce world population.
Now, it's a litmus test for political candidates in the Democratic Party, but the Republicans, they could have overturned this, most of them go along with it as well, to carry out this extermination.
And Barack Obama, when he got in power, took the hold off of billions of dollars in Africa.
Where they come into villages and basically force abortions on people just like China.
And if you'll adopt this, the big global system gives you all the power, because it's about killing.
Just like Pharaoh demanded the firstborn be sacrificed, so many other kings throughout history demand your firstborn, or they demand your children.
It's an act of submission.
It's a death cult.
Again, I've come through this from studying the globalist own writings.
And they know what they're doing.
And this is going on against all communities, but the main focus of this Luciferian system is killing black people.
Going back to the Reverend.
Reverend Childress, please continue, sir, breaking down what you were getting into with the black leaders, the 52% of blacks never being born, and how we stop this.
Well, and that's what listeners need to know.
If two African American women get pregnant, one of them for sure is going to choose abortion.
And at this rate, from Alan Guttmacher, who sat on the board of Planned Parenthood and probably has better stats than most at Gluckmacher Institute, he proudly reports that 52% of all African American pregnancies end in abortion.
Also, what they failed to tell you, of course, as you've already alluded to, and thank God for your work, the health ramifications that are just horrific, which are never discussed.
African Americans now, by using abortion nearly as a contraceptive, African American women now leave the country in preterm death rates of their children.
And it's also been documented that these IUDs they put in women in the 70s, 80s and 90s were designed to screw up women's uteruses.
And the same thing's come up with Debra Povera, that it, a lot of times, really hurts women's fertility.
Folks, you need to understand, and I mean, I've seen all the big studies.
They know it increases cancer risk having abortions.
Yeah, 66%.
And it's just outrageous that the NAACP has fought every year since 2006 from this coming to the floor.
Yes, sir.
And it's already that abortion is the most performed operation on a woman.
How can you not allow the information, the health information, especially when it comes to the issue of breast cancer?
And it can be clearly seen by all data that breast cancer basically rose and basically skyrocketed right after Roe vs. Wade in the African American community.
So, uh, we're looking for a grassroots, uh, just recently, uh, there's been a documentary out by Alpha, and, uh, being seen in the, uh, Thelma Film Festival, uh, this Sunday.
Absolutely, we offer it at InfoWars.com, the DVD film, incredibly powerful.
Back in 70 seconds, Reverend, and, and again, every, I've researched all this, everything he's saying is documented.
You need to be as informed as he is, folks, to stop this genocide.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Pastor Clennard Howard Childress is our guest.
Blackgenocide.org is the website.
You were getting into abortion statistics.
I've seen hundreds of mainstream news articles from major prestigious research institutions that it causes cervical, that it causes massive increases of cancer in the uterus, in the breast, because it interrupts a normal cycle and it's very, very dangerous for the body.
And we're sending a crew to interview you about this for an upcoming film, but this is a fact and women need to know this.
And then there's
All the evidence of how they push abortion once people get to the Planned Parenthood facility.
But I want you to continue on any other points you think are most important.
Then I want to get into...
African Americans, black people in this country, but all over the world, need to know that their leaders are worse than Judas Iscariot.
They are there, they are financed, because if the system comes to you and says, hi, I'm a Nazi, I want to kill you, black people are going to run.
But if they come and say, I'm a loving liberal, I'm going to keep you safe from the Ku Klux Klan.
Well, the Ku Klux Klan's pretty bad, but they haven't killed 16 million people.
I found it's the Birkenstock-wearing fake liberal, when you really corner them, they hate black people, they hate life, they hate humanity, they and their green police want to get rid of the majority of the world population.
Well, especially when it comes to, let me get back to this one health point of view, because people say, well, how does it affect me as a woman, when you say breast cancer, how did that come about?
Well, if you miscarry,
Your brain picks that up and sends messages throughout the body to shut down.
If it's surgically done, or if you have an abortion, the brain does not pick that up.
And it begins to send out impulses to the rest of the body as if you have a child.
And the greatest damage done is in the breast, because by the time the brain figures out there's no baby there.
And that's what the science shows.
There's a massive hormone flux.
That's why mammals get cancers thousands of times more often than sharks, because sharks don't have hormones.
Isn't it amazing that Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider, does not share that information with a woman coming in for the first time for an abortion?
That is negligent.
That's medical negligence, but yet no one holds them accountable, which allows me to segue over to what, you know, all of that approves right now.
Yes, we are.
And so they stepped back a few years, a few years ago, and picked an entity to lead the charge where they could be basically undercover in their intent and agenda to control the numbers of the world, but especially, of course, African Americans, and they picked Planned Parenthood.
And they get $350 million, $1 million each day.
$350 million of taxpayer money by both administrations, whether it's been Democrat or whether it's been Republican.
And so we find that this is an agenda of elitists that are getting this support from government to continue the eugenic practices of sterilization, abortion,
And seducing third-world countries into taking this in as a part of their day-to-day.
So this is going on and there's only one way I believe it could ever come to a close or to a stop is that for the voices of the people to be united as one and to be informed.
And because it's so massive, it would take a massive movement to address this ill and have the data.
And now this is the day that we do have the data to point out that these eugenics elitists have infiltrated just about every neighborhood.
Alright, Pastor, stay there.
We're going to break it down on the other side.
Long segment coming up.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
What you've been hearing is not our opinion.
I've never met the Reverend.
He's never met me.
His website, Black Genocide, is the same as what is the Endgame.com.
Or Endgame.
It's the facts.
It's their own writings, their own program, their own operation.
And I just wanted to add that if Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey and others of the Rockefellers, the fathers of this, they literally funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and then Hitler, that this is their program of control.
This is what they're into.
These are the most vicious control freaks
You can imagine.
And when you expand on that, and you realize that the CPS, it's not enough to kill 52% of the black kids, and the CPS takes more black children than any other children.
Statistically, they're five to seven times more likely to abuse children they have.
They then drug them.
The average foster child, more than two-thirds in the U.S.
are on multiple drugs.
The average child that's on drugs is on seven.
That's government numbers.
This is about destroying minds.
This is a cold-blooded operation.
And this ties into everything.
Everything always goes back to eugenics.
And I didn't even know what eugenics was 15 years ago.
I've been doing my research, studying the global structure, who runs it, their own writings.
This is what they are obsessed with.
You have the UN saying the carbon taxes are about destroying industrial society, bankrupting people.
Then if you're poor, they're going to take your children.
It's just State Department Random 200, put out by Henry Kissinger, telling the third world, get rid of half your people or you don't get IMF World Bank money.
This is what they're doing.
Now, going back to Pastor Childress of blackgenocide.org, and again, our websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.tv, on the eugenics subject, whatistheendgame.com,
Pastor, continuing, this is key.
We know that abortion, even one abortion, massively increases your cancer risk in different parts of the body that are involved in pregnancy and hormones.
We know it causes the women to have miscarriages when they try to have children.
The women are not being told that people would like to adopt those children.
They're told nobody wants a black child.
But again, this is being done to everybody, but particularly black folks.
We've got to get this message out to people and point out this is racist genocide.
Because I see black leaders and every other group are given football issues.
All day it's about racism and how the black leaders are going to protect you and how Hispanic leaders are going to protect them.
But it's all run by the same groups.
How do you sit there and watch this?
I know you fight it every day, but what is it like for you inside to know these people are doing this, and have you ever confronted them?
Oh, absolutely!
That's my job right now.
It just evolved, but I picketed the NAACP last July.
I followed them until they bring this onto the floor in discussion.
They will be picketed no matter where they go in their national convention.
I have a friend, Yvonne Yule, who covers the Detroit event that they do each year.
We are determined that this comes to the forefront of discussion.
We've made some headway recently in the last few years, but it's so ingrained, it's very much a part of the political system, and they're protecting it like you never would believe.
You have the whole Congressional Black Caucus fought, literally.
And this is staggering that most people would say, well, you can't buy a whole group of people of that magnitude.
Well, I beg to differ with you.
They're a bot.
And they all fight to make sure that this is never, that they are not held accountable on this information.
And especially the fact that it's affecting African Americans more than any other group.
in the country
I think so.
Uh, Sheila Waters, when you see them refuse to say anything, there's another agenda.
They have been bought.
They have interest, vested interest.
And I often say, if abortion was not lucrative, it would not be legal.
And they are benefiting off of the blood of African-American babies, and their silence is bought.
And so, it's up to programs like itself, and especially the community leaders, and especially the church, to continue to sound the alarm.
Our African-American leadership, now, it's reached the pinnacle because, yes, I'm happy that race was no longer a barrier to the Oval Office, but Dr. King said, we were not to judge by the color of skin, but by the content of character.
And now you more or less in the Oval Office have the face of black genocide.
And this is an ideology of Barack Obama where he is relentless and that's all that's behind the health reform bill, the promise he made, the Planned Parenthood, that abortion would be on demand and that government would pay for it.
And so every taxpayer right now should be... Travis County just passed a law.
It's the only county in Texas to do it.
Where I have to pay for abortions, I have to pay for murdering children, so I don't sell out to the New World Order eugenicist, I don't support abortion, but they don't care.
They're still gonna take my money and make me be a party to killing people in Austin, Texas, the city that resides in the county of Travis County.
And expanding on that, you talk about blood on the hands of these people, they sell it
Like it's some wonderful sacrament or a rite or a fun thing and people get wild-eyed when they talk about
abortion but the point is it has its roots in exterminating people and it gives them cancer and you got more than half of the black people never existing being murdered in their wound uh... it's maiming and wounding these women and we can we put two plus two together you got bill gates's whose daddy ran Planned Parenthood always giving eugenics speeches but he's got special shots for all the african kids it's not enough for him that they're killing half
Absolutely, and this is what needs to be.
They're going to be, I believe, a day of reckoning is coming.
But the data now is surfacing in places where they never thought it would get to.
And the college campuses hopefully will be the spawning ground for a move of social activism that we've never seen before.
But you have named the players.
You have also named those
More or less, who are literally being prostituted.
African Americans that have said, okay, we'll play this game for the dollar.
And look at the power she's given.
Look at the power Obama's given.
I mean, here's Obama massively increasing abortion and pushing abortions worldwide and all of this.
I mean, it's so evil.
He is the 21st century version of the blacks that Margaret Sanger went out and found so she could put a black face on her murder.
That's exactly why I believe he was elected.
And so he got the money.
And people today, they're still about questioning how he was able to raise the money he was raising.
But that's another program.
Four times the money that McCain got from Wall Street.
So you see here, this is massive.
But we shouldn't be intimidated.
We should continue to, I believe, truth crush the earth, we'll rise again.
Because look at the numbers.
What, 35 years ago when they got, 36 years ago when they got Roe v Wade through,
55, 60% depending on the poll were pro-abortion.
They believed it was just a blob of tissue they were lied to.
But thanks to the 3D imaging and all of it and the truth, now I see polls of over 70% nationally and growing are against abortion.
Absolutely, and that's the good news.
That's the excellent news.
The word is shifting opinion and we need that shift to happen simply because
It is going to intimidate the weaker ones, and hopefully not going along with this current agenda of the President.
An agenda that basically is just like the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and I still am shocked over those words.
We passed, she said, and in fact quote her, but to paraphrase, she said, and this was last year, she said, we passed Roe v. Wade to get rid of undesirable people.
And you bottom-lined it, that's right.
And people should be in just outrage that you mean you didn't do this based on constitutional law?
You mean you didn't study the Constitution, didn't come up with your decision?
Your decision, you're telling me, was based on an elitist group of people deciding we're going to reduce the numbers.
It was based on ideology, not law.
That is scary to know in.
And to sit there calmly saying it in an interview is even more shocking.
And of course, I never would think the New York Times would print it, but of course they figured they had an in, they had a scoop, and they did.
But we should... And Nancy Pelosi... Where is Nancy Jackson?
Where they at?
They said nothing!
Nancy Pelosi on one of the Sunday morning shows said we've got to fund abortion because that'll
That'll get rid of people and cut the carbon footprint.
I mean, this is what... They talk about this so much behind closed doors, they're now doing it right out in the open.
It's frightening.
It's frightening that there's still no outrage over it.
And we're going to continue... My hometown newspaper refused to put the quote in the paper.
Which we're going to take some legal action, is that they don't want to admit
What we have been saying all along, this is targeted genocide, it is a universal movement of these globalists that you will teach your audience about, and it's important for us to become informed that we then become active in social activism, I believe, because there is a God that we can turn this thing around.
Absolutely, Reverend.
Stay there.
We're going to skip this break.
It's a network break.
We're skipping it so we have more time with the Reverend.
This is such an important subject.
But I would just say to black folks listening right now, white people, it doesn't matter.
You need to go to your NAACP, you need to go to City Council, and you need to every week be there and tell them, stop your genocide, stop your eugenics, stop it.
Because if we could get black folks as angry as they get when a cop shoots some black youth who's unarmed,
I mean, you got 16 million versus a few hundred blacks getting shot a year.
How about instead of getting upset when a cop shoves a plunger in somebody, and that's bad, but it's not 16 million babies chopped up.
We know those babies are innocent.
How about you get as mad about all these babies as you get as some gang person, you know, dying in a shootout?
And that's terrible, but the point is we know these babies are innocent.
How about you get angry about that?
It's a good point, and it's one that I often say, and I keep it in perspective.
I grieve with you on one end, but isn't this not the greater travesty?
Look at the innocent, not allowed to be a partaker of the American dream, not allowed their chance for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I said, and you stand and say nothing.
This is growth negligence.
This is a great injustice we have done to our own children who are looking up to us to protect.
We'll be judged by what we do with our most vulnerable.
Right now, the judgment would not be good.
We need to turn that around.
We accepted
Well, look at America.
Abortion and then the women get cancer from it.
We accept torture and all these wars and we're being cursed for it.
This nation is being cursed by our own actions.
We allow evil to grow and grow and grow and for me,
You know, as a white guy, my number one issue is eugenics, but I can't imagine being a black person out there who goes to all these liberal meetings and NAACP and Republican meetings, whatever it is, and that their number one issue isn't your issue because it's the only issue.
It goes to the heart of who the controllers are, a bunch of murdering racists, and if they'll set up a system to kill more than half the blacks and a big percentage of all the other groups of humans on this planet, what else are they doing?
Well, I've done the research and I know every major GMO food they approve sterilizes the rats and gives them cancer in all the studies.
Mainstream news.
The hundreds of chemicals they put in the water under the name fluoride attack the brain, give you cancer, reduce fertility.
The vaccines in their own studies do it.
The drug insert on the H1N1 said may cause infertility.
They know what they're doing, they engineer all of this into what they do, and we have a group of murdering killers in control, and the football, the pageants, all the baloney has to end.
The media tells black people, get upset about this issue, and they go along with it.
They tell white people, get upset about this issue.
We have to stop letting them tell us what to get upset about, and get upset about real issues.
Get upset about the real issues, the ones that are going to impact you the most generationally.
And, unfortunately, we still are afraid to confront our own leadership, especially the African-American community.
We will not confront our leadership on how they have betrayed this community, the African-American community, for the sake of filthy lucre.
They have benefited for power, lust, from dollars for their own self-engrandizement, and they have not sought the service of the people
This is the greatest travesty ever in the African-American community.
The leadership, the African-American leadership is pitiful.
And, uh, but I'm praying for a revolt.
Oh, I absolutely agree with you.
And we are seen as weeds.
We are seen as trash.
We're all being experimented on.
And they beta tested it in the black community because that was a group that was slaves and controlled.
And it's going on all over the world right now.
And it's only getting worse.
And people, some of them don't want to believe this because it's so horrifying.
But look at history.
Look what other elites have done.
Look at how all the kings of Mesoamerica, Asia, Middle East, Europe,
They were always culling their slaves when there got to be too many of them.
And Prince Philip, Prince Charles' father talks about how he wants to cull us.
And all these big professors talk about, and now they're saying they want to genetically test you.
They've been taking baby's blood for 37 years without warrants for a secret DNA database at the Cold Springs Harbor eugenics facility that IBM runs in Cold Springs Harbor, New York.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
That is the basic root of eugenics.
They begin to determine even what we call feeble-mindedness, what we call violent, over-aggressive, slowful, lazy.
I mean, these are the things that they feel that they want to control, even the behavior of people.
Look at black men and Tuskegee.
Look at our own atomic soldiers.
The government does these tests to also test their own people and create cadres of mad scientists that will follow these orders.
Well, it's scary, but we can do it.
We can turn it around.
We can turn it around.
Well, how do people get you to come speak in their area?
Or how do people read your website, become leaders like yourself, and stop the mass murder in their town?
Well, the good news is that there's people like myself that are being birthed each day.
It seems like I'm getting emails off my website, blackgenocide.org,
And if there's an organization or a church or you want to somehow do something to get me out there or someone near in our network to get to you, I most certainly will discuss that with you.
We're seeing a wave of social activism beginning to finally surface, and I think it's a God thing.
But you can reach me at blackgenocide.org.
I also have another website, obamination.com.
I did that website in 2007 in an attempt...
Let the African American community know of the agenda of Barack Obama, and I'm going to repeat, 2007.
But, uh, nevertheless, I went unheard, but the website is there, obamanation.com.
We're going to upgrade it with some new articles.
You can get in touch with me on either one of those websites.
Well, we really appreciate the work you're doing because the heart of the New World Order is this wish to be God.
To control technology, to use it against the people instead of empowering the people and
The UN, all these groups state they want a world government with a fake environmental tyranny to control every facet of our lives.
And it's not coming, it's already here.
And if everybody wants to see their future, look at African Americans, look at blacks in Africa.
Some countries, 45% of the people have HIV.
This is all engineered, and if the government's been caught poisoning and killing blacks before, and then all the evidence shows they're doing it again now, abortion, though it's 16 million dead blacks in America, is the tip of the iceberg.
It is covert.
If somebody will set up a system to make sure more than half of a race dies, they'll do other things covertly, and we've caught them.
And that's what my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, covers.
People can get the DVD at Infowars.com.
And this issue is coming out because it took from the 1850s to the 1940s for eugenics to go through one big wave of evil and people stand up against it.
It then went underground.
It's taken us another 60 plus years to wake up to it again.
But we're waking up to these devils and we're going to run them back in their holes with the help of people like the pastor we're talking to today.
God bless you and I appreciate you for having me.
Well, God bless you, sir.
What if people out there don't have internet?
Let's say we got some poor East Austin black mothers, or Hispanic mothers, or white mothers listening right now, but they want to rise up and get politically active.
Can you send them a packet of info, or how can they contact you?
Post Office Box 157, Montclair, New Jersey, 07042, once again, Reverend Childress, D-H-I-L-D-R-E-S-S,
Post Office Box 157, Montclair, New Jersey.
We'll also be doing a streaming live program starting in two weeks on the internet.
You can get that off of the website and be able to bring updates every day.
Pastor, keep up your amazing work.
Godspeed, and we're all praying for you.
We'll talk to you again very, very soon.
Thank you for having me, and you do the same, sir.
God bless you.
Take care.
God bless you.
And I don't want to hear, hey, there's too many people, you know, we gotta break a few eggs.
Like Pat Robertson said, what, ten years ago that China was doing a good job with abortion?
Oh, you're against abortion of white people?
But you want to kill the Chinese and blacks?
Folks, you're gonna be killed too.
Don't you understand?
The new rule order wants everybody.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
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Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Ray McGovern on what's happening around the planet and the domestic police state, joining us in just a moment.
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Okay, for the next 25 minutes, we're joined by Ray McGovern.
Really doesn't need much of an introduction here.
He's a retired CIA officer, political activist who writes and lectures all over the country.
He's also an author and researcher, writes articles for Counterpunch and many other great publications.
He is co-founder of Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.
Of course, he famously grilled and shut down Rumsfeld when he was lying, saying he never said WMDs were in Iraq.
And of course, Ray McGovern also has been exposing a lot of the things that the government's been doing, some of the staged crises that they use to expand wars and tyranny.
And I wanted to get him on on a host of issues today.
Ray, good to have you back with us.
Good to be with you.
Thank you, Alex.
So much is going on, but out of the gates before we get into terrorists working for our government, staging attacks overseas, open discussions of assassinating U.S.
citizens abroad.
Barack Obama, you'd been hopeful that there would be a shift away from the neocons.
Now we hear continued talk of new wars, expanded wars, continuing torture.
He reauthorized the Patriot Act.
Who is Barack Obama?
Are you disappointed?
And who's really running the White House?
That's a good question.
Who is Barack Obama?
I did have some expectations which have been dashed.
I had a woman in the Middle East, right into the Israeli-Arab dispute, the conflict there.
He offered some hope that he would take a more realistic view.
As a matter of fact, major speech.
He said, Israel, no more settlements on the occupied territories.
No ifs, ands, or buts.
No more settlements.
And Netanyahu took his thumb and his other fingers and thumbed his nose at Barack Obama and said, oh yeah, by the way, we've stopped working on this little part of East Jerusalem and now we're going to do a new settlement on this hill and that hill.
So for Barack Obama, after a year in office, to tell, I guess it was a Time reporter, in this plaintive tone, gee, you know,
I didn't think that the Arab-Israeli thing was so intractable.
They're so stubborn.
It's as though he has no leverage, you know?
And, you know, $3 billion a year from your tax money and mine that they give to Israel every year, that doesn't give any leverage.
Give me a break!
So my major fear right now, Alex, is
Is that Netanyahu has to look on this Obama character as a real wuss, you know?
A real captive of the Israel lobby in this country.
And so what's to prevent Netanyahu from starting a war with Iran with the full expectation that Congress will vote, as it usually does, 492 to 3 in favor of, you know, defending our
Quote, ally, and I use quotation marks because an ally is a country with which another country has a defense agreement, and there is no mutual defense agreement between Israel and the United States, and that's more than just a technicality that does not oblige us to go to war if Israel provokes a war with Iran.
Well, Ray McGovern, you were one of the chief analysts in the morning briefer for Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr.
I mean, if you were there sitting in front of the President today, i.e.
the American people you're speaking to right now, what's the word with all your intelligence sources and also just analyzing the full spectrum?
We see Ahmadinejad saying they plan, Israel plans to attack in the spring or summer.
We see the Communist Chinese saying, you know, they're basically girding for conflict.
With the United States, we see Russia now becoming more and more angry at what the West is doing.
We see John Kerry dispatched to Israel in a speech to say, look, don't attack, let us just do crippling sanctions.
What are the chances they are going to launch a war?
What will it look like?
Are we in real danger right now?
It all depends, in my view, Alex, on how Mr. Yahoo and his cohorts there in Tel Aviv view Obama.
The incredible traveling back and forth between Washington to Tel Aviv, you have the CIA head, you have the National Security Advisor, you have the Defense Secretary, you have the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
You know, it never stops.
Biden is either there or going there this week.
Something's being planned!
Well, you know, it seems to me that what's happening is what happened a year and a half ago when Admiral Mullen, just named Joint Chief of Staff Chairman, went to Israel and he said, look, we don't want
I don't
I don't
I think?
And we say that with great confidence.
Now, whether they've resumed between 2003 and 2007 when the estimate came out, we're not sure, but we have reasonable confidence that they have not started that again.
Well, Ray, I saw that in the paper when it happened, and I don't want to just glaze over it.
That's an important point you raised a few minutes ago that I'd really kind of forgotten about.
It had gone in the memory hole that Admiral Mullen, and I saw it in the Jerusalem Post, said, don't stage an event like the USS Liberty.
I mean, that was an amazing statement by a top military officer of don't launch a false flag.
And I remember you
Almost four years ago on this show, saying, I think Cheney will try to stage a Gulf of Tonkin near the Strait of Hormuz, and then a year and a half later it came out that right around that time, Cy Hirsch reported at MSNBC, it was confirmed, wanted to have US Navy SEALs attack US destroyers.
As a staged provocation.
Looks like they only did the fake radio transmission, but that wasn't enough.
And the Admiralty, as it goes, didn't bite.
And Fox Phelan didn't bite on it.
So flesh that out for people.
In layman's terms, what it means to have a top military officer go to the Israelis and say, look, don't stage an event.
Well, it's good that you pointed out Cy Hirsch's reporting because he also reported that Dick Cheney had proposed, and I don't know how far this got, but proposed a painting,
Please, please don't start an attack.
It wouldn't be good.
Oh, yeah, it's on the table.
An attack is on the table.
Never mind, Alex, that it's, you know, a war crime to attack a country that hasn't attacked you or has no capability of attacking you.
It's still on the table, but please, pretty please, you know, it would really be nice.
So, the tone has changed.
It's not a kind of a forward look.
We know what you're up to.
Don't even think of it.
We know what you're up to, but please, please, this would really create quite a mess.
And so that disconcerts me, that really worries me, because, you know, Mullen has been pretty, when he had Fallon out there also, then, you know, things were pretty hard-nosed.
The military does not want to get involved in a war with Iran because they know it would be a catastrophe.
At the end of this article I wrote, you know, I compared Iraq and Afghanistan.
In light of a war with Iran, well, Iran would make a war with Iraq and Afghanistan look like a girls volleyball match between Mount Sinai and Holy Name Academy.
That's how bad it would be.
So what's the word in Washington with all your sources?
I mean, clearly they're trying to sell a war.
We see it all over the newspapers.
It's being pushed.
I mean, what are the chances, statistically, or dead reckoning, that they are going to launch an attack?
What will that attack look like and what will the aftermath be?
Well, I would not exclude the Israelis doing what they did on the 9th of June.
I don't know.
Now, why do I compare that to these days?
Well, the U.S.
Ambassador, the people of Washington, they were all over the Israeli leaders saying, no, no, okay, all right, you took the side, you took off.
Please, please, don't go up on the Golan.
That would get you involved in a war with Syria.
Don't do that, okay?
And, of course, they had a great intention of doing that, and one of the reasons, I believe, that they tried to sink the Liberty is because the Liberty was in a position to intercept
Without which, the Israelis couldn't do Golan, okay?
So they were sure the U.S.
was going to find out about it, and therefore they thought they would nip it in the bud there by taking a ship.
In any case, the situation is very similar now, because there's no guarantee that the Israelis won't go ahead with the full expectation that a lopsided vote in Congress and in the administration.
I mean, look who's running the place.
It's Rahm Emanuel.
Now, to his credit, you know, he's a very patriotic guy.
And, you know, when the balloon went up in the first Gulf War, he immediately rejoined the army.
Most people don't realize that it was the Israeli army that he joined.
And for all I know, he's still a reservist in the Israeli army, probably in intelligence.
Now, he's running the White House.
Give me a break!
So we have a bunch of people who, as I said before,
We have great difficulty distinguishing between what they believe to be the strategic necessities of Israel vis-a-vis the strategic needs of our own country, and that is the kind of situation that George Washington himself, our first president, warned about when he talked about passionate attachments of one country to the perceived needs of another.
When he was, of course, first president, they burned effigies of him all over the country.
The French tried to foam in a rebellion in the U.S.
because he would not authorize a new war against the British.
He said, no, we want our independence and our freedoms, not to be in an imperial alliance with the French.
And these entangling alliances are not what we need to do.
And that's what built America.
But what's wrong with Israel?
I mean, I'm no geopolitical wizard, but I can look at the pieces.
It really isn't in Israel's interest.
They know Iran doesn't have nukes.
Iran even tried to buy the uranium for the power plants from France a few months ago, which proves it wasn't to be used in weapons.
Why does Israel want to attack Iran?
It's the last bastion of support for people who, in Israel's eyes, endanger the state of Israel.
It is true that Iran affords a lot of help to Hamas and Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
These have been branded terrorist organizations by the U.S., but they're mostly so popular because they help the common people, the poor people, and they do have terrorist wings.
Now these terrorists can wreak havoc on Israel, and that's why Israel is doing all this preemptive
Or should we call it this pretext of Iran becoming close to a nuclear weapon to do in the regime there and to make Iran the kind of basket case that they succeeded in getting the Bush administration to make Iraq into.
And we've seen a lot of different breakdowns by analysts of what will happen if Iran is attacked.
All of the scenarios are bad, but they go from bad to worse.
Briefly, what will happen if Iran is bombarded?
One of the things they'll do, and this will hurt most Americans, is mine the Straits of Hormuz.
And through that Strait of Hormuz go, I think, 40% of the exported oil to the rest of the world.
So you talk about Japan, China, you talk about some really interesting and powerful countries that would be affected by this, not to mention U.S.
people at the gas pump.
Now, Admiral Mullen was asked two and a half years ago, well, couldn't the Iranians blockade the strait there?
And he swore it hard, and he said, yeah, they could.
But we could take it back within three days, probably.
Well, right.
How are you going to take it back, Admiral Mullen?
Are you going to send the Marines to scare those cliffs?
Where are you going to get the Marines from, Admiral Mullen?
Are you going to take them out of Afghanistan?
There aren't any Marines.
So, you know, the situation... And the Iranians aren't the Iraqis.
I mean, they really are going to have focused, sustained counterattacks.
And from what I've read, all they've got to do is not mine it.
They'll sink a bunch of ships there, and you're not going to get that out in a month.
Sure, they could do that.
You know, they have all these little boats with rocket launchers on them, and they have coastal defense things that won't quit.
These big U.S.
ships in the Persian Gulf are sitting ducks, frankly.
They're not...
If I were the head of the Navy, I'd get them the heck out of there and not make them sitting ducks.
What is it?
13,000 sunburned missiles that can hit all our ships?
We'll be right back with Raymond.
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Fifteen minutes into the next hour, Ray McGovern will leave us.
We'll do the rest of the hour live at PrisonPlanet.tv with Mike Rivero.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've seen all these big statements out of the State Department and many others, that this is one of the most critical times in world history in the last 200 years.
Henry Kissinger has said that.
Everything is coming together like a perfect storm, like we saw in the lead-up to World War I and World War II.
The world economy is plunging, the banks are looting.
They need a political distraction like a war.
Israel wants a war.
You have all that coming together in a perfect storm.
How do we avert this?
We were finishing up with Ray McGovern on the subject of what Iran would do.
Certainly, Ray, they wouldn't stop just with closing the Strait of Hormuz, would they?
No, I think that they have so many options, it's really hard to predict.
One of the things they could do is cause all kinds of casualties in Iraq.
They could do the same in Afghanistan.
They could shoot a couple rockets into Israel, and some people believe that they could destroy the Israeli weapons reactor in Dimona.
So, you know, the Israelis can't be really clear about what would happen unless they enlist the U.S.
to be at the ready if and when they decide to attack.
I think that a lot of their concern, though, even the Israeli concern, is kind of like a synthetic one.
It's manufactured concern.
They're whipping up this hysteria, even though the Iranians, poor souls, are having all kinds of trouble trying to enrich their uranium, even to work in a nuclear reactor for electricity.
They're whipping up this hysteria because it's something that the U.S.
citizens can be sold on, just like before Iraq.
Now, one of the things that's really curious is, here's Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State, out there.
In Doha out there, the United Arab Emirates, and she's saying, you know, we recognize that Iran is not a threat to the United States, but it is a threat to our friends and allies.
Now, for that, read Israel.
And so, you know, how is it a threat?
Well, if it got one nuclear weapon,
Uh, you know, I'd be a real threat to, uh, an existential threat to Israel, which only has between 200 and 300 deliverable by rocket, by, uh, by under the sea, by naval aircraft, you know, you name it, deliverable in all kinds of ways.
It's a real stretch, you know, despite the, you know, the paranoia.
Meanwhile, Pakistan's got quite a few nukes and medium-range delivery systems.
Well, even, you know, my friend Robert Gates, who was nominated to be Defense Secretary right there in 2004, I guess, well, no, 2006, after the terrible election for the Republicans.
You know, when he was asked by one of the actuaries, Carl Levin, the head of the Europe Services Committee in the Senate, he said, Mr. Gates, just tell me, why would Iran want to have a nuclear weapon?
And Gates, I guess, thinking more as an analyst than a politician, he says, well, look at the map.
They're surrounded by countries that have nuclear weapons.
There's Pakistan, there's Russia, there's Israel.
And Turkey and, well, Turkey doesn't have the nuclear weapons.
Well, we've got nukes there, yeah.
Yeah, but, and then in the Persian Gulf, you've got the U.S., so they're surrounded.
Pakistan, Russia, Israel, and the U.S.
and Persian Gulf.
Well, of course, all kinds of ripples, because Gates should have known that it's not politically correct to mention Israel in this connection, okay?
Everybody did.
And of course, that's a sensible, sensible, look at Iran.
Look at it from their point of view.
They're named one of the three axes of, axes of easel.
Now, what happens to North Korea?
They have a bomb.
What happens to Iraq?
They all have a bomb.
They get a bomb, they're safe.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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