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Filename: 20100317_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 17, 2010
3586 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
It is Wednesday, the 17th day of March 2010.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Alan Watt to talk about the state of the planet, the economy, the police state, the New World Order, the mind control grid will be joining us for two hours today, and we're going to have open phones with Alan Watt.
Then, Ron Avery,
The head of Texas Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, coming up this weekend and all 50 states are having basically presentations and press conferences that are open to the public.
They started asking me a few weeks ago to come to this and I think it's important enough that I'm going to
But I'm just going to give a 30-minute speech because I think their presentations are what are important.
But I'll be there at the Doubletree Hotel at 6505 IH35 North, 78753 this Saturday.
And it's going to be going 1 to 9 p.m.
And you need to call the local Austin and other Texas media.
And tell them to send radio and TV stations there to cover this because this is going to be detailed presentations on the deliberate controlled demolitions of Tower 1, 2, and 7 eight and a half years ago on 9-11.
So very, very important information coming up.
Dr. Bob Bowman is going to be there, Ron Avery, and many, many others.
And we are Change San Antonio as well.
Matthew Medina doing a great job.
And of course, I'll be there speaking as well.
They wanted me to speak for a couple hours.
I said, no, I'm going to come and do 30 minutes.
I don't do a lot of public events because I'm just so busy with electronic media.
And I've also sworn to my wife, at least during Spring Break, I'm going to try to take a few days off to be with the family.
But I will be there.
We got Ron Avery in studio.
Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth coming up in the last hour.
There's now over 1,100.
It was 1,000 a few weeks ago at their big international press conference they had that got a lot of media worldwide.
TV networks nationally and internationally covered it.
That went on with Richard Gage doing just a great job.
Another example of what one guy in two years can do by taking action.
A hundred more architects and engineers have signed on in just the last two weeks, so it's 1,100 now and just exponentially growing.
You've got what the number three guy in the Japanese government going public for 9-11 Truth, former German Defense Minister Andres von Bülow.
And just countless others.
The cover-up is just dissolving, imploding, falling apart faster and faster.
I do want to open the phones up in this first and second hour as well today before we get Alan Watt and Ron Avery on.
In fact, I noticed on my call list that we had Watt on for two hours.
This says one hour.
So we need to get on the horn with him.
So he is on at noon, not at one.
Okay, fine.
It just says one here on my list.
Thank you, guys.
We're about to go to break.
I've got five big stacks of news.
I at least want to mention some of the headlines, get into some of the most important top stories, and then we'll start going to your phone calls.
In the first hour, I want to limit it to first-time callers, so people that have a lot of information they've tried to get in with for months, and the phone lines are jammed when we open the phones up.
This will be your chance to get involved.
First-time callers in the first hour.
Then in the second, third, and fourth, it'll be a free-for-all.
And when we come back, we will get into these important stacks of news and information.
The websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be simulcasting three hours of the radio show today, the second, third, and fourth hour, live at PrisonPlanet.tv for PrisonPlanet.tv members to see the radio show in video living color.
We'll be right back.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, we're going to break down the latest of the government takeover of healthcare.
Do they have the votes or don't they?
Dennis Kucinich, did he cave in?
Is he going to support the looting, as he called it, the insurance company bailout, the robbery of the American people?
We'll be going over that as well.
Here are some of the top stories today on this Wednesday, 17th day of March, 2010.
Southern Poverty Law Center caught on tape repeating lies about Alex Jones and cop-killer Paplosky.
Now, we had played an audio recording of this that wasn't the highest quality.
A better tape was given to Gary Franchi by the folks that did the interview with the Southern Poverty Law Center Research Director.
And she says that I'm insane and that I influenced Poplowski to kill the three cops in Pittsburgh.
Now remember, we made five newspapers retract it.
Five newspapers.
We simply posted the comments by Plosky on white supremacist websites about how horrible and evil I am because I don't call for violence and because my show isn't revolving around race.
And then we found his comments on my website, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com attacking me, and the Southern Poverty Law Center knew that day one.
Why do they know?
Within two hours of the cops being dead on the front lawn of his mommy's house, they had already told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the police and the Southern Poverty Law Center, using a writer who writes for them, who's on that beat of demonizing people,
That he did it because he supported me.
And then we found out he hated me.
Always hated me.
Always attacked me.
Had visited thousands of websites.
Fox News, CNN.
Why within two hours is the number one thing on their mind Alex Jones?
This is creepy.
This is dangerous.
This is scary.
These people don't play games, ladies and gentlemen.
And then,
Some folks go in there to ask them why the Southern Property Law Center has put We Are Change, which follows Mahatma Gandhi's idea, be the change you want to see in the world, be non-violent, and they put them in there saying these are dangerous people.
And we've seen We Are Change being set up in the media, remember?
A year and a half ago, out of a doorway comes a man with a handicapped girl in a wheelchair, ramming it into Jeremy Tallis.
At a We Are Change event, protesting Laura Bush outside of her book signing, calling for funding for police and firemen and emergency workers, which they're finally starting to get.
I mean, they weren't even there about 9-11 Truth.
They were there for the firefighters and police.
And here he comes.
I talked to all the witnesses.
They said, yeah, they won't give us the cameras from the bookstore.
I don't know.
And once they got the Secret Service on stand, they wouldn't lie like the NYPD.
The NYPD got up and lied.
On the stand.
And the Secret Service, they're not, like, it's a little more professional.
They're not gonna ruin their career.
They're not gonna lie about somebody.
They said, no, he didn't attack them.
They began ramming him.
I mean, they just run up with a wheelchair and start ramming you.
These are the type of setups.
Well, same thing here.
You got a guy completely drunk, his mother said.
Gets home at 3 a.m.
At 7 a.m., his two pit bulls are urinating all over the floor and defecating.
She says, that's it.
I told you you couldn't have one dog, now you've got two.
And get out of my house.
And he said no, so she called the police, and when they pulled up, he killed three of them.
They need to put him in the electric chair.
Those cops have families.
They were called to that house by your mommy, and they came up to that door, and you killed them.
Now, the other issue here is, why within two hours of him giving himself up, was there a headline story that it was all my fault?
And the proof in the pudding is, five newspapers had to retract.
Just like they had to retract
The Dallas Morning News had to retract.
The Denver Post had to retract.
Alex Jones screams, kill Michelle Malkin.
The Denver Mint, there's a protest going on against the Federal Reserve during the DNC.
We hear about it.
We're walking down to it.
Anarchists come up and are pushing me and shoving me, trying to get me in a fight.
I see the lady that wrote the case for internment about putting Americans in camps en masse for their race, Michelle Malkin.
I go up, get in her face.
She says, get out of my face.
Her bodyguard gets in my face, starts grabbing our camera.
So we start screaming back at them.
We get really aggressive.
It's what we do.
People that came with her, with local bloggers, dressed up with masks and hats on, covering up their faces, in big sunglasses to cover their faces, and in big hats, start screaming, leaning down behind me, with their camera in front, screaming, kill Michelle Malkin.
Definitely staged.
Within hours, it's all over international television.
Alex Jones says, murder woman.
We forced retractions.
Because we went into our hotel room, got the raw video out, posted it on YouTube by the next day, showing it.
We sent it to the news media and we said, here's the guy screaming, kill Michelle Malkin.
Here's the video of him leaving with Michelle Malkin.
First they ran up like they were fans and said, oh Alex, we're big fans.
Hey, put their arms around me.
Yeah, new world order, bring it down.
To establish that they were with me.
Total frame-up, total set-up.
So, running wheelchairs in a 9-11 truth, saying that I'm saying kill women, saying that I influenced Plopolsky to kill cops.
And it goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.
Then they start saying 9-11 troops can engage in violence.
9-11 troops can engage in violence.
And there's two ways to look at this.
Either it's making mentally ill people get that idea in their head because the news keeps saying it out of the blue.
They're going to attack Obama.
They're going to attack government buildings.
Guaranteed, it's about to happen.
And I go on air and I say, looks like this is about to be staged.
And then some guy disappears for months.
He's on all these psychotropic drugs.
He shows up, grazes two cops, he gets killed conveniently.
They're not releasing any of the surveillance tape.
And then it comes out in the Associated Press and the big Tennessee papers that the guns he got came from a police lock-up of confiscated firearms and from a year before the shooting at the federal courthouse in Nevada, came from the same lock-up.
What are the chances of that?
And it goes on.
Then it turns out this guy was in government negotiations with DARPA and Homeland Security three years ago for patent submissions and was wanting to meet with the Pentagon.
And it goes on and on.
Same story with Stack.
The kamikaze attacker.
I mean, it is just amazing.
Amazing, his whole MO, family overseas, working in software for government development.
The guy that owned the small hangar that only had five planes in it, north of Austin, worked for Homeland Security in remote control aircraft design.
And the actual avionics remote control systems is his specialty.
His family says, no way Stack did it.
Stack had the absolute MO of black ops.
We get his FAA landing records of where he did unscheduled landings at secretive military bases.
Witnesses said they saw no one in the plane, multiple witnesses, as it flew over Research Boulevard into the building.
They already had all the emergency trucks, first time ever of the entire county together there,
30 minutes before.
The FBI was out there within seconds with video cameras.
They went around everywhere confiscating all the video of it.
Declaring national security from apartments and gas stations and businesses.
And it goes on and on and on.
The underwear bombing.
Absolutely admitted that they helped him get on the plane without a passport under U.S.
Mainstream news.
government orders.
The Fort Hood shooter, for two years, thinks he's contacting the top Al-Qaeda commander, who always is involved setting everybody up, who's known MI6, even come out mainstream news.
They had a guy who was running the 7-7 bombings, was allowed to fly in and out of England, then it was admitted MI6.
That's mainstream British newspapers.
It even comes out!
This Hassan guy's running around talking about how he's going to kill people and love suicide bombers for two years.
He thinks he's emailing Al Qaeda commanders and now the CIA and Pentagon have declared national security and won't let Congress see the hundreds of emails.
Why can't we ever see the surveillance footage?
Why can't we ever see the emails?
Why it's all this proof?
Show it to us!
Bare minimum, they're opening the doors for these guys.
We know that.
And now, there's some cussing on this.
Will you guys grab the Gary Franchi video?
It's only four and a half minutes long, where he plays the audio of the Southern Poverty Law Center Research Director, saying I'm totally insane and bad and influence people for violence.
She's cussing on the tape, too.
So, will you cut out the cuss words, please?
You can give it to Matt, he can do it.
But let's just do it as quickly as possible.
I forgot to tell you to do that this morning.
The headline is, SPLC caught on tape repeating lies about Alex Jones and cop-killer Poplowski.
They also demonized Gary Franchi of Store the Republic.
They're great activists, but I mean, pretty tame.
They're just calling for them to reinstate the Bill of Rights.
Oh my gosh!
That's crazy!
How dirty!
How bad!
How evil!
Alright, I'll get into all the other big news when we come back.
It's important.
And your phone calls, stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
Coming up, Dennis Kucinich, staunch critic from the left to vote for Obama's health care bill.
But he's doing it reluctantly.
Well, I have lost.
Any respect I had for Dennis Kucinich, because he always stuck to his guns, even though he was anti-Second Amendment, because he was truly anti-war, anti-private fellow reserve, and had done so much good.
The fact that he let Obama sweet-talk him in a private Air Force One flight with him, and promised him Lord knows what, or threatened him, we don't know.
This is truly disgusting.
Truly disgusting and when his own Democratic Party was going after his seat a few years ago in his state, I supported him and told listeners to donate to his campaign and I feel betrayed.
And maybe I shouldn't.
Maybe like with Debra Medina when she said 9-11 Truth was good, it was healthy, and then said we were despicable.
Maybe I should have just said, oh, okay, I'll go along with the flip-flop.
I'll give up my convictions.
I won't even criticize you.
I never criticized her for not being a 9-11 Truth.
I criticized her for being completely two-faced.
But I guess as a citizen, as a Texan, I'm not allowed to do that.
I'm not allowed to speak out or have my views.
And so, oh, okay, I'll say this.
Good job, Dennis Kucinich.
Good job for completely betraying us.
I support you.
Everybody, send him lots of money.
I shouldn't be hurt by this.
It'll probably pass now because of him.
Thanks a lot, Dennis Kucinich.
Thanks for giving him the momentum.
In fact, maybe I shouldn't pull up the old video clips of him from a month ago, two months ago, five months ago, six months ago, saying, quote, it's a bailout to the insurance companies, a rip-off, it cuts people's services, and sells people out and forces 40 million people to get overpriced insurance.
Yeah, people that have pre-existing conditions supposedly will get their price lower, but then everybody else will have to pay more for them, instead of having
Competitive rules where you can shop outside your state and things like that.
Things that would have been good because the insurance system is corrupt.
They wrote this bill and he pointed that out.
He told the truth!
So did Howard Dean a few months ago now.
He flip-flopped and says it's good.
And I guess I'm supposed to just go, oh, that's all right.
Don't talk bad about Dennis Kucinich.
It's like Protestants getting mad at me whenever I got angry ten years ago at Pat Robertson saying that abortion and infanticides what China has to do and they need more of it.
Oh, don't talk about Pat Robertson, or when he does global warming ads with Al Sharpton saying it's real, or that Obama's good and we should all support him.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, oh, I like you, Pat Robertson.
I like you, Al Sharpton.
I like you, Dennis Kucinich.
See, I mean, does America want real change, or do we just want to be conned and lied to by George Bush, promising to reverse what Clinton did?
Instead, he expanded it.
And then Obama gets in and completely flip-flops more secret than Bush, more lobbyists than Bush, more wars, more tyranny, more Patriot Act, more torture, more secret arrests, everything.
Banks ripping us off, just continuing the entire operation.
And I guess I wasn't supposed to make the Obama deception or follow the Republic exposing this guy.
I was supposed to just say, it's okay.
No, I'm going to be steadfast.
I'm not going to flip-flop.
You make me sick, Dennis Kucinich.
You've betrayed us.
You have betrayed yourself.
You have ruined the fact that you were somebody that at least did what they said they would do.
And that's why I supported you, even though you're one of the worst gun grabbers out there.
Because you at least appeared to be somebody of conscience.
Support of what you thought justice was, even though you were wrong sometimes.
Because you had courage.
Well, this is disgusting what you've done.
It's disgusting.
I'm going to get more into the health care bill after we take some calls.
Here's some of the other news.
D.C., home to the most cyber criminals.
Yeah, because the government's located there.
They're launching most of the attacks.
Contestants turn torturers in French TV experiment.
They got a TV game show where they torture people.
And it dovetails with the Stanford Prison Experiment.
How they found that over 90% of people working at the university, graduate students, who believed they were killing people under orders.
Just because an authority figure, their professor, told them to kill someone, they would
Believe they were killing someone and pull the switch.
That's how they get cops and military to be evil.
You know, Hitler ordered the troops to do it?
They did it.
Our government orders the troops to do it?
They'll probably do it, unless we expose this.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Bunch of financial news, but your call straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Here's some of the other news coming up.
Pharma-backed Australian of the Year psychiatrist wants millions in government funding for Brave New World of pre-drugging kids.
This is out of Time Magazine article, Drugs Before Diagnosis.
That's right, they say we need to put basically all the children on drugs.
That's what's in the new Freedom Initiative.
Actually, that's in my film Endgame, news articles out of England where they're saying if a two-year-old's father or mother ever had mental problems or ever was a criminal, we need to go ahead and put two-year-olds on drugs.
So this is the forced drugging of the population.
Also, out of the LA Times, DWP rates, power rates, may rise between 8% and 28% to pay for mayor's green initiatives.
Now, the same thing is going on here in Austin, but even worse.
It's literally a doubling, the City Council is saying.
They haven't passed it yet.
They said they were going to do it in February, then in March.
Who knows?
They haven't really had any hearings on it.
They're being very secretive, but the Austin Energy Department said it's a $2.6 billion tax, but it's good for the Earth in the first three years.
$2.6 billion.
So enjoy your doubling here, but only 8 to 28 percent.
Of course, it's always higher than they say in L.A.
The hike would pay for more aggressive conservation programs and a solar plan designed to create 16,000 jobs.
Oh, sure.
Sure it will.
As well as cover the fluctuating price of coal and natural gas.
California, remember Enron 10 years ago?
Ripping them off, double, triple, quadruple charging them.
Lying about what the energy really cost.
State of California deep into that.
So it's just all about raping you.
Wherever they find trendies, they say, it's trendy!
We're gonna charge you more and keep it, the money!
And hire a bunch of inspectors to harass you.
Oh, wonderful!
Another story out of the Christian Science Monitor.
They report this with a straight face.
As climate change debate wages on, scientists turn to Hollywood for help to propagandize.
China trims holdings of Treasury securities.
That's serious news to the dollar.
That on top of Moody's Financial Rating Service saying we may lose our AAA rating on U.S.
We talked about this.
Child rape charge rocks TSA.
Logan employee pats down air travelers at naked body scanning stations.
And it, of course, doesn't matter.
They're just going to continue and hire the perverts to run it as they grab your wife's breast and grab your genitals and scan your children.
That's just the way it is.
Hundreds of American flyers file complaints over naked body scanners.
This Paul Joseph Watson, presentplanet.com article.
Hey, thanks a lot, Alex.
Got a comment here.
I'm in central Jersey and it's the second day of nice weather after about four days of rain.
And of course the chemtrails are out of control yesterday.
And today I'm noticing they're doing a lot of high altitude.
Do you know if there's any difference between the chemtrails that they do, like in that crisscross pattern, low altitude, and when you see a single plane real high with chemtrails?
Bob, I appreciate your call.
I don't even like to talk about this unless I get into all the evidence because we have new listeners.
And so many callers want to talk about chemtrails.
So we're going to do some more shows on this coming up.
But condensation trails disappear within a minute.
Ice crystals.
That's normal.
But now you have, since the mid-90s, a secret government program now partially declassified in the last two years.
The government's done press conferences on it, but they're geoengineering.
If the planet was a dead planet, they would call it terraforming, but because it's already a living planet, they call it geoengineering.
And so, most of it's classified.
And so there's lots of different weather modification programs going on.
The government says it's weather modification, but what they're spraying
Also is toxic to humans and other mammals.
Barium salts, aluminum dioxide and other things.
Chet in Ohio, you're on the air.
Hey, I'm calling about the chemtrails too.
I'm here in Columbus and we have those up today.
I was wondering if every time I see those, if just call 911 and just
Well, so many people have called the FAA and called their police, and then folks ferreted out that in plain view, universities admitted, but they used the scientific terms of
You know, aerial, aerosol, weather modification programs, that now the White House Science Argonne has given multiple press conferences, admits that they've been, quote, testing it, but now they want to go full-scale, and Bill Gates has got patents on it, and says he's gonna save us with big government contracts, billions to his companies, to protect us from tornadoes, and protect us from hurricanes, and protect us from all these things, but
Meanwhile, it's a problem, reaction, solution situation because the evidence clearly shows it's the government manipulating a lot of this and also they can launch bizarre weather disasters and then hype it up and say, see, we need to now sell you weather control to protect you from this shit.
But, you know, the local police, they're not going to know what's going on.
It would be the FAA you'd call.
Well, yeah, I was just suggesting that just maybe to, you know,
Awaken some of the police officers and stuff just to get it out there.
They just may, and you'd probably beat it in court, they might charge you with a fake 9-1-1 call.
You might call 3-1-1 just for information, and educate them if you want, and see if they'll call the FAA, but you probably don't want to call 9-1-1, Chet.
I appreciate it, because there might be somebody having their house broken into, or a car wreck or something, and it might stop response time by two or three minutes if they're busy with you on the phone, and then somebody bleeds to death.
But go to City Council, talk about it.
Call, talk radio about it like you're doing here, but call shows where they may not know.
And also, get together all the articles we've written at Infowars.net, PrisonPlanet.com, about Chemtrails.
Just Google ChemtrailsInfowars.com.
You'll see videos, photos, literally hundreds of articles over the last
Twelve, thirteen years we've had InfoWars.
Last eight years with Prison Planet.
And you can see government documents, links to the CFR admitting it, links to Holdren admitting it.
I mean, this is... I suggest people not just say, oh, look up in the sky.
People go, oh, you're a nut.
You know, take your neighbors, the material.
I haven't decided yet, with the next fall of the Republic, whether we're going to have the chemtrail research we've done in that, or will that be a whole other film.
But I mean, I've done interviews all over the country, sent my team everywhere.
We've got government documents, we've got the government admitting it, internal documents, video, audio.
We are changed.
Just went to a big geoengineering conference with a club of Rome and interviewed people.
And I've been so busy, I haven't even watched the video they sent us last week.
I mean, it's just, we're drowning in evidence they're doing it.
But because people don't go out and get the actual source documents, it's still a conspiracy theory.
It is not debatable.
It's like FEMA camps.
It's on record they're there.
They have legislation.
It's in the FEMA documents.
There's the civilian inmate labor camp program, but then Glenn Beck goes out and debunks it by picking conspiracy sites that speculate or go to an Amtrak station or go to a military training facility and say, oh, look, it's a camp.
Meanwhile, there's camps admitted everywhere, but no one, it seems, wants to focus in on the real camps.
That's why I've made Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA, eight years since I've made a new Police State film.
We almost called it Police State 2010, but it's, it's, the first one was Police State 2000, ten years later, but this is, we're calling it Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
It's a two-hour plus film.
About half of it's about FEMA, Continental Government, FEMA camps.
The rest is about police state, gun grabbing, troops on the streets.
It's powerful, folks.
A year ago, I started producing it when Glenn Beck was out doing his fake debunking, and I was just going to put it out quickly, but I just ended up spending a year on it.
Because, I mean, you know, an information video that takes two, three months to make is great, but we ended up putting a lot more into it, and it's turned into a really powerful film.
I mean, I wanted to just churn it out, but it's kind of like the old Orson Welles ads for wine, where he'd say, we will sell no wine until it's time.
So this was just going to kind of be just a kind of $10 bottle of Chianti off the shelf that, eh, it's okay, table wine.
Now it's a good bouquet here of information.
Same thing with Burmese's film.
I mean, I'm so close to this that it's almost hard for me to even hype how good these films are.
So I'm like, oh yeah, I got some new films.
They're really good.
You need to have them.
Breaks some new ground.
Covers a lot of issues.
They're both pre-selling right now at Infowars.com.
And why do you want to pre-buy them?
Well, you financially support us, and then you get them first.
They're shipped out in the order that they're received.
Got a big stack of orders in there, and we start with the first order to the last.
And so...
Coming up in about 28 days, we're going to have Burmese's new film, Invisible Empire, New World Defined.
Incredible documentary.
Got some new trailers coming out later in the week for that.
And then a week later, April 21st, we drop Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
They'll both premiere at PrisonPlanet.TV.
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Okay, let's go to Eric in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to call and let you know that I ran into the face of the New World Order here in mid-Michigan and he sits at the head of my city water department.
One other thing I wanted to tell you, I did get some information out of him on the actual companies that they buy the emitted hydrofluoric acylic acid from.
And the one you can pull up the MSDS is for the stuff right on their website.
So do they buy their toxic brew from a nuclear weapons uranium enrichment facility, or do they buy it from an aluminum facility, or do they buy it from a mining operation where they mine the limestone to produce the crop fertilizer?
Well, he ironically called it a co-product, not a by-product.
The company they buy it from is a fluoride specialist.
I didn't know if I should say the name or not.
No, go ahead!
Oh, it's LTI Limited.
So, that's their website is LTI Limited.
You can look them up and see where they're getting their fluoride.
Yeah, and I looked yesterday and I couldn't find anything other because I pulled up the MSDSs and got caught up in reading those and wanted to vomit all over.
Um, this guy that I talked to, man, he told me that if the CDC said mercury is safe, he'd drink it.
You're joking?
No, I'm not joking at all.
Well, the government now says mercury is good for you and helps your brain.
That's official.
They now say melamine is good for children.
That's Associated Press.
Now we go, oh, this mercury's hurting us.
Oh, it's good for you.
Oh, this melamine liquid plastic's hurting us.
No, it's good for you.
Oh, this corn syrup, all the studies show it's burning out the pancreas.
No, it's good for you.
Oh, hey, showing Prozac's killing people, making you go psychotic.
In 1981, during the trials, it showed a massive 15-time-fold increase in suicide, and it took us...
Well, they put it on there five years ago, so 81 to 2005.
We're talking 24 years, and we finally forced them in 2005.
Worldwide, all serotonin reuptake inhibitors say causes psychotic breaks, mass murder, delusions, mania, depression, and that's why every mass shooter we've seen's been on it.
The guy at the courthouse in Nevada, on it.
No, he said that exactly.
In fact, his only defense against all of...
I got a bunch of information on it and got ready and called him and everything I said, you know, talking about how... But you can send him the official letter from 2000 and again 2005 from the head union with over 90% of EPA toxicologists and scientists sending letters saying this is deadly poison, take it out.
I mean, we got C-SPAN videos of him testifying before Congress.
I mean, he says that doesn't exist?
I mean, what?
Well, yeah, he said all the information that he got is backed up by the CDC.
All he could do is fall back on the CDC.
That's why I brought up the swine flu to him and how it was a known scam and admitted it.
He told me the reason I didn't...
Get the flu this year?
Not because of the vitamin D that I was taking.
It was because he got the vaccine and that didn't spread it to me.
You can send him the National Post and the FDA.gov's own articles that we covered Sunday and Monday.
And it's all screenshotted on the videos that are posted.
If anybody wants to see it, you can see the headlines and pull it up for yourself.
Saying that they're recalling it now and that it protected no one and was a complete fraud.
He doesn't care about that.
No, you know, but the thing that made me think he was New World Order is that he tried to compare the fluoride in the water to vitamin D in milk and then he called vitamin D a drug.
And that was kind of suspicious to me.
Why would he instantly call a fight against drugs?
That's right, because under Codex Alimentarius in Canada and other nations, Toronto Star, they're listing it now as a drug and ordering the drug stores and pharmacies and health food stores not to sell it.
It's not even a law.
They said we may fine you or arrest you and just sent a letter saying don't sell this.
Oh yeah, they've been all over the news demonizing vitamin D. Listen, listen, listen, it's worse than that.
They set reality, that's like Karl Rove told the New York Times, we control reality.
And we'll change reality next week and you'll believe it.
We're history's actors now.
What two conspiracies, well he lists three or four, 9-11 truth and a few others, but the two main ones he said, Cass Sunstein, White House, regulations are, he sets all this up now, outside of law, he just orders the bureaucracies to do it.
He said, we will ban, we will make it illegal, or at least tax,
Saying that sunshine is good for you.
I'm not exaggerating.
Thousands of studies over the last 50 years.
They know it reduces cancer to get moderate sun.
Grandma knew, go outdoors, get some sun.
Grandma, it's turned out in major studies.
Great-grandma was right.
Why do you get sick when you're out in the cold?
Because your body switches off its autoimmune system to warm the body, and so germs can get through easier.
That's what the studies now conclusively prove.
It isn't the cold that makes you sick.
You know, they say, oh, shut that window, honey, you'll catch your death.
It's that when it's cold, especially the mucous membranes where you're breathing, it shuts down just to heat the body, and then the germs can get through, the microbes, the viruses and bacteria.
But, oh yeah, well no, that guy's just brainwashed.
Look, he likes his job, he likes his paycheck, he likes the football game, he likes the Miller Lite, it's Miller time, and he's gonna live in denial.
Once you're committed to denial, you just burrow deeper and deeper into it, and then you're committed to the lie, so you rationalize everything.
It's called Crime Stop in 1984.
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I'd rather cry, I'd rather fly.
David in Arizona, you're on the air.
Alex, I can't believe I got through to you.
Listen, long time, long time shortwave listener.
I'm just wondering, man, this electronic beeping in the background at times everywhere in the Southwest is like incredible.
I mean, it's almost like some kind of mind control experiment to see how much I can handle.
Let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
ABC News reported the Kokomo hum.
And it's been associated with underground tunneling machines that were declassified in the 50s.
Nuclear-powered locomotives that can, I want to say tunnel as much as
Well, I don't want to go from memory, but it's a massive amount per hour, and that can cause a harmonic hum.
It's like if you go up to a metal shed and start banging it at the right frequency with your hand, you can make the whole shed shake.
Well, when they've got giant tunnelers underground with all these huge bases and underground railways that they admit they've got, but how big they are classified,
I don't know.
Road to Tyranny film out of a law enforcement catalog for only a few hundred bucks.
They sell the Sonic Nauseator.
Guys, Google that.
The Sonic Nauseator and the Super Sonic Nauseator.
See if it's still sold.
And the law enforcement catalogs sell these subsonic hum machines and it says,
This is actually In the Road to Tyranny from the catalog.
You want to go to an event and make the speakers nauseated to disrupt the American people?
Buy the Supersonic Nauseator.
You want to make people sick in your prison?
And so they just turn these on in the prison, you know, at night to harass everybody.
And they buy them, they're little goodies.
And so that's just for 500 bucks, 200 bucks for the smaller one going from memory.
Uh, that's something they just torture people with.
But yes, they are testing this.
You know, it's like I told people 10 years ago, they're gonna have microwave cannons and sound cannons.
I was reading the government documents.
Now they're actually out at the tea parties, they're at the G20, they're firing, they're blasting, they're attacking.
They use microwave weapons in Iraq and Fallujah.
Where they can just blast a whole neighborhood, make everybody start getting sick and vomiting, and they keep it on long enough, it'll kill you.
Eh, it's just all part of the fun.
But it must be tough for schizophrenics, though, because they're already imagining this stuff.
Now it's really happening.
And so there's some schizophrenia, people worried about it, and then there's other people that are legitimately being attacked.
But go ahead.
Alex, I have one other thing, too, once we get off of this.
But yeah, it's zeroed on 12.160.
You know, if I go a little bit one way, a little bit the other way, sometimes it will come in a little clearer.
But I mean, they just got it pegged right on your frequency.
Oh, I know!
Oh, you're not talking about... Hold on, hold on, hold on.
You're... Okay, I should have shut up and let you talk.
You're not talking about a sonic nausea machine, which they use on people who are testing in cities everywhere.
You're talking about what's confirmed.
Yes, any shortwave frequency I'm on at WWCR always has this boop, boop, boop, and they've always had people also come up on shortwave attacking me.
They've had the North Koreans and the Communist Chinese block my frequencies.
They've had Voice of America block me.
I have heard it myself.
Absolutely, they're jamming us.
Yes, that's a jamming carrier wave.
It's also meant to harass you so you don't listen.
It's just like I'm ready to say goodbye, Alex.
I can't take it anymore.
Well, listen, do this, do this.
A lot of people on YouTube, they've recorded it and put it on YouTube for people.
I'm going to come back to you in one minute.
Stay there.
Then Alan Watt will be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're gonna start simulcasting the syndicated radio show in the balance of this hour and the third and fourth hour with Alan Watt coming up the next segment.
So PrisonPlanet.tv members go there and start your engines if you want to watch live here as we go over the news, video clips, interview Alan Watt.
We were just talking to David in Arizona about how we will move shortwave frequencies
In the summer, in the winter, and Voice of America follows us, this tone follows us, and we know that Mount Weather and a few other big Pentagon
We're good.
Yeah, I want to get to one other thing real quick, but on the shortwave, I mean, you're absolutely right, because every time you move, it's like they follow you.
You know, it's just, I hope you just realize for all of us that are off the grid how important it is to keep your shortwave going.
I mean, I know so many people are on the net now and that's probably most of the new listeners and everything you've got are all, you know, over the net in one way or another.
But there is a lot of us out there, Alex, so I just hope that somehow you keep the short way going.
We don't pay for our AM and FM stations.
I've got a few that have asked for help here and there.
We've helped out a little bit, who've been long-time supporters of the show, but 90 plus percent of our affiliates.
We've got three more this week, in fact, and I lost the list of the new affiliates.
Will you guys print that again?
I want to plug those coming up.
Three new affiliates this week!
Is it?
Because it's all about getting the message out.
Plus, when you get books and videos, it wakes you up more, you give it to others, it wakes them up.
So it's a symbiotic relationship, but that's why I'm always, every hour, sponsors, videos, books, because we've got a big nut to crack.
Thank God we've expanded the audience enough to be able to pay for everything, but we are on a mission here.
So God bless you, I appreciate your call, David.
I know how important the WWCR eight hours a day is.
And I called WWCR about six months ago and said, look, I'm going to have to dump Nighttime.
I was paying even more.
I said, I can't pay for this.
And they said, look, we'll just give you a huge discount.
And they told me on their number one most popular show on WWCR.
I mean, that's where Marlon Maddox pretty much got his start.
And God bless him, a powerful radio show.
We could do so much more if we weren't paying $120,000 a year for that.
I mean, think about the amount of money.
That's like, I live in a pretty nice house, drive a decent car, but those payments are nothing.
I spend a tiny amount of the money that comes in on myself.
We need to be comfortable.
We need to be able to take care of my family.
We've got some money saved in case we get sued or attacked or the whole economy shuts down so we can operate for six months.
We've got six months of operating capital.
But we try to be good stewards here.
But I just look at the amount of money we pump.
$400,000 in IT and bandwidth.
And I just up that.
We're building a giant social networking slash video, audio, you know, got a really
You know, top company in Austin developing it.
I'm finally not procrastinating on that.
I keep saying I'm not going to have to sue the city of Austin about this building project.
They are harassing us.
They are holding us up for now six plus months at every turn.
I'm going to have to do something to Austin trying to build our studio.
They just come in, harass us, say we can build this, then we can't, then hold up every little thing for months.
But we're trying to move forward.
We're trying to expand.
We're trying to do more.
We're trying to do everything we can.
And I mean, you know, what do I do about the Southern Poverty Law Center saying I made Plosky kill people?
Total defamation.
I don't have time to sue them.
What do I do about the city of Austin holding up my building project?
And just at every front, we're under attack.
We're being hacked.
We're being jammed.
We're being everything.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
For the next hour and 52 minutes, Alan Watt of Cutting Through the Matrix is going to be joining us to cover a host of issues.
The economy, the new world order, the police state, the media mind control, the awakening that's happening.
But a caller called in.
In the last segment and was talking about how he listens to me on Global Shortwave.
We've been on shortwave 13 years and we're on eight hours a day.
The live four-hour show and then re-aired at what 9 central p.m.
to 1 a.m.
on WWCR.
The best shortwave outfit here in the US.
100,000 watts.
Really great folks.
And how we're jammed by Voice of America, they follow us when we change frequencies, by the Communist Chinese, by North Korean radio, and by government tones.
And it's the government that broadcasts these tones.
That's what the shortwave experts have told us, because the government admits they put out these time tones and Morse code, and the government always requests to be right next to us, and they bleed over.
And I've had discussions with WWCR over the years.
They go, yeah, we agree to change frequencies, then they move wherever you're at.
Time changes, they move.
They have people that fire up on shortwave and attack me and lie about me and play music over us.
And we get hack attacks of all different types, you name it.
But another example of tyranny is zoning.
Almost a year ago I signed the lease for the thousands of square feet next to this office.
And it's a warehouse in an area of Austin where you can basically do whatever you want.
It's a standard
Building, standard thing we're building.
They keep coming in and nickel and diming, saying change this, change that, you gotta put in another firewall here.
When they don't make the other people in the same complex, the exact same buildings, do it.
And they do what they want.
They do what they want.
In Austin, they harass everybody.
But they're really harassing us.
Here's the Austin American Statesman on this.
Appeals court sides with South Congress Cafe in city lawsuit.
The cafe wanted to build a little deck.
On their own property, and the City of Austin made them make $200,000 of improvements, then they said, you know what, we've changed our mind, you can't even build that.
Now they've spent hundreds of thousands in the appeals process, the City of Austin's spending hundreds of thousands, and now it's going to go to the Supreme Court.
Over a wooden deck at a restaurant.
I guess they didn't make the right payoffs in the city.
Suit against the city of Austin over banned deck likely headed to a jury trial, attorneys say.
And if that doesn't work, it will go on to the Supreme Court.
Looks like a jury will decide whether South Austin Cafe has to tear down its deck, which they got approved and they said, no, you can't.
On Thursday, a state appeals court sided with the cafe's owners, ruling that a lower court did not give South Congress Cafe a proper hearing before siding with the city, which contends the deck was built illegally and should be torn down.
And they go through the whole story of what Trudy's did, how they had approval in writing, how they made hundreds of thousands of dollars of changes to do this.
And this is feudalism.
In ancient Europe, you couldn't plant
Onions, unless you had an authorization.
Serfs couldn't own a knife with a pointed end.
They would take serfs who were allowed to, say, have a sheepdog to guard the local noble sheep, but they would cut off several of the paw digits so that the dog couldn't hunt the king's game.
They had prima nocte.
Uh... where they were allowed to have sex with your wife on your wedding night as a system of control.
I mean it... and I'll tell you who's an expert on this is Alan Watt.
Let's get into zoning first, Alan, and how it's all written by the United Nations.
You know this, but break it down for folks.
It's just... I know you go through a lot of harassment and hacking and attacks as well, which is the signet or the certification that you're the real deal.
I had three websites been done last week.
Uh... and uh...
One of them was a transfer from one file to another on the server side and they lost the last 30 shows.
So it takes time for the harassment because they know we'll see them on the satellite upload.
They know it takes me time to upload all this stuff again.
It's a constant harassment you get with this kind of thing.
Alan, your audio is breaking up a bit.
Can you turn your audio up?
Yes, um, how's that?
Yeah, that's better.
Yeah, the satellite too, um, I mean, satellite, uh, I'm on ExploreNet, which is a division, a subdivision of Fiat, which is also a subdivision of Hughes Corporation, the military industrial boys.
And they, uh, have admitted to me that they've got me on a lock for uploads.
So they claim I'm using too much bandwidth and so on.
They just simply kick me in every 10 minutes, and I've got to wait 10 minutes before I can reset it and upload again.
It's nothing but constant harassment.
And I talked to you about this.
Even though you're paying for the bandwidth, they just won't give it to you.
They won't give it to me, and I'm paying for high-speed, supposedly.
And often, it goes down to the twice-speed dial-up.
Amazing, but zoning itself being used globally, we have the same zoning laws in the US, you have in Canada, the same in Europe, the same in Australia, under the green legislation, they're really accelerating that.
Yes, they've had it actually for years, we don't realize that for the last
15 to 20 years, every zoning law to do with plumbing, electrical, building codes of all kinds have all come via the United Nations Department.
The UN is a copy of your own federal government, only it's designed to handle the whole world's federal government.
We're good to go.
And they're really pushing now.
They've set divisions within each country to go around and inspect premises on top of your local building inspector's code.
So they're enforcing these world standard codes everywhere.
And it gets worse and worse and worse and worse.
And there's this entire criminal class.
Did you see the big Canadian study that the BBC covered, where they did tests of people that are self-professed environmentalists?
And they're six times more likely to steal.
They hate their fellow man.
They're greedy, parasitic control freaks on average.
Did you see that study that came out two days ago?
A. And B. What's your take on it?
Yes, you'd understand the mentality of the people who join what are called fringe groups.
It's a science in itself, because communism understands it, all the big movements understand it, the people they go for, who they target, generally on their fringe, they put a personal chip on their shoulder, and they submerge themselves, actually hate themselves in a sense, because they submerge themselves, lose their individual identity within the big group.
I think so.
Well, Alan, so much is going on in the world.
Iceland has said no to the banks.
Greece is getting ready to say no to their takeover.
They want to launch new wars with Iran.
And the brainwashing is really intensifying.
They're now proposing drugging children before they get depressed.
I mean, it seems like they're really pulling out all the stops.
This is the whole Brave New World scenario.
It's been planned well over a hundred years ago.
The science of the mind is the most important science of all, and the big boys have the real histories and archives of controlling whole continents and empires of people.
They understand how we think, and they're going the whole way now to the age of austerity, which means basically teaching us to be poor and happy at the same time.
And they can separate up disgust all the ways they can actually keep us happy and poor.
Because I said last night on my show we can be dressed in rags as long as you've got that little iPod there or your little cell phone and give you cheap entertainment to keep us going for years this way as we're taken down.
This is all being discussed at the think tanks at the top.
And of course then your iPhone or your cell phone is your little personal computer that tracks your location, everything you're going, you know, all the places you're traveling to.
Your iPhone, actually, is also your main ID.
And that's becoming the... Google has said itself within two or three years, they'll phase out the computer as we know it.
And you might have monitors that you'll plug your iPhone in, and that'll be your personal computer that goes everywhere with you.
You'll do all your banking through it.
It can monitor everything that you personally are transacting, and all your emails, etc.
This is the agenda.
Then, of course, the big one is the cloud.
Yeah, I think so.
That's right.
The new Internet, Internet 2, you will have a subdomain with another big company.
Cloud computing is where it's all going.
They're building the infrastructure so that you can't use servers or even CDNs.
You'll have to be in the cloud.
And so computers won't even be designed
You won't be able to buy computers, basically, where you save your own data, because they won't be able to interface with the new cyber security global rules.
You'll have to be in the cloud, then they have all your data, all your photos, all your videos, all your banking data, and if you're not a good globalist, they're just going to turn it off, and they're saying that.
Yes, it's going to be used for punishment and reward.
That's it.
Everything in society, we don't realize this, that even money itself is used as punishment and reward.
It's very Pavlovian.
Yeah, I think so.
Alan, stay there.
When we come back, I want to get into anti-
Social behavior as they call it where if you're rude or if you don't accept what the government's saying or you don't volunteer you're a criminal and they have these databases even on children all over the world now where oh your data stream shows you might be mentally ill or you might you might be predisposed to be a criminal later we're gonna force drug you.
We'll be right back with Alan Watts.
Stay with us.
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Alan's one of those few guests we can get on to talk about basically any subject.
I have read hundreds and hundreds of books written by The Globalist.
I have read thousands of their own documents, tens of thousands of news articles.
They're white papers.
And so that's why when I get Alan Watt on, I know he knows what he's talking about.
Because he knows the exact same info I know, but from sometimes a different perspective, and his own way of delivering it.
And so I've been asking some of the questions here.
I want him to get into whatever he thinks is most important, and news that's happened lately, and things that are developing, and where he sees the world, what he thinks of these shootings, and at the Pentagon, and the kamikaze attack, and the calls for censoring the web.
But you were getting into anti-social behavior.
They now call taking a photo of your child in the U.S.
or in England at a park anti-social pedophilia.
They're arresting people who take photos of their daughters in bikinis in their own pool.
That's now illegal, though there's not a law.
They're now demonizing... I mean, it's political correctness into every level where they're just coming after the citizenry.
So, Alan, continue along those lines.
Yeah, this is the Fabian technique that was also used in the Soviet system, where they believe that through scientific alteration of the mind itself, through different techniques, they can create the type of person they want.
And as a form of political correctness.
Now, they tried it out extensively.
In China, China was the prototype model after the Soviet Union for this more advanced form of collectivism, where everyone thinks the same, says the same things, behaves the same way, even sometimes dresses the same way, depends on the era.
But they had two men working at the United Nations who dreamed up the idea to test out on China using social approval and social disapproval.
And what they did, they studied the cultural history of the Chinese and they found out that traditionally
With certain objectives in mind, depopulation was one.
And traditionally, China had often, very often, as a matter of its culture, had killed off newborn children, especially females, if they didn't need so many, type of thing.
And they thought, how can we bring this into the new system where we want to drastically reduce their population?
They actually encouraged that, as you know, and they brought in the one-child-per-family policy.
Uh, initially, and the guys at the UN said this in one of their own statements recently, they said, initially, the militia had to come to drag women to the abortion clinics if they had a second pregnancy.
Now they've claimed to the public that the neighbours themselves
And that's what the phony environmental movement is all about, is teaching us the pie doesn't grow, rising tides don't raise all ships, anyone doing well is your enemy.
Yeah, as I said, it's called social approval and disapproval.
In China, the two guys, there was such a success, these guys dreamed up, these two neuroscientists, they dreamed up this idea, this was such a success that they then turned, they were the guys who brought in the United Nations war on smoking.
Oh yeah, Alan, I have trouble with smoking.
I start it, I stop it, I've got a real problem with tobacco, and I was down at Port Aransas
My wife and kids are inside eating.
I don't smoke anywhere near them a few weeks ago and I fell off the wagon and was smoking cigarettes and I went out on the back deck and fired up a cigarette and a woman in the parking lot, no exaggeration, had to be 40 feet away.
I just lit the cigarette and she starts waving her hands, coughing and freaking out and runs over and says, your cigarette is hurting me.
I mean, this is a control freak.
And I said, hey lady,
Yeah, meanwhile she's being sprayed every day from the aircraft and she doesn't even notice it.
I think so.
Stay there, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.
And yeah, then if you're one pound overweight, they'll take your kids, but they'll use some example of an 800 pound woman.
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There's hundreds of different ways that the establishment conditions us to be tattletales, to hate our fellow man, the torture porn in the movies, all the violence, the conditioning, the dividing us into all these different groups along race, religion, sex,
But, look at Europe.
They say, we're gonna ban Nazi websites.
Oh, sounds reasonable to some.
You know, Nazis are bad.
Then they've got the precedent set, and now, oh, you can't criticize the EU.
You can't criticize GMO food.
You can't criticize the town council.
Now the White House says you can't criticize groups.
And so once they set the precedent there, they expand it.
They create the perception that guns are illegal with TV ads and billboards showing a picture of a revolver or a shotgun, legal almost everywhere but a few cities like D.C.
and Chicago.
And they say, report illegal guns.
And then your neighbor's ignorant.
I see every few days articles where some old guy comes out with his rifle to go to the shooting range.
Neighbors call the cops, they pull him over, they go ahead and arrest him.
So it's all this perception with this dumbed-down population and now they're going into the next phase.
Alan's talked a lot about this and we're going to get more into how they're conditioning us, but then I want to get into contestants turn torturers in French TV experiment and how they're duplicating, give me a document cam shot please, the Stanford prison experiment
And we're going to go over that experiment.
In 71, a team of researchers led by psychology professor Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University, 24 undergraduates were selected out of 70 to play the roles of both guards and prisoners in a mock prison in the basement.
And they told them that we're going to randomly torture them.
They were told it was real.
They hired actors.
And they found that the vast majority would murder people and believe they were murdering.
Well, now there's all these new Hollywood movies coming out about torture.
I saw another one.
I think I sent you the trailer.
I think it's called The Final.
In fact, pull up that.
It's on YouTube.
It's the top video right now.
Add The Final.
And, oh, the kids that aren't cool.
They capture 50 of the other cool kids and they torture them and murder them and it's a great good thing.
So this is the massive conditioning so when our neighbor's being drug away, we don't care if we're being drug away later and our neighbor won't care when we're drug away because we're all being conditioned to it.
Allen what?
Yes, in fact there's a movie, a very good movie, that came out in Germany called The Experiment, and it was based on that particular experiment, because we're doing it in other countries too, and it works the same way wherever they do it.
People really who don't know themselves, and that's the old Maxim,
From thousands of years ago, know thyself.
If you don't know yourself, you immediately get submerged into role-playing, and you adapt into the role.
And sadomasochism takes over, actually, in prison guard society, between the prisoners and the wardens.
And once the actors themselves, people who take on these roles as prisoners, once you start talking back to the wardens, the wardens literally react with anger.
Well, it's classic cult brainwashing.
They shave your head, sleep deprivation, they torture you, and then you're no longer a maggot.
Then you're now a human because you're part of our group, and that's your only identity.
And now in the public schools, the terror attack drills where they tell the kids it's real.
They tell them it's the gun owners that are doing this, it's the conservatives, it's the libertarians, it's the homeschoolers that are going to do this.
That's why we had to torture you.
That's why we've got to watch you with cameras in the bathroom.
It's their fault.
And it's like all these different syndromes, the Stockholm Syndrome.
They start loving their abuser and take all the FEMA drills and police training and government.
It's like in your role.
And when they run terror attacks, they do it through a script.
And so everything becomes role playing.
If you don't have your own identity, if you don't have your own moral compass that was
taught to you, you know, through your culture, don't trust the government, never snitch, stick together.
Those were truly passed on ancient human attributes against tyranny.
As they remove that, yuppies, you know, trendies, liberals, they're all in a role and they play a role and it's like a three-year-old playing princess or playing cowboys and Indians.
And I remember when I was three years old,
Having a giant paradigm shift in my backyard, when me and my friends were playing Batman and Robin, and I get clicked, I said, I'm playing a role.
I'm not really Batman, and I have this paradigm understanding that everybody was playing roles, and then I never basically did it again.
Do you see what I'm saying?
And people really do become their role.
When they get a job, they become their job.
They tend to lose themselves as well.
Mr. Postman actually becomes Mr. Postman.
And same with Mr. Policeman, that they get into this role and they don't think like an ordinary individual would ever think again.
They think more like a machine, like conditioned machines.
Same with the military.
But remember too, we're run by experts at the top with unlimited financing, with thousands of think tanks working on every possible repercussion for their agenda at every stage.
And they work out what the reactions from the public will be.
They have risen a generation on militarized video games, which were intended to desensitize the military from killing or turning on anyone they're told to turn on, including their own people, if need be.
And they've raised them with this.
It's very addictive.
They know what they're doing.
And these guys now are the real Johnny with a gun.
They're wearing the uniforms, and when they're told to turn on their own people, they will do so.
Well, they found in World War I, soldiers would shoot people a thousand yards away, but over half of folks, unless they were fighting for their lives, wouldn't shoot somebody 20 feet away.
By Vietnam, with pop-up paper targets to habitualize instinctual shooting, they got it to where about 90% would pull the trigger up close.
Heighten your killer instinct or you will be dead marine.
Doom the video game was developed over 15 years ago by the Pentagon.
We talked about this and now they even use the PlayStation controller with the Predator drones and they're actually hiring teenagers who have the top scores on these pilot programs that they now admit the Pentagon funded Microsoft and I talked to a high level
Former, he's actually a Hollywood producer who for five years worked at the highest levels of Microsoft and it's all basically a Pentagon program to precondition and it was like what 20 years ago they had the last Starfighter put in a science fiction thing where where they put out these video games
To find out who can beat the game, then they land and say, you're now going to be part of the Intergalactic Starfighters.
But instead of really working for aliens off-world that put these video games in, the Pentagon now admits they are literally getting the best robot pilots to now be in these trailers in Arizona or Nevada or New Mexico with drones 10,000 miles away, and they've been habitualized on very games designed to pre-program them.
Yeah, they also go through a very specialized testing for the ones who do that.
And this was disclosed in a documentary in Britain, where the US nuclear subs are based at the Holy Lock.
And the commander of the base was asked how they select the two men aboard every sub who put the tees in together, they look at the little computers and so on.
Everything's computerized so the little figures and so on aren't just continents and aren't just people, they're just like cartoons to them.
But he said we select the psychopathic types because they will do what they're told
And they will turn those keys and they will press those buttons when they're told to do so because they can't empathize with other people.
So they actually have selective courses and tests to get the right people to sit behind, as you see in these trailers, while they kill hundreds of people thousands of miles away that they never even see.
And they have drill after drill after drill.
Now people are asking, well, how do they know who is the best drone pilot?
Well, now almost all the games are interactive.
And so it's all on a database.
And now the Microsoft Xbox, the PlayStation with Sony, all these companies admit it's got voice identification, infrared face scan.
They're now going to add pain sensors to the games.
Remember, what, 20-plus years ago, that James Bond movie, where they're global domination, and they're playing the game, and they're getting pain.
Pain when they get hit.
Again, it's all pre-programming, and they admit it.
This is not our opinion.
People don't realize that the biggest corporations out there were all funded by the government agencies.
That's right.
And the legitimate, commercialized corporations, they bring up the guys like Gates to be the front man.
I think so.
The eugenics organization Planned Parenthood and it's admitted that IBM gave it all to him so that they wouldn't have any trust problems and Microsoft is a fake spinoff of the eugenics corporation IBM.
Yes, and the Gates family took all the way back to Rockefeller because when he killed all the miners in the strike down in the States, turned the militia loose on them, they sent in PR guys and Gates' relative was one of the PR guys who created the new Rockefeller, the philanthropist, the man who cared about poor people.
And now Bill Gates is giving free shots to the people in Africa.
But then he gave a speech and it's double speak to his people.
That's why the audience laughed.
The sickos laughed.
We played the audio and video here just a month ago.
And he says, we've got to get everybody's vaccine so we can cut the population by half.
And everyone laughed and clapped.
It was a sick psycho enjoyment.
We're saying we're killing them out in the open and they don't even see it.
I think that's a thing.
And the thing is too, they are super confident now because the public have never been so dumbed down, the general public, as they are today with scientific means through media, all media, entertainment.
There's not a thing you can watch in entertainment that isn't full of predictive programming.
Absolutely, and
Why do you think some individuals are predisposed to be resistant to this versus others that fall right into it?
A lot of it's upbringing, genetics, but obviously the most aggressive anti-government, anti-tyranny group in the world were North Americans.
Just because of the selection of who came here, the rebels, the criminals, the trailblazers.
And so that's why we were the first to be fluoridated.
We're the first to be targeted.
And then we're the beta test.
If they can do it to us, they can do it to anybody.
And they really hate the Muslims, because they've got their own, in those countries, kind of old world oppressive system in some ways.
But that's, they say, one of their biggest threats, because they won't allow in any of the Western control.
And the Muslims too.
You see, the whole world
It's almost standardised.
The whole world is almost standardised.
The Muslims have held out.
They have an intact culture.
And they're autonomous to an extent, too.
They've traditionally never joined the World Bankers.
Traditionally, they've never used usury, so they can't get put into massive debt.
That's been changing since the late 1800s, but still, there are holdouts there.
They don't fit in with the globalized, standardized system.
And that's what it's all about, is standardization of a world system across the entire globe.
So anyone who won't go under will be bombed under and forced under, or simply eradicated altogether.
Well, it's the same thing, too, with the oil and all the rest of it, too.
We know it's just land grabs, it's mineral grabs, it's oil grabs.
Not for our countries, because we don't have countries anymore, to be honest.
We're run by internationalists, and we have been for a long, long time.
But they're making sure that they have all these resources for themselves for 100 years, 200 years in the future.
And I've read the Department of Defense's own projections for the next 50 years.
They know, and they published it before the dollar bombed out and the crash came, they said there would be financial crashes, they said there would be food shortages, there would be riots as they bring down the Western world.
And 2010 to 2012 was around the starting date for the actual riots.
Well, we've seen the riots break out in Greece and other countries.
There's articles in the paper now they're expecting riots in the UK shortly.
Let's talk more about that, but let's go back.
You made a big deal out of this in 2007.
We realized it was a big deal.
We wrote articles about it at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You did it at CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com.
The London Guardian reported on it.
We got the whole hundred-page report.
The British Ministry of Defense
The neutron bombs, if the people were to ever try to take back London or Ottawa or DC, they will neutron bomb the population and they just admit it.
We're standing by with neutron bombs.
They're public.
We will kill you.
And they say there's nothing you can do.
We're going to poison you.
We're going to sterilize you.
And if you ever try to take a Capitol, we're going to neutron bomb you.
I mean, this is, this is, and then, so the cops, the military that serve this, and the bureaucrats, you're drinking deadly poison, you're being poisoned with GMO, your sperm count's dropped 85%, you're becoming sterile, you're dying of cancer, and you will salute the government and take your five-year-old that died of cancer and bury him, and then just salute the government?
Thank you for killing my child!
Thank you, New World Order!
I like my petty psycho power, so I'm gonna serve you straight to hell!
Thank you!
Yes, sir!
I'm not strong enough to break my conditioning!
I'm not strong enough to read where they say they'll neutron bomb us!
I'm not strong enough to admit this is a psycho kill grid we're in!
I'm gonna submit!
I love being a tyrant, so you go ahead and smash me!
And also that was followed, remember, from the Guardian and the Department of Defense for the UK and NATO, all NATO countries, followed immediately, a month later, by the United States military one, which was pretty well identical to the British one.
So, this is the world agenda, and it's the same thing that will happen in the United States.
So, this all falls in again with Agenda 21, the agenda for the 21st century, which is the century for change, planned change, of course.
And they're already starting to smash down a lot of the suburbs around the urban areas and Detroit and places like that.
That's all part of the planning.
Everyone's to get forced into the already overcrowded cities.
And they said that 20 years ago!
They said, we'll get everybody dependent through the trilateral banking system and then we're going to destroy half of the homes in the cities and Detroit has announced they're going to destroy a third and they're announcing massive new energy taxes all designed to bankrupt us.
Yes, and also to be managed for the next 50 years is to take the system down.
And if you go into the Council on Foreign Relations own website, you'll see that they've got think tanks on one of their sites, one of their links.
Let's break it down!
Let's break down their agenda, their enemy operation, how it's going to unfold, and again, I'm going to pull up the name of that British Ministry of Defense report on the next 10 years.
I believe that's the headline.
We're going to get that during the break and put it up on screen.
If not, call Watson.
He'll know the name.
We'll be right back.
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Almost exactly three years ago, in April of 2007, revolution flash mobs and brain chips a grim vision of the future.
The governments will use neutron bombs on us.
Somewhere between 2015, they believe that with their computer models, their predictive systems tracking human movements, that there will be desperate attempts as people know they're being poisoned, as they're being killed, as they find out it's the eugenics model, people will attempt, primitively, to take the capitals.
The capitals are facades.
It's the big underground NORAD bases, the Contu government bases, Cheyenne Mountain, systems like that, systems out in Colorado Springs.
But they will use neutron weapons on you.
That's a nuke that doesn't destroy the cities, it just kills all life.
It's a radiation burst weapon.
They say you're going to have to have a brain chip to have a job, that people will have to accept it just to have a job.
It's like, oh, it's free market.
You don't have to be here, but you'll starve to death.
They talk about flash mobs, how they're going to control us, their new world order, their world government.
And you can read the 100-plus page report.
They have a link to it.
In this article, and if it's not linked to now, ask Watson.
He can pull up the actual British Ministry of Defense report, U.S.
I mean, folks, I at a primitive level get excited and try to warn you.
government report.
I mean, I'm a fellow human.
I want freedom.
I want to be happy.
I want a good future.
I want to build and work together and go to space.
These control freaks don't.
So Alan can calmly talk about it.
He's a great guy.
Me, I mean, it's like we know these are mastermind criminals.
We know what they're doing.
We're not lying to you.
And you need to check out what we're saying.
And then no one in the government or the military, the police should serve these people.
You're with us, the people, even if you think you're part of the system.
Alan, isn't that the biggest trick?
Is that people that serve the system feel like they're on the winning team?
It's a fact.
It's also a technique and a science in and of itself.
It's called obedience to authority.
The same technique they use in the military.
You're part of the team.
I'm too important to be discarded.
That kind of stuff.
And it's worked through the Soviet system.
Well tested, tried.
Lots of books written on it.
Obedience to authority.
But what they don't realize is once... For instance, look at all the bureaucrats you have to take care of millions or billions of people.
Once they've reduced the population, they won't need the bureaucrats.
So they're next to go as well.
You won't need all the cops out there, or the military, if you wipe out most of the planet.
So what are they going to do?
They won't keep you around as a pet, believe you me.
These guys are all about economics, and what seems to be appropriate at the time.
And if they claim that you are eating up the resources that their future offspring, the elite's future offspring, will have for the next thousand years, they're going to get rid of you very quickly, if they don't need you.
Everyone is used in turn here.
The organization out there is used in turn.
The communist organizations are all used in turn.
The right-wingers as well.
And you don't realize that they're all used in turn, all to serve and bring about the same agenda.
Which is simply the elite's survival.
This goes back to the Darwinist philosophy.
It's a whole philosophy to do with Darwinism, to do with eugenics, survival of the fittest.
And whereas we can talk about psychopaths as being almost alien to our mentality from us, because they have no empathy for other people.
They're very cunning.
They're like cameras that watch and study you, emulate you, and are very good conmen.
But they feel nothing for you.
Well, in the Darwinist philosophy, they are the natural successors to take over and rule the world and keep it for themselves.
They believe that they are the most advanced predators on the planet, and they're not ashamed of being predators.
They think that's a natural order.
So predators who are ruthless will always survive, and that's what they discuss at the top think tanks.
And we can't recognize them because, what, maybe one out of a hundred people is a psychopath, maybe five out of a hundred is a sociopath, but they're conditioning the public to artificially create psychopaths and sociopaths.
And it's come out in government documents, most of the chemical and biological testing where they kill our own troops and people isn't to test the chemicals or biologicals.
It's to test their scientist to see who enjoys killing people, who believes in justifies the means, to take them as seeders to then create larger cadres.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This is what is so frustrating.
We're going to put the PDF up on screen a little bit later of the actual British government document.
It's one of literally thousands that say the same thing.
They talk about us, how we're animals, how they're manipulating us.
How they're controlling us.
And when you have all these admissions of what they're doing, and how they want to kill the majority of us, and then the public argues with you, oh the government wouldn't kill 3,000 on 9-11, oh the government wouldn't stage Gulf of Tonkin,
It's just asinine.
We're going to go to calls coming up in the next segment, but Alan, you've hit upon the key here.
It's this predatory mindset.
They believe it's a virtue.
It's like a wolf killing a sheep.
The wolf doesn't feel guilty.
This is what it's doing.
And how do we get people to recognize the scientific and technological elite takeover that Eisenhower warned us about?
How do we let them understand that there is a group watching and manipulating us like we are bacteria in a petri dish, only by getting outside the control paradigm, seeing the larger picture, can people have any chance of stopping this?
But they've trained the slaves to giggle and laugh and be delusional, where if they laugh something off, that makes it not exist, and laugh at their utter destruction.
It's that, but it's also, we've got to understand something.
Most people don't know there's been a war on their cultural values for well over a hundred years.
I mean complete all-out war by the media, by entertainment, by all the so-called lefties that work together with the boys at the top.
And the first thing they said in the late 1800s, H.G.
Wells said this, we must destroy the family unit.
That was taken up from the Fabian Society to the Marxist groups.
That became a prime tenet of the Communist Manifesto as well, the structure of the family unit.
Everything that stood in the way of takeover as a group, which is really a small clan, you stand up for your relatives and for those you love.
If they can destroy all that, and Bertrand Russell put it even better, he said, if we can create an egocentric, narcissistic society where everyone is in love with themselves,
They'll stand up for no one, therefore the government can rule each person right down to them and no one will stand up to defend them if we go for them.
That's happened today.
I want you to talk more about that, but they also create counterfeits for different personality types.
They know psychos and sociopaths will buy into the narcissism and go ahead and abort their babies or go ahead and let the CPS take their kid because the kid was trouble anyways.
Who cares if my neighbor's being drug away, he had a nicer car than I did, or, oh, I love being an environmentalist, we're gonna sock it to the business owners with more taxes, you know, this rat-like mentality.
But for gracious good, people who are centered and realize we should be giving and should have honor and courage and should be informed and be involved in community and stand up for our fellow man, and that we're all part of a larger species, they come in with fake
Liberal and altruistic systems to then take the best of us and get us working for them towards their goals.
So they've typecast everything.
They have different media, different strata, different propaganda, different niches, different subgroups.
And they write all about it, even in the 20s, with the fellow that wrote the book, Propaganda.
I mean, it's just, it's all Eber Bernays.
It's just all there and we're here desperately telling people.
Yes, and they knew that stuff from Bernays in the 1800s with the book called The Crowd.
He was taught by experts from childhood for his role, by the way.
So they understood that through scientific indoctrination they could create the kind of society that they wanted.
Helpless, actually helpless.
They wouldn't even know they were helpless, in fact.
But they'd be very happy.
And Rockefeller said it himself.
He said the people will come to us with perfect docility at the end when they take it all away from the public and give us a substitute system.
That can be done for most people.
Most people cannot think for themselves.
They live in Plato's cave.
They can only parrot what each one parrots from the media.
And because they're all parroting the same things,
They think they're sane.
They actually think they're sane.
And they're living in a false paradigm.
This is key!
This is key!
Alan Watt, a big part of Fall of the Republic.
A big part of the next Fall of the Republic.
Get it on DVD.
Make copies.
Get it out to people still in the Matrix.
We'll be right back.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I've got a really good memory, but it's not perfect.
Unless it's the bored mind of the computer system, and that's full of mistakes.
No one's is.
But it's like yesterday, I was up on air talking about Pentagon technology to get the heat resonance biometric print of your body, or even your shoulders and the top of your head, and I got an email saying, Alex, they can't brain scan you from orbit.
People got confused by that.
I was reading a BBC article from, what, five years ago, about 25 meters away, they can brain scan you and they're putting these up.
It was also CBS News.
Then I went into identification, biometric systems of how you walk from the ground, satellites that can identify you once they have your heat resonance print of your shoulders and the top of your head.
From orbit.
Okay, that is admitted.
So people get confused by that.
Now, I was going from memory on this DCDC Global Strategic Trends Program, 2007-2036.
Here's the London Guardian.
Revolution, flash mobs, brain chips, a grim vision of the future.
I need to get Paul Watson, Steve Watson, Aaron Dykes, Kurt Nemo, somebody, one of my great writers, researchers, to go through this report three years later and show how much of what they talked about that would start happening by 2010 has now begun.
But in here, I had them search in the PDF files, a hundred and something pages, the term neutron weapons.
And they did find it, but it talks about how they may be used to end war.
Kind of what Bertrand Russell was saying of, we'll use nuclear war to knock out all our enemies and then have an age of peace.
So it must be the U.S.
version of this, or perhaps even a PNAC, because I know I've read it and did a story about it.
Where they talk about we'll use neutron bombs against populations and they try to take over the government.
So we need to ferret that out.
Because again, these things all mimic each other and are very similar.
We're going to go to calls here, but Alan Watt, you were getting into the narcissism, how they train people to not care.
I've read Roman historians.
I don't
That dehumanized everyone and made them enjoy seeing their fellow humans killed.
Next week it would probably be them.
And that things got worse and worse as the empire declined.
They did this consciously 2,000 plus years ago, right through their fall in 410 to the Visigoth chieftain Alaric.
And so this is a much more... I mean, they had scientific control 2,000 years ago.
The Greeks had it 2,500 years ago.
Yes, and what you find too is that the big authors who work for the Fabian Society, which is just an arm, a specialized arm to control left-wing for the socialized world of the brain on behalf of the elite.
In fact, it was all started up by the elite themselves, and funded by them, and they're all Institute of International Affairs.
They're all branches, specialized branches of the same thing.
And you'll find that their authors have talked about this particular age we're in today.
One of them was Arnold Toynbee, a professor at Oxford.
He was the one who taught broad scholars for world government on behalf of the elite.
And he said in his own history books, he's a philosopher and historian, he said that this is what happens at the end of an age when an empire is going down.
Now the elite always move out before the empire crashes, by the way.
You never see that the rich people get put under.
And you have
They bring homosexuality to the fore.
Party, party, party for the wealthy elites.
And then the rest emulate that too.
They have fewer and fewer children.
They have infanticide.
It becomes very common.
And so they know the techniques of bringing down society.
Everybody's partying, having fun.
Entertainment, drama, plays staged as never before.
And it says that this can be re-implemented at any time, in any culture, in any empire.
And it's not like you
Bring in the same formula and sequence.
You can recreate that and bring the people down to basically a slave level.
And that was also said by Carl Quigley, Professor Carl Quigley, who was a historian for the Council on Foreign Relations, and he taught at the U.S.
State Department.
He taught the diplomats, and he also taught guys in the Pentagon.
So they used knowledge for weapons.
Knowledge is power.
And it can be weaponized.
If you understand the techniques and the formulas to reintroduce the same sequences, you can bring people down as you control them.
At every stage of the way.
And today we have nothing.
Today we're living like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Regular television now is basically pornography.
They're bringing up live simulated sex shows on British morning TV.
This kind of stuff.
It's hard.
This is the key too.
Uh, to break all natural bonding rules that creates a strong cultural society.
And it starts really with the man and the woman as a first target.
You divide them, you conquer them, you then separate the children, the state we have the children with new values, which are all politically correct.
Every intake in kindergarten is taught
To a scientific formula so that the intake in the previous year are given a little upgrade from the previous year before them for what they will expect to happen culturally in society in their lifetime, so that when it happens, they think it's normal.
And Beria, who was a KGB or NKVD head of the Soviet Union in 1934 at the International Communist Meeting,
He talked about this.
He said it used to take 70 years to alter society in a cultural way to our advantage.
Now, he said, in 1934, it takes five years through indoctrination of the intakes of children.
Today, it's down to year by year by year through kindergarten.
It's a scientific indoctrination so that they'll get brought up in a world where yet brain chipping will be normal.
You're now a blank slate that they can program anything they want into.
You're an empty hard drive.
Now I want to go over this and then we're going to calls.
I mentioned this last hour.
Contestants turned torturers in French TV game show experiment.
And here's the Stanford experiment from 71 where the professors themselves went crazy.
We're good to go.
Ladies and gentlemen, this was 39 years ago.
Think of how far they've taken us now.
I want to play a Fox News clip of this torture show where we're all being taught it's beautiful and wonder.
Roses aren't beautiful, beautiful green fields, beautiful oceans, love, innocence, honor.
It's not good.
Death, destruction, blood, torture.
This is what's beautiful.
This is what's good.
This is your power.
Your power to hate and kill and to give support to killing.
An evil culture by design so we're defenseless.
Sovereignty is the antidote, states' rights, cutting the size of government, not putting your children in government training camps, warning everyone you know, getting upset, getting through the comfort zone, breaking out of your bubbles, realizing how serious and real this is and that everything else you're being programmed with is fake.
What's real is the government think tanks.
What's real is the documents.
What's real is what's really happening, not the false spectrum analysis projected on you that is literally a matrix-like system that we're now digitally, television all going now to 3D, which they admit is total mind control, makes you mentally ill, just total programming, drugging the water supply.
We're deep into this technological dictatorship right now.
Let's go to this clip.
He shows.
Well, it is that and then some.
French producers actually mocked up a game show.
Contestants were posed questions.
If they got them wrong, they're commanded to throw a switch and zap a fellow on, literally, on the hot seat.
Now, it appears that he gets hit with electricity upwards of, oh, 420 volts worth.
All the while, the audience of this game show shouting, punish him!
Punish him!
Take a look and listen.
Let me go!
Let me go!
Contestants and audience are real.
They think the game is real.
The guy on the hot seat is an actor.
He is faking it.
He's faking it very well.
It looks like he's almost about to die.
And here is the punchline.
I saved the headline for last, John.
While some of the contestants said no, they would not participate in this, 82% said yes and pulled the switch.
Pretty bizarre TV experiment.
What's the reaction?
Well, producers are defending it.
They say they're just updating a psychological experiment which was actually run in the United States about 50 years ago, but France is taking it back.
I spoke to one top commentator and his words to me are, it was stupid, it was crazy.
Alright, let's stop.
Last week, Georgian state-controlled TV broadcast that the Russians had invaded again.
They never invaded to begin with.
They have simulated cyber attacks, simulated terror attacks.
They announce on U.S.
TV it's fake only at the beginning.
All of this war of the world psychological brainwashing.
This is done so people associate torture as fun.
That's why they brought out the Abu Ghraib torture, was to get you ready to accept it.
Now police all over the world are taught pain compliance and a federal court and a state court have ruled police can now break arms and taser you to answer questions without a warrant.
Alan, what?
Yes, in fact, it's come out in different court hearings, or it's not even court hearings, I don't think it even goes to court when they taser people and kill them, that the police were now using tasers for compliance.
Compliance, that's what it's all about now.
Compliance, you comply, you do what you're told.
There's no such thing as rights anymore.
You're taught to simply obey or else.
But sadomasochistic techniques have been bombarded into the public's brains by
Well, the headline out of New York State, stay there, we're going to come back and finish up on that, Alan.
One of the headlines was in New York, I believe it was AP, Judge Rules Police Can Taser To Make You Answer Questions.
But you have a Fifth Amendment.
Or, Court Rules They Can Taser You To Give DNA Sample.
I mean, you're in it.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are in a scientific kill grid.
Thousands of government documents say once the scientific dictatorship is in place, and they're getting close, they're not going to just soft kill a few million here and there, they're going to just kill in mass.
Alan Watts, our guest, I want to go to Alex, Shannon, Dirk, Kay, Tim, and others, but
Alan, I see a blurring of reality and fiction with all these fake drills or Russia attacked Georgia.
It was a lie two years ago.
It's a lie now when they ran the newscast nationwide.
The people are very angry in Georgia.
They have all these TV shows where they don't tell you it's real or not.
They announce they've captured an Al-Qaeda leader sometimes 14, 15 times, never retract the last time.
They're scientifically setting the precedent where they just lie and deceive all the time.
Yes, it's a technique too, because you see, this is a war of terror, not on terror, it's a war of terror.
You always use terroristic techniques on the vast population when you're drastically changing quickly into a new system, and you want that, again, for obedience and compliance.
And that's what we're seeing happening now.
But when you see, there's so many television series out now on terrorism, terrorism and government agencies dealing with it all, it's all so far-fetched and crazy.
Scenarios, but people are wrapping that stuff up.
They can't tell fact from fiction anymore They see the guys in the streets of the combat boots the cops and all the rest of it It's all quite normal to them and what happens is you get into a state of flux because flux at the top where you can't rationalize reality and separate it from fiction and use your own perceptions is to say am I really under attack right now or is it mainly in my head and
But all the symbols are giving you is that you're under attack, you're under attack, comply, obey, obey.
And they can rush forward a whole agenda with rationing, fuel rationing, which will come to, as it is off the roads gradually, into the new system.
And as they're doing it, yes, they will step up the decadence within society, because in the feudal systems, they knew that when they brought out someone who'd fought against them, a hero like Michael, like William Wallace, for instance,
The peasantry would turn up, living in their own misery, and they would actually hate someone who tried and failed, and they'd watch them being drawn and quartered and sliced up in a ritualistic killing on behalf of the king, and they'd cheer because they hate the losers, the public hate the losers.
They know within themselves they're losers themselves, and they transfer it onto the victim who stood up and had the guts to stand up.
But actually lost.
This is the same technique they're showing you now.
They're telling you you're nobody, you're weak.
Obey and maybe survive.
If you don't obey, you definitely will not survive because we'll get you.
That's the message now.
And the board, all the terms that they used to use in the Soviet Union, like political correctness is a great translation from them.
So is anti-government.
Any statement, any criticism of any policy at all is called now your anti-government.
The opposition party is the most anti-government party around.
Well, we love our country, we fear and don't like our government if we have common sense.
Here are some of the headlines.
Kucinich kisses the ring as Obama...
Deceptively sells totalitarian care in Ohio.
Kucinich sells out on healthcare after riding Air Force One.
When I saw that photo yesterday, I knew Kucinich had sold out, with Obama smiling triumphantly.
He's the type of psycho that hates America, hates good people.
They enjoy destroying you.
They enjoy making you poor.
And now this medical tyranny that does have the ration care, does have the death panels, it's all coming in now, Alan.
Yes, you also get compulsory sterilisation, that will be on the books, because look who's up there, Mr Holdren wrote the book with Paul Ehrlich.
Paul Ehrlich's wife is a high member of the Trilateral Commission in Council on Foreign Relations, and they wrote about that years ago, that they would bring in mandatory sterilisation for the unfit, and that's coming now.
Yeah, they're saying now, look at this mother that had a genetic problem and she had a kid.
We need pre-screening to license you to have kids.
And then, oh, we have been taking your blood at birth for the Pentagon for 37 years.
Globally, it started 37 years ago.
We were in a world government 37 years ago!
Yeah, we were, and again, generations haven't even known it, but the big, apart from the Federal Reserve getting created back in the early World War I, we'd know World War I if it wasn't for that being created, but the fact is, when FDR gave you the New Deal, that was the announcement of this is the new way, this is a new system, this supersedes the Constitution, the Constitution's out the window, and the bankers and so on, we were running the show.
That was a legal declaration.
Absolutely and he declared the War Powers Act in 33 and put the country into a permanent emergency and that's what we're still under today.
So it never had such a thing as there was a republic in the U.S.
that's been wiped out.
In fact, the CFR's own writers and their own magazine, Foreign Affairs, said that we'll do an end run around the Constitution.
In other words, ignore it and go around it.
And the SPP documents say we're going to set up the North American Union by stealth.
Okay, I promise, we're going right to your calls, out of this break, with your key questions for Alan Watt and myself.
We'll be right back.
His site's CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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I want to be clear here.
The globalists are not gods.
They're not invincible.
They control the issuance of currency and credit.
They're organized.
We can take back our town councils in England, our counties, our cities in the United States and Canada by education, by showing people the false reality that they've been living in and educating them about tyrants of history.
And now this is a high-tech version.
We can cut big government.
We can support the family.
We can trust in our Creator to lead God and direct us, not the big organized religion.
There is a big awakening happening, and the globalists are trying to manipulate that and control that, but their global warming taxes are in trouble.
Uh, record numbers didn't take the swine flu shot or the seasonal flu, so we had record low flu.
That was in Wall Street Journal because it's the shot that gives you the flu.
All the evidence shows the people are trying to get healthier.
That's why they're trying to wreck all the agriculture and industry where you are totally dependent on them.
So even if you're awake, there's nothing you can do.
And we're very close to entering a time
Well, I think people will be standing up more on an individualistic basis.
As you know, groups are penetrated so darn quickly and taken over very, very quickly because they've got unlimited financing at the top and unlimited agents basically to go and do that.
I've got reports here of them doing it in Canada recently as well and living undercover with far-left groups and in Britain too.
Oh, they're out of control in Austin.
They're just out of control operations here in Austin, but it's having no effect and people are seeing through them.
Yes, and that's the key to it.
If you retain your individuality and you mix with different people, you think you're a group.
Whenever you see it veer off from its initial intent, then you know you've been taken over.
And then you leave it.
Don't submerge yourself and lose yourself within the group.
You must always think as an individual and keep your mind on track.
That's the key to everything.
And the boys at the top, now here's the thing too, they've taught us to think that everything is fair and that we live in some kind of democracy where everyone gets to say and those who make the most sense will always win.
The big boys at the top do not and never have played by any fair rules.
If you want power and you want to maintain power, you don't play by the rules.
That's why they don't care if they're caught out with all their lies.
They continue regardless as though they never heard you.
And they'll stoop to nothing to get their way.
If it's blowing up buildings or a whole city, they will do it, if need be.
And we've got to understand that.
If need be.
Never to panic when we see these things come down the pike.
And that's why they're so... I agree with you.
That's why they're so angry at 9-11 Truth and demonizing it everywhere, because we've taken their toy of false flag terror, and now people are automatically thinking, is it the government, Kibono, who stands to gain?
And it's really angering them.
It's angering them and it puts so much money out, and groups again, anti-groups you might say, and propaganda from the Pentagon through various agencies that appear as independent news clips, and I've read articles from the Pentagon where they actually do this, to brainwash the public and try and poo-poo it.
And these silly radicals with their crazy paranoid ideas and repetition of language like that, that's what they hope to win over the general public with.
The general public, unfortunately, as I say, you cannot live in reality.
If you're consuming daily television, fiction, fiction is not fiction to entertain you, it's there to indoctrinate you.
And I've lost count, I've tried to keep track of all the shows that come out since... All the messages, the anti-family, anti-gun, anti-homeschool, anti-free market, anti-pro-world government, all the messages and cartoons about the Illuminati making it a joke.
I'm going to make this point and then go to calls.
You mentioned how they create mass insanity, where people accept mass murder, war, torture, human sacrifice.
Look at the Romans, look at the Aztecs, look at the Druids, where, oh, the sun won't come back during an eclipse if you don't give us your children to sacrifice.
Every culture does this.
They make you give over your children to be burned in fires or flayed or have their hearts cut out.
Because if they can make you do that willfully, they have full mind control over you.
So human culture always ends up getting dominated by the psychopaths, and they turn the world into the type of world they like.
Death, destruction, torture, and killing.
It's 1% of the population.
We've got to identify them, educate the virtuous and good and the mighty to rise up and be the leaders they are to defeat this scum.
Do you agree with me, Alan?
It's about 1% are psychos?
I'd say there's a bit more than that.
The elite have been breeding for a couple of thousand years at least, probably three, with winners.
In other words, those who dominated.
The male is married to a female, the offspring of some warlord or whatever, and they continue interbreeding with what they call successful people, ruthless people, until you have generations of them.
And the psychopathic, they also recruit lesser psychopaths who are not born into such high power to serve them.
And they're actual idiot savants of like this dark mathematics or logic, and they talk about it.
I mean, a lot of them don't even have to think to do all these evil, duplicitous things.
It just flows through them.
It does flow through.
To a psychopath, they look at a problem...
I think
And that's why the final test for special forces at Delta level is Machiavelli's The Prince, Injustifies the Means.
And if you say, no, I don't believe in Injustifies the Means, say kill a whole village to blame it on your political enemy,
If you say no, they go, oh, you passed.
We're going to put you in the bureaucracy somewhere else.
You're the type of good guy we want.
You're going to be in procurement now.
But the ones that say they will kill people who are innocent, they say, you understand the greater good.
You're going to be promoted now.
That's right, they call it the Noble Lie.
Whatever you do must be through deception over the public, and it's called the Noble... it's for the greater good, the Noble Lie.
Same thing.
And this technique is well understood at the top, and they do employ lots of psychopathic people to carry it out.
Who are well paid, by the way.
And then you get the stringers.
You see, the Pentagon back in the 40s joined with academia for training the public along certain directions of thought.
We're good to go.
Carbon dioxide isn't bad.
They know, they know it's about bringing in a communist collective world state and it's all there.
And they did the psychological test of these people.
They hate their fellow man.
I mean, I see somebody doing well and happy or someone with a beautiful wife.
I am happy for them.
It's like I'm seeing something good, like a sunset.
I appreciate wholesomeness.
To them, they see you healthy, happy, successful.
They hate it.
Oh, they hate it alright.
And academia really is a form of totalitarianism.
Believe you me, if you rock the boat within academia, you're out right away.
If you don't go along with the agenda, you're demoted or you're out the door very, very quickly.
They all know this.
They smell the wind and they're really in it for their personal gain, most of them.
They don't care who they're brainwashing or what they're taught to brainwash the youngsters with.
They will go along with it quite happily because they're psychopathic themselves and they're very well paid as well.
Self-interest rules them.
What percentage would you say are genetic psychopaths versus the psychopathoid biological android version through the conditioning in the media?
What percentage are natural psychos versus quasi horde of hell servant wraith?
I'd say probably, at the ruling elite's level, you're probably looking only at about maybe 20,000 very important families in a descending order.
But remember, in a psychopathic culture, and that's what we've had since the feudal age and before, is psychopaths get to the top through viciousness and cruelty and slaughter and stealing.
And, uh, but they always give you, in the system, they give you, to dominate you, they also give you a psychopathic culture which we follow, we follow, into dog eat dog, etc.
And, and, and that again divides us further.
But there's a triple, triple mode there, just within that one layer of programming.
They train their people to be ruthless, they'll always protect them in slaughtering, dominating, but then the public is taught to love the torture when it's being done to them or others, but that they've got to be weak and disarmed and servile.
Well, here's the key to it, to controlling the masses.
As I said earlier, the masses would turn up in the village or the city of London to watch someone being hung, drawn and quartered and their stomach pulled open and their guts ripped out.
And they cheer on because the masses who feel helpless and underfear themselves and one step from poverty, I mean utter poverty or even starvation, will project themselves being helpless into that victim.
And it's actually a symbolic ritual of the death of the self.
And that's what you're cheering on.
You hate your life so much that you hate the person who tried and lost and you lose yourself.
But there's also a mirror there where you imagine yourself as the elite at that moment.
You're scum but you're finally having a victory by crime stopping and joining with it.
Yes, because they found again, in a psychopathic culture which they give you, and they always generally give you the Soviet or the Nazi model because it's the most recent in our age for such an organized culture, the junior officers around, or the officers around Hitler,
Literally, we're psychopathic.
They admire the man at the top who has more power than themselves.
They worship him like a god.
But those beneath them, they treat with a descending disdain to the lower officers because they've got less power than themselves.
So, sadomasochistic behavior always is wrapped up with the psychopathic personality.
Absolutely, and it makes them feel powerful to see innocent people torn to bits.
Let's take calls.
Alex in Illinois.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I love your work.
Hi Alan.
You're doing great work out there too, so I thank you both and God bless both you and your families.
Now, my question is for Alan, but, um, after sitting on hold and listening to you guys talk on so many important issues in such a short time in such a seamless matter, I just wanted to bring up a quick point to, uh, it's a young sentence, or it's a young sentence from a young, uh, I'm sorry, it's a quick sentence from a young artillery's captain letter home on the last day of World War I.
And it goes as follows.
It is a shame we can't go into devastated Germany and cut off a few of the Dutch kids' hands and feet and scalp a few of their old men.
But I guess it'll be better to make them work for France and Belgium for 50 years.
Now, that was sent home on the last day of World War I by Harry Truman, nonetheless.
So when he's asked, is it a tough decision from the drop the bomb, I think we know the psychopaths we're dealing with.
But now to my question.
Alan, on the Internet, and I heard you talking about how they're going to shut it down, and Alex, you know, talks about shutting it down.
Do you think that this has anything to do with the next presidential election?
Because I know that an internet candidate has been predicted by, I think it was Jerry Corsi, for the next election.
So I'm wondering if we're having such a huge impact on the internet where they can't let it... Well, let's be clear.
They're not going to just shut it off overnight.
They're going to transmute it over into an unfree web.
We have their cyber security program.
Alan, what?
That's right.
They need you to be on the internet because you don't realize they gave it to you to monitor you and to do subroutines and see what groups you mix with and see what you have in common.
And actually I've read the articles where the Pentagon has a virtual reality world set up in a massive computer, super computer, great computer, with every one of us in it.
And it's got 93% predictability of where you're going to do, where you're going, what you're going to buy, and they say 93%, that's Washington Post, BBC, it's probably much higher.
This is literally a crystal ball they have.
Go ahead.
Yeah, in real time too.
It's in real time.
It's instantly uploaded into their sites, whatever you're doing, who you're corresponding to, what you're buying, what you're talking about, so they have their pulse on the public.
And Alan, that's why it's such a joke to go, oh, is the government spying on me without warrants?
Of course they are!
And then others will say,
Because they admit they're feeding everything in.
And others say, well, why are we on the web then?
We are going into the matrix.
You know, picture it as people plugged into the matrix.
But it's really a physical interface through the eyes, which is a computer plug-in, folks.
Your eyes into the TV, into the computer, into the ears.
You are plugged into a matrix.
And we're literally like that ship coming in and jacking in and going in to get people.
And that's literally what's happening.
Of course the Internet is evil and built by DARPA.
Of course it's the worldwide wiretap to dehumanize.
But people say, well then why are you there?
That's where the war is.
We're blasting in every direction.
We're waking a lot of people up.
But the enemy actually sees Alan Watt and I, and I'll see if he agrees, as part of another war game program they're playing against us and learning and getting better with their computers and their experts on how to understand and track people and see how we're going to move and what movements are going to happen to be 10 steps ahead of us to try to take that over.
The key here is reaching through to people who aren't psychopaths in the system and asking them, do you realize the bigger picture?
Do you see the larger matrix?
Do you really want to be part of this?
And I think in that lays the key, Alan Watt.
You see, Rockefeller himself talked about the window of opportunity to bringing this world agenda through.
Well, the Internet to me, and yourself I'm sure, is just our window of opportunity while we have it.
And they are closing down.
You see, the British Empire still exists today.
Cairn's a dominion of London, basically.
They're using new censorship, government-run censorship techniques on their servers.
All servers have to join it.
Under the guise, of course, of pedophilia.
There's more pedophiliacs up there in government in the British system than there are people who are not.
So they use it as an excuse.
And the first site they attacked was a Christian site
That's right, they're banning dental office websites, Christian sites in Australia, and to set the precedent they can ban anything, and literally it's like all the TSA employees keep getting caught raping kids.
Of course, who do you think the globalists hire?
They look at your internet traffic, they know you're a pedophile, and so when you go to become a Homeland Security person, you're going right to the top!
Because they already know you're one of them!
That's right.
And you're blackmailable, too.
Should you ever turn against them for some... Let's take another call.
You're compromised.
Shannon in Texas.
You're on the air.
She hung up.
Dirk in Oregon.
Hi, Alan.
You're on the air.
Alex and Alan Watt.
I just want to tell everybody in the whole world they need to wake up.
And to realize that everything you are saying and doing is the absolute truth, and that we are in the Info Wars with the Reptilians.
And they're in power, and they're trying to take over the world.
Let me say this.
They might as well be Reptilians from Planet Pop-Tart, because they're so anti-human and so different from us.
But what they are is a bunch of psychos.
Alan, what?
The term reptilian, which of course has been blown out of proportion deliberately, is actually used in psychology when they talk about a part of the brain where basic survival functions are in all animals and reptiles.
It's your survival, that's sex, violence, eating, fighting to survive.
That's what they call the reptilian part.
Well, it's true the psychopath lives on that part of the brain.
And so they build a big government so they can carry out their torture, murder, and rape and war with impunity.
More calls straight ahead for Kay, James, Eric, and others.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
The transmission continues.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Incredibly massive news has broken.
Perfect timing for the next hour when we get into 9-11 truth.
This is incredible.
Took me a few breaks to be able to read through it.
Revealed Ashcroft tenant Rumsfeld warned 9-11 Commission about line they should not cross.
Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9-11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.
Here is the secret document.
Why is this so important?
Several 9-11 commissioners said they were told not to investigate 9-11.
All ten were appointed by Bush.
Six of the ten have said there's a cover-up.
John Farmer, the head lawyer, says a criminal cover-up by the Pentagon.
ABC News Nightline did a hit piece last week saying none of that was true, but never showed any facts.
Here is the actual document.
This is coming up.
Man, my hand's actually shaking.
These people did this, folks.
Dick Cheney wrote they wanted to stage a terror attack in the PNAC documents.
I can't believe what killers these people are.
We're going to be going over this.
Alan Watts with us this segment, the next.
I appreciate him giving us so much time.
CuttingToTheMatrix.com is his site.
Great site, great material, great info.
Go there, buy books, videos, materials, support him.
It's just, this is so real.
And I understand why the average person can't face this horror, because it's scary to know the government's a bunch of murdering criminals.
But it's more dangerous not to fight them.
And my ancestors fought tyranny.
I love liberty.
I mean, I am innately a loving person.
That means I'm also innately very aggressive and violent towards tyrants.
Alan Watt, what would you call the type of person that you are, that I am, who have an instinctual love of humanity versus these psychos?
I think it's summed up in the poem, it says, will mankind go out with a whimper or a bang?
We have no option.
We have no option.
Your very survival and all this decent and good in humanity that's been around for an awful long time is going to be wiped out unless we do something to save it.
And it's not going to be easy.
We're dealing with ruthless people, utterly ruthless, who have all the money and think tanks and propaganda arms in the world to obey them, and armies and so on.
It's David and Goliath, but, as I say, truth's got to win out.
We have no option.
They plan to annihilate us.
They're actually doing it with the food, the injections, the spraying in the skies that are going on every day.
All that stuff is being done to us, fluoride in the water.
We're dealing with utter psychopathic murderers, mass murderers,
And we've now hit a jump point!
We've now hit a jump point.
They're clearly accelerating everything now.
They have to, to ram everything through, the whole new system.
Remember what they kept saying in the last century, that the 21st century is the century of change.
That was Obama's speech as well.
He's another front man.
It wouldn't matter who they put in to balance with his presidency.
We all know that.
They're front men.
They don't change the banking system.
They don't get right off the debt.
They don't do any of those things.
They work for the same system.
Yes, Alan, this is real for folks.
This is not a game or a joke.
Let's talk to Kay in Ohio.
Kay, you're on the air.
Hey, God bless.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, Alan.
You've done an outstanding continuity job of outlining the whole deal.
And I can't thank you guys enough.
Much admiration.
Hey, I wanted to talk about the scientific dictatorship hooked up with the military-industrial complex.
The problem also goes throughout China.
The scientific community, a large portion of them, have lost their moral, ethical compass.
We established people like the... They don't even have the Hippocratic Oath anymore, do no harm!
No, but what I'm saying is
A large portion of the scientific community, and I say that about the biological, the chemical, and the technical people, have lost their moral ethic, compass, and standards, and we set up a lot of these people to uphold.
I'm gonna get Alan to talk about that.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is such an intense broadcast today.
So much is happening.
Alan Watt is our guest and
What about his statement about how they've removed morals?
Yeah, they say there is no morals beyond good and evil, but then they tell you they're political correct morals that make you stand down and never stand up against them.
That's correct.
It's do what thou wilt is the whole of the law at the top.
Do whatever you want at the top because you've got all that protection to safeguard you.
You don't end up in court at the top, regardless of what you do.
But for us down below, they've also destroyed pretty well all of the culture which binds you together for survival.
Survival isn't an individual thing.
It is a collective thing to an extent.
We all came from tribes.
That came through hell and harsh winters and often starvation, but we did it as tribes.
And that's how you get through things.
When you break every bond, and that was before the attack was on, all bonds, internationalism was to break national bonds and tribal bonds.
And then you break the bonds of man and wife until really you have nothing left to bond for.
And you have the kids reporting on their parents.
Let's jam in another call.
James in Ohio, you're on the air.
Okay, Eric in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Yeah, go ahead, Eric.
How you doing?
We're doing alright.
Worldwide broadcast.
What's on your mind?
Well, first off, let me say, David beat Goliath, by the way.
But my question, I got two.
One for you, one for Alan.
Alan, how do we as a people, even
You begin with yourself.
You cannot be in their worlds and try to be rational and an individual at the same time.
So you conquer yourself.
That's the first thing.
You must get rid of your own programming.
And then you perceive things much more clearly.
Then you can put it across to other people of a similar ilk.
That's your ability for self-preservation.
Yeah, we're almost out of time.
Let me just throw this in.
The Pentagon says 90% of war is psychological.
You unlock your mind to their public blueprints.
They think so little of you, their plan's all public.
You look at this and realize this isn't fiction, this is real.
And then, once you see it, you unlock people's minds, it's over.
And we don't need to get everybody, do we, Ellen?
No, you don't.
Again, too, remember what Marcy Tong said?
He said he wasn't afraid of guns or weapons or bombs, he was afraid of someone with a good idea.
That's what they're scared of, someone with an idea that can put it across.
And it catches on like wildfire.
No army can stand against an idea whose time has come.
And it's pure self-preservation now.
We also have to purify ourselves because we're all contaminated with indoctrination and the separation of sex from bonding.
That was one of the prime tenets, too, that Bertrand Russell said they'd have to do.
That's what you're lapping up as entertainment.
You're being corrupted as you do it.
And you can't stand together if you have no one to stand with you.
God bless you, Culler.
I appreciate it.
And I wanted to get to everybody else, but we're just out of time.
Alan Watt, one minute to give us a summation.
Yes, so this is the, we're going into the final part of this battle.
As you say, most of it is psychological, the war of terror.
It's a psychological war.
And the greatest writers on the Soviet system and all revolutions will tell you, totalitarian systems, that they don't lose their grip until they become more liberal.
That's when the people start to demand things, when the totalitarians become more liberal.
These guys are rushing ahead to terrify the hell out of us.
And we must not be afraid, no matter what they throw at us.
And when you become indignant about something, that's the start.
You'll become indignant.
You've lost your ability to be indignant.
And you don't have to be proud.
I'm going to have you back a lot sooner.
Thank you for all your time.
Folks, you have to be afraid for the species.
We're all going to die, but the species goes on.
You're part of something bigger.
You should be afraid of not fighting this.
I'm not worried about being destroyed, killed, demonized.
I know Alan isn't.
Never stop.
We're all in this together.
The police, the military, the system, you're with the people whether you like it or not.
Join us.
Alan Watt, thank you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ron Avery who heads up architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth here in Texas having a big event coming up.
Saturday, we're going to tell you about that.
It's happening in all 50 states.
I was honored to be invited.
He's invited me many times down to Silver Eagle Tap House.
I've always declined because I'm so busy, but I had to come to this because it's so important.
Dovetailing with what you're going to hear in the next 52 minutes is this incredible raw story.
It's also in the AP now.
Ashcroft tenant Rumsfeld warned 9-11 Commission about line it should not cross.
And they said, you will not investigate the attacks themselves.
Now, we already heard a few commissioners say this, but it's always a footnote in the media.
Six of the ten, that's six of the ten, ladies and gentlemen, have come out saying it is a cover-up.
A farmer, the head lawyer, a criminal cover-up.
And then I, you know, just can't forget what happened last week on Nightline.
On Nightline,
They came out and showed 9-11 truth at a meeting in Valley Forge, at a meeting saying, well, 6 of the 10 commissioners question it, and they cut to Lee Hamilton saying no one questions it.
Now, these guys were appointed by Bush, but at the same time,
They're still 6 of the 10 coming out saying it's a fraud, and now we have this internal White House document on this subject.
This is so huge, ladies and gentlemen.
It's up on InfoWars.com, it's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
That's why they're so scared of 9-11 Truth, because the polls keep showing more and more people are waking up, more and more prominent people are coming out, and the system is scared.
And I've risked my life before the attacks and on the day of the attacks telling you it was an inside job.
Because Rand Corporation, PNAC said they wanted something big and staged.
I knew the Feds had bombed the World Trade Center the first time in 93.
That came out in federal documents.
The audio's been released now of the FBI tapes where their informant knew they were setting him up.
He said, well, you told me to build a real bomb.
Now you're saying go ahead with this?
I've got the receipts.
I've got the proof you told me to do this.
And they go, well, you're not supposed to have those.
I mean, it's incredible.
That's in Jason Bermas' new film, Invisible Empire, New World Order Defined.
It's like an encyclopedia of New World Order history and what they're doing and their master plan.
18 months in the making, over $100,000 to produce.
It's on pre-sale now.
Ships on or before April 15th on DVD.
Order it at InfoWars.com.
Now, we've got the official trailer coming out later this week, probably on Friday.
We've got an earlier trailer from six, eight months ago.
This is just a basic.
This is the first little sneak peek.
And I just told Bermas like an hour ago, I said, grab that clip about the scientific elite technocracy by Eisenhower.
I wanted to play it when Watt was on, but he's already gone.
This is just less than a minute from the two hour, 20 minute film.
Exactly what we were talking about.
And Eisenhower, as he left, warned about what was being masked, what was being set up, what was being developed.
So, we're now going to go ahead to this one-minute clip.
Here it is.
Crises there will continue to be.
In meeting them, whether foreign or domestic, great or small, there is a recurring temptation
To feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculous solution to all current difficulties.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever-present and is gravely to be regarded.
We must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.
Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined.
This is a powerful film.
We also have another one coming out a week later.
You can pre-order that now.
Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
Now we're going to get more into this top story.
Of the internal White House-marked secret ordering the commission to not investigate what actually happened on 9-11.
A cover-up.
Six of the ten commissioners.
But Nightline goes on and says, we're lying about that.
You are lying!
It's been in every major paper that six of the ten say it's a criminal cover-up.
They can't even get their own people they've appointed to lie.
They know they murdered our own people there.
You know the courage it takes for folks to expose that?
But we have no future if we don't put ourselves under the gun.
Only by facing up to these bullies do we have any chance of beating them.
If you have any self-preservation instincts, any love of God, any love of truth, you must!
I'm talking to all you well-to-do yuppies and people that think you're part of the system and laugh at anybody that cares.
You think you're getting ahead by being narcissistic and never getting involved.
You think it's cool and cute, what's happening?
I've had a lot of businessmen stop me on their Harleys or whatever on the side of the street on Congress and go, hey, have you seen the black helicopters, Alex?
And I go, you really think 9-11 isn't an inside job?
And they go, so what?
We had to do it.
That's how things get done.
You know, they think because they can buy, I mean, a lot of people in business and life think this is cute.
They know.
They think that's how you get America motivated.
We have all these Pentagon documents where these people need another 9-11 attack.
That'll get them motivated.
Okay, I'm going to shut up now.
I appreciate him coming in when we invited him in.
And he's going to be here with us for the next 46 minutes.
Ronald F. Avery.
Ron Avery.
He owns the Silver Eagle Tap House.
He's an architect, engineer, licensed architect, and interior designer in the state of Texas.
Ran for U.S.
House Representative, 28th District.
He's a great guy.
He's done countless activist work.
He's also headed up a lot of the activity of the Campaign for Liberty and other folks supporting Ron Paul.
And he is here with us in studio.
He's going to be heading up a big event this weekend at the Doubletree Hotel.
And we have that press release, in fact we'll get a document cam shot for folks here in a moment, up on InfoWars.com.
And we'll tell you about some of the speakers that are going to be there.
And again, I don't do a lot of public speaking these days because I'm so busy.
And I believe electronic media is the way to go because I can reach so many.
But I am going to this because I want to support what they're doing.
They want me to speak for longer.
I'm only going to speak 30 minutes because I want to give more time to the architecture engineers, the former head of Star Wars program, Dr. Bob Bowman, and others that are going to be at the Texas event coming up this Saturday.
But Ron, it's good to have you here with us.
Hey, it's great to be here, Alex.
We're going to break in about five minutes.
We'll start getting into your abbreviated breakdown.
You're going to be doing this with some larger models and things at the event.
And we'll also get into this latest news.
But how did you get into 9-11 Truth?
Tell us about what Architects and Engineers has just done the last month and where all this is going.
OK, well, I got into it essentially right when it happened on 9-11-01.
I don't
create the police state in america in two thousand and uh... so uh... actually they were a year late so as soon as i heard about the world trade center uh... having collapsed or one of the towers i knew right then that this was going to be the event that they were going to bring the new world order in on are the police state in america i didn't know all the details how they did it
I mean, as an architect, watching the two big towers and seven not hit by a plane, small fires, collapses at freefall spree, NIST had denied that for six years.
They now admit, six years into it, two years ago, that, oh yeah, it did fall at freefall.
Yes, at least part of it did, and we're going to have a gentleman there at the meeting, Johnson, Derek Johnson, and he will speak on Building 7 and the NIST report as well.
The system's getting really scared of 9-11 truth.
Yes it is and they should be because it is really their project and they've uh... uh... everything in this country now is designed or or uh... promoted by what happened what they claim happened on 9-11 and if they lose that, if they lose Cornerstone, they lose the whole deal.
Well not just the science of this which is Legion
But the history of governments, and our own government admittedly staging terror, and then within minutes on every channel, and this is covered in Fabled Enemies, the same talking points, the world has changed.
You're going to have to give your rights up.
We're going to have to attack Iraq.
Within minutes, they all had the same talking point, and they had CIA operatives, as the towers collapsed, going, oh, the fires did it, and you can see the footprint, you can see these operatives on the same channels.
BBC did a false start 25 minutes before, later was admitted, Reuters gave it to them, I predicted that, because I could tell it was a script, two channels simultaneously, and CNN, so three, the exact cover story of Solomon Brother, Building 7 falling, exactly how it did before it fell.
So just like in Asia and Australia and New Zealand, a few hours before they even released the name, they just arrested him of Lee Harvey Oswald.
It was already in the front page of their papers.
So they have some screw-ups.
And again, the evidence just goes on and on and on and on.
But they did this.
There's no doubt.
Oh, I believe it, too.
Now, let me say something about that, though, because this is the way the media targets people like us that are trying to get to the truth of 9-11, what happened at the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
They say, well, do you actually believe the government had something to do with this?
And, you know, let me clarify my position on that.
When I say, or when someone says government to me, that means everybody in government.
That means everybody in the FBI, everybody in the Central Intelligence Agency, everybody everywhere.
And I don't believe that.
In fact, I don't believe the FBI had anything to do with 9-11.
In fact, they killed the former anti-terror head.
No, I agree with you.
It's criminal rogue networks.
But here's what I'd like to say, and this is what none of them have been able to come back on me with.
Is that I believe we have a foreign military operating in our country and doing these things and pulling these things off and we have some high political operatives that are protecting these people so they can operate in this country and if you're an American you ought to be concerned about a foreign alien army military operating in our country.
We need to discover these people and get them out of here.
And I would guess you're talking about Israeli involvement?
I sure am.
Alright, well you can go there and we'll also talk about how all these intelligence agencies interlock.
We're going to go over a presentation as well with Ron Avery and we're going to tell you about the event coming up this Saturday, DoubleTree Hotel.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world governments.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Ron Avery with Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth with Texas in 50 states.
They're having press conferences.
We need everybody to call the media and to tell them to be at this event coming up this Saturday at the Doubletree Hotel.
The press release is up at InfoWars.com.
Give us some other websites, Ron, where folks can find out details.
You can go to meetup.com forward slash tap house.
That has a lot of details on it.
I believe you can go to Facebook and we have a Texas architects and engineers page there that you can look at.
We are Change San Antonio.
That's right.
We are changed San Antonio.
What else?
SilverEagleTapHouse.com will have some things on it.
You can chip in there if you want to.
We'll need a little money to pay for this big room we're getting.
Now is the event free?
I haven't even checked.
It is free.
We advertise it as free.
We are asking for a donation.
Yeah, for folks that don't know, renting a 600-person room in a nice hotel is expensive.
Yes, it is.
And so we would sure appreciate any donation.
If each person just donated $6, we would clear everything.
Where do you do this?
Where do you donate?
Excuse me?
Can they just put it in the kitty when they get there?
They sure can.
They sure can.
And hopefully they can be marked.
I think they will be marked so they can come and go all day.
It is an eight hour event.
It's a big thing.
Absolutely, we're going to talk about some of that in a minute, but let's get into the subject that you brought up.
I don't get into this a lot because it's so complex and it can be used either way, and the establishment from day one always liked to say, look at these 9-11 truth-tellers, they're saying Israel did it.
When you look at England, Israel, the United States, the Anglo-American establishment as it's called, nothing to do with Anglo people, that's just what the globalists call it, these intelligence agencies are all merged, and it's what Tarpley, and I agree with him, in his book Synthetic Terror, it's groups from all
of these organizations.
It's like Al-Qaeda got Saudi Arabian funding, Pakistani, Israeli, U.S.
and British.
It's always the same actors, but I do agree that they find a strong brigade for all... I mean, it's been in the Haaretz and Jerusalem Post that Israel has fake Al-Qaeda groups.
I wouldn't doubt that.
You're into a lot more of that than I am.
All I know is I'm a Christian, and I know what the Western civilization should have been, and it is not based on Israel and Judaism.
They always say the Judeo-Christian way.
Well, that's like saying the night and day way.
Christianity, yes, came from Judaism, but it is not Judaism, and the two really don't mix well.
Isn't it more complex than that?
Christianity comes from the ancient Judaism of Mount Sinai, not the Jews going into captivity in different parts of the world and adopting the Babylonian Talmud.
And there, I don't go there either.
There's a lot of talk about this and that, who the real Jews are, who the fake Jews are.
My perspective is the Jew is one who accepts Christ as King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Savior of the cosmos and everything in it.
Now, those that reject him become, by nature, the Antichrist.
Those that do not believe that the Savior of all mankind has come in the flesh of Jesus Christ.
Now, I don't really even want to go much more there in terms of theology.
Okay, but you brought it up, and we don't censor people.
And so you're here, and you brought it up, so I wanted to get into it with you.
Okay, this is a short segment.
We've got to get going here with the presentation.
Break down the itinerary coming up Saturday where it is.
It will be at the Doubletree Hotel in North Austin at IH35 and near the north of the intersection of 290... Doubletree Hotel, 6505 IH35, North Austin, 787-53.
That's correct.
And it will be, as you go in the room there, in the main lobby, it'll be back behind the elevators, and we have two sections of the ballroom.
It will seat slightly over 500, I would believe.
Well, that's going to be interesting, and it goes from, what, 1 o'clock till 9 o'clock at night?
That is right.
That is right.
And it will be live streamed.
We want people to come see it, of course, live.
You'll have a lot more fun doing that.
But you can see it later if you missed it.
It will be archived.
And that website is liveonlocation.com.
And it will be filmed live.
So you can watch it live if you can't make it down there on the internet.
My IT guy said the last prefix is TV.
I believe you're right.
Thank you for correcting me.
That is live on location dot TV.
What we'll do is on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, we will link to that for people coming up Saturday.
Great, that'd be super.
Because it'll be a subsection of that site, but people can search through it.
I also want to mention this, Alex, that Debra Stephens will be also broadcasting it live on radio at 90.1 FM all day long as well.
Oh good, for folks here locally in Austin.
Very, very exciting.
All right.
We'll be right back.
On the other side, we've got to hurry because there's a long segment coming up.
We're going to run out of time quick and start getting into the presentation.
But the most important thing is to get media at all 50 locations nationwide in your state.
Call the media.
Tell them to be there.
And tell the media in Central Texas to be at this event Saturday.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hi, Alex has been encouraging you to get food.
Well, here's an unbelievable chance for you to jumpstart your food savings plan from efoodsdirect.com.
Anyone placing food orders on the large volume production run scheduled for the week of March 22nd can get a lot of food for very little cost.
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Ron Avery, Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, Texas chapter.
Briefly, it was 1,000 just a few weeks ago.
Now I've read 1,100 architects and engineers have signed on.
You've got hundreds of physicists, the number three in the Japanese government, the former German defense minister.
I mean, 9-11 Truth is on fire.
Some national polls, 80 plus percent believe the government's lying.
What do you think of this new development that the 9-11 commission run was told not to get into the actual attacks and to engage basically in a cover-up?
Well, I don't doubt it.
I haven't read that yet.
It's news to me as well, but I don't doubt any of it.
It's already come out that the attorney, their main counsel, said that at some point in time they decided to lie and not tell the people the truth.
He called it a criminal conspiracy by the Pentagon.
Well, I mean, I don't doubt it.
There's absolutely upper-level people that are covering up what really happened.
And now, when I say that again, that doesn't mean the government, as they always like to say.
The criminal elements and multiple intelligence agencies that stood to gain from new wars and control.
You've got the floor now.
I mean, get into whatever you want.
Let's get into your... For PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, you've got a basic breakdown of a mini version of what you'll actually be doing at the event coming up from 1 to 9 on Saturday.
Again, everybody, call the media.
The DoubleTree.
Newspapers, TV, radio.
Tell them, be there and cover it.
Send them YouTube clips of international newsmen covering it.
This is news.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, I brought my little easel here and I am an architect and one of the things that kind of puzzles me these days is all these fancy automatic computer-generated
They even have them animated, where they show the plane crashing into the building, and they can really do anything with these computers.
I just did this on plain old paper with plain old markers to show you how architects really think.
Now, what this is really showing here, the South Tower, 110 stories, it leans 22 degrees to the west over Building 4.
Yeah, which is right down here.
So, what you have in reality, when that happened, it would be something like the Pennzoil building in Houston falling off of an 80-story building.
And when I first saw that in reality, it just shocked me.
That's roughly 30 stories that fell on a... how many stories?
Well, it actually didn't fall.
That's why I'm showing this little diagram here.
There's something major wrong here, because what we have
When we have this spot right here, the way you figure out how to stop a rotation like this, once it starts, is you take the full height of the part that's rotating, which is 384 feet, and you divide it in half, which is 192 feet, and then you multiply it by the weight of the portion that's falling off,
Which is 290,000 kips, which is 290,000, or 290 million pounds is what this weighs.
And it starts to rotate about this point right here, which is 192 feet away.
You end up with a force moment of 55,680,000 foot kips.
Now, that's also required to stop that rotation, you see.
So, where did that come from?
It didn't come from anywhere.
What should have happened, instead of this happening at the end of it, you should have had this right here.
This thing, this top portion of the building should have fallen to the ground in one chunk.
Because it was, the only reason, the only way it could have not fallen like that is for it to be demolished from the inside all the way up.
It was all blown into powdered dust.
Sure, so that the piece couldn't fall because it also had the demolition charges all set.
Because there's no way if a 30-story chunk of a building breaks off, it's going to fall almost intact and be down on the ground.
But no, it doesn't.
It just vaporizes.
That's right.
And we're expected to believe, and this is basic architecture and engineering right here.
I mean, that's as basic as it gets.
And we're expected to just ignore that.
Let's just ignore the idea that this can happen.
Okay, the next theory that they propose is the pancaking theory.
Now we got a real problem with this, because even if you just multiplied the five inches of concrete on the steel deck, you get about four stories high of nothing but concrete slab.
Well now, the problem there is you've overlooked the steel that's been crushed in between it.
We're good to go.
That's taller than the hotel that was right next to it.
The Marriott Hotel right next to it.
There was no pancake.
It was aerosolized, the concrete was turned, and they said body parts were no bigger than an inch long.
And the only way you can do that is through explosive charges.
That's the only way that can happen.
And you can even see the blast squibs coming out.
Yeah, you sure can.
When you first see it, you're just so astonished with everything.
It's taken really nine years to really analyze and understand this.
It shouldn't have, because our government really did not analyze it.
It's been up to the people, ordinary citizens, to actually investigate this crime.
Okay, the next thing we get into, most people don't know that we have a hat truss on the top of this tower.
And guys, zoom in some on this while he's doing it.
Go ahead.
Yes, this is a hat truss right here.
They call it that.
It's a five-story truss system that sat on top of the building.
And it spans from the core, and this is the core, showing right here about how big it is.
And they first told us it was a hollow tube, which is incorrect, totally.
And some people even call it a tube within a tube, but the reality of it is, it's even stronger than that.
It's actually a building inside of a tube.
And we have the former architect and the former builder manager on record, before it got hit, saying it was over-designed to take two big jets.
Well, even multiple.
I remember the architect actually said that it was multiple impacts of a 707, which is very comparable to the 767.
And it was a four engine, moved faster, but carried the same... And it had a super core, but the media just said there was nothing.
That's right.
Only Casper the Friendly Ghost was in there.
That's holding it up.
So what this hat truss does, if you think about it, it spans 65 feet in one direction, in this longer direction on each side, and 35 feet on the shorter direction on this side.
Everybody's familiar with train bridges.
You know, those things you drive these big old train cars.
Train trestles.
That's what we're talking about.
And this one's five stories tall.
There's one out in McQueenie right next to my tap room that's three stories tall, maybe two and a half stories tall, and it carries, and it spans like probably 200 feet.
I think?
In other words, this thing can carry a lot of weight, and the North Tower, when it was hit, it's only eight stories from the top.
That means that even if the vertical columns were not connected to each other, they would be held up by the hat truss on the North Tower.
So, and these, all the exterior columns were 100,000 PSI steel, the strongest you can get.
It's heat treated, and they were 14 inches by 14 inches square.
And they actually form what is called a virendal truss.
It's two squares on one side, two squares on the other, and three in the middle.
You got four on one side, on the other side, and one and a half on each end.
So now you can sketch this in your sleep if you wanted to, and know exactly what the building core was like.
But the media lied and said that didn't exist.
That's right.
Said it's not there and it was all run by trusses, lightweight metal trusses, that went all the way.
That wouldn't even have held the building up.
It's just an asinine lie when the plans for the building have been public for decades.
That's right.
And this part, the middle core, is heavy steel, with heavy girders.
Then there's trusses on that, but they are connected to heavy girders going both ways, connected to heavy steel columns.
Now down here in this portion, it does have lightweight steel trusses, but they are also doubled.
They're three foot deep, and they're doubled, and they go both ways, which means a space frame
And actually when this building was being designed, the articles and literature on it actually called it a space frame, a space frame floor.
And that's what they had.
So in order to have, and we're going to get to that right here, what it looks like.
Uh, right here, these trusses are going both ways.
This line right here shows a truss heading that way, and these are trusses heading this way.
Now there's a truss, double truss, that connects every column on the exterior back to the core.
And, there are trusses at every low part of the web right here that goes the other way.
So, in fact, if you look at this, we take a section right here, it's section C. These trusses are running out to the exterior wall.
Here's the exterior steel.
Here's the interior heavy steel.
This corrugated metal decking is running towards the exterior.
So it doesn't roll up.
If you hit it, it acts as a knife blade because it won't buckle up, it won't roll up because the trusses are actually, the tops of the trusses are poured into the concrete there.
The concrete is poured around the tops of the trusses.
So this is built like a brick you-know-what house?
Oh, you got it.
Now we're getting an idea of what this thing's like.
And here's the exterior.
This is like a, I call it a cheese grater.
Here's the exterior wall, what it looks like.
These things are three foot three, center to center.
And that's why the planes evaporated, but two magic passports, not one but two, drifted down unheard and were found that day by the government.
Yeah, in one piece.
Oh, but it flew into an armored cheese grater.
That's exactly right.
And so here's the size of the jet.
The fuselage of the jet is the inner red circle.
The orange circle on the inside is the size of the jet engine.
And you can see what trouble it did when it hit this thing.
It is just like a cheese grater.
Now, going 530 miles an hour, you've got to remember that, if it was at landing speed, it probably would not have pierced the outer wall, and they knew that.
See, now that we know that nanothermite has been used on this bill, and now we know that they planned every piece of it, they planned the speed of the jet, they planned everything about it, because if they had run it slower,
Who had a den at the building that bounced off.
Correct, and they didn't want that.
And now we know, too, that that's why building 2 fell first, South Tower fell first, is because the firemen had reached the 78th floor, they were going to put it out, they radioed back.
They were saying, the fires aren't even here, this is no big deal.
People were standing next to columns, waving, so it wasn't melting their bodies or even hurting them, but giant columns suddenly melted and blew up.
The fires had dissipated, heat had gone down,
But you've got to get rid of those firefighters who are about to find the evidence.
Well, yeah.
And if the whole object we now know was to get rid of the buildings in the first place, because they had to remove all this asbestos... Ron, let me ask you this.
We may have to go into overdrive, which will then just be on PrisonPlanet.tv and Infowars.com.
How long is this going to take?
I may have to skip this break, too.
That's fine.
That's not good for our affiliates.
Let me see.
Let's only do this one more sheet.
No, no, no.
Do you have to go somewhere?
Gentlemen, can we do 20 minutes of overdrive?
I don't.
I'm going to go ahead and take the break because we're on XM and a bunch of AM and FM's coming up and then we'll have five more minutes at the stations here.
And what I'll do is in a few weeks I'll even re-air this in another hour so the stations all get to hear it.
But people will have to go to PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWars.com only
On those audio streams and video streams to get the rest of this.
So I want you to take your time.
Well, now I'm really beginning to get into exactly how these buildings function.
As I've talked about before, we have this five-story hat truss on the top that can work in tension.
But actually, the more I study this building, we don't even need the tension.
We don't need the tension-carrying hat truss because right here is how this is summarized.
We know that in here
Because it's a space frame floor with trusses running in both directions, that it cannot collapse.
It cannot collapse all the way across the floor just because you've damaged a portion of it.
These are still connected to the outer columns.
On the North Tower, these columns were not severed.
They go all the way up to the top.
Now these, this pink line, reddish pink line, are spandrel panels that are 54 inches deep of 2-inch steel that is welded to every column.
Now all of this is still in place.
It's still holding columns.
It's still holding floors.
And the reason why that these are now acting as long-span beams over to both columns, which has about probably 15 columns on each side of this.
So, all of this, what is happening is all of this damage is getting compartmentalized.
It's not spreading anywhere.
Even the collapsing floors.
This building is just not designed.
Well, the designer said it's made of a plane hits it.
It's like a mosquito going into a net.
It just catches it.
Well, it's even worse than that, and I've heard people say it's like poking a pencil through a screen.
Wrong analogy altogether, because a screen, we all know, a door screen, is not structural.
And the structure of a screen is the frame of the door, and you can put your hand through it if you drive it hard enough.
That's not what this building is.
This is more like a grate.
It's like a very powerful steel grate.
And whatever hits that thing is going to be shredded.
It's going to be shredded.
Well, then you get their lies about the fires melting steel or even weakening it.
Everybody knows that your barbecue pit, it doesn't weaken or melt.
I mean, and those are fires, what, 500, 600, 1,000 degrees hotter.
I mean, this was a pathetically low-level fire.
Most of the fuel was dissipated in the big plume on impact as it was oxygenated.
Now, we're going to come back and do an abbreviated five minutes on this.
As the main show ends, the main transmission, then we're going to do 20 minutes of uninterrupted transmission, one place, InfoWars.com.
Architect-Engineer Ron Avery is with us this Saturday.
He's going to do a long, detailed hour-plus analysis with other top experts at the Doubletree Hotel, I-35, North Austin.
It's free!
Be there!
Call the media!
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Ron Avery, final segment of the radio transmission.
We'll go into internet only.
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So if people want it, go subscribe to the free podcast at InfoWars.com, the listen page.
Okay, Ron Avery, running through your evidence quickly as a synopsis, then we'll go back over what you rushed over in the next 20.
Go ahead.
The synopsis is that the World Trade Center towers were designed to withstand multiple impacts of 707s.
And as I've been studying this building, the Twin Towers,
I have noticed things that are not traditional in terms of how floors and things like that were designed.
And now I realize why they were designed that way, because it was to deal with unforeseen events like a crashing airplane.
Well, New York, the Empire States Building and others have been hit by aircraft.
Yes, and come on, they act like these architects weren't thinking that.
Any time that you build something that's 1,368 feet high, you have to consider an airplane accident.
Biggest building in the world at the time, and we have the architect, who is Japanese, and the project director, both on record before it happened, bragging about how it could take all these strikes.
And of course this has all been written back in the 1970s when they were proposing and building the building that all these things were taken into account.
And I'd like to even mention that the exterior columns of this high
I don't think so.
Because it can handle 2,000% of its weight.
Unbelievably overbuilt.
Yes, correct.
That is correct.
In fact, I've read about other new tall buildings.
They don't even build them this good.
This was the first time they were building mega buildings like this, so they were really careful.
I think something else is very strange about this when I read the executive summary of the FEMA report on this building.
They don't call for any, first of all, the most amazing thing they say is after the planes hit, they're not really sure what caused, what was the major event after the collisions and after the fires were burning down, what the event was
They even mentioned there was no earthquake, there was no windstorm, and that's what they were looking for.
They were looking for a major event.
And then at the end of the paragraph, they kind of wimped out and said, well, the major event were these fires that eventually caused some collapsing of floors.
But they've since reversed the pancake theory.
Well, to my understanding, what happened was that after the UL Laboratories did their report, and they found that they actually built a bay of this stuff and then subjected it to the same degrees of fire, and the result was there was some sagging, yes, but there was no trusses that were coming off the wall.
And you're certainly not going to have any
Explosive ending to the building, pyrotechnic shooting dust five miles, and shooting girders 600 feet.
We're going to have to end the main broadcast now.
We'll be back after one minute for Overdrive only at PrisonPlanet.tv and the free internet audio streams at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You'll see Mr. Avery and myself and many others this Saturday, Austin, Texas, and at 49 other locations across the country.
Architecture engineers, great job, great job.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today!
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Well, I haven't done overdrive in probably six months.
We're live Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
at Infowars.com.
We have Ron Avery, heads up Texas Architects and Engineers, 9-11 Truth.
In all 50 states, they're having events, press conferences and events with architects and engineers.
There are 1,100 and growing members.
And Texas, one of the biggest and most populous states,
Is gonna have a huge event with a whole bunch of speakers when we end this special 20-minute overdrive I'm gonna go over the press release and who's gonna be there But we need your help viewers to call everybody, you know and tell them to be there It's free, but they ask for a $6 donation Because if each person pays $6 that comes they've estimated that'll pay for the ballroom at a nice hotel DoubleTree North IH 35 now you had to abbreviate your presentation
Uh, at the end.
Kind of abbreviate the beginning now to recap and then take your time on the other panels of this.
You're going to have a bigger model and a lot more there at the event.
We're going to really detail this.
Uh, so, uh, Mr. Avery, please continue.
To start out, I'm glad you mentioned that.
We will have a model of the entire World Trade Center that's at one inch equals 30 feet.
So it's about four foot by four foot and about five and a half feet tall.
So it's something to look at and you can come up and take photographs of it if you'd like.
At some point during the event.
But to summarize, I guess in the beginning, first of all, I will not present anything on Building 7.
We'll have another gentleman that talks about Building 7 in the NIST report.
I will concentrate only on the Twin Towers.
And so what I've discovered by studying the Twin Towers and the structure
Is that it was a very powerful building and quite able to handle the impact of a 767.
And the reason why that is, is because every portion of this building, it was built in such a way that when they say pancaked, this building just does not lend itself to pancaking.
Anything that happens to it is compartmentalized by the way it's structured.
If it could fall over, it would topple.
If it was going to, and in fact it actually happened.
Now, and that's this very first drawing here, and I've got to give some credit to Eric Huffschmidt.
You probably know him.
He did a video, a two-hour video, way back when, on painful questions.
And he has a very nice book, too, that he did.
And when I first saw this, too, I was not aware of this happening.
But what the toppling of the leaning over the top of the south tower creates a force moment.
And the way you figure this out in structures is to divide the total height of the part that's rotating in rotation.
And you divide it in two to come up with the center of its gravity, and then you multiply it by the weight of the whole structure that's in rotation, and we know that that's 290,000 kips, 290 million pounds, and you multiply it by 192 feet, the half of its height,
And you get a force moment of 55,680,000 foot-kips.
Now that is a very powerful event going on right here.
It's like Pennzoil Tower falling off of an 80-story building.
So what you need to stop this rotation is exactly the same thing on the other side.
And this is why I have a big question mark here.
How could this
Start and end up with this, molten metal, tons of molten metal in the basement and just... 2500 degrees, six weeks later, satellite, aircraft photos, the government report submitted, all this molten steel, way above any temperature that jet fuel could cause.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And we've got the firefighters saying it was like inside a foundry, just molten metal spilling everywhere.
And we find out that the molten iron in the basements is not really, that's not from steel.
I always thought that maybe that was melted steel.
It's not.
It's actually the end of a thermite reaction.
Because it turns steel into molten iron.
It was the byproduct of smelting.
I guess the reverse smelting.
Breaking steel that was produced with the coke down into like pig iron.
Is that right?
When I talked to some other gentlemen at Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, they're telling me that it is not from just, you know, there's iron makes up a part of steel, obviously, but that's not where that iron comes from.
It comes from actual, the thermite reaction itself.
And with the spectrometers, Jones and others have separately, people have duplicated this, you get the samples, it has the exact
Byproducts, the leavings of the explosive thermite.
Correct, correct.
And of course we have discovered the unspent thermite in this stuff.
Well anyway, this next chart here shows what should have happened.
I mean, this is exactly what should have happened.
This top part should have fallen off in one chunk, 32 stories tall, with structural integrity inside of it, right here.
But this didn't happen.
And the reason why it didn't happen, obviously, is it had been exploded from the top up and from the
All the way up and down the building.
Now this is what we're asked to believe, and you don't need any fancy mathematics to prove this.
Just the 5 inches of concrete floors, multiplied by 110, is going to give you a 3, almost 4 foot high, I mean 4 story high, stack of concrete pancakes.
Now, since it did have six stories under the ground right here, that would take care of that.
But we're forgetting the steel.
Steel like that just doesn't fold up into anything.
There's steel in between each one of these floors.
So you've got to at least permit at least three feet of gnarled, twisted steel in between each one of these concrete slabs.
The result is you're going to end up with about a 27-story pile of pancake slabs and twisted steel.
It was like a one-story pile?
Oh, two.
Two stories above the basement.
So, of course, there was lots of debris in the basement level.
So, you're talking about, you know, eight stories.
But you don't see any slabs.
There's no slabs at all.
The concrete is gone.
And we know where it went.
It went all over.
Southern Manhattan was covered with it.
And then the EPA lied and said that the mercury from all the equipment and the computers and the mercury-fired thermostats and the asbestos and the concrete was good for the firefighters.
And the media, MSNBC, has called them conspiracy theorists scum.
That they're even saying they're dying when all the universities and medical facilities have spent literally hundreds of articles.
They do CAT scans and some of them have multiple ounces of the glass and stuff in their lungs.
They're dying.
They're not faking going in the ground.
I believe they've got nanothermite in their lungs.
I don't know why they couldn't have been breathing all that stuff too.
It was in every dust sample taken and that's what we found.
So anyway, this is showing the full height of the building and the mechanical floors that were spaced in between.
This is how it's overbuilt to 2,000 times stress.
That's right.
And then we have, they also use trusses in these zones to connect the exterior to the core.
The size of a giant railroad trestle.
It keeps the building from leaning too much and from swaying.
That's right.
In the wind.
That's right.
And so this is showing the core at the top.
It's supporting the five-story hat truss.
And of course, you know about train trestles, the kind of things they can carry, the kind of weight.
You can park a train on them.
And there was one over by the tap house that's about 250 feet long.
And they park trains on them, loaded with gravel and everything else.
And this one's five stories and only spans 65 feet and 35 feet and could certainly support anything near the top for sure with merely by transferring the tension at the top onto the heavy steel core in the middle.
So the plane couldn't have sliced it off like it did?
Yeah, what I was worried about is if you cut all these columns on the outside, or a lot of them, would you have global collapse?
Well, the fact is, no you wouldn't.
In fact, if you're this close to the top, you could probably cut every column all the way around, and the hat truss would transfer all of the tension in those columns over to the central core.
And on the north tower, as we get over here, you see it's even
But again, according to the media, the documented mega central core didn't exist.
That's right.
They call it a hollow tube.
And it's not even a tube in a tube, it's a building in a tube.
It is a different, actually there's two different types of structural systems combined into one.
And it turns out building 7 was overbuilt as the emergency FEMA New York bunker.
And it magically, of course, CIA was based in it.
Yeah, that's right.
And this shows the outer columns.
They're 3'3", center to center.
The glass in between them, from steel to steel edge, it's only 2'1".
And with the glass mullions in there, the width of glass in there, what you could actually look at was only 18 inches.
And these things run top to bottom and they are connected by bolts and steel clips.
And I want you to look at this too.
This portion right here is the spandrel.
It's 54 inches deep.
That's 4 foot 6 and it's 2 inches of steel and it's welded to every column on the outer face.
And that is what is actually carrying any kind of damage that gets done to this exterior wall.
Anything above it, wherever these columns are severed, anything that's above it gets transferred over to the end columns on either side of it by these heavy steel spandrels that are 54 inches deep.
And the other thing I wanted to talk about, this is what kind of shocked me.
When you see these trusses, you think, well, the main ones are running out to the wall.
So the corrugation in a steel, you always want to put it perpendicular to your main trusses.
So it should be running.
This way.
But they turned it.
They turned it so the main weight-bearing trusses are actually running parallel to the outer wall.
And they did that so they would make this diaphragm more powerful, heading towards the exterior wall.
So this doesn't buckle up.
This isn't going to roll up when you hit it.
It's going to act like a knife blade.
It just won't buckle.
It's going to be very difficult to buckle because all the
Corrugations are going... You got a bunch of plastic and aluminum slamming into it.
It's like a cheese grater.
And it's running in both ways.
It is.
As you can see this heavy here and little slots.
So it's going to shred it.
Once it goes past this wall, there's very little that's in a very large piece to do much damage at all.
And when you study some of the photographs, one of the best ones I've seen, which has this woman standing in it, I think we've all seen that woman standing in that slot on the north building where it went in.
Waving a shirt.
These columns that you see here, they weren't totally un-intact and blown back into the building.
They were still hanging there like a loose tooth.
Meaning, they didn't really get rid of them.
It wasn't like totally blown off.
On the initial impact point, when it had its most force and the entire plane went through that space, it couldn't even knock those out entirely.
They couldn't.
And as it goes in, it dissipates and loses force.
That's like General Benton K. Parton, who immediately went to Oklahoma City because he was watching the news and they said the truck, the Ryder truck was here and it was a little bitty crater.
And he saw columns right by it, not even damaged, but way back in the back, blasted off with blast points at an angle where controlled demolitions have been put in, because you don't want to blow a column straight across.
It a lot of times will stay, you know, with its own weight on top of the other.
You got a blast at an edge.
And he said, blast points.
Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise.
Correct, and he also said that the exponential loss of power from that is tremendous, and he said it wouldn't even take a ceiling tiles out, you know, just the lay-in ceiling tiles at like 30 feet or so.
So that was an amazing, yeah, General Partner did a great job on that.
Again, this is showing how all the damage that were done by these jets
on the World Trade Center was very compartmentalized by the nature of how it is built.
Since there are trusses running in both directions for these floors, it is called a space frame.
And I thought maybe I was taking a little liberty in calling it a space frame, but even the authors back in the seventies, when they were writing about this building, they too used the term space frame floors.
So I'm going to do it too.
And they are acting like a space frame floor.
So, the reason why... And all of this interlocks to support everything else.
So the reason why this... Now, if there were only trusses running in one direction, and you crashed into it here...
All these floors would completely collapse all the way down here because they were running the full length.
Well, that's not what was happening.
Since there were trusses running in both directions, these are still held by the outer columns that were still in place.
So these are acting like huge columns here now.
And now all these spandrels up here that are on the outer face connecting all the steel columns, these are all heavy beams going back to these heavy columns.
And you've got the giant trestle tying it all together.
And that's right.
Even if you did have a loss of all this, this train trestle type thing, five stories tall... I've never heard a jawless hitting something this big.
That's because they didn't.
Again, look at these blast points.
I'm using Star Wars analogy.
Oh, OK.
Well, here's another fun way to think about this, because of the relativity of things.
You can also think of this as a billion pound flash water hitting a 300 ton airplane.
So it's just another way of looking
It'd be like a fly hitting a fly swatter and the whole fly swatter collapses.
Next time you hit a fly, be very careful.
If this would be true.
I'm sorry for the cheesy Star Wars analogy.
It's actually, I've never heard of sand people hitting something this big.
We're having a little, we're having a good time.
No, no, that's a false flag in Star Wars Episode 4, when they blow up the Sandcrawler, and Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker are there, and he's going, I've never heard of sand people, you know, hitting something this big.
You know, some nomads with little bitty pop guns.
And Obi-Wan Kenobi says, that's because they didn't.
We're made to believe they did.
And he goes, look at these blast points.
This was done professionally.
The point is, to say that guys in a cave did this, and that all the laws of science were suspended, and that NORAB is running drills of the exact same targets being attacked, and it just goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and then Building 7's hit by nothing and just implodes in on itself.
It's just insane!
Well, not only that, we have on Building 7, we have the man that bought the lease on the World Trade Center six weeks before it occurred, Larry Silverstein, has this conversation on PBS where he admits that he got a call from the fire department and
And said they weren't sure they could control the fire in Building 7 and he said, well, since we had such a tremendous loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is just pull it.
And then they made the decision to pull and we watched it fall down.
And then they lie and say, that doesn't mean controlled demolition, but five minutes later on the same show, they show them destroying the wreckage of 6 and 5, and they say, getting ready to pull Building 6, it's a guy with a southern accent, and then they blow it up.
Well, I've actually heard, this kills me, Alex, they tried to repair that later by saying, well, what we meant by pull was pull the firemen out.
Well, why would they be watching, waiting for the building to fall down after they pull the firemen?
Were the firemen holding it up?
I mean, that has nothing to... Yeah, we pulled the firemen out and watched the building come down.
No, they didn't say that, they said we gave the order to pull it.
That is correct.
You got BBC, 25 minutes before, on two channels, the exact same words.
I predicted it was Reuters that fed them because I know they feed BBC News a lot.
24 and World, BBC 24 and World, announced Solomon Brothers fell in its own footprint from the fires.
She's broadcasting, it's right behind her.
Yes, yes.
Well, another thing Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth are now talking about is bringing a grand jury investigation of Siam Sunder, who is head of
I believe that was NIST, and he's head of it and head of the review of the collapse of Building 7.
And let me tell you something, when he first said,
That NIST had come up with a new way to review the collapse of this building, and that architects and engineers should now consider thermal expansion.
I almost fell out of my chair.
I thought that was the funniest thing I'd ever heard.
This guy's a stand-up comic.
He ought to be hired by the AIA to do banquets for him.
Thermal expansion is everyday business of architects.
I mean, this is no new thing.
And to say that they've come up with a new way to analyze a building and it's called thermal expansion is a riot.
And then he said, on top of that, that only one column failed and caused
I think?
Well, by the way, they're now changing the insurance rules saying we believe a Bick lighter can burn a building down.
Never collapsed until 9-11.
Three did.
Now we've had all these other big skyscrapers burn for days sometimes.
Towering infernos.
Nothing collapses but a few sheet rock and tiny metal supports just in roofs for like air conditioning.
The whole building's still there.
It never happens.
They were talking about the Echelon building.
We're getting ready for it to collapse when Stack flew his airplane in.
Look, there's all these big fires.
It's going to collapse!
It's going to collapse because they say so!
Right, right.
I mean, that's like saying you shoot Mount Rushmore with a BB gun and the whole mountain collapses.
I mean, it's just... Right, right.
They've just carried this way too far.
And we need to stop this.
We need to actually... Now look at that Chinese skyscraper.
I remember that one.
The hotel.
Then there's the Madrid Tower in Spain.
Now look at 7.
A few fires in three or four floors that start after they evacuate.
Barry Jennings comes out and says the fire department told us because they were being told what to do.
The debunkers always say, oh you're saying the fire department didn't know.
They were being ordered.
We have the cops that were there that heard the countdown for building 7.
We have the video of
I don't know.
Another riotous thing that I think is the idea that these buildings could have been wired by the contractors who built them.
I've had people bring that up to me.
We wouldn't dare specify that a building be charged with explosives so we could take it down later when they become obsolete.
And so those buildings had to, Building 7 for sure had to be wired ahead of time.
And if it was wired ahead of time, 7, then 1 and 2 certainly.
Well we know they had all these drills the months before, they have all these maintenance floors and hatches.
We know that unorthodox fireproofing was put in.
And then you got the NIST guys putting out all these fairy tales.
They happen to be out of less than 20 top explosive nanothermite experts from decoupler experts at NASA.
That's what they use it for.
They just so happen to be writing the report.
And I mean, I wonder if we're seeing the planners of this are then the guys that come in and do the cover-up.
I don't know why not.
I mean, who better to do it than those who orchestrated it?
You have Controlled Demolition Incorporated that was hired to destroy the Oklahoma City building.
Then they took it, underguarded a Wackenhut facility, poured concrete in with it to cover it up.
Similarly, that was done at Waco.
Then they're the company that removes all this.
Yeah, kind of amazing, kind of amazing.
The other thing, back to the Larry Silverstein comment, we know that the fire department did not wire the buildings, they didn't have the money, the funds to do that.
No, they sent their people in to die, they didn't know.
That's exactly right, that's exactly right.
They wondered why all the feds were there for a drill, they had tripod 2 with hundreds of feds running around with FEMA the night before.
Like, what's going on with all these guys and all this equipment?
Oh, we're just training for terror.
You'll enjoy it tomorrow, believe me.
I have a question, too.
If I would have been a police officer, and if I'd have been in the FBI, and I'd heard a man say what Larry Silverstein said regarding Building 7,
I personally would have sought him out and arrested him.
At least to interrogate and find out more about that.
Because I can't imagine him making that statement.
Nobody even phoned this guy?
I mean, NIST did a report on it.
Well, listen, we've had We Are Change go out, and it's in Truth Rising.
Luke Rudowsky and others and his goons walk up, they command the cops, they go, you're not allowed to protest across the street.
We go, this is city property, we're allowed to protest here.
Building 7 was pulled.
And they said, we're going to say you have bombs on you.
We know you don't have bombs.
We're going to put you in prison for terrorism.
And they call the cops, and the cops show up and grab their camera, and they go, this is a gun.
Your backpack's a bomb.
Get out of here, we're going to charge you with terrorism.
So, the cops are so corrupt in New York, at least the ones that work for Silverstein and his goons, it's like people out of The Sopranos.
I don't know if you've seen this video, but they walk up and go, hey, you know you're going to go to the prison for the bomb you got.
Need to move along a little bit here, man.
Hey, listen to me, boy.
Let me see your knife.
This is bad, isn't it?
This is bad stuff.
Well, you know we run this country now.
That's it.
Ron Avery and, uh, so there's thousands of architects out there, so we can't kill you all.
We're gonna stage another attack on America, and we're gonna blame it on you people.
And we're already setting it up with Glenn Beck and others.
We wanna kill 3,000 of you, we're gonna do it!
You got that?
That's it.
We run this country, boy!
You're not gonna stand up against us!
I'm with you, Alex.
You're taking it right out of my mind, man.
They're very mad a lot of red-blooded people are standing up to him and they're like, okay, go ahead and kill us.
You can't kill us all, guys.
We're going to bring you down.
I hear you.
Truth will bring them down.
Ultimately, truth catches up, and it's on the way.
And they better think twice if they're planning on nuking some town and blaming it on some patriots, because I don't know if that's going to fly or not.
And I'm glad we're talking about all this stuff, because you know they're thinking about it, because the only way... You know they're listening right now, are you kidding?
I'll be followed home today.
Listen, because let me say this... Now talk to them!
Let's talk directly... Let's talk right to them.
The only way they can protect themselves from this 9-11 thing is by doing a larger event and blaming it on whoever they want to, but it would be convenient to blame it on to Patriots.
Well, they're now saying Patriots work with Al-Qaeda.
Oh yeah, yeah.
And they connect them to somebody that has a problem with paying the IRS.
This is a pre-story.
I don't know if you heard me in the months before.
They're going to hit Austin, they're going to blame tea parties and 9-11, and now the shooting.
Guaranteed evidence.
Well wasn't that convenient right there with the Medina thing?
You had the Medina run-in with Glenn Beck and it wasn't shortly after that, pow, this guy runs into the IRS office with his plane.
Well, Beck every day saying, these Tea Party, the bad ones, these birthers, they're going to attack, and the 9-11ers are going to attack, and suddenly it all starts.
And I couldn't believe it when I read what he was upset about.
He was upset about provision 1706 in the tax code, and went, 1706?
He did all that for 1706?
Wait until he hears that you're not supposed to pay on your individual income from wages.
I mean, wow, I'm glad he didn't read that.
He would have probably done the White House, you know?
It was clearly written by feds.
Yes, I agree.
It's all staged.
I mean, I don't know how much longer I got on this earth, but I'm just glad I had time to fight these people.
I think I got less time than you, so I'm in better shape than you are.
No, I love being alive.
I mean, these are real killers.
They just don't want to... In the past, 30 years ago, they killed anybody who talked about this stuff.
I hear you.
I mean, they killed literally hundreds of JFK investigators.
But now there's so many of us, they know if they smash us, it only makes more attention.
I think so, too.
So they try the demon... That's why we've got to keep it up, Alex.
I mean, everybody's got to keep this up.
Otherwise, we're all going to disappear gradually.
You're doing a great job, too.
Well, let's run through the part we haven't gotten into yet.
Here we go.
Well, there's only one more part here.
Let me say this.
Every year architects have to go through eight hours of continuing education and usually that has to do with the two every year you have to do two hours of handicapped stuff so we have to figure out how to get the handicapped on the boat docks and basketball courts and how to set up and get it so they can climb mountains and things and then you have to take another six hours in things that have to do with health
and welfare of the state.
And that's because that's the only thing they make you study is something that has to do with health and welfare.
Well, and usually now that has to do with greening of the continent, a greening of the world, figuring out how to build homes without moving materials over 20 miles, building it out of junk, how to build new houses with dirt floors,
So it's all brainwashing, taking over your industry, telling you what you can do.
It is.
And then, so this year I've decided, no, I'm not going to do all that stuff.
They'll let you do your own.
So what I'm doing my own on this year is going to be the World Trade Center and the Twin Towers.
And I'm going to say that if criminals, and I believe it's clear that criminals are using our buildings,
The products of professionals to kill people with and to set up national agendas.
Then we need to figure out how to analyze these things and one of the questions I have is we need to develop the science and the mathematics and the formulas to figure out when something hits a great, like a plane, at what point does the great give way?
And this is calculatable.
That's a word.
And so this is what I'm going to be working on is developing more of the science of investigating accidents with buildings.
So that in the future we can immediately apply the science and come up with, and let me say this, I believe that this has already been done by the perpetrators, the people that actually did this.
I think they've already studied it.
Because it would be, first of all, if you were a hijacker, you could hit New York a lot easier at about 200 miles an hour.
And you could hit a building that's only 209 feet wide with a jet that's 159 feet wide.
You could hit that a lot better traveling at 150 miles an hour instead of 530 miles an hour.
At 530 miles an hour, you're probably going to have to take about 60 shots at this building because it's going to be really hard to hit it at 530 miles an hour.
Unless it's fly-by-wire.
Unless you're right.
Unless it's guided.
And Joe Stack's little hangar was just so happened to be by the Homeland Security top expert on remote control aircraft.
That's pretty handy.
That's pretty handy.
I guess that's just another coincidence, right?
These people are unbelievable.
Well, Alex, that's all my pretty charts for the day, you know?
Here's that article on a raw story.
It's up on InfoWars and Prison Planet.
Here's the White House document, Ron.
They ordered him not to investigate the attacks.
Are you handing these to me to keep, or just look at?
Well, I guess the guys can print me more, but we've got them posted up on InfoWars and Prison Planet.
You just earlier hadn't seen it because it just came out a few hours ago.
Let me tell people about this.
DoubleTree Hotel, architects and engineers from 9-11 Truth.
We are Change San Antonio, Texas.
Press release up on InfoWars.com.
The meeting rooms are to be left.
Uh, and behind the elevators just off the main lobby of the ground floor, the sponsors asked for a donation at the door to help cover the cost of the room and related expenses to produce this historic event.
The media is free.
Please call the media, tell them to be there.
The statesmen, local talk stations, around the state, uh, media, national media, call them, tell them to be there.
Covered parking garage is free.
The hotel is between Papacito's Cantina and Papa Duke's Seafood Restaurant.
That's a good place right there.
No kidding.
That's where everyone eats.
And if you need to stay overnight, you can park your car in the garage and not move it until you go home.
Don't forget the South by Southwest Music Festival will be going on in Austin from March 17th to 21st.
So you can also catch some of that.
I think this is a different press release than what we posted up on InfoWars.com.
Continuing, presenters, I guess they got me at the top of the bill.
You guys wanted to give me hour after hour, I just said 30 minutes.
And it says, Alex Jones, international journalist, producer, Prison Planet, will be one of the first to question the official 9-11 story.
He'll be there.
Ronald F. Avery, architect, will present the models and drawings showing how the Twin Towers constructed, providing that these buildings do not
We're good.
With Foundry Experience, we'll be there breaking down Building 7 and a lot of other great speakers.
And if you've got friends and family that have always doubted the story or doubt 9-11 truth, have them come see this.
And everybody should come, videotape it, put it on YouTube, you know, hundreds of versions up, whatever you think's the most important in the eight-hour event from 1 a.m.
to 9 a.m.
No, no, that's 1 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
I get tired for 4 hours and 35 minutes here.
So that's coming up.
I want to see everybody there.
I was going to be out of town.
My wife is going to be out of town, but I'm going to stay in Austin and drive out that evening.
So I'm going to be speaking early.
I think I'm the second.
Thank you.
A lot more elaborate models and information, but I think you're a great artist here as an architect and engineer.
This is beautiful and we appreciate your courage and all you're doing and I look forward to seeing you out there on Saturday.
So with that, we're out of here ladies and gentlemen.
And I want to thank my crew for doing an extended broadcast today.
And as I said, we'll be back tomorrow live 11 a.m.
By the way, I saw some haters online.
They sent me an email going to our free iPhone app that had five stars and saying, download it and vote against it.
It had five stars, but they were all showing the level of hating.
It doesn't even matter, but I want to beat them on that issue.
Go download the iPhone app.
And give it a five-star rating, because it only has four now, because the haters said, hey, let's get all our friends together and go in there.
So it doesn't have five stars, so it gets knocked off some of the front pages of the iTunes Store.
You can download that at big banners on the side of InfoWars.com.
That's the type of constant stuff we deal with here.
So folks, go in there, rate it, get it back up to five stars.
God bless you all.
See you back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order!
Oh, she was a dancer, but no one was a chancer, because she was a samurai.
She made electric shadows beyond our fingertips, but none of us could reach that high.
She came on like a diva, I had to touch and ease her, enjoy our little paradise.