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Filename: 20100316_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 16, 2010
3230 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
We are live.
It is Tuesday, the 16th day of March, 2010.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
We're going to take a look, coming up in the third hour today, at what the drug war has done to this nation, Mexico, China, and many other countries.
How it's designed to take over societies with Kevin Booth, the maker of American Drug War, and how we'd won the West.
Webster Tarpley?
On his belief from some of the preparatory conditioning he's seeing, and the legislation that's been introduced, that they may stage a false flag attack on the internet.
We'll also talk with Webster Tarpley, an economist, on Moody's saying the US and England are probably going to lose their AAA rating.
I think?
Ahead of an attack, we'll be breaking that down.
We're gonna have open phones throughout the full four hours today.
I haven't even launched into some of the news we'll be covering, but let me just give you the toll-free number.
Open phones throughout the four hours today.
One big report that we're going to be getting into is Pentagon targets WikiLeaks.
Of course, we reported on this yesterday.
Today, the Register newspaper is reporting on it.
Army considered attack on WikiLeaks.
And on the web itself they see anyone basically criticizing the government or exposing corruption as terrorists.
Now this is not the first time the Pentagon has said this.
And the Pentagon is taking over the web through cyber security right now.
And it's been coming out on WikiLeaks.
That the Pentagon has illegally spied on American citizens.
So of course they're upset.
People are exposing the criminal activity.
But hey, the Pentagon's taken over literally hundreds of countries and put dictators into power.
Why not take America over?
Of course, you're a traitor if you say that, like President Dwight D. Eisenhower when he warned that the Pentagon would try to take over the United States under the control of the corporations that fund it and run it.
We're not talking about our military itself, but the people that control it.
So that is coming up.
Here's BBC headline, US plans to fight the net revealed.
The net period.
The BBC got it right.
This is an attack on the internet itself.
And they've got their COINTELPRO operatives out there on the web stirring up trouble.
They talk in these documents about
Knocking us off our center of balance.
Attacking any website or any leader who is out there exposing the Pentagon's illegal activities.
How to shut them down, how to demonize them, how to go after them, how to confuse people.
Just standard Pentagon operations here, but now revealed in spades.
We're then going to get into Obama supports DNA sampling upon arrest and how that dovetails with Dallas Morning News, Dallas Police seek blood test for all DUI suspects.
Just no warrant, no nothing, they just take your blood.
And that's, I guess, why the Austin Police Chiefs started this in Texas.
Now they're probably going to move on to be Dallas Police Chief.
The vampiric Art Ace of Veda.
Continuing here, more on Bloomberg.
USUK moved closer to losing rating.
I know I mentioned that, but I want to get to that before Tarpley joins us.
Also, House may try to pass health care bill without voting on it.
We reported this two weeks ago when Pelosi started floating the idea, but now it looks like they're going to do it.
The Washington Post is saying, this is no big deal, completely normal.
No, it's completely illegal, but you have a lawless government.
Also, CNBC reports housing market sure to double dip.
Oh yes, the double dip recession.
New oxymoronic terms they're coming up with.
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They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Tuesday, the 16th day of March 2010.
We're going to have wide open phones throughout the four hours of broadcast and we have two guests joining us later in the broadcast that are listed up at InfoWars.com as they are each day right before we go live.
Okay, I went over a little bit of the news, just some of the headlines in the last short segment, but I want to go back over the headlines and then just launch right into your calls, then I will retrograde back into each of these important stories in more detail throughout the broadcast.
I've been getting a lot of emails the last week or two about a story that first came up in the Examiner.
There were others from the Patriot Room, others from World Net Daily said, did Hillary really pledge U.S.
homes to China?
State Department says no basis for claim, imminent domain rights offered as collateral for debt.
And I want to go over this.
I mean, briefly, I'll tell you this.
I don't know if Hillary really did this because they're denying it.
But we know that back when they handed over 20-plus U.S.
ports to Dubai, Dubai World, a subsidiary of the Dubai government, it's quasi-private-public, that it was in the news that, well, we have to do this because they own our debt and we've got to give them something real as collateral because they know these dollars really aren't worth anything.
And as the dollar is devalued, that is only going to get more and more intense.
And we know that in the third world, the IMF and World Bank make the country sign a 112 section agreement.
That's just one of the variants.
Where they agree when they take, say, a $5 billion loan to not pay it back, to keep part of it for themselves, and then to hand over at 30% interest all the land, all the national parks, all the coal, all the diamonds, all the gold, the roads, the infrastructure, the power plants, all the supposed state-owned things that taxpayers have paid for over the decades.
The entire infrastructure.
And of course, you saw an example of this in Greece, where the German government came out and said, we want your national parks, we want your Parthenon, we want your islands.
We want it all.
They come in, loan them fiat money, get the country to invest,
The loaned money with Goldman Sachs and others, in derivatives, Goldman positions themselves before they pull the plug in 2008.
That's been released in their own emails in court cases and lawsuits, McClatchy newspapers and others.
And then they've already positioned themselves to be safe when the country goes belly up through fraud.
The Ponzi scheme operators come back with more money that's fiat and say, look, we'll give you more loans to get out of this crisis.
So it's just basic loan sharking, mafia tactics.
Our country is run by loan sharks, by criminals.
And so, of course, this is in the agreements, of course, that's why back in 1994, 5, 6, 7, 8, Clinton didn't just give 50 plus biosphere zones and it was more than 40 national heritage sites.
It was right up at about 100.
If I go from memory, it was 96 locations.
I cover that in my film, America Destroyed by Design, from the executive order.
But it was the buffer zones, in some cases...
Over a hundred miles out from all directions, in the case of Yellowstone, is in a buffer zone.
And then the UN says you can't build on it, you can't have a gold mine.
And then after a decade or so not being able to build, UN-controlled investors come and say, we're allowed to build or dig.
Merge with us or sell out your interest and you'll be able to get something.
And then the UN goes in and has a big gold mine.
Or a coal mine, in the case of
Clean burning coal areas.
So, it's the same scam in Austin.
They literally stole, in one city operation, 20,000 acres.
One group was 15,000 plus.
And in that case, it only took five years to break the people.
They went into hundreds of landowners, ranches, farmers, out west of Austin.
Very lucrative, beautiful areas to build in.
And just said, you can't build a stinking thing on a barn.
We've passed an Austin ordinance.
It's for the salamander.
And then five years later, they forced them to sell.
They just had a city eminent domain thing go through and they said, look, we're going to pay you five, six cents on the dollar for this.
And then they turned around and built huge hotels, luxury spas, condos, and the city officials and their wives and children all openly own and run all of it.
I mean, it's just, we steal it, we own it, we have police with weapons, we rule.
Ha ha ha!
I mean, just totally, absolutely 110% criminal out in the open.
But, I'm sorry, I'm digressing here.
So, there's all these reports about Hillary saying, don't dump our debt, we pledge our taxpayers.
Well, we're already pledged to pay this.
I mean, what do you think the $28 trillion was from the banker takeover?
Labeled as a banker bailout.
I mean, that's you paying.
Iceland said no.
Greece is trying to say no.
We don't say no here because we drink fluoride and are brain damaged, literally.
We've all been chemically hit and chemically hit hard.
Some people were genius level, so you're just average intelligence now and despite the poisoning can still think.
I mean, I'm not kidding.
This is why you're the most aggressive, angry, mean, intelligent, tough, innovative, rugged individual people in the world.
All our ancestors that came here, whether you're black, white, Hispanic, Asian, came here through adversity.
The toughest of the tough.
In some cases, half the Chinese that came here to build the railroads died.
Only the toughest were left.
Most people that came here were indentured servants, even if you were white.
On average, half the people would die in the Atlantic crossing in the coffin ships from Africa, only the toughest blacks lived?
I mean, how did we, the toughest of the tough, you have a similar paradigm in Australia.
But even more so here in the United States.
The toughest of the tough, frontier wars, disease, everything else, the toughest people in the world, now the dumbest, fattest, stupidest, because you've been chemically hit and chemically hit hard!
That's why they put it in the stinking water!
That's why the Soviets and the Nazis did it!
All the rebels left Europe because they didn't want to be slaves and came here.
Now, all we know how to do is suck our thumbs.
Because you've been chemically... I'm sorry, it's just so insane.
Of course the country is pledged.
Of course the nation is pledged.
Of course it is.
Read Bill Clinton's executive order.
What is it?
I'm going from memory on that.
It's in America Destroyed by Design.
You notice the only countries that are immune from this imminent domain are places like Canada and Australia.
Oh, and they still take people's property.
They just announced all the farmers in the country can't clear new land or use their existing land.
And that was the actual headline.
Because the Queen owns it.
But you're not going to see the Chinese or the Arabs coming into Australia or coming into New Zealand or coming into Canada.
And taking Jack's squat, because Queenie owns that.
And twice in the last two years when the Parliament in Canada says they're not going to go along with what the puppet Prime Minister wants, instantly the Queen's Governor General operates and plays his veto card.
So we see these articles, impeachment time, Obama grants eminent domain, rights to China to secure debt.
And then everybody's been running around like a chicken with their head cut off saying, is this true or isn't it?
I need Kurt Nemo or Steve Watson or Paul Watson to listen to the points I just covered, go back, pull up the articles that back it up, and write an article going, yes, it's true.
We're not just pledged to China, but to Goldman Sachs.
Again, most corporations, the top 100 Fortune 500, the top 100 of those guys are bigger than most countries, have more wealth, more power.
Again, what is it, 52 now of the world's biggest economies or corporations, they're not even countries?
Walmart's bigger than most countries, financially.
Apple, IBM, even crippled General Motors.
And then you got the banks that sit on top of that.
They got thousands of times all the wealth in all the world.
It's all made up, but we let these crooks stand up and say, we're God, we own everything.
We decide who gets currency and credit.
We go, oh, absolutely.
We worship you.
We'll do whatever you say.
Thank you for destroying our industrial base.
Well, that's what we plan to do.
It's for the environment.
They're even out in the open saying they want to destroy your rights.
And a lot of this started
Back in February with an article, be prepared to learn Chinese from the Patriot Room because it looks like our wonderful new administration is granting the Chinese eminent domain as collateral for U.S.
Yeah, you read that right.
This means we can no longer pay for all the massive spending.
The Chinese can call in the loans and take our land.
And they're saying this comes from LiveLeak, has the story and appears to have confirmation from both governments.
The written agreement was brought on to Beijing by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
It was formalized and agreed to during a recent trip to China.
But then Jerome Corsi went and did a research piece on it for WorldNetDaily and the State Department denies it.
It doesn't appear there's any bonafide proof if you just look at the supposed Hillary Clinton statement.
But that doesn't matter.
It's on record it's all pledged.
It's on record that they're levying all these taxes.
It's on record if you don't pay your property tax, they take your land.
It's on record.
Yeah, here's the executive order 12,986.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
We need to pull up all the examples in the third world, in Greece, everywhere else.
And I remember scores of articles where they had Bush's trade people on record saying, look,
Dubai's buying a lot of our debt.
We've got to let them buy something with these dollars they've got.
We've got to give them our infrastructure.
It's all we've got left.
So they're not going to repossess our land.
They're already doing it.
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I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Okay, I said I was gonna go to your calls before I got into the news, and I got into just one of the articles.
That's 888-352-7726.
Dealing with the Chinese being promised our infrastructure, our national parks and land.
Our land is already under UN holding through the federal government and UNESCO.
That's what George Bush did.
He completed what Clinton started in 2007 when he sent his wife with a signed copy of the UNESCO treaty.
It didn't matter if the Congress didn't ratify it.
It didn't matter if the Senate didn't ratify it.
He just ordered the bureaucracy, the EPA, the National Park System, and others, the BLM, to do it.
And coming up,
I'm going to get into the Washington Post on a similar issue of lawlessness.
Again, on every subject, the government is lawless.
It breaks the law, it breaks the Constitution, it knows it's illegal, and it doesn't care.
Why does the Pentagon want to shut down WikiLeaks and calling it an enemy?
Because they've been leaking, good people in the military have been leaking, illegal activity.
Like the Pentagon spying on the American people.
In non-terror-related cases.
That is illegal.
And now the Pentagon Inspector General last week said, yes, it's illegal, we're gonna stop doing it.
Yeah, and bears are gonna stop doing you-know-what in the woods.
I mean, this is just the height of lying.
But here it is, The Washington Post, House may try to pass Senate healthcare bill without voting on it.
You heard that right.
Pelosi two weeks ago said they may do something there before done.
Spending bills have to originate in the House, and so they can send that to the Senate, but then if changes are made, the House has to vote again, because it has to originate in the House.
That's federal law.
It's a felony.
You cannot do this.
They don't care.
They say they're going to do it.
That is coming up.
In fact, let me just start getting into it now, then we'll come back and go to calls in the next segment.
The Washington Post.
House may try to pass Senate health care bill without voting on it.
Oh, that's a new thing where you don't vote.
Oh, don't have the votes?
Well, we don't need no stinking votes.
Where are your badges?
We don't need no stinking badges.
After laying the groundwork for a decisive vote this week on the Senate health care bill,
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Monday that she might attempt to pass the measure without having members vote on it.
Instead, Pelosi would rely on procedural sleight of hand.
They don't even mention this is illegal here.
Just it's sleight of hand.
It's government sleight of hand.
It's fine.
Sleight of hand's a good thing.
Instead, Pelosi would rely on procedural sleight of hand.
The House would vote on a more popular package of fixes to the Senate bill under the House rule for that vote.
Passage would signify that lawmakers deem the health care bill to be passed.
The tactic known as the self-excluding
or executing rule or a deem and pass has been commonly used although never to pass legislation is monumental as the eight hundred and seventy five billion health care so that's another slight of hand by the Washington Post you can do that on non-spending bills resolutions like this month is stop teen violence month or this month is corn month but if it's got money attached now it's gotta start in the house fully in the house
Selectively vote on some provisions of a Senate bill.
It is one of three options that Pelosi said she is considering for a late week House vote, but she added that she prefers it because it would politically protect lawmakers who are reluctant to publicly support the measure.
That's right.
See, they won't have to vote for it.
So they can then go lie to their constituents and say, I didn't vote for it.
It's just law now.
Separately, I've got a Washington Post article about Dennis Kucinich, targeted by White House.
Dennis Kucinich on the hot seat.
There's a bunch of articles about it today.
And he was in this multi-hour plane flight, privately, meeting with Barack Obama on Air Force One, and he got off the plane smiling, but wouldn't talk about what happened.
Dennis Kucinich isn't perfect.
I don't like him on gun control, a lot of issues, but at least he has always done what he says he'll do.
And he, for several months, has said this is a bailout to insurance companies, a rip-off, it cuts Medicare and Medicaid, gives liability protection to the insurance companies, they wrote the bill, it's a rip-off.
Howard Dean had said that.
He's now flip-flopped.
And Kucinich, you need to call Kucinich's office.
Everybody needs to call it.
And say, look, Dennis, you have never flip-flopped.
Don't sell out for whatever Obama is promising you, or whatever threats he's making.
Don't do it.
Don't do it, Dennis Kucinich.
Because if they get his vote, it's really bad.
They may even try to pass it with a vote in the House.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Al Gore is running around.
We have some audio of it.
Telling all the fake environmental parasite criminals.
That rainy weather, windy weather, hot weather, cold weather, all weather is unnatural, there is never changes on the earth, and basically the planet's got to stay at 76 degrees.
I mean, that's what they're saying.
That sounds ridiculous, but in effect, they're saying we've now got to stabilize our climate.
Climate change.
It's not global warming, it's climate change.
And he says flooding in the east and snow is global warming.
Meanwhile, there's a new study out.
Here is the London Guardian.
There's a more detailed report that actually quotes the study of the London Telegraph.
How going green may make you mean.
Ethical consumers less likely to be kind and more likely to steal.
Six times more likely to steal.
This is a scientific study conducted in Canada, and the people that commissioned it thought it would find that environmentalists were more moral.
You have conservationists, people that are really concerned, but on average they are control freaks that want your house, want your car, want your life.
I mean, here in Austin, you park an SUV down at Zilker, there is glass all over the ground everywhere, they will stab your tires, they will smash your windows,
They love it when you come up to the cash register to buy groceries and you say, I want plastic because the paper breaks.
Studies actually show that the paper is more destructive with the acid in the trees.
The acid production of the bags and the cutting down the trees.
But they don't care.
Somehow they've got it in their mind that plastic is worse.
And so they religiously look down on you.
And they find that basically they're greedy control freaks.
Well, of course they are.
They hate everyone.
They're normally slovenly, lazy scum.
And then of course the big banks that run it, they just want to take everybody's property.
But it's a criminal group.
So we're going to be
Going over that later in the broadcast today.
I've already got my stacks all mixed up.
But as promised, ladies and gentlemen, let's go ahead and go to your phone calls now.
Adam in Canada, first caller of the day.
Hello, Alex.
How are you?
That's good.
It's a beautiful day outside in Edmonton, Alberta, where I'm at.
14 degrees yesterday.
That's Celsius.
Well, thank God Al Gore saved the planet.
Just paying some more tax money and he'll make it okay.
He's just full of hot air.
Maybe if he'd stop talking, you know, he would save the environment.
Or maybe if he didn't have more than 10 houses, one of them 24,000 square feet.
Al Gore is an idiot.
So is Bill Gates saying he wants to reduce carbon dioxide to zero percent.
And he says humans are the main function and we must reduce our numbers.
Oh, it's very evil.
But don't worry, let him run the environmental tyranny and pay him billions to run it and he will save you.
He will wave a magic wand at him and he loves you.
Oh, he does.
He loves me so much I want to kick him in the crotch.
He probably doesn't have anything between his legs so that wouldn't do anything.
Probably an android.
I want to talk about Canada and how it doesn't have any freedoms for anybody in its country.
Well, they are incrementally taking your guns, they are grabbing your property, and they are banning a lot of free speech up there, but that's freedom.
Well, actually I read the Charter of Rights for Canada, and there's no freedom for any individual within Canada.
That's only groups, and such groups as the government decides to be their lapdog.
Yes, but I was going to work one day last year in the morning, early in the morning, and I was doing construction so I had a work knife with me and some peace officers came and saw I had a knife in my pocket and they tried to rough me up.
Well, he may be al-Qaeda.
Oh, yes.
Look, you can't have a prisoner out walking around free on the streets.
We're prisoners.
We've got to be searched.
We've got to be disarmed, Adam.
We've got to be arrested.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to another Adam here.
Adam in Missouri.
You're on the air.
Yes, hi.
Thanks for taking my call.
Just a couple quick questions.
One, what is your take on propylene glycol?
And then another question was, if people want to destroy 80-90% of the world's population, why haven't they done so already?
Okay, well go back with your statement about propylene glycol.
Yeah, that's a chemical in those e-cigarettes and most of the e-cigarettes are manufactured in China.
So when you were doing that blurb on fluoride and people purchasing the fluoride from China,
What other chemicals that obviously their self safety regulations aren't aren't the same standards as ours or they're not keeping it under control so I just didn't I didn't know you guys advertise e-cigarette online or on the show and stuff so I didn't know what your take on it was.
All right, I appreciate your call.
I think we have had a banner ad.
I don't think we have one anymore.
But I do think that e-cigarettes are better than smoking regular cigarettes with all the chemicals and toxins in the smoke.
But when you talk about propylene glycol, I, off the top of my head, don't have a printout on it.
So guys, will you print that for me so I can look it up?
I think I know what it is, and I think I can make a comment, but I want to make sure I'm being accurate.
What was the other subject?
Oh, the other subject was the population.
The population of the Earth, if the globalists hadn't put in place some of their policies, would probably be about 11 billion right now, according to some of the statistics I've seen.
Where it's at is about six
And a half billion people on the earth.
And the globalists have been incrementally beta testing their soft kill vaccines, food additives, GMO, HIV is clearly manufactured.
And we've had guests on and gone over those documents here.
But a lot of times I get this from mainstream media.
They say, well, they want to kill everybody.
They're not doing a very good job.
I mean, you know, we were five billion people 15, 20 years ago, and now we're six plus billion.
If you look at all the statistics, we're supposed to plane out at about eight and a half billion in 2020, 2025, depending on the statistics you look at, and then start going down.
Because every industrial society, once you industrialize, whether it's Italy, Japan, Germany, England, Russia, the United States, the international average is 1.3 children.
Some countries are 1.2, some are 1.5, but it averages out.
At 1.3, 1.4, depending on the year.
So for every two parents who had a mommy and daddy, they only have 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 children.
So it's not a replacement rate.
And we've aborted 50 million babies in the last 36 years here in the United States.
And notice we've brought in 50 million legal and illegal.
It's just about 50 million legal and illegal immigrants.
It's about 3 million legal a year.
No, it's about a million and a half legal a year, 3 million illegal a year.
So if you go over all of that, you can see it.
The issue is, it isn't my opinion that they say they want to reduce world population.
That's in the State Department Memorandum 200.
That's in the United Nations Biological Diversity Assessment 1996.
You've seen Ted Turner, Prince Philip say it.
You saw the Copenhagen-Denmark summit, AP headline, UN wants global one-child policy.
You've seen all the headlines about, we only need to have one or two children to save the environment.
You know, don't have children to cut carbon footprint.
I mean, it's literally thousands of news articles.
We have clips of it in Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, with the news saying, you know, don't have more than one or two children to save the earth.
We know that the polio vaccine, given to hundreds of millions of Americans, had live SV40, and the government admits it killed a bunch of people, caused cancer.
So, they've been beta testing all of this.
The UN's been caught adding hormones in Africa and in India and other regions, the subcontinent and the African continent.
They've been caught in forced sterilization programs tied to IMF World Bank money in Peru.
I mean, just everywhere.
So when people say, well, then why don't we see this reduction?
You have seen a reduction.
We would be over 10 billion people conservatively.
Some estimates are 11, some 12.
We'd be over 10 billion right now, but it's six and a half billion.
That's like a four billion or more reduction in people that were never born.
When they banned DDT and hyped up all these dangers that really weren't there compared to other pesticides they're using.
It's like they're saying the bald eagle's all dead.
It's not.
They're saying the polar bears are all dead.
Their numbers are way up.
It did hurt some pelicans and things, because you have DDT getting spread all over the country, then it precipitates out in the rivers and streams, comes out of the ocean, very concentrated, and certain species of fish that are, you know, larger, say a pound to two pounds, that's what those pelicans, white and brown pelicans, are eating.
And so yeah, it was killing them.
Now, they have given me some articles here.
The e-cigarette controversy.
There's an article about that, so if somebody wants to look into that, you can go pull up articles about it.
But there's no doubt they're putting fluoride and other chemicals in our water.
There's no doubt they're putting mercury in our food.
There's no doubt any of this is going on.
There's no doubt
That fertility has dropped by more than 85% in men's sperm, and that female fertility is way down in every western country.
I mean, this is all on record.
So there, there's your answer, Adam.
Haseen in Jersey, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex Jones, how are you, sir?
I'm doing okay, welcome.
Listen, I am majorly concerned about the whole water crisis that's taken place.
And for years, my family has been drinking distilled water.
So I'm just wondering, is that safe?
And if not, what is a good way that we could prevent all these diseases in the water by drinking some type of, say, bottled water or some purification system that's affordable?
Okay, this is something I have studied in depth so I can comment on it.
You do not want to drink only distilled water.
Because, I mean, they give distilled water to people to detoxify.
It strips out, and I'm not a
I'm not a chemist on this.
I've just read what the chemist and people that study the human body have reported.
I know that when somebody has, say, lead poisoning or mercury poisoning, they tell them, okay, for a few months, drink distilled water.
Because it will literally, there's nothing already bound to the water molecules.
And I'm simplifying this, okay?
I have a bunch of chemists write me big emails explaining the exact mechanics.
It's like when I say fluoride's one of the smallest particles and people say, well, it's not the smallest, but it is the most reactive.
It's tiny.
It goes through most filtration systems is my point.
So, so these are generalities here.
You can go look it up for yourself.
Um, I like to be very precise here, but from the medical doctors I've talked to, distilled water is very good to detox you for a few months, but you need the minerals that are in regular water.
You need the trace elements.
And there's nothing in distilled water.
So what I do is, I have a mix.
I have reverse osmosis.
I have a cola blue.
So we kind of cook with reverse osmosis.
We drink a cola blue.
But I also have several brands.
I've been drinking it for years and suddenly I can't remember the name of it.
What's the green bottle of water I drink?
Mountain Valley Spring.
Yeah, Mountain Valley Spring.
Really good, has great minerals in it.
I feel good when I drink it, it's not placebo.
But if you, I've put a glass of it, a bottle of it, in a glass, and then let it evaporate, and you can see down at the bottom the minerals that are in it.
And that's one of the most celebrated bottle waters out there.
But I tend to just mix it up.
Mix it up is the key.
I drink Ozarka, I like that.
Problem is the plastic bottles leach estrogen mimicking compounds into it.
But no sir, you do not want to drink only distilled water.
I'm not saying it's going to be devastating because your kids are going to drink juice and other things that have water that was added to it that had some minerals.
But I wouldn't
Again, this is what I do.
I basically mix it up.
But a lot of people drink, during a detox period, they will drink nothing but a still water for a month.
And you don't want to go longer than that.
Because it is a powerful purifier.
And it will purify so much, it'll strip all the good stuff out, and it'll actually strip stuff out of your bones and your blood.
Well, I'm getting a lot of questions today.
Let's go ahead and talk to Julio in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex Jones, how are you this afternoon, sir?
Good, welcome!
Thank you.
Quick comment and then my question.
First my comment, I sent you an email last Sunday, ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com, in regard to Lindsey Williams.
I did research about the health care bill and RFID chips, talking about telehealth systems and how telehealth
That was a video from the University of California at Davis.
It's on YouTube, talking about how RFID is a major component of the telehealth system.
Telehealth is listed in the bill numerous times.
Let me just, because not everybody's on the same page as us.
They're wondering what you're talking about right now, Julio.
Mention how the health care bill has an implantable microchip in it, and people didn't... It's in the bill!
I don't know how this got attached to Lindsey Williams.
I mean, he's telling the truth, and they do have sections in the bill, in both versions I've seen, the current House and Senate version, for the feds to fund these RFID systems to go in, basically where they want to implant a chip in you, and the government says they'll pay for that when you go in for medical care.
And so, yes, it's real and it's going on.
Talk about telehealth.
That's the big thing.
AT&T, they have a video.
They're supposed to make huge profits once President Sotoro's fascist health care overhaul bill passes.
My other question is, I got in the mail yesterday, sort of my other freedom-fighting friends, from the U.S.
Census, and on the front it says,
It is required by law to fill this out.
I wanted to get your comment.
And then it'll show inside the U.S.
And what they do is, they'll have the legal questions.
How many people live here?
What's your name?
Stuff like that.
The first few.
And then under that, they'll have the U.S.
And then they'll have all the other questions under it.
At least in 2000 when I got it.
It's just all color of law fraud.
I don't fill it out.
I haven't gotten mine yet.
And I'll fill out who lives there and that's it.
They come to my door and threaten me like in 2000.
I say, get off my front porch, punk.
And that's the end of it.
And my final question, do you think, like they did with the World War II Japanese internment camps, most of those Japanese were American citizens, do you think with the census, along with this RFID, that they may use this with those GPS trackers you're talking about?
Oh, they admit it, and what you just said is true.
Anybody can in fact Google it.
Census data used to round up Japanese citizens.
FEMA camps for our safety?
I mean, come on!
We need to know your GPS coordinates and your name and tracking your car with the license plate scanners and your cell phone so we can evacuate you to the labor camp.
Come on!
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We're going back to your phone calls here in just a moment.
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Okay, let's go to Jim in St.
Jim, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Before I get started here, I just want to say I pledge, and that is I pledge allegiance to the flag.
Been with you about 10 years.
Membership for about a year.
I'm sure you guys will email me and tell me when my membership's up so I can continue my fight with you guys.
Thank you.
Couple things.
I'm really getting kind of frustrated with, you know, doctors that are saying, you gotta understand, I come from a family that has had, my father's a chemical operator, or just retired from the county water out here, and I know what goes in the water.
He knows what goes in the water.
He won't drink the water.
That's for everybody.
I'm tired of the
The medical community saying that there's vitamins in the water.
There are no vitamins in the water.
I'm looking at a hundred pound bucket of DryTac HTH.
And this is from the company of HTH.
And it's granular calcium hypochlorite.
And the key on this thing is
In the wonderful danger area, it says, if inhaled, remove
We read it on air.
It says it's deadly poison and attacks all the organs and that it's about as deadly as it gets.
But let me expand on that here with you, Jim.
I looked last night at the YouTube channel with tens of thousands of views of my Sunday show, radio slash TV show.
And I saw spammers over every one of the six parts of the video saying, show us your proof, liar!
Alex keeps saying he's got the documents, show us the proof that all these government studies show that fluoride causes cancer and is deadly.
And on the show, I was holding up Kurt Nimmo's article that had all the hyperlinks to the FDA and government studies, and I was saying, go here and read the studies, and then they still come in there and say I'm a liar.
I mean, it's just amazing.
And yes, I have family in East Texas.
One of them is the head engineer at the water plant.
Well, stay there.
I'm going to come back in one minute.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into our number two.
He just now joined us.
There's a big news blitz, and I mean a news blitz, coming up starting at the 20 after.
I want to continue with calls right now.
Jim in St.
Louis was talking about one of his family members that just retired from the water department and how he won't drink the water.
My, uh, my uncle's wife
Her brother is like one of the head guys or the head guy at the water treatment facility.
And he said, you know, this stuff's really bad for you.
We know it.
The water that comes out of our aquifer is absolutely crystal clean and delicious.
And we're mandated with federal funding to add this to the water.
And of course, no one that I know that works at water treatment plants, when we got a tour of the Austin water plant, they wouldn't let us videotape.
But off record, they were like, we know, we know, we know it's bad.
Yes, we don't like it.
Go to the city council and change it.
I mean, they're there, they have to wear respirators, they have to wear gloves and full plastic body gear, and they're scared to death when they're adding it.
I mean, this stuff is so deadly, you breathe one whiff of it, it can kill you.
And they know, okay?
And then there's the argument, well, we only put one to three parts per million in the average city.
They know.
You know, that's not that big a level.
But fluoride is one of the most cumulative poisons there is.
Almost all of it stays in the body.
It's one of the most reactive molecules out there.
And that's only part of what they're putting in.
But we really couldn't hear you, Jim, when you were getting away from the phone trying to read the container of fluoride.
But finish up your point.
Well, anyway, it says, if swallowed, drink large quantities of water.
Do not induce vomiting and call a physician.
You know, this is my point is, no matter how much, for one, there's no vitamins in the water.
They put lime in the water, they put HTH in the water, and they do the fluorinating.
And the fluorinating is basically a
Well, don't forget the chlorine!
Don't forget the chlorine.
Well, the HTH is chlorine.
I mean, if you're not going to drink chlorine, I mean, what's the point?
Well, look, look, look, look, look.
Here's an example.
I've talked repeatedly to not just the, at neighborhood pools, community pools, I have not just talked to the guy they have cleaning the pool, I've talked to the pool company owners.
And to people that run the companies, and they say that when they fill a pool up, they don't even need to fluoridate it for a week or two.
Or, not fluoridate it, put the chlorine in it, because it has massive amounts already, it takes a while for it to dissipate.
And here's the other issue.
If you say, fill up your fish tank with regular water, and put a goldfish in it, it's going to die!
Fish won't live in it, but you're supposed to drink it.
Now, I mean, again, ladies and gentlemen, if it's killing animals, then how are you supposed to... It's a cocktail.
You know, here's an example.
My wife's parents, great folks, we ate over there Sunday lunch.
They don't think the government would hurt them, so they like drinking tap water.
And my wife made the comment that she couldn't drink the water because it tasted like kerosene.
And growing up in Dallas, I didn't know fluoride was bad.
I didn't know chlorine was bad.
I just knew that when I drank water, it tasted horrible and gave me a headache.
And, I mean, Dallas water stinks.
Houston water.
But I'm ranting here.
I appreciate your call, Jim.
We're going to come back and go to Cynthia, Parker, Jeff, Goodslow, and others.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
But I go back to, again, the spammers all over articles we write about fluoride, all over YouTube videos we put up.
And these are people that are drinking this poison.
These are people probably paid to go say we're kooks and liars.
And you're drinking it.
You're getting bone cancer.
You're attacking your own organs.
The government admits this.
This is not a conspiracy theory.
But you don't care.
You love the psychological association with power.
You think you're part of the government.
You think you're toadies to them.
And it's just completely insane.
You're killing yourself and you love it.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Wide open telephones.
Thank you for joining us.
Let's go ahead and go back to McCall's.
Cynthia in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Hi, how are you?
Good, thank you.
Okay, I'm really concerned about this health care bill.
They're going to push this through in about three days.
Dick Morris has about 30 Democrats that maybe swing votes that you can contact at the numbers are all at DickMorris.com.
I'd like to just cover a couple points about this health care bill.
It still covers abortion, still mandates that everyone purchase health insurance.
Oh, but they promised it wouldn't cover the illegal immigrants.
In fact, guys, I forgot about this the last two days.
Rick Perry, the big conservative, is doing what other states are doing, giving illegal aliens in-state
So if you're from Oklahoma and come to Texas, or New York and come to Texas, you pay double or triple in some cases for tuition at community colleges and state colleges and others.
But the illegal aliens get the same as somebody who's always lived in Texas.
So again, yes, they promise no illegal aliens covered, but of course it does cover them.
It's all part of the lies that come out of government.
Go ahead.
It still leads to rationed care.
The true cost of the bill is grossly underestimated.
It establishes a medical dictatorship and tramples on alternative medicine.
It does!
Which basically limits your selection of any kind of healthcare, any kind of doctor, any kind of treatment.
And I just want to read a quote from Tom Daschle in his book, Critical, what we can do about the healthcare crisis.
The elderly have a responsibility to die, knowing that they are not going to survive their chronic illnesses, so that society can save money and pump funds into care for the younger, more worthy recipients.
And by the way, I read that about a year ago on air when Daschle was still there, and people didn't believe it.
He's the original author of the health care bill, and I actually went out and bought the book.
I saw that in Bloomberg, in a Bloomberg financial article, and it's not that I didn't believe it.
But I went out and bought the book and waved it around on TV, somewhere here around the office, and there's more in the book.
He said if you're 60 years old, you're not going to get eye surgery, because you're supposed to go blind.
So it's more than just, oh, it's a chronic thing, we decide you're going to die.
See, the death panels are all real.
That's the bioethicist.
And all of this is really happening.
Cynthia, it looks like it may not pass, but everybody's got to call Congress.
And you're right, Dick Morris does have a good list of the swing votes there.
But see, Pelosi says they may not even have to vote.
They may just say that, well, we'll just let the Senate version go on over to Obama.
Well, then we have to repeal it.
But in the meantime, everyone call these numbers.
They're just sitting there waiting for your call.
You can get through pretty easily, so they may be rude to you, the aides, but, you know, just call and just make sure that they write down your comments.
And I just want to say God bless you, Alex.
Well, God bless you.
Anything else you want to add, Cynthia?
That's all.
That's it.
That's enough.
Alright, I appreciate you.
God bless you.
God bless you.
Let's talk to Parker in Illinois.
Parker, you're on the air.
Hi, thanks for taking my call.
I have a quick comment and then a question.
I'd just like to say books are a really good way to wake people up, because all those people who like, if I show them a bunch of movies no matter how much, they'll be like, oh no, it's just undocumented, nobody, it's all fake, you can just make a movie and do whatever.
But like, if you show them a book, then they have to look at that and be like, oh, well, there's actually documentation here.
Well, I don't know why they're fools.
I mean, if you watch my films,
They're what I'd call a film book.
I mean, everything we claim, we show you at Out of the Elite Zone Mouths, we show you blow-ups of their documents, we have online bibliographies at FollowTheRepublic.com, The Obama Deception, WhatIsTheEndGame.com, MartialLaw911.info.
I mean, we have online video bibliographies.
These are books.
They're visual books.
Yeah, there's a lot of fools out there, that's for sure.
Look, they just use that as a rationale and an excuse.
Oh, I'm not even going to watch that.
You can say whatever you want on a video.
And what you do is you go, no, this is the elite in their own words.
In fact, Burmese has taken this to a new level.
Other than G. Edward Griffin and a few other people that he interviews on video in the film, it is almost entirely the elite's own words and their own documents.
Very powerful film.
Go ahead.
Uh, I was, cause, uh, when I was younger and stuff, I had no clue what was going on, so my parents pretty much decided what happened to me, so I got, like, multiple flu shots over the years.
I was wondering if there's any possible way to, like, counteract what happened, so, like, it has less effect on me now.
There is.
Try to eat real organic food, exercise, drink purified water.
You could, for a few months, drink distilled water, but after that it becomes dangerous because it'll actually strip out too many minerals from your body.
You may have to take a mineral supplement to replace them, but still, it'll strip those.
There's some other chelation methods out there, but I'd rather have medical doctors on to break it down.
I don't like to give medical advice.
I'm just telling you what I do.
Well, thanks for having me on.
Parker, I appreciate you calling.
Jeff in Canada, you're on the air.
Hi, hi Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Okay, a couple things here.
First of all, I wanted to thank you and your staff for the wonderful work you do and all the hard work and commitment you do, and it's really paying off.
People around me are waking up everywhere.
Yeah, it's really paying off.
I got COINTELPRO and the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center and Time Magazine, New York Times, Newsweek, everything else coming out against me.
We played a recording yesterday at the Southern Poverty Law Center saying I made that guy kill the cops when it had nothing to do with the guy and the guy online hated me, some Nazi.
Folks, I need your prayers.
I have the New World Order directly singling me out as their biggest enemy.
And I'm just a radio talk show host filmmaker.
I mean, this is really spooky.
Go ahead.
Alex, what I wanted to say was that people are waking up everywhere, and one thing that I know that you've said in the past is that we outnumber them.
So that's, I think, that's the secret.
First, I'm just in the beginning stages of setting up a We Are Change local chapter here in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
And there is an expo coming up where Bill Clinton is speaking on behalf of the Windsor-Essex Region Conservation Authority.
And I just wanted to set up a true squad here in Windsor.
And I almost feel like I don't have a lot of people that are experienced in this way.
So if there's anybody in the area that wants to help out, I would sure appreciate the help.
But I have a question for you.
My question is if you've ever heard of a guy by the name of Robert Arthur Menard.
And he belongs to a group called the World Freeman Society and it's basically about the free man on the land.
Yeah, I mean that's kind of the British picking up what patriots have been promoting and saying and I think there's a lot of truth to it.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to GoodsLow in Ohio.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex.
I live in a small town of about 2,500 people in East Central Ohio called Yerkesville, Ohio.
A few years back
We had a guy named Rick Rieger who was infiltrating our Chamber of Commerce and is now mayor of the town.
It turns out that he worked for General Schwarzkopf and General Tommy Franks.
General Schwarzkopf in the first Gulf War, Tommy Franks in the second.
And was that the Pentagon on 9-11 when the plane, or alleged plane... Well, I don't know who this guy is.
I don't know your local politics.
And I like to really be careful about even callers saying things.
I'm not saying you're a bad guy.
It's just the point here is, my name's Alex Jones.
I'm on air.
Who I am is clear.
You're calling in saying things about people.
But it is true that the feds have think tanks that
Tell cities who to make police chief.
And that was actually in the Dallas Morning News last week and other publications about Arte Civeta being totally federally run from Austin now probably going to Dallas.
And it is true that sheriffs, police chiefs, even small towns, they're putting former DEA, former FBI, former Pentagon in everywhere as part of their InfraGard federal takeover.
I know locally they have in the paper, they admit it, oh he's former black op commander, a colonel, he's going to run all the environmental programs and the home inspections and you know he's bringing in other pentagon former people, oh and so yes it's very creepy but I don't know specifically about who you're talking about.
Well yeah, it's not even specifically about the person.
What happened after he became mayor is that the pentagon or I guess the pentagon... Had urban warfare drills in your city?
Well I'm sorry?
Had urban warfare drills or something?
Oh, no, they actually got an armored personnel carrier for a town of 2,500 people.
Well, you're the enemy!
They're mounting 50 Cals on them, and Florida and Louisiana, they're training local citizens to work with the government to quote, take on other citizens with 50 Cals.
They're just going to mow citizens down.
There's 50 cows mounted on this one too, and it's funny because the police officers that are driving this thing around town are all guys I went to school with.
Well, you belong to them now, boy.
Hey, you are their property.
Get ready for it.
I appreciate your call.
You better change your name to some illegal alien identity and then they'll start bowing down if they see you.
Oh my gosh, he's illegal.
Oh, you can drunk drive, sir.
You can kill whoever you want.
You can attack people and rob Sanctuary City.
Oh, you get in-state tuition.
You're not from here.
We worship you.
But if you're a citizen, you are marked as a slob slave who is... You are the prey animal.
It's like they're coyotes and you're a cottontail rabbit.
Because we act like cottontail rabbits.
We don't act like predators.
We don't act like our forefathers did.
Mainly because we drink poison water.
I mean, imagine, we live in a country where the Pentagon runs everything and they poison the water, and the Pentagon guys all drink tap water, killing themselves, and killing their kids, and they think it's fun, and, oh, it's so good, and Alex Jones is a kook and evil, and, oh, we've got to get him, he's so dangerous.
All you fools that work for the system, you're just literally killing yourselves.
Everything we're saying is true, it's all documented, it's real, you can't deny anymore, but you don't care because you feel the petty authority.
So you will be destroyed by your own system.
And here I am, strapped to a rocket, blasting off into the stratosphere, and it's scary.
I don't have what you'd call palpable fear, but there's still almost like an awe.
And I can't believe the position I'm in.
I can't believe I've got all the enemy operators going after me.
But I'm trusting in God, ladies and gentlemen, because I can
I think there's a good chance they're going to stage something in late April.
But by exposing it, we may stop them.
But things are about to get a lot rougher, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back.
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The main event is the wholesale destruction of the world economy.
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There's a gun and ammunition just inside the doorway.
Well, you should pray to God, the Father and the Spirit will guide you and protect you from up here.
Can you hear me?
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
How going green may make you mean.
Ethical consumers less likely to be kind and more likely to steal study finds.
They have never found anyone this criminally inclined in these double-blind secret studies.
They found people that say they're a rabid environmentalist, will steal, will lie, and see their fellow man as absolute scum and trash.
They have a parasite instinct.
Well, they're parasites.
They're lazy on average.
They're hateful.
And then they go and con nice people to give them money to fund their environmental movement that has nothing to do with the environment.
But don't worry, Al Gorb
This is out of the Business and Media Institute.
Gore attaches global warming as cause to last weekend's storm in the Northeast.
Vice President points towards weather events as evidence of climate change during strategy conference call for supporters.
This is a guy who's been proven to be an absolute liar.
I mean, like he said, NAFTA and GATT was going to make us have milk and honey in the streets.
Remember, he was the guy that got that rammed through in those Larry King debates, making fun of Ross Perot, calling him a liar.
Well no, Mr. Gore, we know you're the liar.
With Ken Lay setting up the carbon credits and your fraud is going down scumbag, listen to him in this conference call.
The so-called skeptics haven't noted it because it's not snow, but the downpours and heavy winds are consistent with what the scientists have long warned about.
And we now face the opportunity to start doing something about this.
We have been continuing to spend billions of dollars on foreign oil.
Pay him money!
Give it to him!
Companies you own!
But if you go to the scores of companies that he's spent billions on, oh yeah, he's a multi-billionaire now from this, what they do is they go into your town or city, they take your tax money, in the case of Austin, they want a $2.6 billion tax in the next three years, they're trying to pass it this month, they've been having a lot of trouble, thank God, and then they spend it on giant wind farms and solar farms, and the money goes into these select companies' pockets, but it's worse than that.
Pachari got several million dollars personally, hundreds of millions to the company to shut down the oldest steelworks, oldest facility, it was brand new, it had been just renovated and set up, expanded, refurbished, and to move it to India and Pachari owns it and controls it.
And he's the head of the IPCC.
So that's, oh yeah, it creates millions of jobs.
It takes your jobs.
And of course, in Spain, in the last decade, they just did a big study finding that every green job costs two jobs.
This is a government job.
We know government jobs always cost two private jobs in the private sector.
They don't care.
The banks want us to go more bankrupt.
They want us to spend more money.
Because it all goes to them.
We go into debt to these people and they just make up the money they loan us.
It's all just zeros and ones in a computer.
But that's a separate issue from the fraud of high winds, rain.
This is what the scientists say global warming will do.
Talk about non-science sourcing nothing.
Oh, we're having high winds and rain in the springtime in the east, something that's always happened.
Oh my gosh, we're having tornadoes.
Oh my gosh!
The polar bears are dying!
They've gone from 20-something thousand to 40-something thousand just in Canada alone in the last, what, 20 years.
Their numbers have doubled.
That's an absolute fact statistic on record.
No one debates it.
He just lies.
Except Al Gore.
So see, snow is global warming.
But see, now it's not global warming, it's climate change!
Grandpa, is it true that before the global warming, that the weather never changed?
That's right, Billy.
It was always 76 degrees.
And if you disagree, the Thought Police arrest you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
One major world crisis away from having a totalitarian type of system.
The main event is the wholesale destruction of the world economy.
The push for every nation on the globe to identify and number all of its citizens.
Friends, I hope that you will order Shadow Government from InfoWars.com.
We also have some specials when you get some of our other films half price when you order Shadow Government.
A new level in production quality and in information exposes how a cashless society, surveillance beast grid of total control is being put into place.
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Shadow Government, ladies and gentlemen.
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Available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
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George Washington said, Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force, like fire.
It is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
America's government is no longer the servant of the people and the protector of our liberty, but has become that fearful master.
We the people must understand the nature of this government gone awry if we are to be successful in saving our country.
America is being deliberately destroyed by a cabal of international gangsters so that she can be forced into
I think so.
Coming up, schools break law to spy on pupils.
Pupils are monitored by CCTV cameras as frequently as inmates in prisons and passengers at airports, research shows.
This is the induction into the police state grid.
Also, number of illegal immigrants getting in-state tuition for Texas colleges rises.
In the first quarter of the last fall semester last year, 12,138 illegal aliens
But if you come to Texas from say Louisiana or New Mexico or Arkansas or anywhere else for that matter, you're going to pay double or in some cases triple because you are a scumbag American.
You are a slave.
You're not wanted.
The illegals need to be enticed here to be a voting bloc who will vote for gun control, open borders, a new world order.
A group the government can order out to riot and groups to drive down the wages and bankrupt the welfare system so the banks can take control.
And as a way to build more presence to put citizens in.
So I'll be breaking that down coming up.
But here is some financial news I wanted to go over.
Housing market sure to double dip.
The housing market will face another retreat while mortgage-backed securities and treasuries are likely to go through a material correction.
The housing market surely will double dip, Whitney told Worldwide Exchange.
Government programs to support housing have been murky, and when the modifications caused by them come to an end, a lot of supply may come
to the market, and that's when real estate market is likely to go down.
Folks, remember a year and a half ago, or I guess more than a year and a half ago now, October of 2008.
We need this $787 million.
We need it right now.
No questions asked.
Give us a blank check to unfreeze these mortgage-backed securities, or we will have a depression.
And then they passed it on the Friday, on Saturday.
Less than 24 hours later, he went on the news shows, Henry Paulson, with Geithner and others, he was then the head of the New York Fed, to say, oh, we're not going to use it on that now, we're not going to say what we're going to use it on.
And that 787 bill is an open window.
They can go every month and get that out, and that's only one of three forms of lending.
The Federal Reserve just creates it on its own and gives it to the private banks, who then loan it to you at, what, 30% interest on a lot of the credit cards now.
So now they're in the news saying we need another bailout for the housing market, or there'll be a depression.
And then, oh, we're not going to say where the money went.
Just like Iceland, they went in there, they sold the country derivatives, the whole time knowing it was going to go belly up.
Same thing with Greece, same thing with Chile, same thing with every other major nation.
And then Goldman Sachs and others come in with U.S.
taxpayer money and other bailout money across the world and say, okay, you will now pay us compounded interest and we will loan you more money.
That's made up out of nothing, but they get all the assets.
And when Iceland said no, they said, oh, you know what?
Okay, don't worry about that.
We don't want to make a big deal out of this.
So you didn't have a victory.
We already own enough assets in your country to go ahead and pay this off.
Oh, so it was just a total rip off.
Now, we don't know where Greece is going to go, but they're now into several months of rioting and a week and a half of most of the aircraft flights being shut down.
That's in the Associated Press.
The police, firemen, and others are joining them now.
And you look at
I mean, every country I look at is... I mean, literally, I randomly looked up Nigeria.
I randomly, the other night, looked up Italy.
I randomly, the other night, looked up the president of New Zealand.
Every one of them, either the finance minister, the president, or the prime minister, in every country, I randomly checked.
Then my wife walked in and said, hey, come spend time with the kids.
So I didn't get to, but I checked four or five.
Every one of them was run by Goldman Sachs.
Now it's not saying Goldman Sachs is the only company doing this, but they are the insider pilot group.
They're like the union, the private banks go to, you know, they're the specialized group that keeps the criminality in a very small organization.
Chile just got a new president, Goldman Sachs.
Maybe the Goldman Sachs folks will start intermarrying and they'll start wearing gold crowns.
And it'll just be the first galactic empire!
Goldman Sachsania!
And just everyone will then... I pledge allegiance to Goldman Sachs and the Global Union for the Extermination of Humanity.
And to the tyranny for which it stands.
One enslaved population under Goldman Sachs.
Indivisible in bondage.
With slavery and corruption and poverty for all.
Except for Goldman Sachs.
I pledge allegiance to the New World Order.
Well, I don't.
America henceforth pledges itself to the sacred oath of the United Nations and a New World Order.
Remember that in the 90s?
So we've got that going on.
and U.K.
move closer to losing rating, Moody says.
I know I covered this yesterday from Bloomberg, but this is big news.
and the U.K.
The U.S.
have moved substantially closer to losing a AAA credit rating as the cost of servicing their debt rose, according to Moody's Investor Service, one of the top rating agencies.
And expanding on that, top ratings agency warns austerity riots could hit America.
Paul Joseph Watson, Top Story, PrisonPlanet.com.
We need to get the story out to everybody and identify the parasites.
Governments will be forced to devalue their currencies in a desperate attempt to offset debt burden.
Oh, austerity, meaning having your Social Security cut, your Medicare, your Medicaid, everything.
Because, see, nothing's going to go to you now.
They build the big nanny state up to get you addicted to it, and they put the police state grid in, and they say, guess what?
We're taking your goodies now, but we're going to raise your taxes.
It all goes to Mr. Banker, and he won't say where the money went, but you're not allowed to criticize it, or the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center will call you a terrorist.
So sit down and shut up or we'll call you bad names, okay?
There's no New World Order, but we need a world government New World Order to fix it.
So get that straight, slaves.
We think so little of you and have such disdain for you, we're going to call for a world government and a global constitution run by private banks, but if you criticize it in any way it doesn't exist, we're going to put you on a terror list.
How's that sound?
Sound good to you?
Alright, okay.
Top ratings agency Moody's has predicted that the U.S.
and U.K.
could witness similar riots.
Yeah, three years ago the British Ministry of Defense put this out before they imploded the economy.
It's all planned.
That's how we've been telling you about this for over a decade.
Top ratings agency Moody's has predicted that the U.S.
could witness similar riots.
and U.K.
Yeah, but we drink fluoride probably not as bad.
Takes a lot to get somebody lobotomized up off the couch.
Top ratings agency Moody's has predicted the U.S.
and U.K.
could witness similar riots to those seen in Greece in response to emergency austerity measures imposed by governments in an effort to retain their AAA credit status.
But the government keeps growing, it's just that all of it's got to be paid to the banks.
Growth alone will not resolve an increasingly complicated debt equation.
Oh, you mean how you raped us and set us up?
That's an increasingly complicated debt equation that's designed where we can't get out of it?
Unless we arrest the bankers?
Growth alone will not resolve an increasingly complicated debt equation.
Preserving debt affordably at levels consistent with AAA ratings will invariably require fiscal adjustments of a magnitude that in some cases will test social cohesion, said Padri Kalatu, the chief author of the report.
Soaring debt costs will undoubtedly force governments to continue to devalue their currencies in a desperate attempt to reduce the burden.
This will inevitably, inevitably, it is inevitable, this will inevitably result in runaway inflation that will devastate the value of major currencies and eviscerate savings and pensions.
But don't worry, the government says they're going to take the pensions over and tax them and give you a small part back to protect them.
Oh, thank you for stealing most of it and giving me a small amount back.
You'll thank them.
Oh, thank you, SWAT teams.
The cost of living will accelerate as taxes will be raised as the people continue to foot the bill for a wealth transfer amounting to trillions that has been plundered by offshore banking elite.
Wow, pretty strong.
Crumbling paper money for gold bullion, which has proven to be safer store of wealth for thousands of years.
And it just goes on.
Folks, there's a reason that the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, New York Times, Time Magazine, and literally hundreds of other publications have all declared me the absolute demon of hell.
And we played it yesterday.
In fact, cue it back up.
It's 18 minutes long.
Uh, news agency, group, like where is that article?
I had it here in front of me.
Will you bring me that again?
But the Patriot Press, they went in and talked to the National Director of Research for the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Which their job is not to fight the federally run Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nations and Hal Turner admitted fed, FBI operative at the highest levels, now mainstream news, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Boston Herald.
Who attack me literally every day.
Oh yeah, all the big white supremacists, I mean, just openly talk about how they want to kill me.
They're trying to get lone nuts out there that don't know they're working for feds to come after me.
And, uh, you know, I just trust in God, ladies and gentlemen, and the death threats and everything else from these people, and I trust in Smith and Wesson.
But, um, there's a reason that she says on the tape
Alex Jones made Poplowski kill those three cops when the guy was a white supremacist and hated me all over the web.
They just make it up in the news, within two hours of the cops getting killed, and say it's my fault.
Just like within two hours of the guy flying the plane in the building, London Guardian, Austin American Statesman, New York Daily News, it's Alex Jones' fault.
It's my fault!
Because I am addressing the private banks.
I'm doing what Brigitte Jones-Dottier did, running out of nowhere for Parliament last year, winning, getting a coalition 93% vote to say no to the bankers.
Now they're moving to make themselves a New World Order free zone.
The public's so educated, even if the Feds stage terror there, it won't work now.
We could do this in Greece and everywhere else.
So I need your prayers, but more importantly, I need all of you to address the bankers, point out they're the enemy.
There's thousands of people prominently doing this, but because I keep beating this drum, I realize when I do this, it's like jumping out in front of a bus.
When I send reporters out to confront Geithner at a press conference about the stolen trillions, and the IRS commissioner looks at my crew like he's going to, you know, if looks could kill, they'd be lying on the floor.
He looked at them with such hate.
My guy's got courage.
Aaron Dykes.
They all need your prayers.
And we've got gallows humor around here.
We've got a stiff upper lip.
We're cheerful.
What we're doing because we're freemen.
Free women.
Again, there's a reason we're getting hit from COINTELPRO from every side and attacked mainstream media, grassroots, everywhere, because these people are federally run, ladies and gentlemen, and then they got useful idiots that follow them.
And we are addressing the real enemy here.
And there is no future if we don't say no to this.
Now we're going to go to break here in a moment, come back with Nate, Ron, Don, Thinker, Bill, and others, and then I got Kevin Booth coming on with another arm of the police state, and Webster Tarpeley with Key!
False flag that he believes is on the horizon news in the last hour, but I wanted to bring Ted up for the next 3-4 minutes because Ted... Ted, everybody needs to read this article that Paul Joseph Watson has put out.
Top ratings agency warns austerity riots could hit America.
This has all been engineered.
We've been telling people this for over a decade because we had their documents.
And at the bottom of Watson's article, we have a link to something you've not offered on the web.
This is the first time you've done this.
Well, I guess you did it last week for the first time, where people can get the free international forecaster with a single franc gold coin.
The franc's super discounted.
We bought it when it was lower.
You're selling it with gold up $17.95 today at $1,127.
You bought this at what, the $1,050 level, $55 level, but when gold was $75 less.
You're almost out of this though.
The Gold Frank, fifth of an ounce, at literally $500 an ounce price, when you factor in the free $159 newsletter that comes out multiple times a week, people can get this for the first time.
Here, second time on the web at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
The special offer link is at the bottom of this article by Paul Joseph Watson.
Top ratings agency warns austerity riots could hit America.
Ted Anderson, I mean, there is no doubt they are going to kill all the global currencies
One after the other.
Thanks for joining us.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm glad to be with you again.
You know, I picked up an article out of Bloomberg that Schroeder had written in 2008, talking about that very issue.
And at that time, he was predicting $1,000 gold.
And when the central banks started buying gold, rather than being net sellers, which they were for 20 years up to that point, that gold would then climb to $5,000 an ounce.
And that's what we're seeing right now.
The United States currency, the Greek currency, the Euro, everything's under attack and everything's falling.
And that credit rating that you're talking about earlier, Alex, for the United States and Britain, that's a real big factor because if the United States AAA rating gets reduced down to AA or something like that, it's really going to increase the cost of debt here in the United States and everybody knows that we're in debt up to our ears and that's going to be just devastating for our economy again.
I don't know how to say it enough.
I mean, I'm looking at all sorts of articles.
I mean, Reuters has gold rises to $1,125.
Obviously, that was written this morning.
They're all watching the Fed, thinking that the Federal Reserve is going to keep their interest rates low, at a record low.
I don't know how they can raise the interest rates right now with the economy in shambles like it is.
Alex, that forecaster and Frank, I've been doing this for about a month now, and if people haven't taken advantage of that,
Man, I tell you, I can't make a better deal for you than this.
I mean, it's $159 for the subscription.
Right now, currently, if you call us, you're going to pay $261.61 for a frank, and that is an
Really good price for the Frank to start with, but like you said, it gets you down to about $500 an ounce.
You have to go clean back to the middle 2000 era to try to find gold at that price.
And to be clear, Ted, in the last month you've been offering for the phone calls the free forecaster.
You're now doing this for people because they ask with a special web link that's on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com at the bottom of this article that Watson's written.
That's how people get the same deal online.
Well, online, and they can use a credit card there.
I know there's a lot of people that, you know, like to buy gold with a credit card, and it's very tough for me to do because there's so much risk in using credit cards, but you can use your credit card to buy that gold coin right off of Prison Planet, right where that article is.
Alex, I have one other deal that's just absolutely out of this world.
The Montana Silver Rounds right now, I have them at $18.73.
My current price right now is $21.24.
That coin clearly is priced
Let's be clear, you are buying it in bulk and paying several dollars more, but you bought it when it was less, so you're passing the savings on.
You also support states' rights.
And the 10th Amendment nullification movement when you buy the Montana rounds.
You cannot beat these deals.
I got a bunch of other specials.
Call to find out more.
They have them listed on that special web link.
Support yourselves, folks.
Protect yourselves from the bankers destroying your fiat paper currency.
We'll be right back.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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On the subject
On the subject of this radio show, my film's going up against the bankers.
They're scared of us because we have their number.
We know exactly who they are, their tricks, how they operate.
We identify them in a non-partisan, non-religious or racial way.
They love to balkanize and get everybody fighting over sex and religion and the rest of it.
We just identify the banks, what they're doing, give people a clear choice.
And if they do kill me, God forbid, or set me up, you will then see the absolute COINTELPRO come out in mass.
Because if they do take me out,
They will then try to legitimize however they do it and you will see the enemies all identify themselves at that point.
So know that.
That'll be something good in a way that would come out of this if people take this word to the wise as being sufficient.
And I'm not saying that's going to happen, but I have been physically attacked.
I have a lot of death threats, stalked, you know, things like that.
But I'm pretty cool-headed over the years, and I do have a lot of courage, because I'm committed to this, and being committed past the point of return, it's a good feeling.
But I do want to be able to continue my work, so pray for us here.
But they definitely are nationally demonizing us in the most horrible ways right now, because we are effective.
And it's because the message is the truth.
So if they do take me out, no, they can't get all of you.
And just continue to set up websites, call in to talk radio, make your own films, your own podcast, flyers, expose the phony environmentalist, expose the gun grabbers, expose the North American Union, expose the banks as the enemy.
And as things get worse and worse, just keep beating that drum and people will know the source of all our ills.
The globalists are the people running it.
We are really the source of our ills by being lackadaisical, being decadent, being slovenly, not being involved, sitting on the sidelines.
We have allowed them to take over.
You want to know who's really at fault?
Look in the mirror.
But most of you didn't do it consciously.
I know I didn't do it consciously.
I didn't wake up till I was probably 16, 17 years old and then it was a process.
But what we are doing is dangerous, but it's more dangerous to give in to tyranny.
It's more dangerous to just lay down.
And anybody who's gotten to a level in their life of real research and has a relationship with their creator, you understand when you're out, say, in the canyons outside Austin and you see all the strata of the millions of years and all the life that's come and gone, all the fossils,
And you drive past the cemetery, look at old photos of your great-grandparents, you realize that what really matters is the species and our progeny, and that we live forever as long as the species lives forever.
As long as we don't allow the worst elements of society to take over.
The sickening, greedy, wicked, sadistic control freaks.
And there's great comfort in that.
In knowing that we're part of something larger that will live on forever.
I mean, I am my great-great-great-great grandparents.
I am the genetics, I am the blood of the people of the Mayflower, and of 1776, and of the Battle of San Jacinto, and so are you.
All of you are Americans who've been part of this.
All of you are humans, regardless of where you live.
Your ancestors stood up against tyranny, in every case, because it always gets out of control, people are forced to stand up.
So we're going through what all our ancestors have gone through, and it's more scientific, it's a lot slicker, but it's not gonna work.
They wouldn't have been able to get away with this this far if they didn't have us all drunken on drugs and drugging our water supply.
Alright, I'm going to come back and take some calls.
And Kevin Booth's coming up.
I want to talk about the phony drug war.
And how you end the drug war, you cut the bank's money off, and you get less people using drugs.
Every statistic shows that.
And we'll have some calls as well when Kevin is on with us.
And I've got a bunch of other breaking news.
The final hour is absolutely essential.
Listening with Webster Tarpley on key issues.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is hour number three.
Going to your phone calls, news splits throughout the hour, and Kevin Booth joining us.
Folks, you're talking in the next hour.
Nate in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding her on the air.
I want to thank you personally for everything you're doing here, Alex.
I'm calling from Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
This is basically an Amish Mennonite county, and Lancaster City has a population of about 55,000 people.
Now, we are the big brother capital of the United States, I'm convinced.
We have 165 cameras for 55,000 residents.
I don't know if anywhere in the nation is aware of this.
This is more than... A lot of countries, I mean, a lot of cities do.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this is more than actually the city of Boston and the city of San Francisco.
And this is just one aspect of how it is in Pennsylvania.
Another aspect is we're not allowed to have any bars on any of our windows here.
It breaks all the fire codes.
Another aspect in Pennsylvania is if you sign your Pennsylvania driver's license, you
Give the right to your blood for any circumstance to the police.
And if you remain silent, you lose your license a year.
They make, that's happening all over the country.
They make you waive your rights to get a driver's license by saying it's a privilege.
It is not a privilege.
And now they're saying owning guns is a privilege.
And if we buy this fraud, then it will become a reality.
Yes, and this is one of the most perilous places in the land.
I mean, this has one of the best natural soils in all of American Langston County, Pennsylvania.
Nate, I'm going to let you go.
I'm going to let you go because your phone's breaking up.
Try not to call us on the cordless, but thank you.
Good points.
Ron in Texas, you're on the air.
How are you doing, Alex?
Fret not, even Crazy Horse and Geronimo had those that didn't want to listen to them.
I want to say something to those people that keep spamming and asking for you to give proof.
It is not your job to spoon-feed people.
You give them what they need to have.
They need to get up off of their fifth point of contact and actually do the research themselves.
Let me say this because people may have just joined us.
I was specifically talking about spam
Against a six-part video from Sunday's TV radio show up on our YouTube channel.
And they did it on our website, too.
And I'm holding up the article saying, here's the link to the National Council.
Here's the link to the EPA admitting fluoride's deadly.
Here's the link to the government studies.
And then the guys say, show us your proof.
It's all right there.
I'm showing them the proof, and they're saying it's not proof.
I am spoofing them, and it's not good enough.
But the question I have though, Alex, is another GNC Radio host, I think her name is Joycean Powerhour.
You had it on a video of her doing an interview with one of the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation people a while back.
And it was basically off the land grab that the IRS conducted, and they're supposed to have gone to court sometime this month or last month.
I was wondering if you knew anything further about it, because I haven't been able to find any updates.
No, I don't.
That was last year.
They were trying to take that poor lady's property, but we'll check into it, Ron.
I appreciate your call.
Don in Texas, you're on the air.
Are you there?
Yes, sir.
Hey, I was wondering, have you heard about the DUI, the Craigslist DUI vigilantes?
No, what is it?
It's a group of people on Craigslist that hang out at bars, and they watch people leave, and then they call 9-1-1.
Oh yes, I've heard of that.
Listen, they have cops.
There was a famous case in Austin, but it happens everywhere, where they were sitting in the Radisson Hotel, and I've actually been there for dinner before, at the little steakhouse there, and a guy who was on a business trip, staying there for the night, flew in, didn't have a car, in a business suit,
Had three Miller Lights in an hour and a half watching a baseball game and they arrested him for being drunk.
So the cops where I live arrest you in the bars for drinking.
So what are the little Craigslist snitches doing?
I'm sorry, I have a court appointment Friday.
I've been charged with that.
I think it's been on, people have called on 9-11 and 9-1-1 and they said I was swerving.
Which I have, uh, photos that I took on the road... Well, look, look, if you're gonna drink, you shouldn't do it in a bar now, because there's spies everywhere.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are now simulcasting the last few hours at PrisonPlanet.TV for radio listeners that want the added dimension of seeing the documents, the articles, the video clips visually that we play here.
Webster Tarpley coming up in 52 minutes with a host of key issues including his prediction he believes are getting ready to launch some type of false flag internet terror attack.
As a pretext to pass the cybersecurity takeover bill.
It's now been declassified.
plans to fight the net revealed, including in the U.S., attacking anyone that criticizes the Internet, anybody that exposes government corruption.
I mean, we already knew this, but now it's out in the open.
BBC, Politico, Infowars.com wrote an article about it.
The Register.
So that's all coming up.
It's just part of what Tarpley, one of our resident experts, economist, doctor of history,
We'll be discussing with us.
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Kevin Booth, four or five years in the making.
Great filmmaker.
He made the documentary American Drug War.
And it aired on Showtime, one of their most popular shows of the year, they reported.
Got high ratings.
And he really made part two of American Drug War.
It's called How Weed Won the West.
Fourteen states passed laws saying this is decriminalized, the feds don't care.
Obama says he's going to go ahead and legalize, then he comes in and orders 90 plus percent of the dispensaries.
in uh... major cities in california shut down so that's how they operate they lie to you and stab you in the back but here's the issue i've smoked pot in high school and college i don't really like it
But I know that it impairs you a lot less than alcohol and doesn't eat your liver.
I know it has hundreds of documented glaucoma, cancer, eating disorders.
Studies show that Prozac isn't as good for depression as placebo, but marijuana is much better than placebo.
And I'm not saying smoke it.
I know a lot of lazy people who are probably already lazy, not even lazy, are smoking pot.
The reason we're talking about this is the fake drug war is the way the system takes control of our society.
It's the foundation of the snitches, the spies, the federalized police, the warrantless searches, the checkpoints.
When you make alcohol illegal in the 20s, tripled the amount of alcohol poisoning and alcoholism.
It empowered the mafia, corrupted the police.
No one debates this.
This is admitted fact.
Some European countries have decriminalized drugs.
Drug use drops on average by more than half.
The crime goes down.
Because now you just go to a government facility or a clinic and they treat you like a sick person, you get your heroin or whatever, or they get you on methadone or whatever, and now you're not robbing people's stereos or mugging them to get your heroin.
So across the board, I say decriminalize.
Again, 80 plus years ago when you could buy cocaine, Coca-Cola,
Opium, laudanum, heroin.
You had much fewer people, and this is admitted in mainline history, using illegal drugs.
You make it illegal.
Hollywood makes it glamorous.
People get involved in it.
They use it.
It empowers the drug gangs.
Mexico is collapsing because of drug prohibition.
No one's debating that.
19,000 people killed the last three years.
That's the State Department's own numbers.
Embassy staff, what, four people killed two days ago.
They're killing cops in the U.S.
None of the drug rings that are government-run and some that aren't government-run, they all want to keep it illegal.
So it's a no-brainer.
That doesn't mean you sell it at 7-Eleven.
I remember in high school, I didn't even really like pot, but it was easier to get than beer.
Beer was what I liked.
Thinker, Bill, Curtis, Matt, Robert, and others.
I'll give you each about a minute, because I know you're probably not on subject when we go to you.
But then after that, only calls about the fake drug war, or do you agree with us, do you disagree?
And I want to talk about a host of issues here today with Kevin Booth.
Kevin, good to have you on with us.
Thanks again, Alex.
Thanks so much for having me on.
And I'd just like to back that up.
It's funny, when I think back to my days back in high school,
I didn't like marijuana at all, but I smoked it anyways just because you almost had to if you wanted to be considered cool or to be accepted into any of like the cool in-groups of kids.
Yeah, let's say you're over, you know, you're 17, you're at the cheerleader's house and she pulls out some marijuana.
She's not gonna think you're cool unless you smoke it with her.
No, you absolutely have to.
I'm sure if you go to Amsterdam right now, there's no way that that kind of behavior is taking place.
I mean, the point is, is that kids and people are always going to do exactly what you tell them not to do.
And in a way, the government knows that also.
So, I mean, they're playing this thing on so many different levels.
But just to back up to something else you're talking about, you know, I truly believe that there's no way
In the world, they could have pulled off this New World Order agenda without the drug war.
I mean, they had to dumb everybody down.
They had to make this more about than just going to wars with other countries and economics.
They had to actually start fiddling with society's brain chemistry.
And that's what they've done.
I mean, the government is basically controlling a huge percentage of our brain chemistry.
Well, I've had countless medical doctors and toxicologists and neurologists on.
Ritalin, Prozac, all those different classes of drugs.
The molecules are incredibly deadly.
They're toxic.
I mean, you know, the heart swelling, brain shrinking, brain damage, suicide.
And then meanwhile, marijuana has a lot more attributes than some of the negatives that I've seen.
And the point is, it's an excuse to put everybody... I mean, I remember back in the 60s and 70s reading stories from then.
Wasn't around in the 60s, but reading about it, where people get 50 years in prison for an ounce of marijuana?
Oh yeah, I mean I think the first guy went to jail for almost life for a joint or something like that, I forget his name, but he was like the first marijuana prisoner ever, you could look it up.
Well, look, they know humans for tens of thousands of years have been taking drugs, taking mushrooms, fermenting grapes.
People like to mess with their brain.
We're a very addictive species, and they know that.
And how do they make people slaves?
Governments have always wanted slavery, but they can't just say we have slavery now without giving it an excuse.
So they put out all these chemicals.
The CIA introduced LSD.
The CIA introduced cocaine into the illegal market.
That's been admitted.
Knowing people will get it, they will get addicted, and now they've got an excuse to put you in a slave camp.
Well, I think it's an interesting point, too, that you make in the film, where you're talking about the thing that they can't stand about marijuana.
Even with cocaine and heroin, the government and the CIA can control those things because they're very centralized.
Cocaine can only be grown in only a handful of places on the entire planet, mostly in, you know, South America, Peru, Colombia, etc.
It has to be an exact type of condition
Poppies will grow everywhere, but the kind of poppies that I understand will grow, that will grow actual heroin, will only grow in very specific places.
Marijuana grows everywhere.
It grows in almost every country.
It grows everywhere, and that's why they can't stand it.
And that's why it's still Schedule 1 when things like heroin and cocaine are Schedule 2.
I mean, the government actually is telling us that heroin and cocaine are safer than marijuana.
Well, let's expand on that.
I saw the statistic in the Statesman two days ago.
100 million Americans are admitted marijuana smokers.
Now, if you look at the statistics of who's tried it, they report it's over 200 million.
So, two-thirds of people, every cop listening out there is younger than 50.
I'll bet you a million bucks that
That they have smoked marijuana.
You know, my grandfather, when he was dying of cancer and real nauseated with chemo, his buddy, the sheriff...
Showed up and said, Jerry, smoke some of this.
I hear it makes you be able to eat food.
He said, no, I just want to die.
You know, it was about a month before he died.
No, no, no, this is too painful.
I'm not going to smoke that devil weed, basically.
But, you know, the issue here is, is that the cops knew this stuff 20, 30 years ago.
They know, they know what's going on.
And if you've got 86% of illegal drug users only use marijuana, where's the drug war going to go if they don't have that 86% to put in prison?
What's interesting about it, too, is that they've tried to demonize the medical use of marijuana by saying, well, smoking anything is bad for you.
Well, meanwhile, there's still ads for Camel and Rolling Stone Magazine everywhere.
You know, cigarettes are still legal.
But the point is that more and more people are coming out and saying they want to have the health benefits of cannabinoids and things that come from taking cannabis without getting high.
Most people
You know, in the medical marijuana movement, don't really want to walk around getting high.
It's really not about getting high.
It's about enjoying the health benefits from this plant.
And now they're discovering new ways of ingesting it.
This is a thing called CDCs, where you actually eat the lower water leaves off the plant every day.
Put them in your salad or whatever.
It has incredible, incredible health benefits with inflammation.
Look it up, CDCs.
No, I mean, there's no doubt that cannabis is one of God's gifts, and it can certainly be abused.
I mean, you could eat 20 heads of lettuce and bust your gut.
I mean, you could drink 10 gallons of water and hurt yourself.
We'll be right back with Kevin Booth.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
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Yeah, here's the New York Times article.
We always document what we claim here.
March 11, 2007.
Give me a document, Cam.
Shot for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
A man sentenced to life in prison 17 years ago.
Just 17 years ago.
This was 20 years ago now.
This is from 2007.
A man sentenced to life in prison 17 years ago after smoking marijuana while on probation for his part in an armed robbery is set to be free.
So, smoking marijuana.
But that's a more modern case, and that's for breaking parole.
The bigger issue here is, I've seen cases for just the marijuana 50 years in prison.
Kevin Booth.
The point is, is that I doubt he did the robbery while he was high.
And I know that's an old cliché, and there's several clichés that have to be said over and over again, because they're so ridiculous, but you have to keep repeating it about the death statistics.
But first of all, when the police talk about people committing violent crimes while high, most likely they're also extremely drunk at the same time, and they just found some THC in their blood.
And, you know, when the DEA and the Narcotics Task Force survey, they talk about the statistic about how marijuana is by far the most harmful and destructive drug out there.
Well, I figured out how they come about that number.
It's real easy.
If you go to any kind of treatment center, jail, or anything like that,
We're good to go.
Everyone who does heroin also smokes marijuana.
Everyone who does crystal meth also smokes marijuana.
Therefore, it's the gateway drug and that's how they come upon that conclusion.
Well, it's a gateway drug because they make it illegal and lump it in with cocaine and heroin so people then get into the circles that are already doing illegal things.
No, exactly.
And that's what this whole dispensary thing is all about right now.
Whether people think this whole medical marijuana is just a front to get high or whatever, at least it's a way
of taking marijuana out of the criminal's hands.
Well, I mean, maybe that's what the government wants us to do.
Maybe the government wants us to buy products that they can tax and then kill ourselves.
I don't know.
I was talking to a lobbyist a few weeks ago, works at the Texas Capitol, and he was saying, oh no, it's true, the alcohol lobby and the cigarette lobby are some of the biggest donors to keep marijuana illegal.
Why is that, Kevin?
Of course, because they, uh, you know, because they would lose so much.
I mean, if marijuana were legal across the board,
So many people would smoke pot instead of drinking beer, or smoke a little weed instead of smoking cigarettes.
It's just obvious.
Painfully obvious.
Well, on the National Archives, you can pull up notes to George Washington's care for his toothaches, and they're telling him, smoke this variety of hemp, which is the variety that has the THC.
So, George Washington was smoking it.
I guess he deserves life in prison.
Well, and that alone should be the only reason if some people out there who are still thinking, you know, like, oh, it makes people dumb, makes people hide, it's illegal.
I mean, if the founding father did it and wrote about it, that's case closed.
It's argument over.
And they know that.
Either that or go live somewhere else.
The founding father of our country
He grew it!
He grew the type of marijuana, not just hemp.
And that's another thing.
They banned in the country all the hemp that has no THC, that's better than cotton.
I mean, it's something farmers can grow anywhere.
The cotton lobbies lobbied to have it banned because they then had machines that could remove and strip and use it.
So they said, oh my God, let's ban this.
No, of course.
Why don't they at least legalize the hemp?
Well, because I think they feel like if they legalize hemp, then everybody can grow marijuana and no one's going to know the difference.
But also, then hemp will, you know, I think when they came out with polyester, I think that was another big lobby against it.
You know, the big polyester movement.
You know, maybe a little bit before your time.
Uh, when I was growing up, all of a sudden, you know, everyone wanted to wear polyester clothing.
That was the thing.
And supposedly that had a lot to do with wanting to keep camp out of the market.
Yeah, Dow Chemical and DuPont lobbied in the 30s to get the drug laws, uh, passed.
I want to talk about how we'd won the West and take some phone calls, Kevin, when we come back, because the film covers a whole host of issues and is a lot more hardcore on government drug dealing and everything else than even American drug war.
Uh, though the name, you know,
Is it?
Prescription fish oil prescription and they want to use the same type marijuana laws to do it So folks they've built up this grid and they're gonna try to use it to keep you from getting your vitamins and minerals So they're not gonna stop there big pharma wants to knock out its competition.
It's following the drug war paradigm Playbook to get that job done.
We'll be right back with Kevin Booth.
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Well, this is fitting music.
Folks, it's a joke.
They just demonize everything as a pretext to get regular people in the criminal justice system.
And when they made marijuana illegal, a lot more people started using it.
If you go back into the 30s, and before that the 20s, it was very few people.
Some Hispanics in the Southwest, black communities smoked it some.
It was called reefer.
That's the term they used for reefer madness, where it shows people murdering everybody when they smoke marijuana.
And then they made it illegal, and now it's one of the most popular drugs in use.
Now, it has a lot of medical uses.
There's no other plant we know of that has this many uses.
I mean, it's really an incredible plant.
But I want to go to some of your phone calls here from Anti-Federalists Ruth and others that are patiently holding the toll-free number 1-800-259-9231.
I have some other callers that we're holding from earlier.
We'll go to them too.
But Kevin, other points you want to make about how we'd won the West.
I mean, this is also a Tenth Amendment.
No, I mean, it's completely almost like medieval, like the old days of having people come from the kingdom to tax you.
People out here in California are thousands of miles away from Washington, D.C.
just trying to live their lives and survive economically any way that they can, and treat their illnesses the best that they know how, and having the feds come in over and over again, and even regardless of what Obama said, the DEA has just been in town just within the last week or so busting people again.
They're said to be trying to shut down over 900 of the 1,000 dispensaries right now.
It's a war out here right now.
It is.
I mean, there's war on the streets right now with what these people are doing.
You know, and what's funny, too, when you're talking about how Reaper was unknown, you know, you always talk about how the New World Order plan, it like backfires on them.
Well, the whole marijuana thing has backfired on them, too, because what they've done, you know, by putting it into mainstream culture and demonizing it and making it cool and all those things you talk about, is they've also
Created an entire society of people, a whole generation of people that have become expert growers and have now cultivated marijuana up into new heights.
And you know, and we compare marijuana now to like the fine wine vineyards of Northern California where you have all these different strains and these people that all take pride in their strains.
And you know, you could go to the different ranches up there in the Emerald Triangle and everybody has their own little way of doing things.
You know, and this is all a result from them trying to outlaw it and
Yeah, but now the pot smokers I know, they just take one or two hits instead of smoking three joints.
Exactly, because it's the smoke that's bad for you, okay?
Smoking anything is bad for you, you know?
I mean, uh, you know, because anything like this dust, you know, breathing dust is bad for you.
Putting anything in your lungs is bad for you, yeah.
So the whole thing is that the new marijuana is cleaned, if you get the good stuff, it's organic, it's not grown with chemicals, and you just take one or two hits.
A lot of people use vaporizers now.
And, uh, you know, it's not anything, you know, you'd have to smoke a hundred joints probably to equal a pack of cigarettes.
As far as his lung damage goes.
Well, regardless, the government is laundering the hard drug money.
They're on record dealing it.
And it's time for everybody to come out.
Ventura's doing it in his book.
You're doing it in your film.
And just say, stop it!
It's also proven, too, that when they come out here and they're raiding these dispensaries, that they keep the money, and they keep the pot, and then they resell the pot.
Well, did you see the AP article where both the courthouse shooter in Nevada and the Pentagon shooter both got their guns from a police lock-up in Tennessee that were confiscated guns?
That sounds like a federal operation to me right there.
I mean my point is that the cops are incredibly corrupt all over the country and we know they're making payoffs and what are they going to do though as 60, 70, 80, now in some polls 90% want drug decriminalization across the board but the drug dealers and the police and the government want to keep it illegal because they're making all the money.
You know and they always try to like say well what's next, crystal meth, if we legalize this?
When's the last time you're ever going to, you know, when are you ever going to see them having like a big Freedom March or a Free the Meth March?
People love marijuana.
It's on a different level.
And you know, and that just reminds me that we have like 420 day coming up.
And you know, not that I'm into any kind of numerology or anything like that, but as you know, April 20th is like the big day for marijuana smokers.
And we're trying to get screenings going all over the country, including we're going to be at the Toronto Freedom Festival.
Up there on 420.
So I just wanted to shout out to everybody who wants to set up a 420 screening to get a hold of us.
It'd be great.
Now Kevin, separately though, and I want to go to some calls in a moment, dealing with marijuana,
The establishment is clearly losing the war, so what Obama has done is they're going into the state saying, fine, you can have some dispensaries, but you can't have a thousand dispensaries in your city, you can only have 75, and then select people get to have those dispensaries.
So it's another monopoly being set up.
No, exactly.
I mean, it's probably who all is going to, you know, I mean, I don't know for a fact, but you know the people that are going to be left standing.
You know, they're going to be the ones that are going to have to be buddying up to these people.
And then that will drive up the price of marijuana again and keep the illegal market going.
I mean, it's amazing.
I mean, all the street dealers, I know a handful of street dealers, especially the ones I've interviewed, they are happy, happy, happy, happy about all these dispensaries being shut down because they have lost all their business.
You know, going to the corner to buy your marijuana from the crack dealer was the norm in the 80s and the 90s.
No more.
Why would you go to the corner to buy marijuana from some creepy guy when you know you can get the best of the best at some store with well-lit security guards out front?
Well, the globalists want to keep everything in the shadows so they can control it and get the money out of it.
Let's talk to anti-federalists from Georgia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey guys, I wanted to make a comment first about the film, American Drug War.
I wanted to say that it's one of the, if not the only film I've ever seen on the drug war.
It wasn't apologetic, it didn't really go after the medical marijuana, but actually went after the real issues about the actual drug war and the government's involvement.
But my question is, you had mentioned before when you were on the show about some of the dispensaries being, having
Oh yeah, the big cigarette makers have gone into California and are buying up all the key growing area.
They're clearly getting ready to have it where the cigarette makers have it, they can manipulate the genetics, they can add chemicals to it.
Well, there's a lot of word out amongst the growers that I know that there's probably only going to be a small gap of time for all these people that have spent their whole lives creating all these drains and all that, from the time that it's legalized to the time that major corporations take it all over.
There's probably going to be about a one-year slot there for all these people to basically cash in on the last 20 years of their work.
Um, and that's sad, but that's what everybody thinks is really going to happen.
You know, giant corporations will swoop down and take over this whole thing.
And so it's still really going to be illegal.
Select corporations will be able to do it, and they're still going to put your kids in jail if they catch them with it.
We've got to have real decriminalization, not the corporatization of this.
A lot to do with strains, too.
There's a lot of word out saying that, you know, the government will now have certain strains that you're allowed to have.
If you're caught using
You know, illegal strains.
You know, it'll be the kind of thing where, you know, they'll confiscate your marijuana and test it, and if it's not the right kind of marijuana, you can get in trouble.
If it's not the government-approved strain.
Like, the government will own the patents on, like, you know, a certain amount of... And you know Monsanto's gonna come out with a Prozac strain or something.
I mean... Of course.
I'm sure they're working on it right now.
There's no telling what all... You know, they're gonna...
It'll have the same exact effect where they'll get all the pot smokers to take Prozac anyways, right?
Let's talk to Ruth in Louisiana.
You're on the air, Ruth.
Hello, Alex.
I've been praying for you every day.
Thank you.
I will tell... Well, I have two comments.
One's personal.
But the first one is, if it wasn't for marijuana in 2000,
I would be dead.
I got a condition called cyclic vomiting syndrome, which is migraine in the stomach.
I already had migraines all my life, but I went down to 85 pounds, couldn't eat, couldn't do anything.
I just finally told my husband, you gotta go find me some, which he did.
Did it late at night because the children were small at the time.
I didn't want them to know what I was up to.
And it saved my life.
I was able to eat, keep my food down, got my weight back, but now I have to take morphine for the rest of my life and unfortunately I have to be tested every month.
Let me expand on that.
Go ahead, Kevin.
I said move to California.
Yeah, no, you're right.
I just went back to Texas not too long ago, and I have some extremely sick family members and relatives there, and it just breaks my heart where I'm just like, oh my god, you guys.
It's real sad.
You know, first of all, yeah, smoking is not good for you, but for certain things like nausea, you've ever woken up in the middle of the night with, like, heartburn or really horrible stomachache?
Taking a pill or putting anything like that, smoking,
Is a really good way, or vaporizing, is a really good way of taking a drug for nausea.
It bypasses... Well, Ruth, I appreciate your call.
Let me just say this.
Dealing with the nausea, that is the medically approved, the feds even admit, that marijuana is amazing for people that have chemo, that can't hold food down, and I don't have a lot of migraines.
I think they're triggered by
Pollen because the only times I have them was when Five six years ago four years ago or so I started having them a couple times a year because I would go on these long bike rides When the cedar was dropping two or three times a year and I am allergic to the cedar pollen and I would breathe so much of it That one time I got totally dizzy.
It was a migraine pulled over I was vomiting on the side of the road, you know, you can't I mean just hellish and
So those are the type of migraines I have where you're just vomiting and vomiting and vomiting and it's it's a level of pain I've never experienced and that's a good idea maybe I should...
But luckily it hardly ever happens because I don't ride bikes when the cedar's out anymore.
Because I figured out every time I would do that in heavy cedar, I would just breathe so much of it, it would literally just make my brain have an autoimmune response to all that pollen in my sinus and felt like I was dying.
But maybe that's the answer.
They have vaporizers now where you can actually use these things in a movie theater and no one will even know they're using it.
It's absolutely amazing.
Uh, some of the new little gadgets they have out to be able to use marijuana.
Well, let me tell you, the worst pain I've ever felt is a migraine.
You ever had a migraine headache, Kevin?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I get them all the time.
Oh, really?
Not all the time, but yeah, I know what a migraine is.
Oh, my God.
God, how could Alex Jones not get migraines?
I'm sure.
Unless you're just built out of steel or something like that.
I can't.
Listening to you gives me a migraine today.
I can't imagine all the stress.
No, I mean it in a good way.
Listening to Alex Jones will guarantee give you a migraine.
No, no, you're out there fighting a fight so all of us lazy slobs can lay around.
Yeah, but the first time I had a migraine, I was about 25 and my girlfriend was over, now my wife.
I was 26 and I thought I was dying.
And I called my dad and I said, I'm dizzy, blurred vision, I'm throwing up, this is the worst pain of my life.
He said, you got a migraine, son.
And, uh, he was right, but, uh, my, whoo!
People that have migraines every day, I don't know how they deal with it.
Does the medical evidence show that it helps, um, that marijuana helps migraines?
Because I've read that.
For some people, uh, you know, um, yeah, definitely.
It, it, there are different strains for different people, all different types of ways of doing it.
I think, uh, for some people, for headaches, actually ingesting it might work better than smoking it.
I mean, it's just, it's just different.
I mean, it's the kind of thing where
You have to kind of find out, like, what works for you.
But the good thing is that you can just safely experiment without really risking anything to kind of find out, like, you know, do you want to be high?
You don't want to be high.
Do you want to be sleepy?
Do you want to be awake?
You, you know, just all the different things that you can kind of feel your way around to, like, finding what works for you in a very safe fashion.
And that's, like, the main thing that doctors and all these people that don't want to see all these
You know, they don't want cures, they just want, the pharmaceutical companies want to just be able to just treat everybody's symptoms, you know?
And they don't want to cure anything, and that's, you know, going back to the Codex Alimentarius you were talking about.
We're going to take some more calls, folks.
I want to encourage you to get the DVD, How Weed Won the West.
It's even more hardcore.
It exposes government drug dealing, how they want to come after vitamins and minerals, and the state's rights violation.
How Weed Won the West, available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
Let's go to David in California.
David, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Hey, I just wanted to share a little bit of some of my family's struggles.
One of my cousins, actually, from a little kid, was just this immense rage.
And they went to the doctors, and the doctors gave them all sorts of drugs.
He was on Ritalin, Prozac.
I mean, there was probably half a dozen to a dozen of adult-strength drugs, given this five- and six-year-old.
And it wasn't until they got a prescription for marijuana that he basically said the trash jam in his head just cleared away.
I mean, and when he was on these drugs, he actually woke up in the middle of the night with a knife, telling his mom that, you know, he heard these voices, and they're telling him to kill her.
Oh no, yeah, Prozac and all that makes you go crazy, and the Ritalin and the other speed drugs are very similar to the methamphetamine, but the cops are, oh, methamphetamine's very bad, but let's make your kids take methamphetamine pills, which on the insert says causes delusions and psychopathic behavior, and yeah, a lot of these kids are on Ritalin, Prozac, they stack five or six drugs,
Uh, the average foster child, more than two-thirds of foster children are on psychotropics, and the average child who's on them is on seven.
Go ahead.
Yeah, he, he was about, like I said, from the time he was five to six, all because he was angry.
And it wasn't until he got the weed, but then they started going public with it.
They were on Montel Williams, they had a CBS $40 thing, and all of a sudden their dispensary got raided.
And they were no longer able to get the marijuana,
Oh, yeah, and you know, and since our first
And by the way, he followed the state law, it was a big nice store, open, but then they say it's illegal.
This is Obama.
It's incredible.
You know, he inhaled and he's gonna put you in prison.
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I think so.
Hal Weed won the West, persecuting people that appeared in the film.
The First Amendment, I guess, is evil too, needs to be banned.
That's coming up in the next hour with Webster Tarpley.
The Pentagon openly targeting websites in the United States and around the world as the enemy.
Kevin Booth is our guest.
Kevin can't come to South by Southwest.
He's got a movie screening coming up, what, in Vermont?
They got a big Bill Hicks film premiering.
What do you know about that?
I know you were invited, Kevin, but you can't come.
Yeah, it's already played twice there in South by Southwest.
It's a great new film.
Everybody should check it out.
It's called American, the Bill Hicks story.
These guys from England, Matt Harlock, Paul Thomas have been working on this thing for years and years.
They put everything they have into it.
Please go to the Paramount Theater this Saturday night, 9 o'clock.
Check it out.
It'll be the only time to see it in Texas for quite a while.
An incredible movie, the way they did all the animation and everything like that.
But Kevin, they should have just interviewed me!
After all, I am Bill Hicks!
Well, maybe you can be part two.
That's true too.
Have you seen the thousands of webpages that say I'm Bill Hicks?
I know, I get it every day.
I get it every day.
I mean, that is a ridiculous conspiracy theory.
I'm some sort of a Svengali, remember?
Well, yeah, because you were friends with Bill Hicks, and then we were friends.
I mean, this is absolutely asinine.
It's like that Steve Martin movie, The Man with Two Brains, or something like that.
But it's not funny to the family.
We shouldn't laugh, folks.
That's very hurtful.
Because it's gotten pretty big on the web, Kevin.
Yeah, I know, it's crazy.
I mean, I have to just laugh about crazy stuff like that, but it is, it's not real, you know, it's not cool.
Kevin, you're involved in the cover-up now.
Hey, real quick though, once again, because I'm not sure if anybody knows about this, but I'll be in Vermont at the Linden State College Thursday night, showing how we'd won the West.
If anybody lives in Vermont, please come.
And I, Bill Hicks, will be here in Austin.
That's right.
You should go to the screening Saturday.
Oh man, I tell ya.
People love baloney conspiracy theories, but real stuff, a lot of folks seem to want to ignore it, Kevin.
Yeah, well, I mean, you know, it just depends on the people.
You know, I mean, uh, I guess people try to have fun with conspiracy, too.
You know, and that's what gives conspiracy a bad name, right?
Well, yeah, because I'm not really a conspiracy theorist.
We told people the Pentagon was coming after websites.
It's now mainstream news, BBC.
And that's real.
The banks robbing us are real.
And people want to talk about chupacabras and I'm Bill Hicks.
I mean, you know, that's their issue.
But our denial of this, Kevin, is just more proof.
You understand?
There's nothing you can do about it.
Okay, well, listen... Oh, the pelican!
Look at the pelican fly!
That's a little inside joke when we watch Scarface.
Maybe I'm really Al Pacino, too.
Not bad.
Alex is a gangster.
Who put this together?
Who do I trust?
That's who.
Yeah, I get something Space Cadet do with 50 bucks.
And why don't you?
Oh, man.
That's a good movie.
I've only seen it 5,000 times.
I watched it every day while I was editing American Drug War.
When you used to live in Austin the last few years, before you moved to L.A., why you'd want to move to that place?
The mudslides, the fires, the everything.
When are you coming back to Texas, Kevin?
Uh, hopefully over the summer.
I always wanted to come back for South by Southwest.
No, when are you coming back to live here?
To live?
Get out of Sodom and Gomorrah.
As soon as my neighborhood explodes, I'm gonna like, I have like a cannon, I have like a rocket, like, built around my house.
I'm gonna catapult myself back to Austin.
All right, buddy.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, hour number four.
Your phone calls are coming up on a host of issues.
I want to get into how going green may make you mean.
Ethical consumers less likely to be kind and more likely to steal.
Major study finds.
And that dovetails with this piece by the London Guardian.
Oh yes, they found that they are many times more likely to steal.
You name it.
I also want to get into an important report about public schools around the world, where they're reporting that they're basically like prisons now, and that is the entire point.
That's what's going on here.
Also, we've got Webster Griffin Tarpley coming up here in just a moment.
He's written a story we've got up on InfoWars.com.
In fact, will you guys go ahead and pull that up for me?
It's one of the InfoWars.com headlines.
I forgot to print it.
Where he talks about false flag, likely.
Because I want to go over that report and for some reason... Oh no, I found it!
Ready Cyber War Virtual Flag Terrorism.
And that ties in...
With this Infowars.com report, we first picked it up on WikiLeaks, then it was picked up by The Register and the BBC.
And in fact, here is the BBC headline, US Plans to Fight the Net Revealed.
And they talk about how the internet is an enemy weapons system and that their big enemy is WikiLeaks.
Because WikiLeaks got a secret document a few months ago where the army
Was illegally spying on Americans in non-terror related cases.
They got another document where a Army Intelligence Chief was using spies for his own private operations.
In fact, I forgot to print that.
I am it this morning, but I didn't see it in my stack, guys.
It was out in mainstream news yesterday.
Army Intel Chief used operatives for his own private business, I think is the headline.
I want to get that story as well.
To cover that coming up.
And we're also going to talk to Tarbly about US-UK move closer to losing rating.
Moody's says, open discussion of dollar default or devaluation or our credit line, our bonds being rated more like Mexico or Argentina or something.
We'll also talk to Tarpley about the exciting news from Iceland saying no to the banker takeover.
What's happening in Greece?
What nations Tarpley believes are the next dominoes to fall?
How successful will the international banking cartel be?
The communist Chinese are saying they may dump the dollar now.
So that is all coming up today.
In fact, that was a London Telegraph article I sent you.
And again, I didn't see that in the stack.
Maybe it's here.
It was the London Telegraph story.
I meant to get it earlier and now it's time for Tarpley and I need to have it in front of me.
Talking about the hubris of China and their statements and how all this incredible stuff is about to happen.
And how China is threatening the United States and they likened it to what Tarpley compared it to a few months ago here, how England saw Germany as this rising power in World War I, started World War I with them.
And they similarly, by taking the British position, say China is bad like Germany before World War I and the United States is going to be getting in their face.
So that is coming up as well here today with Webster Griffin Tarpley in this final hour when we come back.
After this quick break, a host of issues to be discussed here with our guest.
And I know we had a bunch of callers on the last subject.
I'm gonna go ahead and let you guys go now who are on topic.
I'm sorry we didn't get to some of you.
I want to now clear the phone lines for anybody that wants to talk specifically to Tarpley about dollar default, about false flag terror, fake cyber false flag terror as a pretext to pass the Cyber Security Act, what's happening with China.
It is all coming up today in the last 52 minutes with Webster Griffin Tarpley.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
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The guys are in there joking and laughing so much I can barely focus on the show.
Stop it, guys.
Stuff behind the scenes here is so crazy.
All right, let me get my serious mindset on here.
Here's what we're going to cover in the next 51 minutes with Webster Griffin Tarpley.
The banking US-UK move closer to losing rating Moody says.
Dr. Tarpley is an economist, also a doctorate of history.
I always enjoy his perspectives.
Also, we're going to get into U.S.
plans to fight the net revealed.
Now they've admitted this the last two years, that cyber security is taking over, the Pentagon is taking over the infrastructure, they're going to restrict, they're going to hire provocateurs, Cash Sunstein, tax conspiracy theories, i.e.
questioning government, anthropogenic global warming, everything is to be illegal, just incredible things happening, open talk of more war with Iran,
News reports of more U.S.
forces moving into Diego Garcia and other areas.
And then separately, this article is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America.
This is the London Telegraph today.
In fact, can I have a document cam shot of this, boys, for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers?
The long-simmering clash between the world's two great powers is coming to a head with dangerous implications.
I want to cover this first with Tarpley before the internet stuff.
Because it all ties together.
Because all these governments are getting themselves ready for war.
Economic, you name it.
Is China's Politburo spoiling for a showdown with America?
Of course, Tarpley will say, no, it's the West trying to encircle China.
They're all a bunch of thugs, government scum run.
But the point is, there's no doubt that
This is happening.
The long-simmering clash between the world's two great powers is coming to a head, with dangerous implications for the international system.
Now, the last six months this has been simmering.
We've been talking about it with our expert guests, all agreeing that there's major battle lines, that the Iran situation in Pakistan is just set pieces into China.
Now listen to this article.
China has succumbed to hubris.
It has mistaken the soft diplomacy of Barack Obama for weakness, mistaken the U.S.
credit crisis for decline, and mistaken its own mercantilist bubble for ascendancy.
Oh, they admit it's mercantilism how we've been de-industrialized.
It was our big banking cartels that set the deal up.
Mercantilism, by design!
Not free trade, to ruin all their competition.
There are... I've never seen such an honest article by Ambrose Evans Pritchard, but it's not honest.
It's twisted to say that it's all China, but the information is somewhat accurate.
It has mistaken the soft diplomacy of Barack Obama for weakness, mistaken the U.S.
credit crisis for decline, and mistaken its own mercantilist bubble for a descendancy.
There are echoes of the Anglo-German spats before the First World War, when
Wilhelm Berlin so badly misjudged the strategic balance of power and overplayed its hand.
It's going to be really hard for them, yet again, to fudge on the obvious fact that China is manipulating without a credible threat.
We're not going to get anywhere, said Paul Krugman, this year's Nobel Economist.
And then it continues.
China's Premier Wen Jiabao, I'm sure I'm pronouncing that wrong, is defiant.
I don't think the yuan is undervalued.
We oppose countries pointing fingers at each other and even forcing a country to appreciate its currency, he said yesterday.
Once again, he demanded the U.S.
takes concrete steps to reverse
And reassure investors over the safety of U.S.
And then it goes on with them saying we're a police state.
How dare you say we're a police state in China?
And we've got Venezuela calling for Internet controls.
That's wrong.
But our government's actually putting it in place.
And the article goes on and on.
It's a very chilling story.
But it's not just China saying the banks are looting us.
It's Bloomberg and Moody saying we basically have already really lost our AAA rating, but it's still officially there.
So to talk about
The geopolitical state of the world, what we're steaming into, echoes of World War I, World War II, all the pieces lining up, the domestic police state clamping down ahead of the war.
What type of war is this?
Economic, military, a mix?
Webster, this is an amazing story from the London Telegraph.
Well, Ambrose Evans Pritchard, of course, is the voice of MI6 and British intelligence.
And that newspaper, that rag over there, the London Daily Telegraph, were of course pro-Hitler all through the 1930s.
They stuck with Hitler as long as they dared.
So, it's good that you remembered this, or recalled this question about the British rivalry with Germany before 1914.
When the British saw a rising industrial challenger, and of course their response to it was to attempt to play Russia and France against Germany, and the result of that is World War I, and the British found themselves dragged into it.
Now, the current situation of Britain is that they are bankrupt six ways to Sunday.
They are more bankrupt than Greece.
One of the reasons for attacking Greece is to relieve pressure not just on the dollar, but also on the British pound and the city of London in general.
And the metrics all show that they are much more debt per capita per citizen and the government than Greece.
And the rate of growth of British debt is also quicker.
So we're dealing now with the British establishment.
So their response to this kind of a crisis is to attempt to create tensions between Russia and the United States, but also, as you see, to attempt to get in between the United States and China and attempt to make that into a crisis, because the British right now are so desperate.
And I'm referring now to the ruling elite, because there are other forces that I'd like to refer to.
But they're so desperate that they feel the only way they can hang on is by the simultaneous ruin of all the other contenders, and everybody needs to know this, right?
The instinct of the British Foreign Office is divide and conquer, provoke conflict, get everybody else at each other's throats, right?
The BBC, bed, breakfast, and conflict.
They deal in conflict, and here they're trying to do it.
Now, the idea that there's a group in the Chinese Politburo that wants conflict is absolutely fantastic.
These people are meek bureaucrats!
Relatively speaking, who are attempting to avoid conflict.
And right now, that group of bureaucrats in the Politburo is paying the price for their bad decisions of the last 20 years.
Essentially, opening up to free trade to a significant degree.
Although, they've tried to use other people's free trade rather than their own.
Let's say their big crime is to pay lip service to free trade.
And above all, building up this huge amount of dollar assets.
Which are now a significant threat to them.
If they keep them, they will dwindle.
If they dump them, they will all crash.
I've recommended that China start using that money for capital investments inside the country.
Well, that's what they're doing, but let me stop you before we digress off into economics and what you think China should do.
What is the larger, from your perspective, program?
Why did the West invest almost everything in China, build them up, and then now double back and attack China for all the power they've got, when the CFR and others have said this century's the Chinese century?
I mean, is that...
I mean we know the British great game is to play powers off against each other and we know that they control a lot of our policy here and that we're joined at the hip of the Anglo-American Dutch system but I mean pulling away before we go off into light pebble reactors and monorail and I mean that's all
Right, which is where they should go and where we should go.
That's where they're going, and we're not.
But the point here is, the larger picture.
What was the method in the madness of moving the industrial base to China and now running around like chickens with their heads cut off about it?
The problem with this is that the finance oligarchy of London and Wall Street cannot plan the world.
They have no plan, and they think they have a plan, but their plan contains boomerangs.
Unintended consequences.
For example, the reason that they sent U.S.
industry to China is simple greed.
This vicious greed that they have.
It's the runaway shop.
The logic of the runaway shop is you fire your workers here and you send it to China where you pay 25 cents an hour or whatever it is.
But now the problem is that after 20 years of that, 30 years of that, since the days of Deng Xiaoping,
China has now become a significant power.
I would stress that the power of China is actually relative.
It has to do with the industrial collapse of the United States, the relative de-industrialization of the European Union, and so forth.
This makes the Chinese look like a big frog, you might say, in a small pond.
In reality, they have tremendous weaknesses.
They've got about, you know, one half of the country
Over 600 million, two-thirds of the country, perhaps, are essentially poverty-stricken peasants in the interior, feeling very, very resentful about what their government is doing.
But nevertheless, now, the Anglo-Americans, these wonderful guys who live from hand to mouth and are constantly obsessed with short-term speculative gain, they now realize that they're confronting a serious problem with China, that after all the era of the neocons and now the Obama-bots, the Chinese are getting thoroughly riled up.
Especially by this latest arrogance with Google.
Google is essentially an arm of the National Security Agency, right?
When Google attacks you, it's the National Security Agency, it's the U.S.
intelligence community.
It is them.
It's the rogue network running the show there.
So, Google is saying to China, we refuse to obey your laws.
Now, for the Chinese, this goes back to what are called the Unequal Treaties, right?
Since the British Opium Wars,
In 1840 to 1860, you had this stuff with treaty ports, in other words, foreigners had more rights in China than the Chinese did themselves.
And the Chinese society went through a tremendous breakdown crisis.
Now you get NSA, Google, acting in the way of a 19th century imperialist saying, we demand immunity from your laws, we demand extraterritorial treatment, how dare you attack us?
And of course, the hypocrisy is
Which is the same thing that the global corporations do in the West.
They're all above the law, and we're being colonized and broken up into 10-12 parts just like China was.
These are corporate fiefdoms.
But the Chinese have the advantage of seeing this as a foreign attack, and there's a huge nationalist movement in China, which is a problem for the government.
Now I know, anti-New World Order stuff's really hot there, the best-selling books are about the banking cartel, the New World Order.
So, are the communists turning against the people that put them in power?
Are they even communists?
We'll be right back with Webster Tarpley.
We know the banks are the ultimate communists.
We'll be right back.
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We're good.
We're good.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress.
And they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us, as American citizens, to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty, and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C.,
We have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got phone calls coming up in the next segment with Webster Griffin Tarbley.
I'm Alex Jones, 1-800-259-9231.
Ladies and gentlemen, here is the secret.
You can go up to Infowars.com.
We have links to this document.
intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks and they were sent the secret NOFORN 32 page U.S.
counterintelligence manual and this is from February 2008.
And they describe the internet as an enemy weapons platform, as WikiLeaks, a terrorist group, insurgents.
It says an online reference to foreign intelligence services insurgents or terror groups.
And this is up on WikiLeaks.
Now, what has WikiLeaks been releasing?
Two weeks ago, it came out in Utah that the Pentagon was watching U.S.
citizens in non-terror-related cases.
WikiLeaks got documents, they confirmed they're real.
WikiLeaks put out the White House memo, the Downing Street memo, that was released by MI6, where Bush was, you know, in there, we gotta fix the intelligence, we gotta lie about WMDs.
Uh, it's come out that Dick Cheney wanted to blow up U.S.
ships and blame it on Iran.
They hate this site.
There's a lot of others that are doing it as well.
But I noticed in New Zealand, when they started banning sites to let people scream bloody murder, it was Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, Wikileaks, and we don't even post these documents.
That's not, I'm not getting into those waters.
Well, we support those that do if it's exposing crime.
And they're now saying that it's a weapons system.
Here's the BBC.
US plans to fight the net revealed.
And they're openly saying that they're building all these NSA centers to spy on everything the American people do without warrants.
And we've got Cash Sunstein saying, get rid of the free internet.
We have Wired Magazine headlines, cyber security ends open internet.
Webster, I think people need to realize this is really happening.
They're really preparing to censor the web.
The desire of totalitarian figures like Cass Sunstein to impose what used to be called prior restraint.
In other words, they would like to censor what you put up there before you can put it up.
And of course, prior restraint is totally alien to the American tradition.
But the other side of it, of course, is cyber warfare.
And I think this is maybe worth pointing out.
You covered, of course, the CNN two-hour special featuring all these 9-11
Uh, heavyweights and plug uglies, uh, a couple of weeks ago, which was the simulation of this big attack on the United States coming from Russia, China, and Sudan that eventually shut down the entire electrical system.
Uh, I think there's a, there's a group in the, in the Pentagon and the think tanks, and I'm looking especially at Yoda, Andrew Marshall at the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, the guy who actually controls the Pentagon Defense Science Board from, from behind the scenes.
And they're gearing up for cyber hysteria, cyber warfare, and I think they have four things in mind.
The first is total exaggeration of what can be done, right?
They say, oh, a telephone virus can shut down the telephone system, you can shut down the airports, you can shut down the trains, you can shut down the power systems.
As far as I can see, this is baloney, malarkey.
It has never been done.
And the sources for the idea that it could be done are the CIA on one side and the Wall Street Journal on the other.
So the worst of the rogue network and the worst of the Wall Street gang.
So I think people have got to realize this idea that you can, you know, sabotage a nuclear reactor from afar with a virus through a computer is probably in the same league with Saddam's weapons of mass destruction or Tony Blair saying Iraq can strike London within 45 minutes.
We remember all of this fantastic stuff.
The other thing they try to do is to take the language of the Cold War and the language of nuclear confrontation and translate that into this new cyber jargon, right, of the computer age.
Remember, deterrence, retaliation, first strike, second strike, counter value, counter force, all this stuff.
They now translate that into computer talk.
So that you can think about this, right?
And they're attempting to educate the public in the idea that this is possible, which, again, I think it's actually not.
And again, why would regional power grids be hooked to the internet?
Why would nuclear reactors be hooked to the internet?
I mean, obviously it's made up, it's exaggerated.
That's admitted for anyone that knows any basics of computers.
My IT guys say this is a complete joke.
But why would they, and clearly they're gearing up to launch a false flag against themselves right as they're trying to pass the cyber security takeover in the Senate.
I would actually call this virtual flag terrorism.
This is the expression that I've tried to coin.
Virtual flag terrorism.
Because look at this wonderful advantage.
Something happens, you can blame Russia and China, and how is anybody going to say, no, it's a lie, no, it's not true?
They'll say, the NSA has determined that this crash in the DC subway was actually caused from Beijing, or Moscow, or... They can take a regular train derailment, or a regular power outage, and say that Americans did it, or Communists did it, or the Keebler Elves did it, or the Brain Bug did it.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We'll go back to Webster here in just a moment and then to some of your phone calls.
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Okay, moving quick now.
Webster, this is not just you saying this.
It's Wall Street Journal.
It's Wired Magazine.
We've got the bill.
We've got the White House saying they want to censor the Internet, attack U.S.
websites, censor people, force everybody onto a new Internet 2, where according to the new rules, it's a private corporate system that the government pays for with tax money, and they say, oh, you can have the old Internet that doesn't work anymore, but if you're on the new Web, well,
There's all these rules.
You've got to have a sub-website on a larger domain.
Continuing, clearly I've been saying I believe there's going to be a virtual flag attack.
I've called it a fake false flag internet attack.
Great term you've coined.
A virtual flag attack.
And it looks like they're really
Again, going hard and heavy with the pre-conditioning that they're the good guys, it's gonna come, they've gotta take all your rights, everybody who has a website's gotta be certified, anybody in IT's gotta be certified.
It talks about youth corps in high school and college recruiting them to just have hundreds of thousands working for the feds.
I mean, this is declaring war on the internet.
We've been saying that for years, but here's the BBC.
plans to fight the net revealed.
Webster Tarpley.
Bottom line, where's this going?
Well, if you notice, the cast of characters, the cast of enemies and targets that come with this whole new thing, is now different in that CNN special
Somebody at some point brings up the question, is this Bin Laden, is this Al Qaeda?
And they practically laugh him out of the room.
They respond with brusque dismissal, even scorn, right?
How could they do that?
That's a bunch of guys who live in caves, right?
According to the well-known myth.
Well, of course, that was always the problem with the 9-11 story, but now it's different.
It's China, Russia, Sudan are the three
And so we've got to take your web freedom to save you from shadowy Ruskies.
Right, but they're also looking for conflict.
In other words, it's an area of confrontation which they think they can do.
In other words, with nuclear war, of course, it's unthinkable.
You can get your head blown off.
But I think the idea of spreading it, Booz Allen Hamilton and the National Security Agency,
And in this Defense Science Board and the Office of Net Assessment of Yoda in the Pentagon, this is something you can do.
It's not unthinkable.
It's going on all the time.
And you can blame anybody you want, right?
Google blames China.
Where's the proof?
There is no proof.
China denies it.
So how do we know?
So you can essentially attack yourself.
You can shut down your own nuclear reactor or airport and then say, oh, that was Moscow.
That was Beijing.
And again, Bush's cyber security bill two years ago that Obama's ramming through.
Headline, should Obama control the net?
Mother Jones.
It's designed for them to shut the web off and they're saying we may have to shut the internet down to save you right at the time when the internet is fully unmasking the bankers.
Right, and Obama personally kicked this off last May with a speech where he said, I haven't revealed this yet.
But my own websites, my campaign websites, were attacked by hackers during the election campaign.
And I had to go to the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA.
So, in a certain sense, you can say the Obama websites, right?
All of those famous websites that he has, and still has.
Uh, that these are essentially under the aegis of the National Security Agency and some of these consultants.
So it's an absolute mess and people need to fight back.
You have to remember, the First Amendment lives through us.
The First Amendment, use it or lose it.
So use your rights before somebody comes and takes it away.
I would say more broadly, the impetus towards police states and dictatorships comes from the economic realm.
In other words, it's the economic breakdown crisis that allows governments to think that they can take people's rights away.
Okay, Webster, that's my next issue.
I want to get in with you before we...
I want to have you cover that before the show's over here.
But I want to go to some calls now because I always forget and never go to them.
So we're going to take five calls quickly and then we're going to look at the economic realm.
Everything you talked about now coming true in spades.
move closer to losing rating.
Moody's says Bloomberg.
Now, what does that mean for a layperson out there?
What does the death of the dollar mean?
But the globalists are saying they're going to have a coordinated G20, G24, there's really 24 members at these meetings, devaluation of currencies
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
My question has to do specifically with the current status of the dollar bill.
We were informed by alleged moles of the Bilderberg Group back in 08
That they were not going to drop a dollar until the GDP and the economy rose to the same levels of a decade prior.
We know now that we're well above that.
We're well 2% over where we were a decade ago.
Excuse me.
Now, do you believe that they're just tooting their own horn?
Or are they waiting for more people to try and invest and waste their money?
Okay, so this question goes to the bigger issue.
Webster, bottom line, what is their plan?
We see about a new global constitution of the banks.
They're going to save us from the crisis.
They've created now MSNBC saying double dip recession, double dip housing market.
The banks need more money, more power to save us.
What's actually going on is this attack on the Euro.
In other words, people, they don't seem to be giving up on the dollar in the sense that this Bilderberg plan, whatever this was, might suggest.
What you see is Soros, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, the market, in other words, the main finance oligarchs of Wall Street, attacking the Euro by means of Greece, the Greek government bond, by means of Spain, Portugal, Ireland, ultimately Italy.
And this is an attack really on Germany, which is the heart of the European Union.
So the reason they're doing that, of course, is they've got a situation where they can make it look like the euro is collapsing faster than the dollar in this general context of a world economic depression of unimaginable proportions and a bottomless
So they don't seem to give up.
And in the meantime, they're making money by speculating against the euro, and they're attempting again to prop up the dollar, and prop up the pound, because the pound is also the thickest currency in Europe.
Now, there is a backlash against some of this stuff, and you have people inside the European Union who are saying, ban hedge funds, and also in a very interesting move, ban credit default swaps.
We're good to go.
And that will take a protectionist or mercantilist form compared to the free trade, which has been practiced so far.
The fact is, we're in a depression.
It's getting worse.
The second round of the depression, the second wave of the depression, I think is likely to arrive this year.
And that's going to have to do with these sovereign bankruptcies, right?
That certain countries can be driven into bankruptcy.
But remember, who's doing this?
Soros, hedge funds.
And banks.
In other words, it's a situation where the financial community has declared war on the nation-state.
And I think the nation-state is a better deal than the hedge funds and the bankers.
So, I would say it's better for the nation-state to put JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs into bankruptcy than to let them bankrupt the U.S.
Because that's what it comes down to.
Let's take another call here.
Let's talk to Rocco in North Carolina.
You're on the air.
Hey, two questions.
When we talk about China, my impression was that China was under the complete control, direct control of the New World Order.
That's why they had a secret security council.
I think this is always an illusion.
The idea that Russia and China are integral parts of something called the New World Order, I think is simply wrong.
It comes from, I think, from not knowing much about these countries.
Well, let me stop you for a minute, Webster.
I want to hear what you have to say on this, but let me be clear.
The West, the British and others, clearly, it's part of the historical record, funded a lot of the Bolsheviks.
Then, once Lenin got out of there, Stalin ran Trotsky out, so the West turned against him.
We know Putin did arrest a bunch of the oligarchs when he was vice president and then president, and it was all over the news that Rothschilds and Rockefellers were the real owners.
That came out in, like, the Times of London.
We know China did sign deals with the U.S.
in the 70s to set up the eugenics, one-child policy and all this.
So we know they did deals with them, but still, in any mafia situation, you're going to have different families in the system fighting with each other.
We've had Russia and China call for their own New World Order.
And I'm sure if they were in the position of the British, they would have tried some of the same systems.
So there's certainly collusion at points, but it's like a group of pirate ships in an armada out robbing people.
You are going to have different historical shifts and changes.
But no, this whole system isn't one monolith, but the management system of the technocracy is the same art form.
You go through phases.
You can say in the 1990s, when you had Yeltsin in Moscow, he was a U.S.
When you had Jiang Zemin in Beijing, this is somebody who wants globalization, he wants to work with the U.S.
and the British.
Now you have Putin, I think behind the scenes still, who is a Russian nationalist who says, no, we are not the colony in the plantation of the U.S.
and the British.
And you've got this Youth League faction in China.
Well, let me stop you again.
That's key, because Putin's got a lot of problems, and Russia does all sorts of serious things I don't agree with, but the Russian government pays people to have children because their population is dying.
It's the only Western country trying to reverse the death of the West.
So, it's clear that Russia is breaking with the eugenicist.
Yes, and of course the question is, there are factions.
There's a pro-British faction, there's a monetarist faction inside Russia, and similarly in China.
The Shanghai Mafia, the Jiang Zemin faction, thinks they're going to take over the presidency with this guy Xi, that's X-I, right?
That's the guy who's supposed to be the next
So the Russian-Chinese split is baloney?
Well, again, you've got the British in there, and of course the U.S.
and the CIA are trying to do everything they can to divide and conquer, and that's the first place.
The dream scenario for Brzezinski is that you could have a war between Russia and China.
That would be the acme of Brzezinski's achievement, and that's very widely shared.
A report from the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon through the Hudson Institute, which talks about the Great Siberian War of the year 2030, which is precisely that, Russia against China.
So there's a whole crew of kooks in the Pentagon and the Foreign Office who think that that's possible.
But I would warn people, the idea
You're saying that's more of a...
Long-term integration fantasy of Brzezinski and Kissinger, but certainly China has adopted the centralization of the UN and the whole eugenical system.
Russia, more than China, has been rebuking and exposing global warming as a fraud.
If you look at the Copenhagen conference,
The resistance against global warming was led by Premier Wen.
Now, he did it in a typical Chinese way.
He did it in this indirect, you could call it an inscrutable strategy.
But using Sudan and using some third world countries, it was essentially in Copenhagen, it was Obama against Wen to see if they could impose this carbon dictatorship.
And the answer was no.
In other words, when it came out on top, the Prime Minister of China vanquished Obama, and he did a service to the world.
So, they are not included in this planning.
Unfortunately, they paid lip service to a lot of these things.
The Chinese pay lip service to free trade, even though they don't practice it, they have good sense.
They pay lip service to this carbon global warming stuff.
They're not in a strong ideological position, but they still... Let's move on.
Let's move on to some more calls.
Good points, Webster.
Adam in Canada, you're on the air.
Yeah, hello?
Yeah, come on, you're on the air worldwide, sir.
Yeah, I just wondered what you had to say about state banks, like the one in North Dakota, and initiatives right now to establish them in Oregon, Vermont, and especially in Florida, where Dr. Farid Khabari has this idea of a zero-cost economy.
Yeah, that's a good idea I've seen with state banks, some real state banks set up in the last hundred years that give people really low-cost credit and aren't part of the private banking cartel.
Look, the state bank is a fine thing, but it's a little thing.
It's a marginal difference.
North Dakota
I guess has low unemployment, because if you're unemployed in North Dakota, you leave.
There are very few people left in North Dakota.
So North Dakota is a very bad example.
But on the other hand, it's fine if you're going to do this along the way, but don't think this is going to cause an economic recovery.
Much better in my view, and right now the subject of a big world movement is the Tobin Tax.
It's called the Robin Hood Tax now, in Britain.
In the Labor Party and the trade union, there are a bunch of people who realize that they're doomed unless they get some left populist cover.
Webster, we gotta go to break, but I gotta say this.
Webster, the UN's been pushing the Tobin tanks, the bigger... Hold on.
Which kind?
The Tobin Tax of the U.N.
and Sarkozy is let's have a tax globally run by the U.N.
and the money goes to the International Monetary Fund.
Obviously not.
But inside Europe, you've got people going with the Robin Hood Tax, the Financial Transaction Tax.
That's what I was about to say.
Okay, stay there.
We're going to come back after the break with Webster Griffin Tarbley as we cover a wide range of subjects.
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I've been listening to Bloomberg Radio and watching CNBC.
They go, oh, there's calls for a tax on banks.
And what it is is a tax on all banks that's then passed on to customers.
You have a tax on Goldman Sachs, others, the top predatory class.
How about we just remove the Federal Reserve, give it back to Congress?
How about we slash taxes?
That increases the receipts that come in, the tax money.
The system knows this.
Kennedy cut taxes by 50%, and guess what happened?
Tax money coming in doubled.
The banks don't want that.
They want stagnation.
They want austerity.
They want you bankrupt.
They want the land.
They want the companies.
They openly have financed the phony Green Revolution to destroy our industrialized society.
It's the fake banking parasite system waging war on the real economy and Main Street.
So, Webster, you're saying have nationalist taxes on the banks.
The problem is if you don't remove them as criminals, they'll just engage in economic terrorism.
I say, tax Goldman Sachs.
Slap a tax on Goldman Sachs.
Call it a Tobin tax, a Wall Street sales tax, securities transfer tax, sales tax on them, whatever you want to call it.
If you're in California, or New York, or Illinois, or New Jersey, or Virginia, you've got to advocate a state-level Wall Street sales tax.
For example, if California doesn't do this,
They're going to be bankrupt this year, and Goldman Sachs will be attacking them and Soros and all of those hedge funds.
So the only question now is, will you tax Goldman?
And JPMorgan.
And it's on their speculative turnover.
It's not on banks per se.
It's on speculative turnover, mainly derivatives.
No, I know.
I was talking about their proposing a tax that the government grabs that they then give themselves.
And I totally agree with you.
We've got to bring them to justice.
There's going to be a tax on financial turnover.
It's the only flow of money in the world that's not taxed.
People pay between 6 and 11 percent on shoes for their kid.
But, the bankers, they do flash trading thousands of times a second, they pay zero!
And now all these states, they want this tax!
And now all the states are starting to pass sales taxes on food!
I mean, we can't have milk for... That's awful!
That's regressive taxation!
This is what you cannot have!
Anyway, you have to break the power of Wall Street somehow!
And here's what it's gonna be!
Everybody thought the British Labour Party under Gordon Brown was dead, right?
New Labour!
Now you've got this bunch of people, the Labour left in effect, is going for the Robin Hood tax.
If the Conservatives, the Tories in Britain, are going to get defeated in an election that's going to be held now in 4, 6, 8 weeks at the most, this spring, then that will kick over into the United States and all the desperate Democrats and other desperados
We'll say, alright, I gotta get some populist street creds, I'm gonna go with the tax the banks, Tobin tax, and that will bring the issue into the United States.
See, they have what we don't have.
They have organizations.
They have the trade union congress, right?
The Germans have the DGB trade unions.
We don't have any of that.
We're completely atomized.
So the only way this kind of thing could come into the U.S.
is basically from abroad, and Britain is the best place for this to start.
So everybody is over there, the Archbishop of Canterbury is for it, the Guardian is for it, the unions are for it, and this group of people in labor, but also the Liberal Democrats, this third party, and there are selected conservatives.
But Webster, here's the reason they're for it.
We don't need to call it a Tobin tax because they're going to end up with the global and regional Tobin tax bait-and-switch.
They'll have the banks come out and say they're not for it when they're for it.
We won't get a national tax on them, we'll get their global system.
So we've got to watch out for that happening.
I don't trust any... Take a look at the article on my website tarpley.net.
And then take a look at this Robin Hood tax.
There's this British actor, Bill Nye, and they have a dramatization of this fat cat in the city of London who has to admit that there's no reason why such a tax should not be levied.
Okay, Webster, we're out of time.
The show's over.
I want to say bye to you, though, so don't hang up.
I want to talk to you about a couple of things.
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