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Filename: 20100211_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 11, 2010
3296 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
It is Thursday, February 11th.
I am Jason Vermas, sitting in for Alex Jones, who is out on assignment at the moment.
Now, I had originally planned to open the show with all of the record-breaking snowfall and all of the latest Climategate scandals.
I have a full stack in my hands right now.
Climate makes money move in mysterious ways.
New Errors in IPCC Climate Change Report, Climate Change Research Bungle, The Great Global Warming Collapse, and much more.
Again, record-breaking snowfall in places like Baltimore, D.C., Chicago.
That's what I was going to open up with.
However, I post on my Facebook, hey, I'm going to be sitting in for Alex Jones today.
I hope everybody tunes in.
What do I get back?
Glenn Beck has Debra Medina on today.
Now we're going to have Richard Reeves in studio for the final hour and a half, host of Frontline Texas, local activist, great guy, backing Medina to the hilt.
We are trying to get somebody who believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights into the governorship of Texas.
Now she goes on Glenn Beck's radio show today, today, in the last hour, and hopefully we're going to play some of these clips.
And Glenn Beck is on the attack.
He is like a rabid dog.
He immediately goes after Medina for being associated with what?
9-11 truth.
See, you're not allowed to tell the truth about 9-11 when you're on Glenn Beck's program.
Then he goes on to say that he's not impressed with her.
The best he did was admit that the race is now between Medina and Perry and that Hutchinson doesn't seem to have much of a chance.
Now we know that mainstream press, and this is phenomenal.
This is something we have not seen.
Mainstream press is saying, yes, Medina is winning the debates.
Yes, Medina is gaining in the polls.
Letting us know that she has a shot.
She can win this thing.
If we get behind her, we go full force, she can win this thing.
But then talking heads like Glenn Beck, who have hijacked, hijacked the Tea Party movement, the Constitutionalist movement, those who believe in the Bill of Rights, goes out to his brainwashed audience and says, don't vote for this woman.
I'm not impressed with her.
So if you can't tell that this guy is a snake in the grass, and he is playing off of everything that is out at Info Wars and Prison Planet, and spinning it in a manner that's more mainline, meant to make the yuppies feel more comfortable, the people sitting at home, oh I like Glenn Beck, he's gonna help us.
He was at one of those tea parties I was at, couldn't you tell?
I could see the glimmer in his eye, he does a stage show, you know?
He believes in the Constitution.
And then I'm on mainline radio, like driving home at like 1.30 in the morning, and they're talking about how Glenn Beck is the most shocking thing on television, and Bill O'Reilly is the most shocking thing on television.
These people are so mainline, it turns my stomach.
They're for the war!
They've been for the war!
They're not going to hold the President accountable to what he said when he said he was going to bring the troops home.
They don't care about that.
No, they're going to go after the financial issues that divide people along lines of being a conservative or a liberal, right or left, Republican or Democrat, keeping you in the box so you can't break free and say, you know what, let's get an independent in office.
What a radical idea!
Let's get somebody who is not totally embedded with special interests.
Let's do that!
Can you imagine?
And we can do that.
We're on the verge of doing that.
The establishment sees we're on the verge of doing that.
They've seen it done before with people like Jesse Ventura getting the governorship in Minnesota, and now they're scared to death.
So what do they do?
They sick their attack dog, Glenn Beck, on Deborah Medina.
Well, I got news for you.
It ain't gonna work.
Texans know what's up.
And they're going Medina.
We're going to come back.
We're going to cover a whole list of other news, including this routers photographer imprisoned for 18 months with no charges released.
Back after this, it's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess sitting in.
I want to remind everybody, earlier in the week we launched the first ever InfoWars iPhone application.
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Don't go to the imitators, folks.
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Now it's time to call up your neighbor with an iPhone and say, hey, you can now listen to Alex Jones live anytime you want.
The four-hour stream repeats and repeats and repeats, so whether it's three in the morning or three in the afternoon, you plug this thing into your 3.5 jack in your car and you can listen to Alex Jones for free.
Get the real news, what's really going on, reading in between the lines, going over the stories that are on page 17C.
The important things that are hidden in the background, as they feed you a buffet of lies, you literally have to search for the crumbs of truth.
Well, we expose the crumbs of truth every day on this program.
And getting back to this Tea Party movement, this hijacking of well-meaning constitutionalists out there, people that are trying to do something good for the country, people that believe in the Founding Fathers, people believe in the principles of smaller government.
And human rights, real human rights, not the kind of human rights the UN says that you're granted under their authority.
God-given human rights.
The right to be secure in your person and property.
The right to keep big government out of your life.
The right not to be taxed to death.
And we're going to get on the tax front because the things that Obama is saying.
Obama agnostic on deficit cuts and tax increases.
President Obama said he was agnostic about raising taxes on households making less than $250,000 a year as part of a broad effort to rein in the budget deficit.
Do you understand?
They gave out $27 trillion and now Obama is agnostic.
On taxing those making less than a quarter million dollars a year in their homes.
A quarter million ain't what it used to be, folks.
You got a wife, you got two or three kids, you got two cars, you got a mortgage payment.
$250,000 before taxes quickly, quickly turns into about $150,000, $175,000 before any expenses.
And they will expense you like no other.
But again, getting back to the Tea Party movement and Sarah Palin in particular.
Now, the big stories, oh, she wrote on her hand, she's just like everybody else.
She needs to cheat too.
What does it say about America when we look up to leaders who are cheating in the open?
Do we like this kind of behavior?
Is that what we've become?
A nation of consumers and cheaters?
So obsessed with things like the iPad, that nothing else matters?
That trinket toys are more important than our families, our friends, our livelihood?
The state of the nation?
And I've got proof of that in my stack!
You know, I just talked about that 27 trillion dollars.
Let that sink in!
27 trillion dollars!
And again, they give the crumbs to the public.
$350,000 of the stimulus package went to Polk County, a little school district.
What did Polk County do with their $350,000?
Let me tell you what they did.
They bought iPads, or not iPads, iPods for the kids' parents!
Oh, that's a great way to spend $350,000 for education.
iPods for the kids' parents.
I can't make this stuff up.
Polk School District to give iPods to some parents.
The Polk County School District is giving away iPods to some parents.
The school district is using the device to reward parents of children with disabilities who fill out a 10-minute online survey.
The district wants to know how well it's connecting with parents and how the parents get involved in their children's education.
So let's give them an iPod.
How about a phone call?
How about a meeting?
How about the teacher getting together with the parent and the student who has this learning disability?
How about not just spending a bunch of money on iPods?
And again, it's crumbs, $350,000.
That's laughable in comparison to what the bankers have stolen.
Giving each other hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses, sometimes billions in bonuses.
Because most of us can't even wrap our heads around what $27 trillion really is.
And that is an old number.
That is an old number.
Let me repeat that.
Who knows?
We could be up to $35-40 trillion by now.
They're not going to tell us the truth anyway.
We know this.
We know this.
The emails from AIG and Tim Geithner have leaked.
We know it.
We know they were instructed, almost under the National Security Act, not to tell where the money went.
And then you got hacks like Jim Cramer getting up on his CNBC show saying, you know what?
As a commentator, I should be able to say this.
I'm going to say it.
The Bavarian Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission, Lehman Brothers, and the Queen of England aren't all bad.
And his little correspondent next to him is in such shock that he just let this bomb drop.
First of all, the Bavarian Illuminati supposedly doesn't exist.
The Trilateral Commission doesn't have any power.
The Queen is a figurehead.
And Lehman Brothers must not exist either.
I mean, that's the main line talking point.
These are things you're not supposed to be concerned about, but then all of a sudden you have this guy step up and say, not only are they the power structure, but they're good.
They're so good.
And the woman standing next to him goes, wow, and then just immediately moves on.
Does not want to discuss what her boss just talked about.
But we do need to discuss it.
We do need to talk about how our country is being hijacked by these phonies.
And Sarah Palin, folks, is one of these phonies.
Now, off of CNN, they just recently did a poll, and 71% of the public says the former Alaska governor is not qualified to serve in the White House.
Absolutely not qualified.
Let me repeat that.
She is not qualified to be the next president of the United States, vice president of the United States.
I don't think she could have a cabinet position.
She sounds like Mrs. Pearl from the Hogan family.
And because America is so TV obsessed and pop culture obsessed, they see a pretty face with an accent that's willing to go on Saturday Night Live and we love her.
But it's all an illusion.
When 71% still say that she's not fit to hold office, you know the hype machine is at work trying to pump her into your psyche as the next big thing.
And obviously their target audience are mainline Republicans and conservatives.
And those who have woken up somewhat to the pseudo-fascist state that we live under.
Again, it's not about the Obama administration.
It's not about the first Bush administration, the second Bush administration, the Clinton administration.
They're all in lockstep with one another.
Gradually, through incrementalism, they have marched toward a global government.
That's what this Copenhagen Treaty was all about!
Have we forgotten what they tried to put on paper?
Have we forgotten that they actually signed a three-page accord that was so broad that it did actually, in fact, create a high-level global panel that they want to use again to launch their global government?
That actually happened!
You know, they didn't get the 185 nations to sign on to it like they wanted to, but they got some of the big players in there.
And by the way, I had to get to this.
China is now coming up and saying that the whole thing was a scam.
Now, I'm not in love with China, folks.
In fact, I'm one of its biggest critics.
I was thoroughly horrified and disgusted this year
When, on the 60th anniversary of the Mao Communist Chinese regime, the Mao regime, we decided it would be a good idea to light the Empire State Building up in China's colors.
Horrified and disgusted, couldn't believe my nation had fallen in such a manner, but it did.
But I have got to look at this, not everybody in China is bad.
And this is out of the Guardian, you're probably not going to see this in the US press, but for some reason,
The United Kingdom, London, they're talking about the climate change scandal.
China fears of rich nation climate conspiracy at Copenhagen revealed.
Conspiracy to divide developing world will make future talks harder, says leaked government report.
I can't even pronounce this guy's name, but I'm going to try.
At the UN talks in Copenhagen December 2009, it said recently that rich nations were completely trying to make conflict among developing countries.
Rich nations furthered their conspiracy to divide the developing world at December's UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen.
While Canada connived and the EU acted to please the United States, according to an internal document from Chinese government think tank obtained by The Guardian.
The document, which was written in the immediate aftermath of Copenhagen, but has now only come to life, provides the most candid insight yet into Chinese thinking on the fraught summit.
It was unprecedented for a conference negotiating process to be so complicated, for the arguments to be so intense, for the disputers to be so wide, and the progress to be so slow.
Notes the special report.
Well, it wasn't about saving the planet!
That is the front!
That is the cover!
The planet is okay!
And you know, I'm pretty agnostic out there, but if there is a God, boy did he come through this year.
Just as they're about to pass this nightmarish legislation, this global government takeover in Copenhagen, what happens?
The emails of Phil Jones, Michael Mann, and the rest of the UN stooges leaks online.
An insider, a hacker, someone released them.
And these things are the death blow.
You know, I'm covering some of this in my upcoming film, Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined.
Be out March 30th.
And one of the emails from Phil Jones clearly states, clearly states, how would the scientific community embrace me if I were to report that the Earth has actually been cooling for the last seven years?
2005, they knew!
This is in 2005.
He says it's been cooling since 1998, but that's not statistically significant.
And then they dump all the raw data so no one can look at it.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this.
Go check us out over at Infowars.com and streaming live video, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
Tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
We're watching online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas, sitting in while Alex is out on assignment.
We were just hitting up the Tea Party movement, talking about how Palin and others have really come in and hijacked this thing.
Look, if they're giving Palin a show on Fox News, if she's being courted by Rupert Murdoch,
If you can see the literal talking points on her hand, which is totally staged, folks.
She could have been more incognito than putting it on her hand.
She did that on purpose so she would get press for it.
And there is a long way to go before 2012, but let's say she doesn't even run in 2012.
What they'll do is they will capitalize on her current popularity to try to hijack elections locally like the one in Texas.
I'm for Rick Perry.
I like Rick.
He's good for Texas.
We're letting those fat cats in Washington know when Rick Perry gets elected that we're not going to stand for it.
He is total establishment.
He's been to the Bilderberg Group!
He's mainline!
He could be groomed to be one of the next Presidents of the United States!
This guy is Bad News Brown!
He's not for the little guy!
He's not for the people!
He is the Washington fat cat!
That's the reality!
That's the truth!
And that's why it's so important, so important, that we put all of our energy behind a real candidate!
Like Debra Medina, who Glenn Beck attempted to tear down today on his little PSYOP program.
And we're going to play those clips coming up.
But finishing up on these tea parties, it kind of disgusted me yesterday when I got an email, hey man, I can't believe this, but Marvel Comics, who's teamed up with the UN in a couple, like two, three years ago, they teamed up with the UN in 07, I forget what month it was.
To promote global government!
In fact, you know, print that article off for me, Marvel teams up with United Nations, I'd like to read that one on the air.
So what is Marvel doing now?
They're demonizing the Tea Parties!
And they're doing so through Captain America!
Let me repeat that, through Captain America!
The comic book icon that fought Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during World War II.
For those people that aren't comic book geeks out there, well, even people who aren't, I mean, the older generation knows what I'm talking about.
Captain America!
Stands for good!
And Captain America is on a recon mission, of course with his black friend.
And they are doing surveillance of what?
Because you're guilty until proven innocent in this country now.
The tea parties.
They are surveilling the tea parties.
They are surveilling anti-war protests.
They are taking your information.
You are on subversive lists.
They are taking it over the top in places like South Carolina where you're supposed to register as a subversive.
What the hell is that?
What is a subversive?
Someone who doesn't agree with the mainline way of thinking now has to register?
You make me sick.
So Captain America is on recon with his black friend.
And, of course, they show a crowd shot.
Everybody's white.
See, you're not allowed to be black or Latino.
You have to be Anglo-American to be for the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to be for the Tea Parties.
Again, give me a break.
I went to a couple of these Tea Parties.
I went before they hijacked them, and I gotta tell you, it wasn't all white people, folks.
There are plenty of people out there with different colored skin who do believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I can't believe it, but it's true.
So in this comic book, they try to polarize everybody.
Captain America thinks it's racist, so it must be racist.
Because the black guy talks to Captain America, he's like, why are these people doing this?
They're racist!
Why are you doing this to us, Marvel?
Well, they're not the good guys, folks, and you need to be totally and completely aware of their propaganda.
They've got their own film studio out there right now.
And they're about to put together an Avengers movie.
And who are the Avengers going to be working with?
The United Nations.
They always like to put global government in a positive light.
Same thing with the G.I.
Joe movie this year.
The United Nations is here to help.
That's why you have Model UN all across the country.
This is the vehicle
For which they want to launch a global government.
That's why the UN headed up these Copenhagen climate talks.
Nothing to do with climate change.
And they want it both ways.
I'm seeing headlines out of the New York Times, out of Yahoo News, that we're having these snowstorms.
Because of global warming.
If there weren't snowstorms, it'd be because of global warming.
But now we're having snowstorms because of global warming.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma setting in.
PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us, as American citizens, to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
A criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty, and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We are back live!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in while Alex is out on assignment.
We're gonna shift gears right now from the Tea Party movement into cyber security.
What is cyber security, Jason?
Well, let me tell you what it is.
It is the complete takeover of the web.
And I know most of you are too busy to actually read the bill.
Let me tell you about this bill, okay?
This bill
Is a nightmare.
It is total and complete internet control.
It is putting the Federal Communications Committee, the FCC, who are already demons in my eyes.
I mean, they've gone after talk radio, they've gone after television.
They are really the boundary of the establishment.
If anybody goes outside of those boundaries, the FCC steps in.
No, no, no, no, no.
You can't go on the airwaves with that.
And then you're censored.
So they're going to put the FCC in control of this new internet.
What else are they going to do?
Well, in this bill, they're also going to set up, believe it or not, a scholarship program.
For students K-12.
Let me repeat that for you.
Students K-12.
Because they're going to start monitoring all of your internet activity.
And this is in Section 12, Federal Cyber Scholarship for Service Program.
Now what is this?
Well, they're trying to recruit and train, quote-unquote, the next generation of federal information technology workers and security managers.
Security managers!
They are training the children to get hooked into a slave type of internet and become tattletales on those who don't abide by the rules.
That's why we have all this talk of cyberbullying and white papers by Cass Sunstein saying we have to go after 9-11 truth groups.
And that paper is just over the top.
I've read that one on air before.
Oh my God.
So in Section 12, Subsection 4, we shall provide a procedure for identifying promising K-12 students for participation in summer work and internship programs that would lead, because you're going to need this, to certification of Federal Information Technology Workforce Standards and possible future employment.
So right off the bat, they're letting you know, if you're going to be working with the Internet in the future,
You will need to be certified!
By the Federal Information Technology Workforce Standards.
And who are they putting in charge of this whole thing?
The National Institute of Standards and Technology!
The main conspirators in covering up what happened at World Trade Center 1, World Trade Center 2, and World Trade Center Building 7.
NIST is in charge, a criminal organization hell-bent on lying to the American people.
That's what's in this bill.
Over 400 congressmen voted for this thing.
How many of them you think actually read it?
Maybe less?
Count them, one, two, three, four, five dissenting votes!
Five people said no.
Ron Paul among them.
And when I last checked, you can go to the Open Congress page, and this was on Sunday, it's probably much worse now, but over 2,000 people had rung in and said, no, we don't want this!
6% of those 2,000 people were for this bill.
So how does a Congress
A 400-plus voting for it represent the American people.
It doesn't!
They don't represent us!
They are not here for me and you.
It is not a government for and by the people anymore, folks.
And you can see that with the recent 5-4, because it's always 5-4, Supreme Court decision that said, oh yeah, special interests can just give up as much money as they want.
They can buy off our politicians.
We love it.
It's great.
Let's go to some other provisions in this bill.
It's going to build new protocols to enable the Internet to have robust security as one of the key capabilities.
All software will be streamlined through the government and pre-approved.
No more open source.
No more open source Internet.
And by the way, today, I also have in my stack that Google is going to launch their own Internet.
Now, anybody who listens to this program knows that Google is HEAVILY, HEAVILY intertwined with the National Security Agency and the Global Intelligence Apparatus.
The true power structure.
And they announced, New Internet!
New Internet from Google!
Everybody loves Google!
And what this will be is kind of a beta test program for Internet, too.
And what is Internet 2?
Well, Internet 2 will require you, in some way, shape, or form, to give up your biometric data to get on the Internet.
Now, they've started training some people with things like the IBM ThinkPads a few years ago that came out with the thumb scanner, so you'd run your thumb across and nobody else could get on your computer to be locked out unless you had the biometric thumbprint.
Now you could see similar things to get on the web in five or ten years on the internet too.
You will swipe your finger, your data will come up, it'll say hello Jason Burmiss or whoever you are, and you'll be logged in as that person.
So now every site you go to, everything you download,
Everyone you talk to online via instant messaging will now be completely associated with you.
They won't just have their little data mining programs where they go to your Facebook profile, or your MySpace profile, or your AIM profile, or your Yahoo.
You will sign in digitally with your biometrics and it may not even be a thumb scan in the future.
We know that Xbox is ready to launch Project Natal, which is a 5 megapixel camera in your home with a motion sensor
That has voice recognition technology and body recognition technology.
It can tell where you move.
It scans your body in.
It sees your face.
It puts an avatar of you on the screen if you want.
You can shop Amazon with it, like the Jetsons.
So it may not be a thumb scan for Internet2.
It may be an iris scan.
We don't know yet.
Anyway you slice it, it's a nightmare.
Here it is right here.
Google to build high-speed internet network.
Google Inc.
plans to build a super fast... See, they always tell you it's going to be super fast.
Oh, the internet's dying.
It can't handle all the bandwidth.
We need to restrict it.
That's their excuse.
We're going to make it faster.
Because here in America, we're obsessed with things bigger, stronger, faster.
To build a super fast internet network for up to half a million people.
A project that could pressure telecommunications companies to loosen their control of web access in the United States.
The internet company has locked horns with the likes of AT&T, Verizon, and others over net neutrality.
Google wants telephone companies to permit consumers to run any web application they want.
While carriers do not want to lose control of networks, they have invested billions of dollars to build.
And again, folks, this is a smokescreen, okay?
They're telling you Google is building this high-speed internet network.
It's gonna have about half a million people on it.
This is a beta test.
This is a prime example of a beta test.
They always try it out in smaller groups before they implement it statewide or nationwide.
So be on the lookout.
This is out of Reuters today.
And please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please!
Go out and read this bill that they passed.
It's only 50 pages long.
I know a lot of you are smarter than I am.
You read at a higher level.
Hell, if you read at an 8th grade level, you can read this thing in less than an hour.
And understand, Jason Bermas is making a big deal about this, Alex Jones is making a big deal about this, because this is a total net takeover.
If this thing goes through the Senate, and trust me, if it goes through the Senate, it'll be even more nightmarish, you may not have Infowars.com in 12 months.
You may not have PrisonPlanet.tv in 12 months.
Section 7, licensing and certification of cybersecurity professionals.
Beginning three years after the date of the enactment of this Act, it shall be unlawful for any individual to engage in business in the United States or to be employed in the United States as a provider of cybersecurity services to any federal agency or information system or network designated by the President or the President's designee as a critical infrastructure information system or network who is not licensed and certified under the program.
And then you read into the bill, and it's every network!
Every network, whether it's private or not, in fact they have programs in here where they will buy off small businesses with a check for $100,000.
So, this is how they get you into receivership.
Do you understand?
So, the people that are employing less than 100 people have to comply, then they give them their little blood money, their payoff, $100,000, and then they're serving the system.
I've got Alex Jones on the line.
Alex, what's up?
Jason, I am listening to you driving down the road on our new free iPhone app, and I just wanted to point out that
We've had this out for less than 48 hours, and it's already number 7 on the free apps, about to eclipse the New York Times and USA Today.
It's above things like the Wall Street Journal and Fox News.
So, the system cannot compete with the truth.
And hearing you go over that bill, Kurt Nemo's written articles, Paul Watson's written articles, you've got the actual bill.
I'm glad you're covering this.
Because people don't understand that in 1996 with the Telecommunications Act, they did the same thing for radio, TV, and all the phone systems.
They paid $9 billion to go in and put in the hubs in all the major phone companies.
Not only this in 1996, but it came out three years ago.
They supposedly broke it in the San Francisco Chronicle, but oh, a whole floor!
You know, the AT&T building is the NSA and everything's wired through it.
None of that was secret, because they had to pass the law to do it.
We knew the whole infrastructure.
And so now they're going down to even tiny internet companies, websites, you name it.
This is what the UN's calling for.
It's what Sunspeed's calling for.
It's what Italy and what Australia have already implemented in the last two weeks.
This is happening now.
They're already building all the new networks, forcing all traffic onto their system for surveillance and control, and they state
It is the censor.
Everybody needs to understand that they are moving in high gear because they know we're going into a depression.
They're going to launch new war, state terror attacks.
If you're just on fire, Jason, the way you break it down, I'm begging Paul Watson and Kurt Nemo to listen to what you just said in the last 15 minutes.
For people to take the audio of this, get it out to everybody.
The way you stated it was just even better than I could sit there.
The way you explained it, they only had five votes against it.
And you've got it now in the Senate, an even worse version.
And then you go to where people could comment to Congress.
And I was on that myself yesterday.
You can't find anyone for it.
No one wants it.
It's unconstitutional.
Again, it is the end of freedom, folks.
They're talking about bailouts to the newspapers.
Those aren't bailouts, it's the government taking control of them.
They've been in for five years, CENTCOM's on the web attacking them.
These guys don't even hide that they're with CENTCOM.
It's so un-American, because they don't want us exposing the private federal reserve.
So please, continue to walk back through that bill for people, and I hope folks are concerned about this.
We need to
Get concerned.
Just because I've been up there for years telling you their internet takeover plan, and it's happening exactly as I said it will, because I was reading your own documents, doesn't mean now we just accept it.
We get out there and we warn everybody.
This is really going on.
This is really happening.
I mean, this is the takeover of the biggest part of what's left of industry in the U.S.
They've gotten rid of our factories.
They're getting rid of service.
Everything is on the web now.
It's the only thing keeping us moving.
And now they're just seizing it.
And soon we're going to have private partnerships with whoever we want, and Microsoft is running the 15 giant cybersecurity bases they built, or are building, or are going to build, like in San Antonio.
Mainstream San Antonio news tries to go take photos of the giant complex, and they come out and try to arrest them.
I mean, folks, this is real.
They are doing it now, just like with Copenhagen.
Because we got the word out, we were able to back them off on that.
And the flu, we were able to back them off.
That's why they've got to shut the web down because we can kick their butt.
But this is the ultimate fight right now.
Jason, I'm going to let you get back to what you're doing, but I'm so glad.
I said, cover whatever you want today, but when I'm working on some other things we're taking care of here, and I'm just so glad that you are focused on this because
You realize what's happening, and people should read the bill, because I've seen idiots that comment on the stories of Curtin Paul and Steve and Aaron Reichel, and that's not happening!
Quidditch China keeps you safe!
I mean, folks, this is it!
This is it!
If they can shut down our free speech and start curtailing it, it's over!
And taking over all the businesses and industry and making everyone wire into the government hubs and run their software over your system?
All computer programmers, all hackers, all internet free speech people, everybody!
You better go wild about this and call the speaking senate and get the states involved!
You can't seize control of our industries like this!
This is a globalist power grab that three months ago, and a total control of the web,
Addressing system through ICANN to the United Nations.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Folks, what are the chances that this bill passes in Congress and less than a week later Google announces that they're about to build a high-speed internet network and then it's praised by the FCC in the article and the FCC in the bill are the ones behind the takeover that are willing, not willing, they're putting NIST in charge of the standards and technology
Let me read this subsection for you.
Section 5, State and Regional Cybersecurity Enhancement Program.
Subsection 6, the Transfer of Cybersecurity Standards, Processes, Technology, and Techniques will be developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
And then the FCC welcomes the move of Google to the high-speed internet game.
And then you read on in this article, Google to build high-speed internet network, and you find out that the FCC is about a month away from submitting a national broadband plan to Congress.
Let me repeat that for you.
The Federal Communications Committee, the people responsible for keeping censorship alive and well on the radio and on the television, still the two main forms of communication in this world, quickly being surpassed by the internet, and that's why we're so dangerous here.
We are a month away from that same organization of tyranny, once run by Colin Powell's son.
I'm not sure if he's heading up the FCC right now, but he sure as hell may be.
From submitting a national broadband plan.
See, they're going to restrict how much internet you get to have.
And they're going to charge you by the download, by bandwidth.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Verma sitting in InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
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Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
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And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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It's the Alex Jones Show!
I am Jason Burmess, sitting in.
We're going over the Cybersecurity Act, section by section.
And of course, this intertwines with the news story out yesterday, Google to build high-speed internet network.
And remember, this new network is going to standardize everything.
They use the term harmonization.
What that means is that you won't be able to get on the web without their software.
No more open source.
And again, in this article, the FCC is about a month away from submitting a national broadband plan to Congress.
Now, in Section... Section is this.
This is a long section.
Section 6, NIST Standards, Development and Compliance.
You will be in compliance or you will not be on the web.
In subsection 2.2, FCC Broadband Plan.
In developing the national broadband plan pursuant to section 6001K of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Federal Communications Commission shall report on the most effective and efficient means to ensure the cybersecurity of commercial broadband networks, including consideration of consumer education and outreach programs.
Lame and speak, we are taking over all the web!
All of it!
Every single bit of it will be under our secure control.
They talk about mandatory licensing.
I mean, this thing is a nightmare.
And again, if you go on the Congressional page where the bill is, there is no support for this bill.
There is no representation out there for us in Congress.
Five people.
One of them, Ron Paul, said no to this.
Yeah, you go to the actual bill and nobody wants it but the fat cats in Washington.
Standard software configuration.
Software configuration specification language.
You see, they're going to make it all under them.
You will have to operate within their boundaries.
And then on top of it, they're going to use this technology to recruit your kids into a tattletale society and job.
Remember, they're going to give scholarships and summer internship programs to K-12 students.
So, you know, they're going to go to Johnny, he's 12 years old, he's in 8th grade, he's about to go to high school, he's real handy with the computer, and they're going to say, Johnny, well, we've been monitoring your internet activity, and you know, you're really good at researching, and we noticed that you know your way around the web.
How would you feel about interning with us?
Oh, that sounds great!
And they'll go to one of their little re-education centers and they'll be like, well, you know, if other students or teachers are on the internet and they're over at a site like Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv, let us know.
Who is this person?
This is all before they actually get you to thumb scan where you're totally enslaved on the internet and they know everything you're doing.
But like Alex mentioned, with this Telecommunications Act of 1996, they've been doing a lot of this
Right out in the open.
Hepting versus AT&T.
Let me repeat it for you.
Hepting versus AT&T.
Now this was just one case of literal dozens of whistleblowers.
Not just AT&T.
All the major telecommunication companies have a secret room where the internet line is split.
So one with the private company, one to the National Security Agency that we love so much, folks.
Now that secret room then tracks, traces, and databases every single thing you do on the web.
So it gets your IP address, it says the IP address has gone to Yahoo Mail, and Google, and InfoWars, and routers, and it just goes through the entire thing.
But then you're on the IM.
It records that too.
And then you're on your email.
Wait, it records that too.
Then you're on your cell phone.
And it records that too.
And what do they do?
They throw these cases out of court.
And what does Eric Holder say?
He says, get them out of here!
This is national security.
Shut your mouth.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess, sitting in.
We are going over this Cyber Security Act that passed just this weekend.
And of course, this story, Google to build high-speed internet network.
The two coinciding with one another.
This internet network, Google building a beta test
For their internet, too.
We have Alex Jones online.
Yeah, I'm driving down the highway again, just really enjoying the fact that I can now not just listen on shortwave if I'm out of the city that doesn't have an AMREF affiliate.
And some of the other free internet services that have a screen over phones just don't work that good.
This works awesome.
And I'm in a rural area right now.
It's working up on hills, valleys, you name it.
The way we fight back against this is we take action even more aggressively to use the films we can put on the web, the websites, the radio shows, and to further take over the web in the year or two we've got, and that is max.
Already the censorship, the ISPs blocking us and others, Wikileaks, the Electronic Frontiers Foundation and others,
The true defenders of the web are all under attack.
This is a true revolution against terrorism.
The main reason I called back in, Jason, is it's even worse than what you're saying.
And Paul Watson listening, Kurt Nemo, you can pull this stuff because I've read this over and over again.
The last head of the FCC, but the current head as well last year, said that they're going to offer free broadband.
It's not free, they take your tax money.
They put in these high-powered broadband systems.
...that then compete with the free market.
That's the main reason I'm against it.
I have to pay for it.
No, I should subscribe to it if I want it.
They say it's for education, but then, because anyone can get it, the FCC is over it.
So they come in with hyper-powered systems.
They do deals with Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, who are all helping them spy.
Those groups all help build the control grid in China, now building it in Italy and Australia, where they're putting this in, and New Zealand.
And they say,
That you, there will be filters that are complete.
It will be like, G-rated, we won't be there, because we're listed as terror and hate and everything else already, for no reason.
And, so, it's not just that they control the infrastructure and all the companies that are saying they're gonna censor and hire all these youth brigades to, to, to, to man the system.
And to engineer the society, their scholarships and the rest of it, where they create this Google, everybody else come out with their own phones.
You won't be able to redesign with Google, everybody else come out with their own phones.
You won't be able to get it.
I mean, you already can't get most Apple apps on your Google phones.
They all block each other back and forth.
And so, this is just like we paid to build roads.
And now Centra of Spain comes in and buys off Rick Perry and he hands 8,000 miles of Texas roads over to them and then we start fighting saying no.
This is just, we're being shanghaied, we're being robbed, we're being looted.
Look, I'm going to let you get back to your breakdown of the bill.
It's just, it's so much worse than even the bill states.
And it's just, look, the radio was free until the 30s, folks, and the FCC took over.
It's gonna be the same thing here, but on the web, there's unlimited channels.
They don't have the excuse of claiming it's a limited spectrum.
They are hijacking it.
We'll say, remember back when the web was free?
Yeah, but not anymore.
God bless you, Burma.
Thank you so much, Alex.
And I want to point out that again, this isn't just NIST Standards, a criminal organization.
This isn't just the FCC takeover, again, a criminal organization.
But if you read the bill, and again, I'm asking, I'm begging you, please read this bill.
Don't take my word for it.
Read it yourself.
International standards!
So again, putting you under United Nations global government control.
The director through the Institute and in coordination with appropriate federal agencies shall be responsible for the United States representation in all...
International Standards Development Related to Cybersecurity and Shall Develop and Implement a Strategy to Optimize the United States Position with Respect to International Cybersecurity Standards.
Hello Chinese Internet here in America with a K. It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Berman sitting in.
We'll be back after this.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
They're arsonists!
Tim Geithner?
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome.
We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas, sitting in.
We are going to go to some callers on topic.
If you want to talk about cyber security, if you want to talk about the tea parties, if you want to talk about Glenn Beck and Debra Medina, or you want to talk about Climategate,
And all of the new information coming out.
Again, you don't see it in the U.S.
press, but for some reason in the European press, it's all over the place.
Please call in, 888-201-2244 or 512-646-1776.
Now, before I get back into the news, I do want to remind people... Oh, did I give out the wrong number?
I'm sorry about that.
I got these numbers in front of me, folks.
You guys know the call-in for the Alex Jones Show if you want to call in, so please do.
I want to remind everybody that we keep this operation going by making documentary films.
And we don't only keep the operation going, they reach millions and millions of people.
This is our main tool in the Infowar.
Not everybody listens to a radio program, but you can usually get somebody to sit down and watch a film.
And right now we are carrying the sequel, the follow-up, to Kevin Booth's film, American Drug War.
And American Drug War was really one of my favorite films two or three years ago when it dropped.
I think it dropped in 07.
And for those of you out there that maybe have a child in his teens or off to college or a nephew or a cousin that isn't willing to pop in an Alex Jones product or a Jason Burma's product they don't want to throw in an endgame or a loose change final cut, I gotta tell you the Kevin Booth movies
American Drug War, and now the sequel to that, How We Won the West, is a great way to do so.
A great way for them to open their minds up and say, wow, this had a lot of really interesting information I hadn't seen before.
Where are you getting these videos?
And then you hit them with the fall of a republic.
Or an Obama deception.
And all of those are heavily discounted right now at Infowars.com when you buy more than one video.
Some of them come with a free t-shirt.
You can get Loose Change Final Cut for $5.
My film, Fabled Enemies, which exposes the international intelligence operation that was 9-11, still relevant today, still super important today.
When Debra Medina goes on to Glenn Beck and Glenn Beck plays possum, I don't know much about her.
We got her on the line.
Let's ask some questions.
What is he digging right away?
If you had a 9-11 truther in your midst, like we're undercover spies ready to slit the throats of America.
No, we're trying to save this country, Glenn.
That's what we're trying to do.
And she kind of, you know, dodges the question a little bit, but then after the thing, Glenn Beck is all over it.
Would you fire them?
He's Rick Perry all the way.
That's how you know this man is a phony.
That's how you know he's disingenuous.
It's not only because he got a $50 million contract with Fox.
It's not only that he fakes crying for magazine covers.
It's not only that he does stage shows.
It's not only that he was an alcoholic Top 40 DJ before this.
The fact is, he doesn't care about this country.
He sure acts like he does.
He loves to wrap himself in the flag.
But when the real issues come out, when the mass murder of 3,000 plus citizens and millions now, millions across the world subsequently, when it comes out that we were right, you think Glenn Beck's going to apologize?
You know, he will probably jump on the bandwagon.
That's what these chameleons and snakes do.
That's why they jumped on the Tea Party bandwagon, folks.
Alright, I'm going to go to a few callers.
Let's go to Chris in Rhode Island.
Chris, you're on the line.
Yes, sir.
Alright, let's go to Tim in Texas.
Tim, you're on the line.
Hey, Jason.
Great fill-in job, as you always do.
Two things on Beck and one on Jason Bermas.
On Beck, I'm tired of this progressive, wishy-washy false flag.
We're good to go.
And it's not just this limited, narrow-minded aspect of progressivism or any kind of isms.
These are globalists.
I agree 110%.
When you look at Glenn Beck, by the way, Tim, he speaks to his audience like they are children.
He gets up in front of a blackboard with a piece of chalk and he literally like he's teaching a class
Of, you know, seniors in high school, or 10th graders, or 8th graders, or 10-year-olds!
He talks to you like you're a kid, and people are buying into it.
Go ahead, make your other point, Tim.
Well, he probably has to do that because a lot of the audience really does need that kind of draw me a big colored picture.
And it's effective.
He's getting, you know, he throws enough truth in there to obfuscate the real truth.
The other thing on Beck is, though, I'm just baffled and I've been wanting to ask Alex about it.
Just an amazing guy comes on to Alex's show and says, Alex, you are getting the word out better than anyone I know.
How is Beck allowing him to be the guest host on that show with these two competing ideologies?
Well, I would say this.
Yes, you know, Napolitano does say a lot of the same things that Beck does, and he's a little more guarded.
Obviously, you know, Napolitano isn't talking about 9-11 truth.
So, Napolitano is a good mainstay, and I think Beck sees him as somebody who already has a base audience, so if he leaves, you know, he can still have the viewership, it's not going to hurt him, and he'll stay within the boundaries.
So, in other words, you won't see Napolitano plugging InfoWars.com or Alex Jones while he's hosting the Glenn Beck program.
The audiences are real similar, I think.
There's just this, I see this dynamic between the Patriot movement and the Beck movement, where it could either merge or explode in a conflict.
Well I hope we can get them in!
Listen, when I went down to the Tea Party in San Antonio, and I thank you for the call, I was handing people civilian inmate labor program documents.
The real documents that say, hey, it's okay for us to come into your home, round you up, and put you in a work camp!
They don't call them death camps, but what the hell do you think they are when they are making you into a slave on the plantation?
Now, this government document is openly posted at Army.mil.
Jason Burmess didn't write this document.
Alex Jones didn't write this document.
The U.S.
military wrote this document.
And earlier in the week, I post on my Facebook, I can't believe that they passed the Cybersecurity Act.
Here come the Nazi cyber squads.
And I get my, quote-unquote, progressive, left-leaning friend, a really good buddy of mine, love him to death, out in Philadelphia, just had a baby, posting, I like this.
I think that they should protect the Internet.
And I'm like, Joe, did you read the bill?
Oh, no, I didn't read the bill.
And then a few other people commented that, you know, only good Americans voted against this bill.
There were five people.
Joe says, well, what's a good American?
You know, trying to be all sarcastic.
Well, I said, a good American is someone that at least read the bill or the objectionable parts that people are protesting.
No response.
And he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, Burmese, they're all going to round us up.
And I had to type back to him, I said, look, man, no one's talking about roundups, but if you want to see the actual government document where they say it's okay to implement roundups in this country of U.S.
American citizens, please go to, and I put down the link, army.mil, and link to the civilian inmate labor program.
It's real.
It's on the books.
They love to put these things out there and then implement them incrementally or in times of disaster.
That's what they're for.
Alright, let's go to the next Tim.
Tim in New York.
Tim, you're online.
Hey Jason, how's it going?
I just wanted to actually, uh, two things real quick.
First of all, I just believe Beck will show his true colors.
He'll be forced to and have no choice, you know.
He'll have to go with the status quo at some point in time and everybody will see through that because everybody's looking up now.
You know, nobody's, nobody's just, uh, you know, buying into it.
Everybody's watching what people do and not just what they say, I think.
So they only have, you know, they're working on borrowed time.
And my second question, uh,
I have a 9 year old and I'm not really with her mother.
We haven't been together and I'm trying to raise her.
I'm fully awake.
I'm trying to tell her to be informed because it's going to reach one point where she's just going to be in the system and she won't be able to see the
Well, I've got a four-year-old niece.
She's about to be five.
Actually, she just turned five.
I was there for her fifth birthday in December.
And I don't sugarcoat anything for the girl.
You know, she speaks.
I'm not there to lie to her.
And I see your conundrum.
My brother is not with his baby mama.
And they do have some conflicts on, you know, where she should go to school, what doctor she should see.
And these are things that you do have to work out with that other parent, you know.
You're both parents.
It's 50-50 in this.
What you do have to look out for is making sure that the mother doesn't go to CPS or something like that and say, look what my
My ex-boyfriend is teaching my young daughter.
I want a restraining order.
You have to be real careful, because state workers, they don't know that you have a First Amendment.
They will use color of law to try to take your children away, and it's well documented.
But that doesn't mean we stop.
So, I would say this.
Build on the relationship you already have.
with the mother of the child and don't sugarcoat things.
You know, there are times for restraint, but now ain't the time.
It ain't the time for restraint when we have an economy where openly they're saying 10% unemployment, it's more like 20%.
When Obama is saying he's agnostic on raising taxes of people making less than families, not just people, families making less than $250,000 a year and everything they've done is a big tax.
This health care bill, huge tax.
They say they want to start implementing climate change legislation locally and on a state level!
Another tax!
So, now is not the time to be quiet.
Now is not the time to be restrained.
And, you know, 9 years old, before you know it, they'll be 10.
Then they're going to be 16, a teenager.
Then they're going to be 18, off to college.
Then they're going to be 24, in the workplace.
And they can't have enough truth.
I wish I had more truth when I was a youngster.
The shock of waking up after 9-11 wouldn't have been so hard.
But you've got to take that and work with it.
Use it to your advantage.
Become positive.
Become active.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma, sitting in.
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We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas sitting in for Alex as he's out on assignment.
You know, we are now carrying and you can pre-order.
These just came into the office.
I think we got a big shipment in yesterday because I saw a box of them.
Jesse Ventura, American Conspiracies, discounted, out of the gate, hardcover book.
And yesterday, while I was doing a render for Invisible Empire, I had about 25 minutes while I was waiting for it to render out, and I read the introduction and the first chapter, and this book's excellent.
I mean, I don't know how else to describe it.
I think it's great.
It's very easy to read.
I didn't know much about John Wilkes Booth and Abraham Lincoln, and the first chapter is all about that, the eight co-conspirators that were actually convicted of the assassination of President Lincoln, and it was extremely interesting.
In the introduction it goes over how this will be going over Gulf of Tonkin and one of the chapters in here I can't wait to get to is actually going to be about Jonestown.
And for those that don't know about Jonestown...
You need to.
You know, I'm looking to, after this film, do another film where the story of Jonestown, the true story of Jonestown, is actually told in the middle of it.
Kind of a broader-based film, but I've always been intrigued by that.
It's Jesse Ventura, American Conspiracies, and I can't say enough good things about this book.
I'm gonna try to finish it.
Within the next couple weeks, you know, while I'm working on this film, we'll see what happens.
But you can order it right now, and I think it doesn't ship in regular stores until March 8th.
You may get it before then if you order over at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Alright, let's go back to the callers.
Let's go to Carl in Georgia.
Carl, you're on the line.
Alright, let's go to George in Connecticut.
George, you're on the line.
Hey, how you doing?
I think this new cyber thing, I think we've got to get the key points out to just about everybody of interest that will collaborate.
It's the key points that basically will shut down the internet, will turn it into another fascist state.
That's computer groups, college students, regular students, you know, CNET, you know, all the techies, all the people who are really interested.
Get it like a viral, what do you call it, I'm trying to think of what they call those letters they send you if you put your name at the bottom and you send it out to 20 other people, something like that.
Until the whole planet knows and they get pissed off at what's going on, especially civil liberty groups, it doesn't matter, right wing, left wing, middle of the road, let's face it, everybody has an interest in this type of thing.
Get these people to call, also make them interested, get a list of Senators, Congressmen, key people that are basically, that could stop this bill.
Even the people who basically may have thought this was a good idea, somebody conned them into it, and sometimes they'll shut it down once they realize the true consequences.
I've done this locally.
I thought that I was even, you know, I'll say it simply, that I was quite a bribed and corrupt situation.
And when I wouldn't take the bribe, they literally try to beat me to death.
But I got the information out there and everybody kept doing exactly that.
And the information got out there so well that they just were shut down, they couldn't get it forward.
And George, let me tell you, it is so important to get this out on a local level.
I appreciate the call.
Let me read this for people.
This is yet another subsection we haven't even gone over.
50-page bill, folks, take the time to read it.
You're probably going to read that cover story of Brangelina breaking up.
You're gonna find out who Jennifer Aniston is dating later today.
And people are all... You know what I'm seeing on the headlines?
Some designer killed himself.
Who gives a damn?
I don't care about some frilly, foofy designer that kills himself.
Who cares?
It makes no difference in our lives.
What, you can't get your Louis Vuitton bag next month because this guy killed himself?
Who cares?
Who cares?
This is a real issue.
State and regional cybersecurity enhancement program.
What does this mean?
They're going to set up regional cybersecurity centers.
There will be central power and then they will put little centers all around so they can convene with one another.
The Secretary of Commerce shall provide assistance for the creation and support of regional cybersecurity centers for the promotion of implementation of cybersecurity standards.
Each center shall be affiliated with the United States-based non-profit institution or organization.
See, they're going to use non-profit organizations as their front for tyranny.
Or consortium thereof that applies for and is awarded financial assistance under this section.
So they're going to pay off nonprofits to put up these regional cybersecurity centers that will then be controlled by the National Security Agency and the intelligence apparatus.
It also states in the subsection that will be used by all, all companies
Small and medium-sized as well.
When they say small, they mean the smallest of the small.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burmas sitting in.
Go check us out over at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
One major world crisis away from having a totalitarian type of system.
The main event is the wholesale destruction of the world economy.
The push for every nation on the globe to identify and number all of its citizens.
Order Shadow Government from InfoWars.com.
We also have some specials.
You can get some of our other films half price when you order Shadow Government.
A new level in production quality and in information exposes how a cashless society, surveillance beast grid of total control is being put into place.
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So order yours today.
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Available at InfoWars.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
The Ring of Fire.
The Ring of Fire.
We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burma sitting in as Alex is out on assignment.
We're going to go back to your calls in just a moment, but I wanted to hit up some of these other news stories so I can at least mention them out there.
Reuters photographer says reborn after freed by US.
The US military freed a Reuters photographer in Iraq on Wednesday almost a year and a half after snatching him from his home in the middle of the night and placing him in a military detention center, guess what, without charge.
Is that how he set an example for the rest of the world?
Going after a Reuters photographer, imprisoning him with no charges, no due process for 18 months, and thank the Lord that they let him go.
But you would think Reuters, one of the top news agencies out there, really a mouthpiece mostly for the establishment, but at least some of the news is raw.
Would have been raising holy hell about one of their photographers being illegally detained for 18 months.
I didn't hear anything about this story till... what was it?
This was released on Wednesday.
Wednesday I find out about this.
This is a big deal, folks.
Imprisoning journalists without charge sets a very dangerous precedent.
And we should be up in arms about it.
Priest checks fingerprints for mass attendance.
It's out of Warsaw.
Check this one out.
A Polish priest has installed an electronic reader in his church for school children to leave their fingerprints in order to monitor their attendance at mass.
Again, furthering the slave state.
Getting us acclimated to giving up our biometric information at church!
At church!
And they make the excuse the pupils will mark their fingerprints every time they go to church over three years.
And if they attend 200 masses, they will be freed from obligation of having to pass an exam prior to their confirmation the paper set.
So it's always for a good thing.
Oh, you won't have to take a test.
Oh, you'll get a discount.
Oh, it's for your safety.
No thanks, folks.
No thanks.
And then I really had to cover this one.
Pentagon to rewrite evolution, create a mortal life.
Or the other sub-headline, this one's out of wired, Pentagon looks to breed immortal synthetic organisms, molecular kill switch included.
And basically scientists have found the gene that makes you age.
And they have stated, yes, this gene in some is different and that's why there's a biological age and then there's the actual age that you've progressed.
Your physical age, what you look like, how you're living, you know, how your body's holding up.
And really, they've been studying this stuff for 30, 40, 50, 60 years, but now it's coming out in the public eye.
The Pentagon's mad science arm may have come up with the most radical project yet.
DARPA, oh yes, the good people over at DARPA, is looking to rewrite the laws of evolution to the military's advantage, creating a synthetic organism that can live forever or can be killed with the flick of a molecular switch.
Now we've discussed on this program, and Alex has discussed, how the elite truly do believe that they will become immortal and rule the planet as gods.
And anti-aging technology is out there.
They've been able to de-age mice and other smaller organisms.
And that's public.
God knows what's going on in black operations.
God knows what's going on in the underground bases that nobody talks about.
That Jesse Ventura slightly exposed on his True TV show during the 2012 episode.
That one was really weird to me.
It really wasn't so much about 2012.
It ended up being about the Denver airport and the underground facilities there.
Those underground facilities are all over the country, folks.
They're in New Mexico.
They're all over Washington, D.C.
And there is a large one in Colorado.
God knows what they're doing out there.
But they really believe that they're going to be able to do this.
Now, do I believe it?
I don't know.
I don't know the technology that well.
I'm Joe Average, baby.
I couldn't tell you if I could live forever.
But I know they believe it.
And I know they believe that we don't even deserve to be on the planet when they do it.
And I know that elitists like Ted Turner have made statements saying that they want a population reduction so that 350 million people are on this Earth.
350 million.
That means about 1 out of 20 of us get to live.
And that's Ted Turner.
And then Ted Turner gets confronted on that by We Are Change about a year ago, and he's like, no, no, no, no, 350 million, that's not me.
That's not me.
I'm more with the UN's new numbers, 2 to 3 billion on the planet.
Oh, 2 to 3 billion!
We're only at 6.5, Ted!
So what's that mean?
The guy standing to the right of me and the guy standing to the left of me need to get shot in the head?
Or maybe I need to get shot in the head?
That still means one out of every three or two people need to die!
How sick is this guy?
And the planet can handle 6.5 billion, folks.
It can handle 7.
It can handle 10.
It can probably handle 15.
But they don't want to tell you that.
They want to have talking heads like Damon Vickers come out and point out, well, you know, these guys in third world nations, they're having 20-30 kids.
Give me a break.
That's rare.
You know the people that are having 20-30 kids?
They're royalty!
They're the elitists!
They're the Saudi princes out there.
They're the open dictators with five or six wives.
Seven mistresses.
That's who's having 20 to 30 kids.
Alright, let's go back to some callers.
Let's go to Brett in Montana.
Brett, you're on the line.
Hey, thanks for having me.
I wanted to talk about the TSA and the whole images that they have.
I worked for TSA for four years.
After 9-11 happened, I just felt that, you know, TSA was going to be what I needed to do to help protect my family.
I wasn't awake back then.
Anyways, you know, I've been hearing a lot of stories on
On your site lately about TSA, about people being drunk and stuff.
I gotta tell you that I was there in the very beginning when TSA got rolled out and we took over all the security.
At that time, I was working in Orange County.
Working at that airport, and this stuff's been going on for a while.
Well, let's talk about it for a second.
You're a TSA employee.
Explain to people how TSA is really a revolving door because the screening process isn't that great and the pay isn't that great.
Well, I don't think the pay is, you know, compared to what else is out there.
It's not that bad.
You're making about $14-$15 an hour.
That's not that great though.
That's not something that you would want somebody who's supposed to be a security professional, somebody who's trained to protect us.
$14 an hour, that's slightly above what I was making as a pizza guy.
About the same, because I was getting tips.
I mean, it's not something that you go into and say, hey, this is going to be the career for the rest of my life.
Very few people do that.
Very few.
I mean, when I go to the airport and I'm screened, I almost never see the same person twice.
Every once in a while, I'll see somebody who works at the airlines again and again.
But whenever I go up to the thing, there's always somebody different checking my license.
There's always somebody different wanting me.
And they're always young.
You know, early 20s to mid-30s and then some of the seniors are over there, but I really see it as a young person's job.
But you're saying, you know, you've been in this since 9-11 and you've seen this type of, you know, not so much corruption, but kind of lackadaisical behavior, drinking, power trips, this type of thing?
I would absolutely be bold enough to say that there's corruption going on.
I remember one of our checkpoint managers giving out his TSA business card
to uh... some of the local women because it was it was john wayne airport there in orange county so we've got a lot of uh... beautiful women uh... flying out to vegas for the weekend while you know they work out there for the weekend he's given his his business card to these women then you know hey i i got this uh... security badge i can get you around security and he got caught doing it he tried to make a big stink about it and then they uh...
Clear out the lunchroom, kick everybody out, drag us in there with two of the managers, and threaten that we will never work for another federal agency ever again that will get fired if you don't shut up.
I mean, there's all kinds of stuff going on.
And let me tell you something, this is the norm.
This is the norm for them to say, you're not going to blow the whistle, and it happens on all levels.
People think that whistleblowers are embraced.
No, they're usually fired.
They're usually disgraced.
They're usually gone after.
Things are said about them that are not true in order to try to discredit them in the public eye so their stories never get out.
And if they do, the credibility of those stories are questioned.
I thank you for the call, Brett.
You know, I had a buddy of mine...
I think?
I've been working now two, three years at LaGuardia, and I gotta tell you, I have never, never seen a security breach that was not part of a government drill.
And he explained to me how they did this.
He's like, what they'll do is, they'll send in a team of about eight to ten people, they'll go all throughout the airport, and they will put certain things that are undetectable in lockers after they get through security.
We're good.
And he'd say, well, they'll send two or three guys over to my station, and then they'll send three or four guys over to another station, and they'll try to bombard us so that we're just getting through and we don't make the connection.
And he said it was very rare that they did make that connection.
And that, basically, the National Security Agency, the FBI, and the people, Homeland Security, the people running these drills, would often get this stuff through.
Just like they got the underwear bomber through!
Still, the mainstream refuses to discuss
The 50-year-old sharp-dressed Indian man that led this Alamutab all the way through security, got him on the plane as a Sudanese refugee without a passport.
Again, they want to body scan you, but they didn't want to body scan the underwear bomber, even though they had those there.
They didn't want to... Forget about the body scanners, folks.
They didn't want a passport from the guy.
He shouldn't have been on the plane, he didn't even have a passport!
Alright, let's go to our next caller.
Gary in Massachusetts, Gary Online.
Hey Jason, how are you today?
Good, good.
I was reading the cyber security bill.
I have a question on it, it's kind of interesting.
There's a section that says they can shut down federal and U.S.
government networks and take them from the internet, and then it says or networks, as if it's or other networks in the interest of
A national security, so that kind of bothers me.
And I'm curious, if it's really other networks like any network, we are up against a very, very serious multi-pronged attack right now on our freedoms from all the things you guys talk about.
You know, the swine flu, fake false flag epidemic, eco-science and the plans in the White House.
I mean, all this stuff happening all at once, it's maddening.
Well, it can be maddening and, again, if you're just waking up or you're just starting to take a look at this information, it could be overwhelming.
I mean, I remember when I first woke up to 9-11.
I mean, the first couple weeks.
It was in 2002.
It was in the run-up to the Iraq War.
I started looking at sites like 911timeline.net and standdown.net and really just reading the synopsis.
This is before I, you know, even thought about controlled demolition.
It even passed my mind.
And I was losing, you know, I'm in New York, I'm losing sleep.
I can't believe this.
I want to think the best of my country.
I almost signed up for the military after 9-11.
I'd already taken the ASFAB test.
I almost joined the National Guard in my sophomore year of college with my buddy.
And luckily, thank the Lord, my stepfather is an ex-Marine and he just kept throwing the recruiter out saying, get the hell out of here.
You know, my kid isn't going into the military.
I don't care what you tell him.
And I didn't end up going and my buddy who did join the National Guard did end up having to go to Iraq for a year and he got blown up in a tank and he lost hearing in his right ear and it's a horrible story.
But, at the same time, I only had so much time where I was kind of like, in shock, didn't know what to do, before I started taking action.
And by taking action, I mean, I was just showing people websites at the time.
I was printing things off, grabbing videos, and this is before the time of even the USB stick, so I'm burning CDRs for people saying, please watch this film, please watch Road to Tyranny, you know, check out In Plain Sight, all these things.
In Plain Sight didn't come out until 2004, so really just running up, and then that led me
And you know, by taking small action for years, getting laughed at, ridiculed, losing friends, family members not wanting to talk to me, my stepfather mocking me on another level, you know, thank God he didn't have me go to the military, but boy, he said some really wacky things to me while I was first getting into 9-11 Truth, and that all stopped
Once I put out Loose Change 2nd Edition with the two other guys, once we put that film out and it started to become an international sensation, now it was the mainstream press that was attacking me.
Now it was mainstream radio that was attacking me.
But the regular people that I know and love and care about all came around.
Every single one of them.
And they said, you know what?
I may not agree with everything you're saying, but you're obviously asking questions for the right reason.
And we just have to put it that way to other people.
Say, look, you know, I'm not telling you what to believe, but look at this Cybersecurity Act.
And, you know, you just talked about some of the civil liberty concerns.
They actually put that in the bill, as if, as if they're concerned with our civil liberties.
They say, well, whether societal and civil liberty concerns are adequately addressed.
Notice it doesn't say, to ensure that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are followed to the T. No, we'll see if societal and civil liberty concerns are adequately addressed.
What does that mean?
That means they don't have to go by the Constitution.
That means they don't have to go by the Bill of Rights.
And again, this is about all networks.
All networks.
It's not just government networks.
It's not just company networks.
The entire infrastructure is being taken over.
And it's more than the Federales.
It's more than Jay Rockefeller who introduced this bill.
This is about globalism.
An international cybersecurity standard.
Chinese-style internet.
That's what we're really talking about.
Josh in Arkansas.
Josh, you're online.
Yes, Jason.
First time.
I'm up here in Arkansas.
We don't get you on the radio, so I have to keep up on the Internet with you.
Last night, just real quick, I had seen a C-SPAN.
Of course, C-SPAN 2, it didn't come on until 11 o'clock or something, but the Central Bank Financial Future Debate or something, I'm not real sure on what the title of the meeting was, but all through it,
Jason, I mean, Alex says it all the time.
They talk about it right in your face.
That's all they talk about, the global treaty and governments giving up sovereignty.
This is a real deal.
I woke up about a year and a half ago talking about just what you talked about, and you were right.
It overwhelmed me, and it took me some time.
A lot of people waking up feel that.
Well, you know what?
And that's why in my next film, Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined, I really take people through my life for the first five minutes of the program.
If you've seen Bigger, Stronger, Faster, I kind of introduce myself so I'm not that intimidating.
I say, hey, you know, look at me.
I'm just this regular young guy who came across this information and it changed my life.
And from it changing my life, I decided to pursue truth.
And I'll tell you what, Invisible Empire is hardcore pursuit of truth.
I can promise that.
Drop in March 30th only at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
See you soon.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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We are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess sitting in.
We're taking your calls.
We're just talking to Josh in Arkansas about how crippling this can be mentally when you first learn.
That our politicians that have glad-handed us, that pose as Christian conservatives and hide behind the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and wrap themselves in the flag, are often unapologetic globalists working for corporate interests and offshore banking cartels.
And right now they are making a move to take over the entire Internet, and that is why it is so important that you go out, get the Cybersecurity Act.
You know, I had somebody
Get at me on Facebook saying, I can't find the Cybersecurity Act, can you send me a link?
Type in Cybersecurity Act into any search engine.
It's the first thing that comes up is the link to Congress.
Go to the page, print it out and read it.
Or just scroll down and read it.
Find out what's in this bill.
Find out how this is a total internet takeover.
Find out how they're going to standardize software through NIST.
A government organization.
Find out how they're going to recruit your kids K through 12 to work for them, to be cyber security experts and certified.
Because you're going to have to be certified to work on networks by the federal government.
An FCC NIST globalist takeover under international cyber security regulations.
All fronted by non-profit organizations that they will handpick.
All right, let's go to our next caller.
Let's go to Ernie in California.
Ernie, you're online.
Hey, Jason.
How you doing?
There's a couple other things going on, too.
I've read the bill.
They're going to do it anyhow.
I mean, it's just like we're becoming Nazi Germany again.
If Hitler had a computer, he'd do this.
But besides that, we got another thing that they don't show on news.
Right now I'm reading CIA operative aerial spraying plane carrying mutant virus shot down over China.
You don't hear this on the internet.
Hold on, what was the headline on that story?
Because you were mumbling there.
I didn't hear it.
What's this?
It's CIA operative aerial spraying plane carrying mutant virus shot down in China.
And what news agency is reporting this?
This is being reported on a... That's what's weird.
It's not on a news agency.
It's on a website called www.preventdisease.com.
We're good to go!
See who's operating it.
Do a little digging.
We don't take things for face value here.
We want people to be skeptical of what we're saying.
We want you to go out and check out this information.
I appreciate the call, Ernie.
If there's any substance to that, I'll be covering it on my Sunday show.
Oh, actually, I'll be running a rebroadcast this Sunday.
It is Valentine's Day.
Unfortunately, apparently, some of the board ops have girlfriends and wives.
I'm just a lonely loner.
I'll be alone for Valentine's Day.
I would be willing to do a show, but everybody else supposedly, you know, has something to do.
Teardrops on my pillow.
Let's go to Phil in Ohio.
I guess we'll go to Phil when we come back.
We're going to keep taking your calls.
News Blitz.
We got Richard Reeves coming into studio.
For the final hour and a half, and of course we're going to be going live on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Only $5.95 a month, folks, and you get all of our documentary films and the live streaming feed video.
That's PrisonPlanet.tv.
Or listen to the audio free over at InfoWars.com or grab the iPhone app.
It's free also.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And we are back!
I am Jason Bermas, sitting in.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We're about to stream live over at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And we have officially entered the next level of the information age this week with the free, yes, free iPod application, Alex Jones Show.
That's right, Alex Jones Show.
Please don't buy the InfoWars app.
It's not our app.
We're not trying to sell you anything.
What we're trying to do is bring you the truth
via all means possible, and now through the iPhone.
Listen how you want, when you want.
The full four-hour program is rebroadcast all day.
So if you're having problems sleeping at three in the morning, if you're on the road at 7 a.m., you missed the broadcast from the day before, plug in your iPhone, get the Alex Jones app, and hit play, baby, because you'll be listening all day and all night for free.
Let me repeat that, for free.
We give so much away here
I do want to remind people that we do have a large video and bookstore.
We are the first to carry an off-the-bat discount.
Jesse Ventura, American Conspiracies.
I hold it in my hand right here.
I guess that's kind of on the air.
For some reason, we're on only one camera over here.
And it is just an excellent, excellent book so far.
Again, I read the introduction in the first chapter of the first chapter called The First Not Alone Nut.
John Wilkes Booth, and even I can learn something from this book, folks, so go get Jesse Ventura, American Conspiracies, over at Infowars.com, or if you want the latest and the greatest in the video department, we have the follow-up to American Drug War over at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv, a great way to reach out to the teenager in your life, the 20-something in your life, to get them turned on to this information.
Alright, let's go back to the calls.
Let's go to Phil in Ohio.
Phil, you're online.
Yes, sir.
Hi, Jason.
First off, God bless you and Alex and your loved ones.
Thank you, sir.
I'm an old dog.
I'm 66.
I'm pretty sure you're not old enough to remember or know about it.
I got involved trying to find out what was going on when
I don't know.
Not allowed in the United States.
The story of B-17 by G. Edward Griffin.
G. Edward Griffin, again, going to be in my upcoming film, Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined.
But yeah, I mean, that's been around forever, and G. Edward Griffin has been fighting these people for years and years and years, and I am not a doctor, but for those that do not know the story of LeVitthal or B-17, I suggest you find G. Edward Griffin's writings on the matter.
Go ahead, Phil.
Well, in my investigating, I also joined the John Birch Society, at the time pretty much the only organized pro-American, anti-communist, limited government group of patriots, opposing what was going on.
Screwball was probably one of the kindest names I've been called.
Uh, but we had the, uh...
uh... program and still do for that matter uh... get us out of the united nations of billboards along the highways yeah get us out of the united nations and the united nations out of the united states was the mantra of the john birch society so many good people in those organizations we've had the the head of the john birch society in studio less than a year ago he was a really nice gentleman and we see the expansion
of freedom-loving organizations such as the John Birch Society with the launch of We Are Change internationally all over the world.
If you don't want to be in We Are Change or John Birch Society, start your own group.
You don't even have to be part of a group.
Do some freeway blogging.
You know, hand out the DVDs.
Get out on your street corner.
Inform the public.
Talk to your friends.
Talk to your families.
Become a human being again, folks.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
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Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
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Number 5.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator that produces pure drinking water right from the humidity in the air.
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Order now and claim your water independence today by calling a Coloblue at 1-800-691-6043.
That's 1-800-691-6043.
Or visit a Coloblue on the web at www.ecoloble.com today.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Jason Burmas sitting in for Alex Jones, who's on assignment.
And before we go back to your calls, I want to hit up Climategate for a moment.
Now, Tuesday, snowstorm shatters local records.
We're seeing this in places like Chicago.
We've got the headline over here.
Washington, D.C.
Record levels.
Baltimore, Maryland.
Record levels.
And what does the mainstream media say?
Well, they say it's because of global warming.
See, they have their cake and eat it too.
If there was no snow, it's global warming.
If we have too much snow, it's global warming.
But they don't even use the term global warming anymore.
They say climate change, so it can be all-encompassing.
Doesn't matter that China has internal documents saying that, well, this is really about a consolidation of power and world government.
And I'm no fan of the Chinese or their policies, but let's look at these other headlines.
And again, these are all out of the UK.
Mainline publications.
This is Saturday's Globe and Mail.
The Great Global Warming Collapse.
As science scandals keep coming, the air has gone out of the climate change movement.
Of course it has!
Because the IPCC is a UN organization hell-bent on global governance, and really a One World Order, a New World Order, with the elitists at the top, with the bankers in control, and us as the serfs and slaves.
Has nothing to do
With saving the planet and everything to do with taxing you to death and controlling your lives from the inside out, saying how much energy you can use, what kind of home you can live in, how many cars you can have, how many children you will be allowed.
Also coming up in Invisible Empire, Ted Turner talking about one and two child policies in this country.
He calls them voluntary.
Folks, there's no such thing as a voluntary one-child policy.
Doesn't exist.
It's like black sunshine.
Doesn't happen.
Just doesn't happen.
Climate Change Research Bungle.
The research institute run by the head of the UN's climate body has handed out a series of environmental awards to companies that have given it financial support.
That's called quid pro quo.
Again, nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with empowering world government and kickbacks.
The Energy and Resources Institute, of which Dr. Rajendra Pachauri is the Director General, has given corporate awards to companies such as Pepsi and Honda.
Oh yes, Pepsi and Honda are so green.
As well as Indian businesses.
Those same companies have given financial backing to Terry through grants or paid for consultancy work.
Oh, we'll hire him as a consultant.
For a couple hundred thousand dollars a year.
That would never sway his opinion.
No, no, no.
New errors in IPCC climate change report.
The United Nations Panel on Climate Change is facing fresh criticism today as the Sunday Telegraph reveals new factual errors and poor sources of evidence in its influential report to government leaders.
This was the end-all be-all report, I believe, back in 2007.
And let's just go through the list.
The top list.
This is what the mainstream media is telling you.
The corporate controlled press is admitting this.
It contained the publication of inaccurate data on the potential of wave power to produce electricity around the world, which was wrongly attributed to the website of commercial wave energy company.
Claims based on information in press releases and newsletters.
New examples of statements based on student dissertations.
Two of which were unpublished.
Did you hear that?
Student dissertations that were unpublished!
More claims which were based on reports produced by environmental pressure groups.
They are the latest in a series of damaging revelations about the IPCC's most recent report published in 2007.
Last month, the panel was forced to issue a humiliating retraction after it emerged statements about the melting of Himalayan glaciers were inaccurate.
They used some, you know, kid who was a mountain climber in his 20s saying that he took pictures and it looked like the glaciers were melting!
No scientific evidence whatsoever!
Zero point zero evidence!
And then I gotta end it on this note.
I thought of killing myself, says Climate Scandal Professor Phil Jones.
And Phil Jones is featured, again, in my upcoming film, Invisible Empire.
And this guy said, boy, when this happened, I just felt so bad I almost killed myself.
And what's really disgusting about the article is that they relate his experience to Dr. David Kelly.
Saying that Dr. David Kelly killed himself.
He was murdered.
They're saying he killed himself after he came out publicly and said that the Defense Department out in the UK had sexed up intelligence about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.
All of a sudden you find him in the woods with his wrist cut!
And they're trying to say that that's a suicide and it's in relation.
No, they killed this guy for telling the truth!
The inquests have shown it!
The cover-ups have shown it!
But now Bill Jones, oh, I just, I couldn't deal with it.
Now he won't admit that he was wrong or that he was lying.
He's just upset about the way the media handled it.
Read the emails, folks.
The emails are the most damning thing you could possibly read.
Don't read the media spin.
Read the emails.
All right, let's go back to a few more callers.
Let's go to Jim in Virginia.
Jim, you're on the line.
Oh, no, Jim, he hung up.
Let's go to Chris in Kentucky.
Chris, you're on the line.
Hey Jason, thanks for taking my call.
You got it.
I just, you know, all the information you gave out about the cyber attacks and things like that, I think it's also just to attack the worsening economy.
They just want to get the complete control.
Well, I agree.
Well, I agree and you can tell that when
That's all they want to do.
Obama is apathetic.
What is it?
No, no, I'm sorry, agnostic towards taxes on regular Americans.
Before, when he was a champion of the people, there will be no new taxes, we're leaving Iraq, we're getting out of Afghanistan, we're going to become fiscally responsible, we're getting rid of lobbyists.
None of it was true.
Zero of it was true.
They just continue to bail out the banks with trillions of dollars.
They continue to pass nightmarish legislation like the GIVE Act.
They promote Youth Corps, and they are trying to put this country under more socialization, which is just going to lead to a global government takeover.
Go ahead, Chris.
And I just also, you know, you're right about the 9-11 truth.
I'm a former volunteer firefighter, and after 2002 when I woke up, I was trained in, you know, in fire behavior, and when he started talking about the steel melting, I said, wait a minute, no way, it doesn't melt at that temperature.
And people need to realize that, you know, they've come out with so many different stories.
I appreciate the call.
Let's go through a few of those stories.
First day, okay?
Well, it just got so hot that the steel melted and then the building pancaked floor by floor by floor.
Then you start looking at the videos and it doesn't pancake floor by floor.
You can see huge ejections from the explosions that are taking place 20, 40, and 60 floors below the supposed quote-unquote pancake.
So then, they come out and they spin it and they say, well, it didn't really have to be hot enough to melt the steel, it just had to weaken it, and then this domino effect happened, and the central columns gave way.
Remember, they told you it was a hollow tube!
Nothing could have been further from the truth, it was a huge cross-section grid!
I mean, it's out of control, what they told you, and what really happened.
And then, we point out,
Well, there were temperatures of over 2,700 degrees at the base of the World Trade Center.
Jet fuel only burns at 1,800 degrees.
They refuse to address that point.
When you talk about the molten metal, it doesn't exist.
They don't want to talk about the molten metal.
They say this is their talking point back.
This is what the people over at Skeptics Magazine like Tom Schirmer and other scumbags say.
They say, well, it didn't have to be that hot, you know, at 1800 degrees.
Listen, we're not talking about when steel loses its strength.
We're talking about the molten metal that was found on the site!
And then John Gross of NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which are in charge of this Cybersecurity Act with the FCC, same organization, gets up
In front of a college classroom at a lecture and says, well I was on the site, I never saw any of it.
And then a professor from that school, all in loose change final cut, you get it for five bucks, case, DVD, whole nine over at InfoWars.com.
One of the professors who's at the lecture says, well wait a minute, what about
This molten metal.
He's like, well, could you show it to me?
Did you just see it yourself?
He's like, well, no, but it was reported.
Oh, I don't know of any reports.
And then we play the firefighters talking about the molten metal.
We play Ken Holden of the Federal Emergency Management Agency talking about the molten metal dripping from Building 6.
We show you the clips where they talk about 2000 plus degree temperatures weeks after the attacks.
But the debunkers don't want to touch it, because it's the truth!
God forbid we act like grown-ups in this country and talk about the truth!
The truth has become like some diseased organism of lepers that nobody wants to touch!
Well, I'm going to embrace the truth, and I'm going to do everything in my power to change the truth of the situation from the fact that we are overrun by a tyrannical system
Alright, let's go to Justin in Pennsylvania.
Justin, you're on the line.
In regards to the internet policies they're trying to pass now, I've been working in the internet industry since the early, mid-90s, and the actual government monitoring of the internet has been going on long before that.
Even with the passage of the Homeland Security Act, the... I'm trying to read you off.
There are monitoring stations, for example, in New Jersey, back in late 1909, they were installing a new monitoring station in the T-Mobile station.
They call it, quote-unquote, the back room, where each of the high-speed serial links coming into the network were being tapped and brought into this back room so that everything coming into and out of the station could be monitored.
Exactly, and what happens, people don't understand, they go, well they don't have enough personnel to listen to all my phone calls or read all my emails.
You're damn right they don't have enough personnel, thank the Lord.
What they do have, and they've had since the late 90s publicly out in the open, these are the systems that we knew about in the 90s, they have Echelon and Carnivore software.
So they go through, they pick out key phrases, specific places, and then they track and trace and database you from there!
On top of that, I want to talk about something Wikileaks released about two, three months ago that's of utter importance in this massive slave state control grid.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burmas, sitting in InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
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And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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We are back live.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas sitting in while Alex is on a sign.
We're about to have Richard Reeves in studio in the next segment for the final 90 minutes of the program.
If you missed
Any of the broadcasts.
Remember, after the show, we put out a free, yes, free podcast where you can go to Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv and get it for free.
Or, you can download the free iPhone app and listen to it how you want, when you want, 24-7, 365.
It is the coolest new thing.
I have it on my iPhone.
I don't have my iPhone on me or I'd show it to PrisonPlanet.tv.
Viewers may well do that in the upcoming segment, but I just love seeing the Infowar expand.
You know, we were number 9 out of the top 10 hottest stories on Alexa this week.
How awesome is that?
And then you go to our Alexa ratings and we are just jumping leaps and bounds.
Leaps and bounds.
I went to our US rating this week and we are in the top 1,000 sites.
We're like 900 and something in the United States of America.
3,000 overall.
It's amazing, and it's a testament to what we can do as a people when we get over our fear and we turn that fear into activism.
Into proactively attacking the system that is trying to destroy us.
Alright, let's take a couple more callers.
Let's go to Justin in Oklahoma.
Justin, you're online.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, my sources are a little low to look up some of this stuff, but I have a few questions.
One of them would be something I heard on TV about, um, in Afghanistan, how we were doing everything to make their lives better, and, like, uh, supposedly our government allowed rape.
Let me stop you because you are just like going through this so slow.
First of all, we're not in Afghanistan to help anybody but ourselves.
We put in our dictator, Hamid Karzai, a Chevron executive, and we allow, we don't allow, we fund his brother, the lead opium dealer, in Afghanistan for the last eight years covertly through the Central Intelligence Agency.
That's the Bush administration.
That's the Obama administration.
Point one.
Point two, right now, as we speak, NATO and U.S.
forces, NATO, U.N.
forces, again, it's about globalism, it's about internationalism, are digging in for a huge offensive on quote-unquote Taliban fighters.
It's a dog and pony show.
We could have been in and out of that country in two, three months.
That's not what we wanted.
We want that country to build the infrastructure of a Eurasian Union under our control.
A conglomerate of Iraq, which we've taken over, of Afghanistan, which we've taken over, of Saudi Arabia, which we've worked with.
For really decades now, we want Iran, we're beating the drums against Yemen, and we're looking to take over that region.
As far as the rape goes, my friend...
That was out in 2004.
Let me say that again.
Senators came out of hearings not just looking at the Guantanamo Bay pictures that we've seen, but seeing some of the actual rape videos.
They videotaped some of these rapes and killings and they were disgusted.
So there is no question
That United States military personnel are over there torturing and raping people.
Yes, that is the uncomfortable truth that most people don't want to address.
Go ahead, Justin.
The bill that was passed, not about our own doing it, but the fact that a bill passed allowing rape to be illegal.
A male can deny his wife of food for three days and that there is a rape.
You can try her.
for murder if he does not enjoy his pleasures and uh... what are you talking about islamic law justin i'm not sure what you did if you're discussing you know laws from other countries you know some of these things are chauvinistic they are in favor of male dominance but i can assure you there are no laws to be passed by the united states government or even internationally where rape is ok i can promise you that rape not ok appreciate the call let's go to michael in california michael you're online
Hey Jason, good morning, or afternoon.
Something that I came across on Channel 2, Fox Network, Channel 2 in San Francisco, is that in April, the city and county has decided that they will send out the first carbon tax bills in the country.
Now the interesting point about this is that the UN was created in San Francisco.
Uh, but they have announced that come April, you, all businesses, and this is only businesses, not people, but all businesses in the city and county of San Francisco will be receiving their first carbon tax bill of the year.
Well they couldn't, let me tell you something, they couldn't get it in on the federal level.
And they couldn't get it in on the international level with the Copenhagen Climate Conference.
So what are they going to do?
They're going to bring it to the local level first and see which suckers pay into it.
We'll be back after this with Richard Reeves.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now.
No matter how hard you try,
We are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmiss sitting in for Alex as he is on assignment.
We are joined now by Richard Reeves, a local activist and host of Frontline Texas.
Richard, how are you today?
Hey Jason, I'm doing great and thank you and Alex and the crew for having me on.
Hey, no, thank you for coming in.
Why don't you just give a short synopsis of who you are and how you really became awakened to the Patriot movement?
Because you've been a local activist for a long time.
I know you've been out on trips with Alex before, with myself.
You've been camera crew, you know, driving us around, part of the action.
It's been a few years now.
That's right.
I first tuned into Alex in 97, but going back even further than that, I remember as a young kid in single digits of age playing dominoes in Pollyanna with my grandmother.
And at that time, one of the best resources, ironically enough, was one of these tabloids like the Inquirer and things like that.
At that time, that's how you got a lot of this information about the New World Order and how ultimately the plan was to take America over from within.
And even then, as a six, seven, eight year old playing these board games with my grandmother, she was telling me about that, how that we were destined to be destroyed from within.
And so that was really my first heads up as a young boy, even back then.
And my dad, he kind of knew what was going on.
But, you know, it wasn't until around 1992 that the puzzles started getting put together for me more.
And that was from listening to a radio talk show host named Chuck Harder.
I don't know if you ever heard of Chuck Harder, but he was back in 92, and he was definitely
At that time, exposing the left-right paradigm and how the left side's phony, the Democrats are run by these fraudsters and the gangster gangsters, and then you've got the right side run by the fraudster gangster gangsters, and he was really starting to demonstrate that back in 92.
But then in 97,
driving through Austin Texas as a truck driver I was going through Austin Texas on a regular basis about twice a week if not even more frequently and at that time Alex Jones was he got on a blowtorch of a radio FM station 98.9 FM and he was doing a great job back then I didn't have any idea he was only in his early twenties
He has that gravelly voice, so it's very hard to distinguish.
I didn't have any idea he was that young of a man.
I thought he was in his 30s, 40s, something like that.
36th birthday today.
Happy birthday, Alex Jones, out there.
I want to throw that out there.
That's right.
Happy birthday, Alex, wherever you are.
I hope you're having a good time.
The thing that really got me in 97, listen, Alex, was that he really had the ability to articulate the New World Order and how they operate, which that's been one of the shortages that we've had for so many years, and he was able to articulate that and he really got me on board.
He was at that time
Really, really bashing Bill Clinton at that time in 97.
And of course, who did we have in the governor's mansion during that time?
None other than George W. Bush.
And so it was somewhere I guess in 1998 or 99 that they literally changed the format on 98.9 FM.
It went to all Spanish radio and all of a sudden that talk radio station was gone.
And frankly, I lost track of Alex there briefly, but when I saw 9-11, when I saw those events,
Of 9-11.
I remember that I worked night shift you know for many many years and at that time during 9-11 I was working night shift as well but on that particular day my phone would not quit ringing.
It would not quit ringing so I finally asked the man I got to answer this call must be important and it's none other than my mother calling me I'm saying you need to turn on the TV and see what's going on and so for the rest of the day I did basically nothing but watch the events on 9-1-1
And I saw Building 7 come down live on TV that day and from there on I said man I gotta find Alex Jones again because this guy I'm sure he knows what's up he knows what's going on I knew that when I saw Building 7 that the official so-called story that they were feeding us was a lie and from there on it's like
Uh, as far as activism goes, it's like, how do you go back to non-activism after seeing that and realizing that the NWO is that criminal and that crazy?
After 3,000 people are killed on live television, and I, you know, this is why I keep hearkening back to 9-11.
I think it's very important we do so.
And why?
Because, number one,
It's their command and control operation.
When they want to go into a nation, when they want to justify body scanners, what do they say?
We're in a post 9-11 world and this continues to this day.
Eight plus years later.
And, fortunately, with guys like Alex Jones and you, Jason, and all the work that's been done, is you hear less of that.
Imagine where we would be, imagine where we would be if we didn't have all these activists out there exposing 9-11 truth.
I think we're not that far from a day when they're going to be, the powers that be in the mainstream media, are going to be afraid to talk about 9-11 because
The overwhelming numbers of us are going to be 9-11 truthers.
I've seen this from being to Tea Party events before, where one of the things is, see I'm a grassroots ground warfare, I'm a grunt on the ground, is what I am in this info war.
I'm one of the grunts on the ground.
I go to Tea Party events in San Antonio, I've done a little bit of Tea Party events here in Austin, and then I'm always going to the different
Thank you.
Minded people, patriots, 9-11 truthers on one side.
You picture one of those battlefield scenes where they show the camera and they show that divide that's like a grassy field between these two armed forces that are about to just head on towards each other and clash and you know they're going to be clanging of swords and spears being chunked and you know horses running over people and people getting stabbed etc.
Crossbows being fired and that is exactly what's going on in these Tea Parties.
You've got liberty and patriot minded people
NWO exposing issues to where we literally take over all the political system.
Left, right, Libertarian Party, we've got patriots involved in the Libertarian Party.
I say to Libertarians, man your battle stations, keep your posts, don't let the NWO come back in and corrupt any of the parties.
Libertarian Party is basically run by patriots and constitutionalists.
And now, I think what we're going to see is the Republican Party become Patriot, and we're starting to see people get involved in the Democrat Party, and you can see that right here in Travis County.
And I know it's a national show, but I want to emphasize that these little things that are happening all over the different places are just a microcosm view of the overall that's going to where 9-11 truth-tellers, Patriots, etc.
keep getting bigger and bigger, and we end up being the majority.
Well, you know, I've noticed at these events, like these Tea Party events, that even the guys that maybe don't know about 9-11 truth, that are the mainline Republicans, if you give them an Obama deception or a fall of the Republic, they are, they're just wide awake to that.
They can see that.
You know what I mean?
Obviously, you know, 9-11 isn't dealt with very much in those films, maybe briefly, you know, out of a two plus hour movie.
But they look at that and then all of a sudden they're opened up to, hey, wait a minute, the Federal Reserve is a private system.
Hey, wait a minute, the Bilderberg Group does exist.
Hey, this isn't just Alex Jones talking about Obama standing in front of the United Nations as their Secretary General, you know, betraying the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and ultimately the people that are in this country.
So you start them out with something like that, then you give them, you know, a loose change final cut, a fabled enemies, a 9-11 truth rising,
You know, and you can get those for great deals, and we encourage people.
I remember the tea party I went to in San Antonio in April with Glenn Beck.
There was a group there, I believe it was San Antonio 9-11 Truth, and they had copied over a thousand Obama deceptions.
And I personally witnessed them handing them out to people.
And I can't tell you how many little old ladies, you know, in their 60s and 70s grabbed it and they said, you know,
I got sent this last week.
I just watched it last night.
This was unbelievable.
Thank you for a hard copy.
I'm going to give this to my son.
I'm going to give this to my daughter.
And it was so heartening to me that we can have such a big effect with what someone perceives are small movies.
You know, we don't get a big theatrical release.
You know, Miramax isn't backing us.
You know, mainstream Hollywood could give a rat's ass about us.
It's grassroots warfare at the best.
And exactly what you laid out, I heard you talk about earlier in the show, that you went to San Antonio to that tea party, and so you got to witness firsthand that it is like that Braveheart movie, where you've got these two opposing forces clashing together, but the truth is going to win out.
It's just a matter of reinforcing and getting it out there.
And like you said, maybe with a neocon you have to start out talking about the debauched food, the GMO food, or maybe it's about Big Pharma, you know, or maybe it's about the HPV vaccine that Rick Perry wanted rammed down everybody's throats, or maybe it's about the fluoride in the water.
But sooner or later somebody's got an issue that you can touch them on and it's touching their life.
Maybe they got an autistic kid.
Who knows what the issue is?
You can talk about public schools and how
The continuing dumbing down of America just happens over and over and gets worse every year.
So there's some way to approach everybody.
And maybe 9-11 Truth for some people is kind of the end of the road where they finally get to.
But they will get to it or they'll have to deny it.
And for those that would deny it, then I think they're in a heap of trouble because they're going there.
I've seen it happen at these tea party events where you've got one guy that he's not he's not a 9-11 truther.
Well, as he's walking around the room, he's meeting different people or whatever.
He's running the 9-11 truthers.
Yeah, so it was like one of these movies like you that you see these one of these zombie movies where every time you go around the corner you run into another zombie.
Well, it's another 9-11 truther and so that's what we're gonna get to is we just need to be so ubiquitous so ubiquitous on around every corner that there's no denying it and that in 2012
I personally think, I really believe that we are going to field a presidential candidate, I don't know if it's going to be Ron Paul, could be Ron Paul, I don't know who it is, but this time there's not going to be any pussyfooting around with 9-11 Truth.
It's going to be front and center, it's going to be on the agenda, and what we need to do to get there is get everybody to precinct conventions, both sides of the aisle, Democrat, Republican, precinct conventions, 9-11 Truthers, infiltrate all of these groups, and get back our republic that way, and then when we go to these conventions,
Then we're there and we're ready to select presidential candidates of our own choosing.
Yeah, and not let the bankers just select who they want.
And I always tell people, you know, you catch more flies with honey.
So when you're talking to somebody that you know already has some kind of a different opposing political belief, try to bring them in with something you can agree on.
You know, like you said, the right is more apt to know about the climate gate issue.
You know, talk about the Copenhagen Treaty.
You know, talk about the emails and work your way into other aspects of the military-industrial complex.
And now, in Texas, it really does look like we have a shot.
A governor who actually believes, I mean get this folks, in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Tell us about Debra Medina.
I'll tell you, I'm so happy to tell you about that.
I'm glad you asked, Jason.
Medina4Texas.com, that's the website.
And I gotta tell you, this latest public policy poll that came out, showing her at 24%, really is what's got the powers that be on the attack now.
I'm surprised they waited so long, but yes, they are on the attack.
We're good to go.
And now he's looking at splitting that 550,000 vote base.
He's looking at sharing that to some degree with Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Rick Perry may end up with numbers in the 300,000 to 400,000 vote range.
Jason, can we really think after all these years of Alex Jones right here in Austin, the hotbed of freedom, not just of Texas, not just of the nation, but of the world?
Can we really not believe that we've got a million patriots in Texas that are ready to hit that black box voting button for Debra Medina?
And I know those people out there, there's got to be a million of us ready to pull that and do that.
And I'm encouraging people to remain organized, especially on election day, because we know about the fraud with Diebold, we've seen hacking democracy, we've read black box voting by Bev Harris, and we need to keep this election as
That's right.
Her and Karen Rennick, I believe, have been on Alex's show before, and they talk about this issue of black box voting, and it is a very serious issue.
As a matter of fact, in 2002, I went to work on a campaign back in 2002 here in Travis County because of that issue.
I said, man, you know, I hear Alex talking about black box voting, but man, I'm still having trouble with that, and I saw the two brothers that put the video together.
I don't recall their name right off the top of my head.
They put a video together about black box voting and I thought man it's just still hard for me to believe but I got involved in that election 2002 here in Travis County and that made a believer out of me that yes black box voting does exist and there are fraudulent things going on with our voting but that's where we just like say I need to emphasize that we are need to be big enough and bad enough
We need to have the numbers out there that we can man every poll and we do the polling like you're talking about, the exit polls of our own.
And VoteRescue.org, I will be surprised, I'm sure that they're planning on doing something here in this election to help monitor the polls.
And I think we can just make it, and I think there's good people inside the system too.
Not everybody's corrupted completely.
I think a lot of the times if we can just nail down the vote at the precincts and know those numbers there.
Then we can just follow up the chain of command and try to verify the votes as they go up the chain of command when they bring them into those central locations at the county level.
And that's another way to do it.
But VoteRescue.org, those are the folks that are really going to be watching this.
And I have full faith in those people like Vicki Karp, Karen Renick, and their organization in helping watch for the vote fraud.
You know, we have to shine light on the darkness of corruption wherever it may lie.
So, you know, we have this election.
It's a close election.
Deborah Medina is edged out.
We have to remain vigilant.
I mean, we know in 2004, in the fixed presidential election of second and eighth cousins on both sides, second cousin on one, eighth cousin on the other, both went to Yale together, you know, two years apart, both in skull and bones.
Don't mention skull and bones.
That doesn't exist either.
It just doesn't exist.
It's so secret I can't talk about it.
And you look at that election.
Kerry wins the election.
Let me repeat that, folks.
Kerry wins the election.
In fact, in Jesse Ventura, American Conspiracies, he devotes an entire chapter to 2004.
And in 2004, in Ohio, they rigged the election!
And Jesse Ventura goes into it in this book.
You can order it over at Infowars.com right now.
I believe we have Alex Jones on the line.
Hey guys, I'm driving down the highway here listening to you on the new free iPhone.
I'll come back over the break briefly, but I did notice last night, Googling just my own name, that they're attacking Debra Medina all over the place, including Newsweek.
Using me, saying, oh look, the king of the 9-11 truthers, you know, the guru of the tea parties.
You know, they use all these, the prophet of the tea party, which is actually
Overall, the truth, man.
Come on, Paul, it's me.
If you've got to pick somebody out, which I don't actually like the level of heat, scrutiny, and disinformation and going DelPro that we're getting.
But, you know, the point is, nobody has ever even gotten into that.
And that's fine.
I've never asked her about 9-11 truth because I know she's a constitutionalist.
We need to get her into office.
It's a state position.
Alex will be back right after this.
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This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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All right, folks, we are back at the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas sitting in.
Alex on the line.
Richard Reeves in studio.
And Alex was making the point during the break.
No matter what happens, Medina running for the governorship is a win-win because we are shining light on the real issues and we are gearing other people up to run in big elections under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which is now a novel idea in this country, Alex.
Well, Debra Medina is the equivalent of George Washington winning that first battle a couple years into the war in Trenton, New Jersey.
They lost every battle, but they won that small battle, and that gave people the street decor.
It gave them that light at the end of the tunnel.
It really buoyed them.
And we had a big victory at Trenton two months ago in Copenhagen, but at the state level with a real battle.
If you look at NORTHCOM, you look at Homeland Security, you look at the John Warren Defense Authorization Act, you look at the Governor's Board that Obama's created, it's all about taking over the states.
They recognize the number one threat.
It's the 37 states now moving to declare sovereignty.
Not secession like Perry says.
He's demonizing the state's rights movement while posing as one of us.
That's a true Benedict Arnold.
Just like Beck.
Very sophisticated.
But what they're doing here is, just by her gaining four or five points every week, if she had two more months, she would beat them hands down, no runoff.
She may still win, everybody's got to act like she can win, but now people will remember to take Ron Paul, Campaign for Liberty, Patriot, you know, him for a warrior.
We're good to go.
It's very well spoken, very smart, great person.
I think you're going to see some men step forward.
They're going to be incredibly dynamite.
More women stepping forward.
So again, this is another victory at Trent.
We've already won a giant victory, but this is now international and national news and the system is sending out their biggest guns, like Comrade Beck.
And the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
Also the Republican Party is running three Tea Party neocons against Ron Paul.
Their true colors are being shown.
This is a big victory.
I'm going to throw it back to you and Richard Reeves.
Great job, gentlemen.
God bless you.
Thank you so much, Alex.
And coming up in the next segment, Richard, for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers, and I want to get your take on this, I want to show the panel of the new Captain America comic book.
I don't know if you've seen it.
I'm holding it in my hand.
Where they portray the Tea Party movement as racist white people.
Actually, I have seen it.
Now, you've been to these things.
I see Latinos there.
I see black people there.
I see non-whites there.
You know, a lot of people would say that I'm not white enough, you know?
I mean, I'm at these things.
This is total propaganda, and it's done through what used to be, you know, an icon of American greatness.
Captain America.
You know, he went after Red Skull and Adolf Hitler.
I mean, this is the comic book character that reigned in Hitler.
And now, you know, I read this thing, and we're going to put it up on the screen for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers.
Basically, Captain America's doing a little recon.
He's got a partner.
Partner's African-American.
And they're looking into the crowd, signs like America, not Americans, and then ones you would never see at a tea party.
Things like, teabag the libs before they teabag you.
See, the teabag thing is something that the fake left has used to demonize the tea parties.
No one's talking about teabagging.
We believe that, you know, the Founding Fathers were onto something when they took on the British and they had their first Boston Tea Party.
It has nothing to do with teabagging.
That's all this means.
Now, as the black gentleman looks into the crowd, he says, I don't exactly see any black people here.
Insinuating like, oh, this is some kind of a racist movement.
So I want to get into that.
I want to get into the mass mind control.
I want to get into how they're going after our children in this comic book.
And much, much more.
We're also going to take your calls.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is the final hour of this worldwide broadcast.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess sitting in for Alex as he's out on assignment.
Alex has joined us throughout the program.
We are in studio with Richard Reeves of Frontline, Texas.
And we were just discussing, and I hope we can bring this up.
I know that it's over on the side there.
I want people to see this.
The Captain America comic book.
There it is right there.
Stop the Socialists.
Teabag the Libs.
The Tea Party movement really isn't about right or left.
It's about us empowering ourselves through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and those documents are really there to empower humanity.
Those documents don't guarantee us anything, okay?
God, our inherent human rights, guarantee us the rights to be free, and these documents just set it in stone.
And now they're being eviscerated on every single level.
So when I see Captain America, again, an icon, an icon, you know, my buddy got the Captain America tattoo this year.
You know, I see little kids in the Captain America outfits.
In one of the storylines about two or three years ago, because they've had several different Captain Americas, you know, I think it was Steve Richards at first, but it's someone different.
They actually had a storyline
We're good to go.
So, that to me was actually kind of positive.
It's kind of showing, hey, Captain America stood up for privacy issues, he didn't go to the man, he got shot in the head.
But now, they're using Captain America as a vehicle to demonize the Tea Party movement.
What's your take?
Well, I agree with you exactly, because traditionally that's the way they demonize
The Patriot Movement in general is by calling us racist, anti-Semites, etc., like that, and or just tinfoil hat wearers, kooks.
And those things are wearing thin, I mean, basically because they've tried this racist thing over and over.
That's just like when you try to talk about the illegal invasion, the border issues, etc.
They have a difficult time moving that forward now with columnists, you know, the racist group or whatever.
Because, for example, down in San Antonio, in the Tea Party movement down there, there are plenty of Americans of Hispanic descent down there involved in that party, in the Tea Party movement itself.
As a matter of fact, my lovely wife, Catherine, she first got introduced into the Patriot movement via Glenn Beck, of all sources.
That got her into this, and then it was at that very
...tea party function that you went to on April 15th of 2009 that she was actually a speaker there at that event and roused the crowd up even more than Glenn Beck did at that event but she didn't know about the full spectrum of the New World Order until it was the info warriors down there like yourself Jason and Matthew Medina some of the great activists down there, San Antonio, gave her a DVD and she watched it and... Was it Obama deception?
I think it was Obama deception that she first saw, and that really helped wake her up.
And then she's a quick study, gets on the web, and then all of a sudden she's on board full on.
And so there's an example of how Glenn Beck, we leveraged Glenn Beck to bring in more people into the Patriot movement.
So overall, it's good that he can at least wake up people to certain issues.
It's like now, basically when they talk about a globalist government wanting to come to power, a new world order come to power.
You know, used to, people like that, we were called kooks back then.
That's gone almost anymore.
Now basically, the only ammo they have to fight us with is trying to name us racist.
And that's not going to work either because there are great activists that are coming on of every color.
We've got a gentleman called named Apostle Claver out of Houston that he's bringing forth constitutionalists.
He's a black gentleman out of Houston, very articulate.
He's like an Alex Jones up there, just fiery, talking about Constitution, talking about God-given rights.
And so the people of color are starting to come on this movement.
As a matter of fact, that's part of
What I've been working on at the grassroots level is saying, all right, look, we do need to bring in more Hispanic people, especially here in Texas.
We've got a lot of Hispanic people here.
And you know what?
Bottom line is they're conservative and they're American.
And if they just remind themselves of the Constitution, they're constitutional and they appreciate the God-given rights.
When we come back, I want to discuss some of the other great candidates that are out there.
I see that you brought a list with you of other people that are Constitution-minded, that are behind the Bill of Rights, that are for the people.
Remember a government for and by the people?
I can dream of it again, folks!
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermesen in PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
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Someone who cares.
Who am I?
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back!
It's the Info Warrior with Jason Burmess.
I'm sorry, it's the Alex Jones Show with the Info Warrior sitting in.
I get so used to that, it's terrible for me.
We were just discussing
Some of the other candidates out there, outside of Debra Medina, obviously everybody who's listening locally, we hope that you go out, you support Medina, you get involved.
Like I said, get involved with the exit polling, folks.
Get involved right now with knocking on your neighbor's doors and saying, hey, have you heard about this candidate?
Are you watching this election?
Do you plan to vote?
And if they don't plan to vote, that's the person to rally on.
Say, listen, we got some real issues right now.
You need to be voting and you need to be voting for this person.
for these reasons and you just need to step by step it's like I said earlier you catch a lot more flies with honey you can usually allow you know if you have any kind of discernment you walk up to a home you see the home you see the car they're driving you see who answers the door right off the bat you should be able to intellectually tell
How you can at least talk to this person for a little bit longer.
What you need to say to this person to get them interested.
Not only in voting, but in your candidate.
And again, it comes down to us becoming human beings again.
That's right.
You know, we're so detached from society in this text message, Twitter world.
You know, everything's through Facebook, everything's through an IM or an email.
We don't pick up the phone and call our parents anymore.
We email them.
And we don't talk to our neighbors at all anymore.
And Jason, you bring up some great points.
I tell you, I could address several issues that you just brought up in the commentary you just made, but we need to build basically two social networks.
One of them is on the web, but you know, it's just like you talked about earlier in the show, the web is subject to being cut off at a moment's notice.
You know, we know that's run through the Pentagon.
They can flip the switches and all of a sudden no more web.
It's going to be a hard one to get over on the American public because we're used to the freedom of the internet and the free speech that we have on it.
But the second parallel social network that we need to build is exactly what you're talking about, is working within our precincts, in our neighborhoods, so to speak, to where we've got people on board that we know what they're thinking about.
We know they're constitutionalists.
We know they're patriots.
We know they're about God-given rights.
And get them on board, and that's what I see happening out there is people are getting connected.
We're going to build the biggest grassroots Patriot Network ever and that's what's happening because I can give you an example in an election that I was involved in in 2006 there was one lady named Susan Gary up in a town called Copeland, Texas that's just south of Taylor, Texas in Williamson County and she knew the people in her precinct in her neighborhood so well that our candidate despite the fact that Barbara Samuelson our Patriot candidate in that race was poorly funded we had less than $10,000
And we were up against one of the juggernauts at the state rep, you know, here in Texas, that had probably in the neighborhood of $100,000 for a state race, for a state representative seat race.
And this lady, Susan Gary, single-handedly brought in about 70% of the vote.
And that's the kind of grassroots networks that we're going to be able to build.
The question is not a matter of if we build it, it's a question of when we build it.
Because that's what's happening, is that people are getting connected, they're getting out of their neighborhoods.
And if we have that level of ground troops, so to speak, then we can dominate in these elections.
We can dominate on the ballot.
See, another way to get around black box voting, and this is one of the things I've been talking about on a variety of programs that I get to do, is that
We can beat black box voting by being the grassroots that's so in control that we proffer up these candidates.
Look at this slate of candidates.
I don't know if you can zoom in on that, and I'm not interested in whether or not if people can read that entire slate or not, because what's important is that list of patriot names that are running in all these different races.
You've got people running for the Supreme Court.
You've got people running for state representative seats.
I think we've got some patriots running for state senate seats.
We've got people running for precinct chairs.
We have got patriots running for all these different offices.
And it doesn't stop there.
Because what you've got to remember is it's like when Debra Medina is going out to these town halls or these debates or whatever, that's just another info warrior out there getting the message of liberty, constitution,
Freedom, property rights, etc.
Each one of these is a warrior out there, a soldier, if you will, in the ground war, educating the public.
Every town hall they do, every time they get to speak with their neighbors, they are info-warring.
And what better way than to multitask?
You know how the New World Order, it seems like everything they do has a multifaceted approach.
I mean, you look at 9-11, they destroyed Building 7 because it's loaded up with all kinds of government secrets that they don't want to get out of the bag.
Here's how we can info-warrior in a multifaceted manner is by these candidates stepping up.
And here I am just in Travis County.
You know, Jason, it's gotten so big that I really feel in my heart that this kind of level of activity is going on nationwide now.
It's just there's so much of it going on, there's no way to keep track or know about it.
But I'm very encouraged.
It looks like in Kentucky, Rand Paul is probably going to win his Senate primary and most likely go on to win a Senate seat.
So I'm thinking that what we're going to have
Success to me in this election coming up would be to see at least a hundred incumbents at the U.S.
Rep level get fired.
Whether they're Republican or Democrat, I don't care.
I just want to see a hundred incumbents lose their seats and a lot of those, the Achilles heel can happen right in the primary and if we've got patriots involved in both parties, then we can be pulling the trigger and firing incumbents.
In these primaries.
That's the Achilles Heels.
Because once you get to these general elections, it's harder to fire incumbents.
Because in most gerrymandered districts, you know, you've got a bias.
You throw in any Democrat, and it doesn't matter what his views are, then, you know, he could be patriot or he could be Satan, but a Democrat's gonna win in that district.
Same thing in some districts with a Republican.
You've got a Republican bias.
So that's why I say the Achilles Heel to the New World Order.
I mean, they've got a variety of Achilles Heels, but in the political process, these primaries is the Achilles Heel.
Well, I think if the people that are listening to this program are aware of what's going on, trade in their apathy for action, then we can do wonders.
Again, people have to realize that they have great power themselves.
That doesn't mean that you necessarily have to run for City Council, or State Senate, or Congress.
But help somebody that you know is going to be for the Constitution, individual rights, sovereignty, the constitutional republic we live in, not just democracy.
Democracy is a word that's thrown around to really paralyze us.
And put us in a position where we don't know what to do.
You know, democracy, like they say, is 51% of the population telling the other 49% that they have to go to the camps.
That's not what this country was founded on.
There's a reason we have states' rights.
There's a reason we used to have a separation of powers.
Three, count them, one, two, three branches of government.
It was called checks and balances.
We no longer have it in the national security state, but we had an executive branch, which is just totally corrupt with power right now.
We had a judicial.
We've already traded in their apathy.
You know, they've gone away from, well, there's, you know, no big deal.
We're in Afghanistan.
I see people don't even realize we're still in two wars.
We're in Iraq.
It's just like every day.
I mean, when Bush was in, it was a big deal.
We had anti-war demonstrations all the time.
But the savior comes in and the left, Code Pink, all the frauds refuse, refuse to step out into the streets.
And then the real deal
Cindy Sheehan rises above it all.
She's out in DC right now trying to get a tent city going of protesters and now the left hates her.
They refuse to talk about her.
The mainstream media won't even cover her.
People need to realize that this is a system of command and control and they will use and have used and continue to use well-meaning good people to continue their agenda so we have to be aware of that and again
Let's just trade in the apathy for action.
Knock on doors.
Make phone calls.
Get out there.
Make posters.
I know there's a lot of talented artists out there.
Get out in the streets.
Make some posters.
I know there's a lot of talented graffiti artists out there.
I've heard more and more lately.
In the city of London, in the city of New York, in Chicago, people are spray painting InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and getting people aware.
I mean, there's guerrilla activism, there's so much each and every one of us can do.
If we just step up to the plate, that's when we start to win.
That's right.
And you made some great points by saying that the people just need to get off their apathy.
I think we really are.
I had a caller one day saying that the independents in Connecticut are at about the 50% threshold.
That independents, patriot minded people, constitutionally minded people are at the 50% threshold.
I think that's a nationwide phenomenon.
And what ends up controlling
The Republican Party and the Democrat Party are only about two or three percent of the people end up controlling those.
So if these patriots just divvied them up amongst themselves and got into the Democrat, Republican Party, Libertarians, keep your positions in the Libertarian Party, don't let
These neocons and New World Order folks get back into power there, then the activism that you're talking about will work and that's just it.
We are big enough to do that.
I'm convinced of that fact because I've seen the numbers continue to grow.
I've watched these elections continue to grow our numbers and there's just no stopping us.
The question is will we be allowed to have time and for the folks that
Don't want to get involved.
There is nowhere to run or nowhere to hide.
Alex says this on his show frequently, that he would go off to some other country if there were another place to go to.
But there's nowhere to go.
Nowhere to go.
This is it.
This is the time to make your stand.
And the time to make your stand is not when the bullets start to fly.
It is too late at that point.
And from that point of view, I think that the war has been lost by us.
If we see bullets start flying.
Glenn Beck and others at Sean Hannity's, they try to co-opt it.
You see Rick Perry try to co-opt it.
They're trying to get Ron Paul out of office through the Tea Party movement right now.
I mean, that is unbelievable to me.
They are literally running candidates against Ron Paul as Tea Party tickets.
These people aren't for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We have to redouble our efforts to make sure that Ron Paul is a Texas Congressman.
Well, Ron Paul has weathered these storms before, and I fully expect him to weather it again, so folks in that area of Texas, get out there and work with Ron Paul and get him back in.
We're going to come back, do a little bit of a news blitz, take your calls.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmas sitting in.
Richard Reeves is in studio.
Remember, if you missed any of the broadcasts, go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv and pick up the free podcast.
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We are back!
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess.
Sitting in while Alex is out on assignment.
We are joined by Richard Reeves in studio.
I just wanted to hit a couple of the other big stories that we haven't covered yet today.
Repossessions at highest level since 1995 in the UK.
They're saying it rose by 15% in 2009, but the final quarter figures were 13%.
That's still over 1 out of every 10 people in the UK losing their house.
I mean, they're just repossessing everything.
This is a global issue.
This is a global economic crisis and it's been construed in a way...
For them to bring in a new currency.
That's why you saw the consolidation of power in the G20 when they said, well, Gordon Brown got up and said, it's a new world order.
And then they start announcing, well, you know, the SEC is going to be absorbed by the Federal Reserve and the IMF and they're all going to start working together.
We're not going to be issuing dollars anymore to third world nations.
We're going to be issuing SDRs.
That's Special Drawing Rights Units.
It is the global currency.
You can type in SDR conversion rate.
You go to the IMF's own website and it is top dog.
The SDR is the top.
Out of the big currencies, the dollar ain't looking so good.
You know, the pound's above it, the euro's above it, the Bahrain Dinar is above it, and it just keeps sinking and sinking and sinking.
That's why it's important to, you know, reiterate.
Things are bad all over, and they're going to offer us the solution like they're the savior, whether that be an Amaro or a global currency coin like the one that Medvedev showed people after the G8.
I mean, this is really happening, Richard.
It is absolutely really happening and it is the slow demise of the dollar but it's a double-edged sword because it's at one point you know they could pull the plug on the dollar anytime they could just call up all the banks one day or email them or whatever they do and say hey banks no more cash goes out today ATMs frozen can't get your money out and they could do that so we're blessed in that at least we've got more time to react that 13% number that you put out about the UK of those folks
Their homes being repossessed.
Imagine if that were in the 20 or 30 percent range and the outrage.
I mean, 13 percent, you know they're outraged.
Those folks are.
And here in the United States, I think that number of repossessions is probably 8 or 10 percent.
It's a pretty high number, but at least the New World Order is measuring how fast they can move forward with their agenda.
And of course, the listeners to this show already know that the ultimate goal is the cashless society and everybody putting on the mark of the beast and the
You don't know everybody having to thumbprint and thumb scan and who knows what else?
And they beta test these things in different parts of the globe and right now they're getting to beta test army on the streets to confront terror threats
We're in the United Kingdom, and it has nothing to do with terrorism.
It is to acclimate the public to get used to the military on the streets like they have in China, where the military is the police.
The police are the military.
You are guilty until proven innocent.
This is out of the independent.
Britain's armed forces could be used on a regular basis
On the streets of Britain to confront the threat of terrorism, even though the last big terror attack was carried out by their own people, the 7-7 bombings of 2004, it's been proven time and time again.
We had the head of Visor Consultants go on Sky News and the BBC that day, that day, and admit they were running a drill for people he didn't want to name, he didn't want to name the people he was running the drill for.
Of blowing up the same three train stations at the same exact time.
And when he was confronted about it by We Are Change Ireland last year, he walked into a closet and closed the door instead of actually answering the questions.
These are... He knows what happened!
He knows damn well what happened and he knows he better keep his mouth shut.
And they are beta testing all sorts of things in the United Kingdom.
CCTV cameras in homes for the worst families, Sinbin families, Internet Eyes is about to launch where they're going to pay you for good tips as you watch live CCTV cameras and report on criminals creating this tattletale nightmare society that we've only read about in books like 1984.
Well, 1984 appears to be trying to come to fruition there in England, and at least we've got that luxury of being able to watch it happening across the pond.
But folks, do not wait to get active, as Jason said earlier, because that will be coming here, and the New World Order does go country by country and have different levels of New World Order activity, but they're everywhere.
Well, let's go to another beta test, okay?
Let's look at Afghanistan.
What are they beta testing in Afghanistan?
Everybody who's in a quote-unquote combat zone has to give up their thumbprint, they have to give up their iris scan, they have to be facially recognized.
And they're slaves in their own country.
They're slaves in their own country, folks, and I don't want to be a slave.
I refuse to bow down and worship my overlords.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
PrisonPlanet.tv and FullWars.com.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator.
It produces pure drinking water right from the humidity in the air.
No, this isn't science fiction, it's very real.
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Their best seller, the Ecola Blue 28, produces up to 7 gallons of water every day.
The Ecola Blue 28 is easy to use and economical.
Generate your own pure water from the humidity in the air.
This system is free of chemicals and uses a multi-stage filtration system, including reverse osmosis, carbon filters, and ultraviolet lights.
Order now and claim your water independence today by calling a Coloblue at 1-800-691-6043.
Or visit a Coloblue on the web at www.ecoloble.com today.
That's 1-800-691-6043.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
Thomas Jefferson once said, when the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Our God-given right to life and liberty and the right to determine what is best for our lives and our family's health are in jeopardy if we the people
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Sitting passively by and accepting the chains of slavery that are being placed on America is not an option.
Please stand with Utopia
I think so.
We are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Verma sitting in as Alex is on assignment.
I want to remind everybody this week we launched the incredible free, yes free, iPhone app.
No cash.
So you type in InfoWars, you type in Alex Jones.
Don't pay for any apps.
Get our free listen live app.
Maybe you're listening right now.
Maybe you just tuned in.
You've got an iPhone but you're about to take a trip.
Well that's great.
Get on your iPhone.
Type in Alex Jones, get the app, put in your 3.5 jack, and listen wherever you go.
I'm so excited about this Alex Jones iPhone app.
I know it's going to be coming to the Blackberries and everything else probably in the next couple of weeks, but it's another way for us to reach an even larger audience, Richard.
Absolutely, I'm really excited about that too.
I came onto the iPod, downloading the iPod, the podcast, etc.
two or three years ago and it's a great thing.
I remember, I can't tell you how many shortwave radios that I used to use out of my car and damage the antenna because I'd hit my power window button and it'd get bent up as the power window's going up.
So those days of having to
Struggle to get truth and freedom oriented broadcasts like Alex Jones, GCNlive.com, etc.
That was very difficult and now it's just keep it keeps getting easier and easier But we've got to use this while we've got it because as you stated earlier in this program The internet is subject to being cut off at any time.
That's just like our banking system
We're good to go.
We cannot continue to wait any longer because pretty soon that front page news around the world that there's just destitution and poverty everywhere will be the story about here, right here in the USA, right here in Austin, Texas.
And this audience, though, I've got to say congratulations that you're listening.
This is the most important political audience on the face of the earth.
If there's another one, I want to know about it because there cannot be.
I've been a talk radio junkie for many years because of my career as a driver.
And this is it.
This is the audience that's going to make the difference.
I want to congratulate the folks that are out there and download the podcast, get that iPhone app, etc.
They really are the most read, the most learned, and the most active of any audience out there.
This is the largest...
Thank you so much, man.
I think?
ISI, all part of the same Anglo-American establishment.
All part of the international intelligence organization that will work hook or by crook with terrorists, murderers, killers.
They like these psychophants!
I mean, they recruit them!
Oh absolutely, absolutely.
They proffer their military-industrial complex this way.
I mean, we've seen that, the problem-reaction solution over and over.
It's been discussed, the Hegelian dialectic, where if they create the crisis, they can come in with a solution.
And these intelligence agencies over and over and over are right there.
We're good.
Right and so you know you step on some big toes when you start stepping on the Federal Reserve boys that they're connected with the intelligence agencies.
You stepped on some of the oil boys down here in Texas.
You step on all those toes and all of a sudden look what happened.
So but the thing of it is now with so many more people getting wise to the situation there are too many of us to put it away to put away the truth.
There are too many of us.
So what we need to do now is just keep charging forward.
Keep InfoWarrior, like you were talking about earlier, going down to San Antonio at the Tea Parties there.
We just keep on pressing and we will be victorious if we just keep moving forward on that.
Let's take some callers.
Let's go to Karen in Oregon.
Karen, you're on the line.
Yes, Karen.
What we're calling for at TaxFree15.com is a national strike for four days, April 15th through April 18th, with those of us who can on the 19th presenting assigned articles of freedom with Bob Schultz's group or signed petitions for state sovereignty to our state officials.
We feel that so many things out there have gone so poorly.
And as long as we keep going about our lives as regular and normal, pretending somebody else will save us, it's not going to happen.
So we're calling for a complete and total
Well, I like how you've done that on April 15th.
You definitely picked a great date to do that, and I wish you all the best.
What do you think, Richard?
April 15th is absolutely the perfect day.
I used to be a truck driver, and truck drivers, basically, you get treated like a second-class citizen right there, because you're really kind of at the forefront of the New World Order and their operations with their commercial driver's licenses, their CDLs, their documentation.
They want a 10-year work history if you get a job.
They really, and that was back in 97 when I got out.
I got out of that industry.
But I tell you, you really got a taste of being a second-class citizen as a truck driver.
And one thing I want to caution people is, yes, we need to do some kind of general strike like that or whatever, but I think we need to limit it to maybe a day, like April 15th is the ideal day, because it was so hard to wrangle those independent cats.
So many of them are just over broke in the trucking industry that despite the fact that they were all going broke to get them organized to do a week-long event or anything like that was just oh yeah they would sign on for it but then they wouldn't do it when it comes time to do it because hey they got to put bread on the table they got to feed their family.
And we're a debtor nation now.
I mean we are a debtor nation.
So I think
Limit it to one day to where you really pound on it and don't do business like she was saying.
Great idea.
I think something like that's going to really happen.
That idea has been talked about many times and it's building up to that and if we could do it for four days or a week it would be outstanding.
People need to realize, you know, our grandparents and some of our parents, depending on how old you are out there, they saved.
They bought things when they could afford things.
They didn't just get a credit card or get a mortgage and then all of a sudden they're in debt.
As a people, no longer have any wealth to ourselves.
Very few of us save.
Very few of us have a savings account.
There are so many people out there that are on, you know, check to check.
Check to their living.
Paycheck to paycheck to paycheck.
And you're seeing it more and more in families with two or three children where they would have been middle class 10, 20, 30 years ago.
They're destitute.
They're almost broke.
They're about to have their home repossessed.
So it's time to really rethink how we're living as a society.
It's not time to go out and get that new credit card so you can afford the iPad when it launches.
It's time to put that money away and maybe invest in some gold or silver or storable foods.
Or maybe a solar panel and a cola blue.
Something to make yourself
A little more independent and a little more off the grid.
That's right.
I mean, we see the centralization going on all around us on everything, whether it's energy, whether it's fuel, whether it's food, whether it's, you name it, housing.
It's like they try to put us in the compact cities.
So it just never ends on the avenues of attack that we're being confronted with.
So that's exactly right.
We need to do as much as we can to be more independent.
We need to push back on that to where we are more independent, growing our own food,
Well, I remember being blown away as a 17-year-old kid, graduating high school.
And I
They're sign-ups for credit cards, right?
I mean, as you're going there to go to school, they're trying to sign up 17 and 18-year-olds to get their first credit card.
I don't know about you, Richard, but I wasn't the most responsible fiscally at 17 and 18 years old, and the system banks on that sort of attitude.
They love the college graduates by design coming out 50, 60, 70, $80,000 in debt with student loans, credit card loans, etc.
That's right.
That enslaves them.
That disempowers them from being active.
It means that they've got to get their nose to the grindstone to feed themselves, to clothe and house themselves and their families.
That limits the ability to be out there and be active.
Because, let me tell you, being politically active takes a toll on you.
It takes the time.
It takes the effort.
I know you've done it.
You've been out there.
And so, folks, I just have to say, you've got to make that sacrifice now.
You've got to a lot.
Sometimes, I know most people, if you've got a couple of kids or whatever, that's like two full-time jobs.
Full-time job per kid, and then you've got a full-time job to work to put bread on the table.
That's like three full-time jobs.
Well, I'll tell you what, there's a fourth part-time job, or fifth part-time, there's a part-time job you need to take on, and that's bringing back and saving this republic here in Texas and the country.
I agree with you a hundred percent.
Let's go to another caller.
Jim in Virginia.
Jim, you're online.
Hey, good afternoon, Jason and Richard.
I wanted to kind of get into a little bit about the Glenn Beck
I was not too sure about what to make of him.
Then I heard this interview he did with Debra Medina, and there's no question that he's just a complete phony, and he had only one purpose, and that was to knock her down.
Well, let me give you my Glenn Beck story, okay?
I was supposed to be on Glenn Beck on the fifth anniversary of 9-11, back in the day when he was still on CNN, and he wasn't being given all this attention.
He wasn't copying Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
He was keeping it extremely mainline.
Now, I had been booked on this show for over a month.
Over a month we'd been booked.
Dylan and I were supposed to go on that show.
Now, we were supposed to oppose popular mechanics, James Maggs and David Dunbar.
They were the ones that wrote this article that turned into a book.
They're the main debunkers.
Now, earlier in the day, I go on live television and radio to debate these same two people on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now.
And she's actually pretty fair.
Pretty fair moderator, lets me say what I want.
I eat these guys alive.
I encourage anybody out there, type in loose change popular mechanics debate, to watch the whole thing.
I mean, I'm inches away from Megs.
And he's stuttering, stammering.
He can't get out a full sentence.
He looks guilty as sin.
We were immediately cancelled on Glenn Beck.
James Meggs was able to propagate his lies over some video or some tapes of our movie, you know?
And right there, I knew the guy was completely illegitimate.
Let's fast forward now to the Georgia conflict.
Now, if you're new to the program, you may not know what happened in Georgia a little under two years ago.
The mainline story was the evil Russians had gone into South Ossetia and just started murdering people, and they were going after Georgia, and Georgia was defending itself.
It was this great republic, and Saakashvili, their leader, was so for freedom and justice.
He's just the greatest.
So he goes on Glenn Beck's Sockersville and starts talking to Glenn about how this isn't about him.
This is about a new world order.
Literally says, new world order on the air.
Do you think Glenn Beck called him on it?
Do you think Glenn Beck said something?
Glenn Beck called him a great person and humanitarian and said, God be with you to this man.
I am throwing up in my mouth when I watch this.
Let me tell you what happened.
in Georgia and South Ossetia.
The Georgians were running drills on the border of South Ossetia with Israeli special forces and Blackwater US military privatized groups running these drills.
So Russia sees this and they say, well, we better start running our own drills because what if these things go live?
All the sudden they go live!
Georgia goes and sneak attacks South Ossetia, murdering people, and Russia goes in to stop it, and they're demonized in the press for over a year.
The only mainline guy that I know of that told the truth was Pat Buchanan, Richard.
Well, it doesn't surprise me about Glenn Beck.
That's how it got started was Glenn Beck has definitely been a big wolf in sheep's clothing, and he single-handedly today, with that interview that he did today, he became the de facto leader of 9-11 Liar.
9-11 Liar.
How would you like to have that title?
Glenn Beck, I tell you what, write this date down.
Today is the 11th.
Glen Beck, this is your day.
Your slide to infamy as a trader here in the United States has really accelerated.
And I think what needs to happen is the great info warriors out there in this audience
We're good to go.
You know, I'm sure he sleeps really well at night on his pile of 50 million dollars.
Let's go to Karen.
I think we already went to Karen in Oregon.
Let's go to Mike in Ohio.
Mike in Ohio, you're on the line.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Jason.
Hey, hey.
I just called you guys to let you know about a little bit of news happening here in Ohio.
I work for an international heating and air conditioning company, and I was told today I'd be fired if I didn't dumb scan.
So what did they say?
That we're implementing a new, uh, what would they call it?
A new regulation or, you know, a new policy.
That's right.
It's always a new policy.
And what do you have to thumb scan now as your, uh, your time ticket?
So you come in and it's unbelievable.
Do you want to say what company you work for?
How many years have you been working there?
I've been here for three and a half years, and we just moved into a new warehouse, and the new time clocks came with it.
Well, I mean, you gotta just scream to high hell.
I know it's not easy.
It's not easy, giving up your livelihood, for what you believe.
Listen, keep us updated, Mike.
I'm with you, man.
Give us some emails.
If you can email us the name of the company, maybe we can go over it more next week.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
That's the bottom line.
But we have to stand up.
Stand up and fight.
You can't thumbscan.
That's right.
Listen, you can't just give in because this is your job.
Because the next thing they're going to do is like, oh, we're just going to prick your blood.
We're just going to take your DNA.
Oh, we're just going to put these little off switches on your car so to make sure that if the terrorists get in your car or if it's stolen, we'll be able to shut it down.
Well, how about if you're the terrorist?
If you're the target and you're on the road trying to escape tyranny, they'll just shut it off.
I mean, they want OnStar in every vehicle.
They want a complete command and control system.
That's why the Census Bureau sent their census boards around to GPS every home within 30 yards!
It happened!
It really happened!
Yes, as a matter of fact, a friend of mine that's a census worker, you know, she asked me not to mention her name, but that's exactly what she was telling me is about the GPS-ing of the doorways to each home in the area that she was working.
So absolutely, I tell you, we are so close to them.
They can cut off the ATMs anytime.
I'm sure they could do that with the gas pumps and all that.
They're just not ready to yet.
We've got this window of opportunity with this big awakening that's happening.
So many people are hurt from the economic devastation that's occurred over the last couple years that we need to actively bring these people in, wake them up, keep them from worrying, and get them involved.
And these thumbscan policies that are going on, it doesn't surprise me a bit.
At some point, we're going to be having to give it up in all the transactions that we do.
It's just a reality.
I wish it wasn't this way.
I wish that I didn't have to come on the air and discuss about real issues.
I wish I was talking sports with everybody.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
That's right.
It's time to get off our duffs and take action.
Step up to the plate and try to knock one out of the park.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermesen.
This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator.
It produces pure drinking water right from the humidity in the air.
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Generate your own pure water from the humidity in the air.
This system is free of chemicals and uses a multi-stage filtration system, including reverse osmosis, carbon filters, and ultraviolet lights.
Order now and claim your water independence today by calling Ecolablue at 1-800-691-6043.
That's 1-800-691-6043.
Or visit Ecolablue on the web at www.ecoloble.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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And the best part, this $100 a year service is now free of charge for our listeners.
That's right.
Yeah, thanks.
We are back!
Final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex out on assignment.
I'm Jason Bermas filling in in studio with Richard Reeves.
If you missed any of the program, folks, it is so important to go get the podcast over at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv.
And listen, as we go over point by point in this bill right here, the Cybersecurity Act, only five dissenters, over 400 congressmen voting this in.
You go to the congressional page where the people are voting on it.
It had less than 6% that were for the bill.
So how is it that we live in a country where our representatives, the representatives of the people, do the complete
And folks, we've got a new iPhone app out there.
It is free.
Do not pay for any InfoWars iPhone apps, any Alex Jones iPhone apps.
It is free and it is playing 24-7, 365, Alex Jones, real information.
Get it to your friends, your family.
Listen, you have a captive audience when you're head of household with your wife and your kids in the car.
When you're on a trip with your friends and you're the one in the driver's seat.
So, you know,
Bless them with real information, with truth.
The iPhone app, sign on that if you've got one of those iPhones, because if not, at least get an iPod and download the podcast.
It's a wonderful thing to be able to have that type of access and open up and unlock minds.
So I say, by all means, support InfoWars and Alex Jones and Jason Bermas.
Get on board, because they cannot broadcast out of a cardboard box under the Congress Avenue Bridge in downtown Austin.
So, keep it up, because we are having an effect.
I see so many victories all the time.
But, you know, I've just got to finish up with going back to this Debra Medina thing.
Glenn Beck, you have single-handedly made yourself the leader of 9-11 liar.
Glenn Beck, it is not going to go well for you.
The Info Warriors and the 9-11 Truthers are going to hound you from now on.
We actually stopped Rudy Giuliani from becoming the presidential selected candidate for the 08 election.
in that election.
You're going to rue the day that you came out and made yourself the leader of 9-11 Liars Group.
You're going to be exposed.
And Sarah Palin, the same thing for you, that you're trying to hijack the Tea Party movement, you're trying to hijack the Patriot movement, and it's not going to work.
So lastly I would want to say, Deborah Medina,
Keep it up.
She's the one.
She's the standard bearer for our movement right now here in Texas.
I would encourage everybody to go to DailyPaul.com.
DailyPaul.com and just search on how you can help Debra Medina win.
Search that in DailyPaul.com, how you can help Debra Medina win.
There's a lot of recommendations there.
There's no way to even lay them all out on a broadcast like this.
But folks, Debra Medina can win this race.
There's got to be a million patriots here in Texas if there's one.
And I just
420-something voting for it.
5 dissenters.
Let's fire 200 of these guys in these primaries, folks.
Let's do it on both sides of the aisle.
Fire them just as fair and square as we possibly can.
These primaries is the Achilles heel to fire these guys.
Again, we went over Climategate.
We went over the Tea Parties.
We went over the latest police state news.
And we went over, big time, the Cybersecurity Act that has gone through the House.
And unless we do something destined, destined to pass the Senate.
Folks, it's the Alex Jones Show.
Please support us.
Make copies of the videos.
Hand them out.
And get the iPhone app!
Get the iPhone app!
Get the iPhone app!
We will be back tomorrow.
God bless you all.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
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