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Filename: 20100118_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 18, 2010
3098 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have cancelled today's radio guest.
on other important subjects.
I have canceled guests today, Monday, the 18th day of January 2010.
To focus on the fact that there is no longer any doubt, 100% pure evidence of massive sustained destruction of the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Tenth Amendment.
It is all happening right now.
It is all being announced.
They are openly trying to not sell the idea to the public, or even the Congress, or even the legislatures.
The Obama administration, taking all the unconstitutional tools that his predecessors developed, namely Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, is openly taking over the internet through cyber security, saying that they do intend to shut down free speech.
His czar of regulation openly says their plan is to end private ownership of firearms in the United States.
The gauntlet's down.
All over the country, the reports are pouring in and being confirmed so fast, my head is spinning, including the town I live in, the town I love, my adopted hometown.
I'm from Dallas, Texas.
And I love Texas, but I love Austin.
And the town where I live is under a complete illegal federal jackboot.
It is under lawless criminal government.
The city of Austin and the federal government are in unconstitutional treasonous rebellion against federal and state law.
They have tried nationwide to ban gun shows.
And now, since Obama got into office one year ago, later this week will be the one year anniversary,
Thursday will be the one year anniversary of President Obama officially being in office.
This is a maximum complete red alert, ladies and gentlemen, and I want to attempt, because I've been beside myself with anger, disgust, pain, sorrow.
It's like I've lost a family member.
Or I'm watching a family member die.
I'm watching my republic, our precious republic, that precious shield against tyranny, fade beneath the waves of history.
And I want to save the good ship of liberty, but I need your help, ladies and gentlemen.
I can't even believe this headline.
By the way, they didn't attempt.
They succeeded, for now.
But the headline is, Feds, Cops,
Attempt to shut down legal gun sales in Austin, Texas.
This broke yesterday on the air when a caller called into the Sunday show.
That's why callers are so important, they alert us to this.
And said that he tried to go to the gun show and of course it's legal and lawful for individuals to go meet at the gun show to rent their own table if they want to sell a few guns and to get rid of them.
The federal law says that if you're engaged in, you know, continual commerce of guns, that is you have a gun shop or that's your main business, that you have to get the federal firearms license to sell.
It's a tax issue.
It's a color of law issue.
And they want to set the precedent nationwide that you can't buy your son a rifle.
That a grandfather can't buy his grandson or daughter a .22.
And I've seen countless cases where they arrest people for selling their neighbor a gun when it's legal and lawful.
Well, the APD, the Austin Police Department, and the BATF on record went in and said, look, we don't have a law or regulation, but we're going to arrest you if you sell each other guns without going through the BATF registration NICS program.
This is huge tyranny.
We're going to fight it.
Stay with us.
One major world crisis away from having a totalitarian type of system.
The main event is the wholesale destruction of the world economy.
The push for every nation on the globe to identify and number all of its citizens.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All over the United States in the last decade, I have seen reports in newspapers and on television of cities and counties trying to tell gun shows
That they can't have private sellers.
Somebody wants to sell their shotgun, go rent a table, go to the gun show, and sell it to a private citizen.
Craigslist doesn't let you advertise private sales citizen to citizen, like if you're selling a jet ski, or a golf club set, or a BB gun, or a water hose.
You can sell all of that, but you can't
Sell firearms.
And now Craigslist and others aren't allowing slingshots and BB guns to be sold.
Children are being arrested.
Every week I see news reports of children playing with plastic guns, toy guns, and being arrested, saying that neighbors complained that it looked threatening.
It is a religion of bondage and disarmament and demonization of the Second Amendment.
Where they want to basically create the illusion and the public perception that firearms are illegal.
You know about billboards all over the country for more than a decade that show an image of a revolver and it says report illegal guns and then you read the fine print at the bottom of the billboard that's very hard to read even up close and it says, oh you get the reward for illegal guns, guns used in the commission of a crime.
But the illusion is guns are illegal.
And that illusion, that fraud, can't be pushed if you've got almost every state in the Union still has the Constitution in place where you can sell your neighbor a shotgun, a rifle, you can sell your cousin a shotgun, a rifle, or handgun, and you can put an ad in the paper, but most papers won't take the ads now, to say, hey, I've got a
Mossberg shotgun I'm selling.
I've got a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum I'm selling.
Or I've got ammo I'm selling.
All over the country, stores, there's no law.
The BATF just comes in and orders them and says, we're going to shut you down.
And they sit there like crooks and threaten them.
If you don't start getting people's driver's license and name when they buy ammo.
And this prepares you for it to become law, just like more than a decade ago, the feds and the state would come in and tell drugstores, we want you to get the names of people buying Sudafed, or buying Claritin, because sometimes criminals get it and make methamphetamine out of it.
So because somebody might do something wrong, you all have to be color of law registered.
Then, after that goes on for a few years, states like Texas and California and others, under federal grants, pass laws where you have to register to buy the over-the-counter medicines.
A couple months out of the year, I get Cedar Fever, like most people in Austin.
And I try to go in and buy Claritin or Sudafed.
I've got to give them my driver's license and have them record it and register it.
And I see old people buying beer, buying cigarettes, buying tobacco.
I've been into Walgreens and seen literally an 85-year-old man or older on a cane with a cane walker, showing his driver's license to buy pipe tobacco.
This is all about a part of training you to show ID to buy and sell, getting you ready for the national and global carbon tax slash sales tax, which they're now openly announcing.
So this is a very sophisticated, complex issue and in the next hour I'm going to simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv so we can actually show you all of these documents and laws and reports so that there's no denial.
Now the issue I'm going to cover now, ladies and gentlemen, is off the charts in its magnitude.
Because previously, in Colorado, in California, in Utah, in Indiana, we've seen the reports everywhere.
In Michigan, in Oklahoma, in towns all over this great nation.
Cities pass ordinances, counties pass ordinances, saying you can no longer have private sales of firearms
Without having a BATF license at gun shows.
And some cities passed laws saying you can't sell your neighbor a gun, you can't buy your son a gun, any firearm transfer or sale must be registered.
Now, Second Amendment organizations, grassroots organizations have fought in every state
To defeat unconstitutional local ordinances.
Because if a city or county law does not cite its power for a law from the state constitution or state laws, it is illegal.
It is tyranny!
And the reason you have that is they've had many towns and cities throughout history that get a corrupt boss hog in power, who literally just start taking people's property because they want it and giving it to their friends or family, who start taking people's guns, who start taking people's crops, and so the state has to come in and stop it.
Now, normally cities pass a law, even though they're fraudulent and have to be overturned via lawsuits or actions by the state attorney generals.
They don't do that in Austin, Texas.
I have never seen anything like this.
This is absolute bona fide, the real deal, super ultra illegal tyranny.
When the government just shows up and doesn't cite a law or statute or even regulation and just says you're not going to sell guns here anymore and puts a notice up on the door and has cops stand there handing out flyers to everyone and we have the actual flyer.
From the Texas Gun Show, formerly the Saxon Gun Show, but now they left Austin and we have a group called the Texas Gun Show and they're against what's happening.
They had a table there with women from the Texas Gun Show saying, please sign a petition to the Texas Attorney General because this is illegal.
The BATF showed up here and the Austin Police showed up, backing them up, giving them jurisdiction and told them
I'm Boss Hogg.
You're not going to do this.
This is the heart, the root of tyranny.
When government says, we don't have a law, it's against the law, but we're going to warrantlessly wiretap you.
We're going to use the Patriot Act per state thousands of times a year in non-terror related cases that makes the Constitution null and void.
That's tyranny.
But at least they've got a phony baloney Patriot Act.
At least they've got some fake law in the process of being overturned all across the nation.
At least they claim they've got a piece of paper.
At least they swear out some type of fake baloney.
Not in Austin, Texas.
This is unprecedented.
Public notice.
This was given out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in Austin, Texas.
Public notice.
Just a public notice.
They're setting up precedent here.
They're just announcing their new power.
Selling of firearms, in quotes, at the direction of the Austin Police Department.
At the direction.
They direct.
And the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
Anyone selling a firearm at this show location will be asked to comply.
Notice, it's all color of law.
To comply with the following.
And now they bring in the true criminal color of law.
Because of one word, this is completely illegal.
Now it's clearly constitutional violation, color of law, fraud in the first paragraph.
Where they're just, they're telling you through pure color of law, we're asking you to do this.
But we're the police with the implied authority.
Now here's what's illegal.
The previous paragraph is clearly unconstitutional and illegal, but this is 100% illegal.
Number one, any person selling a personal firearm must, must, you are commanded, must go through a licensed FFL dealer in the show to transfer a firearm to a new owner.
Number one, any person selling a personal firearm must go through a licensed FFL dealer in the show to transfer the firearm to a new owner.
How many cops have gone to prison?
They love all over the country, they've been caught sitting outside topless bars.
That 20-year-old topless dancer they've got a crush on, they were watching hours before.
Drives out drunk, cop pulls him over and says, you must have sex with me down this wooded road, or I'm gonna give you a DWI.
You must.
It's then official oppression and rape, and they go to prison.
The police are not immune, they are not God.
It's simple, if the cop shows up and says, you must follow my order, you must, when they're outside the state constitution,
You must mow my lawn.
You must come out and dig dishes.
You must kiss my feet.
You must do what I say.
And they do that outside the Constitution.
It is absolutely 110% criminal.
And when it's done by government, it is tyranny.
Number two, shelling of firearms in the parking lot will not be permitted.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Your cooperation with an exclamation point.
This is thuggery.
This is law of the jungle.
This is absolute despotism 110%.
They say you must
They are violating your constitutional rights.
They are violating the state law.
We beat at the legislature in the last, what, four legislatures, five legislatures, back to 1998, 2000 and on.
It's bi-yearly.
We beat attempted laws to shut down private sales of firearms in Texas.
They don't care.
The feds come in here with their pet police chief.
It's the same police chief that takes blood without warrants.
I mean, these people... These people are just out of their minds.
I can't wait till Arch Acevedo comes and sits in this office and defends what he's done.
This is just unbelievable.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I think so.
We're back ladies and gentlemen.
The White House regulations are, says there is no second amendment and that they're going to ban guns and free speech and take over the internet.
It's all over mainstream news saying how wonderful it is.
All over the country the BATF tripled in size.
Now the BATFE, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives,
He is setting up surveillance systems, harassing people at gun shows, legally selling each other firearms as private citizens.
But now in Austin, Texas, public notice selling of firearms at the direction of the Austin Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, anyone selling a firearm at the show location will be asked to comply with the following.
One, you will be asked, see, it's all color of law.
There's no law behind this.
Any person, and that's illegal,
Any person selling a personal firearm MUST, MUST go through a licensed FFL dealer in the show to transfer a firearm to the new owner.
Selling of firearms in the parking lot will not be permitted.
I'm going to open the phones up in the next 30 minutes only for people that have seen this happen at their gun shows around the country and as this happening at other gun shows in Texas.
Because this is outrageously illegal.
And the police just don't need to be overturned by the Texas Attorney General or by the legislature.
They need to get in trouble.
Somebody needs to sit R.A.
Cerveda down and say, listen, just because the BATF comes down here and just because you're wanting a job later in the Justice Department doesn't, like several of our police chiefs have left to become, doesn't mean you go just set up.
I mean, what's next?
Will they put out a notice that everyone must bring their unregistered guns in to be registered, like they did in Canada and England, before they ban them?
And the way they write these laws to overturn the gun show loophole, as it's called, to imply that it's bad, to imply that it's illegal, when it's not, is that it will ban all private transfers.
You want to give your uncle a gun.
He wants to give you a gun.
When I was 14 years old, my dad gave me the lever action Savage 243 deer rifle that he was given when he was 8 years old by his great uncle.
Can't do it!
They also introduced a law we barely beat in 2000 in Texas that would have banned junior shooting sports, saying no one under 18 can even touch a gun.
They want to kill our culture of self-defense and liberty.
Slaves are disarmed.
And let me tell you what the BATF's doing.
They're feeding on people.
Some old man needs money.
Comes in, sells two of his shotguns.
They bust him out in the parking lot and illegally charge him, because it's not even what the statutes say, for federal firearms transfer for being a gun dealer when he's not a gun dealer.
He's privately selling a firearm.
I get reports, I see reports every day of people pulled over, even going to the gun range.
In Texas, in Vermont, in places that have strong Second Amendment.
And the cops are so brainwashed, they go ahead and arrest you for the legal gun!
And a lot of people just plea bargain!
To non-laws!
I mean, we live in a tyranny!
How many reports do you see in the news about neighbors see some old man?
It's almost always an old man in their garage cleaning their gun.
The neighbors get scared seeing a gun.
They come and it's on the news.
They call the police.
This guy, John Brown, John Doe, was arrested for an arsenal.
He had 11 rifles, two handguns, and over 3,000 rounds of ammo.
It's an arsenal.
There's no law against an arsenal or defining what an arsenal is.
Just a bunch of lawless, gun-hating crooks!
Now, here's the deal.
They've had national surveys where over 98%... In fact, call Jack McClam.
Let's get him on about this today, too.
That's why I cancelled guests today, so we can get into the Second Amendment under attack.
There have been countless cases of where they do this.
And where they just teach police that guns are illegal.
When they're not.
But normally they pass a fake ordinance that's unconstitutional under the federal and state constitution.
This is the feds coming in, and then I have the Council of Governors being set up by Obama, merging it with PDD 51, open takeover of the states, mainstream news pointing out this is total federalization, total takeover.
We've got them training the Boy Scout Explorer Clubs now being taken over from the Boy Scouts by the feds and by big police departments like the LAPD.
And then you look, you read the news articles and see police photos of the training.
They're training 14, 15, 16 year olds to quote, take on disgruntled vets that own guns.
Remember the Homeland Security MIAC reports where Homeland Security's internal reports say they're setting up to go after American gun owners and then American gun owners and especially returning vets
Are the number one threat to the government?
You see, they can't pass laws against your Second Amendment.
We're beating them there.
And so they just do it outside the law.
But you've got 98% of police in national surveys against gun control.
They don't like what's happening, but the commanders are criminals.
The commanders are thugs.
It's illegal.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
Tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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You must remain in your houses until your bracelets are scanned.
We're going to simulcast the second, third, and fourth hour in living color video here in the TV studio.
In the second, third, and fourth hour today at PrisonPlanet.TV.
And they just haven't gotten the new banners made and haven't changed PrisonPlanet.TV yet.
We only do it in December and part of January.
I meant to end it last Friday, but it'll be down by tomorrow.
You can still get five and a half months free at PrisonPlanet.TV, but today is the last day.
Today is the last day.
There's still a lot of other great specials up there like get Follow the Republic or the Obama Deception, get a free t-shirt of your choice.
We are selling out of the Obama Joker shirts, that limited edition shirt we put out.
We're good to go.
I think?
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InfoWars.com or 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139 or write to me at InfoWars at P.O.
Box 19549.
That's P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
How do you even get words to describe this level of criminal government?
I mean, there's no doubt on every issue, local government has been federalized in almost every big city, many rural areas.
They have regular army marines running checkpoints all over the country.
The governors say don't do it in Tennessee.
The feds still do it.
It's in the newspaper.
I have state reps on fighting it.
I mean, just the army comes out and shuts down highways and starts searching people.
I mean, the government is a criminal enterprise.
They've stolen 28 plus trillion in the last year and two months.
Obama's federalizing the governors publicly with an executive order, saying they federalized police and local state military.
I mean, it's just, it's incredible!
The cybersecurity czar resigns last year and says the Pentagon is secretly taking over the web.
I talked to high-level IT people in Chicago, in Austin, in San Francisco, in Oakland, in Dallas, and they say suddenly all the networks are being run through huge new government hubs.
Tracking everything, where they can shut the web off whenever they want?
The White House says they may do it?
That's CNET news?
I mean, it's just, it's really happening!
And the public, the general public, is awakening to the fact that the government's corrupt, but they have no idea how bad it is!
And they're literally, from birth, set in their diapers in front of the television set, so people get home at six o'clock,
Their kids get home from the government training center, they cook dinner, everybody gets in front of the television show, watches their favorite shows, and then everybody goes to bed, gets up in the morning, takes their Prozac, and we've just been incrementally brought into this, but it's no longer incremental.
They are now racing.
A great article by Kurt Nemo at InfoWars.com.
We're going to take the audio today of this show and post it there for everybody where I really break down what's happening.
I got caught, unaware, live with a caller about the Texas gun shows that came to Austin and how they were just outside of the law, just ordered by men in uniforms with guns, you will not allow anyone to have private transfers of firearms here, which is a violation of state law, and
We went to their website and they say it on their website.
We got the public notice, the actual copies being handed out.
It's at Infowars.com and I, last night, watched the video of my simulcast of the radio and I didn't even really make the key points.
I was so beside myself with troughing anger.
The most highly decorated police officer in Phoenix, Arizona history, Jack McClam, founder of Police and Military Against the New World Order, 26 years ago, 27 years ago, he's been warning about this.
He'll join us in the next hour to talk about this some.
I want to go to your phone calls now, specifically about going to gun shows and how they're getting your license numbers, your social security numbers.
They're saying you're not allowed to have private sales of guns outside the law.
They're now busting people everywhere without even a law.
They just trump up other charges and falsely charge people for other laws for selling their neighbor's guns.
They're now, outside the law, ordering gun shops all over the country.
Started with Walmart five years ago to just get your license number and scan your license when you buy ammo.
I mean, it's just totally illegal!
But to show up and say any person selling a personal firearm must go through a licensed FFL dealer in the show to transfer the firearm to a new owner.
No law, no code, no local ordinance.
See, again, normally they get a local ordinance passed, then it gets overturned as unconstitutional at the state level.
Because cities can't pass laws outside the state constitution.
Their cities and counties are chartered by the state.
That's how long... I mean, this is lawless.
This is the government, so arrogant.
The police, the APD, the BATF know this is illegal, but they're confident they can just get away with it, just like private banks could control the Fed and the Treasury and openly give themselves $200-plus billion of the trillions to their own personal bonuses.
Geithner, Paulson,
All of them giving themselves bonuses from the government they run.
Totally illegal!
Be like a bank manager going in and giving themselves a million dollars out of the vault.
It's illegal!
Doesn't matter if you say you're the bank manager, you can't do that.
I mean, the point is, they are engaged in open crime in front of everyone.
And I'm sure that the Attorney General
We'll come down on them as they have before in other states and in this state and say you can't do that.
But Austin doesn't care.
BATF doesn't care.
They don't even care what the Attorney General says.
By the way, who was that conservative state senator we've had on?
His name escapes me.
We had him on last year about the gun grabbing.
I want to get the pro-gun state senators.
I want to get him back on.
Go to the Texas
Rifle Association, go to the Texas Association, we've got to get them on, we've got to really make a big deal out of this, or it won't create enough of a ruckus.
I just, I just can't believe this.
I mean, this is an illegitimate, lawless city I live in.
I mean, two years ago they started taking blood at checkpoints without warrants and I pointed out this is illegal.
So they went to the legislature and the legislature passed a law that they can take blood without warrants!
The police!
Now that's unconstitutional at the federal level, and the Texas Supreme Court, it looks like, is going to strike it down.
But the point is, they're trying all this illegalness.
But this isn't even the legislature passing an unconstitutional act.
Then it's just unconstitutional.
This is the city of Austin and R. A. Cerveda, under the federal control of the BATFE, announcing that they can do whatever they want.
You know, I like Kurt Nimmo's headline, but we need to make the point in here.
Editors note, Kurt, that this is clearly illegal.
This is not under the state constitution.
This is not under a state law.
The city is operating illegally.
The BATF isn't here engaged in high treason.
The feds are in my town with no law, no statute, no power
And the good news is the gun show was there, getting people to sign a petition.
I'm working on getting them on.
Getting locals to sign petitions to go to the Attorney General to stop Austin and the feds from just showing up.
I mean, if they can get away with this, they can get away with anything.
Remember the Kelo, Connecticut
The Kelo, New London, Connecticut decision of five years ago, where they said, we can take your property without just compensation.
That was in the Supreme Court ruling, and it even said in the ruling, I read it on air many times, we spent months on it, fighting it, and then in the aftermath, saying private interests can give money, it's not bribery now, to local, city, county, or state governments to take your property without payment.
In fact, I interviewed the families who lived in two, three, four generation beautiful Victorian-style homes on the water.
Houses valued at $600,000, $1,100,000.
They didn't just not get payment, they told them two years before they took it.
If you fight this in court,
We're going to come back with attorney's fees from the state and the city and charge you.
And so one family had their $600,000 house bulldozed and got a $300,000 plus bill from the lawyers.
So you don't just get your land taken, you pay to have it taken.
You pay to be a slave.
You pay to be raped.
Property rights, folks.
My father, who's a landowner, owns a large tract of land in East Texas, hereditary land.
He got a notice right after the New London Kelo decision, three years ago, two years after the decision, saying, here's your new Texas Landowner Bill of Rights.
Kind of like the New Freedom Initiative, federally takes your freedom.
It's Orwellian named, or the Patriot Act, because I'm patriotic.
It said, you have no property rights.
If we say we're taking your land or putting a pipeline across it, or if you turn down a mineral offer,
You are given three months to accept the first offer you're given, even if it's ten cents on the dollar, and then we just take it and charge you attorney fees.
That's America!
They're not just going to take your guns for all you stupid, mainline, domesticated, cowardly liberals that are afraid of seeing a fellow slave with a gun, but love seeing cops with guns.
You could scare me and see a citizen with a gun, but not cops.
Are going to lose everything you got.
They've already changed the federal laws to take your pension funds.
Now they changed the federal regulations outside of the law to take your 401k's.
To take your money market funds.
They announced that last month.
Those are no longer protected.
Do you understand what's happening?
Now, I'm going to your calls.
Did you go to the Austin gun show?
Did you sign the petition against this?
What were people saying?
No law, no nothing, they just come and say, no more gun sales here, baby!
We got guns, we're the government, we own you, slaves!
And once they make you register everything, once they end private sales, then they confiscate.
We've been holding the line here for years.
And now they're overrunning us criminally.
I can't believe the boldness of the APD and the BATE.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
Simon, where you calling from?
Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Okay, what's on your mind?
Well, I think we know about this Haiti situation.
I got a good suggestion for them.
Simon, I'm letting you go.
I'm letting you go.
I'm letting you go and you made your little racial joke or whatever it is.
I told you the phone lines are open for people specifically on this issue.
They're shutting down gun shows illegally with no law.
Do you understand what that means?
Brandy in Louisiana.
Go ahead, Brandy.
Hi, Alex.
This is Brandy.
I've been listening to your show for four months now.
Give me a favor.
Turn your radio off.
Come on, people!
Yes, like I said, I've been listening to your show for four months now and I'm waking up and I've known so much just by listening to your show.
I have two questions.
One is about gun control and
There is a gun show that we're having here in Louisiana next month and I want to purchase a gun and then I don't, but then I do too because I have live kids and I want to protect myself.
Um, what do I do, you know, if they were to ask?
You go to the gun show and you'll see people that are private sales.
Again, if you sell a bunch of guns, they bust you and say it's the federal statute that you gotta have a federal firearms license to do it as a business.
It's a tax.
That's how they got the unconstitutional issue in.
But private sales, you still have the right to say sell your neighbor a gun or have them sell you a gun.
So you find somebody that wants to sell you a private sale.
And that's how you get a gun.
Me, I don't care.
I go in and let them register me and have my guns.
It's no secret I got guns with those traders.
And because I buy what I want when I want new, generally.
But what you need is a revolver or a pump-action shotgun, something like that, for home defense.
And just take it out of the gun range and get good with it.
I have one more other question.
Okay, I know it's not referring to the gun control, but I have issues with communication, and that's with cable TV, and see, I rely on internet.
They're talking about shutting down local channels for the antenna, and that's what, you know, that's the only thing I use.
So, will we- Yes, they're forcing everyone to get wired.
They're forcing everyone to the internet, Brandi.
So your question is, what are you going to do?
Yes, what will I do for communication?
What do you do to learn what's happening?
Listen to local AM radio.
I appreciate your call.
Look, now I'm not mad at the listeners, but I told you, I specifically have to leave the lines open for people who have seen unconstitutional
Color of law, outside of the system, criminal government, making guns illegal, violating gun shows, telling you you can't have private sales without a law.
John, did you ask these callers if they were specifically calling on that?
Thank you.
I figured you did.
It's just unbelievable.
We need to focus on this.
I need to leave lines open for people who are eyewitnesses to this in other areas.
They'll tell me the name of their town and state.
I can pull up articles on it then.
I can show the gun community, the Second Amendment, self-defense, freedom community, how bad it is, and get them out of their slumber.
The Feds are trying to pass federal legislation to ban guns at will, but it's worse than that.
Here's an article, Infowars.com, January 7, 2009, from a year ago.
Proposed law will allow Obama AG Holder to ban guns at will.
That bill's introduced, HR1022.
Just a blank check where he's God and can ban whatever he wants.
We just make him God.
That's how they're already operating.
The BATF's shown up.
They haven't even passed their health care law.
And all these different employers from Illinois to Texas are getting notices saying, get ready to keep money out of your employees' paychecks to make them buy insurance.
They're already implementing it without it even passing!
Don't you understand?
This is a bunch of lawless crooks!
Holly, John, Pete, hang up if you're not calling in about the Second Amendment and what's happening at gun shows as eyewitnesses to what's going on.
I'm going to take calls in this segment, the next, then eight after, for the balance of the second hour, all of the third and fourth hour.
We're simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Jack McClam's coming up.
Feds and cops attempt to shut down legal gun sales in Austin, Texas.
They didn't attempt, they did.
That's the Infowars.com headline.
It's completely illegal!
It's illegal!
You understand that?
I think so.
We're good to go.
I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Illegally, R. Day Cerveda has declared himself boss hog over Austin, Texas.
The BATF came in and said, we don't have a law, but we're going to tell you no more private sale of guns in this town.
You're not going to sell your neighbor a gun.
You're not going to sell them at the gun show.
Now, does that make you mad, America?
John in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, John.
I'm going to the Houston gun show next week.
I ain't been to a gun show in about three months, so I'll let you know if there's any of that stuff going on there.
But I just want to say that this is not going to stop with guns.
In October, they just recently beat a ruling by the federal government that would have banned any knives that could be opened one-handed, which means most of the 80% of all pocket knives would have been banned in America.
I know!
I know!
They're coming after everything!
The government is criminal!
They robbed us!
They're crooks!
Countries always go to tyranny!
People better wake up, John!
I mean, this is outrageous!
It's going to be bowls and arrows.
If you look at Britain right now, you can't even have a steak knife.
It's got to have rounded edges on it.
I have the BBC headline.
Large knives banned.
John, John, they don't even have a law in Austin.
The feds just showed up like Darth Vader and said, we're doing this.
I mean, it's illegal.
They need to get in trouble.
They have committed a crime.
When they can make rulings, not laws, but rulings, and say, well, we can do this and this and that, we don't care about the law, then we're enslaved.
They don't even give a judicial ruling, which is tyranny.
They don't even give a code or a number.
They just do it!
I mean, it's a new level!
I mean, these people are out of their minds!
We're going to have to get together, we're going to have to start screaming loud to put a stop to this, because we don't, like I say, we're all done for.
Let's talk to Spencer in Texas.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, thanks.
Good show, Alex.
Yeah, I got a quick story for you.
My brother is a police officer in South Texas, and a couple months ago, got a knock at the front door, and it was a couple of ATF agents going door to door without any kind of warrant or anything.
Yeah, it's called Knock and Talk Nationwide, going on for at least seven years.
They come to your door and say, do you mind if we look at your guns?
I mean, folks,
Yeah, exactly what happened.
He's a police officer.
It's ridiculous.
And so what happened?
Well, he refused to talk to them and he told them if they came back he'd have them arrested for trespassing and they left.
And a couple of weeks went by, and this happened all over this town he's in, a couple of weeks went by and he actually ran into one of those ATF agents
And asked him, he said, man, what in the world's going on?
Why are you guys doing this?
And he said, well, you know, we know it's BS and we know it's unconstitutional, but we've got to do what we've got to do.
Again, even the BATF knows THIS IS ILLEGAL!
I mean, they are criminal when they do this!
Austin Police, don't do something illegal!
I mean, it's like Hitler telling his people to do illegal stuff.
Just because he's Hitler, just because he's the leader, doesn't mean he's God!
Well, you know what?
They better say no because it's going to get a lot worse if they don't.
What town is he in?
Let me guess, is it outside Dallas?
Well, freedom isn't free, sir.
Well, I know they're doing... Every suburb of Dallas has knock and talk.
And that's why I was saying it.
I just can't handle it.
They're the ones engaged in illegal activity.
Your brother's got to stand up and say no.
I mean, was this a wake-up call for your brother, John?
Spencer, but yeah, it sure was.
Yeah, John's next.
I apologize.
Anything else, Spencer?
That's it, man.
Keep up the good work.
Folks, it's one second to midnight.
You understand?
We'll be right back with more calls.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Headline at Infowars.com is key, but it's even worse than what Curt Nemo wrote.
Feds, cops attempt to shut down legal gun sales in Austin, Texas.
They didn't attempt, they shut it down with a notice.
No law, no regulation.
They just said, you're not selling guns, we got guns, and we're gonna fill you full of holes if you don't do it.
I mean, that's a threat of force.
And Jack McClam is coming up in the next segment.
After I take these calls, I'm leaving the phones open for a little while, only for police.
We know we have them listening all over the country that are upset by this.
He's like the last caller's brother.
BATF came to his door and said, we'd like to inspect your guns.
Come in without a warrant.
They go to every door.
Local police do it under grants.
He later talked to the BATF officer, later when he saw him when he was in uniform, and he said, yeah, we know it's unconstitutional.
We don't like it.
It's Obama.
Folks, knock and talk was going on under Bush.
It's the whole government.
I've been in gun shops where people get mad at me behind the counter and say, oh, Bush wasn't for the assault weapons ban.
And then the owner of McBride's goes, no, he's right.
Alex is right.
It's true.
They're like, really?
I didn't know that.
You people need to wake up.
Pete, Kevin, Mitch, Charles, we're going to you.
Charles in Louisiana, you're on the air.
How you doing, my friend?
I'm not doing too good.
I mean, if the police, without laws, can now say that we can't sell guns, I mean, it's just... You were there, Charles, reporting from Katrina, where they just took people's guns and never gave them back?
Well, yeah, and Alex, if I could have had a video camera, you wouldn't have believed, I mean, the American people, how cowardly they are to give them up.
They were sending their wives out there and kids with the guns.
They didn't even want to come out the house to bring them themselves.
And the police know I was making the men come out.
But hey, what are you going to do without a gun?
I mean, we either got a second... It was on ABC News, they would go in high and dry, even wealthy people's homes, meaning nobody's safe, and slam them on the ground in handcuffs while they took their guns.
It wasn't enough to just take them and then steal them and never give them back, illegally.
Yeah, throwing them in a boat and just scratching them all up and all that.
But Alex, listen, what we're going to do without a gun?
What would you do without a gun?
It's so bad you can't even go to the mailbox up here.
That's how bad it is.
We've got shootings every day.
Two, three shootings every day.
And Obama, he wants to take our guns, but he wants us to pay for his bodyguards.
Meanwhile, they're collapsing the society by design like Haiti, and they know it's causing more crime, they know people are defending themselves, and they want us to live like they do in Chicago and in New York.
I mean, Obama argued a state senator for complete gun ban.
Yes, I remember you saying that, yes.
But I've been watching on Jesse Ventura, I just want to say, you know, I really love that show, and people need to tell other people about it, and people need to tell
Everybody about to show, and I hate to come up with the tapes again, but right now would be a good time to start passing the tapes out.
I mean, people are hungry for the truth.
And some people are just scared to talk about it, but they'll watch the tape, and some people won't watch the tape.
But we gotta get the word out, Alex.
And not only that, we gotta say no to this.
We just got to say no!
That's all we have to do!
They'll back off!
Well, I mean, this is completely illegal.
They just show up with no law and say we're shutting the gun show down, shutting private sales down.
They don't care.
They don't care if it's illegal or not.
There's nothing, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, constitutional in what they're chaining us up.
They're just taking our money and the people ain't doing nothing about it.
They keep calling it, but we got to say no.
Every state, go to, go to the Capitol and say, we ain't giving our guns up.
Do what you want to do now.
We can't, we can't keep running from it, Alex.
Everyone needs to call in their state, their state senators and legislators, and get them on this.
Believe me, Austin's going to get in trouble for this, and they're going to probably be forced to back off, but it needs to be more.
They need to get in trouble.
I mean, this is illegal.
Just because you're wearing a uniform and got a gun on your side doesn't make you God, where you can just make any law you want.
Charles, good to hear from you.
And folks, the government has to reapply its lies every day.
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We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Red alert, ladies and gentlemen.
Red alert.
President Obama
Has introduced bills in Congress like H.R.
1022 that allows the Attorney General to have unlimited power, God-like power, to ban any guns or erect any gun laws he wishes through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
Cass Sunstein, his regulation czar, has given speeches and written white papers we covered last week saying he does not believe in a Second Amendment individual right and that they will overturn the Second Amendment.
They've tripled the size of the BATF under Bush.
Now Obama has them doing knock and talk all over the country, even in conservative states like Arizona and Texas.
They knock on your door and say, may we come in and look at your firearms.
They have local police under federal grants doing it.
Just Google knock and talk.
Police inspect guns.
I've seen footage in Massachusetts and Boston and places where they force their way in.
to people's homes.
I mean, it's completely illegal.
This is tyranny.
Now, all of that is going on.
All of that is happening.
They want to be able to put you on a no-gun-buy list with no judge, no jury, no conviction.
They've got a bill to do that called no-fly, no-buy.
Now, last night on the Sunday radio show, I got a call saying that the Texas Gun Show that comes to Austin once a month
That the police were there giving out notices saying, with the BATFE, now it's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, that there's no law, but we're ordering you not to privately sell guns.
Now, you have federal law under taxation, under the 68 Gun Control Act, that they then expanded into the NICS system, and then they expanded that in the 90s with the assault weapons ban that got overturned.
To where they instantly register you as a gun owner, handgun, rifle, or shotgun.
And in Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, once they register and Handgun Control Incorporated and the Violence Policy Center admit their goal is
Total disarmament.
UNIDIR at the UN.
United Nations Small Arms Disarmament.
July 7th, 2001.
UN records said their plan is for a treaty to ban guns in the US.
Obama said last month he plans to sign that treaty this year.
That is mainstream news.
Associated Press.
Obama says he will sign the treaty, even if Congress doesn't ratify.
If the Senate doesn't ratify, he's saying he's going to do it.
They are now coming for the guns.
They first got a ban, you being able to sell it to your grandpa, your grandpa sell you one or give you one.
They've tried at the Texas legislature and other legislatures under federal funds to get the states to ban the so-called gun show loophole, implying it's criminal and bad and it's a loophole for private sale of guns.
The laws they tried to pass in 2000 and 2002 in Texas said you couldn't even sell a gun to your neighbor or to your son or daughter or your father.
It ends private commerce.
It's unconstitutional.
They use a taxing mechanism for people that sell guns full-time.
They've got to have a federal firearms dealer license.
They're harassing them, shutting down the majority.
More than half the gun shops have shut down in the last 20 years.
In many major cities, there's not even one gun shop left.
If you don't dot an I, cross a T, literally, they arrest you.
At these people that sell hundreds of guns a day.
It is all harassment.
Now, I've got Officer Jack McClam waiting in the wings, but I want to go over this because we're now simulcasting the radio show at PrisonPlanet.TV.
I want to put on screen the InfoWars.com article.
There is the public notice, the actual scan of what was handed out in Austin Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Texas gun shows.
We have a direct link to the Texas gun show.
Give me a document cam shot on this please, Craig.
Vendor Notice Austin Gun Show Rally.
At the direction of the Austin Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
At the direction!
No law!
We will not be allowed to set up and sell firearms at the North Austin Show.
They just said you can't do it.
No law, no nothing.
Blow up for people on PrisonPlanet.tv, the actual yellow notice.
Now, listen to this notice carefully.
Listen to it carefully.
Public notice selling of firearms at the direction of the Austin Police Department.
At the direction, no law, not even a city law, that's unconstitutional, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, anyone selling a firearm at this show location, will be asked to comply with the following.
Asked to comply!
So there, it's illegal, color of law, intimidation, they admit you're being asked.
Now here's where the real felonies come in, of official oppression, of color of law, of civil rights violation of the Second Amendment, and also of commerce clauses for right to contract and sell.
Because then they go too far.
This is the notice they printed off, the police handed out, under BATFE control, under federal control.
Any person selling a personal firearm must go through the licensed FFL dealer.
That's illegal.
No law listed, they're just ordering you.
Any person selling a personal firearm, must.
Blow that up on screen, people, right up to the letter, to the word must.
Any person selling a personal firearm must go through a licensed FFL dealer in the show to transfer the firearm to the new owner.
Selling of firearms in the parking lot will not be permitted.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Like it's out of The Running Man or something.
Thank you for your cooperation.
This is the essence of tyranny.
When government just comes in without a law, anything, and says it.
Now all over the country, literally hundreds of times, cities and counties have passed unconstitutional laws saying you can't sell your neighbor a gun or go to a gun show and have a private sale.
They've all been overturned.
The state legislature has had to pass laws against this type of behavior.
They didn't even pass a city ordinance.
They're just doing this.
They don't even have an unconstitutional regulation or ordinance.
They just did this.
And the gun show, we're going to get on the broadcast, is asking people to sign a petition to the Texas Attorney General to stop this.
But we've confirmed this is going on nationwide and BATFE federally and local police all over the country are knocking on doors saying, we want to come in and inspect your guns and trying to force their way in without warrants.
Without even probable cause.
They're going house to house.
Remember New Orleans.
All the guns will be taken, no one will be allowed to be armed.
They went into high and dry areas, went into women, men, handcuffed them and took their guns even if they didn't resist and never gave them back.
This is absolute lawless criminal treason by the city of Austin and by the BATFE.
It's totally illegal.
You heard the guy, whose brother's a police officer, where the BATFE came to his door.
And they said, look, we know it's bull.
We're being ordered to do this.
We know it's unconstitutional.
Well, you better say no.
You better not follow unlawful orders.
And for 25 plus years, Officer Jack McClam, Vietnam vet, most highly decorated police officer, cop of the year twice in Phoenix, woke up to this, became the most fired.
He's with us for the rest of the hour.
And we're going to open the phones up specifically on issues.
We have Roy in Texas first, who was at the show.
We're coming to him.
And then after we take these five calls on hold, the lines are open to police officers.
Whose side are you on?
The Bill of Rights?
The Constitution?
The people?
Or this illegal government telling you to violate the law?
Jack McClann, as a police officer, I know the law, but you're a police officer.
As a police officer, can you break down exactly how illegal this is and how outrageous this is?
Yes, sir.
Alex, thank you for having me on.
This is insane and totally tyrannical.
I'm looking at the
But this isn't even a law, Jack!
This is just the government's God!
Totally unconstitutional, and when they go into the gun shows to arrest somebody for doing this, I would like to see everybody in the gun show grab those police officers and ATF officers and arrest them under a citizen's arrest for tyranny.
Because that's exactly what they're committing.
And that's what ought to be done.
The people ought to grab them and put their own cuffs on them and hold them for prosecution.
Uh, but now, you know, when I was in Phoenix, Arizona as a cop, me and the other cops saw the most criminal prosecutors, I mean literal criminal prosecutors, that would destroy evidence, manufacture evidence, and, uh, pay witnesses to get on the witness stand and lie through their teeth.
They would pay them big money.
They're the only ones that got
We're good to go.
But Jack, there is no doubt that the Austin Police Department knows this is illegal and the BATF knows it's a crime.
I mean, they know it's illegal to go around telling people they can't do things without a law.
They know this is illegal.
That's right.
That's right.
They have to know that.
And so it's time for the people to stand up, brother.
Psalm 94.16 in the Bible says
Rise up against the evildoers and stand up against the workers of iniquity!
And that's what God told us to do, and we're now hiding in our churches waiting the pre-trib rapture of the saints next week, and we're not willing to stand up against satanic, evil, communist government like we have today under communist abomination.
And his communist
By the way, every one of his czars gives public speeches praising Mao and, I mean, these people are criminals.
Alright, well, stay there.
I specifically, though, was going off color of law, official oppression, racketeering, civil rights violation.
From the law, I want you as a true lawman to go over just how illegal this is.
I mean, this is outrageous.
Let's get Sheriff Mack on, too, about this.
I mean, this is incredible.
They're just declaring they can do whatever they want, that they are the law.
I mean, this is incredible.
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We're good.
Okay, I'm going to Roy, Mitch, Kevin, Pete, and others.
Roy was at the Austin Show.
It's confirmed the gun show's fighting it.
They're asking people to sign a petition to the Attorney General of Texas.
They're saying there's these lawless people here in uniforms with no law or regulation or even fake ruling just saying you can't have private sales of guns.
Infowars.com headline.
Feds, cops attempt to shut down legal gun sales in Austin, Texas.
They didn't attempt, they did it!
The Curt Nimmo story is key.
We've got to get all the national and local gun groups involved.
Because I've confirmed that cities are doing this with fake regulations that get overturned.
This isn't even that.
They don't even cite it.
They just show up and say, you must.
But at the end and at the front they say, we are asking you.
You are being asked to comply.
Thank you for your cooperation.
But they say must in there.
Jack, I've had a lot of constitutional scholars on, Larry Becraft, Ron Paul, countless others, but I'm asking you, as a peace officer and one of the leading experts in this, am I right that this is a violation of civil rights, constitution, official oppression, intimidation, racketeering, that this is being done through pure color of law?
I mean, there's so many things that this is illegal on.
It's totally unconstitutional.
Yes, brother.
I looked up Supreme Court cases, Norton v. Shelby County, that says it's an unconstitutional act.
Now, that's not a law.
It's not law.
It confers no rights, imposes no duties, affords no protection.
So, this is an unconstitutional act that they're trying to enforce there, and it is totally illegal and unconstitutional.
And they ought to be arrested for it, Alex.
You know, they ought to be arrested.
Citizens arrest on these people because a citizen can arrest when he sees, or she sees, a felony committed in their presence.
And there are thousands of federal... And they come into a gun show to arrest somebody under this.
Then they are committing a felony in the presence of the people there and the people have a right to do a citizen's arrest on these guys and put them in their own handcuffs and hold them until the police get there.
But that's what they're doing is out in the open.
We have thousands of state and federal rulings about cases with police.
If a cop's raping somebody or robbing somebody, it is a citizen's arrest.
That's right.
Because the citizens constitute the state that then charters the cities.
They work for us.
That's how you can arrest somebody that you catch robbing your car.
That's right.
We are the sovereign in this land.
And they work for us.
Let me stop you there!
Let me stop you there.
I want to go more over the history with you as our expert on this.
But let's go to Roy, who was at the Texas Gun Show here in Austin, Texas.
Roy, what did you witness?
Yes, sir.
Can you hear me, Alex?
Yes, I can.
Yes, I've got another little tidbit of information that I found out.
I had to leave the show at about 2 o'clock, and then I had to come back up there at about 5 to meet someone.
And what I found out, what I'd missed, is that
They actually, uh, led one of the vendors out, who I've known for a long time.
They led him out in handcuffs, uh, after he apparently sold a firearm to an illegal alien.
I'm not sure if they're using illegal aliens without IDs to set up some of these figures.
Oh, they're definitely doing stings.
That was my next point I meant to make last hour, was that they're setting people up, they're trying to set the precedent and a chilling effect so people don't exercise their right to have private sales, so someone refused to follow their illegal order and so they set him up.
Yes sir, and what I found out also is that they confiscated some of his, everything he had brought to the show
Again, I did not witness this, but it's from a very credible source.
Let me stop you.
Start at the beginning.
Recap how they were giving out the notices, what you saw, the petition against it, what was going on in Austin.
Well, a friend of mine who had come from out of town who met me at the show, he called me at 8 o'clock in the morning and asked me, hey, are they still having the show?
Because it appeared dead.
I said, well, let me check.
I got on the website, and there's where I first initially saw the notice on their website.
I'm good.
Anyone walking around with a firearm from his personal collection, if he was to sell to someone else walking around, that they had to go over to a FFL dealer in order to complete the transaction.
So it's basically having the third party do a background check.
They cited no law or regulation.
But they didn't.
We have their notice.
They just said, you will do this because we have guns and we're the government.
And we're Mao Zedong and all political power grows out of a barrel of a gun.
Roy, stay there.
I want Jack McClain to be able to question you on the other side of this quick break.
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I want to be clear about something here.
We have the owner of the Texas Gun Show, that's the name of the gun show, coming on in an hour.
And he wants to come on.
He said they're doing a petition.
To the state that this is illegal?
They were ordered by men with guns to do this.
The feds show up, police show up, it's destroyed their gun show, most people left.
They are not bad.
He said he's getting hundreds of mean emails, hate mail.
They're not the ones doing this.
It's the government illegally doing this.
Darwin Bodecker will be joining us in one hour.
And again, I've got BankerGate to cover.
I've got Sunstein openly saying he's going to get our guns.
White House Technologies are.
We've got them openly announcing they're taking over the web, saying they're getting ready to censor it.
Italy just started censoring the web yesterday.
That broke.
Their government just announced it.
Australia just started.
I mean, it's really happening.
All right, Roy, in Texas, you're still there.
Jack McClann, you heard the points he was making.
But we've now talked to the gun show owner.
Very true.
You know, this is, uh, you know, as a
Very true, brother.
A soldier during the Vietnam War, I took my constitutional oath to defend the Constitution from internal enemies and foreign enemies.
And now it's being attacked by internal enemies at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in that area.
And then I took it as a police officer, a constitutional oath to defend the Constitution, protect the people's rights and freedoms.
And so these guys have to know, they have to know they're violating their oath.
And so, uh, I say they ought to be citizens arrested.
You know, if you have a hundred citizens that surround these guys, they can't shoot them all, you know?
And, uh, and they just jump on them and push them to the ground and take their guns away from them and put them in their own handcuffs.
Now, Jack, that's what the law says, that if men in uniforms show up and say, give me your daughter, give me your house, give me your guns, I'm God, and don't cite the law, even if it's unconstitutional, then you defeat that in the courts, or by redress of grievance or petition.
This is just literally the feds showing up, just like knock and talk,
Where they started it seven, eight years ago, all over the country, they come and...
Knock on your door and say, I'd like to come in and inspect your guns.
They target middle class areas when the husband's gone.
They target housewives.
They come in, they look for something illegal.
No warrant.
Total fishing expeditions.
Door to door.
Just set the precedent to have men come and they have gun buybacks for the news images of police taking guns back and people getting $50 gift certificates to create the perception that guns are illegal.
Arresting people that sell their neighbor a gun when it's not even illegal.
to create the perception that guns are illegal billboards up everywhere saying report illegal guns showing a picture of a revolver when they're not illegal to create the perception that they're illegal and to now have the APD under the orders of the BATFE just show up and you know it's going on statewide that's what we're going to talk about in the next hour with the gun show spokesman and owner I mean this is so incredible we definitely
We need lawsuits filed.
We definitely need to find out who this man was that was arrested and set up for doing this.
I bet a million dollars that illegal alien they sent in to buy it from the guy as a private sale, that that was a set up to try to scare everybody.
Look, people are being arrested because they couldn't arrest somebody for selling it to a citizen.
I mean, this is incredible.
What do you think about what Roy's saying?
Do you want to question Roy, who was an eyewitness to the signs and them being told they couldn't have private sales of guns?
That they must do this with no law.
That's a quote.
You must, because we say so.
Well, I think Roy understands that this is totally unlawful, what they're doing.
It's tyrannical.
And it's unconstitutional.
They're violating their oath.
So I think Roy already knows that, and I don't know if I have any questions for Roy.
I think he's already answered your questions very well.
But I just think it's time, brother, for the people to rise up.
Like Psalms 94.16 says, God says for us to rise up against the evildoers and stand up against the workers of iniquity.
And the Founding Fathers were not ambiguous when they talked about the people having the right to keep and bear arms.
The people.
Now, we have the government saying, no, no, that was for the National Guard and that's for the Army and for the police.
Well, it is not true, folks.
Patrick Henry said, the great object is that every man be armed, everyone who is able may have a gun.
James Madison said Americans never need to fear their government because of the advantage of being armed.
And on and on, Thomas Jefferson, Sam Adams said that the fed constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States from keeping their own arms.
And so they were not ambiguous at all.
And so these liars and scumbags that are judges and prosecutors and attorney generals and the president of the United States, the phony president of the United States, Barack Obama Nation, are lying to the people when they say that they can take these guns because it was meant for the National Guard only.
And not for the people.
All they have to do is read history, and the Founding Fathers were not ambiguous about it at all.
The Second Amendment is for the people themselves.
Oh, it's just incredible.
Anything else, Roy?
One thing that I find strange about this possibly being a setup with this illegal alien is that at this exact same show,
Yes, sir.
One month ago, I had brought a rifle out of my personal collection that I thought about possibly selling, and I was approached by someone who asked me, hey, how many do you have for sale, and how many do you have?
And then they told me, well, I have a cousin in Mexico that will buy all of them.
And right then and there, I walked away.
Because, and you see, this was last month at the exact same show.
And that's what makes this occurrence that just happened this Saturday even more of a possible setup.
Oh, listen.
Former federal law enforcement member of the DEA.
He exposed that in South Texas they've got hidden cameras in the ceilings.
They're trying to set everybody up, treat everybody like criminals, busting innocent people.
And they went and set him up on a gun deal and laughed at him.
So this is very serious.
Roy, I appreciate your call.
I want to open the phones up to police officers around the country that are outraged by this.
I know I have a lot of listeners that are police.
A lot of you that are constitutionalists.
You send me a lot of key documents that have made national news.
I mean, this is illegal, what's going on.
I want you guys to also get me Kurt Nimmo on the line.
I want to talk to him live.
He did a great job writing this article quickly this morning, but I want to add some key points to this article.
I want him to beef this article.
It's going to be huge.
I want everyone to get this article right now.
This is breaking here nationwide, and we've got to let gun owners know that we're one second to midnight.
If the feds are ready to come in without even local laws or federal laws and just say you can't sell guns at gun shows, private sale, when there's no law against it.
I mean this is an... Jack McClam, why do you think they're coming out so bold and so arrogant right now?
Well, we're coming under a communist system, folk.
Obama Nation appointed 32 communist scientists
He's got to get these guns away from the American people so they can put us under this military rule system that he's got ready to put us under.
Chertoff was head of the Homeland Insecurity.
He hired the two top Communists right under him in the world, mass-murdering Communists, Marcus Wolf, head of the East German Stasi, Communist Stasi, and Yugani Primakov, head of the KGB, right under him to set up the Soviet-style totalitarian military rule system, because he didn't know how to do it.
And they've got it all set up today, ready to implement, but they're worried about people having guns.
So they want to make the guns illegal, even though it's totally unconstitutional.
And let me stop you, let me stop you.
They're using classic military tactics, where they introduce the legislation, outside of legislation, they do it by regulatory fiat, illegally, unconstitutionally.
Now, I hadn't even gotten to this.
This is the executive order, January 11th, creating a council of governors under PDD 51 with Bush.
You see seamless integration with the different governments, the different executive regimes.
And it says here that the 10 governors appointed by him will speak for the states during emergencies
And in Section A, it says, Homeland Defense, Civil Support, Synchronization and Integration of State and Federal Military Activities.
In the United States, it goes on to talk about law enforcement integration with the federal government, other matters of mutual interest, including National Guard, Homeland Defense, Civil Support.
That's right, brother.
And we've known for years and years and years
That an unconstitutional executive order or a presidential directive or executive agreement has no power whatsoever.
It's unconstitutional.
If you want to read about it, go to the Supreme Court case Reed v. Covert, signed in 1956.
And it goes ahead and states there that all of these things, if they're unconstitutional, they carry no weight, they have
But that's laws that are unconstitutional.
This isn't even that.
They just announced they're doing it.
Well, it's the same thing.
I think executive order, presidential directive, executive agreement is not law either.
Yes, you're right.
So anything the ATF says or local police or state police says that is unconstitutional is also null and void.
Alright, Jack, I want to... I know we got Pete, Kevin, and Mitch holding.
We're gonna go to them, but I'm gonna open the phones up.
Four police officers, four lawyers, four people that have witnessed this at gun shows, but... In fact, just police officers at first, or they won't be able to get through.
I know a lot of you are finally waking up.
This is totally illegal.
What are you going to do if you're ordered to do this, or have you seen similar things, or what's your take on this?
Let's go to Pete in Michigan.
Pete, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex, can you hear me?
Hey, thank God.
Yes, I can.
Hey, I just want to tell you, you're my hero, man.
You're awesome.
I like everything you're doing, and I'm driving my girlfriend nuts listening to your show every day.
But on the topic of this violation of our Second Amendment rights, I know somebody here in Michigan that was selling guns at his garage sale.
Him and some of his neighbors put their guns together and was selling them, and the Sheriff's Department threatened to arrest him because they said he couldn't do that.
And there's no law in Michigan, I've looked at the law in Michigan just like Texas, because I've seen so many cases like this in Michigan, that you can't sell your private arms.
You just can't start buying guns en masse and making it a business, but you can get rid of guns when you need money, and people need money in this economy, and they just show up, color of law, and do this!
That's exactly what he was doing, and he wasn't selling assault rifles or anything.
He was selling hunting guns, you know?
Shotguns and... It's not even that, sir.
Listen, all guns are basically assault weapons the way they define them.
Anything semi-auto.
There's no law against that either.
People don't know their rights.
So now, the police are so tyrannical in Texas, with the feds, they just say, you know, you're not going to sell them, period.
Yep, yep.
And I'll just tell you that, you know, there's a lot of these people that are calling in and talking to you.
I've heard him say a lot of good stuff about how, you know, we're being violated, we need to rise up and go against them, but I've never heard anybody mention the law Quo Waranto, and I think that Alex, you should research that.
It's an old English law, it's called Quo Waranto, and it's under the writ of mandamus, and basically, if any city, say the police come, and they violate your civil rights,
Yes, they sure have, and I've been through it repeatedly.
When I took a constitutional class as a cop in Phoenix,
And started upholding the Constitution.
I was fired repeatedly for upholding the Constitution and telling my fellow officers not to do this and not to do that because it was unconstitutional.
I was fired repeatedly.
Now, they had to rehire me every time because the Civil Service Board in Phoenix said that Jack has a right to uphold his oath of office.
And that's all I was doing.
And so that's been 25 years ago, brother, that I was fired repeatedly for upholding my oath under the Constitution and telling my fellow officers.
And then you finally got medically retired.
Yeah, I was injured in the line of duty in 1986.
Again, the final time, and the doctors knew that the chief of police, Ruben Ortega, was trying to get me killed.
Because he told all the officers, if Officer McLam calls for a backup, don't go to his aid.
And they put me down in the war zone of South Phoenix, where almost daily you needed backups.
And I was injured a number of times, but the last time I arrested a drug smuggler out of Mexico, and was seriously injured in my back, shoulder, and neck.
And so the doctors, the city doctors, said they were going to retire me out because they knew Chief Ruben Ortega was trying to get me killed.
He couldn't fire me.
He couldn't keep me fired for upholding the Constitution.
And if more police would stand together, we could turn this country back.
Let's go to Kevin in Nebraska.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Jack.
Yeah, I just wanted to say that really it is vital that every time that they try to push something illegal, we need to contest it through the courts and through... Yeah, they're trying to set a precedent through common law, through common practice.
Right, yeah.
And too bad the people... Yeah, too bad the people are not... the children are not taught the Constitution anymore in school.
Kevin, I'm gonna hold you over so you can make your point, or go ahead and start making it.
Uh, initiate lawsuits and do whatever it takes in the legal realm to stop these people, because if you give them ground, they're just going to take more and more and more.
That's what they always do.
And so if we let them roll over us, then, uh, you know, what are we doing?
We're laying down and letting them just take more and more of our freedom away.
But we stay there!
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What if I say I'm not just another one of your slaves?
We need to get the gun dealers, the gun shows, the gun shops all over the country to file torturous interference, civil rights violations, you name it, suits against the BATF and cities that unlawfully and illegally do this.
You'll kill them in court.
And the BATFE will come in and try to set you up and persecute you.
But look, they're gonna overrun everything if we don't start standing up to them as best we can.
I mean, there's no doubt about these people.
We have the gun show owner coming up in 30 minutes.
I got Kurt Nimmo popping in briefly in the next hour.
We've kept a couple phone lines open for police officers who call in all the time.
But I guess you're scared to call in now.
And I don't mean that as a taunt.
I mean, people are so gelded.
I know there's cops by the thousands listening right now who are against what's happening and you haven't called in.
I mean, are you outraged by this?
Just no law?
They just say you can't sell guns in Austin?
For folks that haven't seen the article in the public notice for selling of firearms, it's up on Infowars.com.
Kevin, anything else for Jack McClam?
Yeah, I just wanted to say that I think with, you know, American Center for Law and Justice and all kinds of other lawyers out there, a class action lawsuit would be viable against any level of the government and any agency in the government when they're doing stuff that's illegal.
And that's one of the ways that we need to fight this, I think.
I appreciate your call.
Under Bush, when they tripled the funding for the BATFE and started moving in with regulations instead of laws and just color of law, we knew the storm was coming.
It's now here, Jack McLam.
It certainly is, brother.
And we have that tyrannical communist in office right now that are going to use these things.
Because they've trained for the last 30 years the citizens in elementary school and high school to not look at the Constitution anymore, look at international law.
Well, Jack, look at New Orleans.
First chance the feds had.
They blocked food and water, went into the undevastated dry areas, into literal $10 million houses.
I mean, the richest area, and handcuffed people, and took their guns and treated them like criminals and never gave their guns back.
That's right.
They should have been sued by all these rich people.
All these rich people should have sued them.
They did, and the federal court said give them their guns back in damages, and the feds said we're not going to give them back.
Well, they're not above the law.
Well, the point is, they want our guns, they want our guns, and we know they're training to take them.
And I've got mainstream news here, Jack.
LAPD on course to take over Explorer program.
And then we have the New York Times with scouts trained to fight terrorists and more, and it says they train to take on disgruntled vets who won't turn in their guns.
Right, they're taking the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts too and training them to use guns to take over, to help them take over the nation.
And that is insane.
I mean, it's absolutely insane.
But it's totally tyrannical.
It's the same thing happened in Germany during the Nazi regime and under Stalin, under the communist system in Russia too.
In East Germany.
And by the way, when you say they hired Primakov and Wolf, that was actually in the news.
They really hired the former head of the KGB and the former head of the Stasi to come set this up, and this is exactly what they've done.
I mean, they're really doing it.
Yes, and now we have lesbian Janet Napolitano, who's head of the, who's a CFR member, who's the head of the Homeland Insecurity, and she's got the
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in 30 minutes, we have Darwin joining us.
Mr. Darwin,
Morta Decker is the spokesman for the Texas Gun Show, that's the name of it.
We have the public notice up on Infowars.com.
Color of law, it says you must comply.
No private sales of guns, which is legal in almost every state.
Private citizens get to sell the guns they've bought for themselves.
At flea markets, at garage sales, to their neighbors, at gun shows.
And they've tried to ban this all over the country, federally and at the state level, they've been defeated.
So now in Austin, the BATFE and the Austin police just showed up at the gun show and said, it's all shut down, you're not doing it.
Then had some illegal aliens sell it to some private seller who refused to follow it.
And the BATFE is all over it trying to set you up because it's not illegal to sell it to your neighbor.
Somehow they claim though that if it's an illegal alien, and of course the illegal always tries to tell you they're an illegal to sting you, so they're doing anything they can to go after law-abiding citizens.
I want to go to Keith in Ohio.
He says he's a police officer.
Mark in Florida.
I appreciate them having the courage to call in in this once free country to give us their response to this.
We talked to the brother of a police officer when the
B-A-T-F-E did knock and talk, coming to their door where they show up and say, we want to talk about your guns.
Let us come in and inspect them.
And then they forced their way in.
And he was freaked out.
Keith, in Ohio, what's your take on all of this?
Well, Alex, it's just one more step down that path to trying to take firearms away from the private individuals.
In Ohio, we had a couple years ago, state sales agents came to the Dayton Gun Show.
And went around and started issuing tickets to everyone for not having a vendor's license.
And they got about halfway through the show, and they went to this one guy who was set up there, and they asked him for his ID, and he gave it to them.
They wrote him a ticket.
He said, what you're doing is illegal, and you're going to get in trouble.
And they started saying, we know what we're doing.
He goes, your boss is so-and-so.
His boss is so-and-so.
I'm his boss.
And you're handing out tickets to people who have already paid taxes on items, and they're reselling them at private sale.
We're good to go.
And in doing so, Mayor Bloomberg this year came out and sent undercover sting operatives to the show.
That's right!
Stay there, I'm going to hold you over.
This is so key, you know, because I recognize the cases you're bringing up and this is a very important call.
Bloomberg is in more than 14 states.
He's even down in Florida sending his undercover people into other states so he can then try to sue your states like he is the king of the country.
Go ahead.
Yeah, what they did is they were coming into the gun shows and then going around and trying to buy off private sales and then after they'd agree on price and stuff, they would drop a hint that maybe they couldn't pass a background check or do some other stuff and then they were
Using selective video, not using all the videos, and then trying to shut down the Dayton Gun Shows.
Well, what happened is, the guy that runs the Dayton Gun Shows came out on his own and he's issued little booklets that he hands out at the gun show, making sure everyone's following the state law.
That's how you do it!
You get everybody together to realize the stings are happening or they kill our culture.
Right, and what they did is, he's issuing these little booklets to educate sellers
I don't
That makes it legal sale in Ohio without having to go through the Bittnick's background check.
But again, under common law, a citizen can sell to their neighbor.
It's not their fault if it turns out the neighbor was a bad guy.
You know, the answer is more guns, less crime.
I want to come back to you, Keith, and let you finish from Ohio.
Stay there.
A police officer, then Mark in Florida, police officer.
And we need more police officers to speak out so you're not ordered to engage in tyranny.
And it's the citizen's job to stop this.
The Austin Police Department is outrageous.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
For those that just joined us, this is how tyranny works.
In the past, they would have cities and counties pass unconstitutional local ordinances against private sale of guns at flea markets, gun shows, garage sales to your neighbors, to your grandson,
Giving a gun under the law they tried to pass in Texas to your grandson is a crime.
We beat those laws.
So the BATFE, the feds, are running around all over the country just intimidating, stinging, harassing, trying to set up people at gun shows.
Now, in Austin, they don't even do that.
They just say, no more private sales.
You've got to register it all.
You've got to go to the NICS system with no law, not even an unconstitutional local ordinance under them.
And they know this is illegal.
They know.
And Keith, as a police officer in Ohio who's seen this go on, but who have been successful against defeating it, I mean, what is your take on just how much trouble the APD and the BATFE should get in trouble for, or what laws you believe this violates, or regulations?
And separately, what would you do if you were an Austin cop ordered to do unconstitutional things?
If you do something unconstitutional, you have a process, and it's usually in most law enforcement agencies, it's written right into their standards and procedures, you do not have to follow a lawful order.
If it's unlawful, it is unlawful and you do not follow it.
If you get a write-up for it, you get a write-up for it, but you're going to end up winning that because it goes against your policies and goes against the laws of the state of wherever you're working.
And any administrator who tries to force you to do an on-off will act by coercion and is also subjecting himself to a USC 1983 lawsuit.
But then they don't promote you.
That's sometimes the case, but you have to have the sand in the wheels, so to say, to slow down this train wreck.
And you have to get good police chiefs.
I mean, why?
Twenty years ago, police chiefs were always from the town.
Why do they always bring them in, Department of Justice recommended, from some far-off city?
Big money buys big power.
And in our state, in Ohio, we have the big cities of Cleveland and Cincinnati and Columbus and Dayton and Toledo.
And they're chiefs of police, and somewhat to the effect, they're local sheriffs.
are influenced by that big donor money and uh... they follow the party line the small county sheriffs are pro-gun and pro-second amendment the big city ones are pretty much influenced by the large donors from those uh... say left-wing uh... radical organizations that don't want guns they have a bigger crime violence in their cities and they think that that's just due to the fact that guns are readily accessible even though the bureau of justice statistics show
That less than one percent of U.S.
gun crimes came from gun shows.
Well, people don't rob heavily armed rural areas or cities where people are heavily armed.
The crime statistics are voluminous that the cesspits of crime are Chicago, New York, and L.A., every major city that has massive victim disarmament legislation.
And I'm going to go to another police officer, but Keith, in closing,
In 1775, the Revolutionary War started over gun confiscation, and the resistance was led by the local constables, by the local police and sheriffs.
And I believe that's going to happen again.
That's why Obama is creating a Council of Governors, so he can rubber stamp and take over the states, but still claim that the states some have authority, but he appoints the governors.
That's why they've set up Homeland Security.
But they've got a problem.
Most of the military and police I talk to are fully awake and upset about what's happening.
We see national studies.
98% of police said they're pro-Second Amendment.
So how can this be happening if 90 plus percent are pro-Second Amendment and the police and military are awake?
I mean, is it that the leadership are a bunch of globalists?
Well, I wouldn't say that the local leadership are, but on a national level and the large donor base is of that mindset.
Are police officers starting to wake up faster in your area?
The rural law enforcement officer is from the local community.
He is of the local community and has the mindset of the local community.
The big city ones are often people that are pulled out of the socialized institutions, the big city, and they don't have the same mindset.
The local officer is covering three, four, five hundred square miles by himself.
He realizes that an armed populace is a very good benefit to him when he needs a backup.
A lot of your local agencies all have that policy that they can deputize somebody on the spot.
uh... to assist them in apprehending a criminal and in fact in Ohio it's still the law that it's a civil penalty if you do not aid a law enforcement officer.
Same thing in Texas.
Same thing in Texas.
I mean my mother growing up in Austin when somebody got out of the prison or the jail or the lunatic asylum and she lived near that the sheriff would just drive around and knock on doors and say come help me get your rifles now if you try to do that the police will gun you down in my town
Yeah, in Ohio that law still exists and it's sometimes used in the rural areas where somebody's trying to apprehend a criminal and somebody, usually just a good citizen, will jump out and try to assist that officer.
But the statutes are still on the book for that to happen.
We need to get back to that.
That's real homeland security.
Keith, thank you so much for calling.
Thank you, Alex.
This is shocking to me, though, folks.
This isn't using business license write-ups or bureaucracy.
This is just showing up and saying, we are going to lawlessly... That's what lawlessness is.
No law!
I mean, it's one thing if a law is unconstitutional, but just to show up with no law and say, we're shutting down your private sales at the gun show?
Let's go to Mark in Florida, then Curt Nemo.
Mark in Florida, another police officer.
What do you think of this?
Here's the notice right here.
It's disgusting.
Totally unconstitutional and people should put up a red flag and not go along with it.
What do you think went through the minds of the Austin police when they were ordered to go help the feds do this?
You know I think it's like you were talking about the knock and talks earlier and you know people just give in.
Most of the time they'll just let officers come in their house and search or do whatever and it's the same thing with traffic stops.
Police officers make traffic stops every day for a traffic violation, and then they say, uh, you might have fucked your car, and 95% of them won't stand up and say no.
And they'll know that they have stuff in their car that's contraband, but they won't do it.
And people just need to not be intimidated, and they need to stand up.
And if we all stand together, they can't put everybody in jail.
It's just disgusting what's happening in this country overall.
It's just terrible.
So that taxes can be raised to pay interest to the foreign banks.
And that's why this is happening.
That's what Homeland Security is for.
And so all these domesticated cowards that are scared of guns and the Second Amendment, they need to know that tyranny isn't going to stop just with their guns.
This is only the beginning.
Mark, I mean, points you want to make about this?
Statements you want to make about this?
Just that people need to wake up.
I'm trying to wake up my officers as much as I can.
For instance, at the beginning of the year, I did a little presentation at Roll Call, my predictions for 2010.
And it kind of opened up the door.
And I had an officer approach me the other day, just before Roll Call, and he said, hey, I watched Jesse Ventura last night.
And then I had to start Roll Call.
I didn't get a chance to talk to him.
So later on in the evening, I sent him a message and I said, Hey, you want to stop and get some coffee?
And he said, sure.
And so we had an opportunity to, you know, to talk about issues and stuff like that.
So that's what I'm trying to do.
I'm trying to get people woken up to it.
I'm trying to get people on the same page because we need to stand together.
That's the only way that we're going to win this, this battle.
And Mark, I agree with you because I told MSNBC yesterday when they came to interview me for Chris Matthews for a documentary he's making for MSNBC, I explained to the lady, I said, this has all been scripted and we have the Rand Corporation and all their own admissions.
They want to squeeze the people.
They want to push the people while brainwashing the police against the population so the police get abusive.
The public starts hating the police to make us enemies with each other and they do plan to have a violent revolution in this country that they're going to use to bring in total police state.
In the process, local police are going to be devastated.
We need to stop this now.
We need to not have
To engage in tyranny as they bring in unlimited illegal aliens and criminals, as the society implodes, as crime rates explode, as the society falls apart, as the public is becoming moral and very evil.
It's not just police that we see becoming more and more corrupt.
I mean, we are a sick society and we need good leadership like yours and others to take the risk
Of sticking your head up to the tyranny because the risk is greater to go along with it.
We know where this river leads over the edge of the falls.
We've got to get out of the comfort zone now.
We have got to... I mean, I've got chills right now, folks.
Do you realize how real this is?
The danger we're in?
I mean, almost every single member of the Obama administration gives public speeches saying they're communist and they want Mao... and they like Mao Zedong.
I mean, you cannot make this magnitude of evil up.
Mark, God bless you, good to hear from you.
We're going to come back with Curt Nemo briefly.
I want to have a talk with him live on air.
You can kind of see some of the behind the scenes that goes on here.
It enrages me, it angers me, it also exhausts me.
I mean, it's illegal!
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There are literally hundreds of state laws this violates.
And then there's the Commerce Clause, the Constitution, the feds are in Austin.
They order the APD to go down there and say no private sales, which is completely legal.
They've tried to ban it at the legislature over and over again.
I mean, if they get away with this, the sky's the limit.
I want to bring Kurt Nimmo up.
He wrote a very important article, Feds, Cops Attempt to Shut Down Legal Gun Sales in Austin.
Steve Watson has the headline at PrisonPlanet.com, VATF Notice Bans Private Gun Sales in Texas.
They did ban it.
And then to make it look legal, they had some illegal alien, we're confirming this happened, people witnessed this arrest, go in and some old guy was trying to sell a shotgun, he sold it to the illegal, which wasn't illegal because it's a private sale, it's not his job to know that under the law, you still have that private right, he wasn't a gun dealer under federal control, and they arrested him.
So they do that
In these staged events, go on to Kurt Nemo.
Kurt, we need to really get on this and go over what Jack McClann pointed out, go over the points I made, the police officers that called in, how they've tried to use, I remember seeing that in the news in several states, Ohio, Pennsylvania, other places, where they go in and try to ban private sales through local business licenses, but they can't ban garage sales, they can't ban
All of these different events.
Though the Feds put a ruling out this year.
Remember the Fox News headline?
Five years in prison for garage sale.
So they're trying to implement this.
You've already paid tax on something.
You're allowed to resell it.
So they try all these regulations.
Now they're not even doing that.
They just show up and say no sales.
I mean, that is tyranny.
When they just announce, I've got a gun, I've got a uniform, I'm your God.
Yeah, you know Alex, even under the Federal Firearms Ownership Protection Act of 1986, people aren't required to do background checks on people they sell guns to.
So they're even violating their own laws against the Second Amendment.
Be sure and add that.
That's right, we've passed laws to stop this before, and they just break the law.
They're not just breaking the law, making something up when there's no law, they're breaking laws.
That's right.
You know, like I told you prior to coming on, this is a totally egregious violation of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.
And I think legally, if people are going to stop this kind of nonsense, that's what they're going to have to go to is, you know, go to the Supreme Court and argue that this is a violation of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.
Well, we need to hit them on all fronts.
We need to stop this in Austin right now, Kurt.
We need to just turn out more stories, more of the angles, and point out to people, you've done a great job with this one article, that this is completely illegal!
I mean, they can't just make up whatever they want!
No, they can't, but you know what they're trying to do in, you know, what's her name, Carolyn McCarthy, the notorious gun grabber, she introduced the Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2009.
Let me see, it's H.R. 2324.
And what they're trying to do is close down the gun shows through this new law.
And they're actually trying to tie this to terrorism.
If you read the bill, they make these comparisons to illegal gun sales being terrorism.
It's insane.
I just hope.
Actually, Frank Wattenberg also introduced a bill.
The Democrats introduced another bill, too.
This is called Gun Show Background Check Act of 2009.
And that's another issue.
Obama keeps saying, I don't want your guns, even though he writes all these letters, introduced laws as a state senator, even though all his czars are calling for complete banning, even though they're harassing everybody.
They're coming after our guns while denying they're doing it.
That's right.
Well, the Democrats are really behind these laws.
I mean, the Loophole Closing Act has 35 co-sponsors, mostly Democrats.
And the Lautenberg Senate bill has 15 co-sponsors, all of them Democrats.
So this is basically coming out of the Obama administration, as you pointed out.
But again, he uses that military tactic of going with the bills, going with the regulations, going with the color of law, going with the tyranny, whilst getting on the news going, these crazy conspiracy theorists, they think that we want their guns!
Well, it doesn't help that there's like 17 states that are regulating gun shows as well.
California, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Oregon, New York, Illinois, and Colorado.
And four states, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania require background checks at gun shows on handguns.
So, states are working with the feds as well to implement this.
Well, we know they're coming after our guns, but the issue is, this is a new development to just have the feds show up and say, we don't need laws anymore.
You're done.
And then arrest someone.
I mean, it's insane!
I mean, it's insane that the federal government has no jurisdiction over interest bail of firearms at all!
Under the Commerce Clause!
We need another headline like, Gun Sales Banned in Austin Without Law Illegal, and then point out the Commerce Clause, because you've done some great research, Kurt Nemo.
I know that'll be up later this evening at InfoWars.com.
Your current article is up there.
Thank you so much, Kurt, for the wonderful work you do at InfoWars.com.
Great job.
Take care.
Great job.
Kurt Nemo, you heard him.
What a researcher.
You hear all those facts, all the laws they're violating?
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Fall of the Republic, the presidency of Barack H. Obama.
It covers the banking heist, the environmental takeover with the carbon tax, the anti-gun activity being done extrajudicially by fiat color of law.
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Showing you the shadow national security state that's been set up, who have openly stated in the secret homeland security documents that we got and released last year, stating that all gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, returning veterans, are the number one threat to the government.
The government is illegitimate.
It's criminal.
It is illegal to have the BATFE go find a client-willing pet city like Austin and go to Police Chief Arte Cerveda and say, no law, we're just going to go into the town
The city.
And we're going to show up at a gun show and say you can't have private sale of firearms.
And they're trying to shut it down at flea markets, garage sales, selling to your neighbor.
They've tried to pass laws in Texas and every other state.
Several have passed laws at several state levels where you can't even buy your grandson a handgun, a rifle, a shotgun.
You can't buy your wife a gun and give it to her for Christmas.
You've got to be registered.
And that's what this has always been about.
Here is the actual notice that was being handed out to people in Austin at the Texas Gun Show.
That's the name of the vendors and it's a family-owned business.
Darwin Bedecker is the operator of it.
And reading the notice, it says, public notice, selling of firearms at the direction of the Austin Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, at the direction.
No law, not even a city ordinance, and that would have been overturned by the state.
The city laws have to be in line with the state law.
At the direction of the Austin Police Department, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, anyone selling a firearm at this show location will be asked, so it's color of law, they're asking, to comply with the following.
Any person selling a personal firearm must, that's the felony, that's the color of law, the torturous interference, the racketeering, the civil rights violation, masquerading under uniform and with guns, under false authority, attacking commerce and civil rights.
Any person selling a personal firearm must, you're being commanded now by uniform,
Claiming the power of the state, illegitimately, must go through a licensed FFL dealer in the show to transfer the firearm to the new owner.
Two, selling of firearms in the parking lot will not be permitted.
Thank you for your cooperation.
So see, it's meant to be written legally.
Where they think they can get out of it by saying, we're asking you that you must.
This is serious fraud.
And as far as I know, watching this closely, this is the first time in the country this has been done in my town of Austin, Texas, talking to Mr. Bedecker.
uh... one of the operator of the texas gun show he said that this is the first time in texas they were told thursday of this and here joining us for the next twenty five minutes uh... is uh... darwin bettaker and again they're totally against this their side they're getting a petition signing of the attorney general this is totally illegal the state better stop it
He's getting a lot of hate mail right now.
He's not behind it.
He's got these armed thugs doing this.
This is tyranny.
This is the end of America.
This is directive of President Obama and the BATFE.
Mr. Bedecker, thank you for joining us.
Yes, sir.
Okay, you heard the things I just broke down.
I want to go over that later with you, but now, blow by blow, tell us what really happened, what they told you, what unfolded.
Okay, the exact story is Thursday at 2 o'clock we had a meeting in Austin, Texas with the Austin Police Department, the ATF, and the people from the North Market Event Center, and HEB.
Now the reason HEB is important is they're actually the main leaseholder under Walmart.
Walmart owns that building.
That everybody knows as the Crockett Center.
We're now the North Austin Event Center.
So what happened was they made these recommendations to me and basically because the gun show that used to be there before us was a lot larger, a lot bigger, they said that the APD and APF had pending cases
Uh, of people selling firearms in the gun shows without a license, actually setting up and selling- And I knew that was going to happen, that's the extortion.
Basically, we're going to end up setting you up, we're going to shut your show down if you don't let us, through color of law, intimidate people and go ahead and basically kill your show to begin with, running their fake stings in there with the illegal aliens they use.
Go ahead.
Exactly, and basically what happened in this meeting when we first sat down,
The detectives that are in this meeting did not even realize that we were a different gun show promoter.
They thought that there was no difference and only after...
Uh, only after we told them that we're not even the same gun show that you had these, these cases against, did she realize that- This is- I'm gonna stop you, I'm gonna stop you, this is too huge, this is so illegal.
They are so ham-fisted, they think they're doing an internal sting plea bargain, uh, with you to get you to waive your rights.
Hey, we've got these cases against you, buddy boy.
See, they've already run the other show out of business, or out of Austin.
Now they've got you, and they're like, listen, Mac, you're gonna do this with us, you're gonna help us run Stings, we're gonna mount cameras in the ceiling, I don't know if this happened, but this happened in other areas, or once you were pimped by them, then they would bring that up later.
We're shutting down guns in America.
We may let you sell for a while, but the Second Amendment's over.
You know, that's basically the message.
So this gets a lot deeper, and a lot, I'm sorry, I just love the Second Amendment, I love commerce, I love freedom, I'm gonna shut up.
I don't remember the exact address of it, but it was one of their facilities that also PD uses for, I guess, interviews and stuff like that.
Well they invited H-E-B to the meeting and basically what it was was they scared H-E-B into basically telling me I had to follow these recommendations or I wouldn't have a show.
And what, I'm gonna stop, that's racketeering right there, organized crime, organized fraud, extortion.
They get the leaseholder, you've already contracted, they twist arms right there to violate the Second Amendment and commerce and free market, they get H-E-B under threat, you under criminal threat, all these threats to agree to this, and you have the courage to come out and expose them.
Who was there?
What was there?
Oh my God, this is so criminal.
Please continue.
So basically they, we had about a two hour meeting back and forth, back and forth.
And I asked them specifically, why is this happening in Austin and nowhere else?
And they just backpedaled and said, well, because we're here.
Meaning that the two detectives and the, uh, and the, and the other ATF agent.
And I asked him then, I was like, well, you realize I'm basically the smallest promoter on the totem pole.
I don't find it coincidence that you found a promoter that you could actually pressure into doing this because, I mean, they told me Thursday I only had two choices.
It was either cancel the show on Friday when vendors have already driven long distances to set up, or try to comply with their recommendations.
So that was a threat of ruin.
That was a threat of embargo with no... Oh, that... Sir, you've got a civil rights lawsuit on the APD and the BATFE.
They are... If you stand up to them, they're over.
And then when they try to racketeer and set up your gun shows more, you've really got them.
My God, these people are criminal!
So they told you...
You do what we say, color of law, or we're shutting you down.
That is ten times worse than just, oh my god.
Do you realize what they've done, sir?
Oh yeah, no, I realize it.
It's just that, you know, I didn't, they told me Thursday that, you know, this had to be done, and by Friday, you know, vendors are starting to show up, and I'm trying to explain to them, you know, what happened.
No, they always do it in the quiet, they always do it behind closed doors, and then ask you to go out and take the heat.
Sir, what were these guys' names?
What did they say to you?
How did they treat you?
What went on?
Give us all the details of this criminal operation.
This is a mafia?
This is how the mafia operated in New York and Chicago?
Well, from the Austin Police Department, it was a Sergeant Fleming that was in the meeting, a Detective Long, a Detective Russell, and a Detective Vineyard, and from the ATF, it was a Daniel Jones.
Those were the law people that were inside the meeting.
And they took you in there and squeezed you to basically become their operative when you're a law-abiding citizen?
Yeah, well basically, you know, they sat there and they read all this long sheet of 9-1-1 calls, pending cases, all this stuff that they had dug up over the four, you know, however many years that they were doing it against the other gun show.
I'm going to stop you again.
They always use emotion.
Oh look, over the years there's been 15 problems in the 14 years.
They were there when I went on air 14 years ago, so more than 14 years.
And so see, that's the new law they use.
Like in France,
They had 152 husbands and wives kill each other, so now they're banning arguing and may even ban marriage.
Oh, some parents abuse their kids.
Now everyone gets a camera in their home in England when you have kids.
See, oh, there might be somebody that gets a gun and commits a crime, so you have to do this now outside of law.
I mean, this is... I'm sorry.
Please continue.
Well, the worst part of it all was, you know, people coming in through the door that I handed these flyers to, and that they willingly signed a petition for.
You know, the people that didn't take the time to actually hear, you know, what was going on, because they were so frustrated, you know, basically called me every name in the book.
I had one older gentleman that was... Oh, sir, that's your... Hold on, that's one of your major... You watch your next show, compared to previous shows, we'll be down by 50%, unless we get the word out... Oh, it'll be down more than that.
Sir, they've destroyed you!
They have engaged in an act of COINTELPRO, write that word down, it's illegal, and they got caught in the 70s doing it, to destroy you.
They infiltrated, they knew that this would destroy your operation, and they have, this is, this is assault!
This is a robbery!
This is grand larceny, sir!
I feel the same way, and the bad thing was that they sat there and told me, well, if you do this, you'll get more licensed, you know, FFL, Federal Firearms licensed dealers in there.
Well, actually, I had two of my largest FFL dealers actually cancel the day before the show when I told them about it.
They don't want to be in a major sting-off.
Did they tell you
Or if you would have gone along with them, I wish I had known about this and I told you to go along with it enough to really get into their criminal operation.
Because we're infiltrating these criminals right now as the organic citizenry.
I mean, they are the mafia.
We're the equivalent of the real citizens' FBI here.
I guarantee you they would have asked you to set people up next.
Or did they ask that?
No, they did not ask that.
Alright, continue.
Give me every detail of their operation.
So you're in this building, continue.
Yeah, I'm in this building.
It's basically a two-hour meeting of them trying to tell all the woes of the show that was there before, and the whole time the guy from HEB is hearing all this, and this gentleman, he's probably never even been to a gun show.
He doesn't care about a gun show, so he basically turns to me and says, well, you need to follow these recommendations or there's no show.
So, they threaten to financially ruin you if you don't follow their recommendation, which is color of law, racketeering fraud.
Man, these guys are in trouble.
Now, who said that to you specifically?
Well, the gentleman's name is Brett Baker.
He's the guy from HEB.
So I'm saying what the police did to him was illegal, threatening him and his business and your business if he didn't do that.
What I'm saying is the police, so they used them to do this.
Yeah, because I know where my morality meter stands and if they would have looked me straight in the face and said, you need to follow these recommendations, they know what I would have told them.
But basically by them inviting ACP to the meeting,
They knew that they could intimidate him, and by him telling me I had to follow his recommendations, or they were going to close the door, then, I mean, I would have had to cancel the show.
Now, did any of the police, or did the federal regulator, the federal thug, did they ever say, you've got to do this?
Which even shows more evidence.
They didn't.
They made it a point to keep on repeating themselves, these are just recommendations.
These are just recommendations.
Where they knew the whole time when they called this meeting, and they invited this person from H-E-B that he would choose the decision that he chose.
That's only more proof of the fraud.
We have the notice they wrote up.
We have them saying you must.
They produced this, correct?
No, no, we produced that notice that we handed out.
They told you to produce it, though?
Yes, they said that that would be a good way to let the public know what was going on.
Did they give you an email, or did they verbally tell you how to write it?
Yeah, they don't want a paper trail because, boy, let me tell you, this is illegal.
Look, they're in the jury in the land, won't burn these guys because they're, you know, just like when the mafia gets caught with different layers to protect themselves, that only burns them worse.
No, I understand.
And like I said, I received, you know, I had a gentleman that was 75 years old come up to me in the show Saturday morning and says, I hear you're the promoter of this show.
And I said, yes, sir.
And he goes, well, I just want to let you know that if I would have had a son that was like you, I would have shot him when he was born.
I mean, I'm so pro-gun and pro-right that it's not even funny to have a gentleman three times my age tell me that.
I mean, I didn't know what else to tell him besides I'm sorry.
I mean, what do you do?
You're a family-owned operator.
I mean, my mom actually welcomes people at the door.
My brothers work security.
I mean, we're the lowest on gun show promoters.
We're the bottom total.
No, I understand.
Let me stop you right there.
Let me stop you.
Were there police officers or BATFE goons loitering around to make sure that people were told about this and going around checking?
Because you said they did bust somebody in there for the non-crime of selling a gun to somebody without a license.
You have them?
They were there Saturday, the ATF and the detectives that were in the meeting.
They were all there Saturday.
Man, this is evil.
So, I also heard that they set somebody up in a private sale with an illegal.
Is that accurate?
Well, I don't know.
I don't know the great details of it.
I don't want to say anything that's not true, but I did witness them escorting one of my vendors out that had sold a gun to somebody, and then he was outside for, I don't know, probably an hour and a half, and then they released him.
So they did it for show.
More color of law.
Just like the feds pay for billboards that say report illegal guns with a picture of a revolver.
There is no law against the revolver, creating the perception that we are a criminal group of gun owners.
But yeah, they definitely did it in front of everybody.
Sickening filth.
Sir, I've got to hold you over.
I need to fully debrief you with all this information.
We need to get the Texas...
Rifle Association behind you.
We need lawsuits filed.
We need to go after the APD.
Who really seemed to be the boss?
The BATFE or the local Austin people?
Actually, no.
The ATF agent, Daniel, basically, he was the one that proposed the recommendations that we followed, but as far as the rest of the meeting, he didn't say a lot.
Yeah, but he proposed the regulations.
He was the boss.
This is directly from Obama.
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We've got Darwin Bedecker from the Texas Gun Show on.
Shows up in Austin.
It totally needs to show up at a meeting.
They've got the H-E-B owners of the former Crockett Center, but you can't name something after Davy Crockett.
That's evil.
So they've named it something else.
And they tell them, you're not going to have your gun show unless you do this.
And the BATFE says, here's what we think you should write up and say to people.
Then they're there.
They do a show arrest, release the person.
I mean, this is all fraud.
This is classical tyranny.
This is how it worked in Russia and Nazi Germany and Soviet China.
This is what they're doing.
When you put your kids in public school, they're learning to hate the Second Amendment.
Sir, you fought back against this show.
Did the police or anybody?
It sounded like they knew what they were doing was really illegal, so they were being careful, but not careful enough, because of what we have here and the fake arrest.
Did they start getting upset by your petition to the Attorney General?
Because you're right.
Who advised you to go to the state?
Because the state writes the laws.
They can't just make up laws on their own.
Yeah, no, they didn't.
I don't know if they even saw the petition because they didn't even come in the front door.
They came in actually a side door of the show.
And the petition was right there at the front door where people enter.
The other thing that I was going to mention is what they did and what they basically made me follow.
You know, our shows are small anyways in comparison to the gun shows.
They're really small.
We're the only show that allows you to come back Sunday with your Saturday's emissions, so we try to do things differently to help people out.
I basically had to go $2 down on emissions to even get people to come in once they saw 65 of my tables were missing because of cancellations.
I didn't know what else to do.
That's where you can really get them, is the fact that they shut down your business and financially hurt you and then emotionally hurt you, having people come up and call you a traitor, and then they didn't trust you to probably sign your petition, probably thinking the government wanted their names, because they've tried to get gun shows to get Social Security numbers in other areas of the country.
Other points about what happened.
Were the police pleased with how they ruined your freedom and illegally intimidated your show into the ground?
Did you ever talk to him?
I walked back to the concession stand, which is at the back of the show.
Anybody that's been in that building knows it's in the back of the show.
And the two detectives that were actually in the meeting were sitting down in civilian clothes at one of the tables, I guess, just watching and surveying everything.
And I walked back to them, and where there used to be tables in the second half of the building, where you walk directly to the concession stand, there were no more tables.
So you actually had to walk past a bare
We're good to go.
So she admitted the crime.
I mean, she admitted there's no law to get the background check, but that's what they wanted.
That's what they wanted, yes.
What is her name?
Detective Long.
I don't have her first name.
She needs to be indicted for racketeering.
I'm telling you.
Sir, are you going to sue these people?
I'll do whatever I can in my power.
Just my financial resources are so minuscule.
Well, it's clear.
I'm going to get you back on for the next show.
I'm going to be down there this time.
And we're going to get hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands, of people to come support you and stand beside you.
But that's how tyranny works.
They grab you, then you get blamed for it as the victim.
We need to come support you and support your show and not let them kill the Austin Gun Show.
They already shut down the other one that used to be in a city building.
The city said, we're not going to allow it.
Now you go out and get a private building.
No, you can't have that either.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, the phones are wide open for police officers or for lawyers or for witnesses of the crime against freedom, the right to contract, the right to have sales, the right to business, the right of the Second Amendment.
You have the Austin Police under the command of the BATFE federally colluding
This man contracted with the event center.
They contract with H-E-B, who contracts with Walmart, that owns this old Walmart building.
They've had a gun show there for more than 14 years.
I mean, I've been going there since college, actually.
So, 15, 16, 17, 18 years?
I don't know.
I don't know how long.
I know it's been there since I've been on air 14 years.
And, uh, they've been sponsors of this show when it was the Sachs at Gun and Knife Show.
They now went and did some raids and some setups and some... We knew they were in there.
They're doing it to all gun shows.
Ran them off.
Another event group comes in.
The police think it's the same group.
They say, look, we got you on all this.
You know, we might talk about dropping some of this if you do this.
Go over what they said in the meeting.
And you said they were mainly focused on the H-E-B leaseholder, intimidating him to stop you and to shut down your business.
And then the cops are laughing and think it's funny when they're outside the law.
There's no law
You have to do this and the police are now secret commissars, secret police, running around and then forcing you to put up notices saying you must do this when there's no law.
I mean, this is the very definition of extortion, of racketeering.
1-800-259-9231 for lawyers, constitutional scholars, police officers, anyone who is upset about this.
You know, I'm sitting here ranting and raving, talking to Darwin here on the line, whose family owns and runs this gun show, the Texas Gun Show.
And, you know, thank God you can operate in other cities.
I mean, they're trying to put you out of business.
The only other show that I have is the one in Live Oak.
Like I said before, when it comes to gun shows, I'm at the bottom of the total bowl, because we are just all family that runs this show.
So they ran the old gun show that had been here for more than a decade out, and now they're trying to run you out.
Well yeah, and by doing what they did this past weekend, I mean, I can't survive.
Under that, because I mean, I'll just cancel the shows.
I'm not gonna keep on trying to put on gun shows.
No, no, no.
Don't do that.
Don't do that, sir.
I have a huge audience, especially in Austin.
I'm gonna have people there.
And I'm gonna be there.
We're supposed to be there the third weekend of each month because we filled in the spot that the other gun show left when they left the building.
So you're gonna be there in a month?
Yeah, the third weekend of each month until otherwise.
You're going to be there in like 28 days.
Yes, sir.
Well, sir... The third weekend of February.
Listen, you can look... You've never heard of this radio show, have you?
I don't get off the station.
No, sir.
No, that's fine.
But I did hear your name thrown out a lot when people told me that I needed to contact you.
And so I knew after hundreds of people told me when they came in the door.
Well, I'll stand as strong as I can be.
Sounds good.
And we need all of Texas and the other stinking gun shows to stand with you and the other gun dealers to stand with you.
Because if they can get you... Sir, do you understand this is precedent-setting, but I'll guarantee you this is going on covertly all over the country?
Oh yeah, no, I know.
Like I said, I've seen it coming and I've had a gut feeling that it was coming and basically they proved my point with this meeting and this past weekend that my personal feeling is that they're just trying to get a foothold
And if they can get one, one show to do it, then they probably feel they can get all shows to do this.
Well, I'm going up against him.
And boy, let me tell you, the BATF has even said threatening things to me at this very gun show you're talking about.
They are an absolutely wicked bunch of un-American trash.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I want you to picture in your mind America, with secret police under federal control, getting the leaseholder together, calling the gun show operator in, and saying, eh, we got some cases against your gun show, we've set you up.
Hey, I'm not the same guy, you ran him out of Austin.
Oh, well, it doesn't matter.
You know, we're going to shut you down, and then having the leaseholder, I guess, say, you've got to do this.
And what we need to do is have the gun show, not follow their illegal unlawful order, have notices you give them when they're there.
They don't have any warrant.
I say kick them out.
See, first they intimidate you to let them in.
Make them get warrants to come in.
We need to stand up as a country to these people.
And then, if they terminate your lease,
Terminate your agreement.
You've got all sorts of other lawsuits against the officers, all of them, for racketeering, official oppression, torturous interference, interstate commerce, because the feds are involved.
I mean, they are committing so many crimes on the face of it.
And we've got...
A bunch of police officers calling in, Keith in Indiana, and a bunch of others we're going to go to here in a moment for our guest, but we need to rally behind the Texas Gun Show.
They picked a little target, they picked a Soviet town like Austin.
Good people in Austin, but run by a bunch of really bad people.
They're always stealing private property, you name it.
Because if they're able to do this under the dark of night, it's going to be a precedent.
I guarantee it.
The White House is running this.
I've seen similar things going on.
They're doing this all over the country.
We've got to set a precedent nationwide so people know how to stand up against them.
We've been fighting them for 20 years trying to shut down the gun shows.
And once they've shut that down, I've read the state laws they try to pass and the ones they have, where you can't even sell your neighbor a gun, can't sell some guns you want to make some money at a garage sale.
This is outrageous.
This is the last step towards total registration and confiscation.
Now, going back to Darwin Bedecker, whose family runs this, he's the operator, the Texas Gun Show.
Let's put their website up on screen for folks so they can find out where their shows are and support them.
Give us the URL to your website.
It's texasgunshows.net.
TexasGunShows.net and people need to show up to this.
Mark their calendars and be there and support what you're doing and you need to not be intimidated by them.
I can be there with cameras and cram them right in their faces.
I'm coming down there and you look into who I am sir.
I mean I don't claim to be the
You know, a tough guy or anything, but I'm not a wimp, and I'm a constitutionalist, and I'm committed to this republic and defeating these people, and I'm standing beside you.
I'm going to get Congressman Ron Paul on this, Gun Owners of America Larry Pratt, Jews of Preservation of Firearms Ownership, the Texas Rifle Association, we are calling them all right now, sir.
We're going to rally the troops to defeat these people politically.
Well, that's music to my ears compared to what I've been hearing over the last 48 hours.
Now, I want to go to calls with you, but I want to go back here to be very careful about this meeting.
Specifically, they tell you, we'd like you to come down and tell us the whole story, how they did the intimidation, how the BATF told you how to write this, how it destroyed your show.
Lay it out.
I was invited to a facility that Austin PD uses, I guess, to do interviews and stuff like that.
I had a meeting with Austin PD, the ATF was there, and people from North Austin Event Center and H-E-B.
It was about a two hour long meeting that took place on Thursday, the day before my vendors were supposed to set up.
Basically, it was a long meeting over.
They started off the meeting with, you know, we don't want to have to shut you down, but we will.
It was straight intimidation from the get-go.
And, uh, they made a long list of, uh, they read a long list of convictions or cases that they had against the former gun show.
And they read off all these complaints and everything else.
911 calls, everything to this, to this location.
They didn't even know in the beginning of the meeting that we were a different show promoter.
And that was over a decade of the other show, one of the best records.
People driving by on the highway were always calling cops, seeing people with guns, because the public's been trained guns are illegal.
Nobody can put them in their pickup window.
People can't walk out of their house and get in their car with them, because there's a large portion of the population that is completely ignorant.
So they use that.
The ninnying, scared public, we gotta shut you down.
Go ahead.
And then, in the process of the meeting, the ATF agent suggested recommendations that we should follow.
And he said that he's seen it work in other places like Detroit.
And that right there made me laugh.
So, see, they've done this before.
Okay, Detroit.
I mean, a totally federal-run cesspit.
Okay, continuing.
So to be clear, the BATF then was set in the parameters.
Go ahead.
And that scared the guy from H-E-B.
Oh, so again, that's a key threat.
Outside of a court, outside of law, threatening to shut the building down for everything else, the knitting clubs, the swap meets they have there.
Threatening to just end the building, period.
So that guy's got a cause of action.
Threatening his entire business and his job as the leaseholder, H-E-B, the grocery store chain with Walmart, if he didn't then come down on you.
And what was his name, the poor guy being grilled by these people?
His name's Andrew Burkell.
He's the operating, I guess, operating manager of the North Austin Event Center.
And he was the one that was basically, he was a former Austin police officer, too, and he was the one standing up for us.
I mean, oh, so he was arguing with them.
How did that go?
Well, I mean, every time they tried to scare him, he basically told him, you know, don't try to intimidate me.
You know, I know the law, I know what's going on here, but yet, you know, it still intimidated H-E-B.
Get Raquel on.
So H-E-B was there above him?
And so H-E-B then turned to you and said, this is the way it is?
Yeah, they said, you need to follow these recommendations.
Or, basically, there'll be no show.
And the police and the BATF then smiled with pleasure?
And, like I said, they taped this whole meeting.
I don't know if that's something that they'll give you, but it was all taped.
Yeah, you need their open records to demand it.
They'll claim it malfunctioned and lie, but, my God, was the events center head, the former police officer, freaked out when you left?
We're good to go.
I mean, it was either lose all that money and cancel it, or try to recoup something and let the public know what was going on, so I chose to let the public know.
Well, you did the right thing, and we're going to stand beside you in this.
Now, how did the BATFE guy tell you to write this?
When did he do that?
He didn't tell me to write it word for word.
What he said was, you might have
They wanted to keep this secret!
Oh, it's even worse!
So, basically, then he said, well, you could write something saying that, well, I told him, well, then what I'm going to do is I'm going to write something saying, you know, in accordance and in direction with Austin PD and ATF, this is why, you know, this is happening this weekend.
So that's the flyer that you're reading.
And he said, oh, that's good.
Yeah, basically he said, yeah, that'll work.
Because I asked him, I go, if I follow these recommendations, I go, are you going to pay for a full-page newspaper ad?
You know, saying that it wasn't my idea, I didn't do it willingly, it was under the threat of pressure of me, you know, losing everything that I invested and losing my business there, that I complied with your recommendations for that weekend.
Well, this is an agency and police completely out of control.
Let's talk to Kenneth in Indiana, a police officer.
Kenneth, or Keith, your take on this?
Yeah, I just want to thank you for, uh, you know, acting on, uh, being, being obedient to your convictions and getting this information out and more power to your, uh, your guests there as far as getting this lawsuit going.
Uh, hopefully we can sue the pants off of them and get that done.
Um, I just wanted to add, just encourage, you know, listeners and, you know, it doesn't matter if you own firearms, if you're interested, if you're not interested, if the last thing that you wanted to see,
But everyone needs to be involved with what's going on and stand up and fight because you may, next month, want to buy a firearm to protect you and your family.
And, you know, being a police officer, knowing what's going on, I lived in a county that they had two deputies on graveyard shift and they had a major state route going through.
If you have a serious accident, they're going to be tied up.
If you have a burglary, a burglar breaking into your home at that time, just think about what the response time is.
Are you going to be able to protect you, your family, your property, your belongings?
Well, sir, what do you think of them secretly just intimidating somebody to do this with no law behind them?
Well, it's wrong.
I mean, it's totally illegal, but we see this going on in every facet.
Of course.
Making a law as they make decisions.
It's going along everywhere.
Stay there, Keith.
Stay there, Keith.
Stay there.
And we're going to come back with our guest, because I want him to hear what you have to say.
And then Rick, Mike, Heather, John, and others with the different laws this is violating.
I'm going to get Larry Becraft, constitutional lawyer, on this.
I mean, folks, this is outrageous.
What do we expect from the Austin police?
I mean, they take blood without warrants at checkpoints.
I mean, they're just nuts!
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Darwin Bedecker.
His family runs a little gun show in Texas.
Two shows a month.
They buy radio time.
They advertise it.
The government comes and basically shuts their show down.
No law, no nothing.
Just like they take your property now without just compensation.
The Republic is dying.
You think I like going up against the BATFE?
You think I like going up against these people?
I know who they are.
They've gotten in my face when I've been at the gun show before.
Until I get back in theirs and then they scatter.
They're used to people wetting their pants, bowing down to them.
Not me!
I'm a good person.
I don't do anything wrong.
I fight tyranny.
And we know this is tyranny.
Going back to Kenneth and then Rick and everybody else.
Kenneth, um...
I mean, the more I hear of this story, the more wicked, the more sickening it gets.
And to hear about the police when he walked up and said, look at my building, half empty.
Is this what you wanted?
And they smiled and said, no, we don't want to shut you down.
We just want you to have registered gun sales.
They want him to do something that isn't the law and they're going to ruin him to do it.
I mean, that is assault.
That is financial assault.
Keith, I keep calling you Kenneth.
It's totally criminal.
And you know what they want.
We all know what they want in the end.
They're going to have a list, and they're going to come and take them when they grant the time that, you know, they want to do that.
And they'll start with 50 cows first to make it sound reasonable?
It's just like you've said before, the frog in the pot, that they just slowly start heating up.
And we don't notice that it's getting hot, but, you know, it's starting to boil, and we need to do something.
Just going back to what I was saying again, yes, you know, the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, I mean, it is for, you know, personal protection of ourselves, our family, but again, tyranny.
It is the, you know, that last line of defense to protect ourselves, to protect our freedoms, to protect our country, to protect our Constitution.
And just to follow up on the story I was saying before, you know, protecting yourself
I'm a law enforcement officer and I love the guys and gals I work with.
The profession is great, but we're there to supplement the citizens.
And you're there to respond, you're there to enforce the law after a crime has been committed under federal and state statute.
You have no liability to protect us because you can't!
If something goes down, we need a handgun, we need a weapon to protect ourselves.
At that moment, when our life is threatened, we may be killed within seconds.
People think that calling 9-1-1 is a magic genie lamp, and the police officer or sheriff's deputy is going to appear there in seconds.
It doesn't happen.
Again, the officer may be across the county, they might be
Slowed down with bad weather.
You know, police officers have to deal with vehicle problems and the weather and snow and rain, fog.
Your phone may be out!
How many phone calls have we heard where the dispatch system's having problems or the dispatcher doesn't take them seriously and they get killed?
The average time's what, 12 minutes for a 911 call?
So, you know,
We can't.
Is the government going to hire a bodyguard for every citizen in the country to protect ourselves at the moment that we need it?
That's not going to happen.
You know, we had founding fathers that guaranteed the God-given right.
Our right to protect ourselves is God-given.
But it's backed up by the Constitution to be guaranteed by the Founding Fathers and the Constitution that they... And Barack Obama and his crew of scum have no authorization to take our guns.
Going back to Darwin Bedeker.
Darwin, again, what do you think of my idea of, uh...
And like I said, I'll stand with you through it all and try to, you know, hopefully they'll get back to where shows used to be, where you actually enjoyed.
We're good to go.
Well, listen, I don't go to a lot of them anymore because I know it's crawling with feds and special local police.
I like going to buy blow dart guns.
I like buying those little bird bomb things because they're fun to shoot out in the country.
You know, the things that run off birds, but not for birds, just to shoot them or to shoot them in the lake and watch them, you know, make a red flash at night.
I mean, it's fun to go to the gun show and, you know, buy camping gear or ammo.
But, I mean, now it's just feds everywhere.
I mean, it's sick!
Our tax money are paying for this!
Anything else, Keith?
Yeah, and two more real quick things.
The Senate subcommittee of the Constitution in 1982 had an awesome report on the right to keep and bear arms.
I mean, this is great.
It's not too long and it just touches on... I've read it before.
Give people the title of it.
We'll post it on InfoWars.com.
It is awesome.
It is awesome.
Give them the report name.
I forget the Senate report.
Yeah, it is a report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution.
It's quite long.
Of the Committee on the Judiciary.
It's a February of 1982 report.
Yeah, we'll get that Senate report on the Second Amendment up.
Thank you.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
All of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're doing some research on this Andrew Purkell in the Austin Chronicle.
We're wanting to make sure it's the same Andrew Purkell that is the head of the event center.
We're just going to leave it at that for right now.
You might want to look into the name Andrew Perkel.
We're going to see if that's the same person.
We need to call him and see if that's the same 14-year veteran who got indicted in 2006.
Now he's playing good cop, bad cop with people.
So we're going to find out what's going on here.
Because we're on the case now.
We're on the case.
Okay, going back to Darwin Bedecker, who runs the Texas Gun Show, texasgunshow.net.
You said you're getting calls during the breaks from vendors and people that are saying they're going to come out and support you.
Finish up that story, and then I interrupted you earlier when you tried to bring up people bringing up my name at the front gate when they were coming in, seeing the notice.
Yes, sir.
Actually, while we were on this interview, our business phone rang and my mother is actually the person that takes reservations.
She said that a vendor called and requested three tables at our next Austin show, and he's never done one of our shows, but what made me feel good was he said that he wished his son would have turned out like me, which actually made me feel good for all those people that have been sending all the hate email thinking it was my doing, that it actually feels good to actually get the story out.
Well, look, we've shot down politically a bunch of the czars that Obama tried to appoint.
Others he appointed are even worse, openly saying ban free speech, second amendment.
If we use the gun shows as political centers of the Declaration of Independence and Liberty, and got people organized to defend local gun rights on a city and county basis,
That's why they hate it.
They hate our gun culture, our 1776 liberty culture coming together.
And so if all the vendors will start, and I guarantee a lot of them are listening right now all over Texas and the country, if people from even other states will come to your event,
Coming up.
And even if they try some nasty thing and shut it down, we'll meet in the parking lot and have a rally.
And come there and pass the hat for your legal lawsuit.
And if everybody will get a bunch of tables, people that sell books, videos, people that sell beanie babies.
I mean, you know, I mean, it's not just guns that are sold.
Every Austin gun store needs to come.
People need to be there.
They need to cram every table you've got and fill it up
It's the third week in February.
I don't have a calendar right in front of me, but it's the third week in February.
I apologize, but...
Okay, that's right after my birthday.
I was supposed to take my kids camping then, but camping can wait.
So that's the what days again?
Yes, sir.
20th and 21st.
And that's the date.
Now, again, I've spent
Three and a half hours today.
Three hours, 27 minutes on this.
Because, folks, they're openly announcing an end to free speech, an end to everything.
It's all happening.
We've been completely robbed.
They go intimidate people into posting notices saying you can't sell guns at this gun show and private sales.
We've beaten it at the legislature, so now they're trying to go around it.
This Andrew Purkell, I mean, he told you he was a veteran Austin police officer?
He didn't say veteran, he just said he used to work for the force.
Well, it may be another Andrew Purkell.
There's another one in the Austin Chronicle.
Give me a close shot of this, please.
And it says, Austin Chronicle, which is a questionable source, but no, I mean, not on issues like this.
A Travis County Grand Jury indicted December 27th, 14-year veteran of the APD, Detective Andrew Purkell, on one count of attempted sexual assault and a third-degree felony, one count of public lewdness, a Class A misdemeanor, and one count of indecent exposure, a Class B misdemeanor, in connection with the September 15th off-duty incident, according to a statement released by the APD.
Reportedly, the alleged offense took place at a hair removal business, American Laser Center, and involved an encounter between Purkell and an as-yet-unnamed Laser Center employee.
Purkell's attorney, Chris Gunter, told the statesman that the charges were not true, that everything that transpired between the two people was consensual, and that he and his client are anxious for a trial.
So, we need to look and see how that ended up.
But I wonder if they're trying to use that against him as the manager of the event center.
Or maybe it's another Andrew Purkell who was an APD person.
We'll have to check into that.
Interesting info, huh?
The other thing that I was going to mention before is that I really appreciate everybody coming in and saying that you were the person to contact for this.
Luckily, y'all contacted me so I didn't have to even try to find out where y'all were located.
It was hundreds and hundreds of people that threw out your name and said that this is the man that you need to get informed.
I appreciate somebody in the position to
Well, I appreciate that.
I guess it was 2000, and they were going to pass the end of the gun show loophole.
You know, it's a loophole.
It's not.
It's illegal.
Everything's perception.
And it was going to pass, and I went down, and I got a couple hundred of my listeners, and they said, you know what?
You don't get to testify.
That was an open hearing.
Juan Hinojosa, the state representative, the head of the Judiciary Committee,
He said, uh, you don't get to testify.
And he brought up these two black guys who got up and did like a gangster thing.
They used race.
They used racism.
You know, to say, yeah, we're dangerous, you know, thugs, basically, and you need to ban guns and ban the gun show, and, you know, we buy them at the gun show.
Total lie.
And so Jews of Preservation Firearms ownership local member,
Ran in and said, you've got a video camera, get out here.
And like in a movie, this Smith guy, who's with the Violence Policy Center and Handgun Control Incorporated, was going, 100, 200, 300, and that video was all over the web, crashed our servers, and I've tried to find our original tapes.
Uh, of it.
And I think somebody did find it about a year ago.
Guys, Google bribery caught at Texas Capitol, Alex Jones.
And so I run up with the camera and he goes, ah, and acts all suspicious.
And then it turned out the committee got in trouble for paid testimony and all this stuff.
And we barely beat the bill, but the NRA, and it would have banned grandpas giving their grandsons a 22, no private gifts, no transfers of firearms.
And when I really found out, and then later I saw the documents, that the NRA is actually an anti-gun group, and that Charlton Heston, who I was a fan of and interviewed, was hired in 68 to do TV ads saying we need the 68 Gun Control Act.
People didn't know that.
And he later said that was wrong to do, but the point is that their board is run
If they're gonna get our guns, they can't let us have a group with, you know, 10 million members or whatever.
They've got to have it controlled.
And they called me an extremist and said the bill was good in the Dallas Morning News to ban gun shows.
So, and to ban junior shooting sports.
But the point is, I have to always march down and defeat this myself with the help of my listeners, and anybody else out there
That's why other people have called me and they want to do interviews and stuff too, but once I found out that you were interested in it, I wanted to make sure that
You got the full details first.
Let's talk to Kenneth in Indiana.
We already talked to Kenneth and I keep calling Keith.
Keith and I keep calling Kenneth.
I'm looking at a screen way across the room.
I may be losing my eyesight here.
Rick in Tennessee, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I'm pretty freaked out, but I'm glad people are rallying against this.
I mean, this is unprecedented.
Yeah, I have a couple quick comments and a big question for you.
First of all, one of my local gun dealers here in Tennessee was at that show.
I can't get a hold of him today because of the holidays, so I will get a hold of him first thing in the morning and try to have him contact you.
Second of all, I think we have a duty to debrief and re-educate the citizens of the United States.
Because we're being micromanaged so much that it's going to start with guns, CPS, bows, knives, etc.
Oh, they've announced all U.S.
citizens will have three yearly CPS visits, all Head Start people to put their kids in it get three CPS visits, guilty until proven innocent.
I mean, it is an iron curtain of tyranny.
Well, I had a run-in with CPS here about a month ago, and once I went into their office and started tape recording the conversation, things changed.
And then the fact that
They moved on to an easier target.
Yeah, they went on to find somebody else's kids they could rape.
And by the way, at least have Marchild rapists, but go ahead.
Now, my main question is, is how do we rally around our sheriff to get him behind us?
Because the sheriff... You educate them, and if they're not a constitutionalist and they're a lapdog of the feds, you run somebody for sheriff and you take your county over and kick the feds out.
Alright, and my final comment would be this, that as the United States, we are the last beacon of hope for democracy in this world that we live in.
And a lot of countries are actually looking at us right now with everything that's going on.
And if we lose our fight for our Constitution and our Bill of Rights and our God-given rights, then basically the entire world is going to suffer for this.
Rick, great point.
And again...
All over the world, China, Africa, all these different countries and continents and regions are saying torture's okay, secret arrest is okay, because they say, hey, America does it.
We've now become a beacon of wickedness, and it's because the people have sat on their big fat behinds, and that needs to stop, folks.
Let's talk to Mike in Wyoming.
You're on the air with Darwin Bedecker.
Go ahead.
Sympathetic towards this young man.
I remember what it was like to be that age and be confronted with several guys with shiny badges and guns.
But a little education will empower you.
First off, you just need to understand that these guys, no matter how many there are, how many badges they have,
There are employees, and you have to think of them as such.
Well, let me just interrupt, Mike, as I always do.
I would have said, I would have punted.
I would have said, I gotta get my constitutional lawyer on this.
This is torturous interference to the H-E-B guy.
Yeah, I wouldn't have even shown up.
Go ahead.
I actually can't hear the other audio that's going on right now, so I don't know what's being said.
Okay, can you hear the caller now?
No, I can hear you.
I can't hear the caller.
Mike, go ahead and talk again.
Can you hear him now?
Yeah, I can hear him now.
Now, the first thing that should have come out of your mouth was, what is your statutory authority for telling me I have to do this, or for telling me I can't do thus and such?
Most of these guys operate under color of law, and they won't be able to tell you that when they can't cite any law.
What about letting them in?
How do these guys always force their stouts into these events?
They don't even ask.
They just come right in.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, you need to have security there to keep their butts out of there and hire your own off-duty cop for the front door.
You need to throw their butts out.
They don't have a warrant.
All the gun shows let them do this.
It's like somebody coming in your house, squatting on you, and then urinating on you and telling you that they're your God.
I mean, Mike, go ahead.
People need to get back together in little groups and study the law, which I did some years ago down in Arizona.
Institute on the Constitution, they have good DVDs on studying the Constitution.
That's IOTConline.com.
And for studying just statutory law and civil law, you can't get any better than Mike Brown, a group called Erwin Rommel School of Law, which is at rommellaw.com.
And let me ask you a question, Mike.
Why do you think they're getting so bold just to engage in absolutely mafia operations?
Well, they're trying to push us into a confrontation, obviously.
They know they're going to find someone who's on the edge.
If they can provoke us into violence, they win, as we all know.
So we've got to stay cool and use the law.
It's still on our side.
But I don't think the average cop or fed realizes that when the dam breaks, which they're sitting there trying to do, what's going to happen?
They think we're wimps because people don't go absolutely wild.
Do they have any idea what people want to do?
There are a lot of people who want to die and want to take a bunch of people with them who are just sick of all the crap.
Yeah, they should know that they're being set up and just used as cannon fodder.
But the phrase you need to remember, everyone needs to remember, is what is your statutory authority?
Just commit that to memory.
Yeah, in all my babbling, no law, no regulation, they just make it up!
But Mike, you heard how they were trying to be careful, but they weren't careful.
I mean, they were trying to just intimidate this whole thing in the process.
Yeah, they were very careful not to put anything in writing.
But I'm sure you have plenty of witnesses now
And, uh, you know, Title 42, 1983 was, I think, was tailor-made.
And take these guys individually into court, and, uh, they won't be pulling this again.
Well look, they obviously put this former Austin cop, and it looks like it's the same guy who was indicted.
We don't know if he was convicted for attempted sexual assault.
He's off the force now, so he left for some reason in 2006.
Suddenly he's over the events center, then the stings start getting run, setting up the old people, so they left, the Sachs it.
I think there's a whole conspiracy here the more we burrow into this.
Yeah, it certainly sounds like it, but that guy could be guilty of impersonating an officer, if he's the one you're thinking of.
But whether you want to call this a conspiracy or not, that's a tough... No, no, no.
You're missing what I'm saying.
The Chronicle has a name of an Austin police officer that matches Andrew Purkell.
That's the name of the former cop that said, I'm former APD, that manages the events center, who had him there at the meeting.
With all this happening.
And so it looks like he went there in the last few years.
That's when they shut down the last gun show.
Looks like they've got an inside man in there who they've got control over.
In control of the events center to run ops against gun shows.
Yeah, you understand.
You understand?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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But Sheriff John Brown, he came to shoot me down.
Nothing you can do.
So what do you do?
We're trying everything we can to stop it.
We're out of time for this transmission with Darwin.
We appreciate Mr. Bedecker joining us.
What did your petition say that you're giving to the Attorney General?
Can you put it up online?
An online petition too?
We need to contact the Attorney General of the state of Texas.
Who advised you to do that?
Because that's the what to do.
The state needs to come down on the APD and the BATF setting up their own little empire.
No, it was my fault.
I mean, I was frustrated on what happened and what took place.
And the only thing that I could think of to get, you know, the word of the people coming in the door was to have a petition.
So, it was basically my idea.
Well, we all stand together or we hang separate and the website is texasgunshow.net and email us.
I mean, what does the petition say?
Just, I as a citizen am upset by this unlawful activity or what?
Well, no.
I mean, I didn't know all the legal jargon.
It was kind of put together last minute.
It was basically just saying a petition, you know, a science petition.
You need to get people to sign up for a class action lawsuit next month.
That way they can't go after individuals.
We need to have everybody there who was violated this month there to sign up to be interested in a class action suit against the APD, BATF, and everybody else.
How's that sound?
Well, let's do it!
I mean, because it's a lot of hard work, but we have to stand up to these tyrants and show everybody it's criminal what they did.
We salute you for standing up, for doing the petition, for coming on the show.
We appreciate what you've done, and we're going to stand beside you.
We'll have you on a week or so before the event.
I appreciate everything y'all have done today.
And it just feels good to have somebody that's powerful enough to have influence in our corner.
And I thank everybody, you and your staff, for letting me have this time.
God bless you, Darwin.
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