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Filename: 20100111_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 11, 2010
3056 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're already into week number two.
Broadcast week number two into the new year, 2010.
It is Monday, the 11th day of January 2010.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours, as we are every weekday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
That's 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Now, I do have some guests coming up towards the end of the show today on BankerGate, or BanksterGate as I am dubbing it.
But I want to, out of the gates, open the show up, but I'm specifically telling listeners... I am specifically telling listeners...
That I, in the first hour, want to talk about one of three things because I want to try to put the focus on these three things to get a grassroots salvo launched.
Now, we did this together with many other patriots and freedom lovers and justice lovers with Copenhagen and torpedoed that key global governance summit.
And we torpedoed their swine flu hype.
It is now all over the mainstream media the last two weeks that record numbers of people refused to take the vaccine.
The government tried to force it in several test states.
That blew up in their face legally.
That fell apart.
And I've been meaning to cover those stories.
I've been so focused on the government takeover of health care, on the naked body scanners going in.
That now is in trouble.
But if we keep pressing, we will defeat it.
There are so many things that if we focus on them together, it can cause a chain reaction in the alternative media that breaks into the mainstream media.
And when we focus on something, we're able, together, to really knock a dent in the New World Order skull.
So I want to try to focus
On three subjects, the big one that we need to get rolling is Bankstergate.
That's what I'm calling it.
Some are calling it Timmygate with Tim Geithner, but he's only one of the crooks involved in all of this activity.
I want to go over the latest developments with BanksterGate for those that don't know what's going on.
This broke last Thursday, Friday, and throughout the weekend.
And then I want to open the phones up on BanksterGate, on the government takeover of healthcare that's destroying the Democratic Party in front of everyone's eyes.
Because they're bought and paid for.
It doesn't matter if almost all of their constituents on the right and left are against it.
They've been bought and paid for.
They're going ahead with it.
That's in conference committee.
It could go out to the President's desk any day.
So again, the takeover of healthcare, Bankstergate, and the naked body scanners.
We need to focus on all three of those issues.
And more and more are coming to the fore.
We have the situation unfolding and developing and percolating with attacks on Iran, expanded war in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, and of course, Yemen.
So you're welcome to comment about that subject.
But those aren't the subjects.
Bankstergate, government takeover of healthcare, naked body scanners, and the empire's wish to start new wars.
We're at least going to talk about that in the first and second hour because we need to focus on this.
We need to brainstorm about it.
We need to talk about criminal charges from the grand jury level at the state level.
You know, if the feds won't go after these bankers because they're in the hip pocket of them, we can have the state grand juries do it.
Governor Eliot Spitzer, a year and a half ago, said he was going to go after the bankers and pointed out the fraud at AIG.
And you notice he was under full FBI surveillance.
Anybody with powers under full FBI surveillance.
And they knew about his penchant for hot hookers.
And they torpedoed him quick.
They know the power of the state going after these people at the state level.
That was a warning shot to anybody that tries to go after these crooks that are squatting on top the republic, literally drinking up its last pints of blood.
Either we stop the bankers or we go into total enslavement.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I told the listeners of this radio broadcast
That in the new year, we were going to make some changes here on the radio show.
Namely, when I do open the phones up, I am going to not attempt, I am going to succeed in actually taking your phone calls.
And yesterday, I took 36 phone calls in my two-hour abbreviated Sunday broadcast.
And today, I want to take no less than at least 50.
Now we do have Wayne Madsen joining us on a host of breaking investigative journalism coups that he has successfully carried out in the last month.
And of course, among that, we'll also get his take on Tim Geithnergate, as some are calling it.
I'm calling it Bankstergate.
We can't just focus in on Timmy Geithner and his clear criminal activity.
And we've seen Ed Schultz saying, looks like the White House is in trouble on this.
We've seen Judge Napolitano come out and say that this clearly looks like it is criminal.
And the reason that's important is when you have both Fox and MSNBC on multiple reports I've seen,
And I'm not even paying attention.
Coming out and telling the truth about this, it means the bankers are in trouble.
They are the New World Order.
They are the real government.
They are the people who fund all the phony environmentalist movements because they want to seize our land and property in receivership.
They are the folks funding the establishment of a private world government and the carbon tax.
They are the people that run NORTHCOM and Homeland Security.
They are the people turning the Western world into a high-tech police state grid so that they can carry out their criminal activities successfully and not end up going to prison for it.
They've passed the point of no return in October of 2008.
They are going for broke.
Either they win and completely dominate us and bankrupt us so badly that we're like North Koreans or Mexicans
So poor, so destitute that everybody basically goes on welfare and under the control of the state.
And where systemic corruption and the kleptocracy of government becomes the norm.
America is in a flux period right now.
The globalists are trying to form the world into their image of corruption and tyranny.
They're very strong during this period, but they're also very weak during this period, because they have revealed themselves.
They have shown the planet who they are and what they are.
For those that don't know what BankerGate is, it's old news to this audience, but new news to the world.
The Obama deception, with precision, names the criminals and the exact crimes committed.
These are not secrets.
Fall of the Republic in two hours and 24 minutes details part two of that saga with absolute total precision.
And I'd love to toot my horn, but it's not hard.
The crimes are out in the open.
It's like someone murdering their wife on their front lawn with a shotgun with a hundred neighbors watching.
There's no debating what happened here.
There's no discussion of what happened here.
It's like the mad shooter on the UT Tower.
Hundreds of witnesses that he was the guy up there doing the shooting.
Millions of witnesses.
The paper trail.
It's on the record what the private Federal Reserve has done and what its private counterparts in Europe and the rest of the world have done.
So coming up, at the start of the next hour, I'm going to break down all the facets, all the details of Bankstergate.
I'm calling it Bankstergate.
If we allow the media to call it Timmygate, or Geithnergate, as it's now being called, that will limit it to Tim Geithner, and then they'll just have him step down, I would guess, sometime before the midterm elections coming up in the next eight months.
Nine, ten months.
So, we need to identify that he is only one of the technicians, one of the bag men engaged in this.
Yes, he was the head of the New York Fed.
Yes, it's on record that he ordered the New York Fed lawyers to tell AIG and other recipients of the trillions of dollars
To not tell the public who they were giving the money to.
Again, from the start, and in the Obama deception, and in Fall of the Republic, we point out AIG and the 200 plus billion it got alone, and the 50 billion to four European banks, and the list goes on and on.
That it wasn't even about the CEOs getting bonuses.
The media only focused on that.
It was about the shareholders and about the other brokers and bankers and it was about the companies that AIG and other holding companies paid out to.
AIG was the holding company for the biggest payout of bonus money.
It was the front that they said was insolvent.
So that it could then pay out the money to Timmy Geithner and to Henry Paulson and others.
You want to talk about criminality?
We have Geithner, we have Ben Bernanke, we have Henry Paulson, we have them all testifying before Congress over and over and over again in the Ethics Committee, in the House Banking Committee, in the Senate Banking Committee,
Over and over and over, and we have the boil downs of that in both my films on this.
And all they did was come up and say, we're not going to tell you where the trillions are.
And all these different congressmen, Grayson and others, by the way, let's get Grayson back on.
Grayson, Paul, Stern, the list goes on and on.
Senator Sanders, they all said, where is the money?
Where is the money?
And who did you give the money to?
And they all said, I won't tell you.
I won't tell you.
I won't tell you.
In fact, we need to get some of those clips out of the films and play them on air today.
There's just so much corruption.
It's like putting on a court case every day here.
There's so much evidence.
I mean, how do you expose it all?
But you've all heard the clips.
You've all seen it.
It's been on the news as well.
We'll play some of those coming up later.
Saying over and over again, we won't tell you.
Now, why is that important?
We have Timmy Geithner, we have Ben Bernanke, we have Paulson, we have Summers, we have Rubin, we have Greenspan, all of these culprits involved in the crime together over the last 20 years, all saying over and over again on record, we will not tell the public where the money went, and we have them in testimony saying they've ordered the banks and regulatory agencies not to tell people.
Then Bloomberg kind of startled them, caught them, got them into a lie.
Normally they just stonewall and say it's their right to do it, which obviously it's illegal out in the open.
But they just go on about their business like a thief robbing your television set and jewelry right in front of you.
And you pull up at your house and they're walking out with big screen TVs in their hands.
And you say, what are you doing robbing me?
And they said, oh, this is the wrong house.
We were called here.
We're movers.
And then you run into the house and see what's missing, and when you come out, they're gone.
But Bloomberg came out Thursday with the headline that Tim Geithner's New York Fed ordered AIG to not release the information to the federal government or the public or to other agencies of who was being paid the money, namely Goldman Sachs.
And so for the last year and a half, they've been saying, we won't tell you where the money went, over and over and over again.
And then now the White House got startled, Gibbs on Friday, we're going to play this clip coming up later.
The White House got startled into openly lying and saying, no, Tim Geithner never knew about these emails from his New York Fed that he headed up.
The New York Fed is the only Fed with any power.
It calls all the shots administratively.
He never told or had no knowledge of AIG being told not to say where the bonuses went when he's on record in all these House and Senate testimony hearings admitting he told them not to.
He is caught red-handed in perjury before the House and Senate.
Now that's the headlines I need from InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.net.
And I've asked Curt Nemo and I've asked Steve Watson and I've asked Paul Watson and I've asked Aaron Dykes, who are the greatest guys on the planet,
They work around the clock.
I've asked them, in notes I've sent them, to put together the articles along this line, because this is the line that nobody else is pointing out.
We have these people dead to rights.
We have them dead in our sights.
We're fully loaded, like a hundred submarines lined up with torpedoes in the chute.
We've got the enemy aircraft carrier a thousand yards away from us.
Flood those torpedo chutes and fire weapons now!
I've been screaming fire weapons since Friday!
And I know all the other talk show hosts and writers listen to me.
I don't care who fires torpedoes.
I've given you the facts on how to sink these people.
Fire weapons!
What are we waiting for?
He needs to be indicted right now for perjury.
All of them need to be.
We can bring these people down right now.
They're not invincible.
But the police, the military, the juries, the grand juries, everybody just stands around afraid to take these people on.
I'm putting my life at risk doing this.
Thank God I don't have any skeletons in the closet like Governor Spitzer with hookers or that'd be on the news right now.
But if they have to, they'll make stuff up.
They're trying to go after Ron Paul, calling him an anti-Semite, trying to shut him down exposing these people.
But they've got a problem now.
There's too many people telling the truth.
There's too many people that see what's going on out in the open.
Now, we literally have got our guns trained on these people, and nobody's opening fire.
Well, I'm opening fire in the Infowar right now!
Don't wait for orders from headquarters, fire at will!
Flood those torpedo tubes and launch!
More strategy coming up next hour.
Your calls, out of the gates, straight ahead.
Stay with us!
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our president and Congress.
And they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Perfect timing!
The House has passed the bill to audit the Fed.
It's criminality is being exposed on a grand scale.
Next hour, I'm going to break it down, put out the strategy to bring these people down.
We can do it!
Go into your phone calls right now.
Mark in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, hello!
Hi, this is Mark in Florida.
How are you doing?
Uh, Alex, this is a bit off the subject.
I've developed or invented a program that allows
Mark, I gotta let you go.
I gotta let you go.
I specifically at the start of the show said four subjects I want people to call in about.
Mainly, Bankstergate.
I mean, almost every other day of the year it's wide open phones, whatever you want.
But I say, self-govern yourselves.
I want to talk about Bankstergate and what you think should be done to these bankers robbing us blind.
I mean, we have no future if we don't stop these people.
Or I said the government takeover of health care, or the naked body scanners, or how they're gearing up for all these new wars.
I specifically said only on those subjects, Mark.
Frank in New York.
Frank, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I wanted to discuss briefly the geopolitics of Yemen.
Which will be our newest theater of battle, I would assume, under Obama.
Yes, and it's on subject.
Go ahead.
Yemen is primarily viewed by the United States as
Uh, dominated by China and Russia in the economies as well as with military hardware.
And that's why AFRICOM is moving into Africa to block that as well.
And also the fact that for the last 30 years, South Yemen was the only communist state, uh, you know, in the Arabic world.
What's very interesting is the fact that the U.S.
has planned to put missile batteries in Yemen to protect Saudi Arabia and also to project power against India and Pakistan.
You'll recall that in 2000, when the coal was bombed with a shaped charge... At the port of Aden!
Attributed to Al-Qaeda.
The technology for the complexity of that shape charge could have only been produced by the United States, Russia, and Israel.
And what's very interesting about that, that sort of set the model of Al-Qaeda in play.
Primarily, we know that Al-Qaeda was created by the CIA when it was conducting its covert war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, 1981 through 1990.
And you'll notice that Milt Bearden talks about that in his two books, who ran the covert operations for the CIA in that theater of operation.
What I wanted to say about Yemen also is the fact that the United States really can't, the CIA, the army, they really can't speak the language.
Primarily, Yemen has 15 different languages.
Yeah, it's highly balkanized, and before I forget I want to throw this in.
The head of the operations over there was on CNN.
Friday, and General Petraeus was saying that we don't have any troops in Yemen and we don't plan a ground offensive.
I've got the New York Times reporting that thousands of U.S.
operatives and intelligence operatives and special forces have been there in the last year training the Saudi-backed group.
And so again, just more ball-faced lies from CENTCOM.
And also, some of the languages would be Yemeni Arabic, Tabithi Adini Arabic.
Sequoia language, the Sinani Arabic, and what's very interesting, there's only one country with a Western orientation that can actually, that actually has the language proficiency in these different dialects, and that would be Israel.
And the United States would most likely hire Israeli contractors to come in and sort of maintain the missile batteries.
Well, we know Israel, the United States, and Britain are all running around inside Yemen right now.
And the point is, the Yemeni government is very concerned about this because they fear for their sovereignty.
And also we... That's right.
The head of the Yemeni government has said that this underwear bomber thing is all overblown and that terrorism in Yemen is all overblown.
And what else is very interesting about Yemen is that it's rich in natural gas and also undeveloped oil.
So that sort of sets the agenda for the
Well said.
Well said.
I'm out of time, Frank.
We're going to come back and go to Josh, Mike, Julio, Christopher, and many others.
Again, I would hope that listeners would want to talk about Bankstergate.
I mean, this is a major naked patch on the belly of the dragon, and if we concentrate on that, we can discredit the private Federal Reserve and point out that it's the wellspring of most of our sorrows.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Coming up in the next hour, I'm going to detail exactly what's happening with BankerGate, and how this could devastate the banking cartel that rules our planet, and is the source of so much of the sorrows that we live under.
I want to encourage listeners to not procrastinate, to understand that your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers are now ready to be awakened.
They're now ready to start caring about the private Federal Reserve, and to start caring about an elite group of banks and families that control the issuance of currency and credit, unfairly amassing power in the last century, and taking over the globe, full of the Republic.
The Obama Deception.
Both these films expose the banking cartel and what their master plan is for the planet and how they control the phony environmental groups to seize property and set up feudalism.
You can get The Obama Deception free with Fall of the Republic.
You can get Endgame for free.
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Watch the live TV show that we simulcast in at least the last two hours of the four-hour radio show every day.
Some days we do the whole show, but always at least two hours.
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And we do this deal during December and part of January.
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So I just want to tell you my story.
Am I on?
I used to drive for Obama when he came out to California from 2004 to 2006.
And everything he told me was an outright lie.
I know that guy personally.
He told me he was going to pull the troops out of Iraq.
He didn't do that.
He told me so many stories about him.
I got lots of stories.
If you give me a couple minutes just to quickly tell you.
First of all, he told me one story about how he started his life in a rusted out Datsun B210 eating Jack in the Box because I would always talk to him about how well he eats when I drive.
I have a limo business, so I was driving him around.
I'd tell him, wow, you eat really well.
You get to eat all this great food.
And his whole thing is,
He kept telling me about how he saw people's money in the Bay Area and how much money was around there.
And that was his main focus.
He wanted more money.
Money, money, money.
And there's so many things I can tell you about him.
His handshake is like a limp biscuit.
He gave me a hug once.
He invited me to his book signing party.
I was his biggest supporter.
I told everybody how great this guy was.
And then when he got into office, everything he told me was an outright lie.
And I could not believe it.
I'm just so disgusted and that pretty much woke me up.
Well Gary, it's not just you telling us he said that.
He said a year before he got elected that I will quote, take the troops out of Iraq immediately.
That's a video quote.
That we have in the Obama deception.
It's all lies.
He said he would end torture.
He would end the Patriot Act.
He would do all of this immediately.
He said he would hire no lobbyists.
He said he would hire no donors.
Went back completely on that.
He said he'd have total transparency in government.
Went back on that.
I mean, everything he said was a 180 from what he actually did.
I said, I hate the Patriot Act.
Yeah, I told him.
You've got to get rid of the Patriot Act.
Please get rid of the Patriot Act.
Then he ended up calling me an isolationist.
I couldn't believe it.
He was really interested in my point of view because I think, you know, he thinks I'm conservative.
And I said, I'm not an isolationist, I'm an American.
It takes away our freedom.
I hate the Patriot Act.
They always call somebody that doesn't want to pay for the empire, for the banks.
We don't get the empire.
Even if you're immoral, you shouldn't be for the empire.
You pay for it, people.
But they always call you an isolationist.
Oh, you don't want to give hundreds of billions of dollars a year to foreign countries.
You're an isolationist.
You don't like being ripped off by foreign banks.
You're an isolationist.
You don't like the U.N.
courts ruling over the U.S.
and foreign treaties ruling over the U.S.
You're an isolationist.
What you are is somebody that doesn't want to be a slave.
Yeah, I don't want to be a slave, and thank God for you.
Well, tell us any more stories.
Well, thank God for you, Gary, but tell us other stories of Obama in the limo.
Well, he told me, for instance, his relationship with his wife is totally not intimate, because I just had my child at the time, and I told him, you know,
We chatted and we were always gawking at women and he smoked cigarettes in my car like you wouldn't believe.
He told me how his wife is not intimate because at that point my wife was just getting over being pregnant and we talked about women and that kind of thing.
I love the guy.
I was his biggest supporter before.
I would tell everybody how great this guy was.
And then he turned out he's a complete fraud.
Everything he is is a fraud.
I mean, I knew him when he was a state senator going against Alan Keyes.
And he was telling me about how Alan Keyes is such a schmuck and nobody will vote for him.
He's got no chance.
And they just threw him in there because he's the only guy they had available to them at the time to run against them.
And then he invited me to his book signing party.
Six months after the last time I drove him, I had a picture taken with him with my wife and child.
Well, Gary, you ought to publish that photo of you with Obama, and you should, on your Facebook or MySpace or send it to us, or we'll link to it.
You ought to write an article about the fact that he personally betrayed you, and everybody that knows Obama personally should do that.
Anything else, Gary?
I have a lot of things, but I'm just so nervous right now, I don't think I can spin it out.
We'll call back another time, Gary.
Good to hear from you.
Write it up!
As long as you've got that photo with him and proof.
I mean, don't say anything you can't prove.
Send it to us at writers at Infowars.com.
Let's go ahead and talk to Josh in New York.
Josh, you're on the air.
Alex, nice to be on your show.
Alright, I've got a couple things to talk about.
I'm going to be very quick.
I just want to get into a little bit on the
What were you calling it, the Bankstergate?
Bankstergate, yes.
Obviously these guys got a lot of money for something.
Now what are they doing with this money?
Are they going to move into wars?
These guys got this city over here, Dubai.
If you look, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen.
They're creating a perimeter to protect the city is what it seems like.
Well more than that, they're creating a perimeter all the way from Eastern Europe where they've got bases all the way into Pakistan up against China.
That's really what's going on is a ring around Russia and China.
And then the ring can also project power back into Western Europe, Southern Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Middle East.
And so that's what's happening.
I mean, they built the largest tower in the world there.
They have the Dubai Palms.
They have the biggest hotel in the world.
Sure, but that was a small part of their speculation.
That's all I wanted to touch on.
Thank you for your time.
Now, anything else you want to add, Josh?
I'm kind of nervous right now.
I can't really...
But it's a good point you make.
It is about protecting Saudi Arabia and those Arab Emirates around it.
They are certainly a big part of this.
Let's talk to Mike in Pennsylvania.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hey, Mr. Jones.
Go ahead.
Good evening, or afternoon to you, sir.
Quick comment and then a question about Bankstergate, as you call it.
First thing I'd like to say is what you saw at the G20 is pretty much consistent with the People's Republic of Pennsylvania.
Well, I tend to agree with you.
I mean, we can't just go after Geithner.
That's the biggest point I'm trying to make.
We have to point out that he is part of a larger criminal operation and that they are preparing him as a sacrificial goat.
Yeah, they're creating a spectacle about just throwing him under the bus.
They're not even sure if they're going to do that yet.
Yeah, that way they could say, oh, well, we got the bad guy, and then put another bad guy in his place, and, you know... Well, more importantly, give the people a petty victory.
Okay, one of the big bankers got in trouble.
They all need to go to jail, like Madoff.
They've all been engaged in scams bigger than Madoff on record.
The entire derivative scam is a Ponzi scheme.
But instead of the Ponzi scheme going bust, the bankers made money on the way up and on the way down.
Do you feel that this has anything to do with the audit of the Fed bill that's gone through?
I mean, the audit of the Fed bill has gone through the House, and now it's getting more and more sponsors in the Senate because people finally know who the real government is.
They go, wait a minute!
Going back to Richard Nixon, it doesn't matter who's in office, the same group of banks completely run everything.
Bill Clinton changes the law so they can steal all this money.
George Bush expands it.
Now Obama goes absolutely wild?
I mean, it's the same group of people, the same coterie, the same inner group.
Do you feel anything will really change?
Yes, sir.
Listen, listen.
It's the Federal Reserve that sets the policies of deindustrialization.
It's the Federal Reserve using phony environmentalism to steal private property and to take property without just compensation.
They are the criminals.
They write the white papers calling for world government.
You want to know who the New World Order is?
Is the New World Order.
This is who we're talking about.
I appreciate your call.
We're going to go really fast through calls now.
Julio in Illinois, you're on the air.
Alex Jones, Freedom Fighter.
Happy Monday to you.
A quick comment then to my question.
Everyone needs to check out the new executive order the President signed.
I think it's Executive Order 13265.
They're getting set for chemical warfare in this country via
It's actually bio-weapons, yes.
He says, prepare for bio-attack.
Don't worry, when they bio-attack you, I'll take all your rights and keep you safe.
And a question about Turbo Tax Geithner and Bankster Gates.
I think we need to throw him under the bus.
Robert Gates, we need to pressure him for him to be fired because for him lying
On TV, he's currently on right now, lying about this whole situation.
The media, I think, we need to continue pressuring them.
Everyone call, talk radio.
I'm going to do that here in Chicago to talk about this situation.
We've got to put BankerGate, BanksterGate on the map.
It's already big, but we've got to really come out with authentic information, the full spectrum of what we're dealing with, and call for all their political heads.
And I want to commend you on America Destroyed by Design.
I saw that movie this weekend on YouTube for free.
Unbelievable video.
You get better and better by your work.
And I need to figure out, how can I email you about an idea I have?
A big idea to exploit everything that's going on in world government.
And this is a massive idea.
I think the Lord's been speaking to me through this.
Alright, well send it to Aaron with two As at InfoWars.com.
Or ShowTips at InfoWars.com.
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, America Destroyed by Design.
I made that film 13 years ago.
You can get it on DVD at InfoWars.com.
My first film.
You'll see an Alex Jones 50 pounds lighter.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Christopher in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
So, I'm just calling in about this whole Bankstergate situation.
And the other thing is, the other thing is, and the Fed, like,
I don't know.
Whatever their new currency is going to be.
So, we're all going to get all pissed off, and we're going to stand up, and we're going to go, oh, I'm a fan, and get all pissed off, and it's exactly what they want.
And then the other thing is, I've got a few other issues here, too.
The Ron Paul issue?
We gave all that money to Ron Paul, and what do you do with it?
Where'd all that money go?
Every other person in this campaign said, all the money in the first three states.
This is a completely insane phone call.
I'm going to put you on hold and then let you counter back quickly.
I posted the information from the state of Texas.
Now, I don't believe you are COINTELPRO.
Government disinformation.
They put it out and then people like you repeat it like a mockingbird.
They put it out and then you parrot it.
On record, in April, I talked to a state official who gave me the minutes
of the meeting with the federal government and the state health board.
And yes, I got it from an official at the state level of education.
And we posted it with the names of the doctors, with the phone numbers of the doctors, saying, we're telling the public it's a level 4, we've already gone to level 5, and we're going to be going to level 6.
Now, a month later they said we were really at level 5, now we're really at level 6.
So, I was right about that, and I said it was hype to bring in a police state and make a bunch of money.
So that is insane disinformation right there.
I mean, even when I post something, the COINTELPRO says I didn't.
We posted that email.
We posted the stinking thing.
I mean, what planet are you living on?
We were right!
I said in April that they were really at level 5 and going to level 6, and then that was announced months later.
I mean, what more do you want from me?
And then the other two points, I've got to remember them, and then try to briefly counter them.
What were the other two?
It was, uh... Oh, yeah!
Let's not audit the Fed, it's a banker plan, and Ron Paul's bad.
Yeah, Ron Paul's bad.
He just got the audit the Fed bill for it.
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Tim Geithner?
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We didn't have the Federal Reserve until 1913.
It's partners with the Bank of England, the Bundesbank in Germany.
They've already set up the SDRs.
They've already set up the global government.
They're already creating their own fiat currency they loan out.
It's digital.
And the Federal Reserve's got its big think tanks out trying to spin this thing into saying, don't audit the Fed, don't abolish the Fed.
Okay, they are the New World Order.
Obviously, if we try to slap them down, they'll come up with something new.
We'll try to defeat that.
We beat Copenhagen.
We're forcing them to act like dictators now and openly say they're going to try to implement it by fiat.
Look, there's mounting resistance.
Now, as for Ron Paul, if you actually went to his campaign where they spent the money, they spent it all except for $2 million and used that for a foundation at the end to continue educating people with a campaign of liberty.
And he travels all over the country tirelessly waking the youth up and going against the Federal Reserve and the New World Order.
I mean, I couldn't think of someone better than Ron Paul.
We asked Ron Paul to run.
That's a disinformation campaign against Ron Paul.
But going back to Christopher, Christopher, are you saying
That we didn't write articles and post the internal email from the state of Texas, and that months after I told you we were really at a level 5 going to a level 6 from that document, that it wasn't announced that we'd really been under a level 5 and then 6, and that I was right?
Or do you just listen to disinfo?
I mean, come on, Christopher!
Are you saying I lied about that and that we didn't go to a level 5 and level 6?
Alex, I just want to... Answer my question, you liar!
I'm sick of people like you!
I'm sick of people lying about our record and what we do and lying about Ron Paul.
Now I'm asking you, did they later announce that we'd really been at a level 5 and 6?
Did they?
You made an emergency broadcast.
I'm done talking to you.
Alright, that's it.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
It doesn't matter if I'm right.
I got the state of Texas internal memorandum about how we were really at level 5 going to level 6.
And I posted the stinking thing, and this guy won't respond to it.
In fact, call Paul Watson, because I won't remember all the articles.
And Kurt Nemo.
State of... I forget the exact headline.
Something... I get so angry.
Something like...
The State of Texas document, we're really at level 5 or something?
I mean, what can I do for you, Christopher?
What can I do for you?
I'm trying to get Geithner indicted.
He perjured himself before Congress, Christopher.
And I'm New World Order because I'm risking my life.
Do you think it's fun going up against the New World Order bankers?
Do you think it's fun?
You won't even help yourself, Christopher.
All you do is attack our greatest champions like Ron Paul.
And spew a bunch of disinfo.
It's unbelievable, Christopher.
What is your problem?
I asked you a question!
But you don't care!
I published the stinking report with phone numbers and names!
But you were too lazy to call the state of Texas Health Department's own doctor quoted in there.
Or maybe you never even saw it.
You just believe that I'm lying.
We did go to level 5 and 6 like I said we did.
I told the truth.
I was right again.
Holy mackerel.
Zach in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
First, I wanted to call and say we need to audit the Fed and end the Fed and... Oh no, that's New World Order!
We can't do that!
Yeah, well...
They've already set up the world government.
I'm tired of it.
Their argument is, oh, that's a new world order plan to set up something else.
No, we don't let them set up something else.
We already have the world government.
Hasn't he heard Herman Von Ruppe of the EU?
Hasn't he heard Ban Ki-moon of the UN?
What planet is he living on?
I have no idea and I've talked to a lot of my uncles and
Stay there, Zach.
Zach, I'm back in one minute, or 70 seconds to be exact, with the second hour.
I just can't handle it anymore.
I mean, come on, people.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ron Paul didn't want to run for president.
We drafted him.
It had incredible success because everybody heard about the bankers, how they were the real problem, about the inflation tax, about how the bankers were robbing us.
Then everything Ron Paul talked about came true.
Now, because of him, people know, because of us, all of us getting the word out, and Ron Paul, we know the bankers are the enemy.
And nothing makes me madder than people then, after Ron Paul took the field, worked himself to death, his wife had a heart attack, almost died on the campaign trail, 73 years old during that campaign, now almost 75, and people sitting there talking trash about him, and people calling in saying, oh, we don't want to audit the Fed, we don't want to abolish the Fed, we'll get something new and worse.
The Federal Reserve has already established world government.
They're already set up an international banking system.
It's called the IMF and World Bank.
They just tried to have everybody pay taxes to the IMF and World Bank through the climate change fraud, and we're torpedoing that!
And now, in this hour,
I'm going to start at the 20 after.
I am going to break down my plan to bring down the bankers.
To expose them.
The people are angry.
They're learning the source of the problems.
We can do it together.
But we have COINTELPRO and all their useful idiots nitpicking at anyone and everyone who tries to stand up to the New World Order.
Look, you as listeners know you're good patriots.
And so call for all these Bernie Madoff
Types like Geithner and Bernanke and Summers and all of them in the White House caught in the lies about how they didn't know and they weren't involved and Tim Geithner wasn't involved in telling AIG not to tell the public the money was going to him and others.
We have them!
We have them!
It will just take action.
But you people, some of you out there, cannot believe we can win.
I've seen so many wimps in my life.
In business, or with their kids, or in a fist fight in high school or college, I've seen so many people lay down to a bully.
Well, I am not laying down.
I got fight in me.
And I never thought I was special, but I guess nowadays it is weird to have fight in you.
To have a backbone, to have some guts, to have something between your legs.
I don't understand it.
You got so much gusto to criticize people taking action, why don't you get up off your butt then and give us the big master plan to bring down the New World Order.
Zach in Texas, finish up what you were saying.
Well, my daughter goes to a private school and then we get a thing saying to go on a field trip we have to take an ethics and take a background check and it just sounds like Fed-induced programs to break us down.
And, you know, it just makes me mad, you know, that we have to do this.
They have all that public information if they want a background to check us.
We don't need to take an ethics class.
And then when we talk to the principal...
She said it's in case a sex offender.
I was like, that's public information.
You know, you can look that up on anyone.
No, no, no.
It's guilty until proven innocent.
A lot of school districts in Texas make you thumbprint and register and go into like a little prison cell to see your kids in the schools.
This is the system taking your children away from you.
The federal government, all the major heads of the Department of Education in the last few decades have said, the state owns your children.
They're going to take your children from you.
The private school, we wanted to not have the homeschool because we do want to socialize.
But this is just crossing a line.
So now the private school's doing it?
Oh yeah.
Well that's because they're state accredited so they go under those policies.
I tried to put my kids in a private school and it was supposedly a Christian school and it was all about global warming, killing the earth, and how good world government is, and how bad the second amendment is.
This is teaching five and six year olds this.
And this is how they work, sir.
Look, if you don't know about homeschooling, they've all got where your kids can go a couple days a week to homeschooling groups, different homeschooling academies.
They've got all sorts of socialization, their own football leagues, baseball leagues, softball leagues, soccer leagues, swim leagues, camping leagues.
But it's just outrageous, sir.
Sorry to hear that, Zach.
But you shouldn't criticize it because you're for the New World Order if you're against that.
You shouldn't be against the naked body scanners because you're for the New World Order if you're against it.
It doesn't even make sense.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
We are going to simulcast the syndicated radio broadcast in the third and fourth hour today, as we do every day, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coming up in the next segment, for the balance of the hour, I'm going to break down... Rob, you can go ahead and bring that article in if you want.
I'm going to break down what the bankers are doing, the strategy for defeating them, the strategy for stopping them.
They have overstepped their bounds.
They have engaged in arrogant, hubris-filled thieving on the grand scale.
They have overstepped, miscalculated, and just like I told you with ClimateGate, the email gate, just like I've told you on other subjects, we have a big chance to really have another big victory here.
So I'm going to play clips of Geithner, there's so many, and Bernanke saying they won't say where the money is, why that's so important, showing the perjury they've now committed.
The White House now saying that Geithner had no knowledge of this, the money from AIG to Goldman Sachs and others, that is coming up.
But when we go live next hour, I'm not going to spend more than five minutes on this, but it makes me mad, because I get emails occasionally on this, and I've seen people write articles about it.
Christopher in California called in, very holier than thou,
And I never get it when I get these emails or calls and says, you claimed you had a secret state of Texas document saying that we were going to go to level 5 and 6 with the flu and that never happened and you don't have that document.
When we wrote the article at the time, Texas doctor claims swine flu case is far worse than reported.
And then you, we have the internal email sent out to health department people at the state of Texas, and it says on the email, not for distribution, and it has the phone number and name of the health department doctor, one of the head health department doctors, in San Antonio, putting this out.
And you can go read it, and it doesn't matter, you know, instead of us being proven right, like wow, Alex in January,
Months and months before the flu hype started said, I don't know what's going to happen, but the government in upstate New York, we have the internal state of New York documents that they're telling the cemeteries get ready for hundreds of thousands dead buried per cemetery, posted the full secret document with the names and phone numbers in the state of New York headlines, played the audio and had the investigative journalist on.
From the newspaper, that's what it's called online, in Indiana and Illinois, who interviewed the emergency manager there when FEMA came in and said, get ready for martial law, over a million dead from Chicago from the flu.
I said, I don't know if this is really going to happen, whether this is just to stage the feds taking over the states, or whether it's just to make money off flu shots, but we've never seen a preparation like this.
They're saying there's going to be a massive pandemic.
Then, April rolls around,
Three months later, two and a half months later, and they hype up the non-event in Mexico.
We expose that as a non-event.
Then they say it's going to be horribly devastating here.
Then we find out the vaccine's full of mercury and all this other garbage.
And I say, I don't know what they're going to do, but I know this.
They were preparing secretly before this even broke out.
This is a fraud.
And I said, here's the state of Texas document.
That we're really at level 5, because they were saying in April we were at level 4, and that we're going to level 6.
And then it came out months later exactly what I said was true.
Don't you remember him saying, oh we were really at level 5 and then 6 months ago, but we didn't want to tell the public.
I mean, I publish it with the name and the phone number, and COINTELPRO just says, we never went to level 5 or 6, Alex is lying, and he never posted the document.
And then that's parroted, and... I mean, I don't toot my horn enough.
We told you from Bilderberg in 2008 that they were going to run up gas prices.
They were 60 bucks a gallon, then it ran up to 150.
People couldn't believe it.
That was from Bilderberg.
We were right about that.
We reported that they were going to have some big flu hysteria in January.
Over and over and over again.
All those videos, all those audios are all over the web.
I need to hire more people and just have someone who posts all the places we were right, all the places we were accurate.
See, that scares the establishment, folks, that we understand their number.
That we've got their number.
That we know how they're operating.
That scares them.
I mean, imagine the boldness of COINTELPRO and how weak-minded the government thinks people are, and they obviously are, to come out in a united front for months and say that we never went to level six and I'm a liar, when I said two months before they announced level six that they'd already gone to level six, because here it is, flu update from Dr. General, G-I-T-T-E-R-L-E.
This is email number 8220.
This email message, including all attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipients and may contain confidential student and or employee information.
Unauthorized use disclosure is prohibited under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.
20 U.S.C.
I mean, it's all right here.
Go read it.
It says, if you get an undisclosed copy, please call the sender immediately or reply by email and destroy all copies of the original message, including attachments.
So, we post this with the name and phone numbers for you.
And the feds get hopping mad and just come out and say, Jones never posted it!
And parrots go, he never posted it, he never posted it.
Hundreds of websites, the day we posted this, April 30th, went and put it on their sites.
It's on record we did, and record that's a lie.
But that's how they operate.
They think you're so dumb.
And then it goes on here.
During the night, we crossed the threshold for the definition of World Health Organization phase 6 global pandemic.
This has not happened in any of our lifetimes so far.
We are in uncharted territory.
He goes on to say, President Obama will declare an emergency sometime in the next 72 to 96 hours.
Which he actually did about two weeks later.
A little bit longer than they thought.
When this happens, all public gathering will be cancelled for 10 days.
So this is what the feds were telling the state of Texas.
I suggest all of us avoid public gatherings, outdoor activities.
This is how they were scaring the states to go along with it.
Tamiflu is running out.
Then they go into how they're going to announce to the public later.
He goes on, there are 10 to 25 times more actual cases.
Not possible, but actual.
So this is from a health department meeting.
You can go read it all for yourself.
So there you have it.
And then I was told by this state employee that gave me this information, who I know, by the way, that they were told, as the document says, we're really at level 5, not 4, and they're going to announce a 6 in the next few weeks.
And they did, in about a month and a half, actually.
So, again, but does that matter to the disinformation operatives?
No, they just say this document doesn't exist.
When we posted it that day,
That's how disinformation works.
We're on record in January telling you they were planning something big with the flu and telling you it was going to be a fraud to make money and now here's the Daily Mail today.
I have all these other mainstream news articles.
The false pandemic.
Drug firms cashed in on scare over swine flu claims Euro health chief.
Now members of the UN are in trouble for lying and putting out fear-mongering.
When the federal government and the UN come out and put out this type of info, you bet we cover it, because they're capable of anything.
The swine flu outbreak was a false pandemic driven by drug companies that stood to make billions.
How many times did I tell you this?
Of pounds.
From a worldwide scare, a leading health expert has claimed.
Wolfgang Wudrig, head of the Health Council of Europe, accused the makers of flu drugs and vaccines of influencing the World Health Organization's decision to declare a pandemic.
This led to the pharmaceutical firms ensuring enormous gains, while countries including the UK squandered their meager health budgets on millions being vaccinated against a relatively mild disease.
Yeah, it's killed less than a third, and that's conservative.
More like 10% of what the regular flu does this far along into the year.
A resolution proposed by Dr. Woodrigg, I want to get him on, calling for an investigation into the role of the drug firms has been passed to the Council of Europe, the Strasbourg-based Senate, responsible for European Court of Human Rights.
An emergency debate will be held on this later this month.
Dr. Woodrigg claims, comes as it emerged the British government is desperately trying to offload up to one billion pounds, or close to two billion dollars, of swine flu vaccine, ordered at the height of the scare, because the public didn't buy into it.
What did we do in January when they found out they were getting mass graves ready in Illinois, Indiana, Arizona, and New York State, and we got the secret documents and interviewed the health department heads and emergency managers?
We said, we don't know what's really going to happen, but we've never seen the feds do this, and then out of the blue they start hyping the flu.
And we said, we don't know what's going to happen with this, but this is dangerous.
This is serious business.
People didn't buy into their hoax.
They made huge profits off of it, but still not as big as they would have, but the government's bought it so their profits were guaranteed.
There's a revolving door between these government health chiefs and these private companies.
Now a lot of them are getting in trouble and getting indicted in different countries.
And so the truth is coming out.
Another huge victory.
If we would have bought into their fraud, they may have gone with a real pandemic.
Let's expand on that.
If we would have gone along with their fraud on Copenhagen, they would have won.
Right now they've still got their world government, but it didn't get everybody to sign on to it, and it's in deep trouble and sinking fast.
Great job!
We've gotten a lot of the bad stuff stripped out of the health care bill, it looks like, though it's still in secret.
But they're saying the abortion clauses and some of the jail times being cut back.
And we could probably be able to repeal it when Republicans take the Congress.
We're fighting back!
And you bet the feds are mad and try to get us all in fighting with each other, because if they're not successful, they're going down!
We did a great job on the flu and your COINTELPRO failed and our credibility has risen.
They're desperate to destroy our credibility because they know we know the score.
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For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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So all that information is available in our commercial paper program.
And who got the money?
Hundreds and hundreds of banks.
Any bank that has access to the U.S.
Federal Reserve's discount.
Can you tell us who they are?
No, because the reason that it's counterproductive and will destroy the value of the program is that banks will not come to the... Well, isn't that too bad?
I'm sorry.
Greedy, reckless financial institution to apply for these monies?
There is no subsidy.
There is no capital involved.
There is no gift involved.
Total lie!
Okay, that's enough from him.
We have clip after clip of Bernanke telling Grayson, telling Senator Sanders, telling Ron Paul, telling Congressman Stern, telling Issa, Congressman Issa, that they will not tell him where the money went.
We're going to be playing those clips into the next hour.
Webster Griffin Tarpley is going to join us to talk about Bankster, Gait, and how we bring down the private Federal Reserve and give the power back to Congress and stop these internationalists.
And I'm going to be breaking down the strategy and how these people have miscalculated coming up.
But here's another clip of Bernanke before Congress.
We're lending to those banks.
We're lending to the central bank.
The central bank is responsible for repaying us.
So who got the money?
To financial institutions in Europe and other countries.
Which ones?
I don't know.
Half a trillion dollars and you don't know who got the money?
The loans go to the central banks and they then put them out to their institutions to try to bring down short-term interest rates in dollar markets around the world.
Well, let's start with which central banks got the money.
There are 14 of them which are listed in our... I'm sure they're listed in here somewhere.
Alright, so who actually made that decision to hand out a trillion dollars that way?
Half a trillion dollars.
Who made that decision?
The Federal Open Market Committee.
Okay, and was it done at one time or in a series of meetings?
In a series of meetings.
And under what legal authority?
We have a long-standing legal authority to do swaps with other central banks.
Do you have to know?
It's not an emergency authority of any kind.
Anything specific about it?
Do you know the
Okay, so there he is saying he won't say where the money went.
Now, we have Geithner saying similar things over and over and over again in fall of the republic in the Obama deception.
The point here is you now have Bloomberg reporting last Thursday that Geithner as the head of the private Federal Reserve.
Now, there's Bernanke in early 2009 testifying before the House Banking Committee and Congressman Grayson
And he won't say who got the money.
And he says the private central banks through the Federal Reserve, they know.
But they won't say.
Well, who was the head in 2008 of the head Federal Reserve Bank that makes all the decisions?
Other branch banks have criticized them.
Kansas City, Dallas, and others.
Saying what was happening was illegal.
Even Federal Reserve Bank chairmen of different regions have said this is wrong.
They've been out of the loop.
Trying to cover their butts.
Who was the head guy?
It was Geithner at the New York Fed.
And so he's talking about, well, the Federal Reserve got that money, but we're not going to say who got it.
So they're openly saying, we won't tell you who got it.
And he's openly admitting the man that made the decision was Timmy Geithner.
And so now we have Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary Friday, unequivocally saying, and Geithner's on record saying, he didn't know that the New York Fed, the head of policy for the Federal Reserve Holding Company, it's a holding company for private banks, well they don't want an audit,
He said, and this is the key, he said he knew nothing about orders to the Federal Reserve to tell AIG with the 220 plus billion they were given alone that they gave out to JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and others for bonuses.
He's saying that he wasn't involved in the decision to tell them to make it secret, even though the Fed Chairman
Bernanke and the New York Fed Chairman, the real head of the system at the time, Geithner, are on record separately in Congress saying, we won't tell you who got the money.
So they're on record making it secret.
But now they've lied to the public, they've now lied to Congress, they now have made public statements saying that they didn't know that the Federal Reserve that they run told AIG to keep that secret even though it came out.
Nobody's pointing this out.
Seven, eight months ago, remember this?
And that Bank of America actually recorded it in the meetings?
When Paulson in 2008, head of the Treasury, was telling them they had to take the money and had to keep it secret who they gave it to.
They used Bank of America, AIG, and others to pay out their own bonuses to themselves.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Now to the Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, potentially facing criminal charges, according to Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano.
There's a long way to go between here and there, so stay with us.
It all deals with how the Federal Reserve Bank of New York handled AIG, and he was in charge of that, the American Insurance Group, during the depths of the financial crisis.
It's about what he did with them.
Geithner headed the bank then.
Bloomberg News reports that the New York Fed told AIG to withhold details from the public about its payments to banks.
It reports AIG wrote in a draft that it paid banks, including Goldman Sachs,
Well, every penny on the dollar for toxic credit default swaps.
Those are insurance-like contracts for financial institutions that aren't regulated and don't have to be backed by cash.
The New York Fed crossed that line out of the report according to reports citing emails between the two companies.
With us now to help explain this and what the legal ramifications are, Judge Andrew Napolitano.
I gotta tell you, I just read all that.
I didn't read it very well and I don't understand it.
I think you read it quite well.
I didn't read it well.
Would you help us understand?
Tim Geithner was the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank in the fall of 2008 when the Federal Reserve and the Treasury and the White House and the Congress decided to bail out AIG.
In the process of that bailing out of AIG, many, many documents were exchanged.
If you went to the bank to borrow money, you have to fill out documents.
One of the documents AIG filled out said, we owe X dollars to Goldman Sachs and we plan on paying them 100 cents on the dollar.
According to Bloomberg,
Emails that came out yesterday say that lawyers for the Federal Reserve Bank said we were told to strike this from the form so that AIG would not reveal to the Treasury Department or to the public that this money was going to be paid to Goldman Sachs because that's a politically toxic issue.
Goldman Sachs making a fortune, making a hundred cents on the dollar with federal funds.
Now, if you go to buy a $25 savings bond from the federal government and you falsify the document to acquire that bond, you can go to jail.
That's right.
If you borrow $185 billion from the government, like AIG did, and you falsify a document, even if the government told you to do so, the people involved can go to jail.
Okay, so this is the magnitude of what we're talking about here, ladies and gentlemen.
I want you to hear it from Napolitano at Fox, but also Ed Schultz is talking about this with former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer.
Now remember, Spitzer, right as the banker bailout had just happened,
In early 2009, he came out and talked about how this was criminal, how this was a fraud, how you couldn't have the Federal Reserve in a revolving door with the federal regulators paying themselves hundreds of millions of dollars, at least $200 million paid to then-Treasury Secretary Paulson, money paid to Geithner, formerly of Goldman Sachs.
All of these guys formerly worked there or were the heads of it in the case of Paulson.
Now, we have them on record.
This is all a confidence game.
Arrogantly telling Congress, over and over again, Tim Geithner, Bernanke, all of them, we're not going to tell you where the money went.
We're not going to tell you where the money went.
We're not going to tell you where the money went.
Well, we know where the money went.
Because they file it on their tax forms.
Billions and billions and billions and billions went to each of the big private Federal Reserve shareholding banks.
But the management team that got the lion's share, the people they chose in this criminal operation were Goldman Sachs.
Remember, Goldman Sachs, late last year, came out in a five-part series.
Their internal emails got out from federal lawsuits.
In McClatchy newspapers, that they were planning the housing bubble.
They knew they were planning to implode the credit default swaps and the insurance policies on this crud, these derivatives that they rated.
And so...
They sold all of this to Bank of America and everybody else and AIG and others insured it, and so they paid it off with taxpayer money.
They premeditatedly did this.
And the documents show they did it to destroy their competition, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and others.
Which, a year plus ago, back in October of last year, or of 2008, of two years ago, all of our financial guests, Tarpley,
Bob Chapman, Paul Craig Roberts, all top economists, all economists, told you exactly what was going on precisely.
What came out ten months ago?
Fall of the Republic came out three months ago, two months ago, two and a half months ago.
What came out ten months ago?
Obama deception.
What detailed all of this?
My point in saying that is, this is all part of the public record.
The fact that Bloomberg came out and said, oh, you're excising federal documents, that's a crime, and Geithner says, no, I didn't, I didn't know anything about that!
The confidence man has now finally acted like what he's doing is illegal.
It was always illegal.
Now people are going, wait, this is illegal.
Does it matter if you're wearing a $3,000 suit?
Does it matter if your daddy was the employer of Obama's mama?
Doesn't matter how powerful you are, son.
You're in trouble.
And now House panel wants Geithner to testify about New York Fed and AIG.
We're going to cover all this in my strategy, my idea, to take the fight to the enemy and fully discredit these people once and for all.
Because it's all or nothing.
If we don't, they win.
And I want to describe what the bankers winning looks like.
Well, let's go to Ed Schultz, Friday, Eliot Spitzer, cover Issa's Geithner AIG New York Fed investigation.
Here it is.
And in my playbook tonight, I think Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has got a story to tell.
And so does the House Oversight Committee, because they want him to testify about his time when he was the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
We found out yesterday that while Geithner was in charge, the New York Fed told insurance giant AIG to keep quiet about overpaying Wall Street firms using their taxpayer-funded bailout money.
That information came to light after emails between AIG and the Fed were made public.
Now, former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer thinks there's more skeletons in AIG's closet.
He's pushing for full disclosure of the company's emails, accounting documents, and financial models from the last 10 years.
Governor Spitzer joining us tonight here on the Ed Show.
Governor, good to have you with us.
Thank you, Ed.
Always great to be here.
I want to play this piece of tape first because it came up in the White House briefing today.
This is Robert Gibbs somewhat defending Tim Geithner.
Here it is.
Secretary Geithner was not involved in any of these e-mails.
These decisions did not raise to his level at the Fed.
These are e-mails and decisions made by officials at an independent regulatory agency.
How do you know that he wasn't involved?
He was a leader of the New York Fed.
Right, but he wasn't on the e-mails that have been talked about and wasn't party to the decision that was being made.
Now, Elliot, you're a prosecutor.
I mean, the White House is on record now.
This is pretty dangerous territory if they're wrong, isn't it?
Well, yes, and I'm a little surprised he was making such definitive statements about Tim Geithner's involvement or lack of involvement, because frankly, nobody... You can watch the rest of the clip where the governor says that they're in a lot of trouble at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now, you notice that Spencer got set up for visiting high-priced hookers
And that the FBI had been surveilling him for years.
And that's because they knew that Eliot Spitzer was a good guy.
They knew that he actually was against the Ponzi schemes and the fraud.
And he wanted to make his name for himself as a presidential contender in the future by going after these people.
And he wrote editorials in major newspapers exposing the fraud while it was happening in late 2008.
And so in the midst of that, they shut him down and discredited him.
Now, it's not good morally to be running around having sex with hookers.
But what's worse?
A man liking women?
I mean, look at King David having people killed so he could have their women.
What's worse, a man liking women, or private central banks bankrupting the financial system, threatening martial law against Congress in October of 2008, if they didn't give total and complete power over to the banks to do whatever they wanted?
Now, they're going to argue that because Congress said, okay, you've got a blank check, they could do this.
But that's like saying that the Weimar Republic
Capitulated to Hitler after he firebombed the Reichstag and gave him unlimited power.
Just because the government says someone can commit crimes doesn't mean a president can't give himself a pardon for barbecuing small children on the White House lawn.
The government can't come out and say black people are slaves again and say well we say it's the law so get out there to the farm and we're gonna hitch a plow to you like you're a mule.
But even in the powers that Congress unlawfully, unconstitutionally, illegally gave them, they still couldn't do this.
And that's why we have the clips in Fall of the Republic and Obama deception where Paulson and others are asked, who gave you the authority to give yourself bonuses in the tune of hundreds of millions?
And Paulson turns red and starts stuttering and says, well, I, I, the Treasury Department did.
He didn't say, I did.
He's the head of the Treasury.
I mean, what's next?
Is Paulson going to say, oh, I didn't know Treasury gave me a waiver.
I'm just the Treasury head.
And that's what he says.
He says, well, you know, the different regulatory bodies within the Treasury Department decided that was fine and got a waiver.
And the Congressman says, oh, who gave you that waiver?
He says, oh, the Treasury Department.
Folks, they can't give themselves waivers to steal billions of dollars.
Don't you understand that?
It's fundamental.
And so they just thought, because they're wearing fancy three-piece suits, and they're up there on television waving magic wands, that they could get away with this.
And we, as a people, have to point out that the bankers are the criminals.
They are the New World Order people every day.
Well, who are the New World Order?
Well, who are they?
They are the ultra-rich robber barons at the turn of the last century, 110 years ago roughly, who got laws passed in Europe, England, the United States, that they could control the issuance of total currency and credit.
So a handful of families, less than 20 families, were able to produce unlimited fiat wealth.
So they could buy armies, they could buy newspapers, they could buy media, they could buy politicians, they could buy factories, they could buy land, but that isn't enough for them.
So you look at who founded the UN, the Rockefellers, one of the chief families in banking.
You look at who founded NATO, the Rockefellers, on record.
You look at who set up the EU, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the Royal Family of England, who are related to the Dutch Royal Family.
Who are so rich, their wealth is secret, according to the Associated Press.
I mean, the Dutch may be richer than the royals of England.
They're cousins, the same people.
It's like if you've got a French bulldog, it's related to every other French bulldog.
Or a Doberman, it's related to all other Dobermans.
I mean, it's just one group of crooks.
And they set up there and devised the phony environmental movement over a hundred years ago, knowing people care about conservation, knowing that T.S.
Lewis' The Jungle had just come out about the horrible working conditions and toxic waste.
And so they said, well, we'll control the opposition.
We'll come in and have the federal government
Conserve all these lands and things that our competition owns, thus making our wealth more valuable.
I mean, if you shut down your competitions, coal mines or gold mines or silver mines or timber, and then your timber, gold and silver, and oil gets left alone, what happens?
It's called artificial scarcity.
How does the De Beers or the Oppenheimer family, how do they have a world diamond monopoly when diamonds are semi-precious?
They do it through force and government coercion and power.
This is the world government.
And that's why they're in the BBC announcing yesterday, oh, for environmental reasons, we want rationing of food!
You'll get your national ID card, and when you've bought your allotment of food and shelter for the year, it taps out.
And you pay us the rest in taxes.
When you look at who funds the Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, the UN, all the environmental land grabbing groups,
It's the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase are two of the biggest contributors.
They're always at the very top of the list.
Generally the top two.
Paulson has given over a hundred million dollars, go look it up, just to radical environmentalist movements.
This is how they take your property.
This is why, as Lord Monckton agreed with me last week, they had the ruling, what was it, six years ago?
New London?
The Kelo New London decision?
Did you read the decision?
It just didn't say that private interests can lobby to have your land taken.
It says you don't have to be paid just compensation.
In fact, cue up that clip out of Australia, with the Australian farmer, because the same thing is now happening in the United States and England, where they just openly say, we're taking your property without paying you!
If your land ever had trees on it and you cleared it, now you can't use it, and there's a tax on any sheep you put on it.
That's coming here!
The UN biospheres, hundreds of miles around, major parks.
You can't have your own cattle or a gold mine.
This is on record.
This already goes on here.
And this is receivership to the banks.
Play part of the clip.
Peter Spencer could easily be any one of us.
A hard-working Aussie now embroiled in a life-and-death fight to save his home and his livelihood.
He doesn't want sympathy, he just wants a fair go.
Now on day 46 of a hunger strike, his family has grave concerns for his health and want him to give up his tower protest.
Before he does that, he wants a meeting with Kevin Rudd.
But as James Thomas found out, the Prime Minister apparently has more pressing matters to deal with than a farmer in his backyard.
The first two nights I was minus four.
But the rain and the wind and the swaying all at once, it just whips you about like you're in a mixmaster.
I just keep going, I just keep going, I just keep going.
They've got the wrong person if they think I'll walk away.
As a part of Australia's commitment to protect native vegetation and to reduce carbon emissions under the Kyoto Protocol, Peter and thousands of farmers like him across the country have been subjected to a government-imposed ban on land clearing.
The saved trees are natural carbon sinks worth an estimated $10.8 billion to the government in reduced carbon emissions should Kevin Rudd's emissions trading scheme go ahead.
But here's the rub.
The farmers, who can no longer develop this land, have received no compensation.
They're welcome to take my land, but the Constitution says they have to pay.
Not only for him, for us as well.
He's fighting for all Australian farmers.
Peter's hunger strike has galvanised the farming community.
On Monday, hundreds of supporters gathered at Parliament House and at Peter's property in the Southern Highlands to force the government to meet Peter's demands that farmers be justly compensated for what they describe as the insidious, deceitful theft of their land.
Why should they take without paying?
Like bloody hell.
It's not just farmers, it's people that own things.
Property rights.
Do you understand?
This is already being done here.
We'll be right back.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
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Peter's hunger strike has galvanised the farming community.
On Monday, hundreds of supporters gathered at Parliament House and at Peter's property in the Southern Highlands to force the government to meet Peter's demands that farmers be justly compensated for what they describe as the insidious, deceitful theft of their land.
Why should they take without paying?
Like bloody hell.
It's not just farmers, it's people that own things.
Property rights.
That's what it means.
The only response from the Prime Minister's office is he has said the government does not take any notice of people taking passive protests, as in what, hunger strikes, or threatening the government.
They say, we make laws and rules and policies... What did the Copenhagen Agreement state in Copenhagen?
It said...
That you will pay taxes on land and all property and whatever the global government wants, it will take and give to the IMF and World Bank, themselves international arms of the Federal Reserve and Bank of England, for global government of, for, and by the bankers.
This is why the bankers must be defeated.
They are now coming out saying they want to have a national sales tax and value-added tax and excise taxes to quote pay off the debt.
Obama has grown the government more than any president before him, spending more than all presidents combined in less than a year.
They are raping us.
They are stealing everything.
And the new London Kelo decision in the Supreme Court
of coming up on six years ago states they can take your property and give it to private interest without just compensation without any money without any money
And they tell greedy neighbors, in the case of Connecticut, oh, don't worry, you're gonna get a big chemical plant for a pharma maker, and now that big pharma has pulled out and nothing's being built.
But they bulldoze everybody's houses.
And all over the country, I see reports of people being paid nothing.
In Texas, you get orders that, oh, this company wants your land, here's the offer, five cents on the dollar, if you don't agree in one month, we just take it.
This is all for the bankers, so we had better expose Geithner and point out that he's only the scapegoat.
Yes, he's engaged in crime.
We need state grand juries, federal grand juries to indict these people.
We need an auditor of the Fed.
We need Geithner before Congress.
We need full investigations.
We need all those emails and orders released where they were ordering the money from the bailout directly into Geithner, Paulson, Summers,
Rubin, Greenspan, Bernanke, all directly into their pockets and thousands of others.
Hundreds of millions of dollars apiece.
Some of the CEOs of those companies, one made over a billion dollars off the bailout, personally.
Webster Tarpley's coming up at the 8 after in the second segment of the next hour.
We'll continue discussing this and take your calls, but we're going to go live at PrisonPlanet.tv in T-minus three minutes when we start the third hour, the halfway point in this radio broadcast.
I want to make a correction.
I said another name of an author.
I got them mixed up.
It was Upton Sinclair who wrote The Jungle.
I think he also wrote Oil or There Will Be Blood.
The point is I read that back in high school.
About the horrors of the industrialists and how they set up the environmental movement later.
I was making that point, it was Upston Sinclair wrote The Jungle.
Thanks to Rob Dew for correcting me on that, those type of mistakes I make.
But all of this is going on, the people now know who the real enemy is, the people now have identified who they really are, that they're involved in crime.
But here's the deal.
If we don't expose these people, they're going to bankrupt the states further and federalize them.
NORTHCOM is meant to ensure that the military keeps the people down if they try to peacefully stand up, so that this criminal receivership, this transfer, this bankrupting of the U.S., like the IMF and World Bank have done to countless third world countries, can be completed.
We are going into bondage like Mexico or North Korea or Nigeria.
We must say no to this now.
This was done through fraud.
They create Ponzi schemes so big, they trick the governments under threat of financial collapse into giving the bankers total power.
It's fraudulent.
It's wrong.
And whether you're a conservative, a liberal, a libertarian, a police officer, a school teacher, whoever you are, a rancher, a farmer, an auto mechanic, or a doctor, you should know your mortal enemy is the private bankers, and it's either us or them.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Monday, January 11, 2010.
We've reached the halfway point in the syndicated radio broadcast.
We're here live, noon to 4 p.m.
We simulcast the last two hours, 2 to 4 p.m.
Eastern at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We are live there as well.
So, last Thursday, Bloomberg drops this bombshell.
Give me a document shot on that.
Geithner's Fed told AIG to limit Swap's disclosure.
Now we know Geithner and Paulson and Bernanke and others are all on record.
Are on record.
Over and over and over and over again.
Saying they will not tell you where the money went and who got the money.
Once they went into holding banks, the French, the German, the British, the Dutch, the U.S., the Canadian, and others, the money we know was paid in massive bonuses and served out.
But the private Federal Reserve, the holding company, and the governmental Treasury Department, on record, will not say where the money went.
But it later came out, it was given to the very people running the government that were taking the bailout money.
Now, Geithner was the head of the most important part of the Federal Reserve, the New York Fed, in the fall and winter of 2008, and that's in Bloomberg.
And he has now gotten in a lot of trouble because internal documents and emails have been released where AIG, one of the big holding companies they use for plausible deniability to divvy out the money themselves.
It's come out that the New York Fed told them do not let this be public.
And we separately have Geithner on TV saying don't let it be public.
Now Geithner says he'd know anything about that plausible deniability.
That is more evidence of fraud when on record he will not let people know and will never talk about it and says I won't tell you.
So the issue here is this is crime.
This is illegal as Judge Napolitano and Ed Schultz and many others on the left and right have pointed out.
And it's bipartisan.
It goes across party lines and shows how the banking dictatorship is the real problem.
It appears that the New York Fed deliberately pressured AIG to restrict.
Guys, give me a document cam shot.
It appears that the New York Fed deliberately pressured AIG to restrict and delay the disclosure of important information, said ISSA, a California Republican.
Taxpayers deserve full and complete disclosure under our nation's security laws, not the beholding of politically inconvenient information.
Geithner had no role
They're saying Secretary Geithner played no role in these decisions.
Meg Riley, a Treasury spokeswoman, said in an email he was recused from working on the involvement, even though he was the head.
He gave the orders.
In the Treasury Department, former head of Goldman Sachs, setting up this fraud.
We have their internal documents from the McClatchy newspapers that got them.
They're setting all this up, and then he says, oh, I'm going to get the money, and then once I'm in government, I'm going to continue the robbery, but I don't have any decision-making in this, even though he runs the Treasury and the New York Fed, the most powerful branch of the Fed.
Geithner, who was tapped by President Barack Obama, took the Treasury job in January 2009.
Mark Hare, a spokesman for the New York-based AIG, declined to comment.
So the New York Fed ordered the cripple insurer not to negotiate for discounts in settling the swamps.
So you have Paul Senate, the Treasury, and then it continued with Geithner, the Goldman Sachs hood, thug, henchman.
In Treasury.
They gotta keep their people in.
Continuing, ordering, this is another key, ordering government policy.
They're setting government policy to pay a hundred cents on the dollar on these fraudulent derivatives they made up out of nothing.
Credit default swaps, insuring it, other systems.
So, they set up the insurance policy.
They know it's a scam.
They burn the building down and collect money off of it.
They clearly are involved.
They ran the operation.
And this is the key.
And they set policy for 100 cents on the dollar.
This is criminal.
These people are criminals.
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New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number one.
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Number 3.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
He is a big part of Fall of the Republic.
He is a huge part of the Obama deception.
He has a doctorate, a doctorate of economics.
Also a doctorate in history.
And we're always pleased to have Webster Tarpley on the air with us.
I wanted to get him on.
We've got Wayne Madsen coming up in the next hour and a host of other big scandals.
We'll also get his take on Bankstergate.
I'm calling it Bankstergate.
And I want people to understand that this is just like Copenhagen.
This is just like Climategate.
If we, the alternative media, really point out the full fraud of this, force it into the mainstream media, this could bring them down.
We have Napolitano on Fox saying Geithner could be indicted for criminal fraud.
We even have Ed Schultz, the Democrat, on MSNBC saying the White House is in trouble on this.
Geithner clearly set policy at the head Fed office in New York.
That's the head office.
He clearly set policy and continued it as Treasury Secretary.
Notice they swapped.
You had Geithner in at the private Federal Reserve, while the former head of Goldman Sachs, both Goldman Sachs executives,
I don't know.
Four fraudulent derivatives that they created.
We have the five-part series of McClatchy newspapers with their own internal emails where they knew it was fraud, knew it was going to implode, told people to buy it, to blow out their competition, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and others.
So they would be left as top dogs because they had their people all over government.
So they made money on the way up, money on the way down.
Now Webster Tarpley, I've got him on with us.
I want him to break this down.
For Geithner to come out and say like Sergeant Schultz in Hogan's Heroes, I know nothing, I know nothing.
To have him saying this is asinine when you have this continue clear racketeering by Goldman Sachs in government, out of government.
Webster has always said in both my films last year, the key is AIG as their front holding company to divvy out the goodies worldwide.
So Webster, I want you to go through
What the bankers are doing, and to explain to them, they've stolen the 28-plus trill, several trillion of that directly from the bailout.
But now they want the New London Kilo land grabbing under fake environmentalism, austerity, taxes.
In Australia, the same banking group is laying about half the land off use, just telling farmers, get off.
I just put a newscast earlier, no compensation.
It's going to the banks.
Excise taxes, sales taxes, value-added taxes, openly going through Congress, total raping, states going bankrupt, being loaned money like they're third-world countries by the same banks.
The banks won't loan to Main Street.
They want the implosion.
Either we expose these frauds, have them indicted, expose them,
Audit and then abolish the Federal Reserve, give the power back to Congress, and have a true package to get the economy going and a loan to Main Street.
It's over.
We're already into the spiral of inflation.
Might as well print, as you've said.
I tend to agree with you on that facet.
You've got the floor.
I want you to scientifically go through the history of this, the clear crime, where we're going.
Webster Tarpley, economist, thank you for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
I would propose, let's go back to the issue at the center of these emails, and it is the question of derivatives, first of all, as you correctly point out.
Financial derivatives, paper based on paper, side bets on markets.
And above all AIG, the world's largest insurance company, that set up during this past decade a hedge fund in London.
A deregulated trading operation in London.
And of course in London the regulatory environment is non-existent.
There are no rules in London.
New York is bad.
London is even worse.
We're good.
Remember, derivatives had been completely illegal from 1936 until 1982 under a New Deal law put through by Roosevelt.
Derivatives were simply illegal, and it took a period of several decades of work by Phil Graham and Wendy Graham and Alan Greenspan and Bob Rubin
And Larry Summers is in the White House today, making policy for Obama to somehow rehabilitate derivatives and bring them back.
And by the end of all that, a couple of years ago, we had reached the amazing sum of a derivatives bubble in the world of $1.5 quadrillion, that is to say $1,500 trillion, of which $3 trillion were in this AIG hedge fund.
Now, when this panic started,
It was clear that AIG hedge fund in London, AIG Financial it was called, they could not pay.
These were credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligations that connected this London hedge fund of AIG to the entire New York, London and European banking community.
So in the middle of this crisis in the fall of 2008,
We have, of course, as you mentioned, Hank Paulson of Goldman Sachs teaming up with Obama and also with McCain and also with Palin, because she supported it too, to bail out the banking system with $700 billion dollars.
And Glenn Beck!
And he's now supporting new taxes to pay the bankers.
The entire corporate, you know, globalized pro-Federal Reserve, pro-Wall Street gang, they're all there
That's right.
Cheerleading for this bailout, right?
The TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which is still going on.
So the question was then, where would this money go?
And this was kept secret, and that's the issue.
But let's jump ahead.
Where did the money go?
What is it that they're hiding?
Well, you mentioned the sum of about $27.29 billion.
That is referring to the United States banks that were paid off by the AIG hedge fund in London, thanks to money from the U.S.
So again, the idea is the U.S.
Treasury, under Paulson, and then under Geithner, but under Paulson is where it starts, they give the money to this hedge fund in London, and the New York Federal Reserve, with Geithner, superintends this process.
And it goes through something called Maiden Lane 3.
And Maiden Lane 3 is a company that they set up for the purpose of funneling money to AIG.
So who gets the money?
First of all, Goldman Sachs gets $13 billion.
It's interesting because at this point the head of AIG is a guy called Liddy, and he's also from Goldman Sachs.
Ed Liddy from Goldman Sachs is getting the money from Hank
They've got their people everywhere in every administration for over a decade setting up this mother of all heists.
And this is Goldman Sachs alias Government Sachs.
They've taken over the U.S.
government in effect because they've got their alumni all over the place, including Bob Rubin and his protege, Larry Summers.
So Goldman Sachs gets $13 billion.
Merrill Lynch, on the way to bankruptcy and being absorbed,
Yeah, the banks just made these up for themselves.
Yes, they're manufactured out of nothing.
It's basically issuing insurance without meeting the legal requirements to issue insurance, which include capital and so forth.
But now it gets worse.
We've accounted for about $29 billion so far.
But there are foreign banks.
It's not just Wall Street banks, not just Goldman Sachs.
And we've got $50 billion paid to those, and there's evidence that those banks then paid it back into the Goldman Sachs crowd again.
Partly, but yes, and I think that's one of the key motivations, but let's just give the list of criminals in this case.
We have Societe Generale of France gets $12 billion.
Deutsche Bank of Germany gets $12 billion.
Barclays Bank of Great Britain, $8.5 billion.
Union Bank of Switzerland, UBS,
$5 billion, so this is actually more.
This is about $38 billion.
If you put this together, we get up to the fantastic sum of $67 billion.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought it was $50 billion.
$67 billion, excuse me.
$67 billion by my count, which is about 10% of the entire TARP.
10% of the entire troubled assets.
But if you're running a criminal op, though, you want to use one gang, and Goldman Sachs clearly were the captains of this piratical fleet.
Yes, they have been able to get more political influence, but this thing is all intertwined.
So, the idea was then that this should have been stated.
All of the information that I've just gone through, the names of these banks and the billions that they got, should have been stated.
On a filing which AIG was legally required to make under the Securities Exchange Act of 1933.
In other words, they were supposed to tell the Securities and Exchange Commission, okay SEC, here are the banks that we paid and here's how much we paid them.
AIG, under Lydia Goldman Sachs, sent a first draft of their SEC Schedule A filing, I think it's called, to essentially Geithner's people at the New York Federal Reserve.
And the New York Federal Reserve and their lawyers told AIG, don't make this public now, let's hide this for a while, let's keep this under wraps, because we don't want this to come out.
And Geithner is sitting on the top of that institution.
Now, so far we don't have, as far as I know anyway, we don't have emails that have Geithner's name on it.
But these are all his stooges, his underlings, his staff, his appointees.
People working for Geithner and taking orders from Geithner did this stuff.
And he's using, Webster, we've got a break, we'll come back and continue.
He's using the mafia defense of, oh that was my underlings that committed these murders, that was my underlings that robbed these banks.
He's saying I know nothing, though he was setting the policies as the head of the Fed, lobbying for them, and then as the head
Uh, of, uh, the Treasury Department.
Then we have the separate issues of them selectively using federal regulators they controlled, seizing competition banks, and then feeding and dumping all their debt into there.
I mean, there's just so many crimes they're committing.
We'll go over more of the crimes and where this is going.
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I think so.
Alright, going back to Webster Griffin Tarpley, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to continue with the scams they pulled, then how we prosecute them, how we go after these criminals, because they're not going to stop here.
They're the ones setting up NORTHCOM.
They're the ones running the phony environmental movements, grabbing the property.
They openly finance it all.
This is the New World Order.
This is the globalist.
And when we say the Anglo-American establishment, that's what they call themselves.
It doesn't mean white people.
It means the U.S.-British elite power axis.
London and Wall Street.
I get emails all the time going, why are you talking bad about Anglos?
That's not what it is.
It means that geographic
Those cities.
Now, Webster, going back to you here, you were going through Geithner claiming he knows nothing about it, though they've got their people in all the positions, they're setting the policies, he moves into Treasury, continues the 100 cents on the dollar scam, and then separately we have them, you said at the time, and now it's been confirmed, Goldman Sachs was gunning the whole time for Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, and others that they use government power to shut down and eat
Uh, that's criminal right there.
I mean, it's just, it's all crime.
Yeah, I think the most obvious crime right now is a criminal conspiracy with Geithner as part of it.
To violate the Securities Act of 1933 by deleting information that AIG had proposed to tell the Securities and Exchange Commission, and these filings become public then, here are the banks we gave the money to, and here's how much they got.
$67 billion to these Wall Street banks, London banks, and European banks.
And the New York Fed and their lawyers then said, no, don't do that now.
Let's not tell that.
Now that's a federal crime right there.
So we have an obvious overt act.
We have a federal crime.
The falsification of a Schedule A filing, which is not a matter of choice, is something that you've got to do.
And these things have got to be done in a timely way, and they've got to be done fully and completely.
So before we had Geithner as a tax cheat,
Uh, on, you know, really small sums of money, but now we're up to almost $70 billion in payments to bail out a hedge fund, a deregulated hedge fund, with derivatives, which used to be illegal but which have now been brought back.
So, there is the need for a special prosecutor.
We need a federal prosecutor right away.
To go after Geithner, he should obviously resign or be fired.
And above all, we've got to change the policy.
Look at that $70 billion, let's call it $70 billion, that has been given to AIG.
The actual amount given to AIG, by the way, is more.
It's at least $180 billion.
So it's about a third... Yeah, the number I've seen in the news is $220 billion.
$220 billion.
Going back, Webster, and we'll get into the special prosecutor, because that's essential.
Everybody needs to listen carefully.
Let's not forget, we have record numbers of the Obama administration that don't even pay taxes.
You can't work for the IRS if you have any previous tax problem.
But here's Geithner saying, I don't even have to pay because it's some international money he was making.
I mean, this is just criminals through and through.
This is a criminal gang.
I would call this the Mussolini corporate state.
Here's a good quote.
The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where the private power becomes stronger than the democratic state itself.
That is the essence of fascism.
The ownership of government by an individual or a group
Close quote.
That's Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking to Congress in 1938.
And that's what we have here.
That Goldman Sachs and its cohorts in Wall Street have essentially taken over the U.S.
government and they're squeezing it as a cash cow.
Let me hasten to add, it's not just Goldman Sachs.
I would always want to remind people of the Morgans.
Because for 150 years, the heart of Wall Street is Morgan.
In other words, JPMorgan Chase.
The Chase-Manhattan-JPMorgan merger.
They get as much money, or even more, than Goldman Sachs, and they take somewhat less political heat.
Same thing goes for Morgan Stanley.
Morgan Stanley being that other
Yeah, they're the mob bosses back at the palace getting the money, put the men in there robbing the bank at all the key exits.
The gang they hired to rob the bank was Goldman Sachs.
Right, so Goldman Sachs more up front, and of course they deserve whatever they get.
So I think it's clear that there's been a criminal conspiracy, big violations of federal law, but here's the big thing I think.
You look at, for example, California, right?
Or New York State.
All of these states are now in a tremendous budget crisis, right?
Are they going to fire cops?
Are they going to fire the fire department?
NBC reports they're making DMV, Department of Motor Vehicles, people work free every Friday.
That's called slavery.
Yeah, well, so here we had $70 billion, and really, as you say, it's about $220 billion, $200 plus at least, billion, that were given to AIG.
For what?
For toxic derivatives, for garbage, for junk paper that's absolutely worthless, that doesn't correspond to any kind of economic wealth or value under the... Okay, stay there, stay there, Webster.
I want to get into
Other crimes they've committed, and then how people lobby and push to identify the Wall Street criminals as the literal source, the fount of all of our economic problems.
And where we're going if we don't stop them.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, your calls are coming up.
I'm sure they're going to be all over the map.
I would ask listeners to try to talk about the Bankster takeover.
That's what we're discussing right now.
If that's not what you want to talk about, Bankstergate, then please let John Harmon know and I'll go to you later after Webster Tarpley.
Leaves us, but Kyle, Billy, Dave, Dave, Jacob, and others, or if you want to call in about the Bankster criminal activities and how we stop them, 1-800-259-9231.
We're going back to Webster Tarpley in just a moment.
Geithner's been caught red-handed in criminal activity, but we can't just let him be a scapegoat.
It is the entire system.
We're going to go back to Tarpley here in one moment.
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Okay, going back to Webster Griffin Tarpley, Webster is really saying nothing new here.
He's saying what he said in my film, Fall of the Republic, and the Obama deception.
He's going off the facts, and it's now being proven even by the mainstream.
So Webster, I want to move quickly now just to bullet points, picking your brain here.
Obviously, we need to have a special prosecutor, but not just Congress.
We want grand juries at the state level.
to indict.
We want legislatures that have had their pension funds and other systems defrauded by this who have standing to take action.
We need private suits.
It is lawsuits that have been bringing out the secret AIG and Goldman Sachs documents where they're engaged in fraud and premeditated plans to blow out their competition and make hundreds of billions of dollars off the scam in McClatchy newspapers.
This is all starting to come out, but the public
Doesn't have a great knowledge.
They just know they're being robbed.
And then I add the point that...
It's the banks that run all our major cities that are lobbying for land grabs and more taxes and surveillance.
It's the banks that fund the military-industrial complex.
It's the banks that are pushing the global Copenhagen tax, where we'll pay money directly to them.
I mean, they literally are attempting a global takeover with this wall of fiat currency, 1.5 quadrillion that you talk about, or 1,500 trillion.
They are being exposed, they are in trouble, but let's go over more of their crimes, what they've really done, and your expertise in going after these people, the best ways for people to call for their indictments, and other crimes they've committed, so that the public at large is aware, so they can be pushed into the mainstream media.
Well, let's also add another name to our list, right?
Because so far we've talked about Hank Paulson, that was the Bush-Goldman Sachs Secretary of the Treasury.
We're obviously focusing on Geithner, who went from the New York Fed, the flagship of the Federal Reserve System, really the heart of it in terms of policy.
Uh, but let's also add Sheila Baird.
Uh, Sheila Baird of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Now, this woman is also part of the bailout, right?
The bailout comes from the Federal Reserve under Bernanke.
It comes from the Treasury under Paulson and Geithner.
But then Sheila Baird is the head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Now she did a couple of things.
We've been talking about how sometimes institutions that are viable in themselves are fed into other bankrupt institutions that are politically better connected.
The leading example of this is Washington Mutual.
And this was the largest savings bank left in the United States.
We're good to go.
But of course J.P.
Morgan was because of derivatives.
Morgan is the biggest derivatives black hole in the universe.
So they were, this Wham-O was seized and fed in.
And the people who had that stock were completely destroyed in the process.
So that's one thing that we want to investigate.
They didn't pay the people off from that.
They seized it with real assets and then the government regulators run by the JPMorgan Chase slash Goldman Sachs pirate crew, they kept the money and then didn't, even with taxpayer money, pay back the people they'd robbed.
Now, you talked about Bear Stearns.
Bear Stearns was also fed into JPMorgan.
I think Bear Stearns really was bankrupt several times over with derivatives.
Same story for Lehman Brothers, which was then allowed to go bankrupt completely.
But Washington Mutual is a really egregious case, because it's not clear that they were bankrupt at all.
They were probably viable.
And they were fed into J.P.
Morgan to give J.P.
Morgan all of those deposits that they could use to offset some of their toxic derivatives in the long run.
Now the other big thing that Sheila Baird does do or doesn't do at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is the following.
According to the banking laws of the United States, the big banks in Wall Street are bankrupt, bankrupt, bankrupt several times over.
That means J.P.
Morgan Chase, Citibank,
Bank of America, Wells Fargo, a couple of others, right?
Bank of New York, Mellon.
The top six or seven are unquestionably bankrupt.
Now, every Friday, you can pick up an AP wire that says, today the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shut down the corner bank of Podunk Center in some state.
Some little bank that nobody's ever heard of with a few hundred million of deposits or assets.
The problem is that every Friday we are reminded that Sheila Baird is guilty of a criminal conspiracy not to shut down the zombie bank, because that's what these things are.
The big Wall Street banks are zombie banks, and what I mean by that is this.
We were told that when the bailout and the tarp went through, that if you bailed out Wall Street, that would help Main Street.
If you kept the Wall Street banks going, that would mean abundant credit would flow to companies, to industry.
But they haven't been loaning.
By design, they've been shutting down Main Street so they can buy it up.
Right, so what we've got is the US taxpayer is now funding zombie banks.
What do zombie banks do?
Well, you may have noticed, first of all, that the price of gasoline has gone up about a dollar per gallon in the last 12 months.
And you predicted that a year ago?
And what is that?
That is simply the comeback of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, who bid that up to, you know, almost $5 a gallon or so back in the summer of 2008.
Then they had to sell it off when they were threatened by bankruptcy, and now they're bidding that up again.
So the thanks you get from Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley for saving them is that they are now bidding up the price of gasoline, and they will bid that up as high as they can.
So that's one thing they do.
Parasitical speculation in the things that you need for your daily life.
The second thing, of course, they do is they clip you.
They clip you with late fees, deposit fees... 30% credit card rates, loan sharking, but Webster, worse than that, they're now lobbying the government.
To levy all these new taxes on an already broke back country to then pay them even more money so the government can quote pay off debts to central banks.
We're now hearing that the big banks just last week I saw Paulson come out in the news I saw
Who was the other big one?
I saw Rubin come out and call for it, a bunch of others call for higher taxes to pay off debt, much of which is debt accrued by giving them all this money.
So they're in there running the government to now rape us financially through taxes.
Exactly, and this is the whole secret of Obama.
About one year ago, right now, Obama met with the editorial board of the Washington Post, and it's something that I talk about in Surviving the Cataclysm.
Obama said, well, I ran on hope and change, but now I have to change, I have to abandon those things.
Now it's going to be sacrifice and responsibility.
Wait a minute, Wall Street has just gotten
You know, $25 trillion, whatever it is, $27 trillion, and now it's time for sacrifice and responsibility for the American people?
Exhausted, depleted, with our living standard cut already by two-thirds.
If you look at what Obama wants to do with Social Security, and indeed his healthcare plan, these are bailouts in disguise.
These are bailouts to bail out bankrupt insurance companies, all the insurance companies themselves owned by banks.
And let me add this.
That's why liberals like Dennis Kucinich and even the chairman of the Democratic Party, Dean, have now read the bill.
It cuts Medicare and Medicaid by $40-plus billion a piece every year.
It puts people in jail who can't afford the insurance.
It gives liability protection to the insurance companies.
The head lobbyist for the insurance companies admits they wrote the bill, but they give them fake left cover in the media.
I went and looked.
Saying insurance companies don't want this bill, we're socking it to the rich guy, and the average moron, street-level idiot actually thinks this health care bill is good.
Yes, the Obama health care plan, as you correctly pointed out, is first of all, it's about $500 billion cut from Medicare over a period of years.
And the idea with that health bill is that you are forced to buy insurance from a private, for-profit, deregulated company which has golden parachutes, which has lobbying budgets, which has 30 or 40 percent administrative overhead.
And the goal of that is that those companies, in their own way, are just as bankrupt as AIG.
They're insurance companies, too.
What did they do?
They issued derivatives.
You can look at Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, but also then look at Cigna, look at UnitedHealthcare, look at all of those, and you'll see that they're all in the same boat.
It's just that in this case, instead of doing it through the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and the FDIC, they want to do it through you.
That every person in the United States is required to buy a product from these companies.
And that's why their stock is all shot up, Webster.
So Webster, where does it end?
Everything the government does, both parties, is a rape of the American people.
They're openly involved in crime.
If we don't bring them to justice, they're just going to be emboldened for more, more, more.
Wasn't Copenhagen a big defeat of these people because they openly said fake environmentalism would be their ultimate land grab and their carbon tax and a new layer of derivatives?
Aren't they starting to face Waterloo after Waterloo?
Yes, again, I think part of that is international.
My analysis of Copenhagen was it was the Russians who leaked those emails about the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, blew the lid off that, and then it was the Chinese and their African allies, led by Sudan, who actually blocked the thing inside the conference.
But now, let's see what the American people can do.
I recommend a march on Goldman Sachs.
Let's have a march on Wall Street.
We've had these Tea Party people marching on Washington.
You know, that's fine up to a point.
But rather than going for the Cape, let's go for the Matador.
And the Matador is in Wall Street.
The power decisions in this case are all made by Wall Street.
And then that is transmitted to the government.
Hey, that's my analogy.
We have, uh, Tim Geithner is known to have a cell phone, and he's got his speed dialing set up for two or three institutions.
For Goldman Sachs, for Citibank, and JPMorgan Chase.
So he wants to call Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan Chase, he wants to call Lloyd Blankfein at Goldman Sachs, and then, uh, Pandit the Bandit, Vikram Pandit at, uh, at Citibank.
Those three, that's the state-sponsored compulsory cartel that features in the new Mussolini-fascist corporate state.
But again, it's that those companies own the government.
They have taken over the U.S.
Treasury in the person of Tiny Tim Geithner.
Now, I think it's also, there's a big groundswell on this, the New York Post headline of today, Time for Tim to Go.
This is a neocon newspaper, right?
New York Post.
There had been already rumors last week when Chris Dodd quit the Senate.
The word was already then, when knowing that Geithner was in trouble, that Dodd would replace Geithner.
Of course, that's not enough.
That's just one Wall Street stooge replacing another.
If you look at the Wall Street Journal of this morning, which I have in front of me,
Here's what they're going with.
It's a deception strategy.
The headline in the Wall Street Journal is, Banks Brace for Bonus Fury.
And they have a picture of Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, and how the public hates the bonuses, but the Goldman Sachs employees say that the bonuses are not enough, and they're not giving in cash.
Yeah, that's not what it's about.
It's about the crime that was committed.
Yeah, the bonuses, I mean the bonuses of course are outrageous, and everybody can see that, but they amount to a billion or two at the most, whereas we're talking about 700 billion just in the scandal that's at the center of this, 220 billion as you say around that, and then it gets up to the 27 trillion.
And then Obama will love that, he will use that to control the wages of people across the United States, but not of the banks.
Yes, so I think what we need, my recommendation is frankly class consciousness.
In other words, we have the people and we have the bankers.
The people are one thing.
The people basically the middle class and people who'd like to be part of it.
The bankers are a finance oligarchy.
They're globalized elitists.
They have no country.
They go from Barclays to Deutsche Bank to UBS in Switzerland.
They don't care about this stuff.
So you've got to understand what essentially is the enemy.
The enemy is the financier elite.
The banks, in other words.
They've got to fight the banks.
Yeah, they are the source of everything.
They're the source of the land grabbing, the police state, the wars.
We're going to come back in two segments, this segment and one other, then we have another guest joining us, Wayne Madsen, with some big breaking news, and take phone calls from Dave, John, Joe, Sector, Mark, and others.
But Webster, so much is going on, but clearly people are finally realizing the real economy is falling apart.
This song and dance about the economy being better is a fraud, and the people are waking up to the criminality, but we can't just let them
I think?
For this society, and if we educate people about the bankers and the scams they engage in, and put the controls in there to stop this, we can see a new golden age.
If we don't, the globalists have de-industrialized us, they've moved everything to China, they're in the final phases of their operation, it's getting painful, so people are finally paying attention to who the real enemy is,
Either these scam artist bankers go down or we go down.
It's us or them and that's what followed the Republic and Obama deception exposed.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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I think so.
There's so many facets of this.
So many crimes.
Grabbing big private banks that were solvent, stealing them, giving themselves hundreds of billions of dollars in goodies, lying about it, saying we won't tell you where the money is.
I mean, if they get away with this and the naked body scanners and all these other acts of submission, what comes next?
Will they demand our firstborn be sacrificed to them, like other governments have done in history?
I mean, where does it end?
Let's talk to Dave in California.
You're on the air with Webster Griffin Tarpley.
By the way, we carry all three of his books at InfoWars.com, including Cataclysm.
You really want to understand what's happening with the banking scam.
That's the book.
Dave, you're on the air with Webster Tarpley.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks for taking the call.
I've got three quick things to mention.
One is a question.
One is a statement.
The other one is a suggestion.
I'm going to have to let you go in just a sec, though.
Go ahead.
Okay, yeah, first off, I love Webster Tarpley, and I saw him recently in a European movie called Zero, an investigation into 9-11.
And I've heard very little about this movie Zero, and I was wondering if you guys could possibly, you know, help promote it or post it on InfoWars.
Sure, great.
I appreciate your call.
Take care, Dave.
You know, I told you we're taking calls for Webster Tarpley!
I mean, come on!
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to John in Florida.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call, Mr. Tarpley.
My question has to do with auditing the Fed.
It seems obvious that the only way to break the credibility of the current administration and all these people that are controlling the world is to successfully get a passage of the H.R.
1207 to uncover all these intricate relationships.
Would you agree?
And if so, what's it going to take?
Well, I would agree, but that's only the first step.
I mean, right now, what we've got on the table could take us one step beyond an audit.
That is a special prosecutor that would go after Bernanke, and let me mention another guy, Donald Cohn, K-O-H-N.
In hearings just about a year ago, January 13, 2009, Congressman Grayson, you know him, he's a loudmouth Democrat from Florida, I think, but doing a good thing here.
Grayson demanded to know from Donald Cohen of the Fed, what are the names of the people who got that AIG money, and how much did they get?
Will you reveal it?
And Cohen said no.
So let's put Cohen on the list.
If you could get a special prosecutor going around inside the Fed,
That would allow you to do it maybe from another angle.
I'm all for auditing the Fed, but here's the thing.
The Fed has got to be seized.
In other words, take it out of the control of that system.
Yeah, it's unconstitutional.
Put it under the Congress and the President.
Yes, we have to put it under the Congress.
That's in the Constitution.
And it's simple.
Expose the bankers as the criminals.
Expose their fraud politically instead of it being Obama or Palin and this left-right diversion where we then get Palin or Mitt Romney or Petraeus for four years and then people get mad and throw them out.
And we got to think about false flag too, Webster.
You've been saying all last year and look at it now.
Clearly the underwear bomber is the kickoff for new false flag.
They want new wars.
Well, we also had this very interesting thing last Monday.
Richard Wolff went on the Olbermann Show and said that the Obama White House was convinced that the Christmas patsy from Nigeria, that that was an intentional action for various reasons.
So it means that, really, the rogue network and their false flag operations are very, very close to the surface right now.
Obama, of course, punted, Obama turned away, didn't do anything.
Obama needs to start firing some people and maybe he could fire some moles.
Yeah, but John... John, your point about auditing the Fed being key.
You audit it.
The Treasury needs to be audited.
All this needs to be public.
You've got private banks... You've got private banks openly robbing everyone.
When is it going to end?
Final call straight ahead for Webster Targly.
Then Wayne Madsen with breaking news.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
They're asking for more matches!
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Wayne Madsen coming up with breaking news on multiple fronts.
Going to phone calls right now.
Joe in Ohio, you're on the air, welcome.
Thank you both for having me.
It inspired me to take some action today.
I just want to tell you what I did to take action concerning this Geithner situation, tell you about the roadblocks I hit, and then maybe each of you could maybe help me perfect my technique when I make these kind of calls.
Go ahead.
I called two network affiliates here in Columbus this morning to ask why there was zero coverage on the Geithner story.
Either on the air or on their websites.
Neither phone operator even knew who Geithner was.
I had to explain to each news desk operator who Timothy Geithner was.
Um, so they gave me the cursor.
You sure?
We'll take care of it.
Thanks for your call.
I emailed the CBS affiliate.
They sent back a form email saying they'd already covered it once.
I called Senators Brown and Voinovich, spoke with both of their interns.
Asked if either had released a statement on Geithner.
Neither had, so I suggested that maybe they would publicly want to distance themselves from such scum and call for an indictment.
What you're doing is beautiful.
Call in to talk radio.
Send articles that we write at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com that boils this down.
Send this.
I would say in particular that Sherrod Brown, right?
Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio makes a big thing about being an economic populist and a pro-union guy for the working man in the blue-collar America.
Keep the heat on Sherrod Brown, because this is where you can really squeeze him.
How come he's covering up for Geithner and the New York Fed and these financial parasites?
Yeah, but I think what Joe's doing is excellent.
Keep it up, Joe.
Keep it up.
No, but don't give up on Sherrod Brown.
Voinovich is harder to get because he's on his way out.
All right, thank you, Joe.
Got to jump.
Sektor, I believe, in India.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jones, Mr. Tarpley, great to talk to you.
Got a few suggestions.
Uh, I think Mr. Tarpley is right.
I think we should all contact, uh, Mr. Grayson and have him pursue this further.
And maybe is there any chance we can get these 18 Attorney Generals that were interested in the healthcare sham to maybe go after this also?
And then also, maybe if you could get Vincent Bugliosi on, and maybe he would have some suggestions to take these criminals down.
And, uh, I started out with a Providian credit card.
It went to Washington Mutual, and now it's at Chase, and they're charging me 29.9% interest.
I'm trying to get out of this as soon as I can.
We need to arrest these criminals and take them down.
I thank you and appreciate all that y'all do.
Yeah, they clearly have intimidated and destroyed people to send a message to everybody to not stand up, but as the pain gets more and more intense, as the abuse and crime becomes more and more transparent, they're not going to be able to shut everybody up.
The positive sign is...
Most of these bankers are buying homes in non-extradition countries around the world and clearly have been moving the last two years into a fully offshore profile with the belief that they may lose total control.
In fact, here's Bloomberg.
Arming Goldman Sachs with pistols, and it says they're preparing to defend themselves from riots and from mobs, and preparing to basically evacuate the country.
So that shows they're scared, they realize they're criminals, and they're now getting the getaway car all warmed up and provisioned.
Well, there was already a march on Goldman Sachs a couple of months ago by a bakery, the Stelladoro Bakery Workers, who were getting fired because they'd been asset-stripped and looted by Goldman Sachs.
And again, I recommend, we've had enough marches on Washington for a while.
Let's have a march on Wall Street specifically called Goldman Sachs.
I agree.
We'll get We Are Change and Luke Rodowski, he's in that sector.
We need everybody to set that up and go down there and let them know that we know they're the problem and see if the police even allow free speech because they love the bankers so much they're destroying their entire future.
Webster, we're going to keep pushing for criminal indictments and a special prosecutor.
All your great books are available at InfoWars.com.
God bless you.
Thanks for spending time with us, Webster.
Happy New Year!
Yeah, Happy New Year, my friend.
Alright, I got another guest coming up.
Wayne Madsen.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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My answer would be all I can get.
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Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing to the lies and disinformation, Monday through Friday, 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
For the rest of the hour, Wayne Madsen is with us.
He, of course, has written for some of the biggest publications in the country.
He is an author, researcher, worked with the National Security Agency and other secretive federal bodies in national security.
And he's been breaking important news after important news up there on Capitol Hill and at the Press Club every day.
But I wanted to get him on about Bankstergate.
I don't want to just have it be Timmygate, Geithnergate, because it's much bigger than just him, and how the White House has been caught now clearly lying, saying Geithner wasn't involved in any of this, when he headed the New York Fed that set the policy and gave the orders, and now the Treasury, marking these toxic derivatives at 100% being paid directly to him and others.
I also want to get into a bunch of other big news that Wayne Madsen has been working on.
Also, what's going on with Obama, trying to block his records, gag orders going on, the way they compromise congressmen, and other big stories he's working on.
He's always breaking important news that weeks, months, and years later comes out in the mainstream.
Wayne Madsen of WayneMadsenReport.com.
Thanks for joining us.
Again, good to have you here with us, Wayne.
Let's get into BanksterGate first.
Well, now we have several bankers talking about giving themselves big bonuses.
Lloyd Blankfein from Goldman Sachs may get the biggest bonus among many of the others of these bailout banks, and people are just outraged by it all.
Now we're hearing that the next target may be our 401ks and our IRAs.
The government may want to roll those over into annuities, which is yet another
And in the banking overhaul that gave them more power of a month ago, they state that your money markets or your basic savings funds, they may seize those.
Those aren't insured.
And yes, they're going to start taking a percentage of and grabbing your 401Ks.
I mean, they are just getting started in the stealing.
Well, and I wonder, you know, where are the American people, where are they going to draw the line?
I mean, this is like a constantly moving goalpost.
Where is the goalpost of absolute outrage where there's no going back?
And I don't know what it's going to take to wake people up, but perhaps maybe if they see their money disappear, maybe that'll do it.
But, you know, I'm not holding out any hopes because
We don't see the media covering all of this.
Of course, this thing about the 401Ks and the IRAs, I got that information from somebody who has very good contacts in the Treasury Department, but it's absolutely on the table.
And now we see people like former Illinois Governor Blagojevich and former Alabama Governor
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Who's talking about what Obama and Rahm Emanuel and Bernanke and the rest of these crooks are doing.
Their phone calls are being intercepted on a daily basis.
And these phone calls are being turned over to willing prosecutors because they, look, they can piece together any phone call, including ours right now, and charge us with some sort of a crime.
Well, going back specifically to BanksterGate with Geithner, I mean, he's always told Congress, as the head of the New York Fed, setting policy for the entire system, and then as Treasury Secretary, that he won't tell people where the money went, and that's been the policy of the former Treasury Secretary, the former Fed Chief, the current Fed Chief.
They're all on record.
I played clips a few hours ago of them saying, I won't tell you where the money is, to now have Geithner say,
Okay, you got emails from the New York Federal Reserve telling AIG to not say where billions of dollars of money was going to Goldman Sachs' bonuses and ordering them to lie and keep it off the forms.
Now he's saying he wasn't involved in that decision.
I mean, we clearly have him in congressional perjury now.
We clearly have the White House lying.
This is bipartisan.
They own both parties.
I mean, where does it go?
Well, I think, you know, what are we seeing from Congress as far as oversight?
We're seeing very, very little.
I think many members, we have a lot of members now deciding not to run for re-election.
My sources are telling me people like Byron Dorgan, who basically complained about the shipment of U.S.
jobs overseas.
He wrote a book called Take This Job and Ship It.
And he said in 99, don't get rid of Glass-Steagall.
Right, and now he's set up.
He's been pressured by the Rahm Emanuels, and I think he's just thrown his hands up and saying, look folks, this is too much.
Chris Dodd, of course, is in over his head with a lot of this, and he knows it.
And he knows that he won't be
And remember last year how the White House said they knew nothing about bonuses when they pressured to have Dodd write the bill where they could retroactively still get bonuses and were exempt from the new regulations on CEO and executive bonuses and then Dodd released the email where the White House told him to do it?
Absolutely, and I think that's another reason that Dodd is leaving the Senate as well.
He got used by these people, and he knows that his career is basically over with.
Now we see the hullabaloo about Harry Reid, saying that, you know, Obama is some sort of a really, you know, he's the kind of guy that can be all things to all people.
I think he's basically saying the same thing Blagojevich is saying, the same thing
I mean, clearly Obama's out in three years, but then the Republicans are just as deep into all of this.
And so what do we do?
The public's starting to figure
Out that this is a bipartisan heist going on and I guess they're just going to rely on surveillance, riot police and Northcom.
Well, again, I think what we're going to see in 2012 is one of those rare opportunities where a true independent candidate for president, he or she has to have an immense campaign, staff of volunteers, and it could happen.
It happened almost in 1992 with Perot.
If it was going to be Ron Paul, he'd have to declare now and start building the grassroots base, but some people say that he's too old.
I mean, who else is there out there?
Well, I think certainly Jesse Ventura is getting a lot of exposure now.
I've talked to him privately.
He is not going to run.
Well, you know, we always heard that from other candidates, too.
And, you know, I remember Perot used to say the same thing on Larry King's show.
And he said, but Larry, if the people, you know, want me to run and call this 800 number, and he got enough money, of course, he decided to get in.
You know, politicians, of course, like to say that.
They don't want to show their cards.
It's really like a game of poker.
But sooner than later, people
Well, we'll see what happens on that front.
What do you think about Congressman Issa?
He obviously doesn't have any skeletons in his closet going after the Fed, or they would have already trotted them out.
Grayson's got a lot of courage.
Paul's got a lot of courage.
The Independent from Connecticut has got a lot of courage.
We see some others with courage.
I mean, this is the elephant in the room, though.
How long can this go on?
I mean, I have reports here where Goldman Sachs is arming themselves with weapons against the public and buying homes offshore.
They clearly know what they've done.
I mean, what's the inside scoop in D.C.
you're getting on how far this is going to go?
Well, I think you meant to say the independent Bernie Sanders from Vermont.
The independent from Connecticut, of course, is the horrible and despicable Joe Lieberman.
Vermont, excuse me?
Yeah, I meant Connecticut.
I meant Bernie Sanders.
I know you did.
You know, people like Lieberman, let's face it, I mean, these are the types of people that are irritating the constituents out there.
But I think where this is going, this is an election year.
We're seeing a lot of incumbents.
We're good to go.
But that's my next issue, is Democrats at the state and federal level are flip-flopping to Republicans.
They're leaving en masse.
They know this health care tax, this scam, this bailout to insurance companies is unpopular with Democrats and Republicans, but they're so bought and paid for, they're so blackmailed, they're still going ahead with it.
Yeah, and you know, there's a lot of, you don't see a lot of the party switching that you used to.
I think people are just basically, the elected people in office are saying to heck with both these parties.
It does no good to go from Democrat to Republican or Republican to Democrat because both parties are absolutely corrupt right now.
You know, is a third party viable?
Well, we've been through all the third parties.
My criticism of third parties is they're a lot like a parlor game.
People like to get together, the Greens, the Libertarians, they talk about what it would be like to get into office, but you know, the actual
Stamina isn't there and the money isn't there.
That's why I think criminal indictments are the way to go.
We need to have state grand juries, special prosecutors at the federal level.
We need to see Geithner and the rest of these guys arrested.
End it that way.
Yeah, that's why we've gotten to this point, because the systemic corruption, like a cesspool, has gotten so thick and so deep that we're collapsing like Mexico.
Stay there.
I want to get into a bunch of other news and issues with Wayne Madsen, our guest, and phone calls later.
There's a lot of hot issues, important issues Wayne's going to be covering on the other side of this break.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
Tremendous influence on our president and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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My answer would be all I can get.
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Again, that number, 1-800-409-5633.
Okay, we're going to cover Blackwater, Obama's records with the CIA, clearly black ops.
We're going to get into blackmail, stellar wind.
It's come out that under the Patriot Act they've been spying on Congress people.
Same thing in the Parliament in England.
When people in the Parliament have exposed it, they've been raided by the bureaucracy.
So you have the bureaucracy taking over the governments.
And the latest false flag info from the CIA bombing.
In Afghanistan, with a triple agent, they said, and a lot more with Wayne Madsen.
And your calls the last 15 minutes or so, for those that are holding, I'm really, again, honored to always have Wayne Madsen and waynemadsenreport.com on with us.
Our websites, of course, are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Okay, Wayne, of those four things I mentioned, false flag, blackmail, Obama's records, Blackwater, which one do you want to take first?
Well, let's talk about the blackmail and the fact that the National Security Agency program, which was once codenamed Stellar Wind, that was a very highly kept code word during the Bush administration.
We knew about it because of some leaks that came out of the Justice Department, fortunately from people that knew it was illegal, but since the compromise of Stellar Wind,
The code name's changed.
I would love to get the new one, but, you know, people at the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies are basically running scared because they've got their own internal Gestapo security people trying to find out, of course, who's leaking anything to the media, no matter how illegal it is.
And I would point out that their first responsibility and loyalty is to the Constitution and not to any non-disclosure forms they fill out.
Many of them know that, but they know they could face jail time and loss of their jobs.
So it's a big risk that it would take.
However, Stellar Wind is still in practice.
I understand Rahm Emanuel is now using it as much as Karl Rove used it during the Bush administration.
And we've seen that in the news.
I mean, hints of it, that Congress people are sick of him calling up and threatening them.
What would he threaten them with?
Well, you know, if you've got access to people's private conversations and emails, you would know a lot about their financial situation.
Whether, you know, their plans for running for other office, for running for re-election.
Things that, you know, you keep in confidence until you make a decision to go public.
Well, if Emanuel has all that information, that can be extremely useful in him pressuring members of Congress, pressuring elected governors, elected mayors around the country to get on his bandwagon or else.
And I understand that has occurred and that largely led to people like Senator Dorgan and Governor of Colorado.
And Senator Dodd is deciding to bail out.
We may see other people bailing out before this is all said and done because they're just sick and tired of this lunatic Emanuel who likes to bang steak knives onto tables and yell, you're dead, you're dead, you're dead.
And he openly, at congressional meetings, when Obama says something, he cracks knuckles and tells him, you know, you work for me.
I mean, he's out of control.
Yeah, he's out of control now.
Sally Quinn floated this, who's married to Ben Bradley, the former editor of the Washington Post.
She's floated this idea that Emanuel may leave this job as chief of staff and run for mayor of Chicago.
Now, I hear that may just be a straw man, a red herring, but the cover-up for the fact that he may be leaving because some people want him gone.
Yeah, all is not well when the chairman of the Democratic Party says this health care bill is a scam.
Right, and I understand there's now bad blood between Emanuel and Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago now.
In that kind of contest, I'll bet on Daley to win out.
Emanuel may be in a lot of trouble and he may be just, since he's obviously insane, he may just be reaching out.
He does act mentally unstable.
Just when I'm watching him, like in the background on a news feed, he does act like an insane person.
Yeah, and you know, it's like a trapped wild animal.
They're going to lash out, so be far away from what he does.
So this idea that he may be threatening Daley with running for mayor of Chicago, I think is bravado on his part.
I think he's looking at the end of his political career.
And you know, he had designs to eventually become Speaker of the House representative.
So, clearly,
They are threatening and intimidating and using NSA intercepts to get the healthcare legislation through.
And everything else.
Everything else that's on there.
It doesn't matter, and I would say this even plays into the Middle East policy.
Now, of course, Mitchell has threatened Israel with cut off of their loan guarantees, and I would bet that Mitchell's phone call transcripts are now sitting in his manual.
Alright, let's look into Obama's CIA background, blocking his BIA information, and then we'll get into false flag and Blackwater.
Big developments there with Wayne Madsen.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I don't know.
We're good.
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We're going to cover three big issues that Wayne's been burrowing into.
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Okay, Wayne, let's get into Obama and his records.
Now, almost a year into his administration.
We're two years into people trying to get him.
No presidents, college records, business records, the first jobs he had.
This is treated as a matter of national security, and we know he's connected into BIA, which was a known CIA front.
Let's talk about Barack Obama.
Well, we have to go back in time to 1981 when Barack Obama was known as Barry Satoro.
His mother, Ann Dunham, had remarried an Indonesian man and they had moved to Jakarta.
Now, Obama in those days was traveling on a Pakistani passport under the name of Barry Satoro.
He went to Pakistan in 1981 and was hosted by the family
Of course.
We're good to go.
Who had invaded Afghanistan.
So, this was a hotbed of CIA activity.
Obama, or Sotoro, apparently went partridge hunting with the Sumros.
This is what the claim is anyway.
I understand he also traveled into India, across the Pakistan-India border.
What he did in India, is anyone's guess?
So we have basically someone who is traveling to Pakistan, whose stepfather Lolo Satoro was an Indonesian military officer who helped Soeharto take power in a military coup, and General Soeharto was basically run by the CIA.
Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was with the Ford Foundation and USAID.
USAID is a known cipher for Central Intelligence.
She was in Lahore, Pakistan at the same time her son was.
We do know that Obama, after graduating from Columbia, went to work for Business International Corporation, which was a documented CIA front activity, and he was involved in publishing two newsletters.
Excuse me.
Financing Foreign Operations and Business International Money Report.
Well, as I said,
We have a president with these obvious holes in his background, and we have a president who is refusing to disclose his transcripts from both Occidental in Los Angeles, where he was an undergraduate, and from Columbia, where he finished up his undergraduate work before he went to law school at Harvard University.
Why won't he release those records?
We know this.
He's a fully compromised individual and in a world of black ops, in a world of shadow government, they wouldn't let him into any sort of power if he wasn't fully compromised.
Well, I believe this is the idea.
This is what people are fearful of.
We had a problem with George W. Bush because, remember, he said anything in his early youth was off the table.
Then later we found out he was busted for cocaine possession.
He was basically a drunk.
I had problems with DWIs.
But you know, this information we have some records of, just from arrest records, if anything else.
But with Obama, we have basically this concerted effort to keep these, what should be records in the public domain, secret.
At any time the system
Wants to torpedo Obama.
If he ever gets out of line, they've got this mausoleum full of skeletons to bring him to his knees.
Shifting gears to false flag terror with the underwear bomber.
New developments there with your intel sources and expanding on that as well.
The false flag event you were telling me during the break and I've also seen this in the news.
The residue of the bombing of the CIA command base.
Well, we know, and now it's being reported in the Indian press, that a forward-based Chapman, which was where the bomb went off, the residue shows that it was from Pakistani ISI known previous bombing.
So, nothing happens with the ISI without the CIA knowing about it.
So why would that be done?
Kind of like a Pentagon attack or a Fort Hood event to get the military all riled up and in support of retaliatory and expanding events, military sorties into Pakistan?
Well we know, even prior to the bombing in Kazakhstan, one of the generals over there was saying that the whole U.S.
intelligence operations in Afghanistan
We're totally messed up.
There was a big morale problem.
So what better than to have an attack against a CIA base to basically, you know, bang the drums for reprisal attacks.
You know, we now know that this guy was a triple agent.
He was well known as a jihadi website blogger, we're told, but he was basically press ganged into service with the Jordanian intelligence service by a distant relative of the Jordanian royal family.
Let me ask you this.
Go ahead.
Oh, go ahead.
No, I mean, add to that point, and then I have another question.
Well, so we have this officer, Jordanian officer, Sharif, who brings this guy, Balawi, into the CIA employment in Afghanistan.
And where was the vetting?
Now we find out that some of the residue, explosive material, at Camp Chapman was from ISI sources.
Was this the CIA sacrificing some of its own agents?
to push a political agenda which would make it yet another one of these false flag attacks.
Well, we know the M.O.
of these people always shows this.
Going back to Blackwater, going back to the White House trying to persecute reporters and their sources, what you said literally five years ago, what Tarpley said, what many others said five, six years ago, has now been confirmed that Blackwater was running hit teams.
They say they were themselves.
Just a few years ago, they threatened to sue you if you said that.
Now, they're just out in the open admitting they're running hit teams all over the world.
All this corruption coming out of Blackwater.
Blackwater's set to get a billion dollar contract.
Obama is fully embracing them.
I want your comment on that and then secondarily, I ended up getting contacted
We're good.
Well, I definitely think that Blackwater was basically used as a CIA proprietary.
Eric Prince, of course, already had a lot of money.
He inherited from his father, Edgar Prince, a big automotive
A tycoon.
So there was money already there, and Prince comes along, sets up this operation.
The CIA uses it.
Prince hires a lot of former CIA officials into Blackwater.
Then he's doing these puff piece interviews for Vanity Fair.
He's really looking for sympathy.
I think what he's doing is greymailing.
He's greymailing the CIA, saying,
If you continue to allow me to be prosecuted or threats of prosecution, my employees to be prosecuted, lawsuits, I'm in a position to expose a lot more than I was just trying to kill some guy in Hamburg and AQ Khan in Pakistan and running other hit squads.
And then he ups the ante and says give me a billion dollar contract.
Exactly, and this is what he's doing.
This is called greymailing.
Oliver North did it during his trial.
That's why they threw all the charges out against North, because he was in a position to bring down the Reagan administration.
It's really the same thing here.
It's the same tactic being used, and Prince is using it, I would say, with a lot of advice from people at the CIA urging him on.
You know, we want you to be out there to make these spray mail threats so our other covert operations can be safe and secure.
And he's not worried about having a kayak accident.
I don't think so.
I mean, I think Prince is basically doing this with a wink and a nod from people in the CIA, because he knows that the members of Congress, the Intelligence Oversight Committees, are going to get the message loud and clear about greymailing, and so is the Obama administration.
Hence, we see that they're prepared to give him this big contract to train the Afghans.
And notice now, it doesn't matter how many of his employees get indicted, how bad it gets, they say, Blackwater's suddenly wonderful again.
That's right, and what we know about their activities, I see Judge T.S.
Ellis here in the Eastern District of Virginia, what's known as the CIA Rocket Docket in Alexandria, threw out the lawsuits against Blackwater, but there was a John Doe II and a John Doe I, former Blackwater employees, that said this company was involved in everything from child prostitution to tax evasion.
The money laundering, the drug smuggling, the weapon smuggling, you name it, this company was involved with it.
And of course, Prince knows that, and that's why he's basically graymailing.
I call it blackmail, I think, instead of letting him off the hook by calling it graymailing, but blackmail's illegal, so he's graymailing the government and saying, look, I can release even more if you Justice Department lawyers want to play games with me.
And clearly the Army is in a turf war.
They don't like Blackwater.
No, and most uniformed people don't.
Not only because of the wage disparity between the low wages paid to our military uniformed personnel as opposed to the money that the Blackwaters of the world make, but also the fact is
When these mercenaries in their civilian garb commit an atrocity, the retaliation, people are going to look for the guys wearing the American patch on their uniform, and they're the ones who are going to get retaliated against, and the uniformed personnel are sick and tired of
Being the targets for atrocities committed by these mercenaries like Blackwater and the others out there.
I've been told this by people, actually long before Iraq and Afghanistan, when some of these mercenaries were starting to show up in Africa, uniformed officers were telling me that they despised the presence of these people on the
Well look at what Sybil Edmonds says she got.
She was listening to the FBI intercepts at the FBI, and it was the CIA involved in child kidnapping, involved in narcotics trafficking, and I mean these people are just pure evil.
Let's take a call or two here.
Let's talk to Mark in Georgia.
You're on the air with Wayne Madsen.
Go ahead, Mark.
Hi, God bless you.
You're ever in our prayers.
I guess I've used that one a few times.
Um, this may be a bit off topic, um, Pharaten is the Greek word that's translated as beast in Revelation 13.
I believe we're looking at the writer with the scales, which, when people are hungry and homeless and desperate, they may do things that they would not otherwise do.
Um, I think we need to recognize that this
That system is not merely corporeal, and I understand you're getting upset about things that people have said before that sounds defeatist, but I think we want to clarify.
Every pocket of resistance that does not bow to the beast is a victory.
Mark, I appreciate your call, and I'm going for questions here for Wayne Madsen.
Paul in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Go ahead.
Yes, my issue for question for him is about the brain scanners.
And I'm one of the groups that are going to target with it, actually.
You might say this is immoral, but I certainly don't think it should be criminal.
I'm a racist.
And I have severe concerns about that when I walk down the street one day and look at a black person hostilely, I'm going to get arrested.
Alright, let me stop and get a comment from Wayne.
This is all quackery.
What they do is they say these defense companies make money off the body scanners, now they say brain scanners.
It's like lie detectors.
It's just a new quack machine to say you're guilty.
Wayne Madsen.
I just wonder how much money Michael Chertoff, who's got a financial stake in the body scanners, has in these brain scanning machines.
I understand Homeland Security is considering them.
It should be stated that Chertoff still is a paid consultant to Janet Napolitano, the Homeland Security Secretary.
Just like John Negroponte is still consulting over at the State Department.
These are outrages, more outrages from Obama.
Yep, we'll be back.
More calls.
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Alright, I should have gone to calls earlier.
I just greedily want to sit here and ask Wayne Madsen question after question and issue after issue, but we're going to continue throughout the week with more extremely powerful and informative guests.
I'm just going to leave it at that for you this week.
We've got some giant, groundbreaking guests lined up here on the show.
Michael in Illinois, you're on the air with Wayne Madsen at WayneMadsenReport.com.
Go ahead, Michael.
Hey guys, cool.
God bless, first of all.
I want to ask about the whole Fed audit situation and what makes you guys think that if there is an audit, we've seen the length these guys will go to cover their tracks.
Okay, nothing's perfect, but we're identifying the bankers as the oligarchy, and Congress has the purview to run our banking system and our currency and credit, and so we want it back to Congress, because at least it's public and accountable.
Wayne Madsen.
Well, certainly.
Anytime you have an audit of anything, you're going to be able to get documentation.
It's the same thing why I favor civilian trials of these so-called terrorists, because through discovery and cross-examination, we're going to get a lot more information about
We're going to get a lot more information and documentation about who the real criminals are in this bank fraud.
Well, Wayne, I mean, the spin out there has been, don't audit the Fed.
They'll win if you do.
The Fed is fighting with everything they've got to not be audited.
And, I mean, Michael, what are you getting at?
We just let them continue on?
We don't audit them?
We don't try to abolish them?
I think we should go after them criminally, like you said.
I agree, but an audit will get them criminally.
You have to get the documentation.
You know, before the IRS decides to invite somebody for tax fraud, they audit them.
So it's the same thing here with the Federal Reserve.
You can't just say they committed a criminal act without, you've got to have evidence.
And you only can get that kind of evidence because we're dealing in very complicated financial systems.
You're only going to get that evidence through an audit.
Michael, I understand your point.
You want something more.
But Ron Paul has said, you audit the Fed, you abolish them.
We know all the fraud they've engaged in.
Once we have it all... Look at Geithner in these emails.
He's about to go under.
Believe me, we want it all, don't we, Wayne?
Absolutely, absolutely.
But you've got to start somewhere, and an audit sounds perfectly reasonable.
And notice for two years the Fed fighting an audit and now starting to lose, that makes them look really guilty, doesn't it, Wayne?
The fact that they're like, no, no, no, no, don't look, don't look!
Well, if they act like they've got something to hide, they probably do.
Michael, anything else?
You said Obama is compromised, and obviously he is.
What are the, what is the likelihood that he's been set up to take a fall no matter what if there's too much heat that comes, uh, comes down?
I agree, they always flush presidents down the toilet.
That's why we point out when he was powerful and a rock star, he was a betrayer, and my films that Wayne is in, Fall of the Republic, we say now look out, it's the next guy you gotta worry about.
And we saw that with Jimmy Carter, how they basically used him and, you know, here was a guy who once he served their purposes, they got rid of him and replaced him with Ronald Reagan.
Yeah, nobody said this was easy, Michael.
It's generally educating the public about how things really work.
As Thomas Jefferson said, educate the public, liberty will flow from that.
And educate them about the ways of elites and how they operate and we can stop them.
Sorry to Terry, Ralph, Kip and others.
I appreciate your call.
Call me back tomorrow.
Retransmission is going to be amazing in the first hour as I break down Bankergate.
That starts in just a few minutes on the audio streams at InfoWars.com on the AM and FM dial.
Wayne Madsen, thank you so much for spending time with us.
Good to be with you.
Take care, my friend.
Great job, crew!
We'll be right back on the other side in one minute.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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