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Filename: 20100105_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 5, 2010
3101 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I am beside myself with grief, with anger, with disgust,
The state of the United States and the rest of the planet being swallowed, being dragged inch by inch, foot by foot, mile by mile into the maw, into the gaping mouth of the technological enslavement grid.
We knew it was coming.
We knew nationwide every major airport would get full body scanners and that incrementally everyone would be forced to go through them.
I've pointed out many times that it is legally child pornography.
The London Guardian has that on their front page today.
And the government says, well, for national security, we waive it.
We're going to scan and record your two-year-old, your five-year-old, your wife, yourself, your genitalia.
Chertoff is making money off of it, along with many others in the last several administrations.
It's a revolving door.
Billions and billions of dollars a year.
Worldwide, the body scanners are going in, and they're not going to stop there.
And this is an act of humiliation, public humiliation, where you go up, you get scanned, it gets recorded.
I'm seeing mainstream news photos of the body scanners in use in the U.S.
with images of men standing there looking at the screen while women are scanned.
Looking at their breasts, looking at their... This is part of humiliation.
If they can make us do this, they can make us do anything.
Bill Clinton signed an executive order.
Didn't mean they implemented it.
But they signed the executive order to set up urine and blood sampling centers at all DMVs in the U.S.
under the REAL ID Act.
You thought the REAL ID Act came after 9-11.
My film 1997, America Destroyed by Design, shows the executive order, the documents.
I go in and protest it and get arrested in the DMV.
Now, in multiple states, many states of the U.S., including Texas, under federal grants, they've passed state laws to get the federal money, warrantless blood-taking at checkpoints.
They announce on the news, no more warrants!
They're not going to stop in the airports.
Mobile vans are being purchased by cities like New York and Boston.
Mobile vans have been in use for at least five years in England.
You want to know where all the blue-collar people are that can't get jobs in steel mills?
Or in factories?
Or in power plants?
Or in shopping malls?
They are going to be the guard, the guild, that scans, tracks, and traces the other blue-collar workers and middle-class workers.
We are the milk cows.
By the way, it is not a privilege to travel.
You've been taught that.
Now you're being taught it's a privilege to not be spied on.
Now you're being taught it's a privilege to own a gun.
And the foolish police and enforcers actually believe the lies they're taught.
None of it is a privilege.
It is a right.
But they use contract law and slick color of law to sell it.
It is a privilege to fly on American Airlines or United Airlines or to fly on Continental or on Northwest.
Because they are private companies and that's how this fraud is being carried out.
You don't have to body scan for general aviation when you go fly your Cessna or your company charters a private jet.
Though the feds are now moving to make you body scan to get on board those aircraft by threatening and forcing the companies to go along with this and that is illegal and unconstitutional.
So we'll go over that fraud as well and my plan
Was in the embryonic phases the last few months, but it's taking shape in my mind.
I'd like to hear your ideas on it.
Before we launch this operation.
To boycott.
And to sue.
And to resist these criminals.
You know what's next, don't you?
Everyone will be fitted with tracking bracelets to fly, then tracking bracelets to go to work.
That's mainstream news, they're now proposing it.
Tracking bracelets to have a business.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are going into absolute bondage right now.
And I am fired up about exposing it.
This will be a key transmission.
Stay with us.
Max Keiser coming up, as well as Mike Rivero.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
The London Independent reported, our planned airport scanner's just a scam.
New technology that Gordon Brown relies on for his response to the Christmas Day bomb attack has been tested and found wanting.
The explosives device smuggled in the clothing of the Detroit bomb suspect would not have been detected by body scanners set to be introduced in British airports, an expert on the technology warned last night.
By the way, I want to get that expert on the show from this article.
The London Guardian is reporting what I've been telling you for years.
This is child pornography.
It is the most gross violation of your privacy rights seen yet.
Though next, they will push taser bracelets for all and implantable microchips.
This is the official Pentagon plan, declassified in January of 2000, documented in my book, Descent into Tyranny.
And in road to tyranny, the Mexican Attorney General and many other Attorney Generals in Latin America have made their employees take the chips in the last four years.
This is really going on.
This has nothing to do with security for the general public.
It has to do with security for the ruling class knowing that they plan to shut off resources and bankrupt the planet to bring in an authoritarian scientific
This is a system to track and control everything you do, so you can be bankrupted in an orderly fashion, brought under the control of government dependency, so one-child policies can be employed, so forced abortions can be employed, now being called for officially by the United Nations and pundits all over radio, TV, and print in the Western world.
This is a hellish situation that we face.
The time for denial is over.
And I look at middle class, working class Americans, when I'm in the grocery store, when I'm out front in my neighborhood, when my children are riding around on their bicycles and scooters, I look at the yuppies pull up, get out of their middle class cars, go into their middle class houses, and they're thinking about their golf
Score, they're thinking about the negligee they bought for their wife.
Their wife is thinking about their bikini line.
We are a decadent, dumbed-down population that has no idea how much trouble we're in.
And Americans and people of the West don't think of it as their role to be fighters for liberty, to be politically involved.
Americans don't see it as their role to be involved.
That's for experts and politicians and rights organizations and think tanks.
That's not for them to do.
And because you've had that attitude, you have been completely robbed.
Financial numbers are coming in.
They only confirm what we already knew.
We have been in recession for four years.
A recession for three quarters.
With over a 20% unemployment rate is depressionary.
We are in a depression.
But the big banks, the Fortune 100, are making record profits as they consolidate the economy with their slash-and-burn operation.
And so they tell you the economy is great!
growth prospects deemed bleak in new decade.
Reuters reports.
Wall Street Journal reports personal bankruptcy filings rising fast.
Economic Policy Journal reports Robert Rubin says all hell could break loose because of huge government debt.
Remember, he is the main, if anyone can be singled out, Robert Rubin is one of the main ringleaders or kingpins.
You can't say the ultimate, but of the top three engineers of this, it is Larry Summers, Robert Rubin, and Alan Greenspan.
They are the captains
Of the New World Order's economic operation.
Doesn't mean they're the owners, but they are the captains running the engagement.
On the high seas of piracy.
You can liken it to a ground engagement.
They are the field marshals.
They are the generals.
They are the chiefs of staff.
And you've always got to love how
These criminals with their allied minions like George Soros always testify before Congress and tell us about all the problems they engineered by design.
Americans' job satisfaction falls to record low.
Conservatively, there's really 22 percent.
All the major private firms come up with 20 to 23 percent.
Unemployment, the government says 10.2.
Complete fantasy.
American job satisfaction falls to record low.
Only 45% of Americans are satisfied with their job because the money won't make ends meet.
Also, the government is hiding the health care bills behind closed doors.
They've changed it yet again and aren't letting people know what changes are being made.
In conference committee, U.S.
News & World Report reports, Democratic leaders plan secret health care reform deliberations.
Isn't that freedom?
No, it's not.
So that's some of the economic news we'll be going over today.
Inflation is so bad that the federal government is talking about, within the decade, phasing out coin money entirely, because the fractions of quarters and below won't even be able to buy anything.
They've introduced the different color denominations of money, preparing you to completely phase out cash.
Oh, there'll still be cash coupons you can print out, but they'll be digitally tracked with your name assigned to them.
Ladies and gentlemen, all I do is study the enemy's operations.
And I am blown over.
I am stunned.
I am completely dumbfounded by the magnitude, the organizational system, how it's worldwide being deployed simultaneously.
And I'll just go back to what I've been talking about for 14 years to illustrate this for you.
For 37 years, anyone born in the Western world, from Australia to the United States, had their blood taken and put in a secret UN human genome bioweapons program, genetic engineering program.
Now declassified in the last three years, now mainstream news.
I mean, that is hardcore!
They are poisoning our water.
They are adding sterilants, they are adding lithium, they are adding sodium fluoride, and that's the catch-all name for on average over 150 chemicals that are deadly added to water supplies.
And the public was preconditioned as corruption came out in the last 50 years and as government corruption came to the surface.
The media chanted the mantra, only kooks talk about government corruption.
You're not supposed to talk about politics and religion in polite circles.
You're not supposed to be politically involved as Americans.
That's un-American, when actually it's the opposite of being un-American.
It's totally American to be involved in our tradition.
Until the people bought into lies incrementally over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Until the most science fiction-esque, most diabolical things we can even imagine are all in full swing and full implementation.
They're not going to stop with the body scanners.
Just in the airports.
They've already announced it's going to go nationwide.
They're not just going to stop with the TSA, as I told you seven years ago, in the airports.
They're going on to the streets of America, and they have now for five years.
They're not going to stop anywhere.
The feds are training police from Austin, Texas to New York City to randomly, at public events, open-air festivals, shut down large areas of the city, and search people randomly.
What, is it now a privilege to be able to walk in downtown Manhattan?
Is it now a privilege to be able to walk in downtown Dallas?
Or in Los Angeles?
Or in Detroit?
Being wanted by police randomly out there under federal funding and federal training searching people.
See, first they tell you it's a privilege to drive, then a privilege to fly, then a privilege to own a gun.
It is not a privilege to do any of those things!
And now you're being told it's a wonderful security feature
To be walked through and body scanned 360 as that machine spins around you radiating you with high-powered millimeter waves that major university reports and independent scientific journals have all reported fries your body with something the equivalent to a chest x-ray.
Here are the headlines at PrisonPlanet.com.
This is a maximum level alert.
These articles must be sent to the four WANs.
They must be printed off and hand delivered.
I want you to go to FedEx Kinko's and I want you to print up 10,000 copies if you can afford it.
Or 100 if it's all you can afford.
And I want you to give it to everyone.
There's an article that has the body scans released by the government of a beautiful woman being body scanned, her full naked body, up on PrisonPlanet.com.
You need to see this because this is what the perverts at the TSA are going to be seeing and recording and what's being put in databases.
I remember five years ago, articles in Tennessee, California, and Missouri, where the schools record the naked little girls in the showers after basketball games and were caught selling it.
Now this is only one facet of it, where they take people that would get eight bucks an hour at McDonald's, they pay them fifteen bucks an hour, give them a badge, and stick them in the TSA to do this.
And it's this fact that they're recording your naked body and getting a 360 biometric scan so that their passive body scanners going up all over the world can scan and track your identity from a distance, similar to a face scan.
The article is, airports set to become primary peddlers of child porn.
Invasion of the body scanners.
Fat, greasy perverts sat alone in back rooms.
Get ready to enjoy your naked children.
And there's another key article.
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Hello, folks.
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Let's do it!
Airport set to become primary peddlers of child porn.
Invasion of the body scanners.
Fat, greasy perverts.
Sat alone in back rooms.
Get ready to enjoy your naked children.
Watson should change that headline to Fat Greasy Pervert Sitting Alone in Back Rooms, Get Ready to Enjoy Your Naked Children.
Make sure Watson changes that.
Sitting Alone in Back Rooms, Get Ready to Enjoy Your Naked Children.
This article, we're going to add some other photos of the TSA actually scanning women.
We have the photo up there of the body scan, the completely naked woman.
Being recorded.
And notice, every photo of a body scan they put out, they show somebody with a gun and a knife to legitimize the idea that every time a body scan is done, there's a weapon.
That's the subconscious message that's put out.
And I remember in 2001, reading the minutes of a huge conference, a convention that was held in Chicago by the Biometrics slash RFID consortiums, where one of the leaders of the event,
In the banquet hall in front of thousands said, our studies show that upwards of 80% of people hate these technologies, but it doesn't matter.
Our studies also show that if we just force it, they will scream and yell, but that they will submit.
I'm paraphrasing it, but he did say submit.
And that's
And it came out this year, actually last year now, 2009, that Governor Ridge admitted they were issuing fake terror alerts for political gain and to sell security systems that the military industrial complex is peddling.
It isn't enough for the Military-Industrial Complex to get a trillion three hundred billion conservatively, and that's on budget.
They get another six hundred billion conservatively in black budget, so you're getting up close to two trillion a year.
Two trillion a year, more than all the state budgets combined and more.
It isn't enough for them.
Now the Military-Industrial Complex contractors are running the face scanning cameras, the license plate reading cameras.
The toll road systems, the red light cameras, the body scanners, the body scanning vans, the training of your local police.
They're totally taking over our economy and feeding all of our tax money in to a system they profit from and that they're using to set up an electronic humiliation straitjacket on all of us!
It's high treason!
And I'm trying not to get angry, you know, I'm trying to be calm, but during the breaks I was literally yelling and screaming!
Because there's no way for us to write the articles for InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com describing every facet of this evil and how bad it really is!
I'm so angry, folks.
I can't normally jog for more than 30 minutes on my treadmill, and then I've got to walk the rest of the way.
I basically ran for the entire hour this morning.
Lost two pounds when I got on the scales.
That's how angry I am!
I'm a big, fat, out-of-shape person, and I'm so angry I can run for an hour now!
I mean, I am angry, ladies and gentlemen!
And you should be angry!
My family's going into bondage!
I'll never be able to take my children on a trip to the Caribbean!
They're saying they're even going to put them on the cruise ship terminals now, where I can't even do that!
My children have never been on board an aircraft, and they're 7, 5, and 2 years old, because I won't put them through the police state stuff that was already there!
Now they'll never be able to fly.
And now my mobility's being controlled.
I can't afford to hire a private charter jet.
And now they're moving to bring that into general aviation for those that can.
Total control!
You will never body scan my children!
Oh yeah?
They're setting up police vans all over the country and all over the western world where they're just randomly grabbing people and running through them.
Just like they got everybody's baby's blood at birth.
They didn't get my children's blood.
They said, Mr. Jones, sign this form for us to do a blood test.
And I said, you know, to the nurse, I said, you know, the hospital could do that blood test.
She said, well, this could be a very dangerous blood disease.
We test all children.
It's a state mandate.
I go, not a law.
And I said, no, I'm not going to sign that form.
She said, well, this could be dangerous.
Oh, you're not.
And I said, you can do the blood test here, lady.
That goes to the health department.
That's kept in an illegal DNA database.
And the last time I had a child, they finally knew.
They didn't know seven years ago.
She said, I know, I know, but we're still told to.
You know, you know it has nothing to do with that stinking blood test.
You know they take our children's blood and put it in a bioweapons lab!
So they can create race-specific bioweapons!
I'm not a lab rat!
I'm not your slave!
I'm a free human being!
And the blood of patriots flows in my veins.
The blood of those on the Mayflower in the Revolutionary War and the Battle of San Jacinto.
And a lot of other Americans have patriot blood flowing through their veins and they're not putting up with it!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar-powered generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
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Number three.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We are here live.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
We have two key articles written by Paul Joseph Watson today alone that are absolutely vital
The London Guardian has a similar headline today.
And you can go there and see what the body scanners really reveal.
The national news continues to show blurred images.
Obviously they can't show pornography on the morning or nightly news.
But if you go to the multiple companies that have gotten multi-billion dollar a year contracts to put these in all 214 major airports at every security checkpoint and phase in everyone having to go through them.
Notice they start incrementally with a few airports and only a few they pull out.
Now they're going for everybody.
If you actually look at the real scans, ladies and gentlemen, you can find giant images of these all over the web from the companies.
You can focus in on a mole next to a woman's genitals.
You can zoom in on a mole on a man's butt.
This is crisp.
This is clear.
Another headline under it, just as important as all the details, Alex Jones calls for mass resistance to implementation of body scanners.
Get these articles, post them on your blog or website, print them off, take them to
Work, but you may get fired for showing pornography.
Might want to show it to your boss and say, can we speak out against this?
Can we as Americans stand up?
Don't you want to say something?
Oh, that's not our place here at work.
We're all supposed to just keep our heads down, train our replacements, our third world worker replacements from India and China, and just go into bankruptcy.
Foreign banks have seized the country.
They're looting us.
And now they're training us to submit to total tyranny.
And I'm going to break it all down here in just a moment.
But I want to play this clip.
John McLaughlin, freedom is most overrated political issue of 2009.
Everywhere I hear the pundits say, give up your freedom or terrorists will kill you.
And then you look at the historical evidence, the government is staging 9 out of 10 of the terrorist attacks and provocateur-ing the others.
You have a much better chance, hundreds and hundreds of times the chance, you can pull up the statistics, to die in a car wreck or to drown or to fall and hit your head than to be killed by a terrorist.
It's a joke!
It's the excuse for the corrupt empire to take over the world and domesticate us and enslave us here domestically.
And the general public better decide to get angry and start going and speaking before City Council.
And you better start calling the airports and the airlines and I want everybody, I'm going to talk in the fourth hour today exclusively on this and open the phones up, on how you think we should boycott these people.
So think about it in the next few hours and after Max Keiser leaves us and Mike Rivera leaves us, we're going to go live at PrisonPlanet.tv in T-minus 23 minutes in the second, third and fourth hour.
I want you to brainstorm and think about the best boycotts and the best way to stand up against these people and launch it now.
Don't wait, get on the telephone, pick at the airports.
They'll make you stand out front before the main entrance.
They'll try to harass you and say for security purposes you can't even have a placard.
Just like you can try to stand on the edge off of Walmart property and they still call the police on you if you protest their slave goods.
I've seen the videos.
This country is going into bondage.
You think they were just going to stop at the G20 last year in Pittsburgh telling people no one allowed on the streets of the city of over a million people?
Police dogs attacking women coming out of shops with bags of goods.
Going on the university where students were in the park at night, attacking them?
My reporter, Rob New, getting arrested?
That's what's going on in America!
We have been hijacked.
Here's McLaughlin saying the most overrated thing in 2009 is freedom.
Yeah, freedom's a bad thing!
Okay, the most overrated, Pat.
Global warming.
Charlie Crist, who turns out was mostly an absentee governor.
Tim Geithner, supposed boy genius, just had to be Treasury Secretary.
It's been a complete disappointment.
Ah, the leaders of most of our major financial institutions in this country.
Ah, the most overrated is freedom.
When faced with economic uncertainty, people don't want freedom.
When they can't see their economic future, they want the nanny state.
Okay, the most underrated.
No, the people don't want the nanny state, McLaughlin.
Gallup polls showed 99% in October of 2008, when they passed the banker takeover.
They already had control of the currency, but they got a blank check.
Even Barbara Boxer got up on the House floor and admitted she was getting 1,000-to-1 phone calls against the banker takeover.
A thousand to one.
I had other congressmen on this show to say they were getting 200, 300, 400, 500, a thousand.
One congressman said, no calls for it.
No, the people don't want your stinking nanny state.
And it's a nanny state that literally sucks the blood out of you.
We need to get upset and we need to stay upset.
And we need to turn the tide against these people.
We did it on gun grabbing.
They have to covertly now, with regulation, go after the 2nd Amendment because we've gone from polls in the 60s, right at 50-50 for gun control, to now almost every major poll I see over 70% of Americans want to reduce gun laws.
Over 90%.
I've seen Gallup polls of as high as 91%.
The average is in the mid-80s.
Want to control our borders and stop letting legal and illegal immigrants pour into our country.
We've won that fight intellectually.
When Roe v. Wade was passed in the early 1970s and 1973, the Supreme Court ruling, then state laws were passed to get in line with it, over 60% were for abortion.
Now, over 60% are against abortion.
I've seen national polls of higher than 80% against the body scanners, even when the feds staged the underwear bomber event.
To coincide with the open announcement of body scanners going in everywhere.
They ordered them years ago, they announced last year, almost a year ago they were going in, early 2009.
Then they have the event, and within minutes they announce body scanners are going in, don't worry.
It was all staged, right online with the open announcements in the weeks before the underwear bombing that they had to go into Yemen.
It's all scripted.
It's all completely and totally scripted, and I beg you, the listeners.
I beg you, the listeners.
To go to PrisonPlanet.com and to print this article and to give it to your friends, your family, your neighbors, to get up on a soapbox at the end of the street if you need to.
We have been conditioned incrementally to just passively accept whatever happens and it is getting completely and totally out of control and they're not going to stop with these systems.
It would be better to strip search people
So that the employees of TSA would have to see how dehumanizing this is and so people would consciously get the fact, they're starting to understand it, that they're being strip-searched and recorded.
They should make men, women, and children strip down naked in front of video cameras because that's what's really happening.
But because there is this electronic buffer psychologically, this electronic
Device, the body scanner, oh it's high-tech as if it makes it okay because a machine is doing it and a human is looking at it, looking at your naked body.
Look at this naked woman.
Look at the naked man up on prisonplanet.com and infowars.com.
Look at what the government's recording.
Look at it!
The establishment
...is ensuring that pedophiles and perverts are kept entertained at airport security checkpoints by band-aiding that mass rollout of naked body scanners that provide detailed images of your child's genitalia to be enjoyed by officials... ...sitting alone in back rooms.
Despite official assurances, the media talking points that claim that naked body scanners now being implemented in airports worldwide do not show enough detail to be considered a violation of privacy, the true measure of how much of an intrusion they really are is proven by the fact that they break child pornography laws in the United Kingdom that bar the production of internet images or indecent images of children.
Ministers in the UK will be forced to exempt under-18s from the virtual strip searches or pass new legislation that protects airport workers from being prosecuted as pedophiles.
They also face demands from civil liberties groups for safeguards.
See, the fake civil liberties groups aren't calling for them to be banned, aren't pointing out the top researchers say it wouldn't have found the firecracker bomb.
They just say, oh, we want safeguards.
See how they control the debate?
Where even those supposedly against it that the media go to say, well, we don't want them to be saved, or we want you to blur the face.
They also face demands from civil liberties groups for safeguards to ensure that images from the $150,000 apiece scanners, including those of celebrities, do not end up on the internet, and you know they will.
The government is the main seller and leaker of social security numbers, data, personal info.
They share it through Homeland Security agreements with all these private corporations.
That's a quote.
It's all about training the slaves to accept it.
See, gradual.
Europe, England, Australia, Canada, the US, they're all implementing them simultaneously.
They ordered them over a year ago.
They do not have the legal power to use full body scanners in this way, said Terry Doughty of Action Rights of Children, adding that there was an exemption in the 1978 law to cover the prevention and detection of crime, but the purpose had to be more specific than the trawling exercises now being considered.
Guilty until proven innocent!
As the Guardian report highlights, despite the fact that news organizations routinely blur out sensitive areas of the body when showing images produced by the scans, the actual resolution of the image allows airport workers to see genitals and breast enlargements.
Of course!
Look at the photos we have up!
It's crystal clear!
You can see the physical characteristics of the vagina and the penis!
And all you shrinking violets out there that don't like to hear those words, you need to go look at what they're recording of you!
I have been in airports watching people be scanned.
Thank God they didn't single me out.
Because I'm gonna say no!
Despite the promise that the images would immediately be deleted, a lie, Simon Davies of Privacy International warns the scans of celebrities or people with unusual or freakish body profiles would prove an irresistible pull for some employees who are constantly caught selling stuff already.
Ladies and gentlemen, see, they're just debating how they do this and don't violate people's rights.
Folks, it's about getting you to submit to it.
They want you to know.
It's in your face.
She noticed they admit that they're recording them, but oh, they said, well, we're looking at maybe deleting them.
Just like they wouldn't spy on you without warrants, and now they spy on everybody.
Indeed, the fact that your sons and daughters will potentially be subject to a virtual strip search where the shape and detail of their genitals will be visible to someone sitting alone in a back room begs the question of what kind of people would want to apply for such a job if such technology is rolled out on a widespread basis.
Working in airport security will undoubtedly become a pull for perverts and pedophiles who will be given free reign to lust over your naked child's body!
How far will Americans acquiesce in the name of safety?
If people will put up with this, they will put up with anything.
And the article goes on with a lot more there and then has a video at the bottom of my analysis on this yesterday.
If they can get away with this, they can get away with anything.
They're taking us a million miles.
And even if we push them back 500,000, they've won.
This must fail.
Terrorism is a hoax, just like man-made global warming is a hoax.
To take your rights, the Club of Rome and the CFR have both written that they know it's all a fraud and a pretext to, quote, make humanity the enemy that the state will wage war against.
Of course, I told you two years ago that Chertoff owns a bunch of stock and consults for the two major body scanning companies.
So does Ridge.
So do all of the major heads in England.
They all get massive paychecks off of this and then they get up on TV and say, we've got to have everyone go through these.
The Boston Globe.
Chertoff linked to body scanner manufacturer.
Of course, the Washington Post didn't tell anybody that when they report, oh, Chertoff calling for body scanners.
And there's a photo we're adding to Paul Watson's article at PrisonPlanet.com.
It'll be added to the InfoWars posting of it as well.
Of the TSA worker with a beautiful young woman in the body scanner getting a 360 scan of her body while he looks at the video screen at her naked body.
We have the image of the naked scan, and we have a young woman in the scanner there.
These photographs tell you a million words, not a thousand words.
And again, I will explain to you, they are saving these.
This is a biometric scan.
...of the dimensions of the body, just like a thumbprint or the face or a handprint, and they are creating biometric algorithms so that they can passively scan your body from a distance with a frontal or back or side view and know your identity.
And these systems have been going in.
I remember seven years ago reading in CBS News about passive MRI brain scanners.
In fact, guys, Google CBS News.
Brain scanners go in airports.
And you will get the articles.
Folks, they're not going to stop there.
They're training you to go under medical exams.
They're training you to be frisked.
They're training you to be searched.
Notice it's, oh, everybody's going to be questioned after 9-11.
And then, take your shoes off.
Then take your belt off.
Now untuck your shirt.
Now answer questions.
Take out all your electronics.
Every time I fly, they hold up the video cameras out of my bags and say, what are these?
What do you think they are?
It's about training you to be asked questions.
And now police all over the U.S.
randomly stop people and ask them questions and put it in their databases.
Everything's being federalized.
Again, key articles right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Airports set to become primary peddlers of child porn, invasion of the body, scanners, fat, greasy perverts sitting alone in back rooms.
Get ready to enjoy your naked children.
Get it out to everybody and get the article under it.
My call to action out to everyone.
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I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Our economy is in great distress.
The financial dominoes can fall at any time.
It's time to stop hoping it doesn't happen and prepare just in case it does.
You have auto and home insurance.
Why wouldn't you have food insurance?
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SurvivalistSeeds.com is offering a package that will give you a 3-acre heirloom vegetable garden anywhere.
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Don't be fooled by marketing companies disguised as patriots.
SurvivalistSeeds.com is owned by Big John Lipscomb, host of Don't Tread on Me radio show.
So that might be it, yeah.
Coming up in the last hour today, I am going to, as calmly as I can, break down all the facets of the naked body scanners.
Their biometric uses, the government saving it, all the other surveillance grids going in, basically how this all boils down.
Mike Rivero will be discussing this with me, the economy, government takeover of healthcare, in the next hour.
Max Keiser will also be on with us.
We'll have open phones when our guests are with us.
On any issue you'd like to discuss, 1-800-259-9231.
Mike Rivera will be joining us via video link from Hawaii to our studios in Austin, Texas, and then restreamed out live for everyone at PrisonPlanet.TV.
We're beefing up the articles that Paul Watson put out today.
Airports set to become primary peddlers of child porn, because I wanted some other stuff added to that.
So get those articles, email them to everyone you know.
Airports set to become primary peddlers of child porn.
The British government even admits this is child porn, so they're going to go ahead and change the law so they can do it.
Not even a discussion here in America.
You know, if a 16-year-old girl sends her boyfriend a picture of herself topless, they get arrested for child porn charges.
You hear about that every day in the news, literally every day.
But if the government wants to record your naked body, again, it's an act of submission, like taking your shoes off, taking your belt off, walking through the athlete's foot puddles.
I hadn't had athlete's foot since I was in high school football, but boy, I get it a lot of times now when I walk through LAX with my shoes off.
Thousands of slobs from all over the world walking through there.
Alex Jones calls for mass resistance to implementation of body scanners.
This breaks down the main facts.
That's the second article by Paul Watson at PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm asking every webmaster, every news site, everyone to post these articles!
And in the last hour, I will detail it all.
Now here's the deal.
The 15th of next week, next Friday, the once-a-year special that runs in December, a little bit into January, ends when you can get five plus months free when you sign up at presentplanet.tv.
You sign up for a year, you pay for six and a half months, you get five plus months free.
That's what it comes out to.
Or just get a trial membership, $5.95, and your purchase makes this radio show possible.
High quality, super high res, quality of all my films, my book, Paul Watson's book, both out of print now, a bunch of other great documentaries, expanded extras from all my films, the live stream of the radio show that's also a television show, full production, video clips, document cam, everything, PrisonPlanet.tv.
And six people can log on with the same ID.
You go in there, create your username, passcode,
And six people can sign on with the same thing simultaneously.
So you can share it with a couple people too.
Just explain to them that they share it with too many others themselves, that then every once in a while when a bunch of people get on with the same address, it'll lock them out.
But I want, and it's cost us a lot of bandwidth, but I'm still doing it.
The fact that people are sharing their passcode has increased my bandwidth bill by $7,000 a month on average.
I don't care as long as we can get enough money in to do it.
And so those of you that do pay for the membership are subsidizing those that you share with.
It doesn't matter.
Go on there, burn the films, the DivX copies on CD that play in DVD players, most new DVD players.
Give it to everybody!
Take the high-quality audio archives that have the commercials cut out at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Email it to everyone.
Give it to everyone.
Spread the word.
People are ready to stand up, but you've got to carry the ball.
We've got deals running until next Friday as well, where you get a free t-shirt with
The Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic, or Endgame, or you can get a free Endgame, or Reflections and Warnings with Aaron Russo.
SuperDeals and Infowars.com.
It is you, the grassroots, funding our operation against the New World Order, and you know we're making big headway, and the people are hopping mad.
The TSA's panicking, trying to assuage people's anger.
That's in the Washington Post with the naked body scanners.
It isn't working.
It's all coming up.
We're going to cover it with Mike Rivero coming up.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here is the London Guardian headline story today.
New Scanners Break Child Porn Laws.
And we have a detailed breakdown of this and show you what the news isn't showing you when they show you blurred and derezzed images on the news of the naked body scanners.
They always show you someone with a gun to create the image and the idea that
Everyone going through the scanners is guilty.
That's the subconscious image.
And they blur it.
But we've gone to the company websites to show what they actually show, and it is down to the pores on your skin.
And up on screen, we will put you... post for you some of these images throughout the next hour with Mike Rivera.
We also have articles up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that I'm asking everyone
To get.
This is so important, ladies and gentlemen.
It is so absolutely vital that everyone go to PrisonPlanet.com and get these headline articles.
Airports set to become primary peddlers of child porn.
Alex Jones calls for mass resistance implementation of body scanners.
Why this is being done, this act of supplication, this act of submission.
If they can train you to accept this,
If they can train you to go along with this and biometrically scan your body and have a biometric image of your body that they can then use with passive scanners on the streets to scan through and get your identity, similar to face scanning.
This is globally being done.
Also, other headlines at PrisonPlanet.com.
Military industrial complex set to make killing from body scanners.
Chertoff, Ridge, all of them making money.
Obama pushing it.
All of this being introduced.
They ordered the scanners a year ago.
They're going in this year to all the major airports in the world, in the Western world.
214 in the U.S.
They want to make everyone go through them.
They admit they're going to do it incrementally.
They say so you don't revolt.
They even talk about how they're managing you like animals, using psychology on you.
It is just unbelievable.
It has nothing to do with security.
With us for the rest of the hour, joining us from Hawaii, is the man that heads up WhatReallyHappened.com, Mike Rivero.
And obviously, Mike, I want to talk about all the different facets of the body scanners first, then we'll get into all the news on the economy.
As it implodes and all the numbers come out, it's just devastating, all by design by the banks.
We're going to get into government takeover of healthcare.
Big developments there as they plan to try to pass it in secret in conference.
That's U.S.
News & World Report.
Mike Rivero, does it make your blood boil to know that your wife, your children, your family will all be put in a database just like they've now declassified everyone for 37 years?
They said their blood taken at birth and put in a DNA database.
I mean, this is a lawless criminal state, Mike Rivero.
Well, more than that is an indication that this is a government that is deathly afraid of its own population, and you were mentioning earlier that they're trying to manage the public perception of these body scanners in order to avoid a revolt, and that is clearly what they're afraid of.
They're not worried about airline bombers, they're not worried about any of this stuff.
They are worried that as they push the American people
Further and further, at some point there's going to be a revolt.
So all of this body scanning and all of this database, it is an attempt by the government to reassure itself that it is still in control of the population of the United States of America.
I think they may be spinning a self-destructive fantasy.
I think there's simply too much data for them to manage.
I mean, this whole crotch bomber with his Fruit of the Boom underwear proves
They've got the data, but they can't get anything meaningful out of it.
Everybody's saying, oh yes, we knew he was out there.
There was indications this and all this.
Now there's a fight between Great Britain and the United States over who had the information and who dropped the ball.
And basically, they're drowning in the wealth of all of this data.
Now, I don't like being put in databases.
I don't like being scanned.
But I think the bottom line is, they're collecting so much data on everybody, they can't manage it.
Mike, stay there.
Well, clearly they staged the event to begin with, to simultaneously launch their new war against Yemen, as well as North Africa, and to sell their body scanners that they announced that day.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Now remember, general aviation, people that own their own Cessna or people that charter jets, they don't have to go through the body scanners.
They don't have to take their shoes off, pull their shirts out, go through these acts of submission.
And notice how it's ratcheted up incrementally.
The government admits they're doing this to train you.
And if they can get you to put up with this, then they believe you'll go along with literally anything.
In the last hour today, I'm going to break down the legalese of all this.
It is not a privilege to fly.
It is not a privilege to drive.
It is not a privilege to travel.
It is not a privilege to own a gun.
It is not a privilege to own property.
But all of these basic rights are being abridged and eroded and basically abolished.
It is not a privilege.
They tell you it's a privilege.
It's not a privilege.
They're doing this through color of law.
Private airports, but they're not.
They use taxpayer money to do this.
Private aircraft companies could do this, that ferry people and goods, but they're using government to order it in front of their private operation in agreements.
It's a fraud.
And it has nothing to do with keeping you safe.
Mike Rivero joins us with his one-month visit from Hawaii, streaming video, not just audio, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Mike, continuing with the fact that they want to break our spirits.
They want to break our back.
They want us to capitulate.
I think?
They are in the U.S.
putting children through these.
They are recording it.
They are saving it.
I mean, this is outrageous, and I'll talk later about what comes next.
And I also want your ideas, Mike, on how we boycott this, how we fight it.
Then we'll get into the latest hype to attack Yemen, happening right before the underwear bomber.
The latest hype for scanners coming out within minutes of the underwear bomber on Christmas Day.
Clearly, all of this is concerted for the rollout of the next level, the tightening of the control grid noose around our necks.
You're absolutely correct and this has got nothing to do with security because as you know the Amsterdam airport already had these full-body scanners.
Now we've gotten two stories from this crotch bomber.
The first one they said he went through the scanner but he hid the explosive behind his testicles.
And then everyone said, well that proves the body scanners don't work.
So then they changed the story and said, oh well, he was allowed to get on board the plane without going through the scanner.
So they're still trying to sell you that these scanners are going to help.
But the bottom line is that all of the security is a waste of time and money if the people running it just let anybody on the plane.
We know this guy was allowed on the plane without a passport.
There was an intervention.
We know that security at the Amsterdam airport is run by the same company that ran security at all the 9-11 airports.
We know that the shoe bomber went through Amsterdam Airport.
He got past security.
It's all a big joke and a big scam.
Again, the goal is to make money selling these scanners.
The goal is to condition the American people into thinking they have no right of privacy whatsoever.
The government can look at your naked body whenever they feel like it.
The next step will be making us fly naked on the airplane and saying you can't use the restroom.
They're talking about these shock bracelets.
It's completely out of control.
By the way Mike, they're already saying in the last hour keep your hands in your lap, put nothing on your lap, no electronics period on any flight.
They are literally training us to be prisoners and I'm showing photos on PrisonPlanet.tv right now for TV viewers.
Radio listeners can go read the articles at PrisonPlanet.com and see them.
Where it shows the woman completely naked, men completely naked, their genitalia hanging.
It shows it all and then we show another photo of the TSA with a woman in the scanner as the man looks at another woman's naked body on the screen with a smile on his face.
Well, it's definitely, it's a complete, it's almost dehumanizing the American people.
It's not almost, it is!
We're being turned into objects, we're run through the scanners, we're sent off to war, we're sent off to the tax farms, you know, we're being objectified in a way that, you know, men's magazines never even dreamt of doing to people.
Now, you want to know how we're going to stop this thing?
I think it's going to destroy itself, because we're already seeing that tourism in the United States has
Just absolutely plummeted.
We're dying out here in Hawaii.
California's on the verge of bankruptcy and their loss of tourism is a big part of it.
The way that we stop this is we stop using the airlines.
We stop traveling.
You know, we travel only when we actually have to.
I agree with you, Mike, but at a higher level... And the airlines are a lot of business.
But at a higher level, that's what Maurice Strong and the U.N.
They want to shut down air travel.
They want an international tax on travel.
But go back.
I mean, you're right.
I've seen the statistics.
Since 9-11, and it's not happening in the rest of the world, people aren't coming to America because people that come from freer countries know this is a police state.
I talk to Russians that come here, and they can't believe what a police state.
They say, when I was a little kid in Russia, it was like this.
Yeah, very much.
We have become the evil empire here.
We had some very good friends who lived in Great Britain.
They would come out here to Hawaii once a year.
They stopped years ago and they said, we can't relax in Hawaii when we're treated like POWs everywhere we go at the airport.
And they're absolutely correct.
It's completely out of control.
I've offered to fly the Watsons here.
The Watsons, I've flown to England to meet them.
They've flown here before.
I've offered, it's been four years since they were here, to fly
Steve Watson and Paul Watson to the U.S.
and they don't even want to come.
But they're living in a police state there as well!
It's just absolutely amazing and the thing is we're going to destroy our airline industry, we're going to destroy our tourism industry.
What is this government thinking that they're so eager to just put profits in the pockets of their cronies that they're willing to completely destroy what little remains of the private economy in the United States?
Well, it's incredible.
Mike Rivero, as the public goes online to the security company's own sites and actually sees the 360 naked image, and as the public learns that the feds are already proposing for people that might actually hide bombs in their stomachs or drugs, they're talking about high-powered MRIs, and we just printed, in fact, bring it in to me, the CBS News stories where they admit
That these MRIs are cancer-causing.
These are high-powered.
These fire waves into your body.
Well, even the full-body scanners, it's now being discovered, they are able to damage DNA.
Now, they're not powerful enough to break molecules completely apart, but that center of the DNA helix is intentionally weak because it has to unzip in order to replicate the DNA during cell division.
And so it's a very, very delicate chemical bond.
And they're discovering that these terahertz waves in these full-body scanners are ripping these DNA strands apart in your body.
So they're sort of flopping loose.
And that means the enzymes that have to travel down the DNA to copy off protein manufacturing instructions, they're getting bad information.
And that's mainline universities in Europe, China, the U.S.
are finding this.
Here's another article, CBS News.
New focus on dangers of CT scans.
They know it's hurting people.
And they're going to start just zapping everybody at every airport with these things.
We're going to wait about four or five years and there's going to be an explosive epidemic of skin cancers and all these other problems.
And the government won't care because they've made their money.
They've sold us another pig in a poke.
You know, they weren't able to sell us a global carbon tax.
They weren't able to sell us vaccines.
They're going to sell us these security machines.
They don't care what they sell us as long as they're getting their money.
And they don't care what damage it does to us as long as they get their money.
And it sets the precedent they can get away with anything.
Remember in the forties, fifties, sixties and seventies, radiation tests on foster children and other millimeter wave tests, they've done all this already to troops and foster children.
They know what it does.
They absolutely do and they've shown a complete disregard for the victims of these experiments in these systems.
The goal is to make money and to establish their agenda and the personal harm to individual citizens is just considered a cost of achieving
Uh, the goal.
We're, we're being, we're, we're objects.
They don't care what happens to us.
They don't care if we're getting sick.
Look at all the food additives.
They love it!
In fact, stop right there.
They love it.
You bring up food additives.
I ordered a pizza a few weeks ago for the guys up here late night working on a film.
Papa John's, I...
Rip open the package of pepper, dump it on my pizza, and then read, crushed peppers treated with radiation, which again, 100% conclusive, at bare minimum, it kills the food value of it, and in every major study in lab animals, causes all sorts of illnesses, and now, literally, Crohn's disease didn't exist, autoimmune disease of the intestines, 50 years ago.
Now, I've got two people in my office with Crohn's disease.
I've got an employee who's out today because his mother is in great danger of dying from Crohn's.
Yeah, it's amazing.
We know that there's a link between vaccines and autism.
We know that there's all kinds of these problems between food additives.
My wife went through that with joint pain and formaldehyde.
And we're just finding out now that 20% of the 84,000 chemicals in common commercial usage in the United States are kept secret because they're treated as proprietary secrets of the company.
Nobody knows what is in these products.
Nobody knows if they've ever been tested for safety and toxicity.
There's a loophole in the law.
That's why it says natural and unnatural flavors or artificial flavors is and that's now declassified 18,500 chemicals plus that are secret and these big companies are eugenicists.
They're doing it on purpose, Mike.
That's why the public's so passive.
Can you imagine a hundred years ago they tried to put naked body scanners in?
No one would put up with that.
Yeah, it is a mystery to me.
I was expecting the American people to start really getting angry, even back during the exposure of Climategate, when it became unavoidable that government and media and academic institutions were all working together to sell us this hoax of human-caused global warming to impose a global carbon tax and a global government.
Now we're in the middle of one of the harshest winters in the last 60 years, and the global warming cultists are still out there saying, oh no, global warming causes cold weather.
This is all evidence of our agenda is correct.
They, you know, they're standing there with their hairs on fire and telling us they don't smell any smoke, and they're caught red-handed, or blue-handed in this case.
Absolutely, Mike.
Again, we have another story up at PrisonPlanet.com from No World System.
Full-body scanners to fry travelers with radiation, and it has links to all the mainstream government and university documents of how deadly this is.
I mean, this is... I just can't even believe... Imagine, Mike, if you and I had made, say, a
A futuristic sci-fi movie 20 years ago, where the government records naked Americans in 2010, and where they put any food additives to sterilize they want in the food, and where mainstream TV calls for putting lithium, anti-psychotics, in the water, and where the public just takes it.
People would laugh at that and say, that movie's unbelievable, nobody would ever put up with that.
It's just like Brave New World, it would be considered science fiction.
But here we are.
Mike, we're going to come right back to you after the break, continue with what really happened with the underwear bomber, and a lot more, and your ideas of boycotting the airlines and the government.
It's the airlines going along with this.
They're the target we've got to go after politically.
This is unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
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Mike Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com joins us, Mike.
Continuing, finishing up in this segment with the naked body scanners.
Admittedly causing DNA damage.
Recording your naked children, your wife, your husband.
Again, acts of submission, making us submit.
Now in England they've put random body scanners in vans driving around.
They go to bars, make people walk through them, guilty until proven innocent.
TSA says everything that goes on in airports will now go on the streets of America.
They said that seven years ago.
That's now rolling out.
With random searches in LA, in New York, in Boston on New Year's, with the police out randomly searching people.
This is hellish, Mike!
This is our way of life being totally overturned because of some underwear bomber.
It's a total fraud!
It is absolutely a total fraud.
One little aspect to the case I'm starting to look into right now, supposedly he, whatever happened on that airplane, whether it was an exploding laptop battery or it was really, you know, he's sitting on his own bomb, which makes no sense whatsoever.
I mean, if you really think about it, if he had really wanted to blow up the plane, he would have gone to the lavatory, where he had some privacy, you know, start digging around in his crotch, put it against the wall of the plane and set it up.
He did what he did in the cabin so that he would be seen.
He was there to create a media incident.
Same thing with the shoe bomber doing what he did on the airplane.
They could have gone to the laboratory and accomplished whatever they were doing there if their goal was to really bring down the airplane as opposed to being another hoax.
But here's another circumstance about this situation.
I've been looking back at all the incidents where people have died in the airports because of being tasered by TSA.
We had a very tragic situation here at the Honolulu Airport where a family coming in from another island because they needed to bring their child to the airport.
They came in from Samoa and nobody at the TSA could speak Samoan.
So they locked this family in a room while they try and find a translator and the baby died before they were allowed out.
And I'm thinking about it, more people are dying from TSA than they are from these crotch and shoe bombers.
And nobody seems to really be all that upset about it.
If the goal is to keep Americans safe, who's keeping us safe from all these fast food restaurant rejects who are given a taser and a uniform and rubber gloves and said, go have fun at the airports?
Yeah, it's an army of fast food minions.
Now, I want to be clear.
When I've flown in LA, when I've flown in Austin and other cities, almost every time I fly now they go, hey Alex, I like your show.
A lot of us are awake.
We know what's going on.
It's just a job.
That has happened over and over again.
So, a lot of these are former military or they're people that have lost their job or they're people that worked at the post office, but there are a lot of menial
Thug types.
And how many reports have we seen where they make women drink their own breast milk to prove it's not a liquid bomb?
How many cases have we seen where they arrest people for knitting needles or for a tiny pocket knife?
I had them yell and scream at me in...
Billings Montana flying out from the Hardin situation because I said I'll just take this tiny bottle of free shampoo at the hotel and I went I said lady I said it's actually on the wall that that's legal and she said okay whatever just get through here so again it's training us to be abused that we're criminals that's what a tyranny is it makes law-abiding people criminals
Well, there have been a lot of experiments that show that when people are given a little bit of authority, they can become real monsters.
Their dark side comes out, and we're seeing that in all of our airports.
And you're asking, what are we going to do about this?
On the lighter side, I'm trying to find a radio-opaque ink that we can put on t-shirts, so there's a message that only shows up in the scanners that says things like, pervert, or, I told you my dick was bigger than your dick.
Mike, Mike, we have a family audience.
Let's be careful.
Sorry about that.
Sorry about that.
But no, seriously, we can either do it humorously, but in the long run, I think that we're going to see the airlines just start going out of business because people are not going to want to travel.
And maybe that's somebody's big agenda.
But I think the owners and stockholders in the airline companies are going to realize
They're taking in the teeth, as much as the tourism industry is, from all of this abusive behavior at the airport.
And as more and more people realize, it is just a hoax to try and train us into accepting that we have no more privacy whatsoever.
And they'll begin to understand that what the government is really worried about is a revolution in this country.
And as long as they can keep us stripped naked, and they can read our emails and listen to our phone calls, that we can't plan and organize to do anything at all.
They're trying to domesticate us right now.
Coming up, let's get into the Yemen bombing, the Yemen bomber, the underwear bomber.
Let's get into the economy and a lot more.
Max Keiser coming up.
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I hear the train a-comin'
Oh yeah, the train of hardcore tyranny isn't coming, it's here.
Going back to Mike Rivero in a moment.
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I want to take some phone calls from folks that are patiently holding.
I'd like to get first-time callers in today.
Head of the line, but we'll take anybody's call.
We're happy to hear from all of you.
We're talking with Mike Rivera.
Mike, anything else you want to add about the naked body scanners and what's happening with this and how to boycott it?
Then I want to get into the economy, government-run health care, and a lot more with you today.
Mike Rivera.
Well, I think people are going to boycott these scanners anyway.
I mean, the media is trying to tell us it's no big deal, but there's a lot of very shy people out there who don't like this kind of intrusion.
I don't want the government videotaping my genitals!
No, that's exactly my point.
I think people are going to reject this thing.
They're going to avoid going to the airport.
We don't all look like that very attractive young lady that's on that story on your website.
And we're like you.
We don't want the government looking at our body.
It's none of their business if we have not done anything wrong.
I think this is going to be a disaster for air travel.
It's already a disaster for tourism.
I think we're going to see another segment of our economy come crashing down, all to make another few political insiders
Shouldn't there be a criminal investigation of Chertoff and other government officials that are making money off this and the revolving door?
The fact that they're out there pushing it when they're making money from it?
There should be an investigation.
There should be a prosecution and a trial.
I don't think we're going to see it under this particular government.
Somewhere down the road we got to look at war crime trials against the last couple of presidents that we've had for all this lying about Iraq.
You know, they're talking about taking... They've been caught lying three times in the last month about Iran with fake nuke documents.
I mean, all they've done is change the last letter in Iraq to Iran.
They've changed it from a Q to an N.
Yeah, and you know what's really insulting?
They actually think we, the American people, are going to be dumb enough to fall for the same trick twice in a row.
And it's, you know, it's almost an arrogant insult.
They're sitting up there in their ivory towers in control of the corporate media, and they're saying, we can play the same card again,
And they're too afraid to stand up and say, you know, that we know you're lying this time.
They're really counting on that.
But on the other hand, I really think that all of this security scanner and naked body scanners and the rest of it, they're not afraid of some terrorists coming in wearing Fruit of the Boom underwear.
They're afraid of we, the American people.
This is the symptom I'm seeing.
This is a government that is deathly afraid of the American people, even as it continues to need us to provide tax dollars and soldiers for their globalist agenda.
I agree.
I want to go to calls now quickly with each caller.
Then I want to get into, by the way, here's that MSNBC article you mentioned.
Baby detained dies in Honolulu Airport.
Child had been flown in for emergency heart surgery, officials say.
And all the stories of somebody who can't speak English or argues with them, they taser them to death or they stomp on their head until their neck breaks.
And, I mean, the government is the threat to the people.
Government killed 200 million people in the last century.
The threat is not underwear bombers, and that's staged as well.
But before we go to calls, briefly, you know, Tarpley, Madsen, myself, everybody who's looked at this, this is clearly a false flag drill they conducted.
You've got the sharp-dressed man bringing him on the plane in Amsterdam with no passport, past the body scanners.
Great point you made about that.
You've got some other man reportedly with a bomb.
Once they got to Detroit, they covered that up.
They've now admitted they covered it up, but won't say why.
You've got the fact that this happened right as they introduced the scanners, right as they introduced Yemen as the new enemy.
Your take, briefly, on that?
Yeah, absolutely.
We've been in Yemen covertly for about a year.
We started actually actively bombing there two, three weeks ago.
Then all of a sudden, right when Obama needs it to justify making the war in Yemen overt, we get the staged terror incident.
It's the same stunt all over again, and it's obvious what he's doing.
I think most Americans understand that this is another hoax.
I think most Americans don't believe that this is authentically an attempted terror attack.
Well, I agree with you that the establishment has bitten off more than they can chew, but they don't care.
They don't care if we're against open borders.
They don't care if we don't want more gun control.
They don't care if we don't want the banks to loot us and rob us.
They just do it!
They don't care.
They do it because it's making them money.
It's getting them more power.
They're thinking very, very short term.
I think most of the insiders understand it's not going to go on much longer.
So they're doing whatever they can do to suck as much money out of the population and put it in their pocket before they skedaddle down to the Caymans as everything starts to fall apart.
I think we're seeing almost an economic bug out.
They're grabbing the money and the silverware and they're heading for the border.
I think we're in that loot the nation phase right now.
Oh, there's no doubt of that, and leaving a vanguard, rearguard of paramilitary police to run around and feed on us.
Let's talk to Andy in California.
Andy, you're on the air.
Hello, this is Andy out in California, and I just want to talk to you about the American Disabilities Act and the lack of access for people with dyslexia and attention deficit disorder.
And just by us using our auxiliary aid of a tape recorder, it makes us an enemy of the county, state, and federal government because it returns a quarter record to the people.
That's right, the government tries to say people can't record government, but then they can all record and surveil us.
They get rid of our basic rights, criminally, and then declare unconstitutional powers for themselves.
Andy, I appreciate your call, but we're not on the Disabilities Act.
I mean, it's kind of open phones, but I just can't, I've got to move on.
Geronimo in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
How's it going?
I just got a call this morning from a contractor that I know.
He pours cement out of Bohemian Grove.
They've just been given the okay to go ahead and take down a bunch of redwood trees and start building helipads.
I saw that in the news!
So the elites can land in Santa Rosa and fly by helicopter out there to have their homosexual conservative orgies.
That's right, Alex.
It looks like now they're not going to have to listen to us.
See our ugly face?
They'll just fly right in and go ahead and do their rituals and their little homosexual toys.
So I just wanted to put that out to you.
Thank you for waking me up.
I am Oathkeeper and I'm here in Northern California trying to spread the word.
Thank you, my man.
A lot of police officers and military becoming Oath Keepers and Three Percenters.
And again, I'm not bashing gay people.
The point I'm making is, Bohemian Grove is where your mainline Christian conservative leaders go, on record, to have top gay porn stars flown in to have drug-induced orgies.
And it's on record.
Again, it's a group of lawless lunatics who now want to record your children.
And remember, they told us torture was good.
I want to make that point for the last hour when I go over it.
That torture's good, and Jack Bauer's our hero.
And then now, videotaping, body scanning your children is good.
And remember, the White House reviewed the torture videos and photo.
So did Congress, but didn't release them.
I'm sure they enjoyed that, Mike Rivera.
Well did you see Wayne Madsen's new report on Russia today where they're talking about US diplomats and congressmen going on these fact-finding missions to Thailand and they're engaging in child sex over there and it's just completely out of control and normally I would hold off on a story like that but I remember I was living in Seattle when there was this huge scandal over the Asia-Pacific Economic Conference
Where the FBI was bugging the conference attendees, stealing business secrets to give to cronies, and there were children, underage children, being provided to some of the conference attendees for sexual purposes, and it turned out there was actually a fund at the State Department for this kind of stuff.
And, you know, so it's like this, we've got this one set of rules that we're all supposed to live by, and, you know, think about the Franklin scandal.
Hey, Ted Gunderson in the late eighties on record
You know, ran the L.A.
division of the FBI, and this, I have the Washington Post articles, the Washington Times articles.
They had this place called the Finders, run by the CIA, and when the police raided it, it was satellite uplinks, child porn, they'd just gotten the kids out, and the government shut that investigation down.
I mean, these people are the most sinister, murdering criminals.
Look at how Halliburton, DynCorp, the U.N.
have all been caught.
running giant child kidnapping operations and now they have expanded diplomatic immunity through Interpol in the U.S.
and so the Justice Department just went under Interpol so all their records are secret and they have diplomatic immunity and how many times has the U.N.
been caught under diplomatic immunity trafficking in children?
It really is completely out of control.
It just seems like the wrong sort of people.
See, they bypass all the scanners.
They just drive right on to the airports.
Yeah, they do.
They've got their own jets.
They've got all their private airplanes.
They've got the private terminals that they go through.
They don't go through any of this stuff.
And they're carrying drugs with them.
Think Iran-Contra.
It's open season on the American people.
We're all being controlled and enslaved.
So that the government, with their special access and their private access and their private security, they can come and go as they will, they can do whatever they want.
I don't know if you saw this story where this mayor got caught on videotape stealing ladies undies.
The problem with power, with political power, is it's going to attract the wrong kind of people.
It attracts the people who shouldn't have it, and we allow it to happen.
Scumbags in business and life have you ran into who just want to do bad, who just want to steal, who just want to cheat, who enjoy lying, who enjoy playing the victim, who enjoy manipulating people.
That's what we've got is a competition of the greatest scum to get into positions of power with each other so the very worst get into control.
Well, the problem is that, you know, all of the rules and all the morality is just something they see as being used to control the masses, and they never believe that it applies to them.
They answer to a higher authority, or they think Adam Smith was absolutely right, that you can be a total greedy person, and somehow you're benefiting the system as a whole.
Obviously, looking at our current economy, that was completely false, but they still want to subscribe to that theory, just as they're still clinging to global warming.
And it's all lies!
They keep telling us that the economy's great.
I have a stack right here.
Reuters, U.S.
growth prospects deemed bleak in new decade.
Our GDP plunges.
Personal bankruptcy filings rising fast to record level.
Wall Street Journal.
Economic Policy Journal.
Robert Rubin, the main culprit.
All hell could break loose because of huge government debt.
They want a new excise tax.
They want a new value-added tax.
They have Glenn Beck calling for it, calling it conservative.
We've got American job satisfaction falls to record low, to only 45%.
We've got editorial hiding health bills behind closed doors.
Washington Times, U.S.
News & World Report, Democratic leaders plan secret health care reform deliberations.
Everything's secret.
Everything's criminal.
They just do whatever they want!
And they're telling us the economy's wonderful, as everyone I know is losing their job, getting pay cuts, everything's falling apart, and the media's saying, we're gonna naked body scan you!
What we have right now, the only part of the economy that looks good is the Dow Industrial Averages, and we're seeing more and more indications that that is being manipulated.
The Plunge Protection Team is in there.
The U.S.
government is buying stocks in order to drive up their value so they can use the Dow as a political banner.
The economy's good.
The Dow is up.
If you're not doing well, it's your own fault.
But they popped 28-plus trill.
They just admitted 4 trillion more on top of the 23.7 trill.
So it comes up to right at 28 Trill.
They've pumped 28 Trill of our money into their own investments!
That's absolutely true, and the AIG's, rather, Goldman Sachs is keeping the bonuses.
Obama promised he was going to get those back.
Record profits!
We get their internal documents, how they engineered the whole thing.
McClatchy Newspapers admits it.
I mean, this is hell on earth!
They made a huge fortune helping to destroy the American economy.
And, you know, what is the goal here of the government?
Are they trying to crash the U.S.
Yes, look at the U.N.
saying they wanted to industrialize, paying to move steel mills and power plants out of the U.S.
to India.
And we're left without any manufacturing.
We're left with SWAT teams running around urinating on us.
What are we supposed to do to pay our bills?
That's the part that really makes it look like the government wanted the economy to crash.
They want a rebellion.
They want a rebellion.
They want violence.
They're gonna get it.
They're gonna get it.
I don't like violence, but it does seem like we're headed in that direction.
It's a master plan, Kurt.
I'm telling you, man, I can't... Somebody just popped in my ear.
What's that?
I was just thinking about sending a story to Kurt Nemo.
That's why I called him Kurt.
Yeah, I know he's Mike Rivero.
Well, I'm here telling my few writers I've got post this, post that.
Whenever you're talking, I'm hitting the button saying, post this, give me that.
I mean, the problem is we've got so much evidence, Mike.
What we need is anger in the people, and I'm still amazed that we're not getting it.
I just don't even know what to do anymore, Mike.
I just... Let's talk to who's up next here.
Mark in California, you're on the air with Mike Rivero, go ahead.
Hey buddy.
Hey man, thanks so much for all you're doing.
I was thinking of what to say, you know, as I heard a few moments before I came on the air, but seriously, this is all so far gone.
Uh, I just, I can't even, um, I can't even react to any of these things anymore.
Well, they hope we just get that far gone and just kind of give up.
No, we have to stand up and go, this is the moment when they really come out in the open.
We gotta go, you're criminal degenerates!
You're criminals!
You're criminals!
You're, just chant it!
You are criminals!
You are illegitimate!
You are tyrannous!
You are tyrannical!
We do not recognize you!
You are criminals!
You are staging the terror attacks!
You engineered the economic collapse!
You threaten martial law!
My class is here at the university, so... I just read an article calling this last decade the lost decade, and I completely disagree with that.
I think the next one coming, the one we just entered, is going to be the lost decade for sure.
And, uh, we're starting to see all the signs of the, uh, the mobilization towards this world government.
Just have you, you've been, uh, covering, I don't, it's all coming together right now.
World government is out in the open and I'll be at the park with my kids and some yuppie will walk over and start laughing at me saying you're a kook.
These fools have no idea what's happening to them.
Mike Rivera, what do you call this sick psychology where people making $100,000 a year think they're part of the elite and think if they just psychologically buddy up to the tyranny and make a joke out of it that it's somehow funny and cute?
Well I call it the good German syndrome and you know because there were people in Germany who while wanted to be cozy and buddy-buddy with Hitler that didn't work out.
Stalin used to call people like that useful idiots.
Every society has them.
They're in denial about what's going on.
They're like abused children where they think if I just go along with the abuse maybe it won't get any worse and of course history shows that yeah when you go along with being abused it is going to get worse because abusers don't know how to
We need a headline at InfoWars.com and an article explaining that we have the Stockholm Syndrome, and you know what that is, Mike.
Absolutely, and, well, it's Abused Child Syndrome, where the abused children will work to protect the abusing parent, and to defend them, and to justify them, and that's exactly where we are, with a huge segment of the American population, and I think the government planners are relying on that, and they're figuring that if they start to abuse us more and more and more, that people will just say, oh, please,
But, you know, I'm being a good American.
Don't abuse me anymore.
I won't say anything.
I won't complain.
And it is.
It's a classic abuse child pattern.
Well, it's like kids, I would see, getting beat up when they got off the school bus, putting up with it, and the bullies came like flies.
Not me.
Bullies ran when they saw me, because I'm like, hey, you may be bigger than me.
You want some?
I mean, I don't understand the love of cowardice, the love of rolling over.
I don't have courage.
I am just not a slave.
I'm a real human.
I'm ready to stand up.
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His website is WhatReallyHappened.com.
My websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv.
And we have bibliographies online at FallTheRepublic.net, TheObamaDeception.com, WhatIsTheEndGame.com, where we document everything we claim.
We have to stop rolling over to this tyranny, stop capitulating to it, ladies and gentlemen.
And I do see people waking up, I do see people getting angry, and Chertoff and others already made the deals to some numbers that are as high as $9 billion for these scanners and other systems.
I mean, this is just outrageous to see them out in the open doing this, making money, enslaving us, Mike.
It is.
It's just absolutely, it's very depressing to see.
But you were talking in the last segment about standing up and saying, I'm not going to be a slave anymore.
And I keep thinking about what is the institution that we have in our society that is always teaching us to be on our knees and to turn the other cheek and not fight back.
And it seems to be organized religion, which may explain why they get all these tax breaks from the government.
And it almost seems sometimes like religion, or organized commercial religion, is definitely on the side of the government, where they're working to try and talk us out of fighting back against our oppressors.
Oh yeah, clergy response teams, a faith-based initiative in the last nine years, has completely taken over all the denominations.
And we got the secret documents, now mainstream media admits it.
The preachers are training their flocks, quote, for martial law.
Yeah, render unto Caesar and all the rest of that.
So we need to recognize that those churches, they're part of the problem.
They are not working for the freedom of the people.
I think one of the Popes once said, there never should have been a Bill of Rights because God does not grant to man rights of freedom of speech and freedom of movement.
Unbelievable, and now the Pope's calling for a global tax for the environment.
It's just world governments being openly called for.
I mean, this is just outrageous.
It really, really is.
The only good news is that the failure of the When Pigs Fly flu to become the scourge that it was promised, the failure of the human-caused global warming agenda, those were two of the three pillars on which the foundation for global government was being built.
So they're in serious trouble right now, because the credibility of global government
is very damaged people are not seeing it as a blessing and a benefit they're seeing it as the enemy of their own personal freedom and so I think people are starting to dig their heels in but they need to get angry they need to find out whatever it is that's in their diet or their lifestyle or whatever that is persuading them not to be angry they need to understand that anger is a defense mechanism it is a survival mechanism and they need to start getting into that because anger
Is going to give you the energy and enthusiasm to do what needs to be done to secure your freedoms.
Government never makes you free.
You have to take your freedom from the government.
Well, expanding on that, you're right.
They've tried the fake global warming, they're still moving forward on that, but they're damaged.
They tried the fake swine flu, that blew up in their face, a big disaster for them.
All this news in Europe of indictments and corruption at the UN, fear-mongering it with companies to make money.
And so they're falling back on terror, but it's come out that Ridge, the last Homeland Security head, admitted
That it was all fake and done for political purposes.
We have the facts.
We have the proof.
And for all of you yuppies and people that haven't spoken up, or people that are awake who haven't gotten involved, you better do it quick, folks.
This is serious tyranny we're dealing with.
This isn't your mama's tyranny.
This is a high-tech, really vicious tyranny, and don't say you weren't warned.
You know, in the end we're going to win, Mike, even though things are going to get a lot worse, because you and I and countless others have planted the seeds
Of truth.
And people ignored us, but they now remember what we said, and now it's triggering.
They're waking up.
And that's why I think we have a good chance of turning this around, if we offer people the alternative of a free society, an open society, and really document what we could be, instead of what we're becoming.
Absolutely true.
And the main thing is, people are recognizing the government is lying.
They're looking for somebody to tell them what's really going on, and of course they're coming to our radio shows and our websites.
Mike, you're awesome.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Keep up the great work, and it's good to be working with you and exposing and developing this boycott of the airlines and others to stop these naked body scanners like we stopped the global warming fraud and the flu fraud.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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I think so.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he invented the Hollywood Stock Exchange and a lot of the systems used on modern stock markets today.
He's a very successful broker, TV host on British television, Russian television, the list goes on and on.
Researcher, filmmaker, Max Keiser.
He's with us for the rest of the hour.
We're going to talk about the whole new launch of an operation in Yemen that they were launching the last few months, kicking off with the underwear bomber, the naked body scanners.
We're going to get into what's really happening with the economy.
Robert Rubin, one of the chief architects of the economic implosion by design, saying we need new taxes or we're all sunk.
Taxes paid to the banks in interest on money we gave them.
We're going to talk about the government takeover of healthcare that even Howard Dean says is a rip-off.
It's all coming up with Max Keiser.
But Max, I've been talking the last two hours about the capitulation to tyranny, the naked body scanners, the London Guardian saying new scanners break child porn laws, the articles we have up on PrisonPlanet.com, a call to action to boycott this.
Max Keiser, good to have you with us.
Yeah, Alex Jones, Happy New Year!
You know, this is a continuation of what I've been talking about, what I call the casino gulag model.
The casino part, of course, is that the stocks in all these body scanning machines have skyrocketed.
A couple of them up 25% recently.
And that's the whole casino aspect of the economy.
And the people who are behind these attacks, of course, are
Professional speculators, gamblers, stock market players, and this goes all the way back to 2001 and the 9-11 incident.
We've got professional speculators who are involved in all these incidents, and they're making big, big, big, big bucks.
And the legislation is always about making it easier for speculators.
And making it harder for people who want to save money, who want to get a rate of return on their savings, who want to get a decent job, who want to get a decent wage.
Those people are being put into the gulag.
That's the gulag side of the equation.
And the casino side, the professional speculators,
So the casino economy is eating the final remnants of the real economy, and they're making all their profits in the run-up to total control of society.
Pretty much.
You know, they want to make 100% on their money in five weeks instead of five months or a year or two years.
You know, it's always faster to make money on crashes.
Then it is to make money on the way up.
You know, markets tend to crash faster than they build up over time because fear is a lot more powerful than faith.
And when people get frightened, they sell indiscriminately.
And you see, market crashes are huge opportunities to make money.
But now we're seeing kind of a new play where the fear this time is driving money into these scanning machines and this whole infrastructure of the gulag.
Uh, which you've seen dramatically on Wall Street.
There's huge profits being made.
And, um, on the comment to the, um, the sex, the, uh, scanning machines and this idea that they violate child porn laws and this type of thing, you know, I hearken back to a piece that was written by Naomi Wolf, uh, back in July of 2008, where she talks about the whole Abu Ghraib prison scandal was in part driven by the Bush White House
Uh, Sato, porn desires, that these tapes were flown to the White House and viewed by the insiders in the White House.
So now extend that to what these, what you're talking about, others are talking about, these, um, scanning machines just videotape porn and child porn for the amusement of the casino operators.
And they're putting everyone through this just to humiliate people because they're sick.
It's an act of submission.
If you can make people herd their kids through, openly be scanned naked, you can get anything you want.
Max Keiser, stay there.
Let's continue.
Calls coming up and a lot more.
Your Financial Look into 2010.
We'll be right back with Max Keiser at MaxKeiser.com.
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At PrisonPlanet.com in the featured news section
Are several of the most important articles I have ever posted.
Written by Paul Watson.
Airports set to become primary peddlers of child porn.
If you doubt me, here is the London Guardian today.
New scanners break child porn laws.
Now every day, without even looking, because there's so many thousands of people being charged under this, at the public schools they confiscate
Teenagers cameras, their phones that are cameras, and they look through them and how many 16, 17, 15 year old girls send a topless picture to their boyfriend?
How many?
And they charge her and the boyfriend they send it to for child pornography.
A lot.
But then the government
videotapes this and saves it, and it's A-OK.
But in England, they're saying, oh, we gotta change the laws for child porn to allow this.
That article needs to get out to everyone virally so everyone knows what's happening.
Another big story written today where I break it all down.
Alex Jones calls for massive resistance to implementation of body scanners.
Next hour I'm going to break all this down, open the phones only on this subject for your ideas of the boycott.
I've got a good idea because I know the legal system and how these airports are set up and how they're doing this through color of law.
If Max Keiser's got an idea, he's welcome to tell us.
Do we go after the stock peddlers of this?
Do we go after the companies?
Do people sue Chertoff, who makes money off this, running around promoting it?
What do we do?
Then we're going to look at the economy and take your phone calls and get into government-run healthcare.
Max Keiser, continuing.
Oh yeah, well I had Dr. Bruce Levine on my show last week and he talked about something called the abuse syndrome.
And what this means basically is that as people sit back and watch their government sexually humiliate them in public, without any recourse, without anyone doing anything, it creates a feedback loop of continued
Uh, depression and a feeling of helplessness, and that's the same kind of mentality you find in any abusive situation.
You know, a pimp and their, um, the person working for them, uh, any kind of abusive situation, the abusive husband toward the wife, etc.
So as these things are played out in the media, and people see that the government
is involved in sexual abuse of minors on a wholesale level to satisfy some sick sexual tendencies.
Again, from paragraph 4 of this Naomi Wolf article, she says the sexualization of torture from the top in Washington basically turned Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay into an organized sex crime ring in which the trafficked sex slaves were U.S.-held prisoners.
So that was the U.S.
getting a taste.
Now you're saying the exact same thing.
The expert you interviewed, tell us more about him and perhaps we'll play a clip of that video if you tell us the name of the video at MaxKaiser.com.
You've got so many TV shows on so many networks it's hard to know which one to pull up.
But here's the Stockholm Syndrome.
Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages and that's what these pimps literally have these women as slaves in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage taker.
Regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed.
The syndrome is named after and it goes into it.
And this is what we see over and over again.
Well, I'm not a mentally ill person.
I'm angry and I'm enraged.
And no more, you criminal scum running the government.
Max, and this is going in globally.
Max, go ahead.
Yeah, well, it's part three of the video on MaxKeiger.com.
On the right-hand side, if you scroll down, there's four parts for my recent show, On the Edge.
Starting in part three is the interview with Dr. Levine.
What's the name of that particular video of On the Edge, though, part three?
Yeah, and I brought up the... But videos always have a name, Max.
What's the name of it?
Well, if you just go, it's on the Edge, on the Edge Bar 3, I think.
It's on my MaxKeiser.com site.
Okay, they found it.
We're going to play that clip before you leave us.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, it's a ten-minute interview, so I don't know if you have time for that.
I brought up the Stockholm Syndrome as well with Dr. Bruce Levine, and his work goes into something a little bit more comprehensive.
He really gets into it and talks specifically about the policies today that are coming out of the White House to foster this abuse syndrome in the population.
As a way to keep them depressed and to make them malleable.
And this whole body scanning, sexual torture is just part and parcel of this whole model that I've been aware of for a while, which I call the casino gulag model.
And one of the reasons why people allow themselves to be subjected to this type of humiliation
Is that the, you know, the casino part of the equation is very good at holding out a carrot and making people believe that they're going to win the lotto.
They're going to win the casino job.
They're going to get a job at Goldman Sachs.
They're going to become a huge beneficiary somehow of all of the insider trading and market manipulation.
And that's the hope that people think in the back of their mind.
They're willing to put up with anything.
They're willing to put up with
Strip searches at the airport, they think that by some chance they're going to have the winning lotto ticket.
And that's what the media, particularly outlets like CNBC, which has the ticker tape running 24-7, and Jim Cramer, he's pounding the table.
You can be a winner!
You can make a fortune in this stock!
But all he's doing is he's unloading stocks that institutions don't own.
He's laundering stocks for the banks, which are laundering all of their TARP money vis-a-vis Jim Cramer on CNBC.
Well, I think that, I'll put something on the table here for you to consider, which is that the country that was the first into the meat grinder of this huge, globalized, syndicated fraud
It was Iceland.
And Iceland, the Icelandic population, the bankers on Wall Street.
Now, I was in Iceland, as you know, I made a film about this.
I was in Iceland and a year before it collapsed, it's a film on YouTube called Money Geyser, I sat down with bankers in Iceland and I said, your corona and your economy is about to collapse.
They said, no, no, it's not.
That night, I was in a sushi restaurant in
A hotel, Hotel 101 in Reykjavik, and there were these Lehman Brothers brokers, and of course I worked on Wall Street for many years, so I struck up a conversation, and they were telling me that they were plotting to crash the Krona to make a huge score.
And I said, yeah, but the banker here just told me that, you know, this economy is in great shape, you know, it sounds risky, and they're like, no, no, no, you don't understand.
They've leveraged themselves 10 to 1.
The entire GDP has been leveraged 10 to 1.
And we've got this global syndicate of short sellers and all of our regular crew.
And we're going to take this economy down.
And we're going to score huge.
And that's exactly what they did.
And Goldman Sachs pilots the entire banking system and policy and has their people at all levels of government.
Instead of them being arrested and the nightmare ending, it isn't going to end.
It's going to get more and more hellish.
And Jack Bauer tortures people to get answers and tortures children.
Everybody fantasizes to be a torturer.
Now they all get to be tortured or you go get a job as a humiliator and an abuser and it just gets sicker and sicker and sicker.
Well now in Iceland they are voting on whether or not to reimburse the UK government for millions of dollars that were guaranteed by the bankers on UK savers, five and a half billion dollars of savings that were used
Thank you very much.
And now they want the citizens to fork over billions of dollars for restitution to the bankers and the speculators.
And if they don't do that, they're threatening all kinds of draconian measures and destitution in Iceland.
And the people have been out there riding in the streets because they're being forced to ride in the streets because the bankers are putting them out of their homes.
They've been, let me stop you, this is so key, they've been rioting for more than 10 months, taking over government buildings, a very highly educated, low crime rate, some of the most professional people in the world, they have been rioting for coming up on a year, and I remember seeing that at least 8 months ago on the London Guardian like it was normal.
That Brown used anti-terror legislation to seize the bank accounts of Icelanders that had their money in British banks inside Iceland and without.
So, for those that want to know, just like the homeland security documents that we got that we leaked last year say the real threat to homeland security is conservatives, libertarians, anti-war people, gun owners, veterans.
This whole thing is to rob your bank account!
Max Keiser!
Well, on that front, there was a great piece in ZeroHedge.com website about a little legislation that was just sneaked in a couple of weeks ago, which now makes it possible for the banks to declare that they are not going to honor money market funds, that they can seize money market funds at any time for any reason.
Which means, so anyone who's got money in a money market fund in any of the banks or brokers in the United States, as of now, the banks can claim that for any reason that they deem appropriate, they can seize those accounts.
And that's just the standard savings account for most people.
I mean, the little bit of money I've got in the bank, because I don't trust the banks, but to run the business, it's in money markets.
Well, you just dropped a bomb on me, Max.
What's the headline on that?
I want to look it up.
It's on zeroedge.com is the site, and it's, um, let's see, if you just put, uh, money market seizure, money market seizing, it should pop up.
I mean, it just gets... Max, it's clear.
They're getting ready to really drop the hammer, aren't they?
Well, again, it's just you have to understand the model, the business model.
You know, I'm primarily a stockbroker and a businessman.
You know, I look at this from the money side of the equation.
And you just have to understand, you know, for example, from the money side of the equation, going back to when they declared the so-called war on terror at the exact same time, John Poindexter, who was assistant treasury to the Defense Department.
Tell us about that when we come back.
All right.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
That we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I think so.
Our country is descending into the most horrible sci-fi tyranny you can imagine.
The planet is falling to the terrorists that stage the terror attacks and then fund themselves off of all the security measures they put in.
Max Keiser calls coming up in the next segment.
We're going to look at the economy and what's happening there.
But continuing, we're bringing up Poindexter wanting to create, this was in the Washington Post.
He, in fact, they tried to launch it.
Well, for those that don't know, tell people about it.
Literally making terrorism part of the economy.
And then I have another question that dovetails with that, because we know about the insider trading on American and United before 9-11.
Did you look at the stocks, I haven't done this, of the body scanner companies in the days before Christmas?
Let me guess, I bet some bets were made that the stock was going to go way up.
I haven't looked at the numbers on that.
Let's get back to John Poindexter for a second.
You know, John Poindexter was higher up in the Department of Justice in the military in the U.S., and during this launch of the War on Terror, he launched the so-called Policy Analysis Market, or PAM.
Which was going to be an online virtual exchange where people can speculate on the next terror attack.
And John Poindexter was saying, well, you know, the point of this is to use the markets, which are efficient.
You know, the sole mantra that markets are efficient.
Uh, it was, and that's part of the whole casino mentality, is that the reason why everything has become securitized, and everything is now market, and the health business is going to be on a market, and the, you know, the climate change is going to be carbon trading market.
The reason everything is on a market is because there's this belief that markets are efficient.
So John Poindexter's, Poindexter's saying that
Yes, if we only turn terror into an online tradable market, then we would know in advance where the next strike is going to be, and we would prepare accordingly.
But of course, all it does is it gives yet the insiders another way to profit on the terror that they themselves are stoking.
As Ron Paul has said recently, they are terrorists because we're occupiers, end quote.
And so if you're an occupying force and you're causing terror, and you're already making billions, well why not add another layer on top of this called the policy analysis market?
Sell to the public as if you're going to help figure out the next attack, but all it is is you're just making more money on the attacks that you're already creating.
Because they always, it comes out, know beforehand and let real attacks take place, but more often than not, they're staging the attack to begin with.
I mean, it's about making money much faster than waiting around and clipping coupons.
They're 5% or 6% on your money.
If you had a chance to make 100% in five weeks, then you'd go ahead and do it.
And that's what's behind all the policies.
All the policies in Washington are created by speculators.
The energy policies are created by the oil speculators.
The health policies are created by the health and insurance industry, which are speculators.
They're all basically speculating on the global markets one way or another.
The banking industry, certainly all the policies there are created by the banking industry.
Remember Enron created the energy policies under Bush?
It's like Enron.
That's continued.
All these speculators
Write the policies in Washington in ways that make it easier for them to speculate.
They've access to cheap money at the Federal Reserve at near zero percent interest rate, and there's no regulatory framework.
There's no Glass-Steagall.
There's nothing holding them back.
They can make all the crazy bets they want.
They can invade countries that they know are going to cost certain stocks and commodities to go in certain ways, bank the profits, book the profits.
Oh, and whenever they make a mistake, they claim, oh, it's terrorist, and we need to go to the taxpayer to bail us out.
So it's heads we win, tails everybody else loses.
They've been doing it now for years, and that's why the wealth and income gap in America is so huge.
It's never been higher.
Even during the Robert Barron period in American history, it never had a wealth and income gap as high as it is now.
It's never been as high as it is right now.
This is exactly the situation that existed pre-American War for Independence.
America didn't want to be under the thumb of an aristocratic occupying royalty.
But this is exactly the situation today.
The bankers are occupying force of aristocrats that are simply engaging in this casino gulag model where it's heads they win, tails they lose.
And to keep us stupid and in line, they bring in these airport scanners, which are humiliating.
Max Keiser is our guest.
We're going to get into his outlook for 2010 and the economy as things are consolidated and vertically integrated through the Homeland Security Global Dictatorship.
It's planetary.
We are also going to open the phones up and take your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and JonesReport.com.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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All right, I'm going to play a clip from Max Keiser's television show, but I want to set this up first, because Max makes a good point.
You know, shows like Alex Jones, they're telling you the problem, but what Dr. Levine is saying on his show is that with the Stockholm Syndrome, with this abused person syndrome, that if we don't then have solutions, it makes people depressed.
Well, we are coming forward with the solutions.
We're saying
We are talking to the listeners in the next few days, developing the boycott strategy.
Just like we exposed Copenhagen as a fraud, that the swine flu is a fraud, the banker bailout is a fraud, to empower people.
Because if the mainstream media is just saying, we're gonna body scan you, which 90 plus percent of Americans are against in polls, some polls are 80, the point is most people are against it.
They just put it out like it's a foregone conclusion, that makes people depressed.
I'm here
Showing people we can win, showing people we can take action, but that people need to be upset.
They need to be, instead of depressed, angry, and get out of their comfort zones, and get angry enough to stand there with a sandwich board about how we're in a police state, or to call in to talk radio, or set up a website, or go to city council, or call their congressman, or dump their stock in these body scanning companies.
I bet a lot of you own stock in these through 401ks and mutual funds that don't even know it.
That we're not going to put up with these body scanners.
That we're going to say no.
That we know their strategy of incrementally rolling them out so we understand the conditioning.
We need to say no now.
Okay, but Max, make your point about this.
It's an excellent interview.
He makes some great points.
And it's a great stepping off place for discussion.
And let me just add one quick comment to what you're saying.
You know, this whole idea of boycotts that you've mentioned.
You know, I have always believed that the best way to fight the speculators and the rogue capitalists is to come up with a way to beat them at their own game.
And in the area of boycotts, if you look at all those companies out there, there's actually a way to figure out which one is the most vulnerable to a boycott and then take that approach.
In other words, instead of trying to finesse it, you take the approach of
You want to win, and you want to win big, and you apply the same dirty tactics that are being applied to us against them.
And I've done all the work on this, and I'll be happy to talk to you about it, you know, after the break, whatever you want to do.
Well, here's the issue, and I'm not saying that isn't a good plan, but we need multifaceted plans.
A lot of people don't have the money to go try to short these people, or the system has the tens of trillions that the central banks give them.
That's how they're able to leverage and manipulate.
Though, look at gold.
They've been trying to suppress it, but they've been largely unsuccessful.
Uh, so I think a general knowledge, a general understanding of this, that things are going to get worse if we don't stand up.
I mean, I don't think it's... Hold on just a second, Max.
Max, I mean, let me finish my statement here.
This is important.
There is a certain percentage of the population, 25-30% from what I've researched on the Stockholm Syndrome and other similar syndromes, that when they're being abused, they roll over.
The problem, as I see it, with a multiple front attack is that you needlessly dilute
Your impact.
I don't think that's a bad idea.
I think it's great.
I think educating people about the types of stocks and bonds they own and to really morally do research and not immorally invest in biometrics and body scanners and police state implements and to invest in organic food, true local sustainability,
You know, that the system creates fake counterfeits for.
I think that as a process is good, but the system has said they're not going to let their four or five big powerhouses go down too big to fail, but we'll hear your one-inch punch idea or solution after we play this video clip with the doctor you were interviewing about this victimhood psychology.
Here it is, we'll be right back.
Alright, now Dr. Levine, your latest article for Alternet.org is titled, Are Americans a Broken People?
Why We've Stopped Fighting Back Against the Forces of Oppression.
Now, explain this a little bit.
Why are, in this piece, explain what it means to be a broken people, and can you go through the signs of a broken people, and what would a nation of broken people look like?
I think one sign would be that when people actually know a lot of the truths about how they're being oppressed.
So, for example, when you have a society, an American society, that if not the majority, depending on what polls you're looking at, but certainly a significant, many millions, and probably a majority, who don't understand why the heck we're even in these wars that we're in, who a majority of people who want a
People, individuals, I know who are, for example, with spouses who are emotionally or physically or sexually abusing them.
They know their spouses are bad news, they're horrible, they're oppressive, but they can't, they feel helpless and hopeless to do something about that.
So I think, you know, the hallmark sign of when you're seeing somebody in whatever you would want to call it, we don't need to use psychology jargon, you could call it
You can just call it a beaten, broken people.
You don't call it an abusive term.
You can call it whatever the heck you want, but there's a certain kind of thing that happens when people are completely dispirited that more truths about how they're getting oppressed really are not going to free them up.
Okay, so abuse syndrome is, uh, I mean it sounds a little bit like Stockholm Syndrome, if you will.
You know, famously, uh, a situation where the captor falls in love with the person who's keeping them hostage.
Uh, Patty, uh, what's her name?
Patty Hearst being a famous...
Well, let me give you a famous example of this.
So you're saying the entire country, the United States, is suffering from abuse syndrome, and that the people in charge, like Obama and the rest of his crew, are like the abusive pimps, or the abusive spouse, who are just beating the poor victim, who then becomes completely demoralized, and there's a self-feeding phenomenon, and there's an aspect to this which is very, very interesting.
You say in a recent piece here, can people become so broken that the truths of how they are being screwed
Do not, quote, set them free, but instead further demoralize them.
And the reason I bring this up is that in the U.S., there are media outlets, let's say Alex Jones, who does a job in exposing how Americans are getting screwed.
He does it on his side brilliantly.
But according to the abuse syndrome, you're saying that this is actually making the situation worse, because every time
More abuse is exposed and nothing happens, it causes further demoralization as part of the feedback loop.
Am I getting this correct?
Yeah, I mean, a couple of things there.
One is just like, you know, the Stockholm Syndrome that you mentioned is, I don't think that's happening for all Americans.
I mean, in that syndrome, people actually fall in love with their abusers.
I don't think, you know, that there's a lot of people on the left who have fallen in love with Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, although, you know... No, no, no, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I mean, Obama has a cult-worshipping crowd.
They are in love with Obama.
He can do no wrong.
It's like the Daily Kos.
The Daily Kos, he can't do any wrong, but you're saying that they could be victims of abuse syndrome.
Right, right.
I think the hallmark of it is that if somebody is giving one of the classic things of somebody who is an abusive pimp or an abusive spouse is that they don't always beat the heck out of somebody.
Sometimes they bring you flowers.
But at bottom, if who you are is not being taken seriously,
We're good to go.
Anything going on in our government here in the last 30 years is that people are in that kind of a syndrome where they're really getting nothing for their taxes here except these militaries that are fighting wars all over the world that many, many Americans don't even understand why they're doing it.
Okay, you say bringing flowers can be a form of abuse, but to be more specific, I think this plays into your thought about the medicalization of the abuse syndrome.
So instead of getting flowers, people are getting meds.
Can you speak about this a little bit?
Yeah, I mean, I think, you know, my industry, I'm in the mental health profession here in the U.S., I'm a psychologist, and I spend a good part of that article confronting what my business, which is not so much a profession, a business these days,
And what they've done to contribute, and I think they've contributed to the abuse syndrome in many ways, they've taken a lot of our most potentially rebellious and non-compliant young people out there and labeled them with all kinds of diseases, the most obvious being something called oppositional defiant disorder, which is an increasingly popular diagnosis here in the United States for kids who just argue with adults, who refuse to comply with adults, who are stubborn.
How odd!
Yeah, I mean, I'm not being facetious here.
I'm not joking about that.
That's going on.
And they're increasingly subject to Medicaid drugs and behavior modifications.
But there's even a larger group of, I think, folks who are being described as mentally ill who are engaged in what I would call more of a passive rebellion.
So there's millions of kids out there who are bored in boring schools who just don't pay attention because it's not interesting for them.
They're not getting anything out of it.
That's the first part of the clip.
The second part's up on MaxKaiser.com.
Max, my issue is, I'm going after, as the doctor, I hadn't even seen the clip, I just wanted to play it, as he said that everybody isn't under this.
I'm after the people who didn't know or who were slowly brought into denial, who never really paid attention to the world, that kind of just accept what's put in front of them.
I'm trying to wake them up or get them to see what's happening and all we talk about here is solutions and ideas and ways to counter this.
But I do get your point of just exposing it and then people just laying there and taking it for a certain percentage of the public, it will make it worse for them.
You know, they're not given a silver bullet, some easy one-inch punch, because I don't believe that exists, and so they just get deeper into submitting to their pimp.
And when he talks about giving them flowers, that's like John Gotti, the Teflon Don, a couple times a year would buy pizzas for the whole neighborhood, fireworks displays, he would pay for a funeral for somebody.
Just like the government puts all these billboards up and TV ads and radio ads of how they're helping us, and they're our daddy, and they're the authority, and they're going to keep us safe.
That is the carrot of the stick.
Max Keiser.
So we don't tell them the truth?
So we don't tell people what's happening?
Well, that's the paradox, and that's... No, they want to make you depressed and go that direction, so you are broke back, broken as he said, and just submit to it.
I'm saying end the mind control.
End the literal hoax we're under, the spell, the trance we're in.
Well, I mean, let's take, in your case, for example, your film, The Obama Deception, I was one of those people that was reluctant to accept it.
Then I saw it, at some point I saw it as the truth.
I mean, that transition.
And in your shows, you're now at a point now where it's no longer so-called conspiracy theories.
A lot of what you're talking, the majority of what you're talking about now, which was dismissed even a year or two ago as conspiracy theory, is now becoming the truth.
This is not a conspiracy theory anymore.
We're winning!
We're winning!
Well, it's being recognized as the truth.
So that brings us up to the present, which is, now what is the action?
We beat Copenhagen.
Hold on.
We exposed the flu.
Most people don't take the shot.
It's a huge fraud.
Most people know.
We exposed Copenhagen.
We're winning.
I mean, the strategy is working.
Well, the truth is being revealed.
And now the question is, as far as an action goes, you're saying that a multifaceted attack is what you're thinking about.
Because we're being hit by a multifaceted attack.
Okay, and my thought is that I fall into this category, let's call it a one-inch punch, or a single thrust, and that's my thought.
Tell us, tell us what the one-inch punch is.
Well, the one-inch punch, in other words, you want to drop somebody with one punch.
You don't want to be getting into a fight with that.
Yeah, you want to tear their nose off with the first punch, so what is the one-inch punch?
Okay, well after looking at every single company in the United States,
And if you think about boycotts as the cheap way to engage activism, the only company that is the most vulnerable to a mass boycott, which would cause the one-inch punch effect and destroy that company within a matter of three months, is Coca-Cola.
Now, you may tell me that, well, I've got no beef with Coca-Cola, and I've got no problem with Coca-Cola.
But I state to you that the activist community, or the active community of listeners to your show and my show... They would learn that victory, then they could do it to others.
I say go after the airlines, but go ahead.
Well, the problem with the airlines is that they're not vulnerable to a boycott.
I did a study and I looked at every single company on the stock exchange and I looked at it from two ways.
A vulnerability to a boycott, which I determined as the stock price over the sales.
So for every dollar of sales that you withhold from the company, it would have the biggest impact on the price of the stock.
The airlines do not have a huge vulnerability to- Really?
They've already lost a lot of money from people not engaged in terrorism because of all the garbage.
But I mean, okay, you're the expert on this, I'll believe you.
So you go after Coca-Cola, how do you go after them?
Well, instead of spreading your bets and saying, I'm going to be a part of this group and that group and this boycott and that boycott, every single person who is feeling like the abuse syndrome is kicking them right now and they're being treated like chattel in the banker's meat grinder of speculation, if everything in that includes probably 100 million Americans or more, I would think, anybody who's trying to work for a living, if you simply do not drink Coca-Cola for three to six to nine months,
And you take the stock price down to zero, and that's key.
You know if you're winning because every single day the Wall Street Journal publishes the stock price.
If the stock price is going down, you're winning.
And the goal is to simply take the price of stock to zero.
Now, of course, people will say, well, what about all the people who work at that company?
They're going to lose their job.
They're going to lose your job anyway.
I have news for you.
Or you're going to be desperate to mediate out of existence anyway.
It's beyond trying to finesse the situation now.
We have to show them that we can drop them to the mat with a single punch.
Coke is the most vulnerable.
It's the most vulnerable to a boycott.
And I've done the study on this, and this is the company that is the one
Well, you gotta have a reason to boycott them on the surface, and that would be putting aspartame, uh, the, uh, feces of bacteria in the coke.
And for those that don't know, that's how they make aspartame.
They feed toxic waste to genetically engineered E. coli.
They feed toxic waste to genetically engineered E. coli, and then they put it in your drinks and food, and it brain damages you.
Alright, Max, we'll come back and take calls and get into other issues.
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I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
All of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
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Today, it seems like nobody does care.
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Max Keiser is going to stay with us 15 minutes to the next hour.
Then I'm going to spend the rest of the show opening the phones up and going over the full overview of the naked body scanners and what this really means.
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All right, going back to Max Keiser.
Max, on the economy overall, we have the economic numbers coming in, as you've been saying several years on this show and many years on your own television shows, that the banks are vertically integrating the economy.
This is a criminal operation.
You talk about Goldman Sachs.
I think so.
That's now confirmed.
growth prospects deemed bleak in new decade.
Reuters, personal bankruptcy filings rising fast for record levels.
Robert Rubin now posing as the savior when he's one of the grand architects saying all hell could break loose if we don't fix our government debt.
They want all these new taxes.
They have Glenn Beck calling for it.
You're a liberal commie if you're not for more taxes.
Again, they can only have Obama launch wars as a liberal and only have fake conservatives call for new taxes.
That's how this song and dance works.
American job satisfaction falls a record low.
Worst Christmas since 1979.
Your comments on that quickly, Max Keiser.
Well, the decade of the 1930s, the Depression, at the end of the decade, the market still managed to make 10%, including reinvestment of all dividends.
The decade that just ended, the total return was a whopping zero.
Now, the problem is that you can't have capitalism without capital.
And you can't have capital unless people are saving money.
And people can't save money unless they have jobs that pay them enough to save money.
So unless that happens, which is not going to happen, because all the policies are geared toward making it easier for the banks to speculate.
And speculating is not a job.
Speculating is a vice.
What is done on the level is being done on Wall Street and is being helped along by Washington.
So the business model of America is vice.
It's speculation.
It's casino.
And the people getting victimized are being put into this American gulag.
And whether you're being... How about this one?
Prisoners used to shovel snow-bound U.S.
The U.S.
Capitol is paying prisoner inmates to shovel the sidewalks.
Washington Post.
You can't hire Americans to do it.
They said they paid them $7 an hour, but 80% of that was given to the prison.
That's what I'm talking about.
It's slave labor.
They're in the gulag.
They let the gulag people out for a few hours to shovel snow.
We'll be right back in one minute.
Stay there.
Stay there, Max.
Good point.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Max Keiser does a show at the BBC, does a show on Russia Today.
We're going to your calls here in just a moment.
But Max, I noticed that a Russia Today ad
A video ad on those big video screens for the airports.
It's okay to have the global warming ads and the gun control ads.
You know, said things, what's a more powerful weapon, a machine gun or a video camera?
Russia Today.
And that was censored, that wasn't allowed.
And I watched Russia Today.
They have video about their police being corrupt in Russia.
They have video about eugenics.
They have videos about world government.
They have videos about climate change being a fraud.
And it's like Russian TV is the free television.
I mean, I can't believe the stuff that's on Russia today exposing their own government.
And then meanwhile, it's censored here and Bill O'Reilly is attacking it.
Look, Russia Today is a fantastic network.
They are doing to the English-speaking news world what Al Jazeera was supposed to do but was too timid and never stepped up to the plate, Al Jazeera English.
They never did what they thought they would do.
Russia Today is doing it.
They're taking on the monopolists in the U.S.
media space and they're going with the top stories.
They're getting the great reporters.
I'm doing a show on Russia Today, of course.
Got to be considered in that group of great reporters.
But their ratings are skyrocketing.
Their marketing is brilliant.
And if you haven't seen Russia Today yet, they're brilliant on the web.
They put everything on the web.
On my show on Russia Today last week, they did a story on Bill O'Reilly.
They said Bill O'Reilly was dissing Russia Today.
And on my show, I slammed O'Reilly.
You know, in a way that I thought he would have responded to, but I guess he's too much of a chicken.
I called him a coprophagist, which your listening audience can look up on dictionary.com, and basically he's eating the product of his own spew, and I haven't heard yet from O'Reilly.
I challenged him to come on my show, but he's such a chicken.
He's such a Murdoch creation guy, little boy, hiding in his room, playing with his
Well, he now gets up almost every night and calls for sales taxes and excise taxes as the conservative thing to do to pay the bankers.
You've got Iceland being seized by the bankers.
I mean, this guy is a, he poses as a populist.
This guy is a nightmare.
Well, you know, he's also, he's a coward.
In other words, if I went on his show, I would reduce him to a puddle of tears in about 15 seconds.
But Murdoch's never going to let me go on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox News Show.
You know, I've been offered to be on ABC, Fox, and others in debates, but they always want to tape it.
They always want to tape it so they can edit it out.
So I've decided I won't travel for the taping, but I will travel, I mean, I will sit here and let them come here.
So I do have one of the big three cable networks coming in two weeks, and I'm sure it's going to be a disaster, but these people are amazing.
Well, they are protected just like the bank.
Nobody can really go on their show and deal with them one-on-one.
They're sending one of the biggest TV hosts in the country here to interview me.
Well, it's fantastic.
Like I said, you know, I have what I call Alex in Wonderland.
Everything that you say is becoming true.
You know, and two years ago, a year ago, things that were dismissed as conspiracy theory are becoming true.
So you're waking up into your own dream of everything you've been saying is true.
Didn't you say you're making a film called Alex in Wonderland?
Yeah, it's listed on my site, PirateMyFilm.com.
I also have a film out there called Broker Zero, about 9-11, which is kind of interesting.
Yeah, but I want you to take this from the market of speculation, too.
I'd like to see Alex in Wonderland.
Well, it's on PirateMyFilm.com.
So anybody who's a lister can go to PirateMyFilm.com.
They can sign up.
They can indicate that when we achieve 100% of our financing needs,
So it's up to the listeners to go to piratemyfilm.com and make
Alex Jones in Wonderland, Alex in Wonderland in reality.
We are not in Kansas anymore, as they say.
Max Keiser, in your phone call, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in the next segment, I'm going to break down the full view of what's happening with the body scanners and why this is such an important issue and why we're going to develop a boycott in the next few days and launch it.
All the details are at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
While I'm talking to Max and taking calls, let's put the images of what the scanners really show.
The mainstream media is blurring these.
This is your wife, this is your daughter, this is you.
Alex Jones, you are the man!
You know, I've been listening to your show probably about 3 or 4 months now.
And it's confirmation of information that I got like 15 years ago.
And I agree with Max, it's like Alex in Wonderland.
Everything is coming true.
Now my question to you is, is your program on the radio here anywhere in North Carolina, particularly Greensboro, High Point, Winston-Salem area?
I believe I'm only on one station in North Carolina.
We're on over 70 stations now.
That sounds like a lot.
It's really not.
We're number one on the internet.
We're also on WWCR.
But no, the best place to get it for everybody is the free podcast.
We deliver one hour after the show every day.
All four hours free and high quality.
Just go to the listen section of InfoWars.com.
You can always listen to Global Shortwave.
WWCR carries all four hours live, then re-airs at 9 p.m.
Central to 1 a.m.
Central on WWCR as well.
Saturdays, they re-air four hours of the Friday Show on XM Radio, and that's a test they've been doing for a year.
They know it gets high ratings, but they're scared of it.
But anything else, Marvin?
Yeah, I have a female friend that is an Obama lover, in conjunction with the fact that I think she's actually suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
I learned about that in the military.
And, you know, I've been told by some constituents of mine, where if you're going to deal with it, you're going to have to help wake her up, or otherwise, you know, you're not doing your job.
So, any recommendations?
Marvin, let me get a recommendation from Max Keiser.
What's the best way to wake somebody up that doesn't want to be awake?
Obama is to violence what Tiger Woods is to sex.
Yeah, well, I think the Tiger Woods thing, that's mostly a smear campaign.
It's a distraction.
No, but I mean, he's saying Tiger Woods is to sex what Obama is to violence.
I mean, Obama is there to con liberals, just like Bush was there to con conservatives.
These are Madison Avenue-produced creatures who have no power.
And so point out to her that he broke all his promises.
Marvin, I appreciate your call.
Go through some of the promises, Max, from your own view, that Obama has broken royally.
Well, it's just the repeal of a lot of the things that Bush did.
I thought when he got into office, he was going to repeal a lot of those policies that Bush put into place in terms of extraordinary rendition, torture, kidnapping.
I thought he would repeal them.
But not only has he not repealed them, but he's made them more onerous and more restrictive.
So he's actually doing a lot worse.
He's just taken the ball and run with it and made it a lot worse.
Yeah, things have gotten worse, and they'll get worse under the Republican savior coming in three years.
Well, because the, all the policy, you know, you've got a government that's been captured by the professional speculators on Wall Street, and they wanted, their objective, the business model, is to get cheap money, and not have to pay for any of their losing bets.
Marvin, what you do is,
You explain to her that Obama works for the very same bankers that ran Clinton, that ran Bush, you can give them the names, and that it's the same system and that she needs to get past the puppets and to the real power behind the throne.
It's that simple.
Take her behind the stage, behind the curtain, behind the movie screen.
Omar in Illinois, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for all your hard work.
I'm a first time caller.
Thanks for infiltrating Bohemian Grove.
That woke my brother up to the New World Order, by the way.
And thanks to you, Max Keiser, for all your hard work.
I heard you say that our dollar was going to become like toilet paper.
For the everyday man, what would you advise?
Like, if you only had a couple thousand to work with, what would you advise me to do?
Because I'm worried about the economic collapse and all this hyperinflation.
What do you advise?
Well, again, I'm not giving investment advice, but I will tell you that the obvious play here is that everything, all the currencies, including the U.S.
dollar, are going to be deflating against gold bullion, and I would buy gold bullion outside of the United States.
Goldmoney.com is the only place that I know of, the best place that I know of, where you can actually buy gold bullion and have it being held outside of the United States.
Well, Max, my issue is that I don't hold paper certificates in gold.
I don't put my gold in some faraway vault in another country.
I know you think it's safe to not be grabbed overseas, but look what's happening to the Swiss and all those bank accounts and things being grabbed.
I'll tell you where I get my gold and physically hold it, it's MidasResources.com.
But regardless, I agree with you, gold is the place for people to invest.
Thank you so much, Omar in Illinois.
But briefly, what will it look like as the dollar, which they've gone from debating should we get rid of it, to how will we get rid of it?
How do you see that process of the slow death of the dollar, or will it be a fast death?
It's been a slow death, but steadily down.
How do you see that taking place?
Well, I think we're seeing it happen right now with the IMF is very active in Europe right now with the special drawing rights, which are a composite or a currency that's really an accounting entry in book form, and they are getting ready to do a recalibration of the global currency grid, and everything will be exchanged into the special drawing rights.
At a ratio that will, quote-unquote, rebalance the global economy.
At some point in 2010, this is going to become a big issue.
You're going to say the global economy is completely unbalanced, the banks aren't lending no matter how much money we give them, and China keeps making all these profits and hoarding all their dollars, so we need to get together and we need to rebalance the global economy.
Which means that all the major fiat currencies are going to be thrown into a special drawing right and then spilled back out at a ratio that will quote-unquote rebalance the economy.
The biggest loser in that scenario is the U.S.
dollar by far.
It's going to take a haircut of between 30 and 40 percent, similar to the haircut it took under FDR.
It took a 40 percent haircut as a way to revalue the dollar, and I would anticipate something like that again and coming soon.
All right, let's quickly take another call here.
Let's talk to David in Washington.
You're on the air with Max Keiser.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
You know, you were talking about Russia today and, you know, how it covers news that American media won't cover.
And, you know, I was talking to my parents and they, you know, they came from Russia, too.
And they say, you know,
They understand what is happening.
They went through the same exact thing with the communists.
You know, my mom was just laughing the other day saying, you know, we came here, we ran away from the system, and we just, we came back to the system here in America.
But it's a more high-tech version.
I appreciate your call.
Comments on that, Max?
Well, it's amazing that America seems that they have to censor ads from Russia today.
They don't have enough faith in their own population to be able to sort through what they feel is material that is not in their interest.
And so the federal government is saying, you know, we don't even want you to be exposed to anything.
We want total control over the total global media footprint, which is, of course, the hallmark of an empire.
And let's get down to brass tacks, Al.
The reason why Al Jazeera English and Russia Today are not, you know, they're seen by the Fox News and the CNBC as competition, and just like the banks on Wall Street,
In other parts of the economy.
They don't want competition.
And they don't want Russia Today.
They don't want Al Jazeera English.
They don't want to compete with anybody.
They want a monopoly.
They want all the viewers.
They want to say what they want to say without getting challenged in any way over there at Fox News.
And let me say this.
Al Jazeera got big by being a little more open.
But once they got big, they've gotten as mainline as Fox News in my opinion now.
And CNN.
Russia today is being super radical, exposing their own government, our government.
I can't believe the stuff that's on there.
It's as if I'm programming it or something.
It's just amazing.
And let's hope that once they get the giant market share, because they're smart, that they continue with what they've been doing.
Because I remember Bill O'Reilly, 10 years ago, he was having Tony Brown on, of Tony Brown's journal, talking about the Illuminati and the New World Order.
So he built his audience
I mean, did you see O'Reilly 10, 12 years ago?
It was like anti-New World Order.
He built that giant audience, giving people what they want, the truth, and then, but he only did it for two years, and then flip-flopped, and then just gets worse and worse, and now he says you're a dirty communist if you don't want more taxes.
I mean, you know, it's sick.
I'll give you another huge flip-flop, which is, you know, amazing, is, you know, Bono from the group U2.
He wants total internet police state.
Yeah, like China.
He holds China up as an example.
You know, and this is like, my side pirate, my film, is meant to challenge this whole Bono thought that, you know, the copyright needs to be protected for perpetuity.
That is, that's like giving the population an intellectual, um...
You know, uh, lobotomy by having copyright extended indefinitely.
Copyright has to live and breathe.
It has to go back into the public domain every, I believe, every 20 years, not lifetime plus 70 years as it is now, and it keeps getting extended every time Mickey Mouse is set to enter the public domain.
Disney sends lobbies to Washington to extend copyright.
Max, we're out of time.
Incredible interview.
Look forward to talking to you again soon, being on your Russia Today TV show.
It was good being on the British show and others.
And in the last 30 seconds, I hope everybody gets Fall of the Republic on DVD.
You're a big part of the film.
A lot of people think you're the most powerful part.
What do you think of Fall of the Republic?
I think the people who consider me to be the most powerful part of the film are absolutely right.
But what do you think of the documentary itself?
I think it's a great follow-up to the Obama Deception.
You know, if you watch those two films together, if you have the time to sit down and watch Obama Deception, Fall Republic, it's the one-two punch that's all you need to know to see things in the light you need to, you know, survive this next ten years.
Yeah, Marvin needs to show this to his girlfriend that won't wake up.
Max, it was great having you on with us.
Thank you so much for joining us early in the new year.
Alright, thanks buddy.
2010, ladies and gentlemen, the year we're going to really start moving towards bringing down the New World Order.
We're going to have even more victories this year.
We'll be right back with the Body Scanners.
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Welcome ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
We have 40 minutes left in the syndicated radio transmission.
I am now going to give you the complete overview on the basics of the airport naked body scanners and exactly why this is being done.
We are being incrementally taught that what goes on in the airports will then happen on the streets and schools and shopping malls and bus terminals and train terminals of America.
Seven years ago, Homeland Security newly sworn in director Governor Ridge had a two-hour symposium on C-SPAN that I happened to cross at home.
And I've done, of course, countless amounts of research after that, where he said, the no-fly will be a no-buy, a no-work.
Everyone will have a national ID card.
If you haven't paid taxes or have bad credit, you won't be able to fly or have jobs.
You'll go to the government to be put on a form of probation outside of law, outside of the courts, to be able to go get your job and do community service for them, like prisoners snuggling snow in D.C.
Citizens can't have those jobs.
And they started out, and Napolitano's on record now, saying we're gonna incrementally, Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of England's on record saying, we're putting the body scanners in at every airport, Europe's putting them in, all at the same time, right on cue, they start putting them in, in the weeks before the underwear bomber strikes, they hype it right on time, and they are saying,
That they are going to put them in every airport.
They're going in Austin.
They're going in everywhere.
They're going in where I live.
And the next year they're going to phase in where everyone has to go through them.
They 360 body scan you.
They have serious health effects according to scientific reports we're going to go over.
They record a digital biometric image of your body, just like your thumbprint or your face scan.
It's even more accurate to have your body 360 scanned than they keep that in a database, just like they've now declassified, 14 years after I first broke it, that all babies for 37 years in the Western world under a secret UN genome project have had their blood taken at birth.
In fact, Google that article out of the Austin American Statesman.
State destroys 4 million blood samples of babies.
Just starting that because people are finally waking up from this show and suing.
People won't believe that.
I want them to see it.
We'll also put on screen what is really seen with these scanners.
The media is showing you blurred images.
There's so many facets.
I'm going to try to cover it.
But first, how many reports have you seen on the news?
Of women being forced to drink their own breast milk when it's in a baby bottle for them.
First, you're not supposed to breastfeed on a plane because it freaks people out, but the naked body scanners are good.
Everything natural is bad, everything unnatural and evil is good.
How many people do they beat to death and taser to death in airports?
In Hawaii, baby detained dies in Honolulu Airport.
Associated Press, MSNBC, I'll show PrisonPlanet.tv viewers a close shot.
They came in, they had their IDs, they had everything, they just decided to hold them.
The baby died.
So there's all of that abuse.
Notice how they've cycled up the abuse.
First, after 9-11, they start questioning you.
They create a no-fly list.
Now they have bills to make it a no-buy list, where they secretly put you on a list, over a million Americans, $25,000 a month put on it, but every time there's a real terrorist who's even on it, they let them in.
So we have that going on.
And then they start having you take your shoes off and your belt off and untuck your shirt and open up your laptop and tell them what's on your computer.
TSA announced two years ago they would start seizing computers randomly and downloading their contents without warrants.
Charging people for tax offenses that they found in the computers.
If you fly internationally, mainline porn is illegal to transport it.
You know, of two 30-year-old people having sex, a man and a woman, that's illegal.
They are using this to go after everybody and catch them in this web.
Then you have all the huge profits being made by Chertoff, the head of Homeland Security, who owns a bunch of stock in the main companies, out-promoting it.
Total conflicts of interest.
Billions and billions a year spent on these systems.
Since I mentioned it, put it on screen.
Texas to destroy baby blood taken without consent.
And that's out of the AP.
Here's state-destroyed blood samples.
That's the Austin American-Statesman.
San Antonio Express News.
Again, this is the type of secret stuff that's been going on forever.
My point is, is that they're in the business of violating your rights.
It's all illegal.
On top of that,
The Amsterdam airport had the body scanners.
He wasn't put through them.
He didn't have a passport.
The underwear bomber was led by a sharp-dressed man on board the plane.
Someone videotaped the whole event.
Then once they got off the plane, someone was reportedly found with a bomb.
That was covered up.
The FBI has not admitted they lied, but won't say why.
Within minutes of that story breaking Sunday,
On that Christmas, on that Friday, they had the body scanners on the news saying this is the solution to coincide with the release.
We'll come back over all of it on the other side.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Okay, we're back live.
I'm clearing the phone lines.
I'm going to do about a 10-minute analysis and breakdown of the body scanners that I want to hear specifically from callers on their ideas to boycott the airlines, the government, ways to stop this, what you're doing to expose it, to warn people, until the end of the transmission.
Now, the London Independent reported, and they've had top security experts on, the headline is, are planned airport scanners just a scam?
New technology that Gordon Brown relies on for his response to the Christmas Day bomb attack has been tested and found wanting.
The explosive device smuggled in the clothing of the Detroit bomb suspect would not have been detected by body scanners set to be introduced in British airports, an expert on the technology warned last night.
And again, I will state the key.
Mainstream television and newspapers cannot show you the real images.
There are thousands of them online, put out by the security companies.
You can see every hair, every freckle, every fold of the male and female genitalia.
Put it back on screen for people.
And we have two key articles written by Paul Watson today that are up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Alex Jones calls for mass resistance to implementation of body scanners.
And, of course, airports set to become primary peddlers of child porn.
And we show you what the scanners really do, and you need to show everybody you know.
It's one thing that you know about this.
Taking action is what empowers you and what gives us victories, just like we had over the global governance formation in Copenhagen, just like we had over the flu.
That whole fear-mongering event has been a complete defeat for the enemy.
All the evidence and lawsuits and their attempts in New York and
Massachusetts to make it law to make you take the shot failed.
They tried to set that precedent.
They failed!
And if you take action, they will fail again!
Now there's another key story we posted at PrisonPlanet.com and I've seen countless reports the last two years from universities and top scientists.
We're lining a bunch of them up for the show.
Full body scanners to fry travelers with radiation.
The studies show that the x-ray type radiation is high-powered and can break up the DNA strands in the body.
No kidding, it's also dangerous for the operators that run these systems.
But again, I just showed you that photo of the naked woman in the body scanner.
They always show the images on the news of someone with a gun or a knife.
With these scans, the image is everyone that's scanned is guilty.
That's the subconscious image that is put out there.
I also want to add that the new body scanners break child porn laws in England and clearly in the U.S.
and the London Guardian and the government admits that.
Here's the article from the Guardian.
New scanners break child porn laws.
Now, remember this article I covered on Sunday's show?
Microsoft seeks patent for office spy software where everyone will wear a bracelet that tracks their heart rate, their mood, an earpiece that tracks their brainwaves.
This is medicalizing everything, making everyone be medically listed for something.
They want to make all new cars.
I saw this six years ago, GM, Toyota, with a digital camera scanner that picks up signs in the face if you're tired.
It will dial the cell phone in the OnStar system and call police to come arrest you.
I know people arrested and charged with DWI-like crimes all over the country.
I know people personally in Austin for the cops saying they're tired.
You get off work at 4 a.m., they say, hey, you tired?
Yeah, I'm tired.
Making everybody a criminal.
Also, these are similar radiation to CT scans, CAT scans.
They're putting in airports passive brain scanners at a distance that pick up your brain waves.
That's been done in multiple airports around the U.S.
and Europe since 2002.
CBS News also reports new focus on danger of CT scans.
Again, we mentioned how Chertoff and others are making millions of dollars apiece, billions total, off of, as the head of Homeland Security and the new head of Homeland Security, ordering these when they're also invested in the companies.
That's in the Boston Globe as well.
Meanwhile, the TSA is countering.
Washington Post tries to assuage privacy concerns about full-body scans.
Already shoeless, beltless, it has come to this.
And waterless, more beleaguered air passengers will be holding their legs apart, raising their arms and effectively bearing it all as they pass through U.S.
airport security checkpoints for the full body scan.
And notice, they could have you put your hands out or out and down to get the scan.
It's hands up, the symbol of I submit, I'm a criminal.
That's the psychological message there.
And so they're now trying to say, oh, we're protecting you.
Oh, we're taking care of you.
Oh, we've enslaved you for your own good.
Obama's playing the part of the big daddy out there saving us, doing this for all our own good.
Gee, he doesn't want it to happen, but they've got top U.S.
I've got two articles on that on the news the last two days saying an airliner will be blown up in the next hundred days.
We will be hit by terrorists.
You better give up all your rights.
Continuing here, I'm gonna keep putting that image of the naked woman in the scanner, cutting to another TSA photo of a woman in the scanner with the man looking at the scanner of her naked body with a smile on his face.
A picture does tell a million words, not a thousand.
They are isolating us all.
They are training us to be hopeless.
They are training us to submit to them.
They are training us incrementally.
No water.
No milk.
No baby food.
No shampoo.
Take your belt off.
Take your shoes off.
All acts of submission.
Now you have to put your hands on your lap on the flight.
Can't put a blanket over your lap.
There's national events if somebody has diarrhea in the head on the airplanes.
Obama's notified of a man in there for 20 minutes defecating.
Again, just this culture of fear and everybody's scared and only Big Brother can save us.
As they profit off of the control systems, not only at the top, but all these blue-collar workers that can't get jobs, now can get jobs in the TSA, which admits they're rolling out nationwide and in England as well, with mobile body scanners pulling up to bars, forcing everyone through it.
Uh, arresting people for no reason.
Uh, there was an Austin case a few years ago, and it goes all over Texas, where they come into, in one case, the Radisson Hotel.
The guy was a business traveler.
They watched him drink three beers at the counter.
They arrested him for intoxication when he was at a hotel, didn't even have a car.
Again, all about getting us in the system, making everyone a criminal.
Conditioning us to accept all of this abuse, setting up the face scanning cameras, the license plate reading cameras.
They biometrically scan you with this body scanning system.
Now they can, with passive scanners on the streets, already going in, shoot through your clothes and get your true identity because they match the scan with your personal ID when you go through the plane, when you go through the checkpoint.
So again, mass humiliation, mass public humiliation.
The TSA employees themselves, unless they've hired the most horrible criminals like Homeland Security has for their private prisons, and like the Pentagon hired jail guards with histories of rape and abuse.
That came out to run Abu Ghraib and hundreds of other camps around the world who like to rape people.
The sexualization of torture, that all came out.
All the torture based around raping people's children in front of them.
The Army's own report, General Toguma's own report.
Army's report on torture, MSNBC, General Tegunbu, put that on screen, people won't believe it.
Raping children with battery acid, raping children in front of their parents.
You go read the Army's own report.
Okay, so we have all of that going on.
We need to discuss how we boycott them, the most successful and focused way to do it.
I will not be taking any pleasure flights, I never do anyways.
I've never allowed my children to fly, because stuff like this could happen.
Uh, they could be tasered, they could be killed, anything.
But you need to cut back on business.
Do more teleconferencing.
Let the airlines know every time you don't fly, you did it because of this.
Because here's the key to the legalese.
They say it's a privilege to drive a car.
They say it's a privilege to fly, a privilege to own a gun.
All of that is a lie.
In the 1920s, heavy trucks began to drive on the roads.
So they went to people in New Jersey and New York State and said, don't you want to tax on these truckers making all this money?
The public said, oh yes, we don't want them making money, we're greedy.
You know, they played that psychological divide-and-conquer tactic, and so they made truckers get a license.
Then by the 50s, everybody had to get a paper license.
Now they put points on it.
Now they restrict it.
Now it's a national ID card through the Real ID Act.
Now they have a hemispheric North American Union ID card you can get to travel in North America.
We're already going into this system.
Commerce on the roads, they've passed laws, is a privilege to go get a commercial driver's license, not to get the regular license.
But same thing with the airports.
They go into the big airport companies,
Government paid for, government facilities with private contracts.
They go to the big private airlines.
Notice private aviation, general aviation, private jets, private Cessnas, Lear jets, they don't have to do this.
It's because of deals made with the private corporations.
They gave the airlines 25 billion in 2002 as the payoff to agree to all of this.
They give them billions more each year.
They pay them to lobby and to accept, saying it's our policy.
And the feds come in, out of their jurisdiction, taking over the airports as their jurisdiction, unlawfully, and make you go through all these different screening procedures and naked body scanners now.
Do you see how they're operating?
Do you see how they're getting away with this?
Because they make the deal with the airlines to force you to do it.
Then the TSA expands to the trains, to the malls, to the streets.
They have TSA Viper teams in Houston running checkpoints in Miami, Florida, in New York City, suddenly at New Year's Eve events in LA and New York and all over the place.
Troops, regular troops are out there, troop checkpoints, National Guard searching people, wanting them.
Just more and more conditioning, more and more bringing you into this.
And remember, the Amsterdam airport had the body scanners.
Until we have a broken people, through the Stockholm Syndrome, that submit to this, and if you'll submit to naked body scanners, and knowing your family's being recorded, and knowing you're being biometrically scanned, you'll put up with anything.
Meanwhile, we have all the billboards and all the TV ads and radio ads and propaganda placement in the dramas on television and these news programs about how torture's good, secret arrest is good, sexual abuse is good.
Did you guys find the MSNBC Army's report on torture, General Togumbo?
Yeah, I want it up.
I want to show people.
I don't want to just say something.
I want them to see it.
I know it's real, but they need to be faced with it.
So all of this is how the government's our big daddy.
They're going to take care of us.
They're the boss.
Literally half the billboards when I drove to Dallas interviewed Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, half the billboards were report illegal guns, report child abuse.
The government cares about you.
Flashing billboards about a grandma who's got Alzheimer's.
Always meant to sound reasonable.
Now suddenly the billboards are saying report terrorists, report illegal guns.
Now they're putting out the Orwellian running man type messages.
So again, they tried to make TSA people actually take women, children, in and strip them.
People would physically realize how abusive this is, but by having the instrumentality of a machine, a quackery, it has this scientific glow to it, like it's okay if the man is looking at a scan of your wife's most detailed body parts on her breasts and genitals and caboose.
It doesn't matter if all of that's going on.
It doesn't matter if your five-year-old son or daughter are being put through it and they're being recorded.
It's okay.
And public schools from Tennessee, Missouri, and California have all been caught in mainstream news recording girls in the showers, putting it on police databases, sharing it.
So all of this government data they always grab gets leaked.
We know this will be leaked.
Of Hollywood stars and others.
So it's literally a strip search.
People need to realize that that is what it's doing.
And again, we have the sexualization of torture.
We have the White House pushing it.
We have it continuing, expanding under Obama.
And the biggest group, the number one body of scholarships for college and community college now, especially the inner city youth, they have Homeland Security through the police departments taking over the Boy Scouts Explorer program.
3,000 graduates in L.A.
alone this year.
That's in the L.A.
So that's another way to go after this, is with the insider payoffs, the graft, the corruption.
And that is the basic rundown.
On all of this.
There's a lot of other facets.
Here's the Boston Globe.
Group slams chert off on scanner promotion because he's making money off of it with his security consulting.
Here's the Boston Globe.
Close shot of that.
There's the Army report right there.
Army report on Iraqi prisoner abuse.
The actual report, 2004.
Raping children with battery acid.
In front of their parents.
That's who runs things.
This is psychopaths setting up their wonderland, setting up their psychology, selling you with all the TV and movie heroes, torturing people's children to get the answers, and the real world is going on.
Homeland Security had a C-SPAN party when Governor Ridge was in, praising Jack Bauer as their mascot.
Totally sick!
Frank in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
You guys bring up Frank in New York, please?
Thanks, Alex.
Happy New Year.
Yeah, you've done a tremendous job alerting people to the dangers of this.
What I think is going to have to be done, Alex, is people are going to have to charge the people operating the machines with
Uh, you know, creating pornography.
And they're going to have to, uh... Well, they're going to claim federal immunity, but they don't have immunity because they do it in this federal power grab on the airport reservations that are now metastasizing out.
But the point is, people are going to have to bring the cases before the court, and also they're going to have to... You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.
I'm sorry, I'll go ahead.
No, no, you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.
I agree with you.
And this is an important issue, too.
This is really an unlawful search and seizure, because there's no probable cause.
And ultimately, that is what has to be brought in the lawsuit, and also the fact that the insiders, in violation of laws that were passed in the 1970s, have a conflict of interest in the government with their private investments that are not put in blind trust.
And the law has to come down on them using RICO to do that.
And it means everyone from George Bush's father, former President Bush 41, Bill Clinton, numerous senators, and the neocons that were in, you know, both administrations.
I agree with you.
Great points.
All of those have to be... Great point, Frank.
I appreciate your call.
Eric in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Alex Jones.
Pleasure to speak to you once again.
All right.
So I have a solution here.
If I was Alex Jones, what I would do is I would put a downloadable MP3 file on my website, like Infowars.com, along with the flyer.
The flyer can have pictures of like the woman in the getting her body scanned, the naked picture.
I would put the naked picture right on the flyer.
Yeah, and then you can have 78 minutes of audio on an mp3.
You know, Alex, I don't understand why you don't have any MP3 files on your website because what I do is I record Sir, we do have MP3 files, or at least we had them up there.
I mean, we post that too, don't we?
We have MP3 files on the site and the listen page, sir, and right underneath the player on InfoWars.com You can't download that onto a CD.
Well, I don't know what you're talking about.
We try to make it as easy as we can, send it to us.
I have thought about my boycott plan, having another flyer contest.
That is a small part of my overall operation.
I like to give folks lots of different ideas to take action.
Great points, Eric.
I appreciate it.
We're trying to get more employees.
We're trying to do a better job.
I'm not the only one here fighting this.
We're going to post this on YouTube, PrisonPlanet.TV, spread these files out to everyone, but instead it's a complaint about how I'm not doing enough.
I'm sorry.
I'm bad.
I'm bad.
I'm bad.
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I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda...
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We will continue with the big issue, what comes after the naked body scanners?
Well we know, implantable microchips, shock bracelets, all of it.
We'll continue tomorrow discussing this.
We have what, Alan Watt coming up tomorrow?
A bunch of other very informative guests.
I want to jam in a few final calls from Mark, Aaron, Nathan, and Doug if we can.
We'll continue tomorrow with listeners about your ideas.
Let that percolate, marinate about how we boycott, how we take action.
We're developing this program.
First, we warn the public.
About just how serious these body scanners are.
Before I take a few final calls, I want to let you know about some sponsors who made today's show possible.
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Yes, Alex, great work, great work.
For the evildoers behind all of this, it's not about the money.
They own the printing press.
But for everybody in between you and I... It's about the power making us submit and making other people do evil things for money.
Go ahead.
So they will use, being that they have unlimited resources with the printing press, they will use money to control the rest of us.
I say we call everybody, every company that's involved in the travel business, the airlines, the airports, resorts,
Carnival Cruise Line, all these companies, call them, call them, call them, and tell them you're not going to fly, you're not going to come and see them, you're not going to do business with them, because it's ridiculous.
And stay angry, and when you go to the airport and they try to put you in it, say absolutely not, record it with your iPhone like the Ron Paul supporter did, to show how they abuse you, they'll lie about you, you'll catch them in lies, and do not let them put you through the scanner.
That's exactly right.
In 2005, I got a ticket from the TSA for a bunch of crazy baloney.
It's just ridiculous.
This is an assault on our privacy.
They're now charging people for tweezers and small scissors in women's makeup bags with felonies.
They hate us.
They want us.
They want to put us in prison.
They want to make us slaves.
So how do tyrants make people slaves?
They pass laws to make everyone criminal.
It's all about control, Alex.
It's control, control, control.
They want to control us.
They want us to reel us in, rein us in, to be a part of their control system.
That's it.
And I'm not participating.
I don't know about the rest of you.
I am not participating.
I am calling these people now.
When I get off the phone here, I'm making calls.
You got me inspired again, Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you.
God bless you, Mark.
Aaron and Canada, you're on the air.
Same stuff going on in Canada.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, I just want to point out, I think there's a big opportunity to make a global statement here with the Olympics coming up in Vancouver.
Boycott them!
Well, yeah, I mean the world stage is going to be on Vancouver mid-February, so I think there's a big opportunity there to put something together.
And that's why they're saying no signs allowed even in the streets of the city, no free speech, your own media is calling it martial law.
Well, it is good to be stayed here.
Everybody needs to be out there with flyers, banners, you name it.
We have got to make a big deal out of the body scanners.
However we can get publicity to expose it.
Great point.
It films your entire naked body.
Mainstream media admits it's child pornography.
Great job, crew.
Retransmission starts now.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.