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Filename: 20100101_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 1, 2010
2975 lines.
Unhappy it is, though, to reflect...
That a brother's sword has been sheathed in a brother's breast, and that the once happy and peaceful plains of America are either to be drenched with blood or inhabited by slaves.
Sad alternative, but can a virtuous man hesitate in his choice?
George Washington, after the battles of Lexington and Concord.
Washington made this statement that it is better for our land to be drenched in blood than for us to become slaves to our own government.
He said that in 1776.
Both those two different quotes from letters.
Our founding fathers knew who the enemy was.
It was the corrupt, out-of-control bureaucracy
Filching and stealing and robbing and griming and controlling.
We have to first identify the illegitimate bankers and have grand juries indict them and have the people expose them and get a spirit of victory and liberty about us to go out now that the people are ready to hear the truth and to expose the enemies of the Republic.
If the public is given true leadership and a real choice, we can fix this in a non-violent fashion.
The globalists will stage some terror attacks and try to bustle around with troops and pose as our saviors.
They're trying to ninny us right now.
They're trying to castrate us right now.
I don't want a violent confrontation.
We haven't reached the point that George Washington had reached in Lexington and Concord in 1775 and then in 1776 with his shorter statement
of that it is better for our land to be drenched in blood than for us to become slaves to our own government.
We have not reached that point in our fight against these tyrants yet.
We need to continue with the committees of correspondence to expose these individuals and to go out to the police and military and state the facts of the case and to show people the sides so they may choose.
Choose your destiny wisely.
You do not know that every man and woman is the captain of their destiny, the captain of the choices they make on the road to that destiny.
You have been taught to be so passive, to just accept the world as it is and not realize you are the great captains of your fortune, of your destiny.
I'm going to be covering George Washington coming up at the bottom of this hour.
I want to cover some other news I haven't gotten to, some world news, some terror news, and a review of
To 2009, which they're calling the new decade of the first millennium of the third millennium of the new century.
It is the ninth year of the new millennium.
The new millennium began in 2001.
But again, everything's a lie.
Everything's a fraud.
Everything is deliberately defiled.
Every form of reality and fact is deliberately turned on its head so that everything is a confusing jumble.
It's like going into a studio that has hundreds of wires all tied together and you can't figure it out so you just throw your hands up and walk away.
There is a method to the madness and the globalists have bragged about it.
So we're going to be covering that coming up.
My son is in there, hovering over the equipment.
Hey, don't touch that stuff.
None of my employees want to tell him no.
You guys put him in his place when he's getting out of control.
He's not being bad, he just sees all those controls.
He wants to get in here and get on the radio.
Gotta hear him and my daughter go, big brother, mainstream media.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Hey, children are so darling, so innocent, so good, so full of life.
The world, Madison Avenue, hasn't taught them to feel inadequate yet.
Hasn't taken the mystery and wonder out of their souls.
In the eyes of a child, in the heart of a child, is the future of our planet and our destiny as a species, and is the seed of God.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine,
And you can't feed yourself?
Will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number, 1-800-409-5633.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center?
Buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
Inner Health Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
Try their Inner Food with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
It even won the award for Best Superfood of 2009 from our friend Mike Adams, the health ranger.
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Try all of their truly honest products that will keep you alive and healthy.
Go to E-N-E-R-F-O-O-D dot com or give them a call right now.
Click on their banner at Infowars.com to see all the available discounts.
Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All over the United States, the people are knitting in fear.
A van's parked in front of a building.
Everyone panics.
The police look like...
They've seen a 900-foot goblin.
It's just a nation.
There's a backfire in D.C.
They lock down the Capitol and then with guns come in and order congressmen out.
The security system is doing the same thing 3,000 years ago that the Chinese ruling dynasty had done to them by their security staff.
Oh, you've got to be behind this walled area of the city where you're safe.
You can't ever go out.
Oh, you've got to have your feet bound because you're so pretty, you're not allowed to walk.
You've got to be carried.
Oh, you can't cut your fingernails because that would mean you were feeding yourself.
And then the true ruling elite developed as the bureaucracy.
Most power is behind the throne.
And now the police say, hey,
A Volkswagen backfired!
Get on the ground, Congressman!
You know, there's videos of congressmen not running fast enough, and SWAT teams are like, get out of here!
I'm running everything now!
I work for the Federal Reserve!
Of course, they don't even know that.
All over the country, my cameraman will be in Kansas City, half a mile away from the Federal Reserve, at a city park, filming it from a distance, and guys show up,
Private security guards off their jurisdiction with guns, hands on guns.
You've seen the video on YouTube.
Kansas City Star said it was pretty good.
They said, yeah.
Kansas City Star reporter called me up and said, what's wrong with that?
What were they doing at the park?
And then they called the Federal Reserve.
Federal Reserve said, we never even did that.
We know nothing about it.
All over the country they do the same thing.
You've got video of it and the news just says it doesn't exist.
It's basically what ended up happening.
I see articles every week about the film New World Order.
Made for IFC.
Where it shows us at Bilderberg, shows the black limousine, shows the Secret Service talking into their wrist, the dark sunglasses.
And I saw what the Olympian newspaper out of Washington State last week.
Just said, I'm completely delusional.
I was imagining cars following me, imagining this meeting.
Psychology Today said that.
It doesn't matter if it's all admitted.
Doesn't matter if Rick Perry's in the Dallas Morning News admitting he goes.
They just, it doesn't exist.
And it's their little funny game.
They know full well it exists, like Winston Smith in 1984.
They think it's cute.
They think it's funny.
I mean, one of these yuppies think it's funny.
They think it's funny playing mind games with people.
Going, there's no world government, Alex, you're ill.
But I have hundreds of articles this week calling for world government, the banks, we're going to pay our taxes to them.
You went to the doctor for that?
Hey, look at the drug insert for this vaccine.
It says causes cancer, sterilizes you, has mercury in it.
It doesn't have mercury, Alex.
Why do you feel you need to make that up?
No, I have the drug insert.
You can get one at Walgreens.
I'm... Alex, you're ill?
They know full well they're into the power.
They're into the mind game.
They like writing articles lying to their readers.
They get off on it.
It's a power trip.
I get off on telling the truth.
I get off on a bully starting to fight with me and breaking their nose.
I get off on helping old ladies across the street.
I get off on telling the truth.
I get off on having courage.
I enjoy being virtuous.
Doesn't mean I'm perfect, but I enjoy wanting to be good.
And these people see that as weak.
They think it's funny.
And they wreck society.
And they always squeal like bloody murder.
When the system they've conjured up, the tyranny they've risen through their evil actions out of the pit of hell that they've conjured, when it's tearing them apart, they squeal like little pigs.
Alright, I'm going to shut up and get into the other news and then George Washington.
Let's do this now.
Trying to find it.
I've got my... There's just too much.
I've got my printout about Ecosnoop.com.
And if you guys can, get me the Ecosnoop website up on screen.
This morning I came in early and we got it up on screen and everything.
I guess he's not here.
This is a new iPhone!
You know, we don't have George Soros funding us with InfoWars.com applications.
The few people that have approached us just wanted to do some business deal with us.
I don't have time to do that.
Somebody wants to give us an application to just stream my radio show and my website.
We would love to do it.
Give it to us, we'll launch it.
There's millions of these applications.
We need one.
Instead, EcoSnoop is an application
Where you go around spying and tattling on your neighbors.
And, oh, if an office building has the lights on, it doesn't mean someone's working in there at night, in an insurance office, or in a bank, or in a non-profit, or in a Sprockets manufacturer.
It doesn't mean that there's people who actually work at night in America and all over the world.
You ever been in an office at night?
The winners are there, okay?
But the issue here is that they call it an offense, they call it a crime, and they have eco-cop training for kids in England, the U.S., Australia.
They have a TV show in the U.S.
called Eco-Cops.
It's all packaged in the idea of, well, we're not Big Brother, we're just helping, and we're going to save you money on your energy.
But then you see what people are tattling on.
It uploads the iPhone to their site, EcoSnoop, and it says stuff in there like, garden too long, garden not watered.
Or, oh, look at this gas station, they have the lights on.
Yeah, it's a foggy, rainy day, and there's lights on at the gas station.
As if light and power is evil.
I want to play a video review
Of eco snoops for you.
And again, this is only one of, no exaggeration, 20, 30, I don't know, things I see a week like this.
I mean, it's just wall-to-wall, and while you're at work paying taxes, your kids are in the school you paid for being taught that you're bad and to be spied on.
And they set the precedent with this to get people spying and tattling and filling out dossiers on their parents, on their schools, on corporations, and then they're already shifting it.
It's like they have FBI meetings to fight Al-Qaeda in even rural areas.
You go to the meeting, it's a two-day meeting, they've got free coffee doughnuts.
Ten minutes is Al-Qaeda training videos.
I've seen video that Austinite shot of this, and I've read about it in the news over and over again.
It's always the same.
They show Al-Qaeda training, Al-Qaeda's gonna get you.
Now, we want you to tattle on your neighbors.
Are they spanking their kids?
Are they growing marijuana?
This is what marijuana looks like.
Has nothing to do with the stupid terrorists, even if you believe they exist.
Have you read the MIAC report on Homeland Security?
It's for you!
And police have been caught nationwide planting drugs on people to steal their land.
They'll kill you!
Famous L.A.
County case.
They want your property.
They're criminals!
They're taking over!
Not all police, but basically soon it will be all.
The highest group of criminals you're going to find is government.
And they're enforcers.
That's history.
And now it's come here.
Just get honest, wake up before it's too late.
Here's the eco-snoop lady telling you how great it is.
Hi, I'm Stacey and welcome to the Appensee Press, your source for quality mobile application reviews and news.
Have you ever walked down a city street long after all the businesses have closed, looked up at a quiet office building and seen all the lights still on?
Or maybe, headed into the restroom at your favorite restaurant and you notice that the faucet is stuck at a steady drip, wasting gallons of water each and every day.
EcoSnoop is the first iPhone application on the market to put environmental activism in the hands of the everyday citizen.
It's simple to use and works with any iPhone or iPod touch.
Through EcoSnoop, the feet-on-the-street environmentalist can tag and report environmental issues wherever they go.
Let's try it out.
Let's say we are walking past that same building with its lights on again.
Good pause.
Yeah, in Austin, if you park an SUV at a city park, there's broken glass everywhere.
They knife your tires and bust your window out.
All over the country, phony environmentalists burn down new houses being built.
And then she talks in here about, and it's on their website, about, this is just a reviewer, mobs of them, mobbing businesses and harassing them.
Just what Webster Tarpley talked about.
This is fascism.
This is Stalinism.
This is communism.
It's all the same.
Command and control.
Let's go out to break with the rest of it.
Here's how it works.
And then you see the tattling.
Look at this neighbor.
The grass is too long.
I'm calling the police on them.
I'm taking photos of them.
Why don't you go tattle on some real corruption like government corruption or government waste?
You're too stupid!
Go back to them.
This time we have EcoSnoop on our iPhone.
Simply open EcoSnoop and snap a photo of the offense.
The offense?
Yes, EcoSnoop will tag the location of the case so that other EcoSnoopers can monitor the issue.
Notice how it's all in criminal terminology.
Once you've taken the photo, click proceed and EcoSnoop will ask you to select a category of the offense.
Since this is about lights on, let's select energy.
As you can see on the next screen, we are given a couple of selections to better describe the case.
The case!
And you go to the site, it says that.
It's all for criminal filing.
And they're already bringing in systems for spying on your neighbors, you name it, that are automated.
And by law, all citizens will have to spy on each other.
I have submitted.
I can't watch anymore.
Get her off the screen!
Get her off!
Doesn't that airhead realize what she's conjuring?
This is an emergency alert.
People don't die of H1N1 infection.
They die from system-wide intoxication and toxic shock.
Doctors call it the cytokine storm following infection and immune hyperstimulation.
Vaccines with immune stimulants or toxic drugs chemicalize your body, adding to your death risk.
Prevent death and reverse diseases from infections, vaccinations, and drug toxicity.
Call this number to get my free special report about the flu and what to do to save lives, maybe even your own.
I'm Dr. Leonard Horowitz.
Order Zeolife, the world's most powerful broad-spectrum detoxifier.
I think so.
Originally, we the people have entrusted government to be the guardians of currency, to ensure purity, content, weights and measures of gold and silver coins citizens would use for commerce.
This reinstalled confidence after the demise of the fiat continental system, wisdom being lost with time.
The government we once entrusted to protect from counterfeit has colluded with private business, creating the largest fiat counterfeiting scheme our country ever experienced.
This is not only a transfer of power to an institution that is not accountable to our elected government, but has also caused the dollar to lose more than 90 cents of its original value.
Now foreign governments are trying to divest themselves from this once world reserve currency.
Hi, this is Ted Anderson.
I'm offering a book that explains how the system works.
Call me today at 800-686-2237.
I will give you a silver dollar free just for purchasing the book.
Call today at 800-686-2237.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
Again, that's 800-686-2237.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Look at that control freak!
She's got the same look in her eyes as that reporter
This is how we spy on everyone.
This is how you file the offense and the report.
And then you go there and it's like, look at my neighbor.
Their yard isn't cut properly.
And it's vines growing around a tree like they're supposed to.
Oh, but this person
Doesn't care if there's open-air genetic engineering being planted.
This person doesn't care if DU's being used at proving grounds all over the country and the world.
This person doesn't care if the government's completely out of control, or secret arrests are going on, or U.S.
citizens are being tortured and already held in camps.
We just had Dr. Paul Craig Robertson listing it.
The camps are already in the US!
Special federal prisons!
No due process!
They don't care about that!
Look, someone has their lights on!
There's an SUV!
I don't know about these freaks with the review or this eco-snoop, but I know what the fake environmentalists are around here.
Bunch of control freaks who want to run your life!
I'm going to come back and hit the decade of tyranny, and then I'm going to get into George Washington, which I know these people are really going to hate.
Oh my God, he owns slaves!
Oh my gosh!
It's horrible!
He was bad!
Yeah, and they still own slaves in Africa and the Middle East.
And George Washington wrote heavily on slavery and said that it should be abolished, and if you were going to have it, it should be like the Bible, where the slave owner was a slave to his slaves.
It's not all the Roots image.
Slavery was a horrible institution.
The point is, the West adopted it, but the West also tried to end it.
You're not taught that by all the Ford Foundation people who want you to be a slave under communism.
Have you read the Communist Manifesto?
Have you read Hillary Clinton's now-declassified treatise to Saul Alinsky about how she wants you to live in work brigades, basically?
Incredible article written for InfoWars.com.
Hillary Clinton on Saul Alinsky, the revelation of the method.
Good job to that person writing that.
It's up on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I mean, it's like, you know, communists are taking over.
Oh, really?
The imaginary kind?
Oh, you mean the government openly?
All of them being admitted communists?
You mean them?
Who all wrote their PhD thesis on communism and who are now setting it up?
You mean them?
But communism's for the people!
Yeah, that the bankers send in to murder everybody and take their property.
You idiots out there, I'm talking about new listeners, you better wake up fast, okay?
We're not going to break and come back with all this news.
I want to tell you about efoodsdirect.com.
If you want to be dependent on the government, go ahead.
If you're like me, you want firearms and storable food.
Not that I'm clutching it, and only relying on it like Obama said.
People clutching their Bibles and their guns, and everybody laughing.
Ha ha ha, we'll soon get them, uh huh!
They're the last link between us and total control!
The Red Terror!
Oh God, it's almost ours!
Well, yes, uh, no, they're just there in case I need them!
The bitter clingers, clinging their Bibles and their guns.
I got the storable food and the guns, high quality, because I have the responsibility to take care of my family, and if you think I trust the state and the government with all the stuff going on to do it, you're crazy.
Give efoodsdirect.com a call or check out their website, efoodsdirect.com.
They got a bunch of new lines of great food, organic, you name it, super high quality.
efoodsdirect.com or 800-409-5633.
Continuing, there's also FrontSight.com.
Have you heard of the millionaire patriot, Dr. Ignatius Piazza, the founder of the FrontSight Firearms Training Institute?
He's offering a free handgun and five days of firearms training to my listeners.
Think of all the communist mothers out there who have their little disarmed children, little 10-year-old boys afraid of toy guns.
They're hearing us talking about giving out free guns.
Oh, I'm a little communist.
I've trained my kids to be slaves and victims to the state.
Trained to be easy pickings for the red terror that's coming.
And I'm talking about firearms!
This offer is only available for a limited time because Dr. Piazza is literally paying his own money out of pocket to be able to offer you this deal.
And it won't last forever, so listen up.
This is non-drill instructor, non-tough guy attitude family training at the Firearms Training Institute.
That's Front Sight, like the front of your rifle.
Free men are armed.
Slaves are disarmed.
You ever figure that out?
And finally, survivalseedbank.com.
I believe in being self-sufficient, and I believe in training your children how to grow plants, even though that's, it's in no sense a conspiracy theory that you can grow plants outside an agribusiness.
They say it's a conspiracy theory that Liberty's good, but the point is, SurvivalSeedBank.com, high quality Survival Seed Banks, non-GMO, non-hybrid seeds, great deal.
SurvivalSeedBank.com for the great folks at Solutions for Science.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
I'm gonna go ahead and cover George Washington when we get back.
Then, I'm gonna cover the decade of tyranny, and the decade coming up, the decade of resistance, and the decade after that, the decade of victory!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator.
It produces pure drinking water right from the humidity in the air.
No, this isn't science fiction.
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Because you know exactly where your water comes from with Ecola Blue, you'll know what's in your cup.
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Get your family off the grid today by ordering your own Ecolablue Atmospheric Water Generator for your home or business.
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Generate your own pure water from the humidity in the air.
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Order now and claim your water independence today by calling a Coloblue at 1-800-691-6043.
That's 1-800-691-6043.
Or visit a Coloblue on the web at www.ecoloble.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true, total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Silver Lungs Generator.
Now you can produce pure and endless colloidal silver and deliver the solution directly into the bloodstream by breathing the solution through the lungs.
The respiratory system is the first line of defense for airborne pathogens and viruses.
The Silver Lungs Generator infuses the respiratory system with your self-produced nano-silver solutions and also delivers the silver nanoparticles instantly into the bloodstream.
With continued legislation threatening the sale of nano silver products, you can now produce pure and endless colloidal silver with the Silver Lungs Generator.
Very easy to follow step-by-step instructions are provided, making production fast and simple.
Go to www.SilverLungs.com today and learn more about the breakthrough technology of the Silver Lungs Generator.
That's www.SilverLungs.com.
I can hear the echo of a thousand ringing bells.
I can smell the cannons and hear the people's yells.
Long live George Washington, their ghostly voices say.
And I still feel his spirit to this very day.
And I can see a young boy growing straight and tall And as I watch him hunt and ride, I've no doubt at all It won't be long till he's all grown and then will come the day He'll become the President of the USA
Long live George Washington, I hear the people say.
He's the first and greatest president of the USA.
Absolutely amazing, ladies and gentlemen.
That's Fess Barker.
We are bringing George Washington back.
A real hero.
Not Roger Stallback.
Not Michael Jordan.
Hey, great.
They can catch a ball.
They can throw a ball through a hoop.
They can hit a ball.
That isn't what matters.
You need to rediscover what this country is really all about.
Now before I get into George Washington and why the establishment hates him and why they don't really teach about him in school anymore or just tell you about his teeth being wooden and making fun of him, why the establishment is doing this, because if you actually read what he said,
Learn what he did and rediscover what America is.
You know that it is the opposite of what government is today.
And that if George Washington was alive today, he would probably already be in a shooting war with the government.
Because the government is illegitimate and criminal.
But we're in a different world.
We need to circumvent that as long as we can and hopefully avert it.
But it is time for all the corrupt people out there
Who have never really had it laid out in front of them, the real choices, to make their decision and decide who they stand with.
The spirit of 1776 and George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or with David Rockefeller, the Rothschilds, the New World Order.
Now is the time to choose.
Now is the time to relearn that incredible wisdom of the true revolutionary trailblazers, our founding fathers.
Chief among them, General George Washington.
So I want to play this clip of a breakdown by a historian in a live speech just a few months ago of George Washington.
I'm quite the history buff on the Revolutionary War compared to the general public.
It's so massive.
I'm really a novice.
This is very accurate about the Founding Fathers.
For any of you that think you don't have the metal
We tend to see them, not just the people
Who's figure in history books?
Adams, Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Rush, and of course Washington.
We tend to see them as sort of figures in a costume pageant.
It's often the way they're portrayed.
And we tend to see them as much older than they were because we're seeing them in the portraits of Gilbert Stuart and others when they were truly the founding fathers.
And furthermore, none of them had had any prior experience in revolutions.
They weren't experienced revolutionaries who'd flown in to take part in this biggest of all events.
They were winging it.
They were improvising.
At the time of the Revolution, they were all young.
It was a young man's, young woman's cause.
George Washington took command of the Continental Army in the summer of 1775 at the age of 43.
He was the oldest of them.
Adams was 40.
Jefferson was all of 33 when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.
And he wasn't chosen by his fellow members of the Continental Congress because he was a great military person.
He was chosen because they knew him.
They knew the kind of man he was.
They knew his character, his integrity.
What Washington was, above all, was a leader.
He was a man people would follow.
And as events would prove, he was a man whom some, a few, would follow through hell.
And he would not give up.
He would not quit.
The army was totally demoralized.
They'd been defeated.
They were soaking wet.
They were cold.
They were hungry.
And by the time Washington started his big retreat, his long retreat across New Jersey, they were down to only a few thousand men.
That's all.
Well, Washington took stock, just as the British Army was taking stock of what the situation was, and most every officer and all the politicians, many of whom had fled from Philadelphia by this time, and most everybody concluded that the war was over and we had lost.
It was the only rational conclusion one could come to.
There wasn't a chance.
So, Washington did what you sometimes have to do when everything's lost and all hope's gone.
He attacked.
They went up the river Christmas night, nine miles up to McConkie's Ferry.
They crossed the Delaware.
He had the nerve, the courage, the faith in the cause to carry the war once more to the enemy.
And they marched nine miles back down the river on the eastern side and struck at Trenton the next morning.
It was a fierce house-to-house
Savage battle.
Small in scale.
Very, very severe.
And it was all over in about 45 minutes and we won.
For the first time.
Now it wasn't a great battle like Brooklyn.
This was a small engagement.
But its consequences were enormous.
Beyond reckoning.
Because of the psychological effect.
It transformed the attitude of the Army and of much of the country toward the war.
And in that, it was a pivotal turning point.
Washington, the political general, had never forgotten that Congress was boss.
When the war was at last over, Washington, in one of the most important events in our entire history, turned back his command to the Congress.
No conquering general had done that before.
When George III heard that George Washington might do this, King George III said, if he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.
So what does it tell us?
It tells us that the original decision of the Continental Congress was the wise one.
They knew the man.
They knew his character.
And he lived up to his reputation.
Now compare that to what we've turned into today.
We need to rediscover true liberty, true freedom, and virtue.
And we need to understand that the globalists are not invincible.
With all their lies and corruption and manipulation, they're in control of the left and the right.
We just had a giant victory.
Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the UN, Herman Van Rompuy, head of the EU, announced global government is now being established.
We're going to levy global carbon taxes.
We're going to shut down industrial society.
All announced this on TV.
They said, we will pass it.
And they failed.
Because the fraud was leaked, and we're having many other victories.
And in my experience, every time we fight, if we fight and fight and fight and persevere, if we lose 20 times, and on the 21st time win, we win.
It is the act of resistance that is victory, when you have right on your side.
Hundreds of battles were fought by the colonies.
And you could do the numbers, but maybe one out of 15,
That's a guesstimation.
Because some battles, it wasn't exactly clear who won, but the vast majority were won by the Crown.
But it was the perseverance, and it was waiting until the main British army was tied down with the French, and when their main fleet had been destroyed in the Atlantic.
It was the fact that they bankrupt the coffers of King George III.
And Hamilton and others came to Washington.
Well, they don't tell you that little short piece.
They said, we want you to be king.
A large contingent.
And he said, no.
And he left.
He didn't want to be president, but the people wanted it.
And then the second election, he got voted in.
That's what the people wanted.
He couldn't wait to get out of Washington.
And in his farewell address, he said, don't get involved as an empire.
Don't join alliances with other countries.
They will come in and take us over.
They will bring us down.
Because the French had tried to come in and do that during his first and second term.
And he went home to his farm and died two years later.
He was offered to be the king of America.
That's why Mexico's so corrupt today.
They had kings.
They had Austrian-Hungarian Empire kings.
The kings of Europe would sit in their princelings there.
And Mexico's run by a ruling shadow oligarchy today.
Every other country has scum running it.
North Korea.
China has a bunch of corrupt thugs.
Their people are good, but they didn't have George Washington.
They didn't have Thomas Jefferson.
The French and their revolution was a wicked counterfeit of what happened here.
And they attempted to take that over through Washington and he said no later.
And that's a whole other history.
But I think about how domesticated we've become in this country.
I think about how all over the country, I see the reports, I talk to parents, I meet parents where they're scared of an orange Nerf gun.
Where the schools are banning tag and dodgeball and hugging or talking.
We're all becoming prisoners under a psychiatric dictatorship.
Mothers think it's good to make their sons and daughters cowards and helpless.
To raise them up to be hapless weaklings like legless and armless gerbils in a cage, disarmed, defanged, so the boa constrictors of big government can eat them at their leisure.
Rediscover the spirit of 1776.
Rediscover who your ancestors are.
Rediscover what freedom really is.
You know, in my film, Police State to the Takeover, we show government training manuals demonizing the Founding Fathers.
In my film, The Road to Tyranny, we have footage of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin being called terrorist by FEMA, brainwashing police.
We've released over the years, that's been leaked to us, scores of inside government training manuals demonizing veterans, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, real liberals, who are against war, not the fake establishment type.
You are the target of this criminal group.
They know history.
They know their history, and they know our history, and they know what they've got to destroy.
They know what they've got to bring down.
They know what they've got to demonize.
But the way they've destroyed the image of George Washington is showing, you know, one of the final portraits of him, an old man, big lips, big mouth, big ivory, painful teeth.
He really had ivory teeth, not wooden.
You know, all the battle wounds he had going back when he was in the militia and fighting the French.
They show that image of an old man and they teach you in school that he had teeth that hurt.
And that he got bled to death.
And that's all you're taught.
It's just some boring stuffy guy.
They don't want you to know what founded this country, or they want to demonize the founders and talk about the problems and the bad things they did, which were there, but compared to their contemporaries around the world, these were the highest expression of the Renaissance, the highest expression of virtue, the highest expression of humanity, the highest expression of the Greek philosophers.
I've studied it all.
And it's not hype when you talk about our founding fathers and how great they were.
The world marveled.
The King of England said, he is the greatest man in the world.
George Washington.
Turning down kingship.
Turning down the British payoff.
The King of England called in
Several U.S.
ambassadors, one of them Adams, and said, you're going to need a king even if you win this thing in the future.
The royalty really believed.
They said, what about democracy?
51% will vote to rob the other 49%.
The howl of the mob.
They said, no, we have a republic.
Where everyone's rights are protected.
And that's why they've now replaced the Republic with the Democracy.
If 51% say kill the other 49, it happens.
And I want to read to you two different quotes attributed, confirmed to George Washington in letters and speeches, different variants of this.
Unhappy it is, this is 1775,
After Lexington and Concord, the massacres.
Unhappy it is, though, to reflect that a brother's sword has been sheathed in a brother's breast, and that the once happy and peaceful plains of America are either to be drenched with blood or inhabited by slaves.
Sad alternative, but can a virtuous man hesitate in his choice?
George Washington after the battles of Lexington and Concord.
Washington also repeatedly made the similar statement, but shorter, that it is better for our land to be drenched in blood than for us to become slaves of our own government.
He said that in 1776 once he took command of the Continental Army.
And so FEMA is right to hate George Washington because it is an alien, illegitimate, criminal, corporate receivership arm taking our country by fraud into bankruptcy and perfecting a neo-feudalistic form of serfdom.
Of shutting off people's resources through artificial scarcity and monopoly capitalism to create an ultra super elite and shut down all their competition and have one-child policies and bring in a form of tyranny never dreamed of over man.
In all the government textbooks, in all their reports, in all their own statements.
This is a group of vicious, wicked, greedy, control freaks versus free humanity that just wants to live and be comfortable and be free and be left alone.
Well, you're not gonna be left alone.
George Washington wanted to be left alone.
But government grew and grew and grew and the bureaucrats were rude and they violated the laws and they were corrupt and they did whatever they wanted.
And when police shot innocent unarmed citizens, men back then got angry and they went to war.
And these were men who owned a lot of property.
They were members of the establishment, but they understood tyranny.
There's another big reason men haven't risen up quicker, and that is because, and it's now been on Fox News, and now in Japan, and on, oh, they want to put lithium in your water.
And Anthony's like, oh, they want to put Prozac, they're testing it.
Oh, they want to put, what do you think sodium fluoride does?
Why do you think your sperm counts down by over 85%?
And they're bragging in the news.
Oh, our fertility's dropping!
We're becoming sterile!
It's so great, and The Economist, how the population problem is solving itself.
When you open it up, it says, oh, the dividends of the demographic change, how it's bringing big benefits.
They're killing you with chemical weapons.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The core message is unity.
George Washington's the great unifier.
He believes that the answer to how to have personal freedom and liberty is through a strong, united government.
Don't love any country too much.
Don't hate any country too much.
Either one will lead you to act against your own interests.
The goal is to establish an independent America, a strong, united America.
In 1797, George Washington handed over the presidency and returned to his beloved Mount Vernon.
For two years he enjoyed life, receiving a steady stream of visitors and tending his plantation.
Then early one winter morning, he rode out to inspect his estate.
When he returned, he complained of a sore throat.
A fever developed, and two days later, on the 14th of December, 1799, he died.
He was 67 years old.
Okay, folks.
The issue here is, we're told that we have to constantly support other governments, get involved in wars, but that's the opposite of what George Washington said.
But again, he's not a real American.
Maybe he's Al-Qaeda, like FEMA teaches.
How brainwashed are you police and military?
George Washington's now bad, and Maury Strong and the UN, they're good.
Well, we've got to give our rights up, because the underwear bomber.
But you look at the evidence there, and that's clearly a staged event.
You know, in the first hour of the show today... Well, first off, I'm going to be spending more time
At least once a week, focusing in on a founding father.
We'll go back over key founding fathers, little tidbits, history, more of their quotes.
I've always done that, but not enough.
We're gonna get into what America is so people know the difference between the tyranny, they don't know what tyranny is because they never were given a choice.
They think checkpoints and secret arrest is freedom.
They don't know what real freedom was.
They don't know what our real history is.
People don't have basic logic.
They don't understand everything's not the way it's presented.
Like, who was good?
The North or the South?
And the Civil War?
Neither side.
It was manipulated by British intelligence on both sides, and that's even mainline history, but not taught and not on mainline television.
See, once people have a real view of history, it's all crystal.
Once you learn this information, you can go out for yourself and know more than I do.
But long live George Washington.
What does that song mean?
He's been dead for two hundred and something years.
Two hundred and ten years.
He's been dead for more than two centuries.
Long live the idea.
Long live real heroes.
I mean, you go to the store and every
Magazine is a distraction and diversion.
Oh, Big 12 champions.
Our hero isn't George Washington, it's Colt McCoy.
Doesn't matter.
Oh, look, for the intellectuals.
Oh, we're all becoming sterilized.
The Economist.
Falling fertility, how great it is.
No reason why it's happening, just in your face.
Oh, Al Gore, he's a genius, he's gonna save us.
The thinking man's thinking man.
The eco-profit, world government.
Oh, look, they call him Jesus in here.
The hero gene.
The heir to the Rothschild fortune, a complete demon.
National Enquirer, how to distract you.
People Magazine, a special edition, scandals.
This doesn't matter.
Knowing how the stock markets and the Federal Reserve work is what matters.
Knowing we've killed over 50 million babies in this country is what matters.
Knowing that if we stand up we can beat these people, that's what matters.
Tomorrow, I will go over the Decade of Tyranny article.
I ran out of time, I didn't get to that.
But I will cover it on the show tomorrow.
More informative guests tomorrow.
You do not want to miss it.
Great job, crew.
Retransmission starts now.
We have the eyewitness on with the breaking news.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Godfrey Bloom joining us coming up in the next segment, member of the European Parliament for Yorkshire, for the United Kingdom Independence Party.
In the last hour I'm going to break down Interpol getting diplomatic immunity in the U.S.
and I'm going to recap the latest developments with the vaunted shoe bomber slash underwear bomber slash syringe bomber and how completely staged that is.
The good news is we exposed the fact that Bush was issuing terror alerts for political purposes and now it's been declassified and Governor Ridge wrote a book admitting it.
They had a Homeland Security.
That's pretty authoritative.
And we're going to expose Obama and the Brits and the Germans and others for using this as a way to enslave their people.
And we expose the flu shots as a fraud.
You know, they tried to order forced inoculations in New York and Boston and Massachusetts.
That failed.
And they'll undoubtedly come back and try again.
You know, I love the COINTELPRO that, oh, Alex said we'd have martial law.
Alex said we'd have forced inoculations.
Alex said we'd have this and that.
Well, we would have had all that if you wouldn't have stood up and taken action.
See, the establishment wants to tell you there is no New World Order, there is no threat, there is no forced inoculation.
Even as the internal documents went out from FEMA getting people ready for it, then multiple states tried it, the people stood up and said no, they had to back off.
We had a major victory.
So COINTELPRO was exposed, so then they flipped their operation and say there was never a plan for forced inoculations.
That's a lie!
See, first there is no plan, then they admit their plan, then they come back and say, oh, there was no plan.
We're having victories.
And most Americans, the news has reported, have said, I don't want to go through your body scanner.
I don't want my naked body recorded.
And so now they're saying, oh, look, terrorists hit us.
We've got to put everybody in a watch list, and we've got to put everybody through the scanner.
If you don't do it, you don't fly.
Don't worry, only foreigners coming to America have to thumbprint biometrically.
Meanwhile, every other country we fly to, we now have to do it.
It's all under UN treaty.
But they tell foreigners, oh don't worry, only foreigners coming to our countries, like England and Germany, only they have to thumbprint.
But then when the Germans or the Brits, they go anywhere, they've got to thumbprint.
Because it's already internationalized.
And this is all rolled out psychologically to sell the public on going along with it.
Now our guest is coming up, then I'm going to get to Wayne, Mike, Mike, Chris, Mark, and others.
Then I'll get to you while our guest is with us, but hopefully you can address your questions to him, tailor it to them, so it won't be awkward moment.
I do want to just take a minute out to remind all the listeners that until we get them changed in the next week or so,
Long as you get your letter in the mail, or as long as you call, or as long as you go to the website, you can still take advantage of the new special that'll be over as soon as we change it in the next week or so.
You can get my new film, Fall of the Republic, which shows how Obama's handing us over to international control, how he became the first U.S.
of the United Nations Security Council, violating Article 1, Section 9, the phony environmental takeover, all of it.
Who the real enemy is covered in Fall of the Republic on DVD.
And when you get the DVD, you can get a free t-shirt.
The Don't Tread on Me or the Obama Joker shirt.
There's a bunch of different variants and varieties.
We have a bunch of other specials, free video, free t-shirt specials.
Too many to list in the time we have.
Go to InfoWars.com, check the Christmas specials before we remove them.
Also, until the New Year, you can get
Five and a half months free at PrisonPlanet.tv and we're going to simulcast the last two hours of the show coming up in the next segment at PrisonPlanet.tv for all the PrisonPlanet.tv members.
Or you can also call toll-free to get the free t-shirt or video.
Or as I said, see it all right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll be right back with our guest.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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Uh, well, uh, Mr. President, I take the, uh, opportunity of, uh, wishing the East Europeans sit as well in the coming of the very early skiing season, uh, and snow and ice that's come there.
What, of course, is indicative of the fact that, as independent science has now confirmed, that the globe is actually cooling and has been cooling since 2002, broadly flat since 1998.
So, we're all talking about something here which isn't happening.
I've heard time and time again, members here, talk of CO2 as a pollutant.
A pollutant is a life-giving natural gas.
It gives me the impression that some of our members haven't had the benefit of a formal education.
Isn't this really just about the state being able to get its hand in ordinary people's trouser pocket to steal yet more tax from them?
Isn't this all about political control?
Isn't all this about politics and big business?
The whole thing's a sham, this bogus hypothesis, this ridiculous nonsense that man-made CO2 is causing global warming.
Enough, please, before we damage irrevocably the global economy.
We're good.
Okay, well that's Godfrey Bloom.
He's an economist, military veteran.
He is on the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee for the European Union Parliament and their Environment Committee.
And we have him for the rest of the hour.
Very honored to have him with us on this Monday, the 28th day of December 2009, to give us a European Union view of how this unelected bureaucracy just continues to take over
More and more of our sovereignty, and how they openly admit this is a tax to control our lives, and in the words of Maurice Strong at the UN, to destroy our industrial society.
So to get a view on what just happened in Copenhagen, and so much more, and on what's happening with the dollar.
Great pleasure, Alex.
Good to have you here.
Well, I just played a brief clip of you in the EU standing up to these people.
What is the state of the European Union right now?
Are they angry that their full power grab failed?
Gordon Brown is saying he doesn't care.
He is writing the agreement that the West will pledge money to the IMF and World Bank and UN regardless to these private bankers.
I mean, when does this swindle end?
Well, I'm beginning to wonder, actually.
It's extraordinary that I find that I used to think that the United Kingdom, and to a certain extent Europe, used to follow the United States in a lot of these matters.
And I rather fancy now that we are actually slightly ahead of you.
And I'm watching America make some of the same mistakes that we've been making since 1945.
We've actually handed over our country, the United Kingdom, one of the oldest democracies in the world, has now handed its entire government over to an unelected bureaucracy in Brussels without the will of the British people, without any form of referendum, and without any understanding of what we've been doing.
And it's something that's been a conspiracy between all the major parties in the United Kingdom and all the political
Just like US politics, I've studied somewhat the British system, and it's the same thing.
Special globalist interests come in, buy off the two or three or four top parties.
The parties may fight with each other over power, but not over carrying out their master's agenda.
Can you break down how England has been absorbed
Yes, it's quite extraordinary.
In 1975, we had a referendum
And we were told it was called something called the Common Market.
We were told it was a free trade zone.
And of course, being a free economist myself and a global free trader, and I was a relatively young man at the time in 1975, I voted for it, as a lot of people did, on the basis that we were told quite categorically it wouldn't affect our sovereignty as a nation, it was a free trade area, we'd bring down trade barriers and bureaucracy, and we could all trade with each other and be friends,
And we all thought that was a good idea.
There was no question of there being political union of any sort.
This wasn't on the agenda, and we've seen a sort of salami slicing going on now since 1975, with one treaty after the other, which has taken us towards what we now have, which is a Soviet model.
We have a Soviet model.
Some people try and pretend it's the United States model, but it isn't.
It's the Soviet model.
Where our laws are actually made by an unelected bureaucracy, and I had some of your congressmen over to Brussels who were visiting and I had the pleasure of meeting them a little while ago, just a few weeks ago, and they were absolutely astounded and horrified that the European Parliament doesn't actually make the law, it's an amending chamber.
And so we now have 75% of our laws in England
Made by an unelected international or European bureaucracy with absolutely no recourse to the British voters.
There's no cost-benefit analysis.
There's no debate that you would expect to have in our Westminster chamber.
And people feel totally powerless of what's actually happening now.
It's that fewer and fewer people are actually voting at elections because they know it doesn't do any good because their laws are no longer made in London.
Which is what the bureaucrats love.
They love people capitulating, going into a sense of apathy.
But I have to tell you, your party, the UKIP, the UK Independence Party, is certainly rising and a lot of people are losing that apathy and finding out that this illegitimate system can be resisted.
Now, expanding on that with European Union Member of Parliament, Godfrey Bloom, for those that don't know,
Can you explain how this unelected bureaucracy circumvented or circumnavigated the checks and balances?
How they do this by stealth?
Because I've studied it, but I'm not as big an expert obviously as you are, being in the European Parliament, what, for five years.
Because when studying your system it's very similar and has the very same people involved that are running our North American Union by stealth and we're just a few decades behind you but the process of integration is now accelerated here as it is there and so by understanding this model we can then understand how to throw it off not just in Europe and England but here in North America as well.
It's extremely difficult actually because
You, like us, have a two-party system.
We have the Conservatives and Labour.
You have Republicans and Democrats.
It's extremely difficult if the two parties that you have, and that's the sort of democracy that's grown up over the years, you either vote for the Republicans or Democrats over there.
We either vote for the Conservative Party or the Labour Party.
But what we actually have is the two parties actually agree on the main fundamentals of handing over control to an international political elite.
And what we've actually built up over the years is a political elite which is totally and utterly divorced from the will of ordinary people.
And so when you go into, we go into the pub, you go into bars, or we go into the cricket club, you go into the baseball club, or whatever, you find that ordinary people don't want any of this, but they've been sidelined by professional politicians.
Whereas maybe 200 years ago, certainly in Europe, there was an aristocratic class,
I don't know.
And let's be clear, you have a bureaucracy that sets the policies and then all the elected parliament that's represented by the different nations
All you can do is basically amend or debate smaller sections.
So literally, the once sovereign nations of Europe and England have been turned into vestigial ceremonial offices.
This is quite true, and of course it's totally against our constitution.
What a lot of Americans, and I visit America quite a lot and I love to do so,
They don't fully understand that we do actually have a constitution in Britain.
We do have something called the Bill of Rights, which was formulated in 1688, so it's several hundred years old.
Yeah, you have the Parliament Act too, don't you?
And even before that, Magna Carta.
We do, and if you go back to 1215, of course you go quite rightly, Alex, back to Magna Carta.
So we've had a thousand years, nearly, of developing
A parliamentary constitutional democracy under a constitutional monarchy.
That, by the way, for those that don't know, was bought with a lot of blood and a lot of heroics that was then the model for our system here in the United States.
Well, that's quite right.
We fought to preserve a constitutional democratic monarchy in many, many wars and, of course, in the last century alongside the United States as our great ally.
I'm a great believer in the transatlantic alliance between our two nations, because basically we think alike and we believe in the same things.
But the problem with us is that we've discarded our Constitution and I noticed almost on a yearly basis the same thing is happening to America.
You've discarded your Constitution and we regard, certainly thinking people over here, regard the American Constitution as one of the greatest documents ever written.
It's amazing.
They're getting rid of due process, secret arrest is being implemented, warrantless spying.
All the same systems we see in Europe, England, and are being implemented in the US.
The bureaucracies even give the programs the same names.
This is all being internationally organized and
Five members of our Supreme Court have said in the last two years that they will follow UN courts above our courts when this is a despotism we have in Brussels, a despotism we have in Manhattan.
Now Obama...
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We're good to go!
Godfrey Bloom, Member of the European Union and Parliament with us for the rest of the hour.
Website's godfreybloommep.co.uk.
Sir, it does seem though that as the European Union, unelected, tries to take power, tries to abuse people, more and more countries are voting to not expand their power, though they just keep coming back with referendums until they do.
It looks like Greece and other countries may go bankrupt under the EU.
I mean, there's more and more talk of the EU falling apart.
A, is that accurate?
B, should we hope for that?
I mean, how do we combat these people?
Well, we've got some of the problems we have is in the differences of law that we have in the United States and the United Kingdom.
We have three main pillars of our legal system.
That is the presumption of innocence, trial by jury, and the concept of habeas corpus, i.e.
the state can't lock somebody up without giving them a proper trial and a judicial system.
Now, we've taken over, or the European Union has taken over something called the Napoleonic Code, which doesn't embody any of these things.
And our Supreme Court, which was in fact the House of Lords, that was our final court of appeal legally, has been taken over by the European Court of Justice, which outranks that now, under a completely different system of law.
They have a prescriptive system of law, and where these two things are extremely different, and this is something that your listeners need to understand because this is where it all begins, the system that we have in the United Kingdom, and largely the same in the United States of America, is that the legal system tells you that which you may not do.
So there are a book of rules of things that you cannot do.
Which we would all accept is fundamentally fair.
Now the system of government that's come into Europe, and I think is coming into the United States, is a system which tells you that which you can do.
A prescriptive legal system, which is extremely dangerous and extremely sinister.
We do not want the government of the day to tell us what we can do.
We just want a small book of rules.
And if I may just
Use a little analogy, which I often use here, which will help your listeners understand the point that I'm making, is that those of you with, those of your listeners with children, teenage children, probably say, as we do in England, look, there are half a dozen things you can't do in your room.
You know, you can't smoke, you can't play loud music, no members opposite, sex late at night, whatever.
Probably half a dozen fairly sensible rules.
But apart from that, the room belongs to, you know, the teenager and it's their space.
And I think that's the way we've always wanted to work in our two countries.
If you start telling them kids what they can do, you have a completely legalistic and prescriptive system, which nobody wants.
And of course, that means you actually lose that concept of freedom.
It's amazing, but expanding on this, was it not a grievous blow, was it a mortal blow, to have their Copenhagen treaty
Blow up in their face, or as Gordon Brown's saying, hey, we've always been an unelected bureaucracy.
We'll just go ahead and write up the agreement, and we'll start monitoring countries, whether they like it or not, and we'll start taxing the England, the European Union, and the U.S., and we'll take that money and give it to these private banks to go out and buy off countries to go ahead and go along with it.
I mean, they show what tyrants they are in that even though the Copenhagen thing fell apart,
They're still going ahead with it!
There's nothing that the modern political class seems to take notice of of ordinary voters.
They don't seem to care about what ordinary people think.
Now, for example, my party, the United Kingdom Independence Party, at the last European election on June the 4th, came second over the whole country in the United Kingdom.
And you know very well over there how difficult it is to start a new political party.
It's almost impossible in a two-party system in the United Kingdom and the United States.
But it gives you the depth of feeling there is amongst ordinary people.
But still they ignore us.
And of course you know that the French voted against in their referendum only two years ago.
The French voted no.
The Dutch voted no.
They won't give the British a referendum on the New Lisbon Treaty, which is the final treaty, which is a self-amending treaty.
Sir, we've got a break.
Long segment coming up.
Continue along that thought line and how we beat these people on the other side.
I mean, obviously we warn more people about the undemocratic nature of these people, but what else can we do?
We're on the march.
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Just a few days ago, Chris Matthews praised Saul Alinsky, the admitted hardcore communist, called a communist communist by the American Communist League and others, who called for putting Americans in re-education camps, who dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer.
You can't make this stuff up.
I mean, truth is so much stranger than fiction.
Under national security, they declared Hillary's thesis, only the cover page was public,
They declared national security on it.
They've done the same thing with Obama's, but now Curt Nemo, webmaster for Infowars.com, just sent me this.
And they've reportedly gotten more of the thesis.
I was just given this during the break.
Let's check and see how much of it's there.
Because, I mean, part of it's always been public.
Dude just walked in and said the thesis was just released.
Let's check and see if this is the whole thing.
I mean, we know the cover sheet praises, there is only the fight, an analysis of the Alinsky model, a thesis for the scholarship requirement for a Bachelor of Arts degree under the Special Honors Program,
Woolsey College, Wesley, Massachusetts.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, political science.
May 2nd, 1969.
She probably wanted to get the paper in on May 1st.
It was a bit late, though.
A communist holiday.
These people make me sick.
But why do you see such big banks, big money for socialism and communism?
Because they can pool the middle class's money, run our lives, the monopoly capitalists can shut down their competition,
I have indeed.
And so you're around these globalists, you're around these, most of them lapdogs, most of them from Eastern Europe, who openly love tyranny.
I'm not bashing Eastern Europeans, but most of these guys are former, I guess, apparatchiks is the word, or commissars.
I've seen the list.
Many of them were hardcore thugs for Khrushchev and people.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up.
And so all of that's going on.
What is their mindset?
What makes them tick?
How big a blow was this, what happened at Copenhagen, and what is the environmental movement really to these people?
Because my research shows they're not useful idiots.
They know it's a cold-blooded resource grab.
They know it's a scam.
I mean, we've got local commissars here in Austin I've talked to over dinner, and they say, Alex, join the team!
We're robbing everyone!
I mean, it's a big joke to them.
Do you get the same thing out of these people?
I don't in the Parliament, no.
I'm dealing with people who are not as clever as that.
I'm dealing with people who are fundamentally stupid.
A lot of whom haven't had the benefit of what I would regard as a formal education.
You heard in the speech that I made at the beginning, which I made to the Parliament, we're dealing with people who think that carbon dioxide is some sort of pollutant.
I'm dealing with people who don't know the difference between carbon and carbon dioxide.
I'm dealing with the difference between people who don't know the difference between carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide.
I'm dealing with people who are almost incredibly stupid, and they are deliberately placed there by the main parties not to make a fuss.
So when it comes to things like Copenhagen, you're actually dealing with members of my committee who actually believe this nonsense.
And they believe this nonsense because they want to believe it.
And of course, there's nobody so gullible as somebody who wants to believe something that they've been told because it actually now is a thread through every committee.
It's this green thread that runs.
It's a power grab.
It means that we can grab more power all the time from the people, undermine the democratic situation, because if we don't take away these powers that people have died for under a democratic society for years,
That the world is going to end.
It's a wonderful line, Alex, isn't it?
We know that we're breaking with democratic tradition.
We know we're doing things that people don't want.
But if we don't do this, we're doing this to save themselves.
We're doing this to save the people, to save the planet.
It's a superb one-liner.
And of course, in all the state schools in the United Kingdom, this is being pushed forward under the special system that they have now in English state schools.
Where they are told, teachers are told what they can teach, how they can teach it.
Most of the information in our country comes from television.
Television, most television here is BBC.
All the senior appointments of the BBC, the Director General, the Governor, the presenters, are all employees of Number 10 Downing Street.
Because that's how the system works.
So there's this absolute relentless barrage of bogus junk science.
I think.
Absolutely, there is a lot of hope because this is undemocratic, it is tyrannical, and in history, if people just continue to tell the truth and continue to expose a fraud, it will implode.
Here's the problem, though.
Even though they've been exposed as scam artists, as frauds, the establishment just continues on down the same path.
And they're so over the top in their fraud.
Three years ago, I interviewed David Rothschild, the heir to the largest Rothschild fortune, who was then billed as savior of the planet.
Here he is on the cover of Outside Magazine, the hero gene, how to tap into yours.
And it actually says in here that he's like Jesus Christ.
I guess the Rothschilds have always thought they were the Merovingian line.
And so it says he is a savior, he is a Christ.
I mean, this is a new religion.
Al Gore has said they're going into religion.
The plastic Jesus.
And then I have Al Gore here saying he is the, this is Newsweek, the eco-prophet, and it says he's the thinking man, thinking man saving us.
When I had Rothschild on, he said, I said, why are the ice caps on Mars melting?
They've since started getting larger again because the sun's cooled off.
And he said, because Mars is closer to the sun than the Earth.
And I said, no, Mars is the next planet out.
And I said, why are the moons on Jupiter and Saturn melting?
And he said, well they're closer to the Sun than the Earth.
And I said, no they're not.
And you know, he laughed at me, not because he didn't know, but he thought my audience was like the general public, so dumb.
I mean, Al Gore didn't invent the internet.
Polar Bears aren't drowning.
Their numbers are way up.
But they know carbon isn't carbon dioxide.
They know all this, but they just, they're so over the top that they just keep getting away with it.
How do you counter this level?
Of just over-the-top, in-your-faceness?
I think what we need to do, and we've started over here, we haven't got that far along the road yet, but my party, the United Kingdom Independence Party, was born out of ordinary people.
The ordinary man, and we have an expression over here, the ordinary man on the cap of Omnibus, it's just, you know, the ordinary, you call him, I think you call him an ordinary Joe, or you call him Joe Six-Pack.
These people, you've got to have faith in them.
I don't think they're nearly as stupid as the liberal middle-class elite think they are.
They know they're being conned, they know they're being lied to, and they're voting for us now when we have a proportional representation system.
When we get away from the two-party system which we have for our European elections, they feel that they can vote for us, and they do vote for us in their millions.
And now what we need to do is, we're going to continue with this.
We're putting 500 candidates up for the Westminster elections in May.
That's virtually a complete ticket of UKIP people.
So everybody in every constituency can say, just a minute, I have got an alternative.
And I think the same thing needs to happen in America.
Because you do lead the world, you will always lead the world for the foreseeable future, and you can turn this round.
And I think if people could look to America, the new world, if you will, by doing something like this, I think it would be fabulous.
And it's far be it for me to suggest what you should call that party, but I would call it the American Constitution Party.
Because most of what's going on as I see it in America, and the same thing in the United Kingdom, is actually a breach of constitution.
And if you could get back to your constitution, I mean just looking at the situation with Interpol, looking at climate, looking at even the new health care bill that's coming through.
But even worse than that, even if you're for socialism, which is alien to our system,
Which creates dependency and corruption and waste.
Obama is massively cutting Medicare and Medicaid while jacking up taxes and prison time if you don't get the insurance and if you tell your doctor you don't want a certain treatment the government throws you off the rolls and it does create government bureaucracies that decide what treatment you get.
It does give you rationing.
I'll never forget
Three or four years ago, right before Gordon Brown got into power, I watched Tony Blair in the House of Commons during Prime Minister's questions on C-SPAN, and he admitted one person, one member of the House of Commons got up and said, well, my constituent had to wait 18 months for a brain tumor.
Yes, we did what you're doing now.
We did in 1946.
We got rid of a perfectly good health system, which was based on individuals and individuals' relationships with their own doctors and their own local hospitals, which were built on some part charitable status, part fee-paid status, and they brought in this terrible monolith called the National Health System.
I don't know.
It's a sacred cow over here.
Would you believe that now we have more administrators in the system than we have hospital beds?
This is the sort of lunacy that you get, and I've been reading through the bill.
I'm not an expert on it, but I would beg you and I'd beg all your listeners, for goodness sake, write to whoever does represent you and say, for God's sake, don't vote for this.
This will be a disaster.
I don't quite know how it happened, but you seem to have elected a socialist president, and I don't know how that happened.
Well, look at the VA.
I mean, hellish health care for our veterans.
More than half the money gets spent on administration, not on the health care.
And reading this bill, it is just a giant boondoggle.
It gives the insurance companies government immunity.
It gives the hospitals immunity.
And you talk about globalization.
Global governance.
All these things that are happening.
They have to get rid of local control to the national level if the national is going to be handed over to the international.
And we've interviewed Nigel Farage, former leader of your party, and others.
We've interviewed Lord Monckton and others who talk about global governance.
The new head of the European Union, as you know, Herman Van Rompuy, says this is the first year of global governance.
They believe the Copenhagen Treaty was the first year of global governance.
Can you speak to this pan-global Europe
That the EU talks about the European Union model taking over the planet through treaties.
And I remind listeners, three years ago George Bush signed a transatlantic treaty with the SPP, Security Prosperity Partnership, with the European Union.
So this integration is far along under stealth.
Can you speak to their master plan?
Yes, certainly.
All I can tell so far is that we're dealing with a sort of a European-Soviet system, and of course all we need to do then is if we then have a North American or an American system which is similar, and it's going that way, every day you get closer to that situation.
It's only a matter of time before those two power blocks come together.
The only thing at the moment that is stopping that going forward at an even faster rate is the fundamental hostility in the European bureaucracy and parliament, a fundamental hostility to the United States.
A fundamental hostility to the concept of free trade and capitalism.
There's a fundamental hostility to this.
So there's actually a sort of a theoretical problem that needs to be overcome.
But as soon as that is overcome, you've got to understand that these, as I'm sure your listeners do, that senior politicians, they don't have anything to do with the NHS.
They go into private wards.
They're privately looked after.
If they have a brain tumour, it's dealt with immediately.
That senior politicians do not send their children to the same schools, they do not go to the same hospitals.
Did you know, for example, I wonder if you did, that the bureaucracy in Brussels, all the civil servant bureaucracy which is enormous, don't pay tax.
Did you know that?
They don't pay income tax, their salaries are free of tax.
So consequently, the more they vote for centralism, statism, and high tax and high spending, they're actually out of the loop themselves.
Now that's a key point you just made.
That's a key point.
Our own Congress here exempts themselves from most of their fines and fees.
There's a law that they have to pay taxes, but 50 plus percent have been caught just not paying.
Go back over that though, because I was not aware of that.
I mean, I knew that that went on in a lot of communist countries.
They are exempt from their own taxes.
That is the greatest mark of tyranny, is when you, it's like Animal Farm, you know, four legs good, two legs better.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
Say that again, I'm doing a double-take here.
There's something called a sort of, there's a notional sort of
International tax, which is put on the bureaucrats, which is very, it's only marginal, it's something like 10%, whereas everybody else in Europe, including me, incidentally as an MEP, I pay British tax, I pay about 45% of my income in tax, but the actual bureaucracy which makes the laws, so the people who actually make the law do not pay taxes as ordinary individuals, they pay very marginal tax.
They also don't pay VAT, so they drive big Range Rovers.
They buy a brand new Range Rover or Mercedes and BMW, and there's no VAT.
Now, VAT on the continent on the car is 20%.
So imagine an immediate 20% discount on your new car.
It's just like the Soviet system.
It's just like the Politburo.
Yeah, yeah.
Everybody's standing in sausage lines, but all the communist officials have two or three villas and racehorses.
So they are exempt.
They are a superclass.
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By the way, this is giant news.
Hillary Clinton's
Saul Alinsky thesis, which has been classified, has been released in full.
We were reading over this some during the break.
It is absolute communism, how she's a communist.
Oh, God help us.
I mean, how did we ever let this... Folks, communists killed three, four, five times, depending on which numbers you look at, more than Hitler.
I mean, there's nothing worse than communists.
These are just dirty thieves.
They don't care about the poor.
And they know it.
Look, I was having an incredible conversation, too, with a European Union member of Parliament, Godfrey Bloom.
I didn't know that they were exempt from tax.
During the break, I googled it.
There was mainstream news.
He told me that the European Union bureaucrats that
Yeah, they don't pay any tax.
They pay a standard basic rate of tax, which is something, a minimal amount, like 10%.
It's a token amount.
They don't pay any sales tax, as you call it over there, when they buy a new car, which is 20%.
So their new Mercedes is 20% cheaper than anybody else's.
So they're always voting for big government.
They're voting for more tax.
They're voting for more spending.
And yet they don't contribute to any of this.
Well, our founders went to war over taxation without representation.
You already have that because they're unelected.
But this is even worse.
They are openly, do as I say, not as I do.
I mean, that is tyranny.
I mean, it doesn't get any more bonafide than that.
It's interesting you made a point earlier, Alex, about the East Europeans.
You know, some of the East Europeans who weren't part of the Communist regime, the ordinary working people in places like Poland and the Czech Republic, are suddenly beginning to realise what they've stepped into.
And it was the Czech President, President Klaus, on his outgoing speech
In the Parliament said, you know, I know all about this.
I went to prison under the Soviet regime.
And what we're seeing is a Soviet regime.
The European Union is totally modelled on the Soviet system.
It isn't modelled on the United States.
People are being told in Western Europe that the European Union is basically, the basic pattern is the United States.
It's nothing of the sort.
It's the Soviet Union.
And all these things I've been talking about today prove it, do they not?
And for those that haven't studied this parliamentary set-up in the bureaucracy, it really is set-up like the Politburo.
It really is set-up to do whatever it wants, whenever it wants.
It really is dictatorial.
And now, they're saying they have EU arrest warrants and Obama has amended the Interpol agreement to allow them to do basically whatever they want inside the United States.
If the European arrest warrant
Well, if somebody says, say in Austria for example, that they don't like gypsies, and that's considered to be xenophobia under the Austrian law, they can arrest you when you go home with a European arrest warrant, they don't need a magistrate's warrant, they don't need a prima facie case, there's no concept of habeas corpus, so they can arrest you, a foreigner can arrest you, he can take you to Austria, they can imprison you without charge for as long as they like.
I don't think so.
We're good to go.
Well, he's an economist, he's a member of the European Union Parliament, he's Godfrey Bloom.
Look forward to speaking to you again in the future, sir.
Keep up the fight against tyranny.
Great pleasure.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And live from New York State, Gerald Cilente.
We're simulcasting the radio show now in the last two hours at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you for joining us.
We're going to get to your calls in this hour, your questions or comments for Gerald Cilente at 1-800-259-9231.
He can really comment on any issue.
I want to get his future trends for the economy.
Gold, what he sees future trends with the police state, with war, with provocateur events that he predicted in the last year, what he thinks about the underwear bomber, the fact that he was ushered on the plane, someone was videotaping him the entire time he was on board the plane, he was on terror list but ordered to be let on, his parents warned the FBI,
The fact that they're now saying they want to attack Yemen and in the months before massed U.S.
troops in Yemen for a new war there, just like Afghanistan.
We're going to talk to Gerald Cilente about all of that today.
Gerald, of course, really doesn't need much of an introduction, but he is the martial artist of trends forecasting.
It's always great being on with you, Alex.
Well, we're about to go to break in three minutes, but out of the gates, what do you think about the terror scare?
Oh, we've all got to be body scanned.
We've all got to be prisoners on the planes.
We have to keep our hands in our laps, nothing in our laps, no electronics.
The government's going to save us.
Well, you know, as you know, we had predicted terror 2010 was going to be an increase.
And as the economies continue to decline, they're going to look for more and more excuses to make the people fearful so that our minds go off the bad economy.
And go on to terror.
And government of course is going to pretend that they can save us and protect us.
And of course we all know better.
So they're going to use any incident, be it false flag or real, to keep gaining more control.
Because as we can see what's going on here, is that Obama is out-bushing Bush.
We got a few minutes before we got a break.
How is he out-bushing Bush?
Well, go to the Patriot Act.
They're bringing it to new levels.
They've increased the war into Pakistan.
Even Bush was hesitant about sending in predator drones into a sovereign country.
He's escalated the war into Afghanistan.
And now, as most people don't know, and you reported about a couple of weeks ago,
Under Obama's direction, they've been fighting the Yemen war alongside Saudi Arabia, providing them with intelligence, and ostensibly they've been providing air support and cruise missiles.
So he's taking this global war on terror to really spreading it around the globe.
You predicted two years ago on this show that they would be going into Africa in a big way.
That's now happening.
Yes, and it's very important to watch what's going on in Yemen.
Yemen, of course, borders Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis are in the middle of a fight there in a civil war.
Over a hundred Saudi soldiers have been killed, many more captured.
The point being, if there's a strike on a Saudi oil facility, which is a high probability as this Yemen war expands, all bets are off for the economy.
We're going to get hit with an oil shock.
Forget this false recovery.
It'll go straight toward the Greatest Depression.
Well, over a year ago here, back in October when they passed the Banker Takeover Bill, you and many other economists we had on said that it would be a sugar high, that real jobs would keep contracting, but big banks, insurance companies, they would announce big profits, which they did.
But the real economy's imploding.
Now they're admitting the sugar high's wearing off.
We'll talk about what's happening with the economy and a lot more as we look at trends in the 2010 with the master of trends, Gerald Solente.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
They're asking for more matches!
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, the founder and head of the Trends Research Institute, Gerald Salente, joins us via video Skype in this multimedia cast, radio TV, that we're transmitting today on the last shows of 2009, the 29th day on this Tuesday of December.
Okay, Gerald Cilente, I want to pick your brain today about the economy, about other trends you see developing, but finishing up with the terror.
What is your gut?
Looking at the way they already had troops massed in Yemen.
They were gearing up for this.
They ushered him on without a passport or ID.
Passed security.
Someone was filming him the whole time he was on the plane.
People thought that was strange.
Looked like some type of drill.
His father warned people.
He was on the terror list, but that was ignored.
On and on and on, and now, oh, we've all got to accept the body scanners.
Oh, Obama's got to launch new wars.
I mean, if this isn't staged, I tell you, this is the luckiest thing in history for Obama.
Well, again, you know, I don't know.
Because there's always the other side of the story.
And that is the high level of incompetence from the government.
Look who's the Homeland Security Director.
Janet Napolitano.
Are you kidding me or what?
Homeland Security of what?
I mean, look at these people.
You know who these people are, Alex?
Remember in high school and college, the people that wanted to be the class president or the head of the student council, that thought they were smarter than everybody else, and they sucked up and glad-handed and brown-nosed and knew nothing?
Well, here they are!
They're telling all the rest of us how to think and how to act.
You know, is it suspicious?
Yes, it is.
Is the government totally incompetent?
Look at what they're doing.
Katrina Quality Rescue Skills.
They still have a hole in the ground where 9-11 happened at the World Trade Center.
Look at the wars they're prosecuting.
The military hasn't won a war since World War II.
Oh, I forgot Grenada.
They did a great job on that one.
So, I mean, you're working with a bunch of incompetents as well.
So, yeah, it looks staged also.
There could be collusion.
But, again, when you put the whole mix together, you know, it makes you wonder.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
I mean, in every one of these shoe bombers, you name it, some special security person ushers them with fake IDs or no ID right up onto the plane.
And then meanwhile, I've seen old people who look like they're on the edge of death with oxygen tanks literally being screamed at by TSA.
I mean, I won't fly through Houston, George W. Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush Airport, because they literally scream at you like animals and they've got a bunch of
Bunch of people on power trips literally howling in there.
I mean, it is otherworldly how screwed up things are.
So I understand what you're talking about, about the ineptitude.
This just fits so much of the past MO we've seen with staged events.
And we know they staged things like Gulf of Tonkin and other events.
Of course they have.
Remember the Maine?
Yeah, I mean, it goes on and on.
And the other side of the story, too.
Who really, do the legislators or the president or the cabinet, they don't care about stepped-up security, what we have to go through.
I hate to fly.
I try to go nowhere anymore.
Because they have their own private jets.
Everything is paid for them.
They go to another country.
They have military attaches picking them up, carrying their luggage, boarding them on, and taking them where they have to go.
So this is just another inconvenience, if you will.
That's why our military is in 190-something countries, because they're butlers to all these corrupt people in Congress.
That's right.
I was talking to a European Union member of Parliament yesterday, and he pointed out that the European Union bureaucrats are exempt from EU taxes.
Did you know that?
No, I didn't.
I didn't know that.
That is incredible.
Well the whole thing, the whole game is incredible.
So as we're looking at this terror strike, or the aborted one, we're looking for 9-11 magnitude terror strikes in 2010.
And when it happens, just like now for example, has anybody asked if this guy, why he did it?
What provoked him to it?
Could it possibly be, other than they hate our freedom and liberty, could it possibly be that he's
Maybe disgusted with American foreign policy?
Could it possibly be the hundreds of thousands of people that have been killed in the decades-long war that America's been waging abroad in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and now in Pakistan?
And here's what to worry about.
Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan,
There are 300,000 approximately Pakistanis living in the U.S.
Now let's just suppose for a moment that you had a family member in the Swat Valley, or South or North Waziristan, or wherever else,
And they've been slaughtered either by a predatory, uh, a predator drone.
Of course, they only do surgical strikes on, quote, suspected terrorists, but they happen to wipe out your family in the meantime.
And the Afghan army, again, instigated by the U.S., waging this massive war where there are more refugees
In South Waziristan, North Waziristan, and the Swat Valley, then since the Rwandan crisis in 1994, do you think you'd want to seek revenge?
Do you think you'd have to belong to an organization such as Al-Qaeda?
Or you're plenty angry?
And now you have the means and the wherewithal of weapons of mass destruction to wreck the havoc that's been wrecked upon you.
To do unto others as they have been doing unto you and your family.
This is why we're going to see Terror 2010, and when it happens,
They'll be the same old story.
They hate our freedom and liberty.
And one other thing.
I love the line, it comes from Obama, it came from Bush, it came from Clinton, it comes from all of them.
We're gonna hunt down the terrorists, we're gonna bring them back to swift justice, or words to that effect.
Oh, and we're gonna catch every terrorist around.
There have been more Elvis sightings than Obama sightings.
Well, expanding on that, if some of this terror occasionally is real, any resistance is dubbed terror.
If you hold your arm up when a cop's billy clubbing you, it's now called terrorism.
Or if they're about to throw you off the cliff and you try to hold on to the edge, it's nightly news, the greatest terror attack in history.
I mean, our media is saying that if Iran is hit and fights back in any way, they're going to be nuked.
It's a new form of warfare.
We attack you first.
And then if you defend yourself, we nuke you and cry on TV and scare our nation of ninnies.
But look, the globalists know when they go in and stir up the Muslims that that's going to cause them to strike back.
It's like going up and hitting a bee's nest.
They get to take the American people's freedom.
So it's problem, reaction, solution.
The elite didn't get in power over being bozos.
And on top of it, if these Muslims really are just attacking us because they're mad, don't they know that when they attack, that makes our military come and invade?
Don't they know that brings in the wrath?
Well, yes, they do know.
What's the reports going out now, however, that there's another report about Israel planning to do a, quote, surgical strike against the Iranian nuclear facility?
That's the other big part.
You're right.
They're kicking all this off for the police state, getting ready to go into Iran because they know there'll be real terror attacks in this country if Iran is hit.
Go ahead.
I want to make this really clear.
If anybody attacks Iran, the United States or Israel, it's the beginning of World War III.
These are the Persians, let anyone forget.
There are 70 million of them and they're armed to the teeth.
They fought Iraq for eight years.
They didn't give up one inch of territory and lost over a million people.
Anybody thinks that they're going to beat Iran
Well, you know, they're part of the military-industrial complex.
Maybe it's not beating them at all.
Maybe it's just keep making money for a prolonged war.
Because anybody in their right mind knows that they're not going to go down in any way.
And this is also important.
We keep hearing about, you know, the great Israeli military.
Israel lost to Lebanon.
They could, like the United States, they could bomb any country into oblivion.
But once you hit the ground, it's a different story.
So, with Iran, nobody's going to be successful attacking Iran internally.
Yeah, they could bomb it to oblivion.
As I said, it's the beginning of World War III.
There's no stopping it.
So if Israel goes in, and again there's those sabers being rattled now in the news, if that happens, we're going to be in for a hellish time in 2010 and probably for the rest of our lives.
Do you believe Israel's going to hit in 2010?
I mean, they're openly making noises saying they may go ahead and strike.
I don't believe so, and I could be wrong.
I only say that because they've been saying this for a number of years.
And I don't know if they're trial balloons to see what kind of response they'll get back from Washington.
Because the latest, it's the same story, every administration, for example.
Every administration tells Israel, no, you can't build any more housing developments on Palestinian land.
You can't do it.
It's against international law.
And Israel does it anyway.
And they're doing it again.
There was just an announcement yesterday for 600 more apartment units.
The administration says, no, stop.
Israel says, do it.
So Israel could be testing the United States to see what their response is.
But always remember,
That the more this country is involved militarily at any level, the less freedoms that we the people have.
The worse the economy gets, and we wrote about this over and over again, when this bailout bubble bursts,
When all else fails, they have no more financial tricks to deal on the table.
The next card they play is war.
And that's what we're concerned about.
I've said it on your show.
I've said it on CNBC.
I say it everywhere.
When all else fails, governments after governments take the people to war to get their minds off
It's small a problem.
All right, Gerald Cilente, stay there.
I want to get directly into your trends forecast for 2010 and beyond on the economy, on civil unrest, on the police state, on the health care bill, on so much more with Gerald Cilente.
Stay with us.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen
A fall of the Republic.
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I want to remind listeners Gerald Sollente for more than two decades has been devastatingly accurate on his trends and forecasts.
We're honored to have him here with us today.
And of course when he's up on screen with us you can see the URL for his Trends Research Institute website.
Gerald Sollente.
Shifting gears now purely into the economy, and of course we know the state's terror and the new wars are about smokescreening that and getting us to rally around the New World Order flag.
What else do you see economically coming up in 2010 into 2011?
...of 2010.
The markets collapsed in March 9th, 2009.
The only thing that's happened is the world governments, the central bankers, have flooded the world with money to keep propping up the failing banks and brokerage firms, to the tune of about $6 trillion, roughly.
But let's look at the real numbers and let's look at what's really going on.
Greece, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, US, UK,
One after another, countries are going under, they're going bankrupt, and they're ready to fail.
And meanwhile, our mainstream media is telling us everything's wonderful, while the big brokerage firms are quietly telling their wealthy investors, hey, you better get ready for a possible total collapse.
Now, what are you saying in 2010, because you actually said 2009, when are you saying you're looking for another implosion?
No, what I meant to say is in 2009, the markets collapsed.
Got it.
Oh, it's okay.
Nothing's wrong.
Nothing's wrong.
That's what they try to tell us.
That's the canary in the commercial real estate mindshare.
We're going to start seeing more and more commercial failures, and they're going to dwarf the subprime problem.
There's a story worth reading in today's New York Times.
Actually, it's an op-ed piece from a previous story.
It's about the Goldman Sachs gang.
They have, you know, they always tell us what brilliant, the most
Brilliant minds!
We need to pay a lot of money to get the most brilliant minds in finance.
Yeah, the most brilliant minds so they could pull off the most brilliant criminal schemes possible.
Here's what they've done.
You can't make this stuff up, but they did.
They call it a Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation.
A Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation?
What does that mean?
Oh, what it means is you invest with us, and you're going to be guaranteed to get great returns.
So they sucker you in, the Goldman Sachs gang, for you to invest with them, and meanwhile they're shorting the position, knowing that it's going to fail.
It's in black and white.
And again, you and many of other great guests we had said this a year ago, now it's come out in the five-part Siri McClatchy newspapers that Goldman Sachs engineered this whole thing to destroy their competition.
Internally, they were betting against housing while telling all their sucker customers to invest in it.
That's right.
It would be like you taking out an insurance policy with me, giving me the money, and then me killing you, and then collecting on the policy.
That's what they're doing.
That's what these great minds that we have to pay all this money to, to bail them out, and to keep them like we're doing with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on Christmas Eve.
And of course,
It's not really just a bailout.
They made money on the way up.
This is just their profit on the way down.
Go ahead.
Well, the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that they did on Christmas Eve, now the government has guaranteed them unlimited funds to keep the housing scam going.
You know, 9 out of 10 mortgages are backed by the government.
And what did they do?
They gave the CEOs of these companies, what, a $6 million salary?
I mean, come on, but they do it on Christmas Eve when nobody's watching.
So what we're looking for in 2010 is the collapse.
And by the way, when we're looking at the collapse of 2010, we're also looking at the possible breakup of the European Monetary Union.
So, for example, I spoke about Greece and Portugal and Ireland and Spain.
Greece, for example, their budget deficit is 13 percent greater
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, going back to Gerald Cilente here in just a moment.
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Okay, going back to Gerald Salente of the TrendsResearch.com, the Trends Research Institute, and we are going over a bunch of different issues with him.
He was talking about
And again, I got to hand it to Gerald.
I remember him saying about six months ago, look at Europe perhaps breaking up.
It's going to be so bad and our government's going to have peaceful revolution and it's over for them by 2012.
And then I started seeing mainstream news articles.
I saw one last week.
Saying Greece and others may go under, may bring down the European Union.
My issue is the European Union wants them deep in debt, wants them under those controls, so I think they'll just refinance the deals with them.
But continuing Gerald Cilente with what you see happening on the economy, then domestically here.
As the economy goes down, we're going to start seeing, of course, nothing goes straight down or up or down, but we're still very bullish on gold prices.
We believe gold 2000.
What's happened is that as Greece and Eastern Europe has been going under, and of course, Sweden, Austria, the rest have been financing it,
What they're doing is people are bailing out of the euro and then going into the dollar.
Well that's like jumping out of one sinking ship and then jumping into the other sinking ship.
So temporarily we're going to have it look as though the dollar is rebounding.
But this is very important in putting all the pieces together.
With a high probability of when terrorist strikes in 2010, go back to what they did in 2001.
They closed down Wall Street.
If you had certificates of deposit like I did, and tried to get them out of the bank like I did, they wouldn't give them to me because Wall Street was closed and they said CDs of financial instruments.
Trade it on the street.
Now what they will do this time, because the economy is in much worse shape than back then, we believe they'll call a bank holiday.
They'll close the banks.
That also means that when they reopen, there's a very good probability
That your money will be devalued.
As you well know, Alex, what they did when FDR closed the banks, repatriated the gold, they made him sell it back to the government at $20, $67 an ounce, and then they repegged it, what was it, $35 an ounce, so you lost 40% of your value.
Your money was devalued.
That's the kind of thing we fear now.
A financial crisis is looming.
Terrorism is in the wings.
When it happens, they will close down the financial system.
ATMs will close down.
You will only be able to get a certain amount of money back, like they did in Argentina and other failing countries.
And when you get your money back, it'll be worth a fraction of what it used to be worth.
That's what we're concerned about.
And again, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, just to back you up, he said a month and a half ago, when gold was at an all-time high of $1,200 plus, he said, look for the carry trade that's been reversed.
Before it went to Asia, now it goes to America.
Look for that to unwind in the new year.
That's precisely it.
And again, it's just a short time readjustment.
But the fact of the matter is, and this is the point, none of the currencies are worth the paper they're printed on.
The European Central Banks have been
Flooding the marketplace with cheap money and now they're starting to repatriate it.
Here's the way the deal works.
A commercial bank goes to the central bank and they put up collateralized debt.
And then the central bank's loan of money on the collateral that they gave them.
The collateral isn't worth anything.
It's junk.
It's toxic assets.
It's Dubai value.
So now, when they start repatriating, there's nothing too good there to repatriate in terms of unwinding their positions.
So the big collapse will happen, we believe, around springtime.
It happened again with the dot-com crash around the same time.
We're looking for around the same time of unwinding this spring.
It can happen earlier because there are wild cards that no one can see.
And the wild card to keep watching is going to be terror.
Terror is back in style.
Look for their orange alerts, the yellow alerts.
Look for every kind of makeup alert that they could make up.
And Napolitano will be out there, Homeland Security, saying that the situation is under control.
I can't believe they came up with such an unbelievable character.
That's right, and we also have all these different governments saying 300 suicide bombers on planes, thousands of white Al-Qaeda, the militias have linked up with Al-Qaeda.
Now that clearly is staged, and we got the MIAC and Homeland Security reports.
That stated the real Homeland Security system is set up for veterans, gun owners, patriots, the American people revolting against Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan that have been robbing us.
Can you speak to that?
To them trying to use the terror card against the American people and to what you see on the revolt end that you've said you've seen coming up in 2012?
We see the revolt really gaining steam because there's not going to be any recovery.
Unemployment numbers are terrible.
And we know they're fudging the numbers.
And that's not... This isn't made up, by the way.
Just look at the facts.
The third quarter GDP reports, 2009.
It came in 3.5%.
The stock market was, oh, jubilant.
They just rose and kept going higher.
Oh, then they readjusted.
Well, it wasn't 3.5.
It was 2.8.
All right.
Then they readjusted it one more once, down to 2.2.
As you well know, they're cooking the unemployment numbers as well.
The real unemployment rate, with long-term unemployed, discouraged, part-time, we're looking at 20%.
When winter sets in, remember, you're going to start seeing a big increase in unemployment as the temporary jobs that were created during the holidays start to disappear.
And then look behind the numbers of what kind of jobs are being created.
Hey, you want a job in home health care?
How about a personal home health aide?
There's a job for $8.20 an hour waiting for you.
Want to stock shelves at Walmarts?
You have that four-year college degree.
Let's put it to use.
Well, they already reported this is the worst Christmas sale since 1979.
Well again, this is what we're looking at.
The jobs that are being created, even when they're pumping the numbers up, the jobs aren't worth anything.
So we're going to, and then, oh by the way, this is another big one, all these kids with college degrees, that their parents said that it could be anything they wanted to be, they have nothing.
They're going nowhere.
It's a dead end.
So now you're putting all this together.
You're seeing the beginning of the Second American Revolution.
It's underway.
It happened with the Tea Parties, the tax protests, the Fourth of July demonstrations, the town hall meeting revolts.
The people going to march on Washington against big government, of course, is being hijacked by different elements out there, but nonetheless, it's still moving forward.
So as we're looking at the economy going down, we're looking at the revolution going up,
And then we're looking at terrorism.
The government knows they're losing control.
When they lose control, they tighten the screws.
And that's what we're going to see.
The screws are going to be tightened in the name of terror.
But how does that play out?
I mean, reading a trends forecaster, which I really respect, you're believing it's not going to work, it'll take a few years, but by them showing their hand, that this is the beginning of the end of this group of corporate criminals?
That's the way we look at it now.
However, if the wild card goes as wild as starting a war with Iran, then all bets are off.
Because they will keep us in the state of perpetual war.
Look, they're keeping us in war now, even though we...
Why we're in Iraq are bogus.
We were told there were weapons of mass destruction, we were told there were ties to al-Qaeda, and they weren't there.
We're still there.
So if there's a real war with Iran, a major war, then our forecast changes.
And again, we can't predict the wild cards.
They put out a new fake report saying Iran had nukes.
That's now been proven to be fraudulent.
They're trying the same playbook.
Gerald, I want to go to calls here, but I wanted to ask you this question.
I'm sure you saw the Bloomberg article a few weeks ago where Goldman Sachs is arming its employees against the citizens and expect lynch mobs, literally the villagers with pitchforks, to come.
Again, they're criminals that have committed these crimes.
They can't believe that we're putting up with it.
They know they're criminal.
They know they've been bad.
Can you speak to that?
Well, listen to Lloyd Blankfein, the head of the Goldman Sachs gang.
He has the nerve to say he's doing God's work.
I mean, you know, these people are delusional in a lot of ways.
Yeah, they know the people are after them.
One of the trends we wrote about a year ago, it was off with their heads.
We saw this coming.
Yeah, they know they're in trouble.
And so is, by the way,
The whole government is in trouble.
They're so disconnected.
And of course they're disconnected.
Even the Democrats on the grassroots, even the chairman of the party is against this health care bill that raises your taxes and cuts your benefits for the insurance companies who wrote it.
The Democrats have now read it and they don't care if Republicans and Democrats don't want it.
Some polls as high as 75% against.
They're still going to pass it.
And they did the same thing with TARP.
They do the same thing with everything.
They cannot gauge the anger of the people because they are living privileged lives.
Off With Their Heads came about because of the same reason.
Let them eat cake.
Give them a health insurance policy!
It's the same thing.
They don't have a clue of the anger and the real frustration because, and I say this over and over again, when people lose everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
And they're going to start to lose it.
But if people are losing it and they start World War III and set up the draft, which they've been getting ready for, and run all these patriotic ads about Al-Qaeda hit us again today, they blew up the Washington Monument last month, you know, we've got to arrest your neighbors, they were criticizing the war.
If everybody knows the government's criminal and robbed them, they're not going to buy this.
And it's going to blow up even worse if they start World War III.
Not necessarily.
You know, people get very fearful, particularly the gutless.
People actually believe that George Bush was going to come ride in on the white horse and save them.
Remember, he was going to hunt down Bin Laden and bring him back dead or alive.
How could he get away with such a cheap trick?
So the point is you get away with a lot.
So if they bring this war to levels beyond what we could ever imagine, they'll be in full control.
The flags will be waving, the yellow ribbons will be out there, and it'll be the same lines over and over again.
But the lines are so sophomoric.
I mean, it's just...
Again, they believe George Bush!
I mean, how bad could you get?
After eight years of Bush, Mussolini could have been elected into office.
And they brought in Obama!
They believe this song and dance!
I mean, how could any... It's the presidential reality show!
Yeah, he shoots great hoops, and Michelle does the hula hoop!
I mean, how could you get more sophomoric than that?
And they'll give us some new idiot in three years, some new fad.
Well, if we don't have a new third party, but we're forecasting the emergence of a new third party in 2012.
And by the way, I made my reputation part of it back in 1988 when I had predicted in one of my books, Trend Tracking, that there'd be a new third party and someone like Ross Perot would be that kind of person.
You even said his name!
Yeah, I even wrote the name for some strange reason.
And the same situation is available now.
And with the internet!
What we're doing right now is just the beginning, and it really starts to change now because of technology.
People only watch about two minutes on the small screen a day, but they're watching six hours on the wide screen.
Very soon, it's now, you could plug in from the small screen and have it broadcast wide screen.
We're going to see new news divisions, new news networks, new entertainment networks,
Media based from the internet.
Well that's what Fox News has already created.
Sites that look like Prison Planet and InfoWars and they admit they're trying to doppelganger what I do.
But they're not you.
And they'll never be you.
You can't copy you.
But we're going to see new news.
People are going to tune into an internet candidate.
They're more independent.
But listen, I agree with you, Gerald, and I want to take a few calls here, but let me ask you this.
They have, the fake neocon has, they have hijacked the rebellion, but if they ride the peaceful third party into a rat hole, that will only make it explode even bigger the next year.
It may not happen because of the... Again, there's so many wild cards.
What if we don't have net neutrality anymore?
Then our forecasts are off.
And by the way, Australia is now trying to pass legislation that will put them in the same league as China.
So... They say that!
They say it's Chinese style.
That's their quote.
Gerald, I'm skipping this break for stations.
It's a network break, so we can skip it.
I want to talk to Andrea.
Frank, Wayne, Josh and Joe.
Guys, have your quick questions ready.
But I want to ask you, any other quick trends for 2010 and forward you want to drop on us, Gerald Solente?
And it's not going to the hills with AK-47s or cans of pork and beans.
It's at every level.
Be prepared for the worst.
You always could pull back from it.
I'm most concerned about Terra 2010, the prospects of calling bank holidays, not being able to get your money,
And in having devalued.
Let's take a call.
Andrea in South Carolina, you're on the air with Gerald Cilente, the top trends forecaster.
Go ahead.
It is certainly my honor.
Andre, excuse me.
I'm reading way across the room.
Go ahead.
I hear you, man.
I wanted to thank you for waking me up four years ago, member of 9-11 Truth.
My question is this.
When we look at this disgusting terror attack, perpetrated false flag operation against the American people,
Can we look at the put options put on Delta Airlines?
Because I checked the stocks last night, and they've dropped off 25% at least.
So, I think these people are so greedy that they bet against Delta, and that will give us their fingerprint.
What do you guys think?
Well, of course they're greedy.
They'll do anything.
They'll sell their mother.
Hey, look what Goldman Sachs does, is they get you to buy things that they're shorting.
So, yeah, I don't put anything past anybody.
I'm just hoping that if we can get that information out, the actual people who are profiting from this attack, that we can stir up the revolution that we need, man.
We've got to get these people out of here.
Thank you, Alex, and thank you, Gerald.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Andre, I've got to move that screen closer.
It's like way across the room.
Let's talk to Frank in Ohio.
Frank, you're on the air.
Hey, God bless.
People are being too myopic.
And looking at stocks and things, I want them to envision and put a map, most people don't even realize that Yemen is down at the south end of Saudi Arabia.
And I want people to understand that this is a new world order, global race, and bid for power and power over the peoples and lands of places like Africa.
And well it's that key, key port there right across from Africa.
Well, the bid to take over the areas, the Red Sea, the Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea, so this is divvying up what... Moscow and Beijing must be laughing their backside off and drinking toast as our own Congress and FBI and CIA destroy and Homeland Security destroy constitutional rights and Bill of Rights and just watch us just implode.
Yeah, we are totally discredited worldwide.
Everybody tried to give us a break with Obama, now they're finding out he's even worse?
And they give him a Peace Prize to make it a joke?
Now isn't this really the globalists setting America up as the bad guy, Gerald Solenta?
I just spoke to a Russian correspondent that one of their colleagues attended the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh.
They were, they could not believe the amount of police control going on.
It made them feel as though they lived in the most democratic society in the world compared to what they saw in Pittsburgh.
This is coming from a Russian.
So that's how bad it is over here.
Yeah, they're testing our police.
They had cops looking for people outside during the day, and old women would walk out with bags out of a shop and go, Officer, I just bought something, and they would release a dog on them.
I mean, how did they turn the cops into demons?
Exactly, and this is what the Russians are saying, that they can't believe this is happening in America.
Now, the other thing that Frank mentioned is where Yemen is, bordering Saudi Arabia, as we mentioned.
Now, there also, remember the coal.
The USS Cole was blown up.
They got bombed in Aden.
Now, 25% of the world's oil moves through the straits in that area.
So if we have a terror strike, and again, Saudi Arabia, the US, the Yemen government are all involved in this.
There's a civil war going on there.
I just wanted to point out if people put the map out and this power under the guise of terrorism
Watching our poor American and blessed American military, boys and girls, going into country without declarations of war.
We're going to do a power grab in Iraq and on the other side, on Afghanistan, and then run into Pakistan.
So we do see the globalist
In their dividing up and conquering and taking over.
And they've got a fake leftist in there to sell the left on going along with a warmonger worse than George Bush!
Putting climate control and taxes, national taxes, on that.
We can see how it's a power grab from both the American industrialists and using our boys and girls in military
to do a power grab around the world and and and it's not exactly what's happening frank i appreciate your call and i think once they get us in these wars will be like yeah we gotta win the football game we can't cut and run uh... in closing gerald salente people can subscribe to your great uh...
I think it's great.
I think your movies are terrific.
I get terrific comments from them.
I encourage everybody to watch them.
And you're doing what few people do, and I applaud you for the brave stand you take.
And I also want to mention, we know how difficult it is out there for everyone.
And what we're doing, there's a discount request button.
We try to make the Trends Journal available to everybody at any price they could afford.
So please let us know.
And Alex, keep up the great work.
The feedback that we're getting from your CDs, the Obama Deception and the Fall of the Republic, day after day we get them.
Thanking you and thanking me and thanking all of those that
Well, I think there's no doubt at the end of the day.
We're in a fight for our liberties, a fight for our freedoms.
There's a global corporate takeover taking place.
It uses all these boogeymen to get us to acquiesce to tyranny.
But thanks to you and many others telling the truth, there is an awakening happening.
And I think time
And history and the truth is on our side, Gerald Cilente.
I think in the end, we're going to beat these people.
We either beat them or we go under.
And I'm not for going under.
So I say, let's win.
Gerald, thank you so much for talking to us.
We'll talk to you next year, my friend.
Very happy New Year.
You too.
There goes Gerald Cilente.
We have our special guest coming up in the next segment, in the next hour, fourth and final hour, straight ahead, right here on the one, the only, GCN Radio Network.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we are hot on the trail of this false flag terror attack.
98% chance this is a staged, provocateur event or a patsy event.
Whether this guy was a useful idiot, disheveled, drugged, brought through security.
You know, that's a point I want to make here with Michigander Kurt Haskell with his wife coming back from an African safari, coming through Europe, coming through Amsterdam,
Witnessing this guy be bypassing security with a sharp-dressed man.
I've seen that in the news days ago, that they don't know how he bypassed regular security.
And so that proves your story.
How did he get through security?
But they won't release the footage.
So, Mr. Haskell, you'll be back with us for 20 minutes.
My story has never changed.
I've repeated it hundreds of times to people all over the world.
I've never changed anything in my story.
From the first time I reported my story to a reporter, I was talking about the second man that I saw hauled off after a dog found something in his carry-on bag.
This was five days ago.
The FBI flat-out denied it and said only one man was detained, the terrorist man.
I was glad to see, I believe yesterday, a couple of my fellow passengers came out and
Yeah, uh, Mr. Haskell is right, and backed up what I said, and then, uh, you know, I harassed the FBI about it yesterday when they were in my office, when they showed me a picture of what, who I thought was, indeed, this man.
And, uh, amazingly, last night, the FBI story changed, and now, oh, whoops, there is a second man, but, uh, he, he, uh, wasn't arrested.
He's just being held by custom, indefinitely.
On some sort of immigration charge.
Immigration charge being what?
He didn't have a passport either?
Can they be a little more specific on what that is?
I haven't heard that yet.
Also, ShiPol Airport Security came out the other day and said the terrorist man did not have to go through normal passport checking procedures at the airport.
And, uh, now they come out today and said he did show his passport, which potholes in my story, according to them.
But, uh, those two statements aren't necessarily at odds with each other.
Um, he didn't go through normal passport checking procedures and he showed his passport, but how do we not know that maybe he just didn't flash it to a security manager in a back room or something, which would tie, uh,
Both their accounts together as well as mine.
We don't know.
Amazing that they're saying he showed his passport now when the other day he didn't go through normal passport checking procedures.
By the way, could they please define that?
What is the definition of not a normal passport checking procedure?
I would really like a very specific definition of that.
Just a couple thoughts in my head today.
Man, they are certainly covering something up and there's no discussion in the media.
Where's the footage of the man filming the entire flight and calmly filming the incident with the underwear bomber?
Some witnesses have said that he looked dazed or drugged.
What did he look like when you saw him brought through by the sharp-dressed man?
The best way I could describe him would be emotionless.
So he was zombie-like?
You know, zombie-like to me is a definition that would entail, you know, blurry or unclear eyes and I can't really verify that.
He was just blank.
He was blank.
I would say emotionless is the best way that I could describe him.
We'll talk to you again Sunday.
We appreciate your courage.
Kurt Haskell from Michigan, a survivor of the underwear bombing attack.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Wayne Madsen, who worked for the National Security Agency and other even more secretive federal agencies involved in national security, will be our guest until 50 after.
Then he's got to go on an international television program.
He's live at the Russia Today studios.
He is going to be joining us here in just a few minutes to talk about
Healthcare that the Democrats, rank and file, are even turning against as they find out it's a giant boondoggle.
We're going to be talking also about the underwear bomber, get his expert take on whether he thinks that's an inside job or a provocateur to action.
I'm going to play a short clip of Tarpley from television, who stunningly in three minutes boiled down my view exactly.
When I do it in a more long-winded form, because there's so much data.
Tarpley joins us tomorrow, by the way.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts joins us in the next hour.
In the last hour, I've got a host of news.
I've got the Decade of Tyranny in review.
From PrisonPlanet.com, written by Alex Jones, Steve Watson, and Paul Watson.
I want to go over what's happened in the last decade.
I want to get into these EcoSnoop programs with a new iPhone application for citizen spies.
This is chilling.
That's in the last hour today.
But before I go to Wayne Madsen of WayneMadsenReport.com,
I wanted to encourage listeners before this year ends to take advantage of the specials.
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Okay, enough said.
Now for the remainder of the time we have left, until 50 after, I go to Wayne Madsen.
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Wayne Madsen, great to have you here with us at Year End, sir.
Good to be with you, Alex.
Well, there's so much to discuss.
I wanted to get you on about health care as the real left finds out this is a boondoggle and as the right is against it, where you see that going?
Is it political suicide for the Democrats?
I wanted to get into
How they want to attack Yemen last week before the bombing happened, but you were busy, we couldn't get you on in time for that.
I wanted to get you on, and now they've staged the event to go into Yemen, or we'll see if you agree.
I wanted to get you on about the dollar, and all this is happening, but I would imagine first off, Wayne Madsen, with your expertise on intelligence and false flag, you'll probably want to discuss the underwear bomber first, or am I wrong?
No, that's the item of the day, I think.
This is clearly a false flag operation, if there ever was one.
It's got all the components of one.
And now we see the counterclaims, the counter-propaganda coming out of the usual suspects, where eyewitness accounts are now being, basically, they're being attacked.
The two lawyers, the Haskells,
from Michigan.
It's being said now that this Mutalag, the attempted underwear bomber, was traveling with a passport, but he didn't show a passport when he boarded the flight.
And this well-dressed Indian gentleman that arranged for him to get on the flight parading, I guess, as a Sudanese refugee, I'm being told by my intelligence sources in Asia that that guy is probably
Uh, Indian Research and Analysis Wing agent, R.A.W., is the Indian version of our CIA, and that this was an operation conducted jointly by R.A.W., Mossad, and the CIA.
Now, it just came out in the British BBC London Telegraph last week that, yes, it's true what Indian intelligence said in Mumbai a year ago was true that British, US, and Israeli intelligence was running commandos, killing people.
They then shot a few patsies, dressed them up, shot one guy up full of LSD, and that's the patsy, but he himself is US intelligence.
Same thing with Mohammed Atta and the Springman, the head of the
Embassy before 9-11, being told let the hijackers in, their terror designation is a CIA cover.
We see this over and over and over again, Wayne, and we have the Indian man on the plane videotaping the entire flight, trained on the underwear bomber.
The feds don't want to say where that footage is.
I interviewed Haskell two days in a row.
Haskell was at Detroit.
I want your take on this.
Inside of the customs area being searched, a dog alerted on another Indian man's bag.
They took him behind closed doors, said, you've got to get out of here for your safety.
They all get out of there.
Now, other witnesses have come forward on TV and said, no, that did happen.
And so the feds have suddenly recanted and said, OK, we did detain somebody else.
I mean, this is this blew up in their face, didn't it, Wayne?
You know, it reminds me of the Fort Hood shooter.
We were told that there were some other people arrested there, and then we were told they weren't arrested.
This is the same type of thing, and this happens every time.
Look, you can take this kind of stuff back to the Dealey Plaza in 1963, because in Dallas there were other people arrested
I don't think so.
Neoconservative media about the Haskells, that they were somehow mistaken.
Well, you can't be mistaken about things like this.
I would also note there's some very strange information coming out about Jasper Scheringa.
Remember, he's the young Dutch guy who got his Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame, who supposedly, you know, he wrestled Mutalob down and prevented him from detonating his underwear and blowing a hole in the fuselage of the airplane.
It turns out that Sheringa, the person who drove him to the airport, a guy named Chris Van Amersfoort, he drove him to the airport on Christmas morning in Schiphol, left, as one of his friends on his Facebook page, the Emir of Dubai, Rashid bin Maktoum, and now we know that there was another report
That a Dhalo Airlines passenger attempted to board a plane in Mogadishu last month with a syringe powder and liquid, was not allowed to board that flight.
I would point out that Dhalo Airlines is owned by Dubai World, the company that's owned by the Emir of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who just so happens to be listed as a friend on
I mean, I'm no defender of Obama, but looking at this, and I want your expert take on this, Wayne Madsen, it appears this is probably a neocon job in the rogue networks, even outside of Obama, but tied into the Israeli angle, because the way they're pressuring Obama, saying he's got to get tough, he's got to get tough on the war on terror, and the left saying, oh look, he is tough, as a way of co-opting the left,
into taking on a neocon coloration.
Well, I believe that's it, because this comes right after we have another forgery.
These Iran nuclear weapons documents.
Turns out that that was a forgery.
And now we have something, again, it looks like another forgery, that Khamenei, the Supreme Ayatollah of Iran, something that was supposedly backed out of Iran, said that he's got plans to leave.
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Friday I was driving to the local store to get some eggs Christmas afternoon and I heard about the underwear bomber and it just fit the MO of all the other fake attacks.
In every case they usher them on the plane security does.
They're always mentally ill.
They always look like children or like they're out of their minds.
I look at the photos of the underwear bomber
He looks like he's about 14 years old, is clearly a mental deficient.
It's always the same.
And then now, you have the FBI caught lying about everything, and you have the preparation to go into Yemen, into Sudan, into Somalia, all the new hype.
I mean, we said the Obama deception out six and a half months ago, seven months ago.
Very odd connection.
Let's look at this guy's father, the Underwear Bomber's father.
He is one of the top banking officials
tied to the top government officials of Nigeria, Umaru Mutalab.
We do know now, it's being reported, that his son was traveling with a passport, but not a Nigerian passport, but an Italian passport.
I just found out that the elder Mutalab, the banker, happens to hold the Order of Merit from Italy.
So he obviously has very close connections to the Italian government.
That's Silvio Berlusconi.
The Italians have been caught, I don't know how many times, this fascist government in Italy, Berlusconi's government, has been caught several times, involved in all kinds of false flag operations.
They've had two of their former presidents come out and declassify that they staged hundreds of bombings, namely the Bologna bombing.
Right, and we also know that, where did the Niger yellowcake, phony yellowcake Iranian documents come out of?
They were laundered through Italy.
Uh, by media operations controlled by Berlusconi.
So when you've got an Italian connection, you've got obvious Israeli connections, you've got now connections to India, which is a partner with the CIA and Mossad in various false flag operations, including their fingerprint, as you mentioned, are all over the Mumbai attacks.
Now the Indian Press is reporting what I originally reported, that the Mumbai attacks were a false flag operation.
Now the guy who was accused of that is recanting, saying his confession was forced.
We do live in a wilderness of mirrors.
We don't know, really, what's real and what isn't real.
I think it's incumbent on everyone to do a little bit deeper digging on these stories and not listen to these
These globiating people on these talking head networks that go on and on and on with this business about this is Al-Qaeda 2.0, this is, you know... Well, I mean, it's Kibono.
They want to move into Africa and the Southern Middle East, and so they're now doing this.
That was their agenda with AFRICOM and the rest of it.
And speaking of Italy, Kibono.
Who benefits?
That's what... You always follow the money and the power, and you always find out who did it.
That's right, and obviously we have this proxy war in Yemen right now between the Shias in the northern part of the country, the Houthi rebels, basically supported by Iran, and the Yemeni government, which is supported by, you know, here we go again, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the United States.
We saw this happen in the past with these strange alliances, when Saddam Hussein launched his cut missiles
Not only at Israel, but also at Saudi Arabia.
He saw those two countries being in cahoots with one another.
And we saw in the 80s, Mossad, the Saudi Arabians, the Egyptians, and the United States, as well as the Italians and others, helping out to go after the Russians.
It's always the same groups teaming up.
Well, it goes back to a group of intelligence agencies from going back in the 60s called the Safari Club, and that included the Turks, and we know there's all kinds of
All kinds of information now coming out of Turkey about an attempt by the NATO-backed armed forces to overthrow the Turkish government of Prime Minister Erdogan, who's been a very big critic of what's been going on in Gaza.
There's this group called Organikon, which is basically a Gladio-type operation.
The Gladio, of course, was
It's simple!
It's simple.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
That's 12 noon to 4 p.m.
We're here.
I'll be back live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., just a heads up for everybody.
This will be live tomorrow as well, going into the new year.
Going back to Wayne Madsen, we are just so blessed to have this huge gallery of amazing guests.
Do you know who our regular guests are, though?
We have guests every day, or every couple days on this show that you'll never hear again.
On specific articles, specific news, specific items.
But we do have guests who come back every month.
I don't know, we got 30, 40 of them.
And they're people who are consistently proven right in hindsight.
That's what I respect.
And that's who I want to associate with mentally.
I want to hear what they have to say.
I want to bounce information off them.
I want to brainstorm.
I want the truth.
It's not about left and right.
It's about the truth.
It's about right and wrong, and it's hard to find the truth in this world.
The controllers, the social engineers, have made it to where it's very hard to find the truth.
And what I want is the truth.
Does that mean I have the truth?
But this radio show is a lot closer to the truth than anything else you're going to find out there.
I challenge you, and we don't infight, we don't COINTELPRO, we don't fall for all the globalist tricks,
We don't get into racial issues or religious fighting.
We don't get into all these distractions.
We just cover the global power structure and what their agenda is, and then you make a decision about what you're gonna do about it.
We do have suggestions.
We do have issues we talk about.
We have people on we don't even totally agree with.
We want those different perspectives.
I may not agree with someone about how they wanna see the world,
The direction they want to see the world go in, but if they've been accurate in the past about predictions and analysis, I want to still get their perspective.
Going back to Wayne Madsen, finishing up, Wayne, anything on the false flag, what this heralds, all the talk about now Israel saying we may go ahead and hit them, the U.S.
is coming in with, quote, Jerusalem Post headline, crippling sanctions, Ron Paul rightfully calls this an act of war, how would we like having our
You know, our supplies cut off here, our economy destroyed, this empire just ladles out abuse, and then if Iran even dare criticize their evil, doesn't mean I'm in love with the corrupt system over there, it's just that what our empire is doing is wrong.
Your take on that, and what you see in the new year, then I want to get into healthcare, the Democrats finally finding out what's really in it, where you see Obama's future, what kind of false flag you see in the new year, Wayne Madsen.
Well, one thing that really amazes me is after 9-11 we were told, oh, we need to have this, uh, revamp the intelligence community, information's not being shared between the CIA and the FBI and the NSA and all these various three-letter alphabet soup agencies, and now what are we being told?
The same thing.
Information wasn't being shared.
I mean, they must be thinking we're a bunch of fools to accept this explanation for why these things happen.
No, they want more power.
Every time, they take more of our rights and then they get even more power and now we've got to be prisoners on the plane and not have anything in our laps and not go to the bathroom and be body scanned and that won't be enough.
Now they want shocker bracelets.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, you know, you mentioned Mike Springman, who reported what happened when he was the visa officer at the U.S.
Embassy in Saudi Arabia, how these Saudis, known to be terrorists, were given, basically, he was being ordered by the CIA to give them visas to enter the country.
Now we know that at the U.S.
Embassy in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, this Mutalab's father, this wealthy guy who counts the president of Nigeria amongst his friends,
We're good to go.
I mean, Dubai is really the present-day Casablanca, if you remember the movie with Humphrey Bogart.
The stock and trade for Dubai, other than dealing in smuggled items like diamonds, gold, and nuclear components, apparently, is intelligence gathering.
Uh, now we have this guy in Dubai.
Remember who was at the American hospital in Dubai in July, right before them, you know, a couple months before 9-11?
Osama Bin Laden.
Bin Laden, right.
He's there, and of course, you know, we got the same thing.
The French reported that, and then they, oh, you know, that was mistaken.
No, there's no, there's no CIA agent.
No, no, no Bin Laden.
None of them were in Dubai.
Now we have this guy in Dubai.
Uh, where would, where was all the U.S.
intelligence agents
We're good to go.
You know, prior to 9-11, the State Department wasn't the ones to make the call to put him on the no-fly list.
That was the National Counterterrorism Center.
And we're getting the same thing that we got a month and a half ago with the Fort Hood shooter, where for years he's talking about what he's going to do, supposedly, to Al-Qaeda, and it's the same cleric that runs everybody, and he's really emailing the CIA the whole time, and they stand down, and everybody sees other shooters and guns going off.
I mean, it never ends!
Right, and that guy was supposedly in Yemen, and now this guy, Mutalob, was supposedly in cahoots with the guy in Yemen.
We supposedly killed the guy with a missile strike, and now they're saying, no, he never was killed.
We had the Army Recruiting Center with the guy from Yemen blasting people in Arkansas.
I mean, this is just, as I say, this is a wilderness of mirrors.
We can't believe anything of what these people say.
And, you know, I kind of empathize with Obama somewhat, because even though he's the president, can you imagine the kind of, you know, just total garbage he's getting from these jerks on a daily basis?
I mean, he's got this guy John Brennan as his
As his National Security Advisor, Deputy National Security Advisor on Terrorism.
It was Brennan who his people were rifling through Obama's passport file at the State Department during the election campaign.
No, clearly he is a kept man reading off a teleprompter surrounded by a nexus of intelligence agencies driving the entire policy of our country.
We are a captured nation.
Absolutely, and as I've reported, I believe that Obama has his own past with the Central Intelligence Agency, especially when he was traveling on an Indonesian passport under the name Barry Satoro to Pakistan.
At the same time, his professor at Columbia, Zbigniew Brzezinski, was basically building up the anti-Soviet Mujahideen.
That's right, he's got an absolute spook pedigree.
You know, you heard about military brats.
I'm beginning to call this guy a Langley brat, because I think it's quite clear his mother was working for the agency under cover of Ford Foundation, and young Barack was working for them.
They, of course, his mom and dad met at a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii in 1960.
Remember, this is at the height of the Cold War.
Yeah, a Russian language class.
And then he goes back, the father goes back to Kenya.
He's actually fought over on a Kennedy Foundation grant, and this is at a time when the U.S.
was actively recruiting people because all these colonies were getting their independence in Africa, especially the English-speaking colonies.
We and the British were recruiting people.
They call them the renaissance generation of African leaders.
Barack Obama Sr.
was one of these individuals.
Many others went to Britain where they were recruited into the M.I.C.
What does this signal then for foreign policy?
Clearly, just from a layman's perspective, we're seeing a whole new kickoff like we saw at the start of 9-11.
I mean, this has all the makings that they're getting ready to go to a whole new level, and that more false flags, bigger false flags, are in the pipeline.
Well, I think so, and you mentioned how this is going to affect travel.
Uh, they obviously now, the Skeet Pole Airport has announced it's going to be mandatory for all U.S.
bound passengers to go through these millimeter wave detections.
They can actually look under your clothing and the image is basically of your naked body.
Uh, now I see this Peter King, this really horrible Congressman from Long Island, he's the ranking Republican on the
Homeland Security Committee.
He's saying, well, you know, you've got to give up some privacy in this day and age.
I would note that Peter King is an ardent supporter every time the Catholic Church gets hammered on pedophilia.
Listen, your kids are going to have to go.
Everyone's kids are going to have to go through this darn thing, right?
I mean, can you imagine the kinds of perverts that will be looming and trying to...
Right, and I mean, just this mere thought of, you know, putting people through this type
I mean, you might as well take your clothes off.
Now, here's the other thing that I see coming.
You know, there's going to be an ability to capture those videos, too.
Can you imagine when this stuff starts to appear?
You know, we always see the paparazzi photos.
Can you imagine?
Everything gets leaked.
I mean, everything gets released.
They're going to release Wayne Madsen and Alex Jones, and they can all laugh at our Johnson size, and it'll be real funny.
Well, and the other thing, of course, you know, you've got perverts like Peter King, who supports the, you know, the church every time, you know, it's hammered for pedophilia.
You know, I mean, I can imagine this guy getting his own, you know, pipeline of captured images from National Airport here in Washington.
You know, I mean, this is just perversion.
At a very grand scale.
And obviously, this was... I also would point out that the company that had the security both in Amsterdam, in Schiphol, and at Charles de Gaulle, where Richard Reed, the shoe bomber, boarded, with the same chemical in his shoes that this guy had in his undershorts, is ICPS.
Who makes up the leadership of ICPS?
X is really Mossad official.
You mean they even used the host country explosive instead of going and getting their enemies explosives?
They're that open?
Right, and the thing is, now who do you find on the board of directors of ICPS?
Norman Mineta, the Transportation Secretary during 9-11.
It just gets more insane by the millisecond.
Shifting gears, Wayne Madsen, health care.
All these different Democrats, Howard Dean, everybody are admitting.
You read the health care bill, it's a giant rip-off to the insurance companies and the banks that own them.
It raises taxes, cuts health care, and different senators are having 30-plus drops in their polls going into their elections.
The Democrats know this is suicide.
We'll get a bunch of neocons who'll suddenly forget how much they didn't like healthcare as soon as they get in.
I mean, this is a disaster!
Why are the Democrats doing this?
Is it because they're being blackmailed?
Well, I think part of it is that, and the other part is the Democratic Party, when all is said and done, is really under the control of the Democratic Leadership Council.
These are the big-pocketed money people that decided, you know, let's get the Democrats on our side, just like, you know, we've got the Republicans lined up.
Uh, so it doesn't matter who the President is, we always get, you know, see that our agenda is advanced.
And, uh, you know, who are the DLC?
The DLC are people like, um, uh, Rahm Emanuel, the Chief of Staff.
And I think it's very interesting, you know, his brother, Zeke Emanuel, was brought in from the National Institutes of Health to be an advisor on healthcare policy at the White House.
And he's given speeches calling for health rationing.
Right, and you know, I see Jane Hampshire of Firedog Lake has teamed up with Grover Norquist to demand an investigation of Rahm Emanuel for what kind of stunt duggery he was engaged with when he was appointed by President Clinton to the board of Freddie Mac, and we know about what happened to Freddie Mac later.
I would also like to see people team up, like the left and right has teamed up on Rahm and Freddie Mac, on the role Zeke Emanuel played in coming up with this
I think so.
We'll take the banking bill.
Bloomberg's reporting over $4 trillion in other goodies for the banks than that.
I mean, they're acting like this country isn't going to exist anymore.
They are just stealing with both hands, both feet.
I mean, Wayne, am I right in saying that government has just gone hog-wild crazy?
Well yeah, and then, you know, Obama promised change.
I would point out that there was a
There's been a demonstration at the Whirlpool plant in Evansville, Indiana.
That company's moving its factory to Mexico.
A thousand people are going to lose their jobs in Indiana and Evansville at this plant.
Why is Obama talking about stimulus money when he could have picked up the phone to the chairman of Whirlpool and said,
You move those jobs to Mexico at your own risk.
I will tax the bejesus out of you.
Four billion of the GM bailout went to move the factories to Eastern Europe, China, and Brazil.
I mean, you can't make this up!
And you know, Indiana went for Obama the first time.
They voted Democratic since 1964 for Lyndon Johnson, but I doubt
I really feel that what I'm hearing more and more is that Obama is going to be facing at least one, if not two, primary challengers in 2012.
And very soon we're going to see these people start to sniff around in Iowa, the first caucus state.
Well, that's what I see.
I see absolute devastation in the next election and then the next election after that, the big national election.
Total annihilation of the Democrats.
But then what happens?
The Republicans will even have a shorter honeymoon.
They'll keep stealing.
Is that when the revolution comes?
Is when we put the Republicans in and they even are worse than Obama?
Is that when people finally wake up?
Well I think 2012 and maybe 10, I'm not sure about 10 because it's a congressional election, but in 12 I think we may see one of those rare times where a third party candidate could come on very strong.
We saw that in 92.
With Ross Perot, you know, everyone was disgusted with old man Bush, and they didn't quite trust Bill Clinton, let's face it, and for good reason we found out later why.
But I think it's one of those rare times when we see a third-party potential gain steam, and I really believe that whether it's, you know, Jesse Ventura, Dennis Kucinich,
Any of these people, I think we're going to see a third party challenger.
I think the third party challenger is going to potentially do very well and pose a threat to the ruling duopoly of the Democrats and Republicans.
Whatever happens, we're in for a wild ride.
We'll talk to Wayne Madsen again in the New Year.
WayneMadsenReport, or TheWayneMadsenReport.com, or just Google Wayne Madsen, and you'll find his site right there, and all of his great writing and reports.
Wayne, thank you for spending so much time with us.
In closing, is it safe to say, pun intended, that the underwear bombing plot blew up in their face, and that it's really not going well for them?
Well, I remember when we had the Richard Reed to Shoe Bomber, we all had to take off our shoes.
I don't know what that means now.
Do we all have to take off our underwear when we board a plane?
Yeah, that's the message.
We're going to body scan you.
Next is the Taser Bracelet.
Wayne Madsen, thank you so much.
Have a great New Year.
Same to you.
Happy New Year, Alex.
Vaya con Dios.
We'll be right back.
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By the way, you really can't do this justice, but I want to do a tribute to George Washington coming up in the last hour near the end of the show today because we need to remember who the real John Wayne is and we need to know that our enemies are fully aware of who George Washington is.
That's why you never hear about him.
Nothing about George Washington is taught.
I'll tell you, it was even badder as they coronally talk about somebody who's tough stuff as Andrew Jackson, but George Washington was the real deal.
True Americana.
And to praise him is like iron claws across a chalkboard.
It sends our enemies into fits of rage.
And last time I was reading quotes by George Washington, it would be better that the entire continent be drenched in blood than we live in tyranny as slaves.
Ooh, it's so radical.
No, it's not.
We're not gonna be your slaves, New World Order.
And the biggest thing with this terrorism is we're being caught to many and be afraid and see men in uniforms marching around as our gods, as our saviors with their M16s, meanwhile the terrorists are being escorted on board the planes by security.
All of this, the troops being put on the streets, all of it is for you!
George Washington knew it, you need to know it.
I stand with George Washington.
I stand with the founding fathers, not with the truly archaic tyranny.
They were the true revolutionaries of liberty and freedom.
George Washington handed over his power when they wanted him to be king.
They said, we want you to be king.
A sizable group, after they beat the British, wanted him to be king.
The British wanted to make a deal with him to make him king.
And that's why King George III, when he heard that George Washington refused it, said,
Quote, George Washington is the greatest man in the world because nobody ever turned down power like that!
George Washington's the real deal!
And that's why the New World Order doesn't like him!
They don't want you to have models of true leadership, true heroes.
They want you to think it's some stupid football player or golfer.
Or even a Hollywood person, who cares at the end of the day?
It's what people do and what they stand up for.
Doesn't mean you're perfect, doesn't mean you don't, that you have all the answers, but it means at your core, you're a good person who's honorable and tells the truth.
So we're gonna be covering that coming up in the last hour of this radio transmission today.
I'm also going to cover The Decade of Tyranny written by Steve Watson and Paul Watson.
It's a key article you should send out to everybody.
We need to have a year in review as well for 2009.
Before I end this hour, again I just want to encourage the listeners to remember we've got the holiday specials going a little bit into January where you can get a lot of free films like Reflections and Warnings, The Obama Deception and others when you buy Fall of the Republic.
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Speaking of live TV,
We got Dr. Paul Craig Roberts coming up.
We're going to go live at PrisonPlanet.tv here in just a moment.
We're going to get into the economy, gold, the dollar, the police state, government-run health care, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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