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Filename: 20091203_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 3, 2009
3170 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is the third day of December on this Thursday edition.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Thursday, December 3rd, 2009.
We're going to be live here.
For the next four hours, coming up in the third hour, I've got five different or six different individuals from We Are Change chapters around the country who've been confronting Al Gore.
Some of them have been arrested, some of them have their cameras confiscated, but bottom line, they are taking over the TV and newspaper coverage in every city that Lord Gore arrives in to push his man-made climate change fraud, and we are only
Four days out from the Copenhagen meeting happening over in Europe.
Lord Monckton, by the way, has confirmed he will be reporting to us next week live from Copenhagen.
So certainly we appreciate that.
That's going to be extremely informative news directly from the front lines in Denmark.
We're going to take a lot of calls today and cover a ton of news.
I didn't get home till three o'clock in the morning last night.
I thought I would just go to Dallas to do a quick interview with Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, who's woken up to the New World Order.
His new hit album, Endgame, is named after my film, Endgame, as he talked about a few months ago here on air.
And I ended up getting invited into their dressing room for four hours, watched them play their entire concert privately for myself, Rob Dew, and Rob Jacobson.
That was amazing.
They played their whole concert before they went out and played it live.
In fact, more.
They only played for an hour and a half.
They played for us for two hours.
And I got incredible behind-the-scenes stuff, and Dave Mustaine really opened up about a lot of issues.
That was amazing.
Then I got on the road at about 11.30, got home about 3, back to Austin.
And I am here, ladies and gentlemen, but I am a bit sluggish here at the start of this radio broadcast.
Such incredibly good news.
We really do have to thank the good Lord above and have true thanksgiving for the fact that ClimateGate broke two weeks ago and has now blown wide open.
I said a week and a half ago that we had the Death Star plans.
Now we had to get this information out and blow up the Death Star, blow up this political fraud, this lie, this cornerstone to the world government taxation, neo-feudalistic control grid.
And now the Death Star has exploded.
I would say two days ago.
But we're now seeing the counter-offensive by the large remnants of the Imperial Fleet.
And I will leave the Star Wars analogy at that point.
But we need to discuss Stratagem, the latest information.
All the different universities and governments investigating the climate fraudsters.
And clearly a lot of this is criminal.
They've been caught red-handed.
We're going to be going over that today.
Incredible gold news.
As you know, it went above $1,226 yesterday and is still above $1,200 right now.
The dollar continuing to slide.
Amazing police state news as well.
What I'm going to do is we're going to come back and I'm just going to read some headlines and get a little bit into Climategate.
Then I want to open the phones up specifically on Climategate, government health care.
They're attempting to ram that through right now.
Bernanke being absolutely grilled today by Senator Sanders.
I think?
Turn into a full-scale collapse!
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are live on this December 3rd Thursday edition.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Let me just go ahead and start going through some of the news.
Arming Goldman with pistols against the public.
That's the headline out of Bloomberg Financial.
And they report that Goldman Sachs is arming themselves and they even gave an interview to Bloomberg saying they're preparing basically for a full-scale collapse and for people to try to storm, like the French stormed the Bastille to kick off the French Revolution, to storm Goldman Sachs.
I mean what an insane article.
That's what Homeland Security is for.
That's what the militarized police are for.
That's why, at the G20, the private banking heads of the planet ordered the police to allow no one on the streets, no one in the city of over a million people, and they would
Sound cannon old women and release police dogs on old women and attack young girls on bicycles and drive through neighborhoods blasting people on their front porches.
Just saying no one's allowed on the streets.
Martial law has been declared.
They're setting the precedent that you're going to sit down and take it while they rob you and they expect you to revolt against them.
Because these people are criminals.
They know they're robbing you.
They know they're destroying the country.
They know we're in the middle of a depression.
What they call a double-dip recession.
They know unemployment's over 20%.
And they can't believe that we're peacefully sitting here and taking it.
They want it to get violent.
So they can play the part of victims.
That's why there's provocateurs everywhere pushing for violence, which is the last thing we want.
Just let the criminals continue
To show themselves to the planet, let the abuse continue and rot and rot and rot.
We are watching the enemy burn down.
You know, over a hundred years ago, oil field technicians, engineers discovered a way to put out an oil fire.
They could burn for days, even weeks.
Geysers of flame shooting hundreds and even thousands of feet into the air.
And how would they fight fire?
They would fight it with fire.
They would run a wheelbarrow full of dynamite up to the edge of the fire and run back and detonate it.
And the explosion would extinguish the fire.
And that's why they want violence.
Because if they can have a big flash of violence and riots and police being shot in the streets and the military having to be deployed, they can clamp down on the public.
But every day we're peaceful and every day that we sit here in the info war exposing these people, they are burning to the ground in front of our eyes.
They are collapsing.
Their criminal rape is so obvious and is really waking the military, the police, all of their enforcers up as well.
We're dealing with a bunch of Ken Lay Madoff types, as I say every day.
They're just completely illegitimate fraudsters engaged in criminality.
Ben Bernanke, routed, yelled at today in the Senate.
We're going to pull these clips up later.
His confirmation is on hold for his second term at the private Federal Reserve.
The Climategate situation is spiraling out of control, blew up bigger than I even thought it would.
I thought it would take months or years with this internal data to bring these people to justice, and it is exploding even faster than I thought it would.
They are in full retreat right now, but they have incredible power, they have incredible finance, they have their operatives everywhere, and so don't think we're winning the war.
But right now, we are definitely in the fight, and their agenda is being exposed.
And they got a lot of tricks up their sleeves, staged terror, further financial collapses, provocateur actions, new wars, and they're gonna undoubtedly throw all of their tricks at us.
And it's not gonna work.
The Tiger Woods distractions aren't gonna work.
The gate crashers at the White House party, not gonna work.
The latest Anna Nicole Smith revelations, not gonna work.
Because people are losing their jobs, they're losing their apartments, they're losing their houses.
They know the media's lying, telling them the economy's gotten better.
The people know the banks robbed them, and the beginning of the end for the New World Order has begun.
It's gonna be a long, hard road, and it's gonna look like we're losing.
But, in the final equation, history, common sense,
All the evidence shows that this tyranny will not stand and will not pass.
Okay, arming Goldman with pistols against the public.
That's the type of news we have on that front.
On the carbon tax front, one of the biggest newspapers over in Australia has the headline, ClimateGate.
ABC filters working beautifully.
Now, this is ABC Australia, Australian Broadcasting System Company.
Three years ago, the Parliament passed a law over there stating that the government would take control of the internet through the hubs and would filter what sites and what news you could visit.
And that is indeed happening in Australia.
Just like China can filter what you can get.
Or Libya?
Or Iran?
ClimateGate, ABC Filters, working beautifully.
Number of results returned when searching the term ClimateGate on ABC Online.
One got through, but relax, it was just a reader's response to yet another article by a warmest scientist.
Number of results returned when searching ClimateGate on Google.
Number of results returned when searching ClimateGate on ABC search engine.
I mean,
This is what Homeland Security and Cyber Security have openly said they want here in the US.
A month ago Obama gave multiple speeches saying we need to be able to filter the Internet so you only get government news during emergencies and crises and we're building NSA bases to snoop on everything you do and filter the web.
They're building the system here to do what they do in China and in Libya and in good old
The land of freedom, the land down under.
And that shows you who these people are.
They can't have a real, fair, honest, open debate in the free market of ideas.
Can't do it.
They can only put blinders on you, plug your ears, nail your mouth shut, burn the nerve endings off the end of your fingers, so you are
As deaf, dumb, and blind as Helen Keller.
That is their plan.
And they want you totally bankrupt under their control, on government healthcare, in their lines, begging for them to pull a tooth, or to give your child some antibiotics.
And they're bankrupting the society, so you're fully under their control.
And if globalization hasn't destroyed our economy fast enough, don't worry, they've got global carbon taxes that'll sure do the job.
Here's another story out of Australia.
Australia carbon laws failed to pass Senate.
They were set to pass, but now they've failed.
And a whole bunch of different members of several parties have resigned and the second most powerful party in Australia is now imploding.
We'll be going over that more.
As you know, this is two days old now, Climate Scientist at Center of Email Controversy has stepped down.
Continuing with what's happening with ClimateGate.
Major universities in Australia, New Zealand, England, the United States, Canada are investigating their professors.
All the chief climate scientists in the UN program involved in ClimateGate are now investigating all of them.
And the Washington Times is reporting NASA hiding climate data.
So they've been caught at Goddard.
But we now see their new spin.
We now see what their counter is, playing the part of victims.
The police in England have been investigating for the last couple weeks at the University of East Anglia, the head UN climatology center.
Investigating the crime of the stolen emails, the stolen data and apologizing everyone and talking about how horrible it is and Barbara Boxer says, hey, we'll have a committee hearing about the people gate crashing the White House and we're going to have a committee hearing over who stole the emails.
We're not going to have any
Hearings about climate gate we're gonna have we're gonna have hearings and investigations about the horrible Theft of this data which had been ordered to be released through four year request and which have been blocked and we have the internal emails of the head climate
With the government officials bragging about how they talked to the government officials and they agreed to not release the data to the public because it would damage the man-made global warming hypothesis.
I mean, we have them red-handed.
But don't worry, Barbara Boxer, hackers could face criminal probe over ClimateGate.
Leaked emails allegedly undermine climate change science should be treated as criminal matter, Senator Barbara Boxer said Wednesday afternoon.
She said, you call it climate gate, I call it email theft gate.
Yes, all the documents where they're talking about how the computer programs are frauds.
Yes, that's not the story.
The story is that someone leaked them.
This is terrible.
This is horrible.
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I think so.
Uh huh.
Paul Watson's got an article up on PrisonPlanet.com right now that's excellent.
The title is Climategate Crooks Recast Themselves as Victims and that is certainly the Unified Front in Europe, in the Pacific, in the United States, in North America.
That's what all the headlines are saying.
They're saying it's horrible and day one that was their plan and we did bite on that a bit because they called it hacked emails.
But now the evidence is clear that months before this was circulated around all over the British media, no one would run with it.
Investigators and government were given it.
And that it was researchers inside, but they're still calling it a theft because researchers weren't allowed without the university's authorization to take evidence of this crime.
And this is taking, that university alone,
Over $50 million in the last 20 years and spending it on this and then producing fraudulent returns of a warming earth and all these fantastic end-of-the-world Armageddon type scenarios of rising sea levels, all the major coastal cities flooded.
To push a political agenda and we have the internal UN directives now that broke earlier in the week where they were organizing all these scientists and so they go to the government, block the FOIA requests for the documents.
There's a huge internal debate that goes on concerning this and the people that valiantly released evidence of a crime, they're the people that are in trouble.
This would be like if you saw your neighbor in their backyard running a methamphetamine lab and you took photos of them cooking the methamphetamine from your back window and gave it to the police and then the police came and charged you with being a peeping Tom.
I mean, that's basically, that's basically what they're doing here.
Look at this, Inhofe asked Boxer to investigate possible scientific conspiracy in ClimateGate, and how does she respond in a speech?
You call it, this is a quote, you call it ClimateGate, I call it email theftgate.
She said during a committee hearing, whatever it is, the main issue is, are we facing global warming or are we not?
I'm looking at these emails, that even though they were stolen, are now out in the public.
But, I mean, two days after it broke, the media, the Associated Press, called up Professor Jones and he said, yeah, those are my emails.
Yeah, no, I wrote that.
Those are ours.
And then in the documents, it wasn't just the emails, it was the computer program with the notes by the programmers.
They put notes in programs.
For other techs that are looking at it later and trying to use it.
And they say, well, here's how we carry out the fraud.
I mean, you can go read the quotes.
Here's how we do the trick.
Here's how you show it's getting hotter when the data really shows it's getting colder.
Here's how you flip the numbers.
Just like three different major electronic voting machine companies in the last five years, they made HBO documentaries about it.
Inside their programs, they have programmer notes about how to manipulate it and how to flip it and how to cheat.
I mean, that's how programs work.
I don't know much about computer programming, but we have a lot of computer programs around here and I've sat over my IT guy's shoulders and sat there and looked at them reading notes from programmers in the programs we've bought or that we're using.
And so, I mean, that's how this works.
There are functions, and there's always bugs in programs, and there'll be notes in the program about how to get around bugs.
But this isn't just a bug, this is telling them in the programs how to engage in fraud.
And then you have email after email.
How do we hide this from the public?
Don't worry, I'm working with the government in the US, England, and Europe, and we're blocking it.
I talked to the Library of Congress people, and they're going to help us.
And I talked to this federal person, and I talked to that federal person.
In fact, I'll just pull these up and read them on air.
And once I discussed how damaging this information would be, they totally agreed it shouldn't be released.
Oh, they're definitely on our side.
Oh yes, oh yes.
And then we have the UN documents that came out four days ago.
Which is in mainstream news, Associated Press and Fox News are the only major U.S.
publications I've seen so far that have reported on it.
Where the U.N.
is having these internal reports going out to all the major university heads to don't tell the public it's about global government.
Don't tell them it's about socialism and how we're taking over.
And you've got to help us get this done.
And you can't allow anyone to criticize man-made global warming.
And, oh, we're not going to say it's warming now.
We're going to say any change.
You know, the seasons are unnatural.
Teach them that seasons aren't normal.
Yes, teach the children.
Yes, weather is abnormal.
Summer is abnormal.
I mean, this is just giant total fraud.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Watching these arrogant climate crooks publicly brainwash children worldwide under a covert UN program now public.
It's the same brainwashing in Australia, Canada, US, Germany, doesn't matter.
To go home and tell their parents they're climate crooks, don't take a hot bath, don't leave the water running while you shave or brush your teeth.
How to write their parents mock tickets that they then bring back to their teachers in the public schools.
To watch Al Gore arrogantly up there saying the science is settled, no one can question him.
Any change in the climate, if it's hotter one year or colder the next, that's evidence that man is evil and that we have to erect a global taxing system paid directly to him and others.
It's just a fraud so magnificent, so huge, so ridiculous.
But that's why it's hard for me to sit up here every day and talk about it.
And I'm getting hundreds of emails every day and calls by the media saying, you and others were right, it is a fraud, how did you know?
How did I know the ice caps on Mars were getting smaller?
Now they're getting bigger!
Your SUV has nothing to do with that, it's the sun!
The sun!
It's what drives almost all temperature on this rock!
If we weren't orbiting that sun at close range, ladies and gentlemen, we'd be a frozen rock.
It's the sun.
And I know, as listeners, you understand that, but we've got to get the word out to people.
I can go pull up the data.
I'm no scientist.
Carbon dioxide has been 14 times higher in the last 200,000 years.
Lord Mocton's written a detailed report linking to other official ice core and silt samples that it was 20 times higher.
Excuse me.
The numbers I saw were 14.
Carbon dioxide is good!
I mean, they talk about some 0.4 increase. 0.4?
And if I see one more television show or one more newspaper cover saying man-made climate change is real, we must save the earth or we're all dead with a photo of a power plant with steam rising out of it.
See, smoke doesn't dissipate.
They haven't in over 60 years had smokestacks with real smoke coming out of them under law.
It's steam.
My office is near a semiconductor microchip plant, one of the few factories still running in Austin, and they've got giant cooling systems and heating systems, and in the summer you see nothing coming out of them.
You know why?
The plant's going full speed because it's not cold.
You walk outside my office right now, it looks like
500 redwood trees are burning.
There is white smoke, according to the dumbed-down public, shooting out.
No, it's water vapor across the street.
There is a government building, and it's got a big air-conditioning heating system.
It's got smoke shooting out about 150 feet, and then it disappears.
And why does it disappear?
Because it's not smoke.
It's not wood smoke, it's not coal smoke, it's not Easter Bunny smoke, it's not Puff the Magic Dragon smoke, it's not Santa Claus smoke, okay?
It's not, it's not Froot Loops smoke, it's not Toucan Sam, it's water!
And that's why 150 feet after it comes out of that giant system, it disappears because the water becomes the temperature of the rest of the atmosphere and it becomes invisible.
It's smoke.
That's not smoke coming out of your mouth when it's cold outside.
It's water vapor.
And a foot outside your mouth, it disappears because it cools off in the atmosphere.
It's not in your fat little pink warm lungs anymore.
It's not coming out of your body at 98 degrees.
It is not smoke coming out of your mouth when you visit Colorado to go skiing.
You don't have a wood stove in your lungs.
Unless you're smoking pell-mells.
You don't have a wood smoke in your lungs.
There is no fire in your lungs.
There is no wood-burning stove, coal-burning stove.
I promise you it's not a conspiracy theory.
And they show images of a polar bear sitting up on a tiny iceberg, perched, hunting, just like Kodiaks go to the freshwater streams and grab big, fat, juicy salmon out of the water.
That famous photo they use and they show school kids.
I mean, I was in a pizza place a few months ago in Port Aransas, Texas.
I was down there fishing with my children and I walk in
To the Port Aransas Pizzeria.
I shot an iPhone video of this, we never post it on the web.
We gotta post this.
And as I'm walking out, they have all the school children locally have posted their global warming pictures.
And it's all, I'm a penguin, I'm going to dive, the ice is melting, I can't swim.
It actually says that.
And, oh, the polar bears are drowning.
No, no, no, no, they're hunting.
There's more of them now.
I mean, I just can't believe it anymore.
And I know I'm ranting.
Just to have Al Gore up there lecturing me when he is a public criminal, a public lying fraud.
And now to see the media trying to spin Climategate and say, oh, the poor victims of the stolen emails that proves all their fraud.
Oh, the poor things.
Barbara Boxer says there won't be any Climategate investigation.
There'll be an investigation of the emails and who got them.
Oh, and the wicked criminals that would steal them.
Who obviously worked at the university, that's now coming out.
And who didn't want to be part of the fraud.
And look, I know it's asinine to sit here and lecture people that when it's a cold day and you exhale, that's not fire, that's not smoke, you're not a dragon.
It's water vapor.
Water vapor.
Your lungs are moist.
It's coming out at 90 plus percent humidity.
It's cold outside, so you see it.
And that's what's coming out of the stacks.
They're not smokestacks.
They're not smokestacks.
There are real smokestacks in the country.
Not many of them.
They're mainly on government installations, like the Anniston, Alabama
I don't
There are over 2,000 dump sites off the Atlantic, off the Pacific, and in the Gulf of Mexico, where the U.S.
Army, Air Force, and other branches have dumped chemical weapons and radiation-containing barrels.
But you're not going to hear Al Gore talking about that.
You're not going to hear about the hundreds of thousands of cross-species created new creatures that are part insect, part goat, part human, part pig, part cow, chimeras.
You're not going to hear about that being dangerous, even though it's extremely devastatingly dangerous.
You're not going to hear about anything real environmental.
You're going to hear how carbon dioxide is evil and how water vapor coming out of
Factories is evil.
Okay, I'm going to shut up now because I know we have loaded phone lines and I want to talk about the attempted takeover of health care by government.
I want to talk about the economy.
I want to talk about Climategate with Bob, John, Jeff, Lisa, Thomas and others.
And I'm going to detail more of ClimateGate and how big a victory this is.
We need to really savor this and appreciate it and use it.
We've only begun to expose these people as more and more of their program unravels, and I salute everyone out there.
We need to give thanksgiving to God, too, that he used great people out there to get the truth out.
But I wanted to spend five, six minutes
I wanted to go ahead and go to Steve Schenck of efoodsdirect.com because I only promote what I believe in and who I support and most of the time who I've already bought products from.
That's how I find most of the sponsors.
We seek out sponsors.
We turn down most of the sponsors that come to us because I just don't have time to verify it's good.
Think it looks weird.
I don't promote it, but if I find out that something really works for me and is quality, I promote it here and they've got a holiday special.
And people are just going wild right now.
The Holiday Special Supply has been shipping like crazy.
It's a five-month food supply of the newest fast and easy meals.
This is all recently produced.
It's brand new food.
The five-month Holiday Special originally had a price of $765.
With a 10% off, it now runs until December 15th.
The price is only $688.
You cannot find a better deal.
This is high-quality food, not some
You know, made 10 years ago, like a lot of people sell.
If you do the math, that's $34 a week for food, about 61 cents a serving.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with bakery goods, fruit snacks, are all double servings.
Every one of these recipes tastes good and is easy to prepare.
Families are eating more of this food than they are storing.
And I wanted to bring up Steve Schenck of eFoods Direct.
Steve, good to have you here with us.
Hey, it's great to be aboard, Alex.
I just had a couple points on what you were just commenting on.
Very simply, CO2 is what plants breathe to create oxygen so that we can breathe.
And the other thing is, I used to work for Armco Steel.
And steel mills have great big smokestacks.
Because they're putting out a lot of heat and I was responsible for part of the engineering department that kept the scrubbers going.
A scrubber is what is at the base of one of those smokestacks and scrubs all of the particulate matter out of the smoke and turns it into water vapor just exactly like what you're talking about.
But this global warming thing has really got me aggravated because as you and I have talked before, even though it's now being proven a fraud,
The implementations that they've already got in place, causing high electrical bill for farmers trying to dry the crops that they're finishing up the harvest on this year, putting regulations in and the costs and the taxes and things like that so farmers are going to have a hard time planting this next year.
It's all coming down to food, over and over and over again.
And right now, Alex,
News came out with a report that one in six people in this country have food anxiety.
In other words, they don't know what they're going to be eating the next day.
And so that's why we came up with this holiday special, this holiday supply that literally puts food in a family's home for $34 a week.
Now you try and do that at the grocery store.
In fact, if you double it, you can put one of these in for a storage supply and eat the other one and you'd come out still cheaper than what you do with groceries and this food is better than you get in the grocery store.
So, we're really trying to get things happening, and thanks to your help, we've got a lot of families that are getting in food, and as things mature, with this insanity of the global warming thing, and all of the economic circumstances that are knocking people out of work, I'm reading articles every single day.
We have people contacting us that are working with the food that you and I are trying to get into their homes.
And are being relieved that now they can buy some groceries, which they couldn't afford at the grocery store, even if they're off work.
So that's what we're trying to do with this food, and this new innovation of the quick and easy foods that are more nutritious than anything you can cook yourself is just absolutely phenomenal.
And the message needs to get out, and people need to get themselves in a situation where they're prepared for this insanity that's being cooked up against us.
I hardly agree, Steve.
And I said earlier, I only promote what I believe in.
Just like I told people, buy gold when it was $260, $280 an ounce.
It's now $1,226 and rising.
I don't know if people, everyone will need this food, but I know that
Statistically, we are only going into more and more insane times, and I, as you know Steve, ordering it from you, I tried other places and didn't like the quality, have gotten a lot of food.
And I bought food for family.
I mean, I really believe in this, and this new line of food you have is just amazing.
The other stuff was great as well.
When you look at how the globalists openly state that they want to shut off our resources and have us totally dependent on them, this is food that lasts more than a decade.
It's high quality.
Food is the bottom line.
And going into this whole depressionary system, whether you end up using it or not, it's insurance that you've got to have.
And unfortunately, it looks more and more like people are going to need it.
And as you said,
Many people years ago that bought food from you are now living off of it.
We have over 20% unemployment.
The government says 10.2.
CNBC analysts say it's at least 17.5.
This isn't a game or a joke.
And because you're producing the food you're making and it's non-GMO, non-hybrid,
Because you don't have all the advertising and all the distribution and all the big stores.
People are getting this at wholesale prices.
They're getting this food at lower prices than what most grocery stores are buying it from their distributors.
So people are going factory direct is what's happening and that's why the savings are so great.
Correct, Steve?
That's absolutely true, and oddly enough with this holiday special with the 10% thing that's going until December 15th, they literally can buy two of these for less than what they pay for groceries, store one and eat the other one, and keep on doing it that way, and they can actually build a supply while they're eating food that's significantly cheaper than what they're spending, and at the same time, these foods don't have any hydrogenated oil.
We're good to go.
Steve, I really don't even want to tell listeners what I think is going to happen.
But everybody I talk to can see it.
They can feel it in their gut.
We are really descending into an abyss right now.
But there is some good things that are happening, like the climate gate being exposed.
That is just devastating their agenda.
As all these professors get in trouble, as governments that were set to pass the carbon tax systems, like Australia, that just imploded and failed.
But the problem is the states in the U.S.
Are implementing it by fiat.
Schwarzenegger couldn't get the legislature to ban TVs above 40 inches and to tax the rest, so he just ordered the bureaucracy to put the tax on it.
It's complete lawlessness by these people.
Many states are putting travel taxes in for carbon tax.
We need to let the public know the carbon taxes are already here.
This is just the beginning and we need to address it.
These taxes are based on fraud and stop it.
But Steve, in the time we have left, I want to give people the email
It's 800-409-5633.
Absolutely, or again, efoodsdirect.com, giantbannersatinfowars.com, and prisonplanet.com.
That number one more time to efoodsdirect.com.
Thank you, Alex.
Steve, I hope if you're out in the cold up there in Utah, that smoke coming out of your mouth doesn't hurt the environment.
Well, I can blow smoke rings with it, but I'm afraid it doesn't.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
We all know it's cold smoke.
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We're good to go.
Alright, I'm going to cease the procrastinating.
By hook or by crook, I'm just, I'm narrowed down to about 10 videos.
You know, Charlie Sheen chose first place winner for 20 Minutes with the President.
Chris Garcia, great job.
At the end of the show today, I'm going to go in there and watch these 10 videos and just make my decision.
It's so hard.
to pick second and third place but we're going to do that coming up tomorrow.
I'm going to go to your phone calls now for a good 30-40 minutes and then later in the next hour I'm going to blitz through all of the climate gate latest developments.
And what's happening with the economy and a lot more.
In fact, I'm going to mix some of this in, in between calls.
And we're going to play some video later of Bernanke being grilled this morning and his confirmation being blocked in the Senate by Senator Sanders.
I don't agree with Senator Sanders' political views on a lot of issues, but I do like his integrity.
He is a socialist, an avowed socialist.
But he can understand the banks raping us, just like Ron Paul can or Dennis Kucinich.
And so we'll be breaking that down.
Very exciting news on that front.
You know that the full vote on Audit the Fed is going to be going to the full House soon.
It passed out a committee and it has the votes to pass by a super majority.
So very exciting.
It's not even the word.
This is just a godsend.
We're really getting traction against these people right now.
Let's go to phone calls.
Bob in Ohio, thanks for holding her on the air.
Liberty Sun, I salute you and Paul Watson and Jason and Ron Paul.
And many, many others out there.
Catherine Albrecht.
First of all, you know, I'd like to say here's a tip for somebody with a group or a plan.
Plymouth Rockers is a wonderful name.
If anybody wants to use that, I thought I'd throw that out there, free grata.
Plymouth Rockers is a great name, Alex.
Great name for what?
Like a rock band?
A rock band or a website.
So we can take this country back.
Interesting, interesting.
Bob, do you have any comments on ClimateGate or gold above $1,200?
Yeah, I do.
I do see down the road, I agree with you, it's good to have a month's supply, anyhow, of food for people.
And I agree with eFoodsDirect.
It's great to, you know, have a little backup there.
If you do it a week or a month at a time, to have a month or two backup.
That's the bare minimum.
Yeah, minimum.
I've got three years supply for my entire family.
Well, you're blessed.
And I see unemployment jumping up to 28% before it's all said and done, so much for their jobless recovery.
Well, it's already 22 in every real index.
I look forward to go all the way up to 28, 29% before it's all said and done, before we get this
Back on our side in constitutional rights, we've got to swing back a lot of this carbon taxes that are already enforced, like you said.
You were right on the mark.
You were right on the mark about the dumping of the sarin gas and the nuclear waste.
Well, that's admitted!
I mean, that's all on record, that when the Pentagon, under national security, they're authorized to do it, just every week.
I mean, you can Google
Pentagon dumps 11 million gallons of nerve gas in Delaware River.
It'll come up.
I remember that headline from like five years ago.
You can Google nuclear waste dumped in Atlantic Ocean by Pentagon.
I mean, it's just thousands of cases.
I mean, it's that's a real environmental problem, not carbon dioxide.
That's right.
You're exactly right.
And corrupt legislative branches, both state and federal, have allowed that to happen.
And corrupt government entities have allowed that to happen.
They look the other way and throw it under the blanket, under the rug, so to speak.
I hear you, Bob.
I got to jump.
John, Jeff, Lisa, Thomas, Joe, many others.
Good to hear from you.
Your call straight ahead in 70 seconds when we start the second hour of this worldwide transmission against tyranny.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There is no way to overstate
How big Climategate is because it reaches into all the warrens of corruption in the United Nations and the private corporations that control it and their world taxation micromanagement control freak system.
We're going to be breaking that down more in this hour.
So much news coming out on that front.
But let's continue with phone calls right now.
Let's talk to John in Kansas.
John, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, John.
Um, I have a suggestion for your new movie about eugenics.
I think you should interview lawyer John Schlittman, where the movie Civil Action was based on.
This was about the incident when Aniston v. Cryovac in Woburn, Massachusetts, where they've been caught
Uh, poisoning, poisoning the water system.
And I want to say that because that movie was like mainstream and it had John Travolta and Robert Duvall as actors in it.
Well, I should go interview some of the surviving black men who were given syphilis and allowed to spread syphilis from Tuskegee.
I mean, it's a good idea to interview victims or interview some of the surviving hemophiliacs that have HIV from Bayer Pharmaceutical knowingly putting HIV in it, knowing they were shipping it out.
But, yeah, it's a whole budgetary issue of the money to fly out and interview all these people and do it.
And to have the staff to be able to do it, but that's certainly a good idea.
Yeah, and I say that because it's a mainstream movie, and people who've seen it in 1998 when it came out can recognize, oh yeah, I remember that, John Travolta was in that movie.
Now did they accidentally put the poison in the water?
Because I don't know about the case, I vaguely remember it.
No, it had trial, it was Beatrice Foods, it was also Beatrice Foods through their subsidiary.
But was it an accident?
Um, well I guess they call it an accident.
Because here's the deal, there are thousands of cases of wink wink accidents where they just let it happen to save money.
We have cases sir where they knowingly
Give pregnant wives of GIs uranium pills, telling them it's vitamins to see what it'll do to them.
We have cases where they radiate children to death on purpose.
We have cases where they give people diseases, where they spray the troops with nerve gas, where they kill them like Project Shad.
I mean we have cases where they knowingly, so many, I don't know if you've seen my film Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
It's a two hour, forty minute film.
We spend twenty minutes just case after case with mainstream articles and videos just showing where they knowingly kill people.
I mean they don't just accidentally let some stuff leak out in the water.
They knowingly do this, wanting to hurt people.
But that's an interesting case.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, I appreciate the suggestion.
I'm not poo-pooing it.
I'm just saying, we've got stuff a lot worse than that, man.
I mean, Bayer Pharmaceutical alone, Baxter mixing the weaponized bird flu with vaccines, all those homeless people dying in other cases.
I mean, this is all admitted, being given it.
I mean, this is real.
The magnitude of this.
I keep saying the magnitude.
I mean, I can't believe I'm just here calmly on air even talking about it.
I can't believe it's gone this far.
I can't believe that our country is this insane.
That our world is run by these murderous criminals.
Bayer Pharmaceutical for more than a decade knew that all of their factor VIII blood drug had HIV and hepatitis in it.
This came out in French court?
This came out in U.S.
I mean, I could play the MSNBC news pieces on this.
I don't get up here and just say, Bayer is doing this.
Without having it absolutely nailed down, I'd be sued off the face of the earth in 15 seconds.
That's a multi-billion dollar a month company.
It's true!
I don't just get up here and say they nerve gas our troops to death, or in places like New York State they grab foster kids and test pesticides on them until they die by design.
That's New York Daily News!
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are continuing with your phone calls.
On one police state front, a major U.S.
telecom is admitting that police 8 million times accessed their database of GPS coordinates via cell phones.
Eight million times, one phone company in one year tracking where you are and what you're doing.
Again, the globalists designed their technology where you go out and pay for it, you adopt it, and by law it's all universally designed to track and trace and tax and control you.
We're going to be going over that.
Also, Tea Party co-founder says concept has been hijacked by false left-right paradigm, as we pointed out months ago, criticizing the fact that Glenn Beck and others have completely taken it over.
That way, once the Republicans get back in power, the globalists can continue their operations.
Both parties are controlled.
Their job is to contain real, peaceful revolution through the political system in this nation.
That's why the Pentagon and the FBI in mainstream news articles have quoted that all protesting is a form of terrorism.
Anything pro-America, anything freedom-oriented, anything good is now bad.
Anything that deals with the Bill of Rights and Constitution is bad.
They call us in their manuals constitutional terrorists.
This is out of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Surveillance Shocker Sprint received 8 million law enforcement requests, and that's just their automatic, for GPS location data in the past year.
That's just Sprint.
Tracking where you are and what you're doing.
Right now, let's go back to the phone calls.
Who's up next here, John?
Jeff in Delaware.
Welcome, Jeff.
You're on the air.
How you doing today, sir?
First and foremost, I'd like to say, babe, you're the best at what you do, Mr. Jones.
You taught me so much.
I've been listening to you since March, and within this time frame, you just taught me so much.
My eye was already starting to open, but you done forced it all the way open, and I don't really understand how people can't see this conspiracy that's going on.
Maybe it's because Lucifer, well, with these people, I guess, worship,
Has the whole world blind and they can't understand, they can't conceive these thoughts in their mind.
But these people are actually out here doing it.
And what made me call is because I was watching Bloomberg, watching the Bernanke hearing, his confirmation hearing, and one guy, only one person, I didn't see the Sanders part, but I've seen the one guy, he's a Republican, he dug up in Bernanke and he was telling the truth.
But then you had Senator Dodd and Schumer, and then you even had the guy Edwin Byrd.
Like, they know what's going on.
You can see it in their face.
Like, you can see it.
They know what's going on, and they're sitting there smirking and laughing.
And like, Dodd, in the beginning of the confirmation hearing, he said he already knew that Bernanke was going to get the thing, or get the confirmation.
Like, what are we going to do?
Like, is the American people going to stand up and do something and say something?
We can't do violence because we're not going to win, but it's going to turn out that way.
What are we going to do?
Well, I mean, there's a time to be born, a time to die, a time to kill.
But the point is that would just
Muddy all of the waters if people started getting violent.
Who do you get violent against?
It's a corrupt system throughout.
You have to expose the system and try to have a level discussion and a level forum to educate the public.
That's why the establishment tried to consolidate the media.
That's why they tried to shut down any alternatives to free speech.
That's why they've got free speech zones.
Try to attack peaceful people at demonstrations or hire provocateurs so the police have a pretext to attack the peaceful demonstrations.
They've been caught red-handed everywhere so that they can chill free speech because we do have power and they are afraid of us and they are afraid of what we're doing and it's just a process.
The New World Order wasn't built in a day.
They didn't take over in a day.
They don't have complete control yet, and we're not going to defeat them in a day.
Just the act of resisting them, speaking out against them, challenging them aggressively, in the end, will bring these globalists down.
And so, that's the bottom line, and it is really good to hear from you, my friend.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lisa in Minnesota.
Lisa, you're on the air.
Hi Alex.
Me and my husband are living here in Minnesota and we're involved in uncovering a lot that has to do with the whole mortgage fraud and we're having our rights trampled on by public officials not recording documents that their statutes say we can record.
I want to get back to the guy that was on before.
The big thing is
We need to stop giving these people jurisdiction over us.
And that's what they're doing.
They're running the show because we let them.
When we don't stop and say, no, this is enough.
You know, we have a family, we have kids, and, you know, me and my husband are out there on the line trying to do something for everybody.
But so many people are out there so afraid, you know, the fear, the false evidence appearing real of the boogeyman coming out to get them.
That's kind of where we're at with things.
Are you there?
Yeah, I'm just listening to you.
Caller after caller says, what do we do?
Because you're not seeing instant success.
You just have to continue to tell the truth and continue to expose these criminals and they will fall, but it's not going to happen instantly.
An affidavit of truth is a good way to start getting it out.
Use their same forms against them.
You know, state your case, you know, because if you put it on record and you file it in the counties, you know, you're going to put evidence there.
So if it's needed later, you can go grab it.
You know, if you make letters out to these, you know, an affidavit out to these corrupt individuals, eventually, you know, if we keep doing it together, it's all going to come out.
And if it does go into a court situation, we can all stand on the record.
You know, again, I appreciate everything that you're doing and giving us a resource to, you know, to call to.
But me and my husband actually want to know if there's a possibility of meeting you off the record because we've got so much evidence.
And if you have any information on how to get a hold of Jesse Ventura, which was our governor here in Minnesota, because what we have could help stop
I don't even have time to do a third of the radio interviews I'm offered.
It's just I can only do so much.
And so I really never have time to meet with people.
I mean I wish I could and I'm sure you found a lot of corruption in your area.
Yeah, I think it's fine to send letters and to file letters and to have it on record to put people on notice that they're engaged in criminal or corrupt activity.
That's an act of standing up to him, but it's also important just to go to County Commissioner, City Council, and speak out on the record about what you know, and to make it as simple and straightforward as you can.
A lot of patriots are so awake to more subtle nuances of the corporate fraud that they kind of bring people into the debate at a PhD level, and so you're almost talking a different
A different language.
A different language to folks.
But that's why a lot of people contact me and they think if they could just talk to me or talk to somebody else off air that there was a silver bullet or if we just carried out this one plan or this one operation or this one.
It's more than that.
It's millions of people doing millions of different things
Discrediting the system, exposing the system, pointing out the shadow government, pointing out both major parties are controlled, pointing out that it's a military industrial complex, dictatorship we're already under, and that it's intensifying.
And pointing out that open borders will bankrupt our country further and as part of the public plan by the Council on Foreign Relations to bring in the North American Union, that's their own admissions, to beat that and to beat their anti-gun bills and to beat their takeover of health care.
And to try to stop these wars they've launched.
I mean, there's so many issues we have to get involved in as well.
Let's go ahead and go to Joe in Arizona.
Joe, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, what's going on?
Worldwide broadcast.
What's going on with you?
I just wanted to see if you got a chance to see the Jesse Ventura show last night.
Not too much.
I didn't.
I was up interviewing Dave Mustaine in Dallas, but everybody in the office that was here said they saw it and thought it was pretty impressive.
Yeah, let me tell you, I knew about that harp thing about a few months ago, and I was trying to tell my parents, and they were like, no, no, no way.
And I actually recorded it and watched it with them, and their eyes were open, and like a lot of people are calling you asking what to do.
Just plant a seed, and then it starts to grow.
Well, I mean, I can't believe they let this on air, because, you know, I've seen large clips of the episodes and some of the full episodes, and it all seemed to be towards our side.
Uh, you know, because it's mainstream television, they have to, you know, have some, quote, objectivity, uh, you know, towards the delusional official story that there's no government corruption.
Uh, but, uh, this is a first that they're allowing this on television, and it's because the system is imploding.
And it's because they've lost all credibility.
That they're now being forced to allow a little bit of this out there because it's already common knowledge with more and more people.
But overall, what grade would you give the piece you saw on harp?
Oh, I would definitely say like a 10.
Just, it was, it fully just like, even, I think Jesse Ventura was just like, wow, totally, he didn't know about it, and he was just, his eyes were open too, and I'd done reading about it, and actually sat down and talked to my dad, and he was just like, no way that could happen, and I recorded it, and then showed it, him to him, and it just, he was blown away.
Just like, wow.
No, I've had the director of HAARP on from HAARP and he starts talking about how they can ignite the upper atmosphere with these antennas and then suddenly someone on the line cuts in and tells him he can't talk about that.
I mean, when I got him on, they had Air Force officers.
He was a private scientist, the head of HAARP.
They had Air Force officers telling me what I could and couldn't say, that they were going to cut the interview short if I went any...
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This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I think so.
We have a lot of callers calling in.
What is most effective against the criminal cartel, the illegitimate frauds that run our society, that are robbing and stealing and looting, that are violating the Bill of Rights and Constitution, religiously removing our liberties and freedoms and replacing it with tyranny?
Look at what activist groups, Freedom's Phoenix out in
Arizona, We Are Change, InfoWars groups, the real legitimate Tea Party groups, not the Republican-oid counterfeit.
They're going to every book signing, every event by congressmen, senators, House members.
A lot of House members and senators aren't even having public forums and meetings anymore.
They've now been run off because they show up and get shouted down, whether they're Republican or Democrat.
Everywhere, everywhere Al Gore goes now, the headlines in the newspapers, the TV reports, talk about crowds of 100, 200, 300, 400 people, 500, booing him, bullhorning him, exposing him as a fraud.
People go into the book signings, shut him down, expose him as a fraud, scream Climategate at him, educate the mindless idiots that are there to see him.
They can't operate with this going on.
This will destroy them.
Do you understand they have to have the illusion of your consent?
Standing up to them with the truth will bring them down, but it's not going to happen instantly.
And everywhere Bernanke goes, he's being criticized.
That's why they've created groups, the Federal Reserve's on record, at high schools, public schools, colleges, professional guilds, dental associations, medical associations, nursing associations, business associations, sending out Federal Reserve representatives to go brainwash the locals into, oh, the Federal Reserve's your friend.
They've been doing this for years.
They've, for decades, they've had brainwashing programs in the public schools.
But now we're there countering them with the truth.
And everywhere they go, they're being confronted.
And five years ago, people were reverent, groveling to Fed chairmen.
They were reverent to the bankers.
They, you know, they treated them like they were an imperial emperor with more reverence than the president.
Now they're treated with contempt because those congressmen know they're going to be voted out
They're going to be shouted down if they at least don't confront them publicly.
Some of it is grandstanding.
So the beginning of the end for these people is here.
You want a solution?
It's bare knuckles info war.
It's going to your county commissioners, your city council, it's getting a local radio show, it's starting an AXS TV show, it's starting websites, it's starting your own internet radio show, your own internet blogs, your own YouTube, whatever!
Everybody together speaking out.
Our voice is getting higher and higher.
We are the majority and we have truth on our side.
I want to play this quick clip of Senator Sanders talking about the potential to block Bernanke's confirmation hearing.
This is from Bloomberg's YouTube channel.
Here it is.
The Independent in Vermont is leading the opposition to Ben Bernanke up here on Capitol Hill.
Thank you, sir, for the time.
We got word overnight, not only are you going to vote against Ben Bernanke for his confirmation, you're going to put a hold on his nomination on the floor.
Tell me why.
Look, this country is facing the worst economic disaster since the 1930s.
We have 17% of our people unemployed or underemployed.
The immediate cause of this crisis is the greed, the recklessness, the illegal behavior on Wall Street.
And the American people are asking, where was the Fed?
Their responsibility is to oversee the safety and soundness of our financial institutions.
Where were these guys when Wall Street engaged in a huge gambling spree that led to the collapse?
So that's number one.
They really did not do their job in terms of protecting the American people and keeping a close eye on the financial institutions.
The second issue is what has happened since the collapse?
Have they reached out and tried to protect the needs of working people and the middle class?
Or has it been their main concern, main interest, propping up Wall Street and the needs of these big CEOs?
And I think most American people think they're not where we need them to be.
Sir, is it fair to pin this all on Ben Bernanke?
Some say Alan Greenspan maybe bears a responsibility for this?
It's not fair to blame everything on Greenspan.
The fact of the matter is, Bernanke was part of the Bush administration.
He was chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers for George Bush.
When President Obama came in, people were saying, you know, it's time for a change.
It's time for a new look at the relationship of Wall Street to the productive economy.
So the idea of having, continuing somebody on board who has been part of
So that's the basic partisanship he's throwing in, even though he's supposedly an independent, making it about Bush and Obama and all these puppets.
The same Wall Street crew ran Clinton, ran Bush, ran Obama.
That's what my film Fall of the Republic exposes.
And it's like saying it's not fair to blame Ben Bernanke.
It's saying, don't blame Stalin.
He only worked for Lenin.
Or don't blame Heinrich Himmler.
He only worked for Hitler.
I mean, he's at the very top.
of this fraud.
And the Federal Reserve's not there to safeguard us, Senator Sanders.
It's there to rob us and rape us and vertically integrate the economy.
It's the holding company for the private offshore banks that engineered the crisis through their controllers at Goldman Sachs, and that's now mainstream news.
They are the progenitors of the collapse.
They wanted to collapse the economy so they could consolidate wealth and bring in total government control, Socialist Sanders!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Climategate is out with its tentacles into every corner of the New World Order.
The private Federal Reserve chief is being grilled, being screamed at by Congress.
We're getting those clips queued up for later in the last hour today.
The House passed out a committee, as you know, two weeks ago.
It's going to be going to a full vote to start the audit of the private Federal Reserve.
They were unable to gut the bill.
It's a strong bill.
Ron Paul's worked for close to three decades on this.
And even if it doesn't pass the Senate this go-around, the people are now saying they want it audited.
They want the shadow government to be brought to justice.
They understand who's engineered this collapse.
They understand that trillions of dollars of the bailout money went to secretive groups and they watched the private Fed chief and the Treasury Secretary Geithner and the Treasury Secretary Paulson before him tell our elected representatives, our servants,
That they will not tell them where the money went!
This is open fraud!
Open theft!
An open swindle!
And the public is waking up.
They're coming out of their trance.
They're coming out of the mind control.
And they're saying, what do you mean the government radiates foster kids to death?
What do you mean they grab little kids and test pesticides on them?
What do you mean they put HIV in the Factor VIII blood product?
What do you mean the White House science czar wrote all these textbooks calling for forced population reduction and a, quote, planetary regime police state to carry it out?
What do you mean they're teaching kids in school they should only have one child when they grow up?
What do you mean they're teaching everybody that carbon dioxide is a poison?
I mean, it's ridiculous!
They treat you like you're absolute morons!
And you're not morons!
Everybody is intelligent.
Everybody is special.
They just learn to respect themselves and get involved and get informed.
And everybody has power!
The power to tell the truth, the power to get involved.
All right, here's what I'm going to do.
These have all been great calls, and I want to continue with Annie, Ken, Adam, Mike, Mike, and others.
The total free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
In the third and fourth hour, the second half of this radio transmission, we're going to start simulcasting online for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers when the show goes hybrid, radio and TV, for PrisonPlanet.TV members.
I want to remind you in the five and a half years plus that we've had PrisonPlanet.TV.
We just continue to update all the thousands of videos, all my films in super high quality.
My book, Paul Watson's book, is in e-book form.
The live TV show, the higher quality audio archives and video archives of the live radio slash TV show is all posted for members at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Again, that's PrisonPlanet.TV.
And only in the month of December do we always have this special where you get five and a half months free.
You sign up for a year, instead of paying for 12 months, you pay for six and a half.
That's what the special comes out to.
All because five years ago, I said, let's have a Christmas special, a holiday special.
And Paul said, okay, it's this price.
What do you want the discount to be?
And I said, okay, charge this.
And it comes out to almost half off.
And your $5.95 a month comes out to three something when you get the yearly membership.
That's like a cup and a half of Starbucks coffee.
Funds and finances much of this operation.
So not only is it a great value in the info war, it supports the work we're doing here.
And a lot of fighting the New World Order is just supporting alternative media.
And supporting good public servants, whether they be local or national.
It's all just a process of standing up.
So PrisonPlanet.tv.
We also have a bunch of specials that are going to end after Christmas.
Or when they run out.
And it went better than I thought it would.
We don't have a lot of these Obama Joker t-shirts.
Though they were a bestseller, I decided to make them limited edition.
You know, the famous poster that we adapted and that listeners posted nationwide and it made international media, I mean, literally hundreds of TV stations and papers covered it.
I don't know.
Four of those variants have sold out.
So, I want to keep the special going, so the size you want in the Joker Obama shirt is sold out.
We have the new designs that we designed, that Janae Meadows, our great, one of our great graphic people designed.
We have the old-fashioned, but a modern version of that, and a new 21st century version of the Don't Tread on Me flag shirts in black and white.
And that is not a limited edition shirt, but I cannot continue to offer it forever.
Show when when all of the Obama shirts are sold out.
I'm going to discontinue this you buy one fall of the Republic DVD because I just want the film to get out there and you get a free t-shirt in the size that you want and again of the Obama sold out which Half of the versions are you can get the other shirt in whatever size you want But that will end when all the Obama shirts are sold out.
I got them very very soon There's a bunch of other combo deals.
We can get free in games other free films big banner
At the top of Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and you can... My voice is a little hoarse today.
I had a little bit of screaming last night at the rock concert.
I hadn't been to a rock concert in eons.
The point is that...
Side issue.
We're offering specials the likes of which we've never offered right now at InfoWars.com or PrisonPilot.com or you can call and ask about the specials and order via the phone if you'd like at 888-253-3139.
And you can also write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
Before I get into Climategate and all the financial news, which I will cover, and We Are Change is joining us next hour with their incredible routing of Al Gore.
We've got five different groups coming on who are truly on the cutting edge of 1776 and the 21st century version of that in the Info War, so I salute you.
All hail the fighters for freedom, the sons and daughters of liberty.
You make the founders proud, I will tell you.
But you certainly know that in your spirit though, don't you?
That you're on the right side of history.
Dave Mustaine is conservatively, the founder of Megadeth, conservatively the second biggest and most successful heavy metal band, which is one of the major genres of music in history.
Metallica's obviously number one, but as he told me in an interview last night, he's part Metallica because he was there at their very start.
We've had Dave Mustaine on a few times, and last time he was on with us, he said that he's become a Christian, and that he really has woken up to the new world order, and that my films have really woken him up, thanks to people giving them to them, and he named his new album, Endgame, after my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
And he said, when I come to Texas, I'd like to hang out and get some barbecue with you.
And so be sure to give me a call in November, and I'd forgotten, did it just a few days before they were in town, but he invited me up, and I ended up spending
I don't know, four hours with him and the band.
And in the interview, he explained, I always liked Megadeth because it was political.
It was anti-New World Order, even when I was a teenager.
I mean, we're talking 20 years ago.
More than 20 years ago.
Wow, that's hard to believe.
But listen to him since I was about 12.
And he said, I was never a Satanist.
But, and I never knew that, you know, to a certain extent, you know, uh, I was part of something overall that was bad.
But, you know, now his, his message is a very good one and totally anti-New World Order.
And, you know, to have one of the monsters, one of the kings of, of, of heavy metal that so much of it, uh, is just, just, just filled with the occult.
To have him, um,
Come out for truth.
And again, when I tell you these stories, it's not, oh look, I'm hanging out with Dave Mustaine.
When we go get these interviews, then the tens of millions, and that's conservative, of Megadeth fans become listeners of ours.
And vice versa.
A lot of our listeners then become listeners of Megadeth, and Dave talked about that as well.
But then I went out into the crowd of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people, and I literally
Couldn't go anywhere backstage or in the crowd.
There were Obama Joker Infowars.com shirts.
There were Infowars.com shirts.
There were Infowars.com hats.
There were people who were 50 years old, people who were 20 years old.
I mean, I got mobbed, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, that is another indicator
Of just how many people this radio show is reaching.
And, you know, I knew we were reaching a lot of people five years ago.
I knew we were reaching a lot of people a year ago.
But it is just getting insane.
I mean, we really have a responsibility here to do a good job and go to the next level because we have a lot of people listening.
And it's across the board.
Old, young, black, white, Hispanic.
I mean, I can go to a country music event.
Fans everywhere.
I can go to a ballet.
Listeners everywhere stopping me.
I can go to a hardcore heavy metal concert in Dallas, Texas.
Literally can't go two feet.
Two feet!
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And it is now reached crescendo level and is only rising right now the amount of people that are awakening to the truth.
It is explosive.
This country is in a revolution of awakening and renaissance and enlightenment and understanding.
And I just want to be thankful to God.
I really am thankful to God for protecting me all these years, for forgiving me all these years.
I'm certainly not perfect.
And I want to thank my family and all of everybody out there who's prayed for us.
Because we have gone through a lot of persecution.
But I guess God chose me and many others for this job because I've got a pretty thick skin.
And quite frankly, people attacking me only makes me work harder.
And so on so many fronts, I did fit the bill for the position I fill.
But you are going to see more attacks against us.
And I don't mind personally being attacked by mainstream media, alternative media, disinformation operatives.
But I do lament, I do grieve, I do have sorrow.
It's actually a painful spot in my heart.
For all of the great minds that have been awakened, but only a little bit, and who are opening up to a wider world, who then get sucked in to the disinformation and then never fully go out and wake other people up or grow to their potential because they then fall into the kind of conspiratoid world of speculation and disinfo and infighting, which is right out of the FBI training manuals.
And the defeatist attitude and all of it.
And just the flotillas of whole cloth lies that are told about us.
You name it, it's said and done.
That are stated as if they're total fact, but don't even have a shred of truth to them.
And I just, from time to time, when I ask the listeners,
To not spend your time defending Alex Jones.
Warn people about sodium fluoride in the water.
Warn people about mercury in the vaccines.
Warn people about the North American Union.
Warn people about the carbon tax takeover and how the states nationwide are already passing the carbon tax laws to run our lives and control our lives.
Warn people
About serious issues where you can actually help someone and where you can actually inform someone and where you can potentially make their life a lot better and even potentially save their lives, okay?
Because the New World Order wants to attack Alex Jones and make the movement that's exploding about Alex Jones.
At a selfish level, I could give you the P.T.
Barnum quote,
About, I don't care what you say about me in the newspaper as long as you spell my name right.
Because at a very worldly level, it is good for this radio show, and good for my websites, and good for my films, that so many people attack me.
And so many of the attacks against us from mainstream, alternative media, you name it, really is one of the pillars
Of what has actually made us so successful.
So I guess, you know, the Bible says God takes a tax against his people and turns it into something good.
And so I guess it all works out in God's plan in the end.
And that's why it's so mind-boggling because I know it's bad at levels, but it's also good at a certain level.
But in my gut and in my intellect, overall, I think it's, in the final equation, bad.
And that's why the system does it and promotes it and pushes it to kind of create a fog, so that instead of you becoming active and involved, you get into sewing circles, gossip circles, just spending all your time spinning your wheels.
When if you actually stand up, get involved, go out and reach out to other people,
There is a bumper crop of awakened minds out there right now, but we have to bring the crop in.
People are ready to be awakened.
They're already awake to a certain extent, but we need to be out there speaking to them, out there informing them, out there waking them up further.
And this whole thing does not need to just be about Alex Jones.
It needs to be about the issues.
And that's why we always try to stick to the issues.
That's why we're nonpartisan.
It's why we try to stay out of the race issues.
It's why we try to stay out of the religious infighting issues.
I am an example to others, whether it's good or bad.
I try to live that way and not preach at people about what I think, how they should live, or what they should do.
I tell you what I'm doing.
And what I intend to do and what successes I've had and what defeats I've had.
And so hopefully you can not have to experience some of the bad things I've experienced that you can take the lessons learned from my 14 years of frontline engagement with the New World Order.
And so you won't have to live through the mistakes I lived through.
It's like your parents, you know, everybody's parents told them, look, I know you don't want to listen to me.
You're 14 years old, but I've been through all this.
And later, you're going to wish you to listen to me and you're going to respect me later.
Once you grow up and sit in my shoes, please listen to me.
And it's a rare son or daughter in this day and age will actually listen to their parents and take their advice.
But we're riding a rocket here, ladies and gentlemen.
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We'll be right back.
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We're here live.
Just trying to awaken the public to the fact that there's a global shadow government now coming out of the shadows and openly announcing its domination of the planet.
And we're saying, no, that's illegitimate.
We the people will not go along with it.
You are criminals.
And we can get caught up in minutia all day.
The bottom line is we need to say no to the New World Order.
And we need to recognize the incredible victories we're having against this system as well.
Let's continue with your phone calls.
We are changed coming up.
I will get more into ClimateGate and the other issues I mentioned.
But continuing with your phone calls right now, Annie in New York, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you?
I'm great.
Alex, I wanted to let you know I bought a five-pack of all the Republicans' gifts and a full of the Republican campaign for me, and everyone has to re-gift it after they watch it.
Or make copies of it and give it to people.
And you not only wake people up, you fund our operation.
Well, and I ordered coins through Midas, and I just finished an eFoods Direct order, so I'm doing my shopping through InfoWars.
That's why we're able to operate.
Without you, we couldn't do it.
Well, everybody has to pitch in.
About ClimateGate, and I'll say this quickly, I don't know if you saw the Media Research Center release, day 12, of Network ClimateGate cover-up.
And it says that ABC, CBS, and NBC's collective silence on Climategate has reached ridiculous levels as the broadcast network continue to ignore the great and growing scandal.
The Bias Biomission has now become scandalous.
And the second thing, I'm wondering how vigorous Penn State's investigation of Professor Mann is going to be when they have nearly half a billion in contracts with the Department of Energy.
And I'll take your answer off air, Alex.
Thank you.
Well, we know these aren't going to be very in-depth investigations, but Professor Jones, the kingpin of all this, these are the head scientists for the UN.
This is where they get the data that they then put in the fake peer-reviewed journals.
And the spin by the controlled media has been, well, this has been proven to be a fraud, but we need to focus instead on who stole the emails, because that's a crime and very horrible and terrible.
And we also need to understand that the peer-reviewed journals back up man-made climate change and global warming.
They've gone from a freezing earth to a warming earth now to any climate change is bad and unnatural, which is another fraud.
Just as big a fraud as saying polar bears can't swim and are all dying, which is a total lie.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
But yes, these universities get over 90% of their funding from the federal government.
That's what Dwight D. Eisenhower talked about in 1961 in his farewell address.
President Eisenhower talked about the dangerous influence and takeover of research by the military-industrial complex.
And this isn't little tree hugger idiots that are just wrong about CO2 and really thought the earth was warming and wanted to save us and they're wrong.
This is a group of collectivists that want to hijack control over society.
They're a bunch of control freaks that want to micromanage every facet of our lives.
And we have all their own internal documents and textbooks and public UN statements.
I mean, this is not our opinion.
And so of course all the major universities were going along with this lie and parroting the East Anglia Climate Research Center's fraudulent data and NASA Goddard Space Center's fake climate data.
They're caught red-handed.
So yes, don't expect that arrogant professor man, there's a video up on prisonplanet.com of him,
In this article, Climategate crooks recast themselves as the victims, where he just drips with elitism, and power, and chutzpah, and arrogance, and aplomb, and sits there just laughing at everyone, saying, oh, I think people in government understand this is no big deal, and they know the truth, and just gets this little look of satisfaction on his face.
Look, they're going down, okay?
And they know it.
They're a bunch of control freak cockroaches.
They're not liberals.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen.
We have reached the waypoint, halfway into this four-hour radio transmission.
We're here live, Monday through Friday, 12 noon to 4 p.m.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And coming up after the break, we are going to talk to five different groups of We Are Change around the country.
Now, what is We Are Change?
Two and a half, three years ago, Luke Radowsky, 20 years old,
Woke up watching my Police State films.
Another example of how you don't know who you're waking up.
You don't know who's watching your films or reading your blog or who you're awakening and what they will go on to do.
And Luke started a group called We Are Change that decided to go out and confront David Rockefeller and Bill Clinton and George Bush.
And count Zbigniew Brzezinski and countless others and they got arrested, they got attacked, they got beat up, they got vindicated, they got international attention.
Other groups, other organizations have picked up on it to the point of now you see the people going to Republican and Democrat
Meet and greets, speeches, public events, and shouting down both parties saying we want the Federal Reserve abolished, we don't want world government, we don't want a new world order.
And it's been non-partisan.
And the Tea Parties grew out of 9-11 Truth, out of We Are Change, out of other groups that pioneered
The system that I originally pioneered unknowingly of going out and going to press conferences and asking real questions and then they freak out and grab you and drag you out and then that is what's all over the newspapers because it was a big event.
I mean, I didn't know 14 years ago, 10 years ago, I started figuring it out after that, that when I would go to an event, ask Janet Reno about
The House investigation concluding Delta Force was there shooting American citizens at Waco.
That would be the headline in the Associated Press.
Because I would simply go ask real questions.
Or I'd ask Governor George Bush a question and be arrested.
And it would be all over Texas newspapers and TV.
And people would say, what did Mr. Jones say?
Why was he arrested?
Governor, you say you want to help Texas, but you're part of the Council on Foreign Relations that openly wants to end America and set up a New World Order, and isn't it the Federal Reserve that's destroying America and de-industrializing us?
And then suddenly I get arrested, not intending to, and the media says, why did he get arrested for free speech?
He asked the question politely, and what did he have to say?
And then there I was on TV and radio and in newsprint.
I mean, you know, the big left-controlled, fake Ford Foundation demonstrations don't do much.
But thousands of little groups go into press conferences and go into events where governors and politicians and city council people, you name it, big and small, you go, you ask real questions, and you take over the whole event!
Because they're so criminal, they're so aware of what they're doing, they're gonna flip out!
I mean, 12 years ago, you went to a public event and talked about a New World Order.
I used to go down to the county commissioners.
This ended up on TV locally.
Many of you saw it on Austin TV.
And SWAT teams would come in and start grabbing me.
And people would say, why are you grabbing him?
He gets his three minutes of communication.
And they'd say, you're not allowed to get up there and talk about a New World Order.
The Travis County Commissioner's Court's trying to ban t-shirts with political messages on them.
They're going to get sued.
They're going to lose that.
They're showing us how they're tyrants.
And that's what We Are Change has been doing.
And now everybody's mimicking what they're doing.
See, I wake people up, they go out and wake up even more people, then those people wake up even more.
You understand how these dominoes fall?
And this is one of the major Achilles heels of the New World Order.
Everywhere Al Gore goes now, Tea Party groups, We Are Change, and others are going in and taking over the media event and exposing Al Gore for what he is.
So he just can't be there spewing his fraud.
People are there calling him on it.
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Ladies and gentlemen, when I talk about the fact that the climate gate
Emails and computer programs show clear fraud and people are now resigning.
The Australian Parliament is falling apart.
Their climate gate legislation, their climate legislation, their takeover legislation, their tax legislation, their neo-feudalism legislation just fell through in Australia.
There's investigations of all these people.
More whistleblowers are coming out by the minute from universities saying they were ordered to engage in fraud and they're resigning.
I mean, this is a criminal group.
of collectivist working for big foundations and banks that want a scientific dictatorship.
We have John P. Holdren being grilled now about his involvement in Climategate.
We have Al Gore saying he's not going to Copenhagen now and is going to cancel his lecture.
And you know why?
Because they don't want to give Lord Monckton, who'll be outside, media attention.
Because they know people are going to be inside his lecture, if it's open to anyone, who are going to stand up and shout him down.
I told you that everywhere, everywhere he's going, and who pioneered this?
We are change.
And the real Tea Parties, not the compromised groups that have been taken over by the Republicans, so they can control them.
Are shutting these people down because they can't have a real debate.
Al Gore will never debate anyone that questioned man-made climate change.
Notice it's not warming anymore.
Now that's been proven it's getting colder now.
Now it's change.
Cycles can't change.
They're unnatural.
Seasons are unnatural.
Polar bears can't swim.
All these lies.
His lie about carbon dioxide going up with temperature when it actually follows hundreds of years after.
These are all base frauds.
But here it is up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Huge news.
Gore cancels on Copenhagen lecture, leaves ticket holders in a lurch.
It seems the uncertainty about Copenhagen is growing.
When Al Gore pulls the plug, you know it's over.
Here's another one.
Holdren grilled over email controversy from the National Journal up on PrisonPlanet.com.
In a hearing that was
Part sparring match and part high school science lesson, two of Obama administration's climate change experts, John Holdren.
Testify the day before the House Select Committee on Energy, Independence, and Global Warming about the validity of man-made climate change.
From the start, Republicans focused on the conversation of the controversial hacked emails from East Anglia University's Climate Research Unit in England, in which a number of scientists made remarks about limiting the dissemination of work by climate change skeptics.
Yeah, blocking them and persecuting them, and how to fix the data.
The research center
...provides data for much of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's conclusions.
See, this is the head group.
The media's like, oh, it's just some backwater university, no big deal.
No, this is the head group.
See, they even lie about that, and people are catching them in this.
Holdren, director of the White House Office on Science and Technology, who wrote EcoScience,
This book right here calling for drugging the water to sterilize you and how to exterminate the population.
You can't make this stuff up.
Got grilled.
I'm gonna play some of that next hour.
I mean, this is getting just to be incredible.
Also, Bernanke may have his confirmation held up as he's being grilled.
That's coming up next hour when we cover the economy.
But I gotta move quick now.
We are simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
I want to move quick because we've got five different groups of We Are Change on.
And they're going to be joining us one after the other.
And I want to have time to play some of the video clips and audio clips here.
For you that they've shot and We're gonna save the best for last Chicago.
We are change.
This is how it's done now standing up is how it's done I'm no armchair quarterback people on the front lines Just standing up and speaking out against him in front of hundreds of people and in front of TV cameras takes incredible courage I'm just saying you want to see a textbook for how it's done you watch the Chicago video
But we're going to start with Nathan from We Are Change Rhode Island.
Because genocide is apparently funny to these people.
And of course, this conversation happened before Climategate.
Now it's all about Climategate.
Then we've got Matt from We Are Change Nashville.
That took over the TV and news headlines when they went out and just questioned him.
See, we're taking over all his media.
So it's backfiring.
Now every time he speaks, it's all about Climategate.
But if no one was there, he could have it one way.
Oh man, this is beautiful.
I mean, this is victory!
This is fighting in the trenches, ground pounders, ladies and gentlemen.
Dan from We Are Change Toronto confronted Gore.
We Are Change Florida confronted him.
We Are Change Chicago.
That's who we've got coming on.
First off is Nathan from We Are Change.
Do we have Nathan and Mark O'Connor or are we just going to Nathan?
Okay, Nathan.
Good to have you here.
Before we get into what you've been doing with Gore and how exciting it is from the inside to be witnessing this, we want your take on that.
What do you think about him canceling his much-vaunted speaking tour in Copenhagen?
I love it.
It shows that we're making the impact that we always knew we would be.
It's just great to see these people cowering, just like he does on the film.
And you see that time and time again through these We Are Change confrontations.
Just like you always knew it would have an impact.
That's right.
You knew resistance was victory.
And you see it, like I said, time and time again.
He is a coward.
He knows that he's wrong.
He knows he's part of something wicked.
And when you stand up against him, you see him shiver away like a little
Well, they have their goons grab people every time.
Even if you politely ask them questions, they do.
Oh, yeah.
Well, I think it's important that you be focused.
If you're up close, just speak in a regular voice, but if they start dragging you away, screaming out, Climategate, Climategate, which is happening, this is just beautiful.
Tell us about this little short clip we're going to play from Rhode Island.
Okay, it was actually in Boston outside the Wang Theater on March 30th, 2009, a day before the first time we were in Chicago, and Ohio confronted him.
It was a speaker's tour that was traveling through some major cities, New York, Boston, Chicago, maybe some others.
And I want to point out, again, it's We Are Change that first went out and confronted Gore.
Now the Tea Parties are mimicking it.
That's how this spreads.
We had somebody on the inside.
We didn't have tickets to the event, but we knew where the back door was.
So Mark O'Connor and I
Mark from We Are Change Boston waited.
We got the cue.
We kind of, you know, seemed harmless.
We were there.
We were handing out DVDs, doing a kind of regular We Are Change street action, but not as obvious.
And we waited, and we knew he was coming out the back door.
I positioned myself amongst the crowd, the small crowd of people, because it was cold in Boston on that night, that wanted autographs, and managed to get myself right up to the front.
Tell Al Gore to his face, you know, I had to play the part.
You hear me in the beginning of the video.
Be like, hey, brother.
We know about your New World Order eugenics program.
You will not succeed.
Everything you talk about at the Club of Rome, Bilderberg, and the rest.
Your population control, Ted Turner's reduction of the population by 95%.
None of this will go forward.
I managed to call him a coward to his face.
He doesn't respond.
He hides.
His security pushes us away.
And he's escorted by a police escort away.
We're going to go ahead and play the meat of this clip, and then be sure and plug your website, Nathan.
We Are Change, working with We Are Change Boston, confronting Gore on the population reduction agenda.
Here's that clip.
Mr. Gore, hey.
Hey, how you guys doing?
Mr. Gore, we know about your New World Order eugenics program.
What do you think about that?
Everything you guys discussed at the Club of Rome in Bilderberg.
Population control.
Thank you very much.
What do you think of Ted Turner's?
Ted Turner's population by 99%.
Sir, do you plan to reduce the Earth's human population by 95% like Ted Turner advocates?
Do you plan to reduce the Earth's population of humans by 95% like Ted Turner advocates, sir?
Can you please tell us?
You guys will not succeed.
Step back, step back.
Aw, you step back.
Hey, Free Humanity is waking up!
In fact, back that up.
I want to read that quote from Al Gore from one of his disgusting books of propaganda that polar bears can't swim.
Yeah, and I would like to say I did a lot of reading before I made the decision to go get him.
I mean, checking into the International Crisis Group, Brookings Institution, the IPCC documents, going back to, I think it was founded by the UN in 1988.
We really, Mark and I, you know, we've looked up a lot of stuff and I encourage everyone listening right now to read.
Reading will open your eyes to all of this.
They're real plans.
Right now I'm reading a book by Peter Singer, who is friends with Paul Ehrlich, John Holdren,
You know, there are quotes in this book from them, praise on the back cover, from Holdren and Ehrlich, and this is called One World.
This is a man that openly supports euthanasia, abortion, infanticide, global government.
This stuff is real.
We own over 100 books by these people where they brag they're drugging our water supply.
I mean, these are hardcore people.
Yeah, they are not kidding around.
And we are changes here to stand up to them.
And we're not gonna stop.
for the crescendo now, so it's exploding just perfectly right on time in his face as he cancels his Copenhagen trip.
Plug the We Are Change website in Rhode Island or Boston for folks who want to join the team.
Go to WeAreChange.org.
RhodeIslandChange.org is the website, but we're changing the host right now, so it's down, unfortunately, at the moment.
But it will be back up, and to everybody that's contacted me recently, I can't wait to meet all the new people that are joining up with We Are Change Rhode Island.
Well done, my friend.
We salute you.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back with We Are Change Nashville.
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Al Gore, we know about you!
We know this global warming thing is a hoax!
You want a carbon credit?
Carbon taxes?
That's a tax on life, sir!
Respond, you coward!
Ladies and gentlemen, none of this would be happening now
If just a few people hadn't started standing up, and I can tell you, we are responsible.
Myself, Luke Radowski, and all these other men and women.
You can start your own group.
Whether it's We Are Change, I think the more the better.
Create a We Are Change, create another group.
I push my audience, my listeners to join, to get involved.
There's no forms, no organization.
It's just a name, people that want truth, that want to defeat the new world order.
And it's impossible for the globalist to infiltrate groups like We Are Change, because there's nothing to infiltrate.
There's Luke's website that has links to all the other groups.
It's impossible to stop.
They've tried to infiltrate chapters, and we've confirmed that, and tried to get people to do illegal stuff.
It hasn't worked.
They've tried to falsely charge We Are Change.
Women and men running out of dark doorways at events with a person in a wheelchair, ramming it into someone, and then putting it in the newspaper that We Are Change assaulted a girl in a wheelchair, and later it came out the New York Post had to print a retraction and say it was all a hoax.
Because they went to court and proved it was a fraud!
I mean, do you see what we're going through?
What these great people are going through?
And they've gone in through and beyond the tyranny.
And Al Gore has now cancelled his major events.
I was telling you last hour he's gonna start cancelling events.
He's now cancelling.
He'll only be able to do TV now because it's the only place it'll be one-sided.
He's under siege with his fraud.
Let's go to Matt from We Are Change Nashville.
We've got some video of their confronting Gore.
And when they did it, it was all over the newspapers, all over radio, all over TV.
Their quotes about his fraud, about his lies, about how he's making money off of it.
Again, taking over the media coverage as our right as Americans, going to these events and telling the truth.
And we've got Savannah, who's with We Are Change as well, with Matt.
Great job, guys.
Good to have you here with us.
Sure, thank you for having us.
Thank you.
What is it like for you to be involved in this and see it bearing such incredible fruit?
It's really inspiring.
I mean, we set up that day, we didn't know what was going to happen, but we knew that we had to be there, we had to do something.
So, it worked out pretty good.
Before it started, before Al Gore came out, we were passing out articles to people online, just trying to talk to people.
Most of them didn't want to hear it, most of them didn't want the articles.
But it doesn't matter, you know, we've got to stand up.
Well, it ended up getting a lot of media coverage, and I want to play just a short clip, which is just a little bird's eye view, audio for radio listeners, video for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Of course, we post all these videos up at InfoWars.com.
Here it is.
Al Gore, you're a traitor.
Your carbon tax is meant to enslave America.
We know it.
We don't want your global governance.
We don't want your global governance.
We don't want your carbon tax.
You're a traitor!
Yeah, so Alex, I also, um, I also went up to Gore, um, I bought a book myself and asked him, um, what his, what, when he talked about global governance in a speech on July 7th, I asked him what he meant by that term, and, um, one of his PR ladies just grabbed me and pushed me out of the way.
They're not allowed to ask, you're allowed to talk to him as long as it's worshipping him, but you can't ask about an internationally televised speech he gave, because global government doesn't exist.
Yes, I mean, even if I bought, I paid $30 for a book so I could ask him this question, and I can't even... It's ridiculous.
Well, I want to point out that the protest outside made it in the paper and on TV, and the clips we're showing are just a tiny snapshot of all the things that are happening at these events.
Well, quickly, there's a reporter there, and
When I was in the back talking to a small group of people, I mean, I guess it made enough noise where she came over and was kind of listening to what we were saying.
She identified herself as a reporter, and I gave her a copy of Fall Republic so that, you know, if she could watch it, that'd be great.
And that's actually how we got in the paper, was that the reporter that was listening to us talk, you know, before Al Gore was even there.
And then, obviously, she covered the point when I called him a traitor, and that was one of the main things she put in the paper about it.
WeAreChangedNashville.com, and it's not just Al Gore.
Go after any globalist, gun grabbers, child grabbers, forced inoculators, people that are promoting the end of our sovereignty.
Expand the group, continue to go out, continue to get involved, continue to have your voice be heard, showing that we are the majority, we are the American people, and we're not backing down.
Savannah and Matt, anything else?
We've got a protest this weekend, Saturday at 2.30.
Yes, sir.
It's in a Belcourt Theater, Nashville.
We're doing a protest in March for Carmen Cage.
Definitely encourage all those other We Are Change groups to definitely get out there and do something, especially with Copenhagen coming up this week.
Just go out there and try it.
And he's got another film coming out.
We'll all demonstrate outside those theaters.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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I'm going to break down the economy, the Federal Reserve in deep trouble being exposed and routed.
I'm going to blitz through the latest next hour on ClimateGate.
So many new developments on that front.
This is blowing up even bigger than I thought it would.
This is just such good news.
I've been walking on air the last few days.
Because this shows these people are not invincible.
I have always known that.
But other people are now discovering this and finding it out for themselves.
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Are now ready to hear the truth, and that's why my film Fall of the Republic is so important, because a whole hour of this two-hour, 24-minute film is about how the banks engineered the crisis, how they created the climate scam, how you will pay your taxes directly to them, how it's a eugenics system.
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And your purchase also of the film and the free t-shirt makes what we're doing here possible.
So I want to thank all you out there that have been supporting us so we can then support all these other activist groups and give them a platform to fight the globalists.
I mean, this is really happening, ladies and gentlemen.
We're part of something very big.
The momentum is beginning to shift in our direction, in the side of liberty and freedom and honor and duty and everything that is valuable and good.
We are exposing these criminals for what they are.
Illegitimate criminals.
Murderous control freaks.
That's strong language, but that's not strong enough.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
And we're facing some very wicked people.
Now, we've got We Are Change Toronto, We Are Change Florida, and Saving the Most Powerful for Last.
I mean, they made the big sudden death overtime score at the Super Bowl here of political action.
Saeed and Steve from We Are Change Chicago coming up with a powerhouse video clip we played earlier in the week that hundreds of thousands of views online.
Just devastating to the globalists.
Absolutely devastating, and we salute them and their work.
And again, Al Gore is not just being confronted about lying about the hockey stick graph that they've now proven is a fraud they've had to withdraw, or lying and saying polar bears can't swim and they're all basically dead when their numbers have exploded.
Or saying the Arctic's gonna totally melt and then it doesn't.
Showing a time-lapse of the summer when the Arctic and Antarctic gets smaller, but not showing you in the winter how they get bigger again.
The ice caps go like this.
The ice caps go like this.
And of course,
Well, I mean the point is, is that now we have their internal emails and Al Gore's cancelling his Copenhagen propaganda because he can't go speak now.
He knows there's going to be Lord Monckton is going to be reporting here live for us and others and thousands of activists exposing him.
He can't allow it.
If he goes, it will make it a spectacle and then the truth will come out.
But instead, he won't be there now, will be there exposing them.
You see?
So, it's just so incredible to see this happening.
And now we're not just talking about all the climate fraud.
People are going, well, what did Al Gore write?
Well, what did John P. Holdren write in Ecoscience?
What are they saying in all these textbooks?
They're saying we need, and in fake environmental crises, to get people to give up their rights for a scientific dictatorship so we can set up world government to forcibly reduce population numbers.
I mean, this is in hundreds of government documents that we quote, that we link, that we cover up on the websites, that we cover every day.
We give you their quotes, we give you their books, we give you where they said it, how they did it.
I know it's hard to believe they brag in this book how they're drugging your water supply.
But they're doing it!
I mean, you cannot make this up.
There's a reason people are so docile and servile.
Okay, Dan from We Are Change Toronto.
Now, this ended up getting in the news as well, even when they didn't get in to see Al Gore.
That doesn't matter.
They took over the media attention and inserted real issues.
But, first they tell him, you can't be in front of the event.
Then you gotta be down the street.
Then you gotta be across the street.
Then they rough him up.
This is the type of oppression we're seeing all over the Western world.
So, let's go ahead, I mean, take Copenhagen.
They're not allowing any media in who have ever been critical of man-made climate change.
Only people that agree are allowed into all these events coming up this weekend and next week.
Okay, let's go to Dan from We Are Change Toronto.
Dan, good to have you on with us.
Thanks for having me on.
Tell us briefly what happened to you.
Great, great, beautiful website for TorontoChange.com.
Absolutely awesome.
Tell us what happened to you.
I'm actually also a member of an organization called Press for Truth, and it is a journalism company.
Sure, yeah.
I actually registered it with the Ontario government as a legitimate alternative media outlet.
Yeah, I've seen your work.
Thank you.
So we were there literally just, you know, as press to cover the latest information on the climate change.
We were there for no more than 45 minutes doing our reporting when the security guards came up and told us to leave the grounds.
And I said, you know, that's fine.
If this is your private property, I understand that.
I will leave.
So I went to the other side of the gate.
And, uh, you know, I just started rolling and the two security guards came up to me and said, uh, you're going to have to leave.
They actually tried to make me walk into the road.
Uh, there was traffic in the road.
So, so they tried to push you into the road.
And of course the news just said a terrorist was run over or a terrorist jumped into traffic today and was killed.
That's right.
And as I was trying to get clarification for where indeed is this property line, uh, my, my cameraman, uh, turned around to take a look.
And that's when the security guard just lunged for the camera.
He grabbed it and he physically turned over the camera and started pressing buttons until he figured out how to shut it off.
Just nuts!
Totally nuts!
It came completely uncalled for.
So at that point I turned it back on because I just witnessed an assault on my cameraman.
So I turned it back on for my protection and for, you know, Mark's protection.
And we continued to document everything that was going on.
And then he eventually told us that, no, we still own this.
You're still on our property.
You have to move further away.
But the good thing is, I managed to remain calm.
I didn't sink to his level.
I kept my cool.
And because of that, we were actually able to get retribution for the incident.
The head of security actually called me and apologized.
To me, and he said that the CEO of the Canadian National Exhibition is going to be writing me an apology letter, and they assured me that the security guard in question is going to be disciplined, the proper manner, and they also said they want to thank me for bringing
Uh, this to their attention because now they're going to talk to the rest of their staff and make sure that that kind of... Well, you know, that's a smart, that's a smart company because you could clearly file criminal charges on them and clearly sue them because trying to push you into traffic, uh, is, well, obviously dangerous.
That's right.
And, and with, with, uh, the letter of apology, you know, that is an omission of guilt.
Uh, they know they were in the wrong.
But it just goes to show, if you remain calm and you handle it and follow up in a professional way, then, you know, the good guys can and will win in the end.
And by the way, I found security guards are even worse than police everywhere in the country.
I mean, I'll be in a park or on a sidewalk and they'll just march over and say, turn your cameras off.
You have to have a permit to even be in the city, and I'm like, no.
And there's a famous video, Kansas City this year, of Aaron and Rob at a city park, and the Federal Reserve Security comes a half mile, puts their hands on their guns, and says, we're going to arrest you if you don't leave.
And of course, totally off their jurisdiction, totally out of control.
These are lunatics on a power trip and it turned out they were ordered by the fellow reserve to go out and do this.
These people think they're gods and we are living in Nazi Germany.
We're not.
Let's go ahead and play a clip of part of the incident.
Here it is.
What's the scoop, guys?
What's going on?
Our client doesn't want you guys hanging around here right now.
It's a private event.
Cameras aren't even allowed on the grounds.
It's a bylaw against exhibition place property.
Same with handing out flyers to people.
It's part of our bylaw.
All this is owned by the C&E, I'm guessing?
The whole grounds.
From the Princess Gates, Dufferin, down to Lakeshore.
So we asked you guys if you wanted to conduct your activities.
What's happening more and more is they have huge city centers for people that aren't watching the video but are listening on the radio.
You can go to TorontoChange.com and watch the whole video.
They do this in Austin now.
They do this in Dallas.
They do this everywhere.
They just block off whole areas and now say whole areas of cities.
Our expedition centers and say you can't be on sidewalks.
There's a major road with 18 wheelers driving by and they just say you can't be here now.
You've got to get out of here because of their bylaws.
What if they said their bylaws were that they could chop your head off and drink your blood?
What if they said their bylaws were that they could rob you?
I mean, no, they're not your God.
Let's finish the video.
He's submitted to their power trip, right there by the highway you just saw, so now the power tripping intensifies.
Because to a petty thug, someone submitting to their tyranny is a sign that it's okay.
Let's keep playing.
Guys, if you don't mind just completely getting off the property.
Uh, thanks so much.
The property that you guys own, like right here, is a public property.
That's not true.
You have to get right onto the road.
So where is... Just right on the road in the bike lane.
Well, we obviously can't stand on the road.
Okay, across the street.
We have him on video saying go outside the gates But but now
Again, you can hear him.
I told you, I'm powerful.
I'm nobody.
I live in a cruddy apartment.
You know, I'm nobody.
But at least I can dominate you.
At least I've got power over you.
God, I love big government.
I wish I could take everything you've got.
Pretty soon we will.
Let's go back.
I'm assaulting you right now.
I'm good.
I'm good.
I own you.
I'm good.
You're my property.
Let's play the rest of it.
Look at my finger.
See all the way up there?
Okay, now I know.
Turn your camera off.
Let me see.
All the way out over there.
You're not allowed here.
All the way down.
All the way to the back.
No, no, no.
This is public property.
We can be here.
You want to go out there by the light?
You're more than welcome to.
By the light?
Right there is public private property.
Excuse me.
I have a question.
Is that public property?
We're going to turn it off here.
This is still exhibition place property.
We're going to turn it off here because there is some little bit of profanity that comes up.
Gentlemen, great job though exposing these people because if we're not out there doing this, they're going to completely train everybody that we have no rights.
I commend you.
We'll talk to you again soon, Dan.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
It definitely feels great to be fighting the good fight.
And people can check that out at PressForTruth.ca as well.
Thank you so much.
All right, buddy.
Great job.
Okay, we got to hurry here because we got We Are Change Florida, and there's so many other people confronting, but I want to get to the big granddaddy of them all.
A little bit into the next hour now.
We're running behind here with Saeed and Steve from what We Are Change Chicago, also working with We Are Change Ohio, and there's so many other groups.
We Are Change LA, We Are Change Colorado, who confronted Gore.
We just salute them.
This is only one thing they're doing.
Let's go to
I am from Florida and this is the first, let's play the clips now.
First clip is a huge crowd booing Al Gore at one of his speaking engagements in Boca Raton.
This made national news.
This made national news everywhere.
This was in the newspapers, national TV, local TV, and their posters, their signs, their statements about how he's making money, how he's been proven to be a fraud, how they're more polar bears, ended up on TV, radio, and print.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars of news coverage for free because these people came out and outnumbered the people inside.
Here's the first clip.
We're going to start that over.
Let's hit pause.
Let's hit pause.
We're going to back that up and start that over because I want people to be able to see the video.
So when we're ready with that, just tell me.
Pardon me?
All right, let's go to Ian while we mess with the computers here.
Ian, really, really exciting what ended up happening.
Ian from We Are Change.
I'm here, Alex.
Florida, are you there?
Okay, good to have you.
Glad we got you up.
So, in a nutshell, what do you think of Gore getting in all this trouble?
What do you think of the fact that he's canceling his speaking tour in Copenhagen for the Copenhagen event?
I mean, this fraud is really in trouble.
I think he's beyond flustered, and the timing of us putting on that event in an outdoor venue in Florida was very exciting for me.
The following two weeks after, it just seemed...
Uh, very meant to be the timing of creating that kind of opposition momentum that's really been stirring throughout the country before, during, and since that event.
And it's just been a highly exciting past couple weeks to watch all of this unfold and him be exposed the way he's been.
Well, I agree with you.
And again, this got massive coverage.
We're going to play, that other clip won't load for some reason of the booing, the mass booing.
We're going to play a clip of Hannity covering this.
You know, he's denied global government, denied this is a conspiracy all these years.
Now the elites themselves announce it's world government.
It is the funding mechanism for world government.
We have the internal UN documents.
But here he is finally talking about it and playing your video.
Here it is.
And tonight's meltdown comes to us from the Gateway Pundit blog, and according to their website, former Vice President Al Gore wasn't exactly greeted with open arms in Florida last week.
Now the Learjet liberal was the keynote speaker at a Going Green event in Boca Raton.
Turns out that those attending the lecture may have been outnumbered by the protesters outside.
Now take a look at this video captured by NBC affiliate WPTV.
I just want to let people know that there's an opposing viewpoint and it needs to be listened to.
If you follow the money, it tells you all you need to know about Al Gore.
He's making zillions of dollars off of all the energy-related stuff he's selling.
Great point.
Now you'd think by now that Al Gore would want to avoid the state of Florida altogether.
He doesn't exactly have a good track record down there.
So there you go.
We're going to get a break in a moment, but going back to him in Florida.
I mean, this got massive coverage on TV, radio and print in Florida.
Oh yeah, it was incredible.
And you know, that being Hannity, you know, obviously we don't agree with everything that he spews, but it was great to get on national coverage and then wake up more people to go and discover and study this on their own.
And the word is in the newspaper that you're chanting outside was drowning out his speech to the minions that have paid thousands of dollars to go see him.
Well, I really want to thank all the meet-up groups and all the We Are Change and Libertarians and Conservative Party who came out and drowned out his voice.
Like you just said, Alex, we booed for an hour and 45 minutes straight so loud that I know he's not coming back to South Florida anytime soon.
Stay there.
Stay there.
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When the levee breaks, Al Gore will have no place to stay.
Yeah, the oceans aren't rising, but the awakening is rising.
The people standing up against his tyranny is rising right now.
And the New World Order feels that rising tide of freedom.
When the levy breaks, Al Gore and his fraud will have no place to stay.
He's going down.
He's going down now.
He's going down.
He's going down now.
He's going down.
Going down.
Going down.
Down to Chicago.
Oh, how exciting!
Okay, finishing up with We Are Change Florida.
We're going to go to the big finale here in a moment.
Saeed and Steve from We Are Change Chicago.
That song's just for you, where the levy breaks in Chicago.
Good to be talking to We Are Change Florida.
Anything else from the folks in Florida?
Any other points, EM, that you guys want to add?
Yeah, a couple real quick points and then I'll let you get to see it in Chicago.
You know, one of the main points that I really want to point out is for those people out there who really want to do the kind of things we are changing and other groups are doing in these confrontational type of style, you know, don't worry about having an organization ready to go when you find out there's an event.
I organized this in a matter of six days and we had hundreds of people show up
From a number of different groups who don't see eye-to-eye on most issues, but we did unite, and it's really helping to wake up a lot of people who are kind of controlled by the... Yeah, I remember other listeners calling in, or I don't know if that was you, days before, and we put a video out telling folks to go out to the event.
Did that help?
Yeah, that was me, and it helped tremendously, and that got the ball rolling, and then really it's all about getting online and getting on the message boards, and
And really using meetups and just getting those emails out to people that are total strangers, but are aligned on the same vision.
And, you know, one other thing, you know, the cops were pretty hardcore at that event, so we didn't get to do the kind of up-in-your-face, you know, confrontation when he was getting in his car at the end.
But if people want to search all the videos of the Boca Raton Al Gore protest, you're going to see everything that we're discussing here and how big it really was.
You did an unbelievably good job, my friend, and take care, Ian.
We love what you're doing.
I want to cue it right up to Al Gore being chased once he came out.
You know what I want to do?
I want to start the video at the end, and then before we are changed, Chicago and Ohio, leave us in about 20 minutes.
We're coming back to them right now.
We're going to play the whole clip unedited of how they did it.
They were inside, they were outside, they were everywhere, and it made all over the news, all over the newspapers, front page of some of the papers.
I mean, this was devastating to this scam artist.
And in front of hundreds of his mindless drones, paying money to go be indoctrinated by him with his airbrushed fake book cover showing all these hurricanes turning the wrong direction.
I mean, this fraud is imploding and I just want to remind listeners, here in my stack, Al Gore has now cancelled.
I had it here in my stack, here it is.
Up on PrisonPlanet.com, Gore cancels on Copenhagen Lecture
Leaves ticket holders in a lurch.
Holdren grilled over email controversy.
Now he's involved in ClimateGate, the White House science czar that wants to poison your water supply to sterilize you.
We're going to talk about it all coming up.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're asking for more matches!
They're arsonists!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
You will not succeed with your middle finger!
You are a traitor!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I've been telling you for months he's going to start cancelling all his public appearances, just like all the congressmen are doing.
We're now publicly isolating them, showing everyone they're criminals, saying, these are Madoffs, these are Ken Leys, these are criminals.
And their collapse is beginning.
We're going to play the start of that confrontation from inside.
And again, that took over newspaper headlines, front of one of the major Chicago papers, top story, TV, national news.
And that was a nice crowd of great activists.
Those are the equivalent of our founding fathers.
That's how it begins.
You know what the Sons of Liberty did for 15 years before the war started?
They did exactly what you just saw.
When the Redcoats were stealing people's property and raping people's women and beating people up, and there was police brutality, and the corrupt Lords were out of control, the Founders did that and a lot more for 15 years.
And they woke the country up and got it ready to defeat the New World Order.
And that's what we're doing right now, ladies and gentlemen.
We're hoping for a peaceful outcome in this by arresting these crooks.
I want to go to Steve and Saeed from We Are Change Chicago.
They also work with We Are Change Ohio.
I salute you.
Do we have Anthony from Ohio, too?
He's coming on later.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to these guys.
We're going to come back after the break and talk more.
Just incredible job.
I mean, it can't be done better than what you did in Chicago.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
I really appreciate you covering it.
We had an organized effort to confront Gore.
We were all ready and organized and went there early in the morning, got our wristbands, and really
They're great.
I think we really got him on Climacate and thank you for covering it.
I mean, the timing was perfect.
You really covered it over the weekend and that Tuesday is when we were going to confront him because originally we were going to get him on 30,000 Scientists and Global Governance.
But as soon as Climacate came out, we were like, we have to get him on Climacate.
So we all sat down and, you know, got a plan together and just did it.
And it was
It was great that the media covered it.
I mean, I'll explain it to you from the beginning.
We just marched down to the borders in the morning.
We got our wristbands, got in okay.
And then, a couple hours later, they had the book signing.
I'm in line with... We went in groups.
It was me and Fatih Ward, who's a member of Weird Change Chicago.
Steve was... He was a little bit behind, and Anthony was in the middle.
We had Lee filming on the side, as you see that angle from the side angle.
So, I'm in line now.
That reporter that you see in the beginning, he's a Fox News reporter.
And he actually interviewed me before I confronted him about, hey, what are you guys doing out here?
If you could say anything to Al Gore, what would you say to him?
And I said it straight up that I want to ask him about climate change.
About these letters and documents that have been hacked that represent and show that he's manipulating the people.
What's going on about it?
There's so much coming out to prove that this is a hoax.
And he kind of like, the reporter kind of like stuttered and kind of just walked off like, okay.
He was expecting something, so.
And then we, he also interviewed Anthony, I'll let Anthony explain that.
We went up to confront him.
I asked him on, if he could talk about Time to Get It to you, the clip.
He responded by saying,
I haven't read the emails.
And I mean, this coward, this globalist, I mean, that's what he really is.
Well, stay there, stay there.
We got Syed, we've got Steve from Chicago, Anthony coming up, and we're going to play the video from the start.
It is dynamic stuff.
This is how it's done.
And I can only salute everyone who's involved.
And it's only intensifying.
And now he's canceling his events, which we don't want him to do.
We want to go out and confront him more.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're talking to Saad and Steve from We Are Change, one of dozens of great activists out there, leading the charge successfully against Al Gore.
And the first time you go to a public event, a book signing, a press conference, you can go up politely and talk to them.
They'll try to throw you out.
Then you take over the media coverage.
Then you can yell when they're dragging you out.
You can start yelling from the start.
I like the way they did it.
Well, they tried to be nice at first, talked to the media, got that coverage, then tried to talk to him and they got thrown out, then they started yelling key, simple facts.
People criticize me, like when I have gone and taken over Chris Matthews' TV coverage at, say, the DNC, because I kept saying, 9-11's an inside job, 9-11's an inside job.
If I started quoting the Declaration of Independence, it wouldn't make it across TV over Chris Matthews talking.
But if you say simple slogans,
Then they start ignoring what the teleprompter readers are saying, and they hear you rhythmically repeating, 9-11's an inside job, 9-11's an inside job, InfoWars.com, WeAreChange.org, InfoWars.com, InfoWars.com, InfoWars.com.
Now people everywhere they go are confronting him.
And then they physically attack me and cut up my megaphone and it's the extra on the Obama deception.
People haven't seen it.
But then other people are going out and doing it.
I remember they were having a fake bioweapon release with the state police to scare the locals in Austin.
I just went down, jumped in front of the live newscast, said it's all fake.
I called the TV station and said, we're going to announce it's fake.
We have proof.
Because I did have the proof from an internal source.
But that bluffed them, because I couldn't give the source up, to going on and announcing it was fake.
They had a fake nuclear spill we knew was fake and a drill for the Army taking over.
We bluffed them into doing that.
You prove the fraud, they're running.
By exposing them.
Now, I want to just play the clip from the start.
And it starts with the newscast and gets into the clip.
We're going to go back to Saad and Steve and others and give you their websites to tell you how you can get involved or start your own group.
I think the more the merrier.
Join this group, start another group.
We're lone wolf in that we love the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Constitution, but we're thousands of groups.
That's why people have asked me to form my own groups or lead groups.
See, that's a centralized system.
Our idea is centralized, of freedom and truth and justice.
And it cuts across party lines.
We expose phony wars.
We expose 9-11.
We expose the global warming fraud.
We expose, the heart of it, the eugenics system.
But let's play this clip.
This is how it's done.
And it took courage, but once you've done it once, you're not afraid to do it anymore.
So take the plunge, join the rebellion peacefully, take over their events.
Governor Davis signed copies of his new book, Our Choice.
Here it is.
It was a long line of supporters at the Porter's Bookstore on State Street.
Our Choice is a follow-up to Gore's Academy Award-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.
Gore has championed environmental issues for many years.
His book is described as a call to action and answers many of the questions posed by the film.
Norm was a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his work for climate change.
They're in the bookstore.
Slimer walks by.
Sir, can you comment on the, uh, you know, the documents that were, uh, revealed, uh, uh, hacked on, uh, at Climategate?
They said that their research is a fraud and it's not an implemented thing.
Can you give a comment?
Can you give me a comment, sir?
This is a New World Order eugenics operation!
Don't touch me!
This is a eugenics operation!
This is a New World Order eugenics program!
This is New World Order!
Can I give you that, Mr. Gore?
It's just science that shows that 31,000 scientists are speaking out against your eugenics, club, or probe agenda, sir.
We will fail, and we realize that this is against our sovereignty.
I have a First Amendment right.
You do not need to assault me, sir.
I am leaving.
I am leaving.
You do not need to assault me, sir.
I have a First Amendment right.
This man wants to create a centralized global government.
31,000 scientists.
That man is, this is Nazi fascism.
Any comments on ClimateGate?
The emails that prove it's a scam, it's a farce.
Global warming is a joke.
Any comment?
Comment on ClimateGate?
ClimateGate, First Amendment rights here.
Research ClimateGate!
This guy's a fraud!
It's a scam!
They are trying to institute a global government through a carbon tax!
This guy's working on a carbon tax!
That's all it is!
It's global government!
There are 30,000 scientists trying to sue this guy!
John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, is suing this bum!
You're all in line for this bum!
It's a global government!
Get your hands off me!
First Amendment rights!
Get your hands off me!
Talk about carbon polluters.
You talk about them.
It's my understanding that back in 1997, when you were Vice President, Enron's CEO, Ken Lay, was involved in discussions with you at the White House about helping develop this type of policy, this trading scheme.
Is that accurate?
Is it inaccurate?
It's been reported.
I don't know.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
And it goes on from there with them confronting him outside.
But the point is, they split up so that as each one got thrown out, another one then activates.
And it panics them.
One, they can handle.
Two, they don't like.
Three, they go crazy.
Four, they start freaking.
Five, they go nuts.
Six, Al Gore cancels everything!
Which really is what they have to do.
Because if he keeps going out, all the headlines are about how he's a fraud, how he's making money, how it's eugenics.
And so he's cancelling these events.
And at first he took them off his website, now he's cancelling them, because he knows if he goes out, we take his media attention away from him.
He'll now watch, start phasing out his events, as he's doing.
I told you he would do this, because I understand this warfare system that they've been using against it, against us.
We're now countering them with our own system, which I literally just stumbled on myself through trial and error trying to go to press conferences and ask real questions.
But again, ladies and gentlemen, this is the true activism.
This is a million times more effective than mass protests where the cops come and have a provocateur throw a bottle at them so the cops then attack everybody.
And I'm not saying don't have protests, but this is the way that they can't stop you.
And it's not just Al Gore.
Going back to
Sod, going back to Steve.
You guys, again, everybody there, give us the We Are Change Chicago website.
Who else are you going to be out confronting?
What other street actions are you doing?
Finish up talking about the incredible job you did.
Well, everybody out there, just please join us by going to WeAreChangeChicago.com and you will see a section where you can join us.
We have a weekly street action that we do every Sunday, usually at the Art Institute or the Belmont Clark neighborhood, because we're trying to extend all around the city and have a weekly thing where everybody can come out and be active once a week.
And as for confrontations, we're planning where we have come up for confrontations.
We have a UN ambassador to the United Nations coming up.
Anybody in Chicago, please get a hold of We Are Change Chicago.
Go to the website, join up, and join us in these conversations, because there's strength in numbers.
If we take 50 people out to these book signings, we can totally just ask him as many questions as we want, and until he can't even take it over and walk away.
Now we know Slimebag, we know, I mean just real quick, because we're going to keep going, we've got Luke Radowski on as well, and Anthony and others coming up.
We know that he's canceling most of his events.
Have we been able to find out where this criminal is going to be next?
Well, we know that he's going to be in Chicago again.
I believe it's March.
Anthony knows a little bit better about that, but he might be here.
I think it's March or May.
He's going to be here again in Chicago.
But if you're just new, you've got to really go dig in and do some research.
You'll find where he's going to be.
I'll be looking myself.
If I see anything, I'll shoot it to anywhere.
Because they're only doing local coverage to keep us from learning on purpose before they were promoted everywhere.
We need listeners who are everywhere in the country.
You've heard it announced where he's coming in your area.
Tell everybody on your email list, get it out, so we can start tracking this criminal.
Now again, Assad and Steve, who hasn't had a chance to talk yet?
Go ahead, Steve.
Well, I just want to say it's great that you're covering this.
You're waking people up, and it's infectious.
Just yesterday, we had the Afghan impromptu war protest at Federal Plaza.
People saw our We Are Change Chicago banner, and they were like, we saw it on InfoWars.
We saw it.
We didn't know we had a chapter, and now we know.
So everybody out there,
Stop waiting for orders to get active.
Just go find it.
Find a group.
Start your own.
Because me and Saad are just two guys that met because we had the same belief system.
We knew we could do this.
We knew we could take it over.
We got the press coverage.
We got the attention.
Fox News called us.
They wanted to have us on to cover this thing.
We understand that we can take this over and I think the media, there are people out there waking up in the media because when WBBM reported on the Al Gore event, they said in their own broadcast that everybody in line with the book was allowed time with Al Gore except the media.
So I think one of the big reasons we were able to get them on our side and actually cover us was I think they were just as angry as well for being shunned from Al Gore.
And that's why everyone should be really upset, is there's no... Exactly!
Look, look, look, the average media person, the average cop, the average bureaucrat, they're just like us.
They were told we were all kooks a decade ago.
Now everything we talked about came true.
They're all joining us now.
This is how revolutions are won without firing a shot!
I want to make one last point real quick.
As we were shouting and leaving, the media left Gore and followed us outside.
So all the media, when we were outside, we were actually talking.
We didn't put this in the video, but we were actually giving a speech to all the media.
There were cameras and all the people, the program's Gorians, who were walking out of
That bookstore, we're sitting there listening to us and asking us, wow, we didn't know this, where can I get more information on how, where is climbing, what is it?
So we're sitting there explaining to like over 50 people how everything, and including... Well you need to post that video now as part two so millions can see it, but what's happening is...
Again, they're having to not come out and have their events because they know it's a catalyst for the truth-tellers to go out and counter their lies.
They're hoping we just dissipate and go away, but Climategate isn't going away.
Two weeks ago when this came out, we got the equivalent of the Death Star plans.
In the last couple days, the Death Star blew up, but the Empire is still there.
But literally, ladies and gentlemen, with the Audit the Fed bill going forward, talk of blocking the re-confirmation of Bernanke, with
Climategate in trouble, with all these professors getting in trouble, the cap-and-trade bill failing that was going to pass in Australia.
The Death Star blew up.
I mean, we just blew up one of their biggest operations.
It is in tatters.
They're still going to operate covertly, locally.
I want to bring you guys up with Luke Hradowski and others straight ahead.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
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Alright, we're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
This is, this is, ladies and gentlemen, bottom line, this is bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, the equivalent of the Death Star.
This is their grid, their world government to train everybody to have our resources cut off to kill the third world and turn us into an absolute third world slum ourselves.
This is the plan to use economic tyranny to make us be so poor we can't stand up against them.
Governments have always used
Poverty as a tool of control.
Now, going back to my guest, because we've got We Are Change founder Luke Rudowsky on the line.
I meant to get Luke on, somehow that fell through the cracks.
I'm glad we were able to get a hold of him.
Luke, I want to get Anthony on from Ohio, who was involved with Chicago, who may have discovered the location of the Snake's next event, Hair Gore.
But expanding on this, Luke, what is it like to see just the people rising and taking over the media attention and literally running
Al Gore to ground.
I mean, it's incredible seeing the true authority and power we all have in ourselves.
And it's us realizing that power that is really going to take back this country and take back our lives.
Our lives have meaning.
We are something in this world and we're going to make something happen.
And I just published an article on Russia Today just talking about this.
The new dawn of a new age of muckraking is upon us.
And we are taking advantage.
We are taking the airways away from these corporations.
And we are speaking truth to power to everybody.
And the more we keep doing this, the more everybody's going to see the real truth behind everything.
Global warming, 9-11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
We are doing the job of the mainstream media and people are seeing that and we are going to be successful.
I'll tell you, didn't Chicago do a splendid, precision job the way they worked Gore over?
I love Chicago.
Shout out to also Colorado, who confronted Al Gore, ripped up his book in the book signing.
But also here in New York City, I have to shout out Danny Pantella, Matt LePacek, and Hevela Maestro here in New York.
They confronted Al Gore, too.
I'm going to be working on that video today.
And just like, you know, Matt LePacek just came up to him and said, aren't the ice glaciers melting on other planets as well?
They literally grabbed him, threw him away, and then the same thing that Chicago did, screamed.
The technique that we have is impenetrable.
What we're doing with Chicago and Colorado and all these wonderful, beautiful people are doing, it cannot be stopped.
We're doing this non-violently, peacefully, taking over the airwaves.
And it's beautiful and it's amazing.
And I'm so proud of seeing so many other people just standing up for themselves and doing the right thing.
Do you agree with my analogy that two weeks ago we got the Death Star plans and the last two or three days the Death Star blew up?
I mean, literally, their man-made global warming fraud is imploding in flames right now.
Yes, we have the information, we have the knowledge, but that knowledge is nothing unless we use it.
That knowledge is power and authority.
We now have to use that power and authority to tell the people what's really happening, to save this country from the Cap-and-Trade Bill, from the Copenhagen Treaty.
We have to understand, we have to act and activate right now.
Information and knowledge is nothing unless we act on it.
Now is the time.
I had Lord Moncton on last week.
He'll be reporting for us next week from Copenhagen.
I said, we're two minutes to midnight.
He said, no, we're two seconds to midnight.
But again, it's the due sex.
Right at that moment, all these good people we don't even know about are coming out of the woodwork to aid us.
And that's how it works.
You take the step of faith, you stand up for truth,
And you're not going to have victory overnight, but then empires just collapse in front of you.
And I am seeing the New World Order, right as it announces itself, being blown into pieces.
And it doesn't mean just because we've blown up the Death Star, ladies and gentlemen, the fight continues.
The Empire is still in control.
But this is a major coup against them, a major morale booster.
And if we continue to get ClimateGate out, that has tentacles into all the other eugenics frauds, point out what monsters these are,
We can defeat them.
I mean, it's in our hands.
I mean, we can defeat them.
We can win as long as we want to win.
And we could realize we could win just by all standing up.
And you don't have to be a part of We Are Change or any other even group out there.
Be an individual.
I'm not no leader.
People always come up to me and say I'm the organizer.
I'm not.
I'm just one human being.
I can inspire people.
But it's really up to an individual to be their own leaders and to stand up in their cities and towns.
And that's how we're going to be successful.
And we slowly are becoming successful because people like Saad are coming up in Chicago.
People like Anthony are coming up in Ohio.
You know, people like Jonathan in Colorado are coming up.
People like Matt here in New York City are coming up and they're doing the job of mainstream media and they're standing up for themselves, for their lives, for humanity.
And it's us standing up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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They railed against the crown, another ragtag band declaring independence.
And here's to the renegades.
Because of them we're free today.
For liberty.
For their descendants.
That's us.
We're free today.
We're free today!
Thank God for the renegades.
All right, let's go back to We Are Change.
Luke, you got a big event.
I'm going to say bye to Chicago, say hi to Ohio, and I got to move to other issues.
I appreciate you all coming on this week on short notice for the important work.
The big mothership, the founding chapter in New York City and Manhattan, is going to have a big demonstration against the Copenhagen fraud.
Give us the coordinates of that resistance point.
Yeah, we're going to be having an event, an educational event, this Saturday, 56 Walker Street, 7 o'clock, about the Copenhagen Treaty, what can we do to stop it, information about it, and we're going to be teaching people how to be activist journalists.
How to lobby against the Copenhagen Treaty and how to be effective members of this community.
We're also going to have on WeAreChange.org a news tip section.
If you know where these guys are, where they're doing events, please let us know.
We will go out there, whether it's in Chicago, Ohio, Colorado, Los Angeles, we will be there confronting these guys.
But we need you to let us know where these guys are.
So please let us know.
It's wearechange.org.
And I want to thank everybody so much from the bottom of my heart for taking action every single where.
And you don't have to be a part of We Are Change to do it.
It's about being an individual.
It's about being a leader.
And God bless you all.
Alright, thank you so much, Luke.
Great job.
Going back just briefly, I'm going to say bye to Anthony here, introduce him quickly, get a few comments from him with Ohio also doing yeoman's work, confronting military checkpoints, you name it.
I mean, the list just goes on and on.
The tyranny we're facing.
Sod and Steve from Chicago.
Closing comments.
We just want to say thanks for covering us and thanks for firing people up because if it wasn't for your show and your listeners and creating this movement, there'd be nothing for us to keep moving forward.
So, we're going to keep the ball rolling in Chicago and anyone that wants to join up, wearechangedchicago.com.
Thank you Alex for everything.
Thanks for all the info.
InfoWars.com, wearechangedchicago.com, wearechanged.org.
Those are the websites.
Everybody get active.
Let us know if you want to appear in Chicago.
Come and join us and we'll fight the fight together.
Absolutely, God bless you.
Wow, so exciting.
And it's just so wonderful to see America standing up and the people of the planet standing up.
Just like Lord Monckton said, a freedom party globally.
But it's not a global government, it's individual sovereign groups in nations standing together against the organized global tyranny.
And that's the vacuum that We Are Change and other organizations, Tea Parties, worldwide are forming.
That's why this article from Infowars.net is so important.
Tea Party co-founder, concept has been hijacked by false left-right paradigm.
Chad Peace, who I want to get on, he was the founder of the main Tea Party movements out of a bunch of different organizations and out of Ron Paul groups and others and it's been totally hijacked and he went on Fox News and talked about it.
And it's been hijacked by Sarah Palin, the Republican Party, and Glenn Beck.
Now, again, I don't just sit here and attack people.
I know Glenn Beck's an operative.
I know they're meant to control a real revolution and to stop us from ever getting things back.
So we just re-infiltrate their groups.
Go in and say, hey, you want the real truth?
Here's follow the Republic.
You want the real truth?
Here's We Are Change Chicago confronting Al Gore.
You want the real truth?
Go out and protest Al Gore this weekend with Luke Hradowski.
This is what we're doing.
I salute you, gentlemen.
Take care.
Okay, let's now go to Anthony of We Are Change Ohio, in closing, who have just been doing a sterling job as well, not just with Gore, but the illegal military checkpoints, all the bizarre martial law stuff going on.
They've been doing so much.
Al Gore canceling his Copenhagen trip and speeches, now hiding wherever he's going to speak.
They are certainly afraid, aren't they?
I think they're definitely afraid.
I mean, um, he's been doing these book signings for a while and every time he goes out and does these speeches or these book signings, people are confronting him everywhere.
And I mean, this guy is just on the run.
It's amazing to just see all these amazing patriots from chapters all over, all over the country confronting this guy and getting out real issues and taking over media and confronting these guys.
Beautifully said.
Tell us about some of the things We Are Change Ohio has been doing.
I know a lot of groups don't have any video because the police have also confiscated their Al Gore confrontation video.
Yes, back in April 1st of this year, all of our great members, Sam, Rachel, Josh, Brad, we went and confronted this guy and what happened was
Sam was in there filming, and after we confronted him, we have all the audio.
Sam actually has to go back to court this weekend.
This has been now about eight to seven months.
He has to go back and try and get his footage, so he's in the midst of this court battle.
That's Sam Logolo of We Are Change Ohio, and he also has a court issue going on because he got arrested at the G20.
But we confronted Al Gore, and his goons basically grabbed Sam because he was filming.
They did not want this confrontation on film.
And they tried to make him delete his footage.
He wouldn't.
And because he wouldn't, they arrested him and he was in jail overnight.
This was back in... But they didn't stop him because now everybody's confronting him.
But Gore understood the power of this.
That's why they tried to suppress free speech.
But it's not working.
Give us the WeAreChangeOhio site, sir.
Yes, we just launched our new WeAreChangeOhio.org site, actually last night.
So it's WeAreChangeOhio.org.
We have an email that you can contact us at.
That's wearchangeohio at live dot com.
And we're doing a lot of amazing stuff.
We're doing showings of your movies, the Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic.
We've confronted so many different people.
Fareed Zakaria, Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain, the Clintons, Richard and Haas, Colin Powell, Madeleine Albright, and so many more.
And the great thing about Ohio is it's a battleground state.
So during the primaries when these
Criminals come here and try and spew out their propaganda.
We take over the media with real issues.
And we have Fox and CNN.
Over the summer, about two years ago, when I confronted John McCain about his connection with PNAC, he freaked out.
But CNN covered it, and millions and millions of people saw that, and they realized that
You know, they realized his connection with 9-11 and I had people coming up and patting me on the back.
And this is the key.
We're now teaching everybody else how to go out and confront.
We're now showing everyone else how vulnerable these enemies are to the truth.
You shine a light on them, it's like a vampire being thrown out in sunlight.
They turn to ash and blow away.
Great job, Anthony.
We salute you.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Thanks for having me on, buddy.
The Netherlands, Tokyo, and remember what I did a few months ago where I asked listeners to post signs with Obama as the Joker, when the media said it should be illegal.
We said, well, we'll just tell everybody to go do it.
And it was hundreds of TV reports, hundreds of newspaper articles, and then finally the media backed off and stopped saying, oh, arrest everybody, because people rebelled against that tyranny.
You have to exercise your will over these people.
That's what they've done to us.
They've trained us how to be slaves.
We have to teach them that we're not their property.
And that's what's starting to happen.
So, make your own We Are Change group, or make an InfoWars group, or make a Tea Party group, or whatever.
Call it whatever you want.
Start two, three groups.
Just get involved.
It's so simple.
We can beat these people.
They're in full retreat.
I wanted to briefly bring Ted Anderson up on some economic news and try to jam in some final phone calls, but Ted,
I mean, this revolution's in full swing.
Professors are stepping down.
Members of Parliament are stepping down over this.
The Australian government is collapsing over it.
Their whole cap-and-trade tax system just imploded and failed.
That's the Financial Times of London.
Al Gore's cancelling speaking engagements and trips in Copenhagen.
In congressional testimony, the White House science czar is being grilled over this.
I mean, this is really blowing up in their face.
And it is literally our great activist listeners that are at the vanguard, absolute tip of the spear, ramming it into the heart of this dragon.
Alex, there are no better listeners than our listeners.
These are the people that are actually changing the face of the United States of America and the entire world.
And I can tell you, I salute them all.
I am so in-depth, in-depthly grateful, and I'm just so proud.
I just can't even say enough to how wonderful the listeners of your show, the Genesis Communications Network, this entire movement, I mean, it is just mind-boggling, mind-boggling to be sitting at the center of something this big is just
Because I got up at 5 a.m.
that day and drove up there, but I was pretty tired, but I stayed for the concert.
And walking around out there in the crowd, literally every three people I walked past were, hey, Alex Jones.
They were old, they were young, they were black, they were white.
They were wearing InfoWars t-shirts, which is again, it's just an indicator.
And most of them were homemade and stuff.
We certainly don't sell that many.
I mean, this is
Again, just an indicator of just the work we've done and there's so many other people out there taking action.
I mean, Ted, the New World Order knows that actually a large percentage, maybe even a majority of Americans are finally waking up or have woken up and the battle is now joined, Ted.
It sure has.
It sure has.
And it's been an interesting feat coming right along with all this whole thing.
But I do believe, Alex, we're going to kick their rear ends right out of there.
The United States of America will return back to its original form.
It's just like that Renegades song that you had coming in.
Thank God for the renegade and for their descendants.
And that's us.
And now we've got to think about our descendants.
We've got to be the people standing up and fighting for this nation.
Because if we don't fight by God, they'll take it from us.
Well, Ted, I got you up here briefly because you said two weeks ago you thought it would go above $1,200 by Christmas.
It's already gone to $1,226 today.
I mean, it's insane.
I wanted to briefly have you up to tell the listeners, you buy the gold when it's lower, you sell it at the low price even when it goes up, but I know that you've basically run out of all the stuff at the $1,050 level.
What do you have now?
I mean, that was a deal that's never been topped before.
I have to ask you, what's the gold and silver offering you have today?
Well, sadly as it is, foreigners are trying to get away from the U.S.
dollar and that's driving it down and that's driving gold up.
Right now, I am still carrying British Sovereigns at $3.25.
Pricing-wise, you're asking me where that comes in.
I picked up those at about $1,125 an ounce.
The Franks are currently at $2.63.
Lakota Silvers right now are at $24.51, but I haven't had to move up the Montana Silver rounds because I picked up 5,000 of them before gold jumped over $19 an ounce for silver.
Before silver jumped up over $19.
So they're going to be jumping up as well.
The Walking Liberties took a big jump up to $10.69.
There are, you know, I have other things here.
We carry the junk silver.
We carry the gold eagles.
We also, did you know that gold eagles, the mint announced that they're not even going to be minting these things anymore.
Just a whole long line of different things that I try to buy when the market's down.
I had just about two hours of opportunity to buy while gold and silver was down today, and it comes jumping back up again.
When we went to bed last night while we were sleeping, gold ran over $1,220 an ounce, and like you said hit $1,226.
I mean, obviously here in New York, they try to push it back down again, but in the world market, they're ignoring that fact.
I mean, China's buying gold.
I mean, you name it.
I mean, it's out there.
They're buying it, and quite frankly, the people of the United States of America should be, too.
I mean, we used to be able to produce our currency by mining it out of the ground and there was no debt associated to it.
I don't know how in the world we allowed our government to join forces and collude with a private
Banking system that doesn't even account, you know, it's not accountable to our own politicians that we elect.
You know, they're driving the currency down.
It's worth less than 10 cents from where it once was when it was first introduced.
You know, it just makes absolutely no sense to stay in a fiat paper currency.
And yes, indeed, I am buying when there's dips, and I'll try to get you the best price I can on gold, but by now you should have woken up and
And taking a serious look at your portfolio, and in addition to this, if you do buy from Midas Resources, you're helping this cause.
I don't know how important you think it is, but, you know, I mean, I know Alex, you and I, and myself too, are committed 150, 200%.
We're not stopping.
And we're not going to quit, not even when the chips get tough.
We're going to be moving on forward with this.
Absolutely, Ted.
The brokers are there.
So explain to people, your gold, at what point in the market did you buy this gold?
What was the market when you bought this gold for that savings?
This stuff was bought at about $1,125 an ounce.
And right now we're looking at gold over $1,226.
I mean, I don't know how I can make this easier for you.
I really want to say you need to get out of paper currency, and you need to look at gold.
So this is, you bought roughly when the market was $100 lower than it is now, and you're passing on those savings?
Yes, that's right.
And you're saying it roughly, and that's the way to say it, because it's fluctuating between $1,185
I'm sorry, $1,200 and about $1,215 and $1,225.
And so yes, indeed, this is a great buy.
Good time to be getting it.
Yeah, but I mean, just to explain it, the gold you're selling now, what was the market then when you bought it?
$1,125 an ounce.
Now, don't confuse it.
Every single coin carries a premium over what's trading in New York City in the spot market.
That means that I'm buying coins when it was priced, when the spot price is at that time.
But now, I'm still holding the price even though gold has run up over $1,200 an ounce.
I haven't changed my prices.
Just go rewind and go back a few days and listen to the archives.
Gold has gone up a tremendous amount, and I'm still selling the coins for the same price.
You can do the math.
I've been doing this for a while, Alex.
I don't know how many more opportunities I'm going to get to do this because gold is not coming back down and giving me that opportunity to buy it low again.
Yeah, so you've already sold out of the gold that you bought at the $1,050 level with it now $1,226 today.
That was the best deal ever that you were offering last week.
That sold out.
You still have an incredible deal of gold you bought at the $1,120 range, with gold now $100 above that.
Believe me, I shop around for gold and silver.
Buy a coin here, some coins there.
Believe me, I buy from Ted because I'm getting the deal you're getting.
Right now, you cannot find deals better.
If you can, please tell me.
The folks at Midas Resources will be there until midnight again tonight, Central Time.
Do not procrastinate.
Don't be foolish.
This is one hell of a bull market, and it's only going up because they're killing the dollar.
Don't procrastinate.
Call now.
Tell them it's the Alex Jones special to get those low prices.
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As we're finishing off this agenda
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We have an article posted up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com titled Holdren Grilled over email controversy.
And I'm not going to have time to play the whole clip.
But I'm going to play Senator Sensenbrenner, bringing this up to him, and watch the rest of the clip up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we're just going to end the show with this, then the rebroadcast will begin with all the news and information and calls and guests we had on.
We're just out of time for everything else.
Al Gore has canceled his Copenhagen trip.
And leaving the Minion ticket holders in the lurch because he doesn't want to be associated with Climategate.
I mean, this is a big deal, folks.
I don't ever get up on air and start popping champagne.
I mean, this is a big deal.
Because we know it's fraud.
We know they've been involved in fraud.
They're caught covering up the fraud.
This is the head UN climate center that cooks the books.
This is a godsend.
And we need to remember this and keep beating the drum, making the story bigger.
All the articles Paul Watson and Kurt Nemo and Steve Watson and others write and post at Infowars.com.
Get them all.
Get them out to everybody.
Go to your city council.
Go to your public schools.
Go to your school board.
They're brainwashing your kids.
Three days ago we broke and put out the UN internal documents how they've got local brainwashing in every western country.
They are taking over.
This is diabolical.
I don't want to get to whether or not
They were legally placed in the public record.
The question is whether or not they were accurate.
Because if they were accurate, it's profoundly disturbing.
Stop right there!
I mean, what type of research is Sensenbrenner doing?
Day one, Phil Jones admitted that was their emails that they were taking and that's what they said.
We've got the computer program written for fraud.
So even the Republicans and Democrats up there are acting like they're not sure.
That's the spin.
I told you that would be the spin.
That is the spin.
Go back to them.
Climate change.
Now, the data from the Climate Research Unit at the UEA in England is one of only three major data sets, but they considerably overlap.
And they've been used as a basis for the IPCC report
As well as the U.S.
Global Change Research Program.
And that means that these two booklets that were passed out this morning, you know, at best need to have a thorough review in the light of this information that has been disclosed.
And at worst, it's junk science and it is a part of a massive international scientific fraud.
Now, Dr. Holden, you've been in the middle of a lot of this, and I've got a couple of questions based upon your statements before you joined the Obama administration.
You gave an interview in August of 2006 with BBC News in the UK, and you said that a sea level rise of up to 13 feet was in the realm of possibility.
However, that's 11 feet higher than what the IPPC has estimated over this period of time, which is somewhere between 7 and 23 inches.
Now, with respect to the hockey stick theory, which the chairman has referred to,
That's been pretty much discredited in the scientific community.
Let's just leave it there.
I'm going to start the show tomorrow with that, and I'm going to analyze it piece by piece.
Holdren, in this book, written in 1976, says that we would be in an ice age by the year 2000.
It was global cooling.
We had to have a tax to stop it.
I mean, these are just frauds.
These are just scaremongers.
They know they're scaring.
They admit that they're just lying to people to get their global government.
Global government's real.
World government's real.
We were right.
We read the documents.
We warned you.
The establishment told you none of it existed, so you'd stand down and buy the hoax.
Stand up, get angry, say no to these murdering criminals!
These people want to murder you and your family, period!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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