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Filename: 20091201_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 1, 2009
3003 lines.
It is Tuesday, December 1st, 2009.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Colonel Craig Roberts will be joining us coming up in the last hour today to chronicle all of the police state activities unfolding here in the United States.
He's a former police officer, helicopter pilot, SWAT team commander, Vietnam
Marine Corps sniper and a Oklahoma City bombing investigator.
He'll be joining us today.
We also have our once-a-month visit from Hawaii with Mike Rivero, always informative.
We'll be talking about ClimateGate and a lot more.
Some huge developments on that front I'm going to tell you about after the break.
Another UN document has surfaced talking about how to deceive the public, how to brainwash children,
And how the UN must not let the public know that this is about global government.
Wow, I guess they didn't tell the head of the UN, Ban Ki-moon, who writes editorials calling for world government.
I guess they didn't tell Van Rompuy, or however you pronounce his name, the new head of the EU calling for global government, admitting the carbon tax.
Copenhagen is the key to that.
But just shows the incredible internal deception of these people.
This could be as big as the Climategate documents if we recognize how big it is and force it out there into the mainstream media.
Paul Watson's got several key reports on this up at PrisonPlanet.com today.
I want to go out to break with this great music video.
Hide the Decline Dealing with Climategate.
Here it is.
We'll come back with all the news on the other side of this quick break.
Making up data the old hard way.
Fudging the numbers day by day.
Ignoring the snow and the cold in a downward line.
Hide the decline.
Michael Mann thinks he's so smart.
Totally inventing the hockey stick chart.
Ignoring the snow and the cold in a downward line.
Hide the decline.
Hide the decline.
Climate change, I think you have sealed your fate.
I hope you do a lot of time, cause what you did was such a crime.
How did he climb?
How did he climb?
The tree ring data was very thin.
You should have chopped more trees instead of hugging them.
Ignoring the snow and the cold in a downward line.
Hide the decline.
Hide the decline.
Quiet kid, I think you have sealed your fate.
I hope you do a lot of time, cause what you did was such a crime.
Hide the decline.
Hide the decline.
Had to decline.
Had to decline.
Had to decline.
Had to decline.
Had to decline.
Had to decline.
Had to decline.
Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back with some of the most important news yet, exposing world government.
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Number one.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I've gotten a lot of emails and phone calls and questions saying, why aren't you talking about the gate crashers at the White House
Last week, why aren't you talking about Tiger Woods?
Because Tiger Woods wrecking his car and having zero privacy and these stupid wannabe socialites sneaking in or not sneaking in, whatever the case really is, doesn't matter.
The plunging dollar matters.
Open world government and carbon taxes over every facet of our lives being publicly set up is what matters.
And I just cannot talk about issues of little or no significance.
I cannot and I will not do it.
You know, why does the media love this White House...
Party crashing story.
Because they get to obsess over getting to be near the president and his celebrity and how he runs everything and how people fight kings and queens and movie stars to go to his galas and oh are we keeping him safe and how could anyone get near the emperor and he runs everything.
You know I told you they were going to build Obama up as a god and then destroy him.
And that he would probably only be a one-term president.
People laughed at me over a year ago when he was first elected in November.
They laughed in January.
They laughed in March when I released Obama deception.
Now you've seen his approval rating, depending on the poll, dropped to as low as 40%, the lowest of any president a year into their administration ever.
But if we sit here and, oh great, we defeated Obama, his whole agenda's in trouble, we will miss the point that in a couple years they're just gonna put a Republican in who will continue the same operation.
Until we shatter the left-right paradigm and realize that both parties may put out different rhetoric and different propaganda, but at their core, they are the same, things are only going to get worse.
And I know the general audience knows that better than even I do.
It's just that the issue here is we have to get out to the general public and explain to them, if you want to keep your standard of living, and if you want to keep the hard-won, hard-fought Bill of Rights and Constitution and Declaration of Independence that our ancestors gave us, and that our soldiers fought and died for, then you had better stop living the tabloid lifestyle.
You'd better stop being
This is turning into one of the biggest stories of the year.
We should be having giant hearings now about Climategate, but we're a week and a half into this and they're only discussing having some small hearings that the media won't cover in the next few weeks.
We should be having giant televised hearings on every major channel.
They're saying these hearings tomorrow are going to preempt daytime soaps and news with these two morons, these two painted trollops, these two worldly peons up there testifying that they were really invited.
So what?
Who cares?
They should be preempting all the stupid soap operas with Climategate!
You have the head UN research center talking to the head US research center, Goddard, who studies the climate, Goddard Space Center, with the UN engaged, red-handed, in absolute, total, unmitigated, red-handed, hand-in-the-cookie-jar fraud!
That criminal that sold us on NAFTA and GATT and claims he invented the internet and is involved with Enron is running around all over every major television show, media, dramas, and paid for, it's admitted, government has paid to have Al Gore
On all these television shows telling the audiences, you've got to get politically involved.
You've got to go get legislation passed to save the earth.
And what's that legislation?
Taxes paid to the private IMF, the new center of the open public world government.
But no!
Tiger Woods crashed his car.
We better talk about that for the next six months.
And did his wife do it?
So what?
Leave them alone.
Let them live their lives.
How many people have had their wife before take a swing at them?
So what?
How many people jumped in the car before and sped off and wrecked it?
I know a lot of people done that.
I had a girlfriend in college one time started punching me in the face and scratching me.
I went and jumped in my car and it was icy outside.
Slid off the road?
Was there a big national investigation about it?
I mean, how many of you hypocrites who love to see Tiger Woods in trouble because you're jealous and envious of his success, and so you live vicariously through his stumbling, his failure?
How many of you were ever involved in something like this?
It's just unbelievable.
All right, I'm already ranting and I've got so much vital news to cover.
It is just paramount mental illness, paramount mass mental illness.
We are in the state we are in right now, today, because from birth, we've all been trained and fed on a steady, continual diet.
Of issues of no significance.
Of fluff.
Of trivia.
And we're drowning in fluff.
Meanwhile, we're in a sea of red-hot tyranny.
If we could only alert the public to it and get them to realize the full magnitude of what we're living in and what we're going into, we could turn this around instantly.
So here's the deal.
I am not going to talk about the congressional hearings tomorrow about two vapid, hollow, preening peacocks sneaking in to that theater, that White House state dinner that's meant to make everybody think the buck stops with Obama so the New World Order can, in the end, blame everything on him.
Not going to talk about it.
And I'm not going to talk about Tiger Woods, okay?
That's all I have to say about it and it just
It just absolutely blows my mind that this is going on.
Now, what's going on in real news?
What's going on in the real world that actually matters?
Suspected cop killer slain by police.
A lone officer chased him.
He ran and he killed him.
And this guy
Witnesses have now ID'd him as the person at the scene.
Looks like he is the man that did this, and it fits into a larger pattern of people targeting police officers and killing them.
This is racially motivated, clearly, just like in Oakland, California, or what's happening in Denver, and it's a real tragedy.
But we don't want the media to use this to get everybody at each other's throats in an even greater fashion, but that is certainly going on there.
And we're glad this guy is off the streets because he's been convicted of armed robbery and theft and Arrested for rape child rape the list just went on and on So and and and you know what I don't really like Huckabee because he is a fake neocon But the way the media is trying to blame him for this when it was the parole board
That told him give him clemency and all governors do is sign off on it.
Again, I'm tired of hollow, shallow, baloney.
I'm tired of fake news events.
Where you can have the Treasury Secretary and the last Treasury Secretary before him, Paulson, making hundreds of millions of dollars a piece off the bailout money that they directed to themselves.
They don't get in trouble!
But the governor of New York visits a hooker and his career is over, and I'm not defending him, it's just that the crime is nothing compared to the crime of robbing everyone.
You've got...
Huckabee has nothing to do with this guy.
I mean, he was convicted again of a bunch of armed robberies and assaults and was released again by another state.
He had raped a child, reportedly, and attacked a police officer, and this was two months ago, and was released on bail!
I mean, are we going to blame the governor of Washington State?
No, you blame the criminal justice system itself and the judges and the system that statistically keep non-violent offenders in prison longer than violent offenders.
They let them out on purpose to carnage the public so the public calls for more police and more control.
A Chicago police chief admitted this, what, 20-something years ago in an interview with Playboy.
Another police chief wrote a book about it.
Criticizing it.
And so, yeah, cops, you're gonna get killed by the monsters that your corrupt system lets out.
I'm not blaming the police.
I'm blaming the criminal justice system.
And you know what?
The statistics from the Justice Department are 90% of cop killers get caught and get the death penalty.
90% get caught.
You know what percentage of murders, of homicides, of general peasants, of the general citizenry?
Get caught 10%.
Now, I don't like that.
I want everybody brought to justice, and if you don't have a sense of justice, hey, cops, next time you beat up some teenager and you go ahead and just falsely charge them with assaulting you, because when you punch them in the face and they flailed on the ground, their leg bumped into you or something, just remember,
You filled the prisons up with innocent people and you are somewhat to blame for all these cops getting killed by hardcore murderers because the government continues to release them.
Now most the time they're just raping and robbing us, the general public.
And look at Chicago and New York where the crime bosses that run the government don't want the citizens to have firearms to defend ourselves from pigs like this guy that just got killed.
So I say good riddance to this guy.
We'll be right back with huge, gigantic world government news with Paul Watson.
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Everybody knows that the day is unloaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Okay, a week and a half ago, I went on air and I said to listeners, and you responded,
I pointed out that ClimateGate emails were the smoking red-handed documents that could defeat the New World Order, the beginning of the end.
The key to their world government is the Copenhagen
Cap-and-trade tax grid.
They have auxiliary funding systems, but this is the funding system to make the world government completely autonomous in and of itself as the main rulemaker of the planet.
And we have Ban Ki-moon, the head of the UN, saying it.
We have Van Rompuy saying it, the head of the EU.
This is in their own documents.
A new document has come out, and AP and Fox and others linked to this yesterday.
Paul Watson wrote an article about it, but it didn't get much attention.
He's written a new one today with the latest developments, and this needs to break and be giant.
Global government gate.
takeover gate.
I don't know.
We need to dub it something.
documents outline plan to use climate gate crooks in in-run around national sovereignty.
Strategy paper calls for United Nations to boss economies and erect world government under pretext of environmentalism.
Now, we have that from previous Club of Rome documents.
We have that restated in the U.N.
treaty, the Copenhagen treaty.
But this is specifically about being deceptive, specifically about not letting the public know, specifically, just like SPP documents that got leaked or Judicial Watch sued three years ago to get them through a FOIA request, admitted that they had to do it by stealth, that's a quote, and use carbon taxes as the funding mechanism of the North American Union.
Strategy papers call for United Nations to boss economies and erect world government under pretext of environmentalism.
And in the documents they talk about how to brainwash children.
Now we already know the federal government and other governments around the world are spending billions a year brainwashing kids.
We have links to New York Times articles saying, isn't it great that the seventh graders come home and tell their parents what to do and write them mock climate cop tickets for leaving the sink on while they brush their teeth or taking a hot bath.
These are quotes.
And we have Al Gore saying, tell your parents that they're wrong about this.
This is in the documents, okay?
The UN is in control of your local schools, taking your children from you.
Now, for this segment, the next, I want to bring Paul Watson up to go over this.
This is so huge.
And Paul, before we get into this, what's a good name for this?
People need a name.
I don't think there's a real catchy name for it.
You could call it UNEP-gate, because that's the body that's put out these reports.
Or you could call it UN-gate.
Well, this is getting no attention and I'm begging our incredible activist audience to get this article you've written that details it all and get it out to everyone they know.
Bombshell UN documents outline plan to use climate gate crooks and in run around national sovereignty.
I mean, we have them.
We have them in the document talking about how to deceive the public.
I mean, it's just outrageous.
These arrogant crooks.
Paul Watson.
Yeah, this is actually two separate documents that were put out by the United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP, which is the regulatory body that established the IPCC, which of course produced the politicised report saying that the lid was shut on global warming, it's a done deal.
Now that ties into Climategate because two days ago the IPCC came out and said that
Despite the fact that the ClimateGate emails and the data revealed that these scientists who were closely affiliated with the IPCC, they produced the data for them, they were caught manipulating the data to hide the decline in global warming.
That's a quote, hide the decline.
And the fact that these scientists that were exposed in the ClimateGate scandal
Yes, this directly links the UN to their head climatology unit that fixed the numbers globally.
This is
This is amazing.
UN documents directly link them to climate gate fraud.
That's another important headline.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
UN documents outline plan to use Climategate crooks in end run around national sovereignty.
Strategy papers call for United Nations to boss economies and erect world government under pretext of environmentalism.
Shocking newly uncovered UN strategy documents reveal how elitists are recruiting members of academia from all over the globe in an effort to hide the end run.
Remember the SPP documents say, by stealth, to hide, this is a quote, the enrund around national sovereignty that their agendas represent, emphasizing how the Climategate crooks, who were recently caught manipulating scientific data from the head UN research facility, in order to hide the decline in global warming, are working with the United Nations in pursuit of world government, justified by the global warming fraud that they are helping to perpetuate.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, that's all this is, is a global corporate takeover.
The UN is a private corporate holding company.
The IMF and World Bank themselves holding companies for private banks.
And they're just taking over.
One of the planning papers entitled the UNEP that we want was produced by a specially selective group of influential environmental bureaucrats and delivered to the UNEP Executive Director, Achim Steiner.
The United Nations Environment Program, UNEP, is the regulatory body that established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC, the politicized organization that has attempted to slam the lid shut on global warming skeptics by claiming it is the supreme authority, despite the fact that scientists used by the IPCC were caught manipulating data and conspiring to hide evidence of global cooling during the Climategate scandal.
The IPCC has attempted to deny the gravitas of climate gaid by claiming that it has no bearing on the conclusions about global warming.
Now they just keep saying, we have peer-reviewed journals.
We have peer-reviewed journals.
Using the data directly from the head UN climate research facility in East Anglia in the Goddard Space Center in the US.
Despite the fact that scientists at the University of East Anglia used intimidation and academic witch hunts to ensure that the data they didn't agree with politically was blocked from appearing in the IPCC's fourth assignment report, which was published in 2007.
We're going back to Watson in a moment, but here's what's important.
The UN got 25 select scientists out of hundreds of thousands of hydrologists, climatologists, geologists, atmospheric experts,
Just 31,000 in the U.S.
sent letters to Congress saying it was a fraud.
So we have 31,000.
They have 2,500.
And they keep saying every scientist on Earth agrees with us.
That's another giant hoax.
These people say polar bears can't swim and they're all dying when their numbers are exploding.
They say the North and South ice caps were going to melt by 2008.
They're there bigger than ever.
It's all lies.
They point video cameras at glaciers that every year in the spring, it piles up during the winter and during the spring it sloughs off icebergs.
And they tell you, look, it's melting.
They use parlor-level, five-year-old tricks on you.
I mean, Al Gore says he invented the Internet.
He said Nafta and Gat was going to be great.
He's in league with Enron.
Participants who contributed to the first U.N.
document included Janos Pastor, currently head of the team pushing the U.N.
Secretary General Bankai Moon's unprecedented Seal the Deal lobbying campaign to pressure the U.N.
member governments into signing a new environmental agreement at Copenhagen.
And it goes on.
And then there's a whole other level of these documents that Paul's linked to.
Where they talk about how to brainwash kids, how to have the kids rebuke their parents.
These are quotes.
Now, I'm going to try to shut up, Paul.
I'm going to turn my mic off for the next 10 minutes, and I want you to go over the latest on ClimateGate, how this ties into it, the open, their own document on how to brainwash kids, how to turn them against their parents.
I mean, this is outrageous, the actual quotes.
Go over all of that and then how we see the brainwashing manifesting in the high schools, in the middle schools, mainstream news reporting how their kids come home and start singing, global warming's gonna kill us, we've got to have the global government.
I mean they have the... I mean this is like Mao Zedong took over.
This is it.
This is happening.
Paul Joseph Watson, you've got the floor.
Yeah, the key quote to arise out of these newly uncovered documents, and bear in mind that
They were produced two years ago, so everything that they lay out is already happening.
They talk about tagging the environmental agenda to the economy, which is exactly what happened immediately after the collapse.
They really push that because they can get their regulation through easier by saying it's also to save the economy and green jobs and all this kind of propaganda.
So everything in there is already happening.
Now the main quote to arise out of it in relation to Climategate is they talk about how they have to get academics on board.
The quote is they have to recruit the academic world in order that they can be, quote, harnessed to the UNEP mission without appearing to make an end run around the member government.
Now there's several, we can break that down.
Firstly, quote, harness to the UNEP mission.
These are scientists that are supposed to produce unbiased, accurate, fair data about global warming, and yet the United Nations is talking about recruiting them and harnessing them to the UNEP mission.
And what is the UNEP mission?
Well, it's laid out in these documents.
It's global regulatory powers over nations, states, in all areas of the environment and the economy.
And then, quote, environmental Bretton Woods for the 21st century is about global government.
So they're saying we need to get these academics on board so that they can help us create this global government without appearing, the key word is appearing, to make an end run around the member governments.
So, they're basically admitting that it is making an end run around the member governments, but they just don't want it to appear as if it's doing so by reaching out to these academics and hiring them and getting them to carry the propaganda about global warming.
And the rest of the document is basically an outline
Of how they're going to erect this dictatorial, unelected, regulatory global government, and it ties in with the same method that they're pushing at Copenhagen.
With reference to the, um, reaching out to the children.
Yesterday there was an article in the New York Post, which we linked to, in the first article I wrote about this, the headline of which is, shocking UN document divulges climate cult brainwashing.
Now it ties into this New York Post article because the New York Post writer Andrea Pazer wrote about how her daughter came home from school singing the words, you can hear the warning, global warming.
And basically a daughter told her that at school they'd been coerced into learning and singing this song about global warming.
And the kids had also been taught that their own parents were to blame for killing the polar bears.
Of course, we know polar bears' population are exploding at record levels.
But they taught the kids that the parents were the enemy, that they were to blame, which is exactly what the Club of Rome called for in their 1991 document, The First Global Revolution.
They talked about making humanity the enemy, and that that's what would sell the idea of climate change and global warming as the new enemy to mankind.
So, with these new documents, newly uncovered, as I said,
They were written two years ago but they've just come to life.
They talk about how they need a core element of the program is an extensive propagandizing role for the UNEP that reaches beyond its member governments, again this is about the global government reaching into schools, reaches beyond its member governments and traditional environmental institutions to children and youth.
And it says civil society, including children and youth in the private sector, will be reached through tailor-made outreach products and campaigns.
So they're talking about bypassing nation states and member governments and local schools and local school authorities and just making this part of the curriculum, this climate cult brainwashing which is now manifesting itself
And Paul, just to interrupt briefly, I know you wrote a key article on this yesterday, and I asked you to do a new detailed one with more of the background on this today.
You did it in a hurry.
I'm going to really promote this article, so beef it up.
With Al Gore caught brainwashing elementary kids to question their parents and boss them around.
That New York Times article.
I want people to see this for themselves from the other side, directly from them.
Kathleen Sebelius telling kids to go tell their parents they're wrong and everyone needs the flu shot.
We need to post the New York Times where it describes little girls coming home and telling their mother they can't have a hot bath and writing reports on them to the school.
The climate cop ads in the US and in England where the kids are given red jackets just like City Year and told to report on their parents.
We need to really show people that this is actually happening.
The UN with federal funding in every nation state is brainwashing your children
They are going after them.
You could pull up that Statesman article from three or four months ago, where a former Special Forces, Black Ops, CIA commander is now running the environmental takeover and carbon tax in Austin.
And then I found a pattern of other cities putting Pentagon people in.
I mean, this is a savage, feudal system.
Military precision being run.
And once they have...
Your kids tattling on you for the environment, that's a way to break the ice.
Now it's what's in mommy's medicine cabinet.
Does mommy smoke cigarettes?
Does mommy drink?
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, this is 110% grade A thoroughbred
Yeah, and don't forget the
The electricity companies and the big oil companies are on board as well.
Yes, brainwashing the kids in free comic books, telling them to spy on their parents.
Oh, oh, and add the ABC News article where they teach the kids to commit suicide at 11 when their carbon credits run out at age 11.
People won't believe that.
They must see how they're teaching the children how to kill themselves.
These people are... I mean, folks, you're supposed to freak out about this.
This is insane!
Get angry!
Wake up!
I'm sorry, Paul, go ahead.
Yeah, the electricity gas company N-Power had a program called Climate Cops where the kids would inform and compile reports on their parents if they, as you said, had a hot bath or used the heating for too long.
So, and then there's a regulatory level which is going to come to us and be in our faces on a day-to-day basis.
In England they're introducing fines
But if you leave your car on idle, say it's a cold day, it's been snowing, your window's iced up, you want to warm your car up, if you leave it on for more than two minutes without being in it, it's fine.
Environmental cops will fine you for that.
And that's the level of tyranny that it's going to be coming to when they get all this through after Copenhagen and in the coming years, and it's already happening.
I mean, the rest of these documents, the information in them, as I said, is bombshell.
The only report that was done on it was Fox News, that was any kind of incisive report talking about what's actually in it.
And as part of the course, they talk about how they need to raise finances from
Global warming hysteria and that that's how they will fund the mechanism of global government.
So, again, it's coming out of cap-and-trade.
It's their funding slush fund for the global government.
They talk about efforts at local, national, global levels to raise, quote, sufficient finance to meet environmental challenges, including climate change.
So they're saying they need to get more money out of it to grease the skids of the tyrannical authoritarian global system that they're building.
And I mean, that's evident with another report that we put out today where the UN has banned World Net Daily and Jerome Corsi, who is a two-time New York bestseller number one.
And he's also reported on previous events at the UN.
But they've banned him from even attending and reporting on the Copenhagen summit because they claim that World Net Daily is linked to this Western capitalist media organisation.
I've forgot the name of it, but it's
So it's fine to be political.
In fact, if you're not a supporter of the UN, you don't get to be part of the select media.
They're admitting that if you have any links, even if they're made up, to anyone that disagrees with them, you can't come and we have their letter.
Yeah, they're basically saying...
You know, you only have free speech in the New World Order if you agree with what the globalists are doing.
Well, remember the European Parliament last week with the British member of the European Parliament?
He brought up the fact that it was unelected and a fraud and they said, we're turning your mic off, you're not allowed to criticize people, now we're going to cut to the lady from Poland and she goes, you're a monkey in a tree, we can see your rear end.
And everyone laughs at him and so, I mean again,
Totally rigged.
They're allowed to do whatever they want.
This is the new Soviet Union.
Well, the EU passed a ruling that says it's illegal to criticize the EU.
So when the UKIP member last week, Nigel Farage, was criticizing, he dared to criticize Van Rompuy and the other, you know, his right-hand woman who's never been elected to any position, political position in her life.
He criticised them and they basically reprimanded him and cut his mic because it's illegal to criticise the EU.
And that's exactly what the UN is now mirroring by barring anyone who expresses skepticism towards a global warming from the Copenhagen event next week.
Paul, there is no doubt this is classical tyranny.
Great article you've written.
I want everybody to make it go mega viral.
I'm going to do a YouTube later today, part two on ClimateGate, with this bombshell and I'm asking listeners to just absolutely get out to everyone.
And I want to just salute the great work you're doing, but beef it up, add more to the articles so people get the full picture of what's happening, because they really are brainwashing your children right now.
All the public schools are federalized.
They're independent in name only.
They're teaching your children songs about worshipping Obama and worshipping the UN and how carbon dioxide's evil.
I don't know.
Well, they were already saying they wouldn't get it through before Climategate, so it's highly unlikely that they're going to get it through now.
Um, so they'll just try and, you know how they do it, they do it, they take two steps forward and one step back, and if they don't get what they want then they just introduce the exact same thing again under a deceptive heading a year down the line like they did with the Lisbon Treaty.
So they'll just try and get it through piecemeal.
Exactly, and they'll also, through the states and sub-bureaucracies, the regions, implement it, which they're already doing.
Schwarzenegger running around banning and taxing television sets.
Great job, Paul Watson.
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This is a world government takeover.
Alert, alert, alert, battle stations.
This is a tyrannical, oppressive group of criminals who in every one of their textbooks and white papers that we link to daily at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, they talk about how world government is only the beginning.
Once their world government is in place, you will live worse than they live in communist China.
One-child policies, carbon credit taxes, with a national ID card tracking everything you do, everything you buy.
It is mind-blowing.
But the good news is, people are finally talking about world government, they're finally reading the UN documents, they're finally listening to the UN Secretary General when he brags about what they're doing.
These arrogant creatures
Think that they've defeated us.
And we may stop.
I believe Obama's going to sign the treaty.
They still have to ratify it.
And then he's going to have the bureaucracy, which they're already doing, implement it.
And you're going to have to fight it at the state level, the county level, the city level, the federal level, the international level.
As Lord Monckton talked about globally, a freedom party in every nation against the New World Order, against the globalists, against the crooks.
We have forced this issue out in the open.
As Lord Monckton said, they're being forced to admit their plan more and more because we have exposed them.
And you need to also, ladies and gentlemen, support freedom fighters, support people that are telling the truth.
We've got Mike Rivero coming up via video link.
We're gonna go live at PrisonPlanet.tv at eight after, so you'll have two hours and 52 minutes of live TV simulcasting with a radio show.
And we need to expand our operations, and we expand our operations with your funding, your support, by supporting the sponsors, by supporting the bookstore, the video store, by buying the DVDs, the films.
By the way, we've sold out of four sizes of the Obama Joker T-shirts.
It's a limited edition, we're never printing it again.
We've sold out of four.
Sizes, but we still have a lot of sizes available and I've decided to add the Culpepper Minuteman Don't Tread on Me shirts.
That's being added right now to the online shopping cart at InfoWars.com for a limited time.
I'm not going to discontinue those though.
I'm going to offer a bunch of different designs of the Don't Tread on Me flag shirts that have InfoWars.com on them to spread the word on the street and meet like-minded people.
You get one of those shirts free
When you order Fall of the Republic, we're selling out of the Obama Joker shirts.
They're selling out faster than I thought they would.
And so we're going to add other shirts, so if you don't have the size that you want in the Obama Joker shirt, you'll still be able to get the Don't Tread on Me Culpeper Flag shirts in four different designs.
But I can't afford to do this long.
And even if you already have the t-shirts, already have the books, the films, we have a whole bunch of Christmas time holiday specials where you can get in-game free with Fall of the Republic.
Where you can get reflections and warnings for free with Fall of the Republic.
I want Fall of the Republic in everyone's hands.
So go to InfoWars.com.
You can also type in the comment section a note to your friends or family, and make sure that note's there, and where you want it mailed, and we will mail it to their door with your note inside as a Christmas card.
Or you can just buy it, have it sent to you, and give it to friends and family this holiday season.
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At PrisonPlanet.TV, where we'll be simulcasting in the next hour for all the great members there.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Colonel Craig Roberts is going to be joining us in the last hour and a half of the radio broadcast today to give a military slash police overview.
He's been a SWAT team commander, helicopter pilot, Marine Corps sniper, colonel in the Army, Oklahoma City bombing investigator.
Haven't had him on about six, eight months, maybe even longer.
He's going to come on to give us an overview at NORTHCOM, the police state, Obama, ClimateGate, everything that's happening.
In the 52 minutes that we're gonna have left in this hour, when we come back from break, we're gonna have our once a month visit with Mike Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com.
Always look forward to having our fellow GCN host on with us.
For PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, he'll be simulcasting via TV Skype into our studios here in Austin, Texas, and going out to all of you.
I want to first go over ClimateGate with him.
Then I want to get into the fact that Obama said 34,000 troops.
That's what he's sending.
He already sent troops before that.
This is really a red herring.
They're talking about a new war tax.
We're going to go over that.
We're going to go over the Dubai default of 14 billion pounds.
That's almost, what, 25, 26 billion dollars.
That is all coming up.
We're going to discuss media distractions like Tiger Woods and these gate crashers at the White House.
Why are they having congressional hearings about that this week and not about Climategate?
We're going to get Mike's take on where he thinks Climategate's going, how badly this damages these people, and his strategy, because he's a pretty smart guy, on how we counter this.
Because it's probably going to fail at the U.S.
Most nations, though, are going to pass it and ratify it.
Their heads of state are going to sign it and ratify it at their legislative, parliamentary level.
How do we beat this at the public school and college level, where the UN has been caught red-handed in secret documents now, this is as big as Climategate, about how they've taken over all the scientists, how they're brainwashing kids, how this is communism, how they're taking over society.
I mean, this is just so amazing.
I don't even have words to describe how bombshell
These latest developments are, but we'll get Mike Rivera's take on that on the other side of this quick break that we are accelerating towards right now.
Also, gotta love Jesse Ventura.
Went on Larry King Live last night, talked about 9-11 being an inside job and plugging his new TV show that premieres tomorrow night.
I won't be able to watch the premiere.
At 10 p.m.
Eastern, 9 p.m.
We've got a bunch of big guests lined up for the show tomorrow.
Kathryn Austen-Fitz is coming back on.
We have a bunch of other guests on Climategate.
Jason Bermas is going to be sitting in because Dave Mustaine, the founder of Megadeth,
I don't know.
Until just last Friday and we contacted him and they said, yeah, we're so booked up in Dallas with media, but we still want to do an interview.
So I sit down and interview.
So I'm going up there to hook up in person with Dave Mustaine because, folks, he has hundreds of millions of fans worldwide.
And the fact that he's awake to the New World Order is a great inroad into waking up people all over the planet that are Megadeth fans.
Uh, so this is really exciting.
I wasn't sure it was even going to happen yesterday because they were so booked up and his management was, well, yeah, you should have called us earlier, but I talked to Dave and he's making sure it's happening.
So, uh, that's going to be going on tomorrow night.
They've invited me to the concert backstage, but I don't know if I'll be able to stay for that.
Uh, but, uh, there is just so much, so much going on, so much happening, uh, so look forward to that interview being aired later in the week, uh, here.
And it's a done deal.
They say it's locked in, but, uh, it ain't, it ain't done till it's done.
It ain't over till it's over.
All right, Mike Rivero, straight ahead on the other side.
We'll go live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So much is happening on the Freedom Front.
We had Charlie Sheen on Sunday announcing the winner of 20 Minutes with the President, the video contest exposing 9-11 truth.
Jesse Ventura was on Larry King Live talking about 9-11 being an inside job last night.
His new TV show set to premiere tomorrow night, 10 p.m.
Eastern, 9 p.m.
Central on TruTV.
Everywhere people are talking about global government and the New World Order.
There is a ultra-massive awakening taking place across the globe.
Now, nine days ago, I put out a video release breaking down the basics of ClimateGate, the head UN climate center.
Insiders leaked
Thousands of emails, hundreds of documents, the computer code with notes by the computer programmers in the code about here's how we carry out the fraud, the earth is getting colder.
Here's how you fool the data.
Here's how you hide the decline, as we've been ordered to do.
They gave it to other countries.
Now New Zealand has been caught manipulating their numbers to fit.
Now we have the official United Nations documents that are in an article written by Paul Joseph Watson.
UN documents outline plan to use climate gate crooks
And in run around national sovereignty and in here they talk about how to go out and politically get control of all the scientists.
This was years ago.
How to get them on the payroll for world government, how this is world communism, how it's meant to shut down freedom, how they've got to do this by stealth, that it's to set it up so the UN can make all the world rules and make all the laws, the UN itself, a private holding company for private central banks engaged in a private corporate takeover of the planet.
This article is so important and then secondarily in the UN documents that have just now surfaced, that the UN admits are theirs,
This is all admitted.
They talk about how to take over your children.
And then we see Al Gore giving speeches to elementary kids about, don't listen to your parents, you teach them that the earth is dying.
We've got to have the tax.
He's all over TV promoting it.
He's in dramas, sitcoms, the news.
It comes out the government's paying for this.
This is hardcore program that's worse than the Soviet Union.
I mean, at least there they admitted they were doing it.
Here they try to hide it, but it is publicly available.
So that's going on.
It's kind of a public secret.
We have the New York Times bragging how kids are trained 7th graders to come home and tell their mom you can't have a hot bath and to write them climate tickets and bring it back to their teachers and report on them.
We already knew this was being implemented globally because it's the same programs everywhere, but now we have the internal UN documents.
It is up to the viewers and the listeners of this radio slash TV transmission, just like you helped drive Climategate out like no one else, and it's up to all the activist sites, the libertarians, conservatives, true liberals, people that want freedom, people that are shattering the left-right paradigm that want justice, to get this latest UN World Governmentgate
takeover of the children gate.
children gate?
's always caught running child kidnapping rings.
Hell, the U.N.'
I'm not talking about that child kidnapping gate.
But this child takeover, this brainwashing gate from Australia to Canada to England to the U.S.
to Germany.
It's global to Japan.
We are under global management.
They're just admitting the world government now.
Mike Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com joining us from Hawaii via video Skype.
Mike, I mean, the magnitude of these documents.
First, I want to get your take on how we help push this out to everyone to show how the UN and their own documents is talking about how they recruited scientists to fix the data.
This completes the circuit of fraud from NASA and the US government to the UN to England.
And so, A, how do we get this out?
B, your take on Climategate and these latest revelations, as just like with Watergate or something, the deeper we dig, the worse it gets.
Yeah, it is absolutely a monumental scandal right now, and it is important to get all of this information out there.
It is important to get to people who normally do not get their news off the internet, and get this to them as well.
We're in an absolute war.
It is an information war right now.
The corporate media, with the exception of Fox News,
And a couple of individual organizations like Wall Street Journalists covering this with a great deal of fairness and objectivity.
But for the most part, the corporate media is still trying as hard as they can to put a lid on this.
They're still trying to sell Copenhagen as a good thing.
They're trying to get this through.
It's a bum's rush.
They're trying to get it done as fast as they can before the rest of the world wakes up to what's going on.
And just talking to everybody, posting everywhere, flood the net, call your newspapers, just get in their faces and let them know you know there's a huge monumental fraud going on here.
Now with regard to ClimateGate, the global warming hoax, if you will, was one of three pillars on which this push for global government was built.
The other two were Swine11, the
phony global pandemic which hasn't really worked out and of course the global financial crisis.
So right now the global government agenda is in serious serious trouble.
They see this fight over climate gate as possibly being the final battle because if the global warming hoax becomes exposed to the whole public and that pillar collapses then the whole global government agenda is going to start unraveling and coming apart.
Now, the thing I've been telling my listeners and my readers over at my website is really very simple.
For everybody who ever said, oh, the government doesn't engage in such massive conspiracies, you've got one right in front of you, staked out for all the world to see.
And after you look at this with
Government, the media, and it wasn't just Hadley CRU.
New Zealand's Climate Research Center has been compromised.
NOAA has been caught fudging their data.
It is truly a massive conspiracy to trick the people of the world into accepting the yoke of global taxation and global government.
Look at this and then ask, what else have they been lying to us about?
And more importantly, if they get away with it this time, what else will they lie to us about in the future?
And Mike, expanding on a point you just made, there's all these famous FBI hidden video clips of the mafia in New York and New Jersey and Illinois.
Meeting around pool tables or in bars, talking about murders they've committed, talking about whores they're running, talking about drugs they're bringing in, talking about cops and judges they're buying.
We have that with the ClimateGate emails and the computer program, with the notes, for those that don't know computer programs, if there's glitches in them,
Or designed fraud.
They'll be internal manuals, just like Diebold got caught with the programs, with internal messages to how to manipulate things.
They have been caught in spades, red-handed, across the board, in premeditated fraud from the head UN climate change facility that they chose who would announce the bench line fraud
And then everyone else in UN-controlled academia would then line up and parrot that and fix their data along with it.
And now we have the latest UN documents where they're talking about fixing the data with all the regional groups.
I mean, this is a giant 30-year takeover program that is now blowing up before our eyes.
And this is beautiful.
Yeah, it absolutely is.
This is Mother Nature telling Al Gore, booga booga, because obviously the Earth has been cooling for the last nine to ten years.
It forces them to talk about hiding the decline, because if you think about what is really invested, I mean, look at all the people who have
They've put their own personal fortunes into these new green industries.
Al Gore is heavily invested in his brokerage.
Obama is hooked in with this Chicago Climate Exchange operation.
They've all put their money into it.
It's the new big money maker.
Plus, you've got the global government agenda.
There are trillions of dollars on the line here, and they're seeing it all blow up in front of their faces just because the earth happened to get cooler.
Well, these people didn't become rich and powerful by letting a little thing like the truth get in their way.
So they're out there just trying to propagandize this thing.
They're already out there spinning, saying, well, okay, we caught a few bad scientists, but we have all this other data, which says what we want it to say here.
But common sense has to tell you, if you have 10 reports that all say the same thing, and one is a proven fraud, then the other nine are going to be a fraud as well.
And then we have the latest UN document, internal document, not for publication, which the UN confirms has now been released, where they're going back over the last few years, getting all their scientists lined up, recruiting them like secret agents to be part of this political takeover for global governance.
We have them red-handed.
Yes, we absolutely do, and people should be very, very angry about this, not only because of the push for global enslavement, because when you talk about taking taxes away from people on the basis of a hoax and giving nothing back, that's slavery!
I mean, they're going to be in there raking in the trillions of dollars in carbon taxes and saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're saving you from global warming.
Give me the money, we're saving you from global warming here.
It's a hoax, and that is a form of enslavement.
It is a covert form of enslavement, but it is still planetary enslavement.
That's what they're trying to do.
And people should be furious about this.
Right now, anger is the appropriate survival response.
And I just want to point out to everybody that we've been right about this all along.
We have been here telling the truth that it was a fraud, that it was for global government, that it was a way to wage war against humanity, it was a way to give us carbon credits with national ID cards to track everything we were saying and doing.
And we were only going off their own documents.
Now they're caught out in the open because now they're to the point of where they can't deny it anymore because they're openly taking over and right at their weak point, when they were going from denying it to admitting it, this blows up in their face and more and more the evidence shows, and mainstream media is reporting this as you mentioned,
That the British government said, oh, this was a hack so that they could try to cloud the providence of these internal documents and emails and block it from being admissible in court, but now it's coming out
That the scientists admit it is their emails, it is their documents, and that in the emails there are other scientists, junior scientists in these universities saying, this is illegal, we shouldn't be doing this, and that it's those scientists that leaked this because there was just the Fourier request a few months ago.
That was criminally blocked with the British government and the University of East Anglia.
And so people said, I'm not going to engage in fraud for you.
And that this was given to the police.
This was given to the BBC six weeks ago, seven weeks ago now, and they criminally blocked it.
So now the conspiracy of fraud is getting bigger.
And as the criminals try to cover it up, the charges are racking up.
It is becoming very obvious.
I mean, we used to say, the fastest way to expose a dictator, make them act like one in public, they're doing it right now.
Yeah, what about the UN saying, if you criticize man-made global warming as media, you can't come to the Copenhagen event.
Only if you agree, can you come.
We'll be right back.
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All right, Mike Rivero is our guest for the rest of the hour.
I want to open the phones up in the next segment, but only on ClimateGate.
I want that to be the main focus in this hour.
Only on this situation.
With the new United Nations documents where they're organizing a global government corporate takeover from state government, federal government, local government, right down to your children.
How to turn your children against you.
Now, if this doesn't make you angry, folks, I don't know what does.
Creating a false consensus.
Mike Rivera, where do you see this going?
As their banking takeover blows up in their face, as their global warming tax blows up in their face, as their... But Obama doesn't care.
34,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
Yeah, Obama has already indicated he is just fully in accord with this agenda.
Remember when he was campaigning for president, he said, I'm going to end the war and you can take that to the bank.
Now he's sending another 30,000 troops into Afghanistan.
He's going to Copenhagen.
His White House spokespeople are standing there with their hair on fire regarding Climategate and insisting they can't smell any smoke.
They're saying, oh, well, the science is settled.
We're going to go in and we're going to sign away in your sovereignty.
Now, the important thing for people to understand, and again, getting angry right now is appropriate,
Because it's obvious they're gonna steamroller this plan through, regardless of the fact that everybody knows it's a fake and a hoax.
Their attitude is, well, as long as they're... Well, we just lost Mike Rivero from Hawaii.
Just a few years ago, video Skype cut out every 30 seconds, now it cuts out every 20-30 minutes.
But hey,
That is the magic of technology that I can be sitting here in Austin, Texas, going out on satellites to AM and FM stations, global shortwave, satellite, internet, at Infowars.com, at PrisonPlanet.com.
We can connect to Mike in Hawaii on an island 3-4,000 miles out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
That that can be beamed to satellites or through undersea cables into our studio and out to you instantaneously.
That is certainly something very, very exciting.
So that happens occasionally.
We just did it over a phone line.
It wouldn't be cutting out, but I know the presentplanet.tv viewers like to be able to see Mike Rivero complete with his hula shirt.
I gotta envy him living out in Hawaii.
But we couldn't live in Hawaii because the cost of living is too high.
I wouldn't be able to run this office the way we do.
Texas is pretty cheap, folks.
Very low cost of living, comparatively.
Austin, great place to have our operation.
If we lived in New York,
City or Los Angeles and ran this operation out of Hawaii, somewhere like that.
Plus I'm a Texan, I love Texas, but I do envy Mike Rivero and living out in Hawaii.
The problem is if I lived in Hawaii, I'd be swimming every day.
Probably even try to take up surfing.
I know I'd be scuba diving every week.
So maybe it's a good thing I'm here in the Texas, that I'm here in the Texas Hill Country.
But we are getting Mike Rivero lined back up.
And if there's any problems, we'll just go ahead and go to regular phone line with him.
We can always do that.
Okay, great.
We got Mike via the phone.
Okay, Mike, you got cut off.
Mike Rivero joining us by telephone from Hawaii.
Finish up your point.
Okay, well my point is very simple.
It is a founding principle of the United States of America that we were all raised to cherish.
That governments rule with the consent of the governed.
And you need to look at everything the United Nations is doing regarding the imposition of a global government.
None of it is being done with the consent of the people.
They're trying to trick us into going along by creating these false monsters of human-caused global warming so that we'll feel guilty and say, yeah, I guess we gotta do it.
Or they're gonna try and scare us with the global pandemic so that we'll run to them and say, please, please save us from the nasty virus.
Or they'll crash the economy and say, so that we'll run to them and say, please give us some bread, give us some water so that we can survive another day.
And it's not being done with our consent.
It's being done with trickery and deception and the manufacturing of a false consent out of fear.
This is not democracy.
It is not even a republic.
It is the imposition of a global oligarchy.
And it is being done through fraud.
Everybody listening to this show should be furious right now.
You should be angry.
I mean, screw anger management.
I am seriously ticked off here and so should you be.
And if you're not angry about this, what's wrong with you?
You know, I was just about to make that point when you made that point, Mike.
We're on the same page.
I yell and scream, I get angry, because we're meant to get angry over being usurped, being enslaved by a bunch of swindling, degenerate parasites, caught red-handed, and they're just continuing on with their fraud.
Everybody needs to stop just accepting this tyranny.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness, I...
Mike, I want to go to phone calls with you on Climategate, but some of these other issues.
Obama sent close to 40,000 additional U.S.
troops to Afghanistan in the last 11 months, but the media never talked about that.
We would just see little blurbs about incremental 4,000, 5,000, 10,000, 2,000.
And they've sent more U.N.
troops, they've sent
You know, more NATO forces.
They've hired more Afghan troops, over 340,000 troops now.
The Associated Press reports against the Taliban outnumbering them 12 to 1.
But the Taliban doesn't even really exist.
There's just different tribes out there.
It's on record that most of the Taliban is working for the coalition forces.
The war is over the pipeline.
It's over the opium.
It's over the black hole of profit that this war causes, this huge racket, as Smedley Butler so eloquently said.
But now Obama has announced 34,000 additional that were never leaving Afghanistan, that they're going to escalate it.
Now they've announced Russia's giving advisors.
They're giving Black Shark attack helicopters their latest type hind.
Just crazy alliances going on.
What is Afghanistan really about?
And what are all the lefties saying now about their god Obama, the anti-war guy, escalating and keeping us in Iraq?
Well, I think a lot of attention is focusing on a statement Obama made last week, where he's going to finish the job, and everybody's saying, what job?
Why are we there?
Is it the no-opium-poppy-left-behind concept?
We really don't know why we're in there, except that, politically, Obama doesn't want to be the president who lost another war.
More and more observers are saying that Afghanistan is starting to shape up like a new Vietnam, and, you know, Lyndon Johnson took a huge hit for Vietnam, and so did Richard Nixon.
So, nobody wants to be the president in charge of a losing war, even though Obama promised he was going to end the war and bring our troops home.
Now, maybe his promise was that he thought he could win a quick, decisive victory in Afghanistan, despite its long history to the contrary, and he could bring the kids home that way.
But it's obvious that whatever Obama is doing, he is not listening to the people, and that is what he's supposed to be doing.
Well, that's well said, Mike.
Expanding on that, we have these different Democrats saying that, and now Republicans are saying they're looking at it and may agree to it.
Here's a headline, GOP wages internal debate over tax increase for Afghan war.
Congressman obey.
That's really his name.
Tells Obama Afghanistan war tax or no surge.
So they're saying you can have your surge, but we're going to have another tax.
I mean, how many taxes has Obama raised?
I mean, he's lied about everything.
All he's doing is raising people's taxes.
Well, they're not so much raising them as they're simply adding new ones all the time.
I mean, this latest one, they want to do a carbon tax.
It's a tax literally on the air.
They've run out of things to tax.
We've run out of money to pay the taxes for.
The government is broke.
There was a breaking story just before we went to airtime where they're talking about a major, major uplift on the government's official debt ceiling, which we know they've already violated many times over.
The bottom line is they're out of money.
They can't get any money.
They're trying to come to us to loot the last few nickels out of our pockets.
All government knows how to do is raise taxes and take money.
That's all they do.
That's all they know how to do.
And they're absolutely never going to stop until we make them stop.
But again, I go back to this question.
On every front, the government is openly corrupt, openly run by foreign corporate interest, openly setting up world government, openly expanding the empire, openly setting up a police state domestically, and no matter what we do, they just accelerate their program
And I guess they're counting on Northcom to keep people under control.
Real unemployment's over 22%.
MSNBC admits, and CNBC admits it's 17-plus percent.
I mean, where is all this going, Mike?
Well, I think the game plan right now, and we're seeing this certainly with the climate gate stonewalling, is their idea is we're just going to do what we're going to do anyway, and they're basically relying on the idea that the American people are not going to kick down the doors and rush into the legislative chambers with torches and pitchforks to deal with the matter themselves.
Of course, other rulers have had that same arrogance before, like Louis XVI and Charles I.
and Ceausescu and Mussolini.
So governments do make these kind of critical mistakes and I think this is a critical mistake for the government to go on acting as if we the American people don't have an opinion that's worth listening to.
There was a Rasmussen poll came out just yesterday where 71% of Americans said flat out they are angry with the federal government.
At some point, it almost feels like a confrontation has become inevitable.
I don't like the idea.
I don't like the idea of violence.
I've been hoping the federal government would collapse the way the USSR did.
But it almost seems like our government is going to keep on abusing the people until somebody fights back.
Maybe that's what they want, because then they can bring in the armies of the United Nations and reconquer the American continent for the New World Order.
And by the way, people 10, 12, 13, 14 years ago, when we would read UN documents, West Point training manuals, Colonel Craig Roberts can talk about his nephew being trained.
They had Wesley Clark there and he said, you will serve the UN.
We may use UN troops in America to quell the American people.
Now that's in the NORTHCOM documents.
They had NLE09 with FEMA a few months ago, FEMA.gov saying troops from 14 foreign nations are training to take on the American people.
And folks couldn't believe that, just like they couldn't believe the Copenhagen Treaty was world government.
Now the UN says it's world government.
I mean, people have got to face the facts.
We are being conquered right now by a group of illegitimate crooks.
It's absolutely right, and you need to understand something about the global government.
I mean, I'm opposed to the concept completely for reasons I've already gone into.
But if you have a government that is coming into being by way of deception and lie and fraud, then this will be a government that can never be honest with its population, can never allow dissent, can never allow examination.
They're already talking about making climate denial a crime on the par with Holocaust denial.
It is going to be an absolute tyranny, because they will not be able to allow any freedom whatsoever, or the first thing that's going to happen is that people are going to say, wait a minute, why are we listening to you if it's all a lie?
So, again, how does this come to a head?
How do you see this ending?
I see it ending with enough people getting angry around the world to start kicking on the doors of the legislature and the ruling palaces and say, look, we're not going to go for this anymore.
You can sign all the Copenhagen treaties you want, we're not going to go along with it.
It's like Gandhi did in India, non-cooperation.
You can pass all the laws you want, you can print up all the little fancy pieces of paper that say you have a right to my money and my property, but if I don't go along with it, if I refuse to believe it,
If I no longer am enslaved by these beliefs that you are trying to put in me, then it's not going to work.
You can run around with your fancy papers and stuff.
There are, you know, 300 million Americans out here.
They're buying up guns and ammo.
And if it comes down to a question of absolute force, the federal government is going to lose.
And I know they've got the portable torture machines.
And they know that, and it took 5%
Three to five, depending on which historic numbers you look at, to defeat the British.
We have way more than 5%.
I mean, as you said, over 50% are ready for revolution.
The left-right paradigm, where they play the left and right off against each other, so the people never actually deal with the actual power structure, that's wearing thin.
So, they're coming off the rails.
They're stuck in the mud.
Their whole juggernaut is grinding to a halt right now, and I just hope listeners realize we are in
One of the greatest times that we've ever seen.
We are going into a time when the future of humanity is going to be basically charted, and every email, every phone call, every letter written to the editor, every speech you give at church, every video you give your co-workers, every person you send to PrisonPlanet.com or Infowars.com or WhatReallyHappened.com news article to,
Is one more person we begin to wake up because people are now ready to hear the truth when they weren't ready to hear it in the past.
We've been proven right about everything we talked about.
We're only going off the Globalist's own playbook, their own reports, their own white papers.
Something this big can't be hidden.
People say, well, if this was happening, there'd be leaks.
We'd have whistleblowers.
We'd have documents.
We do!
You know, that's the whole point here.
And I mean, I can rant and rave about this all day.
It's just so mind-blowing to now be alive in this time.
Let's go to callers on ClimateGate.
Carrie in Kansas, you're on the air.
Hey guys, as you know this is not only a horrible front against sovereignty, this is a money-making scheme for the United Nations.
As part of the Clean Development Mechanism, it's in the Kyoto Protocol.
There's what's called the share of proceeds.
The United Nations is literally collecting money off of all of these emissions credits that they're creating through the Clean Development Mechanism.
And they suspect that they're going to have almost 3 billion emissions credits created by 2012.
Right now, those credits, the CERs, the Certified Emissions Reduction Credits, are going on Sandor's European
Uh, Climate Exchange, which is the European, um, copy of the Chicago Climate Exchange that you were discussing earlier.
Richard Sander owns both of those companies through Climate Exchange PLC.
These CERs are going on the European market right now for $21.
It's like 13.5 euros.
Rock Obama during the campaign, he said that he thought that a reasonable price for carbon by the ton was $40.
That's twice what it is in Europe, which is the mandatory market.
The price for these same instruments in the United States on the CCX, where it's still voluntary, right now is like 75 cents.
Exactly, and that's why...
Newt Gingrich is for it.
That's why all the big banks are for it.
That's why all the big oil companies are pushing it.
That's why this is all happening.
And a lot of the public really thinks the Earth's dying and polar bears are drowning.
They believe polar bears can't swim.
Just the simplistic fraud is so over the top and carbon taxes and carbon credits is only a small piece of all this.
They're going to tax beef and poultry and fish and television sets and your dog.
California's already doing it with the TV sets.
This is being announced.
This is literally thousands of taxes.
Mike Rivera.
Absolutely, and it's more than just the taxes.
We have an article at WhatReallyHappened.com today where basically it's going down the list of the world's richest people and how much of their personal fortunes they've invested in these new so-called green industries.
They're all lining up to invest in these brand new companies because one of the effects of this global warming hoax
Is to encourage people to stop buying old products that are now declared to be dangerous to Earth and to start buying these new products.
Well, the new products are all owned by these very rich people who are getting on board the Green Revolution and it's not about saving the Earth.
It is simply about stealing market share away from existing companies through the use of this propaganda and trick.
As I said, there's trillions of dollars on the line here and this is why they're not going to walk away from this hoax without a fight.
Well said.
I'll tell you, Kerry, you were extremely informed.
I wish more people knew what you knew.
What are you doing in your area to wake up folks that have no idea?
They're told, hey, green cars, electric cars, windmills, sounds great.
But that's the sugar coating of this global government.
The globalists have nothing to do with that.
They could care less about all that.
That's just a facade they put up.
So when people hear, oh, the UN wants me to have an electric car, isn't that good?
It has nothing to do with this.
Yeah, we know that for a fact.
I posted up an article on the Prison Planet Forum called, uh, the Kyoto Protocol, oppressing people, enriching banks.
What you're talking about with these electric cars, what the United Nations is doing right now in third world countries, uh, in the name of, of quote-unquote, saving the environment, is funding these clean development mechanisms.
So instead of, instead of, uh,
From our perspective, we say, oh, well, coal is dirty, and we need to save the environment, we need to put windmills up.
Well, that's fine.
But when you live in China, and the UN comes in with funding from the World Bank, and says, we're going to build a hydroelectric dam here, because it's clean, and by the way, all you one million people who live here, yeah, just leave.
Well, it's worse than that.
It's worse than that.
It allows the UN
To selectively give the contracts and the money to select corporations that fund the United Nations.
So it's a takeover of the global economy by a select group of corporations.
Thank you, Kerry.
Great points.
Rusty in Texas.
Rusty, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Last night I received a recorded message from Randy Nagabower, our congressman here in West Texas.
He was talking about the carbon tax, the carbon credits and everything, and he said in the recorded message that it would raise everybody's energy bills per family $3,400 a year.
Yeah, no, the United Nations and the Democrats admit that.
That is a very low estimate.
The plan will double the price of coal-powered electricity.
So 51% of our electricity comes from that.
And even if you don't have a coal plant in your area, the energy is all pooled and shared in most areas.
So most of the electricity we get has coal-generated power in it.
And that alone will devastate the economy.
And this is just the beginning.
I mean, it's like they promised the health care plan
Wouldn't have penalties for not having insurance.
It's got $5,000 penalties.
It's got a quarter million dollar fines, five years in prison.
It takes 2.5 to 5% out of your check.
I mean, look.
These big banks want profit centers, and they use government to come in with excuses.
Healthcare, the environment, whatever it is to loot us.
Just like the banker bailout was to unfreeze mortgages.
The day after they passed it, October 3rd, they said, we're not going to spend it on mortgages, and we're not going to tell you where the money's going.
Wealth is an addiction.
We're dealing with people who are addicted to your money
They can't get enough of it.
They get a thrill from having it to spend buying another yacht, another car, another piece of jewelry.
They're addicted to money and it is time for an intervention.
Go ahead, Rusty.
The 35,000 troops, of course you know I was in the Gulf War, and 35,000 troops after eight years is
If you're going to finish something, why not send 200,000?
What's the difference?
Why not defeat them with overwhelming force?
There's different Democrats here saying, what's the point of the war?
This is all stupid.
This is all a failure.
I'm looking for the exact quote one Democrat had.
Democrat, war tax proponent, obey calls, expect a troop surge, a fool's errand.
Well, no.
I mean, if you believe the fake objectives we're told on the news bring democracy to Afghanistan, give me a break.
But for the real objectives, it's a great success.
500 billion a year in opium, hundreds of billions in oil, hundreds of billions in no-bid weapons contracts for all these fat cat companies.
It's not a fool's errand.
Our troops are there to engage in the looting.
They're there to hold the grounds for the banks to take over.
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We're good to go!
We're good.
Mike Rivero is our guest.
Let's go ahead and talk to Craig in Washington.
Craig, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Oh, just mentioning on this clamigator, at least, illegal activities regarding that.
In Washington State, an employer has to pay a tax on how their employees get to work.
So if they drive a car, they pay X amount.
Oh yeah, there are already hundreds of carbon taxes.
I'm trying to explain to people there's hundreds in place now, thousands going into place.
Yeah, then, you know, people just kind of overlook it or don't pay attention, but, you know, when it quietly started, I mean, no one, like, pieces it together.
How could this be legal or, you know, choosing, making people either come to work a certain way?
Or charge them like, well, if you carpool, then you pay X amount if you walk.
And look at what that does.
It also tracks how you travel, what you're doing.
It gives your employer more work to do, more jobs get lost because of the increased expenses.
Mike Rivera, what about the Weather Channel founder talking about filing suit?
I mean, we have real evidence now of these big climatologists for the UN trying to persecute other climatologists, get them fired, not let their stuff get published.
That right there is a major civil suit, open and shut, caught red-handed.
We have criminal charges with the British University, the head university, working with the British government to block FOIA requests behind the scenes illegally.
We have the fraud of Al Gore trying to make everybody pay him a tax.
I mean, isn't civil lawsuits a way to go?
I think it's definitely one way to go.
I mean, frankly, given the fact that a lot of these institutions that have been caught rigging the data are funded with public tax money, I think a class action suit's appropriate here.
I think we absolutely have a right to sue pretty much the entire institution of global warming for perpetrating a fraud using taxpayer funds.
NOAA's been compromised, NWAI's been compromised down in New Zealand, Hadley's compromised in Great Britain.
The whole structure is a gigantic
I would hope there might be a legal remedy.
Unfortunately, you have to remember that those judges in the courts are basically being paid by the same government that was hiring all these scientists to rig the climate change data.
And we now have the newest internal UN documents where they admit a covert operation to take over the universities, the scientists, to help them covertly set up world government, and to brainwash children.
I mean, this is sensational level information right now at PrisonPlanet.com.
It absolutely is, but you need to remember one more thing, and that is that the government has started invoking sovereign immunity for pretty much everything it does, which is this idea that we can't sue the government no matter what it does.
Now, I've never seen sovereign immunity in the Constitution, but it has been used in a lot of federal cases recently involving vaccinations, involving various other malfeasances by the government, where they simply say, we own the courts, you can't sue us.
And of course, on that path lies the road to a real revolution.
Listen, Craig, just get involved with locals.
Point out that Washington State now wants, along with California and Texas, to put a box in your car, by law, that taxes you by the mile on top of gas tax.
That's now been proposed by Obama.
I'd tell people about that ten years ago, because the Department of Transportation was proposing it.
People laugh at me.
The time for procrastination must end now.
This is the final battle.
This is it, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, Mike, always informative, having you on from Hawaii.
Thank you, and I look forward to having you back on with us next month.
I look forward to it again, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
There goes Mike Rivera of WhatReallyHappened.com.
I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Don't forget, you can get five months free right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number three in 30 minutes.
Colonel Craig Roberts will be joining us to talk about the police state, the New World Order, take your phone calls, what he's hearing from military and police.
He's got a leg in both camps.
Always extremely riveting and informative.
My good buddy, Colonel Craig Roberts, joining us coming up.
I want to play three minutes
From an interview last night with Larry King Live that Jesse Ventura had.
Of course, you heard the former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura on with us last Friday in that exclusive interview along with Lord Monckton.
His TV show, he says he's going to really be surprised if it ends up airing coming up tomorrow night, 10 p.m.
Eastern, 9 p.m.
Central on True TV, formerly Court TV.
And of course, I'm a big part of what five of the seven episodes and consultant on the whole enchilada.
And it looks like it's gonna be leaning towards our side.
I haven't seen all the episodes.
I've just seen pieces of some of the episodes and parts I'm in.
But I want to go ahead and go out to break.
With this clip where he gets into 9-11 Truth with Larry King live.
He has a lot of courage and we salute Jesse Ventura, who we've really woken up to a great extent.
Here it is.
Just within the last decade.
We won't be covering John F. Kennedy or Dr. Martin Luther King or any of the stuff back then.
We kept it to the ten year last decade and believe me, the problem Larry wasn't finding conspiracies, it was choosing which ones we wanted to cover.
What is the 9-11 conspiracy?
Well, the 9-11 conspiracy is simply that the government hasn't been truthful with us.
I mean, Larry, a couple weeks ago, the head of the 9-11 Commission Legal, I believe he's former Attorney General Farmer from New Jersey, came out publicly and stated unequivocally that at some point the government decided that American citizens would not hear the truth about 9-11.
I find that very disturbing.
Which is?
I don't know.
What truth?
Well, we can't find it, naturally, because I don't have subpoena power.
We don't have the ability to put people under oath and threaten them with prosecution.
What would they be hiding in that building?
I don't know.
In your wildest imagination, what do you think?
What do you think?
Well, in my wildest imagination, I find it very difficult that those buildings could fall at the speed of gravity without being assisted in some way.
And I used to do demolition for a living.
And how could those buildings fall as fast as I used to free fall out of an airplane?
I mean, if you took a billiard ball and dropped it at the height of the Twin Towers, and you just merely stopped it and started it every floor in free fall, it would take over a minute and a half to reach the ground.
The buildings were down in ten seconds.
So you think it might have been something inside?
What is this?
Is the 9-11 story the first show this Wednesday?
No, it's not.
The first show will be HAARP.
And it's based upon a book that a scientist wrote, and it says angels don't play this HAARP.
It's about an antenna grouping that we have up in Alaska that's supposedly an unclassified research center, but if it's unclassified, why wouldn't they let me in?
Alright, that's gonna be something.
Jesse Ventura's new show, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
Larry, clearly they're not being honest, Larry.
Because if it was unclassified, I would get in.
The new show debuts Wednesday night on TruTV.
I getcha.
Arianna Huffington and Ben Stein will join the party.
And they were invited.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, that's courage.
Jesse Ventura on national television, talking about John Farmer and the 9-1-1 Commission.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Okay, here is the deal.
I've got a bunch of other economic and war news I want to go over.
Obama is set to give a speech, as you know, but they're set to release ahead of the speech the timetable for the war.
I know their past timetables.
They will lie and say in two years they will look at reducing forces.
Then in two years they will decide they need more forces.
Then in two years when they say that they'll say but in two years we'll look at it again and then in two years they'll decide more forces.
I think?
So they've gone from 100,000 to 200,000 to 300,000 to 340,000 plus right now with this latest 35,000, 34,000.
There's two different numbers we're seeing being sent.
And they'll say, oh, well, we're going to cut back to 300,000 in a couple years.
Isn't that nice of us?
And the wars never end.
We've been in Afghanistan eight years.
In Iraq, we've been there for six and a half years, never leaving.
In Iraq, they were building giant bases, calling them embassies, that would hold 3,000 people per base.
They're never leaving.
And the internal Pentagon documents that are publicly available, but not put in the newspaper, they're saying we're going to be there in 2020.
Our troops haven't left Korea, have they?
Have the troops left Germany?
Have the troops left Britain?
Have the troops left... I mean, we've got troops in 160 countries.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bases.
These aren't our troops.
These are troops of the New World Order Empire!
And they use our bases to bring in narcotics and laundered money.
Those are sovereign bases of the New World Order Empire to bring in assassins, to bring in hitmen, to bring in child sex slaves.
That's come out with the UN and our own government and DynCorp and Halliburton, Chicago Tribune.
That's what this is all about.
Drug dealing, kidnapping, murder.
And of course, 99% of the military, they're cooking dinner, carrying out the trash, cleaning their guns, pressing their uniforms, marching around the square.
They're just doing jobs.
But the commanders and the CIA and the intelligence units, they are running the real criminal operation.
So these are globalist tentacles.
And just like the global system has taken over America and used America to take over the world,
It's the same thing happening in these third world nations.
Obama wants Afghan war over in three years.
See, they told me that CNN just announced that in mere minutes, Obama will release his new timetable.
And I said two years.
No, he says three.
So even longer.
And in three years, that pushes him up into the next election.
And he can promise then to maybe bring some home and then you read, oh, it says they'll start drawing them down in three years.
The new troop development deployment would increase the total U.S.
commitment to over 100,000 troops bolstered by 45,000 NATO forces.
And of course, I don't mention all the other forces here.
He's going to go to the West Point Military Academy
Later today to officially announce his plans.
It will be his second escalation of U.S.
forces in the war-torn Islamic country since he came to power in January.
See, he's already put in an additional 40, but no one ever talked about that for the last 11 months.
It was all, will he do a surge?
Will he do a surge to politically distract you from what happened previously?
So we're going to go to Derek, Andrew, Ron, Joni, Brandon, and others, and then Colonel Craig Roberts is going to be joining us to go over a host of issues and the wider view on the New World Order.
But I wanted to briefly bring Ted Anderson up, as we do most days now, to give us a gold report.
He wasn't on with us yesterday.
Gold is way up again today.
And again, joining us is Ted Anderson.
Ted, good to have you here with us.
Yeah, good to be up with you.
Yesterday, real busy getting those spots running on Rush Limbaugh.
It'll be great to have some of those neoconservatives order your endgame video and actually see what's going on in the real world.
Maybe we can wake up a couple people.
Man, I tell you, the dollar sure is crumbling today, and gold just went over $1,200, up as high as $1,202 today.
Ted, let me stop you right there, because I meant to preface this with scores of news articles that everyone, I'm sure, has seen where they're announcing gold mines are running out of gold worldwide.
They have to mine more ore to get a small amount of gold, so the veins are running out.
The production price is increasing, the Asians are buying it up, the Chinese, the Indians, the Japanese, institutional investors, big central banks are hoarding gold, the yuppies are starting to buy gold.
We've been warning people as we watch the run-up.
From 260 bucks an ounce, right up to 1,200 today.
And for people that don't understand, when you look at the Dubai default, and that country starting to go under, when you look at, which was supposedly the apple of everyone's eye, when I get up here on the radio and I tell people they are out of their minds if they don't buy gold and silver from Midas Resources that has the best prices out there that I've seen bar none,
It is such a no-brainer, and so I want you to comment on all these different factors, Ted.
Well, I mean, all that stuff is obviously a play in the marketplace.
What happened this morning while we were sleeping again, the London market went up over $1,200 an ounce on gold.
The Dubai thing, it was thought that that might drive actual gold prices down.
And it hasn't at all.
Gold has gone up over $1,200 an ounce in London again, while the United States is in bed.
And now that the U.S.
market has opened up, it went over $1,202, cracked it back into the real high $1,190 range, and that's where it's sitting right now.
Alex, this is too fast.
I was expecting gold to be between $1,200 and $1,300 an ounce before we turned to January 1.
I don't think, you know, I think the chances are we'll be well over 1300 just because it happened so soon.
Well, this is, again...
A bad thing overall because this means they are planning to kill the dollar.
There's no longer any denial.
The IMF, the World Bank, the UN, our own government have said before they were debating should they kill the dollar.
Now they're saying how are we going to kill it?
We are going to kill it.
And it looks like they're going to engage in this accelerated but still incremental
We're good to go.
In front of us, I didn't ask you this question before I got you live today, Ted, before you pitched people this great opportunity and I hope they take advantage of it, just like I did when gold was $260, $270 an ounce and I was pitching it to people saying it was only going to go up because all the economic real data showed that.
Last week you said you were almost out of gold you bought at the $1,050 level.
Now gold is at $1,200.
Tell us the last buys you did and what you have left, if any, at that super low price or what your new low price is now that it's gone up.
Well, averaging at about $1,130 an ounce.
I mean, I was trying to buy into the dips.
I didn't get too many this last time around.
I didn't get to buy that much product.
But one of the things that I picked up a couple of million dollars worth here, a few
We're good to go.
And that would be the price of the Walking Liberty half.
They're at $8.69 right now.
They'll be well over $9 a piece starting tomorrow.
So if you want to take advantage of something that's on its way up, there's a good buy for you.
So you made a mega buy of silver months ago.
Silver is way above what you bought it for at that time.
So you're literally... I've never heard of a deal that good on silver, but you're saying this is it.
Yeah, Alex, I've been holding these prices since August.
So that'll give you an idea of where it's been.
Silver at that time was about $16 an ounce, and right now silver's at $19 and has been as high as $19.30 an ounce.
Okay, explain that to me.
If you're selling silver at $8.60 what cents?
Presently, right now, it is the Walking Liberty half there at $8.69.
Okay, so literally you're selling it
For what silver cost right now, which nobody can ever do, because there's the added price of shipping, and there's the added price of you having to buy it, and there's the added price of it being in coin form.
Right, everything carries a bit of a premium, but this here is just like buying in that spot.
I mean, it really is, because the silver, the walking liberty half is half the size of the US dollar.
And the U.S.
silver dollars from the turn of the century right now are trading upwards.
Right now they're just poking into the $26 level apiece.
And so these right now are just incredibly... I mean... Ted, quickly tell folks about...
The gold that I have left, the stuff that's going to be sitting at the lower price range is the $10 Liberty at $8.65.
The Franks currently right now at $2.63.
The British Sovereign at $3.25.
Those all reflect the older prices in gold.
So I haven't had a chance to increase those prices yet.
I won't until my inventory is sold.
But I'll have to, because now at $1,200 gold, there's no way I can sell those at those prices.
So let's be clear, you still have gold you bought at the $1,050 level, with $150 plus above that right now.
Ted, that is, because you keep breaking every record, this is your all-time best deal ever.
Yeah, but just a few of the items that I have left are in that particular price range.
Folks, you gotta tell him Alex Jones sent you or you'll be paying the higher price.
It's still a great deal.
Don't procrastinate.
Don't be foolish.
This is a wonderful deal.
It's like getting in a time machine and going back a few months ago to buy cheaper gold.
Here's that number one more time.
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Thank you, Ted Anderson.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Let's go to Derek in Hawaii.
I'll say aloha to Derek.
Derek, welcome.
Mr. Jones.
Hey, buddy.
Pleasure to be on your show.
I'm, uh, personally an Oath Keeper.
Uh, you know, all that kind of jazz.
Hopefully the noise back here doesn't distract you.
Uh, basically I just wanted to come on and talk about the whole Climategate thing.
Uh, one thing I've been thinking about is, uh, McGillivray's new, hopefully new congressman that'll be coming in next year during the elections.
I was just wondering what your thoughts might be on that.
Hopefully it'll blow this thing bigger because we have all these coal- Yes, in Australia, the number two party's leader just got in a bunch of trouble.
A bunch of people resigned and it looks like a anti-man-made global warming party may take over Australia.
It's a giant scandal in New Zealand because they're already carbon taxing people.
Family farms and ranches are just shutting down.
There was articles in New Zealand where hundreds of sheep farmers who've had
Sheep farms for over a hundred years, three, four generations, just said, you know what?
I am
We're going to stop sheep farming because there was a $200 in New Zealand money, $200 fee each year per sheep.
And the guy said, this is designed to put me out of business.
I don't make $200 a year per sheep, period.
Shearing them for the wool or the few we sell for mutton for slaughter.
Look, the UN says they want to end industrial society and bankrupt you by design.
And yes, we do need
Look, instead of having a hearing about these two morons that crashed the White House party, why don't we have a congressional hearing about Climategate?
I mean, we need to bring these criminals to justice.
We have the smoking gun.
What say ye to that?
You're absolutely correct, Mr. Jones, and I think that, you know, you said it in the Obama deception and endgame.
And call the Republic where they use all these public distractions like you know your MTV's and all that jazz to distract people from you know what they really want to hear but instead they want to see these two folks who came in and crashed Barack Obama's dinner party you know.
Is that gunfire?
It is, I'm sorry.
I'm at the range today.
No, that's fine.
So are you a policeman or in the military?
Are the, are the, I love that sound, sound of freedom.
The sound of gunfire in the morning, it smells like victory.
Are the troops starting to wake up?
Well, I myself personally, myself and my wife have been both passing out Fall of the Republic throughout all of our units.
I've talked to probably about 15 people who said they've recently just joined the Oath Keepers, but I know that it's starting to wake up because people are looking at all this stuff going on and saying, well, that may not be right, you know?
You know, the founder... Go ahead.
I honestly believe that everyone, or I would hope that most people who join the military joined for that oath that they took, you know.
I swear to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, both foreign and domestic, you know.
And these people are starting to wake up.
Instead, the MIAC and Homeland Security reports that we broke earlier this year say the domestic enemies are veterans and gun owners and libertarians.
Did that wake anybody up in the military?
That NORTHCOM and Homeland Security is really for the American people?
I mean, I personally believe so.
A lot of people I've showed up all over the Republic, some of them, they know that a lot of them here are brainwashed and they say, yeah, I can't wait to go back to Afghanistan.
I can't wait to go back to Iraq.
And they just, they have this mentality that's just way off kilter.
And I talked to a couple people about martial law and stuff and they said they'd have no problem with it.
Because, you know, a lot of people here, and this is another thing I thought about, a lot of people here in Hawaii, they're far away from home, so they don't mind imposing martial law on people that they don't know.
And it's the same exact thing as when they go to Iraq and Afghanistan and they police that state.
If they've imposed martial law here, it's just people they don't know.
People different than what they are.
But then when I ask them the question, well how about when, you know, Joe Blow, just like you, is imposing martial law and stopping your mom at a checkpoint, stopping your father, your wife, your kids at a checkpoint.
What then?
Whoa, you know, that's probably not so good.
So I think... Yeah, do they understand that criminal banks have hijacked the country, an open world government, and the end of our freedom is being announced?
I mean, do they understand that they better relearn what it is to be an American really fast?
I would hope most of them do.
A lot of people I've shown Obama deception to and follow the Republic.
They think that, you know,
Some of them take it too hard.
A lot of them think, oh, that's just crazy conspiracy junk.
You're not one of those 9-11 truth seekers and all that jazz, you know?
So it just, uh, it kind of, it frustrates me.
That's why I'm personally getting out.
But, uh, I think overall there is a large number of people in the military who are waking up.
There was a person in the military who showed me Endgame.
And then from there, I just, you know, spiraled down, downward into the world of Mr. Jones and, uh,
I've slowly and surely started opening people's eyes to this kind of stuff, but you always have your naysayers, and there's plenty of them in the military.
Well, God bless you, Derek.
Good to hear from you, and keep spreading the word.
I salute you.
You haven't spiraled down into the world of Jones.
You've climbed the mountain over the mist to see reality.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
They're arsonists!
Tim Geithner?
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
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I'm good.
Thank you.
We're lining up Colonel Craig Roberts to be on air with us here in just a few minutes.
We will continue with your calls.
Andrew, Ron, Joni, Brandon, Rod, and many others.
But we'll talk with him about ClimateGate first, the whole New World Order system, because he's been in Army Intelligence, Marine Corps Sniper, Police Officer, SWAT Team Commander, Helicopter Pilot.
That's coming up.
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For the balance of the radio broadcast today, we have Colonel Craig Roberts on the line with us, and I wanna go over his bio.
His website is riflewarrior.com.
Craig Roberts is also recognized authority on firearms and marksmanship, doing his military background, police background, and participation in marksmanship matches with both police and military, plus writing three books, which were bestsellers, on various aspects of marksmanship via oral histories by people who have been there.
And he's been a keynote speaker for various law enforcement and military organizations, have appeared in five history program shows, history channel programs, secret missions, suicide missions, snipers, and it just goes on and on.
He also investigated the Oklahoma City bombing.
He was SWAT team commander, helicopter pilot for a police department, Oklahoma City bombing investigator, sniper,
Marine Corps sniper in Vietnam and I've had a chance to speak with him at some events to get to know him over the last decade that I've been interviewing over more than a decade now how time flies and so I want to talk about the latest Oklahoma City developments new information has come out on that in the last eight months or so she's been on I want to talk about the cap and trade carbon tax
I think?
Some of his family at West Point getting speeches from Wesley Clark, admitting they want to use foreign troops in America.
NLE09, four months ago, FEMA's own website admitting troops from 14 different nations here, quote, trying to take on American terrorists.
The MIAC report, the Homeland Security reports that we released, that two state police officers gave us separately from California and Missouri.
Another one was a federal marshal that gave us the material.
Saying that veterans, gun owners, conservatives, Ron Paul supporters, people that want to audit the Fed, are the main terror threat in America and want homeland security.
And Northcom are really set up for it.
Colonel Craig Roberts years ago, five, six years ago, exposed that here on air because he has so many military and police sources.
And a lot of his, he's retired now, a lot of his Tulsa, Oklahoma police department buddies and state police buddies would laugh at him deer hunting 10 years ago about the New World Order.
They're not laughing now.
They're calling him up, wanting to understand what's happening.
So without further ado, Colonel Craig Roberts for the balance of the radio transmission.
Craig, it's great to have you with us.
Hi Alex, good to be back.
Where to start?
I mean, you know, we've gone from being called kooks and conspiracy theorists because we know how to read Club of Rome, UN documents, textbooks written by the White House, science czar, like eco-science, because nobody would look at this stuff, to now it's finally being announced.
I mean, where do we start?
Well, you know, it's really hard because it all depends on which tentacle of the octopus you want to grab.
Uh, you know, there's, there's so many organizations involved that interlink on this deal because it's, uh, the globalist, uh,
Organization that's trying to bring in this new world order of theirs has been around for, you know, over 200 years.
But what they've finally done is they've finally created enough different organizations, interlinked, to handle their logistical and their political problems that they had in the past.
Before, you know, you had separate nations.
You had borders.
You had everybody taking care of themselves.
But they've taken all that away.
They've gotten rid of the borders.
They're combining the monetary institutions.
They're doing everything they can to destroy the first world and redistribute the wealth to the third world, so they lower us down to second world status and bring the third world up to second world status, and then they've succeeded with their New World Order.
I mean, almost all the dominoes have fallen over on this deal, except us.
And we're next.
And they're doing a pretty good job with it right now.
They're going a lot faster than I ever thought they would.
I figured it would be another few years before they would get as far as they did this year alone.
So we're seeing more things happen with this bunch of Washington we've got right now that is totally trying to destroy this country.
With very few people able to slow them down or stop them.
It's just incredible.
I mean, it's almost like we just have to sit in the grandstands and watch it happen, Alex.
And, you know, we talked about this years ago.
You and I did.
We tried getting on the radio and telling people about it.
Like you said, there's people that will call in and say, no, this could never happen here.
You know, I had people in our own special operations or special investigations division on the police department.
That we're watching me, uh, because they're saying, this Robert's guy, he's nuts.
He's talking about all this weird stuff.
You know, he's talking about this new world order he's talking about.
You know, the Rothschild plan and all the rest of it.
You know, we've got to watch this guy.
He's off the range here.
And now, about six or eight months ago, one of those guys came to me.
He's retired now.
He says, you know, they all thought you were nuts back then, and now they think you're way ahead of your time.
You're an actual prophet.
And I said, all they had to do was do their homework.
All they had to do was read the material that was available out there, and I would have given them some of it.
I'd open my files to them.
But now they're saying, OK, what do we do now?
How do we deal with this?
What do we do?
And I said, well, for a lot of you guys, it's just a little bit too late to start worrying about how to deal with it.
You've got to start preparing.
What are you going to do to protect your family?
What are you going to do to protect your neighbors?
What are you going to do to protect your community?
Because that's what it's going to boil down to.
It's going to have to be a grassroots effort from the bottom up to where this entire country
Uh, has a culture that comes up from the bottom up, educates our kids, educates our friends and neighbors, and then is able to stand up and resist all this globalist activity that's going on.
We're gonna have to do something about securing the borders.
You're down there close to the Mexican border.
Uh, you know, you're Texas, you're out sitting here in Oklahoma, and we look at Texas as a buffer zone right now.
You know, we passed a law that if you hired an illegal immigrant, you would go to jail.
And so, most of the illegals left Oklahoma, but they went to Texas, they went to Arkansas, they went to Kansas.
But as long as we've got open borders and we're not doing anything about it, our own government is discouraging doing anything about it and actually prosecuting border agents if they do anything about it.
We're going to have a problem because it's an illegal immigrant invasion.
It's not guys coming over here to pick fruit like it was 30 years ago.
It's people coming over here with MS-13, they're coming over with drugs, they're coming over with weapons, and they're smuggling in Islamic terrorists.
It's just wide open.
And so what do we do about that?
I don't know.
We're not willing to get the military involved in securing our own borders.
Then what are we doing with the military?
You know, we've got over, right now,
We've got 1,445,000 troops of all services.
Now, out of that, you've got 1,083,000 stationed inside the United States.
Uh, what are they doing?
You know, we need to have our borders protected and we're not doing it.
And I've had people tell me, well you can't use the military to protect the borders.
I'm going, where did you get that?
That's the primary function of the military in this country, is to protect the borders of this country.
That's the primary defense of the nation.
And it starts at the border, you know.
It doesn't start in Afghanistan.
It doesn't start in South Korea.
It starts here.
If we have to go someplace else to protect ourselves by taking out enemy elements or the ability to fight or create terrorism, that's fine.
But our main operation for the military is to protect this nation.
And we're not doing it.
We're not using those guys.
We've got governors in border states saying, well, I can use the National Guard to do that.
And they're told, no, you can't.
That's U.S.
That is not state equipment they've got.
And you're not going to use U.S.
equipment owned by the Army or the Navy or the Marines to go to the border and do this.
Well let me stop you right there and go back to something you said three minutes ago.
You said we've got to take over the grassroots because they've taken over the high ground.
They've taken over the federal and many of the state governments.
But there is a revolt by the states, re-declaring their 9th and 10th Amendment, not for secession, but to declare states' rights.
And that's why we now have this internal UN document, not just ClimateGate,
But this new internal UN document, two of them, where they admit they've taken over all the universities, they admit in their own words it's a communist system, they admit in here that they've got to be deceptive, just like the SPP documents from two years ago said they had to do North American integration by stealth, they say in here, we've got the youth,
And the UN has programs that are teaching the kids to sing global warming songs.
I have mainstream links to the New York Times where 7th graders come home and write mock tickets to their parents about taking a hot bath or shower, saying it's too big a carbon footprint.
Al Gore is caught on video and audio teaching school kids to tell your parents what to do.
Kathleen Sebelius has been caught doing it on C-SPAN.
I mean, they admit they have now, we have a former special forces colonel assigned to black ops.
In Austin, this was in the Statesman, the paper, saying, oh, I now run the new environmental carbon tax, so we have the cities through the UN control with the military.
We have NORTHCOM, not just not defending our borders, but saying our real mission is dealing with libertarians and conservatives and veterans and gun owners because they're not going to go along with the new world order.
I mean,
So it's not just that the military isn't allowed to do their job.
You've read the articles about Brigade Homeland.
Tell that story about Wesley Clark.
Yeah, General McCaffrey, that's right.
I read a separate article with Wesley Clark saying foreign troops may be needed.
I mean, this is really happening.
Here's the point I'm making.
We've been right this far about what was going to happen.
Get into the foreign troops.
Get into how they're planning to lock things down.
Staged terror attacks.
Blaming on patriots.
We know the next big attacks aren't going to be blamed on Muslims.
It's going to be blamed on people like Craig Roberts and Alex Jones.
Well, you know, they've got to have some kind of a patsy.
They've got to have some type of a scapegoat for everything they do.
It's the old Reichstag fire deal.
It's the Oklahoma City McVeigh did it deal.
It's the Kennedy assassination.
Oswald did it by himself deal.
You know, backed by the Cubans so we can invade Cuba.
I mean, what they do is they set an objective and then they figure out how can they get the American couch potato off the couch to support us in doing this.
Because Americans are the worst ones in the world about sitting around and doing nothing until we get punched in the nose.
It took Pearl Harbor to get us into World War II.
It took the Lusitania to get us into World War I.
So, you know, how do we wake up the American people and get them on our side to go do whatever it is we want to do?
And so what they do is they come up with some type of a situation, a terrorist event, whatever, and it could be anything.
I mean, we could see something in the near future.
You know, we're being prepped right now with all of these different reports leaking out of Islamic terrorist types coming across the border.
And I've been in contact with one of the border sheriffs down there.
By the way, they found Muslim prayer rugs, they found backpacks, and they found Korans, and they found military patches from a commando unit in Syria inside an abandoned ranch house down there near the border where the people just gave up and left.
These people were coming across and staying there at night time.
And the deputies drove up in this house and they just ran off into the desert.
They didn't catch them, it was at night.
But he put this out, he put it on the internet, he showed pictures of this patch, and I had someone I know who speaks Arabic and all of that, who's from that region, he identified the patch, he said, these are Syrian commandos that are coming over here.
And they could be Hezbollah, too, because they work out of Syria and Lebanon.
And so they're here, okay?
We're being prepped mentally to expect some type of a jihadist attack here in this country.
And let me stop you again, and then continue along that line.
We're now seeing CNN, Fox, BBC saying the militias and they're having imams that we know are CIA fronts say, we are the Muslim extremists, we're going to release a hundred pounds of anthrax, we work with your militias, which is completely made up.
So now they're trying to nexus and tie in the fake McVeigh types with the Muslims.
Yeah, I mean, you know, there's how many of them out there?
Have some dupe who's working for this whatever shadow organization that's behind this whole deal.
That is ready to be used as a throwdown to place the blame on militias, right-wingist Christians, you know, whoever they fear.
And they fear us.
They fear Christians.
They fear conservatives.
They fear patriotic Americans.
And that's what the MIAC report states.
I mean, did you get angry when you read the Homeland Security report saying Ron Paul stickers mean you're a terrorist?
Oh yeah, and NRA stickers and all this other stuff, you know.
Anything on there.
I talked to a guy who was at a stop in New Mexico, and he got stopped simply because he had an NRA sticker on the back window of his truck, and they wanted to search his truck for guns.
And he said, I'm a farmer.
Yeah, I've got guns because I've got coyotes, you know?
And he says, I'm an American.
I've got the Second Amendment.
Well, you've got that extremist sticker in your back window.
And he says, the NRA?
I mean, that's how far it's gone.
The NRA is a constitutionally chartered organization that goes back to Teddy Roosevelt.
It's very patriotic.
Gun owners of America, same thing.
They're very patriotic.
Yeah, because we stand in the way of what they want to do, because we are the last domino.
Look, Europe's gone.
The UK is gone.
Australia's gone.
Canada's almost gone.
I mean, with the gun control laws they've got up there.
There's a lot of rebels up in Canada that are saying, I'm not going to do it.
Come and get my guns.
But what's the population?
Mexico's gone.
Central and South America, all of those places are so corrupt, they're controlled with the banks.
Stay there, Colonel.
I want to hear from your Army Intelligence angle and what you're hearing from your colleagues.
Where all this is going and what we should do to get ready.
Stay with us, my friend.
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Well, the union's a big business, man.
And it's going down like a dinosaur.
Well, they used to grow food in Kansas.
And they want to grow it on the moon and eat it raw.
Alright, Colonel Craig Roberts, best-selling author, police officer, Oklahoma City investigator, helicopter pilot, Marine Corps sniper.
He's done a lot.
And also retired out of the Army as an Army colonel.
In intelligence, I want to take calls quite a bit next hour and get into a host of other issues.
And get your take on ClimateGate.
But first, I mean, from the perspective of this moving so fast, we knew that once they got their program in place, they were going to unveil it and launch it.
We've been saying that forever, that when they emerged, it was going to start moving quicker.
But it has amazed me as well that it's been so lightning speed.
But a lot of analysts believe that's being done because there is so much resistance forming.
There is a lot of positive things happening as well.
But with the purposeful implosion of the economy,
With all these attempts at forced flu inoculations, with all the preparation for new wars and terror attacks, what do you see in your crystal ball happening in the next 12 months?
Well, Alex, I think it'll be even less than that.
I think we're within six months of a total financial collapse in this country.
You've got the Chinese buying up all the gold they can, dumping the dollar.
I've got contacts down in South America who are saying that no one wants to deal in the dollar anymore.
They want to deal in the euro, and they want to deal in the Swiss franc, and that sort of thing.
They'll deal in gold and diamonds and, you know, commodities and things like that, but they don't want the American dollar anymore.
It used to be the dollar was the main currency of the entire planet.
You could go anywhere, and everybody wanted it.
Now, everybody's trying to get rid of it.
Now, when that happens, when you've got somebody like Obama, who's a communist Muslim,
Up in Washington, spending money as fast as it can be printed, just throwing it out the window with no tracking of it.
I mean, this last stimulus package where they put out a gazillion dollars out there, no one knows where it really went because it didn't trickle down.
They won't say where it went, on record!
And never got down to the people who, you know, it was supposed to help.
I mean, you had all these people losing their homes that wanted to refinance at a different interest rate at lower payments, and they would stay in their homes, and they could still do that, and the mortgage companies wouldn't budge on it.
Instead, they went through foreclosures.
You know, you've got the unions who supported this guy, because the unions are pretty much controlled by, you know, communists and socialists anyway, and have been, you know, since the beginning.
So what I'm getting from you, and I want you to elaborate on this, but I've never heard this from you, and I don't think it's a defeatist attitude, but I believe you're saying, we've been overrun, now you're saying batten down the hatches, get ready for basically the Red Terror?
I think where we're at right now is
The next thing we could see could very easily be a terrorist or a series of terrorist events in this country.
There's two possible scenarios here and you could probably even have both of them at the same time.
One is a financial collapse and the other is a terrorist event.
It could be a biological, it could be a nuclear, you know, some backpack nukes that they've smuggled across the Mexican border or brought in through Canada or whatever.
Well, I think the next stage, if I were them planning,
I would have to start by destroying the people's ability to do anything except be dependent on me, the government.
And to make them dependent on me, they've got to be dependent on me for the financial situation, their food situation, their water situation, their ability to travel, and their ability to communicate.
Alright, stay there.
We've got a break.
Back in one minute.
So they're going with the linen model, the Mao Tse Tung model, the Pol Pot model.
Their own document state.
I agree.
They want us totally broke.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
What's the head of the octopus?
It runs all the major religious extremist organizations.
It runs all the major militaries, the intelligence bureaus, through compartmentalization.
What is the master plan?
What is the endgame?
Colonel Craig Roberts, our guest.
Well, you know, Alex, I brought this up, I think it was last year sometime.
Uh, I found out about it about five years ago when I wrote my book, Killzone, about the Kennedy assassination.
I chased, you know, who would benefit, who would profit, who had the capability of pulling it off, and then covered it up no matter who was in the White House until, you know, 2029.
Because that's when they said they would release whatever records they had.
And I kept chasing, you know, who would benefit, who, you know, it met all that criteria up above the White House.
Was there an entity above the White House that could actually control the entire country no matter who was in office?
Was there an entity that could control the monarchies of Europe?
Did that entity exist?
Did, you know, control things and events in Asia?
Well, yes, I found that entity.
That entity, I thought I'd found it anyway, and it was up, you know, I found out about the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Society for International Affairs, the Roundtable Group, how they were linked to the Rothschild money that goes back to 1773.
And I thought, well, boy, there it is right there.
And I let my wife's cousin read the book, who had over 30 years in the CIA, and he said, you know, he said, you hit everything on this book right here.
It's got everything in it.
This is the way that you left out a few things.
And I said, like what?
He says, well, on the Kennedy thing, you know, yeah, he was going to shut down the Federal Reserve, but he was also going to do something else.
And I said, what's that?
He said he was pulling this out of Southeast Asia, which included Laos and Cambodia and the Golden Triangle, which means that we were not going to have black funding for the CIA that goes back all the way to OSS Team 101 during World War II when they seized Indochina away from the Japanese.
And after they kicked the French out, which we helped them do, helped the Vietnam do,
Then we ended up with a heroin trade.
He said, we're talking billions of dollars of black funding that no one can account for.
He said, and Kennedy was going to pull us out of that.
So, you know, that Allen Dulles, you know, put a stop to that.
Well, anyway.
I thought, okay, fine, but where are you going with this?
He said, well, he said, you have to understand, he said, I've read all of this stuff that these people have written about the Committee of 300 and all this sort of thing, and he said the Council of 30, or the Committee of 33, he says, but there's one at the very top that's called the Council of 13, and the Council of 13 controls the banks, and they control all leaders of all countries, they control the communication systems, they control shipping, they control education,
Medicine, media, the whole bit.
And he said, you have to understand that the members change all the time.
He said one time he was pretty sure that Henry Kissinger sat on that council and named a few others that I didn't know.
But that's where it starts.
And these people have one goal in mind, and that is a one world government, a one world currency, and they're in charge.
It's just that simple.
And it doesn't have to do with money.
It has to do with power.
It has to do with elitists saying, we're the boss, you're the workers, you do what we say, and we'll feed you and house you and take care of you.
And by the way, off the record, you've told me the name of this guy and I looked him up.
He was big, high-powered oil, high-level CIA that's in your family, we're not going to say who, that told you this.
Yeah, in fact, he was over here the day before yesterday, as a matter of fact, and he's 86 now.
And he was down working in Chile, Peru, Uruguay, was part of the Cuban operations and all of that.
Is he happy about what's happening?
Oh, absolutely not.
He's a super patriot, always has been, and all his friends were.
He said that he was good friends with Colby, and Colby was a patriot when Colby was head of the CIA.
He named a lot of people.
He said, these guys, you know, they really tried to fight for this country.
And they killed Colby, didn't they?
Well, somebody did.
Yeah, he was, that was set up to look as a stupid suicide, and it was so obviously a homicide, it was ridiculous.
Or an accident, I guess it was a canoe accident or whatever it's supposed to be.
Yeah, kayak.
Yeah, well he said, he said, he went to the funeral, and he said that, he said, no, he said somebody took him out.
He was going to expose something that he wasn't sure what.
Stay there.
Long segment coming up.
Let's come back.
Let's get into world government being only the beginning.
What's the endgame of world government?
What are they going to do once they have it?
And I want all the police and all the military and all the government people to listen.
Everything we've talked about has come true so far.
We're going directly to their own documents and statements.
You need to understand.
And as for the Committee of 13, that roundtable, I'll tell you about that.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Colonel Craig Roberts is our guest, and you can visit his website at RifleWarrior.com.
He's had a whole bunch of best-selling books, but he's basically out of the publishing business these days, and he said that when these books are sold out, that may be it.
So be sure and check out all the great books at RifleWarrior.com.
We still sell a few of them at InfoWars.com as well in the online video bookstore shopping cart.
Great material.
But before we go any further, you were bringing up Committee of 13.
And they call those steering groups.
You've got the Bilderberg Group, 125 members.
You've got the Trilateral Commission, with a couple hundred.
You've got the CFR, a lower-level group of 4,000.
But if you look at who's the head of the Club of Rome, or the head of the UN, or the head of the European Union, or the head of the Council on Foreign Relations, it's less than 20 people.
It's less than 20 people that chair all those groups.
And then routinely, we will see multiple members of those groups meeting for what they call steering committees.
And every once in a while, you'll even see a blurb like, oh, the Library of Congress was locked down for two days, while the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group was meeting in secret.
So they just kind of throw it out there to acclimate people.
And we were getting into, they want world government.
Now, Colonel, why do you think they've now gone from denying they're building world government to Von Rumpy, the head of the European Union, Ban Ki-moon, the head of the UN, the Secretary General, Al Gore, hundreds of these leaders,
And the last six months have announced, world government's here, we're killing the dollar, we're going to tax everything you do, we're going to federalize your local neighborhood, we're going to take over your farms and ranches, we're going to brainwash your kids, we're going to fund the world government with carbon taxes.
They are just flaunting it in our face.
Well, that's because they have the power now.
They think they've got the power to where no one can stop it.
They've gone over the hump.
They've come out into the open from the shadows.
And now what they're trying to do is rally support globally from anybody they can.
And they sugarcoat everything and they say it's for your own good.
We're good.
This is what we're trying to do.
We're trying to protect the ocean.
We're trying to protect the air.
We're trying to protect the climate.
We're trying to protect the children.
We're trying to protect your health.
We're trying to make sure everybody has health insurance.
And they just go on and on.
Everybody's going, yeah, that's a good idea.
I'll sit back and you can take care of me.
Which kills, absolutely destroys the original American spirit of you just give me a chance and I'll take care of myself.
And I'll take care of my family.
That was the pioneer spirit that built this nation above all the others.
And now that's being taken, the rug's being jerked out, prodigal's being bought.
We're being bought and sold at the same time.
We're turned into chattel.
We're slaves.
You know, when they started the income tax, it was a step toward national slavery.
And when we get a global tax, it'll be international slavery, because if you don't pay your tax, you go to jail.
If you don't pay your tax, they seize your house, they seize your assets, your bank account, and so on down the line.
So you've got to pay the tax, so that means you've got to go to work.
Well, here's the job we're going to give you, because this is what we say you can do, and here's how much we're going to pay you, and we're going to make sure that you spend so much time working that you don't have any time to plot against us.
Organize against us or do anything to pose a threat.
And that's how you do that.
You keep everybody so busy and so brain dead with the education system and the idiotic media we have now that doesn't report anything that you have a problem.
I want to make one point.
I want everybody to just listen to this one little thing right here.
I don't
I think so.
We have stuff that comes up like this, these hackers that got into the computer systems and found out that the Global Warming thing was a giant hoax, and not one major media out there, government-controlled media, reported or even breathed a word of it.
You've got people out there who've been trying to say,
Just show us Obama's birth certificate.
Just show it to us.
Well, years ago, the media would have jumped all over that, you know, like a crow on a piece of corn.
And now, they won't even touch it, they won't even mention it.
In fact, if you even mention it, then you're a birther.
You're a weirdo.
You wear tinfoil hats.
And so, what they've done,
Is they've taken and decided what you're going to see and what you're going to hear, and it goes back to the original 1773 Rothschild plan that I've got a whole chapter on in my book, Killzone, that says control all outlets of public information.
That's one of the main tenets you have to do.
And then you can use the media for mind control, because you tell everybody what's good, what's bad, and they believe it.
And, of course, obviously everybody doesn't believe it, but I mean,
The point is that... What is the endgame, though?
They openly want world government.
From your research, what are they planning to do once they have the world government?
Well, once they get world government, it's going to be very temporary.
There's no way they're going to be able to keep it.
And the reason they're not going to be able to keep it is they're going to be breaking too many natural laws of nature.
People, the human race, typically goes back to tribalism.
Small communities, small groups, you know, small countries.
And each one of them pretty much sticks to themselves.
They may trade back and forth, they may invade each other once in a while, but pretty much their home is their home.
The Spartans never got along with the Athenians until the Persians invaded.
Uh, and that was a very small country in Greece, you know?
Uh, they're not going to be able to blend everybody.
They're trying real hard, but the more they do it, it's trying to mix oil and water, and it just isn't going to happen.
As soon as you stop stirring the pot, the oil separates from the water.
It's that way with people, too.
They're not going to be able to maintain it.
The problem is, there's going to be a certain amount of time
We're good to go.
I think?
And that's what Maurice Strong publicly said at the UN in 92.
That's what the UN documents say.
That's what the new internal UN documents that just got released say.
They, for environmental reasons, want world government to carry out or orderly population reduction.
Now you brought that up, Demeter, in the break.
Give us your take, your research, on what they're planning once they have their world government in place with population reduction.
Well, even before they get world government in place, they'll start population reduction.
You know, you can look at the Bible, you can look at the Book of Revelation, the rider of the pale horse is pestilence and disease.
H1N1 flu, for one thing, is not that big of a deal, but the media is making it a huge deal, and it's not anywhere near as bad as some of the other things we've got going on in the disease area.
But what are they doing?
They're using the media to scare everybody to go in and get vaccinated.
And if you go back to my youth, we were all forced when I was in the fourth grade to march over to the auditorium and get the Salk polio vaccine.
I didn't even know what we were going over there for.
The next thing I knew, they were sticking me with needles.
Every kid my age got the Salk Polio Vaccine.
And it wasn't until later that they found out that all of that Salk Polio Vaccine had been contaminated with the Green Monkey Virus.
So, you know...
The problem with that is you can make links, if you do a lot of research and talk to the right doctors, you can make links between the small polio vaccine that we received and the cancer outbreaks from age 40 on of my generation.
No, that's confirmed.
We have the internal Food and Drug Administration reports where they talk about over 100 million Americans, that was by the 70s, had gotten these very rare but very deadly cancers from the SV40
Simeon virus 40, which is a deadly cancer virus.
Yeah, and I ended up with colon cancer and almost died from that, or did die from that back in 97.
That's right, you came back though.
All of my friends have had one form of cancer or another that are my age.
And indeed, we didn't have that, you know, in 1880.
We didn't have it in 1920.
We had it after the 50s, after everybody was vaccinated.
So now we're looking at the H1N1 vaccine.
And who's to say what's really in it?
I mean, go back to the Gulf War.
All those guys took shots for nerve gas.
I don't even know how you can come up with a shot for nerve gas.
The only thing you've got for nerve gas is an atropine injection after you get the nerve gas.
There was squalene and anthrax is what the army and meds did a lot of it.
Well, whatever it was, the human body has a great immune system, if you give it a chance.
But we pump ourselves full of so much garbage that the immune system doesn't know what to do.
And then when you read John P. Holdren's book, Ecoscience, what our science are, he says we're going to put stuff in your water supply and vaccines to sterilize and kill your butt better than a hammer.
I mean, these guys can write government policy books bragging what they're doing.
Well, go back to fluoride.
You know, we had DDT, we didn't have a problem with mosquitoes and all these other critters, but then we go to fluoride, they start putting fluoride in the water, it's supposed to be good for your teeth, but look at all the stuff that fluoride does.
It's just, and they still do it, and dentists still give us fluoride treatments.
There's so much going on that eventually reduces the population, but the big thing is, if they get into, here's the point I was going to make, is let's say this global government takes over,
And there is rebellions that occur in different countries.
The United States has a bunch of people that stand up against them, and so does Canada and the UK and Germany and whatever.
They don't care, because they don't mind killing as many of us as they have to, because that also is population reduction.
And Henry Kissinger's State Department of Random 200 states that.
They said, we'll use famine?
We'll use war, we'll use population reduction to carry this out.
And the public better grow up and face this.
Calls are coming up at the bottom of the hour, but when we come back, I've got some other key questions for Colonel Craig Roberts.
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His website's RifleWarrior.com.
That's RifleWarrior.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are PrisonPlanet.tv and Infowars.com.
It's hard having my job.
And knowing that we've bought over a hundred government policy books and documents directly, you know, from government organizations and university publishers where they said 40 years ago, we're going to get all the American people on psychotropic drugs.
We're going to break up the family.
We're going to train the kids to tattle on everybody.
We're going to use phony environmentalism to take everybody's resources.
We're going to raise the taxes until everybody goes bankrupt and is dependent on government.
And then to now see it all happening and to know these are horrible, wicked, murderous criminals and we're making some headway but not fast enough and I just want to bring these criminals to justice.
Craig Roberts, I mean, how do you deal with this?
Long time ago, when I was doing lectures across the country, I'd say, look, you know, I love the government.
I just hate the criminals that are inside of it that use the power to corrupt everything that, you know, in violation of the Constitution and the laws.
I mean, they're rogue.
They run rampant.
They do whatever they want to do.
But yet, if you break the law, they come down with all of the king's horses and all of the king's men.
We have got to educate ourselves and everybody we know
Uh, that the U.S.
government is the bottom government.
Not the top.
They're not the leaders.
Those representatives we send to Washington are not our political leaders.
They're our representatives.
We're the leaders.
We're the bosses.
The federal government is the very bottom government.
It's supposed to be a homeowner's association in the District of Columbia where the states meet to resolve issues and to look out for the common good.
That's all it's supposed to be for.
The 10th Amendment specifically says if it's not in this Constitution, you can't do it, guys.
You politicians, you have to go by what's in the Constitution.
They violate it every single day.
When I had to go testify before Congress in 1995, I spent some time visiting with some of the Senators and Congressmen up there, and I said, do you ever do a litmus test on the laws you pass?
He said, what do you mean?
I said, do you compare it to what the Tenth Amendment says?
Is that law legal for you to even come up with on a national level?
Or is it in violation of the Constitution?
The Tenth Amendment says if it's not covered in one of the aspects of the Constitution, that law is null and void upon inception.
And you guys are up here passing stuff in violation of the Constitution, which makes you criminals.
It makes you traitors.
You're guilty of treason.
You know, and they just look at you like, what are you talking about?
We're the bosses.
Craig, I want to go back here.
Tell people briefly the General Barry McCaffrey story, telling the young graduates in the military, the officers, that we're going to have to use foreign troops in America.
This was at the CASQ class in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and my nephew, a young captain just back from Somalia, was going there, and it's the class you take before you go to Command and General Staff College.
And when his class went through, the graduation speaker was General Barry McGaffrey.
When it was over, Brian called me, and he said, hey, I taught the boy well ever since he was an Eagle Scout.
He knew all about the CFR and all that sort of stuff.
And he said, they had introduced this general, Barry McGaffrey, as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, so I started taking copious notes, he says, and let me tell you what he said.
He said that with the build-down of the military, this was during the Clinton administration, he says, with the build-down, I hate that word, of the military, and the shape the military is in right now, if we get deployed on two or more fronts overseas, that's the key, this is 1994-95 right in there, two or more fronts overseas,
Then, if we have a declared national emergency at home, we will be forced to rely upon foreign assets to patrol our streets.
Foreign assets.
That means U.N.
And that mirrors what Henry Kissinger said.
I mean, this is the plan.
That's why we're still funneling all this money into the U.N.
is that we can pull in people from everywhere from Manchuria to Russia to China to Mongolia.
Who knows?
And divide the country up and give me a major part.
You know, I heard earlier when the young man was talking about whether or not American troops would fire upon American citizens here on the home front, and my sources at the military at higher levels say that there's no way that's going to happen.
Well, the word's out that, you know, these people tipping their hand in Washington right now has got the military pretty much jazzed up against them.
And they know it, so what do they do?
They send more troops to Afghanistan to get them out of the country.
If they start using foreign troops, it's not going to be a problem.
It's not going to be an issue.
They'll fire on whoever they're told to.
Now, here's the thing.
I talked to, several years ago, I talked to Marina Porter, who previous to that was Marina Oswald.
We're going to come back, finish this story.
Stay there.
And then because it's so important for people to hear, briefly tell your story about when you died and came back to life on the operating table, then we're going to take some final phone calls here with Colonel Craig Roberts.
Always amazing to have him on with us.
RifleWarrior.com is his site.
Our sites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Colonel Craig Roberts is our guest.
Jason Burmiss is going to be sitting in tomorrow when Katherine Austin Fitz is on live.
And a bunch of other amazing guests on ClimateGate.
I got a big interview I'm doing tomorrow in Dallas.
We'll be hearing that later in the week.
So I'm traveling to Dallas just for this interview.
Uh, going back to Colonel Craig Roberts.
Okay, finishing up your Barry McCaffrey story, go ahead.
Well, when my nephew called, he said that, you know, with McCaffrey being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, he knew that he would probably be a, you know, a globalist, and so he started taking these notes and he told that story, that should we
Uh, you know, uh, need troops on our, our soil and our, our guys are all committed overseas.
We call on foreign assent, which meant for UN troops.
Well, they wouldn't have a problem dealing with Americans that, that are armed and form a resistance.
And when I talked to Marina Porter, uh, who was originally Marina Oswald, the Army Oswald's widow, uh, she said, you know, Mr. Roberts, she said in Russia,
She said when they had to deal with the people, with the army, they would take the troops from the north and they would send them to the south.
They would take the troops from the south and they would send them to the north.
In other words, Ukrainians would go north and Russians would go to the Ukraine or Chechnya or something like that.
And then, because of the culture difference, no one was related to anybody.
They had no problems in shooting the people.
So that's the same mentality.
You take people from someplace else and you bring them here.
It's going to be like sending us to Afghanistan or Iraq or Vietnam or Korea or whatever.
We're shooting somebody else besides our own people.
Well, meanwhile, they've got people here shooting our family.
So that's the mentality of that type of an operation.
Well, let me expand on that, though, because I know you're a police officer and SWAT team guy and police helicopter pilot.
So you're deep into that culture.
We've had long car rides together, you know, traveling to events where we've had discussions about this.
And the average police officer is just a good guy.
Their family's in it.
They get out of the military.
It's the job they take.
But the commanders, the system, I mean, take our Austin police chief.
He took a federal grant.
They passed a law at the state level.
They take blood without warrants now.
They just announced no more warrants.
I was at a lawyer's office signing some documents last night.
The lawyer happened to be a former Travis County
Judge and he brought it up and said I just can't believe America's turned into this and They have militarized the police.
They have taught the police taser somebody if they even argue with you for two seconds The police were caught in Canada
Last year at the SPP North American Union meeting, dressed up like anarchists attacking other cops, people videotaped their boots and their staged arrest.
The Royal Mounted Police admitted they staged it.
Last year at the DNC in Denver, I was there, it was later confirmed.
We had our suspicions but couldn't confirm it, but the police blew the whistle and said, yeah, they had other Denver police attack other police for the news cameras and didn't even tell the police that they were being attacked.
Only the commander told them, stand down, let them throw bottles at you.
That was declassified in Seattle in 99.
And I sent my camera guys, rob dude, no criminal record, got arrested for filming police
They said no one in the city is allowed outside, day or night.
A million people in the city of Pittsburgh.
G20's coming to town.
And we videotaped, and this is coming out in the new film, with sound cannons, the police and military driving around, shooting people coming out of stores.
Old women with shopping bags would walk out during the day, nowhere near the convention center.
Cops would come up with billy clubs and say, get back, you're not allowed on the street.
And the old woman goes, I just was shopping.
The police dog bites her.
Then, no one was resisting them.
They're sound canoning and attacking nine-year-old kids in their front yards playing.
People on their front porches, you know, it's old-fashioned in Pittsburgh, driving by shooting them.
Announcing, like out of a science fiction movie, that no right to redress, no right to assemble under this code.
We played the video here many times, and they would fire it at them.
Then, even though it was over Friday night, they went to the university.
To the kids out at the park and said you're not allowed to assemble, like the police didn't just want martial law, they, and they brought them in from all over the country, and the military, and then later the G20 met, they had private goons in police uniforms, like you can pull up the video guys, snatching and grabbing, just go to YouTube and type in, snatch and grab, secret arrest in Pittsburgh, and guys would just jump out of vehicles and grab people and drag them away, setting the precedent.
And I don't have a hatred of police.
I don't want to have a fight with them.
I don't want to dislike their culture, but it's wrong.
Women would be on bicycles at the university, and the police would say, off the streets.
They'd go, okay.
They would chase them and billy club little women like 90 pounds.
And fundamentally, as a man, that makes me mad.
Cops in Darth Vader outfits stomping and beating women.
And then there'd be like 30 anarchists, as usual, paid.
The cops would wait while they would, in front of the news, throw rocks.
Then the anarchists would move to the back and then the police would attack the peaceful people.
It was all rigged, Craig!
I mean, so they don't even need foreign troops in many respects because so many police just, I mean, you've seen the footage probably from Miami where they said no protest allowed and they were shooting women in the face with rubber bullets and laughing about it.
Well, you know, I can't speak for what happens back east because that's a different breed of cat, but I know around here none of that would happen.
I have lunch with a lot of our officers all the time in this area, and even though I'm retired, I'm not an outcast yet.
Uh, and they basically say, if that ever comes here, uh, you know, we're going home and putting on our fatigues.
We're not going to be, you know, we're not going to be out, you know, doing, uh, you know, all this globalist stuff like that.
You know, we're, we're going to the house.
And I, you know, cause I, you know, I told them the story.
I said, look, what happens someday, guys, when, when you get called to the station, everybody, the dispatch comes on and tells all cars, 1019, the station.
And you get there and they, they take you into this assembly center and they've got all these tables lined up and they say, we want you to turn your guns in.
We want you to turn your handcuffs in.
We're going to replace them with a new style something-or-other something-or-other this afternoon.
Meanwhile, go over to the cafeteria and get something to eat so we can do the paperwork and you're going to draw new weapons when you come out.
When you come out, there's no new weapons.
Instead, you've been disarmed and they hand you a nightstick or a can of mace and say, now go do your job with this because we don't trust you as cops anymore because you're not on our side.
So we're going to disarm you as well.
And, of course, everybody says, well, that's not going to happen here.
Well, it's happened all over the world, and it can happen any place as long as everybody blindly follows the idiots up there who are running the show.
You know, our police chiefs around this country right now, a lot of them are being indoctrinated into this globalist mentality, into this very socialist, anti-Second Amendment mentality.
We got a chief in Tulsa that came in, and when he first arrived,
They hired him on, he was the first chief of police of Tulsa, Oklahoma that was ever hired outside the department.
He came from the East Coast.
And when he came on board, someone, the NRA sent him a complimentary free membership.
And he walked into Internal Affairs, took that NRA membership with his AP camp.
Uh, who's another idiot, and they shredded it and laughed and said, ah, what does the NRA think about this?
And he shredded it like that, and everybody in Internal Affairs looked at him with a strange look, and he said, what's wrong?
And he said, well, I'm the lieutenant there.
Uh, said, Chief, do you realize that 90% of the officers in the Tulsa Police Department are NRA members?
Well, I didn't know that until I walked off.
But that shows you the mentality of chiefs all across the country.
Our hope lies in our sheriffs.
Because our sheriffs don't get hired by mayors, they get elected.
And if we can elect the right sheriff, the sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer of the county.
And the sheriff is above the federal government, the operations of the county, he's above the mayor, he's above all the chiefs of police, and that's the guy you need to get in and support, is a good, patriotic American sheriff.
And if we can do that and keep that going, like Sheriff Mack and some of the others up there, Sheriff Craig and some of the others, and increase those,
Well, I mean, you brought up history, and for those that don't know, you obviously know this, but in these control grids, fascist or communist, all command and control.
They first create special paramilitary units, like SWAT teams, which you've been a member of.
And I'm not saying there isn't some use for those in bigger departments.
The point is, then they expand those units, but then disarm the main units.
England, in places, do this.
And only allow the secretive Praetorian internal police to have the high-powered weapons or the lethal weapons.
And there is an agenda in this.
I've noticed when the media likes to demonize local police for things they do wrong, but then the feds are always billed as the saviors who come in and federalize things and then make departments put in the chiefs they say, and then bring in the hate laws and turn the police into political officers that spy on everybody else.
And that's now the conversion we're seeing.
I mean, did that upset
Any of your cop buddies, when they found out that the MIAC report and Homeland Security reports, I guess they'd also been seeing them, said that veterans were the main threat to America?
Well, yeah.
I mean, everybody went ballistic around here.
I mean, I don't think those morons that came out with that realized the blowback they would get from the local law enforcement communities across the nation, especially, you know, in this part of the country, the Midwest and the Southwest and some parts of the Northwest.
Where, you know, these guys are a lot of, you know, there's so many veterans who are now police officers.
There's so many Christians who are police officers.
There's NRA members who are police officers.
You know, every category they came up with, they're in law enforcement and they're in the military.
And so when you start rubber-stamping who the enemy of the government is, and you come up with something without thinking it through, and then it gets released where everybody sees it, you've got a major problem.
Well, that's why we got it, was because police and even a federal marshal were upset by it.
How they're now, and this was confirmed, people didn't believe it six months ago, now it's been in, you know, Washington Post, everywhere else.
All the VFWs, even that had 150-year-old plugged cannons, spiked cannons, they had to register them all and then turn a lot of it in.
The government said, oh, you know that rifle you've got that we have a record of that you had from World War I?
You can't have that hanging above your VFW now.
You got to turn it into us.
I mean, folks, this is serious.
Well, we didn't have that happen here.
I mean, these guys still got the Springfields and the M1s they march with, with the flags and all of that.
And they're fully operational.
They haven't plugged or anything.
You know, they got them years and years ago.
But what we are seeing is with the BATFE,
You know, it gets me.
It used to be the ATF, then it was the BATF, now it's the BATFP.
They just get more alphabet, you know, all the time.
They've got people there working as agents out there enforcing so-called gun control laws that don't know anything about firearms.
And they couldn't tell you an automatic weapon from a semi-automatic weapon.
Well let me say this, you've had run-ins with them and you've clearly evidenced that the BATF was involved in Oklahoma City at certain levels, and you can comment on that if you want to elaborate, but I want to take a few final calls here, but I've had a couple run-ins at gun shows and a few other times with the BATF, BATFE, whatever it is today, and these guys came off like
Well, you know, I don't know.
What I run into and have over the years is they'll have agents who try to go in and enforce laws in areas where they have minimal training.
And it's like, well, in their own mind, in their own attitude is, gee, you have too many guns, or you have too much ammunition.
You almost have an arsenal.
You don't need all these guns.
Well, there's nothing anywhere that limits the amount of guns or ammunition you can own.
Every month I see an article about some old vets cleaning his gun in his garage, the neighbor sees it, the BATF comes, and then they arrest him and say he had 45 guns, it was an arsenal.
Well, it's not illegal!
No, it's not illegal.
There's a guy in California, who's a member of the .50 caliber association, who was arrested in the state of California because he had links
Leftover from some .50 caliber ammo belts he bought, he linked around so he could shoot a minis Barrett out on the range, and the links were in a bucket or a coffee can or something, and they came in and arrested him because he had large capacity ammunition feeding device for machine gun links.
You know, and you didn't have a machine gun.
I mean, what are you going to feed with those things anyway?
I mean, that's ridiculous.
It's that kind of mentality that pushes people over the edge and causes blowback.
Well, what about people that'll have an AR-15, that's a legal AR-15, it misfires, they go and tattle on themselves, the police show up and they get charged like that veteran and go to prison.
Oh, I know.
This is a total lack of common sense and flexibility in street officers and in federal agents that we're starting to see more and more of.
I know.
We did not have this 20, 30 years ago.
We had people with common sense.
You know, I don't know how many people that I caught, you know, playing around with silencers and stuff, and they weren't really silencers.
They'd take a lawnmower muffler or a pop bottle or something, and they'd put it on the end of a 22 to see what it sounded like.
Well, yeah, that could be a federal offense, because once you put those two things together, you have a sound suppression.
But everybody's done that at one time or another.
They live on the farm.
Oh yeah, everybody's done that.
And you know, what's the big deal?
But you can go out right now and you can buy a real sound suppressor with a threaded pistol barrel and the whole bit and register it for $200 and have it and carry it and do whatever you want to with it.
But you can't build your own.
It's a tax thing.
And that's where they get you is the federal tax thing.
But, you know, like you say, I know a guy
That he called me up and he said, I got a problem with an SKS I bought.
I said, what's that?
He said, I squeezed the trigger and it emptied six rounds.
All of a sudden.
It didn't sound like a machine gun.
And I said, well, you better get a check.
What happened was he left it out in the shed and it rusted some of the internal parts in the receiver and the trigger mechanism.
Well, he did.
They cleaned it up.
It was fine.
But if somebody had heard that, you know, let's say some deputies driving down the road heard that, they would have arrested him for having a machine gun.
Well, it's not a machine gun, but it just happened to be defective.
Well also there's this magical thing about a fully auto, when my experience is I don't want a full auto, I want single shot or burst, because you can more effectively put your lead where you want it.
Well, you know, my background, you know what that is, I'm better with a bolt action deer rifle.
You know, you give me a scope and a deer rifle and give me a hill, I'm good to go.
Somebody out here is going to get some kind of an automatic weapon.
Only thing they're going to find out is they're going to run out of ammunition real soon.
I mean, you know, what's the point?
So everybody's got their own ideas on this stuff.
But, you know, the bottom line is, I never saw such a resurgence of people buying weapons and ammunition.
But isn't that a strong message of the New World Order that weren't that this country isn't going down without a fight?
Yeah, I think so, and I think it shocked them.
And you haven't seen any mention of any gun control laws, even from Schumer and Boxer and Feinstein.
No, they've got them introduced, though, but they won't talk about them.
They won't talk about it.
They don't want to say anything, because they know it would cause a massive blowback.
Now, remember what happened during the assault weapons ban.
The Democrats lost Congress.
Well, now this medical
But I don't think they're going to let a group of patriots come in next year.
I think they're going to stage terror attacks before then.
Alright, we're going to take a few final calls on the other side quickly.
I've kind of hogged the time with Colonel Roberts.
Always great having him on covering a thousand different issues.
We're going to take some of your calls in the final segment.
Quick answers from Craig Roberts, RifleWarrior.com, OurSitesInfoWars.com.
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Alright, I meant to go to more of your calls, but I've been out of control today talking to Colonel Craig Roberts.
Big show tomorrow, by the way.
Ron in Canada.
You're on the air with Colonel Craig Roberts.
Alex, how are ya?
Go ahead.
Good, buddy.
What's on your mind?
Well, um...
Uh, yeah.
Don't worry about it.
They've already started spinning it.
I was looking at a BBC story.
What people in America and Canada both have to understand is that the coups have already taken place.
Especially in America, you have a republic we don't.
Okay, and if I'm not mistaken, your Constitution tells the American people straight out that when tyranny comes, that you have to go and change things.
Now, I've talked to some other people on radio stations down in the United States.
I think Craig is from Oklahoma.
I was listening to his senator from Oklahoma, and he said it very simply.
There's very few of them and a lot of us.
All we have to do is stand up, and they're forced to stand down.
Now, the coup has taken place from the top all the way down to your local municipal governments.
Go get those first, get your people, get a hold of those local governments.
The other option is to take a half a million people, or however many people you think is necessary, and I don't know why the American people haven't done it yet.
Most of this stuff is just noise that's going on.
It is your duty to go back and take back your government.
Alright, listen, I appreciate your call, and this is a good final point to make here before we maybe jam in one or two more, and I apologize to the callers.
If we tried to march on Washington, they would detonate truck bombs or something and say we did it.
I mean, this is a very sophisticated game we're up against here.
Sure, the Declaration of Independence says we could all lock and load this government's criminal and start cleaning them out.
But then innocent people would get killed, the media would hype that up, this is a 21st century battle.
We have got to continue to educate people.
It's all not just a bunch of noise.
You're right.
There's been a coup.
We now have the secret U.N.
documents, how they covertly took over your local towns and cities.
And it's U.N.
curriculum brainwashing your kids right now.
This article bombshell U.N.
documents outline plan to use Climategate crooks in run around national sovereignty.
I mean, we have the proof.
But Craig Roberts final comments on what he just said.
Well, he's right.
You know, you have to organize at the lowest level and you have to get control, but you have to educate your own local politicians that they're the bosses, not those guys in Washington.
Washington is the little government.
We're the big government.
What would happen if we had a 500,000 person march on Washington?
About the same thing as the Tea Party.
The media wouldn't report it, so therefore it didn't happen.
No, I think he was talking about a physical takeover.
Well, yeah, if you had 500,000 people with guns and leaders and stuff like that, and for Washington, you'd find a ghost town by the time you got there.
And all the politicians would be, and bureaucrats would be someplace else.
You know, people think about that kind of stuff, but that's just not going to happen.
You know, you've got a lot of people out here who say, well, I'd sure like to have something happen, but we need leadership.
We need somebody to do it.
We need, you know, yada, yada, yada.
The problem with that is,
Um, it just isn't going to happen the way our society's built up today.
Look, the first person who really was real, if it's some provocateur, they let them call for it, but let's say, I mean, I'm the real deal, you're the real deal.
If we started saying, let's have an armed march next month on Washington, they'd arrest our butts so fast the SWAT teams would say we tried to do something and kill us deader than a hammer.
Well, I'm sure there's something in the Patriot Act or something that prohibits even talking like that.
You know, anytime anybody... I mean, we've lost the First Amendment.
We've lost a lot of the Second Amendment.
The Tenth Amendment's being ignored.
The Fifth Amendment is kind of pushed off to one side.
And we've got politicians in Washington right now who have never read the whole Constitution.
And D.C.
is like a auction block.
The globalists are corporate.
We got places like Cheyenne Mountain and places in Colorado Springs that really run the country.
That's just a bunch of political whores in Washington.
We have to take the minds and hearts back.
RifleWarrior.com, Colonel Craig Roberts, thank you so much for spending time with us.
We're going to talk to you again first of the year.
Will do it, Alex.
Thank you so much.
Great job, crew.
Great job to all the callers.
Everybody else, retransmission starts now.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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