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Filename: 20091127_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 27, 2009
2874 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Friday, the 27th day of November 2009.
Black Friday, as people are
Hunting and gathering, running around like mad crazies, buying up goods, going deeper into debt.
And we're live!
I wasn't going to be live today.
And I'm extremely flattered that Tyrell, who handles a lot of Governor Jesse Ventura's scheduling, said, hey, we're open.
He's doing huge TV media blitz next week.
Jesse is offering to come on here first again.
We are extremely honored.
I'm part of the TV show that premieres next Wednesday.
That's December 3rd 10 p.m.
Eastern 9 Central on the True Network.
This is their big show of the fall and winter in December and
January, so we're going to Governor Jesse Ventura for the balance of the hour and it's great this happened because we finally got contacted by a huge, huge guest.
There's very few guests that are as big for this show as somebody like Jesse Ventura or Willie Nelson or Charlie Sheen.
Incidentally, Charlie is on Sunday night with us on the Sunday Show.
I want to put that out right now.
He was sick Tuesday, so he's coming on Sunday.
He got better from the flu.
So that is coming up.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
Happy Thanksgiving!
How was your Thanksgiving, sir?
It was great.
I spent it with my wife's in-laws, and that's kind of a traditional thing every year.
My family's pretty much, not too many of us left anymore, and she has a much more extended family.
So, I go over there, and like everybody, you overeat.
Well, I pigged out.
But, you know, I'm doing great.
Well, we're very excited to have you here, and we're just five, six days away from the premiere.
Maybe we can squeeze a little bit more out of you about the show that's really getting a lot of attention nationwide in newspapers.
Well, Alex, I hope that it does.
We had a great article in the L.A.
Times and all that, but people need to understand, especially your listeners,
Is that look, the only way this show is going to stay on the air and the only way that we're going to get contracted to do more shows, it's simple people ratings.
And if the ratings are there, then they will buy us up again and we'll be able to go out and do more investigation and be able to get stuff on TV and get things rolling more.
But if the ratings aren't there and we don't get bought up, then so be it to the show.
That'll be the end of it.
So it gets to the point now where it's in the public's hands.
So the more people that watch, the better chance we have of being able to investigate more stuff and get it out there.
Well, I was honored to be involved as a consultant and also to appear in some of the episodes, and I just want to say, I know you and I are both going to be surprised if it does air next week, and the word is, it is going to, because this is really the fairest piece in mainstream television that I think anybody has ever seen so far.
This is trailblazing.
Well, let me put it into context, too, though, Alex, so the people don't think.
This is not a documentary.
This is entertainment, and we do it in a certain manner with a flow to it that we hope entertains people.
But likewise with the entertainment, there's a lot of valuable questions and valuable information and things that we're not getting answers to.
Now, can we solve them?
Absolutely not.
Like I've told the media on a one-hour TV show, and when you don't have subpoena power and you don't have the
We're good to go.
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest.
Next Wednesday it premieres on TruTV, 9 Central, 10 Eastern.
And you better believe I'm going to be watching.
I hope all of our great listeners spread the word about this because from what I've seen of the episodes, and I haven't seen them all, I've just seen pieces of them, this is going to be groundbreaking.
We'll be right back.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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But you know,
You know what?
I think there's a conspiracy in the world of wrestling entertainment.
I think there's a conspiracy, Cena, to keep you champion.
You've got the look.
You've got what it takes.
You do commercials.
You do movies.
You're the perfect looking little champion that they want.
You know, there was a time I didn't get a title shot because I didn't go with the flow.
Because I was a rebel, a revolutionary.
They don't want that as a champion.
They want somebody like you that goes along to get along.
I never got a shot at the title.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he's with us for the rest of the hour.
We are live on Black Friday, the 27th day of November 2009.
His TV show premieres with huge buildup.
Coming up this Wednesday evening, December 3rd, 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central, Governor Jesse Ventura joins us live today.
Governor, you are back hosting a WWE Raw and promoting the new TV show.
This is pretty exciting.
Yeah, it was a lot of fun Alex.
We did that Monday from Hershey, Pennsylvania.
For me, I really put myself in the mental mode.
I thought, you know, this is kind of a chance to turn back the hands of time and go out there and have fun and become who I used to be, of course, Jesse the Body Ventura.
And so I really went into that mode that night because I didn't care.
I'm not a governor anymore, so I don't represent a state, so I can go perform like I used to perform in the heyday of wrestling back then.
That's simply what I tried to do, and I tried to have fun, and so it was a great chance to turn back the...
We're good to go.
Well, again, Governor Jesse Ventura joins us today in this exclusive interview before he starts the big media blitz next week.
We were talking during the break, and you are really surprised that it's going to air, and it looks like it's going to air next Wednesday?
Well, I always had the gentleman's bet with my crew, Alex, when we started the project.
I thought, you know, I think we'll do all the episodes, and I think we'll complete our task, but I've always maintained that I believe that the 11th hour of some
You know, high hand of whatever is going to come down from the heavens and with the power to extinguish the show and give some feeble reason why it's not going on the air, because I had that happen to me in my MSNBC show.
You know, where it got right up to the time that we created the show, we had it all ready to go, they were an intricate part of it every step of the way, and then all of a sudden the week before we're supposed to go on five days a week,
The head guy comes in and says, we're not putting this show on television.
And it turned out, I learned through many people, now it was my opposition to the Iraq war because I was one of the few people that was going to be very vocal and public and on TV opposing the invasion of Iraq.
And I still, I opposed it then, I oppose it today.
I don't care what the results are from it.
It was not the right thing to do.
In my opinion, it was wrong.
And I was not let on the air because of that opinion.
If you think back, there was nobody out there speaking out against the Iraq War before the invasion took place.
The only person that was was Phil Donahue.
And they yanked him off the air too.
You know, Phil was on MSNBC that time.
He was their highest rated show.
And Alex, you and I both know networks don't pull their highest rated shows.
Unless they're owned
NBC, partly by General Electric, one of the biggest defense contractors.
Well, not only that, but MSNBC stands for Microsoft.
But that aside, I don't know who would do it there, but somebody clearly had a political agenda that was coming down from on high that there wasn't going to be any speak-out against this invasion of Iraq, that the alternate side was not going to be heard.
I don't care.
People can be on both sides of that issue.
They're entitled to be that way.
But Alex, we still needed a debate that never took place.
There was never, ever a formal debate out there on whether we were going to invade Iraq or not.
And, you know, it was just, in my opinion, shoved down the throats of this country.
Do you think they approached you knowing the war was coming up and they wanted to shut you up and put those golden handcuffs on you knowing that your contract said you couldn't do any other media?
Do you think that was a setup?
No, no I really don't.
I think that they thought because I was a former Navy SEAL that I would automatically be a hawk.
That I would support any type of war effort because of my background.
And they don't realize that some of the most reluctant people to go to war usually are the veterans who have been there.
My father was that way.
My father had seven bronze battle stars from World War II and he so vehemently opposed the Vietnam War.
I used to fight with him when I'd come home from school in high school because I was being taught we had to stop the domino effect of communism.
And my father said that's a bunch of crap.
He said it's people over there making money.
And he was right, I was wrong.
You know, I was being taught differently.
You were telling me about your dad.
You said he was in Germany, right?
Blew up a bunch of tanks?
Oh, my dad was more than Germany.
My dad was in the war before Normandy.
He fought Rommel on the North African desert.
Then he came back, and when it was in on the invasion of Normandy, he had battle scars for North Africa.
I know a lot of those veterans will never tell stories.
That's amazing.
Hey, let's spend a few minutes on your dad.
Did he ever tell you about any of the battles?
No, my father was very quiet about, like many veterans, you know, it's something they have that they keep inside them, and no, he didn't talk much at all.
He only told funny stories.
He would tell me funny stuff that would happen, like, well, I guess they're not all funny.
He told me about the time that they had just taken Cologne, where the big cathedral was,
And he said some hotshot general came in and wanted his picture taken on the steps of the cathedral so they could send it back home so it looked like he led the charge.
And apparently they hadn't cleared the city quite enough and some German sniper shot him right between the eyes when he was posing for the picture.
He did tell me that story.
Which, from my father's perspective, he used to always say he was an enlisted man.
And he used to always say, always remember, he goes patting and those guys wouldn't come in until a mosquito couldn't bite them.
So he would say that to me, that they get all the credit for winning the war, but he said it's the infantryman on the ground who truly wins it.
It's just that the generals and that stuff generally take the credit for it.
That was always my father's viewpoint on the situation.
And I tend to believe him.
You know, I think he's telling the truth that, you know, generals don't usually come in till, like my dad said, a mosquito couldn't bite him.
Well, I'm sure your father is proud of you, though, and was proud of you.
Yeah, I think so.
I was proud of him, too, also.
He was a... I will tell you this little story about him, Alex, that I didn't learn until after he passed away.
He never drove a car, and I found that strange growing up, but I had a dad that didn't drive a car, and whenever I asked him, he just told me he didn't trust himself, and I accepted that.
You know, I thought, well, someone that doesn't trust himself driving certainly shouldn't do it.
Because cars, as we all know, can be very dangerous things.
And, uh, then I learned after when my dad passed away from my mom that that wasn't the real reason.
The real reason was he was in the tank destroyers and apparently many times he had to drive over bodies and, uh, he would suffer flashbacks from that if he ever got behind the wheel.
And so that's how he lived with it.
My father used to walk to work every day.
He never drove.
It was about two and a half miles.
Wow, that's incredible.
One time I was deer hunting with all these old World War II vets when I was a little kid and I kept asking them to tell me stories.
And one of them, Elmer Nevils, turned to me and he was a tank destroyer in the Bulge.
And he said, OK kid, you want a story?
And he said, this beautiful bombshell blonde came up, you know, I'll never forget her red lipstick or blonde hair, looked like Marilyn Monroe, and said she wanted help and then pulled out a pistol and tried to shoot us and we cut her in half.
There's your war story.
So I guess that's why those guys don't like to tell those stories.
You know, who knows?
There are just things that remain private, I think, for people like that.
The true hero doesn't brag about it.
The true hero does his job.
And if you do your job, many times just in the course of doing your job is heroic.
And things happen that make you a hero, but ultimately it's survival and doing your job.
So your dad was in some of the same battles it sounds like as Audie Murphy then?
I have no idea.
He was all over, and get this about my dad, here's the other weird part.
He found out, he went in at age 36.
So you're...
And I used to tease him about it, because, you know, years and years later, I go, geez, Dad, how does it feel to be a year older, and what happened to that year in your life?
And imagine you never had to go on to the war.
Let's come back and talk about vaccines being recalled in the news, the H1N1.
Let's talk about ClimateGate because one of the episodes is exposing global warming and all the big new developments there and a lot more with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura.
His huge TV show premieres next Wednesday on TruTV.
We need to make this a winner so another series gets picked up.
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This is Alex Jones and I want to tell you about the Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator that produces pure drinking water right from the humidity in the air.
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I think so.
I think so.
We have a surprise guest coming up in the one o'clock hour.
That's all I'm going to say.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Don't want to jinx it.
Very exciting.
So it's fortuitous that we did come in live on this Black Friday edition.
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest.
Governor, the banks are collapsing.
I want to get into that.
Dubai and deep water as ripples from debt crisis spread globally.
We're going to get into dollar hits.
14-year low against the yen.
Gold will ride up at $1,200 right now.
But first, let's get into vaccines.
I know you've had some personal family experience with that, and perhaps we'd like to share that with listeners.
If not, that's fine.
But I have the headlines here out of the Toronto Star, Associated Press, Euronews.
Faulty swine flu vaccine withdrawn in Canada after causing thousands of cases of bad reactions
They're admitting in Europe that some of the vaccines have actually been killing people.
What's your take on this whole swine flu hysteria?
Well, I haven't been vaccined and I won't be.
I don't particularly go with that.
I don't know.
I'm kind of a weird case.
I remember when I did Predator down in Mexico, we were down on the set down there for eight to ten weeks and everybody on the set got sick except me.
And I asked a doctor, I said, you know, when I was 19 years old, I went to Southeast Asia for a nine month tour and then an eight month tour.
And I said, whenever you'd arrive over there within 48 hours, you would get so sick that you'd be begging for death.
And then it would disappear.
And for the rest of the tour, you were fine.
And I asked him, this was years later in Mexico when everyone got sick, including Arnold.
And I said, Doctor, do you think that I've developed kind of an immunity?
And I told him my story, and he said, Yeah, probably most likely.
Now, who knows?
I might get the swine flu next week.
I don't know.
Maybe that's the kiss of death for me.
But I don't get vaccines personally because I've really lost a lot of faith in government and my trust in government and what government does.
And so, to me, that's just me personally.
And so I won't get one.
And whatever other people do, that's their decision to make.
But the government's been trying to push and order nurses and doctors to take it.
The AMA has come out now.
Oh yeah, no, and I think that's outrageous.
You know, government telling you and forcing you to get vaccines, to me, is crazy.
It should be your choice, but then again, if the choice is the wrong one, then you're responsible.
See, I'm a great believer in personal responsibility.
Which means cutting government out of our lives and we accept responsibility for our own lives.
I read an AP interview, and I've never even brought this up with you privately, that you believe vaccines hurt somebody in your family?
Yeah, my daughter was injured by vaccines.
But she's a rare case.
She was born with some problems, and they have mandatory government vaccines that she was required by law to get before she could go to school.
And she got these.
She was seizure-free.
We had controlled them.
And then the moment she got the vaccine, she went into a full grand ball seizure that night.
And the sad thing is that you can never ever get any type of compensation for it because no doctor will get on the stand and say that the vaccine caused it.
Absolutely, plus they always have the plausible denial.
So because I had another friend that had happened to their daughter and he tried to go to court on it and it cost him thousands of dollars and he ultimately ended up losing because there's no doctor that'll get on the stand and unequivocally state that the vaccine caused it.
But there are cases where it does cause irreparable damage to people, small minority groups of people.
It's treated mostly like collateral damage, cannon fodder.
That, oh well, it's good for the big good of the big picture in most people.
If some people get hurt by it, well, so be it.
And I don't take that position, Alex, because to me that's like the death penalty.
If we put a hundred people to death that deserve to die and we're guilty, but yet we kill one innocent person, I think that, my opinion is, that's too big a price to pay for it.
I agree, and once you set that precedent, why not kill ten innocent people so you can get one bad guy?
It's a slippery slope that you go down.
And that's the bad thing.
So to me, taking these vaccines has to be an individual decision.
They should not be ordered by any form of government or anything like that.
It should be up to you.
If you want to roll the dice and you want to take the chance, you should have the right to do so.
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest.
We're going to come back, talk a little bit more about vaccines, and we're going to get into Climategate.
Not just the thousands of emails, now the hacked documents, which the police are admitting are accurate, where they talked about fixing the climate models.
The computer programs in the code have instructions from the programmers how to carry out the fraud.
This is bringing down the man-made global warming hoax.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Governor Jesse Ventura with us a little bit into the next hour.
Then we have a surprise guest.
I'll assure you, you don't want to miss this coming up.
All right, let's get into the serious subject of vaccines, then get into the climate.
Governor, I happen to have bought over a hundred textbooks.
We have two rooms full of them here at the office, but one of them was written by the White House science czar, who by the way is in these ClimateGate emails, how they want to shut off everybody's resources, shut off the West, only the US and Europe have to make cuts, third world doesn't, which will de-industrialize us.
In here, they talk about putting chemicals in the water to sterilize us.
In other government and UN documents I have, they talk about
Putting chemicals in the vaccines to cause autoimmune disease and sterilize people.
I've had brain surgeons like Dr. Russell Blaylock on who discovered that they know they're doing this by design.
And so your instinct to not take the vaccines is good, but take Dale Dudley, local radio talk show host.
The regular seasonal flu shot.
His hands went paralyzed.
His feet went paralyzed.
He went into all these specialists and they admitted, you've got Guillain-Barré or Guillain-Barré, but it went away.
It normally goes away with people.
I mean, this is some serious stuff.
And I know I'm in the population control episode.
We talk about that in the upcoming TV show that premieres next Wednesday at 9 o'clock Central all across the United States.
Well, I'll tell you Alex, you don't know what to take from it, to be honest.
It's so repulsive when you hear it.
That you just can't imagine that there are people out there with this type of thing on their agenda.
I guess that's the best way I can put it to you.
It becomes almost to the point of unbelievable that human people could have on their agenda what some of these people have and the arrogance of them for having it.
Well, segueing out of vaccines, John P. Holdren is in these thousands of emails, the White House science czar, three years ago, when he was one of the head people at Harvard, on how to spin, I don't know if you ran into him when you were at Harvard,
On how to spin this and control this and cook the numbers and fake the data and oh my god, the earth's getting colder the last few years.
How do we fix the numbers?
We've caught them red-handed.
Lord Mocton, who I know you guys interviewed for the TV show, he is calling for criminal indictments.
Senator Inhofe is calling for criminal investigations here in the United States.
I mean, to have the smoking gun, it's one thing to catch Al Gore saying polar bears can't swim and saying we're all going to drown and it turns out that's disinformation.
He then just says he made a mistake.
But to have the internal emails from the main university that the UN is citing, the IPCC, I mean, to have this smoking gun, what do you think should happen?
Well, certainly, you know, if this is a fraud, then the fraud needs to be exposed and the proper things need to be done.
Because I was a believer.
I was told, and it sounds very believable, that all of us are against polluting.
I think that's the common thing, is that we all feel that there should be less pollution in the air, and if we can get more miles to a tank of gas, those are good things.
We should work for those things.
We should work to use the sun.
We should find alternative energy.
Those are all positive, good things.
But then when I learn about something is being done to strictly manipulate and become a revenue getter,
Over something that, you know, we all agree on, which we should pollute less.
We've only got one planet, and it's a good idea to take care of it.
But to allow it to then spin into being a huge money-making, profiteering thing beyond the good of it, that's where you draw the line and say, these people ought to go to jail for what they do.
Well, what about the fact that only the US, England, and Europe have to make the cuts?
And so if carbon dioxide is so deadly, of course plants breathe it, but they're listing it as a poison.
If you only cut it out in the West, all the studies show that it will go to China and India and Mexico and 160 other countries where they'll have zero emissions controls and actually more of these gases will be released.
First of all, laws are made, and when you do things globally, whether you do them globally, whether you do them local, county-wise, statewide, national-wide, or anything, laws should be equal.
So what I'm saying there is, if we go to this global thing, and they say these are the rules, then the rules should apply to us the same as they do to China, the same as they do to India, the same as they do to every other country.
And if it doesn't do that simple thing, then it's BS.
Then you shouldn't go for it at all.
That's just common sense.
That's common sense.
It has to be equality across the board.
Equal protection.
And you can't penalize one area while allowing another area to do it.
Equal protection under the law.
Governor, that's what I like about you, is that in your decades on the scene, you have evolved, you've changed, you've learned, you've admitted when you've been wrong.
Most people in politics, in society, will not do that.
They will never admit that they have changed their views.
Well, you know, the only thing that changes views is knowledge, and when you become knowledgeable on things, that gives you the ability to change a view.
If you remain ignorant on the subject, well, then you're not going to change your view, and there's no possibility of that happening.
Alex, one of the things that I was very honest about when I became governor, I mean, we have 24 commissioners that run 24 separate departments of state government.
How can you possibly go out to the public and tell them that you're an expert in all of those 24 fields?
You can't.
You can't.
You'd be a liar.
And therefore you rely on experts in the field.
And that, to me, is true leadership.
The ability to delegate authority to people you trust, allow them to do their jobs.
If they shine, you shine.
It's that simple.
If they do a great job, for me, when I'm governor, even though I don't take a direct hand in it, it's his baby, I still shine in the end.
That's a really good point.
It certainly is.
This Copenhagen, Denmark event is coming up, and Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the UN, wrote an editorial titled, We Can Do It, where he said, global government is here, the key to world government is this planetary regime that will control all the nations and control resources, and the carbon tax is the key.
Then last week, Van Rompuy, the new head of the European Union,
And said this on the BBC.
We're going to play that clip right now.
Here it is.
2009 is also the first year of global governance with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis.
The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.
Our mission, our presidency is one of hope.
Okay, there you go.
Governor, how can they be announcing world government everywhere, but then call us conspiracy theorists if we discuss the world government?
Well, again, utterly ridiculous.
You know, there's a simple thing and a simple rule, Alex, that I think everybody needs to reassess, and that is always judge someone.
Don't necessarily judge them by what they say, judge them by what they do.
And when they're doing something, you know, no matter what they say, judge by what they're doing.
And now, the whole globalization thing, I kind of view it like this in a way.
Maybe it's inevitable, Alex.
Let me finish though.
Maybe because with our technology and the way... I believe in evolution.
I'm not one of these people that throws Darwin's theory out the window and says, I believe in evolution because I see it on a daily basis.
And I'm not saying I'm in support of the globalization of the planet, but maybe it's evolution.
Maybe through technology the world gets so small that we will eventually, maybe not in our lifetime, but a hundred years from now, maybe that's the direction that it'll go and there's, I don't know, is there anything that can be done about it?
Let me give you my take on this, and I'm honored to be able to give you my take because you influence a lot of people.
Nationalism and sovereignty and borders give people a chance to flee tyranny and also gives coalitions like the Allies a chance to defeat Hitler and Mussolini and the Imperial Japanese.
Let's say we got a loving world government in place.
Statistically, it's an absolute certainty that over time, a tyranny will take control of that global government.
But it's worse than that.
We know the groups setting up world government are tyrannical, are eugenicist,
Well, you know, and again, I guess
I don't like it, Alex, but because it does run that risk, the big huge risk is what would the global government be and would it be a government you'd like and what would happen if it did become tyrannical?
Which, and you make great points, that borders are there so you can flee and have the sanctuary of it.
But then on the flip side, though, if you truly had a good global government, wouldn't that reduce the chance of war?
That's how the globalists sold it, but their internal documents have come out.
Well, I'm just saying from a layman's point of view, if the global government were indeed good, and let's say we're being utopic here, and we'll take the best thing we can and say that it's a good global government,
Well, wouldn't that kind of help to eliminate war?
Because now you got so much animosity with these borders and between countries, and how often are they manipulated and turned against each other to kill each other?
Isn't war kind of a way to reduce the world population?
That's what they're doing.
That's what I'm saying.
The group setting up the world government wants it so big blocks of the government can make rules on countries and have a pretext to invade them.
What I'm saying is the global government's here, and it's being set up by people that want to use it as a tool of empire.
That's all the world government is, is a private corporate empire.
Well, then I can unequivocally tell you I oppose it.
And we'll work completely against it if that's what it truly is turning into.
That is exactly what it is, Governor, and it's exciting to have you hearing the facts and saying you're going to oppose the global government.
And anytime I can brief you or give you any solid research or information, I know you're a busy guy, I would love to provide you original statements by the entire leadership of this group.
No problem.
I'll get them from you when I get back from surfing, Alex.
You haven't had a chance to go surfing yet, have you?
I have not.
You know, I thought I'd be in Mexico by now, but you know what?
My mental attitude was this.
I thought, you know, I'd rather stay up here, get everything done, get it finished, lock stock and bill, lock the door, so that when I do go to Mexico, I don't have to come back till May or June.
Well, when I talked to you a few weeks ago, you were not going to do RAW because you wanted to go surfing, but I guess you decided to do it.
Well, it came down to certain things happened behind the scenes which were positive, and it came down to promotion of the show.
You know, it was such a powerful because, you know, Raw is a very highly watched program in this country, whether people will admit it or not, wrestling is extremely popular.
And between the network and myself, and we felt that it was a very strong promotional tool that we should use.
We're good to go.
Well, it certainly only helped the show, so I think it's great, but certainly you had a rocky relationship with Vince McMahon, won a big lawsuit against him, one of the few wrestlers to ever successfully actually be paid retirement for your work.
And, you know, if people live long enough, it's kind of good to become friends with your enemies again.
Actually, though, I don't have an official retirement.
It's the result of the court case, but I call it my wrestling retirement.
There is no retirement in wrestling.
But are you and Vince friends now?
Well, I guess if you use the old cliche of keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
So I would say he lies somewhere in between friend and enemy in the closeness.
Well, I tell you, there's probably 50 million, 60 million wrestling fans of that form of theater out there, and to have you there educating them about the New World Order, that's only a win-win-win!
Well, it's, you know, wrestling fans are a very loyal group of people.
They're a great group of people.
They take a lot of abuse because they like the sport, but what people need to understand is wrestling is like ballet with violence.
The performers are exceptional athletes.
It's a great form of entertainment.
I used to always tell people, you know, when people go to the wrestling matches, they get so enthusiastic, they leave it all there.
I would be willing to bet that when they go home at night, there's never an act of violence committed because they're too damn tired.
Well, it is.
It is.
I mean, it's acrobatic.
What it is, it's very ad-lib.
People don't realize it's like live theater.
It's like looking at live theater as opposed to a movie.
When you do a movie, if you screw up a shot, they can shoot it ten times until they're satisfied.
When you do live theater, when you say the line, it's gone.
You cannot bring it back, you've got to do it.
Uh, no.
In fact, I'll tell you the funny story.
I used to have a personal, like, pride in myself that I would never use a teleprompter.
And I remember, I used to say, I can learn this, I can do this, I'm talented.
And I was doing a Miller Lite commercial where they have to be identically precise because the commercial's cut off by the computer.
So it has to be perfect.
And I remember I had done a few of them and then the director said, Jesse, why don't you just try the teleprompter once?
I want to throw the number out.
We're going to make a few calls directly for Jesse Ventura about the new TV show that premieres next Wednesday, 10 p.m.
Eastern, 9 p.m.
Central on TruTV.
It's called Conspiracy Theory, 1-800-259-9231.
We are live on this 27th day, on this Friday, Black Friday edition, 1-800-259-9231.
Take a few segments of calls straight ahead.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're going to take a few final calls in this segment and the next.
We have a surprise guest coming up.
We'll just leave it at that.
Governor Jesse Ventura, another surprise guest, ended up coming in today to have him on.
We're very honored.
Well, hopefully it will, Alex, but like I said, we have a secret name for you now on the set whenever we refer to you, of course, from Starsky & Hutch, we call you Huggy Bear.
If you ever hear the term Huggy Bear, you'll know we're talking about you.
So if it gets picked back up you guys are looking to try to have Huggy Bear involved?
Well that is super exciting because it's great to get to know you and your son and your wife.
I've actually seen some of your clips and they're very good.
Are all the shows edited yet?
Uh, they're getting, they're very close.
They're all down to their final little, you know, tweaks here and there.
What's the first episode next Wednesday night?
That I don't know.
They've changed it a few times on me now, so it's kind of like the chef's surprise, even I don't know.
But you know what?
I've seen them, and I'm comfortable with them, whichever one they air with, because all seven of them are dynamic.
I don't have a problem now which one they open up with.
I don't care because I feel confident enough about all seven.
But give us an insight.
Are they on the fence or one or two or what do you think is going to air?
It's gone back and forth.
I don't know.
Big Brother and Harp have seemed to have been the two that they're battling back and forth with on the initial opening.
Alright, let's talk to Matt in Washington, D.C., then Eric and others.
Matt, you're on the air with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Hi, Mr. Ventura.
I'm calling from the Maryland area, and I was wondering if you had any words of advice for somebody, a young person looking to get into politics, into getting into the game and trying to do something along the lines of what you've done.
Well, you know, it's a difficult thing, because the way our system's set up today, a young person seems to feel they've got to sell their soul to the Democratic or Republican parties and become part of that system.
And I really believe that's the problem.
Yeah, Eric, I would fight tyranny, pick issues, do the right thing, work for a congressman you believe in, but I wouldn't from the ground floor say you're doing this to get into politics because that'll probably never happen.
You need to probably go out and
Let me add in though Alex, don't destroy the fact I would highly encourage you be active in a third party.
We don't need Pepsi and Coke, that's what we have right now.
Two colas, essentially the same as each other, one slightly sweeter than the other, depending on your taste buds.
There isn't no root beer, there isn't no 7-Up, there isn't no Mountain Dew.
And believe me, I put it in the soft drink context, like if you went into the grocery store.
It's a good analogy.
And that's what we have now.
So I would tell you, try to get involved in an independent movement, an independent, not Democrat or Republican.
Very well said.
Thank you, Matt.
Well, I mean, the left-right paradigm soaks up everybody's energy and redirects it as a steam valve.
Just get involved in defending the Republic, the Second Amendment, exposing the phony environmentalists.
Pick an issue and wake people up.
That's how you'll grow and learn how to be politically active from outside the controlled paradigm.
Back in one minute with the final segment with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
When he's back from surfing in the spring, he's going to be back on air with us.
His book's basically done, American Conspiracy.
We'll save the sub-headline for later.
But Jesse's certainly fighting the New World Order.
Great to have him.
Let's jam in a few final calls.
Quick questions for Governor Jesse Ventura.
Eric in Oregon.
Eric, you're on the air.
Hi, Governor Ventura.
Guys, by the way, happy Thanksgiving.
You guys do an unbelievable job.
Quickly, Governor Pecora, are you going to get back into the world of politics or are you just going to remain a surfer?
I remember watching you on CNN the night you decided not to run for Senator from the state of Minnesota.
I think you and Ron Paul should be together, third party.
You, Vice President, Ron Paul, President, and we can take back our republic.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Why do I got to take second billing?
Let me answer that question quickly for you, and I use a stereotypical answer.
There's a great song that Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young did, and in the lyrics of that song it said, if you want to get yourself elected, you had better cut your hair.
Well, until you see me get a haircut, I'm not running.
Now as sad as that is, why should I have to cut my hair to run?
So if we see you with a Mr. Clean haircut, look out.
Yeah, if you see me shave my head again, then watch out.
But as long as my hair is hanging down at my shoulders, whatever little I got left, you can't run when you look that way.
I'm still the same person.
I don't know.
But, you know, it's all in perception.
I don't know what it is.
When you have the ponytail, or a little bit of hair, you don't look as intimidating as when you have the Mr. Clean.
Well, put it this way, the Mr. Clean makes you get up and shave every day and so it makes me more aggressive.
Yeah, I have a comment for Mr. Ventura and then a quick one for you, Alex.
Jesse, I want to tell you that you were highly responsible for my awakening and me being able to reach other people because of your influence.
When I saw that you were going to have this show on conspiracies, I couldn't help but wonder, is this going to be watered down in any way, or is this going to be out there in your face?
Look, I've got to let you go because we're almost out of time.
Let's say this, it's not going to be watered down to the point where no one's telling us what to say.
And no one's controlling any of the people we talk to in what they say.
Now, do we find definitive answers to most of these?
Because as I said at the outset, we don't have the ability to subpoena anyone.
We don't have the ability to put them under sworn oath and testimony.
We're not a show that's going to solve the problem.
We're more a show that's going to raise the questions.
And we certainly are not tap dancing around the questions.
Yeah, folks, I've seen a lot of it.
It's very hardcore.
I'm surprised they're going to allow this to air.
Who knows what can happen between now and next week or the other episodes airing, but I just want to say what Jesse said before to me privately in the last 30 seconds.
He can comment on it.
And that is, they meant to make it fair, but the other side wouldn't talk to them.
So this is really leaning way towards our side.
Go ahead.
Yeah, absolutely, because when we started the show, we were going to show both sides of the conspiracies and allow you to make the choice.
But when one side will not cooperate at all, which is our case of our government, well then our shows now very much go on the side of posing the conspiracy, and you in the end will look at it and say, wow, who do I want to believe?
The government, or do I want to believe the conspiracy?
Because we're going to show you very compelling things that
Could quite make that decision if you're a skeptic a hard one to make.
Yeah, absolutely.
A lot of this stuff's coming out in mainstream news now, so the establishment can't hold it back.
And Jesse Ventura's a big star, so it looks like they're going to let this happen.
I am surprised.
Governor, I guess I'll talk to you soon, in the aftermath.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your listeners, and have a great holiday in December.
And I guess I'll see you all in the spring when I get back, if I survive the waves another year.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
He is a member of the European Parliament, Nigel Farage.
We're working on getting him on next week.
And he's a nationalist, a conservative, and he really tears them up for their criminal activity in the EU.
He calls for its abolishment from within it.
And so I want to play this clip of him just a few days ago, last Friday, grilling these people and exposing them.
Then we're going to continue with the latest on ClimateGate.
Big, big developments there.
And take your phone calls.
And what's happening with Dubai and deep water is ripples from debt crisis spread.
Gold at record highs right now.
We do have a surprise guest for a full hour.
For a full hour.
Next hour.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
I am extremely excited about this, to say the least.
But, uh, I have to practice my curtsy for this guest.
Oh, man.
So that is coming up.
What drugged me in here?
Ventura called up.
He is so nice.
He gives me the first interview before a media blitz and said, I'll do it Friday.
You want me to come on, promote the show?
And then this other individual contacted us Wednesday night and said I can do Friday, so I'm here.
I wasn't going to take off and take my children hiking.
Man, the Austin Greenbelt, the Barton Creek Greenbelt is like heaven right now.
Two days ago, Wednesday afternoon, it was like completely sunny.
It's about 69 degrees.
The water was like green blue.
You could see like all the way down to the bottom.
It was just so crystal clear.
It was like something out of a Maxfield Parish painting or something.
It was oak trees and then the other trees turn in colors.
That's where I would like to be this entire weekend.
Not gorging on turkey and red wine.
But here we are and I will be live Sunday.
You know, Charlie Sheen
Didn't feel well Tuesday, so we moved it.
And so we're going to have the winner of 20 Minutes of the President on with us Sunday.
If the water doesn't rise over Bear Creek, as they say.
So this Sunday show will be live 4 to 6 p.m.
So many good things are happening, like auditing the Fed, moving forward to the full House.
This climate gate is so huge now.
I mean, it calls for criminal arrest, indictments, people to resign.
It's finally broken into the mainstream media.
Incredible developments there.
But let's go ahead and go out to break with a European Union member hailing from England, Nigel Farage.
Here it is.
Well, good morning, everybody.
You're all very downbeat this morning.
I thought this was going to be a big, proud moment.
I mean, it's taken you eight and a half years of bullying, of lying, of ignoring democratic referendums.
Eight and a half years it's taken you to get this treaty through.
And on the 1st of December, you will have it.
And of course, the architect of all of this, Shishkar, wanted from this constitutional treaty for the European Union to have a big, global voice.
But I'm afraid the leaders have suffered from a collective loss of nerve.
They've decided that they want their faces to be up on the global stage, not somebody from the European Union, and so we've got appointed a couple of political pygmies.
The Kissinger question of who to call in Europe hasn't really been answered, has it?
I guess the answer can only be Mr Barroso, because he's the only one that anybody in the world has ever heard of.
And he's probably the big winner out of these posts.
No wonder, sir, you look so happy this morning.
And we have a new President of Europe, Herman Van Rompuy.
Doesn't exactly trip off the tongue, does it?
I can't see him stopping the traffic in Beijing or Washington.
I doubt anybody in Brussels would even recognise who he is.
And yet, he's going to be paid a salary that is bigger than Obama's, which tells you all you need to know about this European political class and how they look after themselves.
But at least he's an elected politician, unlike Baroness Cathy Ashton, who really is the true representation of the modern-day political class.
In some ways, she's ideal, isn't she?
She's never had a proper job, and she's never been elected to anything in her life.
So I guess she's perfect for this European Union.
Excuse me, Mr Farage.
I would like to put down your postages.
You made your presentation.
It's enough for us.
Calm down, chaps.
Calm down, chaps.
Can't know.
But, I mean, she's never been elected to anything and no one knows who she is.
Even the Prime Minister was talking about Baroness Ashdown as opposed to Ashton.
I mean, no one has ever heard of her.
She's even less well known than Herman Van Rompuy.
I mean, that takes some doing, doesn't it?
She's risen without trace.
She's part of this post-democratic age.
She married well.
She married an advisor and a friend and supporter of Tony Blair and got put in the House of Lords.
When she was in the House of Lords, she was given one big job.
And the job was to get the Lisbon Treaty through the House of Lords.
And to do so pretending, pretending that it was entirely different to the EU constitution.
So she's good at keeping a straight face.
And she vigorously crushed any attempt in the House of Lords for the British people to have a referendum.
So here she is, never stood for public office, never had a proper job, and here she gets one of the top jobs in the Union.
Her appointment is an embarrassment for Britain.
But it's much worse.
Well, at least I've been elected, sir.
Unlike her, she's not been elected and the people don't have the power to remove her.
But just hear the next bit.
There's something rather more serious than that.
Cathy Ashton was an active member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
In fact, she was the treasurer of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament during a period of time
When CND took very large donations and refused to reveal the source.
What is known is that these donations were obtained by a man called Will Howard who was a member of the Communist Party in Great Britain.
Will Baroness Ashton deny that while she was Treasurer, that she took funds from organisations who were opposed to Western-style capitalism and democracy?
That question must be asked.
And are we really happy that somebody who will be in charge of our overseas security policy was an activist a few years ago in an outfit like CND?
I mean, if we really think that, frankly, we need our bumps felt.
I don't think that she's a fit and proper person to do this job.
She has no experience.
And unless she can answer those questions, did she take money from enemies of the West?
That question must be answered.
Well, we have our two pygmies.
We'll have the bland leading the bland.
But I'm not celebrating because they'll press on with political union and whilst our leaders may have saved face for the moment for themselves on the international stage, they have all betrayed their national democracies.
The European state is here.
We're about to get an avalanche of new laws because of this Lisbon Treaty, and there's no question in my mind that there has to be a full, free, fair referendum in the United Kingdom to decide whether we stay part of this union or not.
I hope and pray that we vote to leave, but either way, the people simply must be asked.
Thank you.
I would like to turn to Mr. Farage.
It would be most appropriate if you turned your tone down because certain expressions are not acceptable to everybody.
I would like to ask you whether you would like to accept a question from some of the members as the blue card question.
Madam Herzog, please.
I'm just curious, what is it that I've said that you've always wanted to know?
Well, maybe...
Well, it's... well... Madam Hanson, please.
Mr. President, Mr. Farage has said that those people they were elected last week are not those the traffic will stop to let them go.
And this is why we elected them, because we wanted to elect people who will make the traffic move for all European citizens to get a better life to themselves.
And this is what they will do.
Mr. Rompuy and Mr. Cathy Ashton
Our four people and the 480 million Europeans will know it soon.
I think this is the stake.
We have to stand for them.
We have to save their integrity, personal integrity.
And Mr. Farage, I'd like to say something, Hungarian quotation for you.
It's good that you are here because if the monkey goes up to the tree, it's better seen how red is his popo.
All right.
Thank you.
Now, it goes on and on.
There's hours of this.
That's Nigel Farage, the British member of the European Parliament.
And he's not allowed to criticize people, but the minister from Poland is allowed to say when a monkey goes up the tree farther and farther, the more we can see his butt.
So she can engage in preschool sayings, and they don't reprimand her, then others attack him throughout the day, and then they just turn his microphone off and let them all call him names, and then they reprimanded him and said, you're not allowed to speak anymore because of what you said, we don't like it.
This is a dictatorial, unelected group of crooks that run the Central Committee over the EU.
There's two different bodies.
And the nation-states can't even get out of it.
France voted to get out of it.
Other countries voted.
Ireland voted to not be part of it.
They just went ahead and had another vote.
Obviously, there's a lot of evidence of election fraud, according to correspondence with We Are Change in Ireland and others we've talked to.
Even mainstream media has said it's suspicious what happened with the Lisbon Treaty.
We're going to work on getting him on the show.
We have a special guest coming up next hour.
It's not Nigel Farish.
I'll just leave it at that.
But again, extremely excited about that.
That is coming up.
We just had Jesse Ventura live.
You know, we re-aired the Jesse Ventura interview from a few weeks ago yesterday, not knowing for sure he was going to be on live today.
Like I said, I got a call Thursday evening from Ventura.
That I didn't call him back till Thanksgiving Day to hook that up.
Charlie Sheen will be live with us Sunday.
We've been playing phone tag, but he says that's the time that's good for him, so 98% chance that's going to be happening Sunday with some other breaking information.
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
We're giving thanks for the fact that we're starting to kick the New World Order's hind.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back after this break.
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That's 800-686-2237, extension 134.
800-686-2237, extension 134.
I don't know.
We're good to go!
Next week we have the guitarist from Blondie coming on.
He's anti-New World Order.
He's written a book about it, Politics and the Occult.
That's been set up by the great producers in there.
Dave Mustaine said he wanted to come back on in November or December.
I haven't contacted him yet.
Let's go and get Dave Mustaine on next week.
Oh, so you guys have been talking.
Well, let's get him in studio then.
Oh my God, did we have to send the email today?
We have his home number.
See, I've been procrastinating.
I don't bug these people.
Craig, send the email.
As if it's... I mean, let me see it.
Let me see it so that... Are you on air in there?
Okay, I couldn't tell because I'm hearing an echo.
So you're not on air.
Yeah, let's go ahead and write an email, but as if it's for me.
Just say, hey Dave, you said you might want to come on in December.
I hear you're in town.
Can we get you in studio or do another phoner?
Sorry, time got away from me.
I should have gotten in contact with you earlier.
Because you said you'll give him a few weeks lead time that he invited me out to San Diego And I haven't been able to do that and then just say you talked about hooking up We'd love to have you studio have a car pick you up something like that.
Tell him we're a few minutes from downtown.
Oh We're talking like four or five days away.
We got to email him right now.
In fact, give me his number Out of the computer.
I'm gonna call Dave at the end of the show and just leave a message.
See, I told you a week ago to remind me to call Dave, and it's not your fault, it's my fault for forgetting.
Yeah, let's get Dave Mustaine in studio.
How awesome would that be?
His new album, named after my film, Endgame.
Now a Christian, woke up against the New World Order.
What a blessing.
Makes all the atheists out there, devil worshippers, mad, but... Like the father, one of the fathers of modern heavy metal.
In fact, let's come in with, in the next segment, can you cue up My Darkest Hour?
I certainly don't want to play that with our next guest coming up.
In my darkest hour!
I think that's in the computer up at the network, actually.
Let's go, we can play the YouTube, two of you want.
Let's go out to break and I'll come back and comment on these.
This is some of the good calls coming into the InfoWars comment line.
InfoWars comment line.
Here it is.
You've got 60 seconds for your question or comment.
60 seconds.
And if it's good, we'll put it on air.
Hi Alex, this is Brandon from Cleveland, Ohio.
I just wanted to say, I noticed back in high school, when I was in economics class, we had textbooks that said that the Federal Reserve was an independent agency and not part of the government.
And our teacher used to stress that to us.
And now that I'm in college, taking an economics class, it says nowhere in the book that the Federal Reserve is not a part of the government.
And my teacher knows that we had a nice discussion about it in class, actually, when I brought it up.
You can just see now that even though it's admitted, they still don't want people to really know that.
Have a good day.
Hey Alex, Doug Field at Plano, Texas here.
Listen, my friend, I heard you debate with Alan Combs regarding the FEMA camps, and he dismissed you as being an alarmist.
I've seen Glenn Beck do the same thing on his show,
And the people I talk to on the streets, they do the same thing when you mention FEMA camps.
I recommend that you post a map of the United States on your website and the location of all these FEMA camps.
And you challenge these people.
Say, hey, you know, I challenge you to find the nearest FEMA camp near you.
And maybe that will wake up a lot of these people.
That's it.
Hi Alex, this is Evolve from the Prison Planet Forum.
Just wanted to say that I'm sick and tired of the elitists destroying our country.
It's time for the patriots to rise.
These satanic Hitler wannabes need to take the fall.
Alex, my patriot brother.
I'm Chris out of We Are Change, Denver.
I have some intel for the listeners regarding Fall of the Republic.
We all have our own style, and mine is to approach strangers on sidewalks and coming out of stores.
When they see that I intend to give them something, they usually begin to shy away.
I have found through experience that the words free, DVD, and shadow government work really well.
Free immediately slows them down.
DVD is neutral.
But when I say shadow government, nine out of ten of them will immediately turn around and change their whole demeanor.
Their expression goes from stern to open and inquisitive.
Even those who have done their best to ignore the situation know that something big is going on behind the scenes, and I'm presenting a free information source that might shed some light on what's going on.
Definitely speak in your own words, but include the words, free DVD in shadow government, and you'll be amazed at your success out there.
Good luck guys!
Well, good luck to you.
Good job.
Play some more of these.
Get into all the huge economic developments and a lot more.
Take your calls.
And I'm going to comment on these phone calls we just got as well.
Stay with us.
More straight ahead on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.TV.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Vintage Megadeth.
Dave Mustaine.
My Darkest Hour.
Great poetry.
By the way, we're sending the email out today.
I'm gonna get him in studio, or I'll go interview him in San Antonio.
He said he wanted to do that when he came to Texas.
Wanted to go eat barbecue, he said.
But, uh... We've kind of forgotten the last moment, but we're gonna work on getting that done.
Let's play a little bit of this song, then I'm gonna go to more of your calls and information.
Stay with us.
Crank it up!
We are live, by the way, the 27th of November, 2009.
We've got a special guest coming up in T-minus 26 minutes and 20 seconds.
Believe me, you're not going to want to miss it.
Tell everybody you know to tune in right now.
This is the darkest hour for the New World Order as their plans begin crashing down.
As the people who love liberty begin to rise as the awakening spreads, countering the disease of a globalist.
Our darkest hour is their darkest hour.
Oh, they're not going to get out of this.
Not a scratch.
You are not there.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, I'll give my life for you, till you turn away.
Now, as I die for you, I'll flash through the cross as I beg your name.
All these years, thought I was wrong, now I know it was you.
Boy, that is classic.
Classic right there.
You know, Symphony of Destruction.
John, you got that?
Symphony of Destruction.
It really tells the New World Order story.
And the new album, Endgame, certainly does as well.
It's been number one album on a bunch of charts.
Totally anti-New World Order, anti-flu vaccine, anti-FEMA.
This is exciting.
Dave Mustaine reaches tens of millions in the U.S., hundreds of millions worldwide, sells out giant stadiums in South America and Australia and Europe and in Rome, just hundreds of thousands of people.
And they're now learning about Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement, thanks to Dave Mustaine, who's had
Really a complete awakening.
He's always done a lot of this, but he's had a complete awakening.
And I just forget how special and important these victories against the New World Order are.
I played a few of those clips.
We are changed.
Denver State's using terms like free DVD and shadow government makes people more willing to hear about the truth.
All you gotta do is reach out to people.
Certainly does.
They're ready to hear the truth now, folks.
Our job's a lot easier than it was 10, 15, 20, 30 years ago.
Also, another caller said Glenn Beck would be woken up if they researched FEMA camps.
Beck was sent everything.
Beck was sent the mainstream articles admitting FEMA camps.
He doesn't want to tell the truth.
I don't know about Combs.
I mean, Combs was saying he didn't know anything about world government as it's openly being announced everywhere.
That's why we had him on the show.
I love the call about the Hitler wannabes.
We need to bring them down.
Satanic Hitler wannabes.
Let's also
Hello, Mr. Jones.
I had a couple quick questions real fast.
One, back in June, you made an article on PrisonPlanet.com that talked about the experience of a FEMA photographer who had unrestricted access to the World Trade Center site and has all sorts of videos and 9-11 evidence that he's holding onto.
This man is now exiled in Argentina, and I was wondering if you were able to acquire some of this evidence.
My second question, I was just wondering,
What happened to your JFK movie, if you're ever gonna get that finished.
Thanks, bye.
Hey guys, is there any way that your show could be... that you can hear it on your car radio?
Is it broadcast on anything that can be picked up on a car radio?
That is my question.
I'd like to find out.
Thank you.
Okay, let me answer the last question first.
To be technical, the weekday show, we've actually gotten an accurate count now, is on 57 stations.
Now, some of those stations carry the Sunday show, but a lot of them don't, and so we have over 30 stations that are individual to the Sunday show, so total, around 80 stations that pick up the show.
A lot of them are little bitty, some of them are big, most of them are mom and pops or individually owned.
But that sounds like a lot to be on close to 80 or right at 80 stations.
It's not small, but it's not huge.
You know, there's 15,000 radio stations in this country.
Our FCC system is to have small transmitters, whereas Europe has big ones that blanket.
We have more stations in the U.S.
So, XM, what is it, three to seven?
Re-airs every Friday show Saturday, and that's on the Genesis website.
They're kind of testing the waters with us.
Global shortwave, you can listen with a shortwave radio.
Live 11 to 4, WWCR, frequency's changing.
We go to the WWCR.com website, look at that.
A lot of people are using internet streaming off their iPhone.
It just plugs into the jack on your car, your little audio port, and you can just listen wirelessly.
over the internet you just on your iPhone or other device fly cast all of that that's the future and because we are the number one radio show on the internet according to a whole bunch of different yardsticks whatever is number one on the internet is what goes to the top
Now, Google's being criticized because everything anti-Obama, anti-establishment, you type in Obama's name, first stuff that comes up is bad.
Type up George Bush's name, first stuff that comes up is bad, because that's what's the most popular.
Whatever gets the most hits and the most visits, Google's system... Here's an example.
There was a national TV story a couple days ago where they said, oh, you type in the name of Michelle Obama and an unflattering image comes up, and it's PrisonPlanet.com forum.
And we don't really mess with that or censor that.
We only have to go in and erase stuff when people call for violence.
We don't even have the staff to mess with it.
We have some good moderators in there.
But, you know, we're not going to take down the unflattering image of Michelle Obama.
People did that with Bush and First Lady Barbara and First Lady Laura.
But Google, the government complained and said everything you type in is unflattering.
And it's going to Prison Planet.
This was on the news.
We've got to pull that clip up if we have time.
That's because that's what's the most popular thing on Michelle Obama is her in an unflattering cartoon.
I'll just leave it at that.
That's how the internet works.
Now they're talking about changing that.
But right now on Alexa and Flycast and Shoutcast and all these other gauges, we are number one.
Number one alternative sites.
InfoWars is number one.
Prison Planet's number two.
We got the first and second place.
Number one on ShotKast for talk radio and many times of the day, number one period above music.
Number one free radio on the internet.
That is the future.
Okay, as everybody gets these devices and can tune into it, I talk to family, neighbors, they go, man, I got an iPhone, went to radio, you were number one.
And it's quite a responsibility.
I got a,
Big attack the last few weeks by CBS News, scores of other publications saying I'm the king of conspiracy, I'm dangerous, I'm incredibly popular.
That's actually kind of freaking me out.
I mean, I never intended to be getting this big and it's exponential.
I mean, we're only beginning to rise.
It's like we've got a rocket tied to our back.
And I got called by this high-powered operative
I mean, on record, the guy's a high-powered operative of the government and a foreign government who wants to come interview me coming up later this week for the front cover of a major magazine.
And you can't really turn it down because they'll just write it and say you chickened out and wouldn't talk to them.
But, I mean, my life's getting pretty wild is the operative word here, to say the least.
And just, we need your prayers.
We need your support.
I don't think so.
Five months free at PrisonPlanet.tv right now, or you can get a trial monthly membership for $5.95, and that's the cost of two cups of Starbucks coffee, folks.
And you get high-quality archives, the video streaming, all my films, my book, Paul Watson's book, almost six years.
It's five and a half years up and running.
We only make it better and better.
I want to thank the members there.
And if you're not a member or let your membership elapse, go get it, folks, because not only do you get great information, we let you share your passcode with six simultaneous computers can log on if you've got a membership.
So just don't share it with too many people, because it'd make our servers crash and your passcode won't work while six or more people are logged on with your passcode.
It'll start working as soon as they don't.
But share that judiciously, but still the message is to get the material out.
Go to prisonplanet.tv, burn all my films to DivX.
We have it in DivX version.
So it can play go on regular CDs that then play in most DVDs and computers.
Follow the Republic at the high quality DVD at InfoWars.com.
We have a deal running until they sell out and I'm told some sizes are about to sell out by this weekend probably.
So it'll be limited sizes soon.
It isn't right now.
We have all major sizes from small up to XX large.
The Obama Joker poster that the national media said should be banned and they attacked.
You can have this collector's edition with InfoWars on the back, different messages on the bottom, fascism, socialism, New World Order.
When you get Fall of the Republic, buy the one DVD for $19.95 and get a free t-shirt.
We also have some other combo deals where you can get Aaron Russo's Reflections and Warnings, the film I made with that last interview he did.
Really an honor to him, but it's also very informative.
People that see it say, man, this film should be bigger.
Get a free Reflections and Warnings.
This is important.
We've got that where you get a, you know, buy a Fall of the Republic, buy an Endgame, get that free.
Limited time.
Because when that runs out, I may not even print anymore.
I mean, I did a limited printing.
People kept saying, oh, we want that Aaron Russo interview.
We want that Aaron Russo interview.
So I turned it into a whole film.
But the way DVDs work is if something isn't a super good seller, I can't afford to print more of it.
Even though it's great to then just let it sit there on the shelf.
So, when that's gone, that's gone.
It's been somewhat successful, but it's been a sleeper for us.
That's why we're giving it away free, so you find out just how good it is.
You can also call toll-free.
Say, I want the free Aaron Russo DVD combo, or the free t-shirt combo, or 888-253-3139.
John, take us out with...
Symphony of Destruction.
We'll come back, answer more questions, take your calls, and the special guest is coming up.
Stay with us.
You take a mortal man and put him in control.
Watch him become a god.
It's a roll.
A roll.
A roll.
Just like the Pied Piper.
Letting rats through the streets.
We dance like marionettes.
Swaying to the symphony of destruction.
Acting like a robot.
It's metal brain corrodes.
You try to take his pulse.
Before the head explodes.
Just like the Pied Piper Let rats through the streets We dance like marionettes Swaying to the symphony Just like the Pied Piper Let rats through the streets We dance like marionettes Swaying to the symphony
Swing to the symphony of the soldiers!
The year starts to rumble!
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
I'll give you a little hint about the guest we've got coming up in the next hour, just a few minutes away.
It has to do with the hacked emails, with Climategate, and so much more.
So stay with us on that.
No more Mr. Nice Guy as we fight these globalists trying to seize control of our economy for world government.
You don't want to miss what's coming up.
We are live on this Black Friday as they call it.
27th day of November 2009.
Dubai in deep water as ripples from debt crisis spread.
Times of London.
Fears of dangerous new phase in the economic crisis swept around the globe yesterday as traders responded to the shock announcement that a debt-laden Dubai state corporation was unable to meet its interest bill.
Shares plunged on weak currencies, battered for more than 14 billion pounds, was wiped from the value of British banks on fears that they would be left nursing new losses.
Nervous traders transferred the focus of their anxieties from the risk of companies falling to the risk of nations states defaulting.
Investors owed money by Mexico, Russia, and Greece saw the price of insuring themselves against defaults rocket.
And it goes on from there.
Another headline out of Bloomberg.
Dubai debt delay rattles confidence in Gulf borrowers.
Dollar hits 14-year low against the Japanese yen.
Prompting fears that a further surge could hurt a fragile recovery in the world's second largest economy.
And what's gold doing right now?
I haven't even looked in the last few hours.
I know it's been rising upwards quickly, so I hate to say, see, I told you so, but man, the globalists are really killing the dollar.
We'll ask our guest that's coming up why he thinks that is going on.
And a lot more.
All the big new developments on ClimateGate.
It's confirmed the emails are real.
The very code to the computer system.
The computer models they use with notes from the programmers about how to engage in fraud.
How to cover up the decrease in temperatures.
KXAN locally did another report I saw the other night.
I don't even watch television maybe 30 minutes a day saying polar bears are drowning and dying even though their numbers are way up.
Even though they go out on ice flows to hunt.
They're the greatest land swimmer.
I mean, it's just unbelievable, the fraud.
Meanwhile, Climate Czar says hacked emails don't change anything, Washington Times.
And they're now looking at other countries that mirrored their fraudulent data for the IPCC and the UN.
New Zealand's climate data shows clear evidence of fraud.
So we'll be going over that as members of the Australian government resign over what's happening in that area of the world, as well as New Zealand.
Another author points to ClimateGate's Perry Mason moment when they're caught red-handed.
Another great article on the Wall Street Journal, How to Forge a Consensus.
The impression left by the ClimateGate emails is that the global warming game has been rigged from the start.
UK scientist's case for climate fears is blown to smithereens.
Whole theory should be destroyed and discarded and UN conference should be closed.
We should end this anti-scientific nonsense now.
UN's Copenhagen Jamboree is a scandal and it must be stopped.
So we're going to be breaking that down also.
Five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning and discussed over the carbon tax.
This is out of the London Telegraph today.
Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore's great big AGW conspiracy.
They're caught in a criminal conspiracy to loot economies and have the UN government decide who can have businesses and who can't, and banning fireplaces, space heaters, taxes on television sets already in California, just as the Aussie geologist and AGW skeptic Professor Ian Plummer predicted it would.
We're going to get geologist Ian Plummer back on.
ABC News reports that five frontbenchers from Australia's opposition Liberal Party have resigned their portfolios.
Rather than follow their leader, Malcolm Turnbull, in voting for Kevin Rudd's government on a new emissions trading scheme.
So they're ramming that through right now.
We're going to go to break, ladies and gentlemen, and come back with somebody that I have been chomping at the bit to get on, like no guest ever for some reason.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Scienceandpublicpolicy.org is his website.
It is excellent, chock-full of key, real hard data.
Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount of Monckton and Brinchley.
Sir, it is wonderful to have you with us.
It's grand to be with you.
We've got you for a full hour.
Our listeners are just absolutely in ecstasy right now because you and your clear, straight, piercing voice and intellect have been one of the main people just annihilating these frauds.
It's good to have you with us.
Well, flattery will get you everywhere.
You can get up off your knees now, take off the white gloves, and you no longer need to touch your forelock.
Well, I don't want my children to be slaves to the UN and a global government tax, and so I gotta tell you, sir, we popped champagne last week when it came out.
Those emails were real, and I would imagine you were popping some champagne.
Well, we've been following the people named in these emails for years.
We thought they were linked, and of course these emails establish exactly how they were linked.
And it's very, very interesting because we had suspected there were just about two dozen people who, around the world, mostly this side of the Atlantic and in America, who were putting this global warming scam together and actually driving it, rather than doing what the likes of Al Gore and the politicians do, just drifting along with it because they don't know any better.
These are the people who have known all along that there isn't a problem.
And they've been bending the data and admitting to each other they've been bending the data for the sake of concealing the fact that their data are no good.
Absolutely, and this really proves a conspiracy here, doesn't it?
You have called for the prosecution of the climate criminals.
You were the first.
Now many other representatives from Australia to the United States are calling for criminal investigations.
There's going to have to be a criminal investigation by the Information Commissioner, whose job is to make sure that publicly available information is available to the public, and that officials like the creeps in the Climate Research Centre, and their colleagues all over the United States as well, were prevented from
Hiding, destroying, tampering with, shuffling away the data which we paid for and it therefore belongs to us.
And they used a series of excuses.
They said, well, there's a Data Protection Act.
They said the data belonged to other countries' weather bureaus.
Hey, this is weather data.
It's not a state secret.
They were trying to say,
They were emailing each other, they were saying, we are not going to give this data to anybody.
They were even saying they wouldn't write any learned papers for journals which required, as part of the peer review process, that all the data and all the computer code and all the intermediate calculations should be shown and archived so that other scientists could check it.
They were determined.
That other scientists shouldn't be allowed to check their work because they knew that they were simply making things up.
These people are financial fraudsters.
They took at least $20 million that we can trace in recent years.
...in so-called grants for so-called scientific research, and they did it on the basis of a financial and scientific fraud.
So they should not only be locked up for concealing and destroying data that have been requested under the Freedom of Information Act by other scientists, they should also be locked up for financial fraud and international racketeering.
Well said, sir.
We're going to come right back after this quick break with a long segment.
I would like to, blow by blow, get your detailed knowledge of this, some of the history, who these people are, what their bigger goals are, and then specifically, right through Climategate, all the different sectors of fraud that they have engaged in, like covering up the four-year request, persecuting scientists, colluding to persecute people, which is racketeering, which is extortion,
Fraud, grant fraud, and now their response saying so what?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, for the rest of the hour, Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount of Monckton and Wrenchley, worked at the highest levels of the UK government at 10 Downing Street with one of the chief advisors to then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
You can find out more about his bio by visiting his website.
We'll give that out again repeatedly before he leaves us.
But some stations just joined us recapping.
Lord Monckton, tell us about yourself
You've been talking about this for more than a decade, and now what ClimateGate means, the different sectors of fraud, and how you believe, from your perspective, this should be prosecuted.
For those who haven't come across ClimateGate, this was the release of a large number of emails between about two dozen malevolent, crooked scientists.
Right at the top of the climatological tree, these are the people who, between them, have conspired to invent and then maintain the scare of global warming.
And the emails came from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Centre,
Which specializes in calculating the global temperature record for the whole world over the last 150 years since we first began having what one might call global instrumental coverage with thermometers all over the world.
And it's quite a complex process because very few of the temperature stations remain in the same place for any length of time.
They come in and out, some work, some stop working, some don't report properly, some don't report at all.
Whole chunks of Russia disappeared in 1990 when the Berlin Wall came down.
So it's very difficult actually to make sense of all this data.
But unfortunately, what they were doing at the Climate Research Centre, with active assistance from many other climate scientists around the world, was they were simply making up the 20th century record of temperatures.
So we don't even know how much warmer it has got over the 20th century.
We know, broadly speaking, it's got warmer because it's been getting warmer for 300 years.
Nothing to do with us.
But we didn't know how much.
And the whole idea of having this very elaborate international network of temperature stations with people going and looking in little boxes and making a note of the temperature every day and then phoning their local weather bureau and that then being passed on to just two or three places around the world, of which East Anglia was one where they compiled these records,
This was an enormously elaborate piece of work, and then when it got to East Anglia, and the other, and the two American universities where this was processed, what they did then, as we now know because we've seen their computer code and we've seen their data, they didn't store the data properly, they didn't keep it in an organized form, they didn't know by the end of it what their own computer programs were doing, but they were processing all of the data several times over, and it had become a complete mess.
And essentially, they were simply making up
The temperature increases of the last 20 years.
It is simply a fiction.
It's science fiction.
Well, expanding on that, and of course you obviously have read the emails, they talk about temperatures are dropping.
How do we fix it?
How do we spin it?
How do we hide the decline?
And then of course there's the whole area of how they're talking about keeping people out of journals, persecuting journals, blocking FOIA requests, working with government officials to block this information from the public.
I mean, this is racketeering.
It is racketeering.
I think it does.
It is nicely covered by your RICO statute.
And funny enough, we have just put a new act on the statute book a few years ago called the Fraud Act.
And this is fraud on our side of the Atlantic and racketeering, as you would call it, on yours.
These are people who deserve to go to prison for a very long time.
And I'll tell you why I'm so angry about it.
Because this is a point that's nearly always forgotten in all the commentaries about climate change.
That global warming isn't killing anyone, and it isn't going to kill anyone.
What is killing people, and killing them by the million, of starvation, now, is the effect of the global warming scare.
Because many nations, including the United States, have taken up to a third of their agricultural land out from growing food for people who needed it, to growing biofuels for clunkers that didn't.
And that has meant, in the last year or two, a doubling, and I mean a doubling, of world food prices.
And the World Bank says that nearly all of that doubling of world food prices is directly attributable to the biofuel scam, which in turn is directly caused by the global warming scare, and governments saying, well, even if it isn't true, we've got to take precautions.
But you have to remember, you also have to take precautions
To check that the precautions you're taking are not killing people by the million, which is what this policy of biofuels is actually doing.
And by the way... All of this scare comes out from these idiots and these crooks and these criminals.
I'm very sorry, I'm not kind of keeping my normal calm self here.
No, please!
I am so incandescent with fury that these people whom we as British taxpayers and you as American taxpayers have been paying to do this work.
And we have been trusting them to do it right.
They have simply not only been making it up...
But as you rightly say, they have been tampering with the peer review process, trying to interfere with reviewers to persuade them to pass or not to pass papers they didn't like.
They've been trying to bully journal editors whom they don't like into resigning and getting the boards of the papers to appoint, the learned journals, to appoint somebody else more agreeable to them.
They've been interfering with the process of the UN's climate panel itself.
By saying in one case, here are two papers we don't like because they show that we're wrong, we will make sure that these papers do not ever get anywhere near the UN Climate Report for 2007, even if we have to redefine the peer review process in order to do it.
That's how far they've gone, to bend the entire process.
...of scientific research at every level, from the gathering of the data, to the storage of the data, to the processing of the data, to making the data available to other people, to writing up the data, to doing the papers explaining what it means, calculating the temperatures, putting the papers in the peer-reviewed journals, trying to interfere with the peer-reviewed journals, interfering with the process of the UN's climate panel itself.
It is a conspiracy from top to bottom, run by extremely powerful scientists.
Who had got away for decades with challenging anyone who dared to argue with them by saying, you're not a scientist, you don't know what you're talking about, we're not going to pay any attention to you.
They've said that to me and about me time and again.
They described me in one of their emails as a charlatan.
Well, I don't mind insults, but these people are charlatan themselves.
Pot called kettle black.
These people deserve to be locked up and locked up for a very, very, very long time and never, ever again to be allowed to hold any position of public trust or be paid a single penny of taxpayers' money.
Well, Lord Monckton, that's the point, is there's so much fraud, as I sit here and research it,
Saying that polar bears couldn't swim when they're the greatest land swimmer and hunt on the ice flows and their numbers have exploded.
Local news in Austin last night said the polar bears are all dying.
Total fraud.
Lying with the hockey stick.
Al Gore putting the graph together knowing that carbon dioxide comes after warming.
Lying about that.
And then saying all scientists agreed with them and pointing to their 2,500 pets when it was only
Three universities, as you pointed out, producing the fraud.
The others just signed on to the fraud, believing it.
Then we have them calling people climate deniers, saying people need to be locked up who disagree with them.
Clearly authoritarian.
I mean, this is outrageous.
And now the U.S.
climate czar in the Washington Times says hacked emails don't change anything.
And I've seen London Guardian articles where they're whining, talking about how you and others
That's right, and I'm going to go on persecuting them, if that's the way they like to call it.
I am going to go on because whether they like it or not, and they've done more than anyone to try to stop the world continuing to be free,
Well, we've had people like James Hansen, you've just quoted him, saying that people like me should be placed on trial for high crimes against humanity.
Hey, I'm not the person killing people by starvation worldwide because of mad policies based on bad science.
That's what they're doing.
And they have got to go on trial for high crimes against humanity because what they have been doing is they have been recklessly and deliberately
Making up science, falsifying science, then doing their best to use the cover of the Data Protection Act and government privilege to prevent people from, other scientists from legitimately asking to get the data which they then said they would destroy rather than giving it out.
It is at every level a howling outrage.
How we deal with it, I think that there are going to have to be prosecutions on this side of the Atlantic, indictments on your side.
People are going to have to go to jail and be put on trial, not only for fraud, but I think we're going to need to send some of them to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
Because so many people are dying in the poorest countries as a direct result of the lunatic policies being pursued by half-witted government peopled with scientifically illiterate and innumerate sickos who don't know any science and therefore they have a kind of white coat syndrome.
A scientist comes along and tells them something and they simply believe it, particularly if it happens to suit their political predilection, which means on the whole
It's much easier to persuade the left of the nonsense these people have been peddling than it is the right, who tend to be more skeptical of this kind of thing.
Even on the right, like our government here, and like Malcolm's opposition in Australia, they have been taking the side of the climate wreckers, these people who are making up the data.
And instead of saying, right, now we can see, you know, the scales have been lifted from our eyes, we can see we have been deceived.
And therefore, we are going to cancel the Copenhagen Conference.
We're not going to go, we're not going to have a Copenhagen Treaty.
They're all going to go anyway.
It was literally two days after these emails exploded all over the web.
Of course, they didn't really get into the mainstream media, which had been telling the other story and can't bear to admit they got it wrong.
But the internet has exploded with these emails.
Two days after that, President Obama announces, oh, I'm going to Copenhagen.
We've got to save the planet.
What planet is he trying to save?
It was saved 2,000 years ago, and it certainly doesn't need to be saved now by President Obama.
Thank you very much.
Yeah, these fraudsters go even further, billing Al Gore in Newsweek as the prophet, his plan for the Earth.
He's going to save us.
When we come back, I want to get into the point you made about people dying.
Anyone can Google and find mainstream university reports where if they make moderate carbon dioxide cuts in industry, one billion third world people will die in the next decade.
That is a conservative estimate, and we have the Royal Commission on Population from the 40s discussing this.
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Lord Monckton is our guest.
He is going to Copenhagen.
I just talked to him.
He's going to be gracious enough to give us a report from Copenhagen.
This is just amazing.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up to get into plenty of information, but I don't want to just skip over the fact that global warming, man-made global warming is meant to destroy industrial society, as Maury Strong has said.
Sir, can you go over just briefly
That's exactly what the aim has been.
So Maurice Strong, who was a Canadian bureaucrat at the UN 25 years ago, it was he who decided that
Setting up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a political body rather than a scientific one would be the Trojan horse by which the UN could achieve its long-held ambition of turning itself into a dictatorial world government.
And a few weeks ago, thanks to a very diligent scientist called Willie Soon at the Harvard-Smithsonian Institute for Astrophysics,
I was able to get hold of an advanced copy of the draft Treaty of Copenhagen, which I'm going to go to Copenhagen to try to negotiate away next week.
But there'll be 200 countries there, 250 UN bureaucracies, different bureaucracies will be there, let alone how many bureaucrats in each bureaucracy.
A huge jamboree.
And in the draft treaty, it said they were going to set up a world government.
The word government actually appears in the treaty in this context for the first time that I've ever seen it, and I've negotiated quite a few of these treaties in the past.
And it's going to give this government the power
To control all formerly free markets.
A point which Von Rompey, the new dictator of Europe, has also just said.
He doesn't want free markets anymore, he wants it regulated.
And that's what they're going to do to markets all around the world.
All in the name of saving the planet from a problem we know is no longer a real problem.
Well, that's what Ban Ki-moon said in the New York Times three weeks ago.
He said the UN will control world resources and a global government.
That's exactly their ambition.
They want nothing less than total world domination, to use the old phrase, and rather than doing it by going to war, as they would have had to in the old days, like Alexander of Macedon, or Adolf Hitler, or Napoleon, all these people with more ambitions than taste, they want to do it by a bureaucratic, stealthy coup d'etat.
What they did was they hid this draft treaty as an annex
To a two-page note by the Secretariat of the Conference of the State Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, buried on a UN website.
That's where Willie Soon, who reads everything, thank heaven, found it.
He saw it, sent it straight to me, and I discovered in the annex to this note 186 pages of a draft treaty.
Which they had kept secret by putting it openly on a website but burying it as an annex without saying it was there.
So that when they had eventually pushed this treaty through, they were going to turn round with looks of surprise on their faces and say, what do you mean we hadn't published it?
It's been on our website for weeks.
That's the sort of game these shabby people play to try to trick us into giving up our freedom, our democracy, and our prosperity.
And of course, the U.S.
Would be made subject to this new treaty.
If this treaty is signed by Obama, even if the Senate doesn't ratify it, and I don't think the Senate now will, because I've been into the Senate and talked to several Senators and I said, you sign this, it's over the dead body of the American Constitution.
Don't do it.
And I don't think they will.
I've spoken to several of them now.
The trouble is, though, that Obama might just say, well, I have signed this treaty using my executive authority as president, and I am either going to enact it into domestic law by a simple majority of both houses as an ordinary domestic law, or I'm going to go to the Supreme Court and say, look, the trend of law is towards global governance and dictatorship now, democracy has had its day, and the Supreme Court, as at present constituted,
Well said, and
I think?
To implement by piecemeal many parts of these global treaties, Schwarzenegger is banning and taxing television sets over their carbon footprint.
So it appears that they're trying to force this even if they can't do it legislatively.
Lord Christopher Monckton is our guest.
He is the third vice count, Monckton of Brinchley.
We're going to come right back and get into the master plan.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We will not be forgotten.
We won't be left behind.
One word is the website, Lord Christopher Monckton's website.
He's with us for another 26 minutes.
He's going to be reporting here for us coming on when he's in Copenhagen.
We're lining that up.
So very important that he be there with his measured, focused, like a laser beam intellect, exposing these people.
He's been fighting them for decades.
And of course,
Laying out that their science was fraud because scientists would get the raw data and it didn't match what this pet University used by the UN to put out this fraud was saying But sir, I mean you're someone who I know doesn't you know want the credit?
But you deserve the credit literally setting bushfires in the minds of men as Thomas Jefferson said here in the United States and Canada with your tour perfect fate
Or Providence building up to these wonderful leakers, probably not hackers, leakers inside this head climatology bureau at East Anglia.
I mean, just amazing.
Can you speak to that?
And then...
Number two, to the mindset of Maurice Strong.
I talked to you during a break, you said you had read EcoScience and their calls for world population reduction, drugging the water, just a planetary regime to carry out the police state and then the world population reduction.
Lord Monckton.
Let's go back to the book that John Holdren, who is the current so-called science star, of course, we would call him a commissar.
That's what he is.
You know, he's a communist, this guy, and an openly admitted communist.
And he's the science advisor to the President of the United States, can you believe it?
He, with Paul Ehrlich, wrote a book 30 years ago in which he said that because of humankind's influence on the climate, there was going to be rapid global cooling in the next 10 years, he said.
And this was going to cause so much ice to pile up on Antarctica that it would fall off and fall into the water and cause a tidal wave bigger than any ever seen in human history.
And I'm actually quoting from the book when I say that.
That was his view 30 years ago.
With seamless mendacity, he now says that what we're facing is global warming, also from human influence on the climate, and actually there is no more basis whatsoever for saying that there's going to be global warming than there is global cooling.
I checked that with Professor Dick Linton.
Of course.
He said there's no way you can tell and all these people telling us that if we don't clean up our act it's somehow going to become warmer when they were previously telling us it was going to become cooler.
How can anyone like Holdren stand up with a straight face and expect anyone to believe him?
But they do because they know that the mainstream media are now so left-wing.
So captured by the desire to set up this communistic world government to do away with democracy forever by stealth, using the excuse of saving the planet, that they will drift along with it.
If you take people like Sir Maurice Strong, what's in it for him?
He's made a lot of money out of it over the years.
In fact, he was done under the UN World Oil for Food Programme at one stage for having put his fingers in the till.
These are the people now who are
I think so.
People who have absolutely no moral principle.
They don't care how many people they kill with their policies.
They don't care that countries in the third world are going to be poor and are going to be starved.
There is a direct correlation between the amount of CO2 that you burn in a nation per head of population
And the longevity and prosperity of the population.
The more CO2 you burn, the longer you live.
The less CO2 you burn, the more your children die young.
These figures are absolutely plain, and it is an outrage that people like Holdren dare to say that they want to stop the world from burning CO2, when they must know
That the consequence of that policy will be to do what is already happening, to kill people in the poorer countries who need, above all else, to use fossil fuels to lift themselves out of poverty, because it's only if you do lift yourself out of poverty and become reasonably prosperous as a population as a whole, not just a few elite in the middle, but the whole population becoming more prosperous, that, and only that, is what stabilises the population and reduces the world's
Um, footprint on the planet, and allows other creatures to live with us without being crowded out.
But Lord Monson!
Lord Monckton, I mean, the fraud is so obvious where they were saying global cooling, then it was global warming, now they say climate change, the oceans are going to turn into acid.
I mean, they keep saying the science is all settled when they're all manifest quack frauds who all of them write books about planetary governments forcibly cutting off resources to kill the majority of us, drugging our water supplies to sterilize us.
These people are Hitlerian, and as you know, being a man of letters and history, that Hitler got his ideas from the eugenicists in England and the United States, and that these are simply a bunch of little Hitlers masquerading as liberal bleeding hearts.
They are murderous criminal control freaks.
Well, you put that even more strongly than I would, I think.
I think there is certainly an element of deliberate desire to control population by killing people in large numbers deliberately, if necessary.
I don't think they care about that, as long as they're not among those who get killed.
And I think we do have to try to persuade the third world countries when they go to Copenhagen.
That they should not sign this treaty.
It's been very carefully tailored, this treaty, so that they think, in the third world countries, that they're going to make a lot of money out of it from the western countries.
And that's why they, many of them, are going to say, well, you know, maybe there is this climate problem, maybe there isn't, but if we're going to make some money out of it, we'll pretend that there is.
And of course that would be the most terrible thing for them to do, because they will be the first victim of this policy of making the world poorer.
If you make the rich poorer, then you make the poor poorer still, and they will end up not just scratching around for a bare existence, they will be dying.
That's already happening.
And anybody who really cares about his fellow man in the poorer countries must always oppose this nonsense about not burning fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are harmless.
CO2 is a naturally occurring trace gas.
And to take up your point about ocean acidification, which you've just mentioned, that's their fallback position.
We've now had 15 years with no global warming.
We've had 9 years of rapid global cooling, though they've been doing their best to conceal that.
In public, they've been saying, oh, but 8 of the last 10 years or 10 of the last 12 years have been the warmest on the record, without telling us the record only goes back 150 years.
But then they say internally, oh look, you know, Moncton is right.
The temperatures really have been falling for nine years, and we can't explain it, and what a travesty that is.
So publicly they're saying the science is settled, you're all doomed unless you close down the economies of the West, whereas privately they're saying to each other, we've got it wrong, that none of this adds up, and it's a travesty that we can't explain it.
And so they now say ocean acidification is the problem.
No, it isn't.
There has been 20 times as much CO2 in the atmosphere as there is today.
Let us go back, say, to the Cambrian era, 550 million years ago.
Ah, yes, I remember it well.
At that time, 20 times as much CO2 in the atmosphere as there is today.
And that was the time when the calcite corals first came into existence.
So all this bed-wetting nonsense about the corals dissolving in 20 years, as Al Gore has been saying, because of ocean acidification, there is no scientific basis for that at all.
It physically can't happen, because CO2 is only ranked seventh
Oh Lord!
Lord Monckton, going through a bunch of subjects, I want to play a clip in a moment of Herman Van Rompuy, the new EU head of this expanded dictatorial EU.
I'd like you to talk about the nature of the world government, because some liberals say, oh, a wonderful world government, peace, peace.
This, as you say, is a dictatorial
I think?
Is the key to our world government exposing then their carbon taxes of fraud will kill 30 years of a program they've been building in the background and and why do you think they're now coming out of the closet and admitting world government?
I think they're omitting it simply because they were caught out.
There's no doubt that they had hoped that that treaty would stay on the website and they hoped that nobody would see it.
But they wanted to put it there so that they couldn't be accused afterwards of not having let the public know what they were going to do.
That's why they did that.
And I happened to find out about it.
I then, first of all, got it in the national press in Canada or over the front page of the National Post.
Then, when I went to the States, I did the same there, with a speech in Fall, Minnesota, where somebody filmed the peroration of just four minutes and put it up on the web.
And four million people have seen that now.
And I think what has happened is we've panicked them.
And so now they're coming out trying to reassure us that global governance isn't such a bad idea after all.
Previously, they weren't going to tell us about this.
They were going to put that treaty in place.
And then we would suddenly wake up and find we were ruled by some ghastly group of little Hitlers in Geneva or somewhere.
And that none of our democratically elected government could do anything about it.
We know what it feels like in the UK, because that's what they did to us with the EU.
They told us it was just going to be a free trade area, and it turned into a bureaucratic monster.
I was talking, in fact, to the past president of the EU, a wonderful man, who is the president of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus, about this in Washington the other day.
We were attending a conference together on the climate, organized by the Washington Times.
And he made a wonderful speech there, and I asked him, I said, look,
Doesn't the whole arrangement of Copenhagen, this treaty that they're proposing to put in place, doesn't it look very much like a reinvention of communism to you?
And he stopped and thought, and this is a man who presided over the collapse of communism in his country, he brought it to freedom, and was its second president after he won their freedom.
So he really knows what it's like to be on the wrong end of the extreme left and communism.
And he thought for a moment and he said,
Well, okay, so we can't yet say that it's going to be as brutal as communism was, but he said apart from that, the similarities between communism and this treaty are far too many and far too close for comfort.
I thought that was a very good answer.
Well, sir...
I mean, how can we not look at the police states being erected across the Western world?
The surveillance, the citizen spies, British parents having to get a license to go to a public playground with their children, warrantless DNA checkpoints here in the United States.
I mean, clearly, we see a world government forming by the bureaucracy that is to be enforced at the barrel of a gun.
Well, I'll tell you what I think we can do about it, because I think we now need to organize.
And I think what we need to do is to form the first worldwide political party.
And this worldwide political party, which will operate and fight elections in every country, will simply be called the Freedom Party.
And it will fight this international, creeping, communistic bureaucracy, wherever it finds it, and it will stand up
I think?
With the bureaucratic political class lording it over them in this way, in a way far more intrusive than anything the aristocracy of old used to do, or even could do.
They're using all the weapons, as you rightly say, of modern surveillance.
We have more cameras snooping over the British people than in all the other countries of Europe added together.
This is a real police state here.
Now, I can't get onto the BBC to say what I'm saying to you.
They rang up yesterday and invited me to go on the air, and then within five minutes they'd rung up and cancelled, and the reason why was I was going to go on to debate with the leader of the Green Party.
And the moment she heard I was coming, she said to the BBC, don't let him on because he'll beat me if he comes on.
Let me go on on my own because I'll say what you, the BBC, want me to say.
And so they cancelled not me, the one who was willing to debate, but her, the one that wasn't.
They cancelled me, and they let her go on.
That's how it now is.
Isn't this a form of... Here are subservient to the government.
Well, the BBC still, that I've seen, won't report on the email gate, and as you know and reported, sir, they got these five weeks before and refused to publish them.
That is another horrifying story, because in the old days, if you were a journalist and some news came your way, even if it was news that you didn't agree with politically, you knew what news was, you reported it.
You could add caveats that maybe it was stolen, you could add caveats that maybe you didn't approve of it, but you still reported it.
The BBC is now so politicised, so utterly the creature of the communistic, bureaucratic class that now runs the whole of Europe, whether our elected government like it or not, and far too many of them do like it or not, that we no longer have free speech on the air in this country.
And most of the newspapers won't touch it either.
There's only been two newspapers here that have really reported in any depth what is in these emails.
The rest of them have loftily remained... They're still wittering on about how the global warming will spread malaria or drown the Maldives or cause floods and droughts or melt the Arctic ice cap and make the poor polar bears suffer.
There are five times as many polar bears now as there were 40 years ago.
Hardly, as you may think, the profile of a species in imminent threat of extinction.
And Lord Monckton, as you say, that is an official government number.
They're all over the place, and I have seen in the last week since these emails got leaked, an intensification of scientists coming out and saying, we're all dead, pass it now.
It seems like they are panicking, and a lot of people that were on the fence about this are really starting to wake up because of the ridiculous, alarmist statements by Al Gore and others.
I think there is definitely now the stink of desperation in the alarmist shrieking noises that we're hearing.
They know they've been rumbled.
They know they've been found out.
They know the Bunko booth is about to be closed down and their little scam, in fact rather a large scam, is no longer going to go any further.
And they are absolutely desperate.
To try to force this treaty through in Copenhagen.
They're going to try to make sure that Obama never reads about the emails from the Climate Research Unit.
You know, they have so many other things to read, these heads of state.
If the bureaucrats don't want them to know about something, they can make sure they don't find out about it.
And Obama probably doesn't even know these emails have happened.
Even if he does know, I don't think he would care.
But I don't think they will have even told him.
Because he wants to be able to have plausible deniability.
Oh, gee, I never knew that when I went ahead and signed this treaty which ended our Constitution.
May I quote Jefferson to you?
Yes, sir.
He is the founder of Obama's party, the founder of the Democrat Party, and this is what he said.
He said, I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every tyranny over the mind of man.
Now what we're faced with
This is a tyranny worldwide over the mind and body of man.
And it is the duty of every red-blooded United States citizen to oppose with every fiber of his being what is being done in his name by this administration to try to sign away your Constitution at Copenhagen.
I went onto the Hill recently and I went to see one of your greatest constitutional experts.
He's a young lawyer.
All you can see in his office is piles of books everywhere.
And he sat me down, on a pile of books as it happened, and even before I'd sat down, he said, this treaty trumps the United States Constitution.
This, he said, will be the end of the United States, as we know it.
That is how close your country is going to come to being extinguished.
Ours has largely already gone, because the European Commissars, whom we don't elect, now make 90% of our laws.
But I don't want to see the beacon of freedom to the rest of the world, which is what the United States is.
I don't want to see the United States going the same way.
So if you are listening to this radio station, then get off your bottom, get out of that lounger,
Get a pen and paper.
Get hold of the number of the U.S.
Senate and ring the U.S.
Senate and ask to speak to both of your senators.
Do not be fobbed off with an intern or a secretary.
Make sure you speak to a senior staffer at least, the senator himself if possible, and make it known.
That the Treaty of Copenhagen shall not pass.
That's what you can do in the week that you have remaining to save your country and its democracy and the world's freedom that depends on your democracy.
Well said, Lord Mocton.
Absolutely incredible.
Again, you're a godsend.
At the time, you exploded on the scene after years of speaking out.
You know, it caught fire in the minds of men and women everywhere.
Then these emails and documents, the code coming out where there's notes by the programmers how to engage in fraud, the notes about persecution, emails with John P. Holdren in there.
And all this news in the Times of London, billionaire club and bid to curb overpopulation, secret meetings by the elites, and that's my next question for you, sir, in the time we have left.
I mean, you've worked at the highest levels of the British government for Tim Downing Street as a top advisor to Margaret Thatcher.
You're a high-level lord in the House of Lords.
You have a great old British family behind you.
You know a lot of the elites.
What is the real split in the power structure?
Because we know the
The socialist, communist, globalists don't have full control yet.
They're trying to get it now.
What is the real power structure?
Because we see George Soros.
We see a lot of other big, rich billionaires.
The Rockefellers behind this man-made climate change, global government move.
I mean, bottom line, who are these people to humanity?
Who are they to you?
Who are the real enemies of humanity?
The enemies of humanity are those who think that they know best what's good for you, the little guy.
You and me, the little guy.
They think they know best what is good for us.
Anybody who has that attitude does not deserve to hold a high office, but all too often they do.
And it is very important to understand how arrogant these people are.
But there is always hope.
Because although money, such as that which George Soros has, or Bill Gates of Microsoft, any of these people who have, in one way or another, indicated their belief in the global warming nonsense, although money buys you power, it doesn't buy you the long-term influence by which alone humankind advances.
And that is governed entirely by those who generate ideas.
And that is something which people who simply want power for themselves are very seldom capable of doing.
And so in the end, I'm not frightened that we have communism, if you like, re-emerging from behind the Berlin Wall and now spreading into every aspect of every Western democracy's life, because of course that's what's happening.
The control-free kingdom was in trouble!
Yes, we should point out what you've been fighting.
You've been fighting these people for 15 years, haven't you?
I've been fighting them ever since I first worked for Margaret Thatcher because they were, at that time, in the Kremlin.
They were buying our miners' union support for a strike against the elected government of Britain.
And they had spent £20 million, which in today's money is about $200 million.
We're subsidizing the Marxist faction within our Mine Workers Union to try to disrupt Britain by a series of crippling strikes.
So you learned about them then.
We're almost out of time.
I'm sorry for interrupting, but now Russia's coming out against the global warming tax.
It's almost like things are upside down.
We're the USSR, and they're not perfect.
What's your take on Russia?
Well, they are now 20 times more democratic than the European Union is.
Of course, you tend to vote at the point of a gun.
You tend to have only a limited choice of candidates and a lot of corruption.
But their elected parliament, insofar as it is elected, makes the laws for Russia.
Our elected parliament no longer makes the laws for us.
That's done for us by the Commissars, whom we don't elect.
So Russia is now more democratic than Britain.
I hate to say it, but America
is more democratic than almost anywhere else in the world.
And I beg you, Alex, I beg you, do not allow America to give up her democracy for this mess of socialist global warming porridge and pottage at Copenhagen.
Don't allow your freedom to be taken away.
Lord Monckton, I know it is a Friday evening where you are, and I'd like to say bye to you here during the break if you must leave.
If not, we have a five-minute little short segment coming up.
If we can have five more minutes, I'd like to come back, give you the floor with a final statement, or you can do it in the minute we have right now, about
Seizing on these emails, which is now happening, and really standing up for this battle and making sure that we get back on the offense instead of the defense, because as you said, this is two minutes to midnight.
It is.
It's even later than that.
I mean, we're really in the last second before freedom died.
And you must, you must, you must not let it happen.
If you're listening to this, you may think, you may think
Stay there, sir.
Stay there.
Take it away.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNLive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Alright, it is, of course, 8 o'clock in the evening over in England.
He's waiting to have dinner with his lovely wife, Sir Burlingate Ward-Mumpton.
Another four and a half minutes.
His website is scienceandpublicpolicy.org.
Our websites are, of course, infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
And I cover the global green takeover in my film, Fall of the Republic, free on YouTube and Google.
Millions and millions of views in this and the Obama deception.
Show it to everyone you know.
Just because you are awake and aware doesn't mean your friends and family are and people are now ready to hear the truth.
In the last four minutes that we have left, sir, you have the floor recapping Climategate, where we go, Copenhagen, the nature of these people, Lord Christopher Monckton.
Science, very briefly.
We now know, by direct measurement, that these consensus computer models, all of which had been tuned deliberately, as we now know, from the East Anglia one, to show and save and demonstrate the same results.
These models are all wrong.
The outgoing radiation that was supposed to be trapped by the greenhouse gases down here, so it wasn't getting out to space,
It's getting out to space.
We've measured it from a satellite for 20 years.
It's getting out to space just as much as it always did.
And so the warming effect of extra CO2 is tiny.
You're looking at maybe a quarter to half a Celsius degree over the whole of the next hundred years.
That's the science.
And that's by measurement.
That's not a question of consensus.
It's a straightforward measurement.
And the consensus has been proven wrong in a paper published by Professor Lindzen just a couple of months ago.
We also now know that even if there were a problem, nothing we can do about it because we're only emitting enough to put up the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by two parts per million of the whole atmosphere every year.
That's enough to cause, even on the UN's exaggerated estimate of CO2's warming effect, that will only cause less than 1 25th of a Fahrenheit degree of warming per year.
So all those people who say we've got to save the planet immediately or we're doomed in 10 years, it's rubbish.
Even if the UN were right, which we now know by measurement it isn't, there's nothing we can do about it short of closing down the entire world economy permanently.
And so there's no point in taking any steps whatsoever to mitigate CO2.
It's far better to adapt to any change in climate, whichever way it goes, and it's going to be 50-50 whether it gets warmer or cooler from now on, even if we do nothing.
And the correct policy to deal with the non-problem that is climate change is to have the courage to do nothing except to prosecute and indict and imprison for a very long time.
The fraudsters and racketeers from Al Gore to the people of the University of East Anglia who have been making their fortune at the expense of taxpayers and the little guy paying extra for his electricity to pay for all these useless windmills.
We, the people, have now got to rise up worldwide, found a party which stands in every country for freedom,
And make sure that we fight this bureaucratic, communistic, world government monster to a standstill.
They shall not pass.
Lord Christopher Monckton and the minute and a half we have left.
It is a godsend, your work, for the last 20 years fighting these people.
It's a godsend what Ron Paul's been doing.
So many others are now speaking out against this tyranny and we're now seeing that we can have victories against these people if we stand up but
This is the key juncture with Copenhagen.
We must do everything we can, calling into local talk shows, letters to the editor, calling Congress, supporting you when you go to Copenhagen.
Because if we defeat them on this, does this not deal a substantive, perhaps even death blow to this global government tyranny?
I think what we're going to have to do is to close down the United Nations.
I was talking to a very senior former UN ambassador the other day in Canada and he said to me, and I was quite surprised coming from him, he said, I no longer see any purpose in the UN.
It exists only to enrich itself at the expense of the nations it claims to serve.
It's time it was brought to an end.
We would all save billions if we shut down the UN and just about all of its hideous bureaucracy.
And it's a criminal menace.
It must be dealt with.
I agree.
Abolish it.
Arrest the criminals.
Charge them.
Lord Christopher Monckton, thank you so much.
God bless you.
We salute you.
And God bless America.
Take care, my friend.
Amazing interview.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, on this black, frenzied shopping day Friday.
I came in because Jesse Ventura called up Wednesday and said, hey, I want to do your show Friday, give you the exclusive before I do a bunch of TV and radio next week.
The new TV show that I consulted on and I appear in that's going to be airing live 10 p.m.
Eastern Wednesday, December 3rd, 9 p.m.
Central, Conspiracy Theory.
He's surprised it's even going to air.
He's not even completely sure yet.
And when we go to rebroadcast when the show ends in 50 minutes,
We're about to go rebroadcast with Damon Vickers, because I have family in town and I've got to go.
But then when that ends, it was the live interview with Jesse Ventura.
We did it at the start of the show.
Amazing interview.
Talked about stuff I never heard him talk about.
His dad, big war hero, and the rest of it, and the New World Order, and I convinced Jesse that globalism's bad, period.
Because he knows it's bad, but he says, well, couldn't it be good?
An amazing interview there.
You're not going to believe the guests we've got coming up next week, in the next two, three weeks.
And I forgot that Dave Mustaine said when he was coming into Texas in November and December, he wanted to come in studio.
I just remembered this.
We're contacting him to get him on the next week, maybe too late.
Regardless, we'll get him next time he comes through.
He's a big fan, as you know, and he has a new album, Endgame, after my film Endgame.
So we love Dave Mustaine.
I always loved him, but I really love him more now.
So that's going on with some other incredibly important, informative guests.
But I tell you, I've never been as excited.
Charlie Sheen, by the way, is on Sunday.
As I am with this Lord Mocton, because it's history happening, this guy, my instincts, everything, he's just good through and through, he's waking people up, he has huge gravitas, he's a high-level peer, closely related to Queen Elizabeth, but he's speaking out against the whole thing, and we're drawing blood.
I mean, we're in a fight with the New World Order, and we are starting to really kick their butt.
And we're auditing the Fed now.
The strong bill passed out a committee.
They have 311 votes.
No way it's not going to pass the House.
The Senate will probably kill it.
But then everybody will say, why can't we audit?
Why can't we audit?
We'll get it next year or the year after.
The momentum is all shifting.
A primal shift is happening right now.
And I can't believe the providence that I'm a central figure in this fight, getting to talk to people like Lord Monckton, getting to
To talk to people like Ron Paul, Dave Mustaine, you the listeners.
I know I loaded the phones up and haven't gone to them.
I apologize.
We'll be back live Sunday.
It's just mind-blowing to see all this happening.
But the globalists have pulled the trigger.
They've imploded the economy by design.
Their own documents they admitted.
They're bringing in the global taxes.
We told you they would.
In my films I made a decade ago.
Because we have their own plans.
It's here!
So we're going, yeah, we're waking up, we're fighting back, but they've still already run over us with the tank.
Now, we gotta get back up and go climb on top the tank in the Info War with the information bomb and throw a hand grenade into it.
And I mean that as a peaceful analogy.
The media will edit that together, but it doesn't matter.
The point is, we are in combat.
This is it.
And we have to decide that justice be done, may the heavens fall.
All that evil men and tyrancy deflourish is that good men do nothing.
I think that was another British Lord said that.
Like pull up that quote, all that evil men and tyrancy deflourish is that good men do nothing.
I know George Washington repeated it and Thomas Jefferson changed it a bit, but all that evil men and tyrancy deflourish is that good men and women do nothing.
And doesn't mean we're perfect, doesn't mean we have all the answers, but we're in the fight here together.
Now before I go back to this Damon Vickers interview from a few weeks ago, it was so controversial.
But I was just nice to him so we could hear what he really thought.
I wasn't aware he was this big a globalist.
We're going to have him back on, by the way.
This is a great illustration.
I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up because, yeah, it supports the network, but it's such a great deal.
We have the dollar hits 14-year low against the yen, gold exploding in prices, Dubai and Deepwater $18 billion, $14 billion default hitting British and U.S.
This is the beginning of the end.
Now, we may defeat the New World Order, or they may take over, then we defeat them through that process, but the momentum is beginning to gather on our side.
And knowing who the enemy is, waking up to it, is so important, and then taking action.
But I wanted to bring Ted up because he is running out of the gold he bought at the $1,050 level.
I've got a few items left.
That's why I wanted to come up on air.
By the way, what did you think of the Mocton and Jesse Ventura interview?
I mean, it's incredible!
Your show is just over the top, man.
I am just so proud to be associated with you and your crew.
It just makes me feel like I'm really doing something right, finally, you know?
Well, I mean, let's be clear.
I'm not on a power trip doing this.
It's very humbling, and it's great to be associated with you, Ted.
Twelve years working with you, you've never told me what to say, what to do.
When half or more of our radio stations turned me off after 9-11, when I was saying it was an inside job, you never said,
Don't do it.
You just pointed out, well, we've lost half our affiliates, but I want you to go out and tell the truth.
And then we gained them back and more.
But yeah, Ted, you're the best.
And I think it's because you didn't come from radio that you have done so well on radio.
So it's great working with you, too, Ted.
Yeah, well, symbiotic, obviously.
It's just neat to see what's going on.
It's neat to see, you know, parliamentary-type members, you know, come on your show.
Jesse Ventura.
You know, Charlie Sheen.
I mean, it's just the level that we have come to is just amazing.
And then, of course, to see the entire world start to look for it.
Ted, I can randomly call up rock stars and movie stars because I can hear what they're saying politically and they go, oh yeah, you woke me up.
I mean, I can go, I bet we woke that guy up or I bet we're influencing them.
Call them.
And it's just like, we're reaching everybody.
It's scary, Ted!
It is.
It's just, it sort of boggles my mind and it amazes me.
As to where we've come from, where we started, it just...
I think it's just great.
Again, we're not going to win every fight, but we're going to win the war by fighting!
By never surrendering, Ted!
Yeah, I agree with you on that one, Alex.
I mean, it did not, I didn't even see that as a back step when Ron Paul lost the presidential race, just because I knew what was built up to that point.
And then you look at what's going on with the Campaign for Liberty, and that thing's just shooting through the moon, this audit, the Fed bill with 300 plus co-sponsors.
I mean, who would have ever dreamed, even thought that possibly this could happen?
Five years ago.
Not even close.
You know?
And if the President tried to introduce something like this, Congress would have just killed it.
So Ron Paul's in the exact right position right now in order to introduce this bill in the first place.
I mean, we're just, you know, we're so lucky, Alex, just so incredibly lucky that the people of the United States are waking up and they're listening and they hear what we have to say and they're going, this is the truth.
Because that's how we're doing, we're trying to tell the truth.
And Ted, even more than that, I mean, I've never popped champagne on the air, I'm not even really a drinker, but I went and bought two bottles last Sunday when these emails broke because I knew it was going to be, it was like watching an enemy aircraft carrier at midway blow up on the horizon and know that your fighter bombers, your torpedo planes just
We're good to go.
And again, we're going to have victory after victory.
We're also going to have defeat after defeat.
But people are beginning to learn.
They have power.
They're beginning to learn the magic of standing up and taking action and letting God fill your sails full of His will.
Ted, I got you on about the gold pitch, but I just am so ecstatic.
People should get into gold and silver now.
Clearly, it's only going up.
I mean, I can't see it going down.
I believe you should invest in it.
I know this is an insanely good deal Ted's offering you.
It is running out.
Can you hold it through the weekend, Ted?
Yeah, what I have I'll hold through the weekend.
Tell folks what you got quick and give them the number.
Yeah, right now what I'm offering is the British Sovereign at $3.25, the Frank at $2.36, I have $10 Liberties at $8.18, $20 Liberties at $16.32.
I mean, the Lakotas just went up to $24.51.
I couldn't stop them from increasing.
However, I picked up those Montana Silver Rounds.
And they're still down at $22.63.
And it's just been an amazing, an amazing... But the best deal is on that gold.
Ted, tell people again.
Well, the thing that I have right now is the British Sovereign at $3.25, the Frank at $2.63.
How much would somebody be paying now at current rates?
You're about to have to buy more.
You're going to pay easily $10 to $20 more coin because the prices have gone up that much.
And the Walking Liberties, Alex, I still have those held at $8.69.
Those are going to be closer to $9.25 when I run out of this particular quantity that I have that's sitting in store.
I tried to buy today, I had about
I don't think so.
Folks, here's the toll-free number.
Give them a call right now.
The globalists hate it when you get out of paper and get into gold.
All the mainline analysts are saying 10 to 30 percent should be in physical.
They were never talking like that.
Get in now.
I believe in this deal Ted is offering.
Tell them Alex Jones sent you or it will be the higher price.
Ted can only sell it to you at this incredible low price because he bought it lower.
2-2-3-7, ladies and gentlemen.
The brokers are there, day after Thanksgiving, on this Black Friday.
Don't go buy some Chinese junk, or junk from Mexico, or junk factory stuff.
Some, you know, $100 hamster toy that should cost $5.
Don't get ripped off.
Get something tangible that'll have value in 1,000 years.
It had value 6,000.
It'll have value in five years, 10 years, 100 years.
Incredible job, Ted Anderson, and have a great day.
How late will the brokers be there?
Will they be there throughout the weekend?
Oh yeah, they'll be out throughout the weekend and you can certainly lock in by midnight tonight.
If you just go all the way through Sunday, we'll hold it all the way through.
But that's it, and then it's going up.
Damon Vickers coming up from retransmission, then live today, Jesse Ventura, right when retransmission starts.
I think so.
We're good to go!
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DamonVickers.com, he's our guest, Chief Investment Officer with Nine Points Management and Research.
This is a short segment, but in the long segment, we're going to be taking some phone calls, your questions or comments for Damon Vickers.
The toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
Specifically questions for our guest,
On any investment issue, you can get his take on it.
Okay, let's finish up with the New World Order, where you see the markets going, where you see gold going, how you see this crisis shaking out.
I mean, I know you don't have a complete crystal ball, nobody does, but your best dead reckoning on where we're going.
But when you talk about New World Order, talk about global government, studying that, how do you see it forming, what do you see it making up, what do you see its policies being?
That's a big one to cover.
There's a trend, which is what we do.
I'm a trend follower.
The trend for the markets last year were down.
We want to make money from that.
We really don't care which direction the market goes.
If the market wants to go higher, great.
We want to be there.
If the market wants to go lower, great.
We want to be there.
We're good to go.
When I saw that happening, and this is the same thing that was happening last year, when I saw the break last year in the financials, there was a week last year where the banking index broke support.
I sent out a release to all the media, and the title of that release was called On the Eve of Destruction.
The week that followed that, we had the worst week in market history.
We went down like 20-some-odd percent for the week.
It was horrific for most, great for us, and we made money that week.
When I saw gold break through $1000, that kind of felt like a tell to me that this would also involve the currency, which is the dollar, which we've also seen.
So gold breaking through $1000 really says that the dollar is likely to come under increasing, increasing pressure.
I think so.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And so, you know, the government has done all these things to try to shore up the economy, right?
You know, we had the equity bubble in 2000, and then the post.
And then they go together, well, what can we do to keep this all going?
And what do they do?
They printed money.
They deregulated the financial system.
We had a separation between banks and brokerage firms, right?
Because we'd learned lessons from the crash of 1990.
We're good to go.
They took the bait.
They took the bait, they sure did.
They swallowed it and it was very toxic.
And now here we go again, last year we have a meltdown where we're like, you can no longer, there are no more suckers left to buy those crazily priced, insanely priced houses.
There's just nobody left.
They've tapped into every fool on the street to give them a no money downpipe mortgage and then we run into a crisis.
Last year was a crisis of funding.
You could no longer find anybody to finance the economy, because that's what we were doing.
We were selling these swaps on a global basis.
We almost bankrupted Iceland, or virtually did bankrupt the country.
And we look at Madoff and say he was a horrific guy.
And the guy was no saint.
He did some very evil things.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We're going to be taking calls coming up here in about five, six minutes for our guest.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Damon Vickers from Nine Points Management and Research.
DamonVickers.com is our guest, and I'm going to really enjoy having him on from time to time here on the radio show.
Very, very excited to have him here with us.
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I want to thank all the members of PrisonPlanet.tv.
Okay, going back to Damon Vickers.
Damon, we were getting in to the New World Order, what's being set up,
Uh, what you see happening in the future.
Tell me, where do you, how high do you think gold may go?
What's the time frame there?
And then you were posing the question to me during the break.
Well, we're going to have a new world order.
I mean, you're saying the dollar is pretty much going to collapse a new system, but who's going to run that new world order?
So, David Vickers, break it down.
One of the things that you say, Alex, that I love amongst some of the things you talk about, there are those that are kind of conservative clones, and you know there are a couple of them on the radio.
And there are a number of people that are the other way, and that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are worth anything.
That it's a total fantasy, one way or the other, that we participate in.
So it's not working.
The other thing is that there is not, historically, all paper currencies have historically lost all their value.
The problem is that as the population and the governments unfold, basically what they do is we keep on, we vote in people that just give out all this large F.
That's for the general population.
The population wants to continue to pile on all these pennies and benefits and special projects.
It's not just the United States.
It's all over the planet.
And the way that we do that is it's very easy, since the currency is not based on anything, to just print money.
Inevitably, the currencies basically get wiped out.
There's a kind of a long-term historical cycle that we seem to go in, which is you get this debasement of the currency and a kind of a laissez-faire environment, which I think the speculation of the last 10 years with the internet and the crazy real estate bubbles and putting Donald Trump back on TV, which was, if there was ever a sign of the new world
We're good to go.
Well, let me throw this in.
David, I mean, Damon Vickers, the whole issue here is, speaking of David, David Rockefeller and others have stated what their plan is.
They have implemented this implosion.
Maury Strong talks about implementing this implosion on its ashes to build the new international architecture.
They're telling the public none of this change exists.
While the UN Secretary General writes editorials calling for global government and global carbon taxes, so that we're not part of the debate, they're just denying it's even happening, while in serious intellectual debate, it's all being erected and set up right now.
And so my problem is, one of their higher level sales pitches they use,
Is to say, oh, the question is what type of world government, what type of new world order do you want?
Well, how about we have a new world order where we don't have a world government?
How about we have a new world order where the central bankers engineering these Ponzi schemes go to jail?
How about we have a new world order where we have a global
Declaration of Independence and National Sovereignty, instead of being maneuvered into, well, okay then, do you want to have a say in what type of New World Order are we going to have?
The elite setting up this system won't even allow a real debate.
They ridicule anyone that, you know, Limbaugh, Hannity, they still won't even admit this is happening after decades of saying it doesn't exist.
I mean, you understand where I'm going with this.
We don't have a say in how this government changes.
And I understand it's sold as an evolution and a new world order, but the new world order has been engineered.
Go ahead.
We're all afraid of change.
We're all afraid of things arriving that we don't know anything about.
But I think we'd have to all agree and admit to ourselves that the present order of things, the order of wiping out fish stocks, the order of wiping out the resources, and everybody believes that they have the sovereign right to rape and pillage their forests and their
I know, but the globalists always say they're doing this to stop it when they are the progenitors of most of it.
I think there's a desire for certain people to try to bring order to a world that is entirely disorderly and headed towards what could be unfathomably about suffering.
We've got a billion people on the planet right now, Alex, that are starving right now.
A billion of them.
That's a very large percentage of the population.
We can look in the United States, how many people are, what do they say, one out of five kids' families are in food stamps right now.
Clearly, clearly the order that we have right now is not working.
We need something new.
I understand that there are a lot of problems and crises, but when I read the Royal Commission on Population, secretly put out by the British government, now declassified,
50 years ago, they said we're going to create globalization to control the third world, we're going to keep them from industrializing, even though that would clean up the environment and lower their numbers, because we're going to let the people bomb be used as a weapon against them.
Just like the UN claims... We never should have gone into the third world in the first place, and every time that we go in there, we create more havoc.
Even the compassionate things that we do,
Well, Damon, let me just say this.
I totally understand where you're coming from when you say the existing order is a bunch of criminal pirates raping and pillaging and looting.
The problem is... This is where we agree.
This is where we agree, Alex.
It's a two-face.
You've got two faces, one here and one on the back.
The globalists are the pirates.
They then rotate their face around as the saviors and everything they're proposing just gives them more power and has this frosting, this sugar coating of helping the poor and helping the environment.
I mean, if they wanted to help the environment, they'd be restricting genetic engineering.
You talked about David Rockefeller, and I know it's convenient to demonize the Rockefellers, okay?
But we wouldn't have much of the national park system in the United States if it weren't for Lawrence Rockefeller.
There'd be no Teton National Park, there'd be no U.S.
Virgin Islands National Park, there'd be no Acadia National Park, there'd be no... I mean, the list goes on and on.
These are people that long ago
They've made a tremendous amount of wealth, and then they began to turn their wealth to greater causes in trying to serve humanity.
I think all of us would agree that none of us like seeing suffering.
And to the extent that we can move the planet towards alleviating human suffering and more balance, I think we're heading in the right direction.
Hey, Damon, I appreciate you coming on and I want to have you back up again because this is intriguing, but this is the slick New World Order sales job because I recognize what you're doing.
I've heard this from other high-powered people.
Hold on, but I've been given this speech before.
Hold on.
I've been given this speech before.
What I'm telling you is the fruits of the people captaining our planet right now are, look,
The Rockefellers set up eugenics.
The Rockefellers set up CPSing people's children and the family courts.
They set up the Human Genome Project in Cold Springs Harbor.
I understand they also set up some of the national parks because they wanted places where there were no people.
That's good.
Well, you know, what do we do?
Our nation, the United States, enjoys a very high standard of living.
Many of us sit around on lazy boy chairs.
We fill our faces with macaroni and cheese.
And in the evening we watch the newlywed game and ridiculous programming.
We medicate ourselves, right?
And we do this with debt that we foist onto our own Ponzi scheme.
Yes, we're an obese, decadent society that won't even engage in birth control, so we just abort our babies.
We're a throwaway society, and so now we're being thrown away by the global system.
How fair is that?
That we in the United States live that way, and then you've got people in India, in Bangladesh, in Vietnam, that are living in, making $0.67 an hour, with members of their families starving to death, while we live this way.
Is that compassion?
Well I'll tell you this, a lot of them are doing, hold on, a lot of them are doing better now than they were just 20 years ago because of the limited, but that's the globalist sales pitch, is guilt to what's left of the middle class here when really...
But then our money, what's left of us gets transferred to the bankers.
It doesn't get to some African.
No desire to do that.
We've got a rising unemployment rate and the reason why we have a rising unemployment rate is we simply cannot match the unit cost, the labor cost, the unit cost of production that can be achieved in Vietnam and Bangin Creek.
But how does lowering our standard of living, when it's all fiat to begin with, how does that help Africa and Asia and Latin America?
That's actually going to hurt them because they're not even going to have their customer anymore.
This is how globalization and the giant sucking sound, the race to the bottom, destroys all sides in the end except for the finance oligarchs.
Don't try to create some type of a balance globally, Alex.
We will be raising the bar.
I think we have to create a global environment whereby we have balance.
And that's essentially the problem, I think, on a planetary basis.
We're living out of balance.
Our own country is out of balance.
We cannot go and take a million tons of herring out of the ocean and know that it doesn't affect the whales.
The oceans are really running out of fish right now, but the issue here is, again, I want to go back to this.
The issue is realizing that heaven is a place that is something that the closest, our fondest imagining of what heaven is, is here on our planet.
We need to take care of the planet that we live in.
And not be raping it and think it's ours to exploit.
We have to sustain our home.
And we're not treating it respectfully.
Well I'll tell you this, putting a tax on carbon isn't going to do that.
But, Damon, putting a tax on carbon dioxide is a giant distraction from real environmental policies that we could agree to carry out and make profitable.
I mean, are you for... I mean, the government that we have in place right now is a total disaster.
This whole move towards health care is just insane.
It's just making... Our government has become a giant tumor.
A malignant tumor that is sucking the life out of this country.
It's horrific.
But Damon, that's my point.
It's the same globalists that brought us into imbalance certainly nudged us in that way using our own weaknesses to get us dependent on them.
They got us dependent in this largesse, decadent, laissez-faire welfare system so that we could be controlled.
I have their own documents.
They brag that they engineered this and then now they're offering the solution that sounds somewhat similar to what you're saying.
I'm saying the problem is it's a setup.
Well, I'd say that the participants also set themselves up.
You're talking about, you've got an addict, and you've got a drug dealer.
There's no doubt that there's a dealer establishment, but the addict is also partly to blame for their own behavior.
Well, I agree to a certain extent, but that's like saying a 10-year-old who gets kidnapped, it's partly their fault.
And it is true, they went in the front yard, they went down the street, they talked to strangers, they wanted to see the puppy dog.
You know, we've got real challenges ahead of us.
The dollar is disintegrating.
We know that.
That's what's currently happening right now.
The dollar is losing value.
Pretty much every day that the market is open is a day to sell more dollars.
Gold is rising.
Oil is rising.
And it's not just the dollar that's weak.
It's also the currencies in the United Kingdom, and it's also the other westernized nations.
Because none of these countries are really viable-going concerns.
Globalism did this to us!
Tax incentives to move overseas!
I know, but we were set up, we were pushed into this.
Big government did this.
Well, I think it's just, it's kind of a cycle of how societies run.
No, I agree with you.
How high is gold going to go?
Good question.
It could absolutely go through the roof.
I mean, it could go $2,000, $3,000, $4,000 an ounce, it's hard to say.
The trend is up.
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Alright, folks.
I got one more silver dollar and they're not gonna catch me.
No, I'm not going to let him catch me.
I'm not going to let him catch the Midnight Rider.
I tell you, this is an impressive interview, and I look forward to future debates with him.
We really appreciate Damon Vickers, DamonVickers.com, coming on with us.
He is the Chief Investment Officer with Nine Points Management & Research.
And he's one of the nicer formerly East Coast Blue Bloods here, hooked up with the Rockefellers and others.
And he is talking about the world government coming in, and he is talking about the end of the dollar.
And we're going to, when we start the next hour, take your calls for all of you that are holding.
Shanky, Andrew, Karen, Anita, and others.
But just briefly.
We were talking in the break, you're saying, look, I grew up in a Buddhist monastery, or lived in one, I'm not Beelzebub, that was a joke, I apologize.
I just meant you speak with a silver tongue, and I understand it's a very convincing argument, but are you saying world government is a foregone conclusion?
My dad left Goldman Sachs, gave up all of that, gave up the Brooks Brothers, gave up all that stuff, and I would sit and meditate with my father at 5.30 in the morning.
I lived in a monastery called Odeonum, one of only three kids that ever lived there.
And what they're all about is trying to alleviate human suffering.
So all of us would agree that suffering is something that we want to avoid and that we don't like seeing others suffer.
Yeah, but you're saying the system's bad we've got now.
We like seeing our planet suffer.
And that we are living out of balance.
And that we need to get not only the United States back into balance, but the world back into balance.
As Prince Philip says, we need to co-
Prince Philip says we need to call 80%.
You're not for calling people, are you?
No, I'm not for calling people, but on the other hand, you've got, if you're a West Indian down in the Caribbean, you think it's your right to have 28 kids.
And they do!
I've met them!
And it's not sustainable.
Many of those islands in the Caribbean, they were paradise, and now they're not paradise at all.
Well, let me ask you this, then.
Let me ask you this.
Here's the deal.
Here's what I have to say to you, though.
That's why I made Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, my film about eugenics, because I agree with you that we should have a debate about this, and people should know.
All these people eating McDonald's hamburgers, living in trailers, partying, watching porn and having abortions, they don't realize that the elite have decided to kill their butts.
I mean, I'm just glad that you're just being honest about all this.
I'm not saying you're calling for killing people.
You know, you're kind of the soft touch in all this.
But I'm telling you, this is real, and the public better grow up and get off their fat butts.
Our planet cannot support every one of us going out there and having 24 and 28 kids.
It's just, there's not enough.
It's not sustainable.
Well, here's another problem.
Only educated people are dying out.
The West has 1.3 replacement for every two adults, and so the West is saying they want to target the West for no one to have kids, so the West has to die, and then everybody else can have 500 kids?
No, nobody needs to be targeted, but we need to recognize and come into common understanding and belief
But, the minute you don't let somebody have ten kids, then you can't have two.
Okay, and there are nations that believe it's their right to deforest their rainforests, but these are the lungs of the planet.
Should they be allowed to do that?
Because it's their sovereign right?
Well, the nations, that's the oil companies!
And Al Gore owns Occidental Petroleum.
He isn't calling for stopping that.
He wants to tax what plants breathe.
That's what I mean, is that we're just evil.
And no matter what we do, it's going to hell in the handbasket.
And all these globalists have these great reasons we should sell out to them, but that brings more destruction.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin, you're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.