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Filename: 20091110_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 10, 2009
2891 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got a very important broadcast, very informative, extremely important issues that we're going to be covering today on this Tuesday, the 10th day of November 2009.
We have Jesse Ventura joining us coming up in one hour to give you the first time ever Inside Scoop.
On his upcoming television show on the True TV Network.
That is a big network, has high ratings for cable.
He'll be talking about that and a host of other issues, as well as Obama announcing 40,000 more trips to be sent.
Now, he already sent an additional $40,000, but that got little fanfare.
Now, he's escalating at least $40,000, and even the way the media announced it was done in a psy-op, where they just said, well, the White House says it's not quite $40,000, it's $39,000, and it'll be phased in over the next year, and they're going to be there for at least four years, this group of
Troops, this troop increase, and so that brings the number to 340,000 troops there.
They didn't add that last part, but that's the total number.
340,000 U.S., European, NATO, I-4, and of course, Afghan troops.
But there is over 120,000
I was listening to Jimbo Hannon in the morning yesterday.
Jimbo Hannon.
He never met a gun he didn't want to ban.
Huge fake liberal on the surface.
And I heard him Sunday night on Beyond the Beltway calling for a national draft, driving home on NewsRadio 590, one of our great affiliates.
And then I heard him in the morning yesterday at like 5 a.m.
spouting off.
I mean, he must have a talking point in front of his face every day when he wakes up.
Side issue.
The point is they've got the legislation introduced for the national draft and it's bad.
It's for men and women.
That's why all the G.I.
Joe movies produced to sucker kids into joining the military show girls as frontline combat forces.
It's all PSYOPs.
Transformers, G.I.
Joe, I've been watching all of it, studying it, to see the latest Pentagon brainwashing for the kids.
Oh, and the generals love the grunts and care about them, and oh, we're the good guys.
And the bad guys always stage terror attacks to get more power, but they're always in an underground or underwater lair.
Or they're from outer space.
It's never the Pentagon.
See, the Pentagon is COBRA for all you young people out there who only get your news from television and from dramas and from pulp fiction like G.I.
Let me explain something.
Al-Qaeda doesn't exist.
The New World Order goes and creates a few mass shootings, a few bombings here and there as the pretext and the excuse to set up a worldwide dictatorship.
It's going to be the central banks that take your property and your children and your livelihood and your future.
It's not going to be one of their cave-dwelling mercenaries.
That they give billions of dollars to, to play the part of the bad guys, and then they occasionally will throw the government some 14-year-old goat-herding kid they kidnap, and they'll parade him on TV as hardcore Al-Qaeda to the morons that live in the West.
You read the book.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda,
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yesterday, I meant to get into the Fort Hood shooter to give you my take on exactly what I think is happening there.
I never got around to it because we had so much news and calls and guests.
But I will cover it in just a moment.
Obviously, I've already told you we have Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota, giving us the inside exclusive scoop first.
First, here on this radio show.
He starts a media blitz tomorrow.
Then, of course, coming up after Governor Jesse Ventura, we've got part two of a visit with Dr. Rima Labo and Major General Albert N. Stubblebine to get into the flu, the Population Reduction Program, the GMO, how it's all designed to sicken you and weaken you as part of a soft-kill, multibinary weapon
And Judge Andrew Napolitano is scheduled to be on with us in about 25 minutes, though through his schedulers, one of them has him at 12.30, the other 11.30.
Fox is notoriously when we do get occasional guests on from there.
Well, it's a bureaucracy, but I think he's on today, coming up in about 25 minutes.
Shailavi, if he isn't, we'll have him tomorrow.
So, that is what is coming up today.
Now this is what I read last night without even looking.
I wasn't even looking for announcements of carbon taxation in the U.S.
and England, and I found scores of articles.
Reuters admitting they're gonna put a tax on your dog and your cat and anything that eats meat.
The Associated Press and other major publications saying it's wonderful.
By the way, they're now admitting all this but saying how great it is that you will have a national ID card and every nation in the world that's a signatory to the Copenhagen Treaty is going to adopt this.
You're going to have a national ID card and all your purchases will be logged on it and when you run out of carbon credits and everything has a carbon score,
You will then be taxed.
Now, all the individual carbon-intensive items you're buying will already have a tax passed along through the production, but there's going to be a tax on you.
And the globalists admit, in fact, what was it, two years ago?
I had the award-winning scientist who developed this plan 20 years ago.
I had him on, because I saw him in the British news.
Science advisor says, put everyone on carbon rations.
We had him on and he said, just like World War II, you will all be on rations and this will save the planet.
And then he admitted that as they saw fit, they would then reduce the rations.
You're just all going to be put on artificial scarcity.
Prisons, straitjackets, run by these control freaks.
You wonder how eugenicists that want to reduce world population and want to exterminate people are going to get control?
They set up a planetary regime that tracks everything you eat, everything you buy, everything you use.
And certainly we're wasteful.
It sounds reasonable on the surface.
Oh, you know, use paper bags, use a cloth bag.
Don't buy so much.
Don't have that SUV.
It's hurting the earth.
But it allows an absolute tyranny.
It's just like this health care bill that's passed the House.
People are now reading the 1,900-plus pages.
It's almost 2,000.
And it admits that all these federal bureaucracies have unlimited extrajudicial outside the courts.
You have no recourse.
And it gives the hospitals, the insurance companies, the government, everyone involved in this monopoly, this oligopoly of corruption, it gives them complete liability protection.
Just like vaccine makers have liability protection for the last 40 years.
The government quietly pays out a pittance to people who are brain damaged or killed by vaccines, and the FDA admits, okay, this killed you, that paralyzed you, now here's $100,000.
You can't sue in the courts, you can't win, there's a federal prohibition, but so you don't go postal, we'll give you 100 grand for your dead kid.
Or your dead mother or father.
How's that sound?
And so, under the new environmental legislation that's passed the House, there is total liability protection to all the government agents and groups.
It's extrajudicial, no due process, home inspections, no warrants, anytime they want.
They can condemn your home in one week if you don't make changes the federal government orders.
There are $10,000 a week fines.
Hell has been released.
Or the last link is breaking and bending and about to be released.
It's past the committee.
It's waiting in orbit to be dropped on us like a neutron bomb.
Every neocon publication is now lying, saying stand down, the healthcare bill won't pass, the global greenhouse gas bill won't pass, the gun control bills won't pass, the open border bills won't pass.
They're saying stand down, stand down, we've won, we've won, don't worry, don't worry, dead on arrival, dead on arrival.
It's a complete lie.
It's probably all gonna pass.
Not this year, early next year.
Brace for impact.
And you'll, again, I'll have higher credibility when it does pass, but unfortunately we would have lost again.
You must learn their tricks.
Remember they told you a couple weeks ago, oh, it'll never pass the house, the health care bill, three months ago.
Oh, the global greenhouse gas cap and trade tax won't pass the house.
Never gonna happen.
And the neocons would kind of pull the britches up, you know, up their bellies at the bar and say, that ain't gonna pass.
Everything's fine.
Fox News says so.
Really, Rupert Murdoch's made a five-minute promo video showing how every one of his dramas and TV shows and movies, under his orders, promotes global taxes and that carbon dioxide is poison.
And that we're all going to drown if we don't do it.
The guy plays a double game, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, he's got Fox News there, posing as if it's libertarian, as if it's conservative.
Just long enough.
Just to sucker enough people in so that when they tell you stand down, none of these bills are gonna pass, you'll stand down and they do pass.
And then you're like, how'd that happen?
What was that?
Look at this headline.
Everyone in Britain could be given a personal carbon allowance.
See, you heard it here first two years ago.
Actually, for 10 years I've been telling you, since I read government documents, that everything you buy and sell and do will be on a scan card, that'll be part of the national sales tax, and will register your carbon footprint and what you eat.
And if you're buying too much red meat or too much Blue Bell ice cream or too much Budweiser beer, and that's at first, they're gonna put huge fines on you, and they admit CPS is going to visit you.
We've had guests on the show who go into their doctor,
For a checkup when they're 54 years old, in one case, and the doctor says, do you drink?
Do you drink and drive?
The fellow didn't know he was being spied on under government mandate, and he said, no, but I do drink a six-pack most evenings when I get home.
Well, he had his license revoked, extrajudicially.
They just said, well, it sounds like he might drink and drive someday.
I mean, that's how America works.
The nurses have been trained to spy, the schools have been trained to spy, all the repairmen in your house.
I've been trained to spy.
He's a pretty nice guy, but I had a cable guy in my house like a week ago, and there was a little bag of silver coins sitting there.
I have it, you know, taken and stored off-site.
Yeah, I since have.
It's a little bag of coins, probably worth $500.
He was staring at it and looking at it and he was looking at other stuff and when he was trying to fix the cable modem, he was, you know, I was being cased.
But that's what they do.
That's their job.
They case you for the government.
This is what it's like to live in the Orwellian world of America with a big fat K. Of course, our ancestors couldn't be convinced that having their neighbors and children turn into spies was good.
They knew that all the government's sweet talk about having informant neighbors was really bad news and always meant enslavement.
They knew!
I mean, we really should just have a moment of silence for this country.
We really should just have a moment of silence.
Now the truth is, I'm not the radical.
I have my head screwed on straight.
I understand their plan.
I read Rand Corporation and United Nations and Club of Rome and Council on Foreign Relations and International Institute of Public Relations own documents and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
I read what they have to say and when they tell me that they're going to set up a economic and paramilitary straitjacket that is meant to drive me into bankruptcy and into dependence on the government so that my children can be taken and sterilized and so I can be sterilized.
Oh yes, you'll be given food.
Just agree to the sterilization.
It's already being announced in the news.
And then after they're done with this next phase, they're going to have drones fly over every major city in the world and just kill us.
This is just phase one right now.
So they can get their straitjacket in place and decide who they want to allow to survive.
That's all.
And so, you know what?
You grow up once you know this information.
Once you understand that
The establishment is planning at a certain point after they've had lots of little plagues to get us all trained on what to do, that they're the good guys and they're the boss and we do what they say during emergencies.
So the police and the military, they're all going to go along with it in the final phase and they're all going to die!
The globalists have plans that have been declassified to nerve gas every major city and kill us or just hit us with knockout gas.
They have plans to release bioweapons to which the elites have been given the cure.
And we all just die and they emerge in a month to the world.
I mean, if you think that's funny and cute and... Oh, I know.
You don't want to believe me.
You don't want to read the government textbooks.
You want to go watch G.I.
Joe, where you smile at the general and feel like you're part of Go Joe, and then you go join the military and get your legs blown off and nobody really cares about you, but you don't care.
You get to come home and be a cop and bust some teeth in and everybody bows to you.
You better grow up and wake up to the big plan.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You gotta love that peacenik, Barack Obama.
He's increased troops by 80,000 in Afghanistan.
40,000 in several smaller deployments.
Now he's finally announced that he will announce
And see, by coming out and saying he's not sure what he's going to do, the fake right gets to attack him and call him a leftist to keep the left-right paradigm going on.
The left then sees that and thinks, hey, he's getting tough.
We want troops.
And then Code Pink and all the George Soros groups come out and openly call for world government.
And openly call for an expansion of the war.
Now it's liberal.
There is no difference except in rhetoric.
They're playing you.
They're manipulating you.
They're there to guard the opium.
Look at this.
Everyone in Britain could be given a personal carbon allowance.
Here's another one.
This is all going to happen in the U.S.
Environment boss wants to put carbon tax on driving, heating, and on holidays.
There's another one.
Government-imposed carbon capture levy to fund cold-fired power plants.
Families will pay a new levy on electricity bills for at least the next 20 years to fund technology designed to capture the carbon from cold-fired power plants, as if carbon dioxide is bad.
And who just so happens to own these companies that the governments are giving the contracts to?
Al Gore, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, that's in the news.
See, they get to decide what technologies get developed, and it's the technologies they own and control!
And you gotta buy the credits from them!
Who could think up a scam this dastardly, this huge, this ridiculous?
This is like clowns showing up at your house in clown makeup and saying, give us your son and daughters.
We're going to roast them on the front lawn.
And you say, absolutely.
Here, let's dig a pit.
Let me butcher my children for you.
Please eat my children.
But that's how ridiculous this is.
These con artists show up and say, we're going to run your life outside the courts and tax everything you do.
It's for the environment.
And you're going to buy your carbon credits from private interest.
The very same groups pushing all this.
Oh, absolutely.
I'm for the earth.
And then we have a federal government that's been caught staging, declassified over 200 terror attacks in Project Gladio, the NATO option, Operation Ajax, the USS Liberty, they did that with Israel, the Gulf of Tonkin now totally declassified.
It's in the 2004 declassified Army Field Manual, how to quote stage false flag attacks on your own people or on local villages to then get the villagers to support you.
You stage an attack against them and blame it on your enemy.
I mean, that's in the Army Field Manual now.
This is a fact.
They train captains and up how to stage terror attacks in America.
And if you're a captain in the Army and weren't trained, that's because you're not in special operations.
You're fixing helicopters.
Or you're making sure ammunition gets delivered.
Or you're making sure there's latrines.
I'm talking about combat captains!
They're all trained out-of-stage terror attacks, and they're all let in on the little treat of how G.I.
Joe wins.
And then I have to sit here and have a top former CIA spook, the editor of the Washington Times, attack 9-11 Truth today and say that we're helping terrorists.
Buddy, we're seeing right through all your crud.
You didn't think in five minutes we couldn't look up the fact that you're a top spook?
You think we're stupid?
It's a badge of honor that people like you, un-Americans, he's not from this country of course, most of the spook factory at the top aren't.
We're on to you.
We know your game plan.
Obviously, you're upset that we've taken one of your favorite tools away.
You're upset now that whenever there's a terror attack, the general public asks themselves, who stands to gain from this?
Oh, you're upset people threat Operation Northwoods now.
They're gonna get
More information as time goes on, and you're going to get more upset, aren't you?
And that's my job, pal!
I'm not risking my life for no reason here.
I've counted the cost.
I'm a true American.
I'm a true patriot.
I don't buy your propaganda.
I know who the Globalist are.
I know who you work for.
I know what your game plan is.
And as for this shooting at Fort Hood, my hearts and prayers and everything goes out to those that died.
But it's now five days on.
You can watch the press TV piece I did four and a half hours after it happened.
Seven o'clock at night.
And I said, I don't know what happened.
He could be a real terrorist.
He could be a mental patient because he's a psychiatrist on Prozac.
Or this could be a stage provocateur event.
Well, now we've had time to look at the evidence.
And let me tell you, this thing has got all the earmarks, all the signs, everything of being staged.
I don't know.
It could be just a regular Muslim extremist.
They certainly exist.
But let me tell you, with all the pile of evidence I've got here in front of me, that's one in a hundred.
I'm telling you right now.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, Judge Napolitano is our guest today, and I'm very, very excited to have him on.
This is an abbreviated visit, but we're going to get him back on for a full 30 minutes or maybe even an hour.
And he's, of course, from Newark, New Jersey.
He's a tenured Superior Court judge in New Jersey and now an analyst on Fox News Channel.
He has an extremely popular syndicated radio show and has Freedom Watch from Fox News Studios, which is an internet television show.
And he also is the guest host for Glenn Beck.
I wish he was!
We're good.
Instead of Glenn Beck, 90% because that 10% is a big area.
And so here for about 15 minutes to talk about health care, the big government takeover of health care, extrajudicial, these boards decide what to do, and to talk about the cap and trade, which I believe has a good chance of passing the Senate.
Both of these are now in orbit like ICBM.
Space stations about to drop nukes on our Republic and Judge Andrew Napolitano is there fighting it valiantly.
Judge, it's great to have you with us.
Well, thank you, Alex.
It's good to be on with you.
There's so much happening.
What's more important, cap and trade and the total micromanagement of our life by special interests with Al Gore set to make the money or the government takeover of health care?
Oh boy, that's really a pick-your-poison, Alex.
It's all part of the same big government mentality.
Your kind comments about the piece I wrote was really from a monologue that I gave while filling in for Glenn Beck, which I'm also doing later today at 5 o'clock Eastern, by the way, on Fox News Channel, in which I argued that we don't have a two-party system in this country.
We have one party, one political party called the Big Government Party, the Republican branch
The Democratic branch likes war and deficits and assaulting our civil liberties and the Democratic branch likes wealth transfers and taxes and assaulting our commercial liberties.
But the mindset is the same.
The heck with the Constitution, the heck with the Bill of Rights, the heck with inalienable rights, the heck with even the laws that we write, we know what's better for you than what you know is good for yourself and we will tell you how to obey or else.
Cap and trade is one manifestation of that.
Obamacare is another manifestation of it.
I was curious last week when I saw that even the Republicans, even so-called conservative Republicans, not Ron Paul, but many in the Republican leadership in the House, introduced Obamacare Light, which basically presumes a federal role in healthcare, of which there is none under the Constitution.
Tells insurance carriers you can't refuse to cover people because of pre-existing injuries.
That's a very nice thing, but there's no power for the Congress to mandate it.
That's got to come about by the free market.
So this was all the same mindset of, we in Washington can micromanage the private
Judge Andrew Napolitano is our guest today.
Judge, what you're talking about and reading over the legislation, it's like Groundhog Day but on a bigger scale.
It's Chicago or New York, big city, crime boss,
A machine doling everything out.
It's like with the takeover of General Motors.
It even came out in congressional investigations, as you know, because you covered it, that people that gave money to Obama cronies or to the Democratic Party, they got to keep their dealership and got to keep their client list.
But if you didn't, if you'd ever gone against them,
Or hadn't paid the protection money, you lost your dealership, even though some of the dealerships were over 80 years old and made millions of dollars a year.
And so now you have this 10th Amendment destroying federal power coming in with these unelected panels.
And it just goes on and on and on and on.
And I fear it can pass the Senate.
I'm hearing some of the Republican leadership saying, oh, no, it won't.
They said it wouldn't pass the House in the last two weeks.
Well, they did say it wouldn't pass the House, and it did pass by a two-vote margin.
And, you know, you really can't tell with politicians, because the leadership will bribe them.
Remember the first time TARP, the so-called Troubled Asset Relief Program, went through the House, it was defeated.
I remember I was on the Fox Business Network at the moment.
Fist in air, just emoting joy, shouting, the beast is dead.
But I was naive because the leadership came back and bribed by, you know, we'll build a courthouse in your district, your friend wants to become a federal judge, he's got it, just vote for us on TARP.
And eventually people changed their vote.
I fear that the same thing will happen with respect to Obamacare, the government.
The executive branch, the leadership in both parties, in both houses, will bribe those who are wavering and give them something else that they want in order to secure their vote.
But you also raise a very important issue about the delegation of federal power to non-elected groups.
This is what FDR did, and FDR is the model for President Barack Obama.
FDR had over 500
Groups throughout the country, appointed by local politicians, who decided what prices and wages were.
There's a famous case in my home state of New Jersey, where an Eastern European immigrant opened up a dry cleaning shop, and the local wage and price group declared that you would charge 40 cents to clean and press a man's suit.
This guy charged 35 cents.
Literally a nickel cheaper than what the unelected local board said he could charge.
He was arrested by the FBI, he was indicted by a grand jury, he was put on trial in federal court in Newark, and he served a three-month prison term in a federal prison for charging five cents less than what the local board allowed him to.
Now, transform that
It's a modern-day practice of medicine.
You will have a board of bureaucrats, not even physicians, bureaucrats, that will be between you and your physician.
You will lose your privacy, you will lose the freedom of choice, because the bureaucratic board will give your physician a list of diagnostic tools that she or he can use to address your ailment, and then a list of procedures and medicines that she or he can prescribe.
And that's all in there.
And that's why they're saying they're going to get all these hundreds of billions out of Medicare and Medicaid by reducing the care.
Tom Daschle wrote a book admitting if you're old you don't deserve it, you don't need it.
People are really about to find out who these eugenicists are, who these control freaks are that inhabit the Democratic Party and to some extent the Republican Party.
In the five minutes we've got left with Judge Andrew Napolitano joining us today in a very busy schedule, I want to shift gears now.
to war.
You talk about the Republicans want endless war and the Democrats want to nanny-state you together to death.
But look at Obama.
He's increased troops before in Afghanistan.
He's now saying he's going to send 40,000 more in that we're never going to leave.
There's over 300,000 international and Afghan troops there now.
I see absolutely no difference between the parties, just different rhetoric.
I must reluctantly agree with you.
I say reluctantly, not because I don't like to agree with you, I do, but because I was naively expecting that we would not see this kind of build-up under him that we saw under George W. Bush.
But think about it, war is the health of the state.
When we fight a war, people will look the other way when their taxes are raised and when the government takes away their freedom because they accept the illusion that by fighting the war, the government is somehow keeping them safe.
Presidents love war because it lets them escape the confines of the Constitution.
It lets them become a little bit of a prince.
It even causes judges sometimes, if the president does something under the guise of war-making, to look the other way and defer to the executive branch.
Fortunately, the Supreme Court did not do that under Bush years.
Under the Bush years, every single time his war-making powers were challenged in the courts and made its way to the Supreme Court of the United States, he was zero and six before a Supreme Court that was appointed largely by Republicans.
Judge, were you surprised?
I don't want you to rely on the Supreme Court to save us because their life is on the line and you don't know which way they're going to go and because it takes too long for the issue to get to them and too much harm can happen between the time presidents wage war and the time their war powers are challenged in the courts.
Were you surprised that Obama flip-flopped so strongly and went from being anti-patriot act to zealously defending it and wanting to expand it and complete warrantless wiretapping, complete secret arrest, complete... I mean, he's going further than Bush on the police state.
I didn't think that was possible.
I didn't think it was possible either, and I was absolutely crushed when I heard it.
He obviously was not my candidate of choice, but I took a little bit of internal intellectual solace in the fact that at least we were getting a president who would respect the Constitution.
How wrong I was.
This disrespect for the Constitution may not be couched in as harsh
Well, I've talked to a lot of...
I've talked to a lot of lawyers and judges, and I wanted to briefly see if you agree.
Even though a lot of conservatives didn't like Obama, true paleo-conservatives, libertarian types like Ron Paul and yourself, because he is a constitutional lawyer and practiced it for 10 years as a professor, people expected that Obama would try to at least on the surface restore some of the Bill of Rights.
But instead, you know, he's saying, Constitution?
It's just a GD piece of paper.
I, too, expected that he would show more respect for the Constitution.
I read some of the lectures he gave at the University of Chicago Law School.
I could have given some of those lectures myself when I taught Constitutional Law at Seton Hall Law School in Newark and at Delaware Law School in Wilmington, Delaware.
But, you know, something happens when you don the mantle of power, and that something is a disdain for the restraint on your power, a disdain for the natural law, a respect that we have natural rights beyond which no government can go, a disdain for the Constitution itself, a disdain for our inalienable rights, same as natural rights, and a disdain for the Bill of Rights.
They just simply don't care.
They will steal from the rich to give to the poor to
Well said.
Final question.
I'm going to let you go because I know you've got to fill in.
Guest host for Glenn Beck tonight.
Congratulations on your huge success as your star rises because you're the bonafide constitutionalist.
We really, really appreciate you, Judge Andrew Napolitano.
But in closing,
I would like to get you to comment, A, on just how special George Washington and Andrew Jackson were.
They got all this power and then did give it up.
They wanted George Washington to be a king.
These were amazing founding fathers we had and what would they think of what's happening today where NOAA Satellite Information Service, the federal government, admits the coldest
Winner so far in the last 50 years, the third coldest in the last hundred.
Meanwhile, they're openly announcing that they're going to list carbon dioxide as a toxic waste and tax it when humans exhale it.
Can you end with speaking about our founders compared to the material we've got in Washington today and what they would think of taxing what plants breathe?
The founders tried to do two things with the Constitution.
One was to create a federal government strong enough to protect us from invasion and to do national type things like run a post office and make sure that there's trade between the states.
The other was to restrain the federal government so that it wouldn't interfere with our personal liberties.
They specifically gave us a constitution that kept the federal government away from any type of relationship with individuals because they knew that the greatest threat to freedom comes not from your enemy on the outside who you can see and look at.
But from the smiling face of the government on the inside, who claims that it's going to take care of you.
And presidents like George Washington, whose closest advisor, Alexander Hamilton, wanted him to be king.
And Andrew Jackson, who basically said to the Supreme Court, you know, they've gone ahead and made their federal bank, let them find the money and put them on the deposits in the federal bank.
These were people who understood that there were natural limits on what government can do and written limits on what the federal government can do, and they stuck to those limits.
The present government and its predecessors, you know, from Lincoln to Wilson to FDR to George W. Bush to Barack Obama, have so distorted out of proportion what the federal government is to do that the founders would not recognize it at all and would probably want to take up arms against it.
What are you covering tonight?
And then we'll let you go.
I hope you're going to be covering the health care and cap-and-trade because... That's exactly what we're talking about.
We're talking about health care.
We're talking about the state of the economy.
We're talking about the government subpoenaing media entities wanting to know who earns how much money because they have to decide whose income taxes to audit next.
You're kidding!
Wait a minute, they're not just... The federal government is subpoenaing media people to... They're subpoenaing media companies to find out who irons what, and what their social security numbers are.
This is getting so bad, so quickly, far worse than any of us imagined, and the present president hasn't even celebrated his first year in office yet.
Well, since you brought that up...
Since you brought that up, let me just ask you now.
Senator Lamar Alexander's gone to the floor and talked about he's confirmed there's an enemies list.
He warned him and said, look, I worked for Nixon, don't do this.
It's been reported I am on the enemies list.
I think you are too.
I'm going from memory.
But what is it?
I mean, this is crazy.
It is scary to know that there's a real enemies list.
And this is I mean, is this not illegal, Judge?
Well, it's illegal for the president to compile a list of people who disagree with him on the basis of their political opinions and their outspoken words.
That was specifically written into the privacy law in 1974, enacted and signed into law by President Ford shortly after President Nixon resigned.
These are restraints expressly enacted to restrain the President.
But this White House, just like it doesn't respect freedom of contract, just like it doesn't respect freedom of speech, just like it doesn't respect privacy, doesn't respect this either.
Well, I tell you, it's scary and everybody should pray for the people that are on that list, myself included.
Judge, what's the best website for people to visit to find out about all things Judge Napolitano?
Well, they can go to FoxNews.com where my Freedom Watch appears, as do my monologues when I fill in for Glenn, as do many of my op-eds.
And Alex, I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed being on with you.
I hope we get to do this a lot more in the future.
Thank you, Judge.
Take care.
Have a great weekend coming up.
You as well.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
It's Wednesday and I'm already thinking about the weekend because I'm going deer hunting.
All right.
Yeah, you go get your hamburger out of the drive-thru window.
That's okay.
I'm able to go hunting.
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I think?
I think.
I think so.
We're good to go!
Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Into this house we're born
Coming up, we've got the clip of George Soros, Obama puppet master, calls for carbon taxes and New World Order on PBS.
That is coming up later in the broadcast today.
General Stubblebine's joining us, along with his medical doctor wife, Dr. Rayma Labo.
Going to be extremely informative.
Judge Andrew Napolitano is anti-war, anti-Patriot Act, anti-New World Order, anti-carbon tax.
He's almost as good as Ron Paul on the issues.
And Fox uses him like you use a little cayenne pepper and chili.
They just throw a little bit of it in there.
And I like the fact that he's on more and more.
And I've talked to him off air, talked to him privately, read his columns for years.
He's a good guy.
I don't like coming out and attacking Beck because I know he's fooled a lot of people and it turns folks off, but I have to tell the truth.
And if Beck will stop stabbing us in the back and stop going sideways on issues, I'll support him.
The issue here is the owner, Rupert Murdoch, admits that he's supporting the global carbon tax and is invested in it and has all of his movies and dramas and non-Fox News shows promoting it.
In fact, call Paul Watson because I couldn't find it this morning.
He wrote an article about it two years ago.
It has the Rupert Murdoch bragging, look at how I'm propagandizing, I'm proud of myself.
It's the montage of Fox TV programs that Fox put out where they're promoting the global techs.
You see, you won't hear Napolitano or these guys talk about that.
Look, I'm not stupid, and I'm not gonna get into any details, but I could certainly go, if I played my cards right, go join Team Fox, ladies and gentlemen.
I wasn't ever offered a job by them, but I was offered jobs by people affiliated with them years ago.
I told him, no way, okay?
I'm going to fight the new world order.
But I think we should recognize that Fox is beginning to be forced, because the audience has gone there, to speak out against world government.
Because all these years, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage and all these guys said there's no new world order.
Glenn Beck said there was no new world order.
Now, it's openly being announced we're in a world government by the people that are pro-world government.
And so they look pretty stupid.
And so they've got to bring somebody along, like Andrew Napolitano, who's been good the entire time, to not just keep their audience, but grow.
Fox is growing their audience, while CNN, CNBC, all the rest of them are imploding.
And that's because Fox isn't stupid.
They are going anti-New World Order, at least to a certain degree.
Well, we're going all the way anti-New World Order, and we always have, and that's who we are.
But I get emails going, well, why are you having Judge Andrew Napolitano on?
He's on with Fox.
He's telling the truth when he's on Fox.
We need to support people inside the mainstream media that are getting the truth out, while understanding the larger picture.
Before we go to break and come back with Governor Jesse Ventura,
I just want to finish making the point we must take over the system.
We must get the power and then reestablish our constitutional republic as
Many people have said, like G. Edward Griffin, who's in this film, Fall of the Republic.
He makes those points.
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Get your copy of Fall of the Republic today at Infowars.com or by calling 888-253-3139.
Governor Jesse Ventura, straight ahead.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're into our number two simulcasting the syndicated radio transmission at PrisonPlanet.tv and Living Color.
Joining us from Minnesota, he's about to travel down to Mexico to do some surfing, is former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, of course a star of films like
The Running Man, Predator, and many other films.
He's hosted a MSNBC national television show.
He's hosted NFL football.
There's not much this guy hadn't done.
And now he's got a huge show.
They're saying it's going to be their big push in the winter.
Their big number one promoted show.
And I'm seeing that now in the media.
Hi Alex, great to be here again.
I guess I should call you Huggy Bear.
And I'll explain that for a moment.
Now, Alex has been good enough.
He appears in a couple of the episodes of Conspiracy Theory that we did.
And so, because he's the only really reoccurring character we've ever had in the first initial bite, we went back to the old Starsky and Hutch show.
And y'all remember Huggy Bear, don't you?
The guy that always brought the information to Starsky and Hutch?
Well, that's you now, Alex.
So you're our Huggy Bear.
Well, I'm honored to be your huggy bear.
You've not been able to talk about the show till now.
They've unleashed you.
You barely talked about it on Larry King Live last week, but now you've been given the green light to give people a foretaste or an idea of what's going to be in the seven episodes.
And so we're all ears, Governor.
I mean, tell us about some of the episodes.
Well, first of all, when I went on Larry, it was because, you know, it was election night and Larry truly wanted my opinion on the latest off-year elections, which I'll do this right now.
To me, why do we even have off-year elections?
It's hard enough to get people out there to vote.
I have them all on here.
They do that so that they get a small voter turnout because it's easier to control small numbers.
And so that's why that happens pretty much.
But that being said, that's why I was on Larry was mainly for the election stuff, not so much a promotion of the show, because I'll be going back on Larry later on the end of the month, right when it gets to the debut date, which, of course, is December the 2nd on the two channel.
We're good to go.
Hold on, we're about to go to break and I don't want to stop you.
I want you to have free flow and go over as much as you can tell us about the episodes because I've consulted some but I still only have a few pieces of the overall puzzle and I know that you've stated that you believe this is fair and from our perspective probably the first television show ever that's actually from
People who questions perspective.
That doesn't mean that you or I or anybody buys all of what's being said out there.
So I want to talk about that when we come back in just a minute.
But in the one minute we've got, what is your take on Republicans sweeping all over the country and Obama's plunging approval rating?
Well, I don't think it's so much Republicans sweeping.
As you know, they lost that congressional race up in that heavily Republican district in New York that hadn't gone Democrat.
Yeah, but the Democrats threw that.
They threw that.
I mean, they had their... Well, maybe so.
Well, to me, the elections are truly irrelevant.
And as far as Obama's ratings falling, that's a natural occurrence.
You know, I don't want to throw water on the fire or anything for those people, you know, for whatever reason.
I, at one time, had 72% approval ratings.
Well, certainly by the time you get out of office, mine actually dipped below 50 later.
No, no, you're right!
When you have to make hard decisions, when you make those hard decisions, some people aren't going to like it, and a lot of people are one-issue people.
Jesse, we've got a break.
We've got a break.
Stay right there.
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I think so.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, surf's up, ladies and gentlemen, and here comes Jesse Ventura into the Info Warb.
Coming up in early December, the launch of his long-awaited
Television show conspiracy theory on true TV here to tell us dates and times and inside details First on this radio show when Jesse called me back Friday evening and said okay.
I'll do your show first I was extremely honored and so governor.
I really do appreciate you coming here first to talk about it I know the media blitz starts
Later today and tomorrow.
Yeah, that's true Alex, but it's going to happen.
You know, the honeymoon wears off.
The hard decisions have to be made.
People many times disagree with those tough decisions and your approval rating starts to fall.
The positive for me, the way I always looked at it, was like this.
I was in a three-way race, not a two-way race.
I won with only 37 percent.
So even if my approval say fell all the way to 45, that was still eight points higher than what I won with.
Sure, and George W. Bush's went from 92 to 39, but again that took seven... He had to have been lower than 39.
Yeah, some approval ratings had him at 25.
I mean, there's so many polls.
Well, I would guess he would try with the hardcore Republicans.
In the end, I can't see him even getting over 30% approval rating.
That's just a political gift from his party.
I know that the overall Congress, both parties, had an 11% when he left office, and it's now going back down that direction again.
My point is, Obama's approval rating has broken records, according to the major pollsters, for falling the fastest in the first year of a new administration.
And now he's losing his base.
CBS News last night reported he is putting in 40,000 more troops in Afghanistan.
And Jesse, I know you've researched this and are well-read on this subject.
Let's talk about this right now and then get into the show.
There's 12 times the opium, 12 times, coming out of Afghanistan, of what was coming out 8 years ago, and even the BBC admits our troops are guarding the opium so, quote, the Taliban doesn't get it.
No, that's so the banks can launder $500 billion in smack every year.
Governor Ventura, your take on this war?
Well, to me, welcome in my lifetime now.
How wonderful it is.
Welcome to another Vietnam.
It's that simple.
It's going to accomplish nothing.
Guys are going to die over there on a constant basis as they have in Iraq.
And, you know, welcome to another Vietnam.
When this is all over and done with, I do it right now, Alex.
I sit back and go, how is Jesse Ventura benefiting from these two wars?
And I can't think of a thing.
And yet, we've got people out there protesting whether people should be able to go see a doctor or not.
If we wouldn't have fought these two wars, we'd have plenty of money for healthcare, wouldn't we?
And my point is, wars are the most destructive thing mankind can do.
And when he engages in them, it has no benefit.
It's like Herman Goering said, the best thing a farmer can get out of a war is to be able to come back on the same farm he left before the war started.
That's the best outcome.
The very best.
There will be nothing more than that.
And when is this country going to wake up?
I sit back and I'm appalled.
You know?
I can't say I'm speechless because I'm bitching about it right now.
But I cannot believe that people aren't protesting these wars and now we're sending more troops in to accomplish what?
The Russians couldn't win there and we're so stupid and our ego is so powerful that we think we can?
Well, they can't win the state of objective to bring democracy and freedom to Afghanistan, but if the objective is to destabilize the region and have bases to menace Iran and China, and if the state of objective, you know, the real objective is to launder drug proceeds, then it's mission accomplished.
They just need to sit there.
If that's indeed what it is, Alex, then you will be—you're absolutely correct.
It's mission accomplished.
If that's what they're accomplishing out of this, I can't prove that that's what they are or aren't doing at this time.
But certainly from a base perspective of Jesse Ventura, American citizen, I don't understand how I benefit by these wars one bit or any of the rest of us benefit by them one bit.
Okay, here's an example, then we'll get into the TV show.
I know you've been busy with, you know, producing the television show and flying all over the country, and we'll talk about that.
You are really working hard on this.
A lot of work, a lot of time, a lot of energy, a lot of money.
Harder than I wanted.
But at the same time, it came out two weeks ago, New York Times, that Mohammed Karzai's brother is the head opium kingpin in Afghanistan, and that he is a CIA operative on CIA payroll, and that basically so is Mohammed Karzai, and that our troops are guarding his poppy fields.
And I was driving down the road a few months ago and heard BBC report the same thing before the New York Times did, and I already knew that.
But to hear them report that, oh, we guard the opium because if we don't guard it, another Taliban group will get it, then they'll get too much power.
That's what they're telling the troops.
We guard the opium to win the war.
You know the CIA got caught with opium in...
And add to that the fact that that's how the CIA gets their revenue so that they can then do operations that they can keep away from Congress.
Because if they have to do operations that require them to get money from our tax money, then they have to be forward enough to let Congress know what they're doing with the money.
But if they're getting money via illegal drugs and making all sorts of money out of that end of the world, they then don't have to declare any of that to Congress, and that's when they can do these dirty jobs that the American public will never know about.
Governor Jesse Ventura, that is the nail on the head.
I hadn't even thought to make that point.
All those tens of billions in unaccountable money that these private interests... That's how they run their operations so that they don't have to be accountable to the Congress.
In fact, in 96, that came out on C-SPAN with the CIA Inspector General testifying that the CIA brought in the crack cocaine epidemic.
Well, that I don't know.
You know about that, Alex, I don't.
I can only speak to what I know about.
And you know, you're better well read on it than I am.
Well no, I mean, you know as much or more than I do, you just brought up the key point that they're funding their black operations with this.
Oh yeah, no, I've felt that and known that for a long, long time, that that's the simple way to do it.
That's how you keep it out of the public eye.
That's how you can get money to do political assassinations like in the old days when they used to attempt to kill Castro.
If they do that, if they get money from Congress, then they have to submit reports and it has to be far more above board.
But if they get the money from somewhere else, which can be dirty drug money, well then they can spend it on any operations they want to do and they don't have to be accountable to the American public or the Congress for it.
Governor, we've got you here to talk about the TV show, so I'm going to stop getting off on other issues.
I apologize, but it's always interesting to hear your truthful perspective, because you're absolutely right on those issues.
Where to start with the TV show?
I mean, I've seen the one promo clip where you went out to harp, and they threatened to arrest you, and then suddenly the equipment went dead.
Let's go through the seven episodes and give people an idea of what's coming up.
Well, hopefully I can remember them all.
I'll tell you, it was so hectic shooting them that sometimes I had to jump from one episode to another episode.
And that plays games with your mind because you're focused in on one thing and then, you know, the next half a day you might be doing something for a completely different episode.
Let me ask this.
What's your favorite episode?
I would say my favorite one would be 9-11.
Because I think 9-11 was the original one that I took to the two TV people to sell them on this show, and so it was personal to me because of my investigation of it so far.
So I would have to say that that one is the most satisfying, although they all are, pretty much.
And I'll put it to you this way.
The way that I'm going to explain it is quite simple, Alex.
People can choose to believe the conspiracies or not, all seven of these, and they're all fairly modern day.
The one thing True Channel wanted to do, we don't go back to Kennedy, we don't go back, they wanted to keep this first series within the last decade, pretty much.
And you can choose to believe them or you can choose not to believe them, but I'll guarantee you this, if you watch the show, you're gonna get scared.
Even if they're not true, there is still the element that they may be, they might be, and they could be.
And maybe they are.
And that should be enough to wake people up and scare them.
This is the first show that I've ever done in my career where I got scared.
And I don't get scared easy.
I remember a few weeks ago, I ran into him, we were checking in at the hotel, and you walked up and you were shaking your head and you said, Alex.
You were there with your son Tyrell, who's working on the show as well, doing a great job.
You walked up and you said, Alex, when I go to bed at night, my head's spinning with all this information.
This stuff is scary.
Oh yeah.
We went into some places that you think is only fantasy land, but it could very well be reality land.
It's stuff that people don't even think about, don't deal with in their daily lives.
That's one of the main things is people
People out there have to earn a living, they have to make a living for their families, so they haven't got time to go delving into the underhanded stuff that government might be doing.
It's interesting, Alex, that we started this show with the concept that we were going to show both sides of the conspiracy, and then allow the viewer to make a choice at the end of which one he or she would choose to believe.
Hold it there!
Gotta break, Governor.
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All right, going back to Governor Jesse Ventura.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
He'll be with us a little bit into the next hour.
We're going to open the phones up specifically only for Governor Jesse Ventura at 1-800-259-9231.
Quick question or comment to the Governor coming up.
Okay, you got cut off again by the satellite making us go to break.
Start over, start over Governor with the point that you were making about the TV show.
Well, initially, Alex, we started off to do the show with the concept that both sides of the conspiracy would be told, if there were two sides.
Many times there may be multiple sides.
But the two major sides, and then we'd let the viewer decide.
Well, then the show had to go through a metamorphosis, if you will, or an evolution, whatever you want to call it, because when one side does not cooperate one bit, it is pretty hard to tell their story.
And that was the case of the United States government.
I did an interview the other day, a print interview, and the person asked me, and I said, well, you know, the government hasn't cooperated at all.
And they said, this includes when Obama's taken over.
I said, there's been no difference.
I said it hasn't made one bit of difference because we started the show, George Bush was still the president, and the show's been in the works, and I've been working on it for a year now, basically, or better.
And the government cooperated, nothing.
We could not even get a spokesperson out for the government.
Well, we do get a few former government people who are now no longer working for the government, who had courage enough to come out and talk to us and offer their opinions.
But no one under the government would cooperate with this show at all, so then the show became simply more of the other side of the conspiracy being told, and now the viewer gets to see an alternative to what the government has pumped out in many occasions on the different conspiracies that they're involved with.
And by the way, we've got Governor Jesse Ventura with us talking about the new TV show that's coming up in December and January called Conspiracy Theory on True TV.
Again, Jesse Ventura is our guest.
How much can you tell us about the 9-11 episode?
Because I know that more and more as you went out and tried to talk to them,
No one would, and Jesse Ventura, Navy SEAL, Governor, you know, fighter, is a lot more intimidating and a lot more effective than when Michael Moore, and I'm not against Michael Moore, kind of ninnies around.
I mean, this is some dynamic confrontations.
In many ways, Michael Moore probably got more cooperation than I got.
Well, let's focus in a little bit.
I got none.
When it came to 9-11, no one from the government would talk to the show.
No one from the 9-11 Commission would talk.
No one representing any type of government agency would talk.
You know, I don't want to wreck the show by saying what we did and where we did it and do all that because I want people to watch the show.
The show came about like this.
A victim came to me.
And a victim pleaded with me, a victim who lost her daughter and her potential grandchild.
Her daughter was pregnant and she died the day, the infamous day of 9-11.
And her mom, you know, came to me feeling that I was the person with this show who could bring to light the fact that we need a real investigation of 9-11.
Yeah, I think so.
You know, the almost 300 days that it took to clean up the mess and what went on there.
Did an investigation occur there?
We have, but the person who identified and saw the black boxes, which of course the government tells us were not found.
Again, I don't want to give away too much, but... Well, I want people to watch.
That's why I'm just going to talk.
I'm not going to give specifics of the show, Alex, because I want everyone to enjoy the show, and I won't narrate it before it goes on the air.
No, no, no.
You're giving us a lot here, and I know a lot of the inside baseball, and obviously I'm sworn to secrecy.
I'm just telling folks, I'm surprised you're able to get this on air, Jesse, because... Well, Alex, it ain't on yet.
I made a gentleman's bet at the start of this show that it would never see air.
I felt we would complete them all, but I felt strongly that at some point in time someone wouldn't allow it, and so far it's full steam ahead.
Now we do have to wait until December 2nd because that's the airing again of the first show, which is, you know, that's a couple weeks away yet, three weeks away.
In fact, I remember in October,
You were in my car, we were driving around in the hill country, and you said, Alex, we're going to find out if this airs, because I'm going to do this from my perspective and be fair, we're going to see what happens.
And you've put incredible work into it, and now you've just upped the bar again, saying we'll see if it's going to air.
Stay with us.
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Well, former Minnesota governor, former MSNBC host, former top wrestler, Hollywood movie star, author, best-selling author, multiple times over, and surfer, Jesse Ventura joins us.
The surf is up.
He is here.
Okay, let's go through this then.
Wait a minute, Alex.
How's the surf since that storm has hit Alabama down there?
You know what?
I hear that there is a huge surf down at the Gulf right now.
And every time I go down there, there's surfers everywhere.
Well, I should be down there right now, doggone it.
Why don't you just jump on an airplane, fly... Listen, you can fly to Corpus Christi in two hours from Minnesota, and three and a half, four hours from now, you could be on the beach in 12-foot swells.
Well, I'll tell you, that's very tempting, but unfortunately, I've got too much publicity to do.
Unfortunately, you're here on air with us, but we're all happy, Governor.
Well, it'd be tomorrow anyway, and so I got publicity all day tomorrow.
Today I couldn't get there in time, so it'd have to be tomorrow, but oh well, we'll pass on it this time.
I'm certain there'll be more storms, especially after learning about HAARP.
You know, I had the director of Harp on one time and he admitted, oh, we turn the atmosphere on fire with it at night and starts laughing.
And then somebody on the line cut the line off.
And my producer saw this.
And during the break, a Air Force officer came on and said, you can't talk about that anymore.
So the military was bossing the the civilian scientific head of Harp around.
Well, what's interesting, and of course, for those that don't know what HAARP is, HAARP is way up in Alaska.
That's one of the shows.
We go up to visit it and photograph it.
And it's a group of about 180 radio antennas that all shoot 50,000 watts of energy up into the biosphere.
I should say, of low frequency sounds up into the biosphere, which does cause a heating.
Now, Alex, let me ask you this.
Does... Could that possibly contribute to global warming?
This could be much more contributor of global warming than us driving our cars around.
Well, as you know, Secretary of Defense Cohen in 97 admitted to the Army Times they did have weather weapons then, and I've interviewed the former father of weather weapons, Ben Livingston, and clearly, I believe this is a false flag attack.
We have had a lot of strange weather, and that naturally occurs, but there's been a lot of... Well, that's gonna be, that's the opening show, Alex.
The opening show, December 2nd, is on HAARP, and I think people are gonna find it a very interesting show.
I went all the way up to Alaska and went to this location and we jumped into a helicopter and bear this in mind, this thing can knock airplanes out of the air.
And it's a very interesting thing going on up there.
It's the government, it falls under, let me put it this way, it falls under the military, the Air Force.
And yet it is given the distinction of being an unclassified research center, yet I was not allowed in.
Now, bear in mind, I used to have a top-secret security clearance with the United States government during my six years as a member of Underwater Demolition Team 12 and Seal Team 1.
I was also a mayor and a governor, and yet I was not allowed to go into this supposed unclassified research center.
If it's unclassified, anybody should be able to go in there.
Well, that's a good point.
Jesse, on this specific subject, we can get into more detail because this has been released to the media.
I want to play this clip and then ask you about it.
This is a one-minute clip of Governor Jesse Ventura being stopped at the gates.
He's about to just, I guess, bull his way on in there and suddenly,
The equipment goes dead.
And I talked to the crew.
This really happened.
So they were using some type of electronic warfare jamming system.
Here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
We really need to go through the Air Force.
Well, we did.
We got stonewalled.
And this is strictly a research facility.
Clearly, there's something going on here that they don't want people to know about.
There's a lot of cool science that we do at this facility.
Come on, man.
I'm a Navy SEAL.
The military don't do things unless it has a military purpose, and a military purpose is destruction and waging war.
It's a stalemate.
Or is it?
Back up a little bit from the gate so when people come through, they won't feel intimidated.
When I get denied something, I do the opposite of getting intimidated.
I get angry.
Jesse is about to walk right on through, when suddenly... Hold on a second guys, I got a problem.
I'm getting harassed at their appearance.
The camera equipment begins to go haywire.
Something is interfering with the audio and video.
This is more than unclassified.
That's bullshit.
Alright, now that aired on CNN.
The potty language was cut out.
But I don't blame the governor under that bizarre stress.
So, tell us what you can about the Harp episode, because this is amazing.
Well, you know, we were denied access, as I said, and you know, even though the security clearances I've had in my life and holding the position of governor, I guess, Alex, the only way I guess I can get in there is to run and get re-elected to something again.
You know, then maybe I would be high enough in the government that they would let me in and see what they're doing there.
But, that aside, uh, and then we did have some problem now.
It made it seem, I don't know what caused our cameras to go bad.
I do, I am not going to specifically sit here and say that they jammed and that they did something to them.
I will simply state that our audio and our visual did have some problems while we were outside the gate.
Who or what was responsible, we never were sure of.
We never were sure or positively found out.
But to be specific, and correct me if I'm wrong, because I was just talking to some of the crew while we were shooting separately back in Los Angeles, they said that multiple cameras and audio and on the digital recordings, it was even distorting.
I mean, this wasn't just one rig to have separate malfunctions, the same malfunctions.
You're talking about one in a billion, one in a trillion.
I mean, this is bizarre.
I don't know.
I don't know.
But all I can say is that we did run into complications, and what caused them or why, we were never able to ascertain.
But you know, and then later on, all the equipment later worked fine, and we never had any more problem with it the rest of the shoot.
Well, I want to say, clearly on the record,
That from the scientists we've interviewed, HAARP is designed to be a weapon.
It can heat the atmosphere.
It can direct those huge rivers of vapor, of condensation, of water as weapons.
And the Chinese brag, the Russians brag, you can hire their government-funded companies to control the weather for you.
Let's remember something, too, Alex.
There were treaties signed back in the 1970s that governments would not use weather or nature for war.
And we were one of the people that signed these treaties.
And I think that's an important issue right here.
If we sign treaties that we won't use things, won't use nature to commit war, and then we might very well be violating the very treaties we've signed,
Well that's a great point and you made the point to me privately that, well Alex, why are we signing treaties for weather weapons if they don't exist?
That's true also.
So, you know, and I think people are also going to enjoy, there's another part of HAARP that we haven't mentioned today that will be the most terrifying of anything we've talked about, and I'm going to leave that up in the air, because HAARP is going to be, to my knowledge, the first episode December 2nd, again.
I know what it is, but I'm going to keep my mouth shut.
Well, I did a gentleman's bet with my crew and cast, basically.
I said, I bet you no money involved, just a gentleman's bet.
That we will complete all of these, we will do all seven episodes, and we'll finish them all, but I said I still don't believe they will see the light of day that they will be aired.
And so far I'm losing the gentleman's bet, but there's still about three weeks to go, and I hope that I do lose it.
I do not want, and I'm a competitive person, I do not like to lose anything, but I'm hoping that I lose this bet.
I don't want to win this bet.
Well, I hope that you do lose the bet as well, because I've been involved in a few TV productions.
One of them... This way, Alex.
If it doesn't see the light of day, this show, that we've completed, then I need to come back on your show and we need to ask why.
We need to, at that point, start addressing, I believe, the First Amendment.
I agree with you.
Well, I don't see how they're going to air something that's more than fair from our perspective.
And from what I've seen, and I know you're an honorable person, this is an extremely fair leaning towards our perspective because as you said, you couldn't get the other side to come out and debate.
There's nothing but stonewalling.
We couldn't even get them to come out and make a comment.
The government wouldn't talk to us, plain and simple.
They wouldn't talk on HAARP.
They wouldn't talk on 9-11.
They wouldn't talk on anything that involved the government and their involvement in any type of conspiracy or whatever the conspiracy is.
You cannot get anyone from government to participate or talk in any manner.
It's that simple.
And people need to understand that's the scary thing, overwhelmingly scary thing about doing this whole show, is the fact that government doesn't have to cooperate.
They act like we work for them.
And I believe they've forgotten something and we've forgotten something.
They work for us.
That's the way it's supposed to be.
But in this country, I believe those roles have switched now.
And the government views us working for them rather than the way it's supposed to be.
Well, that's just an incredible point that things really are backwards now in this nation, in this country.
And if they do allow this to go on television, which it looks like it's going to happen, is that that the system is so arrogant that they don't even care if we know the truth now?
I'm seeing George Soros and Al Gore and Ban Ki-moon of the UN openly say we're going under world government, openly saying it's a new world order, openly stating it's about population reduction.
One child policy, LA Times reports there's going to be a tax on owning a dog or cat because they eat meat, which has a carbon footprint.
You've got the global warming episode, we're going to talk about that.
I mean, they're really coming out in the open.
So is it that they don't have total control of the media, and so you're getting through the chink in the armor, or is it they're so arrogant now, they don't care if Governor Ventura goes out and tells you how screwed you are?
They might even sit back and, you know, roast some marshmallows and laugh at us.
I don't know, Alex.
I'm not in contact with any of these quote-unquote people, so I have no idea.
Oh, by the way, yeah, global warming is the last one that I list to you of the, uh, we do a, is global warming a conspiracy?
We were both here trying to remember all seven episodes and finally it came to me so I thought I'd shout it out.
Well you got it right there because that was the seventh one that I like I said when I shot these things they were not in sequence always and so it can get pretty confusing.
It was a lot like governing where you go from one meeting one hour to a completely different meeting the next hour.
No, no, I know it makes your head spin, especially when you're really into the minutia.
Let's get into 2012, then we'll get into secret societies, Manchurian candidate, big brother in global warming.
2012, obviously, three days from now, on Friday, the huge movie is coming out where Woody Harrelson kind of plays the conspiracy theory type.
I know Harrelson, so we're trying to get him on the show.
In fact, that may happen.
But what's your whole take on the real 2012 and the serious, in-depth research you did?
And then separately in the show, I know you get into, without saying too much, whether it's real or not, the elite think it's real and they are getting ready.
I mean, to me, I think, in fact, I wish I was in that episode.
I've been told I'm not.
To me, that's going to be one of the hottest episodes.
Well, it is, and let me just put it this way, and again, I'm not going to go in and make it so people won't watch by telling everything that happens, but it goes far beyond, let me say this, the Mayan calendar.
Now, the Mayans were very intelligent people way ahead of their time when it came to understanding the planets and the solar system and the heavens.
They truly were, because I've learned this.
Even with all of our modern technology today, the Mayans are right on.
Our technology, for the most part, cannot prove them wrong.
Under most things.
So here you had a culture that took place many, many, many years ago that was very, very bright when it came to space.
And this 2012 show goes beyond the Mayan calendar.
It goes to some things that we know are actually real and completely backed up by NASA.
And that's where I'll leave it right there, because I want people intrigued, I want them to watch the show, and the show will be on long before 2012 arrives.
Are you, knowing what you now know, doing the deep research, are you concerned about 2012?
I'm concerned, yeah, I'm concerned over things that I have learned, yes, I'm very concerned over them.
And later on when the show is all air, Alex, and I don't have to try to intrigue a listening audience anymore, I'll be glad to come back on the show and openly talk about what concerns me after it airs.
Absolutely, that'd be a great radio interview.
And also talk about how much hit the cutting room floor.
You guys have done a ton of work.
I mean, they've been working your butt off.
Oh, week to week, yeah.
You know how it works in the country, Alex?
When you try to retire and quit, that's when your agent finds your jobs.
But when you're looking for the jobs for 20 years, they can't find you anything.
No, I've been to LA so many times I can't remember since summer.
I've been to Anchorage, Alaska.
I've been to San Francisco.
I've been to Oklahoma City, Kansas City, New York multiple, multiple times.
And I've lost track of a few of the other places that I've been to.
But the most unique was the thing going up to Anchorage to learn about harp.
And again, I'm hugging bear.
Let me interject, Alex, of which I, up until about four months ago, I didn't even know what harp was.
Didn't even know what it was.
Well, it sure is, and the exciting thing that I'll tell people when people say to me, why do I like to study this?
Why do I like to look at it?
Because these are things that very well could be real.
And when you read a writer like, say, Tom Clancy or Vince Flynn, they're marvelous books, but they're simply figments of their imagination.
They're carrying you through on their imaginary trip.
I would rather look into and read about real history and hopefully get educated on it so that we're not stupid enough to allow ourselves to repeat it, which over and over I see it happening.
Our stupidity is just unbelievable how we can be duped over and over again.
I mean, really, a conspiracy theorist is someone with an alternative history view.
We'll be right back.
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Big John!
Big John!
Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew you didn't give no lip to Big John.
Big John!
Big Jesse Ventura is our guest.
Governor, one more time for people tuning in and getting this exclusive first look at the TV show that, believe me, is going to be powerful, folks.
Tell them when the seven episodes are going to air, how they tune in, how they watch it.
Well, it'll be on the True Network, which used to be Court Television.
It's located, if you've got the satellite, I think it's right in between TBS and TNT.
It's the station in between if you're on the direct dish satellite or whatever it is.
But, you know, check wherever.
And anyway, the first show will air Wednesday, December 2nd, and it'll be 10 o'clock Eastern, 9 o'clock Central.
And it's a one-hour show.
We're doing seven conspiracies.
And naturally, I'd like to say this, can we get completely into the conspiracies and everything about them?
Absolutely not.
You can never do that in an hour.
So we focus on just certain portions of the conspiracy, which I think people will find it, especially your listening audience, Alex, are going to find it very interesting.
And so it's going to be airing every Wednesday in December and January, or are they going to skip one on Christmas?
I have no idea.
I'll be gone surfing at that time and I'll leave all of you up here to take the repercussions from it.
What are you going to do if I come parachuting in when you're out there surfing?
Well, then I'll know everything hit the fan up here because I know that if you're not doing your daily radio show, then the United States don't exist anymore.
Now, is my bunker ready next to your bungalow?
I don't know.
You know, I'll tell you that my neighbor Fernando, he had to dig a 40-foot well down there and it took him six months, but it would have taken him a year had there been good waves.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Okay, we're going to come back and take phone calls, but right now let's get into the global warming episode.
I mean, just give us a little taste of that.
Well, the big thing on global warming to me is this cap-and-trade legislation.
It's nothing but bait-and-switch.
It's a legislation that's designed to make money, not solve the problem.
And if global warming is indeed a problem, then why is the solution simply money-making that does nothing to address the actual problem?
And that's the key of what we try to expose, and this is the cap-and-trade legislation for what it is.
And the fact that there are 30,000 people with PhDs and science degrees that simply are not buying into global warming, and it doesn't seem to be that they get any type of
Their opinion is not being aired at all.
That's right.
It's a very one-sided opinion.
Well yeah, when Al Gore says, all scientists agree it's man-made...
And then you find out that actually the majority say it's driven by the sun and by nuclei from space causing cloud condensation.
I mean, I'm not going to give away who you interview in the film, but this is going to be a powerful death blow.
One more nail in the coffin against the Greenies that want to tax us.
I mean, it's come out that Al Gore has made over a billion bucks so far off this.
I mean, he owns a cap and trade company that you've got to buy carbon credits from.
I mean, how obvious is this?
Well, again, it comes down to the legislature.
I'm not a scientist, Alex, so I'm not going to beat my head against the wall on whether it's real or not.
But a good way to look at things is always view something not from what someone says, but from what someone does.
And the cap-and-trade legislation is fraudulent because you could have a company that's supposedly polluting.
They don't have to change at all.
They can simply pay money and buy other people's and trade so that until they get under, and they'll still pollute the same, but then they'll be able to say that they're not.
Well, that right away is fraudulent.
And if that's fraudulent, then what else is fraudulent?
I tell you, that's a key point.
Take the weakest part of their argument, break their neck right there.
That's why we love you, Governor.
Stay with us.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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I'm good.
We're good to go.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, in this five minutes we're going to get into Secret Societies, Manchurian Candidate, and Big Brother.
The three episodes we haven't given you a little
Teaser on it premieres December 2nd true TV tell everybody about it folks because I think this is going to be the not just Ferris but leaning towards our view of any television show ever on mainstream TV I think this is a bellwether because the establishment's beginning to realize that they become obsolete by never discussing this information so televisions losing ratings and the Internet's exploding Governor Jesse Ventura
Well, I guess let's go Manchurian Candidate.
This one is going to be a very, this one is a very terrifying show.
We all know that MKUltra was real.
The documents state so.
So there's no gray area there that the government was in the business back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s of attempting to control people's minds and attempting to manipulate them and to use them to their advantage both militarily and whatever.
Well, all indications are that those programs have been re-ramped up again and they're back on a high level again.
And that being said, that's what the Manchurian candidate deals with, of course, and that we've all heard the story.
One of the interesting things I'll say is that the guy who shot John Lennon fits it perfectly, Mark David Chapman.
Because contrary to popular belief, Chapman was no Beatles fanatic.
If you go back in his history, in fact, his favorite artist was Todd Rundgren, who's hardly a Beatle.
Yeah, I think so.
We're good to go.
Well, I'll tell you, it's funny you should say that, Alex, because amazingly, when it first happened, scarily, that's the first thing that popped into my head.
Unbelievable that you say that, because that's the exact first thing that popped into my head when I first heard about the Fort Hood shootings.
And when I started then reading about the whole situation, how the guy never had it in his background.
And then now the CIA and FBI are watching him and he has this fake history that suddenly began and then commanders and people said bust him and they wouldn't do it.
Same thing with 9-11.
Then he's a psychiatrist.
He has that whole history.
Once you've studied mind control, he just fits.
Every piece fits.
And I wouldn't say this last week.
I mean, I knew that was going on Thursday, but now more and more of the pieces are coming out and man, the hair on the back of my neck just stands up.
Anyway, enough Manchurian.
What are the last two shows?
That's his big brother watching.
What about it?
Well, no, just how folks can get it.
Oh, I don't know.
It's been a best-seller.
It's still in the bookstores, and I guess you can get it over the internet.
I've been so involved in this thing, I haven't even thought about the book for months.
Well, I just wanted to plug your book because it's a good book.
Oh, thank you.
And it's still out there.
I was actually in the Minneapolis airport the other day and I saw copies there for sale.
So, it's a book that I, it's got a lot of my heart and soul in it.
I wrote it, you know, on my trips to Mexico and all that.
And it includes my wife and it tells you about my years in office and it'll give you a great insight into how I think.
Okay, the two final episodes briefly and your phone calls for Governor Jesse Ventura giving us the exclusive.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Governor Jesse Ventura, he's worn a lot of hats, but now he is fighting the New World Order.
And I don't want to put words in his mouth, but Governor, I think it's safe to say, I mean, you now know there's a world government, there is an elite.
The question is, how evil are they?
Are they monolithic?
What is their main goal?
Well, let me put it this way.
Irregardless of anything, it sure is interesting stuff.
And, uh, you know, we do a show on the Bilderbergs and I do understand that they're real.
I guess the thing that upsets me the most was I made it to governor and they never invited me.
And I guess maybe I gotta run for office again then so I can get invited to this thing to find out what the hell goes on inside there.
Well, they would have invited you if you would have gone along with the CIA when they sent you down at the governor's office two weeks into office.
But, I mean, you're not selling people out.
You're a swashbuckling, you know, loose cannon for freedom.
But, I mean, what is your view on the New World Order then?
Because I know you're anti-establishment and... Well, let me put it to you this way.
Then I also look at it from a different perspective, Alex.
I believe in evolution.
The science of evolution.
Maybe this is evolution.
You know, when you look at it, that we will evolve, and that maybe it won't fully be here in our lifetimes, but a hundred years from now, because of the fact with technology the way it is, the world gets smaller and smaller and smaller.
And I guess, let me, just for the sake of argument, state that there would be one good thing if there was a one world government.
You know what that would be?
What would that be?
There couldn't be wars then, could there?
But see, Governor, that is the... I mean, literally.
Then you wouldn't have one country fighting another country.
No, but that's not their plan.
Oh, I understand that, Alex.
Don't for a minute think I'm naive.
But I am saying that there is the chance that this could be almost an evolutionary thing, that we will evolve to the point where there may well be a one-world government and there may be no way around it.
Then the important thing, Alex, is what will that government be?
Well, that's the issue here, is that they always pitch it that we were hunter-gatherers, we were agrarian, we formed villages, then city-states, then nations, then empires, and the next phase is Star Trek, that we've been implanted with psychologically, the image of the global galactic empire, and we're always fighting green aliens, you know, the Klingons, so we've got to do this.
The issue is, they built this world government in stealth, and denied that it existed.
Until it was too late to really stop it.
And now they're coming out going, yeah, we're going to tax everything you do.
We're not going to let you have more than one kid.
And yeah, we want to carry out eugenics on you and we're going to carbon tax you.
And Ban Ki-moon writes editorials saying the carbon taxes for the New World Order.
And it's for a bunch of corrupt CEOs and bankers to play emperor.
And so if the people of the world ever wanted to create a world government and it was democratic and under the republic system,
Alex, I wholeheartedly agree with you.
I'm not going to dispute anything you've said.
I won't.
But the point is, and you're correct, if it was so good, why would they do it in secret?
And that's a very, very valid point to make.
But the point we have to make, if it's inevitable that we're going to come under one world rule, then we the people have to ensure that we're players in the game, that we have dogs in the fight.
But I don't want to be under the Communist Chinese!
No, no, I hear you.
But instead, so we never have a dog in the fight, they just say there isn't a world government, meet your world government.
I mean, they're still saying world government doesn't exist, so that we can never demand representation.
Well, what was interesting was I was out at that new Denver airport.
The new one in Denver?
And on the plaque that they have out there, on the bottom of it, it says the New World Airport Commission.
And there isn't one.
Nothing of that name is in existence.
And there's murals of Nazis.
How would they put that on the dedication plaque at that big Denver airport?
The New World.
Not the Colorado Airport Commission.
Not the Denver Airport Commission.
But the New World Airport Commission.
And they have paintings of Nazis killing children above it.
No, they're not Nazis.
I disprove that.
Well, there's people in fascist-style uniforms melling people out.
Right, but they are not Nazis.
You know how I disproved that, Alex?
The guy's carrying an AK-47.
I saw it right away.
I said, this can't be a Nazi.
The Nazis didn't have that weapon.
Yeah, but I don't think the artist knows that the Kalashnikov is an Eastern Bloc weapon.
Well, I noticed it.
Hey, Jesse, I want to take some calls in time.
Yes, let's take some calls.
But, but, a plug right here in the middle of this conversation.
I'm going to mail you, I've forgotten to mail you, Fall of the Republic, because this details from the Globalist's own statements that they are setting up a tyrannical world government, that they engineered the banking crisis by...
The crisis by design and that they are setting up a citizen spy force police state system.
So I hope all the listeners will get a copy of Follow the Republic at InfoWars.com and the online video bookstore and support what we're doing here, but also show it to everyone you know, because this film exposes the wider agenda.
And Alex, let me shamelessly add in, please watch my television show, because if we get such an overwhelming audience response, it'll force them to buy it up for another deal, and we'll be able to get that much farther into it then.
And then, like the X-Files, I get the spinoff like the lone gunman.
There you go.
Okay, now we're getting into real inside baseball.
Look, this show is important, and I want everybody to tell their friends and family and neighbors, True TV, December 2nd, airing every Wednesday, absolutely important, because this show is definitely from our perspective.
Okay, I want to go to some calls, but we've got to finish up with the last point.
We just hit Manchurian Candidate, Secret Societies.
What about Big Brother?
Well, Big Brother is just simply that.
It's Big Brother, are they watching over you?
And I think in our show, you're going to hear clearly that they are, and that clearly it's going to come from a place where the government is able to do it and work around the Constitution.
We have found that out and we will air that on the show to where you will clearly see how the government has looped the Constitution in which establishing Big Brother on you.
Can we say the different federal groups you talk to or just leave that alone?
I don't think I talked to any federal groups again.
There was no cooperation from the government at all.
Well, you talked to their minions, though.
You talked to their Gestapo, their ground pounders, their citizen spies.
Well, yes, we did do that.
We'll just leave it there.
We'll just leave it there.
Yeah, just leave it at that.
Well, it's a very exciting... Too many of them are right down in your country, Alex.
I don't want you getting in trouble.
Believe me, we know what InfraGard is up to.
Okay, folks, Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest.
Best-selling author, wrestler, movie star, governor, football, National Football League, NFL commentator, surfer.
Jesse, what is there you haven't done?
Uh, I don't know, but I got a few years to figure it out yet, Alex.
You know, you never stop going because, you know, in the words of the late, great Warren Zavon, I'll sleep when I'm dead.
Program note to stations.
This is a network break coming up.
We're going right to the bottom of the hour, 29 after.
We're going to let the governor go here.
So we're going to take calls right now for the last 12 minutes or so with Governor Jesse Ventura giving you the inside scoop.
Jesse, why did you give this show first the inside scoop?
I was very honored when you called me and said you were going to give us the exclusive.
For a number of reasons, Alex.
Your participation in the show was exceptional and we appreciated it.
You know, you flew out to L.A.
a couple times and all that to participate, and so why not?
I reward the people that reward me, and so that's a reason for it.
You have the listening audience, the base market that this show is designed for.
I would be crazy not to come on your show with my show because, you know, I'm not going to lie, we're out for success on this show.
I hope the show is hugely successful.
Yeah, but I know the TV shows you turn down.
I mean, I don't know if you want to say it, but you're turning down something with 30 million viewers coming up in a few weeks because you want to be out of the country.
I'm just really honored you came because I know you're turning down a bunch of really huge media interviews, but doing our shows, we appreciate it.
Well, no problem.
And like I said, you know, you're a wealth of information, Alex, that we can always rely upon.
And, you know, so doing your show is just simply the left hand washing the right hand.
Well, folks, we're going to post this interview up at Infowars.com.
Over 200,000 people a day get the free podcast.
Get it, share it with everybody.
We're going to post a YouTube video of it.
Share it with everyone.
Because if this show can be a big success, the system may start letting more of this on the air as the internet culture takes over the mainstream media.
We can beat the globalists.
If they can't beat us, they're going to try to join us and we can slow down this whole system.
That's what Tweety Bird always said.
If you can't beat them, join them.
Well, if we can beat them, they're going to have to back off.
And believing we can expose these people is half the battle.
Believing you can win.
Or as G.I.
Joe says, knowing is half the battle.
I believe taking action is half the battle.
Resistance is victory.
Matt in Illinois, you're on the air with Jesse Ventura.
Go ahead, Matt.
Hello, Mr. Ventura.
How are you doing?
Pretty good.
I wanted to know, I don't have a TV.
I gave up watching TV a long, long time ago because I didn't like being treated like I was stupid.
And it sounds like you've got a really good show, and I'd like to know
If there's any plans to put it on the web or somehow that I'll be able to watch it without having to... I don't know at this time, but then again, I'm not a good web person to talk to, but I certainly will inquire to find out what the options are about doing it over the web or whatever.
I don't know.
But at this time, the only thing I know is we're going to be on two TVs starting December 2nd.
Yeah, Matt, thanks for the call.
I'll tell you this, Time Warner is putting a lot of their stuff on YouTube now.
Most TV shows are there after the series runs, then it's up there with commercials on YouTube.
I would imagine this is made for the Internet.
I would imagine you're going to be able to see it officially on the Internet after it airs on TV.
Go to a neighbor's house and watch it.
Let's, you know, the Mind Control Box.
We're going to use the Mind Control Box to deprogram people.
Mary Ann in Iowa, you're on the air with Governor Jesse Ventura.
Go ahead.
Hi, it's a pleasure.
I just want to say I hope this wakes up the American people and I praise you for doing that.
I wanted to answer a quick question and make a quick comment.
Representative Mike Pence from Indiana Republican, the other day I was watching the health voting on C-SPAN and he said, and I wrote it down because I was freaked out by it, he said, it seems a few elite in a far distant country can run our lives for us.
And I, you know, immediately I thought of Build-A-Burger, not that, and I was going to ask you, which I think you've already answered, were you going to do a show on the Build-A-Burgers and the secret societies?
You didn't answer that.
Hold on, you mean Senator DeMint admitted that foreign bankers run our country?
I mean, that's amazing.
His quote, and I wrote it down, it seems a few elite in a far-distance country can run our lives for us.
Okay, let's get Jesse's take on that.
Well, there's certainly that possibility, and yes, we definitely do a show on the Build-A-Burgers, which I was happily kind of, I knew of them, but I didn't know as much about them.
And here's the interesting little sidebar for it.
We have a... Governor, are you still there?
See that?
I know that sound.
That's us.
That wasn't Ron Paul the other day.
That's our phone system.
I want that on record.
Tell you, it's like living in a clown house or something.
Just call him back and let him finish his point.
It's always when I got huge guests on too.
Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, and the standard operating procedure.
Hell, I can call him on my cell phone and get him on that way.
We've got General Stubblebind coming up with Dr. Rima Labo, part two of the interview we started last week.
And I do have a lot of other news that we're going to be covering as well.
But hey, it's the miracle of technology, ladies and gentlemen, where 50 years ago, 60, 70, 80 years ago, you couldn't even do stuff like this.
And it's kind of the hallmark of this show now.
That's what we do.
That's how we do it.
Okay, Governor, I got you cut off there when you were going to add a point about Bilderberg.
Go ahead.
It was either that, Alex, or they're cutting us off now.
They're on to us.
You know, what I was going to add was just a simple sidelight to the show and then I got to run.
We were interviewing a gentleman on the Bilderberg episode, and he had to travel from Europe to do the interview with me in New York, and we had to delay it a day, because when he went to the airport, he was on the no-fly list.
Now, this person's not a terrorist.
Why would he be on the no-fly list, and who has the power to do that?
Well, that happens to even congressmen now.
They get crosswise and you're not charged.
There's no judge, there's no jury.
And now they're saying if you have bad credit, you'll be on the no-fly list.
Or if you're on the no-fly list, you won't be able to buy a gun.
So you're not convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor or a parking ticket, Governor, but then you lose your rights.
Isn't that 180 degrees the opposite from our republic form of government?
I would like to think so.
And as I said earlier, Alex, it's just the case of the big brother.
And in this case, it was dealing with the Bilderbergs that we had this particular guy we were going to interview.
And he was coming from a foreign country to here, and he was on the no-fly list over there.
And, to my knowledge, he's not a terrorist, so, you know, it's interesting how they'll disrupt people's lives by putting him on this no-fly list if he's simply out of, say, a different political persuasion or whatever it might be.
Well, Governor, you've got to get to a meeting in downtown Minneapolis, so we've only got four more minutes left with you.
Let's take two final calls quickly.
Gary in Washington, then Mark in Minnesota.
Gary, you're on the air with Jesse Ventura.
Pleasure to be here with you.
I have a very important piece of information for the Governor, and I have a big question for both of you.
First piece of information, ShakeMaps is a product of U.S.
Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program.
If you look at the ShakeMap in Sichuan, when the earthquake happened with a rainbow over China on May 20, 2008, the ShakeMap is the exact same shape as the HAARP weapon.
That's point number one, and then I'll get to point number two.
Okay, what's your final point?
Because we've got to go here in a minute.
Okay, so check out the ShakeMap's final point.
There's too much fragmentation on the InfoWar.
Prison Planet, Birthers, Oath Keepers, 9-11 Truth, Audit the Fed, LP, Gun Owners, Skywatch.
I would recommend both of you
Sir, we can't do it all.
Hold on a minute.
People act like Jesse Ventura or Alex Jones or Ron Paul have magical powers.
We put our pants on one leg at a time, too.
Freedom is fractured.
It's good that we're not all unified because that makes us hard to stop.
Governor, your comment on that?
Well, and the other thing is, too, is that how do you do it?
It's like when I was the third party candidate in Minnesota, I tried to bring all the third parties together so we could consolidate and become a force against the other two parties.
I got news for you, it's like herding cats.
And I couldn't even bring them together on an issue that we all agreed upon, and that was campaign finance.
None of us, none of us took dirty money.
And it just fractured like nothing and so I just threw my hands up in the air and I said it may be impossible, but I think Alex makes a great point that they can't stop us all if we're all coming at them from different directions.
Yeah, it's a spirit of liberty.
Shrink government, bring accountability.
Final call for Governor Jesse Ventura from his home state, Minnesota.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, can you hear me?
Yes I can, go ahead.
Hi Mark.
Hi, I voted for you, Jesse.
I appreciate both of you guys' work.
And quickly, a couple questions about, I can't wait for your show to come out.
I look forward to watching that.
And I'll tell people about it, my friends and whatnot.
A couple ideas for the show, maybe you could look into the patent issue where people, individuals developing free energy and anti-gravity technology that the government then deems a national security risk.
You know, Jesse, that's a great idea, if it gets picked up for another season, is look at Cold Fusion.
We'll take that under consideration, but we gotta get picked up first.
We only did seven for right now.
Yeah, we gotta cross that bridge before we... We have to come to that bridge before we cross it.
Anything else, Mark?
Yeah, one last thing.
I just saw an article in the WorldNet Daily about data centers being set up by the NSA and Homeland Security Department.
And I'm very concerned about that.
They collect all our information, all communications and storage.
Watch my show on his big brother watching and all that, and you'll learn how they get away with it and how they loop the Constitution to do it.
Thank you so much, Mark.
Okay, we got a minute and a half left.
Governor, I'm going to say bye to you when we go to break, so just hold one moment.
But I wanted to say in closing, it's been great working with you.
I hope the show airs.
Looks like it is.
They've started promoting it.
They're unleashing you to promote it, so I think that's the green light.
But as you said, we won't believe it airs until we see it go on December 2nd on TruTV, so spread the word.
But did you ever think, because I know all about this stuff and I still can't believe it.
I'm still flabbergasted.
I am psychologically speechless a lot of times.
I can still babble some words out, but it's hard to articulate.
The NSA says they're taking over the whole internet.
They may shut it down during crises like bird flu or swine flu.
The NSA is going to intercept all internet traffic.
They're building NSA centers in San Antonio and New York and Florida and Minnesota and California and just admitting
They're reading everything we're doing.
So they go from, we're not spying on Al Qaeda, to we are spying on Al Qaeda, to we're spying on you, and we don't need no stinking warrants.
Did you ever think that would happen?
Well, it will happen because, yeah, I can believe it happening, Alex, because of apathetic people out there.
People who cannot be apathetic any longer.
You can't sit on your hands anymore.
You can't sit back and have government tell you they're going to protect you, but in lieu of that protection, you're going to give up your freedoms.
You are better off to be in danger from terrorists than you are to lose your freedoms.
Don't let them take your freedoms and always remember dissension is the greatest form of patriotism.
Governor Jesse Ventura, amazing having you on.
That's a great way to end it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's here'swhatyoudo.net.
One last time, it's here'swhatyoudo.net.
All right, coming up in about 10 minutes we got Major General Albert N. Stubblebine and Dr. Rima Labo joining us.
They've been at the Codex Alimentarius UN Global Government Takeover of your Vitamins and Food meeting.
The globalists are moving on every front taking over right now.
Was that not an incredible Jesse Ventura interview in the last hour and a half?
We put some traces on the phone lines to the phone company because we're only dropping big guests.
And our phone system creates a certain blip when the phones drop, but we can check the phone logs from here and we put a trace in with the phone company.
Our phone lines are being dropped in between us and Washington.
Our office in Minnesota, and it's only with big guests.
This is not happening with other regular phone lines we have.
These are regular phone lines and we have internet phone lines.
And I don't want to say it's a conspiracy theory, though we have been officially hacked many times or attempted to be hacked.
And we have found big hacking sites saying they're going to hack us again because we don't like Obama.
We're fascists because we don't like expanding the wars.
But then we tracked those groups.
Those are government operatives posing as if they're hackers because we've had top hackers give us the documentation on this.
We've got the Pentagon directing denial of service attacks, a bunch of other types of attacks against us.
The last big one was when we were exposing that
The flu was a fraud and part of a larger drill and that they had prepared all this back in January when we told you they were getting ready for a staged flu hysteria.
We said, we don't know if it's a hoax or whether it's going to be real, but in January and February, I said, they're going to stage something big this year.
And we had city managers and emergency managers on and got secret documents on air for you.
And it all came true.
Because we have the sources.
I mean, we're risking our lives here for you, ladies and gentlemen.
This is not a game.
This is not a joke.
Without giving too much of the TV show away.
Well, I know who it was that was on the no-fly list as soon as they tried to fly here for the interview.
And the government's listening to these people's phone lines and just doing it for meetings.
We have sent videotapes to media before, and they have erased the tape.
They have a system that sends out these electronic waves that erases tapes.
Anybody who's worked in a TV station knows about them.
Forget the technical term.
Back in the old days of regular tape and video, they have them.
Well, they'll erase a regular computer tape, too.
They've got other systems that'll erase hard drives.
It's a big magnet.
But the point is, they did that twice once, then they broke into a hotel room.
I've had them break into hotel rooms I'm in and steal Just Start tapes.
Well, I was talking about this a few weeks ago because I buy movies on DVD to watch them when I run on the treadmill.
Only way I can run more than 30 minutes is to watch a movie.
I can go out on the street and start running and like 20 minutes later, I just stop.
But I can get on that treadmill and watch, go into zombie mode.
I guess I use the mind control device to trick myself into running more than 30 minutes.
When you got as fat as I did at 260 pounds, down to 230 now, trying to lose more weight.
It gets tougher once you lose that first 30.
Side issue.
Point is, I'm on the treadmill.
And I watch in two parts the insider, and that's a true story, of all the harassment he went through and all the things that happened to him, a tobacco company scientist going public.
Man, that's a cakewalk!
And the reason they haven't killed me, and the reason they don't do a lot of stuff to me anymore, they still do some things, is because they know I don't care.
I mean, I care, but what am I going to do?
It's kind of like once you jump out of an airplane with a parachute, is your parachute going to open?
You sure hope so!
I mean, I don't know.
And there's such a liberating feeling about going, gee, I hope they don't hurt my wife or kids.
Gee, I hope they don't kill me or destroy me in the media or set me up.
It's kind of nice that they're just doing COINTELPRO against me and making stuff up.
And I kind of let them do that as like, okay, you get to do that.
Thank you for not killing me.
And I do want to say to the globalists, I know they've calculated all the angles and they think I'm buffoonish and that I discredit at certain levels, but now they figured out that's not really the case.
And I do feel the wings of death flapping above my head and they're beginning to really analyze my true operation.
But we're a little farther down the line now, aren't we, globalists?
To where my information is out there and if you kill me, it's going to highlight, it's going to underline everything I've said and done.
And so you're going to destroy me in the media.
The problem is the media is so discredited that if you tell a bunch of lies about me, anybody who can think automatically supports me.
I mean, yes, you've got buffoons fooled, you've got idiots fooled, you've got morons fooled,
But anyone who can think, even if they disagree with me on some issues, Lord knows I make mistakes and I'm aggressive and bombasket and arrogant sometimes, but people who've got discernment and who've been around the world, they know I'm for real.
They know even if I wasn't a good person and it wasn't for real, I'm waking a lot of people up.
I mean, if I work for the government, man,
This is the worst money they ever spent, because we're hurting them, folks.
We're teaching you you have power.
We're teaching you you can affect change.
We're teaching you that you can fight the New World Order.
We're teaching you how their systems work.
We're teaching you to unplug from their matrix.
We're showing people how they can affect change.
We're documenting our true form of government.
The system hates us!
We're against bashing Jews and bashing Catholics and bashing blacks and bashing whites.
I come out against the racist Hispanics and racist blacks when they're bashing white people.
You know, we criticize corruption of Israel, we criticize corruption of China, but we don't hate Chinese people.
We're here bringing people together.
And that's why, you know, I thought about the magnitude of this last week.
I thought, I haven't made a bigger deal over the fact that we can track the IP addresses of commenters and that these are coming from military bases and our government operatives.
Many cases, they put their handles up there.
You can go to their MySpace or Facebook and they admit they're in psyops.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
They don't even care if we know.
And then I think about how many white supremacists have been caught in federal court, the Southern Priority Law Center, Hal Turner, all of them, that attack me, and then it turns out they're feds staging stuff.
Hal Turner, I told you six, seven years ago that guy was a fed.
As if you couldn't take one micron
Do we have our guest?
Okay, good.
As if!
As if one micron of discernment wouldn't know he was a Fed.
And then it comes out, he's attacking me, I'm his main target, that I work for Israel, and I'm bad, and I'm all this stuff, and everybody, if they really want to be a true blue American, has to hate Jews and obsess on that all day.
Even if you believed that, when you go out and preach that, it destroys all your other arguments.
I don't want cap-and-trade, but I hate Jews.
Oh, I don't want socialist healthcare.
I hate Jews, by the way.
That totally destroys your argument.
Well, I don't hate Jews.
And I understand there are a lot of evil Jews involved in the New World Order.
There's a lot of evil people, period.
But Jews are competitive, smart, informed, educated people.
Of course there's going to be a lot of evil people at the top that are Jewish.
There's a lot of Brits at the top that are evil.
Because British people, statistically, are very smart.
And when you get evil ones on your hands, you've got a problem.
I mean, it's the same thing with the Russian government.
I'm not against Russian people.
I'm against their corrupt government.
I speak out against it.
All right, look, look.
People always think it's a conspiracy theory on TV when I hit the silence button and talk to them.
We're gonna go to our guests in five minutes because I wasn't sure if we were gonna get them on and I have something else lined up.
Ted Anderson's about to come on.
The point here is I just realized that it's on record that all these top white supremacists get busted, get caught in federal court being federal informants or agents,
They get caught in court cases and lawsuits and then admit when they kill their wife or beat up their neighbor or get in trouble, there's a whole bunch of them, or threaten the wrong state judge and get arrested.
They then come out and say, I'm a Fed, I'm a Fed, and then the Feds come in and go, well, he does work for us.
Why would the Feds have all these different organizations and groups?
Attacking me as working for Israel, or working for the Vatican, or working for this or that, and then it comes out they are feds.
See, the feds want us all fighting with each other.
They want that.
All right, we got Major General Stubblebine and Dr. Rima Labo coming up with the balance of the radio show today with part two of their amazing interview with us last week.
They can report on the conclusion of what happened at the Codex Alimentarius in Europe.
And so much more coming up in T-minus five minutes.
Very honored to have them.
We had some phone trouble getting them connected.
I want to bring Ted Anderson up briefly because gold, as you know, went above $1,100 and has stayed there.
And Ted is almost out.
It's gone up three times in the last week.
He's almost out of gold.
That is, well yesterday, almost $60 less in the market than it is now.
He's almost out of this, and it will go up in the next few days if the selling continues like this, and it clearly is.
Ted, briefly, give us an economic outlook on what's happening.
Tell folks about the Midas Resources offer of the day.
If people didn't listen to us when gold was $300 an ounce, it's now $1,100 plus.
Maybe they'll listen now.
Well, I hope so, Alex, because China and also India are trying to shore up their currencies with the amount of gold that they used to use, you know, to have against their currencies.
That'll push gold up to $1,300 an ounce if that happens.
If the United States decides to get its currency shored up with gold, we're going to be as high as $2,700 an ounce, just to go back to 71 level.
You know, that's what we're looking at right here.
Gold right now is sitting at $1,105 an ounce.
I still have the francs currently, right now, presently at the price of $246.
British sovereigns are at $299.
And I also have the Lakota coin at $22.30.
Walking Liberty is $8.69.
I mean, we have U.S.
We have junk silver bags.
I mean, pretty much anything that you want to be getting into in the marketplace, we have it right here at Midas.
The main thing is that you have to realize that the United States currency's value is under attack.
There is simply no way that the U.S.
currency is going to hold value when you have the United States government trying to solve its problems by printing money.
It just doesn't work that way.
Well, absolutely, Ted.
And when you hear even Clark Howard, the economic guru, saying, okay, go ahead and get into gold.
When you hear all the national shows saying $2,000 an ounce that it's guaranteed, I'm not saying that.
It's guaranteed gold has real intrinsic value.
I believe it's going to keep going up in the next few years because the dollar, they've decided to devalue it and kill it.
But it certainly is crazy at this point to not get into gold and silver, especially when you can get in a time machine and go back and buy it cheaper than it is now, because Ted is smart and buys in the dips.
So this is a win-win-win.
Those are great deals.
Tell them it's the Alex Jones special to get the lower prices.
You'll be paying a higher price that still is very competitive in this market.
You know, Ted has got an A rating for a gold company.
When you look at all the other gold companies, go check them.
They have C+, C-, or Fs.
Ted is a great company, great deals, super high quality.
It's where I've chosen to buy gold and silver because I get the best deals.
I get the deals you're getting.
And these are just exceptional deals right now.
Ted, give them the toll-free number.
Yeah, you get a hold of Midas here at 1-800-686-2237.
Again, it's 1-800-686-2237.
And by all means, please let us know that you call off the Alex Jones Show.
Absolutely, Ted.
Now, I want to be clear.
When they call, whether it's the bags of junk silver, or whether it's a maple leaf, or whether it's an American Eagle, or whether it's a buffalo, you've got a lot of stuff in right now.
You tell them it's the Alex Jones special, and what type of discount do you get?
Or is the Alex Jones special just on the francs, the sovereigns, and the silver half dollars?
Well, let's put it this way.
There are some coins that we're carrying right now that if you don't mention that you've heard it on the Alex Jones Special, you could pay as much as $200 an ounce more.
I mean, that's the materials that I'm putting aside.
I mean, specifically, I told my sales staff that this is for this particular offer.
You can't offer this to anybody else.
You're going to have to do it here.
This is a blanket discount but to focus in on that specific discount because people are always calling me and trying to get me to explain it and I have the internal sheets where say it's a quarter ounce gold coin back you know and it was 224 and I would see your four or five dollar markup I mean tiny
So explaining that, you buy when the market's lower, it would cost you more to buy these now than for what you're selling them.
That's what the truth is.
These same coins cost a lot more in the wholesale market because gold has jumped up over $50 an ounce in a week.
And you know what?
It's at $1,005 and I wouldn't be surprised a bit that if it jumps into that $1,150 range here very shortly.
It's just, it's moving that direction.
The United States dollar is under attack internationally.
It's not just here now.
As we add more liability to our government coffer, the federal printing press just turns on full speed, and what do you think's going to happen to the dollars we earned if we have to compete with money that's being created from nothing?
Well, Ted, that's the point I'm trying to make, is that as the general public, because before, what, 3, 4, 5% maybe of the public physically held silver and gold?
Now they're saying it's getting up to 6, 7, 8% and the price is exploding.
As the yuppies find out,
That the stock market's going up and gold's going up because devalued dollars are chasing it.
The stock market didn't go up, gold didn't go up, dollars went down.
As soon as they figure that out, they're gonna wanna get out of dollar-denominated stocks and bonds.
They're gonna wanna hold physical gold.
And what the economists talk about is as inflation kicks in globally on top of this depression, that will drive commodities up.
Oil's going up.
All precious metals are going up.
And so at least in the short term, gold is a win, win, win, win, win.
I believe the markets are so manipulated that it may hold for a while coming up here in the next few months, but then in the next year may rocket past 2,000.
Who knows?
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, there's not a better investment any way you slice it than silver and gold if you get a good deal on it.
Give Ted Anderson a call.
They can tell you about the risk associated with it.
Yeah, the risk is you won't make the huge profits.
$300 gold five, six years ago, $1,100 now.
But there still are some risks.
There's risk if you drive your car, you can get run over today.
The point is, the risks are a lot less, in my opinion, common sense opinion, in gold and silver than they are in the stinking stock market or in real estate or anything else.
Folks, what do kings and queens and pirates and criminals, what do they have?
The people that know, that are street smart, they have gold.
They have their treasure chest.
They have their hoard, ladies and gentlemen.
It'll always be that way.
It's always been that way.
What's a dragon want to sit on?
A big pile of gold!
Ladies and gentlemen, what do the kings have in their hoards?
For 6,000 years, gold!
We told you you'd get gold five, six years ago.
It's up four times what it was now.
Right at four times, ladies and gentlemen.
Ted Anderson, thank you so much for joining us.
It's always a pleasure, Alex.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress.
And they really are calling the shots.
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Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, we had Judge Andrew Napolitano on with us today, then Governor Jesse Ventura.
And now we have Dr. Rima Labo, M.D., and her husband together back in Panama.
The one, the only, Major General Albert Burt N. Stubblebine III, U.S.
Army, retired.
We went over his bio last week.
You can find out more at healthfreedomusa.org.
One word, healthfreedomusa.org.
And we are honored to have them with us into the next hour for the balance of the show.
Coming up at 20 after, I promise, we're going directly to your questions or comments or General Stubblebine or Dr. Labo.
Thank you so much, Alex.
It's always a pleasure to talk to you.
Great being back!
You talked about Codex, and I want to remind you listeners that the Codex Alimentarius is a UN commission which is run and funded by WHO, not your friend, and the Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO, another not-person-friendly organization that we in the United States know much less about than we do WHO.
I want to remind you that WHO is using a two-pronged genocidal tool.
One prong is the degradation of the world's food supply and the mandating of undernutrition, which they admit
I'm good to go.
Principal moneymakers are big pharma.
And of course, we have to add vaccines in there as another principal moneymaker big time.
But in addition to that, they are the principal killers in the developing world.
So if you mandate undernutrition, and then sanctimoniously say, well, it's undernutrition that causes these diseases, isn't that too bad?
You are definitely talking out of both sides of your genocidal mouth.
You know, that's a good point.
I didn't bring this up to you, Dr. Labo, last week.
It actually came out in UN documents where they discussed in the 60s that we need to get that pulled back up.
They discussed using vaccines as the delivery system of cancer and sterilization.
So, I mean, as you said, they've been caught by high courts in India, the Philippines, in Africa.
I mean, this is really starting to get out.
That's right, and it's very important for your listeners and the people that your listeners talk to and for the people who go to our website healthfreedomusa.org to understand that these sacred cow organizations, the U.S.
government, WHO, the U.N., and the pharmaceutical industry are held aloft by propaganda.
When you investigate the fact that you do as we do, Alex,
What you come up with is a horrifying, breathtaking, mind-numbing evil.
It's that simple.
Now, when I say that there are interlinked genocidal tools, you have to understand, of course, that the immune system is the common pathway for both of their weapons.
The immune system is damaged and destroyed by their vaccine, as well as directly inducing sterility.
And the immune system is damaged by their degraded food.
Stay there, doctor.
Back in one minute.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're talking about Endgame, a pharmacological military industrial complex grid of control, a scientific dictatorship, a planetary dictatorship to carry out the orderly extermination of the majority of the world population.
Now, from UN documents, I made this film three years ago, Endgame, documenting it all.
Now we have the White House Science Czar's own book
As if I wrote it, but from their perspective.
Or as if General Stubblebine wrote it, but from their perspective.
Confirming everything we've ever said.
Because we can look at what they're doing and tell you what their operation is, but to have their signed, sealed confessions...
And then to not see them arrested, to not see this stopping, it's incredible.
Dr. Rima Labo, medical doctor, she's treated heads of state, her husband, their partners in fighting crime, Major General Stubblebine, they're both here with us and we're going to go back to Dr. Labo here in a minute.
They joined us via speakerphone because we can't get through the regular line in Central America right now, so we're on their backup line.
Well, I don't think so.
I think that they are
In some way are of the opinion that they've got to publish what they're going to do so that it makes it all right when they actually do it.
There's another piece, too, and that is, if you're going to have a program that's as complicated as this one, then you must have a manual by which you go by.
You know that every item
In the military, it's got a manual somewhere.
So they've written the manual for us.
And I want to make another point, Alex.
You said, why don't they get in trouble?
Well, they control the system, so they don't get in trouble with indictments and things like that.
But we, you and I and the other truth discussers, we are their trouble.
And as long as we have the Internet, they are increasingly, day by day, exponentially in more trouble.
Because we understand what they're doing, we're finding their documents, and we're
We're good to go.
It was a good idea when it was started in the 90s, but it has become, like everything else in the federal government, like the SBA, the Fraud and Debt Administration, and the CDC, the Centers for Disease Creation.
They have become the tool of the industries that they were designed to regulate.
The same is true of the National Organic Standards Board, which now allows more than 10% GMO contamination
I don't know.
One thing that happened because of the huge public outcry today is that the National Organic Standards Board was forced to apply organic standards to body care products as well as food products.
They named by name Amazon Organics, Avalon Organics, Desert Essence Organics, Giovanni Organic Cosmetics, Jason Pure Natural and Organic Cosmetics.
Yeah, so they're taking over the certifiers of organics so they can mislabel them.
Stay there.
We've got to go to break.
We're going to try a better phone line with you guys as well.
Stay with us.
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OxySilver safely electrocutes pathogens.
I'm good.
I think so.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay we are trying different connections to get better audio with the General Stubblebine, Major General Stubblebine and Dr. Rima Lebo from their headquarters joining us from Health Freedom USA down in Panama and she's going over organics victories we've had.
First we had a victory
And I'm simplifying this.
There's a lot of different techniques they used, certifying things that were GMO, that were genetically modified as organic.
But she's saying there's been a victory there.
Then we'll get into the latest on flu and a lot more.
But before we go there, I want to finish my question to General Stubblebine and to Dr. Labo.
You're a medical doctor and a psychiatrist, Dr. Labo, and General Stubblebine's commanded hundreds of thousands of troops and generals and many others, and he understands psychology.
And I loved your answer.
To why they write these books.
This is a manual.
And we've bought over a hundred globalist manuals, high-level government manuals, for State Department people, UN people.
They admit Carol Quigley's book.
was commissioned by the CFR uh... and other organizations as a briefing manual for high-level CIA and State Department not meant for public distribution uh... and they admit these are manuals but that something else General Stubblevine said I wanted to comment on and then Dr. Labo with her psychiatry background understanding this why do these people have a compulsion to tell you what they're going to do publicly but
Well, it seems to me that it's almost, and I have no evidence of this other than
We're good to go.
I mean, it's almost a ritual event.
And after you've seen it the first time, you say, I don't know.
Second time, I don't know.
But eventually, you get to a point where you say, holy smokes, these people are crazy.
But they're telling us what they're going to do to us before they do it.
And if we don't pay attention, then it's our fault that we're getting in trouble.
That's when we've got to start the pushback before it becomes totally effective.
I'm sorry, Alex, go ahead.
No, I mean, go ahead and then we're going to get him to stop the shot, the organics, what's happening with Codex Alimentarius.
I mean, give us the latest.
You were there because you guys are really pushing back.
I mean, you are leaders actually taking action.
But commenting on that question to General Stubblebine, as a psychiatrist, why are they obsessed with telling you what they're going to do?
But then if you say, I don't want that, they say, oh, this book doesn't exist.
I mean, it's crazy.
Does anybody remember Son of Sam, who was cutting newspapers apart and magazines and pasted together messages like, stop me before I kill, after he had killed and before he killed a lot more people?
A need to be recognized that's very deep in the human psyche, no matter how evil and perverted the human psyche is.
And so criminals, police detectives know perfectly well that criminals get caught because they leave clues saying, recognize me, recognize me, even though they may not consciously want to be caught.
And in fact, I believe that this may be the last remnant of humanity in psychopaths so insane that they can, and I'm saying insane as a trained psychiatrist, so insane that they can comfortably and laughingly contemplate with great smugness the
Genocidal extermination of virtually everybody who doesn't personally serve them or their cohort.
This is fabulous craziness.
Understand, there's nothing normal about it.
And so I believe that the reason they have this rule, which it appears that they do have,
And I want to point out that what's happening and what's being shared on the internet is the revelation of what we predicted and what you predicted, Alex, which is that the swine flu vaccines are in themselves causing miscarriages and horrific neurological
Okay, we're going to go over that right now and I'm going to sit back and give you both the floor to go over your lawsuit, victories we're having, but also the carnage being created by the vaccines that was predicted because of the medical evidence.
But I want to go back to the nature of our enemy.
I think there's one more reason
That in white papers that they publish, they admit their entire plan, and then disdainfully tell the general public none of it exists.
While Ban Ki-moon admits world government, carbon tax to enslave us, and then other publications owned by George Soros say it doesn't exist, while he goes on Lair News Hour and calls for world government and carbon tax to fund it, his publications, all six of them, attack Alex Jones and say, I'm crazy, none of it exists.
I will explain why this is happening, and I want General Stubblebine and then you, Dr. Labo, to comment on this.
Then we'll go over your evidence and then take calls.
But, they're also doing this to multiple audiences.
To the dumbed-down, easily suggestible, cowardly people who want to buy a lie, who want to lay down, who want to be slaves, they just don't want to hear about it.
None of this exists.
But then to those of us that they know are not wicked and do have empathy and are tuned into our center and do love people and love creation, it's a threat.
Yeah, we're going to kill you and there's nothing these dumb slaves are going to do.
They're never going to wake up.
So really it's a bravado.
It's an arrogant, you know, the devil roars to see who he may devour and to intimidate.
So it's also blowing their trumpet saying, look,
We'll tell the world we're gonna kill you!
And look at these slaves!
They won't even listen to you!
I've had elitists tell me that.
They go, Alex, you notice you lay all this out and the slaves don't care.
They want to be slaves.
So it's also a type of, not just bragging as you said, but a type of intimidation.
General Stubblebine.
Incidentally, I totally agree with you, Alex.
There are a group of us that need to be intimidated.
There's a group of us that are sound asleep, that won't even pay any attention.
But those who are pushing back need... We just lost their line.
Those of us pushing back need to be intimidated.
We've got them on another backup line.
Flip them over.
I don't think this is a conspiracy.
I think it's because they're in Panama.
I don't know where it is, but it sure is frustrating.
Well, you know what?
With Ventura, they may have been cutting him off.
Okay, you were saying there's a group of us who needs to be intimidated.
Go ahead.
It needs to be intimidated.
In their view.
And needs to be controlled.
And so, if we publish all of this and we tell them, they can say, oh well, you better pay attention, young man.
If you don't, you're going to be blah blah blah blah blah.
So, I believe that there is a pounding of chest, a patting themselves on the back, and
Letting us know that what is coming down the pike is not going to be good for us.
You better shut up, sit down, and just take it.
Well, you know, Alex, what you were saying and what I was saying are the same thing.
This kind of arrogant hilarity, the feverish hilarity you might see in these pronouncements and then the denials, is very much both an aggressive demonstration of their power
And at the same time, you can see it as this need to be recognized and an intimidation.
But then again, our behavior as human beings is usually motivated by many things at the same time.
So this makes perfect sense.
It's not unitary.
It's several things moving us in the same direction, whatever it is.
Thank goodness that they feel the need to reveal their plans first.
So those of us who are awake and trumpeting can let people know what's going on.
And while we have the Internet,
We have the power to awaken and people have the power to make change.
We have a lawsuit.
The Natural Solutions Foundation has a lawsuit that had a hearing on Thursday, November 5th, which was after we spoke from the Codex meeting.
And right now, I'm sending out an urgent alert through your show, Alex, for plaintiffs, people who are willing to make a complaint to stop
We need parents in New Jersey.
With children five years of age or young who are willing to say electronically, I don't want my child vaccinated and this will cost no money for the parents.
They will not have to travel to Washington D.C.
to the federal court.
They will prepare a certification and sign it that represents their situation.
If you are willing, or if you are the custodial grandparent or parent, and you are willing to participate in this Stop the...
Okay, we lost their line again.
We're going to come back to them after break.
They've got a program.
They've filed suit.
They need a class action to block the inoculation.
And it is forced.
They are injecting children all over the country.
When the parents find out, they say, oops, we made a mistake.
They're telling medical workers they're going to be fired.
But then Obama plays the good cop and says, we're not making you take the shots.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.
Joining us from Panama, General Albert N. Stubblebine III, Dr. Rima E. Lebo, their husband and wife.
They travel all over the world fighting the globalist agenda.
They have done so much great work and I wanted to have a backup this week.
We're going to take some of your phone calls coming up the next segment specifically for them on the vaccines, Codex Alimentarius, the New World Order.
Whatever you do, just please address your questions to them or make your quick point.
Okay, you got cut off again as we went to break, as you were trying to bring up the No Shots program, and you're calling for plaintiffs, specifically people... Who needs to call you?
In New Jersey with kids five years and younger because the mandate is very strong that they must be vaccinated with the flu vaccines recommended by the CDC.
And the judge, here's the point, when we went to the hearing on November 5th, the judge said, your case has New York plaintiffs and the New York mandate for health care workers has been called off.
Therefore, he said, I want
I want you to come back in.
I want this case in my court, but I want you to come back with New Jersey plaintiffs who have children five years of age and younger.
Alright, I want to stop you.
I want to stop you.
This is huge.
You and Burt are taking incredible action.
You're going into the belly of the beast.
You file suit and the New York judge says, yeah, they're pushing it, but they're not forcing it now.
Thanks to previous suits.
Bring me New Jersey plaintiffs.
And so in federal court, you need New Jersey plaintiffs, people who've been pressured in public schools.
I know we have listeners in New Jersey.
They need to go to healthfreedomusa.org and you can have them given the paperwork.
It's very easy because they're trying to set the precedent in New Jersey for future staged events.
People want to have a victory against the globalists.
This is it.
I mean, in general, you guys are really taking action here.
Well, we're trying to, Alex, and right at the moment we need the help of these New Jersey residents to be plaintiffs in the case.
So we need, again, voices.
This is a federal case, Alex, so that if the judge rules in our favor and gives an injunction, it will keep the FDA from releasing any of their deadly vaccines.
Let me give you an email.
And this will set a huge precedent, too.
It absolutely can stop the vaccine juggernaut in its tracks.
And let me tell you, when the United States cannot proceed with its vaccine program, every other country in the world will come to a grinding, screeching halt.
So this is a federal case, but it has global implications.
Now, let me give you an email.
If you want to be a New Jersey plaintiff...
Email us at Ralph, R-A-L-P-H, dot Fusatola, F-U-C-E-T-O-L-A, at USA.net, Ralph.Fusatola, at USA.net, or go to our website, HealthFreedomUSA.org, and scroll down to the lower right hand side, and there you will see an entry on Stop
The shot.
Contact us.
This will not cost you money, but it could save you and your family your lives.
So the plaintiff and resistance is victory.
All of us.
People always talk about what we need to do something.
All we talk about is solutions.
This is a smart solution.
Even if you guys don't succeed, at least you fought.
But you're saying you have a judge.
It's clearly constitutional that they can't force you to take vaccines.
New Jersey's saying they're going to arrest you if you don't give your kids the shots.
So anybody being threatened with this mandate, anybody who's got children in New Jersey can be a plaintiff, correct?
The child has to be 5 or under.
Now it's very important to understand this will not cost you money.
This will not endanger you.
This will allow you to participate and the more the merrier.
It will allow you to participate in stopping the vaccines from being even recommended because they are illegal, they are untested, they are unsafe.
And if people would have done this with Rick Perry, taking that deadly Gardasil shot and forcing it on people, there wouldn't have been all those deaths.
We just lay here and go, Rick Perry's our god, he says we gotta take it, we do, we roll over and let him hit us.
And I want to know how many of the girls and women who have taken that god-awful Gardasil and now the new one, Servivac,
This is kind of dramatic how we keep losing them.
Can we flip over to the other line?
Every time we got a break?
Hannah Montana says all the girls need their shots.
Hannah Montana says that we need a global carbon tax.
And Hannah Montana says we need to get rid of free speech with the cybersecurity.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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I don't think so.
And phone call wise, Jay, Jeremiah, Paul, Brendan, Holly, and others, we're going to get to your calls coming up here in about 10 minutes, but I want them to be able to finish up with their initiative to fight the vaccines and the reports coming in of it sterilizing, miscarriages, deaths, convulsions.
That's now confirmed.
And then Desiree, the young lady who was becoming a cheerleader.
She was a backup cheerleader for him.
She reportedly has gotten better now, so they're not letting folks know about some of the treatments for Guillain-Barré-type neurological disorders.
Dale Dudley, local talk show host, number one talk show host in the morning, 93.7, KLBJ, the FM sister station of our AM affiliate.
I've known him for over a decade.
He got partially paralyzed after a vaccine a few months later.
And they went to the doctors and they did tests and said, Gillian Murray, probably from the vaccine, but he got better.
A lot of times you do get better, thank God.
So we'll, and that's all over the news that's happening, but I know people, that was a regular seasonal flu shots.
We're going to talk to them in just a moment.
I haven't thanked any sponsors today.
Number one is the online video bookstore at InfoWars.com.
That is how we fund so much of what we're doing here, is you purchasing t-shirts, books, videos, materials.
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And you also support us, so please, especially with the holiday season, with Christmas here, give them an end of...
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That's SurvivalSeedBank.com.
Okay, going back to our guests.
Quickly, guys, and I really appreciate you joining us.
I wanna get to some calls to hear their wildcard questions.
Ralph, R-A-L-P-H.
Write to us and tell us if you're interested in becoming a plaintiff and we will help stop vaccines
In the United States and therefore in the rest of the world.
It's close.
It's at hand.
The judge wants this case.
The judge was listening.
He wants the case as strong as possible.
That's why he asked us to resubmit.
What an opportunity!
Now, if you also want to support us to help us defray the costs, great!
On our website healthfreedomusa.org
There's a link that says donate, do it.
But the point is, we need the plaintiffs and we can stop the shot.
Imagine what a tool the genocidalists will have lost if we take vaccines away from them.
Principle of war.
That means we need
That means we need to be able to stay connected with these folks.
It's kind of fun, though, wondering how long they're going to stay up each time.
We're here.
Okay, you sound great now.
Principal of War, Mass General.
Go ahead.
You got it.
Mass means we put the mass of our force on the enemy's weakness.
Right now, New Jersey is the weakness.
We need all of the voices we can get to put our mass on their weakness.
Principle of war.
That's the way you win.
General, what's the principle of war of just getting angry and deciding you're going to fight?
That's the will to fight, isn't it?
Don't we need to get the initiative, the will to fight back and grow up?
It's called the offense.
It is a principle of war.
It's called the offense.
You cannot win on the defense.
So in order to do anything, you've got to go on the offense.
And that's exactly what we're doing.
Oh, by the way,
The doctor who helped Desiree Jennings so tremendously, who is a colleague of mine whom I've known for many years, Dr. Rashid Buttar, did the ordinary things that doctors like Buttar and myself do when we have patients who are in trouble that the ordinary kind of allopathic medicine has failed.
And yet, we are the doctors who are under assault.
Dr. Buttar has been seriously molested by the state of North Carolina, as have most of my colleagues.
Okay, let me stop you, let me stop you.
I mean, to be clear, you're saying the doctor, because she was highly publicized, he was able to contact her, you're saying the doctor who helped this lady stop the bad vaccine reaction, who was getting paralyzed, you're saying he's in trouble?
We are all, those of us who are key leading physicians, some of us go to jail, some of us lose our licenses for using our medical judgment when it's not pharmaceutical, when it's not death dealing.
Helping a patient curing cancer, for instance, if you're not an oncologist, and of course oncologists never cure cancer,
Curing cancer is the surest way to lose your license if you acknowledge... Well, there have been oncologists who've cured cancer who lose their license.
They put undercover people in.
Because if people start curing cancer and the word gets out, then the establishment's huge profit center of genocide is over.
The cancer is the single most profitable medical activity disease that humankind has ever encountered.
Dr. Leonard Caldwell, a dear friend and colleague of mine, and it would be lovely to have him on the show, Alex.
He has a new book out.
Dr. Caldwell had six cancer hospitals in Germany that were shut down by the German government because he was so successful.
He migrated to the U.S.
and voila!
Same story.
This is, in fact, a cabal.
And we need to speak out and we need to make our choices and put our effort where our truth is.
Well, we know they're suppressing life extension technologies.
That's why they want to bring in the world government, not just to kill us, but they say they need to get rid of us because they can't give life extension to 7 billion people.
And that's the real reason they want to kill everybody.
Not that there aren't enough resources.
Because there won't be enough resources with the current technology if seven billion people start living to be 150.
I want to go to some phone calls here, and I want to have you guys back soon because there's so much to cover.
But doctor, when you were doing your residency, you made the point, and then when you were teaching as a doctor, and I've talked to many other medical doctors here on air, they said 20, 30, 40 years ago, seeing a child with cancer in the ward was like, come see this leprechaun, come see this
Unicorn, come see this mermaid.
I mean, it didn't exist.
It was fabled.
Now, I know 20-year-olds, 25-year-olds, 30-year-olds, 2-year-olds, 10-year-olds, 9-year-olds.
I mean, it seems like everybody's got cancer.
Everybody's dying from it.
And they just make it into a big pageant of, yeah, everybody's got cancer now.
We're all come together.
Isn't it beautiful?
Without asking why everybody's getting cancer.
When I was in medical school, and I did graduate within living memory, it was in 1970 as a matter of fact, when a child had cancer, other than a Wilms tumor of the kidney, all of us were brought in to gawk at the child, that was considered to be medical education, and it didn't do much for the child, it really didn't teach us anything, but that's how unusual
Any cancer in a child other than this one malignant tumor of the kidney was thought to be.
Now the statistics are that by the year 2020,
Any child who reaches the age of 18, or whose birthday is 18 years at that point, will have either died from cancer or survived cancer in 50% of the cases.
That means one child in two is expected to get cancer.
The ordinary immune system of a child is robust and vigorous, and children are very good at healing themselves.
If they're healthy and haven't been vaccinated and are eating decent food and they're in loving environments, they have wonderful immune systems.
But no more.
No more.
Codex is helping that.
The vaccines and allopathic medicine.
Because they've taken the vitamins out of the food, they're drinking corn syrup filled with mercury all day, which they add, for some reason, to brain damages.
They've been given all these shots to burn out their immune system.
And the police and military and government people, they'll just say,
You now die at 15 of cancer.
You know, this is just how America is, and if you don't like it, you're a conspiracy theorist.
General, how long can they carry this Holocaust out until their own enforcers realize they're working for eugenicist, psychopathic killers?
Well, as long as we keep the voices going and we keep doing pushback.
And incidentally, we've got to do that.
If we don't do that, then they win.
So we need to continually find the weaknesses, find the place.
And I... How long?
I think if we keep pushing back, they lose, and I think we can do it in, what, six months?
Alex, they're teetering.
This whole vaccine thing has them reeling.
They are not in the position that they thought they'd be in.
They thought that they would have codex sewn up and globally implemented by December 31st, 2009.
They at the Codex meeting, they were planning for Codex forward movement with various strategies in 2011, 2013, 2015.
They are behind schedule.
They are shaky.
And now is the time for us to seize our power.
Now is the time for us to seize our power.
I totally agree.
Folks, I don't know about six months, but they certainly are not invincible.
Their vaccine program is blowing up in their face.
People are finding out about world government.
So the establishment is now being forced to admit it, but put their spin on it.
Absolutely, absolutely.
New York pulled back already, you know, they were doing mandatory and then suddenly they're not doing mandatory.
On October 5th Arnold Schwarzenegger said we will vaccinate every person in the state of California against H1N1.
Today is
One month and six days later and to date there has been no forward movement with that attempt.
Look at France.
Look at France.
They said the law, you have to take it and over 70% have refused.
So you're right.
People are finally figuring out they're being lied to.
It's just key that we be there you and others who have the truth that everybody be there now that people are waking up that we be there to give them the truth instead of them stumbling through life taking another 10 years to find out what you know because it took us doing research you and Bert and myself you know decades to figure all this out
All working separately, now we've gotten a high level of knowledge and people can come into this now and take advantage of all the research that people like yourselves have done.
And they should, and that's why we make all our information available for free.
But I want to mention that the German populace found out
Through people like us, Alex, the German people found out that the politicians and the military were going to get the H1N1 vaccine without squalene, but they were going to get it with squalene and they went berserk.
They went berserk and now nobody
is willing to take the vaccine in Germany, and in fact the German government is imposing fines, financial punishments on doctors when their patients don't take the vaccine.
So now, having miscalculated again, and they do miscalculate a lot, the German doctors are opposing the vaccine.
Yeah, I saw the headline, over 50% are refusing to give it now.
I agree.
General Stubblebine, is that a probe in military terminology?
That we go out, confront them, they overreact and show their true intention, waking up people that weren't on our side, now are, by seeing the bullying of the enemy.
I think I would call that a secondary attack.
We know where the primary attack is going to go, but if they put out a probe like that, it's more like a secondary attack to get you to commit.
They come around and hit you with their primary attack.
So we've got to be very alert to these kinds of tactics and be prepared to go on the offensive, another principle of war, in order to counteract them.
Well, no, I agree with you on that point.
My point here is that by them trying to force people with fines to take the shot, that caused more people to go, why do you want me to take this so bad?
I'm saying they're pushing us, seems to be blowing up in their face.
And as soon as we reconnect, we'll talk to him.
I've been intending to go to phone calls.
This is kind of fun, though.
It's like we're talking to Mars Base or something.
Hello, this is Houston.
Mars Base, over.
General Stubblebine, Major General Stubblebine, and Dr. Labo, orbiting the planet at maximum velocity.
We know the Panama's communication system and its weaknesses very well, but this is exceptional.
We're right on target, Alex, and they don't want this out.
And I say, well, thank you for the confirmation.
And that just tells us all how very important what we're saying is.
Yeah, we interview people down in Panama and even Paraguay and other places, and it never does this.
This is crazy.
I know the Jesse Ventura thing was suspicious.
Somebody was disconnecting that line.
Jesse said when he moved out of the governor's house that the phone company said it was all tapped.
And he got visited by the CIA, too.
Final segment.
We'll jam a few final calls in with our guests.
I meant to get to more, but we've had some technical problems.
Jay, Jeremiah, Paul, Brandon, Holly.
We're going to jam you in here.
Quick questions or comments.
We'll at least get to a couple of you.
On the other side, I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
The rebroadcast is going to be a doozy.
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You know, it's been two days I've meant to break down and go over what I thought happened at Fort Hood.
You heard Jesse Ventura, he thinks it's a mind control operation.
It looks like a provocateur operation at the bare minimum, and there's so much evidence.
Just when you've studied this, you know what you're looking at.
Very, very suspicious.
Side issue, General Stubblebine, I know more is coming out, you may not want to comment now, but the FBI, the CIA watching him, he was a psychiatrist.
People reported two other shooters.
They said he was dead for six hours.
Now he's cognizant, out of the coma.
It just fits all the past operations.
You've got them launching a new war, expanding the war.
You've got all these other patsies they've just busted that we know were patsies.
Does this stink to you or do you just think this is some crazy running around shooting people at Fort Hood?
No, I don't think it's crazy.
Not at all.
I think something has triggered him.
And who knows?
Did the trigger come from harp?
Did the trigger come from one of the things that penetrated his skin?
I don't know.
It's very suspicious, though, for somebody to suddenly go on a rampage just because he didn't like war.
He went on a war.
That's what he did.
He says he didn't like war.
It's also entirely possible, we have to remember that as a psychiatrist, he had virtually unlimited access to any kind of prescription drug that he wanted, and psychiatric
So, what we're looking at, just as easily be pure and simply the neurotoxicity of these
Well that's what I was going to say.
One of the big issues is, minutes after it happened,
Joe Rogan was actually here in the office and I said, Joe, if he turns out to be an Arab or in mental health, you know it's staged.
And then he was an Arab and in mental health.
He fits the classic Manchurian candidate.
We know they hunt for these guys in research programs at universities.
That's when they got Theodore's Kaczynski, the Unabomber, LA Times.
MKUltra, Alexander Cockburn.
I mean, it's admitted that McVeigh was under mind control.
It's admitted the Unabomber was mind control.
This is mainstream news, so we have to look at this guy when he fits all the earmarks and ask what was going on and why does this serve purposes.
He certainly could be a Muslim extremist.
They do exist.
But this thing stinks to high heaven.
We don't have time for calls because of the audio problem.
The next time we can get a good line, the next few weeks, we will have them back on as soon as we get a clean line down to Central America.
But the website is healthfreedomusa.org.
I want to have you back up soon about the attack on vitamins, the attack on organic foods, and I want to thank Albert N. Stubblebine III and Dr. Rima E. Labo, M.D.
I want to thank both of you for the super job you're doing and I want to encourage everybody to go to healthfreedomusa.org or to go to that email and to get involved as plaintiffs in this suit to block forced inoculation of little kids in New Jersey.
This is such important work you're doing and I salute both of you.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you very much and don't forget masks.
We need masks.
You need plaintiffs, uh, right now.
Give us that email address one more time, Dr. Leibov.
Ralph, R-A-L-P-H, dot, Fucetola, F-U-C-E-T-O-L-A, at, USA dot net.
Okay, thank you.
We're out of time.
God bless y'all.
Say bye to y'all up there.
Jesse Ventura, Judge Napolitano.
They're coming up right now.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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