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Filename: 20091105_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 5, 2009
3784 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Congressman Ron Paul is scheduled to be joining us from the Congress in the second hour of this radio broadcast today.
Then we have Lawrence J. Kotlikoff coming on the radio broadcast, Professor of Economics, Boston University.
He's one of the people quoted in this amazing McClatchy newspaper piece
That came out last weekend, syndicated report and hundreds of papers detailing how Goldman Sachs betted, made bets against the housing market to basically implode the banking system for vertical consolidation and to destroy their competition.
They have the internal memos.
We have another guest joining us tomorrow from the article who could shed even more light on those documents.
But today, professor of economics from Boston University will be joining us in the third hour.
And then in studio in the fourth hour, Joe Rogan, the host of Ultimate Fighting, the host of Fear Factor, the host of
Programs on Comedy Central, HBO, you name it.
Joe Rogan will be joining us in studio today to give us his view on the New World Order.
Joe comes through a few times a year.
We're always pleased to have him.
When he's filling up the local comedy club, he's also a top comedian and packs auditoriums and comedy clubs across the world.
So Joe Rogan joining us in studio today, a full broadcast for you.
Well, it happened.
I mean, I announced a few days ago that they had passed it out of the committee because essentially when they marked it up and when the Democratic-controlled committee, they had a majority of five extra, a super majority, that it was going to go to the full Senate and that is now
Now in the pike to happen.
Though they're playing possum, they're saying, oh, this we won't vote on this till next year.
Which means they're going to vote on it this year.
And they're also saying today, actually two days ago, oh, it looks like health care won't get voted on till next year.
And then today, they're announcing no, it's going to be voted on this year.
So they're constantly
Engaging in the military tactic of playing possum and telling you, stand down opposition.
Everything's fine.
We're not going to pass this legislation.
We're not going to pass the hate bill.
We're not going to pass the anti-Second Amendment bills.
In fact, those bills don't exist!
Doesn't matter, there's 15 of them, many of them out of committee.
Senate panel approves Democratic climate bill.
This is from Reuters.
A key U.S.
Senate Environment Committee approved a Democratic climate change bill today that would require industry to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by 20% from 2005 levels.
And our levels are even higher than 2005 right now, so that's more than 20%.
And that's on everything.
Unlimited power to these unelected federal agencies to go wild.
Pay problem parents not to breed, says the mayor of a major New Zealand city.
And we have other politicians in the Commonwealth nations saying the same thing, showing everybody their eugenics colors, their true colors coming through.
Also, Democrats' health plan to help uninsurables requires six-month wait, Nancy Pelosi has announced.
In the government health care plan, that the government will require a monthly abortion premium.
Yes, out of your paycheck.
LA doctor allegedly faked exams for immigrants.
British court rules that the greenhouse gas movement is a religion.
Well, of course they rule that.
Al Gore's not saying it's a religion.
You can't criticize it or you'll be arrested for criticizing someone's religion under EU hate speech rules, which they're trying to adopt here in the US.
The dollar's also plunging.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
We're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Best MZ.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ron Paul joins us today.
We also have a professor of economics joining us to talk about the Goldman Sachs article in the McClatchy newspapers last Sunday.
How they premeditatedly bet against the housing market and helped engineer the entire operation.
Joe Rogan, host of Ultimate Fighting, News Radio, Fear Factor, HBO, you name it, will be joining us in studio.
Let me just read through today's headlines and yesterday's because I didn't get to a lot of important news yesterday because we had several guests on with us but G20 to finalize dumping of the dollar that according to sources multiple sources one of them Daniel Estillan article up at Infowars.net by Steve Watson judge rules against
Judge Rules Activist Beliefs on Climate Chain Akin to Religion.
London Guardian.
Why not?
Here's another London Guardian article from yesterday.
Al Gore's Inconvenient Truths sequel stresses spiritual argument on climate.
So they always plan to go to that in the final phase.
A bunch of mindless religionists.
And I've heard Austin News the last few months reporting and everyone questioning why even small SUVs are being keyed and having their tires slashed.
Well out in Los Angeles they know what's happening and it's been confirmed for at least five years that environmentalists, they're really just cult members, are slashing SUVs tires and keying them and every day.
That people park down anywhere at Zilker Park by Barton Springs or to ride the Zilker-Zephyr children's train or to jog on the hike and bike trail.
Every time I have parked there with my wife and children, windows are knocked out of SUVs.
Every time I walk to the parking lot, windows are knocked out.
So they're knocking windows out, they're slashing tires, they're keying the vehicles, and the media will not report in most areas of the country what's going on.
Well, in fact, I heard local KLBJ 590 yesterday marveling at all the vandalism, wondering who's doing it.
It's the environmentalist.
If your car gets the window knocked out, or keyed, or the tires slashed, or all three,
And it's an SUV and they don't steal anything?
You've been hit by the cultist and they're out there laughing right now.
They've had in one night over a hundred cars hit in places like Circle C neighborhood.
And everyone's wondering why it's happening.
It's the cult members.
The government's got lots of cults.
They've got the environmental cultist,
They've got the vaccine cultists running around trying to force everybody to take shots.
They've got their military cultists that worship whatever the military is doing, even if it's torture and secret arrest and violating the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
You've just got a bunch of cults in this country.
You've got your sports cults, your video game cults, people that don't care about anything but their little cult.
And so if you get your tires slashed and your wind is bashed out on your SUV or your gas guzzler, understand.
That this is the environmental cult doing it.
Okay, side issue, I just thought I would again announce to everyone, the mystery is not a mystery.
In fact, if you go to the Zilker Park or any other big park in Austin, there is just glass all over the ground when you park your car.
And that is not robberies.
Most of it is not robberies.
I don't have any statistics.
I just know that I've talked to the people and I've seen the pattern across the country.
They're bad in Denver.
They're bad in Los Angeles.
They're bad in New York.
They're bad everywhere.
And they bash your windows out.
They slash your tires.
Because you got two or three, four children.
You need a van.
You need an SUV.
And they're going to be running the government soon, so look out.
And they're the people.
These college students and high school students bashing your windows out, slitting your tires, burning down your ski resort, burning down your house.
Every week or two I hear about them burning down somebody's house.
Houses that are being constructed, they still get charged with very serious charges, and they should because arson could kill people.
And their arson has killed people.
That's the real terrorist in this country, are these environmentalists.
They're not real environmentalists, they're cultists.
But I thought I would just fill you in... Alright, now I'm starting to rant about it.
It just makes me so angry.
But the local media, I guarantee you they know what's really going on, but they wouldn't dare talk bad about the little environmentalist because all the big banks and all the big establishment types are busy stealing people's farms and ranches outside Austin and all over the country in the name of environmentalism.
And then five years later, when everybody forgets that they stole the land in the name of making it a park, they turn it into a hotel or a golf course or a housing development run by the very groups that have stolen the property.
A global treaty could throw file sharing off internet after three strikes.
Leaked details of the anti-counterfeiting trade agreement being negotiated in secret by most of the world's largest economies suggest internet file sharing could be blocked from accessing the internet if they are reportedly accessing of shared copyright material.
You're guilty first.
There's no trial.
You're just shot off the web, says media and digital rights watchdogs.
So we'll be going over that as well today.
Gold prices surge as India buys IMF reserves.
It's right up at $1,090 an ounce right now.
Went as high as $1,099 last night before the markets closed.
We'll see what it runs up to today.
Senate panel approves Democratic climate bill, so we can go to the full Senate.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Also, Italy convicts U.S.
agents in CIA kidnapping trial.
Yes, it's illegal to have U.S.
military forces, that's who they're using,
And private mercenaries, now confirmed, declassified, go out and just kill whoever they want in any nation.
Pakistan, Italy, Germany, Russia, the United States.
No judge, no jury, no trial.
They just kill you because, hell, we're America!
John Wayne's from here!
Our government can't do any wrong unless it's Waco or Delta Force is killing little kids.
We just have secret torture rendition centers where they torture people into fake confessions.
That's been declassified all over the planet.
Drone attacks all over the world where they bomb people from above, death from above.
Italy convicts US agents in CIA kidnapping trial.
Dick Cheney ordered it.
Will he be indicted?
He certainly should be indicted.
Because if these guys can commit felony crimes with impunity, outside of any judicial system, we are living in bonafide, capital T, tyranny.
And you better believe they're setting the precedence.
Remember Cheney wanted to put troops on the streets for regular crimes?
That got declassified three months ago.
And they bragged because they wanted to use military against the states, against the general public.
All you military people carrying this out, all you cops that think it's funny, have you read the MIAC report?
Have you read the Homeland Security reports?
Where they state their number one threat and that the system is designed and been created for gun owners, for veterans, for libertarians, for Bob Barr supporters, Ron Paul supporters, Constitution Party supporters, people that have get out of the UN stickers on their cars.
Translate that into, Homeland Security and NORTHCOM is for red-blooded, real Americans.
People that know what the red, white, and blue stands for.
People that know why this country's been so special.
People who are true guardians of the Republic.
The Republic is on its knees, bleeding to death from a thousand wounds, and now,
The New World Order is stabbing spears through it with the banking takeover legislation, with the carbon tax legislation, with the anti-gun legislation, with the total federalization takeovers of the police and local governments.
Giant spears are being rammed through the Republic.
The lifeblood is pouring out.
The country is going into shock.
The dollar is plunging in free fall.
Foreign banks are involved in a fire sale with their currencies worth, in many cases, twice what ours are, pouring in, buying us up like a third world nation.
That's your government.
That's your global government.
That's globalism.
That's NAFTA and GATT.
In every major movie.
Whether they're fictions or dramas, you name it, glorifies torture, glorifies the police state, glorifies warrantless wiretapping, glorifies the military on the streets of America.
And has big red, white, and blue flags flying behind it with the message, this is patriotism.
No, patriotism and freedom isn't black uniforms and secret police and torture chambers and dungeons and foreign banks raping us financially.
It is not.
It is the death of this country.
So, as your standard of livings drop for 99% of you,
As the government closes in on you, with year-round school and kids being trained to spy on their parents and their neighbors, and business leaders taught to spy on their employees and employees taught to spy on their bosses, as every form of classical corruption and bonafide tyranny unfolds, remember this is what the New World Order has to offer, an unelected world government.
Imagine all these made-off Kinley types, that's who runs the New World Order, in control of all the high-tech weaponry and spy satellites and internet tracking systems, now openly announcing every day, every day, that, oh yes, we're going to take the web over, we're going to tax it, we're going to have new domain names, we're going to shut down the old web.
We may just shut it all down at once during a crisis, during a new war.
The Pentagon putting out memos saying we may engage bloggers physically in the U.S.
as enemies.
In fact, I meant to print it.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Heard the story about it yesterday.
Army report says they may target enemies of the state.
Just print me everything.
Thank you.
I've got a bug in my computer system at home where half the time it won't print stories.
So I get up here and have to reprint them.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us as we chronicle Enemies of the Republic.
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G20 meet to finalize dumping of the dollar.
Researcher and author Daniel Estelin, whose info has always proven to be accurate, best known for his expose on the ultra-secret Bilderberg Group, says inside sources have informed him that the core focus of the G20 meeting, and that's a Bilderberg Group member or attendee, but he knows not a member or attendee,
A banker in Europe has told him that this weekend we'll be discussing ditching the dollar and implementing a global centralized monetary system.
Well, their last three meetings openly discussed how to leave the dollar.
They're not discussing now should they abandon the dollar.
It's being discussed how to abandon it.
The decision has been made.
A press release detailing Estalin's statement says that G20 finance ministers and central bank governors meeting in St.
Andrews, Scotland will debate actions to sink the U.S.
dollar, thereby crashing the present world financial system and building it in their new order.
The instability and chaos resulting out of such a breakdown would act as a pretext to launch a consolidation of new economic world order.
Estlin says the success or failure of the callous plan hinges on the ability of the U.S.
and U.K.
representatives to convince the Russian and Chinese and their national governments to go along with their scheme.
And that's the key here.
It is Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase that head up this internal crew, this coterie, this squad.
And they are the ones that have been incrementally destroying it, but they don't want it to be based on Chinese or Indian money or Middle Eastern money.
They want it based on a new SDR strategy between the international central banks themselves, abandoning country-backed currencies.
They'll still be back with taxpayer money, but it will transfer fully from the nation-states to the private consortium.
Estalin first reported on this agenda at this year's Bilderberg conference held in Greece back in May.
According to the author, the elite group has termed the move demand destruction.
The Bilderberg group meeting is an annual confab of around 150 of the world's most influential power brokers in government, industry, banking, media, academia, and the military-industrial complex.
Insiders at the meeting told Estalin that Bilderberg was divided on whether to put into motion either a prolonged
See, the decision's been made.
It's how to skin the cat.
Either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty, or an intense but shorter depression that paves the way for a new, sustainable economic world order with less sovereignty but more efficiency.
See, that's their spin on it.
And by the way, that was even in a Bilderberg Group press release.
They said similar things.
They now even put out a small release.
According to the researchers, some Bilderberg insiders fear that the fallout from the chaos of a major crash could ultimately result in a loss of control over the world.
And that's what they're debating, is how to carry this out.
He believes this weekend's G20 meeting, being held on the site of the 1998 Bilderberg Conference, will be used to finalize this deliberation.
The motivation for collapsing the U.S.
dollar would be to initiate a chain reaction shift away from the nation-state structure of the global economy towards the creation of a world company, a private global system.
This has been a long-time agenda of the corporate political kingpins that make up the Bilderberg organization, elites who would profit from replacing the authority of national sovereignty with a ruling corporation-like order.
Headed by international bankers and financiers.
And then through the global carbon tax, they get to decide what industry can operate, they can give themselves sweetheart deals, and sell the public carbon credits to be able to travel, work, fly in airplanes, own dogs, eat meat.
Everything is to be taxed.
Television sets are to be taxed or outright banned.
Schwarzenegger's introduced that bill for 40-inch and above.
Esselstyn was also informed by Bilderberg's sources back in May, so was Tucker, that a false notion of recovery would be proffered in order to draw back investment into the system before finally pulling the plug, leaving the world in financial hardship, too destructive to recover from without radical action taken by the globalists.
See, they engineered last year's crisis
In September and October saying, give the banks unlimited money, over 50 trillion now globally, over 23.7 trillion in the U.S.
in the last year, give them unlimited funds and unlimited power or there'd be a total world depression.
Then they hoarded all the money to themselves, as we said they would, shut off the economy even further.
They all registered record bonuses and profits.
They began consolidating more of the economy as joblessness
New housing starts.
Industrialization implodes.
You're watching Financial Warfare on you and your family and every free nation on earth right now.
We'll take your calls on this subject and a lot more on the other side of this quick break.
Ron Paul's coming up.
Then we have a top economist, Angelo Rogan, in studio.
My website's at PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com, and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Babylon system is the vampire.
And now the central banks are imploding the world economy by design.
And putting into force and action a global dictatorship over all carbon dioxide and every other greenhouse gas.
Involved in human respiration, plant respiration, all forms of industry, all forms of locomotion.
Everything involves carbon and they get to decide how we run our lives and they are stating out of the gates
They're not just saying, oh, we're going to tax coal or tax oil or tax your electricity.
Out of the gates!
They're not starting slow.
They're saying, we're going to tax having more than one child.
We're going to tax everything you do.
We're going to run your life.
That's why it's so important people see Fall of the Republic.
If you haven't ordered the DVD, I just want to encourage you to do it right now.
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You can order by calling, or you can ask questions about the different specials, 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, at P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas, 78760.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas, 78760.
Again, P.O.
Fall of the Republic is such an important film.
It details who our enemies are, what their plan is, and how to stop them.
Everybody's got to see this film.
And I will say again, if you don't want to purchase the high-quality DVD,
That's fine.
If you can't afford it, go to YouTube and type in Fall of the Republic.
The best quality version up there is at a director's channel called Change the Channel.
It's not our channel, but we allow folks to upload it.
And you can watch the film for free.
But please, this is not Pearls Before Swine.
This is a film that the 200,000 it took to make is nothing.
It's the time, the energy we spent.
It's very hard to make a film of this quality with this much research and information.
And to make it entertaining and informative and riveting.
It's more horrifying is the word, but... Please send it out to your entire email list.
Please post it on Facebook and Myspace and Twitter.
Please, every day, go on message boards and tell people.
To go watch the film for free at YouTube.
Now, again, if you're going to be making copies of it, get the high-quality DVD.
That's the best way to make copies or download DIVX versions.
If you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member, you get the four-hour radio show, higher quality archives, being a PrisonPlanet.TV member.
You get at least two hours every day.
We do live and stream at PrisonPlanet.TV and then archive it for you.
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We're about to put a bunch of extras up this week and next week just for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
And you get it first and in the highest quality.
And I want to thank the PrisonPlanet.tv members because you make so much of what we do here possible.
We have been talking about the New World Order's plan to implode the currency for over a decade here on this radio show.
And how they would stage terror attacks first to put a police state grid in, so that when they bankrupt the country and set up tyranny, when people resist, they'll try to crush it.
They tried to label any demonstrations, any political activism, any criticism of government as terrorism.
That is the total proof it's a rogue, illegitimate, criminal government.
How dare they say we have no First Amendment!
Or redefine the First Amendment down to almost nothing.
We're here.
This is the beginning of the full plunge into world tyranny.
And so now, more than ever, we need to be on the air, reaching more people.
You need to be reaching more people in hundreds of different ways.
You're smart.
Do whatever you can in your area and warn everyone and explain to them that a criminal, illegitimate hijacking is taking place.
You know, if a hijacker went up, got into the cockpit, pointed their guns at the captain's and his co-pilot,
Put on American Airlines uniforms and came back into the rest of the plane and started giving orders.
If everybody on the plane started following their orders and believing that not only were they just hijackers, no, that they are the real captains now because they're wearing the uniform.
And then the tied up real captain and his co-pilot get out of the bonds they're in, get to firearms in the safes they have, which a lot of airplanes now have, thanks to people fighting for that, and try to retake the plane.
And instead, you've got the 200 people on the plane attacking the captains because they're in their underwear and undershirts, and the people on board the plane are saying, get them, yes, help the hijackers who are in captain uniforms stop the men in their underwear.
Because they're not really the captains, they're evil men in their undershirts.
These criminal bankers have control of our media, control of the Pentagon, control of most of the Congress, control of many of the governors.
That's how this works.
We're trying to get the states to stand up, point their finger, and not just say, you're out of control, federal government, you're too big.
No, to say, you're illegitimate, you've been seized in a private corporate offshore takeover.
That's what's really gone on here, ladies and gentlemen.
It's so simple.
Wake up out of your trance.
Recognize what's going on.
Ken Lay of Enron.
I use him as an example because he's the best-known corporate crook.
Next to Madoff and a few others.
He was the founder.
Madoff was the founder of the NASDAQ.
The second biggest stock exchange in the world.
Ken Lay was the biggest energy trader and energy company in the world.
He set up the scams.
The internal memos have been out for seven years now.
How they set up scams in California and other states, paying off politicians to double and triple power rates, saying it was for the environment.
They wrote the carbon tax plan.
The one that was adopted.
They first cooked it up in the 60s.
Put a tax on carbon.
It's the exact same crew of criminals.
There was a Reuters article of all publications yesterday admitting that every key regulator, every key person in the government in England, the U.S., and Germany that are taking over the banking system criminally are Goldman Sachs.
Goldman Sachs are the pilots of the private Federal Reserve banking system.
That's the investment bank brokerage firm consortium that has been given the contract by the New World Order to pilot the operation.
Why do you think I'm on the White House enemies list?
Why do you think they got COINTELPRO going against me 24-7 trying to discredit me in disinformation and infighting campaigns?
Because ladies and gentlemen, I'll get up here and have Ron Paul on and ask him, should we have grand juries indict the bankers?
And he will say yes.
And I sit here beating the drum to go after the real government.
They don't want you talking about Goldman Sachs and the Private Fellow Reserve.
They want you talking about Jews.
They want you talking about Catholics.
They want you talking about Masons.
They want you talking about, and then having all these factionalized groups fighting with each other over who runs the New World Order system, regardless of who runs the New World Order system.
There's Germans, there's Jews, there's Protestants, there's Catholics, all the big power groups are working for the New World Order now.
Instead of fighting with each other, which The Globalist, it's been released in the media, run most of the white supremacist groups and other organizations, instead of them trying to poison and taint the movement against the banks by making it a racial and religious issue, how about we just agree, whether you're a Hindu, a Jew, a Christian, a Catholic, that we're against an unelected private world government taxing the air we breathe.
And all human activities.
How about we just come together and agree that we want national sovereignty and a Bill of Rights and a Constitution?
See, we have to be for something, not just against something.
They want us fighting with each other.
That's in the COINTELPRO documents.
It's in the declassified 1994 Army Manual on how to get groups fighting with each other.
This is what's going on.
And they hate my guts because I'm trying to bring unity to people.
And I will tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that my sixth sense tells me I've never been in more danger.
But I'm honored to be in this position, and I'm honored to be truthful, and I'm honored to be an honorable person.
That doesn't mean I'm perfect, but I am pure of heart.
I am a good person who believes in what I'm doing, and knows I'm right, and is willing to risk my life to do what I'm doing here today.
Because I have counted the cost, and I know these people are pure evil.
DynCorp, Halliburton, they've all been caught running giant slavery gangs of men and boys and women for slave labor and for sex and for sex trade.
I mean, it's admitted in congressional hearings.
It's admitted in hundreds of publications.
It's admitted the CIA and the Army grows the cocaine and grows the opium and controls the fields and attacks whoever they don't control.
They just admit all this out in the open now.
We have an evil government run by evil companies.
It's broken.
You know, they just caught some convicted rapist with more than 10 bodies buried on his property and neighbors that didn't know he was a convicted rapist are on the news going, he was such a nice neighbor, I had him over for coffee, I can't believe it.
It's rotten.
It doesn't matter if you think the government's nice.
They're killers!
They've been caught thousands of times!
They're ruthless, murdering, child-raping scum!
That's who runs it!
That's who honchos it!
And a lot of you know this is true.
I talk to a lot of police, a lot of military, a lot of executives, and they go, look, we know you're right, but these are killers.
Yeah, so you don't give in to them and roll over.
You stand up to them.
I can't control myself.
I have to fight somebody coming down on me.
I don't run.
Especially when I know there's nowhere to run to.
There was some new continent, some new free country I could go to.
I'd go there, join their military, try to defend that free country.
There's nowhere to run to, don't you understand that?
All I can do is fight these people.
Even if you think you serve them, they're going to destroy you.
They're spiking your water, they're spiking your food, they're spiking your vaccines, they're spraying you with chemtrails and now admitting it.
Don't you understand?
These people can't be bargained with.
They can't be reasoned with.
They are pure evil.
They compete with each other to see who's more ruthless.
They give each other awards.
They admire darkness.
They admire the power, the black flame, as they call it.
The black sun.
The black sunshine.
They really get mad having those secrets let out on air.
You know what ties together, what binds the globalists, whether they're German or Jewish or Catholic or Protestant or Hindu or Japanese or Chinese or Mexican?
What binds them together is that they are hyper-competitive, sadistic psychopaths, and twisted individuals who revel in pain and death and destruction.
And they bind themselves together in guilds to carry out criminal operations.
And they've had hundreds of years to amass wealth and to hone their universities of corruption and evil.
Their systems are colleges of corruption.
They study our psychological systems.
They manipulate you.
They manipulate us all.
You are not fulfilled and you are not happy.
And you are not truly alive because you have not struck out against evil.
You have not stood up.
You have not become a true man, a true woman.
You will not be fulfilled until you are prepared to lay your life down for others, and not on a fake cause.
The New World Order's greatest power is they have good people working for them, who they manipulate and give a false script to psychologically and culturally, and then you have all these good people working for evil, believing the candy coating of what they're doing, not understanding the deeper secrets.
But you scratch the surface of any New World Order system, you will find the black gulfs of hell.
Because the light and goodness and love and innocence is like a burning flame to these people.
They are the title opposite of goodness.
Don't you understand they're a singularity of hell?
A vortices.
Evil implodes to prime pure evil.
It has a gravitational weight.
It immediately accelerates to pure evil the minute you give in to it.
It overtakes you, consumes you.
You are bathed in evil from sun up to sun down.
Evil is real.
Tim in Australia, you're on the air, go ahead.
Good day, Alex.
First time caller, long time podcast listener, how are you?
Um, listen, I just wanted to tell you about an experience I had recently with the swine flu vaccine and my local GP.
Um, I went in for another problem.
I was basically having some abdominal pains and he referred me, um, to get an ultrasound and some blood tests.
And he said that I'll get the, the way he worded it, he said, I'll, and I'll give you your swine flu vaccine at the same time.
It's a free vaccine that the government,
Sure, he just said it matter-of-factly.
That's one of their tricks.
Just do it very calmly.
Yeah, and anyway, I said, oh, that's fine.
You know, I don't want the vaccine and I'd rather not have it.
And he started questioning me.
Why don't you want it?
I said, well, the main two reasons is that it's experimental and there's mercury in there.
So especially when I'm having other problems with my body, I don't want to be taking that vaccine.
And he's sort of like, oh Tim, you know, you need to stop looking at these things on the internet, it's safe, I've taken it myself, etc, etc.
I thought, well that's fine, I'd rather not.
Anyway, the nurse that did the blood test, he wanted to check my kidneys as well, as the ultrasound, and I was waiting, it's the same clinic, I was waiting for the blood test.
Stay there, I want to hear the conclusion of your report on the other side, Tim, then Mark, Matthew, Woody, Malcolm,
Raul and others.
Ron Paul's coming up later in the next hour right here on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're live here Monday through Friday 12 noon to 4 p.m.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Tim in Australia, finishing up.
So you're telling them you're there getting your stomach checked, they're ultrasounding your kidneys.
You've gotten to the part where the nurse was doing that examination.
Go ahead.
The nurse was actually doing the blood test and she took my blood test and then she went and put like another syringe into the little vial and I said, you know, I'm only getting a blood test, I'm not getting any injections.
And she said, well, your doctor's ordered the swine flu vaccine.
I mean, this was after I'd already told him that I didn't want it.
I said, well, no, there must be a mistake.
I'm not getting that.
So she's gone and she's typed something in the computer.
And basically I went on my way.
I mean, we have a, obviously a government run healthcare system in Australia.
So it was about another week until I could actually get the ultrasound done.
So, I mean, too bad if there was anything majorly wrong with me, but
I made the appointment and I got into an x-ray and ultrasound center to get that done.
And while I was waiting, I went to the receptionist and while I was waiting to get my ultrasound, another lady came in and she was in her 50s and she's like holding tissues and coughing and spluttering everywhere.
And I was close enough to the reception desk to hear her walk up there and she basically said, you know, I've got swine flu, I'm here to get a chest x-ray.
And the lady actually said, you know, I'm worried about being with all the people, what should I do?
Anyway, it felt like the Twilight Zone because the receptionist told her to just go and sit down with everyone else in the waiting room.
She's coughing into these
Well, the big issue here, Tim, is that in the United States, in England, in Canada, in Australia, we're getting reports that are now confirmed.
We got these two months ago with the seasonal flu.
Now with the H1N1 nasal and injectable, they are forcibly injecting people, especially elementary students, and then lying about it later and saying they didn't.
But then all the cases we know about are where the children get sick or collapse from the shot.
Then they have to admit, okay, we gave them a shot.
So there's a giant international program to secretly force this on people.
And that is just amazing.
Yeah, and I just couldn't understand because the government's running these ads on TV saying there's a health emergency, and go and get your free vaccine and everything, and then this lady who has one flu and they're just asking you to sit in the waiting room with everyone else.
So I debated walking out, and then they called me for my
My ultrasound, and I went in, had that done, and when I finished, the person who did the ultrasound said she was going to burn a disc with the images on there and to go back and wait.
Anyway, I went back to the waiting room and this lady was still there coughing, so I wasn't going to stay around.
I told the receptionist there, I said, look, can you please send the disc to my doctor?
I need to go.
And I left, and then I made an appointment to go back and get the results with my doctor, and
Anyway, he questioned why I refused the vaccine from the nurse that he'd ordered, and I went back into my reasoning and explained that.
And the disc hadn't arrived with the ultrasound, so I explained what happened, and that there was this lady who was there for a chest X-ray who had swine flu, so I didn't feel safe around the virus, and I left.
And then he said, well, if you had the vaccine, you wouldn't have needed to worry, would you?
To top everything off, he told me he wanted to refer me for a psych evaluation because he believed that I was suffering from some sort of anxiety order.
Yeah, that's the new tyranny.
They did that over a hundred years ago in Russia and of course 65 years ago in Germany.
If you disagreed with anything the government was doing, especially the medical system, you were mentally ill.
It doesn't matter if more than half the doctors in the US, in Canada, in Germany,
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ron Paul coming up in the next segment.
The Congressman from Texas.
Key information will be discussed.
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Let's go to Mark in Nevada.
Mark, you're on the air.
Good morning, Alex.
How are you doing today?
I want to talk about stuff that's going on with the internet, as well as the flu.
The hundreds of different ways they're announcing they're going to tax, regulate, and shut it down?
It's official, yes.
The secret copyright treaty now leaked?
You can take this for what it's worth, but from internal sources, from one person that was a former employee at Fort Detrick Bioweapons Laboratory in Maryland, that then went to the CDC as well.
As someone who was very high-ranking military that, from what I understand, got direct info from Northern Command.
This was back in April.
They both said that when the original swine flu was talked about by the mainstream media, that they said that they were coming and that this was the endgame right there.
That this was a bioengineered weapon.
Dr. A. Truat, who you've heard of,
He has a paper that he wrote where he, one of the interesting things he cites is that this, that that virus was engineered using the Promise software.
That, which is the same stuff that Michael Ricconecciuto, who was a former CIA scientist, built a backdoor for in the 80s.
Well, PROMIS software is to track financial operations and stocks and bond trading.
What do you mean it was used to write the virus?
It's, well, it was originally, it was, okay, later when it was originally developed, it didn't have those capabilities that I'm talking about, but later artificial intelligence capabilities were added to it by GE Aerospace and have since been greatly expanded by
A place called the System Architectures Laboratory at George Mason University under Alexander Levis.
This is cited directly from the guy who was the Chief Scientist for P-TECH, Dr. Hussain Ibrahim, who Indira Singh mentions in her testimony regarding this.
And basically the software is used to analyze, it's run on supercomputers and they use it to analyze the genetic sequencing using something called reverse genetics.
Well I know that's what IBM and the Human Genome are doing at the Eugenics Headquarters, Cold Springs Harbor.
And this can be backed up by research if you just, you can independently verify this.
We'll do this, write us an article, because I think I recognize your voice, you've written some good info at the Prison Planet Forum.
Why don't you write it all up, send it to writers and infowars.com.
I appreciate your call.
I know that a few months ago there was that Israeli spy who they said was threatening the White House and they were
Yes, sir.
Very interesting, and we are trying to look into it.
There's just so much happening, but thank you so much for reminding me of that report.
We put links to it.
Kurt Nimmo wrote a story two days ago with a hyperlink at the bottom to some of the sites that are reporting that, and Kurt said, you know, we can't prove this, but this is what people are saying, and ask other researchers to look into that for themselves.
But there's no doubt the globalists are moving on every front.
There is no doubt
That we are in a very, very serious time right now.
We're going to go to break and come back with Congressman Ron Paul.
We're going to start simulcasting the radio show live on the internet via television at PrisonPlanet.tv as we fight the construction of the prison planet.
We'll talk to Ron Paul about his speaking tour, about the impending death of the dollar, about the flu, Afghanistan, the Republicans' big win in New Jersey and Virginia.
We'll talk about us, a whole bunch of issues, Obama's Cybersecurity Act as well.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hey folks, this is Alex Jones, and I want to tell you about OxySilver, the world's most advanced silver hydrosol that Dr. Horowitz says can make risky vaccines and antibiotics avoidable.
You've heard Dr. Leonard Horowitz and others urge vaccination avoidance.
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Using NASA science, OxySilver is nanosilver covalently bonded to water.
OxySilver safely electrocutes pathogens.
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Or call about OxySilver, ZeoLife, and GI Flora Pro, toll free at 1-888-KO-GERMS.
That's 1-888-KO-GERMS.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are live ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're also simulcasting the radio show live right now on Living Color at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It is Thursday the 5th day of November 2009 and for the next 20 minutes or so Congressman Ron Paul joins us from Capitol Hill and there is a lot to talk about
First off, out of the gates, you obviously got 290 plus sponsors to begin the audit of the private secret of Federal Reserve.
You've talked this week about some maneuvers by some of the committee chairmen to gut the bill.
Can you give us an update on where your legislation is going, Congressman?
Well, actually right now we have 309, and that's 130 some Democrats, as well as all the Republicans.
And at one time, Mel Watt had indicated to me that he would get a provision put in the bill by Barney Frank, which would be a very, very limited version of an audit, which would be a distraction, if nothing else.
Even though the little bit we used doing, it was okay, it was just so small, it was cancelling out most of what I wanted to do.
But his provision didn't get put into the bill.
We're now in the middle of doing the bill.
I thought there was even a chance today that I would get to offer my amendment, which is 1207, to the bill.
But it was just announced a few minutes ago that Barney Frank said that, well, the controversial type of amendments won't be done until after the Labor Day or the Veterans Day break, which is next week.
So it won't be this week, and it won't be next week, but the following week.
I suspect they're just lining up their ducks and there'll probably be lots of attempts to water things down.
But I don't know.
We'll have to wait and see.
We're in the middle of it.
We're coming close to at least a initial climax of the bill on what the banking committee will do.
And it has to survive there and it has to come out there pretty whole or things won't look so good for us.
But I'm cautiously optimistic about it.
But the momentum's clearly shifted.
20-something years ago, you might get two or three co-sponsors.
Now you have over 300, a giant House majority.
So the momentum is shifting against the secretive organization.
Yeah, and if we can get a clean vote, I can't imagine very many wanting to be on record to vote against this.
It just is going to give them a lot of grief, especially... Congressman?
Phone system glitch.
We will get Congressman Ron Paul back on with us in just a moment.
I'll tell ya, we got gremlins in our phone system, or the Congressman does.
I got a whole host of important questions that I want to ask the Congressman.
All right.
And of course, we will post this archived up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Okay, Congressman, got you back quickly.
Thank you.
That is a phone system situation happening, obviously, on their end.
So we will try to get Congressman Ron Paul back on right now.
In the meantime, we do have Joe Rogan joining us later in studio today and Lawrence J. Kotlikoff.
He, of course, is a Boston University professor of economics.
I'm back.
I don't know what happened.
Gremlin's in the house switchboard.
Okay, we were finishing up with the Fed.
On monetary policy, Congressman, you've long talked about the central banks using the dollar to prop up the empire.
Now the G20's discussing abandoning the dollar.
What is happening from your research perspective with the dollar right now, and what will happen if the dollar is fully abandoned?
I don't think anybody knows right now.
If they just let it go and the dollar's rejected, then people will have to resort to sound money and they'd have to resort to commodity money.
But, as you say, the G20 or the IMF and the world leaders, so to speak, are going to try to replace it.
I think the market has replaced the dollar reserve standard.
They've gotten rid of that.
I don't think they can rebuild on that.
So they are rushing around trying to figure out what they'll replace it with.
I think what they'll try to do is come up with a basket of currencies.
They even might be tempted to put a little bit of gold in there, but it's not going to suffice if they don't have even a little bit of gold.
Even if they come up with another worldwide fiat standard, I don't think it's going to convey trust.
I think they're between the rock and the hard place, and it's not going to be easy for them to push something on us.
But one thing for sure, I think there's going to be a lot of chaos and I think there's going to be a lot more economic problems and more poverty and more, you know, depression in the world just because of this.
So just to be clear, you agree with the big economic headlines we've seen the last month that the dollar as the world reserve currency has been abandoned.
China, India, the European Union, the Arabs are now buying more foreign currencies than they are the dollar.
They still hold an overall majority of dollars at around 62 to 63 percent.
But they are now abandoning the dollar as reserve currency.
A, do you agree with that?
B, what will this do to our economy?
Well, it's going to hurt the economy.
I wouldn't say it's abandoned, but it's less important all the time.
I mean, the fact that they can still have 60% reserves means it's still there.
But the market, I look at the market signals, and I think the thing that happened this week was very, very significant.
That is when the IMF announces that they're going to dump 200 tons of gold on the market.
Well, you know, ordinarily, a person would think, and they were hoping, well, a lot of that gold out there, that's going to drive down the price of gold and make all the fiat currencies look better.
But what happened?
A bank from Asia, India, buys the whole lot, which sent a signal, I think, to the world markets that, in essence,
Gold has been remonetized.
It never gets demonetized, but it has less importance as money when all the countries reject it.
But I think this is a major, major signal that the dollar is getting closer on its last legs and gold is getting more important.
And as the Chinese buy less and less, they have already started buying gold.
I think so.
And they cannot be thrown gold.
They can disrupt and play these games for a long, long time.
But in many ways, this is very, very good because it tells us that the governments no longer can get away with just printing money to finance their schemes.
It's their schemes that are so damaging to us, whether it's the welfare or the warfare.
It all hurts the people because they have to pay the bills.
So some of these things are good signals, although it means that we have to be concerned about the chaos that might erupt.
Congressman, the private central banks, as you know, are financing the Copenhagen Treaty.
I have the treaty here in front of me, all 200 pages of the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
It states, as Ban Ki-moon wrote last week in the New York Times, that this is global governance.
And that select groups of private interest are going to be able to decide who can have a factory, who can have a business.
They can decide who's going to get the carbon credits.
This scheme was designed by Ken Lay, as Congress has reported.
The Senate committee has now approved the climate bill, as Reuters reports.
If our economy under globalization and NAFTA and GATT is already sputtering, what's going to happen if we allow the very same central banks to create this new derivative system?
Well, if it works, it'll work for a short while, and companies like Goldman Sachs and a few others will rip us off, and they'll, you know, get even more wealth.
But it cannot help the economy.
It has to hurt the economy.
And it can't possibly help the environment, because they're totally off track on that.
It might turn out to be one of the biggest hoaxes of all history, this whole global warming terrorism that they've been using.
So, we'll have to just wait and see.
But it cannot be helpful.
It's going to hurt everybody.
What's the inside baseball word in Congress?
Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer say they're going to be able to pass it this year or next year, but more and more evidence on the ground shows that we're going to be able to beat the House and Senate version of the climate bill that is meant to tie into the Copenhagen UN takeover.
I think there is a chance, and I think these elections might send a signal.
I think the continual presence of the Tea Party movement and the people speaking out might wake them up finally, you know, and say, hey, maybe we are doing too much too fast, and they might back off.
Right now, they're not absolutely positive they have the votes on this medical bill.
We'll know shortly whether the House will see if they have the vote.
They think the House can do it faster than the Senate.
They're going to try to do that on Saturday of this week.
But they have two problems.
It's not automatic, and thank goodness for radio talk shows and the Internet for us to get this information out.
That's what's rallying the troops.
It certainly is in the mainstream media.
Speaking of the Internet, we're talking to Congressman Ron Paul.
We now have the Cybersecurity Act.
Three days ago, finally, the national security blocked.
Copyright treaty has now leaked and it says open taxing, open regulation of the web, ICANN being handed over to the UN, total control, guilty until proven innocent, copyright rules, shutting down websites, ISPs, and really UN control over the internet.
Where do you stand on that, Congressman?
Well, it's very frightening, and I think that if they're successful, let's just hope that Internet is too big and too complex for them ever to have controls, but they're making the attempt.
They would love to put us out of business, but I am hopeful that we don't ever allow it to go that far.
But they are doing everything in the world to control the Internet, and that to me would
A lot of people say it could never happen, it's too big, they never try it.
They are stating, on record, the White House, the NSA, repeatedly in the last month, the White House has said we may have to shut the internet off to save it, and during the flu pandemic or other emergency, only let you go to government sites.
That's quite a trial balloon by the White House.
Yeah, and all those authorities are packed in, you know, emergency legislation.
They don't really have to come to the Congress to do that.
They do that on occasion just to get a rubber stamp, but there's been so much emergency legislation passed.
And besides, if it isn't passed, you know what, how much license they take with executive orders and the various procedures that they use.
So, no, if they claim this is for national security reasons, they just go ahead and do it.
It's a very dangerous time in which we live.
You're a medical doctor and you've also worked with the Von Mise Institute and received awards from them for your economic understanding.
And of course, this flu situation is economic for the vaccine makers.
Government gets to have a power grab.
But you've pointed out that Obama won't give the flu shot to his daughters.
Now even Time Magazine's reporting the German government military won't take the shot with the squalene or the mercury or the interleukin-2.
Or any of this.
So government's taking one vaccine, the people's getting another.
Your take on that, Congressman?
Well, that always happens that way.
And I did see a report after I made that announcement because he had said it in public about Obama's daughters not getting the shot.
But since that time, we are told now they have gotten it.
But you'd wonder which one they got and whether or not it had the mercury in it or whatnot.
But, you know, we've done it to our own military personnel.
You know, in the Persian Gulf War, they got a lot of inoculations and people came back with Persian Gulf War Syndrome.
It was a combination of chemicals and inoculations.
So it's, to me though, it's a mixed bag because a lot of people don't want it and they're fighting it and they're being forced to take it.
And other people get panicked into it and they'll line up for hours and hours and hours waiting it.
Waiting for it as if this was a really, really serious crisis.
It's a serious disease and people do die, but even these few, the numbers of people that have died from it, they're significant, but they're very small compared to regular flu.
And many times the individuals, I think over two-thirds of the children that died so far had other serious medical problems.
But the drumbeat for the fear to build up is to me it's all done for that reason, for the people to become more obedient and more dependent on the government.
So they're trying to set the precedent for this medical tyranny to force their will on us?
I think this is just another attempt.
I'm sure there are a bunch of people who believe, well, no, this is very serious.
The medical people have told us this, and this is what we have to do.
But let's say it was a reasonable thing, you know, to give people shots.
I think the real message here is, why should the government be in charge of it?
You know, if they're in charge, there's a shortage.
The people who don't want it are being forced to take it.
The people who want it can't get it.
It's costing a lot of money.
The other vaccine, the regular flu shot, is not available.
And it's on and on, and right now I saw a chart just a couple days ago that shows that this individual believed that swine flu is going to peak, you know, within another week or two.
And if it peaks and starts to drop off naturally, that's about the time we're going to have all these flu shots coming in and not have the flu shot that maybe is much more important.
The point being, why should they be in charge and why should we turn over our healthcare
On top of that, all over the country, schools are injecting children, even when their parents say don't do it, and the schools are saying, oops, it's an accident.
Clearly that's premeditated.
But shifting gears now, we saw Republican wins in New Jersey and Virginia, the president's
Approval rating when he was first elected up in the 80s, now down in the low 40s.
But Republicans still, by and large, have low approval ratings, unless they're like yourself, who's actually a constitutionalist.
We know that in 2010, there's going to be a huge backlash.
Republicans will take back a lot of seats, but if they don't deliver on smaller government and fiscal sound constitutional policies,
Then we're going to have a real crisis on our hands, and if we wait to get politically active until 2011 into 2012, so much of this globalization would have already been expanded and submitted.
I know that this is still off in the future, but LA Times, New York Times, everybody's talking.
I get calls every day.
Saying, when is Ron Paul going to announce for 2012?
Because if you announce early, you can build the coalition, you can get an even more elevated position in the media, you can speak for the people that don't want war, that don't want big government, that don't want banker bailouts.
If you wait to announce until 2011, after your congressional win coming up, but I guess I'm being presumptive.
I mean, you're not even saying you're going to announce in 2011.
No, I'm still thinking a lot about that right now.
It just doesn't seem like the best thing to do, even long-term or even on a short-term basis.
I'm just undecided about the whole thing, you know, so I'm not about to say that I'm planning to do one thing or another.
I think you make some good points, but I think time is still a little bit early to start talking about it.
But so much is happening, and if you step up even further, and no one's saying that you haven't done more than anybody else, and start building the coalition now, I'd really, unless there's massive election fraud, I see no way that you could lose the Republican primary.
I mean, how can we allow a rhino, someone who's not really a constitutionalist, like another McCain, another Mitt Romney,
To lead conservatives and libertarians down another rat hole.
I mean, you are the man for the job.
And I don't pretend to understand your political strategy.
I know you're much more intelligent and wise than I am and have more experience.
It just makes perfect sense for at least sometime in the next six to eight months
To announce, but you're saying you're not even sure at this time.
I mean, even if you didn't win, you would have huge fundraising.
You'd be able to buy ads.
You'd be all over the media.
You'll be the only candidate that will inject real issues.
I mean, you're the only man for the job.
I mean, fate and responsibility and destiny says that you are the man for the job.
Alex, you have to realize you're not the average Republican primary voter.
You're a little bit more optimistic about what we might be able to do.
We still have a lot to contend with when you get involved in partisan politics.
You followed that stuff that was going on over in Nevada, how they really handle us.
I think we'll do better if we ever did it again.
But, you know, they just closed down the shop if they think you're going to win.
So you have a lot of obstacles to overcome.
But the most important thing, and this is what you've emphasized as well, politics are very important, but also is getting these issues out and talking about the philosophy and why we need it and get the people energized.
And that should be ongoing.
Of course, that's why we keep Campaign for Liberty moving in that direction, because
People have to understand things like the Federal Reserve.
Just think, a couple years ago, not too many people even talked about the Federal Reserve.
And now, they can do national polling on the Federal Reserve to get opinion.
So, in that sense, I think we're making progress.
We've gone from almost no one knowing it's a private cartel to over 75% wanting an audit or for it to be abolished.
It's only a win-win for you to run because it will elevate you, it will have you in the debates, and
I don't see any way you won't run unless you've got medical problems and you're in great shape.
You look like you're 60, Congressman, and I'm just begging you for millions of other people to kick off the campaign sooner rather than later.
I want to commend you for helping to get your son to run for the Senate.
People need to get behind him right now.
And as you said,
The biggest movement now in the universities isn't the burnout fake left or the burnout fake right.
It is the libertarian, free market, non-collectivist movement that you have helped to grow and energize, and you are the omnibudsman of liberty, the leading light for freedom worldwide, as even the Czech president has said, and I just want to salute you and thank you.
In closing, we've got 30 seconds.
Are they going to be able to ram through the government takeover of healthcare?
Oh, they're going to get it through the House, but whether the whole thing gets through, I think they'll get part of it, but not the whole thing.
So we'll wait and see.
And we've adapted in this country to incrementalism.
We never socialize all at once.
We just take it by pieces and think that we've really resisted something.
So unfortunately, it's going to get worse rather than better.
Thank you so much, Congressman.
God bless you.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
He's just got a chance to hear Congressman Ron Paul on with us, though the Capitol switchboard cut him off twice.
I've heard him on other radio shows when that happens.
He must have somebody in that office.
A trained gorilla or something somewhere in the Capitol building that's running the switchboard.
I could get more conspiratorial
And said that they were knocking him off air with us, but that's probably not the case.
Let's go ahead and take some phone calls right now.
We got this economist coming up.
I got a bunch of other news I want to hit as well.
Plus there's a video clip of Robert Kennedy Jr.
on television talking about
What do you think?
The founder of Smashing Pumpkins coming out against vaccines.
You've got all these politicians coming out against vaccines.
It shows how the media and the vaccine cult keeps telling us we're kooks, telling us we're liars, saying there's no mercury, saying it can't brain damage you, we're mentally ill.
And that's only discrediting them.
And the momentum has clearly not just shifted against the vaccine pushers.
But has fully shifted against them.
It's a route now.
And that's why you have this attempted hype with a non-pandemic flu strain.
A flu strain that's very weak compared to the regular seasonal flu.
That's why you have this incredible hype.
It's an attempt of them to say, you don't want shots?
You want to break the precedent and the mind control that you've got to take the Gardasil shot and all these other vaccines and Hepatitis shot?
Oh yeah, we're going to scare you.
We're going to hype it.
We're going to stage artificial scarcity of the vaccine and say we don't have enough of it.
And stage events where we tell people come down and get the free shot and then we don't have any of it to show people panicking.
We're going to throw everything we've got at you to try to manipulate you and it's not working.
Again, the globalists are in trouble on every front.
75 plus percent of Americans in Gallup polls want it abolished or audited.
Over 90 percent of Americans want to get rid of NAFTA and GATT.
Obama had to lie and say he was going to get rid of it to get elected.
Now he says, I never said that.
We have that in fall of the republic.
A lot of good things are happening.
We're going to go to your phone calls, but let's go ahead and play this Robert Kennedy clip right now.
Here it is.
The generator, what happened was the vaccine schedule was increased.
We went up from receiving about 10 vaccines in our generation to these kids received 24 vaccines and they all had this thimerosal and this mercury and nobody bothered to do an analysis of what the cumulative impact of all that mercury was doing to kids.
As it turns out, we are injecting our children with 400 times the amount of mercury that
FDA or EPA consider safe.
A child on his first day that he's born is injected with a hepatitis B shot.
Under EPA guidelines, he would have to be 275 pounds to safely absorb that shot.
And yet we're just constantly pumping our kids with these vaccines.
Where's the federal government on this?
What happened was that in 1988,
One in every 2,500 American children had autism.
Today, one in every 166 children have autism.
And plus, one in six children have other kinds of learning disorders, other kinds of neurological disorders, speech delay, language disorders, ADD, hyperactivity, that all seem to be connected, that are all connected.
The science shows are all connected to autism.
You know, Bobby, what we've always found...
You and I could debate a thousand different issues, whether it's Terry Shiva or the environment.
I think we'd agree on the environment.
But in this case, you've got the federal government coming and saying, well, there's no really, there's no good science.
And of course, in politics, science always gets diluted.
Why hasn't the federal government stepped up?
And worked more, because listen, Bobby, I can't prove it tonight, you can't prove it, but intuitively, you look at the spike, you look at what happened with the Marisol, there is no doubt in my mind, maybe it's two years from now, maybe it's five years from now, maybe it's ten years from now, we're going to find out that the Marisol
Causes, in my opinion, ought to... You know what?
The science is out there today, for anybody who bothers to read it, and I have read it.
Actually, on my website this week, robertfkennedyjr.com, I'm publishing an article that goes through all of the science.
But the science is clear, and what happens is, I read the science at first, and there's literally hundreds and hundreds of studies that connect thimerosal to, you know, to these disastrous neurological disorders.
Then I went, I talked to the scientists, then I went and I talked to the federal bureaucrats who are defending thimerosal, and I said, what are you relying on?
And I looked at the science they're relying on, and I can tell you, Joe, it is so weak, and you and I have seen, you know, legal practice with junk science, and we know, you know, what these phony scientists are who create this...
It happens in big tobacco.
It happens in big oil.
It's happening in global warming.
And now it's happening in a way that's impacting our kids' lives.
This is classic tobacco science.
It is junk science.
And I was looking at these reports and saying, this is the best.
This is what you're relying on.
They know it's fraudulent.
And now we have the transcripts.
Explain it to me, Bobby, okay?
I mean, explain it to me.
If that's the case,
You and I both know about politics, obviously.
Politicians like to get re-elected.
Why are they sitting back, if our children are being poisoned, if the science is there, why are they sitting back and letting our children be poisoned?
Because the same regulatory bureaucrats that green-lighted Flint-Marysol originally are now trying to cover their tracks.
It's a CYA operation.
Right, and they're working with the pharmaceutical industry and we now have the transcripts of this secret meeting that they did in Simpsonwood, Georgia in the year 2000, and it's the most horrifying thing that you can read, Joe.
There are scientists there from the government who are reading the reports and saying, this is undeniable, there's no... Absolutely!
What is Robert Kennedy Jr.
talking about?
In 2000, and it's happened several other times, congressman
Use congressional power to force CDC to release secret documents to them.
And then several congressmen who have brain-damaged children and grandchildren released it, even though they weren't supposed to.
This was classified and it was the heads of the CDC and the scientists saying, I wouldn't give it to my grandchildren or my kids.
We've brain-damaged millions.
And they say, well, we got to continue it.
We can't admit
That we know this does this, or we'll all go to prison.
Now, they then, when that all came out in 2002, the documents were from 2000, but it took two years for it to come out.
It was even on ABC Nightly News.
Since then,
They've lied and said the mercury was taken out.
Ladies and gentlemen, under federal regulations, vaccine makers are supposed to, they don't always do this, make a small amount of non-mercury vaccines.
So that's all that happens.
Yes, are there vaccines without mercury?
Can the news hold up an insert of a vaccine that might be 1% of that type of vaccine that's out there?
It's even less than that in the studies I've seen.
Can you, if you're Andrea Merkel of Germany, or Gordon Brown of England, or Barack Obama and his daughters of USA, can you get one that doesn't have mercury?
Can you go to an office and order it?
If you know what to ask for, they can order it, you can come back a week later and be shot up with it.
It's still got the cancer viruses.
It's still got the RNA.
It's still got the aluminum.
It's still all these foreign... Because it's not just the viruses they're breeding up on caterpillar eggs and baby retinas and dog kidneys or monkey kidneys.
That's the main things they use.
Even most of the vaccine you hear about that's grown on eggs, the original virus for the original sample, the seed stock, is grown in tissue.
And then it's brought over and put in eggs, but it's growing the same thing.
You know, I mean, if I grow squash plants in a greenhouse and then take those plant seeds out of the greenhouse and go plant them out in the field or up against a fence row next year, it's the same squash.
You understand that?
It's the same watermelons.
It's the same blueberries.
It's the same thing.
It's just they're children, but the exact same genetics.
And they know this.
They know this.
They know this.
And everyone is waking up now.
Literally, the vast majority, over 70% in US polls, think it's bad and don't want it.
But the media goes out and interviews 20, 30, 40, 50 people until they find the one person that will say they like it, and they put them on the news.
That's who they put on the news.
That's who they push.
And let me give you the newsflash.
Four years ago, the Associated Press told the truth and reported, and the article said, we don't know why, that all the major vaccine makers for hepatitis, for flu, for MMR, increased mercury.
They didn't just put it back in, they increased it, not one fold,
Not double, not triple, not quadruple, five times what the mercury was before.
So before, it was 400 times the safe level of mercury in a average one-year round of shots for a five-year-old.
400 times for their body weight.
It's not quite as bad with an adult.
Just like a big guy can drink more beer and not get drunk.
But for a child, imagine a newborn baby giving three shots at birth.
Then six months later, five more shots.
Then when they're 18 months, more shots.
So, I see these fake studies by the media, and they're always deceptive.
Five minutes, you can prove they're a lie.
But when study shows, kids are still getting autism, even though mercury's out of the shots!
But then you go read the study, the study was done with regular vaccines.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie, and they lie.
But the good news here is, on the Federal Reserve, or on vaccines, or on the war, or on warrantless wiretapping, or the police state, in every poll, the majority, way over 70%, aren't against all this.
We're the people, this is our country.
You can't make us do all this.
So the good news is the momentum is shifting.
So the establishment is firing everything they've got at us in an attempt to make us capitulate.
And it's not going to work.
The police aren't bad.
Most of the FBI people aren't bad.
Most of them are investigating bank robberies and kidnappings.
It's that higher-up group that are bad.
Most people in banking aren't bad.
They're just giving you a home loan.
It's the big bankers up at the top.
Most people in Congress aren't bad, they're just corrupt and whores and competitive, so they sell out to be in power.
We have to get the message out about how bad this is if we continue along this line.
Now listen, I'm gonna come back in the next segment, the segment after that, and get through this bank of callers.
Have your questions and comments ready.
Woody, Malcolm, Raul, Eric, Derek, and Hawaii and others.
But I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up, and tomorrow I'm gonna fish the clip out and play it.
Ron Paul said they tried to kill gold, it didn't work, and that's what Mainstream News is reporting.
They put hundreds of billions of dollars, in fact I have the Reuters article in my stack, Ted can fill us in on it, hundreds of billions of dollars, what was it, a $200 billion buy?
They dumped this gold on the market, leveraged its trillions, thinking it would drive it down from above $1,000, instead it shot up to $1,099.
You heard it from Ron Paul, who's an economist, not just a medical doctor, saying they're going to lose the war on gold.
He believes it's only going to go up.
I don't know.
But all the smart money is on it going up.
And at least as the dollar plunges and G20 meets to do it fully, they can't kill gold because it's real.
They may be able to drive it down for a while, doesn't look like that, but it will always beach ball back up like pushing a beach ball to the bottom of the pool.
Ted, take us out to break.
With what Ron Paul was saying earlier about gold, and then today's gold offer.
Ted Anderson of Minus Resources.
Well, Alex, they've been playing those tricks, I mean, going all the way back to the middle 1980s.
We went to our market peak in 1980, where gold hit $800 an ounce, silver hit $50 an ounce, and then it started backing off down into 1982.
The central banks of the world, unitedly,
I don't think so.
Anybody that wants to have information on that can find it.
It's not like it's hidden.
You can go right over to G-A-T-A or GATA dot O-R-G.
That's G-A-T-A dot O-R-G.
Now, the latest thing is, I mean, they do postings up there for just, you know, just recently as well.
And honestly, I mean, that's what I mean when I say that when the gold prices drop down,
I don't think so.
Heavy interest in seeing the United States dollar stay strong and gold stay suppressed.
See, it's the game of the fiat currency makers is to try to keep you out of anything that it stands in the way of their profit-making machine.
And I have to say that it is one insidious profit-making machine because they have legal tender laws pointing at them that allows them to create the currency of the nation
And they lend it to us and we have to service interest on that debt.
Now you have to realize what that means.
I mean what has our country been doing here for the last at least 30 years is deficit spending.
So where does deficit spending, who does it help and who does it hurt?
Well the United States people have to go into debt to get the currency and you can see that the United States government has done nothing but deficit spending and put the taxpayers on the hook for even more and more and more of their hard-earned wages
And that money eventually filters right back up to this elite banking system, and they have control of the world.
I mean, when Bill Clinton was in office, he would be telling you that this is going to happen in the economy and that and so on and so forth.
It was one of the few surpluses that we ever ran.
But back then, the United States people were going so far into debt that the government didn't have to.
You know, there just has never been a time since 1913 that the United States of America has been able to enjoy prosperity without having the equivalent increase in the debt.
And so it just puts people on the hook, you know, to such an extreme, it's ridiculous.
And we have the very parasites that have engineered this, not getting in trouble, but getting even more power now.
They're getting the bailout money, Alex.
We're having to even go further into this to give them the bailout money.
Which isn't bailout money.
They're using that to not loan and buy up real assets and they're bragging about it.
It's come out in McClatchy Newspapers that Goldman Sachs secretly bet on the U.S.
housing crash to bring down their competitors.
I mean, this is a criminal group.
Ted, tell folks that you still have gold that you bought in the 920 market as it's up
Let me say it this way, Alex.
Excuse me, Ted.
Hold on just a second.
I was getting the numbers wrong there because I end up talking so fast.
Need to get that number right.
You still have gold at the $1,020 level of when you bought into the market with it now up at $1,090.
Yeah, that's exactly what it is.
That's the way to say it truthfully.
I have Franks currently right now at $238.
I have British Sovereigns at $293.
I have Walking Liberty Halves right now at $8.69.
And I'm also carrying the Lakota Nation Rounds at $22.30.
Alright, stay there, Ted.
Because I was just thinking back to a few weeks ago when it was at $9-something again.
1,020 is now a super low that Ted bought it, and it's up at 1,090.
I mean, just getting my mind wrapped around that.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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You heard Ron Paul earlier say that he believes gold is only going to continue to explode upward.
The IMF sells billions and billions in gold, trying to drive it down like they've done the last few years.
It explodes.
And I believe Ron Paul's right.
They are failing.
Well, they admit they're failing to drive it down.
Ted, again, tell people the offer you've got.
So you've almost run out of gold you bought at the $1,020 level.
That sounds high, but it's actually low.
And it's up at $1,090 right now, pushed up to $1,099 yesterday.
Fire out the number for folks that want to call and talk to the brokers and order some silver and gold coins at great prices.
Yeah, the number's 1-800-686-2237.
Again, it's 1-800-686-2237, and Ron Paul's exactly right.
They create these little opportunities for me to buy gold law.
They sell their gold, they try to suppress it, they try to keep people away from gold, but they are losing in that battle.
And the reason is because the world wants to get away from the dollar.
So every time they start selling, the rest of the world starts buying.
Because they want to get rid of their dollars and grab up the gold.
This has always worked in the past for them.
It's not working now.
Folks, the globalists are obsessed with gold and silver.
You need to get involved.
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm real happy that the market's allowing me to do that, so you bet we'll hold it right through midnight.
Thank you, Ted Anderson.
Alright, let's go ahead now and go to Woody in Illinois.
Woody, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
I just wanted to compliment you on your program to enlighten the general public on the plans of the global elitist to exterminate our population.
I've been doing my own research and I'd like everybody to look up HR 8791.
Uh, it's a house appropriations bill.
It's uh, it's on YouTube.
You can see the representative from Pennsylvania talk about it.
You can pull it up.
And just about every other word out of his mouth as he's reading this bill is the word classified.
Let me stop you.
There are real executive orders, Presidential Decision Directive 51, John Warner Defense Authorization Act, but what The Onion did is
Let me stop you.
They, right after that broke last year, and real congressmen went to the floor and said basically what the Onion video says.
The Onion newspaper puts out fake news.
They almost copied it word for word and put the Onion on it to discredit it.
So that's not real.
But in the Obama deception, we have the real clips.
Yes, I do.
Here we have John Warner Defense Authorization Act, PDD 51 for martial law, the president to become a dictator, all these real congressmen, Senator Inhofe, all these real people, Congressman Domenici coming out about it, talking about real things.
And then all anyone talks about is the onion with it's fake.
And that's what COINTELPRO does.
I'm not saying the onions COINTELPRO, but they might as well get a paycheck from the government.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
What the establishment does when they're really putting troops on the streets or really setting up FEMA camps or any other issue is they put out fake stories to then discredit all the real ones.
That's what Glenn Beck does.
I'm not attacking Glenn Beck.
It's just a fact he does it.
That's how he discredited FEMA camps even though they're all admitted.
Let's go to Malcolm in Texas.
Malcolm, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you doing?
I saw your film, Follow the Republic, loved it.
Sent copies out to friends and relatives.
Two people were shocked by it, got no other responses, but overall it was a great, great film.
Loved it.
Well thank you.
Sure, I have a question for you.
I was hoping to ask Ron Paul this because this sort of concerned him.
In 1966, Alan Greenspan wrote an article when he was with Ann Rand's Secret Society.
And it was republished, and it was republished in a compendium book she put out where he talked about gold, put down the Federal Reserve, and that's why they came and then hired Greenspan away.
Well, the story, I've heard this in the 1980s.
I was, many years ago, studied economics and stuff.
I've heard stories, I'm not sure it's true, hoping you could verify this, and also I was actually hoping Ron Paul could verify this.
Ron Paul got an actual copy of the original treatise that Greenspan wrote and got him to autograph it, and when he asked him if he believed in it, after he autographed it, Greenspan looked at him in the eye and said, absolutely, I would not change a single word in it.
And my question was, I mean, I've heard this in the 1980s, and I'm not sure if it's true, and you could probably disagree with me,
But is it possible that with Alan Greenspan being appointed by Ronald Reagan, who was pro-gold standard when he was, before he got shot by Hinckley and stuff, is it possible that Alan Greenspan, his whole mess that he created, the incredible inflation he generated, the removal of Glass-Steagall, all of that, is it possible that he was trying to force us to go back to the gold standard, kicking and screaming, like he said he was going to do when he was with Ayn Rand's little group?
Well, the problem is the bankers wouldn't have put him in if he was some secret operative of somebody else.
I mean, we know that Greenspan was just the chairman of the Fed.
That's really a front organization.
The real power is the chairman of the New York Fed.
And really, it's just speculation.
I judge a tree by its fruits.
In the 70s, Greenspan went over to the dark side.
And so we know he's bad.
But certainly, big central banks have been hoarding gold, and they are talking about having a final global currency, as Ron Paul said last hour, that is partially gold-backed, because they're going to be holding all the gold.
That's why I differ a bit with Ron Paul about trying to go back to gold, and he's even said you can't do it automatically, because it's all held predominantly, some individuals have small amounts, but it's held predominantly by the elites.
That's why we protect ourselves by getting gold and silver.
But it is true.
I mean, I don't need to ask Greenspan of a minute.
He wrote it.
He criticized the Federal Reserve.
He called for a gold standard.
He criticized Fractional Reserve Banking.
I've read the essay.
So that's basically it.
I've always heard that Ayn Rand's secret group, one of their missions, and he was a big worshipper of Ayn Rand at the time, one of their big missions
Yeah, what if?
What if...
What if Santa Claus is real?
I mean, I think there's a lot better chance that what you're saying is true than if Santa Claus and the elves are real.
It's just, I don't do a lot of speculating.
I sit here and I cover the facts.
We need to get rid of the Federal Reserve, get the Congress back under control of monetary policy.
And I don't believe we should go back to a pure gold standard because that could be manipulated.
We need monetary control and education of the public and to get rid of fractional reserve banking.
Thank you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We have Lawrence J. Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics, Boston University, Research Associate, the National Bureau of Economic Research, President, Economic Security Planning, Inc.
Joining us today, we're honored to have him.
And tomorrow and throughout next week, we're having the different economists on to get their different perspectives and views from this article.
Because this is the best article I've read, putting it all in context from the scores of economists and federal regulators, former federal regulators we've had on, like Professor Black and many others here on this syndicated radio broadcast.
But the article is McClatchy, a newspaper syndicated by Greg Gordon, how Goldman secretly bet on the U.S.
housing crash.
And the findings of the reporter, who's an award-winning reporter, formerly of the New York Times, is
And he got a lot of secret prospectuses and memorandums from Goldman Sachs that are quoted here.
This is some explosive stuff that they secretly bet against housing stocks, knowing they were going to go under and that they wanted to do this in part for huge profits, but to also destroy Bear Stearns and competition.
They had their key people in revolving doors and federal regulatory positions from Treasury to the Federal Reserve everywhere.
So an inside job and the article is just so important.
I've been talking about it since nine days ago, ten days ago, and it came out not this Sunday but last Sunday and quoted in here, Professor Kotlikoff says,
The Securities and Exchange Commission should be very interested in any financial company that secretly decides a financial product is a loser and then goes out and actively markets the product, or a very similarly product, to unsuspecting customers without disclosing its true opinion, said Lawrence Kotlikoff, a Boston University economics professor who's proposed a massive overhaul of the nation's banks.
This is fraud and should be prosecuted.
Now he's saying in here, if this writer's research is correct,
Uh, and from all the other people we've had on in the internal documents, it looks like it is.
So, it's great to have you on with us, Professor.
Yeah, you know, I, uh, the claim that this is fraud and should be prosecuted, I think I said, if this turns out to be the case, it is fraud.
I didn't say this is fraud.
I wasn't referring to what they actually, we don't, I don't know for sure that Goldman actually violated any securities laws.
I don't know that they didn't, so that's all I can say.
If what he alleges sounds like fraudulent behavior, I think, or at least some form of financial malfeasance, you just don't
We're good to go.
We need to have a brand new financial system.
That's what I call for in my... I've got a book that's coming out in March with Wiley called Jimmy Stewart is Dead.
And it talks about how to fix the financial system from bottom up very simply, which is to make all the financial companies, corporations, operate as pass-through mutual fund companies, just like Fidelity Investments or TI Cref.
Many large financial mutual fund companies.
And those companies are the only part of the financial system that's still standing.
Because they weren't borrowing money to engage in risky gambles and leave the taxpayer to pay the bill.
So what they were doing is just intermediating.
They were taking in money into the mutual funds and then buying the kinds of assets that those investors in the mutual funds wanted to hold.
So that's the way we need to run our financial system on the basis of mutual funds.
And by the way, I'm not employed by any mutual fund company or anything like that.
So this is just my own view.
And many other economists are coming around to this view.
And some top government officials in different countries are coming around to this view.
So it's the way to really run our modern financial system without
Going back to 1930, which we can't return to.
The reason the book's title is Jimmy Stewart is Dead is that you can't go back to that kind of environment, and you're not going to have trustworthy bankers.
We've seen that, for sure.
So you need to have a new system that makes sure that we can't be taken, that the public can't be taken for a ride.
You know, investment groups and brokerage firms and investment banks have their people at every level in almost every regulatory position in government and quasi-government position, and so they can selectively enforce any rules they want.
In fact, we're hearing about this new bank of the world that'll have regulatory power and it'll knock heads to stop, you know, these types of abuses, but the people that are going to be knocking the heads are a bunch of Goldman Sachs goons.
Well, let's not call them goons, because we don't know.
They're people just like we are.
Let's not cast aspersions at these people.
We don't know.
And there's all kinds of... Wall Street is a term that refers to not just that part of New York City, but all parts of the financial system worldwide.
You've had people in Singapore bring down a Baring Bank, which was about a 400-year-old bank.
There was a French rogue trader brought down Societe Generale, almost destroyed the third-largest bank in France.
So, this is a global problem, and it's true that the financial community isn't going to like what I have to say when they hear about it.
On the other hand, they're not going to like what they're going to get hit with
Well, I want to go over that, but from your research, Professor, who are the bad guys?
I mean, Bill Clinton got rid of Glass-Steagall.
The Congress went along with it.
Well, there's a variety of problems here.
A fundamental moral hazard problem here where financial companies are playing poker with the taxpayers' chips.
That's the fundamental problem here, which is that they're going to the casino with our money.
So there's that problem.
There's the too-big-to-fail problem.
There's the fact that
The companies are being run by the management, not by the shareholders, because the shareholders are dispersed, so there's a corporate governance problem.
There's a fraud problem, which is that people left, right and center were issuing mortgages and lying about the income and not verifying the collateral values.
Liar mortgages should not exist.
And they're going to continue.
And there was a rating.
The rating companies were in effect being effectively bribed by the people that they were paying for the ratings.
So systemic fraud across the board.
The whole system is basically corrupt.
And I think that's a fair statement.
And we have to come up with a system that's foolproof, that has firewalls, that doesn't
Well, how are a bunch of Goldman Sachs former executives and heads... I mean, Reuters had an article today pointing out almost everybody who isn't former Goldman Sachs in power positions over regulatory systems.
I mean, it's hard to name a number one person, a number one man or woman
In a power position who isn't Goldman Sachs or a former director.
Bought and converted into high-yield bonds, tens of thousands of mortgages from subprime lenders that became the subjects of FBI investigations into whether they misled borrowers or exaggerated applicants' incomes in justifying making hefty fines.
It says, to piece together Goldman's role in the subprime meltdown, McClatchy reviewed hundreds of documents, SEC filings,
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Okay, okay.
I get the point, but you've got to realize that those statements, you know, Greg's making statements that are general statements.
They may be quite true.
They may not be fully true.
Who knows?
But those statements can be made of virtually every major company that's gotten into trouble.
They all had offshore operations.
They were all engaged in one level or another in marketing securities whose underlying
You know, truths were not as disclosed.
They weren't disclosing fully.
They may not have known themselves whether the statements on these mortgage applications were true or not.
We know that the whole system did not work.
I think we have to stop handing out, shelling out money to these big companies.
I mean, what can we do now?
We know what's happened.
What can we do at the margin to fix things?
Okay, I want to hear what your idea is to fix it, but also I want to go back and say, okay, what would you have done in November?
Well, in September, October, November of last year, instead of saying, here's all these trillions of dollars... I would have said, what's the fundamental problem here?
The fundamental problem is non-disclosure.
It's a fraud, so let's have a... and the rating was not to be trusted, so let's set up a federal financial authority to rate and... not rate itself, but to...
Arrange for independent rating and verification and full disclosure on the web of all the securities held by, uh, that are being traded in the marketplace.
Yeah, that would, that would be a big thing, just to have transparency.
And transparency, that's step one.
Step two is... Alright, stay there, Professor.
Professor, we got a break.
We'll come back on the other side and get your, your view and perspective on this.
Amazing article out of McClatchy.
They got a lot of guts.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com is our website.
Stay with us.
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Until about 40 after, Professor Lawrence J. Kotlikoff is our guest, Professor of Economics, Boston University.
He's got a book coming out with a great title, Jimmy Stewart is Dead, and boy is he.
Jimmy Stewart was a neat guy.
Going back to our guest.
Okay, so sir, tell us what you think should have happened last year instead of the looting and giving more power to the very banks and regulators that swindled us.
We need to set up a system that's simple, transparent, and safe for public use.
And this current system is not, and we are spending our way into what could be a huge problem, hyperinflation potentially.
The potential is really quite substantial for things to get out of control.
The way to get to safety is you set up a federal, a single federal regulatory body, not 115 or 20, which is what we are.
We now have about 115.
The President's been calling for about another five or so.
You know, none of these guys could shoot straight to see the problem.
And what we just need is to have a system set up that can't fail like the current system has.
So you set up a federal regulator to disclose, verify, rate, and provide all this information about the securities.
And then you transform all the financial corporations into pass-through mutual fund companies so that
No bank can actually, under this proposal which is called Limited Purpose Banking, can actually borrow money to invest in risky securities.
What they can do is they can set up mutual funds for us to invest in.
We'll buy shares of the mutual funds and then the mutual funds will invest in things like mortgages or commercial paper from companies or stocks.
We're good to go.
So, we're talking about zero net exposure of the banking system, but we're also talking about the insurance industry being treated identically as banks, because insurance companies
As we've seen, are engaged in the same kind of security transactions that are banks.
You can't really tell the difference between a financial instrument and an insurance policy.
They're very similar, essentially identical financial instruments.
So what we need to do is make the insurance companies run as cash and mutual fund companies as well.
And they would
But Professor, let me ask you this then.
What is the plan, or what looks like the dominant re-regulation that's being set up now?
Because from what I've read in the newspapers,
I'm not trying to pick on the precious Goldman Sachs here, but even Reuters has pointed out they are the most represented in government and in the regulatory system, with Henry Paulson getting up and admitting that it's not a conflict of interest because the Treasury Department gave him a waiver to be involved with Goldman Sachs while he was giving billions to Goldman Sachs directly and through AIG.
Yeah, no, this is like a revolving door, and this is not...
This is not arm's length.
This is a conflict of interest.
It's also a confluence of interest.
This is fundamentally corrupt.
I don't think Paulson himself is fundamentally corrupt.
I think he was a very good public servant.
He tried his best.
I think he did the wrong thing in the end.
He did some steps, but not the right other steps.
He has like $300 million.
He doesn't necessarily have to worry about whether Goldman Sachs is going to like him at the margin.
So I think we've got to be careful about ascribing motives to individuals who are in a position of trying to save a country they thought was going down the tubes.
But the real thing is, how do we get a system set up so that Wall Street can influence Pennsylvania Avenue?
And there's no, you know, whether or not the guys from Pennsylvania Avenue go back to Wall Street to work, they're not actually going to be changing the financial system in somebody's favor.
Where the regulation is going versus what you're saying is a good idea.
And how do we get rid of these derivatives?
Or is there a place in your plan for derivatives?
And will anybody ever get in trouble from Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase at the revolving door with the Federal Reserve?
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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One last time, it's here'swhatyoudo.net.
Before you slip into unconsciousness... We're going to your phone calls on a wide range of issues in about seven minutes.
Next hour in studio, Joe Rogan, host of Ultimate Fighting, Comedy Central, you name it, giving us his view on the world today.
Professor of Economics, Boston University, Lawrence J. Kotlikoff is our guest.
Okay, we've got about seven minutes left, sir.
Are you talking about whether the current solution being proposed by the administration is the right way to go?
No, I think it's just spending a lot of money and maintaining the current structure.
I think it's putting us at grave risk.
We could have really, literally, a run on the bank tomorrow.
Have to print trillions of dollars to cover all the liabilities.
And then there would be high inflation that would most likely break out.
And then people who didn't run would find that they got their money back, but that it was worth nothing in terms of what they could buy with it.
So there's this myth out there that we actually have purchasing power deposit insurance.
We just have money deposit insurance, and it's not really going to protect us.
From the hyperinflation that might result from a run on the bank.
So we're in very great risk.
We have to get to a safe financial structure.
We can't go back to 1930.
We need to have these new products, derivatives.
They're not the problem.
The problem is that it's not that coming up with a new form of pain relief is a problem.
A new pill like a Tylenol.
When that was developed, that wasn't the problem.
The problem is that when you have somebody putting cyanide in a Tylenol bottle and marketing it as Tylenol, that's when you have a problem.
And that happened in the 70s.
Exactly that happened.
And Johnson & Johnson spent like $100 million taking all the Tylenol and repackaging it in safety sealed containers.
We need to have
Uh, a bulletproof system where the government says, if you're going to buy this security, you can check exactly what it is, so you know what you're buying.
We need to make sure that the banks are just playing middlemen and they're not trying to play poker with our chips.
And we need to just transform the entire financial corporate system, including the insurance companies, into passive mutual fund companies that run all the business through mutual funds.
And so, for an example, if you think about
A CDS derivative security, that's really just an insurance policy against a particular bond going defaulting.
So you can have an insurance company set up a mutual fund where people invest money and they in effect take a position when they put their money down on whether or not IBM would default on its debt over the course of the year.
The money is all put into a pot at the beginning of the year.
It's invested in Treasury bills, one of your Treasury bills.
And then a year later, you see whether or not IBM defaulted on its debt.
If it did, the ones who bet that way get the pot less the fee.
If it doesn't, the ones who bet the other way get the pot less the fee.
So this kind of betting on whether a company defaults or whether the mortality rate of the economy exceeds some number or whether
You have the gross domestic product grow by 5% or 2%.
All these kinds of bets that people should be allowed to make with each other for good economic reasons can arise safely in this system that I'm talking about, limited-purpose banking.
And if you think about it, that kind of an insurance arrangement is really a parimutuel betting arrangement, which we see at the racetrack every day of the year.
But that's not a completely rigged system so the big central banks and the mega brokerage firms aren't going to want it.
As you said, that's not the plan they're going with.
You brought up the dollar.
The G20 is openly discussing how to move away from the dollar.
The dollar is dropping.
We need to adopt what I'm proposing.
To look at this idea, which is limited purpose banking, the book will be out in March, but in the short run, there are columns I've written in the New Republic, Bloomberg, Forbes, the FT, all on my website.
People can read these pieces that have been written in the Dallas Morning News, Boston Globe.
So, this idea about how to fix the financial system is very simple, and other economists are independently coming up with the same idea.
So it is a real solution.
It's the only comprehensive solution that anyone's really advanced in the public forum here.
And I think once the public gets behind it, you know, it may conflict with Wall Street's interests in the short run, but I think over time they'll be in better shape if they go along with this, because the alternative may be that they're going to be babysat in ways they don't like.
But paying people hundreds of millions of dollars for running companies into the ground, that wouldn't happen under what I'm proposing.
The bankers would run the mutual funds, and if they did poorly, they'd get paid, you know, they wouldn't be able to charge very high fees.
If they did well, they'd be able, over time, to charge higher fees.
So an actual free market, but that's not a rigged casino, so they don't want that.
So it doesn't look like we're going to get that, but after another crash, maybe we'll get something like your solution.
On the current course, in closing, give us your website, and then in the current course, where do you see us going?
Where do you see us going on the current course?
On the current cost, of course, I see this is very dicey, what we're doing here.
The government has issued about $24 trillion worth of commitments to pay off things under certain circumstances.
We don't have time for me to list them all, but that number actually comes from the government itself.
If there's a major event that people get panicked again, we could see runs on the banks, runs on the insurance companies, you know, there's cash surrender values to the tune of about $3 trillion out there that people can run and try and get their cash in their insurance policies, because I think the insurance company is going to go under.
This is exactly what the Treasury and the Fed were so concerned about.
Paulson and Bernanke, when they were really pulling out their hairs, remaining hairs, about what could happen.
We have to get our system out of that position where we can have systemic, colossal financial failure.
We're in worse shape actually than we were a year ago in terms of that risk.
We're still there.
We've got to move away from that and limited-purpose banking is the way to do it.
All right.
Professor Larry Kotlikoff, thank you for joining us.
What's the best one-stop shop website to find out about your economic perspective?
Oh, mine would be my website.
It's people.bu.edu slash kotlikoff.
Or just Google Larry Kotlikoff.
People can find a lot of your work.
I look forward to reading the book when it comes out.
Thanks for spending time with us.
You bet.
Okay, wanted to give you some economic perspective from a mainstream individual and said we could have total financial meltdown any time.
The same people that set up the system are running it currently.
They're not going with his alternate plan or Ron Paul's alternate plan because it limits their power.
I'm gonna go to your phone calls and we're coming back with Joe Rogan here in a minute.
He's about to arrive any time.
Just text me.
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Yes, sir.
Hi, Alex.
Go ahead.
Oh great.
I had the opportunity to meet you at last year's Independent Fed Rally in Dallas.
And after meeting you, I was really inspired to take action against the New World Order.
So what I want to do is organize a protest in Houston, Texas next Wednesday.
Uh, because Richard Haass, the President of Foreign Relations, uh, Council of Foreign Relations, will be in Houston, in the Galleria.
Yeah, the guy that writes articles admitting that they're using fake environmentalism and fake terror to take our rights.
Richard N. Haass is coming to Houston, uh, next week.
He'll be at the Western Hotel in the Galleria.
Yes, he is.
And if anybody's interested, I-I set up a email account, cfriseville at gmail dot com, if they're interested in finding out more.
Okay, exciting.
CFR is evil at?
Now, you could also probably call and go in there as press if you have a local news website, or is it closed to the public?
It's a private event for members only for an international society.
Well, you exercise your free speech by taking it, so yeah, show up in front or on the sidewalk.
Everybody should go.
Let me ask you, what would be some good material to hand out, especially people that don't know about the CFR?
I'd give Fall of the Republic, make copies, give that out.
I'd make up a fact sheet with websites and quotes by Haas, where he's calling for an end to U.S.
I would have the quote of Barry Goldwater about how the CFR Interlateral Commission are a private group trying to take over our government and set up world government.
Good to hear from you, Rahul.
That's what I'd do.
Ness in California, you're on the air.
Keep it up.
Hey, Alex, it's a pleasure to be on the air.
Long time listener, first time caller.
I actually heard about you through Immortal Technique years and years ago.
I always thought you were talking bullcrap until I went down the rabbit hole and I realized that there was more to what he was saying than, you know, there was more to it than what he was just saying.
And I started watching your films.
I can't remember exactly which one was the first one.
And later I came upon Endgame.
And after endgame, it just blew my mind.
I couldn't stop telling people, I used to work at a Costco, gave out your CDs to everybody that walked in there.
Here you go, here you go, here you go.
But either way, I was hoping to get on when you had on Ron Paul because I've always told people stuff and everybody tells me, well, what are you going to do about it?
What are you going to do about it?
And you know, I'm not telling other people as a first step.
No, no, no, no.
The establishment always wants to say talking does nothing.
Why do they buy all this propaganda and constantly pay people off to have their view?
Talking is everything.
Warning people.
Getting involved.
Calling in to talk radio.
Getting Ron Paul to run.
Running yourself locally.
Supporting pro-liberty candidates.
Getting involved.
Getting informed.
Tuning in to the real political dialogue that's going on.
Shattering the left-right paradigm.
And you know what Alex, I have taken it to the next step and I said, you know what, I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.
And what I did, my buddy and myself, we started our own radio station, LATalkLive.com, and I personally, I'm an advocate of medicinal cannabis for all the people out there that don't have a fight for themselves, that don't have a word.
I know Ron Paul is working on that and especially on the hemp.
That's a whole different issue.
That's just part of the fight.
Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, Ness.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Marty in California.
Marty, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
How are you today?
Say, you know, I want to just make a couple quickie statements.
It appears that the government will lie with everything they say as well as what they omit telling the people.
I have a brief statement of fact that occurred here in Southern California the other day.
A pregnant woman with pneumonia went to the hospital to give birth to her child.
During the delivery, this woman died due to complications from the pneumonia.
But the hospital announced that she died from the swine flu.
The husband, the father of the child, which did survive, tried again and again to correct their false announcements.
Saying that she had died from complications due to the pneumonia.
That's because they've been paid to fearmonger and hype, and all over the country, I don't know if your story's true, I believe it, but I can't confirm it.
They've been caught saying people die from swine flu, and then a week later there's a tiny blurb in the paper saying they actually died from something else.
They have not, they've ignored what this fella has been saying.
It appears they've got him lying to falsify these statistics about the flu.
Well, how did you learn about this?
Actually, I have a business.
My distributor representative goes from San Diego clear up out to Indio.
It's got to be a 300 mile radius.
And he takes orders for parts and so forth that you need to continue business.
And I've known this gentleman for 25 years.
Very good man.
Business as well as friendship.
And he told me this yesterday.
Yes, sir.
Oh, so that's how I found out about it.
I live in a very small little Mayberry kind of town and everybody knows everybody and so I know it to be the truth.
Well, listen, I appreciate your call.
Look, I believe people two months ago, when they were calling saying they injected my kid here in Texas, they injected my kid in California, in Kentucky, in New York, and I went to the school and it was always elementary kids who they could say, oh, they're just confused.
And they would show up and they'd say, you're the only person saying this.
And then more parents would walk in and say, you injected my kid.
And then it came out in the news everywhere they're doing it.
So, A, they're doing it illegally and secretly, B, they lie about it when they get caught, and C, they've now been caught lying about it and have been caught again.
So, how do you trust a government, a media, hospitals, public schools?
I mean, they've been lying for years saying it's the law, you've got to take flu vaccines.
It's the law.
When you hear the words water purification, what comes
I think so.
I think so.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda,
They'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
For the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation, the criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today, it seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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I think so.
Joe Rogan's been here before.
They texted me they're lost trying to find it.
Now they're on the outskirts of Austin.
So they'll be in here in studio next hour.
Get Joe's take on what's happening in the world today.
He orbits through town.
Always good to see my buddy.
I wanted to continue with your phone calls.
We'll do that in the next segment.
But I get call after call after call after call after call after call saying, how do you wake people up?
What do you do?
How do you explain all this complex information to them?
You do it by telling them that they're being conned, they're being manipulated and start questioning everything.
And you do it with documentary films like Fall of the Republic, like Camp FEMA.
And like endgame blueprint for global enslavement.
And you make copies of these films, you give them to your friends, your family, your neighbors, you have viewing parties.
You commit to wake people up.
I mean, the government is criminal.
It's run by people poisoning the food and water supply.
It's bankrupt.
They want to bankrupt society by design.
That's been declassified and come out in many places.
It's time to wake up and say no.
So I want to encourage listeners again to at least go up to InfoWars.com, click on the big banner at the top, go to FollowTheRepublic.com.
And to get the films on DVD, to make copies, download them at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Get the free YouTube copy.
Just Google or go to YouTube and type in Fall of the Republic.
The top one up there's got a half million views of over a thousand versions that have been uploaded.
And email it out to everybody.
It's simple.
You're under mind control.
That's one of the key sections in the film.
In fact, here's the mind control trailer exposing the mind control.
Stay with us.
Most people still today think that all entertainment to do with movies, drama, is therefore nothing more than their entertainment.
It never ever was that case.
Throughout history, social engineers have refined techniques designed to control large populations.
It is bringing entertainment to thousands of people.
Right in the comfort of our own home.
You're actually in an alpha state being completely downloaded with new ideas.
A cult of personality can be manufactured to influence the masses.
Nobody will question what he's doing.
They'll be so preoccupied with where he is or what he's wearing.
Yes, we care.
The idea of making him into a celebrity.
Eventually, he said, they will expect.
The media to do all their thinking and reasoning for them.
That's happened today.
The scientific dictatorship understands what makes human beings tick and they're using it against us.
These cells are scanned by a stream of electrons, completing 30 pictures a second.
It's hard for people like that to take a serious interest in what their elected officials are doing.
They've been programmed.
It's Obama's role to front for the International Banking Syndicate.
Barack Obama is a puppet of the New World Order.
Is this some sort of a New World Order?
The New World Order is emerging.
For the first time in history, we really have this new form of an empire.
The average man and woman is in a trance.
They get home from work.
They don't even talk to their children.
They turn the television on.
And they let those corporate messages set the agenda in their lives.
You got time to watch baseball.
You got time to entertain yourself.
What a knowledgeable public we're losing.
Kill your television, or at least turn it off a few hours a day.
The children aren't even playing in your front yards anymore.
We don't want to live under a world government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations.
Fall of the Republic.
Volume 1.
The Presidency of Barack Obama.
Obama is the latest version of 21st Century Mass Mind Control.
Available on DVD at InfoWars.com and online at PrisonPlanet.tv.
October 21st, 2009.
And the film has now been out for 12-13 days, exploding all over the internet, people making copies of the DVD everywhere.
If you watch Follow the Republic, you will know the truth about the New World Order, who they are, what their plan is, how to stop them, how they manipulate and control people.
This is cyanide to the New World Order.
This is a silver bullet to a werewolf.
It's a wooden stake to the heart of the vampire.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're asking for more matches!
They're arsonists!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are into the final hour today.
This is good with Joe because it's late.
We'll go into some overdrive for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
The folks listening on the audio screens won't be on the AM and FM, but they should be here any minute.
Go Rogan!
Host of the highly successful Fear Factor, News Radio, The Man Show, HBO Specials, Top Comedian, and known as a conspiracy terrorist by the media.
That means he questions the establishment.
That is coming up.
Let's go ahead and go to your phone calls right now.
Let's talk to Richard in North Carolina.
You're on the air, Richard.
Hey, what's up?
I was actually curious if you had seen Al Gore who came on Comedy Central yesterday on the Colbert Report and the Daily Show promoting his Your Choice Climate Bullcrap Global Warming book.
No, I didn't see it, but I know he's got a new movie coming out saying it's a religion.
It's a made-up... He admits it's a religion.
We've always said it's a religion.
It is a religion.
He's just coming on there and he's smiling and he's going with the little skits and he's getting, he's winning the hearts of these, you know, very weak minded public.
Just like he sold NAFTA and GATT.
And boy wasn't NAFTA and GATT great.
Yeah, he's a wonderful guy, but other than that, I was actually going to get a credit card yesterday.
I know it's bad, but I was going to just buy as many copies of DVDs so I could put it out there and really help fight this info war where I'm at and everywhere else.
And I was told by federal law, this, this, you have to know this, and I asked the lady on the Bank of America, I said, what is the federal law?
She said, the Patriot Act.
Yes, the Patriot Act compliance gets rid of the Fourth Amendment, surveils everything.
It's horrible.
It is.
I just want to say, man, I'm a big fan.
I really look up to you and Joe Rogan.
You guys are like my two idols, so just thank you for the time.
Thank you.
Joe is a character.
He's been here before, but they're lost.
Let's go ahead and talk to David in Texas.
David, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I've talked to you before.
Look, I work in finance, and I'll tell you, the people in our industry know very, very little about economics and sometimes even investments.
And, you know, I happen to know a lot of these guys that are chief investment officers up at the major firms that people know.
You know, PIMCO, BlackRock, Leg Mason, I can go on and on.
But they give a lot of speeches and conferences and the stuff they put out to the media, but
You know, if you have a relationship with these guys, and if they know that you know what they know, if you get what I mean, if they know that you understand the same level of understanding they have, they're a little more open, I've found, because since I talked to you, I don't know, a month ago, I try to be a lot more poignant with my questioning to these guys now that they understand and know a little bit more, and they're all in agreement that
Yeah, that decision has been openly announced.
It's just not their mainstream view that they give out.
But again, if they know that you understand the stuff they know, then they're a little more open if you're friendly with them.
So anyway, point number one.
Number two, inflation will go up, or at least the prices of stuff will go up.
Inflation is already happening because that's monetary base expansion, which clearly has been happening.
Stocks will go up, probably.
Over time, but it's going to be negated by the inflation.
I don't know.
You know, most of these guys and firms and people in business, you know, they're selling to their book.
Meaning, they're selling, they're trying to sell you on what they sell, or what they recommend.
So, you gotta listen, you gotta, you know, understand who you're... I hear ya, and I appreciate your call.
We'll be right back, folks.
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And what are we doing instead?
At Copenhagen,
This December, weeks away, a treaty will be signed.
Your president will sign it.
Most of the third world countries will sign it because they think they're going to get money out of it.
Most of the left-wing regimes around the world, like the European Union, will rubber stamp it.
Virtually nobody won't sign it.
I have read that treaty.
And what it says is this.
That a world government is going to be created.
The word government actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity.
The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries in satisfaction of what is called coyly a climate debt.
Because we've been burning CO2 and they haven't and we've been screwing up the climate.
We haven't been screwing up the climate, but that's the line.
And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.
How many of you think that the word election or democracy or vote or ballot occurs anywhere in the 200 pages of that treaty?
Quite right, it doesn't appear once.
So at last, the communists who piled out of
The Berlin Wall and into the environmental movement and took over Greenpeace so that my friends who founded it left within a year because they'd captured it.
Now the apotheosis is at hand.
They are about to impose a communist world government on the world.
You have a president who has very strong sympathies with that point of view.
He's going to sign.
He'll sign anything.
He's a Nobel Peace Laureate.
Of course he'll sign it.
And the trouble is this.
If that treaty is signed, your constitution says that it takes precedence over your constitution.
And you can't resile from that treaty unless you get the agreement of all the other states' parties.
And because you'll be the biggest paying country, they're not going to let you out.
So, thank you, America.
You were the beacon of freedom to the world.
It is a privilege merely to stand on this soil of freedom while it is still free.
But in the next few weeks,
Unless you stop it, your president will sign your freedom, your democracy and your prosperity away forever.
And neither you nor any subsequent government you may elect will have any power whatsoever to take it back again.
That is how serious it is.
I have read the treaty.
I've seen this stuff about government and climate debt and enforcement.
They are going to do this to you whether you like it or no.
But I think it is here, here in your great nation, which I so love and I so admire, it is here that perhaps at this 11th hour, at the 59th minute and 59th second,
You will rise up and you will stop your president from signing that dreadful treaty.
That purposeless treaty, for there is no problem with the climate, and even if there were, economically speaking, there's nothing we can do about it.
So I end by saying to you the words that Winston Churchill addressed to your president in the darkest hour before the dawn of freedom in the Second World War.
He quoted from your great poet Longfellow.
Sail on, O ship of state.
Sail on, O union strong and great.
Humanity, with all its fears, with all the hopes of future years, is hanging breathless on thy
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, literally skidding into a landing, Joe Rogan, my good buddy, host of the UFC, host of NBC comedy series Fear Factor, the list goes on and on, he needs no introduction, joerogan.net.
Joe, good to have you here.
What's happening, brother?
As you can see, what do I have here in front of me?
Good to see you.
That's the documents.
Ladies and gentlemen, he has the documents.
He's here to fight the New World Order.
We will not be denied one step closer to victory.
What's behind you, man?
Is that the Vortex?
That is the Vortex.
Is that what the New World Order is going to force us to go through?
So tell me what you were telling me when we got here.
Well, they're openly announcing the end of the dollar.
They're openly announcing world government.
They're openly announcing carbon taxes.
Taxes on everything you eat, on a dog, because they eat meat.
Taxes on cars.
I saw something recently that said that if you have a dog, that it's more damaging to the environment than having an SUV.
Yes, that was the LA Times headline.
The carbon.
How is that?
They're going to tax all life.
Carbon dioxide that plants breathe.
Is it because of the dog food?
Like it costs, it takes a lot of resources to make dog food?
Is that what it is?
Is that what they're trying to say?
Damn, they're going after dogs?
They're going after everybody, Joe.
That's rude.
How can you go after dogs?
You know, you are a busy guy.
You just did local
93.7 KLBJ this morning.
Yes, I did.
And you're in Austin for another one of your sold out shows, or about to be sold out.
Yeah, Cap City Comedy Club with young Ari Shaffir behind me.
He has Jew gold, if anybody's looking for it.
That's the theme of the day.
He is Jewish.
Oh yeah, look at him.
Look at that fella.
Okay, you're going to have the ADL write an article.
They're going to claim you're a white supremacist down here.
No, he's a real, real Jew.
Oh my gosh.
He's got the papers.
Got the documents.
New world order will not win.
So tell me about this.
Brian's Jewish too.
Brian's not Jewish, he's German.
Everybody's Jewish.
No, no.
Oh, okay.
Forget it.
We're Jewish.
I'm Jewish.
I like Jewish people.
So, what is this collapse of the dollar?
What do they announce?
What do they say?
The G20's met.
They decided to start phasing it out.
Countries a month ago started shifting away from buying dollars to buying euros and other currencies.
And this will lower our standard of living by probably 50% over the next three years if it goes through.
And they say it's going through.
That's why gold hasn't really gone up to $1,999.
What about Jewgold?
The dollar's gone down.
Is Jewgold worth more these days?
No, Joe, what is Jewgold?
I'm always hearing about Jewgold.
You gotta ask a Jew.
They get secret meetings.
It's just like the CFR.
They meet in private and they talk about their Jewgold, right?
Yes, how do we raise the price?
Well, I'm into gold.
That's a lot of money.
Does that mean I'm in on the Jewgold conspiracy?
You may be.
Seeing as how you fight the New World Order, they might make you an honorary Jew and you can get in there.
You gotta get tight.
Oh man, okay.
You gotta get tight with the Jews.
It's very important.
At this point in our history, very important.
With Sacha Baron Cohen.
Did you like Borat?
He's a Jew.
Excellent film, right?
I haven't seen the new one.
Just say you like it.
Say I like it.
I thought it was... No, I think some of it's funny.
He's hilarious.
He's probably the funniest English guy of all time, right?
Who's even close?
I mean, there's Monty Python, those guys were great, but this guy takes it to... Queen Elizabeth is funnier, but she's not trying to be funny.
Yeah, exactly.
No one makes me laugh more than that Borat guy.
Alright, getting serious here for a moment.
So they really are trying to phase out the dollar?
Yes, getting serious.
Where's all this coming from?
What news documents?
New York Times, Ban Ki-moon, head of the UN, says get ready for global government.
How could that be good?
I mean, Joe, how much of the stuff we talked about 12 years ago is now coming true?
Well, a lot.
You know, it was really interesting when you first, you and I first talked.
We talked on September 11, 2001.
We talked on that day and you were telling me.
But we were friends before that.
We talked on air.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We were friends for a couple years by then.
And we talked on the air the day of the September 11th attacks.
Alex was going crazy.
He was on the phone.
Joe, this is a plot by the American government.
They allowed this to happen.
They did this.
They planned it in advance.
They detonated those buildings.
I have experts!
You went crazy way before anybody, dude.
Nobody is more of a 9-11, like, pioneer than you.
Well, thank you, Joe.
What do you think of 9-11 now, eight years on?
Tower seven disturbs me the most I look at I look at towers one and two and I go well those got they got hit by planes you know and look at the fire and everything maybe maybe it broke maybe everyone's being crazy but that tower seven just went
Just like a controlled demolition.
And everybody's like, yeah, but it had holes in the building, and you see the hole in the building?
Yes, I see the hole in the building, but wouldn't it fall towards that hole?
Why is it falling like that?
And if that was my building, I would sue... I almost swear.
But the CIA was in that building.
And we have the firemen and police saying, we've been told we're blowing it up, get back, get back.
And what other organizations?
There's a bunch of other... FBI, Defense Intelligence.
There was a lot of documents in that building.
In that building, rather.
So, that building bothers me.
I don't like it.
A lot.
Securities and Exchange Commission.
The way it fell just looks so fake.
It was incredible.
I mean, it looks exactly like a control tower.
No, they were on the news saying, we're going to bring it down for everyone's safety.
We're going to blow it up.
We have the video clips of BBC, CNN, CBS.
And then after, they said, we didn't say we're going to blow it up.
We didn't say we'd blow it up.
Well, I've never seen those.
I've seen... In fact, give them a Truth Rising.
I would love, I've seen the Larry Silverstein guy say, pull it, but that could have been, he just... Hey guys, Google, Google, um...
Google, building seven, police say get back.
Gonna pull it.
You know, the first two buildings felt totally different.
The first two buildings fell from where they got jacked.
Like, you could see, like, you know, right... But there were blast squibs there, too.
Boom, boom, boom.
I don't know what that is.
I'm not an expert.
I have no information about that.
I mean, just to take, just devil's advocate, that could be just the pressure of the building collapsing, forcing all this air out and forcing all these windows to explode.
That's just as possible.
That doesn't make sense to me with Tower 7, though.
The way Tower 7 fell, it just kinked in the middle and fell down free-fall speed, almost.
I mean, everybody, like, they'll nitpick at you.
Oh, it was one-tenth of a second slower than free-fall.
No, no, no.
NIST has had to go back now and admit it.
Okay, there was free-fall on the first 10 floors.
Well, even if it was just close to free fall, that's crazy.
There was no resistance, it just gave up.
Why wouldn't it like wiggle and collapse towards where it got jacked?
It just seems like a controlled demolition.
That bothers me.
Or maybe the building was taking DMT.
I don't think it would have done that if it was.
It's good to have you here.
So I know the shows always sell out.
Are they sold out yet?
I don't know.
Because I've gone to a lot of your shows and there's always cars outside the parking lot.
If they know that the Alex Jones is going to be there, more people will show up.
Oh yes.
Well the video of you going on stage during Stan Hope's show, the beginning of Stan Hope's show, that's a classic, you know.
People who haven't seen it, a bunch of drunk people started heckling Alex.
Alex went on to bring up Doug Stanhope, and it turned into a full-blur, like, 30-minute conversation about the New World Order, right?
Wasn't it?
It was pretty wild.
It was fun stuff.
Why are they playing music?
Because we're going to break, Joe.
That's a little hint, huh?
It's like, wrap it up, stupid.
People across the street saw Joe.
When we were out here in the middle of nowhere, they came running across to see him.
You've got fans everywhere.
Oh, well that's nice.
I like Austin.
It's like swooning women, like you were Elvis, throwing their clothes at you.
We saw one big fat one on a scooter.
Stay there!
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You must remain in your houses until your bracelets are scanned.
If you're on that building, it'll be coming down.
You hear that?
The building is about to blow up.
We'll be back.
All right, guys?
We are walking back to the building.
It's about to blow up.
The flame, debris coming down.
Just in the last few seconds, another building, building number seven, one of the buildings in support of the World Trade Center towers, has collapsed.
Okay, guys.
Back that up to the first again, and there's literally scores of these clips.
This is police saying, get back, they're bringing it down, it's coming down.
And I heard that on CBS Radio that day, but then we have the news clips where BBC reports it's fallen before it fell.
Yeah, I read about that.
Okay, let's go ahead and roll the clip again from the start for everybody, where the police are saying, get back.
And then I've interviewed
Craig Bartmer and other police officers who were there and they said, they walked up to FEMA and said, what are you doing?
And they said, countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, run for your lives!
There was a countdown on the radio to blow up 7.
Let's go ahead and play it.
Here it is.
Three different police saying keep your eye on it.
The whole thing's about to come down.
It's about to blow up.
And then we went and found police officers that were there.
Get back.
We also have a Democracy Now!
Show where they were live when it happened.
Okay, but isn't it possible, or is it possible rather, that those cops were saying that the building's going to fall because it was about to collapse?
Because it was just on fire?
No steel building had ever collapsed from fire until three that day.
That's true.
And then we have Silverstein saying, we made the decision to pull it, gave the order and watched it come down.
No, no, no.
So you believe that the reason why they brought this down was whatever documents they had in there were very incriminating and they had gotten away with a lot of different, you know, a lot of corruption and that's why they brought that down because it just makes everything else disappear.
Well they picked a site where they could destroy a building and then cover up their evidence during another attack they were using as a pretext to launch wars.
So you firmly believe that the attacks on the Twin Towers were premeditated by the United States government in order to bring us into war?
I believed it eight years ago on 9-11 that night you came on.
Yeah, you did.
It's fascinating, really, when you think about it, because, you know, everyone, this is the main problem with conspiracy theories.
The number one problem is that when you bring them up, you look foolish.
So people don't even want to, they don't even want to bring up the possibility that they exist.
But when you look into U.S.
history, you look into the Gulf of Tonkin, you look into the Northwoods document, where they were planning fake terror attacks on American civilians in order to get us into a war with Cuba from 1962.
When you look into that stuff and you realize that everything evolves, you know, science evolves, culture evolves, and you know, corruption evolves too.
The corruption that is that deep, that could run the government, the corruption that can kill Kennedy, the corruption that can fake wars, or fake attacks rather, to bring us into war like they did with the Gulf of Tonkin and brought us into Vietnam, that doesn't go away.
It gets bigger and stronger.
As long as
It isn't exposed, as long as some massive arrest didn't take place, and hundreds and thousands of people were brought to justice and paraded out on television.
No, I mean, the biggest corruption ever was Watergate.
What was that?
He was spying on some other people.
That's it.
I mean, that's- And now we just expect the government to spy on us.
But if you compare that to what we know has taken place, just the Gulf of Tonkin, just that, the fake attack that brought us into the Vietnam War, just the idea that the Northwoods document was actually signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they sat down and they said, yes, we agree, this idea of fake terror attacks on American civilians is a good idea.
People are going to die for lies, for theater that they're going to create.
They're going to create these fake Cuban attacks.
I mean, that's scary, scary stuff.
And if no one was brought to justice, and they weren't, it's not like that stopped and everybody just got a conscience and met in the parking lot and all held hands and sang Kumbaya and decided, well, we're not going to be douchebags anymore.
We're going to be nice the way we run the world.
There's no way.
That's not what happened.
And, you know, people don't want to look at the possibility that our government is involved in some really scary, really shady stuff that involves the death of our own citizens for profit.
People don't want to look at that, but it is possible.
And 30 years ago, even a decade ago, they called it a conspiracy theory to say the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964 was a conspiracy theory.
Now it's been declassified.
The LBJ tapes have been released.
They did stage the whole thing.
And 58,000 Americans died and over a million Vietnamese, so... History Channel has said that the United States had advanced warning about Pearl Harbor and that they allowed it to happen to bring us into World War II.
That was on the History Channel.
Not that it means anything.
Ari Shaffir, I think you need a microphone if you want to speak to the entire world.
Hey, we can hook another mic up.
You stoned-ass bitch forgot he was on the radio.
How dare you, Shaffir?
How dare you?
We need to get Homeland Security in here and arrest him.
I know, he's carrying illegal drugs in his system right now.
Did you hear- Illegal nature.
Did you hear that Homeland Security put out a report, we got it and released it, and we'll come back and talk about it after this break, where they admit that their main threat is conservatives, gun owners, libertarians, and veterans, and the whole police state grid.
Well those are the people that are organized.
You know, hippies will complain, but veterans- Stay there.
Frozen food out in the desert- We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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We're good to go.
Joe Rogan.
Alex Jones, ladies and gentlemen.
An honor to be here.
We're gonna do 20 minutes of overdrive since Joe was lost on the way over here.
Plumes of smoke, like up in smoke.
No, we didn't smoke until we got here.
But watch.
The traffic was, the navigation system was terrible.
It was some piece of crap that came with Avis.
By the way, we got a badass Cadillac.
Cadillac is making some cool cars, man.
We got this little zippy Cadillac.
It's really good.
I like it.
Every time I see you when you're out of town, you rent a Cadillac.
Yeah, I like Cadillacs.
Guinea and me.
We're a big truck.
I'm three quarters Italian.
So the Italian in me likes Cadillacs.
It does.
It does.
I like shiny things.
A little raccoon.
So we were talking about before the break about how the government is worried about conservatives and gun owners.
And, you know, and I think they should be.
I think if the government really is corrupt, those are the ones you have to worry about.
You don't have to worry about the hippies with the Subarus with the bumper stickers on.
Those aren't the dangerous ones.
The dangerous ones are the dudes who know the Constitution.
The dudes who are living out in the desert with dried fruit in their basement and, you know, and they got water, you know, the giant cistern in the backyard that can last them for three years.
Those are the guys you have to worry about.
Those are the guys that are going to organize.
But you're saying the criminals have to worry about that?
Yeah, the criminals, yeah.
But that's my point, is that all these years we knew the way they set it up, that Homeland Security was for the American people.
Then we got all these secret documents, and it has nothing to do with foreigners.
It is for the American people.
You've got to be worried about people organizing, not because there's something evil about organizing, but because people are such lemmings.
That's the real problem with, like, Waco, Texas and stuff like that.
When you see some dude stocking up guns, you gotta go, God damn it, what is that idiot doing?
You know, you gotta worry about that if you're the government or if you're regular civilians, because guess what, man?
It's like what's going on in Afghanistan.
They have warlords and these warlords run regions of the country.
And that's one of the reasons why it's so difficult to break through over there.
That could happen in America.
We could have cults where these cults are armed and they have, they control big, big, big pieces of the population.
That's very possible.
Scientology could easily pull that off.
Here in about five minutes, I've got a call in.
Ari Shaffir is anti-scientology, by the way.
He just said it.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
He wants a career in show business.
He knows.
Don't start the conspiracy theories.
Gotta kiss their ass.
People already think, millions of webpages.
They believe you're Bill Hicks.
That I am Bill Hicks.
Yeah, I'm not Bill Hicks.
No, you're definitely not Bill Hicks.
But because I've worked with somebody that worked with him, and he had kind of a southern accent, it must be me.
You know, a really huge compliment.
Kevin Booth always says that you're funnier than Bill Hicks.
You know that?
Well, I don't think I'm funnier than Bill Hicks.
Well, Bill Hicks said a lot of brilliant stuff, but you might be funnier than him.
You're funny in a different way.
I think you're definitely funnier than him.
We got some really bad news here.
NBC News, seven dead, twelve injured in Fort Hood shooting.
No word from military bases, whether the victims are military or civilians.
At least seven people are dead and twelve wounded.
That's the last place that nut drove into the Luby's and shot everybody, but nobody was allowed to be armed so he could do it.
So that's probably some soldier went crazy?
Try to get Susanna Hupp, Representative Susanna Hupp on tomorrow.
Anti-American person went in there?
Yeah, it was her dad and mom got killed there, now she's a state rep.
Let's get her on about this.
The official would not give his name or additional details.
It was unknown whether victims are soldiers or civilians.
And it probably ended up being a soldier that's gone.
Isn't it kind of fascinating?
I mean, let's say it's not a soldier.
What if it was an attack?
Isn't it kind of fascinating that it's a huge deal if someone gets attacked on this patch of dirt?
But like how many different days go by where 10 soldiers die in Afghanistan and doesn't even make mainstream news?
It's because it is rare to happen here.
And because a lot of people are cowardly, it scares them.
Why is that?
Yeah, that's it.
But why is it, you know, why is it more news if Americans die here?
I mean, is it really more news?
I mean, we make such a, so light of the people that die in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I mean, it's really crazy.
You know, like one kid is missing and it's front page news for days.
But, but soldiers can get shot up and killed three, four at a time.
And it's just a tiny little story.
And then we move on.
I mean, that's very.
They don't even allow the coffins to be seen now.
Yeah, well they didn't for a while, but didn't Obama rescind that?
Didn't he change that?
He allows select groups of coffins to be seen.
I mean, the whole thing is so scary.
They're blocking information.
They censor information.
If they're censoring photographs, they're censoring information.
They don't want you to see the numbers.
They don't want you to be affected by the numbers.
That's scary stuff.
I agree, and I always say my heart goes out to those that have died.
The media is going to be saying about this incident, but our heart does go out to them.
It's just shocking how we just go with it.
That's what's shocking to me.
That was the most shocking thing about 9-11, was that within a couple days, all these people were driving by with American flags all over their cars.
And for a while, I was like, well, maybe this is good, because I was like, OK, look, people are going to feel good about America.
We're going to rally together on this.
We've been attacked.
But then part of me was like, wow, this is scary how quick it happened.
I mean, these are the same dopes that had Lakers flags on their cars just a few months ago when the Lakers were winning.
It's like an inch-deep, mile-wide fad.
It's not a real commitment.
Right, because the flags are gone now.
Who has American flags hanging from their car?
A few lone nuts.
A few crazy dudes.
Very few.
Back then, you would go into a Walmart parking lot and you would see 30, 40, 50 cars with American flags on them.
No, you'd see cars with giant full-size flags flapping around here and guys are driving around with Alcata hunting licenses going, yeah, I'm gonna get me some Alcata.
Yeah, I saw a guy who had one of those in a t-shirt on and said, Osama yo mama.
Now Joe, we've got a call in to 1360 in Dallas, wants me to pop in.
Who are you talking to?
Richard Hunter is the talk show host.
We want to pop in and say hi to them because they wanted me to be on during a break and I couldn't do it.
So we're going to say hi to them.
You're going to be with us 20 minutes into Overdrive today.
It won't be on your AM and FM dial coming up in 20 minutes.
It'll be at InfoWars.com on the audio streams and PrisonPlanet.tv video streams and archives.
We have the documents.
We gotta take advantage of you being here, Joe.
Uh, well, I'm taking advantage of being here as well.
Joe, you are really fired up today.
I am fired up.
You are too, Alex.
We're gonna go eat after this, right?
Don't say where.
Don't want any stalkers.
Yeah, don't worry.
Please, double stalkers, yours and mine.
They might come together.
Yeah, that's right.
They might duke it out in the parking lot and leave us alone.
Do you think my stalkers and your stalkers would like each other?
I have the type where a woman will get out in a parking lot and come up and say hi to me, and then run around screaming that I've attacked her.
I mean, I have that kind of stuff.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, I have to really like... There's a lot of paranoid nuts out there, man.
Well, there's a lot of people who think I've put chips in their brains.
You haven't?
Well the issue is, I mean I cover real issues and then there is all the crazies out there who think they're possessed by the Palladians or whatever.
You haven't.
Think about like that David Icke character, because that's the reptilian dude.
You know I think he has, 99% of his information is very important, he's a great speaker.
But then he goes reptilian on your ass, what's all that about?
Does that guy work for the government?
Is he a disinformation agent?
I don't think so.
He really believes that people can transform... Studying the satanic rituals of the elites and what they believe they are.
There's a lot of nuts who believe they're vampires.
They're not really vampires.
And so there are a lot of... These elitists do believe that it's some weird stuff.
So is he on to something with the reptiles?
I don't know.
Joe, I only cover what I can prove and document, but we are on a planet hurtling through space.
I mean, really, when you think about what we do have on this planet, it wouldn't be that bizarre if people became lizards.
I mean, that's a lot less crazy than black holes or tornadoes.
Are we going to do this Dallas thing or am I going to do it?
Tornadoes are pretty crazy.
Okay, fine.
I just want to get it out of the way.
No, I don't care.
Okay, let's get serious here for a moment.
Did you see the New York Times last week, where they just admitted that Mohammed Karzai's brothers, the head opium dealer, opium production's up over 12 times since we liberated it, and that our CIA is basically protecting the opium.
I heard BBC three months ago admit that, but to have the government just going, yeah, we grow the opium, we're going to put you in prison if we catch you with it.
I did see that and I found it incredibly fascinating how little it was talked about.
Like, you know, like again, let's bring up Watergate.
Watergate was someone spying on someone.
This is, the United States government is paying the brother of the President of Afghanistan.
The CIA is involved.
They grow 93% of the world's heroin.
The CIA has a long history of being accused of selling drugs.
All that together is like, wow!
They've been caught, they've been caught!
They've been caught with a plane that crashed recently in Mexico, had four tons of cocaine on it.
Of pure cocaine, CIA aircraft.
And that plane had been to Guantanamo Bay on at least one separate occasion.
I think two occasions, right?
Yeah, well it was flying people all over the world to torture sites.
Yeah, it was a CIA plane, and it had four tons of cocaine in it, and you hear nothing!
Pure cocaine, coming from the source!
That's way crazier than Watergate, you know what I'm saying?
I mean, we put it all into perspective.
That is incredible corruption.
Well, that's why they went after Nixon for a small thing that didn't touch other elites.
That's why they went after Clinton for a woman in the White House, because that's a little corruption they can burn them for that doesn't affect all the others.
It's amazing how that works.
I mean, how can we not decriminalize drugs when Europe's done it and it's made drug abuse go way down?
We know prohibition of alcohol tripled alcoholism.
No, we know the drugs are kept illegal because the big CIA banks are laundering the money.
Well, it's that too, and it's also that the politicians, I mean, that's like the big idea, you know, the giant version of it.
The smaller version of it is that politicians get into office because they support these gigantic businesses that give them millions of dollars to fund their campaigns.
You know, people that don't think that they're going to be in bed with these companies and that they're going to make decisions based on these companies.
You're crazy!
These guys are not going to give politicians millions and millions of dollars towards their campaigns if there's not something in it for them.
And the something in it for them is they make things illegal that can interfere with their business.
And natural things are the biggest one.
Because you can't put a patent on marijuana.
So the idea is that if you made marijuana legal, it would literally bankrupt the pharmaceutical industry because over a hundred different things that we have pills for, you could just have pot for, and people could grow it in their backyard.
That's the short answer.
That's the much more likely scenario.
And the half a trillion dollars of opium money out of Afghanistan every year is laundered
With drugs?
Cops are just doing their job.
You know, that's the problem with cops is you have douchebags just like you have douchebags that work at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
You know, there's just going to be a certain percentage of the population are going to be idiots.
There's a guy recently who arrested a 15 year old girl for taking photographs of her for JJ and sending them to all the boys in class.
They arrested this young girl for child pornography.
They brought her to jail because of public outrage.
They had to drop the case and they charged her with one count of possession of criminal
No, no, they do that all the time.
Sixteen-year-old girls show their breasts and send it to their friends, and they might need to get in a little trouble from their parents, but certainly not arrested as a child pornographer.
Those cops are dummies, you know.
It's like, you know, you're going to have that in all walks of life.
I agree, but they're dummies with authority, with a corrupt system that protects them.
Yes, absolutely, does protect them.
Yeah, they protect each other as well, you know.
Yeah, it's a terrible situation.
But I don't know what the solution is.
Well, here's an article out of McClatchy Newspapers.
They got the internal Goldman Sachs documents that Goldman Sachs, who headed up the private Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, they had their people in all the government positions, knowingly bet against the housing market while telling people to invest in it, to implode the market.
So, is Dallas ready?
Have you ever read Matt Taibbi's articles about it?
Yeah, Matt Taibbi writes articles making fun of me for 9-11 Truth, then he comes along and waters everything down on the Rolling Stone about the private Fed and everybody worships him, but I'm glad he's coming around a little bit.
Well, I think that what he's saying about the financial institutions is pretty powerful, because what he does is he breaks it down in a way that the average person could understand it.
Like me, I have no background in finance whatsoever.
Barely paid attention in high school to mathematics.
My attitude was that if there's a calculator and there's batteries, I don't need that.
There's other things to think about.
And you've done well in business, Joe.
I've just done well in comedy and other people have done well in business for me.
No, I haven't.
But, you know, that guy breaks the whole situation down in a way that someone like me, who doesn't have a background in economics, can understand it.
It's incredibly corrupt, incredibly deep.
But that's what I mean.
I mean, you talked about corruption evolves.
It always gets worse.
It's everywhere.
I mean, that's really the evidence that we see in the financial market, the evidence that we see right now with, you know, the economy falling apart.
All of this corruption is just a symptom of a much greater evil.
It's not like this is corrupt, but then you get to world banking and government and, oh, that's not corrupt.
That part's OK.
No, the whole system is in bed together.
Yeah, how did this idea ever get started that...
You can charge the balloon dad with the balloon kid for conspiracy, as they're talking about doing last time I saw on the news.
A conspiracy can exist there to hype a reality TV show, but big banks and elites that are in power, they never conspire together.
Well, where's the story about the four tons of cocaine?
Where is that?
Why is that not in the news?
Why are they not talking about it?
It was in Reuters, but nowhere in U.S.
And they dropped it, like that.
See ya!
Listen, I see reports.
There was an AP report of an 18-wheeler in South Texas with more than four tons of pure cocaine.
The state police busted it.
The FBI showed up, took it, and said we're not telling you whose it is.
I believe it.
You know, that whole, uh, what was his name?
Gary Webb, the guy who was involved in the MENA arson.
And they killed him.
Yeah, they killed that guy.
That guy was flying cocaine back and forth from other countries to America for years.
Well, he reported on the guy they killed, yeah.
Bunch of guys they killed.
Yeah, and he was about to narc.
They had him.
He was on his way to the courthouse.
He had George Bush's phone number in his pocket when he was assassinated.
Yeah, that was one of the pilots, and then Webb reported on that, so they killed him.
Barry Seales, right?
Barry Seales.
And then, yeah, and then Webb as well.
No, I mean, they kill people that talk about this.
Michael Rupert guy, what do you think about him?
He's the guy that... I don't agree with his politics, but his info on CIA cocaine's good.
Yeah, I mean, it's all rock solid.
That guy busted people.
He busted people, was told to let it go.
Because the CIA was selling drugs.
I mean, the big accusation was that the CIA was... Well, he had a CIA girlfriend who was sitting there guiding the aircraft in to New Orleans.
As they were... Yeah, yeah, that's the story you told.
Just all sorts of wild stuff.
It's all crazy.
It's amazing how little attention gets paid to this and how much attention gets paid to Balloon Boy and all these other stupid distractions.
I mean, gay marriage.
You think that anybody in government really cares about gay marriage?
I mean, is that really an issue?
It's a giant distraction.
Well, they do have those political football issues that are never going to be resolved.
Yeah, they're beach balls.
They just toss them out into the crowd for a big distraction.
You know, like, the economy's imploding.
Why are we at war?
Why are we at war?
Oh, gay marriage!
Oh no, bird flu!
Bird flu!
Whatever it is, anything.
Swine flu!
It's amazing how obvious it is.
And that is also one of the reasons why drugs are illegal.
One of the reasons why drugs are illegal isn't just the economic factor of it, it's the social implications of giving people things that change your consciousness.
Giving people something that resets your consciousness.
Because the government wants a corner on that to use TV and culture to do the programming.
They don't want you programming yourself.
And they want their Ritalin and their Prozac that they know is deadly.
Well, they also know they don't bring you unique ideas.
Those things make you sedate, and they make you accept your situation, and they make you calm.
The drugs that the government is more afraid of are the drugs that aren't... It's not like money drugs.
There's a lot of money to be made.
They're scared of hallucinogens.
Yeah, how much money is there to be made in mushrooms?
I mean, has anybody got a mushroom empire going on?
I mean, it can grow everywhere.
Yeah, but how come they have cocaine empires?
Have you ever watched, like, Cocaine Cowboys?
There's no mushroom empires.
That's because cocaine is geographically limited to one area.
It's a perfect monopoly drug.
So out of the thousands of drugs, it's cocaine and heroin the CIA controls that is all over our streets.
Yeah, that really probably is why it's so expensive.
Because if you look at it, I mean, making it illegal is what makes it valuable.
Even though mushrooms are illegal,
I mean, that's not, those, they don't sell for much.
You know, nobody's making a lot of money off of mushrooms.
That's kind of crazy when you think about it, because mushrooms are way more fun than most drugs.
Why aren't they hugely popular?
Well, listen, it's okay for the government to shoot kids up with mercury, give them Ritalin and Prozac that eats holes in their brains, and give them some heart palpitations, but don't talk about that devil mushroom on the show here.
Joe Rogan's our guest, stay with us.
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We're good to go.
That's a good goddamn Bob Dylan song.
How do I get that?
Do I get that off the iTunes?
Please don't use the Lord's name in vain.
Oh, sorry.
What is the name of that song?
It's Sunday on the Union.
You were like wild today.
What is going on?
You usually say nothing.
All right, all right.
We got three, four minutes left in the show.
I want to end it.
I want to end it with AM 1360's Richard Hunter, KMNY, so we can do a quick talk with him so he can air it there locally in drive time and get people calling in about the discussion.
Good to have you here, Richard.
Hey Alex, what's up Joe?
Hey, what's happening man?
Okay, I know this is for your show.
So just go ahead and... I want to ask you guys about swine flu shots because we've got a line around the block here in Dallas to get them.
Should I go get in line?
The CFR audio just got released a few days ago where the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations, is internally talking a month ago about people don't want it.
How do we do it?
We'll release limited amounts and then hype it up that it's only in certain places so the few idiots that want it all run down there to get it and it creates artificial scarcity like toy companies have been caught staging those Christmas toy riots with local news media that's in on it and then they can make a billion bucks off the, you know, turbo dollar whatever it is.
Everybody wants it and then everybody goes, yeah.
Yeah, so false artificial scarcities was being created, plus it's all over the news that they're forcing school children to take it all over the country, and when they get caught, they say, oops, it was an accident.
So the truth is, more than 60% of US doctors, German doctors, British doctors are refusing to take it.
Nurses in New York sued, so they wouldn't have to take it.
This stuff is dangerous.
There's all sorts of autoimmune problems.
The insert admits it has mercury.
It can cause Guillain-Barré disorder.
It can cause autoimmune disorders.
It can cause sterilization.
Joe Rogan, host of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, UFC, what's your take on the vaccines?
Well, there's certainly a lot of money involved in vaccines, and you have to look at that.
And anyone who doesn't look at that is a fool.
There is a lot of money to be made vaccinating all these people.
We're talking about billions of dollars nationwide.
And my friend Steve is a doctor.
And my friend, you know, whenever there's any issue in the news, I call him up.
I've known him for like 20 years.
And I said, what is the deal with the swine flu?
And he said, here's the deal.
There was an issue going on in Mexico.
The media jumped on it.
The media said, look, there's a new flu in Mexico.
It's very dangerous.
And only a few people had died from it in comparison to regular flu.
It was very minuscule, in fact, like the deaths, the fatalities.
So he said, what happens is the government sees that the media is following this stuff and they say, well, we have to cover our ass now.
So the government starts
Covering their ass and preparing people for the swine flu.
And then the media says, well look, look what the government's doing.
And then it gets even crazier.
And then, of course, the companies that make these inoculations, they come in like crazy.
Joe, you're right that that is part of what happened, but the companies were already making the same H1N1 a year ago.
Before this happened and I covered in January on air that there was going to be a stage flu run because they were training for martial law drills all over the country.
The good news is the public hasn't bought it, so they're having to pull back.
Though Obama did declare his emergency, we document what's really going on.
InfoAllTheRepublic at InfoWars.com.
But I want to thank AM 1360 for having us on.
Richard, good to be with you.
Thanks, Alex.
See you, Joe.
There goes Joe Rogan.
Thanks, man.
He said four words.
We beat him down.
No, no, no.
He wanted to interview me.
During the breaks, I do a lot of radio interviews, just like you do.
I mean, I bet you do interviews every week, don't you?
Yeah, pretty much, yeah.
So you think that this is all a scheme?
I know it is.
Joe, I have the documents.
Back in one minute, commercial-free, 20 minutes in overdrive.
Only at PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
Back live tomorrow for full transmission 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Stay with us in Overdrive with Joe Rogan!
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We're good.
Well, I am enjoying having Joe Rogan in studio.
I enjoy being here.
And we've got Ari and we've got Brian.
Hey, what do you... because I check out joerogan.net, I check out Brian's website, I check out Ari's material, and I don't see... I see some photos and some video posted, but this guy's shooting video at 4 o'clock in the morning when we're in Las Vegas.
I mean, where is... what is all this video going into?
It's the New World Order.
Brian is the actual New World Order chief.
He's the head guy.
It's like, uh, what was that movie with, uh, Kaiser-Soze?
You know, when you think that this loser is just a loser, but it turns out he's Kaiser-Soze?
That's Brian's Kaiser-Soze.
Now I understand he's like a master of viral internet media.
He is the master.
He's the number one guy.
He's also the master of hummingbirds.
He knows hummingbirds.
Inside and out.
And I like hummingbirds.
He's a professional video editor.
He just makes brilliant little videos.
No, I know, but I'd like to see Kendig extended Joe Rogan behind the scenes.
Joe Rogan!
Most of the interesting stuff we do something with, but a lot of it is, hey, let's go eat.
A lot of it is, oh, who farted?
You know what I mean?
A lot of it is not that interesting.
All right, Joe, we got 20 minutes left.
I am going to try to just sit back, which is hard to do.
Shut up.
Come on.
And I want Joe Rogan's view on the world technology advancing at an accelerated rate.
Humans can't evolve psychologically to deal with it.
That's absolutely true.
OK, well, you get where I'm going then.
Talk about that.
That's a fascinating thing.
I mean, if you look at, you know,
Physically, how we have developed and evolved.
We haven't evolved that much over the last, you know, a thousand, few thousand years, but technology has just gone through the roof.
It's gotten to a crazy place where we have this unbelievable control over our environment, the ability to construct giant buildings and send photos through the air.
I mean,
It's a very, very heady thing, you know, and I think it would take, like, an incredibly enlightened society just to deal with what we're capable of right now, never mind what's coming in the future as this, you know, exponentially increasing technology, you know, the advancement, the, you know, the innovation.
It's just, it's all coming at, like, this incredibly rapid pace.
And, you know, physically we're, like, the same.
Emotionally we're still tribal monkeys, you know, but we have this incredible power now.
And that's why a lot of scientists believe we won't get to a type one society, meaning a society that survives and gets off planet, that we're probably going to destroy ourselves.
Well, it's either that or telepathy.
Those are the two possibilities.
The idea of telepathy is ridiculous to people.
It's like ghosts or Bigfoot or anything nonsense.
Anything that we don't have hard proof of, you bring it up.
But the studies show it's real.
The studies do show it.
It could certainly be real.
If you can smell things, the idea that you can detect something with your nose that you can't see it.
But you know when somebody's looking through your window at night?
I mean, I can't tell you how many times I have known somebody's looking at me when I'm walking around on my family ranch.
They say that that is the number one way that they can show that there is some sort of a connection between human beings telepathically is the ability to recognize when someone's staring at you.
They've done scientific studies on that and they've proven beyond a 100 percent of the time when I'm in a restaurant and I feel somebody staring at me, especially if it's with bad intent or some redneck doesn't like me or something, I'll feel it and I'll turn around and they'll be going and we'll go.
That's a weird thing, isn't it?
It's a weird thing that we can detect that, you know?
And I think that is just... Look, at one point in time, we couldn't communicate.
But if you believe in evolution, you have to believe that at one point in time, we were monkeys that just grunted and made noises and swung from trees.
And then something happened where we went from that to where we are now, where we figured out not just one, but
Dozens and dozens of systems of communication all over the world where we write little symbols that mean certain things and we can say noises with our mouth and we understand what we're trying to say because of that.
I mean, that alone, that incredible ability to communicate, I mean, that's a gigantic... But birds know two days before an earthquake.
Or before a tornado and dolphins.
I mean, I don't even think it's so much as a primitive thing, but something we always had and are developing because our five senses are in such a limited spectrum of what the mathematics show that there is dimensionally.
Yeah, I always say that.
We've talked about this on the show before.
I call it the fart principle.
The idea that if someone farted, and you didn't have a nose, and you didn't hear it, you'd have no idea.
You'd be sitting in this horrible smell.
You'd have no idea.
But how do we not know that there aren't an infinite number of senses that we just don't have?
We're not capable of detecting all these other things that are around us all the time.
Our imagination limits us to thinking that.
What we what we know is all that there is, you know, that smell and touch and feel.
And then what we see in front of us is all that there is.
But it's very possible that our entire existence is just one tiny spot on the radio dial and that there's an infinite number of radio stations.
There's an infinite number of realities around us all the time.
We just we just can't tune into it, that we're just oblivious to what we can't detect.
We're a very thin slice.
Yeah, but what technology may be is a breaking of those barriers.
What we might be able to do with like the Large Hadron Collider and all this crazy manipulation of matter, we might be able to figure out a way to break into other dimensions.
And the mathematics shows...
That stuff a hundred years ago developed the A-bomb equations on a chalkboard.
This is a exponential multi-level, not one jump, but several jumps past that.
And they believe scientists that work there are sabotaging it because they've had blowups and disasters and they can't get the thing started.
It's not just that it's so giant.
They're not just going to be slamming heavy particles into blocks of lead.
They're going to be accelerating uranium, plutonium, and other very explosive, unstable isotopes into each other at light speed.
And the scientists say, well, it could create a black hole.
It could create a strangelet.
It could create a quantum particle that sinks to the center of the Earth and begins replicating.
And then, boom, the whole planet's gone.
I agree with you
All of this technology is a metamorphosis, and the elite believe that, and we cover that in my film, Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement, and they openly, I mean all the top scientists, futurists, government, UN people, they say they want to exterminate 90% of us and allow that 10% to fuse with the man-machine interface and then take off to the stars.
Now whether that's real or not, that's what the elite believe, and they already have life extension technologies they don't want the public to have access to.
It sounds ridiculous, but from where we are, it's not as big of a leap as where we're living or the era we're living in right now in comparison to people that we know existed, like the Indians or cavemen.
Computers would be magic to them!
Yeah, man!
I mean, just the ability to download something off the internet on your iPhone.
I mean, that is one of the craziest things that's ever existed.
The Google search.
We're good to go.
Or 400 years ago, circumnavigated the entire world.
They didn't even know what was out there.
Right, yeah, they just took chances.
He didn't make it back.
Almost everyone died when the ship came back to Portugal.
It was rotting and falling apart and only a few guys were alive.
But imagine, they had no idea.
He said, I think it's round and I'm going around it.
Yeah, there were rats on board with them, they were all getting scurvy because nobody had vitamin C. Those early traveler dudes were nuts.
Well, the really nutty idea is the idea of guys like Graham Hancock, guys who believe that those early traveler dudes were just this generation's version of that, and that there's been many, many thousands of years of civilization that we don't even know about because there was a lot of doubt.
A lot of evidence does show that it gets built up.
And then destroyed.
I mean, look, we know that there's hundreds of thousands of near-Earth objects between Mars and Jupiter that could just crush this Earth.
You know, we know it's happened many, many times.
Look at Saturn and Shoemaker-Levy comets.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, look at all, yeah, look at that.
And also look at what we know has happened on this planet that comes from this planet.
Like, like Yellowstone.
Like, they've just figured out, like, within the last decade that Yellowstone is this gigantic caldera volcano that's 600 kilometers across.
And every time, it's like a continent killer.
It blows every six to eight hundred thousand years and it kills everything on the continent.
And it happened six hundred thousand years ago.
And the scientists, I've had top volcanologists on, the government admits that's true, and the public has a built-in denial switch where I get emails saying, you're a liar, Yellowstone is not a caldera.
Well, it's like a gigantic game of musical chairs.
It's like we hope that we are not going to be here when the music stops.
You know, that's what we hope that while our life is here and while our family's life is here and our grandchildren, everything's going to be okay.
I think that life on earth is very much like an anthill in a field.
You know, the ants in that anthill, they have known nothing other than that anthill.
They've only been alive for a couple of weeks.
As long as they've been alive, that anthill's been there.
And that anthill,
You know Germany has a super caldera.
They're all over the planet.
I'm sure.
I mean, it makes sense.
I mean, if you look at mountains, I mean, where did those mountains come from?
They came from activity.
You know, they raise up, and it just takes a long-ass time.
And we're only here on this planet for a blip.
And by the way, until the 90s, when Saturn got hit by that comet that broke in all those pieces,
Scientists argued and said no, only every billion years do we get hit by a big object.
Now because of the satellites and everything, they know we get hit every couple hundred years by gigantic objects.
Instead, the government's worried about spying on the citizens and controlling us, instead of dealing with all these objects.
I don't know what they can do, man.
I don't know what they can do.
I think the idea of monitoring the entire 360 degrees of Earth's sky is virtually impossible.
If they turned the satellites around and started trying, they could.
You think so?
Yeah, I've seen the studies on it.
Well, then what do you do when one's coming?
You got some five-mile-wide hunk of metal that's heading towards the Earth.
What do you do?
You put weapon systems in space, but then you don't want their treaties against that, because whoever has weapon systems can turn them back towards Earth.
Don't worry Joe, the weapon systems are there.
Oh, I'm sure they are.
I mean, you know, I've read all that stuff about the Star Wars scientists.
How many different scientists turned out missing or dead.
Some strange, you know... Bob Bowman's in the hospital right now.
He's actually in Fall of the Republic.
He was the head of Star Wars.
And he won't talk about it when I talk to him in private, but he said, I'll tell you what's declassified, because NSA spokesman and Space Command spokesman have let some of it out.
When he was there in the late 70s, they announced it in the 80s, it was around the 70s.
They had an entire fleet of unmanned aircraft up there, black mannish space planes, but they don't use nuclear weapons.
They use meteor guns, and they drop solid DU-SABOs into orbit that accelerate to 30,000 miles an hour, and they can kill people five miles under the ground.
And it's a global decapitation weapon where they could wipe out the whole leadership of the world in a matter of minutes.
And that's all real stuff?
That's ultra, ultra top-secret stuff that's leaked, yeah.
Meteor guns?
That sounds like an episode of Scooby-Doo.
Well, no, no, no.
I mean, it... It doesn't... It has a rocket booster on the back of, say, a 100-pound sabot.
What's a sabot?
That's, say, where you take a .223 round and shoot it out of a .50 caliber round so it has even more acceleration power.
And it's a sabot because it's got a rocket booster on it.
So it would speed up to 18, 20,000 miles an hour.
Instead, 30, 35, 40,000 miles an hour.
The space planes are already going.
That is like the speed of meteors, right?
45,000 miles.
And that's why it's called a meteor gun because.
Because when these birds are about to attack, they accelerate, coming in at an angle on the atmosphere to accelerate so there's already a greater acceleration than a meteor would normally have.
Then they fire with a high-powered rocket booster, a solid DU round, which with its kinetic energy, when it hits, has the power of a medium-yield nuclear weapon.
God damn!
I believe it.
You know, I mean, I believe that it's possible.
I believe if they're willing to blow up Hiroshima and Nagasaki the way they did, why wouldn't they come up with something like that?
Well, believe me, the NSA will be watching this later.
Joe, what do you want to say?
I want to say I'm a true patriot.
You want to say hi to them?
I pay my taxes.
Leave me alone, please.
What are you going to say?
You know, I mean, the real problem is that we are moving in a certain direction.
We've been moving in this direction for a long time in this society and in virtually every society that's ever existed.
Every society that has incredible power eventually winds up going into corruption and falling apart.
Every empire collapses.
And it's because of corruption.
Exactly, but this scientific dictatorship admits in their public documents that they've studied all of that and they've built a scientific dictatorship so people can't get out of it.
Joe, I have hundreds, we joke about documents, but I have hundreds of documents, textbooks, government books and reports, UN documents.
Pentagon documents.
This was written by the White House Science Czar, John P. Holdren, and it was written by one of Bush's advisors, Bush Senior, Paul R. Ehrlich.
This calls for putting sterilants in the water to sterilize people, the vaccines, poisoning us, world population reductions of 80%.
It is real, and a lot of people can rationalize and say, yeah, there are too many people.
Yes, yes.
Geoengineering or terraforming to save us from global warming?
But then you have these other ones that like, they linger and they spread out and they literally become clouds.
In LA, they're everywhere.
You know, I don't know what that is.
Honestly, I have not looked into it.
Well, the incredible thing is scientists that were outside the government did test it, did look at it.
They said it's barium salts.
They went up in the air and scooped it up?
How did they test it?
Yes, they used aircraft and also got ground samples.
And they said, this is barium salts, aluminum dioxide, weather modification, nuclei.
They declassified some of it five years ago.
I got Ben Livingston, the father of weather weapons, on.
Then, eight months ago, Poldren, the White House Science Archives, a press conference, it says, we've been studying it and it's aluminum dioxide, barium salts.
We're doing it to save you.
And it turns out a guy got a Nobel Prize in 92 for developing it.
But the point is there's a giant weather modification program going on.
They finally admit it and it's no big deal.
That's pretty crazy.
Joe, in the last five minutes or so we have in this special transmission, I want to thank you for coming in.
I know you're a guy that loves freedom and is against... Who doesn't?
Who hates freedom?
The globalists hate freedom.
No one's sitting around going, man, I hate freedom.
It may be prisoners that get institutionalized.
Well, the establishment, the establishment doesn't like freedom.
They want to condition people, brainwash them, control them.
Let's spend some time here on some lighter notes.
Is Brock Lesnar ever going to fight Fedor?
Well Brock Lesnar right now has mononucleosis.
Brock Lesnar has not been able to train and they've postponed his fight.
He was supposed to be fighting Shane Carwin.
And that was in November, and they had to postpone it to January.
Now there's talk that they may have to postpone it even further if he can't train, because he's been really sick.
He hasn't been able to train.
And then Lesnar, or Shane Carlin rather, had H1N1.
He lost like 20 pounds due to the flu.
So it's, you know, Brock's in a bad situation right now.
There's a bunch of guys that have mono.
I've heard it.
My friend is one of the members of Jeremy Horne's gym.
Jeremy Horne's a pretty famous MMA fighter and at least two guys from his gym came down with mono.
You know, I think mono is an infectious disease, right?
You can transmit it from person to person and these guys, you know, when you're training, you're doing jiu-jitsu and wrestling with each other, that's a lot of sweating on each other and you get each other's bugs, you know?
That's why you never want to
I hear you're a pretty good jujitsu guy.
Didn't you, wasn't there some talk about you and fighting some movie star?
Yeah, it was Wesley Snipes.
Yeah, it was his idea.
But he changed his mind.
But I was training for it.
I just thought, he doesn't know Jiu Jitsu.
If you don't know Jiu Jitsu and someone grabs a hold of you, it's like, what are you going to do?
Adlib your way out of this?
I'm going to choke you.
You don't know what you're doing.
Jiu-Jitsu is like a long process.
It takes a long time to learn.
And someone who really doesn't understand it, he has no knowledge of it at all.
If you watch the early UFCs, you see how that goes.
You know, Hoist Gracie gets on top of you and chokes you out.
That's what happens.
It's a very complex martial art.
If you don't understand it or at least have some defense, you're in a lot of trouble.
So it's more like chess versus... It's technique.
It's technique and understanding of the positions.
And most people just don't know what to do and your natural instincts will betray you every time.
If you don't know jiu-jitsu and someone does, and you roll with them, every single time your natural instincts give you up.
You don't realize that you're making mistakes.
You don't know what you're defending against.
You don't know what's coming.
So you don't know how to put yourself in the right position.
So you give up a position.
And if you give up a position with a guy who knows jiu-jitsu, he's going to tap you out.
It's just how it goes.
It's a helpless feeling.
When I first learned Jiu Jitsu, starting out, it was like a white belt.
I remember just getting dominated by guys, where they would just crush you.
They would just grab you, get on top of you, and choke you, and there's nothing you can do about it.
And it's a horribly helpless feeling.
You know, Ari is getting pretty good now.
Ari's a blue belt.
And, are you a blue belt yet?
You've tapped some people, right?
Like, once or twice a week.
So it's really good for people for self-defense.
Yes, it's great for self-defense and it's also great for exercise because it's really fun.
It's interesting, you know?
If you're looking to rape.
What's that?
Yeah, if you're looking to get good at rape, it's the best.
Boy or girl, whatever you're trying to do.
It's a fascinating sport.
It's a fascinating martial art because it's a whole series of movements and it's never-ending.
Like, me and a buddy of mine were just drilling a new move the other day and we're talking about it.
He's a brown belt, I'm a brown belt too, and he's like, it never ends.
There's always a new move.
There's a new sweep.
And this new sweep that we were learning the other day is just this revolutionary new sweep.
And everybody's like, man, how did I not see this before?
But it's always been there.
It's just the movements of people.
When you have unlimited mobility with your body, you can move, especially if you're really flexible, you move your body in a certain way, and then you got two arms to attack, two legs to attack, and the neck.
And there's so many different possibilities, so many different ways to attack someone.
It's really like a kinetic game of chess.
It really is.
Wow, and a lot of people aren't looking for a fight, so they never train in any type of martial art, but everybody should get their girls, their boys, everybody should be trained to defend yourself.
Yes, it's always important to be the one who makes the decision whether or not you get hurt.
If some guy can just throttle you and you don't know how to defend yourself, you're in a terrible situation.
You don't know how to defend yourself, you could run into some nut.
And some nut decides to beat you up.
I mean, I've seen it happen before, where guys just get, they're crying and they're begging, and the guy's kicking them when they're down.
Have you ever seen a situation like that?
Oh yeah.
It's horrible to watch, to watch a guy have his manhood taken away by someone just because he doesn't know how to defend himself.
You know, and it's, most of the time you're never going to run into that situation.
Most of the time, if you hang out in good circles, you're going to live your life and not have to worry about it.
But you might.
You know, you might.
I grew up in Dallas.
I don't know, man.
I don't know if it's still like that up there, but there are a lot of really bad people that like to get in fights.
There's a lot of people all over the country that are angry, man.
There's people that have terrible jobs, terrible relationships, and terrible upbringings, and they want to kick your ass.
They don't care.
They want to kick your ass, you know, and you got to be aware of those.
No, I was like a nice little kid when I was like 10, 11, 12 and kids were like 5, 6 years older would beat me up and that ended up making me a little bit stronger, but it would have been great if somebody would have put me in something like Jiu Jitsu way back then because I wouldn't have learned how to just have knockdown drag outs with people.
You could still enjoy it now.
How old are you now?
Look, you've still got time, man.
You can train.
You can get good at it.
You can learn.
It's a fun thing to do for exercise.
Because, you know, getting in the gym, just getting on the elliptical machine and lifting weights, it can get pretty tedious.
No, it does.
But Jiu-Jitsu is, like, always fun to do.
You know, you're playing a game, and the game, it's like, literally, like, my friend Eddie, who teaches me, describes it as like, like a video game.
Eddie Bravo.
Yeah, Eddie Bravo, who's probably one of the most innovative, if not the most innovative Jiu-Jitsu instructor ever.
He's a, and he, because he smokes pot.
He smokes pot and comes up with all these crazy moves.
And he describes it as like you're playing a video game, and the video game is that you're trying to kill somebody.
I mean, it really is like that.
It's like you're, it's a real live game, and the game is trying to checkmate somebody.
In closing, Joe.
In closing!
JoeRogan.net, you've recently been shooting a movie.
Yeah, I shot a movie called The Zookeeper with Kevin James.
It was a fun movie.
It's like a kid's movie.
I play a real douchebag.
It's fun.
I play his enemy.
You play the bad guy?
Yeah, yeah, it was fun.
It was a real, real asshole.
It was fun to play.
It was fun.
You know, it's an interesting thing.
I haven't done a movie in a long time, and never a real one like this one.
All the movies, I've done two movies, and they were both crap.
And, you know, doing TV shows... I gotta remember to turn my phone off on air.
That's the New World Order calling you.
Hold on one second.
We're tired of you, Alex.
You're talking on the radio and then you're answering the phone.
You know, I'm sorry, I'm on air right now.
Let me call you back as soon as I'm off.
Alright, alright, thank you, sorry.
Who was that?
It was Press TV in Tehran.
Oh, that's hilarious.
The Iranians are gone.
They must love you.
You're all anti-U.S.
See, we told you.
We have the information.
We have the documents.
They must love you over there, right?
How do Russian TV, British, Japanese, everything?
What's going to happen with us in Iran and Pakistan?
The word is they're planning to hit Iran in two years unless they do what they're told by the globalists.
They're not building nukes.
The Russians have built it.
It's non-weapon.
The U.S.
gave Pakistan nukes to menace India and Pakistan.
And China.
So it's all a global geopolitical chess game.
It's the school of Zbigniew Brzezinski.
He's kind of the Eddie Bravo of geopolitics.
What is going on with North Korea?
It's like a chess game with like 50 levels.
North Korea was given the nukes by Rumsfeld as the head of ABB in 1996, so they could destabilize that and have a reason to attack him.
And of course the dictators are always like, yes, give me!
But it's like in the old Western, a Bill Hicks line, where the guy throws that movie, the movie that he talked about.
It's in a bunch of movies.
Is that it?
I don't know, but I've seen it like in other movies.
You see it in that one Clint Eastwood, which is based on a true story.
Jack Palance, right?
Pick up the gun, kid!
Yeah, where they throw the gun down to get him to pick it up.
But there's also that Clint Eastwood movie where he goes to the mining town, and they kill the guy's dad, and then they throw the gun down in front of the kid and say, pick it up.
I mean, that's actually happened in some real Western stories, that's why you see it in so many movies.
But that's it, they're just giving him a gun.
Tell me about Cap City Comedy Club.
It's a fun place.
I filmed my very first DVD there back in 1999.
The one that you and me wore the George Bush mask and danced around the Capitol.
Remember that?
People are so silly though.
They think that's footage of a secret satanic ritual.
We had feather boas on.
I had a feather boa.
No, we're out there at the Capitol.
We're running around acting like we're the devil and Bush and then they think we're serious.
Hey, finishing up, how crazy is it that there's all these websites that really believe I'm Bill Hicks?
That's amazing.
And they're doing voice analysis and everything else?
Well, you know, that just goes to show you, people will believe almost anything.
You know, there's a lot of dopes out there.
That's why, you know, they don't want people organising, like we were talking about Waco earlier.
The reason why they don't want that is not just that they don't want people to be able to protect themselves from the government, there's probably a little bit of that, but there's also, they don't want warlords.
They don't want people to do like what's going on in Afghanistan to be able to start their own cults and arm everybody and control these groups of people because it's not hard to control people.
We have a defect in our operating system and you can exploit that defect with confidence and with with, you know, a clear, you know, a clear doctrine of what's supposed to go down and what's supposed to happen.
You could say that you're getting this information from aliens or higher power or what Joseph Smith said, you know, you got it from golden tablets that had the lost work of Jesus on it.
It's not hard to do.
I don't know about that.
I agree 100% and when he talks about these vaccinations he says it's absolutely ridiculous and he talks about how the regular flu is so much more deadly and killed so many more people per year you know than this swine flu and everybody's jumping all over this and this they're making a big deal out of it.
Well, and again, it's common sense that this is killing about one-fifth in the flu season, what the regular flu does.
How much money do they make?
They've made $7 billion.
A week ago, the Boston Globe reported that in the last week and a half, five drug makers had made $7 billion extra in a week and a half.
God damn!
All from vaccinations.
$7 billion extra.
That is incredible.
That's incredible.
And does this get reported in mainstream news?
Does anybody look at it as a possible angle?
A lot of people are pointing it out, and it is starting to come out in mass media.
Folks, I'll be back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
That's 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Eastern, and back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
He'll be at the Cap City Comedy Club tonight.
Friday night, closer to victory, ladies and gentlemen!
You're doing three shows, right?
Tonight, one show tonight, two tomorrow, and two Saturday.
So that's five shows you can get if you're in Central Texas or anywhere around.
And then you can go to JoeRogan.net and find out other places you're going to be playing.
And you can follow me on Twitter.
That's me on Twitter.
All spelled out.
I'm on Twitter.
On Twitter.
Joe, I want to really thank you for coming in.
I appreciate it, brother.
I want to thank you for having me.
Buddy, we're going to go eat some red meat.
Hell yeah.
But Soon is going to have a carbon tax on it.
Oh, really?
Your meat is going to have a carbon tax on it?
Paid right to Al Gore, the little bastard.
Damn bastard.
Damn Al Gore.
Al Gore has made a lot of money off of this global warming.
That's one thing that people don't realize.
Al Gore only had a couple million bucks in 2001, and now he recently made some 35 million dollar investment, which just shows how much money he's accumulated over the years.
And that investment was given Obama money.
So, so, I mean, look, the guy's worth over a billion bucks.
He owns Occidental Petroleum.
He hides his wealth.
He's the carbon company credit.
It's called Blood & Gore.
Not joking.
His partner's called Blood.
That's incredible.
Over in England.
They call him the first green billionaire.
That's what they're calling him.
He's a scam artist.
He's the guy that sold his napkin again.
It's amazing.
He says he invented the frickin' internet.
I don't think he actually said that.
He said it was a part of the whole process.
He's a congenital liar.
Is that like herpes?
It sounds congenital.
It means just he was born a liar.
Oh, really?
He was born to be born with herpes?
Talk about coming out of the gate with a terrible hand.
Al Gore is a big evil Nelly.
He is.
That's the inconvenient truth, right?
All right, buddy.
Thank you, my friend.
Joe Rogan.
Great job, crew.
Closer to victory.
All the Republic, Joe.
Here, you got your copies?
We have the documents, ladies and gentlemen.
Camp FEMA!
You are not on my woman's uterus!
We're out of here.
Right here, ladies and gentlemen.
All the information you need.
Oh, little balloons at the end.
Don't ever use that graphic again.
My God, you're in trouble.
Yeah, we're good.