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Filename: 20091019_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 19, 2009
3414 lines.
Remember a year and a half ago?
Or more?
Lindsey Williams came on this radio show, Pastor Lindsey Williams, who had been a chaplain for Atlantic Richfield and other big oil companies up in Alaska.
He went public on this radio show when oil was $150 a barrel, and he said it was going to be going to below $50 within just a couple months, and then it would stay below $50 for a year.
And he was almost 100% correct.
I've actually pulled out a calendar.
For about 11 months, it was below 55, sometimes going as low as 33.
But then, before the year was up, it started climbing back up to $70, $75, $80 a barrel, and it bounces up and down between those levels.
But of course, his prediction, which was stunningly accurate, came specifically from a former oil company CEO that he spoke with.
He's going to be here today for the first time.
He told me about three weeks ago, he said, I've had another meeting with this individual.
I've gotten some new information from him and I'm going to go public on the 19th.
Now, I get so much intel, break so much news, cover so much information that I forget to toot my horn.
And the reason we need to point out when we're right is so that folks will go back and look it up for themselves and find out that people need to pay attention to what we talk about here on this radio show.
It was pointed out to me
About eight, nine months into Lindsey Williams' prediction, not a prediction, his inside information, that oil would go below 50 and stay that way for at least a year.
And it did, roughly, for a year.
Now it's going back up.
But still, half of what it was.
I think it was $76 when I checked on Friday.
In fact, will you guys look at oil prices today for me?
Just look up oil.
Look up crude oil.
That listeners pointed out, hey Alex, Paul Joseph Watson wrote articles on your reporting from Bilderberg 2008 in June, and you reported that Bilderberg was going to slash oil prices by at least half.
That would have been down to about $75 a barrel, which it is right now.
And then they're going to jack it up again a few years later.
I mean, I had forgotten that Bilderberg, that that had leaked from Bilderberg.
And that we had reported that, and then a month later, Lindsey Williams comes out and reports it, getting it from an elite source as well, that that was the MO.
But it goes to the fact that the Bilderberg Group really is steering planetary affairs to a great extent.
They're not dominating and controlling everything, but they are steering it and dominating most sovereign nations.
Yeah, that's heating oil.
You want crude oil.
Oh, there's petroleum.
No, it's 78 bucks a barrel.
Pardon me?
Okay, fantastic.
Yeah, it's $78.
Thank you.
Oil prices slip after striking $79 a barrel today.
$78 a barrel.
It was like $76 last week.
And it's sunk down to 76.55 right now.
Okay, there you go.
So that's coming up.
That's the only guest today.
We will open the phones up.
I have a lot of other really important news we're going to be covering.
Headline at PrisonPlanet.com, U.S.
attacks via CIA-funded Jundala terror group.
Maybe we should get Tarpaulin to pop in.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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Best MZ.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is the 19th day of October 2009 on this Monday edition.
I want to thank everybody for joining us.
Very important information to cover today.
This morning I was watching CNN and they reported matter-of-factly that during a flu pandemic
Which were supposedly under in a level 6 pandemic announcement by the United Nations means just that.
We are in a global pandemic.
Now they changed what a pandemic is.
They changed the definitions to scare people and to
Activate emergency powers and emergency treaties that have been signed by the majority of nation states on the planet with the private United Nations, the private governmental holding company for the private banking dictatorship that's forming on a planetary scale.
But they are saying that, oh, we're going to start rationing care.
And they're just introducing these ideas to the public.
It's like they're introducing the idea that having more than one child should be illegal, and they're going to ban television sets that use too much power, and they're going to home inspect your property, and they're going to restrict what you can grow in your garden.
It's just all being announced.
Tyranny, worse than what we saw under Mao Zedong.
It's also big news right now that the new White House Communications Director has been giving speeches, along with other members of his administration, lauding Mao Zedong.
It does appear that the Obama White House mascot is Mao Zedong.
Now, the Encyclopedia says he killed 66 million people.
Glenn Beck says he killed 70 million.
The Communist Chinese government says that Mao killed over 80 million and then they go on in official Chinese government histories and brag about it and say it was basically good.
Oh yes, the Chinese government admits he did this, but this was needed for the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.
And it is hard to believe
That the Copenhagen Global Greenhouse Emissions Treaty does say, repeatedly, global government.
Word for word, world government, global governance.
And that every facet of our lives will be completely controlled by an iron fist of environmentalist control freaks crawling all over us.
Your children are being brainwashed right now in public school.
Adults don't care what's happening, they're busy watching sports.
The country is collapsing around us right now.
And this is only the beginning of the collapse of our nation.
Big things are happening.
And it's sad that the majority of people are caught up either following the Democratic Party that's controlled by the private offshore corporations or the Republican Party controlled by the very same interest.
And we've been put into this herd mentality.
It's been conditioned into us.
I mean, it's already there innately, but it's been heightened to like Coke, Pepsi, Ford, Chevy, Cowboys, Redskins.
Republican-Democrat, Black-White, Hispanic-White, Asian-Hispanic, Asian-Black, Protestant-Against-Catholic, Catholic-Against-Protestant, Israel and the Jews-Against-the-Muslims, vice versa.
And I see scores of news articles now flooding out.
I have a couple of them here in my stack.
But I also see it in the comments on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and on our YouTube videos.
Because I'm interested in what people are thinking and saying.
That whenever we post an article where the banks themselves are stating this is a world government, they're going to be taxing and regulating every facet of our lives.
When Paul Watson writes an article about it or we link to an article about it,
Under it, people will come in and comment, good, it's time you dirty, greedy Westerners that use the majority of the world's resources and rob the third world, it's time you pay.
It's time you pay a global tax.
And what's really creepy is, sometimes I'll have my guys check the IP address, and it'll be a think tank, or it'll be a government group, or it'll be somebody in the military,
But more often than not, it's somebody who really has an IP address out of Venezuela or Nicaragua or El Salvador or out of Calcutta, India.
Or it'll be somebody out of Saudi Arabia.
It'll be somebody out of an old world or developing world or third world country.
It'll be somebody out of Nigeria.
Or you'll see them on YouTube with their handle.
You can click on their handle and go.
I mean, if we post an article about the CIA staging al-Qaeda bombings in Iran, with the White House admitting it, we will get actual government disinfo agents in there, and their classic playbook or ballgame is to say, I'm an Israeli agent, because they know people love that.
And so the government will come in and post that I'm an Israeli agent just to get everybody fighting and arguing with each other so that the debate isn't about the article.
Or another playbook they run, and we've tracked IPs and seen the same person under different names will have fake arguments with each other.
And then if you check their previous post under their handle, you'll find their previous handle and there they'll be on their own MySpace or their Facebook in military uniform with a PsyOps badge on their shoulder.
I mean, they don't even hide it.
And they'll run the play, Alex works for the Vatican.
Which is just asinine.
And then there's kind of mentally ill, kind of borderline schizophrenics out there that believe it.
But the issue is to actually see them engaging us.
I mean, this is real, ladies and gentlemen.
But on the subject of the global carbon tax, there are actual third world people who've taken the bait, hook, line, and sinker.
Because the news media in their countries and our country advertises, rich nations have taken too many of the resources, rich nations have polluted more with the deadly nerve gas carbon dioxide that kills everything it comes in contact with.
Doesn't matter if you breathe it, plants breathe it, doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter if we exhale it.
Doesn't matter if it's part of the life cycle.
Doesn't matter if our level of carbon dioxide is lower than what the ice core sample showed 200,000 years ago.
Does it matter if every study shows that it makes plants grow faster, have higher yields, live longer, be healthier, they in turn put out more oxygen, that the Earth's actually at a low oxygen level right now, lower than it's been previously, and that humans thrive in a higher oxygen environment?
Oxygen is good too, I will assure you.
It's not al-Qaeda.
But over... I was on an airplane flight.
I was asking people next to me, do you think we should ban dihydrogen monoxide?
You know, it's in the water, and factories release it as part of their waste.
Do you think we should ban it?
Or would you sign a petition to... And several of the people I talked to said absolutely.
But one stewardess, nice lady, she said, I want to learn more about this dihydrogen monoxide.
And I said, ma'am, it's water.
Just like carbon dioxide.
But it's got a scary name.
Just like sodium chloride does.
It's table salt.
Most people will say Bannett if you walk up to them.
So the issue here is that they have now been brought into class warfare.
The media says this will get the rich, fat, dumb Americans.
And no doubt we're rich compared to the rest of the world.
No doubt we've become decadent.
But I'd like to see you third world people if you had a hundred years of milk and honey.
You probably couldn't even get up out of your beds.
We were great.
We were the smartest.
We were the toughest.
We had all the patents.
We were the best.
We were definitely the best.
And now we're pretty sickening.
Pretty disgusting on average.
Got some high points.
Got some low points.
But the median average is pretty disgusting.
But this is how the globalists operate.
Divide and conquer.
And they've got the third world howling right now for the global carbon tax.
And the UN's told them, oh yeah, you don't have to sign on.
Oh yeah.
You don't have to pay any tax.
The evil Americans do, and the evil Brits, and the evil Germans, and the evil Japanese.
It's class warfare.
And the big banks are actually telling the third world countries, the same IMF and World Bank that have raped them,
Up one side and down the other, every which way, but loose.
Just every which way.
And the same bankers are like, yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna save the earth.
And they have stunts every day, like government officials underwater with a conference table with a bunch of coral they'd killed and piled up between them.
Oh, killing the coral.
But they know, the storms do it all the time.
The point is, they got this big pile of coral between them and they're all shining underwater as a stunt, saying that, oh, these islands in the Pacific will all be underwater.
Total lies!
Truth is, the Earth's cooling right now.
If this trend continues for another 20 years, we're gonna go into a new ice age.
We better hope it's heating.
We better cross our fingers.
Because we're on a 12-year, 12,000-year,
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Where it was in self-defense Freedom came my way one day And I started out of town All of a sudden I saw Sheridan Brown Came in to shoot me down So I shot, I shot, I shot just down
Lord Christopher Monckton has made big headlines in the U.S.
and thank God for an eloquently powerful speech.
He was a high-level Margaret Thatcher appointee and he's been over commissioned studying climate change and he gave an eloquent speech up in Minnesota at a university group exposing that in the bill in the treaty and I happen to have the treaty section 38a
The Copenhagen Denmark Treaty and it states global governance and Lord Monckton is absolutely on target.
We're going to be covering that a little bit later.
World government is being formed
Right now.
They set up the skeletal system in decades past, but now it is getting up on its legs, and it is extremely authoritarian, extremely parasitic.
It is a eugenics government, 110%.
Eugenics is the religion of the elite.
It is the belief system.
It is the overriding pillar of the scientific dictatorship.
And if I get any message across to the listeners, it's this.
I am deeply studying the propaganda, the brainwashing, the different programming mechanisms that the establishment is using.
They understand humanity's tribal nature.
They understand our pack animal nature.
They understand what makes us tick, what makes us operate.
And with devastating effect,
They are dividing and conquering and dumbing down and poisoning the population.
And I know I repeat this in different ways, in different permutations, but listen to me.
Let it consciously hit you if you're a new listener.
You are being poisoned through the GMO food, through the water supply, through the vaccines and drugs, and through the air.
It is declassified, it is public, all totaled more than 20,000 declassified U.S.
government operations
Spring radiology, radiological, chemical, biological on the population.
It is a fact that we have a group of scientific dictators.
They are into quantum mechanics.
They are into psychology.
They are into physiology.
They are into biology.
They are into the stars.
They are into the metaphysical.
They are deeply religious.
They believe they found the mysteries of the universe and they believe you are not worthy to go into the future.
You must be
You must be cleansed.
You must be killed.
I don't know any other way to get this through to you.
And their point is look at the masses.
Our operations are public, but the masses have fallen to our design.
They say it is all fair play.
That they leave clues, they write books, they admit what they're doing in their own white papers and publish it, and they even laugh at people in the white papers and say that this is evidence of why the public needs to be exterminated, because even though this information is freely available, you don't care.
It's kind of like a sign at the edge of a cliff, a 500-foot cliff, saying
Stay back.
Stay back from edge.
You would think, you know, in the old days they wouldn't put signs like that on cliffs and cities and towns.
Now you notice they're everywhere.
Because people don't know.
They'll just go fall off the side of the cliff.
They don't even have their instinct to have a fear of heights.
That's not fear.
That's an instinct.
That's programming.
And I am a big sign here on the cliff going, uh, this new world order is really bad news.
You might stop driving your bus off the edge of it.
You might put the brakes on there, pal.
It is so horrifying to know what we're going through and to know how many children and men and women they're soft killing and to just see all the degenerative diseases numbers exploding off the chart, rocketing up into the stratosphere.
Alright, I'm going to news blitz when we get back and then go to your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
But everything is divide and conquer.
That's their number one tool and I've always known that, but more and more I see the divide and conquer everywhere.
Multiculturalism is meant to divide and conquer.
I'll explain that when we come back.
All of it!
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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Be a part of the revolution today!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, dedicated to liberty and freedom for this species.
I have declared my oath to protect and defend human liberty at all costs.
I have sworn eternal resistance against all forms of tyranny over the minds of men.
And every day I recommit myself in body and soul to try to be a pure and upright and virtuous good person who stands against the designs of the social engineers who have turned their intellects over to complete evil.
In the raw search for power over their own species.
I pledge myself in eternal resistance to all forms of evil.
And I ask the spirit of the universe, the creator of all that is, to use me as a vessel against all forms of scum, all forms of villainy, all forms of abuse, all that seek to abuse and control and dominate the innocent, the beautiful, the meek, the honorable.
I want to make one more point here.
First off, the toll free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And the elite understand the score.
They understand the prize.
They understand what is in the balance here.
They understand what the spoils are.
They are going to control human destiny into the future.
They are going to choose whose progeny goes forward into space.
They are going to decide whose progeny discovers the secrets of the universe.
They are going to decide whose progeny is given life extension.
They are going to decide
This is a unspeakably horrible crime being committed.
And I know they've sold a lot of good people on eugenics, because they only show you one level of eugenics, and they show you the slobs, the people who are mindless, people who are nothing but biological androids programmed by the culture, by the media.
And you look at them drooling like herds of animals, grabbing the products, grabbing the goods, going and watching their mindless TV programs and sports events.
And you see that, and you think, my God, these people outnumber us 100 to 1.
Thinking people.
And my God, they're dangerous.
And my God, they're breeding quickly.
I don't care whether it's white trash.
It doesn't matter who you're talking about.
The look of degraded humanity.
We all know what it looks like.
And so the elite sell this to all the best minds, all the highest scorers, all the people who are excelling.
The religion, it's a religion of elitism.
What they don't tell you when you join the eugenics cult is that it's a cult and you're in one of the outer rings.
You are not anywhere near the center of the ring.
I have read the writings of the internal people.
But not just what they admit, I have seen the manifestation of their operations, and so I know the very letter and the very words of their program.
Again, I want to explain intelligence to people that I have learned organically.
And then later, I actually read declassified intelligence, PSYOP manuals, and what I already instinctively knew was their word-for-word.
Just like I know the globalist plans.
I know what's going to be in a treaty before I read it.
Because I've read enough of their previous treaties.
I've read enough of their previous operations.
But even things that have never been declassified until recently, I knew word for word what it was going to be.
Not because of some divine revelation.
Not from some crystal ball as I wore a pointed blue cap with yellow stars on it.
No, I'm not Gandalf the Grey.
I know word for word what's in their battle plans because I can see the manifestation of it on the ground.
I can see their operations moving in plain view and I can see level after level designed for each different psychology type.
I can see the strata.
I can see the substrata.
I can beam with x-ray vision directly into their operations.
And let me tell you, it is not pretty.
And it takes a strong heart and mind to be able to focus on it.
Because when you stare into the enemy operation, you see the design of not just their control grid, but of the entity, of the intelligence, of the group collective of sociopaths and psychopaths and hyper-competitive control freaks that run this system.
And when you look into their system, you notice they're looking right back at you.
And they're saying, why don't you join us?
They say, why don't you join us?
And they say, because you are flawed, and emotional, and sentimental, and you have a persecution complex.
And you think dying for these people is going to help you.
The only way you carry your genetics forward is to join with us!
You must join with us or you will be destroyed!
And to that I say to the elite.
Look at what you produce.
Look at what you create.
Look at your art.
Look at what you're into.
You are into darkness and death and destruction and you rationalize all of your murdering and destruction and tyranny in the name of your social Darwinistic system.
But I say look at what you are and look at what you produce and look at if you're so advanced and wonderful
Why don't you just teach everyone?
No, you don't do that.
You try to dumb everyone down and get them tribally diverted and distracted off into human simulators of life.
People are simulating manhood, simulating womanhood, but people instinctively are completely empty.
That's the genius of this new world order system.
That's the genius of it.
Is that they know subconsciously we are aware that we're in great danger.
So they misplace that fear that we have innately of the system.
Search your mind.
And, you know, the larger, more powerful subconscious computer, you will find your real concern is for the government and for the elite.
You're not really scared of men in a cave, even if you believe Al Qaeda hit us on 9-11, are you?
Does the hair stand up on the back of your neck when you think about Osama Bin Laden?
Or does it stand up on the back of your neck when you think about Henry Kissinger, George W. Bush and Barack Obama?
You know in your soul, you know, in that incredible computer the Creator gave you, who the real enemy is.
But see, the genius of the elite is as long as we're unconscious,
And always distracted by the latest flashy colors thrown up on our face by the peacock that's the New World Order.
Oh, don't think the elite themselves are really preening and into all of that.
That's why they all look like hell, the real elite, because they don't care what they look like.
It's all about the mind.
All the distractions, all the diversions.
But the point is, their genius is, they know we're innately terrified.
So they project
and move our innate proper fear, proper concern.
Fear is to make you get charged up and ready to stand up or to flee.
And they misplace it and refocus it onto the imaginary Emanuel Goldstein of 1984, the turbaned Osama Bin Laden.
You see, you have that innate fear of them
And it's been misplaced off of the innate fear you already had.
And that's their true genius.
And they repeat that over and over and over and over and over again.
Look at how the government is running a giant, at least four decades long, now declassified, terraforming, they call it geoengineering,
Because Terra Farm, I guess, is take a planet and make it livable.
We don't know exactly what they're doing.
We just know they've declassified that they're completely manipulating the weather on a planetary scale.
And we know it's not good.
We know it's causing all sorts of droughts and floods and they flood us in the winter and drought us in the summer and
We know they've made the Earth, according to NASA, 20% darker.
We know scientists studied what was being sprayed, and it was barium salts and aluminum dioxide, and then lo and behold, eco-science author, White House science czar, first press conference, he gave in February to the AP, was, we're gonna terraform the planet, we're gonna geo-engineer it.
We've already been doing it in a massive 40-year study.
Yeah, you call hurricanes that they control and manipulate.
That was certified by the Pentagon in 1967!
Stanford Research Institute!
I've interviewed the head of the program!
Ben Livingston!
I mean, I saw an article in here.
It was in my stack yesterday.
I think it was AP.
It's in yesterday's stack.
I'll get to it later.
The point is, is the article said, oh, Russians guarantee a snowless winter in Moscow.
I mean, over in Russia, they just admit on the news, we're going to send a rainstorm over here, we're going to use these antenna arrays we've got to knock out this storm, and when they guarantee it, they guarantee it!
China admits to their public they've got weather control.
We've got a UN treaty from the 70s, what is it, 76?
On weather modification?
And you walk up to some yuppie, and they're just gonna laugh at you, because they're like 10-year-old Eddie Haskells.
They have an arrogant, self-satisfied, and I've read a lot of philosophers talking about this throughout history.
George Orwell, who I see as a philosopher, Eric Blair,
This is a real name.
You know, he described in his essays the dumb, servile enjoyment of some people under the British Empire, say in India.
How a lot of locals played a little mind game with themselves and they would go ahead and rat, you know, rat out their neighbors for no reason to the Imperial Police.
He was one of them.
And how they would enjoy tattling on people and how they were total slaves too, but they at least got a pat on the head.
And I see this.
Adults think that if they laugh at something and make it a joke, that it somehow gives them power over it.
See, I've never been like that.
I always want to know my enemy.
I always want to really address their strengths.
I don't want to overestimate my strengths.
I want to underestimate my strengths.
But then again, I remember having an epiphany when I was on the back porch of my parents' house on a beautiful sunny day watching a rainbow in the sprinkler in the backyard.
The epiphany that I was not an island and that I was part of a larger spectrum of life on this planet and that
I was imagining I was an astronaut or I was Batman and Robin, you know, every five minutes me and my friend would play some other game or Cowboys and Indians.
And I realized in this moment, I'm not really a cowboy.
Or I'm not really Spider-Man.
I am a entity living on this plane of existence on a planet.
And it was like a data download.
And then I realized as I grew up that people like dressing up and people like
Going to events and people like puffing up in front of other people because that's innately part of our programming, but only a substrata base operation program dealing with mating.
And then humanity has a hierarchy of development above that.
Towards our ultimate destiny of colonizing the stars and going to the next level, which we cannot even imagine.
What our destiny is.
I can imagine, but I'm sure you can imagine, but I'm just I'm not going to.
The point is, is it's.
I can imagine how unimaginable it is.
I can see it.
But I know that it's like having a photograph of a of a
Gorilla, or a photograph of a dolphin, or a photograph of a grizzly bear.
I can see a photograph of it!
That's different than being face-to-face with it.
But I can see... I can see where we can go.
And the elite don't want us to go there.
And their sickening poetry about how they want to kill everybody, and kill themselves, and destroy the universe, and how that's why they want power.
These are some very dark people.
Alright, look, I'm going to give you a prelude of some of the news, and then I will take some calls at 1-800-259-9231, and we will get you up and on the air.
I do want to briefly, before this segment ends, tell you that
Request for you to meditate on the fact.
To contemplate.
How far we've come together.
This radio show.
You, the listeners.
How far we've come together.
And how much damage we've done to the New World Order.
They're actually concerned.
Though they are scientifically studying us.
And figuring out how to deal with us.
And they've already projected with their supercomputers what we're going to develop into.
You can project with your mind the different paths and avenues.
I would encourage people running those simulations and people serving the system to not get myopically with tunnel vision caught up in your own target you're shooting at.
Like a fighter pilot coming in over a train.
And to not get target narcosis and fly into us.
Because that is what you're doing, carrying this out.
I hope you understand you're destroying yourself and your entire family by serving what you're serving.
Well, when I come back, I'll finish this point, and we'll take your calls.
Coming up.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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I don't know.
There is unbelievable potential in every single human being.
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Look at the art and literature we produced.
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And the elite know that.
That's why they want to make you hate your own species.
Teach you to hate yourself.
Teach you to decide that life isn't good.
Teach you that, first, old people should be able to commit suicide if they want.
And, oh, the state should be able to unplug you.
And, oh, even if you're able to talk, the state should be able to kill you.
Because we're in a socialist system now, and we all have to pay for these old people.
We don't just not visit our parents in the nursing homes.
We kill them!
And it's a virtue.
Be self-centered.
Be lazy.
That way you can be cornered by the establishment.
That way you can be dominated and overtaken by the system.
The third world can be divided against the first world and cheer on carbon taxes, which are meant to, in their government's own documents, totally destroy the third world.
They're the real target, cheering on their own destruction.
Just like Republicans thought they'd won and defeated Bill Clinton after eight years of hell when George W. Bush got in.
And then he continued the agenda.
And then the Democrats won after eight years of Bush.
Oh yes!
They had a big victory.
Their football team won the Super Bowl.
Brand Obama!
And they giggle and laugh and talk about how he's a winner and how great it is.
Never knowing they're following literal programming.
Total and complete programming.
It's all a fraud!
It's declassified it's a fraud.
They're laughing at you.
And I expose all of this in fall of the Republic.
We are two and a half days away from its release.
I'm gonna release it at 3 p.m.
That's when the matinee opens.
When the radio show in Central Time
At 3 p.m.
coming up this Wednesday, Fall of the Republic, the presidency of Barack H. Obama will be released at PrisonPlanet.tv and will be shipping out on DVD.
And I hope and pray with every fiber of my being that you will take action and use this weapon against the globalists.
I know we can beat these people.
I know that by identifying them and their tricks and their scientific manipulations, that if we move quickly, we have a good chance of slowing their agenda down enough to buy us time to reach the critical mass we need in the future
To extricate ourselves from this world government by having a real debate with the eugenics elite.
By having some type of treaty, some type of agreement.
That's the only thing they listen to is the people rising up and being aware and addressing them on the facts.
They have no respect for us.
But they're beginning to have respect for this radio show and you, the listeners.
Look at what we've done in the past.
Let's make it even bigger.
Order the DVD at InfoWars.com, get the PrisonPlanet.tv membership, and get ready to get it out to everybody.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, already into hour number two.
Here's the deal.
I'm going to take your phone calls to the bottom of the hour.
And then if the water doesn't rise over Bear Creek, I'm going to news blitz through all this important news.
attacks Iran via CIA-funded Jundala terror group.
That's just some of the news.
I have incredible carbon tax news.
The UN, world government admits, and they're already announcing they may ban soccer games, public events, air travel to be heavily curtailed.
It is all happening.
That's coming up.
Mike in California, thanks for holding her on the air.
Uh, hi.
I was gonna bring up that I guess the Obama administration just, like, upgraded the protections for medical marijuana patients.
Yeah, he is doing a few little titular, vestigial things because the 14 states at least have rebelled and the feds have lost the war against marijuana.
Of course, they ship the heroin and cocaine and launder the money.
So they're losing and so yes, Obama is, but he always doubles back.
You notice he's increased DEA funding and harassment funding and even allowing black water to be used.
But yes, he then on paper, it's like he announces he wants peace with Iran and then launches terror attacks inside Iran.
So yes, he is doing something.
But at the same point in time, just to send that signal to like the left that isn't radicalized, like, doesn't that kind of like, because I mean, that's a really like pivotal issue where if that gets out of control, you know, that can reindustrialize the country with industrial hemp, so.
Oh, no, they're going to keep growing hemp with no THC banned.
Well, I mean, but that, you know... But they don't, I mean, they're going to let people smoke their minds into Timbuktu.
Well, I wasn't saying to, like, touch such a pivotal issue like that.
You know, doesn't that mean that they're, like, if they're kind of, like, opening themselves up on that front, doesn't that mean they're advancing something, like, a lot quicker?
Like, talking about that, uh, the climate treaty.
The Copenhagen Treaty you were talking about?
I haven't read any excerpts from it, but... Yeah, listen, I appreciate your call.
Um, there's been some propaganda, too, dealing with marijuana.
I mean, George Washington grew it.
George Washington smoked it for stomachaches.
Apothecaries anywhere in the world, you know, sold different forms of cannabis for different medical treatments.
You know, the old-fashioned pharmacies.
DuPont and Dow Chemical did want the growing of industrial hemp that has no THC in it, can't get you high in most varieties.
They wanted it banned because it was better than cotton and better than polyester and better than the oil-based products they had.
And you can grow it almost anywhere.
But there's also been some propaganda about how it's magical and could, you know, get us to Alpha Centauri's or something.
You know, I mean, there's a religion around marijuana and smoking it.
And potheads that can't get out of bed in the morning, you know, have this idea of how it makes them superhuman.
There are a lot of people who can smoke pot every day and, you know, function well.
Good for them.
I think overall, the abuse of anything is bad.
I don't think it's as bad as alcohol, but that's just one of the few promises that Obama's halfway keeping.
It's just that I get a lot of phone calls saying the answer is marijuana.
No, the answer is getting up off our butts and getting involved and informing our fellow citizens about every issue, including hemp.
And the answer is realizing that we're in the eugenics wars and that our society is under major crisis.
That is the answer in our society.
We're gonna go to break, come back and go to Michael Gallo, Marty, Bill,
Robert and others, 1-800-259-9231.
We're also going to get into all this cap and trade news that again I've been mentioning to everybody as well.
They may have to ban the 2010 Soccer World Cup because the greenhouse gas emissions will soar.
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I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There is an open call to ban public events, to ban basic car travel, and to ban air traffic.
Headline London Guardian.
We must agree to halt deforestation and curtail air travel now if the Copenhagen Summit is to succeed.
That's a London Guardian headline.
Notice how they put deforestation, which sounds reasonable, we don't want to cut down all the trees, with restricting air travel.
And I have Reuters saying they may ban the World Cup.
See, you're going to be prisoners.
They state.
Folks, when I tell you that we're going into something that makes malice China and Nazi Germany look like a tea party, look like a cakewalk, folks, I'm not kidding!
I got a gut up every night.
I don't know what it is, but everybody always talks about in philosophy and literature and in psychology that, you know, when you're real reflective, it was like one o'clock in the morning.
I finished reading an excellent science fiction novel that was all about eugenics, world government, social engineering, called The Endless War, written in 1974, the year I was born.
No doubt this guy.
I'm gonna see if he's still alive.
He wrote a book a few years ago.
See if we can get that author on.
And he knew everything about eugenics.
Everything about how the UN would have a planetary government in his book by 2007, where everything is on your carbon credits and on your calories.
And they take all your kids at birth.
I mean, it's just hellish.
But then, of course, we posted an article today that has links to the PDF file of the 1964 book, I think that's in my stack, where the Club of Rome, made up of high UN officials, called for making man the enemy and basically completely destroying society and exterminating everyone.
God, it's just hellish.
It's just hellish.
But the issue is, I'm in the airport last Wednesday, flying out of LAX.
My plane stuck for five hours.
It's delayed for five hours.
So I walk into a bookstore, and I pick up
Because it was recommended by the bookstore.
It had a little card saying, this is the book that Starship Troopers was really based on, according to the German filmmaker.
It was partially based on Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers, but mainly based on this, and boy was it.
But you see, whoever reviewed the book was actually wrong, because this book was no doubt influenced by Starship Troopers.
I don't know, I work so much that I might read five science fiction books a year instead of one a week like I did a long time ago.
A long time ago, when I thought working 10 hours a day was a lot.
But there was eugenics in the Wall Street Journal, carbon tax stuff was in there.
So the point is I randomly walked into a bookstore,
Bought a science fiction book out of the fiction section.
The Forever War.
Am I getting the title wrong?
You know, I can remember every detail of the book, but with the title.
Just search Engine Forever War for me.
And then later I'm going to play the clip of Lord Stern calling for global taxes and global government.
That's what they had on screen just now.
And, um... Yeah, The Forever War.
1974 science fiction novel by Joe... Haldeman is how you pronounce it?
I'm reading that from across the room on the computer screen.
The point is, is that anybody with an IQ above 100 who has done any research in fiction or non-fiction or history knows eugenics runs the whole show.
That's why every award-winning science fiction book I read, whether it's by Arthur C. Clarke, who's for eugenics, forced implantable chips, total world government, or this writer, who's clearly not for it,
Doesn't matter, every book I read is about it.
I mean, I just want to point out here, everybody's starting to talk about how I'm the guy that's exposed eugenics, and suddenly eugenics is being discussed everywhere, and people point back at Endgame.
It's like I went to Niagara Falls and went, look, a waterfall!
Everybody's like, oh, he discovered Niagara Falls!
It's like I walk outside and go, look, the sun!
Everyone's like, Alex Jones has discovered the sun.
I've done nothing!
I've got in this office well over a hundred textbooks calling for your extermination.
Calling for breaking up our families.
Calling for year-round school year to break up the family.
It's all happening now!
I mean, don't you understand?
It's real!
I know a lot of people deep down are scared of this information, so you're going to laugh at me and say, oh, I'm just fear-mongering.
Folks, I don't have the intellect to describe how bad it is, okay?
I don't have any idea how bad it is.
It's always worse than I thought.
It's always further along than I thought.
I now question reality itself.
God only knows what's really going on on this planet.
We're only blasting through space at 20-something thousand miles an hour, I forget.
I got it right last week when my memory told me you could fit over a million Earths in the Sun.
3,000 Earths in Jupiter.
Guys, Google for me Earth's speed orbiting the Sun.
I want to say 23,000 miles an hour.
22,000 miles an hour?
No, that's the Earth's spin.
The Earth's... I forget.
See, all these numbers just jumble together.
I can get the general facts, but are we going around the sun at several million miles an hour?
The point is, who knows what's really going on?
But I can't even get the public to admit there's a planetary government when the planetary government is announcing itself, blowing trumpets, announcing the supreme grand world government of eugenics for eugenics and biogenics!
We are going to imprison you all and lock you down with ID cards.
Your children are being trained for this already.
Under the carbon regime, you will all be complete slaves.
We're going to break up your families.
I mean, I can't even get the public to admit that?
And then it just goes on and on and on and on and cancer viruses and the vaccines and all the insanity.
Got it all wrong.
Earth Scientist question.
At what speed is the Earth orbit around the Sun?
At 67,000 miles per hour.
We got a close orbit around the Sun.
670,000 miles an hour.
And then how fast does the Earth itself rotate?
I got this 22,000 number in my head, 23,000 number.
I know the space shuttle I've read orbits the Earth at that speed normally.
Earth's rotation speed.
I don't know, I'm just addicted to this type of stuff.
I'm sorry, I'm not addicted to what
My gosh, he's on a mission.
Brett Favre throws cannonball football passes.
I'm sorry, man, I'm in the middle of a galactic star system here.
The rotation speed starts at zero at either geographic pole, so it's different speeds at different places on the planet, obviously.
So it's all a big mathematic equation, so it's kind of like, it's like sound of speed.
Sound of speed.
The speed of sound depends how high you are in the atmosphere.
So I guess how fast the Earth rotates is a question, depending on where you are on the Earth, obviously.
It reaches its maximum of about 1,038 miles per hour.
That's the moon.
Ah, whatever.
We're not meant to know such things.
I just know the shuttle flies around the Earth at over 20,000 miles an hour.
I know I've seen that number.
You know, in orbit.
It's just orbiting at that speed without acceleration.
All I want is for people to get blasted by the size and scope and grandeur of consciousness and being alive on terra firma.
That's all I want.
And then to realize that we're having our whole future robbed by a bunch of murderous scientists who are on power trips.
And I want you to make a decision about what you want.
If you want to be injected with cancer viruses, then you want to only have one child to start with, and then no children later for most people.
If you want a planetary government that taxes and regulates everywhere you go and do, if you want to be a prisoner,
Then, by all means, support it.
And Rob Jacobson was at Whole Foods.
They had that Newsweek cover, the case for killing Granny.
And he knows the girl at the counter, and he said, look at this.
And she said, I think it's a good idea to kill Granny.
And he said, are you serious?
She said, yes.
We need to get rid of humans.
We're a parasite.
And he said, but they want to kill you, too.
And she said, I'm ready to die.
He goes, what, you're not happy with life?
No, I like life.
But to save the Earth, you know, I
I think I need to be killed, and she wasn't joking.
Well, okay, I can respect that.
Now go home and kill yourself, lady!
No, see, you're not really... You like the control freakness deep inside of yourself, the idea of killing people.
You're pressing on the nerve of power.
You're nihilistic.
You're bored with life.
You're pissed off.
You don't see the beauty around you.
You got a bad attitude about the species.
You don't like people.
And so you want to kill people.
Well, then go home and slit your wrist.
Don't you try to abort babies and kill already born babies and kill old ladies.
You want to kill grandma?
Go home and blow your brains out, lady.
You got me?
Get the hell out of this species way.
Gotta get your will to survive, your survival instinct going.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Alright, I said I'm taking calls, but I've been waxing philosophical.
Oh, I love this Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard song.
Livin' on the road, my friend Was gonna keep you free and clean And now you wear your skin like iron And your breath as hard as kerosene Weren't your mama's only boy But her favorite one, it seems
Let's go to your phone calls.
And I will do a Big News Blitz before this hour ends.
I have a ton of stuff I need to cover.
Michael in Minnesota.
You're on the air, go ahead.
You wouldn't believe the amount of chemicals that they are buying at the city level to put in our water.
Oh, Austin buys... We've been there.
They gave us the documents.
Millions of dollars a year, and Austin puts over 200 chemicals in the water.
Some cities, 300.
When you hear the word fluoride, it means literal toxic waste is dumped.
We pay like it's gold for the toxic waste from the chemical plants, and it goes in our water.
Here's an example.
Natural gas has been down from just some, I forget the exact calculation, something like
$18 per thousand cubic feet, British standard, down to like $3.
It doesn't matter if natural gas has gone down almost 90% in price.
But guess what?
People pay more for it in Texas.
It's all just part of raping and cheating, just like Enron did.
I'm telling you folks, corruption has just attacked on all fronts.
What's more, I wouldn't be surprised to see that H1N1 vaccine turn up in the water table, as Prozac has already turned up in the water table, especially up here in Minneapolis.
Well, it hasn't just turned up.
AP has had to report that it's turned up in water supplies that don't have sewage going into it.
It's going, it's being added to the water and it's some type of generic mass chemical that's being added, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and it's been found in the Dallas water supply and other water supplies at many times higher than could be from sewage runoff.
They're putting it in the water as the Japanese government has suggested and as the media is now calling for putting Prozac in the water and statins.
Well, they already put fluoride, folks!
I'm telling you!
It's insane!
Now, on top of that, we have this new outdoor twin stadium that we just built in Minneapolis, right next to a plastic garbage burner.
Which, they want to put up another... They want to put up another 225 million tons of plastic, which creates dioxin in the fumes out of the stack, which will be blowing right over the stadium.
Now, the people who own the burner have offered the Northrup Neighborhood Association $100,000 a year in a good neighbor fund in order for the neighborhood support of this project.
So, come to the ballpark, have a hot dog, have a drink, give your kids cancer.
It's just incredibly cruel.
Well, see, that's the thing, is they're banning.
Literally, they're going to put taxes of 50% on coal plants that are almost completely clean.
All you have coming out of the smokestack with the scrubbers is water vapor.
But Al Gore has his camera crews go out and shoot video, and I've done this for a film coming out.
I show how on a hot day, the same power plant, you can't even see the vapor coming out because it's hot.
The water vapor coming out is hot.
The carbon dioxide and water vapor coming out is hot.
And the outside air is hot, so you can't see it.
But, you know, it's just barely a mist coming out the very top, but when on a cold day, it looks like, you know, the whole forest is on fire, just blasting.
And they show that to school kids and say, look at the smoke, look at the pollution, it's going to kill you.
So what they do is they tack something that isn't bad,
But then they legalize these plastic incinerators and others saying, oh, we can't let bury this, which is harmless.
We've got to burn it, knowing it hurts people.
And they've got a bunch of others like they're burning all these forms of toxic waste now in towns and burning all the old chemical weapons supplies.
And then they allow that.
With special government permits to be put in the atmosphere because it does kill us.
Anything that hurts us is allowed.
Anything that doesn't hurt us is taxed.
This is the sickening environmentalist way.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You older control freaks don't like this music!
Oh yeah!
It's like throwing water on the witch in the Wizard of Oz.
Der Snufflebunny.
Oh, man.
We play that song and my 20-month-old toddler just dances around like wild.
She kind of head bangs to that.
You know, like the head up and down.
Gets really excited during her snuffle.
She likes the German version even more than the English one.
By the way, I meant to play this a few months ago, and Burmess just pointed it out to me, so I'm gonna play it right now.
I remember when I first got on air 14 years ago, I learned that in San Antonio and in Houston, as well as Indianapolis, Indiana, and Miami, Florida,
Back then, before the internet had a lot of information on it, I was sent a lot of trade publications because I-35 is one of the biggest trucker routes.
And also, had a lot of IT technology people in it.
And so they'd hear me talk about Big Brother and they'd send me industry publications where they were bragging about it.
You know, this was before Google, this was the Yahoo days.
And I would get all of this material
And so I knew about face scanning cameras up in many areas of the country, scanning everyone's faces in 1995.
I knew in 1996 that they had license plate reading cameras up everywhere that read everyone's cars as you go down the highway.
But they didn't want to announce it then, even though they could have solved a lot of crimes with it.
They didn't want the public to know about it.
Just like they didn't want you to know under federal law in 1996, all cell phones were tracking you in live time, the police could dial a number, turn the phone on even when it's off and listen to you.
That's now been all over the news.
They've introduced it to the slaves, explained it to you.
But I want you to think about what this technology can do in the hands of a tyranny, which this is a tyranny.
And then I'm going to get into the global carbon tax tyranny, the ultimate tyranny, that's going to make you all criminals.
And a lot of you are going to be going to prison, and you're going to be sterilized, and you're going to be killed.
Folks, I'm not kidding!
I mean, these people are vicious!
And all the good ol' boy cops who are driving around with their mustaches and their sunglasses, and they like going hunting, and they like going to the bar, and... Hey, I can go in the parking lot at Target and tell you who's got an arrest warrant!
I can go, uh...
All these different places and I can stop the criminals but then you notice and I can tell if somebody doesn't have their insurance in and I can tell if somebody but see then they can tell if you've got your child out too late.
They're gonna take your children if you have your three-year-old out past dark.
They're already setting up checkpoints in Arkansas you name it.
Oklahoma where adults are stopped in broad daylight and asked where they're driving.
I can play you those clips from the news saying it's good.
They're going to track with smart refrigerators everything you eat.
You're then going to have a social worker visit saying you're not feeding your children healthily.
If your child's one pound overweight, they're going to be taken.
This is all being announced.
They started with 2,000 homes a year ago.
Now it's 20,000 homes in England.
Children at birth have cameras watching them in the family home permanently.
They're announcing the big dormitories to start raising the children.
The year-round school.
I mean, it's all going to be phasing very quickly now.
It's not going to change slowly over every decade now.
All that was the preparatory phase.
You know, that was gutting the hog, chopping it up.
Now they've roasted it.
They've, you know, they've made the different dishes.
They've set the table.
Everybody's sitting down now at the table.
And now it's time to eat.
They've prepared the supper.
Now it's time to eat.
And we're for dinner.
We're being absorbed by the predator class.
Humans are predators and we have an aberrant subgroup of psychopathic elitist control freaks who set up a predatory psychopathic control grid to have their way with us and they've got all these cops that are ready to belly club women
For not even protesting in Pittsburgh.
Old ladies are attacked with police dogs coming out of stores with shopping bags in their hands.
The cops say no one allowed on the street.
Sound cannons hitting nine-year-olds with footballs in their hands.
I'm sorry, the cops are already under mass mind control, under mob psychology to do whatever they're told.
They'll eat their guts and ask for seconds.
They'll kill their mother and ask for seconds.
The Marine Corps asked people, will you shoot your family of order to?
Sir, yes, sir.
That's now being implemented.
Not Marine Corps wide, but very widely.
They have chants about killing small children, putting candy on the ground in the schoolyard, let the little bastards gather around, mow the little bastards down.
The video games are simulated murders and killing and death and rape.
Pure evil is rising.
I want to play you this clip.
Here it is.
This is the control grid with the face scanning.
This is automatic license plate recognition.
This particular system is capable of capturing up to 3,000 license plates in an hour.
We have two forward facing cameras and one side facing camera.
The side facing camera is out at a 90 degree angle and it's basically for doing parking lot applications.
I can go into a parking lot of a shopping center and drive down the lanes of the parking lot and as I'm doing that I'm running every single license plate in that parking lot.
The forward facing cameras, one is forward facing to the lane to the left and one is forward facing to the lane to the right.
And what I'm getting there is typically oncoming cars and the camera to the right would be either cars in the number two lane or cars that are parked along the side of the road.
So what the screen gives you here is it gives you an overview picture of the vehicle.
The software then isolates the license plate and it gives you the plate patch.
And what you see here in the yellow box above the plate patch is what the software actually read the plate to be.
At the beginning of the shift, before we go out, before we deploy the system, we get a daily download from CPIC and from Motor Vehicle Branch Records, the ICBC database.
Those downloads basically consist of all of the stolen vehicle license plates in British Columbia, all of the vehicle license plates associated to uninsured vehicles, license plates associated to unlicensed drivers, and license plates associated to uninsured vehicles.
But anytime a vehicle with a BC license plate comes into the field of view of any of the cameras, what will happen is the camera will take a picture of the vehicle.
The software itself will isolate the license plate from that vehicle and it will send it into an on-board computer.
That on-board computer has the hot lists uploaded into it.
If there is a match,
From the photograph against any of the vehicles that are in the hot list, then we get an audible alarm here on the computer screen.
So one of the other applications for this system is to frequently check parking lots for vehicles that are of interest to the police.
And we have a hit on this vehicle.
What does it say here?
Stolen from Vancouver.
Suspect in an armed robbery.
Well, looks like we've got our first hit of the day.
So we've checked the hit on this Chevy Lumina, the stolen vehicle out of Vancouver.
It is confirmed stolen at this time.
It was used yesterday in an armed robbery.
So what we're going to do now is we're going to maintain observation of the vehicle.
We'll call in the surveillance team and they can have a look at it.
We also have ALPR systems installed into marked cars.
And those marked cars will focus primarily on traffic enforcement responsibilities.
Going after uninsured vehicles and prohibited drivers and unlicensed drivers.
But auto theft and traffic enforcement only scratch the surface of what ALPR is capable of doing.
We also have future considerations in regards to national security sites, the ports, the airports, the Olympic Games that are coming up.
We've got counter-terrorism and organized crime.
ALPR is going to revolutionize the way we police in North America.
You bet it is.
Now you understand what the no-fly list is about.
And they've told you.
If you have bad credit, you're going to be on the no-fly list.
That means a no-gun-by list.
No judge, no jury.
They're going to leave the robbers, the murderers, the killers alone.
They'll have a few of those on the news.
But the local squad cars aren't going to be allowed to do anything about them.
It's the profiled milk cows
They're gonna want.
And because you're a person of interest, you're not gonna have a right to travel, go anywhere, do anything.
And under carbon tax, they're gonna regulate and control society even more.
And of course they show you, oh, the armed robbers, see, it works so good.
As if armed robbers don't change their license plates.
As if somebody that steals your car doesn't just take it to a chop shop.
As if when your car gets stolen, the police will even come out and do a report.
I've had my car stolen twice!
They laughed at me!
Imagine what Hitler would have done with his system in Nazi Germany.
And that's what's going to happen here.
And they're going to give you no quarter and they're going to hunt you down.
This is the control grid, this is why the elite are so arrogant.
And they'd laugh at me ten years ago about this, and now it's in everywhere.
Bottom line.
Okay, let's go to Gallo in North Carolina.
Thanks for holding, Gallo.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call.
I just had a quick question for you.
I've actually only been listening to your show for about two weeks, and trying to educate myself here.
I just have a quick question.
What can I do to make a change and what kind of different information can I look up to to get more educated, to know what's going on?
The police have been trained and created by the military industrial complex itself an enforcement arm of the offshore banking eugenicist crime syndicate and
The whole government is there to basically prey on the public and we have to have a total revolution of awakening against this system and completely remove the criminal system or we have no hope.
They're running a military operation of sucking off of us, of milking us, and they're not going to back off until we get really aggressive and are aware of what's happening.
So just warn everybody you know, explain to them about
How both presidents, both parties are puppets and just have a basic awakening that we're literally living in something like a matrix of false information and propaganda.
Start an AXS TV show.
Put my
Daily radio slash TV show on your local access station.
I know a lot of folks download it at PrisonPlanet.tv and do that.
Put my films on.
Start your own local radio show.
Start a newsletter.
Get involved because we have to change our priorities from just working and leisure to the main focus of our lives fighting this tyranny.
And it's going to become more and more clear to everybody that fighting this tyranny is all that matters.
It's going to get worse and worse by increments.
But the increments are going to get closer and closer together.
And as you come down to the end game, everything is accelerating.
I'm just writing everything down.
I appreciate it.
It's been making me think a lot.
My mind is just so much information.
I appreciate it Alex and I'm sure the American people appreciate what you're doing.
Well I appreciate you for holding Gallo to talk about that, but you have begun the beginning.
You're changing your priorities, you're looking around you, you're studying propaganda around you, you're questioning everything.
And that will lead you to the answers.
We just have to get people to stop looking at the ground and look up and around them.
God bless you, good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Marty in California, then Bill, Robert, Brian, and others.
Go ahead, Marty.
Hello, Alex.
Hats off.
How are you?
Hats off to you.
What's going on?
I've got two quickie questions and one quickie statement, if I may.
Well, make your statement.
If the Copenhagen Treaty is signed this coming early December by Obama,
And then, in early January, if the California-American courts find that Obama's Kenya's birth certificate is valid, and he is removed from the office, does that make Obama's signature on the Copenhagen Treaty null and void?
And if so, do we get more pre-picked candidates to vote for?
And then lastly, my statement is on this Obama's personal attorney, a guy named Robert Bauer.
I just can't help but notice that's the original last name of the Rothschilds.
I wonder if there's any connection there.
Well, we know Obama's visited with Lord Rothschild, so did Arnold Schwarzenegger, and we know they're one of the wealthiest families on the planet, so we know there's a connection right there.
But on your point about the Copenhagen Treaty coming up in December, that I'm going to be covering here in a moment, that treaty is already being ratified.
They already have a copy of the treaty, and the giant behemoth
Carbon tax bill that's passed the House is set to pass in the next month and a half according to Senate leaders in the U.S.
And so it ties into that.
And so the signing of the treaty
Because he is a executive, doesn't bring force into it, though the bureaucracy will still follow the President's orders unconstitutionally.
What you'll have to do is get the Congress to repeal the treaty.
But instead, let's just beat that treaty.
But no, the silver bullet politically of the whole birth certificate thing,
I mean, that's a way to undermine Obama and destroy his credibility on its face.
And because he is such a liar, nobody believes him.
So I think it's credible to question the birth certificate, but I think overall it's not one of the most damaging things to him.
You know, the left is all scrambling right now saying, oh, Obama's being forced by the generals.
There's this Rolling Stone article that shows all of these military people aiming machine guns on him at one side.
And then on the other, the Taliban aiming guns at him like he's the victim and they're making him do it.
Because the guy's a warmonger.
I mean, it's all lies.
You give a peace prize to a guy who expands the wars, who continues the Bush torture, the secret arrest, expands it.
Again, they want to make it all about Obama so they can build him up, tear him down, build him up, tear him down, to where it becomes a big football game.
It's just elementary propaganda.
Anything else?
No, I appreciate your time and I thank you very much for what you do.
Thank you.
I mean, look folks, it's so elementary.
I mean, you got Bush Sr.
last week calling for forced national service, giving the Thousand Points of Light Award to Obama.
They're at College Station being hailed by the Marine Corps and Army.
It's one of the biggest officer schools in the country.
They love it.
It's totally un-American.
They're total traitors.
It's a big joke.
They're laughing at the crowd.
It's funny to them.
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I think so.
The establishment has divided us.
They have balkanized us along religion, race, ethnicity, region.
So that while we're busy fighting with each other, at each other's throats, they can rule over us.
And I know that basically everyone I talk to innately understands that, but have you really consciously looked around you and seen all the forms of balkanization?
And a lot of it's real.
The elite will set different groups against each other.
And so you basically got to dislike whatever group they're using against you.
Whatever group.
You see, if you're
Somebody from Latin America, you've already been enslaved by the West, by the big banks.
You need to come in and get a better wage, even if it's only for a few years, even though it'll destroy the wages of that first world nation.
Doesn't matter, you individually are set against the once free countries.
And then, of course, the people in those Western nations who can think understand it's destroying the sovereignty and the wages and the culture, so they get upset.
And so you're both being played off against each other.
Meanwhile, the globalists, because they don't have either group's best interest at heart, they come out winning because they don't have any rules.
See, evil has that advantage.
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Or you can start downloading it and burning it to DivX disc that plays on most DVD players at PrisonPlanet.tv, 3 p.m.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Lindsey Williams is coming up.
I'm going to go to Bill and Robert and Brian and Paul and Dwight and others.
And we need to get into this carbon tax now.
It's so important.
I just can't believe they're actually doing it.
They're announcing they're going to ban public gatherings.
They're announcing they're going to quote
Curtail with specifics that you've got to get a government license showing that your travel is essential?
And you go, but that'll hurt the tourist industry.
The globalists just made 50 plus trillion dollars globally, 23.7 trillion of it on U.S.
taxpayers in the last 10 months.
Don't you get it, folks?
I've got Club of Rome and all their documents where they say they don't want us to have any industry.
They want a post-industrial world!
In fact, there was a Club of Rome article today.
I thought I printed it, but it's not in my stack.
Yeah, here it is.
Agenda 21, the death knell of liberty.
It's a great article by the Canadian Free Press.
We got up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
It says, the common enemy of humanity is man.
This is from the first global revolution.
And then in 1960s, I've got him saying this almost the same, hundreds of times I've read this in different permutations.
The common enemy of humanity is man.
See, the elite see themselves as humanity and the rest of us as subhuman.
That's what that little coded statement means.
The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea of
That pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill.
The real enemy then is humanity itself.
See, they're just making it up.
They came up with the idea.
Danger, Will Robertson!
Democracy is no longer well-suited for the task ahead.
From the Club of Rome's The First Global Revolution, page 71, 1993.
Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls.
It tolls for thee.
John Donne, 1572.
Means don't go looking and asking in the town who the bell tolls for.
Who's going to be hung?
Who's going to have the blackbirds pull their eyes out of their sockets?
For it's tolling for you, buddy.
Oh, it's so sick!
And just the idiots just keep marching, giving their kids the shots, not caring about anything real, only caring about sports.
They get a gleam in their eye for some stupid basketball team or baseball.
They don't get a gleam in their eye for freedom!
Or to keep their little kids from drinking poison in the water on purpose.
All the intellectuals make Dr. Strange love Jack T. Ripper jokes.
It's all funny.
It's cute.
The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that population, the threat of global warming and water shortages, famine, and the like would fit the bill.
The real enemy then is humanity itself.
Democracy is no longer well suited for the task ahead.
From the Club of Rome, the first global revolution, page 71, 1993.
And Richard N. Haas has quoted similar things in the CFR last year.
The head of the CFR, you can go to
Infowars.com, click on Agenda 21, the death knell of liberty, and you don't read the stinking book!
There's a university link, you can read it, a scan of the book itself!
It's yellowed cover!
But I know, you're gonna just say, no, they're not license plate scanning, they're not tracking my cell phone, they're not putting cancer viruses in the vaccines, there is no global tax, there is no Copenhagen Denmark meeting, I've got the document, it says global government!
People are like, well, we do need a global government.
There's one on Star Trek.
Yeah, but this one will cut your nuts off.
Excuse me, excuse me for talking like that.
I apologize.
This one is going to sterilize you before they kill your ass, deader than a hammer.
You got that, you stupid people?
React to the threat!
Get up!
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
For the last hour and 52 minutes today, we're going to be joined by Lindsey Williams.
Throughout the interview, I'm going to be covering different pieces of news in context to what he's discussing.
Now, before we introduce Lindsey Williams, I want to cover several issues here today on this Monday, October 19, 2009 live edition.
Now, I did the first two hours and five minutes of the radio show, just radio, but always in the last two hours, sometimes more, we simulcast the live radio show in living color at
PrisonPlanet.TV, for all the PrisonPlanet.TV members that are viewing the show right now, I want to welcome you.
Also, my new film, Fall of the Republic, it is coming out very, very soon.
We're about 48 hours away right now.
It's coming out at 3 p.m.
Central Time and that is going to be this Wednesday, October 21st.
In fact, we'll punch up on the screen the Yahoo page for Fall of the Republic.
And I want to encourage all of the listeners to be part of this resistance against tyranny, to not procrastinate, to get the DVD, to make copies, to get it out to people.
My other films, Endgame, Terror Storm, Obama Deception, the mainstream media have admitted they've been seen tens of millions of times, over 100 million times total that we know of.
It has been devastating to the globalists.
This film is a quantum leap in production quality, a quantum leap in the material.
It shows who the globalists are, what their master plan is, and how we are going to stop these people.
So again, you can click on InfoWars.com on the top banner, and it will take you to the shopping cart.
Where you can get the DVD and then make copies of it.
We want to have an explosion of DVDs on the street in the next week.
We want to see an explosion at PrisonPlanet.tv of people downloading the film, burning it to disk, and giving it to people.
Please take action.
It is so vitally important that this happen.
I have spent so much time and so much energy and so much treasure
Getting this done, and I'm just begging you to get it and get it out to everyone, please.
You can also call toll-free 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
It's not even basically a pre-order now.
I mean, ordering this now, it's starting to ship out tomorrow and Wednesday, so it's not even a pre-order.
And it will simulcast at PrisonPlanet.tv for members on Wednesday, 3 p.m.
First place, you're going to see it.
Please get the trailers that are on InfoWars.com by clicking on the Fall of the Republic banner.
Email them to your whole email list.
Get it out to everybody.
And if you're not going to buy the DVD, if you're not going to get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership, that's fine.
It will show up all over the internet by Thursday.
We'll try to find the best
Encode on YouTube that somebody with a director channel has and link to that.
But we won't be able to make films of this caliber in the future unless we get the financial support.
We got it with Obama deception, so I took the extra profits from that and upped the production quality on this.
It's an even bigger gamble.
I don't care.
I'd give my life to stop the New World Order right now if I thought that was needed.
I know there's no future unless we do this.
I am committed.
But YouTube isn't crisp and clear.
It's getting a little bit better.
PrisonPlanet.tv is.
I mean, it is DVD quality.
Now, if you don't have a super high-powered connection, that's okay.
We've got it in super high quality, high quality, medium quality, and then even the small file looks a lot better than YouTube and Google.
We got a DivX file that this time encoded better than our medium quality.
So it's made for those that know this stuff to be able to put it on regular computer disc and almost all new DVD players last few years play DivX.
So you can say, you can just give these 20-cent discs, it's not a DVD, it's a disc, a regular disc.
You can give this to people and it'll play on most players.
Just put a sticker on there or tell them, hey, if this doesn't play on yours, it's because you don't have a DivX DVD player.
It'll play on your computer.
The point is,
PrisonPlanet.tv is an arsenal of resistance to this tyranny.
And we want everybody to go get the $5.95 monthly membership.
That pays for our bandwidth.
You can share your passcode with six people, but if they share it, you won't be able to simultaneously get on.
One passcode allows six computers to attach to it at one time.
It's set at six right now, right?
We had it set at nine, but it was crashing our servers.
Right, Matt?
What is the server set at right now, guys?
How many computers can I sign on?
It is six, okay.
Yeah, that's why I was just double checking we hadn't changed it.
I told them to turn it up to like 9 and it was, even with our big CDNs, it was too expensive.
I have a $400,000 a year bandwidth bill.
It's actually more than that.
Listen, the issue here is, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm going to go to Lindsey Williams here, is that this is a big deal.
This is important.
Okay, I wanted to introduce Lindsey Williams with the fact that Bilderberg, in 2008, Jim Tucker and my sources as well, as well as Daniel Esteland, all reported that the Bilderberg group was planning to slash oil prices by at least half.
That would have been $75.
Lindsey Williams, who did work for Atlantic Richfield and other big oil companies as a high-level minister.
He was a ground-level minister, but they brought him in to be part of the board meetings.
That's pretty standard in many cases.
And he heard them, when they found all the extra oil in Alaska, more than Saudi Arabia, he heard them say, we can't pump this out.
That's now come out in the Associated Press 20 years after he broke it and wrote a best-selling book about it.
So he's been confirmed.
That's who we have on here, who's been confirmed over and over again.
Who we can trust, who we know is accurate.
This 80 plus year old, I think he said 87 year old, former executive.
I know who it is, what company, but I'm not at liberty to say.
But the point is, there were several oil companies involved.
Three big ones.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
Because it was a joint deal.
A lot of times an oil company is a joint deal.
Lindsey put out a video that was number one on Google off and on for about six months.
So tens of millions of views conservatively.
They called up and said, we're going to kill you if you don't shut up.
You were brought into this in confidence.
Don't talk about how there's plenty of oil anymore.
But the guy was dying, thought he was dying at the time, just like E. Howard Hunt went public a year before he died, thinking he was going to die, then right before he did die, admitting he ran the op to kill Kennedy.
It's now declassified, basically.
But the issue here is,
He thought he was going to die and said, but here's what I can tell you.
Lindsey has now talked to him.
He doesn't really like what's happening, but he's still a globalist.
And the guy may die soon, so we may be able to, in the next year or so, give you his name.
As long as Lindsey sticks around and he's in great health.
He's an old-timer himself.
But enough of me.
The point is, Lindsey said it's $150 a barrel right now, but he said within three months it's going to drop below $50.
Everybody laughed at him.
Because we just had from Bilderberg they were going to cut it in half.
That would have been down to 75.
And that sounded insane.
In fact, there's the Prison Planet article that we posted.
Leaked agenda, Bilderberg Group plans economic depression.
And in the article from May 6th is just the footnote.
And somebody pointed out after Lindsey went public that we'd already put this intel out.
So see, not only am I confirming what Lindsey said from his source, we separately already had this, but we weren't smart like Lindsey to make the prediction and point it out.
This was just intel that we came up with.
In fact, there it is, about the $150 a barrel.
Just amazing.
Oh, that's Watson reporting on our original report.
Let me give you the original report.
Here it is.
Secret Bilderberg Agenda to Microchip Americans.
And June 10, 2008.
That's the original article that had it.
So that said,
Lindsey Williams, we'll just get to the end of the show today, because I'm going to him later and I apologize.
He is here with us, but the whole global agenda is unfolding.
Now, oil went back up, but Lindsey said for at least a year.
And for a year, it was on average at about $55, I've done the math, right around $55 a barrel, like he said.
Now it's gone up to $76, $79 is the high earlier today.
The trolls tried to discredit Lindsey saying, oh, look, it went back up.
No, his prediction was it would go down for a year.
And it wasn't a prediction, it was he was told this by an insider.
Lindsey, we're going to break in two minutes, but great to have you back with us.
You're breaking this news here.
We're honored to have you.
This guy spilt his guts, as you told me during the break, believing he may die anytime.
We're going to get even more from a high-level insider today.
Thanks for breaking in here.
Thank you, Alex, for allowing me the privilege
Being on your show today, Alex, do you realize that this is the first radio talk show that I've done in three months?
I have not done a single show with anybody in three months.
Your producer called me back about two months ago and he said, uh, the price of crude oil is going up.
Alex said, would you appear on the show?
I said, would you please give me a rain check?
I said, until I know what I'm talking about, until I have talked with the elite themselves and can tell you that I guarantee this is going to take place,
I don't want to be on your show.
I said, please give me a rain check, and when I know what I'm talking about instead of guessing, I'll be glad to be there.
Alex Jones Show today is the first show I have appeared on in three months, and no one has ever heard the material that you're going to hear in a few minutes, because when I got back from three months of being absent, one morning I felt, hey, I should pick up the telephone and call these people and ask them what they're doing, and I did.
Just a few days ago,
I picked up the phone.
Sure enough, he answered the phone the first time around.
He's over 85 years of age.
He nearly died last winter.
I didn't know that.
Alex, he confessed everything.
Now, have you ever thought about the fact that when a person is facing eternity, and everybody knows that graveyard's out there, do you realize that even the elite themselves, when they're facing such circumstances as that, will oftentimes tell you things that they would never tell you otherwise?
Charlotte Isserby's father was skull and bones and confessed and repented right before he died of cancer and cried his guts out.
It's never too late.
He's like the thief on the cross.
Pastor, stay with us.
We're coming right back.
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We're here.
Actor Lindsey lays out the new revelations he got from his Bilderberg group, Inside Source.
I'm gonna go over the announcements that they may cancel the World Club Cup.
Because of emissions.
And they're saying they may ban air travel unless you get a government authorization.
Folks, Schwarzeneggers announced they're banning above 40 inch televisions and gonna tax all the rest.
The enemy is coming in like a flood.
This is not a joke.
Now, I'm gonna shut up in this segment and the next completely.
Lindsey Williams, talk to me like I'm a five-year-old.
We have a lot of new listeners.
Give them the basics.
This insider who almost died is now giving you even more information.
Pastor Lindsey Williams, you've got the floor.
Alex, you're right.
This is not a joke.
This man's confessed everything.
Over 85 years of age, almost died last morning, and I have not talked to him for two years.
And two years ago, he said the price of crude oil is going from $147 to $50 a barrel.
And everybody said, you're stupid, you're crazy, your credibility is going to be destroyed if you dare give out such frivolous information.
I did.
Three months later, because I have never found these individuals to be wrong.
They know what they're doing.
They know where they're going.
Whenever they say it, you can believe it's going to happen.
Wall Street couldn't take it.
The OPEC couldn't handle it.
And it went to $50 a barrel.
In fact, it went down to $34 a barrel.
It's going back up to $70.
It's going to fluctuate back and forth in between there.
And, Alex, when I told that, there was only one or two little old bitty radio talk shows that would dare even allow me on to tell something so stupid.
And Wall Street, even some Wall Street people were laughing at me and saying, it'll so impact the world it couldn't possibly happen.
But, Alex, it happened.
Now, I said all of that to say this.
This man confessed everything.
He sees the Graveyarder around the corner.
And what you are about to hear this hour, this morning, is shocking.
I was stunned when this individual told me this, and I'm still shaken.
I mean, you're bound to hear it in my voice.
Alex, I am so glad you're coming out with this new DVD.
I haven't seen it yet since I just got back in the office the other day.
I have not the slightest idea that you were putting this out.
Folks, you've got to get Alex Jones' new DVD because when you hear what this elitist told me,
Within the past few days, you're going to know that everything Alex Jones is saying to you is true.
You have got to get his DVD.
You must pass it out to 3 or 4 million people within the first week's time.
Alex, I am so congratulating you to no end for what you're saying.
Well, everything you said back then happened exactly like you said it.
And everything that you're going to hear me say that he has said in the past few days is going to happen exactly like he says it.
You remember a number of years ago, there was a man who wrote a book.
His name was Quigley.
It was entitled Tragedy and Hope.
And it came to pass exactly as he said it.
And when Quigley came out with the book, he was one of them.
He was one of the elitist himself.
And when he came out with the book, everybody said, quickly, nobody, why would you dare give out the secrets of the elite?
And aren't you afraid giving that out?
And Quigley responded, nobody's going to believe it anyway.
Now, I'm going to tell you up front right now, whenever I tell you the thing, and this is so different than anything you've ever heard before, this man gave me things
Hold on!
Hold on, Lindsey!
Lindsey, you're starting to freak me out.
You said 25 or longer ago there was oil all over Alaska.
You said where it was at.
You were there.
They've now had to admit that and that they're holding those reserves.
You wrote a best-selling book about that.
Over and over again, what you've said has been accurate.
But then what you said two years ago was stunningly accurate.
It was actually worse than what you said.
Not to 50, but to 32.
You're telling me now this is... I haven't heard this.
Again, you just contacted us and said, I'm ready to tell you this.
This guy thinks he may die.
I mean, compared to last time, you're saying he's spilt his guts.
So we're going to go to break.
It's a 15-minute segment.
It's actually longer than that.
It's a 17-minute segment.
You're going to have the complete floor.
I want you to just roll through what he told you when we come back.
Lindsey Williams, very honored.
He's breaking this here.
I have nothing but respect for Lindsey, and his information has always proven to be 100% dead on.
And so I am very upset about what we're about to hear.
I think I've got enough and imagine what it's going to be because I've got the documents right over here.
And it's just how deep does this rabbit hole go?
We'll find out.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go
I don't know how anybody could be bored.
You thrill seekers out there, you're not going to find thrills bungee cord jumping or climbing mountains like you're going to find fighting tyranny.
There's a whole war going on with the social engineers bringing in their planetary eugenics government.
It's in all their documents, all their statements.
I mean, I have Reuters right here.
Monday, October 19th saying they may ban people attending the World Cup because emissions are soaring and they can't have carbon tax.
Look at this headline.
World's future is being decided.
We need to curtail air travel now.
I've got the treaty.
Farmers venturing into brave new world of carbon markets.
It's total takeover!
Look at this!
And the British Lord calling for restricting air travel?
He's the guy that owns the carbon credit rating industry.
This guy, they don't tell you this in the article, but I have the article where he's the one that calls for that.
Look at this.
Stern launches credit rating agency.
Lord Stern.
They don't tell you that, though, when he writes for the Guardian.
Look at this.
Here is the Copenhagen Treaty.
This is only two pages of a thousand.
Point 38A, Global Government.
I'm going to cover this later, but I'm going to shut up and go to Lindsey Williams.
Lindsey, go ahead and launch into this now for me.
Go ahead and get into this for me.
Go ahead and just recap as much as you can tell us about this guy, the previous info, and get into the new info.
Pastor Lindsey Williams, you've got the floor.
A few days ago, now please, folks, understand,
This is not a year or two year ago information.
A few days ago, when I got back in the office for the first time in over two months, I picked up the phone.
He was very friendly.
I was stunned.
Now, I'm going to have to admit to you, I am still shaken.
Immediately, the very first thing I did was pick up my phone and I called Kansas City.
And I said, I'm hopping the next airplane and coming out there, you have your cameras ready.
I went in studio, professional studio, did a multiple camera DVD, three of them, to about one hour, another one hour and a half.
I have hired a new fulfillment house.
Alex, I'm like you with your new DVD.
You've got to get it out.
You've got to get it out to everybody you can as fast as you can.
You're going to understand why whenever I get into this in a moment or two with what he actually said.
I'm the same way.
I got a new fulfillment house.
I said, I want numbers off.
We've got seven operators standing by.
They'll ship it within 24 hours.
And I did three and a half hours of DVDs.
It took me that long to explain everything that this man told me.
Okay, we're going to plug the number.
We're going to plug all the info.
But, Lindsey, condense it down.
What did he tell you?
Okay, here we go.
Folks, have your pencil and paper handy, because no one has access to this material.
This is the first show I've ever given it on.
You're the first one to know it, and you'll get it no other place on the face of the earth.
Believe me, over 85 years of age, nearly died last winter.
Alex, okay, here we go.
You ready?
I'm just going to give you one statement after the other, and I'll elaborate on them somewhat as we go along.
I'm ready.
This is completely different, Alex.
Most people haven't even thought about this yet.
He said, within two years, you will not recognize America.
Oh my goodness.
When he said that, my mind went a thousand miles an hour.
By the way, when I was in the studio the other day making these DVDs, the studio owner came in and he said, wait a minute, you can't put that in.
He said, you cut that out.
He said, it'd be too dangerous to even put that in in my studio.
And we did.
We cut one more segment out because he said you can't make that statement.
He said he'll fall back on us as a studio.
Now, let me keep going here.
This is like Russia.
It's none of the guy's business where you're videotaping something in a studio, but the average American's been programmed to be like a Soviet Nazi.
You cut out.
Well, you say whatever you want here.
You tell us what's not in the DVD.
Lindsey, tell us.
Well, he said, this gentleman, one of them, he knows everything that goes on behind closed doors.
You're talking about D8, D10, I don't care what it is.
This man knows what it is.
He knows he doesn't have much more of his life.
He said, quote, within two years, you will not recognize America.
And the first thing I wanted to know is, what are you talking about?
He said then.
He said, we have altered our timeline.
I'm going to put it this way.
The elite have altered their timeline.
Now, you'll remember back two years ago, I said the price of crude oil is going from $147 to $50 a barrel.
He also said some other thing.
Oh, Alex, I'll get into this as we go along.
He said, McCain is our man.
I did not have the slightest idea how important this was.
And I'm going to tell you in a few moments, this Obama guy is in trouble.
The elite have altered their timeline.
After two years, he said again, after two years, you, oh Alex, please, I hope every one of your people out there write this down, and when you think about buying Alex Jones' new DVD, don't you hesitate one second, because here it is, right here.
This gentleman said, after two years, you will be so poor, you will not be able to rebel.
Alex, I was stunned.
I mean, this man went on and on and on with what they're doing.
Why would you be so poor after two years?
He kept using the expression two years.
They have a new timeline.
You know, people can stand outside and watch these people as they go in, and you've done a marvelous job of telling what you see whenever they go into these meetings.
No way in this world could a person ever talk to one of them himself unless he was under this particular situation with this man this age and his physical condition as it is and he literally poured it all out.
He said after two years you'll be so poor you won't be able to buy my DVD or Alex Jones DVD.
You won't be able to get this material out.
They had it planned.
And whenever I go into some of the things, how they're going to bring this about.
Okay, I'll give you another one, and I'm going to go back and elaborate on these more.
Inflation will escalate over a period of two years.
You'll remember back two years ago, this gentleman said to me, we're going to have inflation, and I kept predicting it was going to take place in a year to a year and a half, and I'm saying now they have altered their timeline to the point
That inflation will take place and escalate over a period of two years, and by the end of that two years, the dollar will have so collapsed, and inflation will be so high, that there's no way in this world you'll even be able to afford that airline ticket to go to some Boston Tea Party somewhere.
They have it planned within two- they feel like they have it made.
I mean, they literally think that they have everything in the bag, they've got it right where they want it, you busta!
Oh my goodness.
You poor, stupid, dumb Americans.
I mean, they think they're laughing at you.
I mean, this gentleman... Well, Lindsey, let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
Earlier I read Club of Rome documents where they said we're going to destroy the economy by design.
Maurice Strong at the UN in 92 said, through carbon tax, we will destroy the industrial economy.
They admit this, and now Schwarzenegger is announcing he's going to ban 40-inch TVs.
They're announcing
Animal ID, premises ID.
They're announcing they're going to shut down small markets and bazaars and garage sales.
They're announcing trips to be deployed on the streets.
They're openly admitting they want to destroy our industry, but you're talking to this high-level elitist.
Who's given you other good intel in the past, and he was going further specifically that they are doing this to destroy the economy.
They've stolen tens of trillions of our own money.
They're hoarding the money.
They're not loaning it.
That's even mainstream news.
Government's taking over society.
Go through the bullet points and then go back over them.
So he's saying in the next two years, they're bringing us into a full bore depression.
They already have a timeline set.
They have a date set, Alex.
I mean, I was so appalled.
He never did this before.
He went on to say all of this.
Okay, here's the next one.
Inflation will escalate over a period of two years and they're going to do this by design plan.
I actually have a schedule of events in chronological order, Alex.
It doesn't take a whole show within itself.
The schedule of events in chronological order over the next two years of what they're going to do, and if you know what the schedule of events is, you will be able to follow it and design your own family's dinner table and your job.
Okay, let me go back to the main line here.
Inflation will escalate over a period of two years.
Crude oil prices will remain somewhere around this.
They may spike up, they may spike down a little bit.
And then, Alex, I asked him about gold and silver.
And this is something I did not ask him about two years ago.
And you asked me on your show, I think it was, last time I was on about gold and silver.
Numbers of other talk show hosts have asked me the same thing.
I couldn't answer it, so I asked him the question.
I said, what about gold and silver?
Are you ready?
I mean, this is going to be startling also, and it'll definitely help you know exactly what to do.
Okay, I don't know what you're going to say.
Tell me, Lindsey.
He said gold and silver are all you can rely on.
He said this is our money.
This is what they use.
Have you ever thought about the fact that when you go in there to buy it, you don't pay any state sales tax?
There's no regulations.
There's no records kept.
You can buy and sell amongst yourselves.
Gold and silver is their currency.
They don't depend on paper.
They laugh at these Federal Reserve notes and this paper that's going up and down like a yo-yo.
He said gold and silver are all you can depend on.
I'll put it in his exact words.
He said gold and silver are all you can rely on.
Now, folks, you take the statement and go with it any way you want to.
You go deal and do with it what you want to.
But I'm just telling you what he said.
You cannot depend on the Federal Reserve.
Note, it's on its way out.
By 2012, the dollar will be dead.
Folks, please, I beg of you, listen to what Alex Jones is saying.
He's telling you things that I know you feel are difficult to believe.
I'm telling you exactly what one of the elitists themselves said.
Well, they're openly saying in the newspaper they're going to kill the dollar now.
Please continue, Lindsey.
This one, Alex, and this one would take a whole program within itself, too.
You ready?
Folks, this is stunning.
This is startling.
War is planned after two years.
I'm sorry.
This shook me to no end.
And I asked him to elaborate.
And he even said where it's going to take place.
And he said where it'll start and how it'll spread.
It's already planned.
Well, Lindsey, we're going to tell people about the DVD where you lay this out over three hours.
We're going to have you back on tomorrow for part two of this, if you can do it, if not, Wednesday.
But tell us what region, because I mean, last time you laid your money where your mouth is with the oil prediction from him.
You were right.
Where is he saying?
The intel I've got from the Rand Corporation
And the Pentagon is, they're going to start wars in Eastern Europe, wars in Central Asia, and wars in the Middle East simultaneously, on the order of World War II.
Well, it's going to start in Iran.
It'll start around that Middle East area.
And it will more than likely be in relationship to Iran and Israel, and it will spread to the entire world.
I'll elaborate more and more on that later.
But he says they're waiting for two years.
He said you've got a two-year timeline.
Okay, folks, please, please listen to me.
You positively must take action immediately or your children and your grandchildren will forever be slaves to the elite.
Lindsey, I've never heard you with this much earnest in your voice and that's how I am.
It's coming down.
I've never seen them move this quick.
I can't even believe the lightning speed they're implementing everything.
The elite are laughing at us.
Alex, I am so stunned.
You know why?
Okay, I've got so much here I don't even know where to go.
You know why the elite altered their timeline?
You know why.
But I want to give it to you as they said it.
The elite have altered their timeline because you gave them two and one half trillion dollars in the last two months of the Bush administration.
Folks, you've got to hear this in depth.
I mean, this would take the longest to go into why.
I'll tell you briefly.
Just before Bush left office,
They had created an artificial crisis.
It really didn't exist.
Isn't it amazing that that crisis isn't out there anymore right now?
They came out and bad-mouthed the market and said we'd have a depression and it went down a couple thousand points.
They admit, the Congress admits, they were terrorized into it.
Yeah, they were terrorized into it, and the stock market is going to keep going up and up and up and up.
Mark my words, he told me what's going to happen to the stock market.
He told me where the price of gold is going.
He gave a schedule of events chronologically in order over the next two years.
I think he was really doing it, Alex, because he is so concerned.
I mean, his conscience must be telling him what this man feels like, knowing his age and where he is.
And I think, really, he was trying his best to do everything he could to warn people.
Folks, you have got to take action immediately or your children and grandchildren will ever, forever... Okay, let me go back to why they altered that timeline.
In the last two months of the Bush administration, they created an artificial crisis.
You know, that's what the elite is so good at.
They create a crisis, then they create a solution.
Well, the solution was for the American taxpayer
To give, through the Federal Reserve, all of these trillions of dollars, and then, I'm sure you remember what happened after it was all over with, and some of the news services came out and said, we have got to know where that money went to, and they, they, I've got the clip on my DVD, they said, when the, when the representative of the Federal Reserve was asked to appear before Congress, and they demanded to know where two and one half trillion
Of this money went, they said we can't tell you.
We won't let you know.
We refuse to answer.
And as a result, of you, the taxpayer, stupid, dumb, gullible, they've given you baseball and apple pie, and your beer, and you've become satisfied with a job, and you know what J-O-B, you know what job means?
Just over broke.
They've given you exactly just enough to keep you quiet, so that you won't rise up,
And when you gave them two and one half trillion dollars approximately, they altered their timeline!
I mean, when this man told me what they have done...
And basically it's for your good, because you've got just a little bit longer.
They think they've almost got it made.
They're sure that you're not going to rise up and do anything about it.
You are not going to revolt, because they know that you're already so poor.
And after two years, he said, you'll be so poor you will not be able to rebel against the elite.
And the elite are laughing at the gullible, stupid American.
Now, folks, please forgive me for saying that.
But the elite are laughing at us because they know that they have us exactly where they want us.
Okay, here goes.
I'll give you the next statement.
Within two years, nearly everyone will be working for the government.
Oh, watch it.
General Motors.
What happened?
They bailed them out.
So now the President of the United States of America is CEO of General Motors and Chrysler.
Then the banks came along, and they're gobbling up another 7, 8, 10 banks gradually, a little bit at a time, every single weekend.
Now they're taking over health care, they're going to issue national ID cards, they're going to have to have one to have a job, they've announced it, stay there Lindsey Williams.
And the carbon tax won't let you drive, live, home inspections, teenagers in uniforms running around with weapons, just hell is going to be released on us.
Lindsey Williams with inside info straight ahead.
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Well, I'm not the kind to kiss and tell, but I've been seen with Farrah.
I've never been with anything less than a dime, so fine.
I've been on fire with Sally Field, gone fast with a girl named Bo.
You know, we're talking to Lindsey Williams, Pastor Lindsey Williams, inside Whistleblower when he worked with Atlantic Richfield and a bunch of other big oil companies up on the Alaskan shelf there on the slope.
He blew the whistle about that.
Turned out he was absolutely accurate decades later when it was released by Congress.
Same thing in the Gulf of Mexico, full of oil.
They won't let us get to it in many areas, but the Chinese and others are allowed to have it.
Then he talked to this insider, this former CEO of an oil company, one of the biggest.
The fellow thought he was gonna die.
And I guess that near-death experience has made him totally spill his guts to Lindsey.
But now, so much of what Lindsey's saying from this insider is clear, even from mainstream news.
Lindsey was speaking about Fall of the Republic, because, you know, he's retired, been out of the country some with family.
He came back, he just now heard I have Fall of the Republic, and he's saying, and we haven't talked since my producer just called and got him on, because Lindsey was ready to come on and emailed us.
Everyone listening to the Alex Jones Show right now, I must clarify this.
Alex and I have not talked one single time off of a program privately.
We have not compared notes.
He did not know what I was going to say today.
He did not know what the Elite told me.
I, likewise, did not know about his new DVD.
Folks, we have not compared notes and planned this program.
I know it sounds like it.
And some of you sitting out there are going to say, well, I'm quite sure these two guys got together and planned to say all this.
No, we did not, did we Alex?
I mean, you've been told by your high-level retired CEO, highest levels, this information.
I've made a film, Reverse Engineering.
I mean, I've got Copenhagen, Denmark...
I mean, I've got it right here, and that they say in their literature they want to destroy our economy.
I had an economist from Argentina on a few months ago, and he talked about how the IMF and World Bank come in, and we have their documents as well, and bankrupt these countries by design so that you're so poor and starving you can't resist.
They're not deploying NORTHCOM for no reason.
Two years!
Two years!
He kept using it over and over and over again.
Within two years, you will not recognize America.
Two years!
They have a timeline.
The elitists have altered their timeline because you
And me, the gullible Americans, gave them $2.5 trillion approximately, and Bloomberg demanded of Congress to get an answer.
They came before the Congress of the United States of America, the person representing the Federal Reserve, and said, I refuse to tell you where $2.5 trillion went to tell you where the other money went, but $2.5 trillion you gave to the elite!
And they still have not told you where it's going.
So as a result, they altered their timeline.
You've got to hear all the details of that.
They're accelerating it, correct?
They're accelerating the timeline.
Well, I don't know.
Because you see, two years ago, he told me, he said, you're going to have massive inflation within a year to a year and a half.
Well, they didn't do that, because when they were able to alter their timeline, and they've done some amazing things in these D8 meetings and so on, where you have attended and watched from the outside, and here this man is telling me what they did on the inside,
No, I know, but I mean it was going to be a gradual inflation and now they're admitting it.
To me it's, even though it looks like it's not an acceleration, it is an acceleration because it appears they're moving in with their entire program in the next two years instead of just one plank of it more quickly.
But Lindsey, one minute break.
We're coming back with the final hour straight ahead.
Stay there.
We'll get into the next point.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Lindsay Williams for part two of this interview is going to be back with us on Wednesday,
He's going to be back with us again on Friday, because I believe him.
His information turned out to be very accurate.
He said for at least a year, oil would go to 50.
It did that.
Now it's going back up, but not much.
And this individual said that they've changed their timeline.
Okay, Lindsey, before we go any further, I want to run through more of... Let's just run through the skeleton of your notes, and then when we have time, we'll go back through more of the notes, and then on Wednesday, we'll dissect more in-depth in areas we didn't get to today.
But, uh... We're already here in the last hour today.
Tell us about the DVD, because I know you flesh out the points in the DVD, but people don't want to go crazy waiting for it.
They should order it right now, but also then give us the skeleton of it, point by point, then go back over it.
But tell folks how they get this three-part DVD.
New toll-free number.
Please do not call my old toll-free number.
Here, you have a pencil and paper.
Write down my new toll-free number.
We've got seven operators standing by.
Immediate shipping.
We're not going to make you wait a week to a week and a half.
I told them, I said, we've got to do this immediately.
Here's the number.
Toll-free number.
Again, 888-799-6111.
We give immediate shipping now.
We don't make you wait a week and a half like we did before.
Six new DVDs.
Three of them are the ones I did in studio this past week, where I tell everything this man told me.
Now, please, I beg of you to get them.
We've done something new also.
We're putting it all in one beautiful folder with a multi-color cover.
You've never seen anything so attractive.
You've got it all in one now.
And truly, professionally done.
I told these people, I said, we've got to get this message out.
Okay, here we go.
Let's go to the content of all of this.
Two years.
Two years.
Two years.
Folks, put it down in your calendar.
I beg of you.
He said, he kept using the expression two years.
You've got to give the toll-free number out.
Hold on, Lindsey.
Say again?
Give the number out again.
Okay, the number is 888-799-6111.
No one has ever gotten this material before.
This Alex Jones Show is the first one I've ever been on.
The first.
Seven operators standing by.
Please, my new three DVDs we did in studio in Kansas City this past week.
Now, here's the content.
Within two years,
And he gives everything.
Alex, I'm going to give you one expression, and we'll elaborate on this too later in this week.
He kept using the expression, the devil's messiah.
Now I know, oh my goodness Alex, they have manipulated the churches, as well as the pastors of America.
Hold on Lindsey, you just dropped a bomb on me.
Everything else you said we can see unfolding, and I believe he told you this.
This guy then talked about the devil's messiah with you?
This man, I was stunned.
No wonder you're shaking.
I've never, listen folks, I'm talking to Lindsey during the break, his voice is shaking.
You've never acted like this.
What else did you learn?
What the hell's going on here?
Excuse me.
Well, yeah, and that's exactly right too.
Just what you word, the word you use, it's exactly what's going to be going on.
Two years
Two years you will not recognize America.
They're working through the pastors, they're working through the churches.
When I get into this, I'm going to have to shame some pastors now.
I have been a minister for 50 years.
I'm 73 years of age.
And, Alex, this man went into the subject of the Devil's Messiah, the pastors of America and the churches, and how they're working through Homeland Security in relation to the deception of the pastors and the churches for pulling the people in, and he went on to talk about within two years they'll be able to fulfill everything they want to do, and that the elite have altered their timeline to the point they feel that they have completely got it made.
Stay there, Lindsey.
Lindsey, long segment.
I want you to just get those notes, read us the bullet points, and then we'll go back to the beginning, back to the Antichrist part.
Stay with us, folks.
We'll be right back.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
By the way, we have David Ray Griffin on tomorrow, debunking the 9-11 debunkers, going over all the huge new developments on 9-11.
But, from 11.30 to 1, in the first two hours tomorrow, we're going to have part two of this.
It's clear this information is too powerful.
I believe that this high-level globalist, and I have...
Know who it is.
You know, Lindsey didn't break his promise.
I've been interviewing him so long, I know who the three CEOs were that he mentioned by name earlier from the oil companies he worked at and for, and so then I've narrowed it down.
But the point is, is that this is fitting in with all the other Bilderberg info we have.
I believe Lindsey, when he called and said he had inside knowledge two years ago,
Almost two years ago, more than a year and a half ago, that oil would go down to $50 a barrel and stay there for a year.
And it did that.
Incredible prediction.
No one saw that coming.
But then I noticed in our own Bilderberg coverage, it was a footnote from Jim Tucker and a footnote from Daniel Estill and that inside sources said Bilderberg was going to cut oil in half from 150 to below 70.
That happened.
So, again, people ask, how do I know what's credible?
How do I know what's not?
Well, number one, has somebody been accurate over and over again?
Number two, does it fit in with all the other intel I have?
Now, could they alter something maybe down the road?
If we get involved, if we speak up, if we say no, but America has capitulated.
The United States has given in to tyranny.
And once they know you've capitulated and will put up with anything, then that's when the real tyranny starts.
All the tyranny and corruption we've seen is only the beginning.
I was just shown a video of police in Milwaukee, a guy on a bike, the police say stop, try to taser him, the guy gets scared, the police run him over in the car, killing him, admitting they wanted to kill him, and then the police are heroes on the news.
That's pure evil.
Just like they rubber bullet people to death and they killed a guy in Seattle last year.
The guy just comes outside from a store.
They think he's another suspect.
They come over, he gets scared by the cop, kind of turns.
The cop knocks him up, hits the ground, kills him.
The cops are on the TV saying, we don't care, we didn't do anything wrong.
They've dehumanized us and the police themselves are dehumanized.
But, I mean, they just murder this guy and don't care.
Stormtrippers of death, ladies and gentlemen.
And I know the average cop is an evil person in and of themselves, but the mantle, the system, the training...
Anyway, side issue, it's just God help us all.
We are an evil nation.
We are now being brought to judgment.
Now, Lindsey Williams, you've always been credible, and I believe that this high-level retired executive who almost died recently did spill his guts to you.
Charlotte Isserby was the number two at the Department of Education.
She said they were planning year-round schooling.
A decade ago on this show, everything she said is now coming true.
She wrote a book the size of a Dallas phone book that we sell, by the way, Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, and it's mainly just documents.
So I know this is their plan.
Just like I read, they plan to ban most air travel.
It's now mainstream news today.
I knew they had face scanning and license plate reading stuff 12 years ago.
Now it's mainstream news.
So, Charlotte Isserby's father, he was skull and bones, and Bohemian Grove, and always kind of laughed at her and her anti-newel order stance.
She was taking care of him while he was dying of cancer.
And he would hear her doing radio interviews, and about a month before he died, he accepted Jesus.
A lot of people don't like to hear this, but this is what got him to come out of his situation.
And he cried and said, yes, basically, it's Satanism.
And repented and said, I wish I was well to go back and tell the other guys that they shouldn't be part of this.
And I want to tell the police that you've got time to turn back, but you are the army of Satan now.
I mean, I mean, even if you don't believe in God, this is satanic.
This is evil.
What else do you call it?
Now, Lindsey, I'm going to shut up because I got a few of the things I got to cover to us and intersperse some news.
I've got it.
But you're back tomorrow.
Thank God for that.
But just do this.
Go over the bullet points quickly.
Then they got page after page, a prelude for tomorrow, but then go back to this guy saying how they've taken over the churches and the devil's
What was the term he used?
The devil's... Devil's messiah.
The devil's messiah.
So, and at the elite level, they're all into Luciferianism.
There's no doubt.
I mean, that's been in their own documents.
This is so insane.
But it's real.
Alex, and everybody out there in the listening audience, they're positively... I must emphasize this.
They're positively is a group of people on the face of the earth who control the world.
That you've had Alex say this over and over and over.
I'm punctuating it again right now.
There is a group of people on the face of the Earth who control the world.
They are for real.
They know what they're doing.
They are able to accomplish what they want.
They control Congress.
They control the President.
And by the way, they're having trouble with this President.
Whenever I get out, I think I'll probably save that for tomorrow.
Uh, they did want McCain as president.
And, you know, I said that last year and then somebody afterwards said, no, they didn't get McCain in.
They really flubbed up, didn't they?
Well, they did and they didn't.
You know, they're not divine.
They think they are, but they aren't.
And when they didn't get McCain in, they're having trouble.
And this gentleman went on to tell me the trouble they're having with Mr. Obama.
And they had some choice words.
Oh my gracious, I'd shake in my shoes if I was Mr. Obama right now.
Because the elite don't like his arrogance, pride, and some of the other things he's doing.
Okay, let's get back to this.
They do exist.
This man told me what they're doing.
You're right about the other gentleman who on his deathbed said, don't follow these people.
They're positively Satanist.
One of the first things I learned when I lived with the elite years ago was to listen to their buzzwords.
I'd like to read you a few buzzwords that this man used.
And I want you to quickly, in your mind, think, what is the very first thing you think about whenever I give you these buzzwords?
Now, these are his exact statements, and whenever I read you his buzzwords, I know how to understand them, because I learned years ago to read between the lines, listen to that buzzword, and then know what they're talking about.
Okay, I'm going to read you his buzzwords, word for word, and then the first thing that pops in your mind that you think these buzzwords mean, here goes, number one,
War brought the country out of the depression.
The second buzzword.
Turmoil in the Middle East two years from now.
The next buzzword.
Iran's external enemy, Israel.
I wrote these down as he was saying them.
Another buzzword.
Crude oil will stay $70 to $50 until the next crisis in the Middle East.
The next buzz word, nearly everyone will be working for the government.
And what's the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear something like that?
I mean, total control.
And war.
Listen to this.
War brought the country out of the first world.
Turmoil in the Middle East.
Iran's external enemy, Israel.
Crude oil.
Stay there until the Middle East crisis.
And they already have it planned.
You remember back two years ago, Alex, and I said this on your show.
He said, we don't want war with Iran.
And here all of our battleships were lined up over there in the Persian Gulf.
They were on ready and alert.
Everything was right ready.
The Air Force,
Man, we had nearly everything in the way of all of it, right over there in the Middle East, ready for something to take place in the Strait of Hormuz, and then this man told... I was predicting it, as was most other talk show hosts, that we were going to have war with Iran in the very near term, and that was a year and a half ago, and this man said to me, we do not want war with Iran.
I came on radio talk shows, and some of the talk show hosts got upset at me, because they were saying, we're going to have war with Iran,
And I said, this man said, we don't want war with Iran right now.
Now he turns around and he says, we've extended our timeline.
And he says, here's the new timeline.
And he says, Iran is in the picture.
But it's in the picture for approximately two years from now.
So I'm warning you.
Uh, what we thought was going to take place a year and a half to two years ago, you've got it down the line two years from now, and it's going to break out and spread all over the world at the time it happens, and he used buzzwords that indicated to me that they have something definitely in the wind for that period of time.
I'm just telling you what this gentleman says.
Believe me, for 35 years, all I have ever done is voiced
What the elite have told me, I'm just a little everyday sort of a guy.
Believe me, I am not a prophet, but everything that these people have said for the past 35 years has taken place, and you can believe it, this is going to take place also.
Well, Lindsey, let's go back to this taking over the preachers and the devil's messiah.
What was he saying that was?
Well, we came around to how that all of this is coming about.
Whenever he said that within two years you'll be so broke you won't be able to rebel against America, against the elite, excuse me.
America will not be able to rebel against the elite, and down to the fact that they have two years, and the dollar basically will be a thing of the past, and inflation, we went through all of these two years things,
And naturally, being a pastor, I went back at that point and said to him, I said, and I called him by name, I said, do you remember at Prudhoe Bay, when Speedy Jones came to know Christ as the Savior, and how it literally turned Prudhoe Bay upside down?
I thought I'd get him on this subject, and I really wasn't asking him for things in the religious world, but he said, Chaplain, I do remember that.
He said, you were having 400, 450 men out to the worship service at Pump Station 1,
And he said, yes, Peter Jones, with Houston Constructors, really did turn the North Polk of Alaska upside down.
And he said, then he got on the subject of religion.
I wasn't expecting him to do it.
And he used the expression, the devil's messiah.
And I asked him to kind of elaborate a little bit about what he was talking about.
And he went into the details as to what they've done to the churches and the pastors of America.
Stay there, Lindsey.
We're gonna come right back in with the Devil's Messiah.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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Makes me very angry to see humanity who's good and decent, and the average person is loving and has hopes and dreams, manipulated by the scientific dictatorship.
Pastor Lindsey Williams is our guest.
Lindsey, this is a short segment, long segment coming up, but I want
What Alex Jones says in his new DVD, and I haven't seen it yet, Alex, I'm sure looking forward to it, I guarantee you
That what this man told me is going to back up every single thing that Alex Jones says in his new DVD.
He went into the subject, as Alex just suggested, he wants to keep me on the subject of the Devil's Messiah.
Have you been asked by your church and your pastor lately to fill out a form in which it asks very personal questions and they say that they'd like it for the purpose of being able to know more about the people in the church?
Yes, it's happening everywhere.
You better be careful, folks.
Did you realize that this is, uh, that Homeland Security has, oh my goodness, I wish I had time to go on Homeland Security, but I can't.
No, you do!
Go over it, go!
Just tell us.
That Homeland Security has actually requested of the pastors to get this information and to make it available to them at any such time that they might want it.
And they ask personal questions.
Your salary, the number of people in your house, the number of computers you have, on and on and on.
I attended a church.
We just came back, as I mentioned to you, three months.
I disappeared.
Literally disappeared.
I haven't done a single radio talk show up until today.
Alex, I guess that's the reason I'm so excited, because I have a privilege of giving out what this man just told me, your show being the very first one.
And I was in a church in the course of our travels, and this church
Asked the people to fill out this brochure, and I looked at it and almost gagged.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
It's exactly what Homeland Security has requested of the pastors to be able to... Hey, it's worse than that, Lindsey.
We're the ones that broke three years ago on Genesis.
Pastor Butch Paul did first.
The clergy response team's secret documents.
Tell your flocks Roman 13.
Tell them give their guns up.
Tell them take forced inoculations.
Tell them world government's good.
Tell them to worship whoever the president is.
Then it came out mainstream news that our documents were real.
People couldn't believe it.
Just Google Clergy Response Teams, you can watch newscasts, everything, saying, yeah, we're getting you ready to go to the camps.
They actually say, the camps, and how it's of the Lord to go to the camps.
Very, very, like Communist China or Russia using the churches.
And then, one of my friends brought me from Dripping Springs, Big Baptist Church,
They got ordered.
You don't talk about politics with anybody at the church even when you're eating dinner with them.
You shut up and do what the government says.
These are prison grids.
You talk about devilish.
Go ahead.
Please, folks, I beg of you.
If you even attend any kind of church at all, I don't care what it is, please give my DVD to the pastors of your church.
I beg of you.
Now, we have put this in a beautiful folder.
This is not like I used to do, Dorky.
I know in the past we've had very dorky DVDs, but not this time.
I said the whole country has... this has got to be so attractive that everybody will want it.
We put all six of them into one beautiful folder with a multi-cover cover on the back and the front.
You've never seen anything so nice.
Anybody would want it.
Give it to your pastor.
I beg of you.
He will actually look at this one and want it.
Okay, we're going to fire the number out, but here's my question.
I know insiders leak info.
Is he telling you this because he thinks there's nothing anybody can do, or is it because of his conscience believing he's going to die soon?
A little bit of both.
I think he did it mainly because of his conscience, and I think he did it, as he said,
And he's telling you this because you were his pastor with the oil company and he knows if you say you won't speak with the pastor
I understand of course that they do not have chaplains on pipelines.
They've never known them anyplace in the world.
The only time this has happened to my knowledge is on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline.
I probably
And one of the only people of his kind that has ever, personally, man-to-man, eyeball-to-eyeball, face-to-face, day-after-day, been in the presence of this man, and it gained a sense of confidence that probably... I understand.
You're like his counselor.
Stay there, Lindsey.
I want to come back and get into the Homeland Security, get into more of this religious stuff, because I want to hear his view on that when you brought it up, and then more.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I got some sponsors we need to thank.
I said I'd get into carbon tax.
I may have to do this at the beginning of the show tomorrow.
It's just they're openly announcing they're gonna not just tax you, they're gonna make you get permission to travel.
I mean, this is happening.
I mean, it's worse than I thought.
I mean, I knew that was down the road, but they're coming right out with it.
It is so amazing.
Lindsey will be on with us 30 minutes into the show tomorrow.
Man, I've never heard him so speechless.
We're going to go over all his list into more detail.
During the break, he was just telling me more about what this guy was telling him about the world government religion.
These people are out of their minds.
I wanted to cover some economic news and also thank some of the sponsors.
It's super high-quality atmospheric water generator and the special deal ends today.
It ends today at five or six o'clock Central.
They're actually on the West Coast, but I know at five today it closes, so I guess it's seven o'clock here, Central.
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In these insane times, everybody needs a hidden video camera.
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And a lot of these videos are getting shot, like these National Guard videos of checkpoints popping up around the country being shot with Diginet.net pins.
Continuing, I want to thank eFoodsDirect.com for making today's show possible.
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eFoodsDirect.com, big banners on InfoWars.
We're good.
We're going to continue here.
I want to go to Ted Anderson just for three minutes, and then we're going back to Lindsey Williams.
But I wanted to get Ted on because gold is continuing to move up.
It's up at an all-time record high again today.
It's been up above $1,060.
The writing is on the wall.
They might hammer it back down again below a thousand, but then next time it'll go up to a thousand one hundred.
And then down to a thousand and a thousand two hundred, to a thousand one hundred, a thousand three hundred.
These are the ceilings.
Mainline experts on Bloomberg and CNBC are saying two thousand.
I'm not saying that.
Let me tell you something.
I bought most of my gold.
I don't have much, but I got some in a safety deposit box, you know, stuff like that.
And I got a lot of silver.
And that's also, people say, well, that's not safe either.
It's a deposit box.
Well, that's where I keep it.
You know, the point is that you can go bury it if you want.
The point here is, is that I'm not selling silver.
I bought it $5 an ounce and gold.
I bought it 300.
I'm not selling it.
It's insurance folks, but for insurance, there's few things you invest in as insurance.
And then on top of it also as an investment, as one of the hottest investments.
Paper is a fraud.
The globalists are using paper, they create to buy the world, then they destroy their own paper with us left holding the bag.
I'm going to bring Ted up.
Now, I haven't asked Ted yet today if he's run out of gold he bought at the $1,000 level and silver he bought at the $12 level.
I know he told me last Friday when I bought another little bag of silver that he was almost out of that if I wanted any more.
Because that's what I keep as my emergency nest egg and for this company to operate on.
And more and more we try to keep money in the bank as operating capital.
I'm trying to shift it out because who knows if that'll be there.
We won't be able to operate here.
We have huge overhead.
The issue here is, that's why we're always also having sponsors on.
I'm not funded by the New World Order, I'm funded by me and my sponsors.
You buying the DVDs, the sponsors.
That's why I forget at the end of the show to even plug them, they all come at once, but please support them.
Ted, I need to go back to Lindsey Williams, this is super hot, but I appreciate you coming on and waiting.
Ted, what gold and silver do you have now at that lower price?
It keeps going up.
People need to take advantage of this.
Yeah, gold is up today.
The dollar's dropping again today.
Very sad day for the dollar.
But gold is going up.
Up $7.00 and some odd cents today already.
And the gold that I'm using right now, the stuff that I have,
That's trading at that $1,000 level is the British Sovereigns and the Franks.
They're at $2.93 and $2.38.
I'm not going to say a whole lot about this just because I don't have a whole lot left.
And that would be the $10 Liberty.
We have those at $8.18.
Walking Liberty halves without a question.
Still, Alex, I'm still offering those at $8.69.
That is just an incredible, incredible buy.
With where silver is at right now.
So I'd recommend that people get into that.
1771 right now is what I show.
So, you know, the market is real hot in that area as well.
It's just been a really strong, strong market.
Just like Lindsey's saying, the dollar's losing value.
It's gonna lose value and it's losing it fast.
I really don't want to interrupt Lindsey Williams.
He's got such great information.
But I can tell you, if you're looking to buy gold and silver, I don't know why you wouldn't be.
I mean, if you have money in the stocks, the banks, CDs, I mean, you can just name it.
If it's sitting, you know, in annuities, I mean, where are you gonna be?
I mean, all this stuff is...
You know, price based upon paper currency.
Gold and silver is money and has been money for thousands and thousands of years.
It dates back to pre-Bank of England times before the Bank of England even started to print fiat currency, you know?
I mean, this is just
You know, a no-brainer.
People should be in gold and silver.
What do the Franks set in the Sovereigns?
I like the Sovereigns.
Currently, the Frank right now is at $238.
The Sovereign right now is at $293.
So that's still the lower price?
It is still the lower price.
How long can you hold that?
When are you running out?
Again, if I start breaking that $1,070 and my supply, it's just going to dry up.
I'm hoping, remember you said that you thought maybe gold would hit below $1,000 an ounce again?
I am just salivating, hoping to get that possibility, because when that does happen, I'm going to be buying hands down.
Well, it appears it's found a new bottom at $1,040 to $1,060.
It's just sitting there.
Here's the number.
Folks are there.
This is a time machine.
You can go back in time and get gold.
I think?
Ted probably won't be able to hold this deal much longer.
Give him a call.
Tell him it's the Alex Jones Special.
Ted, thank you so much for being on with us.
Well, thanks for having me up, and of course, thank the listeners for being so supportive of the Genesis Network and Midas.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you, Ted.
Alex, the elite said to me, gold and silver are all you can rely on.
Those are his words.
And he said, this is our currency.
Almost as if the American people have got the paper and the elite have got the gold and silver.
He said, this is our currency.
He said, gold and silver are all you can rely on.
Two years from now, the dollar will be zilch.
It will be dead.
His exact words were, the dollar will be dead.
Is there any way to... And by the way, just for you, you've only given your number out once, and we're getting emails and calls asking for that toll-free number.
Everybody get your pens and paper ready.
At the end, he'll give it out three times in a row if you want the new DVD he just did where he lays this all out.
He rushed out.
Lindsey wants to retire.
How old are you, Lindsey?
73, but I'm not going to retire, Alex.
I can't.
There's too much exciting happening out here.
Well, you're doing a great job.
Well, you look younger than 73, but the point is, I know you got this info, so you've rushed out and you're doing this.
We're going to tell people how to get this and get it out to everybody at the end of the show, but just in the time we have left before tomorrow, we're going to go into more depth, 30 minutes into the start of the show, 1130 Central, 930 Pacific.
I don't
A prelude of what's coming tomorrow, and you also mentioned that they plan to destroy Barack Obama.
Obviously, they build him up, they destroy him, or what your inside intel is on that?
Well, two years ago, let's begin with Mr. Obama.
Then I'll go back into the other part also.
Two years ago, he said to me, he said McCain is our man.
That was prior to the election.
And I kept making the statement that McCain was going to be elected.
Well, that isn't what he said.
And I'm learning more and more to stick with his exact words, because these people are very precise in the way they word things, and that's the reason I've read some of his words today, such as the one about gold and silver.
He said, gold and silver, all you can rely on.
Now, he didn't say where it was going, he didn't say $2,000 an ounce, but you read between the lines, and you get it for yourself.
Now, they said two years ago, McCain is all a man.
Well, I said McCain's going to be elected.
That is what he said when he was not elected.
I asked him about that this time, and oh my goodness, Alex, did I get an earful.
Yes, they did want McCain in, and they expected to get him.
But keep in mind, these people are not divine.
They don't always get what they want.
Americans, you still have time to rise up and up.
Well, Lindsey, let me stop you, though.
There's one elite, but kind of like in a Mafia Commission meeting, they're all LaCosa Nostra, but they're different families.
I know there's a Hegelian dialectic of the Fabian Socialist and then a more rabid group.
Could you not be talking to one arm of the New World Order?
Because also a lot of elites wanted Obama.
Well, let's kind of get a pecking order here.
You start out with probably no more than a dozen people.
And at the very top, you know who they are.
George Bush Senior, Danny Bush.
You could not get any more elite of the elite
He's in the second tier!
He probably is, if I could guess.
Because he knows what goes on in the meetings.
He knows the meetings like you attended and viewed them from the outside.
He knows what goes on in those sort of meetings.
So yeah, he's pretty close down the line.
Now, these people expected McCain to get in.
They wanted McCain in.
They financed McCain's program.
And now that they got Obama, they've got trouble.
Obama's got trouble.
Oh my goodness!
He made it known to me that if Obama doesn't straighten out, and I'm not going to use the word over the air, I can't.
They even told me in the studio this past week, the studio owner said, don't you dare say that here.
He said, take that off the record.
I'll just put it this way.
If Obama doesn't straighten out and quit this haughty pride, arrogant,
I'm not listening to them and doing things the way that he wants them done.
He's in big trouble.
Wait a minute, you're saying from your source that at least one big strata of the elite will just say it?
They're saying that they may, he's saying the elite may do a JFK on Obama?
You said it, I didn't.
Well, no, I mean I'm just reporting here.
You're saying you have an inside source and that he's not saying he's going to do it.
He's 80, almost 90, won't say his age, and he's just hearing that... Well, go ahead.
Well, they aren't satisfied with this man.
This man is jumping out and doing things without their permission.
And he is in some real hot water if he keeps up the way he's going.
In fact, it wouldn't surprise me anything.
Now, in my DVD, I beg people.
I say, don't you touch this man.
None of you bunch of radicals out there.
And I know there's some real hotheads listening to the program today.
Don't you dare go out there and do anything to this man.
He's going to kill himself.
He's going to...
I'm sorry, I used the wrong word there.
He is going to defeat himself in the very near future and don't you dare go out there and touch him.
Because if you do, you'll make a hero out of him.
But see, you may exactly, the elite love him from what I've seen and have built him up and given him Nobel Prizes.
That's the elite of the elite.
And the only way to make him a winner is to try something or hurt him that will then elevate him.
Well, they buy him by giving him a Nobel Peace Prize.
Uh, they limit what he's able to do in certain areas by, uh, tying his hands.
And so they're trying their best to tie him down so that they can get out of him what they want out of him.
But this man is so unpredictable until even these people are having trouble with him.
And it was indicated to me, uh, this guy better be very careful what he's doing.
I mean, it's, it's, it's startling.
It's, uh,
It's dangerous.
Now, let me get into the next subject.
We'll touch on that maybe a little bit more, but you're right.
Everything you just said, all of the in-between-the-lines folks, you just read what Alex just said, because that's exactly the way it is.
Now, let's get down to the elite, and two statements here.
First of all, the elite have a God.
Remember when George Bush, our previous president, to Mr. Obama, he used to use the expression all the time, God bless you.
Well, fine.
But most pastors fell for that line and thought that he was talking about their God.
But no, quite to the contrary.
The true and living God of the Bible is one God.
The Bible talks about a second God.
Stay there!
Stay there!
We may have to go into overdrive.
He's back live with us tomorrow.
He's Lindsey Williams.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
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We're good to go!
Look, I'm gonna do 10 minutes of overdrive.
I'd do more, but I got radio and TV interviews lined up off and on during the day.
Also, they're over there building our new office in the space next door, but we've got to knock a hole from this office into the other office.
I thought I would ceremonially, with a sledgehammer, boy, it's some thick, thick, thick sheetrock.
So we'll see how wimpy I look banging that into the wall.
It's not like regular sheetrock, man.
This stuff's like that thick.
I saw him in there with a sledgehammer a few months ago.
I mean, it was just like, we'll see what happens.
We'll see if I can man up and go through this wall.
But there's some brick behind it too, center block.
I'll be bashing the daylight side of that.
By the way, it's just about 48 hours.
Wednesday at 3 p.m.
on the show in Central, we're going to release Follow the Republic.
Follow the Republic.
And this film covers everything Lindsey's talking about.
They are killing the dollar, killing our country, hardcore citizen spy rings, secret arrests, CPS,
Brainwashed population, TV mind control, pre-order it at InfoWars.com today.
It's not even pre-ordering anymore, we start shipping tomorrow.
Order the DVDs, you have it high quality, you'll get it in a few days.
UPS goes everywhere in the country in like three, four days.
The problem is we've got thousands of orders.
We've got to hurry and get them out, because the DVDs are coming in today.
They're on their way here.
They should probably already be back there in the back.
But we've got a tracking number.
The point is, I've already got some that we overnighted, but the point is, from the factory, get it!
Infowars.com or 888-253-3139.
These are the white blood cells against this disease of globalism.
The Power!
I gotta sell 20,000 of these just to make my money back or more.
Probably, who knows if I'll even do that.
Probably in a year I will.
The point is, the issue is, it's not about the money.
It's about the future.
It's about beating the globalists.
And if you'll get the DVD, make copies, get out to people, it's unstoppable.
It'll premiere at PrisonPlanet.tv, burn at the disk.
Get fired up, get amped up, get ready.
Now I'm holding Lindsay over 10 minutes so we can finish up more of these key bullet points from this insider.
But, Lindsey, before you forget, give folks the toll-free number to call and order your different DVD sets.
And this latest one that is just finished today, you know, you shot it last week.
Give people the number so they can call and get the latest DVD.
The new toll-free number.
We had to put on seven operators standing by waiting to take your call.
The new toll-free number is 888-799-7000.
We'll give immediate shipment.
We'll ship UPS if you'd like.
We'll ship Post Office.
We want to get it to you as quick as we can.
Six DVDs.
You only buy three.
We've reduced the price.
Six DVDs.
You buy three.
We will give you three as a gift.
Give them the number again.
People just want the number.
The number is 888-
Okay, Lindsey, stay there.
We've got to break.
I want to come back in the final 10 minutes and overdrive.
This will not be on your AM and FM dial.
This will not be on Global Shortwave.
It'll be on PrisonPlanet.tv, later put all over the world, but live right now, and the audio streams at InfoWars.com.
You've got to go to InfoWars.com.
There's all these other affiliate and radio links and other streams.
Click now to be able to hear the final 10 minutes, because Lindsey,
I want you to... We've only covered, I know, a page or so of your notes.
Give us a preview of what's coming up tomorrow, 30 minutes into the show.
This is so important!
I believe Lindsey.
His info's proven to be accurate.
He does talk to a top globalist.
He made the prediction almost two years ago here on the show that oil would drop to below 50.
It did that for a solid year, as he said.
Now he's giving us the latest inside intel.
This is just as important when Jim Tucker gives us inside intel from Milderberg Group meetings.
We're looking into the crystal ball.
Main transmission's ending now.
God bless you all.
Let's go into retransmission.
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That's hereiswhatyoudo.net.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
It's world government, scientific dictatorship run by vicious Luciferian control freaks.
Even if you don't believe in God, the devil, and the seven seas, you need to know the elite do believe in it.
Pastor Lindsey Williams wrote a book 25 plus years ago about all the oil reserves in Alaska.
It's confirmed he worked there with these people.
He was a chaplain to these big board meetings between three big oil companies.
He did get to know these people.
Over a year and a half ago, he broke on this show that oil would go from 150 a barrel to below 50.
It did that, he said, for one year.
It did it for about 11 months before it went back above, so he was right.
Lindsey, you talked to this elitist, this former oil company CEO, who you're friends with.
You first talked to him a couple years ago when he threatened you and said, the elite's gonna take you out if you don't shut up.
These old guys love to do that, love to threaten people, and they mean it.
Believe me, you're exactly right.
Whenever they say it, they mean it.
And you don't take it for granted.
I have not done a single radio talk show for three months.
No one has heard this material before.
Only a few days ago, I hope you're hearing this, folks, only a few days ago, not two years ago, a few days ago, I dared to pick up the telephone and call this man.
Alex, producer, said to me back about two months ago, he said, have you talked with this man yet?
And he said, please, Alex, on the last show, I think you said, please give this man a call.
I'd like to know what he says sometimes.
I didn't want to know what he had to say.
I'll admit to you, I was afraid to even know what this man had to say.
When I got back here, after three months of not doing a single show, I said one morning, I just feel the urge to pick up the phone and call this man.
I have not talked with him in nearly two years.
I did.
He answered the phone.
He said, here are the points.
We're going to deal with them in depth tomorrow, one after the other.
Number one,
Within two years, you will not recognize America.
Oh, folks, I wish to goodness somehow you could realize that unless you take action immediately, I mean, I don't know what you're going to do, but whatever it takes, immediately, all your children and grandchildren will forever be slaves to the elite.
The second point, the elite have altered their timeline.
Now, this is unusual.
They don't oftentimes do this.
And I'll tell you on the show tomorrow how they have altered that timeline.
They've altered it somewhat in relation to inflation.
They've altered it slightly concerning the time that they have set for the total, utter, complete annihilation and collapse of the American dollar.
And I'll tell you why they have done that and go into that in depth on tomorrow.
I didn't even touch today on Saudi Arabia and OPEC.
And the Arabs, and how it's affecting them because of what they're doing with oil right now.
But oil's going back up to 70-something dollars a barrel, and I'll get into that tomorrow.
Some of you I know are saying, well, you said it was going down to $50.
Well, that's exactly what they told me for a certain period of time, and I'll tell you where it's going tomorrow.
I know, it's going up some, but it's going back down some too.
He said inflation will escalate over a period of two years.
This is one of the timeline alterations.
I had said two years ago that it was probably going to have hyper, super inflation within a year to a year and a half.
He says now because the American people gave the elite
Approximately two and one half trillion dollars, Bloomberg's news service said.
Oh my goodness, I hope you caught that.
Two and one half trillion, I didn't say billion, trillion dollars, within the past, within the two months of the end of a Bush administration, you literally had to put on a silver platter approximately two and one half trillion dollars, and as a result, out of appreciation,
I don't know how to say it any otherwise.
This is so startling, but yet it's also comical in so many ways.
Until I have to just laugh sometimes.
If I didn't, I wouldn't know how to expand it.
But you give them two and a half trillion dollars, and out of appreciation, so to speak, they kind of altered their timeline, and the inflation is going to escalate over a period of two years with, oh my goodness, Katie bought the door at the end of a two-year period.
You can't imagine what you're going to be facing.
And they've already set the date.
I mean, he used the expression over and over and over, two years, two years, two years.
Okay, crude oil prices.
We'll deal with that tomorrow.
He said again, gold and silver are all you can rely on.
I'd like to go into tomorrow why gold and silver are the currency of the elite.
You want my currency?
Well, not mine anymore if I guilt it.
It is a Federal Reserve note.
It's a joke.
Gold and silver never change prices.
A joke.
I know a few moments ago we talked about the fact that gold went up today and silver went up today.
No, it didn't.
The dollar went down.
Gold and silver stayed where it was.
The purchasing power of that gold is still the same.
I'll try to explain tomorrow how that gold and silver are the currency of the elite, and that's the reason you don't pay any sales tax on it when you buy it.
That's the reason that they don't regulate it.
And then I'm going to go into tomorrow who is going to be the le- oh, oh good, please.
Alex, you're going to love this also.
He gave me a schedule of events in chronological order of what you can expect and who would you think, and I'll answer it all tomorrow.
Don't answer me now because it might not be right.
Who will be the last group of people to be touched in the order, chronologically, of their total control factor?
You are going to be amazed how this relates.
Well, stop right there.
Just give us a prelude.
Stop right there.
I know the DVD covers it all in detail, and we'll cover it more tomorrow, but give me a few of the schedule of events.
Give me the first part.
Well, uh... You have in front of you?
Yeah, I do.
The last group to be touched.
And it's going to surprise you.
I know radio talk shows, all the talk show hosts are saying, oh my goodness, we're about to be taken off the air.
All the rest.
Would you believe the last group to be touched are going to be radio talk shows?
Well, Hitler did that.
He allowed some prominent Jews to stay in Germany and stay in the theater and stay on in movies.
So they're planning to let us flap and scream.
I've been told that, but it's almost like entertainment for them that we're like, The Great Dominator crushes America!
They're like, yes, that's right.
Is that what you're saying?
Well, yeah, but there's another reason behind this, Alex.
And the reason is, you see,
They're, they control the major media.
I mean, let's just, television, radio, I don't care what it is, major media, they control it.
It's their greatest tool of telling the people what they want them to know, and make them believe it.
Now, if, if you, if they control the media, and they want to use the media as their method of getting their message out, now, the moment that they limit the radio talk show, such as Alex Jones,
So they're just going to control the media by being able to propagandize.
They don't want a fairness doctrine because then that could be used in court to restrict them.
That's exactly right.
It would be to their disadvantage to cut off the Alex Jones Show.
So they're winning right now, why should they change anything?
I mean, I can sit here with government documents, how they're poisoning the water, and parents go, good!
I want my kid to be retarded.
I'm going to drink more fluoride.
Well, don't think, Alex.
That you and me and others like us, they think that we don't have enough power to be able to move the masses.
They think they have it made right now.
They are fully convinced that they have it in the pocket and there's nothing in the world that you and I can do about it.
And they aren't worried about us one eye older, because these little, these small meetings that we hold around the country and everything else, they say, oh my gracious, we have it so made already.
Well, they're not worried because the general public only wants to put a sports jersey on and drink fluoridated water, and loves losing their houses, loves losing everything, loves the left-right paradigm, and if they do wake up, they're just going to follow Glenn Beck, who's controlled opposition, right over a cliff.
Yeah, but I know in the end we're going to wake up and defeat them.
It's kind of a mind game they play of being so incredibly arrogant.
But Lindsey, I interrupted you on that point.
We're going to cover the chronological event tomorrow.
We're going to cover some other things.
But you have a few more points.
Give us those final preludes.
Well, baseball, apple pie, and beer.
And they keep you happy.
And they don't really think that... Oh, he even said that!
Yeah, to rise up.
We ought to get tomorrow into the subject of the Devil's Messiah.
Oh, this is going to startle you.
When I gave this the other day in the studio, the people said, we've never heard anything such as the elite have a god.
The elite are not atheists.
In order to understand this and what their moral code is, I'm going to go into their moral code.
Their moral code is basically evolution.
They have so persuasive... It's eugenics!
Eugenics came out of evolution, it's social Darwinism.
When they torture and murder children, it's their divine right, do as thou wilt, because they are the dominant one, and so they're helping the earth.
Well, they've rewritten the textbooks, and they have put in the religion of evolution, and believe you me, it is a religion.
They did every bit of this, and they've done it over a period of years.
As a result, they have persuaded people that they're nothing but evolutionized animals, and if they're nothing but evolutionized animals, then they have a right to act like it.
And so we can kill the old people and euthanize everybody because we're all just blobs.
We've got to honor the earth, but not ourselves.
Humans are trash.
So he told you that, too.
The elite worship something.
But my question is, what do they worship?
And there again, the name of the game is control.
George Bush used to use the expression, God bless America.
Okay, which God?
That's the thing that the average American never stops, and the poor preacher in America today has been so fooled into believing that he was talking about the God of the Bible that they worship.
My goodness, quite to the contrary, he was talking about a God, but
Please, wake up and realize which god this man was talking about.
Alright, we're going to talk more about that tomorrow.
What are the other bullet points we haven't gotten to?
Well, I think probably the most startling thing is going to be their schedule of events chronologically, and how they plan to keep the stock market going up and up and up.
Other things are going to be drastically affected, and there's definitely a timeline involved in every bit of this.
I don't know how to give any more.
I mean, I've got so many pages of notes here.
Well, randomly read some more to us.
Giving us a prelude for tomorrow.
Well, what I'll probably do tomorrow is start out with my very first set of notes here that I used the other day, and go through them one meticulously, one at a time, and explain the minute details in it, and then come down to
I think so.
Then I'll get into the third and the last of these, which is the Devil's Messiah, the churches, how they have affected them, how they've rewritten the textbooks in our schools, and basically how this man just literally poured himself out and said things that I am still sitting here stunned and amazed that anybody would ever dare to say.
Well give us, in closing, a final look into when he talked about Devil Messiah, did he say our Messiah will soon be here?
No, he did not say that.
For all practical purposes, they have accomplished about what they want to accomplish, and whatever men may step on the scene to do what they want done, he did not say that.
Well then what did he mean by Devil Messiah?
He just meant we've taken over the churches?
He basically meant, okay, here goes, and this is the buzz, this is the, what should I say, the prime line.
They, in order to be able to bring America to the state that it is right now, they had to remove America's God.
That's putting it in a nutshell.
And they understood this.
They had to make their new religion of eugenics the god, and they had to make the family be removed.
Only the state can stand.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I think it was best expressed by Alexis Tocqueville.
And I'll just read you just a few sentences here.
When he wrote his book after coming to America, this famous French author, and he said, I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there.
Her fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there.
In her rich mines and her vast world of commerce, and it was not there.
Not until I went to the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness that I understand the secret of her genius and power.
America is great because America is good.
And if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.
They knew that they had to remove America's God in order for it to be destroyed.
And one of the first places they started was the pastors and the pulpits.
And the pastors can't say anything anymore.
The hands are tied by 501c3 and Alexis de Tocqueville knew it.
He said it.
The elite knew it.
Well, Pastor Williams, tomorrow at 30 minutes into the show, you're with us for an hour and a half.
Then we're going to set you up again.
Keep an hour open Friday.
In fact, as we end the show here, when it's over, I want to set up that Friday interview.
We'll do Tuesday and Friday to get the full scope of this with you.
And I want to ask all the listeners to contact their friends and family, have them tune in tomorrow.
But in closing, I want to say this.
Even if people don't believe in God, look at the United States.
4% of the world's population, half the wealth.
Mexico has triple the wealth of minerals and oil and trees.
Many other countries have more wealth, but they're slaves.
It was the system of liberty that produced all this.
Now we're going into bondage.
And there's no doubt that that is the fact, and the system knew that.
They want us dependent.
They want us weak.
Pastor Lindsey Williams, God bless you.
We appreciate you coming on with us today.
I'm Alex Jones signing off.
We're going into retransmission now at InfoWars.com.
Great job with the crew.
Great job to Nyhart, Hartman, everybody else back there.
I will see you back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
I'm Alex Jones signing off.
I think so.