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Filename: 20091012_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 12, 2009
2665 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Monday, the 12th day of October 2009.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Extremely important revealing broadcast.
More and more I come on air at the start of the broadcast and say that everything is falling into place, the world government is openly being announced, and it is extremely crystal clear what we're facing as a society and as a species.
There is no longer any doubts.
We were absolutely right about our analysis over the last 14 years of what we were facing.
In fact, it is far worse than I even imagined early on.
Though I've read thousands of government documents and pieces of legislation and think tank policy reports to be living the New World Order, to now be inside of it and sinking deeper into it.
Braces me.
It chills me.
It shakes me to my very core.
Love is the answer to this evil.
Countering this wickedness with love and with perseverance and with honor and with courage
is the only course we have.
I'm going to be quite reflective in this first hour.
I'm going to try to cover a lot of news, but also make some important points, as I had a few days this weekend with my family taking off, to really reflect on the state of the world, and not just the state of the world, but the state of the Liberty Movement, and the state of this radio show, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Let me tell you about some of the guests we had today.
You know, we had David Icke on last Wednesday for 30 minutes.
He'll be on with us for an hour today.
Then we have another guest joining us, the author of Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, a former Hitler Youth Warns America.
This gentleman will be joining us coming up later in the broadcast as well.
And we're going to have open phones.
There have been at least five big hit pieces, and I haven't even been looking for them, so there's probably more, that I've seen the last two days against me.
The New Republic, Media Matters,
Salon and others.
There's no doubt I'm on the White House enemies list that's been reported.
Even the Associated Press has reported there is a White House enemies list and it doesn't scare me.
It makes me sad.
And I am ready and willing and honored and blessed
In whatever persecution and disinformation campaigns I have to go through.
But I am sad that the establishment, the social engineers, can find so many willing people who are so blind or so given over to evil that they revel and enjoy attacking myself and others who are simply trying to
Defend our little sad but also great species.
I've never claimed to be up to the challenge of fighting the New World Order by myself.
I've never claimed that I'm not in over my head.
But as a species, we're all in over our heads right now.
Including the establishment who's playing at God.
I say playing because they're not in control of anything, much less their own subconscious mind.
Have you heard that millionaire, entrepreneur, businessman, your congressional candidate and author Robert Beatles wrote a new book called Here's What You Do.
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Again, it is Here'sWhatYouDo.net.
That's Here'sWhatYouDo.net.
One last time, it's Here'sWhatYouDo.net.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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That's NoGerms.info.
Be well and stay well.
I like taking questions.
Best, MC.
You know, he never takes questions.
Fellow McAleer directed a documentary called Not Evil, Just Wrong, which challenged Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth.
McAleer was more than happy to take advantage of the opportunity to ask Gore about his movie.
A judge in the British High Court after a lengthy hearing found there were nine significant errors.
This has been shown to children.
Do you accept those findings and have you done anything to correct those errors?
Well, I'm not going to go through
All of those.
The ruling was in favor of the movie, by the way.
And the ruling was in favor of showing the movie in schools.
And that's really the bottom line on that.
There's been such a long discussion of each one of those specific things.
One of them, for example, was that polar bears, if I remember correctly, it's been a long time ago, that polar bears really aren't endangered.
Well, polar bears didn't get that word.
Well, the number of polar bears have increased, actually, and are increasing.
You don't think they're endangered, do you?
The number of polar bears have increased.
Do you think they're endangered?
The number of polar bears have increased.
I mean, if the number of polar bears increase, surely they're not endangered.
And the judge did have an empty hearing.
No, I mean, Vice President Gore hasn't... We're not doing a debate here.
We have to move on.
No, it's his question.
He hasn't answered the question.
We have ten minutes left for these people to ask questions.
I would appreciate his answer to the court.
EFTA organizers cut McAleer's mic.
They then followed him outside and got in his face for daring to question their religion of eugenics, their religion of taking over the planet.
Archaeologists and biologists that have studied the history and the fossil record of polar bears show that during warming periods, their numbers actually increase.
Just in North America alone, they've gone from around 35,000 to over 45,000 in just the last decade.
And there's that many again in Europe, northern Europe, into areas of northern Russia.
And now that the Earth has been cooling in the last 11 years, even the BBC has that headline today.
Even the Drudge Report today has a huge list of links at the top, with the BBC and other mainstream publications going, well, whatever happened to global warming?
And admitting that the Earth has not been warming for 11 years and is now rapidly cooling.
All because the sun has gone into a dormant cycle.
It is, in the last 300 years, of its heat radiance being measured.
It's one of the first things to be accurately, scientifically measured.
This is the lowest ebb in sunspots.
No sunspots in the last year.
In fact, scientists are getting a little worried.
And I'll assure you, your SUVs are not causing
Mars to cool, the moons of Saturn and Jupiter to cool, they're not causing the moon to cool, and they're not causing the Earth to cool.
Or heat!
It's all that giant Sun that you can fit over a million Earths into.
Over one million Earths.
You can fit thousands and thousands of planet Earths in Jupiter.
Jupiter is heating.
They now have
Spectrometers and different devices on space probes and high-powered satellites that show this.
Several moons of Saturn and Jupiter were melting.
They had been liquid.
They had been hard ice.
They're now turning to liquid and they're now refreezing again.
There had been a warming trend in the last 20 years.
That is starting about 20 years ago.
Ran for about 10 years.
We're now into a cooling cycle.
To be precise, if you pull up the charts, a cooling period began in the last five years.
Twenty years ago, a heating period began.
It ran for about a decade.
Then the heating stopped for five years and has since then been cooling for the last five.
These are all public numbers.
The BBC has a big report out on it today.
The thermometers don't lie and the sun doesn't lie.
Record cold right now in many areas of the United States.
Record temperatures, record cold temperatures being reported in Montana in the last four days.
Believe me, I was there a week and a half ago and it was sleeting at night.
Sleeting in early October in Montana and I was in Hardin.
Down in the relatively low country, not up on the snow-capped mountains 40 miles away.
But I belabor that issue.
We're going to be getting more into it today, coming up a little bit later in the show.
Again, David Icke is joining us on this live Monday, October 12, 2009 edition.
When I talk about all the pieces of world government now coming crisply
End of view, that is exactly what is happening.
Obama becoming the first sitting U.S.
president, or president period, to be the chairman of the U.N.
Security Council, the true body that has all the power in the U.N.
Obama being given the Nobel Peace Prize.
ICANN being given total control by the U.S.
government and the private corporation then announcing it would give control to the U.N.
over the internet two weeks ago.
That's not happening by accident.
The announcement that they're planning to begin the process of scrapping the dollar as the world reserve currency and devaluing it, that has all been announced the last two weeks.
Everything is happening simultaneously.
They're also announcing a new global police force in the New York Times to be run by Interpol and backed up by NATO and the United Nations.
Supreme Court has been announcing that it's going to be taking its orders from the Hague as the highest court in the world.
The U.S.
It's all happening simultaneously.
Notice that California has passed laws to make biometric access keypads be placed on all new firearms produced in the state.
That tracker numbers be stamped into all ammunition sold in the state.
That will then cause adoption nationwide, just as air conditioner, automobile, light bulb standards are all set in California.
This has been openly announced.
I have some bad news for everyone.
This is out of News 10.
Ammunition bill signed into law.
I told you Schwarzenegger would sign it.
Last week he lied and said he wasn't going to sign it.
He didn't support it.
That's a classic military tactic to deny he was going to sign it so that no opposition could be launched against it.
And then now they've signed it.
Ammunition bill means you have to biometrically thumbprint and scan and be registered to buy any ammo.
In the next legislative session, they already have introduced legislation this session, but it'll probably pass in the next, to then make it a crime to even bring ammo in and then to own ammo even previously purchased in the state of California that's not registered.
You will then be SWAT teamed and raided over your quote arsenal of ammunition.
Every day now, I see reports from across the United States
Even in so-called pro-gun states, like Vermont, Texas, and Arizona, where people are raided, neighbors will see, generally.
It's almost always an old man or a veteran.
I've even seen a Discovery Channel piece called Inside the LAPD, where neighbors see you with firearms, loading them in your car, take them to the gunsmith or the shooting range, or to go deer hunting, or whatever the case may be.
And the police respond.
They SWAT team you.
No crime has been committed.
They still go ahead and confiscate your firearms and ammo, and most of the time arrest you and take you in for psychological evaluation, saying you're mentally ill because you believe you're being oppressed.
And so that ammunition bill has been signed into law in California, Sacramento, California.
Before the midnight deadline, Governor Schwarzenegger acted on 685 bills that were on his desk.
He signed 456 and vetoed 229.
One of the bills that he signed was Assembly Bill 962.
It requires handgun ammunition to be kept behind the counter, where customers cannot access it without assistance.
It also requires gun shop owners to thumbprint people who buy handgun ammunition
As well as a record of their identification and provided information to police.
It's gun registration.
Schwarzenegger released a statement explaining why he signed the bill.
To the members of the California State Assembly, I'm signing Bill 962.
The measure would require vendors of handgun ammunition.
And there's, in every case, a handgun-type system that fires .223, .308, whatever.
And so under the bill, basically all ammo is covered.
The measure would require vendors of handgun ammunition to keep a log of information on handgun ammunition sales, store ammunition in a safe and secure manner, and require a face-to-face transfer of ammunition sales.
And he did sign it, as I told you he would.
Because he's a liar.
And an anti-American piece of trash.
His father arrested people as an SS officer and took them to their deaths by the thousands.
He is an absolute monster.
But as his late mentor Kurt Voltheim, former head of the UN, UN Secretary General, he follows in his footsteps.
And that's who the globalists like.
They like communists, they like Nazis, they like Marcus Wolf, who advised Homeland Security on the setup of the Stasi forces here in the United States, the former head of the Stasi.
That's who they like.
And that's who they work with.
And this is what they're doing.
This is what we face as a society.
Now when we get back, I'm going to detail what we're facing in the latest open announcements of world government.
The internet being handed over to the United Nations, the internet numbering system through ICANN, the domain systems.
They openly announced they want to tax, regulate, and shut down many domains.
The UN will decide if you can keep your domain.
His peace prize.
The open announcement of devaluing the dollar.
The U.N.
directing the global forced flu shot campaign.
The announcement of the end of the dollar.
All happening.
Simultaneously hit pieces in Salon, Media Matters, the New Republic against yours truly, are saying I am a stark, raving, dangerous lunatic making all of this up and none of this exists.
Just like Schwarzenegger said he would not sign the bill last week.
It is a military tactic where they lie to you to make the debate about whether they're lying or not instead of the issue.
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I say it over and over again.
I plead with the audience, especially new listeners.
I wish this was a joke.
I wish this was a game.
I wish we didn't have a group of private banks, of swindlers, of con men, who have gained control of the major corporations and banks of the planet.
I wish they weren't eugenicist.
I wish they weren't writing open government textbooks and policy reports admitting they want to put sterilants and toxins and cancer viruses in the vaccines.
I wish the AP wasn't reporting that worldwide the UN and others are spreading live, super weaponized polio through the vaccines, killing people.
And I wish that when it was openly, calmly announced, like they were talking about a tire sale,
Down the street at Mr. Goodrich.
I wish that when they calmly reported, oh, from the Middle East to Africa, from Asia to Latin America, a super weaponized strain of polio in the vaccine is maiming and killing people en masse.
I wish people would get upset about that.
Instead of making fun of me.
Because I want to tell the people at Salon and at the New Republic and at the White House and all the George Soros publications like Media Matters and Think Process that are attacking me.
Don't you folks understand that you're in the crosshairs as well and this is a great
Abomination against our little species, what's happening.
And that the most vicious, wicked, disgusting people you can imagine are in control and are setting up a planetary dictatorship, turning the entire globe into a giant torture dungeon, so they can have our way with us.
So they can take us and tear us limb from limb.
What are we going to do about that?
We, the people of this planet, 99.9% of us are in the crosshairs.
We are inside the world government.
But it has gone from an embryonic phase to now being up on its feet and being operational.
And I look at the admitted crimes.
I look at, daily, the hundreds and hundreds of horrible things the establishment admits they're doing.
And how they're setting the precedent to just lie out in the open.
And to carry out crimes out in the open.
And to always push forward and always expand what they're doing.
It's sickening.
And then I see this article
Written for Infowars.com, titled The Real Sicko Movie by Adam Murdoch, M.D., and I don't even want to cover it on air.
It's just so outrageous, so in our face, and I know it's only the beginning of the crimes against humanity.
The bloodlust, the bloodthirst, that the degenerates of the New World Order are carrying out against this sweet species, Homo Sapien Sapien, that has so many hopes and so many dreams and so many things that we could be doing as a people.
That has so much potential.
And to see our world hijacked and run by these globalists is just very sad.
More and more my rage and my anger at this coterie, this society, this league of evil.
My anger just gives way to intense sadness.
An intense discernment.
And the more I learn and the more I understand, I just can't believe it.
I marvel at the beast.
I do.
I marvel to a point of speechlessness.
Of fathomless cold.
And in my mind, I can hold the image of all that is good and beautiful and wholesome and innocent.
Those islands of goodliness versus the great gulfs of pain and suffering and stench and the ravenous wolves tearing humanity's guts out.
We'll cover the world government news straight ahead.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
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Be a part of the revolution today!
I want to respond to the squadron.
The flotilla.
Growing into an armada.
of hit pieces against yours truly as the establishment declares yours truly their new chief enemy.
Yes, they are declaring me to be their chief enemy and there was a time
There still are times when my ego, my bravado says, great, means you're doing your job.
John Hancock.
I want to be on all the list and at the top of the list.
And there is an intellectual satisfaction in knowing that in my life, I've stood up for what's good, haven't been perfect.
But it's another testament to what humanity can do when we stand up.
If just little old Alex Jones, warts and all, can stand up to the global technocratic empire,
It is a testament to what all of you as individuals, black, white, Hispanic, old, young, German, Jew, Chinese, it doesn't matter.
What all of you can do as humanity, if you study the enemy's own documents, their own white papers, understand their larger plan, and blow the trumpet and warn the people.
We know their program, we know their plan, we know their operations.
And that is half the battle.
It's an old army motto, knowing who your enemy is and what they're planning is half the battle.
The other half the battle is facing your enemy.
And I want it to be said only because if I am crushed or killed or set up or destroyed, I want it to be said that that was my choice and that that itself is a victory.
I don't think that's coming anytime soon, though I do approach that place in my life every day.
It is that unknown country.
Because by arriving at that island of great pain and great personal persecution and suffering, by willingly sailing to that island, we also find the keys to the gate to free the captives.
And all of us as humans were born and forged in our mother's wombs where God knew us before we were even formed in our mother's wombs.
We were all made to stand up and to love the species and to love God's creations and to be good people and to be tested.
But the fact that I am being attacked from below and above and from all sides, North, South, East, and West, and all different deceptions and devices of the enemy, is the true seal, the true certification of our bonafide authenticity.
But I challenge all of you out there to remember that each and every one of you
Has great individual power.
And that we as a species are great builders.
We are truly made in the image of the Creator.
The Creator of all that is and ever was.
And that is written on our soul.
The wicked manifest a counterfeit.
Because they hate all that is good and wholesome because what is good and wholesome gives us liberty and freedom and does not allow them to play God.
They create a wicked, dark, destructive counterfeit that takes everything good and reverses it.
And they're very good at sugarcoating their poison
To make it look like it's humanitarian, that it's altruistic, that it's humanitarian, that it's philanthropy, and the good people of the world have a blind spot for that.
They don't spend the time to drill down into the facts of the matter and discover the reality for themselves.
You know, in the past, I would laugh at these hit pieces.
And the hit pieces would come once a week or once a month, now they come multiple times a day.
But I read them now, and I do feel sadness for the people that write them and the establishment that orders them.
Because I know where all of this leads.
And it does not lead to a happy or nice place.
I have seen through history and I have seen through studying our present and future trajectory that where we're going is a hellish tyranny that beholding
It changes my very soul.
To know what's going to happen.
To know they're going to kill not millions, not hundreds of millions, but billions of people.
And to know that they're going to carry it out.
And the public is so under a trance and so deeply ingratiated in mind control that as the ambient soft kill purges expand and grow and blossom with their sickening fruit that the poor public won't even be able to recognize their destruction.
Alright, here are some of the stacks of news.
Obama and Nobel Prize, when war becomes peace, when the lie becomes the truth.
When war becomes peace, when concepts and realities are turned upside down, when fiction becomes truth and truth becomes fiction, when a global military agenda is heralded as humanitarian endeavor, when the killing of civilians is upheld as collateral damage,
When those who resist the U.S.-NATO-led invasion of their homeland are categorized as insurgents and terrorists.
When preemptive nuclear war is upheld as self-defense.
When advanced torture and interrogation techniques are routinely used to protect peacekeeping operations.
When tactical nuclear weapons are heralded as the Pentagon is harmless to the surrounding civilian population.
When three-quarters of the U.S.
And personal federal income tax revenues are allocated to financing what is euphemistically referred to as national defense.
When the commander-in-chief of the largest military force on the planet is presented as a global peacemaker, when the lie becomes the truth, that is what we face.
And that's the article at LewRockwell.com.
We have linked up on PrisonPlanet.com by Michelle Chosodosky.
And it says it well.
It's just pure lies.
And to watch conscious liars in the media, on the fake left and the fake right, part of the controlled, limited paradigm, sit there attacking those of us that point out that the Emperor has no clothes.
It's a sick joke!
And it makes you really worry about humanity's sanity.
And it makes you wonder how these liars knowingly sit up there and deceive people and get off on deceiving people.
That'd be like watching a four-year-old or five-year-old get on a bicycle for the first time across the street as your neighbor sits there and guides their son or daughter down the sidewalk and watching them fall and skin their knees and then laughing and enjoying them falling down and hoping they fall and break their jaw or knock their teeth out or break an arm.
I mean, that's the way to describe this.
To watch the social engineers write white papers and brag how they're breaking up the family and how they're going to have year-round schooling and how they're going to take basically everybody's children and break up the family and dumb everyone down and add chemicals to retard the public's brains, their intellects, in the vaccines, in the water, in the food.
To watch the establishment celebrate and giggle and smirk about it.
To watch them persecute innocent families and take their children as the parents and children cry and to watch the police and social workers' eyes burn with a demonic glow of enjoyment?
I've seen it all.
But I know I've seen little.
I think I've seen it all.
I think I've seen the limits of what I can take.
And I know it's only the beginning of this big banquet laid out before the establishment where they can rend and tear and corner the innocent.
I've seen articles in the Times of London and in Le Figaro going back over a decade.
I first began to see the articles in 98, 99.
One article in the Times of London, one tiny window into all of this, as the establishment threw it in everyone's face, described a beautiful woman, a once beautiful woman,
Weighing 87 pounds, I believe the article said.
I remember it was 80 pounds and change.
Escaped in Burgundy, France.
She came to the local regional police office wearing nothing but a trash bag around her waist that she dug out of a garbage can.
And she came in, they described her like a zombie.
Most of her hair falling out, cuts and burns all over her body.
And she screamed and begged for help.
And the police attempted to go to the Rothschild-owned castle.
They own scores of vineyards and estates and castles and chalets.
And when they got there, they found other women in cages and in dead bodies as well, buried of women.
The taste of this castle was women.
And then no one was prosecuted.
No one got in trouble.
The Arts Minister in France, one of the most important positions, it's rated in the French News as the third most important position.
Only behind defense and finance.
A relative of the late French President François Mitterrand, an admitted Luciferian who designed the 666 gold pieces, gold glass for the Louvre Pyramid.
His cousin wrote a book in France that was a bestseller about how he liked to rape little boys and how they enjoyed them as slaves.
And how he wouldn't apologize.
He's one of the best friends, it's reported, of Nicolas Sarkozy.
And his wife, the supermodel, is one of his best friends.
And he writes about raping small children.
And he writes about it in the news and is hailed.
And this is just one of thousands of pieces I've seen on France where they advertise with pleasure
That they are going to grab our children off the streets and our women, and they're going to rip their teeth out with pliers, and they're going to burn them with electrical wire, and they're going to keep on doing it, and doing it, and doing it, and there's nothing you're going to do to stop them in their mind's eye.
And no one's going to bring them to justice.
And DynCorp and Halliburton are going to run giant kidnapping rings, and it's going to be in the BBC, and no one's going to get in trouble.
And one time during a protest, there were police out guarding the DynCorp building, now has a new name in downtown Austin.
And I said to them, do you know DynCorp runs child kidnapping rings?
And the police captain laughed at me and said, I know Jones.
I work there sometimes.
And I said to this group of 10 or 12 cops laughing at me, I said, are you joking?
I mean, do you really know about that?
They just laughed and said, why don't you go find a black helicopter?
Listen to me, fool.
Do you think these people are going to stop with women and children?
They love evil.
They love doing bad.
They are putting poisons in your shots.
They are poisoning your water, big man.
Big man thinks nobody's above him.
Big man won't face there's evil above him.
Big man won't face there's danger in his life.
He will bow down to the evil and decide that he's part of it and that he's cool.
I don't know if those Austin cops were joking.
But I'll tell you this, my friend.
This is no laughing matter.
Here's an article titled The Real Sicko at Infowars.com.
It links to mainstream news articles in England, the United States, and in France.
Frederic Mitterrand, in his 2005 autobiography, The Bad Life, Mr. Mitterrand wrote, I got into the habit of paying for boys.
All these rituals of the market for youth.
The slave market excites me enormously.
He added, one could judge this abominable spectacle from the moral standpoint, but it pleases me beyond reasonable.
That translates in French into reasonable.
And finally, the profession, the profusion of very attractive and immediately available young boys puts me in a state of desire that I can no longer hide nor hinder, as I know that I will not be refused.
And it goes on, how could such a man escape justice, much less become a member of Sarkozy's cabinet?
It was only in June that he joined the cabinet and was considered a great catch for Mr. Sarkozy as proof of his open style of government.
And the minister comes from the grand socialist family and is admired by the many in the left with cultural establishment.
Carla Sarkozy, the first lady, was said to have had a hand in his nomination.
And the article goes on to talk about Roman Polanski raping a drugged 13-year-old girl as he held her down.
Even though she was drugged, she fought.
Raping her, sodomizing her.
But see, to the establishment, she's just a bundle of grapes.
She's a steak on a platter.
She's a delicacy.
And then see, after you've raped little girls and raped little boys, it's not enough.
Then you want to pull their teeth out.
And the establishment says, sometimes you don't like it at first, but later you get a taste for it.
It becomes beautiful.
To them.
I'll never forget seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger in a German newspaper visiting his favorite artist.
The art is photographs of dead babies.
Dead babies.
Dressed in Nazi outfits.
With black circles around their eyes.
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May I have everybody's attention, please?
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When you understand
You know why George Orwell, that was his pen name, Eric Blair, who wrote scores of essays, there's a lot of books that have compendiums of his essays, I suggest you read his non-fiction, like To Kill an Elephant.
He worked as a member of the Imperial Police in India, oppressing people.
He then thought he was rebelling and went and joined the Communists.
Found out they were controlled by the same people.
Was shot through the neck in frontline battle with the Germans in 1938-39 in Spain in the Franco War.
He came back and worked for the BBC at the highest levels.
Writing national and international propaganda releases for radio and film.
And he wrote 1984.
And O'Brien is torturing Winston in the ministry of love.
It's the opposite of love.
And he tells him, he says, I'm the priest of power and I'm going to be tortured and killed by the government as well, but I love it.
This is about trampling and being trampled on, Winston.
George Orwell.
The real deal.
I bet you didn't know the evidence is very conclusive that they killed him for writing 1984.
He died a year after its release.
You know, he traveled to an island and hit out to write it in Scotland.
You might want to read that book again.
Because the establishment is here to press on the nerve of power.
They are the priest of power.
And they always cloak themselves in black uniforms, they always have secret police, and when they get control of a nation, they always kill large numbers of the people.
Because that's their nature.
That's who they are.
That's what they are.
And so this entire world government is a giant dungeon.
Dungeons are so the establishment can carry out their favorite delight of torturing and humiliating and killing and raping.
That's why part of the CIA interrogation is rape and sexual torture.
That's what the Army's own report admitted out of Abu Ghraib.
They were ordered to do it.
To do things I won't even mention here on air.
But it deals with acid and rape.
That is the dark side.
That is America being wedded to pure evil.
Our movie stars, the good guys, the heroes, are people like Mr. Bauer.
Jack Bauer in 24.
Sometimes he tortures someone innocent, but it doesn't matter.
He does it in the spirit of saving America.
You are being sold on naked evil.
We're going to go live at PrisonPlanet.tv for the balance of the radio show today.
So we'll start simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv and Living Color in a minute.
When we come back with David Icke for an hour,
And then when David leaves us, I will get into Obama and the Peace Prize.
I was out of town to comment on that.
Dollar reaches breaking point as bank shift reserves Bloomberg.
Waco siege enforcer to rule over global police force.
World Government Police openly announced.
They really set it up 20 years ago, but now they're announcing it.
Swine flu fears grow as NHS staff shun vaccine.
Health Department urges frontline staff to get jab.
They refused.
IMF executive shot to death at Bethesda home.
I'll tell you what's going on there.
Interpol and UN-backed global policing doctrine.
And all these hit pieces against me as I am declared the number one enemy of the New World Order.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Big Brother.
Joining us for the next hour is David Icke.
He is here in the United States.
He is going to be speaking in Phoenix, Arizona coming up this next Saturday.
He just spoke to a packed house.
uh... in new mexico and uh... the crowds are two thousand three thousand four thousand five thousand swelling everywhere he travels with no mainstream media coverage across the world he is a best-selling author former champion ship goalie former bbc news presenter and we are extremely honored today to be joined by david ike i normally throw out my questions at you and i do have some later in the hour but i want to do something a little bit different today
Try to give you the floor here and get into what you think is most important.
I know when we left off with that little interview we did last Wednesday for 30 minutes, you said the awakening is happening and you see the New World Order falling in 2014 to 2016.
I agree with you that that's the window of when their fall will occur if we're able to cause the mass revelation or awakening.
But later I would like you to get into that or you get into that first.
Whatever is most important.
In David Icke's mind right now.
Well, you know, I've been speaking in the last few weeks in Amsterdam.
Thanks, Alex.
People came from across Europe, then in Washington State, yesterday in Santa Fe.
All different kinds of people from all walks of life.
And there's no question whatsoever that there is a big awakening going on.
One of the things I get into in detail when I talk is that the foundation of this whole global conspiracy is keeping people's
Sense of perception, sense of self and the world within a narrow band that suits the agenda.
They have to put people who are infinite consciousness, all that is, has been and ever will be, having an experience in this reality.
They have to get those people to believe that they are their name, they are their job, they are their
Yeah, I think so.
I want to go on the Internet.
I can't just go on the Internet.
I have to have a conduit, an interface that takes me through so I can observe the Internet.
It's called a computer.
Without that interface, I can't get on the Internet.
Well, consciousness, which is awareness, it's, if you like, energy, it's not any form, that has to have a conduit to experience this reality.
And that conduit we call body-mind.
And it's fine if you are sitting in front of a computer and you're on the internet.
You are aware that the computer is what you're observing through.
Imagine if you started to believe
That you were the computer.
Suddenly, you've lost complete control of your reality because the computer is now making decisions about what you think, where you go on the internet, what you think of it.
And when you study the way society is structured,
Whether it's education or whatever it is, it's structured to pull people into the lower level of awareness we call mind, the interface, so that they believe that who they are is their name and their job and their income bracket and their culture and all the rest of it, their experiences.
What is happening, Alex?
It happened to me years ago.
It's happening to so many people.
They're starting to move their point of observation, their sense of self-identity, from I am David Icke, born in Leicester in 1952, to I am Infinite Consciousness, having an experience as David Icke, born in Leicester in 1952.
David, we got a break!
We got a break here.
Stay there.
Stay there and we'll come back and continue along this key line on the other side of this break.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have never met David Icke in person, but I've interviewed him many, many times, and always been honored to have him on, and he's taught me quite a lot.
But really, David just shows us what is already in us, what we already innately knew, just weren't consciously focusing on.
And I was really excited, I made the split-second decision last Wednesday while talking to David during a break,
Uh, to go to Phoenix this next Saturday where he's speaking because he says he won't be back to the U.S.
perhaps for several years.
There's so many demands in Asia and Europe and he feels like he's really woke a lot of people up here and he wants to focus on Europe and so I wanted to go and I was invited by a lot of other people to go.
Then my wife pointed out this weekend she said, you know, you've got a wedding next Saturday that you've agreed to go to.
And one of my daughters is a bridesmaid in it, so I'm gonna go take part in that ancient human ritual of wedding.
So I won't be able to be there, but I am sending Rob, Du, and Aaron Dykes.
So we're very, very excited about that.
Also, I didn't mention last hour, Fall of the Republic is
Coming out the 21st, next Wednesday, and we're getting the biggest response ever to this.
I want to thank everybody.
Please go get the three different trailers that are up on the site.
Easiest place to find them is click on the Fall of the Republic banner.
Please send them out to your old email list.
Please post it on websites.
We need this film to be the biggest ever because it breaks down the entire program.
That said, going back to David Icke for the Balance of the Hour, David, some stations don't carry that first five minutes.
You were getting into how people interface reality, just like we interface the internet through a computer, and then the system, the social engineers, they tend to try to engineer our mental focus onto
Just the computer itself, when really our larger mind and consciousness and who we are is accessing the computer, the five or the six senses.
Yeah, the what we call the five senses and the body-mind and the brain, they are like the computer interface that we use to go onto the internet because this is a virtual reality that we are experiencing.
And really, you know, it was only when I started to understand the nature of the reality we're experiencing that I could really
Grasp in a much greater way the nature of the conspiracy that we're experiencing.
Because one of the things that, or a crucial thing, that is imposed upon us, or what is suppressed, is the nature of the reality we're experiencing.
You know, you can go around the world now, and you can go 24-7 watching television channel after television channel, hundreds of them, thousands of them,
When do you ever see a program or an article in any newspaper or magazine that is asking this question?
What is the reality we're experiencing?
Who are we?
What are we doing here?
These big questions are never asked because if you ask them, you start to get big answers and the big answers go, whoa, I can see it now.
The Matrix movie series was so accurate in its
I don't think so.
If you're talking about what you can see, touch, hear, taste, then real is just electrical signals interpreted by your brain.
And it is.
Because the prime level of this reality is a vibrational field, a vibrational construct.
It's like the wireless internet.
You know, I'm sitting here now.
This hotel I'm in has the wireless internet.
I'm looking around, where is it?
I can't see it.
But if I tune this computer to the internet, out of the ether, it will pull a collective reality we call the World Wide Web.
Now our reality that we're experiencing is like that.
These five senses decode vibrational information encoded in what we call light, the photons of light, information.
They turn it into electrical signals, they send it to the brain, and the brain decodes it into the reality that we think we're experiencing.
Actually, it's not outside of us, it's inside of us.
It's a holographic illusion.
You know, if you say to someone, tell me about the internet, they'll say, well, it's graphics and websites and colours and words.
Yes, it is.
Only on the screen that you're looking at everywhere else.
It's electronic circuits, etc Tell me about television what what it's moving pictures on a screen.
Yes, it is, but only on the screen everywhere else It's not in that form.
And if you take Information on the disc and you put it in a computer.
It's just information the computer reads that information and turns it into
We're good.
It means that you know that if you can manipulate the way people read reality, read information, you can get them to create a reality that suits your agenda.
For instance, one of the things I did when I was researching some of this is I went to hypnotist stage shows to
Watch them at work.
And you get people, their stooge is on the stage, and the hypnotist implants a belief into their brain, a program in other words.
Say, he gives them a potato and he tells them, implants the belief, they're eating an apple.
What they do?
I think?
It doesn't read that, it reads the information as if it's an apple, and so that's what the person tastes.
Now if you take that basic thing, which they can do so simply, these hypnotists, when they're working with people who are open to it, across the swathe of society,
The 24-7 media, the education system, what passes for it, and all these sources of information, what they're doing is they're programming a sense of reality.
People like Wolf Blitzer and all these people, they're hypnotists, they don't know they are, 90% of them don't, but they are implanting a belief system, they're implanting a program, and so people who accept that program then read reality
David, I want to
Add a point and get your response to it.
To simplify some of what you're saying, we are not the computer.
We're using the computer to access this larger system that manifests, just like our optic nerve manifests the three-dimensional world, or television, or our ears manifest what people are listening to now.
It takes those sounds and decodes them.
But instead, the television, the culture, the media, it is trying to boil it down to where we're only reactive, only receiving, and not directing our subconscious mind or our soul, our spirit in any way.
We're becoming biological androids that are simply directed.
Now let me add something to that.
As you point out, the elite know that archetypal symbols,
I don't know.
You notice how the social engineers, the eugenicists, the social Darwinists always say, we're a disease, we're an animal, we're worthless, we have no soul, we can't direct ourselves, we have no destiny, we don't have any power, we simply react.
And that is their religion, and they always tell you every child is not special, humanity is not special, but animals are.
The elite will make decisions based on what's good for the animals and the earth.
They know that we're an incredibly powerful species.
They know we have an amazing destiny, and the establishment want to control that destiny for themselves.
They, in their own writings, that they don't really
I think?
And so that's why they're always telling us that we don't have any power, and that we aren't effective, and that we don't have some greater goal, and why we should obsess on our neighbors, and on fashion, and on what we look like, and on our weight.
When, as you've said, all this body is, is a earth suit that we are limitedly experiencing one tiny channel of the spectrum.
Go ahead.
It is a tiny channel too, Alex.
I mean,
Of the mass matter that mainstream science says exists in this universe, and far more does than they understand, I would suggest, that the electromagnetic spectrum is something like 0.005% of what exists in this reality, and visible light, which is the only frequency range that we can decode through the five senses through sight,
We're good to go.
I think that that's all we are.
And of course, we're being pulled into a very, very narrow band of sense of possibility, sense of potential.
Once you break out of that and you realize that within that band we are having an experience, but it's not who we are, then you start to open yourself to much greater levels of awareness.
Not because you're special or you have to sit cross-legged on a mountain or meditate in a cave for 30 years.
You just have to move your point of self-identity, your point of observation of self and the world from I am Charlie Jones to I am Infinite Consciousness having an experience as Charlie Jones.
And when people do that, it's happened to me, the shift that takes place in
It's quantum.
Got a break.
Stay there.
David Icke.
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In the time we have left, 35 minutes roughly, with David Icke, I want to spend a little bit more time on the nature of reality, let him finish that point, and then I want to get into some of the latest things developing inside the New World Order, inside this false paradigm they have created.
Going back to David Icke, we're trying to make a point about the awakening, someone you talked to when you were in New Mexico.
Yeah, you know, it's funny how life goes.
You know, when I first began to consciously wake up myself about 20 years ago, I went through a real challenging time because, you know, the top of my head opened and information came in that was so vast and so, you know, amazing.
And the volume of it, that basically I had a period of about three months when
It was like you press too many keys on a computer and the computer freezes and goes, I can't, I can't filter this.
I can't compute this.
I'm freezing.
And after that, uh, three months, uh, happened, uh, I kind of everything morphed back into, uh, I was the guy I was before, but I saw the world completely differently.
And one of the things that I picked up at that time was that there is a site, there was a cycle coming.
Um, of, of vibrational change that was going to wake people up from this amnesia.
And there seemed no chance of it at the time, there's no sign of it.
And the first book I ever wrote, after I had my awakening experience, I actually called Truth Vibrations, because, uh, after this, uh, vibrational change that was going to bring all that had been hidden to the surface so people could see it, I don't, I like, again,
Where's the evidence?
But 20 years later, look at it.
And I am seeing, as I travel around the world, this incredible awakening that's going on.
I met a lovely guy in Santa Fe, the tour guest today, who'd come from Texas, and he said to me three months ago, I was totally asleep,
And three months later he's coming to an event.
He's flying from Texas to Santa Fe to this event.
People are waking up so fast.
And it's this awakening that is the real point, I would suggest, of what's going on in terms of all this New World Order.
It's absolutely no accident.
That they are throwing everything at us and they're preparing to throw everything they can in the next few years at us at the time this awakening has taken place.
I mean, I picked up a long time ago, years ago, that
The core, the inner core of this New World Order absolutely knew that this awakening was coming and this vibrational cycle was coming that was going to awaken people to their true nature.
And they're battling and battling to keep the lid on it.
And what's fantastic, Alex, is a wonderful line in the sand that we could stand together on.
The number of people who are seeing this swine flu vaccine for what it is.
You imagine, mate, 10 years ago, if they'd have played this, people had just lined up, not even thought about it.
Look at the change that's taking place.
And it's happening so fast, it's an exponential curve.
And what we're looking at is
The irresistible force, which is this awakening, is coming face to face with the immovable object, the conspiracy, which thinks it's immovable but is wishful thinking, Mr Rothschild and co.
And they are going to push forward with this for a while.
It's going to seem as if it's going the wrong way and all is lost.
But by 2016, this
The whole control system's coming down.
Because it's a vibrational construct, like everything is.
And as we awaken, and this vibrational change takes place, that construct is going to be unpicked.
It cannot survive this.
It cannot.
What we need to do, I strongly suggest, is slow the progress down of this conspiracy as much as we can.
I think so.
In full knowledge of what's happening, why and what it's for.
You know, we've got the numbers.
We've stopped cooperating with our own enslavement and we'll slow this down very, very fast as we're showing with the swine flu vaccination.
They are not going to get the numbers they wanted.
They're not.
And they're going to try to up the ante to get them.
We must keep that backbone stiff and not succumb to it.
Absolutely, David, and you see them losing more and more ground.
You see them panicking as they try to shift us into a new paradigm of even greater dehumanization and tyranny, where torture and war and death and secret police are the new goodness.
They are trying to... They understand we're awakening and shifting out of their present tyranny, so they're trying to do a judo move and bring us into even greater oppression, but at every point, their control is collapsing, and as you said, we've got to slow them down because they're going to throw everything at us, including World War III, and it's going to be deadly dangerous.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I was sitting in traffic
David Icke will be with us 15 minutes into the next hour.
I'm then going to cover all this news.
Headline, dollar reaches breaking point as bank shift reserves, Bloomberg, Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize.
That's all part of just flaunting corruption in our face, trying to teach us to just submit
Accept the lies and corruption and just capitulate.
We're going to go back to David Icke in just a moment.
The power of the people taking action is so important.
Obviously, that's a very simple statement, but also very profound.
And the public has been brought into this deep false reality.
They've been hypnotized.
They've been brought into this false left-right paradigm.
They have had their priorities set by Madison Avenue.
They have literally been put into an alpha state of mind control by the television set.
And my new film, Fall of the Republic, Volume 1, is a quantum leap from my other films.
The other films are excellent, informative, and are among some of the most watched out there.
Even the major publication, New Republic, attacks me, says I'm the most dangerous person out there, basically, and says that I am the counterculture icon.
And that's actually scary.
And they're, I'm on the White House enemies list, number 24 or 25, they're shingling me out.
Why is that?
Well, they mentioned the Obama deception.
And they say it's been seen more than 4 million times on YouTube alone.
And that's true, more than 20 million times that we know of on the web, just on different places where we can count up the views.
We need to not just have Fall of the Republic become a
It is a quantum veteran production, more informative.
It needs to be seen by a quantum level by more people.
And the ball is in your court.
You can pre-order it right now.
We're only nine days away from its release, October 21st, next Wednesday.
And the DVDs are scheduled to be arriving here on Friday.
We're going to start shipping those babies out on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
And so, as your orders come in, they will be shipped out in the order that they are received.
We've hired a few extra people to try to rush all this out as quickly as possible.
We're getting better and better about shipping stuff quickly.
The point is, if you want Fall of the Republic, go to FalloftheRepublic.com.
You can order it there or at Infowars.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
You'll also be able to watch it October 21st.
We'll launch it midday on that Wednesday at PrisonPlanet.tv in the highest quality.
There'll also be a mid-level quality DivX version so you can burn it on CD.
That plays on most DVD players, almost all new DVD players.
That way you can buy cheap 20, 30 cents discs, burn copies of it, give it out to people.
Not only was the Obama deception, and still is, the biggest film we've released for free online views or people making copies of DVDs, it's the best seller we've ever put out.
It was out of the park, into the yard.
I wanted this to be a grand slam.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv or 888-253-3139.
You can also write to me at P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
It's $19.95 per copy.
You're free to make copies for non-profit educational purposes.
You are not free.
To sell it.
And it's a good thing I made that stipulation.
Amazon will not let me open a shopping cart and sell my previous films, because other people have opened carts and claim they own my films.
And I may have to litigate those people, because they're not stopping, or I'll lose my films.
I mean, I try to say, here it is, make copies, and then people try to take the films from me.
I know folks have tried that with David.
All I want to do is get my films out.
And have them seen by people, but if I can't even own my own films or have my own films, it becomes a very, very serious issue.
Side issue, but, you know, folks, I can hang out with Hollywood people all day, but once you know reality, and you don't want to hang out with Hollywood people unless you admire their courage like Charlie Sheen.
I don't want to just hang out with them at their mansions for no reason.
I don't
I'm less and less about the flesh, about food and sex and things, and it's so liberating.
The horizons have expanded so greatly, but how do you understand the limitlessness of the universe and how we're all tied into it?
One drop of water in the ocean is only one drop, but it is part of the great ocean.
In its different permutations, it will experience the ocean.
It will be in so many other life forms.
There's this limitlessness.
How do you experience that limitlessness, but at the same time stay in this three-dimensional realm and fight the tyranny?
That's a question I have for David Aiken.
David, I have a lot of quick questions for you now, because I want to cover a lot of ground with you and pick your brain here today.
But how do you not become like some of the folks in India who just say, so what if my kid dies?
So what if bad things happen?
You know, it's all part of the limitlessness, so you just float away into space, versus another cop-out, the phony Rockefeller churches, World Council, National Council of Churches, openly bragging that they teach the Christians, lay down, submit to tyranny, you can't change anything, you're going to be teleported out by Captain Kirk and the Rapture, though that's not even in the Bible, a pre-tribulation rapture.
As you said,
We've got to fight this tyranny now as this great battle comes to fruition so that we can bypass much of the pain and suffering.
It's going to be bad, but everything we do now charts the course of future human destiny.
How do we get people to tune into the fact that the great decision is being made, the greatest crossroads in human history, and deciding our future destiny, we hold humanity's destiny in our hands, how do we make that
Decision how do we get people to take part because now I don't even hate the evil globalists.
I don't like them.
I want to fight them Before I really hated them and had wrath towards them and I still do But more and more I feel sorry for them and their minions who are missing out on this great Paradigm
Well, first of all, Alex, they're pathetic.
They're pathetic little control freaks.
Why are they control freaks?
What is a control freak?
It's a terrified, frightened person.
Because those that wish to control everything are seeking to control it because they're terrified of anything being in a state of flux.
These people couldn't watch a football match without making sure they knew the result before the game started.
This is why they say in their own writings that one of the things that could bring them down is Mavericks.
I think so.
Uh, you know, we're all consciousness and it's just an experience, so it doesn't matter.
Well, the question comes, yes, it is just an experience, but do you want a nice experience?
Do you want your children to go through terrible experiences?
Do you want them to have their freedom to express themselves denied?
Do you want to have them dumbed down?
Through drugs and all the rest of it?
Do you want them to be controlled every minute of the day, including eventually their thoughts, their very thoughts?
Well, do you want that?
So I ain't lying down, because I don't want my kids or any other kids or any adults to go through that.
I won't go through it myself.
More than that though, at the spiritual level, the establishment is manifesting their Hellraiser-type
Yeah, well, what...
What's important is what I said earlier, to move our point of self-identity from I am Charlie Jones to I am Consciousness, having experience of Charlie Jones.
The reason for that, crucially now Alex, is because we're entering a period where they're going to throw everything at us.
Not just the kitchen sink, as we say, but the plug as well.
If we get caught in the five senses, if we're in this world and of this world and this is our only sense of reality, it's going to be very, very challenging, to say the very least.
I think so.
We're good to go.
Everything from the beginning, my birth, my ancestors, my children, my wife, everything comes together simultaneously.
I saw everything about me and about everyone who was around me.
I saw everything they were thinking now, what they thought then, what was happening before, what was happening now.
There is no time, there is no sequence of events, no such thing as limitation.
A distance, a period, a time, a place.
I could be anywhere I wanted to be simultaneously.
Now, what he was describing is who we really are, Alex.
And can you imagine if you're a control system and you want to control humanity en masse, can you imagine how terrified you would be of people realizing that's who they are?
I think so.
Not only do we take our power back and start to manifest what we call miracles, which are not miracles at all, they're just a possibility manifesting itself because we understand now it's possible, but it also will get us through this experience in a much smoother way than it would if we get caught in I Am My Body and I Am My Name and all that stuff.
David, let me throw two points out at you along that line and get your response, and I do want to run through a bunch of separate points and get your quick response to those.
It's very humbling.
Throughout my life, very early on, and I know everyone is having this experience.
I'm gonna make that point.
This is nothing special.
It's, I guess, just special in how this information manifests and the choices I've made, destiny, in how many people I'm now reaching.
But I've always had a love affair with creation and humanity and goodness and love and beauty.
And I always could...
didn't have the experience of who I was my entire life my ancestors who people are where they came from but I could see shadows of that and then now
You talk about being overwhelmed for three months.
Now I am like that every day before I go to bed at night and I literally lay there with my limited consciousness and focus being able to peer into this window and look into that window and open this box and you know expand into this area and it's accurate and it's real and now I look at an incredibly beautiful woman
Or I look at some, you know, hunchbacked, disheveled cleaning person.
It doesn't matter.
And I see the beauty of the species.
I literally, that's how I see them as their ancestors, their struggles, the good, the bad, the ugly, the tool molts, the great exertions, the great failures, the great victories.
I realize I'm connected to everyone and it accelerates to a point
Of where I do have to struggle just to not close down shop, move to the country, and literally sit under a tree.
Because I'm more and more drawn to that, but then I'm also separately just as passionately drawn towards resisting the globalists, and meeting them, and facing them, and then I feel the strength of humanity.
And then I begin to envision our destiny.
And I just wish that other people could see it so that they wouldn't be destroyed and wouldn't be part of this system and wouldn't be taken over by this metastasizing counterfeit as they admit they're using Google and the technocracy so they can play God and predictive systems and algorithms to know what we're going to do and what our tastes are and who we are.
And it just all, it's like trying to drink out of Lake Superior with a pixie straw.
Yeah, I've got a quote from Einstein who, to a very large extent, had sussed a lot of things.
And he talked about the delusion.
He called reality an illusion, albeit a persistent one.
But it's a persistent one because we keep decoding it out of the wireless internet that I'm talking about.
He keeps on coming.
It's a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
And that's what kind of happens as you open your mind.
It's literally opening your mind.
Nothing wrong with mind.
It's like saying something wrong with a computer when you're going on the internet, but it has to take its place.
It's the interface.
I think so.
Well, that was my point.
The droplet is the ocean.
Access the ocean.
I mean, it's all over.
And so, this awakening is going to, as this control system comes down, it is literally going to transform this world into what we would call now Utopia.
It's not Utopia.
It's a natural state.
You see, I use this analogy in my talks, you know, about how amazing we really are.
If you want to
If you got a ball in a tank of water, it's natural state is floating on the top of the tank.
To put it in an unnatural state, which is what this control system has done to humanity, you have to push the ball to the bottom of the tank, and you have to hold it there.
You can't let go, because boom, it's in its natural state in a second.
And so the vaccines, the water, the television... We throw everything at us, including destabilizing our body computer.
We're good.
Now, a lot of the suicidal nihilists, and I have this in endgame, the quotes, top futurist, computer developers, very wealthy people, they say that if we can't control the earth, we're going to destroy it because we have to be in control, we have to go unwilling, and we see Lennon in his poetry about how I want to destroy the earth and sun.
They are going to attempt to destroy things.
As 2016, in your view, your vision, approaches, how are they going to try to freeze us?
We're about to go to break.
We're going to come back and look at that.
Because will they be allowed to destroy the Earth?
Because they say they're going to kill everybody.
They'll just blow the planet into a thousand pieces if we attempt to take control of it from them by simply no longer being under their control.
And then I want to get into all this news.
About world government and what's happening with all these Satanists openly announcing the different things they're doing.
We're going to talk about it.
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Alright, we've got David Icke into the next hour with us, and I've got a lot of world government news we're going to be covering.
David, I went over an article written for InfoWars.com called The Real Sicko Movie, and it talks about Roman Polanski raping that little 13-year-old girl and how Nicholas Sarkozy and all these stars are saying it's not a big deal.
But then they're the ones pushing CPS laws, where if you yell at your child when they run out in the street, they take your children away.
So they're always saying, oh we love you so much, we want to take all your rights, but then we're going to rape children.
The head of France's arts, number three position in the cabinet, is the relative of Francois Mitterand.
He's Frederick Mitterand.
And he wrote a book, and he's the current culture minister, talking about how he goes to slave camps and rapes little boys.
In France, as you know, they're always finding dead people, and at a Rothschild castle back in 1999, a woman escaped who was 85 pounds, 87 pounds, and the police did nothing.
You've studied the ritual Satanism.
It's very real.
And you don't even come from this from a... Every time I talk about the occultists, they email me and say, oh, how dare you, Christian?
We're the old-time religion.
We predate you.
We're not sacrificing anybody.
But we know that's what they really do do.
They're always being caught doing it.
And now you have, out in the open, the head of France's arts saying, yes, I rape children, and I'm allowed to, and it's wonderful, and I love raping them.
So this isn't just about why they do this, it's also they're throwing it in our face by doing it out in the open and the CIA admitting they torture people and Obama saying he's going to continue it, including the rape of children at Abu Ghraib with large objects dripping with battery acid, that's the Army's own report, and it goes on and on from there.
They are trying to superimpose that on us and create a climate where that is normal.
Why are they doing this?
Well, you know, it's part of the programming to bring the horrors that they have done in secret up to this point, to bring it more and more into acceptability.
And they'll be bringing this more and more to the fore, because what you've just described, they want to bring this into the mainstream eventually.
But talking about Roman Polanski, because I have done an enormous amount of research into this whole area that you've just talked about.
Roman Polanski is a practicing Satanist.
He's been a practicing Satanist all the way through his career.
And all that stuff that happened with Charles Manson and his wife and the family and all that stuff was all connected into it.
And whenever I follow these people, whether it's the Rothschilds, whether it's people like the Bush family, particularly Father George Bush, by the way, and I follow them through, they always lead to the same place, which is ritual sacrifice, Satanism, and child abuse, sexual abuse.
And one of the things that they're doing,
Which they are feeding off the child's energy.
And what they want is a child before puberty.
Because when people go through puberty, as we know, there are chemical changes that take place.
They want the energy of the child before that chemical change happens.
And so they rape children.
And in doing so, they're literally sucking their energy out of them.
Their life force, that's the word.
By the way, let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
Possessed by entities that operate just outside of visible light.
These are the demons, under other names, that people have talked about and religions and ancient texts have talked about.
And these demonic entities, they feed off human energy.
They feed off the child's energy because they're possessing the rapist, if you like, of the child.
David, I don't want to interrupt you, but we've got to for the break.
That's what Frederic Mitterrand says in here.
He calls it a ritual.
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Waging War on Corruption Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network Big Brother
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So we have this nephew of the late French President, Francois Mitterrand.
Francois Mitterrand openly said he was a Luciferian practitioner.
He designed, or commissioned, the 666 gold pieces of the pyramid at the Louvre.
Let's punch up the Louvre Pyramid, the Louvre Pyramid for folks.
Just Google Louvre Pyramid.
And then he's got his family member, the head of the French Art Department, number three in the Parliament, in the Cabinet,
Appointed by Nicholas Sarkozy.
They're all defending Roman Polanski raping this 13-year-old girl.
And he says, hey, I love doing the rituals with young boys.
And he goes, I love raping them.
And it goes on here.
David, you got cut off by the break.
Well, I was going to say that, you know, if you look back through what we call history, you'll see this common theme of sacrificing young virgins to the gods all over the world.
Well, the gods is code, if you like, for these demonic entities.
Young virgins is code for children.
They were children that they were sacrificing.
And what they do in these satanic rituals...
That terror manifests itself in an adrenaline that enters the bloodstream, a very powerful adrenaline.
And the human sateness, if you like, the people we're talking about, when the child or the adult is sacrificed, they drink the blood immediately, which has this adrenaline, which gives them some kind of high.
I mean, these are the people, Alex, that are running governments all over the world.
That's why they're defending this Satanist child abuser, Polanski.
They're running the intelligence agencies, they're running the military, they're running the corporations.
And that movie by Stanley Kubrick, Eyes Wide Shut, his last movie, and he died very, very soon after the executives of the movie corporation watched it at the first viewing.
He died very soon after that.
Well, it's more than that.
I remember at the time talking to people involved, and it came out in the news.
They made him cut 25 minutes.
He refused to cut it.
Then he suddenly died.
And then they cut it.
Yeah, I was going to say that.
We're good to go.
Because, you know, one thing I'm very, very, very aware of is that there is another force, call it consciousness, call it whatever you like, there's a force that is working to bring an end to this, and that's what is going to prevail.
We're seeing, at the moment, we're seeing a cornered rat, or cornered rats.
And they're gonna, like rats do when you corner them, they're gonna be thrashing out in all directions.
But that's what it is.
It's the death throes.
It's gonna be very challenging for us, but it's the death throes of this stuff.
And then, I forgot to get you to answer that question.
They're threatening to destroy the planet if we try to take control back away from them, or just end the control.
And other final questions for our guest, David Icke, on the other side.
And I want to be clear with people.
Even if you don't believe in Satanism and in this Luciferian bloodletting, that's what all the elites are into.
In their own words, not mine.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There's an old adage.
The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist.
And that's why psychopaths are able to pick up young women and children.
That's why dictators are able to rise to power.
That's how this Michael Hilton con artist could go take over the town and harden Montana.
Because people don't want to admit they're being conned or that other people are taking advantage of them.
Final segment with David Icke.
I want to make this point though.
Just from a
Anthropology view, or from the angle of archaeology.
I don't claim to be a historian, but I have made a wide study of history.
It's so huge, no one can even be an expert really in one area in my opinion.
It's so lengthy in the different interpretations of history.
But, whether it was the Babylonians, or whether it was the Romans, or whether it was the Greeks, or whether it was many of the Middle Eastern tribes, Asian tribes, African tribes, Mesoamerican tribes, the Aztecs,
They all had high priest, who all followed the same secret mathematics religion, they all worship the same snake god, and they all demanded women, children, and men, normally the most beautiful, the most healthy, to be sacrificed, and the Aztecs particularly believed great pain had to be created.
Now even the elites there, not just children having their hearts cut out and cut up into meat,
That's how the priests funded themselves, was the sale of the number one meat that was consumed, human flesh, in all of the Mayan kingdoms, but particularly the most aberrant, the Aztecs, the most extreme, that they would take long pieces of rope with glass through their tongues and through their genitals to create hallucinations of pain while taking hallucinogens.
And you see that in all these different cultures, believing that they had to feed
The snake god with the blood.
And so even if you don't believe in God, the devil, two different forces, any of this, the point is Tony Blair, his wife, I mean they admit Blair went all over the world, Francois Mitterrand, all of them, to be possessed by the spirit of white light, he would hit the ground every morning, flop around, that's mainstream news, the bushes and skull and bones, in big pits of feces and urine, being reborn in homosexual orgies, someone dresses the devil with a crown,
Brings them into nights in Satan's service.
This is admitted!
And so you need to understand, this is real.
Even if you're an atheist and don't believe in anything outside the limited senses you have.
And you don't believe in the sixth senses or anything that's been proven in university studies.
You must know that the most aberrant, the most destructive have created a kingdom of psychopathic delight.
To trample on and be trampled on.
To press on the nerves of power.
To humiliate innocence and beauty.
Because to them, the psychopath describes being in a cold, horrible, depressed place until they're torturing a child.
Until they're torturing a woman.
Then, it's like a blazing light.
I've had the top psychiatrist on who's interviewed hundreds of killers.
And it's all the same.
They are alive when they've got a woman shamedown biting chunks out of her.
They're alive.
Hitler was only happy he would go to the front and watch through high-power binoculars burning cities and could stay up for days on end without drugs or coffee, just loving the death and the burning and the black uniforms and the armored vehicles.
This is the spirit of the New World Order.
It is death.
And it seeks to kill.
David Icke, the elite have stated openly, and we have this in my film Endgame, that they will destroy the planet before they let true humanity bloom.
Where do you see that going?
Wishful thinking.
There's a lot of wishful thinking going on within their cabal.
Because, you know, compared with
Thank you.
They have a massively inflated opinion of their own power because they are completely, exactly as you've just described, for the reasons you've just described, they are absolutely disconnected from higher levels of awareness and consciousness.
They are in a tiny box themselves.
They've only been able to control us because they've manipulated us into a smaller box of awareness than they're in.
And when we awaken, this is why they're terrified of it, we...
We just blow the fly off the elephant's back when we're in our true power.
And this vibrational change, this consciousness shift, this consciousness awakening that's coming, they're going to get blown away by it eventually, in a few years from now.
Because they don't have the power they think they have, because they're in a bubble, therefore they don't know the picture either.
They don't know the big picture.
They can't access it at that level that's got the big picture.
And the big picture is what is now manifesting itself through more and more and more people, and the big picture is going to bring this down.
And, you know, there's many people I would like to be for the next...
Little part of our existence and every single one in the control system is top of that list.
I really wouldn't like to be them when they realize the true nature of what's actually going on.
That's right.
They punish themselves when they realize that they're damning themselves off from the universe.
We don't punish them.
The Creator doesn't punish them.
They punish themselves.
What happens to them, David Icke, as the shift occurs?
Well, you know, I could talk about this at some considerable length, but they are connected vibrationally.
They're connected to the control construct.
It's a vibrational construct, and they're connected to it.
They're part of it.
And when that comes down, well,
They're out of here.
They're out of here.
They're not going to be here anymore.
But you say the elites don't know that in all their fairy tales and all their archetypes, when the evil wizard loses his orb, the whole palace collapses on him.
It's a vibrational construct.
You could symbolize it in your mind as a vibrational box.
And they are attached to it.
They're part of it.
They're an expression of it.
So when the box comes down, when that vibrational construct is unpicked and just falls, they fall and go with it.
At the physical level, these guys are going out of existence, because obviously as consciousness, higher levels of themselves that they're completely disconnected from, that continues to exist, because we are all eternal consciousness.
But that level of them that has become isolated in this reality to the point where they're completely disconnected from the true level of who they are, that's going, that's going, that's going when this change takes place.
I want to throw out a few other points, just getting back to the lay of the ground, the topography here in the third dimension, David Icke.
They are now, there's no doubt the awakening's happening, and we're always saying it's happening, it's happening, but now it's exponential in whole magnitudes of level.
So is their tyranny.
Being announced the Peace Prize for Torture and Expanding Wars.
Throwing it in our face saying this is what we honor.
A sick joke.
Handing the internet fully over to ICANN and the UN two weeks ago.
Open announcements of the end of the dollar.
Open announcements of world government.
They're moving on every front.
There is no doubt that they are attempting to make their final move.
Why are they doing this at this time?
Well, they're doing this, as I said earlier, because the inner core know and have known for a long time that this period was coming, when this vibrational energetic cycle, it's a natural, natural cycle, was going to start to
What do they think about us?
That's what I was going to say!
Well, I agree with you, but it's going to be one hell of a ride.
It is.
The next few years are going to be big time challenging.
What do they think of us?
I mean, I've had five big headpieces the last couple days against me, and they're almost marveling.
He's dangerous.
He's hypnotic.
He's rising.
He's got them chanting the answer to 1984, 1776.
He stood before Bilderberg and said,
Your Newell Order will fall, humanity will defeat you, and if just little old redneck Alex Jones has got them literally, even in their own writings, afraid, don't they understand that I'm only one little expression?
David Icke is only one little expression?
Well, you see, we go back, we talked a little while ago, earlier this year, about that film, A Bug's Life, you know, and where the grasshopper said,
But one ant stood up to us, you know, and if they figure out that they outnumber us 101, then that goes our way of life.
They're terrified of what I call the first domino, because they know if the first domino goes down, it hits another domino, and the whole system goes off.
But it's already gone down!
So they target people who could push the first domino down and start this whole thing.
Well, a lot of dominoes have already gone down, but you know what I mean.
But they know if they kill us...
It means you're doing something that I want us to do!
Tell folks about the event.
It's almost sold out in Phoenix.
This is your chance.
Almost sold out, folks.
Yeah, it's in Phoenix.
It's this Saturday.
I'm speaking all day from about 10 o'clock through to the early evening in three sections.
I'll be speaking for about eight hours, connecting loads of dots, not just about the conspiracy, but the real deep background from where it's come and some really, really deep and amazing stuff.
And it's a gorgeous theater, a great atmosphere.
A great atmosphere to experience.
David Icke this Saturday in Phoenix.
Be there.
I can't be there.
My crew will be there.
Love you.
Appreciate everything you're doing, buddy.
You too.
Cheers, Alex.
I'm gonna say bye to you during the break.
We'll be back.
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I was mailed from the Defense Intelligence Agency address, United States of America, unclassified for official use only.
Dear Alex, we are not all asleep.
Long live the Republic.
Death to the New World Order.
This is the kind of stuff I get in the mail.
Then one time I interviewed a Marine who had worked at Space Command, and he showed me the photos.
He couldn't show me classified stuff, but he could show me their, you know, parties and events they'd had.
And he was the guy who, in 2000, was driving up I-35 on Kyle and saw an Army checkpoint searching people.
And he'd been listening to me for years and got upset and called me and spilt the beans about Marines in
88, 89 in Norfolk, Virginia, in police uniforms, raiding gun dealers.
There's a huge secret program.
Now it's all public.
But this is the type of... I'm not going to even show the envelope.
I mean, why am I getting Defense Intelligence Agency stuff?
And they had to, I guess, get permission
To send me this.
Very, very bizarre.
To receive this type of stuff.
But the Marine showed me his Space Command patch, photos of him.
He was a Marine Corps Captain.
He then got out and started a computer company.
That's a separate guy, but it's just the type of stuff I get.
Dear Alex, we're not all asleep.
Long live the Republic.
I mean, what does this mean?
Death to the New World Order.
To get this from Defense Intelligence Agency?
In Washington, D.C.
I'm living in the twilight zone.
I really am.
I've decided that I will take off more time in the future, because every time I take off 3-4 days and really unplug from a lot of stuff, I still did a lot of work and a lot of research, but I cut down my workload by about 95%.
Sometimes you've got to pull back from things to really get your bearings and realize where you're at and what you're doing.
I just want to tell the guys running the show and everybody here at my office what a great job they do and how much I appreciate them.
You know, I'm not a manager.
I didn't go to college to be a business manager.
And I've tried to run the best operation I can.
And whereas I am in the world but not of the world.
That's what the Apostle Paul said we should be.
And please don't when I talk about religion, I'm not talking about the Pharisees of mainline religion.
I mean the real thing that Christ talked about.
It's very frustrating to me because I want to be all information.
I don't want to be up here having to pitch my sponsors and pitch things and constantly try to fund my operation, but that's what the real world entails.
And I don't like having to spend my time deciding on what type of light bulbs to buy and who's not carrying the trash out.
And I'm not complaining.
It's just that I'm so tied up like we all are in the everyday grind that I want to do even more to fight the New World Order.
But then when I overwork myself like a race car engine, I kind of heat up and blow a gasket and then it's ineffective.
But I'm just going to turn it over to God.
Because last night,
I wrote some notes to myself.
I have a little blue tablet here.
I guess it's out there.
But the first thing I wrote that I wanted to talk about today was the fact that I'm in over my head.
I mean, I'm in way over my head.
And I just want to acknowledge to everybody that I don't claim to have all the answers and that I'm not perfect and that I make mistakes.
But I will tell you this, at least I'm trying my best.
And so it's easy for a lot of people out there to criticize what I do and when I stumble, when I fall.
And I appreciate that because that helps me and helps me be more of a humble person.
But at the same time, if you can do better, please do it.
And I know a lot of you can do better.
Listen, we need strong men and women.
To stand up against this tyranny and speak out against the corruption that is manifesting and expanding all around us.
We need you to be leaders.
And we also need you to not get caught up in all the COINTELPRO infighting.
I feel sorry for the operatives and their minions and their camp followers who attack me and lie about me constantly because I know I'm for real and I know the information we're discussing is important.
And I just want to see other people be good, passionate, strong, loving leaders.
I love you.
I love all of you.
And I love all the magnificent and amazing things you've done.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
We got Ted Pike wanting us for about 10 minutes.
They're really close to passing the hate crimes bill.
They have a cyberbullying bill that says if you hurt someone's feelings it's a federal felony.
They're passing bills all over the country that devastate the Second Amendment.
California to make you biometrically scanned to buy ammo and register you.
Schwarzenegger signed it.
I haven't even gotten to the five hit pieces against me, and I don't usually cover hit pieces, but these are so desperate by the establishment, I'll either do it today or tomorrow.
We've got a former Hitler youth coming on to talk about the police state in the next hour.
And then I want to get into Obama and the Peace Prize.
There's just so much.
But I thought of a parable this morning.
A good analogy of the unconscious nature of humanity.
I was in a hurry.
Got up, hung out with the kids.
Did some research, jogged, jumped in the shower, shaved, cut myself really bad.
You know, for a shaving cut.
And I thought about how every time I get in a hurry and I'm not thinking, hey, this is a dangerous razor, is when I cut myself.
And sometimes really bad, because I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I mean, you know, really sharp razor, getting it done fast.
And it's the same thing.
I was driving back from Port Aransas with my family yesterday, took the kids to the beach, tail end of summer.
And a person almost came out of their lane and hit us once.
I looked in the fog and rain, didn't see a car that was gray, blended in, almost hit that car.
And I thought about how it's the things that we do that are dangerous every day, that we do every day, that we get a blind spot for because we're just immersed in it.
We have to get conscious of the police state and the deadly vaccines and the government corruption and the wars and the lies.
I mean, this is heavy stuff.
Getting on the highway, driving 75 miles an hour with your children down rainy roads is the most dangerous thing statistically you'll ever do with your family.
It's the number one cause of death.
Just like government is the number one cause of unnatural death.
We better be worried about governments.
They killed 200 million people last century.
You know, a shaving cut isn't deadly, but it'll remind you of how when you're not thinking, doing something fast, you get killed.
So everybody drive safe out there.
Everybody think about what you're doing.
And it's the same thing with the New World Order.
You drive every day.
How do you make yourself realize how dangerous it is?
With big giant trucks going 70 miles an hour right beside you.
You're driving along with your precious babies.
That I would give my life up for them in a second to protect them, but I couldn't stay conscious enough to almost not pull into the wrong lane and smash into somebody.
And I had somebody else almost do it to me!
And every time I'm on the highway on a long trip, I see carnage.
So same thing, we have this evil world government, but because we live here every day, we live with its corruption every day, dealing with it, we don't consciously get how serious it is.
So take your time when you're shaving.
Take your time when you're driving.
And think about the government and what it's doing.
Do we have Ted Pike?
We're gonna go to Pastor Pike here in just a moment.
I wanted to bring Ted up because it's the only time we have to have him on, and I wanted to get him up today because gold is at $1,055 today, and I haven't talked to Ted since last Friday.
The owner of this company is a gold broker, one of the most trusted names out there.
It's where I get my precious metals.
I got some last week as backup money for this office and operation.
Better than real estate, better than anything.
And it's more than tripled in the last six years, seven years.
I wanted to briefly have Ted come on because he bought gold when it was lower.
He sold out of almost all of it.
It's gone up some, but still lower than what gold's trading at.
He's about to run out of that gold and silver.
See, the market just goes up and up and up, because they're killing the dollar.
Here's Bloomberg.
Dollar reaches breaking point as banks shift reserves.
Ted Anderson, give us a quick report on what you've got to offer to the listeners today.
I'll make it real brief.
Yeah, sure.
Obviously, yes, the dollar is falling today.
That's why gold is going up.
We did see $1,060.30 so far today.
What I have right now presently that's at the older prices right now is the $10 Liberty, still at $818.50.
Walking Liberty have still at $8.69.
British Sovereigns and Franks have just moved up just a little bit.
Currently right now the British Sovereign is at $2.93, which is three, four dollars more than it was last time I was on the air with you.
The Frank at $2.38, again, just a little bit higher than what it was before.
The gold market is very hot and it's actually better that the thing is holding like this and we were trading in this $1,050 range now for about a week.
And when it breaks through this, it'll hold better because of the fact that it's solid.
It isn't just bouncing like a basketball all over the place.
But yeah, indeed right now, Alex, if you can get into the gold and silver market, I'd get in.
The stock market, everything else that's going on out there, we all know there's trouble.
The oil countries detaching their valuable oil from the dollar, that means that
Places like China are going to have to trade to something else in order to buy their oil.
What do you think they're going to do with their dollars they hold in reserves?
I mean, it's just going to create this tremendous liquidity problem for the United States currency, which means lower prices on the dollar.
It also means rising prices in commodities, like gold and silver oil and everything else.
So if you want to park yourself into something that I consider safe, and I'll give you that, that's my opinion, many others agree with me, but I consider it much safer to have the dollar, or to have gold, than it is to have a fiat paper currency.
So I recommend that you get into gold and you get into gold now.
And I happen to know that's what you hold, that's what I hold.
Again, what has gone from $280 an ounce the last seven years to $1,055?
They are in the process of killing the dollar.
Is it this year or next year?
They are now saying they're going to kill it.
I don't know.
They've gone from, should we kill it?
To, how are we going to kill it?
They've gone from, should we get rid of it a year ago?
To, how do we gut this Christmas hog?
We're now down to the wire.
Ted, in layman's terms, what did you buy this gold at in the market?
What level was the market with this group of gold versus $1,055 an ounce?
Well, this is the stuff that I picked up right when gold was breaking from $900 to $1,000.
The Franks and the British Sovereigns priced in the marketplace today.
British Sovereigns are going to be over $300 now.
Franks are going to be trading in that $240 range.
And you're selling them for what?
Explain this.
Well, right now I'm trading the Franks at $238, and I'm trading the British Sovereigns at $393.
But how about this?
How about what's left over on my Walking Liberty halves out of the 50 bags that I picked up at that $869 level?
That stuff is going to go up like crazy, because silver is almost... well, what is it?
Silver right now is sitting at, I didn't give that price, $17.78.
How do you realize that I picked up those walkers when silver was closer?
It was trading between $11 and $12 an ounce.
Yeah, you're paying the $12 an ounce factored into the market price when it's at $17, about to go to $18.
Here's the toll-free number.
It's on your screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Ted, can you hold this till midnight?
I will be, yes.
800-686-2237 or MidasResources.com.
Tell them it's the Alex Jones Radio Special or you will pay more.
Thank you so much, Ted.
Yeah, thanks, Alex.
All right, there goes Ted Anderson.
One more time, 800-686-2237.
We have a man who was a Hitler Youth coming on, wrote the book, Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, A Former Hitler Youth Warns America.
That's coming up.
I want to go to Reverend Ted Pike, and we appreciate him joining us.
We'll give you his website.
No one out there has fought the hate crimes bills, the cyberbullying bills like this man.
You know, they'll use a poor person beaten to death,
Well, thanks for having me, Alex.
Tell us the latest, sir.
Well, I'll give a little background here.
Most of our listeners are probably aware that the federal hate crimes bill passed the House and Senate this spring, and in the Senate, the hate bill was attached.
As an amendment to the annual defense authorization bill.
Now, America has a rare opportunity right now, I believe, to actually destroy this federal fee crimes bill.
Because this spring, and throughout the spring and summer, Obama has been warning Congress that he will veto any defense spending bill if it asks $100 billion
I don't
To stand his ground.
You see, this is his first veto threat to Congress.
He has a lot to lose if he loses this veto threat.
And I believe that if Americans avalanched through email via the White House website today, we could see a real possibility that if Obama saw a tsunami of protests coming in,
I don't know.
Uh, authorization bill package.
And that, of course, would mean the end of the hate bill in this Congress.
And so I'm just encouraging people to send in emails now to the White House website, and I'll just briefly give that.
It's www.whitehouse.gov forward slash contact.
And you can get that on the web, and here's briefly the two things I suggest you tell the President.
Number one, Mr. President, I will vote out Democrats at midterms if you sign the Freedom Destroying Federal Hate Crimes Bill.
That's number one email I'd like to send you.
I'll just repeat that a little slower.
Mr. President, I will vote out Democrats at midterms if you sign
The Freedom-Destroying Federal Hate Crimes Bill.
And then number two, Mr. President, I expect you to keep your promise to veto any military authorization bill that wastes $100 billion of taxpayers' money on unnecessary F-35 jet engines.
Again, Mr. President, I expect you to keep your promise to veto
Any military authorization bill that wastes $100 billion of taxpayers' money on unnecessary F-35 jet engines.
Now, this bill, this authorization bill with this defiant demand for $100 billion of taxpayers' money for unnecessary engines, that was approved by the House of Representatives last Thursday.
It has not been approved by the Senate.
And today's Memorial Day, obviously they can't approve it today, it's not on the Senate calendar for tomorrow.
It could be on for Wednesday, so we have the better part of a week here to absolutely bombard the White House with these two messages.
People don't have their pen and paper handy.
Just come to truthtellers.org.
We have this article, we have these instructions, and so on, right there on the homepage at truthtellers.org.
We're good to go.
How could Republicans allow this to be on there?
Are they fighting it?
Is there anything else we can do?
Or do we just hope to kill it over these Raptor engines?
Is this a done deal if we don't kill it this one way?
Last week the House Republicans fought very hard to try to strip it off.
Uh, of the Defense Authorization Bill.
They said it was irrelevant and, uh, so on.
And they failed.
The Democratic majority was simply too strong.
I expect the same thing will probably happen in the Senate.
And as I say, that could happen probably as early as Wednesday.
What I think we have to do here is, paradoxically, we have to stand behind Obama.
Obama, in his DFW speech as late as August, he laid down a lot of the Democrats.
He said, if you add $100 billion of extra pork
On this defense authorization bill, I'm going to veto it.
He says, I'm not backing down.
He laid it down.
And that's exactly what they did last week.
Well, duty is ours, consequence belongs to God.
We've got to do the right thing here regardless.
But for those that don't know, briefly explain to them what this hate bill does.
It expands a federal thought crimes division, a commissariat.
Just look up to Canada where they've lost free speech as a result of this kind of legislation.
Uh, which was introduced by the ADL, Anti-Defamation League, back in 1970.
That's what's coming for America.
I'll just give you a brief resume of the amendments to the Constitution it destroys.
It destroys the 14th Amendment of the Constitution which says the government can't give special protections, rights, and services to special groups above others.
This bill elevates homosexuals
Jews, Latinos, Muslims, three times higher than the rest of the population, tripling penalties for anybody who commits a hate crime against them.
It also destroys the 10th Amendment to the Constitution by unifying federal law enforcement with local law enforcement.
It's called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
That means it's an attempt to unify a seamless chain of command
Federal policing powers with local policing powers against violent hate crimes.
That's the very definition of a police state when you have no checks and balances on federal policing powers.
And then thirdly, it will destroy the First Amendment of the Constitution, the 1968 law on which this is based.
It says in Title 18, Section 2A, that if anybody's speech induces or incites somebody else, even on the airwaves 2,000 miles away, to commit some kind of a violent hate crime, and that the perpetrator of the hate crime says he was influenced by Alex Jones, or Reverend so-and-so, or whatever, then Alex Jones and that pastor are going to have to stand in federal court as having been guilty of inciting a violent hate crime.
Now it is true that as a result of a great deal of protest that we brought in back in July, the Brownback Amendment was reluctantly added by the Democrats saying that a pastor, a talk show host, a publisher, whatever, cannot be directly indicted for the general effect of his speech.
We're good.
Stay there, stay there.
Do a final segment, Reverend Pike.
We've got a break.
It sets up the federalization of police and builds the grid and sets up the political police.
Now they've openly announced world government police run by the Justice Department and they're going to track you down for your speech.
That's in the New York Times.
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I've got a few minutes left with Reverend Ted Pike, TruthTellers.org.
I'm Alex Jones with Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Reverend, you were going over some of the things that it does.
Then we've got the cyberbullying on top of it.
I mean, this really is the fall of the Republic.
Alex, in the last several weeks we've pretty much knocked the cyberbullying bill in the head.
A lot of people called in and we got the Republicans active.
They brought in excellent, excellent constitutional witnesses in that judiciary meeting.
We're good to go.
We can hold the Liberals, ADL, and so on homosexual lobby back in Congress.
That's exactly what we've got to do right now.
We literally have hours before this awful federal hate crimes bill could be brought before the President.
We need to send off those emails to whitehouse.gov.
Come to truth tellers.
We've got them all laid out there on our action page.
Exactly what you're supposed to say.
Get those off.
It'll only take you 10 minutes, 5 minutes.
In fact, to do more than you can possibly imagine right now, I believe, to encourage the President to stand by his harsh promise he made to Democrats.
But if they're going to add $100 billion more pork on that arms bill, he's going to veto it.
Let's stand behind him.
Let's stand behind Obama and let him know that the American people, number one, they're not going to stand for him to sign this bill into law.
We're going to take revenge next year with midterms if he does sign it in.
Number two,
Number two, he has to stand up behind his promise, repeatedly made this spring, that he will not load down the American people with another $100 billion for unnecessary, wasteful F-35s.
Well, Ted Pike, the problem is, he always does the opposite of what he says he'll do, but let's pray we can put pressure on him this time, because this is a First Amendment killer.
Ted Pike, thank you for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
Defeating the totalitarian lie.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
Central Standard Time.
to 3 p.m.
That's high noon to 4 p.m.
We are here live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're making leaps and bounds every day exponentially in the amount of people that we're reaching.
And most of that credit goes to you, the core audience of this show, for now 14 years.
Hard to believe it's been 14 years.
Together we're making a difference with God's help.
So I commend you and the edifying work you're doing.
And remember that any persecution, all the pain we go through, is a blessing.
And then we suffered it together against the globalists.
And if you ever look into their mind and look into their works and find out who they really are, so many people that never fought the globalists, once they research it and find out who they are, they're like, how did I not know about this before?
How did I not fight these people?
Later in the show, but probably more tomorrow.
I'll probably never even end up getting to it.
I never seem to, really.
I wanted to read the piece out of the, or parts of it, out of the New Republic.
Big in Europe, the U.S.
and Canada.
Top Bilderberg Group family publishes it.
Really savaging me.
And saying that, you know, I'm hypnotizing the population.
That I am...
You know, dangerous, that I'm making up that there's a call for a new world currency, that I'm making up that there's eugenics, that I'm making it up, that the White House science czar said that they wanted to put sterilants in the water to sterilize us.
Doesn't matter that I own at least 10 textbooks he wrote or co-authored calling for it.
They say I'm anti-semitic.
Well, they say my work is like the protocols of the earned elders of Zion without the Jew references.
No, it's you pimping Jews just like black Chicago leaders pimp black people and use them to sell their agenda and call anybody a racist who doesn't want to go along with them.
You are the people most responsible for putting
The word Jews into debates about the private Federal Reserve and the New World Order.
And they know that.
They want divide and conquer.
They want to divide us along race, religion, ethnicity.
And I'm just sick of it.
We're here calling for humanity to stand against evil.
We know there are evil people in every group.
There are good people in every group.
We are about ideas here.
And the Salon article just says I'm completely insane and dangerous and this big threat.
Media Matters says I'm the big rising threat.
A bunch of other publications, George Soros, Run are attacking me.
So keep us in your prayers as we face these folks down and the totalitarianism that they're trying to bring into this nation.
Because it's very serious.
You know, I remember reading State Department document 7277.
I even have a copy of it from the State Department, little blue 40-something page booklet.
And it announced in the 60s how they would disarm the American people, how they would bring in foreign troops, how they would federalize police, how they would then bring in foreign troops and foreign police to arrest Americans under international law where you have no Bill of Rights or Constitution.
And then I'd see News 8 pieces in Austin and around the country, see other ones where they'd say, oh, 24 police from Tokyo, Japan are coming for six months to live in Austin and work with Austin police.
And 24 Austin police, I saw this a few years ago, are going to Tokyo.
And when they're done with the exchange program, they'll be able to come and arrest people in the US.
We'll be able to go arrest people under our laws in Japan.
See this global corporate government that's rewriting all the rules, getting rid of the checks and balances, getting rid of due process and liberties and freedom.
That's all that's happening.
And now the New York Times and others have announced with great fervor and said how great it is that they've announced a new world police force for taxes, for speech, for everything.
We've got an article about it, Waco siege enforcer to rule over global police force.
Man who both approved of and covered up government slaughter of 76 people including 20 children will lead, move to establish international model of law enforcement.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Many a historian has noted that those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
The Bible says the people perish for lack of knowledge.
And we've had...
We've had former members of the Soviet secret police on.
We've had victims of the Soviet secret police from Eastern Europe and Russia on.
We've had victims of the communist oppressors on from China.
We've had victims of the Vietnamese oppressors on.
The Maoist.
And I've also interviewed survivors of Hitler's Germany as well.
But there is an author, Hilmer von Kampi, and he's written
Defeating the totalitarian lie, a former Hitler youth warns America.
And I've scanned over the book, it's excellent.
I just got it last week before I went out of town.
But I do recommend it to everyone.
From his perspective, so for the balance of the hour, the next 51 minutes, we're going to be spending some time with Hilmert von Compey.
He moved out of Germany after World War II and lived in Central South America and then Mexico and now the United States for the last 20 years.
His website is
We have that up on screen.
Also simulcasting on the radio at PrisonPlanet.TV for PrisonPlanet.TV members.
And it will also be archived up there for everybody who wants to be able to see the show, not just hear it.
I want to thank all the great radio listeners as well.
But, uh, they have openly announced 3.4 million Girl Scouts are being trained by Homeland Security to, quote, fight terror and be a PR spokesman for the government.
They always claim it's for Al-Qaeda, then they flip it and say it's for Homeland Security, for gun owners, conservatives, libertarians.
We broke the MIAC report and the DHS report eight months ago.
On that subject, here, when I was in Hardin, Montana, the last night I went up to Billings to catch my plane the next day.
In the hotel was a Girl Scouts convention with police and Homeland Security.
So I'm not just reading this in the Associated Press, I am seeing it.
The Boy Scouts, New York Times reports, are training for gun confiscation to quote, take on disgruntled vets.
The New York Times says it's a good thing.
We cover that in my new film coming out Fall of the Republic.
They've got citizen spies everywhere.
They're training everyone to spy.
They're training us to submit to tyranny.
It's happening all over the planet.
The hate speech laws, in the name of fighting Hitlerian type things, are actually being used to bring in Hitler-like systems of control.
So joining us is Helmut von Kempi, author of Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, A Former Hitler Youth Warns America.
Now we're going to get into his warning to America and the parallels today.
But I first want him to describe the citizen spies, the Hitler Youth, the process, how they turned them against their families.
How this culture took over, because the Germans were very moral people.
Just like Americans in the 30s and 40s were more moral than we are now, Germans were very moral then, probably even more moral, because I've studied it, on average, crime rates not stealing, not lying, than Americans.
A very moral first world Christian nation, taken over by Hitler very quickly.
Well, I was seven years old when the Nazis took over.
So, in other words, I did not have no concept that was something which was there.
My father, however, he was a civil servant.
He was what here is a county commissioner.
He was responsible for a certain area in Germany.
But here in America you are being elected and in Germany you are being appointed by the government.
So the first day about
When, after the Nazis had taken over, they immediately started their own on-the-side organization, I might say.
In the whole country, in Germany, between my father and between his superior area and the provinces, they all had an organization of the Nazis at their side, which controlled what was being done and what was not being done.
Were those called the local Gauleiters, or what were they called?
Yeah, the Gauleiter was, he was the party person for the province.
My father's side Nazi was the Kreis area, the Kreis person.
So it was, they were the real Nazis that they came to my father and asked him to join the party.
And my father refused.
And so he was, they couldn't dismiss him entirely, but they threw him out of his job and put him in the corner of the country with a much lower income.
But he wasn't very angry because there were others who were like him.
So your father was demoted because he wouldn't fervently serve Hitler as a sub-Gauleiter, as a county commissioner.
Like Arnold's father, he loved it and served with pleasure, Schwarzenegger.
Continue expanding from there.
Yeah, I will give you the high point of it.
They, of course, the Nazis, controlled the whole
Media, which at that time consisted only of the newspapers, of the radio, and of the film industry.
And it was forbidden by penalty of death to listen to foreign information.
And my father, when there were two broadcasters at that time, one was BBC,
And another one was Birol Münster in Switzerland who broadcasted German language information into the air.
And my father at 10 o'clock at night sat in front of the radio and listened to what they had to say.
So he was informed about what other people thought about the Germans.
So even though your father didn't like Hitler, his son ended up being a Hitlerjugend.
Explain how that happened.
Well, he just didn't... I mean, I think he was aware of the character of the Nazis.
And in our family, we had two... there were two groups pretty soon.
One were the Nazis and the other one were the non-Nazis.
And my father was heading up the non-Nazis in his family.
And at the end,
We didn't talk to each other anymore.
No, I was, no, I was not, I was a child.
This is what I afterwards learned.
What you said is absolutely correct.
The Nazis tried to get through the children to the parents and control what they were doing, but they shouldn't do, and so forth.
You know Hitler's favorite saying, did you hear this at the time?
First we get the women, then we've got the children, so follow the men?
Yeah, no, I haven't heard that one, but that was his, he was after the youth, there was no question about it.
And they also had a parallel organization with KUHL.
That's where the Nazi elite was being trained.
And they had my elder brother on their list to get them into it.
And for my parents, it was very difficult.
Their main concern in all these years was to save the character of us children so that we were not taken over by the Nazi ideology.
And they only got my elder brother out of the system, so to speak, out of the Nazi school with the help of a doctor who certifies that he had some health reasons why he couldn't be in such a school.
So that worked.
So we did not
So, total federalization of schools.
How was your family later divided?
How did you find out they were divided?
Nazi, pro-Nazi, anti-Nazi?
Well, that was in the family only.
If my father would have been named as an anti-Nazi, he wouldn't have lived any time much longer.
I understand.
So, that was plainly inside the family.
But as far as the Hitler Youth is concerned, there was a law which said that every child from 10 years onwards has to get into the Hitler Youth.
And there was two sections, the youth from 10 to 14 and then from 8 until 18.
And the parents, my parents, had no choice.
They had to deliver us to the Hitler Youth.
I didn't know anything about what was happening for us.
It was there when you saw them.
And it was part of the infrastructure of the nation at that time.
And we had a good time.
We lived in a small village.
I think the difference between the bigger city and the smaller city is that in the smaller city, everybody knew about everyone.
And it was not that way as in the big cities where people were always close to the top Nazis and so forth.
We were called out for demonstrations and these kinds of things.
But that was all not the case for us.
So we had children.
We had not bad.
We had quite a good family.
We were four children.
We had a good time.
We're going to go to break, and I want to come back and get into how they took over the children, how they try to turn them against the parents, and parallels with what is happening today.
Because I'm sure you've read Obama wants year-round school.
They say they want to ban homeschooling so kids can be socialized.
They want kids to stay longer at school.
He wants to address them and enlist them to aid him.
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I've got the book here in my hands, Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, A Former Hitler Youth Warns America.
Hilmar von Kampi.
We're going to show you some photographs in the book for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Everybody else that listens along on the radio.
Hey, short segment, long segment coming up, sir.
You wanted to get into the parallels between what was happening then to you as a Hitler youth, Hitler's takeover through the war, with what's starting to happen in the Western world today, namely the United States.
Go ahead.
Well, there are quite a number.
Let me start with two.
We had in our schools, that is what I wanted to say already earlier, the communication system was in control of the Nazis.
And what we heard was not the news.
But the promotion of the news.
In other words, they told us as news, which was, they wanted to know us.
To know their, not their view, but that they were brainwashed of what was really happening.
And in the schools, there you had the same Darwinism, which denies God, which you have in your schools here.
And taking God out of society, and taking God out of any part in decision-making... And making the state God.
And then making the state God, correct?
I didn't get your point.
They remove God and the family because they want to make the state God.
Yeah, they had realized, the Nazis, like the Soviets, had realized that any authority above their government
makes their lives and their power difficult.
So we were told, not so much even in the Hitler Youth, but in school, that the Nazis told us, you can't pray and sing hymns as much as you like in your home and in your churches.
But in society, it is us, the National Socialists, and not the National Fascists.
The National Socialists controlled everything.
So that was the, so the education is without God.
Anti-Society is without God, and that is to my horror, that has developed here, and that is why these guys can do what they are doing.
And it is not a battle between Communism and Capitalism.
It is a battle between God and Almighty Man.
It is about truth, and it is about lie, and the question is, who wins this battle?
And that is what my book is all about.
So, that is part.
Then there are many other parts.
Well, let me answer you, this is a very important point because my book
It's very much about that to show how in our society, in the totalitarian society, which is what, which I didn't know, I didn't even ever heard the word totalitarian, what it is.
Now, the war began when Hitler told his generals that he would now, we needed land in the East and he would now go to war.
And then they asked, what reason would we have
He said, I will eventually, don't you worry.
What he did was he put some SS people in Polish uniforms, gave them Polish arms and sent them into Poland.
Then they killed a number of people in a closest concentration camp, put them in a Polish uniform and distributed the dead bodies around a number of buildings.
And then at night, the
SS in Polish uniform came to the area, shot in the air, rifle, fire and support, pretending a battle, and then they disappeared again.
And then came the press and they saw all the dead Polish soldiers lying on the ground.
And Hitler said on the 1st of September 1939, he said in a speech over the radio to the nation,
That we were attacked by the Polish Armed Forces and now we are shooting back.
So what I want to stress here is that he lied to us about, we took it for granted that he was speaking the truth, but he lied to us about how it was.
And two days later the British and the French governments declared war on Germany because they had a treaty.
Stay there, sir.
We've got a break.
A false flag terror attack.
Hitler, with the Reichstag fire, used that to get total control.
Then he launched his war against Poland with Operation Gleiwitz.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We're gonna go back to Hilmar von Kampay here in just a moment.
Former Hitler Youth and soldier in the German...
Military during World War II, paralleling what's happened in Germany and now happening here in the United States and all over the world, as classical totalitarianism manifests itself.
Black uniforms and all.
We're going to tell you how to get his book in just a moment, so be ready with a paper and pen for that.
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Okay, going back to...
Hitler announced on September 1 of 1939 that the Polish Army, which were in reality not the Polish Army, but SS soldiers in Polish uniforms,
That they had intruded into Germany and had killed people and now we should shoot back.
I was then 14 years old, so I took that as the truth.
But then, two days later,
The French and British governments declared war on Germany because they had a contract, a treaty, with Poland if they would be attacked by us.
So when we heard about this, we said, these are the same enemies as World War One.
The British, the main principle enemies, French, France, and British.
This, therefore, is not a Nazi war.
This is a German war, and we first have to win the war, and then we can, we have to deal with the Nazis.
So, we went
Voluntarily, I was drafted but I would have gone alone also and become a soldier and defend my fatherland.
We had, there were millions of us who did not go for the Nazis into the war but we wanted to defend our fatherland.
My elder brother fell in Russia and it was at that time
It was usual.
We have announcements in the newspapers about people who died in the war, people who fell.
And if people fell, the family normally said, so and so fell for Führer, for the Nazi leader, for Hitler, for Germany and for the people of Germany.
And my brother did not die for the Nazis.
He, like us, he thought he would, he's a patriot, he would defend Germany.
And so it happened.
And when the war was over, my mother, we were refugees, we were thrown out of Germany, of Eastern Europe, Germany.
And the hatred of the Nazis for her was so terrible.
That the whole person was full of hate because my father was killed in a Soviet concentration camp and she made the Nazis responsible for the destruction of our country and for the destruction of our family.
And only when she realized that as a Christian hatred was not what Christian teaching was, she realized that she was a fake Christian.
And she went down on her knees and she couldn't get rid of it.
She could not kill this hatred.
And she went on her knees and he said to God, if you are there, I know that I shouldn't hate.
I cannot help me.
Please help you me.
And I don't get up before I am free of my hatred.
It took her two hours.
And then she got up and she was a free woman.
And I'm telling you this story to tell you the depth of the feeling inside Germany about the Nazi system and the Nazi people and the Nazi ideology.
Yeah, I think I, like everybody else, I look at
Radio, I listen to radio broadcasts like this one.
I look to the commentaries in the television show, national shows, that I want to get into, like there are quite a number, Hannity and then Beckham and so forth.
But they all deal on
On territory which is not the original American territory.
It is the consequence of what we have been faced with for quite some time.
I hear people speaking about the battle between capitalism and communism or socialism.
That is not the main issue.
The main issue is God.
That God is being taken out of society, out of schools, out of families.
And so I'm saying is that the global ideological war in which we are for decades now, and most Americans don't realize it, which we are in decades, is the role of God in human society.
And Nazi Germany was a part of the insurrection against God by Christians and by atheists, people who don't want to accept the commandments of God.
I think the godlessness in the infrastructure of the United States with 50 million abortions, dead, human beings not born, being killed.
That is much more than the six million Jews which the Nazis killed and ten millions more like my father, people like my father who were taken by frontal Soviets which are the same idea, similar ideologies.
So there is a connecting part where the so-called Christians who don't stand up and the Nazis
I don't know.
That is terrible because it is a road to a totalitarian system.
We in America are on the road to a totalitarian system and we are very close to get in there and have no reply, no return.
I want my book to go to the whole of America to show the difference of what is in common between the Nazi regime and what we have here.
The only difference is
That we have also millions of millions of people who do believe in God, who want to live a Christian life, and who want a nation which is run not by Communists, Socialists, but is being run by people who listen to the voice of God and making America a nation under God.
Mr. von Kemping?
When you look at Glenn Beck on one side and then Obama on the other,
You made a very important point that they're only discussing symptoms, not the disease itself and the left-right paradigm, foreign offshore banks that want a centralized government and who want to end the family.
And who don't want people to have allegiance to family or God.
I mean, you know, the God could be the Easter Bunny, and I'm a Christian, but I'm saying even if an atheist doesn't believe this, the point is, they wouldn't want you worshipping the Easter Bunny, they want you worshipping them.
They want the state to be God.
And that's what's being set up here.
And classical tyranny is coming in on the left and the right.
And you're right, the Nazis called themselves National Socialists.
They wanted a centralized system.
And anytime you get a centralized system, you're going to have the control freaks.
You're going to have the people that want to have a centralized system so they can rob and control the population.
You're going to have them come streaming in.
And you're right, we're on the road.
In fact, we're already there to totalitarianism.
The question is, how much worse will we allow it to get?
So that's why the information you're covering is so important.
Tell people the best place to get the book.
Can they get it at Amazon.com?
Can they get it at VonCampy.com that we'll put up on screen?
What's the best way for people to get Defending the Totalitarian, I mean, Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, a former Hitler Youth Warns America?
And then how do we defend the Republic?
How do we save, how do we defend against the totalitarian?
It's via my website.
You get my signature with it.
But you can get it also at Amazon.com.
You can get it also on the World Net Daily.
It's promoting my books.
You can get it there.
And probably your bookstore may not have them.
But unless they are sold to the bookstore, they will get it for you.
Well, no, I just want people to know where they can get the book, because I haven't read the whole thing.
I got it last week.
I want to get this book to the whole of America, because it shows what's wrong, and it shows what is being done about what is wrong, who they are, who are our real enemy, and what have we to do to take them out.
First of all, I want to say that
That the Declaration of Independence says clearly in its second paragraph that the people are entitled to take a government which does not follow the Constitution out of their job.
And I'm always asking myself now, who is going to do that?
Can we do it?
And how do we do it?
And so that is one thing.
The other, on the way to that,
It's a Tea Party Movement.
I have spoken to these people.
They are patriots.
They wanted America, as on the basis of the Constitution, which this government we have, do not want to have.
They promote abortion instead of life.
They promote death.
They should not be in our government.
They should not tell us what we have to do.
I'm aware of that, and that's why I'm saying what most people don't realize.
That totalitarianism means control of everything.
The immorality go hand in hand.
It is because people do not have commandments of God, not follow the commandments which God and Jesus have given us.
That is because the elect people who say they are Christian but have nothing to do with the Christian teachings and are enemies of God.
Obama is an enemy of God.
But I want to go further, though.
They're trying to put people in control of the Tea Parties who are Benedict Arnolds, who are wolves in sheep's clothing, to misdirect it and weaken the movement.
Obviously, you know that the establishment isn't going to just let us rise up and take America back.
They're going to control the right and the left.
Yeah, but here they have people which may be fictionalized as to the right, but in that sense, the people I have met,
They don't really have... No, no, no, they are the salt of the earth!
Yes, yes, you hear them chant, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
That's the chant of the Tea Parties.
That's my line from Endgame.
We developed that, you know, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
Big hit piece in the New Republic Against Me points out that I did coin that phrase.
You're absolutely right, sir.
In fact, you mentioned the Declaration of Independence.
It says that whenever any form of government
Becomes destructive of these ends.
It is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new government.
Laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as it shall seem most likely to affect their safety, happiness, prudence, and deed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for lighter transient causes.
And accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by
And it goes on by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing inevitably the same object invents a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for the future security.
Well, I have no doubt.
I know that we are on a similar path.
And the only thing which we did not have is
We did not have people.
The Germans are not the same as the Americans.
The Americans are used that they are, that the government is a servant of the people, while the Germans are more inclined to accept the government as the ultimate wisdom.
And they are likely to obey what... Yes, very intelligent, very hardworking, very smart, but also because of the
Roman control and then the different kingdoms that were there after that.
Germany was only unified in the last 160 years or so, as you know, and so there is that European angle of going along with the king.
We'll be right back with our guests in the final segment.
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VONCAMPE.COM V-O-N-C-A-M-P-E.COM is the site to get the book, as well, Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, A Former Hitler Youth Warns America.
Okay, in closing, we've got about three minutes, sir.
When you see the media saying it's anti-government to criticize government, when you hear them say it's anti-American to criticize the private Federal Reserve, when you hear them say that Homeland Security is watching Ron Paul,
How did they sell not being able to criticize the government in Germany?
I know it started incrementally.
Or were you too little to notice that and just woke up when you were a teenager, you know, a Hitler youth from age 7, when you were given the death penalty instantly if you criticized the government?
I mean, how did that happen?
Well, we had the Gestapo.
The Gestapo is the secret state police.
We had them in front of our church in the war.
When they took down, so that everybody who went to church could see it, they took the names down.
And that's the only thing my father, my mother and our four children did not pay any attention to them when they went into the church.
But everybody who saw that knew exactly, and everybody knows what happens when you express your opposition to what they are doing.
And there was no outcry from the Christian churches against the persecution of the Jews.
But sir, you say by taking their names down, people that had been disappeared?
No, they did not disappear.
That was the kind of intimidation which went on all the time.
I mean, what names were taken down?
People did not dare to express critics on the government.
That was the idea.
And there was this constant propaganda not to become a Nazi, but to
To be against Germany having to go to the war.
In fact, you are against the war weather.
You had to be pro-war, or you were an evil person.
If I just, as we were called.
In other words, any totalitarian system invent a way where it can criminalize the people
Uh, and take them away.
That's what it does.
It makes the general public criminal, like garage sales are illegal and things like that.
Sir, we're out of time.
President Obama is also calling the people terrorists who are nothing but patriots.
That is a mean... Sir, we're gonna have to talk to you again.
Let me say bye to you.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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