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Filename: 20090916_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 16, 2009
2946 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Congressman Alan Grayson says that it's going to be going to the floor of the House after it's in committee legislation to audit the run-for-profit private Federal Reserve.
The former Fed chairman is whining and complaining
In the pages of Bloomberg saying, oh, how horrible Congress may interfere with the Fed.
Well, let me see.
It's only in the Constitution that Congress controls the issuance and coining of money and credit and sets monetary policy, not a group of offshore criminal bankers.
Your days of just arrogantly doing whatever you want right out in the open are over, dirtbags!
And you know it.
The arrogance is gone from Bernanke, Geithner, Summers,
It's gone from all of their faces.
You are the criminal class.
You are the cancer.
You are the New World Order.
In the words of Andrew Jackson, I will route you out.
The people will route you out.
We are going to have wide open phones yet again today.
I want to have wide open phones and I want to go to your calls early in the shower.
And I want to hear from listeners, what do you think the most important issues are on our plate?
The flu inoculations beginning, being pushed and forced on school children through color of law and medical workers like police and nurses, emergency workers, first responders.
Israel, I was watching Fox last night and CNN openly saying they may go ahead and hit Iran, going and trying to get the green light last week from
Russia, they're telling us it's a jobless recovery.
You're going to lose your job and I guess be homeless.
But the banks are making record profits, so they're saying it's a booming economy.
We've got all these announcements of NORTHCOM to put 379,000 regular Army and Marines on the streets of America.
Obama comes out and says he wants to endorse the expansion, not just the reauthorization.
I've looked at the reauthorization legislation of warrantless wiretapping, sneak and peek, breaking in your house without warrants, and it's all being used against veterans, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, anti-war activists, anybody that doesn't go along with world government.
If you take Prozac, drink Diet Coke, have Alzheimer's when you're 45, the government loves you, you've got a little gold star,
By the sight of your name.
You go roll up your sleeve every year and get the flu shot.
Doesn't matter if three flu shots double your chances of Alzheimer's.
The neighbor kids were playing in our yard yesterday and they were showing off two different groups of neighbor kids.
They'd gotten their flu shots.
And I saw one of their mothers driving by and I stopped her and I said, Hey, is that an H1N1 shot?
And she said, I don't know.
And I said, well, you know, it's not approved yet.
So you probably just got the regular flu shot.
And she said, yeah, probably, but just didn't care.
Didn't care if it was last year's flu, had no connection to reality.
Didn't matter if it was full of mercury.
Doesn't matter if her kid will stare at the wall, you know, lose a lot of his IQ points.
I just, God help us.
And I didn't even say anything to her.
I didn't even preach at her.
I just...
I just sometimes just want the hell out of here.
You know, I just want to go to a deserted island, raise my family, go fishing every day, hack up coconuts with a machete.
And, uh, you know, go out and bow hunt Wild Hog on the imaginary island.
Pit Karen or something.
And then just be left the hell alone, and then all these mentally ill people can just run around and soft kill their kids, and I, you know, I just... At a certain point, I don't even know what to say anymore.
We got Robert Galen Ross in studio with us today to talk about his new book that is always informative and interesting.
I haven't had him in studio in about a year.
I got a huge stack of vitally important news we're going to cover straight ahead.
And we're going to open the phones up at 1-800-259-9231.
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What do you think the most important thing is in the news?
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Obviously, we need to talk about ACORN.
The video that surfaced in the middle of last week, showing a young lady dressed up like a hooker with her supposed pimp, that's what real journalism is, and that's something that citizens can all do, especially in the age of YouTube, in the age of internet video.
That's what I started doing in the mid-1990s with Access Television, self-taught.
And I would go out and cover stories in Austin, Texas, and really cover government corruption, and then it would end up in the newspaper, it would end up being discussed at city council.
Mainly I would show how the city would put $2,000 a day fines on elderly people's houses for peeling paint or three-inch grass and then they would steal the home through government auction and basically fence it through and sell it to friends of the City Council or the County Commissioners.
Or I would cover stories about how the public schools were headhunting for blonde-haired, blue-eyed children.
We've since had senators and congressmen uncovering the fact that there are bounties on your children, and they even put out alerts for certain types of children that adoption agencies are looking for.
A rich family may want, you know, a three-year-old brunette girl with blue eyes or green eyes, and the order goes out, the pedophile operators then fan out.
I know that's hard for people to believe, but that's government.
That's who's in government.
That's who runs government.
And it didn't matter what acorn office the researchers, the investigators, went into with their cheap hidden camera.
They'd walk in and say, we got 12-year-old girls we're bringing in to run hooker operations.
They're illegal aliens.
It's totally criminal.
I don't want to pay any taxes.
And they'd say, well, we can handle that for you.
We've got a
We've got a system for you, right now.
That's what runs America.
That is what America is.
Overweight, pot-bellied, diseased people who eat nothing but MSG and drink nothing but corn syrup all day, who take mercury-filled shots, dirty hair sticking out, zits all over their faces.
Doesn't matter if they're black, doesn't matter if they're white, doesn't matter if they're Hispanic.
Just all they want is money and overall though, this whole Acorn report is a distraction and a diversion.
I mean, I welcome it because I want to stop the big city pimp machine, the big city poverty pimp machine that is the Chicago slash New York machine.
That is taking over all the major cities in the country.
And I want to stop ACORN, I want to stop SecureCore and CityYear, and all these systems where private tax-free foundations get billions of dollars a year of taxpayer money, and then these big government types on the right and the left, but mainly the left, they wrote the book on it, go in and get filthy rich and wealthy off of it.
All these so-called philanthropists, all these humanitarians like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
They're one of the biggest players in Chicago in housing and homeless and anti-drug programs and sterilization, vaccination.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation goes out and gets thousands and thousands of big government grants per major city every year and it makes money.
You understand that?
The Annenberg Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, this is a big sick joke.
They started a hundred plus years ago all the phony environmental foundations and bragged it was about owning property tax-free and taking people's property.
This is the mafia.
And they have found that if they come after you,
They have found that if they come after you, under the guise of the government, or in the guise of a uniform, you'll resist it and demand due process and your rights.
But if they come as an environmental group, or they come as a city group, they come as some type of diversity organization, they come in the name of the community, that they can basically get away with murder.
If they want to.
And they do.
They do in a big way.
But I would challenge Fox News and Glenn Beck and all of these different establishment organizations.
While you're worried about the 12-year-old Latin American girls that Acorn was ready to help run tax shelters for, to run underage slave brothels,
Why don't you talk about DynCorp and Halliburton running giant, real child kidnapping rings out of Europe and the United States and being caught doing it in congressional hearings and not getting in trouble?
I mean, if you really care about kids and you're up on your high horse, if you're really concerned about government corruption, if you're really concerned about tax-free foundation corruption,
Why don't you talk about the bipartisan heist of $23.7 trillion and counting?
The 20?
$3.7 trillion, and it's probably more than $28 trillion now.
That number we're going over is a couple months old.
Why don't you worry about that?
I mean, you're worried about billions of dollars going to Acorn.
But see, ACORN is a convenient, low-level, kind of upstart, Illinois-slash-Louisiana, old-school, big-city corruption group trying to go national, trying to go international.
And so you've got the bigger pimps basically slapping them down, but also giving conservative, mainline America
A bone.
Oh, look, we've got this big city corrupt machine situation, and look, these women are bragging that, yeah, they used to be hooker madams, too, and they had their husbands killed, and, yeah, they're gangsters, too.
Because they are.
But let me tell you who the real social workers are.
Let me tell you who the real acorn is.
Do you know where they recruit most of the CPS workers now?
Most of the CPS workers they're recruiting are formerly people on welfare who were on Section 8 housing, who grew up under the social worker's thumb, might have even had their brother or sister taken, rationalized it, believe it's a good thing, and then now they're coming after your middle class kids.
See, when you hear them invoke the term racism, they're invoking true class warfare.
That's what Jimmy Carter's doing.
And the enforcers, the police, and the social workers, they're being drawn from the ranks of the poor blacks, the poor whites, the poor Hispanics, and they're going to be given badges, and uniforms, and clipboards, and stun guns, and paddy wagons, and they are going to take over every facet of your life.
I mean, I'm reading the Animal ID, Premises ID legislation.
And it says that the new definition of a farm is any growing plants or vegetables or animals or anyone with a warehouse.
And it says they're going to force you to sign over premises ID and it clearly states then that you are now a ward of the state and that the government holds your home in receivership.
I mean, they're just taking over!
And in the country, they're now hiring local bureaucrats and local environmentalists that come around and boss everybody around and if people in the countryside give in to this, it's over.
You will be complete sharecropper slaves.
And it's the same thing in the city.
They are turning loose the desperate, poor, money-grubbing people that will do anything for money.
That's what big government is.
And just the CPS racket, where they seize over a million children a year in the United States with no due process, and then hop them up on drugs to get more taxpayer money, that is a thousand times worse, or more, than everything ACORN is doing.
So, it's just like how Kenneth Starr went after Bill Clinton for sex with Monica Lewinsky and lying about it, instead of missile secrets from Laura Allen Hughes being given to the Communist Chinese.
Because Bill Clinton was the only person that had sex with Monica Lewinsky and did disgusting things with cigars with her.
Bill Clinton engaged in all these other crimes with the Republican and Democratic leadership.
And so see, he couldn't be burned over anything real.
The hundreds and hundreds of different things he did.
But he could be burned over sex with a woman.
And it's the same kind of thing with ACORN.
ACORN's a smaller, upstart criminal group.
Definitely, totally seedy.
Involved in every form of corruption known to man.
Instantly ready your one-stop shop for criminal activity.
That much is clear.
I mean it goes back to Resco and everybody else in Chicago and Obama with free houses and the guy he came up with and Chicago politics, Rod Blagojevich.
And so you'll see Chicago corruption under the spotlight and the government will just use that and the black ops groups
We'll just use that as more pressure on Obama to do what he's told.
Because he is a compromised pimp.
He's a poverty pimp.
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Ladies and gentlemen,
What you see with the acorn with Fox News is the exact same thing you see with Anderson Cooper night after night, month after month, doing reports about Texas and scores of towns and counties where they pull you over, including 85-year-old women.
I mean, they don't care.
And just grab your purse and wallet and laugh at you.
And a lot of times they go ahead and arrest you and say, if you sign this form, which by the way is totally criminal, these local police and boss hogs are so corrupt, they don't know how they're incriminating themselves, to say, sign this form saying you agree not to ever challenge this in court and we're just going to take $3,000 and your watch and we'll let you keep the wedding ring.
That happened in one case.
And these sheriffs and police chiefs and judges
Live in million-dollar, two-million-dollar homes.
They drive brand-new trucks.
Their kids have all got brand-new four-wheelers.
They've got deer leases in Colorado.
And they don't care.
They just laugh.
It's like, yeah, we do what we want.
And that's what government is.
Because the American people began to let the government boss them around and tell us that we were their slaves and that they were the authorities and they were official.
But there's another wrinkle to this.
Just like Anderson Cooper will cover local corruption in Texas, or other states, and laugh and talk about how it's the South, as if the police aren't corrupt in the North.
But he's telling you about the little corruption, the little bite, the little problems, so he can look good.
He doesn't tell you how the FBI shakes down businesses all over the country.
He doesn't tell you how the CIA ships in the majority of the narcotics and hunts down and kills anybody that doesn't want their money through select banks.
That's come out in congressional hearings.
He doesn't tell you he's a CIA officer on record.
Anderson Cooper doesn't tell you that.
He tells you about Boss Hogg, who in
A large percentage, but not the majority, of Texas counties, because they've been getting away with it forever, and I've had state senators on covering it.
I mean, it's mafia run.
I've been pulled over in counties, even though I'm from Texas, and they ask, what are you doing around here?
I'm driving through here.
And then they get real smart-ass with you, until you notice they've got a swastika on their arm.
And then you say, ooh, I like your swastika, just manipulating them, and they say, oh, I'll Hitler, you can go.
But it's not just picking on people who are from out of town or black or whatever.
They'll take old ladies' money.
The state police will take their money.
In fact, they like shaking down old women.
That's in the news routinely for some reason.
Maybe it's old women that complain.
Or maybe the media picks up on that when they do complain.
But see, Anderson Cooper will tell you about that little low-level corruption.
He will not tell you about the high-level.
Just like Fox News will show you acorn, no matter where those investigators walked in, across the country, East Coast, West Coast, middle of the country.
Hey, I got 12-year-old slave hookers I'm bringing in.
I want to run a brothel.
Can you launder the cash?
Absolutely, we'll take care of that for you.
I used to run whores.
I had my husband killed.
I'm mafia as well.
All right, good.
We're a criminal operation.
The criminals brag.
They come in and they run a criminal flag up the flagpole, and these inner cities have run under such criminal operations for so long with the protection of the police, that they say, yeah, I'm ready to commit hardcore child trafficking crimes with you right now.
That's just like New York police walk up to Luke Hradowski and others, it's in the film Truth Rising,
And they walk right up and they say, you're not allowed to protest.
And they go, but we're allowed to protest, the city said, right here on this street corner.
Listen, I don't care what the city says.
I'm gonna say you got a bomb.
I know you don't have a bomb, kid, but I'm gonna plant it on you, and I'm gonna put you in prison for terrorism.
And up, uniformed cops show up, they run over, grab his camera, and they say, yep, this is a gun, that's a bomb.
And the cops on video camera, not even caring it's on tape, are so criminal they do it on tape!
Committing hardcore felonies, they say, I'm gonna say you're a criminal unless you leave.
Just like Acorn.
You wanna run some 12-year-old sex slaves stolen from their mommies?
Let's roll!
Because this country's run by hardcore criminals, period!
And I wanna tell you something, they're hunting your children.
And they want to shoot your kid up with eugenics because the hardcore elite believe you're scum and believe that you're less than cheap.
They believe that life is less than cheap.
They believe it's a negative.
What the Raspusnik, as Tarpley calls it, from some, you know, they've got that comic strip where it's in a fictitious Soviet land and where the money actually has negative value.
You pay the trash man to take it away.
That's what your life is seen as trash.
And so the globalists have contracted with all these criminal syndicates to just have their way with you.
And let me tell you, Glenn Beck and Fox News and Sean Hannity aren't going to save you.
Sean Hannity started talking about dying core child kidnapping rings, then I'd say, great, good job, Hannity.
Just, I mean, Savage came out and said, the government will stage terror attacks to take our rights, and I said, good job, Savage.
I mean, look, I want to support these guys, but it's total baloney.
Your call's coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I think so.
We have been trained to accept corruption.
And once you capitulate to it, it races to the bottom.
Government is too big.
Anytime you get a big government, it is going to be taken over by criminals.
They're going to use the government to suck you dry.
They've got PR firms and lots of excuses and, oh, they're doing it because Al-Qaeda will get you.
Remember Fox News sold you on Homeland Security and Northcom the whole time it was being set up for the American people.
Now they admit it's for gun owners and conservatives.
And Glenn Beck's getting up, supporting the Patriot Act, supporting the banker bailout, bad-mouthing Ron Paul.
He does that one day, then the next day tells you he loves Ron Paul, and you buy it hook, line, and sinker.
Oh, he's telling you all about ACORN, and how if we can just get rid of ACORN, America will be saved.
ACORN is very small compared to the other big organizations, but by going in and showing this group engaged in all their criminal activities, engaged in all their fake voter registration and signing up all the illegal aliens and dead people to vote, just classic big city corruption,
By exposing that, then you think Fox is looking out for you.
Just like you think Anderson Cooper's looking out for you exposing Boss Hogg's stealing your wallets in Texas.
And it's that simple.
Alright, look, I have the poverty pimping going on, the last desperate act of a scoundrel,
Saying that it's racism to criticize Obama in any way.
Saying the Tea Parties just don't like black people.
That's really creating racial division.
That is race pimping.
That is racism.
You, Jimmy Carter, are a dirtbag racist.
You are a poverty pimp who invokes the religion of division.
If I watch Hardball one more time and Chris Matthews badmouths people in the South and calls us racist, let me tell you something.
I grew up in the gateway to the South.
The gateway to the West, gateway to the South.
That's what Texas is kind of the crossover.
And I never heard people called the N-word.
I never called people heard, you know, called krauts and mix and kikes and all those other derogatory terms until I traveled and went to Chicago and New York and then that's all I hear out of Yankees.
And I like Yankees.
I don't dislike people from the North.
I don't have some North-South thing going on.
But shut the hell up, Matthews!
You're a big-city race pimp!
The truth is, people in the North grew up with all the different neighborhoods and races, and the truth is, you, sir, when it comes down to flat-out racism, have got a lot dirtier
Dirty your house to clean up, get the beam out of your own eye.
I am so sick of you invoking race and using it like big city mafia bosses do to control the cities.
That's all this crap is, is Chicago, New York politics.
And I'm sick of it!
Stop bad-mouthing where I come from every day.
You're a bigot!
Chris Matthews is a real piece of crap, that's all I gotta say.
Just like... Alright, I'm starting to rant.
I have just never heard such, such, such invocation of racism.
Don't you understand when they make it a racial issue, that creates real division?
And I'm sick of it!
I'm sick of it!
I don't have any guilt!
I don't dislike anybody.
Do you understand that?
And I'm sick of growing up being taught how I'm supposed to have guilt.
I haven't done anything to anybody!
And I'm sick of it!
I don't owe anybody anything!
I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of it!
Of having race injected into everything!
I just want to live in peace!
I'm sick of it!
You sit up there in your fancy teleprompters and your fancy camera shots, up there in your fancy suits, lying to people.
People believe what you're saying.
Doctor says flu vaccine will cost 60,000 deaths in France.
I want to get into that.
Business Week reports how China's yuan has become a global currency.
Flu experts gear up for pandemic.
Vaccine worry.
Democratic Senator warns of big, big tax on middle class in Bacchusville.
That's some of what's coming up.
Cameras keep track of all cars entering Medina.
This is out of Seattle Times.
I love how they always report on local cities that are using license plate reading systems.
Every city has this.
And if the feds haven't gotten around to flipping on the software at your local fusion center, yeah, that's the only reason you don't know about it.
So we'll get into that.
Total big brother.
Sheriff's Department responds to sonic device outrage.
They're now rolling out at town hall meetings everywhere sonic cannons.
Homeland Security.
Remember two years ago, the head of the Air Force said it's illegal to use these sonic weapons that damage people's hearing against foreign enemies.
But if we use it against the American people, it'll set the precedent to use it worldwide.
So we'll go over all of that, and I got a bunch of other news right now.
Carter, racism plays a major role in opposition to Obama.
We'll go over that.
But right now, as promised, let's go to your phone calls.
Stuart in New York, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, you had asked earlier as far as what we thought was the most important subject, and it's kind of a toss-up between, of course, the revelations of 9-11 and the investigation of the Fed, but I have a feeling that if the Fed was thoroughly investigated, thoroughly audited from top to bottom with a microscope,
You would find out largely who was behind the money anyway as far as like 9-11 because, as you recall, a lot of insurance companies and stockbrokers who still remain secret made a lot of money right before and after 9-11 by shorting certain airline stocks.
Yeah, Alex Brown, run by Buzzy Krongard, Executive Director of the CIA.
The German news reported the day before the attacks, record puts on American and United, and then they reported after it, but never in our news.
They just sit there making money off what they did, right in front of everybody laughing.
And why not?
They kidnap our kids and get away with it, they ship heroin and cocaine and get away with it, and the media worships the CIA.
I've just had enough of it.
It's a mafia group of parasites having their way with us.
Well, somewhere that's got to show up in the coffers of the Federal Reserve.
And also, if you could, you know, Charlie was talking about how there were six people on the board investigating 9-11 who have come out and said it was a fraud.
What about the four that at least haven't said anything?
Where is their money coming from?
Who are they, and what are they attached to?
Well, two of them are the chairman, appointed by Bush.
So, 50% of those that support the official story are the 40% that approve of it.
Fifty percent of them were appointed by Bush, and then they appointed the other minions.
But I appreciate your call.
Great point, Stuart.
Let's talk to Joshua in Florida.
Joshua, you're on the air.
Alex Jones, how you doing, my friend?
Hey, buddy.
You've got, actually, a lot to report from the Florida area.
I just want to say quickly, we went to the second annual First Responders Benefit here in Orlando, and our We Are Change Florida group went with Central Florida Veterans for Peace, and what we discovered, we actually saw an Orange County
Oh yeah, no more local police, everything's been federalized, it's totally criminal.
And they're using the flu as the cover to bring in that implementation.
But look, they're not talking about putting 379,000 regular troops on the streets because they want to play tiddlywinks.
They know when they take everything the public's got, and take your savings, that you're going to get angry.
And when you come out on the streets, they're going to hit you with sound cannons, and if that doesn't work, they're going to mow every one of you down.
And just God help this country.
Yeah, absolutely.
We actually gave all the law enforcement there Oath Keepers literature.
And I want to encourage all the other resistance groups around the nation.
Let's start engaging the police.
Let's start engaging law enforcement.
Let's let them know about Oath Keepers.
Let's educate them and let's humanize ourselves.
Because that's really going to be instrumental.
They teach the police and the federal training that there are terrorists and terrorist sympathizers everywhere.
And that literally there are just terrorists hiding behind every bush.
Meanwhile, they don't tell them the supposed terrorists, the patsies they set up, were all trained at U.S.
military bases, that the head of the U.S.
Embassy, Springman, said they were ordered to let Mohammed Adda and others in, that they were really CIA officers.
The average cop doesn't know that.
That's why you've got to give them Terror Storm.
You've got to give them endgame.
Our very lives depend on getting the word out.
God bless you, sir.
John in Oklahoma, you're on the air.
Hey, hello Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Thank you so much, Charlie.
I'm looking to the west.
I'm standing in the middle of Oklahoma right now.
Here's question number 21.
First, I would like to speak to the families and all those who lost their lives.
9-11 is probably the most important topic that should be discussed right now in the news.
For your query as to what the most important question is.
And my grandmother used to help, you know, they lived in, well you don't know, but they lived in the North.
And my family used to help, you know, everybody.
And we always feed everybody and there's no racism in my family.
No, I know that.
I'm not saying people up north are all racist.
I'm saying I'm sick of how it's acceptable on CNN and on MSNBC to say we're all a bunch of toothless, racist Klan members.
And there's congressmen saying that the congressman that said you lie wants the Klan to ride in the streets of America.
The Klan are a bunch of feds.
Question number 21 would be, where are the bodies?
And my heart goes out to all the families and those who lost lives.
Where are the people that were lost?
That should be the question.
I don't hear any discussion anywhere.
Why were the bodies in the towers all blown into pieces smaller than an inch?
I hear you, John.
Good to hear from you.
Steve in Chicago.
Steve, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I was disturbed by an article I read, little excerpts of it.
I was in the Chicago Daily Herald and it says, Skokie Holocaust Museum holds conference for law enforcement.
And it goes on to say that this was a museum modeled on the Federal Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
Now, some of the people in attendance were members of the U.S.
Customs Service, Chicago Police Department, Chicago Fire Department, Suburban Fire Departments, etc.
But what really upset me, it says that Lonnie Nassiter,
Legal Regional Director of the American Defamation League says nearly 50,000 law enforcement professionals have
Yes, it is the ADL that wrote the Southern Poverty Law Center documents that they put out.
The Southern Poverty Law Center writes a lot of the documents that then get reshoveled around by ADL.
They both work together.
It was the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center that
wrote the MIAC reports, the DHS reports.
It is literal carbon copy of what they put out.
So what they do is they get police in a Holocaust museum, bring up Nazi Germany, and then psychologically superimpose the Nazis onto the American people, conservatives, gun owners, and push for the passage of the hate crimes bill, push for the passage of restrictions of free speech.
I appreciate your call.
And all over the news, I was on the treadmill this morning watching CNN,
They were saying, oh yes, we have hate speech going on and it leads to hate crime.
We've got a ban criticizing the President.
It's all racism.
And so, that's how the Soviet Union operated.
And so, it doesn't matter if our grandparents fought Hitler.
We are Hitler when we don't want to turn our guns in.
We have now become Hitler.
And that's what the police have been taught.
The American people are Hitler.
And the police are Simon Wiesenthal hunting us down.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Pennsylvania.
Scott, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, I took my daughter to the doctor today and it was pretty bad.
I had a big fight with the doctor about getting shots.
He tried to what, get you to take the Gardasil and the flu shot?
Well, my daughter's four, so he tried to get all of the shots that she has at four and I don't know what they are.
A big fight, huh?
I thought it was your discretion.
Did he threaten you and say that it was your fault she was going to get sick and that if she got sick it could be neglect?
Because all of that's criminal what he did if he did that.
Well, what he did was he asked me about my other daughter and if they're in daycare and how old they are, what they eat, you know, if they watch too much TV.
Well, you know they've been told to ask those questions.
Do you own guns?
Do they watch TV?
Do you have enough money?
And he reports all that criminally to the child rape rings of the CPS.
And he gets money for that.
So, when I drop off my kid to daycare, should I be worried about hearing from CPS instead of actually... Did he try to question your children alone?
Well, I mean, it's come out in federal guidelines.
They threaten the doctors.
It's all indentured servitude.
To spy, to ask questions.
When you have a baby, they'll ask the male, oh, will you go give this file to the desk outside?
Then they say, honey, you have enough money.
Hey, how's he treating you?
And the woman thinks she's talking to one of her girlfriends.
Oh, you know, he's kind of a, he's all right.
You know, knowing she's about to have a baby, she's stressed out.
And then they're just sitting there wanting cash money bonus on the table to seize that child.
Hardcore criminals.
Little control freak scumbags.
But no, I mean,
I mean, just explain to me more what the little slime ball was doing.
Well, I had handouts in my car that I was going to bring in because I didn't expect a fight, but my daughter kind of wanted to go in and, you know, visit the doctor.
So I decided to leave them in the car.
Visit the eugenicist that doesn't even do a Hippocratic Oath anymore?
Yeah, so... She wanted to visit the Nazi doctor.
That's who that... Go ahead.
I had these handouts from when I went to the swine flu.
Well, he wouldn't show me the insert with what was in the shot.
Yeah, yeah.
He said, you know, I asked him about the mercury in the shot and he said, well, there is mercury in the shot, but that's not harmful.
I said, well, matted as a hatter, as in, that's a quote from the 1800s.
And, you know, he just,
Oh my God, you knew how to say 1800.
That was probably pretty much of a big shake-up, knowing how to talk now.
Everybody just watches TV and does what they're told.
Yeah, well look, so how did this end with the flu shot?
I mean, why don't you just give him major medical studies that if your kid takes three flu shots, they double their chances of neurological disorders?
I made a handout and I handed it to his receptionist and I left a whole bunch in his office of stories from your site about the swine flu.
And then he got upset and started asking about the school.
He may try to send some good numbers.
Well, I don't know.
Well, she didn't
Get the shots, and we left.
So, everything's fine now.
Was he breathing heavy, though, that a slave didn't dare serve him?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, he was upset.
Well, you can do a search in your town for a anti-vaccine doctor, or one who won't try to force them on you.
But look, I've been ranting over you.
I want to hear more about what this doctor did when you didn't want to inject mercury directly in the bloodstream of your child.
Mercury, it's the new vitamin.
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I'm good.
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So the body is an amazing thing.
It simply needs some help so it has
I think so.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
That's how corruption works.
That's why 99% of the time
Governments fall to complete corruption, everybody lives in squalor, homeless on the street, except for one-tenth of one percent that live in big palaces and that are worshipped, and then a few decades later their kid becomes dictator, and then a few decades later their kid becomes dictator, and then they suddenly start wearing gold crowns and being worshipped, and they get a bunch of people in big fancy uniforms and outfits to start bowing before them, and pretty soon they're called royalty.
And that's how this works.
And it is a fact that people are taking a flu shot from last year that has no connection to the new flu and gives them no protection.
They're not going to have the new flu shot for the next two weeks and then that is already in trials causing serious medical problems.
But they don't care!
My neighbors are all running out to shoot their kids up, year after year with mercury, brain damaging them, and it's funny to them!
Because these cowardly jackasses, I shouldn't be mean, these poor people, think that if they just rationalize and say, oh, it's not bad for them, that it makes it okay.
I've got major German newspapers with the fact that hardcore cancer viruses are in the current flu shot.
So, you've got the floor, sir, instead of me ranting at you.
Tell me briefly exactly how this transpired, this argument with the doctor.
Well, I sent my story to writers at Infowars.com, but I was waiting in the waiting room, and the doctor first came in and noticed that the immunizations were missing.
And I told him that they weren't necessary, and then he started to rattle off about how they're the best things that were ever given to kids.
And I asked him why they are putting mercury, squalene, and cancer viruses in the shots.
And he never said that they didn't have shots, or that they didn't have mercury, or squalene, or viruses, but he suggested that we find another doctor.
And I told him that we have talked to other doctors in his practice about not taking shots, and they were fine with us denying the shots.
And then he tried to push the shots again, saying it was good for the kids.
But I mean, if it's the best thing, it's better than fluoride for kids, doubling the bone cancer rate, government studies, brain cancer rates expanding, other cancers expanding, thyroid problems.
I mean, 40% of American women now have thyroid problems directly linked to fluoride.
I mean, they're killing us!
I'm sick of it!
And you run into these doctors that are these little power-tripping control freaks.
I say you find another doctor.
But listen, I'm glad that you left the documents.
I'm glad you left the material there.
And it's all from you, so thanks, Alex.
Well, did you tell him, fine, I will find another doctor, you bastard?
No, but I will.
I mean, I don't, you know, I don't really
I didn't want to shout in the office.
My adrenaline was off the roof.
Well, a lot of these guys are on power trips and they get off on how dumbed down the public is, but they're even more threatened by a slave who can see.
It's like they live.
I got one that can see.
I appreciate your call.
We're going to come back and take more calls.
Robert Galen Ross covering a host of issues about the power structure of the New World Order.
His take on what's happening with the financial system.
And his view on how we should fix it.
We'll debate the gold standard versus another fiat system.
Bernanke is saying the recession is over, but it's going to be a jobless recovery.
It's a new system where the banks make more money and get richer, but if you're homeless, that's a good economy.
And so that's coming up as well.
We'll get into all the flu news and continue with your phone calls.
Got a bunch of audio clips that are important as well.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Got good news, Representative Alan Grayson is announcing that there will be a hearing on Audit the Fed, and it will probably go to the House floor in the next few months.
Very, very exciting news.
Great job, everybody.
We have identified the enemy.
We know who the problem is.
Not these puppet presidents, George Bush, Barack Obama.
We're getting past the puppets.
We're getting past the puppets.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is the key.
Huge news blitz coming up, but I want to continue racing through your calls right now.
Important flu news, it's all coming up.
But right now, Josh in California, you're on the air.
How you doing Alex?
I talked to you yesterday just before Charlie Sheen came on.
Good to have you here.
I got a couple of things.
First I want to talk about the weather and the military affecting the weather.
I first hand experienced that a couple years ago.
Well, I mean, everybody always has their first-hand experience or witnesses it.
The government now admits that the Pentagon, NASA, the Department of Energy are terraforming and spraying barium salts and aluminum dioxide in the atmosphere.
I mean, it's easy.
Before 95, contrails didn't stay up there more than two or three minutes and they formed at 20, 30, 40,000 feet.
Now it forms at 2,000 feet and blacks out the sun.
I mean, they're chemtrailing us.
Well, a couple years ago, I had a friend of mine who was former Fullbird Colonel in the Air Force.
He called me and he told me, look up a couple things.
I'm not going to tell you what they are, but you need to look it up and see how good you are.
I followed the trail, led me to an article about NASA learning how to create hurricanes.
When I told him about that, this was about the same time that Florida was hit with all those hurricanes.
His only response to me was, funny how that works.
Well, in the article it mentioned three things.
It mentioned the Bellen Radiation Belt, the Bermuda Triangle, and Holloman Air Force Base.
Two years later, I was outside in New Mexico, just outside of Holloman Air Force Base, east of it, or excuse me, west of it, and I watched this electrical storm taking place that had a pattern for 20 minutes.
Um, I stood out there with a friend and we watched as the electricity shot back and forth like two people were shooting at themselves.
It was the most amazing thing I saw.
Yeah, they're control freaks.
They want to control your family, control your water, control the environment, control the atmosphere, control genetics.
They want to be gods.
The next day when I turned on the television, Alex, there it talked about in the Bermuda Triangle area there was a hurricane that popped up.
Which tied together everything that I had read in that article, because it mentioned Holloman and the Bermuda Triangle.
I could only imagine that because of what they were doing, the effect on the Van Allen radiation belt.
So they've been doing this for a while.
Yes, and I appreciate your call.
We interviewed Ben Livingston.
The father of weather weapons.
A listener five years ago sent me documents that have been declassified.
And it had Ben Livingston's name as the head of the program.
So I called him up and I said, are you aware this was declassified?
And he said, no.
So I interviewed him and the AP, Fox, others picked it up.
And he came out and spoke about weather weapons.
And he said, I don't understand why they let Hurricane Katrina and all these others hit
He talked about it before Katrina and then after.
I don't understand why they allow this to happen.
We can control hurricanes.
We can create them, kill them, weaken them, make them stronger.
Certified 1967.
We were doing it in 62, 63.
But certified that we could do it and how to do it.
Had a manual on it in 67.
Now, they got to Livingston.
I started calling him to get him back on.
He said, look, I'm not going to talk to you or the media anymore.
That's all I'm going to say.
Basically national security.
So they went to Livingston and said, shut up!
Shut up!
And yes, all these hurricanes with two I's, hurricanes that sit there in the Gulf for a week and then come in.
Well, Secretary of Defense Cohen said they had weather weapons in 1997 at a press conference.
And yes.
They are manipulating our weather.
They're playing God.
They want to bankrupt the farms and ranches so they can force you into government control.
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Wondering about your retirement portfolio?
Is your financial advisor experienced enough to combat rising interest rates, taxes, inflation?
Stop guessing and go to the expert, Robert Chapman of the International Forecaster.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Dan, Vance, Kathy, Steve, many others, your calls are coming up.
What do you think the most important issue is we're facing right now?
The UN controlling the global response to the flu.
Through the federal governments and in the local governments, the entire planet now under UN control.
The UN brags they're using this as a drill to train the public to accept global governance.
The new Bank of the World being set up, Obama wanting to sign us under the administrative yoke of offshore banks through his new financial restructuring.
The talking point in the media is, we're going to have a depression if we don't get this financial reforms through.
We, you know, the banks are bad and they're out of control.
That's why we've got to give the banks unlimited power to run our lives and expand derivatives.
Of course, they don't say it that way.
They say, oh, the banks are still corrupt and they're still getting big bonuses and nothing's been changed in a year and, but Obama's got a plan to fix it.
We better do it or we're going to have a depression.
Bernanke says so.
Then you actually look at the plan, unlimited
Power over all businesses in the United States.
Same thing in every other country.
We're just going into receivership, just like third world countries, to the IMF and World Bank.
It's all done through fraud.
Either we investigate and indict and arrest the bankers for all the crimes they've committed publicly, or they're going to pose as the saviors and take over and get even more power.
And they happen to be control freak eugenicists whose number one passion is getting a world government
So they can kill the majority of us.
That's really the big issue.
Are they going to use staged terror to get their operations through?
Is Israel going to hit Iran?
They're saying they're getting ready to.
What will happen if that happens?
Four apparent suicide deaths in 48 hours, CEO, financier, fundraisers.
Rockefeller and co-CEO committed suicide.
James McDonald, chief executive officer of investment management firm Rockefeller & Co., committed suicide on Sunday in Massachusetts, the Wall Street Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.
Ah, yes, like so many Rockefeller secretaries and CEOs, they shoot themselves in the back of the head, they jump out of buildings.
Newport Beach financier Danny Pang dies at 42.
Yeah, they're getting rid of the CEOs that engaged in the controller-level, corporate-level, bookkeeping fraud.
The financial controls fraud.
Newport Beach financer Danny Pang died Saturday at a local hospital.
According to Orange County Coroner's Office, the cause of death was not determined.
Of course, this other guy died supposedly of aspirin.
Boy, if I get found dead, folks, it's not suicide.
I just want you to know that.
Dying Blagojevich fundraiser said he overdosed, mayor says.
Police said they're investigating death of former chief fundraiser, ex-Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich, as a death suicide, an Illinois mayor said Sunday.
You know how a lot of times this works?
They say, you kill yourself, or we're gonna kill your wife and children, and then they go kill themselves.
That's kind of the Roman system, what they would do 2,000 years ago.
More coming up, big news blitz, but let's take more of your calls.
Dan in New York, you're on the air.
Hey Chief, how are you doing today, Mayor?
Good, my friend.
What's on your mind?
I've got a couple questions for you.
With all regards, I've watched a few of the videos that a friend of mine has shown me.
One is going to be the Dark Secret Society of Bohemia and Cove, and the one I just got done watching was the Blueprint of the Global Enslavement, the Endgame.
And this is all new to me, being in the military that I am.
Well, a lot of people ask me what is the next step.
All I can do is try to show people what the globalists are doing, what their plan is.
We're good to go.
The question is, what are you going to do about it?
If you know that they've sterilized troops, nerve gas troops, kidnapped and radiated to death foster children, murdered black people in tests, why would any of us trust any vaccines they push on us now?
When we know there's cancer viruses in the new vaccine, when we know it's been killing people in trials, when we know it killed people in trials in 76,
I mean, I'm not here to tell everybody what to do.
I'm busy saying, okay, let's audit the Fed.
These private eugenics families get all their power through the issuance of fiat currency and credit.
You expose that fraud and how they create these debt bubbles by design to get us under their control.
That's a huge blow.
You expose their flu program, get the police and military and medical workers to refuse to take it, then they won't have the enforcers to make us take it.
Then they may release another soft kill, kill a bunch of us to scare us into taking it.
You expose how they've been caught using vaccines to sterilize people.
You educate people about the 10th Amendment and states' rights and get states to pass laws saying they're not going under federal control.
You go to your local city council meeting.
You expose how the feds are federalizing local police.
You expose how North Com's openly taking over the country illegally.
I mean, there are so many issues.
The big thing is, you get involved, you go to city council, you go to town halls, you realize that the party out of power, the Democrats, exposed Bush, but as soon as they got in power, they continued everything Bush did.
You realize Glenn Beck is exposing Obama now, but when the Republicans are in power, he's going to support the banker bailouts, the police state.
You shatter the left-right paradigm.
They confuse us.
They manipulate us with false terms and false debates and thespian Shakespearean theater.
You cut through that and see the real battlefield.
And one cannot be told about this Matrix-like Alice in Wonderland system.
One has to see it for yourself.
But you spread the information.
Again, if there's an awakening, a good healthy mistrust of government,
Then, if people just don't... Here's an example.
There were cops all over 360 this morning driving into work, giving people tickets.
And they give you tickets for five miles over the speed limit now.
People don't have the money.
They admit it's just to raise revenue.
10% of Texans or more have warrants out for their arrest.
People just don't have the money.
I remember back in the 80s, when I first started driving,
People would flash you to warn you of police, and people had quit doing that.
I noticed people were flashing, so I started flashing, and that was a communal exercise as citizens, sticking up for each other.
So we, you defeat the New World Order with basic things like that.
Flashing your lights when you see the police.
Again, that's what Americans always did.
You don't trust the system.
You don't like the system.
You don't let the government shove you around or order you around.
You get an attitude of liberty, a spirit of 1776 again.
Do you see what I'm saying?
I hear you.
I mean, I got one more for you.
I mean, what are your ideas, sir?
Hold on.
I mean, hold on, hold on.
I mean, I want to hear your question, but I mean, I'm asking you.
You're a smart guy.
You tell me.
All I can do is warn people that psychopathic criminals run the system.
What do we do?
Well, that's what I'm trying to get informed on.
I mean, this is all new to me.
I've never heard of any of this.
I've never seen any of this.
And then there's a friend of mine that's actually here with me right now.
That is, show me some of these videos and enlighten me and inform me on some of the stuff that's going on.
And so I figured, you know, and I've sat here and debated with him on some of these things, so now I figured I would come to the person that actually created all this and ask you a couple questions.
Okay, go ahead, ask your other question.
The next thing I would have is, with the new nationalized healthcare that they're trying to push through, do you believe that it's the next step in the NWO?
They state they have to have, quote, free health care that everybody pays for with taxes, so that they can carry out the one-child policies, the CPS-ing of your children, the forced inoculations, where the government decides what procedures you get.
And it's all in the bills, and that's why Obama's approval ratings are plunging, because this isn't 20 years ago, where they could just lie about what's in the bill.
The people now are seeing the subsections, and yes, the government-run health care,
If they wanted to fix things, they'd let you carry your insurance outside your state.
They would get rid of government regulation.
That's what screwed everything up.
Instead, it's more government so they can get control of 20% more of the economy.
Alright, well, appreciate the phone call, my man.
You bet.
God bless you.
Last thing.
Do not believe Endgame.
Go to WhatIsTheEndgame.com.
The bibliography.
Watch the video clips.
Link through to the government documents.
See the United Nations Biological Diversity Assessment for yourself.
See the Ted Turner quotes.
See the Dr. Eric Bianca quotes.
Don't believe me when I say eco-science says they want to poison the water to sterilize you and take your children at birth.
Go read the book.
We have it scanned on InfoWars.
Don't believe me there.
Go to the library.
Hold the government policy book in your hand.
Know they're poisoning your water supply.
Let me ask you, if they're poisoning your water supply, which they are doing, if they're putting cancer viruses in your shots, is that not criminal?
And do you not have natural, God-given rights to resist that to the fullest extent?
And then once you learn I've told you the truth,
It all becomes a joke.
What is the FBI doing enforcing this criminal system when their kids are drinking this crap?
What are the police doing when they're being shot up with this?
You see, again, they make us criminal, they understand psychology, they turn us against each other, and while we're all busy fighting over the resources they control, they are carrying out a global master plan.
God bless you, sir.
More calls straight ahead.
This is not a drill.
It is not a joke.
It is not a game.
It is toe-to-toe combat with the forces of world government.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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We were born into a scientific dictatorship.
The psych warfare chiefs for over a hundred years have been scientifically manipulating us.
They understand their own species.
They understand how to manipulate the people.
And we have to just break out of the trance and start looking for the agenda.
Start looking for the manipulation.
And when we do that, we can start turning this society around.
Big news blitz coming up, but right now, let's go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Vance in Texas.
Vance, you're on the air.
Alex, God bless you, man.
I just want to say, man, I really appreciate everything that you and Charlie Sheen are doing.
Ron Paul leading the revolution.
I just really appreciate it, and God bless y'all for everything that y'all have done.
Well, thank you, sir.
Well, my problem is I'm so busy working.
That we've never really had the money to get a bigger office.
We've just now expanded.
We're busy getting the permits, finishing that up.
The problem is I just can't open the place up to open employment because they have tried to infiltrate us.
Not that we're doing anything wrong.
They try to put people in here to do things wrong.
They're completely criminal.
And so we've tried to keep our operations small.
Plus there's the issue of financing to be able to pay a bunch of employees.
Then if we have a bunch of volunteers in here, again, a lot of volunteers just want to come and be groupies.
And there is no groupie stuff going on here.
It's all work.
It's all research.
It's total dedication.
And I'm not saying that's what you are, but I don't feel like just because you don't work with me that you can't go out and start your own operation or your own group.
Or your own online radio show, or your own newsletter, or make your own online documentaries.
Or go do your own AXS TV show in Austin, Texas.
Go sign up, take a couple classes, takes a few months.
Go talk to 10,000 people every night on AXS TV.
A huge viewership on basic cable.
Let's see, you know, you get in the minor leagues there, and another, and I appreciate your call,
Another big frustration I have is we wake people up and then we don't tell people what to do or who to join or who to be part of and then they go become minions of Glenn Beck.
They go become minions of white supremacist or minions of crazy Catholic run-it-all groups or minions of the UFO cult movements out there.
All these groups that kind of want to show off that they cover the most bizarre most extreme
And it's kind of a race to the bottom of who can end fight the most and who can be the nastiest and who can be the weirdest.
So really, I don't work with a lot of people because I've been stabbing the back so much.
I kind of just sit back and do my own thing.
But there are a lot of good people out there taking action, getting involved in their communities.
And I salute all of you out there for what you're doing.
But so many people spend their time just focusing on what this person should do or what that person should do or what message we should put out.
I just exposed the private central banks.
I call for an audit and the abolishment of the private Fed and to monetize the debt through the federal government, through the Congress.
I call
For openly having a discussion about the world government and about the superstructure that controls our society.
And cutting past the false political facade or matrix that's pulled up over our eyes to blind us from the real world.
But it does freak me out to watch Glenn Beck and him say, I'm worried about our republic falling
I want to save our Republic.
Both parties are controlled.
But then he comes out and says Al-Qaeda is going to attack you.
Support the Patriot Act.
We've got to invade more countries.
The banker bailout bill is good and Ron Paul supporters are dangerous.
And he's not sure about the MIAC and DHS reports.
Maybe they're good.
This is the type of stuff that I deal with.
And it freaks me out to see Obama pick up the We Are Change.
I mean, they watch what we do.
They're aware that we're the real revolution.
They're concerned about us.
And they come and mimic everything we say and do, so that as we wake people up, they then just get co-opted back into the system.
That's why I say don't follow me, don't follow anybody.
Question everything I say, question everything the establishment says.
But also demand verified information.
Because so many of the quote alternative media just descend into disinformation and squabbles and territorial disputes.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
All those drifter's days are past me now I've got so much more to think about Deadlines and commitments What to leave in, what to leave out
Kathy, Steve, Brian, Jock, Jeff and others.
We're going to go to your calls here in just a few minutes and then I'm going to do a big news blitz on the flu news we have, the economic news.
It's really happening.
A world government run for and by private banks is openly forming in front of us, as the establishment terrifies and terrorizes the public, saying, you better give us unlimited power over your lives, over every business, farm and ranch, over all parts of the economy, outside of the government.
Private government now rules you, and if you don't do this, we'll kill the economy.
They are open terrorists.
But you don't hear Glenn Beck saying abolish the Federal Reserve or arrest the Fed.
No, you hear him saying support the banker bailout.
That's how you save the Republic.
He's there to make you feel good.
He's there to make the right wing feel good, just like Anderson Cooper is there to make the left wing feel good.
And they all work for the same people.
Barack Obama
I mean, Glenn Beck worked for the same people.
And they give you a nice side show as they burn the little low-level crooks like Acorn, and as they burn the local boss hog police, but they never burn the big boys.
I did want to make the announcement that we have it, and we're the first to get it.
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This is really an out-of-the-park film.
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Camp FEMA.
We also carry the new Reflections and Warnings with Aaron Russo that I produced.
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So New World Order also available.
I think we should, I know we have a new releases area, so check that sector.
Okay, I wanted to bring up for just a few minutes before we go back to your calls and then blitz through the news, and Robert Galen Ross is joining us in studio.
I wanted to bring up Ted Anderson because we told you this would happen.
Two weeks ago, he was offering gold at $9.45.
He bought gold at the $9.45 level.
A week before that, he was selling gold at the $9.11 level.
He bought gold at $9.11, $9.14, he sold out.
He bought silver at $8.
He's been selling it below spot, even when it went up over two and a half dollars.
Gold has gone up, since then, $112 and growing.
Since Ted, three weeks ago, was offering it at $911, it's now its all-time high, all-time high ever, of $1,020 plus right now.
Now, the globalists will try to push it back down again, but they're now, for the second time in two years, announcing the end of the dollar, the Chinese are moving away.
It's kind of like when people see a gunfight's about to happen in a saloon, and the first person kind of gets up to leave when they notice the bad guy come in the door, and then a few other people notice and they start rushing, and then suddenly everybody's trying to get out the exits.
I don't know if this is it, but it appears it is.
And look, I'm busy with my savings.
I needed to put more of it in gold and silver.
I keep waiting, buying small amounts here and there.
And I'm gonna, it's gonna cost me more when I get some.
And I've gotta go ahead and get some today.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is real.
They have used the dollar, running it up into the tens of trillions, in debt, to buy up the world, to buy up infrastructure, to buy up media, to buy up arms contractors.
The private banks used your family, your name, your credit, to buy the world.
Now you're going to pay the banks, not just for the money you gave them, but for the interest on it.
And no investment is perfect, but I'll tell you, the elites hoard gold and silver and art and precious metals and real estate.
And nothing's more portable than gold and silver.
Precious gems aren't bad, but it's too hard to value them.
It's too hard to buy them.
You know, they usually have a two, three times markup.
Gold and silver doesn't.
You can get gold and silver right down at spot, and Ted's got it at below spot.
Now, he's still got one thing left from the 945 level.
Well, I'll tell you this, right now you mentioned that the globalists are trying to force the gold prices down, but if that's the case, they're losing the battle.
I don't know.
That I can still sell at that level.
They're currently right now at $818.50.
That's the old $10 Liberty from back at the turn of the century.
Many people call them non-confiscatable coins.
They're the pre-1933 coin of very good value.
There's no question about it.
The other thing that I have right now still is the silver, and that's the Walking Liberty half at $869.
I just, I can't say it enough right now.
I think it's gone beyond any point of reason at all.
It just makes dumb logical sense to buy gold and silver.
You know, it's just that even somebody entering into the marketplace that knows very little about where they should put their money are going to look into it and go, there's so much trouble here in the United States that I better do something that has a complete and entire separation from
This fiat system that we use here today.
Well Ted, I know doctors and lawyers that I've known for years and they just can't make themselves buy gold and their stockbroker bosses them around and makes fun of them.
And they say, oh I know, I heard you six years ago when it was 300 an ounce say buy it, and I've lost 30, 40, 50 percent in the stock market, but I'm just going to stay in.
They are just jackasses.
They love being idiots.
That's exactly what it is.
I mean, like I said, it's stupid sense now.
I mean, people, even the doctors and the physicians and the yuppies and the educated Harvard graduates and whatever it is that you've done in your life that makes you think that you're so smart.
Can even identify with the fact that the United States is seeing a tremendous amount of trouble, and that the world is trying to get away from the U.S.
currency, and that the globalists are trying to do the same thing by building a world currency.
I mean, the handwriting is on the wall, it's in the front page of the major newspapers and major websites.
I mean, come on, people, wake up a little bit here.
If you haven't gotten involved with the gold and silver, I would suggest that you do it and you do it in a serious manner.
If you're sitting there with the stock still, if you're in the bond market... I mean, Alex, even if you have an IRA, you can still put that IRA into gold.
You don't have to have it sitting in paper.
And it doesn't have to be in paper mining stocks or anything like that.
You can actually have it in physical gold so you can take advantage of the fact that you have something that's completely...
Well, Ted, nobody is offering gold that I know of at the price you're talking about.
What happened with the silver?
Yeah, that's the thing.
I mean, silver's gone up over $17 an ounce now.
There's no way that I'm going to be able to hold onto these walkers down at this price.
When other dealers are trying to figure out how to manage their profits in their best manner, what I'm doing, when the market's going down and everybody's walking away from this stuff, it gives me that opportunity to go in and buy into the marketplace priced at the bid side of the market rather than the ask, and accumulate coins while the prices are low.
And because I have that inventory, and I have the margin I need, I'm able to sell it.
And really, quite literally, I picked up a tremendous amount of walking Liberty Halves, just so, because, I mean, in my mind, I knew that silver would be going up.
It's like, I'm making the gamble for you, and it paid off.
Well, Ted, this is like a time machine, though.
You're smart, you buy when it's lower in the dips, you sell at the low price during the highs, when everybody else goes up,
People cannot beat a deal where you're selling it for below spot with the silver, not going to be there long.
How much was silver when you bought into the market at that price?
Well, that was when silver was trading at between $11 and $11.15, right in there.
Okay, so you're selling silver at an $11-$11.15 market when it's above $17 an ounce.
I mean, in clear English, ladies and gentlemen, do you understand that Ted isn't going to have many of these left for long?
Well, like, for instance, I had to raise the Lakota Nation round to $22.
And 30 cents, when silver went up to that $14 level.
Well, silver went up to $17.
And I think I have somewhere around 1,500 of those coins left at that level.
So, you know, the next time I enter into the marketplace to buy, now I'm at $17 and nobody can buy them at spot.
They don't trade at that level.
So now I'm going to be sitting closer to $25 on that particular coin.
There's just a whole long variety of different things that I have.
If you want to take advantage of the offers, I've had a few things that I have been able to sit and supply.
I just don't have enough of them to talk about on the radio, because by the time somebody calls in for them, they're going to be gone.
So just ask about different Alex Jones specials.
Ted, thanks for giving us that update.
Yeah, thanks for having me up, Alex.
You bet.
It's kind of pleasurable, satisfying to know we were right and to tell you that in the fall it would go above a thousand.
But there's no pleasure in saying, see I told you so.
It's kind of like when it comes out the White House science czar wrote a government policy book about how they're drugging the water supply.
I've already got hundreds of other government documents and textbooks and statements.
It isn't fun to be right about this.
It isn't fun to know they may completely implode the dollar.
It isn't fun to know foreign banks are raping my country that my children live in.
The only satisfaction is knowing that some of you beat the bankers and bought gold when it was $500 less than it is now.
I mean, I guess there's some satisfaction in not being complete schmucks, complete suckers, complete idiots.
I mean, our track record is so accurate, so good.
We're not perfect, we make a few mistakes, but at least we're trying to tell you the truth.
At least we're trying to lay out what's really happening.
At least we know who the enemy is, the offshore banks.
Alright, let me hit a bunch of news then we'll go to your calls.
Representative Alan Grayson has announced a hearing to audit the Fed and... So again, Representative Alan Grayson has announced a hearing for auditing the Fed bill.
And so that is definitely moving down the line.
And we may not get it audited or abolished this time, but people are now identifying, hey, Obama's a puppet!
Hey, Bush was a puppet!
Hey, there's these bankers that are above the law!
They're the issue!
Thank you.
It was announced today, earlier today, that there will be a hearing on H.R.
1207, the bill to audit the Federal Reserve Bank.
This will be the first independent audit in the Federal Reserve's 96-year history, and it's long overdue.
Months ago, I asked the Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve who received the $1 trillion in funds that the Federal Reserve has handed out to domestic institutions.
He said, I'm not going to tell you.
And then more recently, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, I asked him, who receives the half trillion, we're talking about $500 billion, that the Federal Reserve handed over to foreign central banks?
Who did they disseminate that money to?
And he said, I don't know.
Half a trillion dollars, and he doesn't know.
It's long overdue, we need to audit the Federal Reserve, and I'm happy to say that we're going to have a hearing on that very soon.
Thank you.
Gentlemen's time has expired.
What's amazing, though, is whenever you read the headlines of Bloomberg sues to find out where $2 trillion went, that's a lawsuit that's been going on for 10 months since the banker bailout of 11 months ago.
They're still arguing and asking where the first $500 million went to European banks.
It's over $4 trillion we know of to European banks alone out of the U.S.
And then I'm two months behind.
We're set here to learn the latest.
It was 23.7 trill.
It'll probably be right at 28 trill or above it when we get the next numbers.
At the one-year anniversary, October 3rd,
Right around that time, they're set to release the last two months' numbers, and I'm guessing it'll be above $28 trillion.
$28 trillion!
And I know I talk about this every day, and I apologize, but ladies and gentlemen, those little bastards over at Acorn wanting to, you know, get $8 billion to go around poverty pimping and steal most of it for big foundations.
I mean, that's a serious issue, but it's nothing compared to the $23.7 trillion.
But see, you need to ask Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity why they won't talk about that.
Oh, because George Bush helped initiate that under orders of Geithner, who's now the Treasury Secretary.
There is no difference!
These guys swap, spit, have drinks together.
It's a joke!
And I know I keep repeating that, and listen, I know you know that, but if your neighbors
Don't know.
And your friends and family don't know that Barack Obama doesn't care about them, and that Sean Hannity doesn't care about them.
You need to slap them upside the head, because we don't have time to screw around anymore, ladies and gentlemen.
If you're not calling for abolishing the Fed and auditing the Fed, and if you're not talking about the New World Order, and if you're not talking about DynCorp and Halliburton running child kidnapping rings, and if you're not talking about the
Sciences are talking about how he wants to sterilize us and take our kids at birth, then you're New World Order.
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There's a gun and ammunition just inside the doorway.
Use it only in emergency.
We're gonna be simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv coming up in the third and fourth hour today.
Continuing with news, here is a clip of Jimmy Carter.
Jimmy Carter saying it's racism to not like the President, and that's what the Tea Parties are about.
See, we don't want government-run health care, we don't want open borders, we don't want another banker bailout takeover bill, we don't want the Animal ID, Prima Society to take over the farms and ranches, and they have you in the contract, sign your land over.
It's like an easement.
You waive your rights.
We don't want to be slaves.
We don't like Obama lying to us about everything.
We are racist.
And this is invoking racism.
This is creating racism.
This is creating division.
This is making people think about race.
This is dividing people.
And this is what the big city liberal machine does.
They race pimp.
Here we go!
Ah, that's enough!
See, analyzing this propaganda piece, we're going to his clip in a moment.
They said, protest and other hate speech.
And see, they have the bill passed the House that says if the government decides that what you've done can hurt somebody's feelings, you get arrested.
Or if for seven years after you make a statement, somebody else decides to engage in violence, you get arrested.
And the Cyber Bullying Act says if you hurt somebody's feelings, you get arrested.
These guys are communist commissars.
So, this is the type of bizarre behavior.
Here is his statement.
President Carter today said he is extremely worried by it.
I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man.
That he's African American.
I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shared the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African Americans.
No one's saying Obama isn't smart or slick.
We're saying he's a liar.
But see, instead of debating our First Amendment and our right to demonstrate against what he's doing, oh, it's racism now!
It's hate speech.
Did you hear him?
The vast portion, the vast majority, are racist!
Just like the New York newspapers, particularly the Village Voice, came out and said, yeah, we showed Bush as a vampire and the Joker.
That's okay, but you can't show Obama.
Again, they don't have a leg to stand on, so they're clinging to race.
And they're totally discrediting themselves.
Go ahead, try to play your race card with your weird liberal poverty pimp cult.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones, and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We will be simulcasting coming up at the 8 after break at PrisonPlanet.TV.
We're going to have open phones with Robert Galen Ross, author, researcher, coming up in the rest of this hour, a little bit of the next hour, and I will continue with the news blitz that I've only gotten started on.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Stephen in Texas, you're on the air.
Yeah, good afternoon, Alex.
Okay, a couple things.
First of all, you earlier mentioned about how, with all the fear-mongering the new oral order does to the media, you'd think there was a terrorist behind every Bush.
I wanted to reverse that, which would make it true.
Behind every terrorist, there's a Bush.
Behind every Bush, there's a terrorist.
Yes, I've heard that one before.
Yeah, behind every terrorist, there is a Bush.
And, of course, I'm referring to the Bush family.
Secondly, I was wanting to find out, did you get the, I had emailed you to Rob and Aaron, a book that I got through a newsletter I get from Dr. Joseph McCall out of Illinois.
It's called Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated, and I was wondering if you had a chance to look that over yet.
It was published in 1920 by Charles M. Higgins.
Yes, and I appreciate your call.
I was sent that book, and I've been meaning to scan over it and put a link to it up on InfoWars.com.
Thank you, Steve.
We're also working on getting Dr. Marcola on.
He's been on in the past.
I want to get him back on the show to get his expertise on what's happening with the flu.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brian in Montreal.
Brian, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
It's Brian from 12-160.
Just wanted to say hi.
Have a nice afternoon.
The two statements I'd like to make.
Up here in Canada, they're trying to push through Bill C-6, which will be a bill that will give them the right to come into anybody's house.
They're passing it as a consumer protection law, but it's one of these laws where if Health Canada thinks that there's something in your apartment, they'll be able to go through your neighbour's apartment without his permission.
Yes, they're getting rid of Magna Carta and any free speech, any rights, any property rights in England, in the U.S., in Canada, under the guise of the environment.
They're also passing laws all over the West to forcibly go into your home for quarantines, and states are passing different laws.
They now take your blood in a whole bunch of different states here in the U.S.
without warrants
And they just say, hey, we don't need any stinking warrants.
It's to keep you safe.
They've got face scanning and license plate reading camera systems going in everywhere.
The government is a cancer.
It knows we're going to resist being raped.
And so it's gearing up to tie us down and hold us down while it does its business.
Homeland Security is the handcuffs that they use to handcuff us down to the bed when they rape us with the battery acid.
Just like they do at Abu Ghraib to children.
Anything else, Brian?
Yeah, I called CBC Radio News to talk to them about it and why they are not covering any of the important things that we're covering.
And that reporter basically told me, since I told him that we get most of our information from the Internet and that we do the work ourselves of exposing the truth to other people, this reporter basically told me I might as well keep doing that because CBC certainly isn't going to.
So that basically tells all of us
Continue being your own reporter.
Continue doing your own investigation.
Do not rely on any major media to do it for you, because they're not going to.
Very, very interesting, sir.
Sounds like part of the course of these people.
It's because a lot of folks just want to go home, watch pornography, get drunk, take drugs, watch TV, and they're all so selfish that they end up losing their entire life, their entire history.
Because of it.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with Robert Galen Ross in studio.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are simulcasting here in the last two hours at PrisonPlanet.TV when the syndicated radio transmission becomes living color.
Internet transmission television at PrisonPlanet.TV.
We're going to go to Robert Galen Ross Sr.
here in just a moment live in studio.
He'll be with us about 20 minutes into the next hour and later in the hour we're going to open the phones up for any issue you want to discuss.
He's a generalist, kind of like myself, has a lot of knowledge about a lot of things dealing with the New World Order.
He's also an author and filmmaker.
So Robert Galen Ross Sr.
in studio with us coming up here in just a moment.
I want to tell you about a new sponsor.
We've had some medical doctors on who've talked about this.
With viruses and bacteria, colloidal silver, the smaller the better, really does help.
And a lot of medical doctors talked about if there was a way to inhale it, that that would be a great way to deal with infection and other things.
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Yeah, it's its own generator system.
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It really is a neat system.
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Who is Robert Galen Sr.?
Well, he's born in Big Lake, Texas and holds a BS degree in industrial engineering from Texas A&M University.
While active in engineering, he was licensed professional engineer in the state of Texas and national certified manufacturing engineer.
After graduation, he accepted a commission of the second lieutenant, later promoted to first lieutenant in the Army Security Agency, a branch of the NSA.
Which is a big brother of the Central Intelligence Agency, military training, was in the field of crypto analysis, the breaking of codes, and he served as a company commander with the intelligence unit on the demilitarized zone DMZ in the valley of South Korea from 56-57 after fighting had ceased.
Upon leaving,
I think?
It's a pleasure to be here with you, Alex.
Let's talk about how the banking system works, fiat banking.
Some of your books cover that.
We carry them at Infowars.com.
Kind of dovetail it with your other work, the murder of JFK, RFK, MLK, how they murder people.
We've had four big CEOs killed in the last 48 hours.
The head of the Rockefeller Families Corporation was clearly murdered.
And then, what their master plan is.
If they're able to bankrupt the planet and bring this system in, if they're truly able to be successful,
We know world government's just the beginning.
What will the world look like if they were able to get everything they wanted?
So good to have you here with us.
I appreciate that.
What their goal is, is to create the New World Order, or the Global Union, and once they do that, it'll be sort of like in the medieval time, when the kings would live in their castles and
In order to visit their friends in the other castle, they'd have to have an army to escort them to the next castle because the peasants were out to get them.
And we're going to end up with kings and paupers all around the world.
And there won't be any middle class people there.
They're going to eliminate the middle class.
But in order to stop this, in my book I have
Uh, set up a timeline for stopping them.
Uh, and the first thing is we need to, uh, correct our voting system.
We all know that our voting system is corrupt.
Uh, and so once we straighten that out and the only way to do that is to go to a paper ballot, uh, counted by, uh, members of the local community.
And once the count is made, then it must be posted in local newspaper before it ever goes to Washington or wherever, so that they can't juggle the numbers once the results are finished.
And we've got you for over an hour, so I want to get into that in the second part, get into solutions, get into your new book, hot off the presses, what the elite
Have you
And then currently your take on, because you're right, the Club of Romans brags, CFR brags, they want to bring in neo-feudalism, neo-serfdom, they want to bankrupt the world, they want to go to a post-industrial system where the armored government compounds in the countryside
are where the elites live.
They will have life extension technologies.
They will have access to high tech.
We are going to be put into a level of squalor, degradation, one-child policies, really kind of roving government systems that keep us in check and the orderly extermination.
But specifically, how these banking families got their control and what their master plan is.
Yeah, they've developed techniques in their money science.
For example, the reserve system.
A bank is required to keep 10% of their capital in reserve, and then they can loan out 90%.
So let's say that you deposit $1,000 in a local bank.
They can turn around and loan out $900 of that to someone else.
And let's say they loan it to Joe, and Joe immediately puts it into his checking account or savings account, then they can loan out 90% of that.
So as this keeps going from one to another, $1,000 can create $9,000 in new money.
And that's the fractional reserve system.
And it's done so that they can loan this money out at interest.
Continue breaking that down for people.
I mean, in layman's terms, they get the license from the government, the authorization to just be able to make up money, make up liquidity, and then they buy up their own assets.
They buy up products and industries.
And then they got rid of the Glass-Steagall Act of 99 that allowed investment banks to become normal retail banks.
And so they just directly gave themselves unlimited money and broke free of the chains of just the fractional reserve banking that already allowed them to take over the economy.
That's correct.
And the Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air.
And most of the money they create is done by electronic means, by just a computer entry into their database.
And if they print new money,
It costs somewhere around $35,000 for a pallet load of, say, $100 bills.
That's all it costs them.
But that pallet load may contain $5 billion worth of money.
So the cost of printing the money is nothing to him.
I've talked to economists, because they haven't published these in about a decade.
A decade ago, for every billion dollars of fiat currency on the computer books, well, there's roughly 3% paper money or coin money for every dollar that's out there.
But I've been told it's even less than that, down to about 1% right now.
So it's not just the print money, it's just all this fiat made-up money.
Yeah, it's electronic money.
That's most of the M3 money supply.
It's made up money.
Made up out of thin air.
Loaned out of an interest.
So people will kill each other.
People will cheat their parents.
People will do anything for some Federal Reserve notes, and it's all just made out of nothing for a handful of private families to be able to literally own the planet.
That's right.
The dividends of his customers off the money of other people and he got up some like $65 billion he loaned out and of course now he's been 150 years in prison for doing that.
Well and he created the Nasdaq.
I mean this is one of the high-level guys and it's been reported that the same stuff he's doing that all these major firms do this.
But if you look at the derivatives and credit default swaps
That is a Ponzi scheme in itself.
And in my book, I give the amount of derivatives and credit default swaps that each bank owns, the largest ones.
Webster Tarpley says it's 1.5 quadrillion.
Is that accurate?
That's total derivatives, yes.
Now, the banks don't have that.
They have about one-fiftieth of that in assets.
For example, the JPMorgan Chase Bank has a little over $1 trillion in total capitalization.
54 times that outstanding in derivatives.
So that's a Ponzi scheme.
We've got a break.
Let's come back and talk about what their master plan is, because they're bragging they want a new Bank of the World out of all this, out of the crisis they created.
Then we'll talk about solutions with our guest.
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Robert Galen Ross is our guest in studio.
He'll be with us 20 minutes to the next hour.
We're going to have open phones.
Also, the mainstream media has chickened out.
They're not responding to Charlie Sheen's challenge to a debate.
They want to just sit up there and misrepresent what he said about 9-11.
I got a pretty hot text message from Charlie earlier today.
He is just sick and tired of these cowards.
And I was talking to the guys.
They were saying TMZ covered Charlie going in to have dinner the other night with Buzz Aldrin.
Charlie calls him and says, hey, one of my friends knows Buzz Aldrin.
I'm going to dinner with him.
And then Charlie goes to dinner and becomes a news item.
That's something else.
So maybe cue that up.
Maybe after Galen leaves us, we'll...
We'll play that if you can find it.
What the elite have done to America and how to fix it.
Robert Galen Ross Sr.
This is a short segment, but long segment coming up.
We'll get more into the book after that, but getting into the bankers.
What makes them tick?
What is their world plan?
We know they're eugenicists.
We know it's come out.
The White House science czar admits they want to cull the world population, that they want a world government to carry that out.
What will the planet look like if we're unable to stop these people?
It'll just be less than 1% of the super wealthy, and the rest of us will be peons, from normal peons down to sub-peons.
And there'll be one monetary system, one around the world, all controlled probably out of Brussels.
And the Rothschilds keep their money in Switzerland so that nobody can ever find out what they really have.
And you notice that they've only been selectively taking the bank accounts of people with like a million bucks.
They're taking the low-level nobody's money out of these offshore corporations when it's admitted the Rockefellers have more than 10,000 shell corporations just in the Bahamas and the Caymans alone.
That's right.
But no one touches the Rothschilds' or the Rockefellers' money.
No one will report on it.
It's suicide to really get into any details on Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
Well, it is suicide.
I'm always reading about Rockefeller secretaries, Rockefeller CEOs.
If somebody in an oil company doesn't do what they're told, they commit suicide.
Shotgun in the back of the head.
Rockefeller Company CEO committed suicide.
James McDonald shot himself in the head yesterday.
Probably in the back of the head.
Double barrel shotgun.
Well, you never know.
And you can't ever trust the news from the major news media.
They lie.
Elite own or control all news media except radio, of course.
Yeah, a few handful of radio shows and internet, which Jay Rockefeller admits they want to shut down.
Oh yeah.
And eventually they'll try to control the internet.
And the internet is one, and talk radio is our last sources of real facts about what's going on in the world.
And they'll naturally have to shut all that down.
Yeah, the White House Diversity Czar at the FCC said we need to look at what Hugo Chavez has done with his media fairness.
And Chavez, I mean I'm glad he defeated the expansion of the North American Free Trade of Americas area.
I mean I'm glad he helped shoot down the free trade area of the Americas.
But now they're creating a socialist model of that and Chavez is shutting down free speech in Venezuela.
Well, yeah, but if you look at the net effect of Chavez, he has stopped the creation of the American Union.
So you like Chavez?
Well, I like most of what he does because he's trying to get in the way of the creation of the global union.
And he's been very successful in all of South America.
And people wonder why he associates with
Uh, Qaddafi and, uh, uh, Ahmadinejad and some of the others.
Well, hell, that's the only people out there available that'll talk to him, so why not?
Well, I mean, Gaddafi was the big boogeyman, but now he's a darling of the West.
So, they do the same thing.
Saddam's our buddy one day, he's evil the next.
Bin Laden's a hero one day, next day he attacked us.
So, I mean, certainly, I just really do see him clamping down on the media and free speech and trying to stay in power.
I mean, I see him as another Fidel Castro, but I do like what he did to the free trade area of the Americas.
I mean, he did help kill that.
Well, and he also set up the Bank of the South, which is the central bank of all of South America, owned by the South American nations, funded by Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela.
And they loan money to other nations of Latin America at very low interest rates so they can pay off their loans to the IMF and the World Bank.
Who charge 30% compounded.
That's right.
Let's finish up with Chavez, Fractional Reserve Banking, the Elite Master Plan, and then how to fix it from your perspective.
Robert Galen Ross, author, researcher, is our guest in studio.
We're on the march.
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I wish a buck was still silver.
It was back when the country was strong.
But we have allowed private interest to take control of our banking system and our government.
And they have looted and robbed us blind.
They have set up a world government to take over other nations using our funds and capital.
They have used our name and our flag as their banner of all of their evil actions.
And now we're hated the world over.
They put in this Hollywood president to try to fool people.
Robert, Galen Ross, Barack Obama, give me your take on him and then whether or not you think this is it.
Are they really getting ready to kill the dollar?
All these big announcements from top economists how the dollar is going to die, we're going to be like Argentina, trying to destroy confidence, trying to drive us into accepting, you know, oh the bankers will fix it if you just do what they say.
They've got a global government, a global carbon tax.
All the stuff we got laughed at,
Well, I've got a chapter on what I call elite spies within our government, and Obama is surrounded by members of the elite, just like every president since Wilson.
All of his top advisors are members of the Bilderberg Council Foreign Relations Trilateral Commission.
So nothing's really going to change in the creation of the New World Order or the Global Union.
And he's certainly a very articulate, intelligent person, but I don't think you ever get into that position unless you sell your soul to Lucifer.
And it's so simple, and people get caught up, and in four years when they put a Republican in, we're going to have to argue with these idiots that, hey, this is another puppet.
What's your take on what's developing with the dollar from your research?
Well, I've got a graph in my book that shows the effects of money supply, and for the last 30-40 years, it's been fairly flat, the M3 money supply.
And in the last year, it's gone up something like 200%.
And so, when the money supply goes up,
That means that we're into hyperinflation.
We'll be like Zimbabwe and Argentina.
Zimbabwe, you have to take a wheelbarrow full of money to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread.
We're going to end up in that same road.
Right now, our largest paper dollar or paper bill is $100 bill.
Within two or three years, it could be a $10,000 bill.
That's what happened to Argentina and to Zimbabwe.
And the establishment knows all of this is going to be rolled out in phases.
That's why they openly admit NORTHCOM and Homeland Security and the Patriot Act is for the Anti-Federal Reserve protesters, for the veterans, for the gun owners.
And so, again, they built this thing in the name of fighting Al-Qaeda, but the whole time it was meant for us because they know we're not going to like becoming third world slaves.
Yeah, I saw a piece on
My computer, a couple weeks ago, about a British general, the reporter asked him, how many Al-Qaeda have y'all killed?
He says, zero.
He says, how many Al-Qaeda are trying to put us under?
And he says, zero.
There is no such thing as Al-Qaeda.
That's a term that they invented to
Create something to fight.
Now there are Taliban and... By the way, the Pentagon admits that.
They say it was the name of the computer program in 79 to recruit and name all the Mujahideen working for the CIA.
And we would create all that problem in Afghanistan to try to run the Russians out.
And then when we finally got the Russians out, then these people turned on us.
There's been a 13-fold now, it grows, of any record of opium production.
Heroin is everywhere now.
And the BBC just admits, well, the U.S.
and the British, we have to guard the opium or the Taliban will get it.
The Taliban is there guarding it.
We're shipping it out.
It was, I mean, was it over oil or was it more over opium?
It was over two reasons.
Afghanistan for two reasons.
Number one, they needed to create a 48-inch gas pipeline and oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea area down to a saltwater port south and also into China.
And these had to go through Afghanistan.
And the Taliban would not permit it.
And then the second reason is
The 90% of the opium in the world is created there in Afghanistan.
And the Taliban, it's against their religion for their own people to consume it.
And so the production of poppies was outlawed by the Taliban and was headed to zero
About the time we invaded Afghanistan, and from there on it went back up to normal production.
But just to be driving in my car listening to XM a few months ago, I already knew all this, but to hear him admit it, BBC spun it like, well US and British forces guard the poppies and production has gone up, because if we don't let the farmers grow it, the Taliban will take back control and they will sell it.
And that's always the rationale.
That's how the CIA got involved in narcotics when it was OSS.
Well, if we don't, the Nazis will do it.
And, no, the truth is, it's just the mafia.
That's right.
The Taliban is actually a mafia within Afghanistan.
And they go around and control the farmers, and everything they do is controlled by the Taliban.
Got me wanting to cough now, too.
We're having like a... It's funny, one person coughs, the other feels like they've got to cough.
It's just like a yawn.
Hey, it would be nice to take a little snooze right now.
We could just say, nap time now and play some nice soft music for people.
Robert, let's get into the master plan a little bit more and then into solutions.
Studying this, what makes the globalists tick?
Why do they enjoy doing horrible things to people?
Why do they enjoy pushing eugenics?
And what will the world look like if they're successful?
Well, you're a great example.
You've presented a great example of what they're like.
You snuck into the Bohemian Grove and you videoed the ceremony.
You've got some people that are involved in medieval thoughts and this is done every day in their operations.
They just happen to meet there in Bohemian Grove and also
I was really proud of you when you approached David Gergen and he said he dishonors you or something like that.
He got mad, yeah.
Well, somebody had to do it.
But the thing was, I didn't really believe they were doing that completely when I snuck in.
I snuck in to see.
And then I was sitting there watching the ritual and I thought, well, this maybe is like a play.
But the old men around me were very agitated, breathing heavy.
This was more religious than, you know, going to Baptist Church growing up and Holy Rollers, getting really excited and praying.
You know, getting wild, this was religious rapture.
I mean, they were really into this at certain points.
That was a formal ceremony.
That was not a stage show.
And that's just a micro example of what's going on throughout the world.
And these people get involved in trafficking of drugs, trafficking of young children.
Trafficking of women throughout the world.
And it even comes out in Congress and Rumsfeld says they're not going to get in trouble.
We're going to let DynCorp do it.
And then anywhere you walk into an ACORN, you go, I got 12 year old sex slaves and they go, great.
I mean, that's how mainstream this is.
Yeah, and that was another great expose there where they snuck in or just walked in pretending to be a prostitute and a pimp.
I've always told my listeners, get hidden cameras, go into any city council, any government group, any CPS, and these people are so lawless and so criminal.
I mean, look, if you can steal kids with no due process all day, there's going to be something wrong with you.
That's right.
And I'm telling you, the few times I go to the Capitol, I catch bribery on tape.
The government is so corrupt,
It's like a rotten barn.
You pull one plank off, there's termites anywhere you look.
That's right.
And they try to keep it under wraps, but every now and then it'll come out.
But then they put a spin on it, saying, well, no, that must be fiction.
That doesn't really happen.
That's not us.
But we know it is.
Well, you've studied societies, how they go into these cycles.
We're clearly going into a very decadent cycle.
Can you describe what you, from your deep research and the other experts you talked to in an interview for your book, believe is going to happen, A, and B, get into what's happening with the dollar?
The creation of the American Union was scheduled for January 1st, 2005, and Dick Cheney said that in a video that I have, where David Rockefeller congratulated him for his talk, but he said, we're on track to create the American Union, or they call it the Council of Americas, by January 1st, 2005.
He really meant the American Union.
And by the way, on that same clip, he's so arrogant, he goes, I didn't tell my constituents I was doing this, and they all laugh at us.
It's real funny that he can do this on C-SPAN, knowing his constituents in Wyoming aren't watching C-SPAN.
That's right.
I mean, every meeting I watch of these guys now, they laugh at us.
It's funny.
They have been planning this.
In fact, I've got the minutes of the first Bilderberg meeting in which David Rockefeller talked about world economy at that first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 and the planning of the creation of the European Union.
And so they have very long-range plans.
They don't do what's going to happen this quarter or this month.
If it slips a little bit, we'll do it next year or next five years.
Long-term strategic planning.
That's right.
And it's like the frog in the pan.
As you gradually turn the heat up, the frog is cooked before he knows about it.
And they're doing that to the public.
And I know that if they are too aggressive, that people will fall out in the streets by the millions and maybe bring out some guillotines.
But, they're now rolling out the sound cannons and the microwave guns in the Fed rallies.
Well, the Patriot Act and several other things, they continually try to take our freedoms away from us and try to make us all seem as though we're evil people.
A terrorist.
And I think you probably have talked about FEMA saying that they've got a list of people that are terrorists.
Or sympathizers.
And we've all got to be put in camps, yeah.
And so you and I are probably deep on that list.
And so... Oh yeah, they won't give me my four-year for my FBI file.
It says national security.
National security.
I can't see what lies they've got in there about me.
Well, legally you should be able to go to the FBI and sue your records.
No, no, exactly.
I've talked to a lawyer where I'm going to have to sue them.
But there's all sorts of garbage in there, and you and I have very thick files in the CIA and the FBI.
Oh, of course, they study what we're doing.
I've noticed Glenn Beck and others are now copying all the terms I use, like we've got to stop the fall of the Republic, the New World Order, but then he... They're doing that so he can be in control of the opposition and lead them and control them.
Right, and they have these stooges out there to
To try to drive us in one direction or another.
And they try to appear to be one thing, but they're really the other.
Robert, again, back to the dollar.
We were talking during a break.
Do you think this is the rush of the exits?
Do you think this is the beginning of the death of the dollar?
There's no question about it.
They'll end up with the
International Monetary System.
I don't know what they'll call it.
In the European Union, they call it the Euro.
In, I believe, Africa, they call it the Afro or something like that.
But they will create one money system.
And so, and it'll all be created electronically.
And so, if you are not
Well that's what Rockefeller told Aaron Russo and he said
Our license plates, our chips, everything.
We're going to be above the law.
All of you are going to be slaves.
And that's actually what they're implementing now.
Where they're reading our license plates in real time everywhere.
Tracking everything we do.
That's right.
This is outrageous.
And on the streets in London there are thousands of cameras all over London.
And they're doing it here.
And they say that they're putting them on the freeways so they can control traffic.
It's also so they can tell where you're going.
Well, they admit that now, but I actually have an article here in my stack from today where, oh look, how China's yuan can become the new global currency.
There's one article.
But look at this.
Cameras keep track of all cars entering Medina.
City signs have a unique way of greeting people.
For instance, motorists are told they're entering a special place where people care.
And he goes on to say the cameras have recently been installed in intersections to monitor every vehicle coming into the city under the Automatic License Plate Recognition Project.
Once a car enters the town, a camera captures its license plate number.
Within seconds, the number is run through the database.
And I noticed 10 years ago they announced this in Florida and a few other towns in Texas.
I've seen the federal orders.
Every state in the union, for at least seven years, everything you do is tracked.
Everywhere you go is tracked.
And they can read hundreds of plates a second, and it has nothing to do with stopping crime.
You notice they never use it for crime.
This is a homeland security grid!
Right, and if you don't think they can do it, you go to some of these intersections where they have a camera, and anyone that runs a red light, within a week or so, they'll get a ticket.
And because they have the ability to read the license plate and go in their database and know exactly who you are.
Like out in California I see the old big flash bulbs that go off.
That's right.
They don't need that anymore.
They don't need the flashing systems at night to take a photo of your car.
Now it's license plate reading.
And then here's another one.
News 10.
Sheriff's Department responds to sonic device outrage.
The San Diego County Sheriff's Department
Tuesday responded to News 10's report that a new sonic weapon known as Long Range Acoustic Device, LRAD, the technology has been used to control crowds in Iraq and control insurgents and it's now in the Sheriff's Department's possession being used at the Tea Party rallies.
So again, they've militarized the police, they're training them to go after the people and all of this was set up before
The big banks try to bring us into this economic implosion.
That's right.
I've seen that sound system on the military channel where one of the reporters got within range of that and all of a sudden they turned it on and he just ran away because he said it was so painful.
Well these are also soft kill weapon trainers.
The studies show if they shoot you with a sound beam, a microwave, rubber bullets, that they're more apt next time to fire real bullets when they're ordered to.
So it's just like you train an attack dog on dummies first before you give him real blood.
We'll be back in one minute to talk about solutions.
Three minutes to talk about solutions.
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Coming up in the next segment, we're going to start taking your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231 on this live Wednesday, September 16, 2009 edition.
And after Mr. Ross leaves us in about 30 minutes, I'm going to do a big news blitz and more of your phone calls.
So I said I'd start the show with this flu news, and I haven't gotten to it yet, but I'm going to.
Robert, you and your new book that isn't out yet but will be out soon, you get into your ideas for solutions, monetizing the debt versus a gold standard.
A lot of people are against the gold standard because the banks have hoarded all the gold so they'd be back in control again.
But I mean, don't we just start with auditing the Fed?
Don't we have to get rid of the Fed first?
But I guess we also need to then, or nationalize the Fed.
Well, first of all, none of this will happen, Alex, until we straighten it out in a timeline.
The first thing we have to do is correct our voting system.
It's so corrupt now that they can make anybody win an election.
And so, first of all, we have to go to paper ballots everywhere, counted by local citizens, and posted in local newspapers before it's sent to Washington.
And now once we have the voting system corrected,
Then we need to eliminate the two-party system.
The two-party system, if the Democrats are in control, the Republicans fight everything they try to do.
If the Republicans are in control, the Democrats fight everything they try to do.
So they should not be allowed to do anything to enhance or degrade a party for any reason.
They ought to be there to
Do things for their constituents to improve the quality of life of their constituents, but they haven't done that probably ever.
So first of all, then if we have in every election, there should be as many independent people running for office as we can drive out of the bushes.
And a great way to have would be to have 25% of Congress
One independent party, 25%, another independent party, 25% Democrats and 25% Republicans.
That way they lose control.
Even better than that is to have every elected representative an independent person so that they are not controlled by a party, that they're there to represent their constituents.
We need to change the total election system.
For example, we should limit the time of campaigning for presidential office to six months, and to a member of Congress or the House of Representatives to three months, and then demand that all local TV stations must provide an avenue for campaigning of everybody running for office.
And if we don't do that, then nothing will change.
Because we've got, and when the election comes up, we need to vote against every incumbent except about six, and I name those six in my book.
And the reason that is, we need to get their attention.
Well, that's what politics is.
I mean, you listen to a Sean Hannity or somebody, they sound great when their party's out of power.
But as soon as a Republican's back in, they're going to support the whole New World Order agenda.
Just like Democrats sound great when Bush is in power.
But as soon as they get in power, they just continue because they're all bought and paid for.
Can't we just bypass all that and arrest the Federal Reserve Board and arrest Rockefeller and Rothschilds and indict them for their crimes and just get our system back that way?
You can't do that until you get control of Congress.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
We're good.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
We're taking your phone calls from Robert Galen Ross coming up in the next segment at 800-259-9231.
But you're running through your new book that isn't even out yet.
It'll be out, what, the next month or so?
Within two weeks.
Within two weeks, so folks can get it then at your website that we've got up on screen.
But continue with your idea of solutions.
Okay, after we correct the voting process and we eliminate the two-party system, then we have independent people within Congress
That will do things for the constituents rather than for special interests.
So then we need to attack the Federal Reserve System.
There's an attorney out in California named Ellen Hodgkin Brown that did a research on this on the Federal Reserve and she says that if
If we nationalize the Federal Reserve...
We can completely eliminate the income tax for everybody within the United States.
And she goes through every step along the way to prove that she can do that.
Well, that certainly could have been done with the comprehensive financial report information that Walter Biering and others put out.
The problem is they've now created this 1.5 quadrillion in fiat made-up debt.
And so
But clearly, for those that don't know, I love the point Ron Paul always makes.
They will show the Capitol behind him.
That's right, but if you take the total interest earned by the Federal Reserve
Uh, in a year.
And she goes back and uses the year 2005, for example, and she takes the total income tax paid, and then the total interest earned by the Federal Reserve, and then if we eliminate the IRS, that's another $10 billion of costs that we eliminate.
And then if we, uh,
Do some other things and follow in chapters.
It'll turn out that instead of having a debt every year, we can probably have a $200 billion surplus.
And it'll be forever because
And one of the chapters I talk about the military to bring all military people back in the continent of the United States.
Yeah, none of these countries are starting wars.
Regional groups can deal with themselves.
That's why the globalists are always going in and stirring up and funding terror groups, funding armies, funding other countries to attack other nations.
Because you've got this multi-trillion dollar a year business, weapons sales worldwide and armies, they've got to have a business.
So they go out and start wars.
But they start wars for the banks.
The banks finance both sides of every war, and they finance the reconstruction of the countries destroyed in the wars.
And so if we eliminate wars, think of the... That's right, they sell weapon systems to both sides.
They finance both sides.
They own the military industrial complex.
So they make money off of it.
We've got to stop the money source of the elite.
If you bring all the troops back, then we also need to create jobs in the United States.
So the next step we need to do is have the President get out of the World Trade Organization, get out of the United Nations, get out of NAFTA, get out of CAFTA.
Get out of all free trade agreements that have been signed in the past.
They're all one-sided for the globalists to consolidate power.
But then you tell all nations, we will trade with you on an equal basis for every million dollars that we import, we're going to export a million dollars to you.
They wouldn't have any choice.
Yeah, they don't.
But the globalists like to do sweetheart deals where it's not a level playing field.
I want to ask you about Obama being the first president to be the head of the U.N.
Security Council, which a lot of people point out in the Constitution is illegal.
But it was also illegal for Colin Powell to become a knight or George Bush Sr., but they did it.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Dan in the Philippines, Manfred in Montana, David in Texas, Terry in Indiana, Jock in California.
We're going to your calls here in just a few minutes.
We're about 15 minutes away from huge news blitzes.
Tons of key news I'm going to cover until the end of the show.
Coming up on a host of issues starting in the next segment.
Final segment with Robert Galen Ross.
Time has really gone by fast with him.
I want to go to your calls here in just a moment.
But we were getting into Obama becoming the first president to be the head of the UN Security Council.
No president's ever done that because the Constitution states they can't be part of other government bodies or boards and make decisions for the U.S.
without Congress's approval.
And it wasn't just us saying this is unprecedented.
AP and Reuters in the last week had all these weird statements about sealing our new closeness with the UN and global governance and the new bank of the world.
I mean, this is really happening.
Yeah, no question about it.
And that's part of their overall plan.
It's all very carefully orchestrated.
And they think there's nothing we can do about it.
But all you got to do is
Think about how many people showed up in Washington this last weekend.
But they're being led by loyal opposition, and that's the plan, is to have a guy that supported the Banker Bailout, a guy that supported the Patriot Act, Glenn Beck, lead them.
That's the problem.
Yeah, we need to have someone leading the crowd that has no agenda except to... But it does show, you're right, people are waking up.
I mean, Greenspan's in the news today, Bloomberg whining, saying he thinks Congress is going to take the Fed over.
So they're definitely not arrogant anymore, though.
We're finally identifying who the real power structure are.
That's right.
And Ron Paul is exactly right.
He's talking about auditing the Fed, but we really need to nationalize the Fed.
Well, he says that if we can get the audit, then we can get the nationalization.
He says they're so criminal, and he's called for criminal investigations here.
That it's step one.
It'll be hard to just abolish them up front, but the Fed has said, if you audit us, you might as well abolish us.
Well, we really need something like the Fed in order to manage our money system within the United States.
To certainly get out of it, yeah.
But we need to own the Fed.
And have it be transparent.
That's right.
And if we own it, then all the transparency and that sort of thing... Well, Paul's got a Von Mies degree, and he's a doctorate in economics and a medical doctor, and I respect him.
And he likes sound money.
And if we'd have stayed on silver and gold, they couldn't have done what they've done.
But now, we're in this global fiat system.
I look at the other models of using fiat to empower us.
If it was done properly and openly, it could be a great system.
Yeah, but you'd have to really have a high value of gold if we, say, went to the gold standard, because the federal debt is something between $75 and $100 trillion.
So it'd have to be a million dollars an ounce.
That's right.
So there's not enough, if you use it at today's price, there's not enough gold out there to cover all the cash requirements.
I don't think people realize the type of inflation we're talking about.
Finish up real fast, running through a few more of your points, and let's take some calls.
Okay, another thing that we need to do is we need to eliminate short-selling.
And short-selling is... And naked short-selling.
Yeah, short-selling is, let's say that I borrow your car and sell it, and then later on I buy it back at a lower price.
Well, naked short-selling is, I can take your car and sell it without you knowing about it, without borrowing it,
And then if anyone defaults, I said, that's too bad.
In fact, you never even had the car.
That's right.
You just sold thin air to somebody.
That's right.
Also, currency speculation has caused the economies of many nations to be crashed.
George Soros is a major actor in this.
And then he goes on TV and talks about how he's the savior trying to fix this.
But this is based on selling something you don't have.
That's what a shorting is.
And so we need to outlaw shorting completely by saying that you cannot sell anything that you don't have legal documented right to.
And of course Wall Street would not want that because that's where they make all their money.
And let's be clear that they then just made made-up derivatives, paper, credit default swaps and insurance certifications, used the money off that, leveraged it ten times, then went out and engaged in all these different
Manipulations of the stock market.
This is just a complete group of con artist frauds.
That's right.
And the only way you can overcome that is completely nationalize the Federal Reserve and nationalize all federal banks.
But here's the problem.
The globalists are going to stage wars, stage nuke attacks, release bioweapons.
They're going to try to use Northcom to block Galen Ross and Ron Paul and others from doing this.
So do you educate the public about false flag terror?
You have to.
That's right.
First of all, you gotta do it with education.
That's one of the reasons for this book is to try to educate the people of what's really going on behind the scenes.
And once everybody understands what's going on, then instead of a million people marching on Washington, there might be five million.
If the average cop who's being given a microwave gun to attack peaceful protesters realizes his future is being destroyed too,
I agree with you.
Then there's a good chance that he's not going to go along with it.
That's right.
And if the law enforcement people have a copy of this book or similar information, then you're right.
When they say, all right, let's go march on those people.
Well, then they say, no, I don't think that's right.
We're not going to do that.
And then the officers might rebel.
So, but it has to all be based on education.
Well, I mean, you're an engineer who worked with oil and things.
I mean, they admit that sodium fluoride in the water brain damages people.
They admit the Germans put it in people's water.
The Soviets did.
I mean, when we tell cops don't drink the water, I mean, this is an evil elite.
That's right.
Tell folks what sodium fluoride does to your brain.
Sodium fluoride is a
It's a chemical that the Russians and the South Africans and Israelis used to make their people docile.
It's in toothpaste, it's in water, and... And by the way, on record, they admit they do this.
I mean, this is not our opinion.
That's right.
And if you read the label on a toothpaste box, it says if you swallow more than a little bit of this, immediately go to the Poison Control Center.
Because it's a known poison.
But I mean, I just bring that up.
They're poisoning our water.
Why are we even here debating this with each other?
That's right.
I mean, I'm asking FBI agents and others, did you get a memo telling you not to drink the water?
You're in the same boat with us.
And that's why I've realized not to just get mad and attack them.
Whether you know it or not, we're in the same boat together.
This is ridiculous.
That's right.
And just because they taught you to laugh at it and say it's a conspiracy theory, you can't do that.
Let's take some calls.
Dan in the Philippines.
You're on the air with Robert Galen Ross.
Hello, Dan.
Hey, uh, wow.
It's crazy to be on here.
I've been, uh, only recently listening to the show, but... Well, welcome, Dan.
It's good to have you here with us.
Yeah, it's crazy.
Go ahead.
You know, ten plus years ago, I listened to you on the show, and I thought it was crazy, you know, seeing my brother watching on public access station.
I'm from Austin, but I've been living in Manila for almost four years now.
I thought it was crazy until the last year plus.
Anyways, going on.
What woke you up?
Actually, it was partly my mom.
You know, I was watching Ron Paul back in the primary days.
I had a vacation.
I went back to the States and saw a video about Ron Paul.
Then I saw Freedom the Fascism of Aaron Russo woke me up really well.
Uh, and since then I've just been kind of dabbling and now I'm, I'm really going full at it right now.
I don't, I, I left my, my company recently and, and so... Let's see, right there is an example.
People wouldn't listen to us 10 years ago or 20 years ago.
Now they listen because everything we talked about is now coming true.
Sir, what's your question for Robert Galen Ross?
Sadly, I don't have a question for him directly.
That's fine.
Go ahead and make your point.
You're on air.
I don't have a point of the question.
I saw a recent video about bracelets with microchips on them that are supposedly attached to your wrist.
I just have a question about this.
It seems recent.
I haven't really been keeping up, but this is something.
Can you describe this more to me about the bracelets on the wrist?
In fact, we'll play that.
Guys, just YouTube the term Taser Bracelets.
Homeland Security was proposing, and Homeland Security Board said, we think it's a good idea for every American, 5-year-old child, 80-year-old woman,
You know, 50-year-old black guy, 20-year-old white guy, everybody, to wear a Taser bracelet.
It's like the running man.
Almost around our neck, but around your wrist.
Guilty until proven innocent.
They've got the naked body scanners going in airports.
Houston has them.
You march your kids through, the government records their body on tape.
Robert Galen Rosh, your comment on the Taser bracelets.
Well, it's just probably short of the next move to implant a sensor within your skin, within your wrist.
By the way, that's in the health care bill.
And the point of that is they can tell where you are at any time.
They can link it to money so that if you get out of line, they shut off your sensor so that you can't spend money.
So that's the long-range plan is to have some mechanism to absolutely control everything you do and know where you are at all times.
And it was two weeks before Tom broke off, and I appreciate your call from the Philippines, Dan.
Good to have you on board.
God bless you.
It was right before Dan...
Tom Brokaw retired right before Tom Brokaw was Tom Brokaw and I've got the tape around here somewhere and they were talking about Fallujah where they have these checkpoints all around it and you're given your ID card and if you're ever caught without the ID card you're killed on the spot and he said it straight-faced on NBC News Tom Brokaw he said and if they're caught without their card they are executed and that's the system that's right stay there we'll do one more segment with our guests take a few more calls stay with us
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We're here live, final segment with Robert Galen Ross.
I'm going to go through a news blitz, continue with your calls in the next segment.
He's got a lot of new stuff at his website, 4rie.com.
You can also get some of his books and materials at infowars.com.
He's got something new, Who's Who of the Elite by Robert Galen Ross.
They don't dare let us tell the people.
It's a computer program and it's got the entire background on the elites.
The Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations, 13,795 elite members in 58 nations.
He's got stuff like the first minutes of the first Bilderberg meeting on here.
Really powerful material available.
And his new book coming out in two weeks, What the Elite Have Done.
Alex, it's a pleasure to be on with you, and it was so great to hear Charlie Sheen on your show yesterday.
And since President Obama won't talk with Charlie about his 20 points on 9-11, or even acknowledge his letter,
And since Popular Mechanics won't debate him live on his 20 points, and Larry King won't have him on, and no other major talk show will have Charlie on, I guess it's down to Meghan McCain, who said on The View on September 10th that she wouldn't take Charlie's political advice because of his experience with prostitutes.
Meghan is ignoring Charlie's challenge to debate him, as well as everybody else, but she has a blog called McCain Blogette.
Um, where anyone can comment, and I just wondered if, uh, it would be interesting if a million patriots, uh, wrote comments in the... Yeah, I know, that's a good idea.
People should go to Obama's press conferences, they should go to his press secretary's comments.
I mean, when, when Charlie goes to the restaurant, he gets on TV.
But here he is saying, I'm ready to go on TV to debate you guys.
It'll get huge ratings.
They won't touch it because he has the facts.
He has the evidence.
He has those 20 bullet points.
And so the answer to their censorship is to only spread the material.
I'm going to talk about it in the next segment.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I want to talk to you about the statement that Jimmy Carter made today.
As an African American, whether you made it yesterday or today, his comment is outrageous.
You know, to make it seem like that you would only have to be a white person or a racist in order to disagree with Obama.
I see this all the time.
Yeah, exactly.
He's using the race car, and I'll hold you over because I want to talk about this.
I want to be able to say about it to Robert.
But, that's exactly what goes on here, is they're saying to everybody, you're not allowed to be against anything Obama does, or you're a racist.
They're playing a race car brutally, and viciously, and coldly, knowing that's not what it's about, and actually creating racial division.
And it's doing that successfully.
Stay there, Terry.
I'm going to come back to you after the break.
But I want to be able to say bye to Robert here at the end.
Robert, your comment on this.
Is this a desperation move?
They will try anything in order to reach their goal.
But you can't really interpret what they're saying because they use a lot of disinformation.
And so there's always a motive behind what they're doing, but it's not an apparent one.
But the majority of white Americans voted for Obama.
His approval rating has dropped by 30-something points because he lied about everything.
But I saw a segment, someone emailed me a long talk.
It was on YouTube by this black preacher that he says, look out, don't trust these guys.
One of these days the white guys are going to come up
Well look, they put Obama in there to make it about race.
They put him in there to create division.
If he was a black guy that was trying to end the Federal Reserve, they'd assassinate him.
That's right.
Just like if he was a white guy, they'd assassinate him.
And that's the issue.
So it's meant to be this big political football.
And I agree with Terry.
We're going to come back to you after the break.
I just want to be able to say bye to you.
Robert, great job on the new book.
It's excellent.
I've scanned over it.
This is an advanced copy.
The official cover is going to have a green cover.
And what the elite have done to America and how to fix it.
You can get it at his website.
It's 800-410-5571.
Or for anybody that wants to interview you, they can also call that number.
We look forward to talking to you again soon.
That's correct.
Another fellow Central Texan fighting the New World Order.
And again, we're just all evil racists here.
We don't want them putting sodium fluoride in the water.
And that's because we're racist.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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You know, we had Robert on today.
I took a lot of calls earlier, but we really should just suspend guests for the next few weeks.
Except for medical doctors who talk about the flu, because there's so much going on and the listeners are what are interesting and informative and entertaining.
But our main goal is here to awaken people and
Again, to me, it is the racism to make it a racial issue if you disagree with the President.
And they're cold-bloodedly doing this.
Chris Matthews and Jimmy Carter, they know what they're doing.
They know.
It makes them the moral authority, and then you're the racist because you're out protesting because the President
Yeah, Alex, what I was saying is that
Uh, the media, everything that's done, I mean, whether it's the tea parties, the protests, where all types of independents and everybody is mixed in together, well, they'll turn it into a racial thing.
They'll say, well, it's all, you know, it's racism.
These people are against Obama because he's black.
It's not that, you know, any of these people could love liberty or love freedom.
Or don't want to go to a socialistic state.
It can't be any of that.
It's got to be because he's black.
And then that makes it difficult for the people who always get their news from the mainstream media, especially minorities and blacks, when you try to come to them with a message about what is truly going on in our government and the world, then they have a wall up because they believe that it's all about
A racist agenda.
So you can't get a hedge through to try and open their eyes to what's going on.
And it's really frustrating.
I tell you, it's really frustrating.
And I have come out.
I have been out of the closet when Obama was a candidate.
I'm calling all other liberty, freedom Americans, freedom loving Americans, blacks, minorities, to come out the closet with me.
Because they're turning this thing into a white thing.
Hold on, they want us at each other's throats because look, it's very simple.
You've got a tiny group of bankers who are eugenicists and who hate everybody.
Who are putting stuff in the water to sterilize us, trying to force deadly inoculations on us, stealing $23.7 trillion, setting up a world government, and it's in white people's interest, and black people's interest, and Asian's interest, and it doesn't matter who you are, 99% of us, it's in our interest to not go along with this world government, and the end of the dollar, and all the things they're openly doing.
Now, if we're getting mad at the Federal Reserve, we're wanting to abolish the Federal Reserve, the American people are coming together, the establishment's going to say, Tribal Warfare!
Fight with each other!
That's the exact way that the British Crown
Divided the natives and was able to take over the United States.
And then what the army was able to do was play tribe off against tribe.
There's only a few thousand globalists.
How are they going to beat 7 billion people?
We're almost 7 billion on the planet now.
They're going to do it by divide and conquer, by balkanization, and they're just cold-bloodedly doing it.
Anybody who isn't a racist, or anybody who's got half a brain, sees this and is insulted by it, going, I'm not racist, why are you bringing up race?
That's why I'm calling on all African Americans
The ones who have their eyes open to stand up.
Because once we stand up, and then the people see that there are other blacks who are saying something against Obama, they can't call us racist.
I hear you, and God, well what are these people talking about?
And then they'll get to the issues.
God bless you.
Good points.
You should write up an article and send it to writers at Infowars.com and make those points.
Because, you know, it needs to be made by black folks.
It's a total diversion.
But now we're having a debate, and we have to have a debate, about how ridiculous this is to say it's racial.
And sure, out of 2 million people there, there were probably a couple hundred thousand that don't like Obama because he's black.
But I'll guarantee you they don't like him for a bunch of other reasons too.
But it doesn't matter.
Obama... I've gotten emails, when I say Obama's a puppet,
And I've seen it on MySpace, and I've seen it on YouTube.
People say, oh, you're just racist.
And it's usually white people.
You can click on their channel name and go to their page.
You don't like a black man being over you, so you're saying he's a puppet.
No, I said George Bush Sr.
was a puppet, Bill Clinton was a puppet, George Bush was a puppet, because they are a puppet.
And I'm actually giving Obama cover here, because it's true.
He doesn't deserve all the blame.
George Bush was evil, probably a lot more evil than Obama.
George Bush enjoyed what he was doing.
I mean, as a man, I like Obama more than I like Bush.
I mean, Bush radiated evil, radiated corruption, but it doesn't matter.
The very same, even more evil groups are in control of him.
But the system cold-bloodedly knows this is just meant for all of us to get at each other's throats, while the Federal Reserve steals three times all the mortgages in the country.
All the mortgages in the country were $9.4 trillion, Bloomberg reported.
So what's three times $9.4?
$9 trillion, $9 trillion is $18 trillion.
And then you add another nine to that.
Yeah, you're right at it.
It's 24.3, 23.7, but it's really gonna be about 28 now.
So you're right at three times all the mortgages in the country is what we gave foreign banks.
Now, are all your mortgages paid off?
See, that's the thing.
All these liberals think you're going to have socialism and that, well, if David Rockefeller's got a hundred billion bucks, I'm going to get part of it.
You're not going to get any of that money.
David Rockefeller supports socialism because they're going to take the guy making $100,000 money and they're going to give it all to the ultra-rich.
I have a great graphics guy and I said make me a wealth redistribution graphic and I wasn't specific and he brought me one of a red house that says a million dollars on it and you got three greenhouses that are smaller that were poor people.
And in his graphic, it shows the red house get littler and the green houses get bigger.
And I said, no.
You need to make another graphic of that red house turning into a green house, a smaller house, and all the other houses getting even smaller.
And then a big pyramid above it getting bigger.
It sucks all the money up out of us into them!
I mean, it's so simple.
And it's going to get worse and worse and worse.
Mexico has more billionaires per capita for 100 million people, population, than any other country in the world.
And they're also the third poorest country in the world.
Depending on which gauge you look at, fifth poorest.
The point is, they're in the top five poorest countries.
They got more resources than we got, but they've got a corrupt elite.
Same thing with Africa.
Same thing with Eastern Europe.
Same thing, I mean folks,
The boss hogs don't want you to have a nice life.
They want to shut you down politically so they can control you.
They want to use the economy to make you poor so you're so busy just trying to get enough food to eat that you're not busy getting uppity.
But it is outrageous.
I mean, Jimmy Carter, I've respected some things he's done.
But I have to remember, he's a Trilateral Commission co-founder with David Rockefeller, and he is a eugenicist.
You know, again, Barack Obama took the abortion funding block off for black kids in Africa and forced abortion in China.
And if you think killing black babies is pro-black, then you're idiots.
And I saw footage of a Hispanic man at an Obama event in Spanish, holding up pictures of
Dead babies to the Hispanics and Hispanics were coming over getting in his face saying he was anti-Hispanic because he doesn't like Obama because he doesn't want Hispanics killing Hispanic babies.
What is your major problem?
Killing your babies isn't good.
It's the Margaret Sanger phony liberals that are the real racist.
When are you going to figure it out that a real racist doesn't run up missing their front teeth in a Klan hood?
When are you going to figure out that there are some of those racists, but they are confined to their shacks and aren't a threat to you?
Unless you're caught in their neighborhood at 3 a.m.
The real threat is the George Soros's, is the Ted Turner's, is the David Rockefeller's, is the Bill and Melinda Gates.
These people want your ass deadered in a hammer.
And you know who their man is?
He's Barack Obama.
Because they know if they put a black face on this, you're going to go along with it.
And I am sick of it!
I'm tired of it!
It's so obvious!
Man, I'm tired of it!
But you know what?
It's not going to work.
Calling everybody racist and dragging racism out.
Let me tell you how stuff really works.
Most white people are guilty.
And this isn't even targeting black folks.
This is targeting guilty whites to be afraid to criticize anything Obama's doing, gun control, you name it, because they don't want to be called racist.
And what the left is doing is using up the term racism so when it really needs to be used against somebody who's really racist, nobody's going to want to hear it anymore.
It's like Israel calling everybody an anti-Semite who doesn't agree with every policy they've got.
Now that term doesn't work anymore.
It's cheapening the term.
David in Texas, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Listen, I work in finance and got a few quick stories for you.
We had a client of ours go down to a major bank downtown Houston to cash out, you know, a little over a hundred grand in cash.
And they didn't have it on hand any other way to week and got
Also, they fill out a suspicious transaction report.
I mean, do people really think the FBI for $5,000 wasn't already watching Governor Spitzer?
They're watching everybody.
You know, in the brokerage community, there's a lot of, you know, since the Patriot Act, we have to fill out a lot of paperwork for new accounts and ask a lot of questions, you know, where's the money coming from, so on and so forth, and all those are set up as profiles, and then every so often, those are ran against these terrorist databases and all that stuff, and that's, you know, pretty mainstream to people that work in the industry, they know that.
Yes, Patriot Act compliance has nothing to do with terror.
Yeah, exactly.
Another point is very funny.
I was at a dinner last night with some folks from J.P.
Morgan and I'll tell you the cluelessness out there in professionals is outstanding.
This woman, 30 years in the business, work, you know, fund manager for J.P.
Talking just general economic stuff and you know, of course people bring up inflation and you know, she just passes it off like it's not a problem and it may actually be a good thing.
And she's like, well, you know, we don't have high inflation because CPI is real low.
And of course I bring up the point... But they cook the CPI!
Real unemployment's at 20% and they're telling us it's at 10!
I said, well, if you think there's no inflation, how come gold is four times higher than it was ten years ago?
And if you price the Dow in gold, it costs 40 ounces of gold to buy it in 2000.
Now it costs like 9.8 ounces.
So, if you didn't quadruple your money in stocks, you lost purchasing power.
And she said, well, that doesn't matter.
We're not on a gold standard.
You know, gold's just a commodity.
Who cares?
But look at every other, look at oil.
We're paying a lot more than we were ten years ago for that.
Look, look, they can tell us that everything costs the same.
Anybody who's been to the grocery store knows that's a load of bull.
No, you're absolutely right.
But it's just so hilarious to see, you know, professionals that don't even give it a second thought.
And someone else brought up the point of, you know, she said she just came back from China.
It's like working with the Sovereign Wealth Fund over there.
And I said, well, what are they telling you about slowing down their T-bill purchases, talking about world currency?
I mean, it's in the mainstream news.
And she's just like, ah, you know, that's, that'll never happen.
They have to buy T-bills.
They can't do anything else.
You know, they're, you know, they're never going to stop.
What are they going to do?
I'm like, well, they don't have to.
They can invest their money wherever they want to.
Well, they've already for two years been cutting back.
I appreciate your call.
Great points, David.
Yeah, you get all these specialized people and they know their little niche and then that's it.
And they think it's like an attribute that they don't care.
They think it's cute or funny.
And if you fight for your liberty, you're probably going to lose it.
If you don't care about it, you're going to get run over.
Manfred, Montana.
Manfred, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Been listening to you for a year.
I just got out of the military also a year ago.
First time caller.
Thank you, sir.
I've got a question about the
Well, the systems have never been perfect.
But you have the very same special interest and the shadow government, that's not even a shadow anymore, the National Security Council's advised by private interest, and they set the policy.
If you hold politicians accountable on issues, like Glenn Beck's a politician.
He's for the banker bailout bill, but then after he gets it, he then says he's against it.
So you've got to go off politicians' voting records, off of political pundits' records.
Do they flip-flop?
As bad as our system is, it's because it's been overthrown.
A lot of people then want to create a new system, which will be even worse.
It's that our original system... Let's say you've got a diesel engine, and you're putting rainwater in it, and it's not starting.
Well, it's not the diesel engine's fault.
It's that you put the wrong fuel in it.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Yeah, I hear you, man.
I don't disagree with that, but I think if we have nobody on the ballot, if nobody gets voted in, then we have to start over with new candidates, with new ideas, and it embarrasses the parties.
Well, I do think that, unless you're Ron Paul or a few other people, you need to be voted out.
Both parties, all this Republican grandstanding, I see right through it.
I appreciate your call, Manfred.
Joseph, in California, go ahead.
Hi, I was just calling about, um, there's a big protest here in the Bay Area about the, uh, the universities, and they arrested them for unlawful assembly, saying that they're shoving the police, but there's nothing on the news about them shoving anybody.
And it just seems like, you know, out here in the Bay Area, the First Amendment doesn't exist anymore.
Like myself, I'm in a lawsuit against SFPD for, um, arresting me for
Well, yes, all over the world police are suppressing free speech because they've been ordered to because they know that they've tried to cow the public into submission knowing the financial raping was about to happen knowing we would rightfully take our government back they don't want that image of slaves on the street saying no
But as the police lose their pension funds too, they're going to end up joining us.
So I would tell you take legal action against those that have violated your rights.
We'll be right back.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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There's a guy named MZ in Santa Cruz, California who owns one of our affiliate radio stations.
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We're good.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know what?
It's the end of the show.
I got to a lot of the news I said I'd cover.
Quite a bit I didn't.
I know we got loaded phone lines.
I want to hear from everybody.
Tomorrow, I may just clear the decks of guests and just take phone calls.
We've been doing a better job about taking your calls, but so much is happening.
I also want to start focusing in on the flu, the reports from your areas as they're trying to force kids in schools to take it.
This all starts in the next week and a half, two weeks, so we're going to be watching that, following that.
Got a bunch of medical doctors coming on.
At the end of the show, I do also want to thank listeners for all of their support and to remind you that we are listener supported by books and video sales and we are carrying the new video that we're starting to ship out today, a few days early.
It's not even officially out yet.
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Okay, I'm very thankful also to our AM and FM affiliates.
Please folks, be sure and support those local affiliates, and support our local sponsors as well, and continue to remember that we're reaching more and more people.
We're changing history because of you spreading the word.
And that's how this radio show grows.
Whether you're listening on shortwave, satellite, the internet, at InfoWars.com, or your local AM or FM station, or the free podcast,
Continue to tell your friends, your family, your neighborhoods about the show.
Because if we expose what these globalist criminals are doing, their program will fall apart.
If we don't, we're gonna get a world government that makes the Nazis look like choirboys.
Pre-transmission starts now.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true, total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three, in some areas of the country the power grid is dangerously overloaded, especially with the high demand summer months ahead.
Number four, the hurricane and dangerous summer storm season is here again.
We're good.
Coast to coast and in your face!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.