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Filename: 20090913_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 13, 2009
1660 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Thank you for joining us.
It is Sunday, the 13th day of September 2009.
We're live.
We're going to be live here for the next two hours, as we are every single Sunday.
I do talk radio six days a week.
Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
That's 12 noon to 4 p.m.
live and then back Sundays when abbreviated wrap-up of the week past and I look forward into the week ahead from 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Okay, I want to get into the fact that the German media, the French media, the Russian media, the British media all reported at least 2 million people.
One of the biggest marches in US history in DC yesterday.
One of the biggest marches in U.S.
In fact, the headline in the Mail, one of the biggest papers in England, up to two million march to U.S.
Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in Tea Party demonstration.
And we're simulcasting the radio show at PrisonPlanet.TV, but if you go up to PrisonPlanet.com, even if you're not a PrisonPlanet.TV viewer, you can watch time-lapse video
from the local news stations, from on top buildings, where they weren't just filling the mall, they were filling other major side roads for miles.
Well over two million people.
If you fill the mall and then the area of the Capitol, that's about 800,000.
It was well over two million.
CNN, the New York Times, the Austin American-Statesman, where I live, they all reported that it was thousands
A couple thousand!
Well, there you can see on your screen the time-lapse photography just of one area off the mall, and then watch it fill up that street as you look back over two miles down that major thoroughfare, completely, totally jam-packed and filled for over two miles!
And that's just one shot from a camera on top of a building.
That is just one shot as people march down towards the mall.
One road!
And the foreign news took photos, there's videos of it, we have them posted up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, scores of videos where it's just every major road in and around the central area of DC, around the monuments and the mall and the Capitol, just solid people everywhere
Foreign press estimates 2 million or more.
French news is reporting upwards of 3 million.
We don't know.
And you know what I saw?
Infowars.com signs.
Ron Paul signs.
Rand Paul signs.
The media is trying to balkanize this and make it a left-right issue and say, oh, it was all Glenn Beck.
And I would say probably a third of it or so probably was Fox News.
People that don't want big government.
They didn't mind Bush tripling the size of government and lying to them about WMDs, but they don't like it that Obama's doing it with the gun control, the open borders, the government health care, the National Compulsory Service, the cap-and-trade taxes.
They're mad.
But the bigger issue here is the media keeps lying.
Earlier in the week, with Obama's address to Congress on health care, CNN admitted they double-sampled Democrats in their polls.
So two-thirds were Democrats, one-third were Republicans.
They announced it was a fair poll and said, oh look, his poll numbers went up after the speech.
Before the speech, they sampled people against the health care 50%.
2-0-1, 2-2-4-4, or locally 5-1-2-6-4-6, 1776.
Sorry if you're offended by 1776.
The media now says that's racist and evil and bad.
Homeland Security documents say American flags and the term 1776 are evil.
We're not gonna let our free speech be chilled.
We'll still say the dirty word.
The spirit of 1776 is being revived.
The latest 9-11 info with Charlie Sheen going public, Fox News attacking us, and a lot more.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true, total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three,
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded, especially with the high demand summer months ahead.
The hurricane and dangerous summer storm season is here again.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup insurance and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, a longtime sponsor of ours.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun yet.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call toll free 877-327-0365.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it is September 13th, 2009 on this live Sunday edition.
We're going to take a lot of your phone calls today at 888-201-2244 or 512-646-1776.
Get you up and on the air at 888-201-2244.
Coming to you live from the InfoWars Command Center deep in the heart of Central Texas, Austin, Texas.
Coming to you from South Austin.
And we are simulcasting, not just on the radio, on AM and FM, Global Shortwave Satellite, but also on the internet at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and in living color.
We also produce it as a television show, so you can see all the documents and video clips if you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member at PrisonPlanet.TV right now.
I want to get into one of the biggest ever recorded marches in D.C.
Bigger than Martin Luther King's.
Bigger than Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March.
Bigger than pro-Obama marches.
Bigger than anti-Bush, anti-war marches.
Bigger than anything seen in memory.
And that's what the Mail Online, that's what Le Figaro in France is reporting, that's what Der Spiegel in Germany is reporting.
We have posted on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com videos from on top buildings, foreign newscasts, two million or more conservatively filling the mall, filling major side roads, two mile long, I mean just the overflow on major roads coming off the mall was two miles back, solid jam-packed people.
Two miles.
In fact, we're going to be playing that clip in a moment.
But the media spun this and National News said a couple thousand.
The Austin American Statesman has the headline today, thousands come out.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it was a lot more than thousands.
A lot more than thousands.
Here's the Austin American Statesman headline, thousands rally with or against Obama.
They even spun it.
And this is the voice of the local statesman.
It's really the New York Times.
They publish a New York Times story.
But I got this from the statesman.
Thousands rally with or against.
So they number one distort and say it's thousands when it's millions.
And then they say, oh and a lot were for Obama.
Reading foreign news reports, they're saying that maybe 1 out of 20 was an Obama supporter.
And I've watched scores of videos last night and today, and you do occasionally see a pre-printed out by the White House official blue Obamacare sign.
But then you see all the hand-drawn grassroots signs by the people.
And look at that time lapse on screen as they just boils in and fills up the major roads marching towards the mall.
That's just a building cam of one road leading to the mall.
That's easily a million people right there.
But again, up to 2 million marched to U.S.
Capitol to protest against Obama's spending and Tea Party demonstration.
Mail Online, one of the big papers in England, up to 2 million people marched to the U.S.
Capitol today carrying signs with slogans such as, Obamacare makes me sick, and they protested the President's health care plan
And what they say is out-of-control spending, the line of protesters across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way up to the Capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.
That's right, Homeland Security admits it was 2 million, but that won't be in our news.
You have to go to foreign news to see these photos and videos.
Notice CNN and others would show up-close groups of people.
People were chanting, enough, enough, and we the people.
Others yelled, you lie, you lie, and Pelosi has to go, referring to California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
Demonstrators waved U.S.
flags and held signs reading, Go Green, Recycle Congress, and I'm not your ATM.
Men wore colonial costumes and they listened to speakers who warned of Judgment Day.
Election year 2010.
Yeah, but then Republicans will stop posing like they're opposition to big government and then they'll go in and sell us out until we realize that both parties are bought and paid for by offshore banks and make the issues about abolishing the Federal Reserve and arresting the criminal cartel that's carried this out.
And I will say, looking at the videos and photos and talking to people that were there, most of them were Alex Jones listeners, Ron Paul supporters, Libertarians.
That is being hijacked by kind of the mainline Roger Ailes run, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck arm of things.
But it doesn't matter.
As soon as Republicans get in in a year and a half and lie and sell everybody out, you will have a complete wake-up happen at that point.
You've already got Congress with an 11% approval rating again.
Both parties are hated.
The people will give the Republicans one more chance to abolish the Fed, one more chance to get us out of these wars.
That's like when Ron Paul went to CPAC, the big Republican meeting this year.
He got a standing ovation when he said Republicans aren't for these corrupt, preemptive wars.
And almost everyone, we've played the video here, you can go watch it, just go watch Ron Paul's speech at CPAC with Limbaugh in attendance, standing up, just more than 8,000 people in attendance, clapping.
See, it's an illusion that conservatives and libertarians want war.
It's a fraud!
But see, they made it a left-right issue, so a lot of Republicans got behind the war.
But you look at Obama, he took 50,000 troops out of Iraq, sent those to Afghanistan, and put another 50,000 contractors into Iraq.
Another 40,000 contractors into Afghanistan.
That's a 90,000 troop increase.
How is 90,000 more troops in Central Asia and the Middle East downsizing the war?
I mean, I want to ask all you phony liberals this, but again, zoom in for me, guys, on the document cam here, on the Mail Online.
Up to 2 million march to U.S.
Capitol to protest against Obama's spending and Tea Party demonstration.
And then, I ask everyone out there watching, how can all the foreign media get it right, but the New York Times, thousands rally with or against Obama?
They're not even saying this was a rally against Obama.
They're not even saying this is the American people speaking out and saying we don't want big government.
We don't want one twentieth, excuse me, twenty percent, not one twentieth, I wish it was one twentieth they were trying to take over, twenty percent of the economy that's left that isn't government-controlled health care.
I'm sure it's corrupt and got problems and insurance companies are out of control.
That's why if you really study things,
You'll learn that actually big insurance companies are funding Obama and the takeover of healthcare because they're going to get liability protection.
They're going to get to water down the care.
This is totally sick.
So I want to talk about that with listeners when we get back at 888-201-2244.
We are also in the next hour, after I've taken a bunch of calls on this subject and a couple other economic issues we need to go over that are very serious, and Russia saying, yeah, we did meet with Israel.
Israel is planning to hit Iran.
Last week, secret mission by Benjamin Netanyahu to Israel, from Israel to Moscow to meet with Putin and Medvedev.
They're president.
And the media tried to spin it and said, oh no, it was just an economic secret visit.
No, Israeli Prime Ministers don't make secret visits to Russia unless they're planning something military.
Is that Lebanon?
Probably not.
Lebanon doesn't border Russia.
Iran does for more than a thousand miles.
And Russia has built those nuclear reactors.
The Bashir reactor and others.
And Russia has said, do not attack them.
They have said, do not go after them.
And they've said that over and over again, and now Putin, who's the real President of Russia, he's saying he may run again for President, but the Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, and his minion, the President, are saying, don't attack.
This is a bad idea.
In a speech.
So that's clearly what Netanyahu's visit was about, and we should discuss what's going to happen if there is a preemptive strike on different facilities and infrastructures all over.
I think so.
Charlie came out and it's been on ABC News, Fox, it's been all over international television, it's been on O'Reilly Factor three times, Sean Hannity twice, Limbaugh's talked about it at least three times in detail.
Hundreds and hundreds of newspapers picked it up, many of them positively, and I want to go over some of those.
The number one video on YouTube, two days running, is Charlie Sheen's plea to the President that we produced and posted at InfoWars.com.
Another example of how we put 9-11 truth on the front burner and not the official government fable and lie.
We did that, you the listeners did that, and Charlie Sheen did that.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again that number 1-800-409-5633.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones, and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
Do you really know what's in your tap water?
In a recent study conducted by a major environmental auditor, they found that over 260 chemicals and pollutants are present in municipal drinking water.
Many of these chemicals are directly linked to cancer, reproductive, immune, and developmental system diseases.
Now, what are you going to do about it?
The Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator is a low-cost way to take back control of you and your family's drinking water.
The Ecola Blue 28 produces up to 7 gallons of water from the humidity in the atmosphere and uses state-of-the-art carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light sterilization techniques.
That's right, clean water.
We're good.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center, buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
Interhealth Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
Try their Interfood with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
It even won the award for Best Superfood of 2009 from our friend Mike Adams, the health ranger.
I love their Nutri-Cafe, great organic coffee infused with herbal extracts to boost your immune system.
Try all of their truly honest products that will keep you alive and healthy.
Go to enerfood.com or give them a call right now, 866-762-9238.
Click on their banner at infowars.com to see all the available discounts.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
I think?
You found it, ladies and gentlemen.
The front lines in the Info War.
We wage war on corruption.
We crash the lies and disinformation.
We are shattering the left-right paradigm that is the global corporate takeover, known as the New World Order.
And we are now going to open the phones up for the balance of the broadcast with some key news interspersed.
I know callers will probably call in on a thousand subjects, and that's fine.
I love the random Wheel of Fortune different issues being brought up, but I'd like to hear from you.
What do you think of the U.S.
The lying corporate horror media?
Telling you that a couple thousand people demonstrated in D.C.
and hardly giving it any coverage, and then spinning it and saying, out of the couple thousand that did demonstrate, some of them were Obama supporters and want the healthcare, and the others were these crazy racist Tea Party people.
You're not allowed to say socialism, it's racism.
Trying to silence free speech.
What do you think of the New York Times headline, carried in papers all over the country, thousands rally with or against Obama?
As President leads a health care rally in Minneapolis, protesters in Washington denounce his policies.
Meanwhile, the foreign press is reporting 2 million, and you look at the video, easily 2 million.
Let's go ahead and go to your phone calls.
Stephen Houston, you're on the air, Steve.
Yeah, good afternoon Alex.
I want to comment on what you're asking about, and I want to use that to lead into about this past Friday with 9-11.
It's pretty obvious to me why the U.S.
media is reporting this this way.
They're controlled by the same people, as you pointed out, that invented TV, and that's the Pentagon.
You know, you've got the black propaganda machine.
They always put their spin on everything, and they're going to make it go towards what the New World Order's agenda is.
Black propaganda.
People are so programmed to political correctness to not be able to speak.
In England, they're banning saying it's a black day, it's a dark day, everything's racism.
When you say black propaganda, you mean black ops or deceptive political information.
That's the dictionary definition of it.
You mean black ops disinfo.
Yeah, I used that term because I heard on your show a couple weeks ago where you pointed out it's not just propaganda, you have two kinds.
You put out what's called white propaganda, which is the good kind.
It's information to inform people and empower them.
Yes, and here's the definition for those that don't know.
People think of propaganda itself as bad.
Propaganda, if I say, hey, I got great hamburgers and great enchiladas and great root beer floats I sell at my diner, and I think they're great hamburgers and enchiladas,
Then it's propaganda, but it's white propaganda.
You know, if I happen to like some type of tennis racket, and I say, I think this is a great tennis racket, or I think my car is great, that's white propaganda if I believe it's true and it is true.
It's black propaganda if you lie.
It's black propaganda when the media says it's racist to disagree with the President.
They know that's a lie.
They're putting it out there to silence debate.
Go ahead.
Right, exactly.
And, uh, this leads into the main reason I called, uh, you know, about 9-11 this past Friday.
I, uh, you know, throughout the day, as I was able to, I listened to various talk shows, both local and nationally.
And, of course, you had all these neocons, these fake conservatives out there, all talking about how, you know, we need to continue this war on terror to defend our country, blah, blah, blah.
And I called in to a couple of them, and I heard other people calling as well, you know, saying that 9-11 was an inside job.
And the first guy I called, I said to him, can I have a conversation with you about 9-11 that disagrees with the general, you know, spin that's been put out there without being labeled a
Conspiracy theorist or a nut job.
He said, okay.
And I said, I have several points I'd like to go through and then ask you some questions.
Okay, can we take these one at a time?
I said, sure.
I didn't even get to my first point and he started asking me, well, do you believe planes hit the towers?
Well, do you believe that terrorists, you know, these Muslim fundamentalists slit people's throats with box cutters?
I said, no.
Okay, well, have a nice day.
And you know, I was so infuriated, Alex,
Because the thing is, and it doesn't surprise me, because that's the way these media whores are, but it's just the thing that, you know, these people say they're fair and balanced, you know, like Fox says, but yet, it's just like, and this is the main thing, with Charlie Sheen, what he's done, this guy has so much guts and fortitude and has done such a service to the American people and the world as well as you,
I hear you, I appreciate your call.
We're going to cover that next hour.
But what Charlie Sheen has done is tens of millions of people have read his letter to the President that has the 20 points.
Major British newspapers like The Telegraph, their biggest paper, next to The Guardian,
Printed the entire 20 points in the newspaper.
I'm going to go to that story later.
And people are going, wow!
This has links to the Washington Post in 2007 with six of the ten commission members admitting there was a cover-up and that they wanted a criminal investigation of the Pentagon and White House.
This has links to FBI translators saying that Al-Qaeda was taking orders from the CIA up until the day of 9-11.
And just these 20 points that are irrefutable.
Why we're saying investigate 9-11?
I mean, the government staged Gulf of Tonkin to get us into Vietnam, attacked our ships and made it up that the Vietnamese did.
They've staged all these other attacks.
Northwoods is in ABC News.
government planned to bomb cities, hijack jets by remote control.
I mean, you start going through the evidence, but they never want to address that.
That's coming up.
I want to get to everybody else's call, though.
Mike in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
One of the things about the healthcare that I'm really so afraid of is things that have happened in the last couple of months.
I mean, Verichip has partnered with receptors to develop capabilities in their chip to detect swine flu.
For those that don't know, there is a section in the bill, we've gone over it, that talks about the Feds funding radio frequency ID chips implanted in people.
And the Mexican government's made the Justice Department people take them.
Other governments are having people take them.
They really are pushing this to the school kids, to the U.S.
It really is happening.
And then just recently on September 8th, Verichip acquired Steel Vault, which is an ID theft company.
And now the new company will be called Positive ID.
That was just announced on September 8th.
So, I mean, what I'm afraid of, Alex, is, you know, we're going to use through the Obamacare forces to get chipped.
Well, I don't think they're that far along now, but I appreciate your call.
They're using the fear and the fear-mongering over this hysteria over the swine flu.
When regular flu kills 36,000 plus people a year, this has only killed a few thousand in the U.S.
It's not even up to that yet.
It's not even up to a thousand yet.
It's like 4,000 worldwide, 500 and something a week ago.
The numbers are always growing.
But you can pull up flu deaths if you want to see the numbers.
Just Google it or startpage.com, another good search engine.
And they're just using it to put their federal forces in place, to put their police state in place, to train everybody to go under federal control, to get everybody used to hearing about forced inoculations and quarantines and mass graves and lockdowns of cities and federalization of local police.
That's what's going on right now.
We're going to go to break in a moment.
We're going to come back and hurry through your calls to Mike, Revo, Mark, Bob, Tommy, Andrew, and others.
Toll-free number to join us, 888-201-2244.
Each caller, I'd love to hear from all of you, but I want to get to everybody.
You get about one minute apiece.
I'm going to try to have a short answer or short statement, whatever it is you say.
Does it outrage you that the mainstream media is saying a couple thousand people are in D.C.
when foreign media is saying two million and the video, the raw video, shows probably more than two million?
Is this why the mainstream media is dying?
Is this why they have no credibility?
This is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center, buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
InterHealth Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
Try their InterFood with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
It even won the award for best superfood of 2009 from our friend Mike Adams, the health ranger.
I love their NutriCafe, great organic coffee infused with herbal extracts to boost your immune system.
Try all of their truly honest products that will keep you alive and healthy.
Go to E-N-E-R-F-O-O-D dot com or give them a call right now at 866-762-9238.
Click on their banner at Infowars.com to see all the available discounts.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
Do you really know what's in your tap water?
In a recent study conducted by a major environmental auditor, they found that over 260 chemicals and pollutants are present in municipal drinking water.
Many of these chemicals are directly linked to cancer, reproductive, immune, and developmental system diseases.
Now what are you going to do about it?
The Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator is a low-cost way to take back control of you and your family's drinking water.
The Ecola Blue 28 produces up to 7 gallons of water from the humidity in the atmosphere and uses state-of-the-art carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light sterilization techniques.
That's right.
Clean water, right from the air you breathe.
Order today by calling 1-800-691-8255.
We're good to go.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
It's true.
Number three, in some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded, especially with the high demand summer months ahead.
Number four, the hurricane and dangerous summer storm season is here again.
We're good.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen.
Sunday, September 13, 2009.
Look at the Urban Dictionary online.
It's quite popular.
And they have a definition here.
T-Bagger, a whining fool shouting loudly for liberty but not willing to pay the bill.
No, liberty is we don't want a big federal government that runs every facet of our lives.
And turns all our local governments into little secret police arms.
Now remember over a month ago, I got on air and I said, Republicans and Democrats, if they're for NAFTA, if they're for GATT, if they're for the wars, if they're for higher taxes, if they're for the police state, Governor Rick Perry, Senator Cornyn right here in Austin getting booed at every event they go to, that was on the news locally.
Democrats all over the country, I was seeing the YouTube videos four, five, six months ago being booed off the stage, and I said, there's a revolution starting, a peaceful resistance.
And then a month ago, the media started saying, starting with Lloyd Doggett here in Austin, oh, those were paid lobbyists that came to a local Randall's grocery store.
It was all staged.
But my neighbor happened to just be there grocery shopping and saw it and said, no, it wasn't staged.
They all said, including his constituents he'd mailed letters to, that they didn't want government-run health care.
And so he said, I'm going to leave.
And then they booed him.
So the media's gone from saying it's all staged to using sexually derogatory terms against these diverse crowds.
Black people, Hispanics, white people, conservatives, libertarians, Democrats that know Obama's a liar.
But the media's trying to balkanize people and then lying and saying there was a few thousand people in D.C.
when there were at least two million according to the foreign press and the video.
So does this anger you, and is this going to discredit the mainstream media even further?
Can you believe anything they write and say?
Revo76 is what he hails by, calling from New York City.
NYC, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, thank you for taking my call, sir.
Thank you.
The news media is horrible.
It makes me sick.
I can't even watch it anymore.
I can't stand Glenn Beck.
He's fake, obviously.
Everybody knows that.
Well, not everybody.
I can't believe they were rooting for him at one of the Tea Party in D.C.
Well, the media is going to show that to make it a polarizing issue.
Of course, of course.
Without a doubt.
Great job with Charlie Sheen.
I was a little hesitant at first when I first read the thing, but I found out, went through it, and I've seen the fine print at the bottom.
The video is great.
Very well done.
The new documentary that's coming out looks awesome.
Coca-Cola Blue works beautiful.
And it looks like the government is going to have the swine flu shots ready for the first week of October.
Roar Stories got a story up today.
That's right.
In fact, that's in my stack.
And we're going to talk about Next Hour some in the last 30 minutes.
Not just Sheen and his big 9-11 story breaking on this show, but also the latest flu developments.
Anything else, Revo?
I'd speak to you and your family, sir.
Thank you.
You too.
Look, going back to Monday and my special announcement in that YouTube video that went viral, I said in the video
The big announcement starts Tuesday and runs through the next several weeks.
His letter to the President in the form of a discussion he wanted to have with him was only the kickoff of the ballgame.
We're only at halftime right now.
Next week, Sheen's back on, there'll be more big announcements.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
I'll recap the chronological order of what happened and more of our battle plan
In the next hour.
But it's obvious, every caller's bringing this up, so I'll just mention it now.
The big announcement was that Sheen was going to ask for the President to meet with him and the victim's family members that Sheen is friends with.
Like Bob McElvain and others who lost his son Joey, Bobby, Bill Doyle lost his son Joey, in the towers.
That's what the big issue was, and that he's calling out the debunkers to a debate live on TV, Larry King Live or whatever.
I mean, Reuters picked that up.
His call for a debate.
And that video is also viral right now.
He's challenging him.
In fact, we should go to the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube later and cue that video up for next hour where Charlie Hartman issues the challenge.
So that's coming up.
So that's what this was about, was not just letting the controlled corporate press and the military-industrial complex that clearly staged 9-11, being able to fear-monger, use 9-11 to expand more wars.
First they say, Iraq did it, and now Pakistan, and it's just an excuse for this militaristic imperialism.
Simple, that we pay for, and that demonizes America's name.
And so that's the larger program, and some of the media and people that are jealous and stuff, and the alternative media tried to spin it, that my big announcement was just the Sheen letter.
That's classic straw man.
In my video, in my announcements on the radio, I said, it starts Tuesday!
And it goes for several weeks!
You've only seen the first phase, and look at it.
Hundreds of newspapers, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC News, Limbaugh, hundreds of news publications, Reuters, Houston Chronicle, Times of London, London Telegraph, French News, Japanese News, German TV, Latin American TV.
That was the whole point.
Let's go to Mark in Wisconsin.
Mark, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, good to be here.
I'm with We Are Change Oshkosh First.
I'd like to say good for Charlie Sheen.
Hopefully this letter does add growth to our movement.
Hopefully it does.
Tens of millions of people, conservatively, have now read the key 20 bullet points and are waking up en masse.
If that's the case, then I'm glad you know the numbers are and that's definitely a positive.
Go to Google Trends and type in the name Alex Jones or type in the name 9-11 Truth and look at all the past years.
This is the biggest year for 9-11 Truth because of what Charlie did and because of what the listeners did getting the word out about the story.
Well, like I said, that's definitely a positive.
I'm glad it's had quite an effect.
I haven't been able to check the numbers out at all.
Well, hey, we'll do it for you right now.
Guys, go to Google Trends, just Google Google Trends, and the Google Trends page will come up and type Alex Jones 9-11 or 9-11 Truth in, and then we'll show you.
It goes back over five years.
It'll be a record spike, double anything previously for people searching 9-11 Truth, 9-11 Conspiracy.
That's huge.
It's huge, yeah.
Mission successful.
Well, see, I just want to continue here because I know you're going to try to go to a lot of people.
As far as the downplaying of the protests against Obama by the mainstream media, that's no surprise, I guess.
They've been doing stuff like that forever with Junior.
Bush, he got worse, and now under Obama, it's horrendous.
We can't, you know, allow that to put a damper on our goals, things like that.
We have to just continue to expose them for every dirty, underhanded tactic they pull like that and make sure the truth continues to come out.
And, you know, that way we're always going to be on the right side of history and the right side of the truth.
And in fours and we are change, we'll just have to continue to thrive.
Everybody out there, I would encourage them to go to WeAreChange.org, click on the Oshkosh flag, get a hold of us if you want to check us out.
Good to hear from you, appreciate it Mark.
Bob in Indiana, Bob you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Well, I'm sorry to blow off topic.
I was just saying, if you had heard the latest on Daniel Aston, when he came on your show about four or five months ago, and said he was going to come out with a full report a couple weeks after he was on your show about the Bill of Rights.
No, he really didn't.
I don't have anything on him.
What else is on your mind?
Well, you know, I just want to let you know you're doing a great job.
He's just someone that I really respect, and if I remember right, he
In May, he called the Dow exactly what's going on right now.
He said that the Goldberg Group and others were going to push it up to $9,500 or $10,000, and then they're going to plummet it at the end of September or October.
And the big money is now pulling out of the stock market.
Right, so is there anything new on him?
I wasn't sure if he came.
No, we went to Bilderberg and we had reporters in Greece with those reports, but I appreciate your call.
Jim Tucker and others on air with us.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bob in Indiana.
Bob, you're on the air.
We just talked to Bob.
Tommy in Virginia.
Tommy, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Okay, great.
Go ahead.
Yeah, back to the media thing.
I'm discussing with them.
I'm calling for a complete boycott of mainstream media.
We don't have to watch the news.
We can get our news from online.
We can get sports weather, all that.
You know, just stop watching them.
Make the rain go down.
I was really impressed by the Patriots, that little clip with CNN where the reporter was trying to do a live thing and they were yelling, tell the truth, tell the truth, that was awesome.
Stay there, stay there, you're actually calling in on topic.
Stay there, we're going to come back to you to get your take on what happened.
We're going to play that clip of the CNN reporter being shouted down straight ahead after this quick break.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again that number 1-800-409-5633.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
Do you really know what's in your tap water?
In a recent study conducted by a major environmental auditor, they found that over 260 chemicals and pollutants are present in municipal drinking water.
Many of these chemicals are directly linked to cancer, reproductive, immune, and developmental system diseases.
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That's right.
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The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center?
Buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
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Try their Inner Food with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
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Paul Watson text messaged me this morning, a fellow we got running at PrisonPlanet.com, and he said, search these terms in Google Trends.
It's the highest it's ever been.
It was some 9-11 term, a Sheen term, and my name was something.
I can't remember those terms, but he's doing a blurb tomorrow.
But just look at the name Alex Jones.
Put that up on screen.
Look at that trend there.
Reference volume for the name Alex Jones, the highest it's ever been since 2004 in the last five years.
Anything it's ever been.
Look at that trend right there.
And then also extremely high just on the web itself.
We've been trending the last year higher than ever.
But Watson had a bunch of 9-11 terms.
He was text messaging me and I went and looked and saw it, but I can't remember the terms.
It's pretty late in England right now, but I may get those terms from him to show people.
But there's my name in association with 9-11.
And there's no doubt it's that 9-11 truth.
My name
The highest it's ever been, and it's been listed by Lycos and Google as in the top ten searches before.
My name.
You know, not Paris Hilton, not OJ Simpson, not Michael Jackson, but I mean, I've been in the top ten.
Just another example of how much we're reaching people just with this show.
My show's a small part of the total resistance to tyranny.
We were talking to Tommy in Virginia, and Tommy was bringing up the fact that
That's some good music, guys, but can you kill it?
Appreciate it.
Up to two million march to U.S.
Capitol to protest against Obama's spending and Tea Party demonstration.
That's the mail online.
All the foreign press shows the video, the photos, upwards of two million or more.
And then the New York Times says a couple thousand.
Go ahead.
It's horrible.
Like I said, we just need to stop watching the regular news and that be done with it.
I can't even watch Fox News anymore.
It's disgusting.
I wish you would play that clip and let them hear the Patriots saying, tell the truth.
And, you know, I have a whole slew of subjects.
I'd love to talk with you sometime, Alex, on police corruption, pandemic planning, the swine flu.
I've been researching the New World Order for over 15 years.
And, you know, it's time to stand up and speak up.
People need to stop being worried about being entertained 24-7 and do some research on their own and figure this out and help us.
Well, the flu is just one more cover for total federalization.
I appreciate your call.
It's more government-sponsored terror as they hype it up and use it as a way to get the people to go along with total control.
And the private interests that control the government make billions and billions of dollars off of it.
Let's take another call.
Thank you, Tommy.
Andrew in New York.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon.
Uh, in our local newspaper, yes, they showed the closest, this person must have climbed as close as they could to the very front to deliberately obscure the fact that there were literally, you know, an absurd number of people.
Yeah, no, no, almost all U.S.
newspapers, I searched for hours today, hours, getting ready for this show.
I mean, I'm addicted to news.
And not CNN, not, hardly even Fox.
Could you find video from on top of the buildings, just every major road, street filled, the mall filled, from the mall all the way to the Capitol, jammed with upwards of 2 million people.
And Homeland Security estimated, that's the source for the Daily Mail, the British paper, Homeland Security said 2 million.
The government says 2 million and the New York Times says a few thousand.
I mean, this photographer must have clawed the eyes out of old ladies and old men with canes just to get as close as they possibly could to the front because it was just literally... Yeah, they went down to the stage, they went down to the stage and showed the front of the crowd and then said, look, a couple thousand people.
I've had local Austin media at pro-gun events, pro-Second Amendment events we've had, and pro-sovereignty, pro-border events, anti-open border events, and we might have 2,000 people there and the news will go get a camera, take a shot of the end of a line of people out on the edge, and say, a few dozen people were at the Austin Capitol today.
The Texas Capitol.
When the History Channel came to show me for a 9-11 hit piece, 9-11 Truth hit piece a few years ago, I was about 600 people at an event I was speaking to at UT.
I was at another one in the main ballroom.
You know, 1,200 people, standing room only.
They turned back over 1,000.
That's what UT said.
But History Channel came and showed, during a recess, five people in the bleachers and said that was who was there to see me.
Total deception!
Well, just on a good note though, in the same newspaper today, in the same section, those posters of Mr. Obama with the Joker face over it made it to our local newspaper.
It seems somebody put up, it seems you've been lighting a lot of little players.
As it were, under a lot of people's backsides.
Well, they decided to put up their own posters calling the local mayor like a Mr. Doolittle.
Now, get this.
The city spends over $2,000 overnight to remove all these posters, but, and the newspaper reporter made certain they mentioned this, they left all the InfoWars posters alone.
Well, the reason I had the contest to worldwide put up ObamaJokerInfoWars.com posters, and yes that was us folks,
Was because I wanted to show people their power.
Now our new contest, and I will announce the winners Tuesday, a little bit late because I want to be able to properly watch the hundreds of videos we were sending, was any poster, any political idea you have, just whoever makes the best poster and posts them publicly and shoots a video of it.
To show people the power of just going out and putting up posters.
But you're saying in your town, multiple posters got put up, but they left the InfoWars posters up.
What newspaper is that?
I'd like to see it.
That's the Syracuse Post Standard.
What was the headline in the Syracuse Post Standard?
I want to see that.
I apologize, sir.
I do not have it in front of me.
I had to read it over at my aunt's house.
Well, that's okay.
We'll just, uh, Syracuse Post Standard, we'll go look at their online version for Joker poster.
I think they deliberately left yours up.
And the paper admitted they left the posters with info wars up.
And they didn't even mention how it's a democratically controlled city, too.
In fact, part of the downtown committee, which is all a bunch of democratically, you know, individuals, they left the posters all the same with the DPW workers.
Well, they took the ones down that bashed the mayor.
Or spray-painted over the ones they couldn't remove.
Crazy, thank you so much.
Yeah, folks, German TV, Japanese TV, British TV, U.S.
TV, national TV, every town and city we've looked at.
Thousands of news articles, I can't even track them all, where you went and put the poster up.
The locals whine about it, then the news puts it on and gives us a thousand times the attention.
It's all about the exercise of the First Amendment and showing you the power you've got.
But the new contest is just put up whatever poster you want.
Just get involved.
Just get up off your butt, stop watching the television and get out there.
Let's go ahead and talk to JT in Texas.
JT, you're on the air.
Hey, what's going on, Alex?
I'm calling about the media whores.
Everything is going on with not reporting the millions of people showing up.
It just shows how disconnected we are, or they are from us, in the sense that even, I mean Congress, everything is just disconnected from the people.
I hear you brother, good points JT, glad you chimed in with that.
Tom in Florida, you're on the air worldwide.
Hey, great work, Alex.
I was just thinking today, with all the efforts that we've made since 9-11, with the films, the town hall meetings, the groundswell of people talking to one another, the blogs, the internet sites, the whole thing.
It has been great, although it's been building slowly.
Yet with this Charlie Sheen thing this week, it seems entirely possible
That on a worldwide basis, this perhaps, however, is the answer to the cause of 9-11 truth more than anything that's happened in the last eight years, perhaps.
And if that is indeed true, would you not feel that this certainly would be indicative of a time to be using even more sophisticated psyops on the New World Order?
Well look, I'm a limited person.
I can't do everything.
I ran this operation against the globalists.
It's in full swing now.
More announcements coming up probably Tuesday or Wednesday with Sheen.
We're looking at which day to have him on.
This is only phase one and Sheen was the bait.
He knows he's the bait.
That was his plan.
This is called self-sacrifice.
He's not who the media says he is.
Just to get the attack dogs to come in after him, but then to read his 20 points.
Because the average person doesn't know six of the ten commissioners said it's a cover-up, a lie, the Pentagon lied, there should be a criminal investigation of what really happened.
They're seeing that and the other 19 points of the 20 points in 20 minutes with the President.
Top banner on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com if folks want to see that or if they want to watch the video.
No, that's okay.
The only question I have with her is I'm talking not about just the Charlie Sheen thing, but devising even more sophisticated spy operations.
No, I'm saying it took me a month and a half to launch this one operation.
Yes, run your own operations in your own area.
Don't wait for orders from headquarters.
Go to the sound of the guns.
The news is coming up and we'll be right back for the second hour, September 13, 2009.
I'm Alex Jones.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center, buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
Inner Health Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
Try their inner food with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
It even won the award for best superfood of 2009 from our friend Mike Adams, the health ranger.
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Try all of their truly honest products that will keep you alive and healthy.
Go to enerfood.com or give them a call right now, 866-762-9238.
Click on their banner at infowars.com to see all the available discounts.
Direct from Austin, coast to coast, and in your face!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going to continue with your phone calls, get into the whole Charlie Sheen international... event... scandal...
We're going to get into the economy.
Continue taking your phone calls.
A bunch of other news.
Israel saying they may go ahead and hit Iran.
Russia saying don't do that.
Secret meetings with Putin and Medvedev and Benjamin Netanyahu.
That's all coming up.
But yes, the listener that called in 10 minutes ago said city government mobilizes to swat down signs critical of mayor.
He said that the city left up the InfoWars.com posters that were put up a few weeks ago, but when Posters Critical of the mayor went up, they were all taken down.
It says, uh, what happens in Syracuse when you paste up a sign about the New World Order?
It stays there.
What happens when you paste up a sign questioning the mayor's performance?
It comes down immediately.
Even if it takes ten city workers, the downtown committee, scrapers, glue remover, and paint.
And it says 200 signs popped up with bright orange criticizing the mayor as a doolittle.
And they sure removed him.
See, we had one contest about showing you your power with the Obama posters.
No one in the media would cover it.
Now we've got a new contest that closed last week.
I'll judge it and announce it Tuesday, two days from now.
Just of any political poster, but whoever comes up with the most colorful, the most interesting, posts them in public legal areas where other commons posters are put up, and then videotapes it and puts it on YouTube, preferably, and sends it to us.
Got a lot of great entries.
We have them listed up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Again, about the people realizing they can stand up, they can get involved.
That it's so shocking now for an American to exercise their free speech, that it gets big attention when you do.
Whatever your issue is, just get involved!
It's exciting, it's your birthright, it's what will bring down the globalists.
They've been able to set up this whole system because we've been standing down.
Sherry in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
I just had a question for you.
I think we need to use the mainstream media's weapons against them.
I think they've become so dependent on advertising money that we can literally vote with our remote.
But what we need to choose to watch is what we need to watch.
And just completely boycott everything else.
So that we make them focus on the real issues.
Force them to.
Using our dollars.
They're becoming more and more worthless.
Well, that works to a certain extent.
And spend time with your family.
Don't waste your time just watching mindless sports and things they use to control you.
And these left-right paradigm WWF events that they have on the media.
One cluster bomb might cost a million dollars.
One cruise missile might cost a million.
One jet may cost a half billion.
NBC's owned by a big defense contractor.
At a certain point, they don't care if you stop watching.
Because the media is just their propaganda arm.
I mean they do care, but we have to also start our own media.
Not just tune them out, but everybody start your own media.
Now that means putting up posters, or starting a neighborhood newsletter, or starting a website, or starting a radio show.
Everybody needs to be heard.
Go ahead.
Oh absolutely.
I have, you know, a YouTube account and I've been, you know, uploading videos about, um, different, you know, things, uh, regarding the New World War and, um, you know, my name is Sophia Student on there and, you know, I, um, I get a lot of criticism, you know, about the vaccine, you know, exposing Gardasil especially, um, and, you know, I don't understand the criticism specifically because they've already admitted that it's killing people.
Well, that's probably paid bloggers.
Yeah, they've already admitted it's killing people and naming them.
And you know, they're trying to turn it now into an illegal immigration issue.
I really don't know if I agree with that.
Turn what into an illegal alien issue?
Um, well there was a recent article about a young immigrant woman who was denied citizenship because she refused to take the shot.
Oh yeah, stay there.
Let's talk more about Gardasil from a woman's perspective straight ahead.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
Do you really know what's in your tap water?
In a recent study conducted by a major environmental auditor, they found that over 260 chemicals and pollutants are present in municipal drinking water.
Many of these chemicals are directly linked to cancer, reproductive, immune, and developmental system diseases.
Now what are you going to do about it?
The Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator is a low-cost way to take back control of you and your family's drinking water.
The Ecola Blue 28 produces up to 7 gallons of water from the humidity in the atmosphere.
That's right.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Everything I do on this radio show, everything I do in my documentary films, and the local television show I do, and the webcast, and everything
We're good to go.
Stand to lose under this world government.
It's more than 99%.
It's more like 99.999.
Doesn't matter if you're in the military or FBI or a government bureaucrat.
You're not the enemy of the people.
We're not your enemy.
The globalists want to redistribute the wealth but not from the middle class or the poor.
They want to make everybody poor except for a tiny elite and use that as a tool of social control.
Now I want to get into Charlie Sheen being attacked by the mainstream media, but the incredible grassroots support he's gotten.
I want to give you kind of a rundown and a boil down of what's happened the last week with that and where we're going in the future.
I want to play a clip of Fox News, the O'Reilly Effector attacking him.
There's three clips of it, three different shows.
Hannity's been attacking him, Limbaugh's been attacking him.
I don't have time to play all these, they're posted.
On InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and boil down sections.
But we're going to play this one O'Reilly from Friday night coming up in a few minutes after the break and I want to go over it.
I also want to recap and play a clip of CNN and the New York Times trying to say a few thousand people were out at the Tea Party in DC when mainstream news in England and Homeland Security told the British News we had two million people here.
And that's what it looks like to me from the camera shots on top buildings.
Just every street, road, feeding into the mall, from the mall to the Capitol, jam-packed everywhere.
But I wanted to go back to Sherry, Melanie, Victoria, Zach, and others.
Sherry called in during the last little short segment that some stations don't carry.
She was bringing up how she has a YouTube channel and speaks out against the Gardasil shot, and she gets attacked on there.
By some people, and she says, why is that when they admit mainstream news, in fact we can Google it right now, Gardasil deaths, let's just do that in a few minutes, show it to people, that Gardasil is causing people to die and become paralyzed.
Go ahead and make your point on the Gardasil human papillomavirus injections.
Well, apparently they included it in a list of vaccinations required for immigrants seeking to become U.S.
And there was a 17-year-old girl in Colchester, England, who was trying to move to the United States.
And she is accusing the government of blackmailing immigrant girls and women by forcing them to receive a vaccine from adverse effects and questionable long-term efficacy.
All women between the ages of 11 to 26 must receive the vaccine as part of a mandatory immigration health exemption.
And that's also happening in the US, and Perry tried to say it was the law, the Governor of Texas.
All Perry really did was say, I'm putting on the list of recommended shots to attend school, but that's a recommendation, they have a waiver form.
In the trials three years ago,
It was admitted people were dying and having autoimmune responses and becoming paralyzed.
And in England, when they forcibly inject your daughters and they die or become paralyzed, they threaten to arrest you.
This was in the Times of London.
I had a Member of Parliament on Thursday about this, if you were listening.
Threatening you not to speak out when it kills your daughter or maims them.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
And not only that, but it really reeks of Kissinger and Rumsfeld put together.
It really does.
Because, you know, with Kissinger's NSF... was it NSFM 200?
Yes, that was National Security Memorandum 200 to sterilize half the planet at least.
I mean, it really reeks of that to me.
And they say in the White House Science Czar's own government textbook, sterilize people through vaccines and water.
And so, you know, I mean, it's kind of like a mass murderer writing his crimes down in a journal, and then you find the journal and find the bodies, and you're like, oh, well, I have no idea who's doing that.
And the Gardasil has been, it's only three years in, but it's being linked now to serious fertility problems.
Appreciate your call.
Oh, yeah.
God bless you.
Let's talk to Melanie in Arkansas.
Melanie, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
First, I would like to thank your wife for the love and support she gives you.
Well, thank you.
You can do what you do.
Thank you.
Secondly, I'd like to say that when I got up Friday morning, first thing I did was give a donation to WeAreChange.org for their money round for the first responders.
When I checked last night, they only had a little more than $4,000.
Oh, I just wanted to say about the mainstream media that mainstream media suck and they are no more than monopoly puppets that push the right-left bipartisan paradigm of divide-and-conquer lies, and those lies are catching up with them and coming back to bite them.
I'm good.
And thank you for your tireless work on behalf of this country's freedom and on behalf of humanity.
Lots of us are praying for you every day for your safety, your mission, and your continued success in real media coverage.
So I just want to say thank you and God bless you.
God bless you, ma'am.
Wow, well said.
Thank you so much.
I talk to so many Fox News, CNN producers over the years.
They go, oh, we're fans.
We know you're right.
But, you know, this place is basically government-run.
But it isn't working anymore.
You know, the Republicans are getting all this support now, but as soon as they get in power, they're going to continue the globalist agenda.
But it isn't working anymore.
The people are waking up to that.
So if the Republicans don't immediately start auditing the Fed and abolishing it and getting us out of the wars, it's over for them and they'll put Democrats back in in two years.
And then we're going to be in a full-bore revolution.
That's why they want to use the flu or some other crises to try to scare people into going along with the police state.
Zach in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air, Zach.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for calling.
It's an honor to speak to you, sir.
Honor to talk to you.
What's on your mind?
I'd just like to thank you for your hard work in all the documentaries.
You've helped me look up to the New World Order.
I've seen Endgame.
I've seen The Obama Deception.
I've seen Terror Storm.
I've seen quite a bit of your documentaries.
I just want to thank you on behalf of the state of Pennsylvania.
Well, I want to thank you for being involved.
Look, I got a family here.
If I don't have freedom, you're not going to have freedom.
It's mutual.
It's symbiotic.
And so, I know everybody likes to thank me, but we ought to start a dittos thing like Rush has or something.
Look, I want to thank you for just caring and being involved, sir.
I'm only doing my duty.
I would be a crazy person to know what I know, to read White House science czar government policy book where they say they're poisoning the water and want to sterilize us and bring in a planetary dictatorship, everything my film Endgame covers.
Just all admitted in this.
I would be a raving lunatic if I didn't do everything I could to fight this.
Yes sir, thank you.
What do you think of the media refusing to admit that there were two million people at the Tea Party?
I just read the report from InfoWars.com.
It's total BS.
It's completely fabricated.
I mean, I saw the pictures from the rooftops.
I saw the YouTube video.
There was clearly at least 2 million people there.
Homeland Security says two million.
The British news isn't just, and the German news, I'm not saying they're perfect either, but they do what old-fashioned media did.
They call up the police running the event and say, how many people do you estimate were there?
Oh, okay, 1,000, 20,000, 100,000, a million, two million.
They said two million!
Homeland Security's quoted.
It's absolute fact.
Two million!
The police on the mall, they're experts, said two million.
They're trained to count crowds.
I appreciate your call, sir.
We've got to go to break.
But good to hear from you.
Thanks for the support.
I mean, look, it's not our opinion.
You can read Homeland Security.
It says the line of protesters spread across Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks all the way to the Capitol, according to the Washington Homeland Security Emergency Management Agency, upwards of 2 million people.
March to U.S.
Capitol to protest against Obama's spending.
Two million!
Get it straight!
Where's the retraction from the New York Times and the Austin American-Statesman?
Don't hold your breath.
That's a long time waiting for a train that won't come.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
I think?
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again that number 1-800-409-5633.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones, and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
Do you really know what's in your tap water?
In a recent study conducted by a major environmental auditor, they found that over 260 chemicals and pollutants are present in municipal drinking water.
Many of these chemicals are directly linked to cancer, reproductive, immune, and developmental system diseases.
Now, what are you going to do about it?
The Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator is a low-cost way to take back control of you and your family's drinking water.
The Ecola Blue 28 produces up to 7 gallons of water from the humidity in the atmosphere and uses state-of-the-art carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultra-violent light sterilization techniques.
That's right, clean water.
We're good.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center, buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
Inner Health Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
Try their Inner Food with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
It even won the award for Best Superfood of 2009 from our friend Mike Adams, the health ranger.
I love their Nutri-Cafe, great organic coffee infused with herbal extracts to boost your immune system.
Try all of their truly honest products that will keep you alive and healthy.
Go to enerfood.com or give them a call right now, 866-762-9238.
Click on their banner at infowars.com to see all the available discounts.
You found it, ladies and gentlemen, the front lines in the Infowar.
We wage war on corruption.
We crack through the lies and disinformation.
More of your calls coming up.
Toll free 888-201-2244.
On this live September 13th Sunday edition.
And the globalists don't like it.
The New World Order, this private consortium of banks and corporations that are taking over all the governments of the planet and taking over the U.S.
and England like we're another third world nation to loot us and rob us.
They don't get it.
There is no more Mr. Nice Guy.
We're done.
We're not putting up with their crap anymore.
I'm going to go back to your calls, but I wanted to play this short CNN clip as they overtake the reporter telling her, tell the truth, tell the truth and other shouts.
Here it is.
Capitol Hill correspondent Lisa Desjardins.
Lisa, you actually have some experience covering Joe Wilson when in South Carolina.
He is not new to South Carolina, however, he might be new to the national spotlight.
Did this, I guess, display this week seem kind of in concert with the Joe Wilson that they know in South Carolina?
Well, I'll tell you first of all, if you can hear me, this crowd is not just here about health care, but they're here about a lot of issues that they're obviously upset about.
Right now they're chanting, who can tell the truth?
They've been talking a lot to me about what they think CNN should air, and here you hear them chanting.
Let's talk about Joe Wilson.
I've covered him for a long time, and I'll tell you, he's a man who does care about things like honor, doing the right thing.
He's also met me last week, displayed a reaction.
Now remember last year at the DNC, we're going to play this clip later when we get into the 9-11 segment, when we come back after the news, I went with a bullhorn and people and
Chanted 9-11's an inside job.
That crowd was smart.
If you try to give a long speech yelling at a reporter from behind, it doesn't go out over air.
It just sounds like noise.
But if you say, tell the truth, tell the truth, or don't tax me, or simple things it gets across the news.
All the armchair quarterbacks told me I should have given a long eloquent speech on the bullhorn.
No, we said 9-11,
was an inside job and google info wars dot com and it would have a massive effect but good job of the folks at the tea party but i'll play for the video audience people watching right now uh... the time lapse video from just one major street
Two miles long leading to the Capitol for the demonstration and the foreign news reported all the major streets leading to the mall filled up.
This is a half a million people at least that you see congregate right there on your screen as they go to the mall.
This is a time-lapse from on top of a roof.
You can go up to PrisonPlanet.com and check it out for yourself.
How big was the crowd?
Time-lapse video shows magnitude of the rally.
And there it is for you, but that's the title of the story.
For those that aren't PrisonPlanet.tv members, just want to go to Prison Planet and watch that video clip for yourselves.
How long can the mainstream media get away with this?
You know, jogging on the treadmill this morning, I watched real-time with Bill Maher,
That's the name of his stupid HBO show, isn't it?
I watch it a lot, I forget the name.
And the whole thing was lies.
It was, you're racist if you criticize Obama.
And all of his little pet guests would clap and agree, oh, you're such a genius reading off a teleprompter.
And then he would say things that were just amazing.
No, we don't want open borders.
We don't want to turn our guns in.
We don't like Obama and the foreign banks, along with the Republicans, stealing $23.7 trillion in the last 11 months and growing double the GDP.
We don't like all this corruption.
And we're sick of it.
And that's why, but when you come in, I mean they, look, Bill Maher cold-bloodedly knows that the people that don't like Obama aren't racist.
He knows that the majority of white people voted for Obama.
He knows that people wanted to be magnanimous and friendly and try to put racial division behind.
But Obama was put in power to create racial division and that's why CNN and MSNBC and all of them get up there and say it is racist to show him as the Joker.
It is racist to be against his health care.
They even, on Bill Maher, I wish I would have been taping this, but it was this week, September 11th, live show he did Friday, but I saw it this morning.
They showed fake Drudge Report headlines and said they were real.
Because I know the Bill Maher Show enough to know that he does that segment with fake headlines.
And the last time I watched it, three weeks ago, he showed fake
He did a fake Ronald Reagan tape and said it was Ronald Reagan, but just joked enough to where you know it's not real if you're smart, but the average person, he doesn't tell you it's fake!
He plays a fake Ronald Reagan tape, three weeks ago when I watched, today I watched, and he showed fake Drudge Report headlines making fun of black people.
And I check Drudge every day.
You are a race-baiting, race-pimp, racial-dividing, divide-and-conquer, piece of trash, Bill Maher.
And every show I notice he bashes families and people's kids and people having their kids at public events and keep your kids at home and don't have babies.
He's another eugenicist.
He's another elitist piece of trash.
And see, folks, when George Bush is in power, tripling the size of government, butchering the Bill of Rights, launching wars, lying about WMDs, we expose him.
And when his daddy had a eugenicist who co-wrote this book, Paul Ehrlich, with John P. Holdren of the White House, science czar, we criticized him.
We criticized both parties because they're both on the same payroll.
It is that simple.
Figure it out.
The minute you figure... I know most of you already know this, but for new listeners,
The minute you get outside the left-right paradigm, the minute you figure out both parties are in control and they fight over petty issues, and the party out of power will criticize what's bad that's happening, but as soon as they get in power, they change their tune.
Just like Obama said, he was going to end the war immediately.
Then he said 18 months, then two years, then now never.
He said he wouldn't hire any lobbyists.
He's hired more lobbyists than Bush ever did.
He said he would get rid of the Patriot Act and wireless wiretapping against the American people.
He expanded it.
And the list goes on and on.
Indefinite detention, secret arrest, secret visits to the White House.
All of this, Obama has expanded what Bush did, because Obama is a puppet.
Now, when Obama was built up as this messianic savior, who was going to save the world, and they called him President of the World, and Superman, and The One, I had to come out and make the Obama deception and point out he was a very dangerous puppet, because if we would have allowed him, as a people, to become this Hitler, Maoist, Stalin-like Julius Caesar, if we would have allowed that, he could have been very dangerous.
Right now, he has the lowest approval rating in every Rasmussen
Gallup, you name it, between 45 and 40, depending on the poll.
But every one of those numbers, any way you cut it, dice it, slice it, the lowest approval rating of any president in the hundred years of scientific polling.
If you don't believe me, just Google the term, Obama has the lowest approval rating of any president.
At this point in the presidency, of anyone ever.
And I'm telling you, he will stage a terror attack.
And I'm not the only one saying that.
I've heard Glenn Beck even say, oh, he may stage something.
Michael Savage has said he'll stage a terror attack, Reichstag event.
Limbaugh said he'll use a crises.
And to hear Glenn Beck and Limbaugh and Savage talking about the New World Order, admitting a lot of it's real now, and getting top ratings is a good thing.
But I guarantee you, when Republicans get control of the House in a year and a half,
You are not going to hear this out of them anymore, and I want you to hold them accountable at that time.
Because all I want is a free country for my children.
I want this corporate takeover to end.
I mean, go back.
We played the clips of Glenn Beck.
He was for the banker bailout bill.
He was for the Patriot Act.
That's why I'm against these guys.
But as long as they're telling the truth somewhat, that's why they're being demonized by Media Matters.
We'll be right back after the news.
Stay with us.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true, total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three,
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded, especially with the high demand summer months ahead.
The hurricane and dangerous summer storm season is here again.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup insurance and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, a longtime sponsor of ours.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun yet.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call toll free 877-327-0365.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
We don't know.
How much do you want?
All you can get.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want all of you good guys to live to fight another day.
Call 1-800-409-5633 or check it out on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
The illusion created by the power elite is a lie that covers even the food they want you to eat.
Will you continue to be their profit center, buying their processed food that makes you sick?
Go to the doctor and buy their drugs?
You don't have to cooperate.
There is a solution.
Interhealth Botanicals, a company that my wife and I just love, have been providing products for the last five years that give you the perfect solution to this madness.
Try their Interfood with 20 organic ingredients full of dense nutrition that gives you the energy you need and will keep you well.
It even won the award for Best Superfood of 2009 from our friend Mike Adams, the health ranger.
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Try all of their truly honest products that will keep you alive and healthy.
Go to enerfood.com or give them a call right now at 866-762-9238.
Click on their banner at infowars.com to see all the available discounts.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones and I want each of you to ask yourself this question.
Do you really know what's in your tap water?
In a recent study conducted by a major environmental auditor, they found that over 260 chemicals and pollutants are present in municipal drinking water.
Many of these chemicals are directly linked to cancer, reproductive, immune, and developmental system diseases.
Now what are you going to do about it?
The Ecola Blue Atmospheric Water Generator is a low-cost way to take back control of you and your family's drinking water.
The Ecola Blue 28 produces up to 7 gallons of water from the humidity in the atmosphere and uses state-of-the-art carbon filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light sterilization techniques.
That's right.
Clean water, right from the air you breathe.
Order today by calling 1-800-691-8255.
We're good to go.
Okay, we got about 27 minutes left in this worldwide transmission.
Anthony, Ruth, Amber, Robert, Dan, Evelyn, Thomas, Dan, I want to get to you.
At least those 8 or 9 calls we have on the board.
But I've got some 9-11 truth news I want to hit.
Charlie Sheen about a month and a half ago.
And I'm going to have him back on this week and we'll cover more of why we did this, the way we did it, and some other big announcements.
Either Tuesday or Wednesday he's going to be on with us.
We're not sure which day we want to do it yet.
He's challenged Bill O'Reilly.
He's challenged John McCain's daughter that attacked him on The View to a debate on live TV.
We're seeing how that's going.
He's been in contact with the White House about having a meeting with them, with 9-11 survivors, including first responders that are questioning the official story.
Six of the ten
9-11 Commission members, that's 60%, say the official story was a fraud, a cover-up, a lie.
There should be a criminal investigation, not just a congressional investigation.
That's why Charlie wrote his letter to the President.
That's why I went public in a video interview, a taped interview, and two live interviews on my weekday radio show last week.
And all those interviews and video interviews are up in the 20 minutes with the President section, the big banner at the top of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll lead you to all of that.
And there were quite a few even positive stories in the news, including one in
The first or second.
They debate which one's the biggest paper in the UK.
The UK paper, The Telegraph, actually published his 20 bullet points and said, what do you think of what Charlie Sheen has to say?
And they've written six articles I know of.
Two of them were fair and balanced.
The other four were hit pieces.
This was the most balanced.
Charlie Sheen urges Barack Obama to reopen 9-11 investigation in video message.
And then it goes through his points.
The 9-11 Commission, 6 of the 10, said there was a cover-up.
Should be a criminal investigation.
They linked to the Washington Post that Charlie linked to.
That's exactly what Charlie intended.
And then Charlie Sheen's video message you see there on the screen, that one's over 420,000 views right now.
And there's thousands of versions of it people have grabbed.
Clearly several million views.
Number one video on YouTube right now.
I shot the video at his home with him.
And that debuted Thursday and became the most viral video on the internet by Friday evening and is still one of the most viral videos out there.
So I challenge people to go over all of these articles and the different pieces that have been covered.
He also linked to 20 Minutes with the President, but I commend the author of this particular story in London's paper that is also published in every major city of the UK.
This is the big paper in the UK.
Again, they argue the first or second between It and The Guardian, London Telegraph.
With a fair story, you just can't beat that.
But I wanted to show you the power of 9-11 Truth.
This is MSNBC.
They attacked me.
They attacked me with a knife.
It's on video.
Cut the cord of my bullhorn.
Punched me in the stomach.
We had guys show up 15 minutes later, Luke Radowski and others with other bullhorns, took it over again for two hours.
Here's a clip live from MSNBC when that happened.
Of course, here we are, the second night of the Democratic National Convention out here in Denver.
We've got some demonstrators out here.
This is a free country, as you can tell.
They've got bullhorns and everything.
We're going to try to ignore some of the crazier elements and hear from the people that are here to cover the convention and are paying attention to it.
Right now we've got Jennifer Palmier, former John Edwards advisor, and one of the most powerful men in California, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
How are you?
Thank you, sir.
We just had some time together.
You know, I guess it's the old question of carrot or stick.
Last night, I never saw so much carrot.
I think it's time for us to remind
It goes on for two hours.
And then Keith Olbermann came up, said, please stop.
He sent his producer out.
Olbermann had just exposed that Cheney wanted to blow up U.S.
ships and blame it on Iran.
So I said, I'm tired.
We've been here two hours.
I've been beat up several times.
It's in the extras of the Obama deception, actually, all the raw video of that.
And so he left.
But the point is, that's the power of going out to these live events.
We're not playing Mr. Nice Guy anymore with the New World Order and these corporate whores.
It's over.
Now, here's a hit piece from Fox News.
Here's a hit piece, and I play some clips from my Charlie Sheen video I put out, and Geraldo goes over every trick in the book.
It's about peer pressure.
Charlie won't believe his eyes.
Charlie's hurting the families.
Charlie is crazy.
Charlie, you know, decades ago used drugs, when O'Reilly, you know, with the women, has his own issues.
But the point is, both of them do, but the point is,
Is that it's all peer pressure saying we're crazy.
When a New York Times poll showed 84% don't believe the official story, a CNN poll 83%, the media always uses a Scripps Howard News Service, 36% believing it's a total inside job.
Folks, it's much higher than that.
You can just Google 84% believe 9-11, cover up, you can see it.
But I wanted to play this as a textbook example of a hit piece.
This is one of three O'Reilly's done.
And it's just absolutely pathetic.
But they're being forced to respond.
They're not just going to put 9-11 out there as a pretext to take our liberties anymore.
We're going to respond and demand a real investigation.
They also say Charlie's just making stuff up.
Charlie listed that the Commission says it's a fraud.
Six of the ten members.
He listed that FBI translators have come out and said Bin Laden worked for the U.S.
government till 9-11.
Charlie brings up all these other key points.
Let's go to that clip.
Good afternoon, Mr. President.
I come to you today representing the families of the victims of September 11th, as well as millions of my fellow Americans.
You, sir, have the power, as well as the responsibility, to initiate a truly independent congressional investigation into the events of 9-11, as well as its aftermath.
We want our country back, Mr. President.
We'll count on you, Mr. President.
We'll be on the right side of history.
Here now, Fox News Anchor Harold Oliveira.
Very cruel.
Yeah, I agree with Charlie.
Very cruel.
I know his dad, Martin Sheen, we worked together on the issue of the homeless in the 90s.
Hit pause.
Hit pause.
Back it up.
Very cruel.
When I've had Bill Doyle, head of the biggest 9-11 victims family group, 8-10,000 members, his son Joey died, saying the majority of their members and he believes it's a total inside job.
They all went to the commission, said the same thing.
I can go on and on.
The policeman, the fireman I've interviewed about the bombs going off, being told to get back by the government that it was going to blow up.
Very cruel.
See, you speak for the families, but you can't get them on the show with you.
Back to Geraldo.
Oh, you know Martin Sheen?
Well good, I know him well as, and he's in my film Truth Rising.
Martin Sheen is saying he believes Building 7 was blown up.
So you like name drop there as if Martin isn't on board.
More distortions, Geraldo.
Back to Geraldo.
In defiance of the facts, in spite of the record, in spite of what their eyes saw, our eyes saw local news announcing the government's gonna blow up Building 7, get back!
CBS, NPR New York, BBC, CNN, they admit they blew up Building 7!
And we say, well you say you blew it up on the news, we have the police saying get back, they're blowing it up, and then you say you didn't blow it up!
In defiance of our own eyes!
And then he says, well, Rosie's career is over because of 9-11 Truth.
I talked to Rosie O'Donnell.
Rosie O'Donnell and her website's Plug My Film Terror Storm.
Rosie was offered a multi-million dollar contract and left The View because she wouldn't be allowed to have free speech.
She left The View because she's already made so much money and off the cruise ship deals and everything else she does.
I talked to Rosie O'Donnell and Christina Ebersole and others.
He lies again and says, oh, look, it hurts your career to talk about this.
They use peer pressure.
We're going to come back and finish up with a clip and then go right to your calls.
But every five seconds is a distortion or a lie.
And it didn't work anymore, Geraldo.
By the way, I took Geraldo's live TV show over.
We ought to queue up.
Alex Jones takes over Geraldo's show.
Show people that.
That's in my film, Truth Rising, available on DVD at Infowars.com on the secure online video bookstore shopping cart.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
Number one, new climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two, our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true, total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number three,
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded, especially with the high demand summer months ahead.
The hurricane and dangerous summer storm season is here again.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup insurance and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, a longtime sponsor of ours.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun yet.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call toll free 877-327-0365.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
How much do you want?
When do you want it?
Now or after the battle starts?
When will you need it?
Can you buy it without proper identification?
Will there be any food?
Will it make your children sick?
If there's a quarantine and you can't feed yourself, will you go to the gathering center and be immunized?
You wipe out all these problems if you have a good food supply.
Food is your ammunition to fight for your freedom and your life.
How much will you need?
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...breaking loose on 6th Avenue.
You know, you need a permit to protest or demonstrate here in New York, but this anarchist group came forward.
They really are one of the least attractive groups of demonstrators I've ever seen.
That's one of the leaders, I guess.
If violence breaks out, don't worry, we can handle it.
All right.
Yeah, you can Google or YouTube Alex Jones gets arrested in New York and see us take over Geraldo's outside live TV show.
Just from bullhorning from outside the gates, they still arrested me.
Then released me and dropped the charges.
But this is finishing up with their hit piece on Charlie with their disinformation.
All lies.
Here it is.
And witnessing what happened when those planes smashing into the buildings.
And I think, unintentionally, I am sure they are hurting the victims' families, the survivors, because they continue to raise this preposterous notion that the United States government would be so hideously manipulative.
That we would kill almost 3,000 of our own citizens as a pretext to going to war in Afghanistan.
It is false on its face.
It is extremely insensitive.
And if it weren't for the fact that they are sincere but misguided, I really would feel even more emotional about it.
But I think it is very, very negative vibe.
It's one of these things like Area 51 with the aliens in New Mexico.
No matter how you define it, they still believe it.
Do you think she is crazy?
You think he's crazy?
Yeah, I do.
I think that he has a trick gene, or a screw loose.
I think that he has an addictive personality.
A wonderful actor, and listen, you know, hot shots and all the rest of it.
Yeah, but he's hurting his career.
Look, Rosie O'Donnell's career is nowhere as sound a dream because of her radicalism.
He's hurting his career now.
Hi Alex, can you hear me?
I saw your video about 9-11 a year ago that totally blew my mind and last night I watched a video about Obama and I didn't sleep the whole night.
And I've got a network on Facebook of over 300,000 people and all I was thinking in my head was we need to go and use social media to go and spread the stuff that you are doing
Why have we still got the opportunity?
Because I am damn sure of it that within the next year to two years we're not going to be able to use that and they're going to use it against us.
I will beg and encourage every single person.
I'd love to ask you for this as well, Alex.
If you could put the trailers for your video in a place where we can download them and tag every single friend that you have in those videos so we spread it like wildfire all over.
Well, sir, we do have, at PrisonPlanet.tv, Fall of the Republic, The Obama Deception, Endgame, all my films trailers in high quality.
And they're all on YouTube as well, so you're absolutely welcome.
Are you saying you just now woke up to all of this?
I woke up to this stuff from your videos about a year ago, and you were the only person that I saw that wasn't putting, like, stupid, wild, far-out stuff in there that was, like, the 9-11 stuff was just hardcore facts and documents.
Well, you saw what Geraldo did.
He tried to inject the UFO, Area 51, Nevada, he couldn't even get the state right, he said New Mexico, into it.
And that's what they do.
They have to do that.
They have to mix us.
Notice all these other shows they have where they mix conspiracy stuff that's provable in with chupacabras and Bigfoot and space aliens, and that's fine, but that's not my show.
What I cover can be documented.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Good to hear from you.
I mean, people's interpretation can be different than mine, but the facts are there and have to be looked at.
Face the facts, demand the truth.
Anthony in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing?
I just wanted to bring up the No Place for Hate campaign, which is going around in schools across the country right now.
It's openly funded by the ADL.
Do you know anything about that?
Yes, and they're also training the police, and they've got bills introduced in Congress, the Cyber Bullying Act and the Hate Bill.
One of them's passed the House, the Hate Bill, where they arrest you for what you say, even if it isn't calling for violence.
And if anybody ever acts on violence, and they say you were a listener or a reader, if they were a listener or a reader of you, you get arrested.
And the Cyber Bullying Act says if someone says you hurt their feelings, it's a federal felony.
So yes, they're trying to end the First Amendment.
And in my high school where the No Place for Hate campaign is, they sent around a form and it pretty much says if you say anything politically incorrect, the police can be called.
Yeah, send me that form.
I know about the national campaign that the fans are funding.
I appreciate it.
Good point.
No Place for Hate campaign.
I need to do a show on that.
And they're now saying, don't criticize the government or we'll arrest you.
There's no law, they're just doing it.
Folks, they've now recruited the Girl Scouts of America to quote, make sure their families do what Homeland Security says.
That's in AFP's article.
And to get ready for terror.
And the Boy Scouts are in the New York Times with photos with M-16s training to take on, quote, disgruntled veterans and gun owners.
And the DHS report we broke and the MIAC report says the number one threat to homeland security is veterans and gun owners.
The government is rogue and criminal, folks.
It's two minutes to midnight.
What happened to Russia and China and Germany and every other country is now happening here.
This is real.
Let's talk to Ruth in Florida.
Ruth, you're on the air.
I'm really, really glad to be on the side of the truth.
I admire you guys for your walking the truth and talking the truth.
I think it's wonderful now that they're starting to get caught in all their lies.
Mom always said, give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves.
You just keep doing the truth and we'll keep doing it too.
Those bubbles of truth will rise out of the sea of lies.
Out of the cesspool.
What do you think about him saying a couple thousand people were in D.C.
but Homeland Security admits two million?
That was a freaking riot.
I mean, it's like every time they say something stupid I figure there's at least a couple million people around this country.
Listen, the local Austin...
Exactly, ma'am.
I appreciate your call, Ruth.
The Chronicle a few years ago, our local weekly rag, said that Sintra of Spain is not owned by Spain.
I mean, with a straight face!
I mean, these people, I don't know how long they think they can get away with this!
I'm sick of it!
It's our country!
Quit trying to make us your slaves, you carpet-bagging people!
Let's go ahead and talk to Amber in Ohio.
Amber, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to say
My fiancé mentioned something about Geraldo drawing stuff in a fan to inform our enemies, and so if he's a traitor against the United States, then why does he have any credibility still?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I mean, how does Geraldo have credibility?
I mean, I've been on Geraldo's show a few times because I was the last person to interview the D.C.
Madam and warned her they were going to kill her, but that was a separate issue.
He had to have me on because I was the only source.
But, I mean, I don't think Geraldo has any credibility with that stromboli mustache.
He was just, my fiancé was saying that Geraldo drew stuff in the sand to let our enemies know what we were doing.
I didn't know if you had any more facts about that.
I don't understand, but thank you.
Send me more info, Amber.
Dan in Michigan.
Dan, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I just want to let you know the word is getting out.
I know three people that were in D.C.
and I'm not being real good with numbers.
They said there was at least a half a million or more there.
So, you know, the word is getting out.
You have inspired me to
Go on ahead and start writing my own newsletter.
I ship out via email about health.
The stuff that you talk about.
Just health.
The stuff I find.
You know, other articles on the internet.
Good job.
Get involved.
The word's getting out, man.
Gonna jam in another call.
God bless you, sir.
By the way, callers, you can continue to call in Jason Burmiss' line for three hours.
That is on your local AM or FM station.
Infowars.com, the audio streams.
He's coming up in three hours on a host of issues.
Real fast, let's talk to Evelyn in Tennessee.
Evelyn, go ahead.
Is my audio coming in all right?
Oh, it's Ian.
I'm sorry, I read it wrong.
Go ahead, Ian.
Or Evan.
Evan, go ahead.
Go fast.
We're almost out of time.
I just wanted to speak to the fact that, I mean, with the mainstream media, they're doing exactly what they have always done.
There's about 2 million people out there who all have friends and family.
Whenever they get back home, they're talking about this wonderful experience of liberty that they had, and everybody around them is wondering what they're talking about.
That's going to plant the seeds for the future.
They're going to help wake some people up here in some time, and that's all I got.
Brother, you have a great one.
God bless you.
Great way to end it.
Thomas and Dan and others you can hold for Burma's coming up.
That's what we're talking about.
The spirit of liberty.
The spirit of 1776.
Being infectious.
Getting involved.
So what if people laugh at you when you first get involved and when you go to city council or county commissioners or the state house to speak.
Or when you go to a rally.
Or you put out a neighborhood newsletter.
Or you speak out.
Or you call in to talk radio.
We're the majority.
All the polls show it.
We're the constitutionalists.
We're on the side of right.
The establishment's on the side of wrong.
Corruption is growing.
But as that corruption expands, for every action there is an equal reaction.
And we are that reaction.
And realize the power you have.
And realize, don't let them divide and conquer us.
Whether you're police, military, average citizen, school teacher, doctor, lawyer, radio host.
Newspaper reporter, stop towing the controlled left and controlled right party line.
Break out of it.
Shatter the paradigm.
Stand up for liberty.
Black, white, hispanic, asian, old, young, christian, muslim, jewish, whatever.
Don't let them divide us.
Stand up for sovereignty.
Stand up against the global, new world order, tyrannical, eugenic state that is being set up.
Excellent job, crew.
We'll see you at Infowars.com.
God bless you all.