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Filename: 20090821_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 21, 2009
3057 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in the fourth hour today, this live Friday edition, the 21st day of August, we have Dr. Marcus Siegel, Fox News contributor.
He has resigned from the American Medical Association saying that the Obama health care plan is a eugenics plan.
And that's what it is!
Sure, free health care being administered by angels would be fine, but it's not free.
They're going to take another piece of your paycheck out.
Anybody who's gone on unemployment, anybody that's experienced that, your employer and you end up paying into your unemployment insurance.
Even if it doesn't say it on your check, the employer's paying you less because they have to pay that money in.
And then when you try to go declare unemployment, it's very hard to ever even stay on it a month or two, is what I've read and been told.
One time I was unemployed in college for a few months and they said, well, go declare unemployment while you're looking for a better job.
And I started the process and it was so tiresome and ridiculous and talking to bureaucrats over the telephone.
I just said, well, I'll just go out and, you know, I guess take a really crummy job if I have to.
But side issue, the point here is, we're going to be talking about that, the Eugenics Healthcare operation with Dr. Mark Siegel, coming up in the last hour today.
We always have our visit, of course, in the third hour with Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster.
And coming up in the next hour, 58 minutes from now, Florida Obama activist, Obama Joker poster activist, the teenager, who is a listener of this show, who went out and put them up on telephone poles,
Said the police saw him over and over again doing it and came over to him and asked him what he was doing and then said, fine with us, everybody else does it.
See, police understand that rule in law that you can't selectively enforce.
And so that's good.
The media has been hoaxing and acting like the police were upset with this.
And that's why you see the police on the news now saying, well, we don't know if this is a bad thing or not.
We don't know if it's a First Amendment or not.
The ACLU piled on and said, oh, no, arrest him immediately because it's Obama being criticized.
And, you know, off with his head and the state attorney general's offices looking at it.
But other people are putting the posters out in Florida.
And the youth says that he was not even really detained or taken away by the police, that the media is a total distortion.
So we've got a
Think of his pseudonym, The Poster Man, whatever we want to call him, coming up in the next hour.
Because this is bigger than just a discussion about putting Obama Joker posters up.
It's the fact that they're saying on the news, and I found three more mainstream news stories yesterday,
Saying it's a hate crime, it's criminal, it's racist.
News articles, newspapers are actually saying this is a racial activity.
That's why I try to never get into racial issues because no matter what you believe about all these racial issues, the establishment loves it and plays off of it and loves to balkanize and control people.
And they love to radicalize groups to the point of where no one can work together against the overall New World Order banking system.
And so that's why I try to work with everybody.
I try
You know, I, at a primitive level, get threatened by the police and the things they do and end up yelling and screaming and flipping out over police, which has been wrong.
Bad police I should flip out about, but just the overall attacking police then feeds into the psychology of police feeling like they're under attack, so they compact more into their gang mentality.
You know, we all learn as we go along.
And so we're going to break all this news down and a lot more coming up after this quick break.
Got more news on the swine flu jabs for babies and children in this country, what's happening with the economy, and a lot more.
Right here on the one and the only GCN Radio Network.
Websites are PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
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This is Alex Jones with important news.
I want to warn you about a deadly storm that's fast approaching.
A storm that will affect you and everybody you know.
Here's the story.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got an article up on InfoWars.com right now, written by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, titled, Americans, Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs.
And that is exactly what the article breaks down.
And there's a video that Curt Nemo posted in the article by John Pillager, who is a excellent documentary filmmaker in England.
And he kind of comes from the liberal or socialist perspective.
And other than him basically calling for
single-payer health care.
I agree with everything that's said in this video clip.
I mean it's said so well the way he concisely says it in five minutes is just amazing.
So I want to play that clip in a moment and then we'll get into all the other important news that I have here in front of me today on a host of issues.
The problem is if you attack Obama in the wrong way or from the wrong angle, the political experts that groomed him and that set up his corporate plastic fake teleprompter image have designed it to where it actually empowers him.
Because then they can invoke the race card and then expand political correctness, expand an attack on free speech in the First Amendment.
So when Webster Tarpley says the way to attack Obama is from the left, he is right.
But you've got to preface that with the fact that the entire left paradigm is controlled, the entire right paradigm is controlled.
And when we talk about the left-right paradigm here,
We do that so that people get outside the box and see the bigger picture, but we still have to then go in in the public debate and use the term left and right to be able to communicate with the general public who aren't aware of the left-right paradigm.
I am the person, more than 12 years ago, who coined and introduced the term the left-right paradigm and how they use the controlled left-right system.
To kind of in the WWF pro wrestling system play two different sides of a controlled opposition off against each other.
You know two wings on the same bird.
Others had voiced these ideas previous to me.
I had just really coined and hammered the term left-right paradigm.
That's why it's kind of funny when I'm on other radio talk shows or people send me emails or I see comments on the stories that are posted at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll post something from Cindy Sheehan, an article she's written, and it'll have something about
The left and right, though she's getting away from that.
And they'll say, oh look, Alex is a leftist.
I thought you were against the left-right paradigm, Alex.
Or I'll post something from a Republican.
Or a speech from a Republican.
Or a Ronald Reagan speech on socialized medicine.
They'll say, Alex, I thought you weren't in the left-right paradigm.
And so it's kind of funny to have people using my own term at me, explaining to me how it works.
Yes, I understand how it works.
But that, I mean, if I post an Associated Press article where they're demonizing militias and conservatives and gun owners, that doesn't mean I agree with the Associated Press article that is attacking me by name.
Obviously, I'm not agreeing with it.
Sometimes I wonder, it's like people can't differentiate not just subtleties, but very serious, blaring,
Obvious points that we're making somehow get distorted, and sometimes I know that's on purpose, sometimes I know it's just people are ignorant, but it's very, very frustrating.
And it's frustrating to get all these emails and comments and phone calls saying, you support John McCain, you support the Republicans.
You're paid by Bush.
You're paid by the insurance companies.
When I know the big insurance companies that comes out are funding this form of health care that Obama's supporting.
That's where they're given liability protection.
The big mega HMOs are given liability.
They're given liability on the drugs and vaccines they give you.
I mean, this isn't really socialism.
They socialize our wealth, but they privatize the profit off of that socialized system.
And so that's the problem.
It's like George Orwell talked about this in 1984.
He talked about it in essay letters he wrote about the book.
How, in reality, he believed this was already happening, where they were destroying words, changing their semantical meanings, until it's hard to even communicate.
And this is the science of what the establishment has created and pushed.
So right now, let's play this clip.
From the filmmaker, the Australian filmmaker, really breaking down how this system really works.
John Pilger, Obama is a corporate marketing creation.
It's up on InfoWars.com, posted inside of Paul Craig Roberts' story, Americans serves rule by oligarchs.
Here it is.
The clever young man who recently made it to the White House is a very fine hypnotist.
Partly because it is indeed extraordinary to see an African-American at the pinnacle of power in the land of slavery.
However, this is the 21st century and race together with gender and even class can be very seductive tools of propaganda.
For what is so often overlooked and what matters, I believe above all, is the class one serves.
George Bush's inner circle, from the State Department to the Supreme Court, was perhaps the most multi-racial in presidential history.
It was PC, par excellence.
Think Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell.
It was also the most reactionary.
Obama's very presence in the White House appears to reaffirm the moral nation.
He's a marketing dream.
But like Calvin Klein or Benetton, he's a brand that promises something special, something exciting, almost risque.
As if he might be radical.
As if he might enact change.
He makes people feel good.
He's a postmodern man with no political baggage.
And all that's fake.
In his book, Dreams from My Father, Obama refers to the job he took after he graduated from Columbia in 1983.
He describes his employer as, and I quote, a consulting house to multinational corporations, unquote.
For some reason he doesn't say who his employer was or what he did there.
The employer was Business International Corporation, which has a long history of providing cover for the CIA with covert action and infiltrating unions and the left.
I know this because it was especially active in my own country, Australia.
Obama doesn't say what he did at Business International, and they may be absolutely nothing sinister.
But it seems worthy of inquiry and debate as a clue to perhaps who the man is.
During his brief period in the Senate, Obama voted to continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He voted for the Patriot Act.
He refused to support a bill for single-payer health care.
He supported the death penalty.
As a presidential candidate, he received more corporate backing than John McCain.
He promised to close Guantanamo as a priority, but instead he's excused torture, reinstated military commissions, kept the Bush Gulag intact, and opposed habeas corpus.
Daniel Ellsberg, the great whistleblower, was right.
I believe when he said that under Bush a military coup had taken place in the United States, giving the Pentagon unprecedented powers,
These powers have been reinforced by the presence of Robert Gates, a Bush family crony, and George W. Bush's powerful Secretary of Defense, and by all the Bush Pentagon officials and generals who have kept their jobs under Obama.
In the middle of a recession with millions of Americans losing their jobs and homes, Obama has increased the military budget.
In Colombia, he is planning to spend 46 million dollars on a new military base that will support a regime backed by death squads and further the tragic history of Washington's intervention in that region.
In a pseudo-event in Prague, Obama promised a world without nuclear weapons to a global audience mostly unaware that America is building new tactical nuclear weapons designed to blur the distinction between nuclear and conventional war.
Like George Bush, he used the absurdity of Europe threatened by Iran to justify building a missile system aimed at Russia and China.
In another pseudo-event at the Annapolis Naval Academy, decked with flags and uniforms, Obama lied that America had gone to Iraq to bring freedom to that country.
He announced that the troops were coming home.
This was another deception.
The head of the army, General George Casey, says with some authority that America will be in Iraq for up to a decade.
Other generals say 15 years.
Chris Hedges, the very fine author of Empire of Illusion, puts it very well.
President Obama, he wrote, does one thing and Brand Obama gets you to believe another.
This is the essence of successful advertising.
You buy or do what the advertiser wants because of how they make you feel.
And so you are kept in a perpetual state of childishness.
He calls this junk politics.
Okay, junk politics.
And that's what it is.
And that's what the establishment does.
So Obama's there to suppress the left, but continue to carry out all the exact same policies of Bush and actually expand them.
So that's why I've told a lot of Republicans, if you supported George Bush, you should love Barack Obama.
But see, his rhetoric's different.
So you hate him, but the left loves him.
When the phony right-wing should be on their knees before Barack Obama.
We'll be right back.
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I've got Paul Watson writing a alert.
And I do alerts maybe once a month.
But so much is happening, I've told Watson to tell the other writers, Curt Nemo, Steve Watson and others, Aaron Dykes.
We need to have them start doing alerts every week.
I mean, there's enough issues happening where I'm seeing four or five things that warrant an InfoWars or Prison Planet alert every day.
So, we need to start really
Highlighting stories that are of particularly important nature so we don't just serve to kind of give people information fatigue where we release these giant important stories and then don't even hype them up ourselves because it deserves to be hyped.
It deserves to get people hyperventilating.
That hundreds of European and Asian newspapers and German newspapers are reporting that the current swine flu injection that they are planning to force the people to take in the United States and Europe, from Greece to Canada, from the United States to Mexico, all over the world, they're manufacturing four plus billion injections of this, the news is reporting.
And they're planning to forcibly inject people.
And the big news is they are testing it on babies, toddlers, pregnant women, and school children.
This is USA Today, Associated Press, Chicago Tribune.
I mean, I've got stacks of it.
It's all over the news.
Well, I know you've seen it.
The point is that it's happening.
And the alert is we know, we know,
I mean, here's the age out of Australia.
Infectious disease risk and swine flu jabs.
Leading infectious disease experts have called on the federal government to abandon its mass swine flu vaccination plan because of fears the vaccine is contaminated and that it could spread blood-borne diseases.
Health Minister Nicola Roxon yesterday announced the government would start developing its first batch of swine flu vaccine in coming weeks with an aim to vaccinate as many people as possible to prevent further spread of the virus.
But in a letter sent to the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer
Jim Bishop, the Australian Society for Infectious Diseases, expressed deep concern about CSL's use of multi-dose vials for the vaccine, urged the government to abandon its plan until it had single-dose vials.
In a letter written by the Society's President and Associate Professor, Tom Gottlieb, says multi-dose vials, bottles containing many doses of the vaccine, had been shown on many occasions to transmit infectious diseases resulting in considerable morbidity and mortality.
That means killing people.
You understand what that means?
Morbidity and mortality.
In fact, guys, print me the definition for morbidity and mortality.
I want the exact definition.
People won't believe it.
It means killing you!
To prevent contamination, clinicians must follow stringent infections control.
So the way they're going to give it is bad.
Now here's Bild, biggest newspaper in Germany.
Virus increased the risk of cancer.
And it goes in to say that it has all sorts of cancer viruses and other things in it.
Here is another one, Mail Online, Sunday Mail.
Swine flu jab linked to killer nerve disease.
Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America just in the initial test.
This is a week old.
And basically tells them how to cover it up.
Here's AP.
Polio surge in Nigeria after vaccine virus mutates.
Says it's killing and maiming people because it's live polio and it's mutating.
Now, I have other news in my stack where they admit that the multiple three jab causes mutations.
That it causes mutations to take three to four shots.
Now, I was on
Man Cal Muller's radio show syndicated in several hundred markets this morning for off and on for an hour.
I say off and on, you sit there and they have the star of... What's that new movie?
I don't know.
This person, this Fox News producer, should have written his name down, I didn't, and he would come on and scream at me and tell me I was a liar about the flu shot killing people.
And I would give him the headlines, and he would still laugh at me.
It's like it's funny, because this has not been in any U.S.
newspapers that I know of, I've been looking for them, nowhere on our news that in the trials here in the U.S., it's killing a large percentage of people.
And killing people in Europe in the trials.
Now, we need to force this out,
The head of Health and Human Services needs to be asked about this at every press conference she's in!
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So the Age newspaper out of Australia, one of the biggest newspapers and most respected over there, is reporting.
That there is an infectious disease risk in the swine flu jabs.
You can also search engine the term that the three shots for the flu is guaranteed to create massive mutations that the different variants of the swine flu, once they're put into the human body, it's a perfect way to mutate them randomly, thousands of different ways to create a super flu.
That was the same thing that came out in Europe.
I don't think so.
Of weaponized bird flu?
And the governments are secretive about what pharma company paid local officials to do it, but the local officials have been arrested and are going to prison for murder?
But then it says they were secretly paid by a pharma company to do it?
Then separately we have Baxter.
We don't know if that's the company.
Our experts believe it's not.
They believe it's one of the other bigger companies.
Oh, but they're mixing with the larger flu virus samples that they were producing in their research.
They mixed live bird flu.
Live bird flu.
Bird flu.
Weaponized bird flu with the vaccine stock, but then a company in Czechoslovakia did the testing they were supposed to and tested it on ferrets.
If the ferret gets sick, you know, because ferrets are similar to humans when it comes to flu, then you know that they haven't attenuated or killed the virus properly, that you've got a live virus.
It didn't just make them sick, which you'd throw the shots away if they get sick.
It killed them, and they said, what is this?
And they looked, and it was live bird flu.
And it was about to be shipped out and put in a vaccine, but that stopped it by the grace of God.
Now, probably somebody inside the vaccine company blew the whistle.
Somebody inside who knew.
I mean, you don't just think they randomly happened to catch it.
Because they just accidentally happened to ship out the bird flu and mislabel it and it accidentally at 14 labs in 14 countries got mixed and it accidentally... No.
We've got good guys on the inside too.
A lot of people quietly working to try to stop this.
Evidence and time and history has shown that.
And I mentioned to you, the Australian newspaper says, with these multiple jabs, they see higher mortality and morbidity.
So I thought I'd read the definitions.
Thank you, Jaron, for getting those.
The quality or condition of being mortal.
Mortals considered as a group, the human race.
Death, especially of large numbers.
Heavy loss of life.
Death rate.
He's saying we're having high mortality.
That means death.
Death rate.
And here's the other one.
The quality of being morbid.
The rate of increase of disease and death.
See, because I have these arguments with people.
I've had them on National British Radio.
I go, well, they're calling for global government.
They go, no, they're not.
We're calling for governance.
Governance means government.
It's a game.
It's like if I gave shooting you in the head a different name, it would still be shooting you in the head.
Oh boy, so we're gonna put a big alert out on this because, I mean, I thought two weeks ago when it started coming out that these flu shot tests in Texas are killing large percentages of people that take it, mainstream news in Europe, and that secret documents were released and that people inside the medical community are leaking these.
This is confirmed!
And then I go on talk show after talk show and get laughed at about this.
This isn't funny!
This is real and you can't just sit there and say it isn't killing people!
I've got a family.
I've got children.
I know a lot of you do too.
And I am seriously concerned
About what's happening.
Now, if we can get the word out on this, they're not going to be able to carry this out as big and bad as they're planning.
But, I mean, I would have thought, I mean, I've got to give credit where credit's due.
Kenny Romeyer does weekday shows and weekend shows on NewsRadio 5, 9 a.m.
I tend to disagree with him on a lot of things he covers locally.
But, I heard him last week on his own show, just when I was randomly listening, Jaron heard it on a separate show he was on, going, the Secretary of Health and Human Services needs to be questioned about the secret CDC reports that are in mainstream British and German news, confirmed that it's killing people!
And then he gave credit where credit was due, he said, the only show I hear talking about this is Alex Jones.
And even though Kenny and I disagree on wars and he's a big Republican and all this stuff, at least the guy cares about people's health and can see that this is a big issue.
I mean, even people that disagree with me on probably 50% of things, he's the only other U.S.
media and he's a local radio host.
Where is it?
I mean, maybe you can email me, listeners.
Send them to ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com.
I've done searches.
I mean, is the British and German news a confirmed CDC document that this is killing people and that they're really concerned and that it's mutating?
I mean, is that anywhere in U.S.
Because I can't find it.
Maybe it is.
I mean, I can't keep track of everything.
Maybe it is.
But this is serious and it needs to be debated.
I don't want to just sit here
And not do anything!
And then what do we do?
I think?
I'm gonna announce the winner today, coming up in an hour or so, and the winner of first place, second place, and third place.
In fact, guys, I get so busy on this flu thing, I printed up the three winners and then left them at my house.
I gotta call my wife and see if she can find them, or we can dig them up.
I know first and second place by name.
The third place, I forget the name of the video, but whatever.
We're going to do another contest that I'm going to announce today, but I've got to write it up and think it up and put it on paper so it's specific.
And so day one it says, follow your local laws, but we showed the power of posters.
Now we're going to do another poster contest where you can do it, unleash your creative capacity any way you want, as long as it
Explains that the flu is the flu shots are killing people And I said this last week when I had the idea for this we need to create a simple naming website And I forgot to tell my guys to buy that Remind me during the bright guys to tell you the URL We've got to find one easy to remember so we can have just basic data on it for people that see it
And then that's part of the poster contest or however you want to get the word out.
I mean, we've got to tell people because our media won't tell you that they're killing people.
All right.
We're going to go to of the next five, six minutes or so.
Let me get back into this top story.
We're going to go to the one of the inventors, Tyler Palmer, one of the founders of a color blue has been with the company since its beginning.
And it's just an amazing system that he helped design and put together.
And it's the best atmospheric water generator I've found out there, bar none.
And so he joins us, Tyler Palmer.
Tyler, thanks for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
It's a pleasure to be on again.
And thanks to all the listeners and customers.
You have, bar none, the best audience I have ever
Yeah, they are great people.
We're going to get into the Acola Blue for a few minutes here in a second, but Tyler, I know you've been a listener for years.
That's why whenever I had tested a few out and found your system to be the best, and I called you up to become a sponsor, it was a match made in heaven.
You were already a listener for many years.
What are you doing with your family?
I mean, what's your take on the fact that
They admit the flu vaccine is killing a large percentage of people that take it, and then there's a news blackout in the U.S.
I mean, is that not a big story?
It's a huge story, and people really need to become aware of what is going on with viruses.
Learn how viruses work.
Learn about the H1N1 virus.
Protect yourself.
Isolate yourself when there are outbreaks.
But by no means go in and donate more genetic information to the virus so that it can mutate and, you know, become even more virulent.
And what I mean by that is if you go in and you get these vaccines and they just end up allowing, if they don't kill all of the virus that's infecting you,
Uh, you're left with, um, small amounts of that virus that have mutated, and then that, uh, that little virus has, um, resistance to the vaccine, um, and you end up, uh, making things stronger, not, not helping people.
You know what I mean?
Well yeah, they admit, at least in the U.S., I've seen reports going, oh yes, it's going to mutate when people take three different variants of it and then actually cook it up in the body, and that's what was happening with the Baxter stuff, and that was the big concern, was it was the perfect incubator once you had the bird flu mixed with regular flu inside of you to create that, but thank God that got stopped.
Now they're going to mix a vaccine with a virus that is gonna mutate,
And then here's Associated Press.
They are reporting in the U.S.
that in Europe and Asia and Africa, the polio vaccine is mutating and killing people.
So far, 124 Nigerian children have been paralyzed this year from the polio vaccine itself.
And TV and radio and news are picking up on this AP report, but not that the flu shot is killing people.
Well, yeah, I mean, we have to mourn Michael Jackson and we have to make sure that we have this rapid debate about health care instead of actually paying attention to what's really going on.
It is something that doesn't surprise me.
One of the things that has
It's become very apparent to me in the last few weeks is how close the New World Order is, how close the war is.
The front line of the war is fought every day by members of that yellow blue.
Let's get into that.
Most of my listeners understand atmospheric water generators.
Those units have got to be fixed in the South Range by midday or they'll be hell to pay.
That's basically what they have in Star Wars out in the desert is a moisture evaporator.
This is grabbing water out of the air and then sending it through seven filters.
By the way, Jesse Ventura says thank you.
He loves his.
I'm glad he's having a good time with that.
I wanted to know the outcome of that, but I didn't want to disturb him.
Well, the last issue is now he's like, oh, but I need this in the Baja.
What type of solar panel should I buy?
So I need to talk to you off-air about what type to tell him to get.
Yeah, I can help you out with that for sure.
I mean, I know you guys also, it's not just the solar panel, you happen to have the converter just for the Acola Blue.
That's right.
You need a sinusoidal DC to AC inverter.
So, solar panels produce direct current, and the Ecolo Blue runs off of alternating current.
And if you don't have a very clean sine wave, you end up having sort of a noisy operating machine.
It will still operate, but not nearly as efficiently as if you have a sinusoidal.
So yes, we have all of those products and all of the information, and we can steer listeners to other websites, even if we don't have to carry it.
And we also have big machines, machines that make up to 5,000 liters of fresh water a day.
So if you want to really be out there and be
Independent of the grid, Ecoloblue is the way to go.
And the website is E-C-O-L-O-B-L-U-E dot com.
And what's the toll-free number for folks to call and get a brochure, ask questions, or get their order in?
Again, 800-691-6043.
It's 800-691-6043.
Now, Tyler, you always, at least in the past, have offered a special when you come on.
Is there a special today?
Yes, there is.
We are offering $200 off the Cadillac of Ecolo Blues, as you put it last time.
The Ecolo Blue 28.
And we have a promo code, Alex Jones, all one word, lowercase.
And that, until Monday night, this Monday night,
And it starts immediately after this interview is over.
Okay, Alex Jones, get $200 off, that's a great deal.
Okoloblue.com, E-C-O-L-O, blue.com, and give them that number again, Tyler.
It's 1-800-691-6043.
And I want to say, we have financing available, finally, for people who want to do that, and
We are very, very grateful to this audience.
If it wasn't for the members of our community, and I consider all of us a team, a community, Echo Low Blue would have never gotten off the ground as fast as it did.
The audience is great.
It's almost like we're all working together on a science experiment to
Well, what I'd like is listeners to realize that when they purchase any of your sponsor's products, but especially our products, you're really voting for
Freedom and you're voting against the New World Order.
No, that's it.
That's why I support and use this as a platform for many other people.
That's why we support Rand Paul's Money Bomber and other people's because we're here supporting everything that's fighting the globalists.
Tyler, give folks that number again.
It's 800-691-6043.
Again, 800-691-6043.
Or acolablue.com.
Folks, it's the best water you can get anywhere.
Totally clean, seven filters, great little unit.
Don't procrastinate.
Stop drinking the poison water today.
This is fluoride-free.
Tyler, thank you so much.
Let me talk to you during the break.
We're going to come back, get more into this whole flu situation and the economy and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
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And let this train keep on ridin', ridin' on through.
All right, Acolabloo.com.
Great folks.
Tyler Palmer over there.
Appreciate their sponsorship and their support.
Great unit.
We've got Bob Chapman coming up in about 30 minutes, but I need to continue going over this news.
But I'm gonna open the phones up, but only specifically on the flu issue, because we have a giant audience, and once a week or so, I like to spend at least an hour or two on one big issue, because then we can get the whole audience
Excited about that, and then do something together.
Because this is serious.
I mean, when they're trying to vaccinate four and a half billion people, that's the number.
And when they want to vaccinate all 300 million Americans,
And they're hurdling us towards this in just the next few months.
We have got to get the word out.
So I want to hear your ideas about if you're a nurse, you're a doctor, you're being told you've got to take it.
Police in some cities are being told they've got to take it.
Some public schools are telling the school kids that they've got to take it.
What are you going to do about that?
What are your ideas of saying no?
Because if we can get enough doctors and nurses and police and school teachers to say, no, I'm not going to take it, then just like when they tried to order the 14 million first responders to take it in 2002-2003 with the smallpox, this whole thing will fall apart and they'll back off.
And we're already seeing that.
I heard a news report a couple nights ago and did pull it up, and that is that, oh,
They've downscaled the 195 million first dosages.
The government's cut that order down to 40 million.
Now, I don't believe that for a minute.
It may be true, it may not be true.
I don't know.
But then I went and did find where the CDC saying, yeah, now we only want 40 million for now, but we're going to order a couple hundred million in a few months.
But they'd said three weeks ago they'd already gotten 195 million.
So they may be getting ready to back off so they don't look like buffoons, because they're figuring out the public's not going to take it.
Or they could throw a curveball and release something that kills a bunch of people to say it's the flu, or it could be another mutation of it.
We don't know.
We just know they've been building up with mass graves in England, the U.S.
We told you that before it was mainstream news.
Now it's mainstream news.
We know they've been really at a level six the last four months.
Now they admit they've been at level six the last four months.
We were proven right about that.
We know that they've announced they want 400,000 regular Army and Marines.
The Pentagon wants them on the streets during the fall.
So it is confirmed, and we have members of Congress coming out and saying they want to use the flu as a cover for martial law.
Ron Paul,
Congressman Brown, former Congressman Dick Armey.
I mean, it's not just me saying this.
This is so out in the open now that all these big congressmen are saying it.
And the public's getting it.
So, it's bad.
It's no doubt they're moving against us, but there's no doubt people are waking up and saying, no, how do we really up our game?
It's kind of like we're neck and neck in a football game, there's one quarter left, we're tied, we're in the game, but we're going to have to really kick butt here to make sure we win this.
I mean, you understand, folks, so I'm saying, right now, during a timeout, okay, what do we do to get refocused and make sure that we go out there and win this thing?
Okay, that's what I'm asking you.
I don't know.
I mean, I'm asking the team right now.
I think if we put up 10 million posters about don't take the flu shot and then have it linked to a website that points out it's killing people, that may break this media stranglehold blocking the story coming out.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to go live at PrisonPlanet.TV.
We got Bob Chapman coming up in 30 minutes.
Dr. Mark Siegel in the last hour, who's saying the Obama health care plan is eugenics.
And our next guest is going to be on with us about 15-20 minutes or so, and then we'll take calls throughout Chapman and into that whole next hour.
In fact, let me get this straight.
Chapman's actually on next hour, so we have a guest for the next 20 minutes or so, then we'll spend an hour before Chapman's on with us, taking calls specifically on the flu.
I was looking at my page wrong.
We had Chapman on for so long at noon that even though the sheet said 1 o'clock,
I was seeing the opposite.
So, I got too much going on.
I got too many things on my plate.
So, I'm not going to do a perfect job, but you know what?
I'm doing the best job I can.
Doesn't matter.
That is what matters.
We're not going to use his real name, but he's the young man in Florida who was questioned by police
And the media ended up spinning this whole thing.
We've got a PrisonPlanet.com headline.
Teenager at center of Obama poster controversy.
Police watched me post flyers.
And he says the whole news report, everything is a distortion and a lie.
So we'll be going over that.
And there's another headline here.
Sydney Morning Herald.
Obama joker poster labeled cultural terrorism.
And the headline yesterday in the local news was freedom of hate speech.
And national, international, Spanish TV has called for my arrest.
So, we're being trained as a society that this is all illegal.
Obama Joker poster labeled cultural terrorism.
A Chicago student at the center of the censorship storm after a now famous image he created of US President Barack Obama Joker of the Dark Knight was removed from Flickr.
And of course they go to this Palestinian American and he apologizes and says, I love Obama.
I was just joking around.
He's not the one that put socialist on it.
And then so they have him like say the whole thing's bad as if we're all rebuked now.
That's how, you know, they had a talk show host on who first interviewed the gentleman who, Chris, who we had on yesterday, who had the AR-15 strapped to his back.
And the host did a great job.
I mean, he admitted the whole time they went out there with the guns to point out we have a right to a Second Amendment.
They admitted the whole time the thing was to get attention, and CNN spun it.
Oh, how dare you!
How dare you stage this?
You've been caught.
The guy said, caught?
We put out a press release.
See, that's how the media does it.
They act like, oh, you got caught with a joker.
You're so evil.
You got caught wanting political attention.
When that was the whole point of us putting them up everywhere.
And a lot of mainstream media says, I made the poster.
I came out with the idea.
No, we told our listeners to put more of them up because they were saying it was racist and trying to create
The end of the First Amendment in this country.
See, you can't let them silence your speech or they win.
When they come out and try to intimidate your speech, you gotta turn the heat up a hundred times.
It's amazing.
I mean, it's like, I believe Hitler was bad and did kill a whole bunch of Jews and other people.
And when they say they're going to arrest you if you come out and say less than six million died, I almost want to come out and say it just because we've got to have a First Amendment.
I mean, we can't get into this position where, because they train you on something like that, and then they expand it to everything else.
And then nobody has free speech.
So they're now calling my contest cultural terrorism.
They're now calling it, the other headline in the Hays County newspaper, freedom of hate speech.
It's you people that are hateful.
You people that are un-American.
Or this type of crud.
So we'll come back into all that and a lot more.
Stay with us.
We shall return.
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Okay, we're about to go to the young man who has the State Attorney General's Office, according to the local news, and the Miami Herald, and the paper also in Orlando, preparing felony vandalism charges for putting him up on telephone poles.
He's not the guy that put him up on the federal property.
They admit that after the police visited with him, other people were putting up more.
And in the town of Claremont, outside Orlando, that it just continues.
And it's all over Orlando, all over Florida.
It's in London, England, Tokyo, Japan, San Francisco, Los Angeles.
People taking the InfoWars.com variant of the Obama Joker poster.
Now, whenever I heard the media say a few weeks ago that people need to be arrested, that it's racist, that it's hateful, that... I said, wait a minute, Obama called for people in the Washington Post to put his hope change image made by the creator of the Andre's got a posse phenomenon in the last decade.
Nobody ever called for his arrest.
He called for his people to put it up on stop signs.
We said follow the law.
Though, most people didn't because they saw the hypocrisy of Obama.
And we have a story up.
Teenager at center of Obama Joker poster controversy.
Police watched me post flyers and he said the cops told him, yeah other people post stuff so we can't get you in trouble for this.
But the media spun this and talked about victims and the community was scared and well here's a clip from the news from a montage of the San Francisco Joker poster contest
Folks, I think you're probably going to be the winners.
I'll be announcing that coming up in about 30 minutes.
Here's a clip of a lady saying how scary it is and how horrifying and there are literally now more than 15 or so.
I stopped counting it about different newscasts.
I see new ones every day.
I mean, they're in Chicago saying how scary it is.
And, you know, the Palestinian kid who originally made the Joker poster without the socialism on it apologized and said it's evil and un-American.
And people are in the local Austin papers and the town south of me saying it's wrong.
Republicans are saying it's evil, it's terrorism.
They're saying it's cultural terrorism in the Australian Sydney Morning Herald.
I mean, it's, oh my gosh, Al-Qaeda is attacking
So, here it is.
Which is a federal crime.
He looks so mean and gruesome and evil, and this is not something that you want to, as an American, to portray your president, no matter what you think.
You know, that's very disrespectful.
The signs depict President Barack Obama as the Joker or Clown.
Residents have filed reports with the local police and called the city demanding they come down.
I'd like to know who the person is making all these payments to tell the truth so they can get at least part of the punishment.
Known radio talk show host and internet personality Alex Jones is encouraging people to videotape themselves posting the signs, then upload it on YouTube for their chance at $1,000.
Some call him a muckraker and conspiracy theorist who's determined to rally as many people as he can against the president.
It doesn't matter who you support, and I've had friends call today that are both Republican, Democrat, Independent, and it's just very, very low and offensive.
The Claremont Police are working with other investigators to try to track down who's responsible.
Reporting live in Claremont, Darlene Jones, Eyewitness News this morning.
How about you track down the people like the President who told his folks to put him on stop signs, the pro-Obama?
How about you track down all the kids that the Florida CPS have kidnapped that have come up missing that CNN even reports on?
How about you track down whoever stole the $23.7 trillion and counting $2 trillion a month?
The last 10 months, they've stolen more than $2 trillion a month.
So, more than $2 trillion a month.
How about you find out about that and all the corruption and Blackwater and the hit teams and the murder squads and the rape rooms with the Pentagon and Abu Ghraib?
How about all of that?
No, no, we have to get all upset on newscasts.
I mean, there's newscasts all over the country freaking out and looking scared.
And it's gruesome.
I mean, right here in Texas, they're like, it's scary and wrong.
And in the Hays County Press, it says, like, he wants to come get you at night.
This needs to be illegal.
It's like he's a boogeyman.
We're scared.
Whoever did this needs to be arrested.
And then Spanish TV all over the Americas is on there going, you know, international saying,
Why is this happening?
And the guy says in Spanish, because the makers of the poster don't like the Brown president.
They need to be arrested.
I mean, you can show George Bush as a vampire, you can show George Bush as a goblin, or as the Joker, and that's okay.
The same newspaper, the Village Voice, that showed him on the cover as a vampire, and as the Joker, said, it's okay for Bush, but not Obama, because he's black.
This is mind control.
Now, giving us the inside scoop, he's just going to go by First Amendment Defender, Teenager at Center of Obama Joker Poster Controversy, Police Watch Me Post Flyers.
And we asked him to contact us yesterday, knowing he was a listener, and he did contact us.
And he can now tell us the whole story.
Sir, thank you.
How old are you?
I really don't want to give that info out, Alex, but it's really great being on your show today.
I'm happy to do it.
Well, you sound pretty old.
Uh, around there, yeah.
What are you, 17?
Okay, so you're a senior in high school, I'll guess.
Uh, you're close.
Uh, irrelevant.
I mean, the government already knows who you are, so we're just trying to get a snapshot.
Okay, tell us what really happened.
Well, you're absolutely right.
It is mind control.
I mean, FoxNews.com is now promoting the idea that five years in jail is an appropriate punishment for distributing flyers.
So, I mean, it is, you know, chilling a free speech.
They're trying to scare patriots into not standing up and taking action.
But as far as the situation in Claremont goes, you know, after you announced the contest, you know, a couple days later, I started putting them on telephone poles, and that was it.
Uh, a couple days after that, WFTV jumped on it and pretty much turned a non-issue into a, you know, a statewide pandemic.
Uh, shortly after the media jumped on, I was contacted by two investigators.
They interviewed me.
They told me to my face that they normally look the other way with the city ordinance that I didn't even know about and I don't think many other people do either.
And that I wasn't in trouble for it.
And then shortly after that, you have the media saying that I'm in jail, I'm being interrogated, and I'm awaiting trial.
Let me stop you there.
The media lied.
A whole bunch of different newspapers and TV said you had been taken to jail, you had been arrested, you were in custody.
Police were very upset.
I mean, it was like War of the Worlds, as if Bakersfield had giant flying saucer tripod aliens ray gunning buildings.
I mean, it was people on the news looking scared.
We don't know what to do.
We're getting hit hard.
This is like the Tet Offensive.
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
They're trying to make an example out of somebody.
They're trying to make patriots believe that if they do what I did, they will go to jail, they will be interrogated, and Fox News.com is promoting they may go to jail for five years just for distributing and posting flyers.
Now, specifically, can you give us the names of the officers?
This is going to be important on record, that normally they look the other way, but with you, you have to be persecuted because a few ninnies don't like the message.
Yeah, sure.
It was Investigator Sanchez and Investigator Lane, A-L-N-E of the Claremont Police Department.
They told me through my face that I was not in trouble and that they normally look the other way.
Yeah, sure.
Okay, well, I will give your number to Fox News, and then they can correct themselves.
But, yeah, no, they're acting like you're this arch-criminal, but have you noticed that I would say 9 out of 10, maybe more, of the comments are for you, seeing how hypocritical and asinine this is?
And this big manhunt for you, according to the media, which didn't exist, did serve, though, to cause the viral distribution to expand.
Yeah, no, people didn't buy into it.
They just retaliated and said, no, we're not going back down.
We're just going to exercise our right even more.
And, you know, he said it was 9 out of 10 people.
Well, that Orlando Sentinel poll said 59% of people thought that the caricature of Obama was appropriate.
And, you know, I'm sure that poll was manipulated in all kinds of ways.
What do your parents think of your thought crime?
Oh, I mean, I can't speak for them, but they seem pretty supportive of it.
You know, I have a lot of family who are proud of it.
You know, I can't say I'm not.
You know, my father was pretty involved in the Ron Paul revolution and campaign and all that, so my whole family was pretty awake at the NWO.
Well, now they want to put you in jail for two years, and they want to give you... Five, according to Fox News.
Oh yeah, five, excuse me.
I don't have the article in front of me.
Okay, five years.
Maybe you're going to go to Siberia.
I mean, actually... Yeah, yeah, send me to the salt pit in Ukraine or whatever.
Well, that's what Alexander Sholtson-Eatson, he got 10 years for speaking out and handing out handbills covertly.
Maybe you'll be like Alexander Sholtson-Eatson.
Did you know that?
Maybe you'll be up at Alaska, a big beard, busting rocks with the commissars standing over you.
Yeah, maybe I'll be brave.
I don't know.
Well, I mean, you know, we joke about this, but this is really happening.
Now, they say they've gone to the state
Attorney General, have you heard if you're going to be basically like Braveheart taken and drawn and quartered by the state?
No, ever since the two investigators spoke with me, I have not heard anything.
So I guess I'll tell the Brad King, the state attorney, on whether or not anything is going to happen.
But I'm really not that worried about being a martyr or anything.
I'm not really even that mad at the police or anything, because the only reason they got involved was because the media put so much pressure on them.
They also told me that if it hadn't been for the media, they probably wouldn't even have looked into it.
Now, I'm told, well, the news reported that after they tried to thoughtcrime you, that more posters were put up.
Yeah, sure.
No, I'm not the only person.
We are changed and, you know, the Patriot movement have quite a presence in Central Florida.
So, I mean, you know, there's also a pretty wide variety of different flyers coming out, too.
Just driving around yesterday, I saw flyers everywhere that said, don't take the vaccine.
Yeah, that was us calling for that, so it's already begun.
Stay there, man.
You are awesome.
This guy needs his own radio show.
He's well-spoken, focused, ready to defeat the enemy.
He's a hardcore thought criminal, though, folks.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Come, you masters of war.
We have the Central Texas Thought Criminal Alex Jones here with the Central Florida Thought Criminal.
Freedom of hate speech is the Hays County Press News headline.
The City Morning Herald is Obama Joker poster labeled cultural terrorism.
They're calling for my arrest on international Spanish TV.
I mean, this is getting more and more insane by the minute.
I just had Tyler TV in Northeast Texas call.
They're plastered everywhere there.
Probably going to have that reporter question me live on air because I don't have time to go off air and talk to him.
This is just getting wilder and wilder, showing how atrophied our rights are.
Now, let me ask the...
Ron Paul slash Alex Jones listener, supporter, or question, the young man who the media is hoaxing and acting like is going to go to jail and Fox News and others calling for his arrest, basically.
Why do you think?
I mean, because I know if you're a Ron Paul supporter, you weren't probably for McCain or Obama.
You saw through that.
So you're not that.
Why were people allowed to put up Bush as a monkey, Bush as an ape, Bush as a witch, Bush as a devil, Bush as a vampire, Bush as a joker?
All that was everywhere, all over the country, everywhere I went, stuck on walls.
Why didn't the media start getting all, oh my gosh, what are we going to do?
It's scary!
Arrest them!
I mean, I guess that's because he was like the corporate god.
Obama was going to be our savior and you can't talk bad about him?
Well, my hypothesis on that is that they didn't really start allowing that until after Bush was used up by the New World Order.
I mean, right after 9-11, his approval rating was above 90%.
You couldn't really say anything bad about him.
And then towards the end of the second term, when they were all done with him, then you could criticize him.
I imagine that being the case with Obama, too.
If he's more than a one-term president, by the end of the second term, you'll probably be allowed to make fun of him anyway you want.
Man, you are really smart.
Why are you so informed?
That's absolutely what's going on.
He's fresh for them.
He's a new birdcage liner.
They don't have the next liner ready.
They want him to, the New World Order bird, to sully him, take all the blame, and then nobody looks at the bird.
They look at the paper.
They can put their next puppet in.
He was a little bit darker shade of paper.
Usually we have a white paper birdcage liner.
And so it was the novelty of, ooh, there's a brown birdcage liner.
Ooh, don't talk about it.
But now, we're here sullying their little puppet early.
Ooh, you've committed a very bad boo-boo.
Well, the same thing with Bill Clinton, too.
I mean, you know, they didn't, you know, the old Monica Lewinsky affair came out, you know, right at the end of the second term, you know.
Right when they didn't need him anymore, they just destroyed him and, you know, got rid of him.
Where did you learn that paradigm?
Oh, I mean, I read InfoWars daily.
I mean, I've been in the InfoWars for about a year now.
I mean, all I do is read and learn, so...
Well, it's very, very exciting what you are doing, my friend.
I just, I just cannot be more excited about what you're doing.
Describe, though, you're saying that it's just intensifying, that there's more and more posters everywhere?
That's got to really frustrate these control freaks, these anti-American trash that start hyperventilating, not over checkpoints and police in black masks and roadside cameras and open borders, they hyperventilate over freedom.
Yeah, and that's why it's even more important that we continue to do it, and not only do it, but do it even more.
I mean, I was listening to your interview with the AR-15 guy, Chris, yesterday, and he says that, you know, the best thing the Second Amendment movement can do is to open carry firearms even more, and I think that's how it should be with the First Amendment, too.
We just need to keep exercising it more and more and more.
I mean, you know, if the majority of Americans were out posting flyers, there's nothing they could do about it.
But when it's just a minority, even an irate minority, you know, they're able to make, you know, they're able to crucify one person and make an example out of them.
Well, I've been saying for years that they've put the message out to kind of the dumbed-down masses that don't know the branches of government, don't know the time of day, are just kind of going through life and accepting whatever happens, that the billboards and the movies and the images say all guns are illegal.
So perception is reality with morons.
And so we've got to come out and say, look, my guns aren't illegal, because I don't know if you've seen this, but we post it all the time.
I mean, it's scary.
Even in Arizona and Texas and Vermont, supposedly pro-gun states, people get raided every day because a neighbor saw their neighbor cleaning a gun in the garage or putting it in their car.
And the cops come and take them and say, well, you're not allowed to have five guns.
I've seen three guns and 500 rounds called an arsenal and people arrested for it when there's no law.
And then the person gets mad and they call him mentally ill and throw him in a mental institution.
Well, yeah, it's just part of the conditioning, too.
I mean, it doesn't even take that now to get into trouble.
All it takes is a Ron Paul bumper sticker.
There you go!
We saw people arrested for Ron Paul stickers, doors kicked in for Ron Paul signs.
The DHS report, now we know why cops were doing that, it came out after, said somebody has a Ron Paul sticker, they want to kill cops.
And so, not all cops are stupid, just like the general public, but some are dumber than dirt, just like the public.
And they see it and go, I got one!
Pull him over!
I got one of the terrorists!
That Ron Paul!
That Bob Barr!
What are we gonna do?
That's scary looking!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
Hardman just made the point that this is like landmines in the Infowar.
Time release.
Detonating in different parts of the country, different parts of the world.
And then as the media comes out from San Francisco to Tyler, Texas, you name it, and demonizes
That people are putting up posters.
90 plus percent of people that we've seen in the letters to the editor and in the comments go, well, wait a minute.
Even if you're an Obama supporter, everybody was bashing Bush this way.
This is the First Amendment.
I mean, they hung up posters of George Washington when he was president.
They glued them up to walls.
I mean, nobody ninnied over that.
And making them act like tyrants is the key.
Like three weeks ago the media said it's all a hoax, only lobbyists, paid lobbyists are posing as citizens, everyone wants health care.
And two weeks into that they had to say, okay, we apologize, you are the citizens, you're not AstroTurf, you're not Nazis, you're not devils, you have a right to.
And then now the whole thing is falling apart.
Though they may use the whole flu freakout to get that rammed through.
And we're going to go to your calls coming up in a few minutes after our guest leaves us.
Flu only.
But this is a whole First Amendment issue right now.
Going back to the young man who was questioned by police.
The media lied that he was arrested and they said, okay, he was detained.
They're looking at felony charges at the state right now.
But that sounds like it's just fear-mongering hype by the media to scare people.
Because if the public, with his approval rating dropping the fastest of any president ever, eight months into office, lower than Bush, lower than Carter, losing a few points a week now, if the public manifests things with signs on the streets, and that's the best way.
Some big protest where you march downtown, the media can ignore that.
But lots of people at street corners and flyers and putting them up and talking and doing it legally and lawfully, this can bring them down.
Your comments on that, sir.
Yeah, I think the most important thing for us to do is just, you know, to promote a culture of liberty, like you said at the end of the Obama deception, you know?
Tyranny cannot survive in a society where people demand freedom, and that includes freedom of speech.
Well, I agree with you, my friend.
They portray, then, in
The different cities, not just the town you're in, but that in Orlando and other areas that everyone hates it, and it's evil, and it's scary, and even Republicans are angry.
Talking to people in your town, just on the street, what percentage are saying this is great, this is wonderful, what percentage are domesticated, castrated slaves?
I'd say all but about a fraction of a percent are okay, and then that other fraction of a percent are the castrated slaves.
While I was posting the flyers, I actually had a couple crazed Obamanoids really get in my face.
One of them started taking pictures of me, saying he was going to turn me in like he was some kind of secret police or something out of 1984.
I had people, you know,
Oh, I mean, not people, but I had one person, you know, call me, you know, an effing skinhead.
You know, I'm sitting there wearing a bathing suit and, you know, flip-flops.
He's calling me a skinhead.
But other than that, you know, most people either, A, don't care and don't have a problem with it, or, you know, think it's funny.
Well, that's the issue.
That's why they want to radicalize all the groups and make it a racial issue.
That's why the media advertises and hypes whoever is out there engaging in the really anti-Semitic stuff.
Turns out they're feds every time.
And that's what I warn all these people.
Yeah, I've seen it.
I mean, just crazy.
So that's how they were able to go to your house, was because the Obamanoids took photos of you, took them to the police department like good little Maoist Soviets, and I've seen them all over the news.
They're calling for my arrest, they're calling for my death.
The Southern Poverty Law Center allowed comments to stay up for months, calling for my execution.
These are really sick people.
Yeah, no, they're literally turning on their own species.
I mean, you know, they're wanting to deprive their fellow man of freedom.
Well, again, you're the young man that put up some of the signs, but you said there's a lot of other folks.
Is it accelerating after they engage in the hoax saying you've been arrested?
Or is it now dying down around your town?
Unfortunately it is dying down, so I do call on any Central Florida Patriots to keep it up and get back out and do some more.
But you are seeing the signs up there?
Oh yeah, they're not going away.
I mean, the power of citizens, period, putting up signs, this is what the Sons of Liberty did.
They would put up simple broadsheets with a couple lines of text on it, and this brought the British Empire down and the Americas.
And they are so scared to death of this, and so you're now seeing signs that say, don't take the flu shot, what is the image?
Uh, it's pretty funny.
It's actually a snake.
Uh, and instead of fangs, it has syringes.
That was on the flyer.
It said, do not... Let me guess.
So they're using the David Dees illustration image.
We'll post that.
I'm sure Dees is happy for us, too.
Graphic artist.
What a great artist.
Everything he does gets seen by millions of people.
Uh, I've seen it with a snake.
That's it.
But that's not going to be the contest winner.
I'm going to have another $1,000.
I need Kurt Nimmo to tune in and write up the contest rules by tonight, please.
There's going to be $1,000 for whoever comes up with the best poster, with the best image, and Deez can be part of it.
He can come up with a new image if he wants, but we're also going to post his as an example that people should initially use.
And, but it just needs to say, don't take the shot, don't take the flu shot at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
On the top, so InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com on the top, and then we'll always have a vaccine area there for people to be alerted.
We already have that, but we'll make it prominent, because I don't have time to build another site.
The point is, we'll have that up there, and at the bottom, don't take the flu shot or don't take the shot, and we're gonna have $1,000 for the best poster.
The best poster that is then also publicly displayed in a legal and lawful way, or the most artful way.
And so the best poster, but we don't want people to wait.
We want people just to go absolutely ape.
So, will you guys ask Janae Meadows or ask Douglas right now to take the David Dees, you can go to Deesillustration.com with the two fangs coming out of its mouth and then say don't take the flu shot.
That is genius.
Let's get a simple InfoWars Prison Planet variant of that up and then the contest will be
Whoever can come up with the best poster and post them.
Best posters, so it's not just our posters.
We'll send them to contest.infowars.com and or post them on the web.
Send them to us.
We'll put a link to them and we will put those up.
And again, this is getting everybody... I wanted to demonstrate to everybody the power of people just taking action.
I don't know if people realize how serious... I mean, it could be called the poster revolution in the United States, my friend.
Yeah, it can go down in history.
You know, like the Boston Tea Party.
I wonder if they'll say we're being racist against snakes, if we show a snake with acid fangs.
Yeah, we're anti-reptilian.
They'll probably claim that's racist, but you know what, you've got to ignore their asinine attempts to cold-bloodedly silence your free speech.
The people doing this, listen, you've got the floor for the last few minutes.
Say whatever you like instead of me just hyperventilating.
Well, I mean, look, I'm just one man, and I just post, or one boy, I just posted these on telephone poles, and I was able to get this story on, you know, literally over a dozen, you know, uh, central Florida media outlets.
I'm just one person.
I didn't even imagine it would generate this kind of, uh, you know, buzz.
So, I mean, imagine if we all did this.
I mean, you know, I mean, there's a lot more of us than there are of them, and by them, I mean, you know, the tyrants.
I mean, if people would just realize that if we all post flyers, they can't stop us.
Yeah, I've been doing my own informal study around the country.
I would say half of Ron Paul's support
Yeah, I don't hold it against him.
Hey, I gotta deal with all this other stuff, and I understand that.
And you know, when he's on my show, he'll talk about false flag, he'll talk about Golda Tonkin, Ajax, stage provocations.
I mean, Paul hasn't told me off the side, hey, I'm a 9-11 truther, but he knows about stage provocation.
And I think he understands, though, that it might have been a good move in the final equation, because...
of him holding his cards to his vest because now look at him.
They tried to destroy him in the media.
Now he's too big for that to even happen because they can try to manufacture things.
They can try to set him up in hotel rooms.
They can try to distort what he says, edit what he says.
More and more of that happens to me, man.
I am seeing stuff where they will take hundreds of shows I've done and edit it down really slickly.
Yeah, they're getting the same file source, you know, going to our archives, so it sounds the same, and really doing some nasty stuff.
And I know they've been trying that on Ron Paul, too, or taking out of context what he said in newsletters, but it didn't work.
I mean, it's so exciting what's happening as we gain momentum.
So you're calling for folks, even though you're facing hyped-up felony charges, do we give into this and become the Soviet Union, or do we intensify it tenfold?
Intensify it a hundredfold.
Yeah, no, do as much as you possibly can.
You know, go to Kinko's and have a thousand printed up and put them all up.
Well, I think it's also important to carry a video camera.
I mean... Oh yeah, for security, yeah.
San Antonio, we are changed, was stapling them up to telephone poles in the Bar District, where there were already other people's posters everywhere.
And Obama supporters, white yuppies that looked like they were out of their minds, just like so...
Walk over and rip it off because they bought into the corporate image of Obama, which he isn't that image.
It's a total fraud.
They have completely bought into it and so they just can't get out of it and they don't want to admit they've been conned.
You know, they're that hardcore 30-40% that Obama could be doing
You know, killing children on the White House lawn.
His wife could be doing voodoo dances and no one would care.
Rahm Emanuel could be, you know, doing whatever he wants and they don't care.
And just the image of them coming up and trying to get those posters.
I mean, describe these people to me.
Well, no, it really does bother them.
I don't think they're mad that, you know, we're mocking Obama.
I think they're just mad that, you know, they're saying, you know, they're God.
You know, it's almost like the Joker image of Obama is his true image.
You know, he's a sinister, evil, untrustworthy, you know, criminal.
And when they see that, it just bothers them a lot and disturbs them.
But I have faith in him because, I mean, my whole family used to be a bunch of Bush supporters, including me, and now I'm on sidewalks with a bullhorn saying 9-11 was an inside job.
So anybody can turn around.
I mean, we were all there once.
Hey, I was too.
I mean, I knew about the Federal Reserve and the New World Order, but I was like a kind of mainline Ron Paul type 14 years ago.
I mean, describe.
I mean, they would run up to you and get in your face?
What would they do?
Well, I can just recall the first person.
It was a middle-aged man.
He ran up to me, taking my picture with his cell phone camera.
I said, I'm going to report you.
I'm going to turn you in.
And, you know, I'm asking why, because you can't post this stuff.
This is wrong.
And I said, well, I mean, this is my First Amendment right.
You know, I absolutely have the right to say whatever I want and post whatever I want.
He says, no you do not, no you do not, and he started calling me an effing skinhead.
Actually, he actually threatened to, quote, slap the hell out of me if I didn't stop also.
But, I mean, that's just one of them, and I'm not saying all Obama supporters are like that, but... But, I mean, notice, though, that in Iran, they were pulling down posters and slapping people, and the media was hyperventilating and freaking out.
It's total selective enforcement.
Oh, I mean, they even told me to my face, the investigators, that, you know, they don't enforce this ordinance normally.
But now something unpopular has been posted that, you know, some people don't like that, you know, they may have to enforce it.
Meanwhile, I drive around, there's, you know, garage sale signs on every other pole.
Well, here is the Hays County Free Press, and in this article, they say, oh, we don't have an ordinance against this, and it said citizens are at the City Council demanding an ordinance.
Oh, because we have people demanding to make it illegal?
Oh, that's great.
Yeah, because I knew most towns and cities, if you do it in the commons area, there's no ordinance against it.
So I said follow local laws, but now they're saying legislate it out of there in this headline, freedom of hate speech.
These people are begging to live in a tyranny.
Don't they have any idea that once the First Amendment's gone, we're all totally screwed?
Yeah, and unfortunately they won't know until they want to say something that they're passionate about, and they can't do it because they don't have the freedom to, because they gave it away.
Well, I mean, take Michael Savage.
I mean, you know, he hates on Arabs 24-7, and I don't agree with that, because I'm not here to hate on Arabs, hate on Jews, hate on blacks, hate on... I do not like the racial groups that are into racial identity that are in all those groups, who everybody else's racial identity is bad but theirs.
But I don't want to be sucked into that.
But even though I disagree with Michael Savage on some issues, I fought for his right to not be banned from flying to England.
And by the way, that got removed.
We've got to support everybody's free speech.
You think I like...
The Feds posing as Klan members up there saying racial stuff that's now come out in the news to divide and conquer?
But the Feds are doing that to get free speech banned.
That's the issue because if we come out mainline and criticize the system together, then it's going to fall.
They've got to radicalize it.
They've got to make it racial and religious.
And that's why I'm always attacked for not making it about that.
Well, that's why it's even more important to keep posting stuff.
I mean, even if, you know, a group of people are able to get legislation, you know, banning, you know, flyers and posters, you know, it can still be resisted.
I mean, that's pretty just civil disobedience.
You got one minute.
We're going to come back and take calls for the next 40 minutes.
Then Bob Chapman's on last minute.
Closing comments.
Hero of the First Amendment.
Thought criminal.
Well, Danny, Floridian Patriots are interested in taking action.
Join meetup.com.
We are Change Florida.
We do street action quite often.
We'll be at the Tea Party in downtown Orlando this weekend.
Uh, even if you don't want to join us, you know, stand up, be a lone wolf, you know, just take action any way you can.
If all of us just do, you know, if all of us just put 5% of our effort into this, this could all be turned over overnight.
You know, if all this, you know, if all Patriots just went out and put up 10 flyers, you know, this whole New World War could come down overnight.
Absolutely, and whatever your message is, put it out.
Take Austin, we've put out some, I went out as the Joker, put them up on South Old Torf,
He stole in front of police, okay?
Because if they selectively enforce on me, it's a fraud.
I want to see Austin, I want to see all the activists in Austin, Texas, up and down Congress a hundred times what we've done, where everybody else puts their posters out.
They don't dare selectively enforce.
All the leftists that love seeing Bush torn down,
Let's see how they behave in this town.
Let's see how they behave everywhere.
Great job, my friend.
Great having you on.
Stay in contact with us.
A lot of people want to contribute to a legal defense fund.
If they come after you, that's going to happen.
We'll be right back.
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That's what they're after these days.
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You have been warned.
If we give in to this intimidation against the First Amendment and political speech that is the most protected, and allow them to persecute people for free speech, you will turn into North Korea and Guatemala overnight.
Your life will be over.
And the establishment is coming right out saying, you don't criticize the government, it's racist.
You don't own guns, it's evil.
You don't want to abolish the Fed, it's terrorist.
You were going to finish up with a final quote.
You know, from Victor Hugo, no army can stop an idea.
It's time has come and for us that idea is liberty and it's here.
And it's not going away.
Great job.
Live free or die.
Live free or die.
Well, and of course, I'm going to challenge Fox News and the media
To go ahead and give you a call, and to make sure that they get it straight that this is all a media hoax, that the police admitted this was selective enforcement to you.
God bless you.
Have a good day.
You bet.
Here is the winner.
And later in the next hour, after I take some phone calls, I will give you the other second and third place winners.
But the winner is the San Francisco entry.
And we'll give you their YouTube channel after we play part of this, because they did it in the most artful way.
The camera work, the way they shot it, everybody agrees.
I've read the comments on all the different stories about it, that this is the best.
This is the winner.
There were so many other great ones, but you know it's a winner when it's not a hard decision.
Everybody else did a great job.
Here's first place, San Francisco.
The Obama Joker Contest InfoWars.com winners.
Here it is.
I will narrate this for some of the radio listeners who can't see it at PrisonPlanet.tv that they're putting them up at the United Nations
Putting it up at the CFR.
Putting them up at, uh... The signs depict President Barack Obama as the Joker or Clown.
Residents have filed reports with the local police and called the city demanding they come down.
Is a poster of the President as the Joker racist?
Police say whoever is responsible for gluing the posters on signs and posts around town could be charged with criminal misconduct.
He puts them up at Bohemian Grove.
He hits so mean and gruesome and evil, and this is not something that you want to, as an American, to portray your president, no matter what you think.
Socialists is becoming the new N-word for, frankly, for some angry, upset birthers and others.
The Joker's an imaginary from a comic book.
He didn't really steal 23.7 trillion of the American people's money.
He didn't really actually do that.
But Barack Obama and his criminal gang did.
And that's why they are the real Jokers.
21,000 plus views on YouTube, that's just one version of it.
No doubt it reached hundreds of thousands all over the Bay Area and San Francisco.
You know why they call him the Joker?
Because it's a big joke to them that they're poisoning your water supply, and that your children are going to be informed and get cancer when they're 10 years old.
Because it's a big joke to the New World Order, all the things they're doing to you, and how childlike you are.
Alright, that is the winner.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator this summer.
We're good.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm gonna take your calls for the next 30 minutes or so.
Tom, Billy, Lily, Mark, Jerry.
We're going to continue when Bob Chapman with some economic updates comes in on the flu.
I started the show with saying that Paul Watts is doing a big alert.
Major British news as internal CDC documents, but I've already heard about this through the medical facilities, people we know in Houston, where they did the first trials a few weeks ago.
It killed at least 25 people, and that's with the medical system covering it up.
That is big news.
The head of Health and Human Services, she needs to be asked at every press conference she gives about this.
We need to force this issue out there with everybody.
We're going to take your calls right now.
Rand Paul's popping in for like five minutes coming up, but then we'll go back to your calls because he's having an event in Austin and they wanted to come on.
We're glad to have him.
Tom in Boston, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I was in Logan Airport the other day and I'm standing in line in the security checkpoint.
There's a guy in front of me sneezing.
And the airline people that work there, they get to cut in line in front of you.
And it was funny, they were standing next to me and they're making a comment saying, oh, we can't wait till there's proof that people have been vaccinated, because we don't like standing in line, basically, with people sneezing.
As I approached up to the woman, I went through the metal detector, and there was a woman standing there with two pieces of paper in her hand, and she said,
Put out your hands.
She says, we're collecting random samples.
And I said, why?
And I said, of what?
And she didn't have an answer.
She said, just put out your hands.
See, this is huge news.
I flew two days ago, three days ago, and then flew back yesterday.
The day before.
The point is, I flew this week.
And at the Austin Airport, they had signs about, we're doing stuff for the flu, you may be questioned.
And I wondered what that was.
And this is what Bill Clinton's executive order said.
When you get a driver's license, they're going to take DNA and blood.
That's now law, according to the U.S.
Code and executive orders.
It's totally unconstitutional, but it's in my first film, America Destroyed by Design, made 12 years ago, and it's on the books.
But you're telling me they're basically taking DNA?
Where did this happen again?
Logan Airport, and again, it was pretty funny because when I started questioning the woman, she couldn't look me in the eyes, Alex.
She stared right down to the ground.
Now, granted, she was kind of a monkey, so she probably didn't really know what she was doing anyway.
But I refused to do it and they let me go.
However, I turned back as I was putting my clothes back on after being violated.
And sure enough, at least four or five people put their hands out and they took DNA from their hands.
Sir, this is off the chart.
Can you set up a camera?
I don't want to be too mean.
I don't think we need these TSA checkpoints.
It's unconstitutional.
It's federal.
It's to train you to be a slave.
But, in LA both times I've flown last month,
In Austin both times.
The TSA guys are all fans coming up, getting autographs, shaking my hand and saying they've gone to my events, watched my films.
They're all nodding at me.
They kind of halfway search people.
So in LA both times and in Austin the last two times, that's four times I've flown,
You think?
It's incredible!
I mean, so, they all know it's a load of... Look, I'm telling you, man, this country is on the edge of revolution.
I'm just little old Alex Jones, and all these people are waking up.
It's incredible.
So, I mean, is that... So, I don't want to just sit here and say... I mean, a lot of these are just poor people that want a job, and it's a good thing you said no.
A lot of people say no to the body scanners, because they know what they are, and they...
You know, let you go.
And I've been in airports that have them.
You're not putting me in one.
I mean, I'll let them arrest me and take me to court because I am not gonna have them with a naked image of my body.
They already have cameras that do it from a distance anyways, but it's making you submit to them.
This is Alex Jones.
Stay there.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
The caller is holding Tom in Boston, went through Boston Logan, where they even have passive brain scan MRIs in Logan.
In fact, people won't believe me.
Google for folks, brain scanners at airports.
It'll be CBS News.
Now they put you through these body scanners, and I... First time I've heard they're taking samples for flu when you're there.
I knew they were testing people that looked like they were sick, which then sets this medical mafia up.
And I was talking to Rand Paul, who's going to be in Austin tonight.
He's down in Lake Charles right now.
He's going to be here at 6 o'clock tonight for a speech and event.
I wish I could be there, but I can't.
But my folks will be there.
I hope everybody goes.
The money bomb was a huge success yesterday.
You can still give to it.
And I wanted to have him pop in about that.
But first, since we were talking during the break, Rand Paul, Dr. Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, running for the Senate in Kentucky.
You've already raised more money than your competition.
We're going to get to that, but first, your take on this airport situation where they're training us how to be good little slaves.
I think we need to stand up to authority and there have to be some among us who are willing to take a stand to stop the system, challenge it in court, and really be vocal about it.
You know, it was really great when one of my dad's campaign staff
And then by him standing up, it totally blew up in the establishment's face.
Right, and that was right on the heels of all that targeting of Ron Paul and freedom lovers in Missouri.
And he was coming through that Missouri airport, so I think that really did backfire on him.
And I think the whole idea of political profiling, that in our country your political thought process is going to make you a target for the government, is a scary concept.
Absolutely, we got that MAAC report and broke it.
We also broke the DHS report and people for the first week didn't believe it was real.
Because it was so shocking to not just demonize your dad, but even Bob Barr.
I mean, Bob Barr's an okay guy, but he's pretty milquetoast.
Well, and actually going after all kinds of folks.
Going after people who believe in gun rights.
I mean, everybody was sort of lumped in there, and it's amazing.
Sort of the strangest bit of all is you've got to watch out for those people who believe in the Constitution as being some evildoers.
Yeah, absolutely.
There's just so many questions, but I don't want to keep you too long because I know you're busy.
Specifically, tell us about the money bomb yesterday and what it's raised.
It's continuing.
Money is still pouring in.
We set a record yesterday for online fundraising in Kentucky.
No one has ever raised this money to money in one day online.
We raised about $440,000 in one day online, and probably with the carryover effect today, we may get close to a half a million in a two-day period.
And this does make us competitive with the establishment candidate.
And we also had great news last week that there's a poll that shows us dead even with the Democrat and only a few points behind the Republican.
Well, I want to be honest with people out there.
During the campaign, your dad's biggest reason
for not wanting to run when people were pressuring him to do it was that he said, look, if I don't win, people will be disappointed.
I can be a congressman.
I can continue to introduce bills.
But then I and many others made the point, and he's even given me credit, which I'm honored by, saying I pressured him, other people pressured him, and said, look, you've got to do this because you're going to get the word out, you're going to inject real issues into the debate, and then as everything you talk about comes true down the road, that's going to really build the liberty movement.
And as your father has said, Congressman Ron Paul, this has blown up hundreds of times bigger than he ever imagined.
But I did envision it.
I understood what was there grassroots and the move to audit the Fed and what was happening.
And I also told my listeners, I said, look,
He probably won't win, but you've got to fight as hard as you can as if he could because we do win in getting the word out and it's not going to be a loss if you give to these money bombs and then he doesn't win because it's educating people and now the biggest movement on colleges
is now liberty movement, freedom movement, anti-globalist, anti-fed.
We're shifting the whole paradigm right now and so you've actually got a chance to win, a lot better chance than your dad did, his first big run for president as a Republican.
I know he ran as a libertarian before that in the seventies and so, or the eighties.
So you have got a huge chance to win, especially since the other fellow, the incumbent, isn't running.
I know you know that, Rand.
I just want to make sure listeners know that
If we don't put our money on the line, and our energy on our line, and our voices on the line, and our treasure on the line, we don't have a hope in hell here.
We have got to get behind you.
And the other thing about it is, we couldn't do it, I couldn't be anywhere near where I am now without the Patriot movement that supported my dad.
And without that movement, we couldn't do this.
But you're right, we can take it to another level, and we can win this race this time.
And if people will go look at our website, RandPaul2010.com, you'll see how big that money bomb was yesterday, and hopefully people will get it excited and keep it going.
Absolutely, and I like Peter Schiff, but I really like you, and especially the name, Paul.
Plus, you're a smart, intelligent, have basically the same views, constitutional views, as your father.
It's now at $683,000.
A lot of mails coming in.
We need to make sure this is a million by the end of the day, or at least by the end of the weekend.
I mean, come on, folks.
Peter Schiff, what, raised $870-something thousand dollars?
And that's great.
We supported that.
But Rand Paul, I mean, he's got a real super shot here.
He needs to raise more money than Peter Schiff.
I mean, I think that's another challenge out there.
I think Peter Schiff is also a great candidate.
I've met him a couple of times.
And I think we have two good chances, really, at least there, as well as we've got a lot of other Liberty candidates out there that have a shot.
So I say, yes, let's keep the movement going.
Let's stoke the fire, stoke the flame.
But we've got a lot of movement going on, and this is going to now give us the chance to really begin a full-fledged campaign.
And we've got them scared.
You can see it in their eyes.
When I used to see them at these picnics, I'd see overconfidence, this sort of imperiousness that they were going to win with no race at all.
And now I see that they're worried.
I see crowds congregating on our side.
We have volunteers show up at a picnic.
We've got as many or more than the other guy every time now.
I think it was Julius Caesar said there is a tide in the fortunes of men when taken
at the flood leads on to fortune.
I would just change that and say there is a tide in the affairs of men when taken at the flood leads on to liberty and freedom for future generations.
And we have the giant Tea Party movement.
We have this bipartisan movement against the globalists, against the foreign banks.
People are now identifying that both political parties are by and large controlled by offshore corporations.
And if we can get you in the Senate
And have you with that bully pulpit in there blowing the whistle.
And I believe you won't be compromised.
I believe you'll be 100% faithful like your father.
It'll just be amazing to have two polls in the Congress as a wedge to blast open the gates for more candidates.
Because as people learn that we can have victory, as they learn that the New World Order isn't as invincible as they have portrayed themselves, as the aura of invincibility and imperial hubris of the Federal Reserve now evaporates, the people smell blood and it is contagious.
So I can't stress enough
How important this race for the Kentucky Senate is.
A senator is really a national position.
Obviously, you'll be representing Kentucky, but it deals with national issues.
Can you comment along that line, sir?
Well, what I'd say is that you're right.
The amazing thing is, you know, we've had our small remnant that's been growing through the years.
The freedom movement, the liberty-loving movement, the limited government crowd.
But I sense it getting bigger and bigger because when I see patients who come into my office who are not part of our movement, but they're just part of the general public, they sit down in the chair and they look at me and they say, I'm worried.
There is an unease.
There is a discontent that is growing among the people.
And it's not just our small movement anymore.
It's spreading throughout the public.
And it's going to be something big.
And if we tap into it, we have a chance to really take back our country.
Tell folks where you're speaking tonight in Austin and how folks can go.
Well, I'll be in Austin.
It's at a private home, but you can come and you can RSVP if you'll just get on our website, RandPaul2010.com, and there's an Austin fundraiser this evening.
It's not that expensive.
I think it's $25 per person, and you can RSVP just by getting on the website, and we're happy to have you.
Well, that's amazing.
And then you're going to be in other parts of the country now.
Folks can find out more at RandPaul2010.com.
That's right.
All right, well, we really appreciate you running for the Senate.
I know you're taking on a lot.
I know it was a big family decision.
You know, folks, it's a lot to ask these people to run.
It was a lot to ask his father to run.
I mean, you get a lot of heat, a lot of attacks, a lot of work.
I would imagine, deep down, it'd be easier just to stay there in your medical practice and spend time with the family, but you know you're doing this for your family's future.
Yeah, I think we really don't have a lot of time.
I mean, I think the deficit has become so large, they've printed so much money, there's been such an expansion of credit, that I fear that if there's a destruction of the currency, that during that chaos is when really bad things can happen.
You know, that's what happened when we got Hitler in Germany, was during the destruction of the currency.
And if we have a really catastrophic or a panic in the currency here, we need to have people in place, in office,
Who will be talking about protecting us, following the rule of law, the Constitution, and not saying, give me more power.
If I only had more power against these evil people, if we put these people in prison, you know, we can make you safe again.
You know, all that security.
We just need more security.
And if you get some kind of strong leader like that, then it's all over for the Republic.
Dr. Rand Paul, son of Ron Paul, running for the U.S.
Senate out of Kentucky.
You drafted him.
He's doing it.
Now put your money and your time and energy where your mouth is.
We win hands down because resistance is victory.
Doctor, let me say bye to you during the break.
We're going to let you go.
We're going to come back and take your calls on the flu hype straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Alright, I know I haven't even gone to these calls yet.
Tom, Bill, Lizzie, Mark, Jerry.
We're getting to you in this segment and the next, even though Chapman's coming up.
We just keep jam-packing the show with all these guests.
Tom, finishing up, please write a blurb up with the description of what happened to you where.
Send it to writers at InfoWars.com.
I'll get one of my writers to put it into an article because we were doing searches.
Did you guys find anything about him taking DNA at the airports?
I don't think so.
So, that's big news.
I believe you.
We need to follow up on that tip.
Anything else, Tom?
Yeah, I couldn't find anything when I got home and Googled it, and that's why I'm calling you just to see if you had heard anything.
Just my luck, the airline personnel that cut in line actually were the stewardess and steward on my plane, so I was the topic of conversation.
Several times they'd walk by, oh, there's the guy who refused the test.
And so I pulled this stewardess over and I said, well, wait a minute.
She couldn't even explain to me what the test was.
Why would I submit to something that I don't even know what she's doing or what it's for?
And they said, well, it's for the good of everybody.
You should have just done it.
I gotta say this, even worse than the TSA are the stewardesses, the flight attendants.
Some of them are real nice, some of them are fans.
I've run into them on flights to England, flights to New York.
But a lot of them are on Nazi power trips.
And they love bullying people around and I mean, you know, it's just again The airport is being used to train us for everything write it up in a two paragraph three paragraph blurb or longer if you want Send it to us.
God bless you.
We're gonna try to track that down Tom
Thank you for your help, sir.
Have a great day.
Thank you.
Just amazing.
Right there.
Bill in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Bill.
Yeah, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Good, my friend.
I'm a county supervisor here in Wisconsin.
One of the committee assignments that I was given when I was elected a few years back was for the County Health Board.
And as a believer in alternative medicine, I've been very perplexed and alarmed by the things that I've seen over the years.
I've come to the conclusion that Len Horowitz and all of his information that public health is a genocide program is correct.
Now, yesterday we had a pandemic meeting, and I've been going to all of these meetings
This was held at one of the local prisons for juvenile youth, and we were getting an update on what their plans were.
But at every one of these meetings, I bring out information that you've had, or Dr. Tenpenny, or the Crusader out of Florida.
I bring it up at the meetings, and I get it right in their face.
Paul, I mean, did you hear Dr. Blaylock, brain surgeon, talking about how it's killing people and how there's no doubt that it's just absolutely horrible?
Well, I didn't hear that.
I'm going to have a friend archive that for me.
You know, I understand.
Yesterday I brought out about the Guillain-Barré syndrome and so forth.
You know, I kept hitting that the World Health Organization is going to make this thing a mandatory.
And no, no, no, no.
Everything's voluntary.
But the local fire chief from the city closest by made the statement, you know, that he would have great problems with any kind of mandatory vaccination, and that he and his group of firefighters
Would go into litigation, so I thought this was a very encouraging sign.
You know, so, and I cannot emphasize enough that as I talk about building the immune system and doing things on a natural basis to prepare yourself for whatever might be coming, they don't want to hear that at all.
All they're concerned with here
Are these shots or the Tamiflu and you bring up all the negatives about it and it's just off their heads.
Yeah, they just idiotically want to take a vaccine.
You ought to print off the Sunday Mail and all these other newspapers where it's killing people.
Right, well, I did give them that information and in past meetings
I had all the Baxter information, so... And they still don't care.
They still think it's wonderful.
Well, you know, there are people there listening, and occasionally someone will pipe up and say, well, I agree with that gentleman.
Alright, Bill, always good to hear from you.
County Commissioner.
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We're good.
Oh, I was on the phone with the news media.
And that reminds me, guys, that's why we've got to hire more people.
I've got to watch for infiltrators.
This is literally a cloak and dagger job I have.
And I'm just out in the open, a good guy trying to tell the truth.
I've got to look out for everything.
I've got to calculate what people are doing.
Yeah, I'm not whining.
It's just one hell of a responsibility.
People talk about how they're bored.
I got too much stimulus.
I'm the opposite.
Too much crazy stuff.
I'm getting to the point where, oh boy, I'm getting tailed again.
Or, you know, Fed's coming up to me doing stuff.
It's just ongoing.
Ongoing insanity.
And I catch myself where nothing even affects me anymore.
Like horrible things can be done to me.
I don't even care anymore.
And you'd think I'd want to be to that point of not caring.
But it's like I've almost lost part of myself.
Because I'm not even worried about being killed.
I'm not even worried about being falsely imprisoned.
I'm not even worried about... I mean all I'm worried about is other people.
And it's not like I'm some saint.
I care about my innocent children.
That's the only thing.
I look at how sweet and innocent they are, and other people's children, and I wonder how they grow into these evil adults that do all this bad crap.
And none of us are perfect, but just the level of duplicity and envy and lying and everything else in society, and then how good people sit there and take it.
And then all the positive things that are happening, the great leaps and bounds we're making,
It's just all on overdrive.
I'm gonna go to Lily, Mark, Jerry, Jeff, and others all on flu issues, and I want to get Bob Chapman's take on that and some financial stuff, but Bob, you've been fighting the globalists since the early 1960s or even earlier, and you've worked and dealt with all of this.
Have you ever gotten to the point where you start getting almost numb to things, and then it freaks you out, or is it different for you?
Well, I think it's in part your personality.
And I came to the conclusion that I could accept a lot of things that most other people couldn't.
And so I really didn't have a hard time with it.
It was, I think, because I approached it intellectually.
And of course, I was on the street as well as a pamphleteer and all that sort of thing.
I'm just different, and I just keep on going.
I won't stop.
You know, I meet people who knew me as a child and chummed around with me, and they say, well, we always knew that you were going to be something important because you never gave up.
Well, absolutely.
I'm not talking about that.
I'm saying that I have this nothing but a passion to fight the globalists that's all-consuming to the point of
I'm not, I don't even care at all about people lying about me or attacking me anymore.
And it's almost like a blindness or something.
It's like all these other understandings I have have expanded.
I don't know how to describe it.
It's just really weird.
I know how to describe it.
You're accepting the fact that the enemy is always after you.
And you're always exposing what they're doing.
And you don't care.
You don't care what they think.
I don't care what they think.
You just keep on plowing ahead.
It's just weird, Bob, to truly become fearless.
It's almost like I liked having a little fear.
It's like I've lost something.
But I guess you would say it's gaining something?
Oh yes.
Because we've risen above them.
And we're really giving them a bad time.
And they deserve it.
They're evil people.
And we have the ability to do so, so we're going to do it.
Well, speaking of waking up, I mean, every week we talk, the Liberty Movement is just exploding and exploding.
National news, local news is calling for my arrest.
Freedom of hate speech is the headline.
For just putting up Obama posters that say Infowars.com.
I mean, the fact that we can shake these tyrants up so quickly.
Really shows how weak they are.
They wouldn't be upset by this if they weren't weak and if they weren't scared of the people rising up and kicking their butts.
They're wrong and we're getting to them.
You gotta remember these broadcasts go all over the world.
I mean, I talk to people on the internet in Paris and London and all over the place.
And, you know, we're doing a magnificent job of reaching the world.
And these guys in the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute, they're going to be banging their heads against the wall.
How can we get rid of these people without killing them?
Alright, I want to go to some flu calls so you can comment on what they're saying.
Bob, they're now backing off partially, at least some reports saying they may not try to vaccinate the entire population now, but they are going to try to force it on school kids and other people.
Then mainstream news in Europe, here's one of the articles, swine flu jab linked to killer nerve disease.
Leaked letter reveals concern over neurologists over 25 deaths in America, mainly in Texas, just since they started trials.
Bob, what are your ideas to get this out in U.S.
I mean, the head of Health and Human Services should be asked this every time she's in a press conference.
This should be top news story, but they're getting ready to inoculate a hundred plus million people with something that's killing a large percentage of those that take it, and the CDC knows it and is covering it up.
Your take on that and how we get the word out.
Well, first of all,
They have to be doing something besides giving swine flu shots.
There's got to be something else in there.
They never do things in a unilateral manner.
They always have more than one goal, usually several goals, when they take a program like this and push it forward.
And the worst thing that can happen is that they give it to the children.
In the worst thing of all, my daughter's a teacher, and she's got three children, and she's not going to allow them to give this shot to them.
And I said, well, if you do that, they may put you in an internment camp.
She said, I don't care.
She's not going to get it.
Well, I think it's because of that attitude that they're probably not going to get away with this.
I already see some signs they're pulling back, but I don't want to say that too clearly because they may give us a curveball, try something else.
They appear to be going full steam ahead, but I'm seeing such an awakening that we have a very good chance of stopping them.
I mean, I want to be honest with people, but at the same time, then not have folks stand down and not get involved.
If we go absolutely wild and post posters everywhere and say, don't take the flu shot and get involved,
Then, they will be forced to back off and then not try it again in a few years, if our response is big enough against them.
But, if we don't stand up and say no, they may go all the way to the wall with us with it, with the sterilents or whatever's in it.
They've been caught before.
Or, they may stop now and try it a year from now.
What do you say to that, Bob?
I say that we could do it.
And, you've got the medium to do it.
I have a minor part of that.
We've got to keep on hammering.
You've seen my health section.
It's never been so big.
I've got 20 links in the health section from all over the world explaining how these shots are dangerous and could very well kill you.
We've got people in Europe who are spreading the information everywhere.
And especially in Europe, the La Roche people are spreading the word that, you know, don't take the shots.
And so, yes, word of mouth, everything that we can do.
And I think you're right about the chinks in their armor.
I think that they're in trouble with this one.
And I'll tell you why.
Because they're in trouble.
We had a Rasmussen poll, a 44 approval rating on the president.
I think the Congress has a 12 rating.
Yeah, I forgot to go over that.
Guys, will you pull up the Rasmussen 44 or 43?
I saw that this morning and forgot to print it.
What's the number?
Well, I didn't see this morning's.
Well, I saw the article this morning.
When did that come out?
I don't know.
Yeah, I know, but I saw the Rasmussen.
I think it was 44 or 43.
Just Google President's Approval now at 44 or 43.
It should bring it up.
But yeah, I mean, he's losing a couple points a week, Bob.
Well, this is a syndrome.
Incidentally, I predicted 40 by September-October in January.
I remember that.
So we're done with this one.
He's got this medical plan, and I'm sure that they'll have some crummy medical plan passed, but most of the stuff that people are complaining about won't be in there.
And I think that this has really rattled him.
And it has cast a pall over the Democrats, because if I had to guess, 70 to 80% of the people don't want this medical plan, no matter what's in it.
And then you have cap and trade, which is having trouble in the Senate.
You get these terrible ratings.
You get the dollar going down, which is going to affect people, even though they don't know it yet.
And I think also,
Besides, not making the shots mandatory.
If we can push them into that corner, then they won't do other things for at least a while.
Like false flag operations, or a bank holiday, and things like that.
And by the way, they're on record saying they're getting ready under level 6 WHO pandemic for forced inoculations, lockdowns of cities, but now we have the Governor's Association, and we're going to calls.
The Governor's Association writing letters saying we don't want federal troops.
The Pentagon's calling for 400,000 now on the streets of America asking for permission from Congress, showing men who the real boss is.
We now have Congressman Paul, Congressman Brown, former Congressman Armey saying they may use martial law
The flu generated martial law as a pretext to ram through Obama's agenda.
What have I been saying since April?
That I see that in the fall, them trying to get the cap and trade and the gun grab and the cyber security and all of it, the hate crime, all through in the fall with the flu.
So even if they don't get forced inoculation, the fear-mongering and the hype
Over that, just like anthrax attacks they staged were used to get Patriot Act, I see everything coming down to the wire in October, November, December.
So people better be ready, because Obama is cratering.
He's cratering faster than they thought.
Remember, Biden said they knew he'd crater in the first year.
So this is it, folks.
This is game
Make it or break it time.
This is sudden death over time.
We need everybody 110% to get juiced up psychologically and intellectually and go absolutely wild.
We need everybody to go ape right now.
Screaming, yelling, getting the word out, letting the establishment know we see them and we see the terrorists and murderers and criminals they are.
Let's take a call.
Lily in Arizona, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, hi Bob, it's an honor to be with you on the show.
I have a few points about this flu, the hype, and I grew up in Eastern Europe under communism, and coming from that background, I can see a lot of things that are coming together with what they're trying to do to people.
And just like you said, I've been listening to your show for a while, and I realize what a lie they're trying to push on people.
I mean, nothing but lies.
And I don't understand how people cannot see right through the lies.
Because growing up, we grew up not trusting the government.
Your life depended on that.
One out of three people were informants, so you really did not know who you were talking to.
So you had to keep to yourself.
That's what they're trying to do to stifle the First Amendment.
If they succeed in doing that, this country's going down the tubes.
And I would hate to see this happen.
And I wonder myself, and I ask myself and my husband, how did America get to this point?
And why?
People are taking their liberties for granted, and they're not thinking.
One point that I want to make, and I want people to think about it, why would Kathleen Sebelius give vaccine makers immunity if there's nothing wrong with those vaccines?
People don't ask that question.
Well, and Lily, you know, most people didn't grow up in Eastern Europe under what we're going into.
That's why.
Why did smallpox kill Native Americans but it wouldn't kill the Anglos?
Because the natives had never been exposed to it.
Just like we've never been exposed to real hardcore tyranny.
So the average Dumbo doesn't know that because they've never come up against it.
Those of us that haven't lived under tyranny but studied history
We know what it looks like.
You've lived under it.
You know what it looks like.
Bob fought it when he was fighting the Communists.
He knows what it looks like.
And that's what's so sad about these yuppies that giggle and laugh and think it's all funny.
They don't know that this is hardcore, classical tyranny that's coming down on us.
Bob, and then another comment from Lily.
Bob, comments on what Lily was saying.
Well, I think she's absolutely right.
People haven't experienced it.
And America has never
Collectively, really had a bad day in their life.
I know we've had wars in Vietnam and, you know, for the living, most of the people from World War II are gone.
And we had the war in Korea, and now we've got these actions in the Middle East.
But besides that, most people didn't get involved.
And they don't know what bad is.
I mean, they just go to their job and have their families and so on and so forth.
And they believe the government will fix it.
They believe this propaganda.
And so, we have to reach them so they hear the other side of the story.
The truth.
And that's our job.
And what Lilly said is so key.
I said it in a long form earlier, but she just like a laser beam said, if they get you to only stay to yourself, if they get you afraid and chilled to pull in your antennas and not be involved, they win.
The minute, that's why they're out saying, you don't like the president, you don't want to turn your guns in, racist.
You don't like... That's wrong.
Well, that's what the Soviets did.
I mean, explain that to people.
We've got to speak up now or it's over.
I remember my grandfather telling me he lived in the forties and the fifties when the communists took power.
And he said that they came and took everything from the people and got rid of the ones that were vocal.
The ones that fought against them, put them in jail, killed them.
They disappeared forever.
They took everything.
My grandfather told me they took their animals, the cattle, the plows, everything.
They left them destitute.
People don't hear, don't understand it.
I'm like, I'm looking at people and I said, how can you not see what's coming?
How can you not see how everything is like a puzzle?
They're putting the pieces into place.
The good of everybody, that was the favorite phrase of the communists.
That's all you heard, for the good, for the common good.
Who's good?
Well, I want to have you have a minute or so, Lily, on the other side to finish up.
We're going to go to Mark, Jerry, Jeff, Lou, and others.
We're going to hold Bob over a little bit in the next hour.
If he can do it, have him up for a full hour next week.
We had Rand Paul only pop in earlier when Bob is normally on with us, so we apologize to Bob, but he's so busy, I'm sure he's happy to be on with an abbreviated show.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
Jeff in South Dakota said he had problems holding up Obama posters.
Gotta call her.
The people come after him.
I'll talk to him in a moment.
I want to talk to Mark and Jerry and Lou and everybody.
We've got this segment and the next.
I want to let Lily in Arizona finish up what she's saying and maybe call in again sometime and tell more stories about Eastern Europe and the Communists.
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Okay, we've got Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com with us.
And we're going back to Lily.
Lily, anything else you want to add?
You were talking about your grandfather.
You were talking about
Well, that's why I held you over.
About how they always say it's for everyone, it's for the children, it's for the greater good.
Finish up with that thought.
Well, the only good was for the ones, for the dogs at the top.
Because they had everything and everybody else was starving.
That's the good of everyone.
Everyone at the top, that is.
Which is probably, what, 1%? 0.5%?
You know, you never know, but the corruption went on while the whole country was starving and it started with putting fear in people to speak their mind because they arrested those that were vocal in the beginning and it had a chilling effect on everybody and everybody
Well, did you hear the callers?
People are so stupid because what they do not understand is that you report
Your turn is coming back next tomorrow because they're going to turn against you.
There is no loyalty.
So people need to understand that and bend together.
People should work together, not against each other, because the enemy is not the people.
And people do not understand that.
And I have a few words of caution for Christians.
Christians better wake up and not wait for the rapture because that's not going to happen before the trouble.
They better wake up because the same thing happened in China.
Where were you from in Eastern Europe?
Romania, yeah.
Well, God bless you.
Call back in again.
Lily, good to hear from you in Arizona.
Bob, I held her over because I just want people to hear that testimony, but
I mean, did you think you'd ever see an American president saying rat on your neighbors if they criticized me?
The only place I heard of that was in communist countries or in Nazi Germany.
It's just incredible to see it happening.
And to know these big offshore banks are funding this fake communist system to steal all our wealth.
Bob, stay there.
Back in one minute, we're going to take a few more calls for you.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Okay, real fast.
Mark and Oregon, you're on the air with Bob Shadman.
Go ahead, Mark.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex and Bob.
How y'all doing today?
Um, Alex, a massive poster campaign on the vaccination deception is certainly in order, no doubt.
I don't think so.
As well as an expedited production and release of a video by yourself, perhaps titled The Vaccination Deception.
It's just it's coming out right in October and they may back off by then.
So I need to make it just about how they use overall vaccine systems.
But going back to Bob Chapman, Bob, is it just the idea of lots of posters lets people get the idea that other people are upset?
It's harder to go form groups.
Out of this, you can form groups.
That's correct.
And also you have existing groups.
That you would introduce these, you know, posters to and say, look, if you're going to do this, you got to do that, too, because they're going to disagree with the vaccination process.
So you would get a hold of those groups and introduce them to posters and say, put them up everywhere.
And I've done that before.
Of course, I'm a little old for it now, but during political campaigns, you know, we go out and
And from 10 o'clock at night to 6 o'clock in the morning and put posters everywhere!
Yeah, there's nothing more American, nothing more pro-liberty, and the fact the government's trying to demonize it is outrageous.
San Francisco won first place, the guys that did Lower Manhattan, you won second place, and I'm watching all these other videos, I think I know who third place is, I'll announce it on Monday, or during the weekend they'll be posted up on the site.
We're launching a new contest, it'll be up by tonight or tomorrow, to expose the flu.
Okay, to expose the shots.
I've just got to get all that written up and done as well.
Speaking of the posters, let's go to Jeff in South Dakota.
Jeff, quickly, what happened to you?
Yeah, yes Alex and Bob.
I was in Broken Bow, Nebraska, which is where my wife is also a nurse.
I went down to the local gun show.
I was going to take a picture of this huge Obama poster that the local IT slash, you know, all-in-one store guy had up there at the gun show.
The thing must have been 8x10.
In the meantime, I'm putting up my own posters and stuff outside of the Obama Joker poster and stuff.
And as soon as I went back in to do stuff, I noticed my posters and stuff would get ripped down.
I know a couple gentlemen outside.
One looked like a farmer, another one looked just like a cowboy.
And it turned out to be the promoters.
They, in the meantime, went inside, made Jim take down his big poster, which I wanted to get for you, Alex.
This would have been huge.
I mean, nice poster for you.
I came back, I said, well, what was up?
Why are you taking this stuff down?
They said, well, we're afraid to be political because the mayor of the town here in Brooklyn, Nebraska might kick us out of the municipal building.
And exactly, that's how this tyranny works.
First they tell churches they can't, now they're telling everybody, in fact that's what the local paper in Austin, in Hayes County says, we can't allow any of this.
It's un-American.
And soon, that's the point, no one has any free speech.
Bob Chapman, this is exactly what we're talking about.
And what you do is you tell a man to take a hike.
That's what I was saying.
What really made him mad, I said, well, your ancestors must have been Tories or something.
I said, you know, maybe they were fighting on the wrong side of the revolution.
And they started getting in my face.
Obviously, my hands are full of stuff.
They just literally pushed and shoved me out the door.
You know, these are supposed to be supposed right-wing conservative people.
I said, well, you know better.
Shut me down than Obama or Clinton or Bush was.
No, they are.
They're cowards.
They literally worship licking boots.
And we better not let anybody put posters up.
They might come get us in America, you know.
I mean, they might as well live in Romania in 1965.
They might as well live in Ukraine in 1935.
I mean, these people want to be raped.
They want to be enslaved.
It's disgusting.
Keep it up, Jeff.
Get the posters out all over the town.
Bob Chapman, his forecast comes out twice a week.
Don't stop.
Get a free copy at theinternationalforecaster.com.
See you next week, my friend.
Okay, bye-bye.
There he goes.
Take care.
We'll be right back with a special guest, the medical doctor who came out and said this health care plan is eugenics.
He resigned from the AMA.
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He's done some research, and when you start rationing healthcare, and it looks as if that couldn't happen, I mean, if you've got 50 million more people in the system, and a certain number of doctors, people are gonna be in line, and you're gonna have to determine who gets the next treatment, is, unfairly, the elderly are the ones who are gonna get shortchanged.
That's so true.
I mean, in a way, it's a form of eugenics.
And that's why we've got him on with us.
I continually hear him point out how they want to put troops on the streets, have the inoculations, martial law.
Now Ron Paul is talking about it.
Former Congressman Dick Armey saying they may use this as a pretext to get their health care ram through this flu hype that they've got going.
So joining us for one segment, and then we've got Congressman Ron Paul coming up, is of course Dr. Mark Siegel, Fox News contributor.
And I certainly agree with a lot of the information he covers and also meshes with some of the other medical doctors and virologists and epidemiologists that we have on.
Sir, thanks for coming on with us.
Good to see you.
Nice to be on.
How you doing?
Good, good.
Give us your take on Obamacare.
I mean, I've gone over the sections.
All that bad stuff is in there, or it points at boards that we know do carry out all this rationing.
We know what happens in Canada and England and Germany.
That's on record.
You can watch the House of Commons on C-SPAN and see them admitting it.
I mean, as a doctor, give us your snapshot of this program, where you see it going, and why you're saying it borders on eugenics.
Well, I think that the big issue here is that it starts in the wrong place.
I'm getting more and more disturbed about it now that we're seeing these religious references and everyone that doesn't agree with President Obama is somehow bearing false witness.
I mean, how awful is that?
I think that the whole discussion is misguided.
First of all, anybody understands in the United States that if we're going to change something, we need a debate.
So it's very suspicious.
That if you disagree with the president and the administration, somehow you're wrong?
I mean, where's the debate then?
There's got to be something to discuss.
And what about practicing physicians who are in the trenches every day with patients and see where this is going?
And I'm not an insurance salesman.
I work with patients.
I have to deal with insurance, public and private.
So why isn't the administration more interested in the fact that practicing physicians are having a problem with this?
We don't think that government insurance works that well.
We don't think
That Medicaid works well at all.
We don't think Medicare is working very well.
Well, they're admitting, doctor, they can't even read the 1,300-page bill.
Conyers admits that.
I mean, how can they implement something if they can't even read what was written by special interest A, and then B, going back and backing you up?
We have them all over the news now as a mantra saying, you can't even call it socialism, or you're a racist, using the N-word.
They are
Weaponizing politics, terrorizing the public, and invoking racism.
They're actually the ones using race.
They're the ones that are engaging in racism.
Race pimping!
Well, I mean, you know, really, I think that we have to get back to basics here.
You know, what are the basics?
The basics are, whether they like it or not,
Health care and health insurance are not the same thing.
Americans understand that.
That's one of the reasons we're having the problem we're having.
Americans understand that.
They own an automobile and they know if they bring their automobile in with a scratch, their rates are going to go up.
If they try to bring their automobile in with a scratch too much, they're going to find out there are no repair shops around taking their insurance.
That's something we've lost sight of with health insurance.
Health insurance is the problem, it's not the solution.
And government-run health insurance is absolutely the worst.
So it's completely disingenuous to have this discussion without looking at what real
Health care needs are.
And one thing is, and this is where I get very upset, there's a great shortage of physicians in the United States.
There's an estimated 40,000 primary care physicians we're going to be lacking in the next 10 years, and you can probably triple that given the fact that we have 78 million baby boomers coming in.
Then let's piss off physicians more?
Let's cut them?
Oh, don't worry!
We're not cutting benefits to patients.
We're only cutting benefits
And he can't even afford, I mean my dad's a physician, he can't even then afford the medical malpractice insurance.
People aren't living in the real world that don't live and work as a physician like you do.
And I think you point out the whole debates of fraud back before we had medical insurance.
We even had, you know, better access to health care.
It becomes just this bigger and bigger fraud, this bigger and bigger scam where the expenses of the bureaucracies go up and the media is saying it's the doctors getting the money.
I see the statistics.
Doctors in the last 20 years, in many cases, are making half of what they were.
People ask me all the time, why aren't doctors fighting?
I'll give you a couple answers for that.
The number one, you're not going to believe, which is they're too busy taking care of patients.
Number two is, most doctors realize that they're being steamrolled and they don't feel that there's anything to do about it, so why waste the time?
But there's going to be a rude awakening in a few years if this gets slammed down.
Doctors are going to revolt.
And I'll have to tell you, full disclosure, here's how doctors revolt.
They either drop out,
Or they game the system.
Now the patients want that.
You want to be gamed?
You want your doctor to drop out?
Let's deal with a real myth.
That you're going to get to keep the doctor you got now till he quits!
You know?
Great quote.
Get to keep the doctor you have now.
So, you know, physicians are being completely ignored in this whole discussion.
And a few of us have loud voices.
But clearly, the debate... Would you have a debate about who's operating your train without talking about the conductor?
Would you say, let's pad the seats, let's get new dining cards?
By the way, the engineer's quitting.
Well, that's like the government says they're going to put screen doors on submarines without consulting the engineer who designed the submarine.
I mean, it's totally the case.
And I don't want your listeners to think, by the way, that I only care about doctors, but there's a trickle-down effect here.
Because everybody knows that when you go to the doctor's office, you're not meeting President Obama, you're meeting your physician.
And by the way, one more thing that I don't think I've ever said before, I want to make a really important point here.
You know, doctors are not the same doctors that we were dealing with in 1964 when Medicare came down the pike.
Those doctors were definitely living high on the hog, and there was a lot of fat on the bone.
Now, I don't happen to think the fat was chipped off the bone in the right way.
I don't think HMOs work very well, and I know that the government insurance does it, but the doctors we have now are very close to the bone.
They have very, very high overhead.
They're working their butts off.
They're seeing 40 patients a day.
What do you want, to see 60?
I mean, let's flood their offices with millions of more patients and pay them less and hire
Well, I've seen it with nurses.
That's why they've got such a shortage there.
I mean, it's a hellish job because they are overworking everybody, and they use a few specialists on TV to demonize the profession.
In the five minutes we've got left, I want to plug your website.
It's drsiegel.com.
That's drsiegel.com.
I wanted to specifically get into eugenics, though.
You said it's almost like eugenics.
Well, the bioethicist boards have a lot of eugenicist ideas in them.
Europe, as you know, they've said, if you're old, you don't deserve the same care as a young person.
We know that Daschle's book said, if you're old, you don't deserve the care.
So, can you elaborate, as a well-known, prominent physician, why you use the word eugenics?
Because we're trained in medical school not to make any difference between one patient and another.
I've talked about that endlessly and thought about that.
I don't treat overweight people differently than skinny people, except that I might focus on being overweight as a problem.
I don't say, this patient has no money, I'm going to treat them less.
I don't say this person's rich, I'm going to treat them better.
My patients wouldn't have it any other way.
So where's the government coming along saying, you know, things like Ezekiel Emanuel has written about life years?
Too many life years?
I mean, what is that all about?
Why don't elderly deserve the same care as young people?
A patient is a patient is a patient.
That's the only way doctors can practice, and it's the only way healthcare can be delivered, and it's what the United States wants.
And they're phrasing it in the media and the government like it's good, like you want the government taking tests away, you want the government giving you an aspirin for a heart attack, like Cuba.
I mean, this is crazy.
I think the biggest issue with the government, by the way, is that they don't have the qualifications.
And never mind that they do such a great job with the IRS and with the Post Office, but they're just learning their talking points now.
I mean, they go into seminars and tutorials on healthcare.
I mean, that's the thing that's most disturbing here of all.
I watch politics with a jaundiced eye to begin with, but where do these guys get off thinking they can be healthcare experts?
That's the biggest bearing of false witness here to begin with.
I mean, where did this guy get an MD from?
You know, we're in this for... I've been in this for two decades already, and I'm not just a practicing physician.
As you know, I'm writing about this.
I've been writing about health policy for ten years.
I've studied this very carefully.
There's too many people in this
Dealing with this, ramming this down our throats, who are not qualified to be looking at health care and health reform.
But they are qualified to steal 20% of the country's economy that's not under government control so they can give it to their fat cat buddies is now coming out.
In closing, the flu.
I've seen no U.S.
I'd love for you to break this nationally.
You've got the power to do it.
The Sunday Mail, the London Telegraph, German News Reports, Swine Flu, Jablink, the Killer Nerve Disease,
Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America in the test alone of the vaccine by Gillian Bernays and other deaths of neurological, it's switching on some autoimmune response, massive brain swelling.
Doctor, your comments on this and the news saying three shots could mutate in the body.
Well, look, I think it's a mild virus.
I think that, as you hinted before I came on, we don't know how it's going to be hyped yet.
We don't know what the administration's going to do to hype it.
I think it's a mild virus, but I do think it's made its way around the world, and I think we have to pay particular attention to it.
I don't think we can ignore it, but the hysteria is totally ridiculous.
I think we need a vaccine to it, but the vaccine that is problematic, because in 1976 we had what we thought was a swine flu epidemic, which was completely fabricated it turned out, and we ended up with close to a thousand cases of ascending paralysis as a result.
That could happen again, but I don't want to use fear of the vaccine to replace fear of the virus.
I don't like fear in general.
I've written books on this.
But doctor, we got 30 seconds.
My issue here is that internal CDC, they're saying... I mean, were you aware of this?
It's not in our news.
I'm aware of it.
You are aware?
I'm aware of it, but I don't know the extent to which it's a problem versus 76.
In other words, it remains to be seen how significant a side effect this is.
Before I go and tell people, be afraid of this vaccine, I want to see more about what a risk this really is.
Exactly, but they're keeping it secret, so shouldn't that be public?
Shouldn't there be a big debate about this?
There should be a big debate about this, but I'm telling you right now, I'm always on the side of the facts, and I want to close by saying I think the vaccine is going
Doc, thanks for talking to us.
Oh, my pleasure.
You bet.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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My answer would be all I can get.
In the battle for freedom and the lives of your loved ones, food is your only ammunition.
We're good.
We're good to go!
Folks, I'm going to be live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
here in this very studio.
Also simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to thank all the members that have made the show possible.
I mean, how could that last doctor, who's a nice guy and it speaks out more than most against the system, calling it eugenics, say, yeah, I know it's killing some people.
But, you know, we've got to see if this is, I forget his exact quote, you know, an acceptable level of side effects.
Because, you know, that's what they do.
They triage.
They say, well, if this vaccine saves 10,000 people, but it kills 1,000, you know, it's okay.
That's kind of the medical idea.
I'm not saying Segal's saying that, but it's in the same general idea and area.
They know it doesn't protect you from the flu.
They know it's already mutated.
You know their history of adding stuff to it.
You've got to admit what this medical system's doing, hyping this flu that's killed almost nobody up like it's the end of the world.
This is a big deal.
We're going to expose it with the contest.
Ron Paul is coming up, and then the rebroadcast starts, and I'll be back next, well this Sunday, live.
I want to thank the crew.
In fact, guys, make sure I also... I'm supposed to, during the break, call that other TV reporter, so... And when Duke gets back, make sure... I'm having to give orders right now because I've got a bunch of stuff coming up.
My mind starts racing with all the different things we have to do.
Make sure we go ahead and give the Fox News reporter that young man's phone number that put the posters up so they can get the facts straight in the Fox News story.
So, that's happening too.
I wanted to thank a few of the sponsors that I haven't really gotten to today before we go into this Ron Paul interview that's coming up, because it is the sponsors that make this radio show possible.
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We're good to go.
Yeah, there's the Fox News story.
Felony vandalism charges possible in Obama-Joker poster case.
We have Joshua Miller's number from Fox.
He's been calling us.
We need to call him and explain this is all fraud.
And the police told the young man that we know this is selective enforcement and, uh...
That they don't normally go after people from this, but it's political pressure.
And that Obama supporters were there snapping photos of people doing it and saying, we're going to turn you in.
Just like Obama told them to do on his own website.
So, again, this is a big, big issue.
We'll have more for you on the abbreviated Sunday Show as well.
In other news, the dollar is plunging.
All the real economic numbers show commodities exploding because of dollar devaluation.
Takes more dollars worldwide to buy those.
Are moving away from the dollar.
Unemployment skyrocketing.
Every real economic indicator is we're dead meat.
Meanwhile, the media is telling you the economy's great because it is for the big bankers and the billionaires and the people that control trillions.
This is their big consolidation, their vertical integration.
Because we're armed, they can't come in with a Soviet takeover right away so they can economically rape us.
And Obama's their front man to take the blame of that, just like Bush was involved.
We have got to expose the offshore banks for stealing $23.7 trillion in the last 10 months, hoarding that money, and paying banks not to loan to the citizens to kill the economy so the banks can force a consolidation.
They want a destroyed economy.
Not your local bank, the big multinational king banks.
Want to destroy the economy so they can consolidate it and vertically integrate it.
Want to say great job to the crew here as well.
Before I run out of time with this interview with Ron Paul, don't know if we'll have time for that coming up.
And all the sponsors and affiliates, be sure and support our local sponsors as well.
We'll be right back.
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All right, it's already hour number four.
We're here live on the Giovanni.
We're gonna talk about socialized health care.
People have actually read the subsections.
We have them here.
Total takeover.
He'll be breaking that down.
He's got bills to beat it.
And to really fix healthcare.
Auditing the Fed, we're going to get into that.
And so much more.
And he's a medical doctor.
We're going to talk about this flu hype.
Trying to stampede people into federalization.
You in control of the level 6 pandemic.
And a lot more with Congressman Ron Paul.
Congressman, thank you for joining us today.
Let's get into the National Socialist Healthcare.
Obama tried to stonewall people and said this is no big deal, but people have now read the bill.
You're a medical doctor and a congressman.
Can you tell us what's really in that bill?
Well, it is nationalized healthcare, and it's a pretense that it isn't, you know, completely.
It just means that there's some transition involved.
So their goal is to have one party payer, which means that they control everything.
And there's a lot of other bad things in too, like this effort to consult with anybody who's over a certain age and talk to them about end-of-life type of procedures.
This bill is just such an outrage.
The American people see it for what it is.
It's going to cost a lot of money, their care is not going to be improved, and that special interest will be served.
Congressman, when I was talking to you, when we first got you on during that one minute break, you brought up
The rebellion against really both parties, but mainly the Democrats.
Doggett being shouted down.
Republican congressman, Delaware congressman, Specter getting chanted down.
People saying, we don't want your socialist big government healthcare.
That has got to be exciting when their own constituents are shouting them down.
Yeah, I think.
And this is different.
I don't remember seeing the people so angry as they are now.
But I think what they've discovered is that government is a failure.
It isn't so much that they're all saints now and they don't want the government taking care of them.
I think a lot of people have come to the realization that you can't trust government.
The government's been promising me all this and they were going to give me all these free things that wouldn't cost anything and not have a good job and we'd live happily ever after.
They're starting to realize now that it's not so, and they're going to end up with a lot of debt, and the government can't be trusted.
That's a healthy start.
So it is our job now to fill in the void and tell them what the role of government ought to be, so that we can take all this energy and anger and redirect it.
Exactly, because you have always said that the danger point is that when we come to this crisis, the collapse of big government, they're going to try to make it even bigger and a total tyranny.
We've got to be there beforehand and daring, saying no, let's get back to the system that's proven to be the most bountiful, the most free, the beautiful system, the great design our founders gave us.
I think so.
We're good to go.
Congressman, when we come back, I want to talk about the establishment's response, though, to the majority of House members now wanting to audit the Fed and the people getting angry.
Lloyd Doggett and others went on the news and said it was all staged, all fake.
It didn't matter that I found out my neighbor was there.
They'll wake up soon.
I think that this is not going to go away very quickly.
We're going to come back and talk more about this.
There they are, chanting at Lloyd Doggett.
Hundreds and hundreds of people literally chasing him from the building, and he says it's staged.
Well, it's not staged.
We ended that segment with video and audio of Congressman Lloyd Doggett, a big collectivist, being booed off the stage at a Randall's grocery store here in Austin.
Now, I talked to people that were there,
They said, we don't want this.
He said, I don't care what you want.
I'm going to do it.
I saw him during the cap and trade say, I don't care if I'm getting five to one calls against this.
I'm going to do it.
That seems to be his his call sign.
And then the media is acting like it's un-American and bad that citizens would dare chant at him.
Is it un-American to go talk to your politicians?
Well, when we can't do that, it's all over.
You know, the First Amendment tells you something about petitioning Congress and having some redress.
So, I would say that if they ever get to the point where they want to enforce that, where you can't call down your elected officials, the ballgame's over.
But right now, I think there's still enough room.
You're still on the radio.
I still speak out.
I still am in Congress.
So, we have a vehicle.
The answer is going to be, can we awaken and alert enough people to become activists and rally the cry for freedom?
So, the control freak statists are in a race against time.
We're in a race against them.
Where would you put our situation as humanity, as an American people?
We see a huge awakening taking place.
Is the momentum beginning to shift in our direction?
I don't think there's any doubt about it.
You know, I keep thinking about what our history was like in the 20s and the 30s.
In the 20s and the 30s, early 30s, everything had already shifted intellectually.
But even when Roosevelt ran in 1932, he ran on a conservative platform, the gold standard and balance of budget, and criticized Hoover for doing all the dumb things.
But the intellectual community had already come to the welfare state in socialism, and that of course is what Roosevelt responded to.
I think it may well be reversed right now, because now when I go out and talk to colleges and campuses and kids and all, they know what Austrian economics are, and they know about
The Federal Reserve?
I mean, just think of the momentum we have on the Federal Reserve, in the Fed.
So I would say, underneath, the momentum is on our side.
But in Washington, and the intellectual communities are still very statist.
So this, to me, is very encouraging, but we have to translate that eventually into political action.
But the contest is on, and we have a long way to go yet.
Congressman, what are the tricks up the sleeve of the establishment?
The people don't want socialized health care.
They don't want open borders.
They don't want new wars.
They don't want a private federal reserve that's above the law.
But the establishment, it seems, instead of trying to give an olive branch, seems to be entrenching themselves further.
I mean, you're a well-read person.
I'm sure you know Alabama's announcing they're going to use regular army as their new police force.
It's connected.
New York's asking for federal troops.
The Marines in California are running DWI checkpoints.
CNN and Fox are reporting the Army's going to lock down cities and try to carry out forced inoculations.
Now, they're trying to announce this.
I'm not saying they're going to get away with it, but they're certainly saying it.
Martial law was threatened against Congress last year.
They didn't give it to the bankers.
Clearly, NORTHCOM, it appears, is a receivership arm now for the offshore corporations that are trying to
A sanguiate or absorb the United States.
Your comments on the swine flu, the hype, the fear.
It's killed less than 200 people in the U.S.
and the regular flu kills 37,000 the CDC says but they're saying the end of liberty, the end of freedom, forced inoculations because of a couple hundred dead.
Is this an excuse for federal expansion of power?
Yeah, it's pure propaganda.
You know, to get us involved overseas, it's war propaganda on somebody's going to attack us with a nuclear weapon if we don't go in and invade other countries.
The same way you domestically scare people, most people don't know what you just said, that tens of thousands of people die from flu every year, and now we have a couple hundred and they want us to just sacrifice our choices and just say, oh, okay, if you tell us we need a shot, we'll do it.
I don't know.
Yeah, I think so.
That's the whole thing.
That's what we work so hard to try to prevent.
But when you hear these stories about the use of force and the use of martial law and the tremendous invasion of our privacy, that to me is scary that nothing is private anymore.
Everything in the government is secret and your privacy is non-existent.
That is where the real problem is.
We need to reverse that sentiment.
Well, Congressman, you are a medical doctor, and I pulled up your quotes from the 70s when you came out and said, we've had a few deaths at a military base.
Uh, that, by the way, was triggered after an inoculation.
And then thousands died, tens of thousands got sick from the swine flu vaccine itself.
You were proven right then.
How did you know it was a fraud in 76-77?
And I know you've spoken out against it today.
Can you specifically give us your take on where it's going?
Because it looks like
From my research, Obama is going to use fear over this flu as a political smokescreen and as kind of a false flag or control crises so government can grandstand as our savior to push through the carbon tax in the Senate, to push through the amnesty, the gun control, the socialized health care.
That's why you now see Pelosi and others saying, we're going to try this in October.
I mean, do you concur that that looks like how this is triangulating or give us your expert?
Yeah, it's hard to say, but I think, yes, there'll definitely be some votes in September and October for them to bring this up.
But on the inoculations, the main reason why I was skeptical, even in 76, is I don't like the mass treatment of people.
It's just bad medicine.
That doesn't mean that I have an attitude that inoculations are never good.
Matter of fact, I think Pauly was truly eradicated by inoculations, well, a small part.
But the question is, should government be making massive decisions?
Under the Constitution, there's not supposed to be any government involvement at all.
So, uh, but government's inept.
I remember that vote in 76.
It was interesting.
There were two of us that voted against it.
And the other one was Dr. Larry McDonald.
And I'm sure you remember that name.
But he and I were the only two.
And we were, I think there were three physicians in the Congress, but the two of us as physicians voted against it, believing it was bad medicine.
Yeah, I would ask you, Congressman, please don't take any flights from Alaska to South Korea.
No, I don't plan to do that.
Well, I think there'd be a revolt in this country if they did to you what they did to McDonald's.
We will continue the fight, there is no doubt about that.
But the momentum is on our side.
You know, people have warned me all about taking on the Federal Reserve.
The momentum is building.
You know, we worry about how much pressure they have and how much authority they have.
But because we've done our grassroots work, we've gotten the large majority of members of Congress to support our auditing bill.
And that didn't come from me persuading the Congressmen.
That came from exactly what's going on at these town hall meetings, the people being upset.
In this way, I think we harness the energy in the correct way and say, look, there's a problem there, and one of the problems is they don't tell us what they're doing, and here we have this secret organization that prints money, spends the money outside the budget, and people have responded, and that's why we have this 282
Members of Congress, I suspect we're going to get more.
Once we hit the 290, which means we'll have two-thirds vote, or the 300, right in that area, I think that's the time I'm going to really start putting pressure on the leadership to bring this up.
So far, they're indicating that they'll bring the bill up in a mixture of other bills, but they might get bogged down.
After we go back there, you may be hearing some announcements on where we want to direct our energies because we have such great momentum on that issue.
And then if the Senate tries to block it with a procedure, that is going to be political suicide, isn't it?
Over 75% of Americans want to audit or abolish the Fed.
That will only say, what are you hiding?
Why can't we look at what you're doing?
I mean, did you see Bernanke?
Well, obviously you did.
Sputtering and bumbling around on PBS in Kansas City about why no one can see the books.
I mean, he looked like Sylvester caught with Tweety Bird feathers sticking out of his mouth.
I'm expecting, and we'll see if I'm right about this suspicion, is I think eventually they're going to use national security as an excuse to keep the books closed.
You know, a lot of times what the CIA does, they say, oh, national security, you're not allowed to know this.
We can't try this person, national security, because they do use funds to get involved in foreign affairs because they can make deals with other governments, other central banks, international
We're good to go.
Okay, Congressman, we've got about 12 minutes left.
I want to move quickly now through a whole host of questions.
For stations, a network break's coming up.
It's our break.
We're skipping it.
The network's not taking it.
Congressman Ron Paul is our guest until 30 after.
Congressman, specifically on the economy, they told us three years ago we weren't in a recession, then two years later they admitted we'd been in one for over a year.
Now they said a year ago, green shoots.
Now they're saying again, the economy's wonderful.
We've turned the corner on every major indicator of joblessness and you name it, is getting worse and worse.
Anybody on Main Street knows we're in trouble.
Maybe it's good for bankers getting billion dollar bonuses.
What do you, as an economist, as a doctor, as a congressman,
What do you see happening?
What is the data you're seeing?
Is this just more more political hype to stall the imploding poll numbers of Barack Obama?
I think so, and the one group that is doing quite well is that Goldman Sachs group.
I mean, their business is booming, and their profits are booming, and they've lived off the government.
But no, I think you'll see little blips upward, and maybe they announce on the news it's all propaganda.
Well, housing is doing so much better because it didn't go down quite as quickly as last month.
Instead of losing 700,000 jobs last month, we lost 500,000 jobs, and you're supposed to feel good.
So it's a lot of propaganda.
They first want you to be very fearful and get you to go along with what they want to do, and then they turn around and they want to convince you they're doing such a grand job and they'll tell you everything is wonderful.
But there's a limit to how long they can fool the people.
You know, if you've been out of work,
And you don't have enough money to feed your kids and you listen to this.
You just don't buy into this stuff.
I've always argued that the people are generally 10 to 15 years ahead of Congress, whether it has to do with foreign policy or the war.
Drug war, or now, even on some of these things that they're complaining about now.
And that's why these events are very important to get the attention of the members of Congress, because ultimately, they like their job.
And if they know there's enough people out there, they're gonna pay attention and they'll change their voting.
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The issue here is if we arrest these people for their crimes, that illustrates and breaks their back right there to put in a constitutional system.
So I'm just saying skip all the middle phases and go right to arresting the crooks.
I mean... Well, I don't quite have enough information to tell you who's going to get arrested or should be arrested and who's going to do the arresting, you know.
Your audit goes a long way towards beginning that process.
I don't
These books get open about the time we have prices going up.
That will be the inflation tax.
People, you know, they're getting hit, but not as bad as if you have a CPI going up for 10, 15, 20 percent.
That's when the people are really going to be upset because they've lost a lot already.
People lost a lot in the value of their homes and their stocks, but what happens if they lose the value of the purchasing power of their weekly paycheck or social security beneficiaries?
That is something, no matter what the government does, they can't take care of it because the more they go into deficit financing, once the psychology shifts, it's amazing that we doubled the money supply and you didn't have a tremendous shift in psychology.
Gold holds its own and does go up.
But there will be a point when the psychology shifts and they say, well, we need to help the elderly and the unemployed, so we're going to double their paycheck, their check, because they can't live on what they're getting.
That psychology then is going to be the panic.
And then the inflation.
So it happens, it could happen overnight, quickly now in the time we've got left.
A question, does Dr. Pohl foresee a default on U.S.
debt, a bank holiday, and a quick devaluation of the UDS, much like happened in Argentina in early 2000?
We already see they're having to monetize quite a lot of the debt, the government buying its own debt.
Well, I don't think it's going to be one of these things.
In the old days, they had deliberate announcements and devaluations.
The dollar's being devalued every single day.
So that's going to happen, but there will be a time when the psychology changes, when it will turn into a rout, and that's what they can't control.
And, of course, if they're in the control of the government and the power and the army and everything else, then they end up picking up all the pieces.
But I don't think there'll be a bank holiday.
I mean, that would help
If they can inflate 50%, they've just defaulted on half of the debt.
That's right.
More and more it looks to me like Obama's going to be a one-term president.
I mean, he's got a record drop in polls for a president seven months into office.
Your take on Obama's political fortunes?
He promised the moon, he's delivering none of it.
What do you see happening?
I don't think he'll be re-elected, but I think it's way, way too early to know that for sure.
But his circumstances are much more difficult.
I often thought about this early on, whether he would be like Roosevelt and never get blamed for anything.
Roosevelt got more popular and kept getting re-elected in spite of the fact that he really prolonged the Depression.
Yeah, I don't think he's following the Roosevelt pattern, do you?
Yeah, no, I think you're right on that.
I think Obama is going to receive some of the blame, and rightfully so.
Not that he created the monster, you know.
The monster was there already.
But he certainly works for the same people.
In closing, we got about 45 seconds.
Holdren's book calling for putting sterilants in the water, having the CPS take all children at birth, and just total scientific dictatorship.
Does it concern you that the White House science czar wrote a textbook on how to carry out world government?
Sure it does, but that stuff's been around.
I'm just glad people are bringing it to the surface.
Would you call for an investigation into Holdren for these ideas?
I would call for an investigation of the whole government all the time because there's too much government, it's too secret.
So the more we find out about any of their shenanigans, the better.
Congressman Ron Paul, have a great recess.
God bless you.
Very good, thanks.
Thank you so much.
We'll be right back.
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