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Filename: 20090811_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 11, 2009
3151 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the Michigan State Police have confirmed that the father of the handicapped young man, there to stand up, Congressman Dingell, about the subsection that said that people with pre-existing conditions wouldn't be given treatment, did get death threats at his home and a home visit.
On national TV live this morning, Senator Specter,
Would bow his arms out and get in people's faces that disagreed with him while he was lying to them.
And then one old man gets up and says, I'm sick of your lies.
So a big thug, twice his size, jumps up, grabs him and starts shoving him into the aisle.
The videos of him beating up women, beating up men, punching people in the nose are coming out.
It's clear who's doing it.
It's the government thugs and the supporters of government thuggism.
This place is like the Soviet Union or something that are really out there intimidating people.
And the White House did put out public memos ordering their minions, they did send out tens of millions of emails to their email list on record saying, get out there, get in people's faces, protect the congressman from the racist mobs.
And the White House playing the race card, trying to start a race war in this country,
Puts out emails to their constituents saying, go punch the racist in the nose, basically.
No wonder it's happening.
And we've got clip after clip of CNN, of MSNBC, of Chris Matthews.
Clip after clip after clip after clip.
And Chris Matthews says, we need to inject them with sodium pentothal because they'll all admit they're doing this because they're racist.
And they have Washington Post writers on.
I mean, there's just so many clips.
We're going to try to play some today.
They're all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
They're saying they're really racist.
And the craziest new talking point is there's no health care bill.
It's all lies.
There's no rationing of health care.
There's no CPS visits to all parents' homes.
There's no death education with a dignity and dying counselor by law for all seniors.
We have the subsections here in my stack.
We have the bills, the House and Senate versions.
These are the official versions.
And what's happening is, Arnold Specter and all these criminals and Lloyd Doggett and the rest of them, all these congressmen and senators, they get up and lie and say there's none of that in the bill.
And the people stand up with the bills and say, here it is in subsection, this, this, and that.
And then Specter goes, okay, well, I don't support that.
But he supports the bill.
And the people are getting mad.
They're tired of going to meetings and having some criminal sit there and lie to them.
Look, the globalists in Agenda 21, in the Sustainability Treaty, in the Cap-and-Trade Treaty,
In the Global Greenhouse Treaties are all on record.
They do it in every other country.
They're seizing the industry, the energy, the healthcare, the local communities are being federalized under international rules.
This is a global corporate takeover.
And they're seizing health care, just like they said, oh, we need the banker bailout to give you money and pay for your mortgage.
And really, they said, oh, the law changes it where your interest rate's 30% now, and where you can't declare bankruptcy like you could before, and where you can basically go to debtor's prison and you can't fly if you've got bad credit and can't have a job if you've got bad credit.
And we give $23.7 trillion and growing to foreign banks, and then they give you no bailout.
They don't even give you a loan.
Just like healthcare!
This is liability protection for the insurance companies and the banks that own them, so you're not going to get any healthcare but an aspirin when you have a heart attack, chumps!
Just like the chumps!
A few chumps out there wanted the banker bailout of October 3rd last year.
Oh, did you get any of that money?
Double what it would take to pay off all mortgages in the country?
All you're going to get is a SWAT team tasering you or rubber-bulleting you or the butt of a rifle in your face or lining you up in a ditch.
That's what you get.
You understand that, you slobs out there?
This is Alex Jones.
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Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
If you're going into a battle and they give you a rifle and a sidearm, how much ammunition do you want?
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Again, that number, 1-800-409-5633.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to go live at PrisonPlanet.tv in the second, third and fourth hour today.
We've got Webster Griffin Tarpley popping in in the third hour because he predicted a year and a half ago that Obama was going to play the race card, that he was being put into office to energize racial division and if you didn't go along with the corporate takeover of the United States you would be called a racist.
And again I read the book, we sell both of them now,
And, you know, I respect it and like Tarpley, but I thought this is hard to believe.
I mean, that Obama is really this bad.
I mean, I knew that he was going to be bad because he's a puppet and financed by the big money and the establishment was behind him.
But to imagine that they are now saying on CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, CBS News, I jogged for 45 minutes on the treadmill this morning and flipped around through all the channels and every channel was parroting, except for Fox, was parroting that
You are a racist if you use the word socialist.
Now remember, Newsweek told us six months ago that we're all socialists now with that famous headline and cover with the red hand and the blue hand shaking hands.
The message was socialism will save the economy.
I guess that was actually eight months ago.
That was in, what, December?
Wasn't it?
But, I mean this, they know cold-bloodedly, this has no foundation in reality, they do it cold-bloodedly to ignite a race debate and to cause a race war.
That may be their false flag, is to try to get some type of riots going in this country.
In fact, the last 5, 6, 7, 8 times, I know it's more than 5 or 6 times, the last few months, where at universities people are spray painting swastikas or making racist phone calls to black organizations, they've all been caught staging it.
This black congressman I saw on the news this morning, who's in all this trouble for screaming people down at town halls, suddenly somebody painted a swastika at his office.
Gee, I wonder who did it.
Ninety percent chance one of his constituents did it to give him cover.
He may not have even been involved, but my money is on it being staged.
I mean, nine times out of ten it is.
Or it's some methamphetamine white trash person who's got like one tooth, who the feds buy drinks for at the bar and say, let's take over America, let's go after the White House, and the guy goes, yeah, let's do it!
And it comes out in court every time that it was just totally made up, and they find some mentally ill person to say it.
They want us fighting with each other, and it is so despicable.
I mean, Chris Matthews every night says it.
Paul Watson's posting three or four clips I see, and I'm not even reading all of Prison Planet, I'm so busy.
Three or four clips.
A day with them saying, you are racist, period.
If you oppose anything that Obama is pushing through,
It doesn't matter if, on gun control, they say, these are racist lies made up because people don't like our black president, as they have 15 separate bills, last time I counted them up, that are, each one of them, the most draconian gun bill ever seen, compared to previous gun legislation.
Anti-gun legislation.
And we've read them all on air and written articles and had Gun Owners of America on, and it's just off the charts bad.
The Attorney General can ban any guns he wants with the stroke of a pen.
It's giving him the dictatorial power to ban whatever he wants.
And so they sit there and say, you're liars, no such thing exists.
Just like the new talking point in the last week is, there is no health care bill.
So why are you complaining?
And the people go to these meetings and they have the bill and the printouts and the synopsis in their hands and they get mad.
And in Pennsylvania with Arnold Spector today,
I watched 30 minutes of the hour-long situation, I saw it happen live, where they started manhandling some old man because he was told, come to the town hall, you'll be able to speak.
He gets there, our inspector just talks at him, telling him there's none of this, there's no rationing care, there's no lying.
And I'm sitting there getting hot while I'm jogging on the treadmill.
Tell ya, it really helped me put the treadmill up to like level 8 and really start running.
I was getting so mad.
Instead of just jogging at level 6.
And I'm sitting there getting mad and people, you could see them wiggling around in their chairs getting mad.
You could see black people wiggling around in their chairs getting mad.
You could see them yelling at him.
You know, sitting there mumbling.
See, I mean, people know this is a scam.
They know whatever the government does is for some foreign corporation to rip us off!
The insurance companies are actually behind all this!
See, the Federal Reserve in 1913 ran ads in newspapers saying they were against the Federal Reserve Act.
Trying to fool people.
And people didn't get fooled then, they still passed it in a quorum, without a quorum, two nights before... It was actually the night before Christmas.
When all through the House, not a creature was stirring with three Senators.
And along came the wicked Grinch.
This wasn't a visit from Santa Claus.
And it's the same tricks.
They sit there and say, oh, big insurance companies, they don't want this.
Are you kidding?
This is just like the banker bailout.
They swore and they promised and they guaranteed
That it was going to fix your mortgage.
You know, just a small amount of mortgages that were in trouble.
And we looked at it and said, folks, it isn't even mortgages that are in trouble.
The banks just aren't lending.
This is about derivatives.
And they're going to actually hoard the money and freeze the money and not use it to pay for the mortgages to get the markets going again.
And you notice it's now come out in Congress and they admit that the Federal Reserve paid banks not to lend.
So, it's just basically everything is a lie.
I was watching CNN.
It was all deception.
They had some British guy on there this morning about how we need socialized health care like England at some clinic for the homeless, implying that people that need medical care aren't taken care of.
It's just citizens aren't told that by law, everything is paid for through the charity system, through the state laws.
The illegal aliens know that.
That's why they line up and get the full care.
And so yeah, they turn away ignorant U.S.
I've had people in my office with seriously debilitating things they need, serious surgeries, one of them Crohn's disease, and he didn't believe me.
We got in a big argument as he was literally, you know, even when he had insurance, it was fake insurance and they wouldn't pay for what he had.
It was, you know, one of these things where you pay for it and you get an aspirin.
And I explained, I said, look, my dad's an oral surgeon and a dentist.
I know these rules.
And I explained it, and I got on the phone with the Austin doctors, and we ended up getting the best doctor in New York City, $50,000 plus medical care, surgery, intestines removed, and he's 98% better four years later.
And he didn't believe me.
When I told him, I said, no, that they will do it all.
Doctors are supposed to do a third of their medical care for free.
That's the Hippocratic Oath.
And that's why you've got the brother of the White House Chief of Staff, Mr. Emanuel, on TV saying, we need to get rid of the Hippocratic Oath, which they don't give anymore.
Because this is about doctors and the insurance companies not having liability.
And they got all these stupid, dumb people.
I mean, maybe 10% of the public, like they have with the Banker Bailout, maybe that much, who they put on the news going, I want free health care!
I want my mortgage paid for!
You're not gonna get any good health care out of this!
They're just gonna take over the good health care that was there for people, and take more out of everybody's checks!
Let me ask you this, when you lose your job, do you get the six months of unemployment insurance you're supposed to get, that you and the employer have been paying in for for years?
No, you don't get it.
You don't get it.
Everybody I know.
I don't even challenge people we have to let go here of their unemployment.
And they get it for a month or so and then the government kicks them off of it.
If they even get that.
You're not gonna get it.
That's what this is all about.
You understand that?
You're not getting anything you paid in.
All you're getting is a boot stomping on your face.
It all goes to the offshore banks now.
And these pimps, these race pimps, that's what Obama did was run racial strife and infighting in Chicago to keep everybody under control.
That's what the Annenberg Foundation, that's what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation do.
You can ask Tarpley about this.
He wrote two books on it.
He's an expert.
He's absolutely right.
I've since reverse-engineered what he wrote and it's right, it's accurate.
You gotta buy the two books he wrote about Obama on InfoWars.com.
Learn how to read and learn how this works.
These people don't want us getting along.
That's how Chicago and New York and L.A.
work is off race pimping and racial politics.
Limousine liberals.
Margaret Sanger called blacks subhuman scum that had to be killed.
And it's a big joke that scores of high schools, black high schools and elementary schools are called Margaret Sanger High.
Or Margaret Sanger Elementary.
I went to one in Dallas by White Rock Lake.
It's a big joke.
It's a big sick joke.
These people want to kill you and abort your babies and shove a gun in your mouth.
They want to put you in prison and sell crack to you.
And watching these stupid people get suckered makes me sick.
It's like I watch the Republicans being suckered by Bush.
Wake up.
Break your conditioning.
I'm going to break it all down.
Take your phone calls.
On the revolution.
On healthcare.
On the town halls.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told.
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I say I'm short and serious.
But I swear it wasn't self-defense.
Sheriff Don Brown came in to shoot me down.
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And I say... I shot the sheriff, ha ha!
If I am guilty I will pay.
And see, that's what's gonna happen more and more.
When Sheriff John Brown goes to pull his gun and shoot us, he's gonna get shot.
The government's got us in a corner.
It's illegitimate, it's rogue,
It's controlled by foreign offshore banks.
And they're not backing off, they're not quitting.
They think they've broken our spirit.
They think they're gonna win and they're gonna fail.
Okay, look, next segment I'm going to your phone calls 1-800-259-9231.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna be honest with you.
I read
I don't know, five or six in the last couple months, different subsections of different versions of the bill as it went through committee.
And I read sections from Bloomberg on air of Daschle's book where he said, yeah, if you're over 60, you don't deserve health care.
The young do.
Rationing and how they're going to force you to take money out of your check and fine you.
But I have, in the last two days, actually gotten into the latest bill, what, S3-220?
I even printed it off and then, of course, left it in the printer at home this morning.
I was highlighting it, parts of it.
But I do have some of the subsections, and ladies and gentlemen, it's worse than I was even saying.
See, while we're busy debating
Whether or not there's even a health care bill, because I'm sure you've seen that on the news, seen it in the web post.
Why are you guys complaining?
There's not even a bill to read!
Shut up!
When we have the bills.
Just like when they're burning down Waco, they're saying, this is not an assault.
This is not an assault.
There are no gun control bills.
There is no cap-and-trade bill.
I mean, I've got Rothschild, heir to the Rothschild fortune in Endgame, saying there's no plan for a cap-and-trade tax.
And then two and a half years later, they've passed it in the House.
I mean, they will... Have you ever seen Saved Private Ryan?
And, you know, that's really based on a kind of a combo of different true stories.
When they're fighting hand-to-hand in a bombed-out building, and one of the American soldiers is winning and has the momentum to stab the German.
They both got knives at each other, and the German says, oh no, no, I'm your friend, stop, we're friends.
And as soon as the guy gives up for a second, the German just slides the knife right into him.
That is a military tactic.
World War I, they'll broadcast, stand down, the war is over, we're friends!
And then just open up on you.
And that's what they do!
And so we're always so busy just debating, going, no, no, they really are trying to pass a health care bill, and it really does have this, and they really are trying to pass a cap and trade, and their own documents say it'll double energy prices, and they really are saying it's to shut down industry.
I mean, I've got the quotes from 96 on C-SPAN, we've been grabbing all this for the film, of Holdren saying we want to shut down U.S.
I really have Maury Strong at the, uh,
92 Rio de Janeiro UN Summit saying we've got to shut down US industry to bring in world government.
Folks, this is real!
I mean, this isn't a game!
And still so much of the public was told there is no world government, there is no Bank of the World, there is no plan for a carbon tax.
So I'm still trying to get these stupid yuppies up off their big fat butts to just understand, yes, there is a world government.
Yes, it's run by eugenicists.
And then the whole health care bill is about how you're going to get CPS visits at your house.
I told you that months ago.
The whole health care bill is about how seniors get end-of-life death education.
That's finally mainstream news today.
But I'm finding sections I can't even believe.
I can't even believe this.
In England, 22,000 homes, when you have a baby, cameras go in your home.
Guilty first, until you're proven innocent.
Anything's wrong, baby cries too much, CPS takes your kids, they're raised in dormitories.
That's in eco-science.
White House wants it.
Guess what?
It's in the bill.
It's in the bill.
It's in the bill for America.
We're all getting Enviro, Carbon Tax Police, CPS, senior visits.
They're gonna come and take you in a white van and euthanize you.
They are the Soviets.
They mean business.
They are murderers.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, this is Alex Jones with some important questions.
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Again, that number 1-800-409-5633.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, these control freaks want in your house.
They want to get their hands on your kids.
They want to kill old people deader than a hammer.
We know what they do in Europe.
That isn't rhetoric.
We know that Time Magazine had an article in an issue.
Hold on, it's right here.
Just randomly, I met my parents two weeks ago.
And I pick up Time Magazine, Nancy Gibbs, last article in it, August 3rd, 2009.
First thing I open up is the Grim Reaper, and it says, an elderly British couple suicide pact is beautifully romantic.
Oh, it's so romantic.
And then I randomly turn on Drudge Report that night when I get home, and there's an article about how they're killing people in Oregon, who don't even want it.
And I remember the Wesley Smith articles in the Wall Street Journal years ago, where he would go where the people were under government control when the government was the guardian, and they would be begging, talking, begging for food and water, and they would say, no, you're paralyzed, we're gonna kill you, like Robert Wendland.
They murder people every day, but the stupid moron public, dumber than dirt, that sucks their thumb, eats cheeseburgers, drinks beer and watches TV all day, while gobbling Prozac,
And watching porno movies has no idea what's going on.
And in this stinking article it goes, oh well in Europe it's showing a large percentage of old people are killed without their will by the government and that doctors decide to kill you.
Is this good?
They go, oh we know it's beautiful that these old people killed themselves even though one of them wasn't sick.
We know that's beautiful.
See they said a false dichotomy.
Oh we know that's beautiful.
See, as if everybody's for that, but should the doctors kill you?
I mean, read it for yourself!
Every day there's articles in the New York Times, I mean every day, saying families are bad and kids are bad.
Do you understand?
A couple years ago I got on air and I said, I remember a textbook I covered on TV where they said the family belongs to the age of barbarism and must be eradicated and all families are bad and all parents are mentally ill.
And I got these callers saying I was a liar, so people went crazy on the PrisonPlanet.com forum and posted scores.
I mean, it had to be more than 50.
I quit counting textbooks and links where the government says this!
Look, I know it's crazy, okay?
I'm not the one that writes this stuff.
I'm not the one running things.
All I know is these bastards gotta be stopped.
China signed a treaty with the UN and the United States in 1975 to set up a one-child policy and taking the kids and raising them in dormitories.
I mean, this stinking stuff came from us!
And England is now implementing it!
They're now doing it!
They're now taking upwards of 15% of the kids and raising them from birth in government facilities!
And what do they do in England and here?
68% and growing, they put on more than seven psychotropics apiece!
These are government numbers!
Here's the headline.
Under Obamacare, government would indoctrinate your kids, and Paul Watson has the section.
It's in the bill, and it says all homes will get CPS visits, even if you don't take the healthcare.
See, now if you get Head Start, you get three CPS visits a year.
Then most people, they just get you to, oh, you did something wrong, sign this form, go to parroting classes to get you in the system, and it's like a form of probation.
God, these bastards.
They want to run your life.
They're sickening, disgusting, degenerate control freaks.
They love it.
We're going to get Chuck Norris back on.
Chuck Norris slams Stalinist home intrusion and indoctrination program.
TV star and commentator Chuck Norris points out in an editorial today that under the Obamacare legislation currently being ferociously opposed in town halls across the country, the government would empower itself to carry out home intrusions and state re-education of children under a Stalinist indoctrination program.
And you can go read the bill, we have a link to it.
I've got another one here, another subsection we're going to go over after we take some calls.
Where it says all seniors above the age of 65 will be forced to get home visits by elder care and you will be given, quote, death with dignity.
Talks and explained how you need to commit suicide.
I mean, literally, instead of Soylent Green where you go kill yourself at the sanitarium watching some classical, listening to some classical music, watching pastoral scenes, they come and grab your butt like Logan's Run.
Folks, this is happening all over Northern Europe.
And Northern Europe is dying.
There's all these disgusting New York Times and Washington Post articles.
The West is dead! 1.3
1.3 for every two people they're having 1.3 children.
It's dead!
You can't even replace with that number.
It's over!
This is nihilistic sickos.
They're meanwhile slaughtering and trying to call the third world as fast as they can.
These people have lost their life force.
Let me tell you, these sicko globalists though, they've all got four, five, six, seven, eight kids.
They're obsessed with it.
That bastard Ted Turner that calls us useless feeders has five kids, scores of jet airplanes, millions of acres he owns, scores of houses.
He's nothing but a greedy, murdering bastard.
And he is a murderer.
He supports and has given over $2 billion to eugenics programs for sterilization.
Obama has taken the funding freeze off and radically expanded what it was before the freeze for forced abortion and fanticide in China and Africa.
These are murderers!
Go read the quotes.
With Margaret Singer talking about how they had to hire blacks as their fronts to kill the black scum.
See, if you talk about murdering black scum and walk around being liberal, you get praised by Time Magazine.
I just, we've got to figure out a way to get rid of these weeds, these black weeds.
Oh, Hitler, I love you.
Oh, you're liberal.
Oh, you love Hitler.
I mean, just sickening degenerate filth everywhere, running everything.
Look what the Great Society and Great Leap Forward and all this crud has done to countries and societies.
Look what it's done to your black communities.
From 10% illegitimacy to 92% illegitimacy.
They've got the black communities literally back to the caveman age now.
And they're doing it to everybody else's communities now.
Just wrecking everything so that you can be orderly put in prison and then euthanized.
Alright, I'm going to take your calls.
It's just, I watch CNN and I flip back and forth in channels.
And CNN, they randomly handed out 30 cards.
Made a big scene of it being random.
And 29 questions were against the healthcare.
29 of 30 to that magic bullet proponent Arlen Specter.
And they said, I'm not left, I'm not right, I'm tired of foreign corporations raping us, we know this is another scam.
This is a way to take all our healthcare, and that's what it is.
Every person, I was just, my soul was buoyed.
And then you cut to the little witch on CNN outside, and she said, well, there's 50-50 out here, some for the healthcare, others against helping the poor and giving them healthcare.
Now let's cut to California where they're helping the poor that these people are against.
Ladies and gentlemen, I then flipped to other channels and ran in and looked, and local news admitted that they couldn't find anyone for the health care there.
30 questions were allowed to be asked, 29 were against.
But it mattered.
CNN and Fox and all of them, and Fox was even on there going, their thing is, oh, it's good to go protest and good to go be part of this, but don't yell.
So see, they make it all about gelding everybody.
It's just amazing.
All right, I want everybody to sound off, and I got a guest for like 15 minutes to the next hour, but then after that, continue, I'll open phones and Tarpley, because I ended up getting contacted
By Kevin Burton, who's with this CEO of BAM.
He got massive emails and calls to emergency management, private corporation, works with the FBI and others for the whole flu thing coming up.
And he did an audio conference calling us crackpots, nuts or whatever.
And now he says he wants to come on and clarify what he meant by that.
So he's popping in for like 20 minutes or so.
And that's fine if he wants to clarify.
That's great.
We'll be friendly towards him.
But I am going to take calls on this all day today, all day tomorrow, because this is the revolution, and they're calling into C-SPAN, and they're calling into their talk radio, and if you're getting blocked out and censored at the town halls, call into talk radio.
Go to city council.
Go to county commissioner.
Anything that media is at.
Letters to the editor.
Start your own blog.
Put up flyers.
In fact, I'm going to ask Paul Watson to create a one-page flyer
That just has like five bullet points about health care in bold letters and then InfoWars.com under it and then I'll have one of my guys maybe Kurt or somebody create a Photoshop of some image about
Healthcare, so you can have one page you put on top and the bullet points under to put up places.
I mean, or you can do it yourself.
I mean, you know, people come up with ideas, come up with the five bullet points, the one image, graphic designers, idea people.
We're all work to the edge of just insanity here.
I mean, I can barely make myself leave at two, three in the morning, but I've got to stop.
I got to see my family.
The issue is it's all happening now.
This is the time of the revolution.
And the enemy... I mean, again, there's a father with his son who has cerebral palsy, and in the subsection he reads the subsection where they won't be given care, and Dingell admits, yeah, we're gonna have to amend that.
Because it says you just go home and die!
I mean, Daschle, who wrote the bill, wrote a book saying it!
This is eugenics, people!
I've seen Tony Blair when he was... when he was...
The Prime Minister, I'll never forget watching Prime Minister's questions and they got up and said, I have constituents waiting 16 to 18 months for brain surgery on operable cancers that have to be operated on three months and it has a 90 plus percent cure rate, but you've got to have the surgery.
And Tony Blair said, yes, I know people are waiting 16 to 18 months, but that's just the way it is.
And, and, and some of them are elderly and you know, they come at the back of the line and, uh,
Or they have bad histories, meaning the government has a file on you if you smoke and drink or ever did.
And so, uh, you know, that's just the way it is.
I mean, this really goes on, folks.
We're not, you know, this isn't a game.
They're gonna wreck and they want control of every sector of the economy.
The illegal aliens, God bless them, because they're coming from a hellish place of tyranny,
They need to be made to stay down there and have a real revolt and take their country back.
The globalists have a deal to not do that.
They don't get any health care, so they come up here and get full health care.
Full, you know, five, six, seven babies, everything paid for.
That's bankrupting all the states.
The feds know that.
They create the crisis and offer the solution.
And in this bill, the illegals get all the free care.
It's just gonna bankrupt everything and we'll have total socialist care, which will then be eugenics.
Obamacare is about government coming into homes and
Under the heading, Home Visitation Programs for Families with Young Children and Families Expecting Children.
The programs provide, via grants to states, would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills.
The bill says the government agents will be trained and competent staff would provide parents with knowledge and age-appropriate child development in cognitive language and social-emotional and motor domains.
Because see, suddenly kids can't walk and talk because they watch TV and they're on
Sodium fluoride and they're drinking coca-cola and eating nothing but crap.
I mean, they're brain damaged.
I went to a restaurant with my family last night, just a lower middle class type restaurant, and I was in a room of people and they all looked retarded.
I mean, they were active retarded.
They were, I mean, I wanted to videotape, but I was freaked out, folks.
I felt like I'd entered the dimension of hell.
And they weren't chromosomally
I mean, it was, they were drugged out, the kids looked retarded, we're fried, we're under total chemical attack!
God help us!
We got eugenic psychos running everything!
I just can't handle it anymore.
Everybody's like drugged out zombies, they're chemtrailing us and admitting it!
It was about to rain in Austin, the jets came in and chemtrailed and knocked them all out!
I'm living in a science fiction nightmare!
People, you gotta wake up!
I was looking at these families, I was looking at people in the parking lot, and the people that worked there, they were all retarded!
They were chemically lobotomized!
Those of us that would have been exceptionally intelligent, fight through it, but we're still frustrated, and things get foggy sometimes, but knowing you're under chemical attack, the body can get over it, and you start trying to avoid the sodium fluoride, you start avoiding the GMO,
Let's just go to calls.
It's just... I don't even wanna... It's just to sit there and watch him deny it all.
And act like we're lying.
And act like we're bad.
It's just unbelievable.
And my IM from Minnesota with my callers just crashed.
Just give me a... Go ahead and give me a caller verbally, John.
Paul in Texas, go ahead.
Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Alright, brother.
First of all, man, words can't explain how much we appreciate you, brother.
I just want to say, you know, I'm the organizer of the Ron Paul Meetup group here in Austin, and just real briefly, man, you know, Oath Keepers, throughout the years as days go by, you know, we look for so many solutions that we can make some changes to this crap
I don't know.
Concord Mass.
We went up to Boston.
We went up and interviewed Oath Keepers, military and police, saying they're going to follow the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Constitution against all illegal orders.
We went up there and interviewed them at one of the big meetings, and it's in the new film.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
I appreciate it.
Good to hear from you.
Yeah, that is important.
Go ahead, John.
Jim in Texas, go ahead.
Yeah, hey Alex, I'm a young commission officer in the United States military, and my wife is a school teacher.
So I was really just calling to thank you for putting this information out and let you know that it's actually getting to some of the people that are on the front lines.
And also, my wife brought this to my attention.
She has a study book for PPR.
It has to do with her teacher certification.
And she brought this to my attention.
Here's a little, uh, a blip from the book.
It says, in the mid-90s, for instance, value trading, not to be confused with values clarification emphasis in the 1970s,
Yeah, yeah, stay there, stay there.
Yeah, this is what they give the teachers.
The social workers, they teach them families are bad, get rid of them.
The teachers, it's, oh, the family's collapsed.
You've got to be the family now and spy on the parents and take the kids.
It's better we just go ahead and get rid of the family.
It's sad, but it has to happen for America.
Families are anti-American.
We'll be right back.
I want to hear more.
Stay there.
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I just hope new listeners out there driving along in their cars listening in Austin, Texas on stations like 1330 or 90.1 or driving along in Southern California or Chicago or upstate New York or
I just hope you know this stuff's true.
They really are poisoning our water and they brag about it.
Head of the White House Science, that son of a bitch is for real.
I mean, look.
Reality is crazy.
And I wish it wasn't this way.
But we have a criminal group of psychopaths running our government.
They use the symbols of patriotism to make us stand down and go along with them.
And we do have the seizure of every sector of our economy.
They want to destroy the economy and take over healthcare to make you dependent on them so they can fully domesticate you.
Everything they're doing is unconstitutional.
It's all criminal.
They always do it in the name of their taking care of you and loving you.
And I think they've overreached with this racism thing.
They're now saying, and these clips are coming up later in the next hour, I'm gonna play the video for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, audio for the radio folks.
All over TV they're saying, if you say socialism, you're racist.
Everything is code now.
You don't wanna give your whole paycheck up?
The main people are working class folks who hardly get anything.
Now they're going, you mean you're gonna take 25, 30% more of my paycheck and fine me to give me some government healthcare that's an aspirin?
No, I don't want it!
And they're saying, you're a racist then.
Alright, going back to Jim in Texas.
Your wife's a schoolteacher and you were trying to read out of the handbook.
Give us the name of the handbook again and read from it.
It's the Texas Examination of Educator Standards.
It's a chapter called Competency, sub-chapter, The Teacher as a Curriculum Worker.
And what it says down here is
Notice this!
Notice this, though!
Hold on!
Because I've seen that and I've seen that in a hundred different ways in all their documents.
I mean, they come right out and I've read the quotes and say we're all degenerates, families are bad, that families are like a cancer, that families are mentally ill, they've got to be eradicated.
But notice, society didn't fall apart till we got big government and these social engineers.
So see, they, it's like a drug dealer.
They get you on heroin, and then say the reason you're having trouble going to work is they haven't sold you enough heroin.
You haven't robbed enough stereos.
Go ahead.
Right, and like I mentioned earlier too, I'm a non-commissioned officer here up at Fort Hood, and you know, I hear you talk a lot about the water system, and I googled our water report here in Killeen, and it contains high amounts of fluoride, barium, chloroform, and atrazine, which is banned in several countries around the world.
And this is what the soldiers are drinking every day.
And it just, it makes me sick that we're actually continuing to put this stuff in our water system.
And it's all in official government documents that we've put in Endgame and my other films, that they're doing it on purpose.
I mean, have you told the other people at the base and given them the PDF file of the White House science czars admitting they're drugging our water?
I haven't done that yet, Alex, but, you know, because of the nature of my job, I have to be careful about what I do.
But I do study the Constitution with my soldiers.
We go over that kind of stuff.
We understand the Bill of Rights.
We understand our sworn oath, like that gentleman was speaking about earlier.
We understand that, you know, we have to follow the orders from higher.
But we also have a responsibility to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Well, God bless you, sir.
Do me a favor, scan that in, email it to us, and we'll get it up on the web or post it on the Prison Planet Forum.
Keep it up.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Launch it!
Let's go!
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in 20 minutes or so after a guest leaves us today, I am going to break down more and more horrors being found in the official House and Senate bill, CPS visits to everyone's homes,
Old people have to go get death education, learn basically how to be euthanized and how their health care is going to be rationed.
That's in the bill.
We're just going to read the quotes from the bill.
For all these lying criminals that get up on TV and lie and say none of this is in there.
Now remember, with Arlen Specter, they gave out 30 cards randomly, 29 of the people questioned at his stupid town hall.
Where they tried to beat up an old man.
It's all on video.
It's coming up when we go live at PrisonPlanet.tv in the next segment.
It's all over the country.
These thugs do this everywhere.
Even though they tried to intimidate people, 29 of the 30 questions, of the 30 they allowed to speak, were against this.
And this is what the eugenicist control freaks want.
They want government to control your life.
And I just mentioned governors oppose DOD power grab.
Defense Department openly announcing that its main enemy is returning veterans, gun owners.
This is in the official DHS report we broke.
Governors are now speaking out.
I'm going to go over that mainstream news article.
That is coming up.
The governors are now looking at Northcom saying, well the Tennessee governor told the Army not to run checkpoints two months ago and we had state reps on about it and the Army said, we're going to stop cars on your highways.
Sit down and shut up!
This is the new America!
Offshore banks rule!
So that's coming up.
We're going to break that down.
It's amazing.
Johnny Collin from the Republic USA.
Johnny, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, first of all, how about that last caller?
Man, that guy was awesome.
That soldier from Texas?
Absolutely, from Fort Hood.
Yeah, man, I just want to thank him for speaking out and hopefully more military guys will start calling in.
Ron Paul got more donations than any other Republican or Democrat.
Are you kidding?
They're awake.
A bunch of chicken-necked, communist, murdering eugenicists think they're going to run this country in the ground and they're going to run a Soviet call here.
They got another thing coming.
I have a prediction.
I have a prediction.
I want to run through the Jones filter, pieced together from stuff I hear on your show, and of course my own research.
Hopefully all your listeners are doing a lot of research.
But I think I can predict the collapse of the dollar and the release of Barry's long-term birth certificate.
Not specifically in terms of time, but I think they're going to coincide.
That way they can distract us.
Well, that could be a false flag.
I mean, I hope he was born in the U.S.
and I've never really been on either side of it, though we've looked at it and been called birthers for even looking at it and talking to the people that say he was, you know, we talked to both sides, like Mike Rivera on one side and Phil Berg on the other.
But, yeah, I know if that comes out, it's going to be, that would probably cause nationwide riots, but go ahead.
Yeah, that's kind of my question.
Do you think maybe they know that Obama wasn't maybe born here and then they're going to release that and that'll be a false flag?
And because of the riots, I mean, he'd be the false guy.
I won't put anything past these people.
But I'll tell you, Barack Obama is the false flag.
I mean, if you criticize him, they say he's a racist, then that actually creates the perception of racism and gets everybody fighting with each other.
It's so cold-blooded what these poverty pimps are doing.
You know, people will ride in the streets for Obama.
They won't ride in the streets over the Patriot Act.
But there's something if Obama goes down, these people will protest this naked emperor.
And I'm always looking for the martial law angle.
I think if they can collapse the dollar and take Obama's feet out from under him and make everybody crazy, that's when they want to smack us.
Well, let's be clear.
It's kind of like if you inject somebody with cyanide and you know in two minutes they're going to be dead.
We're dead already.
The Republic is dead.
Now it can rise again.
Stealing $23.7 trillion in 10 months, we're dead.
We were injected with cyanide.
Now is there a cure?
Is there an antidote?
Certainly, but we don't have long to get it in us.
It's kind of like Rathacon when Spock's been radiated and they want to go in there and save him and they said he's dead already.
The country's dead already.
You can be absolutely assured it's been overrun by a bunch of corporate criminals with a bunch of control freak socialists that want to come in and run our lives and they mean business.
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There's a guy named MZ in Santa Cruz, California who owns one of our affiliate radio stations.
He got laid off from a job he loved many years ago.
He was devastated.
But it taught him a lesson very early in life that even when you do a great job for someone and your boss tells you how much he appreciates you every day, there is no job security.
You are always in danger of losing your job unless you take charge of your livelihood and own your own business.
Since you are the boss, nobody can fire you.
So MZ has been his own boss for over 37 years.
I think so.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
For the last two hours and 52 minutes today, we're going to continue to have open phones and we're simulcasting now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You're watching later on the web somewhere, like YouTube, LipTV, or at PrisonPlanet.tv in the higher quality, where this originates from.
You can always listen live, 11am to 3pm Central Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
Webster Griffin Tarpley is joining us in the next hour.
We're going to talk about eugenics, but also part two of that discussion we had last week.
Get into these town halls, the people on the edge of revolution.
And remember, Tarpley is more of a big government interventionist, but he's against Obama and his healthcare saying it's eugenics because he's a scholar, an economist, and a doctor of history, and he can break it down for you.
So that is coming up.
I never really covered this headline on air.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Headline, Disaster Recovery CEO characterizes InfoWars as a group of crazies on flu pandemic.
And I've since talked to him.
This was just an audio clip we were sent of the conference.
I do understand that there's a lot of people out there who are unstable and this type of wild stuff that's happening.
There are some unstable people out there.
So I understand his point on this and how that could have been seen out of context.
So we're here to hear his perspective, his side of this.
But since I never really talked about it, we'll go ahead and play the original audio here from the audio conference with these doctors and emergency managers there.
And then we'll make sure that the audio file of this new interview
And a clarification gets posted in the original article because he got a lot of heat for this and he wants to clarify, which is understandable.
But let's go ahead and play this short audio clip.
Here it is.
I want you to know that in the past decade, we've really tripped past the point from where public safety practitioners are safe when they're following best practice guidelines for the remediation response to disaster recovery.
In fact, because of worldwide connections like the internet or what we're on right now,
YouTube is probably more viral than the H1N1 virus.
And I just want to point out some interesting studies that we're doing here at Burton Asset Management that will really illustrate exactly what I'm talking to you.
If you search H1N1 conspiracy on YouTube, you'll get about 630 view video results.
One of these is a special report by a man named Dr. Leonard, and he's been viewed 180,000 times.
And as of August 1st, he's been telling people that the nefarious outcome of the inoculation will be a massive genocide attack in North America perpetrated by white supremacists, okay?
Now I know that sounds totally crazy, but you need to understand that there's 632 videos out there that say that this flu is a conspiracy, and that another YouTube video by a company called InfoWars, or a group of crazies called InfoWars, has been viewed 5,814 times since August 1st.
I have to tell you that overall, when we just looked at H1N1 conspiracy on YouTube, we found that 2.15 million people in the U.S.
have watched these homespun, psychotic tales of genocide and government conspiracy relative to H1N1 virus.
And I don't know how many of those 2.15 million people believe
Alright, it was Tim McVeigh, but let's go ahead and go to Kevin Burton, CEO of BAM, ThinkBAM.com.
And why don't you, it's a long bio for your company, but describe the company, and you're saying that's out of context.
So, break it down for us.
Well, first of all, I want to say thank you to all the InfoWarriors that reached out to me directly via email.
We run a very open, small business, and especially to Terry, who reminded me that, you know, at the end of the day, you have to search your soul and talk to God about what's right and what's wrong about what you're saying.
And boy, listening to that clip myself just now, Alex, as you played it, I sound like a raging asshole.
You're right off the gate.
I want to apologize to all your listeners because the key thing to understand about that conference is that it was attended by some emergency managers and a big swath of Americans who are going to be caught in the middle of this thing unexpectedly and
The point I make at the end of that quote, and we can go back and play it again, but the point is that all your listeners are crazy.
In fact, God bless your listeners for doing the right thing and really asking the right questions.
I believe that InfoWarriors has all of this very, very close, if not dead spot on right.
I personally wouldn't allow my daughter or my family to be forcibly inoculated against anything and have been advised by people in
Yeah, that's why the Feds tried to order inoculation, as you know, in 2002-2003 in model states, helped the Emergency Powers Act, but it all collapsed when the smallpox vaccine killed some people, and then Tommy Thompson, Health and Human Services Secretary, wouldn't take it.
But, I mean, have you had a conversion, or was just that short clip
Not showing fully what you were saying.
Because look, I mean, are you Saul of Tarsus who's had a complete conversion?
Or were you already partially awake?
Did people educate you?
Or was this taken completely out of context?
I was already fully awake, and I invite your listeners to spend some time in our thinking section at ThinkBam.com, where we've published papers on, you know, don't let our nation become a surveillance nation like Great Britain has become, or at our blog at BAMintel.com.
BAMintel, it's a blog that talks about don't let the DOD take away our
Yeah, you're right.
And what I'm worried about is the innocent
First of all, I
The puppet masters, if you will, put us directly in harm's way and allow us to be put at danger.
And so this was really a loud cry directly into that community of occupational health and safety professionals who work for the government and the public school systems and municipalities at the federal and the state level saying, listen,
You can't put people, and I'm talking about one nutcase here, not a lot of nutcases, not all of everybody that listens to Alex Jones, including me, right?
I'm talking about one person who could do harm.
And the thing that really concerns me, Alex, is that we keep talking about, in the areas that I work, transparency around
What can we expect for our school children?
What can we expect in the workplace?
And it's not happening.
It's not happening publicly.
Let me break this down for you.
But it is happening.
See, just like the health care bill has all the horrible stuff in it, but then the politicians come out and lie and say, we don't know what we're going to do, just let us pass it, and Conyers says you can't read it.
Well, the bill's public.
We can go read it.
I don't know which one's worse, the House or Senate.
They're both filled with pure evil.
So it's the same thing on the flu.
We know what level six is under World Health Organization rules.
We know what it is under the executive order of Bush that Obama's continuing.
And it's forced inoculations, quarantine of cities.
We've got the NORTHCOM meetings where they're saying forced inoculations.
We've had the emergency managers on and the internal documents I've gotten with phone numbers where they're getting all the big cemeteries ready.
Now whether this is real or not,
The issue is, they are really getting ready for a massive crackdown, and with the history of black men and syphilis in Tuskegee, and the radiating foster children to death, and nerve gassing our own troops with Project Shad, on and on and on for 10 hours, Mr. Burton, that's why people are saying, over my dead body, you're not shooting me up with that.
You know, the swine flu vaccine in 76 killed a bunch of people.
So I agree with you, and everything you just said is
Very, very real.
And the point, my apology to your listeners, is really about not casting disparagement upon all the points that you just made, because they're accurate, but casting a word of warning to people who can innocently be used in this nefarious scheme and find themselves doing work that they're not comfortable doing.
Now, as an emergency management professional who's consulted with some of these bad guys, I can tell you that I have many sleepless nights where I feel like I'm spiritually caving in under pressure and we've walked away from business because it's just...
That's a good reason to have you here then.
We're about to go to break, but when we come back, specifically because you're in the middle of this and your company works with the FBI and FEMA and many others, tell us specifically then from kind of the inside and your little quadrant of this compartmentalized system what you're seeing and what's happening.
And I certainly understand your concern.
It's just that when you research more about Theodore Kaczynski, L.A.
Times, he was CIA.
I believe he did run off the reservation and was actually real, though.
He was so freaked out by the elite's plans that he did some things he shouldn't have.
Now, Tim McVeigh's another story.
That was run by one of the so-called liberal anti-racist groups.
It was done to crack down on the American people.
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So, Kevin, tell us what it is that's upsetting you when you talk about these forces that want to give us these injections, and your concern is the conflagration that could come as they try to do it.
You say it's not forthcoming.
You're right.
They keep lying, saying
Yeah, we're not coming to give you shots, we're just getting ready to forcibly inject you.
So there is a lot of their classic deception where they deny what they're doing even as it's happening.
But I mean specifically, what is it in emergency management that's concerning you?
So, you know, we're going to step back from the H1N1 inoculation program just for a second here and talk about the broader landscape when it comes to emergency management in the private sector.
And the first thing that really upsets me about this, Alex, is that it is a completely monopolized system where the private sector companies in America free enterprise and the notion of being able to set up and run your own small business.
It is one of the rights that is why we love our country.
Yeah, so it's a no-bid contract.
Right, so what happens here is all your data gets into a truck to a company called Iron Mountain that if you do some research or look at our website, we have a detailed report on what's called the history of business continuity.
I was behind an Iron Mountain truck today!
Yeah, so you see them all over the place, right?
And you know that Iron Mountain was built initially by the CIA and Sun Oil Company.
And the big disaster recovery company that steps into backing up everybody's computer files and having all of your private information backed up and on tape or on an app today on disk and virtually able to pop these machines on very quickly is owned and run by a company or at least was founded and run by a company that
Manages 98% of all the competing systems for all the trades that happen at NASDAQ and Wall Street.
And what does that tell you about the relationship between big money and your privacy?
Well, you know what's funny?
I knew Iron Mountain was data systems.
Do you know Iron Mountain is a secret government report that decades later was confirmed to be accurate where they have a world government to carry out eugenics against the population?
And now we have a public Iron Mountain Report written by the White House Science Czar and we have all these other documents.
They're really doing this.
And so that's why we're saying this whole flu thing, even if they don't launch a pandemic now, we're not saying that's happening.
They're saying it's going to happen.
This is to set the precedent for total federalization, the United States under UN control, and all of this hysteria is going to happen right when they're trying to ram through federal health care.
So the excuse will be if we had more federal power over health care, we could have helped you.
And so, on the monopolization of emergency management and first responders, any small company like mine that sets out to tell the truth and publishes a paper in our thinking section like, The History of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, they clearly outline how your personal data from wherever you work, from McDonald's to McDonald's Douglas, is being trucked off in these little trucks
Uh, so that after, uh, whatever nefarious thing goes down, and we can talk about that a lot more, uh, because it's a multi-pronged Rube Goldberg construction.
No, check it out!
Check out that blog, too, because, you know... But, sir, there's breaking news.
That's the only problem.
We've been predicting false flags against Obama in the name of demonizing the protesters.
It's now happened.
Raw story.
Protesters seen with gun outside Obama Town Hall.
We'll have key analysis on this coming up after the break.
Sir, thank you so much.
God bless you and God bless your listeners.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thank you very much.
Alright, thank you again.
I want to talk to you as we do more shows about the flu and emergency management and really pick your brain.
So, uh, maybe it's for a good cause that you ended up, you know, saying something that sounded bad and then later you... I've done the same thing before.
So I... I mean, I'm... I understand.
It's kind of a peer pressure thing.
You're in an atmosphere with people, you're extrapolating out what a crisis could be, you're trying to get some business contracts, and, uh, you say things you don't, uh, don't agree with later.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, this is huge.
Protestors seen with gun outside Obama Town Hall.
We'll play the video, cover it all.
This is to hype it up and make him the victim.
I told you last week, this week you're going to see stuff.
Now they're going to bust some meth head.
You watch.
I told you, you watch.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Okay, we have more details on this.
You've got demonstrations down the street.
Somebody's on his own property with a gun strapped to his leg, may end up being a provocateur.
Their favorite thing to do, though, is find meth heads, drug addicts, get them at a bar to say, hey, we ought to go after the president.
Yeah, sounds good.
More drinks.
And months later in court, the cases always get dropped and it comes out it was staged.
Same thing's happening with these Muslim terrorists, you know, white Al Qaeda.
The same thing happened with the black Al Qaeda in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan.
Case after case, they do this where they just provocateur somebody to shoot their mouths off and then bust them.
Now the same reporters on MSNBC are saying if you say the word socialism, that's racist.
You're not allowed to say that now, just like our YouTube videos are getting banned for having this Obama socialist poster.
Not allowed to talk bad about him, to lampoon the president.
Any other president you can, you can't them.
And it's racial politics, and a lot of these reporters, I notice they're even always making sure it's black reporters that say it's racist.
And I think that's so whites get insulted and do become racist.
It's really meant to get tension and fighting going on.
It's very, very clear this is divide and conquer, tribal warfare, the great game, Balkanization.
That's how the British controlled India, where you'd have one Brit for every thousand Indians in some areas, some areas one Brit for every hundred.
And Gandhi had to go around for 20 years, as I said yesterday, just getting the people to come together against the offshore empire.
We have to first identify that an offshore empire of private banks dominates America.
And so, did you suddenly notice when Obama got elected?
I mean, I don't care if it's a white, black, Chinese, Mexican, Asian, doesn't matter.
It could be somebody with green skin, for all I care, as long as they care about freedom.
These reporters, but suddenly, like half the reporters are black now, and there's some psy-op going on there, so that it's very strange.
Something's going on there.
Thirteen percent of the population represented on some of these shows as half.
It's like an over-representation.
It's like meant to make a backlash.
And I've been noticing TV ads, ads for the Shriners and ads for Coca-Cola and ads for... I'm watching more TV these days to analyze this.
It'll just show people saying mean things like, I'm Justin Timberlake and I want to help burn victims.
Shut up, you stupid young punk!
You know, John Elway says, and then he looks at him and says, shut up, old man, you filth!
And it's like all to get us all fighting with each other.
I'm seeing that in almost every ad now.
Like, they're trained, they know we're angry, so they want to turn us against each other.
This is a PSYOP, folks.
This is conditioning.
Now, I'm going to go to your calls for this hour, the next, and into the fourth.
Matthew, Shane, Chris, Chris, Keith, and others.
But details on this, protesters seen with gun outside Obama Town Hall.
Now, every day I see articles where they arrest people at their home because a neighbor sees them walking in with a rifle.
And the cops say they had two guns and 50 rounds.
That's an arsenal?
There's no law, but we're arresting him and charging him and he's going to prison.
President Obama traveled to Portsmouth, New Hampshire Tuesday for what could be a rowdy town hall style meeting at the time when some foes of the health care overhaul have shouted down lawmakers holding similar events around the country.
You mean like Spectre gives out the cards randomly to 30 people on TV and 29 are against it and an old man gets up and said I came here to tell you I don't want this so a thug jumps up and grabs him and you know.
Or the father with the kid in the wheelchair that had people come to his house and threatened to kill him because he dared stand up?
This is Chicago Mafia tactics nationwide.
And if we bend over and get pimped and get punked and become whores on the Mac Daddy's chain, it's over, folks.
I'm not getting in the pimp's hooptie.
It's over.
I'm not going along with David Rockefeller and his pimp game.
Obama's just an enforcer for the New World Order.
The following live videos from MSNBC.
Earlier MSNBC, Ron Allen reports that cameras filmed a protester with a handgun strapped to his leg before the meeting before Obama arrived.
This is down the street.
The man was seen carrying a sign saying,
It's time to water the Tree of Liberty.
The man's Tree of Liberty.
By the way, I have a shirt that says that on the back.
Our Gaston Flag shirt.
Let's put it up on screen.
The sign is in reference to Thomas Jefferson who said, the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time in the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Allen says Portsmouth Police Chief told him the man's gun is legal.
See, because it is.
The only gun laws in this country originally were against concealed.
Because a criminal or a thug, you were to carry arms openly as the sign of a freeman.
Only with treachery.
So that's why they have a permit for a concealed carry.
They trick you with a lawyer mind game to go, oh, carry your gun, get a permit for it concealed.
Because they have to, under common law, give you a permit for something that is illegal.
Thus setting the precedent that all gun ownership is illegal.
This is part of them... The law is actually a codified religion.
And the court law school will actually teach you this.
It's a Roman civil law that they're moving us onto off the mosaic and off the Germanic Anglo-Saxon common law.
Alan says that Portman's police told him the gun was legal because he's on private property.
He is on the grounds of a nearby church.
Police said his gun is registered and he can keep it on him as long as it is not concealed.
So then the message is it's registered.
You don't need to be registered there.
The police are obviously keeping a close eye on this man and I suspect he won't be there when the president arrives a few hours time, Alan told viewers.
So we're going to go over that and the Secret Service towed away from the scene of the President's Town Hall Portsmouth for security reasons after a bomb sniffing dog circled the vehicle several times.
You know, the dog that's fat and gets a biscuit and it'll, you know, I mean the cops have been caught on video laughing.
They got a dog that'll alert to a fire hydrant that it's marijuana.
You know, they get flashed out, and he always says there's pot, even if it's a truckload of nuns.
Officials said Secret Service bomb had hit on the truck, but they did not say whether or not there was specific threat.
See, it's all color of law.
So, you're going to see more and more of this, and you're going to see people, this guy may not be a provocateur, that people are getting mad.
They're saying they're ready for revolution.
So, because the globalists are committing revolution against us.
They're overthrowing our country, our Bill of Rights, our Constitution.
But look for them to bust meth heads, or thugs, or some provocateurs, or stage something.
I'm telling you, everybody is waking up to the lies.
Everybody knows everything Obama says is a lie.
They hoped he wouldn't be a liar like Bush.
They found out he is.
Kurt Nimmo, we need more stories from you and Watson's and from Aaron that
Analyzing this play-by-play because it's now here.
The people know they're under tyranny.
Ron Paul's done his job.
They're waking up.
We've done our job.
Many others have done their job.
But I really don't want this to get violent because if we can keep it peaceful, we're going to beat them.
Violence is only on the side of the establishment.
Though I will tell you, if more people start walking around with guns on their side, it may just completely intimidate the bankers, and they may shut down for a few years again.
I don't know.
Six one way, half a dozen the other.
Regardless, I got chills from the time I wake up, the time I go to bed.
Curt Nemo, writer for Infowars.com, the webmaster, the main editor for Infowars.com, are you getting the same chills?
Yeah, definitely.
You covered this pretty well.
I'm not sure if this is a psy-op or just a concerned citizen going out there and expressing his constitutional rights.
Regardless, MSNBC, which is totally opposed to any kind of debate in the healthcare or Obamacare debate, is exploiting this news story big time.
I have to say, MSNBC is worse than CNN.
It is.
Every show I see, they say, any criticism of Obama is racism now.
Now remember, Newsweek had the headline, we're all socialists now.
Remember that?
Oh yeah.
But, I mean, you're not, they're taking our videos down, Kurt.
We're not allowed to call them socialists.
Well, of course not.
Because they want to dominate the discussion and they've got the corporate media in their pocket.
But there's no doubt now that they want to restrict free speech.
The hate crime bill that passed the House, we've read the subsections on air, it says that if you say anything and that someone for seven years ever acts on it, then you federal felony.
They have the Cyber Bullying Act that says if you hurt someone's feelings, you go to prison.
I mean, these people really mean to take over our government.
I mean, have you seen the
The sections of the bill where CPS will visit all parents and all old people, all seniors, must go visit elder CPS and be enrolled?
I mean, this is total takeover!
The carbon bill that passed the House says you get yearly carbon inspections?
I mean, we're going to have these scumbag, filthy bureaucrats literally urinating all over us and sucking off of us!
Yeah, and it's interesting that John Connors would say, you know, we don't have time to read these bills, but they're doing this precisely because they don't want the people to look at this stuff.
Well, they keep saying that!
That's the talking point, you're right.
They even said on CNN, and the White House says it's key that this be done quickly or they're not going to get it.
They admit they're bum-rushing us.
Go ahead.
They're bum-rushing us, and they've got the corporate media in their hip pocket, and especially MSNBC.
This is going to be Chris Matthews and the whole team over there, Rachel Maddow and the rest are going to go crazy on this news story later today.
Bet your bottom dollar on that.
And they're going to continue to try to characterize concerned Americans, patriotic Americans, as gun-wielding nutcases.
Because these people aren't really liberals, in a sense.
Yeah, right.
Well, they've tried to gel this, and the gun culture's taken back over.
The liberals are buying guns now.
They're losing on every front, Kurt.
Do you agree with me that they're going to have to stage something or provocateur something like this in the next few weeks, or it's just curtains for them?
Well, it's critical this month now that Congress is in recess and these people protesting against Obamacare are really getting a lot of exposure and people are beginning to join them.
They're going to have to do something in the next couple weeks here, otherwise this bill is just going to flounder in Congress because people aren't going to let it go through.
And the cap and trade's dying, but notice they plan to pass all this in October.
That's when they say they plan to pass it.
The gun control, the open borders, the new war funding, the socialist health care, the eugenics health care, not even socialist, the scam health care, the looting health care.
They have got to have a staged crises, and I think it's going to be the flu hysteria, or do you think it could be something else, Kurt?
I think the flu is right on.
It's precisely what they're going to use this autumn to bring in their martial law.
I really believe that's it.
As far as this incident goes, this is going to set the stage for the debates that are coming up in the next couple weeks.
You know, they're going to tighten security at these town hall meetings, they're going to use this as a pretext to clamp down on people, you know, getting at these meetings and protesting.
Exactly, and they're saying it's un-American, Pelosi, you're AstroTurf, you're Nazis, to go out and they're saying it's all staged.
It was so telling though, they randomly give out 30 cards, 29 are against the healthcare, outside it's 10 to 1 against it, and CNN lied and said it was 50-50.
Right, well even the Rick Polls say it's more than 50%, or close to 50%.
We know that it's closer to 70% of people are opposed to this.
I'm talking about at the events, but I mean, Kurt, this bill's even worse than I thought.
We're finding new stuff in this 1300 page behemoth, well now more than that, what, 2000 page?
I mean, it's even freaking me out, Kurt!
Everybody gets a CPS visit, even if you're not on government.
Government trough?
I mean, I'm not letting the CPS or the Home Inspectors or any of these communists in my house.
And they're not even communists.
They're banker thieves.
They're bank robbers.
I'm not letting the parasites.
You get enough off of me!
Think of all the lazy, dumb hordes this country's produced.
They're just going to turn all this scum loose on us, Kurt.
Well, I don't think hard-working people can put up with it.
Even if we have 10% of the people resisting the CPS visits and the bureaucratic intrusions in our lives, that's a major problem for them.
They can't stop that, and they're going to have big-time problems.
But they're engineering the economy where the only jobs are going to be parasite jobs.
Well, I'm going to tell the parasites something.
You got your job cut out for you.
Well, at this point, you know, we've got millions of Americans that have handguns and weapons that they cannot
Expect to come to people's houses and just barge in without some kind of problems.
You know, it's just not going to happen.
You know, like you say, that most people are dumbed down and they'll allow this, but the minority is not going to allow it and it's going to be a big time problem.
That's right, the majority's going to hate it, but they're going to bend over and take it.
They admit, the feds admit in 2000 and now today, the census, where they demand that you fill out, you know, they have different forms.
Some people get a 200 questions, some get a 49, some get a 9 questions, some get a 4 questions, some get 2 questions.
They can only ask under the 5th Amendment, how many people live here to apportion the members of Congress for your state?
That's it.
In addition to that, they've got this IRS bill where they want to tax your handguns.
They send you a form and you've got to indicate how many guns you have and they want to tax them and fingerprint you.
But that was the issue I'm making, Kurt, is that they came to my door in 2000 and said, you didn't fill all this out.
And I said, I told you two people live here, me and my girlfriend, now my wife.
And I said, leave.
And the guy got smart with me with his little badge, and I said, listen, and I mean, I'm not going to say what I said, but I said, get off my porch right now!
And he understood and left.
And he said, you're going to get in trouble.
The Constitution says all they need to do is, all they can do is, is find out how many people live in a residence.
It's for, you know, the census is for that.
It's not for, you know, anything else.
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
I could barely control myself then.
And that's the thing, is that I just can't lick their boots.
It's not that I won't give in and suck their boots.
I can't do it.
I can't put up with it anymore.
Last time I was in the airport, I started... These meetings are an example of, you know, thousands of people with the exact same attitude.
They don't want to be told by the government what they can and cannot do, and what they will do.
There's thousands, millions of us out there.
We're not alone.
Well, you posted the articles about governors opposed to Department of Defense emergency powers, and you read it, they say the Pentagon is taking over the states.
I mean, it's not Alex Jones saying this five years ago now, it's governors.
Folks, this is really happening.
And every governor that says no better not have a mistress, better never cheat on their wife, better never have taken a questionable donation, because they are having the FBI go after every one of them.
Well, Robert Gates said it back in October that they were going to roll the state's National Guards into the Department of Defense.
That's what they plan to do, and it's amazing to me that the governors are standing up and resisting this.
Most of them are a bunch of wimps, but, you know, that's what's happening.
People are starting to resist.
Well, it's on.
Because the offshore bankers can sit off in Paris and Switzerland and in England and in places like that and Tel Aviv and Saudi Arabia, Riyadh.
They can sit back and order the takeover of the United States.
It's not gonna work unless the false flag is the revolution, unless they want the revolution.
I gotta tell you, Kurt, from every indicator I see, I think they want, as I've been saying for years, and now I'm sure of it, a giant bloody shooting war where the public chews up the police and the government, and like that Argentinian professor of economics said here, they want you to riot for a year, because after a year you totally give up.
Yeah, but the people in Argentina down there don't have guns.
They do some, but yeah.
They mostly filled the streets with pots and pans and made their voices known.
You're right.
But in this country, we've got a large number of people that are armed, so it's not going to work.
If they try to do this, it's just going to fall flat.
I agree, it's not going to go well, but it's going to be murderous, Kurt.
I mean, can you imagine what this is going to look like?
Because people are finally just going to go, oh, that's it.
Lock and load.
I mean, come on, you want it, let's go.
I mean, people understand that this country is made up of pirates and killers and adventurers.
All our ancestors were insanely vicious.
And all the fluoride and all the Prozac isn't going to stop that spirit from rising up.
I mean, it's going to be wild.
The average American is spoiling for a fight once you get them un-mesmerized from the mind control.
People are like, what?
I'll go to Bob Gunn's.
That's what's been happening the last year.
And I mean, the government is out of their minds.
We'll be right back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
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The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Studies have shown that many people do not get the proper vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain good health.
We're good to go!
I don't know.
Alright, I'm going to take your calls, Matthew, Shane, Chris, Chris, Keith, and others.
Ben Tarpley's on with us for part of the next hour, into the next.
I meant to get him on for part two of Eugenics, but he is the expert on what was going to happen.
I mean, it's like prophecy.
His first book on Obama, published six, seven months before he even got elected.
I mean, it's like prophecy.
And, uh, you know, I give credit where credit's due.
That's who we have on as guests, the people that have had a track record of being right.
People say, oh look at the mainstream media, they have a track record of being wrong, because they're lying.
They know more about this than we do, because they wrote the book on it.
We're here learning how they operate and what they do.
I'm gonna go to your calls.
We are now an hour and 55 minutes into the show, and I do need to stop and just, well, really pay the bills, but plus, it's a great way for you to spread the word, because that's what we do here, is spread the word.
Get all the great anti-New World Order Gadsden flag hats, Gadsden flag t-shirts with Infowars.com on them as well.
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Let the establishment know there's so many of us, they're already aware of that, that they back off and stop staging terror attacks.
Get The Obama Deception, get Endgame, get Truth Rising, get Fabled Enemies, all the films I've made or produced that are available at InfoWars.com and all the other great books and videos we carry.
And also get PrisonPlanet.tv memberships.
You can also call toll-free to order any of the books or t-shirts 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
Also, you can no longer send mail or checks or packages to the South Lamar address.
That's shutting down in two weeks completely.
So, here is our new address.
Write it down.
Use it.
Box 19549.
Box 19549.
Austin, Texas 78760.
Again, Alex Jones.
Box 1-9-5-4-9 Austin, Texas 7-8-7-6-0.
And that's also up on the website.
Again, we're going to come back, take calls in this segment, the next.
I'm going to keep you in the next hour.
Then we're getting Tarpley on.
That's coming up.
Wide open phones with Tarpley.
We're going to get quick answers from Tarpley.
I want your response from the town halls.
We're going to play the videos of them.
The Obama people manhandle everybody.
They're the ones attacking.
They're the ones that got the Nazi Soviet
These are scum, folks.
Man, I tell you, you're filth.
I tell you, these people beating up old men and going to people's houses and threatening quadriplegics with murder.
We're going to play it all.
You people are scum.
Believe me, I know.
I get the death threats.
I've had stuff done to my house before.
I know how real it is.
These people that work for government and are into being parasites, they're bank robbers.
They want your labor.
They want your house.
They want your kids.
Oh, man.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Barack Obama has been proven to be a congenital New World Order whore, selling out the American people, just like George Bush and all the rest, but he's even worse.
I said I can't believe George Bush is worse than Clinton, I can't believe Obama's worse than him, but we're just further down this rat hole.
And he, I just saw him on TV and I have the transcript here, he says it's a boogeyman, it's made up!
We happen to have the bill, you lying bastard!
You lied about not hiring lobbyists, you lied about the wars, you lied about loopholes and taxes and torture and warrantless wiretapping and the Patriot Act, and about reading the bills and about having an open, transparent government.
You lie about balancing the budget.
You are nothing but a little criminal.
In fact, I've got this NBC video inside the White House where it shows Larry Summers bossing Obama around and Obama groveling to him.
And like, Summers is pointing at Obama like, and Obama goes, and I mean, this is, I mean, the White House even staff tells Obama to shut up and cracks his knuckles in his ears.
And that's why Obama bows to the king.
I mean, he knows he's just a total whore.
I mean, he's the one that's pimped.
And Summers and Rahm Emanuel just publicly slap him around.
I mean, I've never seen an American president literally like a house slave to these white men.
It is just, he is, he is, and then he pimps us.
Thanks Alex Jones, I really appreciate you having me on.
I just want to say, you know, I totally agree.
Barack Obama, he is totally just a pimp slave to his white masters in the White House.
I completely agree with what you just said.
You know, I'm kind of a young guy.
I was suckered in a little bit for the, you know, vote for Obama thing and so I ended up voting for him.
Because Bush was horrible!
I mean, you're fleeing!
It's like a woman fleeing from a guy that is mean to her and slapped her around a few times and she moves in with a new guy that chains her down and chops her fingers off.
Same concept, same thing, absolutely.
But I just want to let you know that after I filled out that bubble,
I felt something inside.
I felt bad about what I did.
Why am I feeling this way?
Because my whole life, you know, I've been able to know when I'm doing something right, when I'm doing something wrong, and I really did feel wrong when I did that.
So, absolutely, I guess there must be some
Something about him, you know.
It feels good to expose him.
But it's not just feelings.
He's lied about... They said they pulled the troops out of Iraq.
They, by law, with the puppet government, rewrote all the city maps where technically the bases don't count as part of the city.
I mean, it's nothing but Harvard lawyer shine.
It's like coating dog droppings in apple pie.
It's like putting a big dog dropping in an apple pie, and you bake it, and it smells good, and you cut it, and you're like, ugh, what is this?
I mean, it's just total fraud, and I'm sick of it!
It's like crapping in your own cornflakes.
It is.
That's what it is.
It's canning crap and calling it mom's apple pie.
And then you read the nutrition facts and you get nothing but the New World Order's agenda.
Then they tell you, then they tell you, oh that's not a pie.
You go, hey this isn't what you said it is.
They go, there's no pie, there's no table, there's no tablecloth, you're crazy.
You're like, we're at a table right now eating this.
They go, nope, there's no bill.
I mean, have you seen the talking point of there's no bill?
When we like bring up the bill, they say no, there's no bill.
I appreciate your call, good to hear from you Matthew.
Shane, Chris, Chris, Keith.
Keebler and others, your calls are straight ahead on the other side of this quick break.
Webster Tarpley's coming up as well.
The country is entering revolution right now.
The establishment is going to launch counterstrikes.
What are those counterstrikes going to be?
We'll talk about it with a grand fooball on the other side.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I'm trying to shake the transmission up.
We're gonna have Webster Tarpley with us a half hour into the next hour.
So that's an hour and twenty-two minutes or so.
I had him coming on this week for part two of Eugenics.
He didn't even scratch the surface of his analysis of eco-science, this compendium, this bible, this blueprint of everything we see in the United Nations Biological Diversity Treaty, the Club of Rome analysis, the Agenda 21, and the Carbon Tax, Carbon Credit Treaty.
We are, starting in the next hour, we're going to do 30 pure minutes on this with Webster Tarpley.
So, 30 minutes on Eugenics Part 2 today.
But I must shift gears because I've read both his books on Obama.
We'll put them up on screen.
They're both available at Infowars.com.
And I respect Tarpley, and that's who we have on here routinely, is people that have been right year after year, decade after decade, who have real foresight, over-the-horizon understanding.
But I gotta be honest, you know, 10 months, 11 months before Obama gets elected,
Tarpley puts out this book saying they're going to have thugs beating people up and they're going to say you're a racist if you criticize any of his policies.
He's bringing eugenics healthcare in the name of, you know, because I'm not even in a socialist world.
I'm against it.
But if you're going to have it, really have the people get it.
No, no, this is eugenics and it's in there.
And Tarpley said that and just everything he said was right.
And now it's coming true with revelations level accuracy.
I mean, it makes Nostradamus look ridiculous.
Because he studied Obama and how he works.
But I want to take your calls first.
We're going to do this different.
We're going to take calls right now.
Then at the bottom of the hour, we'll continue with calls.
But bottom line, Tarpley, we're going to go calls in three minutes.
He's going to break down.
But I want to just throw this question out.
The revolution is happening.
The left, right, all these callers, emails, the town halls.
I'm addicted to watching them online, the clips.
I'm addicted to listening to C-SPAN.
Every other caller says, I'm not left or right.
I didn't like Bush.
I thought Obama would fix it.
He's a liar.
This is liability protection for insurance companies and doctors to totally rip people off and carry out eugenics.
Here's the subsection where CPS visits all families.
Here's the subsections where they give death education to the old.
You go look it up, it's there.
Obama says, no, it's boogeyman, it's not there.
Conyers says, how dare you read the bill.
His approval rating's plunging.
Like you said, it would be worse than Carter or Bush.
You were right when he was this messianic leader at 84 points, now below 50.
But they're going to counter-strike.
And so, I see it in the next week or two, I don't see them being able to stop total cratering.
And I mean physical revolution, which I don't want, because that's what they want.
But I don't see... I see peaceful physical revolution being an inevitability.
They're going to try to make it violent with provocateurs or what.
Briefly, do you agree with me that we are now entering true revolution?
We are now in it.
This is it.
This is 1776.
1775, where it really started.
We are now entering it, but the redcoats are probably going to get more abusive.
Just today, death threats to quadriplegics confirmed by the Michigan State Police.
Old men getting up and asking a question, thugs grabbing them.
Black men who are against Obama being punched in the nose.
The news saying, saying Obama's for big government.
Any criticism is racist.
He is now like Hitler.
No one can criticize him.
I mean, this, I have never seen anything like this, Webster.
I am absolutely on the edge of my seat.
Do you concur that we are entering the vortex?
I would not want to be premature with that, but certainly entering it.
I think what we've got is the politics of Weimar Germany.
In other words, Germany between 1920 and 1930.
And you can hear all the references going back to this.
Each side is accusing each other of essentially being the National Socialists or the Nazis.
I would call this a mass strike of the American people.
Against genocidal Wall Street austerity.
Obama is the bringer of Wall Street genocidal austerity, budget cuts, gouging of Medicare.
In some ways, it's a defense of the New Deal institutions against the onslaught of Obama, because the centerpiece of what he's trying to do is to destroy Medicare, which is the great fruit of the late New Deal.
And he does it, well here's the thing, he does it with left cover, and I'm watching the town halls, that's another key, that's another key.
About 40% or so get up and say, I'm a Democrat, I'm sick of your wars, and you're actually gutting healthcare.
People are actually reading it.
He really is a fascist, like you said.
I think it's the fascist corporate state.
I think that's the only accurate term for this.
I wouldn't want to hasten too far into Germany in the 1930s.
I would stick with my Mussolini comparison.
A somewhat softer version, but still, fascism.
The American people are rejecting this idea that they should be euthanized and indeed become the victims of genocide to save the bottom line of a private health plan or indeed of a government health plan.
They're rejecting the bailouts because that is where all the money went.
And they're also rejecting the spirit of oligarchy and elitism that comes out of every pore of Obama, his disdain, his hauteur.
His defeat snobbery that he inflicts on the people.
I also expect something to happen on the left.
That's what I've been working on this week.
Right now you can say Obama combines the worst aspects of Carter.
He's got the economics of Carter.
He's got the lost war of LBJ, of Lyndon B. Johnson.
That would be Vietnam today, Afghanistan.
And Nixon with his stuff about indefinite detention, state secrets.
That's right, exactly, Webster, you said he was going to have enemy lists, you said he was going to release Tattletail squads, and I saw the preparation, but it's, you think, this is America, you know, even Alex Jones has trouble manifesting, seeing it, you know, manifest.
It's kind of like Native Americans when they first saw sailing ships, couldn't even register them because they never had any context.
The White House openly says tattle on your neighbors, report any criticism, thugs going to people's houses and death-threatening them, beating people up.
I mean, they really are scum!
Now, this week I think is going to be critical for the emergence of some kind of opposition to Obama's left, if you will.
The Washington Post here of Sunday publishes an analysis from General McChrystal, the current commander in Afghanistan.
This is one of the protagonists of torture.
He was one of the big torturers in Iraq, and now he's been named by Obama, handpicked by Obama.
And the word is that the U.S.
is taking on security commitments and political commitments
44,000 extra on top of the 40,000 that just got added to the 30,000.
So you'd be up to Iraqi levels.
He seems to be carrying out, essentially, a Soviet strategy.
The Soviets went for 10 years with about 120,000 or 130,000.
I expect that the peace movement, the peace movement has essentially been AWOL, right?
They've been, you know, hiding because their foundation... Because they were bought and paid for by the Ford and Rockefeller in Annenberg?
Yeah, from the beginning.
So they're trying to be nice to Obama, but I think at a certain point the anti-war base is also going to come into the picture.
So you'll have Obama under attack from different ideological directions.
And I think probably the best we can hope for in this situation is gridlock.
I think the forces arrayed in the Congress right now are so evil on both sides.
But the best we can hope for is absolute gridlock.
They should fight each other to a standstill and give us a chance to really work out some issues.
Economic program, how you put an end to these imperialist wars, and also how you roll back this domestic police state, which Obama is pushing as much as Bush or in some cases more than Bush.
No, no.
Unlimited wiretapping of all internet.
No free speech.
Cracking everyone.
No fly list for people with bad credit.
Then you can't own a gun.
Secret list.
I mean, this is off the chart.
It's a new low in American history.
But again, when the pendulum swings so far, the countervailing forces come into play.
So we better make sure that we come into play and get out there and do something about it.
And of course, that's us.
I am calling on leftists in particular who have not been doing their share of the fighting.
They've been lying low and being nice to Barkey.
They've got to get out there and provide some leadership.
And that means we need large-scale peace demonstrations in Washington, D.C.
this year, in September, in October, before the weather turns bad.
We're going to need challengers running as Democrats or Greens or Independents or whatever they are.
Challenging Obama in the 2010 elections.
Those people need to declare now.
And we're going to need a primary challenge to Obama, similar to what Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy did to Lyndon B. Johnson back in 1968, or similar to what Teddy Kennedy did to Carter, in order to contain this presidency, which, as you say, is running amok.
It's an anti-constitutional monstrosity.
We're going to go to break and come back and take calls for most of this hour and then get into eugenics, but Webster.
You know, the issue is, what do you see them doing in the order of false flags?
Or will they just engage in the false flag of playing the race card, saying all these people that oppose Obama are Klan members?
They're now saying that, invoking race, and really scaring a lot of kind of dumbed-down liberals, who now really believe
That if you have any political view in America outside the dogma of Obama's handlers, you are a Klan member.
I mean, this is outrageous poverty pimping, isn't it?
It is, and it's of course, this is what Obama has done through his entire campaign.
If you dare to criticize him, you would be labeled, not by him directly, but by his minions, his myrmidons, his axelrods and favros and ploofs and these people.
And now we've got these, the White House websites, we've got Organizing for America, we've got Fight the Smears, we've got the Flag website, we've got the
Reality check website.
We got a proliferation of websites.
We don't have as many websites as ours.
This is, I would call this ideological terrorism.
That's already terrorism.
And of course, the door to false flag wide open.
With Obama now in difficulty.
And remember, we're approaching the 9-11 point in Obama's first term.
We are now where we were with Bush back in August of 2001.
As a matter of fact, the anniversary of the bin Laden determined to strike in U.S.
CIA briefing was just a couple of days ago.
So we are now in that geometry.
So people who are looking at drills should continue to look.
Well, that's the other issue, is they have the nine-month rule that would stage some terror, so we're entering that quadrant the next two months, starting now.
And I'm having my YouTube video shut down, and YouTube says that the Hive says they're racist, so...
I may not be on air much longer.
They're saying I should be taken off the radio as well.
I mean, they're one inch away from coming and arresting me.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
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It's not about left or right.
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We had several videos that were chain-reactioning Saturday.
One of them got 130,000 views in just an hour and a half, so they took it off the main page.
The others they just erased.
And they said, criticism of Obama is now racism.
And they commented and bragged and YouTube said yes.
When the Commissariat, when the political police or the Gestapo or the SA
That's more akin to them.
The thugs in the streets say you're bad.
We don't even look.
You go down.
It's in the article.
This is official.
But let's go to calls right now.
We'll get into that later.
Who's up next here, John?
Chris in Maryland.
You're on the air with Webster Tarpley.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's going on, Alex?
How you doing?
Worldwide broadcast.
Go ahead.
One quick question.
Can you post some of these documents like
This is the quick question before I get my question here.
About these documents like the SARS statements and Obama's health care plan.
The SARS statements?
Yeah, well you know like these things that the SARS says that if
Whatever you said earlier about the Tsar making the statement that anything said against Obama would be, you know, likened as, you know, anti-Obama racism.
Yeah, no, no.
We broke the news a week and a half ago because a listener sent us and said, look, the White House has announced
Report on anybody criticizing Obama.
Report this to authorities.
Report it to us.
And now they've got them out doing this.
And then we've linked to the different bills.
We've linked to Tom Daschle's quotes, who helped write it.
I mean, go read it.
We've posted a whole bunch of articles that then have links to the subsections.
I mean, we have an article right now about CPS visiting all parents' homes.
You can go read the bill.
Or like when they had National Compulsory Service in the bill, it said National Compulsory Service, people couldn't believe it, in another bill, or how they
People couldn't believe that he won a national service even when he gave speeches and his chief of staff gave speeches and those are in the Obama deception.
People didn't believe me that Obama was the key person getting the votes for the banker bailout.
But we have Nancy Pelosi bragging and Obama bragging and him on the Senate floor saying you've got to pass this.
Webster, do you want to tell them about the health care bill, about the rationing and all this?
Well, the bill itself, I think it does not spell a lot of these things out.
I would just note that some of the things that are most dangerous were already passed in the stimulus.
In particular, there was $2 billion in the stimulus for something called National Coordinator for Health Information Technology at the National Institutes of Health.
I take it here in Bethesda, so National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.
You have to realize that the people who are going to staff these boards are Malthusians, right, in the same way that Holdren is, and they believe in population reduction.
Yeah, that's Obama's brother is involved in it, and he says no health care for old people.
I mean, Webster, what are you saying?
I mean, I've scanned over the bill.
I actually have a rundown here with the pages, and I've checked it.
This is so nightmarish, I can't even describe it.
You're saying there's... I'm trying to say that some of these boards that are neutral, that don't spell out what they're going to do.
I'll give you an example.
No, no, it says the boards will decide, and then people have gone and looked at who's on the boards, and they're all making eugenic statements.
Yes, precisely.
There's one called Medpack on Steroids.
Medpack is something that's been around for a while.
It has generally been blocked by Congress.
So Medpack on Steroids means, essentially, the death panel, right?
What people call the death panel would be Medpack on Steroids.
And this would be a bureaucracy similar to the British one.
That denies you care, saying the calculation is if you're 75 years old and overweight and you smoke, then you're of no value to society.
And there's no doubt these bioethics boards are set up for that, but you hear them on the news with the code words.
They say, well, there are too many useless tests, and then they won't even do the test on your heart to tell you you've got the blockage.
I mean, people say we're lying about England.
England admittedly rations care massively.
I also think you've got to look at the people.
See, part of the stuff is, who's going to be carrying this out?
I mean, you look at Obama, you look at the fact he was asked, uh, my mother is 75 years old and she wants to live.
This was back in June.
She wants to live.
So his answer to that was, we can't make public policy based on subjectivity.
Meaning, the fact that you want to live is of no consequence to me, and therefore... Well, he said he didn't know if he should keep his grandmother alive.
I think so.
Uh, sinister.
The other story, of course, about his mother is that he had an ethical crisis because she had a hip replacement operation during the time she was battling cancer, and he thought that this was of dubious ethical virtue.
This is the same man who has shoveled 24 trillion dollars across the room into the hands of these zombie bankers, derivatives artists, and hedge funds.
Let me ask the caller, does that answer your question, Chris?
That question, yeah, but I wanted to get on to one quick thing and let you get on to the other callers.
About forced inoculations, I work at Walter Reed, and we had a memo come down from command stating that we had to get forced inoculations.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the globalists are making their move on the open borders, the gun control, the eugenicists, government health care, the cap and trade, new wars, their spy grids.
They are rushing it all through because they know revolution is here.
The people are waking up.
So make sure that you realize we're at a historic crossroads.
We're going back to your calls.
Let Chris finish up what was happening at Walter Reed.
Military's biggest hospital, according to what I know, but we can ask him.
The issue is, that's nothing.
I get emails every day going, you liar!
There's no plan to forcibly inoculate.
There's no plan to make people take shots.
And I'm reading what the World Health Organization says.
I'm reading what the Pentagon's saying.
I'm reading what NORTHCOM's saying.
This is even on TV!
But then people go, well, they won't say if I've got to take shots or not.
All the nurses and doctors I know have been told, you've got to take it.
There's no law.
They're just saying you have to take it.
There's an executive order and then a U.N.
law, a U.N.
And so, yes, they are attempting, just like with the smallpox shot six years ago, to order all these first responders to take it.
Fourteen million of them, roughly, in the U.S.
Nurses, doctors, county workers, federal workers, police, sheriff's deputies, firemen, key infrastructure folks.
They're even trying to tell bank people they've got to take it.
And is this just a boondoggle to sell tens of billions of a worthless vaccine?
Or is it something worse?
But go ahead and make your point about the vaccine, sir.
You've been told you've got to take it.
Basically what happened was I work with the union and we had a big fight with the commander and higher authority, whoever that may be, that they were trying to inoculate us saying anybody who comes in contact with these injured soldiers or the really sick need to take these inoculations.
And, uh, I came up with the point, why the heck should I be taking an inoculation, or why should I take an inoculation, for something, if these people are so sick, what the heck are they doing out of their hospital rooms in the first place?
And, to get in the story real quick, we won, and they didn't force it, but I'm afraid now with this swine flu thing coming out, that they're gonna come at us again.
But see, that's my point.
They tell you it's the law, you've got to do it.
When there's no law, you say no, you don't have to.
Webster, um...
Let me just comment on that, Alex.
The big problem with Walter Reed Army Hospital that overarches all of this is, it's being shut down.
The side of the healthcare debate that gets, I think, left out is, where are the doctors supposed to come from?
And where are the hospitals that you're going to need?
Because you do need them.
Walter Reed is being shut down.
Now, if you go by Bethesda, on the Naval Center side, they're building something there that they claim is going to replace
Walter Reed, but I am skeptical.
I see all of this as a project of cutting.
Here in Washington, D.C., we've lost two or three hospitals over the last ten years or so, and it's getting to be a real drama.
Where's the nearest hospital?
And you and others have pointed out that
That's what this banker system is.
Nothing for the people, everything paid as interest on imaginary fiat black hole of debt they create to swallow up the world.
And I want to make the point, Conyers says he can't read the multi-thousand page bill and that it's bad to read the bill now.
They've gone from lying and saying they read them to saying it's bad to read them.
If they can't read a bill,
But then they tell us we're liars about what's in it when I have scanned it and I have it here.
Then how can they administer government health care?
If Obama, seven months ago, first thing he did in office, and he said this on TV, was they were going to make vets pay for their own insurance and health care.
I mean, that shows who they are.
If the troops don't get health care, and they're making them pay for their lunches at Rammstein in Germany when their legs are blown off, these aren't old men, if they're breaking the contracts with the troops, folks, none of you are getting anything.
You're getting an aspirin, you're getting euthanized, this is what the White House science czar says, now they're getting Rahm Emanuel's brother, in fact, put that Salon article up for folks, in the White House, who openly calls for
Alex, let me just add, in terms of Congressman Conyers, if you go to the Black Agenda Report, the fine website of Glenn Ford,
They have quotes from Conyers there where he says, I am very disappointed with Obama.
Obama's healthcare plan is junk.
Now I wonder if they're going to accuse Conyers of being a racist because he criticizes Obama.
Yeah, we have that up on Infowars.com right now, but what Conyers is saying, he wants the power of the Democratic Party to stay there.
Obama is for the globalist, so he knows he's gonna discredit his own system.
That's his job, is to carry the ball down the field.
Conyers is more of just a punk politico, and yeah, Conyers says, we're gonna play the clip coming up, Conyers says that he's gonna destroy us
And that we're all going to get thrown out.
So, I mean, Conyers is doing that from a slimy perspective, Webster.
Let me just add, the other thing here is, what is actually going on?
I'm afraid people say Obama wants to have the government take over healthcare.
I don't think that's the goal at all.
What I see is that Obama is in bed with the insurance companies.
He had 25 insurance executives.
No, this gives them liability protection.
It gets pushed over to the government.
We should never forget, most of these insurance companies are bankrupt because of derivative speculation.
AIG was what?
An insurance company.
It's bankrupt a million times over.
Because it set up a hedge fund in England.
The Hartford got $3.5 billion off the bailout.
They're bankrupt.
MetLife just reported $1.5 billion losses from derivatives in the second quarter.
The Obama plan is this.
Talk about single-payer, well, not even talk about it.
Talk about a government option.
But when push comes to shove, you give up the government option, but you keep the individual mandate.
The individual mandate means you are coerced to buy insurance
From a for-profit private insurance company that's deregulated, that's got, you know, rapacious executives, you can't sue them, and your life depends on it.
Let me just tell you, the scenario was in the Washington Post here last Friday.
We have a guy called Henry Aron of the Brookings Institution.
This is the left-wing Democratic Party think tank.
He says, my advice to Obama is this.
Put up a bold front of wanting a public option, and at the end of the day, say, Senator Grassley, Senator Enzi, in the name of unity and Republican support, I will give up the public option if you climb on board.
Which is really the corporate fascist bailout that Republicans want, and then the Republican horde will feel like they've won, and then the Democrats will all suck their thumbs pathetically.
And by the way...
By the way, they're saying that.
So what happens is, everybody gets cruddy health care basically now, and the insurance companies just stop providing it and no longer have liability, because in this bill, if they're involved in any way with the government program, they're now given liability protection, the worst possible thing we could imagine, and so now health care even goes to hell faster.
In fact, deaths from avoidable medical error more than doubled in the past decade, investigations show.
This is out of the Scientific American.
uh... just cutting off the wrong legs leaving knives and scalpels inside people uh... just hellish four hundred plus thousand dying a year from bad drug interactions all of that just like vaccine makers now all of big pharma now all of big medicine now taken over by the by the hedge funds as you said Webster is now can just walk away
And as we said off air, we're no longer an industrial nation.
We're falling apart.
We can't support the high-tech system we built.
And so now it just all goes down the drain.
And the elites jet off to Switzerland for health care.
Right, the clinic in Zurich.
Here's the other thing.
Medicare will be looted and destroyed.
So what Johnson was able to put in place at the end of the New Deal will be destroyed by Obama.
So really, the fight against Obama is a fight to defend the existing New Deal institutions, which are vital for the survival of all people.
The other thing is, Obama's made a deal with Big Pharma.
Let's not forget them, the pharmaceutical companies.
And he says, I guarantee you that there will be no cheap prescriptions coming from Canada, and I guarantee you that we will not haggle.
We will not use the buying power of Medicare to get the prices down on the prescriptions that people need to buy.
And that guaranteed is cold-bloodedly going to kill millions of people over the next decade who are surviving on those cheap drugs that in many cases are one-third or less the price because Americans pay the most because we're known as the schmucks.
So therefore, with Obama, he's going to get $150 million of television advertising, with Harry and Louise.
Harry and Louise, the shields for the insurance company, are now back supporting Obama, because that's the secret.
It's not that when Pelosi comes out and says the insurance companies are villains, this is pure demagogy.
She's in bed with the private insurance company.
She's got to make it look otherwise, because you've got to remember, 62% of the Democratic Party wants a single payer.
And they're wondering why the hell they don't get anything, and of course they will get nothing, because it's Obama.
That's the ultimate answer, is the reason that this reform is not viable.
Exactly, he is the corporate fraud, and that's what's so insane, Webster.
All these years we fought Bush and his agenda, we're now being called racist.
I want to go to calls right now, but I briefly just wanted to have you... They're erasing my videos, and not videos where I'm yelling and screaming, or not spoofs I did to promote a Joker t-shirt contest.
But they are erasing very calm, collected videos where I talk about how they want Republicans and Democrats to fight with each other, to dissipate the awakening, the revolution, the general strike against government, against both parties.
They want to make it partisan to divide and conquer, to balkanize.
They will not let those videos go out on YouTube.
Every time they go viral, they're erasing them, calling them racist, and the message is, let us come together.
Now, if that doesn't show and prove they are pimping race, and that they... This is so cold-blooded, Webster.
You can ask Bill Clinton, who said they played the race card on me in South Carolina.
This is simply the Obama method, and it's deplorable, and I'm sure there are many in the black community.
Again, the people over at Black Agenda Report, don't fall for that for one minute.
And I'm sure lots of people don't.
This is essentially, I would call this ideological terrorism, where you brand somebody as a racist because you can't refute them, right?
It's like being told that, you know, if you were interested in 9-11 truth, you were subversive or Al-Qaeda or whatever it was.
So, this is just, we've gone through a period of
The war on terror, the aftermath of 9-11, that was the great covert operation of the first part of the decade.
Now we've got Obama being used in an attempt to keep a lid on the entire situation, but I don't think so.
I think, as you say, the power of the mass strike, which is what you're seeing.
That's a mass strike movement among old people saying, we don't want to be euthanized.
We don't want to become cannon fodder for genocide.
We understand all that.
The bigger discussion here is how are they going to counter people saying no, no, no at every front?
They're booing Republicans off the stage everywhere.
We've played the videos here.
The media won't touch that.
I'm saying it's like garlic or a cross or holy water to a vampire to show that Republicans and Democrats are being booed off the stage.
We see a real populist revolution of constitutional rebellion forming to really unseat the corporate criminals looting us and the media is trying to turn us on each other.
I'm saying the maximum effort has got to be unity against the bankers, audit the Fed, bring them to justice.
Uh, and they are really manifesting their tyranny by erasing our videos, by beating people up, by going to people's houses and death-threatening them.
I'm just confirming what you wrote in your book from studying him.
They really do want to turn America into a Chicago mob-run system, and I don't think it's going to work.
I think it's going to have explosive ramifications.
Right, and I think what I personally try to do is to intervene in this with a program, because you can have a mass movement, but if you wish to get to the government, if you want to govern, if you want to take power in crude terms, you've got to be able to solve these problems, and I think that's going to require an economic program, which would need to be discussed, and therefore I hope
If we can get to gridlock at the moment and we can simply block this so-called health care reform, but also block the cap-and-trade, that's extremely important.
I would think that in the middle of all the trouble that Obama's having, it would also be possible to prevent the Senate from passing this cap-and-trade monstrosity that the House has already passed.
That's got to be stopped too.
Yeah, yeah.
Stop, stop.
We're going to cover that next hour.
I want to go back to calls, but breaking news.
Nemo has identified the supposed guy with a gun strapped on his hip that the cops let pace around for the media, which they wouldn't let anybody else do.
They would violate your rights.
He's got a IFB earpiece like I have.
Only people in TV
Our only secret service type people, law enforcement, would have that.
Only TV people.
This model is a professional grade, because we know these, we've got a bunch of them.
He's got a professional grade one.
Blow that up for folks, Hoosh.
Please, if you can.
He's got a professional grade one in that does not go with telephones.
And he looks just like a cop.
Webster, boy, that sounds like provocateur and doesn't it?
And again, that's why I say that with Obama you're getting the worst of Nixon as well.
You're getting enemies lists.
Nixon called it preventive detention.
Remember Nixon wanted to bomb the political convention and blame it on his enemies?
That's declassified.
And of course, you know, breaking into somebody's psychiatrist to try to find out what he was up to.
You know, the Oldsburg psychiatrist break-in.
Anyway, essentially secret intelligence agents running all over the place.
In the Obama case, they're sometimes privatized, right?
They're sometimes foundation operatives.
But it's the same thing.
Obama is the worst of Carter, the worst of LBJ, and the worst of Nixon.
I think it's going to be almost impossible for him to stave off some kind of a rebellion inside his own party.
And I would urge, again, leftists.
The leftists have to get out there and do some heavy lifting.
It's important for them to come into the field.
Oh, they just want to drink tea and feel important.
And they just want to come in our houses and take our property.
They're just looking for the silverware.
Let's take another call here.
They're just Nazis.
It's all a fake act.
They know.
They're eugenicists.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Florida.
Chris, you're on the air with Webster Tarpley.
We're going to try to hurry up with these calls now.
Go ahead.
Dr. Tarpley, love your show on Saturdays.
Have you had a plan to have, it doesn't seem like you have, on prisonplanet.tv?
Are you thinking about having Dr. Andrew Molden on?
Andrew Molden, who's that?
Regarding the vaccination issue, MDPHD was on Coast to Coast in my show last week, so that all the vaccinations, according to... Okay, I'll look into it.
Thank you for the call, Chris.
Let's go ahead and talk to Justin in North Carolina.
Justin, you're on the air.
I was wanting to know, have you seen the previews for the HBO documentary, We the People, about the Obama campaign?
Go ahead.
No, tell me about it.
I don't know much about it, brother.
I just saw a commercial while I was watching HBO the other day.
They're getting ready to release it here in the next couple weeks.
It's just about them following around during his campaign.
It's just a promo for New World Order scumbag.
Daughter makes pro-Bush films and pro-Obama films.
And I think I read she's the one pimping that.
But look, all the king's horses and all the king's men can't put this together again.
The people fundamentally don't buy either party anymore.
Congress's approval rating is at all-time lows.
Webster, isn't that the key here?
That people finally get it that Washington's run by a bunch of crooks?
Right, and then you've got to take the next step, which is decide what you're for, and how you're going to run the government when you take it over.
Alright, we're going to take more calls when we get back.
From Joe, Steve, Kurt, Thomas, and many others, Webster Tartley's our guest.
Stay with us.
Bunch of video clips coming up as well, and we're going to get into eugenics.
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The Chief of Police says that it is legal for him to have the gun as long as it is not concealed.
It's a registered weapon, and what's more, the man is on private property, a church ground there at the end of the roadway, and the church has apparently given him permission to be there.
The police are obviously keeping a close eye on this man, and they're not going to let him get anywhere near the President, and I suspect that he won't be here by the time the President gets here in just a couple of hours' time.
But again, for the most part, things are very peaceful.
The police are keeping an eye on things.
The crowds are separated.
But to be really clear, we're seeing the pictures right now, you're seeing a guy has a gun in the open, where we already know there are concerns about every president's safety, but certainly this historic president, the 44th president of the United States, and there's no... the guy's just being allowed to stay there?
You know, you notice that in Iraq, Saddam could walk around with 10,000 people with machine guns and he was fine.
And even until the 30s, Americans would take guns on their sides to court hearings in major cities.
Famous Lindbergh case, he wore a sidearm into that.
This is how they operate.
Oh my God, the slaves have guns, but this guy has got an IFB that only television people, it's the professional flesh-colored clear one, flesh-colored down here, clear up here, that is hooked in for law enforcement.
He looks like Secret Service.
He looks like Secret Service I saw at the Bilderberg Group in Virginia.
Or he could be some private merc.
Or he could be a listener.
Who knows?
But he's got... It's time to water the Tree of Liberty.
And, you know, we sell t-shirts and hats that say, don't tread on me with a gas and flag.
And then it has the Thomas Jefferson quote on the back saying, the blood of patriots and tyrants must water the Tree of Liberty from time to time.
Just amazing that this is going on, and we need to track down listeners.
Who is that guy?
Do you recognize him?
Is he federal marshal?
Because they're now saying, ban protest, because the citizens are evil, number one threats gun owners, number one threats the veterans.
Just amazing.
We've got more video clips coming up next hour as they say, any criticism of Obama is racist.
And that if we were all given sodium pentothal or truth serum, we would admit we were racist.
It's not that we don't want to turn our guns in.
It's not that we're against the government healthcare.
It's not that we're against cap and trade.
It's that we are racist.
And it's not going to work.
Let's talk to... I'm not talking to Steve in Chicago.
He calls every day.
Every day.
So Steve, you have a nice day.
I told you you can call once a week.
Kurt in Texas.
Kurt, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Is there a provision
In the health care bill that you know of for genocide?
And constantly changing, but yes, it does have... Well, I mean, take Obama's brother.
Let's put Salon.
Salon's not some right-wing publication.
You know, with the headline, Obama's brother, doctor death.
There it is.
I mean, this is the guy who your former writing partner has actually confronted, and that got millions of views online, or hundreds of thousands I saw in one video alone.
Tell us about Ezekiel Emanuel, Obama's doctor death.
And that's not me saying that, that's Salon, Webster Tarbley.
Well, what I know about Ezekiel Emanuel is that he's a professor of bioethics.
Now, bioethics is a very, very suspect academic specialty, because essentially what it has to do with is making decisions about the end of life.
It's a eugenics board.
It's going to be in favor of the insurance companies.
I regard it also as economic austerity.
In other words, they want you to die early for the bottom line.
They say, why are we spending so much money at the end of life when if people simply accepted the idea of death, we could save all this money so we could speculate in more derivatives.
So there's a eugenics motivation and there's an economic austerity.
He's also said people with Alzheimer's and dementia should get no medical care whatsoever.
And he says that in speeches, and on top of that, and that's genocide right there, having the healthcare gives people jobs and the economy.
It's this idea that having nice things hurts everybody, and that the pie's only one size.
It's a classic oligarchical view.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're just gonna have Webster Tarpley for another 50 minutes, then I'll hit a final news blitz at the very end of the show.
I have the subsections here, where old people are given death education.
I'm gonna go over this later.
I have the subsections about CPS visits to your house.
That's section 440 and 1904, page 838.
I mean, it's all here.
I mean, I could go on for hours over these subsections.
Here's one.
Page 280 of Section 1151 imposes penalties and fines on private hospitals for preventable visits.
So see, now they're going to judge if you can even get a hospital visit.
I mean, they're just rationing care for special needs people.
1177 section.
And Congressman Dingell, coming up in the next segment, got confronted.
We got the fella coming on, and he didn't deny that the quadriplegic
Yes, I heard it on MSNBC, the fellow saying just exactly what you read there and then last night Keith Oberman totally denied it and
Of course then he said there wasn't any concentration camps either.
That was all just theory.
Thank you for everything that you've done.
Thank you for the Obama deception.
You bet.
God bless you.
If I could just add, they talk about savings out of Medicare.
Now think what this means.
The entire population over 65 is benefiting from what I think is a good program.
It's underfunded.
It has been gouged and chiseled and looted by Bush methodically, right?
Mercilessly, during the whole decade that's now coming to an end.
Obama says he thinks he can squeeze another $500 billion
Out of Medicare.
Now, where in God's name is that going to come from?
That's going to mean you're going to wait longer to see the doctor, you're going to wait longer for the procedures, they're going to try to convince you not to do it.
And by the way, I've been watching the congressional hearings.
They admit it and say we have to do this or you don't get healthcare.
That's the incredible thing, Webster, is it's all admitted, but then they'll admit it to sell you on it, but then say it's not really in there.
I mean, I think the level of lying and twisting and spinning is what's leading people to revolution, because they're reading the bill, Webster, and finding out the truth.
The boast of Obama is that 80% of what he wants, the Republicans also want.
Yes, they do.
The Republican method is... Well, let me go with... Obama's method is that you're told to die by the death panel.
In other words, there's some board of Malthusian bureaucrats who say, it's time for you to die for the sake of the bottom line.
The Republican method is to destroy these programs.
No Medicare, no Medicaid, no nothing.
You get a health savings account with a few thousand dollars in it, just enough money to purchase your cancer diagnosis or your heart disease diagnosis, and after that, you're on your own.
And if your procedure is $100,000, and you've got $2,000 in your health savings account, then you're also told to go and die.
In the Republican method, it's done at the market.
In other words, it's not a bureaucrat telling you, it's the impersonal action of the market.
So that might be easier to hide under certain circumstances.
With the Democrats, it's all
It's all out in the open.
It's all the genocidal intent in their own statement.
It's just disgusting.
It's disgusting.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Thomas in Maryland.
You're on the air with Webster Tarbley.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I was at a town hall meeting last night in Towson, Maryland with Senator Cardin.
It was great to see the people come out and unite.
I would say about 95 to 99 percent of the people were against the bill.
Although they only let in about 500 people into the town hall.
There's over 2,000 people out there protesting this.
Yeah, but CNN goes out there and says, most of the people here actually agree with it.
There's a few haters and Klan members here.
That's propaganda.
That's why nobody believes the CNN anymore.
More people are pushed towards your movement.
Well, it's not my movement, but God bless you.
I'll tell you what, Thomas, tell us a little bit more about what happened at the meeting briefly, then we're going to go to Robert.
We're going to go to Common Side Effects Hawaii.
People really abuse the fact that I let them have any name they want.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The renowned bioethicist brother of Rahm Emanuel is the man behind the infamous death panels.
He's been hired by the White House now.
And there are quotes in Salon by him saying medical care should be reserved for non-disabled participating members of society.
And again,
The yuppies already don't visit their parents or grandparents.
Society's already falling apart.
If you don't take care of your family, folks, nobody's going to take care of you.
If you don't have the compulsion to take care of your family, you're not a human being.
Something's wrong with you.
You're screwed up.
You're sick.
It's not that you're some goody two-shoes.
You're supposed to want to take care of people.
It's very...
Demonic, dirty, sickening, greedy, mentally twisted to believe that, oh, if we give people health care, then that means we lose something.
But see, once they create this big government model, everybody's competing with each other.
And that fundamentally is the problem with any socialist model.
Tarpley probably would argue, and I know this isn't socialism, because it doesn't exist.
It always becomes elite sucking the trough dry.
Regardless, fundamentally, we've all been turned into these... Well, I guess there was an article written, a short story, by the late, great Kurt Vonnegut, who actually sent me some of his artwork one time, right before he died, and said he appreciated my work.
That's something I treasure at my house, but it's that issue of a world where everybody's got to be made equal.
So tall people have their legs chopped off, and smart people are given lobotomies, and
This is the system.
And these control freak eugenicists want to dumb down intelligent people to make us more manageable.
But there's no doubt these are sickos.
And there's no doubt these death penalties are real.
And he wrote for Atlantic Monthly.
Which again,
is just sick and he has these quotes about doctors shouldn't be so obsessed with the Hippocratic Oath.
Tarbley, I want to go back to calls here in a moment.
We're going to keep you to the end to cover eugenics coming up at the bottom of the hour, part two on your analysis from last week.
But I think the reason they're able to get away with some of this is it's so hard for people to come to grips with the mindset.
So before we go back to calls,
Is it that these bureaucrats, these control freaks, these oligarchs get off on denying people care?
Is it that they disdain having to eat at restaurants with the general public or stand in line with the public?
I mean, why do they have such an instinct to kill and abuse and do wickedness?
I don't understand it.
Well, it's the mentality of oligarchy and elitism, and we have very historical examples going back as far as civilization, certainly to the Greeks and the Egyptian priesthood in many ways represent an oligarchy.
The modern group, of course, as we've seen with Holdren, they're Malthusians.
They believe in zero growth, the limits of growth.
That the planet is overpopulated.
They think that people pollute.
That the average human being is a threat to nature or to their favorite hobby, be it the polar bear, the spotted owl, the snail daughter, or some other exotic species, right?
Some kind of orchids that they may cultivate.
The oligarch needs to view the mass of humanity as subhuman or somehow inferior.
The problem of the oligarchy is always to justify the irrational domination.
And why should the oligarchy rule and not somebody else?
Are the oligarchy more competent?
Are they more intelligent?
Are they more humane?
No, they're none of these things.
They're failures.
Look at Larry Summers.
He's a fool.
He's a failure.
He destroyed the Harvard University endowment with his economic policies.
Yeah, I agree with you.
I think it's fundamentally they're diseased and ugly and bent.
Generally, when I see these elitists, they're really physically horrifying and very disgusting and spit-dripping, and I've read some of their writings.
They hate seeing a family with a good-looking husband and wife and happy kids.
They hate flying over our swimming pools and houses and cars and barbecues, and they just like the Wicked Witch and, oh, you know, what's the fairy tale about Sleeping Beauty?
Sleeping Beauty.
They just want to come ruin the party.
I would also, let's give a more concrete example, right?
Rationing of care was the question before.
Let's look at Michelle Obama.
Now, we've had this interesting proposition.
I write about it in my book.
A man can hide what he believes, but the choice of women, especially the choice of a wife, often reveals a great deal about one's own character.
So Obama has chosen Michelle Obama as his wife.
Well, what was her business?
She worked for the University of Chicago Hospital.
She was in health care.
Now this is a very modern, state-of-the-art, world-class hospital that happens to be separated by just a few blocks from one of the worst inner-city ghettos, where there are a lot of poor black people who don't have any health care.
So the problem that they saw, the University of Chicago saw, was that poor black people were coming out of the inner-city ghetto
And coming into the University of Chicago Hospital Emergency Room and asking for treatment.
So they needed to hire what amounts to a bouncer.
They created a patient dumping scheme.
And the head of the patient dumping scheme was Michelle Obama.
Just like Margaret Sanger said, we gotta have blacks to kill these animals.
We gotta have a black to lead them to their death.
And so she drives them over to the euthanasia or to the hospice or to the scum facility.
And again, that's what she does.
And they enjoy pimping.
They enjoy hurting people.
They enjoy scamming.
They enjoy it.
I mean, and you just see her eyes.
I mean, she just radiates evil and whoredom.
No, I'm serious.
But let's also add that in order to do this, Michelle hired David Axelrod to do a brainwashing campaign, essentially to dupe all the people.
So the idea was that she was in charge of community relations, and community relations meant deploying a screen of bouncers
To kick people out, but she had to smooth over the ruffled feelings of these poor people.
One of their favorite methods was you'd go into the waiting room of the emergency room, and if you were black and you looked poor, they'd make you wait four or five hours.
They'd simply ignore you and hope that you would walk out.
So this is the mentality, and I think these examples, I think what's in the bill is important, but the mentality of the people carrying it out.
How about Orsag, right?
The bean counter, the pointy-headed bureaucrat, the head of the Office of Management and Budget.
This person, who has no medical credentials whatsoever, is of the opinion that an MRI, a CAT scan, an ultrasound, an echocardiogram, an X-ray, this is too expensive.
Yeah, these are the useless tests.
I mean, the last 50 years, the most important devices they've got saved tens of millions of lives.
A basic test, you don't get it.
But we see more, more examples of this.
Notice he promised everybody all this free stuff as soon as he got in the speech he won that night.
He said, it's going to be austerity.
It's going to be rough.
It's going to be tough.
He is
How do you, but I mean, exactly, how does he have half-brothers and brothers who are living in shacks on $1 a week?
He won't help them.
I mean, I help my family, some of my family that doesn't have money.
I mean, how would he not ever see his family?
I mean, who is this Obama?
You've studied his psychology.
From watching him, he seems to really revel in conning people and lying to them.
He's just a classic scam artist.
I would call him a narcissist and a megalomaniac.
Now, it's interesting because we did have this interesting book, Bush on the Couch, by Dr. Justin Frank, I think, of George Washington University, which correctly diagnosed Bush as a megalomaniac, somebody with delusions of grandeur.
I think we have another case of megalomania, in this case with the left-wing ideology.
Obama as a narcissist.
Obama who constantly refers to himself in his speeches in the third person.
He always says, as I've said repeatedly, or I've said consistently, that this complete fascination with himself.
He's now going to go to Martha's Vineyard to stay on a $30 million estate
Yeah, you couldn't pay me to do that!
I mean, that's just nightmarish!
The pride players are good, and my uncle used to live on Cape Cod, so I got something in favor of this.
But the idea now with the narcissism, he is obviously addicted to adulation.
He expects adulation, and you can see that into his mentality now, a moment of irritability is creeping in.
If you saw the summit with Harper and
He's looking more and more angry now when somebody doesn't answer what he wants.
He tries to dominate.
He tries to cut in like Spectre did today.
They just are like, I'm gonna make you love me and I'm gonna make you love eugenics, you little piece of trash.
We're seeing the beginnings, perhaps, of the psychological disintegration of Obama.
In other words, the idea that he might lash out in rage.
We've had Geithner with a temper tantrum chewing the carpet on Friday in a dispute with other regulators, fighting with Bernanke and Sheila Bair and the rest of them.
Now, in that press conference in Mexico, Obama did this thing where he said, you know, I'm somebody who always plays, you know, a risky game.
How did he say it?
I don't go with the probabilities.
I shoot the works, because if I had to calculate my chances of being here, I never would have been here.
So I'm the kind of guy that's willing to do something that's not guaranteed of success.
And it seemed to me that he was somehow asserting himself, right?
That I'm really this great guy who came out of nowhere and I did it all myself.
Yeah, yeah.
He's a maverick when really the Newell-Walter Stork delivered him out of the bowels of hell on a White House front porch.
In fact, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, these are the midwives of the Obama miracle.
We can be very, very specific.
We can even calculate the sums of money involved.
So I think that's going to be a problem for them.
The town hall, the so-called town hall in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to the extent I've been able to follow it at all, seems to have been screened in the best tradition of Bush.
Remember, that if you were an anti-war demonstrator and you wanted to get into a Bush event, you were likely to be arrested.
I don't know what happened in Manchester, sorry, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Yeah, that's why they had the cop come up, probably a cop with a gun, was a way to intensify screening and only bring in minions.
So, it's obvious it was not a fair selection.
I think it was thoroughly screened and therefore worthless and I think people will realize that.
Alright, let's jam calls in when we get back.
Let's go to Robert.
Common, Christian, Heath, and others straight ahead.
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To file, to make unclean or unfit for ceremonial use, to desecrate,
To debase the pureness or excellence of.
To make filthy or dirty to pollute.
You see, I said we must defile the fraud that is Obama.
Because really he's something very wicked and bad.
It's like a cyanide pill stuck inside chocolate candy.
I'm saying we gotta pull the chocolate candy off.
That's defile.
And then you'll see there's a piece of cyanide in there, enough to kill 20 horses.
That's why they make him god-like, president of the world, the king, the lord, so they can put the whole agenda on him and ram it right through the gates of the republic.
And so, let's take some more calls.
Who's up next here?
Robert, Louisiana, you're on the air with Webster Tarpley.
Go ahead.
Nice to talk to you again, Alex.
Thank you for having me on.
I just wanted to let you know that I was able to infiltrate the Dennis Miller Radio Show and make a reference to Perry attending Bilderberg and the News 8 Austin article that's on YouTube.
I put it up on YouTube, the video, so you can find it by searching Dennis Miller Asked About Bilderberg.
Okay, you're on air.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, I just asked him about it.
Well, I talked to him about it, about Perry and Hutchinson going in there, and then he, uh, he hung up on me really quickly.
It's pretty cool.
And I did post the video up so people can watch it.
And I also have a list of numbers to radio shows, um, radio talk shows on my YouTube channel for people to use if they can call in.
It helps a whole lot, you know, it makes a big difference getting the message out there.
Okay, thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
Yeah, keep it up.
That's great.
Look, that should take back the airwaves.
You never have to figure that there's nothing you can do.
There are these big talk radio shows broadcast nationwide.
If you're patient enough and clever enough, if you can put some time into it, plan a question, you can do something.
You can get on the scoreboard with hundreds of thousands of people.
So that's a way to get into politics.
And the more people do that, the better it's going to be.
And the more capable you're going to be, the more often you do it.
Absolutely, Webster, and that's where the revolution is, is coming out saying no, and that's why they're trying to demonize anybody as racist.
I want to play a clip here.
The first one, he's doing this every show the last few weeks.
This, of course, is the MSNBC minion Chris Matthews saying, we've got to give sodium pentothal to all these anti-healthcare people because they're all secretly racist.
Here it is.
The NPR poll last week, of those, 25% of the public strongly supported, so they strongly supported what Obama is trying to do in healthcare.
39% strongly opposed.
Right now, there does seem to be more energy in the opponents than the supporters, although the proponents are trying to gear up, and I think it would be a mistake to simply read what's happening as just a kind of racial reaction.
There is an indication here of the problem that Democrats face.
To win any one of these rallies, these people, it was like Acorn on the right.
I'm just guessing.
I think 45-65% of the people who appear at these groups are people who will never be comfortable with the idea of a black president.
This is just off the cuff.
I would not go that far.
This is Hitlerian.
Hitler used racial politics.
And he said, these groups racially are coming after you, they want to get you.
So not just racism, but trying to create race war.
And they're doing this on all the channels, Webster, as you know.
This is just outrageously criminal, in my view, to take big groups of people clashing
And to say the majority group is all basically racist, or 65% of them, I mean, that is injecting race.
That is making something racial that isn't.
This is outrageous.
And then getting rid of my videos that call for unity.
These people know what they're doing, Webster.
This is the class consciousness.
Of the U.S.
oligarchical elite, and in particular of the left wing, the sort of center-left wing of it, which is focused on the world of the foundations.
In other words, it's the national public radio, public broadcasting system, Bill Moyers, Charlie Rose, this kind of world.
Their class consciousness is a hatred of blue-collar workers in the United States.
And they base this on the idea that their cover story is that blue-collar workers are racist and patriotic.
They support wars, and therefore they voted for Bush.
But the underlying purpose of this is to crush, economically, these same blue-collar workers.
So in other words, it's class hatred that they express in this characteristic way.
And the big foundations you mentioned are the big eugenics foundations, so they really hate the blacks.
So they've got their two enemies.
They've got their two enemies trying to make us kill each other, while they sit there just going, I can't wait to murder these blacks.
And they're like, oh I'm liberal, oh I'm liberal, I'm Chris Matthews, oh let me inject racism, ah, I'm winning, I'm the big pimp, liberal, I'm the big scumbag filth.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm working too much.
I was just stretching because my hamstrings were tight and I looked down and I had two different shoes on.
Now, they are black shoes, but... Go in the closet and put the wrong shoes on your feet.
Look at this!
Show people on TV!
They do look similar, though.
Now, I did get the right feet on.
I don't have, like, two left feet or two right feet on.
You gotta love that lady.
What percentage do you think are racist out there?
Oh, I'm 40 to 60 percent.
You know, you think there's life on that planet 10,000 light years away?
Oh yeah, there's little purple aliens with green eyeballs on it, you know.
Oh, scientific!
Purple aliens with green eyeballs are, you know, on that planet 10,000 light years away.
Webster Tarpley, we're gonna blitz through some calls and hit some eugenics right now, but what did you just think of that last clip?
Well, I think some of the stuff you have to remember is what the Obama campaign looked like in the Iowa caucuses and in the Texas caucuses.
They used goons, they used trickery, they used strong-arm, they used threats.
If you were a Puma Democrat, if you were part of the opposition to Obama inside the Democratic Party, the death threats would come down on your head.
If you look at the Puma blogs, the leading Puma bloggers all received death threats the whole time.
None of this was of any interest to the people at MSNBC, because Chris Matthews, of course, had that thrill creeping up his leg.
I mean, this guy is so discredited.
He's such a psychopath, I would say.
I think what he says is of absolutely no interest.
It was a real pleasure shutting down his TV show for a full hour one time.
Did you know he took his TV show over?
No, I'm not aware of it.
Cue it up.
Sorry, go ahead Webster.
The answer, in terms of the economics of healthcare, is simply this.
You can realize savings only one way, and that is to find cures.
You have got to put, I would say about $100 billion right now, into a research program for cancer, a research program for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, all the obvious dread diseases, and begin to cure them.
Then you can realize savings.
I think the one thing we cannot have, the rationing of care is absolutely unacceptable.
The idea that people are going to be encouraged to die is absolutely crazy.
People with a will to live, that has to be respected.
That subjective thing that Obama holds in contempt is, I think, a very important human desire.
So, realize savings.
By having a crash program, something like the Manhattan Project in World War II, to find cures to these diseases.
And then you'll begin to save money in some very important ways.
So I would say, Medicare for All, if you want it, fully funded, and the way you pay for it is a Tobin Tax on Wall Street.
Tax that Wall Street turnover.
Don't tax individuals.
Tax the huge flows of derivatives, stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, commodities, and all the rest of it.
Sure, tax the parasites!
Tax the parasites.
We're going to have you back on.
There's no taxation on that.
That means it's actually being encouraged.
It's being encouraged because it's the only thing left under the sun that's not taxed.
So tax that too.
We're going to play a little bit of this and then go to calls.
Here is us taking over Chris Matthews there in the DNC.
A real pleasure.
Here it is.
Los Angeles Mayor Antonia Villaraigosa.
Thank you, sir.
How are you?
We just had some time together.
You know, I guess it's the old question of character stick.
Last night, I never saw so much character.
The charm of Michelle Obama.
She was downright fetching as a family member, as a mother.
The children were divine.
The father was fatherly, it was father knows best, or rather it was the Huxtables.
Also, there was a great sentimental moment with Senator Kennedy, who's now sort of post-political.
Tonight, is it time to throw the red meat to this crowd and remind them why they're Democrats, Mayor?
I think it's time for us to...
By the way, folks.
Speaks to some people for the hour plus we did this list being attacked them cutting cords with knives Said why didn't you give a long speech?
I've done this before a long speech people don't understand it notice I'm saying info wars comm you gotta hear it like five six seven ten times before you even know then I go 9-11 is an inside job
But this is another form of protest.
Whenever they do these fake outdoor things to act like the public's for them, you've got to go take them over.
Webster, that was then copied by others around the country throughout the election.
What do you think of that?
That's grassroots democracy right there.
Well, they didn't like it.
Let me tell you, they got mad.
Let's play one more clip, then go to calls.
Here's another clip of MSNBC.
With the same reporter putting out the gun story stuff today, here he is saying, oh yes, well you can say socialism, but some people, it's code for racism.
So, I guess Newsweek with the headline, we're all socialists now, is racist.
That was code that Obama is bad.
So here is the boil down mindlessness.
You walk outside and say,
I think I want to have a cup of coffee, they say that's racist.
Or if you want to tie your shoe, breathing is racist.
It's just a total religion by the eugenics elite that see blacks as subhumans that must be killed in their own writings.
Here it is.
Listen to this desperateness, like, like, oh, it's embarrassing for Republicans what's happening.
No, Obama's falling like a stone.
All credibility's been lost.
People are circulating all his lies.
The Obama deception has gone mega, total, super viral.
And they're now desperate, saying, oh, you know, like in a sword fight, they're losing, going, oh, don't you want to quit?
I'm beating you, Webster Tarpley.
I would say there are two sides to this.
I don't think there's anything socialist about Obama.
I think this is a total misnomer.
This is something that's launched by the Limbaugh's and the Hannity's.
The correct term, and I'm sorry about this, but it's the fascist corporate state.
In my book, Obama the Unauthorized Biography, I have a whole chapter towards the end where I go through scholarly literature from historians and political scientists and sociologists.
They've come up with what is defined as a fascist minimum.
In other words, if you take all the European, and indeed US, fascist groups of the 1920s and 30s, you can take Salazar in Portugal, Franco in Spain, Sir Oswald Mosley in Britain, the French movement of this guy Doriot, you can go to the Baltic States, you can go to the
Iron Guard in Romania with Codriano.
You go to Mussolini's Italy and then Hitler's Germany.
You can add in the, I think, the silver shirts here in the US.
There are blue shirts, I think, or green shirts in Ireland.
So, what is it that all these groups have in common?
And they come up with about 10 or 12 points in terms of the ideology, the role of the charismatic leader, the dynamics of the movement, the anti-woman, the anti-feminism that's typical of these movements.
Uh, and if you then compare that to Obama, which I do in some detail, you find that Obama actually tests positive, and his movement, they test positive on a very alarmingly high number of these points.
So that's one side, the movement.
The other one then is
The corporate state, in other words, what did Mussolini do to reorganize the Italian economy in the 1920s?
He created a series of government-sponsored compulsory cartels where labor was forced to participate in the same way that the United Auto Workers are being forced
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
The accurate term is indeed this reference to... No, no, I understand that, but regardless, it's not racist to say he's a socialist, and it shows that they're cold-bloodedly doing this.
Let's play some manhandling and then take calls.
We'll have to have you back up for part two next week on the eugenics, because this is topical and happening now, but the eugenics is the foundation to all of it.
Here is Spectre today.
Now, 30 questions were randomly handed out, you know, cards, and 29 of them were against the government takeover of the eugenics death care.
And that's what it is, I've read it.
Now, this guy gets up, he was promised he could speak, he tells Spectre he's not buying it, and this thug thinks it's normal to grab him and shove the old man in the corner.
Go ahead and play it.
You want to be let out of here?
You're welcome to go!
Now wait a minute!
Now wait a minute!
Now wait a minute!
Now wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
Look at the muscle guy picking on some little old man.
Just thinks he's so tough.
But see, it was good the guy sat there and took it, because then it makes him the thug.
But just, and that's who they are.
They're just, they just, and that guy's, they're just so stupid.
And they just love big government.
They love it.
Here, finish it up.
Look at Specter acting like the little old man's done something wrong and all puffing up.
Just disgusting creature.
This is the guy that says bullets can shoot through two people and metal and not even be damaged.
This is the magic bullet fraud.
Here he is.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
He has a right to leave.
He's right.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
You want to leave?
Wait a minute.
I am going to speak my mind before I leave because your people told me I could.
I called your office and I was told I could have the mic to speak.
And then I was lied to because I came prepared to speak.
And instead, you wouldn't let anybody speak.
You handed out, what, 30 cards?
Well, I got news for you.
That you and your cronies in the government do this kind of stuff all the time.
I'm not a lobbyist with all kind of money to stuff in your pocket so that you can cheat the citizens of this country.
So I'll leave and you can do whatever the hell you're pleased to do.
One day God's gonna stand before you and he's gonna judge you and the rest of your damn cronies up on the hill.
And then, you will get your just desserts.
All right, that's enough.
Now, he told him, but you notice Thugs tried to stop him.
Now, I don't have time to play this whole clip because I want to take some more of your calls and I appreciate Tarpley being on.
We'll have to get him up for two hours next week as so much is happening on the eugenics issue.
But we have them beating up black people who are against it or appear to be against it.
We have them beating up women.
We have them going to people's houses and death-threatening them.
The police have now confirmed this.
They come to your house, folks.
And then they accuse you of being rowdy and bad.
Here's this man with his son, who has a serious illness, cerebral palsy, getting in Dingle, Congressman Dingle, John Dingleberry, excuse me, I keep forgetting his name, I apologize, getting up in his face, excuse me, I'm forgetting these congressman names, from Michigan, and you notice that Dingle,
Doesn't deny that his kid will be given no health care.
He just says, oh, we're going to amend that.
So I've got to give it to him.
At least he admitted it was real.
Usually they just lie and say, there is no bill.
This is no town hall.
You're ill.
We have a white van for you.
Let's go ahead and play it.
Here it is.
I have a question for this young man.
I have a question for this young man.
I have a question for this young man.
He has the right to be represented.
I'm his father and I want to talk to you face to face.
Not put a question on paper that you're going to avoid.
I want to ask a question on behalf of this young man.
Under the Obama healthcare plan, which you support, this man would be given no care whatsoever because he is a cerebral palsy handicapped person.
Oh, yes that's true!
Shut up!
Dr. Ezekiel will answer!
Arrest us, right now!
I think somebody in the staff will find that page for you.
Alright, you know the video we found was some angle I hadn't seen so the audio's not very good.
I saw it on the news this morning and last night, cut up.
That's the one we have up on InfoWars and PresentPlanet.
You can hear Dingell say, no, no, yeah, we're going to take that out of the bill.
So, see, there's the congressman admitting that they were not going to give his son any health care.
Webster Tarpley comments on this.
I think it's a very important movement.
It's a mass strike against genocide, against euthanasia, against austerity.
But now we've got to think, what's the next step?
You can already see the Republican vultures hovering around.
We've got the Competitive Enterprise Institute going in, the Heartland Institute.
We've got Freedom Works, which is Dick Armey, the sidekick of Newt Gingrich from the 1990s.
I don't think so.
In Massachusetts, a plan which I think is very similar to what Obama is really aiming at, which is, in Massachusetts, you are forced, you are obliged to buy insurance from private insurance companies.
There is no government option, there is no single payer, it's all private, and I think it's not working well at all.
I think people are extremely disappointed and unhappy and enraged with this thing.
So the question is, if you don't want the ultimate beneficiary of all this to be somebody like Mitt Romney, then you're going to need a program, and you're going to need some kind of organizational concept.
Because otherwise, as I say, the Republican vultures feel that they could ride this movement back into power, and ultimately they are just as bad or maybe worse than what we've got now.
No, that's how it works, this whole left-right paradigm.
They just alternate between... I want to come back and take...
At least the call from Hawaii and Christian in Florida.
Who knows?
And we'll continue with the calls on all this tomorrow.
It's just too insane.
And Webster, you're always chomping at the bit for solutions, but we have to beat this even before we sit there and go over solutions.
I mean, I can't even get people to realize that the White House science czar wants to put sterilants in the water and we know they've already been caught doing it.
We need gridlock.
I would just be glad to beat the cap and trade in all this, because as bad as things are right now, what they want is ten times worse.
No, exactly.
So, I'm just trying to get past this phase and survive.
Final segment straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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All right, I want to hurry and jam in a call or two here at the end of I Have Time with Webster Tarpley.
It's clear we've got to have him and others back up.
A bunch of other guests on this subject this week.
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Tarpley, you know, I want to have you on just about a solutions show.
We've done some of that in the past, but
We'll set you up, how about it, two hours next week, we'll set you up right now, we'll do an hour on solutions, an hour on eugenics, because I believe the solutions are just exposing these people, and I believe solutions are gridlock.
And I don't want to put the cart before the horse, but it is good to show you have solutions.
I don't know if I agree with all your ideas, but I respect you, because I know there's so much corruption that anything put out through a collectivist model will turn into evil, at least in my experience.
I know you think the Rooseveltian thing was great, but look what it's today, grew this big megastate that allows the extraction and theft.
So, we'll have a debate next week.
I mean, not a mean debate, but a nice debate.
I'll do it.
You bet.
Now, I sell both your books.
We won't have time for calls.
I apologize.
We're out of time, but plug the books so folks can get them at InfoWars.com.
Tell folks what's in your two great books on Obama and the new book on the cataclysm in a minute and a half.
Okay, wonderful.
Surviving the Cataclysm, Your Guide to the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History is a book which I believe successfully diagnoses why we have a world depression.
It's derivatives, it's the casino economy, it's the deindustrialization of the United States, and what a lot of people are responding to today with so much anger
We've had a two-thirds decline in the American standard of living.
The middle class has been completely looted over the past 30 years.
So we've also got Obama the post-modern coup, the making of a Manchurian candidate, and we've got Barack H. Obama, the unauthorized biography.
So I urge people to stock up on all three, because this is sort of the playbook for the political battles that we're going into now.
And soon the media will say it's a conspiracy theory that there were ever families or that people ever read books.
And I'm not joking.
I mean, they're openly saying they want to abolish families.
Get the books!
Keep reading alive!
It's not illegal yet.
Great job, Webster Tarpley.
I'm going to put you on hold, set you up for two hours next week.
We'll be back tomorrow live, 11 to 3 central.
Great job, crew.
PrisonPlanet.tv, Alex Jones signing off.