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Filename: 20090529_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 29, 2009
3175 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks, we are live.
I just got off the line with Alex.
Alex is going to be joining us around 2 p.m.
to really talk about the big news.
If you missed it just about an hour ago, in front of the world, Lord Obama, our Savior, our personal Jesus Cristo, that's right, Obama announced
A new department, we knew this was coming!
In fact, did you guys Google that story?
Print that out for me, someone bring it in.
Cyber Security Chief resigns amid turf battle.
In a blunt letter, Rod Beckstrom cited clash with National Security Agency.
Now this is before the announcement today that this position is now going to be renamed and retooled into the Cyber Security Coordinator.
Oh, there's a new department?
Oh, everybody's going to have to have digitized medical records?
Oh, the smart grid is real, Mr. Obama?
You mean this PR campaign with Miley Cyrus and the Cyber Bullying Act?
See, that's a concerted effort.
Don't you understand?
Let's talk about predictive programming for a minute.
We've been talking...
By we, I'm talking about the InfoWars crew here, and really Alex Jones.
You know what I'm really looking for?
Back in 2004, Alex Jones went to SeaWorld and really did just an excellent piece on biometrics, on what you were going to be doing.
You're going to be in front of a computer, working for the government.
There are no more jobs, folks.
I'm watching news at 4 in the morning.
And I'm seeing stories about single mothers who are real estate agents in streets where there are no sold homes.
She has to get rid of her medical insurance.
Her two daughters get sick.
What do they do?
Oh, it's the mobile van, the mobile medical van, where they'll give you your nice little vaccinations and your nice little drugs.
Oh, maybe your kid needs a little bit of Ritalin.
We'll be happy to medicate them.
Meanwhile, they're talking about a literal smart grid where everything you do is tracked, traced, and data-based.
Do you understand?
And then Obama, at the very end of the speech, after he rolls the whole thing out, he actually talks about Web 2.0.
This is a new world we're moving into.
This is the digital age.
And in some ways, you know, it sounds really good.
The writers are excellent.
But when you hear about a new agency, you know, hackers,
Terrorists, cyber security threats all over.
We have to keep our information safe.
And at the end he says, don't worry, we're not going to be surveilling the American people.
This doesn't mean we're going to track, trace and database everything that goes on on the internet and internet traffic.
They're already doing it and coming up in the next segment we're going to play that clip.
I mean, of course the controlled mainstream media does not want to talk about the fact that the Obama administration, quote-unquote, has quietly expanded Bush's legal defense of warrantless wiretapping.
And it's beyond wiretapping.
Wiretapping is really almost... I mean, it's a last century term at this point.
It's not just phones.
First of all, your cell phone
Can easily pick up this conversation right now.
Got my cell phone in my pocket.
They could be listening to me, not through the radio, but if they wanted to hack through.
I don't have my battery out.
There have now been dozens of local news stations and national news networks that have done that story, that have shown you how easy it is to get into somebody's cell phone and literally not only track the conversations they have via a telephone number, but track the conversations that they have walking around.
And we have a whistleblower outside of AT&T talking about a secret room in which every single thing you do on the internet, whether it be an IM, an email, a Google search, a webpage visit,
is thrown into a dummy room.
Now, this doesn't mean that there's all sorts of workers sitting there mulling through this.
It goes through things like Promise and Carnivore, but now they're building the infrastructure so that people can go through this.
So that they can have human beings literally invade the privacy of everybody's life through this quote-unquote smart grid.
It's really a devil grid.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Verma sitting in.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
So we're going to show this clip in a moment.
Of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, doing a very good job, back in the day when the Bush administration was in office, of exposing the fact that the NSA does, really, again, track, trace, and database everything you do on the internet.
And outside of that, your phone calls, your text messages, yes, you gotta understand, when there is just another dummy line, another, in other words, a double line, it doesn't have any kind of discernment.
It's just tracking, tracing,
And copying every single thing and they said it was upwards around 99% of the phone companies.
So it's not just AT&T that's doing it.
So you don't think that the NSA and the CIA and the FBI are deeply embedded in the information technology that's out there in things like Time Warner and things like AOL and things like Google?
Give me a break!
Cyber Security Center has resigned amid persistent battles over areas of responsibility and confusion over the control and protection of the country's vast computer networks and systems.
The head of the U.S.
Rob Beckstrom's decision to step down as director of the National Cyber Security Center comes as the White House is conducting a broad 60-day review of how well the government is using technology to protect everything from classified national security data to vital financial systems and air traffic control.
That's right!
They're really also talking about this grid where air traffic control is going to be completely computerized.
And to a certain extent, that's a good thing.
But when you look at something that happens like 9-11, when air traffic control really becomes powerless all of a sudden, while these hijacked planes, you know, make these maneuvers that are out of control.
And we do have the technology, even then, Global Hawk-type technology, where we could have overrid the plane by remote control.
Well, it seems like everything's going to be outfitted like that.
They want to have
I don't know.
They said, we want to be able to remotely access this chip via GPS.
That's right.
So if they get out of line, we'll just release a little cyanide into their blood and poof, you're done.
And that sounds horrific.
That sounds crazy.
That sounds like the Twilight Zone in the 50s.
Unfortunately, that's also reality.
So let's play this MSNBC clip and then let's really get into the smart grid.
You know, we're going to play this clip of Alex Jones.
We did find it where he was at SeaWorld really breaking down what the next generation of society is going to be like and just the slave.
The slave-like mentality of the people, the slave-like entrapment of the grid, he talks about DHS and people sitting there mindlessly just typing away and you're spying on somebody and it's not a big deal because it's part of your everyday life and hey you've got computers in, or not computers, you've got cameras in your home too.
It's out of control.
Alright, let's play this MSNBC clip because people won't believe me that they're already tracking, tracing, and databasing every single thing you do.
Let me repeat it, every single thing you do on the internet.
Go ahead.
We got audio, guys?
No audio?
Corporate executives from the legal consequences of having spied on the rest of us in this country.
On our third story tonight, an AT&T whistleblower today told members of Congress much more than that is at stake with the secret crimes that took place at room 641A of AT&T's Folsom Street facility in San Francisco, and potentially at others across the country.
Specifically, retired 22-year AT&T technician Mark Klein,
Says that despite Mr. Bush's claims, the U.S.
government used AT&T's cooperation to spy not only on overseas communications, but to vacuum up virtually all of America's use of the Internet for years.
Email, Googling, web surfing, you name it.
Thanks to AT&T's secure rooms like
641A in San Francisco.
Cisco accessible only to those cleared by the NSA.
Client obtaining AT&T schematics, showing how the company used splitters to send secure room 641A, a duplicate of every fiber optic signal, routed through its facilities.
It involved not just AT&T customers, but virtually every internet and telecommunications company, and virtually all email and web traffic in the country.
Without a warrant, without any mechanism for separating domestic from overseas,
Without separating suspect from citizen.
We welcome now former AT&T technician Mark Klein, whose documentation and claims are now part of a class action lawsuit against AT&T, one of 38 telecom spy lawsuits AT&T so far declining to comment on the specifics of these allegations.
Mr. Klein, great thanks for speaking out tonight.
Thanks for inviting me.
The Senate is considering granting the telecom executives immunity.
You lobbied Congress today not to do so.
How come?
Well, if they give them immunity,
It would probably shut down the lawsuit that I'm a witness for, and then the American people won't find out what's really going on.
And so, that's why I'm here, to stop immunity.
Congress should let the judicial process go forward.
Two-parter here.
First, can you explain to those of us who can use the internet but would not be able to tell the difference between its physical form and, you know, a box full of guitar strings, exactly what happened in that secure room or secret room, 641A?
I don't know what goes on in the secret room because I didn't have security clearance, but I know what went on outside because my job, I worked in the internet room, my job was to connect circuits into the splitter device
Which was hardwired to the secret room.
And effectively, the splitter copied the entire data stream of those internet cables into the secret room.
And we're talking about phone conversations... Yeah, let's pull it for a second.
Pull up for a second.
Did you hear that?
He's about to talk about phone conversations, email.
Did you hear that?
Everything gets split into the secret room.
Let's say it again.
Everything gets split into the secret room.
Now obviously if they're
You know, databasing everybody's conversations, everybody's emails, it would be impossible for them to go through everything with a person.
They don't have the manpower.
However, with software, again, and this software is public, there's hearings about it, go check it out, PROMIS, P-R-O-M-I-S, and Carnivore.
Go check out just those two.
I'm sure it's gone way beyond that.
I'm pretty sure that Kroll developed those two.
I may be wrong, I'm not perfect, folks.
This software then enables them to pick out keywords, phrases, trends, if you will, and it only gets better.
And then that goes to people.
That stuff then goes to people.
Then you're put on a list.
Then you're starting to be surveilled.
Then all of a sudden you're a domestic terrorist, according to these DHS documents.
Remember, DHS being swallowed up by the NSA really was an agency of the NSA.
This whole intelligence apparatus really stems from executive powers and tyrannical control.
You know, dictatorial means.
That's what this is.
And what they're doing now is training the populace that this is okay.
Oh, look, we need cybersecurity.
Everybody's medical records do need to be in a database.
That's what we want.
We want everybody's medical records in a giant smart grid.
Oh, we're going to save lives.
No, you're going to ruin lives.
You're going to take lives.
You're going to enslave lives.
Pull it back about 20 seconds, guys, and then we're going to play more of this clip.
All right, hit it right there.
A box full of guitar strings.
Exactly what happened in that secure room, or secret room, 641A?
I don't know what goes on in the secret room, because I didn't have security clearance.
But I know what went on outside, because my job... I worked in the internet room.
My job was to connect circuits into the splitter device, which was hardwired to the secret room.
And effectively, the Splitter copied the entire data stream of those internet cables into the secret room.
And we're talking about phone conversations, email, web browsing, everything that goes across the internet.
And that device, the Splitter, is a dumb device that doesn't do any selection at all.
And the follow-up to that, as you mentioned, you didn't have the security, the NSA clearance.
So give us an idea how you know all this, in addition, obviously, to your expertise as a technician.
Well, as a technician, I had the engineering wiring documents, which told me how the splitter was wired to the secret room.
And so I had to know that in order to do my job.
And so I know that whatever went across those cables was copied, and the entire data stream was copied into the secret room.
The splitter device has no selective capability.
It just copies everything.
We're talking about domestic traffic as well as international traffic.
And that's what got me upset to begin with.
Yeah, I was just going to say, Mr. Kline, this huge distinction the White House made when all this was first revealed, what its defenders still say, oh, we're just intercepting international communications.
No domestic communications were affected.
I'm taking you don't buy that in the slightest.
No, I know that wasn't true.
And that's what got me going in December 05.
When the New York Times revealed this and then the administration came back, the president himself...
When you saw this and realized what was going on...
I mean, folks, what more needs to be said?
The Obama administration expanded, expanded on the Bush administration's ability to wiretap warrantlessly.
We have Wisconsin judges in courts ruling that it's okay for police without a warrant or probable cause to fit a suspect with a GPS device and track and trace them.
I mean, that's, that's, they said that's not a, uh,
A violation of the Fourth Amendment, by the way.
How insane is that?
Somebody else does it in the state.
Guess what they get convicted of?
Oh, stalking, because that's what it is.
It's stalking.
But these jackboot thugs don't care.
They pull over ambulances and choke people that are trying to save lives.
I mean, that's where we are right now.
And meanwhile, they wrap it in this slick package of Hannah Montana, the number one pop star reaching out to your children, along with the Green Movement and everything else.
And it's gonna be great when the Cyberbullying Act is passed and free speech is just a memory on the internet.
Someone called me fat!
And she can't even use the fat word, she has to put a little star where the A is.
It's real cute, Miley.
That's really, really cute.
Can't get enough of it.
Love it.
And people are like, yeah, people shouldn't be able to leave comments about celebrities calling them fat.
That's bad.
We need to regulate that speech.
What's next?
I mean, seriously, are we are we that far gone, folks?
Is that the case?
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show, PrisonPlanet.TV, InfoWars.com.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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You know, apparently that case is still awaiting a decision.
Can you just scroll right back up a little bit right there?
Go up.
Scroll up, guys.
Scroll up.
Thank you.
In July 2006, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, in which the suit was filed, rejected a federal government motion to dismiss the case.
The motion to dismiss, which invoked the State Secrets Privilege... See, it's all about national security.
It's all about you don't get to know.
It's all about we're better than you.
You're our slave.
Bow down.
It's all about doublespeak.
Obama gets right up there, talks about a smart period.
We know they're GPSing everybody's homes for the census right now.
We know they're heavily intertwined with the private sector already.
A lot of these things are intelligence fronts for the international intelligence cartel.
That's what it is.
The CIA, you know, has an arm in Britain.
That's MI5.
They all work together.
Do you get it?
The Mossad.
The ISI.
It's international, baby.
We live in a global world.
Anyway, State's Secrets Privilege had argued that any court review of the alleged partnership between the federal government and AT&T would harm national security.
AT&T is the tip of the iceberg.
I mean, this thing is huge.
Do you think AT&T is the only one in on it?
Yeah, AT&T is it.
It's just those bastards at AT&T.
Once we get them, we'll get the rest of them.
It doesn't blow my mind because I see how controlled the media is.
Why wasn't this on the front page of every newspaper if the media isn't controlled?
Why wasn't this on the nightly news?
Why isn't this still being talked about?
The case was immediately appealed to the Ninth Circuit where it has been argued and still awaits a decision.
Started in July 2006.
Guess what?
We're almost in July 2009.
And it's still going on.
You think the Federales pulled back the Intelligentsia?
They said, oh no, we got caught.
They never do.
They repackage it.
I mean, it's out of control.
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Now, to really go after the youth, to make this acceptable, it's just kind of like the Green Movement is now, oh, what, you're against the earth?
You want to kill us all?
You want to pollute the world?
I just don't want to be paying a carbon tax to a cartel that is exploiting the fact that the sun is getting hotter.
That's the reality.
Again, when I was a kid, they were saying, chlorofluorocarbons are the enemy!
Chlorofluorocarbons are the enemy!
Stop using aerosol cans!
Don't use hairspray!
And you know, being from New York, there were plenty of New York and New Jersey people with the hairspray.
And you're like, wow, this is really hurting the earth.
Oh no, we're all going to be, it's going to be 10 degrees hotter and we're not going to have crops growing and Ted Turner says that we're going to become cannibals and then the rest of the people are going to be living in a failed state like Somalia.
And then he really lets the cat out of the bag when he says, we need a more sustainable society.
Global warming is because there's too many people now.
Too many people doing too many things.
In fact, let's pull up, you know, Johnny Nonsense, aka Ted Turner, on Charlie Rose, just propagating the myth that there's too many people on the Earth.
We have to have one-child policies.
That's why Pelosi is over in China talking about quote-unquote climate change.
Yeah, right.
Climate change.
And then she says, yeah, everything we do has to be subject to data.
We just got to track everything we do.
In fact, here's the here's the actual quote right here.
Headline is Pelosi appeals for China's help on climate change.
We have so much room for improvement, she said.
Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory.
of how we are taking responsibility.
Everything you do is already really in an inventory.
The thing is, it's not properly databased.
It's not properly categorized.
And people go, Jason, you're paranoid.
They're not tracking and tracing everything you do.
Well, on one level, they're really not.
It's not like somebody is watching you and they're watching all these other people.
No, again, it goes through software.
They pick targets.
They want to know what organizations you're a part of.
Do you think there's no reason that UK and US police are out at war protests and other movement type events copying down license plates?
What do you think that's for?
Did you read the Virginia Fusion Center document?
Where they went after just about every group you can imagine.
Christians, anti-abortionists, constitutionalists.
I mean, what's this country coming to?
Well, it's coming to a head at a police state crescendo for a new world order.
That's what's happening.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm J- I can't.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs,
That's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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You want to see the bigger picture?
You want to understand the endgame?
Well, then you need to go to Infowars.com right now and get the movie by the same name.
This one's, you know, I think almost three years old now, but really shows you a broader outlook of the entire agenda, the North American Union agenda.
I mean, we got Sonya Sotomayor on deck to bring that in.
She makes racist comments, she's part of La Raza, and it's not reverse racism.
And I heard some people trying to justify it that I kind of admire on talk radio, and they need to be set straight.
No, when you say that a wise Latino woman can make a better decision than a white man, that's absolutely ridiculous.
And whether or not he's got a silver spoon in his mouth, or he doesn't have the life experiences you, you base...
You base your thoughts on somebody, your opinion, on the content of their character.
That's how it's supposed to work.
Not the color of their skin.
Not their ethnic background.
And really, this is supposed to be an interpretation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I want to play this clip of Ted Turner talking about population sustainability and the whole nine.
Just another part of the agenda.
And then I'm going to take your calls.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Hit the clip.
We have to fully mobilize everything we have and put it into changing the energy system over.
And not just here in the United States, but all over the world.
It's going to be the biggest business project in the history of the world.
Fortunes, billions of dollars are going to be made.
Hundreds of thousands of people are going to be employed.
We're going to have clean air.
We're going to have so many benefits from it.
It's not going to cost us anything once we get going with it.
It's not going to cost us anything.
The people that don't understand it.
Not doing it will be catastrophic.
We'll have 8 degrees, will be 8 degrees hotter in 10, not 10, but in 30 or 40 years.
And basically none of the crops will grow.
Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals.
Civilization will have broken down.
The few people left will be living in a failed state like Somalia or Sudan.
And living conditions will be intolerable.
The droughts will be so bad, there'll be no more corn growing.
Not doing it is suicide.
Just like dropping bombs on each other, nuclear weapons is suicide.
So we've got to stop doing the two suicidal things, which are hanging on to our nuclear weapons.
And then after that, we've got to stabilize the population.
When I was born, there were too many people.
That's why we have global warming.
We have global warming because too many people are using too much stuff.
If there were less people, they'd be using less stuff.
If we don't get global warming and nuclear weapons... Alright, let's stop it right there.
Do you understand what he just said?
Too many people.
So then you wonder...
Why people in the Ukraine, when they start getting vaccinations through Ted Turner and the United Nations, don't want to take them.
Let me read you a quote out of MSNBC.
Ukrainian media spread rumor of plot by Ted Turner.
See, it's a rumor and a plot.
The guy just said right there, there's too many people in the world.
We need less people.
Do you think he's going to be the one to take his own life?
Do you think he's going to be the one to sacrifice his family and his friends and his elitist buddies?
Give me a break!
That means you, slave!
That means you, Johnny, $30,000 a year, $90,000 a year, $500,000 a year, maybe a million.
You're not special if you've got a little scratch in the neighborhood and you think you're upper echelon.
Ukrainian media outlets are numerous and uncensored, but do not widely follow Western standards of fairness and accuracy.
What do you mean?
Control and censorship?
Fairness and accuracy?
Once again, if there was fairness and accuracy in the media, that story about AT&T in the secret room and NSA wiretapping of everything you do, tracked and traced and database, would be all over the place!
So don't cry to me, Argentina, this is ridiculous!
Some print and online reports alleged after a boy's death that the Indian-made measles and rubella vaccine would sterilize men as part of a plot by Ted Turner, whose Washington-based United Nations Foundation charity paid for the vaccines.
Meanwhile, we have all these elitists just meeting in New York City, people like, who was there, Gates,
Buffett, Oprah was there.
Was Kissinger there?
No, I think it was Rockefeller was there again.
Oh, Rockefeller just appears everywhere magically out of nowhere.
And what were they talking about?
Oh, overpopulation!
I wonder how we're going to help the population.
We're going to help everybody.
All right, let's take some calls because with this cyber security advisor, or I'm sorry, coordinator.
I think?
At the top of the hour, we're going to have Bob Chapman on.
We're going to be talking about this as well.
And then when we go live on PrisonPlanet.TV, we are going to play that clip from 2004, where Alex Jones talks about this smart grid that they were setting up back then, building the infrastructure back then, trading us and our children for back then.
When they said, oh, it's time to thumb scan at Disney World.
Oh, it's time to thumb scan it at SeaWorld.
Thumb scanning.
I mean, are we out of our mind?
It's in our schools.
It's at our theme parks.
They want our biometric information.
What state secrets are at SeaWorld?
Please tell me.
Are there state secrets there I'm missing?
It's ludicrous.
Alright, let's go to Diane in New York.
You're on the air.
Oh, hi Jason.
Hello, hi Jason.
Yes, yes, you're on the air.
I'd like to announce a free event that We Are Change New York is having.
It's going to be called the New York Gardener and it's a seminar about gardening in small or indoor urban spaces.
Now, it's not what you're thinking.
We're talking about pretty flowers or stuff you can eat, not stuff you can smoke.
2 p.m., Yippee Museum, 9 Baker Street, and it will be simulcast on the Yippee Museum website.
Alright, we'll send people over to wearechange.org for that.
Thanks for the call, Diane.
Let's jump to Scott in Illinois.
Scott, you're on the line.
Hello, Jason.
Hey, I'd like to make an announcement.
Upon passage of the legislation that's currently in the House of Illinois and through the Governor's Office, that I'll be curing leprosy and coma patients in Springfield, Illinois.
They're going to be doing what to leprosy and coma patients?
That I am going to immediately launch into trying to cure leprosy and coma patients by the use of medical marijuana, along with all the other stuff, the leukemia, the diabetes, ulcers, lung cancers, high blood pressure, everything else that we can use it for.
And there's some, is there a website where people can get information on this?
Uh, yeah, yeah.
It's not mine, but it's phoenixtears.com.
Alright, we'll check it out.
I thank you for the call, sir.
Let's go to Dustin in Japan.
Dustin, you're on the line.
Yeah, Jason.
I'm actually in the armed forces.
And I can't tell you what branch or what I do or anything, but I was just going to let you know that cyber command thing has already been in place for some time.
They're now just rolling it out.
I mean, let's talk about that for a minute, because again, they had a cyber security chief who just resigned on March 6, 2009, and this is
When they were about to have their 60-day oversight, so it seems, what's the date today?
Today's the 29th, it's just under that two-month marker, and now they're just rolling it out for the public.
They always build the infrastructure first, they always have it behind the scenes, and then they introduce it with, you know, mainstream media figures, like Hannah Montana and the Cyber Bullying Act, and then, oh, Jay Rockefeller's gonna save us with the cyber security bill.
Tell us what you know about what's already in place.
The Air Force already has a Cyber Command set up.
A totally different command.
You know how they have the aircraft command?
They have the Pacific Command and the European Command.
Yeah, NORAD.
Well, they have a whole other thing called the Cyber Command, which has its own general, has its own rank structure.
Already in place, and it's already going through.
You can, you know, there's already jobs for it.
And, uh, so that's already been set up.
What do you think their role is right now in intelligence gathering?
I mean, with that clip we just played from MSNBC, obviously they are, again, a human being can't go through all of this information, but it does seem like they're databasing all intelligence they possibly can, not only through your computer, but your cell phone, all technology in general.
No, no human being can.
It's purely a database.
And I'm sure human beings sift through what is important.
But what I was going to say was that everything that goes to the civilian sector gets passed through the military.
Just like this, the Cyber Command thing.
I mean, whenever you log on to a military computer, you have your ID card.
They track everything.
You can't even get onto YouTube.
You can't get onto anything.
Well, you're a beta test.
You're a beta test for Internet, too.
Let's talk about, like, the latest IBM ThinkPads from two or three years ago when they started being, oh, check it out.
We're going to put a biometric thumb scanner on here.
Nobody can get on your computer.
And what that's for, to train you.
And the future internet, when you want to log on to the internet, the first thing you're going to have to do is give up your biometric identification.
And that's going to be a way that they're actually going to build the database of everybody's medical records and biometric information.
If you want to get on the net, you're going to have to give it up.
And then you will be logged in, and everything you will do won't even be tracked by an IP address, you know, the family computer.
It'll actually be tracked to you.
Oh, well, in the current military thing, you put in your ID card, which has all that information already on it.
Your blood type, all that stuff is already on your card.
I mean, they put all that information, whenever you go get blood taken from the hospital on base.
You know, they put all that information, they put their card in, then they put your card in the thing, and they type in all the information, and they give your card back.
So all that information is already on your card.
So every time you get on a base computer, you put your card in, your ID card is what I'm talking about, which is what they're setting up for the civilian sector, you know, the United States.
Of course!
Yeah, I saw that.
I don't know what to say about that, but I can tell you the Obama Deception is a real big kick.
Over here, in fact, another buddy of mine turned me on to it.
I've already been listening.
I used to read his stuff all the time because my grandma was into him.
He turned me on to Obama Deception and that's how I got into Alex Jones and stuff.
Oh, excellent.
So have you seen some of the other films about 9-11?
Because I'd encourage you to see those.
I saw Endgame.
I saw Loose Change.
I just saw the one recently.
It was kind of a combination of everything called Wake Up Call.
It took stuff from David Icke, I think his name, Alex Jones.
They took a bunch of different stuff.
Yeah, I think I've seen Wake Up Call.
Great caller, Dustin.
Thank you so much.
Let's jump to Jeff in Canada.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Yes, Jeff.
I got a few things I was going to mention.
First of all, like you've been talking about all day, I know for Canada, we have Bell.
That's our communications, the big leader.
Yeah, Bell Pacific, right?
Yeah, something like that.
But I know for a fact that they openly state that they do record every call.
Any phone call made through them has been recorded for the last, how many years?
You don't have to be committing a crime.
You can just have a dissentful viewpoint and you will be targeted.
That's what they do.
They go after dissenters.
They go against opposition.
They don't want the mindset that's going to oppose their ideals, their agenda.
It's absolute insanity.
Jeff, I thank you for the call.
Alex in Virginia, you're on the line.
Yes, Alex.
Hi Jason.
I have a couple questions.
I don't know if you know anything about intelligentsia.
I've done some research, it talks about collective intelligence and the other comment I had was, it's kind of funny for Nancy Pelosi to talk about having inventory for everything while they have no disclosure of financial reserve.
Um, you know, but what's going on?
Pelosi's a globalist, number one, and she's a cover-up artist for them.
Again, she was in the initial congressional investigation into 9-11.
She knows damn well that that was an intelligence operation.
But let's talk about the International Intelligence Cartel.
I thank you for the call.
Let's use Iran-Contra as an example of how this works.
All right.
So you have private investors and the CIA investing in the Contras in South America.
Oh, they're freedom fighters.
Meanwhile, they've got death squads.
We're training dictators.
We're working with people like Noriega, who turns out to be a CIA asset for the longest time.
Now, in order to smuggle them weapons and then get the drugs to smuggle into the United States, they use third parties.
In other words, they use contractors, pre-Blackwater guys, just mercenaries.
We're good to go.
They would in turn get marijuana and cocaine to load up on their planes.
Then they would fly these out into military bases and they would get payments and then black ops military people would then dispense the drugs.
They would be the drug dealers.
Then these drug cartels are kind of backed by the CIA operatives, the bigwigs.
And as long as the cartels will work with the CIA fronts, the FBI guys, the informants, the provocateurs, the intelligentsia that is funneling in this black market money, black ops cash, well then they don't bust anybody but on lower levels.
As soon as you kind of go outside of them and you don't play ball, you can either end up dead or in jail.
And again, it's compartmentalized.
So, you know, it's not like they approach them.
Oh, I work for the CIA.
This is how this is how it needs to be.
That's obviously not how it works whatsoever.
They approach them as a drug dealer.
So again, it is an international intelligence network.
And meanwhile, the guys at the top in the U.S.
are part of the COG program, Continuity of Government, the actual shadow government that does exist.
You know, Oliver North was exposed there, Casper Weinberger, and I think 13 others were actually convicted.
Many of them pardoned later, including Weinberger.
I mean, it's unbelievable to me that this thing, they never got in trouble, they never got caught, that network never went away, and they're always parts of these different little think tank groups, you know, they morph into the Project for a New American Century, you know, from the CFR, you know, and the very upper echelon in my mind are always at the Bilderberg Group.
You know, royalty, Queen Beatrix is always there, think tank guys like Kissinger, you know, big movers and shakers, globalists like David Rockefeller, big idea men, if you will.
And through that, I mean, there's almost an endless amount of these little organizations that they pick from.
We're going to continue to go to your calls on the other side.
I think we're at Michael, Dustin, Laura, Gary, and more.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Go pick up the DVDs over at InfoWars.com right now.
Endgame is so important.
The Obama deception is so important.
Fabled Enemies is so important.
Back after this.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We are back and we're going to go to your calls in just a moment.
Bob Chapman coming up at the top of the hour.
Alex Jones joining us at 2 o'clock.
We're also going to be playing at the beginning of the PrisonPlanet.TV segment at 1 o'clock this blast from the past, if you will, this 2004 look into the future from Alex Jones over at SeaWorld.
I remember watching this way back in the day and really enjoying it.
It really shows you how spot on he is about this smart grid, about this entire cashless society control grid that they are incrementally putting the populace into.
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Alright, Alex, you're on the line.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Jason.
Oh, we're at Michael.
I'm sorry, I'm losing it.
Michael, what's up?
Um, I had something to say about the Constitution, but first I wanted to comment on an article I saw on Infowars.com.
Boston, two armed patrol cops with semi-automatic assault rifles.
I, uh, I take the commuter rail to work every single day, and, uh, since, I don't know, at least a year ago they've been doing this, but, uh, starting back in October, I don't know if it coincides with the Army Times report or not, but back in October they really ramped it up.
But, uh, if
If I can, I'd like to just say something real quick about the Constitution.
I listen to your show and there's a guy that keeps on hounding you about, you know, the Constitution and how, you know, we don't have a Second Amendment right because of the Constitution.
The Constitution protects that right from the government.
And I just kind of want to help you understand what this guy is trying to say.
If you look at the language, um, Congress shall make no law.
And, you know, Amendment 1, Amendment 2, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed by the government.
No soldier shall, meaning the government's not going to, you know, quarter a soldier.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, you know.
No unreasonable searches.
You know, what it's saying is, and if you read Thomas Jefferson, you already have these rights, but the Bill of Rights says
The government can't do this because you already have those rights.
That's all he's saying.
Well, no, I said they're inherent rights.
They're God-given rights.
They're human rights.
They're individual freedoms.
And, you know, Sotomayor coming in, this new Supreme Court justice who wrote... Did she really arouse her?
Yeah, no, she's a council member on La Raza.
Just go check it out.
Yeah, not only is she La Raza, she wrote a book, again, called Deadly Obsession, American Gun Culture.
In this text, the student Sotomayor explained that the Second Amendment to the Constitution did not actually afford individual citizens the right to bear arms, but only duly conferred organizations like the military.
Instead of making guns illegal, she argues they have been illegal for individuals to own
Hey Jason, you're doing a good job, buddy.
I'm a first-time caller.
I think Sotomayor's got the
The amendment mixed up with the Federal Reserve Act.
Well, that's her job, isn't it?
Well, um, I just wanted an address, and I could send some of you guys a mailing address if you have one.
There should be a PO Box over at Infowars.com.
I don't have it with me, sir, and we're about to go to break, but there should be a PO Box on Infowars.com.
I think it's a South Lamar address.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Bob Chapman coming up.
Remember, Alex Jones coming up later, and the biometric SeaWorld clip all after this.
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We're good to go.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alex will be joining us in just a couple of hours.
I'm Jason Burma sitting in.
You can check out my little bobby bloggins over at theinfowarrior.com.
If you want to send something to the InfoWars office, we just had somebody ask what the address is.
It is
Free Speech Systems P.O.
Box 19-549 Austin, TX 78760.
One more time.
Free Speech Systems P.O.
Box 19-549 Austin, TX 78760.
We are now joined by Bob Chapman.
We're going to be talking about the economy, the price of gold really shooting up lately, and this new speech by Obama just this morning announcing the new Cyber Security Coordinator
I'm pretty good and what the President is doing is ominous and it's just an extension of what we got with the last administration and it's very very frightening because it's obvious that they're after total control of the internet
And probably the airwaves as well.
You know, absolutely.
In fact, they're trying to already say, I believe the FCC is saying, well, we can already go in warrantlessly if you have a rogue Wi-Fi connection.
In other words, if your Wi-Fi signal isn't regulated in some way, they can already come into your home and check that out.
And they were able to do that through some kind of passage of a cable act back in the 70s with cable boxes and people using the black boxes to get the free premium channels or whatever.
It would emit a certain wavelength and they would be able to go in
And they just keep expanding and expanding on their powers.
Now, we already knew they were doing this behind closed doors because of cases like Hepting versus AT&T, where AT&T is openly just copying every single thing you do on the Internet, every single thing you do on your phone.
We already know they're tracking what we're watching.
I mean, it's admitted.
How do you think they figured out that the most watched television moment in history
We're good
You know, with the carbon credits, they're trying to fast track that.
I mean Pelosi right now was just over at China talking about how they need to help us in this climate change and meanwhile she's there she can't help but make this quote we have so much room for improvement she said every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory right there coming out and saying every aspect of everybody's lives must be inventoried I mean we are really turning into a
This is fast-track stuff.
With Sotomayor coming in, for instance, Bob, this woman looks like she's going to bring in the North American Union.
She's a council member of La Raza, she's openly made racist statements, and she's openly a gun grabber.
I mean, again, she wrote the book, Deadly Obsession, American Gun Culture, where she argues that the Second Amendment
That's an aggressive challenge and that's one of the
Uh, things that are used in Psywar.
Uh, this woman's been trained in Psywar.
Either that or somebody else wrote the statement.
Well, she wrote a whole book on it.
I mean, this is psychological warfare on the American populace, and really the world populace.
And the Orwellian doublespeak that is taking place just in the past few months has been incredible.
We now have army generals saying, oh, we may need to be in Iraq for another ten years.
Well, if anybody's been paying attention, of course they're going to say that.
More with Bob Chapman on the other side.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, sitting in InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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So much to talk about.
I mean, they are really fast-tracking this quote-unquote smart grid, and the only one it's smart for is for the elites who are trying to enslave us.
I mean, so much to go over just in the past week, Bob.
I want to get your take on so many things.
I mean, what did you think about this private meeting of Rockefeller and Oprah and Bill Gates, and I believe Ted Turner was there as well, and then they said, oh, we had to deal with some population issues.
I mean, outside of the Bilderberg Group, I mean, it's getting pretty creepy.
Well, I think what they were telling some of these people is the dollar is going down, the economy is in serious trouble, and this thing is going to go upside down.
Tomorrow's issue of the International Forecaster, my first paragraph reflects on that.
I think something tremendous is coming down in the next four months, maybe five, but it's hard to do timing on this kind of thing.
Because, you know, we're not on the inside.
We're backing in the back door trying to find out what they're doing all the time.
And so, you know, we just don't have access to the halls of power, so to speak.
But there's something big coming.
You know, I noticed a number of police agencies getting 200 or 300 or 500 AR-15s.
I got a piece out of the Boston Globe this morning.
You know, this is Boston.
And the surrounding area is heavily populated.
Unless there was a riot or a bank robbery or something like that, there's no need to have a penetrating weapon like that inside the city.
And usually cities, all cities today, have SWAT teams.
So there's no reason for these guys, 2,000 or 200 or whatever it is,
To be running around the streets of Boston or any other city with AR-15s.
It's as simple as that.
Criminals who couldn't even get guns, let alone make bombs, or have any connections to any jihadist movement outside of the FBI agent who provocateured the whole thing.
Oh, they were going to blow up synagogues?
Terrorism in America?
Meanwhile, DHS is now going to be amalgamated into the NSA openly.
It really already was part of the national security apparatus.
But you have to know, all these extremist reports,
All these terrorist reports, they are getting ready and building the infrastructure to target the dissenters in this country and throughout the world.
Well, it's one of the reasons that I moved out of the country.
I can keep on functioning as long as the stations are up.
But I can keep on publishing indefinitely.
Why don't you tell people about the website, Bob, and where they can get this information?
Well, the website is theinternationalforecaster.com.
And I'll repeat that.
The International F-O-R-E-C-A-S-T-E-R dot com.
And you can also go to get a free introductory copy to 877-479-8178.
That's toll free.
We have a hard copy twice a month.
Twice a week we have an email copy.
Uh, and, uh, we talk about business, finance, uh, economic, social, political issues all over the world.
And, um, and I think it's very, very important, particularly to get the copy of the one that's coming out tomorrow, because I explained to people where we're headed here.
And believe me, unfortunately, I've been right about 98% of the time for 20 years and even more so for the last 10 years.
And what's coming is going to be bad, and we're talking about it here on the program right now.
This is what these people are preparing for.
This is what this Rockefeller-Gates meeting was all about.
As far as the visible members of the Illuminati, the Rockefeller family is right up there in the top, at least in the United States.
And when he has a meeting at 93 years old, you know it's important.
He was over at the Bilderberg meeting, and that meeting took place right afterwards, so he was filling them in.
What went on over in Greece is my assumption.
Yeah, that's probably what's going down.
Totally, totally evil.
I'm with you, Bob.
Why don't we talk about, you know, the precious metals market, because gold has shot up in the last couple of weeks, silver's gone up.
Basically, it seems like people are getting hip to the fact that this is a way to sustain your wealth and actually have money after this big collapse.
I mean, how much more do you need to explain to people that when I was listening to Alex Jones back in 2003, gold was going from somewhere between $2.75 and $3.30 an ounce, and now you can't get it for
You know, less than 880 to 1100 an ounce, if you were to buy it on, you know, eBay or just one piece.
I mean, that's an amazing investment.
And it's not really that gold is tripled in price.
It's that the dollar has really fallen, you know, by 60 plus percent.
Now, that's correct.
And, you know, it is very difficult to get coins, whether silver or gold, outside the United States.
There's been a big increase in Europe in the purchases.
They are available, but there are waiting times and they're going to get even more difficult to get in the future.
And I know that in Central and South America, Mexico, it's almost impossible to get coins.
I mean, that is a true statement.
Believe me.
And the Chinese have picked up on their buying.
The Indians have dropped off, but they usually buy jewelry.
That's their method.
of accumulating gold, which is usually 24 karat.
And so what they're really doing is buying bullion.
I guess they really want to wear it around.
I wouldn't want to wear that much bullion around the streets.
But anyway, I mean, I'm sure that there are people in India who are dishonest or criminals.
But anyway, we're looking at as we were here last Friday, and I said the HUI, which is an index
of non-hedged stocks in gold and silver, and the silver and the gold charts showed reverse head and shoulders.
And not to go in and explain what that is to you, it means once the right-hand shoulder of a reverse head and shoulders is completed, whatever is on the right-hand shoulder, whether it be gold, silver, the HEY, whatever, it takes off like a
I don't think so.
It is unfortunate that they're becoming happy because the economy is only worsening and worsening and now, you know, GM is going to be bankrupt.
And I mean, the economy in the United States is just on such a downward spiral.
Meanwhile, they're saying, oh, it's getting better.
I've actually seen reports that the recession is going to end in the next 6 to 12 months.
Meanwhile, it's only going to get worse.
It's continually gotten worse over the past 8 years, Bob.
Yeah, the June month is trading at $9.77.
And we've got about a $9.55, excuse me, a $15.55 on silver right now in the outside months, which are June and July.
And those are the more active months.
And there's a whole bunch of things I could tell you about this.
Number one, the fundamentals go stronger every day in both metals.
Then there's the shortages in coins.
We're looking at a collapsing dollar.
The dollar's down like 1.40 on the USDX today at around $79.40.
And we called the top on it at $85.50.
We called the top about two months ago.
The dollar's headed down.
We called the breakdown in the bond market.
At the beginning of the year, we thought it would happen at the end of this year.
It happened already.
And the bond market has broken down in the long end, which is the 10-year notes and the 30-year bonds.
And incidentally, the government's raising a trillion dollars this week.
And I can assure you the Fed is in there buying, which is monetization, which is very inflationary.
The yield, when we made the prediction, was 2.35%.
The yield has now gone up to 3.74%, headed to 4% and higher.
And that means that mortgages that have been able to be procured between 4.5% and 4.78% are now at 5%, and will probably go somewhere in the 5.38%, 5.5% area.
Disqualifying a whole slew of buyers.
And what's going on in the bond market is devastating.
It's ten times bigger than the stock market.
And the only reason the stock market hasn't come down to $6,600 and the Dow again from $8,400 with a high of $8,600, the only reason it's not down is the United States government is keeping it up.
They're manipulating it.
So what do you think is... Listen to this, I've been doing 35 programs a week.
Getting the word out on this, especially on the Federal Reserve and Ron Paul's bill, and there is no end of the stations in ABC, NBC, Fox, that want me on their programs.
And I encounter these hosts, and they know what's going on.
It's incredible.
And they just wanted me to come by and tell the people, as long as they didn't have to do it, you know what I mean?
Yeah, no, exactly.
Well, you know what, they're cowering.
They don't want to lose their job.
They want to, you know, feel like they're towing the party line because they're afraid that if they speak out too much, they're going to be the next ones on the unemployment line.
I want to get into the Federal Reserve would serve as risk regulator under the Obama plan.
Let's abolish the SEC and let the Federal Reserve serve as an all-seeing regulator to detect activities.
Complete insanity
While other nations drop the dollar as its reserve currency, back after this it's the Alex Jones Show with Bob Chapman, PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.com.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
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The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Truly, so much going on, especially today with the announcement of Internet 2, the cyber security coordinator, another department of pure bureaucracy and tyranny really in this country just
Outwardly coming out we've got City Year as the new fascist youth brigade and literal fascist and Nazi colors of red, white, and black in military marches while they sell you on Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Jack Kennedy, Mother Teresa, and then they
Amalgamate that into, you know, the I am change Obama rhetoric.
Is he the next Lord and Savior?
Well, that's what they want you to believe.
We're going to take your calls for Bob Chapman coming up in the next segment, but I want to get Bob's take on, you know, them giving further powers to the Federal Reserve.
The Obama administration is proposing that the U.S.
Federal Reserve serve as an all-seeing regulator to detect activities that could pose risks to the entire financial system.
So our Lord bankers are going to regulate themselves
Meanwhile, they're the ones that are bringing this crisis in, Bob.
Well, that's a true statement, and they've been looting America since 1913.
They're all criminals.
They all should be in jail.
They're all working on inside information, and they have been a disaster as far as eliminating panics, recessions, and depressions.
Warren Paul's bill 1207, 179,
Uh, co-sponsors.
I think we can get it passed, but you gotta do your part.
You gotta get on and contact every congressman, those who have approved it, as co-sponsors.
You thank them, the others who haven't.
Tell them you want them to.
Tell them you want them, all of them, you want out of committee.
You want it voted on and passed so we can go over to the Senate with it.
It's the most important piece of legislation in the past 96 years.
Very important.
If we can get that passed, we can stop them at the pass.
The next thing after that we want is legislation on trade.
We want tariffs on goods and services.
The Chinese think they've got problems, now they're going to have even bigger problems.
If we can get those two pieces of legislation passed.
And if we can do that, we can survive.
If we don't, you're going to see it in the streets.
You were talking about gold before.
And I'm cutting back in a way because I want to read you something.
This is the first paragraph in tomorrow's issue of the International Forecaster.
What we are about to tell you may be the most important information that we have imparted in almost 50 years.
Something very bad is looming.
We don't know the exact configuration yet, but we think the key is the collapse of the dollar, which will send gold and silver to considerably higher prices.
These events could unfold over the next two to four months,
There could be devaluation and default of the U.S.
dollar and American debt.
You must have at least six months supply of freeze-dried dehydrated foods, a water filter for brackish water, and assault weapons with plenty of ammo and clips.
You should put as much of your wealth as you can in gold and silver coins and shares.
You should not own any stocks in the stock market except gold and silver shares.
You should not own bonds, the exception being Canadian Securities.
You should not own CDs, Cash Life,
Cash value, life insurance policies, and annuities.
And needless to say, except for your home, you should be totally out of real estate, residential and commercial, because it will remain illiquid for many years to come.
Continue to pay your normal debts down, because you do not know how they will be treated when we arrive at the valuation and default.
We certainly do not want to have to tell you this, but the way things are shaping up, it doesn't look good.
As we write
This, the dollar is breaking 80 on the USDX, interest rates are climbing and have broken out to the upside, gold and silver are poised to break into new high territory, and the stock market is preparing to retest 6600 on a Dow.
You have been warned.
Act accordingly.
Bob, I mean, it is just out of control when nations are openly now dumping the dollar.
Let's talk about that for a little bit.
Apparently, Russia has now dropped the dollar as its World Reserve currency.
They're using, I think, rubles.
Brazil has talked about doing so.
China has talked about doing so.
I mean, when is the dollar going to be completely dumped?
You talked about an event possibly in the next four to five months, which will be horrific for this country, but it's something that really does seem imminent.
Well, that's true.
All the signs are there.
I was looking at Naomi Wolfstaff, and of course she's a writer, and she's generally speaking from the left side of the perspective.
But it doesn't make any difference.
What she's saying is true.
And the 90-year-old that she quotes in one of her deliveries said that the same thing happened in Germany in the 30s.
And get the message, everybody, because that's where we're headed.
Yeah, her film is called The End of America.
She's been on this program and my program as well.
I really like Naomi Wolf's stuff.
We'll be back after this, taking your calls with Bob Chapman.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma, sitting in Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're with Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
We're going to go to your calls in just a moment, but I want to thank one of our sponsors, Ecoloblue.com.
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So Bob, what happens when
Well, I think they've got too much trouble to try to implement a North American Union at this time.
I don't think they'll go to an Amaro at this time either.
It just doesn't figure.
What they would do is devalue the dollar, and I think if they did that, everybody else would devalue at the same time, because everybody else has got the same problems.
I mean, they've all been, and we're talking the G20 especially, they've all been doing the same thing the Fed has been doing to varying degrees, increasing money supply and monetizing England, even Switzerland.
And the European Central Bank, they're all doing it.
And so I think with a devaluation, it would be simultaneous.
And I believe that they would figure out a default system and try to do away with the problem that they've got.
But in the process of doing that, I would think that they would continue to hold the dollar and then go to an international currency.
I think it's too difficult.
For them to try to go directly from all currencies to one currency or even three currencies and they would have to have gold backing or some kind of a commodity backing and probably a gold backing.
Because nobody's going to accept it.
They're going to barter.
Whether it's goods or whether it's gold for something else or whatever.
And, you know, if you look at what went on last week,
At the Bilderberger meeting, they said, it's getting out of control.
We've got to bring this thing to a halt, or we're going to lose control completely.
Well, I got news for them.
They already lost control completely.
You know, we're only a step away from getting that legislation 1207 passed in the House of Representatives to do, well, to audit the Fed, the first move.
And that audit would be completed next year.
And also,
There's a companion bill to do away with the Fed.
As soon as the people found out what they were doing, which would happen during next year, they'd say, no, we don't want that anymore.
We want the Treasury to handle it.
At least there's transparency.
And that's where I think that's headed.
But as far as currency is a concern, it's a hard one to call.
But my guess is that it would be an international effort and everybody would do it together.
And I think that the U.S.
might do a one for ten, one new dollar for ten old ones.
And that's what I see coming.
Well that alone will really hurt this economy in ways that are unimaginable.
Let's jump to the phone lines.
Laura in Michigan, you're on the air.
Hi Jason and Bob, this is Laura from Michigan.
I wanted to talk to you just a little bit about how these things are encroaching upon our freedoms and it's quite systematic.
However, I see a great positive that a tipping point is going to come in the awareness of the American people.
We see the Tea Parties rising in response to pretty much aggressive economic action.
And we really do see the surveillance state rising.
Yes, we are.
We're good to go.
I agree with you, Jason.
I think you're right on and I think it's a beginning of awareness, but it is literally the people stepping up to the plate saying, we're not going to take this anymore.
And so to see that kind of activity as the surveillance state, then they see the surveillance state beginning to encroach upon them and this infrastructure.
DHS is literally, and NSA, FEMA, they're literally building the infrastructure of a police state.
If we took the control grid of what they're building,
And we compared it to China or North Vietnam.
It is the same grid.
They are the same power structures.
They're a little bit beyond our perception.
They have not surfaced completely.
But I believe that they are going to, obviously, continue encroaching.
And they're going to reach a tipping point.
Well, Laura, today was a big day.
Let me say that.
I mean, if they pass the Cyberbullying Act or the Cybersecurity Act, and I thank you for the call, maybe that will be the tipping point.
But I think that this announcement
This should be the tipping point.
They're announcing a smart grid.
They're announcing that your medical records are going to be digitized and database.
They are announcing Internet 2.0.
They're announcing a cyber security coordinator.
They're announcing that they're going after, quote-unquote, hacktivists and people who are anti-technology.
I mean, this is it, Bob.
Absolutely, this is it.
This is the move, the beginning of the brown shirt type, which is from the 1930s, which today, unfortunately, is local law enforcement that's being co-opted into
A federalization process.
And I have a letter to myself that came by email this week from someone who was in applying for police work and he was in a room and in the next room there were three people, two of whom were from Homeland Security, who were discussing with the chief of police in that particular city, and I don't even know what city it was, that
The police forces should be federalized.
And so this is aggressively going out there.
And so we're going to have that sort of thing running around.
We're going to have the Obama version of Hitler-Junger running around.
And we're going to be beset by tremendous propaganda.
And so this is the path they're taking.
And of course, as you said, people like you and I are going to be taken off the
Anyways, if they can possibly do that.
Yeah, and that's really what it seems like they're gunning for.
Let's go to Bill in Connecticut.
Bill, you're on the line.
Hey, guys.
Hey, Don.
Hey, in any case, I'm sitting here listening to this thing on CNBC.
Hey, you know, I thought it was very interesting when Obama announced that earlier today because, you know, he sits there and says, you know, I look at things two-sided.
You know, he sits there and he says, we're not
He said, literally, that we are not issuing a dictatorship.
Well, it's like, yes you are.
When you talk about the cyber security thing.
And no, we're not going to be spying on you.
We're not going to be, you know, usurping your First Amendment rights.
And obviously, he's saying, no we aren't, but on the other hand, it's like, yes we are.
Yeah, well, I mean, again, when he says that they're not going to be... It's absolute doublespeak.
Listen, he gives out the whole agenda and then at the very end, let me be clear about what we're not doing.
We're not going to be spying on the American people.
Meanwhile, I play the clip that this has already been embedded before his administration.
What was it?
It's the AT&T classic.
Hefting versus AT&T.
We play the clip where they already have the secret room, where they're already databasing 99.9% of your communications
Through AT&T, whether you use them as a service or not, this is just one small incident, one small case, and the media doesn't even touch it.
And like I said, the Cybersecurity Chief, because they had a precursor to this organization, that they're now restructuring to take even more control away from the American people and the private sector, he resigned because of concerns about, what is it, civil liberty groups and opposing giving control to the U.S.
spying agencies.
I mean, privacy issues.
And this is off of MSNBC.com.
This isn't going to be in any headlines.
This is in the back of the paper, if that, and it's in one obscure article off of MSNBC.com.
Where is the fair and accurate press that the government portrays?
Oh, the liberal media.
Oh, the conservative media.
It's all WWE politics and it makes me sick.
Hey, I just want to ask you one other thing.
I sent you guys an article, Rob D., that was in this last week's issue of The Economist.
It was pretty interesting.
It was pertaining to the fact that the Saudis and the Chinese, what they're doing is they're out there buying up all the farmland, or buying up land across the world, with the intent of sitting there saying that they're going to do it for farming purposes.
But what I thought was very interesting was one of the groups that was in there was the Bin Laden group.
I thought that was interesting.
I don't really know about that.
Well, I have to check it out.
Have you heard about that, Bob?
And I thank you for the call.
No, I haven't heard about that.
But it's natural.
The Bin Laden group has been partners with the Bushes for many, many years.
And they finance some of the companies in Texas as well.
And that's why Osmo was chosen.
uh... by the CIA as one of the chief operatives back in the seventies.
I was writing about him in the early eighties and nobody knew about him until uh... uh... uh... uh... The mainstream media jumped on in the nineties, I forget what his name is, but he was an NBC reporter.
In public, in public, the first one who mentioned him uh... was Ollie North.
At the Senate hearings on why he did what he did.
But flip back there for a sec and comment on what Obama had to say.
What Obama was doing, and this is a method of selling.
What Obama was doing was answering the objections before they come.
He was pre-answering
The objections of the public.
We're not going to do this.
So this is what we're doing this for another reason.
Those terrible terrorists, etc, etc.
And so this is not directed at you.
So don't think that it is.
He's answering the objection before it happens.
Yeah, kind of like pre-emptive detention that he keeps talking about.
I mean, it's incredible.
Yeah, it's incredible to me.
Now, what's your take on the Supreme Court ruling that just happened on Tuesday where they're saying, well, we can interrogate people without a lawyer, but we're not overturning the fact
That you can have a lawyer when we interrogate you.
It's complete doublespeak, number one.
Number two, it's, you know, five to four.
It's never six to three, or seven to two, or nine to zero.
They really make it out to be, oh, your civil liberties just, you lost them by a hair, and really this is a debatable issue.
But in certain circumstances now, they're going to be able to interrogate people without a lawyer.
Well, certain circumstances mean any circumstances that the police or the authorities want to present to a judge, Bob.
Well, what happens when you say, no, you can't interrogate me.
I won't answer any questions.
Well, then I guess they can have more aggressive interrogations.
You know what can happen in a closed room.
You might slip.
You might hurt yourself.
And, you know, they might be able to get a confession out of you.
And then you can later say, well, I didn't have my lawyer present.
And apparently they can just throw that out now.
You can go check out the decision yourself.
It is littered with double-speak.
I want to say this.
If they start that, I wouldn't give two cents for anybody in law enforcement in the United States.
Because what's going to happen is they're going to beat somebody
And throw them to the ground and break their collarbone or something like that.
And the cops that did it, people are going to come up behind them in the middle of the night and shoot them in the back of the head.
That's what's going to happen.
Excuse me, let me just read you what it says.
The U.S.
Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that police, under certain circumstances, can initiate an interrogation of a suspect without the defendant's lawyer being present.
By a 5-4 vote, the conservative majority overruled a 23-year-old Supreme Court decision that barred the police from initiating questioning after a defendant asserted the right to an attorney at an arraignment or similar proceeding.
So here it's really just saying right there even if he asks for a lawyer we can still interrogate him.
The 1986 decision held that once a defendant invoked the right to counsel only a suspect and not the police can initiate the contact.
Now here's where the doublespeak kicks in.
The ruling was the latest in a recent string by conservative justices expanding the power of police to question suspects but it does not change the landmark 1966 ruling barring the police from questioning a suspect who invokes the right to remain silent or have a lawyer present.
So again, total or well-meaning doublespeak.
And they beat you.
Yeah, that's pretty much how I read it, Bob.
Maybe I'm off.
Maybe I'm delusional.
A lot of people are going to get beaten.
Men and women both.
Well, it's already happening.
You know, the Nazis did the same thing.
That was a democracy.
Adolf Hitler was elected.
His party was.
They won 82% of the vote.
That is correct.
A lot of people don't see that.
People don't know what they're getting themselves into here.
I'll tell you, law enforcement, and I know you're listening, don't do it.
I gotta agree with you.
The website is the internationalforecaster.com.
Let's go to Gary in New York.
Gary online.
Yeah, how you doing, Jason?
Well, you know, one thing that worries me about what you and Alex does is that, you
Like with the Obama deception.
I mean, how many movies did you guys make about Bush?
I mean, Obama has been in office for how long?
You know?
Are you kidding me?
Is that a joke?
How many movies did we make about Bush?
I mean, really?
Is that some kind of a sick and twisted joke?
Do you have one movie that's called the frickin' Bush deception?
Hold on!
I mean, look at American Dictators.
It follows the entire 2004 election where we gun after both John Kerry and George Bush for 90 minutes.
What are you talking about?
Hold on, hold on!
The Road to Tyranny 2002 is a scathing movie on the Bush administration.
2004 is martial law, 9-11 rise of the police state.
The 9-11 chronicles is very critical of the Bush administration.
Bush was so outwardly evil and they didn't promote him as a character with a halo over his head to become the world president.
They didn't say that he was change, okay?
He was a party-line politician that in 2000, wait a minute, I think it was in 99, you know, Alex Jones confronted him when he was the governor of Texas.
It was one of the most viral videos before YouTube even ever existed.
You know?
I mean, I can't even... I mean, that comment... Endgame goes after the Bush administration.
I mean, how many movies do we have to make?
I mean, obviously I made Loose Change, Second Edition, Final Cut, Fabled Enemies.
I mean, Fabled Enemies...
Bush administration, Bush 1 administration.
I mean, the things you're saying are just so outwardly ludicrous.
Hold over.
I don't know if you have a leg to stand on, sir.
Just because Bush isn't in the title, he's on the cover of some of these things.
He's in the background.
He's mentioned in the Bohemian Grove video.
Back with Bob Chapman and calls after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Alright, we are back, final segment with Bob Chapman, and I guess that Gary dropped off.
I mean, he doesn't have a leg to stand on, folks.
Let me just go through the stack of movies right in front here.
American Dictators has Bush on the back cover.
It goes after John Kerry.
Right in the very beginning of the Obama deception, we expose George W. Bush and his administration as well.
It's not about left or right.
It's about the Obama worship that's out there.
We're trying to bring the left in to awaken them that they've drank the Kool-Aid.
Dark Secrets and Bohemian Grove.
Both Bush boys are in the background from their little pose over at the Bohemian Grove club out of their own annal, which is right to the left of me.
There's Bush again on Matrix of Evil.
All these available at InfoWars.com where you can see them for a very small fee becoming a PrisonPlanet.TV subscriber in the highest of qualities.
Right here, Road to Tyranny.
Oh, Gary Isback.
I mean, Gary, I mean, what are you talking about?
I mean, right here I've got four movies in front of me.
You know, I just can't even believe the statement.
Go ahead.
Bush anything.
Are any of those movies named Bush anything?
What's that?
Again, Bush... Listen, they didn't sell Bush posters at Walmart.
There aren't Bush t-shirts in hipster stores and hip-hop shops that people are worshipping.
He didn't start a civil service corps with the
These sort of things happen with people who are set in their ways.
Yeah, I mean, to think that, you know, oh, you're going... Look, the Obama administration is awful.
What are you talking about, sir?
They came out in the very beginning.
They said, we're anti-war.
In 2006, people fell for, oh, the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi.
They're going to hold the Bush administration's feet to the fire.
They're going to go after him as war criminals.
Didn't happen.
Somebody on the left actually woke up.
Her name was Cindy Sheehan.
She tried to take that congressional seat away from Pelosi, but then the mainstream media immediately turned on her.
I think?
It's a geopolitical situation as well as one in protecting the oil.
So the oil will flow to America and to Europe, and the United States government and American oil companies won't have to access the tremendous amounts of oil that they have in the United States.
Yeah, I mean, it's just still blowing my mind.
Why don't you give out the website one more time and tell people where they can get gold and silver to really protect themselves as it shoots up before it's too late, before the collapse of the dollar, before you don't have anything, before you don't have a home, before your pension's completely gone, before you can't afford your car payments.
Go ahead, Bob.
Or you can call toll-free 877-479-8178.
Thank you so much, Bob.
I mean, the Obama deception itself is really not that much about Obama.
It gives a short history, but it's about the people behind Obama, the people behind Obama's administration, the people behind the policies that this administration that's really just being puppeted by elites is promoting.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show, and we're going to take them to task.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we are back.
We're gonna give this guy a say in this segment, but you know, it's just a ludicrous argument again.
I mean...
If you're watching PrisonPlanet.TV right now, who's on the back cover?
Oh, that's Bin Laden and Bush.
Oh, it's Matrix of Evil.
Who's on the cover?
Oh, well, that's George Bush right there.
Oh, who's on Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove?
It's both George Bushes.
Oh, who's on American Dictators?
And by the way, John Kerry, a little puppet, is in the background as well.
But this is a papier-mâché of Bush with devil horns.
on him.
That's not as provocative as having Obama in the title or Bush in the title.
No, we don't have any films with quote-unquote Bush in the title, but that's because it isn't the Bush deception.
They didn't sell us on George Bush.
You know, they sold us a close election between him and Gore and then a supposed close election between him and his cousin on both sides, third on one side, eighth on the other, John Kerry.
Go ahead, Gary.
You still there?
Gary Dropdoll.
You know, you drop off, I'm going to give you the chance to spew your lies and hate and you can't even hang with the big boys.
I feel bad for you.
Coming up in the next segment.
We're going to play this SeaWorld clip of Alex Jones really exposing the biometric smart grid cashless society control grid agenda.
I'm pretty sure he talks about DHS and this has been years and years and years since I've actually viewed it, but you know, this is why you want a PrisonPlanet.TV subscription.
I mean, number one, you get all the movies I just talked about and so much more.
I mean, I got the 9-11 Chronicles over here as well.
Number two, you get to see some of this great stuff.
Alex Jones has been doing this for well over 10 years and his library of work is really just, it's inconceivable.
It's unmatched.
He has done so much with so little and expanded so much in such a little amount of time.
I don't think people realize how hard this is to do.
What a difficult job this can be.
How trying it is.
Especially when you have people like that.
I don't like the way you named your movie.
Well, I don't think that millions of people would have gone out and seen it if it wasn't called the quote-unquote Obama deception or gotten over the left-right paradigm.
I think it was a genius name and that's why we have military members from the United States calling us from Japan telling it woke them up and all over the world, in fact.
And that's why it has millions of views with multiple copies on the Internet.
All right, let's go to, uh, let's go to Terry in Texas.
Terry, you're on the line.
Yes, Terry.
If you really want to know the truth, then who is behind the wall?
You know, say that Alex Jones is some kind of a Jesuit assassin.
People want to say I'm some kind of a Mossad operative and that we're disinformation agents that are out to keep the truth from you.
Ooh, the Council for National Policy that was made in the 80s is setting up everything.
No, they're just another think tank organization who I don't tend to agree with that also fund black operations that are part of the bigger act octopus or picture just like the Jesuits and the Catholic Church you know just like the Mossad and Israel just like Pakistan and the ISI they all have their compartmentalized role people are just you know just so overtly ignorant and they really want to lead other people into the wrong path they don't want to lead you
Look, we're not perfect here.
We report as much as we possibly can with a short level staff.
I mean, how many websites do we have to put up?
How many movies do we have to make?
You know, we should be judged by the fruits of our labor, by the content of our character.
But no, people just want a gun for us because we're number one in the alternative media.
Join the Info War, get to PrisonPlanet.tv, get a membership right now.
Back after this with Alex Jones, Biometric SeaWorld.
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Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
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We need to be independent and food
We're good to go.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we're going to go to DP, John, Chris, Stephen, Freeburger, and others.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I want to thank one more sponsor for the day.
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Alright, we are about to play this Blast From The Past segment.
It's somewhere over on PrisonPlanet.tv, I think.
Buried in the archives somewhere.
I don't know.
We were able to pull it up.
It is the biometric SeaWorld clip of Alex Jones and it is money from start to finish.
Hit it.
SeaWorld in San Antonio, Texas.
Owned by Anheuser-Busch.
Biometrically scanning those that enter the park.
For absolutely no reason.
It was a photo ID!
But now, you've got to scan biometrically.
And big corporations have lined up to sell biometrics and RFID to the population in preparation of the new national sales tax, new international taxes, and a track-and-trace everything we buy, sell, and do, which they publicly admitted in the Total Information Awareness Network.
That, by the way, was not cancelled when they fired Admiral Poindexter.
They just changed the name.
So again, you can't even go to SeaWorld without biometrically scanning now.
It's disgusting.
From grocery stores, to your banks, to ATMs, it's going in everywhere.
School children have to thumb scan to get their school lunches, have to thumb scan to get on school buses in many school districts around the country.
And I was just curious, curious about these scanners.
What's going on with those?
Well, just tell me then.
What they're doing is they scan their hands and a DVD with a picture.
But why wouldn't they just look at the picture of the person?
Why would you?
The new cars don't have it.
Oh, so you're going away from somebody just looking at your picture to scanning your... And if you don't want to do that, you have to show us your ID to prove that it's you.
And plus you're biometrically scanned to do that.
You know the grocery stores are putting these in.
What do you think of all this?
I'm a retard!
So you're taking your pictures off the card and putting a hand scanner on there?
Doesn't that kind of spread germs to do that?
We have hand sanitizer if anybody wants.
Ah, it's all been thought of.
Very interesting system.
So it's biometric?
I'm not sure.
I was told how to use it and that was it.
What do they tell you about it?
You have to scan your hand with a 3D picture and the person will do it twice the first time they come in and then once every other time after that to validate them.
And then it instantly identifies them?
It's normally hooked up and working though?
Why isn't it on today?
It is on today.
It's working today!
Oh really?
It's working right now.
Oh really?
Do you have a season pass?
Yes, I do.
It only works with the season pass holders because the new ones, the new season pass don't have a picture on it.
I noticed that, but when I came through they said, oh it's raining, you don't have to do it.
That's what they had told us to cover them in the beginning.
Oh, they told you to cover them at first?
They had told us, but now they told us to let them open.
Let them open.
How long have you been using these?
It just started this year.
It just started, when did the new season start?
March 6th.
Do people like it?
But you said some people don't.
So far, yes.
Some people don't want to use it because of germs and everything.
Alright, well, very interesting.
Thank you.
So, this is the new system to get into the park?
Alright, thank you.
So this is the new biometric system.
What does it say on the screen when it shows they're a good citizen?
It says accepted.
That means that you can come into the park.
Now let me bring this up to you guys.
All over the country, grocery stores, banks, everybody are putting these in.
Oh they are?
H-E-B in Austin and H-E-B in Houston is starting to put it in some of their stores.
I didn't know that.
I didn't know that.
But I've read the federal documents where they say that you're going to have to thumb scan, biometrically scan, to buy or sell anything.
Oh, you've heard that?
No, I didn't know that, but I heard that on the news.
Um, no sir, the exits are around the corner, turn to your left.
So you heard on the news, we're going to have to, but that's, I mean, that's like Big Brother, but if you're a Christian, you'd kind of see it as Mark of the Beast type stuff.
Can I help you?
No, we're done.
I'm waiting for my husband and he'll get through.
Have you heard anybody talk about that and say, it's kind of like Mark of the Beast?
No, there's other people that don't want to do it, so I just have to... Oh, they don't tell you why they don't want to do it?
Yeah, they haven't told me why they don't want to do it.
They just say that they don't want to do it.
What percentage?
Like 1 out of 10 doesn't want to do it, or how many?
No, it's really, yeah, like 1 out of 10.
Everybody else does it because everybody's like, whoa, it's something different, you know.
Oh, it's like a new technology, whoo!
And then take it out, and do the same.
Oh, look.
It's so easy being a global citizen.
Sir, do you like the new system?
Yes sir, I do.
You know they're gonna make you do that to go to the grocery store.
I've read the federal plans.
Did you notice that you scan when you got a driver's license?
Oh yeah?
When you got a driver's license, they didn't scan you?
Remember putting your finger on the red light?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Remember that?
They've been doing that for ten years.
This is part of a total grid.
And I know you love your son here.
You need to research biometrics.
This is bad news.
And people need to complain about it, yeah.
About what?
What's bad news?
About biometrics.
They're going to install a new national sales tax using this.
Big corporations have lined up under Homeland Security funding to put the biometrics in to get us to accept it.
And so then when you scan your hand, when that happens, when you put your hand on the scanner, you then are being conditioned to be part of the system.
So research it.
Good talking to you.
Alright, let's hit the clip.
How much longer was left in that, guys?
About a minute left or not even?
Maybe we'll play more of it later.
I want to take some more calls and then at the 30 after we're actually going to have the writer of this
I think it's of this latest article.
It had about two, three minutes left.
Well, we might play more of that later.
This article on the EMT driver and associate, the other EMT worker who was tending to the sick lady.
We're gonna get the whole story from the reporter who was on the scene.
We've been trying to get the people actually involved.
They don't seem to be.
Wanting to come on the radio program.
I don't know if they're actually aware of who we are or they're scared of the media or they're scared of the repercussions in their town.
But we're going to get start to finish what did happen there outside of what you saw on the video.
You know, this outrageous out of control cop putting his hands on an EMT worker who's trying to help somebody.
I mean, they tried to arrest him and people he resisted arrest.
Had he not resisted, he would have gone to jail.
He didn't go to jail.
There's a state law.
You know, we didn't read that, I don't think, on air.
But he goes, it's a state law.
And that's because there is a state law that actually protects paramedics in Oklahoma.
A new law in Oklahoma makes it a felony to attack or injure emergency medical technicians, which it should be.
But will the law really protect them?
In Oklahoma last year, 14 EMSA paramedics were attacked while on the job.
Eight of those were in Tulsa and six in Oklahoma City.
So he immediately says there's a state law.
And like I said, he really did keep his cool.
Those cops were way, way out of line.
You can go see the video over at Infowars.com or my blog, TheInfoWarrior.com.
DP in California, you're on the air.
Yes, DP.
Thanks, Jason, for taking my call.
I was really interested in the clip you showed there at SeaWorld.
I was not aware that that was in control.
I hate to kind of digress, but I need some help on HR 1207.
The only thing I have is off of governmenttrack.us, and in the summary it says that
This act repeals the authority of the Comptroller General to carry on an on-site examination of an open insured bank or bank holding company only if the appropriate federal regulatory agency has consented in writing.
It retains the authority of the Comptroller General to audit a federal agency.
When my friends see this, they say, I don't want no part of that if it repeals the authority of the Comptroller General to carry out these on-site
I pretty well understand this, but is there a place that we can go to to find a better explanation of exactly... And the bill you're talking about is the audit of the Fed bill, right?
I would go to CampaignForLiberty.com or RonPaulWarRoom.com.
I'm sure there's all sorts of things about the intricacies of the bill, you know, how it's going to work and how it's going to enact.
I think we've done some stories over at Infowars.com as well.
I know there are a ton of stories going up every day and it's very hard to go through all these things.
Go check Campaign for Liberty.
I'm sure that there's a link that explains the entire bill over there.
I thank you for the call.
Let's go to John in Florida.
John, you're on the air.
Yes, John.
Hey, uh, yeah, this thing, uh, like I was doing some research and I found out that, uh, when Governor, uh, was he, he was the Governor of Texas, George Bush, that, uh, he, he executed like 150 people.
Yeah, he executed a bunch of people.
Yeah, he executed a bunch of people.
Do you know the one, he only commuted one sentence?
Yeah, what's this, uh, the, the Madam Morris murders?
Is that what we're going to get into right here?
No, it was Henry Lee Lucas.
In connection with these Brownsville and Matamoros murders, these ritualistic killings.
Beyond that, I mean, there aren't a lot of media reports for me to really get into.
There's a quote from 2000, which I don't even want to say because it's from one news source, and I'd like to get the video clip before I actually speak about it.
But it is interesting.
Go check out what I just talked about, my man.
We're gonna go to Chris, Steven, Freeburger, and others on the other side.
It's the Alex Jones Show, back after this.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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I think a storm's coming.
All those drifter's days are past me now, I've got so much more to think about.
Deadlines and commitments, what to leave in, what to leave out.
Against the wind, we were running.
And that's what we need to be doing.
Because right now the wind is blowing in a very dangerous direction, folks.
And we're going to play more of that biometric clip because he does switch it up from being outside and goes internally and you really see even more of the biometric equipment they have inside of SeaWorld.
It's actually just pretty crazy.
But we're also going to really outline this whole Obama speech.
I think I started recording maybe two or three minutes into it.
We're going to break it down all in the next hour.
Alex Jones coming up at the top of the hour and in about five minutes we're going to have the person that wrote this article on the EMT being jackbooted, if you will, by the police.
Oh, don't try to save that old woman's life!
What's going on, Jason?
Not too bad.
Fort Detrick, Maryland.
I'm here in Frederick, Maryland.
Just wanted to touch on a couple subjects.
I'd say about 10 years ago, I was driving to D.C.
I was driving down the interstate, the 495.
I don't know.
Paranoid guy that I am.
I started to research it, look into it, and I haven't got much out of it.
I've actually contacted the State Highway Administration and looked into that, but I haven't got much out of it.
And then you guys talking about the grid, I just felt that it probably, being around the nation's capital, that perhaps they have these on I-70, which goes from the east to the west already, and it's been there for maybe much longer than we thought.
Well, I mean, if you go to a place like Virginia, where there is a lot of national security infrastructure and underground bunkers, I mean, there's cameras everywhere on the road, all over the place.
I mean, talk about a grid that's built there.
You go to New York City, that same grid is almost in place.
You go to the UK, that grid is in place.
And now they're militarizing those grids all over.
You don't see that grid, for instance,
as heavy in a Boston Massachusetts area but now they're upping the police force I mean those are just precursors to what they want to do to not only the entire nation but eventually the entire world and they almost can get around that with the spy satellite technology that they have now that I mean just look at you know Google Earth and Google Street View I mean you can get pretty nitty-gritty with just that technology that's open source so I mean this has been you know they've been building infrastructure for some time
This is just a big coming out party with the Obama administration and his speech today.
And again, we're going to analyze that speech in the next hour.
I thank you for the call.
Let's go to Stephen in Texas.
Stephen, you're on the line.
Yes, Stephen.
Hey, good afternoon, Jason.
Hey, first of all, I wanted to say, man, with some of the calls you've been getting today, I kind of
I think I figured out what's going on here.
You're from up north just like I am.
Santa Claus, the myth about him, he's at the North Pole.
Obviously, Santa Claus, because he's a mythological character and you're from up north too, that proves that you're promoting myths.
You just don't know what you're talking about.
You're just living in a fantasy land.
Actually, what I'm doing is I'm trying to use absurdity to point out absurdity, because what I'm saying makes a whole lot more sense than these people that are calling in here, like this guy earlier, making a big deal about the fact that the name Bush isn't in any of Alex's movies.
Now, I want to say this, dude.
You need to wake up and get real to me.
Are you blind or just stupid?
I've seen just about every one of Alex's movies, and yours as well, Jason.
And I mean, for crying out loud, 9-11, the road to tyranny, that whole thing exposes the fact that the Bush administration was intimately tied in with 9-11 in carrying out that whole thing.
So, for you to go into stuff like that, here's the bottom line.
Okay, Obama deception, and I've called in and mentioned this before, Jason.
And you agreed with me.
The thrust of that name, what it means is that the Obama deception is getting caught up in this left versus right thing, you know, focusing on the fact that he's a so-called liberal and a leftist and all this other stuff, instead of the fact that the agenda he's pushing, which is he works for the same people that Bush worked for.
And the bottom line is this, you need to wake up because regardless of what's going on,
One day, these people that are running things are going to come to your door, and then it's not going to make a difference whose name is on the documentary.
Stephen, you're dead on.
We'll be back after this with Dave Jordan discussing the EMT and Oklahoma PD.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's out there!
We are back, and we are joined by Dave Jordan of News9.com, the Oklahoma City NBC affiliate out of Little Rock, Arkansas.
Wait, I guess, no, no, he previously worked there.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure what the affiliate is here.
Well, why don't you just, for starters, describe what happened outside of this video.
In other words, what have you been able to surmise is the case?
I mean, why was this woman going to the hospital?
Why were these people pulled over in the first place?
What happens before we get to see, I guess, the son take his cell phone camera and start documenting the event?
Okay, well before I say anything, I have to say that I'm with the CBS affiliate in Oklahoma City, KWTV.
So let's get that out there.
We got a call on
Memorial Day this past Monday from the gentleman who shot that video, Kenyatta Davis.
He told me that his mother had suffered heat stroke.
His mother lives in the town of Bowley, which is in another area of Oklahoma, and every weekend, every year, they have this rodeo that goes on, and he was with his mom, and they attended the rodeo.
And he actually lives in Oklahoma City, but he was visiting with his mother, and he stayed the weekend.
Well, his mom was doing some workouts out of the house and suffered from a heat exhaustion, he told me.
So they called an ambulance, which was run by the... They called 911, as you would expect, and the ambulance picked him up from the Creek Nation.
It's the Creek Nation, the Indian tribe, which runs the ambulance services in that area.
Well, they picked him up, and they picked up his mother, and they were riding to the emergency room in a nearby town called Prague, to the hospital.
And what happens after that is a matter of debate between the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and
The Davis family, but judging from what the Davis family told me, that's all I can pretty much tell you is what they told me.
Alright, so from the perspective of the Davis family, how does this all occur?
I mean, do we have any other eyewitnesses outside of the Davis family?
Well, we did hear from some other eyewitnesses yesterday who pretty much confirmed the Davis family's version of events.
And I'll tell you what those events are.
They were riding down Highway 62 through a town called Payden.
And they were not running hot, as they say.
They did not have on their siren.
They did not have on their lights.
They were just driving down the road, which did not have a lot of traffic and was a winding road, as you would expect on a holiday weekend in a small town.
And they said, within a matter of seconds, they saw an OHP trooper pull up next to them, just out of nowhere.
The OHP trooper, according to the Davis family, was not running his hot either.
They had the lights on, they didn't have the sirens on.
But this trooper just got in his car, according to the Davis' then, drove up to the ambulance, and on their way to a separate call, they were responding to a call of a, I believe, stolen car.
Then they called for backup and another ambulance came over, another, I'm sorry, OHP trooper car came over.
And they got into an argument because the troopers believed that the ambulance did not yield to them so that they could respond to the call.
The ambulance maintained, the paramedic maintained, Paul Frank was the one driving.
And he said in a written statement that he did not hear them, and because of the trajectory of the road and how it was winding, he could not see them.
He didn't know that they were driving up that quickly until after they had passed him, or when they approached him.
So had he known that, he would have yielded.
Well, the troopers went and dealt with their official business, and once that was concluded, they turned or they stayed where they were, and when the ambulance was passing, they stopped them and pulled them over to ticket them for not yielding.
The paramedics, the first one they dealt with was Paul, and he pretty much said, well, you know something, let's deal with this at the hospital.
I have a patient in the back that is being treated.
We need to go to the hospital.
He maintains that the trooper in question, his name I believe is Daniel Martin.
He started yelling and said, you know, get your blank in my vehicle.
I'm writing you a ticket now.
This is ridiculous.
Let's stop for a second.
This is the, this is the driver.
This is the older white gentleman with the glasses, correct?
That's what he's saying is that is what happened.
Now, Kenyatta Davis was riding in the passenger side of the ambulance and saw all of this happen, saw them yelling and screaming.
So he just stayed inside.
Well, apparently, the other paramedic, that would be the black gentleman, his name is Maurice White, he came out of the car and said, listen, we have to go and get this patient treated to the hospital.
And there was a mini-scuffle that occurred, according to OHP and according to him, where they tried to arrest him, and he said, no, you're not arresting me.
If you want to take this up, let's go to the hospital, and once we get this patient admitted, then you can do whatever you want to do.
And now this is before the passenger, the son, starts filming at all.
There's a scuffle before the filming begins.
There's a scuffle before the filming that we have not seen.
That apparently was recorded by Dash Cam Video, which I'll talk about in a few minutes.
The driver is still outside the vehicle.
Mr. White goes back in and begins working on Kenyatta's mother, you know, trying to get her up to speed.
And at that point, Kenyatta comes out of the ambulance to see what's going on on the passenger side of the ambulance, see what's going on.
And they told him yet again, you know, we're stopped.
This is what's happening.
This is what's going on.
At that point, he pulls out his phone and he starts to record everything.
He does a little introduction on the Raw video, which you could probably see, and he says, you know, this is me.
OHP just pulled over my mother's ambulance.
This is what she... Because they said that we didn't pull over as we were trying to get her to the hospital.
So I'm just going to record some video of what's going on.
So once he recorded the video,
That's all the video that you see from that point.
That's what we reported, that's what he sent to us, and that's what we reported on.
And then, the ambulance, the OHP trooper tried to arrest Mr. White again for the second time, and that's when the scuffle
And you know, in the video you see Mr. White actually telling Mr. Davis not to get involved.
Yeah, not to get involved.
It seems like he's waiting for cooler heads to prevail just to go.
Now, before we get into, you know, what may or may not be on that tape, apparently from the police cam,
Isn't there an apparatus out there where these police instead of pulling over this ambulance could have contacted the ambulance service or the hospital and asked if they were on call or if they were on an emergency call?
Isn't there something there?
Couldn't they have done something else other than pull these guys over in a failure to yield when they didn't apparently even have their sirens on?
There is a situation where an ambulance is responding to something, or a police officer is responding to something.
You can always verify whether there is a call in progress.
You know, we may not in the media have that ability, but 9-1-1 and other emergency managers can always verify with each other whether there's a call in progress.
And, you know, the failure to yield issue was never disputed by the paramedics.
The paramedics said, you know, maybe we did fail to yield, but we did not see him.
Had we seen him, we would have yielded.
And they were not denying anything happened.
They were not denying that they were trying not to yield, which both parties would probably doubt.
They just wanted the issue handled after the patient was admitted to the hospital.
Well, I mean, it seems like the guy is very frustrated even in the, you know, 20 or so seconds that he's talking to the officer before the physical altercation actually ensues.
And he does try to arrest him.
I mean, he literally does say, you're under arrest two or three different times and it's when he tries to cuff him.
You know, the guy again mentions the state law, which we have in front of us.
Will EMT law protect paramedics?
A new law in Oklahoma makes it a felony to attack or injure emergency medical technicians.
But will the law really protect them?
I mean, it just seems ludicrous to me that we can't handle this.
I mean, if there's anything to handle at the hospital, especially since that's the only EMT in the back with the patient.
Well, I can tell you that when we heard about this in the newsroom, we got a call on Monday
And if any of you guys have ever worked at news, you get calls from many people alleging different things.
And when you start looking into the story, it's not always as it seems.
And I was one of the reporters who drew the short straw and was working that Monday on Memorial Day and got the phone call from Mr. Davis, who explained his position and talked about what was going on and talked about what happened.
And I told him, well, I'm not going to do the story today because I want to give OHP a chance to respond to this.
And he said, oh, that's fine, I'm just going to email you some video.
And he did, and I looked at it, and I looked at it again the next day, and I called him, and his version of events did not change.
Now, I contacted OHP, and OHP said that, you know, they referred us to, well, let me just say, the PIO that I spoke with, the Public Information Officer, told me that there was some dash cam video that had been turned over to the
District Attorney in the area where this all transpired, in Okluskie County.
The Assistant District Attorney, her name is Maxie Riley, I've been speaking with her for the past couple of days, and the first version that she told me, what she did tell me initially, was that the dash cam video shows Mr. White attacking the trooper.
And, you know, and it recorded everything, soup to nut, and Mr. White could be facing charges, and those charges could come down as early as this week.
And I just checked about six minutes ago, and she told me there were no charges that were coming down yet.
They have not filed, they have not made a decision on whether to file what was going on.
And are we going to be able to see this video?
I mean, is it going to be to the point where you have to ask for an FOIA request?
Are they going to voluntarily let the public see this?
Well, they said that they're not going to release the video until after it goes to trial, or presumably after charges are handed down.
So we've been talking back and forth.
I was told that, you know, that's a decision that will come later on.
But, you know, if there's dash cam video that supports the trooper's version of events,
Clearly, that could go a long way towards being what actually transpired.
Well, it really seems to me that if that were the case, we would have seen this trooper video by now, but I'll be shocked if that is the case.
But again, let's give them the benefit of the doubt, although I'm not sure that the way that they acted, again, pulling over an ambulance, enables that.
Let's talk about the troopers in general.
Do any of these guys have any kind of a past history of complaints such as this?
I mean, is this supposedly an isolated incident, or has this happened before?
I've gotten a couple of calls that would suggest... Well, before I even go into that, I just want to say that Mr. Davis made it perfectly clear, or plainly clear to me, that there was only one trooper that was involved in this, in terms of trying to arrest the paramedic.
He said the other troopers who were on the scene were just trying to diffuse the situation.
You know, he said there was one trooper that I called by name, Daniel Martin, who was the responding trooper.
As of now, when I spoke with OHP, he's now the subject of an internal investigation.
While that investigation goes on, or they would suspend him outright.
Paid administrative leave is seen as a procedural type of thing.
Suspension is seen more as a punishment or a reprimand.
Well, what can you tell us about this?
Well, what can you tell us about this internal investigation?
Are they at least telling you what he's being investigated for?
What are some of these previous complaints?
Well, the previous complaints, I haven't gotten any word back from OHP on the previous complaints I asked about that.
They said that they're still looking into it and I don't know whether there's a procedural thing that goes on unless someone is, you know, charged with a crime or, you know, formally, you know, being investigated whether they release that information to the public.
But I will tell you that I've gotten at least one other call from a paramedic for the same organization who alleges that someone stopped her, that same trooper stopped her vehicle while she was trying to transport a pregnant woman.
So, wait a minute, this guy has a past of... This isn't the first time he's pulled over an ambulance and the other incident was with a pregnant woman?
Well, that is one of the allegations that's being made from a paramedic who works in the same group.
Now, from that allegation, I mean, was she ticketed?
Was she detained?
Was she stopped?
Did she find this difficult?
I mean, what's her... Well, I'm still working the story and trying to get all angles.
Um, as far as what happened, um, you know, she called and left me a message and I spoke with her husband about this because he was, actually, he was the one who called.
So, I'm still trying to confirm that and I'm still trying to talk to, you know, the paramedics in question, but the paramedics were not, um, Mr. White and Mr. Frank have not been suspended either, according to the Creek Nation.
They're still on duty, they're still paramedics, and they're still working, working, um, on their shift.
Now, now, does this guy have any kind of, like, relations?
Is there a good ol' boy network out there?
I mean, if this guy's under investigation, he's not on paid administrative leave at all, he's not on leave while he's being investigated, that seems to, to be, I mean, this seems like maybe it's a smaller community, people are afraid to speak up.
Is that because there is this, you know, back, backwards network out there?
I mean, does this guy have relatives, friends in, in the, uh,
In the upper echelons of the city council, I mean, what's the deal here?
Does he have any of those kind of connections?
Well, from some of the viewers I heard from, there seems to be that perception that he's being protected.
I don't know if, I can't say for certain whether the OHP is protecting them, but there is a judge in the county where this all happened who happens to have the last name of the same trooper.
And I'm trying to make the connection there.
I just spoke with the DA.
I asked if they were related, and she told me she didn't believe that they were, but I haven't been able to confirm that.
Because, you know, again, we're still working the story.
We're still trying to find out some stuff.
I still would like to see the entire dash cam video of what transpired.
Yeah, I think that's utterly necessary.
I mean, we need to know what happened before, especially because, you know, the way that the video that I've seen, the gentleman in the back is trying to keep the coolest of heads, and it's not until, again, they try to arrest him, and he is the only EMS worker in the back with this woman, that he tends to get a little hot.
He doesn't even really get hot there.
It's when they put their hands on him and say he's under arrest.
And you know, my point is, I've had callers come in and say, no, he's the bad guy, he resisted arrest.
Had he not resisted, they would have taken him into custody, he would have been processed, and this woman would have been taken to the hospital without an EMS worker in the back.
To me, that's crazy.
Well, and they said that's the reason they didn't arrest him, because there was a patient back there.
But, you know, and they said that he could be arrested later on, and when I asked, well, why wasn't he arrested at the scene,
They didn't want to arrest the paramedic because they said they didn't want to leave that area, which is a relatively small area, without a paramedic on duty.
But that's kind of doublespeak because then they would have arrested him after he got to the hospital or charged him.
Like you said, there have been no charges yet.
And he hasn't been arrested yet.
Yeah, and he hasn't been arrested yet.
So it really, to me, seems like they're really trying to cover their own, you know, backsides, if you will.
And this is just, to me, it was a really disgusting incident.
These people are out there to save lives.
This could have been dealt with with just a call, like you said, to the 911 operator.
We're good to go!
So, you know, I hope that you continue to pursue this story.
You hit us up with any updates.
I really thank you for your time, sir.
And, like I said, if you get anything more, if the dashcam is released, please give us an email, please give us a call, and we'd love to have you back on.
Well, thank you so much.
And, you know, I can tell you that this story has gone viral, and we've gotten tons of calls from across the country.
You know, it's been all over the cable news network.
I think it made it in at least one story on the network level, so it's definitely an issue people are going to be keeping a close eye on, myself included.
Alright, thank you so much.
Dave Jordan, everybody, and the latest on that EMT versus Oklahoma PD incident, really a disgusting incident in my opinion, and a blight on the police force, and really the police state that is encroaching on us.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Back with your calls after this.
Alex, on the other side of the hour.
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Alright, we are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Alex about to join us at the top of the hour.
We're going to really be analyzing this latest Obama speech, the coming out party for Internet 2, for the Cyber Security Coordinator, for further DHS, NSA, CIA control of your life.
An expansion of the Bush administration's policies.
I promise you that.
Alright, let's go to callers.
Freeburger in Virginia, you're on the air.
Uncle Burmas, what's up?
How you doing, friend?
Not too bad.
Congratulations on being an uncle.
Oh, thank you.
I'm hoping to get back to New York shortly.
Actually, my sister went back up there with the baby, so hopefully sometime in the next month I'm going to go get to meet the latest addition to the family.
That's awesome.
And I want to thank the Prison Planet crew for what they do, and thanks for taking my call.
Oh, you got it.
So, yeah, I wish I had been on the phone with Mr. Chapman.
He's pretty reliable information.
Yeah, I just wanted to give a shout out to the Reinhardt fellow who has the Enterprise Corruption website.
He makes a lot of varied predictions, but you should check out his journal.
It's pretty interesting.
What do you think about this whole Obama speech about the new cyber security coordinator and all these hack attacks and how we have to regulate the internet and you know the cyber bullying bill and Miley Cyrus behind it.
I mean it really does seem like a concerted effort to fast track even further enslavement and control of the internet and technology in general.
That's pretty intense.
It's too bad more people aren't informed to try to take action and call their local representatives to take care of that.
Yeah, too many people just really do not see the bigger picture.
And again, that's why it's so important that people go and get an endgame, because it really does lay out a huge agenda in only two hours.
I thank you for the call.
Derek in Utah, you're online.
Yes, Derek.
Yes, sir.
Hey, thank you.
I noticed you guys are fighting the info war with the wrong tools in your servers there.
I'm talking about tech-savvy people right now.
And what you guys are using is magnetic disks in your servers, right?
You know, I have no idea.
I've got to be honest.
I've got no idea.
Well, you're using Newton's Law, and Newton knew about magnetism, and that's what those disks are based off of.
Go ahead.
And you've got to fight the info war with Moore's Law.
And I'll give you a website.
It's www.fusionio.com.
And what they do is they accelerate storage and it's just going to be an awesome, awesome tool for you guys.
I heard Alex saying that his bandwidth was costing $10,000.
You take that $10,000 and invest in a drive and your bandwidth is going to be amazing.
All right, the tech guys are listening, so hopefully they can help you with it.
Thanks for the call, Derek.
Let's go to Manuel in California.
Manuel, you're on the air.
Hey, Jason.
Thanks for taking my call.
I just wanted to say a special thank you to all the 9-11 Truth people out there.
You guys have a link on Prison Planet right now to an interview with Richard Gage about 9-11 Truth.
I'm the producer that got him to come on to our TV show.
Oh, excellent!
The response has been phenomenal.
I kind of reached out to that and got him on for an interview, and it was great.
I had a good response to... Man, while I've got Alex coming up, I wish I could have spent more time with you, and I thank you so much for helping us break into the mainstream.
We'll be back with Alex Jones after this.
It is the Alex Jones Show!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNLive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Into the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Before Alex comes on, we're going to play the rest of that biometric SeaWorld clip.
Really, you know, a man before his time.
Really not before his time, right on time in my opinion.
He's the one that really pioneered this fight in the info war.
This is an old school clip.
This is something you can't find on YouTube yet.
Hopefully we're going to do like a...
Oh, I love my thumb scanner.
Man, I'm so hungry.
Oh, it's so lovely.
Oh, you're approved!
Oh, you're approved too, sir.
Come on in.
Guys, you're being biometrically enrolled.
Bad news.
Hey, how's it going?
Hey, I guess you're not going to need these cameras anymore since the biometrics are going in, huh?
You know the hand scan?
When did that start?
This season, I believe.
And so no more photos?
My photos are only for the two day passes.
Two day passes.
I wonder why you didn't just stay with photos.
Why go to the biometrics?
Just look at a photo.
I don't know why they did that.
Homeland Security.
You said Homeland Security, sir?
I got a family of four.
Can someone take care of them?
I've got a family of four.
What do I keep coming here for?
For what?
For photos?
Or for passport stuff?
Sir, you were saying Homeland Security?
Who told you that?
I want to give you my ticket to come back in a later time.
Okay, well, actually, this is what I research, this is what I do, and it is actually Homeland Security with the big corporations to get us used to this.
H-E-B's putting in thumb scanners in Houston and College Station, and some in Austin.
Yeah, and everywhere you're going to have to thumb scan.
Even when you pay cash, you have to face scan, thumb scan, or hand scan.
When it happens, I want you to remember.
That's a dictatorship or what?
It's a dictatorship, isn't it?
Did you say that?
It is.
Say it for us loud.
That's it.
It's supposed to be land of the free, home of the brave.
No, but seriously, it's a federal plan to get everybody used to doing it.
Then they can start a new national sales tax and go to a cashless society.
No more money.
You're going to scan.
And I think we read about that somewhere.
I think a couple thousand years ago they warned us about it.
But I guess it's here.
I guess we're going to do it.
Have you heard about that chip on the news?
How they want all the kids to take that chip?
You haven't heard about the microchip?
Alright, well have a good one.
We're the American populace, and I'm sorry if that's hard for you to hear.
I'm a big moron, too, folks.
It's true, I've bought into the pop culture scenarios.
I care who wins the playoffs.
You know, I watch... I listen to Howard Stern, for God's sakes.
You know, I am sucked into the entertainment world, too, but, you know, I take some time off from that.
I would say, you know, 95% of my time off from that, that mindless droning, that x-boxing, that weeing.
Ooh, PS3!
I mean, I do take some time off to that for the real world, for reality, to report to you that the Supreme Court is making Orwellian decisions that are taking away your Miranda rights any way they slice it.
Oh, well, if you invoke the right to a lawyer, you're okay, unless it's a certain circumstance where we're beating the snot out of you and coercing a...
A confession.
I mean, it's insanity.
And coming up after this, if we don't have Jones on the line yet, we're going to start playing this Barack Obama speech where it's all about, oh, we're only a WebPoint 2.0.
We need a new age.
We got to track, trace, and database everything.
It's the smart grid system.
We want all your medical information to be digitized because we love you.
We love you so much.
Meanwhile, we have edible RFIDs on the shelf.
Yes, edible RFID tags.
We covered it yesterday, folks.
Just Google it.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
PrisonPlanet.TV, Infowars.com, and TruthNews.us.
Hello, friends.
This is Alex Jones.
That's more important than ever.
We're good.
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Going into battle, you would want all the ammunition for your gun you could get.
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I think?
We're good.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alex Jones now joins us to discuss the latest in not only this cyber security guard and Obama speech, but the latest news on this cop attacking an EMS worker.
You know, he's under internal investigation right now.
He does seem to be part of this back alley.
Good ol' boys network, and we know that there are at least two cameras that caught this, two of the police officer dash cams, that they're not releasing and they're saying, oh we're waiting for this to go to trial or charges to be filed, yet they didn't arrest this guy!
There aren't any charges to be filed because he didn't do anything, Alex.
Absolutely, that's what's so atrocious about this story is that witnesses are all over the news saying that the ambulance couldn't get traffic to move out of the way, the police wanted to go somewhere as well,
So the police began violently getting right on the tail of the ambulance and then shot around the ambulance on the shoulder.
And then later when they were done with whatever business it was that they never said, so it must not have been very important, they then chase the ambulance back down, jump out, get in the driver's face, scream and yell at him.
He submits.
And then they go and open up the back.
Acting like mad dogs, because see, once they do wrong, they have to legitimize it by saying you're bad, beating you up, falsely charging you, doing something.
It's like when they beat you up after they shoot you in the back.
I see this time, or after they break pro-lifers' arms, they then beat them up.
It's not enough to savagely compound fracture them.
It's got to continue, and I have footage of all of this.
People peacefully sitting on the side of the sidewalk, and this is happening, and I know most police
And I've seen him commenting on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, in the articles that Steve Watson wrote and that Kurt Nemo posted.
I've seen him saying, well, yes, we're not trained to choke people, and we're not trained to act like that, and yeah, that guy should probably get in trouble, but don't think this is all of us.
You know, the issue is, every time stuff like this happens, the police defend.
The police defend the bad cops that do this, so that makes the entire system bad.
And look, Oklahoma is legendary.
I don't vacation in Oklahoma.
They have great people up there, but I don't vacation in Oklahoma because of how many friends and family I've had shaken down by the police, beat up by the police.
I mean, if you're going one mile over the speed limit in Oklahoma, many of these rural state police and others will.
It's almost like Mexican police in Mexico.
And see, I mean, everybody knows they're corrupt down there.
We're getting to be known like this here.
And so the incredible thing is,
They told local news stations that I read on your show last night, 9 to midnight, so there's no sense in going back over them today, but we posted links to them yesterday, that, oh, there was a fight.
Oh, the paramedic and the policeman got in a fight.
Well, why was the car pulled over?
Why is it being called a fight?
He does nothing.
The cop is attacking him, shoving him, pushing him, grabs him by the arms, starts twisting him behind his back for no reason.
The guy pulls his arm away.
That is the assault of the God creature.
Okay, so this is the mental illness.
So he was the guy in the back of the ambulance.
He was the attending emergency medical person.
And so then the police go to the news and say, well, they'd been in a fight before that, before the cameras were turned on.
So I mean, just insane.
But now eyewitnesses are saying, no, everything you see on the tape is basically what happened.
And that's why the police realize
In their moment of guilt, which just shows they're mad dog out of control.
They're not even really evil.
They're just out of their minds, you know, on a power trip.
That's why they finally, after they choke the guy and he sits there and controls himself and lets him torture him, literally that's what torture is, they then kind of shake themselves out of it and leave.
But then they come back and say, well, we're probably going to charge you later.
Get ready for an indictment.
Get ready for a warrant.
You know, don't leave town.
It's time to admit you're not God.
I'm not a God.
I put my pants on one leg at a time.
I make mistakes.
I'm wrong.
I've been young and hot-headed.
I don't go around road-raging, but when I was younger, when people would road-rage me, I'd jump out of the car and say, let's go.
And a few times, you'd got bloody.
Well, now I just know how to say, yep, you're tough.
That's right.
And I'll even run from somebody, because I've got work to do.
I'd love to jump out of the car and start kicking their teeth in, because I'm a human being and I got red blood.
It's actually fun at a certain level, at an animal level.
But I have a wife and children to take care of.
I have a mission to complete.
And I will only open a can of Whoop-Ass if I have to protect myself or protect somebody else, and I'm 100% in the right.
I'm not looking for a fight.
And old-fashioned lawmen or peace officers weren't looking for fights.
But I'll tell you this, when they had to charge up the UT Tower,
They didn't cower for three or four hours like they always do now, waiting for federal orders and backup.
They didn't need a bunch of fancy gear because they had testicles, and I'm sorry to use that term, but that's what it comes down to.
You know, the more gear, the more crud, the more, you know, supposed tactical training, all of this stuff is a joke.
I've talked to a lot of old police, a lot of old retired police about the stories about the things they did without all this gear, without all this crud, and the truth is they've made the police be against the people.
They have turned them against us.
They have trained them, that they're all under incredible danger, where I've seen cops approaching women, old women in convertibles, on 360, you know, highway, like they're approaching Al-Qaeda.
And they are scared to death of everything, they think we're the enemy, they think we're out to kill them, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as they get more and more abusive, we're going to start getting more and more abusive, and the trust is gone, and everything goes to hell in a handbasket.
We are all Americans.
We live in the same country.
This country is going down the tubes in a police state.
And the sick part is that the media would come out and try to call this a fight and try to spin it and then let the police sit there with no evidence.
You better believe they would have released this Dash video if they had proof.
And, you know, it's all there.
The EMT is in the back trying to attend to the lady and they're telling him, stop, stop what you're doing, and he's got boxes of equipment.
And he just says, what's your problem?
Get out of my way.
I'm doing my job.
And it's about a power trip.
It's none of the cop getting control of his ego and going, my God, I've got an ambulance pulled over because they didn't get out of my way.
I'm on an ego trip.
These guys are professionals.
They've had to pass state laws and federal laws to leave ambulances alone.
I've been reading the email and the comments.
We've had scores of EMTs.
I mean, probably more than 50.
Oh yeah, cops were pulling us over in Denver.
Cops were pulling us over in Dallas.
Cops were pulling us over in New York.
And telling us we couldn't speed.
There's no even law saying that.
Yeah, well actually, as revealed by Dave Jordan, the cop that, you know, was the main guy in this incident that now is being internally investigated, also had pulled over an ambulance that contained a pregnant woman.
So this is his M.O.
This isn't the first time he's even pulled over an ambulance, Alex.
Yeah, he's obviously some kind of lunatic.
And see, instead of in the past, they would just kick lunatics out of the police force.
Listen, I know a fella, manager of a Home Depot,
He's been on the show before.
Nice clean cut.
No criminal record.
Paralyzed from the chest down.
And the cop pulls him over and says, what is this?
And he goes, these are my hand controls.
And he said, get out of the car.
And he said, officer, OK, my wife's got to get my wheelchair out of the back.
And he said, you liar.
There's nothing wrong with you.
He said, I said, get out now.
So the guy starts trying to get out.
He grabs him out, beats him up.
This guy tried to sue him.
And the cop got promoted to a supervisor commander level in Austin.
He's a huge right head.
And that's who they want.
They go, oh, you beat up a guy who's paralyzed.
You're the guy we want.
You're the guy that'll follow orders.
You're the guy... I mean, this is who they want.
This is who they want.
I mean, and look, people may think it's cool to beat up somebody who's paralyzed because they don't walk when you order them to.
And the mental illness is you didn't learn to, you know,
I don't know.
And so that's why we're seeing every day, I see an article about a paralyzed person, a retarded person, an autistic person, beat up or killed by the police.
Because there'll be some, you know, 16-year-old retarded kid, wandering around in Canada or England or the U.S.
You know, I see this story every few days.
And the cops walk up and say, who are you?
Some tattletale Nazi neighbor calls in and says there's a weird person.
And they can't talk and they go, the cop goes, alright, pal, get on the ground.
They don't do it, they taser him.
The person gets up, scared, starts running.
The cop crawls down, guns him down.
His associates, these are real stories, folks.
The associates show up and say, well, the officer felt threatened.
This is mental illness.
That they can't have more control of themselves.
Being a man means that you're in control of yourself and don't care about your ego.
You know, that's why cops have such a problem with alcoholism, drug abuse, the highest rate of divorce, the highest rate of suicide.
Because in their own personal lives, this attitude... I mean, my God!
I got natural testosterone.
And I have to control myself looking for a fight all the time.
I mean, I want to attack people all the time, because I'm a man.
But the point is, I mean, I want to get in fights.
I hope some big guy starts a fight with me on a subconscious level, because I am a killer ape, as they say.
But the issue is, I've got too much testosterone.
That's why I'm almost scared to be getting in shape right now, because I get more aggressive.
Can you imagine that 30 plus percent of police, they admit, federal statistics, are on hardcore steroids?
Can you imagine wanting more artificial steroids in you than what you have naturally in you?
As if cops need this to be tough?
Look, if you think you need steroids to be a tough guy, you shouldn't be a cop.
If you were really a tough guy, you'd be scared of what you'd do to somebody.
And I speak from experience.
I don't claim to be some tough guy, because I've had my butt kicked plenty of times.
There's a lot of tough guys out there.
But, you know, look.
Look, all I'm saying is, you can kill people, punch them once.
And people need to understand out there that the police are mentally yelling out of control.
But Burma's... I'm ranting.
I want to get into the cyber security federal takeover.
When we get back, I want to cover some economic news and then get out of here.
The last 20 minutes or so of the show so you can take some phone calls.
But yeah, three months ago... We need a big article on this.
Three months ago, the cyber security chief... People just search engine.
The head of cyber security quits.
Says democracy threatened.
That's a little term he uses.
And if you read what the head of cyber security said that Obama appointed, he said, the Pentagon and NORTHCOM are taking over the entire telecommunications system of the United States.
This is a takeover.
And so we need to break down what life will be like under the slave grid.
We'll be back after this with Alex Jones.
And we've also got the Obama speech on this new cyber security advisor and office.
After this, it's the Alex Jones Show.
PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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I read the news today, oh boy About a lucky man who made the grade And though the news was rather sad
We are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Of course, joining us is Alex Jones.
And we're talking cyber security from the Cyber Bullying Act, which is just totally and completely being promoted by the media to the youth through Hannah Montana.
And of course, the Cyber Security Act, which is being promoted by Jay Rockefeller, Jay Rockefeller and others.
And now the Obama administration just coming out saying,
You know what?
We're going to have a new bureaucracy.
We're going to have all this control over you.
We are building a smart grid.
Your medical records will be digitized.
And earlier today, Alex, we played bits and segments of you going to SeaWorld and explaining this smart grid, this biometric control system.
Yeah, that was like seven years ago, but none of this is... I don't deserve the credit for knowing about this.
This has been all on record.
MIT, the CIA, the Defense Department were writing 20 years ago
You'll be digital face scanned, thumb printed to buy and sell.
You'll be a global sales tax.
You'll be a global carbon credit tax.
And that it's designed to categorize everything we do, everywhere we go, to create a psychological algorithm.
When you eat too much beef, you'll be given a special tax, because it's all going to be on your record.
When you drink, it'll be put on your record.
But then when you weigh too much, already in Japan, I saw the article last week,
Bureaucrats come around, social services, all adults must be weighed by the government, and then they fine and fee you and make you go to these prison workout centers to be exercised.
This is the nanny state, but it's to carry out eugenics.
That's why they want a social welfare system with a socialized healthcare, so when you have a heart attack, they give you an aspirin.
Or when you have a brain tumor, you wait 18 months.
When it would have been operable in two months and you die 100% of the time.
Let's talk about that for just a second Alex because you know last night I'm up really late it's like 3 a.m.
but I'm watching the CBS national news feed and lo and behold there's a story out of Austin and they're talking to this you know realtor this woman who's a single mother of two and she's saying oh it's so hard we had to give up our medical insurance but don't worry the new medical vans are coming around town
And that's where I take my children now.
It used to be just for lower-income families, but since we all have to sacrifice, we're going to have to use these mobile medical vans where they're basically going to give you the delicious vaccinations and drugs that just dumb you down and enslave you.
Let me break that down.
You know, I kept telling people the FEMA camps are going to be a place you've got to go.
It's not going to be, oh, here's the deadly FEMA camp.
If you read the FEMA camp bill, everything in it is already built.
It's just codifying it into law.
You'll have over a hundred small camps, six big regional camps.
Every city has it.
Robert Mueller has part of it built.
The Highland Mall has part of the FEMA Center in it now.
And poor Austinites can't even go look at it for themselves.
They just say, no, it's not true.
But the point is, they're going to have it.
As you said, this was on national news, but with Austin, the mobile vans.
And they already have this for Head Start, where they come and say, all your kids are abused.
They drill out the wrong teeth.
Because they get more federal money for the more medical stuff they do, and they're going to have medical centers on these FEMA centers, and trailers and tents, and people are going to want to live in them.
But even if you want to live under a bridge or in the woods, they're going to make you go to them.
This is all... See, I know what's going to happen, but it's all stated.
And that's why I started in Hawaii and California, and we sent a camera crew there a month ago.
It's going to be in the new Obama film.
That's why when I get on the air and I say, ladies and gentlemen, I cannot articulate to you how fast it's moving, how serious it is.
I mean, here's one right here.
Obama demands a right to recruit minors for military.
Because people don't want their 5, 6, 7 year olds having recruiters in the schools, federally, in all school districts, brainwashing the kids to join the military and having them sign agreements.
To join.
They tell them, you'll be arrested if you don't.
You know, when it's not the law.
But see, they say you'll be arrested if you don't take vaccines.
They say you'll be arrested if you yell at your kids now, when it's not even the law.
This is the system.
This is a scientific tyranny, and yes, the Cyber Security Command, and yes, now that I'm down here, you know, taking a few days off, I'm watching more TV, Hannah Montana, that Cyrus demon, and her father,
They are everywhere saying, turn your guns in.
We need to ban the First Amendment because it makes kids commit suicide.
Cyberbullying, which openly bans all free speech.
I mean, openly bans it all.
Federal felonies for any free speech that hurts someone's feelings.
We've got to pass the Cybersecurity Command.
This is an operation.
I did do the research, by the way.
It is confirmed.
His whole family are in military intelligence and black ops.
So this is definitely a giant psy-op.
How do you argue with that?
You know, your 10-year-old girl is allowed to watch TV.
She watches the brainwashing.
She wants to do what Hannah Montana is saying.
And it's all about how she's going to be a movie star if she just believes in Hannah Montana to destroy her morals, to take her away from your family.
And the boys are doing the same thing.
Folks, we have to come out of Babylon.
We have to disconnect ourselves from the Matrix now before it's too late.
We are under full assault.
Absolutely, it's not just about a backpack and a concert.
It's about an agenda, a globalist agenda.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for.
The lies he has told and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Finally in the news this evening, it's being reported that cyber spies from Russia and China have now penetrated our power grid.
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We are back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We are, of course, joined by the man himself, Alex Jones, while he takes a well-deserved vacation.
Hermes, please stop calling me the man myself.
And it's Alex Jones, introduced by the man himself, Jason Burmas, live, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time, on the one and the only GCN Radio Network.
No, but seriously, you know, I keep making this point over and over again.
I cannot articulate to the listeners how real this is, how fast this is moving, how hardcore this is.
They admit they are building a complete and total control grid
To where you won't be able to buy or sell, to where every farm, every ranch, even tiny gardens and people that have five or six chickens and one rooster for eggs, that's going to be controlled.
Bureaucrats all over the country, even in areas they've traditionally not been as aggressive, like Texas, are coming on people's property and saying, basically, you are my slave, you are scum.
I mean, I'm sitting here in a cruddy cabin in Texas, taking a few days off with the kids, and it says,
Protect the Planet, ProjectPlanetCore.com and it says report noisy leaks, faucets and toilets, turn off TV lights when leaving room, reduce the AC heater when leaving the room, turn off water while brushing teeth, take short showers, fill sink basin to shave, participate in the linens and towels reuse program, which we don't even have here, American Hotel and Lodging Association.
Now that's about telling you consuming is bad, that's about getting you ready to have
What you can do, micromanaged, as Nancy Pelosi admits, this is total slavery.
But they go, oh, but it's for your own good.
And the colleges are filled with nobody control freaks who are being given badges and guns as the new environmental green corps, backed up by the red and black jacketed thugs of Secure Corps, training with their M16s, not just dummy M16s, but real ones, according to Philadelphia.
Daily News to take on veterans, gun owners, and landowners.
Every time I've been to Urban Warfare Drills, they are practicing in Canada, this is on their news in Canada as well, same with England, taking on farmers and ranchers and mowing you down with machine guns.
So when they say, oh, support the military on Memorial Day, it isn't our military anymore.
That's how Hitler got the Germans to stand down and do whatever they were told, is he'd say, oh, support the military, Memorial Day.
They had one of those in Germany.
You know, you're not against the troops, are you?
They pin everything they do on the red, white, and blue, the esprit de corps, our history, our liberties, our freedoms, George Washington.
This is the opposite of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and Sam Adams and John Adams.
This is high treason, and there's no doubt this is tyranny.
There's no doubt it's used against the general public.
It's no doubt they're harassing citizens.
It's no doubt they're using army intelligence to spy on mainline citizens groups.
There's no doubt the government's staging terror attacks.
There is no doubt that they are setting up, they've already set it up.
Look, there isn't wiretapping.
The phone companies under the 1996 Telecommunications Act are set up to intercept everything.
By federal law, everything is red.
By federal law, they tear open your mail.
By federal law, they urinate, and I'm sorry to use that term, all over the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
This is about full-spectrum dominance, is what the Pentagon calls it.
And the Pentagon brags, Thomas Barnett and others, they're top futurists, that they openly work for offshore banks.
They have conquered us.
It is a big, sickening joke, but they can only continue their occupation if we're not aware that our government is illegitimate and criminal.
Now, I'm gonna get out of here so you can play the disgusting clips of the President
Out telling us about the new 2.0 Internet, which they, if you read the Internet 2 documents, they brag.
Just type in Internet 2, the Internet is dead.
That's how they always start their conferences, with the government and corporations saying they're going to shut the web down, have Chinese-style censorship, now happening in England.
Prison Planet banned most government web systems and wireless systems in Australia and England.
It's already happening here in the U.S.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's over.
The joking around is over.
It's been moving incrementally but now it's moving at warp speed.
And I know I'm ranting because we're supposed to rant about these issues and not about our favorite football team winning or losing.
Now that said, I want to get out of here and let you get to calls and play some of those clips, but I wanted to bring Jim Newcomer up because it was just a month ago that gold was at $8.80.
And I said, ladies and gentlemen, according to Bob Chapman and others, he believes it's going to rally back up.
Probably by the fall, it's going to be $1,200 an ounce.
Now, we don't have crystal balls.
We're not perfect, but we are able to, you know, really gauge the New World Order's activities, and we're right about 95% of the time.
Regardless, the dollar is openly being destroyed for the New World Order to be born, for the North American Union to be brought in right now.
Gold and silver are the way to go.
Now listen, they have month-old prices on silver, when silver was $3 less an ounce.
In one coin, the Franklin Silver half dollars, they are almost gone.
They had to go up on Lakotas from $17 to $20.
That's still five bucks cheaper than you'll find them anywhere else that I've seen.
But they still have, at the original month-old price, some of those half dollars, but they are almost gone.
And I was just talking to Jim Newcomer, who we're about to bring up in just a minute or two,
I'm so excited about this.
It supports the network, supports Midas, but it also supports those that are getting it and helps our entire operation.
So it's just win-win-win-win-win for everybody.
And it gets people to remember what real money is, not the fiat paper that they're now replacing with fiat cashless for total control.
And the greatest crime in the New World Order is going to be black market, as they call it, underground economy operating outside their grid.
We need to fight to hold on to cash and fight to hold on, more importantly,
We're good to go.
I have a lot of stuff asked about it, but tell them it's the Alex Jones Radio Special, or you'll get the $9.80 price.
That's right, it's up over $100 from a month ago, ladies and gentlemen.
And even if gold was to go down next week but then rocket back up the next week, it doesn't matter, because you're getting it at the $9.20 level.
And yes, ladies and gentlemen,
I'm selling this hard because this is what I believe in.
This is the surest, safest bet.
Is it 100% sure?
Is it a silver bullet, pun intended?
It's as close to a silver bullet as you're going to get to slay this werewolf of hyperinflation that is staring down our necks right now.
Jim Newcomer, tell folks about some of the specials.
Alex, we have the historical, the $20 Liberty at $16.27, the $10 Liberty at $7.99, and those Lakota rounds that you had talked about.
They're at $410 a roll, or $20.50.
The Franklin halves are at $880, $176 for a roll of $20.
We do have the Sovereign coin at $278.90, and the French, Swiss, or Belgian franc at $225.90.
Now, let me explain, folks.
This is just unbelievable.
We've had, we've, Gold is up 10% here in the last month, over 10%.
Silver's up over 20% in the last month.
This is normally our quiet time of the year, and the phones have just been ringing off the hook.
People are in a panic, trying to get... They understand what's going on out there in the economy, and they recognize that they have to convert the paper into real money.
And the only way they're going to do it is to put it into precious metals.
So I would urge you all to call us here.
The number's 800-686-2237.
That's 800-686-2237.
We'll have brokers here all day, up until midnight tonight, and we will endeavor to hold these prices through the weekend.
If you can't get a hold of a broker, he'll know the date and time that you call in, and he'll get back to you as soon as he gets back to his area, whether it be Monday or not, but we will honor these prices through the weekend.
And ladies and gentlemen, a lot of people think this is the financial earthquake.
This is only a tremor before the big one.
There is no doubt we have the Bilderberg Group documents, we have the Club of Rome documents, our Lateral Commission, CFR, I watch public European Union hearings in their parliament.
They plan on completely gutting the world economy and bringing us into a long, dark depression.
Now, I pray we avert this, but that doesn't look like we probably are, and again,
You think people are panicking now to buy gold and silver when the yuppies quit sucking their thumbs and acting cool and being in pompous self-delusions with their collars popped up walking around talking about what great intellectuals they are?
When they figure out CNBC's been lying to them, they are going to race to gold and silver and you're not going to be able to get your hands on it.
Killing himself to find gold and silver at good prices.
Most people have been sold out off and on for the last 12 to 14 months.
We're very competitive because we've been so aggressive in pricing.
I'm just telling you, ladies and gentlemen, that this is not the time to sit there idly by.
You need to check out and investigate gold and silver as a hedge against all of this uncertainty that's taking place.
Because these are precious industrial metals.
These things have always been what currency, real currency, real wealth is all about.
Here is the number, 800-686-2237.
And there will be brokers at Midas throughout the weekend.
Correct, Jim?
That's correct.
We will be here Saturday and Sunday.
Jim, this is scary because by the end of last summer, we saw the unseasonal race up.
And then it continued on through the fall.
And now the economic news is even more in favor of gold and silver.
It is dire, and even with the recession, with people losing their jobs and things, they don't care.
They're getting what money they have left, they're putting it into the precious metals.
Well, I've been telling people, and this is what a lot of other financial experts have concurred on, I remember six months ago, whenever
Bob Chapman said, watch, it's going to race back up.
They're going to pump the market back up to $10,000, $11,000.
And then the next time they drop it, it's going to go below $6,000.
And he called two years ago that it would be $6,000 and change in the winter slash spring of 2009.
I don't know how he does it, but he's saying, this is your chance.
Folks, don't believe me now.
Believe me later.
I'm telling you, get into gold and silver.
This is the best deal you're going to find.
This is gold.
$60 price in the market under what it is today priced in.
You can't beat that deal.
And I really appreciate you, Jim and Ted Anderson and everybody else, giving folks this opportunity and giving me the opportunity to promote it, because I just believe in it wholeheartedly.
We'll talk to you next week, Jim Newcomer.
Thank you, Alex.
All right, there goes Jim Newcomer.
I'm going to throw it to you, Burmas.
Play that clip, get to some calls, and I appreciate you sitting in Sunday.
I'll pop in as things develop with North Korea there.
I hope it's just a saber rattling.
Alright thank you so much Alex Jones everybody and remember it is so important that you support us here if you're not getting gold and silver you know to support yourselves which you should be you know support the information war get you know Alex Jones the best of especially if you're a new listener you're not a PrisonPlanet.TV subscriber you want some of these interviews in the highest quality we are trying to do volumes of the best shows this is of January 2009
And if you do become a PrisonPlanet.TV member, we're also offering Aaron Russo's Reflections and Warnings this week.
That's new.
Full, high-quality, DivX style.
And like I said, you know, this info war is very hard to support.
It's very hard for two guys to, you know, do seven hours of radio, five hours of web TV every day, work on documentary pictures, and get the word out to the masses without your support.
We're trying to get the office next door so we can do a weekend show.
We're trying to expand.
Alex is going to Sirius in June.
We're having the money bomb on June 11th.
We really do need your support and we need you to get the word out.
So tell people about the podcast.
Tell people about the Alex Jones channel on YouTube.
I have a new channel, Jason Justice 911.
Just do everything you can.
Fire ammunition in the info war.
I want to play some of this clip and we're going to be periodically stopping it on and off to really describe what Obama is saying here.
All right.
Do we got it?
Hit it.
As well of America's economic competitiveness.
The small business woman in St.
The bond trader in the New York Stock Exchange.
And of course the DVD player froze up.
At a global shipping company in Memphis.
The young entrepreneur in Silicon Valley.
They all need the networks to make the next payroll, the next trade, the next delivery, the next great breakthrough.
You see this involves all of us.
The Congress alone last year accounted for some 132 billion dollars in retail sales.
But every day, we see waves of cyber thieves trolling for sensitive information.
The disgruntled employee on the inside, the lone hacker a thousand miles away, organized crime, the industrial spy, and increasingly foreign intelligence services.
Now, you know, notice how he demonizes the disgruntled worker, aka the whistleblower that blows the whistle on Enron, that blows the whistle on the FBI.
We can't have whistleblowers, you know, and when he says, you know, hackers, lone hackers a thousand miles away.
Yeah, let's demonize.
Most hackers are people that are just trying to go with open
OpenShare software, OpenShare information.
It's not what you think, folks.
If you're a little older, you're not with the lingo, you're not with the kids.
Again, this is demonizing a broad spectrum of people and ideals.
Go ahead, Jaren, hit the clip.
Thieves used stolen credit card information to steal millions of dollars from 130 ATMs and machines in 49 cities around the world.
And they did it in just 30 minutes.
A single employee of an American company was convicted of stealing intellectual property reportedly worth $400 million.
It's been estimated that last year alone, cybercriminals stole intellectual property from businesses worldwide worth up to $1 trillion.
In short, America's economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cybersecurity.
And this is also a matter of public safety and national security.
See that?
It's public safety and national security.
Do you understand?
We rely on them for public transportation and air traffic control.
Yet we know that cyber intruders have probed our electrical grid and that in other countries cyber attacks have plunged entire cities into darkness.
Our technological advantage is a key to America's military dominance.
But our defense and military networks are under constant attack.
Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups have spoken of their desire to unleash a cyber attack on our country.
Alright, pause that right there.
Al Qaeda is going to release a cyber attack on this country.
Give me a break.
Al-Qaeda doesn't exist without the U.S.
Intelligentsia system.
We created it.
But then he throws in other terrorist networks.
Remember those domestic extremism lexicon?
Make people who are anti-technology, quote-unquote alternative media, and hacktivists terrorists.
So again, broadening the spectrum.
You're Al-Qaeda?
Oh, you're a hacktivist?
We're coming to get you.
This is a matter of national security.
We're setting up the Cyber Security Agency.
We're going to try to pass this Cyber Security Act, this Cyber Bullying Act.
We're taking away the Internet.
I mean, it's a 20-minute speech, folks.
It's a 20-minute speech.
We can't play it all.
We're almost in the final segment.
Let's take a couple callers.
We have a lot of people holding.
Ingrid in Nevada, you're on the air.
Hi, Jason.
I would like to tell you that I grew up in Germany, and my mother, she was in Hitler's Youth Brigade.
And a lot of the things that are unfolding here is exactly what she told me.
And she told me how much she hated it.
And she had to spy on her parents, spy on her neighbors, spy on everybody.
And nothing made her more happy than when the American soldiers marched into Germany
Yeah, and now unfortunately and ironically, we seem to be morphing into this Nazi, Gestapo type of police state, only we're, you know, 60 plus years into the future, so this technocracy is really, it's a slicker form of propaganda.
It's a slicker form of technology.
It's a slicker form of control.
And we really are being viewed in the world, and rightfully so, as the next Nazi regime.
And it's only getting worse here domestically.
Ingrid, I thank you for the call.
I'm going to try to hit up John, Tim, Joseph, Roger, and Michael in the last five minutes.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Back after this, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're good to go.
Alright, folks, I will be live 9 to midnight tonight, Central Time.
TheInfoWarrior.com is the website.
The podcast is over on the left-hand side.
If you missed any of this show, of course, we make the podcast available and we stream 24-7, 365 over at InfoWars.com, so tell your friends, get the podcast, spread the word.
John in Texas, you're on the line.
John, what's up?
Yeah, I agree with what you and Alex Jones are saying about all the conspiracies and everything, but I just noticed you guys are real shy about talking about the Bible.
When somebody gets on the air and tries to talk about scripture, you gently give them the brush off.
Well, you know, Alex talks a lot more about the Bible than I do, and I mean if you look at
The clip we just played from SeaWorld, he talks about revelations and the Mark of the Beast system, and you know, I've had John, not John Connor, he used to go by John Connor, Mark Dice on my program and this program dozens of times.
On top of that, you know, we had the America's Secret Beginnings people on, we have reverends and pastors on all the time.
I mean, myself, I feel like this is a secular program, and I'm really trying to cover the news.
However, if I am covering secret societies, or the Illuminati, or if we're talking about the Vatican that day,
I am more apt to take that viewpoint, but really this is a news show, sir.
For instance, me and Alex were doing a show together.
I'm not sure if it was mine or his, but we said a prayer on the air.
I mean, I'm not opposed to this, and I don't oppose Christianity or any religion in general.
It's just that I try to keep it a news program and a secular one at that.
Go ahead, John.
Well, we're talking about him in our Bible study in Austin, and we're wondering, we've never heard his testimony.
Testimony of salvation when he became a Christian, or if he's a Christian.
I know he believes in God, but I don't... Well, he's a Christian outright.
I mean, I don't know what to tell you.
I mean, he had Daryl Rundis on the program last week, who is a, you know, a philanthropist evangelist Christian who's just, you know... I mean, let me tell you, when Daryl Rundis is here, he's handing out silver one-ounce pieces with the Ten Commandments on it, and we're having dinner, and it's all about Scripture, and, you know...
I honestly, I grew up in a Christian family.
I used to go to Methodist and Protestant churches on the reg, believe it or not, until I was about 12, 13 years old.
And, you know, again, I just try to keep it as a secular show.
Jones is without a doubt a Christian.
I mean, he's an open Christian.
If you listen to a lot of his older broadcasts, a lot of them are a little bit more evangelical.
I'd say, you know, if you really want to talk to him and his faith, save your questions for next week when he's back on the air.
I do thank you for the call, sir.
I got to jump.
Let's go to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, you're on the air.
Hey, JB.
All right.
How's it going?
I had prepared a clip for Alex.
I don't know if John told you not.
Do you have 2.52 to go?
I've got less than two minutes, but if you call back in on either the Sunday program or you send it to me at myspace.com slash Jason Bermas, maybe I can post it on the website.
I really don't.
I'm not quite sure what it is.
You got something else for me in this last 60 seconds?
Same as... Well, I got to give you a piece of it.
This is the one that Alex called for.
It goes 19 seconds.
Okay, go for it.
Howard Beale may be my best friend.
I'll go to court.
I'll put him in a hospital before I let you exploit him like a carnival freak.
You get your psychiatrist, I'll get mine.
I'm gonna spread this whole wreaking business in every newspaper, on every network, group, and affiliate in this country!
I'm gonna make a lot of noise about this!
We need all the press we can get!
That was a clip that Alex had called for last I talked to him.
It expanded into a J.B.
And I'll definitely get back to you tomorrow or, I'm sorry, Sunday or
Or Monday.
All right, thank you very much, Joseph.
Roger in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Yes, Roger.
Yes, I'd like to get your take on Michael Tesarian.
I'm not sure I pronounced that correctly, but... No, I know who you're talking about.
You know, I've watched The New Atlantis and some of his four-hour lectures.
I think some of his stuff is really interesting on the symbology.
But I just feel like, you know, with any of these guys, does anybody really have the whole picture?
I really enjoy Jordan Maxwell's work.
I think even Sitchin's work, to a certain extent, is pretty good.
You know, I tend to stay out of that far into the symbolism, the mysticism, the history of humanity, if you will, because it's enough for me to know that the Christian conservative leaders, or supposed ones in this country, are into the occult.
It's the Alex Jones Show, back again right after this in 30 seconds.