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Filename: 20090511_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 11, 2009
2807 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you so much for joining us today.
It is the eleventh day of May 2009.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Coming up in the third hour today, Paul Joseph Watson will join us from the United Kingdom to discuss a series of articles he's written in the last week dealing with the formation of the European Union.
It's key to understand who formed the European Union to
Have the facts on who runs our planet, who controls our society today, and where we are going as a nation and as a planet.
This deals with eugenics.
This deals with the hopes and dreams of the New World Order.
What makes them tick.
And we have a lot of research we've covered in the past, but some new big developments have come to the fore.
So we'll be breaking that down today.
I had a chance to take off three full broadcast days, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.
A refreshing respite.
Feels like I had a hundred years off after working 16-18 hours a day almost continually for the last 6-8 months.
I've come to the realization I need to take off more time because the sharpness
Comes back to the psyche, to the intellect.
Things become so much clearer and large founts or wellsprings of energy that had almost been forgotten return.
So I'm going to be taking some more time off, especially to spend it with my family.
Wrote a lot of notes, though, while I was out of town.
A lot of ideas, a lot of points.
And I filled up a small notebook with them.
I'm going to try to codify those in the next few days and do a special broadcast sometime this week, later in the week, dealing specifically, but properly, with the architecture of the New World Order.
Now, I have a lot of important news we're going to be covering today, and I do want to open the phones up.
A toll free number to join us to talk about the economy, the deteriorating situation in Pakistan, the deteriorating situation in Georgia with the shenanigans there last week on the brink of war yet again between NATO and Russia through their puppet client state Georgia.
We want to discuss the economy, any of these issues, the tail end of the swine flu hype that they're now beating the drum for
Force inoculations in the fall, we were right about that.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
House bill aims to strip right-wing extremists of Second Amendment rights.
Very, very important bill.
When I got home last night I was shocked to read Kurt Nemo's article on InfoWars.com and actually read the bill itself and it really does say that.
We'll be breaking that down coming up in this hour.
Also, Part 2, remember last week we talked about that new legislation, your blog is a weapon.
House Bill says, hurting your feelings will be illegal, punishable by a felony.
They will of course selectively enforce that.
We'll go over that.
Man detained for displaying Don't Tread on Me bumper sticker.
Also in England, GCSE pupils brainwash to support MMR vaccine that dovetails with two billion infected World Health Organization Stokes swine flu fear, ABC News.
And Barack Obama says he wants you to take three shots, three flu shots a year.
And I guess next year it'll be six and then nine and then
We won't eat anymore.
When we wake up in the morning, there'll be a few dozen shots laid out on the table like Elvis' attack.
We inject it into our bodies.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Total train number to join us on air today, 1-800-259-9231.
Let me run through some of the headlines here.
Even the Associated Press in an article titled, Stimulus Watch Early Road Aid Leaves Out Neediest
This gives us a small window, because you've got to look through all the different windows to get a clear picture, because the media always covers things piecemeal, to learn that the White House had promised that the $787 million bailout would be fully accounted for and completely transparent.
Instead, it's basically completely secret.
Remember, this is the same White House following in the footsteps of previous White Houses, just intensifying the deception, the level of the arrogance, the level of the over-the-top lying.
They came out and
said that we are fighting against bonuses for CEOs and for executives of brokerage firms and banks that have received the trillions and trillions of dollars of TARP money.
It turned out, of course, the White House publicly signed an executive order and pressured Senator Dodd, who later blew the whistle when he got the blame for it politically, he said, hey don't blame me White House, you told me to.
And we don't have to believe Dodd on that.
The White House was on record signing an accompanying executive order with the law that he helped pass.
This is the level of just amazing hypocrisy, specifically protecting giant cash bonuses for the CEOs of the brokered firms and big banks.
You gotta hand it to him though, it's just amazing arrogance to come out on TV and shake his finger at the corporations that pay for his way, that have bought and paid for everything he's done in his political career and life.
The foundations that first funded him in college and out of college, the foundations that ran him for the Senate, in the State House in Illinois, and then for the U.S.
The foundations and big banks and brokerage firms that gave him four times the money, on average, sometimes five times, in the case of Goldman Sachs, what John McCain was given.
And no, every time I mention that, I'm not saying vote for John McCain.
The point is, is that if the Mafia sends two hitmen out to kill the Republic, out to take your freedom, all I'm saying is both those guys are hitmen.
Both those guys work for the New World Order.
They're here to kill our free society.
They're here to dominate us, to conquer us, to usurp us, to stand their flag up on our nation's corpse and declare victory.
Like they were roughnecks going up San Juan Hill.
Or the Marines up on the mountain in Iwo Jima.
Except it's not Marines conquering some far off island in the Pacific after rousting the Japanese.
It's criminal foreign corporate takeover through the governmental and institutional systems of the nation.
So there's one article I want to get into.
Also, Cheney is saying Obama endangers the nation.
This gives him left cover.
They have Cheney come out and go every week.
Cheney says, look, Obama's a big liberal.
He's freeing all the Taliban and Al Qaeda people.
He's stopping the torture and stopping the waterboarding and stopping the illegal spying.
He's a big liberal.
Cheney's a guy with a 9% approval rating.
And so the establishment, and Cheney himself knows, this is all part of their little dance, by coming out and attacking Obama and saying he's a big liberal who's basically giving the Arabs and Central Asians, they hold at all these camps, back rubs.
And, you know, Jacuzzis, and they're playing golf at Club Fed, which is not true.
That's all part of the theatrical backdrop of the people they hold there.
By Cheney coming out and doing this, because Cheney's not stupid.
Cheney works for the very same people that control Obama.
He knows Obama is continuing all of their policies and protecting the Bush administration on record for investigations of torture and waterboarding and saying they were above the law and stealing money and corporate payoffs and no-bid contracts and everything else.
It's seamless continuation of the last policies.
You know, even the MIT controlled leftist, Noam Chomsky, is out admitting that and being howled at right now by the controlled left.
They're speaking out against the Messiah, Barack Obama, the newest puppet, the newest diversion.
So Cheney is coming out and criticizing Obama for things Obama isn't doing, knowing that
He is energizing the left and the 91% of the public, not just the left, but the 91% of the public that hate Mr. Cheney, who has the lowest approval rating of any politician since the modern age of polling.
They know what they're doing.
They're herding the left wing on one side, the right wing on the other, forming a wedge
Forming a V with the point aimed down with us the pheasants in the mouth of the V being driven out of the woods into the field so the globalists can pick us off at their leisure.
It's a drum beating sport.
They're out flogging the bushes to drive us out into the open.
And they do it through the left-right control paradigm.
And if you like being suckered by this elementary-level military maneuver, then I don't understand why you like being fools.
I really don't understand it.
It's so elementary.
We're going to play this clip later.
White House Correspondents Dinner.
Wanda Sykes thinks Rush Limbaugh
Needs to die of kidney failure and a bunch of other stuff.
Again, energizing the left-right paradigm.
That gives Limbaugh and the fake right power, when they see the left do these outrageous things, and then that gives the controlled left power as well, energizes their base, and then makes the American people divide into two camps fighting with each other instead of joining together against the transnational crime syndicate.
By the way, I have another disgusting video clip, the San Antonio We Are Change shot of Clinton down there getting a Prince of Peace Award.
And they say it, and then the audience kind of gasps and then has a little giggle in the background of... I mean, they know what they're doing is just very offensive.
Even if you're an atheist, you know, it's not good to insult Christians.
And it's certainly not good to, like a Jim Jones cult leader, imply you are Jesus Christ.
But that's what they do.
They say Bill Clinton is basically Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
And have you ever watched the U.N.
introduction ceremonies for world leaders?
They call them Excellencies and Grand Supreme Leaders.
I mean, these people are really sick.
They also have other tricks like making fun of these petty front men, like Gordon Brown and George Bush and Barack Obama.
There's also the sport of kicking them around.
Like Nixon said, you won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore.
And to a certain extent, that's true.
The establishment loves to build them up as leaders during one phase of the agenda, and when the folks wake up that they're being conned, they then destroy them and turn that into a spectacle.
That's going on in the news right now.
All these embarrassing things keep happening day after day.
To Mr. New World Order, Mr. World Government himself, Gordon Brown, tips on how he can apply his makeup.
You know, we're left in a taxi cab, and that's big news.
Not how the British government's official policy is to forcibly reduce their population in the next 20 years by half from 60 million to 30 million.
So we'll go over that.
Something I meant to get to last week, I was reminded about it when there was another article written about it today in the Los Angeles Times.
The original one was, Seeking to Save the Planet with a Thesaurus, about how they're going away from global warming.
You know, they say in these internal White House memos, they say, that are done by these think tanks for them.
Oh, the people know the Earth heats and cools on its own now.
They figured out there's actually seasons and not just yearly seasons but 11-year seasons and other cycles going on.
So now we'll just say that the Earth is dying and that we're basically losing our atmosphere.
That the atmosphere is off-gassing.
That's going to be the new one.
Which might be happening.
You never know.
I don't know why they're chemtrailing up there.
They are acting like something's going on.
Maybe it was all the hydrogen bombs, the Russians, the French, the British, the Chinese, the United States, detonated in the upper atmosphere, admittedly blowing holes in large areas of the atmosphere.
But, I mean, I don't know anymore.
These people are complete psychopaths, so we'll get into that.
There is a systematic purging of channels out there on YouTube.
Volunteers set up an InfoWars channel, separately run by another fellow, and they came in and deleted that, even though it was just my show, and said, basically, no more Alex Jones.
I don't really, even at this point, know what to do about this situation.
You dovetail this with House Bill aims to strip right-wing extremists of Second Amendment right, and then you read the bill, it really does do that, and they got other bills, not just the Hate Crimes Bill, but other bills, to openly charge you with a felony if someone says what you said hurt their feelings.
I mean, this is really happening.
I think it's important to continue to post all my material to YouTube.
People should have separate accounts just separately from my material.
But I think it's also important to copy my videos and the PrisonPlanet.tv live feed we do to all the other big sites.
In fact, guys, I haven't done this.
Will you guys Google the video ranking biggest video sites?
Maybe we'll give a list of those out or post them.
We're good to go.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for.
The lies he is told and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her marbles to my trade Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade The bastards hung me in the spring of twenty-five
Alright, we are back live.
I'm going to go to Delilah, Kevin, Joey, John, Kathy, and others.
And then, coming up, I'm going to get into the attack on free speech.
You know, I remember back during the Ron Paul campaign,
Was it a case in South Carolina where we had the family on, where the police busted down the door without a warrant?
Some cop didn't like a Ron Paul sign and roughed up the man and woman and then took them to jail.
They later got an apology.
I mean, where do they find these lunatics?
And people all over the nation would go out the side of the highway and hold up Ron Paul signs or
Infowars.com signs.
We've seen so many cases of that and the police come and say you're not allowed to do that here in America.
There's a free speech zone down behind the baseball field downtown if you want to go there.
This is out of the Bloomington Alternative.
State criminalizes shouting about I-69.
They said no protest allowed.
Basically anywhere.
I'm gonna get the group on.
This is really happening folks.
They're really brainwashed the cops
And now they're turning them loose on us, and the courts are corrupt in this country.
They're really moving against free speech.
Everybody's free speech right now.
You protest the North American Union, they tell you it doesn't exist.
You get their own documents and say, look, I know it exists, and I'm not buying your con game anymore.
They say, okay, arrest them.
God help us, man.
The New World Order is moving so fast right now.
They are just butchering the economy, butchering all of our liberties, and censoring me all over the place because we've really started exploding in the AM and FM audience, the internet audience, the shortwave audience, the satellite audience, the videos people are seeing online.
You know, I called in Thursday to the show, and Burmess was sitting in doing a great job,
I talked about everywhere I go, I'm probably saying, 40-50% of the people that come up to me saying, hey I listen to the show, they say, I found out about it on YouTube.
YouTube, YouTube, YouTube.
And I'm going to get a list, you know, they've got to have a ranking of the top video websites
And we can compile those and maybe have an activist center on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com so we can have volunteers and people create channels with the video that I do live every day from at least the last two hours, one to three.
It's posted in high quality and streams live.
PrisonPlanet.tv members, we appreciate all those great members.
But then folks take that and post it all over YouTube.
And there was an Alex Jones fan website that had gotten up to
It was getting, starting to get like a million views a week.
You could add up the videos he was posting, about 15 a day.
They were starting to really build about a million a week.
And you could see the growth curve was just explosive, that it was soon going to be two million a week.
And that's just one little channel, so they shot that down.
They've been shutting down other Alex Jones channels from other fans.
And the answer is, is to create duplicate accounts under other names, other emails, not link them up.
The answer is also go to some of the other biggest and the other sub video sites that aren't anywhere besides YouTube but also start posting religiously to those and we'll start trying to link to those others and also drive traffic to those and build those up just to be able to get our word out because the system has figured out that YouTube is one of our biggest places to reach new people.
And, you know, we're talking millions a week just with YouTube, folks.
We're reaching millions of new people.
I mean, it's getting to where I walk in gas stations anywhere in the country and they go, hey, you're Alex Jones.
How you doing?
I like your show.
Oh, where'd you find out about it?
Oh, I heard you on YouTube.
I saw you on YouTube.
Then I checked out your site and listened every day or found out it was a local station or then I heard you on George Norie.
Like 10% of the time, it's George Norie.
50% of the time, I'd say,
YouTube, their 20-30 percentage news articles and the websites themselves.
But we're under a massive censorship and attack right now because we are effective.
Because we're hitting on all cylinders, and we know who the globalists are, we know what their agenda is, and we have a track record of being right.
And people are discovering 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 year old TV shows and radio shows, and folks are flipping out how accurate they are in today's context.
Well, I hate to steal my own thunder here, but
I really didn't do that much.
I was reading public CFR documents, Pentagon documents and other things.
Alright, I'm going to come back, take your calls, get into the attack on the First Amendment.
It's really getting bad.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real
Alright, let's go to your phone calls and I'm going to get into the concerted full bore attack.
On free speech, not just in the United States, but worldwide.
We are here.
There is no doubt, I've analyzed the enemy attack profile, that this is a hot revolution.
They're attempting to implement, and by hot I mean, this is going to be the worst type of takeover.
They mean on bringing us all the way down.
With economic collapse, and then out of that fear, implementing their total control.
And then, I mean, the news is coming in from every angle.
The millions and millions of paramilitary police they've hired, the bureaucracies they're turning loose on the people, the control grids, are just unspeakable.
In fact, later I'm going to post these photos, maybe show them during PrisonPlanet.TV simulcast in the last two hours, and Aaron's going to do an article about it.
Aaron Dykstra is a blurb.
You know, I went down to the beach.
First I did some camping, then went to the beach for a couple days.
Texas Beach with my children.
And I went on to the Padre Island National Seashore.
And you would have thought, driving through the guard shack, that I was entering North Korea.
No exaggeration, there had to be more than 20 cameras that scan your face, that scan the side of your car, the top of your car, your license plate from five different angles.
It looks like something out of a science fiction movie.
And of course, you're asked questions by the guards when you're going in.
If you try to take any of the ferries across any islands there now, and I said I wouldn't go back to Bolivar, I went there last year with my children for three days, and every time we went over on the ferry, they searched our car.
Every time.
And it's just all about a atmosphere of fear, training the police that there's terrorists everywhere, creating this heightened sense of bizarre paranoia, and training all Americans everywhere to live in an airport.
It's like America is going to be a giant airport.
And they'll always phase in the latest level of slavery that will then be implemented in the rest of society in two places, in the public schools and in the airports.
Dogs searching you.
Dogs searching your bags, your locker.
Cameras in the school rooms, the classrooms, the library, the bathrooms.
Thumb scanners to get your school lunch.
Thumb scanners and retina scanners to check out books.
Bar bar fences around the schools.
Counselors that claim to be there to help you, really trying to push Ritalin and Prozac on you.
Dossiers written on your parents in 7th and 8th grade English class publicly.
Army and Marine recruiters, by law, brainwashing you.
Non-elective law enforcement semester classes for the 6th and 7th grade, brainwashing you.
National compulsory service.
Then the airports, body scanners and scanning your naked body, taking your shoes off in an act of submission, an act of slavery.
It's all absolute bull.
Bunch of technocrat eugenicists playing God, running the whole show.
Okay, I said I'd go to your calls.
And there's nowhere to run.
It's a new world order.
And this system hurts 99 plus percent of us.
It hurts the enforcers.
It hurts everybody.
And it's a tattletale, paranoid society.
At the beach, I went to this little funky condo, rental place I've been going since I was a teenager.
And about five, six years ago they got a security guard.
Nobody ever gets broken into, nothing ever goes on.
The times I've been there, a couple times a year.
And then they got security guards.
Then a few years ago I noticed they'd ask you questions in the parking lot or come up and bug their eyes out at you at the pool.
I think?
God, this country's going into such bondage, such a nation of trash, a nation of cowards, a nation of scum, a nation of effeminate, weak, knock-kneed, unadventurous, cowardly people with an overlay of fake masculinity and strutting and posing.
A nation of gelded cowards.
We are going into a giant prison.
And it's a charnel house of horrors.
It is a terrible butcher's lair we enter.
And I know what it is.
I know I'm right.
You know, I really believe the things I say here on the show.
I really do the research.
I know I'm right.
Not embellishing, not exaggerating, far from it.
I can't articulate just how real all of this is.
And I have a sense of satisfaction that I fought it.
I put on a decent fight.
But at the same time I struggle with great feelings of guilt and remorse that I haven't spent my time on this planet better.
That I didn't have more energy, that I wasn't a stronger man, that I wasn't as weak as I am, that I wasn't as petty as I am, that I wasn't as fleshly and worldly as I am.
Make us like it or not, we're the big game in town.
This little operation.
We're it.
We're the best there is.
And that ain't saying much, is it?
And so I'm going to try to dig deep in my psyche and try to be more professional, more focused, more serious, to truly articulate my understanding of the New World Order that is much more advanced than what we've displayed on air, or even in the films, which tend to be a more polished and articulate
I dedicate myself, I dedicate my life, my name, everything I am, everything I'll ever be, to trying to tell the very closest thing to the truth as I can, because no man knows total truth.
Only God knows that.
We all see through rose-colored glasses, but I strive to be as honest as I can.
I strive to be as accurate as I can.
I strive to portray the clearest picture of the world that I can.
And I give you my commitment, and I give you my word, that I am attempting to take this radio show and everything we do to the next level.
Whatever the cost may be.
When I got into all this, I didn't realize how deep the water was.
How treacherous the shoals were.
How rocky the reefs truly are.
People tell me, well, what are the solutions?
What do we do to turn this around, to fix it?
And I give a lot of solutions.
We talk about a lot of solutions.
We have a lot of guests on who talk about solutions.
But mainly it's you waking up and taking action and getting involved.
You're the solution.
Asking God for guidance is a solution.
Having respect for yourself and challenging evil wherever you find it and not backing down.
And states' rights and rediscovering liberty and cutting the size of government and having stronger families and realizing the families under assault and having that understanding that you're under assault that can bring the family together and bypass a lot of the mindless fights and arguments and things that go on that we've been engineered to engage in.
And you know when I say this is a nation of trash,
I mean the overlying current, the over-driving direction, the overall tackiness, the kind of mad rush to whatever the latest fad is, and the quickness to be sold a bill of goods and then run on to the next.
I'm tacky.
I'm trashy.
You know, when I sit here and say that, I'm not indicting... I'm not indicting the whole country and the whole world without indicting myself.
I can recognize what it is, though.
It's a fundamental trashiness.
It's fundamental weakness.
It's fundamental decadence.
We do come from great explorers and inventors and people of great courage and great will and great capacity for good and evil.
And through the adversity that carved out this continent and all the countless conflicts and wars that took place, a great independent people were developed.
And we lean
Heavily on the bones of the past that form a type of mental crutch for what we are today.
And what we are today is a very evil, wicked, degenerate people who need to repent.
And I'll say this to the atheists and the agnostics and the rest of you.
I don't expect you to go into repent in one of these 501c3 whorehouses with a little glitter bug
Sparkly preacher up there in a fancy suit reading off a teleprompter.
Like it's Barbie dress-up hour for more dress-up make-believe with the childlike public.
But I'll tell you something right now.
There's a lot more to this universe than meets the eye.
There's a lot of things that meet the eye that you don't recognize, that you don't see the world as a child sees it.
I believe the key to wisdom and the key to true enlightenment is innocence.
A child sees a Ferris wheel or a tree or a river or a little creek
Or even a fort in an inner city backyard with garbage all over the ground.
They see it with wonderment and amazement.
The world is new to them.
The universe is open to them.
And they rightfully are in awe and taken back at it.
And I think it's that sense of wonderment and that sense of awe that we have lost.
People think that being worldly
Makes one deep or intelligent or knowledgeable.
And that may be true to a certain extent if you don't go too far down that road.
But I think the worldly things I've done, the bad things I've done, the things I've seen, it was a process.
But if you haven't
Become disgusted with the world by the time you're 18, 19, 20 years old and have it started turning the ship in the other direction.
There's something wrong with you.
And I talk a lot about this, but I never have the words to describe it.
I mean, we are on a planet and the life on that planet, the fertile fields,
The mountains, the lakes, the streams, the forests, the meadows, the badlands, the oceans, the valleys, the rainforests, the jungles, the frozen tundra, and the atmosphere.
All 15,000 of the breathable atmosphere
All of that is thinner than the skin of an apple.
We live on a giant planetoid with a molten center of nickel magnetized with floating islands of rock on which we sail.
And out from the planet is an endless cornucopia of possibilities.
Billions and billions of galaxies photographed by Hubble alone.
The sun, a distant star, warms your skin in the morning.
It gives the energy to the plants to grow that then gives a substance
and produces seeds to generate life anew.
The seas are filled with hundreds of thousands of different forms of life just teeming, teeming from the single cell organism up to the blue whale.
All of it, just endless wonder.
You know, you have a sense of always being here because you're alive, you're conscious now.
But you have to remember, before you
came infinity, and after you comes infinity.
And the control freak eugenicists tell the world that there is no God, there is no spirituality, there is no wonderment, we're all just blobs of tissue, we don't control ourselves, we don't have free will, we don't have any destiny.
And that's the fraud.
Your very gut tells you that.
Look at how humans can see a sunset.
Or how humans can appreciate the beauty of a forest.
Or a nicely set table with a flower arrangement.
You know, we don't just see.
We see the universe.
We see its beauty.
We love it.
We are part of it.
We are of it.
And we do have free will.
To do good and bad.
We know good and bad.
The establishment's biggest lie is to tell you there is no good and bad.
There is no right and wrong.
So they tell you, just run off and be an animal.
Satiate yourself.
And we the technocrats, we will control the future.
And when you look into that future, we're not part of it.
So I tell you, seize control of your own destiny.
Your calls are coming up.
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
Alright, I've been pontificating.
You know, for now, there's one way you can't stop them from censoring us.
Hey, how's it going Alex?
Well, I've been thinking about this subject for quite a while, and I'm sure that you've done much more research than I have, and I wanted to ask you, because undoubtedly the government stands to make a lot of money or benefit from the vaccines for swine flu.
I was wondering just how much they would benefit from it.
Well, I mean, there's a lot of different things.
The government wants to set the precedent for forcible injections.
They have the executive orders and the laws, but
That's like passing a law that, you know, all black people have to wear a yellow dunce hat.
It's obviously racist and wrong and against the organic common law.
Or, you know, saying all white people have to chop their left finger, you know, their left hand pinky off.
I mean, it's a fraud, it's a lie.
So to try to say the government can forcibly inject you with what we want, when we want, their argument is then, well, it's for the greater good.
Well, let's look at what governments have done in the past.
Sterilizing people with vaccines.
Poisoning people.
Let's look at the history of the vaccines, how deadly they are, how poisonous they are.
And by the way, it's not by accident, it's been proven to be by design.
So they set the precedent for this police state to put in your body what they want and set that precedent.
So that's the main reason they're pushing all this fear-mongering.
Then these companies can make hundreds of billions of dollars.
I mean, can you imagine having all of Western Europe and the United States, roughly 600 million people, you know, pay $20, $30, $40 for these vaccines?
Obama wants to
push that everybody start taking three flu shots a year.
That's in the Washington Post yesterday.
I've got that in my stack.
I mean this is serious.
And then also there's the police state function of the federalization.
They get to practice federal takeover of the states and counties and cities and the feds themselves admit they're under United Nations response.
They're under World Health Organization directives following orders from them and the UN came out
In a bunch of statements the last two weeks saying, this has been a great drill, you know, this is great for global governance.
So those are the basic reasons why they like to fairmonger all this.
Oh, thanks a lot.
I had no idea.
I appreciate your call, Kevin.
It's really good to hear from you.
And I respect the fact that you care enough to even listen to the show and want to be involved in society.
Joey in Florida.
Joey, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you doing?
Good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
First of all, I've had my eyes opened about a month and a half ago.
I watched the Obama deception with my friend Spencer and my girlfriend.
Blew me down.
Blew me down.
And right now in West Palm Beach, Florida, we started a Facebook that's sending people to InfoWars, sending people to Prison Planet, getting them involved.
It's called People Opposing Tyranny.
Let me just say this and I'll hold you over if need be.
We are having a huge effect.
I mean, I've been saying that year after year as things build, but I mean now it is... The White House has invited more than 20 plus big bloggers I know of, and it's been in the news, who are mildly critical and get a few million views to the White House.
The White House is all over YouTube, has their own YouTube channel.
Now imagine, we're bigger than all of those people.
Can you imagine how they're watching us?
How concerned they are about us?
But see, they've tried to buy me off before.
That is, other incarnations of the New World Order.
So they know not to come to me now.
But, I mean, imagine, ladies and gentlemen, one channel over a million views a week, hundreds of channels, tens of millions of views a week, just on YouTube alone of our videos and material.
Can you imagine?
Stay there.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Many human illnesses can be attributed to the fact that soil in the United States no longer provides plants with the mineral elements which are essential to human nourishment.
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We're good to go!
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We are going back to Joey in Florida.
Joey, you were making a point about how you guys started a MySpace to promote what this radio show is doing.
Look, what kills me is that people are watching their freedoms get eroded in front of their face, and they're more worried about who's going to the Super Bowl, or there's Bud Light Lime.
It's like, what's wrong with you people?
Our freedoms have been eroding.
I would say they are collapsing now.
I mean, it's kind of like when a building starts teetering, all of a sudden it just collapses.
It is now starting to collapse.
And they're just boldly coming right out and doing it now, but go ahead.
I mean, I watched the 9-11 Chronicles this morning, and I mean, I'm in tears.
Like, you know, you find yourself questioning everything that's happened, but all you have is facts.
And I mean, you have no other agenda but to wake people up.
The police and the firemen
are dying thousands and thousands of them had died by the time we made that film about it now it's been out close to a year and most of it was shot a year ago and here we are just going to congress trying to expose that they knew the dust was deadly the asbestos and all of it and didn't give them treatment and then they have cops coming up threatening to say they have bombs when they're protesting trying to get cops health care that is mind control you know when I say that
This system hurts 99% of us.
It does.
And the firemen and police, a lot of them are fans and appreciate us, but there's a big percentage of them that are so rabid on a power trip with the New World Order that they'll do whatever they're told.
To the point of throwing their own children out a window.
Or running off a cliff.
The old thing of, would you run off a cliff if somebody told you to?
They would.
They would run off a cliff if they were told to do it, and that is... I just don't think they realize what they've done.
And I'm not blaming it on police, I'm saying it's all part of this lying society that's delusional.
We rash... I mean, look, we've killed 50 million babies!
And even if you think we're animals and we don't have a soul, which is a fraud, that is really sick and gross to think so little of our species that lazily for contraceptives people have a dangerous, bloody procedure done that endangers their own life and doubles their chances of getting cervical or uterine cancer.
It doubles it.
Totally messes a woman up due to a naturally terminated abortion.
I mean, to have an abortion and kill a baby.
But anyways, go ahead.
Anything else, sir?
There's something, like, there's certain times where, like, you know, you couldn't blame someone for turning to that route.
But the thing is, is that, like, you know, it's too much.
They're letting people feel like, you know, they could just dump them off, you know?
Like, just go for broke.
And it's just, you know, it's disgusting.
You know, but it's what people get fed on the TV all the time, and what people get fed from Fox and TV, you know, it makes people, you know, it's like, it's like Rome.
You know, do it in the Romans.
You see people, you know, banging and going crazy on the TV.
What are you going to do?
You see?
I appreciate your call.
Yeah, what they're doing is using peer pressure psychology.
You know, if one of my dogs sees the other dog jump up and start running someplace, it's going to jump up and go run to see what's happening.
It's the very nature of our species.
We're very similar to dogs in our social behavior.
But we have to rise above that and rise above the programming and realize the con game.
Realize the mind control.
And realizing it is half the battle.
But you got to have the courage, folks, because when you face that you're living in a matrix,
of disinformation, then you've got to start learning what the real world is.
And it's very beautiful, but it's also very ugly.
I just want people to open up their minds and think for themselves.
More calls straight ahead.
Hello, this is Steve Shank.
You might not be able to spell Constitution, but you sure know how important it is.
You might not be missing any shirts from your closet, but you have given the shirt off your back hundreds of times.
You might not understand the thousands of laws that exist, but you do live by the Ten Commandments.
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There might be a lot that you don't know, but you do know that you want to take care of your family.
You might not be able to own a farm, but you can have the food
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I have just come off one of the longest continuum
Events in my life where I have just been working so intensely and so hard that I would just collapse when I went to bed at one or two every night.
And it almost becomes a drug when you're working that hard and that focused.
Then I did 17 days straight of my own radio show and two or three other interviews a day.
And I physically didn't feel tired, but that happens usually about once or twice a year when I get that exhausted.
And so I took off three days, four days total, I guess.
I don't know, Thursday through Sunday.
Four days.
And it was just such a rejuvenating experience.
To unplug from everything.
I still couldn't get away from Big Brother, and I'm going to cover that in the last hour.
Or the New World Order, but... It was good to slow down.
Very, very good.
And I think I'm going to do it again coming up in the next few weeks.
And, you know, I think it's important for everybody to do that.
I know it's been said a trillion times that it's good to take a break sometimes and be reflective.
You know, a lot of people
Philosophers, engineers, researchers, a lot of people that do brain work.
They'll go off for month-long retreats sometimes.
And I don't have that luxury because the war is so intense, but it was just such a reflective time and so many revelations and so many understandings that I had.
And also great peace.
You know, I've been able to fire myself up and get aggressive and stare into the face of the stuff we deal with.
I mean, what we talk about is real, folks.
The New World Order is real.
They really are killing people knowingly with vaccines.
They really are setting up a world government to carry out eugenics and world population reduction.
All the horrible things we've seen in the last century were only beta tests.
And it's all on record.
You know, even if you don't believe me, you have to believe the facts of what the establishment states.
And I kind of get fired up and get aggressive and, oh, we're ready!
And at a primitive level, that's been very successful.
And I'll still get fired up here on air.
But I tend to work hard all the time because I know the time is short and the enemy is moving on us, but also because
It keeps my mind off anxieties, dealing with this, how precious and good my children are, the threats they've received, not just my wife and I. And I think about really how sorry I am for the people that work for the system, who have turned themselves into what they are.
That they can do the type of things they do.
In fact, last week I told you guys to find the Congressional Defense Budget Hearings about child kidnapping rings.
And you found it.
Remember that?
It was like Donald Rumsfeld, Dinecore Halliburton child kidnapping rings.
You actually found the clip.
And I never played it.
I'm going to play that later in the hour.
Jaron, you remember, you found it.
I saw it on screen.
Do you have that?
Yeah, we'll get it back and play it next hour when we have more simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And stuff like that really shakes me to the core.
Because, you know, you might feel sorry for a mad dog that has rabies foaming at the mouth coming down your street.
But at the same time, you gotta go out in the street with your rifle and put it down.
I mean, these really are pitiful people.
They compete with each other over who's the most ruthless, who's the most cunning, who sees humanity as hamburger, as food, as food on the table.
Now, their lives matter and their children matter, but the rest of us, we're animals.
Here to be called, here to be fed on, here to have our lives be used up like so many resources.
And the globalists talk about that.
You know, they say, we're just animals.
And it's survival of the fittest, social Darwinism, that it's okay what Hitler did, and what Stalin did, and what Mao did, and what Pol Pot did.
And it's okay all these horrible things governments have done, because might makes right.
If you're in power, that means you're, in a social Darwinistic sense, the best.
And so it's your right to do that.
But I use the analogy of cancer.
Is it cancer's right to run through the body and cause death because it replicates faster, it doesn't follow the regular program?
No, it is an aberrant malfunction.
It has fallen.
It doesn't produce strong, vibrant, dynamic, uplifting, beautiful societies.
Freedom and liberty does.
Darkness begets death and destruction.
And the establishment knows there is good and evil.
They talk about how they're beyond good and evil, but they know they are of the cloth that we would call evil, they would call strong, dominant.
And so they kill a million, 300,000 Iraqis, they kill 500,000 kids here in the U.S.
with abortion.
What is it if the cop tasers you to death or the cop shoots you in the back?
What is it if they euthanize all people?
Where does it end there?
Where does it stop?
It doesn't!
If it's for the earth, go ahead and kill the majority of us!
But they aren't killing, they aren't setting up world government to cull the population because they care about the environment.
The elites are actually busy playing God, remaking the environment.
They're killing and wiping people out because they're control freaks and it's their nature and they enjoy it.
And they are challenged by good people.
They are challenged by people that have love and light.
They are challenged by people that truly want to build a better society and go to the stars.
Because that threatens their monopoly of power.
So they want a new dark age with sequestered, coveted, protected high-tech zones hoarded under their control.
And they're fighting with each other over it.
They bring death.
And they love death.
I remember growing up reading Bible passages, you know.
Lovers of death.
In fact, why don't you... In fact, I'll just do it.
I can search engine it.
They were lovers of death.
And that'll give me the verse.
They were lovers of death.
They were lovers of death.
Let me see if I can find a quote.
It doesn't come up.
A bunch of other things do.
Let me try Bible verse.
Bible verse.
They were lovers of death.
I don't know why it doesn't come up for me.
I mean, I found another passage.
But regardless, they love it.
It's the ultimate expression of a control freak.
To try to control the future.
Control your reproductive system.
Control the wealth.
Control the carbon cycle of the planet.
A private group of bankers are going to control the carbon cycle of the planet.
I'm going to get into the First Amendment attack, a bunch of other news, and Paul Watson's got big breaking news coming up.
Let's continue with the calls.
Who's up next here?
John in Texas, you're on the air, John.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, John.
Hey, you know, the way things are going in Pakistan, where the Taliban supposedly is taking over slowly, it almost seems like they're getting a set of nukes off in this country and blaming it on the Taliban, and then they can launch an all-out war across the Middle East and create a police state totally in our country right here overnight.
Yeah, I've been saying for the last six months that I see Pakistan being where they want to start a new war, that I see Georgia as a place to start another one, which they almost did last week, and that I would see a biological event, whether a hoax or a real event, and I predicted that March 5th in detail a few months ago.
Well, I mean the swine flu deal was obviously a bio-attack.
I don't know why it seemed like it petered out when it got here.
I don't know what their motive was for it, if they meant it to be just a mediocre flu virus or if it was just something like a dud firecracker when it got here, you know?
I was going to ask you about that.
What do you think, why they launched this?
It was a tracker test to test how the engineered virus spread.
Clearly engineered.
Even top biologists in Russia and the UK and Canada are on major papers saying that people can search engine if they want.
Search virus made in lab.
Click news.
It should come up.
But let me answer that briefly when we come back.
And then we'll continue with more calls.
John, I really appreciate your call.
Kathy in Canada, Ray, Rod, Sean, Randy, others, your calls are straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites, some of the most attacked on the internet are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for.
The lies he has told and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Before you throw away your used batteries, you need to listen to this.
I think so.
Let's talk to Ray.
Oh, I said I'd answer that last caller's question.
Then I'll go to Ray in Colorado, Rod and others.
Look, it's clearly a engineered virus.
We've gone over all the reasons why.
It's clearly meant to track the spread of the virus.
We've talked to a virologist, and after we reported this, I make the point that we're not making this stuff up.
It later comes out in the media.
They're saying it could be the perfect virus the way it's designed to combine with new DNA, RNA, to be technical, strands that would then infect humans more readily and be even more deadly.
And it's its spread rate that was so frightening to people, and now the World Health Organization is saying 2 billion people have been infected with it.
So a lot of fear-mongering there.
And hey, you know, if the news comes out, even when they're crying wolf and says, ABC News, missiles have been fired from Russia, we'll let you know in the next five minutes what's happened,
As they did in 2000.
We're going to cover it and say, well, probably just fear-mongering PSYOP, but it's our responsibility to tell you these globalists are mass killers, and so we're going to discuss it.
And it's the same thing when they come out and say, this could kill tens of millions, greatest threat humanity's faced in 90 years, forced inoculation, martial law may be needed.
We went on air and said, probably a hoax, probably a beta test, but they could do it for real, folks!
Just like when Air Force One flew to the middle of Manhattan during all of that, clearly trying to connect somehow 9-11 to bird flu and swine flu in people's minds.
It was clearly done to create some type of panic.
To try to re-invoke fears.
And I said, there's no way the Feds didn't know about that.
There's no way they didn't know that would cause a panic.
And then it came out.
They knew it would cause a panic and said it's secret.
Don't tell the public.
And then they said it was a photo op, but they won't release the photos.
When they could have photoshopped it.
Charlie Sheen called me up to make that point.
I hadn't thought of that.
He goes, Alex, they could have just photoshopped that.
This is some psy-op.
I said, I agree with you, buddy.
What a weird world.
Just don't want to give credit to where that point came from.
Alright, let's go back to the calls here.
Let's talk to Ray in Colorado.
Hi Alex, how are you today?
Ray, go ahead.
I'm really doing great, Ray.
I was going to say, I'm not sure it's the verse you want, but it's in 2 Timothy chapter 3.
You might want to look that chapter up for all your descriptions of evil men and impostors, but I just wanted to talk about... Well, read it to us, and then I'll hold you over, but do you have the passage in front of us?
Well, just do... it's kind of a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 kind of stuff, but I'll just do real fast.
It says, But realize this, in the last days difficult times will come, for men will be lovers of self, lovers of money,
Boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, and then go down evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
And to me, that is the dark spirit that permeates all this worldwide destruction.
Yes, I know those passages, and I think they're the most powerful in the Bible.
And there's another one that was there after their father, you know, the devil, the father of lies, but there's another one that they love death.
And they do.
They love death.
And I'm just in love with life.
Because they're so jealous and envious of anybody's strength.
You know, so many old folks in the past, reading history and talking to people, would revel in young people and love the youth and love the future.
Now a lot of old folks hate the young, hate their
Hate their energy, the young hate the old, and see them as ugly and bad and not having wisdom.
And it's just, and this idea that children are bad and one of the greatest gifts ever.
I mean, and people are totally unhappy because evil does not fulfill you.
It only makes you hunger more and more when goodness literally feeds the soul.
And I'm sorry for those who have never experienced it, you know, when they laugh at us,
All these unhappy atheists and psychologists and psychiatrists that are all out there talking about how horrible their lives are and their incredible rates of suicide, they're not fulfilled because they don't realize the wonderment of what it is to be alive.
I was just going to say, Alex, and I could make lots of points like everyone else, but I had just read today, I was just going to call and talk about the Nazi thing that I've been reading about.
Go ahead.
And here I hear Paul Watson's going to talk about it later, so I won't belabor that.
No, no, no.
We'll talk about who founded Bilderberg Group when we come back to you after this break.
Stay there.
And then I'm going to be good.
We're going to hurry through your calls from Ray to Rob to Sean to Randy and Ryan.
A lot of R's.
R, R, R, R. Looking down the list there.
All right.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
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The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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It's a new kind of tyranny, a new kind of war run by psychiatrists and psychologists and sociologists as they track and trace our every move, our activities, as they gauge our responses, as they drug our water supplies, spray our skies, fill our food full of poisons, as they try to intoxicate the world with entertainment, harbor-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs.
Like Aztec priests forcing narcotic drinks down the throat of the sacrifice victims so they won't resist.
That is what's happening right now.
Oh yeah, they get you drunk as a skunk or they took you up to the chopping block so you wouldn't flail.
They did the same thing in the camps in Germany and the camps in Russia with the sodium fluoride in the water.
Historical fact!
The public would have to face the horror of who's in control, so they deny, deny.
And then that allows the evil to continue and grow and win.
Because the cowards believe that by denying reality, they're safe.
Instead of facing, they really are monsters.
We've met them, and it's our own species.
An aberrant group within our own species, engaging in predatory activity
against the rest of the species, and in the process losing their own souls.
Going back to Ray and then Rod and others.
Ray, you were trying to make a point, but I kept interrupting.
Go ahead.
That's alright.
I was just going to remind you that when G20 was just in London, the Queen gave out Orwell's 1984 to several of the attendants there.
And Jim Mars, in his rise of the Fourth Reich, has clearly shown all the Nazi relationships in Europe and America and other places.
And to me, Alex, just to make it easy for people who don't understand all this, just read Orwell's 1984 or Huxley's Brave New World, and that is what they are implementing.
And when you go back to the Nazi and Islamic coalition that was in
All through World War I and II, it is still being fomented.
Yeah, the Arab League.
That's exactly what happened is the right-wing Arab groups funded by the Nazis were then picked up by MI5, MI6, CIA, on record.
I mean, Kermit Roosevelt wrote a book about it.
The CIA section chief published in 1999, shortly before his death.
And I've had top CIA people on air, and I bring that up, and they go, yeah, you shouldn't have published that.
They're very upset about how they use radical Muslims to stage terror attacks.
They were just talking on national television, what was it, NBC this Sunday, to the President of Pakistan, and he said, oh, Salman Bin Laden works for you.
He's staging the terror attacks to destabilize our country.
The radical Muslims, you know, how dare you blame us for radical Muslims?
You know, the West is using them to destabilize
Uh, Pakistan, which is completely true!
I mean, you know, they use the radical Muslims to go after the Serbs.
They use the radical Muslims to go after, uh, the African nations.
They use the radical Mus- I mean, look at Odinga, Obama's cousin.
First cousin.
And then we have the mainstream news with the memos.
When he was a U.S.
Senator, Obama's office advising Odinga how to have the Muslims riot as the minority to take over and kind of destroy the republic there and the duly elected government in Kenya.
I mean, look, radical Muslims work for 10 Downing Street and the White House, period.
And you know, that's the more sophisticated worldview that we put out that isn't this simple US good, Muslims bad, Muslims bad, US good.
We try to break down the more sophisticated model.
And yes, my mother, you know, I went to college for history.
I gave her a copy of Risenfall.
of course.
And she said, knowing all the history she knew, it just brought so many pieces together of Jim Mars' amazing book.
And then when you look at it, then you've got this crowd that says, oh, the Nazis don't run anything, there's no such thing as Nazis.
Well, when you understand that it came from the U.S.
and England, and the Nazis implemented a eugenics policy,
And we're basically then set up by the Anglo-American Nazis to fall.
They then allowed that system to go underground to the European Union, and that's now been declassified.
We already knew that, but now it's mainstream news.
Paul Watson's coming up.
And that's the system today, is a worldwide eugenics operation.
It's not proper to call it Nazi, because the Nazis were like a spinoff.
You know, they were like a subsidiary.
Or a minor league of the big leagues.
In baseball.
So that's what we're talking about here.
But anyways, finish your point.
That's the dark spirit behind the whole thing.
They use everybody.
I mean, nobody is exempt from being used by this dark spirit.
And I was just going to say, this is just like, our current situation is just like 9-11.
This is a thermite meltdown of the world and it's all pre-planned.
God bless you.
Take care and have those vacations.
Alright, thank you.
That was great.
Very reflective.
Very, just good for the soul.
Now, there's a lot of things coming to a head though.
I've been really finally, so I'll start exercising for a few weeks and quit.
Or I'll stay healthy for a month or so and then quit.
And I'm actually now about a month and a half into working out every day and eating healthy every day and getting sleep almost every day and just praying and trying to be a better person and trying to really get centered.
And it just gets better and better, folks.
And I'm totally prepared for whatever comes.
I just can't imagine people that aren't tapped into the universe, aren't tapped into the wider realm, who are just so blinders looking, just tiny little area about they want a new truck, or how to act cool at the gym, or fighting with their wife or husband, all these petty issues, or all these women that feel inadequate and think they're ugly.
No matter how gorgeous they are.
Madison Avenue totally programmed them.
And I just see people under the mind control.
Their mannerisms, their body language, the way they talk, the insecurity.
Who's got time for insecurity when we're all going to die and none of us are going to make it out of this?
We are living, sentient, creative beings who have not even begun to discover our true potential and our true destiny.
And I can see that destiny.
I can, you know, primitive as I am, and small as I am, compared to what the species is going to become, I can grasp it from afar.
You know, the promised land, and I can tell you it is beautiful and wondrous beyond your imaginings.
And then to throw myself against this wicked, stinking machine, you know, that smells like a
Giant pile of dead bodies.
I mean, we've got to defend the innocent.
We've got to defend the species.
We've got to defend the DNA.
You notice the first thing the New World Order does is go after the DNA.
I mean, it is a fact that eugenicists founded Cold Springs Harbor, where now IBM with the U.S.
government runs the Human Genome Project, and all of their major directors.
You can just look at the directorship of the Human Genome Project.
And then you can search their names under Planned Parenthood, under eugenics, under the optimum population groups, and they are all hardcore.
Blacks aren't humans.
We gotta kill 80% of people.
The future doesn't need a big population.
And you search Google, and you research
All the big Fortune 100, and you research Chase Manhattan, and you research Goldman Sachs, and you research IBM and Microsoft, and it's all eugenics.
Look at Frank Paulson.
Gives almost all the hundreds of millions of dollars he makes.
Literally almost everything.
Lives frugally.
I mean, he isn't into money or power.
He isn't worldly, in the sense you'd think.
That's kind of the... Their servants are into baubles and trinkets and stuff.
At the top, they are just as committed as we are, folks.
And he just gives everything he's got to eugenics funds and sterilization funds and vaccine funds and land-grabbing funds.
And they just work dedicated 18 hours a day.
Dedicated to bring you evil.
Dedicated to bankrupt the middle class.
And they say because we're consuming too much, we've got it too well.
I mean, I've probably heard NPR 200 times because it's all the, you know, my wife always listens to it, you know, when she's cooking dinner at like 5.30.
And this morning she had it on, I get up about 7.30 and I hear her in the room next to me cooking breakfast and it's on.
And I hear him talking about world population and greenhouse taxes and all this crap.
It just never ends, and I know what it is, and I know how they have that sweet, calm, soothing, NPR voice, and I know that they have college courses and they admit that they go to them to speak calmly.
It's just like when you come up to a horse, and you've got it in the domestication pen, you've been feeding it, and you've been coming up, kind of getting ready to put a bridle on it the last few weeks, and you're, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Everything's okay, horsey.
There you go.
Let me give you some feet out of my hand.
Trust me.
Trust me.
They put the bridle on it.
And they don't just want to ride this horse.
They want to take it over to a truck that's waiting.
There you go.
Trust me, horsey.
I'm going to lead you up off this ramp into the truck.
And they slam the door and they say, you're going to the Elmer's Glue factory.
We're going to render you down into steaks to be shipped to France.
We're going to take your hooves and your cartilage and we're going to make Elmer's Glue out of it at a rendering plant.
Oh, shh, it's okay.
It's alright.
And you see them building it all around us and admitting they're building it.
And they even talk to mid-level minions of the system who know enough of the picture to know it's sinister, and they go, but we've got to, there's too many people, and they kind of get this little demonic little smile, and you go, you know, you say to them, you feel like you're part of the power structure, don't you?
You feel like you're going to end up winning.
They're like, that's right, I win!
Ha ha!
And I'm like, my God, look at you.
Look at what you've turned into!
Look what you are!
And you pity them.
But it's just like that coral snake in the backyard by my children's swings a few years ago.
Biggest coral snake I've ever seen.
It was red on yellow.
It was poisonous.
And I had that hoe.
I went in just to be sure.
I looked up online.
Yeah, red on yellow kills a fella.
It was curled up.
And it didn't mean any harm, it was just a venomous snake.
And I killed it better than a hammer.
Even though I thought it was beautiful and interesting.
I killed it.
But there's nothing beautiful and interesting about these people.
They are not engaging in a normal or natural way.
They are engaging in predatory activity against their own species when they themselves, if they studied the pyramidal power structure, are in the middle of the pyramid.
They are one of the most controlled, dumbed down, assaulted groups out there.
The upper areas of the pyramid are most worried about the middle area of the pyramidal power structure, the control system.
And they're always seeking to have dirt on you, to dumb you down, to control you, and then in different phases engage in purges.
And so you're not helping yourself.
It's a pipe dream.
It's a spell.
It's an illusion that you're on the winning team.
You're not.
Alright, let's go to the calls here.
Let's talk to Rod in Indiana.
Go ahead, Rod.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
I'm glad to see you back, and you need to take care of yourself because you help us.
I'd just like to make a few comments.
I live in Indiana.
Here, they're trying to take my home without any due process of the law.
They already have.
I can't afford to move anywhere.
I don't have that kind of money or luxury.
Well, now when you're homeless, the feds are paying the cities to forcibly thumbprint and face scan you.
And then many states are now forcing people to live in camps.
They don't let you live on the street.
And so it's a very hellish, you know, the New London, Connecticut case said private interest can tell the government they want your land and the government will take it without just compensation.
You know, that was what was buried in the news articles with that case four years ago.
Is that they take it without paying you.
And, you know, my dad owns some land and he got a notice called the Taxpayers Bill of Rights in Texas and it actually told him he had no rights, but they called it a Taxpayer Rights.
You have the rights to have no rights.
And it said, when the government or a private corporation wants your land now, you've got a few weeks to accept the price and that's it, or you get nothing.
So it's, uh,
Either you sign the contract or your brains will be on the contract.
An offer you can't refuse.
So how are they taking your house?
Well, I bought the home, I paid cash, and I told them they had to fix a few things.
They didn't want to fix them so they sold the contract to an uncle and he foreclosed without any due process here.
I've called attorneys.
Attorneys say, what black hole do you live in?
Because they haven't heard of anything since 1939 in Alabama like this.
Every attorney... Oh no, it goes on everywhere.
Listen, that's the thing I found.
Is in business period, everything's getting corrupt.
And then as other people get cheated and screwed, they then think it's okay to do it to you.
But, look, you did a deal with a shyster.
But you have the contract, and so I would just call the sheriff.
I would go into court.
I would sue the individual, or they sold it to somebody else.
Do they have a title company?
What's going on?
Yeah, the title company didn't do... They took my name off everything without even a court hearing.
And they sold it to an uncle, and he screwed so many people in this town.
But the attorneys say I have a case.
I just don't have no money.
Oh, it's a boss hog.
And when they've done this, so illegal.
And I've got an attorney saying he can't do anything because it's like a slow moving car wreck.
And they're going to have to physically force me out or kill me because I will not leave my home.
Well, I would tell you before you wait for them on their terms, I'm not telling you what to do.
I will not.
Yes, sir.
I mean, have you thought about going and talking to these people yourself?
I've tried, and there's no talking.
Have you tried physically talking to them?
Yes, I've tried physically talking to them.
They will not talk to me.
It's a done deal, they say.
You need to go to the police.
It's a criminal matter.
You need to go to the fraud division.
And then you may have to go outside the town to the county.
But I know what I can do.
Alright, I appreciate your call, but I can't tell you that on air.
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In the New World Order's War Against Humanity,
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We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Okay, we're going to continue with your calls until the 8 after, then Paul Watson joins us for about 30 minutes and I'm going to get into the attack on the First Amendment.
Just massive new developments every day.
Also, you know about the Department of Homeland Security documents coming out saying Ron Paul supporters, gun owners, veterans are the number one threat and the Homeland Security is designed to deal with us.
We already knew that over a decade ago we had their documents, but at least now it's big news.
We're going to be breaking that down.
We'll start simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv coming up at the 8 after.
And your calls are coming up in a moment, but I wanted to tell you about a few of the sponsors that have made today's radio show so far possible.
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Let's talk to Sean in California, then Randy, Ryan, and Robert.
Go ahead, you're on the air, Sean.
Yeah, hey Alex, just making a comment on something that Glenn Beck was saying about a sliding scale in this country moving from what he called anarchy with our founding fathers to big government control of what we're doing today.
And I just wanted to make a comment that, of course, that's not really accurate, right?
We're a republic, or we are a republic, and we simply need to move our country back to
The republic and states rights.
It's not about anarchy and the patriot movement of course is being demonized by the DHS, Lexicon Report and whatnot.
But we're really not anarchists.
We're, you know, not even founding father revolutionaries.
What we are... Well it's funny, I'm going to hold you over.
Stay there, I'm going to hold you over with a 70 second break, but I didn't watch hardly any TV in the four days I took off.
But driving home yesterday for four hours from the Texas coast to Austin,
My wife just turned on XM and it was on the Fox News and they were re-airing Glenn Beck and it was this radio show.
It was our false left-right paradigm.
He said false left-right paradigm and then he said there is a true scale from liberty on one end and tyranny on the other.
And I know who invented that modern scale to explain things.
It was Red Beckman.
So, literally, Glenn Beck is watching everything we do.
You are listening to GCN.
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We're good to go.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we are back live.
You know, I don't like attacking other talk show hosts.
But when Rush Limbaugh still says to this day he supports the mandatory sentencing laws for cocaine and heroin that can put a first-time offender in jail for five to ten years.
But then he's using a prescription drug whose molecule is more addictive than heroin and mimics it.
And that's okay.
He doesn't get in trouble.
Doctor shopping and everything else.
Look, I don't like sounding like all the other petty people that just attack each other.
But Limbaugh's a huge icon.
It has to be done from time to time.
But I feel sorry for Limbaugh.
And I heard him on the air 20 years ago.
He was a different person.
He was a lot better, pro-Second Amendment.
You could tell he was for real.
And I've seen him just... Five years he was okay, and then he really turned into pro-New World Order as soon as he got really big.
He sold out.
And I don't like talking about Glenn Beck, but when he gets up there and says, I'm a patriot leader, you can trust me, I'm going to tell you the truth, I think the camps are real, and builds it up for a month, I said, folks, he's going to come out and say they aren't real, and I called what he would specifically do.
Because all I do is study this.
I know who Glenn Beck is.
I've watched him from afar, I've listened to him off and on, and uh...
He's really bad news, folks.
Very bad news.
And he is a psy-op from the beginning.
There's no doubt.
And, you know, if I just wanted to be successful here on radio, I wouldn't attack him.
Because when you attack big people, it tends to alienate those that listen to that person.
So if I was just here to get a big audience, I would not do that.
But I'm not here just to have a big audience.
Or to make money.
I'm here to tell the truth.
And tell it like it is.
And yeah, it's very interesting.
I actually wrote a note as I was driving down the highway.
That's out in my little notebook out there of things I wanted to cover later in the week.
I was listening to Red Beckman.
The earliest person I know of was Red Beckman who explained the sliding scale of liberty versus tyranny.
Now others have taken that scale and said anarchy on one end with the republic in the middle and the tyranny on one end.
You've got the tyranny on the left or right, doesn't matter which end you're sticking on.
Left or right doesn't count.
You got tyranny on one end, and you've got anarchy on the other, and in the middle you have a republic.
And there's other scales where you can say, in a left-right paradigm, there is fascist tyranny on the right, and there is socialist tyranny on the left, and each one is black uniforms, death camps, secret police, total, you know, control.
And in the middle of that spectrum is Liberty, the furthest away from each of those systems you can get to.
But the point is, then the second place I ever saw it was Geo Griffin, a film he made in the 60s about the political paradigms.
And Glenn Beck's definitely seen it, and he's definitely watching everything we do.
But going back to, was it Sean in California I was talking to?
Sean, go ahead and finish up so you saw the thing I heard.
Yeah, it was that, and I was at a planning meeting for a tea party, and I was also talking to some other ladies there, and they were commenting about it, so it's definitely getting out.
But the one big thing that we have to remember here as we're, you know, getting ready for our tea party movement, or whatever else we're doing to get ready, is the Constitution was made to restrict government, not to grant rights that we already had.
And, you know, don't let Glenn Beck to cloud the issue, or anyone else for that matter.
Well, that was the other thing.
He was just constantly adding disinfo into his dissertation on it.
And he's meant to take over our movement and try to guide it into the ground.
Anything else?
Thanks a lot.
No, that's it, Alex.
Thank you.
We'll be right back with big news with Paul Watson.
More of your calls.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is the 11th day of May 2009.
We've got one hour and 52 minutes left with us.
Paul Watson joins us.
When Paul leaves us, I'm going to detail state governments, local governments, the feds moving against the Second Amendment and the First Amendment.
I always try to explain that to the controlled left, that you take somebody's Second Amendment, you're going to lose your First Amendment.
And I always try to explain that to the controlled right.
You take somebody's First Amendment, they're going to take your Second.
And they're going to take your property rights.
Under the 10th and the 9th.
They're going to violate those, and that's now happening.
House Bill aims to strip right-wing extremists of Second Amendment rights.
And boy, is this an accurate article by Kurt Nimmo.
Hard to believe, but it's really happening.
Also saying hurting somebody's feelings to be a felony.
I got a bunch of other economic news and some torture news as well that we're going to be going over here.
But right now I wanted to go to Paul Watson.
In fact, it's one of the top stories up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Maybe we'll
Punch that up for folks.
And it deals with the founding of the European Union by Nazis.
Now, this is no secret.
We actually cover this in Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
But the founding members of Bilderberg are also the founding members of the World Wildlife Fund to teach the public
As the Club of Rome admitted in the 1960s and then again in republished documents in the early 90s, one written by Richard N. Hoss,
That humans are the enemy and that the world government must be convened and set up to carry out the controlled extermination of the majority of the population.
Now, I'm not the one saying this.
They're the ones saying it.
The Nazis killed tens of millions of people.
That war killed 20 million Germans, at least 20 million Russians, a million Americans and Brits.
And you should remember, the King of England, Edward VIII, had to advocate the throne because it came out he was a Nazi, photos of him with Hitler, supporting Hitler.
When the war started, he had to run out of Spain, you know, and basically was told to get out of town and go to the British Virgin Islands, and he basically left for the war a disgrace, and was no longer the King, because he was a big Nazi, and this was all a setup.
Hitler was told
You're going to attack the communists, you're going to take over France.
They had a deal with the Vichy French, this is on record, where the British military would evacuate out to Dunkirk.
Hitler would just act like he was attacking them, this has now been declassified, and drop, have Hermann Goering have the Waffe bomb out to sea far away from the ships.
And the film reels got released and they said, Hitler's not attacking.
And the documents have come out, and it's even on PBS, that Hitler, quote, didn't want to attack the British.
Well, they had a deal.
Then suddenly the British announced, we are going to attack you.
I mean, talk about conspiracy theories.
It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy fact that the Maginot Line and all of that didn't fail in World War II.
And Hitler's blitzkrieg was not the great success.
I mean, the Polish held out just defending one city for many days.
And they had horse-drawn carriages and people fighting tanks with swords.
The French had a modern military.
The Vichy French dominated the entire military and most of the French government.
And they wanted a coup of France.
That's why Hitler took over in a week
Came and did a tour of Paris and then left and then they moved the capital down to the city of Vichy, hence it gets the name the Vichy French government.
They were the collaborators.
It was all staged.
It was meant to be a European Union takeover by Hitler and he would take over Europe and then he would unify Europe as the new Germania to attack
The Russians and the Bolsheviks, and then exterminate most of them.
They were going to do blood tests and other genotypes.
And they had other quack systems of measuring the skull and nose and things.
Of all the Slavs, and those that were Aryan enough would live, the rest would be killed.
Hitler wouldn't bomb once he got betrayed, quote, by the British.
He wouldn't bomb London, and he gave speeches saying this is the most pure Aryans there are because they weren't overrun as much as Germany was, you know, by the Mongols in some of those invasions that went on even into Western Europe.
And so, I don't want to bomb and kill any of our precious Aryans, and so England flew it right into Berlin and bombed it just to get Hitler to attack, and then he did.
But the whole thing is it was a betrayal, in quotes.
This is all on record in mainline history books.
They just don't make a big deal out of it on TV, but you get a piece of it here, a piece of it there.
And that's why the Deputy Fuhrer, Rudolf Hess, flew in, you know, he'd been a World War I fighter ace, he flew in on his own plane, parachuted in with all these magical amulets saying, I have the peace treaty, I have the secret deal, you weren't supposed to attack us, you were supposed to let us take Europe, and then, you know, the King of England was going to rule it all with, you know, with Hitler being the political leader and Edward VIII being the, you know, the sovereign leader.
And they were going to have the Vatican as the new religious center reborn.
And that was what was in the documents.
And we covered that to some extent in Endgame.
And then, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a German prince, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, related to the Queen, Anne Edward VIII closely.
He was a Nazi, so then, when they decided to switch and have the House of Orange fight against the Nazis, they had him at a photo-op with a machine gun, shooting at Luftwaffe planes as they came in.
He then ran across the channel, joined the RAF, was good buddies with Prince Philip, the eugenicist as well, who says, you know, blacks aren't humans and get rid of them.
And then you have the eugenics set up in England and the United States that Hitler quotes in Mein Kampf, and quotes in all these speeches, and giving awards to Thomas Watson of IBM, and Margaret Sanger, and the Colgates, and others, and them giving him awards, and, you know, different industrialists in the U.S.
giving Hitler, you know, gifts of two million dollars and gold bars, and just, oh, my, Hitler on the cover of Time magazine.
In fact, pull up Hitler on the cover of Time, 1938.
I think it's the year.
Oh, how great Hitler is, and how wonderful he is, and you know, at the Olympic Games before that, how he was the savior of the world, and gonna save the environment, and a vegetarian, and for the animals, and biospheres, and eugenics, and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, fully funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
That's all mainline history!
And let me tell you, folks, when I cover this is when I get the death threats and the calls and they turn the Nazis loose on us, claiming we work for Israel and all this other bull.
No, I come on air and admit Israel's part and parcel funded by these people.
Israel took billions of dollars to irradiate 110,000 Jewish children, most of them to death, the ringworm children, mainstream.
You know, and at the top, it's the top Zionists took money from
From Jews trying to get out and did deals where Jews couldn't run to New York or London, where they had to go to Palestine and they had to pay the Zionist groups a million bucks to get out of Germany?
Show people Hitler right here!
I'm telling you, at the top, it's all controlled by these people.
There he is, Time Magazine.
Here, scroll down so I can read the caption.
It says, Hitler.
I know, you can pull up the actual article.
I can't read that.
In fact, just pull up
I mean, there's gardening magazines, Time Life, Time Magazine.
Oh, Hitler, he's so great.
My grandfather.
He remembers listening in Dallas, Texas in the 30s to Hitler speeches and they were translating them and how great he was.
He remembers listening to WBAP and he's dead now, I'd love to have him on there.
And he remembers hearing the Hitler speeches and how great Hitler was.
Yeah, there it is, man of the year.
Adolf Hitler, 1938.
And talks about how great he is.
God, print that for me.
Maybe I'll read some of that.
You know, this is what I'm telling you.
Alright, I'm going to go to Paul Watson, then we're going to get to your calls and all the attacks on free speech that are happening.
But I'm telling you, I don't care if they're Chinese, I don't care if they're Jewish, if they're German, if they're British, if they're Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Japanese.
The Japanese were huge into eugenics.
They loved Hitler, the Japanese leadership.
Elites all believe in breeding and that they're the master group.
And I'm telling you, they're not Catholics, they're not Protestants, they're not Jews, they're not any of those at the top.
They are eugenicists, ladies and gentlemen.
My dad had a famous botanist who was a Jewish professor at UT who was the head of the group when my dad was in high school already at UT and this advanced placement thing who they then of the 125 smartest pulled aside six and it was Professor Spear
Running it, and he was Jewish explaining to them about the master race and all of this, but Hitler just went too far, that they're really master strains in most groups, and that they've got to cull the people, basically.
I mean, it's everything everywhere.
This is what the elites believe, ladies and gentlemen.
And so if we don't face the full magnitude of what's happening, it's only going to get worse.
So I go to Paul Watson now with these big new developments that are up on PrisonPlanet.com.
And last week he broke when the news came out, which we already knew, but now it's mainstream news.
People can't deny it.
With more detail, how Bilderberg brags now in all these papers, they secretly set up the EU, just like we sued and got their documents, they're running the North American Union.
Paul Watson, big news.
Hello Alex, good to be back.
Good to have you here.
First of all, most of what you just talked about regarding the Second World War, Hitler and the Nazis, is all laid out in William Shire's book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, which was written in the early 60s, which is considered the seminal book on the Third Reich.
And all of this stuff's in there, and yet people treat it with suspicion when we talk about it all these years later.
Yeah, well, stay there, Paul.
Let's break down the new info.
And folks, I'm telling you, they're setting up world government to kill most of you listening right now.
Most of us are dead if we don't beat these people.
It's us or them.
They run everything.
We better turn that around.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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But when you're ready to fight and stand up and you know what's going on, tyranny evaporates like phantoms at dawn.
I'm trying to remember the Thomas Jefferson quote about, if you just educate the whole of the public about liberty,
Okay, well,
What we already knew before these latest documents came out was this.
As everybody knows, the first couple of years of the Second World War, the Nazis blitzed through Europe.
They were on top.
But from the early 1940s onward, the worm had turned and they knew that military defeat was all but certain.
And so they started to devise ways of how they could preserve their power.
Um, by means of consent over conquest.
And it was during this period that top Nazis, such as Nazi economics minister Walter Funk, wrote about the necessity to create, quote, a central European Union and, quote, a European economic area.
That's what Funk called for in his book, The European Community.
As well as him, his co-authors, Nazi academic Heinrich Hunker wrote in the same book, quote, classic national economy is dead.
Community of fate, which is the European economy, fate and extent of European cooperation depends on a new unity economic plan.
Fellow Nazi Gustav Koenig wrote, quote, we have real European community tasks before us.
I am convinced that this community effort will last beyond the end of the war.
And that's why they always say that the European Union, the engine of it is Germany, because the German taxpayers pay for it all.
It's because you've got Crump Industries and all of these guys who are right up there on par with the Rothschilds and others in the power structure.
They literally suck all the money out of the German people to buy off the rest of Europe for themselves.
It's just an economic domination.
And then following the release of this book,
Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ordered the creation of, quote, large-scale economic unification of Europe, believing that, quote, in 50 years time people would no longer think in terms of countries.
This was in 1940, and in 1993, just 53 years later, the European Union in its current form was born.
Paul, that's why they're an irresistible force until you consciously realize what they're doing, because they move like a glacier.
I mean, it's just that irresistible force.
I'm going to twist you, I'm going to take my time butchering you real good.
And the general public's thinking on a day-to-day, and the global masterminds, they're thinking on 50-year models.
Go ahead.
Right, it's a long-term agenda.
Other top Nazis who also called for the creation of a pan-European federal economic super-state were Ribbentrop, Quisling and Steiss-Inquart, who he spoke for, quote, the new Europe of solidarity and cooperation among all its people will find rapidly increasing prosperity once national economic boundaries are removed.
And that could have been taken straight out of a CFR meeting or a Trilateral Commission meeting or whatever.
So you've got all these top Nazis in the early 40s saying we need a pan-European economic empire and we need to do it by consent rather than conquest and then we'll get on to the new documents which only solidify that this was second place after the break.
Yeah, it's no doubt.
The entire European Union, to be the center of the new world government, as Gordon Brown has said, is to carry out Nazi policies of mass death.
We're on the march.
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In the New World Orders War Against Humanity.
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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It's hard to believe that reality is what it is, but that doesn't change the facts.
We are in a scientific dictatorship, and they are now moving to shut down free speech and resisting them verbally and physically.
While they built the overall structure and bankrupted the societies to make us independent, to make those of us that were independent dependent on them,
They now move into the final phase of the hot war.
Or the physical tyranny.
And that is now upon us.
Your calls are coming up.
Okay, Paul wants to continue with these articles you've got.
We're Bilderberg Groups now in the news bragging, okay, we set it all up.
Yeah, we really do run things.
And yeah, by the way, we're eugenicists.
And this is what we want to carry out against the world population.
I'll get to the Bilderberg connection in a second.
Yeah, continue with the Nazis.
So they're saying by 4142, and this was always the rumor.
Well, no, people had read history books that had the documents.
When they would tell people, then folks would say, I heard, and then it became a rumor that, oh, there was a secret Nazi plan to go underground.
The crypto eugenicists.
Go ahead.
Yes, so by 4142 they were saying it was necessary to roll their failing military agenda into a pan-European economic agenda.
And the new revelations are that an author who was writing a book called Adam Labor was collecting material for a fictional book based around the premise that
Nazis who were seeking to preserve their power and their money at the end of the Second World War conspired to create a Fourth Reich using the infiltration of creating a European Union, which we've just talked about.
And in researching and collecting material for this book, because obviously all such books are based loosely on historical fact,
He actually discovered documents which directly proved the plot to be true.
And, uh, this document is called U.S.
Military Intelligence Report EWPA-128, and it's also known as the Red House Report.
And in that document, it talks about how top Nazis met in Strasbourg, France, in 1944, knowing that they were about to lose the war, obviously.
And they conspired to create a fourth Reich based on a pan-European economic empire and a European common market.
And what the plan consisted of was top Nazi SS officers like Dr. Schied ordered wealthy Nazi industrialists and bankers to set up front companies abroad and pose as reformed Democrats
So that they could achieve economic penetration throughout Europe and ultimately lay the foundations for the re-emergence of the Nazis.
Now this consisted primarily of people like Alfred Krupp of Krupp Industries and Friedrich Flick, according to these documents, as well as front companies.
That we are still in operation.
And now, elevators, coffee machines, car manufacturers.
When you really know who the Nazis are, it's like everything you're looking at on store shelves that isn't Chinese.
BMW, Demons, Volkswagen, and many others.
And they were tasked with infiltrating the European business market and creating this foundation for the Nazi ideology to
Persist even after they were defeated militarily.
And we've got a quote in the article from historian Michael Pinto-Duchinsky, who said, quote, for many leading industrial figures close to the Nazi regime, Europe became a cover for pursuing German national interest after the defeat of Hitler.
The continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies of post-war Europe is striking.
Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leading builders of the European Union, end quote.
Now, the key man in all this is somebody called Hermann Abbes, surname ABS.
Now, he was known as Hitler's top banker, and in fact, David Rockefeller, let me get the direct quote, called Abbes the greatest banker of the 20th century.
Now, Abbes was, um,
...on the board of Deutsche Bank when the Nazis rose to prominence in the 1930s, and he also held no less than 40 directorships in Nazi companies during that same period.
He was also on the board of IG Farben, who of course made the Zyklon B gas, held the patent to it, which was used to kill the concentration camp victims.
He was also put in charge of allocating martial aid
Reconstruction funds, so he basically managed Germany's economic recovery after the war.
Now where it gets even more interesting is the fact that Abs was a founding member of the European League for Economic Cooperation, which was set up in 1946.
Now just by coincidence, the other people who helped him set this up, and this European League for Economic Cooperation,
It still exists today.
It was one of the primary drivers behind the eventual creation of the European Economic Market in 1957.
It still exists today and it has an advisory status at the Council of Europe and on the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
So this was a key organisation in setting the foundation for the creation of the European Union.
It was set up by Abs, a top Nazi, Hitler's top banker.
And I might add a Bilderberg member when the Bilderberg organisation came into existence just before 54.
Also, people who helped ABT set up this European League for Economic Cooperation were, among others, Edmund Giscard d'Estaing, top Bilderberg member, Paul van Zeeland, top Bilderberg member,
I don't
Forming this European League for Economic Cooperation in 1946.
And then you have Bilderberg bragging in public documents to the BBC and others, to the EU Observer a few weeks ago, Vice Count Etienne D'Avignon, who we've personally videotaped last year in D.C.
and then again before that in Canada, in Ottawa at the Brook Street,
They brag that they covertly set this up and they're proud of themselves and you've got...
Prince Bernard, the SS member, who is the founder of the others you just mentioned, setting all of this up.
I mean, it's totally there, and then all they push is eugenics and bankrupting the middle class, and then people say, well, they're Nazis and they want whites to breed.
Then they fund these programs to have the West not have children as the West dies, and they have all these Bilderberg Group members and Club of Rome people come out.
And say that they want to cut the population of Australia, England in half, Canada in half, U.S.
And when you read their eugenicist documents for all the white supremacists out there thinking, we like the new world order, then no you don't.
in half.
Because what you have to understand is they say that they tell the public about positive and negative eugenicists, who they see as the master race, needs to interbreed and make smarter, faster, better, longer lived.
More stable people and then negative eugenics, sterilize or kill or get rid of or starve the sub-humans in their twisted view.
But they say that's for the public.
What we want is to actually get rid of our competition that are the whites and Jews and a few other groups, including some of the higher orientals as they call them, that they want world government to knock out their competition.
Again, I'm not even saying I believe in all this.
I'm stating what they believe.
How evil is that to want to kill their own race because they believe it's a master race that threatens them?
I mean, these are some sick, sick puppies, man.
These are some sick, sick, sick, sick, sick people, Paul.
And knowing the origins of their ideology, it's no surprise, because as you mentioned,
Okay, we've got top Nazis and future Bilderbergers creating this European Economic Group in 1946.
By the early 50s, when they start to meet and plan all this through the Bilderberg Group, they start talking about, quote, pressing need to bring the German people together with the other peoples of Europe into a common market.
And these documents came out of the 1955 Bilderberg meeting,
Documents which are now being released by the WikiLeaks website, which we reported on last week.
So in 55, they're talking about creating a European Common Market, but not by the creation of a new authority.
They said it's got to be done via a treaty, otherwise we're not going to get it done.
So lo and behold, two years later, 1957, the first incarnation of the European Union, the European Economic Community, is passed via the Rome Treaty.
Also, in the 55 Bilderberg documents, it talks about, quote, it might be better to proceed through the development of common market by treaty.
I've talked about that.
It also talks about the need to create a single European currency.
And this is in 1955.
The single European currency was only proposed
In 1992, that's when it was first proposed.
And by the way, I'll make this point I make routinely, Paul, this is so important, we'll go back to what you were just saying.
Remember in 2007, in all the capital cities of Europe, they had giant parades for 50 years of the Euro, and people, nobody showed up, and it was empty streets, and they said, for all the fireworks displays and parades, they said, but we thought this thing just started in 2000.
How is it 50 years of the Euro?
And that's because of the Treaty of Rome in 1957.
You had the European Union, just like with the treaty they had in Waco in 2005, in March.
And they said the treaty was sacred, but people sued and got it.
We are now in the North American Union, and down the road they'll announce, you know, 20 years of the North American Union.
People go, but I thought this started last year.
And they'll be, it didn't, slave.
So please continue, Paul.
Yeah, they actually had another EU ceremony in Paris last year when I was in Paris, and they had EU flags on top of the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.
Nobody seemed very interested in it, but it was just a statement, you know, we own this, this is ours, and that's what they do with EU flags everywhere now.
But going back to what I was talking about, yeah, they proposed the euro in 1955, and that's
42, sorry, it's around about 40 years before it was actually first proposed and introduced.
And so, you've got a straight line between the Nazis, the creation of these groups which laid the foundations for the EU, then the Bilderberg Group, which is when they formalized the policies to create the EU and the Euro,
And then the creation of the EEC in 1957, and then obviously in the decades since, the EEC got bigger and bigger and eventually became the European Union in 1993.
And in the 21st century, now we have the European Union basically laying everything out on the table and not even hiding behind
This rationalization that it's just a trading partnership and they've proposed now with the Lisbon Treaty basically to take away any remaining sovereignty whatsoever held by nation-states and create a truly federal European super-state and the origins of it have now been proven vehemently
And other Bilderberg Group documents have leaked and we can publicly see the policies of the European Union.
They claim if you're not for open borders, you're a racist.
So they always use the attack of what they themselves really are.
And so that's what's so cold-blooded about this.
Take the Royal Commission on Population, 1949.
It states if we industrialize the third world, they'll stop having as many children, but that won't give us as much power.
So we'll keep policies in the third world with the IMF and World Bank to bankrupt them.
They'll have more children.
It'll actually chew up the rainforest and the indigenous animals.
But that's okay, because later we'll come in with other sterilization programs and just call off the mass.
So we'll use a population bomb as a weapon, and then we'll come in and use a eugenics operation against those people.
I mean, this is a scorched earth policy of, we'll screw everything up, we'll destroy half the planet if we need to, to get this system in control.
We'll GMO all the crops, if that's what it takes to take over the third world populations and destroy their crops.
I mean, again, it's just such a diabolical design that they run.
And then we see the Club of Rome and the CFR and these European Union groups.
Openly, it's always about eugenics and getting rid of the middle class and bankrupting the population and doing all these horrible things.
It is just so cold-blooded.
Paul Watson, to then understand that this isn't even Nazi.
To say Nazi, you know, makes a nice headline in the British newspapers.
But more than that, it's a scientific dictatorship of eugenics and the Nazis were only one manifestation of what the Milner Group developed to tear up Europe so then again the Anglo-American establishment could come in as the savior.
So the Anglo-American establishment can't come into the Middle East unless they
Thank you.
And then using the Nazis on the continent and all those funds and treasure they amassed, telling the rich doctors and scientists and the crumps and the elites, join with us now, here's the real eugenics plan, go underground into a corporate state, which is what Lord Milner wanted in the teens 30 years before, and we'll let you in on the real system, and then they did, and now Germany's the main engine of the European Union.
I mean, these guys are sophisticated, Paul.
Indeed they are.
What we need to remember is that, you know, most individuals, most MEPs in the European Union Parliament are not Nazis, but the origins of their organisation is, and the very nature of the European Union in that it seeks to remove power from national governments who are accountable to their citizens, to their electorate,
And centralize it into the hands of an elite that are electable to nobody but themselves is, by its very own nature, totalitarian.
So even if you don't believe that it had Nazi origins, which are now proven, it is totalitarian by its very nature.
Well exactly, Paul, but... Let me go ahead, Paul.
You've got the Lisbon Treaty coming up again in autumn.
Now they can't ratify it without every member state
Stay there.
We'll do a final segment with you and then I promise to get through the calls that I've been holding.
Then I'm going to cover the attacks on free speech and news blitz for the rest of the show.
Got a whole other hour coming up.
Key, saving the most important stuff for last coming up.
But I've got some comments on what Paul's covering as well that are very important.
When we get back, stay with us.
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I think so.
We're good.
6-5-5-4, the bailout group.
I think so.
I don't know.
If you study Adolf Hitler, you'll learn that he believed that everybody should become vegetarians by law.
I'm not attacking vegetarians, folks.
I'm just stating facts here.
That there should be laws against hunting.
He was against hunting.
He was basically more akin to a PETA supporter than anything else.
And he believed in culling humans.
And he believed in keeping small groups of blacks alive in certain areas of Africa, kind of as a zoo, you know, would keep alive elephants or something.
As a laboratory example, he believed that they would let the Japanese dominate and cull the Asian populations.
They were going to take over all of Russia and Central Asia and exterminate everyone who didn't pass muster.
Same thing with most of the Latin American nations.
And this is what they believed in.
Now, when you see things like carbon taxes proposed in the 60s, this comes right out of Club of Rome, right out of Bilderberg Group.
Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard, both Nazis on record.
In fact, Prince Philip, we forget about, the consort, the Duke of Edinburgh to the Queen of England, he was a Nazi.
His sisters all married Nazis.
They're all Nazis.
They're all Nazis.
And you can say what you want about who runs the world and what the system is.
The facts are the facts.
And they are carrying out eugenics.
And Endgame, I think, gives you the best picture to understand that overall.
But in closing, Paul Watson,
Yeah, they're going forward with their world government plan, and I just hope that the white supremacists understand out there that this eugenics model out there is for them as well.
The elites are going after whoever they think actually has genetics that they don't control, that quote, threatens them.
They want to kill the, quote, subhumans and the, you know, quote, middle class, you know, that they see of genetics that might challenge them.
And I hope people realize that.
I mean, no matter who you are, 99% of us
Are in deep trouble under this system.
So we better all come together against the New World Order.
And then, whatever policy the New World Order's got, we should be against that policy.
Paul Watson.
I also find it interesting to know, from what you were just talking about, that Valerie Giesgaard de Stang, the top Bilderberg member who founded the precursor for the EU with top Nazis, married his cousin.
So they all like to keep it in the family, don't they?
They're really into that.
But what I would say about the European Union is that from its ideology in the 40s, from its Nazi ideology to its empowerment in the decade later, now the agenda is so advanced that the manifestations of its power cannot be hidden anymore, which is why people like G-Star Destin said
Regarding the Lisbon Treaty, quote, public opinion will be led to adopt, without knowing it, the proposals we dare not present to them directly.
Imagine that.
So he's saying that basically, if we knew what it was really about, we'd never go for it.
So it's, you know, but now it's coming out.
The free speech issue with the EU.
I mean, the Nazis just killed people who spoke out against them, but
The EU's found a more successful method, which is just kill their free speech instead.
There's actually a European Court of Justice case which establishes the pretext that it's an illegal act to criticize the EU.
In fact, the EU has banned... You know, that's too important.
Stay there.
Let's come back in five more minutes and I promise I'm going to get to one final round of calls from Randy, Ryan, Robert, Randy, Randy.
Man, I tell you, it's all our callers today.
And then I'm gonna get into all this other free speech attacks and I'll try to go to the beach.
It was Big Brother like you've never seen.
I'll show you those photos.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Wow, we are already into the final hour.
The main man returned to the airwaves this 11th of May 2009.
Big news bullet's coming up, finishing up with Paul Watson.
Paul Watson, you were getting into, yeah, the European Union's been firing ministers, and members of the British government get fired if they criticize the EU, and now I've seen mainstream news articles where people are arrested because they use the word homosexual.
That's a hate crime now because it hurts people's feelings.
If something hurts someone's feelings, even if it's a scientific term,
You said the word bluebird.
That hurts my feelings.
You're under arrest.
They're now proposed a bill.
It's getting a lot of co-sponsors here in the United States doing the same thing.
That's coming up.
But you were talking about the European Union.
This is all happening and now in London I was reading that every day people are getting stopped and questioned.
It's happened to your brother.
It's happened to me.
She's announcing, your Home Secretary, that there's basically no free speech in England.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
I mean, they're really doing this.
Well, the controversy regarding Michael Savage, what was not mentioned in that whole controversy was the fact that he was banned from entering Britain based on an EU law.
Yeah, I forgot that, Paul.
You gotta get a blurb up.
That's huge news.
Nobody has pointed that out but you.
So, from what I was saying before, the manifestations of the EU's power are now so advanced that they're obviously totalitarian.
I mean, you've got... I posted pictures on PrisonPlanet.com where the international EU police, because the EU's now got its own international political police force, is firing tear gas at Serbians who are protesting infringements against their sovereignty.
On behalf of the UN created globalist claim state Kosovo.
And it also came out in mainstream news just today, it's up on PrisonPlanet.com that they are doing all sorts of other restrictions on free speech all over Europe.
Yeah, which happens at every major global summit now.
With the free speech, the EU has also attempted to basically ban the internet.
They call it a dangerous and unregulated blogosphere.
I make all these points and I try to make it relevant to people in America because this is exactly what they're planning with the North American Union.
It's going to be set up along the exact same lines and you're going to see
Instead of European International Police, North American Union International Police.
It's happening and it's a very short leap from international EU police to North American Union international police.
It's just a matter of wearing a different badge.
And they're in Serbia right now subduing Serbians who are angry about their sovereignty being taken.
So, you know, that's what they're planning for America when they try to amalgamate
The U.S., Canada, and Mexico, and the agreements have already been signed whereby they can use troops in each other's countries.
And make no mistake, the big foundations have been caught admitting they plan race war in the Southwest.
They plan to get at us all killing each other.
We do not want that, ladies and gentlemen.
Paul Watson, unbelievable hour-long report.
Thank you for spending time with us today.
We'll keep watching PrisonPlanet.com for all the great work you and your brother, Steve Watson, are doing from the U.K.
Okay, thanks Alex.
Thank you.
From Airstrip One, there goes Paul Watson.
Where the secret police are on the streets and questioning him and his brother and others.
I tell ya, the time is very, very late.
Alright, your phone call is straight ahead and a ton of news as I promised.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Coming up at the lot of the hour, I'll spend about two or three minutes showing you some vacation photos.
Last year, I tried to go down to where we go when I was a kid, to Bolivar, down by Galveston, and they searched us every time we took the ferry over.
And, uh, this time I thought, well, I'll just go down to Port Aransas and then go over to the National Seashore and, uh, drive through there.
And, I mean, literally, it was like Big Brother on steroids.
We'll just wait till you see the photos.
So that is coming up for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
We'll obviously be narrating and talking about and describing the photos for radio listeners out there.
Speaking of PrisonPlanet.tv, we are being censored all over YouTube.
David put up a little backup channel and they suspended that and shut that down and just said, no copyright infringement, you just can't have a site.
So there's some other channels other people run and it looks like they're shutting those down.
It looks like Alex Jones is not allowed on YouTube.
So I'm banned here in the United States.
The establishment's figured out that we're having a big effect on them and so now I'm taboo.
I am the big nasty evil creature that people can't be allowed to hear because I'll actually read government documents about how you Genesis Nazis actually run the world government and they're poisoning you and your family.
So, that is coming up.
You know, I'm getting that weird cell phone interference.
You know when you have a cell phone by electrical equipment?
How it will... I see somebody's charging a cell phone on top of the board out there.
Maybe that little devil is on doing that.
You know, cell phones gotta be good for your brains.
Forget all the thousands of studies admitting it's causing brain tumors.
Little microwave units.
It's gotta be good if you put it in your electrical equipment and it messes it up.
You know, come on.
It's good for you.
Okay, I said I'd take your phone calls 1-800-259-9231.
I just want to encourage the listeners to get PrisonPlanet.tv memberships.
I mean, you not only get all 20-plus of my films, and films like Jason Burnham's Fabled Enemies, you also get
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Five plus years up and running and it just gets better and better.
So PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to thank all the members out there who've done that as well.
They make this show possible.
Randy in Montana.
Randy, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
We don't get your show here until like four in the afternoon, so I may be way off topic here, but last night CBS News 60 Minutes ran what I consider to be the most blatant
Phi op that I've ever seen with UAVs and how they single out individual vehicles and individual pedestrians and just annihilate them.
So they showed you the drones.
You never hear them or see them.
So they showed the drones that are face scanning us and tracking slaves.
Yes they did.
And a lot of people would look at this as just the superior western technology against the eastern barbarians that we may be fighting but I took it as a direct
I don't know.
Landscape around them erupts into like a small nuclear explosion or something.
Well, there is no topic today.
We're covering news, covering a host of issues.
Tell us what station you listen to us on in Montana, Randy.
Well, it comes on in two time zones here because we're so close to the border, but I get it on KPAX Channel 8 out of Missoula, Montana.
And then again, you can watch it two hours later on KREM out of Spokane, Washington.
You mean see it or listen to it?
See it, see it.
Those are television stations.
Oh, the television stations are carrying the radio show or the feed?
No, it's CBS 60 Minutes.
No, no, I was asking how you're listening to the show, sir.
Oh, I'm not right now.
It comes to me by KGEZ, but it's not on until 4 p.m.
Yeah, that's... What's the call number of that?
What's the frequency number of KGEZ?
Yeah, don't they call it like Z600 or something?
Yeah, I just wanted to plug that station because, and I appreciate your call sir, great points, I don't plug our affiliates enough.
And there are so many great affiliates who I'm so thankful for, so I wanted to thank that station, 600.
Yeah, not which one 60 Minutes is on.
Yeah, what they do is they always introduce a weapon system that is being used on the foreigners.
Oh, we tap Al Qaeda's phones, and then a year later, and we tap all of yours, too, so watch what you say, slave.
Or they'll be, hey, you know, we have predator drones for foreigners, and now for you.
Or we got surveillance blimps over Iraq, and now they're here.
Or, yeah, we face scan and thumbprint all the slaves in Fallujah to track and trace who they are, and now we do it to you Americans.
Because we're the globalists.
We've conquered you, too.
And it's the same story over and over and over and over again.
You know, they claim they're doing it for people like, oh, we're using surveillance satellites for the Russians and the North Koreans, and now, oh, local police departments with Homeland Security grants, they dial into the live surveillance feeds of the NSA satellites, and NASA's launching more satellites than the NSA is to watch the American people.
By the way, we're going to use those satellites to tax you by the mile.
How does that sound?
Let's go take another call here.
Let's talk to Ryan in Mass.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Ryan just hung up.
Robert in California.
Go ahead.
Good day here, Jones.
How are you doing?
Good, sir.
I don't know about the lovers of death, but I do know in Isaiah 28, 15 to 17, it does talk about them making a covenant with death and that hell, they were in agreement.
Read the passage.
Okay, it says, Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell we are in agreement.
When the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us.
For we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehoods we have hid ourselves.
And it says, Therefore say to the Lord, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a trident, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation, that he that believeth shall not make case.
Judgment will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet, and hell
All right, interesting.
I'm trying to find the exact passage where it says that they were lovers of death.
You know, they loved death.
Well, I've been trying on my search engines.
But I do have a question, though.
I do have a question.
What do you know about the Council of National Policy?
We had, what's his name?
I've had him on like 20 times over the years.
What's that professor?
But you bring it up and so I forget his name.
What is his name?
Oh man, he wrote The Politics of Heroin.
It'll pop in my head in a second.
We've covered it.
It's like a neocon kind of thing to co-op the conservative movement set up by
Set up by some of the folks, the Hunt Brothers.
And, well you just talked to me, who?
No, no, that's not, it's a professor I have on, and I'm having one of those moments where I can't remember names.
And it happens to me sometimes.
But I've gotten a lot of emails about that.
So last time I had that professor on, I asked him about it.
People said that he's saying it's the most powerful group.
And a lot of people get obsessed with left-wing, right-wing, Catholic, Protestant, on and on and on.
The globalists have tried to infiltrate and take over every major group.
That's why you just have to move forward with liberty and freedom and a culture of liberty and freedom.
But you can tell us about it.
What do you know about it?
I just know that it's another one of those roundtable groups I believe.
Membership only by other members that bring you in.
And they do have a lot of ties throughout the world.
I've been doing a little bit, I've only been doing a little research because I've been working on the book, Tragedy and Hope, and so all the things that you and Harry Watson were talking about, pretty much they wanted to do back then, except that they wanted Hitler not to go to war, they just wanted to do it by stealth and negotiation.
Yeah, and so that's why they went ahead and took the Nazis in and put them into their stealth mode.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
It is driving me
What is the name?
He'd write Politics of Heroin.
That's another author.
What did he write?
He's a 9-11 truther.
Oh man, I can't stand it when I can't remember somebody's basic name.
I feel like I couldn't remember Jim Mars' name.
He's written about it.
I don't know.
Anyways, let's go ahead and take another call here.
Let's talk to Randy in PA.
Randy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, you're looking for Proverbs chapter 8, verse 36.
That's right.
Those that hate me love death.
Those that hate me love death.
Yeah, that's it.
Also, I want to bring to your attention, I got a strange late night, Sunday night phone call message from my daughter's high school.
And of course, I'm here in the great old home of the Army War College.
Now, there was a threat of violence to the school, so the school system, I guess, decided they'll leave every school student's parents a message.
Yeah, what that is... Go ahead.
No, go ahead.
Well, just stating that there's this message that there's this threat of violence and that they want to make us aware and they're on top of it and it's still okay to go to school.
Now that is a localized mind control system.
I remember in 1989 the federal government proposed by law that all radios and TVs have an emergency transponder in them
That would have an emergency shortwave channel, FM and AM, even on TVs, where they would take over your radios and TVs and cable with government announcements.
Now they're just getting ready to do that.
I'll briefly talk about it when we get back.
Stay there, we'll take a few more calls then.
Huge news blitz, some video clips and some other things that are coming up.
You guys have that clip where Clinton called, he's called the Prince of Peace, he's Jesus now?
Did that upset the atheists?
Any talk about Jesus upsets him, unless it's Bill Clinton.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good to go!
Alright, Randy in Pennsylvania.
It's all public.
Most of it's not even classified.
The Feds can take over every radio, TV station, you name it now.
The technology czar, the internet czar, quit and said the NSA and Defense Department's taking over the entire web.
They could have shut it down before.
Now they're taking over the local hubs, admitting they're getting ready to end the web as we know it.
And so, yes, the schools is all part of this heightened fear.
Have shooting drills.
Take over drills!
The public schools are basically little mini-prison camps.
If you study the Soviet re-education camp, they're more and more becoming very similar to those.
Death education, zero tolerance, no dodgeball allowed, then no tag allowed, then no running allowed, then no shaking hands or high-fiving allowed.
Literal prisons!
More prisoner control than even a medium prison.
They can shake hands or high-five or have contact in their one hour a day at a medium-grade prison.
And so, if you're domesticating an animal, it's easier to get the puppy or the colt or the calf or the piglet and get it used to humans that way.
That's the best way to do it.
Not to have to break an already free person.
I'll never forget Handgun Control Incorporated bragging in the Austin American-Statesman, an article I was in when I caught them engaging in some behavior.
And they said, look, we've got your children.
We're going to ban your guns.
We've got the schools.
And they laughed about it.
See, they're going to wait.
We've given them our children.
It's funny.
We've given them control.
And they're just like, look, we're taking over.
Time is on our side.
It's like, time is on our side.
Or is on my side.
What's the Rolling Stones song?
In fact, John, pull that up for folks.
Maybe we'll pull it up on YouTube and come in with time is on our side.
Well, if we start thinking that way, time is on our side.
You see, and just get involved and realize we have power and can affect change.
But yeah, they just do that to make any incident, you know, oh, we're here protecting, we're locking things down to introduce the idea of mass shootings and violence.
Oh, I mean, every couple weeks I see him arrest somebody for writing about violence in their English class.
And it'll be, at first it was he wrote about the school and said,
It was a story about hostage, you know, people taking over, you know, repeating some 24 episode, and then it was, he wrote a story, another one about zombies at a fictitious school, but we're still arresting him, charging him as a terrorist.
I mean, actually saying, it was, it was fiction, but he's arrested!
And we commend his grandparents for turning him in.
Well, I was talking to my children and told them this is just a test and they're kind of preparing everyone.
For everyone to become acclimated, but on a different subject to basically, you know, I tell people this, and I've been passing out copies of your movies and information for almost a decade now.
And so, the bottom line is, I notice, even though people are waking up, there's a huge amount of people that, when you say there are things wrong, you know, something stinks in paradise, they agree, but then as soon as you start saying what it is that stinks,
No, no, no.
I can't go there.
I don't want to believe that.
They think they choose it like, oh, I don't want a blue ball hat, I want a red baseball cap.
They think it's... I always hear that.
I choose not to believe that.
Oh, I choose not to believe that.
I mean, what type of delusional fruit loop
Just says, I choose, I choose not to believe I'm on a 50-story skyscraper.
I'm going to jump off.
Oh, I choose!
I'm choosing!
You know, I mean, it's just, I mean, they're delusional idiots, man!
There's a world government with eugenicists coming down on us, and I don't know what we're in there... Go ahead, sir.
Well, I've passed out tons of your materials over the years and will continue to do so, and I see some light at the end of the tunnel, but we're still in the tunnel.
And so, I wanted to make you aware of that, and also about the Proverbs, which is absolutely true.
They hate Christ, or the Lord, and they love death.
They love death!
They do!
I'm telling you, I haven't met a globalist who doesn't lick their lips and get excited about death.
I mean, it's just so much fun to them.
Folks, either you get sucked into goodness, or you get sucked into evil.
And you're going to serve one of them.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Look, I know we've got a lot of other callers from Randy in Texas, Cory in Denver, Mike in Wyoming, and then that's going to be, I'm going to take those three calls, but I've got to cover the news as promised first when we get back.
And I will do that in great detail on the other side of this quick break.
Oh, and somebody called, yeah, it's Peter Del Scott, the professor that's talked about
I'm Alex Jones.
How the establishment controlled the right-wing movement as well through the Hunt brothers and the Council on National Policy.
Definitely New World Order all the way, absolutely.
But there are some people that obsess and say, it's the Cato everything.
It's minor.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Time is on my side
Listen to that.
You always say you want to be free.
In fact, pull up the next one.
Pull up under my thumb.
Let's do a little bit of that.
That's how the new order sees us.
And they have all these little tricks, left wing, right wing, this group, that group.
They always want us fighting amongst groups, even in their own patriot movement.
It's this group, it's that group.
No, it's all the groups, folks.
They control the big, dominant movements.
What they hate is people that say, come together against the new world order.
Nationalism, decentralization, lower taxes, less globalism.
Anybody that's trying to make it about left-wing or right-wing is trying to put you back in the paradigm.
That's all the system ever does is try to get fights going on.
I've got a couple video clips that are part of the news.
I forgot to talk to you guys during the break.
I was busy talking to Mike about some other issues.
John sent you the clips I sent him.
There's one where Bill Clinton, they're saying he's the Prince of Peace.
Then there is another clip where, well,
In my headphones, tell me what clips you got, because I've got to get to these now.
Bill Clinton saying he's Jesus.
What else you got?
Oh yeah, Obama gets ahead of prompter.
That was something I sent him a week ago and never got to.
I mean, yeah, this guy can't even talk without a prompter.
And then what's the other one?
The other clip.
Yeah, Osama's a CIA operator and being used to destabilize Pakistan, which is actually true.
Here's the Pakistani president going, why are you saying I'm with the Muslim extremists?
They work for you, pal!
Which is on record, they do!
I mean, let me tell you, the magic widget that fixes all the New World Order's problems, it's called El-Khad.
You know like those ads on TV, this new widget fixes any lock, it fits any screw, it even saws, and for only $19.95 more you get this one too!
An incredible deal, absolutely amazing, you gotta have it folks!
It's the new amazing Al-Qaeda Osama Bin Laden, it's got a big beard, a big turban, guaranteed to scare your population into submission, and then meanwhile you can use him to attack other countries, and when the country defends itself, you go in and attack them!
How's that sound?
The wonderful, magical, it works in Serbia, it works...
In Iraq, it works in Iran, it works in Afghanistan, it works in Pakistan, it works in Africa, it works in the United States, it works in England, it takes the rights away of everybody in the world!
The amazing Al Qaeda tool!
It looks simple, it looks like a normal sharpie pen, but this super duper absolutely amazing creature can do anything you want because it's theater!
It can draw a big guy with a turban!
and evil scary eyes with an AK-47 and it will scare everybody into submission.
It's the new great Osama Bin Laden doll.
There it is ladies and gentlemen.
That's very good Osama Bin Laden.
See the turban?
See the eyes, the nose, the Kalashnikov?
I did draw that in about three seconds so it's not that good.
But it's real.
Give up your rights or it'll get you.
It's like attacking.
You won't hand over your family property and your farms.
He'll get you.
He'll get you.
He's real.
He's deadly.
In fact, let's just go with a straight-up monster.
If you don't take your vaccines, if you don't do that, then the flu bug will get you.
Flu bug!
The flu bug will get you if you don't give up all of your rides.
Do it right now.
And then, of course, there's literally hundreds of new children's video games.
Hundreds of new children's video games where there's the carbon blobs.
And they look like this.
In fact, Google Video Game Carbon Blob.
I want to show folks.
Oh, they're gonna kill you!
You've got your little environmental... You've got your little environmental, uh, laser beam and you go out and destroy the carbon blobs!
And in the games, there's even parents that don't believe in it.
They're a part of the enemy, too!
If you don't, if you don't give the bankers all your tax money, ooooh, it'll get you!
World government!
Oh, the carbon blob!
The carbon blob!
You guys liking this, huh?
Again, you have the bird flu blob, the swine flu blob, the carbon blob, and if that doesn't scare you, Al-Qaeda!
These originals will be on eBay later in the show today.
I've got to have some fun here, ladies and gentlemen, because it's out of control.
That is why we've got to be banned from YouTube or being banned everywhere.
I don't want to even make a big deal out of it this time, because it almost
Makes them, I think, hunt us down that much more.
YouTube, I've got their email here.
In fact, Aaron, bring that in.
It's like, oh, we're just gonna start deleting the accounts that have Alex Jones on them, period.
Let me get to this, since I'm screwing around right now, then I'll get into the attacks on free speech here in a moment.
Let me get into this right now.
Actually, click on Flickr.
I look so stylish there.
That's me doing an imitation of a minion of the New World Order.
And very well done, if I don't say so myself.
Look at that, guys.
That is handsome.
Just put it up on screen, please.
That is a servant of the New World Order, ladies and gentlemen.
That's me doing an imitation of him.
I gotta have some fun with this, because
What is it about this new camera stuff?
I can't ever seem to get in the middle of the shot.
Driving me crazy.
House Bill aims to strip right-wing extremists of Second Amendment.
I mean, this is even worse than everything else.
Assault weapons ban, black powder ban, reloading ban treaties, and bills that if you criticize somebody and they say it hurts their feelings.
Federal felonies.
I mean, this is just... Federal speech felonies now in America.
I mean, it's really happening.
These people are really the criminals of the government.
But, uh, did Aaron bring you in the photos from my trip?
Okay, let's... So imagine.
I take off a few days ago camping, and then the last few days we go to the beach.
So we're on a road trip.
And, uh, I'm driving to the National Seashore, down by Port Aransas, Texas, uh, Corpus Christi, or two of the nearest towns.
And, uh, I go there... Saturday.
And I'm pulling up, and I pull up and I notice there's a camera right in my face at the entrance to the seashore.
Oh, I guess he put it on Flickr so they're little bitty cruddy photos.
Oh, man.
Can't we just upload them to, uh, just on our own server to a page so we have them big?
Oh, whatever.
Go ahead and put it up on screen, though.
Now, this is only one nest of them, so you drive up to the National Seashore,
Which is just a, you know, national park.
And this is what happens after you leave the guard shack.
They take your 10 bucks per vehicle, to be there for the day, and you drive past them, and then right there, there are all these cameras to catch every conceivable license plate.
That is license plate scanning software.
All the big federal cameras, they admit, run through and run your license plate.
So you're having your background check run.
You can Google, uh, Florida town runs every plate that comes through it.
That was, I've been talking about this for more than five, six, seven years, when it finally came out four or five years ago that Indiana and Texas and all these small towns, not just states, had federally paid for software where every car that drives through the town, the plates are run.
Guilty until proven innocent.
And now police cars have got it in Houston and Dallas and everywhere else.
And that's what those are.
So you're having your background run.
They don't tell you this is being done.
They're running to see if the car is stolen.
That's how they introduce the slaves.
And so this is driving up to it.
This is driving up to it.
Oh no, that's actually leaving.
Because I didn't get photos at first when I drove through.
But right when you're there, they're just in your face.
You're paying, and there's a big camera right here, and it's got infrared in case it was nighttime.
It wasn't, but it's got infrared arrays on it, and they're asking, hey, what are you here for?
Oh, I'm here to
I'm going to ask you a few more questions, because everybody's a secret agent.
They all watch Jack Bauer at night, and they're all fighting Al Qaeda together.
And you can't go to Bolivar now, because literally there were Muslims with headdresses, and I'm not saying they're terrorists, the point is, they were all, must be a lot of Muslims that live in Galveston now, they were all going over to Bolivar.
I'd go back across to Galveston to eat at night, had my children, they'd pull me over with my kids, tear the car apart, search everything, and I'd sit there and go, why does this happen every time I drive across?
Every time!
Happened like six times.
And they would just say, well, we're not allowed to let you know the profiling.
And I said, well, I see what the profiling is.
You're searching black people and white people and anybody that looks like they're obviously from the United States, but I go, all these illegal aliens, why don't you search them?
I mean, I'd point at obvious illegal aliens with cowboy hats and work boots on and workmen.
You know, 99% chance they were illegal.
And we don't, we're told what to search.
And it's me, it's the milk cow.
I'm seen as the big fat blubber whale to be sucked off of, the cowardly, stupid, dumb American.
There's nothing I won't take.
And the illegal aliens and the Arabs and everybody else, who even in their false paradigm, you know, of terrorists are under every rock, oh my gosh, there's probably one under my desk, there is one right there!
You know, they have to be left alone.
It's dumb milk cows.
You're a Hispanic family driving a nice car, clearly American.
You're out of the car, pulled out.
I was searched six times.
I'd sit there for 30 minutes while this went on.
So I was watching it.
Old couples on canes with RVs.
And they... I even got some video of this, but we never aired it.
No, we did air a few clips of it.
I forgot about that on YouTube.
In fact, YouTube Alex Jones, if they haven't erased it, probably have, because it's not my footage.
I'm not allowed to shoot it myself and put it up.
Anything I do is banned.
You know, just me at the ferry.
Actually, there is video of that.
I forgot.
This is last year's family trip.
And I can't get away from them.
Everywhere I go, there's just feds and control freaks and the citizens are idiots and running around tattling, wanting to be slaves.
And all the times I've been at the beach, my children were about 15 feet out, right where the first wave was coming in.
You know, Texas Beach, you know, is shallow going out 100 yards.
They're like 15, 20 feet out.
And all control freaks would come over and say, your kids shouldn't be swimming, there's a riptide.
There was no riptide.
You know, control freaks this, control freaks that.
Just, just, because they all get henpecked all day and ask questions by government.
So they're going to do it to you.
Alex Jones Search.
Try Alex Jones Ferry.
No, no.
Galveston Ferry.
Yeah, there it is.
Homeland Security.
They'll probably ban it and say it's not my footage and we'll say it is our footage and YouTube will go, go to hell, it's not!
You're banned!
It's our country!
We're taking your guns!
And we're taking your free speech.
There it is.
Look at this.
And every time I went over, and I literally, there's hardly anything since the hurricane had hit on Bolivar to eat anymore.
So my wife would want to go to Galveston to eat.
And I said, look, after a couple days of this, I said, look, just go to the grocery store.
We're not going back through that anymore.
To go to the island.
And to be searched and searched and searched and searched.
Yeah, just keep that rolling in the background while I talk and cover other news.
I want folks to see this.
Yeah, Galveston.
And I won't be going back there, but I guess I can't go to the National Seashore.
I mean, it's just parasites everywhere.
Look at this.
Searching the car.
It's ridiculous.
It's so ridiculous.
Alright, like I said, put that up on big screen.
This is all part of the atmosphere that there are terrorists everywhere and everything's dangerous.
And, you know, calling the public schools and there may be a terror threat here at the school with 50 kids in it in the cornfields.
Although, yeah, Al-Qaeda's everywhere.
You guys can't punch that up full screen?
Yeah, we'll let that roll in the background.
Look at him searching the old man's RV.
I need to go inside your RV, sir.
Make sure there's no Al-Qaeda inside.
Just training you to accept to be a slave.
What this is, is a slave training center.
We first started out at the airports, we're moving down to the ferries, all federal property, all state lands, and then regular highway checkpoints to be at hardened installations, where high school compulsory service people are going to search your vehicle.
Literally, that's being announced.
And imagine all the control freak Obamanoids running around
Just violating everyone.
I need to search now the front of your vehicle.
Look at this footage.
Make sure you're not with Al-Qaeda.
Because you want to go across to your beach house or to a hotel and frolic around.
Oh, you want to go on the Galveston Beach.
We're going to have cops come up and ask you what you're doing.
I just can't believe what bondage we're under.
And it's getting worse and worse.
In fact, here it is.
House Bill aims to strip right-wing extremists of Second Amendment.
Curt Nemo, very important article.
A sinister bill working its way to the House may eventually serve as a companion piece to a Department of Homeland Security right-wing extremist report that labels veterans and advocates of the Second Amendment as dangerous terrorists.
2159, the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists, Act 2009.
Remember what the Chief of Staff of the White House said?
He said, if you are maybe a terrorist and on a watch list, you don't get your Second Amendment.
1,100,000 people on it growing.
We don't like you, see?
You're not going to travel, you're not going to leave the country, you're not going to have a gun.
The Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act, 2009, sponsored by Representative Peter King of New York.
That other senator up there, that Republican who was supposedly so pro-gun, now is for total gun bans.
She's going to reintroduce the assault weapons ban next week, she said.
That's an AP.
On April 29th, with little fanfare or corporate media coverage, HR 2159 was introduced and referred to the House Judiciary Committee
The bill would increase public safety by permitting the Attorney General to deny the transfer of firearms or the issuance of firearms or explosives licenses to any known or suspected dangerous terrorist.
That is the Rahm Emanuel thing.
Oh, we say we think you might be.
Sorry, can't own a gun.
By the way, I need to search your car and your RV.
This is how we treat you.
All them people with... Them people that don't speak English with Mexican plates, come on over!
Hell, we're not gonna search you!
Because you don't have schmuck written on you like the American people do.
Look, we've shown we like being raped by the government, folks, and they're more than willing to... Oh, got an old lady in a Lincoln Town car!
Gonna have to search ya!
See, these are just the lines where they divert you off to be searched.
Every time.
It's just unbelievable.
The entire bill can be read on the GovTrack website.
A similar bill was introduced in the Senate in 2007, but this one is racing through committee.
As noted above, the DHS has compiled a long list of folks the government considers terrorists.
The bill, if enacted, would allow the Attorney General a documented gun grabber to deny millions of Americans due process.
And I would add to this that this is the first group they're going after.
Most veterans I know don't have a criminal record.
They're unable to buy firearms now.
They're told, sorry, you're on the list.
Now here it is.
This is the Bloomington Alternative.
It says, State criminalizes shouting about I-69.
Standing on a table and shouting at public meetings is a felony in Indiana and amounts to racketeering.
The offender is a member of the Organized Citizens Group.
According to arrest warrants issued April 17th in Pike County for two anti-NAFTA highway protesters.
They're being charged with felonies, folks.
This is happening all over the U.S.
They got a bill introduced where if you hurt somebody's feelings, felony federal charges.
And they're not playing games.
They're going to send people like this guy on screen out to do the arresting.
And if you don't stand down and go to the prison, SWAT teams are coming, baby!
And they've been to Fallujah.
They know what they're doing and they love it.
Oh God, it's good to crush America.
They just love it.
In the documents, Pike County Prosecutor Darren McDonald said a state police officer alleged that district direct actions by members of the roadblock Earth First Group between 2007 and 2008 are felonies under the Indiana Corrupt Business Influence Act.
So charge them with racketeering!
Now here's another one.
Is your blog a weapon?
House bill says hurting people's feelings.
Illegal felony charges.
A lot more coming up.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Homeland Security says everywhere you go in the United States, you're going to be searched and controlled.
I'm going to jam in.
Who are the last two callers in order?
That's who I'll have time to get to.
Alright, we'll go to Randy in Texas.
And Mike in Wyoming.
In just a moment, I want to tell you about two sponsors before we wrap up this transmission with a few final calls.
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Okay, let's go to
You said Cory in Denver's first?
I'm like, who?
Randy in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hello Alex, I feel like I know you.
I am a small time preacher.
I have cerebral palsy and I walk with two metal crutches and I say that not to whine, but
You know, when God called me to preach, he told me to tell the truth, and I swore to do it.
He showed me your video, Bohemian Grove, a little over two years ago, then began to inundate me with your material and say, you've got to speak.
And I've been going into churches everywhere I could, and there's such pressure to only be positive, never say anything negative.
I, you know, sometimes it just makes me sick because I believe in being good, I believe in being kind, but I don't believe... No, that's a cult!
I mean, that's a cult cop-out when they say, don't talk about negative, only wear fancy suits and give me all the money.
I mean, that is literally a cult when they're going, no, don't, don't worry about abortion.
Listen, there's Cadillacs, big fancy business deals are being done at church.
Government, we're getting government money at the church.
It's of the Lord.
You keep doing what you're doing, brother.
I'll give you an acronym before I go, and I'll make it quick.
But you know, Proverbs 24 11 says if you know someone that's about to be drawn to death and you do nothing about it, God will judge you.
God's judgment is coming on this nation.
Now be positive!
Don't read that Bible in church!
That's negative!
I love my Bible.
But let me give you an acronym.
That's satanic!
Oh, you're supposed to read Anton LaVey's book, saying be positive and only have fun.
That's not the Bible I read.
But that's what they teach in church!
I mean...
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Far too often, that's true.
And I've lost every friend just about I've had preaching this message, but I won't quit.
But let me give you an acronym.
The Lord dropped in my spirit the other day when Steve Quayle was on with you, or just before he came on.
It's the word WARNING.
I saw the word WARNING.
Maybe you can make a t-shirt out of this or something if you wanted to.
Do it quick!
But it said, uh, WARNING stands for We are right now in Nazi Germany.
We are right now in Nazi Germany.
God bless you, Alex.
Wow, that is powerful.
God bless you.
We are right now in Nazi Germany on steroids.
Retransmission totally jam-packed.
Begins right now on the streams at InfoWars.com.
Spread the word!
God bless you all.
See you back tomorrow live.
Great job with the crew and everybody else.
I love ya!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today!
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I don't know.