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Filename: 20090419_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 19, 2009
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Home to hard-hitting talk radio.
IRN USA Radio News, I'm Jody Jordan.
President Barack Obama seems to have charmed one of America's most outspoken Latin American critics.
Here's Mark Smith.
Instead of denouncing Yankee imperialism, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez spent much of this summit either praising the new American leader or exchanging pleasantries with him.
In fact, Chavez even told Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton he'd like their two countries to reinstate the ambassadors they expelled last September.
And NATO forces have foiled a pirate attack on a tanker in the Gulf of Aden.
Meanwhile, U.S.
Navy Admiral Gary Roughead says he will discuss boosting ties between the U.S.
Navy and China Naval Forces.
As we create naval capability, indeed any military capability, that there should be clear communications with regard to what the intentions of that capability are.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
Hi, my name is Shirley Van Heest.
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Iran's president says an American journalist convicted of spying for the U.S.
should be allowed to offer a full defense during her appeal.
This a day after the American Iranian citizen was sentenced to eight years in prison.
Her father said officials tricked her into making incriminating statements.
Marilyn McGinley is a friend of Roxana Sebiri.
Roxana would not be a spy.
I know that girl.
I know her.
She lived with us for six months.
Officials say suspected U.S.
missiles have hit a Taliban compound in a militant stronghold in Pakistan.
At least three people are dead in the attack near the Afghanistan border.
Militants want the U.S.
to stop sending drone-fired missiles into Pakistan's lawless northwest regions.
Here's Nahal Tusi.
The Taliban have warned that they're going to keep up suicide attacks until the U.S.
stops these missile strikes.
For the latest news and analysis, log on to IRNUSARadioNews.com
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Sounds of Houston fire trucks searching for five young children who died after their car slid into a rain swollen ditch.
But police say heavy rains may not have been the only cause of the crash.
A passenger tells police the driver lost control while trying to answer a cell phone.
He's also been taken for a blood alcohol test.
In the Netherlands and the United States both plan to boycott this week's UN conference on racism.
Here's Mike Horder.
Some fear it'll wind up being a heated debate on Israel.
Pope Benedict today praised the conference.
Today marks the 14th anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
The community's national memorial and museum brought together survivors, family members, and rescuers for a program called First Person Stories of Hope.
One of the bombing survivors reflects on her experience.
Here's Sophia Manos.
The woman suffered a punctured jugular vein that required 1,000 stitches and staples to close.
Her response 14 years later?
Her words.
When you get kicked in the teeth, you just don't lie there.
You get up and make the most of what you have.
I'm Jody Jordan for IRN USA Radio News.
Did you know that the new energy czar wants to control how much power your electrical company allows you to have?
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Not if, but when.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
It is Patriots Day 2009, April 19th.
It was 16 years ago, hard to believe, 16 years ago that the Feds, the Delta Force, this is congressional testimony, went in a machine gun to all the Davidians as they tried to enter out the back of the building.
After the Feds set the place on fire, they were going to show them who was boss.
The BATF 51 days earlier had pulled up, opened fire on the wooden church, killed a bunch of people.
The Davidians fought back.
The BATF cowardly held their hands up and
Begged for mercy, the Davidians let them leave, and of course, then the children, women and men, were all slaughtered with extreme pleasure.
And that's how the New World Order rolls.
And then two years later, the WACO had ignited such an anti-New World Order movement that the feds bombed their own federal building, and I've interviewed the police, the investigators, it's come out in declassified FBI documents, it's been in major news that that was a government black op.
You can go to Infowars.com and Google search Oklahoma City FBI documents if you'd like to read it.
It's been in the Associated Press, been in major newspapers where it broke in Salt Lake City when the judge in a case by a lawyer investigating it ordered the documents released.
It's all right there for you.
McVeigh, a black op officer, set up by his own people and then drugged
Throughout the trial in Denver and then executed quietly in Terre Haute, Indiana.
But I'm not going to digress and get into that today.
What we are going to cover, ladies and gentlemen, is the cold hard facts of what's happening to our society and the predatory elite that is taking over.
Now, for the last 11 years, I've been in possession of secret federal training documents for federal police.
State police now being federalized near local police.
And about a month ago, five weeks ago, we broke the MIAC report, federally written, in Missouri, saying Ron Paul supporters, Libertarians, Bob Barr supporters, gun owners, are basically terrorists.
And then we also broke the major news two weeks ago, that is now national news everywhere, about a week and a half ago to be technical.
It's now major news everywhere, one of the biggest stories of the year so far,
uh... the federal report itself one of many actually written by george bush's people and then reissued by barack obama we pointed out in our articles but when the national fake conservative media picked it up they didn't want to tell you that they want to make a left-right issue now it's it's not a left-right issue uh... they list people that are for bike lanes as terrorist in training manuals you can read an info wars dot com anti-death penalty groups peace groups
Environmental groups, anyone who basically can spell their name, anyone who can basically talk, hasn't had all their mercury injections and doesn't drink enough fluoride, anyone who can rub two brain cells together is listed as a threat to the government.
But this newest one does say that the number one threat to homeland security and its main job is to deal with returning veterans, period, gun owners, people buying guns and ammo are terrorists.
And so just remember that.
That's how the establishment always acts.
They pick a weird group, a kooky group, a group that they can get most of society to say, yeah, go ahead and burn down that church.
They're a bunch of weirdos.
And they were pretty weird, but most of the really bad stuff was lies.
I've investigated it in depth up in Waco 16 years ago.
And they torch those people.
And they use it to set a precedent.
You know, first, Hitler didn't start with the gypsies or the Jews or
The 7th day Adventist.
Hitler started with retarded children.
Then mildly retarded children.
They would euthanize them.
Race hygiene.
They used the psychiatric system.
Then it was unpopular minorities like Jews and others.
Just like they set up Homeland Security to quote deal with Muslim terrorists hiding under your bed.
Now they admit the entire time it was being set up for the American people.
Those that don't like 80% tax rates that the U.N.
is calling for.
Those that don't like open borders.
Those that don't like police states.
And now the Army Times, Northcom, the Army War College have announced their number one enemy is the American people.
And they're going to use the military on the American people for gun confiscation and that's in all the government documents.
And we list those.
I've made films about those going back for 12 years.
I don't know, 99, I guess.
No, 97, 12 years.
That's my first film.
Made 12 years ago, 97.
It's now 2009.
So, this is the facts.
Now, I make this point quite often because it's so important.
Throughout history, throughout time immemorial, tyranny is the norm.
It is the ether in which humanity swims.
Oppression, disarmament,
Enslavement, having economies that are totally imploded because the elites do that by design.
And that's how we've known what was going to happen in the future because we're reading the UN documents, the Council on Foreign Relations documents, the Trilateral Commission documents, the books written by these people.
And I've written countless articles and had my writers write countless articles and linked to countless editorials written by these people where they tell you exactly what they're going to do.
The head of the Council on Foreign Relations, the true government of the United States, in 2007 republished an article in the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Inhofe did, that he had written in the early 1990s for the Club of Rome.
And in that document he states that the environmental movement is completely phony, it's a new religion,
He's very atheistic and makes fun of people and says they need a new religion.
We'll give them one.
Now, there are certainly real environmental problems.
Don't get that confused.
They're saying they'll hijack the movement, create a carbon tax on the entire carbon cycle between plants and animals on Terra Firma, this planet, and that they would then regulate and control every facet of Western society and shut down every factory and business.
Because they don't like you owning guns.
They don't like your pension funds.
They see you as spoiled.
Their job is to bankrupt you so you live like they do in Mexico or North Korea.
This is all stated.
And so, China, India, all these other nations, they have to make zero carbon cuts.
The United States does.
England does.
Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, the Netherlands.
This will leverage all production to third world police states the global authority control.
China signed IMF World Bank agreements for one-child policies under State Department Memorandum 200, which you'd like to read, State Department Memorandum 200, declassified in 1992, written in 1973.
Now they're setting up a worldwide control grid to restrict your access to energy, to jobs, to make you feudal serfs so they can force a one-child policy on you.
So you're totally at the will of the government?
Why don't you read State Department Random 200?
Why don't you Google it now instead of sucking your thumb and watching sports this evening?
Do you like being conned?
Do you like being lied to?
Do you like losing your entire future?
If you want any future for yourself, and we always said in the past, for your children, you're not going to have to wait.
Maybe you don't care about your children.
Do you care about yourself?
EPA takes first step towards climate change.
They have done it.
That's the AP headline.
And then you read, it will be hundreds of new taxes, bare minimum.
Already in Oregon, New York, California, they're banning fireplaces and permits for new homes.
They're banning space heaters and fireplaces in Europe.
Total control over every facet of your life.
There's another headline.
Waxman won't compromise on 20% carbon cap and climate measure.
Do you know what a 20% cut in our greenhouse gas emissions will mean?
Do you have any idea the level of that tax?
House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman said he won't compromise
On his proposed 20% reduction in greenhouse gases over the next decade, in the face of criticism from lawmakers who say the economy could suffer.
Have another article where they're going to put a carbon tax on all your cars.
And they're going to fund all of their other programs.
The death camps are built.
We'll be right back.
Jim Newcomer from Midas Resources.
April 17, 2009.
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The GCN Radio Network.
Providing the world with hard-hitting talk radio.
Great talk radio starts here.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
By the way, I've got to get a better handle on all my affiliates.
They told me earlier this week we had two new affiliates for the Sunday Show.
One is in Miami, and the other in Washington State, and I just totally forgot to keep that piece of paper and plug them, but I'll be sure and do it next week.
A lot of new stations picking up the weekday show, a lot of new stations picking up the Sunday broadcast.
We're very, very thankful for that.
Your calls are coming up at 877-590-5525.
877-590-5525 will get you up and on the air.
All right, here are my stacks of news.
EPA takes first step towards climate change regs.
Translate that into hundreds of taxes on every facet of your life, and they admit that deeper in the article.
But still, you tell the public, these are taxes, and they go, really?
And then you find out it's all a complete and total fraud.
Now that it's been proven that Earth just started cooling the last two years, since the sun cooled off, it goes through a 12-year cycle.
So then they're saying, oh, climate change.
Pretty soon they'll go,
Mommy, Grandpa says that there used to be something called Seasons, and it got hot and cold.
No, honey, he's a conspiracy theorist.
Grandpa's with Al Qaeda.
That's why they took him away for re-education.
Good, Grandma.
I heard people that claim that we used to have Seasons were evil.
By the way, they now admit they're chemtrailing as the White House has come out and said, Oh, yeah, we're doing tests spraying the atmosphere to
Save you from global warming.
Folks, they've been doing it since 1996.
They got one a Nobel Prize for it in 92.
Said they'd mix chemicals with jet fuel.
Perfect compartmentalization.
Spray the atmosphere.
And they're doing it now.
AP last week.
Oh yeah, we're gonna spray ya.
We're gonna terraform the planet.
Mommy, Grandpa says there used to be seasons on the planet.
Honey, don't listen to Grandpa.
He's a terrorist.
That's why the men in black uniforms took him away.
There really wasn't seasons once?
Mommy, Grandpa's a liar?
Yes, he's a liar!
Now drink your mercury shake!
Mommy, kids didn't used to... used to have to be in wheelchairs?
They used to be able to walk?
Because, Mommy, I'm 19 and... I... I have a... I can hardly talk.
Geniuses like you have always had a 76 IQ.
Mommy, could I have more mercury?
Yes, honey.
Oh, I can't handle it anymore, ladies and gentlemen.
EPA takes first step towards climate change.
Again, we've got another report here.
New pollution limits seen for cars and big plants.
They're going to make you have a hybrid.
You know, they keep lying on the news going, this car goes 200 miles an hour on one gallon of gas.
And then they try to do a test and the thing goes five miles and breaks down.
It's a complete lie.
Oh my goodness.
But regardless, they keep mixing in their land grabbing agenda and their taxes on every form of carbon dioxide that plants breathe.
They keep mixing that in with new energy and new technologies and all these good things.
All it is is taxes.
So we'll be going over that.
And of course, you will be paying your taxes to the private IMF and World Bank.
I've been telling you that for over a decade, but now it's big news as they unveil it and announce the new global currency already being issued bank to bank.
They're already moving away from the dollar.
That's why the Wall Street Journal had an article on Wednesday about China, Japan, Russia, Europe move away from dollar reserves.
Massive dumping of the dollar the last few months.
As they move into the new SDRs being issued by the IMF and World Bank.
That's bank-to-bank lending.
It's digital money.
Less than 1% of global, quote, money or liquidity is actual paper.
So, we'll be getting more into that after I take calls in the next segment.
I'm going to take a lot of calls today.
Also, I saw this story in the New York Times.
FBI and states vastly expand DNA databases, and the New York Times says it's a 17-fold increase on the amount of DNA they're going to be taking each year.
And if you read the new regs, it's not a law, the new regs, just like England adopted this about five years ago, so did Europe proper, it says when you're detained, and detained is when the cops turn the lights on in their cars,
They're going to take the tissue swab out of your cheek.
Those are some of the largest cells in the body, easily scraped off without bleeding.
They're going to put it in a DNA database.
Guilty until proven innocent.
Now, this can all sound fine and dandy.
The problem here is it violates the Fourth Amendment.
Against unreasonable search and seizure, there has to be a probable cause with oath or affirmation.
Particular place, persons to be searched.
And then of course you have Dr. Frederick Whitehurst, head of the FBI Crime Lab back in 1996, who quit saying they basically framed everybody.
Every major city I've seen, just here in Texas, Houston Crime Lab, San Antonio Crime Lab, Dallas Crime Lab,
Tulia Crime Lab and all over the country.
Google the name of your town or city and the crime lab fraud and they've pretty much all been caught.
I've never Googled a city that hadn't.
And they just frame whoever they want.
It's just an assembly line of lies.
Remember a couple years ago, Houston Chronicle, a headline about thousands framed by the city?
Or Dallas just pulls you over and they throw a bag of chalk in your car and say it's cocaine and they take your car and your house, but then they don't even charge you.
They just say, asset forfeiture seizure.
Totally illegal, but they just do it.
No judge, no jury.
I mean, this government is totally criminal.
And so, where do they take the DNA?
Well, they take it to Cold Springs Harbor in New York, and that's where the Eugenics Society was founded by the Rockefellers.
It became a law to sterilize women and to kill their babies if they happened to be born after birth, before they could be aborted.
And, oh yeah, they didn't legalize abortion in 1973, like you heard.
Roe v. Wade.
If the family courts that weren't real courts, they didn't have juries or anything, they just grabbed you and sterilized you, you might want to research that.
They would... But that's where they send your blood.
It's now known as the Human Genome Project, but you heard about Dr. Watson last year saying blacks weren't humans?
And then as a Nobel Prize winner, he discovered DNA helix.
He was there in the 40s, back when it was openly the Eugenics Society, and he was the head of it up until a year ago when he was saying blacks weren't humans.
That's the Human Genome Project.
And see, let me give you a little newsflash.
If you're under 36 years of age, this doesn't matter.
Because see, they're talking about how when they pull you over, they're going to take your DNA now.
Because you're, quote, detaining.
36 and under, they already took it and put it in the Cold Springs Harbor.
University of Texas, though, there's only four institutions that hold it.
And for a multi-state, what is it, six-state area, I kept telling folks about this for the last decade, and now it was in the Austin American-Statesman, Dallas Morning News, but they said it was a good thing.
They finally announced it to the slaves.
They said, in fact, I didn't know, one day they were doing news here in the station, I do this syndicated show out of NewsRadio 590,
Okay, I'll be Jan.
I walked out and heard Sarah Hudeberg doing it on the news and I said, I said, you're announcing that they take blood without asking at birth and put it in a DNA database for studying people's DNA and for, and she goes, yo, here's the statesman.
She just handed me the statesman.
I went, oh.
But anyways, oh yeah, they're going to take your blood at checkpoints.
They already take your blood, slaves.
And you know what they're making with it?
Race-specific bioweapons to tailor to where they can kill people individually according to their DNA.
Read the PNAC document, September 2000, Rebuilding America's Defenses.
Talks about race-specific bio-weapons.
We'll come back, take your calls after the news.
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Are you tired of searching for great talk radio?
Search no more!
We are the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live.
Your call's coming up here in just a moment.
A lot of calls I'm going to take today.
Finishing up with the DNA, and then I'm going to mention a few other stories that are coming up.
We're going to go to your calls.
The whole point is, police departments, the feds have been caught, local police, state police, the feds, over and over again, framing everybody.
And so they keep drumming into your head, oh, all these people are innocent on death row, oh, DNA testing's so great, selling you that it's 100%, just like they sell you that fingerprints are.
But it's very easy to frame people with fingerprints as well.
You just lift their prints from somewhere else, make castings of it, and place them.
Just like they've now proven that lie detectors are a complete fraud of quackery that sent literally tens of thousands of innocent people to prison.
This is just a bunch of quackery.
They say law enforcement officials, not servants, officials, said that expanding the DNA database to include legally innocent people will help solve more violent crimes.
And then they go on from there.
Folks, they've already got your blood.
And I learned about this before I was even on air about 15 years ago.
And then I've had U.S.
congressmen on complaining about it.
I've interviewed lawmakers from Australia.
Where about six years ago, they started announcing, oh, we have DNA on everyone, you know, born in the last 30-something years.
It started worldwide.
There's already a global government.
They're just announcing it.
We have the same program, same names everywhere.
But they announced a little bit early in Australia, oh, we've been taking your blood since birth, everybody, 31 years.
Now it'd be 36.
31 years and younger, and we're using this in criminal cases now.
They take your baby's blood, they put it in the DNA database.
There's also been court cases I've seen the San Francisco Chronicle report on where somebody gets a genetic disease.
They go in to have their own bone marrow be pulled to then, you know, breed up these antibodies.
There's different procedures.
And then they'll be told by the company, Oh, guess what?
We already had your blood from birth and we patented your DNA and you owe us all this money.
Oh, that's right.
When you read the mainstream articles about this, or you can go read the thousands of pages of documents where the universities are bragging about it, these little criminal enterprises working with the government and private industry, they take your baby's blood, don't tell you, and then don't just ship it off to a eugenics facility to check your baby's DNA, because they're obsessed with that.
The elites are obsessed with that, with breeding.
But they also have it to frame you and everything else.
Okay, if I don't shut up, I'll never get to your calls.
The point is, this is a complete fraud.
Uh, Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites, Times of London.
They say they're getting ready to head them on.
It'll probably start World War III.
So get ready for that.
We'll talk about that later.
You know, uh, this is a sophisticated issue, so later in the next hour I'm gonna cover it.
I wanna go to calls now, but... You know, Keith Uberman and all these people have really shown themselves to be shameful.
I am non-partisan.
But the level, the dumbing down of the information, the insult of everybody's intelligence has gotten too big for me.
You know, I've talked to Lou Dobbs several times privately.
He's aware of my work.
I've interviewed him.
I like Lou Dobbs.
He's a good guy.
Very credible.
Very serious, non-partisan.
I really respect him.
She says he hates black people and that he doesn't want Obama to succeed because he hates black people.
You know, Lou Dobbs is the only one that's been non-partisan in all of this.
Fox has kind of played the right-wing card against the left-wing in this.
Dobbs was very critical of Bush for being a globalist, wanting one world government, global taxes.
I mean, it's all announced.
I've talked to Dobbs.
He has his own contract.
That's why he's allowed to do whatever he wants to CNN.
And she said he's a racist.
I got like five clips.
She went on MSNBC, a bunch of channels, and did this.
I'm not going to play them all, but she said Dobbs is a vicious, evil racist.
She said anybody who went to tea parties hates black people.
Let me tell you something, these limousine liberal pimps, they're the ones that hate black people, and I mean literally.
I don't know about Garofalo, who's just a clown, but I know that the founders of what we know of as liberalism
Wrote in letters and documents and Ford Foundation documents and Rockefeller Brothers documents and Margaret Sanger documents.
By the way, I didn't just read mainstream articles about this for my film, Endgame.
I sent off to universities to get copies of the letters.
From the papers of Margaret Sanger and the Colgate Foundation and others.
She calls black people subhuman weeds.
And it's like a sick joke that all these so-called black charities are called Margaret Sanger this, Margaret Sanger that.
I went to, in kindergarten, one year in Dallas until we moved to Rockwall, I went to Margaret Sanger Elementary School with a statue of her out front.
This was a woman who got awards from Hitler, gave awards to Hitler.
Now, my whole issue is, they talked about how they had to hire blacks to fool the blacks
Into letting them, giving them welfare to break up the family so there wouldn't be a man in the house, knowing that would create a breakdown of society.
They knew this so they could put young black men in jail.
Go read it for yourself.
These are cold-blooded people.
Blacks had about 10% in legitimacy, now they're over 90%.
I'm not knocking single families.
These eugenicists who broke up their communities think, oh, you're against single mothers?
But you're three to four times more likely to end up in drugs or prison.
Just a fact.
And you know what you did.
Shame on you.
Now that's how the real racists do.
They're limousine liberals.
And you get a bunch of good Americans, and we sent cameras down to the San Antonio Tea Party.
Tons of black folks, Hispanics there.
98%, most of the polls are 99%, thousand to one phone calls to Congress against the banker bailout takeover.
It's non-partisan, libertarians, conservatives, liberals.
But see, the media wants to make it conservative-liberal, so liberals go, well, I better be against the Tea Parties.
I better be for the banker takeover.
And $12.8 trillion bipartisan spent in six months.
That's the GDP in six months.
Half the year since they did that.
October to last month.
Six months.
And they've already spent an entire U.S.
It's $200 billion short.
It's $12.8.
But, again, that was only five months.
They always issue in a month late.
So in five months, to be technical, but issued on the six-month anniversary of October 3rd.
So it's actually over 13 trillion.
But the number is 12.8 trillion we've got.
And you say, hey, I don't want to devalue the dollar, bankrupt the country, owe all this fiat money to the private banks.
We give the private offshore banks our 12.8 trillion.
Then, we pay them interest to give them our money.
That's how this new world order fraud works.
It was the Ron Paul people, i.e.
this show and other talk shows like it, that were having tea parties back in October.
We had one in Austin, had them in D.C., had them in Boston, had them in San Diego.
That gets partially hijacked by Glenn Beck and other fake conservatives.
But so what?
I got calls last week from all over the country.
I sent a crew out to one of the things in San Antonio.
There were about 7,000 people there.
Keith Olbermann and others say there were less than 10,000 nationwide.
Folks, I have seen videos of New York and Atlanta where there was more than 10,000 per city.
But notice they cheerlead the illegal aliens, waving Mexican flags, protesting for literally the fall of the United States, and bankrupting the states further with all the welfare and Medicaid and Medicare.
But then citizens go out, and are bipartisan, and they come out, not just on CNN and MSNBC, but everywhere, and say,
They hate black people.
Now that is just incredible race baiting.
But that's what the left does, the fake left, the foundation left.
They're here to divide and conquer America.
They're here to make sure we never come together against the offshore banks, the ultra-rich, the elite setting up world government.
See, the big banks brag in Carol Quigley's book and
You know, all these different documents by Rand Corporation and others.
They brag that they want big governments that destroy the middle class to get rid of their competition, then transfer all the wealth.
Well, here's an example.
30 to 1.
For every $1 in welfare, 29 of it goes to the bankers.
So, that's the bottom line here, and to have her doing this is just incredible.
Okay, I promise, your call straight ahead.
Forrest, Rick, Tom, Matthew, George, Paul, Brian, many others.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv's been redesigned and updated with a ton of new info.
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We'll be right back.
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You're listening to GCN.
Genesis Communication Radio Network.
We are back live.
We're going to your calls throughout this hour into the next.
I've got a bunch of other news that is very important as well.
We'll be getting into dealing with our liberties and freedoms, but just finishing up with the controlled corporate press owned by the military-industrial complex posing as the liberal press.
Their job is to divide the American people against each other.
So Garofalo and others all over these stations are meant to come out and sound ridiculous and meant to create hatred of the left by the right and vice versa.
This is divide and conquer.
And it's Fox News' job, now that the right is out of power, to pose as the opposition.
Because they're out of power, why they can be the opposition, and suddenly, yes, there's a new world order, Sean Hannity says, and they want a bank of the world, we've got to stop it!
And Rick Perry, the feds are tyranny!
They're coming down on us with tyranny, we need to secede!
And then, a couple days later, oh, I was just joking.
Because he's blown his credibility, you know, letting the globalists take over with the Trans-Texas Corridor, and violating the will of the legislature and the people's votes, and going to Bilderberg group meetings, and trying to force kids to take HPV shots, and
But at least we're forcing them to admit all this is real and true now.
All these years people said there wasn't a New World Order and now they have to admit it.
The point is they want us to divide into a left-right paradigm instead of saying no to domination.
It's liberty versus tyranny.
Alright, I'm done talking about that.
Let's talk to Forrest in Austin, Texas.
Thank you for holding, Forrest.
Yes, sir, Alex Jones.
Well, I'd like to talk about how the establishment uses the Bible teaching, the Word of God, how they twist it to further their agenda.
Yeah, go ahead.
Going into the kingdom of God is harder than a camel cigarette pop or going through the eye of a needle.
What they're talking about are the trillionaires.
Because I know people, I've driven people over the years to the airport who are hundreds of thousandaires, millionaires, multi-millionaires, and they're all good people.
And they don't need to charge tariffs, and they're following God's will by not sitting and working their butts off in order to get where they are.
So, there is a war on the people, and these people who the establishment wants us to think are rich and need to pay more, those are the people that create jobs.
Well, you have to look at the context of everything Christ was saying.
He was pointing down the wall in Jerusalem at the eye of the needle, which was a very one of the smallest gates in the Jerusalem wall that a camel would have to crouch down to crawl through.
So, it's all
All specific, but go ahead and make your Tea Party point because I've got a comment about Romans 13.
Uh, yes, sir.
Well, it was cool meeting Jason Vermut there.
He does a show in your studio on weekdays, and it was cool seeing your chemistry up there.
And, uh, yeah, man, I mean, the establishment wants to put people in a box, but all I saw were just good-hearted, all-loving Americans who are tired of tyranny, and who, well, are getting together.
Yeah, but it doesn't matter if blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians are all together.
Americans aren't allowed to say,
That they don't want a massive tax rate.
That's terrorism!
I mean, if you read all these federal reports that we've been breaking, if you read these reports, it says you protest the private Federal Reserve, you're a terrorist.
It says you're a returning veteran.
See, they know the military isn't going to want to go along with deploying in the U.S.
as the globalist implotus, so they're saying, oh, the military doesn't follow orders, they're terrorists.
And they're white supremacists.
So they're trying to divide blacks and whites and Hispanics from each other in the military.
Like if you say, oh, I don't like what the banks are doing, oh my gosh, you're a white supremacist.
See, it isn't going to work.
So let the establishment desperately say, look, 98% of Americans in major polls, there have been Scripps Howard News Service polls, I've seen polls put out by
Gallup, I mean a bunch of them, 98 or in some cases more percentage against what the bankers are doing and then Garofalo says, oh no, they all just hate black people.
But it's the same.
That's a White House talking point.
By the way, he's not even black so it doesn't matter.
He's 6.5% African.
He's half white and the other half is mainly Arab.
But side issue, it doesn't matter what Barack Obama is.
The point is they're making it about that because they can't go off of
What he actually stands for.
Now, there is a viral YouTube video of Baptist pastor beaten and tased by Border Patrol.
11 stitches.
A Baptist preacher.
And we've got him coming on tomorrow, by the way.
On the weekday show.
Now, he tells the story.
They have these checkpoints, 75 to 100 miles in.
Everybody gets sick of being stopped at them.
They only search citizens, it seems.
I've been through them.
And they want to search him.
He says, no, you've got to have a Fourth Amendment.
You can't just stop everybody here randomly.
So they double-tasing, beat his head in the ground, bust his head open, and they always falsely charge you with assaulting them, even when it's on tape that you didn't.
And then this is what Liberal Spirit said, when I just happened to click on the video and watch it.
This is just one of the comments of hundreds.
With all due respect to this gentleman, those who believe in the Bible should remember the admonishment to render to Caesar, that which is Caesar's, when you resist illegal
Recognize authority, you take responsibility for the consequences of your action.
Had this man simply ascended to the search because he had nothing to hide, apparently none of this would have happened.
You mean in Dallas when they pull you over and throw chalk in the back of the car?
And then take your car and then go take your house?
Dallas Morning News admits to thousands of citizens?
You mean when Hitler was doing what he did, we should have not fought him?
Because, oh, that's a government, you know, that's of the Lord.
What about when Moses wouldn't do what Pharaoh said?
I thought the government was put in by God.
Why were almost all of the prophets put in the lion's den, put in the furnace, crucified, boiled in oil?
Why was Paul in prison?
Why was Paul finally killed by these people?
Because he was doing whatever they said?
Okay, the Pharisees, you know, are trying to set up Jesus to kill him.
Saying, oh, we shouldn't pay our taxes, huh?
He's saying you shouldn't follow the government.
You should do what God says.
And Christ says, and Paul repeats it later, render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God.
He's saying that tax system is separate.
They were trying to set him up to stone him to death or get him arrested.
I guess the Founding Fathers were bad.
This is a cop-out of cowards.
Look, I told you this a year and a half before it was declassified.
The federal government is paying off even the smallest churches with money.
You wondering how you got a hundred people in your church, but the preacher's got a big Parsonage and a brand new car and new vans and new color TVs in the church?
He's on federal payroll!
Now, First Amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
That is the separation of church and state.
You notice the liberals didn't like it when Bush was violating it.
Now Obama's still violating it.
Because they're on the payroll, just like in the Soviet Union!
There's secret police all over the place.
The bankers aren't going to take everything you got without having a police state grid in place to suppress you when you try to take over the government rightfully and bring them to justice.
Let's take another call.
Brian in New Jersey.
Brian, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I just got finished watching Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher talking about the absurdity of the Femi Kampffin.
Boy, is he going to be surprised.
Well, his job is the same as all other operatives, Mockingbird operatives.
Their job is to say there is no new world order, there is no global government.
Glenn Beck did strong... Feed the propaganda into your head.
Well, I mean, Glenn Beck did a strongman that I predicted.
He went and covered a railway station that everybody's known as fake since 1995, Lyndon Thompson put out.
And I predicted that.
And that's it.
He didn't cover the bills, the legislation, the Houston Chronicle, the New York Times... Not at all.
I didn't hear anything about that.
No, it's a strongman.
I wanted to get on a subject you were talking about earlier, climate control.
And what's recently, uh, been concerning me is the, um, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
You know, HAARP?
Yes, I do.
They have?
And, uh, they're, they're climate control methods, obviously.
And, uh, I guess, um, I'm myself concluding that one of the factors, uh, that they used to make that a stronger mechanism is to get the, um, uh,
Get the radio waves out and have everybody switch to, you know, the high-definition box.
Well, that's separate from radio waves.
That's being fed through the signal.
Look, sir, you know, that box is just a converter, sir.
You know, I like to stick with what we can prove.
I had the director of HAARP, the director of the facility on last year.
I had the director of HAARP on the radio.
Just Google Alex Jones interviews head of HAARP.
And he started bragging about how they can set the atmosphere on fire with these antennas.
Oh yeah!
And I interviewed Ben Livingston, the father of weather weapons.
And it was declassified in 2002.
That's how I found out about it and called Livingston up.
Like 90 years old at the time.
I think he's still alive.
And, uh, it subsequently ended up being big news around the country.
They can create hurricanes, kill hurricanes, start them up.
This is a conspiracy theory.
I only cover what's documented.
And yes, they are manipulating the weather.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Second hour, straight ahead.
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90 KLBJ, Austin, Texas.
IRN USA Radio News.
I'm Jody Jordan.
NATO warships and helicopters have foiled a pirate attack in the Gulf of Aden.
The Somali pirates were detained after a seven-hour hot pursuit today.
The gunmen had tried and failed to commandeer a Norwegian tanker.
Navy Admiral Gary Ruffhead says joint anti-piracy operations with China are producing an unprecedented level of interaction between the two countries.
It's not surprising to me to see the PLA Navy develop in the way that it has.
And the President is feeling pretty good about his weekend's work at the summit.
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The Netherlands and the United States both plan to boycott this week's UN conference on racism.
Here's Mike Corder.
Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhaeghe announced Sunday that he is boycotting a UN anti-racism conference that's due to start in Geneva on Monday.
There are fears in the West that it will wind up being a heated debate on Israel with attacks on the West.
Pope Benedict today praised the conference.
It sounds from Houston of rushing water in a flooded bayou where a rescued effort was underway for a car with five children inside.
Six people have died in massive weekend storms across southeast Texas.
The deaths include five children killed when the driver lost control of their sedan while trying to answer a cell phone.
The sedan went into a rain swollen ditch Saturday, ending up at about nine feet of water.
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Police in Middletown, Maryland say a man killed his wife and three children and say several notes were found at the scene.
Jennifer Bailey is a spokeswoman for the Frederick County Sheriff's Department.
We are looking at financial possibilities, but we do know that from some of the handwritten notes that
Mr. Wood may have had some psychological issues.
Today marks the 14th anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
The community's National Memorial and Museum brought together survivors, family members, and rescuers for a program called First Person Stories of Hope.
Here's Sophia Manos.
One survivor says April 19th brings dread and survivor guilt.
A woman whose toddler was killed says she had a silent voice, trying to avoid appearing weak or needy.
She says time has not healed the wound she feels for her dead son.
A crime scene investigator says he learned to value life more than ever.
He asks rhetorically, what would the victims do to have had one more day?
I'm Sophia Manos.
In this archive from the day of the bombing, U.S.
Agriculture Department employee Jack Gobin says he thought he was going to die.
I just happened to be in that room.
It's not the room I normally am in.
I was working on a project.
It happened and I was lucky I had a table to dive under.
I'm Jody Jordan for IRN USA Radio News.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
On a more serious note, we're now joined by actor and activist Jeanine Garofalo.
Good to see you.
You know, there's nothing more interesting than seeing a bunch of racists become confused and angry at a speech.
Thank you.
They're not quite certain what he's saying.
It sounds right to them, and then it doesn't make sense, which...
Let's be very honest about what this is about.
It's not about bashing Democrats.
It's not about taxes.
They have no idea what the Boston Tea Party was about.
They don't know their history at all.
This is about hating a black man in the White House.
This is racism straight up.
That is nothing but a bunch of tea-banging rednecks.
And there is no way around that.
And by the way, Oberman, I've lost any respect I had for him.
He sat there and made
Oral sex jokes for about two minutes before she came on.
I mean, I want to play it on radio.
It's so graphic.
And we've got the heir to the Astor fortune, just tens of billions in tax-free foundations, an admitted CIA operative, Anderson Cooper running around making weird sexual jokes, saying that the... Well, I'm not even going to say it.
You know what?
It's amazing.
I mean, 98% of us
In all these polls, some or even more, again, Congress admitted 1,001 phone calls against the banker bailout takeover, you go out and you protest it, going, my goodness, you've spent the GDP in six months, bipartisan, quit it, stop it, and they say, oh, you guys are meeting up at tea parties to have sex with each other, and you hate black people.
Injecting race.
They want to divide us.
Divide the American
The American people.
I mean, what can they do?
You got 98% of people against something, and the government and both parties are going to continue on forever, spending and bankrupting everything, stealing all the money for themselves.
And so all they can do is just say, oh, different races, different parties.
You just fight with each other.
So don't buy into it, ladies and gentlemen.
They've got handlers on the right and handlers on the left that are all there to make you just fight with each other.
Coming up at the end of the show, I'm going to play
A clip from 1974 with an individual predicting everything that's now happened, and he wrote what he was giving a speech on back in the 50s, but in his speech in the 74 he was breaking down what he had predicted back in the 1950s, and it's now all been declassified.
It is public, it is available knowledge, and we know that we are inside a world government with a global group of private banks, a corporate takeover of every free nation on earth, and they play the inhabitants of the nations off against each other, and that's all that's happening here, and that's what
These people's jobs like Garofalo and Glenn Beck and others' jobs are.
They are to get us fighting in a left-right paradigm with each other.
Don't be suckers.
Okay, let's go to the calls here.
George, I can't see on my call.
It says West something.
Where are you calling from, George?
West Columbia, Texas.
The capital of Texas.
You know, the thing is about Rick Perry all of a sudden coming out for sovereignty and against oppression.
I don't really, you know, the feedback I'm getting from people here is like, they don't really believe what he's saying, but they say he's got perfect hair.
Absolutely, and look, Rick Perry barely could win a three-way race for governor.
He got 39% of the vote.
He is a political dead duck, but he was summoned to the Vildenberg Group
In 2007, illegally.
It's in my film, Endgame.
That's illegal.
You're not allowed to go to these violation of Logan Act to go set policy overseas with private groups.
He, again, when the whole legislature said no to handing our roads over to foreign private interest, hijacking it, when people said no to the HPV shots, all of it,
He lost all credibility, so he's trying to hijack the Tea Parties and make it a right-wing issue.
And the left wants that to happen, too, so they can divide the American people instead of having a populist movement against the globalists.
This is divide and conquer.
Let's go ahead and talk to Paul in California.
Paul, you're on the air.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I just wanted to, first of all, say thank you for all the hard work and research that you do.
You're a great American.
And also for the Obama deception, it's really woken up quite a lot of people out here in California.
And what I kind of wanted you to comment on... Let me just say, it is the number one film on the web.
Now, I haven't counted it up in the last week and a half, but it was 15 million views in three weeks.
Free, just on the internet sites I checked.
And it's just absolutely amazing.
This film is sending shockwaves across the nation.
Go ahead.
What I kind of wanted you to comment on was the global currency.
A, what kind of a timeline do you think we're looking at for that?
Already have it.
And B, what I was kind of wondering is at what point do you think that they're going to ditch the U.S.
dollar and go ahead and openly announce that we have to switch to this new currency?
Okay, let me break down what's happening.
Remember, 99% on average per country, some countries have as high as 3% reserves.
Some countries have, like Zimbabwe or something, you know, they might have 20% of it in actual paper money, but most nations it's less than 1%.
But Zimbabwe is so hyperinflated.
So, in the United States, 99 plus percent of the money is digital.
And they're called SDRs.
And we got a bunch of mainstream articles linked up on InfoWars.com and PrismaLine.com today about it if you'd like.
But just Google SDRs or global currency and click news and you can read them explaining it, but saying, you know, it's the answer to the crisis they created.
And so you have the IMF, the World Bank, that are kind of the fronts for the International Bank of Settlements, this private consortium of privately owned banks.
They issue to the governments these SDRs.
And the governments then claim they can print and issue more currency and credit and liquidity because the private bankers have issued SDRs.
So it's like a new form of bond or issuance.
It's complex, but it's also simple.
And we cover it in the Obama Deception, but they are now, in fact I have an article on it right here, actually in my stack, but if I go to it I won't have time to take all your calls.
The second part of your question is, when will they kill the dollar?
And the answer is, not for decades.
And my stupid parallel or analogy or metaphor, I guess, would be, what are there?
10, 15, 20 different versions of Sports Illustrated every month?
I don't know.
They've got different college ones and different sports ones and different region ones, but it's all issued by Sports Illustrated.
Here's another analogy.
The National ID Card.
I read the Executive Order in 2000 and... I keep getting the years wrong.
In 1997 by Bill Clinton.
He signed it in 1993.
But I found out about it in 2007.
It's in my first film.
America Destroyed by Design.
And it says in there, we now have a National ID Card.
Globally standardized.
And then in 2000, they officially standardized it in a UN treaty that the majority of world nations in the world signed on to.
And so, by 2000, we had a world ID card.
It's just you still, it says United States ID.
And it even has a state issued, you know, the states are federalized, but they issue one.
It's like a grocery store, you know, says H-E-B number 50 or whatever, but it's still owned by the same company.
So, just like we have a world ID card, but it's standardized down to the Texas driver's license.
It has that sub-designation.
Kind of like your zip code is a federal number, but you have seven at the beginning of Texas.
You understand?
And it's set up under that system.
That's what GPS is globally.
I mean, all this is global, folks.
They can shoot a cruise missile down your chimney.
I mean, that's how plotted out.
The zip code is actually a missile targeting grid.
See, it's all Pentagon design.
The face scanning cameras, the national ID cards, the body scanners at the airports put you in a biometric database, taking your blood at birth, taking your blood now, or your tissue swab out of your cheek at checkpoints they're announcing.
It's all Pentagon design.
It runs everything.
DARPA runs everything.
They created the internet.
They created the global standards.
They run it all.
They dole out the advanced technologies.
They're 30 years ahead of what they're showing you, at least.
God knows what they've already got off-planet.
And I've got that from high-level NASA engineers that are retired, who literally start shaking when they tell me about it.
But I don't get into all the stuff you can't handle, that you're not ready to hear.
I'm getting close, though.
Yes, folks, we are in a frozen technological level, arguing about Republicans and Democrats, which is a false mental projection.
It's a total fraud.
They're already off-world, big-time.
There's space planes, space stations, everything.
We'll be right back.
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You refuse to read the directions when assembling a new item.
You won't ask for directions when you're lost.
Once in a while you drive in the carpool lane with only you in the car.
Your neighbors call you a crackpot.
And you can count your real friends.
We're good to go.
This is that Garofalo song, what a witch!
But see, she wants us to hate her.
Millions of people out protesting.
Overman lies and says they only had 10,000 people nationwide.
Folks, they had like 7,000 in San Antonio.
That's what the local news said.
It was millions nationwide.
Even small towns had tea parties.
But the news has to make it a left-wing, right-wing thing.
And then everywhere say it's because they hate black people.
Let's continue with your phone calls.
Let's talk to Matthew in Montana.
Matthew, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
We appreciate you coming in Sunday and we appreciate all you're doing.
Hey, sir, this is Make It or Break It.
I mean, I believe the stuff I talk about here.
I want folks to know that.
This is real.
We really do have a criminal eugenics elite in control and it's such a joke that the public can't get past the distractions of Republican versus Democrat.
It's total theater while they're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines and taking all the baby's blood at birth for 36 years for eugenics databases.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, yeah.
I, you know, I wanted to bring up April 19th is a much more
Uh, famous day going back further in history.
Yeah, I have a film crew on Lexington Green right now in Massachusetts for our new film with thousands of police and military retaking their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution and not carry out the new world order.
How exciting is that?
Right on, right on.
Well, you're on top of it.
Well, tell folks what the date is for those that don't know.
April 19th is the day
That General Thomas Gage sent regular troops to Concord from Boston to confiscate the arms and ammunition stored in Concord and they suffered a major defeat and sent them running.
That was the day the shot heard around the world took place and the colonists went after them.
The globalists are setting it up now, teaching the military and the police to attack the American people.
I've been to scores of drills.
I've shot video.
It's all free on the internet.
It's in my Police State series with the Army and the Marines training to take our guns.
And now all over the country.
Remember, a week and a half ago in Tennessee, it was in major newspapers.
The Army announces they're going to run checkpoints on highways with Homeland Security.
For everyone's safety.
With local police.
Then, we talk about it on air.
I was out of town that Friday.
Burma's did.
It gets cancelled.
The Governor says, no, you can't do it.
And then it was in the news!
The Army went ahead and did it!
And shut down the highways!
I mean, folks!
They're getting ready
To take over the United States, and they know a lot of the military aren't going to follow the orders, and so that's why they're saying they're the number one terror threat.
See, overnight, it's not Al-Qaeda anymore, it's Pat Tillman.
When Pat Tillman saw them growing those poppies and shipping it into the U.S., he wrote letters back.
I've talked to his family.
He was going to come back and expose the drug dealing, and they killed him deader than a hammer.
And it's going to be the same for all you police and military.
You know, these documents also, I've got documents where they're worried about police joining us.
You see, they know because it's time to make a decision.
Are you on the American people's side with 98% of us against the banker takeover and 91% of us against the open borders and Gallup polls?
Or are you with the offshore criminal made-off bankers?
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, I also wanted to read a quote from Patrick Henry.
It was March 23rd, 1775.
Why Stan Lee here idle?
Go ahead.
Yep, you got it.
And I wanted to read what he had to say about firearms, if I may.
Guard with jealous attention the public liberty.
Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel.
Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force.
Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.
The great object is that every man be armed.
Everyone who is able may have a gun.
Patrick Henry.
And the jewel is liberty.
It's the engine of milk and honey and technological development and ingenuity and freedom and dynamic human spirit.
There are hundreds of other nations that have more resources than the U.S.
Literally, just scores and scores.
Mexico, Canada,
But they don't have it because they don't have the same level of tyranny when you talk about places like Mexico.
And the elites are openly announcing their carbon taxes to literally destroy and they brag.
The bankers want to destroy the economy.
They've cut off the liquidity.
They're restricting the money supply while hoarding it for themselves.
They're keeping all the bailout money.
Can you believe that we give them the bailout money and then we gotta pay them interest on money we give the bankers?
Well, that's the tyranny that has been taking place for a long time, but thank God we know we're on the right side and we know we're going to win.
And, you know, I know I speak for a lot of people.
I appreciate all the time and energy you're putting into this, Alex.
Are you kidding, sir?
God bless you and I appreciate you.
Are you kidding?
I couldn't go to sleep last night.
I just sit there reading documents, studying globalist documents.
I got stacks of them here where they're talking about how we're slaves and all the stuff they're going to do to us.
And then I just look at the public who are invested in the right-wing ideology or invested in the left-wing ideology.
I know people who liked me when I was bashing Bush, but I kept explaining, no, I'm not a liberal.
I'm not a liberal or conservative.
I'm a freedom lover.
They're all bought and paid for.
They're like, yeah, I really like you.
Bush is bad.
Now they won't talk to me because I'm bashing Obama because he's bought and paid for by the same people.
Can't you folks get it?
It's like a Don King boxing match!
It isn't real!
He owns both the fighters!
You're like, gee, Alex, when you liked George Foreman, I liked you, but... you know, uh... but now you... or... It's like Bush is George Foreman and they like Muhammad Ali.
And then now... Muhammad Ali's the champ and I'm telling him it's fake with Don King.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
You can't explain it to these people.
That's why you're suckers.
It's why your standard of living is going down.
Because you won't admit you're a slave.
You won't admit how serious things are.
I want to tell all the special forces and black ops people and mafia people that work for the New World Order.
You're totally expendable.
They put sodium fluoride in your water, too.
They're spraying your skies too, folks.
We gotta stand together against this.
Come on!
We're smarter than this!
Tom in California, you're on the air worldwide.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Alex, are you there?
Can you hear me?
I sure am!
Hey, I had a comment.
Yes, sir!
This weekend, I went to the Coachella Festival, and I saw Sir Paul McCartney.
And kinda going in with this
I listened to your Friday show about the baptism of evil and the limiting liberals that you're talking about, and before Paul McCartney went on, he had this... there were two big screens of the pyramids, the dollar bill, and it said, you know, it had, you know, Novus Ordo Seclorum beneath the pyramid, and above that it said, Ishtar's Way, or Ishtar's Course.
And there was this DJ, like, spinning all these, like, Beatles remixes and stuff.
This is their religion!
You see, you'll find at the highest level, the atheists really aren't atheists at the higher levels.
They write books.
These people worship Lucifer and Ishtar, and they've taken over all the Christian holidays.
Easter is Ishtar.
That isn't even when Christ was resurrected, if you believe that.
And the Christians don't care!
These churches are all Ishtar things with the phallus and all of it.
It was amazing, and also halfway through the concert, he had this song, I think it's an older song, but it's called Sing the Changes, and it had these pictures of Obama coming out of the projected screen.
Everything is brainwashing.
He was just standing there crying, and you're still bigger than Jesus, and it was incredible.
It was incredible.
Well, look, the yuppies are the most brainwashed people out there.
They love their enslavement.
They love being conned.
They really believe all the hype that everything's lovey-dovey.
They have no idea what they're facing.
Good to hear from you.
Alright, when we come back, I'm gonna blitz with Rick, Mike, Joe, Mark, Matt, Rodney, Keebler, and many, many others, ladies and gentlemen.
But that'll be it for calls.
Those callers there, they got a little surprise coming up.
I've done my research.
What I'm telling you is the absolute truth.
I know what I'm talking about.
How much have I predicted that's come true?
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I'm sure a lot of you have been noticing CIA ads on TV, radio, print.
It's classified, but the budget shows, and I've seen some congressional testimony, they're going to increase their amount of HUMET by about four times, and their basic bureaucrats many more times.
And they're breaking the law.
They're in local police departments.
They're putting regular army in local police departments.
They've got dossiers on citizens.
They're expanding domestic death squads.
And yeah, our country's falling.
Private banks have come in, seized the nation, they have unlimited capital, they make out a fiat, and they've just got to make sure that they've got secret police and thugs everywhere, so when they bankrupt everything and take all your pension funds, and draft your sons and daughters to carry out their wars overseas, that you can't resist them.
And they find lots of weak-minded, control-freak, little petty ideologues to join them and be part of it.
They're hiring illegal aliens, felons, you name it, to join the military and police.
Oh, you didn't know that.
Pure criminals have taken control of the government.
And I don't mean Barack Obama.
That guy's a complete Madison Avenue puppet.
He doesn't run Jack Squat.
You notice they've announced unlimited spying on the American people.
It all continues under Obama.
You notice they're just announcing they're gonna pull you over without a warrant, without even arresting you, and take your DNA.
If you read this carefully, it says, those detained, those pulled over,
This is enslavement.
This is bondage.
Look, the government knows 98% of you don't want the bailouts and don't want open borders and don't want police state.
That's why they're gearing it up.
They're criminal.
They're illegitimate.
They've taken over the country.
They think it's theirs.
And look, you can laugh all you want.
They're going to take everything you got.
They're gonna stage riots in the breakdown of society this year, next year, maybe five years from now, when they think they're ready.
That's why we gotta expose these terrorists now, and expose what they're doing, and we can save this nation.
There's a lot of control freaks out there who don't care.
They just wanna be on the winning team, gutting this country.
You're expendable too, remember that.
You're gutting your own future.
It's time for you to have a serious gut check, and look at whose side you're on.
And stop rationalizing what you're involved in!
Let's go to the phone calls.
Rick in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Hi there, Mr. Jones.
Great to finally speak to you.
Good to talk to you, Bubba.
Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, loud and clear!
Okay, hey, just wanted to share a little story with you about chemtrails.
I'm a history major here at Indiana University of Pennsylvania out in Western PA, and for my sociology class, they required us to bring an environmental article.
So I brought in an article about chemtrails, and I had asked the class if anybody had heard of them.
Of course, no one heard of them.
And so I went on for about a five-minute rant talking about the barium and the aluminum that they're releasing into the stratosphere, etc.
And basically I was confronted with a classroom full of laughter after, you know, the teacher sort of made a few jokes about it, tried to really destroy my argument.
Yeah, they're taught they're winners because they're dumb.
They're taught they're winners because they know nothing but Britney Spears and American Idol.
Meanwhile, it's all over the news they're terraforming and mixing it with jet fuel and spraying us.
Go ahead.
Right, and I just went on, I brought in an article and somehow with my printer I couldn't turn off the second page and at the end of the class I went up to her and said, you know, I'll bring in the rest of that article for you to read because, you know, it's very important information.
And she goes, you know, laughing to herself, she goes, oh, well I'm not going to read that.
I said, excuse me?
She said, oh, I'm not going to read that.
Like, what do you mean?
This is information you had no idea about.
Obviously, you know, people in the class are, you know, they were laughing, but let me stop you.
Because it's about, listen, listen, stop.
This is the mental illness.
This is what slaves are like.
Slaves, after they've been slaves a while, generationally like to be slaves.
She doesn't care, he doesn't care, is it a he or she?
Is it a he or she, sir?
What's that?
Ah, the teacher's a she.
Okay, listen, can you hear me?
Because the callers keep saying they can't hear me.
Nah, it's sorta cut now.
Uh, yeah.
It was from WhiteHouse.gov.
I also brought in the one from, uh... Okay, so you brought out from WhiteHouse.gov their announcement about terraforming the planet to stop global warming.
Total bull.
When the scientists admit it's actually to heat the planet.
God knows why they're doing it.
It's classified.
But the point is, is that she said, I don't care.
I don't want to see it.
I want to feel like I'm right.
See, that's buying into the delusion.
Go ahead.
You know, just to me, I was really blown away.
I know people think that it's conspiracy theory and all that other stuff, but it was just really unbelievable.
Sir, I get emails where people don't believe the European Union exists.
That's how dumbed down Americans are.
Right, and the fact that she didn't even want to read it.
Didn't even want to devote a second of her time.
That's why I quit college with straight A's.
It was delusional.
I mean, I would write papers against the anti-American, anti-freedom stuff and they'd give me C-minuses.
So I cynically one semester...
Just totally wrote whatever they wanted.
How families were bad, how world government was good.
A pluses.
They're whores.
They're intellectual prostitutes.
It's a fraud.
It's a cult of scum and weaklings.
Look, that's what the New World Order is.
It's a bunch of parasite weaklings working for the elites that want to feed on those of us that are productive.
But they don't know the elites plan to get rid of them as soon as they've used the parasites to bring down those of us that are strong.
The elites openly say this.
And you have this fake global warming science going on, and you know... It's admittedly fake!
The sun's what drives it!
I'm sick of them!
I'm sick of the ignorance!
They get all these idiots to buy into something and they won't admit they're wrong?
Mike in San Diego.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, I'm liking the energy today, man.
I like it.
It's good.
Go ahead.
Alright, um, I just want to talk about the, um, kind of what the elite believe in as far as how they want to let you know before they do something like this.
They openly have written thousands of white papers and now they're going to kill every last one of us.
Yes, yes, and I just want to say, do you think in their own thick and twisted way they actually enjoy you, Alex Jones, exposing them?
Oh, I've had them tell me that, yeah.
Okay, all right.
They enjoy it.
They go, listen, the slaves don't care.
They want to be slaves.
And you ought to join us.
I mean, that's the attitude.
And people need to start listening.
And the slaves want to be slaves.
They want to give their kids shots full of mercury.
They want to drink sodium fluoride and say it's not bad for them.
They want to have foreign banks bankrupt them.
They want to smile and feel good and think of carbon taxes about the environment to foreign banks.
They love being scammed.
They love being conned.
They love it.
They love it!
They love it!
Go ahead.
Alright, and one more thing, um, after the whole Baxter incident and the bird flu virus... They love how the government's injecting people in Europe dying of massive live bird flu!
They love it being an AP in Reuters!
They love taking their girls in to have HPV shot when the governor says it's mandatory when it isn't, and then the girls die, and then they say, that's good!
I mean, it's just sickening filth!
You're scum slaves who enjoy being conned!
What is wrong with you people?
Go ahead.
We'll get this.
Jim Cramer on CNBC the next day, March 6, 2009, recommended Baxter International stock.
He didn't make any mention about the bird flu virus mishaps.
He said their stock's going to go up under the Obama administration.
Of course it is!
Mixing live bird flu with a regular vaccine!
AP Reuters!
Meanwhile, they give it to people and they die dead in a hammer from some other company over there.
You talk about it and the public giggles and snickers because they're idiots!
I hate to get mad, folks, but I mean, it's like watching somebody rob my neighbor's house 20 times.
And I go tell my neighbor, you know the guy stealing your car again?
He's out there hot-wiring it, go stop him.
And he goes, there's no such thing as thieves!
I'm like, see him out there in the black mask?
And the neighbor just sticks both his fingers in his nose and goes, nooo!
And you're like, come on, man!
Let's get together and beat these people!
I gotta wake you up to defend my family.
I need you people to beat these people!
None of us have any future!
If you don't grow up and realize what's happening, I mean everything I say!
This stuff's real!
You understand how much danger I'm in?
How many hit pieces are being written against me?
How I get followed around?
The death threats I'm getting, you cowards!
You need to stand up or you have no future!
I'm not putting up with this anymore!
They put out government documents, as I told you, saying the veterans are the number one threat to the government, that gun owners are terrorists, that those buying ammo are terrorists, and the articles Kurt Nemo wrote about this that we broke, I didn't even need to point out.
Google this right now.
I'm going to pull up the newscast right now.
Google, man who bought ammo visited by Homeland Security.
You'll get a whole bunch of stuff all over the country.
You buy like a thousand rounds of ammo.
Homeland Security, secret commissar, thug police, the ones you're getting hired to all these CIA ads you hear, show up at your house and want to ask you if you're a terrorist for buying ammunition!
The government's criminal!
Don't you people get it?
They're going to take everything we've got if you keep sucking your thumbs!
This isn't a joke!
And the Republicans aren't going to save you.
They're there posing like they're patriots, now saying they're anti-New World Order because they're playing the part of the opposition right now to soak up all the resistance!
And don't you tell me something's wrong with me.
You get excited about sports, I get excited about stuff that matters!
It's April 19th!
Remember who your forebears are!
Resist the tyranny!
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Hi, this is Peter Kronschnabel with Midas Resources.
As you know, government spending is at an all-time high and inflation is on the rise.
What are you doing right now to protect yourself financially?
As the economy continues to deteriorate due to corporate greed and government intervention, more people will lose their jobs and, worse, their life savings.
Having your hard-earned money in banks, the stock market, or any other paper asset is a lose-lose deal.
You'll lose
I think?
We're good.
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You're listening to GCN.
Genesis Communication Radio Network.
Folks, I just Googled during the break.
Homeland Security visits man for buying ammo.
Thousands of articles came up with them.
SWAT teaming people that own more than five guns.
Man-held accused of stockpiling ammo.
Which is totally legal.
This is in Kentucky, this article I'm on right here.
That's the thing.
They still just arrest you.
Then this government is just totally crooked.
And then you can find the articles where you bought a thousand rounds of ammo.
Big deal.
See, this government is criminal.
They know.
They're the revolutionaries.
They've hijacked the nation.
Now, listen.
I'm not a John Birch Society member.
And I'd woken up to the New World Order even before I saw their material.
But I tell you, they've done more work early on than anybody else out there on the New World Order.
And it's very well researched and very well documented.
And it's because they were effective that they were demonized.
They were real conservatives against phony wars, against the police state.
They figured out with government documents, even before it was declassified, it's now been declassified, that
Big international banks were financing communism and socialism to consolidate the wealth under their control.
Now, Mr. Welch in the 50s gave this speech you're about to hear, but then in 1974 he gave it again.
It's up on Infowars.com.
And listen to how he breaks down how the elites operate, how they work.
Listen carefully!
This is 1974, the year I was born.
And he said it 20 years before this in a book.
And here he is laying out how the globalists operate.
Listen carefully and ask yourselves, is this what is not... I mean, is this what's happening right now?
Do you want to be slaves?
Do you love your children, folks?
At least investigate.
Wake up!
Here it is.
A part of that plan, of course, is to induce the gradual surrender of American sovereignty, piece by piece and step by step, to various international organizations, of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example.
Here are the aims for the United States.
One, greatly expanded government spending.
For every conceivable means of getting rid of ever larger sums of American money as wastefully as possible.
Two, higher and then much higher taxes.
Three, an increasingly unbalanced budget despite the higher taxes.
Four, wild inflation of our currency.
Government controls of prices, wages, and materials supposedly to combat inflation.
Six, greatly increased socialistic controls over every operation of our economy and every activity of our daily lives.
This is to be accompanied naturally and automatically by a correspondingly huge increase in the size of our bureaucracy and in both the cost and reach of our domestic government.
Far more centralization of power in Washington and the practical elimination of our state lines.
There is a many-faceted drive at work to have our state lines eventually mean no more within the nation than our county lines do now within the states.
Eight, the steady advance of federal aid to and control over our educational system, leading to complete federalization of our public education.
Nine, a constant hammering into the American consciousness of the horror of modern warfare.
The beauties and the absolute necessity of peace.
Peace always on communist terms, of course.
And ten, the consequent willingness of the American people to allow the steps of appeasement by our government, which amount to a piecemeal surrender of the rest of the free world and of the United States itself.
So brush the insider's dust out of your eyes, my friends, and the communist soap suds out of your brain, and ask yourselves in all honesty, what on earth is wrong with the United States simply minding its own business?
With having its foreign policy function primarily for the safety and benefit of the American people.
Which is exactly what we had done for the first 140 years of our existence as a nation to the incredible advantage of ourselves and everybody else.
Everybody, that is.
Except a numerically small clique of power-lusting conspirators who had somehow inflicted themselves on a gullible world.
While we turn to a very brief summarization of what we hope the John Birch Society will help and even sometimes lead the American people to accomplish during the next 15 years.
One, our first and most important specific undertaking should be to restore the complete independence of the United States.
This includes our resolution to get us out of the United Nations and get the United Nations out of the United States.
Two, we must once again make our money freely redeemable in gold at some realistic price.
And we must take all practicable legislative steps to prevent a recurrence of the enormous thievery and other subversive crimes that have been perpetrated on the American people through a contrived inflation by every president from Franklin Roosevelt through Richard Nixon.
We should reduce the number of government bureaus, of government civilian employees, and the whole quantity of government by at least 50%.
And we should achieve at least this much reduction in proper fashion through gradually convincing a majority of the American people of the wisdom of such a course. 4.
We should withdraw all American troops from every spot on earth that is not American soil, except when and where such troops may be required, as decided by Congress, to protect American lives and property from criminal vandalism.
Five, we should get government out of the areas and functions and activities where government does not belong.
Again, all steps to this end should be taken gradually.
But nevertheless, just as rapidly as enough of the American people can be persuaded to support such progress.
Any such achievement will require a truly massive educational force, but that's exactly what we hope to build during the next 15 years.
We could go ahead for at least a hundred numbered items, but the John Birch Society will undoubtedly be working on more than that many specific projects, which will be laid out in its bulletins before another 180 months will have rolled around.
And all of them will fit into, all of these projects will fit into the general pattern indicated by the... Alright, folks, that's enough of it.
The rest of it's up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
You know, my whole point here is that there have been a lot of groups and people fighting this for a long time.
And now they're openly announcing a global bank of the world by the very bankers that engineered the crisis that you'll pay your carbon taxes to.
They're announcing taxes on all your cars, your factories, your businesses, your houses, home inspections.
This is the announcement listing carbon dioxide and four other gases as toxic waste.
Carbon dioxide, sunlight, water, and oxygen are the four components of life in the carbon cycle.
Google the carbon cycle.
They are literally... Well, the New York Times called it a tax on breathing, but said it was a good idea.
So this is a tax on breathing.
Meanwhile, they're engaging in all sorts of bizarre atmospheric weather modifications
Admittedly, on a giant scale, but they say it's classified what they're doing.
You tell the public about it and go, look, here's Reuters and AP.
They're doing all this and they just go, who?
Just like that earlier guy tried to show his professor and they just said, I'm not going to read that.
I'm not going to read that.
They're not messing with the atmosphere.
That doesn't exist.
I mean, I think if they told these folks computers didn't exist, they'd believe it.
Or if they told them water didn't exist.
I don't understand how they get people to love being ignorant, love being conned, love being idiots, love being fooled.
Eight years of Bush, I tried to wake conservatives up, but he wasn't a conservative.
He tripled the size of government in eight years.
You can Google this, the mainstream media reports it like it's a good thing.
Obama has spent and committed to spend more than all presidents, back to George Washington, combined.
All presidents combined!
Do you know what this means?
And it's all owed to a bunch of private bankers that made it out of nothing!
It's a parlor trick, a Ponzi scheme.
These, you know, Madoff has nothing on these people.
He's just one of their minions.
He was the founder of the Nasdaq.
They're a bunch of crooks!
They got the army and the police trying to take your guns!
They're expanding the CIA domestically and the FBI and building FEMA camps openly.
We're out of time.
Sorry to all the callers we didn't get to.
I'll get to you in the weekday show and back.
Next week, live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
God bless you all!
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Hi, this is Ted Anderson.
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