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Filename: 20090412_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 12, 2009
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KLBJ Austin.
Hier in USA Radio News, I'm Jason Walker.
Just one week ago, North Korea launched that rocket against the urging of world leaders.
Now the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, along with Japan, have finished working on a draft presidential statement.
The document being circulated to the full 15-nation council says, quote, Security Council condemns the April 5th launch by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which is the contravention of its Security Council resolution number 1718.
Pirates have seized a U.S.-owned tugboat in the Gulf of Aden, just north of Somalia.
A Portuguese warship in the area says 10 members of the 16-man crew are Italian citizens.
Crew believed to be unharmed.
Meanwhile, still no resolution to that standoff with pirates who have captured the captain of a U.S.-flagged vessel.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
If you've been watching the news lately, you've been hearing a lot about the obstacles in our economy.
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Devastating twisters in the Volunteer State.
Tennessee authorities say two people are dead after a tornado slammed the city of Murfreesboro.
The bodies of a mother and her nine-year-old baby were found outside their damaged home.
This man says he lost everything.
Completely gone.
Everything gone.
Everything we've worked for all of our life.
I'm Dave Fossari.
President Obama expressing his best wishes to those celebrating Easter during his weekly radio address.
Then turning to the economy, Obama pointed out that his recent overseas trip to meet with G20 leaders was to ensure the world's largest economies launch strong and unified action to address financial hurdles.
French agency claiming American cyclist Lance Armstrong violated anti-doping rules after a training session in France.
The AFLD claims that he failed to quote meet the obligation to remain under direct observation of the person controlling the test.
For the latest news analysis log on to IRNnews.com
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Hi, how in the world are you anyway?
This is Andy Willoughby speaking for the 3-Step Plan.
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Some relief for sections of Oklahoma and Texas that have been ravaged by wildfires.
Rain showers hitting the area Saturday.
Fires destroying 200 structures over a 48-hour period.
In addition, there have been more than 60 fire-related injuries and at least two people killed.
Officials say at least one of the fires in Midwest City, Oklahoma appears to have been intentionally set.
A new study says patients with severe heart failure can be bridged to a ventral transplant by a new smaller and lighter implantable heart pump.
Washington University cardiologist Gregory Ewald explains what this device is and what it can do.
The ventral assist LVAD is what we refer to as sort of a third-generation assist device or pump that's attached to the failing heart.
To really support someone until they can receive a heart transplant.
Seems to be an adjustment in Arizona State University's decision not to confer an honorary degree on President Obama when he delivers the commencement address there May 13th.
School causing a flap when it said it would not be giving Obama an honorary degree.
University President Michael Crow has apologized for the quote confusion saying the entire community has been electrified with excitement.
Since learning he would take parts in the ceremony.
I'm Jason Walker, IRN USA Radio News.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
We have somewhat of a detailed introduction, hundreds of movies, international top TV shows and syndication, best-selling author Chuck Norris is on with us from his ranch in Texas, going to be simulcasting a national program today, trying to rediscover the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and thousands of groups around the country will be meeting in solidarity over their concerns for our nation, is the quote here.
Well, first of all, you talked about Kickstart.
Kickstart is a program.
Where do you
I don't know.
And that's why I started Kickstart, is to implement it into the public schools as part of their P.E.
And so that's what I've done.
I've got 43 schools in the state of Texas, middle schools, and 150 kids in each school, so we have about 6,000 kids in the program.
60,000 kids have graduated from this program, Alex.
I don't know.
Well, the thing is, it turned my life around.
I was pretty much an at-risk child growing up with just a mom and all the insecurities that I had because I didn't have a male role model to help me get on the right path of life.
So I grew up very insecure and very shy and very non-athletic.
A lot of people kind of laugh at that, but it's true.
The martial arts really turned my whole life around.
It gave me that inner strength.
I don't know.
And you condense a lot of what you've learned throughout life, health, patriotism, Bill of Rights, Constitution.
You know, I published a book called Dissent and a Tyranny in 2002, and I ended it with the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And I just love seeing that that's how your book ended.
Because I mean, I guess, you know, our brains think alike.
That's what people need to get back to.
That's true, Alex.
You know, the thing is, that's why I put it in there.
A lot of people don't know
What's in the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence, and they really need to shore up on what is going on.
And I'd like to get back to this fair tax concept just for a moment.
Oh, sure.
Because what most people don't realize is that we have over 3 million manufacturing jobs being outsourced to other countries.
And why are they being outsourced?
Because the taxes are draining them.
And they can't make a goal of it here in America with the taxation system we have.
And there's over 17 trillion dollars being hidden in offshore accounts by the super-rich.
Probably more now because of what's going on.
But the thing is, if we had a fair tax, Alex, we get all that money could come back into our economy and give our economy a huge boost.
What type of fair tax do you like, Chuck Norris?
Consumption tax.
You know, I believe that, you know, if you can afford to buy something, you buy it.
If you can't afford it, you wait till you have the money to buy it.
A sales tax?
Consumption tax, yeah.
I would be for that, sir, but I saw UN documents a decade ago.
The problem is, what they're going to do is, and I do support one, they're not going to really get rid of the income tax.
They're going to try to call it your Social Security tax and claim it's only 10% and then jack it up and try to run them all at the same time.
I mean, I do agree that that's a constitutional tax and the income tax is not constitutional.
Can you speak to the income tax?
Half a million pages.
Nobody can follow it.
Should that be abolished?
66,298 pages, Alex.
I mean, who in the world knows what's in that?
Charlie Rangel doesn't know.
And I mean, Tom Geithner.
I mean, look at all, look at the people that are in government today who are basically tax evaders.
They think the government says they made mistakes.
But if we do it, we're tax evaders.
You know, we go to jail.
But the thing is, is that, uh, you know, uh, the IRS, well, it was only became constitutional in 1913.
A lot of people don't realize this, that the IRS was unconstitutional.
Until 1913, when the Congress made a constitutional amendment, the 16th Amendment, to make it constitutional.
And we've been going downhill ever since that time.
Well, yeah, the private Federal Reserve controls that.
I'm sure you've noticed you write your tax checks to the private Federal Reserve.
It's never been audited.
Ron Paul's introduced a bill to audit the Federal Reserve.
Do you agree with that?
Oh, absolutely.
You know, the IRS is a Gestapo.
You know, you're guilty until proven innocent.
That's only one where you're guilty until proven innocent rather than innocent until proven guilty.
And that's not fair.
That's not right.
Here in our country, we're a country of freedom, and we need to do that.
I'm so upset, that's why I'm such a supporter of Glenn Beck.
I really consider him, like you Alex, I really consider you a crusader, and I consider Glenn Beck a crusader of what we need to do, because the whole thing is, we're going to lose our Constitution.
Patrick Henry said the Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people.
It's an instrument for the people to restrain the government, lest it come to dominate our lives, and I believe that's what's happening to us today.
Yeah, it's meant to bind down the out-of-control behavior of dominant men.
I've got a list of just quick questions here that I want to make sure I get out while we have Chuck Norris live with us.
I mean, Ron Paul is such a champion of liberty.
Well, you know, I have a saying.
I don't know if I told you.
Anyway, you know all these Chuck Norstachs that are floating around for the last three years.
Anyway, one of them is that America is not a democracy.
It's a Chuck Patership.
And I said, now if that was true, if that was true, I would go to Washington, to Congress.
I'd line up all the members of Congress, and I'd have Ron Paul, who I believe is the most honest member of Congress,
And I'd say, Ron, point out the honest and the dishonest politicians.
And as we're walking down the row, Ron would say, well, he's honest, he's honest, he's dishonest.
And I'd walk up to him and I'd say, you're fired.
And if he didn't move immediately, I'd choke him unconscious and drag him over to the pile.
The only ones I wouldn't do that to is the women.
Nancy Pelosi, I'd walk up and say, Nancy, you're fired, but you have all the time in the world to leave.
Chuck Norris, it's just amazing to have you on air with us.
Well, you know, not talking about secession, but the states created the first 13, and we have the right to revolt, Article 10 in New Hampshire and Texas, you know, treated in.
Because we are a republic.
Texas is a republic.
We created the federal government, the states did, and the media spun this as secession.
These 30-plus states are moving to re-declare 9th and 10th Amendment with all these unfunded mandates and federal control.
What do you say to that?
Oh, I don't know.
You know, I'm not really, I'm not up on that Alex, so I can't really give an honest opinion.
But I mean, states declaring their sovereignty, not seceding, just saying, we're not going to let the federal government boss us around.
Well, I hope they do that.
The thing is, that's what the states have got to do.
They've got to get control back of their people of that particular state.
And if that's what they're saying, I'm totally in support of all that.
We've got to pull the power away from government.
You know, because the thing is, you know, John Adams, our second president, stated that our Constitution was made only for religious and moral people.
And I really believe that, Alex, and it's wholly inadequate for the government of any other.
And the thing is, if we don't just maintain our faith and our moral values, then the Constitution is going to wind up dissolving.
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Well, Chuck Norris, I know you're a very focused, centered, gentlemanly person, but laying it out, reading your article on WorldNetDaily and others, and listening to you on other radio shows and things you've said, you're talking about, will the American people stand up or will there be a revolution?
If this is an information revolution that's happening, but I have the government documents, I have the secret state police reports that the feds give them.
Where they say Bob Barr, Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians, people with these stickers are dangerous, they're bad, they want to kill.
Who said that?
This is what the Feds, this just went out this month, so clearly it's coming from the Obama people.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
I've talked to the state police, they admit this was given to them by the Feds to issue to their state police officers, saying people that own gold are bad.
It's up on screen right now.
And it's called the modern militia movement, but then it demonizes mainline libertarians and everybody and says watch out for them, they're dangerous.
I mean, it seems like people in the federal government right now realize the threat to them is people that are talking like you, Chuck Norris.
Yeah, I know.
Well, the thing is, a lot of my friends are libertarians, and I've even considered it at times, you know, because, you know, the Republicans are getting so far out there, too.
I mean, 40% of the Republicans voted for the stupid stimulus package, you know, and that really frustrated me.
The thing is, there's the corruption, there's the greed right there, Alex.
That was my next question.
This is perfect.
You keep bringing up the same points I was about to get to.
Look, I'm cutting my teeth as a conservative.
I'm pro-Second Amendment.
I'm a constitutionalist, paleo-conservative, the real deal.
Bush tripled the size of government with the Democrats.
Obama is set to quadruple it in the first four years and saying he's going to cut the budget in half, insulting people with lies.
And you talk about this not being left or right.
I mean, how do we get the corruption out of both parties?
Vote him out.
You know, the thing is, that's what we have to figure out.
That's what we as the people have to figure out.
And we have to put the fire on them saying, look, if you don't vote the way that we feel,
You should vote as a people, then you're gonna be out.
We wind up impeaching every member of Congress who is not working for the people and just working for themselves.
We wind up impeaching them.
If there's a legal way we can do that, I don't know.
There is a legal way of doing that.
I think that's what we should do, is make them realize that we're going to impeach them if they don't start thinking of the best interest of the people.
Chuck, you can't see this because you're not watching PrisonPlanet.tv right now, but for viewers, I have the federally written report, secret report, law enforcement sensitive for the state of Missouri, and we have these from all over the country.
No, no, not at all.
I really respect Ron Paul.
I admire him, I admire his dedication, and I admire his staunchness on the Constitution.
You know, it's a solid formula that we cannot deviate from.
And so that's why I'm a big supporter of Ron Paul.
And we just got to, you know, it's so frustrating.
I don't know what to do personally.
All I can do is write articles about it and state how I feel about it and it's up to the people.
The people are the ones that are going to make the difference.
Not Chuck Norris, not Alex Jones.
It's going to be the people as a whole that's going to make the difference in our country.
Well, exactly.
Well, in closing, Chuck Norris, that's what's happening, and you recognize it.
Everybody's waking up on the left and right.
Tyranny is here.
I'm sure you've heard they want to use 20,000 regular Army troops to patrol America.
They're putting Army liaisons in every major department.
Obama's setting up youth brigades, a million-person group, and they've now launched it, that will go door-to-door canvassing for him with federal funding.
I mean, if it comes down to gun confiscation, which they're now proposing because of what's happening with the collapse of Mexico, they're blaming it on America.
I mean, you know, do we just say no to gun confiscation?
Do we turn them in and go to the FEMA camps?
Well, the thing is, they're not getting my guns.
You know, the thing is that I don't think they want to come to Texas and try that.
No, I agree.
If they come to Texas and try to confiscate our guns, they're going to be in a world of hurt.
Well, the Declaration of Independence says it's our right and duty if the government becomes destructive of our form of government to remove it.
So that's what I'm saying.
The government, the criminal elements of it are gearing up to, and nobody's got a bigger supporter of the military or police than you, and the police are upset that they're telling me they don't like what's happening.
Like you said, the troops don't like what's happening.
I think Obama and the globalists need to back off.
I don't think they will.
They will.
You know, because, you know,
When it gets right down to the grassroots, they're cowards.
And they're not going to do anything that's going to turn the people against them.
And so the thing is that we, the people, have got to stay strong.
We've got to stand up, stay strong, and say this is the way we want you to regulate our country.
And if you don't do it, we will get you out of office.
We'll impeach you, or whatever it takes for us to get you out of office.
And you're going to start representing us as a people or you're not going to be around.
You're going to be unemployed.
That's what irritates me with this government.
You know, which the Congress has bought in for themselves.
They serve one term, Alex, and they get 80% of their pay for the rest of their life.
It's like... And then, plus their pension, welfare, and benefits, all that, they get 100% for the rest of their life.
Oh, I know.
It's totally unfair.
And they want more, more, more, more, more.
And they still get more and more.
Fannie Mae, you know, gave contributions to Chris Dodd.
I mean, the money they're raking in from the companies that are bellied up, and the government is pouring billions upon billions of dollars into these companies.
Chuck Norris!
Chuck, that's what I wanted to say to you.
The New World Order, globalism, the foreign banks that are taking over our country right now, I mean, on air.
I mean, you know there's a New World Order, you've heard my show for years.
Now they're openly announcing world government that the banks are going to run.
Are you against that?
Oh, absolutely.
You know, the thing is, is that, what is China going to want?
You know, because Hillary Clinton is what they're trying to get, talk them into buying more of our debt.
What are we going to give them for collateral?
Are we going to give up our country as collateral for the debt that they've taken over from us?
I mean, they could wind up taking over a big portion of our country.
We've got to stop this.
We've got to stop this, Alex.
People don't realize just how serious...
This is right now.
You bet.
Ron Paul said here, culprits of financial collapse should be arrested, that state grand juries, that they have committed crimes, not just Madoff and others.
Do you support state investigations, if the feds won't do it, to go after these corrupt brokerage and bank heads that are doing all this criminal activity and shipping the money overseas?
I think these should spend life in prison.
I think every one of them is a criminal, and they should all face prison time for the horrible mess they've put our country into.
And for them to receive these payout benefits is just horrible.
And I really do.
I really believe that they should all go to prison, made up all the way down, to all of them.
And Stanford especially, too.
He's from Texas, so he should definitely go to prison.
But no, they should all be incarcerated for what they have done to our country.
Alright, Chuck Norris, we appreciate you.
Thank you so much for joining us.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to GCN.
Genesis Communication Radio Network.
Lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
We're joined in the next 20 minutes by Congressman Ron Paul, who's up there on the hill today, a very busy man.
And everything he talked about for 30 years is unfortunately unfolding, so his credibility is at the gold standard right now, as the mainstream is forced to check in to the facts he's been laying out.
I wanted to talk to him about the deepening depressionary system we're going into, what the private federal reserve is up to in his bill to abolish it, how we can support that.
Congressman, thank you for coming on.
You're welcome.
Good to be with you.
Every few weeks they come before the Banking Committee and you bring up the fact that what they're doing is destroying us.
What do we need to do to bring the private Federal Reserve under control?
Well, it has to be an uprising by the people.
There has to be enough people who will demand that their congressmen respond, and that is building.
You know, a year ago or two, nobody in Washington even thought about the Federal Reserve.
Today, there's a lot more thinking going on and a lot more support for our position, so it is growing.
And yet we're not on the verge of changing it.
I have the bill to get rid of the Federal Reserve.
That's the major step and the ultimate step.
And they'll probably self-destruct before we actually pass legislation.
But the bill that is
What is more important in the short run is the auditing bill, the 1207 bill, because that means they have to start answering our questions.
Today they're protected.
They're in total secrecy and they're protected by the law.
If 1207 is passed, we have an audit and they have to answer the questions.
And I figure if we ever get that far and get the exposure and get the transparency that we need, then people will wake up and realize why do we have them at all.
Senator Sanders grilled him, as you know, last week saying that he's supporting 1207 or a version in the Senate because Bernanke, private Fed chief, just said, I'm not going to tell you where the money went, buddy.
I mean, that's amazing to see our elected Congress, the most powerful branch of government, according to the founders, being told, kiss off.
And I know Sanders real well.
He was on the banking committee with me before he went into the Senate, and I called him after that.
And I believe he has now introduced my version.
Uh, of the Transparency Bill, and he, and I've introduced his version.
So both bills exist.
Mine's a little bit more conclusive, and it removes the total authority for them to, uh, non-answer questions.
His is specifically designed to answer certain questions and reveal where so, you know, the trillion dollars went.
Uh, they're very similar, but somewhat, uh, different in nature.
So we both support each other's bill, and they've been introduced in, in both chambers.
Well, public support for this, and the Congress itself, the majority are saying they're angry to not know where the money is, and Bloomberg sued to find out and has been told no on their foyer.
I mean, if this gets media attention, I can see no way that Congress wouldn't vote for a proper audit of the private Federal Reserve.
They're going to, if we can get it that far.
We are.
And, you know, it's a good issue.
Like so many of our issues, we bring different factions together, liberal and conservative, under the Constitution.
Because if you're a good, honest liberal, like Bernie Sanders, he's an honest person, but he's very, very liberal and calls himself a socialist, but he agrees on the transparency issues.
So this whole idea that we expose him should
Bloomberg reports $9.7 trillion has disappeared in one form or another just out of the U.S., another $10 trillion globally, and now Larry Summers is saying they want more money, they want more unlimited cash?
That's what they're doing.
They keep coming back, you know.
And what's the argument you hear up here?
You hear this argument, which I know there's some disagreement even in our circles, this whole idea of earmarks.
They're dealing with these 1% of earmarks.
If you vote against them all, you don't cut one penny of spending.
And they're talking about that endlessly.
They're holding up the bill in the Congress over this so-called issue.
At the same time, this number that you mentioned, the $9.7 trillion, we need to earmark every penny.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was talking about the need to monitor everything that we do and the transparency.
And too often, people concentrate on a non-issue, which is 1% of the budget, called earmarks.
And even if you eliminated it, it wouldn't eliminate one penny.
The real earmarks need to be done, you know, like, say, TARP funds.
We gave the Treasury $350 billion, and then another $350, and there are no instructions, no earmarks.
The Congress needs to have more responsibility, more earmarks.
Of course, all the spending should be voted down, but when they do spend, we ought to know where it's going.
But the biggest, the largest amount, of course, is the Federal Reserve.
They're totally off-budget.
They're like a government unto itself.
They can create trillions.
It's probably eight or nine, ten trillion dollars that they've been involved in, and they have no legal responsibility to answer.
That was that HR 207? 1207.
Okay, HR 1207.
I didn't have the bill in front of me.
And then I should have the Senate bill number, but somebody could find that rather easily because we want to help Sanders get support for his bill as well.
In fact, I'll Google that and get that out after you leave us.
Continuing with the economy.
This is clearly entering depression level.
The banks are doing what you said they would do.
They're hoarding the money, buying up other good banks.
CBS reported $250 billion of bailout money has gone to the Kamens alone.
The biggest names out there.
Bernard Madoff is keeping his $60 million penthouse and mailing gold and diamonds out of the country to his family that's run to South America.
He's the founder of the Nasdaq.
It turns out all the other big banks are involved in similar Ponzi schemes.
Shouldn't we be having criminal investigations of these people instead of the very same banksters now telling us we're going to have a new bank of the world that we pay carbon taxes to?
Yeah, well, we should have minimal government, but even in a minimalist government, your government is supposed to deal with theft and physical harm and fraud, and that's what's going on, and that's what they ignore or protect.
They're supposed to protect contracts, but they are interfering with contracts all the time and trying to tell people exactly what Mortgage rates should be and interest rates should be and price fixing and all these things but no, I think it's it's horrible what they're doing and they're not addressing the subject that they should and They should be prosecuting these people these people should be in in
Enron, when that company went bankrupt, it was a major event, and they claimed up here in Washington that the reason was that we needed even more regulation, we needed more FCC agents, and we needed more IRS agents.
At the same time, he was convicted of fraud under Texas fraud law.
He went to prison, and you know, and that thing was cleaned up, and the market wiped out the value of the company because it had no value.
But what was our response in Congress was to pass Sarbanes-Oxley, more regulations which have actually contributed to some of the weakness in the economy.
You just can't regulate away the mistakes that are made when governments are too much involved with Community Reinvestment Acts and easy money that the Federal Reserve creates.
Regulations cannot solve that problem.
But your point, the purpose of the federal government should be, under these circumstances, to prosecute fraud.
Well, take the Securities and Exchange Commission testifying before Congress, what, almost a month ago.
They declared presidential prerogative and executive authority, I guess under national security, to not talk about why for nine years they were given private investigations detailing Bernie Madoff's crimes.
And they kept saying to the Congress people, well, he hasn't been convicted, he hasn't pled guilty.
And they said, it's not alleged, he's admitted to this.
As bad as the executive branch is, so much of that responsibility falls on the Congress, too.
I mean, we're so negligent to allow the executive branch to run roughshod over us.
But if we had some people in the Congress that would have a little bit of courage
They could deal with this and handle it, but no.
If they spread national security interests, you know, whether it has to do with torture in secret prisons and prison camps and, you know, all those kind of things, oh, national security, we can't interfere with that, so therefore the Congress says nothing.
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I think so.
The GCN Radio Network.
Providing the world with hard-hitting talk radio.
Great talk radio starts here.
Coming to you from the capital of Texas.
Broadcasting the truth coast to coast and worldwide.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Specifically, sir, speaking of national security, Obama has said, Reuters headline, Obama backs Bush on no rights for detainees under Bill of Rights, Constitution, or Geneva Convention.
He's increasing the troops in Afghanistan.
He's saying he's going to keep troops indefinitely, at least 50,000.
In Iraq, going back on that promise, he's declaring a lot of executive privilege that he criticized under Bush, and he's expanding the NORTHCOM, 20,000 troops to patrol America.
He's creating this quasi-governmental usaservice.org.
I mean, can you comment on those points of Obama?
And many people are saying it looks like he may be worse than Bush on liberties.
Yeah, and I don't hesitate to make that point, especially if I happen to get on a liberal station that might be sympathetic with some of my views, but they still like Obama, and they're still hopeful.
In a few places, I keep my fingers crossed, and I say, I hope, you know, he does what he said he was going to do.
But early on in Bush's administration,
The policemen of the world, and we shouldn't be involved in nation building like that bad guy Clinton.
Then he went and did it even more so.
I think your concerns are justified, because even though Obama was the so-called peace candidate, he was going to bring our troops home and end that war in Iraq, I'm afraid there's evidence now that shows that he's going to, you know, pursue the same foreign policy, which was my argument during the campaign, that no matter what happens, both major
I don't think there's any reason for us to rejoice.
Well, I mean, he's bringing in all the very Clinton people who are the ones that got rid of the Glass-Steagall Act and others, the literal engineers of what's happening now with derivatives, and then they're up there grandstanding as our saviors.
Yeah, and they're pursuing all the spending and the secret tough stuff going on, whether it's with Treasury
I don't
All right, Congressman, with the four or five minutes we've got left, I want to blitz through some quick questions for you.
I know when you were on Glenn Beck, he says, I've been looking at these cams, is there anything to it?
We have the...
Houston Chronicle admitting they built FEMA camps.
We have the bill introduced to build more and then merge the police and local communities in with them.
They have signed Pentagon directives, as you know, to use regular army.
In Canada, they're announcing they're going to use the military.
The Army War College says the military is preparing to engage the American people.
And I know you're informed, because I've never talked to you about something that you weren't informed about.
And so, you know, you did say on the show, well, the public's worried because Washington's out of control, but when John Warner Defense Authorization Act and some of the new executive orders that have come out, but also just Pentagon directives, I can pull them up, they're saying governors will be dual-headed federal officers, and now they have Marines at checkpoints looking for drunk drivers, you know, in California.
I mean, all of this is going on, sir, so can you specifically speak to the danger of NORTHCOM taking over, or is that not a problem?
No, I think it definitely is a problem.
And yet, on the bright side, if we're looking for one, we've had 20 states now introduce resolutions.
They were sick of the feds, and we might have to talk about state sovereignty again.
So there's a healthy reaction to this.
But yes, we should be concerned.
Because I deal with these people, although I know there's a lot of evil out there.
I also know the average member of Congress probably isn't a participant in a grand conspiracy.
They'll come along and they say, well, all we're doing is states are inefficient and private sources don't work.
We got to provide housing, and if there's housing on a military base, that's all we're doing.
And a lot of them will
We're good to go.
Yeah, and a lot of people will buy into that and then too often in the past what happens is it gets too far along
I don't know.
Congressman, in closing,
What are other solutions?
I mean, obviously, get behind the state's sovereignty.
The state's created the feds.
We can, you know, bring them to heel.
Have grand juries move for indictments of these criminal bankers for all their racketeering and Ponzi schemes.
That's solutions.
What are some other solutions?
And barring those solutions, how bad do you think the government's going to wreck the world economy?
How bad do you think it's going to get?
Well, I think it's going to be very, very prolonged.
I don't see any rebound.
Markets may come back up and that sort of thing, but to rebound, I would expect it to last every bit as long as it happened in the 30s, and the 30s actually ended
I don't think so.
But I think we all have to be prepared.
I think we should prepare our families.
And I think financially, ultimately, they're going to destroy the dollar.
I don't see anything wrong with people believing in the Constitution and following what they thought should be legal tenders.
You've got to go.
I did have one question I forgot to ask.
Israel is saying in their papers they may go ahead and hit Iran.
Every strategist out there on the left and the right, you know, mainstream, says this could cause World War III.
It will definitely cause major economic problems and Iran might actually launch real attacks.
I mean, how serious of a situation is that?
It is, and if we believe Obama, you know, he did make an outreach, was including the Iranians in some talks, and hopefully that is helpful.
It also might be his cover to say that, okay, they came in and they didn't do what we said, so therefore we did our very best, and now we'll have to use some other tactics and maybe, you know, acknowledge what Israel might do.
I have no idea what's going to happen.
I think the fact that we talked a whole lot about that in the last two years of the Bush administration helped have him back on
All right.
Spread this war which of course I consider the real real threat to us all.
Well the same time you've been out there front and center people now know the alternative of liberty.
Folks can visit the Liberty Committee and get involved or just Google the name Ron Paul.
In closing fire out a few of the key websites people can visit to get behind your bill to audit the Federal Reserve.
The best one is campaignforliberty.com and you can go from there and support us on that issue because the members of Congress and our senators need to know.
Congressman, we'll talk to you coming up in a month or so.
God bless you and say hi to the family for me.
Thank you very much.
All right, fantastic.
There was Congressman Ron Paul.
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And change is taking place out at Lake Travis this Easter.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Home to hard-hitting talk radio.
Austin, check your watch.
It's 5 o'clock.
IRN USA Radio News.
I'm Jody Jordan.
Pope Benedict is celebrating Mass for Easter Sunday, the most joyous day on the church calendar, commemorating Christ's resurrection.
Tens of thousands of people packed St.
Peter's Square, where the piazza is decorated with yellow tulips, blossoms, and other spring flowers.
And no one's saying where President Barack Obama and his family are going for Easter church services?
Here's Jerry Bonelander.
As the president attends Easter services today, his spokesman cautions against jumping to conclusions.
Robert Gibbs says that while the president continues to look for a church he can join, the one he attends today won't necessarily be the one the president will continue to attend.
Obama hasn't attended public church services in Washington since taking office.
Obama has sent aides to scout more than a dozen churches.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
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Millions of pounds of Chinese-made drywall was used in the U.S.
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It has some sulfur products in it, and it off-gases
Rotten egg, sulfur smell.
And the mood is more somber this Easter Sunday in central Italy, where earthquake survivors gathered for mass in a covered mass tent.
Rescue workers handed out traditional dove-shaped Easter cake to survivors of Monday's quake.
The death toll is at 293, with more than 40,000 people displaced.
And the government says Afghan soldiers and police killed 22 militants in another clash in southern Afghanistan.
For the latest news and analysis, log on to IRNUSANews.com.
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He's not getting an honorary degree, but the president is getting a scholarship program named for him.
Here's Carlotta Bradley.
Stung by its decision not to award President Barack Obama an honorary degree when he speaks at commencement next month, Arizona State University says it will name a scholarship program after him.
ASU President Michael O. has issued a statement apologizing for the confusion surrounding the decision and says the plan always was to honor Obama.
Since the decision not to award Obama a degree was first reported early last week, the school has been criticized and mocked in various forums.
I'm Carlotta Bradley.
And negotiations continue as a hostage crisis on the Indian Ocean enters its fifth day.
warships are closely monitoring a lifeboat where an American captain is being held by Somali pirates who had attempted to hijack his cargo ship.
The ship has safely reached port in Kenya with its crew, but the crew hasn't been allowed off yet.
Officials say that the ship from Alabama is being treated as a crime scene.
And the CEO of Mersick Line Limited, John Reinhardt, says the crew of the Mersick Alabama remains focused on Captain Richard Phillips.
When I spoke to the crew, they won't consider it done when they board a plane and come home.
They won't consider it done until the captain's back.
Nor will we.
I'm Jody Jordan for IRN USA Radio News.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, and I appreciate our next guest holding the last few minutes.
He's all over national television, VH1, you name it.
One of the top comedians out there today, Patrice O'Neill.
And the reason I wanted to get him on is I started getting reports and video clips sent to us, audio clips, from some of the biggest radio shows in the country.
Thank you, sir.
How are you?
Right before you call me, I got a ring at my doorbell.
You know what?
Uh, and it was very unusual and I got a little nervous because I was on the Alex Jones Show and a strange ring at my doorbell happened right at the time when you called so I have to get my fear
Level down a little bit.
Oh, don't worry.
The New World Order is not coming after you for that.
We outnumbered him.
We outnumbered him a thousand to one.
First off, for folks who may not know who you are, I mean, they saw you, but this is radio.
They would recognize you from all the different television programs you're on.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, your awakening to this whole globalist system, the elite, and why you're out there promoting the Obama deception.
Um, well, you know, it was, um, well, you got to be careful, uh, in terms of,
Like, how I bumped into it, I was watching something else on, and it kind of, the ad came up for the Obama Deception.
You know, I'm really into, thank God for documentaries, you know what I mean?
And thank God for the internet, because if I had to go to these libraries and stuff and just grab a book and try to, like, cross-reference and learn about this, it would be kind of impossible, right?
So, when I went to the Obama Deception,
The reason why I said you gotta be careful, I guess, is like being black and...
Having anything to say that might be wrong in terms of Obama is dangerous.
You know, you walk around and you go, well, watch this, this, I saw this, this, this documentary, man, the Obama deception.
And, and, you know, as soon as you say that, aw, what is it?
Aw, say it, Obama.
I go, nah, it's really not even about him.
It's about the presidency altogether.
It's about, it's about, like,
The, this, this, this New World Order, and here's the problem, I believe in most things I hear about the New World Order, most things I hear about the Bilderberg Group, most things I hear about the Illuminati, but I try to come at it because, I try to come at it in a way where, if, is that me?
Woodrock and Morgan?
We're about to go to break, sir.
Stay there.
Well, we're going to come back.
Plenty of time to talk.
We really appreciate Patrice O'Neal being our guest on with us.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Very popular comedian Patrice O'Neal is online with us.
Very gracious to spend his time with us.
I'm going to play a clip of him on opening and Anthony coming into the next segment.
One of the most popular shock jock shows and we just appreciate him getting the word out and having the courage because
I saw all these Republicans worshipping Bush, just investing everything in their identities with him.
Didn't matter that he tortured kids, didn't matter if they lied about WMDs, didn't matter if they destroyed the Bill of Rights, they were committed to him.
Well then you get the first black president, he's sharp, he's nice, he says all the right things.
I saw
Yeah, I mean, like, okay, when I was watching
The other day, I had watched the Obama Deception, and then I watched Obama pick the 64 team for the basketball, for college basketball.
The brackets.
And I'm like, this dude is such a dude.
Like, you can't not like the guy.
He's like, you go, I like this dude.
You know what I mean?
And not saying, okay,
I watched your thing and now I completely believe that Obama's the, you know, he's down with the New World Order.
But what your video did, is what I like to do, is able to put another thought process in my head, and another way to not only put another thought in my head, but to actually have a place to think, because I would have never thought
Some of the things that I think now, in terms of, I didn't see that video, but what a different level to all of this in terms of the people.
And one of it is, I think that you operate, and this is not a criticism, this is just, for me, in this short time trying to learn about this stuff, that you operate at the same thinking level as, say, the Bilderberg Group.
And what I mean by that is at the same intellectual level.
at the same understanding.
It's just that you're on the opposite side of these guys, but you have the understanding of the revolution and why that started, and the understanding of why World War I went on, why World War II went on, the conspiracies behind the banking system, and a lot of the things that, dude, my brain had the capacity to know,
But just never thought to know.
My mind never thought to know that the federal banking system was not a federal system at all.
It's a privately owned bank.
That seems very
Typical to people.
I guarantee that people that listen to your show every day, and you, that's just nothing.
But to me, when I found that out, my brain started to hurt.
And then I started to look, I started to look at a, like, a give to give act.
You know, HR 1388.
And I'm, and I went to InfoWars, and I'm looking for that.
And I'm reading through this manifesto
And it might be that one little part that says they have to look into mandatory service.
And I guess this whole little speech I'm making now is to say the difficulty, Alex, is how do you get people who don't
No, don't even want to know, because you've only got two things to do.
Read a bill or go get some ice cream.
It's either you put your both feet in and learn about this entire system about, like, watching the Obama deception led me to eugenics.
Like, what?
And then lead me to, you know...
Stay there, stay there, Patrice.
We got a long segment coming up.
We won't be interrupting for about 15 minutes.
This is riveting stuff.
I gotta have you as a regular guest if you'll do it.
We'll also fire out some of your websites and contact.
Stay there because what you were just saying had my brain making all these connections.
That's how this works.
Stay there, sir.
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Are you tired of searching for great talk radio?
Search no more.
We are the GCN Radio Network.
From the capital of Texas, broadcasting the truth coast to coast and worldwide, this is the Alex Jones Show.
Final segment with our guest.
Really appreciate Patrice O'Neill joining us.
He's on with Jason Burmish.
Uh, what?
I think tomorrow night or is it the next night?
Yeah, tomorrow night.
Uh, The Info Warrior from 9 to Midnight.
It'll be on for an hour then.
And to hear more from him.
And this is his awakening.
He's got the courage, guts is enough, smart guy.
He's looking at this and he's asking the same question I'm asking.
How do you reach out to these white yuppies or, uh, you know, black folks, whoever?
Because they're gonna think you're saying, no, I want McCain.
We're saying, it's like a used car salesman trying to sell you two lemons.
And one of them's got a better paint job.
And all we're saying is, you don't want to buy any car off this lot.
You want to get to the real issues.
And black folks, I've always found, have been the biggest hardcore fans of this radio show, because they've been screwed a lot.
They know about the man.
They know about corruption.
And now, a lot of black fans I have are saying, yeah, Alex, we know you're right.
And he is lying about stuff.
But still, he's not bad, Alex.
He's not bad.
Obama, let's just say, is a wonderful guy.
Which he's not.
He's very evil.
I'll tell you right now, I've studied him.
Very slick, very wicked.
And he's betraying people.
But how do we then reach out?
But finish up the point because I think what I got from you earlier is you're saying you're just going to plant seeds with people and get them to start thinking so as they get betrayed more and more they wake up.
Say that in your own words and finish up what you were saying about black folks understanding betrayal.
Yeah, but that's the thing.
Right now, can you imagine all this time where you feel like you're in some kind of fight and you've never had a representative for your fight?
Now you have one.
It was easy to say that the government was this and that when it wasn't your own anyway.
We never felt a part of it.
Now, for some way, you gotta understand, you know, you gotta have the understanding of the fact that if you don't know politics and you don't know
Things like that.
You may think that now it's the black president, now it's on.
There's some white people who think that too.
But ultimately, black people, the toughest thing in terms of being a black person is to actually have a different opinion than the predominant black community.
And to stand and say something, even slightly, like on stage I say, he's black but he ain't
We're good to go.
That's right.
You're not saying Al Sharpton isn't black?
It's because he represents black in a place that people feel is against black people.
But one thing I notice about people who get killed in this world
Um, nobody who ever creates confusion and keeps people, um, angry at each other and keeps people... When Malcolm X kept people separate, he lived a very happy life.
When he saw that bringing people together and bringing everyone into some type of, uh, knowledge
He was killed.
Gandhi the same way.
Martin Luther King the same way.
Jesus the same way.
It seems like when you are a person who pushes confusion and pushes anger and makes people separate and makes people think that it's a system that's against black and against... It's a system that's against
The masses.
The masses are to stay confused.
And if you're able to bring light to the masses, that's when your life's in danger.
You know, when people who are at the bottom start to go, wait a minute, hold on.
Let's find out where the door is of the person at the top.
Let's, where's this Bilderberg room?
What's this Illuminati?
Once that stops, starts to be real, then I think, I think this is, this will be a bigger movement than it is.
Because again, Alex, where I'm sitting,
I'm in the middle.
I'm intelligent, but I'm not informed with all of this.
But you're getting informed.
You know what Patrice?
We've got other guests coming on.
I know you're busy.
I don't want to keep you much longer, but Jason, you want to say hi to Patrice O'Neal?
Yeah, you know, I just want to thank him for going on a show like Opie & Anthony, which does reach out to an audience that we don't necessarily reach out to.
Yeah, millions of people.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, a lot of my friends are huge fans.
You know, Patrice used to be on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn all the time.
He's on, you know, Best Week Ever all the time.
He hosts these little YouTube shows.
So he's a face out there that is going to reach an audience that is kind of at that dumbed-down iPhone level.
He goes on CNN, Fox, everywhere.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
So we need more people like this to come out and talk about these real issues.
And he's got courage.
I mean, this is a guy who's waking up to this.
He's black.
And he's got this amazing courage.
I didn't see that from Republicans who just couldn't admit Bush was conning him because he was a white guy and looked like them.
See, I mean, it's the same.
People are all people.
That's a saying.
It's true.
We all act the same.
We think it's like sports teams.
We think the guy that looks like us is going to represent us.
But I was listening to who's the new guy on CNN, young black guy, Saturday show.
Well, he has a show on XM, and I listen to it driving home a lot.
And he had on this financial expert, they were talking about how these mortgage companies ripping off black people mainly, would call up blacks that had good mortgages, been paying their bills for decades, tell them, oh, we're a black company, really weren't, and have them go sign papers and rip them off, using a black person to run the scam.
So, I mean, it's the same thing over and over again.
But, Patrice, any closing comments?
I just, you know, I appreciate it, man.
I'm a, you know, I'm a fan of
I don't know.
Alex Jones is right!
I'm just saying to people who are listening, I'm going, okay, he said this, I'm going to look it up, and some interesting things come up.
You know, for a considered novice, Patrice, you talk a lot.
Yeah, I mean, he talked about Gulf of Tonkin, he talked about the Federal Reserve Banking System on the show, he talked about Building 7 on the show.
I mean, for a novice, it looks like you've already looked at this.
And that's the one thing, and I know you guys have got to go, but one thing is that
We argue a lot about logistics of certain conspiracies, but I like to try to get to the practical things.
And that's what I'm learning how to argue is, okay, let's not talk about if the Germans actually sank the Lithuania.
Let's talk about the timing of the sinking and what it
What ultimately happened, we got in a war.
And an expensive war.
And people like to argue about whether, you know, that's Mohammed Atta's actual idea, his actual passport on the ground.
It's like, we get off into all those little things, and we need to talk about the basics, the climate, what is really going on, and, you know, and I appreciate you, I mean, you must get a lot of problems, Alex, so, you know, what you guys are doing, dude, is taking a lot of problems, man.
Well, we appreciate you, and it's D.L.
Hughley, that's the...
Yeah, but no, I mean, I've gotten to where I'm driving home, that's when he's on, like 6, 7 at night.
I usually go home about 5, see the kids come back, and I listen to him, and you hear the callers going.
He's a well-meaning guy.
I'm not talking about him, he had a financial, a black financial expert on, and they were taking calls, and it was just, I listened for like 30 minutes, I think it was Monday, and caller after caller was talking about how
A nice black voice would call up.
They'd say, come down.
They'd have black brokers, but it's working for a big global company.
And they'd think, oh, this is nice black folks.
I'm going to change my mortgage.
And they were ripping them off.
I mean, my whole point is a black guy will mug you, a white guy will mug you.
And I'm telling you right now, Barack Obama, you know, just like all white people aren't evil, well, all white people aren't good either.
Well, all black people aren't good.
I'm telling you right now, Obama is new world order and is selling this agenda.
Well, listen, it's very exciting to have had you on, Patrice O'Neill.
God bless you.
Thank you.
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You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communication Radio Network.
...through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
Mr. Kaiser, good to have you on with us.
Alex Jones!
Alex Jones!
Alex Jones!
Okay, Max Kaiser, so much is going on.
Now, let's talk about the G20.
They're trying to push for a new global monetary bank.
The same bankers that engineered the crisis.
They're gonna save us by giving them more power.
Yeah, well, I tell you what, before we get to the G20, I thought I'd review for you the orchestration of the biggest wealth heist in history.
Okay, you ready for this?
In two or three minutes, I will relate to you about how the biggest wealth heist in history took place.
Basically, going back to the 9-11 attacks.
At that moment, Alex, the rich people in America got really frightened because their notion was, oh my God, the barbarians are here!
And Alan Greenspan at the Federal Reserve Bank at the time, he took interest rates down to 1%.
Now, interest rates are the fulcrum upon which the entire U.S.
I think so.
And what we've seen since that time is the banking system first accumulate hundreds of billions, if not trillions of dollars, of what we now call, or now what we now know are counterfeit bonds, stocks, and options.
To the point where even Gordon Brown at the G20 meeting referred to this whole system as the shadow banking system.
There is no doubt now, there is nobody hiding the fact that there is this huge
Shadow Banking System.
That's at least 20 or 30 trillion dollars worth of trades that go on behind the scenes or totally unreported.
This is why, Alex, when Geithner and these guys dump 5, 10, 12 trillion dollars into these banks, it doesn't seem to improve the situation at all.
Because they're sitting on 20, 30, 40 trillion dollars of fraudulent trades.
And this has all been building up
We're good to go.
Create a new bubble, and a new bubble is what we talked about at the G20.
It's Gordon Brown, he's talking about the IMF, he's talking about a global currency, and this is how they're going to try to hide this 20 or 30 trillion or more in bogus counterfeit bonds and stocks by using now the IMF.
The IMF is not going to be the new global flush fund of choice.
And that's what we're seeing today.
What does it mean to people on the street?
To average Americans?
It means that they're not going to have money to borrow.
It means the recession is going to get deeper.
It means there's a depression coming.
And it means that the bankers who have been basically using the system to confiscate
All of this wealth are just getting better at it, and they're not about to turn around and start sharing that wealth.
And what they would do if they were really interested in doing that, is that they would raise interest rates.
Because higher interest rates are what you and me and the saver want.
We want a return on our investment.
We want a return on the money we have in the bank.
We want a raise that makes sense.
That's tied into a higher rate.
As long as they keep rates artificially low,
They can continue to put forth these are incredible accounting frauds.
Max Keiser, just to simplify it for people, Bloomberg now reports $12.8 trillion has disappeared in six months, since October 3rd, into a black hole.
Senators and House members asked the Fed chief, where's the money?
He says, I won't tell you.
Meanwhile, they're still giving each other record bonuses.
Rome is beginning to burn.
630-something thousand people unemployed in March alone.
I think?
The black hole, or the shadow banking system, is still quite several magnitudes greater than this $11-12 trillion that they've already dumped into the system.
And we're talking about multiple hundreds of trillions of dollars.
And because it's a shell game.
So, they, as you know, Goldman Sachs and J.P.
Morgan stopping investment banks that became commercial banks.
That allowed them to be eligible for bailout money from the Fed.
Then they bought a dying institution like Merrill Lynch, was bought by Bank of America, so they can get money from the Fed to bail them out.
Merrill Lynch is still sitting on a huge, multi-trillion black hole of debt.
Morgan alone has $90 trillion worth of derivative contracts, and they won't tell you where they are or who the counterparty is.
You know, that's another phrase you hear all the time.
Oh, the counter-party.
Are they at risk?
Or not at risk?
Well, the ultimate counter-party is you and me.
We're the counter-party.
Let's be clear.
Let's be clear.
We're the counter-party.
Well, we're the counter-party ultimately at the end of the game.
And how do they do that?
Well, the end game is, as many people on your show have pointed out, massive money printing, hyper, you know, high inflation, hyperinflation.
So that's really when the true crisis begins.
So when Obama says that, well,
You know, we're learning our lessons now, and we don't want to repeat this crisis.
They haven't even started the real crisis yet.
The real crisis is when all this money finds its way into the general economy in the form of hyperinflation.
The U.S.
policies right now are the policies not of the 30 that they're trying to avoid, but of Weimar Republic of the 20.
Weimar Republic, to recover from World War I, introduced lower rates,
Expanding on that, and you've been making these predictions for years, and now, unfortunately, they're coming true.
Five years ago, you were criticizing the derivative situation and calling it a Ponzi scheme.
Now we're at that point.
$12.8 trillion they expect U.S.
taxpayers to pay back to offshore banks.
And then in a weird way the central banks then get paid interest on allowing the government to loan money to the very banks.
So they're going to get interest on the money we basically give them and then charge us interest and the GDP is 13 trillion.
of the United States and all these other countries are getting close to exceeding their GDPs in only six months of looting.
So, A, how would we ever pay back to the foreign banks, we have to pay them back for giving them our money, get your mind around that, folks, will we be able to ever pay them back with a million new taxes?
And then, B, how bad will the hyperinflation crises get and when is that coming?
Well, the interest that Americans on average pay, the percentage of their income that goes to servicing the debt, is in the, I believe in the 14 to 15 percent.
I'll double check my figures.
I know that it's up quite sharply in the last year, year and a half.
And the trajectory of that number is going up quite quickly.
So when the income of you and me and every American, when it gets to the point where you're putting 50 or 60 or 70 percent of your income to pay just the interest on your debt, then you have what Warren Buffett himself predicted less than three years ago.
Warren Buffett himself said, America is becoming a nation of sharecroppers.
And that's what we're talking about.
We're talking about indentured servitude.
And it's being engineered because, you know, the rich people, they got it all the way back to 1649 Alex.
You know, in England they revolted against the divine right of king.
Charles I was taken off the throne and he had a parliamentary rule established and it was the end of the divine right of king.
Now we've got the divine right of hedge fund.
The hedge funds think that they're God.
They think Tim Geithner thinks he's God, and that he farts money, and he wants everyone to breathe in his fart money, and then think about sustaining them.
And let me give you an example of something that's absolutely shocking.
Just recently, the government went after UBS, Union Bank of Switzerland, and they said, you know what?
We found you evading taxes and helping people to evade taxes.
We're going to fine you $750 million.
At the same time, AIG, through Geiger's plan, was getting a $5 billion cash injection from the U.S.
taxpayer that went right into UBS's pocket.
So the penalty that UBS had to pay for being caught in a tax evasion scam was to be gifted from the U.S.
taxpayer $4.25 billion.
Stay there, Max.
I want to repeat that when we come back.
Max Keiser.
is our guest and we're going to continue breaking all this down and talk about the big issue.
How about we just arrest the bankers?
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This is the Alex Jones Show.
Max Keiser, I apologize for making you wait five minutes when we invited you on here, but this is breaking, and I wanted to just get that on record.
Again, Max, it isn't just about raising money.
Suddenly, all over, the Marines are at DWI checkpoints, the Army's at mass shootings.
Suddenly, they're putting liaison officers in all the major police departments, in the Intelligence Bureau.
This is slow-motion martial law.
Yeah, well, when you have an economy like America, which is 70% consumption and something like 10-15% military, you know, you've got to give them something to do.
You know, this is just the business of America is the military and consumption.
So you've got huge health problems with overconsumption, huge economic problems, and you've got your military sitting in your backyard.
Because the economy needs to be re-architected to reflect something else.
This current economic architecture of America, of consumption and militarism, can be changed to reflect something else.
It does not reflect any existential threat.
There's absolutely no reason for the American economy to be consumption and militarism.
It's just a choice made by those who sell consumer products and military products.
To create a country that buys military purchases and consumer products.
Instead, Max!
Instead, Max!
You know, loop for those people, but it doesn't have to be that way.
There's nothing in the world that nobody... You know, the fact is, America is 5% of the world population.
The GDP is shrinking rapidly.
It has a very high opinion of itself.
You know, who really cares about it anymore?
I mean, the other economies are growing faster.
They're more interesting, they're more dynamic in Asia and the Mideast and Europe.
You know, America thinks, you know, it's becoming kind of a forgotten country at this point, because it just doesn't do that much anymore.
You know, the athletes are all on steroids, the Olympics are fixed, the banking systems are fraud.
Who really thinks about it?
If you leave America, nobody talks about America anymore.
Sure, Barack Obama's a very photogenic guy, and he's great in Europe, and they applaud him, but by this time next week, he will be, you know, forgotten.
And people are going to be focusing on jobs, quality of life, and issues that are important
Within the economies here in Europe that do not feed into consumerism and radical militarization.
That's not what the economy is based in.
Do you remember when the Pentagon wanted to create a hedge fund on when the next terror attack was coming to make money off of it?
Well, if you go back to John Poindexter, he introduced something called the policy analysis market.
Which is based on my technology, the virtual specialist technology, which you mentioned at the top of the show.
I have the patented technology for making a market in events, such as the outline.
And my original intent was to do something with Hollywood, but it got picked up by the Pentagon, and they launched this thing that they tried to, called the Policy Analysis Market, where people could buy and sell securities based on terror attacks.
And my point at that time was that you're just encouraging terror attacks.
It's like the people, you know, not... I don't want to get into the whole 9-11 thing, but, you know, people were making bets on exploding airplanes in the weeks leading up to 9-11.
Obviously, that's true, because the volume of bets against big airlines that they were going to explode was increased 10 to 20 times.
It was no secret that people were making bets against... that what turned out to be they were making bets against themselves.
But you see this type of moral vacuousness, where these bankers are actually destroying themselves.
They're destroying their own economy, because it becomes psychotic.
The embezzlement and the fraud has run into levels that are beyond just what Mike Milken did back in Texel Burnham.
It's become a whole other magnitude.
You have Goldman Sachs, of course, very famously last year, sold bonds to municipalities while at the same time selling short those bonds, attacking their customers.
You have the example of armor, a company called Armor Plating, I think the name is, they make material for soldiers, U.S.
soldiers, and I ran Iraq.
They couldn't raise money last year because the hedge funds were selling the stock short.
They were killing the stock.
They were selling the stock naked, which means you're selling stock that doesn't exist.
You're selling counterfeit stock.
The company couldn't raise any more money.
And as a result, of course, U.S.
soldiers were in harm's way, because the hedge funds thought that their profits were more important than the lives of the U.S.
And again, it's the divine right of hedge funds.
It was a company called Force.
Max Keiser, I interrupted you earlier.
I wanted you to finish up with your new website dealing with changing the paradigm.
Yeah, changing paradigm is exactly right.
The site is called piratemyfilm.com.
It gives filmmakers a way to finance their films by pre-selling what I call gold copies.
The people who are then entitled to a percentage of any ad revenues that might be generated once the film is released to the pirate network.
So instead of fighting the pirates, work with the pirates.
Because the copyright so-called pirates
They're being vilified unnecessarily.
All they're doing is stretching the limits of technology and challenging unjust copyright laws.
And they're being, again, caught up in the military in the U.S.
And it's killing intellectual property in the U.S.
It's stifling creativity in the U.S.
To have things on copyright law for 20, 30, 40, 50, lifetime plus 70 years is like having an intellectual lobotomy.
And that's part of the reason America can't think its way out of these problems, because all the good ideas are locked up on corporate balance sheets.
So I say this site, piratemyfilm.com, it gives filmmakers and creatives a chance to raise money for projects by pre-selling future ad revenue.
And it's all based on some of my previous designs and some of my previous websites.
All I have up right now is a splash page, but I'm going to start to introduce more functionality in the very next few days.
Alright, Max Keiser, I've got a lot of final questions I want to get to with you.
You know, I talked about how bad will it get.
Let's try to cover that, but first, Barack Obama.
I see him just as a diversion and as a distraction that the establishment is using, while the very same power structure, outside of even his control, just moves forward with their agenda.
Your take on that?
Well, I've been on your show before, Alex.
I said two statements that I want to revisit right now.
Leading up to the Barack Obama election, I said, you know, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I'm not going to really come out and be critical of Barack Obama, even though the people in his cabinet look the exact same people as the Bush cabinet.
I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Now, I've seen what I've seen, and it looks like he's
Totally in the pocket of Wall Street and these guys and I'm absolutely flabbergasted because it doesn't appear as though he's really making any kind of moves to extricate himself from the iron grip of these financial oligarchs.
It kind of saddens me.
The other thing I mentioned on your show a couple of months ago was that there would be a run on the COMEX in the gold market back in December.
That did not happen, but we did just get news that Deutsche Bank was involved in a massive manipulation on the COMEX in the past couple of weeks.
So there's still a lot of fun and games going on in the COMEX, the gold futures market in New York.
There wasn't a run as I predicted back in December, but there is a lot of skullduggery going on in that market.
Well, to be fair, you said you thought it might happen, but they might be able to manipulate themselves out of it.
I mean, the IMF just announced they're going to sell their gold to try to drive it down again.
So, it's like a beach ball they're trying to hold under.
Okay, going back to Max Keiser right before we end the show.
Max, specifically, you got linked up on Drudge and made national news in the U.S.
when you made the point on international media that global currency is the establishment, some of them want, the bankers want a new level of the Ponzi scheme.
You made the comment that the United States would not put up with that.
Yeah, exactly.
In other words, the U.S.
dollar, the World Reserve currency,
The IMF is mostly made up of dollars in the U.S., influenced by the World Bank.
The fact that the U.S.
has a world reserve currency gives it an incredible advantage in global commerce because it can effectively buy things on credit, and then when they have to pay out the credit, they just issue more currency.
And that's the advantage of having a reserve currency.
All other countries in the world, for example, if they want to buy oil,
They first have to buy dollars, because oil is traded exclusively in dollars, gold is traded in dollars, and commodities are traded in dollars.
So, if any other country, like Japan, wants to buy oil, they first have to buy dollars.
And that's what gives incredible support to the dollar.
And the U.S.
gets a commission on every single dollar.
You know, that's a huge business for these bankers, is the commission on dealing in dollars.
So they don't want to get rid of that business.
They don't want to share that business with anyone else.
They don't want any other competing currency.
And, you know, when Iraq was going to start turning oil into euros...
That's when the U.S.
went in, shock and awe!
When Iran started talking about trading oil and gas in euros, oh, we're going to start paper rattling against Iran!
And China is now saying, well, we're going to start trading in something maybe other than dollars, and we're going to do all these bilateral deals, billions, tens of billions of dollars of bilateral deals in Africa using other currencies other than the dollar.
And the question is, well, is the U.S.
going to go in there?
And do some kind of military action in Beijing, like they've done in other countries.
And although it may sound at first blush a bit extreme, if you think about a previous empire, which was England, when their counterparty, China, was not buying their goods,
The English went in with their gunboat and started something called the Opium War.
They got China hooked up on opium, addicted to opium, as a way to defend the British town.
Alright, Max Keiser, Max Keiser, we're gonna end the main radio transmission there.
There goes Max Keiser, I'm Alex Jones signing off.
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