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Filename: 20090409_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 9, 2009
3118 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen welcome another transmission worldwide against tyranny on this ninth day of April 2009 it is a Thursday edition
Coming up at 1.15 or in about two hours and 15 minutes, George Humphrey back in studio more on Obama.
A host of issues we didn't discuss when he was in studio with us last week.
So I want to have the economist and author and filmmaker in studio while he is back in town.
He lives all over the world and has a home here in Austin.
So while he's here, we want to take advantage of that.
We've got Rosalynn Peterson.
California Skywatch, probably one of the most in-depth researchers with scientists and climatologists and others integrating the information, and she's the one that uncovered a lot of government documents admitting that they're chemtrails spraying the public.
Now, last year, the Council on Foreign Relations came out and said, oh yes, we need to start having
Basically, ammonium, different types of particles, sulfur dioxide, barium, and a lot of other things, aluminum dioxide, mixed in with the jet fuel and it can be dispersed through the engines to block out the deadly rays of the sun and cool the planet from global warming.
They say we're looking at doing it, but when you read all the documents from the universities and the Department of Energy and others, they say, oh no, we've already been, quote, testing this since the mid-1990s.
And the evidence is actually voluminous, but people don't like to go to the actual documents
They like to just point cameras at the chemtrails and then basically the most quacky information is what ends up getting pushed and accepted and, you know, believed in.
I mean, I'm not saying that this is some type of envelope they spray so the HAARP over-the-horizon radar can resonate with it.
There's actually some patents on that and I've interviewed the former head of HAARP and others admitting it is over-the-horizon.
Radar is one of its usages and, uh, one of its usage, one of its uses.
Suddenly I can't talk today.
But the point is, we gotta stick with what we can prove, and it is true, they do have weather modification going on, and it is true, that before 1995-96, condensation trails disappeared within a few minutes maximum.
Last night I'm playing baseball out in the yard with my children, and I'm looking at 2,000-3,000 feet in the air.
I mean, they're right there.
I'm watching planes at 30,000 feet, you know, specks up in the sky, way above.
You know, the 2,000 or 3,000 feet I'm looking at with just chemtrail, chemtrail, chemtrail, chemtrail, chemtrail.
These are non-ice crystals.
They lay down a thin trail.
Within minutes, it expands out to 5, 10, 15 times its size.
And then it could be 50, 60, 70 times its size.
One spray of this could create a whole cloud bank.
That's what nuclei do.
That's what cloud seeding does.
So they are terraforming the planet.
NASA admits the planet is 20% darker, so we've got one of the leading experts, researchers, she's a generalist, she looks at it all, joining us coming up, coming up in the final hour today.
You know, I don't think an hour interview is going to be enough, but we'll just have her back again next week, because this stuff is getting really hot.
Because, you know, people wouldn't listen to us on this issue, by and large, when I would talk about it ten years ago.
And I'd say, look, I don't know what it is, but we know there's weather modification programs that are declassified, that look similar to this.
We know there's several, at least several programs going on, probably more.
The government hasn't admitted it.
Well, now they have admitted it, so people really can't be in denial on that front.
Got a lot of other news coming up.
Obama to push to make 12 million illegal immigrants legal.
That's right, New York Times.
Oberman is going after Hare Obama, saying he's basically a complete liar.
We had a complete list of previous MIAC reports.
Music downloaders are terrorists.
Alex Jones here with a question.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of the Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hello, this is Steve Schenck.
Alex has told you you have to get a supply of food, but Alex and I have decided that there are some of you that we really don't want to have food.
If you're a politician who voted for the bailout,
If you think growing food for cars is better than feeding people, don't get food.
If you think waiting for a cop to show up after a crime is better than defending yourself and preventing the crime, don't call eFoods Direct.
If you believe the official report on 9-11, you won't need food.
If you think the warnings on the Alex Jones Show are foolish, don't call eFoods Direct.
For the rest of you, go
I don't know.
If you just Google Council on Foreign Relations chemtrails, you will find scores of links to the Council on Foreign Relations website, the true government of the United States, the 4,000 plus member lower house of the Trilateral Commission.
They openly brag that they run the country and their design is to bring the nation down, bankrupt it, bankrupt the middle class and create global governance.
I just read their quotes to that end yesterday.
But, Council on Foreign Relations Geoengineering Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering.
Now, this is a report about how they need planetary terraforming to save the Earth from global warming.
To set the precedent that they can manipulate the atmosphere and do whatever they want, when they want.
This is the main lining of control of the atmosphere.
Now, back in the 60s, Stanford Research Institute
Documented that they could create hurricanes, kill hurricanes, weaken hurricanes, steer hurricanes, make hurricanes stronger, create tornado systems, you name it, with simply a few cloud-seating aircraft.
They had perfected it then, and I interviewed the father of weather weapons, Roland Ellingston.
Ben Livingston, excuse me.
Roland Ellingston was a
Veteran here in town who was given $2,000 a day fines for three-inch grass and was arrested by police because they wanted to take his property.
Ben Livingston.
I can't keep track of it anymore, folks.
Geoengineering workshop on unilateral planetary-scale geoengineering.
So that's the type of stuff we have coming up later.
And you see, we've been exposing this for years.
So many people have been tirelessly exposing it, that now they're just kind of hiding it in plain view, going, yeah, we've been doing tests with thousands of Saudis, thousands of flights every month, all over the world, spraying.
We're just testing, manipulating the atmosphere.
I remember about five years ago, there was a huge flood in South Texas, killed a whole bunch of people, 30-something people in one day.
And there was a blurb in the San Antonio paper that said, oh, the Navy was doing weather modification spraying, but they say that's not what caused the record floods.
What does that mean?
You know, pop in, pipe into the discussion and say that.
All part of just acclimating you, acclimating you.
And so all of this is real, all of this is going on, and I want to be clear, though.
There's a whole separate area, and we cover this in Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, with BBC, Reuters, Associated Press, you know, just hundreds of mainstream articles, government documents, Senate hearings.
Where from the 20s through the 90s and right into 2002, that's the latest stuff that's been declassified.
I mean, I've got Rocky Mountain News articles, I've got Associated Press articles, I've got the Daily Oklahoman.
You know, every town in Oklahoma sprayed over the summer with Subtilis Globoge, live bacteria that causes spontaneous abortions in all mammal species.
The article says, oh, we're spraying you with Subtilis Globoge from fixed-wing aircraft at altitudes of 2,000 feet and below.
We're testing the spread of bioweapons with this inert, non-threatening bacteria.
And then you Google Subtilis Globoge and you're on all the major sites, university medical sites, saying this is a very dangerous bacteria for all mammal species, respiratory, you name it.
So, and that's just one example I'm honing in on to cover there of thousands.
Remember, this is a criminal eugenics government.
Our government's been hijacked by bankers who believe in eugenics and financed Hitler and everything else in the last century.
They're setting up the bioethics boards.
It's the mainline view in the biology departments that they've got to cull eighty to ninety percent of the population.
Dr. Peter Singer, Dr. Pianca, all these people running around saying it constantly.
And then they're in control of the shadow government, and they admittedly took 4,000 plus U.S.
foster children and radiated them to death.
Just Google, radiation tested on children, and you'll get the Atomic Energy Agency, you know, U.N.
reports admitting it.
You'll get the Department of Energy apologizing for it.
How they took the little kids and strapped them down and radiated them to death.
All different variants.
Some they gave a light dose, some a medium dose, different types of chambers they put them in to fry them.
And then they told Israel, we'll give you a couple billion bucks from the 50s until the early 60s for 10 years if you take 110,000 plus Sephardic Jewish children, it's specified for some reason,
That's the Arab-looking, on average, Jews, you know, the darker-skinned Jews.
And you radiate them.
And so, they took them, and most of them died.
They were given different variants.
And that's Jerusalem Post, Tourette's, all the major papers.
So there's thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of admitted programs, and some programs there's only one person they test a bioweapon on, or LSD on, and other programs there's
Hundreds of thousands.
Now there's eugenics programs where they took 500 plus thousand American women who would make lower than a B plus on their test, that's the official documents, it's in Endgame, and sterilized them.
So that's what this whole system is, and then we notice suddenly in the mid-90s that condensation trails start disappearing in hours, not even disappearing, expanding in hours, and not going away in minutes.
And then now I'm sitting here looking at 1992 reports.
Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming Mitigation Application and Science.
Look at this.
You can go read this government funded report.
Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming Mitigation Adaptation and Science Base.
N-A-P dot E-D-U, National Academy of Sciences, and they talk about chemtrail spraying and how they're going to do it.
And boy did they land, they got a Nobel Prize winner, got a Nobel Prize right around that time.
This is all hidden in plain view.
Talking about having planes disperse this and having it mixed in with the fuel.
And then, you've got all these Council on Foreign Relations reports, May 5, 2008, they just plotted another one two weeks ago, that's what Obama's science advisor is talking about, and the Associated Press and London Guardian, saying, oh yeah, we may have to start geoengineering things, we may have to start spraying particulates to create cloud cover to protect us from the greenhouse effect.
When actually most of the studies show that I've seen, we've talked to climatologists, that more cloud cover at first cools things down but then heats things up.
So it's just insane.
I think they actually know we're going into an ice age and they're trying to heat things.
These people are out of their minds.
But I mean, here it all is, and you know, the issue here is that they're now introducing it.
Oh yeah, we're going to start spraying you to save you.
And then you read the actual documents.
They call thousands of flights a month, spraying us that they admit testing.
Oh, we're having to, it's kind of like the, again, they've been spying on you with the NSA without warrants for years, and now they say, oh yeah, now we're passing a law to rectoactively make it okay, or, oh yeah, we're building FEMA camps.
You know, we built these camps, and we've set up old military bases, but now we want a law giving it more funding and authorizing it.
And the law is a complete blueprint of what we've laid out in films of how they have set up the camps, how they're going to introduce them to you, how they're going to sell them to you like they're Disneyland or something.
And sure enough, that's how they're introducing them.
Club FEMA!
Look at this headline, London Guardian.
Obama Climate Advisor Opened to Geoengineering to Tackle Global Warming.
So see, that's how they introduce it to you.
Not with a bang, but with a whimper, just, oh yeah.
I can continue in the great spirit of Max Keiser with him describing the fiat money, the trillions they're producing a month, the bankers, as worthless as passing gas, and continue the analogy, it's like opening the borders, legalizing all the illegals, trying to pass more gun laws,
Openly trying to set up a new world currency and ending the dollar hegemon.
It's kind of like they're at a dinner party and they don't want to get up to go to the bathroom so they just kind of...
Try to let it slip out there, you know.
It's like trying to silently pass gas at a dinner party.
That's what the New World Order does.
Obama's now, oh yeah, uh.
His administration, his science advisor, in his first interview, the first thing he talks about is this.
When I say Obama, you know, the voice of his administration.
This is all scripted.
The first thing they do is just kind of let this slip out.
Everybody's like, what's that horrible smell?
I don't know.
I mean, a little bit of humor here, folks.
Because if we don't laugh about this, we'll cry.
And that's not good, is it?
Paul Watson sent an excellent story that links in all the CFR documents, government documents, AP reports, all of it.
The government is already geoengineering the environment.
The government is already geoengineering the environment.
And then you can read this.
It has links to the government, the admissions, and the aerosol spraying campaign.
You Google that, and it's like literally thousands of documents.
It will blow your mind.
It is like the last scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where they go into that big warehouse and there's just thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of crates and boxes.
It's like going into that warehouse and just popping crate after crate open and reading what they're doing to us.
And they don't care!
They know the public doesn't read scientific documents!
Let me just explain.
The global government is already spraying the atmosphere everywhere, and that's only one part of the program.
I keep telling people, when they're spraying at 10,000 feet or 5,000 feet, that is not meant for your area.
That's coming down somewhere else out of the jet stream.
I'll make my own observations about this in a bunch of other news.
We'll be right back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Jim Newcomer for Midas Resources.
April 9th, 2009.
Gold opened this morning at $8.7650.
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Well, I'm not the kind to kiss and tell, but I've been seen with Farrah.
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But somehow they just don't end up as mine.
It's a death-defying life I lead.
I take my chances.
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But the hardest thing I ever do is watch my leading ladies kiss some other guy while I'm bandaging my knee.
I might fall from a tall building.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
Now, if you study how the jet streams, and there's quite a few major jet streams and a whole bunch of sub-streams, they go up to a hundred thousand feet, they come down to seventy thousand feet, they go back to thirty thousand feet, they come in to ground zero.
And one of the larger jet streams
comes in right over New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana.
It moves back and forth about 500, 600 mile area every few days.
You can watch the satellite feeds.
Just Google satellite feeds, jet streams, and then find that jet stream.
You can watch, you know, the seven-day animation they do from the different satellite photos.
You can see the jet stream moving back and forth.
And you'll see it.
It dumps on average right over the middle of Texas.
And that's why you'll always hear, oh, there's red dirt over everybody's cars today.
That came in from China and Mongolia.
And that's why universities study how spiders and bugs and gnats, frozen, as they get put up in the upper atmosphere, they get caught up in the wind, taken up, sometimes junk, balloons that have already popped, pieces of paper from all over Asia come raining down in Texas.
That's because the jet stream dumps right in over New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, sometimes going out as far as the panhandle of Florida and Mississippi.
And that's why China burning all the toxic waste, pollution is a real issue environmentally, that issue is coming right into Texas.
Some of it dumps into the Gulf of Mexico.
But I'm already digressing.
This is the issue with the atmosphere.
That's why every time they use depleted uranium in a war in Afghanistan or Iraq, uranium detectors that they have in the United States, in Canada, in England, all go off the charts.
And in Europe.
Because the jet stream is blowing across the United States, across the Atlantic, across the Mediterranean, across the Middle East, across Asia.
Central Asia, Southeast Asia, right across the Pacific, and then right through the United States, and then back over England, and then it goes around and around that way.
Around and around it goes.
So they use depleted uranium?
I mean, it's in the tens of thousands of tons now.
Just so poisonous.
Not just radioactive, but poisonous.
Just deadly.
And that stuff is raining down.
They've used thousands and thousands.
I forget the ratio, it's some ridiculous amount.
More uranium than the contamination of actual A-bombs and hydrogen bombs.
I've had Dr. Doug Rocky and others on the numbers, so ridiculous.
Because what?
You reduce uranium down, you know, 99, you know, plus percent, and then that's all the DU you've got left.
It's still radioactive, it's still poisonous, it's still a tiny particula, it's still horrible.
Puts off a different type of radiation.
And then that's what they've got as DU, and then they use that in proving grounds all over the western world.
They're now selling it to third world countries that are using it at their shooting ranges and their proving grounds, you know, where their tanks and planes do bombing runs and strafing runs, and they're serving it out in small ammo, .50 cal, .223, .308, 7.6239.
So that's all blowing around all day.
I got invited out to Las Vegas to watch The Ultimate Fighting and I went ahead and did it because Joe had invited me so many times, the host of it.
I went out there and I was talking to this Israeli guy, his friends with Joe, and I explained to him that Israel used DU in the Gaza and that they also used it in Lebanon and of course he was from Israel.
He knew that the winds blew across the Met over Israel and he went, oh yeah, they did use that.
That's crazy, Israel's breathing that.
I mean, you know, some people may not even care about the Gazans or whatever, but if this is a weapon, it's like a gun that shoots both ways.
You pull the trigger and shoot your enemy and then it shoots you right back in the face.
It's ridiculous!
But I'm already digressing off chemtrails.
You know, why are they genetically engineering most of the major food crops knowing that it's spreading into other plants and causing horrible problems?
You know, why are the globalists setting up Hadron Super Colliders that their own scientists admit could destroy the planet?
This is the stuff created the A-bomb, you know?
They just can't help it.
Why do they admit the Pentagon detonated
Hundreds and hundreds of weapons in the atmosphere in one night, 50 plus hydrogen bombs, trying to set the atmosphere on fire in the 60s?
And they put that on Discovery Channel and brag about it?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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All right, we're back live.
By the way, Captain Kelly Sweeney is one of the preeminent maritime writers, both for major magazines and best-selling book.
They fought off a hijacking of their giant ship in the Caribbean, well off the coast of Haiti.
And MaritimeHeadHunters.com is the website because they also recruit people for big companies.
So he's a top captain, one of the top captains in the world.
And he actually knows the captain of the big ship that got hijacked a few days ago.
And there's hostage negotiations happening right now.
They've got the captain now off the ship.
In a rubber dinghy at gunpoint in some negotiation.
So that's coming up in about 26 minutes.
We're going to have him pop in with a report for us.
I thought to contact him yesterday and then he contacted us so I guess our brains think alike.
So that is coming up with Captain Kelly Sweeney and he knows the inside scuttlebutt.
As they say in that industry, with all the captains and people.
So you're going to get some inside scoop on what's really going on with this.
20 plus Americans held hostage.
I say 20 plus, there's 20 Americans and some other crew.
And so we'll give you all the latest details on that.
Navy reaches ship hijacked by Somali pirates.
Navy vessel has arrived at the U.S.-flagged cargo ship, whose captain was being held captive by pirates off the coast of Somalia.
A U.S.
Crew members earlier retook control of the
Masaryk, Alabama, which was hijacked off the coast of Somalia Wednesday, but the ship's captain was still being held hostage.
So, you've got battles going on here.
That's what Captain Sweeney and their guys did.
They blasted and killed... I had them on a few months ago, memory serves.
They killed a couple of them.
So, these are ships that are fighting back.
So that is coming up.
I'll give you the latest on that.
I was reading from
The Economic Times of India just now, that was what that report was from.
Okay, going back, I'm going to make a Chemtrail film after the next Obama film.
Obama's too important because they've got their whole New World Order agenda of open borders, massive tax increases, increasing troops to menace Russia and start a new Cold War, menace China.
We're good to go.
This is the feedback we're getting online and people that are showing their Obama zombie neighbors.
This is snapping them out of their trance.
This is having a huge effect.
So get the Obama Deception at InfoWars.com.
Watch it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Go there, point and click to your DVD burner.
Burn it on DivX.
Plays on almost all the new DVD players.
Give those to people.
I mean, you can burn the film on regular CDs, they're like 20 cents a piece, and they play in DVD players in high quality.
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To get it in the very highest quality, buy the high quality DVD with the extras on it at InfoWars.com and have that shipped out to you.
And that's also what supports us, so please don't forget to do that, or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
I'm making a whole new Obama film that actually gets into his background, his lies, his fraud, how he's not even African.
We're going to go ahead and get into the passport and all the rest of it.
I want to do that in the second film because he couldn't even get a passport with the type of birth certificate he has.
That's the point we're making.
But that's a small part of it.
We get into the economics, interviewing all these economists.
It's going to be really hard-hitting with a plan to get us out of this and a plan to arrest the bankers.
So that's the next Obama film I'm racing
I've got our people dispatched in New York.
Aaron's just now taking off to go to Kansas City.
I've got people dispatched next week to go cover the Oath Keepers that are going to be in Lexington, Massachusetts.
You know, with all these police and military saying, we're not going to confiscate guns, we're not going to follow the illegal orders of the New World Order.
That's going to be in the film.
A bunch of other stuff I'm not going to get into until you see the film.
Just because I don't want to put the intel out about what we're doing.
I don't want to be stopped.
A lot of breaking stuff in this film.
I'm working on that.
And then, I just want to make the announcement now.
And I keep forgetting my new P.O.
box I need to give out to people.
Can you have one of the guys run me in the P.O.
I need to memorize that.
Because, look, we can't do this all.
Just like with the new Obama film I sent, that they're working on now, I sent Rob Due and Jason
Douglas to California, to San Diego, L.A.
and Sacramento where they're trying to force people out of these tent cities into these basic prison camps where they're frisked and searched and controlled.
And basically it's very hard to have jobs because they have to leave at 5 a.m.
and be back by 3 p.m.
And they're going to force you to live in these facilities.
This is a form of being a prisoner.
I said, hey, we can't shoot all of this.
We can't do all of this.
I read the L.A.
Times about another camp outside L.A.
in Ontario, California, where they're taking the people's children, taking their dogs, and taking their RVs.
We got the same reports up where we went, but we don't have the assets to send crews everywhere.
I need listeners to go to Ontario, California, and shoot that.
Now, we did have folks up in Canada shoot some great video for us to show what's happening there.
We'll put some of that in the film.
But with the chemtrail film that we need to start on now, because I need to have all this.
I don't have the money to hire two or three more camera people just here in Austin to go out on hilltops every day with time-lapse, because they're spraying yesterday and today.
Here's an example.
I mean, they come in, they lay down the spray at about three, four thousand feet.
These are not ice crystals.
And you can watch, in an hour, a tiny spray trail turn into a giant cloud bank in front of your eyes!
And I'm not whining or complaining.
I'm saying we need your help, folks, because I'm doing five hours of radio yesterday, two hours of Raleigh James, another interview.
I went on with Burma's.
I'm taking care of all this other stuff, directing films, writing questions for the guests we're interviewing when we send crews around the country.
I've got to do this all.
And we're going to shoot time-lapse and we're going to shoot photographs that you take, time-lapse video.
We'd like you to show yourself driving around chemtrail hunting.
We'd like to put all of you in the film.
I'm going to make a big two hour film about chemtrails.
About the history of biological chemical testing on the people, radiological testing, about everything they're doing, their whole program, what's admitted, and then now, what's really happening with the chemtrails, the different variants of that, and how they do spray barium, salts, and aluminum dioxide admittedly into the atmosphere at key points, we're now noticing on the maps, to come into other countries at their jet streams, where the jet streams come in to near sea level.
So we're noticing that the main chem... I've been noticing on the maps the main chemtrail activity.
As you can look at NASA photos and see them everywhere, you know, blacking out the key areas.
It's a key feeding areas where jet streams are coming in.
So there's a lot of stuff going on here.
They are poisoning us with these.
The globalists love multi-faceted things.
They love to be able to whack ten moles at one time, you know, to kill ten birds with one stone.
Everything they do always has to hit on a bunch of cylinders.
All cylinders form.
So they are terraforming and manipulating the atmosphere, there's no doubt of that.
Darkening the planet, doing a lot of very strange things.
But they're also poisoning us with this, but that's only one facet of the programs.
I'm going to make a chemtrail film about it all.
The low altitude spraying, they admit.
So what I need you to do, folks,
is shoot the footage and hey, you're welcome to go make your own Kim Trill film.
If you want to be in my film and you want your footage in there and you want to, you know, all of us combining forces together, and I'll put the sucker out for free on the web, to fund it of course, we'll also sell the DVDs.
If you want to be part of this, shoot the video, shoot yourselves talking whatever, send me a letter saying I shot this, you have full authorization to use it,
Send it to us because we got such a small crew.
We don't have time to screw around folks and call you back and get you to send us letters and all this because I can't.
I think people try to set us up.
Send us things so you can go ahead and use it verbally and then try stuff later.
If you want to be in the Chemtrail film, if you want to be in the Chemtrail film, if you want your material to be used, shoot it, mail it to us.
Because I can't be everywhere.
If you're in Australia, if you're in England, I know they're spraying everywhere.
If you're in Canada, if you're in Mexico.
And I'm going to create a page on the site with all the government documents and links admitting all this.
We're going to call it, you know, the Chemtrail Center.
And I want everybody to mail all of this to us.
And we will make the master film.
But I want to race to make it, but also make it good.
The minute July 4th is done and the new Obama film is released, I will launch immediately.
In two months, give myself three months, because it takes a few weeks to have it mass-produced and mastered and shipped, because this time I had the DVDs come in for Obama Deception the day it was released.
Actually came in some on the Friday before, and then some on the Monday the 16th, and then we had to get caught up, took us about a week to get caught up shipping.
This time, take this next Obama film, we're going to have it done, let me think,
April, May.
We're going to have it done the first week of June, have it sent off to be mass-produced.
We're going to have it a week and a half, two weeks before it's even released.
And here's a little secret.
We're going to have everything packed and ready to ship for people that have purchased it, sitting in there, and we're going to start shipping it three days before the official release date, so you literally get it.
UPS on average takes three days, some places four days in the U.S.
You will get it on the release date.
That's what we're doing.
Same thing with this film.
As soon as the chemtrails... We don't have time to screw around.
Who knows how long there'll be an internet?
Who knows how long we're going to be here?
They're openly announcing they're getting ready to shut down the web.
Reduce it.
Cut it up.
So we are just intensifying what we're doing on every front.
But we don't have the money or the personnel.
So fund us by buying the Obama deception and endgame and truth rising and fabled enemies and everything.
It's just amazing.
I guess we just gotta blow whatever reserves we've got.
I want to hire two more video people, but part-time now, to go full-scale on the chemtrails.
We gotta hire a weekend website editor so we can have them go into the email to post all the video and photos that are being sent of troops running checkpoints.
We don't even get that stuff up now.
And I need it done now.
I need it done now.
So I need you guys to help me get this done now.
In fact, I'll just stay here.
I'm not leaving.
I think I'm going to set a cot up at this place, and I'm not even leaving.
I'm going to hire the people.
I'm going to get it done.
Because we don't have time to wait anymore.
Hell is coming down on us.
We need your financial support, so please go to, that's how you support us, go buy the books and videos at InfoWars.com, then you got something to wake people up with, high quality material.
Now, that said, why am I getting more and more upset?
It's getting crazy.
I've seen two separate mainstream news articles attacking me, trying to imply that this white supremacist who attacked me on all these websites, that even though they admit that he didn't like me, they're saying I caused him to go out and shoot these cops, not that he threw a fit when mommy kicked him out and there was a
Domestic disturbance, which cops will tell you is the most dangerous thing to go to in the world.
Now, that's going on.
And then in these articles they'll say things like, and Jones and others are delusional, lying, saying the government will remote control your thermostats.
Folks, you can Google government remote control thermostats.
You'll have Sacramento Bee, San Francisco Chronicle, LA Times, the Oregonian, I'm mentioning the states that are now implementing it.
You'll get the Dallas Morning News.
We got a letter a month ago
And I told my office, do not let them in here.
I want to try to challenge this legally.
Telling us they're coming in to put in the smart box where they can remote control and are saying they're going to remote control our thermostats.
Now that is in the news and I'm being called an insane liar for simply reporting that the feds want to put in remote control thermostats.
The federal government in 1989 tried to pass a law
To make cable companies have remote control systems in your house to take control of your TV for emergency announcements.
But instead they went with a system to just have the whole cable company itself taken over, where all channels are controlled by the government.
That's the EAS system.
But anyways, let me give you the P.O.
Start now.
Go out.
The time lapse is what you need.
Totally clear day, showing the plane spraying, so people can see them break out.
Again, I've got all my cameramen in other cities right now.
I've got my editors in other cities.
I don't have the personnel and I don't have the funds to really hire who I need to get this done.
And I'm not whining, but man, we've got to do it.
Alright, you want to write to me at Free Speech Systems.
That's me, Alex Jones.
Free Speech Systems, or FSP.
Free Speech Systems, P.O.
Box 19549.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas, 78760.
Free Speech Systems, P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas, 78760.
Now, obviously we can't give out my physical address because we had upwards of 50 people a day showing up, camping out at the other office that people discovered.
And that's with us not advertising it.
We're not at that office anymore.
Supposedly it's hellish over there and people still over there every day.
Because we've got to work, folks.
We're working here.
We're not complaining people want to meet us.
We just can't do it.
The 3001 South Lamar address, 3001 South Lamar, Austin, Texas 78704,
Back when I started out, and I was the guy making the films, and I was the one person packaging them and shipping them in 97, 98, 99, and then with my wife, you know, later, the dental office that my daddy worked at, he said, I'll take your mail here.
My dad's only part-time now, doesn't even hardly work at that office.
Who knows how long he'll even be there.
He's probably going to retire or move companies probably soon.
So you show up over there.
My dad isn't there.
It's a mailing address.
They're getting really sick of it.
Don't show up over at that office.
I'm not, it'll only go there more.
Nobody will be there as soon as it doesn't matter.
It won't matter.
This is the address that you mail stuff to.
I just want to get that out to people because I've always been using that dental office address over there and they can hardly conduct business because of what's happening.
So our address is Free Speech Systems, P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
That is our big fat P.O.
Big ol' P.O.
Now again, I'm too busy.
If you send us footage without a letter saying we can't use it, or how you want to be credited, we can't do it.
And if you want to be credited at the end, I'll do stuff like that.
If you want to have your website up there, unless it's Nazis hunting Hitler, I'm not putting that in there, or naked people or something.
But if you've got a website, we'll put a link to that at the end, you know, in the credits.
Bottom line, if it's good stuff,
You know, we want to see, you know, you talking, you in your car, driving, drinking coffee or whatever, going out there.
We want to make this about you, the chemtrail hunters.
So, this is probably going to be the biggest film I've ever made.
I've been waiting because I knew the public, I knew they were going to announce it was real.
And they've been doing that now for about a year.
People weren't ready for me to get into this.
I mean, we've had guests on probably a hundred times on it, and we've talked about it, but they weren't ready for me to... I mean, I shot a weather modification interview for PrisonPlanet.tv members with Ben Livingston four years ago, five years ago, and never put it in a film.
It's waiting to be in this film.
This is a film many years in the making.
So we want you to be part of it.
We appreciate all of you out there.
Go out there.
Shoot the time-lapse.
Shoot the chemtrails.
Get it all for us.
We're gonna make THE chemtrail film.
And it'll be out in T-minus five and a half months.
We'll be right back with tons of news.
Obama's gonna legalize the illegal aliens.
The economy is in continual implosion.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's War Against Humanity,
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Yeah, it was the chemtrails.
And the sun is gonna burn into a cinder.
Before we ever come this way again.
And we're gonna ride, folks.
Like the one-eyed jack-o-diamonds with the devil close behind.
Boy, the devil is close behind, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, we are back live here.
We got Captain Sweeney coming up.
In fact, John, just get him up right at the start of the hour.
I know some stations don't care that first five minutes.
I thought they should.
Then there's an ad break there at the five after to eight after, because we cover a lot more news than that than most stuff you hear on there.
But regardless, let's just get Sweeney on immediately about the hijacking.
And then I've got in the studio George Humphrey giving us some other issues we didn't cover last week.
And then we've got the chemtrail expert.
He's a general systems analyst.
That's what I meant by generalist.
He studies all the basics of chemtrails and integrates in all the data.
Just a great guest coming up.
Very informative.
With the government saying, oh yeah, we're going to start spraying the skies.
You know, with particula, with nuclei to create a sunscreen.
And then they have in kids textbooks for public schools.
Oh, the government's spraying you.
That's what those trails are for your safety.
And then adult parents go, hey, what's this in the textbook?
Doesn't exist.
Never mind.
It also says world government, new world order.
And don't trust your parents.
Oh, well, don't read that.
Doesn't exist.
I mean, the re-education is just going on.
Here's the other news I'm going to get into more later.
Obama to push to make 12 million illegal immigrants legal.
This is out of the New York Times.
Obama to make immigration bill a priority despite risk.
And they admit it's 90 plus percent, 91 percent in Gallup Poll are against it.
80 plus percent of Hispanics in Gallup Polls are against it.
But the media always frames it like Hispanics want to legalize all the illegals and they want to basically have the North American Union.
And then Hispanics hear that and go, oh, well, I guess I better be with other Hispanics when 80-plus percent are against it.
They know it's driving down wages, breaking down the country, hurting the nation.
They're patriotic like anybody else.
But then white yuppies that have the guilt complex and love to go around fawning when the media tells them to say, you know, Hispanics want open borders.
You're not against Mexicans, are you?
And they're like, no, I want the giant third world country of a hundred million people run by crime terrorists, basically, a kleptocracy that's collapsing to be merged with us and further bankrupt the states.
And I love cholera and leprosy and drug-resistant TB spreading everywhere and brain worms killing people every day.
Oh, don't believe me, just Google brain worms and you can watch a mainstream newscast about, and that's mainly coming out of Mexico.
Oh yes, worms that eat your brain.
You think I'm making this up, folks?
I'm not making this up.
So, prove the stranger than fiction.
All of this is happening, all of this is going on, and it's totally unpopular, just like giving the banks $12.8 trillion in six months is unpopular, just like going for total blanket amnesty is unpopular, just like
Obama's now said, yeah, I'm just going to wiretap and spy on everybody, and he's outdoing Bush.
Even Jonathan Turley, law professor, says that.
Keith Olbermann's having to admit it.
Worse than Bush!
Worse than Bush!
That's why Biden said he's going to do things that are very unpopular.
His job is to be destroyed.
His job is to come in with everybody thinking he's the savior and then betray everyone and by then we're going to be in a totally collapsed martial law state and it isn't going to matter, ladies and gentlemen.
Meanwhile, the controlled corporate left, funded by George Soros and others, literally, Media Matters and others, paid for by him, is attacking me
Right now, making it all about Alex Jones.
See, because they can't stand up for what they believe in and what they're pushing, which is totally corrupt and evil.
They've got to all make it about Alex Jones, the right winger, and Rush Limbaugh.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We got Captain Kelly Sweeney joining us in a moment.
The Haas situation has had some major changes in the last 30 minutes or so and he's of course successfully repelled a pirate attack on their large ship before killing some of the pirates and he knows the captain that's now been kidnapped so we're going to go to Captain Sweeney in just a moment but Rob Dew is just in our video room where we're recording C-SPAN of the things and
This is what he caught.
Tell folks, Rob, do my producer.
Yeah, so Larry Summers is being interviewed by this guy, and it's just him and this other guy up on stage.
I think it's the Economic Press Club.
And it just happened live.
And behind him, there was two people.
They were basically yelling to the crowd.
They had a giant banner that says, we want our money back.
And they were telling him he needs to resign.
He's responsible for this.
And he's just sitting there kind of smiling, you know, nervous.
Were we recording that?
I hope we were.
I don't know, but I popped the thing in and started recording.
Oh, so we weren't recording.
Yeah, we probably missed it.
Well, we can maybe record it when it re-airs on C-SPAN.
I'm recording now, so anything else that comes up... No, it won't happen now.
But anyways, this is an example of arrest the criminals, arrest the bankers.
We have got to go after these people.
Yeah, I agree.
And one other thing, if you're sending in stuff for the Kim Trails movie, please put it, Attention Kim Trails, otherwise it might get lost in the shuffle.
Because we do get a lot of mail.
How many emails you got now on that?
I don't even want to talk about it.
But hey, I do thank everybody for sending their emails.
Hey, keep sending them out.
Yeah, you know what, just put it in a folder.
Yeah, I've got the Kim Trails folder.
We're doing massive research and we need your help on this.
Okay, Rob, thank you so much.
Let's try to find out
When that's going to re-air, I'm sure the news will probably cover it.
I gotta have that.
Because these criminals have to be arrested.
Good job, my friend.
Okay, now going, just for the next 20 minutes or so, then I'm going to get into the other news, including Keith Olbermann admitting Obama is worse than Bush on torture and secret arrest.
That's right, worse, we told you.
This guy is pure evil.
Kelly Sweeney, Mariner's Notebook, ProfessionalMariner.com, and he also, of course, has a website, MaritimeHeadHunters.com, and he has his book about how they successfully repelled one of the most famous pirate attacks in the Caribbean.
And he knows the captain of the ship that was hijacked a few days ago off the coast of Somalia.
There's been new developments in the hostage negotiations.
They're saying the crew retook the ship somehow, but they still have the captain and some dinghy.
So to bring clarity to this is one of the most famous living captains out there today, Kelly Sweeney.
Captain, it's good to have you back with us.
Oh boy, Alex, it's great being back with you and all your listeners.
And boy, that's very kind of you.
I don't think of myself as a famous guy.
That's very kind of you.
Well, when you look into famous captains...
I think of you as famous, my friend.
Well, you know what comes with that, all the problems, but let's, I mean, we're about to break, but just recap who you are quickly so folks know who you are, and then we're going to come back and tell us the latest.
You know the captain of this big ship that was freebooted.
The guy who's on there now, it's Shane Murphy.
I sail with him, but anyway, Captain Kelly Sweeney.
I'm a master mariner and a master towing vessels, both.
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Nautical Industrial Technology from California Maritime Academy in 1983.
I've been on many different vessels in my career.
I'm a columnist for Professional Mariner Magazine, one of the most widely read maritime magazines in the country, and author of the book, From the Bridge, which people can get off my website, MaritimeHeadHunters.com.
In addition to all that, I also hook people up with jobs.
The last time we were on together in December, one of your listeners from Hawaii
Uh, emailed me and I got him a job and he's on a ship in Taiwan right now.
Oh, great!
But in any case, uh, so I do that and, uh, and then now the guy who's in charge on the vessel now, Shane Murphy, uh, he's not the one in the lifeboat.
That's Captain Phillips.
Shane was the chief.
Shane was the chief officer and he led the, uh, the crew revolt after the pilots came on or the pirates came on.
And, uh, he led the revolt and took back control of the ship.
And at this point now is master the vessel as it's steaming towards Kenya.
All right, stay there.
There's been a revolt.
It's a fluid situation.
We have Captain Kelly Sweeney on who knows some of the people on board that ship.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Okay, Captain Kelly Sweeney.
Again, break down exactly what's happening.
The people you know on the ship, the inside scuttlebutt, plus the news you're watching on what's happening with the hijacking of this ship with 20 Americans on board off the coast of Somalia.
Yes, so here's what happened.
I got a mutual friend of ours, another master, emailed me yesterday, hours before this story broke, and told me, Shane's been hijacked and he's being held hostage.
Oh no.
So he was in contact with a family, a buddy of mine, and so I've been keeping track of it all the way along here.
And what's been going on is this.
This ship was on what we call the grain run.
It's a humanitarian aid run.
Running a government-aid cargo up and down the coast of Africa.
And I know a lot of different people that have been on this run over the years.
And it's just pretty much a steady gig all the time.
Well, this ship was carrying that stuff.
And so they were about 380 miles off the coast where they got hit.
Now, they were unarmed.
And so the pirates were able, with their weaponry and their skill, were able to get aboard and hijack the vessel.
And then the crew revolted.
And, uh, the way it normally works with the security plans that we have on board, I'm a certified vessel security officer as well, and, um, what we normally do is we have a safe room where everybody goes on board, and they kind of, you take a muster and make sure who's here, who's not here, so on and so forth.
And so, as I understand, that's what happened.
Then, uh, there was a revolt by the crew that attacked the pirates that were on board.
Oh, good!
They ended up in the drink.
And then they had one pirate that was being held by the crew, and then the pirates were down on the vessel, and then they had the master.
Now, there are varying reports.
One report that I had was that Captain Phillips, who was the permanent master, offered himself in exchange for the crew.
And I have not been able to confirm that, but that's the word.
So then, at that point, when they tried to do a switch, an exchange, the crew let the pirate go and it was hoping to get the captain back.
Well then the pirates didn't let the captain back.
So now what the situation is, is that you have a captain, you have the permanent captain, Phillips is his name, and he's in the lifeboat down with the pirates who are armed and holding him hostage.
Then you have the crew up on there and the first officer, Shane Murphy, the guy that I know, has now been promoted because of this terrible situation, has now controlled the vessel.
The first officer always assumes command when the captain's not there.
And so now Shane is the master of the vessel and starts trying to negotiate the release of the captain.
That has been unsuccessful.
So what happened then was that the warship, the Navy warship, the Bainbridge, started heading that way.
And then they had a P-3 surveillance vessel, or aircraft, that was monitoring the situation off the coast.
But we're still talking hundreds of miles off the east coast of Somalia.
So, in any case, at that point, the Navy came on, boarded the Maersk, Alabama, and has now, as I understand, is moving towards Mombasa under its own power and being escorted
The captain, the permanent captain, Phillips, is in a desperate situation because he is being held hostage on the lifeboat that is dead in the water, which I understand does not have any fuel.
They burned up the small amount of fuel that the lifeboat has, and at this point is drifting, surrounded by the U.S.
military, but the pirates have him being held hostage, so we've gone from a hijack situation
And the crew revolted, and they were unarmed.
So I have to find out later on how that happened.
Nobody's been sure, exactly sure how it happened.
But I know Shane for having sailed with him.
And actually, he was on board when we got hit by pirates on my watch, Christmas night 2003, which you and I talked about in the Rio Janeiro Dominican Republic.
He was on that ship.
In any case, Shane is a very strong, aggressive, intelligent man.
And I know that he is a proactive kind of guy, so he's not just going to sit by and let things happen.
He went after it, and he succeeded, and the rest of the crew succeeded.
And I give those people a lot of credit.
That's a great thing.
But then again we go back to the point of why are governments trying to prohibit ships from being armed?
The Israelis are armed and nobody dare touch them.
I agree.
So now we have unarmed men fighting off armed pirates with AK-47s and no doubt grenade launchers.
They always have those.
300 miles out in the ocean.
This is disgusting that this has happened.
I agree 100%.
I give the crew and the heroism and then Captain Phillips offering himself up.
I mean he doesn't get any better than that.
I mean that's just sheer professionalism.
And I give the Navy credit, at least, that they headed out there after it happened and responded quickly once they knew.
But, I agree 100% with you, and you and I discussed this previously, this should have never happened in the first place, and I believe if they had been armed or they had an armed guard contingent on board, which I suggested and commented on your show last time we were together, and they didn't do it, this would have maybe never happened in the first place.
Well, what about your mate that worked under you on another ship, the number two guy there, now the captain?
I mean, this is amazing.
He's been pirated twice, but you guys successfully repelled the attack.
Briefly recap what happened there.
We were in Rio Jaina, Dominican Republic, which is a well-known piracy area.
Even though Somalia is where the piracy is in the news, piracy is rampant worldwide.
As a matter of fact, and I don't want to digress too much, but a recreational boater
He and his wife, they were from England, they were both grandparents taking this dream sail around, retirement sail around the world in their sailboat, were attacked by pirates off the coast of Thailand.
He got his head blown off.
This was just a few weeks ago.
He got his head blown off and they tied up his wife, grandmother, and raped her and left her for dead.
And this is a recreational boater, but piracy is rampant worldwide.
But in Somalia,
It's a heavy duty.
In Rio Jana, Dominican Republic, and the Caribbean is another high-risk area, and the company knew that, but they put armed guards on board our vessel, which people will get the book.
And by the way, Alex, anybody that goes through the website, I'm going to cut them 10% off the price of the book and give them free shipping.
Yeah, tell folks about the book.
From the bridge.
Yeah, from the bridge.
I think it pays $92 or $94.
There's a picture of me with those two armed guards.
I don't think so.
And I go back to investigate, and on my way back there, the pirate ended up getting in a shootout with the two armed guards, and one of the pirates ended up dead, have his head blown off in the Rio Haina in the Haina River.
And we have no idea how many people aborted us, but I do know that one didn't make it back, and they stole a lot of equipment and stuff off the vessel while we were there, and nobody even knew it.
But one of them paid with his life.
But Shane was on there that night, he happened to be sleeping, or he was on a different watch,
Shane was on there with my watch and it was my responsibility and that's what happened.
You know, I just can't imagine raping a woman.
I mean, I thought the whole thing was you want them willing, you know, that's the fun part.
I mean, that's the whole issue, but I mean, just the scum, how they routinely kill people they pirate in the pleasure boats, correct, Captain?
It's amazing to me, I agree.
And this woman, she described having to climb through her husband's blood to get off the vessel.
And I mean, I can't even imagine, you know, I can only imagine how traumatic and how terrible that must have been.
And, you know, but in any case, the official word from a number of shipping companies and from the IMO, the International Maritime Organization, is that, well, mariners, merchant mariners, because we're civilians, we're not military, we're paid to carry people on a ferry back and forth from one place to another, or goods, like in this case, from one place to another.
That's what we do.
But, you know, the official word is, well, you guys are civilians and there's countries in the world that do not allow the private ownership of weapons, like Canada, for example,
Or England, they have restrictions.
And so these companies are using that excuse, and the IMO is using that excuse, to not arm merchant vessels.
But obviously, Zim Container Line, where a good buddy of mine works, a schoolmate of mine, they have a whole different policy, because they're officially in the Israeli National Guard, and everybody on board those vessels has an Uzi, and they know how to use it.
And I have never heard of one pirate being stupid enough to try to hijack a Zim Container Line ship, because they know they're going to be facing down
20 or 25 or 26 or however many on their board, Uzis and people who know how to fly.
But again, Israel wants their people to actually, you know, be armed, be protected, because they're about, you know, their sovereignty.
All these other countries want their people to be slaves, so of course they don't want the message, you know, that people should be armed.
This is just unbelievable.
So currently, the captain's 300 miles off the coast of Somalia.
I mean, is the dinghy still going along with the... The light boat is drifting.
The light boat is drifting out in the Indian Ocean right now, and the Navy is standing by, and the actual ship itself, as I understand it, is heading towards Mombasa, which is the port we're heading to next.
And so now we've gone from a hijacked situation, and Shane Murphy, who was number two, is now number one captain on board, is taking the vessel out of harm's way, and the rest of the crew, and now we've got a hostage situation.
The FBI now has people on board.
And they're working with the Navy, FBI hostage experts, on negotiating some kind of a settlement or whatever for a release for the captain.
And there are many of us who are praying right now for Captain Phillips and the, you know, the heroes, you know, the Merchant Marine heroes like Shane and the others who saved our vessel and also for Captain Phillips and hopefully for the Navy people to save Captain Phillips' life.
Alright, let's do five more minutes on the other side, then folks, I'm going to get into a host of other news.
It's very important.
A lot of breaking big news today, but I want to specifically talk about from past experience with the Somalis, who are completely out of their minds on average.
Very daring, by the way.
Very reckless, how this is going to end.
We should be praying for him.
I mean, they need to understand that if they harm him, they just need to wipe that boat out.
They need to let the Somalis know that.
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I mean, here's the type of bizarre reports we've got of how just out of their minds some of the Somalis are.
This is from American Morning, CNN.
Somali women flocking to port in hope of marrying pirates.
So it's just a big carnival atmosphere as they go out on a daily basis robbing and killing and stealing off their coast.
And they've now tried to seize the aid ship.
There was a revolt against it.
Unarmed revolt.
Again, folks, if you've got motivation, there's nothing that can stop you.
As long as you, well, anyways.
Going back to Captain Sweeney, Kelly Sweeney, who knows the acting captain right now, who was number two in command.
The captain has been kidnapped, he's out there in this small boat, and you've got the Navy around him.
How do you see this ending?
I mean, I know you don't want to, you know, state fate or something here, but, I mean, will the Somalis be rational and understand that one way or the other, it's better for them to give him up, or do they think they're going to be able to be let free if they let him go?
I'll be honest with you, Alex, I have read comments at various times by pirates who have been interviewed on board vessels or ashore after they get ashore.
And every one of them said, we're not afraid to die.
And that is very, you know, that's scary.
Because if you have that kind of attitude and there's people in this lifeboat drifting on the Indian Ocean,
And they might just say, you know, we're going to take the captain out and prove a point, and we don't really care if we die.
And most Somalis, they're Muslim, and I don't know if they have that attitude that they're going to go to heaven or something because of that.
But in any case, they're not afraid to die.
What I hope happens is they'll be reasonable and understand that they really are, at this point, they're either going to have to give the captain up to save themselves
and be arrested or they're gonna get you know if they try to kill the captain I believe they're gonna get blown out of the water almost instantaneously if they if you know they're being watched and I think that if they if the military and the surveillance that's going on right now shows that they kill the captain they're gonna get blown out of the water and they have to know that and I hope they see reason and at least see that at this point they only have two ways they can go and that's it either give themselves up and the captain up or
Um, you know, end up dying.
They're desperate people.
And this is a desperate situation.
And, uh, I, you know, I'm hoping that it comes out to a positive end.
Now, specifically, what was the exchange with Captain Phillips giving himself up?
As I understand, he offered himself to save the crew.
That's one story.
Nobody's obviously been able to confirm that, but as I understand, that's the story.
Is that he offered himself to save the crew, and then so the crew had one of the pirates hostage.
When they tried to make the exchange of pirates, they let the one pirate go that they had, but then they wouldn't give up the captain.
So basically, the pirates got one of their own back, but then Captain Phillips was still down there being held hostage.
So Shane took over, and at this point, they're heading out of there.
And I think personally, I have a good friend over there right now.
And that's not far, probably a couple hundred miles from where they're at.
And his company has four armed guards on board their vessel.
They're Gurkhas.
It's a British outfit.
There's a Brit, I think, that's in charge of them.
And they have four armed guards patrolling that vessel at all times.
And they mean business.
And I think that either you arm the crews, or the companies pay for armed escorts, like a convoy situation that the military goes through, or they pay for armed guards.
Place them on board the vessel in high-risk areas.
Well, that's going to be a lot cheaper than the... Isn't it in the billions now, with all the stuff being stolen and the cost of insurance going up?
Yeah, the insurance on the average for a trip like the Cirrus Star that was taken, the insurance goes up at least, on average, $100,000 to $200,000 for every voyage.
And of course, the consumers are paying for that.
And, uh, but in any case, yes, the last year alone, the reports are between 180 and 300 million.
That's just what's reported.
Even the International Maritime Organization admits that only about half the piracy attacks are reported, because just like a fender bender, when people don't want to say anything to an insurance company and raise their rates, same thing here.
When they get hit by a pirate attack, the companies don't want to have their insurance rates raised, so they pay everybody off and it's hush hush.
And so even the IMO says only about half of them are reported, but between 180 and 300 million has been taken in ransom money just last year alone.
In Somalia.
Hundreds of millions in ransom, not counting the insurance going up, so clearly my guesstimation of a billion is probably accurate.
I would say that it's well on its way, let's put it that way.
I don't think anybody really knows because nobody's copying up all the details.
All right, Captain Sweeney, I would like to have you pop in tomorrow in the aftermath of this or with any new developments.
Can you do that again at noon?
Alex, anytime for you, no problem.
Okay, well you're on... If I'm ashore, I'll be glad to do it.
People get a hold of me at MaritimeHeadhunters.com.
I'd love to hear from your listeners.
They can check out Professional Mariner.
And if I'm ashore, my friend, I'm always there for you.
We'll talk to you tomorrow.
Thank you, Captain.
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I did a full hour of overdrive yesterday.
Five hours!
We're going to start simulcasting at PrisonPlanet.tv in the next hour.
I didn't get everything said in that interview with economist and filmmaker George Humphrey.
He'll be in studio next hour.
For like 45 minutes, we're going to open the phones up.
Then I got a chemtrail expert on, you know, in light of Obama's plan to geoengineer the planet.
Mirrors CFR policy documents.
Radical terraforming programs come from the elite internationalists.
Well, of course, they are manipulating the atmosphere and the President is saying, oh yes, we're doing this for your safety.
They've been studying it, manipulating the atmosphere, now they're talking about doing it to save us on a larger scale.
So we'll be breaking that down and going over it in a lot of detail.
Also, again, coming up,
I want to talk about this one, George Humphrey, and take your calls later.
Obama to make immigration bill a priority despite risk, and they admit it's totally unpopular with Hispanics, totally unpopular with Americans, period.
90 plus percent, what, 91 percent in Gallup polls.
The economy's totally bankrupt.
The illegal aliens, almost all of them get on welfare.
They're bankrupting the western states.
That's admitted.
And their answer is more government, more illegal aliens.
I mean, Mexico's a hundred billion people.
They're having millions of new people a year.
All of Latin America wants to come up here.
The corruption down there is so incredible that many areas of the Southwest now run just like Mexico.
There's more than seven towns in the Southwest, in Texas alone, that fly the Mexican flag at the courthouses.
El Cenizo and others.
That's even been on CNN, but I told folks that ten years ago, because I saw it on the front page of the San Antonio Express News.
Mr. Gonzales wrote an article in Har.
And so Obama's doing that.
I've also got a constitutional law expert.
It appears to me, yes we can means yes we can do anything that we want when it comes to unlawful programs.
And here's Turley and Keith Olbermann saying Obama is worse than Bush on secret arrest.
On secrecy.
Of course they are!
When they put a Republican in after Obama, it's going to be even worse.
And I'll go from being a right-wing fascist not liking Obama to being a hardcore commie the day that Republican is sworn in.
Of course, I never was a hardcore commie.
I never was a fascist.
I never was a racist.
I didn't support Lenin or Mao or Hitler.
I was a constitutionalist.
These presidents work for the bankers, the offshore people looting this country.
So that clip's coming up here in just a few minutes.
Also, a huge complete list of other previous MIAC reports in Missouri.
We now have them.
The last one was the Modern Militia Movement, the other one was Modern Committees of Safety.
That was what Edwin Vieira, Dr. Vieira setting up, where just citizens set up committees of safety to take control of their governments and get good share of selected peacefully.
And they're listing them as terrorists, wouldn't you love to get that full document.
Anarchist Movement, National Socialist Movement, so they mix it in with these unsavory groups.
The Feds control the Anarchist Movement, that's what they're doing.
I mean the federally controlled one, not you if you're a legitimate anarchist.
Please don't twist what I say.
Sovereign Citizens Movement, listen to this.
Leaderless resistance, illicit use of digital music players.
Yes, it's terrorism in all these documents.
Every one I ever get to download music, that's terrorism.
And it's all how they're spying on everybody.
We just got the Virginia report, 150 something pages, and it's all how they're spying on all of us.
And boy, it's secret.
They don't want this out.
By the way, Kurt, can you read over that document?
We did it on air yesterday.
Can we get an article with at least some of the bullet points?
It's pretty shocking and it's going to be bigger than the MIAC report.
And if we make it a big story, we can start getting it reversed like we did in Missouri, in Virginia.
I know my guys are working to the bone here.
Somebody else write an analysis of it!
We'll link to it!
We just can't do it all.
And I know I sound more and more frustrated.
It's because it's all coming down on us.
So that's coming up in a moment, that Turley Report.
Before we do that, I want to bring up one of our great sponsors who joins us every month or so, and that's Okola Blue, because listeners have questions about these, and it's best that the head of the company, the designer, be part of the show.
So that we can answer those questions.
Again, people are in the office and they see visitors and they say, what is that?
Where's the water hose coming into this?
How does this thing give you hot water, cold water?
You know, it's got a nice digital computer readout.
Where's the water?
I know it comes from the air.
And they go, the air?
I had electricians here putting in coffee makers, stoves, a bunch of stuff in the office break area.
And I had them over there try to hook a water line to it, and I said, no.
It doesn't need it.
They said, but there's no humidity.
What do you mean?
This gets water out of the air.
And I said, believe me, don't try to hook a hose up to it.
I stopped them, because you can hook a hose up if you want.
And they said, it's got seven filters in it.
Use it as a reverse osmosis thing.
Anyways, I'm digressing.
The point is, there's water in the air, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go ahead and go to Tyler Palmer of acolablue.com.
Tyler, good to have you here with us.
It's good to be here, Alex, and it's true that they're spying on us, and I'm ready for the water police.
That's the next thing.
I don't know if you've been following the water rationing that's going on out here in California, but... Yeah, they've shut off the three major rivers, claiming that endangered fish, some of them that aren't even from the United States, will die, and so they've artificially cut the water off, and they give, in most of the big cities, you get toilet water, toilet to tap, and all the great chemicals, but, you know, again, you should just drink the toilet water.
Yeah, especially if you have, you know, high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease.
The salts and all that stuff that's in the municipal water, the toilet water, that'll just be wonderful for your conditions, you know.
But really what I'm worried about is the increasing regulation in all of our lives.
I mean, there's not one part of
My life that isn't regulated from the time I get up till the time I go to bed.
There's some law or something, you know, that's regulating it.
And now that they've got this water rationing going on, I was at a conference a few weeks ago and I saw that they had wireless flow meters.
And I thought, what are these going to be for?
Well, they're going to be able to monitor how much water you use per day and
And, you know, issue fines or worse if you go over that.
So, people, including those that are already off-grid, a lot of people don't think about the water context of being off-grid and self-reliant, and it's going to become increasingly important, and it's a critical time in getting the word out, I think.
There's a comedian that has a show that's carried on some of the Air America stations.
He put a video up yesterday.
But it wasn't a funny video.
It was serious, saying, he hopes I get raped.
It's my fault.
Cops got killed.
And basically, they're taking over our society, and if we don't like it, so what?
And then Daily Kos has an article by one of their big writers, openly saying, they can't wait for armed conflict with the American people.
They're in control of the state now, and that when they bomb our homes and kill our families, we'll learn who the boss is.
So, that's like when Bill Clinton
Had Ron Silver, the Hollywood actor, and he was being sworn in, and some jets flew over and Silver got mad and said, how dare them fly those planes over, and Clinton said, those are our planes now.
And so they're literally just going, and they're openly announcing, they're going to remote control, it's already happening, your thermostat, they're putting it in right here in Austin, they're going to remote control
Your water, England's announcing this, and then when you say you don't like it, these little dirtbag control freaks, funded by the big bankers by Soros, get up there and go, listen!
We've got the weapons and soon we'll be crushing you!
I mean, literally, these are what the, they want to do a Stalinist purge.
They've always hated America, they hate mom and apple pie, they hate the second amendment, they hate the free market.
And these people are dirty, degenerate scum, and they do want to tie us down and rape us.
Listen, I was thinking about these Somali pirates and people raping women.
We were just talking about it earlier.
And I'm going to hold you over an evening, but I need to say this now.
I was thinking about this, and I was thinking about
You know, me, a normal, somewhat of a normal person.
I'm seen as strange because I'm old-fashioned.
You know, it's red-blooded, aggressive.
You know, that's bad.
You know, I'm married.
You're not emasculated.
You know, you say what you think.
Well, the issue is, exactly, but the issue is, but I'm nothing special.
That's what's incredible about it.
I'm supposedly bizarre.
But think about the mindset of wanting to rape somebody.
Okay, to me, that is totally alien.
The whole point is, you want the woman into it, all hyped up, you know, I hate to get into sex and stuff, but you know, I mean, you know, you want it to be fun.
That's the whole thing.
To me, that's the whole turn-on here, is the more hot the woman is, the more she's into it.
It would be horrible for me to rape a woman.
I couldn't imagine that, but there's types of people that love to rape women.
That's who the globalists are.
They love the sadistic taking.
And so this talk show host gets up and says, I hope you get raped, Alex Jones.
He plays a clip of me saying, I don't want to be forced to thumb scan to buy and sell.
I feel like I'm being raped.
He goes, well, I hope you get raped.
I don't
I don't
And, and, and, and, and, and, and, and then writing articles at daily cost about how they can't wait to kill our families, and they're serious!
Okay, when I say that, folks, I know the enemy!
Now, I'm going to shut up and go back to our sponsor at Acola Blue.
Tyler Palmer, you're absolutely right!
Take control of your lives!
Get an Acola Blue today!
Tell folks how it works!
Well, the machine takes the humidity in the air and condenses it.
It brings it through an electrostatic air filter.
Takes that condensate, filters it through five carbon filters, one RO filter, and that's a reverse osmosis, and then puts it in a holding tank and blasts it with 245 nanometer UV light, and then there's a secondary UV light when you're getting water right out of the tap.
So it's good, clean water, and one of the things that
That we haven't mentioned, but I want to emphasize, is just how good the water tastes.
I've had people, you know, very incredulous about the machine, and then they taste the water and they're completely sold.
It is, bar none, the best tasting water out there.
And let me tell you, these little chicken-necked, dirt-bagged, pot-bellied, do-nothing-their-lives control freaks, I think their job is to rule and control our lives.
They don't want you to have an Acola Blue.
And again, they don't want you to have guns, they don't want you to be self-sufficient, they don't want you to live in the countryside.
They want to take your children, put them on Prozac, have their way with them because they are degenerate scum.
They are rapists.
They want to rape your freedom, rape your liberty.
By the way, John Harmon, did I send you that clip?
In fact, I know I sent it to you last night because I gave you the time code.
There's so much cussing in the piece.
Jonathan Network, do you have the clip I sent you of the guy saying, rape me?
Okay, okay, so the cussing is cut out.
Let's play part of the raping right now.
This is what they put out.
Now, this is their video blog, but their other hosts are saying similar things on shows carried by Air America that I've done nothing to.
Now, this is what George Soros-funded people have to say about me.
You know what?
I wish he was being raped there.
You know what these people's biggest fear is?
Is that no one gives a s*** about that.
Hey John, John, John, John, I know you edited it, but, but, but, can you play the clip?
He's playing the clip of me saying I don't want to be forced to thumb scan to buy and sell.
I feel like I'm being raped.
I tell the state police and then they arrest me.
So, so, so you understand he's cutting from that.
I'm not going to give the guy's name.
I'm not going to give him attention.
I'm not going to give this scum what they want.
Yeah, but he's accusing me of making this white supremacist that hated me and was attacking me.
The media knew that, lied and said that I made the guy kill the cops.
Now they've been forced to retract.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, two separate retractions in articles, Daily Kos has retracted, Raw Stories retracted, others have retracted.
This guy doesn't care.
He comes out and calls for me to be raped!
For me to be sodomized, basically, this is what this guy would love to have me in a prison camp, and he goes on for ten minutes, this is the most vicious stuff I've ever heard, and this is the loving liberal.
They're so angry we got guns!
They're so angry they can't do what Joe Stalin did, that the globalists funded.
Now go ahead and play this piece of filth.
You know what?
I wish he was being right there.
You know what these people's biggest fear is?
Is that no one gives a s*** about them.
Their biggest fear is insignificance.
Their biggest fear is that they really aren't... Stop right there!
See, they always want to make us feel like we're not important, the people don't have power, we can't affect change.
What am I always telling you?
You have amazing power.
You have incredible power.
There are incredible things you can do.
You can move mountains.
What do we want?
Local control, Bill of Rights, Constitution, lower taxes, the government out of our lives.
We don't want our borders wide open.
You're coming down on us.
You're coming after us.
And you then get mad at us when we stand up to you, you little bully!
You're not gonna get to rape me, pervert!
Do you understand, punk?
Go ahead and try it with your SWAT team!
You're not getting away with it, cockroach!
Now play the punk!
Their biggest fear is that they really aren't that important.
Their biggest fear is that no one's going to recognize them.
Pause again!
Your biggest fear is you don't get to run things and run our lives, you parasite!
Your biggest fear is we're figuring out how much power we got, punk!
Go back to him!
These are all distinct and dangerous cries for help from poorly parented d**ks who seek to harm and hurt in the name of d**ks.
Hold on, hold on, wait a minute, but this guy wants to rape me.
Back to him.
to make themselves known to people.
They're misguided, and when they are charismatic, like someone like Glenn Beck, or somebody like Alex Jones, and they're exploiting the damage of people who live in this world who are desperate, angry, and misguided, that they become dangerous populist leaders.
They are the criminals.
If the FEMA camps are for anybody, it's for what these people will do when they think the end of the world is here.
There is a way to fight this stuff.
There is a way to, uh,
No, there you go.
That's enough of the punk.
I may even say who he is later.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, and we've got the reports confirmed all over liberal talk radio.
They are saying I said murder police.
Now it's gone from a white supremacist who was attacking me, they went and found his post, so they decided to put me in the articles, to now outright lying saying I'm saying kill cops.
Going back to the head of a cola blue, Tyler Palmer, we're going to hold you over and talk about the unit here.
I just got so upset remembering this.
What do you think of that, sir?
I think that guy is a complete degenerate, and he's just trying to marginalize anybody, all of us who are taking our power back and our rights back.
And, you know, how dare, Alex, you become a leader?
What are you thinking, you know?
How dare any one of us become a leader and think for ourselves?
And when you say, when you mentioned about
Putting Prozac in our food or drugging us.
They could easily put that in our water supply.
They've proposed it!
I've got mainstream news proposing putting Prozac in all the water!
Stay there!
Folks, these scum!
These are the people spraying the skies and now the President is admitting it.
These are control freaks!
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I think so.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Silver is mankind's oldest natural antibiotic.
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Utopia, Texas is home to a small but mighty supplement company called Utopia Silver, who offers colloidal products produced in distilled water
We're good to go!
I hear the train a-comin'
Yeah, if that Air America host tries to rape me, he'll go to prison.
Calling for violence, but that's okay for them.
Alright, let's go back to Tyler Palmer, the engineer and head of Coloblue.
E-C-O-L-O-B-L-U-E dot com.
That's E-C-O-L-O-B-L-U-E.
It really is.
I tried to
I mean, I would be as dispassionate as I could when I first sampled it, and I was completely blown away by how good it tasted.
It would pass any blind taste test.
I mean, you taste something, the water that comes out of a tap, it tastes like chlorine, it stinks like chlorine, it's got fluoride in it, it smells like
God knows what's been in it.
Well, that's good, though.
It doesn't matter if everybody's eating cancer and diabetes.
Drink more water.
It's good.
Right, right.
And get your fluorosis, you know.
Destroy your teeth.
Overdose on fluoride.
And they admit it gives boys bone cancer.
Just Google fluoride, water fluoridation, bone cancer.
You'll be reading mainstream news.
So tell folks about the unit.
Tell folks how they call and get it.
Or check it out.
Well, if you call 1-800-691-6043, you can order the unit, or you can go on to our website at www.ecoloblue.com.
That's E-C-O-L-O-B-L-U-E dot com.
And for those of you who are in Canada or overseas, you can call us at 925-231-0206.
Um, and, uh, today, uh, in, in the spirit of that rant that you went on and to help get the, the word out and support you, we are going to, um, we want to buy the first 200 people who purchased, uh, uh, Machining, uh, your latest three films, The Obama Deception, Endgame, and Terror Storm.
Those will be, those will be included with the machine.
We're also going to give a free year of filters.
And free shipping.
We know it's tax day coming up.
Wait a minute, this is going insane.
Usually when you come on, you get like a little discount.
You're giving us shipping, it's like a $100 discount.
You're giving the filters, which is what, a $180 discount, I think you said last time.
And you're giving them three DVDs, a $60 discount.
So what is that?
I mean, that's like half off or something?
No, it's not half off, but it's a substantial
It's a break.
Think of it as the Cola Blue Tea Party for Tax Day.
We know people are going to be having to force to pay for this system on Tax Day to finance all of this evil that's going on in this country and in our world.
And we want to give people a break.
And that's really what we're all about.
We just want to make people self-sufficient
We want people to get the word out.
So if you already have your films, give them to your neighbors or your friends or just leave them on a park bench or whatever.
But we've got to get the message out.
Because we are getting a critical mass now, and it's growing.
Fire out the number.
Fire out the number.
Free shipping.
What type of value is that on average?
I know it's different.
It's a $100 value for the free shipping.
And then aren't the filters, and you say that's $180 off?
We're doing a one year, so it's about $70 off.
Okay, I guess last time you did more than that.
Okay, that's why I remember the number 180.
Okay, that's still a huge discount.
The number is 925-254-3747.
Okay, stay there.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us.
The folks at Acola Blue really are great.
I kind of went off into a rant when he talked about control freaks.
I had a flashback to one of the Air America...
No, I don't make soap.
But we do not talk about that.
It's 1-800-691-6043, and again, the international line is 925-231-0206.
Give that number out again, please.
1-800-691-6043, and then 1-925-231-0206.
Alright brother, acolablue.com, we will talk to you again soon and I hope folks take advantage of those amazing specials you just gave.
Yes, the first 200 callers to the 800 number.
Who buy the machine will get the promo.
Alright, God bless you.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
Take care.
You know, I think I'm going to call Paul Watson.
I think I'm going to go ahead and take the Daily Kos article that said they can't wait to bomb and kill American families with the military to confiscate gun owners' guns.
I mean, they can't wait.
With the radio host that does, he's on a system that's on Air America stations to be technical.
Saying he hopes I get raped and I'm all these bad things and the FEMA camps are for me.
I think we should do an article about that, just how bloodthirsty these people are.
Because it was really hitting me.
I'd forgotten seeing that last night.
I'd forgotten I sent it to John.
And then I was sitting there looking at the Daily Kos article, reading it right before I went on that last segment, when I went wild, where they were talking about how they can't wait to use the military to kill us and take our guns and bomb our families.
And I mean, they're serious.
I mean, they mean business.
And then they've got the nerve to say that I caused that white supremacist to kill those cops when the white supremacist was on multiple websites attacking me.
But they took his handle and scammed the web, the dozens of sites he was posting on, and found my site with him attacking me, and then lied and said he was my supporter, and then it came out, the actual post, and when the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette retracted, then they had to retract.
Well, they need to retract bombing American citizens' homes!
But they aren't going to.
They aren't going to.
They are disgusting filth!
Look, we're wise to you.
Your little Svengali magic trick, your little trance is rising from the American people's eyes.
The people are becoming aware of who and what you are, New World Order, period.
Now your phone calls are coming up at 1-800-259-9231.
And we will go to your phone calls coming up with George Humphrey in studio with us through this hour early in the show with him.
And then I've got a Chemtrail expert joining us.
We'll take a few calls in too, but listen to me carefully.
We're going to come back and play the Oberman clip, because Oberman more and more, he does it in an apologetic way, but he says, yeah, I guess Obama's worse than Bush.
Yes, he's worse.
Not because Bush ran anything or Obama runs anything.
It's the phase we're in, and the puppet in there is going to appear like they're doing everything the opposite of what the people want, and what's constitutional and good.
Of course they're lawless criminals.
They're the New World Order.
That's who they are.
That's what they do.
Don't forget, the Obama Deception is out right now.
The degenerate, wicked, gun-grabbing control freaks that can't wait to have their way with your family.
Literal Stalin-esque minions.
The sadistic control freaks do not want you to know the truth about their god, Obama, who they plan to bring in the destruction of the Republic and looting the middle class.
Expose him!
Get the Obama Deception.
Get it!
Get it out to everybody!
Go crazy!
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I think so.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I am passionate about liberty.
I am fired up about freedom.
I'm a mammal.
I want my tribe, my people, which is everybody on the planet who wants freedom, to live free.
We're a lot like dogs.
You ever seen your dog laying there, doesn't want to get up and go out to use the bathroom?
You can go, come on, come on, let's see what's out there.
Let's see what's out there.
That's how I am.
There's no act here where I get all excited.
That's why it's so effective.
I really am excited.
I really am fired up.
I could talk 50 hours a day.
I feel like I could take on a hundred of these little chicken-ecked little commies that want our guns.
I know we can whoop them, and I'm sick of them!
Arrogant little bastards thinking they can play these mind games with us.
It's time to defeat them!
The phony right-wingers, the phony left-wingers, all of these establishment whores.
George Humphrey, economist, former Austin City Council member, filmmaker, author.
Successful businessman will be in studio with us for the rest of the hour, coming up with your phone calls.
It was just a few issues I didn't get in the interview I did at his house.
I want the new Obama film, so that's why he's here.
He'll have plenty of time to take your calls.
Then I got the chemtrail experts coming on, but I do gotta give it to Keith Olbermann.
I know people that know him privately.
He is a 9-11 truther, that's all I'm gonna say.
He's shown that on his show.
He is a liberal, but he's a real liberal.
And, you know, he has been criticizing Obama on continuing torture, continuing secret arrest, continuing holding detainees.
And he's really going against his whole audience on this, and he's got to be commended.
And he's not perfect.
I'm not saying I love him, and I'm sitting in his lap.
Same thing with Lou Dobbs.
The point is, he's legitimate.
And I know people that know Lou Dobbs, and I've talked to Lou Dobbs off air.
Lou Dobbs is getting away with what he can, too.
But I'm asking the liberals, instead of attacking me and calling for my arrest and my rape and for me to be put in prison, why don't you have a soul?
You're upset because I'm pointing out your emperor has no clothes.
And I have credibility because I exposed George Bush for eight years and all your leftist followers are waking up going, wait, Alex is exposing Obama and the left's attacking him and calling him a right-winger when he exposed Bush.
This is a fraud.
Why don't we focus on Obama?
And that's what Jonathan Turley, the law professor, says.
We've interviewed many times.
He says, look, this isn't a... Obama may think as a cult of personality he's allowed to do this.
He isn't allowed to do this.
And you can tell that's heartfelt, too.
So let's play this clip, and George Humphrey will be here in studio.
This is Keith Uberman, two nights ago.
Good evening from New York.
During his run for the presidency, Barack Obama, who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, argued strongly against the Bush administration's use of executive authority, including its self-justification, its rationalization of the warrantless wiretapping of American citizens.
Our first story on the Countdown, that was then, this is now, President Obama's Justice Department.
Now, not just defending Bush officials from lawsuits surrounding National Security Agency domestic spying, but seeking to expand the government's authority by making it immune from any legal challenge regarding wiretapping.
Welcome to Change You Cannot Believe In, or Sue Over the Case, Juul versus NSA.
Five plaintiffs who contend that AT&T illegally transmitted information about their phone habits to the NSA.
Attorney General Holder's Justice Department arguing a lot of things, including something called the State's Secrets Privilege, the executive branch's standard go-to move to protect classified information.
Quoting from page 12 of the government's motion to dismiss, all of plaintiff's claims in this case would require or risk the disclosure of information properly protected by the Director of National Intelligence's assertion of the state secret's privilege.
As we mentioned, standard stuff, but the real doozy, the Obama administration seeking to expand its authority, arguing that under something else called sovereign immunity,
The government can only be sued if the wiretaps involve willful disclosure.
Page 5.
A willful violation in section 223C1 refers to the willful disclosure of intelligence information by government agents.
And such disclosures by the government are the only actions that create liability against the United States.
In other words, unless the government publicly releases any information about you that it has gathered by spying on you, you cannot sue it.
It gets better, and by better I mean worse.
The Obama administration wants you to believe that it does not matter if the program is no longer operative, arguing that the same standards should apply for the first Bush terrorist surveillance program, the TSP.
Page 15.
Attempting to demonstrate that the TSP was not the content dragnet plaintiffs allege, or that the NSA has not otherwise engaged in alleged content dragnet, would require the disclosure of highly classified NSA intelligence sources and methods about the TSP,
And other NSA activities.
Even confirming or denying already publicly confirmed facts.
Like the compliance of AT&T and other telecom giants.
Right down to the numbers of some of the rooms in which the information mining machinery was contained.
That is apparently out of bounds.
Page 16.
The DNI again has demonstrated the disclosure of whether the NSA has an intelligence relationship with a private or particular private company would also cause exceptional harm to national security.
The Obama administration.
Time now to call in our own Howard Fineman, senior Washington correspondent for Newsweek Magazine.
Howard, good evening.
Good evening, Keith.
What is the political calculation here and who made it?
Well, as to the first question, the Obama administration is balancing two things.
One is the public politics and the risk of really antagonizing the first base that gathered beneath and behind and pushed the Obama candidacy.
The one that was concerned about the war in Iraq, the one that was concerned about overreaching by military, the one that was concerned about overreaching by the then President of the United States.
Those people are concerned and they're upset.
And they're disappointed.
But there's an internal politics too, and it's the politics of the intelligence community.
It's the politics of the CIA.
And Barack Obama is an outsider there, and he picked as his CIA director another outsider, Leon Panetta.
We're talking to Democrats on the Hill and talking to experts such as Jane Mayer, the author of the terrific book about the dark side of the Bush administration in terms of torture and surveillance.
This is what's going on here.
Obama and his people in the White House do not want to antagonize the intelligence community because they need them to support them in the war on terror and to get the President's job done around the world right now.
That's what's going on.
As a function of that, is this the bottom line of bureaucracy as theory?
That two parties could argue about how to use a bureaucracy, where to point the bureaucracy, who to target with the bureaucracy, but ultimately, the bureaucracy will be defended by both sides, by people who would otherwise happily be at each other's throats.
Yeah, I think there's something to that in general, Keith, but more specifically when you're talking about the President's powers as Commander-in-Chief.
There's so many ironies here, they're piled so high they're toppling over.
Barack Obama ran against the arrogation of power by a President who seemed to see no bounds to his power in the war on terror.
This administration, through its Justice Department, and I think when he asked the earlier question, who approved this, it's a little hard for me to figure out because a lot of the key players are just on their way back from the President's trip, but I don't think there's any doubt that the NSC Director, probably the White House Counsel, Greg Craig, and maybe even the President himself know everything that's going on here.
No President wants to cede
Any power that the presidency itself has accumulated.
Even if they were accumulated by people that the current occupant campaigned against.
So the state secrets assertion, and as you say the sovereign immunity assertion, are ones that Barack Obama and his Justice Department aren't going to give up.
In part because in some of these cases they're now the defendants.
Don't forget that some of these cases were delayed.
George Bush's name and the other Bush administration officials' names were wiped away from the slate and Barack Obama and his advisors are now the defendants.
Are these signposts along the road towards a decision by this administration whether or not to prosecute or to at least pursue members of the Bush administration for the various violations and crimes involved in torture and eavesdropping?
Well, as Jane Mayer told me a little while ago, she said, look, they've shut down the dark side, okay?
They're not, as far as we know, the torturing is over, Guantanamo's going to be closed, but they don't want to shine a flashlight into the dark, what was the dark side, for the reasons that I said before, and they're going to leave it up to the Congress to pursue it.
Now, I'm talking to Democrats on the Hill this afternoon.
Senator Leahy, the Democrat of the Judiciary Committee, wants a commission of some kind.
But he's not going to try to impose one or establish one unless Republicans support it.
So far, not a single Republican has come forth to support that flashlight shining exercise.
The Obama administration will not do it on its own.
They're going to keep their fingers crossed and hope that Congress does it.
But right now, Congress isn't going to do it without Republicans going along.
Howard Fineman of MSNBC and Newsweek, you said the ironies were piling up.
Something certainly is piling up right now.
Thank you, Howard.
Thank you, Keith.
Now, coming out, the Council on Foreign Relations announcing they want to have aircraft spray the exact barium salts, aluminum dioxide, to save us from the space race.
They are now admitting they've been testing it for years.
All this spraying is testing.
And that now they want a public, in the words of the Council on Foreign Relations, global system of geoengineering.
That is directly from the Council on Foreign Relations.
So I wanted, George, you were just talking about you were out in California a few weeks ago at a golf tournament, and you were there all week, and one day it'd be clear, next day chemtrails, and people couldn't notice it and understand.
And then yesterday in Austin, you know, I live in West Austin,
I mean, these were like 2,000 feet in the air.
They were right there.
And you'd see the trails spanning out.
I saw the biggest chemtrail I've ever seen in my life yesterday.
I was at the shop.
I came out.
We were talking about Alex Jones and all the people in the shop knew who Alex Jones was, is, and we're all supportive.
And I come walking out and there's the largest chemtrail I've ever seen in my life.
And I've been looking up in the sky for the last 12 years.
And I've seen it all.
I've seen it all over this country.
I've seen it in Europe.
And this chemtrail here in Austin, Texas yesterday was gargantuan.
And I brought everybody out and I said, do you know what that is?
And they go, well, no, not really.
And I said, and I explained what a contrail was.
And they all went, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, is that a contrail?
And when I explained it to them, their jaws all dropped.
This is one of the most difficult things.
for human beings to understand because they can see and understand that the poisoning is actually happening.
It's right there in the cognitive dissidence or the defense mechanisms that people have.
But when they finally get that our government is spraying our skies with barium, ethylene, dibromide and other chemicals, it really wakes people up.
Stay there, gotta break!
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We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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You know, George came in and said that he got all these emails from people he knows that have never known about chemtrails, telling them about chemtrails today.
And they were Paul Watson's article he wrote last night.
It's owned by Steve Watson right now.
And there's just a mass awakening, and the buzz you're getting from the Obama deception that you're in, again, another indicator of how people are really waking up.
Well, just in the last ten days, you were kind enough to give me some copies of the Obama deception.
And clearly, I'm prejudiced because I'm in the movie.
But I'll tell you what, every single person, every single person that I've given this to has responded incredibly positively.
And these are just not, you know, Ron Paul patriots.
I have given this to McCain supporters, I've given this to liberal Democrats, I've given this to people who are somewhat apathetic, and to a person
Everyone's going, this movie is waking me up.
This thing is so much bigger than we thought.
And the quality of this film is excellent.
So, Alex, I just want to say thank you very much for allowing me to be part of this and for all of you out there.
And I'm sure that most of you have watched this.
Get copies.
Copy it.
Share it with your friends.
The time for questions is over.
The time to make a choice.
Are you on the side of freedom?
Are you on the side of Republic?
Are you on the side of truth?
Are you on the side of freedom?
Or do you support the New World Order and the lies and the destruction to our culture, to our community, and to our families?
And friends, we're making progress.
I honestly believe that Alex's ID has increased 100%.
In the last two months.
All over.
And the reason I say this is because I take my coffee shop poll.
And I go to the same coffee shop which is about one third Republicans, one third Democrats, and about one third Independents.
And a month or so ago, people were in there, Obama, Obama, Obama.
I don't know.
Much, much different than he told us.
He's going back on his word, and then they start talking to me.
They initiate the situation.
So, if this little coffee shop is any reflection of the bigger picture, which I know it is,
We're doing well.
And the work that Alex and you, the people out there, are doing to protect our republic, to protect truth, to live in peace, and to do the right thing.
This is not a question of left or right.
And the final barrier is people still think it's liberal versus democrat, republican versus
Republican versus, you know, Democrat and Socialist versus Conservative.
It's not.
It's not a left and right battle.
It is a battle between right and wrong.
It's a battle between the very, very few at the very top of the ladder and 99% of us.
And, you know, we have truth on our side, we have the numbers on our side.
They clearly right now have the media, they have all this funny money, and they have the weapons.
But truth wins.
By telling the truth, by looking people in the eyes, and we don't have to, we don't have to yell at them.
All we have to do is share with them the facts.
Do they believe in a sound currency?
Do they believe in peace?
Do they believe in transparency?
Do they believe in the rule of law?
And just cite examples, and when you cite the facts with authority, you will win people over.
And the biggest thing right now is that we have to increase our numbers.
That is the bottom line.
This is the battle of, on a third dimensional level, of survival.
And we have to take care of our finances.
And all of you need to get liquid and protect yourself.
You need to take care of your health.
We need to create community.
And we need to organize.
You need to organize right now.
Create groups.
Create study circles.
Share this film.
Go out and talk to everyone you know.
Just by doing my errands today, I've talked to at least seven people who were not aware of this stuff and who I shared this with today.
And to a person, every single one of them,
We're good to go.
Is that we're very special, and this is a time of transition.
You know, it's a choice.
It is.
George, we've got to break again.
I want to take calls when we come back, but I've got you here specifically to make a few points for the film that I may use.
Specifically, some more of those stories of Obama people in denial, you know, because they think you're for McCain if you criticize Obama.
Him lying about bowing to the king, that's now been confirmed.
I'm going to play that video for folks watching at PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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George, you might want to double-check to make sure there's audio in those headphones for when the call's in a few minutes.
You don't have to put them on yet.
You're good?
Okay, good.
Okay, folks, we are back live.
Thank you for joining us.
It's real talk radio, real issues of real significance that actually affect you and your family.
We're not putting on acts.
And it's real.
We're going wild for freedom.
Your calls are coming up.
Steve, Joe, Mike, Mathis, and Daniel will at least get to those for George Humphrey.
Okay, George, I want to go through
Some issues.
I went and interviewed you at your home for the film and I forgot a few questions.
We went to dinner and you made some other good points afterwards that I wanted to have in the film.
But first off, just for the radio audience, explain to people, and we went and looked up the numbers again just to make sure, he's less than 10% at six point something black, and it doesn't matter if he's black or Chinese or whatever, it's that they're lying.
Everything about him is a lie.
Yeah, absolutely.
And you don't care, I don't care whether he's black or white or Asian or Latin.
What I want is a president and elected officials that are honest, that are independent, and that follow the Constitution.
End of story.
And what does bother me is dishonesty.
And over and over and over and over again, in just this last couple days in the Washington Post,
Obama is this black man, first black president, da-da-da-da, and because he's black, we're okay.
The reality is, he's 50% Anglo and Caucasian, and he's 43.5% Arab and 6.5% African.
Which is great.
He's a man of mixed color.
That's fine.
But he is not a black man anymore.
I think that Alex has a little bit of Native American in him.
And do we call Alex a Native American?
He's proud of having that Native blood in him.
But we don't talk about that.
It is, and the reason that they're doing it is to create this screen, to create this illusion, to cement real African Americans to Obama and to create an untouchable point of view with the liberal Democrats.
Friends, this is one more lie.
Very well said.
You told that story when we were at dinner about the lady who heard you at a coffee shop.
Tell the whole story in detail.
I think the most important thing is that for years we've had the facts on our side.
Thousands and thousands of pages of facts of how we're being ripped off and destroyed as a country.
But the question is, if we're really going to win, if we're really going to restore the Republic, we have to realize that it's more than facts, and that we have to deal with the emotions and the perceptions of the people.
And quite clearly, quite clearly, the people of this country have been brainwashed.
And right now, I would assume that about one-third of the people are just blindly supporting Obama.
About one-third are undecided, and about one-third were McCain or Republicans.
By the way, that's the actual numbers.
You had, what, 60% turnout.
He got, like, 57% of the vote.
So if you calculate that out, of the nation, he's got about a third of the people at the time of election, a little bit more than a third, supporting him.
And now that's eroded, so it's less than a third.
Yeah, and it is eroding very quickly.
And yet, he does have this base of just blind, blind, obedient people.
And it was kind of interesting, the other day I was in a coffee shop and I was talking to a buddy about Gettner and about Goldman Sachs and about AIG and about the transfer of wealth.
And this lady comes up and she was not part of the conversation.
She puts her head and she says, I love Obama.
This is a white woman, very well dressed.
And we and I go, OK, great.
Do you support the one Iraq?
Do you think that we should send more troops into Afghanistan?
Well, and I said, Obama's, I'm against that.
I said, are you, did you, was Obama a candidate for peace?
She said, you bet he was!
I said, are you aware that he's putting missiles in Poland, Ukraine, and Georgia?
And when she realized that we were dealing with facts, with real issues, not emotions,
She goes, well, he's better than Bush, he's better than Bush.
And we just sat there and went, we're not talking about Bush.
This is not about Bush versus Obama.
We didn't support Bush.
And then she goes, well, I do all this reading.
I said, well, why don't you look in here and here?
She says, I can't do that.
I can't do that.
And then she then her voice goes way up.
She says, you're trying to tell me what to do.
And it's because psychologically she could not accept that
What her investment of her time and energy was not in the right place.
And so, in a very deep emotional place, she blocked off and she became very offensive.
We went fine.
And the funny thing was that she walks out and gets in a Cadillac Escalade.
I mean, this big SUV Cadillac.
I mean, you talk about a limousine liberal.
And, you know, these people are absolutely
Stealing her money, stealing her family's money, but she has it in her mind that this guy is the Savior.
And there's many people.
Bush had his same cadre who supported him the same way, and it took a while.
But very, very quickly, the truth is getting out there, and we're breaking through the illusion that this guy is the Savior.
And once we've discredited both the left and the right, the pattern of control and the false paradigm is shattered, now we can move on to going after the real problem, the globalist bankers.
Now, getting back to their psychology, she made it about, you're trying to control me, you're trying to tell me what to do.
Then it became very childlike, like I'm taking my ball and going home.
When she had come over and she had gotten in George Humphrey's face about this, and I've noticed a lot of Obama people are saying, yeah, he is bad, but, you know, he's better than Bush.
That isn't what it's about.
It's that he's a puppet.
It isn't about him being better than Bush.
And being better than Bush just means he's better at conning and suckering people to go along with the agenda.
Constant lying, and sometimes people can't get lying about lobbyists, or lying about wars, or lying about bailout money, or lying about saying he's against the bonuses when he wrote the executive order for them.
I mean, clearly this guy is a congenital liar, the worst I've ever seen, and he's only getting started.
I mean, this is an unbelievable new level.
He walks up to the King of Saudi Arabia.
He bows completely down.
I mean, where he's straight.
I mean, completely prostrate.
Complete supplication or minion behavior.
The international media points this out.
The Saudis love it.
You know, the Saudi leadership, the newspapers say, how great.
And then he lies, and I have the press reports, the White House says, oh, the President had dropped something.
And then there's clear video, he walks up, he takes his hand and then completely bows.
He's not picking anything up, there's clear video of it and photos from all different angles.
Then he said, oh, you know what, the prince is so short, or the king is so short, Obama had to bend down to shake his hand.
Another lie, they're right on the same level.
He gets his hand and then bows.
And so, I mean, what is it that people don't get?
Then he goes before, before that, Prince Philip, and he's saying, oh, I met with world leaders, and Prince Philip laughs and says, oh, you can tell the difference, and starts laughing, and then goes, and Obama says, yes, sir, and turns around.
CNN put up fake subtitles where they're saying, oh, wonderful day, very successful, when you can clearly hear, and the Russian news got this right, and so did British, he's clearly saying to him that,
You know, making fun of him and saying, turn around, and Obama says, absolutely, yes.
So speak to that.
I mean, all the other world leaders aren't bowing to the royalty.
This is about humiliating America.
This is about humiliating us.
This is about, we're bowing, we're slaves.
Our president is like a tinker toy that the royals of the planet have bought at auction.
And once again, this goes back to that wonderful document called the Constitution of the United States.
And our founding fathers made it very clear that we were not supposed to have royalty or aristocracy within our government.
They were breaking away from that old paradigm.
They made it very clear that you're not supposed to have aristocracy within our government.
And that also means that our leaders are not supposed to be bowing to the Prince Philip or the Prince of Saudi Arabia or whatever.
Show them courteous, respect,
Just like you do with any other leader.
But we don't bow to a prince from Saudi Arabia that was created a hundred years ago, or to a false king from England.
This is just insanity.
And the reality is, the reality is, is that the Royal Family of England
is one of the top members or players within the Illuminati.
And, friends, all you have to do is look at how Obama is acting with those people.
Deferring, giving away.
He's the President of the United States.
He is not the Prince of England.
Well, expanding on that, it's a room full of world leaders.
None of them are bowing.
Obama walks up, takes his hand, and completely bows.
This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life.
This is about our humiliation.
Then he lies about his slaves.
Just like he says, I'm not for a carbon tax, and he's for it.
And he says, I'm not for putting satellite tracker boxes in your car, but they're for it.
Or, I'm not going to hire lobbyists, but they're for it.
Let's go ahead.
This is from Spanish TV in Spain.
This has Spanish behind it, but for those watching PrisonPlanet.tv, you can see it.
If not, you're listening on the radio.
We have the YouTube video up on InfoWars.com.
Then the next clip, I believe we have that too, is him groveling to Prince Philip and the Queen of England.
Here it is.
We're good to go.
Hey, I just want to say is that years ago when I was a city councilman, Prince Charles came to Austin, Texas and I had the pleasure of meeting him.
We had a nice talk, but I never bowed to that son of a gun.
I liked him.
You wouldn't call him a son of a bitch.
Well, no, he's just, you know, on a personal level he was very charming, and we had a nice talk about horses, but I wasn't going to bow to some guy like that.
I mean, I like him.
Well, that's what Albert Speer, the head of the Ministry of the Interior for Germany said, he got off at Nuremberg, but he said, when you're standing next to the devil and he's so charming he's got his arm around it, you don't know it's the devil.
Absolutely, and LBJ was probably one of the most charming people in the whole world.
Now, was LBJ a good guy?
Well, that's up to you, but, you know, just because somebody is charming, like Barack Obama, it doesn't mean that they're telling you the truth.
Well, what humiliation for our country.
Now, here is the video and audio where, but the point is CNN put fake subtitles in here.
Okay, they put in the fake subtitles of, oh, then it's going very well, it's very excellent.
And then meanwhile he really said, oh, you can tell the difference, and then laughed at him and then goes, meh.
Okay, now here it is.
The Russians?
David Cameron?
As I'm proud to say, I did not offer you any of these.
Can you tell the difference between them?
It's all over.
Of course, of course.
Prince Philip suggested, with a laugh, that maybe Dick Cheney should go to the U.S.
President to tell them apart.
I don't have to go to the U.S.
President to tell them apart.
I don't think that's what we're doing.
Prince Philip is notorious for his inappropriate jokes sometimes, which often offend minorities and foreigners.
For example, on a visit to Beijing some years ago, he described it as a ghastly town and told British students living in the city if they stayed much longer, they would become slitty-eyed.
Hey, a picture's worth a thousand words.
All you have to do is watch it.
But then Obama lies and says he doesn't bow to the King of Saudi Arabia.
Does he bow?
Of course he does.
Just look at the pictures.
It's really funny.
I mean, at one level... I mean, it's like a theater battle where you go... It's absolutely ridiculous that the President of the United States is bowing to this false prince in Saudi Arabia and this false king and queen in England.
I mean, it's just wild.
We're not worthy!
We're not worthy!
Man, talk about the creation of feudalism again.
But you know what?
We're not going to do it.
We're not going to go back that way.
Alright, let's take some ring-a-dingy.
So, Steve in Texas, you're on the air.
Welcome, Steve.
Yeah, good afternoon, Alex and George, and God bless both of you.
I appreciate the stand that you've taken.
I just wanted to give you a heads-up, something I heard on Glenn Beck's show this morning, but before that, Alex, I wanted to let you know,
Personal testimony, I got the Obama deception and I let a neighbor of mine borrow it.
This guy's black, real good guy, he's a young guy with a wife and five kids.
Let him watch it, and before that I asked him, did you vote in the last election?
Well, if you had, who do you voted for?
Well, no.
Well, the guy that's in now.
So I gave him a bunch of information, let him watch it.
He came back to me after watching it twice, said he passed it on to his mother,
Who was an ardent Obama supporter as well as the rest of his family.
He was a bunch of people.
So now she's talking to her sister, his aunt.
And a bunch of other people, and so he's going to go and get the Obama.
He said, man, I got to get copies of this.
I gave you a website, tell them where to go.
And I mean, that's what we've got to do, because just like you're saying, when people see this, if they have any kind of an open mind and they're using the brain God gave them, and he said this, all you got to do is look at what's on the news.
All they're saying is what's on the news.
And his aunt had said, oh, that's just the Republicans putting that out, you know, and she hadn't even seen it.
So, you know, but that's what we've got to do.
It'll go viral if each one of us does our part.
Bottom line, they want to betray folks that supported Obama.
When they're done, they're going to blame everything on him, and the new order keeps moving.
We're trying to help folks that have been suckered by this.
We're all in this together.
And all the emails I get that are against me, it's all, you're just a Republican.
And they don't understand.
But tell me what Mr. Beck was doing.
Okay, I listened to his radio show this morning.
Of course, I always have to listen to it with my nose plugged, or I'll throw up.
And anyway, here's what he said.
I turned it on.
Right after I turned it on, it was going into a second hour, he said this.
Now, you know about he's going to be at that rally in San Antonio that Burmess is talking about going to.
Well, he said this.
He knows there's going to be people there, and he didn't name anybody, but he said, if you're planning on bringing any signs, do not bring them.
And he said,
There's people trying to make this all about me, and this isn't about me.
It's about our freedom.
And he said, I had to tell the people who are holding this rally that I had to respectfully say I will be there, but I will not be going up on stage to be the keynote speaker.
What a wimp!
Well, I mean, all we're going to do is send Burmess peacefully to hand out DVDs we're having to author and make that just show congressional hearings about FEMA camps and FEMA documents.
And we're just going to go, here, please, the FEMA camps are real.
The FEMA camps are real.
And, oh, the wicked fleeth when none pursueth.
We can't.
I'm canceling.
I can't.
OK, somebody's got to find us that clip.
Thank you so much.
Did he say anything else, sir?
Uh, no, but I just wanted to say, Alex, if you look at what he says about his show, it's the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good.
I'm going to have George with us five minutes to the next hour.
Then we're going to have continual information with a real chemtrail expert in light of the White House saying they're going to start looking at spraying the skies.
They've already done the studies.
Already doing it.
Oh, we've been looking at wiretapping without warrants for decades.
We've been doing it.
We've been looking with studies in chemtrailing.
That's in the Associated Press, Leningradian.
We get emails like this all the time.
Look at this.
It says, just wanted to let you know I'm currently in northern Iraq working in the oil industry.
But I was in a local DVD shop, and guess what I see on the shelf?
Yes, that is correct, the Obama deception in all its glory.
I just thought that I would let you know, I can let your listeners know, that the movie is getting around the world, and not just via the internet and YouTube.
Take care and keep up the great work.
And that's why we have PrisonPlanet.tv.
Because you can download super high quality versions that are almost as good as a regular DVD.
Super high quality.
And burn them to disk.
Because most DVD players now play regular CDs, you know, that are like 20 cents a piece, and people are just making copies fiendishly.
I mean, this is explosive.
And again, information is power.
Well, absolutely.
And if we are to survive, if we are to endure, if we are to bring back this republic,
We have to become aware that this false issue about left versus right is just an illusion.
And that we do this with information.
And that this particular video, the Obama deception, is the most powerful video that I have ever seen.
for waking people up in the time is right now and that's not hard folks this is the film the white folks are in and i love it i mean you've got in in and what i really love is that the star of the movie you have the not one but you have two different very very articulate black rappers who are speaking their mind who are speaking their truth and that is it
Incredibly important.
You have Jesse Ventura, you have Willie Nelson, you have Celente.
I mean, you have folks on there who are articulate, they've got a sense of humor, they have clarity, and they have vision.
And they're speaking to the people.
They're not speaking down to people, they're speaking about what is true and good.
No, it's shot like in a coffee table discussion.
And it's not even really attacking Obama.
It's saying, it doesn't even matter, he's a puppet.
Yeah, it's not about Obama.
Obama's a puppet.
And it's just not about Bush or Clinton.
But that's what it's about, is showing you that it's a fake fight.
Let's talk to Joe in New Mexico.
You're on the air with George Humphrey.
Go ahead, Joe.
Hey, Joe.
George, I really agree with George on that Obama deception assessment.
And real quick, Alex, man, you are doing good work.
That's great.
And I know it's not about you.
It's obvious when you talk to people, even some of your
Interesting calls that come in.
You're always polite.
You're genuine.
And you're always focused on the issues.
Well, sir, I mean, I'm living with death threats every day and stuff that I don't even get into on air.
I mean, that makes it real.
This isn't about ego.
I mean, I'll be honest.
When I first got into this, like, 14 years ago, I didn't like tyranny.
I wanted to keep the Second Amendment.
But it's fun to be known, fun to get up, and, you know, that's normal.
But now...
Now it's just pure passion for liberty and freedom, and it's not about me.
More than ego now, though, it's also about defeating enemies.
People that have tried to stop me.
It's more than just a competitiveness now.
In a way, it's like a prison, but at the same time, it's empowering.
It's yin-yang.
George, you know what I'm talking about?
Well, heck yeah.
I mean, I remember when I first became aware of this about 20 years ago.
My jaw just dropped and I realized, Kyle, if I go into this, I'll never be a U.S.
I won't be a U.S.
Congressman right now.
I'll alienate a lot of my friends.
And then, as I made the decision to tell the truth, then I start finding all these new friends.
And my life became better and more vibrant and aware.
Now clearly, there are many nights that I wake up and I'm in a sweat, but I'll tell you what, I wouldn't change a thing.
Yeah, I know.
But then it's real when you're holding your children and you're looking at the beautiful stars and trees.
When you're not risking your life and not challenging evil, we're meant to do that in this life, you're not going to the next level.
And, you know, when you face your fear and go in through beyond, past the fear, then you actually go to the next level.
And that's what I want people to experience.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, final segment with George Humphrey in studio with us.
We got Chemtrail Exposé coming out, a lot of new developments there.
If your friends and family don't know about Chemtrails, tell them to tune in right now on your local AM and FM station, or at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com on the free streams, or download the free podcast.
It's in the free podcast in the show to your friends and family, in the listen page at InfoWars.com.
Let's talk quickly to Mike in Boston.
Mike, you're on the air with George Humphrey.
Yes, sir.
I'm a private detective.
We talked last week, and I called in about the change of the police.
I just wanted to give you a heads-up that over the 15 years of being a P.I.
of the past, I don't know, maybe six years, I've got hours and hours of chemtrail that I still want to send you.
They're just, it's huge.
I see them every day, and I've passed out about 75 copies of your film.
I'm in police departments and courthouses at least five days out of the week, and I'm dropping them everywhere.
Well, good job.
It's unstoppable if folks just keep doing it.
Are you getting any feedback, or are you just firing and forgetting?
I'm getting some feedback from some of the police officers, and most of them agree with me, but there's quite a few that
Just really give me an attitude.
Ask me politely not to leave anymore at the station or with any of the officers.
It's almost like they don't want me educating anybody.
Oh, God forbid!
How dare you try to communicate with another human!
This is un-American!
But the Chemtrail videos, I got your information of where I need to send them, but Alex, I've got a ton of them.
I mean, just recently, last week, from Waterbury, Connecticut,
All the way to about mid-Milbury, Massachusetts.
Midway on the Pike Pike.
You're talking about an hour and a half drive.
It was just six planes doing criss-cross patterns.
I pulled over on the side of the highway.
State Trooper pulled up, asked me what I was doing, and I showed him.
Said, look up.
He says he sees them all the time, but he just had no idea what it was.
Well, now you can send him to the Council on Foreign Relations at WhiteHouse.gov and they said, yeah, we're looking at doing this.
And then you read the documents.
Oh, we've been doing it for years, testing, but now we're going to make it public.
And they said worldwide for your safety.
It's just unbelievable.
But I really want to thank the caller here.
The fact that you're going into police stations, the fact that you have the courage to speak to these people and give them this information.
And let's say that you put out ten.
If only one of them watches it and gets the message, you've done your work.
And I want to say this to everybody listening.
Just today, go out and talk to somebody new about the New World Order, about chemtrails, about the bailout, and about the Obama deception.
Well, thank you for the call, sir.
God bless you.
And be sure and write me notes about where it was, if you want to be sourced.
Don't just send me a letter saying you have the rights to use it.
You need to let me know, do you want to be sourced in the film?
Do you want to be thanked?
Do you want to be in the credits or do you not want it there?
Be very careful about that because I know we're going to get hundreds of tapes sent in.
I'm really excited about this Chemtrail film.
It's going to be awesome, because again, people can look up, and it's eyes wide shut, and everybody that I get to look up, they go, yeah, I'm kind of aware of it, but most people don't look up, but when they do, they realize something's wrong.
Exactly, real fast, Mathis in Texas.
Mathis, go ahead.
Yeah, first, I was trying to get to your screener, some of your information about what other networks are available.
I travel all through Texas throughout the day,
I can only hear you when I'm in Austin, and when we're done, I'm wondering if you can send me over and let me know where else I might be able to hear you.
Well, I just want to be clear, we don't have a call screener.
Oh, well, the gentleman that was asking me questions when I first called.
Well, we don't screen the calls.
Somebody asked me my name.
Oh, yeah, well, that's not a call screener, just so you know.
I mean, you can use whatever name you'd like, but we didn't ask you what you wanted to talk about, did we?
Oh no, not at all, not at all.
There's a big internet hoax claiming we do, and it's all fake callers they claim.
I just want to get that straight.
We don't screen your phone calls.
Unless I'm saying, oh I want to hear from a police officer.
Yeah, well my network, sir, I'm only on about 65 radio stations.
That sounds like a lot.
It's not.
I'm on the Genesis Network, the shortwave satellite and internet, and we only have three affiliates in Texas.
So I'm glad you're trying to look for how to find us.
Just get an iPod, download the free podcast every day at InfoWars.com.
George, thanks for coming in.
Thanks, buddy.
You bet.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Okay, for those that are just now joining us, you have ice condensation clouds that normally form above 20,000 feet.
When jet aircraft go through the right type of cloud formations, it just forms clouds, ice crystals.
But starting in the mid-nineties, suddenly we notice clouds at only a few thousand feet, trails that would expand and turn into cloud banks.
And then planes right next to them wouldn't leave it.
And now people have done the deep research,
You know, we have active climate stabilization particle physics-based approaches to prevention of climate change.
A Nobel Prize was won a decade ago plus in this.
This is the National Academy of Engineering Symposium, Washington, D.C., April 18, 2002.
The Council on Foreign Relations that openly is calling for world government and globalism.
has come out and admitted in a whole bunch of papers they've put out Council on Foreign Relations geoengineering workshop on unilateral planetary-scale geoengineering or terraforming
There is that article.
We're going to put all these up on screen as we go through the show today with our guest.
And then O'Brock Obama's head science advisor, in his first interviews as being approved a month ago, tells the Associated Press, London Guardian, and others in a press conference, I just want you to know we may have to start geoengineering with aircraft spraying the skies to protect us from global warming.
Now, something is going on, and a lot of newscasters have done studies, they've had scientists look at it.
There's more than one program going on.
There's low-altitude spraying, high-altitude.
You'll see articles in California where they spray pesticides on the town for a moth, or Austin, Texas, or they spray bacteria on every town and city in Oklahoma with a bacteria that kills mammals and causes spontaneous abortions, and then they just calmly announce.
So there's all this stuff going on.
And if you go to CaliforniaSkyWatch.com, it's one of the best, most well-researched interviews, scientists, virologists, you know, the list goes on and on.
Rosalind Peterson, we're going to have her on.
We've had her on many times before, but I'm going to have her on next week again.
An hour today is not enough.
Rosalind Peterson is a California president and co-founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition.
The ADC was founded in 2006 to protect agriculture crop production from uncontrolled experimental weather modification programs, atmospheric heating and testing programs, and oceanic and atmospheric experimental geoengineering programs.
And the issue is, once you don't call it chemtrails,
And you actually go look and use their terms?
It's all over every major university out there, literally.
They're spraying everywhere, they admit it.
And NASA admits they're doing it, and the CFR is announcing it, and the President's people are announcing it.
But then you tell the public, and they say it doesn't exist.
Like, here's the Council on Foreign Relations, International Institutions and Global Governance Program, World Order 21st Century.
May 1st, 2008, where they call for global government.
I have here today the International Bank of Settlements documents from 2006, where they said they were engineering the collapse for 2009 to bring in the new world order.
I mean, that's how this is piling up, where it's just everywhere.
Like, where is that?
I had that in my stack, and then Aaron ran off with it, and he's now on an airplane.
Anyways, let's go ahead and go to Rosalind Peterson.
Rosalind, start at the beginning, what we know, the documented stuff that's on record of what's happening.
Good to have you here with us.
Well, thank you very much for having me on your show today.
There's any number of programs.
NASA and the U.S.
Air Force are conducting atmospheric heating and testing programs, and they're using space shuttle and rockets to send up canisters with toxic chemicals like barium and trimethylaluminum, strontium, lithium, sulfur hexafluoride, FF6, and other chemicals, and then they superheat these canisters
And conduct atmospheric and ionospheric heating and testing programs.
Then you've got weather modification programs ongoing across the United States.
There's more than 60 listed by the U.S.
Department of Commerce.
And right now, our weather can be modified without our consent.
They can use any chemicals and any experiments that they want.
A private individual, a corporation, a state, a city, a county,
The military, federal government, anyone can modify your weather at any time.
They don't have to have any, there is no public oversight.
There is no prior public notification, except in a few small counties in some states.
And these programs are currently ongoing and growing exponentially.
And now Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas has just introduced U.S.
Senate Bill 601.
To continue to allow anyone and everyone to mitigate and modify the weather, and they don't set up any government oversight, no prior public notification, there's nothing in this bill.
Then you add these persistent jet contrails that turn into white haze, cirrus clouds, man-made clouds, that NASA studies show exacerbate global warming, they show that they change our climate,
And they're showing that they negatively impact natural resources.
That was the point I was going to make.
I've had top climatologists on.
I remember like four years ago and seven years ago, NASA showed their own satellite photos of the whole U.S.
and Europe covered with the contrails, which are really chemtrails, as they didn't do this until this program started.
This huge black-off project that's got to be in the hundreds of billions now, and they admitted that these clouds were going to heat the earth.
So they're... I think they're trying to really screw stuff up so they can panic people into accepting the global warming tax.
Because now they come out and have, you know, in kids' textbooks, as you mentioned, as folks have covered, oh, we're trying to stop the global warming, and now the president's people are saying that, when the science shows that this stuff causes UV to go through the clouds and then basically trap the heat under them, that it's clear skies, like the desert at night, that let the heat go off-world.
Yes, that's correct.
And contrails, too, are made up of water vapor and, of course, jet fuel emissions and other toxics.
But now they're saying that this water vapor is a greenhouse gas, and they say it exacerbates global warming.
And yet, in no legislation that I can find anywhere at any level, state or federal, do they talk about remedying the problem or solving it.
They're starting now to talk about, well, we can put up more particulates into the atmosphere.
And space mirrors, there's all kinds of geoengineering projects in order to cool us down.
But they don't realize that the programs we have ongoing are what are exacerbating this problem.
Well you're absolutely right.
And then there's just the whole issue of how this illustrates for people what the shadow government, which they now admit is in total control under the National Security Council, is doing.
And now the CFR says we need global treaties for global... Let me give their exact quote here.
For unilateral, that means complete, planetary scale geoengineering.
So, and then you have the issue of them denying any of this is going on as the public says, what in the world is going on here?
You know, 15 years ago these trails disappeared, now they never leave.
They turn into whole cloud banks.
And then, so I mean, speak to that specifically, how all the scientific data admits they're doing this, but then when we complain, they say, we don't know what you're talking about.
Well, part of it is, let me go through three things here.
First of all, the first time in Northern California that we saw contrails start to persist, what it looks like from the earliest photographs and records we have was around 1989.
And from that time forward, beginning in the late 1980s, scientists began to talk about geoengineering.
The word was kind of hidden from view, and it started to spring up at universities and special courses and things, but it wasn't talked about.
But so many began to filter into a whole group of scientists who started to work on, as part of their curriculum, at, in other words, Stanford University,
Let me stop you.
It was interviewing Ben Livingston, the father of weather weapons, confirmed.
It was declassified.
We interviewed him first.
It was on Fox, CNN, you name it.
It was Stanford Research Institute from 1960 to 67 that did the study with him, the meteorologist, and certified weather weapons, creation of hurricanes, typhoons, floods, things like that, and that they had certified they could control the weather by 1967.
And you just mentioned this stuff started, as far as we can tell, as in California with Stanford.
It could be.
But what's happened since that time?
We've been engaged since the 40s in hurricane modification, weather modification, lots of programs.
That most of the public is unaware.
And we were modifying the weather in Vietnam.
So that brought in the Anmad Treaty, which was signed by the U.S.
Congress to stop weather modification for warfare purposes.
But now the military is talking about using it as a force multiplier in order to, in other words, control anyone they want.
by controlling the weather that they have.
So, this is on the scale of many, many documents from the Air Force and the other services talking about weather modification as a force multiplier.
And then you add to this, in 2006, November, there was all of these scientists, geoengineering scientists from all over the world went to NASA Ames.
For one week of meetings with regard to geoengineering programs.
And Ken Caldera, Professor Ken Caldera of Stanford University, said, well, we'll have an open public forum.
We'll invite the press to come.
And as luck would have it, I knew someone who was allowed to go to this.
And so I went.
And all of these professors, Gregory Benford from UC Irvine,
Stay there.
Let's hear about this meeting when we get back.
And now, they're announcing it all over the news.
Oh, we're going to control the weather.
We're going to spray the skies with sunscreen to protect you.
And that's what they're doing, the particuli, the nuclei, to create these clouds.
But that's only one part of it.
And the chemicals they're using are toxic.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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We're good.
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I think so.
This is all psychology.
If they would have come out in the late 80s and 90s when they started this and said, we're going to terraform the planet and change the atmosphere, we're government, we're God, people would have sued environmentalists, what are you doing?
If they use weather weapons as weapons against our farmers or other countries as economic control, people would know to blame them.
So that's why the government says there's no weather modification, none of this exists, as hundreds of universities, thousands worldwide work on it, and fleets of aircraft are spraying.
And so now, after decades of us fighting it and saying, what's going on?
You know, we're talking 14, 15 years that I've known of people speaking about this.
It has that kook connotation, so even when the government announces it, people go, oh no.
Couldn't be happening.
Just like their documents said 20 years ago, world government, global carbon tax, they said we were kooks, didn't exist.
Now when they announce it, as they've done the last month, people go, oh, well it still doesn't exist.
And newspapers attack me saying it doesn't exist.
So that's the amazing psychology.
And talking about amazing, Rosalind Peterson is probably the top overall, you know, person who is studying all the basic data and really integrating it in together.
Rosalind, please continue with, well, the psychology of them denying all this and then the meetings you've gone to.
Go ahead.
Well, this meeting at Stanford University in November 2006,
They had a public section, and the public section of this meeting had different scientists, geoengineers, talking about their various programs that they wanted to implement.
And what was fascinating about this group is they admitted right there that they had kind of hidden the word geoengineering for the public for a long time, because they realized that if it came out, the public would object.
So, there was kind of this cloistered group that decided that they were going to work on this, have the funding for this, and then try to get it all set to go so that at some point they could implement putting these chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere to do these atmospheric experiments.
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
You go to this conference and there's copies of the minutes and things on the web, and I've seen them, we need to dig them out and get them posted, and you've linked to them on your site.
Think of the magnitude!
You've got all these top climate scientists there, and by the way, these were the mid-levels being co-opted.
Oh, we just came up with a plan to secretly terraform, but you can't let the public know they're not ready, even though this is a semi-public meeting.
That's how the co-opt works when it had already been going on, you know, for over a decade before this.
That is what is so key about this, and this mindset of
We can't let them know because they're too small-minded.
Specifically, that is so important.
Go back over that.
Okay, well, what they did is they said the public would object because, in other words, they can't control the end result of their experiment.
They know that they would be putting harmful chemicals in the air.
They know that, you know, like sulfur, for example, or in other words, salt particles.
There's all kinds of things that they've got planned that they could use in the air.
That would be toxic to us, or to plants, or crops, whatever.
Water supplies.
So, what happened is they decided that they were going to be the stewards of the environment, and it was going to be them that was going to save the world, and that we were essentially the unwashed, as Professor Benford mentioned, it was kind of like we were the un... The people were the unwashed masses who didn't understand that they were going to take care of us.
So it was kind of an odd, um, I have some quotes from him which are quite interesting, but it was an odd meeting.
So when I, they had question and answers.
So when I got up and I spoke and I said, well, what about agriculture?
If you cover us over and you stop direct sunlight from reaching the earth, there won't be any photosynthesis happening.
And that's, um, in other words, photosynthesis, direct sunlight hitting the earth is what allows plants to grow.
And food crops to produce.
And if you remove the direct sunlight, whether it's from man-made clouds or any of these experiments, you're going to have lowered crop production because photosynthesis.
The plants get their strength and energy to grow from that process.
So we get vitamin D from the sun.
Ricketts is on the increase because we're in man-made cloud cover a lot of times.
So when I raised this issue about, well, was anybody talking about, in other words, the pollutants and what effect they were going to have on the trees?
Was anyone talking about our food supply?
And if you put up all these chemicals that are toxic to plant life, you reduce the amount of sunlight hitting the earth, what's going to happen to agriculture?
You know, in other words, this area.
And I said, and did anyone speak on this subject?
And they said, well,
There were actually only two people in the whole conference that spoke on something to do with, in other words, plant life, but that was it.
But they said that the majority of the speakers were all there into doing this atmospheric geoengineering and various forms of it.
So they didn't really invite the public.
Ken Calviera invited a radio talk show host from New York.
He invited the BBC and Al Jazeera to this meeting.
So when they met at Stanford, they didn't even invite the major press to come to this meeting at all.
All right, stay there.
I want to know if there's any recordings of this.
I want to go through some of those quotes, too.
We'll be right back.
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Rosalynn Peterson, she really is the preeminent chemtrail expert because she has just gone to the conference, has done the research, and she covers what is admitted, what is documented, what is on record.
And it is hellish.
Now, I understand their operation.
Everything is eugenics, like in-game documents.
That's their system.
And so the meeting she was at was a co-opting of, oh, we keep this secret and the low down for your own good.
We're going to save the earth for the global warming when the evidence shows it will actually cause warming, which we may actually need.
Kind of going towards an ice age now, the sunspots show.
But side issue, the point is they don't want the public knowing about this.
And it is just so incredible.
to understand that it's really public what they're doing and so saying it's to stop global warming is the cover because this is bad for plants, bad for humans, bad for the earth.
The sun is the main source of life on this planet and you've got some of the quotes of these people and their meetings are sourced and quoted.
In fact, I have the meeting you're talking about.
The Council on Foreign Relations mentions it.
So can you speak more about the meeting and then more about
I know you're going off what you know they're doing, but clearly they're spraying now, and how many different programs there are from your research, or the other experts, and what it is they're putting out.
Go ahead.
Well, there's a number of programs that I think are all interrelated.
We have communication systems programs for the military, we have weapons systems that they're going to need to be able to use, in other words, the atmosphere above us, either obscure the skies,
Or to, in other words, or to be able to use certain types of lasers.
And so they're going to put up certain chemicals to do this.
And the documents are there.
And it's putting it forward to the public.
But more and more, we're beginning to unravel all these different types of atmospheric military programs that are going on.
And weather modification is just one of them.
uh... mitigation and modification in it uh... and other words to help with climate change.
No, Obama's now said that so now we'll pay Al Gore and Obama's private companies uh... Gore and Blood is the one in England with Mr. Blood and Mr. Gore and literally that's not a pun folks and the one up in Chicago the mercantile that Obama's bought in on you know that's what they're saying we're gonna now publicly pay tax money to Al Gore to chemtrail us you gotta love that
Well, it's going to be interesting to see how this all works out.
I can tell you that there is an audio tape of the meeting and I can get you a copy of the audio tape of that meeting because they allowed an audio tape to be made of the meeting.
No film.
But one audio tape, and so I can get you a tape of the meeting, and you can listen to these guys talk.
This isn't out on the web yet?
I mean, is it okay if I get it?
Because I don't want to wait making my chemtrail film.
I don't do that.
I would immediately just put it on YouTube.
Yes, yes.
I mean, I have children just like everybody else.
I don't want them breathing chemtrails anymore.
I just want to get it out.
The tape is on NewYorkSkyWatch.com, I think.
I think
How did you wake up to this?
How did you get involved?
And it's just so amazing what you're doing.
How do folks support you?
And how do they go to the site at CaliforniaSkyWatch.com and donate or what do they do?
Well, what's happening right now is that I started in 2002 when a friend of mine, I was working for the Mendocino County Probation Department at the time.
And during my lunch hour, he caught me downtown and took me into his office and said,
That he knew that there was some programs going on, and he wanted me to look up in the sky, and he wanted me to really look on certain days, and to see these jets leaving these big plumes.
So, what happened is, that particular day at lunch hour, when we walked outside, the jets were just blitzing the place, with all these, um, there was a great number of jets, and they were all leaving these huge contrails, which just expanded and turned into these massive plumes.
I don't know.
What did you think when, I mean, I know last year the CFR announced we're going to terraform the planet, we're going to spray you, it's great, we're going to save you, when the scientists say it'll heat things, but whatever, and we know that's just a cover, so the scientists go, oh, we're saving Earth, okay, keep it secret, from the unwashed, you're using these arrogant eugenicist terms, that's what it's all about, to now having
You know, all these mainstream news articles and BBC saying, oh, we're doing this for your own good, and then now having the President's Chief Science Advisor saying, we may have to start doing this for your safety.
I mean, what is it like to see them just coming right out with it?
Why do you think they're doing that?
Because they've been doing it for a long time, and we're getting closer and closer to figuring out all the programs, and that they're dying to use it and do the experiments because they want the money.
They see that they're going to get federal funds for it for the first time and they can expand the program.
And so why not try it out?
Why not do the experiments we've been studying and researching?
And this is the payback for us.
So a lot of these universities and researchers and geoengineers are going to come and get fully funded.
For a lot of these programs that have been sitting in the wings for years.
So as bad as chemtrailing is, they want it even bigger.
That's what the CFR says.
They say they want it globally, everywhere.
Speak to that and right now where we know it's going on the worst.
Well, I really think that everybody says that their own area is the worst.
But I think the NATO countries are being hit the hardest.
And I think that the United States and Canada is being really hit hard.
They're hitting Brazil pretty hard in various places.
But around the world, it's pretty global around the world that you very rarely can see any pictures now with blue skies.
Most of them are man-made clouds.
Professor Rosenfeld from Australia is talking about it at a meeting here of the Climate Change Commission, EPA, in
Sacramento, California, he talked about that most of the clouds we see are man-made clouds.
And I was early on in my research, and I had to rather pause and go, what?
And now when you go to the NASA website, you type in man-made clouds, you've got all kinds of studies, all kinds of research, and they talk about man-made clouds.
But the problem is that agriculture, human health,
Plant growth, tree health, everything depends on direct sunlight.
Well let me stop you.
I'm going to keep interrupting because you know we had a big garden out at our ancestral family farm and we've never seen a summer where plants wouldn't grow and not this summer or the summer before.
It was chemtrails five, six days out of the week.
Even here my yard in the summer was dying.
It was raining and mush.
And the yard, basically, about half of it died.
Trees were all dying and acting weird.
And it was just pure chemtrails the entire summer, all over Central Texas and East Texas, where I was at.
I wasn't in other parts.
And my uncle's garden, just, nothing even grew.
That's correct.
And it was just solid chemtrails.
Just solid.
There was no sky.
And when there's snow, and when there's snow, when you have all these man-made clouds and these plumes,
You're not getting direct sunlight, which means that your trees won't grow properly, your crops won't produce well, your oceans don't function well either, because they need direct sunlight for all the processes here on Earth to work.
And these scientists are beginning to say, well, we can put up, you know, we can pretend like we're a volcano, like the one that just went off in Alaska, and we can put up these particulates and we can cool us down.
See, but backwards, all the scientists agree, volcanoes cause heating.
Well, they cause a degree of cooling.
Well, cooling at first, but then heating, but go ahead.
My whole issue is they put out more carbon dioxide than they say heats the Earth.
And I know when Krakatoa went off, it went down a degree, but then they've got these calculations then saying it makes CO2 go up and then later makes it go up.
I'm saying from what they claim, but go ahead.
But what happens with this is that if you start to put these particulates up in these, you know, they're even talking about fields and they're talking about all kinds of different, you know, oh gosh, they must have 40 or 50 different solutions to all of this that they all want to do at the same time.
So you won't even know what the synergistic effects are.
But the problem is that we've got a case of where we're already getting a loss of direct sunlight called global dimming already.
And when we say, well, global dimming is going on, and we're putting up more cloud cover, but still we're warming.
Well, we're warming because this cloud cover, and all of these artificial things that are being done, are heating us up and exacerbating the global warming.
So we have to stop some of these man-made things, and the Earth would come back to more normal, and we could reduce the pollutants by taxing the polluters, like the EPA does now.
Instead of thinking that we're going to have these offsets and polluters can buy offsets in order to pollute more, you see this cap-and-trade and this carbon tax and all these things that they're deciding isn't going to reduce pollution one iota.
Okay, specifically though, specifically, I want to go back.
From your side of the research and talking to scientists,
Haven't they been reporting, though, that the chemtrailing overall causes the radiation to go through the clouds and then bounce back up and keep the heat in?
So that part of the project is heating?
That part of the project is heating.
So what they're already doing is they're heating.
But see, I think that there might be another, you know, this is speculation on my part, and I'll jump here into real speculation, is that I know that in the Arctic and in Alaska,
I know that the oil companies and the military want to get into those areas and open up those areas for exploration and military programs, and see what they're doing is they say, well, if we use water vapor and we heat it up up in Alaska and we get it to melt, then we can go in, like ExxonMobil's doing right now, and we can exploit the natural resources in those frozen areas.
So I'm not quite sure
If we're not doing something deliberate here to warm up certain areas, and then the geoengineers like it because then they can call this a great problem that we're having and we're going to solve global warming.
But I think that they're exacerbating it, and I think that the jets and these big plumes, all of this stuff is heating us up.
Okay, let me throw another question at you, because you're such an expert.
I've got so many, and I apologize, I keep interrupting.
Have you heard about Anne Heche in this big Australian movie about the government with chemtrails spraying viruses on people, and then now it aired on Australian TV, and then they suddenly pulled it off IMDb?
Have you heard of this?
I've heard that it was pulled and not available right now.
But I mean, it was on TV and then suddenly pulled.
How bizarre is that?
Let's play the trailer for that for folks right now watching at PrisonPlanet.tv and listening on the radio.
Here it is.
It's loading slowly here.
Can you guys give me some audio?
Hours ago we learned of a deadly virus that threatens the lives of the citizens of Spokane.
Tess, thanks for getting here so fast.
This is Dr. Martin.
She's a specialist with the Global Health Organization.
We have three new cases, all presenting the same acute flu-like symptoms, but they're not responding to any of the treatments.
She's gonna be dead by the time I get the results back.
You must have some initial thoughts of what it could be.
It could be anything.
From the avian flu to the bubonic plague.
We're not gonna quarantine a whole town until we know what we're dealing with.
Find the source, make the diagnosis, and you'll have your quarantine.
We're counting on you.
The quicker you tell me what you know, the faster I can help all these people.
Professor Dylan Corbin.
I saw him after he came back from a trip and he wasn't well.
I say he's been dead two, three days.
He had a mosquito bite on him.
And he's been to Malaysia.
That's the plague.
Professor Corbin bring back more than just his luggage from Malaysia?
Are you following me?
There's more going on here than you know, Dr. Moran.
They're putting something in the jet fuel.
It's making people sick.
Why would they want to do that?
Keller makes a chemical called E-901.
When we get the E-901 and we compare it with the jet fuel, maybe you can help us figure out what's hurting people.
Whatever he told you is totally alarmist.
The patients are not responding to the antibiotics.
Everyone's immune systems are completely shot.
But the plague doesn't do that.
No, I know, but I think it's why they're not responding to the antibiotics.
So what, do a misdiagnosis?
Have you ever heard of chemtrails?
What if the chemicals are affecting the general population somehow?
They've killed before, and they'll kill again.
This virus could have been spread all over the country by now.
I mean, Rosie's bleeding.
They're all gonna die if I can't find a cure.
I'm gonna die.
Don't give up on me.
Tell us where the vaccine is.
You can go to hell.
You don't have to worry about the vaccine.
You're both gonna die before anyone gets a chance to use it.
And now they've pulled it off IMDB.
They never put a film up and then pull it down.
I mean, folks, here's the deal.
We have confirmed they're building mass graves all over the country.
We have the Rocky Mountain News, where they have built incinerators and mass graves.
The executive order in Colorado.
We have the feds going to the states, confirmed in triplicate with the documents they're building mass graves for the bird flu.
London Telegraph admits they caught the government telling people it was an irregular flu shot and killing them in Europe with a live bird flu.
My God, these people are psychopathic.
And they always love to throw it in our faces in a movie.
Or maybe Anne Heche was trying to warn people, that's why they pulled it.
This is getting a little crazy, isn't it?
Well, we're beginning to be railroaded into scare tactics.
Into taking actions that we wouldn't take under normal circumstances.
We would think about it and we would have public discussions.
And right now, we're more and more being told what they're going to do, but the public is not becoming part of the conversation.
And so it's easier to jack up, in other words, some conspiracy theory, and say, well, the public that objects, they don't understand, they're ignorant, or they don't know what they're talking about.
And that we, the elite, will tell you what we are going to do and how we are going to save you or not.
Isn't that what it's all about, is playing God?
These people, like you said, we're the unwashed masses.
It's playing God.
And I thought that these geoengineers at Stanford University were really playing God.
I really believe that.
Because I was shocked when I was listening to them and I said, well, what about plant life?
What about photosynthesis?
I was talking about, well, what about crop production?
This was so far out of their realm because they didn't want to talk about it.
And they actually brought up in the meeting, the one guy who didn't like my question, he said to the audience, who was mostly professors and, in other words, people that were in that field, and he said, well, how many people believe in chemtrails?
And I just sat there and I looked at him and I thought, and so then he went, he looked kind of funny because there wasn't any great show of hands for this, for this phenomena within this audience because they just sat there and he says, oh well that's some sort of conspiracy theory.
And, but, but, the thing is, they got very angry with me in the break.
Stop there!
I want to hear more about this.
Notice, they're admitting they're going to geo-engineer things, block out the sun.
You say, well, the plants need sun, which is admitted photosynthesis.
No, no, no, no.
That's a conspiracy theory that plants have photosynthesis.
In fact, that plants exist will soon be a conspiracy theory.
They'll all be dead and the media will tell you they never existed.
Mommy, is it true there was once a thing called plants?
No, honey, that's all cotton.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Yeah, there is so much going on, folks.
And regardless, they've denied they're messing with the atmosphere, and now they're just coming right out with it.
The denial needs to stop.
We need to get control of the shadow government, the national security state.
It is just completely out of control, and it's run by eugenicists.
Go to CaliforniaSkyWatch.com.
Again, how do people support you and the wonderful work you're doing, Rosalind Peterson?
Well, I always accept contributions, because it enables me to
Do more research.
It enables me to contact more people.
So anyone can go to my CaliforniaSkyWatch.com and there's contact information.
My email is there, info at CaliforniaSkyWatch.com or people can call me directly at 707-485-7520.
I try to answer all my emails and I try to talk with all the people that contact me.
I'm always looking for research materials as well, where they can give me government documents, or in other words, any type of public document, government study, university study, on these subjects, because the more that we know how to put all the pieces of the puzzle together, the sooner we're going to be able to step up and pin them with the actual facts, so that they can't just come back and do what the Air Force does, write letters for Senator Dianne Feinstein,
I think so.
Know that this is just not true, because things are not like they used to be at all.
Well, that's what I was about to say, is that looking, you know, when you look at the, uh, you know, different terms that you can Google to pull up university studies, it's not chemtrails, it's, uh, what, uh, you know, aerial aerosol spray, you know, different terms you can look at, weather modification, there they are, there they are doing it.
This is bigger than the Manhattan Project.
I mean, this sucker is massive, and they're publicly about to make it bigger.
And I think that they're going to say, well, you know, they're going to railroad us into saying, well, the world is warming and we need to fix it.
But I don't see them doing anything about the jet airplanes leaving these contrails that are exacerbating it.
And they don't talk about the aviation problems that this is causing.
So when we say we want to do something about global warming, then no one is going to, how come no one steps up and says, well, look what we're doing.
Why don't we reduce what we're doing and this would change it almost immediately.
Well, they want total domination.
It's like in 97 when Secretary of Defense said, we can now control the weather.
And he said that in a press briefing.
And so that's on record, the Secretary of Defense William Cohen.
They're playing God and just like they told us, there's no new world order, there's no royal government, there's no Bank of the World, we're not planning a global currency, and then, oh, we're setting up a North American Union and a global government!
We just got the idea today!
Uh, you know, they deny, deny, deny, deny, and then finally go, okay, it's a done deal, we've been doing it forever, and it's just Twilight Zone that it's this bizarre and this crazy.
Well, you're just an amazing individual, and I look forward to it.
You bet.
Oh, thank you.
In the next few weeks, I want to get you up for two hours, take calls, let you put on a full presentation, because it doesn't do justice having you on for 52 minutes here with the breaks.
So again, CaliforniaSkyWatch.com.
Rosalynn Peterson, we salute you.
I want to say bye to you here at the end of the show and talk to you about some issues.
I'm making a film on chemtrails after my next Obama film, so get ready for that, folks, and send us all your footage, materials, whatever you think should be in the film, because it's just amazing, and we've got to expose this now.
It's now.
Now is the time.
Enough people know it's real to educate the rest of the public and have an action plan to turn this around.
Also, don't forget the Obama deception showing this guy works for the same people Bush works for.
Available at InfoWars.com.
Rebroadcast starts now with a ton of important guests and information at InfoWars.com on the audio restreams and on AM and FM stations across the country.
See you back tomorrow, 11, 3 p.m.
God bless.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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