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Filename: 20090320_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 20, 2009
3204 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, a lot of people are waking up to the New World Order right now, but I don't think people are waking up to the full magnitude of it.
And last night and this morning it's just been hitting me like a ton of bricks.
Just how serious a situation we're in.
You know, I don't sit here with pleasure reminding people that over the years I have been ridiculed and laughed at about everything I've talked about, only to have people later admit I was right.
And I'm telling you that they're going to kill the majority of us.
I'm telling you that that comes next in their plan because they say that's what they're going to do.
The United Nations, the Club of Rome, the Pentagon, the eugenicists that run our society.
And I think about the mass scourge of vaccines killing and maiming millions every year.
Millions and millions of children in the West being kidnapped by the government.
The way the establishment has launched all these illegal, criminal, preemptive wars against defenseless third world countries.
All of this is hardcore wickedness and tyranny.
And it's all part
Of the New World Order.
And I was thinking this morning, got up before the crack of dawn, my eyes popped open, instantly awake.
Normally I'm very slug-like when I first wake up, with massive conviction on my heart to warn people.
And that great danger is near, that staged terror attacks and huge new wars are soon to be launched.
I have all the intellectual evidence, all of the analysis, all of the data, but I also have my gut, my snout, my nose, and it's good.
And I don't like what it smells.
And I thought about how I went on air months before 9-11 took place and said they're going to attack the World Trade Center, blame it on their asset Osama Bin Laden.
And how I got attacked for that and demonized for that.
But then it became popularly accepted and understood.
Or how I snuck into Bohemian Grove and for years people said it was fake video and wasn't real.
Now the Bohemian Grove admits I did indeed sneak in and it was real.
Thought about how I've been warning people about martial law and urban warfare and how they would take over this society with a financial collapse for more than a decade, and how I get ridiculed.
And then even when I put out the MIAC report, last night I saw all these mainstream news articles, that we don't even have time to cover here, attacking me.
Saying either it isn't true or well this came from Alex Jones we shouldn't believe it.
While the state police and the governor now has come out in defense of it of Missouri.
You know Rush Limbaugh comes out and talks about it and it's in the Associated Press by the way they've talked to the state police it's real.
Lindbeck does hours and hours every day on radio and TV on it.
But see I'm always the one that gets to be attacked when I break it.
Just like it was out for a few days and didn't get any attention, we pointed out the Iowa National Guard gun confiscation drill.
They themselves were admitting that's what it was.
It was in the newspaper, door-to-door, asking to search houses and looking for gun dealers.
How to lock down the tiny town of Arcadia.
Four hundred and something people.
And I get criticized for that.
I go on air last week, it's in Reuters, a photo.
Army troops on the streets after the mass shooting in Alabama.
I go on air, people say, oh, that's not true.
Now it's in the Houston Chronicle and Associated Press and everywhere else.
And they're admitting it violated federal law.
Posse Comitatus.
But that's okay, because that's what I'm here for.
I'm here to hit the barbed wire first every single time so everybody else can climb up over my back while I'm hanging in the barbed wire and spit on me and give me no credit after they're done climbing over me.
You know what?
I like it.
Because I'm doing this for all the innocent people out there, the New World Order's running over and hurting and killing.
And I don't care about my name or what people say and think about me, but the denial does speak to psychology.
We're talking about martial law in New York when we get back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hello, this is Steve Schenck.
Alex has told you you have to get a supply of food.
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If you think the warnings on the Alex Jones Show are foolish, don't call eFoods Direct.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we've got our once a week financial news update with the master of analysis, Bob Chapman, the international forecaster next hour.
Amy Allen, the hit Ron Paul song that made it high up on the charts.
I didn't know that after she was on the show last year, when she left her apartment, two guys beat her up, her and her friend, with a crowbar and put her in the hospital.
Still got a black eye from it today.
She's going to be in studio with us.
And we got Jim Mars in studio.
So a lot of people in studio today.
Jim Mars needs no introduction.
I look forward to having them all here with us today.
I've got a lot of just really important news.
Just every day we have more news of shocking New World Order import than we would have in six months a year previously.
It's just everything, it's a quickening.
There's a quickening with those of us awakening, there's a quickening of the tyranny, and people that are deciding to be delusional and live in denial, they're intensifying their denial.
I mean, I watched Glenn Beck clips this morning where he had one of the guys from Penn and Teller on
I think it was Teller.
And he said, do you believe there's a new world order?
And he said, no.
I mean, it can be in hundreds of newspapers a week announcing world government with the IMF issuing its own money and trillions and trillions missing every month from the United States.
Everything's collapsing.
And this is the hardcore show where they deny the new world order.
And then people tell me that Beck is exposing everything.
What he's doing is mixing truth with disinformation.
And I'm going to go over it.
I would love to have Beck telling the truth.
Frankly, I haven't really paid much attention to him until lately.
And I think he's going in a better direction.
But, you know, we've really never criticized Lou Dobbs because he's been consistent.
Now, he is in his hardcore as Beck in bringing out some facts, but he's consistently across the board, comes off credible, the information's accurate, and he's done a lot of good opening people's eyes up to the more intense information we bring out.
But with Beck, I know it stinks to high heaven.
And so we'll go over some of that, but he was absolutely right last night.
We're going to play the YouTube clip later.
He was absolutely right when he said that the $165 million bonuses to
AIG is a diversion.
He called it a diversion, a distraction from what's really going on.
Folks, you have $9.7 trillion since October 3rd.
That's true.
October, November, December, January, February, March.
So we're talking less than six months and it's $9.7 trillion and that number's a month old.
Every month it's a couple trillion bucks, basically, or close to two trillion.
That's what we know about.
And then we've got clips of senators and congressmen and women saying, where's the money?
And private Federal Reserve head Bernanke says, we're not going to tell you, and he says it arrogantly.
So, yes, $165 million bonuses, when they've already handed out tens of billions of dollars of bonuses, is a distraction and is a giant, stinking diversion.
Now, I've been saying that
For months.
I say that in the Obama deception that just came out, but we put it in there, you know, we're making that part of the film a month ago, where I explain, Obama says he's fighting bonuses, here's his executive order, and we blow it up for people, where it says all the big firms are exempt on any bailout they took, and that bailout deal is in perpetuity.
So, they can selectively enforce on small banks and insurance companies they want to gobble up.
And then Senator Dodd comes out and says, I'm so angry about this, we need to prosecute these bankers.
It turns out he wrote the bill, and now he's saying Obama told him to do it.
Well, we know that's true, because Geithner's the engineer of all of this, even under Bush.
He wrote it, and Bush followed the orders, because the banking elite owns Bush, owns
And this is such a simple thing to understand, but people can't seem to get it through their heads, because if they admit this to themselves, that it's all a facade, liberal, Democrat, conservative, all this stuff is a facade, then people will have to face just how dire our real straits are.
And so yes, Dodd is right, he was told to do this, because the executive order matches the bill.
They both match each other.
These guys have
Engage in this mass crime, and they believe because they signed an executive order or they pass a bill.
You can't pass a bill saying you can barbecue children.
You can't pass a bill saying that they can put king's crowns on their heads and dance around in pink tutus.
It's unconstitutional.
The big law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, that's the supreme orders.
That's the big ten commandments of our country.
The military is all about chain of command and following orders.
I don't care if your commanders tell you you can confiscate guns.
I don't care if your commanders tell you there's no posse comitatus.
I don't care if your commanders tell you that American citizens can be arrested under the Military Commissions Act and secretly held and secretly tried and secretly executed.
It is against everything this country stands for and the great orders.
From the Founding Fathers, and they pointed out this wasn't orders from them, this was organic, natural, God-given law of the universe and of nature's God.
So, military and police, I don't want to hear it from you, your following orders, Jack.
The big orders are there, and that's what you follow.
And more and more police and military are saying they are going to follow those orders.
And when you do follow those orders, we stand beside you 110%.
When you go against those orders, when you go against what our country is and all the basic freedoms and liberties, then you become enemies of the Republic.
Now, you decide which side you're on.
It's that simple.
It's up to you.
I can sit here and put out the facts all day long and be proven right on everything, except the fact it's usually worse than I say, and you can sit there and play patty cake and deny it all day, but you know these are facts deep in your gut and your heart.
The truth is written on your soul and it's there for you to recognize or to ignore, and you can harden your heart against it if you want.
But whatever you do, make a decision which side you're on.
Don't sit in the middle of the road.
Literally, the Iowa story about the guard.
We are the ones that pushed that big, broke it internationally.
We got attacked by the mainstream media, that's the proof in the pudding.
We broke the MIAC report.
Got attacked, still cites saying it's not real, as AP admits it's real, and as the governor comes out yesterday and says he defends it in Missouri.
Governor Nixon, he should be impeached immediately.
You know, on subject after subject after subject, you know, we started the 9-11 Truth Movement.
I put my name and everything on the line, did it.
And I don't enjoy being the leader of it.
It's dangerous.
It's dangerous doing this.
All I ask is that people out there who know we're on record on the front lines, the shock troops, on every key issue, we're there.
All we need you to do is to realize the power you have to be shock troops as well.
Now the hour is late in all of this.
And here's the type of news I have in front of me.
Mayor in New York considers options martial law over police woes.
And we're going to go over that coming up here in a few minutes.
Missouri Governor stands behind MIAC's smear report.
Nixon defends document that equates Ron Paul supporters and people who displayed bumper stickers as terrorists.
Says feds will continue to issue similar reports.
People are debating whether the feds put it out.
MIAC says it's federal.
A lot of people doubt us.
I mean, you can check us out every time and it's true.
We know how things work.
This is what I do.
Full time!
Is gold really the safest investment?
A bizarre article out of Time Magazine saying it's a collective hallucination that gold has any value.
And they go on to say paper is what really has value.
I mean, we're really entering cuckoo bird land here.
If you think that's sane and that we're insane and that we're having a collective hallucination,
When your investment's gone up from $260 five years ago to close to $1,000 right now.
Gold went up over $70 yesterday.
My God, these people are incredible.
Also, I was reminded that, remember last year, a Libertarian state police, a report saying Libertarians were terrorists came out in Alabama that made the AP.
So see, these are everywhere.
That's just some of what I've got here in front of me.
But I wanted to bring Rob Dewin here.
The city councilman of this New York City would not come on.
I guess because of fears or repercussions or whatever.
But, Jason Burmiss is from right outside this city and he says, oh yeah, it's legendary for police drug dealing and corruption, basically mafia run.
And so we're going to come back and play a little news clip from Capitol News 9.
Mayor considers options martial law over political woes.
Remember two years ago in Milwaukee it came out the city council wanted to declare martial law.
Uh, there's Arkansas and Oklahoma towns that have declared martial law.
We play the CNN clips.
They go, oh, we just search you day and night.
There's checkpoints on every street.
This is the answer to the new America.
See, just like Mexico's putting cribs on the streets, so is the United States.
Because the criminals run the show.
Rob Due, our producer, you talked to the city councilman.
You've got some notes there.
Tell us what's going on in this town.
I called up and talked to Joseph Allen, who's one of the councilmen there.
Give folks the name of the town.
It's Schenectady, New York.
It's kind of up near Albany.
Maybe about 30 minutes outside of Albany.
The capital?
So, uh, he said he actually had not seen the report on martial law, that news report, and I informed him of it, and he said, oh, okay, well, I'll check that out.
He goes, that seems a little extreme, because that, to me, says we're going to bring troops on the street to take care of this problem.
No, that's what the newscast says.
Well, when I was talking to him, he's saying that sort of scenario seems extreme to me, because that would say that we're going to bring troops on the street.
See, that's what Mexico's doing.
The cities are also corrupt.
They're occupying them with troops.
And so he didn't think that martial law was going to happen there, but he said they do have some serious problems with the police that they've had for about 10 years.
And, you know, in the report it says there's five officers.
And I said, well, how many people, you know, are on your police force?
He said 165.
And they've had charges ranging, he just gave me, rattled off a list, ranging from DWI, leaving the scene of an accident, rampant verbal and physical abuse, stealing drugs and money from evidence rooms and using them for prostitution services.
Well, that's par for the course, but go ahead.
The President of the Police Benevolent Association, the PBA, was reported bragging that he made $100,000 in 13 days doing union business.
And when they try to discipline these officers through arbitration, the police always seem to win.
So the answer is bring federal troops in.
We're going to play that news clip when we get back and get more comments from Rob Dewin here, our producer.
And we've got all these guests in the studio today and Bob Chapman joining us.
Wait till we get into the economy news.
They have announced that they're monetizing the debt.
Now that means Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe.
That means hyperinflation with a imploding economy, hyper-stagnation.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Okay, this is out of Schenectady, New York.
And it shows the mindset of city councils.
Who are liaisoning with the military all over the nation.
We're seeing reports every day where they're putting regular army in as liaisons in major police departments and even small towns.
And the military showing up at car wrecks to help.
Oh, you're not against helping at car wrecks.
Again, all to condition the public to accept this.
But here is the report out of Capital Nine News.
This is out of Albany reporting on Schenectady.
And the headline, Mayor considers options martial law over police woes.
Officers getting in trouble all at the same time for all these different reasons.
Five Schenectady police officers recently accused of everything from drunk driving to beating up a man, leading city officials to look at taking drastic action to fix a department tainted by the few who may have acted illegally, like Darren Lawrence and Michael Brown, accused of driving while intoxicated.
Those two officers, we're definitely going to be seeking termination.
And we're not ruling it out with any of the other officers who are out there.
Police Chief Mark Shares told us you basically have to fire yourself.
Essentially a million dollar fine and lost benefits over a lifetime.
Still... We believe that there are five officers now who...
Uh, could face possible, possible termination.
But it's not just the threat of termination.
Mayor Brian Stratton told us he's looking at all options, including disbanding the police department, basically starting over.
That's something that we're certainly, uh, looking into.
I think that the public has had it
Up to here.
Currently officials are reviewing all the legal options planning to present a full report in early April.
Options like a consolidated county-wide police force or bringing in the state police.
The mayor says there is another option and that would be declaring martial law.
The governor would have to declare it and then the National Guard would come in.
The mayor says it's more for a transition to a county police force if that were to happen.
And it could well be that as a stopgap
...measure that you would need, you would need, uh, you would need military forces.
You would need state police, you would need National Guard.
Stratton says the temporary measure would last until the new police force took over.
Schenectady's Corporation Counsel John Van Norden said, quote, if you abolish the police department, you still have a need, not an obligation, but a need to police the community.
You would need something in transition.
Declaring martial law would be one way to bridge the gap.
A contrived scenario, but it's not one that is beyond the realm of possibility if we end up in fact going that particular route.
When I think of martial law, I think of rioting, I think of watch rights and things like that.
I haven't seen anything that would rise to that level again.
I was a little surprised to hear that.
But whether the National Guard needs to be called in or not, we'll take a more in-depth look on Thursday at the county-wide and state police options as officials try to deal with an unprecedented situation
Alright, so what you have going on here is...
The feds and the states looking for any excuse to come in and totally federalize communities.
And if you read the John Warren Defense Authorization Act, PDD 51, the new Pentagon directives they've put out recently, it says that it's aimed at the people, at the legislatures, at the governors.
So they're starting out with a snack first, you know, a city of Schenectady.
And they're starting out with, oh, a mass shooting, or car wrecks, or drunk driving, oh, the Army's here, the Marines are here.
All over the nation they're trying to get rid of sheriff's departments, and they're saying, oh we have a five or six or seven county regional police force now, run by the states, run by the feds and the threat fusion centers.
I mean, there's police corruption everywhere.
The society has become very corrupt.
You don't just find it within the police.
They could very easily, simply fire the police chief.
The city council can do that.
And that just happened in some Texas towns with the police chiefs being caught dealing drugs and their kids dealing drugs and boss hog stuff.
They just fire them.
And they fire most of the officers or all the officers and bring in a new force.
I mean, they can do that overnight.
They don't need martial law.
But see how it's just being introduced all over the news?
Oh, preachers are preparing for martial law.
Oh, there's InfraGard where executives are being given weapons and told shoot to kill when the government tells them.
Rob, this is creepy, isn't it?
It's very creepy.
And there was a lot of interesting talk on that news report.
A lot of propaganda.
How, you know, they just may have to do it.
I mean, I totally agree.
If you're a city council and you have a corrupt police force and you could get rid of them and bring in something else, you know, I think you should do that.
Not martial law, but, you know, have the sheriff deputize a bunch of people.
Well, I'm not defending the police.
And in about 80% of the cases, when I've really studied these, it is the police that are out of control.
But in 20% of the cases, you've got a mafia city council.
And the police aren't going along with it.
Now, from what I've seen with Schenectady, that's not the case.
It's the 80% where it is bad cops.
But again, folks, notice how all we ever hear is martial law now.
It's the answer to everything.
Yeah, it should be the sheriff comes in and takes control.
You know, the sheriff should be the one.
He's the law of the land.
He should deputize.
They've got 160-something officers.
Deputize the good ones.
He should deputize firefighters, whatever.
You know, I'm sorry there won't be as many police for a month or two to help CPS kidnap kids.
Or, you know, as many police to deal drugs, you know, for the city fathers.
Probably what's happening here is they're not paying their cut.
Probably a little mafia thing going on.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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All right, we've got Bob Chapman coming up, Amy Allen, and all the hit Ron Paul songs, and Jim Mars in studio as well.
Amy Allen will be in studio with us.
Huge economic news.
They've announced that they're monetizing the debt.
That is, the Federal Reserve is buying Treasury bills, because the foreigners won't buy the debt at the levels they need.
This means hyperinflation, Weimar Republic, Germany, wheelbarrows of money for food.
I mean, that's what it's always meant.
In Mexico, in Zimbabwe right now, that's coming up next hour.
I mean, I thought that would come in a year or two.
It's coming now.
This is crisis level.
Now, we've been covering Schenectady, New York, saying they're declaring martial law over the entire county.
Bring in federal troops.
And Jason Burmas, who lives down here in Austin now, of Loose Change fame, doing a show 9 to Midnight here, The Info Warrior, he got calls from folks he knows up in New York last night.
He's from the town right next to Schenectady in Albany, and he has something very important to chime in on here.
This is, as I said earlier, a federal plan to set the precedent for the feds to start taking over cities and counties as they collapse, as I told you, just like Mexico, it's been done by design.
Jason, give us an update.
Yeah, I mean, just to think that the mayor would come up with this plan on his own is absolutely ludicrous.
We have five officers.
Schenectady is a relatively big place.
They have at least 100 police officers.
They have 150-something.
Yeah, exactly.
So five guys because they're getting drunk and pulled over and beating people up.
That happens.
Fire them.
You know, to say that's the reason they're doing this is nuts.
But this guy was one of 39 mayors, apparently, that went and met with Obama personally.
Yeah, we googled it.
That's the case.
For how the feds are going to help the local communities.
Well, I think it was under economic stimulus, but obviously.
They're going to build these medical centers, they've announced, in FEMA camps, with the clergy, where the people go, so it'll be advertised, look, they want to go in the camps.
That's what a Judas goat does, is lead the sheep in to be slaughtered.
I called my mother, I called my brother, I called a couple of my friends.
One of my friends, who's a teacher, he saw it on the local news, but they didn't tell him why.
They just said that they were considering it, like it was a good thing.
Like, oh, martial law!
I need everybody I know.
I called a lot of family members.
Everybody in that surrounding area needs to call up the Schenectady Mayor's office and say, we're not going to stand for this, because this is going to affect everybody going into Albany, the capital, and if there's an emergency in the capital,
Oh, we just got the police report.
Let me have it.
Look, look, I've got to go to this next guest.
I want to have you on during Bob Chapman next hour.
You got it.
So hang around, okay?
All right.
Thank you, Jason.
Jason Burmiss, again, from that very area of the town right next to it, where he was born and raised.
Yeah, here it is.
Uh, of Schenectady, met with President Obama at White House Friday morning, and this is the office of the mayor.
So this is a staged federal takeover plan, just one more of many where they're beta testing it.
By the way, I, you know, said this new MIAC report saying gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, Bob Barr supporters, are basically terrorists.
The governor has come out, Nixon, and defends it and says he agrees with it.
Ron Paul and others are saying they're considering legal action.
You heard that here first yesterday from Pastor Chuck Baldwin, who's written a letter with Ron Paul and Bob Barr telling him that they need to retract this.
We just got in the mail, they mailed this to us and many others, the intelligence report put out by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Guess what?
They've got Lou Dobbs in here with a white supremacist and basically say he's a terrorist, too.
So, we were jokingly saying, why isn't Lou Dobbs in here?
And now he is.
Now Lou Dobbs is bad.
Now Lou Dobbs is a little Hitler.
I want to bring up for the balance of this hour, before all these in-studio guests and the financial news, because it's perfect timing with all that's happening, to give us an update on what's happening in the food world, and that's Steve Shank of the J. Michael Stevens Group, efoodsdirect.com.
Sir, what do you think of the last three or four minutes of news I was covering?
Well, I think it's absolutely in accord with what you and I were going to talk about with HR 875 and S-425, where they're moving on food, just as you and I have talked about for the last three years.
Everything is moving at lightning speed, Alex, and it doesn't surprise me.
However, it does offend me.
We've got a situation.
You remember three years ago when we had E. coli in the spinach and we kind of chuckled about it and said, spinach doesn't poop.
The fact is that now we have House Resolution number 875.
Uh, that has been submitted by Rosa Deloro, I believe.
And you said at the time, and it later came out, that someone was defecating on the spinach in hundreds of sites in Mexico and the U.S., and there was other clear salmonella contamination in other foods where there should be no contamination.
You know, it's unnatural, just like foot and mouth in England.
We said it was the government.
BBC admitted it was the government that released it.
They claim it was an accident at hundreds of sites overnight within a two-day period.
So, bottom line, they were staging this to try to bring in total control over farms and ranches and now we have major cities like areas in Oklahoma, Tulsa, others coming out and saying they want to restrict people having gardens.
This is mainstream news.
Now, I do want to point out that
This Rosa is a Democrat from Connecticut.
You'll also notice that Connecticut is the one that's cracking down and taking over the Catholic Church.
You put this whole thing together with what you were announcing just before you brought me up, and now you deal with food, the ultimate control mechanism.
We have a bill in the House and also in the Senate.
That is, is promoting the inability of people to raise gardens on their own, and it's done through restrictions, and of course, as everything else, it's for your own good.
You see, if you use organic fertilizer, which is in fact manure, then that's offensive to Monsanto.
I don't think so.
Virtually to report every morsel that they've got.
They're going to track every single carrot from the farm to the store.
And if something happens in the process that that carrot somehow can be construed to be the cause of any kind of illness, they will track right back through and put the processor out of business and confiscate the farmer's land.
Let me expand on that because this is important.
All the major contamination came from factories and plants or illegal alien operated farms in the southwest, but mainly out of Mexico, just like in 96.
More than 10,000 school children contracted hepatitis from feces sprayed on different berries bought by the school lunch program.
So big agribusiness is causing the crisis, but even
The grid, like animal ID, premises ID, you know, a $20 tag on a $5 chicken.
But then Tyson and others are exempt from that.
They buy group tags.
So they've written it to shut down the small family farms and ranches.
And for those that don't know, Connecticut
And whether you're Catholic or not, I know Steve is and I'm not, the point is, I couldn't believe it when I saw it two weeks ago, the states introduced bills to have the state basically take over the First Amendment and take over the Catholic Church.
What a precedent!
They're going after the biggest church first.
Think about the little ones.
I mean, this is like East Germany or something.
Oh, absolutely.
And you see, what this bill is,
Now, you and I have talked over and over again, Alex, about the fact that food is always the control mechanism.
Right now we have, as we've mentioned before, vast percentages of our population that literally can't afford food, and that inflation is going to continue.
It is continuing at a huge rate.
At the same time, now get this, at the same time, commodities prices
No, farmers can't afford to plant, and aren't many of them planting this year.
That's in all the major farm news, so you're going to have a shortage there.
Well, I'm sure you heard, two days ago, the Federal Reserve has started, we already knew this was going on for months, Bob Chapman's covered it and others, but it was secret, the New York Times said.
Now they admit, they monetized, this week alone, one trillion dollars.
So they took fiat money, the government bought from the government,
Uh, it's own T-bills, but then gives the interest on it to the private Federal Reserve.
So, they get interest and profit off of destroying the economy.
This is a crime of unimaginable proportions, usually in Germany in the 30s, or in Zimbabwe, Africa right now, or in Iceland or other places it's happening, hyperinflation.
Usually what happens there is that the government just buys its own debt and then that just inflates.
No, no, no.
This is the government buying the debt but then giving interest to the private Federal Reserve.
This is so criminal it's hard to even describe and that means inflation is going to explode.
And the interesting thing, Alex, is that you're hearing about all of the financial stuff going on.
But bottom line is, these two bills are in a situation where they are going to actually, they're actually going to be the spear point of this whole takeover, and that is the control of the food.
What's going to happen?
Now they've got mandates within this legal structure to impose million dollar fines for any infraction.
That's right.
Animal ID and premises ID are $2,000 a day fines if a chicken dies and you don't instantly with a computer system you pay for file it with them reporting on yourself.
I mean all we do around here is do bookkeeping.
Imagine all the added stuff.
Now we're talking about million dollar fines.
This this will destroy what's left of family agriculture.
Oh absolutely and it will destroy with the ability to observe the technology that's been developed against marijuana.
They can do flyovers and you cannot have a garden with anything growing in it.
Yeah, let me stop you.
Let me stop you right there.
The phony war on drugs, the phony war on terror.
They're now wheeling the giant apparatus around, hiring all these new land management, DNR groups.
Creating SWAT teams for them, raiding people selling eggs on the street, watermelons, raiding people selling their own cheese with SWAT teams.
That's in the news every week.
Raiding Amish, raiding the local Austin farmer's market with people selling, you know, the cheese the government said they couldn't.
It's all
Happening, and it shows the mindset, and now mayors are announcing again in Tulsa and other places, oh, we're not going to allow you to have home gardens now without an inspection, and oh, there's police corruption, we're going to have troops on the streets in New York.
I mean, it's really happening, Steve.
They really are what I would call Sovietizing America.
Absolutely, and the one thing that you're not hearing about
Except, as you expose it, Alex, is the issue of food.
And that is the most diabolical, and it touches every American immediately.
Now let me explain.
They're going to SWAT team anybody with a garden under this federal law.
Okay, this is, we're not joking, folks.
They're moving.
Go ahead.
Well, one of the things that we've said previously is
You know, buy some seeds and start putting in a garden.
One of the things that we've always talked about, Alex, is that people must get in a supply two, three years, the ones that can still afford it, put that in, two or three years, and then stay out of it.
We used to tell people to absolutely stay out of it, do gardening as best you can, because very simply, as soon as this goes through, unless people get their food supplies in before this legislation goes through and starts to be enforced,
They will not be able to transport it across state lines to get it from sources.
Now, here is the announcement.
I want anybody that's listening, that's listened to Alex and me before, to absolutely take notes.
Alex, we have concluded that we are no longer going to be able to function with a single distribution point here in Utah.
As this is moving so fast, we've decided to announce
Those folks who are interested in working with us and helping us can get up on the website.
We are going to open up a distributor program.
We're going to have points of influence and the ability to have available food all over the country.
Anybody that can work with us.
There are still some families out there that are financially stable enough to be able to help in the movement to save the other members of society.
That at least have the common sense to realize that we're still Americans.
So, anybody that would like to, please get up on efoodsdirect.com.
There's a little button there that explains the distributor program.
For those who can't work with the internet very readily, call 800-409-5633.
And 800-409-5633.
We will not be returning phone calls on the distributor program until the first of this next week.
The weekend is just too hard to work with.
But what we're doing is we're decentralizing the distribution.
I don't know how long we will be able to continue to distribute food, Alex.
With these regulations coming in and the restrictions,
I'm concerned that this could shut down very quickly.
He's been on the show for more than a decade.
He owns a stand-alone hardware store here in town, M Gun Shop.
He is going to be a distributor.
I know he told me about that a few weeks ago, but I've just been quiet about it until you made the announcement today.
And that's the kind of folks we need to then be distributors in areas all over this country.
But if folks want to still call you, Steve, they can still get the three-day responder, a six-month supply, a month supply, a year supply.
They can still call now and do that, right?
Absolutely, and we're moving just as fast as we can to get into what we're going to call prepared groceries.
We'll come up on your show here a little bit later in a week or two and announce that.
But very simply, any of the folks out there that have been contemplating getting food, even if they don't get it from eFoods Direct, for crying out loud before this thing goes through, you've got to get your supplies in.
And I don't know, we'll be giving you further announcements.
Alex will keep you up to date, absolutely, on what you're going to have to do with those foods once you get them, when all the restrictions start.
There will be some issues, but right now, you better get whatever food that you need, even if you can't stand Alex or me.
I can understand where you could, you know, not stand me, but Alex, for Pete's sake, you gotta love him.
No, Steve, they love us.
Listen, let me just say this, let me just say this.
I have a three-year supply for my whole family.
Family of mine that doesn't have enough money because it's so affordable, I have bought them your supply of food from you.
I have been so busy, we all get so busy, I've been intending to call and even get another year's supply for some more of my family because, you know, that's my responsibility.
You know, you're worried about food supplies and these laws and
I think it'll take them a while to get it in place.
They're certainly trying.
They're having all their minion mayors announce, hey, we're not going to let you have gardens.
Did you see the video of them bulldozing in L.A., the big community garden, saying people can't do it anymore?
Folks, I just played you a newscast where this Obama mayor is going to have martial law in the county.
Folks, I know it's insane.
My big issue is, if they bring us into depression, which it appears they're doing, they've monetized the debt, meaning hyperinflation.
It's guaranteed now.
The dollar plunged yesterday.
Gold went up by $70 an ounce.
That's what I'm worried about is a depression.
Because that's when you have hyperinflation.
The food's going to cost so much more.
So this is a very smart move.
I believe in it.
And I believe, again, you're insane if you don't go to efoodsdirect.com and order storable food for yourself or become a distributor now.
Stay with us, Steve Schenker.
We're good to go.
There are 16 large hermetically sealed non-hybrid open pollinated packets of seeds along with detailed planting instructions sealed in a can for ultimate long-term protection.
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It's that simple.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible that could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
They call it a survival seed bank.
And it can produce an endless supply of nutrient-dense food for you and your family.
And here's the best part.
These seeds have not been genetically modified in any way.
And you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis,
That's 877-327-0365.
Non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for SurvivalSeedBank.com.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You know, we've had it so good in this country so long that people, even though all this tyranny is being admitted even in the mainstream news, they have trouble believing it.
The establishment may not be successful in completely bringing us into a depression in martial law.
They're doing a pretty good job of it right now.
They have to create this worldwide crisis to bring in their world government that will be run by private banks that you'll pay your carbon taxes to.
I mean, that's in dozens of mainstream articles every day.
Reuters, you name it.
It's all happening, and I believe in, you know,
Guns, food, gold, being self-sufficient, and all I can tell you is, folks, that we appreciate Steve Schenck coming on the show and all the great things he does.
So I hope people will visit E, the letter E, foodsdirect.com, big banners up on infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Steve, we've got about four minutes left.
Any other key information?
Well, the main thing that people have to realize is all of the rules have changed, Alex.
You and I both talked, and we just heard a couple of ads for seeds on the break here, and my greatest blessing to the American people would be that we would have enough time for them to at least grow a garden this season and be able to get by with it.
The fact is that no matter what we do,
The only choice that I see for my family, for your family, for any of these families, is to have enough stored food in immediately.
I mean, my gosh, the handwriting is on the wall and it's coming out and it's basically being written on our foreheads backwards when we shave.
We've got to get food in and it has to be storable so that we can survive this thing.
And then you don't have to worry about it.
I mean, people get life insurance when they're 30 years old and they probably won't be dead for 40 years because there's a small chance it might happen.
There's a good chance this is going to be a catastrophic implosion.
We pray for the best and pray for good things to happen, but we prepare for the worst and we hope for the best.
Do whatever we can here, but I do know you guys have the best food, the best quality, you know, recently, you know, prepared and made, not ancient stuff people are selling from a decade ago, and I just hope that people will give you a call, and I know there's a lot of folks that are in a position to be distributors.
It's a great idea.
It's also a good business decision for folks, so I hope they'll give you a call.
Give out the number again, Steve Shing.
It's 800-409-5633.
That's 800-409-5633.
And call and we'll get information out to you.
And get up on the website and get your education as to what we're doing.
And come and help.
We can't do it by ourselves, Alex.
efoodsdirect.com is the website.
Give them the number again.
Steve, you run a big plant there putting high quality food together.
In closing, what's your supply chain like right now?
We had a heck of a time with, would you believe, potatoes because of a couple of subsidized humanitarian operations where they're shipping our food over to Africa.
Uh, we've got that back.
Now it's carrots, but we'll handle that.
But I'm telling you what, more and more, the basic items that people are going to need in these supplies are disappearing, and there will come a time very shortly when we'll have to eliminate some things and just substitute, just to make the units put together.
Well, you're the best, and I just put people, you know, towards you.
I hope that they will look your direction for their storable food needs, because I'm telling you folks, this is the company.
This is the best price.
This is the highest quality.
This is the trusted name, and food is so important.
So, please, check them out at efoodsdirect.com.
Steve Schenck, thanks for spending time with us.
Take care, Alex.
I appreciate you.
Have a great weekend, my friend.
Okay, we're going to come back.
We're going to get Bob Chapman up on the air with us.
We're going to get into monetizing the debt.
We're going to cover the fact of what does it mean when the Federal Reserve starts buying U.S.
Treasury notes.
Well, it means curtains is what it means.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent, and food and water is the key.
You'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread.
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I think so.
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Again, 800-409-5633 or on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Take action today.
The first step is getting storable food.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to be getting into the economy coming up in the next segment.
We knew this was going on four or five months ago.
There were little blurbs about it in the New York Times and places about the Federal Reserve, quote, issuing its own secret form of currency.
The World Bank, the IMF have announced that last week they're issuing a secret super currency.
It's already going on.
It's all backed up with taxpayer money.
Or at least they claim it is, and so that will do a couple things.
It will deflate the value of the currency, thus causing hyperinflation, while the real economy contracts.
That is the unknown perfect storm in modern history of
Hyper stag inflation, a term I coined that many economists we've had on say they believe is an excellent term for it.
Only way to describe it, they came out a few days ago, the Feds did admitted record increases in the consumer price index, and that's even with their clucked numbers, and some of the numbers were the worst in 20 years, the worst in 7 years, and that was just in a one month change.
So that is coming up.
We'll be getting into that in great detail.
I mean, the announcement.
I just have air raid sirens going on in the background.
That they are monetizing the debt is staggering.
So that's coming up in the next segment with Bob Chapman.
All over the country, Obama has, and of course Bush started all of this, but flawlessly, seamlessly, they're continuing it.
Like relay runners passing a baton.
that they are going to have martial law in the states and cities in the tent cities and fema camps and forced uh... service
They have a law that's now passed the House, but separately the Army issued a directive a few weeks ago for a million-person civilian army that will be under a draft.
It says compulsory, it doesn't say draft, it says compulsory service.
18 to 24, and that you will be directed inside the United States or anywhere else on the planet, including war zones.
These poor little Obamanoids, and everybody else I guess for that matter, will be directed.
They also have a Senior Corps, a Green Corps, where they will decide what you're going to be and do, and then you will serve them.
It has passed the House, and still the public is in denial about that.
The mayor of Chenacotee, New York, considers options martial law over police woes.
It's a good-sized city, they have a hundred and... number here, a hundred and sixty-five soldiers, police, excuse me, Freudian slip there.
Now they want to replace them with federal troops.
The National Guard has been federalized.
And here's the press release from the mayor's office, office of the mayor, city of Chenacotee, New York.
It says for immediate release
meets with President Obama at White House and uh... so this is one of the mayors that uh... thirty uh... forty mayors excuse me from across the country who met with President Obama and Vice President Biden at the White House on Friday morning to discuss the recently passed federal stimulus bill and how they're going to implement it so so it all has innocuous names like oh we're going to have a federal emergency medical centers inside old army bases and there will also be a stockade but don't worry local
Pastors and community corporate leaders will be there helping run the camp, and that dovetails with the clergy response teams, the InfraGard, the executive little spy forces, and infrastructure protection.
So, this is definitely a staged event.
Oh, we have five officers that are beating people up and drunk driving, and so we have to declare martial law.
And they cut to the police chief going, yes, martial law is what we need.
We can't fire them.
What does that mean?
Of course they can fire them.
So, the answer to everything.
Stub your toe?
Martial law.
Car wrecks?
Martial law.
Martial law.
People growing their own gardens?
And you know they have city council people in the news?
In fact, reprint me those.
There was a couple cities doing it.
Tulsa, Oklahoma, and others with headlines.
We can't allow gardens.
We've got to have inspections.
We just can't let citizens grow things.
They might grow pot.
Guilty until proven innocent.
I mean, they could have gardens in the Soviet Union, except under Stalin.
And that's how 20 million people died in just a two-year period in the Ukraine.
So, whether they can get away with this or not still remains to be seen, but they're certainly trying it right now.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It happens throughout history, 99% of the time governments become tyrannies.
Free systems that have any modicum of justice
are extremely rare and on every front we have been looted by offshore private corporations it's very simple the new world order is offshore corporations buying off county city federal governments and then
Having those governments go into debt to the bankers for the fiat currency the bankers create out of nothing.
But the bankers are greedy.
They don't want to just blow out third world countries completely or use the United States and Europe to fund their operations, Japan as well.
They now, as they said they would do in 2002 when their documents got leaked, the BBC covered it, implode the entire world and then have everybody in debt to a new global currency and you will have your credits on your ID card.
And you will still have dollars, you will still have loonies, you will still have pounds, you will still have pesos, you will still have yons and yen, but it will be globally set every day to the value they want.
Interest rates will be set and you will pay hundreds, hundreds of new taxes to them.
It's all been announced.
Now, ten years ago I'd read out of government documents this on air and tell you where to get them.
People would roll their eyes and drive down the highway and say it wasn't true.
You'd lazily say I was making it up.
Many people would.
Um, that's why we knew all of this.
We've done nothing special, except listen to the globalists, what they said they'd do.
We're now here.
Now they're announcing it and putting their spin on it.
So it's... People say, well, why would you say mainstream media lies but then come out and use mainstream media?
No, they would deny this existed while they were setting it up.
Now that they're going ahead with it and launching it, they're announcing it but putting a spin on it.
Oh, isn't it good they want to restrict home gardens because you might grow pot?
Oh, isn't it good they're going to protect the food supply by basically shutting down the farms and ranches with total regulation and control that just can't be followed or you'll go bankrupt?
Oh, isn't it great they're getting ready to attack Iran?
Oh, isn't it wonderful?
We need martial law in the city.
The police are corrupt.
We need troops.
Isn't it wonderful?
Oh, they're building camps for the tent city people and you can't be in the park anymore in a tent.
We're going to make you go to the camp.
There's movies every night and they'll show it on the news.
Oh, look, you get free medical care in the camp.
They had to implode things to then play the part of the Savior.
Drum roll, because I don't want to just cover this with Bob Chapman and not have it really sink into people.
Because this is the final balloon going up, okay?
Bob Chapman said months ago here, other economists we've had on said months ago, the New York Times said it's believed the Federal Reserve is issuing some type of secret currency.
Then the London Telegraph and AP reported in the last five days in scores, I mean I've got a stack of them,
Let me just read one of the headlines.
IMF poised to print billions of dollars in global quantitative easing.
The International Monetary Fund is poised to embark on what analysts have described as a global quantitative easing by printing billions of dollars worth of a global super currency, an unprecedented new effort to address the economic crisis.
Then a day later, this was Monday, they came out and said, oh actually they've already been issuing it.
So, understand.
This isn't just like Zimbabwe right now, or Iceland, or the famous Weimar Republic, literally with wheelbarrows of marks, you know, million-dollar marks, their dollar, to buy a loaf of bread.
And you'd go into a restaurant to eat dinner, and you would pay for the meal first, because it would change on a chalkboard on the wall in the two hours you were there eating.
It might triple in price in an hour and a half, two hours.
That is on record.
In those cases, the government just issued currency and it destroyed the value and savings.
This is worse.
The Federal Reserve is buying U.S.
Treasury securities itself because the world is backing away from them, knowing they're worthless.
It's happening now.
And then the Federal Reserve, in some manipulation, its private shareholders are going to get some interest on this.
So, with taxpayer-backed fiat money, they are then buying treasury notes, and then they get a profit out of it.
I mean, this is something at an even worse level.
And so I wanted to bring Bob Chapman on, perfect timing today, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
It's part of it.
It's the stream, so to speak.
Special drawing rights have been around for a long time.
The last time I saw them being used was in the late 60s.
And of course, in 1968, the central banks took a whack at gold, and that didn't last very long.
And then about 10 years later, they did the same thing by selling more gold.
And gold went down a little bit, and then went crazy.
So every time they sell gold, the gold goes ballistic afterwards.
But this is a trillion dollar buy, according to the Associated Press.
A trillion!
Well, special drawing rights are not used as money in the system on the street.
They are bank to bank.
And all it is, is a replication of what other central banks are doing.
They're just adding to the flow.
And they're counting these as assets.
They are lent the SDRs to the banking system, let's say it's the European Central Bank, and let's say they give them 5 trillion SDRs, and then they can replace on their balance sheet other currency that they have with these.
That their balance sheet will look like it's more solvent than it is.
And so that's why they're announcing, internationally they're doing it, and then domestically they're doing it.
This is hyperinflationary, is it not?
Yes it is.
And the second part of what you discussed earlier, that is what the Federal Reserve has admitted.
And you, you know on this program, four months ago I said
That the Treasury, I believe, was secretly selling bonds to the Federal Reserve, and they in turn were giving the money, which they make up out of thin air, to the Treasury Department, which goes out and spends it immediately, monetizes it, and then they take the bonds that they have and they lend them out, or
They sell bonds slowly into the market in order to liquefy themselves, so that the Treasury doesn't have to do that.
The Treasury does large tranches at each time.
You know, $30 billion here, $35 billion there, $62 billion there, and $30, and $10, and five-year bonds and notes.
In fact, they started a seven-year bond that they haven't used for 15 or 20 years.
And so, this is what they've been doing secretly.
So the $300 billion, part of that $1.2 trillion yesterday, that $300 billion, I believe, has already been spent.
Or at least a good part of it.
And Bernanke is going to be back for more.
And I figure they will lead at least an absolute minimum of $5 trillion
To continue to fund the Treasury is going to have a heck of a time trying to sell bonds.
Yeah, they're having to sell it to themselves.
Yeah, they're trying to sell it to themselves.
Let's get into that and the backing away.
Alex, the last point here.
This is immediately hyperinflationary.
And that's why gold went from $8.82 to $9.60 in two days.
In fact, gold is almost relatively unchanged today, which is very good.
Gold is going considerably higher.
Gold and silver are the ones who are going to profit by this.
This is the only place to go with your investment money is in gold and silver.
And I can't stress that enough.
There are no more alternatives.
We're going to get into gold a little bit later.
Mainline economists are saying this is going to cause worldwide hyperinflation.
All major governments are hyperinflating.
And, you know, Obama's announcing a trillion here, a trillion there every week.
Basically bigger than the entire GDP of the country now.
It's clear they've made the decision to hyperinflate.
What's the time frame on that and what's it going to look like on the street in 12 months?
Well, first of all, it'll start hitting next month, April, May.
And it's already begun.
It began in November.
But it takes a little while for it to get into the system.
Real CTI, real inflation, is somewhere between 9 and 10 percent.
It's starting to move up.
And you can't look at the government figures, they don't mean anything.
And so this year, we'll probably get back to real inflation of something on the order of 15 percent, maybe higher.
And then the following year, you're looking at 30 percent or more.
And so that's the way I see it evolving.
And they are going to, as you just said, continue to throw money at everything.
And that means that all the currencies in the world, not just the dollar, are going to be doing the same thing.
They all have zero interest rates or close to it.
They are all creating money and credit.
I just looked at the figures yesterday, and they're in tomorrow's international forecaster.
The British government, the Bank of England, the month before last, had increased money and credit 17.2%.
Last month, it was 18.8%.
This is a major country now.
But at the same time, the depressionary spiral on Main Street, the stagnation of real estate, commercial real estate, credit card debt, corporate debt, is coming due at record levels.
And then here's the big key, and I want to come back and get your take on this.
The banks are restricting lending even more and strengthening the rules on lending for houses and on businesses at the time that they're being engorged with fiat currency.
That's correct, and that's to fatten their balance sheets and keep the anointed, luminous banks in business.
So everything's being thrown into the black hole of the New World Order bankers.
They just, the entire economy, the real economy, is being fed into their black hole mouth.
That's right.
And they're just hiring more police and military, youth brigades.
It's just, they're going to turn them all loose on us.
Stay there.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
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Bob Chapman, this trillion, two hundred billion dollar fiat infusion that they expect taxpayers to pay for, it's clear that the rats are leaving the sinking ship just taking whatever goodies they can with them.
Do you revise your forecast to an earlier total implosion of society?
I mean, it does seem they're accelerating things.
What are we on track for?
Well, I think the acceleration you're seeing is more in the area of domestic control, let's call it that.
You know, the items that you brought up concerning the government being called in and martial law and this sort of thing.
That is going on and it's starting to build.
You might have an incident maybe sometime this year or next year
It'll get that really going.
But as far as the money's concerned, they can feed paper into this system for at least another couple of years before it comes unglued.
And you're looking at $600 trillion to $1.25 quadrillion worth of derivatives.
And as we found out with Bear Stearns and Lehman when they went under,
These people were writing credit default swaps, which are insurance policies you can buy if you own bonds in a corporation and you're afraid the corporation could go under, like General Motors is an example.
And they were running naked.
That means they had no collateral at all behind the contract that they were selling to provide insurance.
And it's one of the reasons that they took them down in AIG
Was doing the same thing, and probably three or four times as much as what Bayer and Lehman did.
And so, you've got that overhanging.
And what they expect to do is to continue to feed monies in.
Now, how they're going to try to feed the housing market is they're going to buy CDOs, collateralized debt obligations, that are held by people like Citigroup.
And the question is, what are they going to pay for them?
And recently they've done some deals and they've been paying 80 cents on the dollar.
Well Merrill Lynch had to sell some about four or five months ago and they got 22 cents on the dollar.
So what they're doing here is really buying toxic waste.
In behalf of the American taxpayer who's going to pay for it.
But it's in the hundreds of trillions, there's no way to do that.
All they're doing is using the crisis to consolidate power.
You know, the public's outraged by the distraction of $165 million in AIG bonuses, whereas it's an outrage that it came out Obama engineered it all while speaking out against it publicly.
That gives him a black eye in his administration, but the bankers just continue on as their puppet Geithner gets all the heat.
Imagine if the public understood that $9.7 trillion has disappeared into a black hole and that the Federal Reserve won't tell Congress where all this money is going.
The police, the military, everybody's starting to finally get it that crooks run things.
I don't think the Ivory Tower boys are going to get away with pulling off martial law, even if they stage some terror attacks or buy a weapons release so they can pose as our saviors.
I see them overreaching here, but through the overreaching, it's still going to be a complete disaster.
Well, I think the idea in that respect is to get the word out to the people.
We don't want any bubba shooting at anybody.
So, all you Americans
Don't shoot at anybody.
Don't get sucked into their trap.
It's not time.
A time will come when you have to act.
But don't act in some silly incident.
You know, keep your heads.
Don't give them an excuse to put you in a camp or put martial law in your town.
That sort of thing.
But as far as the money goes, they're going to keep on pumping this thing.
And it won't fall of its own volition.
They will make it fall when they're ready.
And when it falls and collapses, the only thing that will be worth anything is gold and silver besides the food and filters and weapons that you put away.
And they expect at that time, because they'll have lots of money, they will go and buy everything they can get their hands on.
5, 10, 15 cents on the dollar.
And at the same time, they'll have a war going on.
And you just talked about a Selective Service Draft.
And they want to get anybody between 18 and 24 off the streets.
Because if you remember, these are the people who fight wars.
Not the sergeants and the generals who are in the background.
For those who don't know, the House has now passed it, and it nexuses in with the
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
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We need your help, ladies and gentlemen.
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
You can get a free copy of The International Forecaster and valuable information at theinternationalforecaster.com.
And later, as I know Bob never has it in front of him, he's never thinking about it, we'll get out the toll-free number if folks want to call and get a free copy of the hard copy of it, of The International Forecaster.
Bob Chapman, I know there's a lot of other issues going on.
I wanted to just, not just mention this on air, I wanted to be specific
About the youth brigades.
This is the House Passes Mandatory National Service Bill, PrisonPlanet.com.
We link directly to Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act.
And it says in the bill, it says mandatory service requirement for all able young people will be developed.
And it says that they're setting it up through the public private schools.
This is also total federal takeover of all the schools, not just a youth corps.
It's got a
I don't know.
Love him or hate him, Chavez has set this up in Venezuela, Cuba does it.
I mean, this is classical, as bad as it gets, the most stinking tyranny, and I wanted to nexus that in with a story from Infowars.net.
Steve Watson, January 30th of this year, two months ago, Defense Department announced a civilian expeditionary force, and we've got a link to the bill there, excuse me, not bill, it nexuses with the bill, to the Defense Department Directive 14-0-4-10.
Defense Department Directive 14-0-4-10,
Management retains the authority to direct and assign civilian employees, either voluntary or involuntary, or on an unexpected basis to accomplish DOD missions, domestically or internationally.
And it says that you will be forced to deploy.
So, there you have it, exactly what they said they were going to do decades ago.
It's now happening.
Bob Chapman, I mean, you were in military intelligence, you fought in the Cold War, you were over in Berlin, you know, before you got into private business and publishing things like None Dare Call a Conspiracy.
I mean, if people don't recognize this as the most virulent, certified tyranny, can you explain to people historically what this means?
I mean, they're still calling it a rumor and the bill has passed the House on its way for sure passage, they're saying, in the Senate.
It's the beginning of tyranny, as people have read about it, that occurred in all the places you've mentioned just now.
And, uh, the plans are being put in place.
How long will it take?
I think maybe, um, I think a year from this summer.
And I'll tell you why.
Unemployment will be about 22% this year and by the end of the year.
And I don't think that's enough to get people cranked up fully.
And so I think going into the following year, sometime during 2010, the riots and demonstrations are going to be happening in America in a big way.
I may be off my timing, but things always take a little bit longer than you think they're going to.
But their whole movement, their whole plan is moving forward.
And timeline, I expect real, real trouble next year.
Can you imagine?
They're saying a million goons in one of these six corps alone, a million power-tripping 20-year-olds with guns.
I mean, they're saying they're going to arm them, running around bossing everybody, taking over the cities and counties.
I mean, this is hellish!
Well, if they do things that they're not supposed to do, they're going to get killed.
It's pretty simple.
There's 40 million ex-servicemen out there, and ladies.
And they all know how to shoot straight.
And these young people are no match for them.
It's as simple as that.
And they're gonna get wiped out.
I mean, even if they threw the military and law enforcement in, they might be able to garner 3 or 4 million people.
Against 40 million?
Many who have served in combat?
No, I don't think so.
And the way that ammunition is leaving the shelves in the stores,
They're obviously bloated from beer.
Well, that's my next question for you.
Folks, I would love nothing more than to believe Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are good guys, but these are the people that said no new world order exists, Ron Paul supporters are terrorists.
He was following last year, only about 13 months ago, show after show, the
federally issued, you know, MIAC-type reports, and I said he's following a federal demonization script.
I mean, this is what I do.
This is all I do, folks.
I know what it is.
I know what it is when I see it.
If I see a coral snake on my back porch or a water moccasin, I know what it is, too.
I see a snapping turtle, you know, in a pond I'm about to jump into.
I don't jump on top of the snapping turtle.
I know what this is, okay?
And now he comes up, I'm your friend, I'm fighting the New World Order, but I'm not sure if it exists or if forced
Service exists and you know, I think we do need these my reports, but it's kind of mean to to say that gun owners are bad, too But you can trust me.
But by the way, al-qaeda is about to get us but the mere fact that
Limbaugh covered the MIAC report.
They're all covering... A week after I cover it, they cover it here.
And I've talked to folks in these organizations.
They admit they're watching everything we do here.
And they're trying to pose as if they are the voice of the people to get the population's trust so that a key time like Benedict Arnold, they can stick a knife between our ribs.
Well, that's absolutely correct.
But doesn't that signify that we are winning the hearts and minds in a big way?
That the guns are being sold out, the ammo's being sold out, that liberty issues are now the hottest thing and growing exponentially?
And we gotta keep right on doing it.
And it's not only for Americans.
These broadcasts go all over the world.
And we gotta let everybody else know out there that the people who are running your governments are cooperating, for the most part, with the people who are running ours and the governments in Europe, etc.
And, when the time comes, you gotta remove them.
Well, it's clear the criminals running the planet are going for broke.
I mean, they've committed so many crimes, and there's so much dirt on them, that they've gotta bring in a total tyranny, or they're going to jail!
At best.
Most of them are old enough, once they get in, they'll never get out.
Well, another thing's happening, Bob.
Even upper echelon technocrats and functionaries of the elite are speaking out genuinely against what's happening.
There's even large sectors of the nouveau riche and the upper crust of the nouveau riche that are realizing now, oh, that they're not going to be protected either.
That this tyranny, you know, might have been fun a few years ago, but this is for real.
This isn't a game.
Would you like to speak to them?
All I can say to you is you have been useful in the climb to the top, so to speak, by those who are controlling things.
And don't think you'll be protected.
They will eject you, reject you, out of hand.
It's just like someone who comes from the other side, spies for you, and when they go to attack, they put you in the front.
Same thing.
All you're doing is going to end up absorbing economic bullets, so to speak.
And that means that they'll be pointing the figure at you, upper middle class.
Let you take the lump, so to speak.
But that only happened for so long.
And once the system breaks down,
We're going to get to the people who are doing this, and they've been doing it for centuries, and we know who all of them are.
Well, that's a good point.
And they're not going to get away.
I mean, you know, half the population of the world could die in what we're facing right now.
That's a distinct possibility.
And they're not going to get away.
That's what's amazing about it, but you hit on a key point there, that
The elite always eat their own, and that a lot of people that have been serving this system knowingly are in for a very, very rude awakening.
Bob Chapman, what are a few other brief solutions politically?
I mean, folks should be spreading the word right now about the New World Order.
Obviously, people's minds are open to it now.
What are some of the other things folks should be doing right now to try to lessen this calamity that we're already entering?
Well, I don't think there's much we can do about bringing it to a halt.
And we can do the things you've talked about.
Also, telling everybody about the Federal Reserve, what it does, and what a bunch of bad guys they are.
Everybody knows that even though they voted for these people, the people in Congress are all paid off except for perhaps 15% and 10 of that 15%
I have private lives that compromise them.
And you're not going to get anything done anymore through the system.
We have two-tier courts.
And, you know, you have guys like Madoff who spend several months in their home, their luxurious home, while they're waiting for charges.
No one has told us yet where all the money went.
Nobody has told us yet
Uh, who was involved?
There had to be hundreds of people involved in this thing.
And I've been in finance for 50 years.
I know what it takes to do things.
And so this evolutionary process is going to go on and on.
And all of a sudden the plug will be pulled.
And I think that's two to three years away, but they got to get a wider war going.
And I noticed that they're sending additional troops.
Into Afghanistan.
It was 40,000 the number I saw.
Yeah, first it was going to be 18, then 30, now 40.
Now Obama's saying he may put 80,000 U.S.
troops with other NATO and U.N.
troops, this was the AP headline yesterday, for a total of 400,000 troops in Afghanistan by next year.
Well that means they're going to go invade Pakistan and they'll probably balkanize it based upon tribes.
And they'll probably go into Bangladesh and maybe even India.
This is, you know, you go back to the writings in the early 80s, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and it's all laid out.
I mean, that's how I found out about it.
No, that's the thing.
These people all write books bragging what they're going to do 20 years before.
He just wrote one last year bragging about all this.
We read it to people on air and they still don't believe it, Bob.
I, you know, I broke the Mayak Report.
We pushed the story big on the gun confiscation drills in Iowa.
I still have people claiming all that's a lie, while AP and Reuters cover it, giving us no credit for what we broke, and I don't even care about that.
The issue is, I am just sick of people living in denial.
Again, half the population is illiterate.
And it's their own fault.
And they're not stupid.
They just don't care.
They just don't care.
I agree with you.
It's like they've had their soul sucked out.
Most people are like in a daze.
It's like they're half asleep and they're so self-centered they won't even protect themselves.
They're just like, I'm too lazy.
No, no, there's no corruption.
I don't have to do anything.
And it's because they have no respect for themselves.
You know, I was thinking about this this morning.
It hit me like a ton of bricks.
I'm not some tough guy, folks.
But I was driving into work.
I was listening to BBC on XM and they were talking to people from mass shootings about how the shooters are coming down the hall killing everybody and the teacher tells them lie down and they just wait while the guy comes up and shoot them and every time I mention this people email me going, oh you think you're a tough guy.
No folks, my survival instinct hasn't been gelded and I can say for a certainty
Somebody pulls a gun on me I'm gonna go for it because that happened to me in Dallas twice growing up and once with a knife and then people think oh you're just acting tough no I mean if somebody's coming down the hall shooting people I'm gonna crouch by the door he may shoot me but I'm gonna go after him he's not gonna go in the room and kill 20 people
Methodically in the class because I don't have courage, Bob.
I am an animal.
I am vicious.
You know, at a sick level, I'd love somebody to try that.
I want to literally rip their head off their shoulders.
And I don't understand how the time somebody tried to mug me in Dallas, I feigned like, oh my God, I'm scared and started getting down on my knees and grabbed the gun out and literally stomped that guy's head into putty.
And then people think I'm making that up, like I made up going to Bohemian Grove, or I made up breaking the Mayak Report, or I made up founding 9-11 Truth, or I made up making the Obama deception.
I'm about action.
And the people are so cowardly, Bob, they think I'm making it up that I've taken guns away from people.
I don't understand why people are so wimpy!
I don't think of myself as a tough guy, Bob!
Somebody comes after me, I can't control myself!
What is wrong with these people?!
I don't know.
We've discussed some of it, I just don't know.
They just continue to do this, and the thing that will change it is an empty belly.
That's what will make these people act.
Sounds like a big protest or something's going on there in your undisclosed third-world country.
That's right.
That's the way they advertise.
Anyways, I was just listening to this guy going, and I got down on my belly and I let him shoot me four times and everybody was dialing 9-1-1.
I mean, dial 9-1-1 and die.
These people raise their daughters, their sons to be cowards, and then they send them off into the world not being armed, and then the public's trained to dial 9-1-1 and get on their knees.
That's why we've got problems.
We've been domesticated, we've been castrated.
Folks, get past your fear and start really living!
I mean, I can't imagine somebody, like people in the concentration camps running into those gullies to be shot.
They know they're about to die and they're not attacking the people.
You're about to die!
Bite the guy's ear off!
Do something!
Get your spirit to fight back!
Stay there, Bob Chapman.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good.
Is it getting better?
Amy Allen's gonna be in studio with us for about 52 minutes and Jim Mars is scheduled to be arriving.
Bob Chapman's our guest right now.
I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up because I saw a
Time Magazine article, I have it here in my stack, saying that we're delusional and insane if we want to own gold and that paper is the way to go.
You can't make this up.
It says, uh, gold has value only because we believe it has value.
It is a collective hallucination.
That's a quote from Is Gold
Reality, the safest investment.
Is gold really the safest investment?
Bob, regardless, it is a real industrial metal.
So is silver.
It's outperformed everything.
It's the only thing performing well right now.
The only thing performing well.
And the establishment is attacking it with everything they've got and can't hold it down.
You're absolutely correct.
It just shows you how terrified they are.
And, you know, they're in the market every day trying to suppress that silver and keep the stock market up.
And again, with the stock market, they got their hands full today.
The market's off 100 points right now, and rightly so, with all of the craziness that's going on with these Illuminists trying to save themselves.
And, you know, gold had two giant days of about $60 the upside, and today it was off $2.80 or something like that, which is minuscule.
And we'll probably have a soft day on Monday, but next week it's going higher.
Well, let me bring this up.
It doesn't matter because Ted Anderson bought gold at $8.90 and is passing on the $70 plus dollar savings on the francs and on the sovereigns and other coins.
Let's bring Ted Anderson in right now.
How good of a deal is that, Bob Chapman, that he bought into gold when it was down at $8.90 and now at $9.70 he's selling it at the same price when it was low?
Well, it's certainly good for the buyers, there's no question about that, that's obvious.
But I gotta say this, and not many people do this, Ted, it was a stroke of genius.
Well, that's what he always does.
Ted Anderson.
Yeah, I'm right here, Alex.
I don't know about the stroke of genius, because I think any dummy could figure out that if gold drops right now with what's going on in Washington, D.C., that it's a good time to buy.
And that's all I do, I just wait for the dips and I buy as much as I can.
Because you know it's going to happen.
There's going to be profit taking and it's going to go up and then it backs off.
But the trend is up.
I mean, come on.
I mean, the Federal Reserve System just stepped in.
And they're dropping a trillion dollars on the U.S.
Treasury market.
What do you think that's going to do?
The government is buying its own debt right now.
Weimar Republic type behavior.
Bob still thinks it's a year or two until total insanity and implosion.
What do you say, Ted?
Well, you know, it takes a little bit of time for the credit to flow into the prices.
And yeah, indeed, we're going to have inflation within the next year or two.
I don't know.
The Federal Reserve is out of every other option.
All they can do is monetize the debt by buying U.S.
government treasury bonds.
Anytime you see that, run for the hills.
We're in a position where the United States dollar is doomed because they have way too many problems and they're trying to solve those problems.
By financing it through the Federal Reserve System.
Chad, you're going to do this deal, you said, through the weekend, no matter what gold does.
Again, gold at the $8.90 price is what the price has factored in.
Now at $9.60.
Tell folks the offers you've got quickly.
Yeah, same thing I had yesterday and the day before.
Gold's up a lot.
I mean, I have those francs right now currently at $2.18.
I have the British Sovereigns at $2.72.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
We are going to initiate the simulcast with PrisonPlanet.TV.
In T-minus 7 minutes 30 seconds we come into the next segment.
For PrisonPlanet.TV viewers, I wanted to finish up with Bob Chapman and Ted Anderson.
Unprecedented to have a trillion, two hundred million dollars of private Federal Reserve, but using U.S.
taxpayer-backed, I guess, fiat to go in and buy Treasury notes.
That means, well, we've already heard from China and Europe and others, and Russia, Venezuela, they're all backing away from the dollar, backing away from U.S.
I mean, this could get out of hand any time.
I hope Bob's right.
We've got a few years to get ready for this, because the elite's doing it one way or the other.
Ted, I mean, when you found out about 48 hours ago that they'd done this, you told me you got pretty upset.
Because, I mean, this is a big financial move here.
This signifies they are planning total hyperinflation.
That's exactly what they're planning, Alex.
When the United States, when the Federal Reserve System, which isn't government, goes in and buys U.S.
They're buying those treasuries from absolutely nothing.
There's no value of what they're buying at, what they are taking and printing new money and injecting it into the system and driving down the value of what we already have.
Injecting it into themselves?
They're hoarding it.
They're actually clamping down on credit.
Injecting it into the U.S.
government treasury and the U.S.
treasuries, of course, they're making promises to everybody in the world.
I mean, not only just people of the United States.
I mean, it's just the absolute craziness that
You're right.
That you would never expect from the United States government that is exactly what's happening right now.
Go ahead.
I was just about to say, Bob said one thing earlier that was probably the most, the key factor to this whole thing.
We need to continue to expose the Federal Reserve System.
This cannot be... Yeah, they need to be going to jail instead of posing as our saviors, going to the next level, the Ponzi scheme, a world banking system.
That's my final question, briefly, for you, Bob Chapman.
I mean, you know, they engineered the economic collapse, they bad-mouthed the stock market to drive it down for consolidation.
Now they're terrorizing the public, saying, accept the new bank of the world or its curtains.
But the plan for the Bank of the World is to implode things.
Yes, when they're ready.
And obviously they're not there yet.
And you're saying that they have the whole world in flames at the same time.
And then they think they'll be able to get away with it.
But, you know, we know what they're going to do.
And we're just going to stop them.
Yeah, I mean, they've certainly miscalculated the amount of resistance in the alternative media now spilling into the mainstream media.
I think we've got a good shot at bringing these people to justice, but we better not hope, we better take action.
Bob, fire out that toll-free number for folks that want to get a free complimentary copy of the newsletter.
That number is toll-free 877
And in closing... Copy of the International Forecaster, either by email or by hard copy.
Yeah, and that's at TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Ted, in closing there, again, you've got a lot of other coins you can't mention in the time we have, but Sovereigns, Anne Franks, that price you mentioned, an insane price.
Give folks the number again.
Yeah, it's 1-800-686-2237.
Again, it's 1-800-686-2237.
And we do, we have eagles, we have some proof eagles, we have a lot of different things that we've been able to buy here when the market's backed off.
But you just have to call and tell us that you've heard it on the Alex Jones Show.
So we can, you know, because I've got things set aside for this that are priced way back when gold was
You know, at $900, $870 right in there.
You do raise your prices when it goes up, but just for this show, and for the network, you give folks this great deal, $800, $686, $2237, and the broker's going to be there throughout the weekend, okay?
That's right.
Yeah, they'll be here all weekend long, and I want to know how I can get Amy into my studio here.
Alright, Ted Anderson.
Yeah, Amy Allen coming up next.
She was so sweet up here in Minneapolis.
She's such a great person.
Tell her hi from me.
Well, she's right out there listening to you right now in the control room.
Alright, thank you, Bob Chapman.
We'll see you next week, Lord Wellen.
Take care.
We'll be back with Amy Allen in studio.
I'm Alex Jones.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
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We're good to go.
We haven't followed the Constitution and that's what we ought to be doing.
The system that we have today is ripping off the middle class and the poor.
Can you imagine how great a nation we'd have if we didn't have the Federal Reserve System printing all this money?
Alright folks, you can go online and just Google Amy Allen, see all her great music videos and other materials.
You know, it's very, very exciting.
People say, oh, well, Ron Paul didn't win the presidency, but now you're seeing the huge delayed reaction of that movement spilling out into thousands of other areas of society, and the federal government through the states is having to put out things like the MIAC report saying, if you have a Ron Paul sticker, basically, you're a terrorist.
If you're a libertarian, you're a terrorist.
No, they're scared of our bumper stickers.
They're scared of our ideas.
They're trying to claim we're a bunch of cop killers when there's no evidence of that, because we're the real American people
Uh, who want liberty, who want freedom, understand that we have a new world order taking over our nation and they're very afraid of popular culture, uh, further popularizing the message of liberty and Amy Allen's gone a long way towards doing that and she's here in Austin, Texas for South by Southwest.
We'll tell you about some of the shows that are coming up with her, but it's great to have you here in Austin, Texas with us.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for having me.
I'm excited about the movement that you're talking about, still continuing.
In Los Angeles, there was actually Fullerton, there was a tea party, and 15,000 people came out to protest the tax increases, and a lot of those people, 15,000 people, shut down the streets a couple weeks ago.
Had Campaign for Liberty, Ron Paul should have been President signs.
I mean, Campaign for Liberty had a, um, passing all kinds of material and it's still, we haven't given up the fight, it's still going.
And folks from the campaign like Oath Keepers have spun off and are getting tens of thousands of police and military to go public and say, I'm not going to violate my oath, I'm not going to confiscate guns, I'm not going to put people in FEMA camps, I'm not going to go along with the
I think so.
In a few nights ago on the Info Warrior Show that he does from 9 to midnight out of the same studio and I didn't know about this, that right after you were on my show, it looks like, this has happened to me, but they've been punching me and telling me shut up, you know, don't talk about, but beating you with a crowbar and then not stealing anything.
It was very bizarre.
It was very bizarre.
It was three people, I mean there's three of us, and they pushed one of, they pushed my friend out of the way to target me and there was two guys
Beating my head and face and that's it.
Just my mouth broke my jaw and beat me with a crowbar.
Well I can't see any of it, you still look extremely lovely.
Thank you.
Just the same as you did before.
But yeah, it was last summer.
But they, thank you.
They dumped out all of our purses.
I was with two waitresses so they had tons of cash.
I had tons of cash.
They dumped out our purses telling them to take our money.
And they kicked it.
They kicked the money and left and walked away.
What do they look like?
It's important how they were dressed and what they look like.
Um, they were, you know, I think, I think they were, I don't know, they were, um, you know, Mexican gang members, probably most likely.
So it was either the government or somebody hired them or it was a gang initiation.
But it was bizarre that I was the only one that they hit.
They didn't touch... Well in LA, it's on record in congressional testimony, the big gangs work for the CIA.
Well, the police told me they're probably illegal aliens so we're not even going to pursue it.
You know, they're probably not on record anywhere.
Yeah, that's how it is.
They're just invincible.
Fake IDs, just do whatever they want.
So, they were beating you with a crowbar?
I almost died.
I have some memory loss, but
Well, you need to start carrying a heater.
Right, I do.
I do.
No, I mean, it's our Second Amendment right, and so that's what we do.
And it's important to do.
Yeah, I need to.
I have a taser right now.
Yeah, it's illegal in most states and it's really powerful.
That's good.
By the way, the people always try to, when I say that, they go, well you're a hypocrite, you're against tasers.
No, I'm against police using them when somebody just argues with them.
Or, don't tase me bro, I'm not against guns or tasers themselves, I'm against their misuse.
My taser's more powerful than police tasers.
So it's a very, very powerful taser.
I know they've recently come out with an even more high-powered taser from Taser International.
It's amazing.
Yeah, I've got a great one.
How many volts or watts is it?
I forget.
But I know that it's illegal in most states, which means it's pretty powerful.
I'm very excited about that.
Although, I think it's legal in Texas.
Yeah, well, you almost died, so... You know, we need to get past our fear of guns, but properly learn how to use them.
I mean, that's so important to do so we can protect ourselves.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, you know, we've gone from a culture that understood the Second Amendment to a culture that
is afraid of it and and that's the biggest fight trying to create the illusion uh... that you know it's a bad thing we have to take the moral high ground back
So they were targeting you specifically?
Targeting me specifically, and who knows why, maybe it just decided I was their target, or it just was, it was weird because it was a couple days after I spoke about the CIA on the show.
That's right, the CIA went in, because you know, you've had music on the charts, you've had stuff on MTV, correct?
And they're really scared of that, you know, kind of anthem that could really damage them, and so tell folks the CIA story, the first CIA story.
Well the first CIA story is that it was right after 9-11 and they called my label and said to remove any reference to starting a revolution on my website.
So that's the first CIA story.
The second CIA story is I have befriended a CIA agent who has high security clearance and he told me specifically that they're not allowed to visit Infowars.com, Prison Planet.
Uh, because they could get fired.
And so any information... So they don't even trust him with their own minds?
They could get fired for even looking at it.
Because it's the truth.
Uh, now you met this guy on an airplane, you've, you know, gotten to know him, and uh... So any information... What's he say about 9-11 truth?
Um, he said that he hasn't told his wife or his friends or anyone about what he knows about it and what he thinks about it out of fear for his job.
Well, we've had Bill Christensen, who was a CIA section chief over Berlin, one of the most important ones, saying total inside job.
We've had the victim's family groups on the largest groups.
Mr. Doyle
Again, it's so compartmentalized even within their own structure.
And they're not allowed to talk about it.
They're not allowed to talk about it.
So it is a good sign that, secretly at least, that they're on our side.
Well, some of them are.
Some of them are just psychopathic criminals or they're foreign contractors.
Some of them.
And the CIA is just kind of a catch-all for the 30-plus intelligence agencies, the 15 big ones.
And then they've got so many private contractors out doing stuff.
You know, they find people in special forces that are psychos, like to kill.
They give them all these missions, killing whole villages and stuff, then they just bring them back home.
Yeah, right.
So you'd never talked about that until you came on the show here, about the CIA contacting your label.
For those that don't know, I don't know about your particular case, I believe it, it was in mainstream news that White House and CIA contact Hollywood.
No anti-government messages.
Get behind the, you know, the country.
We've been attacked.
And so we know they do that, and now they're going to spend 40-something billion a year, the Pentagon alone, on its image?
And so you see all these rock bands, you know, Kid Rock's not being attacked, or Three Doors Down's not being attacked with their, get the kids in the military to go die, line of propaganda.
It's only you getting attacked.
Well, I'm not going to stop talking about it, so... How did you wake up to the New World Order?
Well, I was born and raised in Montana, and so it's a little bit like Texas.
Since I was a kid, you know, my family talked about wanting to secede from the Union.
So I was sort of raised with that.
My mom talked about the New World Order.
Al-Qaeda raised.
She told me, you know, as a small child, that there was going to be a one world currency one day and that we need to prepare.
So I've sort of always kind of known
Well now nobody's laughing at mama, it's all over the news, but they're saying it's a good idea.
Yeah, exactly.
We gotta buy gold.
Well, that's what we're trying to get folks to do.
The Obama Deception's out.
Yep, it's beautiful.
I want to give you a copy.
Thank you so much.
There you go, there's the DVD.
Hey, thank you.
Let's come back in to whatever you want to discuss, South by Southwest, the Liberty Movement, it's, you know, a lot bigger than Alex Jones or Ron Paul or anybody else, it's about the people, and a bunch of key news.
We'll get Amy Allen's take on all of that, and a lot more, straight ahead after this break.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Amy Allen's new album is coming out here pretty soon.
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Tell us about this new one.
It's organic, no synthetic sounds, all Hammond B3 organs, acoustic bass, acoustic guitar.
It's kind of like an acoustic reggae album for the most part, but there's no profanity in it, and it's, you know, my... I'm very proud of it.
Very proud of it.
Well, I love all the music you've made.
How many albums have you done?
Three albums.
Scott and Amy, my album on Elektra Records, and this on Sidetrack Records, coming out June 9th.
Is this political like the others?
No, there's not a lot of political messages in it.
But it is for the, it's for people who, you know, need to calm down.
Yeah, it's relaxing.
That's good.
Because I needed a healing record after my assault.
It's relaxing.
I needed to record something that wasn't loud, distorted, synthetic, overproduced.
I just needed to do a very simple, simple record.
Are any of these up on the web yet?
We can play them.
I don't think we're fancy enough to have a CD player in the studio.
Okay, good.
So we are going to have some of that coming up.
That's good.
We're coming out of the break with one then.
So you grew up in the West, a family that was aware of the globalist agenda.
I mean, did you believe your family when they were warning you, when your mother was warning you about all the stuff that was coming?
Not so much in the beginning, but she was stockpiling food, making our own bread.
You know, she's making her own food.
She was, I mean, she was absolutely, she just kind of banged it in my head my whole life.
Well, that's a good instinct, because they had their whole mechanism in place to bring in martial law then.
But we knew that back when I started 14 years ago, that they weren't going to launch it right at that point, because they hadn't propagandized enough yet, and that they had to announce it first, that that would herald their move.
Now they're announcing it.
Does that concern you?
It's absolutely amazing.
It's happened.
In such a short period of time.
That's what's astounding.
It's happening very rapidly at this point.
The New World Order foretold for so long, because the old timers actually had the government documents, now is upon us.
You know, I talk a lot about a quickening or an awakening happening that's much bigger than what we saw last year with Ron Paul being the focal point.
Are you seeing that same awakening out there?
Yeah, it's really refreshing.
And to see it on AOL, I mean the cover of AOL, to talk about the Build-A-Bear group, at 70%, I read the poll and it said 70%, 26,000 people took the poll and 70% had never heard of the Build-A-Bear group.
So that's very...
Very encouraging.
And the majority were asked if they liked it and they said they thought it was a bad thing.
So I guess they need to be arrested as terrorists because the federally written reports distributed by the states
They're out running around saying if you put a Ron Paul bumper sticker on or believe in a Bilderberg Group or New World Order, you're a dangerous person.
Yeah, I don't know.
I mean, we're all terrorists.
It's Nazi Germany, just with different clothes.
Well, expanding on that, when this broke last week, when we broke it, I had remembered a Texas
I've been so busy.
I know we posted it on Infowars.com.
I hadn't even Google searched it.
I just said, hey, Alabama, Texas, it's come out.
I finally did print some of those last night.
And then Jim Mars, who's in here in about 30 minutes, opened the door during the break and he goes, well, you were there.
He goes, look, Alex, don't forget the Texas one.
It says the same thing the Missouri one says.
And I'm like, oh, there it is.
We're going to scan that back in and show that coming up.
So there was Jim, you know, with another one.
These are everywhere.
And it says the same thing this one says.
These are nice people that work at soup kitchens and say they're involved in government and that they want less government, but they're secretly cell group terrorists.
This one says it and the Texas one says it from four years ago.
And the Christians.
I mean, if you're a Christian and you believe in, you know, freedom, you're a terrorist.
Yeah, but if you're one of these Obama-worshipping or Bush-worshipping ones, then it's good.
It's terrifying.
What are you most concerned about these days?
You know, the House just passed the forced national compulsory service that's going to the Senate, and it says you'll have to serve in the military, domestically or foreign.
How does that sound?
I don't know.
You know, it's crazy.
It's crazy.
But I'm a little concerned about our tax dollars going to bail out foreign banks.
That's kind of upsetting me lately.
Yeah, I know.
uh... the iraqi military in two thousand three and and the tanks are lit there's explosions going off two miles behind him there's jets flying by a bombing and he's going the americans are two hundred miles away we have defeated them we have routed them and and so that's what the establishment does is they're like everything's fine everyone loves government everyone's happy with what's happening and if you believe the government might be corrupt you are secretly a terrorist that wants to kill men women and children we're going to take some calls for amy allen right now
Opening the phones up.
We'll take your calls.
On the other side for our guest, Amy Allen in studio here in Austin, Texas for South by Southwest 2009.
Jim Mars coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I hit rock bottom, slapped and shot them Got them black and blue He came back swinging, didn't know I was dealing with the devil in the things I do But not today, not today I'm gonna get a better life for me I'm singing not today, not today
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
That's a little bit of a change in weather.
Save Me, On Vacation, Crazy, Calling the Maker.
So this is really a spiritual album too, isn't it?
Yeah, it's a spiritual album.
I talk about God a lot on the album.
Sounds great.
I talk a lot about social commentary.
And I think it's beautiful.
Hopefully it'll make people happy.
My plan is to do a tea party tour with the album.
It's a lot of reggae.
And they're having Tea Party rallies all over the country, left, right, coming together saying, no more taxation without representation.
If it isn't taxation without representation, where the Federal Reserve is giving total power to just print trillions of dollars and give it to themselves while cutting off credit to the people, if that isn't it, I don't know what is.
But finish your point about reggae.
Well, you know, Bob Marley, you know, his reggae music revolutionized the political system in Jamaica and I feel that reggae, I don't need to be screaming through rock songs to get a message across.
I feel that reggae has a way of making people happy and brings people together in a loving way and I would love to have a tea party tour where we hit every city and we give freedom
Liberty-loving individuals a place to come and find other people like-minded people so that's the goal.
Well you're doing a super good job evidenced by being physically attacked.
I think that thing stinks to high heaven.
How long did that knock you out of commission when they almost killed you?
A long very long time.
A couple months.
And I barely... It was funny because the Campaign for Liberty sent out a press release that I was performing at the Rally for the Republic, and at that point I couldn't open my mouth at all.
And they sent out the press release and I thought, oh no.
And then they called me the next day and said, we're so sorry that we sent that press release.
Will you do it?
Will you perform?
And I barely opened my mouth.
I was like, okay, I'll do it, you know.
Because they broke in your jaw.
They broke in your jaw.
With just having enough faith knowing, you know what, I'm just going to say that I'll do it.
And hopefully by the time it rolls around, I'll be able to open my mouth.
And literally a few days, a week before the rally for the republic, I actually could open my mouth enough to sing.
So it was really amazing.
Just in the nick of time.
Well, the Lord works in mysterious ways.
I want to go to some phone calls.
Now, before we do that, any other points you want to add about the album or South by Southwest or what you're doing?
Well, it's my first time at South by Southwest, and I love it.
I wouldn't mind moving here.
And especially if Texas secedes from the Union, I'll be the first in line.
And with our new president, Chuck Norris.
I'm down.
I'm into it.
I love Austin, and I love South by Southwest.
Love it.
The vice president will be Jim Mars.
Let's do it.
Oh my god.
I really hope.
You know, some say it's just a dream, but I truly hope it happens.
What do you think?
Do you think it's even...
You know, anything can happen in history.
I would rather take our entire country back and not allow them to balkanize us because that's actually in their cards.
But if the new order just continues to totally destroy the Republic, we'll have to take the states back piece by piece and then decide if we want to reconvene the Union.
And that's the power of the states under the 9th and 10th Amendment and the Declaration of Independence Constitution.
We don't have a choice, and we have to believe that things like that can happen, and that we have power and can affect change, because history shows that.
That's why the establishment is so scared of us.
You keep pushing.
Let's go to calls here.
Let's talk to Billy in New Jersey.
You're on the air with Amy Allen.
Hello, Amy.
I'm a huge fan of your work, and it's such an honor to speak with you.
Well, thank you.
I'm a songwriter myself, and I have a couple questions, but I want to ask you,
How you broke into the industry and how it is expressing yourself.
Like, do you find that the music industry is as confined and that the government tries to control it as much as they try to control the movie industry?
You know, right now I've decided to take the independent route.
So I have an independent record label, Side Track Records, and we're going through ADA, which is Warner, but with major distribution, but they have no
Uh, creative control whatsoever on what I do.
And I feel like that is the route that, uh, real artists need to look into, is to not sign to a major label, but to have an independent label, uh, and have their own control over their own destinies.
Because if you sign to a major, they will tell you what you can sing, what you cannot sing.
Oh yeah, I've been approached by Universal and people with my films.
And, uh, I said no.
Because, I mean, take Jesse Ventura.
They gave him a $3 million a year contract for three years.
And, uh, with MSNBC.
$9 million.
And then he wasn't thinking.
As soon as he went in, they said, basically, you're not going to cover anything you want.
No anti-war.
They had hired him right at the start of the war just to muzzle him.
So he left with the money and went and surfed.
And then now he's back because he can speak.
The contract said he couldn't.
He couldn't do any media interviews.
Couldn't write books.
Selling his soul.
Yeah, and literally, but he got his soul back and went public here on the air with 9-11 Truth.
That's great.
Millie, anything else?
Yeah, just one last question, and I want to plug a charity, but what advice do you have for me?
Like, you broke into the mainstream, so people knew your name.
So, I mean, you could sell, like, the alternative music.
See, like, I haven't broken in yet.
So what advice would you have for me to try to break it into the mainstream and then go independent?
Or try to go independent and then just promote myself as much as possible.
What would you say?
Well if you go into a major, what they do is they hold you up for many, many, many, many years like they did with me.
They don't let you record with anyone else.
They don't let you release your music.
You're not free to do that.
So it takes years and years and years to get out of the slavery.
Yeah, put your music out for free on the internet, and if it's good, you will have success.
So many people want, I'm not saying you're saying this, but they want instant success.
I mean, I worked for free in radio the first few years, then I got $200 a week, then I got $400 a week, and then I started, you know, my own films and things.
But the first few years, I literally, you know, had to go have other jobs.
Uh, you know, working at an auto parts store or whatever, and then I hire these college kids and people, you know, young adults, and they should be full-grown adults at twenty-something, but they have this sense of entitlement, you know, and this sense, and ma'am, I appreciate your call, that everything should just happen instantly overnight.
No, you have to believe in yourself and continue to persevere, and you've got to have talent.
Hello Amy.
What type of songs do you mostly sing about?
Um, mostly, uh, well, I've spent a lot of years screaming about, um, political, um, you know, our rights, basically.
Um, but, uh, this particular record is, especially after my assault, is more of an introspective, spiritual journey.
Reggae makes me happy and it's just about, it's a spiritual journey.
Did you hear the clip earlier about the private fellow reserve, the CIA, the new world order, I mean that's the kind of stuff she's, and millions and millions of views and I've been very very successful.
Go ahead.
Do you sing anything about pro-guns Amy?
Anything about the gun culture, anything like that?
Um, I do have a song.
Yeah, I do have a song on the record, actually, about about that.
But yeah, I don't like, you know, have a whole song about it.
But, you know, all of my work is part of me in it.
So, yes, I believe in the gun culture is a big issue.
Amy, we're right now in the small town of Versailles, Missouri.
That's where Dave and Joyce Raleigh have their power hour show.
Friend of mine told me last night he called me and said the teachers in Versailles School
Or teaching the kids that guns are bad and making them write essays on it in their classwork now and then they're telling it's bad for kids to hunt and mom and dad to go out and hunt.
No, no, the public schools, when you put your children in school, you lose them.
And most of the major private schools follow the same curricula.
They teach you, your parents are bad, I mean I have Time Magazine for kids, saying your parents are stupid and backwards, you're going to take a chip, you're cool.
I mean, that's almost a quote.
That's paraphrasing.
And it's there to brainwash.
College is the same thing.
It doesn't matter what class it is, you are paying to be lied to and be brainwashed by a bunch of government-funded parasites, on average.
And you can't homeschool them, no.
Oh yeah, now all over they're trying to claim it's illegal, ordering people to put their kids in public schools.
I mean, it's all happening.
Stan, that's outrageous.
Get me some documentation on it.
I know it's going on, but even there in small town Missouri.
Thank you.
Anthony in New York, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Anthony.
Yeah, I was just wondering, what are Amy's favorite bands right now?
And she was talking about how her mom sort of woke her up or talked to her about the New World Order when she was younger.
I was just wondering how her mother woke up and how she sort of took the red pill.
I'll take my answer off there.
Thanks, guys.
I don't know how my mom did, actually.
I have to ask her that.
I don't know.
She's just always been that way, but I'll find that out.
Was that the question?
He was just asking what bands I listen to.
Actually, music, since it's my job and it's what I do, I do it all day, every day.
When I have a free moment, I listen to Alex or I listen to George and Ori on Coast to Coast AM.
I read a lot, so I'm not... You read?
I'm surprised reading isn't in this document.
It says community service means you're a terrorist.
It's not for Obama.
You read?
Folks, we got one that can read.
Are you violent?
Total terrorist.
Whoa, hold on a minute.
I got something for you to read right here.
You know, you get arrested sometimes having one of these.
You know what this is?
A pocket constitution?
That's right.
It's what they call it.
This is paraphernalia.
We had a private detective on a few days ago where they pulled him over and he had one of these and they just said, buddy, you're going to jail.
And they were like, having this doesn't go good for you, boy.
He even knows how to read it!
My friend actually, amazing you brought that up, my friend, my co-producer on this album, got pulled over by the police and he had a Bible on his front seat.
In Indiana, he had a Bible and the guy said, what are you doing with that?
And he said, it's a Bible, my mom gave it to me.
And he goes,
Yeah, anyone having a Bible in their car, there's probably a gun.
Do you have any guns on you?
And he goes, what?
No, I don't have any guns on me.
And he's like, yeah, well, you just don't seem like you can be trusted.
And started giving him a hard time.
He was just absolutely shocked.
Where did this happen?
In Indiana.
Okay, well, you see, this is what happens.
I get on air and people say I exaggerate.
It's the opposite.
We broke the MIAC report last week.
It's all over CNN, Fox, Rush Limbaugh, of course, none of them getting his credit, AP, everywhere.
And then just sitting here, I start remembering, wait a minute, remember in San Francisco the Feds put out a report?
It broke in San Francisco, it was nationwide, four years ago.
And it said if they have a road atlas, which my car has, as if you're going to have a road atlas on the road, you know, that they sell in gas stations and truck stops, that that's a sign you're a terrorist.
Cell phones, blue jeans, I've got the Texas report coming in here that's even worse than the MIAC report.
And see, I'm on air not even trying to
Demonize them.
It's many times worse than I can even cover, because we've got all these reports, and I've seen reports where it says, if they have a Bible.
And then there was another report in the Associated Press about it, right after 9-11, it was like, a woman with a baby carriage.
Maybe Al-Qaeda.
No, I'm not kidding.
And they're going to have neighborhood watch groups.
Folks, so how did this end with the evil Bible?
Um, the evil Bible, he let him go, but he harassed him for a long time, made him get out of the car.
Um, uh, he said he wanted to search the vehicle.
My friend said, you don't have a right to.
And it just went back and forth and really, really harassed him.
And he said, well, I'm going to call the department and tell them that he harassed me because I had a Bible.
And I said, well, you really should.
And he was shocked.
And I said, well, here's a couple of websites so that you're not shocked by this.
You can kind of understand what's going on.
I've turned him on to your show and he's pretty stoked.
Well, we'd like him to call in sometime if he can get in or email robd at infowars.com.
We'd like to hear more of those stories from people, especially the documented ones.
I mean, ladies in Las Vegas get pulled over by the cops.
They shoot video of it.
It's like, why?
There's a Ron Ball sticker here, ma'am.
Why do you have this?
I mean, because they believe they found Al-Qaeda.
They really believe this.
Folks, police, that's why the elite are criminal.
We're the good guys exposing the criminals and they think you're stupid and they tell you we're cop killers.
That's what the whole first page says of the report.
I don't know when it's going to end.
I feel like this is just the beginning.
I don't know how far it's going to go.
Their own version of the star, David, and start shipping us off to camps, I guess.
Yeah, well, you know, that's what we gotta do for America to keep us safe.
Uh, Anthony in New York, uh, you're on the air, Anthony.
I can't keep track of these callers anymore.
Oh, we just went to Anthony.
Pat in New York, go ahead.
There's two New York calls.
Hey, Pat.
I just want to say thank you to you and Amy for doing a good job.
Patriots, thank you.
Well, she can read, though.
That's a sign of Al Qaeda, so.
Very suspicious.
Yeah, she looks as good as she sounds, too.
Well, I just wanted to move on and I wanted to try to... So put the camera on her instead of me!
Thank you.
Hold on.
Yeah, over there.
Go ahead.
I wanted to let you know about Local Law A for Albany County.
They're trying to sneak this through.
It says, The Regulating the Purchase of Ammunition.
And what it is, when you start reading this, it's on AlbanyCounty.com.
Right on their website, you go to Local Law Legislature.
And here, I'm just going to read Section 5 real quick.
A record shall be kept by the dealer of each sale of ammunition, which shall show the type, caliber, and quantity of ammunition sold.
The name and address of the person receiving the same, the caliber, make, model, manufacturer's name and serial number of the firearm for which the purchaser
is purchasing ammunition.
Oh my God!
I'm going to hold you over.
Red alert!
Call Paul Watson.
Red alert!
Call Curt Nemo.
I want to talk to them during the break.
This is why we're always ahead of everybody else.
Because our listeners give us all the tips.
We're going to go look at this.
And you watch.
It's going to be real.
Because the feds everywhere are pushing.
And you hear about stimulus package.
They tell the counties and cities.
We're going to give you this money.
But we want you to build a FEMA center.
We want you to move the army in with your police.
This is now happening.
Mainstream news.
And we want you to start with regulations
Not a law, just having the local county order the gun dealers and Walmart and whatever to write down who got ammo for a gun registration deal.
This is off the charts.
AlbanyCounty.com, is this in New York?
I'll give you the exact page on the information.
Hold on, Bermas, you already know about this?
What's that?
Bermas says he already knows.
It's right.
Oh my God, Schenectady, they announced, the mayor announced they're gonna have martial law and the feds come in and it turns out he's one of these special mayors of Obama.
We confirmed that with his own documents.
Did you hear the newscast earlier about martial law?
They said, oh, we got a few corrupt cops, we're gonna bring troops in.
Hold on, my God, they're implementing martial law.
Okay, okay.
Okay, I gotta... Guys, Google this right now.
Oh my God.
Where is it on there?
There's a Schenectady mayor considers options martial law over police woes.
That's Capital News 9 out of Albany.
Sir, where on the site is this new thing?
You go AlbanyCounty.com slash department.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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We're good to go!
I think so.
Okay, I got Paul Watson right now in line.
This is going to go mega huge and alert gun owners to all the gun grabbing.
We've documented a nexus point in this area of New York.
I know they're doing beta tests to have counties and cities restrict ammo and guns.
Uh, if the caller is what he's saying true, the AlbanyCounty.com is basically crashed right now.
We can't get on it.
So, listener, if you have that page loaded, screenshot it and email it to RobD, the letter D at InfoWars.com.
Now, give us the coordinates for this, and this ties into Albany, New York, surrounding county, saying we want to have a federal martial law there.
I mean, this is insane.
We just showed the mainstream news story on that, and we played a clip of it in the first hour.
So, going back to Pat in New York, slowly, AlbanyCounty.com, you go there, what is the headline on the bill or law or whatever this is?
Tell us specifics.
Alright, this is called Local Law No.
A. For the county, and it says, that's exactly what the top says, it says, Local Law of the County of Albany, New York, Regulating the Purchase of Ammunition in the County of Albany.
Introduced 3-9-0-9.
I went up there on 3-9-0-9.
I said it was unconstitutional and everything, but I guess they got moved.
They're trying to push it through.
They're trying to push it through Law Committee Monday.
This is a county law, though, not a state.
Yeah, but they're going to start.
It's a precedent.
They're going to start in Albany County.
I understand.
Let me stop you, because that's the county where the Capitol resides.
I'm just picking your brain here quick on air.
Okay, slowly, because I got Paul Watson listening right now.
They're moving nationwide, Paul, as you know.
He's our quick writer.
To restrict ammo, and that's what the big gun sites have said, that's the new move.
This thing, demonizing gun owners, says they've got to stamp all the bullets or you're a cop killer.
That's in here on page 3.
Right there see stamping the bullet with your basically your ID on it.
Give it to us again AlbanyCounty.com Yeah, and give us all the subsections law I'll give you the webpage.
I can give you the link that it will bring you right to the PDF file They have okay, and it's Albany County.
You know HTTP www.AlbanyCounty.com slash departments slowly departments slash legislature legislature
Slash resolutions.
Slash 2009.
Slash 2009-0309.
Slash 09.
What is that thing there?
Nobody's going to get that.
Just slowly give me the exact headline on the PDF and that will pull it.
We now have it?
Okay, give us the headline, sir.
The headline just says local law number
And quotations A for 2009.
What is it Rob?
At InfoWars?
We'll do.
Well, we love it.
We just love exposing these bastards.
Look at this Texas report.
I'd forgotten about this one.
We're the ones that scanned this and put this on the web, and then Jim Mars, years later, comes back and reminds me of it and brought a copy in today.
This was out of Austin, Texas, and this says, you know, this is almost as bad as this report, and it says, groups that are involved in community service, public rallies, demonstrations, private meetings sponsored by support groups, posters, leaflets, websites, and underground press publications as a sign of terrorism.
Says, how do terrorists gain support?
And then it basically lists scuba training, cell phones, just everything.
We're just all terrorists.
It says walking, biking, or driving.
No, I'm not kidding.
I'm giving you the phone numbers here.
See, folks think I'm exaggerating.
I can't remember all I've learned, all I've seen, all we've documented.
I mean, it's just... I've been mailed hundreds of these by police and military over the years.
And this one, they had a public symposium, and locals went to it and videotaped the whole thing.
So somewhere around here, we have the whole videotape of them teaching this to a huge crowd of people.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Man, this show has blasted past faster than anything I can ever remember.
We're already three hours in.
Final hour, jam-packed.
Jim Maher's next segment in studio for 52 minutes with us today.
And everything we've ever talked about is now just being flaunted in our face.
I have it.
Registering anybody to buy bullets, keeping records of them, absolute high tyranny.
Feds making their move in upstate New York for total takeover and martial law.
Put the martial law headline up as they prepare martial law in that area.
I will now be attacked by national news saying it doesn't exist, even though it's mainstream news.
Then next week they will announce it's all true, but Glenn Beck will say he's our friend and maybe it's needed.
But, uh, local law number A for 2009, a local law for the County of Albany, New York, regulating the purchase of ammunition in the County of Albany.
So they are moving and moving everywhere with similar things.
Uh, the jail time, thousand dollar fines, um, how's that sound?
It sounds, you know, typical.
It sounds like, I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg.
This is just the beginning.
What you were saying during the break, the good news is you have a lot of military contacting you on your MySpace.
Give out some of your websites, your MySpace, and talk about the troops and people that are contacting you.
I have MySpace.com backslash Amy Allen is a good way to contact me.
AmyAllen.com is another one.
But yeah, I do have a lot of police to contact me and a lot of military personnel, soldiers, and they say, let's organize.
We got the guns.
Let's get together.
Let's take back our country.
And they don't, you know, they'll give phone numbers or private emails, but there is a definite movement within our military to not accept
They took an oath to defend the Constitution and they're not going to lay down and die unless it's for this country.
But these scumbag parasite bureaucrats that work for the offshore banks, they just can't help it.
They hate the fact we're armed.
They hate the fact we have wealth.
They are control freak.
Everybody's known control freak scum in their lives.
Well, control freak scum try to get in positions of power.
They love ruling over us and I got news for you, you bastards.
You're not going to get away with it.
And they want to kill us, most importantly.
Well, yeah, the people running things are eugenicists, and it's just, it's all getting more and more insane.
So, are you playing anywhere else while you're in town in Austin for South by Southwest?
No, I played three shows yesterday and the day before, and now it's just time for me to enjoy Austin and hang out.
Well, at least we got a plug in two nights ago when you were on Jason Burmiss' InfoWars show from 9 to midnight, so that's good.
Yeah, that's really great.
I told anyone who listened to the show to come down and they get a free drink, so.
Well, I had a few listeners that came down.
Wow, so I'm just excited to have you here and I appreciate you coming in the studio and you were telling me during the break you might move to Austin.
I'm thinking about it.
You know, I feel like I need to get out of California and this would be a good spot.
Everybody I know in California is talking about getting out of California.
Well, you know, if things go down and there's martial law, I feel like Texas would be a good, safe place to be, you know?
A lot safer than California.
Well, especially Austin.
We've done our due diligence here, planting the seeds of liberty everywhere.
And so, we're pretty much the majority here of people who can think.
They're on the team, so... And, yeah, the weather's nicer here than Montana, so... It's a little cold up there.
Oh, so you've also thought about going back to Montana?
Well, yeah.
I mean, they didn't have a speed limit for the longest time, but until the Fed imposed one.
Oh, I didn't know that.
I love driving 110 miles an hour right past state troopers and nothing happens.
But now they'll get you, huh?
Well, the Fed imposed, they said you have to have a speed limit.
So cops now, you know, it's a $20 fine if you speed.
My sister told me yesterday, she's like, I got a ticket.
And I said, can I pay you now?
He said, yeah, $20.
She goes, here's $40.
Call your buddies.
I'm going to be flying down.
So, I mean, Montana's just a little different than California.
Yeah, we need people like that here in Texas.
Texas has got a lot of tyranny as well.
It's not perfect.
Amy Allen's new album, A Little Happiness, when's it come out?
June 9th.
June 9th, so we're only talking about a month or so, a month and a half.
Okay, there it is, ladies and gentlemen.
And be sure and check it out again.
Fire out those websites one more time for folks.
AimeeAllen.com, A-I-M-E-E Allen, A-L-L-E-N.com and MySpace.com backslash Aimee Allen.
Alright, Aimee Allen, fabulous having a fellow patriot in the fight for liberty, getting the word out through music.
We really salute you and appreciate you and Godspeed.
Thank you for having me.
Thank you.
Good to have her here with us.
Jim Mars, ladies and gentlemen, in that seat in three minutes when we get back.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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The Obama Deception.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live and for the next 52 minutes in studio the one the only Jim Mars is here and I remember
Was it four years ago, breaking this and doing a story up on InfoWars.com, and I told you I'd forgotten about hundreds of these.
And he goes, look at this, Alex, you know the thing going on with MIAC in Missouri, which the governor now says he backs and the feds put out.
He says the feds will continue to put these out to the state level.
Terrorism, what the public needs to know.
And I'd forgotten how bad this was.
It's actually, in many respects, worse than the MIAC.
It says intelligence gathering practices, walking, biking, or driving near potential targets.
That's why they harass you anywhere.
Wearing a specific valid reason may create surveillance, trial runs.
It says, attend, practice in or practice a spiritual indoctrination, prepare for financial or fanatical self-sacrifice, scuba, public rallies, demonstrations and private meetings sponsored by support groups, posters, leaflets, websites, underground press.
I don't know.
Women and children.
It says they travel with women and children.
That's right.
I mean, it goes on and on.
And are polite to police.
It says, who are the terrorists?
It says right here.
We're going to put that up on screen.
I have a scan of that, don't we?
On the front page, down below the Texas seal, it says introduction.
And it says, who are the terrorists?
I guess they're public rallies and people like that.
Jim Mars, good to see you.
Tell us about this.
Well, this is, of course, been ongoing.
This is, as you said, you had this a few years ago and I had people send it to me.
It's just absolutely incredible that the police are being trained to, I mean, there's always been a cop mentality, okay?
And I understand this because for about a dozen years I was a police reporter, and this is back in the days of the old republic.
Uh, when I actually ran with the cops.
I mean, it was amazing.
I had a little snappy brim hat and sometimes I actually carried my press card in my hat band.
And, uh, I was good friends with the homicide detectives.
They get a call on a murder and I'd just run out there with them and we'd go in the house and I'd step over the blood and the...
Stuff and you know I'm right there and then what happened was is that I suppose by the early 70s radio got in on the act and you remember they started carrying those portable tape recorders right and so next thing you know instead of just one news reporter with a pen and pencil now you got five or six radio reporters with tape recorders and it wasn't very long after that because before all of a sudden TV showed up and they had handheld
We're good to go.
Yes, we are.
I don't know.
That's right.
And says, by the way, here's a point, possession of global positioning systems.
If you've got a GPS, you must be a terrorist.
It's incredible, Alex.
When I was a youngster, you know, back in the old days, we were taught to respect the police.
And unfortunately, now it's getting to be them and us and them attitude, both on the part of the public
Because they have been turned into so many things that are other than what I consider legitimate law enforcement.
Well, let me just add, this is one of the public reports.
Imagine how bad the secret ones are.
Well, those are demonizing Ron Paul.
You know, we have the secret reports, but that says what the public needs to know.
We'll put it back up on screen.
And I've seen some of the secret Texas reports.
They're just as bad as this one of Missouri.
And let me tell you something.
This goes back several years, but I broke a story while I was at Star-Telegram about an airline pilot who had gone to a Dallas City Council meeting and had simply got up and asked some questions about the new proposed Comanche Peak power plant, and a DPS undercover agent had gone back, filed a report, and checked it as subversive.
And then they sent this report to the pilot's employer.
Luckily for him, his employer happened to be a friend, and he said, look at this, they've got you down as a subversive.
Well, it's come out that pro-life groups, bike riding groups, anti-death penalty groups, they have state police in them trying to get them to carry out violence.
I mean, mainline, now they have army intelligence spying on the people.
This is the opposite of what a free society is.
Absolutely, and now that you mention these agents provocateur, I want to tell everybody that's listening to your show, if you're in any kind of group and somebody starts acting up and says, let's go beat up somebody or let's throw rocks through here, grab those people and get them out of there because violence is, that's exactly what they want.
They want violence so that they can instill martial law.
You're absolutely right.
I want to get back into this report later, but right now you've got some breaking news from mainline UN documents about who's really calling the shots and running things.
Let's go ahead and get into that right now.
Well, I just want everybody to be aware because, as you know, I kind of operate on a macro global political
I want to know who's really running the show.
And we hear now that Obama's in, and now we're in for change.
But I think we need to look at the remarks of his National Security Advisor, General James L. Jones, who last month was at the 45th Munich Security Conference in Germany.
And they had honored Henry Kissinger.
And of course, we all remember Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State under Nixon.
And the guy who's responsible for our foreign policy that's gotten us in the mess we're in right now.
Also a man who is wanted in several countries for war crimes and can't even go into those countries because there are warrants out for his arrest.
So I think that your listeners need to understand when I tell you that the remarks by James L. Jones to the Munich Security Conference open with this.
Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday.
As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States,
Now listen carefully.
I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Snowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here.
We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today.
And I ask you, so where's the change?
Obama's National Security Advisor takes his daily orders from Henry Kissinger.
Where's the change?
Well, I mean, the Pope is advised by Kissinger because he works for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers publicly.
And he gets up on MSNBC, it's in the Obama Deception, and says Obama's going to sell the world on a new world order, a global banking elite.
Where we pay our carbon taxes to them, and there's no change.
It doesn't matter who comes into office.
You've got these imperial legates, like Henry Kissinger, who are really around the shots, and Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Go over again the providence of that, where you got that specifically, where folks can find it.
Specifically the line he says, I take my daily orders from Henry Kissinger.
This is Barack Obama's National Security Advisor, okay?
And people said, oh, well, where'd that come from?
That can't be true.
So, you know, somebody, that can't, you know.
Folks, it's right off the Council on Foreign Relations website.
This is from the CFR.
Yeah, if you, up at the top, if you want to show that
Give me a close shot on this camera.
We'll go on this camera right here.
Just go to the Council on Foreign Relations website.
The gloves are coming off, Alex.
They don't care who knows now.
And why do you think that is?
Well, because ever since their inception back in 1921-22, they've moved very, very surreptitiously, very deceitfully, keeping everything under quiet, under wraps.
But beginning with the assassination of President Kennedy,
And with the control they had over Lyndon Johnson and then over Richard Nixon, who was putting politics with Nazi money, they have slowly grown in their power and in their control to the point to where now they don't really care what you know.
Their attitude now is almost, we're in charge, what are you going to do about it?
That's right.
This is from the Council on Foreign Relations, CFR.org.
You can just Google, Remarks by National Security Advisor Jones at 45th Munich Conference.
In fact, we'll get that up on screen right now.
Remarks by National Security Advisor Jones at 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy.
When you read even the public CFR stuff and Trilateral Commission stuff,
They said in the 70s they were going to bankrupt the world economy, bring in a global currency, and we're here warning people and so we get put in terrorism reports because we go to the CFR and say, oh look what's going on, when all we do is cover the facts here of the bankers raping everybody.
Basically, Alex, you and I are simply reporters.
The real terrorists are the people who are actually implementing these policies.
I mean, this is so important.
Read that again to people.
I mean, that is powerful, Jim, that you brought in.
The day before, they had honored Henry Kissinger at the 45th Munich Conference, and so the next day at the Hotel Bayer Scherhoff on February the 8th, 2009,
Barack Obama's newly named National Security Advisor, General James L. Jones, gets up and he says, Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday.
As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through General Brent Snowcroft and Sandy Berger, who's also here.
We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today.
In other words, the same people are still running the show through the National Security
Yeah, these are people who aren't even officially in the National Security Council.
Who voted for Henry Kissinger?
Listen, they're not in the National Security Council officially, but remember the Washington Post three weeks ago.
They said that under North Common Homeland Security, Congress has no authority, repeating PDD 51, and that the National Security Council rules all, not even the President.
The President's a guy, whether it's George Bush or Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama, who goes and reads off a teleprompter, and that's all he does, and then he goes and plays basketball and smokes cigarettes.
In his own words.
So, and then we're having these stupid childish arguments with Obama supporters or Bush supporters when the elite admit they're running everything instead of the puppets.
Look past the puppets to the actual elite.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, with Jim Mars here in studio with us, author of The Rise of the Fourth Reich, which we have at InfoWars.com.
This is our best-selling book right now.
It's powerful info.
No, it's not saying the Nazis run things.
The Nazis got it all from the English in the U.S., the system of corporate fascism.
And one of the preeminent 9-11 books, The Terror Conspiracy,
Deception 9-11 and the loss of Liberty Jim Maher is all available at InfoWars.com.
You're going to be speaking tomorrow night at Brave New Books down at the end of the drag right here in Austin, Texas.
That's it.
Hope to see everybody there.
Now, Jim, you've got some new news on Kissinger and the whole thing.
We were mentioning Kissinger, and you just mentioned my book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, which, and I'm glad you clarified this, I'm not trying to say that goose-stepping Germans have taken over the United States.
That's right.
It's the moneyed elite, the very people who created communism in Russia,
And then grew fearful because it was going to spread worldwide, so they created National Socialism or Nazism in Germany, and then after the war they brought them all over here.
And they've been building up a power base ever since.
We're the new empire.
We're the Fourth Reich.
That's my argument.
But as a capper of that, last year, Henry Kissinger, who's wanted for war crimes in a number of countries,
...honored former President George Herbert Walker Bush and named him as the man most instrumental for the reunification of Germany.
And presented him with this big award.
This was in July of 2008.
And guess where they held the honor ceremony?
On the Wannsee.
This lake in Germany where in January 1942 was held the Wannsee Conference, which is where they decided the final solution.
This is when they made the decisions to exterminate the Jews and the Gypsies and the homosexuals.
And we know Kissinger signed the CIA Memorandum, State Department Memorandum 200, to force nations that take money to at least reduce their population by half, and they're all into eugenics.
So again, we go back to that.
This is the same Nazi program, the same Nationals program that they were trying to carry to fruition.
And you have that from Fox News of all places.
That's right off of Fox News.
This is not deep secret stuff.
My guys are so good, they've already got it up on screen in there.
You know, for those that don't understand, the eugenicists, that was the main line scientific rage from the 1870s to the 1940s.
In fact, the first eugenic center that was set up in this country... Cold Springs Harbor.
Yeah, and from money from Mrs. Edward Harriman.
And I think it should be pointed out that the Harrimans were the mentors and closest support of the Bushes.
Now to explain this mainline history book, you're a big historian on this as well, so you can speak to it, I want you to.
You know, the Crown King of England was a big Nazi, hung out with him.
They told the Nazis, help fund them, we're going to let you take over Europe and fight the Russians.
And then, Hitler was a bad guy.
The point is, they set him up.
And that's why the Reich Deputy Fuhrer flew in once the war started, parachuted into England, Rudolf Hess, and said, why are you doing this?
They grabbed him, threw him in the tower.
Hitler said, okay, they've betrayed us, we've still got to beat the Communists, and then turned east with Operation Barbarossa.
And so, this is the mastermind level of the Milner Group
Lord Milner and others, explain that.
Yeah, well, that's how they operate.
In fact, you know, it's this amazing, the current Pope... Hitler Youth.
It was a Hitler Youth.
Yeah, Joseph Ratzinger in 1944, he was a member of the Hitler Youth.
Uh, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor of our largest populated state.
His father was a Nazi guy-lighter, a Nazi political leader.
I mean, it kind of makes you wonder who won the war.
And, uh, but as you said, their ideas of extermination and, uh,
Of killing people and of sterilization.
I don't
To be the center of power with industry and science.
To lead the financial power of the world, exactly.
That had been, that had resided first with the British Empire and then they had shared it with the Rockefellers and the Morgans and the DuPonts, okay?
And so now they had that Anglo-American financial elite that was running everything and they didn't want to cut Germany in.
Yeah, so some people email me and go, what, you're defending the Nazis?
No, use more than two-dimensional thinking.
No, we're saying the globalists, on record, set them up like a wind-up toy, and that it originated from the United States and England, everything we saw unfold.
Why do you think Hitler let the British Army get away at Dunkirk?
Dunkirk, no, on record.
I mean, he just stopped and let them all go back in.
And they had a deal with the Vichy French to basically stand down so they could take over.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In the New World Orders War Against Humanity
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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That's 908-691-2608.
By the way, I didn't know we'd launch this.
It's up on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
A tour of the office that we promised to do for folks.
The new offices.
What do you think of the new offices, Jim?
Oh, this is really great.
It's only fitting that a cutting-edge news commentator like you have cutting-edge production facilities.
Well, I don't know if it's cutting-edge, but it's certainly better than what we had before.
You got more room, don't you?
Yeah, we've got 7,800 square feet.
And a little bit of room next door to us has come open, because I thought we'd have room for a TV studio, but I don't know what I'm going to do, but it's crazy, and the economy's going to hell in a handbasket, I don't know what to do.
You know, because I can sit here, I can fund what we're doing, but then it means more sponsors, more time spent on that, which I'd rather just put the info out, but then you need the cutting edge and the staff and the people to do it right.
And all that takes money.
Well, it sure does.
Well, see, this is something that really bothers me, Alex.
You and me, and we could name a dozen other people, and people are trying to run websites, people are trying to publish books, and we're all struggling trying to make a living like everybody else, and we're going up against people with very deep pockets.
And the irony, and the thing that really torques me off is, those deep pockets are filled with our tax money.
Yeah, they use our money against us.
Yeah, exactly.
And all we want to do is try to bring truth to people and then people are confused because they say, well, I hear Alex Jones said this, but then I didn't see that on CNN or Fox, so it must be just conspiracy theory or fringe information.
And yet, like everything we've talked about since I've come on here, this is all off of mainstream news sources, I mean, and off the Council on Foreign Relations website.
We're not making this stuff up.
It just always has their spin on it.
They put their spin on it.
Well, of course, and that's why, you know, when I mention the Council on Foreign Relations, I'll be the first to admit, I don't think everybody on the Council on Foreign Relations is some kind of sinister conspirator.
No, it's compartmentalized.
No, it's very compartmentalized, and there's an inter-corps elite, okay, but they surround themselves, for example, you and I could... They get all the top CEOs and bankers and media people in there so they can watch them and know what trends are and have people everywhere they can call on favors and they...
They, they, they propel the careers of, it's now up to 5,000 people.
That, you know, letting the Council on Foreign Relations and their 5,000 elite people run everything is only sensible because they know how to handle money, they know how everything works, they've got big educations and degrees, so therefore this is the path to peace and prosperity.
And I would argue
If their plans and their actions are the way to peace and prosperity, go back and look at history since their inception in 1921, and you'll find we've had two world wars, a depression, stock market crash, unlimited other wars, political assassinations.
Their track record's not very good.
Well, I mean, let's expand on that.
They fund wars, they kill millions of people.
Brzezinski brags in two books he wrote that he engineered Pol Pot.
I mean, he's proud of that, so they're very wicked at the top.
He also has admitted that as Secretary of State under Jimmy Carter, he sent spies and provocateurs into Afghanistan to lure the Russians into moving into Afghanistan so they could have a big...
Yeah, staging terror attacks to bring in the Russians.
He's proud of it because he said that helped defeat the Soviets.
Well, I mean, here's an example of how our detractors work.
Not people that are government operatives or disinfo.
They're out there too, but people that get mad at me.
I've done my own little studies.
Like, I'll be on one of my YouTube videos.
And I'll see a comment going, Alex Jones is a dirtbag, piece of filth, uh, fed, and I hope he dies, basically.
And I'll link through to the guy's website, and he's a Georgian living in America, and he's like, all hail Georgia, Georgia will smash Russia, Russia's the devil.
And we're not talking about the state that houses Atlanta.
We're talking about Georgia and southern Russia, right?
Yeah, exactly.
They're on the Black Sea.
And I know right away, that person doesn't like me because I reported that it was a U.S.-Israeli-NATO-backed sneak attack on South Ossetia to kick off a new Cold War.
And so, but think about his flawed logic.
I'm a Fed because I am against the U.S., Israel, and NATO starting a new Cold War.
If I was a Fed, I'd be going with their policies.
But he makes the instant decision, he knows there's a New World Order, so he has to then make me the bad New World Order
Look, I'm no fan of Putin, I'm no fan of a lot of things going on in Russia.
The whole point is, I know the globalists have this master game, their policy is to start a war with Russia, to start new conflicts, so I'm against that.
Just like, I'm not weighing in on the Serb-Muslim crow outside, I just know that the UN went in, used Arabs to attack the Serbs, got the Serbs to move in, and then went in and blew Serbia away, so again,
I'm finding that everybody that attacks me has a little reason, because they're tribal, and they think I'm criticizing their little group, when no, everybody would be better off if the New World Order wasn't stirring up regional conflicts and wars.
But that's my point, is that I can link through on somebody's name, and look at their page, and then it's always right there why they don't like me.
But the thing is, they need to look up.
They need to get the bigger picture.
Well, I'm not against Georgia.
I'm not like, you know, I want to destroy Georgia.
I mean, most Georgians aren't glad that they got in that war.
And in the Clinton years, in the Kosovo, by the way, the Kosovo Liberation Army was the group that we were supporting.
And how were we supporting it?
Because we were allowing al-Qaeda
To supply arms and training to the Kosovo Liberation Army, and in return we let them do their drug smuggling through the Balkans.
Now this is all documented, but people don't get told this.
They don't know this.
All they do is listen to the establishment media and then they think, oh well it's this way, and they get totally dragged down into conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat, yadda yadda yadda.
You gotta look up, folks.
You gotta look up and see the big picture.
You gotta see who's really running the show.
You gotta look behind the mask.
That's why I really, uh, I've got to compliment you on your new, uh, Obama deception.
Because it is a deception.
And I've, I know people who say, well, I've met Obama, he's a very nice guy.
Well, I know people who said they met George W. Bush and he's a really nice guy.
I don't know personally either one of those fellas, so I'll say maybe they're telling me the truth.
But what you and I know, and what we're trying to tell people is, they're just little puppets.
They're front people.
They're just talking heads that we see on the television, and their whole persona is carefully crafted.
They are creations of the media.
Ronald Reagan, we were all told what a fine family man.
He went to church every Sunday and you know, da-da-da.
And then after he's out of office, we find out that he never went to church.
He had family problems, dysfunctional family.
And his wife was consulting astrologers, you know.
So, these are just little
Uh, little scenarios crafted by the corporate media to, and everybody thinks that's the way it is, and when you try to tell them it's not, then they get mad at you.
You've got some other little interesting things to go over there.
What's that little chart you've got?
Well, this is a chart of how the organic food industry has been brought in under and bought up by the major agriculture food corporations.
Heinz, Coca-Cola, Kellogg, Cargill.
Take your time.
Go over that.
Okay, well no, no, no.
The reason I think everybody, especially if you're into health food or if you're into the food industry or if you're a farmer or know anything about it, you already know that agribusiness is where it's at and that it's all tied so closely in with corporate, the corporate food thing.
What I want to tell you about is HR 875, which is legislation now pending in Congress,
It's known as the Food Safety Modernization Act, and people need to take a close look at this.
And I'll be frank, I have not looked at it even this close, but I know that just from what I've seen and by glancing over some of the paragraphs and some of the clauses in this proposed legislation, essentially it's going to mean you can't have a garden.
Because they are going to throw so much stuff at you, you've got to show where it's coming from and what it contains and everything else.
And it's going to criminalize growing a garden.
It's absolutely amazing.
During World War II, of course, we were all encouraged to grow gardens.
We were going to have victory gardens, right?
And well, here we are.
We're in a war on drugs and a war on poverty and a war on terrorism.
You know, you'd think they'd say, let's grow gardens.
But no, no, this legislation passed, the Food Safety Modernization Act, it's going to leave food production and preparation up to the giant corporations and they can use this to just shut down small farms and even your own little private garden.
and uh... you can see this happening all over the and then of course we have the whole bill which i'm sure you've already talked about which is the gun control thing and uh... it's you you mentioned that earlier you it's going to criminalize everybody owns a gun is what's going to do and uh... another thing i didn't hear you mention this is that it's going to call for voluntary physicals and psychological uh... uh... profiling not profiling the psychological testing on
It's involuntary, every gun owner has to do it.
You've got to, to be able to own your gun, okay?
Now, can you picture this?
Okay, Mr. Jones, do you believe 9-11 was an inside job?
Well, yes, there's evidence of it.
Uh-huh, well, we think you need further psychological counseling.
They've already said that's a mental illness.
Yeah, it's an evil government syndrome.
Somebody came up with that.
Let me go over a key point here, and I want you to cover this.
We know the Feds come in with the $787 million stimulus package.
That I call the federalization package.
And what they did in that is they come into the counties and cities, this is on record, and they say, we want you to make people be licensed to have a garden.
Because they may grow marijuana.
And you can't have, I mean, imagine free people, you know, we're prisoners.
Imagine, we're guilty until proven innocent, we can't have a garden.
So here is the Tulsa News, now this is Tulsa World.
Tulsa City Council questions community gardens, and he goes on to say, community gardens, citizen gardens, you know, how do we know what these people are going to be growing?
Maybe there'll be something else, he said.
Is there going to be someone who inspects what is growing?
And so he wants police to come in and inspect your gardens.
Now, they're bulldozing them all over the country, they're getting rid of them.
That's being federally pushed.
No, I'll tell you who's pushing that are the giant food corporations.
Well, no, I mean, exactly.
Animal ID, Premises ID is all about shutting them down.
They admit that.
But listen to this.
Big Agger wrote it.
This is a town in New York.
It says, Mayor considers options martial law over political woes.
Albany County, same place.
Martial law.
They said troops.
Notice we heard Blagojevich, before he got kicked out, saying, I'm going to have National Guard statewide doing gun sweeps in the neighborhoods because of crime.
We're now hearing all these governors, all these county commissioners, mayors, saying, we want troops, we want troops.
Oh, there's a shooting in Alabama.
Regular Army troops.
Then, in Albany County, Local Law No.
A-2009, anyone who goes and purchases ammo will be registered when they purchase it.
A local law for the County of Albany, New York, regulating the purchase of ammunition in the County of Albany.
And it's going to be up on PrisonPlanet.com here very soon.
Paul Watts is doing an article.
This is being enacted by the county.
And again, we happen to know that these locals are in a beta test with Obama through the stimulus money to do this.
And so they're saying, you want the money, you gotta do this to start the precedent.
This is happening nationwide in all these towns and cities, registering guns and ammo.
Well, let's look at the flip side of this.
People are going to say, well, what can I do about this?
Well, here's what you can do about it.
We need to take control back at the local level.
I believe it's in Montana, a county in Montana, where the local sheriff, who is the highest law enforcement official under the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, has publicly sent notice to federal officials that if they violate the Constitution of the United States, that his deputies would escort them to the county line because they were no longer welcome in that county.
This is a
That's what I wanted you to comment on.
So when you hear about them going after your guns, going after your gardens, suddenly all over the country they're raiding Amish for milk, for cheese, people for eggs, watermelons.
Cops are pulling up and saying, you can't sell eggs on the side of the road.
They've been ordered to do this.
They are shutting, as they implode the economy.
We were 90% rural in the Great Depression, 7 million starved to death according to big university studies that came out last year.
So instead of now 10% are rural, only half of those are self-sufficient, we've gone from 90% self-sufficient to 5% self-sufficient with 10% on the land.
And they're shutting them down.
And so they're shutting them down.
As the UN has said in official documents, 97...
Beijing-China Population Summit.
They will use food as a weapon.
And so they're consolidating it.
The poison GMO food.
The people get mad.
Most of the people start buying organic food.
They change the standard where it doesn't have to really be organic to have USDA certification.
That becomes popular.
Private groups come out with their own certifications.
People go to that.
Then they say, you know what?
We're just shutting it all down.
We're just, you know, in the name of some peanut butter problem, you know, that's big industry doing that or something, or people in Mexico crapping on the lettuce or the spinach.
Again, they use that highly publicized a few deaths or whatever to bring in total control on the groups that are putting out the best cleanest food.
That's exactly right.
And now they're shutting down.
The last, our last hope, of course, is firearms.
You go back and you read all the writings in the Federalist Papers, you read the writings of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, they all made it very clear that the purpose of possessing firearms has nothing to do with hunting or sportsmanship or anything else.
It has the right to protect yourself from a tyrannical government.
Stay there, we're gonna come back from break here in a moment in the final segment and cover a few other key issues.
Jim, I gotta get you in here more often.
This has been a fabulous interview.
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Final segment of this really great show today with all these informative guests.
Straight ahead after this quick break.
Please stay with us.
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Final segment with Jim Mars here in studio and the transmission is over until this Sunday live 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Another syndicated transmission we do five days a week, four hours a day isn't enough.
What's five times four?
That's 20 hours.
And then I do two more.
I do quite a few hours a week.
I guess that's 22 hours a week of live radio.
I don't see how you'd do it.
Oh, I love it.
And we've got a great crew in here that makes it all possible.
You've got a new book out.
We're not carrying it yet, but we do have Your Rise of the Fourth Reich.
I think it's your best book.
And the other one that we have at Infowars.com.
But Jim Maher's Above Top Secret Undercover Mysteries of the Digital Age.
They sent us a copy of this, your publisher, and it was a great read because I could just read a chapter every night before I went to bed.
It covers a lot of subjects.
In the time we have left, when you came in with rave reviews about it, why did you like the Obama deception?
Oh, well, I would recommend everyone get a copy of the Obama Deception because you're either already kind of anti-Obama, in which case you need to do your homework and get your ammunition for your arguments, or you're pro-Obama and you really definitely need to see the Obama Deception because you've been deluded.
And you've been fooled.
And folks, let me tell you something.
This is the same thing that's gone on over the past eight years.
You had conservative Republicans who voted and were staunchly behind everything George W. Bush did because they thought he was a good constitutional conservative.
They didn't realize that the term neocon actually meant national socialist.
Now the same thing's happening in reverse.
Because now we've got all these people who think that Obama is going to bring us some sort of change and we're going to get away from this National Socialism.
He's just continuing the exact agenda with different window dresses.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
And so now we've swapped National Socialism for Marxist Socialism.
In fact, I'm sure you saw Newsweek, they carried a big cover here a week or so ago, said, now we're all Socialists.
Well, when did we get to vote for being Socialists, is what I want to know.
So people need to understand, they need to see the Obama Deception.
Plus, it's not even
This isn't real socialism.
It's all going to the bankers.
Right, right.
Well, this is what happened in Communist Russia and the Soviet Union.
They said everything was in the name of the people.
And yet the people never benefited.
It all went to the Politburo and the Central Committee.
And it's the same thing over here.
People need to just wise up, you know.
I mean, come on!
And you say, well, how do you do that?
Well, number one, turn off your TV.
And spread the word about people like you.
Tell folks your website.
J-I-M-M-A-R-S dot com.
I try to put up articles that you probably never see on the corporate mainstream mass media.
And of course, between that and going to
Infowars, that ought to give them a pretty good idea of what's going on.
I want to thank you for reminding me of that Texas State Police that was a public report, just as bad as the Missouri MIAC report.
It's good to see people angry about this, though, and saying, hey, we're not going to put up with your demonization.
People that are doing this, they're the tyrants, they're the traitors, they're the people selling out what our country's based on.
That's right.
I would like to grab every law enforcement officer in Texas and say, listen, buddy, I'm on your side.
I am not a terrorist, okay?
But likewise, I don't want you operating as some kind of thug for the international bankers who want to come and tell me I can't grow a garden and I can't own a gun and, you know, et cetera, et cetera.
You know, because, hey, folks, we're all in this together.
Charity always comes to your door in a uniform.
If the police and military go along with this, they're going to help destroy this nation.
What time are you speaking tomorrow at Brave New Books in Austin?
Seven o'clock tomorrow at Brave New Books, right across from the University.
And your talks on your new book, Above Top Secret?
No, this is the topic you don't want to talk about, so we won't mention it.
The Little Green Men?
Well, I've been down here several times and I've talked about the rise of the Fourth Reich, I've talked about the secret history, I've talked about all this.
You cover the areas that can be proven though, it's very interesting.
Exactly, but everybody said, because every now and then something would come up about UFOs, and everybody demanded I come back down here and explain to them about what's true.
Alright, we're out of time.
Jim Marsh, thank you.
You bet.
I'll stay there for a second.
Folks, retransmission starts in 70 seconds.
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See you Sunday live, 4 to 6 p.m.
God bless you all.
Great job, crew.
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Visit GCNlive.com today.
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