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Filename: 20090312_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 12, 2009
3699 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Boy, I tell you, no rest for the wicked, even though I'm trying to be good.
Been a lot of radio and TV interviews right now in association with all of our work.
And doing this radio show four hours a day, and I sat in for a couple hours with Jason Bermas last night and oversaw the launch of The Obama Deception.
It is live, ladies and gentlemen.
It is available right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It is out.
And of course you can get the DVD at InfoWars.com and those will start shipping out on Monday.
I pulled the trigger a bit early with the release of the film because we had a lot of chicanery going on here with our good friends the New World Order.
And so I pulled the trigger last night at 7 p.m.
Central Standard Time and we've had about
Twice the number of downloads of the Obama Deception from the PrisonPlanet.tv CDN Super Servers, and we have members of it, so folks are definitely sharing their passcode.
Which is fine, but you know, if you give it to too many people, it will time out.
And then you won't be able to get on at least while everybody else is on there under your membership.
You know, as long as I can pay for the bandwidth, I'd give it all out for free in the highest quality to the whole world.
Because that's what I'm into.
I'm not into broads.
I'm not into... I guess I am into broads, my wife.
And I guess I can't say I'm not into fast cars.
I got a fast car.
The point is, that's not what I worship.
I'm not into big houses.
I'm not into trinkets.
I'm not into being worshipped.
I'm not into people thinking I'm great.
I'm into defeating criminals, defeating the New World Order.
But so much is happening, so much is going on right now.
This makes my head spin.
Very important broadcast lined up for you today.
We had her on for about 30 minutes last week.
Dr. Rebecca Carley will join us for about an hour and a half today to really detail what's actually happening with the flu vaccines and Baxter Pharmaceutical and Bayer Pharmaceutical and the rest of them.
That's coming up at 1.30 today, so two and a half hours from now, she'll be with us for an hour and a half, and we'll open the phones up on that subject, because it can't be ignored that live, and this is Baxter's quoted in major newspapers.
People email me saying, how do you know it was live?
I mean, I was reading the Toronto Sun, the Canadian Press, Bloomberg,
Yeah, we since found a Bloomberg article about it, that we'd missed for about a week, so it was out.
But you would think that, you know, mixing it in with the vaccine product for the regular flu vaccines, where it could have mutated, I mean, if you got injected with it, good chance it would kill you.
But the point is, is that it could have mutated with the other flu
virus and just been incredibly devastating so we're gonna continue to focus on that today but in the meantime the Obama deception has dropped and I want to open the phones up I have never seen such rave reviews for any film I've made it is as people are saying not as in your face very smooth very concise we rushed to make it but it ended up turning out better
Because we made it in three months instead of six to eight months.
So it's a very fulfilling, good feeling.
I felt really good last night when I went home at 11.30 knowing that we'd gotten this work out and hadn't been stopped from getting it out to the world.
Okay, Cy Hersh is reporting Cheney ran SS-style political assassination unit, including units inside the United States.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got this MIAC Strategic Report saying Ron Paul supporters are terrorists.
Oh yeah, stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Hi, this is Steve Shank.
Our government has had
No accountability to the very bankers who created this whole mess we're in.
Millions have lost their jobs to corporate corruption and mismanagement.
Trillions in savings, net worth, and retirement accounts have been lost by investors and homeowners.
When you really look at all the theft, crimes, secret organizations, and pervasive corruption going on, it's enough to make you think of your second favorite F word.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, we have a major blind spot here at this office.
And we're always trying to recognize our blind spots, recognize our weaknesses, so that we can get better.
And we've certainly evolved over the last, coming up on 14 years, and gotten a lot better, but I intend, Lord willing, if I'm still alive in 14 years, to just continue to improve.
In the work we do, the quality, everything that we cover here.
Now the story I'm about to cover, in the past, maybe once a year, I'd come on air and say, this story is of such import, I must give it proper respect, I must build it up, I can't just start reporting on this like it's no big deal, because that is my blind spot, that is your blind spot.
Every day I see articles about how they're trying to make people take microchips, elderly, children, people in old folks' homes, criminals, people, convicts,
And I don't even cover it anymore.
It's just, yeah, the government wants to chip us.
We have the Army documents.
We have the Pentagon documents.
We have the...
American Federation of Scientists admitting that's the plan.
And it's, you know, went from ten years ago being a lunatic kook, if you read Army documents on air, people wouldn't believe you really had them, even though you gave them where they could get them from the government.
They just said, oh, it's not true, crazy.
To, oh yeah, everybody knows we need to take chips, and Hollywood people get fake teeth for their kids with transmitters in them, and yeah, everybody knows Google can watch you over the on-board microphone and
Camera on all the new computers, and yeah, it's admitted they're listening to your cell phone in real time, and yeah, the NSA's watching you, and yeah, there's death squads, and yeah, they're building FEMA camps.
It's kind of like, eh, you know, alright, they're putting military now in every major police department, regular army and regular marines as liaisons in the departments.
And yeah, when there's a shooting or a car wreck, the army shows up, or the marines show up now, and they got sidearms, and, but you know, it's no big deal.
So when I say it's my blind spot, I have just noticed psychologically that even though we're covering all of this, if we don't take action against it... See, if we just approach this and emotionally fight the New World Order, then as we get acclimated to it, we will stop fighting it.
It's like, oh, I used to be against the Surveillance Society, but now I think I'm for it.
I was listening to Road Dog Radio.
I like that trucker radio, and I was listening to it on XM, and the lady was like, oh, this poor guy parked his truck, you know, in an abandoned warehouse area because the Food Lion wouldn't let him park it in the back.
You know, they come in with loads, and they won't let them dump them off when they're supposed to.
They make them wait, and they go, ah, you can't stay here behind the fence.
Go, you know, go somewhere else, and the guy gets killed by some thug.
And the ladies on there going, we just need cameras everywhere in the areas for cameras for the trucks.
No, we need to leave the truck drivers alone.
And if you want to be a truck driver, you're trusted with this giant 18-wheeler that's a very skilled, very professional profession on average, that the establishment loves to demonize and make fun of, then you need to carry a firearm.
See, I believe what Kennesaw, Georgia did when their crime rate exploded back in the
Eighties, they said you have to own a gun.
Now, there was a, quote, waiver.
But, the crime rate went down by over 95% in just two years, because the word got out in that suburb of Atlanta, don't come around trying to rob people here.
And, you know, I think that people should be armed.
Truck drivers should be armed.
Oh no, we'll have wild west shootouts, oh yeah?
Forty states have passed right to carry, concealed carry.
On average, their crime rates have dropped by about 25%.
Some states it's 30-something, some they say it's 15 or 14.
You know, Florida 25, Texas 27, I saw the numbers.
Because let me tell you something, criminals are scared.
You come in my studio, trying to hurt anybody around here, you die.
Unless you get the drop on me.
You come in my house, trying to go after my family, you die.
I'm not there, my wife's there, you come in, you die.
We're just gonna calmly point at your center of mass and open fire.
Because they're all these scum running around, robbing and stealing and killing, we need more guns!
You know, there's all these home invasions, I just saw the numbers from CNN yesterday, I'm going to get to it, they're in the stack, where it's just massive home invasions, increases, women being raped and killed, and these 911 calls where it takes the cops ten minutes to get there, then they blame the police.
The police can't protect you!
It's not their responsibility to protect you!
They can't be everywhere, they can't
I mean, unless we lived in total Nazi Germany, then that's a greater evil.
You can have a cop on every street corner, you can't stop it, they can't always be there.
Because they'll be over there at a car wreck, right when the robbery's happening.
I mean, these parents send their daughters off and get them apartments in foreign cities, you know, in other states, and they
Don't get them firearms training.
They don't give them a firearm.
They don't even, you know, they give them maybe some little keychain.
You'll always see scared women in a parking lot.
You know, I'll go to the grocery store.
I'll get home at 1030 at night.
My wife, my wife goes out, we need orange juice and pancake mix and strawberries and blah, blah, blah.
We go to the store and I go, sure.
And I go to the, you know, H-E-B or whatever.
At midnight.
A younger Archie Bunker or something.
You know, clean cut, everything, a little overweight.
You know, your average white schmo.
And these women will be shaking.
And they'll get in their car real fast and slam the door.
And you're there unloading the vegetables in the back of your car, looking around.
Okay, lady.
Believe me.
It's weird, though.
The women that aren't that attractive, they act even more paranoid.
And then you'll have some
Foxy chick in the parking lot and she's kind of smiling at you and everything.
It's weird, but you know the issue here is that women are just gripped with fear.
They are gripped with just out of control fear.
And I can't imagine having two daughters.
What it would be like to raise them to be cowardly, to raise them to be weak, to raise them to be victims.
Not my girls.
They're going to be locked and loaded.
Anybody busting their house, anybody gives them a problem, they're going to kill you.
That's how it works.
My women aren't domesticated, cowardly, weak people.
And you know what?
I said that possessively.
You're right.
I'm a male chauvinist pig.
I'm possessive of my women.
And they like the fact they're my women.
My grandma likes the fact she's my woman.
My mother likes the fact that she's my woman.
My dad's my dad.
I'm possessive.
I don't know how they take your survival instinct out of you.
And how they teach you feminism is being cowardly and scared and shaking with five locks on your door, unempowered.
Let me tell you what real feminism is.
It's a woman with a submachine gun.
It's a woman that if you go after her, she's gonna karate chop you in the neck.
If you tackle her, she's gonna bite you.
She's going to scratch your eyes out if she didn't get the gun in your face.
I mean, this is sick!
They've turned the men into gelded, chicken-necked, cowardly people, and they've turned the women into chicken-necked cowards, and we're not supposed to be like that!
That's not who we are!
Now I've got huge news here and I'm already digressing, just imagining the fact with these shootings and the rest of it.
You know, this punk in Germany where they have a total gun ban.
He gets a gun, somehow brings it in, it's turning out he was in psychiatric care.
Guaranteed he was on Ritalin or Prozac or something.
It's going to come out.
I'm scanning German news.
Guaranteed now, because they're admitting he'd been seeing a shrink.
I knew it, of course!
Because it destroys inhibition.
It's on the insert it'll make you do this.
We made them put it on the insert because in their trials in 82 it was making people do this in the trials of the drug.
The whole class of drugs.
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors were Prozac at that time.
The big daddy.
And he didn't like it that the girls didn't like him.
He was an insecure punk and
Instead of growing up, getting confident, or, you know, meeting women in the workplace, you know, just, just dealing with it, or maybe he was aiming too high or whatever, he went in and killed the pretty girls.
Like, ten of them, and then ran off killing more people, total of sixteen.
I mean, it's always the same.
It's always the same.
You know, I am my wife's man.
She's possessive of me.
We should be possessive of our families.
We should love our families.
By possessive, I mean defend them.
Think of them as ourselves.
And I don't know, it's exciting to see a lot of women going out, getting firearms training.
It's very simple.
Women are great shots, by the way.
I had a BB gun, pellet gun, out in the backyard about a month ago.
I'm shooting bullseye at about 30 yards away, and I'm just sitting there, plink, plink, trying to get the chief scub to be accurate.
And she just came out, and it was, you know, one of those high power ones you crack.
As high-powered as a pellet gun goes, and she just kept shooting through the same hole over and over again.
I'm like, what a great shot.
And my wife wasn't big into firearms when we first met, but I took her out, got her to shoot revolvers.
She's like, this is so easy!
This is no big deal!
I only shot a gun a few times on a, you know, my grandpa's farm, and I'd forgotten how easy it is and how simple.
And she went from being scared of guns to being a great shot.
And it's just wonderful, so... Alright, I'm gonna give you the big news when we come back.
We have confirmed that Ron Paul is a terrorist.
A thing from the state police.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good to go.
Okay, I went off on a tirade about how we train our men and women in this country to just lay down and die and call the police when the average 911 call takes around 12 minutes in this country.
It changes every year, but that's the normal average.
Some years it's 10 minutes, some years 14 minutes.
Last time I saw it last year it was 12 and a half minutes.
You know, in twelve and a half minutes, somebody can kill you, rape you, hang you, burn your house down, and women, you need to go to the local shooting range.
You need to, you know, ask the shooting range owner who's a good trainer.
I want to learn how to use a revolver.
It's simple.
When you're in a jam, it works the best, and pun intended, doesn't jam, generally, and you just want to get something like a
Twenty-two revolver at first, a couple hundred bucks.
Train on that, and then you'll find that, you know, you see movies like Police Academy where they shoot the .357 Magnum and it blows the old lady back fifty feet.
It's all lies, folks.
I mean, I've shot .50 caliber handguns that just barely, you know, just a little bit of a jerk.
I've got a Taurus handgun called the Judge that shoots .50 caliber
rounds and shoots 410 shotgun shells but it's legal because it's a you know it's a it's it's a pistol but it will shoot 410 and that's a great home defense gun because it won't shoot through the walls and kill your family if you've got like a number five shot in there that'll devastate somebody and yes that's the type of firepower I have I mean I'm proud that I'm not a slave
I'm proud that somebody comes to my house, I've got a five shot handgun with 410 ammo coming at you.
It's that simple.
Because if I'm half asleep or something going on, I don't want to go to the big gun safe, I want to go to the instant access safes, and I want to just grab out the revolvers and go at it.
Now, in the old days, before I had children, I would just have a semi-auto Mossberg 12-gauge with seven shotgun rounds in it.
Alright, I'm already now obsessing off into gun nomenclature.
I've got to stop.
I've got to stop.
I've got all this important news and I want to go to your calls as well.
Here's the big news, okay?
It broke yesterday at InfoWars.com.
Kurt Nimmo did a great story on it.
I got this in the middle of the show yesterday, and I'd already gotten another one of these from Missouri, but I got one from late last year that was bad, but wasn't as bad as this one.
And I get these all the time from police all over the country.
It's always the same letterhead, the same setup.
It'll just have the seal of the state that the feds issued it through.
This is through the Threat Integration Fusion Center of Missouri.
I separately was sent the latest version from California Highway Patrol, and I'm thinking about, he didn't say in this, don't say his name.
He's a sergeant with the Highway Patrol in California, but I'm not going to say his name, and I want to talk to him and get him on the show.
Doesn't sound like he's worried about his voice being recognized, but I don't want the sergeant to say his name.
But I've got his card right here.
And of course we looked him up and found him on the web as well.
Then I have the Missouri State Police Officer, who does not want his name used, but that was an older version from, I guess, seven months ago.
This one was put out on the 20th of February 2009, so just about, I don't know, 20 days ago or so.
I guess 22 days ago if you want to be technical.
And, you know, it's ridiculous.
We post this nine-page FBI, FEMA, ADL propaganda, and it has the phone numbers of the Missouri State Police on it, and we went online and confirmed this is their publication.
It says, law enforcement sensitive though, don't distribute.
And people start commenting on the Infowars.com story, oh, I don't believe this, I want this confirmed.
Hey, jackasses, and I'm sorry to use that term, but you really need to get your head out of the sand.
Call the phone number.
We did.
They've refused to come on.
We have two senior state police officers' names, and they admit they issued this.
It's confirmed.
And we just wrote up the blurb, their names, what they told us, it's being sent to Paul Watson who's doing a story on it.
So yes, it's real, it's true.
Ron Paul, Libertarians, Bob Barr supporters, Constitutional Party supporters, you are terrorists that want to kill police, is basically what this says.
Ron Paul's basically a terrorist.
And yes, call the phone number on the thing for yourself before you start accusing me of lying!
I am sick of your denial!
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I think so.
Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans Way back up in the woods among the evergreens There stood a log cabin made of earth
I just love it!
Chuck Berry!
This is really the real father of rock and roll.
Oh yeah, Johnny be good!
Okay, let me break this down for folks.
I have been sent hundreds of
Federal Marshal Slat Training.
I've been sent videos.
We've been sent internal training manuals.
I know the Ridders here in town with their local TV show.
Years ago they went to a Homeland Security meeting that was public here in town and they listed basically
Conservative groups, constitutionalists, threats, tying it in with Al-Qaeda.
It's all guilt by association.
They'll go, there are groups that don't want a world banking system to rule them, and next we'll tell you about white supremacists that kill cops.
And so it's just this base demonization, and that's what this MIAC strategic report, the Modern Militia Movement, starts out with all these examples of cops being killed over the last, you know, 25 years.
by white supremacist that's still a handful of cases but they just hype them and hype them and hype them to scare the cops then they move into Ron Paul and they move into how they need more gun control and to stamp all the bullets they move into how now there is a new world order but if you don't like it you're a terrorist and then they attack Ron Paul and everybody else in here Bob Barr you name it
Here's the issue, and I'm going to go over this in detail and take your phone calls and get into the Obama deception that's now out at PrisonPlanet.tv and a lot more.
That's right, you can watch it right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Super high quality.
The way it's meant to be seen.
Just atrocious.
I've seen some clips on the web, people grab from it, and I just wish, folks, you wouldn't race to put something up and then, you know, encode it on YouTube in the lowest bit quality so you get it up first.
It looks like hell.
I mean, I really want it to be seen, but all I saw was horrible copies of it out there.
Please go to PrisonPlanet.tv, folks, and download the film in super high quality and burn it to disc and DVD like it's meant to be.
Now, I'm going to stop there.
To make a long story short,
We put this out with other FBI training manuals and FBI training flyers to police saying look out for constitutionalists and those that make frequent references to the U.S.
Constitution and gun owners and they say right next to that, you know, they want to kill cops, look out.
It's totally made up.
And in this new document it says there's also mainstream public groups that say they want state rights and that try to get involved in the community and say they want to work with police and sheriffs and say they want to work with the cities and they're secretly violent cell groups.
Look, just anybody involved in anything, you're a terrorist.
And so we post this with other previous training manuals and things that we've had up on the site.
You know, the older stories going back many years.
And people start commenting, and I saw people on the Daily Paul commenting, going, I want proof!
This comes from Alex Jones!
I want proof!
I want proof Ron Paul's in here!
Well, read the thing!
I want proof that, you know, this is going on.
You don't know about all this?
You don't know about the talking points to demonize Ron Paul and patriots?
You don't know about police in, what, South Carolina busting down a door without a warrant because they had a Ron Paul sign in the yard that was all over the news?
I mean, you don't know about all this?
Are you hiding under a rock?
You didn't know that you didn't take time to read it where there was the phone number to the state police?
I have this separately from California Highway Patrol, and I have it from Missouri.
And frankly, I was so busy a few months ago when this came in from Missouri the first time, a different variant of it, they come out, best I can tell, every month, and they basically told Rob Due, our producer, that today he talked to the state police in Missouri, they admitted, they put this out, this is theirs, we called the phone number on it, okay?
You can call them too!
It's just the denial, the denial.
They're openly announcing all over the news that military is being put in the police departments as liaison officers and that the military is going to be out stopping drunks.
See that?
And helping at car wrecks.
It's now being announced everywhere, just like we told you it would be.
We know how they operate to make the military, the cops, the citizens think it's okay.
Well, it's just to stop drunks.
The Marines are here.
Well, there was a mass shooting.
The Army, regular Army came after and ran checkpoints.
And still there's denial.
People email me and say, I want your proof of FEMA camps.
I don't know, Houston Chronicle, Associated Press, bills, legislation, documents, army.mil, civilian inmate labor camp program.
I mean, you know, I mean, you can lead a horse to water.
It's like leading a horse to the Great Lakes, man, and it's sitting there dying of thirst, and there's an ocean of fresh water there, and it won't drink it, and you're telling me that isn't a giant reservoir of water for you to drink.
Okay, then.
I can't help you.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
I wasn't bashing the Daily Poll itself.
It's a great site.
I was just people's comments and people's comments on InfoWars and emails.
I'm kidding.
I mean, it just blows my mind.
So I'm going to go through the strategic report if we take some calls and get into some other issues.
But I wanted to bring Rob Dew in here, one of our producers, because by the time I covered this yesterday, by the time I was worried about the launch of
The Obama deception last night, it was too late to basically go back on air.
We fully documented it, putting out the flyer and the phone numbers.
I've seen literally a hundred of these that police have sent me, because they come out every month or so, in all 50 states.
But Raabou, here he is, and we can give you the phone number.
He called the state police this morning and he talked to two of them.
And we've got their names for you and they admitted they put this out.
So Rob, do give folks a report please.
Alright, so on page 7, right at the bottom, it says Missouri Information Analysis Center.
Gives you a phone number.
So I went and gave them a call.
And I got another phone number.
And that was to another department.
At the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
And I talked to a Captain Hull, and he said, I asked him if he wanted to come on the radio and talk about, first I asked him about the MIAC strategic report, and he said, oh yeah, that's a, he called it a report that they put out periodically, and it is to, quote, it's part of the normal operation for officers to receive these periodic reports for safety purposes and to track trends or changes.
That's exactly what he said.
Because they're all little intelligence agents now, secret police.
And so I said, oh, well this is interesting, and I wanted to get him on the show.
And so I said, is this something that Texans need to be worried about?
Would you like to come on and give him this information and explain it?
And he seemed interested in doing it, and he was going to call me back.
And then I got a call from Lieutenant John Hotz, H-O-T-Z.
And he said, Captain Hull will not be able to come on the program.
And I said, well, would you be able to?
And he said, no, I've got to run to a meeting.
And I said, well, what about next week?
Can we get one of you guys on to talk about this?
Because this is very interesting, and I think this is the kind of information that we need to talk about.
He said, well, I don't know, give us a call next week.
So I doubt they'll want to come on.
And it's amazing.
If you want to put something out like this, that's fine.
But at least be willing to come on and talk about it.
If you're going to have these ideas and write stuff about this about people, man up.
You're an officer of the law, you should be able to man up.
Now, specifically, this is, this MIAC, and this... Page 6, it mentions Ron Paul, by the way.
Yeah, we're going to go over it.
The Missouri Information Analysis Center is a division of the Highway Patrol Intelligence Unit, and they give intelligence briefings to the state police and also bring them up to speed on new changes and regulations to traffic and traffic stops.
You can go to their website.
You can just Google Missouri Information Analysis Center.
I printed off their front page.
I don't have the exact address, but just Google Missouri Information Analysis Center.
Curt Nemo linked to it in the article he wrote last night.
And this is part of the threat integration centers that they've set up in all 50 states.
They have subgroups, and I've seen this in every state.
This was written by the ADL of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
In fact, this is, you can go to the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center site, and different pages, different sections, you can just Google the terms and Google the paragraphs, and you won't just, you won't pull up the MIAC, because we just put it up yesterday,
We have the scans up.
You will pull up ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center.
So this is just lifted directly from that.
And they admit that in there.
They say it comes from other private sources.
And they just compile it.
And they lay it into here.
And so this is just unbelievably outrageous.
Now specifically, you also asked what the first guy's first name was, and he wouldn't tell you.
He just told you his last name.
And then you asked the other state police officer that they put you through to what his name was, and he wouldn't tell you.
The other trooper's first name, but he would tell you his first name.
Yeah, he told me his name.
He said, this is Lieutenant John Hotz.
And it's funny, on the bottom it says, no report or segment thereof may be released to any media source.
What's wrong with that?
Shouldn't we all be informed to be looking out for these dangerous people?
Well, it says Ron Paul stickers.
I mean, you got a Ron Paul sticker, you've got a Don't Tread on Me sticker.
Libertarian material.
You've seen Zeitgeist, which is the version that I'm all over, basically my film, large portions.
And then America, Freedom from Fascism.
And then they put it right next to the Turner Diaries.
Which was what the Feds planted on McVeigh and what, you know, a white supremacist deal that calls for basically blasting and killing and, you know, race war and dead cops.
Nothing about that in Zeitgeist, which is kind of a, you know, New Age PC angle on what we do.
Then you've got American Freedom to Fascism made by a Jew who's died of cancer, great guy Aaron Russo.
And then you've got the Turner Diaries.
It says, America, freedom to fascism.
Anti-income tax film.
How dare them?
Zeitgeist, the movie.
Anti-Federal Reserve film.
Turner Diaries, a novel that depicts the violent revolution of the United States government.
And a war that leaves only a white population.
This book was promoted by Timothy McVeigh and said to be motivation behind the Oklahoma City bombing.
Oh, promoted.
So he went on a book tour for it or something?
So, see, the idea... well, actually, they did send him out on a ledger tour, on a history tour.
He went to every Patriot group, every gun show, because it came out the Feds carried out the bombing to then try to link it to that and talk radio.
Of course, it blew up in your face, terrorist.
Yeah, we suppose you killed your own feds.
It's an absolutely documented fact.
And by the way, I've been in multiple SWAT team offices in places over the years, like the Travis County SWAT team, and seen the OKC bombing covered up in my films and other films people made on the shelves.
And I've been in other police departments and looked and seen my films, and they, look, they all know you did it.
They know you're murderers, okay?
It goes on here, it says, political paraphernalia.
And that's what they said when they pulled over Abby Newman in Road to Tyranny at a state police checkpoint in Virginia.
No criminal record, buying, canning supplies in town.
They said, we want to, you know, search you.
And she says, this is a warrantless checkpoint.
They have these cars stopped.
They grab her out, slam her against the car, put her in handcuffs, and then they get out the pocket constitution.
My film, Police State 2000, and they start hyperventilating, going, we got one of the extremists, I can't believe it.
I'm not sure this is legal.
Yeah, yeah, and they said, look at this paraphernalia.
See, so we see the training on the streets.
Militia members most commonly associated with third party political groups.
It is not uncommon for militia members to display a constitutional party, campaign for liberty, or libertarian material.
Oh, hell, campaign for liberty.
I mean, this is evil.
These members are usually supporters of former presidential candidate Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, or Bob Barr.
You know, they've done national studies where the majority of Americans say they'll vote for a Democrat or Republican, but over 50% call themselves libertarian.
So, see, half the population are terrorists.
Anti-government propaganda, militia members commonly display picture cartoons, bumper stickers, it's anti-government propaganda, bumper stickers that contain anti-government rhetoric, most of this material will depict the
F.R.S., I.R.S., F.B.I., A.T.F., C.I.A., U.N., Law Enforcement, and the New World Order in a derogatory manner.
How dare us depict the bankers openly bankrupting everything and setting up, quote, a bank of the world that we'll pay taxes to.
How dare us?
Bunch of made-offs.
Additionally, radical anti-immigration and anti-abortion material may be displayed by militia members.
You mean, you mean, 91% in Gallup polls that say they want to shut down the border and 80% in Gallup polls of Hispanics?
You mean those radicals?
Well, anti-immigration?
I don't think anybody's against anti-immigration.
They're against illegal immigration.
Well, I mean, exactly, but I mean, they show, if they display American flags, look out.
If they display the, don't tread on me, the Gadsden flag, and it says created by General Christopher
Gadsden, is that Gadsden?
And utilized in Colonial America, this is the most common symbol displayed by militia members and organizations.
Now, so here they are, demonizing militias.
We didn't even have a National Guard until, what, 1901, 1902.
It is the posse, the sheriff calls out, it's the fact that we're armed, as all the Founding Fathers said, to protect ourselves from common criminals and tyrannical government, as the Declaration of Independence states.
And so they are, this is an illegal criminal government openly waging war on people that follow the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and you dovetail this with the other training manuals that say if you pull somebody over and they talk about, make frequent references to the U.S.
Constitution, go ahead and take them in because they're probably terrorists.
I mean, I've seen that in on-the-rack law enforcement magazines.
I mean, if you just, folks, all of you should dive into researching, even the open source stuff.
Write your own articles, send them to us, we'll post and put them on the Prison Planet Forum, because I'm so busy doing other things, I don't even, see, I've gotten conditioned to not even cover this, because it's just so...
Second-hand to me, second nature.
It's just so... I'm so immersed in it that we all know this here, but the public doesn't, that I tend to not make as big a deal out of this as we should.
People think I exaggerate.
I tend to not cover the severity and how serious...
Alex, you're exaggerating.
There's bombings and rocket attacks and thousands dead in Mexico and it's so dangerous.
Five years ago, now it's all admitted.
No, we just are informed and spend our time researching.
Recap it though, for those listening, the state police of Missouri confirm that yes, this indeed is what they give their officers.
Run back through it quickly.
Yeah, so anyway, I called the Missouri Information Analysis Center, and I got a number for a Captain Hull, and I called him.
He's at the State Highway Patrol, and I wanted to see if he wanted to come on and talk about the MIAC strategic report.
I don't know.
For officers and that's his quote and to receive these reports for a quote safety purposes and to track trends or changes and he said more but that's what I wrote down so that's all I want to say that he quoted.
No, no, it's okay.
Let's not be neurotic about this.
No, no, come back and tell us.
I know you're trying to write as fast as you could.
You can paraphrase.
Reporters do that.
Basically, what else he told you.
We want all of it.
I'm going to squeeze every drop of information out of you.
Rob, prepare to be interrogated on air when we get back.
You will be interrogated.
I'm Alex Jones.
The Obama Deception can now be viewed at PrisonPlanet.tv and downloaded or streamed in super high quality.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Okay, so the state police
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Two different officers from the number we called confirmed.
That's right.
And so it's confirmed.
We're going to go over it more in the next hour.
I'm going to take some calls.
Get into Cheney.
We're an SS-style political assassination team.
That's mainstream news.
It's all part of the freedom.
And now their memos are public where they wanted to have a dictatorship and arrest people for free speech and ban free speech.
And they said the president could do that.
And now Obama agrees and is expanding those powers.
I mean, will Obama put a crown on and declare himself God and the media will say, that's right, presidents are God?
I mean, could, if the President, according, has this unlimited right of kings, I guess he can commit any crime he wants.
And the state police, if you talk about it, you know, the feds are there teaching them it's illegal.
It's terrorism!
Ron Paul's bad!
Remember Glenn Beck?
I said that was a talking point.
I saw it all over every cable news show.
These Ron Paul supporters are dangerous.
The army and police need to be used against them.
But now he acts like he's our best friend because they realize we're the majority and we're taking over.
The people are taking the country back through the political process and through free speech.
And he said his ratings have increased since he started with his new format.
You know.
Yeah, of acting like a patriot.
But he slips in.
Get Iran!
Get Iran!
Terrorists are going to get you!
Al Qaeda's everywhere!
But, boy, I don't like that new world order!
People are like, I like him now, Alex!
I don't see what you're saying.
Okay, if you want to be suckered, go ahead.
Continuing here, Rob, I mean, I understand you scribbled notes, you were being specific with those, but no, tell us what else he said.
Right, well, he went into, I'll go back over it again, he said that the strategic report, he confirmed that they put that out, and then he said that it's a normal operation for officers to receive these periodic reports for safety purposes and to track trends or changes.
I understand that's what you wrote, but you're saying he said too much, you couldn't ride at all.
I mean, he was 20 minutes ago, tell us.
Yeah, well, and he said they put it out and it's for safety purposes to train their officers.
What else did he say?
He was, I was mainly asking him a lot of questions.
I asked him, I was trying to get him on the show, and he was asking me where the show was, when it was.
He asked us where we were located.
You said we're out of Texas, and then you asked him, because you told me outside during the break, that, hey, is this a threat in Texas?
Yeah, I kind of pretended I was a little country dumb, and I said, yeah, you know, is this something we need to be worried about in Texas?
Because I'm kind of scared, I'm looking at this, and, you know, talking about modern militias and being terrorists, and he's like, well,
He said, well, I think we, yeah, we can come on and talk about it.
And he goes, let me talk to my superior and I'll call you right back.
And, um, you know, it was a pretty short conversation.
I got his information.
He's a captain with the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
He didn't give me his first name.
Um, and, um, but give us the last, it was Captain Hall, H-U-L-L, like the hull of a ship.
And they're actually, that's a different number than the number on the back, on page 7.
Go ahead and give them Captain Hull's number.
Alright, alright, let's do it.
That's 573-526-6115.
And please be polite, folks, but if any of you dimwits out there that are saying we're making this up, there you go, buddy.
Put your money where your mouth is.
There's the phone number.
Captain Hull.
Give them the other guy's name.
The other guy's name is Lieutenant John Hotz, H-O-T-Z.
What else did he say?
Well, Lieutenant John Hodes called me back and said, hi, is this Rob?
And I said, yeah, this is Rob.
He said, well, I'm calling on behalf of Captain Hull.
He will not be able to make it on your radio program today.
And I said, oh, OK, well, would you like to come on?
And he said, oh, no, no, no, no.
I have to run to a meeting.
Now, we already covered that.
Anything else we didn't?
That's pretty much it.
It was a short conversation.
They were all very polite, but they don't want to talk about it.
They want to hide in the shadows.
Give me a favor.
Go sit in your office for five minutes.
Think if anything else was said.
Believe me, more was said.
No, no, this is how it always is.
Remember, go back to the conversation.
We gotta rig that up with a recorder back there for those type of interviews.
You can tell them, hey, I'm calling from the news and it's okay to record them.
Alright, here we go.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, and yes, it's as bad as we always said it was with the New World Order.
It's just confirmed every day.
In fact, it's worse.
But the good news is the people are waking up in droves, and we have a lot of military and police contacting us that are just flipping out.
By what they're being told.
The Founding Fathers are terrorists.
They are going to have to put Americans in camps.
They are going to have martial law for our own good.
Foreign troops will probably be here.
And they try to train them with the troops.
They're putting military into all the police departments.
Folks are waking up.
And things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
But just, we planted all the seeds, ticking time bombs in the Infowar.
You see a lot of them exploding daily.
That's nothing.
As things get worse,
The info bombs will just detonate and not hurt people, but unlock minds.
The red pill has launched, the Obama deception has launched at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I launched it four days early.
We did that for a lot of different reasons.
We were worried about CDN server loads.
We wanted to test it out without a lot of folks knowing it was launching.
It worked great.
Downloads are super quick.
The streams are super fast.
People are blown away.
Some people are downloading the film in 10 minutes.
There's a bunch of different versions and qualities up there.
But it's just amazing to watch it at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And by the way, the Alex Jones Channel, which was not the official Alex Jones Channel, but we work with the guy that has it now and have kind of taken it over, but he's still running it, Dave, doing a fabulous job.
We appreciate all his work.
It is now the number one YouTube channel.
Number one!
I mean, you can go to
I didn't know this until about 30 minutes ago, Paul Watson sent me the link, and I, Paul post that in the link, or memo, or somebody should still blurb on it, but number one YouTube channel.
Numero uno.
Numero uno.
So that is very, very, very important.
And it's just growing and growing, and that's only one of hundreds of YouTube sites that post the radio show, the TV show, and that's just YouTube.
Not the BitTorrents, not the hundreds of other video sites.
But we still use YouTube, even though they're starting to censor and manipulate, because we know that that is a fertile ground to reach people and wake folks up, we still use that as a vector point in the viral distribution of the truth.
So I'm telling you, YouTube, that's why they're basically shutting down Google Video.
They don't even have it on their page, sub-page, you can hardly find it.
You've got to have the old URL.
They've been uploading videos of Burmese just talking, and they're deleting them.
So they're starting to move into that with YouTube.
The answer is, don't back down, infest it even more with the truth.
But then Doppelganger posts the videos, the audios, always in two or three sub-alternate sites.
See, when the enemy starts coming after you and trying to restrict you and shut you down, that means you're hurting them.
You know, we're getting death threats, I got the FBI calling here, snooping around.
Oh, that's just wonderful.
Because that lets us know we are right in there engaging the New World Order.
When most of the state police intelligence files they put out,
Through the feds.
Feds put it out through the state police.
It's all about gun owners are bad, and constitutionalists are bad, and they want to kill officers, and they're with white supremists, and all this guilt by association.
That means we are hurting them bad.
And they're worried about their officers waking up and going, man, I want to follow my oath.
I want to be a patriot.
I want to be like the founding fathers.
You know, these guys are right.
Everything they said came true.
I mean, they're openly announcing a world government run by banks.
I think I'm just going to follow the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They're like, no!
I mean the ADL is the main group that has been caught and been convicted of taking over areas of police departments and intelligence units and stealing files on people and spying through the police on citizens.
The Southern Poverty Law Center was caught in FBI documents that have been declassified, basically running the Elohim City white supremacist compound.
Oh, it's disgusting.
It's dis- No, no, we're not you.
Let's get that straight.
Don't try to claim the Patriots are you.
We're not the ones hanging out with the white supremacists.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Report that Ron Paul supporters are all basically terrorists that want to kill police, and that all libertarians are basically terrorists, and anybody that doesn't like the New World Order is a terrorist.
It's confirmed.
We've put out their names and info.
We've talked to state police.
We're going to add that to the articles, and Paul's writing another big one right now.
I'm going to take calls, and then we're going to get into Hirsch.
Cheney ran SS-style political assassination unit himself.
So we'll get into that.
Also, two arrested and FBI-raided Obama appointees' office.
I mean, it's just a pack of criminals.
And a sorry and a shame Bernie Madoff pleads guilty.
Oh my goodness.
Artificial life could be created within five years on the Telegraph.
I will get to those stories and more after we take some calls, but it's all an illusion.
It's like a spell.
It's a mind game.
It's a confidence game that you have these criminal bankers that created giant worldwide Ponzi schemes.
They brag to bankrupt the planet and bring in a one world government you'll pay your taxes to.
It's all over the newspapers.
They admit they're doing it.
And there's state police manuals everywhere saying we're insane, it doesn't exist, we're terrorists.
I mean, they can't get away with this.
This will wake anybody up.
It's so obvious.
It's waking the police up.
It's waking the military up.
Ron Paul got more money from the military than any other candidate in either party.
I kept saying Republicans.
No, I was corrected.
It's any party.
He raised six-something million in one day, like half of it was military.
All-time record.
Beating Kerry's previous record.
Beating Obama's record.
Beating Hillary's record.
And so go ahead, tell the military Ron Paul's supporters are terrorists and he's bad.
And tell people America's freedom from fascism is bad.
And of course you want to sneak around in the dark and tell these lies and spew all of this.
But your own state police aren't going to go along with you.
Okay, jigs up.
And if we just recognize who's financially raping us and doing all this to us, it can stop, it can stop if we just get the yuppies and all the wannabe establishment people to realize that, see, yuppies are into being empowered and nothing touches them and everything's a joke and they just don't care.
And so are the phony mainline Christians that have been told, stand down, it's the end of the world, praise God, they're trying to make us take chips, that means Jesus is coming.
Well, morally, regardless of what's really going on, you've got a moral responsibility to fight evil and warn others.
But no, you just hide in your churches and do your hair up and get all dolled up and the men get all dressed up and you just all ninny around and have your preacher tell you Obama's God and the government's God with their FEMA funding.
If we can just break the illusion
With the liberals thinking Obama's God, and black folks thinking he's God, and you know, Christians thinking the government's God, and the yuppies not caring.
Because the yuppie doesn't want to admit they're threatened by something.
They don't want to admit they're not in control of everything.
They don't want to admit there's something they gotta do.
I mean, I've seen the response a million times.
And I'm not bashing you if you drive a BMW and wear tennis outfits to dinner.
But the point is, I run into them all the time in Austin, or they come up and make jokes.
Oh, a black helicopter's gonna get me.
Oh, and I go, hey, do you like the toll roads going in?
They said they weren't gonna put in on the roads.
Well, so what?
You know, it's just all right.
Well, they're putting satellite tracker boxes in the cars here in Austin, trying to push everybody getting them to taxes by the mile.
And I'll enjoy it then.
You know, it's okay, idiot.
You're asking to be raped by tyranny.
I mean, when you act like that, and you run around in a delusional fashion, you are courting disaster.
In fact, you're guaranteeing disaster.
The child-like, two-year-old-like denial, when you tell a child that the Easter Bunny doesn't exist, or Spider-Man isn't real, or Superman isn't real, or Santa Claus isn't real, it's gotta end!
I mean, you're telling us none of this exists as it's openly being announced.
These people are dangerous running things!
There's no more time!
They stage terror attacks!
They don't care about a million 300,000 dead Iraqis, Bubba.
And if they can train you to not care about them, they'll make the move on all of us.
You understand that?
These are greedy, wicked, sociopathic, psychopathic sadists.
And they need good men and women to be suckered in to going along with them with the excuses and the, you know, oh, we're doing it for the good of the people and for the children garbage they paper over their operations with.
But the paper is falling off, it's hanging off by the glue, everybody sees what it is, the curtain's being pulled aside, whatever parable or analogy you want to use.
So that's all coming up as well, but I'll say it again.
The Obama Deception is now out at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It's meant to be seen in high quality.
Please go sign up at PrisonPlanet.tv.
$5.95 a monthly membership.
You can download everything.
Burn it to disk.
Stream it.
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It is powerful.
The Obama Deception is now out.
Ryan in Canada.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Can you turn your radio off, please?
Yes, sir.
How's it going?
I'm going to ask you to turn your radio off.
It's off.
Sorry, I was just calling to let you know that up here in Quebec there, I've been snooping around the Farnham Army Base for quite a while, and they've done a lot of upgrading to it.
They're playing smart, but I'm pretty sure it's being prepared as a camp here in Lower Canada.
Sir, your mainstream news admitted they're preparing camps, preparing to cordon and lock citizens in.
It was in major papers two days ago that they are preparing to wage war against the people of Canada, and Canada is now under NORTHCOM control.
You've already... Look, look!
Oh my gosh, I just forgot about... Guys, will you please bring me the France Reenters NATO article?
I printed it last night and I don't see it here in my stack.
This Burmese ran off with it.
Sir, go ahead and make your point and I'll shut up.
And basically they're doing the same thing up here.
They're trying to censor us.
They're trying to take stuff off the internet, play with the mail, take books out of the bookstores, things like that.
And they're trying to demonize anybody who's not going along with the agenda.
I noticed the big politicians up here, they scream a lot about protectionism.
And so I get to point out to people around me that
The only thing, there's no demonization in it.
We protect ourselves and our communities and all the small groups that talk about this.
That's all they ever come out with, is that if we want to help ourselves, we go back local.
But you've got all these, our major politicians, kind of crying, saying that it's their worst fear in the world.
And I can easily explain to people, I've got three Prime Ministers up here, that they took groups of a hundred businessmen over to China to sign contracts.
And so when we stop buying all the dollar store stuff and all the Walmart stuff and we go local, it hurts them.
It hurts the politicians and the Chinese businessmen.
And that little group, you know, but it doesn't hurt us.
I hear you.
Ryan, good job.
I appreciate your call.
What they're going to do is when they fully have brought in the depression, they're then going to erect tariffs and say that did it.
And they'll put that in the history books.
They always do that.
This isn't free trade to have Chinese slaves, millions of them, working in slave wages, or physical slaves in over 700 camps that Walmart buys from alone, forced labor camps.
They make the kids in school at age 10 go and work in the factories.
You always hear about them blowing up the firecracker factories, fireworks factories.
And so, it's about de-industrialization, so the globalists can de-industrialize the West, and they've done a great job of destroying our countries.
But speaking of military occupation, Hitler did invade Czechoslovakia, Danzig, Poland, he did take those over with military force, there was resistance, but he didn't really race around the Maginot Line, they did, but at Dunkirk where the British all evacuated and were told to leave,
There was a pre-made deal with the majority of the French brass in Vichy, France, that smaller city, to stand down.
And then that's why Hitler came and looked at Paris for one day and left, and there were hardly even any German troops there until the Allies began getting ready for their invasion, because it was the French Vichy.
It was traitors within.
So the French learned, through that, not to trust a big standing army.
Well, the NATO basically occupied France until 1963.
For a decade, France asked NATO to let them run their own bases.
There were assassinations in France.
They tried to kill de Gaulle.
NATO did.
That's clearly, you know, in many of the research papers out there.
De Gaulle went out to the press conference, said, I'm kicking you out.
It was a huge deal.
That's when we started hearing all the anti-French propaganda.
And they kicked NATO out.
In 1963, Nicolas Sarkozy, who's not even French, France to rejoin NATO Corps.
Nicolas Sarkozy officially announces the end of four decades of armed links relationship with the transatlantic alliance.
France will re-enter NATO's integrated military command.
France's President Nicolas Sarkozy announced this afternoon, he said that the move was in the interest of France and of Europe.
You see, you get a standing army in your country, it always takes over!
It doesn't matter if it's Venezuela, or the United States, or France, or Germany, or Korea.
This is what happens.
This is what Aliche do.
This is how they operate.
And that's all that's happened here with NORTHCOM, okay?
We're just publicly occupied, they publicly say we're under their control, and they work for Wall Street.
Okay, Abraham in Washington, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing today?
Pretty good, sir.
I actually have one point I want to make that's on topic, but I just wanted to say something else before I say that.
My wife came up with a joke about the stimulus package and about the IOUs that California's issuing, and that's Arnold saying, I'll pay you back.
Yeah, they'll pay us back, alright.
Anyway, I wanted to make a point.
I'm up here in Pullman, Washington, and
I called you a couple weeks ago about them putting in cameras monitored by the Pentagon.
Yeah, they're putting them in everywhere, yeah.
Well, we managed to get that stopped in City Council, and I'm also going to be running for City Council up here.
I've got one of the councilmen that's asked me to run, and he's, uh... Yeah, it's all over the newspapers in Washington State that the Army is coming in to all the major departments to be in the department.
Go ahead.
Right, well, they're also putting in a bio-weapons lab on the WSU campus up here.
Oh, yeah, level 4.
Right, and, uh, also, um, the thing that's on topic that I wanted to talk about, my wife, uh, her ex-husband is a police officer up near Seattle, and he's managed to, uh, basically get her kids completely away from her, and, uh, he's managed to use, you know, the law restraining orders and things like that, and, um,
With regards to that, though, we tried sending her kid some of your information and stuff, and, uh... He basically took it away and threw it away, including a copy of the Constitution that you send out with all your videos.
Oh, God, that's evil!
I mean, they're actually taught it's bad!
Yeah, yeah, he, uh... We're not joking when we say that.
We have it on video, FEMA teaching them this.
They swear an oath to it, but it's bad.
Tell me more about it when we come back briefly.
I've got to hurry through calls because I want to get your reviews.
I forgot to ask this.
Of the Obama deception, Jason Bermas had scores of calls in the emails, in the posts, in InfoWars and PrisonPlanet.com.
I've never seen people so excited.
Tell me why you think this film is going to be a powerful tool to wake folks up.
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Be a part of the revolution today!
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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I think so.
You know, it's very simple.
We found out about the globalist takeover plan, old-timers, 50, 60 years ago.
It's been a gradual National Security Council, shadow government takeover.
The last 15 years, people have really been fighting it, and now we warned the majority of the public.
They didn't believe us at the time.
Now they've seen it happen.
And so, your operation's been exposed.
Your plan to fully overthrow the country, rob everybody through taxation and police state control,
It's been exposed, but you don't care.
Your criminal masters are just going forward with everything, so it's going to be one horrible collision.
But at least we've got a fighting chance, and we're not rolling over on our backsides, bearing our bellies to you.
I've got to hurry through calls now.
Abraham, finish up what you were saying.
Your wife's ex-husband, a police officer, she tried to send her children some material, and that's al-Qaeda, so he had to throw it away.
Yeah, well, if you want to talk to her, she can tell you a little more in detail about some other things that he's done.
I got her right here if you want to talk to her.
Well, I mean, specifically, though, what did he say about the videos and the Constitution that he threw in the trash?
Well, he said he was very offended by it, and he said that he didn't want his kids getting in trouble for reading the Constitution.
That I was some kind of an extremist for sending them the Constitution.
Well, it's, you know, we got FEMA on tape saying it's bad, so, you know, it must be.
Doesn't he know he swore an oath to it?
You know, I think he knows he swore an oath to it, but I just don't think he cares.
He's very arrogant, and he's very rude, and he really doesn't care about the country.
Yeah, well, a lot of bad people want to become officers so they have power.
There's a lot of good people that want to serve, but it's pathetic.
I mean, unless you're... I don't want to make your wife come on the line.
I mean, did she specifically talk to him about the thought crime that she committed by sending him the Constitution?
Yeah, she did.
Well, let me talk to her real quick.
What's your wife's name?
Hey, Sarah.
You sent... You sent him the pocket Constitution.
We put in all the orders for free on thought crime I commit every day.
And he was upset by this?
Well, um, actually, see, my husband, he's very political, and he doesn't think that kids are learning the Constitution in schools anymore, and so he sent them one, and basically, my ex-husband, you know, took it out of their possession, and, you know, that shows his attitude towards it.
But I bet he lets them watch mainstream television that totally ruins children.
Oh, man, it's awful.
My kids, see, I...
Raising them in a basically Christian home, and I monitored what they watched, and you know, he was letting them watch vampire movies where they kill each other, and nudity, and all kinds of stuff.
Well, see, that's okay, though.
It's only the Constitution.
You can't have that.
Right, right.
No, I mean, we've got police busting indoors without warrants for Ron Paul signs now.
I mean, it's, you know.
It's just a complete lunatic.
I mean, they're a cult, folks.
The officers that buy this propaganda are out of their minds.
Okay, well, Sarah, good to hear from you.
I appreciate the call.
Buddy in Ohio, you're on the air.
Another thought criminal, I'm sure.
Go ahead, sir.
Please don't talk about the Constitution.
Please, please.
Yeah, I'd just like to say thanks to you and your whole staff for everything you've done.
I've been awake for about a year now, and I appreciate everything you guys have done for me.
And just with the whole everybody trying to doubt you and everything, I spent the first six months listening to you and looking up everything you said, and I have no doubt in anything you say anymore.
Well, you should still, you should trust me, but verify.
Oh yeah, I still do.
You need to continue to, oh yeah, you need to have it for yourself.
Very important.
Oh yeah, I still do that.
I mean, I used to like the internet for a whole totally different reason a year ago.
And I just want to say I appreciate everything you guys are doing.
And I downloaded the Obama deception last night.
I started to watch it.
I had it on repeat.
I fell asleep.
And I caught like the last 20 minutes of it.
And I woke up to the part where they're all chanting Obama, Obama.
And it like I woke up almost in tears because it just depresses me every time I see these people worshiping this man.
And he's
You know, he's worthless, pretty much.
He has no control.
Well, there's a good endorsement of the film.
It was so exciting, you fell asleep.
Oh, no, I was up all night and all day.
I had to wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning.
No, I understand.
You downloaded it at night and I was joking.
Well, listen, call back and give me a review once you've seen it, okay?
Okay, yeah.
Anything else, buddy?
I just want to say thanks, man.
I don't want to take up too much of your time.
I just want to express my gratitude towards you and Jason and the whole staff that you guys do.
You guys turn me on to a whole new atmosphere.
I open up my eyes and I see the world totally clearly now.
I learned how to read between the lines of what these guys are saying.
I used to be a forehead baby and brainwashed.
Finally opened my eyes, and thank you.
Thank you, sir.
And all I would ask people who are impressed with the Obama deception is burn the DivX.
It's very easy.
You can burn the film in high quality to regular CDs.
Now, it's nothing compared to buying the actual DVD at InfoWars.com.
We hope people go there and do that.
But passing them out, just burn it to disk.
Burn it to disk from PrisonPlanet.tv.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
And who are you?
Just love that Foo Fighters.
Great music video.
All right.
All right.
I said I'd go to calls.
I've taken a few.
I'm just going to give each person about a minute, no matter how important it is, because we have to get to the next person.
Because I want people to be able to get involved on air.
The Obama Deception has dropped.
It is out at PrisonPlanet.tv in super high quality.
Or order the DVD right now at InfoWars.com to get the very best quality, the perfect copy to make high quality copies from.
Coming up, Hirsch reports Cheney ran SS-style political assassination units.
That's coming up in an upcoming Vanity Fair article, but he's already leaked it.
I'm going to go over this report saying Ron Paul supporters are terrorists.
We should get angry about this.
Now libertarians want to kill cops.
Ron Paul supporters are terrorists.
This is up on InfoWars.com right now.
We're going to go through some of this report.
But right now, let's go to Kelly in Idaho.
Kelly, you're on the air.
Alex Jones, my heavens, it is such a pleasure to talk to you.
You are an amazing man.
Congratulations on the YouTube number one spot.
And you know, you are just so passionate.
There are so many people around the world that feed on that passion.
God bless Alex Jones.
I just have a quick question and then a comment, a suggestion.
Well, the suggestion first, I guess.
And I sent a mail, I mailed something to you earlier, but you know, I want to go door to door with your message.
And talk to as many people.
I want to be absolutely on the front lines talking about this stuff.
The problem is I have a wife and five kids.
And why don't you do a pilot program where you set me loose trying to sell your stuff.
And I think you'll make money and I think that the message will be spread.
What do you think about that?
And then we can put the money back into expanding the message out.
I mean, but I wouldn't wait for orders from headquarters.
I think it's great.
I mean, we're selling the films in bulk for like $8 a piece if you buy a bunch of them, and Obama is really, really hot, and so you can use his hype and his propaganda to get people to watch it, then they find out it's really about the international bankers, the current banking takeover, how the world government's being set up, the secret police, the FEMA camps.
We immediately come in and say, this is not left or right.
Obama's working with Bush.
They're just puppets.
We immediately shatter the left-right paradigm, and then we get right into issues.
So it's just absolute.
It's the truth.
And so it's just made to wake people up.
Well, you don't think that may be worth it?
I mean, I am so passionate about this.
No, no, no, you're not listening.
Listen, I have to scrounge and work on it just to get lunch here.
I'm the guy at midnight going around picking up coffee cups here in the pig pen at the office, and I'm trying to grow, I'm trying to hire more people, then I've got to deal with all those issues.
I'm very small, sir.
And so you're saying you want to sell my stuff door-to-door.
Okay, what do I do?
I mean, how do I help you do that?
What are you saying?
Well, you know, all I'm saying is that I believe that I could make a profit for you, but that's up to you.
This is sort of a business deal.
We don't need to talk about it right now.
No, what I'm saying is just buy the videos at more than... I do.
I'm selling them in bulk.
I'm selling them in bulk at 60% off, and if you count the cost of the DVD and making it, it's more like 70% off.
Well, hold on.
Okay, you know, let's say a DVD package and everything in bulk cost me about a dollar.
Then there's the shipping it out to you.
There's the cost of making the film.
I mean, when I'm selling these at $8 apiece for folks that buy more than 100 of them, when I'm selling them at that price, folks, I mean, that is just, that is, in publishing, video, or in books, that is as low as it gets.
I just want to move it out the door, and then you just buy them in bulk, and then there's no communication.
There's no, because I can barely communicate with my wife or family now.
I'm working so much.
I mean, I could try to launch a program, hire people, people do that, but the model of just reaching out to folks and just doing it.
But listen, I appreciate all your support and I appreciate your excitement and I appreciate you saying how great I am, but it's kind of getting out of control here on the show.
I'm just doing what I do because I want to survive and I want to fight the tyranny and I know that's what you want, but anything else, Kelly?
Yes, I just want to say, you know, in the 18
A lot of people said that, and then it did end up happening with Lincoln just 30-something years later, but no, who said that?
Well, no, well, no, yeah, and the interesting part about this is this is 60 years after the Constitution of the United States began.
Joseph Smith said that, the leader of the Mormon Church.
But I just think, you know, he didn't say the string would break.
I think we are destined to win this thing.
But it's very interesting that everything he said, all these things are coming about.
The Constitution is hanging by a thread, and if it wasn't for the Alex Joneses out there,
You know, it may pop.
You're doing a great work, my friend.
I'll let you go.
Alright, thank you so much.
And maybe I should develop a program.
It's just, with wholesaling, we have enough trouble just getting them out to people.
It's a management issue.
We are small, folks.
Let's talk to Shu, who's listening from the internet.
People kind of take advantage of that.
Where I say, we don't even need to know where you're calling from or your name.
But it'd be easier if you just said Bob from St.
Louis, you know.
But no, we'll call you what you want to be called, Shoe on Head Internet.
Alright, hey Alex, how are you doing today?
Go ahead.
Good, go ahead.
Alright, I'm calling about Symantec really quick.
It's the company that makes Norton antivirus.
And I don't know if you've picked up this story yet, I haven't seen it on your site.
But basically they've just been caught red-handed sneaking an update into their antivirus that, without your consent, will send your cookied information, Google desktop information, to a company that turns out to do military intelligence.
And it's on a bust-up secret, that's where I saw it first, and by now it's been picked up by the UK Telegraph.
I think I saw an article in the Washington Post.
Okay, that is huge news.
Send it as a tip.
Uh, to, uh, Rob D. at InfoWars.com.
What's the headline from London Telegraph?
I mean, we hear this all the time.
Most of these big companies are intelligence agency fronts.
And then you'll notice...
That it's always a former intelligence chief or sub-chief from one of the 30-something intelligence agencies in the U.S.
alone, or the 15 big ones, and then that's how the revolving door works.
He'll get a few million a year as he sits over the private company engaging in all of this activity, but give me the headline out of the London Guardian, or the London Telegraph.
It's the Telegraph, yes, and it's called, Internet Conspiracy Theories Abound Over Symantec
See how they do that?
You're saying they've admitted they're spying, that it goes to military intelligence, but it's still a conspiracy theory to not like it.
A storm of complaints on their site, shutting down their forums because there was so much outcry.
Symantec actually admitted that they passed on the information without the user's consent to, and the company is called SwapDrive, and if you look at SwapDrive, the people behind it, they're based in Arlington, VA, so I guess that's just a coincidence.
And the two guys, there's a Mark Wallace and a Roland Schuman, and they're both ex-military intelligence.
Yeah, like I told you, they always are.
All the major companies, I mean literally, are former FBI or Defense Intelligence or CIA, all the big ones, even the sub ones.
They just get away with it and get away with it.
The companies that upload the Bin Laden videos, you know, Rumsfeld, Second Command, Black Ops, Propaganda.
And it's uploading fake videos.
I mean, it's such an insult to the public.
Alright, well I will cover that story.
Thank you so much.
Take care, I'll check that article.
You sound credible, but when someone has a name like Shoe on their head, we have to confirm it.
Did you guys pull that up?
About the company?
Did you just hear him giving the headline?
Well, I'm sure it'll be in the inbox in seconds.
Let's go ahead and talk to EJ in Texas.
EJ, you are on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Big fan.
Big fan.
It was well done.
Well done.
I stayed up last night to watch it.
I had to finish it this morning, but you and your crew did a fantastic job.
I know you're not a one-man operation, and you've got a great team, and you're doing wonderful work.
I have an analysis.
A little bit of critique as well.
I think you did a really good job synthesizing all of the areas of control that govern Obama's administration and will govern it.
I think you did a really good job with the graphics.
Everything just seamlessly came together and I like it.
I think the Bilderberg part was a little bit too long for my particular taste.
That's just because I'm pretty familiar with it.
But, here's three areas that I think really could drive home the point of Obama's administration and where they're headed.
But, I also realize that they need to be blown out into probably another movie idea.
Well, let me just add this.
Give us your idea in a minute.
Let me just add this before I forget.
I always make films that are two and a half, three hours, or longer.
I mean, Martial Law's over three hours, Endgame's almost three hours, Terror Storm's over two hours.
So I made this 112 minutes long, which is still lengthy.
The average documentary's about 85 to 90 minutes long.
And obviously, that's the problem.
There's so much corruption, so much lies, that
There's no way to cover it all, and so obviously everything's not going to be in there, but go ahead.
That's exactly right, and that's exactly what I was thinking, is wow, they have too much information, there's just not enough time to cover it, and I totally understand that, and I appreciate it, and everybody that sees this who's not key, who's not in on the know, they're going to still be enlightened, so that's fine.
What I'm saying is, three areas that are important in terms of Obama himself.
One is the Rezco affiliation that Corsi brought up.
All the ties that Tarpley brought up that weren't in the film, and you can totally blow this up however you need to, but that needs to be uncovered as well, because the general populace still doesn't understand his background.
Yeah, but here's the deal.
The mainstream media wanted it to be about, is he a communist?
Ties to communists, you know, terrorists.
Was he really born in Kenya?
The mainstream media, because they believe they can spin that and make it a left-right issue, that I believe in a way that's really a honeypot.
I'm not saying it's bad to report it.
We have covered it.
It's, I mean, obvious.
Look, look, look.
The one area of the film that we didn't have time to do because of constraints and having to get it out quickly is how many people have had to resign or step down and all the corruption and bid rigging and payoffs and money and just how it's all a pack of crooks.
I mean, there were just FBI raids today on the offices of one of Obama's appointees
So yes, I mean, it's just amazingly mafia-esque, but that's gotten so much coverage.
We were covering just his lies, his betrayal, the banker takeover, the FEMA camps, the troops.
You know, that's what we were doing in this film.
Corruption with a Chicago scene only.
And then the other two points that I think that really need to be talked about and discussed into a new movie idea for you guys, and I know you can do it, but what really needs to be done soon is
Well, I said we're going to do that.
That's actually my next film.
When they attack you physically, they're attacking you mentally.
And that has all kinds of ramifications.
Yes, we're being attacked through the water, attacked through the air, attacked through the GMO foods, and the globalists brag publicly they're doing it.
This is incredible crime.
The public knew they would be so much more outraged, but they're poisoned so a lot of them can't mentally deal with it.
And I, listen, I've announced many times I'm going to make something along the lines of an Endgame 2.
It probably won't be called that.
That we'll just focus on how they're killing us and how they're engaging in soft kill operations.
So, that has been announced.
That is one of the next projects I'm doing.
I might finish the JFK thing real quick, or I may keep shelving it.
It's important, but not as important as what's all happening right now.
It gets into the shadow government is the reason I could rationalize making a JFK film to kind of show folks how there was the coup d'etat back in 63, but the Obama deception covers that.
I appreciate your call, sir.
And thank you for the critique.
And look, we rushed this film out, and you always sit there and watch it over and over again, you know, in the week before you release it, and then you find mistakes after.
But there are always little petty things like, I told the graphics guy, it's Richard M. Haas, head of the Council on Foreign Relations, the film says Richard M. Haas, it doesn't matter, there's his picture, here he is, he's in the news, you know who it is, Richard M. Haas.
You know, nitpicky little stuff like that.
But I'm glad people point that out.
Now, I'll tell you this, we have probably
Three hours of Moore-Tarpley interview, an hour and a half of Solente interview, we have hours and hours of interviews never been seen with Ventura, we have hours and hours of George Humphrey interview, we have more KRS-One that hasn't been seen, all of it.
And so, I will tell you, the guys were asking, what's next?
And I said, I don't want to have a big, stressful, killer project for you guys as I write up, you know, the direction of the next film.
I said, I want you in the next week, I want you guys to take a few days off, but I said next week I want to condense kind of a Obama Deception 1.5, just like we did with Endgame.
And I think it's going to be like two hours long, folks, an Obama Deception 1.5
And we are going to get into, not the Kenya stuff, because it's a honeypot, but we are going to get into the resco and the mafianess and the corruption and a bunch of other stuff we didn't have time to put in the film.
So there is going to be, in fact, I've made the decision right now, I'd already made the decision, but I hadn't really told the guys yet.
I was like, I'll tell you next week what we're doing.
We're going to put out some of the extras of the film.
There's the official extras that we're going to post tomorrow at PrisonPlanet.tv for members.
This is about 30 minutes of those.
But sometime in the next few weeks, there will be an Obama Deception 1.5 at PrisonPlanet.tv and it will probably be an hour and a half, two hours long.
And it's mainly going to be interviews.
So, you want it, you got it, already on the same page, brother.
And all I'll do is sit down and introduce it and explain.
This is stuff we didn't have time to put in the film.
Both with time restraints and with length.
I mean, it's not effective to put out more than a two-hour film.
I mean, some of my other films are really three films in one.
Here it is, Internet Conspiracy Theories Abound Over Company, and it says, Internet message boards are awash with rumors this evening of the mysterious new file found in the most recent Norton Internet Protection Security update from Symantec.
And then it goes on to admit that
Ties into Army Intelligence and all of it.
I have to read it during the break, but it's just par for the course.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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We're good to go.
Alright, I want to get into the secret death squads of Dick Cheney.
It's now mainstream news.
I want to get into... I think we should make a bigger deal out of this.
I'm just so conditioned that they engage in these activities that it... I should have been covering this the whole show.
This state police document, and I've got it out of California and other places, where the Feds are saying that, you know, Ron Paul supporters are basically terrorists that want to kill cops, and the North American Union doesn't exist, and just... Everything else is so disgusting.
And yes, the Obama Deception has dropped.
It is out at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Or you can call toll-free and order the DVD 888-253-3139.
And you can also go to InfoWars.com and order the high-quality DVD and all the other books and films there on the online video and bookstore.
Let's go ahead here and go to Jessica in Vermont.
Jessica, you're on the air.
Um, so I talked to Captain Hall today also, down in Missouri, about this document.
So, people are saying this document's saying Ron Paul supporters are terrorists, doesn't exist, and Bob Barr supporters and libertarians are terrorists and want to kill cops, and then you can call the state police and they admit it, but go ahead.
Yes, exactly.
Um, I had seen the document online,
And it freaked me out because it was saying that Campaign for Liberty, Ron Paul, all these different groups were militia, basically militia sympathizers, or that they were people involved... But it's not that militias are even bad.
They say militias want to kill cops.
So first they demonize militias, then they tie it to white supremacists, then they tie it to Ron Paul.
Go ahead.
Well, I just kind of wanted to reiterate.
I called the number on the document.
And I was directed to the Public Information Department.
And I was told to talk to Captain Tim Hall.
So then after I hung up with... Oh, it's Tim Hall!
He wouldn't tell us his... Yeah, no, his name is Tim Hall.
And when I got off the phone with the woman on the first line, I kind of was like, I don't know if I want to call, this is kind of weird.
But then I decided, you know what, this is wrong, so I'm calling.
So I did.
And Captain Hall and I spoke for quite a while.
Hang on a second, hon.
Okay, so basically, let me just run through what he said, because I did take some notes and I wrote some stuff down.
He said the information is correct, and they were putting it out, I'm sorry, to educate law enforcement officers.
That's okay, I have children.
You're not giving her attention, so she's mad.
Why don't you just tell her mommy's coming in a minute and then come back.
Go ahead.
I'll be right there, buddy.
I think so.
He went on to say that there have been incidents in the past where militia groups target law enforcement officers.
In one case in Missouri, killing an officer.
And that they need to be aware of all potential threats.
Yeah, I have to say that Ron Paul's a terrorist and the new order doesn't exist because cops will be killed.
See, it's always, it's for our safety.
It has nothing to do with that.
This is secret political demonization of the American people that are fighting for the Republic.
Well, then what I said was, you know, it's interesting because
Um, you know, Congress has to take an oath to the Constitution.
The armed, uh, people that join the armed forces have to take an oath to the Constitution.
Uh, the President, you know, are these people potentially involved with violent militias?
Does supporting these people then make you a supporter of a violent militia?
And he was, oh, no, no, of course not.
You know, that's not what we're getting at.
So then I asked him if this wasn't profiling, because you're singling out people that might have Ron Paul bumper stickers on their cars, and he said again and again and again, this is not profiling.
So then I asked him if an officer wants to see a Ron Paul bumper sticker on a car.
And this person was pulled over.
After seeing this document, you're going to tell me that this police officer is not going to have... Stay there!
Back in 70 seconds with the third hour.
Stay there!
I want to hear what he said.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All over the United States, Canada, England, Europe, they set up threat integration centers, fusion centers.
The feds take over, the army moves in, they brainwash the state police, local police.
We've got the training videos.
The founding fathers are bad.
Gun owners are bad.
Gun owners may want to kill you.
Those that talk about the Constitution want to kill you.
Go read it for yourself, all eight pages, up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We have it scanned in, and it says they're everywhere, they want to kill you, they're white supremacists, and then it goes, by the way, here's who they're with, this is who they may be.
Ron Paul, all libertarians, all Ron Paul supporters.
Constitution Party supporters, people that watch America Freedom to Fascism, you know, they're with the Turner Diaries, they want to blow up the OKC building.
This is meant to create a chilling effect and demonize anybody who's anti-New World Order, anybody who's an American saying, I don't want to be colonized by private offshore banks.
So you're talking to State Trooper Hull,
Captain Hull, up there, and we've talked to him as well, and what you said is exactly what he said to us, but then he cut it short.
But you were asking the good questions, so you bring up to him, well, wait a minute, I mean, you're saying go after Ron Paul, people, watch out, they want to kill you, that's what every page says.
It's like, they want to kill you, next we'll tell you about Ron Paul.
And then to make it sound legitimate, for officer safety, and then the white supremacist, and then Ron Paul, and then America, freedom to fascism.
So it's clear psych warfare.
What did he say when he pointed it out?
There's no way somebody reads this and then doesn't persecute Ron Paul supporters and others.
What did he say?
He basically kept denying it and kept saying that it was for educational purposes only.
I went back and forth with him about the whole profiling issue a few times.
I made another example of another situation where somebody might have a sticker on their car.
Um, and, you know, if, say, somebody's driving down the road and they have a Grateful Dead bumper sticker on their car, you know, um, well, if that person gets pulled over, probably there's going to be in that policeman's mind, hmm, there might be drugs in this car.
You know, it's just something you put together.
Look, it's common, it's common sense.
But it's something that you think about.
So for them to then put, connect Ron Paul, Campaign for Liberty, Constitution Party, Libertarian Party,
Um, even anti-abortion with a militia movement, um, a violent militia movement, um, is definitely profiling.
It's setting up their officers to profile drivers on the road.
I mean, it's right there.
No, I mean, this is what they say.
How can you deny it?
Yeah, how can you deny it over and over again and say, no, it's just for educational purposes.
We need to be aware of threats.
Consider this, that, and the other thing.
But the thing that concerns me is that the Campaign for Liberty is having a big convention in Missouri on the 27th.
Look, don't you wonder why the police flip out on people that have violent constitutions?
Listen, you've done a great job, but let me just add some points here that are important and anything else you want to add.
Remember, Missouri was the group with the state police and others on the news saying, if you talk bad about Obama, we'll decide if it's a lie, we're going to arrest you.
And that was on the news.
They think they're secret police because for decades they've been quietly brainwashing them that any popular pro-America, we're the people, we're supposed to run the country, and so cops are scared to death of anybody that talks about freedom or second amendment.
And there's gun control.
They say they need more gun control.
They talk about they want to kill police,
We've got to have all the bullets registered and stamped, which will shut down most of the gun dealers, make old ammo illegal.
I mean, it's selling cops on gun control.
It's saying, banning people's guns, restricting guns keeps you safe, officers.
Hating Ron Paul supporters and libertarians, they want to kill you.
I mean, what it is is brainwashing of the police.
You know, one other point that I want to make while I'm on the, while I've got you and I'm on the air here, is that, you know, for this group to come out with this very targeted message against Ron Paul.
Ron Paul is a tenured, respected congressman.
He's a Republican.
He's on, you know, he's been on Fox News more times in the last couple weeks than I can count.
You know, he's not just some goofball off the top of his head.
Look, they know that.
They know that.
They're the people overthrowing America.
They're the ones engaged in crimes.
The globalists, so they've got to brainwash the police.
Good to hear from you.
Great points.
More news straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to go live at PrisonPlanet.tv in about 12 minutes from now.
I'm so glad police and military are sending us more and more of this brainwashing they're being given.
One state police officer that sent me this from California said, Hello guys!
Thought you might want to take a look at this piece of garbage floating around police departments.
Check out the next to the last page.
I guess I'm part of a militia movement since I support Ron Paul.
Well, I better not say anymore.
Anyways, the point, I almost read the thing there.
PS, please buy Alex a cup of coffee for me, and he gave me $22.
Now, this is a complete and total insult to anyone's intelligence.
And when I get up here and I say that we have FEMA on video, we do.
In Kansas City, of all places.
Well, I'm back to Missouri, but it's all over the country saying the Founding Fathers were terrorists and were bad.
And the American people are bad.
And the Bill of Rights is bad.
And they want to kill cops.
It's base psychology.
It makes no sense when you watch the video.
I have like 18 hours of it.
It's all, and they believe that a New World Order global bank wants to take over.
And they want to kill officers.
So an officer, when they hear about a New World Order Global Bank, well, that means kill officers.
For your safety, you need to know these are terrorists like the Founding Fathers.
Now when they hear Founding Fathers, terrorist, and you can go read it.
But we have the video.
Then we have the squad cars out from their own squad car video, finding a pocket constitution and going, oh, what are we going to do?
I found the paraphernalia.
That's what they call it in here, paraphernalia.
I mean, they flip out, folks, when they see a pocket constitution.
You know, I put these free in every order.
They cost us like 65 cents a piece.
I buy them in bulk.
We throw them in every order.
That's not inexpensive over the year with thousands of orders.
We throw them in there.
And it's just the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Constitution.
And this is the one Abby Newman had, the one I'm holding in my hand, the one we put out.
It's one of the oldest and best put out from Arizona.
Been out for decades.
And let me tell you, you show this to one of these brainwashed cops, it's like a vampire that sees a big cross.
Or a bucket of holy water.
It's like, oh, don't kill me!
Going for the gun.
And it's so ridiculous because they swore an oath to protect and defend this.
This is why we have a successful country.
It's why we have a free market.
It's why we have all these rights.
These were purchased with blood by your ancestors, ding-dong.
I mean, they really are ding-dongs.
And by ding-dong, they're not even that bad a people.
You know, a ding-dong is just kind of a dummy.
I mean, do you like being shoveled, this type of bull?
I'm going to get into it more later.
We're going to spend about an hour and take calls on the big flu situation, where they're trying to mix live bird flu that kills over 60% of the people that are in contact with it with vaccines.
Dr. Rebecca Carley coming up.
And I want to continue with your phone calls.
Cliff, Simon, Justin, Joe, Susie.
That'll probably be it for calls, though, this hour.
We've got a guest coming up after I get to those.
And I've got the Cy Hirsch audio clip, everybody.
And the Dick Cheney news I want to cover.
Cheney says SS-style political assassination unit.
And last week they released the White House memos.
We'll set up a dictatorship and ban free speech.
The president has unlimited power and can do that.
People are like, oh, thank goodness Obama's here.
They're continuing the takeover!
It's seamless transition!
Because the President is a front man for the military industrial complex and the offshore banks.
But I'm just going to spend about five minutes with him because he's a busy guy.
I haven't had him on in about a week.
Gold has exploded back up in prices.
If you look at a week graph, a month graph, a year graph, it's only going straight up.
And Ted, when it dips, buys it low.
Because for some reason people aren't smart and don't buy when it's low, and then so you can buy it when it's high, but pay for what it was when it was low.
The best of both worlds, with this you eat your, have your cake and eat it too, repeatedly.
So, because Ted's a smart guy and he's bold too, he made a big move, when gold dropped a lot and it's gone way up in the last two days, and you can get the price it was last week, right now, and I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up, I mean Ted,
With the FDIC saying they're bankrupt and may not be able to bail out any more banks and need hundreds of billions more.
I think they said 500 billion now.
With all the things that are happening and the printing presses in high gear and record, you know, housing price drops and 8 million, you know, houses upside down and growing.
I mean, I don't have to go over the economic numbers.
Folks, you know it.
All I know is you are insane not to get firearms, storable food, water filters, gold, silver, and gut up and be willing to defend yourself.
And you're insane to not take advantage of the deals Ted Anderson offers here.
Ted, since you were on a week or so ago, a lot has happened, hasn't it?
It sure has.
We watched gold, it went down to, it hit right around 890.
Actually, it dipped below that just a little bit during the day trading.
But I was, I'm sitting around just trying to buy as much as I can.
Because I know what's going on out there.
I mean, Geithner is on Politico today talking about the European Union leaders don't want to take the United States.
We're pushing them right now.
Oh yeah, mainstream news everywhere you can Google it is saying we're probably going to default and lose our AAA rating and people are just going to stop overnight, stop buying it, and then it's over, folks.
I mean, you're talking not some slide into depression.
I mean,
Well, we could easily, it's like some 75 year old guy who's had four big heart attacks and he could have another big one at any time.
He may live five more years, he may live two more days.
But, you know, the point is, the ticker is going out and gold is the parachute.
I'm sorry, Ted, go ahead.
Well, you're just making a great point.
If we lose Europe and China,
From buying our U.S.
government securities, the United States is done.
We're toast.
Overnight, like, on fire.
Burned to the ground.
It's like this.
We've been deficit spending.
We've got way too much debt.
If foreigners aren't willing to lend us their earned money,
The United States dollar is going to just go right through the floor because the Federal Reserve is going to be the only lender of last resort.
And then all the big banks are going to default and it'll be one super global bank that owns everything.
They designed it all, Ted.
That's exactly right, Alex, and that's what's going on.
So when I see something like, you know, gold dipping below $900 an ounce here recently, that to me is just a signal for me to buy.
It gives me that opportunity to have the edge on the market.
I mean, right now I've got the franc currently at $218.
That coin was $240 here just, what, two weeks ago?
And then the British Sovereign is at $272.
That one was just breaking $300 an ounce here just a couple weeks ago as well.
You know, I just, I can't say it enough.
I mean, there is way too much trouble out there in the economy to ignore what's going on.
If you have IRAs sitting in cash, or you're sitting in the banking system, or if you're in the stock market, I mean, you really definitely have to look seriously at those investments, because we lose Europe, and we lose Asia,
We are done.
The United States can't sell the treasuries there.
The dollar's gonna fall like a stone.
We're sliding into one of the deepest depressions we've ever seen, and it's way worse than what we had in the 1930s.
Yeah, let's explain that.
Let's explain that.
Long, deep,
I don't
No, pals, if you care about yourself.
The truth and being free or being a slave?
Just how do you love?
Oh, I love being a slave!
I'll go with the New World Order!
I'll believe the baloney they give me saying Ron Paul people are terrorists!
I mean, come on, folks!
You know, in this document demonizing Ron Paul and libertarians and gun owners, saying that we want to kill cops, you know in here they go on to say that we believe there's a plan for World Banks to take over?
I mean, how do cops not read this and know that
These crazies for decades have said this was going to happen, and now because we are building FEMA camps, and now because they are putting NORTHCOM on the streets, it really is freaking them out.
It actually says that!
They admit we're right about everything, but that just makes us that much more crazy, Ted!
It does, and you know, Warren Buffett stepped in when the Wall Street was being bailed out there, when Bush was still in office, and he's currently getting killed right now.
Berkshire Hathaway is getting killed by the derivatives market.
And you know, that's just one of the signs that are going on out there.
GE just got knocked down from its perfect credit rating.
It's never had this before.
It was downgraded from a triple A rating to a double A rating now.
I mean, these are like major institutions that are just crumbling in front of our very eyes.
GM says they may completely implode.
Ford's in trouble.
But don't worry, Walmart's making good profits right now.
Well, anyways, I mean, Alex, I just need to say, take advantage of these prices, because we've had another opportunity to get into gold in that $800 range, and gold right now is seeing a high of $9.31, right now trading about $9.24.
And it's strong as ever.
It's not going away.
And if you hadn't had the chance to position your portfolio into something real, something hard, something that's been good for holding on to wealth for over 6,000 years, where this fiat currency that we have... Oh, by the way, in this document it says it's terrorism to own gold, Ted.
Have you read this on Infowars.com?
It says terrorists that want to kill police are also into gold.
So the gold is bad?
I'm not kidding!
You can't... It's insane asylum!
Well, just to put the relationship that Ron Paul has something to do with terrorism and militia is just the biggest... Well, number one, militias aren't bad either.
They say white supremacists want to kill cops, militia, then they tie that into Ron Paul.
Well, and you know, obviously, George Washington was a member of a militia.
Is that a bad thing?
We've got a free nation because of it.
The United States stands on its own because we have militias.
Ted, we have one minute left.
Give folks the coin.
This is coins at 880, 890 level, and it's at 930 right now.
Cannot beat this deal, folks.
Give them the number.
What about silver, Ted?
Yep, we still have some silver.
I've got to tell you, silver is in very short supply.
I'm currently recommending the Franklin Habs.
They're at $8.69.
Can't beat that deal.
Let me give folks the number.
I mean, you've got silver.
Folks, you can't find silver at that price.
I know.
I look.
Believe me.
These deals are great.
So you have Sovereigns at great prices, Franks at great prices, Silver U.S.
half dollars at great prices.
Right, Deb?
In addition to this, I've got eagles.
I have proof eagles, which are almost unheard of.
I mean, I was really able to pick up a neat little supply of things.
If you're looking for things for gold and silver in the market, give us a call now.
But you gotta tell them it's the Alex Jones special to get the deal.
Brokers will be there till midnight.
Stay with us.
In these uncertain times, safety and precaution are key.
Don't rely on others for protection.
We're good to go!
In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Yeah, I was sitting it out just four or five years ago.
I was a prisoner of doubt.
Oh, not anymore.
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Straight on!
Straight on!
Oh my goodness!
I love her!
But the dealer doesn't know.
Take my chances on you folks.
Anything for liberty!
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Let's go back to Ted real quick.
I want to come back, jam in a few calls and get our next guest on.
We'll get the doctor on in about 40 hours, let her know that.
I'm going to blitz through calls in the next segment.
Ted, again, I'm not kidding.
When it says it demonizes gold owners, it's in here.
When it says, uh, you know, when I say that it demonizes the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Second Amendment.
It says they gotta have more gun control and mix them with killing cops.
You gotta do it if you're killing cops.
Uh, and it admits NORTHCOM and FEMA camps, but now says they're good when the previous one said it didn't exist.
North American Union is good, we need to accept it.
Uh, it, Ron Paul is bad.
Let me just read this.
To people.
It says, uh, political paraphernalia, and they will arrest you.
I've got state police on tape thinking the Constitution is illegal.
Militia members most commonly associated with third party political groups.
It is not uncommon for militia members, again like that's illegal, to display constitutional party, campaign for liberty, or libertarian material.
These members are usually supporters of former presidential candidate Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, or Bob Barr.
This is their anti-government propaganda.
And there's another key part of here I meant to tell you about, Ted.
I don't want to mark up, though, the actual document.
Oh, it says public groups.
This is on page...
Five, down at the bottom it says, third paragraph at the bottom,
Alex, I mean, there's always been this media draw toward demonizing the militias of the United States of America.
Uh, you know, going all the way back to, uh, well, the big one was Oklahoma City and that bombing that went on over there.
Uh, you know, but what people don't realize is that it's the militias that created this free nation to start with.
And it's in the Constitution that we get to have militias.
No, no, no, evil!
Ban them!
Well, anyways, I mean, just that whole thing, Alex, I mean, and it's the media that wants to create this light on
On the militias, and obviously do away with the Second Amendment altogether.
That means they're scared of it, and they're scared of Ron Paul, and they're scared of us.
Ted, just throwing this out there real fast, though, I held you over.
Tell folks, because I forgot that's why I held you over, you said you have some other coins at that insane price.
Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do.
I was able to pick up a small quantity of Proof Eagles.
I have some regular U.S.
Eagles, which are, I mean, the U.S.
mints out of them, again,
You know it's only February and they don't have any more to sell.
We have the... I just have a list of different coins.
I mean you can call the brokers and ask for them.
Make sure when you do that you mention that you heard it on the Alex Jones Show, so you have the opportunity to buy this stuff.
I mean, this is the stuff that I bought when gold was at $800.
That's right.
This is the offer on the show.
It's a little bit more if you don't say it's the offer.
Brokers will be there until midnight.
Take advantage.
Ted, thanks for spending time with us.
Yeah, you bet, Alex.
All right, we're going to come back.
Calls go to our next guest.
Jam in.
Transmission continues.
Stay with us.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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Yeah, the establishment's going crazy on us, saying that people that own gold, people that own guns, people that talk about the Constitution, people that support Bob Barr, Ron Paul, Constitution Party, Libertarian Party, they're terrorists that want to kill cops.
This is to demonize the true threat to the New World Order.
That is the American people.
We've got right on our side.
We know the truth.
We've been right about everything.
We're laying it out.
The people are rallying and waking up.
And the Obama deception has dropped.
It is now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
God bless all of you out there taking action.
Before the show ends, I'm going to go through some more, line by line, of them saying we're all terrorists.
Yeah, well the founders said that when you attack the Bill of Rights, Constitution, American people, that you are the treasonous traitors.
But we're getting this from the police, so they don't like it either.
I mean, it's getting a little too obvious.
You know, I kept telling him on the phone, I said, no, it says Ron Paul.
And he goes, no, it doesn't.
I'm like, what do you think I'm making this up?
It says Ron Paul.
And he goes, oh my gosh, it does say it.
On the next to last page.
Alright, let's jam in some calls very quickly here.
I love hearing from you.
We've got a guest coming up and a bunch of other stuff to cover.
And I've got the Cy Hirsch news I've got to cover.
That's coming up right before the doctor joins us.
Let's go to Cliff in Oklahoma.
You are on the air.
And are you a terrorist because you love freedom, sir?
Well, apparently I am, Alex, because I just got pulled over by a cop a couple of nights ago, and I think you need to hear this story, because I like to put Liberty stickers on the back of my car.
Oh, please stop.
I'll try to go easy on you.
No, but I have a few different stickers.
One that says I support Ron Paul, and another one that
Says I do not consent to being searched, uh, you know, pursuant to the Fourth Amendment.
And, uh, anyways, um, I'm driving through this construction zone speed, speed trap going up to Edmond, which is home of Police Chief Bob O'Rex from Waco fame.
And, uh, anyways, um, I, I get pulled over and, uh, a cop comes up to my window.
And, uh, you know, it's kind of weird because I was following the flow of traffic.
Everybody else is going as fast as I am.
Uh, and he follows me for about half a minute before he even turns the siren on.
And I pull over.
He comes in.
I give him my license and registration.
I got the window rolled down.
And I say, what am I, you know, uh, what was it I did, officer?
And, uh, he tells me I was speeding.
And I, you know, just questioned the fact that I had multiple cars beside me that were going the same speed.
Then, um, he tells me, right after I say that, he says, alright, get out of the car, right now.
And I said, am I being detained, officer?
And he goes, uh, he goes, out of the car, right now!
And I'm just like, I'm just asking you a question.
Am I being detained?
And then he says, get out of the car and take further action.
Well, I went ahead and got out after that point, and I, you know, I rolled my window up, I locked my doors and everything, I get out, and I
Yeah, he wanted to get you out from in front of the camera.
He wanted to abuse you when the camera, his squad car camera wasn't on you.
Exactly, and I want to stress that while I was talking to him, I did not start freaking out or anything.
No, I understand you're not allowed to.
He was about to taser you if you hadn't got out, and then you're not allowed to talk to him because you're a terrorist.
You've got a Ron Paul sticker.
Please continue.
Okay, so anyway, I'm in the car and he gets in and he says, you were disobeying my orders to get out of the car.
I said, all I want to know is why I'm being detained.
And I told him, I said, I said, Officer, you know what you just did?
Slammed me in the car like that.
I mean, I know I didn't slam you in the car.
I mean, trust me, you didn't slam me in the car.
He slammed the door into me as I was getting in the car.
I understand.
I said, what you did could qualify as assault or excessive force on me.
I've been cooperating with you, and I just asked you a question.
And so he just, you know, he starts saying, listen, I know what the Supreme Court says, and you know, I don't need your junior high argument or your bumper sticker argument.
And, I mean like, right there, that was like profiling to me.
So how did he know?
He's letting you know, it's the bumper sticker, you don't, the Fourth Amendment is like Satanism to him, so America is bad, so what happens next?
So anyway, he starts lecturing me about having, you know, broken the speed limit, which yeah, I probably was going faster when I first entered that construction zone.
But, um, so we're, uh, three or four other cars right ahead of me.
No, no, the speed trams are done like that by design, but, uh, so how did this end?
Well, anyways, uh, anyway, I thought he was going to search my car.
I've, I've had problems with these Edmund cops before, uh, and I died at Rivia to their wonderful police chief.
But, um, anyway, he starts writing me the ticket and he continues to tell me about how I didn't cooperate with him and everything.
And I wasn't going to just let him walk all over me, and I kept on talking to him.
I said, you know, I was just asking you a question.
I didn't delay anything.
I made no shifty movements to make you feel that I was a threat to you.
I got out of the car, you know, after you started screaming at me.
And so you write the ticket, and you go, just get out of here.
And that was it.
I was really shocked.
I mean, I was scared that he was going to do something.
But just the fact that he, I feel that he's profiled, that he wouldn't allow me to ask him... No, no, that's the issue.
That should be the headline.
Ron Paul, libertarians, gold owners, gun owners were being profiled because they tell the cops that we're a danger to them and that we may kill them.
And they give them all this propaganda and it's a load of bull.
I mean, they won't tell them that the illegal aliens, statistically, are the real ones killing them.
No, it's got to be Americans.
We've got to pay.
We've got to be taught.
Sir, I appreciate your call.
Now, see, I got all these callers, and I just spent five, six minutes with Cliff, but I had to, and I want to get to Simon, Justin, Joe, Susie, and others.
We've got Dr. Carley coming up.
Oh, man.
It's all just crazy in here.
Get some other news in as we cover it.
Before we go to Dr. Carley and then your calls, Hirsch, Cheney-ran SS-style political assassination unit.
This is up on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Paul Joseph Watson.
Award-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hirsch dropped another bombshell this week when he revealed that the former... This guy's always been proven to be 100% accurate.
Hirsch is just incredible.
He broke the torture camps in Vietnam in the early 70s.
I mean, it's just...
You know, that they lied about WMDs, that they were staging terror attacks inside Iran using Al-Qaeda, because Iran's Shiite, their archenemy.
Now that's all mainstream news, that Cheney wanted to stage terror attacks against U.S.
ships and blame it on Al-Qaeda.
That's confirmed!
That's mainstream news!
I told John Gibson that on Fox yesterday and he just laughed at me.
Oh, sure!
More conspiracy theories!
This is New Yorker Magazine writer, Pulitzer Prize winner, award-winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh dropped another bombshell this week when he revealed that former Vice President Dick Cheney had his own SS-style political assassination unit that reported directly to him.
First of all, thank you
They haven't been called on it yet.
So that's people inside the United States with the CIA.
Well, yeah, they're setting up local offices of it.
And hiring every ne'er-do-well you can imagine.
Hirsch then went on to describe how the Joint Special Operations Command was an executive assassination unit that carried out political assassinations abroad.
It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently, he explained.
They do not report to anybody except in the Bush-Cheney days.
They're reported directly to Cheney's office.
Congress has no oversight over it.
Guys, I meant to call Paul when I saw he'd written this article this morning.
I saw it break last night.
He gave a speech last night to the university.
We've been in contact with Hirsch.
We talked to him again yesterday.
And he keeps saying he's gonna come on and break something big here and he likes us and knows who we are.
Okay, well I'm ready, Hirsh.
I'm ready.
I've been waiting six months.
He's a really nice guy.
You can call him up on the phone, but I can't get him on the show.
It goes on here.
What I want you guys to Google, and this is from six years ago, so let me think of the exact headline.
UPI first broke it, then Reuters reported it.
Headline, Israel to carry out assassinations inside the United States.
Google that.
Israel to carry out assassinations inside the United States.
Israel to carry out assassinations inside the United States.
That should have been added to this, but I know they didn't think of that.
That's what I do, is I think of all the little angles and past things.
So do the guys.
A lot of times I contribute behind the scenes of the articles.
Just to point out that this is announced that foreign governments are allowed to come here and kill U.S.
Revelation that Cheney had his own private assassination unit is not too far removed from Hitler's notorious essay.
The much feared paramilitary wing of the Nazi party who were
Who used to beat, torture, and kill political opponents of the Nazi Party in the 30s.
Germany and the Waffen-SS who were later used in the war to carry out executions and war crimes.
The SA were later targeted by Hitler during the Night of the Long Knives, a brutal purge to eliminate political adversaries both inside and outside the Nazi Party.
Hundreds of people were executed in cold blood by the Gestapo and the SS.
Try millions.
Tellingly, German courts and cabinets quickly swept aside centuries of legal prohibition against extrajudicial killings to demonstrate their loyalty to Hitler.
The Waffen-SS, which means armed FS, was deemed beyond prosecution despite it blatantly being involved in egregious and ongoing war crimes as well as domestic assassinations.
The Joint Special Operations Command, Cheney's assassination unit, is also described as a extra-legal operations.
It is an executive assassination ring, and it has been going on and on and on, Hearst stated.
Under President Bush's authority, they've been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador, the CIA station chief, and funding, and finding people on a list, and executing them, and leaving.
That's been going on in the name of all of us.
And it's still going on.
None of Obama's
Reversals of Bush's executive order say anything about abolishing the Joint Special Forces Command.
Indeed, the Specialist Unit is an integral part of Obama's vastly expanding bombing raids and other incursions into Pakistan.
Let's go ahead now and play the clip that Oberman played last night from Hirsch yesterday before a university audience.
Here's the audio.
The defenders of Bush's ghost may have more to worry about tomorrow and in the near future than the relative records of Bush and Obama on signing statements and on Saddam Hussein and everything else.
Cheney assassination squads.
What does that mean?
Cheney assassination squads?
An amazing thing happened in Minnesota last night.
There was a forum with the investigative reporter Seymour Hersh and former Vice President Walter Mondale.
And in the Q&A session, Hersh let slip that he's working on a book that will include reporting about
Cheney-sponsored assassination rings, as Hirsch put it, that went around the local CIA station chiefs abroad to carry out assassinations on targets using apparently military
personnel now obviously that's very sketchy we need to know a lot more about it um I think Hirsch is going to want to make us wait until his book comes out but clearly there's a lot more that happened in that in that Bush administration directly out of the vice president's office that we don't know about yet and that Keith will curl our hair well now we know what happened when he shot Henry Whittington or Harry Whittington at first alright guys we also have a clip from the university don't we
We have an audio clip of that?
Oh yeah, that's the clip I thought we were going to.
Let's go to that in just a moment, then we'll go to our guest in the next segment.
I apologize to her, but this must be covered.
It came out two weeks ago, the memos were released, saying that they were going to set up a dictatorship and the President was basically above all laws and Congress, and that they could ban and arrest press and shut down free speech in America.
And they tell the CIA and FBI to be involved in this, and they go, oh absolutely, we love it!
That's what freedom is!
Secret arrest, secret camp, secret police!
Then they grab these Al-Qaeda people, who are just minions, and they hold them for seven years with torture, and then release a press release where they confess, and they've been caught putting out fake confessions before.
You know, where is the talk of bringing Dick Cheney to justice?
Where is the talk of bringing Rumsfeld and Bush to justice?
Nothing from Obama!
And I just remembered, I didn't even put that in the Obama Deception.
I'm not pooh-poohing my own film, but let me write a note right now.
Can somebody give me a pen?
Because I'm going to go ahead in the next two weeks and put out Obama Deception 1.5.
And I'm just going to, down and dirty, sit down in the studio, go over the facts of that.
That's the big one I didn't put in the film, because you can't put it all!
He's now, well, I did put in there that he's protecting Bush, and that he's supporting torture and blocking investigations.
We do cover it, but I want to get more into that.
Protecting Bush.
What am I doing?
And continuing all of the programs.
And people think we exaggerate.
No, there's no way!
You want to read this 8-page report the feds put out to the state police around the country.
With the governor's seal in Missouri.
We got some California stuff right here, too.
That's just one version.
To read this, it's worse than I'm saying.
You've got to go to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I know Paul said he was writing another more detailed story because Kurt rushed this out quickly and did a great job and linked the report, but let me just see if that's up on PrisonPlanet.com yet.
Go to the main page of that while it's loading.
Ron Paul, culprits of financial collapse should be arrested.
That's a good story I asked him to do from his interview with us a few days ago.
Hirsch, Cheney ran SS style political assassination unit.
Hope changed progress in the Obama deception.
So I guess he's still working on it.
Secret police report, Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin.
Libertarians are terrorists.
That's Kurt Nemo's story.
So I guess Paul's doing a more detailed one tying it into everything.
But just mind-blowing.
Absolutely mind-blowing.
But yeah, Obama 1.5 will be all the interviews with Tarpley, Jesse Ventura, George Humphrey, all the things we couldn't add in the just-under-two-hour film.
It's an hour and twelve minutes, eight minutes under two hours, and there's thirty minutes of extras, but those are going up tomorrow at PrisonPlanet.tv and shipping out on the DVDs next week, next Monday.
But again, I cannot stress enough that the Obama deception shatters the left-right paradigm.
That means when you show a Democrat this, it doesn't come out with a right-wing, mainline view, so they shut off thinking process.
This is what can get through to them so they can see they're being deceived.
Remember all those poor Bush people who we couldn't wake up because, like, you're a commie, you don't like Bush.
I'm like, no, Bush is crippling the size of government.
He's saying he's setting up a dictatorship.
No, he's not!
And now they're like, well, look, Bush left office.
We told you he was going to do that.
It's the office that has the dictatorial power that the private interest control.
So again, please go to Infowars.com and pre-order the DVD.
It ships out next week.
Please get the high quality.
That's how this masterpiece needs to be seen is on the DVD.
That's how it needs to be made copies, but it looks pretty darn good at PrisonPlanet.tv compared to other stuff I see on the web.
It's really crisp and nice.
And I want folks to get PrisonPlanet.tv memberships because you get the couple hours a day I do here, sometimes the whole show, sometimes an hour, but always over, on average, a week, every two hours a day on average.
Burmese does all three hours, 9 to midnight, live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
All my films, special reports.
Obama 1.5 will only be for PrisonPlanet.tv, folks.
So that's where it'll be first.
And it's in high quality.
So these are DivX copies.
You can burn the disc that then plays in DVD players.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, order the films, order the materials.
TheObamaDeception.net has all the trailers and sneak peeks.
They're in one spot.
Stay with us.
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Phase one is a one world currency, which we are currently being prepared to accept.
Phase two of their
We're good to go.
In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
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He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
Go in the distance.
That's what it's all about.
Showing up.
Fighting back.
Standing up and not being cowards.
And I know you're not doing that.
I love you.
We're good to go.
Look at who's in there.
He's going, look at this idiot Alex acting stupid.
That's what it's all about, bro.
I'm just joking.
Let's go to Dr. Rebecca Carley for the rest of this hour and the whole of the next hour.
We'll open the phones up in about 30 minutes for everybody holding in on the issue of the bird flu.
Dr. Rebecca Carley is a medical doctor, a surgeon by trade.
Her son got vaccine damage.
She began to investigate it.
And I think her research is some of the best I've seen out there because I've done a lot of this research myself.
And I appreciate the opportunity.
And before we get into that, I was listening to your show earlier talking about the Alabama shooter.
I totally agree with you that he was most likely on Prozac or some other psychotropic med.
Well, it's coming out the German!
It's coming out the German was under psychiatric care, so he's guaranteed on it, but go ahead.
Right, I just want to bring out the fact that vaccinations can also cause violent behavior.
There's an excellent book entitled Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality by Harris Coulter, which the listeners can obtain from thinktwice.com.
And there's certain areas of the brain that in fact lead you to become violent.
I have in front of me a book published by NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, called The Biology of Aggression, which is, let's see, it's over 600 pages long.
They're actually researching to see what areas of the brain they can affect.
To make people violent, and they're using rabies virus to do so.
Yes, now doctor, I've read the medical, major university and medical facility reports, but for those that don't know why it causes it, or the brain damage, normally it is an autoimmune response, massive brain swelling, and as we all know, brain damage is associated with violent outbursts and a loss of impulse control, and of course there's other chemical reasons it does it, but is that not basically the main reason?
Yes, that's completely correct.
Once you get injected with viruses, if they go to your brain, they cause vaccine-induced encephalitis, and depending on what part of the brain is damaged will determine what symptoms you have.
The parts of the brain that control behavior and make you violent are primarily the limbic system, especially the amygdala, which is near the ear.
And by the way, Dr. Russell Blaylock, who is a top brain surgeon, even invented some famous brain procedures, one of the top guys in the world, he discovered all this in his practice.
Okay, how vaccines literally attack the brain.
Go ahead.
Yes, exactly.
This has been known for years.
But the point I want to make is that the scientists are actually researching how to make people violent.
This is something that they want to have happen.
I encourage all the listeners to watch the movie recently released on DVD entitled Quarantine, which actually shows them experimenting with rabies and making the people become basically ghouls.
So this is more evil than you can even imagine.
Stay there.
Back in 70 seconds, Dr. Rebecca Carley.
Give out your website and a lot more, and then I'm just going to try to control myself.
I just want to back up everything you're saying, because I know it's true.
Then let's just walk through the vaccine history, what we're dealing with, how devastating this bird flu situation being, where they're trying to mix it with vaccines, could have been over in Europe and 18 nations.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging War on Corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Angels fall to earth, world heats down.
Now your heart is cold, waiting on the summer of my soul.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, and the evil ones are amongst us.
Here on the planet, it is up to the good people to stand up against the New World Order.
Dr. Rebecca Carley, medical doctor, surgeon by training, is our guest.
Try to give us as much info packed in as you can, because I know it's just incredible knowledge you have.
And first off, fire out your website for folks who want to see all this footnoted and documented.
Thank you so much.
It's the triple W's drcarly.com.
That's D-R-C-A-R-L-E-Y.com.
I encourage the listeners to sign up for the updates on my site.
I send out important information on a regular basis.
There's so much information there, but my paper inoculations, the true weapons of mass destruction explains how the vaccines corrupt the immune system because a very important point people need to know.
It's not just the infections that they're causing.
The injection of the viruses directly into your bloodstream bypassing the upper respiratory and GI tract actually causes your immune system to turn on yourself.
So therefore, all autoimmune diseases, non-traumatic seizures, cancer, and genetic damage is caused by vaccines.
And this is proven in a recent article on my site entitled, The Science of Vaccine Damage, which is research done by non-pharma funded veterinarians
That have proven that the vaccines, once they create antibodies, can attack any part of your body.
So this is the biggest epidemic the world has ever known, vaccine-induced diseases.
I also encourage the listeners to read my response to the CDC's Public Health Protection Guide, because in that document I actually document how, in my own medical books, you see Alex, I'm sure you know, the medical doctors are totally sleep-deprived, brainwashed,
You go in there like a zombie and you just regurgitate out what they tell you, you don't actually let it into your consciousness and critically evaluate it.
But in my book, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, the 6th edition, on page 943, I actually found the following quote, Rarely is prevention of infection considered to be an important goal of vaccination.
In fact, asymptomatic infection can serve to enhance and prolong the immune response.
What that means is that once they're injected directly into your bloodstream, you're not able to push these viruses out.
They remain in your body.
They mutate.
They cause all kinds of havoc.
They recombine with other viruses.
And that brings us into the Baxter situation where this company released the flu vaccine that was mysteriously contaminated with the H5N1 bird flu virus.
And I want to just mention that the smoking gun in this case
Was contained in an article written by Helen Branswell of the Canadian Press on February 27th, where she actually states that this company, Vaxxer, where they had this experimental virus material made at the Ortho Donal Research Facility, they not only make the flu vaccine, but they also make the bird flu vaccine.
And they're expecting their license shortly.
So isn't it amazing, Alex,
That they released this to 18 countries and they've got a vaccine for bird flu just waiting to be sold.
So this is obviously what their intention was to open this Pandora's box and then they would step forward with the alleged cure.
Well, you know, even the Czech Republic newspapers, mainstream ones, were saying this looks like it could be staged and saying what you just said.
There's no other explanation for it.
And I want to also ask the listeners to consider, what is the difference between this and what happened with the anthrax mailings?
There's no way this can't be intentional because they have this, as I said, smoking gun where they are making a vaccine that they will sell once the bird flu is unleashed.
So we had the situation where they sent anthrax in mailings, which they've sent bird flu in mailings.
We called this a crime.
And why isn't that a crime?
These people should be persecuted and prosecuted and put in jail for unleashing this on the public, and we still don't know what's going to happen.
I think we're going to start hearing about bird flu very soon.
All right, stay there.
Let's talk about that when we get back.
Yeah, for those who don't know, the White House was on Cipro, the anthrax-fighting antibiotic, and they held them in stock on September 10th, and that was admitted in the Associated Press.
Ari Fleischer admitted.
The whole White House knew because they launched the attack.
They have secret death squads that wanted to be dictators, but they wouldn't launch the anthrax just to government strength.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity,
Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Hi, this is Steve Shank.
Our government has handed over billions with no strings attached and no accountability to the very bankers who created this whole mess we're in.
Millions have lost their jobs to corporate corruption and mismanagement.
I think?
Big Brother!
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hi, I'm Alex Jones.
I am your host.
And we are here live.
By the way, I've been told I'm on local PBS in Austin this weekend.
They're interviewing me live.
Russian TV is coming here to interview me again and some more foreign media and I'm just putting it out here, just in our own little corner of the world in a fight against the globalists.
It is just popping and booming and people are really waking up and listening because we did the groundwork.
We woke people up, we warned them, we explained what was going to happen from the globalist's own documents, their own battle plans.
It's happening, but not without huge resistance and if you look at the resistance curve, it is massive.
The state's revolting, everything happening.
That's why I believe the enemy is going to stage terror attacks and mass shootings and a lot of other things.
And start new wars, as the Rand Corporation said they want to do.
I mean, they tell us what they're going to do, it's not like I'm predicting it.
Like reading the TV guide.
And false flag is, I don't think on the horizon, I think it's here with us now.
I think they've got their finger on the button and it says, just push the button.
From him in here, just one button I push.
And the New World Order is a lot more nasty, secretive, globalist than Dick Cheney running around with secret hit squads than the rest of it, like we covered last hour.
It's just so important what we're dealing with.
You know, Dr. Rebecca Carley, when you were on with me briefly for 30 minutes last week, you said, oh, what about this article with all the homeless dying from shots in Europe for bird flu, and it kills them, and investigations, and what about this and that, and I was pulling up everything you were saying, it was all mainstream news, I hadn't seen it, I didn't know, and they keep hyping, bird flu, bird flu, it's gonna get you, millions will die, bird flu, bird flu, give up all your rights, bird flu, bird flu.
What do you see happening here?
Please continue.
Well, as I said, I think the horse is already out of the barn.
All of these people that were exposed to this mailing from Baxter have already been exposed to the bird flu, and we don't know how many people are incubating it right now as we speak, and are going to end up coming out with the bird flu, and it's truly chilling.
Let me stop you.
Let's see.
I mean, that's quite an announcement, but people are already dying in cases all over the world, and the London Telegraph and other places, they'll never say,
It'll say authorities in Poland with the 23 dead from the 360 given at one homeless clinic.
The homeless clinic says they were, you know, misled by pharmacological companies that it was regular flu vaccine.
But they were paid to tell the homeless that it was just regular and then it killed them.
And people are dying.
And then they also are reporting on this HPV live cancer virus saying it could mutate.
They're admitting on CBS News it's killing people.
And so the people are dying.
I wanted to ask you, do you know what companies, because it doesn't say in the mainstream news, what companies it is that the shots are killing people in these tests in Europe?
Well, I think all the companies that are making the bird flu vaccine are actually testing people to see if it does kill them.
I think that was the intention.
For them to test this vaccine in the homeless people, and by the way, yes, it's in the mainstream media in the UK, telegraph.co.uk, certainly not in this country, but I think they're doing these tests to specifically see how well the vaccine is working.
That is the intention for them to kill people.
As a matter of fact, on March 4th of 2009, and let's remember that the Baxter release was reported on February 27th, so this is like a week later, they had a
A conference, an emergency management summit agenda that took place in, let's see, I believe it was Colorado, yes.
And this is what one of their minions, PJ Havis Cover, mental health professional and program coordinator, stated that community memorial services are very important.
When you're talking to people, voice your appreciation for those in quarantine.
Talk about how their hometown heroes
And doing what they need to be doing in order to protect the community.
So they're already telling people get ready for quarantine.
So obviously the people within the government, FEMA type of organizations, already know what's coming.
My God, and what is the source of that bombshell you just dropped?
Citizens for Legitimate Government.
www.legitgov.org No, I know who they are.
They're saying they were at the meeting and are reporting this?
Yes, that's what they're reporting in this article that I have.
I don't think so.
That when you pull back from all of this, and you know that there's been tens of thousands of declassified chemical, biological, radiological, lethal tests, not just syphilis and Tuskegee that everybody knows about, but biologicals in the New York subways, death results, details remain classified, that's mainstream Reuters, AP, you know, spraying the Ship Channel in San Francisco, killing people, plague bombs released in Scotland, killing people,
I think so.
This, and we know they brought the Nazis over here because the Nazis got the idea from us, so the scientists then wanted them after World War II and brought them here to not just, you know, head up NASA, but head up the CIA, everything else that's declassified.
Tens of thousands of Nazis.
This is eugenics.
You got top professors running around in biology departments saying, soon it'll all be airborne.
90% of you will die, including my family.
Oh, it's so wonderful.
You know, like 13 monkeys.
The point is, is that these psychos have done this over and over again, and now they're messing with stuff that could release the mega-plague.
Well, exactly.
And this is all being done intentionally under Title 50 of the U.S.
Go to your local library, folks.
Look up U.S.
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520 and 1524.
Where the Department of Defense can use human subjects for testing of chemicals.
And by the way, people don't know how to read that.
Code, Title 50, Chapter... U.S.
They pull up U.S.
Code, Title 50.
Chapter 52.
Yeah, subsection 1528, paragraph B, correct?
Okay, I've got to get in the brain focus to bring that up.
In there, it says you're not allowed to do it without consent unless it's for government testing, and then lists other things.
And people read it and say it says they can't do it, except for whenever they want.
Well actually it's very funny because the initial one was written in the 1960s and I actually learned about this on C-SPAN.
A caller called in, and of course C-SPAN has millions of listeners.
And so in April of 2000 they repealed it, but just like they always do, what they did is not only loophole it back in, but actually add things.
They said that there's restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents.
Here are the exceptions.
Any peaceful purpose related to a
We're good to go.
That's right, and then, just like folks call up and say, oh this isn't real from the state police, you can just call them and they admit it, and we have, it's not real, and oh that U.S.
code's not real, and the Patriot Act, you know, doesn't say that all misdemeanors are terrorism, and I have top lawyers on and they admit it on air.
Yes, and I also just want to remind the listeners, and this is something that you might want to consider putting in your Obama Deception 1.5, in regards to what's happening with the economic stimulus package
In terms of extra money now, we have $954 million that's going to be used as an additional amount to carry out the immunization program, authorized by Section 317 A, J, K, and K-1 of the Public Health Service Act.
So, not only are they going to be spending almost a billion dollars for more vaccines, but they've also allocated over half a billion dollars
We're good to go.
And this could cause the extinction of the human race.
This is no joke.
By the way, a lot of top scientists and headlines have admitted that, that mercury itself alters DNA permanently, even mitochondrial, passed on by the mother, and that all of these things are actually downgrading and destroying our DNA, and now they've got this whole new level that they call vaccines that are really genetic engineering mutagens, where they say, oh, you'll take a shot and you'll never be able to get high off cocaine again,
But then they admit in the literature, but you won't be able to have your regular endorphins and be happy, and the viruses go in and eat certain areas of the brain.
And I tell people that and they just don't understand.
Can you talk about those class of live biological agent vaccines that redesign organs?
Well, first of all, let me say that every single thing that's in a vaccine, every single product, like you said, the mercury, the formaldehyde,
Every single thing that's in the vaccine does its own damage.
In fact, I had talked to somebody on my internet radio show who had worked in the Air Force or something to do with airplanes and he reported that you're not even allowed to bring mercury on an airplane because the reaction it will have with aluminum is so violent that it can burn holes in an aluminum plane.
So people could ask themselves,
Why are they putting mercury and aluminum together and injecting it directly into your bloodstream?
As a matter of fact, I have another NATO book entitled Immunological Adjuvants and Vaccines.
In this book, which was published in 1989, they actually admit that it's the aluminum in vaccines that causes the production of IgE, which is the antibody of allergy.
So they have known all these years
That all of the allergies being produced, including the life-threatening and often times fatal anaphylactic reactions from peanuts.
You have little children in school sitting next to a child that's eating a peanut butter sandwich and just smelling that peanut butter can kill them.
Yeah, nobody was allergic to it 50 years ago.
Now it's just, now almost every food people can't eat it.
And not only... Oh, by the way, even if you don't take the vaccines, other kids are leeching it out onto your kids.
Oh yes.
As a matter of fact, most of these outbreaks of measles and such that the media is using as a hype to scare people to get vaccinated, when you read between the lines you find out that almost all those children got the measles vaccine.
Well, they know with everybody that has Crohn's disease, it didn't exist until 50 years ago with vaccines.
They find the antibodies from different vaccines they've been given in their guts, causing an autoimmune disturbance where the people then basically have to have their intestines cut out.
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
Good day.
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You know, the full magnitude of all this just slammed me like a ton of bricks during the break.
Just boom!
That happens, you know, a couple times a week when it's just the full magnitude, even though I constantly study this, just punches me like a freight train.
And I realize psychopathic eugenics elites are in control of the planet, putting sodium fluoride in the water and hundreds of other toxins and poisons, genetic engineering spraying, genetic engineered food that kills the rats and guinea pigs they test on, mutations that are only supposed to happen embryonically, happen after birth, uh...
Mass illnesses, children sick, cancer exploding at every level, SWAT teams, FEMA camps, demonization of patriots, world government rising, openly saying once they have the world government in place they're going to start killing billions at a time, mass wipeouts.
We were right about the whole setup of this.
Do you want to wait and have the rest happen?
I don't know if we can stop it.
God help us.
And they could launch this any day, or it could happen five years from now.
You know, the big kill, not just the soft kill build-up as they're testing all of this.
Dr. Rebecca Carley, I want to come back and start taking calls for you.
But give out your website again for folks, and please continue with the analysis you were breaking down.
Okay, it's www.drcarley.com, and I totally agree with you, what you were saying in your previous segment, Alex.
The good news is people are waking up big time.
They realize that they are dead meat if they don't rise up.
But I just want to finish the thought that you were talking about, about the autoimmune aspect.
Because this is so huge, folks.
It's not just the viruses.
They are culturing these viruses on different tissues.
More and more now, they're using aborted fetus cells.
So if you're injected with an aborted fetus's nervous system tissue, you will develop antibodies against that nervous system, and those antibodies will attack you.
If you develop, if you get a piece of their gut,
And that's injected into you, you develop antibodies against the gut.
Let me stop you!
I gotta stop you!
Everything you're saying is true, because Europe has been using dead babies.
I mean, dead babies, grind them up to mix them, and they have stem cells all in them, which allows wild mutations.
There are genetic viruses encoded in the DNA.
Yes, but my point is that you're developing antibodies against those babies
A DNA or a monkey kidney or whatever else they're using to culture the virus.
Let me stop you again!
200 million Americans vaccinated at least in the first round of it with the simian virus 40 that they admittedly gives people cancer.
Government admits it.
That was just from monkey kidneys.
Think about what happens with human and pig tissue.
Go ahead.
And that's what people have to realize.
And I just want to say the good news is that I have developed a protocol that reverses these
I think so.
But you have to understand that this is certainly their agenda.
And I also have a YouTube video up now.
I got into C-SPAN last Saturday.
They were asking callers if they are for the stem cell research.
And of course, I called in to ask, first of all, if the government's interested in our health, why are they trying to take away our supplements by codex?
And more importantly, why are they creating disease with vaccinations?
Not to mention the fact is the government is now going to be telling us
What treatment were allowed to get under their socialized medicine?
Do any of you think?
That if a stem cell study was able to reverse paralysis, say, that your average Joe is going to have access to that?
Of course not.
Well, I mean, as you know, doctor, they've already come out with just many different cells, the skin cells, breast cells, all these other cells that work just as good or better, and they don't have the mutagen qualities of the hyperactive fetal stem cells, but they don't care.
They said, don't you want to cure disease?
All they do is shell all the real treatments.
Of course, they're creating disease.
Vaccine-induced diseases is the biggest epidemic the world has ever known.
It's not just in people, it's in pets.
And Alex, I'm sure you're probably also aware, they're vaccinating every food source animal you can imagine.
I used to say as a joke when I would give my lectures, if you had a sick fish, and it was in a fishbowl that was dirty, would you vaccinate the fish or would you clean the water?
Well, guess what, Alex?
They're now vaccinating farm-raised fish.
They're vaccinating everything you're putting into your mouth.
If you're a chicken wing fan, uh, fan folks, guess what?
That's where they're injecting the vaccines into the chicken is in their wings.
And let me expand.
I meant to get to this two weeks ago when it first broke.
Major university studies with the veterinarians.
Oh, let's talk about it when we come back because I know you know about that.
We didn't have time to cover that last week.
They're finding massive increases of cancer in the injection site on dogs and cats.
And everybody I know that won't listen to me goes and vaccinates their dog and it has seizures or their cat dies.
This didn't used to happen.
What's in the vaccines for dogs and cats that's killing them and hurting them?
I know I'm all over the map here and interrupting her.
Everything she's saying is totally documented.
We're totally screwed.
I don't know what we're gonna do.
But the real threat according to the police is Ron Paul.
So, you know.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I don't know.
In the New World Order's war against humanity,
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The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one in this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascism.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
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The Obama Deception.
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Folks, I want you to understand something.
I believe everything I've said here and I've researched it and documented it for myself and I'm not a medical doctor like Dr. Carly.
But I've had countless medical doctors and virologists on here telling you the same thing.
You know, they'll freak out and yell and scream about some nut-killing to people, and that's a tragedy, but there's vaccine deaths constantly.
They'll have a debate about autism and mercury, and that's a small part of it.
It's the autoimmune swelling that's the main cause, according to all their own studies.
You just never see it in the mainline news, or you see a blurb about it, then you've got to go to the study itself.
I am fighting as hard as I can, and I am looking at farms an hour or two away,
I'm going to do the TV show here, but it's getting so crazy and I can feel they're moving towards it.
I say I feel all the analysis together, and then the subconscious mind integrates that into an overlay of projection of the future as best we can.
We all have that ability, the great brain God gave us, but my children are also most important to me.
That's why I take the risk and do the things I'm doing, because the risk of doing nothing is much greater.
And I know I would say it's totally safe to run to the hills, because if we do that, they're all going to win, but people should have some out, some backup.
My God, it's just so horrible.
Dr. Carley, please continue with what's happening to the animals in the vaccines.
Well, let me just also mention, yes, the children are our most valuable asset, and that's why the medical mafia has actually taken my only child away from me.
I have been persecuted more than any other medical doctor that speaks about vaccines because I go to the genocidal level and that's why I'm so honored that you're having me on your show.
But yes, in fact, if you go to my website, DrCarly.com, within the article, Science of Vaccine Damage, a researcher, Gary Smith, actually explains what cancer is.
It's a wound that never heals because what happens is that the
The inflammation that occurs is actually not the body trying to fight the infection.
It's the virus or bacteria deliberately causing inflammation to hide that virus and bacteria which can mutate and cause cancer from the immune system.
Then we also have the aluminum in the vaccine which mutates the p53 oncogene which is actually supposed to suppress the formation of tumors.
So now you have the aluminum in there actually causing the tumors to go into hyperdrive.
We have carcinogens like formaldehyde in vaccines that are actually cancer-causing agents, and they're injecting that into people as well.
And let's not forget to mention the Special Virus Cancer Project.
I have multiple years of documents of this in my progress report number nine here before we publish in 1982.
They're actually doing research, such as the Southwest Foundation for Research and Education, a branch of the NIH,
They're studying latent virus infection and transmission.
They're studying how to activate these viruses with pesticides and other things.
I mean, it's just unbelievable when you read the documents, just like the Nazis are basically telling us what they're doing.
We have another one by the Bionetics Research Laboratories.
Investigations of viral carcinogenesis in primates.
They want to figure out what actually activates carcinogenesis.
And as I explain in my paper, inoculations are true weapons of mass destruction.
When you're injecting all these viruses into a person or a pet, of course that's a total distraction for the immune system.
The T-cells, which I describe as the little Pac-Man cells, whose job it is to go around and gobble up cancer cells, they're totally paralyzed because the B-cell arm is so busy creating antibodies.
So there's many different factors involved in forming cancer.
On my website, I actually have an mp3 file of a show I did on cancer, which people can listen to, that explains the various aspects.
But this is so huge!
And as we see cancer increasing and increasing, we have, you know, the Susan G. Komen marching, you know, having people march around to raise millions of dollars for research to find a cure.
How about if we get rid of the cause folks
How about if we stop these inoculations, which are the true weapons of mass destruction?
You know, I know that they came and took your medical license.
You fought them and got it back.
No, actually, I didn't fight them.
What they wanted me to do, and let me just say, when I was a surgeon, I never had a single complaint against me, even then.
So what they did was, I was on public access TV in Long Island, and I did a show about the pedophiles and the high layers of government.
Um, they used that to, uh, bring a charge against me that I have a delusion of conspiracy.
And even though ten psychologists and psychiatrists examined me and found that I was fine, they found their, um, whore from France, Zev Labins, who said, not only do I have a delusion, but it was so dangerous that in order to practice medicine, I would have to undergo psychiatric treatment, electroshock therapy, or institutionalization.
So that's when I told them they can keep their license.
I'm a teacher now.
I've totally taken myself out from under their auspice.
I know, but I read that you'd successfully beaten them.
I guess that was wrong.
But specifically, though, so much of what you're saying is in the mainline literature, and now they're saying it's mentally ill to believe in the New World Order, and they're saying people need to be grabbed, and they arrested Ezra Pound, the Pulitzer Prize winner.
Because he said the Federal Reserve was private and put him in a mental institution.
So people go to mental institutions, folks, for saying the Federal Reserve is private now.
Well, this is a very important thing that I want to make the listeners realize.
They're actually committing genocide, murder by medicine in hospitals now.
We all know the Medicare trust fund is gone.
And actually, that's been a fact for many years.
So what they're doing with older people in the hospital is they're taking them out.
They're giving them morphine to stop their breathing, mismatched blood transfusions.
I've actually been involved with many cases as a patient advocate in cases like that.
And people are complaining about the bad doctors.
What you need to do, folks, is stand with the good doctors.
Every single doctor who tells the truth, especially at very extreme levels as I do, they go after their medical license.
And this is what people have to realize.
There's not going to be any doctors that actually are able to help you.
As a matter of fact, with this national health care plan they have planned for us, they're actually going to have governmental clinical guidelines.
So what we're getting to is a place where you don't even need a medical doctor.
You can have a computer sitting in front of you.
And by the way, let me stop you.
My dad's a dentist-enrolled surgeon.
He said even before they passed this federal takeover of medicine, now they give them these computer systems
And the HMOs and the government tell you everything you can do, and he says the computer is now the doctor, and the government practices medicine, and it's the dentist, the doctors.
When you go into the hospital to have a baby, they ask you, oh honey, you got plenty of money?
Is your husband nice to you?
That's all going to the health department to seize your kids.
I mean, it's literally, through the public schools and medicine, it is incrementally a Nazi death camp.
I totally agree with you, and as a matter of fact, the hospitals actually get kickbacks for any cases that they refer to CPS, and usually it's if they, you know, if the parents are foolish enough to admit that they don't vaccinate their children if they bring them in for a broken arm or whatever, they get kickbacks for every child that gets into the system and then gets adopted out or put into foster care or whatever.
I mean, medicine has now become a government entity, and it's a viper.
Just like in Nazi Germany.
I want to go to phone calls here.
Justin in North Carolina, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Justin in North Carolina, you're on the air with Dr. Rebecca Carley.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Dr. Carley.
How are y'all doing today?
My name's Justin.
We're good to go.
I'm from the same town in North Carolina that you live in now.
I'm actually friends with Rick Nanzar.
I was wanting to ask you a question.
Now, you said on your website that you have some kind of cure for the autoimmune diseases.
Do you have any kind of list on there for any kind of natural treatment for the bird flu?
I mean, if it breaks out tomorrow, what can we do as citizens to get some natural, holistic medicines and treat ourselves?
Is there anything that we can have on standby to try to combat this?
Okay well first of all you're not allowed to use the care word Justin unless you're using medicine which of course cures nothing.
No I'm just saying that's actually a law.
So that's what I do is teach people how to reverse their situations and what I suggest to people is
You know, to detoxify yourself as much as possible, eat organic food, drink good water, learn about natural things that you can use.
Organic vitamins, exercise.
Yes, yes.
But do all the good things to get your body in as good shape as possible before the whole thing explodes.
But yes, there's actually homeopathic remedies that you can get.
against the bird flu.
I recommend everybody have a colloidal silver generator because of course the FDA is going after colloidal silver manufacturers with a vengeance now.
Hey, hey, hey!
They're listing vitamin B variants as medicines now already saying we can't have them in America.
So you have to start stocking up folks.
You have to get yourself as healthy as possible now while you're still able to do certain things.
But the most important thing is do not get the bird flu vaccine.
When they start pushing this, you have to just say no.
And as your neighbors are dropping dead like flies, just realize that, you know, all the things in the kitchen covered.
I mean, garlic, there's so many things.
Olive leaf extract.
Garlic is evil.
Keep going.
I would have as many things like that on hand as you possibly can.
But the key thing is to get your body as cleaned out as possible.
Because your body has the ability to basically fight anything.
Now, of course, they're coming out with weaponized strains of these things, so something like a bird flu no-so, which is a homeopathic remedy, would be very good.
Unfortunately, you can't buy those.
Those aren't sold to the public.
You have to go through distributors, but if people call me, I'll tell you where you can get that.
But the point is to learn what not to do.
And, uh, you know, that involves, um, not taking aspartame, all these things that are making you sick.
Look, the biggest thing is, if it breaks out, don't be around anybody.
Run to the hills.
And that's why the British, the U.S., the Canadian troops are saying they're going to lock down the cities, even if it is in your area yet, they're going to lock you down to make sure it can get into your city, to make sure you can't get out.
Uh, and I appreciate your call, Justin.
Joe in California.
Joe, you're on the air.
Hey, hello, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I'm happy you guys are talking about this.
I was listening to your show the other day with the ladies that got their house or their school raided, and I wanted to ask about vaccines, and so what happened, I kind of was on the same thing with the guy before, but you know, when I just had a son, and I said no, they asked me if they can give him the, is it the hepatitis B, hepatitis C shot?
And is that also, I mean, are we talking like all vaccines right now are pretty much on the no list?
Well, let me stop you.
She's a medical doctor, but I'll give you the facts.
They want to give this deadly hepatitis shot to newborn babies when you only get it from intravenous drug use or promiscuous sex, and it's one of the most dangerous vaccines they admit, and this is the one they want to shoot your baby up with.
I totally agree with you.
As a matter of fact, through a research of a guest that was on my show, he actually spent a whole day trying to find out why did they start this insanity with a hepatitis B and it turns out the reason was that they're taking blood for transfusion from China from Chinese prisoners that they know is contaminated with hepatitis B.
So rather than stopping that blood from coming over to this country, they're starting to give the Hepatitis B vaccine.
No, no, no, no, no.
That's what they admit, because Factor VIII and Bayer ship it all out, and others, and Baxter, they say, even in the literature, that we have to give everybody this because we're contaminating them.
Yes, but the point is, in fact, all vaccines are bad.
Please, please look at the documents on my website, and as long as one of you mentioned the schools, I want to just also mention, Alex, I'm sure you're aware of this,
That one of the plans, whenever this breaks, they're going to lock down the school.
Oh no, they said that.
That's public.
Yes, and people are going to have pastors there going, we took your children, it's of the Lord, and if you don't stand down, the preacher will go, and the SWAT teams open fire.
And that's on the news, that's confirmed.
And if this is not a time to start homeschooling, I don't know what is.
Because just imagine folks
Well, another thing, when they did want to do that, I ran away and I thought of my buddy Alex Jones, and I want to thank you for everything you do, and all the information I get from all of you.
You know, I just said no right away.
I got that little cross-eyed from the doctor.
You know, I got the vibe in the room.
My wife looked at me and basically said, I trust whatever you say.
And I just said no.
And, you know, another thing that I noticed, and they did this without any information at all, and they say it's for your safety, but they clipped a little chip onto his umbilical cord.
And what if I caught wind that, you know, they don't like, that I don't want to give my son this vaccine, and now all of a sudden I catch wind that CJ has it on the way.
No, no, no, no, that's what it's for.
No, no, that's what you're a prisoner.
Look, they're saying Americans can't have gardens now, that we need police inspections, because we're probably drug dealers.
It's total tyranny.
Thanks for the call.
Dr. Carley, we're going to come back in a moment with the final segment.
Go to Stan, Simon, and Sam, and a few others, okay?
I'm going to put you on hold, all right?
This is unbelievable.
I just wanted to remind people, the Obama deception is now out at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And when you know all this serious stuff, how silly is it they're worshipping Obama and think he's a good guy?
He works for the government and the globalists and the eugenicists that are carrying this out.
There was a revolution against tyranny.
People were waking up.
So they put this guy out there to sell the public on being suckered.
I know all this sounds crazy.
It's true.
And I just can't believe such psychos are in control.
But look at Hitler, look at Stalin, look at Mao, look at the Babylonians, the Romans, and the Aztecs.
They're crazy!
This is what elites do.
They want control!
They're control freaks!
So please get The Obama Deception on DVD at Infowars.com or see it right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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And I hope that people will take advantage of that.
We're going to come back in the final segment and get into a few phone calls here at the end, but it just totally blows me away when we're talking about this and dealing with all this.
And people calling me and saying, Alex, you have so much courage, you're so great.
What does it matter?
Everybody's got horrible allergies, people with cancer, rates are exploding.
Used to be very rare to see a kid die of cancer, now it's everywhere.
They're building FEMA camps, they're putting troops into all the major police departments and admitting it, and troops on the streets, and spying on everybody, and corruption, and getting ready for World War III, and all this evil.
And you got this Obama with youth brigades, and all these gun ban bills introduced, and
And they're demonizing Ron Paul saying his supporters are terrorists and secret government documents we now have up on InfoWars.com.
I mean, it's just... We gotta fight these people!
It's all we can do!
Come on!
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In the New World Order's war against humanity, Barack Obama is the tip of the spear.
We've got to give them a stake in creating the kind of world order that I think all of us would like to see.
The Obama deception completely destroys the myth that Obama is working for the best interest of the American people.
Well, Obama's already fudging.
He's fudged since day one of this election.
If you have a demagogue with a fanatical mass movement of personality cultists who is imposing the program of a group of extreme bankers and finance oligarchs, that's fascist.
It's not about left or right.
It's about a one-world government.
This film documents who Obama works for, the lies he is told, and his real agenda.
Get your copy of The Obama Deception today at InfoWars.com or download it in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
The Obama Deception.
The people strike back.
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We're good.
This is an action alert, action alert, battle stations, battle stations, battle stations, InfoWarriors.
Up on PrisonPlanet.com right now, a story by Paul Watson.
Ron Paul, culprits of financial collapse, should be arrested.
Not treated as saviors and given more power to fix the problem they created.
Ron Paul's very popular.
He's become very mainstream now.
He's got bills to abolish the Federal Reserve, bills to audit the Federal Reserve in.
They have a good chance of passing if we believe and get behind it.
But bottom line, we need to learn to address the criminals and that they need to be arrested.
Please help this story go viral.
It's up at PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Ron Paul Culprits of Financial Collapse Should Be Arrested.
And for all people that are jealous of me and the Patriot Movement, you can just change the name.
Just put the article out, please, with his quotes.
You can put your name on it and say you interviewed him.
I don't care.
I just want to beat the bankers, okay?
I want to expose the people because they're the eugenicists.
They're the ones funding all of this.
So please get it out.
It's up there right now.
And please don't ignore the secret police thing about Rompel Sporters being terrorists because we broke it.
It needs to get out there.
You can change the name and say you broke it.
I don't care.
Just get the info out.
You can take the scans off my site, say you broke it.
I don't care.
I'll say you broke it for the hundreds of you out there.
Just please, let's work together here.
We've got to defeat the New World Order.
Let's take a few final calls for Dr. Carley here.
Let's talk to Stan in Missouri.
Stan, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex and Dr. Kelly.
I don't think American people are going to go along with these forced flu vaccinations.
Dr. Kelly is more of an expert than I am on the subject, but if you knew what they put in that smallpox vaccine when they manufactured it, Alex, years ago, it'd make your hair curl.
I had a copy of that, and I do believe that they manufactured that with horse hair and pus and just all kinds of... No, they did.
That's where it comes from.
It comes from cow pus, sir.
Cow pus.
Dr. Kelly, correct?
Yes, and let me just say there's actually a book that was written almost a century ago that you can download off my website, entitled, Of Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated, that explains everything about the smallpox vaccine and the horrors that it wreaked at that time.
So they know exactly what they're doing.
Alex, were you aware that Chuck Norris is going to have a meeting tomorrow night at 5 p.m.?
It's going to be a live telecast.
We surround them.
Concerning the concerns of America, would you happen to know what channel that's going to be on tomorrow night?
You know, I heard something about Chuck Norris, and I've got his contact info, and I didn't even pay attention.
I've been on this Ron Paul people are terrorists stuff.
What is Chuck Norris even saying?
Well, they're going to have a bunch of cell groups.
I don't know if they're militia groups, but they're going to be placing their concerns tomorrow night, concerns on a nation.
And I don't know if Chuck's going to host it.
Stop, stop.
Excuse me, cell?
Guys, I saw it on InfoWars yesterday.
I didn't read it.
What is Chuck Norris doing?
I've got his private email.
I can't hear him.
I suddenly can't hear the caller.
I've lost... Oh, whatever, man.
Okay, what specifically is it?
A thousand cell groups will be united around the country in solidarity over concerns of the nation.
The right-wing cell groups will meet during a live telecast.
We surround them on Friday, March the 13th at 5 p.m.
What does that mean?
I mean, this is really confusing.
I mean, we'll post something right now.
I saw Chuck Norris is having some event.
He's saying cell groups surround them.
I mean, what are you saying?
Well, I'm not sure what he's trying to say, unless he's saying that the right wing militias are going to start rising up about the tyranny that's going on in this country, Alex.
I'm not sure what he's saying.
I better.
I don't know why.
I don't really bug these celebrities.
I have his contact info.
I wondered why Pastor Butch was calling up wanting his contact info earlier.
I'm just trying to find out what channel this is going to be on, because I'm like you, I don't know.
But it's tomorrow night at 5pm.
And where is Chuck Norris having a cell?
Well, I know from my understanding that Chuck's living in Texas now.
He's supposedly got a ranch out there.
No, no, no.
He's got one by Houston and by Austin.
We're going to go into overdrive.
Can we go into overdrive, guys?
Okay, thank you.
Dr. Carley, thank you.
Again, I can't keep track of everything.
It's an InfoWars story, and it's mainstream news.
The Examiner out of England.
And you won't hear this on the AM and FM, folks.
It'll be on the internet streams at InfoWars.com only.
Thank you, Dr. Carley.
Thank you so much, Alex.
You bet.
Take care.
We're going to go to break for one minute here, and then I'm going to cover this Shell Group thing.
InfoWars.com streams only.
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Okay, I got so distracted with the fact that they're teaching the state police that Ron Paul supporters are terrorists, and I got so distracted with
Everything else going on around here, and the Obama deception release, and in my gut I knew we had to release it early.
And now I'm reading mainstream news, which we had it up yesterday, I just missed it.
The call by some right-wing leaders for rebellion and the military to refuse the commander-in-chief's orders is joined by Chuck Norris, who claims that thousands of right-wing cell groups have organized and are ready for a second American revolution during an appearance on the Glenn Beck Show.
I told you he's been doing some weird psyop, Glenn Beck.
He promised that if things ever get worse from this point of view, he may run for President of Texas.
The martial artist actor claims that Texas were never formally part of the United States in the first place and the rebellion is to come through secession, Texas would lead the way.
So we have all these states declaring secession.
I think this is a way to make themselves, a way to co-opt it or something.
I'm not saying Norris is bad, but he may be being used here.
Today in a syndicated column on WorldNet Daily, Norris reiterates the point, they may need to be a reality sooner than we think.
You know what, guys?
Go to InfoWars.com right now and play my director clip, six minutes, where I reach out to everybody, print me this article.
I have to read it and analyze it.
I think I know what this is, but I have to read it before I give a comment on it.
So go to InfoWars.com right now on the main page.
Yeah, that's just the Chuck Norris article.
Skip that.
Just print that for me.
And then go to InfoWars.com
The main page.
And click on Alex Reaches Out to Obama Supporters.
I'm going to play that for six minutes.
And then I want to... Or you can also... I mean, it's on the main page.
You can't miss it.
You need to get more than one computer in there hooked into the feed net so we can do things better than this because it's shutting down and they're on me.
Just run music for a while.
I'll be back in a little while.
I found myself seeking shelter against the wind
All those drifter's days are past me now I've got so much more to think about Deadlines and commitments What to leave in What to leave out Against the wind We were running against the wind We found ourselves seeking shelter
You can't turn your head You can't rearrange it
Lovin' is lovin' The moment is right It's worth all the years in the past Go one more night Get away from the blind side of life Honey, I want you to be by my side
Me and my back just move, I said no more, no more Get away from the blind satellites I need your voice to be by my side Me and my back just move, I said no more, no more
Get away from the bright side of life.
Honey, I want you to be by my side.
Me and my back to the moon say no more.
No more.
Good night, my darling.
Come to me baby!
Let's go, let's go!
In the past I said things would happen once a year or so that were key trigger points and I've always known that Chuck...
Chuck Norris would wind up being important in this whole equation.
Chuck Norris told me privately off air during breaks, and actually you were witnesses to it, we didn't put it out over air, remember, that he's actually a big fan, he knows about all this stuff, but he can't get into it because of his position, that he's woken up to the New World Order, that he didn't really believe me totally ten years ago, but he has a place outside Austin and a ranch outside Houston.
Folks really don't know he has that place.
Well, I'm not going to get into it.
The point is, and he gave me his wife's email,
And said, contact him there, he'd like to come back on, and that, you know, things kept getting worse, he would basically come out more.
Well, I haven't messed with him since then.
And then about a month ago, months after I interviewed him for the first time, I never liked this.
I, like, two in the morning I was trying to go to sleep and I said, no!
That Chuck Norris book he sent me, it's got his email address written in it, and I've never contacted him and I need to go find that book in the house.
And I dug around and found it and I gave it to my producer and said, put this in the computer.
I need to be in contact with him and I just never got around to it.
I was making the Obama deception.
And then I've been watching this Glenn Beck situation and who said put Ron Paul supporters in prison, use the military against them, basically the talking points from this.
I saw, you know, these government documents.
I knew it was a talking point because they were saying the same thing here.
We're terrorists, we want to kill the police, we're Ron Paul supporters, we believe in an imaginary New World Order.
Then suddenly Beck started saying he believes in a New World Order, but then he always slips in other propaganda.
I know Beck's bad.
I don't think Chuck Norris is bad, and I think he's... So he has come out and said, get ready for revolution, and it's just wild, and I think he might be being set up here.
I mean, I really don't think this guy's an evil person.
I think he's been galled by the fake right-wing system, and now he realizes Obama and the New World Order is real, and that's what he's saying, and so he's saying he's going to fight it.
Go ahead and play this little 6 minute clip where I talk to the Obama supporters.
I want to focus on this more and really write some notes and make this very concise.
This is a huge DLC and I can't catch every football.
It's like 10 of them are getting thrown at me every second and I'm dropping them all the time and I saw something Chuck Norris is going to make a big announcement.
And is he making it on Turkey's show?
Print me the World Net Daily thing too.
It's linked in this story.
Then we had computers shut down and have problems right in the middle of this.
We went into overdrive.
So, Cruz doing a great job.
That's why I'm having trouble printing these.
He's saying, revolution may happen sooner than we think.
It's not me.
Someone someday may again be running for president.
But then he talks about Texas leaving.
There's all these states talking about it.
He talks about cell groups around the country and solidarity over the concerns of our nation.
The right-wing cells will be meeting during a live telecast.
We surround them.
And so he's saying, we know the New World Order is taking over, but there's more of us than there are of you.
That's what Mark Kornke always says.
We surround you.
It's like moose hunting.
He closed with the words of Sam Houston, followed by a plug for his next martial arts event.
We view ourselves on the eve of battle.
I mean Chuck Norris has never acted like this.
This is what happens though.
I basically deprogram people and he told me that.
You guys were in there.
Hey guys.
There were two of you in there at the time.
I know it was Hoos and
Bill were in there, and of course during the break I could have put it out on air, but I didn't.
We didn't record it because we're nice guys.
We don't talk to people and record them.
It's just, to know, he's like, yes I know all about it.
I just have to think of how to go public.
And then now to have it happening right here.
But I don't trust Beck being involved in all this.
Guys, print me the World Net Daily.
Did you find it?
All you do is go to this article.
I need to get my computer in here print enabled.
Can we just do that?
Because I've been, I'm not bitching, but I mean, I've asked and asked and asked.
It's like I'm a Chinese emperor.
I can't cut my fingernails here.
Everything's done by you guys.
Can I?
I just need the world net daily.
Because I want to read that too.
I need to analyze this.
Are you guys ready to play the six minute clip and I can figure it out during that period?
Okay, great job.
And then I'll come back and do that.
I've got other radio interviews I've got to do, but I'm about to cancel those.
Oh, where's the folder of radio interviews?
Folks, welcome to my world.
I mean, this is what I do.
This is what it's like.
And it's all coming to a head.
Everything is quickening right now.
I've got a folder here with my guest list.
Here it is.
Okay, Uncle Nasty Libertarian Talk Show.
And then I'm doing a show out of Indiana on a talk station.
When is this interview?
We have to multitask.
I have to do this on air, folks.
That's bizarre.
They've got yesterday's interviews in that one.
Okay, it's at 4 o'clock.
I've got time for that.
You know what, I want to give a proper analysis of this.
So I need those stories, I need to take a break.
Let's go ahead and roll this clip.
Obama Deception Director Alex Jones reaches out to Obama supporters.
Because if we just attack them from a right-wing perspective, it'll get them more in their core support of Obama.
I believe the leader wanting to foment violent revolution.
I've been saying that, we know they do.
And this is just, it's all getting out of control.
Because if Chuck Norris tells people to start a shooting war, it'll happen.
Good God.
You know, I remember when I was told 10 years ago by state police and police in Dallas that Chuck Norris was a huge fan.
And then I actually got contacted and talked to him and then I never bugged him again and then talked to him again and found out he's been listening for that long and knows all about it, but doesn't go completely public.
Thank you.
All right, I'm going to go mark these articles up, read them.
No, this is not the Chuck Norris article.
What you do is you go to Chuck Norris claims thousands of right-wing cell groups exist and rebel against America.
It's the third paragraph down is the link to the WorldNet Daily.
I mean, I just googled Chuck Norris cell groups and it came up.
I'll come to it.
Go ahead and play the clip, please, guys, and we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
This is a very important transmission.
Please stay with us.
Call everybody you know to tune in right now.
TheInfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, Streams, here it is.
The Obama deception is about who the real Barack Obama is, not the right-wing version or the left-wing version.
We cut through all that.
We show who's financed him, the lies he is told, and what his real agenda is.
The Obama deception will be the first major documentary put out after his election that is critical.
All the right-wing guys are still making films about, is he really from Kenya or is he a communist?
We're not touching any of those red herrings, whether they're true or not.
We don't know, we can't prove it.
We do know he lied about keeping troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We do know he lied about warrantless wiretapping.
We do know he lied about shutting down camps.
We do know that he lied about getting rid of NAFTA and GATT and is now expanding it.
And so this film is about Obama being a puppet, who he works for, and then we get past the puppet to the real agenda of his controllers.
Barack Obama is controlled by offshore banks.
This film details how they bankrupt the world economy, how they control the currencies of the planet, and how the bankers want to destroy the economy so they can buy everything up for pennies on the dollar.
That's why the Obama deception is so important, because it gives you the master plan.
It gives you the big overarching agenda, so you understand how the world really works and where this planet's going.
And it gives you, the viewer, the choice
To be conned, to be a sucker by the Republicans, the Russian Limbaughs on the right, and by the controlled left, the Obamas, or whether you want to finally break the spell, break the paradigm, and realize they're all bought and paid for, and the real enemy are these private banks running these giant Ponzi schemes.
When the public finds out they've had their entire futures robbed, when they find out that a total tyranny has been brought into place, they are going to get so angry, the elite has to bring in the police state.
They have to put regular army troops on the streets.
They have to have FEMA camps.
They have to get rid of Hades Corpus and have secret arrests.
Because the public is going to be in open revolt, and the government admits they're gearing up to use the military against the American people.
Six months before Obama was elected, when he was still an underdog, we had figured out that he was the heir apparent, that he was the anointed one, that he was the special person that the elite was going to put in power to sell the public on their agenda.
Then I saw how the media
Was getting behind him in such a unified way.
And I knew the media likes to pose as liberal or conservative, but really they're owned by the bomb makers.
They're owned by the military industrial complex and the big banks.
So they had to come in with a Madison Avenue fraud.
They had to put a black face on the New World Order as KRS-One.
And Webster Tarpley and many others have said they had to give people a stake in it with just the surface packaging of, oh look, he's black, things have changed, you know, everything's okay, stand down.
This is an attempt to suppress revolution.
This is an attempt to suppress a massive renaissance taking place worldwide to the globalist tyranny.
And so that's why we've made the Obama Deception.
And that's why we're asking listeners and viewers to get the film, to make copies of it, to get it out to everyone they know.
And one thing I want to make clear, I respect Barack Obama's supporters.
Their fervent support of him wasn't so much about Obama, it was about a repudiation of George Bush clearly stealing two elections.
Attacking the Constitution and Bill of Rights from one end to the other.
And lying about WMDs and all these wars and the million-plus dead Iraqis.
The American people don't like all this being done in their name.
So they were desperate for somebody who promised to change it.
But as soon as he got in, he flip-flopped on all of it.
But he didn't just stop there.
He then accelerated the whole program.
This film is reaching out to people that are supporting Barack Obama, and it's saying, please, just take the time out to watch this film.
Take the time out, write down notes, research the claims we make.
We're saying that no matter who's in office, this agenda continues, and until we address the power behind the throne, until we address these roundtables, these private banking consortiums, these corporate systems that have taken over our governments, just like they take over another corporation in a hostile takeover, until we address that, nothing's going to get better.
The elite saw a revolution brewing in the United States and all over the world against globalism and the globalist agenda.
We can actually use the hype of Obama.
We can actually use his betrayal to once and for all wake up the people and shatter the false left-right paradigm forever.
You know, I get passionate when I talk about
Barack Obama is controlled by offshore banks.
Okay, we're live here ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, now, again, I've been seeing something form, something develop with Glenn Beck, who said, put Ron Paul supporters in prison, use the military against them, 9-11 traffickers are scum, their families are scum, and then he'll say, I want to fight the New World Order, we've got to fight Iran to do that, and Iran's got nukes and is going to nuke us, and boy, I'm scared of the babas and their guns.
And so he basically introduces everything that's in these federal intelligence reports where they say, anybody who loves freedom is a terrorist, that we've been covering.
And I did get his World Net Daily story, which we're going to punch up on screen right here.
Go over that article for folks.
But here's the Examiner newspaper out of the UK reporting on it.
Chuck Norris claims thousands of right-wing cell groups exist and rebel against the U.S.
See, they want to make it, and I'm not saying Chuck's doing this, a left-wing, right-wing thing so the Obama people will circle around him and they can say it's a right-wing attack instead of, no, the bankers own both parties.
See, Norris came out and repudiated Bush and
Obama, and got into big new world order picture immediately, that would happen.
Reading over a lot of what he has to say, there's some of that, but that's not everything that's in there.
But let me just read the examiner.
You know, I can't print my stories at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, because if they have 300 comments on them, it's like 100 pages, and we don't have printer-friendly versions on InfoWars and PrisonPlanet.
I don't know why I've asked for it, but we don't have it.
And so I've been trying to print the article so I can actually read it here on air.
Thank you.
During this 12 ring circus that's going on.
But they call...
Well, let me read the editor's note from Curt Nemo first.
The following article is an example of how far we have drifted from our constitutional principles in this country.
The author of this article seems to think reclaiming the country in the name of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is a right-wing concept.
If we follow this logic, then the left-wing wants tyranny, dictatorship, and the police state.
In fact, it seems Chuck Norris is moving away from the Republican Party in his article on WorldNetDaily.
Link below.
He claims there is a little difference between the two parties and is calling for a second American Revolution.
So he's getting it right.
If this is right-wing, count me in.
Says Kurt Nemo.
The call by some right-wing leaders for rebellion and the military to refuse the Commander-in-Chief's orders is joined by Chuck Norris.
The globalists will just stage a terror attack and then the military will get in line.
He claims that thousands of right-wing cell groups have organized and is ready for a second American Revolution.
During an appearance on the Glenn Beck Radio Show, he promised that if things get any worse, from this point of view, he may run for President of Texas.
The martial arts activist claims that Texas was never formally part of the United States.
It's a Lone Star State.
Well, that's a fact.
By treaty, signed in.
The United States is the first place, and that rebellion is to come through secession.
Texas would lead the way.
This is a syndicated column on WorldNetDaily.
Norris reiterates the point that
Need may be a reality sooner than we think.
If not me, someone, somebody may again be running for President of the Lone Star State.
The State of the Union, they wouldn't kill folks that tried that previously in Texas.
The State of the Union continues to turn into the enemy of the state.
He continues calling on a Second American Revolution.
We've bastardized the First Amendment, reinterpreted America's religious history, and
secularize our society until we use skepticism and circumvent religion on every level in public-private life.
Why not about the FEMA camps?
Why not about the troops standing about to take over?
How much more will Americans take?
When will enough be enough?
And when that time comes, will our leaders finally listen, or will history need to record a second American Revolution?
We the people have the authority, according to the American Declaration of Independence, which states that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government.
Norris claims that thousands of cell groups have been united around the country in solidarity over the concerns of our nation.
The right-wing cells will meet during a live telecast.
So the right-wing cells helped bring in the whole police state Obama's now using.
We surround them on Friday, March 13th at 5 p.m.
He closes with the words of Sam Houston, followed by a plug.
And it goes on.
We view ourselves on the eve of battle.
I mean, what is this telecast?
Where is that?
In the article, what is it linked to when he talks about the telecast?
Just, uh, Ctrl-F search, telecast, and pull up that link off the page for me, please.
You just hit Ctrl-F and a box will open and you can enter that and find it for me.
Or I could start surfing it, but you guys are in control of that page right now.
And it goes on to say, on Glen Beck Radio Show last week, I quipped in response to our wayward federal government, I may run for President of Texas.
That may be a reality sooner than we think.
If not for me, someone may do it.
And going on, from the East Coast to the Left Coast, America seems to be moving further and further from its founders' vision of government.
George Washington advised the great rule of conduct in regard to foreign nations is extending our commercial relations and having them
As little political connection as possible, yet the Obama Administration just pledged $900 million in U.S.
taxpayer fund aid to Hamas-controlled Gaza and Mahmoud Abbas-Palestinian authorities, which is more... See, that's exactly what Glenn Beck does.
We're fighting the New World Order!
It's the Muslims!
When the radical Muslims are controlled and funded, the fake Al-Qaeda groups.
Yeah, we surround them.
Just click on the We Surround Them link.
That's Glenn Beck.
He's going to do it on Glenn Beck, I guess, today.
How ridiculous.
Glenn Beck is hosting a nationwide event called We Surround Them.
Go here for more information.
So that's it.
I don't know how I missed this for a day.
Ladies and gentlemen, oh look!
It's the snake!
Now, the federally written document that says Ron Paul's a terrorist, that Glenn Beck reads off of, now saying he's Ron Paul's best friend, they show that snake.
Right here, just another type of it.
They show that snake and say Ron Paul's basically evil and bad.
In fact, there's Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty are all terrorists right here.
So this is clearly
Glenn Beck, I told you weeks ago, I have a really bad feeling about Glenn Beck, and he's trying to become the leader of this, but then he always says, there's a new order, we've got to fight it, the Russians are going to get us.
Like, there's a new order, global banks are taking over, and it's the Russians!
There's a new order, global banks, and it's the Muslims!
And see, that's what Chuck Norris says here.
You know, I want to think, Chuck,
He's a good guy, but they know revolution's afoot against the New World Order, and they want to control it and make it a fake right-wing thing so they can play it off the left-right paradigm.
The only revolution that'll defeat the bankers is admitting they control both parties.
You understand that?
Oh my God.
How can I even go home and see my kids?
I've got to stay and work on this.
In fact, cancel that next Libertarian radio show.
I'm not going on that right now.
I'll have to reschedule it.
I don't care if they don't want to have me back on.
Because I've got to really analyze this and go through it, and now that I read, I knew I had to read his full comments.
And sure enough, that's what it is.
Obama's not a traitor because he's introduced all these gun bills.
Obama's not a traitor because he's bringing us into the New World Order.
Obama's a traitor because they're going to give money to rebuild some sewage stuff for PR.
They kill the Muslims, destroy them, and then come in with UN control.
That's all that is, like they bomb Serbia and then come in and take it over.
The Muslims aren't going to get you, and the radical ones in every case are CIA controlled.
Patrick Henry taught us our Constitution is an instrument for its people to restrain the government.
Yet our Congress and President stampede the founding document, overlook its explicitness and mandate, manipulate its words to abandon a balance of power and accommodate their own desires, partisan politics and runaway spending.
John Adams declared that our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, yet we bastardize the First Amendment.
It goes on to talk about
He mixes in our Bill of Rights and Constitution is under attack.
Declaration of Independence is under attack.
It's all under attack.
But the Muslims are going to get it.
It's just a bait and switch.
I told you that's what I saw.
And it goes on here.
He reads from the Declaration of Independence.
When I appeared on Glenn Beck's radio show, he told me that someone had asked him, do you really believe there's going to be trouble in the future?
And he answered, if this country starts to spiral out of control and Mexico melts down or whatever, it really starts to spiral out of control before America allows a country to become a totalitarian country, which it would have under, I think, Republicans as well in this situation.
So he's being good there.
They were taking us to the same place, just slower.
No, just as fast.
Americans won't stand for it.
There will be parts of the country that will rise up.
Then Glenn Beck asked me and his listening audience, and where's this going to come from?
He answered his own question.
It's going to come from Texas.
See, they're worried about us, folks.
They're worried about Austin.
They're worried about me.
Do you agree with that, Chuck?
I replied, oh yeah, definitely.
It was these types of thoughts that led me to utter the tongue-in-cheek frustration on Glenn Beck's radio show, I May Run for President of Texas.
I'm not saying that other states won't muster the gumption to stand to succeed.
So he is doing something good here, saying the states need to stand up.
It's just with Beck in the middle of it and a clear intelligence operative, this thing is screwed from the get-go.
Texas was its own country before it joined the Union in its 28th state.
From 1836 to 1846, Texas I was its own republic.
Washington on the Brazos River served as our Philadelphia.
It was there on March 2, 1836, where a band of patriots forged the Texas Declaration of Independence.
We just celebrated this date last week.
Yeah, Alamo Day.
On March 1st, 1845, then-President John Tyler signed a congressional bill annexing the Republic of Texas through the annexation resolution never explicitly granted Texas the right to secede from the Union, as is often reported.
Many, including me, hold that it is implies by unique autonomy.
Well, all the states, read the 9th and 10th Amendment, can
They created the government.
They can pull out any time.
As well as the unusual provision in the resolution that gave Texas the right to divide into as many as five states, both the original 1836 and the current 1876 Texas Constitution also declared that all political power is inherent in the people, that they all, at all times, had an amiable right to alter their government in such a manner as they might think proper.
Well, yeah, it's like the right to revolt, Article 10 of the New Hampshire
Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And he goes on to say, anyone who's been around Texas for any length of time knows exactly what we do if the going got rough in America.
But there be no doubt about that, as Sam Houston once said, Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what any source it may.
For those losing hope and others wanting to rekindle the patriotic fires of early America, I encourage you to join Fox News, Glenn Beck, me, and millions of people across the country saying anybody that watches is in the cell.
In the live telecast, we surround them on Friday afternoon, Eastern Time.
That's coming up in about 30 minutes.
We gotta watch this.
Thousands of cell groups will be united around the country in solidarity over the concerns of our nation.
You can host or attend a viewing party by going to Glenn's website.
God, Glenn is really trying to take over.
My wife, Jean, and I will be hosting one from our Texas ranch, in which we've invited many family members and friends and law enforcement to join us.
It's our way of saying we're united and we're tired of corruption and we're not going to take it anymore.
I have to reserve judgment on all this.
I just have to say Glenn Beck's a snake and is engaged in betrayal after betrayal.
That's why I blasted him last week.
Again, Sam Houston put it well when he gave the marching orders.
We view ourselves on the eve of battle.
We are
Nerved for the contest and must conquer or perish.
It is vain to look for present aid.
None is at hand.
We must now act or abandon all hope.
That's true.
Rally to the standard and be no longer the scoff of mercenary tongues.
Be men, be free men.
Your children may bless their father's name.
That your children may bless their father's name.
I mean, this is unprecedented, and I guarantee you, Vec has co-opted this.
I know some of the police that are friends with him.
That's when they told me he was a fan 10 years ago, and then I got contacted.
But he didn't want to come on air at that time, and I just left him alone until we got contacted by the publisher, sent us a book, and they said, Chuck wants to come on the show.
And then he came on and was kind of timid, but said, yeah, I know things are bad.
And then off air, in a four-minute break, when we said bye to him, you guys were witnesses.
Remember the Chuck Norris conversation?
And he said, oh no, I've been listening to you.
I just don't know how I'm going to go public.
I know it's true.
Oh, I know.
And I said, you know about all this stuff.
And he goes, well, there's people working on it.
We're going to look.
He's got all these spooks around him and all this stuff.
And it's I'm not even obsessed with with, you know, Chuck Norris, you know, and all the jokes they make about him.
You know, Chuck Norris is the wet and water, you know, all those little.
All those little jokes they tell.
Things like, when the boogeyman goes to sleep at every night, he checks under his closet for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't read books, he stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
Outer space exists, but it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.
It's that Chuck Norris, if he was to call for some type of insurrection, it would happen.
And that's what the military wants and what is going on.
But I don't think it'll be a call to action militarily.
It's just going to be forming some new right-wing thing around the Republicans to then, you know, go after Russia and the Muslims.
I noticed this like six, seven years ago from
Michael Wiener Savage, the beatnik poet of the 60s, top beatnik, now conservative, as he would say, we gotta fight the New World Order, the Muslims of the New World Order, they want global government.
And sure, I mean, I guess some of them do want their own jihad world government, but they don't have the power.
I mean, the point is, that's not what the banks are, and who's stealing from us, and who's ruling us.
And he would go, gotta fight the International Crime Syndicate, or the Muslims, and then they're with the New World Order, and the Democrats work with the Muslims in the New World Order.
And then, you know, I watch Beckham, and it's like, yeah, the FEMA camps are being built, and it's really bad, and it's the Russians.
The Russians are about to nuke us.
He mixes it all together.
Is everybody concerned with the truth?
Because it's all rising right now.
I told you this is big, folks.
It's huge.
We're winning.
But we knew crap like this would get pulled.
But that insincere, fake, little demonic weasel, Glenn Beck,
God help us, we're in for one amazing ride here.
Well, this thing's about to start.
I gotta go send an email to Chuck Norris.
I need to stay more in contact with people like this.
I'll probably be on Burmese's show tonight covering this.
Let me check my interview times.
I don't understand why it doesn't have the other interview on here.
There's nothing I can do about it, it doesn't matter.
I'll continue to try to track this.
We'll get a blurb out about this or something at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Notice, again, we need to have the viral movement on the Obama deception, which exposes Bush and Obama as puppets of the bankers.
They're the New World Order.
Keep getting the Obama deception out on all of the Cedars, all of the BitTorrents, everything.
It's all over the web for free, folks.
And the problem is people were so greedy to get it up quickly that they would do low-res uploads to YouTube.
It looks like total crap.
And we're trying to find a free one to link to that looks good.
We haven't found them.
Looks so good on the DivX and all the other copies we have at PrisonPlanet.tv.
$5.95 that funds us.
Go sign up at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Make copies of it.
Burn it to disk.
Get it out to everybody you know.
This has got to go supernova.
You're talking about revolution exploding any day now?
We want to keep building and waking people up so it can be peaceful or when the enemy strikes and goes ahead and starts the hot war, so many troops and military are awake, this doesn't happen.
We don't want that.
And this may be positive.
This may wake up the police and military.
They'll just think Glenn Beck is their leader and is going to save them.
See how sophisticated that is?
This is a PSYOP, folks, and I don't know if Chuck Norris is involved in it, but I'm going to ask him.
I'm going to ask him right now.
Alright, we'll go back into the retransmission at InfoWars.com until 9 to midnight this evening.
I know a lot of listeners know Chuck Norris.
Police officers are friends with him.
You're probably at his house right now or driving up to it.
Call us here at the office 512-291-5787 or 512-291-5750 and get us in touch with Chuck because I didn't ask him for his number for some reason when he gave me his cell phone.
I don't push these guys, but I need to get a hold of him right now.
Alright, we're out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
Back to Retransmission and InfoWars.com.
Please spread the word that we're going to analyze this and tell you the truth about what Glenn Beck is up to with Chuck Norris.
God bless you all.