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Filename: 20090212_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 12, 2009
3084 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live.
It is Thursday, the 12th day of February 2009.
We're going to be here for the next four hours.
Continuing with our ongoing series with state representatives from New Hampshire and Washington State, Missouri and Oklahoma.
Many others coming on throughout the rest of the week and into next week.
Representative Cynthia Davis from Missouri.
We have another Missouri lawmaker who introduced the bill.
She's a co-sponsor.
Jim Guess introduced it.
We'll be joining us coming up in about 15 minutes.
Then we're going to have open phones and cover news for an hour until Mark Dice joins us for the Resistance Manifesto.
And then I promise to have him back on.
I had him on to comment on the parallels of the Palestinians to what happened to Native Americans here in the United States.
A Native American leader and also a movie star.
He's in most of the big movies you see where they have Indians portrayed.
Russell Means is also involved in Wounded Knee 2 and everything else.
Quite an interesting fella.
And he's leading the breakaway of four states that are
Lakota territory.
Probably heard about that in the last year or so.
He'll be joining us coming up in the fourth hour today.
Dovetailing with all the other secessionist things that are happening.
And it's not secession against the United States.
is gone.
The U.S.
And there's no prayer in getting it back.
It's like if you've got a horse and the barn door gets left open and your horse is gone, you walk into the stall and the horse is gone, you don't say, oh, my horse is still here and start feeding an imaginary horse.
You go out and admit the horse has been stolen and you go out and look for it.
You put up some signs.
Same thing if your child came up missing.
The country has been taken over.
There's no way to deny it.
Newsweek, Time Magazine, both of them the last week running headlines.
Time had a headline, The New World Order, and says, a foreign offshore global bank will control the United States and knock our heads.
Exactly the dream of the Trilateral Commission.
It's happening!
I know, police listening, you got all those FBI training manuals and all that, you know, extremist training and they told you it didn't exist, remember?
The crazy, say, foreign banks are going to overthrow the U.S.
and run everything and have carbon taxes?
No, we just read their documents!
We just read the Congressional hearings on it!
We just tried to save the Republic!
Now they're robbing all of us, including you!
Who are you going to join?
I've had a lot of police emailing me and calling me and running into them on the streets and they'll just come over at a 7-Eleven or wherever and say, Alex, listen, we know what's going on.
Most of us are with you.
We're not out tasering people to death.
Be easy on us.
Look, look, some of us didn't believe you years ago but we know it's true now.
What do we do?
So, that is exciting, that is good.
The problem is a lot of the good cops are leaving the force because they just can't handle it and they're hiring these thugs.
You know the bully you had in high school.
And you can tell, you can see one of them, you know, nice cop, you know, doing his job, whatever, but then you see other ones who are just crazed on power trips.
They should be embarrassed for themselves, but they're not.
And all I'm saying is, you work for the New World Order now, and the New World Order's coming down on the people, and so I'm just pointing out the position you're in.
I'm your best friend.
I'm your best friend, and I'll talk to you straight, and I'll talk to the military straight.
Now I know Ron Paul got more presidential donations, what, 70 plus percent of the Republican donations.
He got the second most donations overall for the military, Barack Obama, because the troops want to come home.
Upwards of 80 percent of the troops in polls that the Army Times have done don't want to be in Iraq or Afghanistan.
He got the most Republican donations, 70 plus percent of the Republican donations, and number two compared to Obama from the military.
So we know that there's still a lot of great folks in the military just by that.
But still, they're hiring aggravated felons.
They're bringing in illegal aliens.
It's a foreign military more and more.
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I get emails and see comments on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, I scan over them, saying I'm lying about Obama, that he's not
Appointing all these lobbyists and breaking his promise.
They even email me saying I'm lying, Lindsey Williams is wrong.
Oil isn't $50 a barrel, it's more.
No, it's actually $42 right now.
They say that he is pulling the troops out of Iraq, and I'm a liar.
Well, first he said six months, then he said 16 months, now they're saying 23 months, now they're saying longer.
You can just... I have the mainstream news articles, I mean, this is announcements by the White House, but his followers are living in total delusion.
Wantonly ignorant.
And I... That just only encourages the criminals running things to rape you.
That much works financially.
That's why they're making their move on us.
They know that the nation is predominantly suckers.
Now there's a giant minority of Americans who see through everything.
And there's some of the sheep starting to wake up of the mass group out there braying, Obama Bush!
Keep us safe from al-Qaeda!
So we'll be going over that today.
Also, there's all these mainstream news articles trying to destroy confidence now.
While they were busy shutting up the implosion, they told you invest in the stock market, get into debt, it's lies, derivatives won't hurt you, we don't need to regulate the big central banks.
And then now, the Atlantic Magazine and AP and Reuters, the New York Times, I mean, they're saying it is a depression now and it's going to be worse.
But the government and the banks have a way to save you.
The very banks that engineered it.
I just can't get over it.
And then there's all these articles.
Lawmakers delay vote on bill charging obese employees more for health care.
By the way, if you're 5'10 and weigh 180 pounds, you're obese.
There's a lot of people I know who are 5'10", who are just big boned and look skinny at 185 pounds.
Folks, at 185 pounds, and I'm 5'10 1⁄2", I look like Bruce Lee.
You can Google Alex Jones, you know, muscle pictures.
Years ago, somebody took a picture of me in the gym and it just showed up in the newspaper.
And that's me at 185 pounds.
I mean, ripped, look like Bruce Lee.
I weigh 150, 255 pounds, and I am chubby now.
255 pounds.
But I'm certainly not obese.
And I am ripped.
I mean, 2% body fat at, when I was 185 pounds, when I was like 22, 23.
But I'm obese, and this is starting
With government workers.
And then they're saying, you're not going to get your health care taken care of now.
Or you're going to pay more for it, or it's going to be rationed.
And old people, if you go blind and we have a cheap surgery to fix it, we're not going to do it.
I mean, that's in the spending package they've now passed through committee and they're about to finish up in the next few days.
Bloomberg AP reporting on it.
So this is the starting of just total social engineering.
Even if you have the money for a medical procedure, they're not going to let you have it.
And they admit it is the British model.
I've got to commend the Huffington Post.
I mean, it is a liberal, left-wing publication, but they came out a month ago and admitted that Obama's funding eugenics and forced sterilization and infanticide and abortion in China and eugenics in Africa and really called it what it is.
But meanwhile, Pat Robertson was praising it.
The world is upside down.
Well, here they are saying, Obama reopened the 9-11 investigation.
A call for him to look into it being an inside job.
I mean, this is a big publication.
This is pretty much establishment.
I don't know what to make of that.
Well, I mean, their readers are pretty much decent people that know it's an inside job, so I know they're demanding that these daily costs and Huffington Post and others
Exposed government-sponsored terror.
But I've got all this financial news here that is just amazing.
Deluge of financial calamities looming by mid-March.
Here's one.
As horrible as the financial news for currencies and paper assets has been since mid-2007, it looks like the worst is yet to come, perhaps as early as next month.
Over the weekend, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, told a gathering of Southeast Asian central bankers that the world's advanced economies are already in a depression and that the financial crisis may deepen unless the banking system is fixed.
Now, by fixing it, we're in a depression.
You've got to fix it.
A giant world bank ruling every country.
That will fix it.
Sign on to this.
Sign treaties with us that NATO and the U.S.
will militarily attack you if you don't follow our banking rules.
And I mean, this is world government of and by the bankers.
When they engineered it all, they did it, and they're the ones running the fixing of it.
The fixing is making it even worse, and they want you to be a futile serf in their own words.
So they're not trying to fix anything.
You know, I told people that, what was it, back in 2004, they passed that bill that they pushed to the public as, we are going to give you total medical privacy with your records.
It's totally federalized.
Clinics, dentist offices, hospitals, every form of a medical procedure, where they have to put into computers everything that was done, everything, every prescription, and then when you go get your prescription, they instantly upload everything, your prescription, to the feds.
No judge, no jury, no Fourth Amendment.
Just like know your customer.
Everything you do in your banking, the government just goes right into your bank accounts and constantly government people are caught stealing credit card numbers and robbing people and then they use that as an excuse for even more control and more surveillance.
I mean, it's just incredible.
People don't believe me about that, but here's Arizona tracking prescription drug users.
Arizona's launched a new computer database.
No, the feds are just now letting the state tie in.
Arizona's now launched a new computer database that tracks prescription drug usage.
The information is stored in a state-managed, centralized database that can be accessed by doctors and pharmacists around the state.
And then when they want to go after Joe the Plumber or somebody and find out everything about him, find out what medication he's on, they want to find out what medication you're on, they want to find out if your wife is, you know,
Had breast implants.
They want to find out if you're taking herpes medication.
They want to find out if you've got a genetic problem.
It's all in there now.
Remember, for 36 years, everybody born in the U.S.
in a hospital has your blood taken, put in a world DNA database.
Nobody believed it, even though it had congressmen on.
Now it's public.
Bush signed an executive order saying it's legal, because it was always illegal before that.
And we were talking about California last week and then earlier in the week we were talking about Michigan.
Here's one.
PA judges accused of jailing kids for cash.
Judge allegedly took 2.6 million in payoffs to put juveniles in lock-ups.
Hillary Transu was sentenced to a wilderness camp for building a spoof MySpace page that lampooned her assistant principal in Whitehaven on Friday.
She said she did not have an attorney, nor was she informed of her right to one.
She was sentenced by the county judge, Mark Civerella.
Now, this is AP as well, and it's late to class three times, push another student, use a cuss word, six months or longer.
You can go read these cases in a labor camp, in a forest labor camp.
These are private camps that get federal and state money, so they pay the judges to put the children in.
There needs to be an investigation in Austin.
I've seen KI pieces and others where they're saying it's good here in Austin, where it shows the portable buildings they built on that aren't real courts, and they just call the kids in in front of their parents, scream at them and say, sign this, because it's
Because no law was violated, and they sign it, and then they go, now you're on probation.
One more thing, you go to jail for six months.
Now they're in the system, now they're on probation, because they trick you into signing onto probation.
And there's massive money involved, and
They headhunt.
That's why your neighbor here is yelling and screaming in your house.
They call the police.
They show up.
Nothing's broken.
No one's hurt.
The police are told, or they're written up, you will take somebody to jail.
And so they take somebody to jail.
Because then the city gets federal and state money for every person they arrest.
It's thousands of dollars.
So there is a bounty to get you into the system.
If you put your children in public schools, you are insane.
I mean, the way things work now, I would have been in prison the things I did in junior high and high school.
I mean, fist fights, you know, we'd be out fist fighting and the coaches would come up and if somebody didn't get hurt too bad, they'd go, oh man, that's great, you guys need to do that on the football field.
Because they were macho, they were into that.
And I'm not even saying that's particularly a good thing, but this culture is completely gelded.
I mean, I remember in Rockwall, the coaches just loved me.
Because they were all macho.
They all had John Wayne in their offices, and they just... they just loved it.
And they'd have boxing matches, you know, after... in the off-season, they'd set up a ring in the field house, and...
But now it's just, oh my gosh, you shoved someone, you're going to jail for six months, and then there's secret payoffs going on to put the young people in the prison.
Let's just stop right there and go ahead, we did get the State Representative on, we're about to go to break, Representative Cynthia Davis, she has introduced and signed on the legislation, we had the Representative
Guest on from Missouri as well yesterday, part of now upwards of 20 states filing or who have passed resolutions reaffirming the 10th Amendment saying the feds do not control them.
Good to have you on, Representative Davis.
It's good to be here.
We're about to break, but when we come back, tell us about the particular legislation.
All right.
Specifically, how many pieces are introduced in Missouri?
Because I'm seeing multiple pieces declaring 10th Amendment.
Well, I am not aware of how many other pieces are being introduced, but I'll tell you this much.
If most of us would introduce something, there'd be a guarantee it will pass.
We'll come back and get into details with you after this quick break.
We'll stay there.
As we continue to follow, it was 8 states last week, it was 10 two days ago, and then I saw reports of scores of other states signing on.
I've got to get an actual number.
Jack McClam said he had an article saying it was more than 20.
So we're trying to track this.
Stay with us.
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Now, we had a representative guest from Missouri on yesterday who introduced H.C.R.
13, claims sovereignty for the United States under the Tenth Amendment.
We have HCR6 out of New Hampshire saying no to the FEMA camps and martial law.
Got those folks coming on tomorrow.
It is now 21 states claiming sovereignty.
We just got a full list of those.
Will you IM that to Kurt Nemo and to Watson, both the webmasters for PrisonPlanet and Infowars.com so we can get this up.
This is very important.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, Joey V. We've got this segment and into the next, Representative Cynthia Davis.
She's introduced a separate
Bill, give us that bill number and tell us how yours deals with declaring sovereignty.
Well, mine is called a House Resolution, and the big difference between House Resolution and House Concurrent Resolution is the Concurrent Resolution means you have to have the Senate agree to it, and like
Most states and even, you know, I mean, the Senate is a separate and distinct body and I don't have any faith that they're going to take care of business.
So your H.R.
212, the feds are trying to force the states to not be able to choose whether to have abortion be legal or illegal.
You're saying leave that to the states.
Yeah, I mean, here's the point.
Look at the way the President of the United States was elected.
Every state has its own choice of who they want.
Now, same with pro-life issues.
We have pro-life laws that are tailored to our constituency.
So maybe the people in Missouri respect life more than the people in Massachusetts.
So that allows each state to pick what is fitting of their residents.
If I pass a law on pro-life issues and my constituents think that's out of their taste, then they can elect different lawmakers who will pass a law in their taste.
So really what they're doing
Is slapping the face of all the states and saying, no, all the states have to have the same local flavor as what the people in Washington, D.C.
And specifically, they're trying to federally say abortion will continue in all 50 states, and you're saying, hey, that is for Missouri to decide with our state.
Yeah, it's clearly up to us.
It's not just abortion.
It's having who pays for the abortion.
It's what kind of abortions we do.
It has to do with if, you know, we in Missouri think that parents are smarter than maybe some people have in other states.
I can't help that.
But the Missouri parents should have a right to give approval to an abortion for a minor in Missouri.
Other states don't have that law.
But what they're doing is they're stripping us.
Of our own rightful authority to define our standards in Missouri.
What they're doing federally is lining up with the UN treaties, like the UN Treaty on the Rights of the Child, that says by law it's a felony if parents try to get involved stopping their 12-year-old daughter from having an abortion.
Well, you're right.
So what's happening is the feds aren't just federalizing, they're internationalizing.
Now, where mine fits in with that Freedom of Choice Act is sometimes you need
A spark to ignite the flame to get people really angry and that's what the federal government is doing with this threat to take away our state laws as they pertain to abortion.
But the root of all these issues is the exact same problem and that is the states are being disrespected by the federal government and this grand overreaching is pervasive and it's getting worse and this abortion issue was the perfect
Catalyst for helping people see how bad the problem has gotten.
And how much worse it's going to get if we don't do something to stand up to a bully.
Well, I was about to say that this is a precedent setting what they're trying to do, passing a federal law saying the states have no jurisdiction over themselves when it comes to reproductive activities.
I mean, this is amazing that they're trying to come in and federally say that states can't restrict or legalize abortion.
Yeah, and in Missouri, we don't do certain things because that's not how people want it in Missouri.
And basically, in one nutshell, the federal government is trying to treat the states like we are nothing but an administrative branch of what they are doing.
And they've done it to us on health care.
They've done it to us on education.
This is not the first time, but this is the time that
Penetrated down to the grassroots level, where people could actually see a direct effect.
Nobody was sensitized to how egregious this was, because the overstepping usually was accompanied by money.
And it's easy for people, when they're getting federal money, to say, oh, well, then I guess their encroachment isn't that bad.
But there's an old expression, if you want to get out of the rat race, you have to let go of the cheese.
Well, I mean, plus people think it's free money.
They take our state money and send on average, what, 30-something percent back to us.
So, it's disgusting.
But then on average, states end up actually putting about 70-plus percent into services.
So we need to, well, do what the founders said.
Stay there, Representative Cynthia Davis from Missouri.
We'd like to talk more about your particular legislation in Missouri that reaffirms the Tenth Amendment.
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After the State Representative leaves us, I'm going to get into the incredible PSYOP as they keep trying to compare Obama to mythical people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
I mean, this is a PSYOP.
We're going to break it down.
Also, I'll go over the 21 states claiming sovereignty.
They're declaring it!
We're going to go over this a little bit later.
But right now, let's go back to our guest, Representative Cynthia Davis of Missouri.
This is H.R.
212 House Resolution.
And again, there's H.C.R.
13, a separate one that's broader, declaring 10th Amendment rights across the board.
But as she said, this does it as well.
Please continue with other points that you'd like to make.
Oh, well, you know what?
This whole problem started
When our public schools quit teaching the Constitution.
But a lot of people, I'm sure on your show you're familiar with the 10th Amendment, which is beautifully written and was part of the original amendments.
But a lot of people don't go into where the Constitution actually came from, the Declaration of Independence.
And in the Declaration, I mean, it's so beautifully written and explains reasons why the states should have rights
It was assumed from the very beginning that we were a collection of states.
The federal government had the least amount of power and the states had much more power.
I'm sure I'm telling you stuff you already know, but even in the declaration it says these united colonies of right ought to be free and independent states.
And it goes on to say... Well, even as British colonies, they still separately can make their own laws and have their own systems and were very diverse.
Some were more Catholic, some were more Protestant, some were freewheeling like New York, basically a pirate base.
Let me just read the 10th Amendment for folks.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution or prohibited to it by the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people.
Go ahead.
And there's no constitutional authority for a national government to do anything with education or health care.
And yet, if you listen to what all the folks in Washington, D.C.
have to tell you about, 90% of it boils down to education and health care.
So if we could strip that out of their jurisdiction, they wouldn't probably have anything to do.
Well, I mean, do you notice how they're positioning Obama saying he is like Lincoln, he will bring federal control, he will unify us?
But I mean, we're not freeing slaves here, there's not a war going on, but I mean, he keeps saying he's basically taking the states over.
This is creepy.
And I, frankly, I'm one of those who
Would have liked us to free the slaves without having to shoot all those people?
Well, it actually wasn't about that on record, Lincoln.
I can pull up Lincoln quotes.
I think I'll do that today.
He actually did it over who would control western expansion.
And frankly, England was able to free their state, their slaves, without having to go to war.
So, I mean, bottom line is, you've got to look at where we came from.
And when you've got a generation of people growing up who know nothing about their history, all they learn is what they've observed, and that is federal government doing more and more and more.
And you've got these states here who are left to try and stand up on their own without much, to really a very big bully.
I'm proud of all the states that are filing these.
I don't know how
We can shake our fist at the federal government and say, get your hands off our grubby laws, your grubby hands off our good laws.
But here's the point.
If we don't start somewhere, we're going to lose the whole country.
Because once you have a highly centralized federal government, it can sign treaties and deals to sell out sovereignty to a larger system, which has happened.
Well, exactly.
That's what globalism is.
And what makes those people in Washington D.C.
think that they know more about how to educate our children and how to do health care than we do?
We're the ones who are closer to the people.
I mean, let them take care of defending our borders.
I'm proud of them for trying to do that in the small capacity they are.
But look at what we're doing today and ask the bigger question of what do we need to do to get it back the way it ought to be?
Well, absolutely.
But, you know, it is, the federal government is to issue and coin the money, it is to defend the borders, and it is to protect the people's liberties.
But, I mean, take the 17th Amendment.
We got it at the same time we got the income tax, right when we got the Federal Reserve Act, the foreign banks that the presidents before had fought, that had always been the major issue in every election.
Previous to that, they were able to
Take the Senators from the states.
Before, we elect the legislators, we elect people like Representative Cynthia Davis at the Missouri Legislature, and then they would vote for the U.S.
Senator and send him or her, and then he would be a creature of the state.
Show that you had state control over the federal government.
But notice how they removed that.
More and more this is developing.
Well, let me talk to you about that for a minute, because I do have an opinion.
I am a representative of a district, and I would have, you know, when you let the states elect the senators, you're going to get more responsiveness.
And there are two times on two occasions that I have had my U.S.
senator write me an email telling me about something.
And I was so excited to hear that she would write me and I felt special.
It was addressed Representative Davis.
So somebody took the time to even put my name.
It was not a broadcast email to the whole state.
It was just to me.
And I clicked the reply button and sent her back my thoughts on this very important issue.
And within minutes, my computer screen said, undeliverable.
Do you know how that makes me feel?
If I were in charge of selecting my U.S.
Senator, I bet you she'd return my phone calls.
Well, they are bought and paid for by offshore banks and corporations.
They are engaging in crimes against the Constitution and the people.
And I just want folks, we have a lot of listeners in Missouri, great people up there, the Show-Me State.
I hope that, and that's why we're having different people on from all the different states that are doing this, this week and next week and continuing, just hammering this issue.
They had me on Coast to Coast AM last night about it.
They're going to have me on the next few weeks for three hours on the subject of 16 million people.
And one more thing I'll add though with your point.
You know what?
I worked really hard to get elected and it meant I had to meet my people and find out what they needed in me.
We have seen this country go to the highest bidder.
And even though what happened in Illinois with their governor sounded scandalous to many people, that is so typical.
I'm sure that the governor of Illinois has no idea that he did anything wrong because he's so surrounded by people who do that.
And the way politics works, people have cynically
Resolve themselves to whichever candidate has the most money is likely to win the race.
Not the one who's most in touch with the people, not the smartest one, not the one best able to govern.
And the money has gone so far that good, honest people who don't have a lot of money just don't have much of a chance of going to Washington.
Well, it's more than even that.
What they do is they look at who's the prettiest, who has the best tie, who has the best dress, the best suit, who's the most handsome, and who the establishment media says is the best person.
When the establishment media, again, is owned predominantly by offshore corporations and the military.
Industrial complex.
And so the people like to vote for who they think the winner is, so they'll feel like they're a winner.
They'll associate their personal power with George Bush or with Barack Obama, when really, those people are just pitch men as part of a larger corporate ad campaign.
Well I hope folks will, what do they do?
Call other members of the state legislature in the house and tell them to pass H.R. 212?
Well, HR 212 is a step in the right direction.
I think we have to look at the overall philosophy.
We need to find each other, and your radio program is a big part of that, helping people realize, number one, we're educating people as to what our rights are.
There's a steep learning curve in this country, and it really is sad that I felt like we lost the election when we wound up with
John McCain because he didn't have what it took to bring us back to our roots and our philosophy and the principles that made this a strong nation.
It was like a Don King boxing match where you know the one guy's not a good boxer, you know he's going to lose, it's a stage deal, and then people just stop watching boxing, but we can't just walk away from this, this is our country.
Yeah, and we'll only get it back if we become informed, get involved,
And support good people who are knowledgeable enough to know.
And that's the point.
The ones winning the elections are the ones with the most money.
They need to know, you know, the people who really know how to run the country are usually too busy cutting hair and driving trucks.
Well, we're going to try to support H.R.
We're going to try to support the other pieces of legislation, like H.C.R.
212 in Missouri.
13, also in your fine state.
And how do people find you or get in contact with you if they want to give you support?
Oh, thank you.
I've got a website.
It's CynthiaDavis.net.
That's my website.
That's probably the easiest way, or you can write straight to my capital email, which is my name again, Cynthia.Davis, at house.mo.gov.
But if you go to my website, then you get to read some of the other articles that I've written on similar topics, and I've got a copy of the Resolution 212 on my website, which is again, CynthiaDavis.net.
Well that's super and as this develops we will follow it and I hope you get it passed.
Take care.
It's okay.
Thanks so much and feel good about it.
You know what?
You're part of the solution.
I know.
We don't have a choice.
Thank you.
Appreciate you joining us.
Absolutely and so there are 21 states and this is a few days old.
I'm going to go over this list so it's probably more and
Then we're going to get into some other news and take your phone calls next hour.
You know, I've actually read books on Abraham Lincoln.
I've actually researched his quotes.
I actually know who he was.
Abraham Lincoln was a Luciferian.
Abraham Lincoln, and this is mainline news.
I mean, you can Google.
I mean, there are like bestselling New York Times history books.
With the quotes and the witnesses and the... I mean, he did all sorts of weird occultic rituals.
He did seances.
He communicated with the dead.
His wife was completely into stuff.
And all I hear is this worship of Abraham Lincoln.
Now, let's get it clear though.
I'm not saying the South was right either.
See, people always think it's black or white with these global issues or these international issues or these complex issues.
Abraham Lincoln was a very complex person, and he did things that the British Empire didn't like, and they clearly had him killed.
And he did issue U.S.
notes to pay for the war, when the Rothschilds wanted him to go into 25-30% interest with them.
And then when he wouldn't do it, they sided with the South.
And the South got set up.
I'm against Reconstruction.
I had ancestors killed in the South.
I mean, it's on tombstones in Teague, Texas, you know, murdered by federal troops during Reconstruction.
In Teague, Texas, we had a hotel by the rail station.
They burned it and killed everybody.
Robbing and looting.
But that's the nature of war.
That's what happens.
That's what goes on.
The fact is the British funded in the 1830s
The South breaking away from the Union, but because Andrew Jackson was from the South, from South Carolina, but then lived in Tennessee, was famous for the Indian Wars in Tennessee and surrounding areas, and then the 1812 war with the British that he won as the general in New Orleans and other battles.
He was such a hero that he told the South, you're being set up, this is a British plot, and they backed off.
Over the North, you know, sucking off the South, putting tariffs on what the South could sell.
Not a tariff of stuff coming in, tariff on things going out.
And that's what it was really about.
Who was going to control tariffs?
Who was going to control western expansion with the railroads?
And Lincoln said that.
And Lincoln said, uh, the South just, you know, you can keep your slavery, uh, just, uh, but we're going to keep the taxes and the North's going to control what you can and can't do.
So let me just read you a quote from Abraham Lincoln.
This is the collected works of Abraham Lincoln.
Edited by Roy B. Bassler, Volume 5, Letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862, page 388.
And there's just hundreds of quotes and speeches.
This is just one.
My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it's not either to save or destroy slavery.
Let me read that again to you.
My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and it's not either to save or destroy slavery.
If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it.
And if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it.
And if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would do that also.
What I do about slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union, and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help save the Union.
I shall do less whenever I shall believe that I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause.
And it goes on and on.
The war was not about slavery, but abolitionists, who were 2% of the population in 1800, by the 1860s were the majority of the North and a large percentage of the South, so they were the popular support, and they took over a lot of the war and made that an issue, and Lincoln did do that, and that was a good thing.
But slavery was already on its way out.
The human beings that were in bondage were rebelling, they were running away.
Only 2% of the population or less in the South had slaves.
Slaves were actually used to drive down wages of poor whites and sharecroppers.
You know, I had some ancestors that came over as Puritans on the Mayflower, but I had even more, because we've done our genealogy, who were slaves.
White slaves.
Most of them, a lot of my ancestors were indentured servants.
And how this worked is you'd sign on for 5, 7, 10, 14 years to pay for your passage over.
You'd be, you know, some poor, starving family in the streets of London or the streets of
You know, places in Ireland and Belfast, and they would say, get on the ship, sign this contract, you will be fed what they say, you will live where they say, you will be put in irons, you will be whipped, you will be flayed, you will be put in stocks, that's where you put your head and arms in the thing and they lock you, it's a form of torture because you're hanging there for days, excruciating.
And this went on for hundreds of years.
And you would be brought over.
See, that's why the Constitution says no indentured servitude.
See, they finally outlawed that.
But see, it continued.
So sharecroppers lived in a little shack.
And they would go buy stuff from the company store that was owned by the landowner, and they never got out of debt.
So even though after the, you know, 7, 8, 10, 15 years, whatever their indentured servitude was, they never got out of it because of the contract, and they were slaves.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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But who is the enemy?
This is his M.O.
Bin Laden.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
Some U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
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Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
Don't want no shackles.
Don't want no shackles on me.
So the sharecropping form of slavery, the debtor prison form of slavery, is what the globalists want.
Where you think you're free, but you're a slave to debt, a slave to their control.
And so, many of my ancestors were indentured servants.
Poor people from Germany, Ireland, England.
I mean, do you know the main armies the revolutionary fighters fought were German slaves?
But they were actual total slaves.
The Hessian German slaves out of Prussia and other areas that wore enclave with their whole business where they invented kindergarten to brainwash the children to be unthinking.
That's where public school was invented.
And you can read the Prussian educators and generals 250 years ago saying we've got to invent systems to have subservient killers.
He will just follow orders, and you saw the result of kindergarten with the Nazis.
They'd go home, rock the baby to sleep, you know, never steal a dime from anybody.
Completely moral in every respect, but they would follow orders and line children up and blow their heads off.
But then go home and kiss their baby at night.
And they'd pay every dime of their taxes, and they'd work 15, 16, 18, 20 hours a day.
I mean, just legendary work ethic.
But if they were told by authority, you kill everybody in the town.
Heil Hitler!
Now, that has all been engineered into the American people, and that's why we got cops that'll do whatever they're told.
And so you had German slaves, Hessians.
In fact, I think I should Google Hessians and bring up the encyclopedia on Hessian mercenaries.
They were war slaves.
That's who George Washington beat at Trenton.
Now something happened.
A lot of the Germans ran away.
Once they got here and saw how the colonists were living, once they saw the fruit trees and the happy people and the big German communities, that was one of the little secrets that helped beat the British was so many of their Hessians would desert.
Many of them joined the revolutionary cause because they were told that Americans were brutal, that they were evil, they were criminal, and they were brainwashed on the ships on the way over here.
So, that's the fact, ladies and gentlemen.
So see, they only tell you about black slavery.
There was white slavery in the United States.
But it was called indentured servitude, but you never got out of it.
Folks, we have old family land in East Texas we got as a Mexican land grant.
It was called Spanish, but Mexican land grant in 1829.
There are families that have been there as long as ours, but they are sharecroppers.
on a ranch a few miles down the road and they have been there generation after generation after generation living in their little shack houses working around the clock for some wealthy coal mine owning family.
They're sharecroppers and they have nothing.
All they can do is run off to the city.
That's all people have run off to the city.
So, you're hearing all this Abraham Lincoln baloney.
You just heard him say he'd do whatever he could, that it wasn't about freeing slaves, it was about preserving the Union.
But what they're doing right now is they are transposing over Lincoln and over George Washington, mainly Lincoln, I was just watching CNN during the break,
And they literally transposed Lincoln's face over Obama's and said, he is Lincoln, he is Lincoln, he is Lincoln, he will preserve the Union.
When in truth, they're destroying the Union, bringing in the New World Order, the very bankers that Lincoln fought, and the very bankers that set up the South, and it would have happened earlier, but old Hickory saw right through them.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, so does he.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I was finishing up with Hessians, war slaves of Germany.
They were owned by the local royalty that were cousins to King George III, so they sent
A bunch of their slave soldiers comprising, I have the numbers here from the encyclopedia, 25% of the total British force.
But they loved being slaves.
That's the object of mind control.
They loved that they were slaves.
They loved that they were taken at a young age and lived in dormitories.
They loved, they believed that was their job, to fight and die.
But reading here in the encyclopedia,
It, uh, does say that, uh, in addition, American rebels use propaganda against Hessians.
They entice Hessians to desert and join the large German-American population.
One letter promised 50 acres of land to every deserter, and a satirical letter, The Sale of Hessians, written in August 1777, claimed that a Hessian commander wanted more of his soldiers dead so that he could be better compensated.
For many years, the letter was of unknown authorship.
And it goes on, uh, the British General John Burgone surrendered to the American General Horatio Gates during the Saratoga Campaign.
His surrender involved around 5,800 troops.
The surrender was negotiated in the Convention of Saratoga.
It just goes on and on.
You can just type Hessian mercenaries, Hessian slaves.
You can go read it for yourself.
But I mean, are we talking about reparations to German-Americans because some of them were slaves?
See, they just don't teach all this.
They just want to stir everybody up against each other and then have Barack Obama prance around.
I mean, they're saying he freed the slaves.
It's like he freed the African slaves in the United States.
And he's Abraham Lincoln.
I mean, this is sick.
A one-term U.S.
Four years in the U.S.
Didn't even fill out his whole six-year term.
And it is just messianic.
He is God.
He is God.
He is God.
He is God.
He will fix it.
He will save us.
Alright, I'm going to go over more of this later.
We've got Mark Dice coming up in about an hour.
Russell Means, Native American leader, coming on as well.
But I do have a lot of other news here I want to get into.
Particularly Obama.
I want to break down the psychology a little bit more of what they're doing.
But before I do that, I want to give the phone number out for folks to get involved on air today.
We'll get you up and on the air.
And I want to go over a lot of other police state news and economic news as well today.
But first, when we come back, I want to get into this New York Times article, laid off foreigners flee as Dubai spirals downward.
You're like, why do I care about Dubai?
Well, that's where
Blackwater moved, it's where Halliburton moved, it's where literally thousands of U.S.
corporations moved.
The big ones.
And they moved their main base of operations over there because of the low taxes and the no extradition.
Cheney bought a house over there.
Bush bought, I forget how many hundreds of thousands of acres in Paraguay with no extradition, but laid-off foreigners flee as Dubai spirals down.
And I want to go over this because this was supposedly the wealthiest, richest, greatest place with the tallest building in the world and it looked like some type of futuristic space city.
But this shows you the power of the bankers and how they set up societies.
So we're going to go over this when we get back and then your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his M.O.s.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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New York Times today laid off foreigners flee as Dubai spirals down.
Just three, four months ago, it was the apple of the world's eye, the tallest buildings glistening, looked like some type of sci-fi spaceport.
Now, Sophia, a 34-year-old French woman, moved there a year ago to take a job in advertising.
So confident about Dubai's fast-growing economy that she bought an apartment for almost $300,000 with a 15-year mortgage.
Now, like many of the foreign workers who make up 90% of the population here, she has been laid off and faces the prospect of being forced to live and to leave the Persian Gulf city or worse.
And it goes on to say they've now made it illegal to talk about the economic crisis, punishable by arrest.
I'll get to that in a minute.
I'm really scared of what could happen because I bought property here, said Sophia, who asked that her last name be withheld because she is still hurting, hunting for a new job.
If I can't pay it off, I was told I could end up in debtor's prison.
And they have that all over the world, except here in the United States and Canada.
With Dubai's economy in free fall, newspapers have reported that more than 3,000 cars sit abandoned in the parking lot at the Dubai airport, left by fleeing debt-ridden foreigners who could, in fact, be imprisoned if they fail to pay their bills.
See, this is global.
There's nowhere to run.
The bankers have set all this up.
I'm going to get into that in a moment.
Some are said to have maxed out credit cards inside and notes of apology taped to the windshield.
The government says the real number is much lower, but the stories contain at least a grain of truth.
Jobless people here lose their work, visas, and then must leave the country within a month.
That in turn reduces spending, creates housing vacancies, and lowers real estate prices in a downward spiral that has left parts of Dubai once hailed as the economic superpower of the Middle East looking like a ghost town.
No one knows how bad things have become, though.
It is clear that tens of thousands have left, real estate prices have crashed, and scores of Dubai's major construction projects have been suspended or canceled.
But with the government unwilling to provide data, rumors are bound to flourish, damaging confidence and further undermining the economy.
Instead of moving towards greater transparency, the Emirates seem to be moving in the other direction.
A new draft media law would make it a crime to damage the country's reputation or economy,
Punishable by fines of up to 1 million dirhams, about $272,000.
Some say it is already having a chilling effect on reporting about the crisis.
Last month, local newspapers reported that Dubai was cancelling 1,500 work visas every day, citing unnamed government officials.
Ask about the number.
Humad Bin Damas, a spokesman for Dubai's Labor Ministry, said he would not confirm or deny it and refused to comment further.
Some say the true figure is much higher.
At the moment, there is a readiness to believe the worst, said Simon Williams, HSBC Bank Chief Economist in Dubai.
And the limits on data make it very difficult to counter rumors.
I think?
deterioration in the economic outlook.
So many used luxury cars are for sale.
They are sometimes sold for forty percent less than asking price two months ago.
See how fast that's happening?
Car dealers say Dubai's roads, usually thick with traffic, at this time of year are now mostly empty or clear.
Some analysts say the crisis is likely to have long-lasting effects on the seven-member Emirates Federation, where Dubai has long played
Rebellious younger brother to the oil-rich and more conservative Abu Dhabi, Dubai officials, swallowing their pride, have made clear that they will be more open to a bailout, but so far the Abu Dhabi has offered assistance only in its own banks.
And it goes on from there.
For many foreigners, Dubai had seemed at first to be a refuge, relatively isolated, insulated from the panic that began hitting the rest of the world last autumn.
The Persian Gulf is cushioned by vast oil and gas wealth, and some who lost jobs in New York and London began applying there.
And then it goes on.
Except that oil has gone from $150 a barrel, it actually went to $151, but that was only for a few days.
It hung up at $147, $148 for a month.
Remember that.
And then, six and a half months ago, it began plunging.
And it has plunged down to $40 a barrel.
In fact, let me just get the latest numbers on this.
I heard him say $42 on the news yesterday.
Let me see, oil price.
Just give an exact number here.
Crude oil forecast
Let me find this.
Go to one of these indexes.
Find out what oil is trading for today.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Crude oil is trading for $35.69.
I mean, this is incredible.
I'm looking at the graph.
Yeah, it was $42 yesterday.
Okay, so it's dropped $6 in the change.
So there you have it.
I was on my InfoWars.com website today, I was reading some comments and saw a guy laughing at me in there saying, Alex is a liar, Lindsey Williams is a liar, oil isn't $50 a barrel.
And I'm like, what?
It was Lindsey just used a ballpark number and said 50 a few days ago.
I mean, it's at $36 right now.
And then this guy's going, oh no, it's way more than that.
I mean, are these people that stupid or are these disinfo operatives?
I mean, they just, whatever we say, they say it's the opposite.
They go on our stories and say a plane hit Building 7.
They just don't care.
You idiots are so committed to your New World Order.
In fact, they're still writing articles.
Blogs and even major news sites are writing articles saying I'm insane, others are insane, there's no New World Order, and the term New World Order doesn't mean anything.
Oh, really?
Time Magazine says it means a new global bank over every nation setting its rules on its economy, on its banking, on its finance, and, quote, knocking heads even of the U.S.
I read the quote twice yesterday.
You can Google New World Order Time Magazine and read the thing.
It's the Thursday, February 5th issue.
I mean, I'm seeing these articles every time I look that there's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds saying they're creating a new world order run by banks you'll pay your taxes to and they'll run the entire planet and the United States.
And that's the Bretton Woods new thing that Timothy Geithner's gonna do.
And then I got people going, you lying kook!
None of that's happening!
There's no new world order!
I mean, you people, don't you understand just because you're in the military, or you're in PSYOPS, or you work for the government, that you aren't a pet puppy?
As Mark Kornke likes to say, you are not a pet puppy.
Get it through your head.
Hey, how did World War II end for the German soldiers?
11 million dead German soldiers, at least 10 million dead Germans, 20 plus mil.
How does that sound for you?
I mean, you know, because that's what's going to end up happening to our country.
We are Nazi Germany.
Except the globalists just want to euthanize everybody.
They don't care what color you are.
All you sniveling know-it-alls, all of you, you're so invested in being right and you're so upset that we're right and we told you everything to the T that was going to happen, that you're so scared deep down that you can't face this, you say we're making it up.
Now going back to the New York Times and Dubai.
In a real economy that has real commerce, and real jobs, and manufacturing, and crops, and a culture, humans want to buy things from each other, people want to manufacture things.
If you have a good currency run by the government, and the public's educated on monetary systems, and you don't have private banks that take over and take advantage of this,
Then you cannot have collapses, you cannot have major runs, you can have small localized ones, but the system is so diversified that economies just grow at 10 to 14 percent, like the United States did for hundreds of years, over a hundred years straight.
And other nations that have done it, it's the same deal.
But throughout history, for 3,000 plus years, there have been money manipulators
And they take over the government and they say, only this seashell, or this tally stick, or this can be used as money.
And then they manipulate the currency and they set it up where they can buy up all the real goods.
And it doesn't matter what invention you've got, or how intelligent you are, or how good your product is.
The bankers have unlimited currency, they created unlimited liquidity.
But everybody out there isn't going to sell what they've got, so they have to destroy the world economy to buy everything up with the fiat system.
They have to create a fire sale.
And I keep repeating this because it's so important.
People still aren't getting this.
This is designed in their own documents, in triplicate.
I mean, I've made films years before this even started saying exactly what would happen.
We're on record, folks!
We're right!
My book, Descent into Tyranny, published seven years ago.
Almost out of print.
There's 200 of them left, by the way.
And I'm not putting it back in print.
I should, but I said I wasn't, so I'm going to do what I said I was going to do.
The point is that this is all by design and they have to have a fire sale.
If you want a simple analogy, go watch the
latest diehard where a government official controls the social security bank accounts and implodes and steals tens of trillions of dollars in minutes that is what happened they just cut it off
They get you totally dependent on their fiat currency and then they just cut it off when they get you in debt and set up and ready.
They then engage their operation.
They have their puppet savior waiting in the wings, all scripted, all choreographed, and they are going to give us no quarter.
Do you understand?
This is engineered.
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Mark Dice is coming up in about 36 minutes with us today.
I've got Russell Means coming on as well to get his take on all these states saying they're not going along with the Union, the New World Order, how that ties into four states that Lakota Nation is pulling out of its treaty that's been broken with the Globalist.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
I don't want to get into all this other news.
Let's talk to Bart in Kentucky.
Bart, you are on the air worldwide.
Yes, sir.
I just had a few things I wanted to go over with you.
Mainly, I guess, the stimulus bill, because it's kind of in our faces right now.
I think it's really important for people to know that it's not just about the so-called economic stimulus.
There are a lot of other things buried inside the thousands of pages.
Like this one from the Lone Star Times, militarizing police departments with your bailout money, buying them tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters, federalizing when they sign these deals, they go under federal control, golf courses for politicians, money to
Las Vegas for more hotels.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
And rationing health care to old people.
Yeah, it's not just... Plus, the $800 billion stimulus package, it's changing every day, up and down, is a diversion from the now $9 trillion plus, according to Bloomberg, stolen by the banks that's gone offshore.
Go ahead.
Actually, the healthcare issue that you touched on a minute ago is kind of something I was wanting to elaborate on as well, because I guess Rima Labo, who I'm sure you know really well, but actually from your show, I started getting to a lot of her stuff with Natural Solutions Foundation, and she actually sent out an email blast yesterday talking about how
I would.
Yeah, they're already doing that.
It just further funds it, yes.
In fact, let's get Dr. Labo and General Stubblebine back on the show.
I think they're some of your best guests that you ever have on.
The wealth of knowledge that both of them combined have together.
They're definitely some of the best guests that I've ever had.
I've been listening to their show for about a year now, and I definitely make sure to tune in whenever they come on, because the combination of her health knowledge and his military background is pretty much incomparable, to be honest with you.
Well, their info checks out, and it's all we have a lot of guests on.
A lot of this wasn't Bloomberg, actually.
She actually referenced that article.
Another one was that apparently it creates a position that is being titled the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology.
Apparently the corollaries in that post will then monitor
Your treatment supposedly makes sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate.
Oh no, it says in the bill that old folks won't get eye surgery or brain surgery.
I mean, they always denied this before and it's got quotes from Daschle in Bloomberg saying, oh, you know, it's time for you to die.
I mean, these people are sick.
He says in the book, you've got to go ahead and go blind.
He says, old folks, you're not supposed to get better.
You're supposed to die.
Yeah, no, I...
You'll get even more care, but the old people, the bioethicist boards and the federal government will decide what treatment you get, and if you've been obese in your life, you don't get treatment, or if you've been drinking, or if you've ever smoked, or... They want control over your life!
I completely agree.
They say it!
They say it!
I mean, it's outrageous!
It actually also adds new penalties, such as that hospitals and doctors
That are not quote, meaningful users, end quote, of the new system will face penalties.
And then it doesn't even go into... But let me tell you how they're enforcing it.
Let me tell you how they're enforcing it.
Any bill they pass, they've already implemented.
My dad's a dentist.
They have the dental societies ordering them through their group, without law, just a regulation of a private group, to do this, to do that.
to let the HMOs practice medicine.
So they bought off the different dental guilds, the medical guilds, that regulate.
You understand?
That self-regulate.
It's disgusting.
It's disgusting.
I hear you.
You got me ranting.
What's the name of that article?
We'll put a link up on Infowars.com to Lebo's article.
Dr. Lebo.
I'm working on it and I want to talk about it.
Just tell me fast.
Tell me the name of the article.
The name of the article, it's actually, you can just go to Natural Health, I'm sorry, NaturalSolutionsFoundation.org.
It's actually on the main page.
Alright, thank you.
Alright, thank you.
I'm going to give you 30 seconds on the other side to finish up the other calls.
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Okay, real fast, because I want to get to everybody else here.
Ian, go ahead.
Yeah, so I live in Louisville, Kentucky, and I just wanted to touch on a few things that have been going on here.
The National Guard presence is a really big issue.
We actually had Hurricane I came through here in September, knocked down a lot of power.
National Guard was all over the city.
An ice storm came through here last week, knocked out a lot more power.
National Guard was all over the city, policing with guns and everything.
At the exact same time, Kentucky Derby, they police that now.
We have a festival here that's citywide called Thunder of Louisville.
They now seem to beat any major event.
No, I hear you.
Shoot some video.
Post it on YouTube or send it to us.
I appreciate your call.
And for people to say, well that was because of the ice storm.
I remember a few months after 9-11, in Iowa, local newscast we played on air, where it showed National Guard searching people on the side of the highway.
We've caught this in Texas too.
And then coming over to the news station and saying, turn your cameras off.
But then the news station was still
Saying that was a good thing.
Well, the troops don't want to be on TV because they're doing something illegal.
But they didn't say that.
I'm going to try to rush through your calls now.
I just want to get everybody before our next guest comes up.
Before I do that, ladies and gentlemen, I'm just going to let you know again.
You can now pre-order the DVD, The Obama Deception.
The film will be done in a few weeks.
It's really turning out good.
I didn't know if I could make it as good as Endgame or others in a rush, but we're doing it.
Makes me look like a raccoon with black circles around my eyes.
I don't know why it is, but when I start working 18 hours a day, I just get black circles.
But the point is, we are here busting our hind end.
To get this film out and to make it as powerful as possible.
And I'm not knocking those, because there's definitely some substance to it, but the establishment loves it that it was all about, is he a communist, or he had Weatherman he was involved with, or, you know, he's an anti-establishment commie.
No, he's not.
His mother worked under Tim Geithner's father as a high-level operative for several big foundations, but with him for the, what was it, Carnegie?
That's literally the first big think tank that set it all up, the current system we live under, and the Annenberg and a bunch of others.
So, you know, we don't go into, is he really a U.S.
citizen with proper credentials to be president?
You know, was he born in Kenya?
This is all new info.
This is his lying systematically.
Like, we'll show him saying, we're going to stop these CEOs getting hundreds of millions of dollar bonuses, and then we show the actual executive order where it says all previous bailouts, they get to keep it, and then all these big brokerage firms, they're all exempt.
And that even the small firms they go after, it's up to the White House.
It's just pure bull.
Or saying he wasn't going to appoint lobbyists and that's all he does.
Or saying he was going to get us out of Iraq.
We've got him going, we'll be out of Iraq in six months once I'm elected.
Now we've got him saying 23 months.
I mean, it goes on and on and on, but not just the lies.
What his real policies are, the globalists, the bankers, how they're engineering all this.
It's really about the financial crisis.
It really, the whole film's about how he's a puppet.
It really does Obama a favor and just shows you he's just an actor frontman.
Goes through the psychology of how they made us hate Bush.
And taught us how evil he was, and allowed that to be kosher and acceptable, and it was true, but then all of the hate was transmuted into love for Obama, and hope.
And now he's terrorizing the public, hope and change turned into gloom and doom, and if you don't do what I say, we're going to have a catastrophe.
Crisis to catastrophe.
And the forced youth brigades, their own documents, their own quotes, all the latest info, how they're setting it up, the FEMA camps, the gun grabbing, it's all in the film.
Our problem is, the film is about three, four hours long.
I gotta cut this sucker down.
I want it to be 90 minutes.
You know, I'm known for two, three, four hour films.
I want it to be 90 minutes.
And so, we're fact checking, triple, double checking, everything.
We're just making this sucker lean and mean.
So be the first to get it.
The first orders that come in, you know, the first order, the 50th order, you know,
Nineteenth hundred order, whatever, they just go on a stack.
And the first person to order, they're the first person to have it mailed out.
And it just, boom, boom, boom.
But now we've got three people in shipping, so even though we'll probably have thousands and thousands of orders by the first day it officially is released, we'll be able to blast those out in a matter of days.
Because it's being sent off to be mass-produced to two different places to make sure we get it quickly and for backup in early March.
Uh, we'll probably have it four or five days before it's actually released, and so we'll probably have them all packaged up and ready to go, and then on that day it'll go out.
But regardless, ladies and gentlemen, the Obama deception.
Get on InfoWars.com, link over there, and pre-order today.
And yes, it'll be up... on...
March 15th at PrisonPlanet.tv in super high quality.
You can burn it to disc, burn it to DVD.
I want you to get it out to everybody.
I want you to go hog wild.
But if you're really serious about making copies, watch it first online, but buy the DVD because that's the highest quality to copy.
And I mean, go out, buy DVD burners now.
Have masses of them sitting on your dining room table or in your office.
And I mean, just go to work.
Because they're betting everything on this guy.
They are hoping he can carry through their new rule.
They're hoping his messianic image as George Washington and Delano Roosevelt and Lincoln all rolled in one and his shining, smiling face.
They're hoping that that is going to sell their whole agenda and there's no doubt they're making their move now.
So we've got to expose the puppet and then put the blame where it really belongs on the International Bank.
Get the Obama Deception today at Infowars.com or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
And double check, I'm sure Tim called our phone answering service, the operators that take the orders, but make double sure right now, tell Tim to make sure that they know the Obama Deception is now on sale because they're going to get a bunch of calls.
You can also write to me at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
By the way, that's just our mailing address folks.
People who show up there, I'm not there.
So, just so you know.
3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Please get the Obama Deception today.
We also have the Money Masters, Understand the Bankers, Endgame.
We're now carrying the Eye of the Phoenix, Part 3 of America's Secret Beginnings.
Okay, let's go to your calls.
Did I go to Barton, Kentucky first and I didn't go to Ian?
Because I was calling Bart Ian and then okay, I'm out of control.
Ian, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I would like to talk to you about a real quick issue that I'm actually seeing and that is the fact that people do not understand the legal reality that we are in and that is what is hurting
The Patriots of this country.
Everyone talks about how the Constitution applies to them, which it does.
However, the agreements that they have gotten into with the Corporation of the United States is where they have made themselves under their jurisdiction.
Well I'm in a microcosm of that is all this quote free federal money that's our money to begin with comes back to the police, the cities, the counties and they say yeah we'll give you this you know your town this fifty million dollars or whatever but Austin has to sign on to these international agreements and agree to do A, B, and C. Or here's education money but when you take education money you're now under UNESCO UN regulation.
And that's because of the relationship that people have created.
That is the real problem.
Yeah, they take our right and turn it against us.
Contract fraud.
Well, it's not really fraud.
The problem is... Yeah, it is.
Well, it's not because people apply for things.
And you have to understand that an application means you are begging for something.
And if you beg for it, you are implied to know
The full disclosure of what you're going for.
Yeah, you're a debtor's slave.
You're saying that you're a ward of the state.
Let me expand on this though.
Most of what the government does, it's not a government, it's a crime syndicate, a parasite landing craft.
I think?
Still, for a contract to really stand up, it has to have compensation, it has to be fair.
So the sharecroppers believe that they really are beholden to all of this, but it's a fraud to begin with.
And you always have a right to just say, I'm disregarding this contract.
They're now telling us driving's a privilege.
They're now telling us owning a gun's a privilege.
It is not a privilege.
And I have the Supreme Court rulings.
But, you know, just because they tell cops the Federal Reserve is government, just because they tell them driving is a privilege, it's not true!
And I can give them a whole federal case record and the history of it.
Do you know how it started?
Hey, police!
Do you know how driver's license started?
Well, if you don't, then don't sit there and tell me it's a privilege.
Go ahead.
Driving is a commercial function.
Do not drive.
The problem is people don't understand this.
But the problem is, they apply for these contracts.
And like I said, even though you might not have full disclosure, the problem is, because you are applying, you are showing that you do have full disclosure.
Yeah, you're getting into this applying thing.
It's actually when you get it and sign the contract that the force of law comes in.
But listen, good point.
I appreciate your call.
You've got to study history to understand this.
They've gone way past contract fraud.
They only did contract fraud with the public and the states and the counties and cities to set the precedent of practice and possession being nine-tenths of the law.
Custom is law under common law.
And so they have created the custom and the perception and now they don't even follow their own regulations, their own systems.
It's gone to a whole other level of lawlessness.
This is an example of how they sold his driver's license.
Cars started becoming very popular in the 20s and 30s, and the public was paying with taxes for roads, and they advertised and said, how dare these truckers, who are making all this money shipping goods, their trucks are heavier, and they're ruining the roads.
We should make them have a commercial driver's license and pay a tax for the roads they're damaging.
Not, hey, having these trucks on the roads creates commerce, gives people jobs, helps our community.
And then they started commercial driver's license and a commercial truck tax.
Then, by the fifties, they just said, oh, it's a dollar, it doesn't have your picture on it, just to show you're a safe driver.
And then they start the line.
It all sounds reasonable.
And they tell you, oh, by the way, driving's a privilege because you sign an agreement through commerce.
And it's the same thing with the Second Amendment.
Notice they've got this concealed carry, which, on one side, the police under their discretion all over the country would arrest you even if having a handgun loaded really wasn't against the law.
They would twist it and still false prosecute and get false convictions.
People go to jail all the time for violating laws.
It's just made up.
Case point example, this girl has a First Amendment right to put up a MySpace just lightly making fun of the principal, the assistant principal.
They arrest her and give her months and months in a forest labor camp.
That's an APA today.
Now, that's her First Amendment.
That's outside the government training camp.
They don't care, folks!
They have people lined up by the thousands every school year in every major city, crying, saying they don't want shots with riot police and police dogs, because that's so important, the forced injection of something.
It's enshrined in the state to bring in that precedent.
And then I have the state attorney on.
He goes, yeah, it's not the law, but we make them think that.
And I don't vaccinate my kids.
He starts laughing on air.
See, it's funny getting it over on the suckers.
It's a religion of sucking off of you, and cheating you, and scamming you, and lying to you.
And so now, because of Concealed Carry, the ideas introduced, even in Texas, people are going, Alex, you mean I don't have to have a license to own a handgun in Texas?
No, you don't, Jack!
You've got to have a license to do something illegal under common law.
Under common law.
Because under common law, you cannot conceal a weapon.
Weapons are to be worn in the open.
But you try walking with a sidearm down the road in Texas or Arizona or even Vermont where they claim it's pro-Second Amendment, the cops will be on you so fast it'll make your head spin.
I see cases in the news all the time where some guy goes out and puts his rifle or his handgun in his car to go to the shooting range and neighbors call police because they watch TV and TV and all the dramas and sitcoms and NYPD Blue, they make everybody think
That America has New York City's loss.
And I've told the story one time, I was sticking a deer rifle 15 years ago in the back of my Mustang, popped the hatchback, walked right out, put a rifle right in the back, threw a box of .243 shells in there, got in my car and left.
And I came back to the house and to the apartment, my neighbor told me the police were there.
And the police, I mean, this is the country we live in, a cesspit of evil, of ignorant morons being brainwashed with lies.
When they have the giant billboards up all over the country, for a decade straight I've seen them everywhere I go, shows a revolver, and it says in big bold letters, Report Illegal Guns.
You've got mindless, dumbed down, lazy jellyfish who don't even know what state they're in or what their rights are, and they drive around seeing that, and so they think handguns are illegal!
And now the police are saying, owning a firearm is a privilege.
But if we let them sell that idea, they will pass laws saying it's a privilege and they'll do it.
No, it's not.
And say it was never a right.
Shut up, boy!
Makes me sick!
And these criminal, degenerate
Parasite bankers, they want our guns so bad, and that's the one thing that may keep them from completely imploding things into a road warrior situation, is that I think they know they can't keep control of things and that they're going to end up losing in the end.
Unless they can carry out false flag terror attacks to get everybody.
Things are tough, and everybody's losing their jobs, but they are the emergency aid centers that people are moving into, and orders being maintained, and the terrorists hit us, and everybody got behind Obama, and American flags are up everywhere, and they did have to go ahead and ban most guns, but...
You know, I never thought I'd be turning my rifle in, officer, but I'm doing it for America, and the officer will have American flags behind him, he'll go, good job, I understand, they'll all be, oh yeah, we had to do it for America, oh yeah, boy.
You know, I mean, you people are idiots.
You love being conned, you love being played.
And it's also a bunch of degenerate, chicken-necked, pot-bellied, pus-filled, international bankers can sit there, and you watch their body language, the Republicans, the Democrats, and Obama, and they're laughing, and they're joking, and they're just euphoric at these press conferences before they go up and act all concerned, because they love it, man, they're stealing everything, they're conquering the greatest nation on earth,
They're taking over the world, they got the nuclear weapons and the space planes and everything and they're just on big fat power trips and so many of you are still under the illusion that government's legitimate and these people are good that they are just gonna have a heyday and they're building camps and they just and they can't wait to do what they did in the Soviet Union here or in Nazi Germany.
But a lot of people are waking up so they're getting worried so they're accelerating their program.
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There is no law in Texas and most states that still have the original Second Amendment that I can't walk down the Austin Street with a shotgun or a handgun as long as it's not concealed.
But you try it.
And now, if you walk in rural areas with a shotgun, the police pull up and harass you.
Because they
Want to set the precedent that they are the only ones that have the right to defend themselves and to be armed.
That they're the only ones that have the power to be armed.
Because that is mastery.
That is kingship.
That is sovereignty.
Slaves are disarmed.
And so this is how they operate.
So they have the pro-gun groups, they get a concealed carry, but that turns a right into a privilege.
You don't have to get it, but they have you do it.
To create the illusion, and now my fellow Texans... Everybody I talk to don't know.
I mean, they just don't know the gun loss.
Oh, help us.
Help us, God.
And they're brainwashing the children.
Love a policeman with a machine gun, hate your father with a rifle.
I mean, how asinine is that?
Alright, I'm gonna go back to your calls.
Daryl in Texas, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I always say, oh, it's going good, but I mean, it's insane.
I had to laugh when you, like in the government, to the large proboscis of mosquitoes sucking the blood.
I work in a hospital, and it sort of made me think of one of the ways they control hospitals is they control the Medicaid and the Medicare money.
And so if they want you to do something in your hospital, if they want you to follow a certain standard or practice,
Then they just have to make it so that if you want the Medicaid money or you want the Medicare money... And it's outside the law!
They just started saying 36 years ago, you will take this blood and send it to the health department, but it's not a blood test, it's being put in a database and it's now admitted!
There's no laws, they just do whatever they want!
I think having the state reps on today was a brilliant idea.
So, you know, I just wanted to also say to the audience out there that
People always ask what they can do to get involved.
One thing you can do, well I always tell people you have to develop a long-term memory.
That's one thing.
You write things down, open a word processing program or something.
At least take note of who voted for the bailout in your state.
I know Kay Bailey voted for it.
John Cornyn voted for it.
It'll make you start to learn the names.
We know Kay Bailey's Bilderberg.
She is complete trash and so is Rick Perry.
Oh yeah.
I didn't know that about Kay Bailey.
I always tell people, read a law.
There's only usually a couple or three big laws a year.
Read a law because you're never going to be able to understand a law by listening to the Talking Heads Show
You can't understand what something does or doesn't do until you look at it.
Well, I mean, just on its own, the fact that the stimulus bill has health rationing to the old and it says the old will get second-level care and will have procedures to extend life denied.
I mean, it's off the charts and it's in a few news articles and that's it.
And that's just one thing in there.
I mean, it's...
And I watch Obama walk over to old ladies, particularly, and go, I'm going to help you, honey.
And you can hear him say, I'm going to take all your health care away, because I'm the government.
And they call it giving them something.
The mainstream media doesn't even report to you the names of bills, like HR this or SBAT, whenever they report them.
They don't tell the public that hospitals, by law, have to give 25%, and by ancient convention,
They have to give between 20 and 30 percent, depending on which hospital, in free healthcare.
Doctors were always supposed to render free care, and they did.
Ron Paul does, my dad's done it, he does it.
The point is, that's being phased out.
And I had an employee, totally sick with Crohn's disease.
He was almost dying, couldn't eat for weeks.
He didn't have enough money, didn't have good insurance.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Mark Dice will be with us in the next segment.
We'll go live, silent casting, the last hour and 52 minutes at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Right now, let's go back to your calls.
Paula in Texas, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Alex, I'd like to thank you for having Sheriff Richard on yesterday.
I forgot his last name.
Richard Mack.
Mack, thank you.
And also the information on Lincoln.
I did not know all that.
I think you're doing a marvelous work to enlighten the public and you know unfortunately it's not your stuff is not as available and I was so happy when you mentioned Rick Perry because I did get the brochure to read up on that Texas Corridor and
And it was appalling because it was going to be built by a Spanish company and they were going to lease the property.
Ma'am, it's still being built.
They just broke the 8,000 miles of projects into sub-projects and in their own documents they're continuing the whole thing.
That's how criminal they are.
That is, I just think, I can't believe anybody voted for Rick Perry.
Listen, the state legislature said kill the project two years ago and it's still going.
The government is rogue.
It isn't real.
Sorry, go ahead.
You're absolutely right.
I also want to say that everybody that supports that is getting payola under the table.
People do not, like Bush Senior talking about the One World Order, somebody is paying him.
They're getting big bucks under the table.
I think probably Rick Perry is too because in every case like that,
I worked in the oil industry for 20 years and I saw a lot of people taking kickbacks and payola.
These contracts were, you know, going to certain companies because of the kickbacks.
And a few got fired here and there, a few executives.
But overall, I think it's still going on.
Also, I wanted to mention the disconnect between Washington and the people and the lady from Missouri that you interviewed earlier.
She was talking about how she sent an email.
I did too.
At the first bailout that Bush was talking about.
I sent an email to Kay Bailey Hutchinson and also I wrote a letter to Lamar Smith and it was like they didn't ignore her and she needs to know that they have somebody sitting there responding and just putting your name in.
Yeah, they can put Paul in.
That she read it.
Nobody's reading it.
I know, I have people email me all the time and go, how dare you not respond personally to my email?
Look, I have one here from Jeb Bush responding.
Folks, those are automated.
We're a small organization.
I do try to read it all.
Believe me, until my eyes fall out.
I'm really not mocking the congressman.
I understand they probably get thousands of emails, but I'm just saying, the lady, if she thinks somebody read it, she's wrong, okay?
Because they can easily just send that back
And put your name in there, nobody will be able to automate it.
Paul, good to hear from you.
I understand.
David, David in Virginia.
Go ahead.
Daniel, go ahead.
How you doing there, Alex?
Pretty good, sir.
Oh, good, good.
Yeah, I'm glad you got your radio show on the internet.
I'm listening to you on the computer.
Well done.
I'm kind of eerie about some things here.
You know,
You know, Steven Seagal, I have to mention this, Steven Seagal made a movie called Old and Deadly Ground.
And in the movie, at the end of the movie, he did what's called a presentation about our environment.
And not just on wildlife alone, but people.
And he was talking to, I think it was a council of Native American Alaskan Eskimos.
Yeah, they're pushing land grabbing.
Well, those films are funded by the oil companies because they don't want smaller companies to be able to go drill up there.
So then they use polar bears and the natives who actually want drilling.
We've had people on from Alaska and Canada so that the oil can't come out of the ground.
And yeah, in that movie you're basically a Nazi if you drill an oil well and he breaks all their arms and knocks their teeth out and he's real tough.
That stupid little ponytail.
It's all funded by the oil companies.
They're now pushing the global tax on oil.
This is going to be a tax on us.
Anything else, sir?
Yeah, and the other part is... Stay there.
I'm gonna come right back to you and then Mark Dice.
Let's get Mark Dice on the horn.
We go live at PrisonPlanet.TV in three minutes!
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We're good to go!
We're good to go.
We are live at PrisonPlanet.tv, about to go to Mark Dice on the ResistanceManifesto.com, but finishing up with Daniel in Virginia.
You had one other point you wanted to make.
Daniel, go ahead.
I just wanted to say that this is not a two-party system.
Yes, sir.
This is a two political wings of desolation system.
And what I mean by that is, I read the Bible a lot,
And I read the book of Daniel, and the book of Daniel mentions about the desolation, the wings of desolation, and it's in chapter 9 of Daniel, and it tells about the desolation.
And we are living in the times that we are under a two-winged political desolation system.
And all they are is two wings on the same bird, and the bird is what they're giving to the American people, and I'm sick of it.
Absolutely, and I appreciate your call.
What they are is two different management teams bidding for control of the CEO job of this sector of the global imperium.
And it's on record now.
I mean, they admit it.
They are criminal.
That's why they've militarized the police, trained them to attack the people, trained them to violate the law, because they're making their move and they politically can't have us take the system back over and bring them to justice.
Are you hearing about any CEOs to go to prison or any CEOs to get in trouble?
You know, they've stole their trillions of dollars and they say, oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, but we have a solution that will save you.
A new global bank to control the entire planet.
Everything's going to be alright.
The very banking group that engineered it is now openly announcing world government.
And that's my first question for Mark Dice.
We're going to play some clips of him calling into radio shows.
He does this and really has a big effect with Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly and many others.
He's also an author of the Resistance Manifesto.
Does a lot of great work.
And he's also featured in our film
Truth Rising, the 9-11 Chronicle's Truth Rising.
He is Mark Dyche.
Mark, good to have you here with us today.
Thank you, and I share probably everybody's sentiment about the fears and the anxieties of the rapid erosion of our country, but I think that, you know, I always try to look at the positive aspect, and I think that this current situation does present itself a good opportunity for us to educate people about
What's going on?
People are so selfish when we try to tell them about 9-11.
They don't feel like they're directly connected.
It's not them or their family members that are going over there and dying and fighting this bogus war.
But now everybody's pocketbook is being hurt.
Everyone's 401k is being eroded.
Their jobs are disappearing.
So now people are really looking for answers.
And I think that this is a great opportunity for us now to really educate people as to what's going on.
Yeah, you got death threats, and the son of Ronald Reagan said you should be killed.
He would pay for your murder.
He contracted for murder on the air.
He never got in trouble for that.
You know, he called you up, wanted to be buddy-buddy after he'd done it.
That, of course, Michael Reagan, the fake conservative Judas goat, helping lead us into the New World Order, along with his liberal counterparts on the other side of this wing of this
The other wing on this bird of prey.
And of course you had the idea for everybody to mail Loose Change Final Cut, Endgame, Terror Storm, some of the best films out there to the troops.
I know that was done in mass.
I've gotten reports back that it's having a huge effect with the troops.
Understanding how the terror attacks were staged and how special units of the US, British, and Israeli forces have been caught mainstream news staging terror attacks dressed up like Arabs.
And so that's having a big effect.
I know that some of our information got to Pat Tillman.
I know that he was going to go public about 9-11.
He was going to go public about all sorts of issues.
Opium being grown over there.
So they had to murder him.
So, again, another great idea you had, Mark.
Well thanks, and that's one of the reasons why I continuously keep calling into these radio talk shows.
It's partially to show, years ago, it was to show that they are gatekeepers, that they're mockingbirds, that they won't talk about any real serious issues, but it's also a way to get the listeners to hear these particular issues and then go and Google them, because these people have millions of listeners, and if they just hear the word Bilderberg Group, if a question's brought about
About the Bilderberg Group and they hear their hero and their idol, Sean Hannity or Michael Savage, not want to talk about it or deny that they know anything about it.
Curiosity is going to get them.
They're going to go and Google it.
They're going to check it out on YouTube, on Google Video.
And so that's a way that we can help to educate these people also.
And that's why they're... And they've gotten to where they know your voice.
We need more people to do this, don't we?
It's very difficult for me to do it now.
The screeners know my voice, and I think that pretty soon they're going to go to a caller ID based system, so they're going to know who it is that's even calling into the switchboard.
So, you know, it takes a lot of patience, but I have instructions on how to call into the shows on my website.
Maybe we can talk about that later and get everybody to get onto the shows.
And you can bypass the screener.
You can sometimes get your call.
Yeah, I think so.
It's a very, very difficult thing to do, but it's very, very important that everybody does.
Well, I'll tell you one of the tricks I've used.
I learned this.
That's why I went and got an AXS TV show almost 14 years ago and got on radio 13 years ago, is I was concerned about things I saw, gun control and things in Texas and other issues, and I would call in
This is when I was in college to talk shows.
I was right out of high school, like 18, 19.
And they wouldn't let me on.
But then they let idiots on.
I learned to play the left-right paradigm and call in and act stupid.
Then they put me on air and I would then, you know, be normal.
And, but yeah, you don't try to jump in and get it out real fast.
You're like, hey,
Yeah, no, on that topic, I wanted to get your take on this, on the bohemian grove and secret societies, you know, you've denied that exists, but it's in mainstream news that exists, you know, why are you... and then, once you know that's gotten out, once you've gone past, you know, the ten second delay or whatever, you go further and you start, you know, then firing out websites and things.
He had a lot of callers think that it's probably like a show like yours where you just call up, you give your name and town, and then you put it in the call log, but you have to feed your question to a screener that's going to screen out any issues that they don't want to talk about.
So you have to come up with a couple different issues of the day, just have a comment about it.
I got through it the other day because Sean Hannity has an online dating service for conservativehannity.com, so I told the screener, I said,
You know, he loves it.
I met my fiance on Handidate.com.
I just wanted to thank Sean Hannity.
So she's like, this is great!
Puts me right through onto the air.
As soon as I got on, I asked him about the Bilderberg Group.
And so you just have to come up with an interesting comment or question about one of the particular main stories that are swirling around for the day or for the week.
And then you can get on the call log and bypass them that way.
Well done, Lord Vader!
Well, in some of these calls, I mean, I post a lot of them.
Dozens and dozens of them are on.
On the internet, on my site, on YouTube, I don't know if you have any of those calls linked up, but, you know, people wonder why is it that these guys won't talk about these issues, and it all goes back to Operation Mockingbird, which was started back in the 50s, and this is, again, this is not just me saying this or Alex saying this, there was a congressional hearing back in the 1970s, in the mid-70s, that uncovered that the CIA was paying
We're good to go.
Here's a quote directly from the Church Committee Investigations.
This is a report published in 1976.
So this isn't me saying this.
This isn't Alex Jones saying this.
This is directly from a Congressional hearing from the published report.
And it says, quote,
And now it's tens of thousands, that's why there's CIA recruiting ads everywhere, they're just taking everything over.
And if you go back to the original writings of Adam Wysop in the Illuminati, they knew back in the late 1700s the power of the mainstream media.
I mean, I have a degree, a bachelor's degree in communication.
I studied mainstream media on a scholarly level, and if you look at Adam Wysop's own words, the original writings of the Illuminati were published and discovered back in 1786, and Wysop's own words, he says, by establishing reading societies and subscription libraries and taking these under our direction and supplying them with our labors,
We may turn the public mind which way we will, and in a like manner we will obtain influence in the military, academies, printing houses, bookshops, chapters, and in short, all offices which have any effect informing or managing or directing the mind of man.
And so, I mean, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that's how you do it, and it all goes back to Operation Mockingbird, and you wonder why they won't talk about any of these issues, because they have a list.
Of course.
They're provided with lists of what to say, what not to say.
Scott McClellan, the former White House Press Secretary, admitted on CNN that Fox News reporters and others receive daily talking points from the White House.
Oh no, they had the top six talk show hosts to the White House and openly gave them talking points publicly.
See, once they've been caught, they're now just trying to hide it in plain view.
They're just like, ho-hum, like it's no big deal.
And it's no secret, I mean, anybody that has a job, you're going to get orders and memos that are going to tell you public policy and policies for your store, for your job, for your industry.
You know, you're going to push a particular product.
You're going to downplay this particular thing.
Well, I mean, ten years ago, Mark, I'm going to hear Limbaugh say the CFR doesn't exist.
How does he deal with it now being all over TV, admitting world government, but they're saying world government's a good thing?
And he still hangs up on you and calls you a kook and plays black helicopter noises.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Yeah, now they'll admit that it exists, but it doesn't really matter.
You know, if you have the call queued up of Michael Savage last week when I asked him about the Bilderberg Group, you can hear him say that the Bilderberg Group doesn't matter.
He knows all about it.
The CFR, it just doesn't matter.
We don't need to go there, he says.
Yeah, we need to play the left off against the right and the right off against the left all day and with Professor Wiener, who wrote love stories to his special friends.
We'll be right back.
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You know, LaGrange is right on the road from here.
Oh, you go hunting down there?
ZZ Top didn't go there to go hunting.
The famous whorehouse there.
Alright, let's go ahead and go back to Mark Dice.
Mark, we've got these clips.
You want to go to the Michael Savage first?
Yeah, this is about a week ago, two weeks ago.
Michael Savage is probably one of the least controlled individuals of the mainstream media, but he again plays it off.
And before we do that, here's a quote from an individual back in the 70s that was involved with Operation Mockingbird, Thomas Brayden.
He was the head of the International Organizations Division, which is an element within the CIA that basically implemented this operation, and he openly admitted after the hearings, quote, if the CIA director wanted to extend a present, I think he called it, suppose he thought this man could use $50,000, he's working well and doing a good job, he could hand it to him and never have to account to anybody.
There was simply no limit to the money he could spend, no limit to the people that he could hire.
No limit to the activities it could decide.
These individuals are not working class like they try to play it off.
Sean Hannity's big shtick is that he's against the mainstream media.
He couldn't get more mainstream media himself.
Let's go ahead and play this Michael Savage clip.
Tell us what happened here.
Well luckily it's difficult again to get through to these people so I fed the screener a typical left versus right question and then went on the air.
I just simply asked him
You know, he was talking about how there's a conspiracy, actually, to destroy the economy, but it was only the Democrats who were conspiring.
So, I just thought I would ask him if he wanted to go a little deeper in what he could tell everybody about the Bilderberg Group's role in that conspiracy.
Here it is.
Right here on the Savage Nation, San Diego.
Mark, go ahead, please.
Let's talk about the Bilderberg Group.
You're talking about conspiracies to bankrupt the economy.
What can you tell the audience about the Bilderberg Group and why isn't that mentioned ever in any means?
Well, that's like talking about the Council on Foreign Relations.
It's too esoteric for the audience.
I don't think we have to go any further than Obama, Geithner, Nancy Pelosi, and, excuse me, Dianne Feinstein and Hillary Clinton.
Is that enough for you?
We don't need a Bilderberg Group.
We have the Democrat Socialist Group that I just mentioned.
Every year the Bilderberg Group meets in secret and Obama- We know this, we understand it, but I don't want to talk about some ex-esoteric group called the Bilderberg Group.
What we have is a democrat socialist group run by Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, and the others.
What do we have to look at the Bilderberg Group for?
Because it's not only Democrat, it's Republican as well.
They understand they operate both sides of the coin, Michael, and you're keeping your audience in the dark.
I think you're doing everybody a tremendous disservice.
Don't tell me what I'm doing.
Get your own talk show if you want to do them a service.
What good is going to come of talking about the Bilderberg Group, which I've heard since 1990?
Tell me what good is going to come of it.
Why don't we expose them?
Maybe they're violating the law.
What needs to be exposed is Obama's hypocrisy.
So that the idiots finally get it and stop him before he does more damage.
That's what needs to be done.
Not talking about some esoteric conspiracy group.
You're 100% wrong.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, let's not talk about who actually financed him, or where Geithner's from, or that he met secretly with Hillary there.
That they're the people that control the banks.
It's all Obama.
And then they'll give us a new puppet, and let's only talk about the new puppet.
Let's only talk about Bush.
Only talk about Obama.
Oh, no!
They don't?
And he insults his audience there, Mark Dice.
He says, oh, they won't understand that it's too esoteric.
Yeah, and we don't need to talk about the esoteric conspiracy group, the Skull and Bones Society, either, even though President Bush made six appointments from his fellow Skull and Bones members.
I mean, if you just look at Bush and who he appointed to key positions,
The Chairman of the Security and Exchange Commission was a skull and bones man, William Donaldson.
The General Counsel in the Department of Homeland Security, Bush, had nominated Edward McNally.
But the issue isn't even that.
It was founded, according to even the Encyclopedia, from narcotics trafficking.
And the entire CIA was founded out of it.
Yeah, and when you have heads of these major institutions, all skull and bones members, such a small private fraternity, obviously there's this private network going on.
Victor Ashe was nominated to the board of directors of Fannie Mae.
The wonderful Federal National Mortgage Association, you've got Evan Gabrief, was nominated Secretary of Defense.
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We're good.
Going back to Mark Dice in a moment.
We're going to give him eight minutes over into the next hour.
Give him a full hour.
Then we got Russell Means joining us.
Want to stay tuned for that as well.
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Okay, going back to Mark Dice.
Mark, continuing, I want to get into the bailout, the banker takeover, the awakening that's happening, but let's play some more of these clips.
You want to play Sean Hannity or Alan Combs next?
Let's play the Sean Hannity clip and notice how as soon as he denies any existence of the Bilderberg Group, he doesn't ask me to clarify or anything like that.
The call is dropped and he immediately goes to the next call.
So he's still in the old Limbaugh mode of just saying none of it exists.
Oh, he's doing his very best to make sure that it's not going to get on the air.
I actually, a few days later, got through again and asked him another question about the Bilderberg Group and then he mentioned, he laughed at me and then he said, ha, we zapped you.
That didn't even get on the air, buddy.
And then the only thing you heard on the actual air was, you know, let's go to Mark in San Diego.
Oh, let's go to, you know, Bill and such and such.
And so I didn't even get on the air whatsoever.
See, they revel in keeping people in the dark.
They revel in using you.
They revel in, God bless you, God bless America, we're going to raise money for dead troops' children.
Oh, Sean!
Oh, Sean, you're so good, Sean!
And, I mean, they are just enemies of the Republic, just like all the liberals on the other side.
So, he is saying it doesn't exist.
Here's that clip.
Anyway, thanks for the call, Mark KFMB, San Diego.
Next, Sean Hannity Show.
How are you, Mark?
Pretty good, but with all this economic crisis going on and everybody looking for answers and blame, I was wondering if you could talk about the Bilderberg Group and the role that they play in the global economy and geopolitics.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Let's go to Amy in Cincinnati, 55KRC.
What's up, Amy?
Hey, Sean, how are you?
Good, how are you?
I just wanted to let you know you're a great American.
Thank you, you're a great American.
You're a great American as the North American Union comes in, as the global government takes over, as the foreign banks openly rape us.
You know, this is a challenge to Sean Hannity and the rest of them.
Here's Time Magazine, an article titled, The New World Order, Thursday, February 5th.
There's hundreds of these.
And it says here in paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
In paragraph 9, now the whole thing says stuff as well, but
Because honestly, the only thing that can save America and the world, and the whole article blames the U.S.
for what's happening, not the bankers.
It says, in the view of many outside the U.S.
and some within, the only way to limit such excess is through a bigger, more powerful IMF that can act as a central bank to the world and knock heads when needed.
When you read the real proposals, it's a government you pay taxes to.
While everybody agrees that the IMF needs to be less dominated by the U.S.
and Western Europe,
Things get controversial as soon as you go past voting rights.
Should capital flows be restricted?
Should there be limits on the trade deficits and surpluses?
Should the IMF be able to order around even the United States?
And that's what they're setting up.
That's Bretton Woods too.
But I mean, you know, Hannity says he has no idea about this, Mark Dice.
Yeah, and even if that were true, then he would have to be
One of the stupidest national supposed expert talk show hosts.
I mean, here are these people, you know, their listeners obviously assume that they're these genius, uh, hyper enlightened individuals that know all the inner workings of the government and foreign relations and all the different nuances of politics, but... They think they're me!
I'm sorry.
He doesn't know about this big, powerful group that is really at the key
At the center making all these decisions and directing anything, and like Savage said, we don't need to go past Obama.
Well, we do need to go past Obama because he's the one that's taking orders from the Voldemort Group.
Well, I mean, think about what Michael Weiner Savage said.
Michael Weiner Savage says, yeah, it's real, but I don't care about a secret conspiracy group that runs the president.
Well, the audience can't understand it.
We're really, what he admitted on his own words, the audience can't understand it, you know.
I have another interesting story.
I can't take the full credit for helping to wake Keith Olbermann up, but I was in contact with his producer several years ago, trying to get him to cover the bohemian growth, and I knew that everybody knows Keith Olbermann's no fan of President Bush, and I thought that they could do a nice story, even if it would be a slanted politically
Uh, against the Republicans, at least we could get the issue of the Bohemian Grove on the show.
And this was before July, trying to get them to tie in when that meeting was going on in July.
We could talk about the meeting, maybe show some video footage.
And I was talking with the producer, and I had talked with him multiple times, and one of the second or the third time I'd spoken with him,
I said, look Greg, his name is Greg Cockwell, I said, you know, this is no joke, this is no hoax, I mean, I'll put you into contact with Alex Jones, with these individuals that have seen it with their own eyes, that have the video footage.
Here's a National Geographic article showing a ritual and it says that it still exists, and he says, no, I know, I know you're telling the truth.
He said that I opened up a whole new world for him, but he said he would never be able to take it to the air.
Well let me say this about Oberman.
He's really showing his colors right now by coming out with this disinfo a federal court says.
There's no link to autism from vaccines?
And then he tries to claim one study, some doctor fudged something?
I mean, there were no autistic children 30, 40 years ago.
When I was a kid, you never... Now you go to the movies and take your children, the front two rows are autistic.
And they say, oh, they're faking.
Oh, I mean, I feel sorry for these children.
I mean, they're like, literally just in like...
I mean, they're gone, man.
And I've had top brain surgeons on.
It attacks the brain, not just the mercury, but it causes an autoimmune response.
They admit Gardasil's killing people right now, but they don't care!
And Oberman makes me sick.
I wish I... you know, we bullhorned him for like three hours.
Your take on that?
We'd been physically attacked in Denver.
We were tired.
Oberman's producer came out and begged for us to stop.
He said, okay, because Keith exposed Cheney wanting to blow up U.S.
ships in Lebanon and Iran using Navy SEALs.
We're done.
I asked the group, I said, are you done?
Yeah, we're tired anyways.
And then Oberman came up and said, thank you to us.
And we got video and a photo of that.
But the point is, is that now I just should have just kept giving it to him.
Go ahead.
Yeah, he's in a position where he can only go so far, even if he really understands the whole truth.
He's not going to betray his audience or risk his job.
The same is true with Alan Combs.
All of these people have to know, and maybe even if some of them wanted to speak out from their position, you know, against the Bush administration, all the Democrats are obviously anti-Bush.
Even if they wanted to speak out about such things as the false flag attacks, Cheney wanting to do such things, and they would really risk their job.
And so, yeah, Olbermann is not going to be in that position.
He's not going to want to lose his several million dollars.
I think so.
Is widely available on YouTube.
No, no, no.
Beck's running a sob.
When Ron Paul had a chance to win, he came out and said, Ron Paul is dangerous.
His members are going to attack.
The U.S.
military needs to be used against them and 9-11 truthers.
And you notice all the shows said that in the same week.
Word for word.
It was a script.
The Morning Joe on MSNBC.
It's in Truth Rising.
They all say, Taser them.
Take them to camps.
Torture them.
And they're serious.
And then we show a video of them actually arresting 9-11 truthers for
Being on street corners, and dragging them off saying they're terrorists for having signs.
And then once it was too late, and now they think they're safe, they know everybody's awake to them.
So now he's suddenly, oh my gosh, foreign banks are taking us over, it's a new world order.
But see, now suddenly it's in the Financial Times of London, published by a Bilderberg group member.
Now it's in Time and Newsweek.
Now it's okay to admit the world government, and he'll play the part of the little voice that's against it.
So he can later betray people by getting trust.
Well, that's probably part of the reason why he was taken over by Fox News.
He used to have his television show on CNN, and I think probably he didn't have a tight enough leash on him over there.
So Rupert Murdoch and that crew over there needed to pull him over to Fox News so that they could teach him the ways of the true force of propaganda and of Fox News.
And this goes along
With the religious beliefs of these individuals, the high-level Masons, the Illuminati, which maybe we can get into here in a little bit.
They are liars, they are propagandists, they keep their own belief systems to themselves and dispense false ideas where you look at most religions, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, any major
Mainstream religion wants people to learn about the truths of their religion, learn about the principles, to understand kind of their place in the universe.
They're not secret.
I mean, Rob Jacobson, who works here, had a great way of putting it.
If your religious group is secret and has different sub-guilds, the secret is they're worshipping the devil.
And any group you look at that's like that, you always find that.
Go ahead.
Yeah, you can walk into, with the exception of some splinter groups that have taken the teachings and turned them into a cult, any Christian church, any mosque, any...
You know, any temple, you can go in and learn the principles of that religion, except for these high-level groups, these masons, the skull-and-bones individuals.
And if you look at their own writings, again, which, you know, I did a lot of writing in college, and you can't just make a claim.
You have to source it.
And so that's what I do.
I find the sources for all these, so that people, they know where this information's coming from.
It's not just my interpretation of this.
It's not just something I...
Saw on a random website.
Here is a quote from Albert Pike in his 1872 book, Morals and Dogma, which is considered the Bible of Freemasonry, and he openly admits, quote, Masonry, like all religions, all mysteries, conceals its secrets from all except the adepts in the stages or the elect and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of the symbols to lead those who deserve to be misled to conceal the truth, which it, the Mason,
Call it what you want.
It's just a fraternity for a bunch of guys, but that's the case on the lower levels.
When you start getting up to the 30th degree, the 33rd degree, you know, Pike admits on page 213 in Morals and Dogma, every Masonic lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachings are instructions in religion.
And so, yeah, you know, that can be the most disturbing point.
It's not addressed a lot when we're discussing the New World Order, but these groups do worship Lucifer.
They worship Satan.
That's their worldview, and we can get into that in a little more detail, and that was the same issue with the Nazis.
People look at the Nazis and obviously know that they're evil, that they were this corrupt to the core, completely out of control, mega-maniacal group that hated everybody and that just ruthlessly killed millions of people, but at the core of it was a religious teaching, and Hitler himself was a student of
We're good to go.
Doubt it not, that's on page 321 of this.
And then in letters he wrote, he said, I feel the power of Lucifer seething in my hands.
That was Manly P. Hall in one of his books.
Yeah, he admitted that.
I believe Pike wrote a letter, I believe that's the term, but I guess Hall wrote it too, but I'm going from memory.
This is the teaching that these people adhere to.
To get into the original Bavarian Illuminati, the new recruit was blindfolded and given a knife and was told that they had to stab and kill an individual that had betrayed their order.
And it really was just, it was an animal or it was a tuft of cotton or something and they had to stab into the...
Well that's gang psychology and that's why different street gangs have you go out and kill somebody or first rob to get in the group and then kill somebody to become upper echelon because now you're compromised, now you've proven, now you've gone over.
You know, going back to Sean Hannity and people denying that there's a New World Order or Bilderberg Trilateral Commission,
When all their friends are in it, and of course they're aware of it.
I've seen Sean Hannity say every militia member should be arrested, every child needs a chip, and oh it's so conservative.
That's like the FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover, before Congress in the fifties saying organized crime doesn't exist, Lacosa Nostra is a conspiracy theory.
He's the first one to say that.
There was an individual that was arrested, I can't remember his name, but he was one of the first people to really expose the Italian Mafia, and he was locked up in a mental institution.
This is on the History Channel, actually, on one of their specials, On the Mob, and this man came forward and he explained how the mob worked, what kinds of businesses they had their hands in, how powerful they were.
Uh, that they would, you know, buy off judges and police officers, that they, that they were running criminal enterprises, and this man was, was put into a mental institution.
They thought that he was, he was insane, that such a thing could not exist.
Well, the judge knew they were being paid off.
Those famous author Ezra Pound, Pulitzer Prize winner, he wrote a book about the Federal Reserve and they locked him up in a mental institution.
Said, is not private, you're going to a mental institution.
Today, everybody knows it.
So see, they deny the New World Order while they're building it, and then now they think it's too late, so they're going, yeah, we're taking over.
It's the only future you got.
Mark Dice is our guest.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
Thanks for watching!
We got Russell Means, Native American leader, been involved in fracases with the Federales.
He's in a whole bunch of movies.
He's going to be simulcasting with us on the webcam, live at PrisonPlanet.tv, coming up in about 10 minutes.
Mark Dice, I want to talk about a few other issues with you and play this clip.
We've got one more left here.
We've played Hannity, we haven't played Savage, we haven't played Combs yet, who's actually had me on and not censored me and let me talk about false flag terror a few times, and then I got the word he wasn't really supposed to have me back on anymore because I haven't been on there in a few years.
But briefly, tell folks about the Resistance Manifesto.
We carry it at InfoWars.com.
On the back cover it says, powerful and compelling, a must read, Alex Jones.
And it's got other quotes here, but the 9-11 attacks, the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Rift, Georgia Guidestones, Skull & Bones, Freemasonry, Cybernetic Organisms, Satanism, Mark of the Beast, The Federal Reserve, Neural Interfaces, Mind Control, Echelon, Killing Machines, Animal-Human Hybrids.
I mean, this is a great book.
It's a thick book.
You know, 450-something pages or whatever.
You know, 400 and, give the exact page number here, 450 exactly.
This is a great book to give somebody because each chapter is jam-packed but it's a great and informative read.
You just read a chapter a night for a few weeks and you'll know quite a bit.
This is something great to give people and I hope they'll go to mfallwars.com and get it or go to theresistancemanifesto.com and get it.
You know, I try to compile most of the important issues in organizations, in belief systems,
that are involved in creating the new world order and of course there's a chapter in there on 9-11 covering the evidence for that but there is so much I know that a lot of the audience is very well informed I knew that I know there's new people listening every day and so to save yourself just hours and hours of scouring the internet and just kind of reading random quotes that aren't sourced I spent a lot of time and fully sourced the quotes that I use and I own most of these
I think so.
I'm quoting from insiders like Carol Quigley and covering issues, quoting directly out of the Secret Doctrine, and just kind of put it into a context and into the perspective so that you can understand what it is that's driving the New World Order, why they're doing this, what their ultimate plan is going to be, how these secret societies are functioning to secretly pull the strings, the belief systems of these secret societies, and then ultimately
How it is that they are satanic, what that means, and how this New Age belief system parallels with Bible prophecy in a way that leads all the way ultimately to the Antichrist coming on the scene, which could be hundreds of years from now, it could be thousands of years, but that's ultimately
The goal of this is these new age individuals... And even if you don't believe in Christianity, the elite believe in a world Christ who's going to kill the majority of those that won't take a quote, Luciferian initiation.
This is what the Pentagon at the higher levels teaches and I know you source that.
I mean, you can't make something this crazy up.
No, no.
I mean, they're building this world system and that's the plan is to unleash this Illuminati Christ
I think so.
From the Da Vinci Code, only it's not a bloodline of Jesus, it's really this, this, uh, Merovingian bloodline that they're keeping so that they can claim when this individual becomes the President of the New World Order, this, this Obama-like figure, uh, that they can claim that he is divine, from the divine blood, that he is the one that's just... Yeah, well, we're reporting, even as sociologists, just coldly, and as historians, what they believe.
One minute break, 70 seconds to be technical.
I'm trying to be absolutely precise, training my mind to do that.
70-second break.
We're going to come right back to our guest and then talk about does he think Obama is a prototype Antichrist individual?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in about 7-8 minutes, we're going to have Russell Means, the LA Times described as the most famous American Indian since Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, go over a whole host of issues with him.
Coming up, right now we're talking to Mark Dice.
Doing a great job out there exposing the globalists.
A few minutes on Obama.
I mean, he's gone back on every promise.
He's openly run by the globalists.
He is promising the people he's going to help him on all his bringings tyranny.
And he does it so sincerely.
Well, it's
Coming crumbling down to some people that have a discerning view, but Obama is the ultimate, you know, anti-Christ figure.
I'm not saying he's the anti-Christ from the Bible.
A more accurate term really is a counterfeit Christ, and not that he's overtly against Christ or against Jesus.
He's a prototype anti-Christ, and there are many anti-Christs, because he comes as a savior when he's a Judas goat and a betrayer.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and you know, you have people at these town hall meetings the other day asking him not to just change policy to help certain issues or segments of society, but they're asking him, can you get me a job?
Can you get me a kitchen?
Can you get my benefits?
And so he's this ultimate counterfeit Christ, similar to Hitler.
Hitler was a counterfeit Christ and a Christ figure where, to a certain segment of the population, he had saved Germany, but then there's this other certain minority group that's preventing him from really helping society.
And so he puts all the blame off onto them.
And so it's going to be very difficult.
People like this audience, we're going to be demonized by the Obama worshipers as
We're the problem, because we didn't go along with the Christ Obama, and we're the reason that the economy continued to collapse.
So, you know, I'm not an expert on the economy, but I do look at the experts at Peter Schiff and at Gerald Cilente.
You know, at the International Forecaster, and what they're saying is happening is really going to be a bad thing.
And you can just look at pretty much the opposite of whatever Obama says is going to happen or he's going to do is what he's going to do.
You know, he says that he's going to save the economy while he's going to destroy the economy.
He says during the campaign that he was against illegal wiretapping.
Uh, and then he voted for, uh, immunity for the wiretapping.
So you can pretty much take whatever, uh, whatever they say they're going to do.
And then he says he's going to shut down the torture camps, but it says they'll look at it in a year, but they're going to keep renditions and secret camps.
I did, you know, never before in the history of the United States, maybe even the world, have we had a figure that is so,
So adorized by the media and by the people.
Yeah, that's it.
It's that they're positioning him as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Jesus all in one.
Literally transposing his face with famous people just saying, he is God, do what he says.
But all he is, is a wet blanket on the fires of liberty and resistance and rebellion to the New World Order crime syndicate.
He's just meant to stall the people long enough.
When they're done with Obama, they are going to
You know, KRS-One had a fantastic analogy for this.
Yeah, I think so.
That is the picture of the face, the one who makes all the decisions when really he's nothing more than a spokesman.
And I'm sure that most of the population thinks that when he comes out to a public rally and speaks,
They think that he's just talking, just like me and you are talking now, just off the top of his head because they don't show the teleprompters on the television very rarely.
They don't show that everywhere he goes it's the exact same speech scripted down to going, oh man, oh, just all the acting, exactly.
Yeah, they don't know that they have these teleprompters out, those three teleprompters, even when he's publicly speaking.
So he's not speaking, he's reading off the teleprompters.
The Resistance Manifesto, available at Infowars.com and MarkDice.com.
Hope you'll get the book and spread the word and get it out to folks, ladies and gentlemen.
Mark Dice, great having you on.
You got it.
Power to the Resistance.
Power to the Resistance.
Take care.
Here we go.
We'll be right back with Russell Means.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
He really is a man who needs no introduction, Russell Means.
Just an amazing life, and didn't like to talk about himself, but he is what the LA Times calls, described him as the most famous American Indian since Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.
I would say much better known because of all the films and activism and things he's done.
And he joins us, he's been with us four or five times before,
But he now joins us through video cam from the Lakota nation that has pulled out of the treaty that the federal government has broken a trillion times.
He joins us from there and I have to tell you he is just so informed on the whole New World Order structure.
So we're going to get his take on now 21 states saying they are going to secede if the feds try martial law or gun confiscation.
That's in the bills.
The Lahota Nation is saying that they're not going along with the tyranny.
They've got the strongest case because the treaty's been violated.
Even stronger than the states.
This is so exciting.
So, Russell Means, great to have you with us.
Great to be with you again, Alex.
I tell you, it's like Buck Rogers getting to have you on the simulcast on TV with us.
It's unbelievable.
Well, here we are.
There's so much I want to talk about in the 50 minutes we have with you, but you've got the floor.
What would you like to speak about first?
There's so many things I want to get into, but what would you like to speak about first?
Well, first of all, I'd like to speak about liberty and freedom.
Being free is the most important antidote
To everything and anything else that's going on.
To any kind of conspiracy.
To everything.
It's being free.
And being free together.
Not being free according to the Constitution of the United States, although that's a pretty good document.
It comes from us, as you know.
Or you should know.
Yes, you're right.
But the most important thing about being free is individual sovereignty.
Individual freedoms and the guarantees thereof.
And the only way you can do that really is through consensus.
Because voting, as you've witnessed how the beautiful idea of freedom the United States of America was born with, has been corrupted because they've turned a republic and individual freedom into a democracy which means mob rule.
You know, 50% plus one is mob rule.
And the worst thing about it is that the other 49.9% have to go along with the majority.
For a certain length of time.
You haven't any options.
That's not sovereignty, that is not being free.
That's right, Hitler used democracy to set up tyranny, and 51% said the rest of you are going to be our slaves, we're going to kill a bunch of you.
In a republic, every person's liberty and freedom is guarded because of the organic rights, and as the Declaration of Independence states,
That if the government becomes destructive of those aims, it is not our right, it is our duty to throw it off.
And I can think of no other group that has a stronger case to throw it off as Native Americans.
Right, and that's why we unilaterally withdrew from our treaties with the United States of America after over 155 years of violations.
So we finally threw off that yoke.
We're on the brink of extinction ourselves.
And that is the major reason we are now free.
And we're free with non-Indians also.
We are welcoming any and all peoples who want to be free and want to work for freedom in the Republic of Lakota, which is that five-state area in the northern plains.
But there's a thing about America that we must begin to teach the whole scope of this
What is termed now a conspiracy.
Because it began really back in the 1840s, less than 75 years after the formation of the United States of America, when they gave the power of the individual to corporations.
But none of the penalties.
None of the penalties.
Consequently, the corporations began to take off.
But when Congress committed treason in 1871, that's
The really the watermark of the beginnings of the conspiracy because the 1871 Act created the corporation which we are now enslaved under or you are all enslaved under because we're no longer there.
The 1871 Act was a treasonous act by Congress which established the United States of America as a corporation.
And the Constitution of the United States was established at that time because previously our Republic was guaranteed by the Constitution for the United States.
Key word there.
Then you go on to 1913 and those other years, the Income Tax Act, the Antitrust Act, and the various other acts that established the Fed,
and established the bankers control of our entire nation and its people within and made us slaves and then you get to 1933 and off the gold standard the social security national ID number was established and then you get into the industrial military complex which was cemented into place after World War II
And with the No Such Agency Act of 1948, which was, by the way, the National Security Agency.
If you remember, I can because I'm that old, I can remember when it was called No Such Agency because to this day no one knows the real power or the scope of that agency or even its budget.
Not even Congress knows its budget.
And then you have the subsequent acts and the conspiracies that we've all come to know and and abhor right now and what we're living under.
I was just going to interject and have you continue with that timeline.
They've now announced the National Security Council
I don't
And now they're openly announcing the FEMA camps.
They're openly announcing bills to basically ban guns.
And I mean, you pointed out yourself, they brought in Social Security to domesticate us, to put everybody on the reservation.
You know, how they want us dependent, how they want us domesticated, how they want us institutionalized.
And then they always call that right-wing to say that.
No, it's not right or left.
So I'd like you to speak to that specifically and the dark times we see unfolding right now, but at the same time, the positive things that are happening because resistance is accelerating and people are rediscovering liberty and freedom and finding out they don't have a choice, they're going to have to fight.
You know, back in the 1970s, right here on the
Pine Ridge to Indian Reservation, all of a sudden, for reasons it will never be explained or explainable, I started receiving quarterly reports from the Trilateral Commission in the U.S.
I don't know how I got it or why, and then it lasted for about a year and a half and it disappeared.
But in those quarterly reports, it was phenomenal how they know everything about everything financial in the world.
The IMF and the World Bank, which is the credit agencies for every country, and they had a category
Obama is the good cop.
Yeah, the bad cop, good cop.
This country now, it's mass psychology to its end.
You know, George Orwell nailed it back in the 1940s with his books.
But the point, now we're in that George Orwellian reality, is the good cop now has made everyone feel... Now, I was just in Texas, by the way, my friend.
And there's best-selling down there is those plates.
I couldn't believe it in Texas.
The plates of Obama with that Jesus Christ pose.
You know, it's like this.
He's looking up, slight smile.
The sun is shining on him.
And it makes his skin look bronze or even goldish.
But it's the Jesus Christ pose.
That's what I call it.
That's the way they're treating him.
I talked to some Obama supporters there in Houston, and it was unbelievable.
They would not listen to reason.
It's like they've been fed some kind of Obama dope, and that they're hooked now.
It's, oh!
You know, you bring out facts and figures, and they still wouldn't go for it.
I can see exactly what he's done.
It's almost like he's a drone.
That he is some kind of sheeple created especially to pull the cover over.
You know, all his appointments are Zionists.
All his appointments.
I can't name one that isn't.
But the point I'm trying to make is that I believe the United States is part of the client state, not only of the bankers, but we're now a client state of Israel and the Mossad.
It's unbelievable how all the people in key places, you know, are Zionists.
I'm sorry, but the brazen up front, and your previous guest mentioned some of those brazen up front and yourself, of what Obama's doing.
And he blatantly lies to the people, and he's not called down for it.
It's amazing.
Guantanamo, he's not closing it.
He's not withdrawing from Iraq.
He's going to increase war in Afghanistan.
It goes on and on.
Russell, I want you to repeat all that.
In fact, I'm going to skip this break.
We have the music, but I'm going to skip the break for the PrisonPlanet.tv viewers and the internet streamers.
We'll be back for everybody else in four minutes.
But I want to skip this break and continue talking.
We can do that, right guys?
With Russell Means.
Because I don't want to waste any of this time.
And I love this new video hookup.
And I want to invite him, anytime he's in Texas, to please come in the studio.
We would really be honored to have that.
So stay with us.
We're going to continue with Russell Means right now.
Alex Jones.
Russell, continuing, yeah, I've always tried to stray away because it's such hot-button issues to anything that's Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Native American, because I'm just like, we're all human beings, let's be friends, and the globalists use that to play us off against each other.
But at the same time, when Rahm Emanuel is openly a Mossad operative and in the IDF military, and calls himself an Israeli first, he's the chief of staff, and they're in a meeting, this is in the New York Times, they're in a meeting in front of Congress, they call the congressional leaders in of both parties, and Rahm's popping his fingers like this right by Obama, and Obama says, please stop that Rahm, and Rahm gets up right in his ear and pops his knuckles in his ears and
That is a sign of dominance, and it really is scary to know that special interests, you know, the big banks out of Europe, Israel, all these groups, that we're just a whorehouse.
We're a joke.
We're here to just be completely used and abused.
So I want you to get into that and then start over, because the music interrupted you with how Obama has already betrayed everything in just a month.
Okay, fine.
We're still live, go ahead.
Well, you know, Obama, as I mentioned, he's not closing Guantanamo, maybe in a year.
He's not withdrawing from Iraq because of the situation there and the Iraqi freedom and the voting and the democracy.
I mean, come on, you got the largest embassy in the world, bar none.
And it's it's ostentatious, like a palace.
So why are you going to leave?
You're never going to leave Afghanistan.
They're already pouring new troops in there.
And Obama did this on the campaign trail.
He named Pakistan.
He's going in militarily into Pakistan.
That's an Islamic country with the bomb.
So it has to be taken over.
And he will take it over.
Mark my words.
He is, when I was growing up, the used car salesman was the epitome example of being slick con man.
Well, this guy, and I heard your previous guest mention about how he is so smooth on going from teleprompter to teleprompter to teleprompter.
I think
It's not beyond my comprehension.
No, there is something robotic about him.
I mean, it's just so fake.
And for anybody who's got discernment, you see right through it and you go, whoa, this is dangerous.
This is, I mean, because, you know, you have this little demon bush who even looks like a goblin and hehehehe, and, you know, is obviously evil and does all, you'd see how it was scripted.
And then it turns out his mother worked for Tim Geithner's dad at a big foundation.
Uh, and is totally globalist and they've been grooming him since he was a kid.
That's now on record.
And his first job was for Henry Kissinger.
And so certainly he's been trained since he was a child for this role.
I believe so.
The other thing is, is look how they've now gotten so much control of the world.
China has now announced that they're going to continue buying T-bills.
This country has been so emptied out
You know, you go to Europe, you go to Germany, or the Netherlands, or even the British Islands, and
They're still manufacturing, they're still making shoes, they're still making clothes, they have a garment industry, etc, etc, etc.
They have fishing industries.
Where are we at?
Where there's nothing that we can fall back on.
All we have is a bunch of social security slaves that are minimum wage and that they keep knocking it down, knocking it down.
You don't ever hear about the massive
We skipped a break, so we're coming back to the full audience.
We were just on the internet.
Now we're back to the full audience.
Here we go.
You know, I should brief my guests when I do this because it confuses things and it sounds like I'm interrupting Russell Means.
We're on presentplanet.tv.
We're streaming over the web.
Hundreds of thousands are listening on the web.
So I skipped those breaks, but on the AM and FM dial, when I skip a break, Russell,
We then have to come back to the full segment, so I'm sorry I interrupted you there.
I just don't want to waste any time with you.
Please start back over with what you were saying a minute ago about being in Europe compared to the United States and how that ties into what was done to Native Americans, what was done to other Aboriginal groups around the world as a mode of siege, a mode of control.
The globalists admit they've de-industrialized us by design.
Please break it down.
Well, to break it down, it's Indian policy.
The Americans are now the new Indians of the 21st century and the United States is the reservation.
You look, you know, the farmers and the family farmers and family ranchers, the backbone of independence and the backbone of Americanism are the ones that have been systematically destroyed at least since the decade of the 60s.
Now, as America was being emptied out,
Now they turned this, and this is just fact, that in the late 50s they began turning America from a producing, productive country
With a powerful, powerful people called unions that were the biggest threat politically to the hierarchy of the United States of America.
So in 1950, they got Walter Ruther and all them to sell out the unions.
That's not the point though.
The point is, they began emptying out America.
Our garment industry, the shoe industry, every industry, the fishing industry, the steel industry, every industry you can think of.
Then they started importing
The middle class has been decimated.
Look, and we're not hearing about it.
We're not hearing about it.
We've got to have some kind of a mass movement, and Alex, you're about the only one.
I mean, not the only one, but I know you are one of the most important ones that we can get this mass movement going.
We're doing our thing for freedom here in the Republic of Lakota, but we have to re-instill the idea of responsibility into Americans, because once you become
An Indian on a reservation, you have no motive.
And the family farmers, the family ranchers, they're almost extinct now because of the credit crunch.
They have been groomed, the family farmers, family ranchers, to run their entire operations on this phony credit
uh... operation of the united states and now they've withdrawn the credit so the family farmer family rancher dead in america russell which means which means america is dead
I agree.
I mean, my family are farmers and ranchers and they had to go get jobs in the fifties because of the way the government changed everything and took it over.
They all had to work in jobs in town and then work just to not lose their land.
They had to sell off, sell off, sell off more and more.
And now with the Animal ID, the Premises ID, they're written by the big agribusiness.
It openly shuts down farms, ranches.
They're almost gone.
And once you lose that, we have 90% people are urban.
And 10% are rural, but only half of those, or 5% of the population, is self-sufficient.
And we have globalist documents where they state they wanted to do this, and now they've done this.
And I was just down in Mexico a few weeks ago, in Yucatan, and I said, I don't see fishing boats here like I saw last time I was here five years ago.
And they said, no, the government has banned us fishing.
Only the big trawlers from Japan and the U.S.
And I went to the village and asked.
can come.
I said, there's no people here.
And they said, no, we're not allowed to fish now.
So, see, it's the same thing.
You take the means of production away from our people and what do you have left?
You have slaves.
Minimum wage slaves.
And I have mentioned now that China has just announced that they're going to start buying treasury bills again.
Treasury bills are secured by the land of America.
Now already China owns 40%.
Saudi Arabia owns 20% of the T-bills.
So together they own 60% of the land of America.
Now, however, because America is so broke and running this phony economy, printing this phony money, is that if they wanted to collect on their T-bills right now, America and the dollar would go bust and broke
And we would have to take a wheelbarrow full just to buy a toothpick.
Russell Means, stay there, we got a break.
How are they keeping the indigenous Mayans from fishing?
The environment.
The big bottom trawlers can come and do it, but the natives, they can't fish.
See, that's the phony environmentalism Obama's bringing in.
We'll get Russell Means' take on that.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
Who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his M.O.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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Thanks to a listener idea, we've come up with a great new t-shirt where you can maybe deprogram Obamanoids.
It's like the Bush people.
I'd try to explain he was New World Order and evil, and they'd think I was a communist, and I would say, no, he's a puppet, he's controlled, but they had invested their...
I'm good.
Who exposed, and it's even ended up in mainstream Canadian press after ten years of him fighting, that they take the Native American children in Canada and still, they just kill them!
Half the boys they take, the foster care, they take them, they grab them, they use the churches and it's government control, and they just murder them!
Murder little kids, and it's on record and nobody gets in trouble!
Nothing happens.
It's sick, but they want to do it to everybody.
It's any group.
See, with Native Americans, they can sell people they were different, or they're causing a problem, you know, they're different from us, let's kill them.
But then the killing also happens to those that helped do the killing, or their ancestors.
That's how this works.
But here's the new shirt, and it says,
On the cover here, it says, Worst President Ever, and one half of the face is George Bush, and on the other half it's Obama.
It says, Until Now, InfoWars.com, and on the back it says, Don't Be a Sucker.
And this will explain to everybody and get past the controlled left-right paradigm.
We've got some other new Obama shirts that just went up and pre-orders for the Obama deception just began.
And it's about getting the information out.
It's also about supporting the show so we can have a platform to support other great activists and humanitarians.
And speaking of that, Mr. Means, before we get into other issues and where you think things are going in the future,
Tell us about the Lakota Nation, the four-and-a-half or five-state area.
What has happened?
How people get involved?
Now this will materialize if people join, if people get involved, if people spread the word, if people financially support.
And I can't think of a better leader than yourself, you know, going through the
situation that you went with the 71 day armed takeover of the uh... sacred grounds of wounded knee with the feds you know all the things you've been through as a leader i'm glad that you're uh... leading the charge on this so so tell us how the people of not just the united states but the world can be involved in this historic uh... declaration of independence and in a pulling out of the fraudulent contract this dovetails with twenty one states now saying they're gonna pull out of the union if martial law or gun confiscation continues so i mean this is a
Oh, it's overdue.
It's overdue.
Even including ourselves.
But what we recognize in the Republic of Lakota is that 90% of the population in the 60 million acres that makes up this five-state area, a part of North Dakota, South Dakota,
Montana, Wyoming, and Nebraska.
This area is 90% non-Indian, 90% white people.
We understand because for 150 years we've been getting along with them.
We've been living with them.
We have to continue that.
So we invite them to join the Republic of Lakota.
It's just, it's not a racial independent movement.
This is a people's independence movement.
Except we want to do it according to our understanding of individual liberty.
In our understanding.
Nevertheless, we want to give state power to neighborhoods so that they have all responsibility for what goes on in their neighborhood.
And I don't care how big the neighborhood is.
And then you have a collection of neighborhoods that make up an area and then the area and then finally you get the nation.
That'll be dynamic.
Your point is, if you have a neighborhood of two houses or twenty houses or two hundred houses, fine.
But you run everything in that neighborhood.
What does that mean?
You have to run it by consensus, number one, to ensure individual liberty.
Number two is you have to, you definitely have to
Bring about law and order.
That's responsibility.
Guess what happens then?
You eliminate the need for police, because in your neighborhood you're taking care of it.
You eliminate the need for courts and judges, and best of all, you eliminate the need for lawyers.
Well, that's the system they've had in Switzerland, some of what was founded here in the United States, and that really is, at least for a lot of the tribes, based on a Native American system?
Yes, that's based upon our control of individual liberty.
Let me ask you a question.
What would you do if, let's say, you're a neighborhood or what you call a village of say 400 houses, and somebody commits a murder?
Well, those 400 houses would take care of that.
Not the nation, not the larger area.
Those 400 houses, they would have already determined their justice system according to them.
You're a mini-state within a state.
It's like posse comitatus laws that used to be prevalent in this United States of America.
Well, that's how small towns were in the United States, was they would have their court, their system, and they would deal out justice.
Well, because Americans have become the new Indians of the 21st century, and they've become actually reservation Indians, because they've abdicated their responsibility.
They've allowed the Congress of the United States of America to eradicate Posse Comitatus laws.
Listen, these two bedrock
I think?
from any place had to get permission of the sheriff to come in that county.
That was just eradicated in the last three years by Congress.
The other thing is with the corporate laws, we have to get rid of the rights of corporations.
It's abominable in the height of stupidity to give a corporation a piece of paper the same rights that we have as individuals, but none of the penalties.
Russell, this is what we need.
We need to get back.
Imagine if people got into self-sufficiency, it would create an incredible economy if every little neighborhood together had their own wind power, their own solar panels, put in their own septic tanks, their own systems like the Amish.
Take the Amish.
Almost 300,000 of them in Illinois.
They've done a study over 200,000 of them.
No autism.
Much lower crime rate.
In fact, no crime to speak of.
I mean, they live in harmony because they're living in a natural way.
And the state's coming in and kidnapping their kids now.
The state had left the Amish alone.
Now they're treating them like Native Americans in the 1870s.
I mean, so we, to defend ourselves, we need to go back
Exactly, exactly.
And that's the epitome of individual freedom is local control.
You know, the jury system used to be the last vestige against state power.
When you had jury nullification, you could
We have to re-institute in the minds of our people the idea of responsibility.
It's your responsibility to find out about who really is running this country.
Who really is Obama?
Where did he come from and why?
Why did he move from being a Harvard Law graduate, editor of the Harvard Law Review, he had his pick of any legal
I think?
They put him in the most connected church in the black community.
Also, they gave him a political mentor, the local black political boss of the South Side of Chicago.
And there you have his path right to the White House.
In fact, Russell, there were a lot of cases, because I've read a lot of U.S.
I mean, that was classic, that as Western expansion was taking place, that's how they would defeat the Native Americans, is they would go pay off some of the bad chiefs to get them to tell their people to stand down.
And so people can't get that there's a guy who's, you know, part black, that somehow, you know, he, you know, is in a sellout to the New World Order.
I mean, it's asinine.
I mean, look, it's just on its face.
And then now,
They're going to continue the secret arrest.
Now they're saying 23 months in Iraq.
It was 6, then 16, now 23.
30,000 more troops, up to 60 in Afghanistan.
Now they're talking about 90,000.
He's talking about going into Iran, going into Pakistan.
They're building FEMA camps and it's in the news and he wants to have a giant 18-24 compulsory service and a new domestic army.
No law, the Pentagon just announced it as a new order, and they're building a camp outside Austin, Russell!
I mean, this is really happening!
Exactly, and it's also, they've gotten rid of the laws protecting us against the National Army.
Now the Department of Defense has jurisdiction, thanks to Homeland Security, has jurisdiction in any legal jurisdiction in the United States of America.
That never before was possible, but now it is.
The Army can come in for any reason, before it was illegal.
Well, that's right.
First it was 4,000 troops, then 20,000 troops.
Now they're saying, eh, 50,000 troops.
NORTHCOM and the governors are no longer over the National Guard, and the Army Times states, we are preparing to engage the American people.
Is that not high treason and the government breaking its treaty through the Constitution and Bill of Rights with the people?
Because that's a treaty.
With those colonies, it's the same thing!
They've completely broken the treaty, admitted it themselves, and are saying, according to Time Magazine in this New World Order article, the title is New World Order, zoom in on this folks, it says a foreign global bank will rule the United States now.
I mean, it's incredible!
That was institutionalized in 1913, the banks ruling America.
And we've got to remember,
When we went, and I mentioned this earlier, that we were a producing, productive country up until the end of the 50s, 1950s, and then they started to switcheroo to making us consumers and emptying out all the production of America.
They've emptied that out and it took them less than 25 years.
By the mid-80s, we were a consumer nation.
That's why Bush could say, go shopping.
It's because that's what this country runs on now, consumerism.
Because they want you dependent on them, just like the Native Americans.
And I know you're the expert on this, but I'm telling the listeners, I'd like you to elaborate, and then tell folks the phone number and websites.
I want to put his website up on screen, guys, so that people can join and get involved or support or learn more.
That they would put people in these areas, they would control them, and you had to then, like welfare, get your food in blankets from the corrupt Indian agents, who would then make the natives for even food when they're starving in the winter, hooker out their women, everything.
I mean, it's just, it's the same thing today!
It is exactly the same thing.
The Indian policies of America, the American Indian policies,
Have more first into their foreign policies.
And now it's on their domestic policies.
So it's just not in the ghettos and the barrios.
It's in middle America.
I mean, hello!
Look at the housing crisis.
That wiped out the middle class.
And now you're going to become paupers and you're going to have to depend on the federal government for them to dole out your food.
For them to dole out.
And then
All these new diseases that keep coming, how come they're related to things we eat?
Figure that out.
Just figure that out.
But we've got to be responsible, and we're all responsible for our own freedom.
Not how and what we eat, but our freedom comes first.
Our freedom comes before eating.
Our freedom comes before work.
Our freedom is the most important part of life.
And if you don't know that,
Then you are a sheeple.
Because everything flows out of liberty.
If you don't have the freedom, the liberty, it's over.
But you know, a lot of everybody, a lot of folks I have on claim, you know, the core is our group, you know, the core models what happened to us, you know, people tend to centralize things around themselves.
But I've studied broad history.
And when you say that so much of the modern world system is based
On the experience of the enslavement and extermination of 90 plus percent of Native Americans.
It's true.
I've read the British reports.
I read Hitler's speeches and Mein Kampf and his concentration camps and everything he did.
What he did in Russia.
It was all modeled after what was done to the natives, and that's been used all over the world, and it really is the model.
And so that's what we're... black folks saying, you can't have a man in the house, the government's going to give you money for your home, to put them in an inner city, so they can then ship in drugs, put the men in prison, knowing the family would break down.
I've got slave manuals, written in the time of Julius Caesar, when they would grab Germanic slaves, of how they broke up the family, separated the men,
Put them on reservations to break them down.
It's the same thing over and over again.
One of the hardest things about, and the best things, about liberty and being free is you become family oriented.
Now I'm not talking about blood family.
I'm talking about, now once we become adults we can choose our own family.
You know, when we're born, we're not
We're not born into our family of choice.
But when you're being free, you can choose your families.
And if you look at Europe today, after all their tumultuous history, but they haven't emptied out their countries.
They still make their own shoes, their own clothes, grow their own crops, make their own steel, and have all of the things necessary for a strong, vibrant country by itself.
Let alone joining together in the European Union.
But America?
Emptied out.
America's emptied out.
That is not freedom and that's not responsibility.
Responsibility and freedom are one and the same.
So if you're welcome to the Republic of Lakota, if you're responsible.
Tell folks the best website to visit and a phone number.
Of course, the RepublicofLakota.com and RussellMeansFreedom.com.
RussellMeansFreedom.com, we've got that up on screen right now.
Thank you.
The phone number for the Republic of Lakota is 605-867-1111.
So that's 605-867-1111?
And if folks want to financially support or support by spreading the word, they can go to Russell Means Freedom.
Again, give that website out one more time.
We're going to put it up on screen.
RussellMeansFreedom.com and RepublicOfLakota.com.
Well, it's so important that we support every movement for independence and liberty.
The globalists want one huge world with every nation, in their own words, dependent, broken down, de-industrialized, so the globalists can consolidate power.
It's in their own IMF and World Bank documents.
We must do what you're doing and go in the opposite direction.
It is our only salvation for survival and we've got to do it now.
Russell, I'm going to skip this break as well for the TV viewers and the Infowars.com audio listeners for the AM and FM dial shortwave and the satellite listeners will be back in three short minutes.
And Russell, we've got to have you on for a couple hours coming up in the next month or two so we can take some phone calls and also get
More of your great wisdom.
It's just really great to have you on and I totally agree with everything you're saying and I want to support you in any way I can.
I know my listeners do as well.
John, we're going to skip this break.
Okay, great.
We're skipping this one too.
Russell, when we come back to the full audience and we've got a lot of folks listening and watching right now as well, what are some of the final points you think are most important to make to the viewers and listeners?
Well, as we tell all the people who contact us and they want to move to the Republic of Lakota.
And you're free.
You can buy your own land.
We even have people who are connected with real estate.
We have to work towards freedom because we're non-threatening, we're non-militant, and we don't believe in any kind of violence whatsoever.
We're willing to work with the existing system.
We've already established our own school, treaty school, just one, but it's going to grow.
Everything's going to grow.
We have a nucleus of people who have moved here.
And have bought land and other people are in the process of buying land and moving here.
And what we're going to do is work in our own communities to be self-sufficient.
We live in the Saudi Arabia of wind.
Wind energy.
And the sun shines on the northern plains over 300 days of the year.
So we have that power.
We also have
on our land, and it's reachable, is the geothermal water.
So we can hothouse, you know, we can fish farm and we can hothouse vegetables all year long because of the sun and that possibility.
I was just going to add, nothing's done without action.
And I love these armchair quarterbacks, oh it won't work, it'll never happen, it'll never work and happen if people don't believe it and take action.
And as this crisis comes, we need to be there with the solutions so people have an escape valve.
And, you know, I know you've built things and done things and been successful in life, so you know the power of humanity.
And I've been somewhat successful in my life, and that's why I want others out there to have respect for themselves and realize that to dream is destiny, and that action is victory.
And so that, I mean, even if you just
You move out in the country with your friends and family somewhere else.
The point is, get off the grid, get self-sufficient, join together, because true wealth is your friends, your family, your neighbors, your community, and the willingness to stand together and to fight, because we're going into a great time of tribulation.
We're going to come back to the full audience, Russell, and I want to ask you one more question about Obama, to a message to the suckers out there, because it's so painful
To see them being suckered and to see them falling to this deception.
So I want to talk about that in closing and also give out the website and phone number one more time.
In fact, guys, make sure let's get his website address up on screen, not just the website itself.
Here we go.
Okay folks, it is the final segment with Russell Means, the final segment of the show.
I had a state representative with a declaring sovereignty in Missouri on today.
I had Mark Dice of the Resistance Manifesto on.
And of course we have Russell Means, just an amazing activist for liberty.
And Freedom.
He's been mischaracterized in the press quite a bit, but that tells you he's a good guy.
Look at what he actually stands for.
I know that he's a guy from my own heart, and we really appreciate him.
I want to get him on about eugenics and the overall New World Order and what it's like to come from a group that's been so intensely targeted.
By this, but in closing, a message to the Obama people who took their hatred of Bush that was legitimate and transmuted it into love for Obama, not knowing it's the same manager crew behind it.
You know, they think we're
They feel like they're at the table now.
They feel like they've had a great victory.
They don't know they've just been sold a bunch of glass beads and wampum for New York.
They don't understand that this is a cold-blooded setup, but we have studied this and looked at this and lived this so we know they haven't discovered that yet.
In closing, what do you say to them?
Well, I want to be facetious, actually, and just say goodbye, but the sheeple
The sheeple that are Obama-ites, or however you're going to, they've been Obama-tized.
Those people, I have found in my visit to Texas, and among my own people here on the reservation, and to the people who are considered conservative Republicans in the state of South Dakota, no one's listening.
No one wants to take responsibility.
And that's what's happened in this country.
Thomas Jefferson said it best, you know, to be free you have to be responsible.
It goes hand in hand.
I can't say it enough.
And so I'm very skeptical in saying anything
To the people who are the sheeple who have been Obamatized because that's their new savior.
You cannot penetrate their defenses because they refuse to hear it.
I talked common sense and I talked spirituality and I talked facts and figures with these people down in Texas who are Obamatized and they wouldn't hear a thing and they felt sorry for me!
They felt sorry for me!
And they told me, you're gonna see in 18 months, what we all don't understand here in America, is that it's over.
And if the United States of America just came out and said, well it's over, well there'd be a rising of the people.
They don't want that.
So they're manufacturing, they're printing this money, so that they can let you down easy.
Let you down easily.
And those people over there lost their homes.
And those people over there lost their homes.
And as they let you down easy, and your wages go down, and your livelihood goes down, and your trips become shorter, and you don't buy as much, until the fact is you're going to look around one day, huh?
But they're already committed to him so they won't even admit they were wrong.
Just like people under Stalin or Hitler still wouldn't admit they were conned and wrong because they've invested in it.
They're going to have right-wing groups attacking.
They're going to have Nazis protesting to make him look good.
They're going to play a lot of games.
Oh, definitely.
They are masters at manipulation.
It's an Orwellian reality.
But always remember this.
And this has always rung true.
It only takes 2% of a people to foment a successful revolution.
And we want a revolution to return one revolution back to
Freedom of the individual.
All right.
Russell, we crashed your website.
So we want to give that phone number out again.
Don't go.
I want to do a few minutes in overdrive on the web to say bye to you here properly.
For the audience, though, retransmission.
But we're going to continue into overdrive in a few minutes.
And then we're going to go into retransmission at Infowars.com.
So please stay with us.
I want to say bye to the Genesis Network and all those listeners.
Here we go with Russell Means.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening.
We'll be back.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent, and food and water is the key.
You'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread.
You'll never have to go to the Superdome and beg for FEMA to take care of your family.
In any emergency... Back in one minute, Russell.
No one is going to take care of your family in the final equation but you.
You know eFoodsDirect.com is still able to ship storable food that's safe from E. coli, salmonella, genetic alteration, or Chinese imports.
I think so.
Okay, Russell, you got cut off by the music there at the end.
We have a substantive audience watching live at PrisonPlanet.tv and listening over the streams.
And frankly, what you've been saying, I think I'm going to take a little bit of a clip of it and put it in a little Obama thing I'm working on.
So I'd like you to repeat that key thing you were saying there at the end that the end of the show cuts you off on, please, sir.
Wait a minute.
What was it?
In the last minute, I forgot.
That was so ad hoc.
No, I understand.
Well, I mean, just, it'll pop in your head in a minute.
The point is, they think you're a right-wing extremist, or they think I am, or they think...
They think we're secretly Bush peoples.
I've talked to them that we're trying to horn in on their fun.
And that's what a con artist does.
They make them feel like they're part of it.
And I've had friends and family that have signed on to Ponzi schemes before.
And I've said, look, it's a scam.
Don't do it.
And they go, oh, you don't know what you're talking about.
You're just upset that I've got a good deal going.
And I'm like, no, I've experienced this.
This is a scam.
And they just can't believe what's happening to him and he is total New World Order and like you said they're like comparing him to Lincoln and George Washington and really putting their full power behind him.
I can say it in another way.
I don't remember exactly what I said but I knew it was heartfelt.
Sure, I understand.
Well, just speak from the heart.
I'm trying to reach out to these people.
I know they're being conned.
Look at what he's already done.
You know the biggest thing about Obama and the Obamanization of the people is they are looking for a savior.
But I caution everyone to realize what Einstein said.
Einstein said if you try, his definition of
Insanity is if you can continually try the same thing over and over and over again, but you expect different results.
Every time you try something over again, you expect different results.
That's the Demo-Publicans.
That's what I call the Democrats and the Republicans.
It's not working.
Our individual liberty has been stripped and if you don't understand that you've got to grab a hold.
Hope is a false word because it keeps you hoping and you're hoping for the next president.
You're hoping for another Obama.
You're hoping for another Roosevelt.
You're hoping for another Lincoln and then they give you a guy
Every time some old woman's begging, saying, I'm homeless now, I need help, I just want a small place with a bathroom, he'll come over and say, oh honey, I'm sorry, but hey, everybody's, everybody's, you know, it's rough, everybody, a lot of people have your problem, and he says, get ready for sacrifice, so the bankers can take everything over.
I mean, this is so dark and so evil, and we have so many resources and so much,
And then he knows he's a puppet, and he knows he's betraying him.
Let me ask you this final question, and we'll plug the number on the website again for folks that missed it, and then let you go, sir.
And I want to invite you in studio any time you're in Texas, here.
And if you're nearby, we'll get you a hotel room, and pay your way to get here, maybe.
That'd be fun to do.
My whole point is this, what is going to happen in two, three, four years when, what you said earlier, they're looking around realizing they were conned, what is going to happen when they realize that they were bamboozled?
The mass psychology that they've perfected.
See, they can't tell you that it's all over with now because we would rise up as a people for our freedoms.
So they're going to let you down easy, just like they did to the Indians.
They let you down easy and teach you how to be poor and how to accept being poor and poorer and poorer.
And pretty soon you're going to be dependent on the government giving you food, on the government providing you jobs, if their jobs are just few and
Few, few, few.
So this is dependency.
It's called colonialism.
It's called Indian reservations.
But America is the reservation.
That's why they're letting in their printing all this phony money.
Where do you think they're getting this money?
We're tapped out.
It has no value.
They just keep printing it because they have to let you down easy.
Pretty soon
It's going to collapse.
Well, in the bill, in the stimulus bill they've passed and is now in joint committee about to be fully passed, it actually says that old people will have health care rationed because it's natural for them to go blind.
I have it in Bloomberg.
I have the bill.
I couldn't believe it when I saw it in Bloomberg two days ago and I went and looked it up.
It actually says
That they're not going to give people health care.
See, that's what their socialism is.
And then they'll have the young against the old.
And the people that have the government jobs, they're going to defend it and feel like they're part of the winners.
Just like the Indians they had, the Native Americans who sold out, who would be over the other Indians.
I mean, this is a psychology.
Or the house black slave.
Or in Rome, they had the house slaves.
Well, you've already got a health policy based upon how the Indian health policy was developed.
I'm telling you, Indian policy, and I'm saying over it, is now on the backs of Americans.
So yes, you're going to have health care, but it is not going to be very good health care.
And that's just going to be a fact of life.
They're going to give you an aspirin when you come in with a heart seizure.
It happens to us, it's going to happen to you.
Well, they don't just do that.
George Bush, before he went and signed the treaty for the one-child policy in China, for Nixon, he ran the sterilization of Native Americans in the 70s, and they sterilized, what, upwards of 40% the numbers I've seen.
I didn't believe it and looked up the documents.
It was true.
So you're not just going to get bad health care, you're going to get eugenics, aren't you?
Definitely, and this was the whole purpose of classifying our blood quantum.
And that classifies it
One eighth or one and they can they can eliminate parts of your blood.
By a stroke of the pen.
If your father is from a different area, or your mother is from a different area, they won't count her blood.
And they will mark you down as one-fourth this, or one-eighth that, or three-sixteenths that, 24, 30 seconds.
I kid you not.
And that is how eugenics are used to control populations.
And why aren't we?
We're at zero, less than zero population growth.
Yeah, how long until Native Americans are extinct?
Current trends?
There's two things.
If you don't want to be poor and you want to earn a living, you leave and you go out and you intermarry and all of a sudden you've disappeared into the mosaic that is America.
But it's in America that's controlled.
Just like the Indian Reservation has gone.
I'm telling you, the day is here.
It's not coming.
The day is here that you are the new Indian of America.
It's fact.
Look around you.
Look around you.
Your quality of life is deteriorating.
Nobody's come up with a study yet on how precipitous that decline is since the housing bubble burst.
But we've had some other bubbles burst up leading to that.
So it's a collective effort, the family farmer and family rancher.
They're on the front lines.
They can tell you.
They're on the front lines of being obliterated.
Well, Russell Means, I want to get you back up in the near future, and we really appreciate you joining us.
The phone number for folks to call to get involved or support you is 605-867-1111, 605-867-1111.
And RussellMeansFreedom.com.
The site is back up, I see.
And folks can certainly go visit that, and we salute you.
I wish you a successful mission and all of this, and we look forward to speaking to you again in the near future.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Thank you.
Take care.
Okay, folks.
There goes Russell Means.
That's it.
We're going back into retransmission right now from the first hour of the show, right as the state rep joins us, coming up in about 10 minutes.
Then I'll be back tomorrow live, 11 to 3, and back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
What an amazing broadcast today.
Good job to the crew and all of you, the listeners, for your support.
Take care.
We're good.