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Filename: 20090102_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 2, 2009
3675 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my first live transmission of 2009.
You have found at the front lines in the Infowar, the fight for liberty and the future of humanity.
You have found the GCN Radio Network and the Alejandro Jones Radio Show.
It is the second day of January, 2009.
2009, that will take some getting used to, no doubt.
This week I'm going to slip up and say 2008 a few times.
It is December.
It is January.
It is February.
It is April.
It is March.
You know, before we know it, it will be 2010.
Ladies and gentlemen, again, thank you for joining us.
It is the first live transmission of 2009, January 2nd, 2009.
I'm saying that over and over again to get myself mentally prepared for the new year that we have just entered into.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have Israel preparing for a massive ground assault into Gaza, that area roughly twice the size of the District of Criminals in D.C.
Masses of tens of thousands of troops and tanks and artillery, attack helicopters and fighter bombers have been bombing.
They're now into day number, what, seven?
It'll be day number eight tomorrow.
We have India and Pakistan still continuing to mass troops along the Kashmir border and other disputed regions between the two nuclear powers.
We have mainstream news, world leaders, bank chairmen all coming out simultaneously saying we're in a depression so they can further destroy confidence and implode the economy so they can consolidate the wealth and then pose as saviors offering their world government and world taxation.
As the solution.
What a way to start the new year, ladies and gentlemen, with all of this unfolding.
And we have Barack Obama, now only 20 days, well, excuse me, 19 days and counting, until he is El Presidente.
And with all of this military build-ups and wars and rumors of wars going on, and the economy in free-fall flatlining,
With all of the incredibly serious issues taking place, the police state unfolding, what is the mainstream media focused on today?
Oh my gosh, Barack Obama isn't allowed to move in early to one of the executive auxiliary White Houses.
And his children are being abused and may not be able to start school at their elite private school.
Hey, I thought you loved socialism and government brainwashing camps, Obama.
Why don't you put your children in that?
I mean, what a diversion, because the media, the controlled corporate press that gives you the false left and false right flavors of Kool-Aid, but they're all spiked with New World Order brainwashing cyanide to the soul and the psyche.
See, they can't have Obama and Bush look like they're fighting with each other to keep the false left-right paradigm propped up, the false illusion that there's a choice, because they're both pro-war, pro-police state, pro-open borders, pro-gun control.
I mean, on every issue, NAFTA, GATT, expansion of the SPP, North American Union integration.
So they have to have a public fight with the Republicans and Democrats on issues of no significance, like, oh, the White House isn't letting Obama move in early.
When in reality, they have passed off the baton perfectly to each other, and Obama is continuing the entire New World Order agenda with just simply a few new talking points, and they've adjusted their rhetoric slightly.
to again fool the public.
It was the same thing under Clinton.
They couldn't go after him in Congress for missile secrets of the Communist Chinese or high treason or police state or any serious issue like Waco because Republicans were all involved as well.
So they went after him for Monica Lewinsky, an isolated little issue.
So another example of the mind control that is going on out there.
Steps up Gaza's strip airstrikes.
Israel moves forward and sends more troops to Gaza.
The Economist magazine says US in a depression, not a recession.
Stay with us, it's all coming up.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
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Our elected representatives wanted a good ol' boy bailout for the special interest.
So they ignored your screams not to do it.
They turned off the telephones and email.
They voted to print 850 billion dollars at least out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities, particularly food, beyond many Americans' reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany's superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days.
Until it reached over 4 billion marks.
Food prices are skyrocketing so fast, there seems as if there may be no end in sight.
The private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves.
The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
Whatever happens in America, we need to be prepared and be ready.
Everything is zeroing in on food.
One-third of Americans have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It is the maiden voyage, the kickoff, the initiation of a new broadcast transmission, Year Against Tyranny.
Here on the tip of the spear in the fight against the New World Order.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
The second day of January 2009.
Alright, here is the stack of news I have.
And I'm going to just read through some of these headlines and then get into it in more detail.
We have Bob Chapman joining us in one hour to take care of phone calls and break down what's happening with the economy.
The Israeli Air Force steps up Gaza Strip airstrikes as the Israeli Defense Force prepares to invade Gaza.
And they are saying that that is now in the cards.
Well, I think clearly it is as they build up a massive
Infantry and armor force preparing to pour in and as the Israelis dance for the cameras in some type of ancient victory dance or war dance.
That's actually in the New York Times.
Israel sent more troops to the Gaza border
Rapidly moving forward with preparations for a possible ground offensive, the next stage of its military assault on the coastal territories Hamas rulers.
Israel rebuffed calls by world leaders for a truce and Hamas also was called to the ceasefire.
So we'll get more into that coming up.
The Economist reports.
This is a top story up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul Watson has done an integrated analysis of the article and links to it.
The Economist.
in depression, not recession.
Another report here out of Al Jazeera television.
Gulf states agree on monetary union.
Now a monetary union is a political union.
That's how the European Union basically operates.
Some can deny the European Union exists.
They can also deny that
The planet exists, but it does exist, and the African Union exists, the Asian Union exists, the Mediterranean Union exists, the European Union exists, the Russian Federation exists, and the North American Union publicly has been in existence since 1994 with NAFTA and GATT.
That was a North American Union agreement and is in the document.
Now they're just expanding the control.
Gulf states agree on monetary union.
Gulf Arab states will maintain their 2010 deadline for a single currency.
The Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council has said.
Get more into that, but I know most of the listeners of this show are in reality and read and research and are aware that
There are 10 global unions now publicly being merged into the super world government.
And the head of the Kissinger Group wrote a book about it this year in the Washington Post, trumpeted the book super class.
We had Rothkopf on saying we're under world government with 6,000 bureaucrats, 6,000 millions of the banks running it.
That's what he put the elite at, you know, high-level servants of the elite at 6,000.
Less than 20 families own it.
It doesn't matter, again, of the Financial Times of London, the Wall Street Journal, all announced we're under world government and that now the private central banks will control the 10 global regions.
They can put it in 100 newspapers a week.
I mean, I told you three weeks ago when that Financial Times of London article came out, you could Google New World Order and Google News.
Not web, news.
And it was 5,400 plus news articles.
So when I say hundreds, I mean, I looked at more than 200 in a week period.
I mean, I would just click on them, click on them, click on them, and read.
World government's good.
World government's loving.
World government's the answer.
Yes, we kept it secret from you.
It's for your own good.
The bankers want to save you.
Don't worry.
You'll pay your carbon tax to them.
They'll save the earth.
And then meanwhile, I still get emails saying, I'm a liar.
None of this exists.
Now, most of those are operatives.
And I look at on our YouTube videos people post and on InfoWars.com, PrisonPanda.com in the comments, you'll see them.
They'll go in there and say, Alex is a liar, there's no New World Order, he's a liar, there's no government sponsored terrorism, everything's fine.
Now, those individuals, there's no way those are people in denial.
There's no way they're on YouTube and InfoWars 24 hours a day posting this stuff.
I mean, they've got to be operatives.
I mean, the Pentagon admits they have tens of thousands, the Feds have hired hundreds of thousands off and on, bloggers and disinfo people, and fake newscasts.
I mean, that's all admitted.
There's been congressional reports on it.
We've had guests on that have covered it.
But still, to really see them doing it, I mean, to know that bureaucrats and troops and PR firms
sit there and are proud of themselves to go out and try to suppress the American people and say none of this exists so that the people won't wake up and fight back against having total control of our nation taken over, losing our liberty, our sovereignty, our freedom.
It's just so mind-boggling.
And all the FBI training manuals and state police training manuals and the
Federal marshal training manuals that we've gotten a hold of and posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com over the years.
The FBI terror flyers they put out, what, 45,000 of in Phoenix alone and surrounding cities like Tucson saying gun owners are terrorists, those that make frequent references to the US Constitution are terrorists.
The public law enforcement magazines that constantly say it.
I mean, I rarely will be in a 7-Eleven, and I'll just pick one up, open it up, and the first thing I read is, if you see somebody with the Get Us Out of the UN sticker on their car, go ahead and arrest them, and police chiefs, support your officer, think of something to keep them in jail, this person's a terrorist.
And then we have the Violent Radicalization Act, they're very close to passing in Congress, on C-SPAN, showing architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth, next to Al-Qaeda training videos, and saying, we have to shut these groups off the web.
I mean, it's on record.
This is all really happening.
And then they openly announce world government, while the FBI manuals say we're insane, it doesn't exist, and we're terrorists if we say it exists, when it's on the news.
You know, this weekend, last weekend, I was studying re-education.
tactics that the Soviets used, that the Communists used in Cuba, that they used in the Maoists used in China.
I was looking at Pinochet's re-education camps and I was studying the stuff that goes on at Camp X-Ray where they torture you for five, six, seven years until you'll confess and
I wrote some notes.
I wrote like three pages of notes last weekend on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day yesterday.
I just couldn't stop working.
I couldn't stop thinking about the New World Order and how desperate things are and how I want to warn people.
And that's a normal response when you know that this type of evil is going on, that we don't have a choice.
We've got to fight it.
We've got to try to stop it.
And then, so I'm thinking about re-education camps.
I'm thinking about all of this and the way they re-educate people, the way they brainwash them.
And yesterday, at about 11 o'clock, I go into my garage, get on the treadmill, turn on Showtime.
And I didn't write a note on this, I believe the name of the film was In the Land of the Blind.
And it was all about a fictitious country with brainwashing camps, and it's kind of like a 1984.
Redo, but with new names to make it fresh.
And they're in there torturing this guy.
And it's all about mass psychosis, mass mental illness.
You know, they come in one day and torture him and say, you're going to confess to this, this and that.
Then they come in the next day and say, you're not even who, you know, you think you are.
This is your real history.
And they give him some fake history.
And he, of course, was a member of the secret police early on in the revolution, and a hero.
And then he doesn't want to go along with the mass executions and torture camps.
He won't sign the loyalty oath, so they grab him and take him to this torture facility.
And it ends up he's there for 20-something years.
And then new governments come in and, you know, the same thing continues and they keep them in the re-education camp.
And I was watching the movie for like an hour on the treadmill and I thought to myself, I don't think people watching this on Showtime understand that it's even worse than what they're seeing in this fictitious movie.
That reality is far worse.
And there are so many facets to it.
I mean the fact that the jail guard types that love to torture people, that relish having someone cornered, that relish being able to get away with humiliating people, and who relish them writhing around in their own blood and pain, or who relish them strapped down to operating tables being tortured.
And just how corrupt government and tyranny allows the worst, most venomous, most delusional, most sickening people to get into control and then to have their way and form the world in the image of their dark souls.
So later I want to try to get into that.
Separately, in the news I've been going over here, there's a new rumor out.
You know, they had one three or four months ago that went on for six months.
And I was accused of being a government agent for not going along with it and not talking about it and saying it was all real, that flying saucers were going to land in Alabama.
And then when those giant flying saucers didn't land in Alabama, the media could point at the American people and then, you know, say, oh look, the flying saucer didn't land and the troops were not under martial law.
You know, mix that in together.
And every few months the same parties come out and say that nukes are going to be set off.
And they always give an exact date.
And what this does is it gets everybody to basically just be so confused by all the fog of propaganda that they never take all the real issues seriously.
And there's a new one out that January 21st or 22nd, Israel or the U.S.
are going to be nuked.
Now, also, a lot of these rumors come from the FBI, the CIA, Mossad, MI6, MI5, because they're always putting up, you know, they'll say very credible reports that terrorists are going to attack next week, you know, they're going to attack Times Square, they're going to attack
New Year's Eve, so we gotta have troops on the streets, and that's used as a way to condition the public.
Everybody's tuned into Times Square, like they're tuned into the Super Bowl, or Kentucky Derby, and there are the troops milling around with machine guns, searching citizens' bags.
And then the terror attack doesn't come.
We'll talk about the psychological warfare aspect when we get back.
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Why does so many big corporations, royal families, robber barons, the wealthy of the world, want world government?
Well, it's real simple.
These people have more money than they could ever, quote, spend.
They control the central banks that issue the currency, the credit, that control world commerce.
It's all about control.
They need to be the government.
They need to have control of government.
And then they can amass even more power and control themselves and play God and make everybody live according to the edicts that they put out.
And throughout history, the worst people, the most cunning, the most vicious, the most deceptive, the most diabolical tend to get into power about 99% of the time.
And I know I talk about that a lot because that's just history and that's just facts.
And it is just a huge insult to anyone who knows history, anyone who has common sense to have the media and the corporate controlled media who openly is owned by the establishment, who've shown themselves to be completely wicked, telling you, no, there's no corruption, we're good and sweet and, you know, we have your best interest at heart, when they clearly don't.
And when we come face to face with something so monstrous, so huge, so diabolical, the average person, because we're not of that ilk, just has trouble dealing with it.
We're like an organism.
You know, let's say we're like a kangaroo in Australia that's been isolated on that island for eons, and then
Another marsupial is introduced that has similar genetics and is carrying a disease and it wipes out half of the kangaroos.
Or in a real case, the Australian rat has almost been completely wiped out by the European brown rat because of the diseases it brought that that particular European rat had immunity to but the indigenous rat in Australia didn't.
Well, it's the same thing to political ideas and political systems.
The United States has had corruption problems, certain key minority groups being abused and used, but in the general system, the Anglo-Saxon system, they would not allow tyranny against their own people.
And it was not as accepted as it has been in other parts of the world and all other cultures.
So for that limited space of time, we had a modicum of liberty and freedom and incredible wealth and ideas and ingenuity was turned loose.
Because you didn't have a tiny, cloistered elite controlling information, controlling technology, being able to suppress populations.
That's why when the Black Plague hit in
1640s or whenever it was, right around that time, and wiped out about half of Europe and much of the elite.
The bureaucracy of the Dark Ages broke down and then local towns and cities were finally able to actually have a little bit of freedom.
I mean, if you tried to build a new windmill, they'd say you were a witch for having a new system and they'd kill you.
Because there'd be one family in the town who was under the nobles' control, who had an old windmill system and they didn't want competition, and so they'd just say you were a warlock because you invented something new and kill you.
Or let's say you studied the moon, you studied the stars, you studied math.
They would just say you were a warlock and kill you or put you on house arrest because they were threatened.
There was a monopoly of serfdom.
And that's the biggest issue of why we don't want to live under tyranny.
A system where you've got to be FCC approved to have a radio show.
And then they politically go after who they don't like.
That's a less extreme model of what you see in the old Soviet Union and China today.
And more and more they're setting that up here in the United States, where they want to come in, shut down, regulate, control the web.
You know, first they say, well, you can't say that there was not a Holocaust.
Or you can't even question the Holocaust.
Now, again, I'm not even wading in on that debate.
I'm saying, they take something that sounds reasonable to the public, and then they set a precedent with that.
And now they're saying in Europe and the US, we need to pass laws that if you deny global warming, you get arrested.
That's being proposed in Congress.
They're passing laws like that in Europe.
And then pretty soon, oh, you can't criticize Israel's attack on Gaza.
That's anti-Semitic.
And so YouTube France has been banning any videos that criticize it.
Well, they want to try to bring those same filtering systems here.
And there's so many examples of these attempts where, you know, take in East Germany or in the Soviet Union, you had to be approved to be a playwright and only limited little plays could be on and the fat cat nobodies, you know, the bureaucrats, the secret police would sit in the front row and demand to have sex with the starlet.
And if she didn't have sex with them, she would never be on the stage again.
You know, that's how all of this works.
Sick nobodies with no talent, other than getting in control of government, ruling over everyone and having their butts kissed.
It's disgusting.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Look out your window, baby.
There's a scene you like to catch.
First transmission, first broadcast of 2009.
Thank you for joining us, January 2nd.
You know, while I'm listening to this song, I'm watching a video clip of Barack Obama on gun control, i.e.
victim disarmament, enslavement of the people.
And the public is finally going back and reading his handwritten notes on bills that he wrote when he was a state senator from Illinois, where he wants absolute, complete, total gun ban of, quote, civilians in this military dictatorship.
And now he's not really backpedaling.
He's saying, well, I mean, I'm not saying we can unilaterally ban all guns right at once, but we've got to have reasonable restrictions.
And he says reasonable is the D.C.
gun ban.
You can own absolutely no firearm of any type in the District of Criminals.
And last night, I mean, I knew he was anti-gun.
I'd read his votes in the U.S.
Senate, in the Illinois Senate.
I had studied Obama, I knew it, but last night for about two hours, I mean I can't stop, all I do is study this information.
I have a huge stack of notes I wrote that I want to go over.
The frustration is there's so much proof and I
I've got six or seven YouTube clips that are all about ten minutes long with all of his flip-flopping and deception and the actual bills he passed or lobbied for.
I've got a video clip of Biden saying that he was shown a YouTube clip during a debate, a lot of you have probably seen it, with the person holding up his semi-automatic M16, his AR-15, saying, you're not going to take my baby, are you?
Governor Richardson says, no, I'm not going to take your baby.
And Biden looks totally shocked and says, yes, you shouldn't be able to own that gun.
You need to have it confiscated and please don't come after me with it.
And he's physically shaken by it because as a bully, as a criminal, as a murderer, as a 9-11 complicit operative with General Mahmoud Ahmed, meeting with him on the day of 9-11.
The money being wired from Mohammed Adda.
All of it.
He starts bragging, he goes, I authored the assault weapons ban.
And he's just, I mean the video, I'm going to play it during the live PrisonPlanet.tv transmission coming up in a couple hours.
He is completely just taken aback and shocked and freaked out by a slave that would hold up his AR-15 on a YouTube clip.
He was one of the CNN YouTube reporters.
And his whole instinct is, this is horrible, we've got a slave that's armed because now we can't have our way with him.
And then Biden implies the guy's going to come after him with the rifle.
But then Biden loves the SWAT teams and armored police and openly saying that they want to use troops against the American people.
And openly saying, well we support reasonable gun control.
And then
They go on to say reasonable is a total gun ban.
They support the Chicago gun ban, and the District of Columbia gun ban, and the New York City gun ban.
Which, of course, then in one of these clips, Obama goes on to say, well, I mean, we've got to have sensible gun control.
Look at Chicago.
Look at my old state senate district.
They have dozens and dozens of murders every week with guns.
As if the guns did it.
Well, absolutely!
Chicago has the highest crime rate in the country on average, year to year.
Sometimes they're second place, sometimes third place.
But on average, it is the most crime-ridden city in the country.
And of course, a mafia-run city.
Not bashed in Chicago.
They're great folks.
I like the people up there.
My cousin lives up there.
They love us on the radio up in Chicago.
We've, over the years, had quite a few affiliates up there.
That's why they identify with this radio show, because they're not stupid.
But the people know.
They've lived under it.
You've got this mafia Don Run City for over a hundred years, where they have disarmed the people, and then every criminal in the nation basically moves up there to the point of it's just war in the streets, because the citizens are quote law-abiding and won't arm themselves.
You know, there's been famous cases, quite a few of them, of people, uh... million mom marchers and others,
I always call it the Hundred Bureaucrat March, because that's normally what it is.
Every time they have them in Austin, it's like a hundred well-known bureaucrats trying to, you know, push disarming their quarry, their would-be prey, the people.
Parasites that know what they're doing is unpopular, knowing that rebellion's in the wind, so they have the instinct to disarm their slaves, their prey.
Just like a bank robber comes into a bank and says, hands up, to the security guard and takes his gun away.
I mean, you know, they're robbing us.
They come in, they say, hands up, give us the gun, so they can have their way.
But uh... there's a lot of famous cases where million mile marchers and others would stick a sign in their yard or on their house saying this is a gun-free zone and then they get robbed because criminals driving around who want to steal your jewelry, steal your computers, steal your silver, you know, whatever it is, they go around looking
And that's why home invasions, depending on which federal or state number you look on, are more than 30 times higher in New York City.
30 times in Chicago!
Everybody gets broken into there.
It's just ongoing, being robbed.
Because they know, 9 times out of 10, when they go in your house, you're not going to be armed.
And so they have home invasions while you're there.
Here in Texas, or Florida, or Arizona, or Vermont, they will wait.
They will watch.
They will case.
They will wait until everybody goes to work.
They will watch.
And then they will go in and rob you.
But that's not how it is in places like Chicago.
Places like New York City.
Because they know they've got disarmed slaves in there that can't defend.
That's just another class of criminal.
You've got the government class of criminal, the more intelligent psychopaths and sociopaths that know how they can get into positions of power and more safely carry out their operations against the public.
And then you've got the on-the-street criminal.
You know, advertising that you're armed, advertising, it's like a porcupine.
Saying, don't tread on me.
And the wolves, the coyotes, leave them alone.
Porcupine's a little creature, but a grizzly bear won't come over and attack it.
It may do it one time, but it learns its lesson, getting those quills in its snout.
I mean, that's why I advertise the fact that right here, I got a .45 Kimber.
To my left and to my right, I got a .357 Magnum.
Because I want it on record.
And other folks in my office have concealed carry.
I want it on record that you come here to do violence, you come here to steal, you die.
It's just that simple.
No ifs, ands, or buts.
You come here to do harm to me, you die.
Or you better believe one of us is going to die.
You pull a gun out, you pull a knife out, you pull a baseball bat out, you come at me, I'm not going to talk to you, I'm not going to say, put hands up, I'm not going to say anything, I'm going to say, talk to the 45 round APC.
Talk to the .357 hollow point.
It's just that simple.
I am not gilded, I am not a slave, I am a free man, and the symbol of that, the ultimate crown of freedom is two things.
Free speech, that I will speak my mind, and the second amendment, I am armed.
I'm just like a porcupine.
Why do you think the revolutionary flag out of South Carolina was a snake?
A rattlesnake and it says don't tread on me.
I got a rattle.
I'm not looking for trouble.
I'm telling you.
I'm telling you.
I'm rattling my tail.
Do not mess with me.
Do not play games with me.
You see that rattle I got up in the air?
I'm letting you know.
And everybody's letting the New World Order know and they can't stand it.
They are so outraged.
You know, on the floor of the House back in the 90s, this was picked up by national television, Sarah Brady got up on the floor, gave her speech, she was an invited speaker, and then turned while the microphone was still on and said, we're only going to have a socialist America once the people are disarmed so we can carry out our operation.
When they say Socialist America, they mean taking all your wealth and everything, your ideas, your labor, and stealing it for themselves.
They know!
You know, they got a bunch of gun control minions who were brought up in cities, never around firearms, scared of them, superstitious of them, in citizens' hands, not in the police hands.
They love that.
They just love bowing down to it.
They've got a bunch of useful idiots that don't know.
But the controllers, the pushers of this, they are predatory, they know.
And the same banks that funded Hitler, the same banks that funded Lenin and Stalin and funded Mao publicly, it's all declassified that the U.S.
government and the British government financed it all.
To do their dirty work.
To kill Christians.
To kill conservatives.
To kill landowners.
To kill the middle class.
They want to do it here.
And make no mistake, that's their instinct, that's their drive, that's their M.O.
And absolutely, ladies and gentlemen, it warms my heart to know that the gun sales haven't slowed.
The all-time record when Obama got elected, it's only intensified.
And he comes out and says, don't worry, I don't want to ban all your guns, just sensible restrictions.
Like Chicago and D.C., total ban.
I mean, you can go, if you know the sheriff or kiss the hind end of the bureaucrats and make $20,000, $30,000 in donations to them, that's come out in New York City, then maybe you get a concealed carry.
And it turned out only Rich Mafia had concealed carry.
Because they can make $20,000, $30,000 donations a year to campaigns.
Sure enough, their concealed carry comes through.
See, first New York, what, 30-40 years ago, turned a right into a privilege, said, you gotta have a permit, but you know, it's only $5, and then, oh, now it's $100, and, oh, now we just don't issue those.
And then suddenly the cops became corrupt, and arrogant, and abusive, and crime exploded.
And you notice, in the L.A.
riots, is the
Inner-city population was burning down the city.
The only areas that didn't get burned were the Korean areas because they didn't care.
They didn't care what the establishment said.
They were going to go up on top of their houses, on top of their businesses, and they were going to defend themselves.
You notice the cops stood back.
They're not going to really put themselves in harm's way when there's a real crisis.
They stood down.
In fact, take New Orleans.
The FEMA jammed the police communications, made them stand down, came in and cut the police communication lines because they wanted to be able to bring troops in and set the precedent.
And then five days later they didn't bring food and water.
The troops commanded by the FBI and big flatbed trucks came in and went into the high and dry areas to loot the homes and steal people's guns and jewels in front of everyone.
And they'd go into those high and dry homes with generators and food and power and they'd sit there and line them up with their hands up and put handcuffs on them and ship them out to the sports dome and confiscate their guns.
And now cops have been caught and the feds have been caught selling those weapons all over the country.
The government is criminal and bankrupt and reprobate, and there's no denying that.
Look, I'm already getting into my rant about the economy.
I haven't even gotten into my rant yet about the economy, and I want to get into that later.
I'm getting into the Second Amendment and playing some of these amazing clips.
So, Israeli Air Force steps up Gaza Strip airstrikes.
Israel is moving more troops up to the border, and basically, well, they're saying they may invade.
It's probable that they're going to invade with, quote, ground incursions.
And then I have this disinfo that's being put out that the US or Israel will be nuked on the 21st or 22nd.
You've got to watch these dates that are put out.
Now I have noticed that the 10 richest billionaires in Israel sold their houses in the last year and left.
Left Tel Aviv, left Jerusalem, so that does say something.
But you can't put a date on it.
And I meant to earlier comment on this,
It came out, what, five years ago.
Ari Fleischer had to admit, while I was press secretary at the time, that the White House was putting out fake terror alerts every time they had a political scandal as a way to get people to rally around them and feel like that they were their saviors and basically cower.
And so the Feds constantly put out, they'll say, very credible, specific threat, you know, there's going to be attacks every holiday, every Christmas, every New Year's, every
Every holiday, when they know people are at home watching TV, they want to dominate everybody's senses.
When people aren't in the rat race, when people aren't not really paying attention, when people aren't reflective, the globalist engineers want to come in and get in everybody's face and say, credible threats on subways and buses and highways and schools, Al-Qaeda is going to hit!
And Dick Cheney, remember right before the 2004 election, came out and said, you know, we will be hit by nukes in U.S.
News & World Report.
It's going to happen!
And then a week later they go, oh, it actually wasn't a substantiated credible report.
Then it turns out they were fake reports.
Well, the same thing.
They said the Army will be out in Times Square and other major cities, but in New York.
So again, they hog all the attention.
Everybody's watching the ball come down.
I forgot to do it.
I was busy researching.
Did somebody tape that?
Because I was told.
I saw it in the news.
In the Associated Press.
I saw photos of it.
Did somebody video that?
Can somebody mail that to us?
Quick, because I want to put a clip of it in the new Obama film.
With the troops all grandstanding.
It's all about them.
It's all about we're in America.
We're your saviors.
Get used to us searching people's bags in Times Square.
Everybody gets searched.
Don't feel bad.
You're all slaves.
Al Qaeda is going to strike.
Just like Mumbai.
Just like India.
They're going to hit.
They're going to hit.
Turns out, of course, they didn't hit.
But it's all part of hogging the spotlight, always encroaching on your psyche at every major event.
Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's, the Super Bowl, the Kentucky Derby, top boxing matches, anywhere they know tens of millions of people are tuned in, NASCAR, they've got a grandstand, they've got to sit in everybody's face,
And flaunt all of this conditioning.
And I told you it was all conditioning for troops to go on the streets nationwide because the government admitted that.
Now they're openly saying, oh yeah, we're going to use the army against the American people during unrest.
It has nothing to do with Al-Qaeda.
But see, they told you it was always about Al-Qaeda, but then they conditioned you at the college, even college football games.
We have video and photos.
It's in martial law.
That made back in 2005.
Searching three-year-olds' purses.
And then it wasn't just football games, then it was BayFest in Alabama.
You know, the whole city center.
Oh, the Army's here!
They're going to search your bags!
So, they're always grandstanding and getting in your face.
Coming up, The Economist, one of the most respected financial publications, says, U.S.
in depression, not recession.
And, yeah, the economy is just...
In the past we put out an application for jobs and get 10 or 15.
We've gotten about 200 for each position.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
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We're here live.
You found it.
The Infowar.
Then I come back with an abbreviated transmission.
Coming up this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
The websites are truthnews.us, jonesreport.com, prisonplanet.tv.
Okay, we got Bob Chapman coming up in about five minutes.
We'll have open phones on the economy, on the police state, on martial law, on what you think's coming up in the next year.
How are the Feds going to stage mass shootings?
Well, like the other cases, it'll be the sons of former top Air Force psychiatrists in mind control programs.
It'll be children that grew up on military bases.
They would have been in psychiatric care.
You know, the schools will stand down.
Half the school won't be there that day, because the insiders will warn all their children.
The police will stand down, be ordered to stand down, while the mass shooting goes on.
So they're going to stage some of those, and I think it's going to be big.
I'm predicting that in the first year of Obama, they're going to stage some big mass shootings.
And it's going to be really obvious, because they're going to want graphic video.
They're going to release the surveillance video of, you know, children having their heads blown off.
You know, it could be in a fast food restaurant, too.
That's one of their favorites.
Or an amusement park.
But, of course, then there's not just the programming, grabbing people, drugging them, shock therapy.
You know, that's all declassified for Mind Control.
Oh, yeah, on record, it's not just Hollywood movies.
Just Google C.I.A.
Mind Control, Dr. Ewing Cameron, or any of those, you'll find it.
The culture itself is under mind control.
Just the violence on television, the culture, the video games, the conditioning, and all the studies show, it destroys the inhibition to taking life, to killing people, to simulate murdering thousands of people every day, playing these shoot-em-up games, to watch all these slasher films.
I mean, the television is a mind control instrument.
The flicker rate is Pentagon
Designed and fine-tuned.
So the culture itself, also the feds stage a few mass shootings, then they advertise it, and then copycats who were always hopped up on serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
They're always on Prozac class of drugs, which they know causes psychopathic breaks.
That was in its own trials in the 80s.
Now on the inserts of all those drugs by law, we push for that.
It's in their mind that that's what they do.
Well, you know, my wife's divorcing me.
She's over there having a Christmas party.
I'm a defense contractor.
It's always defense contractors because they're in a culture of evil.
I'll just dress up like Santa Claus and go in and shoot nine people and burn the place down and kill myself.
See, I don't think that's mind control, direct mind control, though they always seem to be defense related.
That is a copycat, because it's advertised.
I mean, they've done federal studies.
When they started the federal death education, which actually teaches you about suicide and how to commit suicide, very sick.
Again, the schools are re-education camps.
Teachers don't even know this.
They've been more re-educated in their continuing education than anybody else.
They're given a false reason while they do it, when there's a real reason.
And Columbine was the first school in the nation in 1990, according to 2020, because they had deaths and suicides there before the mass shootings.
Record suicides at Columbine because it was a particular military base run brainwashing camp.
They would have the children get in coffins, claustrophobic, teach them how to commit suicide, teach them how to hang themselves.
Like, little girls get depressed and this is how they hang themselves, it's so easy.
Don't ever put it around your neck and tie the rope to the bathroom stall and the little girls think, oh I'm depressed, I'm going into puberty.
I need to commit suicide and then suicide explodes.
And then there's even more suicide education and the suicide even increases.
We've got to put more people on Ritalin and Prozac that makes them commit suicide even more to stop the suicide.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
Well, so does he.
You want answers?
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, into the second hour of this first live transmission since the new year began, 2009.
January 2nd.
Bob Chapman with us for the next 60 minutes.
We're going to go live at PrisonPlanet.tv in the third and fourth hours today.
And I'm going to break down the real gun control agenda starting in the next hour.
Then I've got a bunch of other news I want to go over.
I remember seeing the Baltimore Sun
About seven years ago with a headline concerning DARPA testing towers for mind control.
And it said they were testing different frequencies, different ultrasound to soothe the public during civil unrest and emergencies.
And I've seen patents from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, nothing's been declassified really since then, about DARPA, the folks that brought you the internet and most of the technology you see because they control the major corporations and then they decide what's made public, what's not.
And, you know, so you've got real schizophrenics out there running around thinking, you know, the sun's following them in the sky.
I've had a couple schizophrenics come around going, look, it's following me.
And I'm like, no, that's the sun or the moon.
So you do have nuts out there.
And the media focuses in on those poor folks who've got a chemical imbalance, generally, of heavy metals.
They found mercury and lead leads to a lot of later onset of schizophrenia.
They have systems city-wide, and they admit that these are being tested in U.S.
Singapore was the first to test them that we know of decades ago, to mind control the population.
And I have an article here, this is out of Spectrum Magazine for Tech Insiders, you know, mainline publication, Sound Waves for Brain Waves.
And it goes on to say that researchers at Arizona State University in Tempe have developed a new use to it to control brain activity from the outside of the skull.
Well, I mean, DARPA admits they're working with sound waves that, again, you don't hear.
They're sub-audible or, you know, above the range of hearing.
And I remember how 10 years ago I had the CEO on of a company that was testing it in Tokyo at the time.
Now it's around the country, but people freak out when they hear it.
Where from 50 yards away as you walk in, there's a zone.
They've got an infrared scanner shooting out that recognizes a human, and then it projects into your skull these tones, and then it tells you, drink Coca-Cola.
Delicious, refreshing.
But people thought they were going crazy, so they've discontinued.
Then I'll cover that on air and people say that doesn't exist, you're crazy.
I mean, they won't go look it up, that they have vending machines.
Have you seen Minority Report?
Everything in Minority Report is what they already had years before that film even came out.
I mean, it's not even that accurate to the Philip K. Dick book.
They just kind of took some of his story about the psychic precogs and then kind of interlaced the retina scanners everywhere, you know, speaking to you individually, the billboards as you walk through the subway system.
That's already in place, it's just the Pentagon runs it, they're not really announcing it to you at this time.
You're being tracked, the cameras are hooked in, Chicago's trying to pass a law, so is New York, London's already doing it.
Where by law, all your internal surveillance cameras are business cameras that will be wired into the Feds.
They've got digital photos of everybody that gets a license or ID.
They're tracking you in real time.
That's the secret weapon Bob Woodward's been talking about, where they set up checkpoints around Baghdad, around Fallujah, and make everybody for their food stamps.
Even if you don't want food stamps, you have to do it.
Do a face scan, digital voice print, all that's put on a card.
I videotaped Marines in 99 in Oakland with the role players playing the part of enrolling Americans in the camp database.
Then they're let out of the camp later, some of them those that aren't killed, and then they have their face scanned everywhere they go.
And now they've got satellites that do it, but not a face scan, it's a shadow scan and a gait scan.
You know, your walk, your gait, how you step, an algorithmic system.
They claim it's 100% now.
So I wanted you to know about that, and they do have the towers up, and they are practicing screwing with everybody and playing God.
So I hope you enjoy it, and it's right here in the Mainstream News.
We'll be right back with Bob Chapman.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent, and food and water is the key.
You'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread.
You'll never have to go to the Superdome and beg for FEMA to take care of your family in any emergency.
If you simply prepare.
Our elected representatives wanted a good ol' boy bailout for the special interest.
So they ignored your screams not to do it.
They turned off the telephones and email.
They voted to print 850 billion dollars at least out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities.
Particularly food, beyond many Americans reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany's superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days.
Until it reached over 4 billion marks.
Food prices are skyrocketing so fast, there seems as if there may be no end in sight.
The private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves.
The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
Whatever happens in America, we need to be prepared and be ready.
Everything is zeroing in on food.
One-third of Americans have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities.
My friends, whatever it takes, get prepared, get self-sufficient, get food.
For everybody out there listening, it's very important for you to understand that by having a supply of storable food, the government, the new old order, has a lot less control over you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Before time gets away from me, I wanted to briefly tell the listeners out there that if you really want to wake up your friends, your family, your neighbors, if we're going to have any chance of turning this around, information is key.
And folks didn't want to know about the Private Fellow Reserve, at least a large portion of them, 5, 10, 20 years ago, when so many valiant people like Bob Chapman, been doing this for almost 50 years, we're trying to warn them.
And, you know, he helped put out the book with Gary Allen that sold millions and millions of copies.
None Dare Call a Conspiracy that really finally woke me up when I was a teenager, you know, to the wider world, to the reality.
But now we're in a visual society, and I believe the film people need to see is The Money Masters, How Banks Create the World's Money.
And Thomas Jefferson said, if the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
The issuing and ensuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.
Here's James Madison.
History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance, James Madison.
Now, you tell an FBI agent today, hey, the Federal Reserve is private, they're setting up a world government, here they are in hundreds of publications, mainstream news saying it, the FBI agent will say, you are insane, it doesn't exist, you are a terrorist.
And you can say, but the Founding Fathers fought the same people.
And they'll say, hey, my training manual says they were bad.
And by the way, I'm not joking.
You didn't know the training manuals actually say the Founding Fathers were terrorists and bad?
See, I mean, that's what this giant re-education camp is, is they're teaching the public to be mentally ill, and then those of us that are sane, those of us that
That research how society operates and what the elite is openly saying they're doing and going to do, they've been told we're insane.
Doesn't matter if we tell you three years before they're going to pop the subprime mortgage and bring in world government.
And then it happens.
Doesn't matter if we're right about everything.
Doesn't matter if we're spot on.
They will just say it isn't happening.
Well, to their own peril!
So I hope you'll go to InfoWars.com and get the Money Masters, How Banks Create the World's Money.
It's a three-and-a-half hour film, 1995.
You will have a master's degree in how the Federal Reserve operates, who the New World Order are.
Here's a Woodrow Wilson clip, and then I'm going to Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
I am a most unhappy man.
I have unwittingly ruined my country.
A great industrial nation is controlled
By a system of credit.
Our system of credit is concentrated.
The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men.
We have come to be one of the most worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world.
No longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men, Woodrow Wilson.
And he was hired.
He wrote the book, New World Order, called for world government, was fooled by the Federal Reserve bankers.
Then he went public, started giving speeches, writing letters, and they murdered him, poisoned him.
And his wife later wrote about that and released a lot of his letters.
So, again, The Money Master is available at Infowars.com.
Or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
And don't forget Fabled Enemies.
Man, I was watching this again a few days ago and I'm just amazed that we make films this good.
I mean, this needs to be seen.
The latest, most hard-hitting info on 9-11 being an inside job.
Truth rising.
I mean, everybody's got to see these.
You may be awake, but your neighbors and friends aren't.
And now they see things are coming down.
Now they heard Patriots in the past warn them.
Now they're listening.
The World According to Monsanto, incredible film, with another bonus film on the DVD and a free audio CD, 1995, about what you're really eating.
Just absolutely life and death info.
Again, available at InfoWars.com.
Okay, that said, for the rest of the hour, we've got Bob Chapman with us.
At a time before he retired, the biggest gold and silver private broker in the world.
He also had the largest financial newsletter in the world when he retired.
He's come back in the last decade and has one of the biggest yet again, the internationalforecaster.com.
And I wanted to get him on today about The Economist, one of the most prestigious financial publications saying, US in depression, not recession.
Bob Chapman, great to have you here in the New Year, sir.
Well, thank you very much, Alex.
It's great to be back again.
A little hiatus this week.
And first of all, that is a very important and unusual statement to be coming from The Economist.
I can't quite figure out what they're after here.
They're telling the truth, which is not normal for them, because that publication is Illuminist-controlled.
And so there has to be another agenda here.
Preparing everybody for a depression.
Maybe they want them to know that, in fact, that's where we're headed.
And they want to maintain their moral authority as if they told us, as if they weren't working for the very system that engineered it.
That would give them validity in something that was very well known among people who listen to your program and programs like it.
But the rest of the public doesn't know, so they're going to tell them.
And of course, that's justification, too, for the massive layoffs, the cutbacks in state services, which are being thrust upon them by inadequate preparation, being led down the garden path investment-wise, the freezing up of the municipal bond market,
The over-hiring and over-spending that's been going on in states for a long time, and all of the things that come part and parcel with the downfall of the economy, and that leads us to, you know, where are we headed?
We have a new president, if in fact he takes office, which he probably will, whether he's a citizen or not, and the plan is for a trillion dollars
For domestic stimulus in a number of different areas.
And that'll be select payoffs to certain members of the establishment and different divisions of the economy, so they play ball.
Exactly, and of course the drug and medical profession will be taken well care of with a hundred billion dollars extension into Medicaid, of which is 50 million people on right now, and with the layoffs come
The losing of company benefits, whether your health insurance is paid for by the company, by you and the company, or just by you.
The fact that you've fallen out of the group means you don't have it anymore and then you've got to visit Medicaid.
So it's a domino effect?
The figure could go to 60 or 70 million people pretty easily because you get children involved, etc.
Not just the employee.
And so, uh, that is part of the stimulus package.
And as you say, the stimuli, uh, we'll use the Latin words for that.
The stimuli, uh, will in fact, um, go to, or the largesse will go to, uh, the anointed, uh, uh, people within the elitist system.
To further centralize the entire control grid.
Why do we have the Prime Minister of Canada coming out and saying depression?
I've seen a lot of elite spokesmen and publications now saying depression.
And we go back to 10 weeks ago when the tens of trillions of theft began.
I think?
Well, I think what you have here is a haggling approach, and that is the two steps forward, one step back, etc.
And the two steps forward, of course, is the onrushing depression.
And the one step back would be the stimulus, which is not only coming soon from the new administration, but also the stimulus that's been involved in the figures I put out three months ago of over $10 trillion, when everybody was talking about $50 billion.
And I raised my figure to 12 to 13.
And now it's over 20.
I mean, we don't know where it's going.
And they're just going to throw money at anything.
And that money in the form of monetization, which means it'll get into the system and be inflationary, will start hitting probably in March, April, May.
And I expect there'll be some kind of a rally in the market because of the anticipation of the stimulus package, which is really peanuts compared to what's being spent or created otherwise.
And I think this coming year will be a giant year for gold and silver.
Commodities will recover.
Inflation will be rampant.
And toward the end of the year, perhaps as early as May or June, we'll see a turn down on the market again.
And I think that the lows of just recent time, which were around 7,400 and back in 2003 was 7,268.
I think that'll be broken.
I don't think anything can hold the system down.
Bob, on record you did say a month or so ago when it was down there at 7,000 that it was going to go back up to 9,000 and then you predicted going from memory that it's going to then go down to 4,000, correct?
It could, in stages.
But I mean, you have been saying for several months that you see it in March of next year, even rallying more, but then we'll find out when you believe it's going to implode, and then how you're coming up with a $20 trillion number.
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In the first week of December, the Associated Press, the San Francisco Chronicle, Financial Writers reported that $8.5 trillion had been taken by the private federal reserve and they would not tell anyone where it went.
Lawsuits were filed by Bloomberg and the Feds said no one will be told, not even Congress, as if Congress isn't above the executive.
Yeah, it's not equal powers.
We really study the founding of this nation and even state laws and legislatures.
They create the courts.
They are above the courts.
The executive is the weakest.
But, side issue.
For three plus weeks, we've gotten no new numbers that I know of.
Bob Chapman only focuses really on the financial and reads scores of publications a day.
Bob, you're always conservative.
Where do you come up with a number that $20 trillion has been stolen?
Or, I mean, projecting from what it was, $1 trillion, $300 billion a week, that would have us at about $11.5 to $12 trillion right now.
Are you saying you think it'll go to $20 trillion?
Or are you saying you believe it's already at $20 trillion?
No, my figure right now is projected presently at 12 to 13, and it could go over 20 very easily.
They have to continue to create money and credit, and I suspect what they're doing is they're creating treasury bills.
They're not selling them in the marketplace.
I think that they're using them as collateral.
For companies.
In other words, they've given... Well, they've said that.
They're leveraging it.
Well, yeah, but in what way?
I haven't seen an explanation as to how they're doing that.
No, they're secretive.
I mean, you saw the New York Times two weeks ago where they said, oh, by the way, the Fed's going to issue its own secret bonds that have the same value as Treasury.
Yes, and I suspect that they've gone ahead and done that before they even announced it.
And so the amount of money that is out there in the form of treasuries and loans and the acceptance of rotten collateralization and the creation of money is far beyond what we know.
The estimates I've given you are conservative.
When I said $10 trillion, everybody laughed, and it was $50 or so billion, and of course we're up there already, and they're fighting
An underlying deflation, and they've been doing that for over five years.
And most of the impetus has been done for solving that problem, suppressing the deflationary aspects of the economy by increasing money and credit.
Now, they've lowered the interest rates down to virtually zero to throw in a helping hand.
Of course, that situation is terminal because it can't go any lower.
And so now they've really got to create a lot more paper.
And they're going to do that until the system says to the lender, who supposedly is keeping the system floating, if you may, that we're not going to borrow anymore.
We're just not going to do it.
Okay, Bob.
And when that happens, it'll collapse.
Now, Bob, I got two questions.
From all the evidence I've seen and the inside Bilderberg info and even their public statements, the Financial Times admitting two years ago that they were going to use this to consolidate power, it is engineered.
And they've still shut down liquidity and loans and credit to the public and Main Street, and it appears they're only massing it into themselves while it still has some fiat value.
With people's perception buying up real assets and literally war chesting for war physically with classic tyranny and so they're just buying time to get their system in place.
So A, do you agree that they've engineered it or you're saying that they've lost control?
And then B, you've been saying two to three years for the last year, are you revising it saying it looks like it's accelerating?
No, I don't think it's accelerating.
And they're still in the same mode, trying to do the same thing.
They originally engineered it.
It did get out of their control, because I don't think that they thought they would not be able to get rid of all of the CDOs and SIVs they have, which are bonds containing mortgages.
That's really what they get stuck with.
And they had sold a lot of it, most of it in Europe, and they get stuck with it.
And at the same time, the loans which are within that structure of those bonds have gone down in value because, you know, our average person has a value in his home of $250,000 and owes $310,000.
But a lot of people, you know, millions a month are losing their jobs or getting pay cuts.
I mean, it's a depression for a lot of people out there.
Let's come back and talk about how you see this unfolding.
Then we're going to go to phone calls from Gary, Matt, Barry, Brian, Kim and others.
We're talking to Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster.com.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com.
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Your phone calls are coming up here in just a few minutes with Bob Chapman.
Really appreciate him joining us once a week.
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And then after it grabs it out of the air it goes through
Okay, let's go back to Bob Chapman.
Bob, I've got a lot of questions here, and I know the listeners do as well.
How do you see... I mean, I ask you this every week when you're on, but you always give us different nuanced answers.
How do you... I mean, I see it accelerating.
I mean, this is... I mean, I know you didn't expect to see them all over TV saying we're going into a depression and now have The Economist out saying that.
But I guess as bad as it is now, you're saying in the next two years it's just going to intensify.
What will it physically look like on the streets?
And then that's A. B. and we're going to calls.
How will this equation work?
This isn't some Soviet revolution.
Bolshevik revolution where the people are disarmed and the dirtbag parasites can have their way.
This isn't some Nazi revolution where their disarmament can have their way.
This isn't some Maoist revolution where the people are disarmed.
I mean, you've got 140 million gun owners and higher than that, and millions of them want to start shooting.
I don't want that to happen, folks, but the globalists are going to push.
How is that going to work?
I mean, I see this just
And they've got the cops all hyped up and out of their minds, you know, thinking they're doing a good job bringing in tyranny, revenue generating off the public that can't pay anymore.
So, A, how is this going to unfold?
And B, how do you see it starting and blowing up or not?
Well, the major impetus will be unemployment, and those figures are much higher than what we're being given.
And as we go into this year,
The stimulus package, which they will get as soon as it's put before Congress, probably in late January, that'll start to go into gear probably in March and April.
And that'll put things off for six months, maybe as long as a year.
Often, the respect that those who have laid off will go to work for the federal government in one form or another, either through one of the corporations,
Dealing in the payoff to them from the federal government or the federal government itself.
But once that money runs out, the only alternative they have is to create another trillion dollars to do it again because it's not working.
And I think at that stage, sometime later this year, you're going to start to see demonstrations which I think could become violent.
Please continue breaking that down.
What's the next step after that?
Well, the next step after that is the things that you talk about so well, and that is the police acting on behalf of the federal government, not your local police force, not your state police force or your county.
The orders will come down, this is what you're going to do, and you're going to go out and pick up this list of people.
And I think that will be the beginning.
It'll start off with the threatening, and if you don't keep your mouth shut and stop doing what you're doing, we're going to come and bring charges against you because you're a borderline terrorist.
And of course, those who don't shut up will either have to hide and do what they do under the cover of darkness, or they'll go to an internment camp.
And that's how the thing will evolve.
And once that starts to happen, there'll be a certain segment of the population who will shut up and take orders and do as they're told.
What that segment will be, it'll probably be half of them.
And the other half will become more aggressive, perhaps in challenging government.
If there's not enough food to go around or places to live in, I think people are going to start doing what is normally considered criminal activity.
But that's the next issue.
Again, proving this was premeditated, not just
Two and a half years ago, getting the intel out of Bilderberg that they were going to implode the subprime mortgage by design to cause a global currency crisis, that they would then come in and offer the world government as the solution.
That now is happening.
Openly announcing world government will save you, and the very same banking families have engineered this, and building the FEMA camps the last seven years, now announcing the Army War College coming out and saying, yes, we are prepared to engage the American people.
They're not even saying it's for Al-Qaeda.
They're having to admit to the troops, okay, get ready to go up against the people.
Though they still put out another brand of propaganda, you know, on Times Square and big events.
Oh look, the troops are here to protect you from Al-Qaeda.
But to their own people and in the newspaper.
I mean, I have an article here out of Mainstream News where they're calling for troops on the streets.
And, you know, saying how great all this is out of the Albuquerque newspaper.
Again, my point is, they clearly have been preparing for this for decades.
Is it that they knew their Ponzi scheme would implode, and they would offer the new solution of even greater power?
I mean, any way you cut it, they engineered this.
Well, that's true.
And, you know, all along the way, you can never tell how things are going to go.
That's why, you know, the answer is relatively nebulous.
As you go along,
You know, three months from now, we can have people doing the kind of things I just described.
Or it may take a year and a quarter.
We just don't know.
I mean, we know there's going to be problems.
We know they could get violent.
We know they probably will get violent.
And they may become a revolution.
Well, let's say they try to go pick up 10,000 people in the first wave.
Well, I don't either, and they will do it under the cover of law.
And that means in order to defend yourself and not be dragged off,
Uh, then you're going to have to break the law, whatever that law is, and the law will be whatever they say it is.
And so what it's going to come to is the people who have spoken out against things within government and business, uh, they will try to collect them and the shooting will start.
You know, it's interesting too.
And we always talk about America, but, you know, this is going to happen worldwide.
And I've lived in a lot of countries, and I speak several languages, and I've got to tell you something.
In all of those countries, particularly in Latin America, the people are fairly well armed in those countries, too.
And I think this time around, if this sort of thing is tried to be enforced upon them, they're going to shoot back, too.
Well that's why the United States is giving now over a hundred billion a year to Mexico to get rid of the old-fashioned pot-bellied corrupt cops and have the paramilitary black uniform guys everywhere.
But that's not going to work either when they go home and their own family shoots them.
That's true and you know that they're parading them through the streets on trucks daily in major cities throughout Latin America because of this threat of NACO
I think?
I don't know.
Is it?
Yeah, they don't.
They just don't know.
I have a nephew who just resigned at 50 years old.
Assistant Chief of Police in a fairly major city, because he knows what's coming.
He resigned, huh?
Well, he had 30 years in.
What was the last straw?
That was hard to get from him.
But I think this was at the federalization of the police department.
And also, the person who was appointed above him
He was semi-competent, and he was tired of putting up with it.
But how are they getting the police to, in front of other cop cars, run up on people's hind ends, almost hitting them, and then violently they pull around you, and then they're gonna run into your car, shine spotlights in your eyes, but I'm seeing them do it to other people, not just me.
You know, this happened to myself a few days ago, going home, and I'm seeing, I mean, it's like they've gone crazy!
Well, that's the power that comes, you know, from the federal government, and that's what makes them act that way.
And, of course, you know, you have an ad here on how to make your license plate invisible so that they can't, with their cameras, give you a ticket.
Well, this is a massive, massive money-raising effort.
Tickets have always been that way.
I know most large cities and states look to their
I think?
Don't they understand that the people that control the United States are anti-freedom, anti-U.S., and there's been a private corporate takeover of the society?
15% of the police people know that.
The other 85% do not, nor do they care.
And in fact, in many states, they're hiring people who have had criminal records.
To be policemen.
Oh, I know.
And so, you know, where do you go?
You know, they're as bad as the average person, the 50% of America, who just doesn't get it and probably never will.
No, you're right.
The public itself, a large segment, is just wicked, degenerate, but also delusional.
When they try to screw you or cheat you or do something bad, they'll make up a lie why they did it and why you deserve it.
And they think because they made it up that
I mean, it's mass mental illness, Bob.
Do you get the point I'm making?
It's like craziness.
I spent a lot of time with law enforcement because my wife and I were professional shooters.
And we used to use their facilities very often, so we got to know them very, very well.
And we know all the police signals and things like that many years ago.
And the comment that always sticks with me is that
Well, uh, we're sure that they broke the law sometimes during their lifetime.
So it was justifiable that we picked him up for whatever we picked him up for, whether it was a ticket or a disorderly conduct or whatever it was.
There's always some kind of a justification in their mind for executing the law.
There's no even handedness.
And it's the same thing in Washington today.
There are no laws, they are whatever we say they are.
And you have that same mentality in law enforcement, unfortunately.
And then it grows into, we've got to break the law to beat the bad guys.
And then one morning they wake up, they are the bad guys.
Well, we were taught that when I worked in counterintelligence.
I mean, you know, whatever goes, whatever you've got to do, you do it.
Well, I have a older family member, I'll just say this, who was an army officer.
And he'd been in, I don't know, like 15 years, been in Europe and places.
And then the CIA came and recruited him and said, you're going to be a field operative.
And they said, the first thing you're going to go do, and he won't tell much more of the story.
He told it to my dad, he wouldn't even tell me the story.
I know they did.
I was there.
They didn't recruit me though.
All right, let's hold you five after into the next hour, because I want to take at least five calls from Gary, Matt, Barry, Brian, Kim.
Your call straight ahead.
When we come back, TheInternationalForecaster.com is his website.
You'll get a free trial subscription today.
My website, of course, is PrisonPlanet.TV, and we're going live at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Come back in a few minutes.
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Run sump pumps,
We're good.
We are back live
Let's go ahead and take a call from Gary in Illinois.
Gary, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Gary, you're on the air.
Good, sir, go ahead.
I just had a question for Bob, and then I just wanted to bring two things to your attention.
If I could ask Bob, I'm just wondering, I wanted to get into gold, obviously, now's the time.
The difference between, I mean, I know that some of the coins, like your Eagles and your Sovereigns are .917 pure, and then your Maples are .99.
What's the difference?
I mean, are you getting a better deal with a certain coin because it has more purity?
No, they're all sold on the basis of what they have in them.
And that's all reflected in the price.
So all things are equal, more or less, from coin to coin, because a fifth ounce costs
Less than a quarter ounce.
And so, you buy billion coins, you get billion coins, and the markets, the markups are generally the same.
The markups nowadays have changed.
They're larger because more and more people throughout the world are buying coins.
So, you know, you call Midas at 877-479-8178.
That's 877-479-8178.
And they'll fill you in on the details of that.
Thanks for the plug for the Midas, sir.
Let me simplify it.
You'll have a Krugerrand that, it'll say one ounce, but there's an ounce of gold, but it's actually above an ounce because they add some alloy in there so that it's not soft and doesn't basically deform in circulation.
Whereas some mints will put out, take Mexican coins, Mexican gold, they tend to be way above an ounce, say if it's a one ounce gold coin.
There's an ounce of gold in there, but they even put more alloy in, and so when you get into gold percentages, if it says a fifth of an ounce, it may be above a fifth of an ounce, but there's a fifth of an ounce of gold in there, and then whatever above it is in the alloy.
Correct, Bob?
That's correct.
And that's, again, all reflected in the prices.
They do it by grams.
And so, you know, they're all the same, although some coins have, bullion coins, have larger premiums than others.
And you have to talk to Midas about that, and they'll tell you the differences and what the best prospective buy is for that day.
You know, that offer that Ted gave here on Air Wednesday of gold priced in at $7.70 when it was $8.80 as it is today, that deal is still holding, by the way, throughout the weekend, Ted told me.
So, again, 800-686-2237 on that main deal.
The number Bob gave you, you can also call and get a free hard copy of the newsletter by calling that number as well, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Okay, I want to be able to get these other callers in.
I don't know how long Bob can stay with us.
You had one other point you wanted to make, Gary?
I'm calling from... Are you still there?
Yeah, I'm calling from Naperville, Illinois.
It's like 40 miles out of Chicago.
Supposedly one like the awards for the safest, you know, best cities, economy, housing, and everything.
I was out the other night, and this is just, you know, talking about your police state.
Downtown, there's only a couple bars, like maybe four bars.
And, uh, you know, people were just enjoying themselves.
The cops line up in the middle of the street now.
It's like three squad cars, two SUVs.
And they just sit there with their lights on in the middle of the street.
And they have, uh, dogs.
Two officers had dogs walking up and down the street.
It's acclimating you to military occupation.
They are a paramilitary force, and they're helping the bankers destroy their society.
They have incrementally warped and twisted the police on the dark side.
Bob Chapman, stay there.
We'll come back in 70 seconds.
Go to Matt, Barry, Brian, Kim, and others.
Please stay with us.
We're going live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
A day unlike any other in the long course of American history.
A terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his M.O.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
Some U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
...Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Hello my friends and thank you for joining us in the third and fourth hour today.
We are now simulcasting live at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Not only are we streaming this transmission out of the radio studio live,
Simulcasting on television.
We also archive this for PrisonPlanet.tv members within a few hours of the show for a download.
So again, thank you for joining us.
This is the first live broadcast of the new year.
It is January 2nd, 2009.
We have two hours left spanning out before us.
We've got Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com with us for the next 20 minutes.
So we can finish taking your calls from Matt in the UK, Barry in California, Brian in Canada, Kim in Texas, and others.
Then I'm going to get into all the hubbub about, does Barack Obama want your guns?
The answer is, he's voted for an absolute complete gun ban when he was a state senator in Illinois, and when he was a U.S.
senator, he supported, of course, the absolute gun ban in D.C.
And he calls that reasonable.
And so, he is the most anti-gun member of the Senate, and we're going to play some clips of Joe Biden and others and their sickening statements coming up later in this hour.
But right now, with Bob Chapman, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Matt in the United Kingdom, you're on the air, welcome.
Good afternoon, good evening, sir, and happy gloomy new year from the UK.
And hello, Bob.
My question is for Bob.
You mentioned, obviously, about high unemployment, obviously, in the US.
I don't know if you've obviously read the news on Alex's website.
Basically, we've just lost like 25,000 people from the Woolies Woolworths group.
I don't know if they've got any in the US.
What do you reckon will happen in the UK?
Do you reckon that they'll put out UK troops when the people start to realise and riot?
Let me answer that and then have Bob answer it because I don't want to forget this point.
They have announced in your major newspapers that they do have the British military ready for civil insurrection with the police and the police have been drilling with your military quietly for decades.
Now publicly that's been on British TV and in the British newspaper.
Yes, Woolworths is the international department store chain.
Bob Chapman, your comment.
As you've said, this has been going on for a long time.
The cordon is getting tighter and tighter in the UK.
Unemployment is going up.
The pound is under tremendous stress from failures in the banking system.
I think it's going to get considerably worse.
We cover England and other countries in the international forecast very thoroughly.
And so we have a lot of up-to-date news, and we get letters from people saying, gee, I live in England, and I didn't know that, which makes me feel good.
But England is really in for trouble, and they have no weapons.
They can't fight back.
Some of these goofs even want to keep you from carrying a penknife in your pocket.
Because they say the criminals are now using... No, every week I see a story where people break in, they're raping, they're killing, and if somebody pushes a thief out a window or breaks a vase over their head, the police viciously charge them and send them to prison.
I mean, what a predatory government, where you can't defend yourself, the police can't and won't defend yourself, and they get very upset if a slave even fist-fights back.
They want the message, you're not allowed to defend yourself, and it's an island country,
That's true, and if I was living in England, I would emigrate.
Yeah, I think island nations that don't have a lot of good agriculture because of their northern clines, it is one of the worst places to live, is it not, Bob?
You've got too many things working against you.
And you have a giant immigrant population that's been filled by the establishment with hatred of England, so they can use the immigrant population as a weapon against the indigenous people of Britannia.
Alright, does that answer your question, Brian?
Yeah, thanks so much, and happy new year to you guys.
Yeah, happy new year to you.
Sorry to give you that news.
Stay with us.
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They voted to print $850 billion at least out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities, particularly food, beyond many Americans' reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany's superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days, until it reached over 4 billion marks.
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The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
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For everybody out there listening, it's very important for you to understand that by having a supply of storable food, the government, the new old order, has a lot less control over you.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Yeah, yeah.
Alright folks, we're live at PrisonPlanet.tv on the January 2nd, 2009 edition.
Bob Chapman with us for the rest of this segment.
I want to go to Barry, Brian, Kim, Scott, Ronnie, James and others right now.
Then I'm going to get into a bunch of other news we haven't detailed yet and the situation we face with the disarmament of the American people.
That's what the military has been quietly trained for for decades and we're now hurtling towards that eventuality.
But thank God the people
They have now discovered this, have now found out about it, they know about Barack Obama's voting record, and they are waking up and buying firearms and ammunition and drugs.
The gun culture is being revived like the phoenix out of the ashes, and I think if you have courage out there and get the word out, and if the police and military, at least portions of them, stick with the people, we may be able to avert this.
But regardless, we're going into the future, and it is going to be a rocky time.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brian in Canada.
Brian, you are on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Happy New Year.
How are you?
Happy New Year to you.
Pretty good under Dictator Harper here, all things considered.
That's right, for those that don't know, not only are scores of towns in the United States under 24-hour curfew for the citizens from Arkansas to Oklahoma, to areas in Kentucky, and we played a clip of that on Wednesday for people that didn't believe it from CNN.
Up in Canada, for now a month, the Queen has declared basically political martial law.
Reuters reported that she basically secretly ran the country, and that when Parliament was getting ready to kick Harper out, she just
She just came in and trumped them all with her ace of spades.
Go ahead.
Well, I know that me, for myself, I made the personal decision to parole all of my bills and obligations until the end of January.
What the heck, you know?
I'd like to make some predictions on the coming year.
I noticed going out and trying to procure myself some DVDs and books that up here in Canada it looks like there's some censorship going on.
I had at least two video stores specify to me
They had a phone call where they were requested to have Endgame, your video Alex, sent back.
So I know that things are being taken off the shelf.
They're trying to put us back to sleep.
I know I can let all the info warriors making comments on the internet know that they'll continue to be harassed.
They'll continue to block you and they'll continue to actually try and copy us like somebody tried to do to me this year.
I caught him with my French so I enjoyed that one quite a bit.
But it kind of gave me
a kind of inspiration to when they come on with their comments and say, well, all of you are goofy idiots and none of this matters.
Well, if it didn't matter, you wouldn't have to go and find some Frenchman to try and imitate me.
Well, I appreciate your call.
Let me break that down.
The hardest place for us in the world, not Japan, not Australia, not Germany, not Russia, not Mexico.
My videos ship out to all those places, no problem.
UPS, FedEx, we've jumped through all these hoops.
We mail our stuff in bulk so they can go through customs in Canada.
They'll break it, they'll smash it, they'll mail it back to us.
I've gone through Canadian customs, they knew exactly who I was, interrogated me for 15 hours, screaming at me, telling me I was evil.
And yes, the Canadians have no idea how controlled their society is.
Bob Chapman?
Uh, the last time I was in Canada, I was held for four hours and was sent through the same crap that you did.
And I will never return to that country.
They love it.
I mean, it's like being, when you see some film about 1984, the way Secret Police Act, just laughing at you, I've got you, and I'm sending you to prison, you piece of bleeping garbage, and they're just like, and they just revel in their black uniforms, just laughing at you when you're cornered in there.
I mean, you just can't, and it's going to be like that here in the U.S.
It is so sad, Bob.
It certainly is, and you know, there was no reason for
They just do what they want to do.
You're on the list, and they take particular relish in working on me, because I used to work for the government, and I had a very responsible position.
Yours is different.
You're more outspoken and more circulated than I am.
But they don't forget, anywhere I go in the world, I put up with the same thing.
This is the global government.
Absolutely amazing.
And again, the Canadian people are great folks.
That's why this evil's been able to grow, because they're naive.
They don't know what's happened.
How does the government find this type of scum who just enjoys abusing people and treating good people like crap?
I don't know, but obviously they have no trouble doing so.
I think a lot of them believe in what they're doing, but they don't understand what the problem is.
And when you try to discuss it with them, which I'm sure you did...
They said, you know, we just do what we have to do, what we're told to do.
They don't even say that!
They scream and laugh and say, shut up!
And then demand you answer a question, and when you do, they scream and say, I said shut up!
And then they say, you're going to one of our prisons, we can't wait.
Do you know what we do to you in our prisons?
And they just love the evil!
They love hurting freedom!
And I know why, in-game,
We know that Google.ca, for most people, it says unavailable now.
Also in France, most of my videos are unavailable.
You've still got to go to Google.com to get to the U.S.
A lot of those are blocked worldwide.
Endgame covers the fact that they basically kidnapped me for 15 hours until international media found out.
And so the film starts with them kidnapping me, and so I guess that's why they don't want Endgame up in Canada.
In all probability.
Well, the answer is, folks, get in game, smuggle it in, do whatever you have to, and then make thousands of copies and give it to your whole neighborhood.
Don't let them stop you.
And let folks know, this is a suppressed video.
I mean, use that against them, the fact that it is suppressed, that it is banned, that they don't want you to have it.
You know, we still ship to Canada, but we lose money on it because most of the packages don't make it.
I want listeners in Canada to know that.
And we've done tests.
We've mailed the films from other locations with another business name.
No problem.
They go straight through.
Everything we do is flagged.
And so, you know, we even have a subsidiary company.
We'll change the name to that to try to get through.
And then Canadians can't believe they're living in a country where it's so censored.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kim in Texas.
Kim, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Kim, you must be listening to the radio.
I'm here.
Oh, no.
I'm sorry.
I'm here.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Bob.
Yes, I'm calling you.
I'm from Houston.
And I have a question.
My husband's a truck driver.
And we've been, you know, affected in a lot of ways.
You know, we have our good months and then we have most of the time is bad months.
And I was just wondering, where do you see that industry heading?
Right down the toilet.
Yeah, about over 70% of what we use in America goes by trucks on the road.
And as the economy slows down, you know, less trucking will need to be used to transport goods.
And so I see it in a recession and eventually, like the remainder of the economy,
Yes and on top of that they sold
The truck driving industry first on putting transponders in, companies tracking their trucks.
Now a lot of states are trying to pressure companies and the feds to put that in as part of trusted trader, trusted traveler, especially if you go to these international commerce points that they built, these inland ports and others.
Now what's happening is the state police are getting federal databases.
I agree with that and that's a part of what I call the corporatist fascist state.
The concentration of industry
This is the control.
You see, Walmart is the sharecropper company store.
And that's why, as the economy goes down, they become more wealthy.
Because again, they're not competing fairly.
They have slave labor and slave goods and Chinese currencies devalued so no one can compete.
They have strategic deals with the infrastructure there so no one can compete with it.
And so that's why their profits are way up and everything else is in the toilet.
Then everything else goes bankrupt and all you have left is Walmart.
That's why they're part of the national security
It's terrible.
And it just goes on and on, and we're here to report it, and you people, you've got to know about it, and you've got to get those videos, and you've got to get them out to everybody, so everybody will understand what they're up against.
Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
I want to get you back up next week.
Every week that we're able to have you on and able to stay on the radio is a real blessing from God, and I hope folks will visit your site.
We've got it up on PrisonPlanet.tv screen right now.
Take care, my friend.
Thank you.
Folks, when we tell you, and it's been in the mainstream news, that my websites, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, are censored by government systems, especially overseas, when we tell you that our videos are being censored, when we tell you people are being arrested for passing out my videos in the United States, and give you the news articles where it's in the mainstream press,
With the news reporting like it's no big deal.
It's already here.
I'm just a big fish.
They're afraid to come after me right now because they don't want to startle people.
That's down the road.
This is classical, hardcore, ultra-tyranny.
This is foreign banks hijacking the U.S., looting everything, and they plan to use paramilitary, brainwashed police and military to enforce this.
We have to stand up against it.
We have to ring the alarm bell.
We have to fight this tyranny and have courage.
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Some U.S.
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I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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I'm good.
I was a highway man
I'm just glad that in my little life, the dark side didn't win.
It tried to get me, but I escaped it.
And I'm glad that I'm on the side of good.
I thank God every day that I don't live under the New World Order's deception.
And I've been given great discernment that intensifies every hour.
And I thank God every minute that I have this great sense of mission.
And I know I'm in the right place in my life.
And so I don't fear the great pain that's coming.
I don't fear for my body.
Because I know
That my soul is in the right place.
And is saved forever.
This life is a test.
And before I hated the wicked.
Now I pity them.
Because I realize they're deceived.
And the vast majority of these vampires know not what they do.
But that doesn't mean I don't fight them.
I fight them that much harder.
But I fight them with a clear mind.
So again, thank you for joining us today on PrisonPlanet.tv as we simulcast the radio show.
I'll continue with your phone calls later in the hour, but right now, I want to get into victim disarmament.
The enslavement of the people.
The final linchpin in the physical and financial domination of the United States and the Western world.
The final piece of the equation that the enemy has failed miserably in accomplishing.
But they are continuing with their operation despite that.
You know, I have seven different clips and
We have these directly from the newscast, but I'm going to play clips of them from YouTube so that you know where you can go find them according to their title.
The establishment counts on the public being ignorant.
They count on the public not knowing the facts so they can be deceived.
The media says it's a wild rumor that Obama wants your guns.
When he has the worst voting record in the Illinois State Senate and in the Federal Senate.
And boy, that is quite a record with Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer.
He has lobbied for the DC gun ban, total gun ban, for the Chicago gun ban.
He didn't just lobby, he helped write legislation to do it that is public, even the handwritten legislation that was then put into legislation is public, and it's in these clips that we have.
But the first clip I want to play is Joe Biden.
First, it's Governor Richards being asked, and it's a YouTube reporter for CNN during the debates months ago, the Democratic vice presidential debates, and they are
Showing a citizen saying, well here's my baby, here's my AR-15, you're not going to try to take it, are you?
And when they cut to Biden, he goes, you're crazy, you're nuts, you're mentally ill, you don't deserve to have a gun.
See, it's mentally ill for Biden, for a citizen, to have a semi-automatic rifle with a scary stock.
But the SWAT teams, the police, the military on the streets, where we really should be afraid of guns, in the hands of government historically, that's a good thing.
So we'll play this clip, come back and comment on it, here it is.
Good evening, America.
My name is Jared Townsend from Clio, Michigan.
To all the candidates, tell me your position on gun control, as myself and other Americans really want to know if our babies are safe.
This is my baby, purchased under the 1994 gun ban.
Please tell me your views.
Thank you.
Governor Richardson, you have one of the highest NRA ratings.
The issue here, I believe, is instant background checks.
Nobody who has a criminal background or is mentally ill should be able to get a weapon.
That is the key.
And that includes gun sales.
That includes gun sales.
Alright, stop right there.
Stop right there.
We gotta break.
We're gonna come back and go to Biden.
Now see, Richardson sounds more reasonable there, but he's not.
It's that instant registration for confiscation they've done in every country.
Now, when we come back, we're going to go to Biden, who just is shocked and amazed by a slave off the plantation.
He's like somebody in the 1860s who would see a Native American with a rifle.
That would have been scary.
A slave?
Somebody I want to exterminate?
With a gun?
You know, get that gun out of that engine's hand.
You know, get that gun out of that black man's hand.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I hurt myself today
You know, when you don't care about others, you blind yourself.
But when you do care about the universe around you, when you do realize you're connected to everything, the universe opens up to you.
And that's what this broadcast is all about.
It's about
Truly living and being informed.
You know, they say it's good when the military has weapons and uses them against people.
Unarmed civilians.
They say it's good when the police taser people when they die.
They say it's good when they wear black masks and beat their batons on their armor to intimidate the public.
They say it's good when the police have been caught in Canada, in England, in Greece, in Australia.
In Denver this year, Denver Post headlined the police attacked their own police officers so they could show the news cameras protesters attacking police so they could attack the crowds.
They just caught them in Greece, dressed up, bashing out windows, attacking cars, so they could show it on the news saying, look, the protesters are attacking people's cars, when the protesters were really attacking government buildings.
To try to swing the rest of the public in behind the criminal government that's literally grabbing all the infrastructure and handing it over to foreign banks.
Why would the police all over the world want to stage terror attacks?
That's what these provocateur attacks are, to demonize the public.
Don't those officers know they're destroying their society?
Well, no, their argument is, with military tactics, because the police have never militarized, just like the Army Field Manual states, it's been declassified, we've got to stage terror attacks, we've got to, you know, break trash cans, break windows, attack cars, the next step is staging larger terror attacks.
See, that's how the mindset begins.
They'll knock out a window, why not blow up a building?
To blame it on their political enemies.
We've got to fight dirty to win this fight.
Now, I say all that in the context of, oh, we're safe when the police have machine guns, but we're not safe when the citizens have firearms.
And then they try to spin it and say, well, we don't want people with fully auto.
Well, number one is somebody who's pretty good with a rifle and a handgun.
Let me just tell you, you don't want semi-auto.
I mean, you don't want full auto unless you were in a machine gun nest with hundreds of troops charging you and you have a larger, heavy machine gun.
That's what that's for.
What troops use in real combat generally, especially if they're trained properly, is the single tap or three round burst.
And I've found with a three round burst that it's not even as accurate as single fire.
I mean, you can drive tacks with single fire with a three-round burst.
Your first round's going to be good, but there's going to be some pull on the rifle, even if you're a master marksman with a three-burst.
Back in the day when I was a real gun aficionado, you know, I've talked about how we go to these big gun training seminars, mainly police items, so I had a chance to, you know, shoot quite a few fully automatics, and also shooting with others that have the special tax tag for fully auto, and I just don't like fully auto.
But the point is, the media knows the public's ignorant, so they use that, and then they claim, oh, look at all these thousands of different types of, you know, rifles worldwide made, let's ban them because they look like a fully auto.
So this guy shows his semi-auto 223.
It's got a scope on it.
How scary a slave.
The first gun laws were against black Americans in this country.
You know, we can't have blacks being armed because they need to be able to lynch them and abuse them and take their property and keep them in their place.
Slaves in Rome couldn't be armed.
It all boils down to Nazi Germany.
The citizenry couldn't be armed.
Tyranny always disarms the population.
Tyrants always disarm the population.
And they claim it's for the children and your safety.
They know where they have gun restrictions.
They have higher crime rates.
They know more guns, less crime.
They know people being armed is what this country was founded about.
The Revolutionary War started in 1775 because of gun confiscation.
And now the public's on to him.
Now you see major polls, whereas about half the public was for gun control a decade ago, now 70 plus percent are against it.
So they know they're losing the fight, so they're trying to come in and brainwash the public.
Now, look at how scared Joseph Biden is, and how he's taken back and freaked out by a slave with a rifle, and he says the guy's mentally ill, and
He's a CNN correspondent for YouTube.
The guy's mentally ill and that he needs to have his gun confiscated.
Here it is.
Senator Biden, are you going to be able to keep his baby safe?
I tell you what, if that's his baby, he needs help.
I think he just made an admission against self-interest.
I don't know that he's mentally qualified to own that gun.
I'm being serious.
Look, this idea, we go around talking about people who own... I'm the guy that originally wrote the assault weapons ban that became law and then we got defeated, then Barbara, excuse me, then Dianne Feinstein went to town on it and did a great job.
Look, we should be working with law enforcement right now to make sure that we protect people against
People who are not capable of knowing what to do with a gun because they're either mentally imbalanced and or because they have a criminal record.
Look at this guy.
Look at this guy.
Back it up.
I mean look at how threatened he is.
I mean, he is so upset.
And the White House has these questionnaires now for anybody working anywhere in the executive branch, even out to the White House.
Do you own a firearm?
Do you believe in the Second Amendment?
And if they say yes, they're not being hired.
It's okay to have the Secret Service guarding them with guns.
It's okay for Biden to want to use the U.S.
Army on the streets of America, and the Army openly admits that they're going to be waging war on the American people.
They say, we're preparing to engage the public.
See, they trained you to accept this police statement in the name of fighting Al-Qaeda, and then now they're baiting and switching going, there's blonde-haired blue Al-Qaeda everywhere, there's gun owners, there's militias, we've got to take their guns.
And then we have Barack Obama's real gun record.
And we're going to go over some of that now.
Let's analyze a little clip of this ABC news piece.
Dealing with the record gun sales.
And this is a month old.
The gun sales are only accelerating now.
And Obama's now coming out and saying, well, I'm for the Second Amendment under Chicago and D.C.
laws, which means total ban.
He says, we have a right to reasonably restrict them, which means totally ban them.
Because this is a criminal.
This is a thug.
He works for the elite, and his job is to disarm the slaves.
Just like blacks couldn't own guns 150 years ago in this nation.
First gun laws.
Just like Native Americans.
I mean, if Senator Biden was some army general out in South Dakota, riding down and killing Native Americans, you know, they'd get freaked out.
We got Indians with guns!
We got free people with guns!
They could defend themselves!
They don't want to go to the reservations.
They don't want to be disarmed.
They don't want to be domesticated.
They don't want to be given poison blankets.
They don't want their inoculations.
That's the modern system.
So, oh my gosh, you know, a black with a gun, a Native American with a gun.
It's the same thing, but we're all slaves now.
So let's go ahead and go to this clip.
Glenn Parshall runs a gun store in Las Vegas.
He says his customers aren't willing to pay for the gun.
See, and that's what it is.
I've had these cowardly gun dealers for years.
When I walk in an Austin gun shop, no matter what gun shop it is, they'll say, Alex, I'm tired of you on the radios.
I heard you, number one, saying that Bush was for the assault weapons ban, when he wasn't.
And then there's always one clerk who goes, no Bob, he was for it.
You know, because they're in denial.
And the next they'll say, well, I hear you say it's gun registration to fill out the NICS.
That scares off customers.
Then they go buy them from private sellers.
And I'm like, well, if you got together as gun owners, instead of having the Judas Code NRA pose like they're your savior, but then always sell you out, you could get together as gun dealers and repeal these unconstitutional laws.
It is a registration.
They internally call the NICS system that.
Now they want to put misdemeanors on it.
And they know, long rifle, shotgun or handgun, they know what you've got, where you live, where you're at.
It is an application.
It's turning a right into a privilege.
And I have people in Texas come up to me, who've lived there all their lives, and go, Alex, how do I get a gun?
How do I get a license to own one?
See, they give you a concealed carry, and then people think you have to have a license to have a gun, period.
That's how it started in New York.
There's no license.
We need Vermont-style, where they say it's the Second Amendment.
But see, under Anglo-Saxon common law,
Under common law in Texas and everywhere else, you can have a shotgun, you can walk around with a handgun on your side, but the police will violate common law and swarm you, taser you, attack you.
People try to take their rifle out, put it in the back seat of their car to go deer hunting.
Cops show up because the neighbor sees a gun.
They're watching sitcoms, they're watching the news, they're being conditioned that guns are illegal when they're not.
And police will even ask you in Texas, you got a permit for that?
There is no permit!
A permit is a license to do something that would be illegal.
It's a permission.
Now, under the common law, in states that still follow it, I can carry a rifle publicly, or a handgun.
You understand?
This is all lawyer tricks.
But, under common law, you cannot carry concealed weapons.
So, they come out with state laws to carry a concealed weapon.
Under common law, you do need a license because that's illegal.
You bear your arms openly as a freeman.
That way it's an armed culture.
Everybody accepts it.
But see, first they make us treat it like it's pornography or something.
We put it in a black bag.
We hide it.
We're ashamed of it.
See, now the moral authority is against it.
And they trick you into going and getting a concealed carry when it turns a right into a privilege.
Instead of just demanding your right to carry a firearm.
See how they play these legalese tricks?
So, uh, but
Notice this guy also says, yeah, it's Obama people coming in and buying guns.
I've talked to a lot of gun dealers saying that's happening even here in Texas.
And this is happening.
Because they all got on the hype bandwagon and now they found out he really is for gun bans and so they're even panicking.
See, that's all part of the hype.
McCain was anti-gun too.
It didn't matter.
Don't think I'm for McCain here.
They're both controlled.
The point is, we're in trouble.
Let's go back to the clip.
...to gamble their guns on Obama, even if they voted for him.
One of the strangest things that I've had happen the past few weeks was I've had a lot of people coming in here wearing Obama buttons and Obama t-shirts in here to buy guns.
They tell me they're in here to buy them before he bans them.
What's that telling you about it?
The run on guns comes despite the president-elect's assurances he will protect the right to bear arms.
The NRA has a different position.
Notice he says the NRA.
It's never about the Second Amendment.
It's never about the people.
You know, every time they're having warrantless wiretaps, they say the ACLU doesn't like it.
And that's a politicized organization that a lot of people don't like for other stances.
See, they're minimizing you down to a subgroup.
The NRA.
The NRA was founded after the feds won the Civil War.
to arm paramilitary groups in the north to come in and carpetbag in the south.
The NRA was founded as a gun control group.
That's a fact.
I've had Larry Pratt on it.
Read those documents.
They're the ones that got the Gun Control Act passed in 33.
They are the ones that lobbied for the 68 Gun Control Act.
You walk in one of these ignorant gun shop places and you tell them that, Get out of here!
You think they could have got our guns and passed any gun control laws if the globalists didn't control
Our major group.
The NRA is controlled.
Does that mean their whole board's controlled?
They get a good board member occasionally and they'll always run them out.
You understand?
You understand?
Now, we've got clip after clip of Obama saying, well, if it's reasonable.
But again, he calls reasonable total gun ban.
Let's go back to the just tyrant.
I mean, he wants to disarm you.
100% of the time in history, that means they want to abuse you and dominate you and slave you.
I mean, they know why they're doing it.
Nothing to do with the little kiddies and keeping them safe.
Here it is.
If we allow even the smallest concession that somehow
Guns are going to be taken away from everybody.
If you subscribe to that view, then you're not going to agree with me.
If, on the other hand, you're a gun owner here in South Dakota who uses your gun to hunt or to protect your family, and does so in a lawful way, then you have nothing to worry about from me.
But many gun owners remember something Obama said before.
They get in this real calm, soothing, I mean this guy's programming, everything's alright, but if you're reasonable, if you're a South Dakotan, he's talking to that group of people like, if you're part of this tribe, if you're a reasonable South Dakotan, whatever group he's talking to, like you, because you're a South Dakotan, you're special.
He's hitting neuro-linguistic programming, he's using tribal programs, local programming.
I mean, it's all multi-faceted, very deceptive.
Then we have all these clips of him going, well, if you think we should just take all the guns at once, unilaterally, that may not be constitutional, but we're going to take a lot of them, you know.
I've got that clip.
I mean, this guy passed bills and tried to pass bills to take all your guns, okay?
He did that when he was in Illinois.
He is a piece of filth.
Here it is.
And, uh, does so in a lawful way.
Then you have nothing to worry about for me.
But many gun owners remember something Obama said before that.
People have been beaten down so long.
And they feel so betrayed by government.
It's not surprising then that they get things they claim to guns or religion.
The National Rifle Association has done its best to scare gun owners about Obama.
Stop right there.
They've done their best to scare?
Yeah, so they can look like they're the group you can trust, so they can get your millions of dollars a year in contributions, and then go Judas Goat and sell you out.
I mean, this ABC News piece isn't showing you all the bills he actually authored, word for word, with bill numbers.
We're going to show that to you coming up.
Here it is.
What Barack Obama called America's 80 million gun owners.
Don't tell me words don't matter!
Gun owners have their own word for Barack Obama.
Obama voted four times to deny citizens the right of self-protection, even in their home.
Look at his voting record.
Not his words.
Don't listen to his words.
Look at his actions.
Look at his voting record.
And if he had the ability, he'd take everything away.
I guarantee it.
I promise you, man, I'm not going to shout it out.
If he had the ability.
The only reason he doesn't is because people stand up to him and stop him to some degree.
But he's going to have, with a democratic, you know, Congress and everything, he's going to be able to push through whatever he wants to now.
He says he doesn't want to take them away.
You're lying through his teeth.
Look at his voting record.
Don't listen to his words, look at his actions.
That's all I have to say about that.
Barack Obama doesn't believe that the citizens have the right to own a handgun, period.
He wants them only for law enforcement and for the military.
That's right.
We're going to come back, folks, with his real record.
Now, again, but they're telling you, oh, we don't want your guns, but we do want to ban them.
I mean, he is for total gun ban.
He has supported and voted and pushed for that.
We're going to come back with the facts.
Stay with us.
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Federal agents!
The United Nations on July 7th
We are armed!
2001 had a UNIDIR, United Nations Small Arms Disarmament Summit in New York City and many times I read off the official UN website their agenda and they stated that civilian ownership of firearms threatens, in their words, the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Power monopoly of the state.
Only the government, which is illegitimate and doesn't do what the people want or what's constitutional, that only exists for foreign banks to use it as a suction proboscis to suck our economy dry.
That's why tyrannical governments want your guns, want your weapons.
For thousands of years it's always the same.
Because it threatens their power monopoly.
Their power monopoly.
They want a power monopoly.
They don't want you to have a check and balance against them.
And now, openly,
I've had multiple Congressmen on.
Senator Inhofe, we've played the audio.
They were threatened with martial law.
They didn't pass the bailout.
The bailout was a total martial law for Wall Street.
Wall Street took over the government, ladies and gentlemen.
Congress has no authority now.
Over eight and a half trillion have been stolen.
And we haven't even gotten the new numbers in three weeks.
I'm sure it's far worse now.
So, here is Obama's real record.
This is a TV ad that ran during the election, and you can go pull up all these bill numbers, all of it, and this is 110% accurate.
In fact, it's far worse than even this.
And Bush didn't triple the size of the BATF for nothing.
This has all been planned, all staged.
Let's go ahead and go to that next clip.
Here it is.
The right to bear arms is one of the fundamental ideals on which our nation was founded.
Hard-working, law-abiding Americans have for generations enjoyed this freedom in their communities and with their families.
But Barack Obama believes that many Americans simply cling to guns in times of economic distress.
Speaking behind closed doors to an audience of San Francisco donors, Barack Obama said they cling to guns or religion as a way to explain their frustrations.
Obama's anti-gun record is long.
In 2004, he voted against legislation drafted to protect homeowners from prosecution in cases where they used a firearm to halt a home invasion.
In 2003, he voted in support of legislation that would have effectively banned most of the privately held hunting shotguns, target rifles, and black powder rifles in Illinois.
And in 1996, Obama supported a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of handguns.
But now, Obama's running for president, and claims no knowledge of this, even though his handwriting is all over it.
Look, he's not out of touch.
He knows he's got a job to disarm the people.
And no matter what administration it is.
They are going to continue to push gun control.
They're going to continue to try to disarm the people.
It's not gun control.
See, that's Orwellian gun control.
You want to control your gun, don't you?
Like guns are out of control.
No, it's criminals and criminal government out of control.
And this is how the 1775-1776 war started.
We're going to end this show, come back, finish up with the gun control.
We've got another guest coming up who's fighting attacks on free speech.
They're also attacking the First Amendment.
Both parties controlled by foreign interest.
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We'll be right back with the next hour.
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Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I've been going over Barack Obama, who supported the D.C.
gun ban, supports the Chicago total victim disarmament there in the crime capital of the United States.
Absolutely outrageous!
And then they have the nerve to deny what they're doing.
They've been attacking importers, using regulations to shut them down, just as Bush did.
They're raiding a record number of gun stores.
They're going after gun shows.
Obama, I have more clips here, is now saying he does want to shut down private sale of guns.
That means if you want to sell a rifle to your cousin, your neighbor,
Your son?
You get SWAT team, you go to prison.
You go to the gun show to sell somebody a rifle or handgun?
That's shut down.
Then everything has to be a registered transfer to even if you give your grandson a .22 rifle when he's 10 years old.
They even want to start registering and making you do a background check for BB guns.
Many cities are banning pellet guns and BB guns are restricting them.
England's trying to do the same thing.
And in England they prosecute you.
In Canada they prosecute you if you defend yourself.
Now we're seeing some U.S.
cities prosecute people that try to defend themselves.
I mean, this is just absolutely outrageous.
That all of this is going on.
Earlier in the week, we had Robert Wannick on.
He's the 14-year-old high school student who's been, had police called on him for talking about the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They've told him he's not allowed to tell people 9-11's an inside job, that there's no free speech, they have cameras in the school classrooms and the halls.
Many schools have cameras now in the bathrooms.
Same thing in England.
This total grid where the schools literally are government re-education camps.
Where they literally brainwash you and teach you about the New World Order.
He's also, of course, his textbook they have in his high school that they use all over the country.
One of the major publishers teaches them that world government's good, New World Order's good.
And if he raises his hand and says, I don't want world government, they come to him and say, it doesn't say New World Order.
It doesn't exist.
Now, people go, that sounds crazy.
If you study Soviet re-education camps, if you study Nazi re-education camps, if you study Pol Pot,
They would do the same thing.
They act crazy.
They say you're nuts.
They will say something, we need world government, and then say, but it doesn't exist.
And this is part of just a mass mental illness of just confusing people.
It's part of reprogramming.
And it gets into sophisticated psychology and they just teach the teachers who were just taught to do this in the principles to just regurgitate it.
They're just programmed themselves and don't realize what they're part of.
Also zero tolerance where over-the-counter cough drops that have no type of drug in them.
This girl that got in trouble and kicked out of school and the police are looking and arresting her in Florida.
Last time I checked, there wasn't even menthol in the hauls.
It was a honey hauls.
In the candy section.
She gave it to some friends, they said, you're a drug dealer.
Again, sounds crazy, sounds ridiculous.
Again, and they always proudly say, zero tolerance for our children's safety.
It's about unreasonableness being honored.
Unreasonableness, you know, setting the precedent to do ridiculous things so they can do more and more wild things.
It's like the cases where they'll take somebody into the hospital after a car wreck and say, we're going to take, you know, we want a urine sample to see if you're on drugs.
The person will say, I can't urinate.
They'll walk a cop in, taser them over and over again until they answer the question.
Or you'll have some robberies in Arkansas or Oklahoma or Kentucky.
They'll just say, we have 24 hour a day curfews now, checkpoints, everyone, you're only allowed to go to work, we stop you and make sure you're only going to work.
I mean, this is happening in America, and the Feds are the ones pushing it, and we warned you all these years that they were going to put troops on the streets, they were going to use them against the American people, and now they are actually announcing it and doing it, and they're baiting and switching.
They're still saying it's for Al-Qaeda, but also for the American people.
But see, it was really always for the American people.
Al-Syeidah was their creation.
And so, this is what we face as a society today.
So, in closing, as I got cut off a bit there at the last hour,
We got cut off from the network in Minnesota, but our backup kicked in, so we lost about five seconds, I'm told.
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It turns the radio show into a TV show.
I'm going to be converting in the last two hours every day to an earpiece, not headphones.
I keep meaning to tell you guys to order me an earpiece, because we're going to pretty much go TV here in the last two hours every day.
So I don't look like Princess Leia on the air here.
We're out of time, ladies and gentlemen, for this segment.
Coming up, we're going to talk about free speech, the Second Amendment, and a lot more.
We're good to go.
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A day unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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Some U.S.
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I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we are live.
I had him on a few days ago, but I want to have him up for most of an hour today, because he's got video of the police coming to the school brainwashing him, police threatening to arrest him for saying he has constitutional rights.
They're allowed to wear t-shirts with messages in their yearbook, but he said 9-11 was an inside job, so they photoshopped it out.
The textbook says world government's good, new world order's taking over America, but then when he says that he doesn't like that and it's not a good idea, they tell him that doesn't exist.
Folks, I don't think you realize just how controlled the public schools are.
They train the children on a title on their parents.
Going back over 15 years, they have federal grants in schools all over the nation, where they have BATF local sheriff's deputies that are given a grant to be BATF officers, auxiliary officers in the schools.
They have the children.
Starting in sixth and seventh grade, in most areas, writing dossiers on their parents.
I show those documents from Tennessee and South Carolina in my film, Police State 2 The Takeover, where it says that they write dossiers on their parents.
It's a six-month or single-semester course.
I guess three-month, four-month course in the school.
All of this.
And this is classical tyranny.
Having 24 hour a day curfews is classical tyranny.
Having the media announce they're going to use troops on the streets is classical tyranny.
Having cameras going up everywhere is classical tyranny.
Having face scanning systems going in everywhere is tyranny.
All these states and the UK but also in the US saying we're going to put satellite tracker boxes in your car and tax you down the road and track everywhere you go and by the way we're dialing in
And listening to you over your cell phone, even when it's turned off.
And by the way, your digital cable boxes watch what you watch and track everything you do.
And that's reported back to the government, your TiVo system.
And by the way, Google is using the microphones built in computers and video cameras to watch you and listen to you with AI keyword software to keep dossiers on you.
Google announces this and the public just goes, oh really?
Or, oh I don't believe that.
This is a mega Orwellville.
It's just all around us, but we still have our Second Amendment, we still have our First Amendment, but they're trying to attack those right now.
Did you guys find that clip with Robert Wannick where he's talking about how they blacked out his shirt?
This has been quite a saga.
Let's play a few minutes of that, then we'll go to him, then we'll go back through everything else that's happened to him in this camp.
It's a re-education camp.
And for those that doubt me, in Texas, in Michigan, all over the country we've seen these reports, but I've been to these drills.
They will, unannounced, come into a school, announce that terrorists are attacking, they will lock the children in their rooms, and this is in the elementary, sometimes for eight hours, they make them urinate and defecate in trash cans.
Don't believe me?
Just Google, police made children defecate, or use bathroom in trash cans.
You'll see that all over the country.
And the cops always go, well it was part of the federal grant, it'd be secret.
And the children aren't fed to also freak them out and give them low blood sugar.
They'll also have the elementary students, this has been going on for a decade, we've got footage of it.
The first place we saw it was Missouri, right on the Kansas border.
They would, in one town, load the elementary students at gunpoint with their hands behind their heads on buses and take them to a local FEMA center without telling the parents.
This is part of learned helplessness.
Training children that when men in black uniforms come, you just lay down.
You just fall down.
I had one lady on.
It was in the Minneapolis St.
Paul newspaper a few years ago.
I heard her lawyer on.
They came unannounced to the school, even.
Only the administrators knew.
Went into the portable buildings, told the teachers, we're gonna kill you.
Took them out in the woods with the children.
People fell over, they defecated on themselves.
This was in the news.
They had nervous breakdowns and the cops were like, what's wrong?
In the case of Michigan, all over the state.
This was in the Associated Press four years ago.
Google this.
School shooting drill, Michigan.
School... I'm trying to go back to the exact headline.
From the AP, it was all over the news.
Police drill at School, Michigan.
Now, the main one that comes up is, there's been three cases where the cops shoot themselves in the drills in Michigan, but I don't want those.
For some reason, those got more visits, so those articles went to the top last time I checked.
I want the one, and we do this on air so folks can learn how to find this stuff we're talking about, so this isn't just me up here saying it.
They show up in elementary schools, they blow up a bus, set it on fire in front of everybody.
They've done this in Belton, too.
I caught them up.
They had troops, U.S.
Army, walk over and say, turn your cameras off with Marines.
That's in Road to Tyranny in 2000.
That's when we shot the footage that's in Road to Tyranny.
And they get the children out.
They don't know what's going on.
They throw fake blood on them.
They tell them, you're going to die.
And the police scream, I'm a militia.
I don't like public school.
I'm a militia.
I don't like you not liking my Second Amendment.
I'm going to kill you.
For life, those children are going to hate guns.
They're going to hate the Second Amendment.
They're going to hate militias.
And the name of the terror group they have in Michigan, they do this all over the country, that attacks the children, is Homeschoolers Against Public Education.
Now, the police play the part to demonize homeschoolers.
And they run around screaming, throwing fake blood on children, blowing things up in the parking lot.
They have little kids come out.
All of a sudden, vehicles jump up, men in uniforms jump out screaming, We're militias!
We're against public schools!
We're homeschoolers!
We're going to kill you!
And the children just go into catatonic freakouts.
I mean, this is in the news!
This is hardcore re-education camp!
I mean, this is what they do in re-education camps.
But see, now they're turning all of America into a re-education camp.
It's a re-education camp for thousands of times, from California to New York to Florida to Texas, where they say, we're giving you $100 gift certificates if you come turn in your guns.
And it's always an old grandpa whose daughter, you know, he's going to the nursing home, because they polled the women, it's always 80% women out there, and they're handing in $5,000 carved shotguns made in England, they're handing in, you know, having no idea how much money they could have made, just a loan to the police
And some people bring in old, cheap guns and get the $100 gift certificate, and then the image is put on the news of illegal guns being turned in, and it creates the image, the acclamation of seeing everybody turning their guns in.
And then the police always get caught.
I've seen thousands of cases in the news over the 15 years I've been studying, 13 years on air.
We always hear about cops selling.
I've seen this.
I mean, there's thousands of cases of cops selling guns that were seized or guns that were turned in.
You can Google that.
Were you able to find a clip?
Well, I know that's the video clip, but were you able to find the Google about the particular one where they were telling the children they were going to kill them and that they were homeschoolers?
We're homeschoolers.
We're here to kill you.
Again, to demonize homeschooling.
This is hardcore mind control.
But let's go ahead and play a clip of Robert Wannick where he's talking about how they restricted him from being able to engage in the First Amendment.
I'm going to talk about something that recently happened in school.
Here it is.
Approximately 3 p.m., dismissals at 318.
3 p.m., I was assisting a student who had been assaulted by another student, uh, with an object thrown at him, and I was talking to him, and the teacher comes over and says, shut up.
Say one more thing, you're out.
And did you just see what happened to them?
And I said, this is America.
This is not a dictatorship.
She said, leave.
So I left.
I sat down in the office.
Ten minutes until school gets out.
I said, what am I being written up for?
I'm told to leave.
Then, you know what?
I'm going to get riled up.
So then they say, Robert, you're going to have to be quiet.
Why do I have to be quiet?
Be quiet!
Why do I have to be quiet?
Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up and go in that room!
What a disrespectful kid.
Bad kid.
All right, that's enough.
That's another clip where they then call the police on him for mentioning the Constitution.
That's enough.
We'll get him to tell us that story himself.
The clip I wanted to play was where the 9-11 truth t-shirt
One of the first clips he did, but let's just go ahead and go to him, and we'll play that clip a little bit later in the show.
Robert, good to have you back with us.
Yeah, glad to be back on, Alex.
You bet.
Look, recap everything that's happened to you at this re-education camp, known as a public school, a federalization brainwashing center, social engineering center.
I mean, just basically all the things that have happened.
A brief synopsis of the saga, then we'll go through them all here.
Well, last year when I was a freshman at my high school, um, everything went fine, and I wasn't a 9-11 truther, and I wasn't into this New World Order.
And then I went to science class.
I was told that we were going to learn about the physics of 9-11.
They then played a hit piece movie basically saying that
You know, the fire was hot enough to completely melt the steel, and that it was structural failure.
Which, by the way, they admit that it didn't melt the steel now.
No, Nixon falls back on this.
Yeah, that was an older lie.
So you were given an older version of the Ministry of Truth.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and then that's how I became a 9-11 truther.
So then, when I became big in 9-11 truth in school and started passing out flyers and DVDs, this is when I became public enemy number one.
The principal told my parents that he had a red flag up for me, and that he was going to be watching me very closely.
Because, just because I was standing up for 9-11 Truth.
We got one that can see!
You know, from, uh, They Live With The Sunglasses.
They're like, got one that can see.
Go ahead.
And, so then, later on in the school year, we were just in geography class, and had a substitute teacher, when two students began arguing.
One student then flew- er, one student then threw an agenda book, which is a pretty... It's kind of a small item, but it's still a book.
It's got binding on it.
Threw it and hit another kid in the crotch.
The kid then proceeded to fall down.
About five minutes later, it happened again.
Struck in the crotch again.
This happened a total of three times.
That's when I was sitting right next to the incident watching a movie, when I just started holding a conversation with the injured kid.
I was told to shut up.
Instead of retaliating against the teacher,
I just tried to tell her, this kid has been assaulted, I'm just talking.
She didn't want to hear it because we got that red flag up for the 9-11 truther in the school.
That's right, that's how a re-education camp works.
Those that don't play ball and team up with the jail guards, they get picked on, they get ostracized, they don't get as much food, they get tortured, and they're slowly, ambiently turning up the heat until many schools are full-bore prison re-education camps.
Alright, so you're in the re-education camp.
It was exactly.
I don't care about the assault.
I don't want to listen to you.
You are non-conformist.
You don't comply with hating your rights.
So, you just leave.
So, I complied and I left the room.
Alright, stay there.
Stay there.
You're now turned over to camp guards.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
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May I have everybody's attention, please?
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Alright, let's go back to sophomore student Robert Wonick in a federal re-education camp in Minnesota.
By the way, you think I'm joking, Judge Jean Meir, the family court judge that has a building named after her while she's a sitting judge, giant sprawling youth complex, when the children are late to class, they're going after the good kids, they trick the parents into portable buildings that are supposed courts, none of their rights are told, no jury, no nothing, and they scream at them, this is on the news, they're proud of it, sign the form!
Admit you're on probation for truancy when being late to class wasn't truancy under state law.
They've been sued over it.
They don't care.
Then the children are now on probation.
Now, for no reason, they can get deeper in the system.
This is all about institutionalizing.
Getting you on Ritalin, Prozac, getting you on welfare.
When you get your child, they advertise like it's for everybody.
The Head Start program, they have it in all the Western countries under Secure Start, Safe Start, Head Start.
You get three CPS visits a year.
You're actually then listed as a ward of the state and incompetent because you're taking government money.
This is the total... You understand, folks, I'm not lying.
You can pull up these articles.
Mainstream news, where they say it's good that they unannounced come in with guns and do drills and terrorize children.
And training them to be helpless.
Training them to go to FEMA camps.
Alright, so continue.
Assaults are allowed, everything's allowed in the FEMA camp because that child believes 9-11 is an Al-Qaeda job.
You, on the other hand, have been told you're being watched.
You're told, get out of the class because you reported the assault on the student.
Please continue.
So then I comply, not being disrespectful, I just comply and I'm told to go to the main office.
Keep in mind that this is 3 p.m.
and school gets out at 3.18, so there's only 18 minutes left of school.
They then go on and they're kind of taunting me saying, oh, you got a detention now, and I said, for what?
And they go, well, how about for disrespect?
And I said, disrespect?
I was just talking and I wasn't listened to.
And then they said, you know what, you're gonna have to be quiet, and I said,
If you can please state why I'm getting a detention, then I'll be quiet.
Then, that really made them mad.
They sent me into a solitary confinement type of room.
A room with, um, three or four chairs, one middle table, and this is what they do, they give kids in-school suspension if they speak out, and if you go- if you miss a detention for any reason, even if it's legitimate, if you can't go to an after-school detention, you get sat,
For the whole eight hours of the school day in the solitary confinement room.
Well, that's why in the Soviet Union they had 12-hour class days, admittedly, to break up the family and get full government control.
Now we're moving to a 10-hour, 12-hour work day.
They tell the children, they tell the parents, keep your children in school.
We'll take care of them.
We have after-school programs.
Again, making that the center of the community.
Now, continue.
The police came.
As I was in the solitary confinement room, they just kept going on, saying that, you know, he's a bad kid.
He's disrespectful, just talking to themselves.
Trying to get you to speak up so they can go after you.
So then I said, I'd like an opportunity to defend myself.
You can't talk.
I mean, why would you talk in an indoctrination camp?
And then I said, you know what the First Amendment is?
I have free speech too.
There they go.
How dare you have a kid that knows his rights?
By the way, a California court ruled three months ago that parents do not have their children and that the state is in control of all children in California.
And of course, it's totally criminal they're not, but go ahead.
Yeah, they were really on edge after I mentioned my rights.
And then they said, well, we'll just call law enforcement.
Keep in mind, this was when there was about 10 minutes left in the school day.
Listen, they're arresting parents in Houston if their children don't finish their homework.
Doesn't matter if it's on... It's all just made up.
Go ahead.
And then, the bell rings at 318.
I said, you know what?
No police there.
I'm leaving.
A school official tried to physically stop me.
He blocks the door and says, it'd be in your best interest to stay.
I said, I know my rights.
I didn't violate rules.
Using the First Amendment's not a rule.
Or not against the rules, even though you'd like it to be.
I tried to leave.
I got right by the exit door when a police officer came down the hallway.
She goes, come to the office right now.
And I said, I don't consent to any conversation with you.
She said, you don't have to.
I'll just handcuff you.
I said, for what?
Tampering with an investigation.
So I went to the office with her.
They detained me.
All my parents.
They didn't call my parents in any way.
They just detained me and a friend had to go tell my parents who were sitting outside that I was in there.
After a little conversation about my rights.
Oh, that's another scam!
They like to detain the children and then if parents don't pick their children up within 15 minutes with small children, they then CPS them, claiming that they endangered the child or were negligent, that they neglected them.
Please continue.
Yeah, they thought my parents were going to side with them.
And, you know, say, hey, this kid's disrespectful.
He's out of line.
You got to punish him.
My parents basically said, no way.
You're acting fascist.
You can't take away students' rights.
And we're proud of our son for standing up for free speech.
And you called the police state in.
My son's not going to let you usher in the police state.
And we just left.
We walked out of there.
Now, I want to hear about some of the other things that have happened since then, and how they're horning in on you now, and how we can counter-strike at the enemy operation, peacefully, with the First Amendment.
We need to have you and a few of your friends get together.
We need to send you a couple hundred of DVDs of mine to hand out to everybody at the school.
It's your First Amendment right.
You're not in a FEMA camp.
We're on the march.
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We're gonna go back to Robert Warnock here in just a moment.
But what I'm gonna do is... I'm gonna mail 100 copies.
100 copies of Truth Rising.
The preeminent 9-11 film out there showing the activists, the police in New York coming up and saying, your cameras are guns and grabbing them.
And then saying we're going to charge you for having guns and bombs for standing out front Larry Silverstein's new Building 7 and laying out the fact that it was blown up at an inside job.
We have firefighters, police, emergency workers on tape saying the government blew it up.
We have Silverstein saying they blew it up.
I mean that's just five minutes of the two-hour film, but that's the perfect film.
100 copies.
Robert, we're going to go back to you in a minute.
I'm going to
I'm going to get your address.
I'm going to mail you 100 copies of these.
And it is your First Amendment right.
Or what you can also do, if they try to violate your First Amendment, it's a gift.
You're giving a gift.
I know they've told you not to hand stuff out before.
You've told us, saying it's political speech.
Well, of course it's political speech.
It's not campaigning.
But now they isolate with these campaign laws.
Miss, uh, appointing, misusing that, because there's no specific law on you, uh, you know, giving out any material.
You say no First Amendment, or if you want, we're gonna go back to you in a minute, I just want to make this point.
If you want, what you do is, you start a student organization.
And then they try to stop you there, you get a major lawsuit.
And I'd call it Students for Free Speech, in the name of your school.
And then they can't stop you from meeting after school.
They can't stop you from meeting in the library, or meeting somewhere else.
They'll probably try to send provocateurs in.
And then you can hand out those films, or you can get ten of your friends to hand out ten apiece.
And then even videotape, you know, handing those out.
Or you can tell everybody, meet me out in the corner, off the school property.
Because that's even better, then they'll come and stop that, and it'll illustrate who they are.
In America, you know, something out of the Soviet Union, give them the 100 copies, but keep a few copies, buy a DVD burner, and burn copies of Truth Rising, and then that way it can be endless.
And then get together with 10, 20 of your friends, recruit more people to where it's not just you having to pay to make copies of them, and then give everybody in the school a Truth Rising and explain to them that the government camp is going, we're rebelling with the First Amendment inside the camp.
That you're not going to go along with that.
Now, before we go back to him, I want to tell the listeners out there, we can't give people 100 DVDs without support.
I'm going to send you 100 9-11-was-an-inside-job bumper stickers, and I'm going to peacefully give people those in America.
And I'm going to send you a hundred Truth Rising DVDs.
So we'll go back to you here in just a moment.
I would ask the listeners to support us to go to Infowars.com and buy Truth Rising, buy Endgame, buy Terror Storm, a history of government-sponsored terrorism.
I also, I'm putting you on the spot, but check it during a break if you can, give us the address for the school, the government training camp known as a school, the Federalization Center, the Brainwashing Center, so people can peacefully mail nice letters to the school with copies of my films or other films and material.
That way, we can saturate the administration, who probably aren't evil people.
They've been conditioned that this tyranny is okay.
They've been conditioned that citizens speaking out and being involved is a bad thing.
And for those that are doubting this, it's illegal under the federally written guidelines that schools have adopted and states have adopted, that when you're late to class three times in Austin, Texas, they arrest you.
They tell you're under arrest.
They come pull you out of school.
They have your parents come down.
They bring you to a little courtroom in the schools.
This is all over the country.
Most schools have it.
Most school districts.
And they tell you, OK, you have got truancy.
You're a criminal.
You're going to go to jail if you don't sign this.
In a free country, they don't say, you're going to jail if you don't sign this.
Because the truth is, they couldn't send you to jail for being late to class.
They're, again, twisting the truancy law, which is 14 unexcused absences in a semester in Texas.
They call it the
Absent student assistance program in Austin.
We sued them 10 years ago and they had to back off for a while.
This would be where the whole family has the flu.
This happened to Mike Hanson.
They're all sick on their backs in their beds.
Mike Hanson, then, you know, knock, knock, knock.
Within two hours of his children not being at school, instead of just calling and saying, where are your children?
Or a note, or asking for a note the next day, now they're there, banging.
And they come to the door with the flu, and the cop goes, let me in, let me in.
You know, you're a child's truant.
And he's like, what?
And then they called more police, and then we went down and made a big deal out of it and found out they were stealing people's kids everywhere and they had to back off a bit.
The point is, it's lawless.
Just like schools.
Remember the Maryland case last year?
It was on the news.
Police dogs, 2,000 children outside a courthouse being injected.
The judge out there saying it's the law, you have to take vaccinations.
The people crying saying, I don't want them.
I hear they're bad for me.
There was no law.
I have the state
prosecutor on from from and he was based in Prince George County and he said I don't vaccinate my kids yeah you're right it was no law yeah you're right we're using truancy laws see they say oh you haven't vaccinated so you can't be in school and then when they kick you out of school for not being vaccinated they've made you truant then they charge you a truancy when there's no law you had to have the shot and they have to give you a waiver if you ask for it so see it's all color of law crime it's very very corrupt very very wicked
And you can't make this type of stuff up, so we're going to go back to Robert here in just one moment, and I'm going to take calls specifically for our guests.
So give me a new list, please, John of Minnesota, of callers that specifically want to talk to the guest.
I'm sorry to the others that are holding from earlier, but we'll take all your calls.
The point is, I figure you want to hear a few comments directly, or what's happening in your child's school, or if you're a young person.
I kind of need to clear the phone lines so young people can call in with their own stories briefly.
We could do hours on this.
But before I go back to our guest, I want to tell folks about MySolarBackup.com.
The website's MySolarBackup.com.
There's big banners up on InfoWars.com and PresidentBarnett.com.
A lot of things can cut off your electrical power.
Hurricane, snow, ice, storms.
Listeners should move towards getting off the grid or being self-sufficient.
Here's a good way to do that.
A solar power generator is now available from our longtime sponsor, Solutions from Science.
It's designed to provide 1,800 watts of power on demand in the event of any disaster or outage.
You get an emergency power backup kit which consists of the PowerSource 1800 power plant and high efficiency solar panel designed to provide endless electricity.
So folks, I hope you check them out at MySolarBackup.com or 877-327-0365.
A great unit.
And on top of that...
Please go to Infowars.com.
Please get Endgame, get Terror Storm, get Truth Rising, Fabled Enemies.
The establishment doesn't want people to see these.
This is hurting them badly.
The power of giving people in this visual society, visual learners, these films.
These are hard-hitting, compelling, exciting, well done.
These are the best films out there.
People need to see them.
And if you have my films and you've seen them but you haven't made copies, make copies or give the copies you got to people.
Spread this information.
People are ready to hear and listen like never before.
Now, Robert Wannick,
Again, it's your First Amendment right.
We're standing behind you.
You need to do this in a professional manner, which you've been doing, but understand you are in danger.
I mean, they will try to trump stuff up, at least in past experience with other schools, so I would be very professional, very calm about all this.
I would officially start your own student group.
See, now that we have the students on our side, I can get other students to hand these out.
We can hand these out to all the students.
They will willingly take them and watch them.
All these students follow my YouTube channel.
I've gotten compliments from the principal's son on some of my videos.
And these DVDs will be a hit in the school.
These bumper stickers will go all over.
They'll circulate like complete madness.
Even people that aren't big in 9-11 Truth will get involved just because
They already dislike the school and they're already sick of the tyranny.
That's the beauty of resistance!
It's exciting, it's fun, it's historical.
Just, you know what I would call your group, the Sons of Liberty.
And they already, they already, they already like, they already dislike what's going on to them at school.
This gives them one more reason to, you know,
Kind of question the official story.
They question the local police.
And now they question their government.
They see the big picture.
And they see that it's actually happening at local levels, like the school.
But they know that it trickles on up to the federal government.
Just beautiful what you're doing.
And again, they act like we're evil, we're crazy because we want to speak out.
I wouldn't speak out in class.
I wouldn't interrupt.
I'd speak out at lunch.
I'd speak out, you know, in between classes.
I would
And see, they understand counterculture.
So MTV says, oh, have purple hair.
I'm not saying purple hair is bad.
Last week I said, you know, people are in their own niche.
Cowboy hats, you know, golf outfits, purple mohawks, blue mohawks.
I'm not, I don't care about cowboy hats or purple mohawks.
However your style is, that's great.
But people make that style, hip-hop outfits, suits and ties, whatever, they make that who they are.
Instead of what their psyches are.
And so I'm saying be liberty lovers, be freedom fighters, and realize that if we just take action, we've got right on our side, history on our side, this New World Order can't stand if more people do what Robert Warnock and others are doing.
So, fantastic.
Also, during the next break, give us your address.
I'm going to mail you a hundred DVDs and a hundred bumper stickers, maybe even more.
I just got to watch it or we'll be out of business here pretty quick because our expenses are mounting and the economy's imploding, but it doesn't matter.
Now's the time to fight like never before because this is all imploding.
I want to take some phone calls for you, but anything else, Robert, you want to add about what's happened to you?
I mean, what's happened since?
You've stood up, you've bucked the system, and now you... the same thing happened.
Eight years ago in Louisiana, World Net Daily broke the story.
It was in local news as well.
And I remember having the students on.
They made them wear ID badges around their necks.
And the students learned that they could read the barcodes.
Because barcodes, certain fatnesses, you know, are certain numbers.
So people learned that they could read their social security number.
And so the students said, take the social security number off.
And they said no, end school suspension for asking questions.
He refused, then I think it was ten students refused, then half the students refused, they tried to kick the first students out of school, the whole school had to pull the IDs out.
The slave badge numbers.
So we can do the same thing over and over again on other issues.
Do they make you wear IDs?
No, they don't make you wear IDs.
But they do have cameras, right?
One thing, yes.
Cameras all over the school.
Cameras on the ceiling, cameras in the gym, cameras right outside the bathrooms.
You see when you're going in the bathroom, when you're coming out.
Every hallway, all over the place.
Even though we are a civil school, and I'd like to mention something quick.
Yesterday, I made a trailer for a film idea I have called Education or Indoctrination.
It's gotten 40,000 hits in one day.
I'm asking students to mail or to send any activism videos at your school or out in public, 9-11 Truth or Fighting the Indoctrination, whatever.
Any pictures or videos you have, handing out DVDs or flyers, send them to 911bloggeratlive.com and I'm going to compile them and I'm going to make a video of the youth fighting back.
And again, folks, it isn't just Robert Warnock.
It isn't just Alex Jones.
Notice, Robert Warnock isn't infighting.
He isn't attacking certain groups.
He isn't obsessing on one point.
He is standing up for liberty and freedom, which everybody agrees with, and he's having huge success.
Take enough respect, and hundreds of other YouTube channels getting millions and millions of views, and Robert is close to getting a million.
I know you've got some videos with 90,000 people that have watched, 100,000 have watched, 50,000 have watched, one day 40,000 have watched.
That's why they're moving to shut down YouTube for free speech.
That's why Congress is having hearings about us and 9-11 Truth.
I mean, putting Richard Gage on the screen saying these are terrorists.
I mean, this is on C-SPAN.
Because they know we're on to them.
They know, we know they did the attacks.
They're criminals.
They've stolen $8.5 trillion.
They've openly threatened Congress with martial law.
Bloomberg Financial reported the War Powers Act has been declared against Congress, and they've been told the Federal Reserve now owns America!
This is a criminal fraud.
If we just say no to the fraud, it will fall!
But if we let the establishment and their suits and ties and their little outfits act official and sell this on us, they'll get away with it and be able to put troops on the streets and be able to keep killing people with the tasers and continue to put people in FEMA camps and get people in the system and ship their narcotics in to then break down our society.
We have to defeat this, we have to fight it, and I salute you, Robert Wannick.
Absolutely, this is just fantastic.
You can also send those videos to the Alex Jones Channel.
We're now working with the guy that started that up on YouTube with...
I think it's like 100,000 subscribers now or something.
Just insane.
One of the biggest YouTube channels out there now.
We hope that people will send those there as well or edit them, put them on your own YouTube channel.
We'll link to them.
Just get, your video doesn't have to be perfect, just get it out.
Ronnie in Texas, you're on the air with a 21st century 14 year old Paul Revere.
Thank you, I want to applaud Mr.
Sorry about my voice.
It's shot because I spent New Year's Eve shouting 9-11 as an inside job, wearing my 9-11 inside job t-shirt in front of the cops.
And I know cops aren't... Austin cops are not all angels, but I'll tell you, the ones who worked New Year's Eve on 6th Street, they protected me.
They protected me against this crazy Marine who was shouting at me and calling me names, and who hates the Army and the Navy.
I was trying to tell them about Ron Paul being an Air Force veteran for five years.
He was putting down the airport.
I mean, these guys, like you said, he knows not what he's doing.
All these groups are so hateful.
The Army hates the Marines.
The Marines hate the Army.
It's just all tribalism.
And so I just wanted to share that little story with you about 6th Street.
It's crazy, yeah.
It was really happening, and one little tiny thing was Jennifer Gale.
I know you say you don't pay attention to the local news, but here's a local hero who
For years she's been doing more than her share of political activity, going to all the city council meetings.
I got to know her at the Travis County Commissioner's Court meetings that I go to all the time now.
She was born a man, lived as a woman, and was actually homeless.
She fought all kinds of battles for you and me, for all of us, for the good of everybody to have a better life here.
I don't think so.
I don't ignore the local stuff.
I've said I can't keep track of the international and national, and so I'm criticized, because people criticize anything who don't take action in life, for not being at more local stuff.
But then if I go to local stuff, I get criticized, like why is he here taking over the local stuff?
You know, and so that's not what I'm saying, that's not what I'm doing.
You got a lot of folks that have moved into town who then, their business is to attack me and lie about me as a side issue, I believe as an operation, because they know Austin's a core of resistance, and so I just ignore all of that.
You know, folks, I'm under attack because I stand up for you.
When I lose freedom, you lose freedom.
When you lose freedom, I lose freedom.
When bad stuff happens to you, I feel like it's happening to me, because I know we're all interconnected.
Let's jam in another phone call.
Let's talk to James in Mass.
James, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Welcome from the frozen north again.
I called up originally to talk to Bob about the gold sales.
Apparently some places are
Mostly shipping outside the U.S.
I don't know what that's all about.
Maybe I'll address it later on.
As far as the water kid goes, kid, you got guts.
I'm glad to see you're doing what you're doing.
I hope there's a lot more like you if you're suffering from a
Congenital disease.
I hope it's infectious and you pass it around.
No, exactly.
Liberty is infectious.
We're the winners.
We are the future.
We're going to win.
But specifically, so I'm going to skip this break for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers because we're almost out of time.
I want to take more calls.
But let me answer this during the PrisonPlanet.tv behind the scenes for viewers.
Specifically, what are you asking about gold international shipments?
I don't understand the question.
I'm on the Kikko site now.
I hit that at least once a day to see what crude and everything is.
They have a sell price page and all their small denomination coins are for shipment outside the U.S.
If you want to buy gold, you've got to buy a large amount.
You know, so we're congruent here.
I'm going to answer his question when we come back to the full audience.
Right now, we're just on the internet.
Streams at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'll come back and answer that gold comment when we come back in the final full segment with the Aminefim affiliates.
Michael in Idaho, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Again, Michael, we're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing?
I want to thank that young man for all his hard work.
I'll tell you right now, we need more of them.
You know, and I'm an armorer here in Idaho and stuff, and I remember way back when I was in high school and how they worked back then in Kansas, and I'll tell you right now that things do stay the same.
But I might want to make a suggestion for him.
Start a little...
Well, I've mentored a lot of young men in the service, and our youth is our future.
And I'll tell you right now that if we don't get a hold of our youth,
We lose.
Our youth are falling apart because they don't have real missions.
They don't understand their destiny and how important they are.
They aren't given the proper responsibilities early enough.
We're told to be a bunch of fools and so we never mature.
If somebody doesn't become a man by the time they're about 14 or 15, they probably never will.
The key is becoming a man early.
And for the outside study groups, we do street actions.
We have youth here that do street actions.
I'm part of Minnesota Change, and if you're from Minnesota,
That's right.
That they're teaching us are completely saturated with propaganda.
And that we won't watch TV and just be mesmerized.
Going back to the armorer, what did you think of the breakdown of Barack Obama?
I mean, he is admittedly for gun bans, we have his votes, and then he twists it and says, well, I just want to be reasonable.
I'll tell you right now that within the body of all the dealers that I know and within the military, and the men I know within the military, they see his bull.
And the sad thing of it is, one of the biggest statements from the soldiers I know, especially from the Special Forces, is that they would never fire upon their own people, and they support the Second Amendment.
And Barack Obama is illegitimate in their eyes.
Well, that's why they're trying to recruit foreigners, and the biggest recruiting stations are in Manila, and in Eastern Europe, and in Mexico City.
Do you think that's going to get their game?
Because here's the deal.
Here, here, let's go back to the full audience.
Let's go back to the full audience.
Alright, we're talking to Michael in Idaho.
Here we go.
I may have to go into overdrive here, ladies and gentlemen.
I may have to continue the transmission.
Let's just do five minutes into the next hour.
Alright, is that cool?
Because I've got to go to a meeting in a minute.
Michael in Idaho is an armorer, and I've got some family, one of them's an armorer, but talking to folks,
And he's saying the special forces are saying they know it's New World Order, they know it's illegitimate, they're not going after the American people.
And I mentioned, that's why the biggest army recruiting centers are in Mexico City, Manila, Philippines, and in Eastern Europe, places like Ukraine.
I mean, they really are bringing in foreign troops, but in the military itself.
And I saw a mainstream news article today, I never got to,
This is out of the Army Times, 2008 Army Times poll, wary about Obama, and it says the troops don't like Obama and don't trust him.
So that just seconds what you were just saying.
Go ahead and finish up.
There is one thing I would like to mention.
When Ron Paul was running, when they had the massive donations and stuff around this time last year, they cut off their communications so they could not use their credit cards.
And they were ticked.
They were putting Ron Paul all over their tanks and everything else in disrespect to their superiors.
That was going on all over the place.
Because their superiors, their superiors are bought and paid for by the New World Order.
This is not our government.
These are illegitimate foreign corporate raiders that have seized control of the executive.
Are the special forces, I know a lot of them are, I'm asking you, aware that martial law has been declared over Congress and the War Powers Act has been implemented?
Yes, they are.
And one of the things that they have to keep their mouth kind of quiet, and it's internal infiltration.
They're telling them what they want to hear.
They know a storm's coming, and I can tell you right now that they're not going to get their game.
Let one foreign troop or any act of aggression to the citizen body of the United States, and there's going to be gear taken.
I can tell you that.
Well, that's why they're going to fully implode the economy when the rioting and starving gets so bad that then, you know, I'll be at home with rioters wishing the army was there, then the army comes in, does a good job, and sets the precedent that army can be on the streets, then the real tyranny begins.
Do they understand that?
Well, they do understand that, but you know, they also understand this game.
Look, I'm a vet of the Cold War.
I was out in South America, and I watched the same game go on.
Okay, and a lot of these other guys that are old or salt know what's going on.
And they're not going to get to that point, I don't think.
They're going to do something stupid.
And it's just a waiting game, as I see it.
The only thing that I hear is that a lot of the guys feel really... Cracking beers open and we're sitting around talking and they feel a little... I don't know how to say it.
They feel a little disappointed in the American people thinking that
They would never do those kind of things to the system bodies.
Well, because the police are different.
The police have been trained in amongst us so long.
Wait a minute on that.
I know a lot of police officers.
Now, you've got a lot of police officers playing the same game.
Now, every area is different.
If I was in Atlanta, Georgia, they're done.
But areas like here in Idaho, and other places in Arizona, and even in your area, there's good cops.
They're watching and waiting.
I know that, but the leadership's evil.
I appreciate your call.
Robert Wannick, will you do T-minus eight minutes?
We'll go eight minutes into the next hour and that's it.
That way we can join the rebroadcast.
We covered a lot of key info today.
Robert, you'll do that with us?
We're gonna go eight minutes into the next hour.
James and Mason and people hung up.
Give me the number.
Give me the toll-free number for folks to call in on our phone system so James and Mason and Melody and Bob and Les can get in.
Okay, we're going to give you this number real fast here, right at the end, so you can call in.
Rebroadcast will start after we're done with the overdrive.
We're still going to be live when this ends, only on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'll be back live on Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Please support us financially by buying the books and videos at InfoWars.com, plus they're waking people up.
And I'll give you the phone number to call as the transmission ends.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
I'm going to just go ahead and do five minutes here.
I don't even know if they can punch this up.
With Robert Wannick.
I'm going to go ahead and finish up with Robert and take a few final calls right now, okay?
Well, they've got to dial up the next show, Catherine.
I did this kind of last minute here.
I didn't have a chance to get his mailing address.
Okay, well I'm going to put you on hold right now, and then we're going to call Robert Warnick back right now ourselves.
I am his number to my control room.
Okay, I'll do that right now.
And then get his phone number.
Thank you.
Oh, it never ends.
You guys got to be ready to jump to retransmission after I finish up with this.
This is crazy TV, folks.
We can basically do it however we want here, but I got stuck with that longer phone call dealing with the troops and the military.
This isn't a drill or a game.
Most countries get taken over by their militaries and police, being controlled by a corrupt group, generally offshore corporations.
Offshore corporations come in, they buy off governments, they get control, they loot the nations.
And that is happening again right now.
So let me give everybody listening on the internet, and specifically Les, Bob, a lot of them are probably listening on AMNFM so they can't, Mason, Melody,
We're going to give you that number that's up on screen.
It's 888-201-2244.
Because the majority of people aren't PrisonPlanet.TV members, they can't see that number on screen.
So, 888-201-2244.
And I'll take three or four of those calls that we're patiently holding.
And I've got a meeting I've got to be to at, let me see, I think it's 3.30.
That's about 20 minutes away.
Let me look.
A little card here for the meeting.
We're also interviewing a bunch of folks here.
Oh my goodness, what time is that?
Oh, the meeting is at four o'clock.
Looks like retransmission will be going a little bit longer than I thought today.
Oh my goodness.
We'll get Robert Wannick here on the line because I want to give him a good send-off and say bye to him.
Okay, well let's go ahead and bring him
Well, you just told me you had him.
Robert Wannick, it is good to have you back on with us.
What did you think of that interview we just did?
I thought it was pretty good.
Pretty wild.
It went pretty good.
Before I take a few final calls here with you, anything else you wanted to add?
Any other points you didn't have a chance to make?
Well, just like on the part where you're saying they're going to make their
They're final stupid move and then people are going to retaliate.
That might be a little too late for the Last Caller.
That's why we need to educate the fellow man now with Terror Storm and all these other DVDs.
That way, when Barack Obama comes for our guns, he's not taking them.
And we can't wait for them to make that final move.
Everybody needs to be awake, and we need to get them awake now.
Well, everybody knows it's an illegitimate foreign banker government.
They now admit it's world government.
We run the banks.
We're going to create a new global currency where each of your currencies is controlled by us.
You'll pay carbon taxes to us.
And I mean, I just can't believe this is really happening.
And so many government people
And, you know, that caller was saying that most of the cops and military are going to stand with us.
Let's see what happens under peer pressure.
Let's see what happens when the crisis is so bad that it's been engineered.
I mean, I've heard the troops wouldn't confiscate guns.
They did in New Orleans.
The State Guard, now federalized, National Guard in Illinois is doing it with that Blagojevich criminal running them.
All these FBI training manuals saying the new order doesn't exist and we're crazy and need to be arrested.
Now, I know most of them don't like what's happening, but they still follow the orders.
They're pretty compliant.
No, they're superior.
They're just in condition for it.
Let's take a call for you.
Mason in Minnesota.
You're on the air, Mason.
Oh, hey, Alex.
Go ahead, sir.
I'm one of Robert's best friends in town here.
Try this, try turning your radio off and listening to me.
Alright, got it.
Because if you try to talk to me and listen to the delay on the internet, you're not going to do a very good job.
How old are you?
What's your name?
My name is Mason Gaff.
I am 17.
I live in the same town as Robert.
Well, good.
Do you have any points you'd like to make?
Uh, excuse me?
Is there anything you'd like to say?
Uh, yeah.
I think what Robert... I think he's calling on Skype, which is a bad line.
Uh, so let's... I think he's probably on his cell phone.
Yeah, let's talk to Ron in Wisconsin.
Ron in Wisconsin, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Um, I'd like to help out with, uh, donating $25 to, uh, support your, uh, giving away those videos.
Well, thank you.
Quite frankly, we're a little freaked out.
We tried to save money and tried to be good stewards so we could operate even in lean times, but the economy is shutting down so fast, and we've expanded, that if people think this is important work they're hearing and seeing, we need financial contributions.
And what I like is the financial contribution of people buying books and videos, because then you know you're getting something for it.
You know it's a tool to wake people up.
But if folks want to give us just straight-up donations,
You know, there's an address at Infowars.com.
People can write to us at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
They can call toll-free, you know, buy some of the books and videos, and then we'll be able to operate and continue our operations here.
Yeah, I support you.
I subscribed to your radio show on the internet, and I also gave you a hundred bucks on the
Yeah, I think your TV show on the internet is just awesome.
We're also developing it for regular TV, but that'll take funds as well, so thank you, sir.
Well, thank you.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, I'd like you to put me into one of your guys' offline so I can give them a credit card number.
Okay, let me do this.
Will you go to Tim and get his extension, because we just moved and all our extensions just changed, so I can on-air?
I can't hear you.
Okay, okay.
It's kind of crazy.
I have people talking to me through the glass and they're not talking to me.
And give me an extension for folks that want to call and make a donation to the operation.
Sir, I appreciate your call.
I'll give that phone number and extension out.
I mean, I know our number here at the office, but we moved three weeks ago fully and I still don't know if all the extensions are programmed or all of that is ready because it's been in some disarray.
So you're such a small operation and you're moving and doing all your regular work while you're at it and trying to hire more people.
It creates quite a cauldron of confusion.
But we will do that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bob in California.
You're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead, Bob.
How are you guys doing?
Hi, Bob.
I'm from California.
I'm a retired Air Force vet.
I also work at a base in California.
And I'm going to try to start a group.
I live in the high desert in California.
And I'm going to try to start my own Patriot group and doing some research on how to start it.
Anyways, I go to church and I know back in around 2000 they started, they passed, the Supreme Court passed where you can have a religious group after school and they have what is called the Good News Club and our church supports a couple of schools where they go to schools and they talk to kids
I don't
As you see, there are more like-minded people.
We just had a student call in.
One of my better friends from my town.
I don't know if he had bad reception.
But we had a student come in.
He's a junior at the school.
He's involved.
And when we get this new film about activism, we're gonna be hanging flyers up on the new class system that the students vigorously oppose.
And he'll be in that.
There'll be more students that you'll see in that.
And you'll just be introduced to a whole flurry of educated youth.
And you'll really be surprised at how educated people are at my school.
And how excited they are for change and they really want to affect it.
And we're not just going to sit back.
It's good calling in to shows and it's awesome what you're doing starting a Patreon group.
That's exactly what you're doing.
You need to take the next step and start that group and get out there.
So, I really appreciate it.
Absolutely, good to hear from you.
As long as you don't have a teacher involved, it has to be student involved only.
Oh no, these teachers don't want to get involved.
They don't want to step in front of anybody that's their group.
As long as you have a group, it has to be led by the students.
Hey, how's it going, guys?
Robert, let me just first and foremost say, you're an inspiration, man.
I'm 24 years old, and I think back when I was in high school, I just wish I could
Yeah, our young people need real purpose in fighting the globalists who are destroying our country, destroying our Bill of Rights.
I mean, this is the calling.
Be part of history now.
And young people, take a camera to school, be polite, hand out 9-11 truth DVDs, hand out bumper stickers, hand out materials, and when they try to stop you doing that, put that on YouTube, put that on LiveLink, put that on BlipTV.
Put that out on MySpace.
All of us.
Imagine millions of young people taking action.
Nothing will stop it.
That's why Obama wants the Youth Corps.
They want to control the youth with their communist, socialist, fascist command and control.
We have to have an organic, true grassroots resistance to them and it's out there and it's going on and this is the key.
Alex, can I just tell you a real quick story about what I experienced in high school and I think it will
Basically, arm him for what he may encounter in the future.
Sure, can we boost his audio?
Because I'm having trouble hearing the caller.
Go ahead.
Sure, I'm sorry.
Let me get closer to my phone.
When I was in high school, I had a little altercation.
It was right after Columbine, and just to give you a little background, I'm a pretty bombastic person.
I speak my mind.
You know what I mean?
And I used to always give the faculty a hard time.
I mean, when I was in high school, they had just implemented that ID program that you were just talking about.
And, you know, that was a big cause for consternation, and I said, you know, go on and on about it.
And, you know, he pleased to go.
The lady's crazy.
You know, he's going to shoot at the school and whatnot, you know, because it was right during that Columbine time.
That's what they do.
Anybody who doesn't like the police state wants to... That's what Biden said in that clip I played, where a guy said, please don't take my guns, and Biden said, oh my God, your guns need to be confiscated.
Don't come shoot me.
Yeah, the faculty of the school seized on this as if it was, like, an opportunity to bring me into the office.
No, they staged the...
And it was totally, it was totally ridiculous, like cartoonish.
Sir, every week I see about some high school student in English writes a story about their dad is in the Marines or writes a story about zombies attacking a fictitious school.
I wrote a story about zombies.
I'll never forget that.
I got an A on.
You know, that was 20 years ago.
And they now come and arrest you for that and say it's a murder plot.
Again, for what you write.
The students are being taught there's no First Amendment even in the articles they write.
Even articles that don't mention the school, don't mention any students.
The last guy that got arrested that I read about and charged with attempted murder, he wrote a story about a fictitious school with zombies.
He was a straight-A student.
And they said, write a fiction story.
So he wrote a story about zombies.
And his grandparents said, oh, let me see your paper.
They read it, and they went and called 911 and reported, he's got a story about zombies.
And they said, that's it, you're arrested.
In fact, Google, people aren't going to believe this, Google for me real fast guys, you can find this one.
Google, student arrested for writing zombie story.
Sorry, go ahead.
Go ahead, Michael, you wanted to say something.
I'm sorry, if he finds himself in one of these types of situations, one word of advice I can give him is,
Temper your reason.
Do not flip out.
If you put forward a unified and coherent thesis opposing what they're trying to say to you, they'll have nothing.
And also, they'll be proud of it.
Like Alex says, you know, these people are compartmentalized.
They don't even really realize what they're doing.
So if you show them that you're intelligent, and you know what you're saying, you will be able to combat the propaganda that the staff is under.
Yeah, but we will definitely not give in to their instigation with violence or anything.
Because we see that these situations that they instigate, they cause are fraudulent.
That's where we stay calm about it.
We haven't done anything wrong, but stay calm, and that's how patriots do it.
We do it peacefully.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Alright, thank you.
Well, that's why we're here.
We've got to tell young people how dangerous these government training camps are, how serious it is, but don't just go along with being a prisoner.
Fight back peacefully with the First Amendment, your birthright that people fought and died for, to expose what's going on.
The cameras, the police state, the fences, the cops searching people.
Goose Creek, North Carolina, where they have all the kids line up every morning with police dogs even biting their bags.
Remember that a few years ago on the news?
Where the police dogs were biting the bags?
Oh, don't believe me?
Before we end the show, did you find the zombie article?
Did you find the zombie article?
Oh, the zombie article is up.
Yeah, a student arrested for writing zombie.
Yeah, yeah, click on the current.com mainstream news article.
Now, there's another one.
Here it is.
Google Goose Creek, North Carolina.
Go to YouTube.
This was pre-YouTube, but it should be on there now.
Yeah, go ahead and put this up.
Student arrested for writing a zombie story.
A fictitious school.
English class.
Story about zombies attacking a fictitious school.
Folks, I got an A+.
I'll never forget.
In the 8th grade, in my English class,
Where me and my buddy, my black football buddy, Corey Strange, are in a pickup truck.
We're 16.
Zombies attack the Rockwall School and we run home and get shotguns and defeat the zombies.
This story was basically the same.
Now, I got an A+.
I don't know.
I was 12 years old.
How many years ago?
I'm 34.
Like 20 years ago.
Let me see.
10 and man, that's 22 years ago.
I'm getting old.
And back then I got an A-plus for writing a story like this.
Now you get arrested.
Now that's not enough.
I'm going to document it for everybody.
Did you ever find the one about them telling the kids they're about to be killed and the kids thought it was real and they throw fake blood on them?
You didn't find that one out of Michigan?
Okay, well, whatever.
It was all over the news.
It's there.
The point is, is that we need to pull up Goose Creek, North Carolina school drug raid.
And they have the children line up every day until the video got released from the school.
Somebody smuggled it out, one of the teachers.
There's good folks inside, inside the camp.
And the children cry every day, and the dogs come in and bite their bags, and they cry, and then marijuana's never even found, and the cops just walk around with their guns, just total destruction of America.
Meanwhile, they ship in the drugs themselves, their bosses do.
Oh, Goose Creek South Carolina School, right.
Let's go to More on there, click Video, and that will pull it up for us.
No, no, no, no, take me back to the screen.
Here, here, punch me up over here, then I'll go back to your calls.
Go to the top.
Goose Creek, South Carolina.
Go to the top.
Okay, now go over here where it says More.
I'll show you.
Cut to the wide shot.
I'll physically show you.
If you cut to the wide shot, I will physically show the control guys.
I'm basically training them on what I do.
This is not hard.
I'm just... Hey!
They're smart guys.
Let me have control of the internet.
Yeah, see right here?
Now, I want to show everybody on screen.
This is very easy.
But I tell adults this and they don't know how.
I tell my parents this and they don't know how.
It's so simple.
Look, you're on Google.
You click on More with Goose Creek, North Carolina drug raid.
You click Video.
See where it says Video right there at the very top of the screen?
Click that.
Okay, there we go, ladies and gentlemen.
For some reason it's not pulling it up.
Go back to the main page, because this just happened four or five years ago.
It's not in the main index now.
Goose Creek, fallout continues, an aftermath of high school.
Let me see.
There is a couple of newspapers.
Goose Creek, South Carolina, school raid.
Click on the top one, because it'll probably have a video link.
Just go ahead and click on that one.
Yeah, the CNN one's fine, too.
This is driving me crazy.
Go down to the CNN one.
I've just got to take control of this myself.
Now, there's the dog, see the dog right there, but I want you to see the video, because this was a daily occurrence.
They have the kids stand up, line up like prisoners every day, everyone's guilty, and then the police dogs come in for fun, and the children cry, and the cops get sexual pleasure, it's like a satanic pressing on the nerve of power, while the dogs grab on the bags, and then rip them.
And they go down the line with the dogs biting the bags.
But the dogs are trained for terror.
And they say, do you have drugs?
And they go, no, I don't use them, I don't have them.
Okay, let's move on to the next Abu Ghraib victim.
Oh, it's South Carolina.
I said North Carolina.
See, memory fails.
Go to YouTube and enter that.
Police raid Goose Creek.
South Carolina.
Go to YouTube and Google it.
Robert Wannick, I'm sorry, I'm doing classic babble here on the show.
The point is, everything I'm saying is documented.
And this is terrorism, is it not, Robert Wannick?
This is not only terrorism, it's psychological warfare on us.
And it's not babble, as long as we're giving out this information, you can talk all day.
It's just such important stuff that needs to get out there.
And when people come on the stage, you guys are disinfo.
Alex Jones is disinfo.
He lied.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Just a second.
I agree with you.
Stay there.
They found it and pulled it up live on air.
Go back.
Go back to the YouTube main page.
Let's take our lower third up.
Our people will say it's fake.
They're preconditioned by enemy brainwashing.
Everyone's been preconditioned.
We have to break your conditioning right now.
You can do this.
This is real.
This is happening everywhere.
Okay, I can even find them throwing blood on kids as they scream and cry.
Okay, fake blood.
Now, go back to the main page of YouTube, and then all you type in is Goose Creek Drug Raid South Carolina, and then the first thing that comes up is this video shot by somebody in the school.
The footage I've seen is from up from the cameras in the school themselves.
Here it is.
Punch it up.
On your screen now.
We're good to go.
All right, that's not the one.
The one I want is mounted up on the ceiling.
I guess that was some subpoenaed cop video that they shot themselves.
And they go through the whole school, and they do this every week.
Until, you know, the people complain, and there's footage of them going, you got drugs, and the dog goes up and grabs the bag, and starts ripping, and the child's going, oh my God, oh my God!
And of course, no drugs were ever found.
So they did raid after raid, sort of using the dogs as an Abu Ghraib torture tactic.
And they're just trying to get us ready.
It's conditioning.
Why are they doing this?
It's getting it drilled into your head that when these men in black come, the Gestapo come, they marched on the streets with their
Robert, I lost you.
Please continue.
Reduce the population, and this isn't about security.
It's about power, control, and everything.
The economy, the indoctrination of the schools... Oh, you heard that Marine call a few days ago.
Did you hear the Marine call?
Of course, I don't believe... I mean, I believe him, but only because I already know it.
They teach the Marines in psych warfare, the higher level officer corps, learned helplessness, where they torture a puppy in an electrocution pit.
And again, they're teaching the Marines how to create learned helplessness.
And so that's what this is for the students.
And we have government documents to train them to be helpless and to learn when they see a black uniform to just go and just submit.
So they drill the children getting on buses, having handcuffs put on them, have dogs growl at them.
They lock the kids up and make them defecate on themselves with no food or water locked up for eight hours.
This is done nationwide.
And the parents are so brainwashed, they'll complain and the school will go, what's wrong with you?
Are you insane?
We have to do this to stop Columbine and Al-Qaeda attacking the schools.
Yeah, and they want to say, don't listen to Alex Jones.
Don't listen to these other patriot groups.
We're not the terrorists.
Police and government aren't terrorists.
It's these big bad terrorists that never show up.
These Al-Qaeda, these boogeymen that they have.
By the way, I just found a really evil clip that I'd forgotten about.
Click on the Miami police shot protester, then laugh about it.
I've talked about this video.
Is this when they shoot her in the head through a sign?
And then laugh about it.
She's peaceful.
Yeah, and they say, oh, you got her good right in the head.
Here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here
Elizabeth Ritter received some media coverage three years ago at a free trade protest when she was shot with rubber bullets in the back and a leg.
Her beef wasn't with the trade summit, but with a strong police presence.
Look at him!
Minutes later, she took another rubber bullet.
On her forehead, as she crouched behind her homemade sign that read, fear totalitarianism.
You okay?
Don't get around me.
Let's all see it.
Now her case is back in the news because of this.
The good news about being able to watch you guys live on TV is that lady with the red dress.
A police video shot after the shooting incident just released following a review of excessive force complaints at the protest.
I don't know who got her, but when it went through the sun, it hit her smack dab in the middle of the neck.
Attorney Ritter says she was too scared to file a complaint before, but now she intends to sue for excessive force.
I was cowering with a poster behind me, but my fingers were in front of the poster.
I believe they thought that my face would have reasonably concluded that my face was behind that poster, and that's why they fired that shot.
The Broward Sheriff's Office says Ritter's possible civil rights lawsuit prevents them from talking specifics.
Officers at the scene tell CNN they warn the crowd to move back.
Alright, let's stop right there.
Let me explain something, cops.
You've been dehumanized.
You think you've dehumanized us.
When you dehumanize us, you've dehumanized yourself, your children, your whole future line.
And when they get in this gang mentality, the cop commanders, it's a...
Good Ol' Boys Club and the police unions will kick any good police chiefs out to try to get control over them.
So I've watched a lot of police training videos.
The commanders kiss the butt of all the little cops and then they all feed on each other and their hatred and disdain for the public, especially in Miami.
A federal judge was out there at a previous event in Miami going to their car and the cops cornered him and beat him down and they lost a big suit over that because they didn't know.
They thought they were going to have a little fun on a side street with a judge and went to, I mean, just beat the person almost to death.
And they got in a lot of trouble for that, but that was because that was a real citizen, a God-level person, you know, above them in the government, not a slave scum that's, you know, just here to be stomped on.
And so that's why when I'm driving down the road and there's lanes on both sides of me, Austin Cop, no lights on, just run right up behind you with pleasure.
Just getting, and then swing around and almost hit you.
And then just sit there with a light in your face going, you son of a bitch, citizen, you are slave, civilian, I rule you, and if I want to shoot you in the face with rubber bullets, you know, that girl at the Red Sox game came out of a bar, they shot her in the face ten feet away, blew her eyeball back in her brain, she bled to death, the cops went on the news and said she shouldn't have been out there.
Death, death, death.
Hey, don't worry.
The bankers are going to take everything.
You got cops.
You think you can just deal death on us and deal pain on us?
You don't think there aren't bigger devils above you in the New World Order that'll have their way with you?
You think you're safe from evil?
We have liberty and freedom and we're... Look at that famous photo.
That was in Oregon.
That woman, they said no protest.
She was peacefully with a sign and there's video of that on the web and they just start choking her until she passes out.
Just men in black uniforms grabbing a 55-year-old woman, just choking her.
You're going to learn who we are!
You're going to learn to submit!
The foreign bankers have given us unlimited power!
And we're going to rule you!
This is our country!
You're here!
We're going to feed on your ass!
And the cops just drink fluoride water.
They take their kids and just shoot them up with mercury.
And the kids become autistic.
The cops don't care.
I'm going to the Tet Bar.
I don't care if my kid's brain damaged.
And they drink whiskey and wreck and kill everybody in Austin.
And then when they wreck and kill themselves, the cops then go and SWAT team the bar owners that sold them too much whiskey.
It's your fault you sold too much whiskey to a God!
You don't sell too much whiskey to a God!
We're God!
You understand?
We rule America!
We'll shoot you in the face!
We'll bloody your face and we'll laugh about it!
Because we're weak gang members.
You look at those men.
Go back to the video of the cops laughing.
Look how soft they are.
Look how their eyes don't have any electric liberty in them.
Look at how soft they are.
Look at how disgusting they are.
And you can see a few of the cops in there are looking like they're not having fun.
And if you look at their faces, they look human.
They look like they still have a soul.
Back it up to them laughing.
Now her case is back in the news because of this.
The good news about being able to watch you guys live on TV is that lady with the red dress.
A police video shot after the shooting incident just released following a review of excessive force complaints at the protest.
Hit pause.
Hit pause.
That one's soft right there.
That guy joined the force because, I guarantee you, he's the type of guy that bullied kids that were smaller than him, then those kids grew up and kicked his ass.
I know those types.
I've seen that face.
And now they love it.
They can abuse and beat up everybody and nobody can stop them.
Nobody can stop them.
They're having their way with America!
They want our guns!
And if you're not with them, cops and military, then you will declare that you're with the Republic now!
And don't tell me that I'm a weirdo because I'm upset about this, and I should only go get upset about my favorite football team winning or losing.
Listen, I know what tyranny means.
I know the bankers are putting poison in our food and water.
I know the bankers have stolen $8.5 trillion.
I know we're under War Powers Act.
I know they're hurting us.
I know they're carrying out New World Order.
I know they staged those terror attacks.
You know what it's like to gut up to this and go out every day and go past the peer pressure and come out day one and say 9-11 was an inside job and lose most of the radio stations I was on?
You know what it's like to go to sleep every night knowing you work for a bunch of psychotic killers and you bastards are probably going to end up killing me one day?
You know what it's like knowing you've ruined my life?
You know what it's like, you sons of bitches?
I'm tired of your crap!
You commit evil, you're part of an evil system, and we're standing up against you!
And the Republic is going to defeat you in the end!
Some of us won't make it personally through this, but a lot of us are!
And in the end, you are going to be brought to justice for all the kids you've kidnapped for CPS, all you CPS workers, all you corrupt bureaucrats, all you that have had your way with innocent children over and over again, who think your evil's invincible.
You're not invincible, and God is going to deal with you!
And you are cursed to hell!
I'm done.
I gotta get out of here.
I'm pissed off now.
Robert Warnock, you can make some closing comments.
I'll give you the last two minutes.
We're gonna end transmission.
Make sure the guy's got your address so I can send you those videos so you can resist tyranny.
I salute ya!
You know, they don't, these police, they don't know that they're pawns in the New World Order.
They think they are the highest up, and that's why they bully, that's why they bully us.
But they don't understand, they are no better than us.
The government thinks they are slaves, just like us.
They are dirt to the government, just like we are.
And they understand, they either fight with us, or we're gonna have to fight them.
So, visit us over at nwoalert.com.
That's nwoalert.com.
Send us your files of activism at the school.
Send us your files of activism in the public.
And we will post them.
And we're going to fight this brainwashing indoctrination system.
And we're going to use information warfare with sites like InpoWars.
And we're not going to let these police oppress us.
And we're not going to let ourselves be abused psychologically and physically by the system.
And we're going to keep them running scared.
And we're going to bring sovereignty back.
And the USA is going to be what it was and what the founding fathers envisioned.
But if you're a student, I really strongly urge you to send any pics, videos, anything you can get, hidden camera, audio, of you being oppressed at your school, you're going to need to send them to 911bloggeratlive.com.
You're going to need to visit nwoalert.com and we're going to get
We're gonna get you out in the spotlight.
We're gonna get you on YouTube.
And we're gonna expose your school.
Send us the full name of your school.
High school, college, whatever.
And send us your first and last name.
We'll put you in the video.
And we'll give out copies for free.
I don't care how much it costs to burn the DVDs.
We're gonna give you copies for free.
We're good.
We're good.