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Filename: 20081212_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 12, 2008
3057 lines.
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You're listening to GCN.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Friday, ladies and gentlemen, the 12th day of December, 2008.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Program note, I did not do that test show from 4 to 5 p.m.
yesterday because we had some glitches with the software.
We could have gone live, but I wanted to drill people more on the new show.
Before we did that, I will be live today, 4 to 5 p.m., with a test show starting next Monday.
This is my last show in this studio.
Well, we've been in for three and a half years, really attached to it.
We will be in the new studio starting Monday.
But putting out other fires, dealing with other issues, just didn't have time to get that done yesterday, but we will be live with a special test transmission at PrisonPlanet.tv and on the InfoWars.com streams.
And then we will not normally be live 4 to 5 p.m.
This is a test show.
Starting next week the regular show time 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
And we still haven't chosen which hour or hours to go live in from the new studios on PrisonPlanet.tv.
And as I said we're going to have guests over video feeds on the show, over phone, in studio.
I'm also got a tablet where I can put up maps or documents on the screen and write on them on your screen.
We're adding a lot of things and then frankly I have to get over there and drill myself.
That's why we really didn't go live yesterday because I've been so busy that I have to learn the controls because I control part of the show myself.
I control some of the computers, the robotic cameras, and I've got guys in the studio, in the control room doing that as well.
So I've got to, today, get off the air at 3.
We're not going live at Prison Planet TV today at 2, because I'm going to be doing it over there.
I've got to rush over to the other office and then drill some more.
The guys were up late last night themselves working on it, so that I can be in control.
And, you know, be able to have a document cam, the video feeds,
Much of other stuff, but we'll be phasing that in over the next few weeks.
That said, you know that the last time we saw on the news was last Wednesday, now about eight, nine days ago.
It was $8.5 trillion, according to the Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, and Bloomberg.
Five trillion that has been stolen by the private Federal Reserve.
Now, that's not Alex Jones saying that.
That's Congress saying that.
That's been in the hearings the last few weeks.
And it's in Bloomberg today, a Fed refuses to disclose recipients of two trillion in lending.
Now, this FOIA request goes back to six weeks ago, or about a week and a half after the banker takeover.
So they did FOIA request, Freedom of Information Act request, going back almost six weeks ago.
And so this is only the first two trillion that was stolen and sent offshore.
We know the quote bailout is to predominantly foreign banks.
The Federal Reserve is predominantly foreign held out of England.
And so it's a lot more than two trillion.
It's just with paperwork and courts and the federal government it takes a lot of time.
So we're dealing with six weeks ago with two trillion stolen in a week and a half.
Now it's another six and a half trill and that's a week ago's numbers.
The numbers haven't come out again.
We don't know.
I'm sure it's nine and a half trillion probably by now.
Watch, it'll probably come out this weekend and it'll say ten trillion or something.
But every week it's on average one trillion three hundred billion stolen.
So a week and a half into this, it was two trillion stolen.
Bloomberg asked for it from the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, the Congress.
They were told no.
Congress said, we're not even being given this.
Now, a Fed governor and a bunch of other people are on record saying this is War Powers Act martial law.
That's in the New York Times, in Bloomberg.
People want sources.
So this is a big deal.
Kurt Nemo's done a story about it.
Banksters refuse to honor Bloomberg FOIA request.
So this is even hard for me to believe, this level of corruption.
And they're telling us we ain't seen nothing yet.
So we'll get into that and a lot more.
Stay with me.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, it is Friday.
We've got Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers 9-11 Truth.
Joining us in two hours, or one hour and 52 minutes if you want to be technical.
Then Bob Chapman with his once a week economic visit from the International Forecaster will be joining us in the final hour and also will be taking your questions on the economy, the worsening control crises that's ushering in world government.
So that is coming up today.
I have been very reflective the last few days about the journey we're all on of discovery and awakening and development.
The journey in life where we are designed to pick up wisdom and knowledge and to grow as we get older.
And all of us, I know, look back on things in our lives that we're proud of, things in our lives that we are embarrassed of.
Even if nobody knows what we've done, we're embarrassed ourselves.
That's our conscience.
And overall, I feel really good about my life and the things I've done.
I, growing up, thought that everybody else was a nice person, or at least overall was a good person, and that everybody else liked blue skies and green fields and happiness.
But as I got older, I learned that contrary to that belief, by the time I was probably 13, 14 years old,
That, uh, many people were downright wicked.
Downright bad for whatever reasons.
And I had a lot of experiences growing up that showed me the dark side of the tracks.
And I noticed when I was very young that it was generally people who were supposedly the good guys or the guardians who tended to be the truly evil people using that cover
Of being a guardian or a good guy to carry out their operations.
But I had no idea when I started this journey, this fight against the New World Order, when I was 19 years old, I've been active for a little more than 15 years, on air for 13 plus now.
You know, every time I think I know just how evil our enemies are, I am blown away.
By new research, new information, things that are confirmed that even shake me to my very core.
Someone who you would think, that I would think that I'm ready to deal with this knowledge.
And the full magnitude of it.
I know that's why most people, even though they know something's horribly wrong with the world, don't get involved because at their core they're afraid.
And I've certainly had fear in my life.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear of rejection.
As a small child, fear of the dark.
But as I grew older, that fear changed to more of a concern.
And the true fear I have is for the species itself, for society itself.
Because I truly love mankind.
And I know that there is so much waiting for us if we can just grow up as a species and be a moral people and follow God's laws that we will be blessed.
And folks can laugh at that and say there is no God.
Well, whose law do you follow then?
The eugenicist that you know is the humanist?
I don't mean the humanist in the street, but the
Founders of what we know as humanism.
They control the species.
They understand how the species works.
They are using scientific data against us.
But they are men and women themselves.
And they have wrought something terrible.
Their fruit is poison.
Their product is death and pain and ignorance.
And quite frankly, stench.
And when I consciously face the true magnitude of our enemy, the reason it shakes me, the reason it chills me, embraces my soul, is that I realize that I am probably, well there's no doubt, the most prominent person, and I'm not that prominent, in the world
Fighting this system.
And I don't have the right stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm not up to the task.
I am worldly.
I am a product of this degenerate society.
And though I'm more moral than 99% of people,
As good a man as some could say I was, it's all dirty rags, ladies and gentlemen.
And so I have to turn it all over to God, and just say to the spirit of the universe, the creator, it's in your hands, guide me, lead me, have me do what you would.
Have done.
And I've said for many years that one of my greatest callings, that one of my main mission statements written on my soul, is to try to wake other people up to be leaders.
And I know there are leaders out there who are far finer people than I am.
If I have any fear, it is that I won't live up to the challenge I've been given.
I won't live up to be the man I should be.
That I won't have the time to mature and do the important work that needs to be done and
I get very upset every day by the corruption I see in the world, the corruption I see in the alternative media, the corruption I see in every facet and layer of society.
And if I would have known just how evil the New World Order was 13, 14, 15 years ago, if I could have seen what I've seen now, if I would have known what I know now, I would have worked so much harder a decade ago.
I would have done things differently, but that's all in the past, and we've had some great success.
And that's thanks to you, the men and women out there across the world that have spread the word about the stories and films and audio files, the information we put out here, because we've done a pretty good job of accurately assessing and tracking and documenting who and what the New World Order is, and what their operations are, and what their current operations are, and what their future plans are.
And I guess my bombastic, aggressive style has had the effect of breaking through people's stayed, deer-in-the-headlights programming, and has shaken a few people out of their zombie mode to wake up and look around them.
So I'm also not taking away from the work I've done through all of you, and through all the people you've woken up,
It's just I want the listeners to understand that this New World Order is real.
And this New World Order is very, very bad.
And this New World Order is soft killing us.
They are hurting us.
They are sterilizing us.
They are implanting the vaccines with cancer viruses and cancer DNA.
I don't even know what you call a designed DNA fragment.
It's not even a virus.
They are the ultimate control freaks.
The ultimate in wickedness.
They enjoy the raw exercise of power and where a normal person would be horrified to see a small child pinned in a car, crushed, bleeding to death, panicking.
They gleam and resonate.
They are from the dark side.
And the dark side's very good at telling you that the dark side is rebellion, the dark side is power, the dark side is strong.
And it is strong.
But next to light, it isn't even in the same universe.
And evil is recruiting everywhere across the globe.
It is twisting the minds of our police, twisting the minds of the military, twisting the minds of the public.
They're giving us new heroes.
Gone are the good guys that fight the torturer or the abductor.
The new guys do torture, they do abduct.
There is an attempt to vomit out pure evil into your minds and your souls
And just as much as I tell you to eat organic food as much as you can and try to be healthy and don't take vaccines and don't drink fluoridated water, it's even more important to not let all of the evil
That is on television and the corporate media and the society into your mind.
And your eyes are literally windows into your soul.
You are interfacing with it.
And you may go see a movie with torture and death and destruction and you're like, oh, I'm a good person, it's entertaining.
You are literally becoming a torture.
You are literally playing the part of it, being part of it, being immersed in it.
You're being conditioned.
You're being prepared for that to happen in front of you in the real world and to not care.
You know, I meant to start the show with a message to black ops.
Most of them, of course, are private, corporate mercenaries.
There are hundreds of thousands in the United States, publicly, that we know of, InfraGard and the rest of them.
There are hundreds of thousands overseas.
And I want to talk to those men, and they're mainly men,
You can't find many women to do stuff like this.
It's like most men are serial killers.
Not most men in general are serial killers.
Most serial killers are men.
What, 98%?
I want to talk to you about the journey you are on.
Talk about that when we get back.
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And many of us get on the path of trying to be good, decent, honorable people.
So all of us have a journey in life.
Many times that's because of our parents, our background, where we come from.
But other individuals get on a path of evil.
There's a lot of different reasons that that happens, and the establishment sifts through the police, the military, the FBI, corporations, and finds the ruthless individuals that will carry out evil.
There are thousands of examples of this, but going back to the 30s, the Army and the Navy
Would go out and find doctors and scientists that would test chemical biological weapons even goes back to World War One but some of the first lethal cases in the 30s
And, you know, would you kill a mental patient?
Would you kill a brain-damaged child?
They have no, you know, good life anyways.
It was all a eugenics view of survival of the fittest.
We're only getting rid of the weakest anyways.
You know, they were teaching this over a hundred years ago in Germany and England, the United States.
So that mindset of human life not having a value, being bad for the environment, that's one of the big areas where this idea started in the intelligentsia.
There'd always been kings and queens and elites that didn't care about their own troops dying, or their own people starving, and going back to Malthus in the 1740s, you know, saying we need to figure out ways to kill off most the population.
So those ideas have always been there, going back to the Greek philosophers, Plato and others.
But they created these eugenics cadres, and they started killing.
They started killing
Retarded children.
They started in Germany in the 30s.
In the United States in the 30s.
In England.
In Mexico, of all places.
And out of those cadres, they developed large groups of scientists, of doctors, of clinic workers, who would go out and kill people.
Who would go out and grab poor people off the streets and sterilize them.
And so out of that core group, that's why the U.S.
government brought over more than 50,000 Nazis.
More than 20,000 of them scientists.
A large group of them eugenicists.
And they put them over huge military bases and government research laboratories.
Scores of them today are named after the eugenicists Nazis.
Because they needed those personnel.
And then they said, okay,
We're going to put some troops in a chamber, tell them it's just a tear gas test, and then they'd hit them with nerve gas and kill them.
Those are declassified.
And so the public needs to know that they have now gotten hundreds of thousands of these people in the United States alone
that work for them and they're hiring foreigners that will do similar things.
Anyone who's proven that they're bloodthirsty killers.
Tens of thousands of former death squad members from Latin America in the eighties.
They're being used in Afghanistan, Iraq, Georgia, Eastern Europe.
They're being used in the United States.
And the news is preparing us, the Associated Press and the Austin Chronicle this week to have foreign troops in America.
It's everywhere.
And again, there's just so many thousands of different points.
It's just that later in the show, when I start the next hour, I'm going to spend 15-20 minutes speaking directly to the psychopaths.
Because even if you're a psychopath, and even if you like killing people, and even if you like setting people up, and you like provocateuring people, and it's a power trip for you to have all this power, and to be able to exercise it this way, I want to explain to you in no uncertain terms
That your masters are killing you and hurting you as well.
And so, it's something you need to think about.
It's something you need to deal with.
And I know a lot of you've hardened your hearts and gone so deep into darkness.
So deep into evil.
That there's no turning back.
And that you don't feel like you're alive unless you're doing horrible things.
I've talked to a lot of top psychiatrists who've studied and interviewed hundreds of serial killers around the world.
It's always the same.
Russia, China, the United States.
They're like zombies.
They're in progression.
It's like sexual perversion.
You've got to have more and more to excite yourself on that end.
And then nothing makes you happy.
Well, it's the same thing with
With torture and things like this, that when they're killing, when they're torturing, it's like they're alive.
There's a blazing white light.
So I want to address the psychopaths specifically, and the sociopaths, coming up in the next hour.
I've got a lot of other news coming up first.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Let me cover some of the news and then before this hour ends I'm going to go ahead and start addressing
As simply as I can, because what I tend to do is go off into the evidence of every point I make, and then never make the full point.
So I'll just make the point in a basic summation, and then give some of the data points for people to check it out for themselves, though most of what I'm talking about is all over the news now.
I mean, it's like my show from ten years ago is now mainstream nightly news.
Because they're now rolling it out.
They're now doing it.
We're now here.
It's been a long march to the gallows for free humanity in this nation.
And we are now being marched up the steps with a leering hangman smiling at us through a ragged hole in the black mask he wears.
And, um... It's bad, folks.
It's bad to say the least what we face.
So we'll go over that.
In the news, Fed refuses to disclose recipients of $2 trillion in lending.
That's Bloomberg today, and I want to make the important point that Bloomberg six weeks ago put in the
Foyer request to Treasury, to the private Federal Reserve, to the Congress, to find out where the first two trillion that was served out in the first two weeks to private, predominantly offshore banks, where that money went.
The Federal Reserve responded by saying, we are above government, we run the government, we are private, no president, no judge, the FBI, no one can even question us.
Now, previously, the private Federal Reserve ran the country, but at the pleasure of the Congress.
In the Banker Takeover Bill, it states that no court can review them, no agency can review them, Congress cannot review them, they are above the law, and no review is even allowed by anyone.
Now, obviously, can Congress pass laws saying that children can be loaded into catapults and used for skeet practice on the White House lawn?
So they can say they're gods, they can pass a law saying they were going to nuke the United States.
We've passed a law, we're killing everyone.
Fire weapons!
He would say, arrest those men, stop them, don't let them.
Government is not God.
Hitler may have said he was the king, the ruler, the fuhrer, the leader, and could do whatever he wanted, but that's not the case.
So we know it's $8.5 trillion stolen so far, but it's key to understand they won't say where the $2 trillion went because this is a process.
That's the first FOIA request done, I guess, five and a half weeks ago, back on November 7th.
Or five weeks ago, whatever.
Fed refuses to disclose recipients of $2 trillion in lending.
The Federal Reserve refused a request by Bloomberg News to disclose the recipients of more than $2 trillion
Trillion of emergency loans from U.S.
We gotta pay for that in taxes, by the way.
And the assets, the central bank is accepting as collateral.
So see, they give them our money and then the private bank gets assets.
Bloomberg filed suit November 7th under the U.S.
Freedom of Information Act.
And to be technical, weeks before, they put in a request and refused, so they had to file the suit.
So, I'm right when I say almost seven weeks, but then it became a lawsuit five weeks ago.
Bloomberg filed suit November 7th under the U.S.
Freedom of Information Act request, details about the terms of the 11th Fed lending programs, most created during the deepest financial crisis since the Great Depression, which is engineered, of course.
The Fed responded December 8th saying it was allowed to withhold internal memos, as well as information about trade secrets and commercial information.
The institution confirmed that reports search found 231 pages of documents pertaining to some of the requests.
And Congress is saying that they're not even being told, and now we have Fed governors and others saying we're not even being allowed to know what's going on by Bernanke, and we've been told that war powers have been declared.
Well, what was Congress told seven weeks ago?
Back on October 2nd and 3rd, they were told, do this or martial law will be declared, and we'll just do it anyways.
But then they just signed the piece of paper, they signed into law something that
Then made those that voted for it basically parties to the crime in Congress.
Now, the sheer bigness of the crime is why they may get away with it.
I mean, 8.5 trillion in seven weeks?
And that's, again, last Wednesday's numbers.
It's grown by at least a trillion following the trend in the last week.
Hundreds of billions a day.
And you're gonna pay for it, and that's why suddenly everybody's being audited, or the IRS is claiming penalties and interest, and then they're squeezing, and the cops admit they're everywhere, writing tickets for local government, and all these new taxes and regulations, when the people don't have it!
That's the plan!
Now, the compartmentalized local cop, or local city council, they don't know that.
So, this is all part of the just amazing lawlessness.
GOP Senator warns of riots if automakers are bailed out.
Senator Jim DeMint says unfair union influence in the bailout culture will anger many Americans.
They're saying, hey, if you won't bail out the automakers, why'd you bail out foreign banks?
There'll be riots.
Well, that's what North comes for, to make sure the heist goes according to plan.
Manila reports Ebola virus and pigs.
Financial Times of London, that's huge news.
Is Emmanuel the advisor on government tapes?
Is it Jesse Jackson?
Jesse Jackson Jr.?
Rahm Emanuel is up to his eyeballs with the governor on tape, trying to sell the Senate seat.
This is par for the course.
Secretary of Defense Gates seeks more troops in Afghanistan by spring.
Yeah, that's where Ted Anderson's son's going.
He just got out of boot camp.
Congress approves widening police powers.
Everyone that gets a cell phone will be fingerprinted.
Total police state.
Meanwhile, it's the government dealing the majority of the drugs.
And people can scoff at that in the U.S., but it's admitted in Mexico.
They control the thing.
Also, a story on PrisonPlanet.com.
Feds attempting to entrap truthers.
I'm gonna get into that later.
New York City firefighter accused of calling in false alarms.
It's usually an inside job.
That's some of the news I have here.
But I wanted to get a guest on the show, because I've had a lot of them.
We're going to do this up until the next break, then I'll get back into all this news.
I wanted to get Tyler Palmer on the show, because we have a sponsor, Acola Blue, and it's just a fantastic
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
It's good to have you here.
Thank you.
You bet.
Tell us about yourself.
Tell us about the company.
Tell us about the technology, because people say, what do you mean water from the atmosphere?
A lot of folks don't know there's water in the atmosphere.
That's what clouds are.
I know most people know that, but they don't understand that this is completely fluoride-free.
There's nothing in it except what was in the air, and then it goes through five filters.
It's essentially based on the same technology that
All of us are familiar with in our air conditioning systems and HVAC systems and I don't know a lot of listeners may have noticed in the summer they park and they look underneath their car and it looks like water is leaking out.
Well, what happens is there's moisture in the air even in very dry climates there can be moisture in the air and
The machine uses a condenser and it condenses the moisture in the air and then that condensate is filtered five times through four activated carbon filters and one reverse osmosis system and then is also blasted with 245 nanometer UV light.
So it's actually seven filters if you want to be technical like that.
And I got into the company, my brother-in-law is a ex-retired professional tennis player, and he told me about these systems.
We tried a few of them out and none of them met our standards and I was immediately just taken aback by the potential to bring water to the 1.2 billion people on the planet that do not have access to clean drinking water.
They're saying global water shortages, big companies are grabbing up all the big aquifers, they're jacking up water prices, they're trying to put meters on wells or ban drilling wells all over the western world, trying to monopolize it, claiming you don't own your own water table.
Well, hey, this just completely cuts them out because, hey,
You've got this system.
This is amazing!
Right, it gives you complete control.
It's the equivalent of being off-grid with your water, your drinking water.
And like you said, the water is... I may be accused of being hyperbolic at times, but I tend to say that it tastes like
I think so.
And it was just from then on I became passionate about it.
Now I found it has that velvety taste, the best I've ever had, unless we leave for a week or something.
Then we've got to, you know, even though the light's on, we've got to come in and it doesn't taste bad, it just doesn't taste magic if it's left sitting in there.
Right, well, you know, any water that's left sitting over a long, long period of time, if it does not have the UV light and, you know, we're not putting any chloramine or chlorine or any additives in this, so the water is kept fresh.
We're good to go!
You know, my sister, I have two nephews, and one of the things that surprised me is the amount of women that are interested in this product.
And maybe I was just being kind of naive about it, but the women, the mothers, they love this thing because they know what their children are getting.
They cook with it.
Let's be clear, too.
This is your small unit.
You've got bigger units.
In fact, you guys tried to send me a really huge one.
I said, no, no, I don't need to take care of my whole neighborhood.
I don't have room for it, but you've got a whole bunch of other products.
Also, you can plug a solar panel, a small one, into this, a medium-sized one, and then you're even off the electricity grid.
The problem with the... We make...
A 200, a 500, a 1,000, 3,000 and a 5,000 liter per day series of machines.
And actually, the 200 liter per day machine is quite affordable.
It's not as expensive as a lot of people would think.
But the economics of the situation for the smaller machine, unless you already have a solar system set up at your house,
It's not really a good match.
The larger machines are more appropriate for the solar and wind solution.
Although, we do have and are actively designing a solar model that will run on... We're actually trying to get it to run off of a Ken Solar-like system.
All right.
Expanding on that, well again, I'm just really excited about it.
Folks out there are really excited about it and I have them and I use them and they're great.
And we looked at a lot of other companies and we chose to try to go with you guys and contacted you because we liked your system and also because you guys are a bigger company and make and sell a whole bunch of these.
So I hope that people will visit the website.
Tell people how they can get them and how fast it ships out to them.
Well, right now we're in stock.
We have 250 units.
And we will ship them, if we get, we're going to give listeners a break if they call in and we can ship those out.
We're going to say before Christmas they will arrive, so next week we can get them out to listeners.
Absolutely, you've got 250 units right now?
And so folks can call, give them the number.
Let's see, it's 1-866-585-4044
Again, that's 866-585-4044 or coloblue.com, an atmospheric water generator for the home.
Pays for itself in one year of your buy your water from the store.
Pure, clean water without the fluoride.
Ultimate water from the humidity in the air.
Machine produces up to 28 liters of water in 48 hours or 7.5 gallons.
I'll tell you, it does more than that in Texas.
People think we're desert.
It's so humid here.
In Austin, it's not.
Great tasting, pure H2O, exactly the way nature makes it.
And again, I can't say enough about it and the affordability of the unit.
And you're saying you're giving people a break?
Well, yeah, we're going to give your listeners free shipping, and we're also going to throw in a solar iPhone iPod charger.
It's a little photovoltaic cell that will plug into an iPod or an iPhone and charge it with the sun.
Stay there, because I want to hear more about that when we get back, and then I'm going to get into all the news, folks, and my little message to the New World Order minions out there.
You know what?
So stay with us.
I want to continue discussing this with Tyler Palmer, who heads up Ecoloblue.com.
We've got big banners up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his M.O.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled Enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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With all the crazy things going on in the world,
You need to get portable food.
You need to have firearms.
You need to have water filtration systems.
But they can cut the water off coming to your house.
They can't cut the water coming out of the atmosphere.
I'm telling you, this is the best tasting water I've ever run into.
So I hope you'll check it out at acolablue.com or call 866-585-4044.
In closing, by the way, Tyler Palmer was a really easy sell to be a sponsor once we researched all these units and checked them out and got one and then approached him because he was a fan of the show going back many years, so he's also a fellow patriot.
Tyler, how long you been listening to the show?
I've been listening to you for about three years, thanks to George Norrie.
And I stopped listening to him and started listening to you all the time.
Oh no, don't say that!
Listen, George is a great guy, he's a great show, and he has done so much for this show.
I'm big fans of both, but I was just completely, I resonated with your message, I felt your frustration and your honesty, and I am very, very pleased to be able to sponsor the show, just in philosophy.
Well, I'll tell you what I really like about you guys is you don't, you just have the best unit.
I went and looked at it and looked at all the ratings.
You have a great price and I have friends and family that have ordered your units and they come in about a week and a half or even quicker and that's what I like too because I talked to some other folks that ordered some other machines.
I've drunk out of some of the other machines.
They taste okay but they don't have the seven filters.
I thought it was five and so I mean I think you've got the best unit and that's
That's why we've got you guys as a sponsor.
I know you've had a huge response as well, and I hope folks don't wait and don't procrastinate.
I hope they give you a call.
Yeah, and I want to just say your listeners are just the most amazing, intelligent, pleasant people to speak to, and it's just wonderful.
It's a great match with us and you guys.
Well, the great thing is it's such a small unit.
I mean, it looks just like, but it's got hot water, cold water, all these settings.
I mean, it's real high-tech, but easy to use, very easy-friendly, has a nice, you know, digital screen on the front so you see everything, you know, as you punch.
I don't know how you guys kept the price down this low, but it's, it's, again,
The thing sells itself, folks.
Get off the water grid.
Well, we'll talk to you again in the very near future, Tyler, and get more into the guts, more of the machinery of this thing, and how it works.
But thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you, Alex.
You have a good weekend.
You too, my friend.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Was going to have him on earlier and got the time zones mixed up, but we were glad to get him on.
And I do believe in the system.
Okay, we're going to start the next hour and I'm going to finish up with the stack of news.
Part of the stack of news I have in front of me.
And then, as I said, we have Richard Gage coming up in about an hour and five minutes.
Then we have Bob Chapman coming on.
I feel kind of bad we double booked Jeffrey Smith today on the show.
And I don't think I told the producer to get that down in the book.
It's just all crazy over here, especially finishing up the new studio and all the other projects, working on a Barack Obama slash economy film.
And we're working on a lot of other things right now, so it's wild.
And we do have more and more reports of Feds attempting to approach 9-11 truthers and talking about, hey, let's do violent things.
Let's do this and that.
They're clearly Feds.
I've had Feds do this to myself.
I think so.
Coming up today, there's just so many great stories, so informative that Curt Nemo, Paul Watson, and others are writing.
Steve Watson, Aaron Dykes, up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
GOP Senator warns of riots if automakers are bailed out.
We'll get into that also in Manila, capital of the Philippines.
They're reporting Ebola in pigs.
What is this about?
This is very disconcerting.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
May I have everybody's attention please?
I've come with a message of information.
9-11 was an inside job.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the New World Order?
How do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage?
Was it engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR?
Seven years after the attacks of September 11th, a global awakening has taken place.
If you know that there's treason going on, you can be held accountable for treason yourself.
All hell is breaking loose on 6th Avenue.
And if the government has not told the truth in 5 years, we will be here on the 10th anniversary of... Truth Rising.
Download the film at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
Or get the DVD at Infowars.com.
It's now time to take the revolution to the next level.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into the second hour, ladies and gentlemen.
And I want to run through some of the news, but we won't have time to cover it all right now because I want to get into the nature of the police state we're living in, the type of people they have working for them, and what as a society we face, but also a message to the enforcers, a message to the individuals that are destroying our way of life, destroying our republic.
Better engaging in high treason.
So I'll do that coming up in the next segment.
I already covered last hour in some detail just how big a deal it is that seven weeks after Bloomberg and others demanded and five weeks after they sued, the federal government has refused to release any details of the first two trillion.
That's when the suit began.
Now it's 8.5 trillion.
They will not say where it's gone, though in some press releases they admit it's going to offshore foreign banks, because those banks themselves are announcing it.
The head of Goldman Sachs also bragged to the New York Times three weeks ago that they're giving it to themselves as huge bonuses, billions of dollars of it, and buying up other banks and insurance companies that are solvent, and then letting insolvent ones just go under.
They're also continuing the cash freeze to Main Street, allowing the economy to implode.
And then now the Federal Reserve is announcing that they are going to create their own T-bills and cut Uncle Sam completely out of it, and literally, you'll buy your quote, government bonds, but they won't be government, from the private Federal Reserve.
With no transparency.
That's in the New York Times yesterday.
I mean, that is just massive.
You'll buy your carbon credits from them.
You'll pay your environmental taxes to them, and then they will mete out some of it to the locals.
They are openly becoming the government.
First, they were this illegitimate outside force that could do whatever it wanted and issue all the currency and liquidity they wanted and get paid interest on it.
Now, they're just being the total issuer of all of this.
It is just earth-shattering the magnitude of it, and I cannot stress that enough.
Meanwhile, a GOP senator warns of riots if automakers are bailed out.
We have an audio clip of this I'll play later.
Senator Jim Dermott says unfair union influence and the bailout culture will anger many Americans.
Time and again we've heard about the lost jobs and economic impact
of failing to bail out the beleaguered American auto manufacturers but little mention has been made of the consequences of going through with the bailout and how such an action would be viewed by other Americans.
In an interview following the December 10th press conference where he and four other senators aired their opposition to the proposed bailout deal struck by congressional leaders in the White House and approved by the U.S.
House of Representatives
Senator Jim DeMint, Republican South Carolina, warned that the perception that some industries are being bailed out and some aren't could lead to violence.
237 to 170.
Quote, we're going to have riots.
There are already people rioting because they're losing their jobs.
And the media is keeping that quiet, but it is happening.
When everybody else is being bailed out, the fairness of it becomes more and more evident as we go along.
The auto companies may be hurting, he said, but there are very few companies that aren't hurting and they're going to hurt.
We don't have enough money to bail out everyone.
And then he went on to say they're going to riot.
Now, here's the deal.
The public's mad and ready to riot over not being bailed out themselves?
What if they knew the bankers engineered all of this on paper publicly in IMF and World Bank documents and International Bank of Settlement documents?
What if the public knew
That the banks have cut off liquidity by design and are hoarding all the cash to buy up the economy as it implodes in the stock market.
Well, it's our job to let them know, but not so they riot, so that we can somehow take control of the government, cause the FBI, the military, the Congress to do the right thing and say, we're not going to put up with your martial law out of the executive, now Obama.
We are going to go arrest these bankers and stop this!
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
Who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his MO.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Stabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com, or see it in super high quality, along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, in this segment, I've got a message.
Corporate, spies, the mercenaries, the intelligence brigades, a message for the FBI, a message for the Central Intelligence Agency, a message to Defense Intelligence, a message to MI6, MI5, Mossad, German intelligence, all of these individuals.
This radio show and the quest we've been on to fight the New World Order has proven itself.
We have proven our case of treason.
We have proven that the government works for foreign offshore banks and corporations.
We have proven that the banks by design are imploding the world economy for a criminal consolidation that will hurt billions of people and will surely in the third world cause hundreds of millions more to starve to death.
We have proven they're setting up covertly
Judicial Watch sued and got the FOIA documents, that North American Union is being set up, that troops will be used on the streets of America to suppress the population, that the entire Homeland Security NORTHCOM apparatus is to suppress the American people.
That's now stated by the Secretary of Defense Gates, but we told you years ago.
And I know most of you are compartmentalized.
I know most of you are fed disinformation and carefully crafted propaganda by your superiors.
I know your superiors have staged terror attacks all over the United States that have been kept quiet so they can scare you into going along with this whole covert takeover.
There are hundreds of ways they manipulate you and I want to challenge people in the system.
I know most of you
Our brave soldiers who fought in many different conflicts, who have slowly been twisted and slowly been lied to and slowly been taught that it's okay to be involved in what is manifestly evil.
Secret arrest, secret torture, and I know most of you aren't involved in that, but in supporting that overall system.
We have to turn this around.
I mean, when we have foreign banks openly stealing 8.5 trillion in seven weeks,
And then telling Congress, and telling Bloomberg, the news and others, that under national security this is not going to be released.
When we have the Associated Press reporting seven and a half years ago, on the eve of 9-11, literally, September 10th, that two trillion dollars was stolen out of Pentagon pension funds.
There is no doubt
That what the bosses of the New World Order are doing and what they're using you to help carry it out is a crime against humanity and is the blackest of the black, the darkest of the dark.
There is no denial that the government is bankrupt morally and financially.
There is no doubt that this is designed.
There is no doubt that you're playing on the wrong side of the field on this.
And I know that the minority of your enforcers and technocrats are psychopaths or sociopaths.
Most of you are ideologues.
You have been sold on false political paradigms.
You've been sold on false threats.
You've been taught this Machiavellian view of the end justifies the means.
Oh, we gotta kill 3,000 Americans.
As sacrificing a pawn to win the game.
It's for Pax Americana.
It's for our future.
No, it's not.
Look at what the very elite are doing right now.
It's destroying the United States and the Western world by design.
Look at how they attack the family.
Look at how they attack the Second Amendment.
And I'm not defending those of you that carried out the attacks and helped carry them out and then helped cover it up.
Many more of you helped do that, now making yourselves accomplices.
Even if it really was for the United States, even if it was a tribal move that was for the people of this country, it is evil and wrong.
But on top of it, it wasn't for us.
And that makes it even worse.
I understand the military mind.
I understand the flag officer level training.
I understand that going back thousands of years ago armies would stage massacres and blame it on their enemies.
I understand that false flag is in the official army manuals that we posted in full at InfoWars.com and I understand this has been inculcated into the culture.
Now the military and the government would not carry out the staged attack in 62 when it was proposed
As an operation that they wanted to green light, not a theoretical operation, green light, to stage terror attacks, to shoot Americans in the streets of Miami and D.C.
and Maryland and how to frame Patsy's, to bomb D.C., to bomb other U.S.
cities, to kill Marines and blame it on foreign enemies.
And that is the journey to evil.
That's how they twisted our military to begin with.
Is they would give our military classified briefings showing the fact that Stalin and then Khrushchev had killed tens of millions of people.
They would say the Red Menace is too dangerous.
We have to stage terror attacks to be able to defeat them.
And then the men say, yeah, we've got the strong mind, the resolve.
We don't like having to kill Americans, but we're going to do it, because if we don't kill a few Americans, the Russians are going to win, and they're going to nuke us, or communism will succeed, and then we'll lose our way of life, and so we've got to do it.
And so they stage the Liberty.
They stage the Gulf of Tonkin.
They stage other limited events listed in a catalog of false flag in Operation Northwoods and other documents that have been declassified.
You attacked a highly decorated ship that is now the most decorated ship.
You killed, what, 33 sailors and injured 100 plus others.
The President ordered the aircraft carriers to not render aid.
A Russian spy ship arrived, and as the Israeli commandos were getting on deck to mop up, and because the Russians were filming the whole thing, they had to peel off and stop.
That's wrong.
Now, it's now part of the record, it's now been declassified in CIA and KGB files, New York Times headline three years ago, McCarthy was right, that the Communists were put into power by the United States and British government in 1917 and 1918.
That the entire time they were secretly being funded and given the bomb, that the entire time that was controlled by the West, and that it was a false threat created, just like Al Qaeda,
But real, nevertheless, to twist the West and to train the military and the government to go along with this evil.
That's only one example of thousands of how they twisted you.
And now it's on record.
And as soon as McCarthy found out that communism was being run by the army and by John Foster Dulles,
And by others.
And as soon as he came out and said, it goes all the way to the top of our government, he was removed.
Because it isn't communism.
As the official CIA historian contracted to write the book, Tragedy and Hope, Dr. Carol Quigley, the head of Georgetown Political Science, stated, the international banker cartel, which he believed in, controls fascism and communism, anything that vertically integrates.
Now here we are, all these decades later,
And they tell you for our way of life they're going to stage some terror attacks and you go along with it.
Because you believe the end justifies the means.
Now that's some of you.
Many others are just flat out psychopaths and just don't care and have done so many other operations and been involved in death squads and murders and everything else worldwide that they just think it's fun.
And there's no reaching those people.
Other than telling them they're putting fluoride in your water, pal, they're putting mercury in your vaccines, they're feeding you GMO foods that are gonna kill you deader than a hammer and your children deader than a hammer.
You're not on the winning team.
The elite is gonna sell you out as well.
So just from a cold-blooded standpoint, you should join the people and put the brakes on everything you're doing.
Because you're not gonna come out on top of this
They're going to bury your butts out in the desert, and probably already did bury most of you out in the desert, the ones that carried out 9-11.
And that said, I'm not up here macho, saying, bringing on, waving my finger at you.
I know how deadly you are.
I know how powerful you are.
I know how evil you are.
And I know my life's in danger.
And this isn't fun for me.
But somebody's got to stand up against you.
Somebody's got to tell you no.
Somebody's got to tell you to stop.
Somebody's got to have the will to face the facts and the data and bring it out.
And the American people are doing that.
And all the military people that come on our websites and the message boards and attack us and say there's no world government and nothing we're saying is true and Northwoods isn't real.
Shame on you.
You know it's true.
You know it's real.
You know it's all over the newspapers now.
Shame on you claiming you did all this evil for the United States, and then out in the open they're ending the United States and sucking us dry on top of it.
The truth is, you were brought in, you were broken, you were conditioned, you were corrupted.
A thousand different ways.
One of the big ones is in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The 60 plus billion we know of.
In pallets of $100 bills.
Where you pay a private $30,000 so they can then say, hey, you're corrupt.
We can report that on you.
You pay a sergeant $100,000 a year.
You pay colonels millions to corrupt them.
And then I was in Chantilly in Virginia with these spooks coming up saying, you want to attack the State Department with us.
I'm like, come on, you're big... What are you, former Army officers?
You're now with the State Department?
You're trying to provocateur me to say something?
Then they send in some others and
Well, by the way, I am an army colonel, Alex, and I'm about to go to Iraq.
Just right in my face, with a high and tight haircut.
I go, well, why are you guys paying out all these big pallets of money?
And he said, well, that's what my commander-in-chief says, so that's what I do.
I mean, I got these guys, not even denying who they are, openly going, yeah, pallets of cash, so what?
Good God, what happened to you?
You're not doing this for America.
You're doing this for pallets of cash.
You better spend those pallets of cash, because they're not going to be worth anything soon.
A lot of you aren't going to listen now, but once you see what you've done to this country, you will.
We'll be right back with my message to you.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You know, I can have all these former JAG officers, colonels, generals, former head JAG officer in the Navy, and they'll tell you it's totally illegal to have Army intelligence, Marine Corps intelligence.
State Department Protective Service out running around, surveilling American citizens, trying to provoke a tourist.
But finishing up with that story and my message to the establishment, I'm up there covering Bilderberg.
On air we say we're going up there non-violent, peacefully.
Rules for the demonstrators, everybody was peaceful.
We get there and I'm staying at two different hotels and at both hotel restaurants, guys walk in, come up to our table, separate groups of people,
And come up and say, hey, you want to attack Bilderberg?
And I'm like, come on, man.
You're 6'4".
What are you, 50 years old?
You're a senior officer.
You're in here asking if I'm violent.
You know you've got files on me and assessments.
You know I'm not going to do anything violent.
Well, you have trespassed before, Mr. Jones.
Well, yeah, Bohemian Grove.
But that was questionable.
You know, that's public policy being made.
World leaders.
I went in there to cover it.
Then, oh, I want you to meet this guy.
And then, I start talking about the pallets of money, and he goes, oh, yeah, you know, I'm an army colonel about to go back to Iraq, and what's wrong with that?
That's how we're winning over there.
And I go, no, you're taking the money.
And they just smile.
I mean, they don't even hide what they do.
They don't even cover it up.
And all over the country, these same guys walk into bars, walk into events, walk into meetings,
The 9-11 truthers, and they come up and they say the same thing.
We need to go after Jews.
We need to, you know, go after Barack Obama.
We need to, and folks, you need to make a big deal.
You need to tell the person at the bar or the restaurant, call 9-1-1.
You need to say this, you need to say this part.
We need to sting these people.
You need to record them.
Now, I did start pulling cameras out on these guys and they'd run off.
Then we'd have guys driving to the parking lot at the hotel, flipping us off.
Guys wearing clown masks, flipping us off.
Cars driving up right on our bumper.
I mean, you know, and it's always the same.
Big meathead military guys.
35 years old, that's the people tailing us.
45, 50 years old, coming up and talking to us.
You are the traitors.
You are the ones involved in treason.
You are the ones that work for the people that have hijacked our government, that staged the attacks of 9-11.
Never forget walking out of AXS TV, that it happened in a parking lot separately.
When I was coming out of, I think it was a Circuit City.
This is 10 years ago.
Happened in, I think in what, 1999.
So 9 years ago.
Close to 10 years ago, I'd walk out and there'd be two guys with government cars, they'd walk up, they'd say, hey, we hear you say you got a team, that your team's planning something.
I said, yeah, I said, I have a great team, a few guys working for me, we go out and do news stories.
You know what a team means?
Well, if you're planning something violent, Alex, just know, we'd like to join your team.
And I said, I told you I'm not planning anything violent.
Well, if your team tries something, just know we're watching.
Then I had guys in a parking lot come up to me and say, Oh, Alex Jones, you're a tough guy, aren't you, buddy?
We know all about you.
And I said, Who are you?
You know who we are.
Just know we're watching you, punk.
Because I was warning people about Delta Force making payoffs to local city officials.
I was going and interviewing police chiefs and emergency managers and mayors.
It's all on video in my police state films.
They didn't like that one bit.
Me, one little guy, with my little team, going and interviewing people and putting it on AXS TV and playing the audio on the radio.
Oh, you bet I knew the military was real on our streets.
And now they're openly announcing it to you.
And they got Krauthammer and others on Fox saying they want to come arrest people like me.
And they've had Glenn Beck say it, and they've had all the other shows say the 9-11 truthers need to be arrested and taken to black sites and tortured and killed.
That's all in Truth Rising.
The news clips where they're saying that in unison on every news channel.
They're scared of us because they know we know they're terrorists.
They did set up 20 plus thousand InfraGard executives quote for martial law
And telling the executives they can shoot to kill people as secret FBI agents.
This is all happening and you are being set up as a rear guard to protect the foreign bankers while they loot and bankrupt the nation.
And you shouldn't go along with it.
You shouldn't be part of it.
More straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We don't need no education
The process of corruption in the country, the general population, the military, the FBI, the bureaucrats,
And the establishment is going to use phony environmentalism as a pretext to micromanage and rule over our lives and bring in a form of modern feudalism and serfdom.
The other prong in the pincer move, the pincer attack, is of course staged terrorism and provocateur terrorism.
I mean, take the police in Ottawa this year.
Caught, national news, attacking other police.
The people know what to look for now.
So they could then attack the peaceful crowd.
Look at Denver this year.
The police caught attacking their own officers in staged events for the news cameras.
Is that a good government?
Is that a legitimate government?
Is that a real government?
And it's not just criminal for the army to be going around trying to provocateur people into violence.
Muslims, 9-11 truthers, you name it.
It's illegal to try to get somebody to carry out a crime, a crime of violence.
That's more than just a sting.
That's more than just entrapment.
That is literally engaging in racketeering.
Any lawyer that tries federal cases will tell you the feds will bring in 10, 20, 30 witnesses who've never even met you to say you committed every crime under the sun to put you in jail.
That's why more than a third of the people on death row, it's turned out, are totally innocent.
Through DNA.
It's a bankrupt government.
And it doesn't end there.
There's a million plus children grabbed a year by CPS, who's five times more likely to abuse the children than any other group.
And no one's allowed to investigate them, no one's allowed to punish them.
These are the crimes that are being committed.
This is the corruption-wide system in this illegitimate government.
And you're on the wrong side of history.
And I know a lot of you are deep into this now and you don't know how to get out.
The only reason that things aren't a lot worse is because there are a lot of good people in the military and high levels and a lot of good people in the FBI and a lot of good people in the CIA.
But you're being manipulated.
And I know that many of us have been on the journey of being good and decent and honorable, and that'll get you into a scary place confronting evil, but you can't turn back.
There's no going back.
It's a good feeling in a way, because even if you're not committed, you're committed.
Well, a lot of you think there's no turning back, because you've been involved in so much evil.
You've been corrupted and twisted and turned to the dark side.
Many of you can still turn back, and you'll find that as you have courage and turn back and say no,
There's going to be others around you that are going to say, I didn't know you felt the same way, I didn't know you were thinking the same thing, and we have a chance of not letting the foreign bankers completely suck the country dry.
Now, $8.5 trillion in seven weeks is bad.
But if we bring out the point that this is illegal, this is unlawful, and if we somehow get the Congress to stand up on its hind legs, but you see they're being watched, they're corrupt, the FBI uses dirt on them to keep them under control, the governor's under control, it's a tough road.
But if somehow we can get Congress to realize the people are behind them, and educate them of the public, we can reverse this.
Especially as the fallout, the aftermath of what's been done financially alone is learned.
Is discovered.
And that's why we, the people, have to be there at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and all the other sites, pointing out how the bankers engineered it.
Pointing out how they stole the money openly.
Pointing out how the Federal Reserve is becoming the government.
Pointing out that Greenspan says they're above the law on Laird NewsHour.
Showing people how outrageous this is!
I've assessed history, I've assessed movements, I've assessed systems, and the New World Order undoubtedly is going to collapse.
The New World Order undoubtedly is already in place and is already falling apart.
In its death throes, it is going to start huge regional wars, minimum,
Possibly even World War III.
In its death throes, it will release biological weapons.
In its death throes, unspeakable things are undoubtedly going to happen.
And for your moral compass, for your soul, for your family name, for everything you've been in your life before you turned to evil, before you bought into lies and power for power's sake, turn back now.
You see, once a society gives in to corruption, once people decide that corruption is the way to go up the ladder, everything falls apart.
Everything disintegrates.
Like Mexico is disintegrating, and North Korea, and Greenland, and Argentina.
And that's being set up here.
They're admitting that's what the troops are for.
But they didn't just set up Homeland Security and NORTHCOM last week.
They set it up decades ago.
Before you ever even heard of NORTHCOM and Homeland Security, it was in government documents.
And they stated it was for the banker takeover, it was for bringing down the United States, it was for bankrupting everything so everybody basically depended on a government check, and lowering our standard of living.
This is a horrible thing you are involved in, those of you in the media, those of you in government, those of you in the enforcement arms.
And for those of you in the enforcement arms,
It's only gonna get darker.
It's only gonna get more horrible.
Some of you that aren't pure evil, but that go along with it, who hate your job, that hate what you're involved in, it's only gonna get a hundred times worse.
If you don't put the brakes on it, and if you don't turn from the dark side, if you don't refuse to be part of this,
So, the choice is in your hands, but it's not just in those that work for the dark side, Sands.
It is in the hands of the good.
And it is to the good, the decent, the honorable, people that have a moral compass and understand history, that love their families.
It is to us that this will be decided.
And that's why all of us have to commit to work in every way we can, waking up neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, pastors, bringing light into the world, reaching out to our fellow man, putting up blogs, doing AXS TV shows, starting local radio shows.
You don't know how?
It's easy.
And taking the fight to the New World Order in the information war and never surrendering and never giving up because they're losing ground fast.
People are waking up exponentially, but many of them aren't taking action.
Knowledge without action, knowledge without deed is empty.
I'm not perfect.
But look at what I've been able to do, joining together with other like-minded people around the world.
Look at the effect we've had.
Look at how much we've slowed down the New World Order.
And everything we talked about has come true.
Everything we warn people about is unfolding.
Now our credibility is at all-time highs, and now is the time to go out and wake the people up as we enter the phase of greatest danger to liberty and freedom and just life itself.
In closing on this subject, and I want to get into the economy some, in closing, there are hundreds of declassified examples of Western governments staging terror attacks that are completely declassified.
And it's admitted in the BBC and other publications that in 2000, they just admitted it in plain view, that it was the government that had sites all over Scotland and England itself,
On the whole of the island, the government from Porton down went out and gave weaponized foot and mouth to the cows.
And then they killed millions of them and took over and bankrupted many of the farms.
That's just one of hundreds of biological examples.
They're setting up 36 level 4 bioweapons labs.
In Texas and Kansas and New York, they're moving them from underground facilities in the desert or on islands like Plum Island, and they're moving them into major cities.
The globalists admittedly plan to have controlled bioweapons releases.
They plan to do hellish, horrible things.
And those of you in government cannot deny this anymore.
Those of you in government cannot deny
But cancer viruses are still put in the polio vaccine and were put in there and the inventor of the polio vaccine brags on tape and laughs about it on CBC.
This is disgusting!
I mean, you may be into being tough, and you know, you've seen people die from cluster bombs, and you've killed families decades ago, and you don't care anymore, but I mean, do you really want to be part of killing Americans and others' children?
Do you really want to be part of all this eugenics and bioweapons releases on the American people?
Do you really want to sign your name forever onto all of this?
Do you really want to be part of it?
You know, I'm not.
Upset with the decisions I've made.
I'm proud of the decisions I've made in my life to fight evil.
But at the same time, it is overwhelming sometimes to realize just exactly what I'm facing.
But even if I didn't fight it, I'd still be in the world.
I'd still be facing these people.
They'd still be attacking me and my family.
And so I'm walking point.
I'm out in the front, trusting in God that I'll be able to continue my work without being set up or killed or all the things I'm being threatened with.
My wife, my family being threatened.
I've made a lot of sacrifices, but in the end they aren't sacrifices.
What else was I supposed to do?
I'm just a normal male.
What does a normal, head-screwed-on straight male do when he finds out there's an evil elite?
When he finds out there's a corrupt New World Order?
When he finds out his liberties and his freedoms and his heritage are being destroyed?
When he finds out that there
Destroying everything good and erecting evil in its place.
What are we supposed to do?
What am I supposed to do?
You know, even if you won't fight evil, you might as well not help it.
You might as well not cheerlead it and love it.
You know, I've spent 45 minutes here speaking to the establishment, speaking to the New World Order,
Speaking to their minions and enforcers.
You can't deny, you can't rationalize what you're part of anymore.
It is world government.
It is a tyrannical world government.
They've got their talking heads, they've got their proxies, they've got their operatives in hundreds of newspapers every week saying world government's the answer, world government's the solution to the environment, to the economic controlled crisis, to the wars, to terrorism,
How many years did we tell you they would stage all of these things and then say world government was the answer, and then say that the private banks are going to make up the world government, and that you're going to pay your taxes to them, and now they're rolling it out.
Now they're doing it.
Now we're entering the final phase, and ladies and gentlemen, the final...
...final phases of controlled, sustained, never-ending world depression with the currencies being devalued and the public being forced to take world ID cards and anyone in security positions being forced to take implantable microchips and forced inoculations.
They've spent decades setting up InfraGard and the clergy response teams to sell the public on to going into bondage.
They've spent decades building the FEMA camps.
They've spent decades preparing the public in Hollywood and through messages in the media.
This is the darkest road we're going down.
The most horrible, horrific, can't you smell the stench coming out of the black pit we're being lowered down into?
An elevator straight into hell!
Where the psychopaths of the New World Order will be able to have their way with us!
With lots of mindless new recruits being brought in on power trips to have their way with the people!
True warriors for liberty don't want conflict.
And they're doing everything they can to try to reverse this because they know it won't hurt the New World Order to have thousands of firefights with police and the military.
Fights you're going to lose by attrition.
The veneer of civilization already peeling away as the riots already begin in the United States.
As the Senator stated, Jim DeMint from South Carolina.
This doesn't have to happen.
We don't have to have World War 3.
It didn't have to happen in 61 and 62.
It didn't have to happen when they schnuck attacked the Russians on 888 a few months ago.
It doesn't have to happen now.
We can turn this around together.
But it's going to take the general public to get out of denial and to face just how adverse the situation is.
It's going to take those of you that are already active in the info war to redouble and then redouble again your efforts to wake people up and carry the ball against tyranny.
It's going to take having courage and not caring what your boss or your neighbors or your employees or your pastors think.
It's going to take aggressive action like buying a DVD burner and making
500 copies in your garage of Terror Storm or Endgame or Truth Rising and giving it to your whole church.
It's going to take talking to people you know in the military about what's happening.
It's going to take a grassroots uprising in the information war to back off the New World Order and avert this, or if they go ahead with it, we'll then have enough people awake, because once this stuff, the hammer really drops, you think it's dropped so far, it hasn't even started, then as everything we said unfolds, as it already has, but even more so, then people that laughed, they will be listening, and then we've got a good fighting chance inside of this thing to beat it.
I don't want my life to be for nothing and I don't want all those other great patriots and our founding fathers right through to today and those that did stand up for liberty and decency and honor to be for naught.
I don't want the Republic to fall to a bunch of foreign bankers who think so little of us.
They openly steal 8.5 trillion in our faces.
And I want the people to get prepared.
I want the people to plan
For really bad things to happen, but to get out and work now to try to avert that.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
And I want the New World Order servants who are wicked and look forward to all of this evil, that minority of you out there, to know that you are going to be defeated.
And I want our listeners to understand that we call up somebody like Rothkopf, the head of the Kissinger Group, to have him on as a guest as he writes a book about admitting there's a world government,
And we call him up and we go, Oh, we know who you are.
I know who Alex Jones is.
I'll come on his show.
We all know about Alex Jones.
Again, another example.
The enemy knows who we are.
The enemy is aware of us.
The enemy is concerned.
The enemy is worried just about the work I'm doing with you.
Showing that we're affecting things, that they're having to counter us.
They're having to dispatch their people to try to counter us.
But it's a Catch-22 for them because their system is now coming out into the open.
And they lied and said it didn't exist, but now they admit it exists.
We'll come back, get into the economy.
Stay with us.
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He had his hand over the radio while he was getting a countdown.
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If we don't expose the government-sponsored terror, they're going to commit more acts and bring in martial law.
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I think so.
Gold has been going up above $8.20.
Ted Anderson bought gold, what, last Monday at $7.40 for the now close to $60, no more than $60, close to $80 above what it was.
I'm going to spend this segment and part of the next.
Then we've got Richard Gage joining us.
Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.
Talking to Jim Newcomer.
He's the chief broker there at Midas Resources under Ted Anderson.
And Jim's got a great political brain and economic mind.
I wanted to get his take on what's happening.
He's got a BA in business and finance over 30 years in sales and management with Midas Resources for many years.
And we really appreciate him coming on the show.
I wanted listeners to know, just briefly, the gold offer today.
We do this a few days a week.
Believe it or not, we told people we had limited buffalos that nobody can get.
I mean, it's very hard to get these at a just incredibly low price.
And these things are selling for 30-40% premiums.
There's basically no premium on this, just a tiny markup.
I think we're about 4%.
Just to pay for the transaction.
They have these right now, ladies and gentlemen, and they have a limited number left.
But because I said limited number the other day, nobody called to get them.
They have, what, 35 of these left.
There were 40.
There's 35 of those left.
They will go quickly.
And that's $1,036 gold, billion, Proof Slab, MS70, NGC, the Buffalos.
And then the best deals, of course, are the $168 a roll for the walking half dollar silver roll of 20 coins.
That's with silver way up.
Again, they got this gold and silver at much lower prices a week and a half ago.
I guess now about two weeks ago.
They've got British Sovereigns at $242.
$195, French or Swiss, 20-franc coin.
Those are the overall best deals.
Gold, ounce for ounce.
The British Sovereign and the French or Swiss, 20 franc.
They have it available right now at Midas Resources, and this is throughout Sunday.
And then that's the end of the deal.
And they had about, remember, five or six other coins Monday.
Those are all gone at this price.
You can still get them for a good deal.
Tell them it's the radio special 800-686-2237.
And I will tell you that Ted said, do this deal.
Some of the folks don't even want him to do it.
Because it's ridiculous.
You won't find a deal like this anywhere else.
And we now go to Jim Newcomer for this segment, the next.
Jim, have you ever seen a market like this?
What do you think of just everything that's happening?
It's been absolutely crazy, Alex.
I mean, we have oil going down, normally gold, the precious metals and the petroleum move in tandem.
We have oil dropping down 66% from the high, and we still have the precious metals on the rise and increasing.
The demand out there has been just unbelievable.
It's getting to the point where it's difficult to find a lot of these coins right now.
And you had mentioned the Proof Slab coins that we have there.
Those MS70 or Proof 70 modern five dollar modern coins.
They're selling to... I don't know how Ted gets these things.
He's had these now for about a month.
We do have these in the vault.
They're selling for the same price as a five dollar Liberty in a VF condition.
And these are in the most pristine, the best condition you can buy.
They are NGC certified at MS-70 proof coins.
So if there's somebody looking for, you know, precious metals for Christmas or something, we could probably get that out to them in time for the original Christmas present.
So, but you're absolutely right.
With the economy going south the way that it is, the money that our government's infusing and giving away, literally giving away, and the devaluation of the dollar and the currencies worldwide, these precious metals can do nothing but increase in value.
Jim Newcomer, stay there, back in 70 seconds.
I want to get into the fact that the Federal Reserve has stolen $8.5 trillion in seven weeks and won't tell Congress or anybody else where it even went.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNLive.com today.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his MO.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
Some U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com, or see it in super high quality, along with hundreds of other titles, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Richard Gage coming up in five minutes.
Architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth, sending shockwaves across the world, awakening the false black terror, will be joining us.
And then, of course,
We are going to have just a super guest on, Bob Chapman.
Finishing up with Jim, a newcomer, a long time Midas broker, head broker there.
Jim, I mean the magnitude of them saying, oh the banker bailout, it'll all be transparent, but then I read the bill it said it'll all be secret, again lying to the people.
Then the foreign-owned Federal Reserve steals 8.5 trillion,
And the lawsuit with Bloomberg, the federal government says, you know, the Federal Reserve is private.
They don't have to tell you.
I mean, this spells curtains for the dollar.
People had better move into gold.
Oh, I agree 100%.
I mean, these people have never been transparent.
They never will be since, you know, the creation of the banking system.
They're there to make money with our money.
The precious metals are the only thing that are true currency.
They have real, intrinsic value, and they'll always maintain their value and their purchasing power.
No matter what the value of them is, it will always buy you the same amount of goods and services at any period of time in history.
Did you see the New York Times yesterday saying the Federal Reserve is going to issue its own T-bills and basically openly become the government?
I didn't see it in the New York Times.
I did see an article to that effect on the internet this morning.
Again, how good a deal as a gold and silver broker.
Uh, you know, decades of this.
Is this for Ted to buy this stuff at the $740 range and with gold up at $815, $820 to be selling it now for that price?
Well, I quite honestly, I don't know where he finds this gold to begin with.
I mean, he, you know, he makes commitments months in advance to have this delivered to us and he goes all over the face of the earth.
He's out of town right now looking for new opportunities for your radio listeners and more things that we can offer to get people involved.
And he looks for precious metals in all price ranges.
So no matter whether you've got a lot of money or a little bit of money, he wants people to get started to understand that it's important that they have a portion of their portfolio in precious metals because the collapse is coming.
The collapse is at hand.
I mean, we're mid collapse right now.
And it's important for people to take a look at their assets.
Get the precious metals as financial security and insurance and would be more than happy to help them.
Well, all the mainline analysts are now saying 30% in gold and silver.
Decades ago, or just a year or two ago, they'd say 10%.
And then this is the best deal you're going to find out there, a huge range of gold and silver.
But it will end.
It will end Sunday, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the tail end of it.
And we've even got some buffaloes there available at an insane price.
And the brokers will be there throughout the weekend.
And if you happen to call and
Somebody's out to lunch or something.
There's 26 brokers there now.
During the weekend there's about 6, 7, 8.
I'm told if they happen to be out or at lunch, leave your name and number.
They'll call you right back if you want in on this deal.
They'll be there up until midnight tonight.
And what Ted does, he buys when it's low.
He sells when it's low, but then he also sells when it's high.
But he passes on that savings, and that's why he annihilates all of his competition, ladies and gentlemen.
But he's at the end of the last buy.
Remember, he sold out of the buy at $700.
Then he bought in at $740, knowing it was going to go up.
Then it went up to, you know, it's up at $820 or so.
And it's at the tail end of that.
Next week, it's going to be up in the $800 range.
So pay now while it's $740.
Priced in there, $800.
Anything else, Jim?
No, just want to wish everybody out there a good holiday season.
Now again, brokers are going to be there all weekend.
They will.
And if you get in tonight, don't wait, folks.
Give them a call.
Again, Jim, it's got to feel good to be able to pitch gold and silver at this low a price, this good a deal.
It's always good when we know that we're helping people.
Oh, absolutely.
Well, I mean, most places have shut down and saying they're out.
Again, Ted has been in it so long, 30 years, and is so trusted by international brokers, he's able to get it.
Alright, Jim, I'm going to let you go in there and answer the phones.
Alright, thank you.
Thanks for coming on.
We're going to have Jim back on in the near future to really give us his economic view and more.
But we've got Richard Gage coming up, and then of course we've got Bob Chapman on this Friday edition.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Recapping, while we get Richard Gagne to the line, what I was talking about last hour with the military,
being used by the foreign banks to take over the country, to enforce the takeover.
It is not my opinion, it is all over the news, the Washington Post, CNN, CBS News, the Army Times, that under PDD 51, NORTHCOM has now made the United States a military jurisdiction of the Executive, and that Congress isn't allowed to see the full text of PDD 51,
And that governors serve at the pleasure of the President, and that they're abolishing the National Guard and making it a total integrated force under the President, its main mission to suppress the American people under riots, civil insurrection.
And we have board governors of the Federal Reserve and former ones telling Bloomberg, the New York Times, and others that they've been told that we are now under a War Powers Act, and that even the regional Federal Reserve banks aren't allowed to be brought into what's happening.
I don't completely believe that.
I believe they have been threatened with it.
We know they have.
But a lot of them know this is so criminal, they're claiming they're not involved.
I mean, this is... The chutzpah.
The, the, the, just the outrageousness.
Uh, the arrogance.
Uh, the... wanton, uh, bravado.
Of what we're seeing just, just stuns the mind.
And so the military, the police have been federalized, and they're publicly pointed at the states and pointed at the Congress, which is as powerful or more powerful than the President in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the three branches of government.
This is classical tyranny to have a President or a Prime Minister or Julius Caesar, the head of the Senate in Rome, to tell the Senate, I am over you and the military works for me.
That's what they mean by he crossed the Rubicon.
That is the river in the north, over by Austria, and for 500 years before, 400 years before, it was illegal, high treason, to bring any of the legions past the Rubicon.
To bring them south.
And of course he crossed the Rubicon, the Rubicon, and brought them into Rome.
That's what this is, and so I want the military, the police, the FBI, you have crossed the Rubicon!
You have engaged in high treason.
I don't care if your commander-in-chief ordered you to do it.
This is a tyrannical thing that's happening.
Nine times out of ten, nations never recover from this.
Mass looting then occurs, and mass looting is now occurring.
Caesar, of course, robbed the rich Roman elite.
He used that to pay off the military.
It was very bad for, actually, the wealthy.
As well as the main class.
The middle class and the poor and the slaves and everybody else.
The bondservants.
I mean, this is not good for anybody but Caesar.
But the globalists plan to be able to checkmate Caesar because they're international in scope.
It's a global empire, so it's more like the Roman Empire having dictatorships over its possessions.
And the United States is a possession of this international financial umbrella that isn't based in any one country.
Now saying they're going to issue government's T-bills, you'll buy government bills, government notes, government bonds directly from them, you'll pay your carbon taxes directly to them.
This is open, complete, tyrannical, undemocratic, as the Financial Times of London said, but said it was good, that that's good, effective management.
As David Rockefeller said, you know, that we need to get rid of the auto-determination of democracies and sovereign nations and go to a world governed by the international banking elite.
He said that back in the seventies on record.
You can pull up the actual quote if you want, that's a paraphrase.
And they're now doing it.
And this has now happened.
And so, you can't live in that gray area anymore, people in government, bureaucrats, all of you.
You can't say, oh, that's just made up, oh, that's not happening.
It's all happening.
It's all out in the open.
Hundreds of newspapers, but telling you it's good.
People say, well, you're reading mainstream news, I thought, well, you can't believe them.
Well, they lie, they spin, they do things on certain issues.
Like the media says, it's the law, you've got to take vaccines, there's no law.
That's a lie, but more often than not, it's a spin.
Or, they, you know, they tell the truth but say it's good.
You know, they say something bad is good.
Oh, it's good to have troops on the streets.
Oh, it's good for the President to be a dictator.
Oh, it's good.
And see, the establishment's putting everything behind Obama.
He's the new puppet, the new figurehead.
They're bringing him in to throw it in everybody's face.
Now, this constantly happens with our guests.
It's not on our end most of the time.
It's a time zone issue.
Richard Gage bought him, I bet you a million bucks, thinks he's on next hour.
But that's when we have Bob Chapman, so we'll have to move Richard Gage to another day.
But that's okay, because I want to open the phones up for the listeners specifically.
Hey guys, forget the Gage thing.
Hey Aaron, forget it.
I don't care if you've got him.
Forget it.
I don't want to give the phone number out in the not do it.
Did you get him?
Yeah, just forget it.
He gets time zone issues.
You've got to tell them over and over again, these guests.
Time zone, time zone, time zone, time zone, time zone, time zone, time zone.
Because it's just an endless issue.
Okay, no big deal.
Thank you.
Send him up next week.
Americans have overall been good people throughout their history on average.
Better than really any other nation if you study history.
And look at the milk and honey.
Look at the success it bred.
But throughout history, corrupt elites come in and take over governments.
And it's just been a corporate takeover.
Our government's set up under agencies and a corporate model.
The last hundred years, it's moved away from a true Republican form of government into this kind of robber baron ruled system.
And they've been expanding their power, their monopolies ever since.
And they're using the military
And the police, in the name of security, to cement their gains.
To cement the takeover.
Because they can't just come into the government and steal 8.5 trillion in seven weeks and then sail off into the sunset.
No, no, no, no, no.
That's done to expand their power.
To buy up the depressed stock market.
To buy up all the assets while posing as saviors.
And they know the public's going to get mad.
They know the public's going to find out.
They'll just burn a few scapegoats and then move forward into the new surf system.
They say they want you poor.
They say they want you bankrupt on record.
This is how they want to manage you.
They want to use food as a weapon.
And so it is open tyranny, open despotism, the gauntlet thrown in everyone's face,
And we have a decision to make.
Are we going to go along with this?
The American people won World War II, we've gone through a Great Depression, we were told we're the good guys, our government's good.
The American people started trusting government, forgot the Bill of Rights and Constitution, it was taken out of schools.
The foundations went into high gear to dumb the population down, to use their public relations, psychological warfare systems,
To train everybody to think they were on an endless vacation and didn't need to be involved in society.
And federalization was radically expanded across this country and other nations.
And so the American people went to sleep, they disengaged.
And in just one area, suddenly the milk with 90% the formula was filled with deadly poison melamine.
Suddenly there was mercury in the shots and from 1 in 25,000 had autism to now 1 in 87, the latest numbers.
And the cancer rates exploded, and they approved deadly GMO foods.
See, that's just one example of where we're not involved, horrible things happen.
We're not informed, horrible things happen.
What would happen if you owned, say, a business with 25 employees, and you said, I'm going away for 20 years, I'm gonna put a manager in charge, and no one can review him, no one can look at him, no one can double-check what he's doing, he runs the bank account, he can do whatever he wants.
Well, let's say he was a good manager.
But he dies in five years, or he goes to a new job.
Some new guy gets in.
That person's corrupt.
Or a bad manager.
Overnight, everything is stolen, the thing falls apart and breaks down.
Now imagine the national security state, 1947, set up by the companies that shipped in the heroin and cocaine, the legal pharmaceutical companies.
Check out the founding of the CIA out of Yale.
Running all these black ops.
They're given unlimited secrecy, unlimited funding, unlimited power, license to kill.
Basically British intelligence, which already had a big foothold.
This was a big issue in the news in the 20s, 30s, 40s.
Basically takes over our government through the roundtable groups, the Council on Foreign Relations.
They write news articles in England bragging about it in the newspaper that they now run the U.S.
Not the British people, the British elite, who know how to manage empires, who know how to covertly take over countries.
They had their corporate takeover then, and now they've been expanding it ever since.
They use us as an engine to take over the world, and now they're completely bankrupting us and blowing us out.
They've had unlimited secrecy, power, and funding for 60 years.
For 61 years!
Since 1947.
Now, what would happen with your children if you said, I'm gonna leave my 10 and 11 year olds, hypothetically, somebody out there, I'm gonna leave for six months.
Here's the money, here's the credit cards, have fun.
Or teenagers, a 14 and 15 year old.
I'm leaving!
Here's the keys to the car, here's the bank account, I'm leaving!
What would happen when you came home?
But these aren't children you left at home.
This is powerful, ruthless, power-hungry men.
And now it's their children and their grandchildren in control.
And they've gotten away with millions of things, and so now they just said, well, we'll just bankrupt everything, take everything over, everybody will be destitute, we'll have all the currency, and then we'll become absolute kings, and openly have the banks become world government in your face, and that's now happening.
And we'll build FEMA camps, and train the public, torture's good, and secret arrest is good, and we'll stage terror attacks if they try to remove us from power, and blame it on them as a pretext to stomp on them.
And we'll regulate their lives, and tax them, and shut down their farms and ranches, and we'll totally enslave them.
And that's what's now happened.
I want to hear from the military, I want to hear from police, I want to hear from citizens about what you've heard me talk about the last few hours, how you think we counter it, where you think this is going.
Your call's at 1-800-259-9231.
When we get back, websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.net.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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Bin Laden.
This is his MO.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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Phones, if you're in the military, the secret police, in the police,
If you're for getting rid of posse comitatus, trips on the streets, secret arrest of U.S.
citizens, call in and let us know.
If you are against it, let us know.
I mean, if you heard me talk about this a decade ago and now you see it all unfolding, what's your idea of a way to reach out to military and police and educate them about what's going on so they see the big picture so we can stop it?
When you hear me hang up on a caller, that's your chance to call in because the phones are obviously loaded.
Yeah, hey Alex, can you hear me good?
Yeah, I'm on a Skype phone.
Yeah, I got two things.
I hope you give me a little bit of time to get to it.
One is an idea I have for help fighting the New World Order, and the other is kind of about you, I guess.
I just wanted to say, you know, I started waking up about a couple years ago just by studying 9-11 and realizing that that was, you know, what that was up, and I started watching sort of
We're good to go.
If you're the real deal, you're like a hero.
I mean, it's really unbelievable.
If there's one thing I have learned with this waking up is that you can't take everything at face value and most things are a lie.
So I've really tried to, I have tried studying you and I've looked at a lot of the things out there and I've seen, you know, I know there's a lot of people out there trying to debunk you and like 99% of it's either garbage
Or it seems like it's some little personal thing that's just ridiculous.
Yeah, it's not all COINTELPRO.
It's not all government.
A lot of it's just mass mental illness, but that's all part of the overall programming.
Number one, proof is in the pudding.
Sir, you can listen to shows I did 12 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, watch my films made 10, 11 years ago.
Now everything I covered there is mainstream.
If I tell you there's an executive order to give you a national ID card in 93, I show you the executive order and the document number.
If I tell you $8.5 trillion has been stolen, I said before that, that they were going to steal.
And we predicted $10 trillion, now it looks like it's going to be even more.
So I mean, of course I'm for real, but regardless,
Everybody obsesses on me instead of obsessing on, well you know what's true now, you've gone and researched now, you're a leader, go out and wake up others.
Let me ask you one thing, what did you think of Bill Cooper?
Well, Bill Cooper was an alcoholic, and I didn't ever try to attack him.
He got mad because the network put me on at night, and he thought, and I really never heard his show because I didn't listen to a lot of shortwave, I was busy.
But I'd seen his book, it was all about flying saucers, so I didn't finish it.
Somebody had given it to me on AXS TV like in 96.
I think so.
All that stuff, man.
I'm sorry.
And, uh... I mean, it's all like an ego thing.
Like, it's two football teams and who's for who.
I'm sorry for Bill.
But anybody... I mean, he was a liar, though.
You know?
One time I had him on the radio and he was cussing and I delayed him once.
Then I said, please don't cuss again.
I delayed him again.
And I said, okay, thank you.
And then he went around saying he never cussed.
The guy cussed on air.
He cussed at everybody.
He was yelling at the board op going, you effing little idiot!
You know, God told you to call this number to Beth and have me on!
And then he says that he didn't, you know, the guy, he was a pathetic drunk!
And I don't like attacking people, but if you really want to know, that's it!
Is that your answer?
You like that answer?
Anything else, sir?
I believe you.
I mean, I know you're putting out a lot of truth out there, and I'll tell you the best thing I've heard... Look, man, some dead drunk...
And I'd drink a few beers, too.
But the point is, he would get falling down drunk, okay?
And I was nice.
He said the IRS was after him and he needed help.
I'd call him up, I'd go, hey, this is Alex Jones, I'd like to interview you, get you some help for the IRS.
And he goes, I've heard you, you little S-H-I-T.
You don't know as much as I do.
And I said, well, I'd like to have you on and help you out with the IRS.
I mean, that's what I get for helping him, is him doing that.
And then you call me seven years after he's dead and ask me about him.
It isn't about Bill Cooper.
Okay, it's about NORTHCOM, the New World Order.
Get our heads screwed on straight.
Deal with the issues.
I ask callers to call in and talk about what we're going to do about what's coming down on us.
Not a dead, alcoholic, crazy person.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
With rising unemployment and an economy that continues to fail comes an increase in crime.
Are you safe when you walk to your car?
Are your kids safe when they go out?
Everyone needs something to give that extra
We're good to go.
We're good.
It was an inside job!
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the New World Order?
How do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage?
Was it engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, the C.A.R.?
The day that we stop asking questions is the day that we have allowed the seeds of despotism to grow at our own door.
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You know what, I get sick of people asking me why I'm not dead.
Because I'm a major figure and if they kill me, it will only validate everything I've said.
Because what I've been saying is...
It's scarily accurate, because I do my homework, the establisher doesn't want to do that.
They do want to discredit me with national television hit pieces, and hit pieces in newspapers, and everything else.
But I am not here to get involved with all the egos, and all the other people out there, and I don't like folks asking me about stuff like that, because you'll get the truth from me.
I'm tired of being Mr. Nice Guy.
We don't have time for this.
Bill Cooper's a very sad story.
It's a very sad thing.
That's all I can say.
It isn't about me.
I'm not in his story.
I'm not part of his story.
Other than trying to help him and being treated horribly for it.
Via egomania.
That's all I do is bring other people on and try to uplift them and put out edifying information so people know what's happening.
Now, listen, I asked you callers about the New World Order and how we defeat it and what we do about NORTHCOM being activated against the people and the bank stealing 8.5 trillion.
I mean, does anybody care about that?
Does anybody want to address that?
Let's say Alex Jones is the worst person in the world.
They did steal 8.5 trillion.
They won't say where it went.
This is politically insane.
If we get the word out on this, we may be able to bring him to justice!
It just blows me away.
I mean, am I for real?
Well, do I have video of Marines trying to take your guns?
Do I put up an AP article about them trying to pay off the police chief of San Antonio Delta Force to take over with secret martial law preparation, and then do I go videotape the police chief in his office?
Do I have the former head of Pakistani intelligence on to tell you that 9-11's an inside job and you can make the decision whether he's telling you the truth or not?
And that Mumbai was a staged event?
You know, do we have governors on, and do we have congressmen on?
Do we talk about issues and give you bill numbers?
Yes, yes, yes, yes!
Do I spend time attacking other people and other hosts?
No, no, no!
Do I tell us to... Folks, that's what COINTELPRO is about, is getting us all fighting with each other.
I come on air and warn you how provocateurs will try to set you up.
I come on and warn you about Patriot scams, but I don't name names.
I just tell you to look out on our end and on their end.
I try to edify with the knowledge and the things I've learned.
I'm just an aggressive Texan
Who loves liberty and freedom and knows how to read a government document and I'm here warning you!
We don't have time anymore to sit around sucking our thumbs!
We don't have time!
One in three toys is toxic!
Don't buy your children the toys!
Don't drink fluoridated water!
It's not a law you gotta take the shots!
Aspartame is killing people.
We have doctors and scientists on all these issues as announcements.
I'm like a lighthouse warning you about the rocks, or a buoy over rocks.
And you're like, I don't know if that's, you know, a good buoy.
Well, go over by the buoy and look under the water and see if you see a rock there.
And you go over by the buoy and there's a big fat rock underneath it.
And I've told you about a million rocks and there's rocks under every one of them.
And it isn't that I care about being attacked.
I expect that.
Because I am hurting the New World Order with the good people spreading the word out there.
We're working as one engine together.
But we need everybody pulling and fighting and out there.
It's the information.
It's the information.
It's the information.
It's the information.
That's what we need to be focused on, is the information accurate.
And the answer is, yes, it's accurate, it's hidden in plain view.
I mean, did the Financial Times of London, run by the Bilderberg Group, we have the links to that, the head of it, did they announce that they have set up a world government, the banks are going to run it, you're going to pay carbon taxes to them?
Have they signed a transatlantic agreement between the North American Union and the European Union in the Rose Garden?
Is it an endgame?
What are we going to do?
Did Judicial Watch sue and get the documents on the North American Union and did it say they're setting it up?
Did they say they're going to have carbon taxes?
Did they say they're going to use troops on the streets and foreign troops?
What are you going to do about that?
What are you going to do about that?
What are you going to do about it?
But see, people are trained to be lazy.
And psychologically, they obsess on the messenger instead of, oh my God, he's got posted the Northcom documents.
The posse commentatus takeover documents.
He's got all these experts on.
He's giving you the facts.
Instead of going and working on that and then warning others, it's all about Alex Jones!
I'm going to try to go to your calls as quick as possible because I want to get to a lot of people here.
Kyle in Iowa, go ahead.
Hello, hello.
I had one point I wanted to make and this is actually to the
Uh, intelligence people out there and everything.
When the New World Order gets its, um, global governance instituted, if it does, and they don't have the middle class to fight anymore, they don't have anyone else to fight anymore, they're gonna look inward because the guys at the top are gonna be like, okay, who wants to usurp my power now?
So the people that are part of this are slitting their own throats.
And that always happens in history, absolutely, and they never listen.
Yeah, exactly.
And also, as far as another solution, I tried uploading it to Google, but it was giving me problems, but I actually took your Endgame 1.5 and the interview with Lindsey Williams and mixed-matched them together and put dates on it.
I'm still trying to get it uploaded on Google Video.
You're taking action!
And I also put up an Obama video that's about two hours long, and that is on Google Video.
I actually had to mask my IP address for that because apparently they're blocking out my IP address because of the other videos I put up.
It doesn't matter.
They're not going to stop me from putting videos up there.
It doesn't matter what they do.
I'll always find a way around it.
So keep trying, guys.
But yeah, I just want to make that point because these people who serve the system are going to get fed on because, just like I said before, when they don't have anyone else to look at, the guys at the top are going to be like, who's going to want to take my power from me now?
And since the people that serve them are just like them, they're going to be like, oh wow, they're a vulture, they're going to want to take my power from me, and that's exactly what they're going to do.
They're going to turn around, kill half of them.
Either out of fear or because they want to set an example.
And it's not going to ever stop.
It'll just go back to the way it was before where every three or four months all of a sudden you got a new leader because the old one got killed by a clique of guys on the inside that wanted to kill them all.
And then everything falls apart like every other third world nation.
This is bad for 99.9% of us.
I appreciate your call.
Great call.
Great points.
Good to hear from you, Kyle.
Mark in Oregon.
You're on the air worldwide.
Morning Alex, how you doing?
I'm pretty fired up.
Pretty doggone up to this point in time after 12, 15 years of putting your heart and soul into this and you're relying on everyone else to actually make the information work, which you've worked so hard to put out there.
Alex, I called today in the light of, I mentioned to you before, you may remember, but just the word publicity.
That hasn't entered into the arsenal of truth to supercharge it.
To actually get the facts into the mass media in this country, which is
Not just me, it's all of us together.
I have no power but through you guys.
You have no power but through each other, all of us together.
Here's an example.
Every time on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, they show what Kashkari, what Paulson, what Bernanke,
Have to say what the Democrats, Republicans have to say if they're pushing the banker takeover.
But every time it cuts to the congressmen who are saying you're criminals, you stole the money, you're liars, it's going on.
They cut away.
But C-SPAN has it, so I'll flip over and there, I mean, there it is!
That's how they're doing it, right there!
Right, they don't want to even show to the public any kind of fight against what is being done, right in plain sight.
Yeah, they don't want people to know there's a fight against it.
They want us all broken up and unaware this is happening.
I mean, there are so many examples of this, but that's why the alternative media is exploding and has to grow even faster.
Because they're rushing to shut down the web.
They're already doing it piece by piece, incrementally.
We have all got to use it now to educate everybody now.
Right, Alex.
The time frame is so doggone short.
They are going at such blitzkrieg speed here that it seems that the thing that would work the very best
Yeah, they make excuses.
Subconsciously, it's scary to fight this.
So they just say, I choose to say he's a bad guy.
It's not true.
Everything I'm saying is on record!
Look, ten years ago it was on record they were going to set up Northcom and put troops on the streets because they were going to economically implode us.
It's all out.
It was in last year's British Ministry of Defence report.
They're admitting what they're doing!
That's right.
It isn't about me!
No, absolutely not.
It's about all of the information which you've made available, which is the stake that can kill the vampire.
But the thing is, is how does that information get transformed into actual causing them to slow down?
Well, people are looking for silver bullets.
We're going to kill the New World Order by a billion cuts.
It's going before your city council.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
Let me just give you a solution right now.
I probably had 10 guests on this week about solutions and ideas.
It's millions of little solutions, hundreds of big solutions, you know, thousands of medium-sized solutions.
Right after the Patriot Act passed, I read it, I did an analysis, something lawyers wouldn't do.
I read it, I checked the U.S.
Code, I wrote a plan of how to fight it, and I laid out what it did, and a bunch of law firms and universities went and looked it up, and I got a big award from Project Censored, and they found it was all true, what I said.
Only because I spent a day, in a two-day period, reading the whole thing and writing up the Patriot Act, and then Patriot Act II destroys remaining liberties, peace.
And I said, we need counties, cities, and states to declare that they are still Constitution zones.
People said, well, it's a federal issue.
No, the states and counties can announce that their people are going to follow the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And then other groups picked up the idea, codified it in 800 plus cities, seven states, throughout the Patriot Act.
It's a moral, political issue of saying, we rebuke you, we stand up to you, you know, tacking the letter to the church door, kind of like Martin Luther, but in a political fashion, and throwing down the gauntlet and saying, you are tyrants!
You are tyrannists!
But that takes you carrying the ball.
Now, I went to Fredericksburg, Texas.
I went to other towns.
I went to Austin.
And in Austin, we passed a resolution saying the Bill of Rights still is in effect and we won't take federal troops here and we're not going to live under martial law.
So you do similar things, but I can't do it all.
You've got the minds, you've got the intelligence, you pick an issue, you go in there.
Go speak before your city council.
Have the Washington Post hold it up and say they're getting rid of the National Guard, federalizing it, putting troops on the streets for the American people.
You can laugh, Mayor, if you want.
This is serious.
This is tyranny.
We don't want to be a third world country.
That'll be seen on the local access TV.
It'll be seen on the county TV.
People hear about it.
You go back every week and you do it.
You wear a suit and tie.
You bring others.
You invite others.
You know, there's... Again.
Let's say there's a lot of retired talk show hosts.
Go get a radio show again.
If you have to, pay for it on the weekend.
Get sponsors so it pays for itself.
Do it!
Every time I say this, people call me.
Well, how do I do that?
Do it!
It isn't hard.
Go figure it out.
Don't wait for orders from headquarters.
There is no headquarters.
Go to the sound of the guns, ladies and gentlemen.
Jim in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I'm fighting tooth and nail, fist and fang, hook and claw, and blood and bone against these people, and I've been doing it for 53 years.
Every week, I take time off work to go to the Commissioner's Court in Williamson County and address them personally.
This is Jim Dillon, and you have done a lot of good, Jim.
Well, listen, Alex, the trips are on the streets in Austin, Texas today, right here in front of me, right in front of Toys R Us, the United States Marine Corps, in full battle gear, with, with, uh, armored, .50 caliber equipped, uh, uh, Humvees, right in the middle of the parking lot in front of Toys R Us.
And this is all part of, first the sports stadiums, Kentucky.
Yeah, I want to talk to him.
Alright, I got, I got five or six in battle dress uniform with their Kevlar vests and helmets and everything else on and I got some in uh, I got a guy in uh, dress uniform and uh, allegedly, they're collecting toys for the kids but I asked them why they need the heavy equipment.
Again, it's all part of condition.
That's why they have the police do it, the Marines do it.
And they're in the schools now, basically force recruiting, threatening the kids, telling us the law.
They admitted it was for intimidation.
But here's the United States Marine Corps Sergeant Alex.
You can ask him about the toy drive in front of Toys R Us.
Here he is.
Okay, Sergeant, what's your name?
Hey, Alex.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, Sergeant.
What's your name?
I don't know.
Jacob Coronado.
You don't know who I am, do you?
Yeah, I do.
I got a couple other Marines here that want to talk to you.
Here, hold on.
How you doing, sir?
We're up here at Toys R Us collecting toys for Toys for Tots.
Now, you see, you guys are good guys, but you're being used by the New World Order to acclimate the public to seeing... I mean, I'm sure you've heard they're going to use the Army on the streets of America.
What do you think of that?
I'm collecting toys for needy children here in the Austin area.
That's what I think.
I know it's funny.
Did you hear about how Northcom's going to quote, help at car wrecks?
That's also part of the PR to condition the public to... Let me ask you this.
Listen, Sergeant.
Sergeant, it's great that you're collecting toys for the children.
What they really need is their Bill of Rights and Constitution.
You support the Bill of Rights and Constitution, right?
I also support our collection of toys so we can put smiles on children's faces across Austin this Christmas.
What they need is to not be injected with a mercury shot and get autism.
But let me expand something, Sergeant Coronado, right?
Well, thank you very much, though, and I hope you can come by and support us and drop off some toys.
Well, Sergeant, tell us... Hold on, Sergeant.
Tell us your location, Sergeant.
Thank you.
Alex, he didn't want to talk to you much longer.
Well, I wanted to ask him.
I know he's heard they're getting rid of posse commentatas.
Will he support troops for combat on the streets of America?
But see, Jim, you've heard me say they're doing this for PR.
They admit it.
Northcom says they're going to have the jaws of life, and the Army and the Marines are going to bust open cars.
See how that's for propaganda purposes?
Yeah, they're defending us from our own devices, and they're going to save us.
They're even having pictures with the little kids on top of their Humvees here with the swivel-mounted 50 Cal.
My last year at Anderson High School, in what, 1992,
We had a principal who was a retired army colonel.
He announced on the PA system, you know, on the last day, enjoy yourselves, you're now part of the new world order, and they had army helicopters land, and everybody went out and they said join the military.
So yes, it's all part of getting them, just like they do in third world countries, they're acclimating us to their presence, Jim.
What else are they doing?
Well, it's a recruitment effort, really, but they're under the guise of collecting toys for kids.
Yeah, it's brainwashing.
And he's made toys full of lead and melamine and so on.
I mean, I mean, it's right in the middle of the street, right between Best Buy and Toys R Us.
When I rounded the corner, I thought I was in Iraq.
Okay, which Toys R Us is this, Jim?
I'm going to send a camera.
Aaron, don't leave!
It's 183, 183 and 620, Make Line Mall.
Okay, I've got to go do the live TV show in an hour and a half, so I can't go.
But I'm going to send Aaron out there, or maybe somebody else from the office.
They're all getting ready for the live show.
I'm going to send... Stay there, Jim.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time, in the Mississippi River she's a-goin' dry.
Let me explain what's happening.
There's government documents on this, we've covered them, but now they admit it.
They say they're going to use the Army, the Marines, and foreign troops, Toronto Star, other publications, admit that, in the United States, but they say they've got to acclimate the public, so college football games, we have photos and video, my Phil Marshall lob.
In 2003, 2004, with the regular army and National Guard and then a civil defense force out at college football games searching little children's bags and in downtown major cities searching children.
All over the country, it's an acclamation.
Now in the public schools, they bring them toys, they're there brainwashing them.
Oh, it's all toys for children.
What they need is their Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And then now the Army's gonna have troops in every city that quote, help at car wrecks, as if the fire department and police couldn't.
And that's for PR, with lots of new stories.
The Army's here!
They brought toys!
The Army's here!
They were at the parade, helping children!
The Army's here, running a checkpoint, arresting terrorists!
The Army's here, helping with the Jaws of Life at a car wreck.
They're using Army helicopters to fly the person hurt in the car wreck out.
Jim Dillon, so what were you doing up in North Austin when you ran across the Marines?
Well, Alex, I was taking a shortcut to my job, and I got through the mall here at 620 and 183.
And now they've got three security officers from the mall, I mean, with the lights on.
They're going to try to tow my vehicle and everything, but I'm sure I can handle that.
So they're telling you in America that you aren't allowed, they're operating as if it's a public place in the parking lot, that you're not allowed to be out there with the Marines, with the children.
Right, I guess I intimidated the United States Marine Corps, Alex, by asking them why they have the artillery if they're just collecting toys for kids.
I'm trying to acclimate the children and condition them to accept killing and warfare as a natural part of life in America.
And the troops bring you toys?
Well, they have those nice uniforms and everything, and I command a certain amount of respect.
That's exactly how in third world countries the force multipliers take control of the local groups.
Yeah, well, we're...
We're not fooled by toys being used.
What are these security people doing to you, Dylan?
Well, they've got me surrounded now.
They've got their lights on.
I'm actually circling the parking lot now.
I went ahead and jumped in the car because it was a little more quiet.
They've got a radio station, a big party set up with the Marine Corps and all the camouflaged equipment.
So they're behaving, well you know, Mitt Romney owns Toys R Us.
Oh boy.
Well, he's a moron, or is it Mormon?
Uh, Dillon, what you need to do is, let's not bash people now, Dillon.
Dillon, what I want you to do is get out of there, and then come back and park somewhere else.
That way, you evade them.
And then my guys, I'm gonna have to tell them to park away from it, here in the supposed free country, because everything's a corporate state now, just to get up and get the video and ask questions.
So the Marines, I guess after we dared talk to them, called security.
Did you see that?
Yes, I did.
Yes, I did.
Oh, in the free country!
I've been lurking in the area, uh, uh, semi... asking, probing questions for the last couple hours while you had me on hold, anyway, so they knew what was up.
Well, you should, although you... No, wait, we opened the phones up 45 minutes ago.
Dylan, you should have told John Harmon what was going on.
You know, we don't screen phone calls, so we didn't know.
You have to tell us these things.
Well, he just asked my name and what state I was from, so that's what I gave him.
I know, but you should have volunteered.
Because we don't have screen calls, we don't know.
You should have volunteered for me.
I am a volunteer, Alex.
I'm a minute man.
I understand that, Dylan.
You need to leave the area, throw them off, and then come back in the supposed free country with the Marines tracking you, with the security guards, and then continue to observe the situation and call back in.
I'm going to give you the back line right now.
Okay, Dylan?
And I've got the cavalry on the way.
Aaron and Derek are on their way to videotape.
How dare us?
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I don't know.
Should show up there right now peacefully with their video cameras and get out and videotape the Marines telling security to kick American citizens out because they dare be there asking questions.
You heard the Marine officer knew who I was.
This is incredible.
I can be in England, Canada, LA.
I can be in Costa Rica and people walk up all over the place.
That's how big an effect we're having.
On waking people up, I know my videos are also distributed to the Marine Corps and the Army, and again, I'm sure these guys aren't bad guys, but see, I'm just getting toys for the kids, as if that sergeant doesn't know what this is really all about, acclimating, and he doesn't, he needs to think again.
And they're at the sports stadiums, checking, searching people all over the country.
It's getting you ready for martial law, as they've now publicly announced.
Congress has been threatened with martial law.
They don't go along with the bankers.
We now have Fed governors coming out and saying the Central Fed has declared War Powers Act.
That's Bloomberg, AP, and others.
You cannot make this type of stuff up.
And so, this is what I'm asking listeners all over Austin.
Go to the Toys R Us, you know, in between Mopac and 183, that big island of stores.
Park all over different areas.
Walk in with your video cameras, your iPhones.
You know, you can go in the store, buy something, and then you want to come back out to get them from the inside out when you come in.
Don't immediately walk right up.
Some of you immediately walk up, do different things.
Now, now, go, go, go, go, go!
Because the issue wouldn't just be them handing out the toys, now it's the police state of how dare you in America show the Marines handing out the toys!
What they need is their Bill of Rights and their Constitution and their future.
That's what our children need.
Bob Chapman, former military intelligence, the largest silver and gold broker in the world at the time, and the largest news financial newsletter in the world at the time, then retired and came back.
Bob Chapman, what do you think of what you're hearing right now?
I think it's dreadful.
But it's not surprising.
And of course, just like law enforcement, military is in the middle.
And of course, that's where Washington wants them.
This just adds to the chaos.
Well, the good news is if 20 people show up with cameras, they're not going to be able to stop them all.
It's a freak.
And I guarantee you there's going to be other news there.
They're operating and behaving as if this is open to the public.
And so they have no reason to stop people videotaping what's going on.
This is outrageous.
Well, as you said, it's the beginning of martial law in the police state.
Yeah, they point cameras at us everywhere, but we can't have our cameras.
Yeah, that's interesting.
Very, very interesting.
Well, you know, Blue Santa and all this sounds great, but how about the cops stop helping kidnap people's kids without due process?
How about we do that for our families?
Instead of, you know, this is all for public relations.
They admit they're in the schools all over the military, threatening kids with jail if they don't sign up, saying it's the law, they've got to sign the papers.
That's been all over the news.
We know what's going on.
Can you believe the Marines know who I am?
I can, and one of the interesting things about what I do is it's a program that I'm on that caters to active and retired Marines and other military people as well as State Department people.
And you would be surprised what they call in and tell me on the program, or a lot of it comes in in instant messages as well, but we get information coming in from Russia, and Spain, and Venezuela, and Thailand, and it's really an unusual program.
Bob, we're going to take calls on finances and the police state this hour.
Everybody hold, we're getting to you.
Bob Schappen, The International Forecaster.com.
I'm Alex Jones, JonesReport.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, Infowars.net, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
You have found it, the front lines of the Infowar, the defense of the Republic.
We'll be right back.
We are launching our infoprobes in North Austin.
Stay with us.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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Bin Laden.
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Some U.S.
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I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Jim Dylan has always been accurate when he calls in.
Says that it's the Toys R Us.
Remi means babies R Us.
It's 620 and 183 by Best Buy.
If folks want to go out there and... Ooh, we're so radical.
Videotech Marines engaging in their Psy-Op with the children.
The bigger issue here is that they're trying to run him off saying it's not a free country.
They have radio stations out there.
They propagandize.
They act like it's open to the public.
But then you've heard all the stories about inside shopping malls and arresting the one time a city head lawyer.
He was wearing a Peace on Earth shirt and they thought it was anti-war.
They said, take your shirt off right now.
He said, I can't, it's my shirt.
So they arrested him.
So, you know, they tell you to leave, go, but just inform people.
And if 20, 30 people show up, there's nothing they can do.
That'll be more than they can handle.
And again, the establishment acts like free speech and activism is so evil.
It's, oh my gosh!
They want a video about the Marines!
No, not that!
But we'll give you reports on this as it unfolds.
And I'll have more when I go live today from 4 to 5 p.m.
with a special test broadcast on this Friday only at PrisonPlanet.tv and TheInfoWars.com audio streams today.
And starting Monday it'll be the regular show time.
We didn't do the test today.
We are doing it today.
If the water doesn't rise over Bear Creek, as they say.
Going back to, and we're going to open the phones up in the next segment on any issue with Bob Chapman.
Bob, I've got to talk to you about this.
Bloomberg, as you know, seven weeks ago asked to hear about, to know where the first $2 trillion of the now $8.5 trillion so far that we know of being stolen by the foreign banks and the banker Takeover.
They asked to see that.
They said no, so five weeks ago they sued them.
Yesterday, last night, they said no.
The federal government said you can't know where the money went, though they advertise it as all being public.
Okay, that A, B, Congress isn't even allowed to know, and then C, as you know, I'm sure it was in the New York Times yesterday, what we said they would do, the Federal Reserve, private offshore bank, is now saying they're going to issue their own government-style T-bills and cut out the Treasury entirely, literally becoming the government.
So this is private corporations taking over the government.
It's a corporate takeover, and we will pay our carbon taxes to them.
So, please address those issues.
Well, first of all, the effort by Bloomberg speaks for itself.
The government absolutely refuses to answer.
In other words, there is no law.
The law is only what they say it is.
And so, as they go along, they change the laws.
And I don't know what Bloomberg or anybody else is going to do next.
If they won't give the information out, I mean, where do you go to demand that they get it?
I don't know what their next legal avenue is.
But it's very atypical of what we've been talking about for years on this program.
And that is, there's two sets of rules, one for them and one for us.
And before I get into the Fed, I'd like to mention today that we have another scandal on Wall Street.
We find that Bernard Madoff, who is a former chairman of the NASDAQ and has been in the brokerage business for some 40 or more years, I guess almost 50 years, he was running a Ponzi scheme.
This man is very well known.
And it looks like $50 billion is gone astray.
He's paying off the old investors that he promised returns on with new investors' money, which qualifies it as a Ponzi scheme.
And you know, he's been doing this for years, and he said that.
And you know, you wonder, where is the SEC while all this is going on?
Then, we have Robert Rubin,
Former Secretary of the Treasury under Bill Clinton, who was involved in and was a leading light in the Citigroup scandal.
And another Ponzi type scheme, which was involved in collateralized debt obligations, which Citigroup and others
Uh, made deals with the rating services, giving him AAA ratings, and of course, uh, AAA ratings were not AAA ratings, they were BBB, which is the difference between a 10 being the highest AAA, and, uh, the other, uh, BBB being a 4 or a 3.
And then, this is how all this happened.
And one of the interesting things here is I, first of all, I think Matt is going to end up going to jail.
But I don't think that, uh,
That Rubin will, but this is so typical of what goes on on Wall Street and has for a long, long time.
And, you know, I don't know the exact answer other than having an SEC that is run by perhaps private interests and paid by the government.
I don't know what the answer is, but
Whatever Wall Street has been doing, and this is not new, it's been going on for many, many years, the regulation is not working.
And I had to put that in there because it's part of this syndrome.
And then we have, as you said, the Fed wanting to issue bonds and usurping the U.S.
Treasury is essentially what they're doing.
And of course, there won't be any collateralization, because they just have the ability to create money out of thin air.
And so, they are taking over the reins of power, along with corporate America, and Wall Street, and banking, and we have a total fascist, corporatist government.
Now, Bob, here's a $64 million question.
Why are they going for broke like this?
I mean, there's never been financial crimes that I know of, you can correct me if I'm wrong, ever in modern history of anything near this.
Open stealing of 8.5 trillion, saying they won't say where it went.
Open Ponzi schemes by Citibank and everybody else.
Openly, Federal Reserve saying you'll pay taxes to us, you'll buy T-bonds from us.
I mean, this is just, this is even blowing me away!
Well there is no precedent for it because it's right out in the open and they're saying we run everything, we control the courts, we get the decisions we want.
If we do something on Wall Street that's wrong, we neither admit nor deny and we pay a fine and go on doing the same thing that we did before.
Which is lying, cheating, stealing, and corruption.
And now they're in control of the military, just like with the Wall Street coup they tried in the 30s with Hitler, which is McCormick-Dickstein Committee in the 50s exposed.
I mean, where does it go from here now?
I mean, they're openly, and again, dealing with this Toys R Us thing at the mall, dealing with this, folks.
The Army says, and the Marines for that matter, as part of PR,
They're doing this.
This is only to acclimate us to troops.
This is not our opinion.
You know, I mean, out with jaws of life at auto accidents now, the military.
I mean, I guess they really think they're going to be able to acclimate the dumb public, use the troops against us, bankrupt everything.
I mean, I guess they really think they're going to win.
I don't know how they're going to win, Bob.
I mean, this is going to outrage people.
Well, I think you're right.
And that sort of thing has been resurrected in other countries.
You're seeing that through Central and South America and Mexico now.
And, of course, the excuse to Mexico is the drug shootouts between the gangs of bandits that get involved in those kind of things.
And, you know, every major city in the country, and even smaller ones, they've got trucks and trucks full of troops in full combat gear with either M-16s or
And now they're registering you've got to get fingerprints to have a cell phone.
Just total control.
And they're going to push the people so far and they're going to snap.
And what will make that happen is the declining economy.
And this sort of thing that you're citing here will go on for the next two or three years and finally the economy will become totally unglued and there'll be one third of the population will be out of work and lots more people will have lost their homes and their vehicles.
And that's why the bankers are all buying houses overseas with no extradition in Dubai and other places, also in South America,
And that is where it's headed, and they are moving offshore, so to speak, to those places that the U.S.
Doesn't or can't extradite.
Well let me ask you this.
They've stolen 8.5 trillion as of last week.
New numbers aren't out.
8.5 trillion stolen according to Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle and Congress.
8.5 trillion.
We'd said 10 trillion over the next year and we're only seven weeks in.
They've almost stole that.
How much can they steal?
Or I guess they'll just steal all of it and then devalue it or what are they doing?
Well, first of all, the amount of money that they can steal
Is incumbent upon how long they can keep the hyperinflationary system going.
And that remains to be seen.
I mean, you've had Paul Craig Roberts on, and he and I both figured it would be another two or three years.
And when we discussed that perhaps two or three months ago, you thought it would happen more quickly.
These people have a lot of control.
And so we have to wait for the system to break down.
And it will happen over the next two to three years.
So I think we're that far away from it.
And that's what they're preparing for.
And so that's where I think, in the time frame, where it's going.
Bob, I want to open the phones up about the military, the police state, where it's all going.
But when we come back, well, after we take some calls, I do want to get a bigger description from you.
Of what it means to have the Federal Reserve announce it's going to issue T-bills.
It's going to issue government bonds.
But it's going to be private and secret.
I mean, that's just... There's just no end to it.
So we'll talk about that later as well with Bob Chapman.
TheInternationalForecaster.com is his website.
Check it out and get a free trial subscription there on the site.
We'll be right back.
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We're going to go to your calls right now, and then we're going to get more into what it means to have, without even the Congress or the Treasury involved, the Federal Reserve issuing bonds, the equivalent to U.S.
bonds, but then the American people's tax money, I guess, will be paid out, or how is that going to work?
And then they get all the profit.
I mean, this is just insane.
So we'll be dealing with that, talking about that.
With Bob Chapman and where he sees all this going.
John in Texas, we got Paul in Germany and many others, but John in Texas is at the shopping mall.
It's outside Lake Line Mall between the Toys R Us.
It's in North Austin.
And the Best Buy there with the Marines out doing PSYOPs on the children.
Of course, the Marines don't even know that.
They don't read their own NORTHCOM directives.
Their commanders do, though.
Again, that address is at 183 and 620 Lake Line Mall.
You can't miss it.
John, you're out there.
What are you witnessing?
Well, there's two Humvees.
One of them is Sportin'.
It looks like an M60 on top.
And then the other one looks like a heavier caliber.
They're out there on full battle gear, except for the helmet.
They have bulletproof vests on.
Now, in the past, there were laws against regular military driving around with their weapons in plain view.
I think that law is still there.
Yeah, I've seen military vehicles before from time to time, but never sporting their weaponry.
What are they doing to John Dillon?
Do you see them surrounding somebody?
Not from where I'm sitting.
There's some landscapers running around.
They're kind of gathered around one of the Humvees.
Has anybody come over and harassed you yet?
No, I'm kind of stashed away.
I'm not close by where I would, you know, stand out.
Have other folks shown up out there yet?
I thought there was a few of them.
There's a radio station that's next door to them that has set up a little camper.
Yeah, what you do is you just nonchalantly go over to the radio station, Marines, it's a free country.
And say, hey, we're here with Alex Jones at Infowars.com, local radio, everybody knows who I am.
We're here to cover this, and it's a free country.
Then if they say leave the mall parking lot, and they act like it's a public place and invite everybody, but it really isn't, then just go.
But keep watching things for us, John, and go over there where my guys get there in about 30 minutes, because we're about 30 minutes away from you in North Austin.
Are they actually going to be at the site?
Oh yeah, they're going to walk up and talk to them.
Okay, then I'll be over there.
But I want other witnesses tracking everything that's happening and going on as well.
We just want to ask the Marines, hey, shouldn't we give these children their Bill of Rights, their Constitution?
You know, is this for acclimating the public?
So just giving them some Chinese slave toys?
Shouldn't we, you know, and then say, do you support the Bill of Rights, Constitution?
Why are you here in battle gear?
Why do you have weapons out?
You're not supposed to do that.
I think it's terrible.
But it's to what's to be expected, and as you say, the Commanders know, but the Marines in the field, so to speak, don't.
And, you know, they're just told to go there and do what they're supposed to do, and if they don't, they get a problem.
And, uh, from the looks of it, it's not a lawful act with the exception of their, uh, their weaponry, and, uh, I guess somebody who knows more about it than we will will sort that out in time.
Well, I don't have the law in front of me, but I know that they don't even, you know, for, like, regular duty, allow the National Guard to run around with guns.
So, uh, this is, this is bizarre.
Are they carrying small arms?
I need to ask the guys that, but it sounds like they are.
But I do know that Dylan said they called the security guards on him.
So how dare Dylan walk over and say, this is Alex Jones on the phone?
Oh, in America, the Marines, we have to call security!
You know, the same thing happened in Hebron, Maryland, in 1998.
It's in Police State 2000.
The Marines walk over, call the cops over, and have the cops, and the Marines have guns with them, and they say, turn your camera off, and the cops put the guy in handcuffs and go through his stuff.
So again, you don't videotape the Marines taking over Hebron, Maryland, in America.
You don't videotape them.
What do you think this is, America?
You think you have freedom, slave?
Bob, when we come back in the long segment before we get more calls, let's get into specifically this Federal Reserve issue.
Start talking about that now, issuing their own bonds.
Well, I think the most important thing is that they had about $850 billion in assets, if I'm not mistaken, and they were in the form of treasuries.
And they have loaned those out to institutions, bankers and Wall Street.
And they received in return for them securities, as far as we know, at face value.
Much of which, perhaps half or more, was worth 25 cents on the dollar and not face value.
All right, explain it when we get back.
Here we go.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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Hi, this is Steve Shen.
All right, I want to hurry through your calls.
Paul in Germany, Joe in Arizona, Jim in Virginia, John in Texas, Adam in Canada, and others.
Finishing up, Bob Chapman, with what you were saying.
The Federal Reserve has all these assets they've grabbed under themselves.
Why are they now saying... The news was saying it may mean a devaluation of the dollar and a default in the Treasury.
That's what the news was saying.
What is this really about?
Well, to go on, the collateralization that the Fed now has is they lent out, assumably, some $800 billion worth of treasuries that they were holding, and they received things back which were worth 25% of that.
By 50%, and so they've had a diminution of their $800 billion down to perhaps $450 billion.
Now, we don't know how much or how many bonds that they're going to issue.
It could be in the trillions of dollars.
And so what the Fed is doing is, without the consent of Congress or the
The request to cooperation in the Treasury Department is becoming the Treasury Department, or one step above it, if you may.
And I was going to get to this devaluation situation, which you just mentioned.
And they may be implying here that they want the Fed
To do the issuance from here on out, because they were afraid they were going to have to officially devalue the dollar.
Now, the dollar has been depreciated or devaluated on a national competitive basis for some time.
Over the last three, four or five months, there's been a dollar rally.
And that rally seems to be over now.
And if in fact that rally is over, then the dollar is going to go back down to where it was before.
On the USDX, which is an index that they have, six other major currencies versus the dollar.
And that has gone from $71.16 up to about $88.
Now it's headed back down again.
And if it gets back down to $71 again, it will have depreciated or devalued naturally.
But I think they've got up their sleeve here is that the dollar is going to drop more over the next two to three years.
And I think that what they're doing is they're preparing for a devaluation.
And where would that happen?
Probably on the USDX around 40 or 50.
And again, it's about 84 right now.
And so once they get down there, they would probably say, well, we're going to give you one new one for 10 old ones.
Dollars, that is.
Or, we're going to have a new unit, it's going to be called something else.
And the Fed bonds will be the new global standard.
That's what they're announcing, is you'll buy your green credits, you'll pay your taxes directly to them.
That's right.
Well, your taxes are already right up to the Federal Reserve.
That's right.
So this is just them openly ruling everything.
That's right, and the public doesn't understand, and I've got to stress this.
There are people with Master's Degrees in Business and Economics that don't know what we're talking about.
This is an arcane area.
This is not something that's regularly taught in Economics 1 and 2 or 101 and 102.
It seems pretty simple.
The bankers implode us by design.
They claim it's a bailout.
It's really a total empowerment for no transparency.
They take over and openly become the government.
That's what the Financial Times of London is saying.
And it's corporate fascism.
That's exactly what it is.
And the trial run was the 1930s in Italy and in Germany.
Alright, let's take some calls.
Paul in Germany.
You're on the air, Paul.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I am a sergeant in the army stationed in Germany and I was just calling to let you know that you are definitely reaching people in the military.
I ran into your videos about a year ago and have been listening to the show ever since quietly kind of minding my business but uh... I'm real close to getting out of the army now and I feel able to risk it to come out and you know talk to you on your radio show but uh... for a long time I thought about just cutting my losses and getting out but if I do that I'd get a dishonorable discharge and a kind of you know
You know, he'll clip me and I can't really get a job or do anything.
Yeah, we don't.
I mean, it's sad that the good people are leaving, so that's your decision, but we understand.
Specifically, though, you say other folks are waking up in the military?
Yeah, I have guys that I've deployed with that I went to Iraq who I trust, and I know are just as blind as I was by the whole thing, and I've passed your videos around to them, and we've kept in touch and talked a little bit here and a little bit there.
If I was an officer, Alex, if I could stay in for 20 plus years and get up there into the higher ranks and actually make real change, I would, but I'm just an enlisted, I'm just a sergeant, I'm a grunt on the bottom of the totem pole, all asking questions is what I'm gonna do.
No, I understand, but I mean, separate from people you've woken up, are they talking about the military announcing abolishing the National Guard, totally federalizing it, using the Army for civil insurrection on the streets of America?
I mean, is there a buzz going on there?
Um, as far as I know, Alex, uh, not here in Germany.
I, we, I haven't heard anything, haven't read anything, but like I said, I'm in Germany.
I don't think they'd activate us from Germany to send us to the States.
They're going to do it all with Stateside.
Well, I mean, they're sending Iraq troops to the U.S.
3rd Brigade, um, Army.
So, uh, yeah, well, I would just, if you're, if you're allowed to give people the Washington Post, I'd say, Hey, Washington Post says they're going to use troops against the American people.
I mean, what do you think of that?
Yeah, I can tell you for one that if they did arm me and deploy me to the streets, I'd just set my weapon down and just say, I'm not doing this.
Well, that's a catch-22.
In a way, it's good because we know they've done questionnaires and upwards of 80% have said no, but then that only leaves the bad guys and then they recruit more bad guys.
Bob Chapman?
We'll take care of the bad guys and you can help us.
Yeah, you know, I mean,
It's just, I'm totally against killing Americans, whether they're the bad guys or the good guys.
They're all Americans as far as I'm concerned.
And the ones that you would describe as the bad guys are the ones that are not like me and don't know the truth.
They just know what they're being fed and I couldn't shoot one of them.
Yeah, it's bad.
Well, the bankers are engineering it all and it's good to have you on board.
How did you first find my videos, Paul?
I found your videos totally and randomly by accident.
I was on YouTube, and I saw the very first edition of Loose Change.
And I clicked on it, and I watched it, and I was like, okay, what's all this about?
And that led me into other 9-11 videos and Pentagon videos, and then I saw your name, you know, if you want more info, check out this link, found InfoWar, started watching the videos, started doing all that.
And I've been on for about a year now.
Well, God bless you.
Keep spreading the word as much as you can, Paul.
Thank you.
Because if we're able to spread the word to the police and military, this isn't going to happen.
Let's talk to Joe in Arizona.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com.
Hello, Alex.
I just want to say,
Me and my friends here and my whole family listen to your show.
It's very informative and we do appreciate the work you're doing.
You are reaching people.
I just want to let you know when you get down, just keep your head up because there is people out there who are listening and we're finding out, we're figuring it out.
I just want to let you know that.
And I have some other info.
I posted on your forum.
I just subscribed to Prison Planet TV a week ago just to help you support the Info War.
Because that's what it actually is.
Thank you.
It's an Info War.
Well, people don't understand about that.
It's truth war, you could say, because they're not going to tell you the truth.
You have to figure out the truth.
And that's what it is.
It's a war of information, a war of knowledge.
Well, let me just say this.
I don't get down myself.
I just get upset by seeing evil winning, and I know that it's doing it because good people don't know, and it's just so crazy to watch foreign banks steal $8.5 trillion in seven weeks.
I mean, what's coming next, Bob?
Uh, more money.
And you talked about that earlier, about three months ago, I projected $10 trillion plus when people were projecting $10 and $20 billion.
And now they've caught up with me, and you know, this could go anywhere.
We could be copying, talking $20, $30 trillion.
They're not going to stop because there's no way out.
There's no solution.
And they've got to buy time as long as they can.
Anything else, Joe?
Let me explain what's actually going on here in southern Arizona.
I posted on your website a massive enemy movement.
And the reason I say that is because it's not just U.S.
forces that are moving around here.
It's NATO forces.
It's Russian forces.
Let me stop you.
The Tucson Daily Star is the name, correct?
That's where I live.
Yeah, yeah.
Two weeks ago, they announced German, Dutch, British, Czech, Ukrainian... This has been going on for 10 years, since I was 13 years old.
I'm only 22 years old.
I've known about the New World Order since they first allowed internet in schools.
See, because I dropped out of school when I was 16 years old because I couldn't take the garbage they teach there.
You know, it's garbage.
I knew more before I went into the school.
No, no, it's worthless.
I know most successful people don't get out of college or high school.
I'm not trying to say drop out, folks, but I'm sorry.
It's just worthless now.
It's garbage.
It's garbage.
Especially here in Arizona.
They don't teach American history, at least they don't teach the fool American history.
Well, you don't drop out to do drugs and party.
I know a lot of people that dropped out to go start lawn companies or restaurants, and I knew guys by the time they were 20 that were millionaires.
Yeah, well, let me explain what's happening here.
See, here, I've been hit by the New World Order a hundred times over, and let me explain why.
My wife and, well, we're young.
We have a child.
He's hypospadias.
Now, what that is, it's a deformity in the penis, which gives the child reproductive harm.
Now, let me explain what this is.
Back in the 70s, 60s, 40s, when eugenics was all the rage in the intellectual community, and if you go
The AMA and all these other organizations that are about health and diseases, they don't cure the disease, they promote the diseases.
Keyword, promote.
To profit.
Well, basically, I've been hit by the New World Order a hundred times over.
I knew about it before I ever came across your info.
And the reason I say this is because now he's hypospadia.
I've traced it back to my wife's grandmother, who took a certain type of birth control in the 70s.
Now that's manifesting itself in our younger generations.
Now I'm aware of that.
There was several birth controls that actually caused DNA damage.
That's amazing.
Deformity, yes.
And then if your child has any deformity, they say that's at risk and they sick CPS on you.
Is that what happened?
No, well they didn't take CPS on me because we don't go to the doctor.
That's another good thing.
We don't go there any longer.
But either way, that's the issue I have.
Not just that, here in Arizona people realize 60-70% of all commerce is drugs.
They don't realize that most people that don't have a job that have an apartment are paying that with drug money.
I know, listen, we're out of time.
Call me back another day and tell me more.
But that's just terrible to hear.
Jim in Virginia, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Okay, thanks a lot and a wonderful program.
In fact, a friend of mine has sent me a satellite receiver.
I'm going to pick up Genesis Radio Network and put it on low power broadcast here in Richmond and maybe get more of the neighborhood to hear about it.
So I think it's necessary and we also need to
Really pray for these people who have been deceived by this New World Order and get the word out to our troops.
Also, maybe some of the New World Order people aren't aware of what's going to happen to them, like in Revelation.
I think that's really important.
Yeah, well, we've talked to high-level people who are inside the New World Order, and most of them don't even like what's happening, but they feel like they're trapped in it.
Bob Chapman, you want to comment on that?
Well, I haven't seen any commentary by people within the New World Order, but
I'm sure that a lot of them are disappointed, but they're driven by acceptance socially and the money and power that comes with it, and they don't want to give it up.
And a lot of them are trapped.
Yeah, and I think we need to... I think Jesus has the power, you know, and he allows someone who realizes that he's trapped to get out of it.
And I think this is something we need to, as Christians, we need to really go in that direction.
We need to start in the churches, educating people that 26,000 churches have been taken over by the Feds, secretly, and it's now mainstream news, so there's no denial.
And if your church is telling you, turn in your guns, submit to the government, they're on the payroll.
Good to hear from you, sir.
Are you going to put up an AM or a FM microtransmitter?
Yeah, it'll be AM.
Alright, yeah, there's a lot of great units that are actually legal to go out about three miles and you can string those out with people and really get the word out and put up flyers around your area and really hit people hard with the info.
Alright, good to hear from you.
Let's talk to John in Texas.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
John just hung up.
Adam in Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
How are you today?
I wanted to talk about, I was on the InfoWars and all that kind of stuff, and you talked about the Harper government and the coalition and all that sort of stuff.
Yeah, the Queen abolishing Parliament or suspending it because they didn't want Harvard.
It's an interesting fact here in Canada that we have a Parliament that controls our Prime Minister, which is different than the President.
And I apologize, it's the first time I've ever called into the show or into any show.
Nothing to apologize about?
Uh, and uh, it's just one of those interesting facts that, uh, I was listening, uh, well, uh, I'm sorry.
Well, I'm glad you brought that up while you're gathering your thoughts.
Yeah, Reuters, last Friday, Bob, and a bunch of other papers, admitted the Governor General of the Queen really runs Canada and every other commonwealth, and they didn't like what Parliament was doing, the elected representatives, so she just suspended them and ordered them what to do.
Boy, talk about taking the glove off the iron fist, Bob.
Yeah, well, I don't think most Canadians realize that they're still in power.
They like to think that they weren't, although many of them still are well-deposed towards the royal family.
But I don't think they realize the power that still is held over the Canadian government and other governments, former colonies.
And, uh, you know, that's one of the reasons we see the things that we do in America.
The British have never, uh, been happy about the fact that Americans had a successful revolution and then beat off the, uh, British and the Canadians eventually, uh, in the War of 1812.
And it was the Canadians that burned down Washington.
And that's why they're killing the country!
Yes, that's why they want to destroy America, to bring it to its knees, so they can be controlled by the black nobility of Europe.
And the bankers are doing that right now, and our military needs to defend the Republic, the police need to defend the Republic.
This is all out in the open, Bob, now.
There's no denials, there's no sidestepping.
The police and military are either with the people, or the New World Order.
What do you say to that, Bob?
You're absolutely right.
And I think with the military, 90% is on our side, and I don't think that's going to be a problem.
With law enforcement, it's a different situation.
It might be 60-40, and that's not good.
Absolutely, and they are destroying their futures going along with this.
Anything else you want to add, Adam?
Um, yeah, I was just, uh, I was just reading about, uh, what happened with the Bilderberg Group and Stephen Harper going to, going for the... Oh, stay there, we're gonna come right back to you.
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We're good.
I think.
I'll be covering this Sunday, the U.S.
now only two states away from rewriting the Constitution.
Public policy organizations issued an urgent alert stating affirmative votes are needed for only two more states before a constitutional convention to be assembled in which today's corrupt politicians and judges informally change the U.S.
Constitution's, quote, problematic provisions reflect the philosophical and social morals of the contemporary society.
The American Policy Institute is reporting the warning comes at a time when Barack Obama is moving to do this.
So, you heard Secretary of Defense Gates say two weeks ago, we need to change the Constitution to let the military do this, but they're announcing they're going ahead and doing it.
Just amazing.
Finishing up, Adam in Canada, make your point.
Absolutely, sir.
I was just thinking about Chrétien and Paul Martin.
They both push the same agenda that Stephen Harper's pushing now.
There was the idea that there was supposed to be a majority government here in Canada from Stephen Harper, and he was one of the pushers from the North American Union.
And then when the coalition was formed to bring down the minority government, they postponed Parliament until January 27th, which
It's right after Barack Obama's inauguration.
And it's just one of those unusual circumstances that when you look at the background, the history of all these political parties that are all pushed in the same ideology, but they get their base to, you know, push for whoever, the NDP, the Liberal Democrats... Well, Martin has met secretly, repeatedly, and the documents came out of how to sneak through the North American Union on Canadians.
These are criminals.
Bob Chapman
It's really hard to say this time.
I don't think it's a devaluation.
I don't think they're ready for that.
I know Ron Paul has said that it could be that.
And he's in a fairly good position to make that kind of a call.
But I don't, you know, putting all the intelligence together, I don't think they're ready for that.
Uh, they could do that, but I think it'll be further down the line.
I think an extension, uh, into Pakistan of the, uh, Afghanistan-y, uh, conflict occupation, uh, I think, uh, that's a pretty good chance that that is the, uh, the objective here, and that means the troops that are coming out of Iraq that don't go to the United States, uh, to, um, suppress riots and things like that will be sent to Afghanistan.
And, uh, I think there's a good chance that, uh, that is, uh, probably the mission.
Folks, you can go to TheInternationalForecaster.com and get a free trial subscription to your twice-a-week newsletter, or they can call and get the digital or, uh, trial hard copy.
Bob, do you have that number to call to get a free one?
Yes, I do, and, uh... I love to always spring that, uh, on you.
Oh, gosh.
You're such a devil, you are.
I'll get it here.
That doesn't matter.
We're basically out of time here anyways, Bob.
It's 877-479-8178.
And Ted will love you for that.
Alright, yeah, Ted Anderson's giving out those free ones.
Thank you so much for coming on, Bob.
Oh, my pleasure.
We'll see you next week.
Yeah, have a great weekend.
By the way, I will be live.
We didn't do it yesterday, we're doing it today.
A test, 4 to 5 p.m.
only at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Put links up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Just go to the live feed channel.
And it'll be the live audio streams as well, so rebroadcast for an hour at InfoWars.com starts now with all the info I covered in the first hour.
Then I will be back in that next hour.
So one hour from now.
One hour and one minute.
Thirty seconds from now, we will be live for one hour on the maiden voyage out of the new studios.
It's gonna be pretty good, so I hope you'll join us for that.
Get out there and take on the New World Order.
Defend the Republic.
Be on the side of good.
Fight evil.
Love you all.
Thank you so much.
God bless.