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Filename: 20081201_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 1, 2008
3029 lines.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, December 1st, 2008, already in the last month of Big 08.
Going into 09 with our new leader, our new savior, Barack H. Obama.
Paul Watson will join us for an update on what was really behind the three-day attacks that took more than 300 lives in Mumbai, India.
Paul Watson joining us in 30 minutes.
He'll also be discussing the Washington Post today.
He did a big detailed report on it at PrisonPlanet.com.
Announcing, hey, guess what?
It won't just be one brigade.
It'll be 20,000 army troops alone stationed in America.
Working with your local police.
We will break that down.
People are going, my gosh, Alex, how did you know this?
We thought you were crazy!
I was only going off all the official Pentagon documents.
I was only going to their urban warfare drills.
And they are training to take your guns.
Let's be clear about that.
Once they've conditioned the public to accept troops on the streets like they've been having them now for a decade at sporting events, high school, college, NFL, the Kentucky Derby,
The Academy Awards.
Once you're conditioned to see troops in the streets, then they can start the gun confiscation.
That's what our troops are being trained to do.
And if you're patriotic, according to the government, you just turn your guns into them.
But you're not against the troops in America, are you?
What are you, some kind of communist?
Turn your guns in!
It's disgusting.
So we'll go over that today and do some background history on it with Paul Watson.
Then we have Lindsey Williams joining us.
I had him on two weeks ago.
Oil has dipped below $50 a barrel, as he predicted from his Atlantic Richfield executive source.
And then we've got Major General Stubblebine and Reema LeBeau popping in to talk about Codex Alimentarius they covered in Europe.
And some of the other things that are developing.
He's the former head of Army Intelligence, the former head of Special Forces.
Always very interesting to talk to Major General Stubblebine.
So that is set to be coming up in the last hour today, and we will also have open phones later in the broadcast.
In fact, I'm going to have open phones for Lindsey Williams so you can address questions to him when he is on the show today.
That said, I want to talk more about a culture of jellyfish.
A culture of spineless, self-centered, lazy people.
Now, the majority of the United States is not like this, but I'd say 35-40% is.
They are completely dumbed down.
They are completely one-dimensional and mindless.
And they will do whatever the government says.
They can care less about themselves, their neighbors, anyone.
And this dovetails into people being stabbed, killed, shot, run over, all over the nation, and people not stopping to render aid, not even calling 911, not even caring when their neighbor's being mugged, not even caring when their neighbor's being robbed, just saying, hey, it doesn't affect me.
It's this attitude, and that's what brings you to the point of a bunch of people stampeding a guy in New York to death last Friday, and fights at Walmarts, and targets all over the country, and people shooting each other over goods.
It goes to a nation that's lost its soul.
It goes to a nation that has no bearing.
That is set and ripe to be toppled and overtaken and totally enslaved.
And the government will use the zombies, will use the little materialistic zombies against the middle class.
You see, they use false class warfare.
The zombie creatures, and they really are androids.
I mean, they're biomechanical androids.
They are human.
But they've lost their mind.
They've lost their soul.
They've lost their psyche.
They are just, uh, basically programmed, bumbling creatures.
And they're being programmed and pointed directly at us.
The people running over the guy at Walmart and then refusing to stop shopping after they told they killed him, they are the ones that are gonna have the submachine guns on the street corners.
Waddling, mindless scum with submachine guns, ramming the New World Order down your throat.
Stay with us.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent, and food and water is the key.
You'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread.
You'll never have to go to the Superdome and beg for FEMA to take care of your family in any emergency if you simply prepare.
Our elective representatives wanted a good ol' boy bailout for the special interest, so they ignored your screams not to do it.
They turned off the telephones and email.
They voted to print $850 billion at least out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities, particularly food, beyond many Americans' reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany's superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days until it reached over 4 billion marks.
Food prices are skyrocketing so fast
There seems as if there may be no end in sight.
The private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves.
The stores have less food but jack up prices to stay in business.
Whatever happens in America, we need to be prepared and be ready.
Everything is zeroing in on food.
One third of Americans have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities.
My friends, whatever it takes, get prepared.
Get self-sufficient.
Get food.
For everybody out there listening, it's very important for you to understand that by having a supply of storable food, the government, the New World Order, has a lot less control over you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Off and on for the next few years as the crime rate explodes.
I'm going to be putting out public service announcements here on air, just warning everybody to watch your back, lock your houses, your cars.
We had a little cheap barbecue pit behind the office.
Somebody stole that.
Crime is exploding everywhere, and the media will not tell you this.
In the past, they would publicize crime statistics.
The crime statistics are available from the Justice Department, states, and cities.
But they're not advertising the fact that crime is just exploding exponentially everywhere.
What they will publicize is a point a caller made last night to my Sunday radio show we do every Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Time.
And that was the Houston Chronicle saying, oh, we've got to go after the gun shows, we've got to go after the gun shops.
They're selling guns that are then fenced to drug gangs in Mexico, and that's why there's 2,000 dead on the Texas-Mexico border.
It's the evil Second Amendment.
You go to a country like Mexico where the citizens are disarmed and you have hundreds of murders every single day.
Yes, hundreds of murders, over a hundred murders every day in Mexico.
Because once a society becomes that corrupt, everything breaks down, no one follows the law anymore.
So you've got all the peasants disarmed, with huge roving gangs, different gangs inside the government, every major government official dealing heroin, cocaine, constantly being caught, just in a huge war with each other, the lesser cartels, hundreds of little crime syndicates battling the big Chase Manhattan Citibank crime syndicate based in Mexico City and New York.
And so, rather than the Houston Chronicle say, wait a minute, hundreds of thousands a year in Houston alone, and this has actually been in their paper before, hundreds of thousands, yes you can pull those numbers up, hundreds of thousands of violent criminals, of felons being released just from their metro jails.
They arrest them.
The police arrest them with guns, arrest them driving drunk recklessly.
They're just released because the judges, on record,
Say, there's nothing we can do about it.
The feds won't come pick them up.
They won't take them.
So, understand that.
They release them.
Even if the police want to do their jobs, they are just released.
But then the American people have to be harassed and treated like complete and total serf slaves.
But crime of every type is exponentially expanding.
I mean, it's on Austin News every day about a carjacking or another dead body they fish out of the river of a dead woman who was, you know, kidnapped and raped.
I mean, every day we hear about home invasions and old ladies being beaten half to death by criminals.
And, ladies and gentlemen, about half the time here in Austin, it is an illegal alien doing it.
And I'm not saying that Mexico is nothing but criminals, though they're having national marches of millions of people, talking about how it's becoming a completely criminal state, and the citizens are just begging for it to end, to the very government that's engineering it.
But the criminals of Mexico know that California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas,
And now into Mississippi, Louisiana, up into Indiana.
Everywhere is the happy hunting ground.
This is a place where you can rape, steal, kill, use any identity you want.
The Mexican consulate will give somebody 50, 60, 70, 100 different consular matriculus for $22 apiece.
And with those fake IDs, they can then get Social Security, they can get jobs, they can get fake IDs, they can suck off the welfare system, bankrupt the states,
This is happening.
Total breakdown of society is taking place on the border and hundreds of miles over the border.
And what's the Border Patrol doing out there a hundred miles deep in the country pulling citizens over at checkpoints?
Because we are the milk cows.
We are the fat slobs.
We are the dumbed-down people with this image of a free country in our minds and it can't happen here.
And the public was talking
They believe not that tyranny is a good thing, that tyranny is freedom.
They believe that tyranny is freedom, that war is peace, that slavery is empowerment.
They believe that lies are truth.
And so, they are being enslaved.
We are all being enslaved right now.
It is truly a sad day.
Truly a sad day, as every single day I see articles about Texas sheriffs caught dealing cocaine.
Every day I see reports of police chiefs caught dealing cocaine, or their daughters dealing cocaine, or their wives dealing cocaine, or their police captains dealing cocaine, heroin, ecstasy.
It is a completely bankrupted, corrupt society.
And it was done, by design, exactly the way the British introduced opium to China, and over several decades, used the fact that it was illegal to make massive black market products, profits, to corrupt the police and local constabulary, and then bring down the nation and divide it into ten separate parts.
This is the type of real issues that we're dealing with here.
The globalists are strip mining us, are subdividing us, are completely blowing us out, and ruining us.
By design.
So they can then suck up all of the spoils.
In the second hour today, I'm going to spend 30 minutes on this and I'm going to detail it, and I'm going to play some audio clips from the past where myself and others were warning the public about exactly what was going to happen with the military to be used for martial law on the streets of the United States.
Here is the Washington Post today.
Pentagon to detail troops.
Pentagon to detail troops to bolster domestic security.
And it dovetails with the CBS News and AP articles of last week.
Also the Air Force Times headline, Gates Air Force active reserves must integrate.
They're getting rid of the National Guard.
Just huge things that are happening right in front of us and that is coming up in the next hour.
And it's being proposed to the public like, oh we just now had this idea because the terrorists are about to strike any minute.
We just now had this idea and Northcom just now in 2008 is deciding to deploy regular army troops to the streets of America for natural disasters and to fight Al Qaeda.
But when you actually read the directives put out by Gates that we covered last Friday here on the air,
When you actually read what NORTHCOM has been saying they're gonna do since 1993, when NORTHCOM was really set up, no it wasn't set up in 2002, boys and girls.
Neither was Homeland Security.
Set up in 93 by Bill Clinton.
You can pull that up.
Watch the speeches of him talking about it.
They just are now unveiling it to the slaves in a big way.
The entire setup is stated to remove Congress and remove governors.
The elected representatives in the legislative at the state and federal level under the John Warner Defense Authorization Act and under PDD 51.
And then any U.S.
citizen can be secretly stripped of citizenship by any military officer or homeland security officer, secretly arrested, secretly taken to offshore facilities, secretly tortured, and secretly executed.
And it's all right there in the
Military Commissions Act.
Go read it!
Go read the articles we wrote about it in detail, showing you the subsections, linking to it.
And people are marveling right now that everything I talked about is coming true.
Well, don't marvel!
Here's the parallel, or the parable, or the analogy.
The parallel.
It'd be like if I told my wife
on uh... sunday morning hey uh... the nfl is going to have games all day starting at three o'clock and then she went in and turned on the t.v.
at three o'clock and uh... there was uh... you know the jets playing the giants and she oh my gosh how did you know how did you understand it well i read the t.v.
guide honey
Or if my wife said to me, hey, Survivor's coming on tonight at 8 o'clock.
And then Survivor came on and I said, how did you know?
You're psychic.
She'd say, no, I read the TV Guide.
Still, though, even as it's all being announced, there are people all over the news, all over the message boards everywhere, running around saying, I'm lying, this isn't happening.
Those are definitely paid-for shills, folks.
And when they attack me, the messenger, it's always about Alex Jones, never about what I'm saying or what I'm doing.
It's, he's a Fed, or he's getting rich off this, or he's everything that's in the COINTELPRO manuals to attack somebody who's trying to fight the New World Order.
So just recognize when you see that, it's about debating about Alex Jones,
Because I'm the most effective at getting this out.
Thanks to you, the list, for spreading the word.
It's a symbiotic team effort here.
They are desperate, desperate, to try to divert you.
Now, I'm going to tell you again, it's not just in all the documents that this is a criminal organization, that this is a foreign corporate move, using the military, not our military, not the U.S.
military, now the globalist military, under United Nations and international corporate control.
To carry out a rear-guard action in the United States to militarize the police, to federalize the police, to have the police work with the Army in drug interdiction, in anti-terror operations, in surveillance of the American people, and in surveillance of the government.
The legitimate government.
And that's in all the announcements they're making.
That they're spying on peace groups.
They're spying on state legislators.
They're spying on prominent business leaders.
Military intelligence, Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force are on the ground.
You see, you see the public face of this out at a city fair or function.
You'll have the National Guard or regular Army MPs or regular Air Force MPs.
They're just there to acclimate you and acclimate the natives to their presence.
And acclimate the troops and the police.
But when you read what they're now announcing publicly,
It's what was in all the previous classified and semi-classified and redacted documents.
It was all there.
And it is regular military involved in your everyday life.
In the schools, brainwashing and recruiting your children to be domestic spies.
That's in there.
At checkpoints and then doing lots of PR.
Helping at car accidents.
Using army helicopters to airlift people in auto accidents.
Again, training you to have the military involved in your everyday life.
They're there as the rear guard as the U.S.
is imploded and broken up into pieces.
This is being done by design.
A day unlike any other in the long course of American history.
We'll be right back.
A terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
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I think?
Next hour, I'm not just going to go over the history of the conversion of the United States and the Western world into a very oppressive military dictatorship.
I'm going to break down what it's going to be like living under this.
They are already in England, in Europe, arresting prominent newspaper reporters for criticizing Sarkozy in France.
Top Italian judges announced that blogs and the internet is illegal.
No one is allowed to write political opinions but licensed newspapers.
They are moving to try to restrict free speech similarly here with government registration of blogs to then tax them and control them.
They arrested the head of the Immigration Department in England because they believe he leaked information.
The government was secretly legalizing the illegal aliens and even putting them in high security jobs.
And the anti-terror branch went and arrested him.
And the leader of the Conservative Party, the second strongest party, came out and said this is a police state, Stalinesque.
The rogue government, the private military government, controlled by the private banks,
Not the elected government.
Spies on the Parliament in England.
Spies on the Congress here in the United States.
This is what they do!
It's criminal!
And to have the military in Europe and here in the United States just announce, Oh, by the way, the legislatures, the elected governments, you don't run anything.
We're the military.
We're spying on you.
We work for these private banks.
You know, we work for the President, we work for the Prime Minister, we work for the Chancellor, and then they're always controlled by private boards, basically, that got them elected.
And that's how it works!
And so, they amass all the power in the national security state, in the name of keeping you safe from terrorism, they menace you with terrorism, and then when you go look at the official NORTHCOM system they've set up, and it's the same in Europe, it is designed around riots and suppression and mass arrests and roundups.
They openly say it is for the people, and crowd control, and microwave guns, and sound cannons, and FEMA camps, and emergency relocation centers, and interrogation centers.
It's for you!
It's for me!
And it's so the powerful elite can steal, and take, and put toll roads on whatever roads they want, and seize water districts, and triple the prices, and have total control.
Because they are usurpers.
They are conquerors.
They are dark.
They are powerful.
It's what they do.
It's their nature.
It's history.
And they've been slowly twisting and bending and brainwashing the military and the police into this culture to accept it as a good thing.
These men and women on these power trips, having no idea what they're part of, now more and more is being revealed to them.
So that's coming up.
It's outrageous.
Paul Watson is going to be joining us to recap, and there's been a lot of new developments and things that have come out dealing with Pakistan and India.
Kurt Nemo's got a story about the supposed terrorist added to the list of Mumbai suspects who is tied in with Al-Syedah and the ISI.
Also, U.S.
massive naval, air, marine, Mike, and Arabian Sea opposite Iran, Pakistan, Iran.
This is not just being reported by Debka File.
The AP and others are reporting India is threatening nuclear tension and war.
Indian President has said that they are, quote,
At a war security level, and are preparing for war with Pakistan.
Here is your international crisis, but what did I tell you a month ago, what, five, six weeks ago?
When Biden, and Colin Powell, and everybody else, and Merkel, and Barroso, and Sarkozy, and Brown, all these world leaders came out and said Obama will be tested on the 21st or 22nd of January.
There will be an international crisis.
People said, where will it be?
And I said, Pakistan and India.
None of them were saying that.
How do we know?
Because Obama, look, they talk to the public like they're children.
And so they say all this right out in the open like people are fools.
I put two and two together.
Where is Obama saying he wants to move more forces?
Where is he saying?
Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Pakistan's gotten out of the globalist control.
You've got the ISI terror faction, controlled by Mossad, MI6, CIA, openly set up by them, and that's even in mainstream news.
Going and staging this terror attack with these commandos, killing more than 300 people, hyping living daylights out of it,
And now the Pakistani President, the former head of ISI, and others are coming out and saying, this is staged to blame this on Pakistan, and yes, we know that Western intelligence has infiltrated the ISI.
You understand that?
The government is divided against itself.
The very same people, who every week, on average, have been bombing the new government in Pakistan, that kicked out Peresh Musarraf, the U.S.
The very people trying to decapitate the Pakistan government, the very same Muslim terrorists, are the ones now sicked on India as a pretext to play those two nuclear powers off against each other.
That's what Russian news is even saying now, Indian news is even reporting it.
So this is the facts, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Now, why did the United States, England, and Israel help give nuclear weapons to both nations?
Because they want to play them off against each other, the strategy of tension, or divide and conquer the geopolitical system.
The great game, as British intelligence calls it.
Karez Musharraf, back in 2000, installed as the dictator, finally removed by legitimate citizens demonstrating.
Then the police machine gunned them, remember, a year and a half ago?
So they rioted.
The police turned to their side.
The public is fully aware that Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, is CIA.
That's all over Pakistani newspapers every day.
They want them out.
The public hates the Muslim extremists.
Who will then be given power by the CIA if they're allowed to get into control.
So that's why they're fighting.
And now they have attacked India again.
The Pakistani government is saying, look, we didn't do this.
We want to be at peace.
We don't want to have a war.
We want to be friends.
This is being done to destabilize us.
Our government is infiltrated.
They are bombing us.
Remember a few weeks ago they met at a hotel, what, about a month ago?
Government officials about how to go after Al-Qaeda and then the hotel got blown up and it was in mainstream news that US Marines were running around bringing boxes into the building right before it blew up.
On and on and on.
And so this is the international crisis that Barack Obama is discussing.
And they're going to use this crisis coming up in the next three months while they devalue the dollar and have a world currency reduction, so it won't look like it's being devalued because all currencies are going to be devalued simultaneously.
That's been openly announced.
This is global government by the bankers, what they set up two weekends ago in Virginia.
Openly saying in hundreds of newspapers, a new world order
They will use that as a smokescreen, the new military action, while the economy is further consolidated.
They're masters at diversion.
I know the public's very simple-minded.
Here's a quick example.
All the debates on radio, TV, newspaper, I mean 95% of them, are about, should we bail out 25 billion or 40 billion Ford and GM and Chrysler?
Will it cause a depression if this happens?
So they're making the depression that's coming all about, it's the talking point, the automakers.
They're causing a depression now.
First, it was subprime mortgages, had nothing to do with that.
This has been done by design.
It was the derivatives and the banks cutting off liquidity to Main Street.
And there's another diversion.
We're only having a debate about the bailout of twenty-five or forty million dollars of
Ford and GM and Chrysler instead of the almost 8 trillion dollars as of last week.
I'm sure it's over 8 trillion now.
It's what, 300 billion a day. 7.8
Trillion dollars stolen by the bankers with a bait-and-switch, terrorizing the public.
Any question who the terrorists are?
The head of the Federal Reserve, the private bank, the head of the Treasury, all of them up there saying, we will have depression, it will be death and destruction, it will be martial law, the whole country will collapse.
If you don't do this, we have to have the money right now!
They get it, and say, next day, we're not using it for that, we're keeping it and having bonuses and letting our banks buy up other banks and insurance companies and infrastructure, and the bankers all laugh and say, we're doing great, this is wonderful.
Throwing it in your face and saying, hey, we're gonna use the army in America.
A month ago, they say it's 2,000 troops.
3,000 troops.
Then it's 20,000 troops Sunday.
By the middle of next year, you're gonna hear them talking about 200,000 U.S.
troops deployed here.
Oh yeah, they're gonna get pulled out of Iraq and brought back here.
They're gonna have contractors here, and the rest of them are gonna go to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Unless we get the word out.
I mean, this is so historical, so diabolical, so huge, and it's happening right out in front of everybody!
And the COINTELPRO operatives are all over the internet, message boards, YouTube, everywhere, going, Alex Jones is lying, none of this is happening, he's a fad, he's a this, regardless of what I am.
And Judge Atreeb buys fruits, obviously.
I'm the salt of the earth, and you know it.
That's why you listen.
You've got discernment.
But the dumbed-down public doesn't have discernment.
And so the COINTELPRO isn't targeting you.
They know they've lost you.
They're targeting the dumbed-down people who are kind of looking up from their head in the sand, pulling their head out momentarily to say, is something going on?
They go, no, no.
Everything's fine.
Don't listen to him.
He's the government.
People say, well we need a solution to all of this.
The solution is warning the public and saying no to troops on the streets.
No to martial law.
No to the executive branch with private contractors taking over the whole government.
That's the solution.
The solution is, look in the mirror.
All I can do is tell you this is happening and try to get people to be concerned about it.
I want to go to Paul Watson for the balance of this hour.
Paul Watson,
Um, you said, uh, last, uh, Wednesday when this all started.
Last Tuesday, actually.
Tuesday night, when this all kicked off, you wrote an article saying that the Mubai situation would be blamed on Pakistan.
And then you pointed out that ISI is CIA and Mossad and MI6 controlled.
That this would be used to destabilize the country that the very groups they were claiming are attacking India are attacking the Pakistani government openly globalist back and sure enough days later what you said unfolded and happened and now it's in the Pakistan Times it's on Russian TV
All over the place, laying out that this is a destabilization move of Pakistan and India, and the public is so unsophisticated, I'm reading their comments on these stories, and reading the comments on the videos online, they don't even understand it, much less finding Pakistan, or Kashmir, or India, on a map.
Paul Watson, break down the latest information we have.
Hello Alex.
Yeah, the latest thing that we have is
Regarding this warning, this foreknowledge that the Indians had, and it was a specific warning of both the method in which the attack would be carried out, the arrival by which the terrorists would take and the target, which was mainly the Taj Mahal Hotel.
And this was the CIA station chief in Delhi who told Indian intelligence in September
The terrorists were planning to arrive by sea and attack the Taj Mahal Hotel with small arms and or bombs.
So they took, initially they took that warning seriously and beefed the security measures at the Taj Mahal Hotel.
But then, strangely enough, as we routinely see happen in these major terrorist attacks, the security was then softened just a week before the attack.
So you've got specific warnings about the method and location of the attacks and the hotel relaxes the security measures right before it.
Now there are also eyewitness reports from people on the ground of police who, as these armed terrorists were running through the subways and the restaurants and the streets shooting at people, the police refused to shoot back.
And that's why now you have these videos emerging of
Citizens who are forced to gang up and go hand-to-hand in combat with these terrorists because the police are nowhere to be seen.
So, I mean, the question is, if these security measures were softened and if the police were not firing back at the terrorists, and why did the attack drag on for two or three days?
The question has to be asked, was there some kind of stand-down order?
Because the way in which
India has exploited the attacks, which, as you mentioned, I predicted.
It wasn't hard to predict because they always blame Pakistan for everything, but the level to which they've pushed it in this situation goes above and beyond anything.
And they're obviously trying to blame Pakistan to deflect from the fact that they were given this specific warning and not only they failed to prevent it, but they let the whole thing drag out for days and the sentiment has now started to turn.
You've had a resignation of top official in the Indian government, you've got more on the way, and people are starting to ask serious questions about how they failed to prevent the attack and why they let it drag on for so much time.
So then, they've killed nine of the ten terrorists.
There were supposedly ten terrorists.
Other people say there were fifteen or more.
They've got one.
And they always catch one lone Patsy.
There's only always one left.
This is following all the classic patterns.
They always got one Patsy who, you know, sings from the same hymn sheet.
And he's the star.
He's the one that paraded around in front of cameras.
He's also the star, again.
Azam Amir Kassab, who is a fluent English speaker, and as soon as they got him, he started implicating Pakistan.
The media took it as gospel.
Of course, they'd never, let's say, you know, he's a real terrorist.
He's no kind of provocateur.
The media took it as gospel, even after his interrogation.
They're also rolling out not one, but two witnesses who just so happen to be fluent English-speaking
Exactly, so it's strangely scripted, so now he's blaming, he's saying his handlers were this Lashkar-e-Toiba group, which is ISI, Pakistani affiliated.
The problem being that Lashkar-e-Toiba always claim responsibility for their attacks.
They always have done in the past.
But in this case, they're vehemently denied involvement.
Yet he's saying that they were his handlers and that it's a Pakistani operation.
So again, we...
We asked the question.
So, as we outlined on Friday,
The likely perpetrators are these gangs who are engaged in tribal warfare and have been for decades, basically.
There's bombings in India every month.
There was one last month at the embassy.
There was obviously the Parliament bombing a few years ago.
Yeah, the potential exists that there were provocateurs in there and now, with the propaganda and the way they're scripting it, it seems that that could have been the case.
But we asked the question, you know, if this was sponsored by Pakistan, who have been making strenuous peace overtures towards India recently, unprecedented,
Then what would they possibly have to gain from sponsoring a brutal attack against innocent civilians, which was played out on international television for everyone to see?
Well, what did Harat and the Jerusalem Post report five years ago?
That's in some of my documentaries.
They reported that Mossad and Shinbek, the external and internal intelligence arms of Israel,
created fake al-qaeda groups with real Arabs and in some cases the Arabs didn't even know they were being handled they were just being paid and they were being paid by Arab or Arab looking and speaking Israelis to go stage bombings of buses and nightclubs every time there was about to be a peace deal because the military and the private corporations that make their huge profits out of it all the whole military state in Israel
They want the wars to continue.
They want the tension to continue.
They don't want peace.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that's always the case in Britain, the U.S.
or Canada, where you get these radical groups.
In some cases, it's just gangs.
It's just street gangs who are provocateur into talking about or writing crude plans about how they want to carry out terror attacks.
And in every single case, such as the Chicago 7 in America, who were basically near-retarded, they never had any capability of doing anything, they just wanted the payoff from the FBI agent.
Same in Canada with the so-called beheading plot.
Same with every single case in England of these, where they bust these terror cells, it always turns out that there's a provocateur behind them.
Not just behind him.
He's always the leader.
He's the founder.
The FBI, MI5, MI6, Mossad, Shin Bet, French Intelligence, German Intelligence, they're always led.
It's not like an infiltrator got into the group and said, well we've got to watch them.
They always found it.
They always find the unstable schizophrenics.
Right, they radicalize it.
They normally go off of city welfare files.
Because when you get on welfare, they make a lot of these young men go through psychological testing.
They have files on them.
And they'll offer them a hundred grand apiece just to videotape a federal building in Miami.
Again, last Monday, Reuters, Der Spiegel, German intelligence, caught attacking a NATO base, trying to blame it on the Serbs.
No, in this case, you've got
Obvious tribal warfare in that region.
There are real terror attacks every month.
In fact, there's one today in Pakistan.
A car bombing.
Just completely ignored by the media.
They happen all the time.
So there are real terrorist groups in that region because there's real tribal warfare going on.
But the claim that it's all being directed by Pakistan in the case of the Mumbai attacks.
Again, what would they have to benefit from the full might of the US military targeting them?
There's reports now that as soon as the attack began to unfold in Mumbai, despite widespread confusion about who its perpetrators were and what the motive was, that US aircraft carriers, some of which were already in the region but additional ones, were moving towards the Pakistani border.
And then now you have the Pakistani troops moving from the Afghan border to the Indian border.
So in the very first couple of hours that it was unfolding, these aircraft carriers started to move towards Pakistan.
Here's an example.
In fact, John, try to pull this up.
I don't think it was the last time.
It was before the last time, about a month ago.
I was on
It was actually the day after the election, or was it two days after?
I was on Press TV, International Iranian Television, and I went on there and I said, they're going to attack Pakistan.
They're going to stage an event to escalate a war between India and Pakistan, or at least a near war.
That's going to be what Obama does.
And there was one of Obama's advisors on the show, a big Democrat, and he said, yeah, yeah, that's... He just took what I said and spun it and said, yes, you'll have to deal with Pakistan.
I mean, we're on record, Paul, calling it.
I mean, that's another reason we know it's staged.
Not just all the other evidence, there's hundreds of other points we're not even making here.
I mean, I'm not trying to sound arrogant.
I'm just giving you a fact here that, you know, our minds move a million miles an hour on this stuff when you eat, drink, and sleep it, and trying to explain all the subtle nuances.
I mean, you know what you're seeing when you've seen it over and over again.
You see the scripting.
You see the setups.
You see the same manuals.
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I think so.
We're good.
The National Guard, part of NORTHCOM, publicly being dissolved right now into regular Army, is confiscating guns in Illinois statewide.
The minute your state registration expires, even a day, you gotta have a card even on guns, they swap you in with the Army.
That's a beta test.
New Orleans was a beta test.
Going into the nice neighborhoods, high and dry.
Slamming people's heads in the concrete, taking their guns.
See, now it's going to be nationwide.
Hello, U.S.
Doing a courtesy check.
Army here, ma'am.
We'd like to inspect your firearms.
Those are in areas where you have a Second Amendment, like Dallas, Texas.
It's the police doing it.
It's in mainstream news that the military, regular army, will be working with your local police.
High treason, the destruction of the republic in your face.
But the public can't even find the U.S.
on a map, so how are they going to be able to know that that's tyranny?
Somehow we've got to stop this.
I mean, this is just so bold.
I'm going to cover it next hour.
Great article by Paul Watson up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Paul, you posted some videos from Police Day 2000 of troops coming up and telling cameramen to turn their cameras off, of practicing taking over the police stations and city halls and things.
Will you add the video of them confiscating guns
And then people don't believe it.
Why don't you add the article from like three months ago where the governor of Illinois announced they're going to use army to confiscate guns?
Well, they're just here to help, Alex.
Yeah, well, I mean, but it doesn't matter if it's on national TV.
Still doesn't exist.
No, it doesn't.
I mean, when we reported the
Preachers and the pastors were being trained to pacify their congregation to not resist when martial laws implemented.
You know, they all came out and said we were making it up.
And then all the local TV news stations reported it, and then they said, well, it might be true, but there's nothing to worry about.
And still to this day, what is it, two years after all the local TV stations reported on it,
It's still listed on museumofhoaxes.com, one of these urban myth websites, as a likely hoax.
And now they're going to have Mythbusters do a two-hour special on 9-11 Truth, they're having the National Geographic Channel, and they'll just get up there and lie, just like Museum of Hoaxes says we're lying.
I mean, imagine what it's like to get secret FEMA documents
And then to make calls to local preachers I know, and to say, how do you know about this?
Yes, they came to me, but I refused.
I know a local pastor of a large Baptist church.
And to then talk to a deacon of another church, and I was sent all this.
And then I had the pastor on the show, and then FEMA came and threatened him.
Somehow tracked back.
I mean, these were FEMA documents with names and phone numbers, folks!
I have to sleep at night with this stuff!
And the debunkers just lie and say we're making it up!
I mean, Alex, this website said, quote, tellingly, the article doesn't provide any verifiable source for its claims, even though the whole document was linked in the article.
And then all the comments below it.
There's the source, and then here it is on local TV news, and it's just, they don't change any of this.
They don't care!
Hey, don't you little hired punks know something?
Don't you understand that tyranny is acute?
You're not going to be part of the winning team.
The New World Order is going to bankrupt you too!
Well, Alex, obviously what this is being sold on the pretext of is that the troops are just here to help in, you know, times of emergency if there's a disaster.
They said in the Army Times it's going to be used for riot control and suppressing the people and helping at car wrecks.
Well, what's wrong with the Army?
They just life-flighted a little girl, you bastard!
Well, look at what happened in Katrina.
They weren't much help there, were they?
Well, I just, you know, let me tell all the yuppies and all the idiots something right now.
Folks, when governments bring trips in and point them at the government, that's who they're really menacing.
Bad things happen, okay?
This is so they can rape the daylights out of you.
Stay there, Paul.
We'll be right back.
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If we don't expose the government-sponsored terror, they're going to commit more acts and bring in martial law.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I've been studying this.
It looks like it's going to be at least 50,000 regularly stationed troops and then, according to Obama, one million
Kind of like glorified security cops or community police like they have in England, where they come up and ask you questions, train you to be asked questions every day, harassed, train you to interact with the police constantly to be asked questions.
They do this all over England.
If you're in a park, just sitting there, they walk up and ask if you're a terrorist.
They ask if you're a pedophile.
It's just all social conditioning and it's all being announced.
Paul Watson, in closing here, we'll have more reports out on PrisonPlanet.com about
It really happened in India, in Mumbai.
It's got all the earmarks of a staged event.
Classical staged event.
This is Obama's crises.
We said it would be in Pakistan and India.
Here it is.
But just on the subject of this article you wrote, it's from the Washington Post.
Washington Post, 20,000 more troops to be deployed for domestic security.
Now how this works is, they announced one brigade six weeks ago, five weeks ago,
And then in the article it really listed three brigades and a bunch of other units.
Or around 15,000 troops.
Now they're announcing 20,000.
You watch, it'll be 50,000 within a year.
And you will see them.
They're gonna be everywhere.
Again, just standing around doing nothing with machine guns, and they'll come out with police, ask you questions, it'll be on the news, people being questioned.
I mean, going back six, seven years ago, at sporting events, high school games, they'll just have the army there searching people in Tennessee, and in Alabama, in the middle of nowhere, in Montana.
It's just training you to be a slave!
Line up, slave!
Show me your papers!
Little kids with their parents having their bags searched, training them to be a slave.
The public schools are training them how to be prisoners.
Paul Watson, closing comments on this.
Well, that's right, Alex.
I mean, look at what they did in Katrina.
They weren't helping anyone.
They were shooting alleged looters.
They were shoving people around sports stadiums, you know, making pointless patrols on deserted streets.
And in fact, the local politicians were using them as an armed escort to go back to their houses, which were even badly flooded, to rescue their possessions.
While cops stood down and let their family members, mothers and people in nursing homes die over five days.
Yeah, that's what they were used for.
I mean, they deliberately botched the relief efforts for Katrina, then waited a week to provide the prefects for troops to come in.
I mean, FEMA were preventing the trucks full of food, medicine, and water from getting through.
And, you know, as we reported at the time, they cut the communication lines.
The police had armed standoffs with FEMA, paramilitary police, climbing fences in the dead of night.
This is after the hurricane hit, but before things even broke down, cutting all the lines.
That's why the police all walked off the job.
FEMA hit them and hit them hard with military precision.
So it created the prefect to say we need the troops there, even though the local authorities could have dealt with it if they hadn't been sabotaged.
Again, FEMA secretly, at over 50 locations, cutting power to police departments and fire departments, and local emergency, and with fire access, hacking down the police communication towers.
Right, and this new deployment that's been in the Washington Post today,
As we've reported, it's all codified under the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, which was repealed, but then Bush attached a signing statement to it saying, you know, he didn't feel bound by the repeal.
So the question is, Obama has said he will reverse all these Bush signing statements.
Will the John Warner Defense Authorization Act be one of them?
With his actions on, you know, Gates and Hillary Clinton, it seems doubtful.
Yeah, we should do a story about all of his wicked appointments now.
I can't wait to ask Tarbly about his savior, Hillary, being appointed Secretary of State.
We're moving to have her confirmed.
We should do a story explaining the fact that he isn't going to reverse anything real.
Paul Watson, I really appreciate your great work.
Everybody should go get your story at PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Thanks for joining us.
Thanks, Alex.
There he goes.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
More US troops to be deployed for domestic security, to work with local police and crowd control and law enforcement activities, as well as disaster and anti-terrorism.
This whole thing is designed and built and set up to not just suppress the American people, but also to take over governorships, to take over states and the congressional legislature, the Congress.
Remember, six weeks ago, now almost eight trillion dollars stolen by the offshore private banks of the Banker Takeover Bill, they threatened martial law.
The Congress was threatened with martial law by Secretary of Treasury Henry Paulson.
Senator Inhofe is now on record that that's who made the threats.
We had other congressmen on who were told the threat but were told under House rules and Senate rules that they could not speak about it because it was in closed meetings.
That's right, Congress closes up the doors and went in there and Paulson told them with Bernanke sitting right to his left.
So that's how they operate, ladies and gentlemen.
There's no way to get around this.
There's no way to twist this in your minds.
There's no way to distract yourself from what's happening.
I mean, let's just look
That Katrina alone.
It's on record.
It was in hundreds of newspapers.
We interviewed some of the heads of the parishes.
All over Louisiana.
After the hurricane went over.
Remember it took about 12 hours for it to flood and for the levees to break.
FEMA went in and cut the generator power, sabotaged the generators owned by the parish, the parishes by the counties.
Parishes in Louisiana are the counties.
Same thing.
People always email me and ask me what I'm talking about.
Here in Texas we live next to Louisiana so we know a little bit more about the state than some.
I just forget how ignorant the public is on average.
I mean, I meet people from New York all the time who are really smart, competent people, but they really believe we ride horses to work in Texas and that we live in log cabins.
But side issue, the point here is that FEMA went in and sabotaged and cut lines, and then police in the main parish that New Orleans is based in, the county,
Went in, and this has been on national television, went in and fixed it, and FEMA showed up with guns and said, we are cutting the power, we are cutting the power to police and fire and emergency management radios, and the police in one parish actually had to point their rifles at FEMA and say, no you're not under orders of the sheriff and under orders of the head emergency manager in the parish.
On record!
Go pull it up!
Now, why would FEMA go in right before the levees broke and cut communication?
Well, I believe the hundreds of witnesses that said they saw a giant explosion and saw army troops in the area right before it happened where the levees got blown.
Eighty-plus years before, it's on record that the federal government blew the levees to flood the lower wards and to save the
More wealthy areas of town.
That's why there's that story going around, originally.
Because it's on record.
But we don't know they blew the levees.
We know they blew it.
And the last big flood there.
That killed thousands.
From another hurricane.
But we know.
And it's not like the whole government's evil.
You know, I had family there in helicopters in the week after, saving people off rooftops.
Most of the army was out there trying to do a job.
It's compartmentalization.
They didn't know that FEMA cut the police communication lines to make local government look inept and to say, oh look, FEMA needs unlimited power and control through NORTHCOM.
You see, by quote, screwing up, they can then say, see, we need even more power, more funding.
Well, they already had basically omnipotent power and unlimited funding.
So the police were then, you know, later were criticized, saying, oh, you know, two-thirds of the New Orleans police walked off the jobs.
Well, they're used to being micromanaged.
They're not trained to go on their own initiative.
They're not trained that if communications are cut off, what to do.
They're told everything.
Including how to wipe their behinds.
They are micromanaged.
They are controlled.
And so, suddenly their communications don't work.
And after about six hours of that, yes, two-thirds of them walked off.
And went home to their families.
Take care of their families.
And they said, oh, look at these inept locals.
They don't know what they're doing.
Meanwhile, FEMA would go in with fire axes and hack
The communication lines, rip them out, rip them down, and then the police would come in and jury-rig it and fix it with the county engineers, the parish engineers, and FEMA would come back with guns, pointing guns, at them!
Now those FEMA guys are the bad guys.
But FEMA itself is highly compartmentalized.
I mean, you think about how diabolical it is
For FEMA, we learned almost three years ago now, to go around the country and hire 13,000 preachers, and they doubled those in 2007 to 26,000, and to secretly train them, we have their training manuals, to submit to Romans 13, do what the government says, go to FEMA camps, turn your guns in, take inoculations, let them take your children, and then we even had all the videos.
Suddenly the TV preachers were seeing exactly that on television.
Flocks were being taught that.
At their churches.
And people didn't believe us, even though we had the secret FEMA documents.
Even though we had several of the preachers on.
Even though I independently verified this is going on in Austin, Texas.
And then it came out.
I mean, how diabolical is it that we have this huge black-op government doing drills in the majority of U.S.
cities and towns.
Thousands of drills!
Going back 20 years!
Where the Army comes in, the Marines come in, generally the two groups.
Other armed services have been involved in smaller operations, sometimes assisting.
And they just show up.
They covertly give the town, you know, a half million dollars, even in small towns.
They give cash on the side to police chiefs, sheriffs, emergency managers.
I've got Police Chief Santoni on video saying they tried to bribe him.
That they did bribe other city officials.
Then I talked to Austin Police, who they approached.
And Travis County.
Sheriff's Department people.
You want me to name one?
Lieutenant Beck, the head of the Travis County SWAT team.
They approached him.
I had talked to him six months before and he laughed at me.
I ran into him at the courthouse.
He called me up and said, come up to my office, please.
How did you know about this?
Again, who are you?
Who are you working for?
How did you know Delta Force would come here and do this?
And I said, sir, they're going to every county in Texas.
That's why I said, have they been to you yet?
And the guy, the Marine Corps, Vietnam vet, head of the SWAT team, laughed at me.
But you know what?
He was a real American.
He wasn't laughing after he found out it was all true.
And then they fired him, by the way.
And the next time I showed up at the SWAT team office, guess what videos I saw?
They weren't put out for me to see them.
When I was walking in the door, in one of the little office areas, I saw Oklahoma bombing cover-up.
Police State 2000.
I saw my film and other films.
They had decided they'd better look into what I was saying.
And you know what?
Those men went down the rabbit hole.
The new commander seemed friendly enough, but he was looking at me like he was on a rabbit hunt, though.
You could see it in the eyes.
When I was in Luby's one day eating by myself about, I guess, two years ago.
He came up, sat down at the table behind me.
Was trying to assess me.
Assess me?
I'm a defender of the Republic.
I learned that private corporations have taken over our military and have a long-term, almost 30-year plan to overthrow the United States.
And as a defender of the Republic, I'm here trying to warn people!
That's who I am.
You want to assess me?
Go ahead.
You want to assess me?
That's who I am.
It's what I stand for.
And I'm not going to be conned, especially when it's all in black and white in my face.
When I go witness Marines all over the country training to take our guns and admitting it's for the United States, I know treason when I see it.
When the North American Union is openly being set up, and Judicial Watch sues and gets the secret documents, and they start off by saying, we've got to keep this secret from the public, we're going to set up carbon taxes, put troops on the streets of America, bring in world government.
I know treason when I see it!
You know, this government claims it's our government, wraps itself in the flag, and everything's about how it's for the troops, and how they care about the troops, and all of this propaganda.
The people running this country are anti-American.
They're globalists.
They want to destroy our sovereignty.
They want to capture the United States.
They have captured it.
And you know what?
And now they're trying to consolidate that power and crack down on the public because they're about to suck your bank accounts dry and you're about to all lose your jobs and crime's going to explode in the streets.
They know.
They're social engineers.
They're behavioral psychologists.
The people that study civilization.
They know exactly what's gonna happen.
Now people are saying, well Alex, you know, we do need the army on the streets.
There's about to be a depression and crime's up.
And so, the public, you know, is gonna need this.
As if it all just now got set up.
As if it all just suddenly popped out of a jack-in-the-box.
30 plus years.
But 30 years we know of preparation for all of this.
Public information since 1984.
All set up beforehand, and then they come out in the Washington Post today, and the first line of the article is about how, oh, they're just now setting this up.
It's happening.
It's happening now.
And by the way, do you know what else we saw at all these big military drills across the country?
Hebron, Maryland.
Oakland, California.
All these sites.
Little Rock, Arkansas.
You know what else we see going on there?
Something I haven't talked enough about that dovetails in with what Obama's doing right now.
We'll tell you about that when we get back.
And a lot more.
So please, stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
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I'll tell you, this country is going to absolute hell in a handbasket.
Trey was just telling me about an email from KLBJ warning the employees that
A whole bunch of cars are being broken into over there.
Just every day by people.
And then the APD just called my wife.
My parents that are out of town had their house broken into.
And the police are in my parents' house right now.
This is a country of degeneracy and scum imploding, and you ain't seen nothing yet.
The Army's gonna take everything you got, and they're gonna give you lead and microwave cannons right back, because we're the decadent, baby-killing country of wicked trash.
So enjoy yourselves, that's all I've got to tell you.
This crime is just exploding everywhere.
Massive gangs of illegal aliens, like foraging, like a bunch of goats, just ripping up all the green grass and leaving desert behind them.
And that's only part of it.
And that's who's doing it!
And nothing's gonna stop them!
Because they're above the law!
We're gonna be just like Mexico, consumed with corruption, consumed with theft.
With the delusional, guilty, pathetic, liberal yuppies begging for it!
Just begging for... to be raped!
Financially, spiritually, mentally!
So keep killing your babies, and keep getting cursed, country!
50 million dead babies!
And what do people, so-called patriots, do out there?
They don't ever stand up for the babies.
They just criticize me and say, what is it, 47 million or 50 million babies?
And they go get clips of me saying 47 million babies from five, six years ago.
It's 50 million now!
Instead of facing those dead babies, you make excuses and psychologically divert off into something else.
Bunch of mental midgets and weaklings.
Folks, I'm freaked out about this country.
It's going down in every way.
We're being judged by evil.
And the news isn't going to tell you about any of it.
And I, for one, have had enough of it!
Enough of it!
Keep your hand off our guns!
Keep your hands off our kids, you bunch of parasite government people!
And that's what I'm telling you with this martial law situation, ladies and gentlemen.
Society's gonna break down so bad, the public is gonna beg for army on the streets.
The public is gonna beg for 10 million cops, not the 3 million we've got.
They're gonna beg for the million man spy force.
And none of it, just like in Europe, none of it's gonna stop the crime.
It's only gonna increase!
Because, overall, the system is gonna be there to squeeze you.
Is that saying the average person in the army's bad?
The average cop's bad?
No, they got tough jobs.
But the system that's directing them is evil and has compartmentalized them.
You know what?
I got a guest coming up in 30 minutes.
I got Lindsey Williams coming up.
John, I got a bunch of clips I wanted to play and I wanted to comment on these clips.
You know, clips from around the country where they're training the local police with the National Guard for riots and people trying to take over the police department.
Uh, where I went on CBS News and laid out everything that was really happening, and the guy basically spewed a bunch of disinfo at me, and then now, a year later, everything I talked about on that show is happening.
And then there's another clip I sent you, John.
Another clip, uh, there's two gun confiscation clips from New Orleans.
First, I want you to play myself on CBS.
I'm gonna run over to my parents' house.
It's only about two miles away.
I'll be back.
When we come back, I want you to play
The CBS first, then the Martial Law Is Coming newscast, then the guns in New Orleans, then the NRA gun grab story, and then play the one where the cops almost beat to death the military hero.
And then also, at the end of that, play the couple of Marshall Law clips.
Play the Inhofe clip where he's talking about, yeah, it was Paulson threatened Marshall Law.
And then play the other congressman talking about the threats of Marshall Law.
And just fill up the next 30 minutes with clips.
I meant to do this this hour anyways.
I just wanted to stop it and comment on all these clips.
I won't be able to do that now.
Again, I'm going to run over to my parents' house and see what's going on with that.
Why don't you take us out with the bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word.
You got that loaded yet?
Let's go out with that song and we'll come back and play these clips.
Stay with us as society completely implodes.
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In the future, every major city will have a high-altitude blimp tethered to a cable with ground-penetrating radar that looks right through your walls and gives the government a black-and-white image.
We live in a post-911 world.
Security higher.
We're a country at war.
Not an ideal situation for anyone, but there are some that say if we have another terrorist attack on American soil, the U.S.
will be under martial law.
On the phone we have with us the man you just saw on the video, that is Alex Jones, a man who has set forth to expose these supposed indiscretions by the government.
We also have with us terrorism law expert Jeff Atticott with us.
Thank you both for joining me this morning.
Thanks for having me.
I appreciate it.
Let's first talk with you, Alex, by phone.
Alex, you feel America is going to be under some martial law pressure as soon as we get attacked again, is that correct?
Back in 99 I met with your police chief and we threw Delta Force out.
They brought in large bags of cash and tried to buy them off.
Then I talked to emergency managers around the country when I was fighting this then and found out there was a covert plan to take over all of our major cities.
Now that's been in the Associated Press.
The Homeland Security Committee and Congress with the highest level security clearances are not allowed to see the details of PDD 51 signed May 9th.
This is the military industrial complex waging war on the people.
Let's talk about that presidential directive number 51 that you're talking about.
Mr. Atticott, he's talking about the one that basically gives the president some power to go in in case of an emergency and establish some sort of order.
Is it as bad as Mr. Jones calls it?
I don't think so.
He's the lawyer for the people that were there in 99.
Presidential directives are nothing new.
I mean, the Clinton administration had a continuity PDD itself, and this president has simply replaced that one with this one.
It's interesting because a lot of the annexes to the document are classified, so I don't know how this gentleman has had access to those where he can tell us about what it says.
Basically, if you read section 9, paragraph 9, it indicates that the executive branch has a responsibility for continuity, and the judicial branch has a responsibility, and also the legislative branch.
So it's really not the boogeyman.
This is nothing new, nothing to get upset about.
It's actually the responsibility of the government to do this.
Mr. Jones, you were just alluding to the cameras, and I think we heard a little bit at the top of the show about you talking about the blimps overhead.
Do you really think we're going to get to that point?
I have not seen any blimps in my neighborhood.
I don't really fear my police force.
Let me break this down.
That is a Pentagon announcement of 2004, and they do now have them over DC, LA, and other areas.
And yes, they are mounting high-altitude glimpses.
These are so high you can't even see them without a telescope, or at night you can see them because of the atmosphere and the sun going over them.
But I already have Google.
I can actually Google my own home, you know.
Listen, you know, Mr. Hancock's not stupid.
I looked into him, okay?
And he knows what he's doing.
We have the memos written by John Yoo and the Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, saying they can torture children with pliers.
That the President is... It says that with pliers.
It says the President is above the law and that all law flows from him.
And in PDD 51, he is saying he is in command of continuity of government.
Yes, I mean, obviously he is in command.
That's what the executive does.
All the administrative agencies are under the executive branch.
I mean, all administrative agencies are under the executive branch, so why would that be surprising that he is issuing policy memos to agencies within his control?
We didn't expect him to do that.
That's not what it says.
But he's a president on his way out as well.
There's going to be a change in presidency here, Conor.
I have a better idea.
You could go to Google and pull up PDD 51 and read it for yourself.
And re-paragraph 9 which talks about the responsibility of each branch of government and not executive takeover.
Remember the four members of the Homeland Security Committee in Congress who have been able to see part of it and then want to see the classified areas because they're saying that it looks like it's a martial law plan.
That's members of Congress and you're counting on folks not going and seeing what the AP and the Oregonians and others have to say about it.
Mr. Jones, does the mentality or what Mr. Jones is pushing here, does it incite maybe us?
Is it a fear-mongering thing or does he have some validity to his points?
Well, obviously in time of conflict and we're definitely in a conflict with Al Qaeda I mean they want to kill tens of thousands of Americans if they can that's a fact and our government has a responsibility to protect its citizens But I think mr. Jones is correct and that has to be balanced against civil liberties and where you draw that line is something that we need debated I think voices like his are important, but we need to put them in context.
I mean you need to look at the facts take a deep breath and
I can prove my facts.
You know what?
We have members of Congress who are concerned about this.
We have Republican and Democratic
Liberal and conservative top lawyers across the country saying this country's going into martial law.
Bob Woodward, last year, was in San Antonio and said he thinks we're going into a dictatorship.
That was in the front of the newspaper.
I'm not the only one that's worried about this.
By the way, the borders are still wide open, but the American people are being harassed and controlled.
We have the federal documents.
And by the way, Atticotta, if you want to come debate me for an hour, I'll be on the radio on KLVJ today for two hours.
What are you doing?
We are talking with Alex Jones from Infowars.com about the changes here in America and he believes we're changing into a police state and also joining me is Dr. Jeff Atticott.
He is our expert on terrorism law and we thank you both for joining us.
We're kind of continuing our conversation.
Alex, you've got some films out there.
You go to protests and you complain we're gearing up for this police state because you say cops are swarming the streets with guns.
These are huge protests like the one we just saw you in New York during the Republican National Convention.
Of course there's some
Some increased police presence in New York after it being attacked, but do you honestly think that we're getting to a place in time where nobody's going to have any freedom to do what they actually want to do?
Yes, people are being arrested coast to coast for peacefully protesting or demonstrating.
New York has banned independent news cameras on the streets.
Some of my cameramen have now been arrested and told that they're terrorists for having video cameras.
All over the place.
We have neocons.
The top neocon in the Philadelphia news said we need another 9-11 so they can get their bigger police state out.
That's been a big national controversy the last few days.
Alex, let's talk about that because and Jeff, maybe you can add some to this.
We haven't had another 9-11 and is it perhaps because of the fact that we've taken some of the precautions that Mr. Jones is talking about that he does not like?
Well, you've got to look at it from the representative democracy.
All three branches of our government have become very involved in this war on terror.
Congress has taken a number of significant steps.
The Military Commission Act is just the latest, probably one of the latest and the largest steps that they've taken.
The President clearly believes that we're in a state of war.
The Constitution gives him that authority as a Commander-in-Chief.
Our Supreme Court generally has upheld the policies of the administration and of the Congress.
So it's not, you know, it's not one branch that is engaged in a conspiracy.
It's all three branches of the government believe that we're in a state of conflict.
They have the obligation to protect the American people.
And they're moving forward in a judicious manner.
Have there been missteps?
I'm sure there have.
Whatever about the fact that Congress has asked to see BDD 51 and the classified sections and has been told no?
Well, that's your word, and I don't have enough information to say whether you're able to feel it or not.
I don't really know you, and I haven't got, you know, I don't know.
Mr. Jones, I have to admit that I don't like the fact that they look through my liquids when I'm getting on a plane.
For the worst.
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News 7 at 11 is next.
Covering your hometown from newsrooms across the region.
This is News 7 at 11.
The scenario was a fake, but the pepper spray and billy clubs used to break up this riot were definitely real.
Good evening, I'm Miranda Stevens.
Whether it's terrorism, riots, or any major disaster, local agencies will be the first to respond.
That's why Roanoke City wants its disaster training to be as real as possible.
Jeremy Butterfield has more.
It's supposed to look like a riot and the scene at William Fleming High School had all the elements.
I'm one of the rioters that the guard and the police force had to take down and arrest and did very successfully.
In this scenario, everyone has a role to play.
The rioters were ready to fight back as Roanoke Police, Roanoke Fire, local National Guard troops, and members of the Virginia Defense Force secured perimeters and moved in to make the arrests.
Prior to 9-11, these organizations couldn't communicate and did not work together.
They worked to support each other, but not together.
And with the recent events of the last three to five years, we've become very good at working together, which is very important.
Of course, these weren't real rioters.
The rebels in t-shirts were all members of one of the participating agencies, but you couldn't tell that during the exercise.
If you weren't protected by an orange vest signifying you as an observer, you were in danger of being hit by eggs, bottles, billy clubs, or even the occasional well-placed round from a sniper.
We try to make this very real.
Uh, give a real feel to it.
We had some, the fire department provided some, uh, some live burning out here.
So we had smoke, flames, objects being thrown, a lot of chaos.
There's going to be a lot of chaos in a civil disturbance situation and that's what we want to try to incorporate as much as possible.
Teamwork plays a major role.
Mountain Police had to coordinate with the fire department, while National Guard troops marched in formation toward the rioters.
Without cooperation throughout all the agencies, the rioters would have quickly taken control.
I think everybody learned a little bit.
Mistakes are made, but we'd rather make those mistakes here than in a real situation.
This was the fourth year the agencies have participated in this drill, and organizers say the old adage, practice makes perfect, certainly holds true in the face of disaster.
Jeremy Butterfield, News 7, Roanoke.
Well, I guess you can never be too prepared.
Something we should all keep in mind this week as we prepare for more rain.
Isn't that right, Brad?
That's right.
Our preparation is going to be take the umbrella with you as you head out tomorrow morning.
In fact, a lot of folks are going to need it tonight.
We're finding some showers across the region.
Some are a little bit heavy at times.
That includes New Orleans, where today authorities stepped up their efforts to empty the city.
Bob Woodruff is there again tonight with an extraordinary human drama unfolding.
That's true, Elizabeth, and good evening from New Orleans.
Here the police and the National Guard find themselves in a very difficult position tonight to try to carry out an order to force people from the city without actually using force.
Today in New Orleans, they got a lot tougher on the holdouts.
Not only the flooded areas, but New Orleans' driest and wealthiest neighborhoods, too.
Fire it!
The police and National Guard going street by street, house to house.
We need to make sure too that whenever we knock on doors, people usually need to make note, call it in.
They say there are no orders to use force, just strong persuasion.
Sometimes entering open houses with guns drawn and instructions to disarm anyone inside.
Guns will be taken.
You said guns?
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
That happened today in this wealthy neighborhood where homeowners had armed themselves to protect their mansions.
Residents were handcuffed on the ground.
In the end, police took their weapons but let them stay in their homes.
They were a little bit threatened because our weapons were bigger than their weapons.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
This guard unit occupied a church, using it as a base camp.
They had to leave a note because they could not get hold of the pastor to get permission.
It is, it is surreal.
Yeah, you just never, you never expect to do this in your own country.
Chris Montgomery says he'd rather be in Iraq than patrolling American neighborhoods.
Walking up and down these streets, you don't, you don't want to think about the stuff that you're going to have to do.
Somebody pops around the corner, and you shoot an American.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
It was a human drama with emotions and tensions running high.
Patty Connie is still trying to recover physically and emotionally.
They really did a number on me.
From the day police forced her from her home.
It was traumatic.
All of a sudden, they were banging on the front door, the side door, and the back door.
And they said, let us in.
Patty tried to explain.
She was on dry land, she had plenty of food and water, and didn't want to abandon her dogs.
But it didn't matter.
If you see six or eight...
Police that look like linebackers pushing me in a corner.
You're in shock.
I'm saying, look at all my food.
I got plenty of food.
They kept pushing me back, pushing me back, and ended up like this.
Then, Patty showed them a small revolver she was carefully holding in the palm of her hand.
A camera crew was there to capture what unfolded next.
I said, it's not even loaded.
And I dropped it on the floor.
Well, they punched me in the face.
Look at my black and blue marks.
Look at what they did to me.
They dragged me out of here.
I really thought they were going to kill me.
I really did.
We were coming back across the lake is when we got stopped by Coast Guard and St.
Tammany Sheriff's Department and the National Guard by gunpoint.
We had identification.
We were coming back from a house that we were taking the weapons out of so criminals wouldn't break in and steal them.
And we've had policemen tell us that that's what they wanted us to do.
But not the Sheriff in St.
They just wanted to confiscate them from us.
We felt like criminals at the time when they come up to us with M16s or AR-15s, whatever it was, but there were four of them with rifles and holding on us with our hands in the air until they got in our boat.
So they got on the boat and they asked us, do you have any loaded weapons?
Yes, we do.
They're in two back compartments.
Wayne went to show them where the gun was.
And he screams, don't touch it.
Don't even move.
I'll get it.
I felt like it was un-American and we had been violated.
Like I said, we were shells out.
We were just sitting around looking at each other and said, we just got our guns taken away from us.
They took them.
And they didn't have a right to take them.
They didn't have a reason to take them.
That was the thing.
We did nothing wrong.
But they took them anyway.
He said, be thankful we're taking your guns here.
Why should I be thankful?
Well, if they catch you with them on land, they're going to take you straight to jail.
We live in proof, but all I have to do is say, look, this is the law.
You had that feeling that you were violated.
They took something from you.
They stole something from you.
That's the only way to put it.
They took something that they didn't have a right to take.
What did you come and get my gun for?
I'm a good citizen.
Marie Galatis, a Baptist minister, faced the same story in her neighborhood.
The same threats by thugs.
The same lack of police.
But she never once felt afraid.
And I had my Bible, and I had my gun.
And I knew I was safe.
And I tell you what, I'm an Annie Oakley if you come fool with me or my family.
I'm gonna let you have it, buddy.
Marie knows she was lucky.
She was never forced to leave home and didn't have her firearm confiscated.
It's going against my constitutional rights as a citizen.
But Marie remembers how upset she got when the police department threatened to take her firearm.
You're letting the thugs get away with everything and you're coming to honest good citizens and taking away their protection and it is wrong.
Baby, baby, I'm gonna leave you
May I have everybody's attention, please?
I've come with a message of information.
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I think so.
What I feel is that we're losing control of who we are as a nation.
Robert Zoss was forced to evacuate when a tree destroyed both of his family's homes.
Loaded with dogs, kids, people.
Then, as they were exiting through downtown, the unexpected happened.
These cops came out of nowhere, said stop, and asked, uh, do we have weapons in the car?
And I told them, yeah, I do.
He said, get out the vehicle, had us all sit cross-legged in front while they searched the vehicle.
I had a .22 long rifle.
My tenant's girlfriend had a .22 Pearl Handle revolver given to her by her grandmother or grandfather.
But Robert couldn't believe what he watched police do next to his rifle and his friend's Pearl Handle revolver.
I saw them smash her
We're good to go.
There was mayhem.
New Orleans police did not have control of the city anymore.
So the only plan they thought, I guess, was to take the guns away from the people.
Heed the warning of what this was, you know.
This is Lake Australia.
All of a sudden, boom!
They got our rights.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm playing those clips for you.
I had to run over to my parents' house.
They were out of town for a few days.
The Austin Police Department showed up within two minutes of
The back door getting forced open.
It was locked.
It looked like somebody forced it open.
And the houses up on the hill and whoever it was obviously saw the police and left.
So that was a good thing.
Alarms are a good thing.
But if you have alarms, you need to have a wireless system so if they cut the outside line, it still goes off.
So good job to the Austin Police Department.
Next time I have the police chief in studio, Art Acevedo, I'll thank him for the
Good response time on that, but they can't always respond, ladies and gentlemen, and that's why we have the Second Amendment.
And right before this happened, about 45 minutes ago, I was talking to Trey, what was the five after break in this hour?
He goes, look at this email, they're having a whole bunch of cars getting broken into over at KLBJ.
Well, there's six radio stations in one building over at Emma's.
And he said, yeah, the cars are getting broken into every day over there.
And that's what I'm hearing from everybody.
Just home invasion, stealing, it's on the news every day.
I mean, the criminals are getting bold.
And the state is becoming lawless, but the whole country has crime rates are just exploding.
And see, that's the thing.
I want to commend police.
I mean, I want them to do their job and be allowed to do their job, which is
Responding to home invasions and break-ins and things like that, instead of... I mean, 30, 40 years ago, somebody stole a car.
That was a big investigation.
I've had my car stolen twice.
In Dallas.
Up there visiting.
And really high crime rate up there.
Inside the city itself, not the suburbs where folks are armed.
And then the thieves go after cars because they don't get their butts shot off going after those.
And the police wouldn't even come out.
They just said, we don't do investigations on that anymore.
Your car will be picked up.
So see, it's a capitulation to crime.
Meanwhile, the prisons are filled with potheads, instead of the criminals that need to be filled full of.
And I keep going back to this illegal alien situation, because there's 30 million illegal aliens in this country, and a couple million of them for sure are criminals, most of them running from Mexico, and they've been imported here.
You know, it's like in the 80s.
We're not saying Cubans are all criminals, or even more, predisposed to be criminals.
It's that that's who Castro sent into Miami.
Hundreds of thousands of criminals.
That's the same thing with Mexico.
And all over the world, the criminal element is coming to the United States.
And it is not pretty.
And of course, we have our own domestic criminals.
But I see the crime statistics.
I see the numbers.
I mean, take L.A.
77% of their prison population is illegal aliens.
The feds won't deport them.
Just in California alone, there's 35,000 Chinese criminals there who are criminals who China won't take back.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
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This is his MO.
We have to look to the Middle East.
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Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
Some U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live.
We are in to the third hour already.
Major General Stubblebine will be joining us coming up in the next hour with his wife, Dr. LeBeau.
We have Lindsey Williams joining us in the next segment.
We're going to have open phones for Lindsey Williams for the next hour, so you can ask questions of the pastor, who was for three years in the board meetings of Atlantic Richfield.
And then invited into other board meetings when he was on the North Slope in Alaska.
He detailed how they had more oil there than in Saudi Arabia, how it was not allowed to go to the American people.
They use the phony environmental front to stop it from flowing, but it's really about business and creating artificial scarcity through the oil cartel.
Just like diamonds are much less valuable than they're sold for because the diamond cartel hoards them.
Stockpiles them and buys them up around the world to make sure that the price stays high.
And of course he talked to one of his big sources, I guess it was three or four months ago, when oil was $145 a barrel.
Crude oil was, and he said that in the next two or three months that oil was going to drop to below $50 a barrel.
Or $2.50 a barrel.
And that's exactly what it has done.
Nobody could have imagined that.
And the person basically told him the United States was going to collapse.
So, uh, he was on with us two weeks ago.
A lot of interest, obviously.
And so we're gonna, uh, have the listeners have a chance to talk to Lindsey Williams coming up at 1-800-259-9231.
Now, a lot of times,
Well, I mean, almost all the time, listeners can call in and talk about whatever they want.
You want to volunteer that you disagree, go to the head of the line.
Because that always makes for interesting and informative radio, the debate that ensues.
But when I do have guests on on specific subjects, people seem to never want to call in about the subject they're discussing.
So don't call during this next hour, please, unless you want to talk about oil prices, energy, the New World Order, martial law,
We're good to go.
We don't want to open the phones up for our guests and then have it be all over the map or on other subjects.
That's a wide area to discuss the economy, to discuss the managed economy, to discuss the banker takeover, the bailout, because all of that ties in to the monetary and economic plan the global crime syndicate, the New World Order architects, are carrying out right now.
So, Lindsey Williams, coming up in the next segment, and if you want to talk directly to him, again, that's a wide field to be able to discuss, but if I go to you and you bring something else up, I'm going to hang up on you.
There has to be just every once in a while, you know, once every two weeks or so, I have a guest on that's topic specific, and I want to discuss that, and if you don't want to call in about that, don't call.
Because I'm going to hang up on you.
Everybody else, love to hear from you.
A lot of other important news, obviously, here in front of me as well today, and I'll be going over some of that.
And then we'll talk about Codex Alimentarius and the ways the United Nations, controlled by big corporations, want to shut down being able to buy vitamin C, vitamin E, herbs, alternative medicines.
They want to make that prescription and gouge you for it.
They don't want you to be able to get raw, organic vitamins that actually come from the original source, not these chemicalized, synthetic vitamins that are so toxic on the body.
And we'll also, Stubblebine can also get into the Marshall Law Depopulation Plan.
He was the former head of Army Intelligence, the former head of Special Forces Command, and involved in some of the most top-secret operations, but he won't talk about most of those, uh, ever.
He's a, what, a three-star general.
So, uh, General Stubblebine is, uh, coming up with his wife, Dr. LeBeau,
In the next hour, stay with us.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
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Our elected representatives wanted a good ol' boy bailout for the special interest, so they ignored your screams not to do it.
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They voted to print $850 billion dollars, at least, out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities.
Particularly food, beyond many Americans' reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days, until it reached over 4 billion marks.
Food prices are skyrocketing so fast, there seems as if there may be no end in sight.
The private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves.
The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Next hour, Lindsay Williams, Pastor Lindsay Williams, author, documentary filmmaker, pastor is our guest.
He doesn't really need an introduction, but just briefly, he worked and was in on the board meetings for three years of Atlantic Richfield, and then on other major board meetings with the large oil companies as they found one of the largest deposits of oil in the world.
As much oil or more, discoverable and retrievable very easily, just on the north slope of Alaska, as there is in Saudi Arabia.
And decades after he broke all this news, it's now admitted that the oil's up there.
And they only allow about 20% of what is brought out, a small portion of the oil that's brought out, to go to the United States, west coast.
Most of it goes to China, and of course, Japan.
But that's not the main reason he's joining us right now.
About four months ago, three and a half months ago, he told Dr. Stan Monteith that one of the former CEOs called him when his video, one of his videos, had been number one on Google Video for months, off and on in the top five or so, but routinely in the number one slot, hundreds of thousands of views a day.
And it became a big issue that the oil companies were
Suppressing the oil output out of the United States.
Of course, just a year and a half ago, Bush gave thousands of square miles.
People get mad at Jimmy Carter giving away the Panama Canal, and then Clinton finalizing that in 2000.
And it is treason.
Well, it's all part of the policy.
China was given a large part of the U.S.
oil shelf in our territorial waters.
You can look that up if you want, to explore it for Cuba.
So just unbelievably outrageous, and the first thing Bush did when he got in office was give thousands of other square miles of U.S.
territorial waters to Mexico to drill for Pemex.
It's a cartel.
They control and manipulate the world oil supply.
But this executive told him, basically, you're not going to be alive anymore if you don't shut up.
Don't talk about how there's plenty of oil, about how we're suppressing those supplies, those reserves.
How it's all rigged, just like the diamond market is rigged for artificial scarcity.
He said, well, what can I talk about?
He said, well, I think you ought to get out of the country.
You ought to leave.
And that's a good idea for you.
And, well, I mean, I should just let Lindsey Williams recap it.
But the reason I have you here today, Lindsey, and I really appreciate you coming on, is I wanted to give the listeners a chance to talk to you in the next 50 minutes.
And so I want to talk with you just a few minutes to recap what he said, what's come true, and part two of what he told you.
Thank you, Alex.
I did have a good Thanksgiving, and I appreciate so much your letting me be with you today.
At a time when it is staying below $50 a barrel, exactly as an elite person, knowledgeable of everything that goes on behind closed doors, told me it would back about six months ago, and is staying $1.50 a gallon at the gas pump.
I'm going to make some predictions today.
I'll try to make them quick because I know you've got callers out there and I want to listen to what they have to say.
So here goes.
Folks, have your pencil and paper handy.
You are going to hear some startling things based upon the authority of what a gentleman said to me who called me the middle of June and said, Chaplain Williams, you've said too much.
You've got to quit.
Pull your website.
Every one of you know it's gone.
He said, don't you sell that Energy Non-Crisis DVD anymore.
I had to revise it.
As a result,
He told me everything that the elite plan to do for the next year to a year and a half.
Everything that's going to affect your dinner table, your job, your lifestyle.
Here goes.
You ready?
$50 a barrel.
Someone said to me the other day, since I was last on your show, Alex, they said, oh, no, no, no.
It's below $50 a barrel.
It's going right back up.
I said, no, it's not.
It's going to stay there.
Our first prediction.
Crude oil is going to stay below $50 a barrel.
It may fluctuate slightly a little bit.
And you said that here a week and a half ago.
By the way, I'm sure you know OPEC and Reuters yesterday said that oil will stay at $50 a barrel at least for most of next year.
Go ahead.
That's exactly right, and it's going to stay $1.50 a gallon with the gas pump.
Enjoy it.
Enjoy every minute of it.
Take that long trip you were going to take at Christmas time.
Go ahead and enjoy the price of crude oil.
Enjoy the price of the gas pump with $1.50 a gallon, because you are going to pay, and you're going to pay dearly,
Six, nine months, maximum one year from now, you are going to look back on what you're hearing today on the Alex Jones Show and all the other things that you hear Alex say.
Folks, there positively is a group of people on the face of the earth who control the world, and one of these individuals who knows everything that goes on behind closed doors told me what's going to take place.
Okay, here we go.
First of all, Saudi Arabia.
Arab world.
What's happening?
They were accustomed to $150 a barrel crude oil.
Now it has gone down to $48.78 last week.
What's this going to do to them?
They've lost two-thirds of their value of what they're getting.
Saudi Arabia now, according to the Dow Jones News Wires, says 90% of their experts stem from oil, salt, and they must maintain the price at $80 per barrel.
They said the kingdom has obligations of more than $400 billion in defense, energy, security, and infrastructure.
That they are in drastic trouble.
I know you laughed at me six months ago whenever I said for the first time on Alex Jones Show, I believe it was back in July 28th, I had the privilege of being on the show for the first time, $140 a barrel at that time.
People laughed at me when they said it was going to $50 a barrel.
And I said, it's not me saying this.
It's this individual who called me and said this is what's going to happen.
Now, as a result of these oil-producing countries of the world not being able to even support their own economies, Saudi Arabia must have $80 a barrel even to support what they have in the way of projects going on right now.
And this comes at a time when the Arabs have been tricked to invest in all these derivatives and the stock markets and the stock market down by more than half at a time when they're in a cash crunch as well.
So what's going to happen?
Okay, America has a $12 trillion national debt.
Now, that's what they admit to.
$12 trillion national debt.
Someone must buy the interest on that debt in order to be able to even maintain the currency of the United States of America.
These oil-producing countries cannot now buy our treasury issues, our T-bills, our Federal Reserve notes and issues that they issue from time to time, which pays the interest on the national debt.
You're having a good time right now with $1.50 a gallon back on the East Coast.
Enjoy every second of it.
Because this was planned.
You say, oh, hallelujah!
This is wonderful!
We've got gasoline down to $1.50 a barrel.
The thing is, you don't know the rest of the story.
Why did they do this?
They did it for the purpose... Alright, here are these all-producing countries.
They no longer have the money to be able to buy
Our Treasury notes, our Federal Reserve issues, that paid the interest on the national debt, and watch it, six months, this is a prediction now, six months, nine months, maximum one year from now, the American dollar is going to be all but worthless.
You are going to pay, you say, well, $1.50 a gallon, the economy's going to pick up.
Well, it hasn't so far.
Stock market's down 400 points this morning, plus,
And you say, well, what's going to happen?
Isn't it going to get better?
Well, six, nine, twelve months from now, when the interest on the national debt is not paid to the point that the countries of the world say the American dollar is no longer the reserve currency, we're going to cash in, throw it to the wind, get rid of it every way we can.
Watch it!
And in six months, nine months, twelve months, you are going to see a total collapse of the financial system in America.
And this individual who called me in the middle of June said, I'm going to quote word for word what he said.
He said, America will see a financial collapse that will be so great that it will take years to come out of it.
Now, may I tell you what's going to happen?
Yeah, I mean, I actually, literally, this time on your show, Alex, I want to tell your audience what is going to take place because these oil-producing countries do not purchase the interest on our national debt, and the chickens have come home to roost.
You will pay the piper six months, nine months, twelve months from now, and here's what's going to happen.
I'm going to give it to you, just an extension, too.
Here it is.
Three months ago, the country of Iceland declared bankruptcy.
Here it is right now.
This is what happened to them after three months.
America is headed right toward that identical same scenario of bankruptcy, and you're going to see the same thing happen in America.
Let me use that caveat, and then you can continue, and we appreciate you laying this out, Lindsey Williams.
Iceland, two and a half, three months ago, had a financial crisis, and then Gordon Brown
Using anti-terror laws, and if you don't know, folks, just Google that.
Anti-terror laws, Gordon Brown, Iceland.
It's all over the British newspapers and Icelandic papers.
Said, under terrorism clauses, we're not going to let Icelanders have their money out of British banks that dominate Iceland.
So, they wouldn't give the people their money back.
And it's the same thing.
By imploding the oil market,
Uh, as you said, then foreigners can't buy the debt.
That will accelerate, uh, the collapse so they can then set up this new global banking order that they are calling, in hundreds of newspapers, a world government of and by the banks.
Please continue.
The 300,000 inhabitants of Rikki P. Tyson are stunned how fast their standard of living has dropped.
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Now it is $130 to $1.
Companies are slashing salaries, reducing workers' hours, and in some instances, embarking on mass layoffs.
Now, you want to know what's going to happen in America because of these foreigners, these oil-producing countries of the world, not being able to buy?
Folks, please believe me.
Stay there, stay there.
We've got a break.
We're going to come back and finish up and go to phone calls with our guest Lindsey Williams, ladies and gentlemen.
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A day unlike any other in the long course of American history.
A terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
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We have to look to the Middle East.
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Some U.S.
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Lindsay Williams is our guest.
In about nine minutes, when we come into the next launch segment, I'm going to directly hear phone calls for Lindsay Williams, one after the other.
Again, Lindsay, I have to commend you on having the courage, even after you were death-threatened, to go public with all of this.
And I have a question of my own, but I want you to be able to finish up.
I totally agree with what you're saying and how this is unfolding.
I mean, even before you went public, I saw on their own plans
Uh, that they want to create a depression, uh, in the real economy, and then bring hyperinflation after that.
Uh, and that's certainly what we see happening now.
So this is all planned out.
They've done this in hundreds of third world countries, and now first world countries.
But, uh, break down, again, what this former CEO of a major oil company, who you worked with for many years,
We're good to go.
We right now have deflation.
Go to any store you'd like to at this Christmas time and you're going to find prices are down, down, down, down.
$1.50 a gallon at the gas pump.
Enjoy every second of it.
It's going to stay that way.
Did you hear me?
I said it's going to stay $1.50 a gallon at the gas pump.
$50 a barrel for crude oil.
Then you are going to see the results of this.
It's going to take six, nine months, maybe a year for it to take place.
This individual said to me, America will see a financial collapse that will be so great that it will take years for it to come out of it.
But as someone said to me the other day, how could we possibly
...have a chaotic problem in America whenever the price of crude oil, which is the foundation and base of everything, the standard currency of the world is crude oil.
How could we possibly see things deteriorate any further when the price of gasoline has gone down to $1.50 a gallon?
Well, the purpose for taking it to $50 a barrel is what the average American doesn't know.
They don't see what's behind the scenes.
Remember, people,
I lived with the elite of the world for three years by the providence of God, when I had executive status as chaplain on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline, sat in their board meetings, heard what they had to say.
Believe me.
The price was not taken to $50 a barrel out of a favor to you.
$1.50 a gallon for gasoline was not done for the purpose of... That's an assault on the real economy, just like the banks have plenty of liquidity, they created the bubble, they shut off the blood supply to the economy to implode it so they can buy it up that much cheaper.
This is all done with precision.
Every bit of it.
They knew exactly what they were doing.
It is not a conspiracy.
It is an agenda on the part of all these people that Alex has been telling you about for years.
Folks, listen to every word Alex Jones says.
He's trying to tell you the truth.
It's just that, as I oftentimes remark, I would have a difficult time believing my own story if I had not lived it.
We are beginning to see the crack.
19 and 29 was the crash of the stock market.
It was 19 and 33 before there were soup lines on the streets in New York City.
We right now are in that grace period where they were then.
Listen to it.
There's a casualty count.
Yeah, this is the collapse, and I want you to go there, but the key here, it was Prasanna Nangrata.
He would never be invited back on financial TV shows if he used the depression word.
But six weeks ago, the President, Paulson, Bernanke, all of them started using that word, knowing it would destroy confidence, and now on every show, Fox Business, CNBC, all of it, that's all they talk about is depression.
While at the same time putting out other propaganda saying go out, buy, buy, shop, get in more debt.
So they are trying to create a depression.
Go ahead.
Yes, they exactly are.
And buy all those things right now while they're cheap.
And you say, well, oh my goodness, I'll have plenty of money.
Six months, nine months, twelve months from now to be able to buy that gasoline at a dollar and fifty cents a gallon worth.
Yeah, you will.
You may have the money, but what's the purchasing power of that money going to be whenever the dollar collapses and it takes a wheelbarrow load of dollars to go to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread?
The crack has just begun.
Listen to this.
The Securities and Exchange Commission must be notified whenever stores are going to make drastic changes in the number of stores they have and other things.
This was just a few days ago.
Here we go.
Circuit City closing stores all over America.
And Payless closing 117 stores nationwide.
Cash will close all stores.
Talbot's closing all stores.
JPL closing all stores.
Gap closing 85 stores.
Here's another one down here.
What about Ford and GM and Chrysler about to go belly up?
Stay there.
Lindsey, we've got to get to these calls and we'll continue going over all this.
This is by design.
Specifically, he's been told this by the former oil company CEO that he knows.
Who could have told you?
Back in June when he first told privately Dr. Monteith and went public in July, that was four months ago, who could have foretold this?
Unless you're going directly to the elite source.
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Okay, we're going to be taking your calls here in just a few minutes.
We're going to go directly to you.
John James, John Michael, Gene, and I'll even hold Winsor Williams five minutes over to the next hour if we can.
Then Major General Stubbleby is joining us on a host of issues.
They're also coming after your vitamins and nutrition products.
It's just, there's no end to any of this.
These are usurpers.
These are conquerors.
They're cold-blooded and they've trained us to be a bunch of cowardly simpletons that have no idea of the
The ball game we're in, the field we're on, the world we're in.
Before I go back to Lindsey Williams, I do want to just tell you, I haven't been plugging this in any, and I really think it's a great deal.
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So PrisonPlanet.tv.
Okay, I'm done babbling about that.
I'm kind of tired today, folks.
I was up real late last night working and I spent so many hours studying all the martial law documents in the 400-page battle plan put out by the Pentagon and the 50-page directive by Secretary Gates.
And I spent hours last night writing all these notes and having all these things I wanted to talk about, and then I get on air and it's like, how do I even get into all this?
It's so horrible, too.
I don't even want to say I'm depressed.
I'm more... I just feel smashed.
I don't even know how to describe it.
By the way, I'm on coast-to-coast AM this evening, so no rest for us.
Going back to Lindsey Williams, and Lindsey, we've got to get to the calls, and I'm just so honored to have you on with us.
Before you leave, we're going to plug how folks can get your films and books that are so important.
But, I mean, you're a pastor, so I'm going to ask you for counseling.
You always seem upright, chipper, excited, and I normally am as well, but I can't really describe the place I'm in.
It's more of a sadness, because I live here in this country.
My heritage is here.
I mean, I had family on the Mayflower, and family in the Civil War, the Revolutionary War, you know, the Texas Independence, and I just love America, and to see us turn into a
Wicked nation of 50 million dead babies and all the corruption and the evil and to know what's coming.
I just think about my children and it shakes me in my very core.
Lindsey, can you comment to how to make it through this?
Alex, for 50 years time I have been a minister of the gospel.
I'm not a young guy.
Even though I do just as much as I did when I was in my 40s and 50s.
Let me encourage you folks.
Now, I know that sometimes it begins to be a little depressing.
I want you to be encouraged.
Because if you take action right now and do something about it, you can spare your dinner table.
Let me assure you, it positively can happen.
And I honestly believe, Alex, and let this be encouragement to you, I honestly believe it was the providence of God that sent this gentleman to call me to threaten me.
You know, threats oftentimes become blessings.
And when he called me in the middle of June and threatened me, I agreed to what he said, and then, I don't think he intended to do it at all, but because of his respect for me as a chaplain on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline, he began to tell me all of these things, and I think he told them to me because it was God's providence that I'd be able to get out here and tell it to the entire world, and I feel so honored today to be on the Alex Jones Show to let you know
There is hope for you if you will take action right now.
Decide what kind of lifestyle you're willing to live whenever these people do what they're going to do with our economy in a few months from now.
And if you will take advantage of what you have before you right now, in the way of a $1.50 a gallon gasoline, in the way of deflation at Christmas time, and if you'll take advantage of knowing these facts and the truth, you can do something about it.
So, Alan, Alex, be encouraged.
I know it looks discouraging for the future for our children, but I want you to be encouraged right now in knowing you know the issues, and as the Bible says, ye shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free, and the Scriptures are always right.
You set that spiritual house in order right now.
Make sure that you're on the solid rock of Christ Jesus.
Know positively that your household is on a solid rock and not on sinking sand.
And with these things in mind, you will be able to stand regardless of what comes our way.
Well, you're right, Pastor, and I do take heart that we are here warning people, but I also get frustrated wishing we could reach more people, and no matter how many things we talk about that come true, no matter how many times we're right, still the majority of people
People are inactive or laugh at us and I don't even hate them.
And I don't take pleasure in them being stupid.
I'm upset!
I want to, I mean, we're only telling the truth.
I only want to help people.
I know you want to help people.
And I just don't know how this country got so evil, Pastor.
Well, yes, but people are waking up, Alex.
They're waking up in masks.
And I have never had so many people tell me, people that didn't even know the issue six months, a year ago, when they saw crude oil go to $50 a barrel,
And when you allowed me on your show to tell the fact it was going to happen that way and they saw it happen, now they're beginning to listen to the rest of our message also.
Well, you know, I have some folks, two separate successful businessmen, who trusted you, trusted me, and trusted that you were giving this information, and that
Yes, sir.
And I didn't do that, because I'm not involved in the stock market, I don't have time to mess with it.
But this is powerful info.
Lindsey, I want to get to the phone calls, and before you leave us, we'll finish up with where you think, or where your source said all this was going, and then I have another question for you.
But let's go ahead and get to the calls right now, is that okay?
Yes, please do.
Okay, John in Illinois, thanks for holding her on the air with Lindsey Williams.
Yes, it's an honor to speak with you, Pastor Williams.
I listen regularly to Financial Cents Online with Jim Poplava, and your name occasionally comes up with callers calling in questions about your work that showed that there really is an energy non-crisis.
And the other day, a caller brought up the fact that you had made the prediction of $50 oil, and Jim Poplava, who has poo-pooed your work in the past, had to tip his hat to you and said you made a great call.
You ever heard of Bill DeFlavor?
Yes, I know what you're talking about.
You see, we have all been predicting $200 a barrel oil.
I'll admit to you, nine months ago, I was saying on radio shows, $200 a barrel oil.
Until I had a phone call from a man that knows everything that goes on behind closed doors, and I'll have to admit to you, this was not the knowledge of Lindsey Williams.
It came directly from a man who knows everything that goes on, and he said, it's going to $50 a barrel.
Alex dared to let me stick my neck out on his show and give the prediction as that man gave it.
I can't take credit for it.
So, all I'll say is, everything else this man said is also coming to pass, just like he said, $50 a barrel.
Okay, one other thing, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Okay, do not get discouraged.
As we see in Iceland, once everybody's oxen are gored, that will motivate them.
Now, we're having another End the Fed March in April.
And as a matter of fact, we're going to be having one, I believe, every couple of months.
And I predict, as the economy worsens, our numbers are going to grow and grow and grow.
We got a lot of media attention, and there were 38 locations, 250 or so in Dallas, 250 or so in Illinois, most other places had 200, 150.
I know Kansas City had about 300.
I've seen a video.
And, I mean, overall, that's about 6,000, if you add it up, about conservatively 6,000 people that demonstrated in 38 locations, and then they put it on YouTube and Google.
The point is, 10 years ago, you wouldn't have had one person out at every Fed location.
So we're identifying the enemy, we're identifying the culprits, we're identifying the international bankers that are engineering all this, and I agree, it's just going to get bigger and bigger, and God bless you, John.
James and Matt, you're on the air with Pastor Lindsey Williams, welcome.
Yeah, greetings from the People's Socialist Republic here, Alex.
New subscriber to your Prison Plant TV.
Grateful for the resources there.
I talk a little slow sometimes, so I'll just make a couple points and get off.
I get around the topics boards now and then, and I try to raise a little awareness about what's going on, and I find a lot of denial.
A lot of denial.
And I find it as frustrating as you do, but I keep trying.
Well, I mean, I said for over a decade that they were going to set up a federal security force, get rid of the National Guard, put troops on the streets of every U.S.
city, and guess what?
It's all happening!
And it's not because I'm smart!
I mean, I think Lindsey's smart, and I'm not stupid, but you know, Lindsey was told this by the former CEO of one of the biggest oil companies that he worked with, so Lindsey knew he could bank on it.
I mean, I'm going off Pentagon battle plans.
I'm only telling people what is publicly admitted, and giving them the sources.
And yes, I know.
But listen, a lot of those people aren't in denial.
They're government operatives.
They put in billions of dollars a year in the U.S.
just to fake bloggers on the web, sir.
Yeah, I understand that.
I've come across them all that I suspect.
You'll see the same guys with the same handles posting on hundreds of pages a day the same message.
They're doing cut and paste, cut and paste.
And you know what?
I just feel sorry for them too.
I mean, they're literally shooting themselves in the feet.
I mean, they have no idea who they're working for or what they're doing.
Go ahead.
That's pretty much it.
I want to thank Reverend Williams there for his work.
I really, really appreciate what you've been doing.
I've been watching the price of crude come spiraling down and I said, oh my God, he's right.
And that's about the extent of my call.
God bless you both.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Thank you.
I want to go back to what he just said about crude oil.
Please, believe me, this was not something that I knew because of Lindsey Williams.
I do promo opportunities just like you do every morning.
I'm just an ordinary, everyday person.
It's just that by the grace of God,
I had the privilege of knowing a few of these people, and every now and then they tell me something.
It is going to stay at $50 a barrel, $1.50 a gallon for gas, but the rest of the things are going to take place too.
And so, take advantage of what you're seeing right now while you can and do what you want.
Well, Lindsey, he told you $50.
I need to Google it, but I think it was AFP yesterday had the headline $20 a barrel oil.
Well, I know it's going to stay below 50.
That, I have positively have his word that it's going to stay there.
They may go down a little bit, they may come back up.
They're going to prove to the Arabs the fact that OPEC positively
Does not control the oil market, and they'll leave it there until they rub their nose in the sand.
I had a phone... I shouldn't even say this, but I'll do it anyway.
I had a contact last week from Saudi Arabia.
I wrote him a very personal letter back.
It's going to be interesting to see what kind of reply I get.
They're finally... I think they're listening to your show, Alex.
But, uh, honestly, they're beginning to get the message that they don't have any control over the price of crude oil whatsoever.
This is going to stay down here long enough to bankrupt them, and I think they're scared to death.
You're absolutely right.
It's all engineered, too.
I mean, they admit it's engineered.
And the public... Yeah, every bit of this is according to a plan.
It's according to an agenda.
Please, let me stress this over and over again.
This is not a conspiracy.
It is an agenda.
They knew and planned this month in advance.
I was told six months before it happened it was going to take place by a man who knew it was going to happen.
Alex, I feel just like you do.
We're sitting here giving things.
You know, it's such an honor to be able to tell America in advance what's going to happen because it's going to spare so many people.
Well, I mean, I would tell folks...
Only buy what you need, and get ready, and understand the crime rate has just exploded.
Be careful.
It's only going to get worse.
And I'm just glad that we have record gun sales.
All time records have been broken.
That is going to be one of the biggest security blankets this country has, because the criminals know they've got a good chance of dying in most areas of this country if they thieve and rob and steal.
And it's not that I care about the junk in my house, TV sets or computers.
It's my children.
I don't want criminals around my family carjacking and kidnapping and all of this and I'm telling the criminals out there listening you are going to get your hind ends blown off and so back off and go get an honest job.
I just can't stand criminals, Lindsey.
I know you can't stand them.
Well, Alex, our number is growing exponentially.
You can take it for... People are beginning to wake up, as a caller said a moment ago.
The harder times get, the rougher prices get.
The more closures and stores that close, the more people lose their jobs, the more they wake up.
Lindsey, I went into Best Buy last night after the radio show to buy something I needed, and... I probably ran into 15 people
And I'd have to say seven of them, so half of them roughly, were, quote, fans of my radio show.
This is what happened.
We're going to come back from break and take calls continuing with Lindsey Williams here with James and John and Michael and Gene and others.
We'll at least get to those calls.
I go into Best Buy, two people back.
Where I was shopping came over to me and said, Hey, we're big fans of the show or the show today.
Then I go to the checkout line.
The guy's a big fan of the show.
Then instead of them checking my receipt, the two managers come over and say, can we take a picture with you?
We're both fans.
And then again, I was bringing my wife some Mexican food.
So I go into the Mexican food place to pick that up.
And literally, you go pick the food up at the bar, literally, everybody at the bar who I'd never met said, hey, Alex Jones, we're big, you know, fans, we're aware of what you're doing.
One guy was a former state legislator and a big lobbyist.
He didn't say he liked me, but he said he listens and thinks it's interesting and knows the government does stage terror attacks.
And then other people, when I walked out of a Mexican food restaurant, came up.
I mean, it's just, it's just incredible.
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The elite taught us how to be cynical, ignorant, to laugh at our own destruction.
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And now it's upon us, on the long painful road,
It's a hard path, but we're going down it.
Let's go back to your phone calls with Pastor Lindsey Williams.
Let's talk to James in Mass.
We already talked to James.
Let's talk to John in Canada.
John, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Good, sir.
I don't know if any of you have seen the news of what's going on up here, but I don't know if you're even aware that we just had a federal election and we just elected P.M.
Harper as our Prime Minister.
Well, all of a sudden, headline in CBC News, leadership candidate agree Dion as PM.
Yeah, they're moving to remove him.
I saw that this morning.
Yeah, it's, uh, it's like with me, I look at it as, I thought that the election of our current Prime Minister would kind of stop all this senseless BS with gun control and everything else.
And what's happening now is that
Dion was the guy pushing the green shift, the friggin' carbon tax that nobody wanted, otherwise everyone would have voted rather than having the lowest voter turnout in history in Canada.
And he was also pushing gun control.
And all of a sudden, wake up, look what's happening.
I go to sleep in Canada, I wake up in Zimbabwe, it's total insanity.
Yeah, for those that don't know, you're saying it's now happened.
I saw this morning and last night that they were proposing having the Parliament
Removing Harper.
You're saying they've just done that and overthrown the will of the people?
Well, it's going to take about a week, maybe upward of a month, but they're definitely putting the action right now.
If it goes up to the Governor General... Okay, listen, I appreciate your call.
It's not exactly on topic, but it is interesting.
We're seeing so much of this.
Lindsey Williams, they just arrested the head of the Immigration Department in England under terrorism charges, and they said the terrorism
Yes, Alex, please.
I beg your audience out there.
Let me give you the background to everything that's taking place right now in this financial situation.
Why the price of crude oil was brought down, the background to everything that's happening.
I have just produced a DVD entitled The Next 12 Months.
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I realized there were so many other things I needed to say.
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I beg of you, would you get my phone call, my 800 number call, and learn so you can spare your family and save yourself all of the, many of these heartaches.
The number is 800-321-8000.
2-9-0-0, the next 12 months, as was described to me by a person who knows everything that goes on behind closed doors, all that's going to happen in the next 12 months, why they're doing it, why they took the price of crude oil to $50 a barrel, why it's $1.50 a gallon at the gas pump, why everything that Alex Jones is saying is so, you'll see it in the background to this,
I beg of you for the sake of your dinner table and your friends that, by the way, the DVD and CD are not copy-written.
Copy them, give them out to everybody you can.
The number is 800-321-8000.
2-9-0-0 the next 12 months, and let me give you as a gift a copy of my book, Two Seduction Nations, 263 pages.
Give out the phone number again, Lindsey.
For the sake of your dinner table and your family and your friends.
Lindsey, we've got a break.
Will you do five more minutes so we can take some more calls?
Gladly, Alex.
Alright, back in 70 seconds with Michael, Gene, Jeff, John and others.
We'll cram in as many as we can.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
With Pastor Lindsey Williams.
We're very thankful to have him on with us today.
Very appreciative.
Hope everybody gets this interview off the InfoWars.com podcast and spreads it around with their friends and families and get that DVD and CD and book.
Let's jam in a few more calls here.
Gotta have Lindsey back up next week to take more.
Should have gone to him earlier, but we're going to him.
Michael in Texas, you're on the air with our guest.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
It seems as though we're watching a runaway train coming at us in slow motion.
I'd like to pose three quick questions in regards to a statement you made last time you were on the show.
You made the statement that they were doing this to bankrupt the Arabs.
I would like you to elaborate on
Who they are and possibly speak to why wouldn't the OPEC nations band together and control the supply of oil to raise the price of it or to prevent... Because they can't.
It's a cartel because we have plenty of oil here.
Because they've got it all capped off basically.
Because they're not the only controllers of the oil, Lindsey.
OPEC has nothing to do with the price of a barrel of oil.
Uh, they just think they do.
It's said in the city of London every day.
Yeah, they bring them into line every now and then and slap their hands to let them know that they have no control over it whatsoever.
Now, I know your first question and I appreciate it.
I would love to answer it.
The very first thing that people want to know
I don't
These people, if you want to know who they are, go to the heads of the World Bank and the IMF and you basically will know who most of these people are, along with Ed Bush and a few others who are at the very top of the list.
And you start out with about a dozen people and you wind up with hundreds in the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, each one knowing less than the person down the line knew at the very top.
And that basically is who these people are.
Yeah, you'd be surprised.
Even high up people are compartmentalized and don't even know what we know.
Because we're generalists who study the enemy operations, read all their white papers, you know, talk to experts from different factions.
The enemy operates off of compartmentalization.
That's why their symbol is the pyramid.
The ultimate symbol of compartmentalization.
Correct, Pastor?
Yes, that's correct.
Anything else, sir?
I would like you to speak to the people, and I hope you don't take personal offense to this, sir, the people that would say, this guy's just trying to sell DVDs or trying to get people to subscribe to his list.
Well, listen, we're out of time.
I've got to let you go because the show's over with Lindsey Williams right here, but I'm going to say this.
You know, I said that they would announce that they were going to have trips on the streets of America.
And it's happening now.
But instead it's all about, well, why does Alex Jones say that?
I'm right.
Deal with the issue.
And of course we've got to sell DVDs.
Of course he's saying make copies of them.
But of course we've got to be able to operate.
How do you think we pay for equipment?
How do you think Lindsey is able to do this?
Okay, but frankly, he's retired and doesn't even need it.
That's why he says get it and make copies.
It's a red herring.
We're not the ones doing this to the economy.
Lindsey Williams and Alex Jones aren't the New World Order.
We're here warning you, but you've been trained and conditioned since being a child to never be able to focus in on real issues, to always kill the messenger or divert off with a psychological distraction, and it's mass mental illness.
And I wanted to get to more calls, but we are just flat out of time, but I will get to Gene and Jeff and John and others with Major Stubblebine, because he'll be able to speak to these issues.
Major General Stubblebine coming up, but I want to thank you for coming on the show with us today Lindsey Williams
Alex, thank you for the privilege.
Folks, you listen to every word Alex Jones says.
Don't you miss one day.
Things are taking place so rapidly, they've accelerated that program so much.
If you miss 24 hours, you're in trouble.
Listen to Alex every day and don't you miss a word of it.
Plus, you judge a tree by its fruits.
Lindsey Williams has always been right.
Right about how they've got all that oil capped up in Alaska.
Right about how oil was going to go down by $100 a barrel.
Right about everything.
Judge a tree by its fruits.
Good Lord, I can't, excuse me.
Lindsey Williams, thank you for joining us.
Thanks Alex, have a great day.
You too.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent, and food and water is the key.
You'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread.
You'll never have to go to the Superdome and beg for FEMA to take care of your family in any emergency.
If you simply prepare.
Our elected representatives wanted a good ol' boy bailout for the special interest.
So they ignored your screams not to do it.
They turned off the telephones and email.
They voted to print 850 billion dollars at least out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities.
Particularly food, beyond many Americans reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany's superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days.
Until it reached over 4 billion marks.
Food prices are skyrocketing so fast, there seems as if there may be no end in sight.
The private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves.
The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
Whatever happens in America, we need to be prepared and be ready.
Everything is zeroing in on food.
One-third of Americans have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities.
My friends, whatever it takes, get prepared, get self-sufficient, get food.
For everybody out there listening, it's very important for you to understand that by having a supply of storable food, the government, the new old order, has a lot less control over you.
And so it's a mindset, a mindset of self-sufficiency and preparedness.
No one is going to take care of your family in the final equation but you.
You know eFoodsDirect.com is still able to ship storable food that's safe from E. coli, salmonella, genetic alteration, or Chinese imports.
And they do it at almost half the cost of last year's grocery prices.
Call 1-800-409-5633.
Or on the web, go to eFoodsDirect.com.
Visit eFoodsDirect.com and look over the fine list of high-quality, freeze-dried, and dehydrated foods they have to offer.
Watch the free videos, look at their online catalog, or give them a call at 1-800-409-5633.
Again, 800-409-5633 or on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Take action today.
The first step is getting storable food.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, we had a scheduling issue.
This happens.
So Major General Stubblebine will not be on with us today.
We just went live, by the way, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
So we're rescheduling.
He and his accomplished wife
I think so.
Creating this monopoly to make you get a prescription for any basic vitamins.
But I also want to talk about the population reduction agenda and get Major General's take on that because, you know, both of these people together make an incredible interview.
But we're honored right now.
I'm just going to have her on for one segment because we're going to have them both on with us on Wednesday in the fourth hour.
Dr. Rima E.
LeBeau M.D., just an amazing lady, and Rima E. LeBeau M.D.
is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation.
She's a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1970, believes passionately in the right of every American to choose a personal health path that is free of government and corporate interference, and if I went through the rest of her bio, 35 years,
I think?
Just giving us a teaser of what's currently happening.
You got back in the last month, but you've been all over the world as of late, from Europe, literally battling against Codex Alimentarius.
For those that don't know what it is, describe what it is and then break down what we're facing and why it's so important.
You bet.
Codex Alimentarius is not an intestinal parasite, although it sounds like it is.
It's a UN agency, and that should already get your red flags up.
It's a UN agency designed to control the international trade of food.
What that means is setting guidelines and standards and allowing the international industrializers of the food supply, including the genetic engineering folks, Monsanto and Bayer and the others, to set the rule
As to what food needs to be and what it can't be.
And under Codex, what it can't be is wholesome, clean, unadulterated, and health-producing.
Because Codex is actually the creature of the pharmaceutical industry, which wants you to have damaged, degraded, and non-nutritive food filled with toxins so that you become ill.
Then Codex and the FDA, it's handmaiden,
We'll make it impossible for you to get high-potency nutrients so that you can protect or repair, protect yourself from or repair the damage that that food does to you.
So what we're talking about is a food system designed to make everybody on the planet, and I do mean everybody on the planet, except of course the controllers, as ill as possible with the highly economically productive diseases
That the pharmaceutical industry makes its amazing profits from cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity.
Those are the diseases that the World Health Organization defines as the chronic diseases of undernutrition.
Take away the nutrition, get people sick, take away natural medicine, make profits, then they die, and you have depopulated the world of the, quote, useless eaters.
That's Codex in a nutshell.
Doctor, during the break we may, well, we're going to end it at the end of this break.
Your phone's got a lot of static on it, so we may try to reconnect.
But bottom line, when we say that the globalists, the internationalists have weaponized the food supply, we're not joking around about that.
You're a medical doctor, you've been researching this.
I know that doing your own separate research from mine or others, that you and General Stubblebine have found that indeed it is a population reduction plan, and it's all done through compartmentalization, and that they are indeed cornering the world food supply, buying up the heirloom seeds, while building these doomsday vaults, that they know they're bringing on an environmental holocaust, while in the name of global warming, they're bringing in all this regulation and control over the general public.
Can you speak to that?
Well, let's talk about just genetically engineered food.
Now, most of your listeners are probably in the United States.
Right now, by the way, that's not static, that's torrential rain, because I'm in Panama setting up a food system education program to teach farmers and non-farmers
How to grow clean, non-genetically modified, wholesome food in as little as a four foot square area if you're not a farmer or on your farm if you are.
That's why you hear that tremendous rain.
Let's take genetically modified food.
Eighty to eighty-five percent of everything that Americans typically eat contains genetically modified food components.
The government of Austria
Last week, we did a study showing that genetically modified corn, the basis of most of our prepared foods, causes sterility in laboratory rats.
Now, do you really think that's an accident?
Do you really think that
Controlling the world's food supply, as Monsanto says that it will do, by 2010, and introducing ubiquitous foods that cause sterility, cancer, remember that's profitable, and autoimmune disease, again profitable, infertility and death, do you really think that's an accident?
I don't.
Do you really think the fact that the United States FDA
refuses to allow scientific studies and automatically
Do you really think it's an accident that out of over 200 different types of plastics 55-60 years ago they chose the only plastic that leaches estrogen mimicking hormones that also is linked to sterility and and lowered sperm counts and everywhere in the world where it's used not only are the mammals becoming sterile
That is correct.
They are eugenicists.
They are not food agricultural industrialists.
They are not medical health or illness care system industrialists.
They are eugenicists.
Five years ago, that would get you branded as a lunatic.
Today, more and more people are realizing that they are being targeted for eugenics.
Low eugenics or fast eugenics?
The World Health Organization in 1985 announced in writing, and I have a copy of this document, that the purpose of the supposed smallpox eradication program that they were carrying out at that point
Was to induce sterility without notification in a vast number of African women to quote, and this is the part that is in black and white, quote, eliminate 150 million excess Sub-Saharan Africans.
Well, I don't believe any of us is excess.
And you must remember the World Health Organization, which is one of the organizations that runs Codex for the United Nations, has just been convicted in the Philippines High Court, that's their Supreme Court, of involuntarily sterilizing three million or more Filipino women through the use of a supposed tetanus vaccine, which actually induces sterility.
What we're talking about is a multi-pronged evil approach to getting rid of us so that they, whoever they are, and I know that you've talked a lot about who they are, Alex, so that they can control the non-renewable resources of the planet.
And I have this, in fact, from the very mouth of a patient whom I treated, because as a physician I've treated some interesting people.
This woman is a head of state who told me that she'd been raised to believe that it was the way of the world to eliminate the useless eaters because they were consuming their non-renewable natural resources.
Their resources, meaning the resources of the master class.
And I said to her, did it ever occur to you
That perhaps those non-renewable resources actually belong to the people who live on the land above them.
And she looked at me and said, Why no?
It never did.
That's what we're dealing with, Alex.
Well... Carol Feubelbein and I would love to talk to you at length about how this all fits together with the coming famine of 2009,
The need to grow your own food in your apartment, on your backyard, or in community gardens.
To purchase clean, wholesome, organic food.
And to push back against the genocidalists before it's too late.
Well, Dr. Labo, we're about to break.
You've got your book there.
You're set Wednesday, coming up in about 48 hours, to be on with us for an hour.
Do you have your book?
Is there a better time this week where perhaps I could have you guys on for an hour and a half, so we could really flesh all this out?
I would be happy to rearrange my schedule on Wednesday to make sure that we have that hour and a half.
Are we starting at 2 your time or are we starting at 1.30 your time?
1.30 central standard time and so that would be about 45 minutes earlier than we're speaking right now.
We got it.
Your time.
And meanwhile, let me ask people to go to our website.
We're going to come back.
Yeah, stay there.
Let's come back and do one more segment.
This is too important.
Go to the website.
Folks, it's all true.
They're murdering all of us.
They're killing your children.
Cops, military, they're poisoning us all.
Everything is weaponized.
We have the documents.
It's all documented.
Okay, here we go.
We'll be right back.
I'm going to skip this break, John.
I'm going to skip it for PrisonPlanet.tv members and the folks listening at InfoWars.com.
Yes, I'm here.
We're on the internet right now, we're just not on the AM and FM dial, and I apologize that we weren't clear in the email that we wanted both of you on, but that always makes for a really interesting interview.
When are you in the United States?
We're not.
I will meet your film crew in lots of places, but the United States is not one of them.
I do not want to be in the United States.
So you're staying out of the United States now?
We are still fighting the battles in the United States, and one of our trustees, Ralph Pucicola, is in the United States, but I do not feel safe because at any moment
They could lower the compulsory vaccine boom.
And you know what that means.
Well, I mean, the Washington Post announces they're putting regular army in every town and city.
They are.
It is for the American people.
They admit it.
They're going for broke.
And I agree.
I feel like, I mean, it's reckless that I'm still even here.
I can't believe you're there, Alex.
You could do all your broadcasts from here.
I know, but I've committed to go down with a ship here, so I'm gonna go down with it.
I may get my family out, though.
I've told people that publicly, because I don't think the public realizes just how psychopathic the elite are.
And I mean, you're there on air telling them.
That high courts, Indian government, Philippine government, all these governments admit it's happening.
We have the documents where these people are doing all this, and I don't think they understand just how serious this is.
I mean, they are soft killing us.
They're just turning up the ambient background of the soft kill systems incrementally so the public doesn't notice it.
I mean, there are children
You bet, and I'd love to come on regularly, Alex.
You know what?
I'll tell you, we're both having these crazy scheduling problems.
I'm setting this up on air.
I am going to not be doing the third hour, fourth hour on Thursday because I'm on international press TV.
Doc, I apologize.
You know, this happens with these scheduling changes.
Can you look at your book?
Is Thursday good for an hour and a half?
Hang on, let me look back.
Thursday is the fourth, I believe.
Anywhere from eleven to three.
It doesn't have to be in that hour.
Uh, Thursday is actually a really good day for me.
Okay, well let's have you on at... You want to do two hours?
How about 1 to 3 Central on Thursday?
1 to 3 Central is 2 to 4 my time here in Panama and you got it.
Okay, that is set.
That is a done deal.
That's when we're going to do it, okay?
You got it.
They just brought me in a note.
We're going to take off Wednesday.
Yeah, just that last hour.
We're not doing Wednesday, we're doing two hours on Thursday.
Two hours from 2 to 5, 2 to 4 my time.
Yes, and from 1 to 3 Central Standard Time.
1 to 3 Central Standard Time.
Okay, here we go.
Final segment, here we go.
I think this song is apropos of what we're talking about right now.
Sending out an SOS.
I mean, I've been to the FEMA camps, folks.
I can't believe what they've done to this country.
You know, they know we have a blind spot to not be able to imagine such evil, not be able to deal with such wickedness.
We've had a schedule change on my end, and I apologize for the confusion.
It's all my fault here.
I'm going to be on press TV in that fourth hour on Wednesday, so we're going to give you two hours
of the Doctor and the Major General Stubblebine.
Appreciate them giving us those two hours on Thursday.
It's set in stone, one to three central.
That's two to four Panama time.
Be sure and check out their website, healthfreedomusa.org.
Just life-saving information there, and we'll do two hours on Thursday.
In the five minutes we've got left,
You've told the story, many other medical doctors I've had on the show have told the story, you know, 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago, like Dr. Monteith, you know, he's been a doctor for 50 years.
About a child with cancer, when he was going to medical school, 45-50 years ago, was like finding a leprechaun, or a unicorn.
I mean, it was like finding... it didn't exist.
And now, just dead kids, kids with brain tumors, left, right, all around us.
Everything, the cell phones, the plastics, all by design.
And of course, you've told a similar story.
Explain to people what's happening, briefly.
What's happening is that the life expectancy of children born in the year 2000 and thereafter is dropping so that for the first time in human history, we can expect that a child born in 2000 or thereafter will die before its parents on average.
Because the food is contaminated, because children are given cell phones, because cell towers are blasting us, and we've allowed that to happen.
Because our food contains genetically modified organisms, unless we grow our own or eat totally organic or biodynamic food.
Because the plastics that we feed children water and milk and juice from, and God help us, Coca-Cola from, contain
Well, that's the next issue!
I mean, they just come out now and say that melamine is now not bad for you, and it's at 90% of the baby formula Associated Press, and they admit, yeah, Coca-Cola's got pesticide in it, but the pesticide's good for you.
And on mainstream TV, we see a clip that says that Mercury may actually promote behavioral competence and increase the IQ.
This is one of the craziest things I've ever seen in my life.
So, lives are the order of the day.
We live in the Orwellian world of truth disguised as lies and lies disguised as truth.
And if it weren't for people like you, Alex,
And I hope for people like us, the reality would simply not be available to us.
On one day, the FDA said that melamine has no safe level.
It is not possible to have a safe level of melamine.
The next day, melamine has been set at one part per million with no science, no testing, no safety assurance.
Just like fluoride!
Just like fluoride!
And to cover it up!
Like they did with fluoride leakage, killing people all over Tennessee is how it all started.
They may just start adding it, saying it's a nutrient we've gotta have.
On national news, they're recommending adding statins forcibly to all the water.
Did you see that, Doctor?
I missed that one, but I'll tell you what.
Giving statins to children, quote, protectively, is BEYOND anything the Germans did.
BEYOND anything these people did, even during the days of their Action 4 program, where they were killing German children, starting at zero, and going to 17, and then adding in the rest of the population, because they wanted to purify the German race when they had defective Germans.
What we're doing now is worse than anything that the Nazis... It's Hellraiser!
Hellraiser is going on all around you, or like something out of Event Horizon.
Literally, a mind like that is running things, and it's all systematically ambient background tyranny.
It's just been slowly turned up like the frog in the pot, and now they're just savagely pounding us.
That is absolutely correct.
I wish I could disagree with you and say that you're an alarmist, Alex, or that you're misinterpreting information, or that you're exaggerating.
Unfortunately, I believe that you are saying things exactly as they are, and that's what we at the Natural Solutions Foundation do.
Now, I know that you are probably attacked as an alarmist, and so on and so on, and so are we.
Uh, two of the folks who ought to be saying, uh, who ought to be truth-telling, went on the radio to say absolutely extraordinarily horrific lies about us.
But you know what?
That is how the system... Hold on one moment!
Hold on one moment!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Uh, let me talk to the dog.
I'm gonna keep going here.
Dr. Lebeau?
Listen, we're going to end it right here.
I am so honored to have had you on.
Sorry I got things confused.
Oh no, it's not a problem Alex.
We'll do it together on Thursday.
And can we give people our website so they can kind of check out what's going on and sign up for the free Health Freedom E-Alert.
Yeah, what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back after you're gone, and I'm going to tell them to go sign up for the free e-alerts, and just nail that down.
Two hours on Thursday, and we'll see you then.
And we're going to call this number, correct?
Same number as... And I'm going to make sure, because of Murphy's Law, that we're going to give you our backup number as well, okay?
Thanks, Alex.
Hey, thank you so much, and I'll talk to you in 48...
It's in three days, so we'll talk to you Thursday.
Thanks, Alex.
Take care.
Thank you, doctor.
Okay, folks, we're going to come back.
I'm going to allow myself a lavish two-minute break here to go to the little boy's room.
You know, I think fitting into this whole Hellraiser theme, and that's what it is, by the elites, come in with the... You didn't play while I was gone.
That one intro where Walter Cronkite's talking about how much he loves Satan?
No, I did not play that.
Yeah, let's play that one for folks, okay?
Thank you.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
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Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.
Now that the election is over and the shock is beginning to wear off, Ready Reserve Foods, in an effort to get as many Americans prepared for the promised changes of the new administration and to help you and your family survive the global economic crash, Ready Reserve is offering the pre-inauguration special.
I think so.
I think so.
We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better stop from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better stop from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making the planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We have to work the dark side, or we're gonna spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
I know there's a lot of people out there that try to deny the issues we cover out of fear.
Because there are real monsters in this world.
And they control the heights above us.
They introduce the poisons into the food supply, the water we drink, the air we breathe.
They are releasing plagues upon the earth.
They are drunk on the blood of billions.
They have sold us that hundreds of millions of aborted children is a beautiful thing, that euthanized elderly is a wonderful right, that sodium fluoride and GMO foods
Small children with cell phones microwaving their brains is good.
And rather than reject their lie, we're so afraid we say, I'll just rationalize to myself and say that everything's okay and the New World Order loves me.
Gene in Texas, John in Virginia, and others that are holding, we're going to take your calls for the balance of the show.
You know, I had a lot of notes that I wrote up last night.
One of my daughter's doodles on the back.
Three pages of handwritten and typed notes that I meant to go over, and it's all just too important to do it at the end of the show because I'm exhausted right now for some reason.
It doesn't even bother me when people attack me for my own self.
I don't even care.
Facing all of this, like, blasts your ego away.
I mean, I'd love to be able to enjoy my little status and people knowing who I am.
I'd love to be able to, you know, be a guy out doing good work, but still enjoying it and enjoying the fight.
I don't enjoy any of it.
I take heart in the children we save from CPS by educating parents about the traps or get people that get off of GMO foods or at least reduce it or people that don't vaccinate their children or people that find out.
But it's like I'm so busy trying to warn other people that don't know that, you know, as we save people, for every person we save, we lose a thousand.
And so I'm just so focused on all the carnage and destruction I see and all the horrible things I see happening to humanity that...
I mean, I can't go eat fajitas and enjoy myself without feeling guilty for even enjoying myself.
I don't know how to explain it.
I can't even take off and go see a movie now because all I'm thinking about is the New World War and all the stuff they're doing and how my going to a movie normalizes all of this.
We should be in the streets freaking out, pulling our hair out, but they just incrementally turn the tyranny up.
To where, you know, even I am acting insane.
This is an insanely calm response to what they're doing.
I mean, it's bad that they're putting fluoride in the water and they knew it gave people cancer and attack their glands and reduce their IQ by 20 points on average.
I mean, that right there is mind-blowing!
And now they're saying, yeah, melamine's good for you, mercury's good for you.
Well, we used to say it was poison, but now it's good.
Oh, you're dying!
Dying is good!
It's psych warfare!
They're just throwing everything in our...
And you know I can go read all the behavioral psychologists and psychiatrists and study it and everything from Freud to Jung to Bernays right through to the modern stuff and they are practicing just savage.
It's an art form, combinations of all these different psychological schools and brainwashing techniques and TV and neuro-linguistic programming and just subliminals just targeting, just blasting people.
To where we all, just as they ambient, you know, background noise, like crickets is an ambient sound.
And then they get louder, and louder, and louder, and louder, until it just shatters your eardrums.
You know, that's the analogy.
They're just slowly turning the sound up, slowly.
But now it's already, now they're starting to crank it even faster.
And it's not ambient anymore, it's blaring all around us, tyrannies everywhere, and people are kind of waking up, but they still have no idea how deep it is.
And it's so sick when you read
Prince Philip, or Ted Turner, or all these UN chiefs, or Jacques Cousteau, or Eric Pianka, or a Peter Singer.
There's thousands of them all writing books and papers about how 90% of us need to be killed.
That's one school.
The government policies, 80% of us need to be killed.
And then now they're losing ground to the suicidal nihilists.
That's really what it's all about.
And these top scientists will like be writing public papers.
And then they'll just say, ah, I just love death, I just want to kill.
I mean, that's like Pianca.
He's sitting there and he's going, oh, I love Lucifer.
On the UT website, it's all about how they've got to kill us and get rid of us, and then he's dressed up in a druid outfit, going, I love Lucifer.
On the UT website, I mean, it's craziness!
This guy's running around, getting standing ovations saying, kill everybody.
And then his students send me threatening emails, and send me their white papers, send me their Ph.D.
papers, and then I Google their name, and it's them in lab coats at bioweapons labs.
And the white papers, his graduate students, send me, you know, I wrote this five years ago, you piece of filth, and he's actually a moderate.
I believe in total human extinction.
We are a parasite.
They're everywhere!
They run it all!
It's this base power trip.
And you talk to these people, at the end of the day, they're not even that smart.
They are just wicked.
They just like, oh, we will kill everyone.
Oh, yes.
It's a, you don't understand.
I mean, you know, that's the, you don't understand.
It's like, I just want to, you know, that's the response to these people is just clean them out!
They declare war on us, we declare war on them!
This isn't a game, people!
So I do everything I can to break people out of their trance.
People say, oh don't get so excited, don't get upset.
You're only allowed to get excited about the football game.
That's when you're supposed to paint yourself up in war paint and simulated warfare.
And it kind of tickles your mind and feels satisfying while you're there because that's an instinct to war, to defend yourself from oppression and enslavement.
And they just make it into some little prosthesis, some little toy.
I use the analogy of it's like a blow-up doll.
It's like a man who doesn't go out and actually find a mate and build a family.
No, he has a blow-up doll.
And blow-up dolls are what sports are to men's instincts to resist and fight.
You understand?
Sports is like a man going out, instead of getting a woman, it's like a man going out and taking his blow-up doll to dinner.
And buying his blow-up doll diamond rings.
And buying his blow-up doll insurance.
That's what sports is.
It's a facsimile of warfare, a facsimile of human aggression.
You have those instincts for a reason.
But they tell you, oh, be nice in politics, be nice in culture, shut up, lay down.
But the government isn't nice, with all their militarized police and the troops and all the rest of it.
See, only the government's allowed to be violent with you and aggressive.
And then the only place a human being, a slave, is allowed to be speaking out publicly.
It's crazy in here what's going on with guests today.
I've got an IM here saying, Mike Adams from the Health Ranger, let me know if you want him on.
He just dropped off.
Somebody set him up today?
What's going on with all these guests?
No, no, no.
He just called into the show.
Oh, he wanted to comment.
Okay, I didn't know that.
Well, call him back and make sure he knows that I wasn't ignoring his call.
I've been wanting to get him on the show.
Okay, that was strange then.
You know folks, I'm going to tell you something.
All this eugenics and extermination and evil is going on, and it's targeting you and your family, and I know that's heavy, and I know that's hard to deal with, but we've got to get out of this mind-numbed thing we're in.
We have got to get out of this mind-numbed position where we've just been taught to accept this, and then all the props, all the facades of liberty and freedom that they had up while they were building this technological murder system, this technological enslavement extermination grid, they're now pulling out all the facades and all the props, and all that's left is the tyranny.
Oh God.
Let me plug some sponsors and then we'll go to your calls here at the end of the show.
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Alright, let's take calls here for the balance of the show.
Who is up next here?
Jean in Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
It's great to be able to talk to you.
I was hoping to talk to Lindsey or ask him a question, but since he's gone and Dr. Labo's gone, I'll just turn it into a fan call for you.
Well, you can ask me the question, too.
I might know.
Well, it was about Lindsey's last visit to your show a couple of weeks ago, and he said something about crashing the U.S.
economy, etc., and then it seemed like he said something about
They're pumping up the Russian economy to make them the first world country and us the third world country.
No, no, Russia and China.
Yes, that is the stated trilateral commission plan.
See, they're building world government out of our taxes, our money, our troops, while blaming us for all the tyranny.
Then they're going to implode the U.S., make us a third world police state, they're done with us, and they're going to move on into their world government, based in Europe, Russia, and China.
Well, my next question is, should we run over there?
Oh no, it's going to be horrible there, too, as well.
They're waging war against humanity.
They're attacking everybody with eugenics.
Yeah, well, I can relate to that.
I'm on board with Dr. Labo.
In fact, I get her emails and I get on the phone with my congressman.
I've done all that kind of stuff every time she sends something out, so I'm fully aware of that one.
Yeah, you can go to their website and sign up for email alerts for listeners.
I promised to plug that and I hadn't done that yet.
And I just wanted to say also, thank you.
You are the one who woke me up.
I found you on YouTube.
I kind of knew that I really hated certain things going on in the government.
For several presidents now in succession, but I didn't really know or could put a reason to why all that was, but you certainly have educated me and I want to thank you for that.
All the guests you have, your knowledge, everything.
I'm so happy that I'm able to get in touch with your program.
Well, we appreciate you too, Jean.
Good to hear from you.
I'm going to, for the InfoWars.com listeners and PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, in the interest of time, I'm going to skip this break and we'll be back for the MNFMs in three minutes with final phone calls.
I'll be on coast-to-coast AM in the first hour tonight talking about the open announcement of troops to be stationed in every town and city and they are being trained to take your firearms.
Stay with us.
Okay, uh... John, you should talk to the internet audience.
Appreciate you holding, uh, John in Virginia.
John just hung up.
Zach in Hawaii, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Zach, go ahead.
Yes, Zach, you're on the air.
Um, yes, I wanted to talk about, um, the peace and the fact that there's a lot of people going towards the movement that you're talking about and, uh,
And I don't just mean that you're talking about.
I mean, I come to these conclusions from just looking at history and whatnot.
And if we don't maintain peace, which has always been a good thing in the civil rights movement, it'll change everything.
Because their amount of recruits they have that are brainwashed is a huge amount of the problem.
And in an amount that are so brainwashed that they're beyond repair or, you know, they're just never gonna turn.
There already are four world governments.
Well there's a lot of people too who have been busy saying we're liars and government's only good and sweet and doesn't do anything bad and there's no global combine of banks and there's none of this happening.
Now that it's all being announced they still have to say it's not happening because for them it's about an argument like a football game of who's right and who's wrong.
Yes, exactly.
So getting them to change their minds before going into some kind of conflict on a domestic level or anything like that is a must.
And then you pretty much transform
I appreciate your call, sir.
Let's go ahead now and take another call.
Let's go ahead and speak with... Well, we're going to be coming out of break here in a moment, so I'll just wait to go to the full audience.
See, that's another form of false rebellion, what that guy just did.
He did that on purpose.
Whatever, man.
You're on the internet.
Thinking that that's a totem of power doing that.
That's a form of rebellion.
And it's not really.
I mean, you know, I'm not against tattoos and earrings and all that stuff.
I don't care.
I'm not even criticizing them.
I understand people like them.
People are into them.
Fetishes, you know, for things like that.
I'm not saying you're bad.
I'm saying that for some people, that's about who they are instead of their ideas.
And I want people to rebel against the tyranny and rebel against the right things.
That's all I'm trying to say here.
Here we go.
Oh yeah, sometime Satan comes as a man of peace.
Barack Obama.
This whole cabinet is a bunch of warmongering killers.
They're coming.
But intentions can be evil.
All right, let's go ahead and go to Lynn in California.
You're on the air, Lynn.
Thanks for holding.
Good afternoon, Alex.
This is my first time ever.
Well, I think about my third time listening to your show, and I'm very glad that I got through.
I just wanted to say earlier, make a comment.
Uh, when the guy was talking, uh, when he had brought up something about, um, uh, I think when you had the minister on and he brought up something about how, you know, about you'd want to sell your books or brought up, possibly wanting to sell your books and stuff.
I wanted to make a comment to, I guess if he's still listening.
Everything that you have talked about at other people similar to you in your field and on this subject,
of this One World Order and all the other things that are going on this planet have already happened.
And they've been happening for the longest.
And right now it's accentuating.
But I can tell him this.
I have suffered first hand from everything that you've talked about.
Very similar.
And I'm not of any political affiliation or any type of person.
But I lost my own child.
I was viciously murdered.
In Texas, and it was a big cover-up behind it.
A very big one.
No, I'm sorry to hear that.
Involving even the feds.
Our undercover agent even came to one of my relatives, my aunt, and told her that it would jeopardize lives and positions if the truth came out.
They were doing investigations throughout all those murders that were going on in Texas, but especially in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Of those kids, especially during the 90s.
And, right to this day,
We're fighting for some land that was illegally taken from one of my ancestors in the early 1900s, but up to this day.
Over 16,000 acres of prime oil and gas with coal and lignite.
And yet, these oil companies have went in there, cut some type of deal, went in there all the way over to China.
Now I got the proof on that.
16,000 point
688.08 acres.
And I can show you proof.
There's three other people that I have proof.
And they had it hidden under a relative's wife.
And as soon as we found it, we couldn't find any of it.
The panel was spending hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars getting these different lawyers, even two ex-judges in Texas, even a politician there in Texas.
They claim they couldn't find anything, but yet I have it, and two other people have proof where they had committed fraud.
In that county.
Oh, I know.
The oil and gas.
Oil and gas just from family I know that works in the oil fields and things.
It's so corrupt.
And the scams and the things that are going on.
That's what I mean.
Corruption is just pandemic and the little people are being attacked and cheated in the process.
God bless you.
We're out of time, and I'm sorry to David and Amanda and others and Don.
Call me back tomorrow.
We'll be live tomorrow.
I had all these notes and key issues I wanted to cover.
Didn't get to it today, but I will tomorrow.
All those notes I wrote, they're somewhere here in the crazy stack.
But I appreciate everybody, all the AM and FM affiliates.
Very thankful.
If you're listening on AM or FM, be sure and tell everybody about it.
Great way for folks to tune in.
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Rebroadcast starts now at InfoWars.com.