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Filename: 20081121_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 21, 2008
3217 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
It is Friday, the 21st day of November 2008, the 45th anniversary of the murder by the shadow government, by the Continuity of Government National Security State.
In 1963 is coming up tomorrow.
We have Debbie McKay joining us from in the Fed.
Nationwide protests going on at every Fed location in the country.
Close to 40 locations, what 38 locations.
She'll be protesting up in Dallas, just a mile and a half from the grassy knoll on Saturday.
I'll be there.
She's going to be joining us coming up for 20 minutes.
In the next hour, then Lindsey Williams will join us.
His prediction, well not his prediction, from inside sources from one of the former oil companies he worked at that he was on the board of.
He will be joining us to talk about more information and a few other things that he was told by this individual.
So Lindsey Williams joining us.
Then Rick Krause.
He's with one of the big national farm outfits, reporting on the federal government's plan.
They passed this in other countries.
It's a global initiative to tax methane that comes from cows, sheep, goats, chickens, pigs.
Massive taxes per animal.
Regulators on your property controlling you.
They want taxes on your cows eating grass, claiming they're non-renewable.
I mean, just every form of taxation and control, it is feudalism, has nothing to do with the environment, and it fits into the whole greenhouse gas taxation system.
Hundreds and hundreds of taxes you will be paying, and you say, I don't care, I don't raise cows or pigs or chickens.
Oh yeah, you pay for them, and your local economies are based on them.
You know, whenever I'm talking to people at an event or on the street or a restaurant, people walk up to me and then other people hear me talking to folks and they say, I don't care, the stock market's plunging.
I don't own any stock.
Well, you work for companies that fund themselves nine times out of ten from stocks.
You work for other companies that do business with those companies.
Selfishness and self-centeredness to a point of ignorance is just such a big problem.
That is so much the problem we face, that people are haughty, they're arrogant, they just have an evil arrogance about everything.
They think nothing affects them.
They cheer as bad things happen to others.
Not knowing that everything is interconnected.
So, Rick Kraus joining us.
And then in the fourth hour today, joining us for his once a week visit, Bob Chapman, TheInternationalForecaster.com will be joining us.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Very thankful to all of our wonderful AM and FM affiliates and affiliates in Florida, Idaho, Illinois, all of you.
I want to thank you.
New affiliates in places like California.
Very thankful to all of those affiliates and all of the sponsors.
And if you're listening to a local AM or FM station, be sure and support those local sponsors and spread the word about this show and other shows on those fine stations.
Because if a station's carrying this show, you can bet they've got other great programs as well.
Whether it's a nice station like the one right outside Austin, Texas, folks can tune in to 1330.
The great folks out there here in Central Texas and I also want to thank all the sponsors for this national network and number one of course you the listeners who make it all possible.
And we will have open phones in this first hour.
In fact, I'm going to go to your calls coming up in the next segment.
Any issue that you wish to discuss, any news item.
I love the different wild and random, but always interesting and informative directions our callers take us in.
And then we'll have some open phones up with Rick Krause and Bob Chapman.
Probably won't take any calls with Lindsey Williams and Debbie McKay because we've only got them in that one hour together.
So 40 minutes with Lindsey Williams and just 20 minutes with Debbie McKay within the Fed.
So 1-800-259-9231.
And we'll also tell you about a bunch of the very important news that's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as well as InfoWars.net.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent, and food and water is the key.
You'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread.
You'll never have to go to the Superdome and beg for FEMA to take care of your family in any emergency.
If you simply prepare.
Our elected representatives wanted a good ol' boy bailout for the special interest.
So they ignored your screams not to do it.
They turned off the telephones and email.
They voted to print $850 billion at least out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities, particularly food, beyond many Americans' reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany's superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days until it reached over 4 billion marks.
Food prices are skyrocketing so fast, there seems as if there may be no end in sight.
The private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves.
The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
Whatever happens in America, we need to be prepared and be ready.
Everything is zeroing in on food.
One-third of Americans have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities.
My friends, whatever it takes, get prepared, get self-sufficient, get food.
For everybody out there listening, it's very important for you to understand that by having a supply of storable food, the government, the new old order, has a lot less control over you.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There certainly is a war on for your mind.
A chilling headline from the French news agency.
Use of nuclear weapons more likely in future, U.S.
intelligence says.
The use of nuclear weapons will grow increasingly by 2025, U.S.
intelligence warned Thursday in a report on global trends that forecast a tense, unstable
The world of the near future will be subject to an increasing likelihood of conflict over scarce resources, including food and water, and will be haunted by the persistence of rogue states and terrorist groups with greater access to nuclear weapons, said the report.
Widening gaps in birth rates and wealth to poverty ratios and the uneven impact of climate change could further exacerbate tensions.
Called Global Trends 2025, a transformed world, the 121 page report was produced by the National Intelligence Council, a body of analysts from across the US intelligence community.
Now, we've got some of the declassified versions of this.
It mirrors the British
Trends report put out by the Ministry of Defense last year, which was just horrifying.
It was put out in December of last year, talking about how the military of the West works for the private offshore banks, how they basically, their job is to keep the slaves in line, how race-specific bioweapons will be used, how governments may use neutron bombs on rebelling populations that try to overthrow the governments,
You know, you read these reports, and then you look at what NATO's actually doing.
And again, folks, I'm no fan of Vladimir Putin or Medvedev.
I'm no fan of what Russia's doing.
Governments generally are corrupt and evil and bad.
But we have to look at who's aggressive.
The United States government really doesn't exist.
It's a ceremonial, vestigial facade for the offshore Anglo-American banking system, the globalists.
Who are destroying all sovereign nations and sucking them dry and waging war on the family, on humanity, on people's power to procreate.
They're sterilizing us, one-child policies, all of it.
And when you read just one little area of NATO's change in policy four years ago, which is public policy.
NATO has told Russia, very provocative, that we will use nuclear weapons preemptively against you for our interest.
And that it is our plan to encircle you and take over the former Eastern Bloc and move weapon systems in so we can preemptively nuke you and so that you can't then respond because we'll have anti-ballistic missile systems right up on your borders.
I mean, this is in the NATO plan.
I've read the NATO plan on air.
The Russian generals go on the news and say, why are you doing this?
Why are you doing this?
I mean, this is insane.
This is what the bad guys do.
This is preemptive, and it's wicked on its face, and people think, well good, let's nuke the Ruskies!
Hail America!
Hail Europe!
Europe and the United States are controlled by the bankers, folks.
The same ones that set up the oligarchy in Russia in 1991 and stole all the resources, and now Russia has thrown and arrested quite a few of the oligarchs out.
And all these Rothschild frontmen.
It always turns out that they seize the assets but they can't because it's already offshore and that the oligarchs were just Rothschild and Queen of England frontmen.
So that's just one small area of this and the Pentagon's come out the last seven years saying we will use nukes preemptively.
We will nuke Iran.
We will nuke Syria.
We will use big nukes, small nukes, pinpoint nukes.
We will use bunker buster nukes.
And the whole world sees this, and so China and Russia say, OK, we will preemptively prepare to nuke you.
We'll move nukes into, you know, areas on the border with Western Europe.
And now they've done that.
And then you've got to go, well, wait a minute, why did Donald Rumsfeld, as the head of a Swiss company, give nuke reactors that can be used to make nukes to North Korea?
Why did the US, and we told you this years ago, it's now mainstream news, give the systems to build nukes to Iran and to Pakistan?
Why did Israel do it?
Why did England?
Why is England, Israel, and the US, and France for that matter, giving nuke components to anybody who wants them?
And then running around saying, we have to have world government, we have to have wars, and we have to invade everybody so that we can stop the nukes.
So I want to get Paul Watson or Steve Watson or Kurt Nemo, one of the guys, to go back and look at the British report that was so stunning a year ago, and then integrate it with this new report put out by the US government, put out by one of their big think tanks.
Because, yeah, there's going to be scarce water.
There's going to be scarce food.
Because you've got three major global agribusinesses that own 90 plus percent of food production.
You've got, with the
1.5 quadrillion in derivatives just the U.S.
created for the bankers.
They destroyed our dollars, destroyed our credit, destroyed our name, took the money in the last 20 years, and went and bought up most of the water in the world.
I mean, we've got Dutch, British, Australian, Russian, Chinese, Canadian, and that's how globalism works.
They come in and they buy up U.S.
water, U.S.
roads, tracts of land, sweetheart deals with the government.
But it doesn't stop there.
Then, quote, U.S.
companies, which are really globalists as well, they go and buy Australian and Russian and British and African land up.
See, that's globalism.
It's a balancing act.
And the globalists state this, to where no nation has power, no nation is independent, no nation can stand up for itself.
So you see, that's why the U.S.
had to be de-industrialized.
The government wasn't stupid 40 years ago, and 20 years ago, and 10 years ago, and a year ago, when they did tax incentives to move offshore, as if slave labor, no environmental funding, no insurance, no workers comp, as if that wasn't enough to bring the jobs to Mexico, and to Brazil, and to China, and all these places, as if that wasn't enough to move things to India, they then tax incentivize it!
So this is all about getting the average person on their knees and controlling them.
This is a big deal.
It's AFP.
We've got a link to it up on InfoWars.com.
Then Ron Paul warns that U.S.
will support Israeli attack on Iran.
Steve Watson, very important article up on InfoWars.net.
Coming up with a guest later, Cal tax proposal would threaten agriculture viability.
I mean, they're not going to stop here.
Right when, again, they get you in debt, they bankrupt the economy, they ship the industry overseas, and then they're going to put taxes on all service and all basic one-crop production like agriculture.
This is about vertical integration.
This is not about free market.
This is command and control.
This is warfare.
Call it communism, socialism, fascism.
It's top-down integration.
It's control.
And I don't care what name you give it, communism, fascism, totalitarianism, it means black uniforms, surveillance drones, tattletale squads, surveillance cameras, national ID cards, checkpoints, regulations, taxes, control.
And while we debate, well, I like the puppet on the left, like Bill Hicks said.
Barack Obama, well, I like the puppet on the right.
Well, wait a minute.
There's one guy holding both puppets.
And until we realize that, it's only going to get worse.
So, we'll go over that.
Also, alternate with a great story.
This has changed 20 hawks, Clintonites, and neocons to watch
For an Obama's White House big detail report.
Paul Watson did a big report yesterday, too, about how they're doing this.
And these Obama people come on and go, shut up racist scum!
Go to your Klan meeting!
And you can link through to their websites.
A lot of them put links up.
And it's always little white guys going, why don't you go to the Klan rally, Alex?
It isn't about Klan rallies, idiot.
I'm the one against the abortuaries in all the black neighborhoods.
It is a... It's just so mindless and so base and so...
But that works with this dumbed-down public.
Oh, you're not for Obama, you're going to Klan rallies.
No, Obama is a puppet.
Oh, you can't have a black man be your leader.
No, I said George Bush was a puppet.
You're little children!
You know, we post the Goddard Space Center with Al Gore's little disinfo guy and NASA admits that they falsified all this global warming evidence when we actually have global cooling just kicked off because the sun just cooled down.
The sun does that.
No, it doesn't matter.
And they just go on the message board and go on the comment and go, you lying piece of trash.
Go read it.
You lying, dumb piece of filth racist.
Because we're criticizing Obama and all these environmental taxes that aren't environmental.
I mean, it's just boiled down to that.
Okay, hey, you want to be totally poor and lose everything you got, and you want to be conned by this.
I got called right wing for eight years with Bush.
I'm ready to be called
I got called left-wing with Bush, now I'm ready to be called right-wing.
We're telling you the truth here.
You know what?
We predicted everything that's happening.
We know what we're talking about.
And if you want to live in La La Land, go ahead.
Joey in Connecticut, you're on the air, welcome.
And the good work that you do.
Thank you, go ahead.
Listen, I just wanted to share a child protective service story with you.
Here in Connecticut,
They have predictive neglect placed upon my Karen, the mother of my two boys, and even myself now, whereas we got terminated regarding our parental rights.
Now, let's explain this.
It's pre-crime.
They say, because you just lost your job, and I'm not kidding, this is going in worldwide, we're going to go ahead and then have visits because you're at risk, and then they find a dirty plate and your child's taken.
So that's what, it's the Department of Pre-Crime, gotcha.
Well, what happened here?
Wait a minute, Obama's in.
All that's fine now.
Of course, he's going to increase all that.
Sir, it tears my guts out to hear this.
Tell me what happened to you.
Well, Karen, my partner, age 16, she had a brain tumor removed on her right frontal lobe.
No, 16-year-olds getting brain tumors all the time now.
All part of the loving government.
Well, that was, I guess, 1985, so now at 34 years of age, giving birth to the children, you know, that's when they get into the records, and like all hell breaks loose, so to speak, that proverbial statement, they make a mountain out of a molehill.
Yeah, it is eugenics, because your wife had a pre-existing condition.
Listen, when you go to the hospital, they have your medical record and anything.
I mean, they're taking people's kids because the mother has the wisdom teeth pulled.
They say, well, the wisdom teeth are being pulled.
We're going to have to send CPS to make sure you're going to be able to take care of your children while the teeth are being pulled.
I found a dirty plate.
And folks, I'm not joking.
I'm taking your child.
The evil has been incrementally, as kind of the ambient background noise turned up, where they're grabbing 1.4 million children a year, and they're doing medical experiments on them and everything.
Stay there.
I want to hear about this when we get back.
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Alone on a hill.
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
Alright, going back to Joey and Zach, Bruce, Ted, Mason and others.
Look, how this works is they corner you in the hospital, they corner you when you're hurt, they use your medical records now.
I mean, they're grabbing all these old people now from their parents, making them go to hospice, killing them right here in Austin.
I mean, well-to-do, wealthy people I know it's happening to.
And it's all eugenics through the bioethics.
That's what it's called, the bioethicist.
And they trick you.
They say, just sign this form.
There's no court, no judge, no jury, and then we'll be nice to you.
Work with us.
And you sign it agreeing you've been bad.
Now they're in your life.
Now they find a reason to take your children, or take your property, or take your house, or take your farm.
And the government is about to create about six million.
One million spies.
Three million viral spies.
A couple million other forms of tattletale spies.
You think it's bad now.
And they have these parents' bill of rights and children's bill of rights all over where now they're taking children if someone sees you yell at your child.
Or take spanking, not against the law.
Your child runs out on the street, you spat him.
Neighbors call, SWAT team hits you, hits you hard.
That's in the news every day.
This is how it works.
And then they call you before a kangaroo judge who screams at you and says, sign this form or I'll have you arrested for contempt.
That happens with Judge Dean Muir every day in Austin.
Of course, you're not allowed to say, sign this form or I'll hold you in contempt.
Then that waives your right.
But briefly, sir, telling the story.
So, she had a brain tumor decades ago.
So now you guys have a child when she's 35 or whatever she is now.
And how old is she?
Just had her birthday.
She's 41 now.
We've been involved for the past six years.
Okay, so you had a child and they said what?
That they predicted that neglect would occur because of the fact, you know, her medical record.
And now they sent her off to psychologies people, you know, psychiatrists.
Let me stop you.
That's really their agent.
But instead of being a cop around a table with cigarette smoke, you know, interrogating with white lights, it's their friend.
And then that's all used against them.
See, that's how this all works.
Seventy-five percent of this psychologist business, Stephen Humphrey, is done through DCF.
So here's the deal.
Is it your child?
Well, then you need to go in there and claim parental rights.
Instead of having them directing you, you need to get a hold of the defense groups out there.
The names escape me.
We've had them on many times.
Who will advise you and help you?
Well, we've already went through the trial.
We lost our parental rights.
It's on appeal right now.
Do they have your children?
Oh yeah, they've had them.
They took them right out of the nursery.
They essentially pulled them right off mama's teeth.
Oh, so you had twins?
Well, no, a year later we had another son, Danny and Joey, one year apart.
Oh, so they grabbed them both?
Grabbed them both right out of the nursery.
Now see, sir, you've got to leave that area.
We were under advice from an attorney who told us to leave.
We went to Scranton.
Have they adopted the children out yet?
No, not yet.
Have they drugged them yet?
They now drug eight-month-olds.
I'm not kidding, they drug more than two-thirds of foster children by age four.
You know, there's a huge bounty on a kid's head these days, we know this.
Yeah, are they blonde-haired, blue-eyed?
Oh my God, they get $500,000 for those.
Well, the good news is they're probably not going to drug them and abuse them too bad.
We know that we're in a... I mean, the big thing is they take the black kids for medical experiments.
Have you seen that in the New York Post and the New York Daily News?
No, actually I haven't, but... I mean, these people don't play games.
These are hardcore murderers.
Well, I know that our children were wrongfully taken.
Now, they've tarred me with the same brush, uh, predicting neglect with me also, because, see, Karen will have access to the boys through me, so they had to do a job on me.
So they pinned a psychological label on me, one that I can't rehabilitate from, and, uh... What is that?
Get me out of the picture.
Well, they say now I have personality disorder not otherwise specified.
And that's because you're arguing with them, correct?
Oh yes, I don't agree with that.
The ones that actually took over Russia, and they're running things here, and they are so evil, and the public just can't get it, so they're gonna steal five trillion.
They're gonna bankrupt the dollar.
They're gonna build FEMA camps.
They're gonna brainwash our kids and turn them against us.
And they are just frothing evil everywhere, and that's why I get so enraged, is that people don't understand
They have bounties.
I mean, it is federal bounties since the mid-90s that they have to increase the number of children they seize each year just to get paid.
And then, if they do, they get bonuses for every head.
Do you know that these psychological labels that they pin on people are voted into existence?
Yes, yes, by the Psychiatric Association.
But here's what happened.
They tricked you early on into agreeing to go to the counseling, right?
Just to see if you're okay.
You see, and then that's how they got it on you.
It was the cooperation.
You should have fled the minute they were there to family in other states.
You know, before they ever sick their devil dogs on you.
God bless you, sir.
I'm sorry they black-opped you.
We'll try to save other victims.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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The official textbooks used by Health and Human Services for college degrees, we've scanned them in, we've posted them on InfoWars.com, been covering it for more than a decade since I learned of it, state that the family is a disease, to be eradicated, that the social welfare system
Uh, is meant to carry out, uh, racial and social hygiene.
Uh, in Endgame, we have the head of the, uh, board for the state testifying that they do put more than two-thirds of foster children on psychotropic drugs saying because they have bad gene pools and are all mentally ill.
Uh, they put the average child on seven drugs.
And ladies and gentlemen, it's so horrible, I can't even tell you how bad it is.
I don't have words to articulate all the knowledge we have on this front.
And they always advertise some dad beat his kid with a tire iron as you go to jail.
That's a criminal matter.
Instead now, you yell at your kid, they take it.
With no law.
They trick you.
They drug the children.
They do medical experiments on them.
Five times more likely to be abused in the government foster care center
Than in any other system.
And of course, the pedophiles gravitate into it to have their way with the children.
That's all in basic criminology.
Go take a college course, learn about where the real pedophiles are.
The government even admits it.
They know it.
And it is horrific.
It is horrific, to say the least, and it pains me greatly.
It's time to know this is going on.
We must expose that there's no due process, that it's criminal, that it's an industry.
We must expose it on radio and TV and in print.
We must go to the legislatures.
We must make a huge deal out of this.
And then that will stop it.
But instead, under Barack Obama, and under George Bush, but now under Obama, it's ballooning.
We're going to go to Zach, Bruce, Ted, and others in the next segment after that, but right now, I wanted to bring up Steve Shank of the J. Michael Stevens Group, the longest continually operating storable foods company in the United States, to hear from him
We're seeing more and more media reports of food prices going up even as other commodities go down or stay stagnant.
We're seeing all the reports of grocery stores now not being able to have the credit to be able to even stock the food.
90 plus percent of the ships from China and other nations are not even moving because they have to get insurance
To be able to guarantee those goods will be paid for, and the companies don't trust the chains that are buying the goods.
Only Walmart and Target can still get their goods into their group stores, because they're on the inside track.
And so Walmart profits are up, Target profits are up, everything else is down.
See how this is designed to suck everything into them?
They implode the economy, then everything is consolidated.
Regardless, there is a very good chance we're going to have a full-blown depression.
In fact, mainstream news is saying that's going to happen now.
I hope that's not the case, but there's a 10% chance.
I'd say about a 60-70 right now.
You should get storable food and get prepared, but the reason we have Steve Shank on with us is he can specifically speak to, because you know, they buy the food, the non-GMO, healthy, clean food, they package it up, they have the big factory, he's right there on the inside watching it, and he can tell us what's really happening.
Steve Shank, good to have you on with us.
Well, it's great to be aboard, Alex, and I just have to make one comment.
With all the privatizing of the prison systems, Cheney just got himself indicted because of abuse within the prison systems.
We've privatized that.
We've got privatized military operations, these black box operations.
And I wouldn't be surprised at what all of the child abuse situations are the result of the privatization and the lack of control over these systems.
I just wanted to point that out.
Well, that's not your opinion.
Every day, and folks, I'm not trying to demonize these groups.
I don't even cover it, but 1-100 at the time, literally, every day I read about
Wisconsin, Texas, New York, Florida, with children living in cages, and the CPS says, well, the foster parents are allowed to keep them in a cage for their safety, and then they starve them to death, and then they say, oh, we need more CPS money so that this doesn't happen anymore.
So they cover up until they kill the children, and then they cover that up too.
So, again, they are murdering these children, Steve.
I know.
I know.
This whole thing, every place you turn right now, Alex, there's so much corruption.
It boggles the mind.
Same thing in the Soviet Union with the giant orphanages with them starving.
That was on purpose.
That wasn't because they didn't know what they were doing.
This is eugenics.
I'm sorry.
It really gets to me, Steve.
That's why I don't cover it most of the time.
I can't stand to cover this anymore.
It freaks me out.
I know, I know, and the thing is that the starvation, the starvation is the issue that I'm at the end of Alex, and we see this, we've watched, we've looked at every totalitarian country in the world, and starvation is the tool.
When we say that food is the target for all of this stuff, I mean, now that they, now that Mr. Obama... That's official UN documents in their food summits, 97, it says, we will use food as a weapon, go ahead.
Well, now we've got our families.
The reason that I want to talk this weekend, this show, is that I know that everybody is going into the holidays and our whole nation, the people that are of our ilk, Alex,
I'm good.
That this holiday unit that we put together this year, the intention of it is to be a little bit uplifting.
Here's the deal.
The fact is that we need some good news.
And the only good news that we know how to give
Is the fact that what we've done is we've cut everything to the bare bones, gone with some bulk packing, come up with this holiday unit.
Alex, do you realize that the holiday unit we put together is a year's supply.
It's got more food in it than our regular one-year supply, the Liberty Pack.
Now wait a minute, your Liberty Pack has 50% per meal than what the government says someone needs calorie-wise.
So you're saying this is even bigger?
Yeah, it's bigger.
It's bigger.
It's got more food in it, and it's $300 less than the Liberty, and it's $100 less than last year's Holiday Pack.
So, what we're trying to do, we have to get as much food into families as we possibly can.
We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, just as sure as I'm sitting here looking ugly, and by the way, people can prove that, we've now got videos up.
We've got a welcome up that explains what the deal is with food supplies,
And we've got a video up on the website on eFoodsDirect.com on the holiday unit.
If you don't do anything else, folks, get up on eFoodsDirect.com and just look at that video.
You've got to look at my ugly face just a little bit, but the food is good.
The good news is that in this holiday season, we still have the chance as families to concentrate our resources on getting in food and the attempt here is to just ship as much food out of the warehouses as we possibly can.
And like I say, we know that there's a limit to how long we're going to be able to ship food or how long there's going to be food available.
Please, folks, take advantage of this thing.
This is the most economical one-year supply that has ever been created.
And now we've been able to improve the shipping, Alex, to the point where we can actually get it out in two weeks for folks to get delivery by Christmas.
A lot of people are giving these to their loved ones.
I've done that.
I know you have, I know, and a lot of folks are doing that.
I want to be clear here.
I've had storable food for 12 years.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's my insurance policy, and now more than ever.
I mean, it was, you know, questionable 12 years ago, you know, whether I needed a couple years supply in my own mind.
Now, I mean, now there is no question, I believe in this.
I mean, literally, there are lines around the block at gun shops.
I mean, lines out the door now.
Uh, all over the country and that's great.
But folks, you also need food to eat.
Just like you need ammo for those guns.
People are buying a bunch of guns.
They have more guns than they have ammo.
Folks, you also need storable food and water filters and Steve's got them all.
And the thing is that your food is gonna keep your guns.
The way that they will collect the guns, my friends.
They have people going into gun stores with Obama stickers on them, you know, buttons on them.
And the gun owners, or the gun shop owners ask them, why on earth are you buying a gun?
Well, because Obama's going to take it away and we need to get it before he takes it away.
Who are you going to shoot?
And how are you going to keep your guns?
The way that the guns will be collected is in the bread line.
In order to get fed, you'll have to give up your gun.
You're going to need guns.
That's right.
You're going to need guns if things collapse.
We hope they don't.
But that chance is theirs.
We have to prepare for it.
You need the guns to protect yourself from looters and thieves.
The cops, in the first round, are just going to sit back and say, bring your guns in and we'll give you food, just like New Orleans.
Yeah, exactly.
And so, I don't know, I wanted this to be a positive Merry Christmas and let me just, in the few minutes we've got left, Alex, just point out the fact that it's an absolute privilege
That we have here at eFoodsDirect, J. Michael Stevens Group, to be able to work with you and to be able to work with the people that are trying and willing to prepare and that know what's coming and that are taking care of their families and that are resurrecting the old pioneer spirit that says,
We don't need nothing from nobody because we're Americans.
And the reason that we put this holiday unit together is so that we can take care of as many of those people as we possibly can.
And folks,
The American spirit is here, alive and well, and the fact is that if we can take care of ourselves, those of us who are able to do so have the obligation morally
Well, Steve...
This is all being done by design.
We have all their own documents.
They want to bankrupt us.
They want to make us go to the government for jobs and food.
Ladies and gentlemen, don't put yourselves in that position, because by the time the public figures out they need food, then you won't be able to get it.
So, you need to go to efoodsdirect.com, watch the videos, check out all the great
We're good to go.
And I warn people over and over again about so many issues, and I don't listen.
I'm telling you that if there was a 10% chance, and it's way above that, that we're going to have a collapse in the next few years.
You know, most of the experts say two to three.
Richard, you know, Gerald Solente, you know, so many others that are talking.
We're good to go.
That's 800-409-5633.
And the main thing, Alex, is that we have to understand that we are different than a lot of the population.
The people that are listening to your program, that are talking like we are,
We have to realize that we think differently, we act differently, and it's up to us to take care of ourselves.
This is absolutely a phenomenal opportunity during this Christmas season to really understand who we are and define ourselves as parents.
Well, I know this, Steve.
I mean, we have a criminal government, and Obama is now doing everything he said he would on the police state front.
Youth brigades, tattletale squads, three million man environmental cop squads, one million person spy squads, it's all being announced.
They're going to suck even trillions more out with the banker takeover.
And as for change, he's appointing every Bush and Clinton monster, every New World Order person,
Uh, and they're going to hammer the middle class with taxes.
They're going to tax everybody with these green taxes.
Folks, I mean, I'm telling you, we are going into insane times.
There is no doubt, the new old order is pulling out the stops, and I get up here and I warn you how to stay away from the CPS.
I warn you, you know, how to stay out of the clutches of the checkpoints.
We warn you, we tell you how the system really works, ladies and gentlemen, and you are insane.
If you don't get storable food and this is where I went out and got him as a sponsor because this was the place I got storable food.
I got some from some other places, got samples for the price.
This is the best stuff.
It doesn't have and I'd buy other stuff and it would have MSG in it or it would have ingredients from China.
Or it would have all these other preservatives.
This is all, you know, high-quality stuff that's freeze-dried and dehydrated.
And it's, you know, right when they cook it, right when they make it, right when they prepare it.
And then, so find out what's in the packs.
Find out what's in these different varieties they have.
And the great deals at E, that's just the letter E, foodsdirect.com, big banners at the top of infowars.com, and prisonplanet.com.
And you now have those videos up on your site.
I'm going to have my guys link to those, post those.
I'm good.
To force vertical integration and globalist consolidation.
Everything we told you is now happening.
You are insane if you don't call eFoods Direct at 800-409-5633.
And they'll have folks there all weekend long taking your calls.
Now I know at certain times, Steve,
You have your core experts, you know, at the factory answering the phone, and then after hours, it's operators who take your name and number, or order, or take your name and number if they want somebody to call them back.
When should folks call?
Well, they can call anytime because the message always gets to the people that really have the answers.
Our regular hours are from about 8 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock at night, theoretically.
But call the 800 number, email us, do whatever it takes.
And we're just working our tails off to make sure that everybody gets what they need as soon as they need it.
Here's that number we mentioned again.
Write down the number.
Think about it, folks.
Think about if you trust the government and the media and the culture.
With the implosion.
You know, Steve, people know stuff's bad, and they are there in the headlights, but a lot of folks just don't even have the money for anything, and that's exactly as soon as the New World Order got us fully in debt and bankrupted, they pulled the rug out from under us.
They are just so evil.
Well, and the thing is, is that people are finding that the credit cards that they thought that they had balances on are being cut back.
Credit lines are being disappeared.
We had three families this last week that wanted to put together a significant supply for themselves, and they discovered that the banks had shut them down on their lines of credit, so they couldn't even order the food on credit.
Hey, Gerald Salente's a wealthy guy.
They won't even let him get money out of his bank.
He has to fight them.
They won't even give you your cash already.
And there's a... He's predicting bank runs in February.
I don't know if that's going to happen, but when he start... The guy for Fox and CNN who makes predictions, the top trends forecaster says that.
Folks, get prepared.
Steve, God bless you.
800-409-5633. efoodsdirect.com.
Have a great weekend.
Take care, Alex.
Get up there and watch his videos at efoodscorrect.com.
You bet.
If you forget the website, we got links to it on the side.
Okay, Zach, Bruce, and others, stay with us.
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The mainstream media lies, propagandizes, proposes, tells you the government's the good guys, the local government wants to help you.
They want to tax you.
They want to suck off of you.
They want to take society over.
They're parasites.
They're evil control freaks.
They've got a lot of well-meaning people working for them, who incrementally are conditioned that all this evil is good.
Let's go to Bruce, then Ted, Mason, Kevin, and others.
Bruce, you're on the air.
Where are you calling from?
I'm calling from Colorado.
Welcome, Bruce.
I have a suggestion that people, that the activists reach out to the illegal aliens to inform them how they've been conned.
And I'm doing that now, and I believe that will be very constructive.
Now, I'm not into total amnesty for 30 million illegal aliens, but the ones who are here
I think so.
Then they will cooperate more with the rest of the people and then in a sense earn their citizenship.
In other words, I don't believe in blanket amnesty.
Well, here's the deal.
Most illegal aliens come from good peasant stock in Mexico.
Super smart.
Very street smart.
Very hard working.
And they can fix cars.
They can grow crops.
They can do carpentry.
Everything that Americans have forgotten.
Or were never taught.
You know, one of these illegal aliens is like, you know, my dad's dad, who was great, you know, with everything, because he grew up on a farm.
Well, that's all gone now.
And so, yes, the problem is the Ford Foundation went in, you know, 60, 70 years ago and brainwashed them, taught them about La Reconquista, to actually use them as a weapon for the New World Order to break down the U.S.
But I have found,
Right, well we can, and I've got something in English that I'd like to have translated in Spanish.
If you go to Google and you type in, what is a patriot?
You'll see some writing there that I have in English that is kind of a message to the Mexicans.
I'd like to have that translated.
Turn that into flyers and go to the areas where the people don't speak English.
And give that to them, so give that plus a bit more.
And nobody's reaching out to them but the corporate-owned brainwashing radio stations that give them a false revolutionary message.
Imagine, I mean if people actually reached out to the immigrant, Mexican population, Latin population, it would explode, there's no doubt.
Yeah, well that's what I'd like.
Like I said, you go to Google, you type in, what is a Patriot, it brings you right to a video that I have excerpted from one of your videos with some titles there, you know, as a message, and also there's some writing there on the screen with the video, and I'd like people to translate that and email me some Spanish language so I can make flyers
And give that to the people who can't speak English so they understand that, you know, communities are going to become independent food-wise, you know, in terms of getting their own food, because the food's going to be cut off.
See, that's why they're passing new laws on farming and ranching.
Like the old Bob Dylan song 20 years ago said, Sundown on the Union, you know, you're going to need a...
Permit, you know, just to have a garden.
Having your own garden is going to be against the law.
There's going to be a lot of people disobeying those laws in some areas.
Well, absolutely.
I mean, you know, tyranny is out in the open.
Get off our back, parasite government.
We'll be right back with the next hour.
We're going to get our guest on at the 8 Appers.
I'm going to come back and talk to Ted and Mason and Kevin and others.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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If we don't expose the government-sponsored terror, they're going to commit more acts and bring in martial law.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, I'll be talking with Debbie McKee of In The Fed Protest.
Lindsey Williams joins us.
The author of the non-energy non-crisis, predicting the oil prices will drop below 50.
American Farm Bureau Federation Director of Regulatory Relations, Rick Krause.
And we will also have Bob Chapman on.
Let's go back to your calls right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ted in New York.
Ted, welcome.
I've been listening for a while to different shows on WWCR and I've noticed that often brought up is there seems to be an assumption that there's dedication between the generations of the elite and I have to really question that thesis when I know that something as simple as the Word of God can mean
Totally different things between what's the original in the Greek and what is in English.
There's two words for the Word of God.
Two different, totally different things, but you can't even begin to understand
Well, sir, I mean, how are there 500-year-old universities?
I mean, the Rothschilds have had a great power for 300 years.
Royal families.
I mean, that's what wealth is all about, is maintaining it and expanding it.
There is a world government.
They're announcing world government, of and for, by the bankers.
We will pay carbon taxes to them.
I'm sure there's proof or somewhere of that.
I mean, they admit all this, sir.
Helmut Schmidt, the German Chancellor, wrote a book, Men and Powers, a political retrospective.
It says it all.
I mean, this is everywhere.
I mean, it's all happening right now.
Are we debating whether it exists?
What's going on here?
Well, I think that a lot of the emphasis is placed on
What's the English versions?
They're actually translations.
Sir, are you talking about the Bible or elites passing things on?
Well, the Word of God can be the sayings of God, but you wouldn't read that in an English version.
So how does that... I thought you were talking about elites, generationally, and then you keep coming back to the Bible.
Well, the Bible is where the Word of God is, and whether it's the evil or the good, they have to get the power through God.
No, the devil has been given dominion over this planet.
The god of this world.
And then men are given free will.
And then we have free will to call upon God.
But that's a distortion of Romans 13 that, you know, God puts these devils over us.
There's some cases with Israel being judged by that.
But, you know, I'm going to fight evil and fight corruption.
Okay, bye.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, take care.
Take care, buddy.
Good to hear from you.
What happens is people get in these loops and they obsess on just one thing.
And it was, I mean, I have to tell you, it was incoherent.
It was incoherent, caller.
I mean, what is it?
Every time I talk to a mainline Christian and I say, hey, there's a world government there announcing and all this corruption and microchips with Microsoft is teaming up with Applied Digital Solution to microchip the people, they just go, oh, what does the Bible say?
And I go, well, listen, I'm just talking about, I don't want the government tracking me with a chip.
And they go, but is that of the Lord?
Is that of He?
And you go, but there's corruption.
The CPS is grabbing kids and using them for medical experiments and killing them.
It's in the newspaper and nothing's being done.
But do you love the Lord?
And they just like fall back and they go, but what's your point intellectually?
And they just go... And then they'll challenge you on some dogma and say, I am a Pharisee.
I know more.
Or they'll say, is there an elite?
I mean, it's mass mental illness is what it is.
I mean, the public just... And that's why they're taking us over.
They know we're ripe, they know we're rotten, they know we're brain dead.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent, and food and water is the key.
You'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread.
You'll never have to go to the Superdome and beg for FEMA to take care of your family in any emergency if you simply prepare.
Our elected representatives wanted a good old boy bailout for the special interest, so they ignored your screams not to do it.
They turned off the telephones and email.
They voted to print $850 billion at least out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities, particularly food, beyond many Americans' reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days.
Until it reached over 4 billion marks.
Food prices are skyrocketing so fast, there seems as if there may be no end in sight.
The private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves.
The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
Whatever happens in America, we need to be prepared and be ready.
Everything is zeroing in on food.
One-third of Americans have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities.
My friends, whatever it takes, get prepared, get self-sufficient, get food.
For everybody out there listening, it's very important for you to understand that by having a supply of storable food, the government, the new old order, has a lot less control over you.
And so it's a mindset, a mindset of self-sufficiency and preparedness.
No one is going to take care of your family in the final equation but you.
You know eFoodsDirect.com is still able to ship storable food that's safe from E. coli, salmonella, genetic alteration, or Chinese imports.
And they do it at almost half the cost of last year's grocery prices.
Call 1-800-409-5633.
Or on the web, go to eFoodsDirect.com.
Visit eFoodsDirect.com and look over the fine list of high-quality, pre-scribed, and dehydrated foods they have to offer.
Watch the free videos.
Look at their online catalog or give them a call at 1-800-409-5633.
Again, 800-409-5633 or on the web at efoodsdirect.com.
Take action today.
The first step is getting storable food.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
He's out of the studio during that break.
Do we have our next guest?
We've just got him for this segment.
It's Debbie McKee.
Then Lindsey Williams is joining us.
We're going to talk about taxes on cows, pigs, farm animals, methane, their flatulence, and all part of the hundreds of new taxes we'll all be laboring under.
The government will then take that money and turn more bureaucrats loose on us to go eat out our substance.
As the Declaration of Independence states, as I have FEMA on video teaching police and firemen, that the founders are terrorists and that the Declaration of Independence is bad.
That is in my film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
In the Fed, this is a nationwide grassroots movement, and they're all over the country coming up tomorrow at Federal Reserve, private Federal Reserve locations, protesting, demonstrating, handing out pamphlets, materials, educating people that this is the group sucking America dry with the banking takeover bill, known as the bailout bill, now $5 trillion in five and a half weeks that we know of, and counting stolen and not used for what they said it would be.
Of course, how do you know they're lying there?
Their little beaks are moving.
But going to Debbie McKee.
Debbie, great to have you on with us.
Hi, Alex.
Tell us about yourself and how you got involved in this and what's coming up this weekend around the country, but particularly in Dallas.
Okay, well, I guess it all started with Ron Paul's campaign.
That's how I got involved in all this grassroots effort.
But for the end of Fed,
I thought it was coming up, and I noticed that no one was leading it, and I kept kind of watching around the edges, and I asked and asked if anybody was leading it, and no one was, so I thought, well, I guess it's me.
So I stepped up to the plate, and I've got a lot of great people helping me, coordinating this, and I hope we've gotten word out to the media.
That's what we've tried to do, but we're having a
Pre-rally event tonight.
We're going to go to the Fed.
They're having a conference there for university faculty.
And so we're going to try to meet them as they're leaving.
We'll have signs and literature and it's also right there by a highway.
Get the 5 o'clock traffic.
Yeah, what time is that and where?
We're going to meet at 3.30 in front of the Meyerson Symphony Center.
Right across the highway.
Woodall Rogers Highway from the Fed building.
At 3.30.
So we'll be out there till just about dark.
Do you have the address of the Fed building for folks?
Yes, it's 2200 North Pearl Street, Dallas, Texas.
2200 North Pearl Street, Dallas, Texas.
And so at 3.30 tonight, again, where are you meeting?
It's right across Woodall Rogers Freeway from the Fed building.
It's just south of Block.
There's the Meyerson Symphony Center.
There's a strange red object of art on a lawn, and we can meet there and then walk across.
Okay, so that modern art piece, that big red one, I know the piece, I grew up in Dallas.
Okay, now, you just brought up something key.
They are, in every city, major city, they are bringing in the faculty, whether the faculty do it, Federal Reserve grants then flow, to brainwash the faculty to go into all the college students and tell them how great it is,
Yeah, it's an all-day conference today.
And that's how they get our people.
They just bring them in, make them feel important, make them feel like they're part of the power structure, tell them the Fed's the government and has to take over society.
It's disgusting.
But you guys are going to be there educating them that it's a bad thing.
We're going to try.
We're going to do what we can.
Well, we have a lot of listeners in North Texas and I hope that they'll be there for that event today at 3.30.
What about tomorrow?
What time are you meeting and where?
Um, the rally officially starts at 12 noon, and we're going to complete it by about 2 or so.
But some of us, I'm going to put out the word, I would like to meet at that same place, at the Meyerson, by the Red Arts.
I would like to meet about 11.15 or 11.30 for anybody who's willing to, inclined to come and join me in prayer.
And we're going to pray for our country and for this whole situation.
And then we'll move on over across the street to the Fed by 11.30, 11.45 and start the rally at 12.
So I needed to ask you when you're going to come because I know you're going to be in Dallas for the JFK Memorial?
Yes, I will mosey on over there at noon because the Grassy Knoll where I'll be
I'm loitering about doing interviews and covering the 45th anniversary of the shadow government taking over, and then I'll meander on over to cover your event, and look forward to meeting you there in person.
Well good, I look forward to that too.
I know a lot of people are coming just because they heard you're going to be there, so you'll increase our numbers some.
Well I just want to mainly cover the American people protesting the real problem instead of the puppet, Barack Obama.
Give us your breakdown, Debbie McKee of In The Fed Dallas, of what the Federal Reserve is and why you're protesting it.
Well, I'm not an expert in this.
I'm just an organizer kind of person to coordinate people and get things going.
But my understanding is that it's a private cartel and that they're making money off of our backs.
And it's unconstitutional, and it's gone on long enough.
And if you read a little history, you can read about President Andrew Jackson and what he did back in the early to mid-18, well, you know, 1836, I think, about ending the central bank.
And it's just really encouraging because, you know, it's been done before.
And if you read, I think it was the Daily Cost had an article, and it was a transcript for the Money Masters.
And it was, you know, by the grace of God this, by the grace of God that, you know,
It just all happened.
And we can do it again.
Well, on his deathbed, I mean on his deathbed at the Hermitage, they said, what are you most proud of in his incredible life?
And he said, I killed the bank.
And folks, they're the ones that inflated the currency.
They're the ones that got us in debt.
They're the ones that took over our government.
They're the ones funding the CPS to kidnap kids.
This is the parasite.
It's in the Communist Manifesto.
These are the bad guys.
Go ahead.
Yep, it is.
It's encouraging to me, and I just feel like truth is on our side, God is on our side.
This is tyranny, oppression.
We're fighting, and I believe we'll win.
And we'll die trying, or we'll, you know, I mean, we just won't give up.
And the more and more people wake up and join us, I mean, how can we be stopped?
I just think that we shouldn't just roll over and say, well, you know,
Things are going to get worse, and what can I do about it?
We need to do what we can while we can.
One other point, there have been thousands of lawsuits, hundreds in Texas alone and New York, New York City alone over 200, lawsuits lost by police claiming people need a permit to stand on the sidewalk.
No, permits are for blocking highways or parades, but they've been trying to frustrate the First Amendment.
I hope Dallas doesn't try to desecrate the First Amendment.
I know the government's destroyed most everything else.
This isn't a permitted march, is it?
No, no.
We've been in contact.
One of our organizers went down to the Dallas Police Department and went down to the Fed and talked to their security.
And we do not need a permit.
We just need to stay off of their private property.
And make sure we don't do anything that's kind of awful.
Yeah, but let's be clear.
Five years ago they would have told you you did.
It's because they've lost suits now that they're forced to admit there's a First Amendment.
I don't know about the particular Dallas Police Department, but yeah, they've actually lost one or two that I know of.
Or the Fed, I'm saying specifically, we had to fight for that right again and now they're finally backing off.
So that's another victory.
Oh yeah, they were saying no demonstrations, you couldn't stand with a sandwich board or they'd arrest you.
But they lost so many suits.
I mean, Austin's lost
Something like 40 suits.
I mean, I know it's more than 40.
But still, Austin cops will walk up and say, you can't protest.
And I go, buddy, you better talk to your commander, because you're going to end up losing your badge.
We have something in writing.
We have something in writing from the detective.
In effect, we asked them to please come and help us to maintain order, because we want an orderly rally.
We want this to be fun.
We want it to be peaceful.
And that's what Stephen Vincent, the organizer of all this,
The only way it would be disorderly is if they sent provocateurs.
Did you read the Denver Post last week where they admit the cops attacked other cops dressed up like protesters?
Yes, I saw that.
99% of the time it's cops and it's a fact and we've caught them over and over again and so the Dallas cops need to not violate the First Amendment.
We will catch them, we will bring them to justice if they do.
We've let them know that we will be on the lookout, and we have several people who will be there filming everything.
Video cameras.
So, you know, if anybody looks suspicious, just put your camera on them.
You know?
So, I think we're going to have a good turnout.
We're expecting quite a crowd, I think, and I think we're going to have good spirit, good attitude.
Are you guys going to have a bullhorn?
They can't stop you from that either.
Uh, well, you know, we first heard that we couldn't have a bullhorn, and then we pursued it a little further, and then we heard that we could, but we don't want everybody to bring out their bullhorns, we want just the leaders mainly to have the bullhorns.
Yeah, but it always turns into an orderly thing, because, you know, only one person usually is on it at a time, and there might be ten bullhorns, but yeah, they'll tell you you don't have a right to protest until you enforce them.
They'll tell you it's a sound ordinance, but that doesn't count below ten o'clock at night,
It is the national average.
It varies below 10 o'clock at night in non-residential areas if it's under the First Amendment.
Now you can't go out there and play blaring rap music.
So those city ordinances have been challenged and the criminals attempting to destroy America have been defeated.
Now what about a... Now just tell me, what about a website for folks to find out more?
Steven Vincent's website, EndTheFed.us, is a great place to start.
You can sign up there for more information.
To be notified, you can sign up under the different cities, the organizing groups under the cities.
My name is there, the link to Restore the Republic group is there, and that's a good place to start.
Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow at about 11.45 or so, and I look forward to taking part with you guys at this event and documenting it for a documentary I'm making.
Thank you so much, Debbie McKee, for stepping up to the plate.
Thank you, thank you for coming.
You bet.
Stay there, I'm going to talk to you just for a moment, because I haven't talked to you yet off-air about the events tomorrow.
Alright folks, we'll be right back with Lindsay Williams.
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I think so.
In 1814 we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
We fired our guns and the British kept a coming.
There wasn't as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to run it on down to Mississippi to the government.
You know when I talk about the Austin Police
When I talk about the New York police engaging in treason, or the Denver cops, or the Minneapolis St.
Paul, when police hire provocateurs to come in and stir up problems so the police can attack you and arrest you, or when police show up and say you don't have a First Amendment, that is desecrating the heart of this Republic.
I don't want to be your enemy.
I want to be your friend.
I want you to stand right next to the American people.
But the government's been taken over, that's why your, quote, policies have been changed, and you've set yourself up against the people, not the average cop, the direction how the government's run.
And thousands of won lawsuits later, we have our First Amendment back in this country, and your free speech zones are dead.
Now, for the rest of the hour, close to the rest of the hour, Lindsey Williams joins us.
He predicted, uh, what, three or four months ago, and months before that, told privately Dr. Stan Monteith,
That he, you know, he formerly was on the board for years, what, three years, with a major oil company, for those that don't know, when he was in Alaska.
And then he's known these people, and his video, one of his videos became number one on Google Video for months on end.
For like six months, it was in the top five every day.
Hundreds of millions of views.
They called him up, they said, we're basically gonna kill you if you don't shut up.
But you can tell the slaves this.
And he broke down some of the things he told him, and I said, think, go back in memory of that hour-long conversation.
Think of anything else he said.
Go back.
And you know how it is when you have a long conversation and later you remember more.
But Lindsey predicted when oil was at $147 a barrel, that it was going to plunge below $50, or down to $50.
It's now done that.
And so Lindsey Williams, Pastor Lindsey Williams, joins us again.
Lindsey, it's great to have you with us.
Thank you so very much, Alex, for allowing me to be on the Alex Jones Show this morning.
Crude oil, $50 a barrel.
Finally, on yesterday, it went to $48.78.
And Alex, the first thing that came to my mind is,
You've got to tell the world what is about to happen now, because what that gentleman told me back in the middle of June, and then I had the privilege of being on the Alex Jones Show on July the 28th of this year, and I said the price of crude oil is going to go to $50 a barrel, and Alex, I had a talk show host not long after that, said to me when it went down to $50 and $60, it went to $60 and $70 a barrel, he said, Lindsey, I laughed at you when I heard you say that.
He said, I thought you were crazy.
And I said, I did too.
I mean, I had been predicting it was going to 200, and here it goes down, down, down, down, down, just because the elite had it all planned.
Now, Alex, I have the privilege of being back on your show to say what is going to happen next.
Folks, I plead with you.
I beg of you.
Now, when I said it was going from $147 a barrel to $50 a barrel, and I said it only based on the fact that one of the people in the world who knows everything that goes on behind closed doors, it's nice to be able to know one or more of the elite, and because of the providence of God I had the privilege of living with them for three years and still stay in touch with some of them, and one of them told me it's going to $50 a barrel, I dared to come out and say it with
With the chance of losing all of my reputation if this man was wrong, but he was right, and here it is, as of yesterday, $50 a barrel.
Folks, I plead with you.
You keep that dial where it is.
You listen to the rest of this show.
I'm going to tell you, everything is going to happen from this point on for the next year's time, Alex.
Amazing because I mean you did say on record three or four months ago before all this started you said that he did talk about then it's going to implode Russia and China and the U.S.
This is a global war against all the countries and then the dollar was going to die so specifically I want to get into the other things he told you the elite are planning.
Now there are fissures in the elite there are power struggles sometimes they change operations but just like yesterday
I played you Daniel Estillan two and a half years ago, Jim Tucker and others, saying what they got from inside Bilderberg in Canada.
These, the Kings and Queens, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers.
And they said they're going to run the stock market up to $14,000 the next year and a half.
Then they're going to plunge it.
They are going to pop the subprime mortgage to consolidate things.
Exactly that happened.
We wrote articles, we made films.
They really run things, Lindsey, and when you can go find out what the elite's saying, you know it's the future.
Alex, let me say emphatically, please, I beg of you folks, listen to Alex Jones, what he's saying.
He is telling you the truth.
There positively is a group of people on the face of the Earth who control the world.
They tell the President what to do, they dictate to Congress what bills to pass, they tell the Arabs what they're going to give them for a barrel of oil on any given day, they control the currencies of the world.
This is not a conspiracy.
This is an agenda on the part of the elite, and just by the providence of God... Lindsey, stay there!
We gotta break!
Lindsey Williams!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Ira hates you.
Ira hates you.
All the New World Order is, is a financial empire using military force.
It's the Fortune 100, owned by the big private banking families of Europe.
They come in, they set up roundtable groups, the CFR.
They influence Petal.
And over a few decades, they buy off the countries, they get control of the governments.
They run governors, they run the local legislators, many of them.
They put the money behind their people, they take control of the federal system.
Then they expand the power of the federal system.
They levy taxes.
They pump that money into their coffers.
Over 60% of county, city, water district, police pension budgets, teacher pension budgets, retirement budgets, that's pumped into them.
You never get it.
Because the money that's invested on budget goes into your pension.
They just take the other money.
It's a criminal government.
We're not here saying every FBI agent or every cop is evil, or every school teacher or every social worker is evil.
The system is evil.
Pastor Lindsey Williams, again, up with Atlantic Richfield and other big companies, he was in on their board meetings, he was part of it, he witnessed it, he wrote a best-selling book back in the 70s, films in the 80s on it.
He got a call earlier this year when his, one of his talks, was getting millions of views a day, just on one channel, on the web.
He got a call, and they were told, you aren't going to be walking around very long if you don't shut up.
And then Lindsey said, well what can I talk about?
And the Elite loves to throw it in our face, and they said, you can talk about this.
And this is what they said.
So continue Lindsey, because you said here on the show, what was the date you were here?
And then a month and a half before that, you told
Monteith, secretly.
And Monteith's totally impeccable here on the network.
And then he had you on first, you were on here second.
I mean, go back through that for folks and the new info of what's coming next.
I had the privilege of being on the Alex Jones Show on July the 28th.
I was contacted in the middle of June by this individual whom I know knew him well.
25 years ago was when I saw him last.
He's 80-something years of age now, but once you become a part of the elite, you never get out of it.
They keep you in forever.
And he said these things, the price of crude oil is going to $50 a barrel.
When it went below $50 a barrel on yesterday, Alex,
I said, I've got to tell the world.
I must.
I feel such an urgency, and there's no better place to tell the world than on the Alex Jones Show.
Literally, Alex, you reach around the world.
Well, thank you for contacting me.
If anybody wants to tell anything, this is the right place to announce it.
So, you know, I feel so honored today to be with you.
What's going to happen next?
Oh, please stop, Lindsey.
We appreciate you.
Go ahead.
Now, what's going to happen next?
Uh, here it is.
$50 a barrel.
It is not going back up.
It is going to stay there.
Now, put these things down.
I beg of you.
You look at it a month, two months, three months from now, because I was told by this individual, first of all, we're going to take it to $50 a barrel.
We're going to keep it there.
I was talking with someone in the know the other day, just two or three days ago, and he said, no, no, no, no.
He said, it's going right back up again.
It'll just go to $50 and go back up, folks.
You are going to have $1.50 a gallon gasoline at the gas pump for a long time.
Enjoy it!
Take that trip to Grandma's house on Thanksgiving.
Go Christmas and see all of your relatives.
Enjoy $1.50 a gallon gasoline.
I mean, live it up!
And people out there, just shouting for joy because we've got $1.50 a gallon gasoline.
It is not going back above $50 a barrel anytime soon.
And you've got about six months to a year before you're going to pay the piper, and that's where this show comes in today, because I'd like to tell you what he said is going to take place within a reasonable period of time after it gets to $50 a barrel.
And I waited until it whipped to $50 a barrel yesterday, Alex, and then called up your producer, and I said, you want to know what's going to happen next?
And he said, okay, and I guess that's when he spoke to you, Alex.
What, in your hour-long conversation with this guy, what's coming next?
Well, you're going to stay right where you are, and I bet the American people enjoy it, have a good time with it.
Go and fill up your vehicle with all that $1.50 a gallon gasoline.
I understand that nationwide, at the gas pump, as of this morning, it was announced on national news, is $1.98 a gallon.
I have heard of it going down to $1.50 a gallon in certain parts of the U.S.
That's right.
Wholesale, in the trucks, delivering it, it is $1.15.
And you can see it at the gas pump at approximately $1.50, and it's going to stay there for a period of time, and $50 a barrel, but watch out!
This is only the calm before the storm, because you are going to pay the price within the next few months, and here's why, right here.
This man said to me, he said, Lindsey, we are going to see the Arab world go into bankruptcy.
Listen to it.
This is off of the Dow Jones news wires.
Yesterday or two ago, and it says Saudi Arabia, 90% of whose exports stem from oil, has sought to maintain the price of oil at $80 per barrel.
They said the kingdom has been obligated for more than $400 billion in defense, energy, security, and infrastructure projects, and if they go below $80 per barrel within a few months' time, Saudi Arabia could basically be into bankruptcy.
They have already stopped two of the big
World-class icebreaker.
And I want to be clear, three and a half months ago...
On this show, you said that within four to five, six months, you said he wasn't specific, but he said within six months, it was going to drop to 50.
You said it was meant to bankrupt China, Russia, the Arabs.
You said, but it's also going to bankrupt us.
So you've said this before.
You're not even making new predictions.
You're just pointing out that what he said was going to happen next.
And so far, I mean, who could have imagined he was right?
So explain what happens next.
Well, everybody thought I was crazy back then, Alex.
I didn't think you were crazy.
I know that you worked with Atlantic Richfield, and I know everything you said before was true, so...
Yeah, the talk show hosts laughed at me.
They said, this can't possibly happen.
I even had on one show a very reputable individual who is right at the very top in the financial world.
And I said, this man said to me that he's going to bankrupt the Arabs.
He said, oh, come on, Kaplan.
He said, you can't possibly bankrupt the Arabs.
He said, they're too well fixed.
I'll tell you how you bankrupt them.
You get them leveraging derivatives in the 1.5
A hundred years ago, the Arabs were nothing but nomads roaming the deserts riding camels, and they're going to put them back in the same position they were a hundred years ago.
Yes, and if you look at history, you find that every somewhere between 75 and 100 years, whoever the power elite happened to be at that time, they will destroy one culture and build another.
And they're in the process right now of destroying the Arabs.
They're going to take away the middle class of America.
They're going to build new structures in Indonesia and Russia.
And he told you this?
And he told you this?
He told me this.
He said every bit of this is going to happen.
And then when I called him back and asked him, I said, let me ask you something.
I don't want to get in trouble.
You know, you've already threatened me, and I had to tell my website.
By the way, it's not even up there anymore.
We finally cut it out altogether.
I had to.
Why did he do that?
They demanded on me.
I mean, why did he say, you're allowed to tell them that we're going to do this, but don't talk about how we've got plenty of oil anymore?
Oh yeah, America is definitely going to be kept obligated to the rest of the world for oil.
Now, here's what's going to happen, though.
Watch it, folks.
I beg of you, prepare right now.
Remember 1929 was the Great Depression and the stock market crash?
1932 before there were lines, soup lines, downtown New York.
You are right now in that intermediary state.
Between 1929 and 1932.
People don't know that it takes two to three years to fully unfold, which is what all our experts, from Bob Chapman to Colonel, to Paul Craig Roberts, to Stiklitz, to Gerald Salente, they're all saying the same thing.
Okay, now you say, what's going to happen?
First question you have is, how is this going to affect my dinner table?
I'm going to read it to you.
There it is, right?
It just came off the newswires a day or two ago.
Iceland about two to three months ago declared bankruptcy.
You want to know what's happening to them today?
This is a perfect example of what is going to happen to America.
You want to know what's going to happen?
The store shelves are empty, everything's bankrupt, the people are panicking.
Here it is.
300,000 inhabitants of Reykjavik, Iceland are stunned on how fast the standard of living has dropped.
Overnight, the people lose their savings.
Prices are soaring.
Once-crowded restaurants are almost empty.
Banks are rationing foreign currency, and companies are finding it
Difficult to do business abroad.
Inflation is 16% and rising.
People have stopped traveling overseas.
The local currency, the Corona, was $65 to the dollar a year ago.
It is now $130.
Companies are slashing salaries, reducing work hours, and in some instances, embarking on mass layoffs.
That is exactly what's going to take place in America.
And you've got the perfect example in what happened to Iceland.
Lindsey Williams, through a mutual friend, I
We've got to know, just, you know, barely know, but know, someone worth more than five billion dollars, you know, on the record five billion, a lot more than that, who owned a defense contracting company.
They said two years ago, and that's why they left, they said they had to be gone by early 2008, that they had to be out of the country because, quote, the United States will not exist
For all intents and purposes.
And then now we have the Army reports and others, and they know because they're doing it, that they plan to make this a post-industrial, Mad Max, Road Warrior country.
Now, I hope that doesn't happen, but they are trying to do it!
You think they're going to be able to do that, Lindsey?
I think they're going to be able to.
And this fits in perfectly, Alex, with a statement that this individual made to me.
And I've thought back over the conversation so many times, and just the other day I said, OK, I'm going to start using this.
I don't know whether it meant what he said or not.
At the end of the conversation, I said, now, mister, and I call him by name,
This man that knows everything that goes on behind closed doors that he called me in the middle of June.
I said, now our family has actually, literally, I'm not joking with you, we have literally considered going back into the ministry.
And he said, Chaplain, I think that would be a very good idea.
He said, for you and for us.
And Alex, then I thought over the next words that he said.
He said, Chaplain, I would highly recommend that you do that.
And he said, I wish you the very best in what you do.
He said, I would highly recommend that you leave America and go to the mission field.
I have wondered since then, was that man trying to tell me something?
Well, I mean, when you're talking to well-known billionaires, and they are scared, shaking, going, you're right about everything, you're right, they run it all, you can't believe how evil they are, get out of here, get out of here!
I mean, folks, they're not playing games!
They're not playing games, and I want all the cops to know that!
You're gonna be asked to do unholy things!
Well, Alex, again, let me reiterate.
Some people have a very difficult time hearing what you say.
And when I said it was going to $50 a barrel, so many people laughed at me.
They didn't have time to hear what I was saying.
Well, it did that yesterday.
Now, please hear the second thing I'm saying.
$50 a barrel.
It is going to stay $1.50 a gallon at the gas pump.
Take that trip at Christmas.
Go to Grandma's house at Thanksgiving.
Have a good time and enjoy $1.50 a gallon right now while you can afford to pay for it because the price of the gasoline is not going up.
But the money that you have to pay for that gasoline with is not going to enable you to even pay a dollar and fifty cents a gallon six months to a year from now.
Explaining they've cut the money supply off to the people while gorging the banks full of it to buy everything up.
They've made themselves cash flush with our tax money.
They've cut the blood supply off to the economy.
It is literally dying like a zombie or somebody who just had a heart attack and has got three, four minutes to get their heart going again before the brain dies.
Lindsey, here's the $64 million question, or the $64 trillion question.
Did he say that there was any way to avoid this, any way to get out of this, that there was any chance they weren't going to do this?
He made no indication whatsoever that there was any way around this, and the reason is, they want to totally bankrupt the Arabs, and in order to do that, they must keep the price of crude oil at $50 a barrel for an extended period of time.
That's the reason they're not going back up on this price any time soon, and they will succeed in accomplishing their purpose in building new cultures and destroying the old, and in the process of it, America is going to suffer.
Well, Lindsey, you know, I'm here in Texas and I don't know any big oil company heads, but there's a lot of wildcats that are, you know, billion-dollar, 500-million-dollar companies.
Well, I mean, each well might cost 20 million to drill these deep ones, so they're, you know, in hundreds of millions of operating capital a week.
And I have talked to oil company owners who I run into and who I know in some of the circles of people I know, and people say, well, say their names.
I wouldn't know them anymore if I did, folks.
This is why you don't tell your sources.
And I remember a year ago before you even said this, they said, well, it's not going to be high forever.
And so that's why there's a lot of drilling and a lot of, you know, oil and gas being pumped out now.
He said it's probably going to go down for a while and then was giggling about it.
So this is probably not a big secret within the oil company executive class.
But Alex, here's the beauty of this.
When this man told me this, the middle of June,
I was.
Everybody, you're crazy.
No way.
Now folks, it has taken place.
And if what he said about this has taken place exactly like he said it was going to, I thought it would take a little bit longer than this.
But since it has taken place exactly like he said it was going to, you can depend on the other things to take place also.
Folks, you have a few months to get ready.
I beg of you, prepare the lifestyle that you're willing to live in light of what's going to happen.
Now that price of gasoline is not going to go back up from $1.50 a gallon to the gas pump.
It's going to stay there.
But the currency that you have to buy that gasoline with is not going to be available.
That's right.
They've created a debt bubble.
They've created a debt bubble by cutting the money off.
It's impossible.
For the economy to operate, for people to keep businesses going, be able to pay their bills.
Lindsey, I don't have that fancy of a house, but you know, any house here costs $400,000 or so, $300,000.
Should I sell that and move into a farm shack right now?
That's something that you'll have to decide according to the lifestyle that you're willing to live.
And the thing I'm telling people is, please... But I mean, a four-bedroom is $300,000.
You know, a small, middle-class four-bedroom is $400,000 in Austin because of the real estate bubble.
It was $150,000, you know, six, seven, eight years ago.
I mean, I guess I just... because I don't have the... I moved to the countryside in a shack because, I mean, I get that money out, what do I do?
Well, sit down with your family, first of all, and discuss what lifestyle you're willing to live in light of what's going to take place.
Listen to Alex Jones every day so you'll know what's taken place for the past 24 hours.
And then, once you've decided what lifestyle you're willing to live, do something about it accordingly.
But I'm talking about myself and many other people that are lower middle class, you know, just not even living in a fancy house, but all your money's in that house.
I mean, the problem is, is that
I just wish the global... If you lived in Reykjavik, Iceland today, which is a perfect example of what's going to happen, the best way to do it is to look at what's happened to others, and you don't know what's happened here, but they say, if there's any one thing that history teaches us, that is, it teaches us nothing.
But look at Reykjavik, Iceland, exactly what has happened... Stay there, stay there, final segment, stay there.
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That's right.
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Okay, Lindsey, I'm out most of the week next week with big best-ofs, but I'm gonna be in some live next week.
So much is happening.
Will you be able, because I know you're talking about leaving the country, will you be able to come on the week after Thanksgiving to give us an update on all this?
I'll be more than happy to, Alex.
And in the meantime, I beg of you, the next 12 months, I've produced a CD.
I also produced a DVD.
I feel so compelled to tell you, it has happened exactly what they said.
It is going to happen exactly what they say is going to happen.
If you'd like to know everything from 1960 through 2008, I beg of you to get my entire package.
But if all you want is what is going to happen in the next 12 months, please dial this number.
The number is 800-321-2900.
Now, I beg of you, you've got to sit down with your family.
You must discuss what type of lifestyle that you're willing to live in light of what they're doing to us.
And in order to do that, you've got to know what the Bible says.
When it says, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
Give them that number and get that DVD.
The number is 800-321-2900.
The next 12 months, or all the way from 1960 through 2008, what's happening to the American food supply, what's happening to the farmers, you must know it in order to spare your household.
800-321-2900, Alex.
Alright, in closing, Lindsey, and we're gonna talk to you next week or the week after next,
As this happens, you know, Lindsey's for real.
He's been always, you know, on target in the past.
That's who we go with, is people that are accurate and have great integrity.
I hope that your source is wrong, but he's been right so far.
And I was actually speechless earlier, because my whole family's in Texas.
I don't have the money to run to another country.
I've sworn to stay here and defend the Republic.
I hope there's a way to wake the people up now to politically put pressure on the bankers and the oil companies so they won't be able to politically carry this out.
But if the public doesn't know who's behind it...
Then they're going to be able to carry it out, so I'm going to get an article written about our interview today up on PrisonPlanet.com by early next week, maybe even this weekend, and I hope the listeners will get that article out to everybody with the audio clip of this interview, and I hope they'll listen.
Lindsey Williams, thank you so much for coming on with us, and we'll talk to you soon.
Thank you, Alex, for the privilege of being on your show to tell the world what's going to happen next.
It's a privilege to have you on, and in case people call me, because they always, you know, miss the number, give the number out again.
The number is 800-321-2900.
You know, Alex, all I've ever done for 35 years is just merely voice what these people have told me.
I put on my breeches every morning just like you do.
I'm just like you.
I'm not a prophet.
I have only told for 35, and every time I told it, it happened again.
I know, because it's the elite.
It's just like, that's why we go to Istanbul or go to Canada or go to D.C.
to cover Bilderberg.
It's the same crew.
They run the show, and the public needs to figure that out.
They want to bankrupt us.
Lindsey, good to have you here with us.
Take care.
Thank you, Alec.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Have a great weekend.
I want to bring Ted Anderson up right now.
We've got a big guest coming up about carbon taxes, if you believe me.
You don't want to miss this interview coming up.
I want to bring Ted up right now.
Ted, before this hour ends, gold went up over 50 bucks today, like we told folks, been inching up all week.
They've been artificially suppressing the price.
You need to buy now why it's low.
I'm going to say this very simply and very succinctly.
Ted bought this when gold was $80 less than it is now last week.
He's almost
Sold out of the American Eagles and the Franks and the Sovereigns at that price.
You'll be able to get gold from Ted next week, though most places don't even have it.
That's in the newspaper.
Most people are sold out.
Ted has the sources, 30 years in business, trusted by the brokers, the big international ones, so he can get it.
So he passes those savings on.
$80 with the radio special.
$80, under what he bought it for last week, but it's almost all sold out.
Real fast, Ted, how much do you have left?
You were telling me you're low.
I've got enough francs in British Sovereigns to last through this weekend.
I'm not kidding you.
They're $187, the same exact price I talked about them on Monday.
This is the best offer I've done since I've owned Midas Resources.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, so does he.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We got Rick Krause coming up after the news, after the next break.
He's the Senior Director of Congressional Relations with the American Federal Farm Bureau, American Farm Bureau Federation.
And we'll be talking about global warming, greenhouse emissions, things like that.
You don't want to miss it.
And we actually had him on the line right now, but this wasn't the time to have him on.
You're calling back in five minutes, right guys?
I wanted to bring Ted Anderson up right now, just for the next four minutes.
Ted, for stations who just joined us, you bought gold last week when it was $80, less than it's now trading for today.
You have British sovereigns, which are always a great deal, and European francs, Swiss and French, and you have enough to go, you think,
I'll do a clean through Sunday at midnight and you keep saying $80, but it's $100 now, Alex.
Gold popped up over $800 and now it's $802.
I locked this stuff in.
Right around 702 to 710 right in that area was about 706 so the prices have just you know I mean it wasn't this great big pandemonium spike like we had this you know just a few months ago but it's edging up and that that's a hundred dollar increase
Edging up!
It's up $52.10 today.
It's all over the news that they're artificially suppressing it, that governments have run out of bullion and coins.
I mean, there's a 35% increase in consumer demand for consumer gold as investment and savings and hedge against uncertain times.
Ladies and gentlemen, give them a call.
You will not find a deal anywhere near this.
This is close to $100.
We're right at $100.
Some of the coins you got at $100 less, some at $98, $97 less.
And Ted has them in the vault there in Minnesota.
They're at the bank.
He will ship them out to you next week.
He has them.
He has the sovereigns.
And I love hurting the globalists.
I love people getting out of these fiat systems and protecting themselves like the elite do.
They also have the silver half dollars, don't you, Ted?
Yeah, we have the silver half dollars too, and silver's shooting up.
I've got those $5 gold pieces.
Remember we talked about those last week?
That stuff has gone up $40, $50 a coin.
I still have the supply at the lower price.
All that stuff right now is available.
I can tell you right now, Alex, with gold holding these prices next week, I won't be able to do it.
How late will the brokers be there for people listening?
They're going to be here late tonight because the phones are going to be ringing off the hook.
They'll be here.
I've had brokers here until two in the morning.
I just wouldn't give up trying.
If you happen to hit the voicemail call in the morning, I mean, right now, Alex, the market is just crazy in gold and silver.
And again, because you've always been so trusted with the international brokers, other people paid late or cheated them.
You've got gold and silver when hardly anybody else does, and they're all selling it for 20, 30, 40, 50 percent premiums.
You've got it a hundred bucks below!
I mean, this is insane!
I mean, it's like Crazy Yeti!
I mean, it literally, though, is!
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, Ted is giving you a deal that annihilates the competition.
This is his lost leader, and they've got him there for you right now.
You will get those deals if you call now, the radio special.
Now, can you still offer that on the American Eagles?
We got some of the American Eagles in the full-ounce, half-ounce, quarter-ounce, and tenth.
You can call for those as well.
Is that why supplies last?
Yeah, the only thing that I've run out now recently on is Maple Leafs.
I can't offer them.
Can you hold the Eagles?
Oh yeah, I'll hold them clean through Sunday, but you've got to call right away.
Will you buy one coin or 100 coins?
Bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, this deal, Ted is making no money, and he's passing all that savings on because he bought this in a big move.
I guess, what, a week and a half ago, Ted?
Get them for Christmas gifts, Alex!
I mean, my God!
Forget about those electronic toys you plan on giving out.
Give them silver half-bronze.
The break in five minutes.
They're gonna be there till midnight all this weekend and this evening.
Call them.
Get to the front of the line now, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient, and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent, and food and water is the key.
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Food prices are skyrocketing so fast,
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The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back, ladies and gentlemen.
We are back live.
And for most of the next hour ahead of us, we have a guest on.
Who's with the American Farm Bureau Federation Senior Director of Congressional Relations, Rick Krause.
And I saw articles years ago in England, Australia, New Zealand, some places passed laws to tax the flatulence of cows, pigs, chickens, geese, goats, sheep, everything.
And see, that's what greenhouse taxes do.
When you read the UN documents, Club of Rome documents and others, they openly admit
And we've made films about this and covered it.
It's an endgame.
Blueprint for global enslavement, that it's about controlling human activity and regulating it.
And this will fund the new utopic social estate.
So, it isn't really about global warming, which now it's getting cold, so they say it's climate change.
It's normal to have climate change.
In their internal documents, which are public, but not highly publicized, i.e.
they're not secret, but you've got to know where to look, it's all about control.
And, you know, Barack Obama says his job is to bankrupt the coal industry.
They say they're going to regulate and tax everybody, Primus Society, Animal ID.
So we'll talk about all of that, Primus Society, Animal ID, the CalTax proposal would threaten agriculture viability, that's one of the news headlines, with our guest, and he is the Senior Director of Congressional Relations, large national organization, American Farm Bureau Federation, with just, you know,
Thanks for having me, Alex.
Let's get into your organization first, your expertise.
People know who you are who aren't farmers or ranchers or people served by those communities.
Well, we all are, but people that live in those communities who don't know what a feedlot is or don't know how people even ranch or farm.
Explain to people what your organization does, then let's get into this flatulence tax.
American Farm Bureau represents the interests of farmers and ranchers across the country.
We are comprised of 51 state farm bureaus, the 50 states plus Puerto Rico, and we basically
We work in state capitals to lobby.
We work in Washington, D.C.
to lobby Congress and the agencies.
And we also provide services to farmers and ranchers across the country.
Basically, we're organized to help farmers and ranchers and to promote their interests and to look after their interests.
Now, you're quoted in this particular news story that I'm reading out of the Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation as saying, this is no laughing matter, Kraus said, the cow tax and the pig tax are parts of a larger scheme by the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.
They want $175 per dairy cow, $87 per head of beef cattle.
I don't know of any farm or ranch that can pay that kind of money per head and survive.
As you mentioned, it is basically a flatulence tax because that's really the major cause, or at least the alleged major cause, of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.
It's part of a much, much larger scheme that EPA has to regulate everything from lawnmowers, to power plants, to speedboats, to you name it.
And anything that has to do with the emission of greenhouse gases, which is about everything in the United States.
By the way, the European Union standards that Obama's going to try to pass a bill, we have the Senate bill in front of me, it's up, Paul Watson, the historian at PrisonPlanet.com.
Well, those think we're joking.
The EU's already banned those outdoor heaters that you see at restaurants that are so great.
My parents have got one out on their patio.
It's wonderful in the winter.
You can eat outside.
It's, uh, propane.
Uh, they're banning people having fireplaces or using, uh, their, uh, logs, and they want that here.
This is total control, and imagine the enforcement, the bureaucrats, 125 bucks, 87 bucks per cow, the amount of bureaucrats they're gonna have to harass us just with... Sorry, go ahead.
Go ahead and continue.
It just makes me so angry.
The thing is that what they're going to be collecting for here under this tax
Doesn't go to help solve anything.
It goes back into the program to administer the cost of the program, which, as you mentioned, the enforcement mechanisms, the application fees, whatever.
So the more money they get, the more money they're going to have to go out and enforce this stuff.
And by the way, these control freaks
I mean, now the game wardens are rude to you on your own property.
They want to let you know they own you.
When you go to national parks, they're rude to you.
State parks, they're rude.
Humans are bad.
And they want to get into your farms and ranches.
They want to boss you around.
This is hellish.
Sorry, I'm just so upset because a lot of my family are still farmers and ranchers and they're just barely hanging on and we're just so sick of the government scum.
It's getting a lot worse here with the greenhouse gas.
This is, fortunately, well, or unfortunately, at least the political appointees in the Bush administration have said, they recognize that this is ridiculous, that this really will never work and will have
Uh, very serious impacts on an already weak economy.
This is the queer people at EPA that are trying, that are pushing this forward.
And now...
They've got a sympathetic ear with the Obama administration.
Senior advisors to President Obama have said publicly that they intend to go through with this regulatory scheme once they get into office.
And by the way, people always say, oh, they're dumb and they're air-conditioned offices.
They don't know this'll... Of course they know with the Animal ID and Premise Society that didn't even law that they try to buffalo and throw 4-H kids
That's gonna be the effect of it.
They know what they do know.
With what these impacts are now the proponents of this kind of regulation will tell you that they're only trying to get at the larger sources of greenhouse gases, but EPA knows the impact of this they know that they don't have any discretion that if this regulation goes into effect that any operation with more than 25 dairy cows or 50 head of beef cattle or
200 head of swine, which represents well over 90% of all the livestock operations in the United States.
And by the way, that's just a start.
I've seen them in their own papers.
I've been looking at this for years because we have beef cattle.
And they're going to move it down to the small farms within years of getting this.
They already have it.
It'll hit over 90% of the livestock operations in the United States.
But you know a lot of folks who got 20, 30 head out the pasture, they just use that money to pay the property tax and to get the exemption and they work at the power plant in town.
That's right.
This is just, this is basically, the people that are really, that have farming as their livelihood, this is going to capture those.
The hobby farmers are the guys that you're talking about.
Those, don't really consider them farmers per se, real farmers.
And they won't be impacted.
How do we stop this?
I mean, this is only one of a million torpedoes they're shooting at us, but how do we stop them?
Well, fortunately, right now they have a comment period open on this thing.
There is a website called www.stopepa.com
That people can go to and register to protest.
StopEPA.com and listen.
Yeah, we're on in places like Kansas City, Austin, Texas, East Texas, affiliates all over the Midwest.
Farmers and ranchers, don't be lazy.
Go register your complaint and call them and be part of protest.
If we don't, we're cooked.
Give us that website again.
It's www.stopepa.com.
Very easy.
And you go in there, and then you register your complaint, and then I guess you, uh, they'll file it.
That's right.
And you click.
You put your name in, uh, and you click.
And that's all you need.
And then they're gonna have with the premises ID and the animal ID, these inspectors, and if a cow dies and you don't report it in a few days, thousand dollar fines.
Folks, you think you got problems with game wardens every time you're out in the back 40 shooting tin cans, jumping out of a bush, asking what you're doing.
It really does.
It's all part of a scheme that EPA has to
To regulate as much as they can.
And the thing with these greenhouse gases, it's not going to solve anything.
Most of the problems, or most of the emissions from livestock are natural causes.
It's flatulence, it's actually breathing, that type of thing.
There's no way to stop it.
Well, number one, sir, you're being nice about this.
I mean, you're just saying and pointing out that this won't even help what they claim.
It isn't to help.
They want to regulate all... I mean, it's all bull!
They know the Earth's getting colder.
They know carbon dioxide and methane's good.
It's part of our atmosphere that heats up the earth so we don't freeze to death.
Stay there, sir.
I know you're also know about, because you're one of their Chief Senior Director of Congressional Relations for a large national organization in D.C.
I want to talk about Animal ID, Primitive Society, how we stopped that, other attacks on freedom.
And I'm sorry if I'm getting a little emotional here, sir.
I just see all the farms and ranches shutting down right now and I'm sick of it.
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American Farm Bureau Federation Senior Director, Congressional Relations, Rick Krause is our guest.
Rick, you're the expert on this.
Break down what the biggest threats are, not just the flatulence tax.
What do you mean?
The animal ID, the premises ID, the ways they're really closing the tourniquet around our neck.
Yeah, it's...
Yeah, there's all kinds of stuff.
The animal ID is a very real concern to us in terms of having that information all out to everybody that can use it to run people off the farms.
So, yeah, it's all this reporting, all of this type of stuff is a very real concern.
Government is
The government is tightening the noose around farmers and ranchers, making it very difficult for them to continue to operate.
And once that happens, they're going to stop, and food's going to go overseas, and we're going to be importing food at much higher prices.
And by the way, the Argentine and Brazilian and all that South American beef coming in, the Chilean, they don't have to do all of this.
No, they don't.
And that's one of the issues, that all these regulations are coming on us at added cost to production, and these come in without those at much lower prices, and we're going to pay for it.
But again, big business likes that.
They like big trains or big ships coming in with beef, where they can use the hormones, use the antibiotics, the growth hormones, bring it in, feed us the crud, bankrupt the farmers and ranchers, Big Agra comes in and buys it up.
And then meanwhile, they'll be flatulating down in Brazil, they'll be flatulating in other countries.
It'll only be here that we won't have the jobs.
Now that's exactly the trend.
Well, it's the same with all the other greenhouse gas taxes.
They're going to put restrictions on us here, and then China and India and Mexico will have no restrictions.
It will boost overall emissions.
I mean, if they even believe their own propaganda about carbon dioxide being a deadly weapon, even though plants breathe it, then why do they want to move it where there's no controls?
China and India have basically said they're going to do what they want to do anyway, whether that's going to decrease emissions or not.
They don't feel constrained by reducing emissions.
That's what I'm saying.
If they put those controls on, people will just leave where they don't have those controls.
We are scared to death that that's going to happen here with food and farming.
And in industry, people are going to go overseas where they don't have these controls and we're going to be importing all that stuff.
Man, if there was some new world and I could go have a ranch there with none of these bureaucrats, I'd leave.
This country's turning into the Soviet Union.
It is.
It really is getting worse all the time.
And with schemes like this, with the cow taxes and greenhouse gas regulations, it's just getting worse.
And the problem is that the people that are doing this, they know the impacts.
We've told them the impacts of this cow tax.
They don't know farming.
They don't know ranching.
They don't understand.
Well, you know them, and I know them, and I've met them.
They don't want to understand.
They're control freaks who literally hate people that have their own land.
They want to steal it.
They do that through regulation.
You're right.
They'll regulate it into non-existence.
You're right.
I'm going to tell ranchers and farmers something.
You better get involved with your legislators.
You better get involved now because you've been doing this for a long time.
Am I right in saying this is all intensifying to levels never before seen?
Yes, it is.
Once we thought that it couldn't get much worse, it does.
People keep coming at you to try to take the use of your land away from you.
And they keep coming and coming.
And they don't back off.
A couple setbacks.
It doesn't bother them.
If they have them, they just keep coming and coming and trying something different.
Well, as bad as it is, every nature show, public schools, the media, it's all brainwashing about the environment.
It has nothing to do with the environment.
It's all about stealing land.
And they've brainwashed our kids, and that's why they're laughing and saying they're going to win.
They're, uh... It is.
They would just like to take the West and basically
Turned it into a national park.
They've said that.
They've said that.
Let's talk about their agenda, being there in Washington, what you witnessed as the Senior Director for Congressional Relations in our final segment with Rick Cruz when we get back.
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All right, final segment with our guest and Bob Chapman's coming up.
We will have open phones on the economy.
With Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster, I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are infowars.com and jonesreport.com, truthnews.us.
Rick Krause is our guest, American Farm Bureau Federation Senior Director, Congressional Relations.
I've watched your organization for a while.
You're always on the front lines, really representing farmers and ranchers and rural communities.
We have listeners all over in rural areas.
How can they get involved with you?
How do they visit the site?
How do the people help you up there lobbying for them on the Hill?
We would love to hear from people.
Farmers and ranchers are the best lobbyists that we have.
We have state Farm Bureaus in every state.
I would encourage everybody to get involved with Farm Bureau at the county and state levels and become active.
Learn the issues.
We do have our website www.VOA.org and I do encourage people to take a look at it.
And acquaint yourself with the issues.
A lot of times we'll request people to come in and write letters and submit comments like on the cow tax.
So please do this.
This is the best thing that you can do.
This helps us out a lot.
Give us all the websites slowly.
You can get to your State Farm Bureau website just by putting in your state... Googling State Farm Bureau.
Actually, our website does link to all the states.
So that's fb.org?
FB.org is our website.
Go to that.
We do have links to every state.
I'd encourage you to visit your state Farm Bureau's website and look at the issues.
And in a lot of cases, there'll be requests for calls to action on different issues.
So I'd encourage you to get involved that way.
Well, here's the original statement in 1920 of the Farm Bureau and the millions you represented since then.
The purpose of the Farm Bureau is to make the business of farming more profitable and the community a better place to live.
Farm Bureau should provide an organization in which members may secure the benefits of united efforts in a way which could never be accomplished through individual effort.
Statement originally approved for the Farm Bureau members in 1920.
And folks, if you don't like how your state Farm Bureau is going, go become members.
Get involved.
Go to the meetings.
You know, try to get into the offices.
We need an aggressive group that is standing up.
We are under attack.
And for all of you that aren't involved in farming and ranching,
Folks, if you've got a little garden in your yard, you should be involved, because we are under attack.
We are being vertically integrated.
Can you explain that to people, what the big multinationals want to do?
They want to control all facets of production.
They're already doing this with poultry and other issues.
They want to control growing, manufacturing, processing, marketing.
And once they have you under contract for growing poultry or birds or whatever, they have you.
And there have been a number of problems that our growers have experienced because they keep tightening the screws on you in terms of how you grow things.
Alex is right.
www.fp.org is where you want to go.
Get information on the different issues.
There is a website www.stopepa.com that will help you file comments on the cow tax.
I've been told that over 3,000 emails have been sent already today opposing the cow tax.
So this is growing and
Get your voice heard.
We're good to go.
But then they have the 4-H clubs and the schools say, well, to be a member of this, you've got to sign your family farm up and pay this tax, which again, is all the way to take over.
Shamefully, only Texas passed that, but now that's been reversed partially.
Can you talk about the sneaky ways they do this?
I think so.
I think so.
value in doing things, quote, in the green way, unquote.
But that's not even what they're doing.
If you really read the big consortium meetings they have, the big conferences and trade shows they have, they make you adopt how big Agri does it, which adds all these expenses, which bankrupts you, which a lot of times is even more toxic
And it's just like Walmart and the Defense Department demanding everybody adopt RFID in all products.
They're just attempting to force industry-wide changes.
Go ahead.
They're attempting to form industry-wide standards according to what they want to do.
If you don't conform to that, they just won't buy, and you don't have a market for it.
Walmart and McDonald's and some of those are getting increasingly powerful in terms of who they buy from.
And here's another example.
They're trying to pass laws where you can't have open-air farmers markets, where those are regulated and harassed and shut down.
The American Cattlemen's Association, what Derrick Brownfield says, more than 12 years ago, basically became a packer organization.
But they take the ranchers money and then use it to vertically integrate and actually harass the ranchers.
And they've got it from over a hundred packers down to what?
Three major packers.
So again, it's all about monopolies.
And then, if you don't do what those packers say, they won't buy your cows.
That's exactly right.
And that's the way it's coming to.
The environmental groups are targeting the large
I know you know about this, but I just want you to second it if you're aware of it.
They now have the different environmental cult groups, which are really about stealing land at the top, but down low they're little tattletale cult members.
That's true.
And that's becoming more and more prevalent these days.
A lot of times they do
Now Obama, and I saw on a show this Sunday called Fueled with Robert Kennedy Jr.
and a bunch of others on PBS, I saw them this weekend saying that people that are out of work, Obama's going to hire them to be environmental officers.
That was on Obama's website, too, but they took it down.
Can you imagine what three million know-it-all environmental cultists are going to be like turned loose on us?
I had not heard that about Obama, but that is a scary proposition.
They're already doing some of this stuff in the name of, quote, research, unquote.
And they're already informing on people.
They're already going on.
Inspecting, see if you have endangered species on your property or things like that.
I've been caught hundreds of times planting the endangered species.
There have been several occasions, yes, where they've done that, yes.
And let me warn people, they will stick endangered fish in your pond.
They will bring in endangered cats.
They will bring in endangered birds from 500 to 1,000 miles away.
Fish is the real scary one because they obviously have to live in water and controlling temperature, controlling quantities of water is a way of controlling production.
We've also caught them planting bugs.
Just out of control criminals.
And they will do it.
There's no question that they do that.
Well, they just caught NASA mainstream news falsifying all the global warming numbers.
Yeah, I saw that.
I saw that that happened.
And now we've got a Democratic Congress, and I was no fan of Bush either.
It all continued under him, but my goodness, we're in trouble.
I mean, I know you guys are bracing there on the Hill.
How bad is it?
I mean, how bad is it?
Are they just going to do whatever they want?
It's hard to say.
We sure hope they don't, but it's looking more and more like they're lining up to push through what they want to push through.
It seems like they're
It just doesn't seem like anything has changed in terms of cooperating between the parties and trying to reach consensus on things.
It looks like we're bracing for the possibility that the Democratic Congress is going to try and do what they want to do.
And by the way, folks, again, their favorite thing is endangered fish.
You know, some little rare cave fish, or some other little rare form that only lives in a couple ponds, or salamanders.
And they've been caught coast-to-coast, and in Europe, and in Australia.
They'll plant bugs, they'll plant fish, they're small, the water gives them a lot of power, you know, under those regulatory rules.
Just like they just listed the polar bear, though it's at all-time record levels, 44,000 just in our hemisphere.
A whole bunch more over in Siberia and Northern Europe and they're expanding their range
Uh, and, uh, the, uh, folks that study it, the archaeologists, you know, are saying that actually polar bears like warmer climates.
For a while they've been expanding, now it's getting colder.
Uh, and, uh, they've been, so now they're, it doesn't matter if polar bears in just one year have gone up 5,000.
And, you know, decades ago there was only 30,000 they knew of.
They don't care.
Uh, they're just saying it's endangered or threatened to come control everybody, uh, you know, from central Canada up.
I mean, these people aren't playing games.
The polar bear listing is very scary.
They're using that as a backdoor basis, a way to control global warming.
Think of anything that emits greenhouse gases, including cows down in Oklahoma and Texas, emit greenhouse gases.
If you need a permit for your cows down there,
Fish and Wildlife Service could make you consult on its impacts on the polar bears up at the North Pole.
Even though you're down there, even though you've made small amounts, you might be required to go through those bureaucratic hoops.
Now imagine, you're going to have a pencil-necked control freak
Hundreds of thousands of them a year getting degrees and then they come in folks I've run and they boss you you they let you know they get out of their car with their clipboard Their little computer they pop it on their hand the people all run up to them and kiss their butts This is called feudalism.
Is it not?
It's it's very close to that
Well, America wants to be slaves.
I guess they're going to get what they want, because let me tell you folks, they're coming.
In the three minutes we've got left, sir, Senior Director of Congressional Relations, American Farm Bureau Federation, and the website, of course, fb.org, fb.org, in the last three minutes, other threats, other attacks on the American people?
We think that attempts to control wilderness,
We're good.
Issues with regard to condemnation and eminent domain.
As we saw with the Kelo case, trying to take private property from people's hands, redistribute it to other private landowners for more upscale development.
We think that these are ways that people are going to try to take the use of our lands away from us.
Controlling regulations, controlling
Water quality.
Expanding the definition of the regulatory reach of what are waters of the United States, which is a very serious effort that was underway in Congress last year.
We'll see it again this year.
Yeah, they want to tax your wells.
Walmart's moving into water grabbing now.
Yep, and what they're doing, rather than listening to what the Supreme Court says as to what the federal government has jurisdiction over in the water, they want to expand it to everything that's wet.
Or they could be wet.
And that includes... I mean, before, to the wetlands, it's a puddle.
Now it's just whatever they want.
It's just whatever they want.
It's the fullest reach... They basically say it's the fullest reach of what they can get, plus anything upland that might affect that.
And now they're arming all these different federal bureaucracies with semi-automatic rifles.
They're, uh...
There are a lot of police forces within the agency, yes.
Oh yeah, I mean the fish and wildlife, SWAT teams jumping out on people who they're catching in their own ponds, fishing.
That's all over the news.
They just run up with machine guns, hands up, you're fishing.
Yeah, that's the water of the United States.
A farm pond is the water of the United States.
Gives them regulatory jurisdiction.
Folks, uh-huh, they're going to hurt us.
But meanwhile, the cheeseburg eating zombies have no idea what's going on.
Oh my God.
Uh, hang on, folks.
The next couple years is going to be real interesting.
It's going to be a real ride.
Real challenging.
Well, imagine the economies imploding around us, and then the government's tripled in size the last eight years.
It's probably going to triple again.
Yes, triple!
I mean, where are they going to get the money?
I guess they're just going to squeeze it out of us.
They're going to take it from the cow tax.
Well, how many beef head are there in the country?
There are millions.
And then millions of dairy, so we're talking about billions of dollars here.
We're talking a lot of money, yes.
They're also talking about a chicken tax, correct?
A fowl tax?
Yeah, they'll be part of it.
That will be part of this whole effort to regulate greenhouse gases.
And it's passed on to all of you out there.
Well, amazing interview.
Folks can find out a lot more at their local farm bureaus.
That's where we read about the flatulence tax being brought in here.
We knew it was happening in Europe.
FB.org, find out about all the groups in Texas, Wyoming, Arkansas.
Thank you so much, Rick, for coming on with us.
Alex, thanks for having me.
I really enjoyed it.
Appreciate it.
We gotta get mad and take action.
Rick Kraus, thank you.
We'll be right back.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
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We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Pabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
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We're going to have open phones in the next hour from Bob Chapman at 1-800-259-9231.
And I'll cover a host of other issues.
We're not putting a bad spin on this.
It's worse than I can even articulate.
You understand?
They are coming for every industry, every job.
They are going to take all the out-of-work people, who are as dumb as a box of rocks, most of them,
The general public, I mean, they're dangerous folks.
They're idiots who think they're good and they're gonna give them a little bit of authority and a walkie-talkie and a taser.
And I mean, look out, spies everywhere, tattletales.
That's why the FBI is going all over the country and telling rural communities, we want you to come for free donuts and food for a six-hour course here at the local law enforcement center.
And hundreds of people show up and I know people that have been to these and videotaped them.
And they show up and they spend about 10 minutes on Al-Qaeda and pictures of Bin Laden and pictures of the American flag and 9-11.
And they go, now let's talk about the real problem.
Methamphetamine, that funds terrorism, and then they move into, are people poaching?
And they'll have the game warden there, and the sheriff, and the police chief, and then that whole crowd of old ladies and people go out and become tattletales.
And then imagine, they're right next door to you, and they're watching you, they're looking for something.
Your child runs outside, punches their sister in the face, you go out and give them a spanking, boom!
Cops hit you, hit you hard.
And I see it every day in the news, they're not playing games!
They're not playing games, folks.
This government is degenerate and scum-filled, and no one can say they aren't.
And I am not even bashing the police here.
You got a job, they incrementally warped you, they changed you, I know you're still changing tires and going to robberies and everything else, but that's the point.
Is that still all this good's being done, but it's being replaced with all this bad.
I'm begging the police, I'm begging the military, not to just roll your eyes at me.
Just look into this, what's happening.
Ask yourself if you want to be part of this.
They faked all the global warming numbers.
They've been caught!
It's about stealing land!
What are you gonna eat?
How are you gonna live when the economy falls apart?
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We are locked and loaded for this final hour on this Friday edition.
Wide open phones to take your calls.
Talking to Bob Chapman, one of our
Financial Advisors, who joins us once a week, ran the largest silver and gold brokerage firm in the country.
Also, for a time, had the largest newsletter in the country, retired for a while, came back, and boy are we glad he did.
TheInternationalForecaster.com, worked in military intelligence before all of that, and has lived from all over the world, South Africa, France, Germany, been all over.
We appreciate him joining us on the show today.
For the next hour,
Bob Chapman, gold has shot up over $100 in the last week.
$56.10 today, going straight up right now.
Meanwhile, that commodity is going back up, but oil has dropped to $50 a barrel, even dipping below that.
What is going on here right now, Bob Chapman?
Well, first of all, about a week, a week and a half ago on the program,
About Ted and I talked about gold and silver bottoming out here.
And that's exactly what it's done.
And I think that the breakout that you saw today was just a pent up situation.
Now, the major fact is that have been driving most every investment vehicle down have been a strong dollar.
You would think that would help, but it hasn't.
And that was engineered, and it was also caused by other things.
And the other things are that we had deleveraging going on, and that deleveraging was the rewriting of loan terms from banks and other lenders to hedge funds.
And they were leveraged anywhere between, let's say, six and two hundred times the amount of capital that they had.
And the banks are saying, well, we want to cut your exposure in half or whatever.
And so they had to sell things that they really didn't want to sell.
And that's been going on for the last couple of months.
And that has affected every investment.
It's helped the stock market come down.
It's laid waste, particularly the commodity market.
It's hurt gold and silver.
Platinum, Palladium, another special situation because the vehicle market has collapsed and they're going to stay in the doldrums for a while until vehicle production starts up again.
And I don't think that, you know, in a bigger way, I don't think that's going to happen for a long time.
And so the drop dead date for the people who wanted to exit hedge funds is this Saturday.
And that means that you had to tell your fund by this Saturday if you wanted to liquidate a part or all of your position.
And they would have to come up with the money to pay you back, you know, the money that you had in the fund.
In some cases, funds have been frozen because a lot of their assets are illegal, illiquid.
City Corp disbanded after a year, mind you.
Seven different funds, and they're going to pay about 10 cents on the dollar.
And it's been really wicked for those poor investors.
But in the liquidation process, that's what's been helping to drive things down, and that's going to end on Saturday.
But there'll be some layover here as well.
So the bottom of the markets, as we see them, should come over the next two or three weeks.
Gold and silver preempted that today.
Obviously, there's no more selling around.
If there is, we'll see it over the next two to three weeks, but maybe this is it.
Maybe it's just going to fly.
Commodities will take a rounded turn.
They won't run up as quickly, but they're going to start to move up.
And in the stock market, I see a low, and you've heard this on a program before, of $72.68 on the Dow.
The Dow is $76.59 right now.
I expect in the next week or so that the Dow will go and visit that general area, and on tomorrow's publication, the International Forecaster, we're telling our people to cover their shorts, at least on a temporary basis.
Rocky times for the stock market, down below 8,000.
We'll talk with Bob about where it's going.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against... It's 76-59 right now.
I expect in the next week or so that the Dow will go and visit that general area.
And on tomorrow's publication, the International Forecaster, we're telling our people to cover their shorts, at least on a temporary basis.
Rocky times for the stock market down below 8,000.
We'll talk with Bob about where it's going.
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The information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I have a lot of questions for Bob Chapman, financial expert with a great track record of predicting things, but I'm not going to make you wait until the bottom of the hour to go to your calls, because I want to hear from you and hear your unique questions for him on any subject.
He's just like, you know, me, a generalist in knowledge, more specifically in finance and banking and stock market and gold and silver and other commodities, but he's a generalist in other areas, so he can speak to any question.
But I do have a few questions for Bob.
You were getting up at the break to where the stock market's going, what's happening with the stock market, where you see it going now.
A lot of people I've talked to, a lot of experts are saying, I want to see if you concur, that next week is going to be very tumultuous and people think the last few months have been crazy, that next week's very special.
Get into where you see the market going and then whether you concur with that or not.
Well, it's going to be the final sales that are necessary to raise capital to satisfy the investors in the hedge funds.
And there are a whole host of other minor factors.
One of the major ones is General Motors and the loan.
I think that'll take a couple of weeks to put together, but I think they're going to give GE the money.
I think they're wrong, and I think they should allow... You mean GM or GE?
GM, excuse me.
Well, I mean, GE wants money too, so... Yeah, GE is guaranteed $139 billion.
On the paper they've got out there.
Yeah, I mean, let's explain that.
General Electric, that's got more in China now than it does in the U.S., more in Europe and Russia than it has in the U.S., they're getting $130-something billion.
Meanwhile, the car makers, they're not even going to get them $25 billion.
Now, I'm obviously against that.
Well, you're right, and I agree, but that's not the way it's going to work.
You know, the voters have abdicated the field.
They put the same Congress, relatively speaking, back into place.
They've elected a Marxist.
And I've talked about that in tomorrow's issue of the International Forecaster.
And somebody else has written an article I'm carrying as well.
And so that's not going to happen.
They're going to give GM their loan, and six months from now, they're going to bankruptcy.
Unless the Chinese are allowed to come in and buy it, and I'm sure the deal's already been made behind the scenes.
That's probably why they're getting the money.
And so, how will that affect the market?
It'll make the market go up.
And so, we should have a temporary bottoming over the next week or two.
And it should be around $72.68 approximately on the Dow Jones Industrial Average, as I mentioned.
I'm going to be covering shorts in that area, dependent upon how long it takes for Congress to do what it's going to do with GM.
And we'll still have some selling, how much we don't know in relation to the hedge funds and how much money they'll need.
I expect the market will probably rally 1,000 points, maybe 1,500, and it'll turn around and go right back down again next year.
It'll test 72.68 and go right through it.
With the next stop, probably 6,000.
And that'll happen within the first six months of the year, and maybe even more quickly than that.
Gold has broken out over 7.50.
The United States government has been pounding it and trying to keep it down.
They've lost this particular battle.
Next stop is probably around 8.50, a little backing and filling, and then to 9.50, and then a shot at the former high.
There's a tremendous dichotomy between the physical market and the futures market.
The physical market is red hot.
I mean, the mints can't keep up with the production.
We've gone into this with Ted on the program.
And it's been hard to get product to satisfy the buyers out there, and that may very well continue.
I would think it would.
Now, the problem over on the comics is that the prices are not representative of what's going on in the market, because the United States government is trying to rig, and they are rigging, not only the gold and silver market, the commodity market, but every other market in the world that they think they need to rig.
And so, I think that we've seen an exodus of speculators, traders, and even professional commercials leaving comics because the open inventory of orders has dropped from about 620,000 contracts down to around 285,000.
That's a tremendous drop!
No, we're coming up on the 28th, and the 28th of November is when you've got to declare if you're going to take delivery.
Normally, in silver and gold, they have less than 1% of the players take delivery.
There is a great possibility that there'll be more than that, and if 16% or more in gold, and 8-3-8% in silver, more than that take delivery of the outstanding contracts,
They won't have enough gold in the sewer to fill that.
And then meanwhile we have this huge gold rush on real precious metals and headlines about mints of the world out of gold.
Can't even get enough to coin it.
There's runs on shops.
It's hard to get it anywhere.
Huge premiums.
Meanwhile they tried to hold paper gold down.
Now it's shot up to 800.
Would the globalists allow that to happen at the comics?
Or would they bring gold in the back door to satisfy the comics not defaulting?
They probably would find a way to get it to them.
And I don't know whether the U.S.
government has any left.
Maybe they'd do it, or maybe they'd ask the Germans or the French or the Italians.
The Italians came out today and said they want to be sellers, but they're part of the selling group in Europe, and they only have so much of an allocation to sell during the coming year.
Fiscal year started October 1st of this year.
And it goes into October 1st of next year.
Well, aren't they just running it up on the comics so that they can make delivery at the higher price so they can actually buy the gold?
No, I think they want to depress it more than anything else and that's why it leaves a seller.
Berlusconi is a neocon and he's just another criminal.
And he does what they tell him to do and that's what they said today.
And so who cares whether they sell?
I mean, there's so many buyers out there, it's all going to get absorbed.
The game is over for these people.
It's just a question of how long will it take for them to realize they should stop selling because it's not going to do any good anymore.
Now, I know most of our audience... They're going to fly.
I know most of the audience understands all this, but for those that don't know, can you explain about the comics rigging and how paper says one thing and the real market says another?
Well, it's pretty simple.
In comics, you can sell gold that you don't have or, by shorting,
Or, you can also buy derivatives, betting that gold will go down.
And that forces the derivative writer to go into the market and sell, as long as they don't go naked.
Now, some of them go naked.
On what percentage, it's hard to say, because there's no regulation, it's an opaque market, and nobody knows what's going on behind the scenes.
Now, naked means they don't even put up the few percentage points to leverage the buy.
There's no money.
Right, exactly.
And so that's what they've been doing and getting away with.
And the professionals can't make any money because every time they make a trade they lose.
And so two-thirds of the volume is now gone.
And so rigging the market... You're going to have a lot of people taking delivery.
How much we don't know yet, but we'll know by the 29th of December because that's the last date that the December contract trades.
But you have to declare yourself on November the 28th if you're going to
Well, I mean, that's my question to you, and then we're going to move on because I want to go to calls in the next segment.
That's what I'm saying.
You're saying there's two-thirds less volume in the ComEx exchange because they have rigged it to not make it profitable, so everybody's leaving it, which then kills the game for those rigging it.
Absolutely, and it also means that the cash market will get stronger and stronger because they'll go to London, Dubai, they'll go to the ETFs all around the world.
There's one trade in the New York Stock Exchange, symbol GLD, and that's where they're going to go because
They're tired of losing money, and the same thing is true with the stock market.
I mean, here we are, an hour from the close on Friday, and what does the government do?
The market looks like it's headed down 200 points, 300 points, and all of a sudden this announcement, Timothy Geithner is going to be probably the new Treasury Secretary, so we get a 200 point rally, which was created and executed and promulgated by your government.
And then they pump money in with the Plunge Protection Team and the public thinks, oh, it went up because this is a good new Treasury Secretary!
And it's the government doing it!
Well, I had Scott Nations on this week on CNBC, and I'm sure they'll never have him back again, and he owns a trading company, and they asked what was going on, and he said, look, the government's rigging the market.
And they went ballistic.
They attacked him viciously.
Not only the people on the program, but one of the traders said, this is black helicopter conspiracy crap.
Well, let me tell you something.
You just don't have a clue.
You're a liar.
I'm addressing the person on the floor of the exchange.
And they vilify him.
But finally, it's mainstream.
People are starting to realize they're getting screwed.
Their pension plans are in terrible jeopardy.
And it's going to get worse.
Lots, lots, lots worse.
Well Bob, you just stole my thunder.
I was going to get into, there were three hearings the last two and a half weeks in Congress, and I have the transcripts, where the chairman of these committees, the Democrats, well it's lame duck now, they are in there openly saying that they are going to take the pension funds, that they're going to take the 401Ks from private interest and put it into government control and then they will take a tax out of it and send you your check
So, and then you tell the yuppies and they just giggle and suck their thumbs and act like monkeys.
So I want to talk about that.
Gerald Salente saying he thinks there's going to be bank runs by next February.
You know, he's a pretty good predictor as well.
Trends Forecaster, in your call.
Stay with us.
In fact, let's skip this break.
I know I have a new board op today.
I'll just kill the audio and I'm going to talk to Bob right now.
Because we're streaming over the web.
John's at a wedding, and by the way, Jared is doing a great job up there, so is Ethan, all the great folks up at the network.
Bob, let's talk behind the scenes here, because I want to come back and take calls, okay?
As you know, we're just on PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com right now, but that's a substantive audience of millions in the aggregate in the next week.
This is really, I mean even though my mind's prepared for all this, as every week goes by I get more horrified and more, not even angry, disgusted.
When we come back I briefly want to get into the pension funds because I don't want to wait to go to calls.
But on another subject, what about Gerald Cilente and so many others?
I think that's a good scenario.
I think that's very doable.
It may not be this coming year, but it certainly will be the year after, and it'll be right in the middle of raging hyperinflation.
I mean, the money that they're creating, and the credit that they're creating, and the treasury.
Treasuries they're creating, and they're not even selling them, they're just giving them away.
But then the banks are hoarding it to buy infrastructure and give it to the Chinese to come back and buy up the automakers.
It seems like they're exporting the money, and so that we won't have as much inflation.
I mean, it's still going to be bad, but they're so greedy with the money that it's not even going to be here.
I think you're right.
I think you're right.
It's just the worst of the worst.
And where do you go?
The only way you can protect yourself and really isn't gold and silver.
Hey, Ted offered gold that he bought at $701, $706, you know, different on each coin per ounce.
He offered it for that today with the little, you know, commission to take the order.
So, I mean, it's the best deal he's ever given.
His phones are all locked up.
But he's doing it on gold he bought a week and a half ago that he's got in the vault.
But that's a pretty good deal, huh, Bob?
It certainly is.
And, you know, I just, if you've got money, you've got to be a buyer.
I mean, I've been doing this 50 years.
This is my specialty.
You've got to do it.
You've got to be a buyer of gold and silver coin.
And if you get piled to that, buy some stocks.
I mean, they are very depressed, and they're all going to fly.
And that's the core.
Your insurance policy, the dehydrated foods, and the freeze-dried foods, and filters, and weapons, and to get rid of your debt, you've got to do these things.
If you don't, you're going to be in real trouble.
Bob, I don't have that fancy of a house, but I do have some of my money in it.
I mean, should I sell my nicer house and go buy a shack?
No, no.
You know, how much, do you have equity beyond what you own a house?
Not a lot, no.
I mean, I don't, yeah.
No, well then you just stay there.
I mean, the worst possible thing that can happen is you walk away.
Well, I mean, I did put a good size down payment on it, but not that big.
About, uh, I guess I've got equity of about 15% on the house, but the house has already been devalued from what I bought it at, so it's not even really a... I've already lost the money.
Well, on a $20 million home, that's a lot of money.
Yeah, well, I don't have anything near that, yeah.
No, I just have an average, you know... I thought that would get your attention.
No, I mean, just on an average, you know, lower middle class, you know, house, regular neighborhood.
No, 300,000.
But yeah, but we can't get to the point where they'll just demand the whole note, will they?
No, I don't think they'll do that.
Alright, here we go.
Alright, I want to go to your phone calls with Bob Chapman.
I'll ask my other questions later because I just want to get to them or we never will.
Kevin in Michigan, you're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hello, Bob and Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
We've been in a depression for at least six years, and it's only going to get worse if all the auto companies are bankrupted.
Well, let me just say this.
In reality, going into debt, people being debtors, we have been in a depression for five, six, seven years, and then now they've got us fully extended out, so they're pulling the rug out.
Go ahead.
Well, I want to comment, and I, you know, this is something we don't normally get into here, but you're right, because the increase in money and credit began five years ago.
If you remember, Greenspan said, and deflation is rearing its ugly head, and it was, and so they went to the printing presses for the money and for the credit, and they increased it over that five-year period by an average of around 14%.
It's a little bit higher than that again now.
But that's how they offset having a recession, and they extrapolated it out over the last five years, and now it's caught up with them.
Because when you do that, you have to put in more and more and more and more money and credit all the time to make the system work, the Ponzi scheme.
And you're seeing that with the United States government, the American taxpayer, paying for all this.
Okay, let's... Alex, can I say something?
Yeah, go ahead, go ahead.
The real crux of my question is, these three companies are basically the entire industry of Michigan.
It's a state of what used to be 9.5 million people.
I don't know if it's still that today.
You know, if they go bankrupt, it's not like an airline going bankrupt where, okay, you have to fly another airline on the way home.
You're talking about a ten year investment.
If they're bankrupt, people are not going to make that investment.
Well, I mean, just the infrastructure itself is worth hundreds of billions and should be auctioned off to an American company, but that's not going to happen.
China was given the ports.
They were given the Panama Canal we built.
They're the new old order Sweetie Pie.
They're going to be allowed to come in, the Japanese are going to be allowed to come in, just by them announcing they're in trouble.
They should never even have allowed that.
They should have made them scale back by giving them the funding.
And the reason I say that is, once you get into $5 trillion stolen in the last five weeks, and then we're arguing about $25 billion to Ford, GM, and Chrysler, that is a red herring itself.
And the media goes, look at the CEOs flying in on private jets, playing class card with the blue collar folks.
They have to do that.
But hold on, I understand... He's got a Brad Sherman today, went off on it again.
Well, I mean, my point is, it's all a red herring.
The evil execs are not these car execs.
Bob, you want to explain that?
Well, you've got to go back to the early 1960s, with GATT, to 86, to the World Trade Organization.
The planning for the dismemberment of the entire manufacturing sector of the United States was laid during the 1960s.
It was opened up completely in August the 15th.
It's public!
Listen, hold on.
I agree.
It's public policy stated to destroy our industry so that the American people could be brought to heel.
It's stated in thousands of documents.
Bob, go ahead.
They can't deny it now.
And the labor unions knew this and did nothing to really stop it.
They sold out their employees.
This is deliberate what's going on.
He's not going to stop.
They're going to take them down.
They're going to take the American people down.
They're going to take the Europeans and the Canadians down.
And they're going to force them to accept world government or they won't get fed.
Because they're a safe haven.
Where can I walk away to?
Let me tell you the safe haven.
The ones who will devour you eventually.
But there's a lot of places you can go to, but I don't think we should get into it on this program.
Well, Bob, we can, but I mean, by safe haven, you know what safe haven is, buddy, Kevin?
Safe haven would have been having a moral nation with people that didn't let this happen, who saw the documents and got upset, but they laughed instead, because TV taught them how.
I agree with you Alex, and I was the one who was laughed at when I spoke about what you were speaking of.
Well they're not.
And there's the many like you that, and us, that were.
And Alex is absolutely correct.
That's where the problem lies.
And they still don't get it.
We're immoral, folks.
We killed 50 million babies.
We think we're good.
We're not.
We're a pig-like demon country.
And we're gonna get butchered like a hog.
They're gonna butcher you.
You understand?
Get ready.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm in here playing with the faders like a child.
Who would let me in a radio studio?
Who would let this maniac on the air?
Alright, Bob Chapman is our guest.
I want to go back to your phone calls, but Bob, finishing up comments on what the last caller was just saying from Michigan.
You know, it's a sad thing.
The whole country is an evil.
We're not all that bad.
None of us are perfect.
But they taught the public how to laugh, how to giggle, how to have a self-satisfied arrogance.
I don't know the term for it, but it's a selfishness, but an ignorant selfishness.
Like I talk to so many people on the street and they say, I don't care in the last few years of the stock market plunges, I don't own stocks.
Well, everything you do is connected to people that do, or companies that fund themselves.
Or, I don't care if they're taking farmers' ranches.
I'm not a farmer or rancher.
Well, you're going to pay for that through the nose.
Or, I don't care if this or that happens.
Or, I don't care if there's 30 million illegal aliens.
Well, they're going to take your job.
I mean, it's this attitude of, hey, nothing affects me, I'm an arrogant bastard, and I even see the public in ways getting more arrogant, more haughty, more surly.
I don't understand that attitude of laughing at us that care, laughing at us that care about the Bill of Rights, thinking it's funny.
I mean, what would you call that attitude?
Actually, in the final analysis, stupidity.
Because it's all going to come back to haunt them, because they don't know.
They think they know.
And that's the end of it.
They're gonna pay for it.
And it's on the way.
And their last chance was at the last election.
They didn't act.
They went the wrong way.
It's over.
You can't do anything left in through the system.
You gotta wait for the system to collapse to do something about it.
Yeah, we could have had Ron Paul.
I mean, notice how everything he said a year ago is exactly what's happening now.
He's a monetary expert, gets all these international awards for, you know, the economic papers he's written.
He's been right about everything.
Oh, can't have him!
We'll give you a nice, glitzy, fancy pants, and then everybody will run around saying, change, change.
Oh, man.
Well, when we started this program, it was just 35, 38 minutes ago.
The stock market was even.
It's now trading.
Up 331 points in another government-engineered rally.
And because it's insider trading, the insiders make money up and down.
They admit the whole thing's rigged.
The Plunge Protection Team, the President's Committee on Markets, all of this.
And the public doesn't even know.
I mean, business people who sell mutual funds will laugh at us, Bob, just because we know how it really works.
Because they only study a very thin slice of the market.
Well, they will find out when the job is gone, the house is gone, the cars are gone.
And the government sends him to a job in San Francisco, the wife is employed in Boston, and the two good kids go to school in Chicago, all under government auspices.
And once a year they can all meet for a week and enjoy the family.
By the way, they are now saying that's what they're going to do.
But instead of it being the Rooseveltian work brigades, they're saying it will be environmental brigades, tattle brigades.
Can you imagine all these idiots?
They're not going to be saying we were right.
They're going to be in little utility outfits like 1984 bossing us around.
And I've got news for you.
I'm not being bossed around by you, scum.
What about you, Bob?
Absolutely not.
You want me?
It'll be free first.
But if you come for me, you better be prepared to die.
You know they're just going to turn the giant, poor, dumbed-down mass loose on the middle class, who they think is rich.
Can you imagine?
I mean, they openly are going to use class warfare against the middle class, blaming the middle class for everything.
Good God, we're in trouble, Bob.
It's not going to be nice.
You know, the way people treat one another is going to get even worse.
I mean, you've got a garden in your house.
If you don't have a fence around it, they're going to come and steal your tomatoes.
It's already started.
Oh, all over Canada?
Somebody told me that the other day.
No, no, here in Canada, the U.S.
and England and Europe, they're having massive farm thefts right now.
Oh man.
Yeah, you know, that's the thing I've noticed, and I keep beating a dead horse here, but it's true.
90% of the public was self-sufficient, agrarian, on the land, in the rural areas in the Great Depression.
Now it's 90% in the city, and of the 10% on the farms, half of them, or 5% of the population, half of that 10% is self-sufficient.
And instead, the government's just going to come rob them out, and the neighbors will come rob them out, and then we'll be like North Korea.
See, when you get government running everything, folks, you get North Korea.
Bob, you want to tell them what North Korea's like?
Well, it's an abject communist dictatorial society, sort of on the model that Mr. Obama wants for our country.
And of course, the people who control him, and that's part of the evolutionary process which would lead us into world government.
The people who are doing this behind the scenes
Don't care whether it's a fascist world government or a communist world government.
They just want a world government that they control.
You know, it doesn't matter what you want to call it.
It's one kind of socialism or another.
Well, Bob, that's it.
Well, I mean, that's it.
I mean, they've got free health care there, they've got everything, and there's lots of uniforms and lots of tattletales and lots of cops, and they don't even have power now.
Everything's shutting down, everything's imploding, and they're just giving orders and killing more people and fancier uniforms and more, and, you know, just, I'm the government, I'm the government, I'm the government, I'm the government!
I run everything!
We make the grass grow!
We make the sun shine!
We're the bureaucrats!
And they're doing the same thing in China.
And wait till China breaks down.
They just lowered their interest rates after having tightened them up for a year.
The yuan is now finally going back down again.
And they're going to have spent almost $600 billion revitalizing their economy, because they know their exports are going to drop probably about 80 or 85%.
And they've got millions of people already demonstrating
Because they don't have jobs.
They don't make enough money.
And, you know, it's a very volatile country.
And so the people who are running China are not very happy right now.
And they know that they're on the cusp of some real problems.
And so, you know, all countries are going to have problems.
Some because they're in the aftermath, like China.
in North Korea, but some, like the United States and Western Europe, where it's been engineered.
Let's go back to calls here.
Patience in California.
Go ahead.
You know, your show does a lot of good in the world today by sharing important news, and I happen to be a citizen journalist in San Bernardino, California.
Thanks, Alex.
I've called in before about Operation Phoenix.
Well, I've got some news for you now.
I just thought I'd call into your show and share with your listeners that Dick Cheney was recently indicted for organized crime in Texas.
Now, the great part about this is that it sets precedence for the CPS judges to be indicted with as well.
Dick Cheney was making money off of the prisoners by using his position to promote it much the same way CPS judges who are tied financially to the adoption agencies selling the kids out there are.
Yeah, we've mentioned this in South Texas, where he's lobbied and gotten money and works with, along with Gonzales, private federal prisons where people's rights are being violated.
Absolutely, we need criminal charges on all of the, I mean, they just grab kids, no judge, no jury, because the public's ignorant.
Well, your time's coming.
I mean, I got news for you.
The government's going to collapse, and then we're going to have trials, and you're all going to prison.
We're going to take all the pot smokers out of the prisons, and we're going to stick your murderous
Butts in them, so get ready!
Go ahead.
Well, you know, Illinois, I run a website, serenatheangels.co.nr, and I have a YouTube patient's poet, and we're all getting together, and we're basically doing studies on these judges and the adoption agencies that they're tied to, and I'm pleased to announce that Illinois is freaking out.
They just laid off 179 CPS workers immediately after I posted my investigation on one of their judges.
But the workload is not expected to change, so I suspect that it's only the workers who would... Well listen to this, you sound interesting and I'm aware of it.
Put her on hold and give her my office hotline number.
Or give us your number.
Because yes, this is how you burn them.
You show how the judges are getting campaign money, and then their wife always works for them, or a subsidiary, of the adoption agencies that are getting half a mil.
In some cases in fees for a blonde-haired blue-eyed with good genetics.
They only get about 50 grand for the black kids for medical experiments.
Folks, I'm not kidding.
They take the black kids for medical experiments, New York Daily News, and kill them.
They kill them.
I know.
That's why I can't sleep at night.
It's why I'm a maniac.
Because I read that in the New York Daily News, and I have the families on, and I have the mothers on.
But again, $200,000 on average for a white child, again, the black children medical experiments, you cannot make this stuff up.
I'm about to vomit.
But absolutely, they are all murdering criminals, and I can't wait
I can't wait till we get this country back, because they're going to get full due process, full juries, you're going to get a fair trial, and then you are going away for the rest of your lives.
I'm not risking my life for nothing.
Bob, I think it's going to collapse, and I think we're going to be able to get these people.
What do you say?
I agree.
And I think if we're going to be able to convict these people, if we can keep the public from killing them, then we've got to make sure that we denude them and their families
Of all their wealth.
And in that way, they can't rise again, even if they get out of the can.
Well, that's what our founding fathers did.
They said, we're taking your money and get on a ship, and if you come back, you're dead.
Now, get out of here!
Folks, I've been there when they're grabbing the kids.
The horror, the horror.
That's why I don't try not to talk about it a lot, because it upsets me too much, Bob.
Listen, we'll put you on hold, and they got a new board op today running things, so I'll have to give you the number during the break, but let's go ahead and go to another caller here.
God, I've seen the kids screaming and crying.
I just, the filth, the filth, the fat pedophiles smiling while they take the kids.
Oh my God.
Okay, let's, thank you, Patience.
Let's take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to, oh I've got my call list here, Bob in Florida.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Hello Alex, I've got a question.
I've been reading about the Federal Reserve, trying to figure out exactly the root cause of all America's problems, but it seems like the whole world has a lot of problems.
So I happen upon the protocols of the Elders of Zion, and it seems like this has been going on
For thousands of years, it has been this world... Sorry, thousands of years ago, to think that this world...
Well, let me just say this about that.
They don't know who wrote it.
It's called a forgery, but a forgery would mean that it was a copy of somebody else's real documents.
That's an improper term.
Regardless, those are tricks used by governments.
And other books have been written previously by Julius Caesar and people about how to control people.
So what's in there is a trick governments and groups use.
I don't know who really wrote that.
I appreciate your call.
Bob Chapman comments on it.
Oh, I think you're absolutely right in putting it in that perspective.
There's an awful lot of other books that are verified and you can check into the backgrounding of the commentary that's in there.
And especially with the Federal Reserve, Ed Griffith's book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, points that out, and there's an awful lot of others.
And if you're interested in these protocols, then read World Revolution and Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by Mrs. Nesta Webster, and they were both published in the mid-1920s.
And that'll really give you a different kind of
And I would just add to all of this that we're heading into hard times and regardless we just have to fight the tyranny and all stick together in this.
Let's go ahead and go to the next caller.
Let's talk to Corey in California.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I just want to say thank you, Alex, for everything you do.
Bob, thank you.
You helped wake up my dad.
We're doing a lot of things.
We're that 5% that are no longer dependent on the government.
We go off-land things like that.
I'm a mainstream Christian.
I'm in the ministry of Jensen Franklin, who quotes me in Not Normal Times, so I rejoice in that fact.
I have a question, actually, a couple.
FCC mandated HDTV converters.
By February, are there any plays into the big picture with that one?
And also, what exactly are people planning to do with the gold that they're buying?
What are they going to do after they have to dig it up for emergencies?
Well, I always think that there'll be a black market, or a normal market for that matter, for anything of value.
Gold and silver coins do fit that bill, as do razor blades and soaps and toilet paper and food and gasoline and many other items.
So, it's great bartering material, and you may save your life and the lives of others by having gold and silver available to buy the things that are needed to function.
Let me just add something.
Gold is not a panacea.
Silver is not a panacea.
Firearms are not a panacea.
A farm in Colorado isn't a panacea.
They can come take your farm.
They can come take your guns.
They can come take your gold.
Let me finish, please.
You asked an important question.
I agree completely.
You know, I'm not 5%.
I got my weapons.
You know, they ain't coming for me.
They ain't taking me alive.
I'll tell you that right now.
And also with the HGTV converters, how do you think that plays into the big picture?
Washington, you're fired.
They're going to fire the congressman about that time when that's supposed to actually be mandated fully.
Okay, I appreciate your call.
By the way, we sell Washington, you're fired.
It's a great Christmas gift at InfoWars.com on the online bookstore.
I hope you get the DVD discounted there.
Great film.
Get it out to people.
All the other films we have there.
I have been to the University of Texas Psychology Department and a few other, I've read a lot of studies online, they admit that it's the flicker rate that it programs you, that HD is even more powerful at putting into a subconscious state, all the flashing strobe lights, the images, and so yes, the mandating of HD, it's also about shutting down smaller UHF and VHF stations, it's about mandating shutting down access TV, things of that nature.
Bob Chapman?
Absolutely, and that's another way of controlling the public.
Here's another report I'm putting on the document, Cam, BBC.
Police get driver drug test power.
See, they're now starting that here in the United States with taking the blood.
The same things are happening everywhere.
See, that's why it's global government.
It's all the unified, same programs, same names happening in unison.
Harmonization is what it's called.
They're going to bring everybody under the same kind of rules and
Oh, you know, Jack's your uncle, and here we are, we've got world government.
Sort of sneaks up on you.
You know, I haven't done any behind-the-scenes today on PrisonPlanet.tv, but because I want to take a few final calls that'll just be internet only.
We'll take a few calls in the final segment when we come back with Bob Chapman.
Here's one up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Get ready for the Obama Green Brigades.
They're openly announcing it.
Hope everybody will go check that story out at PrisonPlanet.com as well.
And no, you shallow people, I'm not against Barack Obama because he's a Democrat or black.
I'm against him because he's pushing the same policies as George Bush, and you're a bunch of suckers.
Here we go.
Alright, I'm going to skip this break.
Let's go to Mark in Tennessee.
You're on the air with Bob Chapman.
Go ahead.
Yes, I want to accept 356 points.
Go ahead.
I wanted to ask you, my sister is on a government disability check and she has a house payment.
My question is, what would happen in that situation with the dollar crashing?
I think within that structure, everything will be relative.
If the dollar crashes and you have deflation, you have depression.
The loaf of bread that was $2.50 goes down and it's selling for $0.25 a loaf.
What happens to the disability check is it shrinks by an equal amount.
So that means that the government will arbitrarily cut down back the amount of money based upon the fall in the value or the cost of the things that you buy.
So it'll be a relative thing as long as they keep up
The Disability Checks and Social Security Checks and Pension Checks.
And if they don't do that, well, everybody's out in left field.
Would that apply to taxes on your land as well?
Uh, hypothetically yes.
Let me comment on what I know.
Maybe no.
Let me comment on what I know they're doing.
Because states and counties and cities with property tax nationwide, some have state property taxes, some have county, some have all of them together.
What they're doing is, since property tax rolls are going down, they're going, we now have a property tax assessment, a one-time assessment for gutters, for streets, for police,
And in a lot of towns, it's $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 one-time assessment that people don't have it and they say, well, we'll just take your house.
They're now taking houses in Houston and Detroit, I've seen that in the last week, for someone not paying a $15 parking ticket.
So, I mean, and the police come and throw you out and the government takes your house.
So, it's going to be bad, sir.
Just get ready.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, I appreciate that call.
Bob, I'm sure you're aware of those new developments.
Yeah, it just goes on and on.
And, you know, I tell my audiences, as many as there are, the international forecaster is turned into the international financial inquirer.
Because, I mean, you know, I have to search and search and search to find something positive.
It's incredible what's going on out there.
In fact, yeah, people think we're being negative.
We're just warning you about pit holes and things that are going on.
If the people knew, they would be upset and the globalists couldn't do this.
But because the public's still in the dark, partially, they're able to get it over on you.
People are like, be positive!
Folks, being positive, oh, abortion's okay, oh, foreign troops is okay, oh, that's gotten us where we are.
Final segment, here we go.
I'm sorry to Scott and Sean and Aaron and others who have to call me back next week.
Or on the Sunday Show, because the show's about to end.
And Bob Chapman is our guest.
Before we go back to Bob, I want to tell you about one other sponsor that makes this radio show possible.
And that's Food Shortage USA.
The website is just three words.
Or technically, it's two words and an acronym.
But FoodShortageUSA.com.
Or 877-327-0365.
You can still prepare by learning how to make your own survival foods and you can do it for pennies on the dollar.
Go to FoodShortageUSA.com or call 877-327-0365.
They're great folks, great pamphlets and videos and information at FoodShortageUSA.com or 877-327-0365.
Don't wait around, check them out today.
Bob, I appreciate you coming on the show.
And just in closing, we'll talk to you again next week, Lord willing, and the week after that.
I want you to have a great Thanksgiving.
If I don't talk to you before then, of course, obviously I won't be here live on Thanksgiving or Monday, because I'm going to be in Dallas, but I'll be live some of the other days, probably.
But real fast, plug the internationalforecaster.com.
You can get a free introductory copy by going to the site, and that address is the internationalforecaster.com.
International, F-O-R-E-C-A-S-T-E-R dot com, or you can call toll free 877-479-8178.
That's 877-479-8178.
Bob, always appreciate all of your input and information.
God bless you.
Well, thank you very much, and I'll see you next week.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, there goes Bob Chapman, and that basically is it for this broadcast.
There's a lot of news I didn't get to today because we had so many important guests on today, but I suggest that when the rebroadcast starts on the internet only at InfoWars.com or on the podcast, or on AM and FM stations that re-air part of the show later, you'll definitely want to tune in because we had Debbie McKay in the Fed on, Lindsey Williams with really powerful new info on
Where his elite sources say we're going.
Rick Krause dealing with the flatulence tax on all your farm animals.
I'm not joking.
And then of course Bob Chapman, so that's who we had on today.
There's a lot of other crazy news we didn't get to, but that's all up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Gold is up $54 today alone, up over $100.
$100, or right at $100 in the last two weeks.
Ted Anderson, and I'm just going to do one minute on this, listen closely.
Ted Anderson, I challenge you to find a better deal.
Bought gold a week and a half ago when it was $701 an ounce.
Well, he bought the Franks at that, and he bought, when it was $706, the Sovereigns.
So that's close to a $100 discount.
This is below spot.
Everywhere else it's $20, $30, $40, 50% premiums.
This is an insane loss leader and he'll do it until Sunday night at midnight with the Franks, with the Sovereigns, with the American Gold Eagles.
The best deal is the Sovereigns and the Franks.
Ted, this is, as you said, the best deal you've ever done.
Ted Anderson.
He's not in the studio.
That's funny.
I told Ted I wanted him right at the end of the show.
And that he was there at the office.
I wanted to talk to Ted.
Well, it doesn't matter.
He is here.
Oh, he is there.
Yeah, I'm right here.
Sorry, Alex.
I had the thing muted.
So, Ted, we've got one minute left.
Is this not the best deal you've ever offered?
Yeah, it's the best deal I've ever offered.
Call 1-800-686-2237.
There's the Franks, there's the Sovereigns, we have the $10 gold pieces.
All that stuff was locked in back when gold was down at $700 an ounce.
Right now, gold is over $800 an ounce, so I'd call right away.
And you've got that locked in in the vault there at the local bank.
You've got that locked in to ship out next week until Sunday at midnight, right?
We'll take the orders all the way through Sunday at midnight.
Brokers will be there until midnight every night.
God bless you all.
Again, re-broadcast on the internet at InfoWars.com.
And on the podcast starts right now.
Please join us.
We'll be right back.
You know what, I'm going to do a minute or two with Ted at the end here.
Are we still rolling?
Hey, real fast, real fast, go ahead and send Ted back in there.
Ethan, I want to say one thing to him, just for the internet audience.
Yeah, send him back in there.
Last minute, I wanted to get Ted back in there because I've never heard of a deal like that.
I mean, he did one where it was $80, $80 off, and this is right at $99 or $100 or so.
If gold keeps going up, it'll be even more.
You can hear him fumbling around in there.
I love putting him on the spot.
Jed, I just want to spend a minute or two, and then we've got to disconnect this line and get another show on, but explain to people how you're doing this.
This isn't a joke.
I mean, I'm smart enough to know that when the government and the bankers step in and they press the prices down, and I can see that thing bottoming out and reaching its floor,
I buy!
I pick it up and I buy and I buy a big position because I know what the market looks like now.
And I know people want it.
And Alex, I just can't say it again.
If you're going to give a gift, give a gift of something that means something to somebody or something that they'll need.
You know, the gold and silver is a perfect thing for that.
The gadgets and the gizmos, forget about them.
I mean, right now is the time to be locking down your position in gold and silver.
There's no question about it.
You get it at a better price because I bought it earlier when the price was down.
Ted, how below spot is that?
I mean, that's an insane deal.
Well, let's just, you know, like the franc, for instance.
We'll have to go up, if you take $100 and divide it by 5, it's $20 per franc.
On the British Sovereign, it's by 4, so $25 more on the British Sovereigns, it would cost to buy the same thing at this time.
On the $10 gold pieces, they're half-ounce gold coins, so they're going to be $50 more.
On the 50-cent pieces, the walkers, they're going up.
The $10 Indian again, that coin again, another $50 on that one.
Those $5 gold pieces we talked about, they're quarter-ounce gold pieces.
Those things are just absolutely gone out of the marketplace.
And Ted can do this because he has the European gold sources from 30 years of trust that nobody else out there, that's why they're all sold out, are huge premiums.
Check into it for yourself, folks, but don't wait too long.
This deal cannot be beaten.
We're doing this because Ted supported the network, getting the word out.
We're also, he's doing these just to get you into gold, to show you what a great deal it is, so you'll buy from him later.
This is a lost leader.
You cannot beat it.
Protecting yourself is so important.
So give them a call.
And the brokers will be there every night until midnight to add to the weekend?
Oh yeah, they'll be here.
They'll be here working the phones hard.
And if you don't happen to miss them when you call, call again.
Because right now the phones are ringing so hard that there's more people calling than there are people to answer the phones.
And that's just an oddity because we've got about 25 of us here.
But, you know, they're going through them as fast as they can and they'll get to your... Even if you leave a message, we'll get right back to you.
This deal, in closing, this deal will end on Sunday night because you're going to be out of gold and then you won't be able to buy it and pass on this deal.
There's no way I'm going to be able to reaccumulate.
I mean, we'd have to have a $100 drop in gold for me to pick up this position again.
Thanks, Dad.
Have a great weekend.
Yeah, you too, Alex.
Good luck there working all weekend.
We're out of time, folks.
Thank you for supporting us.
It makes everything we do here possible.
The free podcast costs us $5,000 a month, and we couldn't do it without Ted Anderson's sponsorship, and he's losing money on that gold deal you just heard.
So that's why I'm supporting Ted, because without his sponsorship on top of it, you don't just get a great deal on gold.
We can give millions of people the podcast a week and pay for things like that.
God bless you all.
See you back live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., and of course back next week.
God bless.