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Filename: 20081118_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 18, 2008
3049 lines.
I was on a big radio show in New England this morning, and I bring up all the facts, and most of the callers called in agreeing, but one guy called and said, I just can't believe you.
You ought to leave the country.
You're just lying.
You're just making all this up.
Brother, I wish I was making every bit of it up.
Believe me, I like my life.
I won't want to be doing this.
I wish I wasn't having to fight for this republic tooth and nail.
I wish I wasn't watching this country being torn limb from limb.
But let me tell you something, just because you're ignorant of something doesn't make it false.
Just because you deny something doesn't mean it isn't true.
And let me tell you something, it's so bad I can't even tell you how bad it is.
I mean, it's scary when you're a full-grown adult, you're out there and see a hundred cops lined up in Darth Vader outfits, beating their batons on their breastplates, like the Roman centurions did, for intimidation!
The government is trying to intimidate the people!
Trillions are missing from the Treasury!
DynCorp is in the Chicago Tribune running white slavery rings!
Total criminals have seized control of the government.
They've brainwashed the police and turned them into attack dogs.
The North American Union has been set up.
We're going down worldwide.
I mean this.
I'm serious.
For the whole world, mayday!
They're now starting to censor our communications.
They're killing and arresting more and more patriots.
The United States has been seized by the new world order.
Everybody, you've been mesmerized and conditioned incrementally to accept it.
Wake up to what's happened!
Scientifically crafted psychological warfare programs are working in unison to deliver us into total tyranny.
They're preparing for a worldwide depression to consolidate all the wealth and totally enslave us and launch World War III and endless wars.
They own both parties!
The New York Post, Rupert Murdoch just endorsed Hillary for Senator.
He's been having secret fundraisers for.
Bill Clinton and Hillary worked for the CIA and Bush Sr.
was their case officer when they were first recruited.
Foreign countries have grabbed 8,000 miles of Texas roads.
They're now putting in the toll roads.
The former chief economist of the World Bank, Nobel Prize winner, said it's part of going in the global receiver ship.
We're already going into bankruptcy!
I mean, we've got to take this serious!
I'm here going down with the ship!
We're under attack!
The entire western world's been seized by criminals that are using scientifically developed techniques to brainwash and condition us to lay down!
You've got to break your conditioning!
Police, military, people in the government, please listen to me!
The government staged terror attacks against us!
They're killing our people!
Don't deny it!
You know about the atomic soldiers, Project Shad, Tuskegee, the forced sterilizations, how they brought 10,000 Nazis over here?
They have the troops breathing depleted uranium.
The cancer rate has more than quadrupled now.
More than tripling.
It had previously tripled.
Heart defects have more than tripled.
The sperm count's down by over 80%!
There's toxins and poisons in the water!
They're putting poison in the water to condition us!
It's a toxic sedative!
Sodium and stannous fluoride, both!
Major studies going back to the 30's, 40's, 50's, and even today!
All different forms of brain tumors are up several thousand percent!
Hundreds of major scientific studies show it's causing huge brain tumors with the radiation emitted by cell phones!
We're under attack, ladies and gentlemen!
They're pointing machine guns and screaming at our children!
Do you understand?
They're conditioning us!
They're building FEMA camps!
They'll abolish the Bill of Rights!
I've sacrificed everything I am, everybody I'll ever be, to fight this thing, and I'm telling you, it's even more horrible than I thought.
It's moving quickly!
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Thank you for joining us.
Guess that was about a year and a half ago, when they were lining the children up with police dogs, barking at them, saying it's the law, you've got to take vaccines in Maryland, how time flies.
Not the beginning of this school year, but the beginning of the last.
We've got, uh,
Alan Watt joining us for two hours today to break down the new order and take your calls coming up later.
A ton of vital news and information.
Talk about Mark Cuban and a lot more.
Stay with me.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent and food and water is the key.
You'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread.
You'll never have to go to the Superdome and beg for FEMA to take care of your family in any emergency if you simply prepare.
Our elected representatives wanted a good ol' boy bailout for the special interest, so they ignored your screams not to do it.
They turned off the telephones and email.
They voted to print $850 billion at least out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities.
Particularly food, beyond many Americans' reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany's superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days, until it reached over 4 billion marks.
Food prices are skyrocketing so fast, there seems as if there may be no end in sight.
The private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves.
The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
Whatever happens in America, we need to be prepared and be ready.
Everything is zeroing in on food.
One-third of Americans have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A lot is happening in the United States and across the planet.
Just a few days ago in Washington D.C.
20 world leaders met openly calling for world government for and by the private banks regulating stock markets and financial transactions with an iron fist in the name of stopping the economic crises of the future when they are the very ones that have orchestrated
Collapses all across the planet over and over again to consolidate power and control.
That is, no secret, they're on record admitting it.
But they know that they have a public that is unaware of that.
They know they have a public, one-fifth of the United States in major studies,
On average, some studies show higher, some show lower.
Can't even find the United States on a globe with borders.
Just the names are removed.
They can't even find it because they're so self-centered.
It's not that they're even innately stupid.
They are ignorant.
They are so focused on whatever the fad-driven television media society tells them is important.
They are so obsessed with trying to fit into those molds and whichever little fake archetype they decide to use as their avatar, basically.
Whatever look and feel and worldview they pick up from the establishment, whatever clique they're in, they are so selfish that they literally lose what it is to be alive on this planet.
And to try to learn the mysteries of our world and our universe.
They are unquestioning, really biological robots, androids, programmed by the television set.
And then, the corporate culture, the mind-numbed plastic mannequin society, is magnified because you've got all of these
Androids, that don't have any original thoughts of their own, who are fully programmed, and then they go out and squawk, and parrot, and bleat, and, and, and, and bray, Baaaaa Obama, or Bush, WMDs, guns are bad, hand them in, police state good.
That those of us that don't want to be
Automatons, those of us that don't want to be mindless slaves, we are looked down upon.
I mean, how can there be any denial?
Any denial about the society we live in and what we face as a species?
How can there be any denial that we have a general public worldwide, to some extent or another, captured, frozen,
Encapsulated in a very thin slice of society.
I mean the world the delusional live in is real, it's just a small part of reality.
A very thin slice.
And they live out their lives in that controlled paradigm, in that controlled box.
And because they were told there's no world government, there's no central banks, the Federal Reserve is government, it's not private, because they were told the government's only good and wants to help you,
It doesn't matter if government now has pulled off the gloves and said, we're not government, we're a private receivership arm of a gang of high-tech pirates that use high-tech mind control, public relations propaganda to neutralize you.
Even when it's openly being trumpeted and announced in front of them, which is the final trick of the magician, of the controllers,
Even when it's out in their face, even as the impending economic and social doom accelerates all around us, they still can't see it because their egos are bound up in the false image of the world they hold so dear.
The cognitive dissonance.
An example of that is
A division of NASA, Goddard, the head climatologist there, Al Gore's little front man, pushing for world taxation, regulation of all human output and activity, that's what it is.
Total serfdom.
He has been caught, as well as the United Nations, over and over again falsifying climate data.
They just lie about what the weather stations all over the world and the exact weather records show.
And they import fake numbers on a planetary scale, and they get caught, and they say, we don't care, and then they just import new fake numbers and get caught over and over again.
And instead of the religious followers of the new earth religion, which is the old earth religion,
But it centers around hatred of humanity in our activities.
Because the elite hates us.
It's a way to give the general public their basic template view that the elite has, to pass that mindset on.
They don't respond with, oh my god, we've been lied to, oh my gosh, the whole solar system was heating up for the last thirty, forty years, and now it's suddenly cooling down really fast, and oh my goodness, ice caps on
Moons of Saturn and Jupiter are expanding.
Liquid oceans on moons of planets and systems are freezing again.
The Sun doesn't have a single thermal flare on its surface.
No massive Coriolis ejections.
The giant sun flares, the Pyrrhus spots through a telescope.
There's none.
It's never been recorded in the 300 years that the sun has been accurately studied and the universities have been marking down sunspot activity.
And so in the space of a year, they have gone from saying it's global warming to climate change and now they're switching saying we've got to control carbon dioxide, it's causing an ice age.
They talk about climate stability and stopping climate change.
You always have climate change.
So coming up in the last 30 minutes of this hour, I'm going to play some clips from a great documentary, which I've checked out every facet of over the years, even before the film was made.
You know, it's the basic research that's out there.
And it is 100% accurate.
So we're going to air part of
Some of the audio of this documentary so we can critique it and comment on it.
We will have open phones for the next two hours off and on until Alan Watt joins us in the third and fourth hour.
And we will have open phones with him as well.
So 1-800-259-9231.
But Paul Watson wrote a story about the other mainstream news articles about NASA falsifying data.
And by the way, NASA blew the whistle on this.
There's other divisions of NASA exposing that it's really the Sun.
And exposing the quacks that are discrediting them over at Goddard, named after the Nazi.
The Goddard Space Center.
But people went into the comments section, and they said, I'll take science over Alex Jones.
Or I'll take NASA's science over Alex Jones.
The article isn't about Alex Jones.
The article is NASA admitting, and the UN admitting, that they accidentally, year after year, continue to import, on a planetary scale, fake data.
By the way, the data is fed into them.
They go in and falsify it.
They go in and change it.
These aren't mistakes.
These are facts.
These are weather stations in Moscow and New York.
A McMurdle weather station in Antarctica.
They go in and they falsify them.
They go in and they'll take a month or two months before, they'll take a summer month and they'll stick it in a fall month.
And there's not a response by those of you, now at the top it's a cold-blooded scientific way to tax all human activity, regulate us, make humans bad, make us the enemy, tax us for breathing.
The ultimate joke in your face, but it's a perfect world tax to control people.
But knowing that you have a vacuum for religion, a vacuum for what they would call superstition,
The social engineers have made you this new earth religion, and you're just lapping it up.
So you don't respond to any of the scientific facts, you just say, oh Alex Jones is afraid of science, and then don't look at the evidence.
So, that's some of the issues I want to talk about today as well.
All day, so men sit there, you know, at a primitive level thinking an attractive female is showing sexual desire for me.
No, they're a salesperson trying to con you and rip you off for the military-industrial complex that owns those channels.
It's like they have the cute young hunks twittering and winking and making the smiley faces and blushing.
They do fake blushing.
These are actors for the women to fool you.
They do exactly what sociologists and behavioral psychologists and sexual psychologists say women want and what men want.
And they just twittered and twittered to teach the women to twitter for Obama.
And they are saying he is the Messiah.
I mean, it's only getting worse.
We'll be right back.
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You know, again, everything in this society is fad-driven.
Once the corporate chiefs, the Madison Avenue spin doctors, can sell you that, hey, it's trendy, it's alternative to have a bunch of tattoos, people go and cover their bodies with them.
I'm not making a moral judgment one way or the other.
I don't care.
My point is, they say it's the fad, everybody does it.
Uh, they say it's the fad for everybody to get a nose ring.
Large portions of the society do.
They say it's the fad, uh, you know, to drive a BMW if you're in a certain status and class and to use this type of golf clubs and dress this way and to talk this way.
People take on, you know, these different corporate, uh, false persons they create.
And they put themselves in these smaller boxes.
And the establishment gives you lots of little niche choices and lots of little counterculture choices
You know, there's the cowboy, there's the roughneck, there's the lumberjack look, you know, for rural people.
You know, there's all these different subgroups of trendies and pibs and punk rockers and rockabillies and just on and on and on.
And then the establishment can say, well, part of being in this clique or this tribe, tribalism, this subset, is that you have these beliefs.
And this is generally, you know, the icons of the movement.
And the people that speak for the movement.
And see, once the population has been trained from a very young age, you've got to have this pair of Reebok tennis shoes.
You know, those were big in the mid-80s, early 80s.
White tennis shoes.
And they've got to stay white, so you've got to have the white shoe polish and keep them all clean.
And you know, then in the early 90s, it's having the pants hanging down around your ankles, or you know, hanging down over your hind end.
All of this, it doesn't matter.
The point is, is that every year they can have a new fad, a new style, and the women have to throw out everything they've got and go out and buy it again.
You know, it started as a mode to just sell more products, and to make people buy a new wardrobe every year.
But it created a culture
And humans have always been fad-driven, always peer pressure, always tribal.
But it takes that to a new level.
To where now they can come in and hype Bush up with a national fad of American flags out and mindlessly saying, we've got to do whatever it takes.
Suddenly there were people all over TV saying, I want to take a microchip.
I want world government to keep us safe from Al Qaeda.
You know, that was a fad.
That was a mania.
A fanaticism.
And his approval rating shot up to 89%, the highest of any president ever, and he just could do anything, and they rammed all this police state legislation through.
Which Obama's announcing that they're going to expand.
Forget looking at or removing.
They'll remove one or two little things or change some minor language for PR purposes, but don't even look like they're doing that.
It's just, everything stays and gets expanded.
So it's the same thing with Obama, but I've never seen it this strong.
I was flipping around on MSNBC, CNN, Fox, and it was cooing women.
And normally on the shows it's one woman, one man, but suddenly today, the men weren't there.
This was a special across all channels.
Now if I have the staff to analyze this, break it down, make video clips out of it, show people what they're doing.
It is... I wish we had the capital to do that.
Because it's so obvious once you know what you're looking for.
Cooing, and literally breathing heavy, and patting her chest, and, oh, hold on, ooh, ooh, I'm, I'm, my heartbeat, oh, I want him.
You know, they're just, ahh, ahh.
I mean, it was ridiculous, but it's fake on top of it.
Women breathing heavy, ahh, like it's Elvis, you know, collapsing.
You know, those staged events.
But once they staged a few women collapsing, six, seven, eight months ago, see, then others through the group think they would collapse.
It's like at the phony preacher event, where they have one or two of the people that work at the church, they collapse and fall down, and then everybody else starts collapsing and falling down.
It's group psychology, mob psychology.
So I was watching all this, and they would have in the background, TVs way far off, Obama-mania.
Then they would flash it for about a third of a second.
Not even really subliminal, it's becoming more overt.
Once people are hypnotized and set up to this wavelength,
So they went for about a third of a second, hit the screen with, watching MSNBC when they were doing that, with Obama-mania, Obama-mania, Obama-mania, Obama-mania, Obama-mania, Obama-mania, flashing in and out of each transition.
It gets more overt.
I mean scientific warfare.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I hear the train a-comin' It's rollin' around the bend And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when I'm stuck in Folsom Prison And time keeps draggin' on But that train keeps a-rollin' On down to San Antonio
I went ahead and told, after a lot of soul-searching, and I know they're listening, they tell me they listen routinely and they were describing the show in a lot of detail, I decided to not be interviewed by National Geographic.
Now, it's a film production crew.
The guy, Mr. Erickson, does all these hit pieces on JFK and other, quote, conspiracies.
And I'd agree to do it, knowing it was a hit piece.
But why walk into something where it's that stacked of a deck?
Just to get on TV, just to, you know, have my face out there as P.T.
Barnum said, just get my name right in the newspaper.
I don't care what you say about me.
Any publicity is good publicity.
You know, that may be true, but I just don't want to be around those type of people anymore.
I mean, I'm not intimidated by being interviewed.
In fact, I'd probably fall asleep during the interview.
That's the biggest problem I face now.
I don't really get butterflies doing my radio show.
I don't get butterflies talking to 5,000 people.
I don't get, you know, a big crowd.
I don't get butterflies.
Even when cops run up and tell me they're gonna arrest me and I don't have free speech and I can't be videotaping a
I just feel sorry for them now and look into their zombie eyes and realize their children have no future.
That they were robbed of their manhood and patriotism.
I mean, I've lost a lot just as I've gained a lot intellectually, mentally, spiritually.
Because I just don't want to be around those people.
You know, so they can interview me for five, six, seven, eight hours is what they wanted.
And then put two minutes of me in a TV show looking like a fool.
And so they can have all their experts in glistening office buildings with shining stainless steel furniture and $4,000 suits wearing spectacles with the name expert under them and then so they can cut to me and blow the video color out and stretch my face out.
And that's what popular mechanics did in History Channel.
And I'm just like, why?
Why do I even want to do that?
And then they get so amazed when you don't care about going on national TV, when you're not like the rest of the American people who are all into this crud.
You think I care about your false reality?
You think I care when I know the government's putting poison in the water to brain damage us and I have their documents?
When I know this criminal group has killed 3 million Iraqis in my name?
In your name?
When I know they're predatory?
When I know they're parasitic?
When I know we're going into tyranny?
When I know we're facing a total breakdown of society by design, world government, eugenics, worldwide one-child policies, soft kill weapons?
You think I care about you?
You think I care about your TV channel?
You think I care about your production company?
You think I care one iota?
No, I don't care.
And I will not be a cut-out prop to give some illusion that you gave fair and balanced time.
Now, I have to say that when the BBC wants to interview me, even though it's hit pieces, I'll do it because at least they'll let us say a little bit.
And it's happened with a few other channels.
Say, uh, 2020.
Things I've been on, Extra, Hard Copy, stuff like that.
But today, last time I was on Extra,
The guy came over when I was in Denver, and he said, uh, this is all gonna, you know, this will be on TV, I'll have you say that.
Of course, we were streaming live over the internet while he was sitting there.
So that all went out on Justin.TV, and I'm like, okay.
Sitting around the kitchen in the condo we were staying in, in Denver, and, uh, he, um, went and edited the piece together, and then they lied, and basically never
Never put out any of the Truth and the Peace.
So see, now I'm seeing them lie even more, and it's not even spinning or half-truths now, it's just deception.
So, this Sunday, I watched inside the JFK shooter car, produced by the same guy that's doing this
This 9-11 film with Stephen Jones and others.
And by the way, I've got Stephen Jones and some of those guys on the show tomorrow.
Because I was going to have them on air while they were here videotaping me.
That wasn't their idea, I just thought to do it.
Because they're separately interviewing them and then they were going to interview me after.
They'll still be on, Kevin Ryan and others, about all the new developments and the implosion of the towers.
But I watched this show, sitting down with my wife, and it was worse than any hit piece I've ever seen.
Totally 100% one-sided.
They used as their premise faulty data because the Secret Service says there was blood spatters in the front of the car going along with their official story that he was shot from the back.
When the whole back of his head blows off, clearly shot in the front.
I mean they grabbed that Chrysler and they went and scrubbed it and cleaned it and ripped all the metal out and rebuilt it and acted completely suspicious with all of it so the basic evidence they're using that the bedrock is a fraud they got some plastic head with gelatin in it and they've got it leaning forward at an angle
And they shoot it, and it blows up forward, and then they say, oh, we won't show you the president actually having his head blown off, or part of it blown off, because that would be too disrespectful.
We'll show you a computer generation.
And of course, I went and looked at the Supruder film right after that, and that is not what the splatter looked like, you can see on the film.
But the good news is I went to the Discovery Channel website that had hundreds of comments within a few minutes of the show ending, and it was just like, you know, I've always been skeptical that it was more than one gunman, but this thing is so one-sided that, you know, this just makes a mockery out of it.
I mean, 99% of the comments, I'd say 98%.
So I read about 100 of them, there were probably two or three for it.
So 97%, whatever.
The vast majority were just, this is ridiculous!
This is ridiculous!
And they went through all of the reasons it was a joke.
Of course, I also separately know about Discovery Channel.
One of the best-known documentary filmmakers in the country, the folks that made Paradise Lost, and Some Kind of Monster, and Brother's Keeper.
They were making a film about 9-11 truth for Discovery Channel, but this was really to be fair.
And, uh, Joe, one of the filmmakers, said, uh, no, I mean, they've got new management there, and they claim they want it to be fair, and you guys have pretty much convinced us of a lot, and we've gone and checked what you're saying, and, uh, I don't know they're even gonna let me get this on.
I've never had a film refused.
No, this was high budget for Discovery Channel.
Three and a half, you know, million dollars.
And most of those shows are about two hundred grand to make.
Three hundred grand.
And, um, he said, I don't know if they're going to let me put this out.
And they started calling going, yeah, they want us to basically put some neocons in there with the, you know, with their side of the story.
We already have people with the other side, but they kind of want it to be a hit piece.
And I've never seen this happen, but I'm not going to do it.
And so that entire,
Three and a half million dollar film.
Shot over a year.
By guys that, you know, make films that are blockbusters, you know, for documentaries.
I mean, these two guys, they're as big as it gets.
It's Michael Moore and then them under them.
Never will be seen.
Discovery Channel didn't even want to sell all the footage back to the company so they could release it.
Because they wanted to release it.
I never made a big deal about that.
It's just to understand how controlled things are.
Remember Sunday's show?
I read from the Center for Democracy and Media and from the Congressional Budget Office about they looked at only 75 U.S.
TV stations, broadcast stations, and found every night they have fake news they were paid to air.
And it's how great and safe statin rugs are, and how everyone needs them, including children.
Paid for.
They're totally deadly.
Heart attacks, cancer, liver failure.
Thousands of studies, literally.
Very widely studied.
Thousands of studies.
You know, they're newscast, paid for by the government, saying it's the law to take vaccines.
The local station is paid to lie to you, and that's how bankrupt the government is.
Corporations, the government, tens of billions a year, and fake news.
That's just every one of the TV stations they looked at.
They can't look at them all, there's thousands.
So, I mean, why should I even dignify?
Why should I even dignify people that... whose job it is to discredit the alternative media?
By hook or by crook.
I mean, why?
I'm not going to do it!
I'm not going to be part of it!
I don't care about your world and all this crud you care so much about.
To me, materialism is only to feed and clothe my family and be secure.
And pay for court costs if things get trumped up on me.
And help grandma out if she's broke.
That's it.
It isn't my God, you understand?
On my hierarchy of needs, and what's important in my life, is my name, telling the truth, being informed, helping others, building a better world, because I'm part of this species, and I live forever, as long as this species goes on forever.
I enjoy people doing well.
I enjoy people having nice homes, and creating beautiful things, and going to the stars, and going to the depths of the ocean, and trailblazing, and discovering, and I have joy thinking about our progeny.
I want to communicate with the future.
I want to be part of the future through their joy.
That's what art and literature and culture and all of this is about.
It is about wanting to communicate with the future.
It's about wanting to reach out and let humanity know you love them.
I'm not afraid of dying, folks, because I know there's going to be happy children that come.
Not even my children or my grandchildren.
There are going to be other people that have the same thoughts and same ideas and similar thoughts and even greater ideas and love and passion and courage.
If we can keep the species whole, not let it be mutated through this transition period we're going through, allow ourselves to truly get to the next level we're meant to go to, we can literally do it all.
You got the New World Order on the other side.
They are all about hating the beautiful.
Hating the strong.
Hating the independent.
They hate you.
Because they're intelligent.
But they got a blind spot.
They only think about themselves.
They're inherently selfish in the now.
George Bush was later asked about it.
He said, no, that's what I meant to say.
I don't care about the future because I'm not in it.
See, inherently thinking about themselves.
Inherently not understanding they're connected to everything else.
Inherently wicked.
Disconnected from the rest of the universe.
Not plugged in.
They are little babies beating on their chest like a baby gorilla
That's what all of this crud is about, all of these festooning themselves with signets and logos of power.
You know, the modern headdresses and the epaulets and the trappings of rank.
It is poppycock.
It is preening peacock subhuman posing.
Like a peacock displaying.
That's not who I am.
And that's not who humanity is.
Alright, I said I'd take your calls.
We'll do it in the next segment, end of the next hour.
A lot of audio clips coming up as well.
A lot of other news here I've got in front of me, but um... Perception is not reality.
You can have a hologram being pumped into video sunglasses you're wearing.
And you can think you're walking down a beautiful forest path, but you're really about to walk off the edge of a cliff and fall 3,000 feet.
Perception is not reality.
And this radio show is closer to the real reality in this plane of existence and what we're really dealing with than what you're getting on TV by light years.
Do I claim to have all the answers or have a corner on the market of reality?
Absolutely not.
I'm telling you it is endless and limitless and just gorgeous.
Even the ugliness in it only makes the good that much more beautiful.
That much more shining.
Just unspeakable wells of energy and life and love and creativity.
We're good to go.
Body language, giggling and smirking and laughing while you're being bombarded with 20, 30, 40 different types of visual input so that your mind shifts into subconscious mode so we can gather all the data.
You see, there's so much going on, you have to go into an unconscious mode to be able to gather it all.
Sort of focusing in on the one thing being said, the one thing being done.
And there's semantical deception on top of it.
You know, that's, um, an old trick of hunters.
You, on purpose... I mean, it's been done for thousands of years, since it's been written about it.
It goes back further than that.
About how to relax when you're hunting.
In ancient times, with a spear or a bow or... a throwing spear.
A musket.
You relax, looking out into the woods, looking out into the vista around you for movement.
But you're seeing everything.
You're just relaxed, seeing the entire picture in front of you.
You're in a trench.
And then you see the bird, you see the squirrel, you see the hawk, you see the deer, moving back in the forest, coming out into the clearing, coming up towards the path to the waterhole, where you're sitting, squatting in the brush.
You see, that's natural to relax and take everything in.
But they artificially switch you into that, but you're not sitting there by a water hole, taking everything in.
Well, you can then switch into conscious mode when you see the prey.
You are the prey.
With your mind wide open being bombarded by Pentagon designed
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The point I'm making is you are being bombarded.
You are being propagandized.
It's not just that government corporations are paying to have lies and fake news put in the newscast of TV, big dominant news stations, radio stations.
Admit it!
And it just continues.
It's that the venue, the medium, the way they're giving you the information is also a form of brainwashing.
Okay, I want to go to your phone calls, just on any issue you want to discuss, but I do have a lot of other news that's coming up in the next hour, and again, Alan Watt is joining us later.
Let's talk to John in Illinois, then Karen, Graham, Catherine, Mike, and others.
Go ahead, John, you're on the air from Illinois.
Hey there, how's it going today, Alex?
Good, sir.
Good, good, good.
Yeah, you were talking about the Discovery Channel and about how they filmed the 9-11 truth piece and about how it's never going to air?
Yeah, if you remember back, I believe it was in the early 90s, there was a documentary called Conspiracy of Silence that was completed and they were getting ready to air it and apparently they pulled all the copies.
I guess the feds came and seized all the copies.
No, no, I'm the one that put it on local access TV like 12 years ago, so yes, I'm aware of it.
People always send me emails going, why don't you talk about this?
You're covering it up.
No, we actually put the Conspiracy of Silence out.
Oh yeah, that'd be great.
I was sent it by the people that weren't allowed to release it.
Yep, yep.
And, you know, we have, what is it, five corporations that basically control all mainstream media.
You have Vivendi, you have Viacom, you have the Walt Disney Corporation, News Corp, and I think it's Barrelman AG.
And those five corporations basically control everything that you listen to on the radio and watch on television.
And now they're moving to shut down the free internet.
Unbelievable, Manny.
Absolutely unbelievable.
And you were also talking about how
These, uh, cliques or whatever you want to call it, like, you know, you have the gangsters and the punks.
It's all controlled opposition.
You get in fighting, you know, to distract us from the real issues.
Well, that's what I was going to say, and I never finished the thought, is that once they get you in a fad-driven system where you just adopt, like it's a suit of clothes, whatever group you're part of, once they have you in that mindset, they then go, okay, now you're an Obama maniac, and he's going to save you, but I've never seen them
So unified, so openly worshipping somebody, and then they're telling you, he's gonna take over, he's gonna have work brigades, he's gonna give you government jobs, he's gonna fix it all, and so let me tell you, it's gonna get bad.
I mean, I've never seen them get behind somebody like this in U.S.
Oh, absolutely.
I just want to shout out a website, uh, to everybody.
It's, uh, Obama Messiah.
Everybody needs to go and check that out if you don't think these people are totally worshipping this man.
It's just unbelievable.
No mainstream TV!
I mean, they pay these women to sit there and Twitter and start breathing heavy, you know, heaving their chest up, showing classic, you know, mammal
You know, that's the classic, you know, a female in highest excitement.
You know, premating.
I mean, this is right when the mammals are coming together.
It's just like when you're hunting deer.
It's all about hunting.
The globalists, I mean, they're acting predatory against us.
It's like they'll go out and put out buck spray.
You know, the smell of a doe, or whatever, the smell of a buck, to trick them to come in.
They visually have the females alert, and, ah, ah, ah, on TV, and smile at you, and smack, and, while they're selling you evil.
I mean, this is, this is warfare, ladies and gentlemen.
And, and, and we just buy it hook, line, and sinker.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, you need to realize, you are under attack.
You are under attack.
Karen, Graham, Catherine, Mike,
And then again, the men do the same thing, but it's all the classical behavioral psychology, sexual psychology.
The federal government pays to have all these studies done.
The males then do what women want.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
9-11 was an inside job!
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hi Alex, I thought I'd let you know that
People, I want you to know that whatever Alex Jones said is really the truth, because my great-grandfather, who died in 1943, and he had a brother who fought against the Bolsheviks in Russia, and he kept on saying those Bolsheviks, how he disliked them, and how they will come here in America, and also my grandparents on both my mom and dad's side, both said this.
And people, everything that Alex has said is really, really true.
You can believe him or not, but I know he's telling the truth.
And the Bolsheviks were just one gang the British and U.S.
banks hired to go kill the British Royal's cousin, the Czar, and now they're here today.
The big corporations finance communism, socialism, and fascism.
Anything that destroys middle classes and consolidates power.
My great-great-uncle died in the prison camps, and I had other relatives who were assassinated and killed.
And this relative of mine is about fourth or fifth generation.
And when the sisters of St.
Agnes went into Russia to interview the Volga Germans, and he said that
His father was executed when he was six years old, and he lived on Field Mice and Steve, the orphanages.
He complained to Stalin one time, and he didn't say why he served ten years in Siberian prison camps, but he did.
And during those ten years, 200,000 people died.
Then he said, you figure 2,500 a day would go into the work fields, and only 500 would come back.
Each day.
The 10 years that he was in prison.
And then, uh, Stalin said that the reason why his father was killed, because he was considered the enemy of the state, and also, uh, people may not be aware that they had the farm collective, and if you had 50 acres of land, 25 belonged to the state, whatever you, they owned, half belonged to the state.
No, I'm listening.
Are you there?
Yes, and so... I mean, at first they didn't want to give them anything, but then all the farmers would starve to death, so the big, fat, lazy, wicked banker commies, which aren't commies, they're thieves that tell you it's for the lower class, who's ignorant, and they would just sit there, and so they weren't getting enough greedy food for themselves, so they had to let the peasants have a little bit of land.
Yes, and a lot of the relatives during World War II
There was, the letters were so censored.
I remember in 1954 when there was a flood in Midwest and the portion of Kansas that I lived in.
And my dad had to, we had to go at 8 o'clock in the morning to pump out the water in my grandma's basement.
And my great-grandma was named Pauline, and my grandma's name was Victoria, and she said, uh, you know, Victoria, I got a letter from my sister-in-law, and it's over on the stand, and so I, I was nine years old, and I looked at that letter, and it was so censored.
It says, Dear Pauline, black, black, black, four pages black, we are fine, love.
That's the only thing.
And then, in 1962, the relatives on the Russian side found this woman who smuggled two letters in and out of Russia a day.
So, we heard from our relatives from 1963.
I didn't, but my great-uncle continued after my great-grandma died, from 1963 to 1968, when the lady died.
And now, everything they did there, they're doing here.
They're reading our mail, tracking everything we do.
They're criminals.
Hello friends, this is Alex Jones.
I've told you for a long time it's important to be self-sufficient and today that's more important than ever.
We need to be independent and food and water is the key.
You'll never have to stand in a bread line if you have your own bread.
You'll never have to go to the Superdome and beg for FEMA to take care of your family in any emergency.
If you simply prepare.
Our elective representatives wanted a good ol' boy bailout for the special interest.
So they ignored your screams not to do it.
They turned off the telephones and email.
They voted to print $850 billion at least out of thin air.
This money now owns the American and European banks.
The exploding inflation that is now guaranteed will slash your life savings to nothing and blast the cost of necessities, particularly food, beyond many Americans' reach.
In pre-Nazi Germany superinflation, the cost of a loaf of bread doubled every two days.
Until it reached over 4 billion marks.
Food prices are skyrocketing so fast, there seems as if there may be no end in sight.
The private banks merging with our government are refusing to loan grocery stores enough money to restock their shelves.
The stores have less food, but jack up prices to stay in business.
Whatever happens in America, we need to be prepared and be ready.
Everything is zeroing in on food.
One-third of Americans have to choose between buying food and paying for other necessities.
My friends, whatever it takes, get prepared, get self-sufficient, get food.
For everybody out there listening, it's very important for you to understand that by having a supply of storable food, the government, the new old order, has a lot less control over you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to go to Graham, Catherine, Mike, Jimmy, Dustin, and others, open phones throughout this hour.
Into the next two hours with Alan Watts.
They're always criminals.
They're always thugs.
They're always control freaks.
They're always just people who are greedy, period.
To understand the real power and profit and wealth, which is, comes from government.
Comes from controlling government and using it as a system to steal from the peasants and the middle class.
The merchant class.
And that's all that's happened.
You know, the Bolsheviks, the Nazis, it was all about looting.
They're very materialistic people.
It's all about having their own, you know, castles on the Black Sea for the Communist Center Party.
And they were all bankrolled by U.S.
and London banks.
That's part of the historical record.
Because they wanted, the big banks, wanted to loot Russia, that giant empire owned by the czars, their own corrupt system, their own corrupt, oppressive system.
I'm not even defending them.
See, they psychologically have trained us to say, I ran bad, U.S.
How about, I ran bad, U.S.
You know, they've trained us to think Israel good, Palestinians bad.
Or, Palestinians bad, Israel good?
How about Palestinians bad and Israelis bad?
By that I mean, you know, the Palestinians are doing bad things, so are the Israelis.
The point is, they train you to see it either or, and not to see the larger picture of how this really works.
But then they brought in the communists, who, I mean, you know, the czars didn't kill 60 million people over 30 years.
The communists did.
So be careful of the change you ask for.
Because I believe we're going to get change under Barack Obama.
People are like, well, wait a minute.
You didn't like George Bush?
Yes, and I said every day, the one thing he didn't want to be heard.
The one thing the overlords of our society don't want spoken.
They are puppets.
They are puppets.
They are puppets.
Why don't they want you to know that Bill Clinton, George Bush Sr., Jr., Obama are puppets.
Front men.
Pitch men.
Fall guys.
Because they want you to think the buck stops with them.
So in four to eight years, they can blame the whole agenda of the new world order on them, and they give you some new puppet, so you'll then think they're gonna save you, and then you figure out they're not, and so you blame them, and they give you a new puppet.
Over and over and over again.
They don't want you looking at the tax-free foundations.
They don't want you looking at the elite power structure.
They don't want you looking at the geopolitical system.
They don't want you to look at the New World Order.
Now, they know the New World Order is being exposed and is now a major issue worldwide, so they're blaming the economic calamities and problems that have been engineered by them, by the private central banks, in their own documents.
We've covered all that.
On things that even logically have no connection, like, well, it's fossil fuels, that's why the economy's falling apart.
They're all over TV and radio now, saying if you want to get out of the deepening recession we're in, bordering on depression, they're now using that word, you need to have a carbon tax, global warming.
We need to, that will fix it, that will start a new economy that will get us out of this.
No, because you go look at what they mean it to do, it's to tax you and freeze the economy more and destroy the middle class in the western world.
That's what it's stated for, is to kill development and kill the economies so they can consolidate it and vertically integrate it.
So, A, they blame the problems on the fossil fuel economy, when that is the economy.
They blame it on that.
Then they say their solution is, let us basically
Gang rape the economy.
Let us shut down the coal plants.
Let us do all this.
This will give you jobs.
This will help you.
This will help your business.
Give me a break.
Increasing energy prices by around 50%.
So it's just a wall of lies they put out.
A wall of lies.
Now, they are announcing their world government to a certain extent, but only as something new and a solution.
That's why they're admitting, okay, it's a new world order, okay, the global banks will run everything, they will control world finances with international law, they will direct armies, you will pay taxes to them.
Because they're getting ready to do it regardless, and they know that finally they have to emerge, they're finally openly setting it up, they have to go ahead and admit it.
So they just kinda
Ease it in, saying, yeah, it's the solution to the crisis.
When, on its face, they're the ones that engineered it.
Alright, let's go to your calls.
Oh boy.
Uh, Graham in Seattle, you're on the air.
Hey Graham, you wanna talk?
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.
Um, hey Alex, I just wanted to thank you for being up on the air every day.
I listen to you every day with my girlfriend, and I hear these people calling in wondering what they can do to fight the New World Order, and I just want to tell them that they need to go out to their local organic farmers markets and shake the hand that feeds them, you know?
We need to support these organic local food networks, because that's what's going to keep us alive in this coming crisis.
That's all I have to say, and thank you for doing your great work.
Yes, you need to make a commitment.
Thank you.
To stop using the cell phone except to check messages if you have to or for emergencies.
You have to make a commitment to not give cell phones to your children that track and trace them and surveil them and tie them more into the matrix and microwave them.
Give them cancer, no doubt, proven.
Just Google it.
Hundreds and hundreds, really thousands of studies.
I mean, there's got to be more than a thousand that I've seen over the last couple decades.
Where it's confirmed, where it's absolutely confirmed, you know, you've got to
Look into water filtration and purification systems to stop drinking the mercury, the lead, the arsenic, the fluoride, the dead bacteria.
The chlorine only kills them.
I mean, that is such a such a huge problem.
You must go to the farmer's market every weekend and buy as much of the food there as you can, and then actually go home and cook it and make it and eat it.
You have to relearn what's been drummed out of us, or what we were never taught, to get back to literally getting into local areas, empowering them.
And then what'll happen is, if you go buy out everything they've got, and more people start using farmers markets, which they are, they'll be, instead of one in your town, they'll be two or three.
Or in a big city, there might be ten or fifteen.
They'll start having them every day!
Just like, fifteen years ago, you couldn't find organic food even in the best supermarkets.
Now, all over the country, even in small towns, half of the produce will be organic.
And now, just five years ago, most of the milk was still unorganic.
Now, it's organic milk with no hormones, has almost completely displaced the non-organic.
To where, it doesn't matter of those companies if Monsanto wants to sell a growth hormone that makes your girls, you know, six and a half feet tall and go into puberty when they're five.
And makes your boys, you know, have acromegala.
Giant's disease.
And all the cancers that come with it.
I mean, folks, I see it everywhere.
I see parents that are, you know, the dad's 5'8", the mom's 5'2", and their kids are like 6 1⁄2 feet tall, folks.
Those kids are all down to cancer.
I mean, I hope you're early.
I mean, I hope you know most of us are already dead.
There's people just dying everywhere, all around me.
There's people just dying left and right, cancers all exploding, diabetes exploding, everything else.
I mean, a lot of us are already dead.
Early from this.
You know what happens when you pump those hormones into you?
For decades?
It fries your entire endocrine system.
It fries your hormonal systems.
It accelerates the aging process.
Hormones are the number one cause of cancer naturally.
There's all the other causes.
Radiation, space radiations, and you know, natural part of it, now all the unnatural radiation been added in, but I'm already digressing, it doesn't even matter.
You need to understand, ladies and gentlemen, that we can turn this around.
There's an example right there by how you spend your money.
Doesn't matter if Monsanto says, the growth hormone's good for you.
Doesn't matter.
People just won't drink their crap anymore.
They go and have school contracts and pay off local schools to make them give your children that milk.
So what do they do?
So you pack them a lunch if you're sending them to a government camp.
And that's what they are.
I don't say that for effect.
Public schools are brainwashing camps.
You're there to learn how to use drugs, and how to go on Prozac and Ritalin, and how to act cool, and how to have sex when you're young, and how to be just a modern zombie.
Let's take another call here.
Catherine, Illinois.
You're on the air.
A comment?
Yes, go ahead.
I have a comment and two, um, quotes.
The comment is that, um, I wanted to alert everyone to an article on a website called War is Crime.
That's the website, and the article on it is Trading Prisoners Like Cattle.
Now, each criminal case is sold by the government as a financial instrument.
To make money off the people in jail.
They do this also with the soldiers in Iraq, and um, so the whole thing is a big scam.
Yeah, they sell the insurance policies, they sell the bond, it's derivatives.
And it's thousands of trillions, and the bankers sold it and then bought the world with it.
Go ahead.
And all state and local governments and police departments are private corporations doing a job for the government.
They are not the government.
All of them are listed on Dun & Bradstreet.
They all have ratings on Dun & Bradstreet.
Except for the sheriffs.
That's why they're getting rid of sheriff's departments.
And they have no jurisdiction over you without a contract.
Um, so I just wanted to alert people to this big fraud.
Now, the first quote that I have is, um, a government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have.
Uh, the course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases.
That's Thomas Jefferson.
And the second quote I have is, um, better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
Sounds like Elkada talked to me.
Anything else?
No, no, thank you.
Hey, good to hear from you.
Yes, uh, police, in case you didn't know it, um, you're... really are private corporations, most of you offshore now.
And, uh, hey, don't believe me, just roll your sleeves up, take a shot.
Hey, give your kids one while you're at it.
I'm a liar, you know, don't trust me.
We're good to go.
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We're all the trendies.
Especially the people that work for the system.
The corrupt TV producers.
Their minions.
The corrupt people that enforce the system and the government.
You know you live a lie.
You know society's in a death spiral.
You know that you're doing wrong.
They get all of us to play our little part in the system and then together we add to that great mountain of corruption.
Where does it end?
We have to wake up.
We have to get out of the lie.
We have to want the truth.
We have to face the truth.
If you don't do that, historically, you get destroyed.
Most societies are collapsed, or third world, or squalor.
You always have the local kingpins that rule over the slaves.
Why should you build something?
Why should you work hard if somebody's just going to steal it from you?
That's where the United States is going.
Our Protestant worth ethic is being destroyed.
And the government has its own think tank documents.
I aired some clips.
I aired some clips.
On Sunday's show, where they admitted it isn't about them even believing in God, it's they're saying that the Protestant worth ethic, people not cheating each other as much, not being as corrupt, having a basic set moral system allowed business and commerce to thrive.
Because as corrupt as our society was the last 300 years, it's nothing compared to other countries.
Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe.
And now, corruption and lies are just racing through the society to the point of, hey, why not go ahead and just put poison in the food?
Not even on purpose to hurt you, just because they just don't care.
Just dump that toxic waste right in the milk.
Let it kill tens of thousands of people.
The FDA then comes out and says, oh, it's good for you.
Remember that two weeks ago?
They said, that's not bad for you.
Doesn't hurt you, just kills you.
See, this is psychological warfare.
I said I'd take your calls.
Let's hurry through them.
I got a lot of other news that I don't want to get to, but your calls are always so great.
Um, we just talked to Catherine, didn't we?
Mike in California, you're on the air.
Hey, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I called yesterday, but I got some questions for you, if you don't mind.
Yes, sir.
Alright, um, I agree that it won't be easy for the NWO or the New Order to implement a police state.
My first question is why are they still going to try, knowing as you and I guess Bob Chapman have said, that there are roughly 30 million well-armed people who may organize against it?
Well, there's more like 150 million armed people just in the U.S., but millions will fight back.
So they're just going to keep incrementally turning the heat up.
They're going to make society and crime break down so bad.
That we're all just acclimated to drones and surveillance and checkpoints and being pulled out of our cars and being searched and our children being questioned about us until, you know, it just slowly, until they just walk up to you at work, they know your pattern, the computers and cameras will track everywhere we go, they'll have an algorithm of where you'll be at what time, and then they just taser you and then take you to a facility and you're euthanized there.
They don't care that there are 30 million people that may know what they know and may be well organized like some of the people in your region.
Well, their enforcers know they got a big skull tattoo on their chest and drive a big Harley and are making $100,000 a year enforcing with the extra little cash they're going to get on the side.
Their attitude is, hey, I'm looking out for me.
Nothing's going to change this.
So I'm going to kill Americans.
I'm going to take their houses.
I'm going to take their property.
I mean hell!
No, I mean hell!
Hell, I was killing Iraqis ten years ago.
Why not just kill Americans now?
My next question is if the New World Order has a plan to eliminate roughly 5 billion people outside of a nuclear bomb, how do you think they would do it?
They're going to do it in controlled plagues.
They're going to have more scares, more SARS, more bird flu, get us herded into compact cities, teach us to live under surveillance,
And you don't think that these non-white countries like Asia and Africa or India are... No, they're all... Their leadership's part of it.
Their leadership's all part of it.
They love it, too.
Alright, and what are some of the detailed things you believe the N.W.
has planned for people in FEMA camps?
Well, number one, they're not FEMA camps.
They're emergency relocation centers for homeless.
We're helping people, and obviously, we can't have disruptions.
You're being taken to solitary confinement, Mike.
Don't call it that.
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I think so.
I make a living off the land.
I ride a John Deere tractor.
I'm a liberated man.
The rain hasn't fallen since the middle of July.
And if it don't come soon, my crops will die.
The bankman says he likes me.
The bankman says he likes me.
But there's nothing he can do.
The government likes you.
Tells me that he's coming.
But the clouds are coming too.
Obama will save you, my friend.
Alright, we're back live.
I want to air the first 15 minutes of the great global warming swindle.
I'm going to play more of it later in the week.
It's all dead on.
But I want to continue with your phone calls right now.
Alan Watt joins us here in about 30 minutes.
Or two hours, open phones.
You know, Mike, are you still there?
Do we let Mike go?
Mike's gone.
You know, Mike... You know, when I just throw a statement out like they're gonna have drone aircraft spray us with biological or chemical weapons and kill us... That's the truth.
And I don't care if weak-minded people can't handle it.
That is what everything is converging towards.
And you can ignore me like you ignore me on everything else if you want mainline people out there.
I remember people, you know, calling up.
Hi, I'm calling from West Virginia.
Not bashing West Virginia, that's how the guy was talking.
You're a liar!
The economy's doing great, and the economy isn't going to be doing bad, and everything's going to be wonderful with the economy, and you're just a liar about subprime mortgages are going to implode.
That's all a lie.
I remember calls like that, you know, from people like that two years ago.
Those people call up and say, oh, you were right.
How did you know all of this?
Give me more insight.
No, it's just... No, I love the system.
I love the establishment.
It's very sad.
But they are going to defend their system until the bitter end.
Because their false beliefs are as real to them as this desk sitting here in front of me that I'm touching.
Or as this microphone I'm thumping.
And so, they're not going to help us turn this around.
The majority of the public, even if they know something's wrong, and most of them do, don't have enough respect for themselves to imagine that they could do anything in the world.
They never learned to even tap into 1, 100th of their human potential.
And that's sad.
But, um,
I talk a lot about it because it's an easy thing to find, point of reference, you know, there's UN Biological Diversity Assessments 95, 96, 97, that openly call for exterminating 8% of the population, and you have all the eugenics documents, and what the Nazis did, now they were U.S.
funded, and all the things being said today, and all these top biologists, and futurists, I mean, it's in all the literature, it's everywhere, where the elite openly have discussions, and openly have conferences,
Where they say we need to get a world government in place to mass cull at least 80% of the population and then we need to genetically screen to make sure that only non-aggressive servant geeks are, you know, the people that will serve the new world order in the future.
And then, you know, you have a local UT professor goes around giving speeches saying we need to kill 90% of the public and it's going to be wonderful and I can't wait for me and my family to die.
And by the way, I'm a Druid priest.
I mean, that's on his university website.
It's just... But he's the head of a whole department!
Totally cuckoo!
But the issue is, he goes and gives speeches in Texas and in Europe, and he gets standing ovations with people crying.
Because of these weird, fake intellectual minds.
It's the power trip.
They're like a moth to light.
They just start thinking about them, the scientific elite, killing 90% of the public, and they just... The power!
Plain God!
And that's been in the newspapers.
It's been on video.
They'll just start crying.
It's like they're at a faith revival.
And then the graduate students, you're working in bioweapons labs and the rest of them, you know, post on their own websites, here's my graduate paper with Dr. Pianca.
He, by the way, is very conservative.
Many of us now believe total human extinction is an absolute must because we can't allow humans to get off the planet.
They're a cancer!
And then they make short films for public schools, one of them won the big European Film Festival last year, showing humans as a cancer that must be stopped from getting off the planet.
Look at the architecture.
Look at the paintings, look at the art, look at the ideas, the mathematics.
I love whales, and I love people.
I love sea otters, I love red-headed woodpeckers.
I love life, period.
And let me tell you, I'm into our species.
No wonder the elite tries to shunt us and put blinders on us and make us petty, because they're afraid of what we really are.
Let me tell you something, you pieces of trash.
I know you're in control.
I mean, there's so much of this evidence that I'm not even covering one one millionth of it.
I've told the story, but it's an important one.
When I was finishing Endgame, my daughter was having a ballet recital one, it was a Saturday afternoon.
So I said, I gotta finish this film, come by and pick me up, my parents and my wife, at the office.
And my mother comes in about 20 minutes early and watches part of Endgame.
And she says, I know there's eugenics, and I know people really say they want to kill us, but, you know, is that really a majority view?
Is that really what you're saying?
That the top of the government, that's what they want?
I said, well, here's all the documents, Mom.
We get in the car, my mom's still saying, and she's a smart lady, and my dad goes, oh no, it's all true.
You know, because my dad doesn't talk a lot.
And then he tells the whole story about because he was top of his class, and
Out of high school, you know, when you were still in high school, you know, they took the top 125 kids in the state test scores, and then they got it down to the final six, and he was one of the final six, and then the head of the botany department called him in with the president of the university and all these people, and they said, okay, we want you to be part of the core group.
We're getting kids out of every major state.
We're the elite.
We're going to set up world government and basically carry out eugenics on the population and reduce population by 80 percent.
That was in
66 when he was a junior in high school.
My mother goes, what David?
And so he ought to have him on air sometime talk about that.
It's everywhere.
That's their religion.
That's all they do.
It's all they talk about.
And anybody, you know how people listen to this show?
Anybody who's been to college knows you've heard this.
Doesn't matter if you're in anthropology, or in English, or in the math science lab.
It doesn't matter if you're in biology.
Doesn't matter what department.
This is all they teach.
They'll just come in and go, before we get into Texas history, um, there's too many people.
The people, mom, you should read it.
We've got to stop having children.
By the way, the Second Amendment's bad, white people are bad, it's always a white guy saying it, and world government's good.
And then you walk out of the college class, and there's a group of high schoolers there being brainwashed in one wing, you know, about world government and how wonderful it is to model UN for the North American Union.
Then you go home and turn CNN on, and CNN says there's no plan for a new world order, dangerous people talk about it, when you just had it injected into you in every class.
People ask what my wake-up call is.
That was it.
Every class anti-Second Amendment.
Every class anti-America.
Every class.
We need to kill everybody.
They're everywhere.
They run it all.
You got it?
They're in control.
They're putting fluoride in your water.
That's why I can't kiss up and say, please, police, listen to me.
I know you're not all bad.
I've been too hard on you.
Hey, come on.
Just please look into what I'm saying and the cop gives you a childish, you know, boyish grin of, shut up, kook.
Yeah, right.
You need to be slapped upside the head and go, see what you're working for?
You think it's fun to taser somebody to death?
You think it's fun to have all this power?
You think it's fun to throw the book at kids in school for no reason?
Get them into the system?
You think it's cool the government ships drugs in?
Like putting a deer feeder out for the deer to bring them in?
CIA puts out the deer feeder, puts the corn in it?
You're being attacked too, Mac.
The New World Order doesn't care about 3 million Iraqi children.
They don't give a flying fig leaf.
For you.
And they are poisoning your water, and they're on power trips.
And you go around these biology professors, and these dual order types, they're all just like, they hate themselves, they hate you.
I mean, just go meet them, they're just like, ugh, I don't like you, ugh, I'm so unhappy, ugh, I don't have really any soul or any original thoughts, all I know is that I want power, and the greatest power is to kill.
That's the power I wanted.
I need it.
I'm going to have it.
Let me tell you something, patriots.
You know, this is, this is their mind's eye.
You're not scientific and well ordered like we are.
You're not willing to make the hard choices.
And you're too cowardly to listen.
You're too cowardly to see what we're building around you, and you will never stop us.
We will incrementally put in the prison grid, the technological enslavement... ...prison.
And you will slowly die as we turn up the ambient background soft-kill silent weapons for this quiet war.
And so they just slowly turn it up in every way.
They reduce the language.
They reduce the semantics.
They change the meaning of words.
They add more poisons and hormones to the food and the air and to the vaccines.
And they slowly turn the heat up.
Until it's 30, 40 years ago, a child with cancer was like
It was like finding a dodo bird or something, an extinct species.
It was like finding a leprechaun.
It didn't exist.
They would come and marvel at a child with cancer.
They would marvel at it.
At Harvard Medical School.
We've had doctors on it, told those stories.
And now, on any block, on any street with children, you got 10, 15 kids, one of them's battling cancer.
Lots of little coffins are going into the ground.
The death is intensifying.
You see, we're not scientific.
We've got old, goody, good, soft hearts that don't see that humanity is a cancer and has to be dealt with.
Let's go ahead until the end of the hour, then I'll take more calls, then Wad will come on.
Everybody wants to hold.
We'll go to you.
You can hang on and call back.
Jimmy, Dustin, Scott, Donna, Roy.
Here is the greatest film I've seen out there, bar none.
It's up on YouTube, up on Google.
We have a link to it up on PrisonPlanet.com.
Easy to find it.
The Great Global Warming Swindle.
And I know you're probably awake to these frauds, but pass the video on to others.
But here's the audio from it, and we'll play more tomorrow.
Here it is.
When people say, we don't believe in global warming, I say, no, I believe in global warming.
I don't believe that human CO2 is causing that warming.
A few years ago, if you would ask me, I would tell you it's CO2.
Because just like everyone else in the public, I listened to what the media had to say.
Each day, the news reports grow more fantastically apocalyptic.
Politicians no longer dare to express any doubt about climate change.
There is such intolerance of any dissenting voice by some of the worst climate criminals on the planet.
This is the most politically incorrect thing possible, is to doubt this climate change orthodoxy.
Global warming has gone beyond politics.
It is a new kind of morality.
The Prime Minister is back from his holidays, unrepentant and unembarrassed about yet another long-haul destination.
Yet, as the frenzy over man-made global warming grows shriller, many senior climate scientists say the actual scientific basis for the theory is crumbling.
There were periods, for example, in Earth's history when we had three times as much CO2 as we have today, or periods when we had ten times as much CO2 as we have today.
And if CO2 has a large effect on climate, then you should see it in the temperature reconstruction.
If we look at climate through the geological timeframe, we would never suspect CO2 as a major climate driver.
None of the major climate changes in the last thousand years can be explained by CO2.
You can't say that CO2 will drive climate.
It certainly never did in the past.
I've often heard it said that there is a consensus of thousands of scientists on the global warming issue and that humans are causing a catastrophic change to the climate system.
Well, I am one scientist, and there are many that simply think that is not true.
Man-made global warming is no ordinary scientific theory.
This morning, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change made up of... It is presented in the media as having the stamp of authority of an impressive international organization.
...from the IPCC... The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC.
The IPCC, like any UN body, is political.
The final conclusions are politically driven.
This claim that the IPCC is the world's top 1,500 or 2,500 scientists
You look at the bibliographies of the people and it's simply not true.
There are quite a number of non-scientists.
And to build the number up to 2,500, they have to start taking reviewers and government people and so on, anyone who ever came close to them.
And none of them are asked to agree.
Many of them disagree.
Those people who are specialists but don't agree with the polemic and resign, and there have been a number that I know of, they are simply put on the author list and become part of this 2,500 of the world's top scientists.
People have decided you have to convince other people that since no scientist disagrees, you shouldn't disagree either.
But that, whenever you hear that in science, that's pure propaganda.
This is the story of how a theory about climate turned into a political ideology.
See, I don't even like to call it the environmental movement anymore, because really it is a political activist movement, and they have become hugely influential at a global level.
It is the story of the distortion of a whole area of science.
Climate scientists need there to be a problem in order to get funding.
We have a vested interest in creating panic because then money will flow to climate science.
There's one thing you shouldn't say and that is this might not be a problem.
It is the story of how a political campaign turned into a bureaucratic bandwagon.
The fact of the matter is that tens of thousands of jobs depend upon global warming right now.
It's a big business.
It's become a great industry.
All right, stay there.
Folks, it's far worse than that.
It's a revolution.
It's a way to overthrow society and tax and regulate all of us.
It's a way for control freak do-nothings to suck off of you.
Got it?
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It's a big business.
It's become a great industry in itself.
And if the whole global warming farrago collapsed, there'd be an awful lot of people out of jobs and looking for work.
This is a story of censorship and intimidation.
I've seen and heard their spitting fury at anybody who might disagree with them, which is not the scientific way.
It is a story about Westerners invoking the threat of climatic disaster to hinder vital industrial progress in the developing world.
One clear thing that emerges from the whole environmental debate is the point that there's somebody keen to kill the African dream, and the African dream is to develop.
The environmental movement has evolved into the strongest force there is for preventing development in the developing countries.
The global warming story is a cautionary tale of how a media scare became the defining idea of a generation.
The whole global warming business has become like a religion.
And people who disagree are called heretics.
I'm a heretic.
The makers of this program are all heretics.
In 2005, a House of Lords inquiry was set up to examine the scientific evidence of man-made global warming.
A leading figure in that inquiry was Lord Lawson of Blaby, who, as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the 1980s, was the first politician to commit government money to global warming research.
We had a very, very thorough inquiry, took evidence from a whole lot of people, experts in this area, and produced a report.
What surprised me was to discover how weak and uncertain the science was.
In fact, there are more and more thoughtful people, some of them a little bit frightened to come out in the open, but who quietly, privately, and some of them publicly, are saying, hang on, wait a minute, this simply doesn't add up.
We are told that the Earth's climate is changing.
But the Earth's climate is always changing.
In Earth's long history, there have been countless periods when it was much warmer and much cooler than it is today, when much of the world was covered by tropical forests, or else vast ice sheets.
The climate has always changed, and changed without any help from us humans.
We can trace the present warming trend back at least 200 years, to the end of a very cold period in Earth's history.
This cold spell is known to climatologists as the Little Ice Age.
In the 14th century, Europe plunged into the Little Ice Age.
And where we would look for evidence of this are the old illustrations and prints and pictures of Old Father Thames.
Because during the hardest and toughest winters of that Little Ice Age, the Thames would freeze over.
And there were wonderful ice fairs held on the Thames.
Skating, and people actually selling things on the ice.
If we look back further in time, before the Little Ice Age, we find a balmy golden era, when temperatures were higher than they are today, a time known to climatologists as the Medieval Warm Period.
All right.
We're gonna come back the next five minutes and play about five minutes more, and then, uh, Alan Watt comes on, I promise we'll go to your calls quickly at 1-800-259-9231.
About an hour and fifty minutes of discussion with Alan Watt coming up in your phone calls.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his MO.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's right!
We're gonna air a few more minutes from the intro to the great global warming swindle.
We have it posted up at PrisonPlanet.com.
Don't believe the sign that it claims?
Check them all out for yourself.
Find out the truth.
And then we've got Alan Watt coming up and we'll be taking your phone calls continually with him.
But as I said at the end of the last hour, briefly in 10 seconds, PrisonPlanet.tv, ladies and gentlemen, all of my films, 20 plus, Fabled Enemies, Jason Bermes' film, high quality, burn them to disk, DVD, give them to people, Prison Planet.
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We've got the IP address thing turned up to about five IP addresses.
I may even turn it up higher so you can share your passcode.
In the old days, we just had basic servers and I didn't want to slow down for members, but now we're not.
I mean, I'd just pay for it, but it's always fast, always high quality.
So I don't care if you share it with some folks.
I mean, obviously, if you publish it somewhere and a hundred people use it, it won't work anymore because it'll block after five IPs, but then it'll turn up to, like, ten IPs.
And so, for Christmas, I want you to share the truth, in high quality, the way these films were meant to be seen.
Again, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Back to the Great Global Warming Swindle.
It's important that people know that climate enabled a quite different lifestyle in the medieval period.
We have this view today that warming is going to have apocalyptic outcomes.
In fact, wherever you describe this warm period, it appears to be associated with riches.
In Europe, this was the great age of the cathedral builders.
A time when, according to Chaucer, vineyards flourished even in the north of England.
All over the city of London, there are little memories of the vineyards that grew in the medieval warm period.
So this was a wonderfully rich time.
And this little church, in a sense, symbolizes it.
Because it comes from a period of great wealth.
Going back in time further still, before the medieval warm period, we find more warm spells, including a very prolonged period during the Bronze Age known to geologists as the Holocene Maximum, when temperatures were significantly higher than they are now for more than three millennia.
If we go back 8,000 years in the Holocene period, our current interglacial, it was much warmer than it is today.
Now, the polar bears obviously survived that period.
They're with us today.
They're very adaptable, and these warm periods in the past, what we call hypsothermals, posed no problem for them.
Climate variation in the past is clearly natural.
So why do we think it's any different today?
In the current alarm about global warming, the culprit is industrial society.
Thanks to modern industry, luxuries once enjoyed exclusively by the rich are now available in abundance to ordinary people.
Novel technologies have made life easier and richer.
Modern transport and communications have made the world seem less foreign and distant.
Industrial progress has changed our lives.
But has it also changed the climate?
According to the theory of man-made global warming, industrial growth should cause the temperature to rise.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back with Alan Watt from Canada, and your phone calls at 800-259-9231.
I'll go over the day's important news, the economy, his outlook on the future, and a lot more.
The always intriguing Alan Watt, straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It is November 18, 2008.
We've got an hour and fifty...
Two minutes left in this transmission.
Broadcasting on the AM and FM dial.
Transmitting and streaming over the web at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as well as over different satellite systems.
This is the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I am Alex Jones.
And our guest is Alan Watt of CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com, again for the next hour and 51 minutes.
Now, I know that we have Don in Costa Rica, Jimmy in Kentucky, Dustin and others holding over from the last hour, but Alan can speak to any subjects you want to call in about.
If you want to talk to Alan Watt, it's 1-800-259-9231.
I have a lot of questions I want to ask Alan.
I want to have discussions with him and try to bring both of our knowledge of the New World Order and all of our knowledge together to a higher level.
Because to defeat the enemy you have to know who they are and what their agenda is.
But we will start going to your calls in T-minus 20 minutes when we come out of the bottom of the hour break.
So everybody be patient.
We're going to get to everybody who is patiently holding.
But Alan, last hour I had a caller call in, Mike from California, saying, well if they're saying they plan to kill 80% of us, how do they plan to do that?
And I was explaining to him that it's incremental.
First they've got to socialize us, get us under government control, being regulated, being tracked, being traced, in government schools, where they always, you know,
Have things more far advanced than they are for the adults.
This is all part of, like programming, bringing in the new model.
You know, flushing out the old info, putting in the new.
Reducing the language, semantically reducing the language.
Drugging, poisoning, sterilizing the population.
We have all the numbers on that.
I want to go over that.
But out of the gates, I wanted to ask you, because I've seen a lot of this in there.
Club of Rome planning, UN planning, biological diversity assessments.
We've seen a lot of it in the university-level documents they're putting out, what the RAND Corporation is saying, what the British Ministry of Defense said last year that I know you covered extensively, as we did here, where they admit that there's a global elite and they're waging war against the individual, that they're putting in robotic aircraft so they can replace humans, even refusing to say nerve gas large cities.
So can you walk through how, from the pieces we have, I know you've researched the same stuff I have and even more in some cases because I hear you, I read you, I know it's all on target because it's from the enemy's own manual.
So for listeners, this is not our opinion here.
But again, they leave gaps in it.
They explain a lot of it, but then it's all compartmentalized and partitioned.
You have to put it all together.
And they're not clear on time frames, but they want to use global war, global famine, controlled bioweapons releases, to train us with each terror attack, each bioweapons release, being bigger, to live in a more and more controlled society, in the name of keeping us safe, to get us finally in that totally controlled technological enslavement grid.
Yes, well, as far as bringing the population down, it's already happening.
It's been happening for 50 years.
And their own statistics prove it.
I've read reports this last week or so from official reports on the sterilization of males.
The CBC television, Canada, that's the BBC version of the Canadians, came out with a documentary called The Disappearing Male, where we're now at 85% or more sterile.
Yeah, the West is dying from Russia to Japan to the United States.
First World is dying at about 3-4% a year, but to be clear, you mean they've slowed down the global growth?
Oh, absolutely.
And there's more girls being born than boys now because the boys have been attacked in the womb by bisphenol A and phthalates, which literally alter the biological makeup of the male.
It attacks his endocrine system at the age of seven weeks as a fetus.
And we're seeing them today, the feminine males.
They're much slimmer, they have no shoulders.
Let's not glaze over that, and this is again, main government documents, CBC broadcast, what Alan and I have already covered, but there it was, codified, the baby boys are dying in the womb, en masse, being targeted, if they make it out, I don't want to even say they're feminine, they're an emasculated male, whose literal glands do not develop.
Alan, please continue.
Yeah, and also in that same documentary,
They said that 10 years ago they could take sperm samples from young healthy males in college around the age of 18 and they had 60 million
The new normal is 10 million per million liter.
So that's how far it's dropped.
And so they keep dropping the normal sperm count for males.
And the sperm that's left is a motile.
It's a motile dysfunctional.
It doesn't find the target.
It cannot go to the ovum.
So technically most males today are almost completely sterile.
And this is well understood, they've been studying this for 50 years, and it's only now they're releasing what they've always known for the last 50 years.
And you have to go back 50 years to the writings of Charles Galton Darwin, who came up with his book, The Next Million Years, where he outlines, on behalf of the elites, the different techniques of doing this very thing, sterilizing the population, primarily targeting the males, and reducing them drastically.
So it has been happening.
People are always looking for a big apocalypse, and it doesn't happen that way.
It happens gradually, quietly, and the big mainstream media make no big deal about it.
Explain that, because you do that very well.
I mean, they state it's silent weapons for quiet wars.
They slowly turn up the ambient chemicals, the frequency pollution, what's in the water, the food.
So that we slowly get used to the neighbors, the kids dying of cancer, the old people dying early.
We slowly get used to everybody not being able to have babies on the block, except for the new third world populations that come in that haven't been under the chemicals.
But then you take third world groups that have been here a generation, they're just as sterilized as blacks and whites.
I mean, we're under hardcore attack right now.
It's complete all out warfare.
And now he discussed this, Charles Galton Darwin, he was a physicist in the 1950s.
And you'll find Arthur Koestler also worked at the United Nations.
Arthur Koestler is admitted now.
Koestler was a member of MI5, MI6, and he taught at a university in New York for a while.
He worked for the United Nations, and he wrote about this necessity as well of vastly reducing the population.
They're using the same techniques, in fact, that they've been using on animals and basically animal management in the forestry commissions.
They target primarily the males to bring their population down drastically.
Same techniques are used... Yeah, they've been putting out baits to chemically sterilized badgers and foxes, and again, it's all done just like you manage animals.
They even say that.
Go ahead, please.
Yes, they actually call it herd management when they discuss humans in the medical societies now openly.
So this has been happening.
We're seeing all the other side effects.
As the sperm count drops and the endocrine system is severely attacked in young men, their IQ level is dropping as well, which also explains why they can't catch on to the big picture of what's happening around them.
They literally don't have the ability to see what's happening.
And that again ties in with the big planning committees who discussed this with Charles Galton Darwin.
He didn't do this on his own.
He spoke on behalf of the big think tanks and foundations that worked on behalf of the British elite at the time.
And they talked about the necessity for dumbing down the people, especially the male, because the male was their main target.
They said,
If the men will never ever accept this new world order, this regimented system from birth to death.
And that's why they Prozac and Ritalin the boys.
That's why they target them for a fist fight.
They go to jail now instead of doing, you know, being allowed to do their normal male activities.
I mean, that'd be like arresting a baby pronghorn, you know, a juvenile pronghorn for, you know,
That is correct.
And as I say, they had targeted the IQ, the varietal testosterone working there.
You technically are not a man anymore.
You won't stand up and fight.
You won't rebel.
You won't even object.
You're very placid.
And again, this is well understood by herd management for animals.
When you basically neuter a bull, it becomes very, very placid, and he'll accept treatment quite easily.
There's no objections.
Well, that's happened in society.
And the police now take steroids to supplement the fact that they've been basically neutered.
And so that's the only sequestered area, though, where you're allowed to be male only if you're assaulting your own people, though.
That is correct.
That is absolutely correct.
And of course, the guys in charge of the military and the police turn a blind eye.
They understand this.
And I've seen cops, too, in Toronto.
Please continue.
Well, what's interesting too, one of the main chemicals that is a synthetic hormone
The very things that Charles Galton Darwin was talking about and advocated was bisphenol A. Now bisphenol A was understood, it was discovered in the 1800s and in the 1930s the chemical companies in the U.S.
had done extensive experimentation with it and they found that it was an endocrine disruptor.
It literally would attack male growth in the womb.
So, what do they do with this bisphenol A?
They make it mandatory to use it to sterilize all babies' bottles.
That's right, there's hundreds of types of plastic, but they find this one type of sterilizing rats and guinea pigs, and so they make sure there's universal adoption of that.
How loving!
And then, of course, they put it into the bottles themselves, and with heat, it leaches very quickly from the plastic feeding bottles for babies.
And it's in the little teats they use, through their upper teats.
And in children it's even more devastating.
Alan Watts, stay there.
We're going to come back and talk more about this.
Only one small facet of how you're under attack.
Don't believe us.
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Diet injections and injunctions will reduce you to the level of mutton.
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We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Enabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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Fabled Enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com or see it in super high quality along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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November 18, 2008.
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We're good to go.
Alan Watts, our guest.
Call's coming up.
Alan, of course you've only covered one tiny area of this and they just throw it in your face that they knew in the studies over a hundred years ago what this would do and they said we'll put it in the in the plastics.
Put it in the liners for the tin cans.
Put it in everything and more importantly they said let's put fluoride, sodium fluoride in the water.
We have the documents on that but then they just laugh at us.
Please continue Alan White.
Yes, what you have is a multi-pronged attack.
When you look at your victim or your enemy in warfare, you must study the enemy and the enemy are the people.
You study them, you find out what their habits are, what do all people go through in stages, etc.
How did they rear their young?
You can conceive their young.
Where can you hit your target?
You hit your target in the womb, preferably, if you want to stop major natural changes from occurring.
You get in there first and you cause abnormal changes.
We've been under attack from so many areas, including the inoculations.
Now Bertrand Russell, Lord Bertrand Russell, another member of MI5, who is now declassified again, along with Koestler and many other big writers of their time, who led big international meetings, he said himself that they'd also use the needle to make people very placid.
Those are his words in one of his books.
And they have been using inoculations.
They train the public who are taught to trust their masters
Well, it's like your dog!
You're lovingly coming over and getting your lap and the government just injects cyanide in.
I mean, it's so sick!
Please continue.
Yes, and once again, these inoculations literally have targeted the immune system of people.
There's hardly a person in the Western world with an intact immune system.
I thought about this years ago when
I've looked at the fads that the medical sciences have gone through, and they do go through these strange fads.
And back in the 50s, at the same time as all this was mandated to go into effect with the food and so on, they also started tonsillectomies and removing adenoids.
As a matter of course, with all children in Europe around the age of 4 or 5,
It was the done thing to do and every mother brought in their child and they become their adenoids and their tonsils.
That's your first line of defense.
They are parts of your immune system.
They create white blood cells.
So once they're removed, you're already missing 30% of them.
You're being set up so that ordinary little colds or flus or things which would normally fight off could actually kill you.
And that was the intent of attacking the immune system.
And they did studies in the 40s.
They knew that antibiotics were going to create superbacteria.
But please continue.
And not only that, what really staggers the mind, too, I call this the Matrix, because you swallow the world that's been presented to you.
And everything in it is pretty well false or a deception or a cover.
Now, again, the CBC in Canada did an incredible documentary a few years ago
It's called phagocytes.
Now, phagocytes are viruses which are man-made, which can attack and destroy other viruses, any other viruses programmed, literally programmed to destroy, or bacterium.
And the Russians, the Soviet system, were using them from 1917 onwards, and all through the period up until the 90s, the mid-90s, the West were
They knew about this, of course, in intelligence agencies.
They knew about this in the military-industrial complex.
But we were told there's nothing but antibiotics.
Meanwhile, children can go into a clinic in Russia with pneumonia, they get a little puffer, inhalants, they have a couple of breaths of this, they go home, and they're cured the following day.
Because special viruses can be programmed like computers from 1917, and they did not need antibiotics in Russia.
Now, a company in New York bought over all of the rights of this particular Georgian company in the ex-Soviet Union.
And they've kept it quiet.
They're only using it for one thing only, and I don't trust them here.
They're using it in all cold-cut meats now.
They put these pediocytes, viruses, on the cold-cut meats, supposedly to kill off other viruses.
That's right, in Latin it means bacteria eater.
And the bigger problem with the cold cuts in the meats, that they're spraying with it, is it allows them to take rotten meat covered in feces from the slaughterhouse, literally folks,
And not clean it off or not throw it away, they just spray it with virus eaters, viruses that eat bacteria, and then you still have the bacteria dead in the toxins they secrete, their fecal matter, and so you then eat the toxins.
Also, the way they're breeding these viruses in these tanks, there's other viruses they're mixing in when they spray it in to the larger preparation.
Correct, Alan?
That's right, and now we have outbreaks of Listeria on Coal Beach suddenly.
That didn't happen before.
And so their answer is, radiated.
But you're still eating the toxin.
What gets you really sick is the bacteria excrement.
We'll be right back with Alan Watt and your calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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So much going on, so much going on
Going back to Alan Watt, your phone calls here in just a moment.
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I think the best part about the system is it gets you off the food
We're good to go.
You know, pretty much on the same page with you and your research, because we just go to their own source documents with the chemical dumbing down, the biological attacks, what they're setting up.
But I want to go to the calls, and we've been interrupted by a few breaks and my seconding everything you're saying, but, you know, I can't help myself.
It's all so accurate.
I want listeners to know this isn't a joke.
This is earth-shatteringly important.
But encapsulating it, and then I want to go to calls.
Again, you're trying to give people the facts, like you always do.
I do the same thing.
But going from the up-close view to the wider view, just in a general gestalt, what their time frame is, what the world's going to look like, what their endgame is, Alan Watt from CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com.
Yeah, they want to manage the takedown of society, and at the same time, they want a unified world to come out of at the very end.
With the survivors.
With a new system, a standardized world system, where they can literally replace all the old types with better, enhanced, genetically enhanced types that'll serve the elite better.
Now, we know that the elite themselves are not going to dumb themselves down.
Charles Galton Darwin was very explicit about that in his writings, so was Arthur Koestler.
He said, we, the elite, must retain our survival capabilities because we will be guiding planet Earth.
But the rest of the people will not need theirs, because the state will be making all the decisions for them.
So that's what they want to come out with, a very, very endoplacid, compliant, genetically enhanced, more productive species, but of a far reduced, more efficient population.
And when you tie that in with the Department of Defense's think tank study for NATO, which was echoed by the U.S.
military's one, it's right, they're identical, they see nothing but riots starting around 2010 to 12,
Thank you.
With the timelines that the United Nations has talked about for their new global society with the reduced population, they say in their own documents now, there'll be a vastly reduced population by the year 2030-2035.
So we're looking at a long-term business plan that's going to reduce population.
During that time, they will be putting big money into genetic enhancing of specific people.
To serve them better new strains.
And at the end, as the old man dies off, they'll bring in the new type.
In fact, the old man will be unable to even procreate and reproduce.
So they'll bring in the new type.
And this will be the reason for bringing in the new type.
Well, we've all gone sterile.
We have to do it.
And no one will complain.
No one will object.
They'll think it's just a necessity and a strange thing in nature.
That's how... See, most people don't think on a conscious level.
They're in a state of almost perpetual
And this has been done by scientific indoctrination from birth.
Plus the masses of entertainment they take in.
They cannot tell fact from fiction.
They have no reasoning abilities.
And they do expect, like Brzezinski says, they expect the media to do the reasoning for them.
And unfortunately for most folk, that has happened.
And that's why we see all the pre-programming.
I mean, the Pentagon back in 2000, as you know, said, we'll use Hollywood, we'll use movies, we'll use security, we'll use the call for Alzheimer's patients, we will use the fad-driven PR.
Peer pressure system, public relations system, to sell the public on taking microchips.
And they talk in all these government white papers and documents, I covered one on Sunday, I think I'm going to play that clip later, Dr. Kaufman talking about it, from the document, about how most people don't even have their own thoughts, how we're pathetic slaves.
I mean, they're really doing this to you.
I just feel so sorry for the yuppies and people who are so arrogant and so into themselves being powerful.
They've been trained to laugh at us, and then they wonder why their son, you know, is sterile, or why they are sterile, or why they're so unhappy, or why their wife has breast cancer at 40.
And it's all engineered, and they just sit there dying, still loving the lie.
They do, they do.
The trick was, and it's been written about too, is to make a generation believe
Yes, we are.
In other words, there's nothing you can tell them.
They truly believe everything they've been told.
An arrogance, a haughtiness, a self-false satisfiedness that they're members of the elite.
I mean, here's a microcosm.
There have been tens of thousands of urban warfare drills the last 25 years.
I mean, they have thousands a year.
So, I mean, it's got to be tens of thousands, more than tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands.
And they always tell the town or city, even though they may have been there 15 times over the years,
You are the first city to have this drill.
You are special.
You are the first city to have us tax you to drive your car with transponders.
You are the first.
And I always see that and go, but they're not the first.
But again, it's part of that, oh my God, I'm part of the first.
I'm cutting edge.
I'm a trailblazer.
Go ahead, please.
Exactly, that that is how it's done.
And they truly believe that the most advanced species has ever existed.
That's exactly what Bertrand Russell and others said in the 50s.
They said, we shall create an egocentronic society, a hedonistic society where they'll live for themselves and think they know it all.
And they will be the willing fools for our strategy.
Well, that's happened.
That's happened.
And you can take them to the documents, the published works, government policy, and they will just laugh at you.
They'll get this pre-programmed little smile and go, heh heh, sure.
Man, I tell you.
And now they're openly announcing World Government, Alan.
They're now openly announcing the banks are going to run it all, carbon taxes.
And still, people email me and post on InfoWars.com and PrisonPilot.com in the comments,
They say, oh, they're announcing world government, but that's different than the one you're talking about.
Governance isn't government.
It says Lord Rothschild called last week for governance.
Well, governance is, in the definitions, government, the system of government.
So, global system of government.
And then they say, okay, they're calling for a new world order, but that just means a new system.
And I go, but we told you specifically it would be by the bankers that they would create the collapse.
We had their documents.
Most of them you can't.
I've even had people, yuppies, who say that they do want a brain chip.
And the big manufacturers at the top that designed it, designed it to help them and to make them happy.
Do you really believe this?
I've had them tell me that, too.
And I say to them, I say, well, don't forget there are going to be central computers to program that chip, which means you're not going to be in control of your own mind anymore.
And they're just laughing.
So they're a lost cause.
And I realize this is a war, and the vast amount of people are the casualties.
That's just the plain fact.
But in a war, you've got to see the war that's still going on and accept those who have fallen have fallen, and you go for those who are still standing.
That's the ones you try to help.
Well, the good news is there are more people than ever that do want to hear, that do want to know.
It's so hard to articulate the subtleties to people.
The globalists in their own documents articulate it and try to articulate it.
And because the public can't see it as one-dimensional or two-dimensional, they'll just throw it out of hand saying, that's too complicated for anyone to run, when it is being run and they say they're running it.
They say, and that's the key to the term they're using, of governance.
You see, the new system that's already here, it's been here for a long time, is a system
That to the public appears to be something called democracy.
In reality, you have a power of government run by foundations, which in turn are a front for the ancient establishment, the very wealthy rich establishment.
They fund the non-governmental organizations that appear to speak on behalf of the public.
In reality, they're speaking on behalf of the very foundations that fund them.
That's the new type of governance they're talking about.
It is the Soviet system.
The Soviet means rule by councils, and in the Soviet Union they had NGO groups with their leaders appointed from the Politburo.
We have the exact same system here as they merged the two systems together.
That came out from the Ford Foundation during the Rees Commission.
I don't know.
And they call them stakeholders.
The individual has no voice, but all these subgroups who then have heads, who are globalists, who speak for them and really control them, they are stakeholders.
And we see all this nomenclature now coming in and replacing everything.
Alan, I want to go to calls here, but just in closing, before we do that,
The plan.
The official UN documents, as you know, and government documents say they want to reduce this by 80%.
And everything we've seen up till now is just testing the soft kill weapons, testing how to sell the public, how to not have the public notice that people are dying all around them, how to try to cook the numbers and spend things.
But we know there's been hot kill going on in Iraq, hot kill in Serbia, Afghanistan, Africa, Latin America, where you know large portions of populations are being killed, 10, 20, 30, 40 percent in some cases.
The hot killing, the fast killing in the West, when are they going to start launching those?
I think fairly shortly they have big plans to standardize the world quickly.
What they're doing, and that's exactly what they're doing, they're eradicating all older cultures that haven't gone along and accepted this very vague term of democracy, and they haven't accepted World Bank running their system, they haven't accepted basically the British-style parliamentary system, because this whole world system was born in London, England,
It's from the 1500s.
John Dee wrote about the creation of a world empire based on the British system.
And it's now come out that the Crown, MI5 and MI6, run the whole Parliament, spy on it.
They kill any member or set them up that gets out of line.
It is totally ceremonial, just like the Congress.
Yes, and after World War II, there were big talks at the United Nations when they wanted to set it up.
That's right, even though the historian for the Council on Foreign Relations, which is part of the Parliamentary Government, Carol Quigley himself, wrote his big
Yeah, that's a great book.
I read that back when I was about 15, and I had no idea what I was reading was the keys to how it all worked.
And this is the government commissioning.
Because, you know, the people in government really have to know how it works.
These are the slaves.
We're poisoning them.
We're going to get rid of them, okay?
And if you work with us, you'll be allowed to procreate, and we won't kill you.
How's that sound?
Another odd thing, too, was back in the 90s, I don't know if it... I think it's the same in the US, but politicians in Canada and the British Commonwealth countries, they made a law to treat the politicians and their families in special military hospitals.
And I thought at the time, well, what's all this about?
Aren't the hospitals that we have good enough for them?
And I realized, too, what it is is
All these coming plagues that are scheduled to come out, they do have treatments for them, they do have the real antidotes to them, and I think they've been giving the politicians and the families these particular antidotes.
Well, that's actually already come out.
They get all the cancer cures, they get it all, and this is so diabolical.
And that's why they go along with these politicians, and they will keep their mouth shut, they will play the game.
Because they're getting all these benefits and a fairly good guarantee they will live.
Ultra-vicious, ultra-wicked, ultra-selfish, and a lot of you listening will continue to laugh.
But, God forbid, as you're burying your children, your wife, your husband, from what your masters are going to do to you, maybe then you'll fight back.
Then you'll be facing the drone aircraft and the swords and the brainwashed chipped troops.
We can still get into their deep underground bases, even after this happens, and probably beat them.
But we'll see.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Let's skip this break.
I'm gonna keep rolling.
I'm gonna go ahead and skip this break.
What's going on?
Hold on a second.
Something behind the scenes.
Uh, got the uh, got the uh, Trachum's in there laughing with the, with the, with the local TV sta- uh, not the local, the uh,
TV producers want me to do some 9-11 hit piece, and I'm not going on it, and now they're all upset about it.
I mean, we can waste our time all day.
Do what?
I can't understand you, man.
Ah, whatever.
Anyways, craziness here.
Alan, we're still on the internet right now streaming, but we're going to come back to the whole full audience in about two minutes, and then we'll start taking calls, okay?
Thanks a lot.
We'll be right back.
That's D-R-Y-I-N-G-123.com.
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We're going to Don in Costa Rica, Jimmy, Dustin, Donna, Rico, Dustin, Jeremy and others.
You know, I've done a lot of hit pieces.
I've gone on a lot of national TV shows where they tape you for days or hours and then cut up what you said.
They never let you put out your real evidence of a 9-11 minute inside job or the New World Order.
And you know, the key is the mainstream media has lost all their credibility.
They've been caught putting out their disinfo forever.
And I, you know, I said I'd do this first History Channel thing and others, and I did them.
I mean, it's a stacked deck, but this newest one, Alan, was
A guy that specializes in hit pieces on JFK researchers and others, and really puts out ridiculous pieces, where it's not even based in reality.
The very foundations of it aren't.
And he's doing a big piece for National Geographic, and I said, you know what, I don't think I'm going to do that interview.
No, I'm not going to be interviewed by it.
And they just can't believe that I don't care about going on their national TV show, so that I can have them stack the deck.
It's true, it's interesting as well to recognize that Professor Carl Quigley himself mentioned that that was a technique they used in mainstream media because they often called on him to bring on with a guest who was coming out with a theory of the world being manipulated and it bring him on to try and repudiate the guest.
So that was part of his function, and he admits that in his own book.
That they try and stack the deck and make the person look ridiculous.
Yeah, to go on TV, here he is, government historian, who's writing a book for the government, laughing at how he would go lie to the American people and say this didn't exist.
I mean, how do they get these guys to do this against their fellow man?
Many people out there are so easily bribed.
Ego status,
Tell us about it.
Which we call integrity.
They can't understand that at all.
It's a foreign... They actually go into a stunned look when you say it.
Well, I mean, they've killed 3 million Iraqis in the last 18 years.
I mean, I don't want to be part of that.
I mean, killing little kids?
Yes, and to them that's nothing.
That's nothing at all.
They sleep well.
They plan this kind of thing.
They don't need sleeping pills.
They are psychopathic types, and we really cannot relate to them.
They're so far removed as a species in psychopathy, and so inbred, that it is guaranteed to pass on to their offspring.
Alright, let's talk about that term later, but right now let's go to Don in Costa Rica, and then we'll hold him over.
Don, thanks for holding her on the air with Alan Watt.
Hola, Alex.
Yeah, I'm calling from an IP phone in Costa Rica, a first time caller, former Californian.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to talk a little bit about global warming and supposedly it's caused CO2, which a lot of people call greenhouse gas.
But if you want to find some information on it,
You could better find it by looking up industrial gases on the internet.
And you'll find all the uses that industry uses CO2 for.
So my plan to stop all talk of global warming would be simply just to outlaw the sale of CO2.
And when you do that, the first people to raise a stink about it would be the soft drink industry.
And also, maybe they're consumers.
Yeah, well, they're not going to do that.
They're going to tax it.
They know it's based on all manufacturing life on this planet, you know, a key.
It's sunlight, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, makes the world go around.
We'll get Alan Watts' take on this when we get back.
Stay there.
Yeah, the global feudalism tax.
Stay with us.
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All right, Don.
Yes, CO2 is just used in almost every type of manufacturing imaginable.
Soft drinks,
Yes, that's in the book The First Global Revolution.
And that's
And they could say that global warming was caused by man.
They said that would fit the bill.
That excuse would fit the bill.
Now, now, now, this is published publicly.
Yeah, that's a quote.
Now, think about this, listeners.
Openly saying it's fake, and openly saying they want a global state waging war against the individual and exterminating us.
These are not nice people, Alan.
Any comments on that, Don?
What we know too is that the Club of Rome is not just a think tank, it's the premier think tank that creates strategy for the future and hands it to governments to put into policy.
Meanwhile, you have all these well-meaning liberals and mainline people and having global warming parties and getting involved in knifing tires of SUVs.
I'm proving, oh, I'm so loving.
And then now Obama openly has announced these youth brigades, three million man environmental squads, one million man domestic spy force.
He says it on TV.
His chief of staff says it.
All of them do it.
He puts it on his website and pulls it off.
And I'm getting hundreds of emails every day, Alan, saying I'm a liar.
And then I was watching PBS Sunday, a show called Fueled, and they had a roundtable on PBS with Robert Kennedy and others saying, we're going to take everybody out of work and have them work for the environment, fighting for the environment.
Can you imagine all these dumbed down, fluoride heads, sterilized, running around, literal zombie creatures, coming after us that know what's going on, because the government gives them a little uniform?
That is right, and what the Club of Rome also said about that agenda was that the only time that the public will allow themselves to be completely ruled 100% is during a war scenario, and therefore they'd have to make a war scenario to do with the environment and man against the planet.
And then, they would change all of society by the laws they would then introduce.
So, it's a war scenario.
They're using all the techniques right now, so you're quite right.
A land army was spoken about, the First Earth Army, at NATO, of all places.
Actually, NASA came out with it, and they now have it.
And they mention, let's get more into that after the calls, but they also mention the other part of the pincer.
It says, fake environmentalism, carbon tax.
Threat of stage terror.
And then like a beetle grabbing a wasp.
He's got you.
Pinscher attack.
Fake terror.
Fake environment.
Our studio audience likes the analogy.
That's right.
The indoctrination of children at kindergarten now is terrifying because they're going to grow up to be real staunch environmental Nazis.
And you can see it all coming, what's been planned.
They always go for the youngsters to train them for their role when they're adults.
Well, you saw these articles in the New York Times and others where, I'm glad my three-year-old and five-year-old rebuke me for taking a hot bath.
I won't anymore.
I'm glad my children are my bosses.
So reversing roles with mindless five-year-old Nazis, literally in red and black uniforms, climate cops, we're not making it up, just storming around, reporting everyone.
Oh, it's so good.
I mean, how could you make this up, Alan?
It's too insane!
Yeah, and George Orwell had that in his book, and you see it in the movie, too.
The British version was Richard Burton.
Excellent movie.
The spies!
The children have little uniforms on.
They call the adults thought criminals.
They're going to report them.
This is all here.
And the uniform is red and black, just as it is now in England and the U.S.
Red and black uniform, kids running around.
By 15, they give them machine guns.
We're going to skip this break for Internet listeners.
I'm going to let Don finish up in Costa Rica.
Here we go.
Yeah, folks, you can't make it up.
I mean, you can't make it up.
It's in the Philadelphia Daily News, 15-year-olds with M16s training for us.
I mean, we're just screwed.
They're going to turn loose mindless hordes of scum, brain-dead, brainwashed, lazy hamburger eaters, the mainline McDonald's heads, the fluoride heads on us.
Because they'll do anything for money, anything for power.
I just wish I was out in Costa Rica with Don.
Don, finish up your points.
Don dropped off?
Don dropped off.
I wanted to hear from Don!
But he does have a good idea down there in Costa Rica, Don.
Jimmy in Kentucky, fellow thought criminal.
I'm sure your children will be reporting you soon, because it's part of the home of the free, land of the brave.
Go ahead, criminal!
How you doing, Alex?
Oh, I'm just, I'm realizing that freedom is all sorts of secret police and children spying.
Well, uh, today's my first day actually getting through.
I've tried to call before, so instead of asking a question, I would like to
Give some information to maybe help people.
Oh, you have a license to be able to speak and be able to talk?
Government wants you to have a license to be able to speak to fellow slaves.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, you're all right.
I got a simple physics test for anybody who does not believe that 9-11 was an inside job.
And anybody can do this anywhere.
It's simply just grab a quarter and try to stick it in a nickel slot.
And if you can get that quarter to fit, then I'll believe the
The official version of it.
Outside of that, I can't see a plane going inside the Pentagon.
And, uh, consider me, uh, I don't know, ignorant, but I think that's an easy way to get it across to people.
Just figured I'd try to put that out there, uh, and, uh, Ventura, Governor Ventura used a quote from Denzel Washington, uh, talk to me like I'm a six year old so I'll understand.
I have another quote from Denzel Washington that I liked.
And it was in training day and I can't curse, but the craft ain't checkers, it's chest.
And it's pretty simple whenever you start to think that way that they will do whatever they can to win this war.
Well, I mean, exactly.
You've got these scientists who come up with plans to dumb us down, sterilize us, poison us.
They're doing it on record and the public just can't believe it because it's so horrible.
Thanks for the call.
Alan Watt comments on that.
That's absolutely true.
You have to... people suspend their incredulity because they can't imagine it.
And they have been trained that the good shepherd there, the boss man, is really different from themselves.
He's very altruistic.
He's there to help them and all the scientific elite are there to help them.
That's how they've been trained to perceive this.
And the trick of the elite is always to convince... you know, the wolf or the shepherd is always to convince the sheep
The interests lay in the same direction as the elite themselves.
That's the con game of it.
That's the trick of it.
Yeah, that's like the slaves saying, we gotta take care of, you know, this here plantation.
This here our plantation.
Here we go, we're going live.
Radio network.
They have trained the public, Alan Watt, as you know, to believe that
What they believe is reality.
And that the general public is with the elite.
And as you were saying, that the general masses well-being is the same well-being of the elite.
Or that we're all together.
We're all going in the same direction.
We all have the same interest.
The public's also been trained not to have respect for themselves and to imagine Hollywood people as like gods who float around on clouds and elitist with eggheads in fancy suits on TV no more than they do.
When in truth, once you really know what's going on, you watch the eggheads, the experts, they're putting out false disinfo on purpose that isn't even meant to make sense.
That is true, and with science they can rationalize anything to an ignorant populace.
Let's take more calls here.
Let's talk to Dustin in Ohio.
Dustin, you're on the air with Alan Watt.
Dustin dropped off.
Dustin dropped off.
OK, I see that there.
Donna in New Mexico, you're on the air.
How are you today?
Fine, thank you.
Hi, Alan, as well.
I'm going to raise a point that never gets raised in terms of the global
Climate change debate, and it's one that really gets under my skin because I've researched it extensively, and that is heating of the ionosphere using electromagnetic energy from projects such as HAARP, one of many.
I think over 60 countries now are heating the ionosphere.
And I don't see how we can even have a discussion about climate change and so forth without including this in this quote-unquote debate.
The debate itself is polarized.
It comes down on two sides.
Those who believe in naturally occurring climate change, that's one side.
And those who believe in the global warming myth.
And it is a myth.
There's no doubt about that.
It takes you about five seconds to figure it out if you look it up.
What we see when we experience this ionosphere heating with electromagnetic energy is severe changes in jet stream, increase in volcanics, increase in earthquakes.
Now, my understanding is that HAARP went operational approximately sometime right before 2004.
And right after that, we had the dramatic earthquake tsunami in Indonesia.
Yeah, let me be specific here, because you're bringing up a really important point that I have made, but not often enough.
In fact, this morning, I was meaning to make this very point, and then you have these thousands of thoughts that never get on air, and then I want you to comment more on it, Donna, and then we'll have Alan comment on it, but it's this.
We know the sun was in a particularly hot phase, putting off more heat radiation in the last 30 years.
Now, the last few, it's cooled down.
The entire solar system is cooling.
The ice caps that were receding on Mars are getting larger.
Same thing for the moons of Saturn and Jupiter and others.
Separately from that, they're getting upset that because of the cooling it's becoming obvious that it's not global warming.
So now they're just saying climate change.
But then that's very childlike.
We're always having climate change.
We have seasons.
We know we go through hot and cold periods.
But you're right.
None of that even matters when it's declassified that they're doing thousands of aerosol spraying operations.
Just Google it.
The government now admits they're... I'm watching one right now.
Just finishing this thought for folks that don't know what Donna knows, that don't know what Alan knows.
I'm just throwing this out because it's so important and I meant to make the point today and I'm glad you called in that synchronicity or serendipity, whichever one.
The point here is, is that, just finishing the thought, they are clearly, as Secretary of Defense Cohen said in 97 in Army Times in the April issue,
They do have weather weapons.
They do have tectonic earthquake weapons.
They said it.
They admit it.
They are manipulating the weather.
So, finish up your comment, and then I want to get Alan Watts' take on that.
Okay, well, there's a misconception about missile defense shield.
The prevailing, what the mainstream puts out there is that missile defense shield are these interceptors which fail nine times out of ten.
And in fact, missile defense shield is pulsed energy, electromagnetic energy, into the ionosphere.
And I'm leaning toward thinking that the chemtrails that I'm witnessing right now outside my window have something to do with that.
So what we have here is this shield of energy being created by antennas such as HAARP.
And you say HAARP and you've got this horrible stigma just like you have when you say chemtrails.
But it's a very real thing.
And it's impacting everybody, everything, every living organism.
Thousands of spraying programs going on with aluminum dioxide with barium salts being added to jet fuel.
Perfect compartmentalization.
The companies don't even know.
It's only the three big jet fuel makers that are adding.
And Alan Watt comments on this.
It's much bigger even.
The HAARP technology was used in the 1970s, early 70s from Russia, Riga.
In fact, the Soviet system and Latvia.
And we find out now there's over 54 of them worldwide.
The U.S.
has one in, I think, Iceland and one in Greenland as well as one in Alaska, and they have one in Australian, Pine Grap.
Now, they can work these in concert with each other.
It was in the British papers they used it in the first Gulf War in Iraq, and it literally affected the minds of the soldiers who were just walking out the desert completely stunned.
They hadn't been under bombardment.
At least visible bombardment, and yet they were like zombies.
So it can affect the mind.
Now, the hard technology, there's no doubt about it, this ties in with technotronic warfare that Brzezinski talked about in his book, Between Two Ages.
He says, shortly a technique will be used on the public, and it will affect their minds, become very placid, etc.
And it can also use it to put thoughts right into your head, if necessary, by using a secondary beam.
The United Nations signed a document with all the countries that had HAARP technology in the 1970s.
You should look into that.
It's under weather warfare.
And the whole idea was dreamed up in the 50s with Teller, who was the inventor of the H-bomb.
He said if they can doze the atmosphere with barium salts, aluminum oxide,
And others, he said, we can be very conductive and it will help this ELF frequency cover vast distances.
And they could use it either for altering the weather, weather modification, or they could cause global warming with it or freezing.
One or the other depends on the type of frequency they hit it with.
And it could also affect the mindset of a target population.
So this is actually in the treaty at the United Nations from the 70s.
They have this technology.
They're using it extensively across the world.
And by the way, the Baltimore Sun, eight years ago, did a big report admitting that DARPA is testing antenna arrays across the United States.
And it said, to calm the American people, we put off these waves.
We love you, we're the government.
Yeah, I've got photographs from Canada, the States and Europe.
They're putting up these strange antennas.
But that's freedom, Alan!
That's the freedom.
That's the freedom.
That's their new freedom.
Freedom was redefined by Mr. Bush himself.
Well, for the people that think they're going to enforce this system, most of them aren't going to be part of the brave new future either, are they?
No, they will not.
I think, too, that'll start freaking out some as they get closer to their target.
When they personally will see their end coming, it will no longer be necessary.
See, technology is very old.
This is interesting.
Because the true sciences are kept back from the public, and even from professors.
There's much higher levels of technology and science existing.
And we know this from Nick Biggage, who had a documentary on television on the Wendy Mesley Show, where he demonstrated the obsolete technology, little handheld remotes that the CIA used back in the 1950s, where they could put thoughts
Directly into a target's mind.
By the way, they had said Ted Stevens was beating his brother, but it looks like Senator Stevens is going to be Senator Stevens.
Looks like he's beating, that's Nick Begich's brother, Mark Begich, so it looks like he's winning right now in that highly contested Senate race.
Just a program note, you're absolutely right.
They've suppressed a lot of technologies.
Anything else you wanted to add there?
One more thing, and this is really important.
The powers of observation for everybody are critical, not just in terms of the political, geopolitical situation.
I mean, we really have to use our minds.
But in observing nature every day, if you really pay attention, you will see things you've never seen before.
We had a period of six weeks.
I live in a small mountain village in northern New Mexico where we have farming and ranching.
There was a period of about six weeks or more where things stopped growing.
Literally stopped growing.
Flowers didn't bloom.
Crops that had been planted weren't getting any bigger.
And when I noticed it myself, with regard to my indoor plants and my outdoor flowers and so forth, these are plants that are potted, mind you, not even in the ground.
Yeah, everything these elites do is about playing God.
Total matrix dominance, total... I mean, they have all these terms, but go ahead.
Full spectrum dominance.
Well, this went on for weeks and weeks and weeks.
They weren't dying, but they weren't flourishing.
They weren't growing.
So when I talked to local people, local farmers about it, they said, yes, they had observed the same thing.
They didn't know what was going on.
I posted on a message board that they go that across the country and people posted the same thing.
They said, yes, we noticed it was very strange.
So what if, I mean it's a what if, what if this energy that they're manipulating could be used to stop things from growing?
No, it could be used to kill you, so of course, but listen, 2 billion bees, or close to 80% of them in England, just drop dead, they're dropping dead everywhere, other animals are dropping dead, whole bird species are dying, meanwhile the globalists dance around going, it's for the earth, for the earth, when really they want to destroy the earth and rebuild it in their image playing God.
Alan Watt is our guest.
Again, we'll be right back for everybody on the AM and FM dial.
We're going to be taking some more calls, so I want to get to everybody here on the Infowars.com streams only during this break.
You know, I joke around about all this because it would be too stressful if I didn't, but this is all very serious and it's all very, very painful to admit that we've gotten to this point.
Okay, Alan, let's take another call.
Very interesting call from Donna in New Mexico.
Your comments to what she was just saying.
She's right on.
Even here in Canada, where I am here, this is the blueberry area for this country.
And they literally didn't get enough sunlight this year.
It rained every single day, June and July.
Heavy, heavy spring.
This is the global dimming they talk about at NASA.
Yeah, NASA brags they've dimmed the Earth by 20%.
That's a BBC report.
And they admit they're chemtrailing, but it's only on university sites, and then no news will touch it.
That is correct.
And also, there's no birds here.
There's just no birds.
I can walk through the forest here and there's not a single bird.
The moles are coming out of the ground and dying.
And I've noticed quite a few of them this last couple of months.
So, they're being poisoned by the stuff that's coming down in this spray as well.
God, they're just slaughtering us.
And then they're going to say it's a global economic environmental crisis and then say that we've all got to be enslaved to stop it.
Yeah, and they blame us for doing it and getting us to believe it.
It's a brilliant strategy.
All you've got to do is just be completely ruthless, and it's a brilliant strategy.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rico in Toronto.
Rico, you're on the air.
Hi, how are you?
Alan, I really respect your work.
Alex, too, of course.
So I just wanted to say that off the bat.
Second, another thing I want to say also is I'm sure you probably didn't get a chance to catch James Bond, the new movie that came out Friday?
No, but every James Bond has all these pro-New World Order brainwashing messages.
What's the latest brainwashing?
Oh, Alex, this baby is crazy.
There's a scene where they go into a theater where all the shadow elite group is communicating in the theater itself.
There's a giant eye that opens up and it's all Catholic priests.
At the bottom of it, of the altar if you will, there's a bunch of people who are being dragged as prisoners to basically the eye, like in front.
Then there's a woman that comes up with a knife and she's basically sacrificing this guy that's tied up to the eye and to basically the whole altar.
I was like,
My God!
So they're just throwing Illuminati, uh, Catholic, uh, the Catholic Church's Illuminati human sacrifice?
And it's like, basically, it's like the goddess Gaia, she's sacrificing to the eye, then after that you have, um,
He basically, like, the whole movie is about a war for the resources.
The Shadow Group makes the government, the dictator, that they're putting back in, sell them the water rights.
Basically, like, the whole country.
But let me guess, the MI6 James Bond is going to save us?
He basically, he goes, like, he's not with it.
The Americans are with it.
The CIA Section Chief is with us.
Well, let me just say this.
I mean, obviously the Vatican is corrupt in New World Order.
I mean, I'm not even Catholic.
But I am seeing major pushes to make it only about it being a Catholic conspiracy in the media.
But then, meanwhile, the new Da Vinci Code movie, Angels and Devils, is about the Catholic Church being the good guys and it being an Anglo-American Merovingian.
Alan Watt, let's come back out of break and get your comment on this.
Okay, behind the scenes there, we were talking to Rico in Toronto.
He went and saw the new James Bond movie.
No, I didn't go see it.
I mean, I'm dealing with all the admitted world government being set up in front of me.
They talk about how it's like Catholic priests doing human sacrifice to the Illuminati in the movie, and I've got some emails about it.
I haven't seen it myself yet.
So on that side, it's saying it's a Catholic conspiracy.
Then you have the new angels and devils.
uh... coming out uh... with uh... you know bit all these big actors like tom hanks where it's the catholics fighting the illuminati and and and i tell you what that is that's about making it factionalized or divide-and-conquer where now people will fight about which group is it really when the new world order controls both groups uh... correct alan want
There's no doubt about it.
Even Malachi Martin, who was a Jesuit priest, said that the Vatican had been totally taken over and is now run by Freemasons.
And these are the same Freemasons that run the Protestant sides as well.
It's the same Freemasons that go over and get knighted by the royalty.
That's one of their high ambitions, of course, if you serve the great works.
Let's be clear, we're not having a debate about the Catholic Church pushing world government.
The last two popes have called for it.
We're not debating that.
We're just stating the facts of what it is today, and for some reason groups out of Israel fund the idea that if you don't only talk about Catholics being the source of all evil, that you are in their employ.
And that's just massive disinfo.
That's right, even though in Israel itself there is a Masonic lodge there, where some of the Muslim leaders attend, along with the Jewish leaders and leaders from the Western world.
There's been articles in the paper here from
A Jewish leader in Toronto with his regalia on, his Masonic regalia, going off to that particular lodge representing Canada.
So, you understand, you should see that ISIS had a thousand faces.
Well, you see, this is the organization with a thousand faces and fronts.
They're a thousand points away.
And the Masons are only one more of those fronts.
Yeah, there's Blue, there's Royal Arch, but they all take their orders from the English Lodge.
That's where they get their chapters from.
Yes, and the Duke of Kent, traditionally, is the head of the York Rite of Freemasonry that runs the whole show.
I do, I do.
Definitely, but it was just...
It was crazy because it was showing you that it's a cabal of all industrialists.
But the British are good, and they're going to save us from the cabal, right?
Well, they wanted to go along with it, but supposedly James Bond did not want to go along with it.
Then after that, but it's like it leaves you with like, okay, this shadow group is still out there.
They're still doing what they're doing, and yeah, and the ministry even goes out of their way to say we're running out of resources.
So we've got to go ahead and do what the Shadow Group wants.
I appreciate your call.
That's throwing it in your face, and we're seeing that everywhere, Alan.
Explain to people what predictive programming is.
Yeah, predictive programming is a technique developed in London for the BBC by Tavistock Institute.
Where they experimented on, first of all, mental patients, and then they expanded it into the general population by surveys and tests, etc.
And they found out that, mainly through fiction, because your sensor part of the brain is down, you don't expect to have to make decisions on information, you're being entertained, your sensor is down, and therefore all of the messages that are wrapped into, generally, a fight-and-flight scenario, where the hero gets chased, there's a lot of chasing going on, and your adrenaline's up,
And so now when we talk about it, they're comfortable with it because, oh, everybody knows about that.
Everybody knows the CIA deals the drugs.
Everybody knows they put cancer viruses in the vaccines.
I mean, a lot of people don't even deny what we're saying.
They just go, okay, yeah, everybody knows that.
That's right, but they don't realize that they now have opinions and conclusions, and they have no idea how they arrived at those opinions.
So just hold on to them.
Yes, Jim, and another call here.
Jeremy in Canada.
A lot of calls from where you're at.
Jeremy, you're on the air.
Listen, I really appreciate what you and Alan are doing, and other people like you in the alternative media, because you're the only ones I hear speaking the truth these days.
I just have one question.
Wouldn't the, uh, Bilderbergers and the elites who are killing us with soft kill, uh, are they suicidal as well as homicidal?
Because, um, like, uh, on the subject of disappearing mail...
Wouldn't their sperm count be way down, and wouldn't their children be deformed too?
No, when you read, they all avoid the plastics.
They avoid the vaccines.
I mean, it's like when I had the state director on about them forcibly injecting the kids in Maryland.
He said, it's no law, you're right, and my kids don't take them.
And then he laughed.
You see, it's that pleasure, Alan.
What's interesting, back in the 60s, I think it was, I was small at the time, tolling around, there was a documentary on the Queen, and how she had her own personal herbalist who dealt with the soap she used and everything else.
But they don't use what we use.
They understand the agenda, and they make sure they're healthy, and their offspring are healthy too.
Yeah, does that answer your question?
Jeremy, hold on, hold on.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
It's Alan Watt and the GCN Radio Network.
Go ahead, Jeremy, finish up.
Okay, what about some of these plastic dangerous chemicals are right in the atmosphere of the whole planet, so they'd be breathing it too.
Well, they are, and the fact is they're doing it.
I mean, everything Alan's telling you and I'm telling you, they admit, sir.
I mean, we can give you all the sources.
They're on CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com.
They're on Infowars.com.
They're on our sites.
I make films about them.
Alan does presentations about them.
They also understand how these things cross and mix.
It's a nexus of
Take the Batman movies.
In the Batman movie, one of them they say, from back 15 years ago, yeah, we staged terror attacks like the Gulf of Tonkin, or this event, or hey, we're crossing a whole bunch of different hair care and face care products, but together they poison you.
And then they sell you the solution.
Well, see, that's what they really do in the real world.
These people are obsessive-compulsive.
They're all about intricately woven systems, and they brag about it.
Lord Rothschild, two weeks ago, in major papers, saying, you know, we run the world, we're setting up world government, world governance.
He said, my family's most proud of how we've kept our wealth, not been decadent, controlled our family.
See, they're all about
Yes, it's intergenerational.
Foundations can go on for centuries with the same mandate.
Retiring, using, and rehiring new ones into the same agenda.
The families all breed together?
Even the servant families breed together?
Yes, it's all eugenics.
The Rockefeller ran the eugenics system back in the thirties and forties and so on.
They were the ones who mandated forced sterilization of what they called the feeble-minded.
And they're still into that yet.
I've heard Rockefeller in a recent speech talking about the need to reduce the population and that there's too many basically common types at the bottom.
So it never changed.
I totally agree that they are doing eugenics and that
They want to get rid of the inferiors, which is most of us.
But I'm just wondering, the pollution in the atmosphere, are they really totally responsible for that?
Because they're breathing that air too.
Yeah, but you understand how these people live.
They live, if you take a Buckingham Palace,
It's rigged up to, and the same with Rockefeller's home and all these people's homes, these are rigged up to withstand and even filtrate radiation through filters, etc.
They don't breathe the same stuff we do.
Their limos are the same.
So they have basically a system which keeps them pretty well out of the main
Yeah, we're going back to the main audience.
They also do total body blood transfusions.
Alright, final segment with Ellen Watt.
Here we go.
This show has just blasted past us.
Then Dr. Kyle, Scott,
Dave, Andy, and others.
We're going to go back to Alan Watt here in just a moment.
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I want to make something clear before I take some final calls for Alan Watt here.
We really appreciate it.
You know, I don't even lose sleep dealing with this.
I mean, I do sometimes, but not as much as I would if I just didn't do the best job I can fighting it and move forward.
You're only alive one time.
There are just very wicked focus control freaks that run the planet.
They say it's their right to do this to us because survival of the fittest.
They're in control.
We're not.
And I liken them to cancer.
You know, cancer can take over a body.
Cancer is quote dominant in the tissues of the body.
But it ends up killing the host.
And it's the same thing with the global elite.
I don't think they're in total control.
They've lost their minds.
They're crazy.
They say there's no such thing as a genetic mutation, so when they create chimera cross-species creations, they just say, well, man's a natural mutation, and so anything we make is a natural mutation.
So all their talk about the environment's a bunch of bull.
They don't even care about themselves at certain levels.
Some of them do, some don't.
A lot of them are very nihilistic, and openly state, and we have this in Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, that they
Might want to just destroy the earth for fun.
You know, it's like Nero burning Rome or Caligula marrying his horse.
I mean, throughout history, these guys go crazy.
So there is some megalomania going on here.
But this is just a huge institution of evil.
And they select more evil people into their ranks as the older ones die.
And to them, I mean, it's a great honor that
Zbigniew Brzezinski brags that he supported Paul Pott and helped him kill two million people.
He's very proud of that and they honor him when he walks on stage anywhere.
They look at him with respect.
Oh, you killed two million.
Kissinger killed tens of millions.
That's why there's just such respect for him.
These people, we respect the tough job you've done.
Well, someone has to do it.
I want you, in closing, to speak to the enemy's mindset.
I mean, was I accurately, from your position studying it, was I accurately trying to articulate their mindset?
What they've found with psychopaths, like Hitler, he said that the German people could not conquer the world, did not deserve to live under his own theory, the Darwinistic theory.
And you find with Israel, Israel had to drag the Prime Minister big enough
When you had the Samson Complex, when you said, well, if Israel goes down, we will take the world with us.
That's a standard psychopathic response, complete nihilism, if they cannot win and get their way.
However, most of them at the top have utter faith in their own abilities and their money and power to buy the sciences they need to help their own survival.
And so they pin everything on higher sciences, which are kept quiet from the public, to pull themselves through.
Same thing with Hitler and his superweapons, but they do have the underground bases.
I mean, in Switzerland or in Russia, they have underground bases with a whole population of food.
Here, we're told they don't exist, while they're in the Congressional Office, Budget Office, they admit it exists, but, you know, they tell us the dumbest people on Earth.
No, it doesn't exist.
Or the most mind-control people on Earth, I should say.
And so they're also very confident because they have those facilities.
Yes, if there's total faith and forward planning,
And the unlimited financing that can be taken from the taxpayer and funneled into building their state houses and their underground bases.
And they're well stocked up as well.
Margaret Thatcher talked about that when she was in power because she was spending incredible amounts of the taxpayer's money on building these things for the elite.
She was quizzed on it.
She said if the common people try to get in, the SAS will machine gun them down because no commoner would be allowed in.
That's right.
That's the arrogance of them.
Yeah, that's the arrogance.
And by the way, Michael Crichton did come out about global warming.
His last book was about the New World Order, State of Fear.
I read it.
It came out in what, 2006?
It was about the New World Order, how they're engineering the mass extermination.
And I know people that knew Michael Crichton.
He died of an accelerated, basically very quick act in cancer.
He was in great health, a medical doctor.
And I believe they got rid of him.
Mark Cuban,
Was going to put out loose change.
He backed off after threats and he was threatened.
We should do an article about that.
So he did back off of it.
And then notice you have trillions being stolen by the bankers, but they claim he stole, you know, a stock, selling his own stock.
He's worth, you know, like $5 billion.
Selling some stock of some little company.
But again, the public will think of him as rich.
He owns a basketball team, just like they burned Martha Stewart.
So none of the bankers, Kashkari or Paulson, they won't get in trouble.
And of course, they're minions too.
No, no, it's going to be Mark Cuban and he's going to be punished now for even thinking about it.
And remember, O'Reilly threatened him.
He said, you will be taken down.
Do not make it or you're gone, buddy.
You hear me?
I'm talking about
Oh, they are ruthless at the top.
Absolutely ruthless.
They had James Goldsmith, Sir James Goldsmith, who
I don't think so.
And of course there's more than just that.
We have the guy that was going to get us out of Iraq and England, and who was going to beat Gordon Brown, and ooh, something happened to him real fast.
Kelly, and he also, I mean Kelly, he said they'll find me in the woods with my wrist cut.
And sure enough they did, but they found no blood.
But we know their standard MO, they're utterly ruthless at the top.
And those who join their circles and join their fraternities and take oaths do put themselves at risk.
They know that.
Now, most of them think they'll never have to recount for it or stand up for it, but they do know if they cross the line, their lives can be forfeit.
What do the elites think of us, Alan, from your study?
I always liken it to the sadist breaking the legs of the cow and down it goes, and then they kick the cow because it can't get up.
In other words, they've dumbed us down, they've poisoned us, they've dropped the IQ, they've literally bioengineered us until we were almost transsexual as we are today.
And they laugh at us, they laugh at the mess we're in, and they have this complete disdain for us, in fact.
That's right, they laugh at us wallowing in our excrement on the ground with broken legs, drooling in pain, and they say, look at how ugly they are!
Look at how beautiful we are!
I mean, that is the ultimate in selfishness.
Yeah, I was watching a documentary, it was made in Germany during World War II, where some psychiatrists were explaining to schoolchildren why they had to kill off the feeble-minded.
And they showed you the most extreme examples of deformed people with very low IQs.
And I thought, this is exactly the same technique that they're conditioning the whole public.
They're conditioning the victims to accept their own demise.
That's what they're doing right now.
Well, I want to jam in very quickly, a few final calls here.
Who's up next, John?
Kyle in Florida.
Kyle in Florida.
Go ahead, you're on the air with Alan Watt.
Yeah, how you doing, Alan?
Good, go ahead.
Not so bad.
Um, yeah, I just, I actually, first of all, your show is amazing.
You have unbelievable insight, and I hope the general public
Knows what you know.
My question to you is, I have a situation going on where I'm prescribed the painkillers and my doctor decided to drug test me.
And apparently I came up positive for certain things that were not prescribed.
And did not come up for what they prescribed me.
After that, they urine tested me and then I went and had a blood test done.
After that, I'm just kind of wondering, you know, why they are trying to
Make this a criminal.
And so, yes, they go, they put you on painkillers, then it's a Schedule 3, then they test you, then they find marijuana.
You know, when a mother goes in, they don't tell you, they find marijuana in a mother, kid's gone.
They find any alcohol.
They find, and about a third of the time it's a false positive.
They CPS your kids.
The whole system is meant to destroy individuality and to get control of your life.
So, folks, never take
I mean, even if you're in really bad pain, because if you get addicted, they're going to ruin your life.
Never take their illegal drugs, because they want to catch you.
You defeat them by living clean.
You defeat them by living well.
You defeat them by realizing they're scum and filth and garbage.
Young people, do not use drugs.
Do not think it's cool.
They're brought here for you.
Don't even get into the gateway drugs.
Keep your head down if your parents put you in a government camp.
Keep your mouth shut.
They're there to destroy you.
I mean, I could rant and rant, but Alan, in closing, you want to comment on that?
It's true.
It is true.
They run both sides of the drug industry, legal and illegal, and you would not have the excuse to build up the massive police forces always under the guise of recruitment to fight the drug war if it wasn't for them putting out the drugs themselves.
And we know for a fact, and I've read articles from some of the top
X Special Forces men who were involved in bringing the drugs into the country.
We see the Oliver North scandal with the drugs for guns, with the Contras and so on.
The government itself are the biggest drug dealers of all time.
So, you want them in society?
It's been a pleasure, Alex.
I got a few final stories I'm going to hit at the very end of the show that we haven't gotten to and maybe jam in a few final calls, but I want to introduce Ted Anderson with this little piece of music because people, you know where the gold's at?
Well, I know where the gold's at.
Here it is.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Give me a go!
I don't wanna know what it's on.
I don't wanna know what it's on.
Give me a go!
It never, it never, it never, it never, it never, it never, it never goes.
It never, it never, it never, it never, it never, it never, it never, it never goes.
Well, you just saw the Give Me the Gold video.
Oh my goodness!
I want the gold!
What's the gold at?
Well, I'll tell you what the gold at.
The gold is with Ted Anderson.
And Ted Anderson has got gold that he bought a week ago, when gold was fifty-something bucks under what it is now, so he can pass on those gigantor savings.
Most people don't even have gold right now, ladies and gentlemen, but if they do, they're selling it at huge premiums.
Well, Ted Anderson happens to have it
With no premium.
In fact, below the price, it should be sold because he's a smart guy.
And when we come back, we're going to briefly talk to Ted.
Ted, that is now your new anthem.
Do you like your new music, your new ballad?
Oh, Ted's not in the studio.
No, I'm here.
I'm here.
I want to know where the gold at.
Oh, good.
I just ran into the studio.
Yeah, I know.
I just got caught up.
I was getting the last prices on gold and silver.
Give me the gold.
Yeah, right now it's at $736.40.
Right now, silver's at $957.
I want the gold.
Yeah, we did run into some maple leaves here, so let's talk about that right after the break.
I definitely want that gold.
All right, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, having some fun here at the end of the show today with Ted Anderson, the little gold bug.
He's not a leprechaun, though.
He's a little gold goblin.
They're digging around for the gold.
He got the gold.
We'll be right back with Mr. Gold.
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I think so.
You want to know?
Bring in the leprechaun, Ted Anderson.
I'm a leprechaun now.
I'm the only Swedish leprechaun out there, I think.
I want it!
Give it!
Alright, Ted, you got some great deals.
Tell them about the group of coins you got.
Folks, you're insane if you don't give Minus Resources a call.
They'll be there past midnight tonight, taking your orders on AM and FM, so pick this show up later.
And if you don't get it from Ted Anderson, get it from somebody else.
But believe me, check out the prices.
These are some good deals.
So, Mr. Leprechaun, tell us all about it.
Yeah, of course we will.
You know, right now, I have an $11 discount on Franks.
One-fifth of an ounce gold coin there.
I was trading those $11 higher here just last week.
Gold is up, not down since then.
And then I also have the British Sovereign.
And that coin right now is close to $22 less than what it was.
And again, gold was up.
These are at $228.
So, another great buy to be getting into.
And you asked me about those maple leaves earlier.
I can't believe that Maple Leafs are in short supply.
They never were before, but of course, with the markets doing what they're doing, now they're in short supply.
I do have 50.
Maximum 50.
I have those right now at $8.95, and that's going to go first come, first serve.
We didn't talk yesterday about the Walking Liberty halves.
I got to tell people out there, I mean, silver dollars right now, Alex, are trading just under $25 a coin.
And yet, walking liberty halves right now you can get for $8.40.
The walking liberty half has half the amount of silver that the silver dollar has.
Obviously, the futures market is not reflecting the physical market right now.
Everybody knows that.
And there's plenty of trouble right now.
Look at what's going to happen here now with General Motors.
Absolutely, folks.
This is a buying opportunity.
It's already hard to get gold.
Most places are sold out or have huge premiums.
Don't wait until it doubles or triples, which a lot of analysts are saying it could.
Regardless, gold and silver will always have intrinsic value, so this is a very important insurance policy, and Ted has fabulous prices.
We're talking $50 below what it's selling for now when he got positions on these gold coins.
Now, I still think the Franks and the Sovereigns are great deals.
Give folks the numbers on those.
Yeah, right now, again, they're $187 for the Frank, and the Sovereign right now is $228.
And think about it, I mean, when the poop hits the fan, I don't want to have a kid's show here, you know?
I've got families listening.
This is a kid's show.
Right, it's a kid's show.
Here comes Mr. Rogers.
Well, anyways, the Frank is a small piece of gold, and you need to have small pieces of gold to trade for items.
Items of gold and silver, you know?
I mean, yeah, silver and gold.
What time of year is this?
Well, anyways, yeah, the British Sovereign...
Hey, 800-686-2237.
The British Sovereigns are great.
They have the ugly witch on them, but they're accepted worldwide by people because it's the imperial prostitute.
So, 800, the imperial great whore.
Well, I only disrespect the Queen.
Well, if you want something that looks pretty, get the $10 Indian.
I mean, that coin is just absolutely gorgeous.
Designed by Augustus Saint-Gauden, a sculptor hired by Teddy Roosevelt.
Folks, the brokers are there.
They have a wide selection of coins at different prices.
All great deals.
I recommend the Imperial
Witchbag, Sovereign, and the European Frankies.
But 800-686-2237.
They have those maple leaves right now.
Nobody else can get those.
They have eagles.
They have gold eagles.
What, those are the half-ouncers, Ted?
Yeah, half-ouncers and full-ouncers.
You get them both.
Oh, really?
I mean, folks, again, they got the gold.
Nobody else has got it.
Check around.
800-686-2237 or minusresources.com.
Don't screw around, folks. 800.
6-8-6, 2-2-3-7, or check out the banners on InfoWars.com, PressUpon.com.
Ted, thank you for coming on with us.
Yeah, thanks for having me up again.
Get back over there and guard that pot of gold.
All right, retransmission starts now at InfoWars.com.
Ton of stuff covered.
Rebroadcast starts now.
See everybody back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Take care.