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Filename: 20081102_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 2, 2008
1692 lines.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Home to hard-hitting talk radio.
Check your watch, it's four o'clock.
David Plouffe has told Fox News Sunday that Obama has expanded the electoral map.
We feel good about Kerry states, Iowa, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, Virginia, all of the prime takeaway targets that we've been working on for so long.
And McCain campaign manager Rick Davis says undecided voters are likely to break in favor of McCain.
Guess who's the undecided voters?
People who, in the suburbs, expurbs, and rural areas, a lot of them Democrats, who just haven't bought into the Obama message, and guess what?
If they haven't bought in by now, they probably aren't gonna.
Both John McCain and Barack Obama will be east of the Mississippi this final Sunday before the election.
McCain will stop in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, while Obama returns to Ohio.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
Hi, this is Dale Denton from Maryland.
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This is Andy Willoughby with the Three Step Plan Home Business System.
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Poll workers in Wilton, New Hampshire have come up with a seat-of-the-pants way to make sure ballots aren't counted twice.
Once tallied, they're stacked in bundles of 25 and someone sits on them.
One town official calls it primitive, but effective.
In contrast, Maryland House of Delegates Republican leader Anthony O'Donnell says he has problems with some of the provisions of the early voting amendment.
People will be able to vote anywhere in the state.
So someone can come to the lesbian vote from another part of the state, and then go to Western Maryland and vote, and then go to the Eastern Shore and vote.
That to me is very, very frightening.
In terms of people who want to or wish to abuse the system.
In 8 parliamentary soldiers are dead in Pakistan after a suicide car bomber rammed his vehicle into a checkpoint near the Afghan border.
The troops were washing vehicles at the time.
For more news and analysis log on to IRNnews.com
Here's a word about Israel from Dr. Jack Hayford, President of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel.
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Britain's Prime Minister is in Saudi Arabia where he's trying to coax oil-rich countries in the Middle East to donate to the bailout reserves of the International Monetary Fund.
Gordon Brown says he's confident the Saudis will help.
I think we will persuade, you're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars here, and I think we will persuade countries from China to the oil states to make their contribution as well.
More on the run for the White House, where Israel political analyst Ronan Gisson says the outcome of the election won't change the US-Israeli bond.
Whoever is going to be the American president,
He is committed to Israel's security, to Israel's needs, and that strategic partnership, I believe, will continue.
Some states report record turnouts for early voting.
This voter in Charlotte, North Carolina, says the lines were not moving very fast.
At the end of the block there.
So, in about two hours, we've made it about halfway down the block.
House Republican leader John Boehner has used a vulgar expression to refer to Democrat Barack Obama and his voting record in the Illinois legislature.
Here's Matt Reed.
Boehner criticized Obama for not taking a stand on various issues.
He feels that as a legislator, you should either vote yes or no on an issue, and to do otherwise is chicken followed by a four-letter word.
Comments alluded to Obama's record of voting present 129 times as a state lawmaker.
I'm Jody Jordan for IRN USA Radio News.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
That's right, live from deep in the heart of Texas, it is already the second day of November 2008.
We're going to be live here.
For the next two hours, we're going to have open phones at 877-590-5525.
That's 877-590-5525.
We're less than 48 hours out from Tuesday's election, national election.
They're talking about record turnout of around 75% nationwide.
You just heard local news here in Austin on the station.
I think?
Presidential election, don't forget there's all the senatorial elections, House elections, going on, the state elections, legislative elections, local, county, city elections, and unfortunately we still have a national average of about 8.5% for local turnout, but we get over 50% for national turnout on average, again close to 80% this time they're predicting.
The real power is locally.
The big foreign, multinational corporations, the special interest,
The people creating a world government is an end-runner on our liberties and freedoms in the Western world.
They are, for a long time, buying off the leaders of the House and Senate, and of course the executive branch.
But they don't have total control over the local area, and that's where we can still have a huge effect.
I want to open the phones up today for your take on who you're voting for.
Third party, is it Ralph Nader or is it the Constitution Party?
Chuck Baldwin?
Are you voting for Barack H. Obama?
Are you voting for John McCain?
Your take on the future of this country and the military and police.
Now we told you they were gearing up for martial law a long time ago.
We're not saying that's going to happen.
We're saying they're locked and loaded for it.
But now they've openly, in the last few weeks, been saying, yes, we are ready for national riots and cities burning if Barack Obama doesn't win.
But most polls show Barack Obama at least five points ahead.
Some show him as many as thirteen points ahead.
But the Electoral College is a little bit different.
His lead is slightly less there.
I don't like either one of the candidates.
They're both anti-gun, pro-open border, pro-New World Order candidates.
My main problem with Barack Obama is that I found writings of his when he first got in the U.S.
Senate four years ago calling for carbon taxes in the name of stopping CO2, that's actually what plants breathe, to regulate every facet of our lives, to shut down a lot of power plants, giving us cheap energy and killing a lot of jobs.
And he also wants these tattletale brigades, over a million man youth brigade, as domestic spies.
Now, about nine months ago I first reported this, then about six months ago it was in the major newspapers across the country.
The first big one I saw it in was the Chicago Tribune, and we wrote stories about it up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, but people didn't believe me.
So I just want to remind you once more that a domestic force of spies
A, isn't Barack Obama's idea, but B, he's pushing it, and C, this has been stated for a long time, the government's plan to bring us into a high-tech police state.
So let's go ahead and play a clip of Barack Obama.
This is, again, he's talked about this for years, but here he is last July in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the real seat of the NORTHCOM US government.
That is really running things and here he is calling for these youth brigades.
Here it is.
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
Now that's why, and if you read the fine print, it's going to be arrogant, full of themselves, ignorant, 18 to 20 year olds.
The CIA illegally for decades has been operating inside the United States and we've exposed that with governors and police chiefs and others they've tried to buy off.
But Barack Obama is only pushing what the establishment wants.
John McCain, incidentally, and you can pull this clip up as well,
Has called repeatedly for having a domestic surge of US Army on the streets of America to quote fight crime.
We've now seen the Illinois governor about two months ago say we're going to use National Guard for door-to-door gun confiscation.
So this is really happening and both parties are pushing this.
The entire presidential election is a giant distraction, a giant diversion to sell the public that presidents actually run something, and that they're actually in power.
A long time ago, the continuity of government system took power, not just from Congress, but away from the president.
And the National Security Council, controlled by a select group of private banks, through the military, controls the United States.
And this is all over foreign newspapers.
This is well known, and a lot of white papers even put out by our own government.
But the general public is not aware of that.
Shifting gears into another subject that I'd like to discuss today with everybody.
That's the fact that a month ago, I told you on air, because I read the Banker Takeover Bill, that it would allow a small group of four U.S.
banks and about eight to nine different foreign banks, depending on how you read it,
Come in and be given governmental power through the Treasury Department in total anonymity, that's secrecy, and immunity, and that no one could even review or look at what they did henceforth.
And we read that many times on air, and people attacked me saying the small minority that was for it.
National polls showed about 95-98% against the Banker Takeover Bill.
And congressmen that I interviewed on air and also in the press reported about 1,000 to 1 phone calls.
About a thousand to one phone calls against it.
But still, the shadow government did what they wanted and gave this new power to them.
And then not one red cent has been loaned out to the American people, not one red cent has been given to anybody for their mortgages, or to back up any bad mortgages that have been securitized and sold in two derivatives, and that's the real issue.
Not one red cent was spent for that, and out of the trillion-plus that's been pumped out, it's not $700 billion, not $840 billion.
Bloomberg got it right, Ron Paul's report on it too.
It's about $5 trillion, if you read the Banker Takeover Bill.
It states that they are just going to give it to their CEOs, their employees, as cash bonuses.
And I have several mainstream news articles up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com where they are giving, well, a loan.
In the United States, around $25 billion of the bailout directly to Goldman Sachs alone will go to bonuses.
That money directly will be used as bonuses.
And the banks are in the news saying, we're just keeping the money and we're using it to acquire other banks and insurance companies
Thank you.
bonds and different securities.
So, there are the facts.
I mean, here's the Associated Press from a few days ago.
I talked a lot about this on the weekday show.
It says, uses for $700 billion bailout money ever shifting.
First, the $700 billion rescue for the economy was about buying devalued mortgage-backed securities from tottering banks to unclog frozen credit markets.
Then it was about using the $250 billion of it to buy stakes in banks.
That idea was that the banks would use the money to start making loans, but reports surface that banks are instead using the money to buy other banks, pay dividends, and give employees raises and executives bonuses.
And it goes on to say that
See, these are offshore corporations, and they're totally ruthless.
And the New York Times even reported two days ago, actually Thursday, three days ago now, back on October 29th, they actually reported, and they even have recordings of this, the head of Chase and the head of Morgan,
Admitting that this is great for us.
We're just going to have bonuses and take over other institutions.
So there you go folks.
Total criminality.
We'll be right back with your phone calls and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
Welcome back.
We are live 48 hours out from the 2008 presidential election.
The globalists have given us two puppets.
I'm going to go to your calls here in a moment, but going back to the banker takeover empowerment bill of a month ago,
Remember, they said if Congress didn't pass it, there would be a depression.
They had to have that money that week to shore up these companies, and then not one red cent a month later has gone to any of those companies.
It's going into bonuses.
I mentioned the tens of billions of dollars for Goldman Sachs here in the U.S.
In England, it's $14 billion, or seven and a half million pounds to begin with, for bonuses, and they're bragging and laughing, and then
Congress was given some of the details of who's being paid what last week, and they were all blacked out, and the public was told, well, that was in the bill.
Total secrecy.
See, corruption on its face, and when they passed the banker bailout bill a month ago, I had members of Congress on the show, not just on C-SPAN, we saw them on C-SPAN saying, we were threatened with martial law.
If we don't pass this on that Friday.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, throughout history, powerful interests seek to get control of governments to then loot the public treasury.
That's happening now.
Barack Obama and John McCain supported the Banker Takeover Bill.
Barack Obama has gotten three times the Wall Street money that John McCain got.
And four times the Goldman Sachs money, so I'm not even saying go out and vote for either one of these guys or vote for John McCain.
I'm just stating the facts here.
John McCain isn't running TV ads where he's already in the Oval Office.
John McCain isn't running ads about how he's our global savior.
It's very, very frightening, the whole messianic, cult-like thing we're seeing with Barack Obama.
And I really feel sorry for all the leftists and people, just like I felt sorry for Republicans.
I said, look, George Bush isn't going to be your savior.
He isn't going to, you know, not have wars or take your liberties or restore the Second Amendment like he promised to do.
It's going to get bad, and it did.
And it's going to get even worse under Barack Obama if he is indeed our new Fuhrer.
So that's just some of the issues I wanted to go over today.
Also, every few days I see reports in Europe, in Canada, in the United States
of a woman being mugged in the street or raped in the street or a child being beaten to death or a cop hit by a car bleeding to death on the road that even happened in Austin a few years ago and no one stops to help him.
Hundreds of passersbys drive by and at most they call 911.
You know, they call 9-1-1.
And Americans never behaved like that.
People of the West, people worldwide never behaved like that.
How did we change?
We became a nation of spectators, trained that the government's going to handle it, the government's going to do it.
And so we'll be going over that a little bit later in the show with a case in California of a man for, the press reports say, about 30 minutes beating a toddler to death in the street.
And everybody called the police, but none of them stopped.
I mean, if I see somebody stomping a baby in the street,
I'm going to pull over and I'm going to attack him.
And it's not because I'm a tough guy.
It's because I've got my instincts straight.
And by the way, I'm not just saying that.
I've told the story.
You know, I said I'd get into it later and I will in more detail and open the phones up about this whole psychology.
And I've got a lot of thoughts on it.
But I was in the La Madeline in northern Austin about five and a half years ago.
And we were getting ready to leave and I went up to go to the bathroom and I heard a bunch of yelling and stuff and I came back out and it was this crowd of people.
It was full, like 7 o'clock at night, you know, on a weeknight at the little restaurant.
And this woman was choking, turning purple, falling on the table, and everyone was screaming, call 911.
And I sort of, and I said, do the Heimlich.
And they would scream at me angrily, no, 911!
Like, how dare you, slave!
We're meant to stand here and do nothing!
You know, they're so conditioned to be pathetic, chicken-neck slaves.
And there were probably about 20 people around, and I had to start pushing through them, and I had some of them physically trying to stop me, and I said, do the Heimlich, and they wouldn't do it.
They kept saying, 9-1-1, 9-1-1, and they couldn't even call 9-1-1.
They're like chickens, you know, just, just, just, just balking, or sheepling, meh, meh, meh, meh, and I had to physically get past them, and as I'm grabbing her to do the Heimlich, you know, which I, they offered it as a free course for the fire department when I was in the swim team back in Dallas in junior high, so I, you know, have a basic course on it, and, uh,
The point is, is that I grab her, and I do the Heimlich, and a big piece of bread comes out, and then they were all kind of looking at me weird, and some of them thanking me, and some of them looking at me strange, and I thought, before I get arrested, I'm just getting out of here.
Because that's a crime to be involved, to have that, to take action in America.
And so, you know, only men in black uniforms and submachine guns can do it.
We've been trained to be slaves.
So I got out of there quickly.
But that is what's wrong with this country.
And, uh, you know, people are more concerned with UT losing to Texas Tech.
And they're crying and whining and literally sobbing over it.
Meanwhile, foreign banks have completely taken over the government.
Northcom has, you know, already taken control of the government.
And we're under total police state being looted.
And they don't care.
You know, they care if the Cowboys lose, or if the Titans lose, or if the Dolphins lose.
And, uh, we're a gelded population meant to stand by, where action is looked down upon.
Alright, I've already been ranting too long here.
I want to go to your phone calls.
Steve in Utah, you're on the air worldwide.
Hey, what's up?
How you doing?
Good, sir.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to bring up some subtle things.
I've seen a toy advertisement on TV the other day for a police helmet and handlebars for your kid to run around the house and make believe he's a police officer in it.
It showed a picture of dad behind bars.
I just thought that was pretty interesting.
Yeah, that's all part of... They do that at the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
They tell the children, you're going to be over your parents.
You're going to command them.
Time Magazine for Kids and Two Different Issues has said, you're going to take the microchip.
You're cool.
You know, you know what to do.
Your parents are dumb.
And all over the country, in the name of the war on drugs, not some war on terror, they have the kids write dossiers on their parents.
I mean, the country is so far gone, and for about a decade, all the children's toys go to the store.
None of it's a USA flag on the tanker, the jet, or the helicopter, or the troops.
It's all troops wearing black masks, troops, you know, United Nations force, global force.
They're brainwashing the children.
Well, I just wanted to, yeah, bring up, you know, you made me aware of things like that, and then I just started seeing it, and I was just like, whoa, that's kind of weird.
And then another thing, there was a
We're good.
Well, that's how they got Oliver Stone to sell out and make all these brainwashing movies like W that makes him some lovable idiot savant and he really thought WMDs were there all lives.
That's how they got him to make these pro-government view 9-11 film.
A lot of people in Hollywood, it's all these drug convictions and they just said, look, you're going to play ball.
The average American doesn't know that billions a year are spent on fake newscasts, buying reporters, placing propaganda in TV and movies that are pro-government, pro-New World Order.
You know, the average American doesn't know that we didn't have Halloween until the fifties.
Madison Avenue created that.
They don't know that Santa Claus wasn't even involved in Christmas until Coca-Cola promoted it.
They don't know that bacon and eggs was Edward Bernays, the father of modern advertising.
They don't understand our whole culture is fake.
And it's manufactured.
And now they're shifting that same social brainwashing system into conditioning the public to totally give up their liberties and freedoms so they'll acquiesce to becoming third world slaves.
And now Barack Obama and John McCain are saying global taxes, carbon taxes, regulating your life, bureaucrats involved in your daily life, million man youth brigades, three million man tattletale environmental brigades, they're here.
And none of it has anything to do with the environment or helping the earth.
It's all about control, feudalism, serfdom.
And things are just gonna get worse and worse.
The elite are eating our lunch.
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You're listening to GCN.
The Genesis Communication Radio Network.
We are back live, 48 hours out from the big diversion, the big corporate diversion, the big PR extravaganza to make you think that the President's actually run things.
You know, the big foreign banks engineered the derivatives crisis.
They gave themselves unlimited power through Congress by terrorizing the Congress, threatening them with martial law.
Now they're openly stealing all the money for themselves.
You'll have to pay back in tax money.
And when I talk about corporate propaganda, you know, how we didn't celebrate Halloween until the fifties, or how we didn't celebrate Christmas the way we do, until going back into the 1920s with Christmas and Coca-Cola and Santa Claus, I'm not even attacking those supposed institutions.
My point is, that shows you how they mold your mind.
That shows you how they're able to engineer societies.
I mean, how did they get women to smoke cigarettes?
Women had always seemed unladylike to smoke cigarettes.
Well, they had the Women's Lib Movement, and they funded them hundreds of thousands of dollars.
That was millions at the time, an equivalent.
Then they had them go out and lead the parades, and the newspapers would publish, oh look, they're free, they're radical, they're smoking cigarettes.
Here's another example of how they form your ideas.
And all I'm asking people to do is to start realizing that we are living in a sea of propaganda.
We are living in a sea of manipulation.
We live under a completely federalized, micromanaged society.
I mean, I have a stack of news articles here in front of me.
Some of them are up on InfoWars.com, the headline, The New Technology of Repression by Consortium News.
And it goes through what Bob Woodward a few months ago talked about, these secret weapons that are as big as the Manhattan Project that our military, really the globalist military, is using in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And they're now admitting what a lot of it is, something I told you about years ago.
Face scanning cameras,
Retina scanning cameras, license plate scanning cameras, systems that track you everywhere you go, even if you cover your face by the way you walk.
That is all in place here in the United States under NORTHCOM.
That is the power of oppression and tyranny that has already been set up.
And all over the country, you know, you may not be aware of this, but you should ask your children in public schools, and even in private schools under federal accreditation, which is through the states, they are training your children to spy on you, to tattle on you.
The cartoons, the movies, the culture, it's all about being spies.
They aren't, you know, not just selling us on a new holiday or a new style, or that you gotta have bacon with your eggs, you know, that was a PR thing.
Nobody ate bacon with eggs.
They are now selling you to be a snitch, to be a tattletale.
They are now selling you on just so many things that are horrible.
But the good news is their propaganda isn't working.
You get 95% in major polls or higher against the banker takeover bill,
But it still happens.
That's the bad news.
Or 91% in the Gallup polls against open borders, but still the borders are open.
Or 75% or higher against the war, but it continues.
So the good news is the people are waking up.
The bad news is the establishment is completely ignoring everything we're saying, everything we're doing.
And they're setting up a tyranny here in the United States.
You know, I was listening to another talk show earlier today on the radio, a well-known doctor, Dr. Dina Dell.
We've actually interviewed him.
Trey, I want to get him back on, because I was nice to him the last time we had him on, and then made him backpedal on a bunch of things.
But this time, I'm not going to be as nice, but I want you to set him up again for an hour, please, the next few weeks.
And I heard a lady call in, and she said,
It's a few hours ago, because they rear him on the weekend here on the station we transmit out of and syndicate across the country.
Again, 590 AM here in Central Texas.
And, you know, it's an interesting, entertaining show.
I'm not even attacking the show.
It's just that the tactic, we're going to your calls here in a moment after that, the tactic he uses is the one I see used by the mainstream media and people on the left and the right, who all work for the same masters.
The lady called in and she said, I can't find chewing gum, bubble gum, any gum that doesn't have aspartame with sugar now.
And that's true.
You go to a 7-Eleven or you go to a store.
You can go to the grocery store.
They may have 20 different types of gum.
They all say Aspartame.
Read on the back.
And it's an artificial sweetener approved in 1982 by Searle.
Searle got it approved.
Rumsfeld was the head of it.
And she said, you know, I remember when I was in college, the former head of the EPA came and he said that, you know, in his speech, he said, I know I wouldn't feed this stuff to my family.
And she said, is it true?
It's bad for you.
And he said, no, no, nothing's wrong with it.
It's wonderful.
Since the Internet got big in the late 90s, there's a fake email that goes around listing fake doctors and fake information.
And it's all fake and aspartame is good for you.
You know, it's funny, I probably interviewed
More than 50 or 60 scientists, doctors, neurologists, toxicologists.
We went back and got the documents from the approval of Aspartame in 1982.
And so that they could get Aspartame universally adopted as the new sweetener, the media falsely demonized and lobbyists from Searle demonized Saccharin.
Which they found, if you fed rats, I think it was half their diet for something like a year, you can go pull the actual study up, half their diet, I mean half of what they were eating was saccharine.
Just thousands of times what a human would ingest per capita for their body weight, that they got these fatty, non-cancerous, benign tumors in their kidneys.
And so they demonized an artificial sweetener that actually wasn't really bad for you.
And then they got Aspartame approved, known as NutraSweet or Equal as the brand names.
And it's patent ran out about five years ago, that's why now it's in tens of thousands of foods, not just a few.
So it's so inexpensive now.
And it's 64 times sweeter per gram than sugar.
And at 87 degrees in the stomach, at 87 degrees, it breaks down into what?
And that's a fact, and I've read on air, I mean these are from universities, the studies of when it got approved, where they gave it to rhesus monkeys, and half the baby rhesus monkeys they gave it to in their milk, was more than half of them died.
And so, I mean there's so much evidence that aspartame is an excitotoxin, is toxic, is deadly, that it'll make your head spin, and I've interviewed the medical doctors, the scientists, I've held those documents in my hand, so I'm gonna get him on.
And then I'm going to read him those studies.
And these were FDA studies.
And that reminds me of two weeks ago, the Food and Drug Administration came out and said, well, there's melamine from China and it's sickened 56,000 children there, killed a bunch of people, but we're saying melamine is no longer bad for you.
And I've got government reports coming out now saying mercury in the shots isn't bad for you.
And I even have a CBS News report here.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
We're not going to play it, but it's a link where they have a medical doctor on.
And the FDA scientist unanimously came out and said that the BPA that's in most the plastics, most the plastic products you and your family, your babies drink out of, is an estrogen mimicker and very toxic.
That's why we have girls when they're five going into puberty.
That's why we have boys that are hyper-feminine.
And Europe and Japan banned this stuff years ago, and there's no reason.
Most plastics don't have it, and it's just the one that they chose to put in here.
But the head of the FDA, the EPA is also saying it's bad, but this is the FDA Ignore Science Advisory Panel on Poisonous Baby Bottles, BPA.
And they just said, we don't care, it's going to stay in the plastic here in the United States.
Now, I'm sorry, melamine will kill you, will make you sick, will attack your kidneys.
BPA that leaches out of these plastics is a big problem, and it's been well known, and you just can't sit up there and say that it's not.
There are thousands of studies that cell phones are giving people brain tumors from governments and universities.
It's an absolute fact.
It's a microwave relay system.
That's why your computers go crazy when your cell phone rings.
It's powerful.
And it's microwaving right through your skull and the people get the tumor right there.
It's the same thing with sodium fluoride put in the water.
I have all these reports about they give it to horses and cows, fluoride water, they all die.
But they put it in our water.
So, I'm tired of the denial here, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm tired of the fact that we have a criminal eugenics elite putting us in our water and our food on purpose.
Yes, it's all on purpose.
Okay, your calls from Chris, Matt, Chad, George, Jawad, Joe, Jim, everybody.
When we get back after this quick break, I'll continue with calls throughout this transmission.
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Okay, let's continue with your phone calls right now, talking about the private banks taking over the United States, openly announcing they want a, quote, New World Order, using that term, run for and by a private group of banks that will control our governments and set our taxes and levy a bunch of new carbon taxes, phony environmental taxes on us.
That's all openly being announced, exactly as we told you they would, because we have their own documents.
You can stand up against these people, or, I guess, just stand down.
I don't like Americans do now when they see a crime being committed.
From the land of the free, home of the brave, to the land of the thumb-sucking cowards.
You know, that's not all of us, but that's a large portion of us.
We have to wait for the mainstream media or the establishment to tell us that we can stand up or take action.
See, that's all part of the mind control, to be a bunch of passive TV watching
Sick offense.
Chris in San Marcos, Texas.
You're on the air.
I wanted to talk about the election.
I went in on the 20th and I voted Bob Barr for Libertarian because I'll die with a smile on my face if I don't ever have to vote Republican or Democrat again.
I mean, it's gotten so bad that two parties have merged into the same enemy.
And if people don't even realize that, it's time they shut off the Rush Limbaugh, you know?
Well, what's happened is
They have sold the public on voting like it's a horse race or a football game on who you think is going to win, instead of whose policies you actually agree with.
And you notice the two parties don't ever want to make it about policies, because their policies are almost identical.
It turns into, what is Sarah Palin wearing?
Or, are you a racist if you don't like Barack Obama?
On and on and on.
Do you wear the American flag pin?
But, uh, you know, it's no longer a viable option to say, I'm voting for the lesser of two evils.
The system's never gonna recover if we don't start voting for our beliefs.
And the way I see it, the Libertarians are the only people that still seem to care about the Constitution.
I mean, there was that one guy, Ron Paul, but, oh, he was a wacko.
He told us the derivatives market was being set up for collapse and they were devaluing the currency.
Yeah, he was a wacko.
Alright, he's voting for Bob Barr.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Jawad in New York.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, thank you very much for taking my call.
I'm a first-time caller.
I'm calling from Binghamton, New York.
I'd like to say thank you for all the hard work that you're doing.
We really appreciate it here in Binghamton.
I really got working up.
I have three quick things and one question for you.
The first thing is that on November 6th at my school, BCC, my college, we're showing your film Endgame at Titchener Hall at 3pm.
To anyone out there in Binghamton who's listening or Ithaca,
Also, regarding the insider trading that took place on 9-11, I was watching a film today on Google Videos.
It's called Ring of Fire.
I don't know how good it is or whatever, because we had the trouble with the Zeitgeist thing.
I don't know how good it is.
It's kind of really critical of religion.
It's called Ring of Fire, and on that, it mentioned that regarding the insider trading that took place on 9-11, it said Merrill Lynch, HSBC, Morgan Stanley,
Bank of America, Lehman Brothers, and General Motors and a few others were the ones involved in the insider trading.
And the reason I bring this up is because you keep mentioning the banker bailout.
And these are the same guys.
Well, for those that don't know, there was record put options never before that big and never after that big.
Uh, specifically not just on airlines, but specifically on United and American in the four days leading up to it.
And we all heard, we're going to find out who was behind it because of the insider trading.
And then it led to Buzzy Krongaard, executive director of the CIA, and Alex Brown, the company, and others.
So it got shut down.
Yes, absolutely.
And the third thing is, um, I'm not sure if you're familiar with this one guy that people call him a scholar, but I don't know too much about him.
His name is Cornel West, but he was on C-SPAN like
About a year ago, and he mentioned Will Smith, and said it was a Scientologist or something like that.
Now the reason I bring this up is that I remember a good movie just recently called I Am Legend.
And in that movie, it was supposed to be like some virus that caused 85% of the world's population... Yeah, it's a vaccine that's supposed to cure people of cancer, and then it kills the majority of the world population.
So my point is, do you see this being part of the globalist agenda where
They're intending on using something similar to the depiction in this movie.
This man, again, is an insight.
He's like maybe a Scientologist that he's in, and he has some insight into what the plan is, but so he glorifies it in some way.
Well, I Am Legend was written back in the early 1950s, and then it was made into Omega Man, and then they made an I Am Legend, and then they made the newest one under the same title.
You know, when I get up on air and I say that the United Nations and the IMF and the World Bank and the Club of Rome and the Council on Foreign Relations put out white papers saying they want to exterminate 80 to 90 percent of the population, I mean, my films Road to Tyranny and Endgame cover that.
And by the way, a lot of my films have bibliographies.
Endgame, a three-hour film, well, it's about two hours, 40 minutes, and has an hour extra, so it's...
The point is, is that it has a bibliography.
And every second of the film, every video clip, every document, we have linked up on whatistheendgame.com.
And yes, they are putting sodium fluoride in the water.
Just Google sodium fluoride cancer and I mean hundreds of mainline studies that it more than doubles cancer just in bone cancer alone or that they decided in the 50s to put the particular type there were hundreds of types of plastic they could adopt but they had adopted the BPA based plastic they knew would sterilize men in the West that's why sperm counts are down by about 85% women are infertile
Because, you know, too much of this hormone ends up sterilizing you.
And I could go on and on, but I mean, how do you get the public to come to grips with that?
I mean, I'm sorry.
I told you the Banker Bailout Bill was a scam, and it is.
I tell you everything.
I told you 9-11 was going to happen before it happened.
This is what I do.
I'm not an expert on Texas Tech and UT and the Cowboys.
I'm an expert on the New World Order, folks.
And let me tell you, they're eugenicists.
If you don't know what that term is, Google it.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to George in Texas.
George, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Yes, you know mom, last week my wife came home in tears.
She was threatened arrest at the DPS because she refused to get a thumb scan.
That's right.
That's all part of the international agreement.
That is a world ID card, not just a national ID card.
It's all part of submitting to your enslavement.
I mean, is it color of law to do that?
You will thumbprint to buy and sell.
They're going in the tanning salons, the stores, the churches, the libraries, parents to get their children at public schools, you know, thumb scanning.
And what did they say?
Driving is a privilege.
I have the Supreme Court rulings.
It isn't.
But in the 30s, they said, well, these trucks are tearing up the road.
If you're involved in commerce, trucks need a driver's license.
And then 15, 20 years later, depending on the state, they phased in that it was a privilege to drive, but only under commerce.
And the state police were really federal set up in the late 30s.
And they have no idea what's going on, and they don't believe me.
They love the system, so give your children more fluoride water.
Don't believe me, just give them more mercury shots.
You know, don't believe me, just love your government.
It's criminal bankers.
Well, it's not your government.
You're under eugenics.
You're going to have a national sales tax on top of the income tax.
Enjoy yourselves.
Everything you're doing being tracked under carbon credits on your card.
Also, tell me what they said to your wife.
Well, they told her, if you don't take this thumbprint, you're going to be arrested.
And I'm not going to use the color of law to take that thumbprint.
I mean, they should have just said, well, you know, you don't get a license and then you'll get arrested.
Now, citizens get arrested for no ID.
Illegal aliens don't.
And I've had police admit this, and it's been in the news.
So, again, it's all part of humiliation, all part of domination, all part of bringing the country to its knees, all part of us learning how to be slaves.
And we are.
We are now slaves.
The public just sits down and shuts up and goes along with anything.
And also, too, she went to the health department and asked for a federal vaccine waiver form, and they say there ain't no such thing.
Well, that's another lie.
Number one, there's no law to take any vaccines.
Number two, they then kick your kids out under truancy laws, saying it's a school policy.
Then criminal charges kick in for the truancy, not for the, quote, non-existent law of taking vaccines.
And so, yes, they are criminals.
They will lie.
Google this.
Vaccine exemption or vaccine waiver form.
But why do you need a waiver for something that isn't a law to begin with?
Hey, Google forced vaccine Maryland, and I even had the head of the state on, the head attorney, they had police dogs barking and thousands of kids showing up crying, being quote, forcibly injected under color of law.
It is a bankrupt criminal government.
And anybody that doubts me, only a criminal government would lie and say that you have to take a vaccine.
When there's no law.
I kind of see the people down the road pushing back.
They are going to push back.
That's why they openly admit the local police are now dialing in to the spy satellites, the control grids, the FEMA camps.
Every major city has helicopters standing by, according to declassified documents in 2000 by the Sunshine Project, with helicopters with opiate knockout gases waiting to gas every major city.
Well, I just pray that this election is peaceful, but I don't think it's going to be peaceful.
I talked to a woman who lives in the Caribbean, who came from Africa, and this is what she said.
She's a black woman.
She sat there and said, Barack Obama will lead the black people down to the slaughter.
I said, these charismatic leaders, once they get in power, I said, that's when the horror starts.
Yeah, we have a completely criminal elite looting everything in power.
During the break, I'm going to Google
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We'll have those stories and more.
You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Texas, it's 5 o'clock.
IRM USA Radio News.
I'm Jody Jordan.
He may be leading in the polls, but Barack Obama is not easing up on a final weekend before the election.
He'll campaign today in Ohio, hoping to pocket a traditionally Republican state.
I don't believe for a second this election's over.
Don't think for a minute that power will concede without a fight.
John McCain will spend his last day of campaigning in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.
He says he's fighting back from being down in the polls and urges voters to prove the pundits wrong.
Britain's Prime Minister is in Saudi Arabia where he's trying to coax oil-rich countries in the Middle East to donate to the bailout reserves of the International Monetary Fund.
Gordon Brown says he's confident the Saudis will help.
If we're going to protect the world against what we might call the contagion of something happening in one country affecting another, then we do need the countries with reserves and resources to contribute to that.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
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And more on the road to the White House, where Republican presidential candidate John McCain will be busy between now and Election Day.
Here's Warren Levinson.
New Hampshire has revived John McCain before in the Republican primaries of 2000 and 2008, and the campaign makes a symbolic visit to a town meeting in Peterborough on the last Sunday before Election Day.
Before that, a return to Pennsylvania, where he campaigned yesterday, and a late-night rally in Crucial, Florida.
The pundits have counted us out, McCain told supporters, again.
When I see this momentum, when I see this great support, I know, I know we're gonna win.
I know we're gonna win.
Warren Levenson with the McCain campaign.
New York.
And it's a small group of people who would willingly stick a pumpkin on their head and run down a crowded city street naked.
At least in part.
That's because it's illegal.
Police in Boulder, Colorado ticketed about a dozen people for making such a run Friday night despite cries of protest from the crowd.
For more news and analysis, log on to IRNnews.com.
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Boeing's commercial airplane factories began getting back to normal tonight now that the machinist union has accepted a new contract.
A key issue of the eight-week strike was job security.
You can't please everyone 100% of the time.
I think that a 74% acceptance is a strong, strong acceptance by the membership and they feel good about it.
Here's Mark Smith.
With Obama running to make history, Bruce Springsteen's his warm-up act in Cleveland, one of three cities Obama's hitting here.
Polls give the Democrat a narrow lead in a state that decided the outcome four years ago, but he's telling supporters take nothing for granted.
I need you to close the deal, because the time for change has come, you know it, and we've got a righteous wind at our backs.
Coming full circle, Obama ends this day in Florida, where the run for the White House was decided in 2000.
Mark Smith with the Obama campaign, Columbus, Ohio.
And Afghan officials are waiting to hear from kidnappers who seized the brother of Afghanistan's finance minister Friday.
No word yet on who they are or what they may want.
I'm Jody Jordan for IRN USA Radio News.
Senator Barkley, I presume.
Governor Ventura, what are you doing down here?
Looking for a way out for me and all these taxpayers.
Are we where I think we are?
Yes, it appears we're at the bottom of a very deep hole.
Did we do something wrong?
Not us.
It seems some schemers on Wall Street dug this hole, and we're down here to get them out of it.
I don't see too many investment bankers or insurance company executives down here.
I don't see Al Franken here either.
Senator, I said we're down here with taxpayers.
I don't see Norm Coleman down here either.
Well, since Norm Coleman became Senator, the federal deficit went up three trillion dollars.
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Now live from Austin, Texas.
Here's Alex Jones.
Alright, I want to take a lot of phone calls on the election, the economy, the new world order being openly announced by all these world leaders, but this is a microcosm of everything we're dealing with that I'm about to cover here briefly.
A caller calls in, and I see it in the news every day, I scan hundreds of newspapers, and he says, yeah, my wife went in to the health department
To get the exemption for vaccination, and they have them for certain jobs, they claim you have to do it, they have it for the public schools, the private schools, they claim, it's the law, it's the law, it's the law.
And I said, sir, just Google Texas Vaccine Exemption Form, or just add your state's name.
And for Texas, I got 56,200 hits.
Texas Vaccine Exemption Form.
Texas vaccine exemption.
State of Texas.
The state of Texas law grants and acknowledges, well see that's the new system they grant us because we're slaves, and acknowledges the rights of parents to exempt their children or themselves from vaccinations because the vaccine exemption forms for reasons of conscious including, and you can go through, it's DSHS
dot state dot texas dot us forward slash immunization forward slash school forward slash default dot s h t m but but just google texas vaccine exemption form now now here's the issue
Every year, in August, right before school starts, on Austin News, on Dallas News, on New York News, everywhere, they announce, it's the law, you'll be arrested.
Thousands show up for free immunization at the local Zilker Park, or thousands show up at the Texas Stadium up in Dallas, or thousands show up at the health department in St.
George County
Maryland and on hand was the state attorney making sure they follow the law and then there were images just in that case in Maryland.
We called and got the guy on.
This is at the start of school this year.
And it shows police dogs barking, police in riot gear because they've got a lot of threatening phone calls, and over 2,000 children and thousands of parents lined up with these mobile vans being injected and parents crying on the news.
You can go pull these up, it was on CNN, ABC, everywhere going, I just think it's wrong, it's the law, we gotta take these, I don't like these, I can't believe it, you know, vaccines can make you sick, I can't believe they're threatening to arrest us.
And I had the guy on,
The state attorney, and he said, well, it's true, I don't vaccinate my children, and started laughing.
You can go YouTube that.
It's been posted.
People take the audio of it and post it to video on the web.
And he said, well, you're right, there is no law.
And he said, oh, you want to be a lawyer?
Yeah, it's our policy, and then we kick you out for truancy, and then criminal charges come in.
You're real smart.
But on the news, nationwide, they advertised, it's the law, gotta do it.
Police dogs barking at the people as they were herded into the stadium.
Now, people also email me and say, I'm a liar, it's the law, you gotta take it.
No, you don't.
Not to be a doctor, not to be a nurse, not to go to college, not to go to public school, not to go anywhere.
And by the way, then they try this idiot line of, well,
We've got to lie and say it's the law because you can infect other children if you don't have it.
Wait a minute, if they're protected with a smallpox shot or a flu shot or whatever it is, MMR, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Tetanus, Hepatitis, on and on and on again.
Of course, Tetanus isn't even communicable, as reported by other people.
The point is,
Then your child is protected.
And by the way, the last six years in a row now, they haven't even guessed a year before what mutated version of the flu shot to produce.
So when you take it, it does nothing.
By the way, here's another one.
Google flu shot Alzheimer's.
Hundreds of studies
And the lowest study shows a doubling in Alzheimer's for those who have taken more than three flu shots in their life.
And some studies show a five-fold.
Oh, don't believe me?
Just Google it.
And you're going to be on government sites, research facilities.
It's all there.
Now, imagine if they're lying to you about that.
Lying to you and saying it's the law, you've got to take shots.
I mean, they CPS people's kids.
They kidnap people's kids.
Because the parents don't know.
They do this all the time.
We have a rogue criminal government that cons us and manipulates us.
Now, there's no law that you've got to have vaccines.
And so it's a fraud that they even tell you that you then need a waiver form.
Okay, let's get some calls and we'll come back and take the rest of them.
Joe in Wisconsin, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Joe.
The saccharine study, didn't they use cancer wraps also?
I just thought I'd throw that out.
I was going to make the point that government is your psychotic neighbor.
Now, most people don't think... You're a psychotic, controlled freak, piece of filth neighbor with no accountability and a black uniform with a machine gun.
Oh yeah, but most people, they don't go for people like that.
Individuals, but they will go for organizations.
So I was going to make the point that
If Ted Bundy was your neighbor, do you, A, want him to like you, or would you say, B, uh, Ted, I think I'll pass on that barbecue?
You know, most people would say, yeah, we'll pass on it.
And if you are, you know, across the street from him, one side, the neighbor he does like, and on the other side, this guy does not go along with my kind of thinking.
I don't like him.
So who would you rather spend time with?
The one he does approve of, or the one he doesn't?
My point is, if we have a psychotic government, why is everyone trying to be liked by it?
Why are they trying to be favored by it?
Wouldn't you cozy up to Tony Soprano and, you know, you get what you deserve?
Absolutely, they do it out of cowardice.
Let's jam in one more.
Matt in Canada, thanks for holding your own the year.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Pretty good.
I'm just watching Total Criminality take over.
I'm really freaked out.
Anyways, I had a question for you.
Nice to talk to you.
If we were putting our money all into gold, who's to say that they couldn't create a gold seizure like they did in 1933?
They could do anything.
The point is, if your money's in the bank, they can grab it that much easier.
Well, if you have the gold in your safe at home, can they come with
Black cop uniforms come to your door.
Yeah, it's better to get it out of the bank, but like, if we get the gold in our hands, we should probably hide it pretty good.
Yeah, I think most of us don't have the problem of having a whole bunch of extra money to have that going on, but, you know, look, bottom line, sir, that that's the whole point.
The government doesn't follow a law.
It's a private management group for private offshore corporations to suck off us, and they use high-tech brainwashing and public relations to neutralize and confuse the public.
And we're going into hardcore tyranny right now.
I mean, no matter who gets elected, it's just going to get worse.
They're puppets.
They don't run anything.
The New World Order's in control.
We're not going to get our power back until we admit that.
I know, I see it locally here in Vancouver, on the trains, the transit cops all have tasers.
That's right, and they catch you without a ticket.
If you don't have a ticket, they'll just taser you.
They taser you, and they say, and then the police chief, the transit head, got in trouble, and he said, yes, we're going to punish you.
It's cattle prods.
And tasers have killed almost 400 people, they admit to, and so what do they do?
They say, we're going to go from 50,000 volts to 75,000 volts.
And you're gonna like it.
You're gonna learn how to be a pathetic slave.
I mean, look.
20, 30 years ago, and I've seen the studies on this, Americans would help somebody in need.
They would help somebody being mugged, or attacked, or killed, or bleeding to death in the street.
They don't now, on average, because they've been trained.
They watch four or five hours of TV a day.
They wait for somebody else to do it.
They're cowardly!
Stop being cowards!
Get angry!
And stop defending the rat-infested government that's just stealing everything.
I mean, here in Texas, they said, there's no toll roads, there's no plan for toll roads.
The company isn't foreign, and now they're doing it all.
They just lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.
Take the neighbor analogy.
What if you had a neighbor who lied to you a thousand times?
Neighbor you'd caught doing all these horrible things.
I mean, the government gets caught every week shipping heroin and cocaine in.
It's just a... I mean, the Texas Youth Commission runs giant rape rooms with children in them.
I mean, it's the whole government totally filled with scum!
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
Stay with us.
Senator Barkley, I presume.
Governor Ventura, what are you doing down here?
Looking for a way out for me and all these taxpayers.
Are we where I think we are?
Yes, it appears we're at the bottom of a very deep hole.
Did we do something wrong?
Not us.
It seems some schemers on Wall Street dug this hole, and we're down here to get them out of it.
I don't see too many investment bankers or insurance company executives down here.
I don't see Al Franken here either.
Senator, I said we're down here with taxpayers.
I don't see Norm Coleman down here either.
Well, since Norm Coleman became Senator, the federal deficit went up three trillion dollars.
Governor, you and I know the first rule of getting out of a hole.
Stop digging!
During my administration, we ran budget surpluses.
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That's the kind of thinking we need in Washington.
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You know, I challenge new listeners listening out there on M&M's across the country or on the internet at InfoWars.com.
There are archives of this show on the web going back more than 10 years.
Just Google Alex Jones Radio 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005.
And I laid out exactly how they would implode the derivatives, how they would give the banks unlimited governmental power, how they would then call for a world solution, the banks being given global government power, they're even calling in a new world order now, and then exactly what I said would happen has now happened.
I have the IMF and World Bank documents.
We published them.
We posted them.
We talked about it.
We know what we're talking about here.
Look, I'm going to rampage through your calls.
I'm going to play this clip of a psycho, a schizophrenic, beating a toddler to death.
It's coming up later.
Beating a toddler to death.
Hey Alex, I listen to your show every day.
Actually, I listen to all the GCN shows every day.
I'm a member of the Prison Planet, I've got all your movies.
And, uh, wow.
All I can say is wow.
It's on the news every day.
Uh, New World Order this, New World Government, New World Currency.
And I'm still being laughed at!
Yeah, well... I mean, you know, it's funny.
Ha ha, yeah, great!
Around April, I told my dad, I worked with my dad, I told him and a guy, we were talking, I told him, you know, around October we're going to find out that our government is bankrupt.
And oh boy, they had such a hearty, even though I knew it then, they had a hearty laugh and they were almost rolling on the ground.
Yeah, they laughed at anybody that tells them they have a responsibility.
Go ahead.
That's too convergent.
They are.
Anyway, you know... So they woke up after it happened?
Good men will be good men, Alex.
You're a good man.
I'm a good man.
And all I can say about a woman being raped or a baby being beaten, not on my shift, I don't care.
I'd stop it.
I don't care if it was a cop with a gun.
You're not gonna rape a woman around me.
A good man is a good man.
Regardless of the New World Order.
What happened to us as a country?
This could never have happened.
We had so much wealth and so much liberty because we wouldn't put up with being slaves.
People knew government was bad.
They knew it was bad to have it become big.
But you're saying, your dad and the guy that he works with, that you warned about the banks months before it happened.
They now woke up.
Yes, they did.
Well, you ought to go give them the video clips that are on YouTube of where I was warning on Austin TV months before 9-11 saying the government's going to blow up the World Trade Centers and blame it on Bin Laden.
Give them that and see what they say.
Folks, we know what's going to happen, okay?
I'm telling you.
They're already poisoning your water and your food.
The average person in government isn't aware and isn't involved.
It's compartmentalized.
I know it's hard to believe, but it's true.
Go to the documents.
Chad in Canada.
You're on the air, Chad.
Hi there Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
First time caller.
Now you mentioned fluoride and I'd like to basically state some credibility here.
I have a degree in chemistry and biology from Laurentian University up here in Canada.
And I'd like to point out to your listeners that fluoride is actually deposited in all glands, but more so in the pineal gland, up to 21,000 parts per million than any other tissue in the body, including teeth and bone.
And they, of course, call that gland the seat of the soul.
That's right.
Even in my own Catholic religion, they call that the seat of the soul, the Eye of Horus.
And, you know, it's interesting.
Well, it regulates the other hormones involved in the area.
Serotonin and melanin, that's right.
And also, you know, our amphibian friends actually have a retina and a crystal attached to this hormone that's seeded in both hemispheres of our brain.
Well, sodium fluoride attacks all the glands, all the bones, and over 90% of EPA scientists and toxicologists two years ago, I've had the head guy on, signed a letter to the head of the EPA.
Saying, we've got to get this out of the water, it's toxic poison.
That's right, and a couple of things recently, to the very meticulous research of Dr. Jennifer Luke from the University of Surrey in England, that states that the pineal gland is attacked the most by the fluoride.
And you ever get that feeling, you're thinking of somebody and bang, they call?
You know, that's your psychic sense that's responsible.
Well, I know this.
You make great points.
I know this.
Most of the studies show a 20 point IQ reduction.
Some studies show higher, some show lower, but there's literally thousands of studies on fluoride.
On average, the IQ studies, just Google it.
Just type IQ reduction fluoride.
You'll be reading mainline government stuff.
Now, listen.
In the 50s, we had widespread fluoridization by about 6% of the country.
Now it's about 70.
And they found very quickly on horse farms and cattle farms to not give them fluoridated water because it was killing them.
And I've got a bunch of news articles about that now.
I mean, it kills the horses and cows, folks!
So incredible.
Thank you so much for the call, sir.
I appreciate it.
I'm cutting all these great callers off so I have a chance to get to everybody.
Bobby in California, you're on the air, Bobby.
Hi, I now refer to my cell phone as a cancer phone, like pass me my cancer phone, or can I use your cancer phone?
And I think what you do, people call them cancer sticks.
And statistically, people are better off
Smoking two packs of cigarettes and putting their cell phone up to their head.
Uh, that was a huge British study by the government came out about a month ago.
Yeah, they found that, uh, that, uh, regular cell phone use, I forget how many hours it said a month, but it was moderate, uh, is more dangerous than a heavy smoker.
And, and people are crazy that they should only use speakerphone.
Don't put that thing up to your head.
Well, the scientists, uh, the brain surgeons and people even have names now for the specific cell phone tumor you get.
And it's always on the side of the head you tend to use the phone on.
Yeah, and I had an idea for the future, like maybe in the Prison Planet form, maybe someone could quote all the propositions throughout all the states, and maybe your listeners could go through and vote whether they think it's anti-New World Order or pro-New World Order.
Just in the future.
But another thing, I had a problem with Webster Tarpley.
I think he kind of oversimplifies everything.
You're certainly right that a lot of big support for her from the system but I mean
I don't
He's calling for this million man spy force of high schoolers to spy on their parents, and we played the clip in the first hour.
He's running 30 minute infomercials where he's called the chosen one and the savior of the world.
They're writing editorials calling him the messiah.
And I mean, any time I see people being called the messiah, I get really upset and I get really worried.
So, I just feel sorry for black folks because a lot of them are very proud and very happy and thinking, man, this will bring a bunch of equality.
It's not.
He's an evil globalist, so it's going to be blamed on black folks when it has nothing to do with color.
And he's going to get so much through of the New World Order agenda.
The left is sick of George Bush for eight years, now the globalists give us a leftist.
Then we'll get sick of him, they'll give us a right-winger.
They're not left-wing or right-wing in their actual actions.
I'm Alex Jones.
30 more minutes of hard-hitting information right after this quick news break for stations out there.
Stay with me.
The websites again are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Join us in the Second American Revolution against dehumanization and tyranny!
We'll be right back!
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I think so.
You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
We're going to continue with your phone calls.
But first I want to play the audio from this video out of California last week.
And this goes to the issue of a spectator population, a cowardly population.
A population that has literally lived their lives in front of a television set, sitting on their hind ends, living through other people.
You got a schizophrenic, a nut, who thought that the two-year-old baby was demon-possessed, so he's beating it to death.
Can pull up more detailed press reports when we're about to play, but reportedly this went on for more than 30 minutes, stomping the child until it was unrecognizable on a major interstate highway.
Hundreds of cars passing, 911 called over and over again.
If I see somebody stomping on a baby, I am going to pull over, and I am going to attack them.
I am going to stop them.
And that is weird.
That is seen as radical today, when that was normal a long time ago.
And again, I'm not saying I'm a tough guy.
Not saying... I mean, that's what's bizarre about it, is that I guess I am a tough guy, that I would do this when this is just normal.
I mean, I haven't been castrated, basically.
And I told the story in the first hour about five years ago.
I'm with my wife and my son.
He was a little baby then, and I'm at a La Madeline restaurant in North Austin, and I go to the bathroom, or I would have been out there quicker, and I hear all this noise when I come out, and this lady's choking with about 20 people around her.
It was a busy night, like 7 o'clock at night.
And they were all screaming, 911!
Call 911!
And they were all arguing over who was going to call 911.
And so, this goes on about 30 more seconds, and I start saying, do the Heimlich.
And they would scream at me, you call 911!
That's what we do, we call!
And it was all this yelling.
So I had to start shoving through people.
Some guy kind of shoved me, I had to shove him over.
Then there was yelling, but I just ignored him.
I went in, I had to push her family away from her, because they were just waving their arms.
And again, I had been on swim team from the time I guess I was about 7 years old.
That part doesn't matter.
The point is, when I was in junior high, they offered, you know, stay late and take a, you know, two-day course.
So I did the Heimlich Maneuver.
And so I got in there, and I got under, and I got the piece of bread out with two heaves.
And then I got out of there.
And some people were mad at me.
Others were, like, looking at me, like, oh, I can't believe how great you are!
You're a hero!
Oh, my God!
And I was like, man, these are, like, cult members.
They are so pathetic.
But I've seen the reports.
We interviewed, I don't know, three or four years ago, the police spokesman, I think it was out of Toronto, and this woman had been beaten and raped with a lead pipe.
She'd been beaten and had a lead pipe raped.
She was naked in the street on a major thoroughfare, and a major telecom company had the boss on the fourth floor laughing at her in the street, saying, no, don't call 911, we'll have to file a report.
It was the dehumanization.
They didn't even see her as a person.
And a lot of things go into this.
Seeing millions of simulated murders and violence on TV desensitizes us.
All these horror films desensitizing us that death isn't real or isn't a big deal.
Oh, that's a job for the government to do.
Everybody else sees it.
But there's so many cases.
There was a case, what, five, six years ago?
Up off of William Cannon and I-35 by that gas station up there.
And I lived over near there at the time, but I also saw it on the news, but I talked to folks that had actually seen it after they got there.
An Austin cop had been hit by a car, and he was there, I want to say almost half an hour.
You can go pull the article up if you want.
And he was bleeding to death in the street, and everybody just drove past.
They just drove past.
They just drove past.
And it's gotten so bad that Texas and other states have had to pass failure to render aid laws.
Where if you see a car flip and people get hurt and you see it happen, you've got to stop and render it.
Now, I mean, this is pathetic.
This is pathetic, but this is the cancer destroying us.
Go ahead and play this horrible clip.
People need to hear it.
On a rural road south of Modesto, California, drivers stopped when they saw a horrific sight.
A man was severely kicking, beating, and stomping a toddler to death.
Several drivers stopped and called 911.
The San Jose County Sheriff's Department began responding to this call, but the ground units were quite a few minutes away from arriving at the scene.
Modesto authorities say a police helicopter happened to be in the area at the time of the attack.
Saw the assault from the air and they both made the decision to land the helicopter in a cow pasture just to the side of the road.
Very risky landing.
The officer approached the man and authorities say he was forced to fire.
The man died at the scene.
The child was taken to the hospital but later died.
One witness says the suspect had been making comments about the child having demons during the incident.
Authorities say the toddler's injuries were so severe, he'll be identified through blood or DNA tests.
Investigators are still trying to figure out whether the man was related to that child.
Diane Kepley, Associated Press.
Alright, so there's the AP report on, you can go pull up more detailed reports.
The point is, is the guy was a schizophrenic, he went crazy, he was killing this child.
And people pulled down the road, they stopped, they drove by, and they cowardly sat there and watched it.
I mean, it's not even a thing of being tough or having courage.
My instinct is, I see somebody stomping on a baby's head, I am going to tear them to pieces.
I am going to tear them to pieces.
And, I mean, isn't that normal?
Isn't that just what you're supposed to do?
But no, these people were so domesticated, so enslaved, they waited for the police.
You know, Chicago has 5, 6, 7, depending on the year.
This year it's all-time records.
Highest crime rate in the country.
Higher than any other part of the country.
New York City.
These are the places where the public's disarmed.
They have 5, 6, 7, 8 locks on their doors.
They cower in fear.
The criminals run everything.
The police are basically thugs in these cities, and I've experienced it.
New York police just got caught, and then lying about it, and then police blew the whistle inside.
We're sodomizing some guy for running from him.
I mean, you know, it's just evil spreading.
And thank God I'm still in a place where people aren't completely domesticated.
You know, like Texas.
But a lot of places in the country, you shoot somebody that enters your own house, you go to jail.
In England, if you defend yourself in any way, they throw the book at you.
They want the message that you are to be a jellyfish slave.
They want little chicken slaves.
And I want to say something else about 9-11 truth.
You know, I just tell it like it is.
When I found out Bill Clinton's people had been involved bombing Oklahoma City, I exposed it.
And that made a film about it, and there's so much evidence, I don't have time to get into it.
And there's over 200 examples that are declassified.
This is where it's admitted.
Do you hear me?
Where criminal elements of our government stage terror attacks to blame it on foreign governments, enemies, or domestic groups as a pretext to crack down on them or enslave them.
And so,
When 9-11 happened, we looked at the evidence.
It's clearly an inside job.
The other side tries to lie about us or put out disinfo or whatever.
Look, it's upsetting that criminals in our government stage the attacks.
It's upsetting that it's in several official Army field manuals that we posted up at InfoWars.com.
Uh, that are on WikiLeaks, that the media's covered, where army captains are taught in special forces how to stage terror attacks.
I mean, that's like a canteen in an M-16.
It's just part of what they do.
It's part of their basic training.
And I mean, I'm not going to live in denial.
I'm not going to, because I don't want to believe that and that scary lie to myself and then say it doesn't exist.
You know, we're a nation living in denial.
People denied, you know, the small minority that was for the banker takeover and said, oh Alex, you know, they're going to use this to prop up bad mortgages.
And of course they haven't now and they're keeping the money.
I was right about that because I read the documents.
You know, I address things according to what the facts are.
I go, I look at the information, and no matter how horrible it is, I cover it and I deal with it.
And it's just that simple.
So I'm begging everybody out there listening to me tonight, around the world,
To start taking action, to stop being so cowardly.
A lot of people I talk to know the government's criminal, know it's corrupt, but they're afraid to speak out and get involved.
And they say, Alex, we're just so glad you're there.
We're so glad you're doing the job for us.
Folks, me just putting out the information isn't going to save us.
It's all of you taking action.
And by the way, you shouldn't be in the mindset of just believing me.
You should go check out what I'm saying.
And that goes for people that disagree with me.
If you agree with me, you should go check out what I'm saying so you have the documents and the facts for yourself.
But if you disagree with me, you should go and prove me wrong.
Prove that I'm a liar.
Prove that I'm not telling the truth.
You know what you're going to find out?
You're going to find out I'm telling you the truth.
Bottom line, folks, look at history.
Look at how tyrannical and abusive governments get.
Look at how bad things they do when people lay down and live in denial.
Night is falling.
Tyranny is upon us.
But we can take liberty back.
We can defend our children and our future if we get involved.
Final segment.
We'll go straight to your phone calls.
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Alright, final segment.
Look, I'm not tootin' my horn.
Remember about two weeks ago?
It was on a Friday.
A lady in Texas claimed at an ATM she was attacked by a black guy who carved a Barack Obama bee on her face and sexually assaulted her.
I read the article.
Right after it came out, it went on air on the weekday show and said, this is going to end up being staged.
I'm sure of it.
Look, the bee is backwards.
She carved it in a mirror.
That eye isn't swollen.
That's makeup.
She didn't want a medical report.
It's fake.
Two days later, it was admitted it was fake.
Look, I'm not that smart, folks.
I understand baloney.
I'm a real investigator, and I'm telling you, I've been investigating the government, and they're a pack of criminals.
Now, what did that woman do?
This isn't about that puppet Barack Obama.
The point is, she ran a false flag attack.
Now that's right out of the Army Field Manual.
They ought to go put her in Special Forces.
That's what they do.
The Russians do it.
All these governments do it.
And I'm sick of people living in denial.
Government-sponsored terror is real.
It's happening.
And I had to take the heat day one going on air on 9-11 seven years ago and say it was an inside job.
And we've exposed it to such an extent they may not stage more terror in the future.
And I salute all of you who are in 9-11 Truth and all you go through.
And all these national TV programs attacking me?
Because the truth is what matters.
I don't care.
And I'm willing to sacrifice myself and my name to get the truth out.
But in the end, as Mark Twain said, patriots end up winning.
He said in the beginning, a patriot's a scarce man, hated and feared and scorned, but in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
Let's rampage through your calls.
Chris, in Florida, you're on the air worldwide.
Speaking of the pineal gland, pineal comes from pine or pine cone and end on a pine cone looks like a lotus or the thousand petaled lotus which is spoken of in yoga and Paramahansa Yogananda who brought yoga to America in the 20s
I wrote in this book, Autobiography of a Yogi, that's focused on the third eyes.
Essentially, I'm paraphrasing, is a way to make your life a meditation.
And I took that to heart, and I very much can speak from experience that it's a way that the New World Order, the tyrants are using to bring down our awareness of the pineal gland.
Well, look, bottom line scientifically,
Fluoride drunk for more than just a few years, and you can go read the studies, gives you a 20 point IQ reduction.
So, there you go.
Go ahead, sir.
Let him go.
No, I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Charles in California.
You're on the air.
Actually, I went to the wrong caller.
I got somebody here.
Charles in California.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, keep planting those seeds, man.
I listen to you every day.
I'm only 21 years old.
I could be doing a lot of other things, but this is the most important thing.
Uh, I called you on Friday.
Just want to finish up that point about the Obama gun thing.
My thought was that they're going to use that event.
And, uh, to get everybody to go along with the gun banning that he's gonna do.
Cause we know he's gonna ban all guns.
Handguns, shotguns.
We know he said he wants to ban a lot of them.
I mean, just... Oh, but you don't like black people.
It has nothing to do with that.
He's a gun grabbing.
But so is McCain!
Okay, also another thing is you mentioned aspartame, which is an excitotoxin.
The other excitotoxin, which is just destroying this whole country.
You know about it.
Monosodium glutamate.
MSG, which is basically in everything.
Hidden in 70...
70 plus ingredients and everybody needs to keep an eye on that, whoever's, you know, listening and believes this stuff.
And everyone should listen to Alex Jones.
Trust everything he says.
It's all, you don't even have to trust, like he says, research it up.
It's all out there.
And I just want to thank you again, man.
I appreciate all your guests.
Hey, we appreciate you, my friend.
Maggie in Texas, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I just wanted to let you know that a serious campaign to
The challenge for a nation in Austin to get rid of it, i.e., is us.
Well, I mean, even the EPA and FDA have had to admit that it's forced medication, it's illegal, they've removed it in Europe, it's admittedly deadly poison, and it's up to the people to get out there and do it.
I mean, look, your children are being assaulted, you're being assaulted, and we sit here nationwide like the people that sat there for 30 minutes calling 911 while this guy beat this baby to death in the street.
I mean, it's that attitude of laying down, it's gotta stop.
I can't do it all.
Well, a bunch of us are very mad and very upset, and we are getting on this, and our campaign, which is fundamentally an education campaign to begin with, will begin to move very... How do folks get involved?
Do you have a website, like Austins Against Floor Out or something?
You know what?
I've purchased the domain name.
It's not up yet, though, but people who are interested can
You can email to this address fluoride.info, that is f-l-u-o-r-i-d-e dot i-n-f-o at yahoo.com.
Okay, great, but people need to just take action, period, on all these issues.
Let's go ahead and talk to James in Oklahoma.
James, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, this is James Nathanael.
I just wanted to kind of concur with all that you said about the mind control with the mass media and this and that.
What I wanted to bring up was last night's episode of the new Knight Rider series.
They were going to go bust these terrorists that were going to take this thermonuclear-looking bomb in the back of a five-ton military truck and blow up a dam, and when they were kind of leading into it, telling him what his mission was and this and that, they openly referred to the terrorists as constitutionalists, and anybody that has key-voted that or wants to go back and check it can do it.
But they referred to people that are constitutionalists by comparing them with terrorists.
And then cops watch that.
I have the police handbooks.
It's in my film, Road to Tyranny, where FEMA teaches police.
The Founding Fathers are bad.
Anybody that talks about the Bill of Rights or Constitution is bad.
And they're brainwashing them in all these TV shows and movies.
They demonize gun owners and constitutionalists.
I mean, how stupid do they think we are?
And the feds have been caught.
I don't know about this case.
paying money to the studios to put this in TV and movies to put these type of so so the Constitutionalists, the ones that want freedom, they're going to nuke you.
Yeah, and you can tell just by watching like this new Knight Rider series.
It's kind of like the old one.
You can obviously tell that it's geared towards children, younger people.
It's all the children!
Oh my gosh, the people that care about the Constitution, they're going to, they're going to nuke us!
And by the way, folks, we're kicking their hind end, exposing the New World Order.
Right now, that's what they're moving to try to regulate and shut down the web.
That's all happening right now.
We've got stories up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com about that.
Jim in Austin, Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Anyway, I've got a little information.
I have a friend that's a cop, and he just picked up a fully automatic AK-74U in preparation for martial law.
This was a couple of weeks ago.
And yesterday, I'm sitting in a barbershop, and the guy's got a, uh, what is it?
A new army training manual.
Or the actual army handbook, sitting there.
Yeah, they give all, everyone in the army now gets riot control training.
Right, right.
One of the little stories in there was that in Florida, they're going to set up a faction of infantry brigade.
You know, evidently from this article.
Well, right after I heard
about the uh... certain congressman or yeah uh... you know being told that he interviewed me i was on so i call well this is this is before that that this is the the friday of the bailout when they passed the bailout i'd call lloyd dog itself is because i was watching very closely and um... that i denied it
I mean... Well, let me go back.
While I was on C-SPAN, we interviewed two different congressmen on it.
Specifically, your friend who's a cop says we've been told we're getting ready for martial law.
Well, yeah, but not only that, but last summer, and it wasn't up on the APD website or anything like that, I overheard, I was in an army surplus store and saw a guy turning in, like a, you know, essentially a bunch of camping gear for tactical equipment.
And I shoot and go to rifle ranges and stuff like that, so I know what I'm looking at.
Web gear, yeah.
Well, anyway, you know, everything, simply everything short of a ghillie suit.
Well, anyway, he's telling the guy behind the counter how they're about to go ahead and start training.
Well, they did this covertly.
Well wait, I sent Trey and Weldon out to, they were given just masses of the police SWAT training.
So listen, listen, it's simple.
The bankers, it happened in Rome, it happened in Europe, it happens all the time.
It's happening in terrible countries right now.
They take over.
That's tyranny.
The military and the police are used so the bankers can take over the entire society.
But they won't be able to get away with it if you're aware of what they're doing.
And the police and military, a lot of them I've talked to, they don't like it.
They don't want to be part of it.
But again, the TV shows are telling you, and I know I didn't see this one, but I've seen others, evil constitutionalists.
People that talk about freedom.
They've got nukes.
They're going to nuke you.
I mean, how obvious does it have to get?
Ladies and gentlemen, they're going to devalue your dollar down to nothing.
They are going to bring you into total slavery unless you get up and you say no.
We'll see you on the web at InfoWars.com for the weekday show and of course back next Sunday.
Get out there and stand up for liberty.
Get off the bench.
Get in the game.
Defend the Republic!
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