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Filename: 20081009_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 9, 2008
3091 lines.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I won't back down No, I won't back down You can stand me up, baby
Well, hard to believe it's already Thursday.
It seems like Monday was just 10 seconds ago.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours today.
We have Bev Harris joining us because we're only about 26 days, 27 days away from the election.
And I was thinking to myself, why not have the premier expert on election fraud coast-to-coast on the show?
The reason I thought of her was the election's coming up and I wanted to set her up for right after the election to cover from the field.
She's always in the field where the worst cases of fraud are with either party behind it.
I thought about that last week, and then I got on the treadmill in the garage, turned on HBO, and watched about an hour of the documentary, Hacking Democracy, and I'd seen it several times, but it just hit me as so powerful.
I mean, they have the company stealing and cheating and robbing and, you know, they're driving over to try to get the computer tapes that the state won't give them and the county won't give them and they catch the employees trying to run out the back door with them in trash bags and then fighting with them and they rip open and there's the proof that they stole the election.
And, I mean, it's like every minute and a half there's another instance of something like that.
It is an absolute fact.
That we don't have the right to vote in most areas of this country.
And it's very exciting to know that many of us were aware of this, there was systemic, organized fraud coast to coast, and that in the last five, six years, intensifying, there has been an effort by the establishment to consolidate that down.
Before, elections had to be stalled on a county-by-county level.
Then they'd be sent up to Voter News Services, a private, secret consortium, who many times, a candidate would win Arizona, win Texas, win New Hampshire.
It wouldn't matter even if local counties announced that.
At the federal level, they would just announce a fraudulent tabulation, and then it would end up in local papers that it was a fraud, but things just move forward.
But that started to be revealed, and so the
Military-Industrial Complex carrying the shout has now tried to centralize it.
A little bit more than 40% of the country can now, in 90 seconds or less, be remote reprogrammed and there's no record of it.
That's right, 40% and growing.
40% of the country can be remotely hacked and a fraudulent election can be engaged in with national elections.
Regionally it takes
Little more time.
But literally, this is so automated that it's down to one person now can skew 40% of the political sectors, jurisdictions of the country.
A little over 40.
So, she'll be joining us coming up for a report in about six months on all the things that have happened, what she's been tracking and covering, and all the things that have unfolded since the big primaries when they cheated Ron Paul and others in New Hampshire.
So, we'll be breaking that down and a lot more today.
Obviously, the stock market's plunging again.
By design, we'll break that down first when we get back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Harris joining us to track all of the election fraud going up, going on, and the preparation for it by the military industrial banking crime syndicate that is now sucking the western world dry and vertically integrating all wealth unto themselves.
Also, Barack Obama zombies.
At the debate that was being held at a university, they could chant, they could yell, they could have bullhorns, but a clear listener of this show, I would guess, we're going to try to get him on the show, talking about the New World Order calmly, talking about how the banks are engineering this, how they could have bailed out American homeowners for a fraction of what's being given to the private banks, was just calmly there talking, and the police said, we're going to charge you with trespassing and took him off the property.
And the Obamanoids, they begin just hooping and cheering and hollering with glee.
You know, I was angry and upset when George Bush had the free speech zones and is violating people's rights, and now the Democrats think their man is about to be in power, and they are very, very pleased with all the new police state powers.
It's totally disgusting, and now I will go in
Some of the public's minds from being a hardcore communist, that's what neocons call me, which is completely ridiculous.
I'm 180 degrees away from that state of centralization, and I will now be called a right-wing, neo-Nazi, uh, fascist, because I believe in the First Amendment.
And all of us that want to have a Bill of Rights, a Constitution, and have liberty,
Now we see the left-right paradigm again raising its ugly head and sucking in millions of well-meaning dupes, useful idiots, as they are properly called.
So we'll be getting into that as well.
There are a whole bunch of news reports today.
I saw at least four newspapers with headlines about the New World Order,
Uh, how the private world central banks are going to be taking over the planet, basically emerging with government.
How they are quote, quote, going to bail out the states and private corporations, that means take them over.
But if I get up here and play a clip of Gordon Brown, the British Prime Minister, or a U.S.
President calling for world government,
It doesn't exist.
This willful ignorance, this willful denial of reality, this global corporate takeover that's happening right now of every major nation state is real.
And it's criminal.
And it's going to hurt the average person very bad.
These are not just tyrants who want power.
They want to carry out an aggressive eugenics operation.
Okay, we're going to get into where the markets are right now on Wall Street.
Another big plunge in the Dow this morning on banking and auto stocks and others.
It has been down as much as 200 points.
It's only down 71 points right now.
Now remember, this time last year, on October 9th, 2007, the stock market was above 14,000 points.
And on that day, we told you that much of its value was inflation and speculation, and that the real economy, Main Street, was falling apart and the banks were preparing to implode the economy over the next two years.
And we're now another year into that.
Now, I want to play Kramer.
This guy's not stupid.
He's made hundreds of millions of dollars himself on the stock market playing games.
He's admitted on video that he's committed many crimes.
We've played that audio.
This guy goes on TV and talks about the crimes he would commit in the past.
Because he knows it's all selectively enforced.
He likes to act like he's for the people.
But he goes on air and says that the 50 basis points cut isn't enough.
They need to go ahead and slash it down to basically zero.
There's a problem with that.
That will devalue currencies even more and accelerate the already hyperinflation that is beginning.
Now, in amongst his 50% baloney, 50% truth, he does tell the truth and say, the problem isn't inflation, it's depression.
It's things imploding.
It's a depressionary curve in the economy.
And that's true!
Now, economists until the 70's had always said it was impossible to have depression in the economy and inflation.
Or less goods being bought, and the economy massively contracting, while you have inflation.
High inflation.
But of course, I've coined the term hyper-stack inflation.
Not only do we have hyper-stack inflation starting in the last few years, it is now intensifying.
So, he tells the truth and says, well, there's also depression going on, or massive contraction in the real economy.
Then he goes on to say the problem is not inflation.
No, it's both of those.
And then he calls for massive slashes in interest rates.
But here's the problem.
You, the citizen, are paying record amounts for credit cards, record amounts for mortgages, record amounts for auto loans, record amounts for home improvement loans and business loans, corporate loans.
And the massive increase in the real interest rate for the American people, the people of the world, is being tacked on to everything we buy, intensifying the inflation.
So let's go ahead and play this clip.
And no wonder the public knows the media is lying, but the gobbledygook is so
Twisted that the average person can't untie it.
Just know this.
The reason you can't figure it out is because it's pure bull.
That's why.
It's pure bull.
So let's go ahead and play Kramer.
How could we get worldwide coordinated rate cuts and still go down 180 Dow points?
Especially when the market was about as oversold as I've ever seen it in the last 20 years.
Can anything save this market?
But not these little cuts.
These cuts are simply too little and too late.
At least to save the stock market.
Alright, stop right there.
Hey, Kramer, there aren't many more cuts they can make.
It's making foreigners not be able to buy the U.S.
securities for the money being dumped into your stock market and into your companies.
See, if they won't buy the debt because the interest rate's too low, then the whole game's over, pal.
So what do you say you do?
You say slash the rates even more, which will accelerate inflation, but remember, only the central financial institutions, they're the only ones getting low rates.
The people aren't getting any of that.
In fact, as the economy falls apart and people default on loans, real interest rates go up.
So again, everything that's being done is for the elite to consolidate and to make their position that much stronger as they buy up the real assets which they are debasing.
There's a depression in prices while we have inflation.
That never existed until 30 years ago in any known market because it is entirely artificial.
By the way, the elites have not lost control.
This is a precision operation, beautifully done.
You know how hard it is to create stagflation, much less hyper-stag inflation?
It's like trying to balance an elephant on the head of a pin.
Okay, these guys are slick, folks.
Let's go back to this guy, Lyon, everybody.
These cuts are simply too little and too late.
At least to save the stock market in 2008, if certainly not the economy.
The stock market said today that the cuts need to be much bigger, much more aggressive.
The bull market at one point was up, and that was because I think they were cheering that at least the central banks aren't worried about inflation anymore.
They recognize that it's deflation.
But a half-point cut doesn't do a thing to help near-term earnings.
And when you have bad earnings, like you have with Alcoa, the stock gets killed.
These cuts will not make you big money in the market, despite what you heard all day about.
Ooh, this is the opportunity.
Wow, great opportunity.
They will help banks make more money off what's known as the net interest margin.
They help the prime rate come down.
These are good things that are often ignored by the media.
But again, they won't matter until late 2009, because they're going to cut, cut, cut, like little salami slices, instead of going in there with the chipper shredder!
We have to distinguish between what this means for the stock market and what it means for the economy.
Let's start with the market.
These cuts are way too late.
I am making that point because you have to understand how could the market go down.
They're way too late to make you money in stocks, plain and simple.
And they're also too shallow.
Remember our friend, buddy, pal, Alan Greenspan took rates to 1% in 2003.
We're at 1.5 now.
That wasn't a recession.
That wasn't even a potential Great Depression.
It was just a tough economy.
The rates are already too high.
Stop right there.
That started the slide of the dollar.
And that made the world face the fact that they'd already issued too much liquidity.
And then the big financial institutions started bad-mouthing, remember two years ago, a year and a half ago, saying that there was too much liquidity being issued to the average citizen and everything was going to be their fault when everything imploded as they set the table for what's happening.
As they bad-mouthed the credit being given to the public.
You see, we would have just had ongoing, compounded inflation that would lead into hyperinflation, but further down the road.
And that'd still be tough.
It'd be bad.
But they wanted to eat what was left of the real economy, so they cut off the credit to the grassroots, while then panicking the public, saying, we need more credit for you.
You're gonna pay for this in taxes, and then we get nothing, and everything is fed into the financial sector.
Then, they have the nerve to get up and badmouth the free market, and talk about how socialism is actually good all over the news, what the big banks have always financed, which again, is socializing our wealth, and then giving it to them.
And then now they're selling that as socialism, when it's not.
It's called robbery.
If somebody goes in a bank, and robs your safety deposit boxes, that's not socialism.
That's robbery.
So, this is the biggest heist ever seen in world history.
And you got this bozo up there telling people what we need is more rate cuts.
I'm not calling for what Paul Volcker did of, you know, 20% interest rates, but those suckers need to be high and they need to be high right now.
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October 9, 2008.
Gold open this morning at $885.70.
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913
My great-grandmother lived to be 104.
My wife's great-grandmother lived to be 108.
You know, we actually don't live as long now.
If you take out the fetal deaths, babies died a lot more often than small children did of sickness.
If you take those out, people lived on average about 84, not 76.
Ma Jones had a great grandmother named Ma Jones.
She was half Native American.
What was it?
Cherokee and Comanche.
Pocket full of posies.
Ashes to ashes.
The Nasdaq's gained 13.12 points.
It's actually up a little bit today.
75 percentage points.
75 sub points.
So, almost one point.
You know, that's what
Dow's down 29.70.
That's what they sold the public on.
Again, the Financial Times and one of the others reported years ago that they were going to bring the market down, but they want a slow take down to about 7,500 is what they say they're going to do.
14,000 points, so we've had a
Close to 5,000 point drop in 365 days since this exact time last year.
So, no matter how the stock market opens or closes today or tomorrow or next week, they have decided to hyperinflate the currency.
Now, sure, you can buy a one ounce American Eagle in 1955 for $30.
And today, you're lucky if you can get that sucker for $980.
It's got some markup on it.
What does that tell you?
We've had a lot of inflation since the 1950s.
It was $30 coins, close to $1,000.
But imagine that much increase in price, that much devaluation of the currency in a year or two!
See, as much devaluation as we've seen in 50-plus years,
In a year.
In two years.
And then after that, you see as much devaluation down to zero in just a few months than you saw in the previous 80 years.
See, it balloons out on the other end.
I always use the wrong term.
Telescope would be getting smaller at the end or more value at the end.
I'm doing that butt backwards.
It's ballooning at the end.
In a matter of months, all the value will race out of it.
And see, they have trained the retirees, the yuppies, and others that when markets go down, you stay in.
You don't pull out.
And so psychologically, it goes from $14,000 to $13,000.
Then it runs back up to $3,400.
Then it races down to $12,000.
Then it goes back up to $13,000.
Then it goes down to $11,000.
Then it goes back up to $1250.
Then it goes down to $10,000.
Then it goes up to $1,150.
Then it goes down to $9,500.
Then it goes up to $11,000.
Then it goes down to $9,000.
Then it goes back up to $9,500.
Training you to accept the large slide to oblivion while the bankers and the money people got their money out years ago.
While they left the country!
They got armored compounds for what they believe is coming!
And I come on air and I go, look, it's all over the newspapers that the elites are buying armored compounds and leaving the country, and I know elitists right here in Austin, in such a wealthy area, you can't throw a rock without hitting one.
Most of the people I ran into are new, they're already gone!
There's crickets around their house!
And I came on there and I warned you about that.
What did I get?
Label, fear monitor, everything else.
Well, let me tell you something.
What we've seen so far is the surface of a much larger iceberg beneath the water.
I don't know how bad it's gonna get, but it's not gonna be pretty.
We're gonna come back, break down the actual financial numbers, and a lot more.
Stay with me.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm the best farmer, I make a living off the land.
I ride a John Deere tractor, I'm a liberated man.
The rain, it hasn't fallen since the middle of July.
And if it don't come soon, my crops will die.
The bankman says he likes me, but there's nothing he can do.
He tells me that he's coming, but the clouds are coming too.
He ain't my friend.
And I'll ride again.
I am an American Indian.
My tribe is Cherokee.
My forefathers loved this land.
They left it here for me.
Okay, I'm also going to open the phone lines up in this hour and part of the next.
So you can give us your take on the banker takeover.
And also how bad you think it's going to get.
What preparations are you making?
Are your friends and family figuring out this is predatory?
Or are they still in denial?
1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 Here are the type of headlines I have in front of me.
New World Order, Global Cooperation, Nationalization and State Intervention all in one day.
That's out of the Scotsman.
And you have, if you look at really what's being done with legislation in Europe, here in the U.S., and in England, it's all giving governmental power to the bankers.
Do not forget that last week, members of Congress were threatened with physical, martial law by the executive.
Absolute high treason.
You thought high treason handed major roads over to foreign companies, or ports over to foreign companies?
Or signing North American Union Agreements, or signing deals to use foreign troops to suppress the American people.
That's all public, in major newspapers.
You thought that was treason?
Let me tell you, handing over, that bill is treason.
Handing over to these private financial institutions, the inner group of private banks, governmental power through Paulson, that's treason.
And if we thought that was treason, telling members of the House,
Martial law will be declared while it was in CNN and the Army Times and Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other publications that the Army was standing by to be used against the American people to aid local police.
Yeah, to aid them in the takeover of this country.
Police, do you want to be part of this?
I'm not telling you what to do.
Frankly, at the end of the day, I don't, you know, have even the specifics on what to do.
It's hard enough to grasp the problem and who's behind it, and to get the word out to the public.
They have fought this out as a military operation, and they are executing it against all of us, and unless we realize, we the people.
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young, firefighter, school teacher,
Coal miner, cop, I don't care.
They all train us to fight with each other and be against each other and beat each other's throats.
They put us in positions.
They made us fight over resources.
But I'm telling you, if we don't have an accelerated awakening, it's only going to get worse.
And to have them announcing world government here, world government there.
Gordon Brown calling for a new world order again yesterday.
If you don't know who he is, he's the leader of England.
And notice they're now saying, yeah, you gave us the bailout, the banker dictatorship bill, and now it's going to be more than a trillion.
It's going to be more than two trillion.
It's going to be trillions and trillions and trillions, and the U.S.
banks with taxpayer money are going to bail out everybody and buy whatever corporations they want with top dollar.
Because a lot of these corporations aren't in trouble, and they don't want to sell.
So they're being given offers they can't refuse.
You have a select group of financial institutions with governmental power with our money going around vertically integrating whatever they want while shutting off credit to the real economy and giving carbon tax power into the bills in England and the United States to tax our every movement and our every consumption and to create tens of thousands of IRS spies and agents to go out and set people up
They are getting ready to really squeeze.
So what are we going to do about it?
That's what I asked the listeners.
What are we going to do about this crisis?
I can do the things that I have in my power to do.
And that is
Educate the public about what's happening.
And then it's up to the public to expose this and say that they don't want any part of it.
But the public says 1,000 to 1,000 plus calls for every one for the banker takeover.
The public did what they were supposed to do.
They do understand it's a scam.
They don't have any idea just how bad it is.
It's even hard for me to grasp.
It gets worse than I thought every day.
More insane, more ridiculous, more open.
They don't even put window dressing on it.
The entire group running the cash handout to the bankers is run by the former head of Goldman Sachs and his minion, Cash Kari, who just left Goldman Sachs to hand out the trillions to themselves?
They sit in the offices of power handing the money directly to themselves?
They don't even put it through an offshore corporation.
They don't even launder it.
They don't even hide it.
They just do it!
How do you respond to in-your-face criminality of that magnitude?
How do you deal with something that corrupt?
Global markets fall again as credit remains frozen.
There's plenty of money being pumped into the big banks, but none for us.
After a tentative rebound, global stock markets turned lower as coordinated a rate cut by major central banks, which are almost the same people, failed to unlock frozen credit markets, putting pressure on officials to take further action.
The officials are the ones paying themselves the money.
What added the CNBC report?
shares opened higher, but then fell after a six-day losing streak in which they have shed almost 15%.
Even IBM, whose preliminary earnings top forecast saw its stock fall.
market faces additional uncertainty after a ban on short-selling of financial stocks expired at midnight on Wednesday.
The U.S.
European stocks also were higher, but then fell after a day after hitting nearly five-year lows.
Asian stock markets were mixed as Japan's Nikkei dipped to its lowest close in more than five years after a volatile day.
Now, you've got the Wall Street folks that make jokes on TV and radio and in person to all of us.
Ah, so what what happens to Main Street?
So what if we offshore?
So what?
All I care about is my stocks.
They don't understand that they're inextricably tied to the real economy.
Conversely, you have the workin' stiffs, Joe Sixpack.
I've heard him over and over again on radio, TV, and in person.
It's not the last people in the grocery store in line.
Hey, what do you think of the following stock market?
I don't own any stocks.
I don't care.
Well, those companies count on those stock values to be able to maintain themselves and expand and employ you.
So, you don't care about the companies in the market, and it doesn't care about you.
See, that's the perfect, modern, western, spoiled, rotten person.
Now, now, now, get me straight here.
I'm not saying this is the fault of the American people.
But that doesn't mean the people of the West, not just the United States, but Canada, Europe, England, Australia, didn't get suckered into all of this and weren't trained to trust whatever the establishment said.
We certainly take some of the blame for being suckers.
But I've used the parallel, the analogy,
Of somebody coming to your front door and knocking on it, and they stick a gun in your face and rob you.
Yeah, you should have been a little more careful.
Should have asked them who they were first.
But you're not at fault for being stuck up, for being robbed, for being hogtied while they take everything you own.
Do you blame a five-year-old child when somebody pulls up out front their house with a van and says, Oh, come look at my puppy.
Same thing.
I've got candy.
The child should have listened to their parents.
The child shouldn't have gone and talked to strangers, but you don't blame that five-year-old child.
You blame the sack of garbage, the demonic filth that wants to kidnap and kill that child.
And that there brings up the other issue.
There is evil all around us, evil worldwide in high places and low, and somehow the public was trained that evil didn't exist, and that we could all just, just, just, just, just... Well, the government's trained us not to trust our fellow man, and they've even hyped that up to a greater threat than it actually is, but to trust government, to trust uniforms, to trust the system, when statistically and historically it's far more dangerous than your neighbor, or the guy down the street, or your boss, or your employees.
But I'll give you corporate numbers I've seen.
Different market studies.
On average, about 45% of employees steal.
I never believed that number when I saw it years ago.
But I've seen a lot of examples of it in the real world.
Now, if you think the average person is that corrupt, because they feel they're entitled to steal.
Can you imagine what people in government are like?
Global markets fall again as credit crisis remains.
The banks are saying, we won't jumpstart your economy until you give us total power and control when they engineered the crisis that's now causing it.
And look, I know you understand that out there, but I'm not hearing enough other talk radio shows that are getting this correctly.
I'm not hearing enough even alternative media getting it right.
I am not seeing enough people understand fully what's happening here.
I'm starting to see that change, and that's exciting.
But just because you know what's going on doesn't mean other people are aware of it.
Remember that.
clothing change faltered as shoppers clamped down.
clothing retailer continued to report dismal sales.
Same store sales results for September as the global financial crisis further squeezed consumers who were already cutting back because of the weak economy.
And it goes through Chico's,
TJX, Abercrombie & Finch, all of them are reporting 15.6% declines, 13% declines.
Just huge declines in purchases from this time last year.
So for those of you that say, oh I don't care what's happening, and you know, people that have money, well who do you think buys stuff from the business you run or own or work in?
It affects everybody.
And the biggest problem here in the austerity that's coming, by design, is that crime is already exploding and it's going to get worse and worse.
And don't worry, they hired millions more cops, knowing they were going to engineer this, as we told you years ago.
But they're not going to be out stopping the criminals.
They're going to be out writing tickets.
Your husband might be out working on the car and leave a can of open beer in the front.
They're going to CPS your kids.
You better keep your nose clean, folks.
You better understand you're in a prison grid.
And you better keep your nose so clean... That means keep your nose clean, but at the same time be more vocal and get involved politically and speak out.
But at the same time, do that with a very clean nose.
And realize they've trained the public to be spies, to tattle, to make stuff up, to exaggerate, to do anything they can.
Carpet cleaners.
Appliance repair people.
A lot of them are on police payroll, spying in your house.
A tiny grow lamp to grow orchids.
That'll get you a SWAT team raid.
They're looking.
They want money.
And the government has said they've had a three-fold, you can pull this up, increase in the amount of hotline tips for money.
That's the new American economy.
Look out!
Don't just let anybody in your house.
Because they'll make stuff up!
You understand that?
And it's going to get worse and worse and worse.
This is a sick, disgusting, predatory society.
All three big Icelandic banks are now nationalized.
Interesting story here.
Scientist hologram television to become reality.
Remember we told you about people in Hollywood who talk about James Cameron, the reason he doesn't make many movies these days?
For over a decade, he's been putting his billions of dollars from Titanic and Terminator into hologram movie theaters, which they've already got designed.
Hologram TVs, hologram... What do you call it?
Hologram TV projectors.
Another headline, Financial Crisis.
Who is going to bail out the Euro?
Europe must pull together if it's to avoid further financial disaster, argues Ambrose Evans Pritchard.
And pull together means fully sign everything over to the private banks that engineered all this.
Alright, I'm going to start your calls after we're done with this Barack Obama piece.
I'm going to go ahead and start playing it now and we're going to come back from break and play the rest of it and comment
And do not dare say I'm political with one of these two state candidates.
I'm standing up to anybody that violates the First Amendment.
And everywhere you see this now, the Barack Obama people, the pro-Bush people, they're allowed to have their free speech, but anybody outside the paradigm is shouted down and kicked out or arrested.
Here it is.
Economists estimate that every trouble mortgage should be paid off with $100 billion.
We just passed a bailout of $700 billion that's backing every kind of derivative paper that's a worthless investment.
Look into fractional banking.
The Federal Reserve
What I'm doing is not allowed.
Obama and McCain are the same!
We're going to come back and play the rest of this, but when he talks about how he has rights, they chant back, we have rights!
We have rights!
And there's these huge rallies, people everywhere,
Other bullhorn signs, people chanting.
But if you say, hey, they're both staged, they're both bad, Obama people, there's video of it, their faces.
Obama and McCain people side by side look like they've seen a vampire.
Or a creature with 14 heads, spewing acid.
Because they want a clutch to that.
Everything will be alright if they just vote for Obama or McCain.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to America.
Some US investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the US.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com, or see it in super high quality, along with hundreds of other titles at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
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That's 866-245-8670.
Or buy online at FindOneFindAll.com That's FindOneFindAll.com Obama sheeple shared police violation of free speech Attempts to succinctly explain banker bailout scam That Obama helped push through met with mindless bleating
Police kick protester Benjamin Harms off Belmont University campus this week before the presidential debate.
We're gonna get him on.
For the crime of trespassing, as hundreds of mindless Obama supporters cheered the outright violation of free speech.
The protagonist attempts to succinctly explain the banker bailout scam, which Barack Obama has fully supported and helped get passed through Congress.
He was instrumental.
In clear and concise terms, was met with the mindless bleeding of Obama, Obama, Obama, perfectly underscoring the vacuum of Obama's empty platitudes of change, and the deluded idolatry of his supporters.
And I'm sorry, it's just a fact, and I'm not for McCain, folks.
I don't get to vote.
Most of the country's got scam machines in.
These guys are CIA government fronts, period.
But Obama is the chosen one.
He's gotten three times the Wall Street money,
That McCain's gotten in four times the Goldman Sachs money.
It's almost 500 grand just from Goldman Sachs, and uh... If you think he's changed, he has changed.
Incredible tyranny's coming.
Martial law, riots, you name it.
It'll probably be Obama.
Because they can't have some old white guy who's statistically gonna die of his cancer pretty soon.
They can get a lot more done with Obama, but it doesn't matter.
The elite get to vote, not us.
They get what they want.
And they want to sucker people so that they can sucker the liberals, the inner-city folks, everybody into this.
And there's not a sucker the public didn't see they didn't want.
And remember, you don't like the bailout?
Well, Barack Obama, you can Google Barack Obama instrumental in getting it passed.
All those headlines.
Very proud of himself.
Now, the Black Caucus knew what was going on.
They said no.
Obama came up and twisted enough of their arms to go ahead and be the deciding vote in the Democratic column.
Go pull that up for yourself.
And what happened after they got it passed?
They're bringing those stocks down because those bankers got all that money now and they want to buy that up.
They need to depress it so they can buy it.
They need to deepen the crisis because then they'll get even more power.
Congress was told by the executive, you do what we say or martial law.
Let's finish up with this audio.
Listen to it.
I am now being escorted by police away from the scene.
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
We have rights!
So the police can selectively, and that's how fascism works, it's always the same at the DNC, the RNC, we've covered them all.
Whatever the crowd doesn't like, the cops come and take you away.
They throw you out, they put you somewhere where nobody can see you.
You see, that's how it works.
Finish up with it.
We don't know why they're telling you that you get an escort by police off of the premises!
This is ridiculous!
I have a right to free speech!
Constitution violation number one!
Constitution violation number one!
I mean, am I going to be arrested for trespassing if I come back?
Yes, you will be.
What's going to happen is we're going to write you a state citation.
Right now?
Wait, wait, wait.
We're going to write you a citation.
Here we go.
The message is, you're a slave.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
9-11 was an inside job!
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the New World Order?
How do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage?
Was it engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the bilateral commission, the CFR?
The day that we stop asking questions is the day that we have allowed the seeds of despotism to grow at our own door.
Seven years after the attacks of September 11th, a global awakening has taken place.
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And if the government has not told the truth in 5 years, we will be here on the 10th anniversary of that.
Truth Rising.
Download the film at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
Or get the DVD at Infowars.com.
It's now time to take the revolution to the next level.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm sure somebody saw this on the national news.
I've seen reports all over the place about wherever Obama goes, or McCain goes, they're confronted about the New World Order.
We've seen many videos of that.
Mark in Indiana says he went to the state fairgrounds at a midnight rally.
Ah, Torchlight Rally.
Perfect for mind control with Lord Obama, who we were just covering.
You can be pro-McCain or pro-Obama at these university events, but if you start speaking out against the bailout, the police grab you, take you out, and then charge you with trespassing or cite you.
Just amazing.
And then the Obamanoids and others chant and love it.
Same thing with the McCain people.
They support it when you're drug away, and they celebrate the attack on the First Amendment.
We've had them pull out knives and cut our equipment, slash things, it's all on video.
And the police, right in front of cops, they can pull knives out, it's no problem.
You know, attacking people with knives is no big deal.
But we're going to go to your calls coming up in the next segment.
Mark is in Indiana, and he said that he had a chance to confront Obama.
First of all, it wasn't a midnight rally.
I heard about it midnight the night before.
It was a 10 o'clock in the morning rally.
I misunderstood you when you were telling me real quick off air.
Okay, so you heard about it at midnight.
It was 10 o'clock in the morning.
Go ahead.
Okay, so I show up there, you know, and I'm telling people about it.
It's a long line.
I'm telling everyone about, you know, the 93 World Trade Center bombing.
Telling, you know, screaming about it.
Like, how can you know that the CIA didn't hire the terrorists to get on 9-11?
You know, let people know.
And this little black lady said, come talk to me.
You know, she wanted to hear all about it.
So I cut in front of the line.
So I got in earlier than everyone else.
So, it was a free event, too.
And so, when Obama started speaking, right at the beginning of his speech, right out of the gate, he said, we have a global economic problem, so we need a global structure.
And as soon as he said that, he started tripping over his words, and I immediately said, NO, YOU'RE IN THE WRONG ORDER!
You know, just, I wasn't in my job!
Just really giving it to him, you know, just really going off.
And I was dragged off by these three police that were right there, and then to a welcoming committee of, you know, a dozen or more state troopers.
And they twisted my arm the whole nine yards and threw me out, but no charges were filed, which is good news.
And the second part of the story is... You're lucky you weren't murdered, where they all stand around laughing, like six of them, tasering and tasering until you died.
Oh, there were 20,000 people at this event, Alex.
There were so many people here.
It was ridiculous.
Yeah, we have open torture, open, cruel, and unusual punishment without trial.
Electro-shock with cattle prods is what it is.
You know, we hear about the Nazis and cattle prods, now they do it to us and it's loving.
So, so, so, so were these guys proud of attacking the First Amendment?
Oh yeah, they were twisting my arm, I thought they were going to break it, so I was saying, I'll go peacefully, I'll go peacefully, you know, when they were twisting my arm.
Oh, that's the thing, when they were pulling me out, some guy was yelling, TURN THEM, TURN THEM!
You know, like, totally, totally.
The neurons in the brain with the neural pathways, the average person has seen several million simulated or real murders on TV.
It becomes a thing of entertainment and enjoyment.
And so that's why they only get upset about Marines killing dogs, not Marines gunning down Iraqi children for fun.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
But here's the thing.
So they kicked me out.
It was this whole big thing.
But that was a minor victory for the day.
I went home to see if somehow one of your people saw that and caught that and put it online.
You know, immediately I wanted to research it.
And then I saw that Gibson from Good Morning America was doing a live broadcast at 6.30 in downtown Indianapolis.
So what did I do?
Immediately, I went down there to the St.
Clair Bridge.
I want to hear more exactly.
You didn't stop.
The key to these operations with even one man is in an hour you can go hit three or four points where they want to make it look like the public's included with that mass psychology that triggers a tribal mechanism to see fellow slaves.
By the way, McCain just talked about how we're all slaves on the TV the other day.
He slipped up.
Stay with us.
Here we go.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
This is his ammo.
We have to look to the Middle East.
We have to look to Osama Bin Laden.
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
Bin Laden's connections to the CIA, the hijacker's ties to the FBI, the Saudi Arabian connection, the Israeli intelligence network, warnings and war games, the shadow government, and much, much more.
Fabled enemies.
Get the DVD at InfoWars.com, or see it in super high quality, along with hundreds of other titles, at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
I think so.
I think so.
I think.
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I want to go to Scott, Michael, John, Rebecca, Mike, and others.
Open phones at 800-259-9231.
Finishing up with Mark in Indiana.
So, he went down to an Obama rally.
That was in the fairgrounds at 10 a.m.
in the morning.
Obama, as he's been giving speeches, as every major financial paper has called for a New World Order run by the private banks.
You will pay carbon taxes to them.
We told you years ago this would be done after they imploded things.
Exactly what we said is happening.
And I keep repeating that because, listen to us!
These criminals are public!
Yes, they own Obama.
Yes, they own McCain.
Obama isn't going to save you.
He's going to get more gas mileage for the New World Order.
He's a good front for them.
And so next, you learn that they've got a national TV show going on in the morning still.
So you run down there, Mark.
Do we have Mark John?
In Indiana?
Yeah, this is Mark in Indiana.
Okay, go ahead and finish your story.
Okay, yeah, so I get there and the cops turn me away.
So I drive around to the other side of the bridge where I find about 40 civilians standing, 40 people standing.
So again, the police and military call us civilians, the mayor calls us civilians because we're under martial law.
Officially, Congress has been told that.
They've introduced that into our nomenclature.
Why were you the slave scum who's only there to pay money to the government to give to private banks?
Why were you a slave worm trying to use the bridge you paid for?
Right, exactly.
Tell me, as a fellow slave worm, why... I'm not a worm, Alex.
I don't know.
I am not that.
I am a human being with rights and determination.
We're here by God.
Nope, slave worm.
You're lucky government's there.
You ought to worship it.
You ought to thank it.
So tell me, why did they turn you away as a slave worm civilian?
Well, I don't know why, but I found another way.
I went around to the other side, and I found all these people standing there waiting for the broadcast, the live broadcast that Charlie Gibson was about to give, you know, to the Nightly News.
And I let him talk for a long time, you know.
I let Charlie Gibson just let him do his thing, you know, waited for it.
I snuck my way to the front.
I got right behind the TV cameras, lit a cigarette.
I saw the smoke hit his face.
I was so close, Charlie Gibson could smell my cigarette, right?
So I'm just waiting for it.
And there's a female cop right behind me, and I look around and look at her, and she looks at me kind of cute, you know?
Like, she's a cute cop.
Alright, that's enough.
I'm about to uniform.
So, you know, I'm right behind the cameras, and Charlie Gibson says, we're going to go to blah blah blah back in New York or whatever, and he goes to a split screen is what my friend told me.
And right then I go,
We're good to go.
They pose outside like it's supposedly to hear, and if you want to chant for McCain or Obama, you're allowed to.
But even if you have a Ron Paul sign over and over again, or a Nader, they come and grab them.
They instinctively know anything outside the political or correct left-right paradigm is not allowed.
So, you're up against the fence, you're a few feet from them, you shout
Now, others of course are, let me guess, waving legalized marijuana signs and all this stuff, and Barack Obama signs, but you weren't allowed, were you?
Oh, not in particular.
Because you're an evil slave worm.
Now, tell me what the gods, who selectively decide what speech is okay, tell me when they grab you what they did.
No, here's the good news, Alex...
When you talk about a god, you address it as a deity.
What did the deities in the uniforms of Saturn, that's what they wear, what did the deities say to you?
They said, we know.
They said, the cops know.
The cops said, we know 9-11 was an inside job.
They know.
Oh, but still, so they know, but you're not allowed to have your free speech.
Right, right.
It sounds like they'd already been given orders.
Ah, well, exactly.
They can't have, they can't have an alternative.
Did you ask them why are all these left-right idiots, McCain and Obama supporters, allowed to yell and scream but I'm not allowed?
Well, I mean, isn't it obvious?
That answer, uh, the question answers itself, Alex.
So what did you say to them?
I said, they were driving me away, and I was like, I said, well, did you know that?
And the cop said, yeah, we know.
And I was like, well, the people need to hear that.
And millions of Americans just heard that.
Did you ask the lords, the gods from heaven, the leaders, I mean, did you ask them why, everywhere you go, your speech specifically isn't allowed?
There's only one God, Alex.
And we can't forget that.
Yeah, and that's the police.
That's the only God.
The only God is Henry Paulson and you will bow!
I'm being sarcastic and I shouldn't be.
I mean, I'm illustrating they are not God.
They are not our king.
But listen, this happened to me, man.
I've experienced it.
Why is only our speech not allowed, but everybody else's?
See, this is pure garbage!
I mean, what does it say to them?
You said it last night, that the truth is uncomfortable, is why.
That's all.
It's just... The truth is very uncomfortable, and all of this information is... You know what's uncomfortable?
These people carried out the attacks, and they're carrying out the financial attack, and none of us have a future!
And shame on the police, everywhere in this country, trying to violate the First Amendment!
They're just trying to keep their jobs, though.
I mean, that's a problem.
But how have they all been told?
If you hear 9-11 truth or anything outside the left-right paradigm, don't let them... I mean, the news comes out to claim they're out there for the media.
You're not even with a bullhorn.
You yell something and they grab you when everybody else screams at the top of their lungs.
There's no rules walking up on the side of the city street to the edge of a live broadcast.
You're allowed to do that!
This isn't the Soviet Union!
Well, you know, that's the thing.
So un-American!
They didn't arrest me.
It was a report.
My friend told me he was watching it live.
Oh, you're so lucky they didn't taser you to death.
Like the, don't tase me, bro.
He asked about skull and bones, so they tased him!
But my friend said that the screen... Hey, let me just tell the cops this.
Hey, you serve the system, they're gonna take your pension funds, keep drinking the water, keep giving your kids the shots, just keep serving evil.
Shame on them!
Now, were the cops being smart-mouthed when they said, yeah, we know it's an incident?
They were very cooperative, and they kept saying, you know... Oh, very cooperative as they violated your rights.
But, I mean, were they being smart-mouthed when they said, we know, sir, we know the aliens are real, we know the transmitters are in your brain?
No, no, I didn't...
I didn't sense any sarcasm at all, because I talk to police wherever I go.
I talk to all kinds of people everywhere I go.
We've had cops all over give us thumbs up and 9-11's an inside job.
I mean, I hung out with a bunch of LAPD detectives, and they were all... I mean, I had dinner with them, and I said, of course we know it's an inside job.
But the point is, anybody that doesn't have a brain does.
The point is, how do they know that, but they still come grab you?
I mean, I gotta hand it to the... Denver police are the only ones I've ever run into that actually knew what the First Amendment was.
It's unbelievable.
That's crazy.
It's crazier than any sci-fi movie I've seen.
It ended with, like, um, oh, the local news came up and was, like, videotaping them, patting me down, and they were like, keep your hands out of your pocket, you know?
And they used that for Cedars terrorists on the streets.
Lot of danger.
Police are dealing with the evil people that speak their mind.
Don't worry, the First Amendment's being stopped.
We're selectively regulating what you can and can't say.
It's America.
That's what it's all about.
Liberty and freedom.
Right, it's totally bizarre.
What did the local news say?
Here we had an Al-Qaeda opera.
Well, I said, you want to do an interview with me?
I'll keep it real tame.
You know, I said, I'll keep it tame.
I won't go too deep into it.
Just give me a short interview.
And they said, no, we've already gotten the image we want as an evil American.
Right, exactly.
We just want the image of cops good, civilian slave.
This guy said something.
He's got to have a brain to get them.
Oh my God, he knows how to read!
Arrest him!
He's reading a magazine!
So, so, so, we're thankful.
Thank you for not tasering me.
Thank you for not arresting me.
You only selectively violated the First Amendment.
It'd be bad enough if you didn't let anyone have free speech, but it's selective.
That's even more fascist.
Thank you for destroying America.
Oh, thank you!
I mean, cops, do you think you're safe when you've got a government that carries out terror attacks, and they've got you out violating the... I had Austin Cops come up to me.
We're on the sidewalk, bullhorning Perry.
And they come over, and they said, we're gonna arrest you if you don't stop.
And I said, you guys just lost a bunch of lawsuits!
I said, don't do it!
And they pulled up the riot gear.
Five minutes.
They said, we're arresting you.
And I said, go ahead.
I started bullhorning the cops.
I said, we're going to have to sue you.
You've been losing suits.
And I saw the cops argue with each other.
And then a captain shows up.
And then he comes and says, Alex, just go.
And I said, no.
That video's on the web, and I scream at him, and then they leave.
But the point is, in a lot of cities, they'd just taser me to death.
They wouldn't have known who I was.
The cops said, and again, they were out there trying to stop my First Amendment.
That's what makes this country this country!
What is your problem?!
What is it you don't get through your head?!
You are involved in tyranny and crime when you selectively attack the First Amendment!
Do you got me?!
Do you get it through your head?! !
None of us are safe when we don't have a First Amendment, you idiots!
Those checks and balances are there to protect you as well as us!
Don't you get it?!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, that's how I feel on the inside, Alex.
But that's just the thing, you have to keep your head held high and remember that truth and goodness will prevail.
How did all this end?
How did all this end?
The local news wanted a picture of the cops walking me out across the barrier.
Yeah, that image of a troublemaker who spoke was taken away.
And again, that's all part of the image, everyone.
See, I knew how it would end.
It's the same template.
The producers don't even know why they've been told to do this piece by the IRFs.
That's to show the image of don't come out, don't protest, it's not allowed.
You get tasered, you get arrested, you get run over.
Don't come out.
Don't come out.
Stay in your homes.
You're not allowed to come out.
You're not allowed.
And then cops see that and it habitualizes that it's all normal.
That's the way it should be.
But here's the thing.
I was joking with the cops and smiling and laughing and they were smiling.
And to not give them that image, to not let them have that, I was talking with them, smiling and laughing.
Did you get the girl's number?
Well done, Lord Vader.
Alright, listen, I appreciate your call.
You've done well, Mark.
I appreciate it.
Alright, we'll be back, and I promise we're going right to Scott, Michael, John, Rebecca, and many others.
Mike and others.
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Alright, Scott in Arizona, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I wanted to ask you about one of the documents.
I didn't get the chance to hear yesterday's show, but I saw something about the Conflict and Revolution document.
Can you comment on that a little bit and give me some more information on that?
What specific document?
The CNR document.
It was under FEMA.
It was a document that I saw there.
It said Conflict and Revolution.
Oh, you're talking about Colonel Alexander.
Yeah, I don't know a lot about it.
I just saw some of the information on it.
Well, you have to give me the specific name of what you speak.
I mean, every major Pentagon document, British government documents, they admit it's all about the elite waging war with the people, suppressing the people, dominating the people, controlling populations.
Yeah, this was about
Basically saying it's either going to be a conflict that happens here, that's coming up, that they're preparing for it, and it's a document that was passed around Congress, and that basically a few of them saw that, and it's either conflict or revolution that they're preparing for.
It's either going to go either way.
Revolution... Well, I mean, that's in PDD 51, that's in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, that's in the Army Times.
They say they're getting ready for riots in England and the United States.
Yeah, there's some document, it's called Conflict and Revolution, I believe.
It's a CNR document, and that's what it was labeled, and I thought I saw that on your site.
Well, there's a lot of those documents, sir.
We post a lot of stuff that I'm not even aware of.
All right, Alex, I just wanted to find out if you knew any more about that.
Thank you, I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead now, and let's go ahead and go to another caller here.
Let's talk to Michael in Canada.
You're on the air.
Alex, how are you doing?
Listen, I just wanted to say a couple of things to you.
First of all, thank you so much for waking me up.
I just couldn't fathom.
I knew there was something weird about 9-11, but when I finally... A friend of mine who actually lives in the U.S.
referred me to your site, and I started to sort of get into the issues, and I've watched all your movies.
In the last three months, I've just... I'll tell you the truth, I'm just completely blown away.
It absolutely shocks me, and as I've, you know, I'm a bit of a historian myself, so some of the stuff I knew and I'd just forgotten.
I was an international relations student at university years ago.
It's in all the history books.
Well, that's it.
It's taught in political science that governments do this, and the public's been told none of it exists when it's all right in our face.
Yeah, it's really quite something.
You know, my father went to school in the U.S., and he went to Marquette and Notre Dame, and it has always been that Kennedy was assassinated, and that basically his theory was that when Kennedy came out with the Peace Corps and was sort of downplaying the use of the military as a global way to spread American influence, and the Peace Corps was the way to do it, that that didn't serve the needs, and they just shot him.
Um, you know, anyway, that's one of the reasons why I called, just to thank you.
I really, I find it, you know, I hope you're making a good buck on this.
You deserve it.
But wow, you are really passionate and it's inspiring.
And, uh, you know, the films are just, really, I've just, as I show them to other people, I'm amazed at the reactions.
All right, well, I appreciate your call.
To answer the question of making a buck off of this, the mainstream media, they can be made, you know, paid ten, twelve million dollars to sit there and read off a teleprompter, and that's okay.
Uh, but then this radio show makes a fraction of that and puts it, almost all of it, back into expanding the websites, the cost, the employees, and that's supposedly not a good thing with some people.
My goal here is not to make money.
In fact, you must know, most of my films lose money.
Most of the films I've made, Endgame made some money, Terror Storm made a little bit of money.
You really must know, the last few films have lost money, and I mean big time.
Loose Change Final Cut, Truth Rising, I mean, maybe in a year or two, it might make the money back.
That's not the goal of those, and you ask, how do we operate?
Previously, I only had three employees.
One of them doing web stuff.
And my wife did the InfoWars.
Paul Watson did Prison Planet.
His brother basically worked for free, if you must know how we operate.
And then, I realized we needed to expand, so I started taking advertising.
Previously, we sent an email, and people wanted to advertise, they could.
And it was almost nothing.
So, the last two years, we ramped up advertising.
And then I hired
Like 10 more people.
And so the money comes in and it pays the 14 employees of Infowars.com.
We didn't have money to get a bigger office or build a studio, which we're getting close to being done with, or do any of that.
So we did a money bomb, somebody else's idea.
That's how we were able to move and do that.
And so, but we are a huge success when it comes to my films being seen by hundreds of millions total on the web.
And so we are a success in the info war, but the films monetarily, by and large, are failures.
I mean, one editing computer's like five grand, the cameras are like six, seven grand.
Paying for an editor, even at low grade, you know, amount of money, is incredibly expensive.
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Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
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I want to go back to John, Rebecca, Mike, and other
But I'm going to do a video in our new office in the next few months when I get time to walk through, show everybody kind of a tour of what we do.
I thought we need to create a bio on the website about who works here, who the people are.
Thank God that InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com have gotten so big because we are able to then
Pay $10,000 a month for shortwave.
Most stations put us on for free, but a few stations that have offered to be leased to carry the show inexpensively, we lease five stations.
I don't know how long I can do that.
We, um, I pay now about $20,000 a month in IT.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's how much these servers cost, and believe me, we got good deals.
Two CDNs, seven other servers, then two IT people,
Who are just part-time.
Who don't even count as employees.
And then rent.
And I'm not going to open myself up to the enemy.
People say, oh, be bold, don't pay taxes.
Well, about half the time doing that, you end up going to prison.
And so we've chosen our battles so we can be here attacking them, talking about how they're illegitimate.
Exposing them, and then openly saying, but I still pay the, the, the... But we spend almost all the money on the business, so it doesn't matter, they don't get paid very much.
That's the beauty of it.
Through the employees, though, they're getting a lot of taxes.
And, um... That's what the media and the government always do to attack alternative media.
Is they say, those people, they're out there preaching stuff against the government to make money.
Well, that's what we need, like Gilbert Griffin says.
Actually, we need power.
We need money.
We need to have our own Fox News or CNN.
We need to have a lot more money.
You bet we need our books to be number one bestsellers.
You know, I've had Endgame's been the number one documentary on Amazon.
Number eight video total.
But that's...
Selling like, you know, $3,000 in a week will do that.
It's not as big as it sounds, and I get about a dollar for each one of those that are sold on there.
That's the incredible margin they demand from you.
So I try to not obsess on money here on the show, but, you know, I get to the point of plugging sponsors so much that make it all possible, because the videos aren't successful at funding us.
And then I forget to even ever plug the videos or promote them, and that's not good, because they are the most successful thing we do.
But you getting copies of them, making copies of them, passing the files around on the web.
I mean, I put up links to Truth Rising and Endgame and Terror Storm from Google and YouTube on my own site.
I don't just allow them to be out there, I advertise Don't Pay.
Because my thrill is having my videos be seen by tens of millions of people a month.
That's what I'm after is defeating the New World Order.
Because I know I don't have any future.
If we don't turn this around.
That is my goal.
If I had my druthers, I would go out in the countryside where you can buy a nice old house, super cheap.
And I would be a oil painter, pen and ink painter.
At night, I would probably do something like own a gas station.
Have a few old guys that fart around there, working for me.
I'd have a few cows, maybe 40-50 acres.
I'd have a big garden.
Because I'm not ambitious.
I am somebody who's self-satisfied, self-actualized.
And I, believe me, would like to live like a hillbilly.
But then I'd have to support myself so I'd live somewhere and have a small business.
Because I know you can't, with a
You know, unless you go all out farming and ranching and then you've got to have a lot of money to start that, that you can't make it and it's too dangerous.
You've got to supplement a country gentleman lifestyle.
That's what I'd be doing right now.
But I don't have a future.
I can't go live out in the countryside and wait for the new world order to roll through and take the farm, take the ranch, you know.
On his end.
But basically my whole show now is pops and springs and breakups.
John, you got me on air right now?
Yeah, yeah, okay.
Do the other one.
And if they're trying to use it for something else, get me another one.
That's why I put two in it in order to get around this and they're always using the other one for something.
I need it.
But again, it isn't about Alex Jones, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't have a government that can come take your money.
I don't have a government that can devalue your currency.
I'm not the government threatening to go and take your pension funds.
I am not the government.
So, it's not about me.
It's not about Alex Jones.
It's about the information.
And I suggest people stay focused on the issues that really matter.
I mean, the government knows how to manipulate people.
They did that to the Black Panthers.
They did it to activists.
The British did it to the Founding Fathers.
You know, saying they were just profiteers for the rebellion.
And some of that might have even been true.
The point is, is that the New World Order is a threat.
It's the New World Order that's coming down on us.
And as a society, we're mentally ill.
We're obsessed with infighting and going after each other.
Because I am the big kingfish in the whole anti-New World Order movement.
Very dangerous position, by the way.
One that I never saw it, but by hard work have achieved.
Now in the final equation, a lot of people want to claim fights with me.
They want to claim arguments with me.
They want to claim I'm involved with things with them to try to raise their credibility.
There's a lot of lies and most of it isn't.
John, the ISDN is still not good.
Like I said, can we connect on the other one?
Can't get a connection on that one.
And we've gone through a lot of hell to bring you this radio show.
A lot of things that have happened behind the scenes that I haven't even talked about.
But, uh, yes, we need... We need more donations.
We need more support.
We need people to buy the books and videos.
Not just because it supports this operation and what we do.
But also, because these videos are powerful, they are truth.
I mean, Terror Storm is the best government-sponsored terror film out there.
Not just about 9-11, but about the history of it.
I mean, it wakes people up with all the admissions.
Once you can show somebody that the government is criminal and has staged terror over and over and over again.
Or Endgame, where we show how the government has tested chemicals, biologicals, radiologicals on citizens over and over and over again.
Once you do that, it's over.
You win their mind over.
They unlock their brains.
They now see the truth.
And then, in the next part of the film, we get into how 9-11 is an inside job.
But the first two-thirds are about other government-sponsored terror events.
And that film is so good, so important, so well done.
Myself and Rob Jacobson and Aaron Dykes busted our butts.
To make that film.
Three guys!
And Mike McWhorter was the graphics guy that did a great job.
I mean, that is a powerful film that unlocks minds.
And what a lot of critics do, instead of use the film to wipe people off, they say, there's pyramids and all seeing eyes in it, it's subliminal!
He should have done this in his film!
There's nothing subliminal about having an all-seeing eye on the screen for 20 seconds seeing the New World Order.
We're showing you their symbol.
If I made a film about the Nazis and I showed you a swastika... If I showed you a swastika taking over Europe, that wouldn't mean I was a Nazi.
And then people lie and say that we're covering up for Israel with the USS Liberty?
What type of disinfo is that?
We show that Israel premeditatedly attacked the ship.
To blame it on Egypt and launch World War III right out of Operation Northwood just a few years after Gulf of Tonkin.
But we show what the admirals and the judge advocate generals and the people on the ship say that they believe and know that LBJ was in control of the ship under the National Security Council as a spy ship and was directing it directly under, through Magnum era.
And he came on the line and said, I want that GD ship going to the bottom.
And so we connected it and showed how our government was criminal and involved with the Israelis.
That isn't covering up for Israel.
See, that's the type of unfair attacks we get.
That if anybody had a brain, they would know a film challenging and showing that Israel staged terror attacks is not a film covering up for Israel.
And the people putting that out are
And we've caught the Southern Poverty Law Center and others over and over again.
I mean, take that guy, um, Hal Turner.
I mean, if that guy just radiates two seconds, you know he's one of them.
How can people not see it and not know it?
And they want to make criticism of Israel base, gutter, racist, vicious, to sound horrible, to scare people away from standing up against the corruption of Israel.
They want to make it about the hatred of Jews.
Instead of making it about the hatred of corruption.
If we're against the Italian Mafia, we're not against Italians.
If we're against the Jewish Mafia, we're not against Jews.
If we are against any of these corrupt elites, it's because those governments are corrupt and bad, not because the people are bad.
England is one of the most evil empires in the world.
Some of the most evil ideas and systems came from there.
The Brits are slaves to it too!
And so I don't mean to go off on a jag because that guy brings up, I'm sure I bet you're doing really well.
I hope you're doing really well.
And in the final equation, I think it is important as hard as I work and the work I do that I drive safe cars and be able to buy a new pair of shoes every year and live in a house that's comfortable, but that isn't what I worship.
That isn't what I'm about.
That isn't what I'm into, baubles and trinkets and signets.
And we need as a movement to get past the point of thinking it's bad for us to not just be able to pay our way with information, but we have to build up our movement, and that takes capital.
And we have to be ready to get big Hollywood stars to come to our side.
We have to get ready to get big politicians to come and join us, and industry people, and people in powerful positions, philosophers, and authors, and playwrights.
We are winning.
We are waking people up.
We're doing something historical as so much of the world wakes up.
And as 9-11 Truth has been so successful to lift the blinders on hundreds of fronts.
That is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful thing.
And we should be so very proud of that.
So I want you to support our sponsors, and the main sponsor is my books and videos that are waking people up.
Go to InfoWars.com, order the books, order the videos.
I want you to get them and make copies and give them to people.
I have to say not-for-profit, non-sale, because people will then take it, plan a copyright for themselves, and tell me I can't sell it.
We've already had people try that.
God, and no good deed goes unpunished.
Get them out to folks.
Educate people.
You know, take action.
It's having an effect.
People are ready to wake up whenever before.
And yes, support the sponsors that we have on this radio show as well.
Speaking of sponsors, who are the sponsors?
I say firearms.
I wish we had firearms sponsors.
We don't.
I say storable food.
We get you a good company for that.
Now look at what the mainstream says.
I tell you my goal is $260 an ounce.
What is $400?
They're artificially suppressing the paper market while all the major mints in Europe and the U.S.
and Canada, no more maple leafs, no more
Now it's eagles, not just the buffaloes.
Now it's the British sovereigns.
They're running out of gold.
And so you bet I bring in a sponsor, which makes this network and this show possible.
And I tell you, you're crazy if you don't buy gold and silver.
It's also a great deal.
And why can Ted get gold and nobody else can right now?
Because he's been in this business 30 years and knows all the international sellers who won't sell to people they don't trust, which is most people in this business, but they trust Ted.
So Ted has a whole parcel of coins that you can't get anywhere else right now.
Ted Anderson, are you there?
Yeah, I'm right here with you, Alex.
How are you doing?
Tell people about the offer you've got today.
Oh yeah, we're talking, it took me a little bit to look for U.S.
Eagles and find a good supply of those to sell.
I can tell you that much.
We do have them there at $1,033.
And surprise, surprise, the premiums on them are just going up like crazy.
I was running into, one guy wanted to have actually $70 over spot for Krugerrands, and those things were trading for almost spot here a few months ago.
Yeah, let's be clear, Ted, I talked to you this morning.
There's a 3% markup in that coin to literally just pay your brokers.
So you are giving it to people at your cost, those eagles.
You're doing that to, again, get their business, get them into gold.
Most people know the truth.
They've still never invested in it.
That's why on this show, you give your lost leaders.
Yeah, that's right.
And I just really think it's important for people to get into gold at this time.
And I really, truly believe that some of the best buys in gold right now at this point are the franc coin, which is at 194, and the sovereign coin, which is at 239.
And don't forget about silver, Alex, my gosh!
You know those Walking Liberties that we're putting out there, I think they were around 7 something last time I priced them, now they're out closer to 10.
And I've got some of the Franklin Haves still available at $870.
And you know the thing about it is, I mean yesterday the phones are ringing like crazy, people wanting to, you know, they need to get the gold, they understand.
The situation that's going on in the United States and you know having somebody from Britain there talking about trying to just buy them and they can't even get to the darn gold store to buy them and when they do get there there's nothing to buy.
That's what's going on here in the United States too.
There just isn't enough volume to go around.
There's so much trouble economically going on in the United States at this time that even the people that normally would be just buying stocks and in the bond market that kind of thing are now looking at gold as an alternative
And there's just not enough physical supply to get to those people, and thank God your audience has had the opportunity at this point to get in before that frenzy came along.
But anyway... Ted, again, explain to people, explain to people that almost all the other brokers out there can't get them or are charging people $50 to, you know,
$50, $100, $200 markups on an ounce of gold because they're having to pay massive premiums just to get something.
A lot of places are completely sold out.
You can Google that.
It's mainstream news.
And it's only going to intensify.
You're offering gold at $100 under what it was selling for.
So it drops $20 a day from the $100 and something it's getting.
It doesn't matter because you still locked this in back when it was
I can tell you, I have got the best price on British Sovereigns and French Franks in the market today.
There's nobody else out there that has a price that's better than mine.
And that's because of this position that I put myself into last Monday.
Actually, it was last Friday, the Friday coming in right before the weekend.
There is nobody out there that has that stuff at that particular price level.
And this situation with the U.S.
Try getting them.
I mean, the buffaloes are gone.
We keep on talking about wanting to get some buffaloes, and I keep telling everyone of my dealers, any buffaloes you find, buy them for me.
I want them in my inventory so I can sell them.
I'd offer them right now if I could get them.
There's just not anything out there, and the same thing holds true for the U.S.
Believe it or not, Canadian Maple is something that I used to be able to sell in great quantity anytime you wanted.
The Royal Mint won't even sell them anymore because they're out of them.
The British Mint, the German Mint, the Canadian Mint, the U.S.
Mint are saying, we're shutting down.
We can't get gold to stamp it.
And we can't buy it and stamp it and then sell it for what the market says it's supposed to cost because that number isn't real.
It's a controlled market.
The gold is gone off the shelves and they're still holding the price basically the same.
Stay there, Ted.
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We're good to go.
Ladies and gentlemen, the New World Order is coming down on us.
They're going to devalue the dollar down to nothing.
That is a guarantee.
Interest rates are only going to do that further.
They're talking about cutting them again.
Bev Harris is coming up in the next hour to break down all the election fraud she sniffed out during the primaries and what they're looking at going into the election in about 27 days.
Ted, finishing up, you've got gold when nobody else seems to have it.
I mean, I'd say what, 90% of the dealers you were telling me the other day are out of it.
What is it currently today, talking to the dealers, how many are out of gold or selling it at giant premiums?
I can tell you right now, I was just talking to one of the dealers this morning and it's like, hey, can I get this?
No, I can't get that.
No, I can't get that.
Can you get this?
I said, well, how about this and that?
I'm just like going through all these different products.
Right now, the Walking Liberty halves are still currently sold out.
I still have those Franklin halves.
I probably can do about another nine bags of them, and then I'm going to have to pull those off the shelf.
I'm going to go back to Dimes then, because they made those available to me.
It's just like there's just this selection of different things that I could deal with, but the market is just so tight, and most of the smaller dealers just don't have a thing.
If you walk into the local coin shops, and you say, hey, do you have any $20 St.
Gaudens Cine
Any of the U.S.
Eagles, do you have any Maple Leafs, do you have any Krugerrands?
They don't have a thing.
There's just nothing there.
And the major deal is... So we're looking at something where you could potentially be out of almost everything yourself.
How soon if this continues to?
Well, if it continues to go this direction, I wouldn't doubt it if it was just within a month or two that I won't be able to even trade gold for the paper currency that you're trying to buy it with.
You know, that's what's going on right now.
And again, I can't overstress
The paper says one thing, but the mints can't buy it at what their paper allowed, you know, to buy through the Treasury.
So their mints all over the world are shutting down, saying no more gold, we can't get gold to coin gold currency.
Ted, again, tell them what you've got today.
Well, right now we have today, and quite literally, we do have the U.S.
Eagle currently right now.
It's at $1,033.
We have, also, we have a good selection of the $10 Liberty.
Let's explain.
When gold people get so spoiled, they expect no profit for you to take it and sell it.
20 bucks on a coin that literally just allows you to do the transaction.
Well, exactly.
I mean, it's just down to bare bones.
But the main thing is... And why am I doing this right now?
Because there were times, folks, five years ago, when Ted mortgaged his house.
It almost ruined his family.
He literally was cleaning the toilets himself.
And now that he is in this position, I'm just trying to support the network.
And that's why we're doing this.
And ladies and gentlemen, he's a big outfit.
He's got the gold and silver in hand right now, what hardly anybody else does.
Trust it.
Ted, give him the number.
Again, 1-800-686-2237.
It's 1-800-686-2237.
And for the 30 years that I've been in business, there hasn't been a single soul who have sent their money to me and not received what they've ordered.
That's probably why they still trust me.
And I can guarantee ya, if you buy something from me and you send your check into Midas Resources, you're gonna get that gold and silver you ordered.
And I remember people bitching and complaining
You know, years ago, when gold would be $400, then it dropped to $350, and then go up to $600.
Now, how are you sitting out there, folks?
We told you, move into it now.
What did gold do?
It is the safest bet.
Is it 100%?
No, it's only 99%.
All the major analysts are now saying $2,000 of gold.
You are insane if you don't move into gold and silver now.
You know, an asteroid could hit the Earth tomorrow.
But barring that, this is the safest investment there is.
Ted, how long can you hold those deals?
I will hold these definitely till midnight tonight, and tomorrow we'll see what the market will bring for us.
I am Alex Jones.
I'm back up.
Both our ISD and hookups to Minnesota knocked out.
We'll be right back with the third hour with Bev Harris.
Get her on the horn.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Either you are with us now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, for the next hour, we have Bev Harris on with us, and you know I'm neurotic about throwing in points, asking too many questions.
She is the premier expert on election fraud, blackboxvoting.org, the non-profit, her incredible documentary, Hacking Democracy, back on HBO.
Proving fraud.
Proving scams.
Proving that you can hack these systems, remote control thousands of systems.
Proving it's designed for that.
Catching them throwing out the computer tapes in the trash when they said they didn't have them.
I mean so much.
So Bev, in the hour we've got together, I'm going to try to really give you the floor.
Like you're doing an hour presentation.
I'll throw in a few questions here or there.
Take us in and out of break.
But I want you to really
Overview, the basic history of the election fraud, not just the new touchscreens or systems but the scantrons that are still centrally tabulated, where we're going, what happened in the
You know, some of the anomalies we saw in problems earlier in the campaign, this year going through the primaries, and then now what you're seeing coming up 27 days away from the election right now.
Which again, as you point out in your film,
Well, great.
It's always good to be here, Alex.
Yeah, well, in a nutshell, we converted our whole country, almost our whole country, except for about 600 small population ham sites.
We converted it to secret vote counting, controlled by government insiders and vendors.
Therefore, we actually transferred power.
This is what we did.
As a citizenry, we used to have control over our elections.
We transferred power
To government insiders and vendors.
And people kind of act like I'm a radical when I say we don't actually have democratic elections anymore.
But we don't.
This is not the way the country was founded when we say, I'll tell you what, we're going to trust some insiders to count our votes in secret.
But that's what we're really dealing with right now.
And you're absolutely right what you started off with.
Whoever's in power,
We're at the mercy of whoever's in power and controls those systems, which is not a definition of freedom.
So, you know, it started when we decided that we should use voting machines to vote.
Now, I'm not against technology, but I am against, you know, just building something on mechanics without having a design specification.
It's kind of like we went out, we built a big, big, tall building without an architect.
The architect is actually the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and it says the people must be sovereign over the government.
Well, they left that part out, and they basically made vendors and insiders in the government sovereign, put it into voting machines that those people control, and said, here you go, this is our elections, we control them, trust us.
So we've actually ceded power.
All right, Bev, stay there.
Quick break.
For those who don't understand, not only is it non-transparent secret, every time Bev Harris spot-checks them, every time, there's fraud, there's chicanery, there's lies.
The systems are designed to be secretly snuck into and then have the visit erased.
I mean, they're designed for fraud.
Bev Harris, straight ahead.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We have come a long way when I was talking about election fraud with the Collier brothers 13 years ago on air, and they've been doing it for a decade before that.
It didn't matter if they had video of the League of Women Voters.
Falsifying the ballots by hand in Florida, the news media wouldn't air it.
But today we have the internet and people like Bev Harris, who's a corporate fraud investigator, an auditor.
Well, she decided to look into it years ago and it's been quite a saga.
And I know it's hard for some of you out there to believe this is happening.
It's also hard to believe that a Goldman Sachs former head and his deputy are running the entire bailout, handing tens of billions personally to their own companies.
But it's happening.
Every law, every canon of a free society, every check and balance, gone.
Diebold, Hardener Civics, Sequoia, all caught.
So, Bev Harris, I'm going to turn my mic off, I'm going to sit back, and we're going to go directly to you, blackboxvoting.org.
It's unbelievable.
I know the listeners know about this, but do your friends, your family, your neighbors, and do you really think you know?
You know, I've seen Hacking Democracy twice, and as I said yesterday in the morning, I was already thinking about getting Bev on, I was on the treadmill, I wanted to be on for 30 minutes, ended up being on an hour, watching HBO in the garage with Bev Harris on it, and
That's where I got my equipment.
I don't have room in the house.
And I'm in there watching her, and it's just... Even though I'd seen all this, even though I knew this, even before this stuff was in the film, I'd seen it on YouTube and Google.
You know, the little clips she put out in pieces.
Seeing it, just an hour of it.
And that's stuff years ago!
What this woman's done with her helpers and people supporting her is send people to prison!
So financially support her.
Support us!
We're here, the alternative media, going toe-to-toe with the military-industrial complex.
So, as Beth said, we don't have voting for all intents and purposes.
You know, one of the really great people working on this issue is a lawyer by the name of Paul Leto.
And he said the other day, in discussing what we're really dealing with, he said, you know, if one can keep their head while those around them are losing theirs, perhaps they don't quite understand the full extent of the problem.
And I have to agree.
People come to this slowly because I think it's something they don't want to see.
It's like we want to believe we have the best country.
We've been told that since we've been children.
We have the best and goodest and most virtuous.
And we do have that if you look at the people that are involved in this country.
But it's because we're so good!
But we don't have that in terms of the system.
People have the idea that they think that we have these
These systems that have checks and balances.
What's so interesting is when I first started studying this, people said, well don't worry about the flaws with the voting machines because we have checks and balances that would catch it.
So I spent the last two years evaluating the checks and balances.
They don't use them.
The checks and balances are every bit as broken down as the voting machine system.
So, then they say, well, it's not that important that the seals weren't on the thing and that the seal numbers didn't match.
It's like, well, wait a minute.
You're telling me that it's okay if the machines are defective because you have checks and balances, and now you're telling me the checks and balances aren't that important.
What you're really telling me is don't trust the system.
Well, Bev, I want you to start over.
I want you to roll through all of this because it's so incredible.
But what you just said, I want to restate that.
It's like coming home, opening your door up, and the couches, the TVs, everything has been stolen.
People have come in on the weekend, in a few hours, and taken everything.
Robberies like that happen every day in every city.
And you're in shock.
And exactly, because the general public are good, they can't imagine they're actually being taken at every level by a criminal tyranny.
Now, I'm going to shut up.
Go ahead and walk through that.
Well, you know, even... I think one of the things that sometimes helps, people get excited when we talk about fraud, but we don't even have to prove fraud, because what got taken away from us was the ability to control the system at all.
So, it's like, suppose you own a small business, and you are told you're not going to be allowed to see what your bookkeeper did with the money.
You're just not allowed to see it.
You know, it obviously, you don't own that business anymore, right?
You really don't.
Your bookkeeper owns it.
The situation we've got in the U.S.
is that we don't have control anymore.
And so we, of course, of course when you don't control it and people can gain power and money when they do control it, those people will commit crimes and those people will commit fraud.
It's how it's going to happen.
Some of them will be honest, but it is not, it's not freedom to have to depend on insiders being honest and benevolent.
That's not freedom.
And so what we have to understand is right now the system we've got took away our fundamental civil rights and took away our freedoms and until we get control of the election system again, no amount of, well this election official is honest, she's a good one, don't worry about her, that is not the point.
The point is we have to be able to control the system.
It's just exactly like if you are a business owner and someone says, well, you can't see what happened to your money, but trust me, your bookkeeper is a nice lady.
None of us would accept that.
Or sometimes they say, we're going to propose a system now.
Boy, the mitigations they come up with are just even dumber than the problem.
They've got one now where the guy, some scientist from Stanford is saying, well, I've got one where you can check your own vote and it relies on invisible ink to make sure it's secure.
And I'm thinking, okay, so that sounds a little bit like the Emperor's New Clothes.
Invisible ink and you can check one vote.
If you own a business, imagine if they say, you can check one transaction.
That's all.
And your bank will just tell you what you have in the bank besides that.
Just trust them.
So, you know, we've got a situation where we've lost control of it, and until we regain control,
People will be cheating, of course, because there's power and money, and they've always cheated in elections, even when they were very open and public.
You know, LBJ, back in 1948, got caught cheating in Texas.
So, it's nothing new, but what is new is that they have removed public control.
So, ask me a question, Alex.
Well, Bev,
I mean, I'm just listening to you.
I want you to walk through this for people.
I mean, you like to prove the fact that it can't be confirmed and it's designed so it can be covered up, but you have caught them cheating.
You have caught them violating things.
You have caught them rigging votes, and the polls come out
Right, that's the key.
I mean, you have to have a system where you can throw the bums out, if they're bums, right?
A lot of times I have people come to me and say, well, the system is actually going to be okay in Oregon because we have a good Secretary of State and we really like our mail-in voting and our election official is honest.
And when I tell them, okay, take your Oregon election system and take it to Kentucky, where we still have, you know, Festus and Buford sometimes running the local government with their family.
And sometimes the sheriff is the drug dealer.
And tell me if your organ system works there.
Well, they always admit, well, no, it won't work if the insider is crooked.
Well, then it's not acceptable.
It has to be in public view, the whole thing.
And you're right, you know, we have caught situations where there's fraud, but the bigger problem is that because they're counting in secret, they have set it up so that it's impossible to prove whether there was fraud or not.
So, you see, we've actually lost something bigger than just, oh, they've created tamperable systems.
And this is an important point, because people think when they want to solve it, they go, oh, let's just build a more secure computer.
But it doesn't actually solve it until you put the public back in control.
Well then you find out with the computers, with the systems, they've set it up so they can remotely access it and cover up they were even there.
Then you go get the trash in county after county and you get the real paperwork that shows that it was the opposite of what they said.
I mean you have caught them and people have gone to jail for rigging elections and we know what's going on and they've
It's just so amazing to watch.
But what they will do, you see, is just make it harder to catch them by making it so that we can see even less information.
Or they have... Their solution is going to be, let's hide more information.
Well, I agree.
And then we've had the state commissions.
I mean, I remember here in Texas, we caught them in election fraud.
They said double-counting ballot boxes, falsifying signatures, breaking safety seals, double-counting boxes.
And then the state said it was an accident.
Oh, I'm glad you brought that up.
I call it the oops excuse.
I have less polite words for it, but let's call it that.
And you see, it's like running out the clock.
It's like, if in basketball you could, you know, commit a foul and say oops, and then run out the clock and get your basket anyway, and then say, but my basket still counts because it was an accident that I ran over that guy.
You know?
Elections are all about running out the clock.
So, in politics, they do anything they can get away with and say, oops, if they possibly can.
And so they like to set things up so that it has plausible deniability.
And you should see the oops excuses.
They're ridiculous.
In New Mexico, in the primary, now we have the voting machines.
That was pushed in through this Help America Vote Act.
Yeah, where the Feds pay to put the fraud machines in.
In 2004, it's in the film, Kerry even admitted that, well wait a minute, the exit polls all show I won, but I won everywhere except where we have the computer machines, and everywhere there he lost.
Well now, we put the voting machines in with this Help America Vote Act.
And there was two parts to it.
The second part is going to come to play for the first time in 2008.
And that is, in addition to having the voting machines, we now have, for the first time in every state, a statewide centralized database of the voters.
Now, these databases could really be messed with in New Mexico in the primary,
A whole bunch of people couldn't vote because they weren't on the list.
That's right.
We're always coming... We gave you the wrong list.
We gotta break.
We gotta break.
Stay there.
We'll come back and explain this.
Folks, it isn't just that they're stealing votes and flipping votes with the computers and cheating people.
Now they're, they've always done this, but now in a greater extent they're throwing people off who aren't felons, who aren't criminals.
So they're also using computers with the databases of voters to keep people
From voting, stay with us.
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I think so.
Okay, let's go right back to Bev Harris as she continues to break down the different ways they're disenfranchising voters.
Not just at the ballot box, but keeping them from getting
To the ballot box, and then I want to go through all the evidence of tampering and where she sees this election going up that we're less than a month away from.
Bev Harris?
Yeah, well it's not even, you know, people often talk about these voter lists as keeping people from the ballots, but it's actually worse than that.
What they have is the ability to turn on and off people's eligibility in the middle of an election.
So, let me kind of run down some examples that I have been able to prove out, okay?
In Georgia, in 2006, elderly people, senior citizens, were coming into the polls, and they were trying to vote, and they were told, you've already voted.
And of course, so that would disenfranchise them, right?
Well, some of the elderly people really asserted themselves, and they said, no, you know, I know I haven't voted,
And so they would call up and ask what to do, the poll workers.
This is according to the poll workers' own notes.
And they were told, tell them to come back this afternoon.
So the senior citizens came back that afternoon, and lo and behold, they said, oh, you can vote.
You haven't already voted.
Now, what that tells you, they were using an electronic poll book, which was interfacing with the electronic database that's held by the state now, that's centralized.
And what that tells you is that they were able to turn on and off these people's eligibility during the middle of the vote.
So they would have a bunch of eligibility turned off, targeting senior citizens, thinking they might forget or not be assertive, I suppose.
And if they asserted themselves, they could turn it back on again.
Now, in Lake County, Indiana, and this, I think, what we need to look at these databases as is a room full of on and off switches.
In Lake County, Indiana, they had a number of absentee ballots which they had ruled ineligible.
They come in, and all of a sudden, one day, they see that, this is shortly after the election, they see that they're all eligible, because the absentee ballots, whether they're eligible or ineligible, is in a computer program now.
And all these ineligibles were made eligible.
So they contacted the state because they knew they didn't do it in Lake County, Indiana.
It was done remotely from the state database.
The vendor for the state database admitted it and said they were just testing something.
It didn't affect the results.
Now, how scary is that?
Basically, you have someone at a switchboard
Who can activate and deactivate absentee ballots in the middle of an election during the count, and you have somebody who can activate and deactivate a person's eligibility to vote in the middle of election day.
That's what these voter databases are really enabling.
Now Bev, there are also other things like, and it's always in key demographics, if Democrats are controlling a county or a voting district, magically in the Republican areas, they'll give them a tenth of the machines that are needed for the average voter turnout.
But then in the Democratic areas, there'll be plenty of machines.
Vice versa, like Ohio, in areas where they know it's going to go 9-1, say a black area for John Kerry, magically there's two machines for 10,000 people.
And then in the Republican area, there's a machine for every 1,000.
So there's all sorts of tricks that are being played here.
And then you also expose weird cash payments by the Republican Party
...that are made to Diebold and others at a county-by-county basis that aren't campaign contributions right before elections.
I mean, this is amazing.
Well, and, you know, there were also very large cash contributions from Diebold to Ken Blackwell.
He got some stock, I guess, that he was given and so forth.
But let's go back to what you were talking about.
Before we got to the cash contributions, you had something I wanted to address.
It was, oh golly, it's already slipped my mind what I wanted to say.
Well, let me remind you, I was talking about how they would have less machines.
Oh yeah, that's what I wanted to address.
This is going to be really interesting because in some of this stuff, it's just stupid.
It's not criminal, it's just stupid.
What they did was they decided that everybody had to go out and buy these touchscreen and DRE voting machines in Texas.
You use a lot of heart, which is a dial-a-vote thing.
And it takes a certain amount of time for each person to vote on those machines because they have to monopolize the machine while they're on it.
It's not like the paper ballots where they can go off in a corner and then just run it through later.
Well, what they did not anticipate is an election that might have a higher turnout.
So they only allocated not even enough money to buy the machines and not enough to buy the machines for a high turnout.
Bev Harris, we're going to come back.
Long segment coming up.
Plenty of time to break it down.
I want to get into what you see happening in the election in 27 days.
In hindsight, integrating the information we have from the primaries just six, seven months ago and all the shenanigans and activities we saw there.
And then ways to counter this.
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I don't know.
We're good.
Okay, Bev Harris, we've only got about 20 minutes left with you.
Let's break down the rest of the story.
As they say, people can find out more at blackboxvoting.org.
They can also go to Amazon and other places and buy the great film, Hacking Democracy.
If you don't have HBO, it's airing every couple days on HBO.
Watch it and understand it's far worse than even that film covers.
But, again, we need more Americans like Beth Harris and her cohorts going out, digging through the trash, always finding bad stuff at these voting systems companies, at the counties where the voting's happening.
Go through the fraud we saw in the primary, what you see it building up to now, other facets, other areas we haven't gotten into, and then most importantly, solutions.
I mean, the positive news that I've got for everybody here today is this.
Ten years ago, you'd see polls, almost no one thought there was election fraud.
Now, over 90% in major polls say they know it's a fraud.
And so the good news is, the establishment is not selling the lie that they're not engaging in orchestrated takeover.
So before you leave us, let's get into that, or you can tackle that positive thing now, but let's continue to expose what's happening, where you see things going, and then, as I said, solutions.
Bev Harris.
Well, every election that we've looked at, we've found... Let me put it this way.
The best scenario, the best scenario we find is that we have to disclaim any... Actually, we have to disclaim any opinion on the results because there's not enough information and it's not even gettable to find it.
And in many situations where we go in, we see actual fraud.
They still do it clumsily, but if we don't get control of this situation, it's going to be like inoculating it so that it gets more and more resistant to citizen oversight.
Uh, where they'll get better at it, and they'll be more skillful.
You know, we still see things where they have gigantic typos in the wrong date on the memory tape, pull tapes that they rig, you know?
There's a tape that they had in Volusia County in 2004 where they accidentally did a typo while they were rigging the tape, and they dated it 16,000 years in the future.
You know, and you still see a lot of that now, where it's just so clumsy, you can't believe it.
Trust me, they're going to get better at it, and they're going to get more skilled.
And so, we have to ultimately take back control of the whole process, or it's just going to be harder to catch.
Like any criminal, you know, they learn from their mistakes.
In New Mexico, I was mentioning earlier, with the voter list, they simply handed out the wrong voter list.
Voter lists missing lots of names, and then afterwards said, oops.
So you gotta watch this.
And they still certify elections after they admit they're frauds.
Oh, oh, oh, get this.
You're gonna love this.
Palm Beach County, again, it has problems every election.
They lost 3,500 ballots.
The machines didn't count.
First of all, they had a recount where these two candidates were separated in the primary last month by just 16 votes.
Every time they put the ballots through the machines, which were Sequoia machines, they counted differently.
But not only that, they lost 3,500 ballots.
So, what happens, the people sign off on certifying the election, and because they couldn't figure out what the numbers are, the canvassing board signed off on blank pieces of paper.
I mean, these people need to go to jail.
You know, I mean, we would not get away with it.
Imagine sending in a form to the IRS and just leaving it blank and signing it.
And saying, well, I didn't know the numbers, so,
I find it, you know, it's ridiculous what we put up with.
But, yeah, pretty much everywhere you look you find these, you find either one of two things.
You find things that you certainly can't explain, and they're completely not acceptable, or you can't even find the information because it's hidden.
So, the question you asked is, what can we do about it?
Well, um, we have a system that we're going to be putting out
This election, we put the first video out this weekend, this last weekend.
It's called Protect the Count.
And it is the first effort to really get citizens in the field on election night looking for things.
Because one of the things that kind of gets my goat is people call me up and they say, you need to research this!
And you need to investigate that!
And I'm thinking, you know what, America?
If you don't get out there,
And do the same kinds of things that I'm doing.
I'll help you.
I'll mentor you.
But don't think I'm going to do this for you, because I'm not.
We're not going to get our country back unless we go take it back, all of us.
Here's an example.
You had to put out thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests yourself for
The 2004 election, you did it in one night, stayed up until five in the morning, entering those yourself, it's covered in the film, and then you would get back
A, you know, four or five days signed after the election what was clearly, as an auditor, a fake computer tape receipt.
And then you go from California all the way to Florida and other parts of the country.
You walk in, you say, hey, this is a fake computer printout and it's got signatures after the fact.
That violates federal and state law.
And they say, well, it's no big deal.
Then you go, I want to go over there.
to the warehouse where it's held and you catch them with the trash running out suspiciously, weeks later, right when you pull up to throw it away, you grab it away, they say no, the bag rips open and it's all the real tapes.
I mean, this is like a cartoon whodunit.
And they didn't match.
I mean, how incriminating is that?
We're different, not only in terms of date, but they had different boats on them.
That's what I was about to say, is that not only are they giving you a fake tape, you go and catch them and basically tackle them like in a movie, and there are the real tapes showing it was an election fraud.
I mean, and then they look so guilty when you're back at the central area.
It's just incredible.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, and the thing is,
If we get out in the field and if we... What I'm telling people to do this election is, if you're already a credential observer or you're already a poll worker, take another 30 minutes, take a snapshot or a camera and get evidence of what that poll tape result was before it ever left the polling place.
That's going to be helpful.
Now, if you are not a credential observer and not a poll worker, these things are supposed to be put on the building for a few hours.
They're supposed to stay there for 24 hours, but they usually stay there for 6 or 8 hours.
So even after the polls close, get your video camera, spend 90 minutes.
Don't just sit in front of the TV and think, well, Dove Harris is going to get it.
Because I'm telling you right now, I'm not going to get it.
I can't be in all those places at once.
And we're not going to pull this over the tipping point.
With just Bev Harris.
We've got to have citizens out there and just tell yourself...
You know, instead of sitting in front of the TV, I'm going to spend 90 minutes out in the field, I'm going to grab my camera, and I'm going to get copies of what these things were before they were posted.
Hey Bev, I've had crazy listeners sue me twice saying I didn't sue this government person or I didn't do this investigation.
I don't just have them calling me up and emailing me saying I better do this and that.
I have them, and of course it gets thrown out, suing me because I'm not doing enough.
Oh yeah, I mean, I flip it right back, because I have people call me all the time telling me what I should do.
And I'm thinking, okay, I gave up my entire life savings in my last six years and work 100 hours a week.
What are you doing, guys?
I think that's one of the things we've suffered from in this country, is the citizens have an inferiority complex.
We can do this.
The most brilliant things that are being done are being done by fishermen, pottery teachers, real estate agents, construction workers.
It's not experts that are really making a difference right now.
Well, government is so corrupt that nine times out of ten, if you just go watch them anytime, I mean every time I walk in the Capitol, there's payoffs in front of me with cash.
I mean, the criminals have taken over, so they're operating like it's nothing.
And it helped to get video.
It's the videotape taken by an Austin citizen, Kathleen Wynn, in Ohio, in that tape, Hacking Democracy, that resulted in two women being sent to a year and a half in prison.
The videotape, that's all it was.
Without the video, no conviction.
So, the videotape, I cannot stress enough how important it is.
Tell folks what the women did.
Well, Kathleen Wynn, she went up there, and she was asking questions about this recount they did, and she asked how they chose the random poll of the 3% of the precinct, and they said, our random is our random.
We always select it.
Which, of course, is a violation of state law.
Well, they selected it, and they made sure that what they selected was specific areas that happened to match.
Um, as opposed to all the other areas.
And then, when those matched, they said, okay, no more recount.
Everything matched.
So they rigged the recount.
But she caught them on tape doing it.
And that is what, eventually, two years later, led to them being sentenced to a year and a half in prison.
Well, by the way, these county clerks and people, these are, most of them are hardcore operatives, and are in with the good old boy club, and the public's like, well, it's such a nice old lady.
I mean, ladies in general.
Oh, yeah!
Thank you!
That's right.
I hear that all the time, too.
People say, well, my election official is really nice and I trust her.
And I'm like, you are missing the boat.
It isn't about I trust her or I don't.
Can you see what she's doing?
If you can't see.
We need to take a page from what financial auditors say.
When financial auditors can't see the transactions, they don't say, but I think the person is nice.
You never read that in an audit.
What they say is, there's no basis for confidence in the results.
There's no, we disclaim any opinion on the accuracy.
In other words, if you can't see it, then the only proper response is to disclaim any opinion on the accuracy and to declare that there's no basis for confidence.
Bev Harris is our guest.
Bev, take Vicki Karp and others here in Austin, Texas.
She heard my show, I guess, four or five years ago, or longer, and we were covering election fraud, and she didn't really believe it, but she went and checked into it and found out that it was true, and now she's had a big effect, and there's so many other people out there taking action.
What are some other things people can do in this election?
Well, here's something.
Especially if you're a credentialed observer, and you can get credentials, and it doesn't have to be a major party.
It can be any of the parties that are on the ballot.
So Libertarian, Green, any of those.
Check and see.
Now, they seal up these ballot boxes and they seal the memory cards and the seals are supposed to have a number.
They never match.
They're broken.
They're missing.
There's only one reason for the seal to be broken and missing, folks.
Just picture it.
Don't worry about the memory card.
Yeah, they have a seal on the memory card and the bag that holds the memory card and it's missing.
Think of it like old-fashioned ballot boxes.
What does it mean if the ballot box comes in and the seal has been removed?
There's not that many explanations for it other than somebody got into it.
So, one of the things that people can do is actually just go check and see whether the seals are intact, and whether they match, and whether they're broken, and document it when they haven't been.
Because part of what we need to do now is gather this hard evidence in more locations so that we can throw this rotten system out.
And you're right.
You said one thing that was really important.
What I see that I'm optimistic about that's different in 2008 than it was in 2004.
In 2004, everybody was...nobody was listening to me.
I was talking to all these highfalutin characters with the campaigns and so forth and they weren't listening at all.
This year,
People get it.
There's something wrong with this system.
And the New York Times, you can't get more mainstream than that, interviewed a member of the Election Assistance Commission.
You can't get more government than that.
And the Election Assistance Commission admitted, we will be voting on machines that are defective.
And the New York Times even wrote, and it can't be fixed before the election.
But by the way, they're spinning it that they're defective.
No, they're doing what they're meant to do, carry out organized, secured, sequestered fraud.
And for folks that think that this just started 10 years ago or 8 years ago in 2000, before
After the election, you would hear, well wait a minute, this county really went for this person, or this state really went for that person, but Voter News Services, this secretive group of top media people, they would just announce who had won, and over and over again it was fraud, and then that was proven.
And so because the public was exposing that, that made them move in with these military industrial complex front companies, that's who they are, with young CIA guys with shaved heads guarding the facilities, and that's
You know, who it is.
I've talked to the Culliers and their daughter and others, and I've seen it myself.
And so they tried to move in with something they could control easier.
People think, well, it's just the touchscreen or the purely electronic that are built for somebody to hack in and change 5,000 machines in 60 seconds or whatever, as they're designed to do with no record.
But then it's the bubble, you know, type.
It's the Scantron.
Those are centrally tabulated.
This has been going on a long time.
And that's why you can have, on every issue, the people 80-90% against both parties.
You know, you can have 1,000 calls to every call for the bailout, but still they pass it, because the system and the politicians, and I've talked to high-level ones, they know.
And they know... Oh yeah, there's no consequences.
Oh yeah, they know.
The people are not in control.
I mean, we have to, unfortunately, get past our rosy and happy view of what we thought we were.
Because we aren't.
And then, we have to do what Americans are so good at, which is roll up our sleeves and tackle this monster, and make sure that we get control back.
And, you know what?
People have told me, well, I think if I don't get my candidate in this election, then it's all over.
It's like, no.
No, you don't give up!
It's not about what candidate gets in.
We have to take back control, or we will always be at the mercy of
No, it's about going the distance and you know I've had the idea for more than a decade to have paper ballots and the way you get that is you sign a petition
To basically bring it to a vote at the city council, at your level, and in there you have it funded to have this special election be done with paper ballots.
And so then it's funded, and then you watch it, and then everybody goes out and monitors for fraud, and it'll be there.
They don't want to give up control.
They're in there stealing as fast as they can, folks.
Corruption's endemic.
It's everywhere.
I mean, this country is run by criminals from the top to the bottom.
And they're only bringing more of their crooks in, and they told Congress last week, don't vote for this martial law be declared.
I had the congressman on.
I mean, this is really happening.
What do you think of the idea of having like a recall of a governor?
A county by county recall of the fraudulent machines?
Oh, I think that's marvelous.
And you know, Sarasota County, Florida, the citizens did get it on the ballot, and they won.
And they have optical scans there now, which now they don't work either.
But it was interesting because, oh my goodness, they were fought at every level, but they won.
We can do this thing, but we first have to get the rosy-colored glasses off and be able to have the courage to look.
And that's why I want people out in the field on election night.
And by the way, you will be told that you can't videotape, so what you do then is you videotape them telling you you can't videotape, and you say, why are you hiding the information?
And then you put it on YouTube and you show there, you know, anybody who tells you, you can't get evidence of your own election, needs to be exposed.
Well also, state and federal laws say that you can videotape, and the press is supposed to have access to that, but bottom line here, final segment of Bev Harris coming up, they know that we know.
And we have to stop them.
The government is illegitimate.
It is completely run by foreign banks.
Bev Harris, Fraud Investigator, is our guest.
She is the star of Hacking Democracy.
Stay with us.
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Final segment with Bev Harris.
We've had a lot of requests to re-air the interview with Governor Jesse Ventura last week.
So we're going to re-air that in the fourth hour today.
Look, a lot of people like cliches.
They say, Alex Jones is just negative.
Why don't you be positive?
Like I'm an eastern yogi, and if I imagine something, oh, I decide the voting machines are good and my vote counts.
It's, you know, no, that's delusion.
We're actually very positive.
By admitting how bad things are, that's the only chance we've got about developing solutions to turn it around.
And Bev, I guess you've gotten that over the years too, though.
You've been proven completely right.
Then why don't you just be positive?
Why don't you stop being an anti-American?
This is America.
Everything's fine.
Even though it's been proven to be a fraud and triplicate.
I keep my balance in this.
I have a sense of humor.
And I recommend other people do too.
And people tell me not to laugh about the ridiculous...
Stupidity, unbelievableness that we see, but I feel like, you know what, if you don't, if you can't laugh, and you can't have the courage to look, you can never solve the problem.
So it actually is just, you know, doctors in an emergency room sometimes laugh too, because otherwise they lose their sense of balance.
And by the way, one other thing, if folks cannot get out in the field, don't have a video camera.
You know, we don't do this often, but I will tell you that black box voting won't be around for another four years if we don't get financial support.
We do need to, you know, bring in the donations.
I'm confident we will.
I have faith in that.
But we do need to bring the donations in in order to pay for our travel and stuff.
You know, we are not getting grants and we're not on the government payroll.
I was about to say, for me to just make a film and fly four or five places with two or three people, I mean, this is, even staying in hotels that aren't that nice, it is bankrupting.
And go to blackboxvoting.org, buy the books, buy the videos, she's written books and put them out for free.
We have this tendency to give it out for free, and because it's free, people don't even appreciate it.
The point is, go there, donate.
Bev Harris, I want to have you back up again in the next three weeks before the election, and I want to have you and everybody you recommend on the day after the election and in the weeks following that as you're out in the field.
As always, blackboxvoting.org.
Thank you for coming on.
Thank you very much, Alex.
There she goes.
You bet.
Absolutely, folks, we need support.
We need you to support our sponsors.
We need you to support what we're doing because it's very expensive to do this radio show.
It's very expensive for her and what she does and absolutely, at the end of the day, I want to thank everybody that has supported Bev Harris.
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Like the aloes, body cleanse, detoxifier, or the super beta prostate, and many others.
But those are two I can vouch for.
So just telling you about that here.
And yes, we busted our butts to make fabled enemies here with Jason Burness.
That film exposes the fact that the government carried out the attacks.
And if you call that negative, that's fine.
You know, there's nothing I can do here other than tell you it's the facts, and we're not safe.
You can deny it all day, but they still carried out the attacks, and they're still in power, and they're going to carry out other crimes, like controlled financial implosions and other things, until we say no.
You know, we told you the bailout would result in a stock market plunging, and what's it been doing?
Six, seven days straight.
So please go to InfoWars.com and get the books and videos as well.
All right, Governor Jesse Ventura, coming up.
Stay with us.
Alright, that's it for PrisonPlanet.tv live.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
That's it for the PrisonPlanet.tv live feed for everybody out there watching.
The AC's been broken in the office, and I just can't handle it.
That's why I'm going off early, really, because I'm sweating in here.
The equipment in this little room, it's like a bread box, bread oven in here.
Plus, people want to hear the Ventura thing, so here it is.
God bless you all.
I just want to thank John Harmon for the great job he's doing.
This is it for the PrisonPlanet.tv stream.
Take care.
So does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I'm really honored to have him with us for the next 16 minutes.
He is former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, star of Hollywood alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others.
Two of my favorite movies, The Predator and, of course, The Running Man.
And he is going to be with us again for the next 16 minutes.
Uh, you know, I don't know, really.
I guess the economy right now, of which, you know, I'm paying... I think all of us are paying attention to it and trying, I guess, to figure out the dilemma is, does a bailout work or doesn't it work?
You know, you hear two sides to the story and it certainly puts you in a predicament of picking the lesser of two evils, which means you're still picking evil.
Well, let me throw in my two cents.
They are terrorizing the public with the President and others saying, do this or there'll be a depression.
Stuff like that from a Treasury Secretary and a President itself is firing a theater.
And then if you read the bailout plan, it gives them total immunity.
It allows them to basically be separate from the government with no oversight.
So really, I think the $700 billion itself is a distraction compared to the new powers it gives the Treasury.
Okay, well, you know, I'll trust you on that one.
You know, I've been involved in other things the last week or so.
If that's the case, then I fully do not support the bailout.
And I think it's ridiculous because this bailout, if it indeed happens, should come with so many rules and regulations that it's as sound as anything you can imagine because you can't be just taking money and handing people blank checks and telling them to fix it because
That leaves virtually no accountability.
It's kind of like how the war was run in Iraq.
We've certainly seen a lot of that.
We were lied about the war, we were lied to about so many other issues, and now the same crew.
I mean, take the conflict of interest.
We have Henry Paulson, who still has a big stake in Goldman Sachs, directing tens of billions of dollars a week into his own company.
I mean, how can he be doing that?
Well, you know, I guess the best answer to that, Alex, is that we've forgotten that the Constitution today is a thing of the past.
It's a document that doesn't exist anymore, which says there will be a separation of powers into three separate divisions.
And as I look at the country today, I see that that isn't happening at all.
You know, that we aren't a separation of power anymore.
There seems to be no checks and balances whatsoever, which is what the forefathers tried to put in when they created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, was that making it a system of checks and balances.
And the problem is we've allowed people... I mean, I kind of laughed the other day when I heard Ralph Nader refer to George Bush as King George.
And a socialist.
I don't think Ralph is that far off with being able to say King George.
Well, I agree.
He's also pointed out that George Bush is more socialist than any president we've ever had.
He's just giving it all to the elite.
Oh yeah, completely.
You know, this is a bailout of wealthy, and their argument is that these are the people that provide the jobs so that it will have a trickled-out effect to all of us, which
I have to assume there will be some correctness to it, but again, how do you bail out the top and trust what they're going to do?
You know, clearly, I find it very interesting that the very people that wanted to deregulate everything are the ones now leading the socialist bailout.
Governor Jesse Ventura will also talk about his book that's been on the New York Times bestseller list, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me.
He is our guest for the rest of the hour after this quick break.
Stay with us.
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Some U.S.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Governor Jesse Ventura is our guest for the rest of the hour.
There's so many issues to be discussed and to talk about.
Finishing up with the bailout, you know...
The internationalists that run the banking system created these trillions in derivatives.
They tied it to our bank accounts, our 401ks.
Now they're saying, come in and invest in this, or basically it's all going to implode.
And these are the same interests that have all been moving offshore.
And so just in closing, any other thoughts on what's currently happening with the bailout that they are set to vote on in the Senate today, Governor?
Well, you know, again, we have to watch.
My thing to tell all the American people is be vigilant, man.
If you're not holding people's feet to the fire, you're going to get bad government, and that's the problem in this country as a whole.
Is that we sit back, we live in our own little worlds, and we don't pay attention to what's going on with the nation.
And then by the time it catches us, we're basically caught with our pants down because we haven't paid attention at all.
You know, maybe the good thing that will come out of this whole bailout issue is that it will finally get the American people to rise up, take their heads out of the sand, and start paying attention, Alex.
Yeah, I don't want to go back to ancient history, but I sure wish you were running for Senate.
I don't blame you for not doing that, because you've got some other, you know, ways of getting the word out to the people staying in the fight, and we appreciate you not going back to Mexico to surf.
We know that's probably quite beguiling, but let's get into the fact that you are doing a pilot, and I know you're doing some other stuff, but I don't know how far you can go, Governor.
Well, I'm doing, actually, I've got possibly two, three pilots in the hopper, but I always like to tell people that I don't discuss them in great detail until the first check clears the bank.
That's because these are TV shows, you know, and I'll be straight up front.
I do get paid when I do pilots, like anyone else.
You're not a communist!
You know, you gotta earn a living.
But the pilot that we're doing now with the True TV Network, which is the formerly Cork TV, is going to deal with conspiracies.
Because conspiracies of fascinated beef are going on 20 to 25 years or better now, you know, starting off with the murder of John F. Kennedy and watching it evolve into everything else and now into the 9-11 conspiracies.
So I think it's very intriguing stuff, and even for people that don't believe, or don't want to, or whatever it may be, it's still very compelling and interesting, and to me it's truly better than anything like Tom Clancy could write, or anything like that, because
In many ways, real life has more intrigue and mystery than what anyone could make up in their own minds and write it down as a fiction writer.
You know, Alex, I have my own imagination, so I don't really need to see somebody else's imagination or read about it, but I do like, I love history, and it disturbs me greatly when
History is not recorded correctly or history is misled because then generations from now people will never get a clear picture over what went on and so, you know, delving into conspiracies I think is just great intrigue and great dramatic television and not only will it hopefully inform you, hopefully will entertain you at the same time.
Well, I know that the networks are very interested in this because I've been approached many times with similar ideas by the networks, delving into the secret meetings, infiltrating them, basically exposing what's going on underneath the rocks of government and corporations.
And I can't think of a better person than the
Former underwater demolition and Navy SEAL individual and a former governor out there, you know, running around covering all of this now.
Wait, Alex, let's not cheat me either.
Now that Sarah Palin's out there, I'm also a former mayor.
And former radio talk show host and movie star and professional wrestler.
Well, you know, that's going to be the intrigue of the show, as I said in the press release
You know, I've been a mayor, I've been a governor, now I'm gonna get a chance to be a detective and to be able to go seek out the truth and hopefully go question people and get some answers.
I guess, you know, if I could... What's gonna happen in this show somewhat, I guess, for lack of any other better way to put it, I'm going to become somewhat of a Michael Moore of television, I guess, for this pilot.
But going after water issues... I'm going to go ask questions, people.
And I think my credibility precedes me to where they can't take me lightly.
I'm going to go simply ask questions.
Alex, when I was going through underwater demolition training, when we got to second phase, which was land warfare and demolition, when I went through, I had an instructor back then during the demolition phase at San Clemente Island.
And this instructor was a Chief Warrant Officer and he impressed me very strongly with no reservations whatsoever that there is no such thing as a dumb question.
Especially when you work with demolition.
Because not only can you kill yourself, you can kill your teammates along with you.
And so, I've gone through life with that premise in mind, but there is no dumb question.
A question certainly isn't dumb to someone if they don't understand it.
It's not dumb to them.
Well, that's the way that I've gone through life.
And that's what the essence of this TV show is going to be.
Simply that there is no dumb question, and every question deserves an honest answer to it.
So, I'm going to be out and about asking some, you know, solid questions that I certainly don't consider dumb, and I don't think most people in America would either.
And we'll see what kind of answers we can get from people.
Well, that's what I was going to say, is that
That's what, quote, conspiracy theory is, is the mainstream media and the dominant corporate culture.
Anytime you say, hey, I think this bailout might not be a good idea.
They've been calling that a conspiracy theory.
Or, you know, I think that we need to question government more or have more checks and balances.
Or there might be some corruption in government.
They call it a conspiracy theory.
So basically...
Anybody questioning the official paradigm is called a conspiracy theorist.
And we've seen the same thing, you know, going back to Galileo when he said that the Earth was orbiting the Sun, not the Sun orbiting the Earth.
You know, they called him a heretic.
And is that what's so suspicious about 9-11?
Is that you just ask questions and they stonewall and act so suspicious, Governor?
Well, and to me, that's the question we're going to try to pursue.
Why, if what they've told us is true, then, you know, there's that old quote, the truth will set you free.
Well, why would you have any fear of telling the truth?
Alex, I'd love to tell this story, if I may.
When I was running for governor, and at the time it was very much in the early part where there were six or seven candidates and they were holding debates throughout the state of Minnesota,
We're much different than Texas, where in Texas you get one debate.
Up in Minnesota generally you might get 12 to 13 of them.
And when we were at this one particular debate early on, we were seated alphabetical, so naturally I'm over on the far side.
And I'll never forget, all the seven or eight other participants in the debate came in with stacks of papers and spin papers and all this stuff, and I sat down with nothing.
And I remember there was a black woman, a civilian sitting to my left, and she quietly handed over to me a legal patent pen.
And I looked at her and I handed it back and I said, no thanks.
And she said to me, well, don't you think you'll need that?
And I whispered back to her, I said, when you tell the truth, you don't have to have a good memory.
And she looked at me and smiled and nodded.
She fully understood what I just said to her.
So in these debates, I didn't need all that stuff because in essence, every question I was going to be asked, I would simply tell the truth.
And if you do that, you don't need a good memory.
And so, that's what we're taking forward here, and people who will stonewall 9-11 will lie.
If what you're saying is true, then simply tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.
uh... retracted their previous five reasons building seven fell at forty seven story structure for those who don't know that was hit by nothing uh... that day and uh... they've retracted that it was bad building construction they have uh... retracted that a fuel tank blew up and edit they have retracted that the north tower fell and gouged out twenty five percent of the south face of building seven and now they're saying a new phenomenon this is like seeing a leprechaun in your backyard is a new phenomenon
Well, the last report I saw, and correct me if I'm wrong,
The last report I saw from them on Building 7 stated that they said that the fuel in the building, the diesel, was not responsible.
They said the fire that destroyed the building was basically furniture and papers burning.
And then they say, it's never happened before.
That was their final line on the report that I saw.
And Alex, I looked at it and started laughing.
I thought, wait, how could they possibly?
They're telling me that papers and furniture could cause a steel-structured, girdered building to uniformly collapse in seven seconds?
Alex, if that's the case, then what is being done?
Because clearly, in that era of time, when that building was built, there were probably hundreds of others built throughout our country and the world.
Shouldn't there be steps taken to ensure public safety if merely a fire with furnishings and paper can cause the total collapse of a 49-story skyscraper?
What is being done about that?
Federal agencies then put out new guidelines the last month telling them to build buildings differently and major engineering firms and groups are now suing the federal government saying this isn't true, this isn't reality, and they're saying if this is the case then a BIC lighter would be able to burn down a building and we don't need controlled demolition companies anymore.
Well, and that's the truth.
I said that from day one when I read this.
I said, well, the way that
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He makes that statement, explain this to me like I'm a six-year-old.
Well, that's the aspect I'm taking forward on this.
Explain it to me like I'm a six-year-old.
So that we will all be able to hopefully clearly understand what these people are talking about, because I think for the most part, most of us feel that if it were explained to a six-year-old, we would be able to grasp it.
Well, I want to get more into 9-11.
Let's talk about, you told me that it was great meeting Karen Johnson out in
Phoenix, when you were there visiting, when you went to the 9-11 Truth event and spoke there, and then I love the video of the media trying to attack you, and you throw it right back at them and say, you explain it to me, because the official story doesn't answer any of the real questions, and even the 9-11 Commission says they weren't allowed to even do their job.
So, recap what your experience was like really getting in with both feet in the 9-11 Truth out in Arizona.
Well, I'll tell you, there's some dedicated people is the first thing I want to say.
You know, Senator Karen Johnson?
To me, she shows tremendous courage because she's a current elected official who is making no bones about the fact that she feels that the 9-11 investigation was completely botched and that there certainly should be a second investigation done, even though at this point in time it would be exceptionally difficult because, as I stated earlier, there's no evidence.
It's all been destroyed.
So nobody can go there and get anything scientific.
You know, it isn't made available to anybody, but the people out there are super dedicated people and they're coming from all walks of life, which is the thing that I'm really noticing and that really makes me feel good.
Not only do you have a strong group of young people whom you would expect, you know, I grew up in the 60s, so
You know, I know what it's like for young people to bolt from the status quo.
I grew up in the generation that we used to say, don't trust anyone over 30.
You know, I remember that famous quote.
So you've naturally got young people that are heavily involved.
But then there are also professional people out there who are involved.
People who you wouldn't expect to be involved, who have taken time and studied it a little bit.
And I think that's really the thing that needs to happen in this country.
We've got to break away.
I had a guy the other day just look at me and smile and he's at the golf club and he said, I don't believe any of that conspiracy stuff.
And I looked at him and I said, well, what knowledge do you actually have?
What have you done to study it at all?
Are you simply going on what the television has told you and what the government has told you and you just blindly accept that today?
And this guy was a Vietnam veteran, Alex.
I would expect him to be a little bit more cynical.
You know, in light of the fact they've now revealed the Gulf of Conklin incident never happened.
And, you know, the fraudulent whole Vietnam War.
Well, the NSA... We wouldn't allow elections in Vietnam because they knew Ho Chi Minh would win them.
You know, and things of that nature.
And so, you know, and it just, it irks me that the public is so, uh, they don't want to, maybe it's because they don't want to believe anything else, but that isn't the attitude to have, and that's not going to do us any good, because, you know, you can stick your hole in the head, but it doesn't mean things are going to go away and they're going to be right.
The only way that happens is by people being involved.
Paying attention and doing a little detective work on their own and understanding that you cannot trust the mainstream media today and you cannot trust our government today.
Absolutely, and it's the denial that there could be corruption or there could be a problem that has allowed the corruption to take over.
History shows you're always going to have corrupt groups and criminal organizations and elites trying to take over and set up empires and abuse the average person's rights and liberty and property.
And so to deny
Okay Alex, let me throw this out for a minute.
The other thing I find so mind-boggling in this whole affair of 9-11
Is the fact that we will so quickly believe that 19 Islamic radicals with box cutters could do what happened that day, but we totally throw out that us on the Christian side could never do something like that.
Oh, that's a great point.
In fact, let's keep talking about 9-11.
I want to get into your book.
And I want to talk about what's coming up in Austin with yourself and Willie Nelson and I, and a lot more, and maybe take a few calls at 1-800-259-9231.
We'll be right back in three minutes.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Today, unlike any other in the long course of American history, a terrorist act of war against this country.
The enemy struck America on September 11th.
But who is the enemy?
Bin Laden.
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We have to look to the Middle East.
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Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
Some U.S.
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I'm aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to get back into 9-11 in just a moment with Jesse Ventura.
And yes, I'm going to take a few calls for the governor.
I'll come up in about 15 minutes.
Kind of a grab bag to see what type of questions you have for the good governor.
Talk about his book too before he leaves us and he is coming to Austin.
I really look forward to that It doesn't get any cooler than getting to hang out with Jesse Ventura I'm really excited about it and Willie Nelson at the same time and a bunch of others that I'm not at Liberty
to uh... talk about they're gonna be at this event it just blows me away that this is actually happening but but so Jesse doesn't think I'm kidding him I've got his email I guess I could send it to him here is the trailer from the TV show they worked on is similarly but I think his is gonna make it through I hope it does it's about a minute and a half long called American Conspiracy here it is
You're either evil or you're good.
These are the stories you hear in Whispered Conversations.
We're both in skull and bone with the secret society.
It's so sick that we can't talk about it.
One would think it wouldn't take very long for that to happen, dealing with people like this.
These are the stories that offer different explanations.
These mothers have been every monster you can imagine, and I do this because I believe in this country!
They are the stories that must be told.
Suspicion of our politicians is not new.
But the number of citizens who distrust the government today has reached an alarming new height.
In New York City, nearly two-thirds of the population believes there is more to 9-11 than has been told.
I believe the title was Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States.
But where can viewers turn?
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Our nation's preeminent conspiracy expert, radio host Alex Jones, takes us beyond the stock stories of the mainstream media.
He asks the questions others won't consider.
Have you been there for the ceremony with the cremation affairs?
Uh, frankly, I don't think that's something he's talking about.
You're beginning to sink deeper in the rabbit hole.
Same again, though.
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You need to answer real questions instead of lies.
It is the X-Files, unscripted, all the more frightening, because it is real.
Alright, it goes on from there, but Governor Ventura, what do you think of that?
You got me hooked.
I'm ready to watch.
Yeah, you know, there's certain aspects to the JFK murder that can still be looked at even today.
There's certain things that could be done which could shed a great deal of light as to what went on, you know, 40 some odd years ago.
You know, I have the tape of E. Howard Hunt saying he ran the operation.
I have a video.
Yeah, but there are conspiracies of, you know, there's a lot of interesting things that deal around Scientology and that religion.
Hey, how about you crash the Scientology Church or crash Skull and Bones?
Oh my God.
In order to crash Skull and Bones, I might need a whole field platoon.
Hey, Jesse, listen, on air, I'm going to say it.
I want to be a sidekick.
Alex, what?
Wait a minute, I want to ask you something.
Skull and Bones, now that's like the secret society at Yale University?
Yeah, it's a homoerotic, uh, Germanic death cult where they, well, Robert De Niro got it right in his, uh, big film, uh, The Good Shepherd, and they do satanic rituals.
I've actually snuck into one of their meetings that they had separately in California.
The skull and bones, that's what they do?
Well, isn't George Bush part of that?
Yes, it's very Christian.
That's what I'm trying to figure out, how can that be Christian?
Well, let me tell you, Bohemian Grove that I snuck into, I'm sure you've heard of that in Northern California, the mainly right-wing Christian leaders go there and they bust in male prostitutes.
I mean, I'm not... I know you're not attacking them either for their sexual preference, but why are they so hypocritical, Governor?
Well, I don't know nothing about that, but it's hypocritical if it's true.
I mean, Alex, sometimes you go to places that even I don't know exist.
Remember Jeff Gannon, the bald-headed gay madam who was in the White House press conferences?
And who was signed in over a hundred times past midnight at the White House?
No, I don't know a thing about any of that.
Alex, you know what?
You better let me just stick to what I know about and focus on that.
If you get me off track with all this other stuff, I won't know whether I'm coming or going.
Well, we will.
Like I said, we're going to do this first pilot and then we go, let's get this one on the air.
And once this one's on the air, hopefully we will be brought into series.
And at that point, we'll be looking for a lot more stuff to educate and entertain the people on.
Well, I publicly groveled to Lord Ventura.
As I said, Alex, we've got to do it one step at a time.
Right now, my focus is to do this pilot and make it as good, entertaining, to give people knowledge and to make people question some things.
Give them enough facts to the ability to raise some questions and ask them and not be afraid to do it.
We're supposed to be in a free country.
Let's always remember that.
We're supposed to have the First Amendment here, where we can talk and again, and I know this has been said many times, but people need to always remember, the First Amendment is to protect unpopular speech.
Not popular.
Because popular speech doesn't need protection.
Unpopular does.
Mark Twain said in the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot, and you really are a great patriot, one of the biggest names to go public for 9-11, and it is becoming more and more mainstream thanks to you and so many others.
What is it like to see the phenomenon of government-sponsored terror becoming more and more accepted, sir?
Well, you know, we've got to wait and see.
Let's see the chips fall and let's see the education take place.
Hopefully that's what the show will help to do.
As I said, I've got my fingers crossed that the courage will be there and that it will get on the air.
The True Network, I think, has seen, somebody told me, 90 million homes today or 100 million homes.
It's 91 million.
You know, that starts the ball rolling.
It's one of the biggest cable system shows and networks out there, and I tell you, they're lucky to have you.
I'm just so excited about it.
I mean, Jesse Ventura, conspiracy investigations, it doesn't get any better than that.
Getting back into 9-11, there are so many facets to it, but some of the areas that they can't ignore is the White House lying and saying, we never heard of plans to fly planes into buildings.
What gets me the most, Alex, is when I watch Condoleezza Rice testify in state.
We had no idea they would take planes and use them as missiles into buildings.
And then you find out that, yes, they did.
They even had, as you said, practiced things that that had happened within the government.
How could they sit back and look at us and say they were so naive that they didn't have any idea that this type of situation could happen?
And what would they do?
It insults my intelligence, Alex.
I'll tell you what insults my intelligence.
I'm in Austin, Texas.
The main network's in Burnsville, Minnesota.
And we have problems about three times a year.
And it's when we have somebody big like Jesse Ventura.
In fact, the last time it happened was when he was on.
And you probably can't hear it, Governor, but somebody's cutting in the line.
John, I want to switch to the other ISDN right now.
I don't know if you're hearing that crackling, but...
Okay, it's switched.
Yeah, Governor, a lot of weird stuff going on here on our end, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence that somebody cuts our digital lines only when you're on the show.
Well, maybe it's coming from my end, too, because, you know, I wrote about that in my book.
You know, the house that I lived in at the time I was Governor, it turned out that there's pretty big, strong evidence that my lines were capped there.
After all, Alex, let's remember, our Democrats gave the President the ability to do that again.
And I'm going to meet her, and when I meet with her, she goes, guess what I just caught?
She goes in her room, she's already been checked in, she goes in and eats, she goes in, the door's cracked, there's a guy in a suit over her phone, putting a device in it, he screws the top on and runs out of the room past her, I mean, and then of course, you talked about what happened at your house, tell folks about that again.
Well, you know, we have a system set up where, as the governor in your private home, they give you this red phone that, even if it's knocked off the hook, it will ring automatically the local police, you know, who will come running, which is a good idea.
You know, you don't even have to speak into it.
If the phone is knocked off the hook, that sends a message right to the local police and they're coming.
Yeah, but when they installed that, we always had weird clicking on my regular phones, and it was so bad it became laughable, where my in-laws would automatically state, well, I guess if you're out there, we're talking again.
You know, that type of thing.
And then when I ended being governor, we found a little transformer-type thing out on my deck one day that a friend of mine said, who used to do that for the phone company when ordered to,
Said that that had something to do with, uh, you know, a listening type device.
And then, uh, uh, the guys who came out to then rewire my phones back up after the red phone was taken out and all this other stuff, they came up just baffled.
They said, we've never seen phone wiring like this in all the years we've worked on them.
So that's all I can go on, Alex, is that it was a very strange situation to say the least by four years in office.
Well, you know, you've told this story, but you never got into much detail here.
Can you briefly get back into one of your first days at work?
You go to the Capitol, and there's 23 CIA people in your office, but they won't tell you who they are.
They won't tell... Well, no, that's... No, they weren't in my office.
They were in the Capitol basement.
Yeah, and let's put it in the right thing.
They requested, quote, requested that I come down and interview with them.
You know, I don't want to say they ordered me to because there was no one that said I had to, but I, being former military and, you know, new to the job, I felt that I guess this is my obligation if the CIA wants to talk to me and I'm the governor of the state of Minnesota, I certainly should talk to them.
So, when it arrived, I went down into the bowels of the Capitol, into this closed room, and I sat in a chair, and they were in a big half-moon circle around me.
Let me also say, they were very professional.
They were very courteous.
They always addressed me as my title, Governor.
All the formalities were there.
I guess the scariest thing about it, Alex, was this.
As I looked around the room at these 23 people, I saw my neighbors.
And what I mean by that is, you would never guess, in your wildest dreams, that these were CIA operatives, which is their job.
So, obviously, they recruit and they do it very well, because some of the people I looked at would look like the old retired guy down the street that would sweep a step.
And then, of course, I was a little belligerent, being who I am, and I said, before I answer any of your questions, I have a few for you.
One of them was, I asked why they were operational within the United States when their orders are that they're not to be operational.
There's a federal law, it's a felony.
And, well, clearly that law is enforced because they're entrenched in Minnesota government.
As I talk about in my book.
And what did they say to you?
They wouldn't really.
They avoided the question pretty much.
I said, your mission statement says you're not to be operational in the U.S.
What are you doing here?
And then I said, I want to go around the room and I'd like for you to tell me your name and what you do.
Well, I got about half and half on both.
Half would tell me their names.
I don't know if they were their real names or not.
No way of verifying that.
And half would say at all what they did.
If they did tell me what they did, how would you know that was the truth?
So how did it end?
It was much like when I went through SEER school, survival, escape, resistance, and evasion when I was a frogman.
Well, when they interrogate you there, my actual rate was storekeeper, which is supply.
So I would tell them I'm a storekeeper, I work in supply, I hand out blankets and requisition parts.
Although I was actually a Navy SEAL, never worked in supply at all.
But in those days you had to go up in rank with a regular Navy rake.
And so I was a storekeeper.
And maybe that's the way it is for these people, too.
That they don't, you know, they can make up and not actually do what they tell you.
But didn't you say the meeting basically ended there because they wouldn't answer the questions?
Oh, no, no.
Not at all.
It didn't end there.
I took their questions and amazingly all their questions dealt around how I got elected.
They wanted to understand how you came out of left field.
And that's their job.
It's like when I went home that day and I called my friend Dick Marcinko.
You know, the creator of SEAL Team 6 and a 30-year Navy SEAL, and Dick dealt with the CIA a whole lot more than I ever did.
And, you know, I was only in active duty four years.
Dick was in there 30-something.
And so I called Dick to ask him about it.
He started laughing, and he said, well, I don't know exactly, but I can throw a guess out.
And I said, well, your guess is going to be better than mine.
Fire it.
He said, they didn't see you coming.
And he said, their job is to report trends.
They want to find out,
It's going to be six more of these independent governors that might win.
What's going on in the country?
Because that's what their job is to do.
Gather intelligence, present it to the government, so that the government can then make a determination and an educated movement on how they want to react to it.
Well, it's hard to believe... Governor, it's hard to believe that...
We are already right up to the final segment, and I know you've got to go.
Maybe I can push your arm for five more minutes in the next hour, so we have time to take four or five calls on the other side.
Plus, I want to get into the awesome events coming up and plug the book.
We'll be back in three minutes with Governor Jesse Ventura.
I'm Alex Jones.
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They wailed against the crowd.
Another red tag band.
Declaring independence.
They've laid their bodies down in a bloody war.
For liberty, for their descendants.
Let me tell you, the best part about my job is that I get to see people really wake up.
To government-sponsored terror, to corruption, to so much, and to see people all over the planet waking up and to know that we are on the real cutting edge.
And that I get to associate with people like Willie Nelson and Jesse Ventura and the former German defense minister, Andres Varmilo, and the Italian president.
Former Italian president's gone public saying it's an inside job.
People like Bill Christensen, CIA Section Chief in Berlin, who says it's an inside job.
Bob Baer, who says it's an inside job on this show.
The guy that made Siriana about CIA Black Op Commander.
You know, we are going against the flow, but we're starting to turn people around and wake them up.
Governor Ventura, your book has been on and off the New York Times bestseller list.
If anybody hasn't gotten it, they need to get it in bookstores everywhere.
Don't start the revolution without me.
That said, I am looking forward to hanging out with you for a day and a half.
Uh, here in Austin.
For those that don't know, I'll go ahead and announce the details.
The 26th of October, the backyard, the last time, because we're moving to an even bigger facility.
This one holds 18.
It's outdoors.
Uh, I mean, this one holds 8,000.
And we're going to be having it streaming live for free on the internet at InfoWars.com.
It's Willie Nelson's idea.
The thing is so popular that even when Willie said, come to the event, it was almost sold out then.
So it's sold out.
You might go to Scalpers to get in, but regardless, it'll be free on the web.
Austin City Limits is going to be there putting it out all over the country.
They're going to be taping it for that.
A bunch of other media is going to be there, and so you'll definitely want to watch that for some surprises.
Governor Ventura, do you like Austin, Texas?
You've been down here quite a few times, I think.
I enjoy Austin, Texas very much.
In fact, I would tell you this and I hope I don't offend the rest of the Texans, but if I were to ever move to Texas, Austin would probably be the prime place where I would look because I love the blues and I love Stevie Ray Vaughan.
And the whole Austin area down there is a magnificent area.
It's fun to come and visit.
I'm looking forward to coming the 26th.
Well, if you like Double Trouble and the fabulous Thunderbirds, Jimmy Vaughn is going to be playing at the event.
And he is a listener of the show.
He's been a guest here.
He lives in Austin.
Have you ever met Jimmy Vaughn?
He's a fabulous guy.
Yeah, Jimmy was up at the Ron Paul thing here.
That's right, he told me about that, absolutely.
Jimmy and I talked at the Ron Paul convention, the counter convention up here in the Twin Cities at the Target Center.
Well, it's a small world and I'm just honored to be associated with people like you and Mr. Vaughn and others.
God, it's exciting to be on the side of good.
You know, I feel sorry for those that are involved in corruption and bad because I guess they don't have a conscience or they just don't care because I love being part of the good guys.
What about you, Governor?
Well, I don't know necessarily.
You've got to remember something.
I was a villain for all those years in wrestling, so I like to cause trouble, too.
Well, I played a villain.
Everyone hated me.
Alex, they paid their hard-earned dollars to get my butt kicked.
Well, you know, when you put it that way, Alex, then you're not always on the side of the right justice, because I was a villain.
Hogan was supposed to be the all-American boy, not me.
I know, but everybody liked it.
I mean, they're saying you're probably the best villain ever, Jesse, but you know, you're not really a villain, so we know that was just having some fun.
People understand that, but that's, you know, in the world of pro-wrestling, you're...
All right, folks.
Alex will be back live tomorrow, Friday.
Stay tuned to Alex Jones on the Infowars.com streams.
Restreams in just one minute and ten seconds.
Stay right there.