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Filename: 20080929_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 29, 2008
3601 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Look, before I forget, I just want to throw this out.
Governor Ventura, with a lot of powerful info, I'm just going to leave it at that, will be joining us on Wednesday, but that's not even the mega-guest.
We have a virgin guest for this transmission on their maiden voyage with us, joining us Wednesday as well.
Today, on short notice, it looks like Representative Michael Burgress, Republican out of the Fort Worth area, Louisville, Fort Worth, he went on C-SPAN
over the weekend and said that basically martial law had been quietly declared uh... in the congress now we're getting this from other congressmen and women as well another congressperson a congresswoman uh... representative captor uh... said that normal legislative process has been shut down high financial crimes have been committed republican michael berger says martial law has been announced so that's two separate congresspeople a man and a woman
And we will try to get both of them on for you today.
Trey's in there working on it, doing a great job.
Mainstream news is almost making this show passe now.
I mean, everything we've ever talked about is now unfolding, is now coming through.
And I talked to people on the streets.
I picked up some Chinese food to take it home last night.
Well, to be technical, to take it over to my grandmother's.
We ate over there last night.
And I was asking people, just randomly, when I walked in and out front smoking cigarettes, and the valet, they had valets there, but I wasn't valeting, I parked up front, but I asked them, I said, you know, are you aware of what's going on?
Are you aware of any financial problems?
And they said, nope, nothing about it.
I just know the cowboy's lost.
And I went and talked to somebody else inside, and they said, oh look, the cowboy's just lost.
I don't know anything about the financial situation.
But even the mainstream media is admitting, oh yeah, martial law, yeah, the regular army's coming to the U.S., but it's kind of with a whimper, not a bang.
I am living in the twilight zone, ladies and gentlemen.
I am living in the twilight zone.
Had a nice talk with Governor Ventura at his home in Minnesota this morning.
And let's just say he had some interesting things to tell me that will, uh,
Not be mentioned as of yet, but you'll be hearing some big announcements from Ventura soon.
But, uh... I just need to keep my mouth shut.
But frankly, as interesting as that is what I was told is, I can't even, uh... I can't even focus on fun things like October 26th, I'm gonna be in an event with Jesse Ventura, Willie Nelson, Jimmy Vaughn, I learned from Willie Nelson is gonna be there.
Even though Jimmy was over at my children's birthday party last week.
There's just so much going on.
I can't keep track of it anymore.
It's all complete insane asylum.
And life itself is like a Twilight Zone episode.
I am living in a Twilight Zone episode.
There is no doubting that.
And I'm not the only one living in it.
We're all living in the Twilight Zone episode together.
So I'm going to cover all the financial news.
When we get back, we're lining up the congressman to get him on about how martial law has been declared and how congressmen are thrown out of meetings who disagreed.
This is PDD 51.
The Pentagon didn't put up cameras nationwide, which, after a decade of me telling you they were Pentagon-paid for, we had the purchase orders.
It's now mainstream news that it's a military NORTHCOM surveillance grid of us, the enemy.
We are a declared enemy of the military.
And they're just now getting around to telling the grunts that.
The good news is the grunts are saying they're not going to go along with it.
So I will compose myself somewhat here.
And then we will come back after the break and get into Congressman Marcy Kaptur.
Boldly slamming the bailout this past week is the work of criminal insiders.
And the other congressman, Barger, is talking about how it's martial law.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I want to go ahead and play a clip of what he had to say on C-SPAN.
Over the weekend, dealing with debate on the type of intimidation tactics, congressmen and women being thrown out of meetings.
Similar things are being said by the Honorable Congresswoman as well.
Representative... Margaris, let's go ahead and play this clip.
Here it is.
Gentlemen, time has expired.
The gentleman from Texas.
Mr. Speaker, I ask permission to address the House for one minute, revise and extend my remarks.
Without objection.
Mr. Speaker, I also come to the floor today to talk about this $700 billion bill that's in front of us.
I use the term bill advisedly because we have seen no bill.
We are here debating talking points on perhaps what is one of the most largest, the largest fundamental change in our nation's financial system in its history.
House Republicans have been cut out of the process.
Not only have we been cut out of the process, we've also been derided by the leadership of the Democratic Party and called unpatriotic for not participating.
Mr. Speaker, I have been thrown out of more meetings in this Capitol in the last 24 hours than I ever thought possible as a duly elected representative of 820,000 citizens of North Texas.
Mr. Speaker, politics is a full contact sport and I understand that, but it is a full contact sport in the light of day, in the public arena.
Since we didn't have hearings, since we didn't have markups, let's at least put this legislation up on the internet for 24 hours.
That's what Thomas was made for.
Let's do that and let the American people see what we have done in the dark of night.
After all, I have not gotten any more mail, any more emails on any other subject than this one that is before us today.
Mr. Speaker, I understand we're under martial law as declared by the Speaker last night.
I think it's ironic.
House Republicans have not been needed for a single thing in this House to assure passage for the last 22 months.
And today, we're going to be asked to vote for a bill for political cover because Democrats are too weak to stand up to their Speaker.
I yield back.
Gentlemen's time has expired.
The gentleman from New Jersey.
Okay, that's Representative Michael, um, Burgess, and I really appreciate him coming on on such short notice.
Instead of you having just two minutes, sir, I'd like to give you more time to flesh out specifically what you're talking about.
I mean, we know they're not letting us see the bill.
That's a big issue, but this talk of martial law, we've seen Army Times report that regular army brigades are being called back to the United States for martial law.
I don't know if you're aware of that, but can you specifically tell us more details of what you speak?
Well, first off, what a stirring speech.
I'll vote for that guy.
Martial law is a term that's used up here.
It applies to a specific situation.
And under that procedure, long-standing House rules that require at least one day between the unveiling of significant legislation and the House floor vote on that legislation,
Members can learn what they're going to vote on.
Those rules are swept away.
Instead, under martial law, the leadership can file legislation with either 10 pages or 100 pages of fine print and move immediately to debate and votes on it before members of Congress, the media, and the public have an opportunity to understand fully what provisions have been altered or inserted into the legislation behind closed doors.
It's a procedure that the leadership intends to use to muscle through important bills when time is short, which is kind of where we found ourselves Saturday night when the email went out that the House was going to function under martial law so that rules could go in at any time, any hour of the day or night, and within an hour's time we could have a bill on the floor and be forced to vote on it.
Fortunately, that didn't happen.
We did get the bill at 6 o'clock last night.
We're going to have it for 18 hours before we vote on it.
So I guess that's an improvement.
Honestly, for something this big, for something this important, it should be available for public scrutiny for at least, wouldn't you say, 24 hours before we take a vote.
And I've got to tell you, I didn't exaggerate when I said this is the major amount of phone calls I've gotten since I've been in office.
That is true.
We're in the thousands, with maybe five in favor and all the rest opposed.
It is extremely toxic in my neighborhood.
Well, Congressman, that was the next point I was going to make.
If this is a representative republic, a representative democracy, as they say, and the polls now, it was 28% for, then it was 9% for.
New polls out this morning are showing about 6% for.
You're saying you took thousands of calls, five of them were for it, so that looks like hundreds to one.
Plus, it's totally unconstitutional.
It's socialism.
And instead we have the party leadership of both parties, Democrat and Republican, basically circling the wagons, engaging in a type of financial terrorism for the last 10 days, saying, if you don't pass this, we're going to have a depression, and it's no surprise the markets are in free fall right now, and then they're going to blame that on people that call for deliberation, when it's their fear-mongering that are no doubt driving down the market.
I think... I'm not going to disagree with that statement, and the other thing is, the Senate's not going to vote on this until later in the week.
So, uh, what in the world are we doing having to rush it through today?
I realize there's some sensitivities to holidays, and I realize the end of the month is coming up, and I realize there's an election coming up.
But, man, this is important.
It's important to get it right.
We came a long way.
I've got, you know, hats off to the people on my side who...
Even though I wasn't allowed in the meetings, things got changed that were important changes.
Let's talk about that.
In fact, I'm glad you brought that up.
Made the bill a better product going forward, so I'm very grateful to that.
Unfortunately, we don't fix the underlying problems with the oversight at FDIC and SEC, and as a consequence, we put a big $700 billion band-aid on a problem that continues to fester, and who knows when that band-aid comes off what we're going to face.
The problem then will be magnified many-fold because we're not fixing the underlying problem.
We're going to continue to undervalue assets.
We're going to continue to fail banks.
We've got no business failing.
And it's fixable.
It's fixable right now, literally within a 24-hour time period, but we don't seem to have the political will to do that.
We're bound to this bill, this product that we've created over the weekend.
And, uh, the Speaker, I think, said yesterday, Speaker Pelosi said, this is frozen, there'll be no more work done on it.
Well, that's nuts!
If it's not right, let's work till we get it right!
Well, absolutely.
Congressman, Representative Michael Bargeras, out of North Texas, up by his main district is in Fort Worth and Louisville.
I want to go back to the procedures, though, because we have other congressmen and women saying that they were thrown out of meetings that they shouldn't have been, like Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur.
What's happening?
Well, Marcia's a Democrat, and so I guess she was thrown out of meetings on her side, and I was asked to leave meetings on my side.
I wasn't thrown out of all of them, and there were some of the working groups that I was allowed to sit in, but you had to search to find them.
You know, unless you stumbled upon one, you wouldn't necessarily... But how does that work?
A congressman representing close to a million people walks in and is told in the Capitol, get out of here.
And, I mean, do house rules let you tell us who threw you out?
I mean, why would they throw you out?
Are these secret meetings?
Well, secret is probably not the right word.
They were sensitive, and people were trying to get, you know, everyone's been trying to work under this arbitrary timeline of, in fact, we were told we had to vote last night, so when the markets opened this morning, they would see that we passed the bill.
Obviously, that didn't happen.
Yeah, people were functioning under some time constraints, and even though our numbers on the Republican side are diminished from what they were two years ago, we still have nearly 200 men and women who, if given the chance, would want to weigh in on things.
I'll just tell you, I'm vice chair of the Republican House Policy Committee.
I've had three meetings with former FDIC chairmen, two yesterday and one this morning, and I mean it was standing room only.
People are hungry for information about what's going on.
They're hungry for information about what, in addition to what the bill is, what might be done to fix the problem, or if the bill will fix the problem.
And they want to have their questions answered.
That just shows the level of concern that is out there.
I mean, I threw these meetings together just kind of as an ad hoc procedure because people were so desperate to find something out.
We had a conference yesterday in fairness of leadership.
It was a big conference and they allowed speakers to come to the microphone.
Questions about the bill, you weren't allowed to state a case.
Congressman, why are they passing any bill when 95% now in polls, 94-95 depending on the poll, are against it?
I mean, that is a mandate from the people to not bail Wall Street out.
And as you said, one of the little reported things you're really showing, and I know you're a congressman so you're quite informed, but most people don't understand,
This is a select coterie of banks using regulators to go after a lot of banks that are being reported as actually being solvent.
So really this is big banks gobbling things up and getting a bunch of free money.
Bloomberg's reporting.
They've got a bunch of experts on the last two days.
Several articles saying that there isn't as big a liquidity problem as we're hearing.
This is really a way to hoard a bunch of taxpayer money.
Well, that's a debatable point.
I have talked to experts who have said we are just on the precipice of financial Armageddon, and I've talked to others who have told me that yes, it's true, the financial sector is in turmoil.
But in an unusual situation, the remainder of the economy is relatively stable, even though the financial sector is so troubled.
And that's unusual.
At other times when we've had these types of difficulties, the financial sector has also roiled the underlying economy.
Right now, or up to now, it really hasn't.
So I look upon that as perhaps a little bit of a gift.
Maybe we should take the time to get this right.
If we are not going to get it right, then I think we do run the risk that ultimately the underlying economy will suffer if we don't fix this and fix it correctly.
Okay, so you are saying that some type of bill does need to be passed?
I would be in favor of this bill if we would add to it some of the regulatory changes that are necessary at the FDIC, things like changing the fair valuation of assets so that banks, the so-called mark-to-market phenomenon, so that banks aren't bailed just because they're
Because if something is not saleable right now, it doesn't mean it's worthless.
People may be making famous on it.
Congressman, we've got a break.
Do a five-minute segment with us and explain it to us because I'm here looking at pieces of it and it's a lot to read over.
We've seen some previous versions.
I'd like to get your
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We're good to go.
Representative Michael Burgess is our guest, Republican, from the 26th District, up by Fort Worth, here in Texas, and we appreciate him coming on on such short notice.
Sir, to me, and it's been called this by many others, this is economic terrorism.
They're not stupid in Congress.
They're not stupid at the White House.
McCain's not stupid.
Barack Obama's not stupid.
Uh, we see all of these, uh, Secretary Paulson running around saying, pass this or there will be a depression.
Now, talk like that, anyone knows, is what will cause a crash.
And so to me, I don't think we can pass this bill because it's economic terrorism.
So can you speak to that specifically and then to talk of immunity?
Is that the newest bill where Paulson and others and all these company heads are given immunity for anything they do and it can't even be reviewed?
Well, actually, I hadn't seen that provision.
It is disturbing.
The Secretary should be, I think, more circumspect in his discussion.
You wouldn't
You shouldn't hear a bank examiner talk that way.
It only leads to difficulties that otherwise may not be encountered.
That's the first thing.
I'll have to tell you, I haven't gotten to the point of the bill that has the immunity or protections.
Not to my knowledge, but I have not been all the way through it.
That's something I have not yet seen.
Things that are missing from the bill that we'd like to see in the 80s, the FDIC here in Texas, for example, could go to a bank that looked to be getting into trouble or very nearly in trouble and provide them with what's called a net worth certificate.
This was a paper that was essentially a dementia given to the institutions they could carry on their balance sheet as capital.
There were some things they had to do in exchange for this.
They had to allow the bank examiners in and practically live at their bank to make certain that they did clean up their balance sheet and that they were careful about processes going forward.
But the reality is the former head of the FDIC, William Isaac, who was chairman in the 80s, told us that he was able to fix a $100 billion, what was thought to be a $100 billion problem, for under $2 billion using these methods.
It looks like they're asking for, quote, more money than they need if it's just for the subprime mortgage and jumbo loan problems.
That's right.
I found it from the version that we saw in the middle of last week, sir.
Let me read it to you from Section 8.
Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.
That's only one part.
That's Section 8?
Of the last version that the public was allowed to see, yes sir.
Um, I've got the version that we got last night in front of me, but I probably, in the interest of time, I'm not going to be able to run through that.
I don't have it up where I can do it.
I understand.
No, no, I understand.
I'm just wanting you to give us your take on that.
What was in there?
Does that sound good to you?
No, no, obviously that sounds like you could cover up a host of problems with that.
Now, there were some things that were taken out of the earlier version, but I think it's great that they were taken out.
And again, I applaud my side for doing that.
I applaud Senator McCain for standing up at the White House and saying, I'm not going to let the House Republicans be rolled on this.
I just wish we'd taken it maybe one or two steps farther than we were able to take it.
Well, let's talk Turkey, then, in the time we have left.
Certainly, I'll look about your house website for people to check it out.
We appreciate your time.
Obviously, if this isn't passed, then if there's a depression, it can be blamed on whoever didn't pass it.
But then if it does pass, people can pass the buck and say, well, we at least tried.
But bottom line, if 95% of the American people are against it, if they're trying to rush it through and they're fear-mongering, there's a responsibility not to pass it.
And I think the constituents would support someone that pointed that out.
So, I mean, your take on that statement?
Well, I just couldn't vote for it.
I couldn't vote for it in good conscience to allow myself to be re-elected.
I mean, it violates the principles down to the core.
I'm not saying that I would not go against the will of my district if I really thought the country was threatened and I needed to make a tough vote to save the country.
I hope I would have the courage to do that and I didn't run for Congress to win elections.
I ran for Congress to do the right thing when the time came and the right thing as I saw it.
Right now, the right thing to me is
Let's send this bill back and keep working on it because it's not right yet.
I'd say send it back to the committee, but it didn't go through the committee.
I've heard Democrats complaining that we, Marcy Kaptur herself, we didn't get to go through committee.
It didn't come through financial services.
No hearing, no markup, nobody got any input.
It's just up on the website at 6pm on Sunday and you better vote yes by noon on Monday.
Because we've got a holiday coming up and people have to get home.
Well, they shouldn't leave.
The Congress should stay in session.
No, we should leave.
That's what we did all of August.
We shouldn't have left because we hadn't done anything about energy prices.
And we stayed.
And it worked.
We got something done.
Ultimately, that may be undone under a new administration.
Do you think it's going to pass today, Congressman?
I have to believe that it probably is because no one's leaned on me that hard to vote against it, which means they likely have to vote.
Let me just say bye to you during the break and then we'll be right back for everybody else.
Stay there.
Congressman Burgess.
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Representative Michael Burgess talked about basically martial law declared in the House.
The normal rule suspended as the establishment, those that engineered the current economic crisis,
Want basically even more power and and trillions of dollars is what most the financial experts are saying not 700 billion the congressman held over as he has some key information and some regulatory fixes that
Well, I can tell you that in August of 2007 when this
I don't know.
And bring some of these guys in there and ask them what the dickens they were doing before the horse got out of the barn.
There was an opportunity to fix this a year ago, and no one seemed to be willing to take the trouble to do it.
The other thing is that, you know, we're constantly criticized, Republican, you're a deregulator, that's what caused this mess.
There are plenty of regulations.
The problem is the regulators weren't regulating the regulations that they were supposed to enforce.
And no amount of new regulations is going to fix that.
And I referenced Sarbanes-Oxley, that terrible bill that was passed the year before I got here.
People all over my district complained to me about that because small and medium-sized businesses are treated the same as huge businesses, but they've got to fill out the same forms and pay the same amount of accounting and legal hours that sometimes can go into the millions of dollars for a small business to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley.
Where was Starbanes-Oxley?
Where was the Starbanes-Oxley requirement that these things be reported in transparent fashion?
And you're right.
Why hasn't someone been fired?
Why hasn't someone been held accountable?
And if some of these guys that ran some of these businesses into the ground, why are they continuing to be paid?
Why aren't they facing charges?
That's what people are telling me.
Where is the accountability?
We have been distracted by every type of political theater up here since the Democrats won.
And as a consequence, we're just not doing our job.
Congressman, who needs to be prosecuted?
Who needs to be investigated?
Well, I think the investigations need to be done.
I mean, I'm not a lawyer.
I don't know the banking laws that well to say I know who should be prosecuted, but if there are people who did things wrong, who shifted data on their books, who reported things that weren't accurate, that's what Tarbean Foxley is all about.
The CEO who signs that paper signs as
As if they know everything that's in that book that they file, and these are the people who should be held accountable.
But instead, the media, which a lot of these big banks own and control, is telling us, oh no, it was all an accident, no prosecutions, no investigation needed.
Instead, we're going to try to hand at least $700 billion over to these people, and you mentioned it earlier.
Clearly, you've got a conflict of interest, because you've got a lot of people involved at the regulatory level.
There could be consolidation in almost the way you described it.
You could almost call it insider trading, wouldn't you?
Yes, sir.
Let me give out the, it is insider trading, no doubt.
That's a good way of putting it.
In closing, let's give out the website.
It's house.gov forward slash Burgess, B-U-R-G, B-U-R-G-E-S-S.
So again, house.gov forward slash B-U-R-G-E-S-S and folks can read about that particularly.
Tell us about this regulatory fix instead of a huge bailout.
Well, there are four points.
And again, Mr. Isaac, the former chairman of the FDIC, was kind enough to come up here from Florida and spend all afternoon with us.
And the Democrats, he met with both sides.
And coming out of those
Conversations distilled four regulatory points, and those are up on the website if people want to download those and study them and become a little bit more conversant.
The problem is if we don't fix some of the underlying regulatory problems, we can shovel money at this thing from now till doomsday, and we're not going to fix it.
In fact, we'll make the problem worse.
We may go from a recession to a depression because of our efforts rather than the upside of them.
Shifting gears finally, remember last year and this year the Homeland Security Committee wanted to see PDD 51 by President Bush in its entirety?
The cover sheet says under Continuity of Government
I said on the Committee on Energy and Commerce that we have a little bit different jurisdictions.
No, I did not.
No, I didn't hear about that.
It doesn't sound reasonable.
We've fought on a number of fronts to ensure that the continuity of Congress is followed as the founders wanted it to.
There's several people over the past several years who've wanted to change the equation to have members of Congress appointed in the times of national turmoil if many of us perish all at one fell swoop.
But the reality is there should be only one way to get to the people's house, and that's through the people.
And what about Barack Obama?
I know I brought this up to you about 20 minutes ago during a break, and I don't know if you had a chance to look it up on Drudge.
It's also up on Infowars.com, but when I first saw this Friday, I didn't believe it.
I called Barack Obama's national campaign and Missouri campaign.
It's also going on in Illinois.
Governor Blunt
Uh, put out a press release calling it a police state, and I even called the prosecutors.
It's not a joke.
This really is happening.
They're saying anybody that, quote, lies about Barack Obama in TV, radio, or print ads, and lying they say is saying he wants to raise taxes.
Uh, or saying he's a Muslim.
He's voted for it about 90 times.
But, well, sir, I know I... Congressman, I think I'm in the twilight zone, so I'm saying to you, uh, I mean, uh, what is your response to this?
Because I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
Well, what, what, what, what law do they say is being broke?
They say that... The First Amendment?
I don't think so.
They say that it's unethical.
In fact, it'll only take one minute.
John, you have that, you have that NBC News cast out of St.
Louis, don't you?
Yeah, well I sent it to you over the weekend.
The clip... Ethics don't really seem to enter into a lot of things these days.
It's hard to believe that some arresting body is picking someone up because they make an unethical statement.
I don't... I'm not kidding.
They say it's like... They say it's like... I'll tell you what, John.
I don't want to play the whole newscast.
Just play the last minute of it.
Just cue it up and play it for the congressman so he can hear it.
Okay, go ahead and play it.
We want to keep this campaign focused on issues.
We don't want people to get distracted, and the Missourians don't want to be distracted by these divisive character attacks.
So we're here to respond to any character attacks, to set the record straight.
Whether it is directly attributable to the campaign or to one of the soft money operations, if they're not going to tell the truth, then somebody's got to step up and say, wait a minute, that's not true, this is the truth.
Now, the Obama campaign tells News 4 that others, prosecutors and sheriffs, are also part of the team, including some from the Kansas City area and from rural parts of Missouri.
We're also told the Truth Squad is expected to include Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer.
Live in Maplewood, John Mills, News 4.
Well, actually I do have to go because we have a vote on here in a minute.
That sounds pretty preposterous.
Truth squads are okay because you do those in a campaign to get out there and mitigate any damaging thing your opponent gets out there about you, but you don't involve law enforcement.
That's not part of the deal.
Well, they say it's for intimidation, and they say that I've called them.
They say, no, if someone's lying, there will be a prosecution and criminal punishment, and they claim it's like, you know,
Like you can't sell gas for $2 more than it's actually going for and it's just amazing.
Well listen, thank you for so much of your time and I hope we can have you back on again, Congressman from North Texas.
Sure, when you come on talk about health care.
Thank you sir, take care.
We'll fill a full hour.
You bet, let's do a full hour sometime.
Alright, thank you.
Alright, there goes Congressman
Representative Michael Burgess.
We appreciate his time spending about 40 minutes with us here on the air today.
For those who just joined us, this is the reason we had him on.
John, go ahead and play the clip again of him.
This is the congressman in debate Saturday being thrown out of meetings and being told that martial law had been declared in the House.
Here it is.
Gentlemen, time has expired.
The gentleman from Texas
Speaker, I ask permission to address the House for one minute, revise and extend my remarks.
Without objection.
Mr. Speaker, I also come to the floor today to talk about this $700 billion bill that's in front of us.
I use the term bill advisedly because we have seen no bill.
We are here debating talking points on perhaps what is one of the most largest, the largest fundamental change in our nation's financial system in its history.
House Republicans have been cut out of the process.
Not only have we been cut out of the process, we've also been derided by the leadership of the Democratic Party and called unpatriotic for not participating.
Mr. Speaker, I have been thrown out of more meetings in this Capitol in the last 24 hours than I ever thought possible as a duly elected representative of 820,000 citizens of North Texas.
Mr. Speaker, politics is a full contact sport and I understand that, but it is a full contact sport in the light of day, in the public arena.
Since we didn't have hearings, since we didn't have markups, let's at least put this legislation up on the internet for 24 hours.
That's what Thomas was made for.
Let's do that and let the American people see what we have done in the dark of night.
After all, I have not gotten any more mail, any more emails on any other subject than this one that is before us today.
Mr. Speaker, I understand we're under martial law as declared by the Speaker last night.
I think it's ironic.
House Republicans have not been needed for a single thing in this House to assure passage for the last 22 months.
And today, we're going to be asked to vote for a bill for political cover because Democrats are too weak to stand up to their Speaker.
I yield back.
Alright, let's go ahead now and play Congresswoman Marcy Kepner.
Boldly slamming the bailout bill this last weekend as well as the work of criminal insiders who have shut down the normal legislative process to commit high financial crimes.
And that is exactly what's happening right now.
Now let's go ahead and play that clip.
Time the gentlewoman from Ohio.
One minute, Mr. Speaker.
Without objection.
Mr. Speaker, my message to the American people, don't let Congress seal this Wall Street deal.
High financial crimes have been committed.
Now Congress is being asked to bail out the culprits and to do so at the expense of those who elected us to guard their interests, the people of our country.
The normal legislative process that should accompany review of a monumental proposal to bail out Wall Street has been shelved.
Yes, shelved.
Only a few insiders are doing the dealing.
Sounds like insider trading to me.
These criminals have so much political power they can shut down the normal legislative process of the highest lawmaking body in this land.
All the committees that should be scanning every word of what is being negotiated are benched.
And that means the American people are benched too.
We are constitutionally sworn to protect and defend this republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And my friends, there are enemies.
We are told we will have a bill, a trillion dollar bill to review soon and have less than 24 hours with no regular hearings to try to vote on this tar baby.
The people pushing this deal are the very same ones who were responsible for the implosion on Wall Street.
They were fraudulent then, and they're fraudulent now.
We should say no to this deal.
I ask my colleagues to join us at 2 o'clock in HC8 at the Capitol to meet with some real experts who've done financial resolutions without putting the burden on the taxpayer.
Please join us, HC8, at 2 p.m.
The time of the gentlewoman has expired.
The gentleman from California.
Absolutely amazing!
And she said it like it is.
I've got to have her on the show.
That's how Congress should be talking.
About criminal hijacking of the Republic.
And that's what it is.
Now, let me give everybody a little newsflash.
Do you know how much money, last week, according to Reuters, I covered this a lot last night, most of you heard it and listened.
But we're going to go back over it today.
I'm going to dig the story back out of the big stack.
I bet yesterday's stack and today's stack, both of them are over 50 stories deep.
We haven't even gotten to them yet.
940 billion dollars.
So while everybody's distracted talking about a 700 billion dollar bailout that every expert's saying is well over 5 trillion, I mean just hundreds of experts, hundreds of top economists have sent open letters to Congress, that's in the news, saying do not, do not, do not do this, it's criminal.
And while we're busy looking at this, a trillion plus dollar defense bill
Just a few years ago, just six, seven years ago, the defense budget was about $400 billion.
The last one was about $700 billion.
Now the new one's a trillion for 2009.
A trillion-plus dollar, and that's the on-budget defense package, and they passed a bunch of sanctions against Iran Friday while everybody was busy talking about the bailout, which is not a bailout.
It gives dictatorial power to Paulson.
It gives them immunity from all the crimes they've committed, and this is the very crew that has orchestrated all of this.
And remember, you could pay off all the mortgages for right around $100 million that have been insolvent, or even have a problem.
So understand, the problem is not the mortgages.
It is all the hundreds of different types of derivatives and hundreds of other different types of paper instruments that are worse than junk bonds.
At least a junk bond is some frivolous, speculative company, uh, you know, where they claim they're manufacturing something or claim they're making something or doing something, and those are bad enough.
People go to prison for that, like the Keating Five, except for John McCain running it all.
He didn't.
Him and his mobbed-up family.
But with this, it's even worse than that.
It's basically, one type of derivatives is junk bonds, then leveraged as AAA assets, insured by different unsavory organizations like AIG, who insured all this crap, this poisonous, carcinogen-laden garbage.
And then they leverage it out again, and then repackage what they leverage.
It's just unspeakable.
And there's over one quadrillion.
That's over a thousand trillion in these derivatives that we know of.
Now that's what we know of.
And what are they doing with the hundreds of billions they're sucking out through the Federal Reserve from the American taxpayers every single week?
What are they doing in the year and a half long bailout?
That we've been seeing.
What are they doing?
They are taking that money and raiding the rest of the real economy.
They are running around, vitriolically, going after companies and corporations.
Our entire future is being sucked dry by this.
The bailout is the coup de grace.
Liability protection.
It is the immunity that the crooks need.
And you just heard a Republican congressman tell you that.
You just heard a Democrat congressman tell you that, Congresswoman.
Here on this show, both from audio from the floor and physically on the radio show, we have the congressman from Texas, Burgess Son.
So, I have a lot of news I want to cover.
I also have these Obama truth squads threatening police action, just unprecedented.
And I have not weighed in for John McCain or Barack Obama saying they're both complete new world order puppets, but... This is something new, and I tell you, it really makes what Webster Tarpley said have a lot of weight to it.
And then I had a caller for the show who was not joking yesterday, because I know him.
Uh, named Trooper.
Saying, yeah, he wants to have Tarpley arrested for talking bad about Obama.
So, uh, that shows that the mind control is in full swing.
We'll talk about that as well.
Very important broadcast today.
Stay with us.
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I want to go ahead and just play this St.
Louis TV station piece about this, and then I made phone calls to Barack Obama campaign,
This is going on in other states as well.
I made calls to several of these offices and they say, yeah, if somebody lies about Barack Obama, if somebody has a bumper sticker saying he's a Muslim, which is up for, you know, to be questioned,
The point is, he's been very deceptive.
I'm not getting into whether he's a Muslim or not.
The point is, is he really does have terrorist ties.
He really does have ties to Weatherman.
He really does have... A lot of these issues are real.
But even if they're not, people have a right to say whatever they want.
And then if Barack Obama wants to sue them, and take them to court and prove that, then he can get a judgment.
But if you send out the police as truth squads to start arresting people or intimidating them, it's just unprecedented.
And it really is going on.
And it is fascism.
Here it is.
Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading television ad during the presidential campaign.
First, John Mills is live at the county election board in Maplewood.
He's been learning more about which members of law enforcement are getting involved in this.
John, tell us more about this.
Russell, good evening.
Prosecutors and sheriffs from across Missouri are joining something called the Barack Obama Truth Squad.
Two high-profile prosecutors are part of the team.
We met them this afternoon in the Central West End.
They are Jennifer Joyce from the city, Bob McCullough, the St.
Louis County prosecuting attorney.
They will be reminding voters that Barack Obama is a Christian who wants to cut taxes for anyone making less than $250,000 a year.
They also say they plan to respond immediately to any ads and statements that might violate Missouri ethics laws.
We want to keep this campaign focused on issues.
We don't want people to get distracted, and Missourians don't want to be distracted by these divisive character attacks.
So we're here to respond to any character attacks, to set the record straight.
Whether it is directly attributable to the campaign or to one of the soft money operations, if they're not going to tell the truth, then somebody's got to step up and say, wait a minute, that's not true, this is the truth.
Now, the Obama campaign tells News 4 that others, prosecutors and sheriffs, are also part of the team, including some from the Kansas City area and from rural parts of Missouri.
We're also told the Truth Squad is expected to include Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer.
Live in Maplewood, John Mills, News 4.
Alright, so what's happening here is this is so over the top, people can't believe it.
And I don't blame you.
I didn't believe it Friday either.
I made phone calls Friday and Saturday.
And then Webster Tarpley now has press releases out and the names of one guy up in Vermont who just nicely, who's a liberal by the way, walked up to Barack Obama group on the side of the road there at the town square and said, well, he's tied into Brzezinski and basically wants more war.
And the women basically called the police on him and he was arrested.
And the police said, look, you're not allowed to lie about him.
He's not for war.
So they're calling it ethics.
They're out of their minds.
Let me just tell the police something.
You're not allowed to arrest people or to threaten to arrest them.
This is one of the highest forms of tyranny and I can't believe I have to sit here and explain to you in Vermont and Illinois and Missouri and other places
I can't believe I have to sit here and explain to you that it's called the First Amendment.
I mean, it's enough to stick us in cages at demonstrations and not let the media see us.
It's enough of what you've done.
But now to openly say that, well, if you're made aware of something, you're going to go investigate.
You're going to go after them.
And you heard them say that for being unethical.
You're not judge, jury, and executioner.
A court has to decide that later.
And then it's a civil matter.
But, um, the globalists are masters.
They make us hate George Bush, make everything about him, and then even the cops and people want something new, so they say, well, we're going to take your rights away because Barack Obama's a great guy.
This is unbelievable.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We all know that both parties are bought and paid for by the very same private banking interests that have now orchestrated the ongoing collapse of the financial economy and the real economy to terrorize the public with threats of depression into giving them godlike imperial powers and immunity from their crimes and trillions of our taxpayer money.
And when you end up attacking a John McCain or a Barack Obama, it only strengthens the overall structure.
Because they keep everything controlled in that paradigm.
So that you never get outside the box and attack the overall New World Order system.
But when we see John McCain come out and say, I think we should use U.S.
troops to fight crime in the United States, that's them getting you ready for martial law.
And then Barack Obama says the same thing.
People say, well then who do you vote for?
But when you have Barack Obama come out and have police in Vermont, Illinois, and Missouri,
And have them go on the news and say, if you lie about Barack Obama and say he's a Muslim, which we don't know if that's true or not, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's your right to say it.
And his daddy certainly was, he did go to Muslim schools, he was born outside the country.
These are legitimate questions, just like the questions have been raised about McCain being born in the Panama Canal military zone, and he says he was born at a U.S.
military base that didn't exist until seven years after he was born.
He's a liar!
But it wouldn't matter if it was a lie,
That he was not born in the U.S.
Territory, either one of them.
If I wanted to say they were born on Pluto, to Santa Claus's reindeer, then it would be my right to say that Dasher and Blitzen gave birth to John McCain.
It's not true, but it's First Amendment right.
So, the bottom line here is,
By the way, before I forget, get Dr. Corcione.
Call and see if we can get him on the air tomorrow.
I know he's scared to death to come on and admit it.
His publisher's been trying to block him for the last few months on coming on here because it became a New York Times article about his interviews here.
But he promised to come on in a month and that was over a month ago.
So call him.
I just want 10-15 minutes because I want him to specifically comment on this too.
They never really go after him on his facts.
If you read carefully, they just say he's a right-wing extremist, liar, on and on and on.
And then, I got a call last night from a guy named Trooper.
That's his nickname.
He's a well-known Austin fixture on talk radio ever since I moved here in 1991.
And I've met him more than 10 or 15 times at events, and he's even come to some of my events.
He called in, I thought it was a joke, and he was yelling and screaming so much that we weren't trying to screen his call.
We were just like, hello, what's your first name?
Ah, blah, blah, blah, I'm Trooper.
I want to get that Webster Tarpley.
I want to this and that.
So I point him on, and he was saying, I want to come down there and arrest Webster Tarpley.
And I said, well, Webster isn't in studio with us.
He's in Washington, D.C., or he's on the suburb of D.C.
and Maryland.
I said, he can't come on.
I mean, you know, he's not here physically.
And he said, well, I'd come down there and arrest him myself.
And I said, you're joking, right?
It's his First Amendment.
He said, no, it's a bunch of lies, and he needs to be arrested.
And I said, uh, but it's his First Amendment.
He said, I don't care!
I'm sick of these Bush people!
And he did make one half-salient point that made some sense.
Well, they would have beaten the daylights out of you at the RNC like they did everybody, but they didn't at the DNC in Denver.
That's because the Democrats are good and the Republicans are bad.
By the way, I remember Trooper a decade ago was, you know, more of a Republican.
So I'm going, whoa, man!
And I'm like, listen, you know, that's not a scientific point you're making.
You know, it could just be that police officer who was managing that, but it can at least be partially taken at face value.
But, I mean, he was frothing, sputtering, so mad he was screaming at the guy answering the phone.
Jaron, who was just answering the phone to put him in queue.
Hello, what's your first name, where are you calling from?
So, just out of control.
And, uh, none of you Barack Obama supporters can back up what you're saying.
And, I don't know what to do about this.
I mean, this is unprecedented.
Is this an idea of what life under Barack H. Obama will be like?
Will I be arrested if I criticize you?
Fabled Enemies is the first 9-11 film to take a close look at the terrorist ties to intelligence networks inside the United States.
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Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.
You know, as a father and a husband, one of the enjoyable things in my life has been walking in at night and checking on my children, checking up on my wife, making sure she has the things she needs, but mostly providing for my family and knowing that they're secure, that they feel comfortable every day in their little skins.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
The New World Order has made the decision to kill the dollar.
And so they are just running up as big a debt to the American people as they can while the financial institutions that own our country buy up all the real assets and position themselves offshore.
That is, in essence, the New World Order.
Sucking nations dry, building up an international crime syndicate government over it that plays the countries off against each other.
And ladies and gentlemen, we have news where they're admitting that they're going to have carbon footprint police in England and the US.
Mainstream news, saying it's good by the way, that will stop you at checkpoints, inspect your house, inspect everything you're doing, put fines on people that have more than one child.
It says carbon checkpoints, total regulation, total control.
I mean, you think things are bad now.
They're going to destroy the economy, make you feudal serfs, all of us together, and then micromanage our lives with these control freak phony environmentalists, who will say nothing about toxic waste dumping or genetic engineering, open air, cross-species chimeras,
Sodium, deadly fluoride in the water, toxins, poisons, mass drugging of humanity.
No, it's just going to be running around regulating carbon dioxide that plants breathe, taxing one of the four life-giving, you know, main ingredients.
I'd call them element, but I don't mean technical element.
I mean, you know, one of the main elements of life.
Water, sunshine, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
So I've got that news.
I mean, it's all just, everything is quickening, everything is intensifying.
Israel openly talking about hitting Iran in the next month.
We're right around the corner from October Surprise, the November election.
This is a crazy time.
Governor Ventura will be on at noon Wednesday with a lot of key information.
I've got another special guest scheduled for after him on Wednesday.
That's a surprise guest.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
We have some other big guests we're working on.
I haven't gotten around to calling Willie Nelson to get him back on about an event that's coming up.
I'm going to call him tomorrow.
Try to line that up for this week or next week.
There is so much going on, ladies and gentlemen, with this radio show.
But I can't even have pleasure in the success we're having waking people up because it's all collapsing.
No wonder people are listening now like never before because everything we talked about is coming true.
But I have no pleasure in being right.
I've said over and over again, unfortunately, we're right about all this.
And why is it unfortunate?
Because our analysis is scary.
The facts are hardcore.
And a lot of people in the middle class and others are waking up, but you talk to just average folks on the street, they laugh at you still.
With that self-satisfied, pre-programmed grin.
If you bring up any issues to them, they're just meant like, none of that exists.
They're all into living in denial.
And they got another thing coming.
They got a rude awakening coming up for them.
Now, I said I'd take phone calls.
For those that don't know, this is such a big deal.
I know some stations just take the second, third, and fourth hour that they miss the first.
One more time today, I'm gonna air this Channel 4 piece out of St.
Listen carefully, because if you read, and I've called these offices that you hear mentioned here, you can call them.
They say, if you have a bumper sticker saying Obama's a Muslim,
You're going to get a police visit.
If you run an ad saying he's for taxes, to raise taxes or anti-gun, you get a police visit.
Now listen, they announce like it's no big deal and the media is like positive and man, this is good, you know, the whole way they phrase it.
That if you lie, and of course the police, they decide.
No judge, no jury, no civil suit.
They decide if it's unethical.
We say it's unethical and we're going to come out and we're going to give you a police visit.
And I'm getting people calling me, emailing me, saying, that's right, Alex, you need to be arrested, too.
If you don't like the fact that we're gonna do this, you need to be arrested.
Or your guests need to be arrested.
Because we're not gonna let the evil Bushes win with McCain.
So I guess Webster Tarpley's right.
With McCain, the government's a dead duck.
No one believes it.
It's hollow.
It's hated.
But with Barack Obama, he's got dark skin.
That's the only thing different.
It's like Coke putting a new cover on its tin can.
uh... on its aluminum can and you know he's gonna he's skinny and he's young and then he and that's it we're foreign and i've tried to stay out of this but this barack obama business and i did go and pull up his quotes i did go and pull uh... legislation tried to pass in illinois he wants to ban all three oh eight rifles he wants to ban all two two three i mean i know he was anti-gun but i i i guess i hadn't looked this guy
This guy's a monster.
And, uh, you know what?
I will talk about him all I want, and I will say his daddy was a Muslim, and I don't get into that whole Muslim bashing thing.
The point is, he's lying about that.
And he did go to Muslim schools, and he was born outside this country.
And you know what?
People have a right to say that!
Number one, it's true, but even if it was a lie, I will fight for anybody's right.
I will fight for people's right to, you know, say lies about me.
I will fight for people's rights to do all sorts of things until it becomes criminal like creating fake websites that I supposedly run and then, you know, in my name saying kill this person, kill that person in an attempt to get me arrested or to get my material taken off YouTube and Google.
But if somebody does something like that, that's something else.
But no, they're saying radio, TV, and print ads, and that the police, the prosecutors, they will decide.
This is going on in three states, Illinois, Missouri, and Vermont that we know of.
Here it is.
Oh, I forgot.
John is out today with a board op meeting for the next hour and so I just get so used to having him there.
It is the Barack Obama clip there in queue.
I guess we don't have it.
Truth about Obama.
Here it is.
Senator Barack Obama's presidential campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading television ad during the presidential campaign.
First, John Mills is live at the county election board in Maplewood.
He's been learning more about which members of law enforcement are getting involved in this.
John, tell us more about this.
Russell, good evening.
Prosecutors and sheriffs from across Missouri are joining something called the Barack Obama Truth Squad.
Two high-profile prosecutors are part of the team.
We met them this afternoon in the Central West End.
They are Jennifer Joyce from the city, Bob McCullough, the St.
Louis County prosecuting attorney.
They will be reminding voters that Barack Obama is a Christian who wants to cut taxes for anyone making less than $250,000 a year.
They also say they plan to respond immediately to any ads and statements that might violate Missouri ethics laws.
We want to keep this campaign focused on issues.
We don't want people to get distracted, and Missourians don't want to be distracted by these divisive character attacks.
So we're here to respond to any... Stop right there!
Stop it, and back in about 20 seconds, thanks.
We don't want the people.
See, you manage us, you run us, you watch us with cameras, you train the children in the schools to spy on their parents, you put cameras in the bathrooms in school rooms, you spy on us, you use the NSA satellites now to spy on farms and ranches, there's local CIA offices popping up, Barack Obama's gotten triple the Wall Street money that John McCain has,
He's got the big money.
He's like a color revolution.
That's what they call it.
The Orange Revolution.
The Rose Revolution.
Where the CIA went into Eastern Europe and would overthrow those governments.
With a fake popular upstart.
Webster Tarpley is right.
He is right.
Now I'm still not going to weigh in and say who to vote for.
Not that it matters.
Over 40% of the country has electronic fraud machines.
Proven their own executives have gone public.
When said, they've taken over a lot of voting.
That's why the government doesn't care if 95% of you are in the newest polls.
That's right, a week ago it was 28% were for the bailout, then it was 9%, now it's about 5% are for the bailout.
Go pull the polls up!
Just say, poll on bailout, and you'll see them.
There's a whole bunch of them.
They're 4, 5, 6, 7% for it now.
Now, listen.
I'm gonna say whatever I want about a Barack Obama.
And I'm not somebody who's like, please don't throw me in the briar patch, so I do get thrown in the briar patch.
I'm not going to be manipulated into supporting John McCain because of all of this, but let me tell you, I'm taking a very close look at it right now, and I'm saying shame on Barack Obama.
And my audience does not deserve, you know, to be attacked when they have a First Amendment right.
I don't deserve to be attacked.
And I don't like the threatening emails and phone calls and calls into my show.
That I've been getting saying, you better shut your mouth.
What is wrong with you people?
That isn't liberty and freedom!
That's what the New World Order wants you to fall into.
Of, oh my gosh, we've got to arrest anybody that lies about Barack Obama, and a lie is any criticism of him.
And that's what I've been hearing.
Is, that guy you got on your show, that Webster Tarbley, you know, that, um,
Dr. Jerome Corsi, they're lying stink bugs, and they need to be arrested.
Now I'm... If they were down there right now, I'd come down there and I'd do something to them.
That's fascism.
Shame on you.
We're gonna cover and talk about whatever we want.
We're not looking for fights or trouble.
If anybody comes around my office, you need to know, 357 Magnum, right here.
I will talk about whoever I want, whenever I want, however I want.
You got that?
Don't let yourselves be played as fools!
The polls show Barack Obama's gonna win.
You're gonna get what you want anyways.
The voting machines will make sure of it.
It doesn't matter.
He's the creature of the New World Order.
No doubt John McCain is as well, but they think they can get more gas mileage for their New World Order out of him.
A fresh face.
A new bird case liner.
Don't worry, you're going to get bankruptcy and your pension funds taken and work brigades and gun confiscation and the liberals are all going to suddenly support wireless, warrantless wiretapping and everything else.
Don't worry!
You're suckers and you're going to get to win your false victory!
Doesn't matter.
You right-wingers out there that aren't real right-wingers.
You may get your Lord McCain, but either way, your bosses win.
Either way, you get to be suckers again.
Don't get so emotionally wound up in all this.
If you notice, both parties are for the bailout right now.
If you notice, both parties are saying the exact same thing about Georgia.
I want to come back and talk to Ken, Gabe, Scott, Carmi, and others.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com.
Awesome site at InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv
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The message of his kingdom.
Never thought you'd heard the day where prosecutors, police, sheriffs are on TV going.
We're going to be watching what you write and say about Obama.
And if we decide it isn't true, we're going to come arrest you.
We run things here.
You just work and pay us.
This country's going to hell in a handbasket.
And by the way, we're watching the debates on C-SPAN by the House on the verge of passing this bill.
Man, we've got a copy of it.
It's bad, folks.
And the people for it, they get up and talk for 10, 15, 20 minutes, and then those against it are only given 30 seconds.
Everything is rigged right out in the open.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ken in California.
You're on the air, Ken.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
I called your guy Trey the other day because what you're talking about today is what I was trying to get through to you guys the other day.
Well now you're on the air!
Okay, now basically, I'm one of your affiliates in California.
And basically, I had a visit from the Redlands California Police Department because that's where my representative's office is located.
Hold on, let me stop you, excuse me.
What affiliate are you, sir?
I'm an internet affiliate, Radio94x.com, sir.
Okay, so... I'm a citizen of Citizen Media.
I believe in free speech.
Okay, what happened to you?
Tell us.
Well, basically what happened is I've been dealing with this Congressman's office for six years, so this is not a new thing.
I've been contacting him for six years.
I think I've had...
We're good to go.
And I said, you know, where's this file?
It's coming from D.C.
So I waited two months, which is in this time frame now.
I said, look, I'm upset.
I called back.
I don't know how to be politically correct.
I've never threatened anyone's property or life.
And I told the ladies there, I don't appreciate it.
And they hung up on me because they don't like my free speech.
And I told them I'm not politically correct.
Now, I read nowhere in our Constitution that I have to be politically correct.
I cannot threaten anyone's life or property.
I did not do so.
So what they did is they called the FBI on me.
The FBI referred it to the local police department in the town where the office is located.
They sent two detectives with guns to my property to ask me if I'm a kook.
Well, yeah, you're not allowed to even believe the bailout's happening.
You're not allowed to believe that Russia didn't launch the sneak attack on Georgia.
You're not allowed to believe the Federal Reserve is private.
You're not allowed to basically even have a Second Amendment.
I mean, they're telling us, look, your freedom doesn't exist.
To say it does is a conspiracy.
Now sit down and shut up!
Yes, that's basically it.
They showed up and they said, are you a kook?
So what did they say?
Well, then I asked them, I go, well, you know, what constitutes, you know, they said, well, we're here to check on you to make sure you, you know, you don't have video cameras all over the place.
You're not a kook.
And then they asked me... Oh, yeah.
They put video cameras... Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
Oh, I love it.
They put video cameras all over you.
But then I've noticed when we have cameras, they're actually arresting people all over for cameras on their houses, calling it eavesdropping on police.
But go ahead.
Well, here's the thing, Alex.
My last statement to this congressman's office on the last day of last call, I asked him, and I posed it as a question, what if I come to your office with a video crew, and I come there to ask you why I'm not getting representation?
And the lady firmly told me that you will be arrested.
So you're not allowed to go to your congressman's office?
So the police were there implying that video cameras were weapons?
You know, we have video of that in Truth Rising.
They come up, the police, and grab the camera and say, cameras are now guns.
Well, furthermore, you know, I made no threat.
That was a question.
I understand.
You've made that point like 20 times.
So I want to keep it clear.
So, well, you keep saying it if you like, but if people heard you, what ended up happening?
Well, right now I called back the detectives.
I put in three calls to their office.
They finally returned my call.
I go, okay, what's going on?
Because I was threatened with a restraining order by these detectives when they showed up, that they want to file a restraining order against me, uh, the, the employees of the office, the Congressman's office.
And I, and I'm like, um, well, what's going on with that?
Oh, as far as we're concerned, our case is closed.
There's no criminal action against you.
So I still have no clue as to what's going on.
They come here with guns, scare the living out of me, and threaten me with, you know, sanctions or whatever.
What specifically did they say to you?
Well, they specifically said that they want to file... When they first introduced themselves, they said, we're here in regards to your calls to the Congressman's office.
And I'm like, okay.
And then they want to read the lady in that office said they fear you.
And I said, well, they've never met me.
How can they fear me?
And then it went on to where they're, well, we gotta check you out, you know, make sure you're not a kook, have a bunch of cameras, all this, and this, and this.
And I'm like, well, what's this?
So they said if you had cameras, you were a kook.
I guess that constitutes being a kook, sir.
And a kook's being a kook's illegal.
Alright, well, you should write it up into a story format with all the names, and go post it on the Prison Planet forum, where tens of thousands will see it.
We'll be back with more calls.
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That's right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Alright, I want to hurry through your calls.
We got Bob Daisy coming in the studio later to give us a take on the New World Order's criminal banking actions from his perspective.
I've got a lot of other news I haven't even gotten to yet, but let's hurry through your phone calls.
Oh, I briefly wanted to say something.
I don't control who streams my radio show out on their own websites.
In fact, I'm glad when people add links
To listen to my radio show from our servers at InfoWars.com.
And I'm sure Ken in California is a wonderful guy.
But he said I'm an affiliate, so I thought it was our affiliate KCAA, or I thought it was the one in Needles, or one that goes into San Diego.
People think of that term affiliate.
And they think, oh, it's one of the owners or managers of a radio station.
And the same thing has happened with other people that take the feed of Ted Anderson's radio network, Genesis, or my radio show.
And that's why Ted, and myself included, have gotten tired of that.
Because we'll have people that pick up our feeds, send them out, and then call themselves an affiliate like they're an AM or FM station.
See, an AM or FM station, they get part of the commercials.
They get to run those locally.
And there's an agreement signed between us.
That is not what's happening with Internet.
And so people, there's a whole bunch that have done it, will take the shows, sell the ads, run them over us, and even represent themselves as us to people.
And you'll, you know, an advertiser will call you up griping at you going, my ad's not running.
You go, well you're not an advertiser of my show.
And they'll say, yes I am.
And then you find out it's an internet radio outfit.
And then you tell people, hey, you can't do that, and they scream, My First Amendment!
My First Amendment!
Hey, listen, your First Amendment doesn't mean you can come sit in my house and sit in my easy chair and sit at my table and say you're me.
Doesn't mean you can get my social security number and run around and buy things in my name.
And so, that's why I've gotten a bigger and bigger problem.
There are people who sell all my videos, all of them, on, you know, one disc, totally cruddy quality, for like five dollars.
And we pretty much ignore it, but then that isn't enough for them.
They're like, you're gonna advertise for free that I'm undercutting you so you can't operate.
Well, no, I'm not going to.
Well, that's censorship!
So I think we've been too nice in a lot of respects with people, and that's going to be changing.
Because, uh, you give somebody an inch, they take it a mile.
As it has been said.
And that's what happens.
I love the people that come and try to take advantage of us, or try to take over the little things we're doing, and we're like, hey, you don't get to tell me what to do, or you don't get to come on my show while you talk crap about me and promote yourself.
And they go, yes, we are.
Yes, we just want to get along while we spew lies about you.
Well, we just want to tell a bunch of lies about you and then have you promote us.
We're like, well, what are you talking about?
I'm like five-year-old children.
They whine and cry and suck their thumbs.
That's why you've got losers and winners.
You've got people that are negative, backstabbing, wicked scum, who think this is a good movement for them to pile on to, and then they wonder why, and within just a few months nobody works with them, and it's because people of quality don't work with scum.
So, um, just a side program note with the economy coming down around us and everything else that's happening.
I am tired of people holding themselves out as me.
I mean, I get videos in the mail every day that are copies of my films.
And the people say, hey, I bought this video.
It's got your address on it.
You need to return.
You know, it doesn't work.
We call them back and we say, well, that's somebody else that's making copies and selling the film.
And sometimes people are selling thousands of them.
Because they sell them for nothing, basically.
And we've even called them before.
There have been probably 50-something groups doing this.
And we say, look, Alex says you can make copies of the films for non-profit educational purposes.
And we really turn a blind eye to people selling them for a few bucks, but that's to get the word out.
We can't pay for bad videos you're shipping out in our name.
They're like, SHUT UP!
And it's like, WHOA!
Man, that is... So just understand, folks, that we have a lot of people holding themselves out as us.
And they do it with internet radio, they do it with just a host of other ways,
And it becomes a problem.
We have them holding themselves out.
You know, people go over all over the web talking bad about black people or Jews in our name.
Or they run around and they make stuff up or they go and manipulate weak-minded people.
They go and attack other people in my name and then the fools end up attacking me thinking those people work for me.
It's all dirty tricks, but it's not working.
We are reaching tens of millions of people right now.
And folks need to understand because we are effective for government reasons, disinformation reasons, jealousy reasons, mental illness reasons.
There are a lot of people swarming around me right now.
And let me tell you, it's not fun.
But it is a byproduct of success.
And so I'm committed to this fight.
I knew this type of stuff would happen.
It's always been happening, but not at this level.
And so everybody just pray for us.
And just remember when you hear
Hundreds of different curves attacking us from every angle.
They're either government-paid or they're just jealous of people that actually have a huge audience.
Folks, it's a great responsibility.
I don't know what these jealous people are so angry or so upset about.
And they send me emails going, you know, it doesn't matter if it's celebrities.
Why are you always having celebrities on?
That's bad.
You know, who cares about celebrities?
Well, then why are you emailing me about how we have celebrities on here?
No, it matters when we have a governor, or a movie star, or a former president on, from say, you know, another nation, to say 9-11's an inside job, because that shows people it's high-profile.
Of course celebrities matter!
Why do you think they'll pay millions of dollars to have some celebrity pitch cell phones, or millions of dollars to the Steve McQueen estate to have him in Mustang ads last year?
Or why do you think Paul Newman's salad dressing did so well?
Don't sit there and act like children and throw fits about the fact that so many celebrities, by the way, seek us out and come on this show.
They care.
They want to be part of history.
They want to be more than just rock and roll stars or movie stars.
They want to be known for serious issues.
They know they want their celebrity to count for something.
You know, when the establishment, when the federal government, through the studio system, fully controlled the movie stars, they were kept on short leashes, they loved them.
The government invented the movie stars being part of political action.
But as soon as they got independent in the last 30 years, and got away from the studio system now, oh, who cares what a movie star thinks?
We would be fools not to have movie stars on this show.
We would be fools not to have celebrities on this show to talk about issues that we agree with, to garner support for the Liberty Movement against the New World Order.
And so anybody that criticizes that is a jackass.
They are filled with jealousy or they're feds, and shame on all of them as well.
But yes, celebrities popping up, and that's accelerating, on this radio show is also driving... I have to say it's sad.
I would like to think most of the attacks on this radio show were by government operatives, but sadly, ladies and gentlemen, it's not.
It is by people burning with absolute envy and jealousy
Over what?
That I've got the biggest target painted on my back?
Okay, I'm gonna shut up now.
Let's go to Scott in Arizona, then Carmi, Rourke, John, Graham, and others.
Go ahead, Scott.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing, buddy?
What do you want to know about the bailout scam?
Barack Obama's people saying, arrest those that criticize him?
Yeah, that guy's a scumbag.
I don't want to talk about him, but I do want to talk about the bailout.
I do like what Webster said.
I want to kind of get your take on it.
You didn't really get a chance to talk about it too much, about his idea of the $15 billion per state.
Even though we know that problem will never happen, I just want to see if that is realistic, because it sounded like a great
Deal, right?
Well, what happens is the fake conservatives say, that's socialism.
And I tend to agree that that's a bad idea, but it's much better than just giving it to the bankers.
I mean, wouldn't that at least... I mean, we're paying for it!
We're paying for it!
Listen to me, if Wall Street failed, let them swallow up each other, and we gave $15 billion to each state, what would that do?
I mean, that would create jobs for everybody, at least, if we're gonna... we would suffer if we don't have nothing.
But if we let them fail, at least we're giving us something in return for our tax dollars.
Well, I'll tell you the biggest outrage.
We need a story about it on InfoWars or PrisonPlanet or InfoWars.net.
And that is that the Congress, the parties, aren't stupid.
Paulson's not stupid.
Normally, if Greenspan passed gas at the lectern before the House Judiciary, I mean the House Banking Committee, the stock market would crash.
Now they're saying, Depression!
Unless you pass this!
You talk about yelling fire in a theater, they are screaming fire in a theater for the entire economic system.
It's pure terrorism!
It is economic terrorism.
They arrest people in Europe and Hong Kong and places for that.
In fact, they have been, for trying to create a run on the market.
And by the way, last time I checked, I'm going to look it up, the market was just in free fall this morning.
Let me just look that up right now.
So, absolutely.
I mean, if they're going to have a bailout,
Why shouldn't it go into the real economy?
But see, the government's so corrupt locally, they're going to steal it all up for themselves, too.
You're not going to get any of it, okay?
This is a country run by criminals for criminals.
Yeah, I know.
They're just trying to make it look good.
I mean, it's going to crash regardless, and I just don't know why, you know, they just don't let the whole thing crash.
I mean, this is what they want anyway, just let it crash.
Absolutely, I appreciate your call.
The problem is they'll then tell the domesticated cattle that it's the fault of people that didn't want the bailout.
Then they'll get an even bigger one after that.
So it's between a rock and a hard place, the... Oh, it's incredible.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Carmi in Kent.
And I guess Kent's in England?
Kentucky, okay, go ahead.
It said Kent here on my screen, go ahead.
Can you hear me?
Loud and clear.
Yes, you're so right on.
You are so right on about everything.
And, uh, I listened to the show when Colonel Oliver North came through and, um, was confronted and there were people arrested, um, through, it was the gun show here.
They peacefully, on video, they later got the video back from the cops, they peacefully asked questions in line, and they were arrested for it.
I know.
Oh, you are so right on about everything.
I am so impressed with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
His opinion.
Have been listening.
Thumbs up, dear.
I don't know what else to say.
Well, thumbs up to you.
Oh, well, we're sitting here in the middle of it all.
We got front row seats to some very painful times.
Thank you for the call.
Folks, you ain't seen nothing yet with the economy.
Rourke in Texas, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I mean, I know we've identified the problem.
I don't think we're getting close to any kind of solution, though.
There isn't!
We were overrun by criminals!
Well, you know, then we need to do something.
We need to organize.
I think we need to attack the television system.
I'm sorry, I talk to people in the largest politics channel on IRC every day.
I see how they respond to the television.
They just can't escape it.
I think we need to destroy the television system.
It's a huge liability.
All you have to do is go out there and cut some cables.
I know it's illegal, but at this point I don't care.
And, uh, I think organization is essential.
Okay, listen, sir, the last thing we want is to escalate this into violence.
The enemy had to bomb their own federal building and fly remote control aircraft into the towers just to, to, to, you know, in the name of keeping the people safe.
You see, and I appreciate your call, but I'm not going to have calls for violence here on my show, okay?
It is not going to happen.
I got a lot of people mad at me because I'm not calling for shooting.
But I notice the people calling for that are never out shooting.
They're just saying, we need to do this, we need to do that.
I know you're not saying shooting.
Here's the deal.
They knew we'd rebel against this tyranny, so they preemptively carried out terror attacks to set up an apparatus to suppress that.
Now, I don't think they can successfully suppress a wide-scale rebellion, but they don't intend to.
They want us to chew up the military, and chew up the local police, and then use an international peacekeeping force after six months to two years of depression.
You don't think the globalists aren't happy just to let everybody starve to death?
Do you know how domesticated and slack-jawed this population is, 90 plus percent of them?
Around 95 percent of the public are not self-sufficient.
Do you know what it'll look like if the society breaks down?
That's exactly what these people are looking for, and that's exactly what they want.
A bunch of dead cops laying around in the streets shot up with deer rifles is not the answer.
And I know you're not saying that, but I'm hearing it on Limbaugh.
I'm hearing it on Sean Hannity.
For some reason, these national shows are allowing people to call in.
I've been hearing it.
I monitor talk radio every day when I'm in the car and when I'm getting ready in the morning and when I'm, you know, on the bicycle or whatever.
And I'm hearing it everywhere.
If they bail them out, I'm gonna start shooting!
Well, that is not what we want, and I'm very suspect of the national neocon shows
That heavily censor their phone calls and heavily screen them that this is suddenly being said by a whole bunch of people.
This is very, very suspect.
I'm not trying to get in a fight with you, Rourke.
It's just cutting TV lines.
I mean, what are you... You know what they'll do if people ran out and started cutting television cables?
First off, a lot of you get electrocuted doing that.
They're gonna use crap like that to come arrest people like me!
We need to stop them launching a war for a distraction.
We're at a great danger for them staging terror attacks right now.
I also want to put that alert out.
We're at a heightened state of alert for the New World Order to stage terror.
The last thing we need is a bunch of craziness.
You know, never
Never on the offensive, ladies and gentlemen.
Always for defense.
A lot of you that want violence, I don't think a lot of you have actually seen it.
I don't think a lot of you have actually been around it.
I haven't been around that much.
Let me tell you, I don't like it.
You don't think I don't have a big can of whoop-ass?
Doesn't mean I want to open it up.
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We got Bob Dacia coming in in about 30 minutes.
I'm going to go ahead and go live at PrisonPlanet.tv at the start of the next hour for the last two.
I'm going to be breaking down the economic bailout and everything that's happening.
Now we need national calls to every radio talk show, letters to the editor, calls to Congress saying we want Henry Paulson, we want all the people involved in this criminal operation.
We've got congressmen and women on record saying it's clearly criminal.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
God bless you, man.
I've got a little ad show I do on local radio over here in Hawaii, where I try to explain to people how this was orchestrated.
I've been into this since the late 60s, and how they've slowly dismantled our agricultural production system.
And I think when we talk about a bailout, we need to begin making low-cost loans, obviously, to farmers, get people back on the land, and eliminate
You know, this fake economics that's ripping us off.
But the point I'm calling you about is about this concept of violence.
And I see there's three or four things coming up in the news where obviously 7 to 10 percent of America, no matter what they say about Obama, when they get in there, they're not going to be able to vote for a black man for president.
And when we see
The numbers saying that Obama is so far ahead in the polls and then he loses, and we've all been set up, especially since the Bush election, to the fact that the government came to manipulate the numbers.
I think we're going to be seeing full-scale riots the day after the election when McCain wins.
And I think we're all being set up.
This is a scam.
They're setting us up for martial law.
I'd be surprised if McCain ever becomes president with that talent.
You're obviously right, Alex, and I want to encourage people.
I've got a little show on Thursday at 6 o'clock Hawaii time where I talk about growing your own food, explaining how to grow nutrient-dense food, the importance of that.
I've been fighting against GMOs for about 15 years.
Go ahead and do the plug, sir.
Okay, yes, on KCOF.net.
And then I just have to go to KCOF.net and then click on the stream.
I want to move on to some more callers now.
Thank you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Graham in California.
Graham, go ahead.
I appreciate your work, man.
Thank you.
First, two quick things.
First, I heard Ray McGovern has cancer and he's using chemo.
He has lymphoma cancer.
Can you introduce him to G. Edward Griffin and... Yeah, I'm not my brother's keeper.
You know, we get him on as a guest.
He says that he already went through the chemo.
He already had the lymph nodes removed.
He believes he's in remission.
Oh, that's good.
That's good.
Secondly, you heard of John Kandias?
He's the guy that has the salt water, um, the radio wave machine that ignites salt water.
I don't know if any of that stuff's real.
Yeah, I've heard of that.
I have to look into it.
Okay, well, I remember watching a Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
There's a gentleman named Joe Newman, and he has a magnetic engine.
I know the magnetic engines are real.
What's that?
The magnetic engines are real.
Well, I was going to say, introduce Joe Newman to John Kandias, and that would solve the energy crisis right there.
Well, they have a lot of suppressed technologies.
The problem is there's a lot of quacks and kooks that have moved in to profiteer in it, and it's discredited most of the real technology.
If you could just check out Google Video, climate crisis we have.
Alright, thank you for the information.
I'm gonna hurry through more phone calls at 800-259-9231.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're live at PrisonPlanet.tv, coming up in 30 minutes, we're going to be joined in studio by Bob Dacey for the Balance of the Radio show to talk about what's happening with the economy, the global banking system, the private Federal Reserve, know your enemy, know who is behind this.
Continued open phones today.
Is anyone shocked by Barack Obama having police and prosecutors threaten to arrest people that criticize Barack Obama?
We're talking about the economic hijinks that are going on, a bunch of other news as well right now.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to AJ in Maine.
AJ, you are on the air.
Hi Alex.
First of all, I know that money is the root of all evil, and I'm wondering if this whole bailout thing is kind of, you know, taking everyone's eye off the ball as far as the other issues that are going on right now.
Well, money is not the root of all evil.
The love of money.
Yes, as far as everyone's scared of, you know, losing their retirement, the stock market crashing, you know, everyone's more concerned about that.
Yeah, they're terrorizing, saying, give the private banks government power, total immunity, and let us steal trillions of dollars more from you, because this is the final phase.
They're saying, why not steal it all?
You know, we're going for it.
We're going for a police state.
We're going for it all.
And so, yes,
The elite, to answer your question, are using the people's greed to support this, but it's not working.
The people know it's a scam.
It's a crisis of confidence, both in the markets and with the government, and so you've got 90-something percent against it, but the elite shows its colors and says, you know what?
We don't care!
But as far as the organization, as far as the real matters, like the 9-11 Truth Movement and this Iran-Russia thing and the presidential election, isn't there any way for an organization to come together and get some big lawyers behind them, kind of like what the ACLU does, and kind of really push for that?
There's no magic silver bullet, but certainly grand juries at the state level where these crimes have been committed in Dallas and Houston and LA and New York and DC, they can be calling for indictments, handing out indictments for all these different criminals.
That would slow the system down if we had local justice, but we don't.
The only other option is the whole fear of that, like you were talking about, the violence and, you know, the militias and all these like secret things that are going on right now and these riots and them declaring martial law.
I mean, that's totally out of people like ours control.
Yeah, exactly.
And people always say, well, give us a solution, Alex.
I've probably given 20 or 30 in the last two hours different things we can do, ideas, but they're all real world.
I'm like a carpenter or a farmer.
People say, well, give us food.
Well, I've got to find the fields.
I've got to plow them.
I've got to plant the right crop.
I've got to water it.
I've got to pull weeds.
I've got to till it.
I've got to bring it to harvest.
I've got to have a silo to put it in.
I've got to prepare it.
We've got to grind it.
We've got to bake it.
We've got to have cows to milk to make the butter.
People want a loaf of bread, but they're used to the loaf of bread falling out of the sky.
It doesn't fall out of the sky.
Why can't we look at the Constitution as the Bible?
The Bible, you know, is Word.
It's not changed.
People follow it, you know.
The Constitution... But they'd have to know the Constitution in this long process of corruption.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
The problem here is that we're trying to fix the Titanic after it's hit the iceberg and busted open four or five of its bulkheads.
The salt water's pouring in, it's flooded the bulkheads, you're not going to save it.
And the Elite's already gotten the lifeboats and they've already gone off to their own private islands.
And they've got SWAT teams on the deck of the ship making sure we continue to polish the silverware.
And that's what's going to happen.
SWAT teams, all of us, going under.
While the Elite laughs.
Only by somehow
Admitting that this has happened and making makeshift rafts or something.
Here's the analogy.
Can we try to do that?
But the SWAT teams like their devil tats and like the steroids and the shaved heads and acting tough.
So they're going to lose everything too.
So we can at least, after we're on the bottom of the North Atlantic, know what happened.
So when we start over, we know who to blame.
We'll be right back.
Let's go!
We're good to go.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, taking your phone calls right now.
Bob Dacey and Studio coming up.
Up next here, Keith in Vermont.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, Keith.
Good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you, too.
You know, I just wanted to bring up a couple quick points.
You know, I've been listening for quite a while, and I think that a couple things that people need to do simply is vote.
Contact your congresspeople, as I have about voting no.
On this bailout, I've contacted... I live in Vermont currently, but I contacted Barack Obama, which is where I'm registered to vote, and I let all my senators and representatives know to vote no on this, and I think that's something that people need to do.
And by the way, they admit that.
They admit that around 5 to 9 percent, depending on the poll, are for it, 90 plus percent against it.
Another testament, this government is rogue, this government is criminal, because they are planning to pass it.
Yeah, and I'm sitting at home today watching, as it doesn't pass in the house, as it has not passed, that, you know, watching the stock market just take a tumble, it's like 500 to 600 points down at points.
I think this goes to show exactly a lot of the things that you've been talking about, and gold is like the only thing that went up.
Gold is like at $18 up.
So, I think people need to take stock in some of the things, not just that you say, but that other people in the same community say, and people need to listen.
Well, what have we said here that hasn't come true?
I mean, and it's not hard.
The globalists say what they're doing.
I mean, we got it almost three years ago out of Bilderberg that they were going to stage an economic collapse triggered by the subprime mortgages and blame it on the people.
I mean, we didn't just say there'd be a collapse in a few years, we said exactly what would happen because we were getting it from the global rulers.
And so, again,
We have all these declassified army documents about how they like to stage terror attacks, so of course we talk about the government staging terror attacks.
I mean, we're only going off what they say and what they do.
And it's been proven.
Thank you, and I just, like I said, I've been in my mom's ear constantly, because my mom and dad support Obama, even though they're in their 70s, which would make them fit more the camp of McCain.
Well, see, he's a false revolution.
The global architects, the social architects, the social engineers, they know that the people are mad, so they give us something on the surface that looks different.
A younger, well-spoken black man.
Right, and it seems like it would appease a lot of people.
You know, I gave my parents a copy of the Truth Rising, and they just left my house a couple days ago.
We'll see what kind of feedback I get from them, but it's just, it's doing stuff like that.
I've passed it to neighbors, I've passed it to friends, just trying to say, hey, people need to pay attention.
It's not as simple as, I don't even want to say it, it's not as simple as black and white, but it's not.
It's not as simple as,
Is this guy's good and that guy's bad?
There's a lot more to it and there's a lot of cards and smoke and mirrors that they use.
Absolutely, absolutely.
I appreciate your call, Keith.
Mike in Tennessee.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I went to the debate Friday in Ole Miss and I tell you, the cops were great.
I spoke to several of them.
They were in blue uniforms laid back.
They actually gave me the thumbs up when I made a sign that said 9-11 was an inside job and the other side said
Save America for Paulson, and they were great.
But the thing that I noticed, they did a poll after the debate, I think they said locally there at the event 36% were pro-Obama, 22% for McCain.
I think that leaves about 44% undecided.
And I was talking to Chris Matthews, and I said, I think the undecided are the people that are true conservatives that wanted Ron Paul to get in there, or somebody other than McCain.
Democrats up in the Northeast cross party lines to go vote for McCain to get the weakest candidate possible for the Republicans.
And I think that if these 44% of the people get up and go and vote on Election Day, we could possibly have a, you know, a great turnout for either the Constitutional Party candidate, Chuck Baldwin, or right in for Ron Paul.
And he kind of nodded his head.
And he also signed my
9-11 was an inside job poster, which I found quite interesting.
If you watched Hardball, I'm the guy directly behind him on the left with the sign that keeps flipping.
One side is 9-11's inside job, the other side is
Save America, fire Paulson.
He signed the back of my sign.
Didn't want to sign the front, but he did sign the back.
Well, Save America, arrest Paulson, but I love your sign.
No, I mean, I try to not bash police, though I do do it, because the culture's out of control, the orders they're giving are unconstitutional.
And a lot of police really are awake right now, more than even the general public, because they know what's going on behind the scenes.
But, I mean, it's time.
It's time for everybody to speak up and say no, because the times that are coming, as bad as things are now, this is nothing.
I mean, how many police were giving you a thumbs up to your 9-11 inside job poster?
I walked past one pool of maybe 20 or 30, and three or four of them that watched me as I walked by gave me the thumbs up.
The others weren't really paying attention to me.
I didn't see any secret service.
I didn't see anybody with a black suit talking into their sleeve, nothing like that.
Of course, I was about 200 yards away.
I was in what's called The Grove, about 200 yards away from the theater.
But actually, I met some people just an hour before the event who were not supposed to go in.
I think so.
What do you think of Obama's supporters?
I met his coordinator.
I met his coordinator from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
She was behind everybody, passing out brochures, telling them, you know, everybody was dispersing, but she said, wait a minute, they're going to be back in five minutes.
Wait right here.
And she was coordinating everybody's activities.
So if you looked at hardball and you see people get real excited, you had a guy from hardball trying to jazz everybody up beforehand.
Plus she was back there saying, okay, everybody get ready.
And so, it was choreographed, I would say, from the Abala standpoint.
None of these were paid people, but they were their supporters, but they were being coached as to what to do.
I understand.
What do you think about Obama's supporters, police and others, in at least three states, threatening to arrest people that badmouth Obama?
I didn't see any of that.
No, no, I'm saying that's been reported now.
Do you have a comment on that?
Yeah, major tyranny.
I think anytime a government agent gets involved with anything having to do with a campaign like that, those people need to be arrested.
Those people need to be put in jail.
They're violating, I believe, federal and state statutes.
No, they are.
There are statutes about officials, government, especially police, getting involved and trying to frustrate people's choice in elections.
And that's a big no-no.
I wonder if these Obama police and prosecutors and sheriff's department people realize that they're opening themselves up for serious felonies.
I appreciate your call.
There are a bunch of laws against that.
Who's up next here?
Cody in Florida?
Or did we just talk to Cody?
Um, let's go to... Who's up next, Jason?
Brian in New York.
Okay, Brian in New York.
We just talked to Cody.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Um, I was just on CNN, and it looks like the bailout package was defeated.
That's shocking.
We had a congressman on it at first thinking it was going to pass.
They're stalling it for some reason.
They're, like, not letting it not pass.
Like the floor's still open on it?
Well, that's what it looked like during the last break.
I was watching C-SPAN.
It looked like that it was going against, but that's very interesting.
And I was going to say, I haven't heard anyone say this yet, but that is extremely maxed out on every aspect.
And there's a lot of talk now of going to gold, but wouldn't the bankers love to get paid back all that debt in gold?
Well, how are they going to physically, if you've got gold buried under the old hickory tree, or silver, how are they going to physically squeeze that out of you?
The point is that... I mean, if we made the dollar, like, gold again, or... They put the Amero in and it was based on gold.
Sure, well that's not seriously being discussed.
They're talking about re-monetizing the debt with a new regional currency that will be fiat as well.
So there's just not enough gold and silver to make the currency be backed by that.
I know some of the economists from the Austrian school have called for that, but that's really not being seriously discussed.
Alright, that's all I really had.
Thank you, appreciate the call.
Here is the headline, House Votes Down Bill to Bail Out Financial Markets.
And so the stock market was already plunging.
It's going to plunge even further as the private Federal Reserve, involved in insider trading,
Through the Plunge Protection Team, you watch, they are now not going to basically pump money into the market today, and then it will plunge even further and they can say, see, we told you so.
House votes against $700 million rescue plan.
Washington House lawmakers voted 205 to 228 Monday against approving the historic $700 million financial rescue plan.
A sharp blow to the administration and the bipartisan rallying efforts for leaders in Congress who warn that the country is on the brink of economic collapse unless it's passed.
With elections approaching, some lawmakers, both Democrat and Republican, may feel nervous about voting for a plan that will risk so much taxpayer money and can't promise success.
But the President has lobbied hard to approve the plan, and U.S.
officials also have stressed the dire consequences of action.
And there is a bunch of language we've been scanning over the bill about immunity for those involved in the financial structure for their crimes.
Critics say the plan does not adequately address problems such as job loss and distressed housing market that underline current economic weakness.
officials have hoped that the plan would ease the credit crunch and restore confidence in markets, even as the markets plunge around the world.
Worldwide, they're plunging.
Those in favor of the rescue plan may have been trying to treat the most manageable symptom, the frozen credit market, if not the actual disease.
A vote in the Senate was expected
Wednesday, and the President would have followed with speedy signature.
Earlier today, doubt emerged over whether enough representatives would vote in favor of the plan, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appealed to colleagues in the earlier afternoon, stressing representatives will continue to monitor financial issues and pursue additional strategies.
She said it's imperative that the measure on the floor receives bipartisan support.
So we'll continue breaking down the latest economic developments as they unfold on the other side of this quick break.
And all these stories are up on Infowars.com right now.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We are here.
We are live right now.
House votes down bill to bail out financial markets.
Central banks try to keep crisis from spreading.
Close to one trillion dollars by the Federal Reserve pumped into the markets last week alone.
940 billion plus according to Reuters.
And that was just last week alone.
The same thing is going on right now.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, ladies and gentlemen, previously closed at 11,143.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average stands, an index of the top 30 stocks, at 10,691.21, a 451.92 drop, or 4.06% plunge.
NASDAQ stands at $2,500.
Remember back when it was at $5,000?
It's dropped $127.36.
Has dropped from 1 to 1147.76 or 65.25 change overall a 5.38 change in one day and it is continuing to drop right now as we speak.
We will continue to cover this as it all unfolds and develops.
This is amazing.
You had the entire Democrat and Republican leadership, for the last week and a half, fear-mongering.
This is an amazing thing that's happened.
Fear-mongering, saying there would be a depression.
Paulson said that over the weekend again.
Secretary of the Treasury, who's behind much of this.
The cause of it.
This is actually incredibly positive, what's happening right now.
To have wall-to-wall fear-mongering, every major TV news show,
Almost every radio talk show, the newspaper is saying, we need the bailout, we need the bailout, we need the bailout.
Oh, it's not perfect, but it's the best thing we've got.
Pushing it, and pushing it, and pushing it.
And the Congress says no.
Now, the Congress did narrowly say no, but still.
Also, something positive is happening.
Ron Paul is now all over radio and TV with people saying he was right, he predicted all of this.
Same thing's happening for this radio show.
Folks are saying we were right.
We were.
The credibility is just shooting up.
So they're able to freeze him out of the presidential run to where he couldn't get that nomination, but now everybody remembers what Ron Paul said in the debates and all over television and in Congress to such an extent that Chuck Norris has written an editorial.
Paul would point them out and I would choke them.
Chuck Norris is defecting from being a neocon minion now.
Been told by folks that know Chuck Norris well, who I know that know him up in Dallas where he lives, that he is a closet patriot.
Looks like he's taken the step of recusing himself from the neocons, just like we've seen Bruce Willis do.
We told you here with director Rick Linklater that made a movie with him that on the set he gave a bunch of my videos and Bruce said about a year and a half ago I'm no longer a neocon, I've woken up to the left-right paradigm and the people didn't believe it on this show and then he went in Vanity Fair and talked about government-sponsored terror and how the government killed Kennedy and how he didn't trust Republicans or Democrats now.
So Chuck Norris waking up, Bruce Willis, the point is they're canaries in the coal mine
If Chuck Norris were granted one wish, he would walk through Congress with Ron Paul and watch as Paul, the Republican representative from Texas, pointed out the corrupt politicians.
One by one, Norris would grab each crooked congressman and choke him unconscious.
I keep sticking them in a pile, piling them up, to the martial arts star who at 68 looks as young and bluff as the Walker, Texas Ranger.
Glory days!
The ones that are honest, they stay.
This is the black belt patriotism.
The roundhouse kick to the point political philosophy.
Norris explains in the new book of the same title.
I actually have that book.
It was in here and somebody got it out of my studio.
The point is that even Chuck Norris now, waking up, I always knew he was a good guy.
He just, it takes so much to wake these people up.
See, we were telling you the truth the whole time.
Oklahoma City was an inside job.
Waco was a massacre.
The first World Trade Center attack was government provocateur.
9-11 was an inside job.
And so Congress has said no to the bailout.
Now they'll probably totally spike the stock market and say, okay, you better pass it.
Then they'll try to pass it and then maybe buoy it back up because the private Federal Reserve puts tens of billions a day into the stock market.
Insider trading.
Totally criminal, but they do it.
So we will continue to break that down.
Bob Dacey in studio.
When we get back, I'm going to hit on some other news items that are developing and unfolding.
And then we're also going to continue taking your phone calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Pienso que un sueño parasito no volverá más.
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We're good.
The stock market just dropped 35 points plus in the last five minutes.
So, uh, that's not going well on news of the Congress saying they're not going to give the private banks that caused all these problems a free ride.
Bob Dacey will be with us for the rest of the broadcast, about an hour and twenty minutes of it.
For the next five minutes, I wanted to bring Ted Anderson on, not to say, see, I told you so.
In fact, for those watching me on PrisonPlanet.tv, they could see me dancing around with the music.
I'm making myself be positive, I'm making myself be happy, I'm making myself not be negative here, because I'm very very upset about what's happening.
This could turn into a road warrior type economic collapse, because the fact that we're 90 plus percent urban, no longer agrarian, 7 million people according to different studies that have been done by universities, 7 plus million starved to death during the decade of depression.
And this is very predatory of what's being set up.
This has been engineered by design, and then they want to, through the crisis they create, create a world dictatorship of the banks.
And Henry Kissinger and others called for that last week.
There were stories up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.net by Steve Watson on that, with their quotes and videos of them saying it.
How many years have we said they'll create a world economic crisis based in the U.S., then offer a new global economic order to deal with the last scam they ran?
A new Ponzi scheme for the old one now coming to an end.
So we're at a very important crossroads.
And I thought the House was going to pass the economic bailout of the bankers, the takeover bill, the criminal stick-up bill, but it didn't.
And I said last week, if that didn't happen, then they would just plunge the market, because the Federal Reserve has been propping it up for years with our tax money every day, with the Plunge Protection Team, the Committee on Open Markets that they set up back in the 80s.
And that they would, you know, then let it crash, then pump it back up when people finally acquiesce.
That remains to now be seen.
So this is a big defeat for the New World Order right now.
Will they now do as they've threatened?
Yelling fire in a theater, screaming, depression, depression, depression, if we didn't give them anonymity, immunity, and by anonymity they could secretly
Do whatever they wanted.
Bob Daisy's got all the documents on that.
And his big thing is the Federal Reserve.
By the way, we carry the three and a half hour documentary, The Money Masters, on one DVD.
The definitive film.
Yes, you know all about it, listeners, but your neighbor doesn't.
Give them the pretty DVD with the cover and say, do you want to be an expert on this?
Well, the next three nights, watch an hour of it.
And people used to, I don't care about that, the Cowboys are on.
They just lost to the Redskins.
This is a disaster.
Well, maybe now they will care and check it out.
And the answer is yes.
But I want to bring Ted Anderson up for five minutes.
Ted, hate to say, gee, we told you so, but we're right again.
And gold is exploding in price today.
And folks, it may go up and down in the months to come.
But bottom line, the dollar is a dead duck.
We're good to go.
The dollar is a dead duck with the bailouts we've already seen.
If they would have done this bailout, which they may still do, guaranteed even faster.
But, Ted, give me your take on what's happening right now.
Oh, I sure will.
I think it's just a victory for Congress not to do this.
That doesn't mean the dollar is going to be saved, but at least we're not handing it over to the banks right now at this time.
Wall Street's not getting bailed out.
Yes, indeed, there's going to be some very severe consequences on Main Street where you and I are trying to live.
The bank's not lending money means the money supply is going to shrink.
It's going to get very tough.
Very tough.
A depression style like we had in the 1930s.
Of course, there still will be a bailout, just like they said.
The U.S.
government has FDIC to cover.
They have all the welfare programs to cover, the unemployment programs to cover.
They're going to be shifting a lot of new money.
They just passed a trillion dollar defense budget last week.
So this is what it comes down to.
We got problems, but at least we're not billing out the banks.
We are going to see the dollar fall and it's going to become... I doubt it a bit if we're still trading Federal Reserve notes even ten years from now.
And folks, I know you like to procrastinate.
Oh, they'll try to have the Marrow within four years, I believe, a lot of experts believe.
I'm looking right now at the gold numbers from CNBC and gold is up 27 plus dollars today at $9.04.80.
And people, you think that's high?
This is a buying opportunity.
Gold always goes up in the fall and winter.
And it is way undervalued.
It is undervalued right now, Alex.
There's no question about it.
But here's another kicker for you.
When gold was what?
It was $9.87, $9.78 right in there and we're offering things last week.
We've got the same prices right now.
People can get at the very same items.
I was able to hold on to that level because I was watching this thing happen and I just knew I had to accumulate.
And set up an opportunity for my people to buy once the market price... Yeah, let's be clear about that.
I want everyone to listen very carefully.
Let's stop.
Ted, last Friday, couldn't even talk to me on the phone when I called him in the afternoon.
The owner of the Genesis Network, same big building Midas Resources is in.
Ted's been in this almost 30 years.
Had Midas for, what, 12?
And Ted couldn't talk to me.
He said, look, I'm too busy.
I'm making some buys right now while gold is only at $8.75 because I believe it's going to explode next week whether they do the bailout or not.
And boy was Ted Wright, it's up $27 from the close
And so, Ted, you're saying you've got gold at how much below spot?
Same prices.
$2.41 on the British Sovereigns.
That's about $20 below what it would cost if I entered into the marketplace to buy the same thing at this time.
I still have the Franks right now.
They're at $1.96.
That's the same price I offered them on Friday, and gold's gone up like crazy.
And obviously, silver is about to make an explosive move, too.
And I still have the dimes right now.
That's $1600 per face, you know, per $100 face.
And I gotta tell you right now, Alex, there's just way, way, way too much trouble out there to ignore this buy.
This is one of the better buys.
I would say it's one of the best buys I've ever done.
Except for that one time on Monday I locked in and gold shot up eighty some bucks that day but I don't know that's the only time gold's ever done that in history and right now it's up thirty bucks this whole thing is melting down and we don't know what the market is going to carry forward to the rest of today.
That's right and the futures show it only going up as well and so I think it's safe to say that gold's broken the psychological of nine hundred and is sailing up
On its way towards $1,000.
Ted, how long do you think until it potentially hits $1,000?
Well, you know, obviously if we break through that $900 level, we could see $1,000 in three days.
It could go that quick.
I mean, we went $85 up in one day, and then we're up over $130 within two.
And folks, you know, I've bought gold and silver over the years, a little bit here, a little bit there, and invested it and done things with it.
And I bought gold when it was $264, and it was $300 when it was $400, $500, $600, $700, $800.
I bought gold from Ted when it was $1,000.
Did I sell it when it went down to $800 and something?
I kept it because it's my insurance policy.
The Federal Reserve notes are dead.
We could be in a depression next week, God forbid, but in the future, every economist we have on says within two to three years, the worst depression we've ever seen,
And now is the time to move out of dollars.
Now is the time to get out of the bank and get out of paper because this derivatives bubble that is over 1,000 trillion, over a quadrillion, it is not going away, period.
So you are insane if you don't move into gold and silver.
And if you are moving into gold and silver and metals, you are even more insane not to get it from Ted Anderson right now who has it in his vault, who got it
When gold was down $30, okay?
It is up $30.
He made a major buy.
Thursday and Friday made buys.
Ladies and gentlemen, he has the gold, he has the silver, but here's the problem.
Ted's told me he's having trouble getting the gold and silver in these really good coins because, and there's a lot of articles about real scarcity in gold.
They're trying to suppress it and can't suppress the price.
But they're suppressing it from where it should be at above $2,000 for inflation from 1980 numbers.
But physically in this market, in the real market, they're running out of gold and silver.
I mean, look, just last week, the U.S.
Mint suspended gold sales.
That's what's going on.
Yeah, that's right.
When you watch that volatility, it means that the futures market is bouncing up and down.
But that's all paper, and it's all credit and leverage.
I mean, for God's sakes, they're only 10 cents on the dollars there to back the trades that are going through.
And when that goes down and that goes up, that doesn't affect the physical market.
Like you, Alex, people are buying this stuff and they're holding on to it.
Just because they paid a thousand bucks for it doesn't mean they're willing to sell it when silver's down or gold's down in the $780 range.
And now it's just bouncing right back up again.
In fact, from $780 to $905, it just went up again.
We're talking about a hundred
We're talking about a massive increase here.
We're talking about a $125 increase in the last two weeks.
Most of the countries around the world quit coining gold and silver coins back in World War II.
I mean, yeah, you've got the Eagles, you've got some, you know, the Canadian Maple Leaf, and it adds a little bit of supply to the market, but it's nothing in comparison to what it used to be like.
The supply of gold and silver is drying up, especially silver.
But gold is
Bullion prices.
You cannot beat this, and I believe in it.
And Ted literally lost money on one of the pitches he did a week and a half ago when it went up 80-something bucks in one day.
He still fulfilled it all, did it all.
Ted has locked in on these so he won't lose money because he locked in with his gamble.
But he is passing that savings on.
This is the second best deal I've ever heard Ted offer.
And if it keeps going up today, Ted is locked in so he can still offer it to you.
How long can you hold this deal, Ted?
I'll honor these transactions till midnight.
And Alex, you're right.
Last time around I locked in a position I must have sold ten times as much as I locked in on.
But I'll honor it.
I'll honor every single one of these trades because people need to have gold.
And when I give my word, my word is my word.
And I can't say it enough.
Gold's up 30 bucks and I'm offering the same stuff at the same prices I was last week when gold was lower.
Absolutely amazing, Ted.
Let's give them the number.
Give them the number, Ted.
Yeah, 1-800-686-2237.
It's 1-800-686-2237.
We're good to go!
Two, two, three, seven.
The brokers will be there until midnight tonight.
Do not wait.
Lock it in today.
Gold is only going up as we speak.
One more time, that toll-free number, and I'm refreshing the gold price right now.
I'm going to give that number out to everybody.
Gold just went up another three dollars, Ted.
That's what it's doing right now, and it's just reacting.
It's saying, OK, we're not going to get the bailout.
If we did get the bailout, we'd have so much currency coming into the system, it would be coming by the buckets full.
But for the time being, gold would have probably sat still.
Now as it is, boom.
Gold up three bucks in the last five minutes.
Ted, thanks for coming on.
Thanks for having me up, Alex.
It's at 907 right now, or up right at $30 today.
Okay, he's with us until the end of the show.
Coming up later, I'm going to go to your calls on the economy and what's happening, and we'll cover things as they develop.
Bob Dacey really is an expert on the Federal Reserve in the now decade-plus that he has been studying what's going on and what has been happening, and I'm pleased to have Bob Dacey in studio with us.
Bob, it's good to have you here, my friend.
Alex, it's been a while since I've been in here.
I'm glad to be back.
That's right, and folks know Bob has sat in on quite a few shows and done an excellent job, other than speaking too softly, and my guys didn't turn his mic up, but he is just awesome.
We've got about three or four minutes before break, but let's go ahead and get into your bottom line take on what's happening with the Banker Bailout.
Well, I gotta tell you something, Alex.
I'm a little bit confused right now.
I was betting on them voting for this thing anyway.
I mean, I called my congressman and my senators every single day for the last week, and very calmly, like I always do, explained why there's no way they should vote for this, and I'm sure it was going on all over the country, but I'm trying to figure out, and I don't understand, this is one of these anatomical anomalies.
How did
A creature without a spine walk erect and then develop a spine and actually develop some cojones and actually vote the right way.
I'm confused by that.
I'm actually thinking that this gigantic amount of pressure that we the people put on these creatures actually might have had an effect.
I'm a little concerned that they're going to try to pull something else out of the hat before, you know, they're going to crash it and say it's our fault.
I mean, that's why they blame it on the subprime.
It's always about blaming us.
Well, it's always our fault, but the thing that people have to understand, and this is the bottom line, and Alex is right about this, they're not really trying to fix anything.
I mean, they are trying to tank the economy one way or another.
It's a highway robbery.
It's a theft.
And that's all it is.
It's Gilbert Griffin's book.
The Creature from Jekyll Island, Chapter 2, explains it really well, you know.
The name of the game is bailout.
Well, this time, they're not bailing out this, but they're bailing out everything else.
And again, I am confused.
I do not understand.
I have to admit it.
And by the way, I haven't pointed out in weeks that the Bush's specialty, all of them have different criminal specialties, but it's all about raiding SNLs, blowing out savings and loans, robbing banks, you know, being bank directors.
I mean, that's the Bush specialty.
And McCain's specialty.
Financing dictators.
Don't forget that.
So, like I say, I am a little bit confused.
I mean, just before I got on the air, we found out that the House voted against it.
Well, now the Senate's not going to be able to vote on anything, are they?
And people are asking, because it's the end of the fiscal year, they're about to go away on a holiday recess.
Let it implode.
I mean, let it tank.
Because letting it tank later will only make it worse, folks.
They're saying, we owe all this money, and it's going to devalue the currency that is in the real economy.
Main Street versus Wall Street.
You want to explain that to people?
Well, Main Street versus Wall Street, I give you a great example of Main Street versus Wall Street.
The logic must have been so ridiculous that even the congressman must have been able to figure it out.
What they're proposing to do, according to Bernanke, was to buy this stuff back, all these bad mortgages, at what their market value was in more normal times.
So you've got a $100,000 mortgage that's worth $60,000 now, and they're going to take taxpayer money and spend $100,000 on it.
That doesn't make sense to anybody.
And if we're going to be complete socialists, why be socialists for the billionaire bankers?
I mean, if we're going to do this, if we're going to be paying interest on this, this is a credit card, then we might as well be able to buy the crap.
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Okay, we are back live on the MNFM Dial Global Shortwave, the internet at InfoWars.com and streaming live at PrisonPlanet.tv to all the folks there.
I want to thank the PrisonPlanet.tv members.
You make so much of what we do possible here with your membership.
Okay, Bob, you've got a lot of notes there, a lot of news and points you want to make, and I want to get the calls coming up in the next hour.
Start breaking it down for us.
Well, you know, we're talking about the history of this thing, you know, and this goes way back over 100 years.
I think you were on my show many, many, many years ago.
By the way, that's the Simple Truth TV show here in Austin.
We have a website now, by the way, simpletruthonline.net.
We have a webmaster, we got a reporter, we got two producers, and we've got five people working on our show now.
Good job!
But this thing goes back way over a hundred years.
Cecil Rhodes, the super rich guy from way back in the good old days, 1890s and whatnot, he was the one that went over to South Africa and he founded De Beers, just super rich, kicked a bunch of Africans off their land, the Metabiti tribe, and got their
We're good to go.
And it was to gradually absorb the wealth of the world into the hands of the few.
And from the Rhodes Trust and all that came financing for the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, and its cousin over here in the United States, the Council on Foreign Relations.
And this is not something which is, like, debatable.
They admit it.
They admit it.
It's in the book Tragedy and Hope.
What's his name?
I just forgot it.
Give me his name.
Carol Quigley.
Carol Quigley.
Carol Quigley wrote about it in the 60's.
He was a member of the CFR.
He said it all.
It's in the book.
It's funny you brought this up.
Because I meant Sunday to have time to get to this.
I'll put it up on screen for people.
I meant to get to this.
The New World Order Conspiracy Theory.
This is Wikipedia.
And it goes on to say it refers to a purported conspiracy in which a powerful and secretive group is plotting to eventually rule the world via an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in world power struggles.
And it goes on to say it's an imaginary theory, but then when you start reading it, it gets into Cecil Rhodes' book, Cecil Rhodes' will, a New World Order set up for the British Empire with the United States and Anglo-American establishment.
Then it goes through all the books written by the elites and the real groups they set up to do it, and all the presidents that have called for it and prime ministers.
But it still doesn't exist, Bob.
Well, that's because of the definition of conspiracy.
I mean, you can have all these people telling you about all these horrible things, but a conspiracy is obviously kooks.
They have conditioned the American people into thinking that anybody who uses that word is a kook.
But all a conspiracy is, is what?
Two or more people conspiring to do something that's wrong?
That's all it is!
And when Cecil Rhodes puts it in his will, and by the way, one of the things in his will was he wanted to recruit people through this Rhodes Scholarship Fund of what he called unctuous rectitude.
Nobody uses that word anymore.
Unctuous means slippery.
In common parlance, it means used car salesman.
And, you know, what do you figure about... What's his name?
Bill Clinton?
I mean, that's what he is.
He's a used car salesman.
Jimmy Carter was a used car salesman.
Barack Obama is the latest used car salesman.
They're slick.
They're polished.
They're very well educated.
And they're working for global government.
All of them.
And it doesn't matter if you have North American Union documents.
It doesn't matter if you have presidents calling for world government.
It doesn't matter if all these corporations are calling for it.
They just respond to us by saying it doesn't exist.
And Wikipedia basically says it doesn't exist, but then it goes on to show all the elitists saying it does exist.
You know, there was a book written a few years ago about, uh, what was it, trying to, uh, oh, it was taking over all these countries with economic, uh, means.
I forgot the name of the author.
Well, it's Superclass, just written by the head of the Kissinger Group.
He came on the show and said, yeah, we're setting all this up.
Yeah, but then they say it's not a conspiracy, like it happens by osmosis or something.
Global governance.
Well, we've got Walter Cronkite saying they're setting up world government.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, back in 70 seconds for the fourth hour.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, Bob Dacey, our guest in studio.
Bob, you've got a lot of notes and comments and news articles you want to go over concerning the bailout that, at least for this round, failed today in the House.
A big shocker, but the polls show around five to nine percent, depending on which poll.
And we've got a bunch of them up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Also, hundreds of top economists
Have written emails, letters, they've gone on TV, they've gone on radio.
They've said it's a big scam.
They've said that these are criminal acts committed by those in the banking structure.
We played some congressmen and women commenting on this during the debates earlier in the first hour.
I had a congressman on from Texas who said they basically declared martial law in the House, saying the normal rules were suspended.
I mean, these are some crazy times that we're in the middle of right now.
Bob Dacey, continue.
I think that what they were trying to do, Alex, was just too over the top.
I mean, I looked at the so-called improved bill, the 110 pages of garbage that they posted last night on the internet, and they had basically four things they promised us idiots that they were going to do.
One of them was to make sure that the executives didn't get paid too much.
You know what kind of a nonsense that is relative to the amount of money they were talking about?
You're talking about a few million?
You're going to have Paulson and you're going to have Bernanke and you're going to have a couple of other executive branch people
The authors of the bill would oversee it.
Well, that's because the public has been taught to obsess on CEOs making 50 million a piece.
That's nonsense!
And we're talking about trillions of dollars here.
Yeah, and they also said that they were going to make sure that in several years from now, if the enterprises that they're going to buy for way more than they're worth start making money, that they're going to have to like... No, they didn't say they were going to have to pay it back.
They said the President was going to have to make a proposal.
That they pay it back.
So, I mean, when you ask the girl to marry her, that's a proposal.
She doesn't have to say yes, does she?
It's a crock!
No, they said maybe later.
A total crock!
Maybe later.
And here's the math of the deal.
You buy a, you got a $100,000 mortgage on a house, right?
The thing is now, the house that holds it up is only worth $60,000 now.
Because like in California, they say that real estate's dropped 40%.
So you got a $100,000 mortgage with a $60,000 house.
Bernanke said that the point of all this was to take the $700 billion and buy these things for more like what their normal market value would be, i.e.
So if you buy something that's worth $60,000, how in the world are you going to make any money on it in a few years so you can pay us back?
It is a total crock, and I think even the Congress people were able to figure that out.
Well, I think they know, getting millions of phone calls.
I mean, per congressman, they said it was thousands and thousands, and they said, out of congressmen on First Hour, saying, out of several thousand phone calls against, five, count it, five were for it.
For the bailout.
Yeah, those were probably the guys that are members of the Federal Reserve Board.
But that's kind of like TxDOT handing over our roads to the private company, Centra.
They'll have a meeting with 1,200 people, and there'll be three or four there for it, and they're all TxDOT employees, and then they say, okay, we're voting against what the people want, we're going to hand it over to Centra.
And I've got a story on that I'm working on right now, Alex, too, about the Stafford Superhighway.
Big, big story.
Huge one.
Are you interested in it?
It's a big sucker.
I wouldn't wait on it, though.
I'd go ahead and get the story out.
Well, basically, this is something that I think you need to handle, because you're the big cheese, okay?
You know, you are the imperious leader and all that stuff.
Oh, yeah, right.
You know, we've been working on the Trans-Texas Corridor for a long time, and our little TV shows had a lot to do with it, and our work, and The New American has had a lot to do with stopping the Trans-Texas Corridor and throwing
Well, it exists!
I know I'm on air, but I'm just gonna go ahead and do it.
Because somebody's lunch here at my office with a guy running my board.
He's at lunch and he's not back.
Did John Harmon ever come back from his meeting?
Yep, I'm back now.
Oh, your lordship!
I am back, Jones.
We may skip a few breaks for folks that are watching, so get ready for that in the next segment.
Okay, you got it.
They must be getting a lot of calls at Midas.
I tried to call you on the back line and all circuits were busy twice.
You're calling 125 and it was busy?
Well, remember, we're on air.
Let's... Okay, well, I'll... No, I mean, not now.
Maybe not now, but... Anyways, how are you doing today?
I'm doing good.
What would you like to say on air to the folks watching and listening?
God bless you all.
You make this show possible.
God bless you all.
What does Tiny Tim say at the end of the Christmas story?
God bless you everyone.
Every one of us.
But that doesn't exist.
Christmas doesn't exist.
You're making it up.
If you see a bird hopping around in a tree, it doesn't exist.
Nothing exists but what the government says, John.
If the government tells you you don't exist, you don't exist.
I don't.
And if I tell you 2 plus 2 equals 97, it does.
Or you're with Al-Qaeda, boy.
That's right.
Thank you, John, for talking to us.
Hey, Bob Dacey, doesn't it seem to you, though, like no matter what crap the government puts out and the corporations now, no one's buying it?
I mean, we've done quite a bit of good waking people up.
Is it possible that people like Alex Jones, working 18 hours and 20 hours a day for all these years, for all this time, have actually started to have an effect?
Is it possible that we're pushing back against these people and they're getting a little nervous?
Is it possible that we are actually winning this thing?
Is it possible that someday we'll be able to arrest them and try them?
They're going to get full due process.
Full due process.
But what is a jury of their peers?
What is that?
Is it like other CFR members or what?
I have a hard time picturing what their definition is.
A jury of their peers just means randomly selected from the community.
Okay, well I don't think that's their definition of peers because they think they don't have any, right?
Did you have a nice lunch?
Mr. Lunchey's back.
Actually, no, I didn't have one.
No, no, I'm talking to the other culprit down here.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm just joking around.
You know what?
I'm glad this bailout didn't pass, but now they're going to destroy the economy and say it was all our fault.
They're masters at psychology.
Now, I believe they lost control here.
I believe they were trying to pass it.
I'm going to say that when we get back.
We're going live to the full audience right now.
PrisonPlanet.tv viewers get to see all the silliness that goes on, but here we go.
Alright, I'm in a good mood right now.
I'm giddy.
Because clearly this is not staged.
My instincts, my gut.
What is your instinct?
What is your gut?
It's hundreds of points, facts, research, history, body language.
It's like asking a good police detective, well why is it your hunch he committed the murder and nine times out of ten it turns out they were right.
It's not really a hunch.
A hunch is a word for, I don't have ten hours to go through all the evidence of why I know Billy Bob did it.
And then later you go, you know, look at the evidence that Billy Bob did.
I don't know for a fact that this isn't staged with the failure of the bailout passage a few hours ago.
I don't know that that was not staged, but I know that every member of the House is not controlled.
It's the committee chairmen that are.
I know that I've interviewed a congressman on air, several others I've seen giving interviews, have been saying, and the polls show, around five to nine percent, any way you cut it,
Ninety-plus percent are against this bailout package.
And just masses of calls.
Thousands and thousands and thousands of calls and letters and emails in the last week and a half to Congress.
The fiscal year is about to end tomorrow.
I don't think they're going to get the bailout plan.
Big defeat with it failing.
Will they be able to repackage it and bring it back?
Bob Dacey's been reading over it.
We've been reading over it.
Strangely enough, it won't let us print it on two different computers.
So it's not even letting us copy it and put it in documents and print it.
So somebody put systems on there to keep you from printing it.
It's got all the same crap in there.
The immunity and the rest of it is in there.
We've confirmed that.
And so what's going to happen now?
We probably should analyze that and then go back and look at the last bailout.
They are going to plunge the stock market and it's down almost 600 points right now.
Gold is
Up $30, a cool $30 right now.
It's a few cents short of $30.
I'm refreshing.
And so a lot of things are happening.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Gold is up $33.10.
It's gone up $3.20 in the last 20 minutes.
So it's going straight to the moon.
So much is happening on that front.
So we should talk about, and we're going to open the phones up in about ten minutes, we should talk about what Bob Dacey today, who really has been studying and writes articles for New American Magazine and hosts this TV show for nigh on, is it a decade yet?
Nine years.
Nine years.
We just finished our ninth year, I can't believe it.
So, bottom line, this is being devalued, but not as fast as the bankers would have liked.
If this bailout would have passed, the dollar would have gone down.
Gold probably, the more I think about it, probably would have gone up either way.
Now, look for the dollar to stay the same, though it's dropping.
I would think it would stay the same, saying that, you know, as much damage has been done, it wouldn't drop any more for now.
I would think it would have gone down further if they would have passed this, but gold regardless is why a lot of crazy things are going on.
What is the establishment going to do now?
Because they had the Republican and Democratic leadership in the House and in the Senate, in the Executive with the Republicans, and most of these governors on both parties coming out and saying we had to have it.
Most of the TV coverage said, well, the people don't want it, but you need it.
And so the news spin over the weekend was, we know the people don't want it, but you don't know what's best for you.
We've got to have something.
It's a bad plan, but it's better than nothing.
We're going to have a depression.
Paulson came out yelling, fire in the theater, he should be
You know, you've got free speech, but as the Secretary of the Treasury, who's committed most of these crimes, and let all this happen, and been involved in it, in conflict of interest, giving tens of billions a week to Goldman Sachs that he just ran a few years ago, he needs to step down, he needs to resign.
Now, I don't think he should be arrested, even though in his power position, he yelled fire in the theater.
I mean, he needs to be shut up.
He needs to be told by the President, shut your mouth, stop saying, we're going to have a depression.
And they've had Bernanke running around saying that.
Because these are the big financial heads and they're saying, run for the hills if this doesn't pass.
And now, here's the bottom line.
I'm thinking about this as I talk.
Here's the bottom line.
If there is a depression out of this, they already set all this up and let us into this.
They need to get the blame for saying a depression would come if this didn't pass.
If the stock market tanks by a third today, which is shaping up to lose 10% at least today, it looks like, if that happens, they are the ones that did it.
They caused the previous economic activities and set up the system that's now causing this, and they then grandstanded and said,
Pardons, give us unlimited political power, create a fourth branch of government above all the rest of the government, make the private Federal Reserve governmental, it's always been private basically, give them governmental powers, or Armageddon, fiscal Armageddon.
And so they are behind it all.
They engineered what's happened, and now they're fear-mongering.
I'm concerned, Bob.
I don't know how the market isn't going to completely tank.
And plus, you notice, they're not in there with the Plunge Protection Team, it appears, with the Federal Reserve dumping money into the market to prop it up.
So these bastards are in control, and they're doing it any way you cut it.
Bob Dasey.
Well, you know, one good thing about all this, and people of my ilk have said for years and years and years that the salvation of this country in terms of politically has never been through the executive branch of the government.
The House of Representatives has always been the place that it's kind of like we have to rely on them, unfortunately.
And in this particular case, it looks like massive pressure on the part of the people of the United States has finally gotten the House to pay attention.
And, you know, although I would be a lot more comfortable if they would conduct an investigation and start indicting some of these people.
Because, you know, Nancy Captor herself, Democratic representative, she said yesterday that there's criminal behavior going on here.
Well, hey, let's go!
You know, now that we've stopped the bailout,
That dollar's going up in smoke there, Alex.
You better be careful.
I'm burning a dollar.
You're burning a dollar here in the studio trying to distract me here.
I'm afraid it's going to get on me.
But, you know, why don't they start... get a grand jury and... uh-oh.
Oops, sorry.
Yeah, blow it at me, Alex.
Hang on, we've got a fire here.
That's going to be the value of the dollar.
That's about how much it's going to be left from what it was in 1913, when the private Federal Reserve took over.
We told you these guys would take advantage, everybody.
Hey, if any of you want to believe this, all you've got to do is go on the internet and get one of those inflation calculators.
And type in whatever amount of money you want.
That's already about the value of what it was from that quote, about one and a half percent?
That's about right.
I think if I remember correctly... They claim three, but that last number was done about two years ago.
Yeah, I think what it took a dollar to buy now, back then it would cost you a couple of pennies.
Here, Bob, show them this one.
Thank you.
This is your dollar relative to like 1913 or 1911, you know.
When the Jekyll Island meeting took place and they started forming the Federal Reserve, this is what they've done to your dollar over the last several years.
Because literally, I mean, two cents back then... But while it was worth something, they took it and bought up real assets.
And the bottom line is all this is, it's a giant scam.
It's theft of your hard work, your hard labor.
Through the vehicle of inflation.
You can put that in your wallet!
Yeah, I'll tell you what, I'd give me a Happy Meal with that.
I mean, that's... He's vandalizing the currency!
Shame on you, Alex.
I mean, literally, that's what this is.
They've been confiscating the value of your hard-earned assets for decades through the Federal Reserve System.
It's not hard to understand, but people don't understand money.
They flat do not understand money.
You know, when they pour a bunch of money into a system without a rise of goods and services, then you just dilute the value of the money.
If you don't understand money, do you understand iced tea?
Well, by the way, someday they're going to get completely rid of the currency.
And when that happens, they're going to take the 1.5%
I think so.
Of the value.
Used to be in the good old days.
Well, I guess it's a collection, kind of like old Confederate notes.
If you took a dollar in the 1800s and parked it on the shelf for a year, you could buy the same amount of stuff with it a year later.
Now you come back and your dollar is missing a big chunk.
And people are too dumb to figure out that that was an inflation tax.
How'd that happen?
And that's what they've been doing for all these years.
And now, like I said, the House of Rent
The House of Representatives just did something I hadn't figured it out yet.
I don't know how this is going to settle out, Alex.
We're celebrating by burning money!
Yeah, you know, we got money to burn.
You know, why not?
It's going to be worthless.
Actually, that'll be a use as toilet paper.
Well, yeah.
Actually, I prefer the U.N.
toilet paper roll myself, but that's a whole other subject.
You know, I've actually used that.
I bought a whole thing of it at a gun show.
Well, I got some of that.
And when I had family come into town as a joke, it was in the
I got that from Daniel New, and I still have it.
It's in my store, in my showcase there, a roll of UN toilet paper.
You don't use it?
Well, I like to look at it.
After it's been used?
I don't want to run out.
I want to hoard it.
I want to hoard this stuff.
You're hoarding used toilet paper?
No, UN toilet paper, not used toilet paper.
UN toilet paper.
There's a difference there, Alex.
But anyway, I mean, you know, I think part of the problem is you got this one giant bailout.
I'm not being mean, but it is funny when the illegal aliens at like Walmart and stuff, you notice they don't throw it in the toilet?
They throw it in the corner?
I'm sorry, folks!
That's good.
This show is deteriorating.
I can't handle it anymore!
They're coming to take me away!
Everything is insane.
The House of Representatives did something good for a change.
I mean, what's with that?
You know, I mean, it's like, I have said before that... Because they're probably going to crash the economy and blame it on us.
I don't know, but recently I've thought that we've been fighting this delaying action, going back and back and back and back, and the last couple of years through this NAFTA Superhighway fight that we've been on, I feel like we've been going forward and making them retreat, and here's another little victory for this.
I don't know whether it's going to be a Pyrrhic victory for us, I don't know, Alex is getting some more of his money out.
Hey, Alex, I dare you to burn that $100 bill.
I don't have a hundred dollars.
He's got a twenty.
Stop that.
Look at that.
He's going to cause a fire in here.
With all the theater lights and everything?
I think Alex is celebrating, y'all.
I think he's happy.
The House of Representatives finally did something smart.
Alright, Bob.
Let's get serious.
I'll stop it.
We're going to, during this break, for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, we are going to let Bob continue.
We're going to come back and take phone calls.
We're going to continue right now.
Alright, we'll get serious.
Alright, Bob, go ahead.
This is the break part, right?
We're skipping the break.
We're skipping the break.
I didn't hear you say that.
Anyway, can I get back to my other subject?
I wanted to tell you about this huge news story, because this is important.
This is important.
I don't want to talk about the economy, but this is another way they're screwing us out of our property.
Sure, go ahead.
I'll burn money while you do that.
In Arizona, you've got a situation where the Attorney General, under the guise of saving an Air Force base, is kicking people out of a residential area.
That's freedom!
That's what America's about!
What are you, the Al-Qaeda boy?
It's a step up from eminent domain.
With eminent domain, you've got to pay the suckers, see?
But with this procedure, they have just made sure that nobody in the subdivision can get a permit to do anything, therefore the house is worthless.
And if they have to move, nobody's going to buy it.
And this thing is sitting literally in between... If those people don't move off right now, well, they'll just send a SWAT team in!
Yeah, it's sitting between a Canamex corridor location and a big... Those don't exist!
...a multimodal hub
That's supposed to be on the other side of it, and they're kind of in the way.
And what's interesting is that the Attorney General of the state, who wants to run for governor, has imposed this building moratorium, this permit.
You can't get a permit to do anything in this area.
That's how you do it!
But if it's a commercial development, guess what?
That's America!
The permitting process goes on.
It's just a residential.
So obviously this residence is in the way of this multimodal hub linking up to the Kanemex corridor.
It doesn't exist.
CNN says the Trans-Texas Corridor doesn't exist.
Well, yeah, we've been fixing them real good.
We got them pretty good.
You're insane.
It doesn't exist.
Yeah, go read one of my stories on the New American Highway robbery.
Doesn't exist.
Doesn't exist.
Yeah, it doesn't exist.
Doesn't exist.
Yeah, just talk to... None of it exists.
Doesn't exist.
Everything's fine.
The Nation Magazine will tell you that we're all a bunch of nuts.
The Nation Magazine will tell you we're all crazy.
But anyway, this story is something else because it's a human interest thing where they're kicking people off their property without even having to pay for it.
They're kicking Al-Qaeda off, boy!
White Al-Qaeda.
White Al-Qaeda.
There's secret Al-Qaeda teams everywhere, so we're going to take all your rights!
Take all the money, because I'm Officer Jack Boone, and I'm going to deal with it for you.
Well, in this case, it's in Maricopa County.
I don't know what Arpaio's doing.
Oh, that's a great American right there.
Yeah, that's right.
But anyway, it's going to be interesting to see what happens there.
And the problem is that it's a long-term deal.
The military says they don't need the land.
In fact, I'm Sheriff Arpaio.
Give me your wallet right now, or you're with Al Qaeda.
Pink underwear for you, buddy.
Give me the wallet!
Pink underwear.
Give me the wallet, boy!
Pink drawers.
Give me your wallet right now!
Give it to me.
Give it to me.
Get the SWAT team immediately.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, right.
The SWAT team.
The SWAT team?
I don't know.
He's going nuts.
Look at this guy.
I swear.
We're going to get the SWAT team.
That ain't going to happen.
That ain't going to happen.
I'm going to do a joke with it, Bob.
Give it to me.
Okay, give you what?
What am I going to give it to you?
I might actually rob it.
It's a joke.
You're afraid I'm going to burn it?
This money?
What do you want me to give to you?
My wallet?
No, I'm sorry.
I don't carry a wallet.
I don't have my papers on me, Alex.
I'm sorry.
You do not have your papers?
No, I do not have my papers.
Alright, we're coming back to full audience.
Actually, tell your story in a serious fashion.
In a serious fashion, this is... Hold on, we're coming back in just a minute.
First, give me your wallet.
Forget that.
I'll keep my assets to myself.
But I'm gonna send a SWAT team, Anti-Government!
Okay, so when are we going to be back on the normal audience right now so I can be serious about this?
This is the insane asylum alternate dimension.
Yeah, well, this is important stuff.
Alright, alright, alright, I'm going to be serious right now.
In fact, I'm going to give you the floor.
I just want everybody to know he's an extremist.
Al Qaeda wants to attack you, don't listen to him!
Go ahead, we're back live.
So here's what you have, basically.
Alright Bob, I'm going to quit screwing around.
Once I start into comics, I actually like to screw around and be funny.
Once I start, it's hard to quit.
That's why I don't do it very often.
Officer Jack Boot has now left the building.
He's very handsome.
He looks just like me.
Except he has a face like this.
He feels very entitled, but I'm going to stop it.
Tell me about the Canamax Highway thing.
That's big.
They've got their Kansas City hub.
They're trying to take over Texas, but they're also setting some stuff up in Arizona.
Tell us about it.
The NAFTA Superhighway is not just Trans-Texas Corridor 35 going through Texas.
It's a series of about 80 highways going all over the place.
And this particular one is running near Whitman, Arizona.
And there's a former radio talk show host out there by the name of Dave Hodges.
I don't know if you know who he is.
They ought to arrest him!
Well, I was on his show about a year ago.
He's talking about imaginary North American Union!
That's illegal!
Hey, what do you think of the Obama truth squads out having cops arrest people that disagree with Obama?
That is the definition of insanity.
No, that's the definition of freedom, boy!
I'll say whatever I want to about Obama.
I'll say whatever I want to about McCain.
And if you don't like it, I'm going to have you arrested right now!
And speaking of McCain, McCain is the guy behind this stuff in Arizona.
That's the interesting part about this.
Now we will get serious.
Tell us about him.
Alright, so you've got these people that are living in this area, which has been permitted.
The Attorney General of the State of Arizona has said, sorry guys, no more permits for you.
That'll force them off their land.
Remember in Austin several years ago, out west of here, they said, okay, no more development, we've got to protect the... And then they let her take the restriction off ahead of themselves as ours criminals, and the mindless yuppies dance around loving being conned.
They drove down the price of everybody's stuff out there, and then they get a bond for us to buy it.
And the farmers wouldn't give their land up, they sent SWAT teams.
And then after the price was down, they bought it, and then all of a sudden, a few years later, all these rich developments are popping up out there.
Well, that same idea out here, except for these guys are in the way of the Canamex Corridor development.
Of course!
And it's a real interesting story, and I think that, you know, the human interest part of it is like, okay, how would you like it if you had a house, and you had a fire, and you couldn't get a permit to rebuild your kitchen?
I mean, what are you going to do?
Or if you've got to move, you own a house, you want to move, and nobody's going to buy your house.
It's just like New London, Connecticut.
They're forcing them out.
But it's better than New London, Connecticut for the New World Order crowd.
Oh, it's more abusive!
Oh, good!
Because they don't even have to do the eminent domain.
Because they have a longer period of time before they build this thing.
They're just going to force them out by attrition.
They don't even have to pay them.
They're going to kick them out by attrition.
But that's freedom!
Yeah, that's freedom for the New World Order.
The American people laughed and giggled about dead Iraqi children, now they can be slaves.
And the same thing they're doing in Texas, they're doing over there, they're couching it with all the local politicos as some sort of a economic development thing, and you peonic homeowners are in the way, and they try to make it a local issue, when they know full well it's not.
And John McCain is the one that was behind all this.
That's right.
His people were at the meetings trying to make sure that this stuff was going through.
He had a peculiar interest in making sure that these deed exceptions were gotten rid of so these people are in big trouble.
And there's four areas in the state that they're doing this.
Not just one.
Four areas.
And when we get a story up on that, I want to send it to you, because it's huge.
It is huge.
Because this Trans-Texas Corridor thing we've been going through, that's just Texas.
You know, that's the main trunk.
But they've got the Can-Mex Corridor, they've got the Entrada.
There's 83 of these.
And by the way, when state started blocking it, Bush just signed an executive order to start grabbing people's land and grabbing the roads.
Yeah, and of course our local governor here in the state, you know,
Totally trashed.
Twinkle toes?
House Bill 2006, which prohibited these eminent domain proceedings where they force you off your land.
Yeah, but when he does a press conference he puts on a fake Texas action and goes... So people like it.
Don't be hard on him, Alex.
His mansion burned down.
He's living in a shack somewhere.
Oh, by the way, I was supposed to call Texas Monthly again this morning.
They want to interview me.
What is going on around here?
I just forget everything.
And I'm supposed to call
We're going to talk about that after I burn some more Federal Reserve notes.
Why don't you just go buy some stuff with them now instead of later, because they're worth more now than they will be tomorrow.
That's my whole point, is that the new owner... I mean, you better... Well, yeah, but don't burn them.
Just go buy toilet paper with them.
The United Nations or the United States?
The United Nations toilet paper.
It's on sale.
You ought to get some.
Yeah, it works.
But the UN doesn't exist, Bob.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, right.
Well, I have people telling me that the European Union doesn't exist, and they're serious.
Did you know it's still called a conspiracy theory to say that exists?
Well, look, you know as well as I do that 70% of the population of the United States is a bunch of idiots.
You know that.
And you'll never wake them up.
Because all they care about is them cowboys.
How about them cowboys?
What's about them cowboys?
They lost yesterday!
What all this economy stuff?
The cowboys lost to the redskins of all places.
However, you know what happened to us that was good?
The eagles lost, too.
Hold on!
You mean the cowboys lost to the redskins?
Get a rope, Junior!
The eagle's lost though, so all is not lost.
I'm just glad I got George W. Bush.
I like the way things are running.
Anyways, I had a caller yesterday say that he wanted to come down to the studio and arrest Webster Tarpley because he was criticizing Lord Obama.
He doesn't get it, does he?
Alright, I'm going to start taking phone calls.
This is descended into total insanity.
Bob is the one acting crazy.
I love doing hillbillies.
You know why?
Because I'm hillbilly, so I can do it.
You did something years ago on my show, which you ought to bring back.
What's going on?
Yeah, we're still on air.
You had some guy named Professor Anselmo that you did this little thing for this lord riding along looking at all the peons.
Look at the pathetic rabble.
Yeah, the rabble.
That was some funny stuff.
You see, this is the hillbilly look.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
I have to get the mindset.
It's hard to switch back and forth between characters.
And we don't take all the rights.
Al-Qaeda will get the rights!
But then, there's also... Let me do the elitist.
Of course we've got to eliminate 90% of the rabble.
Why do you think they poisoned the water?
This is immediately needed.
Yeah, that's the elitist.
Yeah, and they have the elitist spec in the good old days with the horses when all the peasants... No such thing.
There were no kings or queens.
No elites dominated the people.
Doesn't exist.
There's no elite corruption, there's nothing bad going on, Bob.
Everything's fine.
Everything is fine because the Eagles lost, too, okay?
That's good.
The Eagles lost.
That means the Cowboys really didn't lose any ground in their division.
You understand?
Were you watching the game last night?
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Were you watching the game?
Chicago Bears, man.
Come on.
You know, I went to the gym yesterday to lift weights.
Yesterday afternoon was the morning, actually.
And I just watched the men.
And I work out at kind of old folks' gyms.
Well, you know, you're getting older now.
No, I don't work out at a meat market.
I just don't like the distractions.
You know, it's just too many guys walking around going...
Boy, just looking for a problem, you know, puffed up.
You like to be the only one doing that and intimidate all the old guys.
No, no, no, now you got it straight.
No, no, seriously.
I was watching the old guys do it.
Everybody's posing and looking and I'm just trying to ignore it and work out.
But I just thought about these guys all act so tough, everybody's just so into their image and nobody's going to screw them and they're bad ass and all this.
And you know like men will walk around a corner and you're trying to walk somewhere and then when you try to get out of their way they kind of go...
I mean, it's really freaking weird.
And, you know, as a man, I'm not thinking about that kind of stuff because, you know, back when I was a teenager, I was.
You know, I was into, you know, fist fighting and being tough, and I thought that was really important.
Later, I figured out it's important not to get into those situations.
But the point I was making is, these men are so into image and acting tough and acting savage and full of, you know, bravado and machismo or, you know, they're macho.
Whatever the word is.
Hey, will you set this with Texas Monthly back up?
Thank you.
Because I keep forgetting.
Anyways, the point is that they cower to cops.
They cower to having their rights violated.
They cower to bankers robbing them and stealing them blind.
I mean, a real man gets really mad about being a slave and his children being slaves and corrupt elites, and then somehow we've been taught... Oh, we're going back live.
Here we go.
We're going live.
Here we go.
Look at you young men fighting.
Look at you.
I was telling the story that we're going to your phone calls, part of Insane Asylum Day here on the radio with Bob Dacey.
He's been really out of control today, Bob, and I don't appreciate it.
You need to learn to settle down on air a little bit.
You know, you're going to be with those yuppies one of these days, boy.
You're going to be on the street corner holding up a sign that says, we'll work for Latte.
You know?
Or maybe, Dreaming of the Ultimate Espresso.
Bob, you really should settle down today.
This has been kind of a crowd.
I've never seen you act like this.
You're going to be sitting there with a shopping cart next to you with a sign that says my other car was a Mercedes.
You know, people tell me that I shouldn't be so serious.
Let me tell you the truth.
I'm having trouble being serious all the time.
I am sick of the new world order, aren't you, Bob?
Yeah, but you know what?
It's kind of fun fighting them, you know?
I don't have any trouble sleeping at night.
I really don't.
But see, you're a real man, and you're not a macho guy, you're not a guy that gets into being a tough guy, but you know, your whole family, military folks, cops, people like that, and you know, you're people that really do love America, so as a real patriot, you're actually fighting the new world order.
Not all these fake conservatives that, like I was talking about during the break, they go to the gym,
And they walk around looking at everybody and acting tough and swaggering, but if somebody's violating their rights, they literally start peeing down the side of their leg.
If somebody pushes them around, if the IRS does something, they crap their pants.
And they live this life of cowardice to government, and they rationalize that the government isn't corrupt, the government isn't bad, and they cower in fear of what their neighbors would think if they were to come out and fight the New World Order.
And they, you know, we need you to be real men out there and real women and just stop being so stupid and stop... I mean, you know, these good old boys will get mad if their neighbor parks in their parking space.
But they could care less if somebody's putting sodium fluoride that eats holes in their brains in their water.
I mean, Bob, you get the point I'm making?
I completely understand the point you're making.
Today in my store, we always talk politics in the store, a customer comes in and listens to us talking about the proposed terms of the bailout, and he just comes up to the front and he says, hey, they're not going to let those executives have any of that money, that's good!
And they're going to make them pay back the money in five years.
So like you're hearing him regurgitate the pre-packaged propaganda where they told, oh we'll get the executives, oh yes.
Not the shareholders though, the Rothschilds.
I mean, when I heard that I thought, this guy's just falling for hard hook, line, and sinker.
Of course I straightened him out.
I don't know if he left straightened out, but I explained what it actually was.
These guys never want to admit when they're wrong.
I want to know if I'm wrong.
I want to know if I'm being conned.
A lot of these good ol' boy types, they're into, you just shut your mouth, Al-Qaeda!
You know what I find out about you, Alex?
I want to tell you something about you.
I get all these comments about, you know, I'm on TV in Austin and they talk about, oh Alex Jones, you know Alex Jones.
And a lot of people love to criticize you because of how
Bombastic you are, or whatever.
And you know what I tell them?
I say, I'm going to tell you what's wrong with Alex Jones.
I'll tell you, because I know the guy.
What's wrong with Alex Jones is he knows more than you do.
And that's it.
That's it.
That's your problem, you know too much.
Well, you've been around long enough to know my story.
I saw when my dad came back one day from the IRS, he used to be talking about it, and he said, I've always paid, I have a CPA, and they sat across the table from him in Dallas and they said, we're white-collar criminals, we're going to take everything you have.
And they laughed at him.
I don't know.
They didn't even own this creek behind their house, but the city gave them $2,000 a day fines.
While I was covering him doing this to other old people, my grandpa went back there, cleaned it out, had a heart attack, and basically later killed him.
And so that's the kind of thing, I mean, you know, in America, you're not supposed to have some bastard from the city making your grandparents clean out city property so they can try to steal their house.
Or you're not supposed to, I remember going to ranchers and farmers houses after I got on air, when the city was stealing it for environmental reasons, giggling and laughing that they were going to sell it all to developers later.
And I mean, that pissed me off.
And I'm not a good guy.
I'm a normal person.
As a man, when criminals are robbing people of their land, that pisses me off, Bob.
And well, it should.
But people always thank me.
I don't need to be thanked.
I mean, aren't we supposed to be mad about being screwed?
I've got news for anybody that's on the fringe of whether they want to get involved in fighting the New World Order or not.
I've been doing this now, fighting the New World Order, for ten years.
My response, and I have some national following now, and I've got a lot of local following.
My response to that is, in my own personal experience,
I would say 99.5% of my direct responses from people have been positive.
And that little .5% that's negative is coming from guys that are supposed to be on our side that just disagree with our methodology.
No, they like to bitch.
They're in this to be studs and to be leaders.
And they get sick of hearing Alex Jones' name.
Hey folks, I'm not Bernanke taking your money.
And that's what's wrong about this, is we're a nation of second-guessers, and it's fine to second-guess if you're on the field, but they're sitting up in the peanut gallery, bitching and complaining, and they haven't walked a mile, or a hundred miles, or a thousand miles in our shoes, Bob.
Yeah, I wish I could go back in time and get a hold of
Of Paul Revere and Patrick Henry.
Al-Qaeda Revere, according to the government?
Paul Revere and Patrick Henry, and take a look at them and see whether or not you are both of those guys reincarnated.
Oh, please!
Bob, you need to quit being so nice to me.
Oh man, I'll tell you what.
You know, it actually makes me feel bad, though, because I realize I'm not doing a good enough job, I don't work hard enough in this fight, and I'm just doing my best.
Here's another one, here's another one, Alex.
You know, you're just a guy.
You know, I mean, you know, you're just a guy.
Jason Vermas has been down here for several months working on his film down here, right?
He's got this, he's got the number one film in the history of the internet, Loose Change 2nd Edition.
He comes up with another one, Loose Change Final Cut.
He's down here in your area, here in Austin, for several months.
He was on our show, Simple Truth, locally here three times.
And guess what?
Jason Burmess is just a guy!
Just a nice guy.
He's not pretentious.
That's all.
He's just a nice guy.
And that's who we are.
And he's not borderline insane like me, so that's good.
Yeah, well, he's not as bombastic as you are, you know, but he's just a nice guy.
The people that we work with in this movement, by and large, are just people.
Just regular folks.
Well, and I want to point that out, and I want to point out to those that detract who claim they're in our movement.
A lot of them are feds, but a lot of them are just, they're the damaged goods of America.
And so they woke up, but they still can't shed, you know, the things they do and the way they operate.
But that's okay.
We have to ignore those people, not spend our time on it and move on.
But Bob,
I want to take the last 15 minutes.
We've got 20 left, but in the last 15, I want to take calls.
I promise.
We're about to go to them.
But Bob, before we do that, there were some other things in your list.
I mean, run through the gamut quickly of your points, because they're so good.
Well, you know, the point is that in order to understand this, you have to understand that the powers that be are not trying to fix anything.
If you think, like the press says, that they're trying to fix the economy, they're not trying to fix the economy, they're trying to affix themselves to your wallet, transfer all their bad debt to you, and abscond with the goods, if you think
That the leaders of the House, the leaders of the Senate, the people in the Federal Reserve, the executive branch, Bush and crowd, you think they're trying to help you.
You are so off base, you're never going to get it.
I mean, even Ben Sargent, who we can't stand, you know, he's a cartoonist for the American Statesman.
He draws some pretty good cartoons every once in a while.
He had a cartoon the other day where you had this
This used car salesman, which was the Treasury Secretary, trying to sell us used cars, as is!
You've got to take the whole thing, and that's all there is to it, and this woman is looking at the used car salesman, and Bush is standing behind the used car salesman, and the woman says, aren't you the same guys that sold us the Patriot Act as is, and the Iraq War as is?
I mean, wake up!
You know, wake up!
Now that we're trying to sell you this as is, and I think maybe, just maybe, we're starting to wake up.
Well, let's look at what the stock market's doing right now.
Gold has exploded in price today, ladies and gentlemen.
It is up over $33.
Oh my gosh, I just hit refresh.
I'm sorry.
Ted is offering gold that he bought at $8.75.
It's up $40.20 right now.
And he has that position locked in, so there's a little markup for the guys, you know, to take the call, but that's... Tell you what, go grab Ted in here for just 60 seconds, because this is too... He said he's going to hold this until the end of the day regardless, but gold is now up $40.20 over what he's selling it for.
Now, he already bought it, so he can sell it to you, but I don't know how much he has.
He says he's going to midnight with this.
Bob Finisher of The Points, we're going to go to some calls here.
Well, let me see.
You've got a lot of yellow notepads.
I've got a lot of yellow notepads.
I always have.
Hundreds of fine points.
I want to say that this, you know, back about three years ago I went to Baylor University for the New American.
They were talking about this free trade of the Americas.
And I was talking to the heads of the economics department at Baylor, the business school people.
They had a little get-together before the conference.
The head guys, the deans of the schools.
And I was a reporter and I was talking to them about economics.
That's when Lord Fox and
Yeah, but that was after Fox.
That was the follow-up meeting to that meeting in Baylor.
And I was talking to him about economics, and I'm not an economist, but I mentioned that I believed in the Austrian school of economics, Ludwig von Mises, or whatever, von Mises, however you pronounce it.
And these guys looked at me like they literally
Hadn't even heard the term.
They hadn't even heard of it!
Well, most of these economists at schools just go to little parties and play golf and, I have to say, pick their nose all day.
Scratch the crack of their pants.
Well, I mean, they are so educated in the system that they didn't even understand what Austrian economics was.
Maybe I ought to listen to Ron Paul now, huh?
See, that's what's happening.
Bob Dacey isn't that smart.
I'm not that smart.
We're just average people.
We're not stupid.
And we've decided we better find out what's going on in the world.
And then you find out that criminals are running wild.
I mean, that's really all we're doing.
And then every time you go, hey, there's crime, the public says, that does not exist in high places.
Well, and if you show the crime, then you're a conspiracy terrorist.
And I don't deal in theory.
I really don't.
I never really have much.
I just deal in facts.
I'll tell you who engages in theories is the government and the media.
Yeah, there are some real theories out there.
Like 9-11 official stories.
Now there's a crock right there.
Now, there's a conspiracy theory.
9-11, what a conspiracy theory.
And if you've studied 9-11 as much as we have... Bob, I'm going to have you back up sooner.
I know I've gone crazy today, but we're going to have you up soon.
We're going to take calls here in a moment, but Ted Anderson, gold is up over $40 from when you bought it Friday.
You have it $40 cheaper than what it's now being sold for when you factor it in.
I mean, you're going to be able to hold this deal today.
Ted Anderson is in the Minnesota studio, but he is not coming to the microphone.
I don't know why they have the studio in a separate room in the control room, but he's obviously on the cell phone or playing TiddlyWinks or something's going on.
I guess we don't have him, John?
Yeah, sorry about that, Alex.
I was just printing up the latest market quotes.
What a crazy day.
Yes, sir.
Are you there still?
Boy, I tell you.
And the markets are just, you know, in the toilet.
Gold and silver, you know, gold is up like crazy.
Yeah, how far down?
The market was almost 600 points down when I last looked.
Yeah, I know.
It's just been volatile as ever.
And like I said, Alex, I mean, the gold and silver market's just been strong.
And I really apologize.
I was just trying to pull up the latest Kitco.
It is.
It's been just crazy.
The people are calling it.
They really should.
I still have those British Sovereigns and the Franks at the same price level.
I didn't change those at all.
And obviously, gold's now up over $36.
Now, Chad, it's up more than that.
I'm sorry, they just brought me in a printout here.
Let me take a look here.
Well, it's going up and down.
We're looking at $9.1550 right now.
And this one cut off the high of today, so I don't even get to see that.
But yeah, the markets are just nuts.
And people, I mean, just about everybody has a stake in either money in the bank, or they got money in the stock market, or they're looking at the annuities, or, I mean, you name it.
I mean, there's so many different investments that are out there.
You've got IRAs sitting in mutual funds, or you're sitting in... Well, Ted, I'm not going to trust gold and silver in my personal possession.
I'm going to trust the bankers.
So I'm going to go invest in
The paper market is so gyrating right now.
This exposes the weaknesses and the manipulation of what the Fed's been doing, and now it's just hitting mainstream and everybody's waking up to this fact.
And gold and silver is in short supply, so people should know, listening, that when the general public, I was about to say public, finally, fumbling public, finally figures this out, Katie, bar the door, you're not going to be able to probably get gold or silver at any price.
I mean, that is a real potential we're looking at, Ted.
It is.
Alex, I can tell you right now, supply is tough.
I mean, you can go out there and you can Google it, like you said,
It's right on the very front page of Kitco.
It's a qualification right on the very first page.
I mean, it is tough.
The silver dollars were just non-existent.
I still have some of those right now, but they're poking up there at about $20 a piece.
And right now you can still pick up the dimes at about $16 per face.
For the collector type dimes, not the ones that are junk silver like you have.
I don't understand this.
I was on Kitco and it said $40 up and then it says $32 up, but doesn't show the bar dropping.
It's all insane.
It's hard to catch up.
There's so much volatility right now.
You're going to have to take a look back.
But I will hold these prices until this evening.
Okay, let's thank you, Ted, for coming on.
Yeah, thanks for having me up again, Alex.
You bet.
I wanted to have Ted pop in and just offer one more time.
Ted, be specific.
You already left?
You bought gold at what, and it's now being offered at what?
I'm here still.
Well, I mean, when we worked on it, it was trading right in that $8.79 range last Friday.
I think so.
Same with the French Franc and same with the silver coins.
I mean, I'm holding that deal because I was able to get in there and do something.
I mean, to me it was obvious.
I mean, if they bail out the banks, it could have gone either way.
If they bailed out the banks, we knew the dollar was going to crash.
If they didn't bail out the banks, we knew that there was going to be tremendous volatility in the stock market.
And either way, people win with gold.
It's a win-win situation.
In the depression of the 1930s, we went through this deflationary depression because there was no way for the Federal Reserve System to get the money into the economy fast enough to replace the money that was being defaulted on.
Every time there's a default in the economy,
That money supply disappears.
Dollar for dollar, it goes away.
The way that the Fed gets... No, there's no inflation.
So here's the thing.
It's a little different right now, Alex.
We've got all these government programs that the government has to cover.
You know, they're already on the hook for it.
When inflation starts rising and the tax base starts to drop, and the United States Treasury is going to have to pay out unemployment benefits and all these different... No, the economy is wonderful and strong.
Just hand over your firearms, everything will be fine.
Bob, you wanted to comment?
Yeah, Ted, you just said something that really needs to be pointed out.
When the tax base starts to drop, you know, they're relying on... They just keep raising sales taxes!
They're relying on communism to bail out capitalism, crony capitalism.
And when the government, say, owns 80% of AIG,
Well, that means any money that AIG makes is no longer in the tax base.
And that's what he's talking about.
You're shrinking the tax base.
And also then those government bureaucrats get to pimp over their own little baronies and then selectively enforce.
You think there's going to be less corruption in AIG?
It's going to get worse now.
Yeah, and then the government's going to funnel money to them at the expense of the other insurance companies.
Because they own it!
All right, let's talk to Dan and Matt and others.
Ted, thanks for coming on with us.
Here's the number one more time, and then I rest my peace for this day.
I've said my peace.
We're going to talk behind the scenes right now to get to everybody.
Government is best that governs lease.
By the way, that Liberty stickers, I like them, but they took my 1984 to 1776, the answer to 1984 is 1776, and they didn't, on their bumper sticker, didn't give me credit.
Oh, shame on you.
For coining that, and that's fine, but they give everybody else a quote.
Well, those are good guys.
They are good guys, but I want my name on the sticker!
Turnabout is fair play, turkeys!
I don't know, I'm just joking around.
I don't even care.
The point is, I think that's kind of a cute little saying.
It was a great saying.
Are you the one that did the founding father material quote for Ron Paul?
Well, you should get credit for that one.
No, I get nothing!
I get hatred!
Well, that's because you're over the target.
You get the flack, right?
That's right.
That's right.
I don't even care.
It's just that I come up with these little... I've come up with a lot of other sayings.
By the way.
Maybe you ought to write a little red book of Alex Jones' famous sayings and sell it.
I don't even care anymore.
I haven't even plugged my videos.
They're a huge part of the solution here.
And I'm not even plugging those.
I'm plugging nothing.
The sayings of Chairman Alex.
You could have a little book.
Think about it.
A little red one?
Yeah, a little red one.
Because, you know, obviously you're a communist, obviously.
Oh, Jesus, help me.
Alright, alright.
Let's go to Dan in Alabama.
You're on the air, Dan.
Hello, Dano.
Oh, yes.
Book him, Dano!
Go ahead.
The biggest trouble we got, we got oil run out of gas in Alabama.
Gas is up in oil, is 50 cents a gallon, and the Council on Foreign Relations that owns the Senate,
That's the one that's causing 90% of our trouble.
Yeah, they admit that it was set up by the British to take over the U.S.
government, and that's in official government documents.
If the states would just start recalling some of these Senators and get them out, that might just scare them enough to do something.
Remember 15 years ago when Rush Limbaugh said the CFR didn't exist?
And then the Internet came along and people found out they did exist, and now they have to come out on C-SPAN and TV.
God, he should have no credibility.
He knew all about this a long time ago.
He actually admitted it in his books.
Just get something started and get the Senators recalled.
CFR Senators recalled.
Well, we used to be able to do that before the 17th Amendment.
The Senators were creatures of the state.
Bob, you're for that, aren't you?
Well, yeah.
Yeah, absolutely.
Because, you know, they screw everything up.
That's what they do.
But that Limbaugh thing, listen, Limbaugh knows all about this stuff.
He wrote about it.
He talked about it way back many years ago.
New World Order, the whole nine yards.
He's been exposed to the same material that you were exposed to, and something made him flip.
You know, maybe that was job security or something.
Maybe that was that $290-something million dollar contract?
Could have been.
Could have been.
It's called selling out for the money.
All right, hey listen, Dan, I appreciate your call, but don't criticize the Senate or the local police will just say it doesn't exist.
I appreciate your call, Dan.
Here we go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Matt in New York, you're on in the final segment with Bob Dacey.
Hey, brother Jones.
How you doing?
Matt from We Are Change New York.
Hey, buddy.
Enjoying your good humor today.
I love that British elitist character.
You've got to do some more of that, but... Excuse me!
You know, I'm actually calling to get some... I'm actually calling to get some shameless plugs in here, but... That's what the phone calls are for!
You know, we've got a couple of really big things going on.
You know, they changed our bill number again.
The James... The James the Droga bill.
It's now HR 7174.
Tell folks specifically what that is.
What that is, is that's the Health and Compensation Act to take all of the dying first responders who are in misery right now and give them a little bit of a platform to be able to survive.
Yeah, and Congress keeps saying no to that because you can't give the firemen and police any help, you know.
Hey, but listen, we got 219 congressmen.
I never expected that to happen.
No, in fact, Truth Rising, I should add, tells that story and shows that you guys valiantly in Congress with consent and others fighting for that.
So what's the plug, EWUG?
The plug is, we've got to get on to LOC.gov, find the congressman that didn't vote, yes, and call them, because we've got a couple of days.
Congress is in session.
We can get this thing passed.
It takes nothing but 40 more votes.
What bill, what bill, what bill is it attached to?
It is HR 7174.
It's what you look it up on LOC.gov.
No, no, I know about the bill, but it's not attached in a larger spending package?
Not as far as I know of.
It's probably not going to pass this session, but yeah, folks, your call.
Good to hear from you, Matt.
I really appreciate your call.
Is this Matt Lepacek?
Oh, I didn't mean to let him go there.
Matt Lepacek's been on fire lately.
Great guy.
Those guys are awesome.
In fact, I mean to get Luke and Matt and all those guys on the show very, very soon.
I had all these sponsors I was supposed to plug, but it looks like they don't get theirs today.
Well, you know, I know you, Alex.
You're more interested in the information than you are in the commercial aspect of your enterprise.
I can't... I can't... Yeah, you are.
Are you kidding?
I know.
I know.
I know.
You know?
That makes you honest.
Well, I need to plug things, so that's what pays the bills, plus they're great products.
In fact, speak of the devil, I'm just going to do that here at the end of the show.
Bob Dacey, you know, go in there with Trey, and let's get you set up in about two weeks from now for two hours to come in and talk about all the stuff you're doing, because you're doing a lot.
You have a lot of original research, and I got so ecstatic and that kind of tripped the endorphins in my brain with the House voting this down that I kind of got off skilter.
Yeah, it's confusing.
I'm still, really, I'm unsettled about it.
I'm trying to sort it out and it's going to fall somewhere.
Well, here's the deal.
Go set yourself up for two weeks from now and I appreciate you coming in.
Okay, thank you Alex, I appreciate it.
Bob, thanks for coming in.
We're going to have you fill in on the show soon, too.
You do an excellent job.
I'm just going to have somebody here to turn the mic up for you.
But not today, I had to turn your mic down.
Well, you know, that's because we got a little rambunctious.
Take care, Alex.
Hey, good to have you here and I really appreciate Bob Dacey coming in studio with us.
Rebroadcast is about to start at InfoWars.com on the internet streams.
You've got to go to those specific streams.
I had a congressman on at the start of the show about martial law in the house.
That starts right at the first of the show, five minutes in.
Don't want to miss that, starting right now at InfoWars.com.
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Retransmission starts now.
One place.
Another excellent transmission.
I want to say bye to everybody.
Hold on one minute.
John, I want to say great job there.
Thank you, sir.
And good job for Worsley filling in for the hour.
He did good?
He did excellent.
He will not be forced to walk the plank.
And into a shark tank of J.C.
Against the New World Order, and really expose these dirty bastards for who they are.
As I said, we will be right back with the Congressman, Burgress, who was on, dealing with martial law, and a whole other group of things.
And I'll tell you about some of the special guests that are coming up Wednesday.
All of that, right now, as we go back into retransmission, in about the next 30 seconds.
In fact, you don't want to hear the ad, so I'll just keep talking for 30 seconds.
I can't help it, folks.
I'm so mission-oriented that when good things happen, I just get excited.
It's like my team just won the Super Bowl.
It's not a bunch of steroid-head, arrogant gang members, you know, like in sports.
It's the American people just won a big victory, and I'm totally dedicated to this fight against the New World Order.
We can beat them, we can expose them, but you have to take action.
That's what causes it all to happen.
And so it is up to you.
All right, I figure now is a good time to go back into retransmission at InfoWars.com.
We'll be back for everybody else in 22 hours from now.
No, that's 20 hours from now at InfoWars.com and on the AM and FM dial.
But for everybody else,
God bless you all.
Don't forget the new podcast and we are about to have free archives going back two years of all the shows as well.
Big Mouth now signs off with a big victory for Liberty.
Now they'll probably stage a depression and blame it all on us, but we'll expose the terrorists again and their financial terrorism.
Goodbye and good luck.