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Filename: 20080824_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 24, 2008
1767 lines.
Obama has selected Delaware Senator Joe Biden to be his running mate, although the official announcement isn't expected until later in the morning.
The 65-year-old Biden is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and is also the former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Russia still being pressured by the United States to withdraw its forces from Georgia.
White House says the U.S.
has not seen any evidence whatsoever of Moscow's claims that it has started moving troops out of the region.
Federal jury in Idaho now considering whether killer and child molester Joseph Duncan will be executed or spend the rest of his life in prison.
Duncan pleading guilty to murdering four people and molesting two youngsters in 05.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
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The Bush administration not saying much about negotiations between the United States and Iraq concerning future security deals.
Spokesman Gordon Jandro would not comment on reports from Iraqi officials.
The two sides have tentatively agreed on terms for moving U.S.
troops out of Iraq by 2012.
So any discussions that are ongoing that we are having with the Iraqis right now include these aspirational timelines, these goals for more troops to come home.
Iowa planning to fine a kosher meatpacking plant more than $100,000 for allegedly violating dozens of workplace safety regulations.
The AgriProcessors Incorporated plant in Postville, the site of the nation's largest ever single-site immigration raid last spring.
Federal agents arrested nearly 400 people in that raid.
For the latest news analysis, log on to IRNnews.com.
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Hi, how in the world are you anyway?
This is Andy Willoughby speaking for the 3-Step Plan.
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The death count in Florida from Tropical Storm Faye.
Now seven with dozens of injuries.
And FEMA's Tom Davies says trained crews are trying to calculate Faye's impact.
We have preliminary damage assessment teams out in the field.
That's a state and federal team combined in a true partnership assessing those damage.
They started in Key West.
They're moving north as the weather permits.
Also, a Florida man now arrested on charges that he tried to recycle the copper from a power line knocked down by that storm.
There's something very fishy going on in some New York City stores and restaurants.
Tests now show nearly 25% of fish had been mislabeled as a more expensive variety.
Canada has become a top supplier of the drug Ecstasy to the United States.
A report from the Criminal Intelligence Services Canada finding the drug now being produced in larger quantities.
Victims of a dentist say he was watching them when they went to the restroom.
Houston investigators say there could be even more victims of the dentist.
He's accused of videotaping people in the business restroom.
That includes at least two female employees.
On Wall Street this week, Downdustrials lost 32 points, the Nasdaq down nearly 40.
I'm Jason Walker, IRN USA Radio News.
Oh, what a beautiful day for the beach.
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He stands for truth.
He stands for justice.
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This is the Alex Jones Show.
Call Alex now, toll free at 877-590-5525.
Now live from Austin, Texas.
Here's Alex Jones.
Alright folks, strap in.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Obviously, I am not Alex Jones.
It is August 24th, Sunday.
They're kicking off the DNC and Alex is down in Denver.
He's gonna be calling in live.
He just got there, I think, about one or two hours ago.
I'm not sure what he's seen.
If you listen to the nice little five-minute propaganda piece they play before the show, you'll know that Cindy Sheehan
And, uh, Cynthia McKinney were both there speaking, and obviously you'll also know that, uh, vaccinations are healthy for you.
That kind of made me sick.
I didn't really want to talk about that little news blur, but, uh, if you believe that, ladies, that there are no links between autism and the vaccinations with mercury in them.
Let me, let me repeat that.
Very bad.
It's in the thimerosal, yes.
It is a preservative used in almost every vaccine.
And it does cause brain damage and autism.
We're not going to be really talking about that subject matter, but we are going to be talking about the new NIST report that came out this week.
Get with it.
Total Whitewash, of course, fire for the first time ever, brought down a 47-story skyscraper in under seven seconds.
They ignored the evidence of molten metal, acted like it didn't exist.
They discredited the use of explosives because they said the decibel levels recorded on the videos and the eyewitness testimony
Show that there was no way that explosives could have been used, yet they did not look at the thermite hypothesis, or thermate hypothesis, in which you would not have had these decibel levels.
So we're going to be playing a clip from CNN where one of our InfoWars freelance reporters actually got in, and believe it or not, folks, when he asked the question, they shut the lights off on him.
Yeah, that didn't happen to any of the mainstream media, cowing down to these number of assertions.
Let me tell you how this went down.
Now normally when you do scientific experiments and you do them in computer models, you will take a beam and you will equate it with the physical properties of that steel beam.
You'll apply physics to it.
They did no such thing with these animations.
Let me repeat that.
They did no such thing with these animations.
They basically made an animation grid based on the blueprints of the building and then because of what they thought happened due to their eyewitnesses, they had it fall from the inside.
It's funny because only one of the beams disconnected apparently due to quote-unquote
We're good to go!
These were large fuel tanks by generators, folks.
So, yeah, maybe.
But, uh, didn't have that damage.
They also had to back off of their ludicrous claim that up to one-fourth of the building, ten stories, was scooped out of World Trade Center Building 7.
Listen, I'm from New York.
I've seen the skyline there.
I've been by the new 7.
I was by the old 7.
I've been in the World Trade Center before.
Okay, there's no way that ten stories of the building was scooped out.
Well, I have videotape inside the building.
How do I know this?
Uh, it's in my upcoming film, Fabled Enemies.
Which will be dropping on August 31st on PrisonPlanet.tv, and for the rest of the world on September 1st, you can get that at InfoWars.com.
We're going to be playing some trailers from that, and a clip of Joey B, a little teaser.
Who's Joey B?
Well, Joey B is Joey Biden, who has recently been tapped to be the vice presidential nominee under Barack Obama.
And we're going to get into some Joey B talk a little bit later, but I really want to concentrate on seven now.
Now, our reporter gets in there, his question is not answered.
Now, they said that they would be more than willing to take information from those who had it.
Well, they haven't taken ours.
They said they talked to people inside the building.
Well, I've talked to somebody inside the building.
If you're by a computer, you're listening to this online, or you're on your way home, type in a name called Barry Jennings.
Now, Barry Jennings was a housing authority worker who happened to be in World Trade Center 7
Prior to the second plane strike, he went up the stairs with a City Corporation Council, the head of the City Corporation Council, Michael Hess, who now heads up Giuliani Partners with Rudy.
He was up there to meet Rudy, because Rudy was there for the drills they were running that morning, earlier in the day.
And, to their surprise, all the doors were locked.
They couldn't get in.
So they went back down.
The firefighters took them up through a freight elevator, and when they got inside, they said there were still half-eaten sandwiches.
There was still coffee that was still hot.
And they were in there as the second plane struck.
And they soon realized that they needed to get out of there.
The Office of Emergency Management, where they went to, was finished in 1999.
It had its own bunker.
It was bomb-resistant.
It was where all the local authorities were supposed to go in the case of an emergency, whether that be a terrorist attack, a hurricane, or an earthquake.
Okay, this building was sound.
So they realized they have to get out of there because one of Barry's uppers calls him up and says, listen, get out of that building right now.
So they start going down the stairwells.
They get down to about the 8th floor, between the 8th and the 6th floor.
Huge explosion from underneath them before either tower has collapsed.
Now, Barry told this to the FEMA report, and he also told this to the 9-11 Commission.
Of course, if you've read the 9-11 Commission report, you'll find out that, in fact, there is no mention of Building 7 other than in a footnote.
So, I would like people to pass this information along to NIST.
Keep telling them, well, we have this information, we have people inside.
They also discredited, by not acknowledging, the molten metal that was, you know, molten steel and iron, which would have taken about 2800 degrees Fahrenheit to start.
These pools of molten metal that were there, they just said they don't exist.
However, if you take a look at my film, Loose Change Final Cut, we show numerous examples, including the NASA thermal imagery, that they do, indeed, exist.
Well, I want to play this clip.
Hopefully these guys are listening to me right now.
I want to play this CNN World Trade Center 7 NIST clip where Wolf Blitzer declares the mystery is solved.
It's there.
Alright guys, you got that cued up?
Alright, let's play it up.
Plus it's the 9-11 collapse that had conspiracy theorists buzzing.
Now the final word on what really happened.
I'm Wolf Blitzer, you're on The Situation Room.
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center weren't the only buildings that crumbled on September 11, 2001.
A neighboring building, the World Trade Center Building No.
7, also came down, but no one was sure why.
Until now.
Let's go to Deborah Farrick.
She's working this story for us.
Deb, what are the experts now saying?
Well, Wolf, there's a new report, and the findings come after three years of studying the collapse of Building 7 just across from the North Tower.
This was done using complex computer models, detailed analysis, and eyewitness accounts.
So, why doesn't everyone buy it?
It has been a mystery since 9-11.
Why did World Trade Center Building 7 collapse nearly seven hours after the Twin Towers fell?
Was it diesel fuel in the building?
Or planted explosives?
A controlled demolition of government offices as conspiracy theorists allege in films like Loose Change.
A team of scientists and engineers authorized by Congress says there's only one answer and it's conclusive.
The collapse of World Trade Center 7 was primarily due to fires.
This is the first time that we're aware of that a building over 15 stories tall
Has collapsed primarily due to fire.
Shyam Sunder, the study's lead investigator, says fires ignited by falling debris from the towers burned so hot they created a phenomenon in which steel and concrete floors failed, causing floors to buckle and a key column to cave.
For the first time we have shown that fire can induce a progressive collapse.
Fires burned out of control on six of ten floors in Building 7, where New York City's multi-million dollar emergency command center had recently been built.
And because the city's water main was cut when the towers fell, sprinkler systems in the building did not work.
Still, conspiracy theorists and others were not swayed by the new findings.
I hear quite a number of bare assertions.
Investigators say they did consider certain so-called conspiracy theories, but none held up.
Alternative theories,
Are really none of them have been found to be credible.
Fire expert Glenn Corbett analyzed... Alright, let's cut the clip.
They're going to make this into a housing issue, you know, a codes issue, when they didn't even look at any of the alternative information.
They didn't look at the molten metal folks.
Okay, that same guy, S. Shyam Sunder, is the reason
That they said 25% of the building was scooped out.
Give me a break.
We're going to be back after this.
I'm Jason Burmess filling in for Alex.
Alex is going to be calling in.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
We're good.
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Alright, folks, we're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Dermott, subbing in.
I'm going to be doing the weekday show until Thursday, as Alex is at the DNC.
Lots of exciting things going on at the Democratic National Convention.
Hopefully Alex is going to be on the inside.
But he's also in the park, where they have a permit to protest there, just a thousand feet away.
And you can check all that stuff out over at InfoWars.com.
We're gonna be broadcasting live from several different cameras, doing live reports from the DNC.
Because you gotta understand, folks, this is not about the left or the right.
Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal.
It's all nonsense, okay?
They're all owned by the same corporate elite.
And that's why we're gonna get into Joseph Biden right now.
Joey B, okay?
Joey B has been around for a while.
He's wanted to be president for a while.
He's been taking part in debates.
I believe he was in both the 2004 and 2008 race for the Democratic nomination.
And he is a old-time good old boy.
How do I mean?
Well, he's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and back in 1992 for the Wall Street Journal actually wrote an article entitled, and you can go check this out yourself, How I Learned to Love the New World Order.
Now, a lot of you out there think the New World Order doesn't exist.
It's a figment of my imagination.
Well, later we're going to play Georgian President Saakashvili talking about how Russia is against the New World Order because Saakashvili is a big pro-New World Order guy.
He's been wanting to get into NATO, become part of this world system.
He sent the third largest amount of troops into Iraq on behalf of the United States.
They're slowly withdrawing for their conflict there, but they've been waiting again to be granted NATO status.
Become part of this quote-unquote world power.
Now, the New World Order here, if you start talking about it, you're a kook, you're a tinfoil hat wearer, you're a wrestling fan.
Well, people like Gordon Brown, who run the UK, folks, Prime Minister over there, use the term all the time.
We might even play that clip for you.
He literally talks about a New World Order and the United Kingdom's place in that New World Order and how it's more than just a global order, but it will actually be an order in which we set policy.
So, Joseph Biden knows about the New World Order, has talked about it before.
I wish I could pull the clip where he actually asks Roberts when he was going for Supreme Court.
He was going to be a member of the Supreme Court.
And Joseph Biden actually asked him what his position would be if the United States governments would like to put RFID chips in humans and said that, yes, you will make that decision in your lifetime.
I forget how Roberts answered.
I think he answered, oh, I'd never do that.
You know, Verichip exists right now.
You can go on eBay, buy one for $10 and program it to do whatever you like.
It's just an RFID reader.
So Joseph Biden also happens to know a lot more about 9-11 than he's letting on.
People like the student scholar for 9-11 Truth and We Are Change have confronted him on several occasions.
He's well aware of the program AbleDanger.
In which they actually found out about Ada and others tried to bring that information to the FBI 70s plus times before 9-11 and they were ignored.
Well, a lot of that had to do with the fact that two of these guys, Khalid Al-Madar and I want to say it was Saeed Al-Ghamdi, both lived with and rented from a known tested FBI informant and then later that FBI informant did not have to talk before Congress.
Basically, as FBI Handler said, no way!
That is actually in Fabled Enemies.
But another part in Fabled Enemies
...is the Pakistani funding of the hijackers.
Now, for those who don't know, here's a little history lesson.
The ISI, or Inter-Services Intelligence Agency, over there, is the CIA, basically.
It's their central intelligence organization, and guess who helped set it up in the 80s?
Well, the CIA!
So, the CIA actually helped set up their intelligence services, and then later, it's, you know, it's a puppet government.
Musharraf has been under the United States' thumb for years now.
He used to be our enemy, now he's our friend, now he's leaving.
For some other puppet dictator.
And they were caught funding Mohammed Atta.
They had wired Atta $100,000 the day before the attack.
Now, according to the 9-11 Commission, $500,000 to pull off the attack.
This would have been one-fifth of the funding and a foreign government sponsor of 9-11.
Now, we know that that is just impossible.
There could not be any foreign government sponsors behind 9-11.
It looks like that $100,000 wire transfer did happen, and we have it in Fabled Enemies, and we're going to play that teaser for you guys right now.
The Fabled Enemies teaser with Joseph Biden.
It's about two minutes long, and he admits, straight up, it's classified.
Yeah, the ISI was helping fund it.
All right, play it away.
Senator Joe Biden, who had also met with the head of the Pakistani ISI, would have harsh words on the Senate floor.
And the word should go out to those who pretend that they wish to be our friends, that they're going to have to make some very difficult choices.
Pakistan, in particular, is going to have to make a very difficult choice very soon.
Words will not be sufficient.
Actions will be demanded.
When Biden was confronted, he confirmed his meeting with Ahmed, saying Pakistani intelligence was indeed funding the Taliban.
Sir, sir, I have a question.
In the days following 9-11, you met with the head of Pakistani ISI, General Muhammad Ahmed.
It has since come to light that he ordered Saeed Sheikh to wire $100,000 to Mohammad Ata.
Why was he allowed to go back to Pakistan, and why was he questioned, and why were you meeting with him?
I met with him to deliver a message that if he didn't, if he didn't,
Stop supporting the Taliban.
We would take him out.
Why did we let him go?
We let him fly freely.
We never investigated him.
We never even looked into him.
Look, there's a thing called diplomatic passports.
We did not arrest Khrushchev when he came.
But he financed the hijackers and you let him go and he's free.
He hijacked the hijackers.
No one knew he financed the hijackers.
He hijacked, it's wired.
He would later state that the information was indeed classified.
How did you know that the ISI was helping the Taliban, sir?
How did you know that?
Is it classified?
Oh, it's classified!
Alright, let's pull the clip.
So, there you have it.
He's meeting with Ahmed prior to 9-11.
Before it happens, he knows they're funding these guys.
By the way, Senator Bob Graham and Porter Goss, the two guys that would lead the initial congressional investigation, would be meeting with that same guy on the morning of 9-11.
In DC having breakfast with him, okay?
In the weeks before 9-11, he's meeting with George Tenet and the National Security Council.
Never brought on charges, nothing ever happens to the guy.
Alright, I got a couple minutes before the break, so let's take a caller.
Let's take Kevin in Canada, hopefully this works.
Kevin, are you with me?
Yes, sir, I am.
How are you doing, Mr. Jason?
I'm sorry I forgot your last name.
That's alright, man.
What's on your mind?
I just want to say it's incredible that anyone's even bothering to look at this mystery port.
I mean, it'd be nice if we could all investigate ourselves all the time.
But I mean, we need an independent body of some kind.
Well, we do have an independent body.
I think architects and engineers for 9-11 Truth do a hell of a job.
I think Stephen Jones has put the science out there.
He's shown the molten metal pouring from World Trade Center 1 and 2 that could not be aluminum.
That has to be either iron or steel or a combination of both.
I think he's proven his thermite or thermate hypothesis beyond a reasonable doubt, too.
I suspect that was what was used to cut those charges.
I think we do have that, but they refuse to look at that evidence.
So what are we to do but to talk to people like you and this large radio audience at KLBJ?
We even have that gentleman from MIT that came out with that great report.
Jeff King, are you talking about?
I mean, he did that initially.
I mean, Jeff King was one of the first guys to come out.
I mean, we have MIT structural engineers.
We have architects from all over the world.
This is common knowledge in Europe, folks.
So, I mean, I think we just have to keep pushing on, Kevin.
I agree.
Keep up the fight, my friend.
Thank you.
Alright, thank you.
Folks, Fabled Enemies drops September 1st, and you can see it in super high quality over at PrisonPlanet.tv in DivX format.
We encourage you to go check out InfoWars.com and actually see Joseph Biden's New World Order speech.
He didn't just write about it, folks.
He talked about it.
So we'll be back after this.
I'm Jason Burmess subbing in for Alex Jones.
He'll be live from the D.N.C., sure.
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Alright folks, we are back.
I think I like the Tool music a little bit better than this one.
Yeah, I know.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
And Alex should be joining us shortly.
We're trying to get him on the horn right now from the DNC.
And boy, I can't wait.
Fireworks at the DNC this year.
Not only Rage Against the Machine gonna be there speaking, along with people like Cynthia McKinney and of course Cindy Sheehan, who I hope wins.
Nancy Pelosi's seat in the house out in California.
Sunny California, because it needs her.
You know, she is no-nonsense.
I like her language.
People can sit there and say what they will about her.
But I promise you, she is out there to do the right thing.
She is out there to challenge these people.
And she's going to continue to challenge them.
She knows 9-11 was an inside job.
She's seen loose change.
She's talked about the controlled demolition.
She's just very media savvy.
And we here at the Infowars team
Wish her the best, and I really think she can win.
By the way, Pelosi was the lead Democrat on that same initial congressional investigation that I was talking about that Graham and Goss had headed up.
By the way, there is also 27 redacted pages in that document dealing with foreign government involvement in 9-11.
Now, we just showed you a little snippet showing Pakistan being set up as the funding arm of the Taliban, their foreign government involvement.
In another segment right now, we're going to show you another thing.
We're going to show you Fabled Enemies Trailer 2, Israeli operatives.
And if we can bring that up, that will show you the ground teams that actually helped carry out 9-11.
I mean, they were arrested, they were detained, they were found to be the largest spy network in the United States of all time.
And, uh, it's just unbelievable.
They failed polygraph tests.
Some of them were members of Mossad.
They were recording the first attack.
But we will take it away with that clip right now.
American terrorism investigators fear certain suspects in the September 11th attacks may have managed to stay ahead of them.
investigators believe that there are Israelis, again, very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S.
Some U.S.
Whether it's because they're in intelligence services or what they were doing, I will defer to the Department of Justice and the FBI.
There was a report on the George Washington Bridge that there had been a van stop there that had explosives.
We have a suspect who grew from going in the van and then exploding.
Amdocs Limited, an Israeli-based private telecommunications company.
It is virtually impossible to make a call on normal phones without generating an Amdocs record of it.
It quickly unraveled to be the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States.
The largest.
Documents say they, quote, targeted and penetrated military bases, the DEA, FBI, and dozens of other government facilities.
There's one big elephant in the living room.
It is the relationship between the United States of America and the State of Israel.
What about this question of advanced knowledge of what was going to happen on 9-11?
Well, it's very explosive information, obviously.
A bigger question, they say, is how could they not have known?
Alright folks, there it is, Fabled Enemies, again dropping on September 1st, and we go into that Israeli connection.
I mean, there's no doubt about it!
They had exploding vans that day, they had people filming the attacks prior to them happening.
Yes, they were involved.
Alright, let's take another caller.
Let's go to Charles in California.
Charles, you're on the air.
Hey man, how you doing?
Good man, what's up?
I just wanted to talk about how he was basically saying how it's the first building to collapse from fire, and it was a progressive collapse.
Did he say that?
Yes, he did.
And he also, if you read the report, they don't talk about it in the press conference, but it was hundreds of degrees below what they would have expected for these beams to become unstable.
Of course, but yeah, the collapse was how, was it like ten seconds or something like that?
It was under seven.
So yeah, that's progressive right there, but uh...
Yeah, I mean, it's just real normal, all these attacks, and the MSG and the food, but, you know, just keep going and everything, and I'm gonna order the film.
Well, make copies, man.
The real thing isn't just ordering the film, although that does help support us.
The real deal is... Oh, yeah, I'm just letting you know.
Yeah, no, absolutely, and I thank you for that, but the real deal is to get five or six people who have no idea about this information to sit down and watch it with you, and see the looks on their faces, and hopefully,
We get another Charles in California who's not only going to buy the DVDs but make copies and hand them out to other people.
All right.
Take care.
All right.
Thanks, man.
And without further ado, we have the one, the only Alex Jones straight from the DNC in Denver.
Alex, how are you, sir?
Hey, Jason.
Yeah, we just got to Denver, and the reason we're here reporting all week long on the Sunday show and throughout the week is because
The true government of the United States, the shadow government, the military-industrial complex that took the United States over in 1947 under the National Security Act, has put the country under full martial law, of course with the introduction of NORTHCOM, that's based in Colorado Springs, and of course in Denver.
So we're there for that.
And to show how here you have the real government, Congress isn't even allowed to look at their operations, though that's unconstitutional, Congress is co-equal.
Sitting next to the DNC, which is all part of this theater to sell the people that Barack Obama and Joe Biden actually run something, or that their vote really counts at a presidential level, where the policies of John McCain and, of course, Barack Obama are identical.
And so they're going to use this event as a promotion of the police state, a promotion of the idea that protesting is bad.
We've caught the police, the feds many times hiring provocateurs.
We're going to be there this week covering that, documenting that.
We've caught them many times, we'll see if we catch them again.
We pray that our presence here and others' presence here, looking for police provocateurs, will stop them from doing it.
For those that don't know what that is, out there who are new listeners, for hundreds of years, really going back thousands,
You have the king or the nobles or the corrupt government want to round up the peaceful protesters or basically put people in free speech zones or fire at the public with rubber bullets to discourage them from ever demonstrating or protesting or having their voices heard.
They will hire police or others or criminals
We're good to go.
...demonstrations, protests.
A couple weeks ago, they lied.
The Denver Police said there is no emergency FEMA camp to round people up and put them in, like they did in 99 in Seattle, with provocateurs starting the fight, like they did in so many other major cities for other big events like the World Trade Organization or past Republican and Democratic conventions.
And sure enough, they were caught lying in a huge facility that holds around 5,000 people.
And I'm going to be going there tonight, and then again in the morning, live on the show when you're sitting in.
We're going to be calling in.
We're also going to be streaming live video up on InfoWars.com.
All that is happening so that they can't basically tase us, beat us, attack us, and then capture our
video cameras and claim uh... that you know we've actually attacked them we're gonna be there peacefully documenting and covering what's going on there they've got the microwave guns they've got the sound cannons this is gonna be one of the biggest uh... conventions of either party uh... really since the sixties why is this so contentious well because the democrats were sent to congress with a mandate and over ninety percent of the democrats uh... who were polled said that they
You know, they have this big sweep, including all these Republicans that crossed over and voted for Democrats two years ago at the last election.
They did that because they wanted to force the Democrats out of Iraq, out of Afghanistan, and to not attack Iran.
So we've actually seen the opposite here now with Nancy Pelosi and the rest of them.
House and Barack Obama come out with this pro-war, you know, pro-invasion of Pakistan and other countries line.
And so you're, a lot of Americans here, Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative, libertarian, freedom lovers, who love peace and hate war and hate this empire, and who want our republic back.
And you're going to have an establishment trying to demonize them by hiring thugs or having the police dress as thugs.
I can't wait, Alex, and I'd just like to point out that you highlight the WTO and the thing in Seattle in your Police State series where they literally hire provocateurs
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That's what I'm talking about.
A little bit of rage against the machine.
They're going to be at the DNC.
Last time they were at a political event, by the way, folks, the rubber bullets did start flying.
It was out in LA.
I believe it was the 2000 election.
They put it in one of their music videos.
We don't want to see the rubber bullets fly.
But they sure did prepare for it.
Not only the rubber bullets, but the microwave weapons.
They did the black helicopters thing.
You don't believe me?
Go over to loosechange911.com, check out the blogs, check out some of the archives.
Literally black helicopters dropping American flags and glow sticks in preparation for the DNC.
So get ready!
And yo, I know that Rage is going to blow the roof off the joint.
I can't wait.
I can't wait to sub in for Jones.
Jones is going to be calling in.
And, uh, I thought I'd take this little opportunity to try to make the kids understand that the New World Order does indeed exist, that Saakashvili, the Georgian president, and we're not talking about Georgia the state, folks, that's not, uh, where the conflict's at.
It's up, uh, by, uh, Russia, South Ossetia.
Well, they snuck attack the South Ossetians, basically what, uh, amounted to an attempt at ethnic cleansing, and the Russians came in,
To stop it.
Now we're going to play that clip of a 12-year-old girl telling you that on Fox News after we play Saakashvili slipping up and admitting that he's pro-New World Order.
I'll take a couple minutes of his banter with Glenn Beck.
I will say this, he is a good speaker.
He sounds like, oh, we're for freedom and democracy!
This is the new republic!
Oh yeah, by the way, this is about the future of Europe and the New World Order.
Alright, let's play the clip.
Continuing my conversation now with the President of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili.
Mr. President, quickly if we can, you speak very frankly and say things... I was listening to you the last few minutes and you don't hear a politician speak the way you do in America.
You just lay all your cards down the table.
This is you a couple of days ago under flak jackets.
You're being targeted.
Now you're standing on an open roof.
Do you believe that
Do you believe that this will end, Russia will end, if you are dead?
Well, you know, it's not the fact that I was targeted.
My people has been targeted, and I couldn't care less whether I was targeted.
The worst thing was that I was standing there with my people, they were bombed, and I was just targeted like them, and as elected president, officially in charge of their protection, I couldn't do anything about it.
But the point here is, it's not about me, it's about the idea of freedom.
It's about the future of the whole region.
It's about the future of Europe and a new world order.
Oh, the new world order!
It doesn't exist!
I mean, just powerful men like Sakis really talk about it like it's the best thing since breakfast, but apparently it's not a real thing.
All right, let's cue up the clip of the 12-year-old girl
There are thousands of people who have been displaced as a result of the war in Georgia.
Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands if you believe reports.
Among the unfortunate civilians caught in the crossfire in this conflict, a 12-year-old girl from outside San Francisco, Amanda Kokoiva, was in South Osetia for a month and a half long visit with her relatives.
She was with family members in a cafe, and all of a sudden, bombs were falling outside.
A 12-year-old girl.
She spent the night in her uncle's basement, she was able to flee to Russia,
Fleet to the north, catch a flight home from Moscow.
With us now, Amanda Kokoiva and her Aunt Laura, live with us from our San Francisco Bureau.
It's great to see you.
Welcome home.
Thank you.
I cannot even imagine sitting in a cafe and bombs start falling.
I mean, I've been to wars where that happens, but when you were there, there wasn't really a war happening.
It started when you were there.
Describe for us what that was like.
It was really scary.
I didn't know what was happening.
We were just sitting normally and everybody from outside started running in and it was just so scary.
Where did you go?
What did you do?
We called my uncle on the restaurant house phone because our cell phones weren't working and so we called him and he came to pick us up and drove us to his house.
We ended up spending the night in the basement.
Were there bombs falling all the while?
I didn't see any, but before I say anything else, I just want to say that I was running from Georgian troops bombing our city, not Russian troops.
I want to say thank you to the Russian troops that were helping us out.
Thank you to the Russian troops.
Where is your family now and how are they?
I mean, do we really need to even argue?
Let me tell you how it went down, alright?
NATO has encompassed Russia.
Georgia has been a puppet of our Western establishment for a while now.
We started moving in heavy weapons equipment and radar systems into that country.
Then we started running drills there.
The Russians got hip to this.
They started running their own drills in the anticipation that the United States was going to attack them.
The United States did attack them.
They attacked South Ossetia, which is quote-unquote a disputed region.
They went in there to save lives, and to defend their Russian sovereignty, and they are made out to be the demons.
Listen, I'm no fan of Russia, I'm no fan of the FSB, the KGB, uh, guy, Putin.
I don't like him.
But at the same time, he is a nationalist, he doesn't seem to want this global order, and he was just reacting to being attacked.
Now, on a side note, before I take another caller,
I would like to point out that somehow, magically, Tom Clancy, who does all these novels and video games, in 2001, you can go check it out yourself, puts out a game called Ghost Recon.
How does the storyline go?
Well, in 2008, in April, I'll give it to him, it was in April of 2008, the evil Russians attack South Ossetia, and the good guy U.S.
Special Forces, with the help of Georgians, go in then and fight back, and all of a sudden we have this global conflict, and it results in the restructuring of Russia.
I pray to God that is not what is about to happen.
I pray to God this does not blow up into some crazy global conflict.
But could it?
You bet it could.
You bet it could.
All right.
Let's run to Tommy in Michigan.
Tommy, you're on the air.
Hey, Jay.
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
Thanks, man.
What's on your mind?
You know, I'm all about life, and I don't want to dwell on death, but this is the one-year anniversary of losing a great patriot and the person who's in the forefront of the truth movement, or was, and that was Aaron Russo.
He died one year ago today.
A great man.
I'd just like to encourage everybody, if they haven't seen America, Freedom to Fascism, go on Google Video, watch it, go to InfoWars, whatever, and download it, copy it, pass it around, and make sure you watch the interview that Alex did with him.
Put in the search engine, historic interview with Aaron Russo, it'll come up.
Or it'll come up as part of the movie package, you know, it's a related video.
And, um, you know, personally I'm a Christian, so there's a lot of people in the truth movement who just because of my beliefs, I'm not going to stand next to their music.
It's a bit vulgar and whatnot.
There are more important things to save the country than petty differences.
Those, to me, are big differences.
I think truth needs to be delivered by the right people, so I'm just speaking to Christians now.
We need to pray that the truth gets out there in God's will and the people that maybe we don't agree with are doing it a different way.
Pray for their safety as well.
Because on the other side of this, like Aaron Russo said, the first thing we gotta do is the Federal Reserve System has to be shut down or nothing else is gonna matter.
Because we're so close to the point of no return now that all this other stuff, peripheral stuff,
Pop culture stuff about these personalities on TV, you know, even the thing with Shep Smith interviewing that little girl, it's all little snippets, it's all designed to hypnotize and distract.
That Federal Reserve System and the World Bankers, they're just laughing and licking their chops.
They could care less if you stand in the street and get hit with a rubber bullet.
We need to stop that system and people like Ron Paul are going to have to cross over line at some point and say, you know what, my political career,
Maybe not him, with all things he's going out with his wife, but it has to be done.
Maybe it's Jesse Ventura.
I mean, he's going to be speaking at that event in Minnesota, the other convention, across from the Republican convention.
And I totally agree.
I thank you for reminding me that, you know, this is the one year anniversary of Aaron Russo's death.
Aaron Russo was a friend of mine.
He got me press passes into the Republican debates last summer.
And America, Freedom from Fascism is a great piece of work.
I thank you for the call.
If you are into the torrent scene, it's actually the top torrent still, America Freedom to Fascism, over at btjunkie.org.
And if you haven't seen America Freedom to Fascism, it not only breaks down the Federal Reserve Banking System, it not only breaks down basically how they are trying to build this North American Union and quote-unquote this world government, but it also gets into RFID chips and a lot of other important material.
Aaron Russo is quite the hero in my eyes.
I mean, he's a Hollywood guy that was behind the comedy Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd, a very enjoyable picture that kind of takes on Wall Street.
You know, and these preconceived notions about it and how it works.
You know, these guys are criminals on a separate level.
And it's very scary.
So yeah, big ups to Aaron Russo.
May God rest his soul.
I really hope that we can spread this message.
That's another video that you can get for cheap.
Burn onto DVD and hand out to other people.
It's up to us.
We have to be a collective.
I hope you join me for the second hour.
This is KLBJ 590 and you can check out all the info over at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Fabled Enemies coming at you September 1st.
Get ready.
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Again, and the Justice Department will take a look at state schools.
This is the GCN Radio Network, home to hard-hitting talk radio.
Jay Alston, check your watch, it is 5 o'clock.
The official word is expected during the early morning hours, but it has already been leaked.
Barack Obama has tapped Delaware Senator Joe Biden to be his running mate.
Biden has served in the Senate for 36 years.
A medication for treating a rare clotting disorder that can cause dangerous bleeding has now been declared safe and approved for sale by the FDA.
Agency says the injectable drug end plate helps stimulate bone marrow into producing blood platelets.
Crude dropping 5% Friday, the largest single percentage drop in four years.
A rebound in the U.S.
dollar helped oil fall by more than $6 a barrel.
Officials say the drop comes as OPEC announced an increase in oil output.
This is IRN USA Radio News.
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I'm Lee Shepard.
As the nation's largest lawyers organization meets in New York City, one of the top items on the agenda, legal services for the poor, Bar Association President William Newcomb...
The damaging visit from Tropical Storm Faye in Florida has led to a state of emergency declaration from President Bush.
The move will accelerate federal aid to storm survivors and help state and local governments get reimbursed for the storm cleanup.
The death count in Florida now stands at seven.
Dozens more have been hurt.
Three people killed in the crash of an experimental airplane in Nevada.
Authorities say the plane hit a house, killing the pilot and two people in the home.
Boeing now considering dropping its bid for a $35 billion Air Force tanker contract.
Boeing says the Pentagon's RFP places a much higher priority on aerial refueling and fuel offload.
Boeing would have to design a brand new plane to meet the guidelines.
The company is asking the Defense Department for a six-month time frame on submitting a proposal.
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After a sharp increase Thursday, oil prices have dropped over $6 a barrel.
A stronger U.S.
dollar combined with a slight increase in oil output from OPEC is being credited for the drop.
Declining demand is also playing a role.
AAA reports it expects travel over the Labor Day weekend will decline by the largest amount in eight years.
Some lucky customers at one Omaha, Nebraska gas station were able to fill up Thursday night for only 35 cents a gallon.
A computer error caused the station to sell the cheap gas for about three hours.
After people started lining up, store employees realized there was a problem and corrected the error.
On Wall Street this week, the Dow Investment Bureau lost 32 points, finishing the week at 11,628.
On the tech side, the Nasdaq dropped 38 for a close of 2415.
HSBC Bank USA is apologizing to customers after a computer crash interrupted services and delayed payday for thousands.
The bank says that while most of the systems are up now and running, recovery efforts continue.
A Maryland State Police spokesman says a three-day standoff with a burglary suspect holed up in a motel with his pregnant girlfriend is over.
Everyone is okay and the couple is in custody.
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Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
Alright, folks, we are strapped in for the second hour.
I am Jason Burmiss on August 24th, this Sunday.
I am in for Alex Jones.
Alex did join us.
I am watching the DNC live on C-SPAN.
There are a ton of protesters out there already.
I like to see it.
I like to see a peaceful protest.
What I don't like is grandstanders.
And, uh...
For all those that do know me, they know I'm going to be down in New York City this year on September 11th.
Actually, on September 10th, Alex and I are going to be showing our new films, 9-11 Chronicles, Truth Rising, and Fabled Enemies, both available at InfoWars.com.
However, I just found out there's going to be a couple of cats coming to town that I don't care for, to grandstand.
Well, looks like Barack Obama and McCain are coming down to New York City for September 11th in an open forum for family members to ask them staged questions.
So they can grandstand and tell us how they're going to make the future better.
Well, gross.
Utterly disgusting.
The only thing I can say is I'm glad they're coming, because I might get a chance to put them on the spot on video.
More than likely not, as they are often shielded by numerous Secret Service agents.
I've seen that McCain is a little bit more accessible than Obama.
Does that mean Obama is the anointed one?
I would say so.
I don't think that they're going to go for yet another Republican, especially one as washed up as McCain.
I really thought they were going to try to bring in Romney as their golden boy, but apparently Romney wasn't going to play ball to just throw the election.
Yeah, that's right.
Elections are staged in this country.
In 2004, we had third and ninth cousins on separate sides of the family, George Bush and John Kerry.
Both went to Yale together, two years apart, both in skull and bones.
And Kerry, of course, did not challenge the rigged voting machines whatsoever, even though that Greg Palast
Later actually proved that he had won in many of those states.
And then when somebody asks him about that connection in a open forum, he asks him about why he didn't challenge the elections and his association to Skull and Bones, they tase him!
That's the famous don't tase me bro confrontation.
A lot of people don't know what he was actually asking before he got tased.
That he had just gone insane.
They thought,
No, he was actually asking pointed questions.
And Dave Chappelle picked up on this.
I'd play it on the air.
It wasn't vulgar.
But Chappelle, doing a comedy bit out in the UK, actually asked the audience if they knew what question he had asked John Kerry right before he had been tased.
And he went over the skull and bones thing.
And they said no.
And then he did a little ear wink after John Kerry said, oh, I'd love to answer that.
That's a great question.
And oh!
And then he's tased endlessly.
I love this country.
I actually have the Don't Taze Me Kid in a little bit of a montage at the end of my film showing how far we've actually slipped and fallen.
Once again, Fabled Enemies drops August 31st in high quality on PrisonPlanet.tv in DivX format, so it is easy to burn and play on many a DVD player.
Alright, let's jump to our next caller.
Let's go to Rod in Oregon.
What's on your mind?
Rod, you're on the air.
Doing a great job, man.
Hey, Jason.
I greatly appreciate everything you do and the tremendous work.
Thank you, man.
Hey, you know, I've always been an advocate.
I've been diligently, I've always written letters to Congress, to whoever, whatever.
Maybe it's just an outlet or a way to vent.
But, you know, one question, maybe you can correct me on this, but I've always looked at it this way, especially in the world today.
Congress and all the House of Representatives, all they appear to me to be is just a dog and pony show front to give the American people the illusion that they have some voice in what goes on in this country and the world.
And sometimes it seems to me it's just like the last month when they did the big dog and pony show impeachment hearings, especially when
Well, I would say this, man.
95% of those in Congress are just what you said.
They are there to give the illusion of difference, of change, of a right and left paradigm.
Bought and sold by the special interests of this country, the military-industrial complex, the people that really run the show.
I do think that Kucinich is trying to do the right thing.
I know that he had to go to that second hearing after introducing, let me say this, 33 articles of impeachment against the president and his administration, and do you know what the media did?
They ignored it.
They ignored the entire thing.
You only watched it on C-SPAN 2 late at night.
Well, I have some of those hearings, actually, I believe the 33rd and 34th articles of impeachment, which have to do with 9-11, in the film.
I think Cynthia McKinney was another great example of a rogue who tried to go after these people.
Fabled enemies.
Actually had independent 9-11 hearings on Capitol Hill.
I think Cindy Sheehan is of that same cloth to try to challenge them.
But you're right, man.
It is a dog and pony show.
Most of these people do not care about the Constitution, do not care about the Bill of Rights.
They care about their bottom line and will continue to as long as we allow them to.
And that's why I encourage people to run for City Council, to run for State Senate, to run for Mayor, to run for Governor.
I mean, we have to take this government back, and I think that one of the big steps in doing so is to take that special interest money out altogether and make it illegal.
Rod, I thank you for the call.
Let's jump to Benny in New York.
Benny, what's on your mind?
It's actually Vinny, as in your cousin Vinny.
Sorry, Vinny.
How are you doing?
Good, man.
How are you doing?
Listen, a couple of things.
First of all, I'd like to remember Aaron Russo as well.
He was a personal friend of mine.
In fact, the last time I had spoken with him was back in August, the week before he passed, and we were actually talking about trading.
Not many people know he was an avid trader, futures trader, like myself.
Second thing, consider this for a minute, and I don't think anybody's ever talked about this, but consider, timing is everything, right?
So if that's true, and it is a matter of fact, and I know it for a fact in a way that most people will never know it because I trade for a living, our calendar and our 24 o'clock system are both
They don't line up with the natural cycles of life.
So if you don't live according to the correct time, everything's going to be out of whack, right?
So like a car engine, if the timing isn't right, the machine ain't going to run.
Well, I want to just give you a website you can get.
It's not mine.
And I don't necessarily subscribe to everything the person says on the site, but the timing information is accurate.
And I think it's worth looking into.
And the site is Law of Time.
Hey, Jason.
Basically, I was calling up.
First of all, I'm a big Rage fan.
I think they got the message that we need.
And I was wondering if you guys could get Rage on the show?
He's done some punk radiocasts and whatever, but Trey is hard at work and has tried to get these guys.
Unfortunately, they're a little bit left.
They're a lot socialist, maybe a little bit anarchist, too.
I really don't know about Zach.
He's got a new project out called One Day as a Lion that's dropped an EP.
You know, we keep trying.
There is a rock band that I'm a fan of that we're in the works of getting right now.
I can't really talk about it.
They're not as high profile as Rage, and hey,
Bottom line is, I hope Rage puts out another album, man.
I'm itching for a new Rage album in the worst way.
I'm a huge System of a Down fan.
I really think they picked up where Rage left off with their own style, but even they have kind of broken off into side projects right now.
Surge has his own album.
Obviously, Scars on Broadway is out also.
So, I mean, obviously we can reach more people through music, and we're going to keep trying to get somebody like Tom Morello on the show.
Maybe miracles will happen in Denver, brother.
Who knows?
Okay, and that sounds great and awesome, man.
I don't know, I'm just kind of freaked out, especially being over here in Germany, kind of thinking like they're going to start the big WWE 3 off, you know?
It's a possibility.
I'm worried here in the United States, brother.
I mean, like I said, you look at that Ghost Recon script, and yeah, Germany does get involved, Italy does get involved, France does get involved, but hopefully
We won't have to see any ground troops in our countries, man.
I just keep trying to press the truth, keep trying to wake people up with new movies.
I'm putting together a new movie after this called Invisible Empire, and I'm just gonna keep pushing on, Sam.
Thank you for the call, my friend.
That's all we can all do.
We can all only be human beings and share our information with each other.
But we have to be relentless.
You gotta understand, this is for broke.
You know, they don't like you, they don't love you.
They act like they do.
InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
We're going to play the Fabled Enemies trailer about Osama Bin Laden on the other side.
I'm Jason Burmess.
Hi, this is Ted Anderson.
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You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
I wish I had one more silver dollar.
However, I have no silver on me at the moment.
I have a little hard currency there.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas.
I'll be subbing in through Thursday.
Got this big Sunday audience on KLVJ and I am just dropping truth bombs left and right.
And we're going to continue to drop some truth bombs.
I do want to play my latest trailer, Four Fabled Enemies, which is dropping September 1st.
So let's do that.
This is the Bin Laden trailer.
Check it out.
In the early 1980s, Bin Laden worked with operatives from U.S.
intelligence, the Pakistani military, and Arab states.
Is it not true?
That the United States government paid $300 million to the bin Laden family for the construction of the military camps.
At basis though, I really think that these were more CIA assets, people that were recruited, like all of the folks I've been issuing visas to.
Then we have that mysterious suitcase with all of the hijackers' names and all of this incriminating evidence.
Why put a Koran?
Why put flight manuals?
Why put all this incriminating information if it's supposedly going to get burned up?
Let's show you some video that was taken 8 days after 9-11.
That man there is Osama Bin Laden's younger brother, Khalil.
And that family that took off, that's a f***ing crime.
I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved.
Most of that information is classified, I think overly classified.
Osama bin Laden.
Osama bin Laden.
Osama bin Laden.
Osama bin Laden.
Osama bin Laden.
Remember 24 hours ago, it was the Bush tax cut, the Bush budget, the Bush economy.
You don't hear any of that tonight.
It's America's enemy.
America's under attack.
And that's all, you know, just from 9-11.
There was no other suspect.
We show a lot more examples in the film, but I mean, they were saying things like, we're 90% certain it's him on that day, he deployed 50 terrorists, there's nobody else.
I mean, he was literally convicted in the Court of Public Opinion on that morning, and obviously, the evidence led to other avenues.
Alright, let's go to yet another caller.
Let's take Ken in South Dakota.
Ken, you're on the air.
How you doing, Jason?
Good, man.
What's up?
I just want to thank you and Alex for all the truth bombs and the great work you guys do for us out here, okay?
Well, thank you.
I thank you for spreading this information.
Hopefully you're telling people about the show and you're getting these movies, making copies, and handing them out.
Every day, bro.
Every day.
I got a question for you here.
I was hearing something about a guy named Philip J. Berg.
Okay, yeah.
Have you heard about this?
Oh, well, Filberg I interviewed.
That was over three years ago.
Do you know about the lawsuit that he has against Osama?
Yeah, he had a lawsuit on behalf of the family members and against the Saudi Arabian royal family and the FAA that he pursued for many, many years.
Do you know about the birth certificate that Obama wasn't born here in the States?
That's in Corsi's book, isn't it?
Isn't that in Corsi's book?
I don't know.
There you go.
I was just wondering if they're going to bring this up there at the DNC.
They sure are.
Yeah, it's unfortunate.
Maybe we should play that clip, and by the way, I thank you for the call, Ken, of him in Germany talking about a global citizenship, of how we're going to have to do more, not less.
Maybe we'll play that in the final segment.
I might go cue that up in the thing.
It's pretty nasty.
It's his one-world coming-out party.
And it's very, very upsetting that we're even on this level with this guy and that people believe that he is change you can vote for.
He doesn't say anything!
Tell me something he said.
For instance, let me give you an example.
Somebody asked him about the corrupt Federal Reserve government system and how it was destroying the economy.
And he said, well, the reason we got a bad economy is because we got a weak dollar.
And if we want a stronger economy, we need a stronger dollar.
He didn't say anything there.
He said in order to have a strong economy and a strong dollar, he avoided the entire question about the Federal Reserve Banking System, and he got a huge round of applause because of our lemming-like behavior in this country.
All right, let's jump to yet another caller.
Let's go to John in California.
John, what's on your mind?
Hey, how you doing, Jason?
This is Joe from California.
So you interviewed Benjamin Fulford.
All right, Joe.
On Friday, I believe it was.
And how he kind of dished Alex for being a disinformationist regarding China.
One thing that has to be done, and I send it over to Alex's email address, is, you know, Fulford had a letter called Letter of Apology to David Rockefeller.
I read that yesterday.
Yeah, and you know what?
What is interesting about him, I did not realize that David Rockefeller was born into a system that you could guide, but not fully control.
The neo-Nazis like George Bush Sr.
I insulted the emperor and I apologize to you.
He's apologizing to David Rockefeller.
Dude, he's out of his mind.
Look, I want to be nice to Benjamin Fulford on one level because he brings some interesting things to the table.
But he also said on 8808 there was going to be this massive ninja death of some of the Illuminati members and never happened.
He's talking about, he's calling for their death on the air.
He's literally calling for their death.
And then he has no understanding of the gravitation of power.
That if you murder 50 people, that doesn't stop things.
Like, uh, what is it called?
Doesn't stop things like the Bilderberg Group.
Doesn't stop things like the Bohemian Grove, you know?
I have no doubt that there are elites in Japan and China.
I have no doubt that he's totally blinded by his love of these Eastern promises.
But the bottom line is, that government has a military that is the police, and a police that is the military, and they do have one-child policies there, and they do harvest organs of dissidents!
They sell them on the black market!
They're not good people!
Right, and he's praising the Japanese Emperor?
Come on!
Talking about Deng Xiaoping and everything.
Yeah, why are we praising these guys?
Their blood's a little better than ours.
Listen, exactly.
They're human beings.
Listen, exactly, and they are human beings.
I'm not trying to dehumanize them.
I'm trying to say that their system of government is one of corruption, just like here, and that they actually get less.
Listen, when I watch Walmart, the high cost, the low prices, yeah, it's terrible what they're doing to the Walmart workers in this country and Canada.
I'm with you, John.
Thank you so much for the call, brother.
I'm going to push on.
Let's go up.
Looks like we got a little break skiing hutch.
So, we're going to take some more calls on the other side.
I think I'm going to play that John Cancius clip just to throw a curveball to people.
You think these guys tell the truth about anything?
Well, I'll tell you what they don't tell the truth about.
Alternative energy.
You ever hear about salt water burning?
Or am I a madman?
Well, we're going to find out after this.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com are the websites.
I am Jason Burmas, subbing in for Alex Jones.
Straight out of the DNC, baby.
Can't wait.
We'll be back after this.
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All right, folks, we're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
A little clapton.
Nothing wrong with that.
Can't believe they're playing cocaine on the Alex Jones Show.
That's a little wild, isn't it?
We're anti-drug over here on this camp.
Well, I promised you a little saltwater burns, and I'm gonna give that to you, but...
They did pull up the Obama New World Order speech, and this isn't even me saying it's the New World Order speech, okay?
This is out of Sky News, and for those that don't know, Sky News is the Fox affiliate overseas, and they blatantly know, after listening to it, it is his coming-out party for the New World Order.
It's only a minute and a half.
Play the clip.
Let's do it up.
Well, there have been extraordinary scenes in Berlin tonight as thousands of people gathered to hear Barack Obama deliver key foreign policy speech on his current European tour.
The Democratic presidential hopeful laid out his vision for America's place in a new world order, saying he was speaking as a proud citizen of the United States and a fellow citizen of the world.
Don't worry, it doesn't exist.
While Senator Obama has tackled America's place in the world at several points in his speech, acknowledging recent splits between the US and the rest of the international community.
In Europe, the view that America is part of what has gone wrong in our world, rather than a force to help us make it right, has become all too common.
Yes, there have been differences between America and Europe.
No doubt there will be differences in the future.
But the burdens of global citizenship continue to bind us together.
A change of leadership in Washington will not lift this burden.
In this new century, Americans and Europeans alike will be required to do more, not less.
Partnership and cooperation among nations is not a choice.
It is the only way.
No choice!
To protect our common security and advance our common humanity.
Yeah, that's who I want my new president to be.
There it is!
Global citizenship!
More, not less!
Are you listening?
Is there anybody home?
God, that's scary!
But people froth at the mouth for this guy!
Well, I don't.
You know, I'm trying to warn everybody he's Bad News Brown.
Alright, let's go to number, uh, number five on the list.
Let's go to Jared and Austin.
What's on your mind, Jared?
Oh, not too much, man.
You're doing a good job, Jason.
I didn't know that Obama wasn't born in the United States, supposedly, but I guess we can tally up two.
Well, McCain wasn't born in the U.S.
either, man.
McCain was born in Panama, also.
Yeah, that's right.
That is correct.
Neither of them were born in the United States.
Their parents were United States citizens.
That makes sense.
That's why they consider themselves world citizens before they consider themselves American citizens.
Listen, they're internationalists, they're globalists, they hold no allegiance to this country, the Bill of Rights, or the Constitution.
They hold all their allegiances.
All you have to do is look on the back of your dollar bill, and it says Novus Ordo Seclorum, Annuit Collectus, meaning the conception of the New World Order.
So it's very real, and you're doing a great job, Jason.
That's all I wanted to say, and God bless, man.
Well, thank you, brother.
Well, you know, Nancy Pelosi, who hopefully Cindy Sheehan takes her spot, but on two separate occasions has now used that term.
Novos Ordo Seclorum and how it's on the back of the dollar bill.
She did so when she became Speaker of the House.
I'm going to be having that in my new film, Invisible Empire, hopefully in another year or so.
That'll be coming out.
And she also did so in front of the We Are Change crew.
Just type in Nancy Pelosi, New World Order, and again, she's one of those people that thinks it's totally the best thing since breakfast.
Okay, I want to play this John Canzius clip.
You don't think they're suppressing information about lower-cost energy, alternative fuels?
Dude, this guy is burning saltwater.
Let me say it again, saltwater.
It's what the oceans are made of, for our resident idiots listening.
We've got plenty of it.
Alright, hit the clip.
Your car on saltwater.
Now it may sound crazy, but wait until you see what a local inventor has come up with that could change the world.
And as Channel 3's Michael Mara shows us, that's not all he's trying to do.
Retired TV station owner and broadcast engineer John Kansas was not looking for an answer to the energy crisis.
He was looking for a way to cure cancer.
Four years ago, inspiration struck in the middle of the night.
Why not use radio waves to kill the cancer cells?
The best thing that would work as antennas was why I could find at three o'clock in the morning was my wife's pie pans.
His wife, Marianne, heard the noise and found her husband inventing a radio frequency generator using her pie pans.
I got up immediately and thought he'd lost it.
Here are the basics of John's idea.
Radio waves will heat certain metals, like gold.
Tiny bits of that metal are injected into a cancer patient.
Those nanoparticles are attracted to the abnormalities of the cancer cell and ignore the healthy cells.
The patient is then exposed to radio waves and only the bad cells heat up and die.
Killing cancer cells is amazing, but John had also stumbled on yet another amazing breakthrough.
His machine could actually burn salt water.
John Kansas discovered that his radio frequency generator could release the oxygen and hydrogen from salt water and create an incredibly intense flame.
Just like that.
If that was inside a car cylinder, you could see the amount of fire that would be in the cylinder.
I can put my hand in here.
Put your hand into the beam, nothing happens.
Put in a fluorescent bulb and it lights up immediately.
At the APV Company Laboratory in Akron, top engineers have checked out John's amazing invention and they were amazed.
And we saw it go up to 1500 degrees centigrade.
The temperature.
It's incredible.
This simple Stirling engine is running with the heat generated by the flames coming off that test tube.
The fuel, nothing more than salt water.
That could be a steam engine, a steam turbine.
Could be a car engine if you wanted it to be.
That's the true American
So imagine the possibilities.
Salt water as the ultimate clean fuel.
A happy byproduct of one man searching for a cure for cancer.
Alright, let's cut it out.
There you go!
I mean, they didn't talk about how he engineered his car with it, so it runs on four-fifths salt water.
But, go back to bed.
We all need oil.
You know, we need to fight these wars so that the power elite can stay in control and we can pay $3.50, $4.00, probably $5.00 next summer for gas.
It's delicious.
I love to be enslaved.
And, uh, I promise you that when I go back to New York next week, uh, after the anniversary, when I have to go down to the city, I am going to go find John Kanzias and I am going to do whatever it takes for him to, uh, engineer my car to run on water.
Cause I need to!
I'm a, I am a broke guy, folks.
I don't make a lot of money doing this.
Uh, I'm on the edge and I want my car to run on water.
I mean, it's just incredible.
The guy also cured cancer.
Oh, that's no big deal.
Only the biggest industry out there is the cancer industry.
You know, they're going to tell you, you need to be radiated and this and that, and they hold back so much of the cancer research.
That's actually beneficial.
G. Edward Griffin did a huge lecture slash film slash writings on it called, A World Without Cancer.
And, you know, B17 and Levitrothal and how that can really stave off cancer and these unhealthy cells.
When you really get down to what the cancer industry is about, it's about control, population control, death, and making big profits for big corporations.
Alright, let's jump to some other callers.
Who do we got here?
We've got Rick in Wisconsin.
What's up, Rick?
Hey, Jason.
I just wanted to say, first of all,
Thanks for a loose change, and I think you do a really great job on Filming for Alex.
Oh, thank you.
And, um, you know, I've been listening for about seven years now and wrote a paper back when the Patriot Act came out, and I've been kind of listening ever since because I realized how damaging that was.
Just kind of curious about what your opinion is on not only the, you know, DNC, we've talked about that today, but what's coming up with the RNC and the Rally for the Republican.
And what's going on with Ron Paul?
It's been kind of announced now that C-SPAN and Nightline will be doing live reports.
Can't wait.
Well, they'll probably be relegated to C-SPAN 2.
C-SPAN 3 is really history, so I don't see how they're going to put it there.
But I think it's great.
First of all, you're going to have 15,000 people out there that know
Uh, about the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which is very encouraging in one concentrated area.
That usually doesn't happen.
Number two, they're gonna be challenging the Neo-Nazis and their little, uh, Republican, if you will.
People like Jesse Wintour are gonna be there, Amy Allen, plus Ron Paul.
I think it's a totally positive event.
And I hope that, uh, we do stave off- stave some media coverage.
I hope that people take, uh, off of that event.
So they can go challenge the RNC.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Bermas filling in.
You can go check out our stuff over at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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You're listening to GCN.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Hell of a way to end the show in the last segment with some more, uh... more bomb tracks, I guess.
It's my boys, Rage Against the Machine.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burmess, subbing in.
And I want to encourage you to go out and get loose change, make copies, hand them out to people.
Go pre-order Fabled Enemies, which we're going to be shipping out September 1st.
Can't wait for that to drop for the kids, let me tell you.
And that's going to be available for all those PrisonPlanet.tv subscribers.
It's less than a dollar a day to join folks.
I think it's something like 56 cents a day and you get all of Alex's documentaries, my documentaries, and many, many more.
All these radio broadcasts in the highest of quality.
And also all the PrisonPlanet.tv hour-long live broadcasts.
Sometimes they're two, sometimes they're three.
We just keep going.
We just keep expanding.
Alex is working on a television network right now that we hope to be up and running next year.
The info war must continue because
99.9% of the talk radio shows you're listening to ain't saying what I'm saying.
And I hate to say it, I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I'm telling you the truth.
And if you can't recognize that, well, you have just been so tattered and brainwashed and mesmerized by your Jenny Ice and your Longhorn Football that you may be beyond reproach.
All right, let's, let's, we got a bunch of callers.
Let's just fly through the callers.
Let's go to Trooper in Austin.
You are on the air, Trooper.
Hey, Jason, we'll have to correct that to my Red Raider football.
No, I feel like I'm calling in, picking a fight with my brother, because I love your work on Loose Chains, too, but you're picking on my man Barack, and then when you went and promoted the human gadfly, the latest chicken hawk, Jerome Corsi.
Well, I don't think I'm promoting Corsi.
I just mentioned that he put that into his book.
I mean, obviously, that dude talks out both sides of his mouth.
You know, it's interesting, because he gets up on Handy and Combs, and he's
He's confronted with his statements about the thermite hypothesis and how the World Trade Center could not have come down by a jet fuel fire, and he says, well, I never published it.
Definitely no Corsi fan.
Well, anyway, his friend, that lawyer, was on the other day about the birth certificate on AM Coast to Coast, and the callers tore him up.
But continue.
They said, well, where do you have these expert witnesses?
Who are these expert witnesses?
These forgery experts?
And he didn't have anybody.
Couldn't know it.
Now, which lawyer was this?
Is this the lawyer that supposedly put these documents out?
Yeah, that's what upset me, because I heard the guy the other night on AM Coast to Coast.
And here's my thing, Jason.
You know, Barack can't come out and say he knows 9-11 was an inside job.
They'll condemn him the way they did Ron Paul.
I really believe he's the lesser of two evils.
And when you hear the guy, you got to have a little bit of hope.
I mean, when you listen to the great speaker, man, McCain, and we can't have McCain in there.
Hold on.
I thank you for the call.
All right.
Let me just address that.
He is an excellent speaker.
He is very charismatic just because his tone is right.
And he knows how to get around questions.
So was Clinton.
But what did Clinton bring us?
He brought us Oklahoma City, which was a total inside job.
And he also brought us the Waco catastrophe.
And by the way, the first 9-11,
uh... attempt was also under clinton's watch the first world trade center attack carried out by the feds uh... they had a mod salon and ex-egyptian army officer working for the f b i who built the bomb train the drivers the whole nine they tried to jail him he was smart enough to take some of his phone conversations with the f b i agents who told him to carry out the attack he ends up being paid one million dollars in his testimony against the other perpetrators is he the lesser of two evils i don't believe that man i'm sorry i just don't
As far as whether he was born inside the country, I have not looked into that thoroughly.
I do think he's a U.S.
citizen regardless.
I guess I'm going to have to look into that further.
All right, let's keep taking calls.
Let us go to Jim in New York.
Jim, you're on the air.
Yes, what's on your mind, Jim?
Hey, first of all, hey, Jason, I'm going to see you at Ground Zero this year.
I'll be up there.
9-11 was an inside job, everybody.
It was.
We're never gonna shut up.
Hey Jason, Lose Change changed me.
I thank God I saw that movie.
It changed the way I think about everything.
I mean, it is an opening door for people to understand that maybe our government doesn't love us that much.
Well, thank you man.
Maybe we're not told the truth on the mainstream media.
And I think the effectiveness of the Lose Change films is that, you know, 70% of this stuff is really government documents, mainstream news footage, and mainstream articles that disprove the official version.
I immediately stopped caring about the Buffalo Bills.
Hey, listen, I want everybody to join me at dprogram.net.
We got a great community, and we're fighting tyranny right now.
Listen, you know, I talked to a guy who happens to be an engineer.
He says that he used to work for GE.
Now, he told me that the turboprops they make
For those jet engines, they make those out of a single crystal that cannot be destroyed.
You're talking about the engines.
I mean, those are titanium.
They're made hot enough to destroy them.
Well, absolutely, man, and thank you for the call.
Yeah, they're made out of titanium.
Okay, those engines are huge.
They're over a ton.
They would not disintegrate.
Like I said in the after-action report, we should have had two engines on the scene at the Pentagon.
We also should have had longer wing marks.
We also should have had a mark from the tail section.
We also shouldn't have had this thing punch through three of the actual rings at the Pentagon in one straight line, leaving a 16-foot hole on the entrance and a 16-foot hole on the exit.
I thank you for the call.
All right, let us jump to Robert in Colorado.
Maybe he's over at the DNC, folks.
Who knows?
Robert, what's on your mind?
No, not quite.
I plan on going one day next week, maybe in the morning, to check out the processing.
You're doing a great job sitting in for Alex.
I appreciate that, Jason.
Two quick questions, if I may.
I know I'm out of time.
Number one, I never hear from your co-filmmakers, Dylan Avery and Corey Rowe.
What are those two up to these days?
Well, Dylan is actually working on a new website called The Network, and he is also working on a fictional script that he's hoping will be made into a Hollywood film.
That does not deal with 9-11 or anything like this.
So we'll see.
I wish Dylan the best of luck.
And Corey is a producer on my latest film.
He's the one that went and filmed my J. Michael Springman interview that is in Fabled Enemies.
And he keeps up with the movement and is very much involved with the things that are going on in New York City from the 10th to the 13th this year in light of 9-11.
Second question is, uh, where'd you guys come up with the term loose change?
What does that mean?
Um, loose change is a metaphor for the fact that this information was already loose.
The change was already occurring.
In other words, this stuff was already out on the web.
It was open source information.
Anybody could have gotten it.
So despite our film, you know, you can get rid of us.
You can try to get rid of our movie.
It's not going to make a difference.
The second thing that loose change means, and I thank you for the call, Robert, is that it causes a loose change in someone's mind when they could not imagine
The worst of their government.
Before watching this film, you bet they do afterwards.
I've sat there in front of 500 people, 200 people, 1,000 people, colleges, high schools.
You know, I spoke at Princeton, for God's sakes.
And these people had no idea what they were getting into when they watched the film.
99% come out of it going, whoa.
They can't just disregard all of its information.
And that's the power of loose change.
Alright, we're gonna take as many of these as we can.
Let's go to Barbara in Austin.
Barbara, thanks for joining us.
Yes, hi, Jason.
Um, I was calling because I believe that, um, Wes Flangle needs to ask his subcommittee, he's the chairman of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, that he needs to look into the IRS, um, especially here in Austin, because it looks like the special service staff, that, um, group, that intelligence group that they had in the 70s is back in action.
Okay, and then, plus, you know, the 16th Amendment was never really ratified.
I thank you for the call, Barbara.
I mean, there are so many
Jason, hey, listen, I want everyone to know that you've got a lot of support down here in Georgia.
And I want you to know how much loose change means to me.
I was checking into a lot of the facts myself.
I found out about Jeff Gannon, where his boss was one of the witnesses to the Pentagon crash.
And I just think that all the work you guys are doing is great.
And I love the way that you take all the calls when you sit in for Alex.
Well, thank you, man.
And for those who don't know, I only got about a minute and a half here.
Jeff Gannon was the supposed right-wing reporter who had amazing access to the press corps and the White House.
And it turns out, well, he's not a Christian conservative like he blogged.
He's actually the head of militarystuds.com and is the head madam-slash-prostitute
In a male prostitution ring!
And he's taking 5am towards the White House, and there is video of George Bush hugging him close and kissing his bald head.
I know that I don't kiss other grown men's bald head.
It's just not how I roll.
Kerry, thank you for the call.
Last caller, Greg in San Francisco.
Hurry up, what's on your mind?
What's up, Jason?
I was wondering if you've seen that article that talks about how Obama is related to Bush and Churchill.
Vlad the Impaler basically, the modern-day Dracula.
That's always very comforting to know.
The genealogy stuff is definitely interesting and if you look at all the presidents that have been
Anointed, if you will, they seem to share a common bloodline.
I thank you for the call, and I want to thank Alex Jones for everything he's done for me over the past four or five months helping me put out this film, and I want to encourage you to go get Fabled Enemies right now at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Alex will be with you next week, and go to InfoWars.com to get all the latest DNC updates.
I get up around seven, get out of bed around nine.
I don't want to get on nothing, no, because one's a waste of my time.
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