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Filename: 20080729_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 29, 2008
3877 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Very important broadcast lined up for you on this July 29th, 2008 worldwide broadcast against tyranny.
In defense of liberty.
Steve Watson is joining us in 30 minutes.
British kids encouraged to become climate cops and to quote report on their parents.
It is now also being set up here in the United States.
We have an incredible video that the New York Times is reporting on where a police officer runs 15 feet at least, full power, knocks a cyclist off who busted his head open on the concrete and was in serious condition and the police charged the cyclist for assaulting the officer.
The video is on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
This is the evil.
This is the wickedness of the government, ladies and gentlemen.
Video of the cop.
You have hundreds of bicyclers going down the road.
He's trying to shove and push other bikes.
They're swerving out of his way.
He becomes enraged and runs like an NFL linebacker in full power.
Guy had to have, you know, played football in high school, hits the cyclist on the side, knocking him with full leverage power, head first, slamming into the curb.
What did they do?
They booked him!
That's how America works!
And it's going to get a lot worse, and all you sickos on the message board, and the comment areas, and commenting on the YouTube that the cyclist deserved it, the IRS is going to take everything you got.
Your children are going to be drafted to fight at endless wars.
You're going to be abused too.
And I want the evil police that are part of this to know something.
Not the good ones, but the bad ones that are backed up by the city halls and the governors and the feds.
Bad stuff's gonna happen to you at the hands of this new world order.
Tyranny goes around, ladies and gentlemen.
And you think you're gonna escape this wickedness and that isn't bad enough.
Headline, here I have in the stack, Missouri Police Taser Injured Boy 19 Times.
The Tattletale Society, the young man was 16-year-old, no criminal record, they tested his blood, no drugs, walking home after his late-night job over a highway overpass.
Someone said it was suspicious to have someone walking down the highway.
This was in the Ozarks.
And then the next we hear he's fallen off the bridge.
This is what the police are saying, but they won't release a squad car video.
His back is broken.
It knocked his foot off.
The 35-foot-plus fall knocked his foot off.
It says broke his foot off.
He is bleeding and broke back.
He has a broken back.
He is paralyzed from the neck down.
The police then pound him in the face because he wouldn't get up, double black eyes, and then taser him 19 times for not getting up.
Oh, yes, we have the local newscast where they don't even report that till the end.
It's kind of like, oh, he fell and broke his back and then got, by the way, tasered 19 times.
This is the savage evil of hardcore felons and criminals and thugs joining the police force and being chosen for this.
It is off the charts evil.
The video that's up on PrisonPlanet.com of this happening.
In fact, it was posted on the main page yesterday.
It's already rotated into the Police State Archive.
I want to get that posted back on the main page of PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Just absolutely incredible.
And we get videos like this now every day.
You'll have skateboarders in
San Diego, just happily skateboarding peacefully, and a cop just pulls up and runs up screaming, tackling them and hitting them and stealing their skateboards and laughing.
Video of children playing with toy cars.
Cops come up and just go, AHH!
Stomp them!
You couldn't make this up!
Savage evil exploding everywhere!
Massive death camps are built!
The government's hired their death force!
They're moving against us now!
Their Pentagon control grid's in place!
And they've been told they can have their way with us and let the slaves know that they're nothing but pathetic slaves!
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You know what makes me angry?
But more than making me angry, it makes me sad for this country.
We now have institutionalized corruption in the United States.
We've always had problems, there's always been bad apples in government, but when it becomes institutionalized, you have tyranny.
And that's exactly what we've gotten nationwide.
is a corruption that is nothing like we've ever seen in our history.
We've had cities like New York that have gone bad with Big City.
Mob bosses basically running the city.
We've had Chicago do the same for a long, long time.
But now it's most small towns.
Now it's almost every major city.
Some are better than others.
Some are worse than others.
Austin, Texas, despite the massive violations of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, is nothing compared to many other cities that we've tracked and analyzed and assessed.
And so I'm very blessed to live in this city as bad as it is.
New York City and Chicago are unbelievably corrupt.
The police swagger like something out of Clockwork Orange, openly screaming at the citizenry like they're scum and trash.
They are encouraged to let the population know that.
It is the same in Washington, D.C.
I have personally experienced that, versus the police being very professional, say, in Chantilly, Virginia, or what is Fairfax, Virginia.
At Bilderberg, and I would love to praise the police.
I would love to hold up good officers, because when they do an honorable job as peace officers, and when they have courage and are brave and polite and upright, and gentlemanly, they're real men and women and are to be respected.
But when they become tools of corrupt systems, whether federal, state, or local, they are the greatest threat to our individual lives, liberty, property, and our country's name.
And for the last two decades, they've had shows like Cops, where they always show the public as white trash scum, where all they ever show you is the guilty people, the drunks, the trash, and the police are always shown in a good light.
And so that created a type of mindless brainwashing of the police and the public, the police themselves, a haughty attitude that they could do no wrong and could behave however they wished.
Now, because of internet videos, that is all changing, ladies and gentlemen, and institutionalized frame-ups and corruption and persecution of innocent citizens is now becoming evident to the world.
When a young man asks a question, lines up to ask a question in Florida,
And ask his question.
The security guards believe in America that you're not supposed to ask questions.
Then the college police get there and grab him around the neck.
Even though Kerry was saying let him finish his question.
He came to the microphone, they drug him out, and on video he put his hands out with three people sitting on top of him and looked up, looked at his head and said, don't taser me, bro.
As the officer pulled out the taser, relished the moment, and then tasered him.
There's the famous video in San Diego, there at the State College, where they come into the library, he doesn't have his ID, he tells them I don't have an ID, he was a straight-A student there, a, uh, what, a junior?
I know we interviewed him.
That was like a year and a half ago now.
These are just some of the famous cases.
And he says, show me your ID.
And he says, I don't have one.
And the guy pulls a taser out and says, you will show it to me.
You will comply.
It's used as a torture device.
Paying compliance.
And he said, look, I'm leaving.
And the officers started tasering him and tasered him eight times in the back, and then would say, get up, only five seconds after each taser, which was impossible.
And the tasering went on and on and on and on and on.
There's many famous cases of where, on video from the jails, where you've got a drunk in there,
And the officer says, stand on the line.
And the guy stands on the line and then sits back down.
And he says, stand on the line again.
And the guy says, look, I don't want to.
So the officer comes over and starts choking him out up against the wall.
And the guy's just begging, not even putting his hands up, because if he touched the jail guard's hands, he'd have been probably killed.
Uh, you know, that's a little game in there.
Hung in the cell, as they say, is what normally happens.
And the guy just says, come on, man, come on, that hurt!
So the officer then tasers him, the guy begs and pleads, and then crawls and gets up and submits, and the officer then starts gyrating with his hips.
You can see him having a little pleasure event.
Uh, there's now the famous case on, uh, NBC News,
Of, uh, the, uh, TSA thumping their chest like King Kong going, We have power!
We have power!
We have power!
As they beat up a Korean war vet.
Or a woman saying, Why are you yelling at me?
So they just grab her and slam her up against the wall and start pummeling her.
Just politely.
Or jumping on people's heads with full force, breaking their necks in Canada.
Or, quote, TSA taking people behind closed doors who then kill themselves with handcuffs behind their back by choking themselves.
Yeah, right.
No, you jump on people's heads and their vertebrae snap.
You kill them.
You know, I found this out the hard way a few times when people started fights with me, and it was always in a fight where things were going bad for me, and so I had to really turn on the good old boy guts, and you know, you punch somebody right, they go into a combo for a few months and you get sued, even if they started the fight with you and you have witnesses, you gotta go to court and defeat those charges and call in the witnesses, as I had to do when I was a teenager.
You pop somebody up the head, they'll die a lot of times, ladies and gentlemen.
You go swinging at somebody's face, you'll tear their nose right off their face.
You know, cops, a lot of you join this to have power and be on power trips, but you grew up watching WWF wrestling, and you think you can jump on people's heads, that they're gonna get back up.
That's not how the real world works, officers.
So stop using excess force!
Stop killing us and breaking our necks!
Now, the video I've got is so incredible of this young man.
His neck is broken.
His eyes are black.
He's got a cut on his head.
Half of his foot literally broke off of his body.
Compound fracture was so bad.
We're going to get his family on, and the tattletale eyewitnesses.
This happens everywhere.
You walk around in broad daylight in Austin now, the cops will pull up and ask you what you're doing, because everything's Al Qaeda.
Unless it's an illegal alien, they're selectively left alone.
They can drunk drive, not have IDs, that's admitted.
I've had Austin police admit it to my face.
It's been all over the news, where sheriffs do their job and arrest van loads of illegals in order to release them by their mayors, by the judges.
So I don't want to hear it, all this massive, zero-tolerance, in-our-face policing, constantly.
And then you say, oh, that's to keep you safe from Al-Qaeda, while 30 million illegal aliens can run around and go to post offices and pull down American flags and burn them and stomp on them, and if citizens try to run the flags back up, they're arrested.
I got video in Endgame and the Extras where this guy, there's thousands of illegals blocking the highway in an unpermitted demonstration, which citizens can't have.
And the guy is screaming back at them, so the cops come over, pull him out, bust his head open on the ground, let the illegals taunt and yell at him and laugh at him.
That's what America is, ladies and gentlemen.
That's who we are.
And I want to come back from break and play this newscast.
Missouri Police taser injured boy 19 times.
KY3 News.
This is in the Ozark, Missouri mountains, right on the Arkansas border.
He was tasered 19 times.
Police admit this, but won't release the squad car video.
Now, a Tattletail citizen said they were worried about the 16-year-old.
Why was he out late at night?
Well, he was walking home from work.
How dare some people be hardworking in America?
And so he's walking home.
We have several reports on this.
You can go read them all and get all the details.
And he's walking home.
He's done nothing wrong.
He's clean-cut.
They tested his blood, hoping they could say he was on drugs.
No alcohol, no drugs.
Just a hard-working American that doesn't exist anymore.
Okay, gotta be eradicated.
And then suddenly, they call 911.
And then next they see, he is thrown off the bridge.
Cops won't release a squad car video.
Must have smarted off.
And then at the bottom of the bridge, I guess they wanted to cover up what they'd done.
He's tasered with a broken neck.
The media's saying back.
It's his neck.
It's broken and it's a shoulder blade.
So he's paralyzed from the top of the shoulders down.
His foot is bleeding everywhere.
Knocked part of his foot off.
The bone's sticking out.
Falls off a huge bridge.
You can see video of it.
It was about 40 feet, 35, 40 feet on a concrete.
And then the cops spit and say, we felt threatened by him.
We felt like, and he was saying, I want to kill cops.
Totally made up.
Release the squad car video, scum.
I bet you've already erased it, haven't you?
Doesn't matter.
The town now knows.
Well, this happened because someone called 911 on him.
You don't walk down the road during the day, much less at night, folks.
You don't do that in America.
You go home, and you turn the TV on, and you shut up.
And if you go in your backyard, the neighbor's gonna be up against the fence, listening to you.
They train every junior high school student in America to spy on your parents.
I have video of the police training them in Road to Tyranny.
I have a new information.
I have the handouts today that school children are being taught that says... Let me give you the exact quote.
Let me find it here.
Train to become a climate cop.
And I couldn't believe it.
I went to the website and it says here
Keep your parents in line.
Stop them from climate crimes.
There's a particular quote in here that's just unbelievably disgusting, where it says, you know, you're in charge of your parents now.
I mean, this is classic tyranny.
And then I have other articles.
Look at this.
Here in my stack.
Moles wanted.
This is, uh, out of the city pages.
This is in Denver, it says in preparation, and there's also another one here out of, they also want them for Minnesota, and it just says moles wanted!
Moles everywhere!
Everyone's spying!
It's just totally evil!
Meanwhile, 30 million people are above the law!
We'll be right back.
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At the end of the show today, I am going to go ahead and announce whether we're having the Willie Nelson concert or not early.
Because he just contacted us during the break.
So we'll go ahead and announce that later.
Got all the thugs and all the punks that want to beat up and kill innocent people.
We're watching you.
You know, before I get back into this young man falling mysteriously off the bridge after police were called and being tasered 19 times with a broken back from the shoulders down and quote, part of his foot off from hitting the ground, I want to cover this first.
Now, the bicyclists in critical mass were peacefully riding down a New York street
And the cop is running around trying to knock them off their bicycles, and they're dodging going around him.
So he throws a fit, sees another one coming, runs 15-20 feet.
You can watch the video at PrisonPlanet.com.
And, with full force, like a NFL blocker, hits him.
With open palms in the shoulder, leveraging with full power off the bike, and the bicycler's head slams in to the ground.
After he got out of the hospital, he was charged.
And that's in the New York Times.
And then something happened.
The video was released.
In fact, multiple videos from multiple angles with tourists.
And now the cop is in trouble.
He's had his badge and gun taken.
He needs to be criminally charged for filing a false report.
An attempted murder.
Officer investigated in toppling of cyclist, New York Times today.
A New York City police officer, we posted this yesterday, was stripped of his gun and badge on Monday after an amateur video service on the internet showing him pushing a bicyclist to the ground in Times Square as a group ride on Friday evening.
The cyclist identified in court papers Christopher Long, 29.
You know, if they wouldn't have charged this guy, it never would have even come out, but then it became an issue because it was in court papers.
He'd been charged, so they could find out the name and the officer.
The officer hung himself.
That's what I'm tired of.
Cops beating people up.
I've seen so many videos here in Austin of it.
Where they'll just beat people up and then charge them.
It's not enough you knock our teeth out if we smart off, or you feel like it, or your wife was mad at you that day, so you got a chip on your shoulder.
I mean, you want to be a tough guy, go take kickboxing.
Go take boxing.
I mean, there's some mean gyms in every city.
Go take jiu-jitsu.
There's some people who want to fight with you in the ring.
You know, I think of myself as a tough guy, but you don't see me going and trying to join these clubs.
I got friends that do, and they're constantly got bones broken, their eyes are completely bloody.
I mean, you really want to be a tough guy?
Why don't you go fight tough people?
Instead of almost killing 16-year-old kids and knocking cyclists off their bikes.
I mean, if you're so tough... Me, I'm not that tough.
I don't want to go fight real men.
And I know this, I sure don't want to go... beat up kids.
The cyclist identified in court papers as Christopher Long, 29, was taking part in a monthly ride called Critical Mass that often draws hundreds of riders.
In a criminal complaint against Mr. Long, the officer, identified in court documents as Patrick Pogan of the Middleton South Precinct, said that his cyclist rode straight at him.
But the video posted on YouTube on the blog Gothmist shows the officer lunging towards Mr. Long.
It shows him running
And then lunging because the bicycler tries to go around him.
And then he knocks him down.
The police officer said, the police or the officer had been assigned a death duty pending a police department investigation.
The police did not give the officer's name or age or say how long he had been with the department.
And we got all these YouTube videos of the cops will be beating somebody up.
There'll be somebody a hundred yards away.
They'll run across the street and physically attack them.
The monthly rides have been the source of tension for police since shortly before the Republican National Convention in 2004.
We got video in martial law of the police running over people with motorcycles.
They would just run into crowds of people with motorcycles and then charge them for being run over by motorcycles.
And there's all the instances of where they torture people with toilet plungers for two hours.
I mean, you know how sicko that is?
The police that blew the whistle on the guy said that he was their commander, ordered them to hold him down, as they argued, and said for two hours, raping him with a plunger with blood pouring everywhere.
The guy had holes in his guts.
A broken plunger, two and a half feet long, for two plus hours.
Can you imagine having that much evil will to sit there, I'm sorry to talk about these type issues, raping someone with a broken-ended wooden plunger for over two hours?
It said for two hours the commander just sat there ramming a bloody plunger into the guy because he smarted off to him.
Two hours!
You know how long that is?
Two hours!
That is incredible dark force.
To be able to keep that up.
We'll be right back.
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Steve Watson joins us in about five minutes.
The whole point of this latest officer investigated in Toppling of Cyclists
It turns out that this was even part of a permitted protest bike ride.
Cops don't care.
Just like you'll see in Truth Rising, you got Luke Radowsky and others out there peacefully standing in front of Larry Silverstein's property across the street on a city sidewalk with a sign.
I don't know.
30 days in a hole while that's being figured out.
That's a quote.
Then the cops show up and say, grab his camera, but luckily we have a camera on the street, and say, and it's on video of them grabbing the camera, and say, oh look, he's got a gun, armed and dangerous.
He was threatening me with a gun.
And the police turn the camera off and they say, listen, we're going to take you to jail for having a gun if you don't leave.
And they said, yes sir, we are out of here.
Now, what's incredible about this from a criminology and psychology view is that police
I think it's so normal and that they're so protected in New York City, I'm not saying they're this bad everywhere, that uniformed police will say that video cameras are guns and say we're gonna put you in jail for a gun if you don't leave.
This is all on tape.
This is what America has turned... I mean, it's one thing, there were always bad cops who would do things like this, but to do it on video
And now in this case of the cyclist, the cop runs, 15 feet at least, he runs from one side of the street to the other, the cyclist starts swerving to get away, obviously trying to get around him, and the cop knocks him down, then charges him, he's charged after he gets out of the hospital, with being assaulted, and the police and all the other cops that are on the scene go along with that false charging.
And it's the same thing with Mr. German, with We Are Change,
The police try to block the cameras being released by the local businesses.
Somebody runs over and assaults him, and then the New York Post reports, oh no, we are changed, assaulted a girl in a wheelchair.
Total lie!
This is how they operate.
And they could have just as well said he had a bomb and Luke would be in prison right now.
It'd be on the news, American Al Qaeda.
Luke Radowsky, by the grace of God, they got out of there.
And there'd be all the neocon sites and newspapers saying, send him to Guantanamo Bay.
Don't give him a trial.
Execute him.
He tried to bomb the new Building 7.
He's a terrorist.
I mean, when you see video of them assault somebody, go out of their way, go running across the street to knock somebody's head into the concrete and blood splatter, and then that's not enough for them.
It's not enough to split somebody's head open.
Oh, it's not enough to break somebody's back.
It's not enough to taser them 19 times.
It's not enough.
I'll never forget, who was the band?
We went out and interviewed them.
Big band.
It's like a Spanish band here in town.
Big mixed band.
It'll pop in my head in a minute.
They, um... We're downtown.
PAX show.
And the police come in and say this place is too full.
So people start leaving as they're told.
And on videotape, the police just start beating and attacking the band.
With billy clubs.
And then the police on the news say they assaulted us.
And then all these different videos get released.
Everybody thought I was there and shot the video, because a statesman videographer, you know, newspapers now do videos, two years ago, named Alex Jones, who's also a prominent, award-winning photographer, he says he likes the show, but man, he's sick of me.
Because he says everybody thinks he's Alex Jones, they'll be at this Alex Jones.
But he got some professional video up from the start.
They come out, they got their hands out, what's wrong officer?
And then you charge them, what was that band?
I can't remember.
It'll pop in my head in a minute.
But let's go ahead and play this clip out of Arkansas.
Now, listen to how it's whitewashed.
They just come to report, oh, he fell off a bridge, broke his back.
Then later, in other reports, they admit in newspapers, oh, well, the cops were called and saw him on the bridge, but they won't say how he fell off or won't release the squad car video.
And then he's on the ground with a broken back and his foot knocked off.
And they taser him 19 times, and then the police chief comes out and gives this line a bull.
Here it is.
Good evening, and thanks for joining us.
I'm Steve Grant.
And I'm Lisa Rose, and Ozark's family wants answers about what happened to their son that left him hospitalized.
Early Saturday morning, police found 16-year-old Mace Hutchinson underneath the 65 and Highway F overpass in Ozark.
KY3's Sarah Sheffield joined us live to explain why the teenager's parents believe what police did put him in intensive care.
This is a story that you'll only see here on KY3.
Lisa, according to the teen's family, they believe that Mace Hutchinson somehow went from walking along this bridge to 30 feet below, lying on the pavement, severely injured.
Like I said, we called the police.
My wife was afraid he was going to get ran over or hit.
Doug Messersmith and his wife were the last known people to see 16-year-old Mace Hutchinson walking, shortly before their phone call to 911.
He looked a little agitated, but other than that, he didn't look to be
Falling down drunk or anything like that.
By the time officers arrived, the teen was off the overpass, lying on a shoulder below along Highway 65.
With no good explanation as to how he got there.
According to the doctors, all injuries are consistent with a fall.
And Mace's dad, Don Hutchinson, believes it was just that.
A fall, not a jump.
The question is why.
They tested his system.
He was clean of drugs and alcohol.
So, I mean, we don't know why unless just being in shock and the whole thing in itself caused him to forget everything.
Mace's aunt tells us he's undergoing major surgery for a broken back and a broke off heel.
But while he was lying on the ground, she wonders why Ozark police tased him up to 19 times.
I'm not an officer, but I don't see the reason for tasing somebody that's laying there with a broken back.
I don't consider that a threat.
His dad says the tasing delayed what would have been immediate surgery by two days.
The tasering had increased his white blood cell count and caused him to have a temperature
So they could not go into operation?
He refused to comply with the officers and so the officers had to deploy their tasers in order to subdue him.
He's making incoherent statements.
He's also making statements such as shoot cops, kill cops.
Things like that.
So there was cause for concern to the officers.
Police say although there are several unanswered questions, the use of a stun gun is not one of them.
So it was a very big concern for the officers to keep this guy out of traffic, to keep him from getting hurt.
Mace is still in intensive care tonight, listed in fair condition.
He has surgery again tomorrow.
The family, along with the Ozark Police Department, is hoping someone will see the story and come forward with some information.
You can call 417-699-4789 with information or call the Ozark Police Department.
Guys, it's a case we'll be watching.
Sarah Sheffield live tonight.
Let's see those dash cam tapes.
I hope the family's smart enough to immediately subpoena those and
When they're erased, which 90% chance they will be, we will know exactly what happened.
I would bet if he didn't jump himself, which is doubtful, these are former Iraqi vets completely out of their minds.
Probably served three, four tours apiece.
It's a sport in Iraq to throw small children off of bridges.
That's been all over the news.
And God help us.
Just God help this country.
We're gonna try to get the family on.
They need to be guarding him in intensive care.
Because if he was indeed thrown off, they need to 24 hours a day be guarding him and look at everything he's injected with.
24 hours a day they need to guard him because again, he's unable to talk at this time.
He needs to be guarded right now.
I'm fighting as hard as I can to get a hold of the family.
I don't think they have any idea what they're facing.
And they need to move out of that town as soon as he's better.
Because he will never be safe if he survives in that town.
Just like the guy that got attacked and knocked off his bicycle having his head split open and got charged.
And the cop lied and said the guy tried to run him over when the guy tries to run around him and the cop runs 15 feet and knocks him off.
You gotta leave.
You gotta leave the town!
Your life in Ozark's over.
You may even have aggravated felons hired on that department.
Mainstream news, they're hiring them everywhere.
They're hiring foreigners for the military and aggravated felons.
Alright, I want to shift gears for the rest of the hour with Steve Watson.
This story is yesterday's top news on InfoWars.net.
It's also on PrisonPlanet.com.
This came out last night.
Big story.
You know, do you think I get up on the air and say that they're going to have youth brigades
Because I just grabbed that out of the sky.
I just made that up.
Everything I say ends up happening.
People don't know why, because you don't go to Swartz Documents.
My 1999 produced film, Police State 2000, says, there will be youth brigades with large sectors of each high school, trained in junior high, with M16s in gray uniforms, running checkpoints in America.
Three years later, in 2002, it was reported by the Philadelphia Daily News and other major newspapers, they're training junior high and high school students with M16s in warrant service, in house clearing, in fugitive apprehension.
Those are exact quotes from the news articles.
It's called Secure Corps, a division of AmeriCorps set up by Bill Clinton, radically expanded by George Bush.
They're converting in Chicago,
In Detroit, in Los Angeles and other major cities, large inner-city schools to quote military schools.
They are converting them into hardcore UGAN.
Of course, people think that it was just Rangel who just announced this a few years ago with the National Civilian... What's the name of the exact bill?
There was another article we posted the other day about it.
It's called the National Compulsory Service Act.
There you go.
18 to 49, you're all going to have to serve upwards of 10 hours a week as federal slaves.
Tattling, spying, checkpoints.
They're phasing this in.
I just gave you the name of the bill, it's been reintroduced this session.
The National Compulsory Service Act.
Now, they're going to have 10 million youth police, they're going to be called environmental community officers, and they're going to be UGN, starting at age 12.
Al Gore has announced this.
So you're going to have 10 million EnviroCops, more than 10 million Auxiliary Community Police.
These young people are going to love power.
And it's all happening now.
It's also being announced in England.
And Steve Watson happened to see this in the newspaper, went to the major website.
I was reading it last night and couldn't believe it.
I'm gonna send off for a CD-ROM.
They have a CD-ROM training video for this.
In fact, you're in England, Steve.
You should probably order that today before they clamp down on this.
So we actually have the video of the training.
Steve Watson, incredible story.
British kids encouraged to become climate cops.
Full-page adverts in weekend newspapers ask kids to rat on their friends and family in order to prevent climate crimes.
And it says, report on your parents.
Steve, this is amazing.
Yeah, I couldn't believe it myself.
Basically, the ads were run by a leading British energy company called NPower, which is one of the biggest in the country.
And basically, they've set up this microsite
Aimed at children.
Oh, by the way, the children are in uniforms.
Red and khaki uniforms.
I mean, over here it's going to be grey uniforms according to the original federal plans.
In England, you're going to be facing red uniforms.
Red tops, khaki bottoms.
Go ahead.
And utility belts.
Looks like with tasers.
Yeah, the whole website is laid out in that fashion, in those colors.
Uh, with somebody quite usefully pointed out that black, red, and white are exactly the same color that the Nazis used.
Anyway... That's right, the badges are red, black, and white.
Yeah, I mean, if you just look... With a thunderbolt!
With a thunderbolt!
With an SS thunderbolt!
Exactly, yeah.
Uh, yeah, it's run by Enpower, and basically they ran full-page color adverts in many of the weekend newspapers over here.
Uh, encouraging children to basically sign up to this website to become climate cops.
And... Oh, man.
And report and keep crime, climate crime case files on their families and friends.
Now, it says that.
You're not... In fact, read their actual quotes.
You can't believe this hearing it from us.
I mean, it's directly from them.
Okay, this is exactly what it says on the website.
Use your skills of investigation to help the climate cops cut down on the climate crimes that are taking place in your home.
Download the climate crime cards and use them to search your home to make sure that none are happening under your own roof.
Then build your climate crime case file and report back to your family to make sure they don't commit those crimes again or else.
Oh my God.
You may need to keep a watchful eye over them by revisiting the case every week or two to make sure they don't slip back into any of their old habits.
Oh, that's right out of 1984.
Let me stop you.
Now, once they're trained in climate tattling, it's going to immediately be rolled over.
It's already happened here and in England.
It will immediately be rolled over into, quote, fighting crime.
Looking in the medicine cabinet.
Go ahead.
Well, it's already referred to as climate crime.
I'll just carry on reading what it says.
It says, you can spread your search even wider by adding even more case files to your notes.
What about the homes of your uncles, aunts, or friends from school?
And then it's got all these things that the kids can download which highlight specific climate crimes, including the use of a tumble dryer, um, leaving doors open in your house on a, you know, on a
Cool day.
Things like this are obviously completely evil.
Not using energy-saving light bulbs, which require, as we've reported before, require total refit throughout the whole house, and basically don't save as much energy because they require being on all the time in order to be efficient.
And like you said, it's... And they're filled with mercury and lead, and they say call a hazmat team of one bricks.
Yeah, I think it was the EU banned the materials that are actually used in them.
But like you said, it's again used in 1984 by George Orwell as the instruction manual because in that book, children are encouraged by authorities to spy on their families and parents and turn them in if they transgress against the state.
For minor things.
You have to teach your children now, the state is predatory, not to trust government, not to trust uniforms.
Explain to them that mommy and daddy are going to go away to a work camp if they ever talk bad about the family.
I mean, period.
We're now in the Soviet Union.
Yeah, I mean, it's
I had a hard time writing this article to be honest because it was really just sickening.
But, you know, you can imagine parents having to explain to their children why they haven't, you know, spent all their savings on
Well, it puts the children above the parents.
It's meant to break up the family.
And remember, you just got detained by thought police in London yourself.
Everyone's being stopped by new citizen courts.
So it isn't like we're just reporting on something.
It's happened to me in England.
It's happened to Steve.
Stay there, Steve.
I want to come back and break down more of this unbelievably important story.
It's happening everywhere.
They're not going to stop.
They want labor camps.
That's in all the executive orders.
They're going to implode the economies completely, have your children reporting on you.
They're talking about trying to ban more than one child now.
They're moving against us now.
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I think so.
We're good.
Coming to you from LaGrange...
Central Texas.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're talking to Steve Watson.
This is classical tyranny you're witnessing.
I told you this is about taxes, all this phony environmentalism.
It's about diverting you from real environmental issues onto secret police, taxes, total control.
Climate change really is a
I am.
It's a really good way for them to do this kind of thing because it's easy to, you know, class people as second-class citizens if they don't submit to the sort of consensus on climate change.
And we've seen it.
We've seen many examples of it.
There was an article a week ago, or a couple of weeks ago, where SUV drivers were made to park at the back of stores
In a sort of 1950s style segregation.
No, that's in Austin.
That's August Depot and other stores.
And they have little environmentalists that work there who come out and call tow trucks on you.
It's just, again, and by the way, you can't park your SUV at Zilker.
Every time I'm down there, they're slashing tires.
Yeah, so it's, you know, akin to sort of not allowing black people on buses.
It's because it's malfusing control of
I don't know.
Well, if you Google this British company, it is dominant in the carbon trading agreement, so they're going to, this is who you're going to pay your taxes to, is the private banks and the private companies.
That's the new, that's what globalism is, is the top 20 corporations and banks are going to become the government.
Well, it's always the same, isn't it?
The ones that are pushing the climate change agenda are the ones that have got so much invested in these carbon credits.
I mean, here's an example.
TXU is being bought out by a foreign European consortium, a head Bilderberg guy, who's under indictments running it all, with Rick Perry.
They got the law changed where you can't have clean burning coal or good scrubbers, and so they do pump out mercury, which is deadly.
I mean, actually, they hurt the environment.
It's a sick joke.
Yeah, today I posted a YouTube clip of Penn and Teller, who break it down quite well.
Steve, I want to hold you over five minutes, and Lindsey Williams is coming back on with his huge news for everybody.
Explain to people you just got stopped by the secret police in England and put in a terror database.
Yeah, well I was just walking along the street going home, waiting for the bus.
And, yeah, some sort of, some police helper came up and accosted me and stopped me because they told me that I'd put my hand in my pocket in a suspicious way.
And that's the way it's going.
And then you were put
In a terror database as I was in London.
He's with his girlfriend coming back from a Neil Young concert.
This is America.
This is England.
This is happening.
Back in 70 seconds.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hundreds of mainline publications in England and the U.S.
and Canada admit they are tracking your cell phones in real time, dialing in with A.I.
computers, randomly listening to everything you're saying and doing.
Face scanning cameras track you, license plate reading cameras track you.
Digital photos you take for driver's licenses or IDs or passports are already in global databases since 2000 under international treaty.
They now have shouting telescreens going in in New York, in England, they have all over the U.S.
and England ultra-low frequency weapon systems called the Mosquito and others to, quote, uh, bother people under 20 because the bones in your ear.
I know you don't believe me, check it out, they're already using sound warfare weapons from New York to London to, quote, keep young people off the street because they, quote, shouldn't be on the street, they should stay indoors.
I mean, we're already under mega-laboratory testing.
I mean, they're moving out of beta into the main operation right now, and I want to explain something.
I was peacefully in England, talking to people on the side of the street, and police came over and said, I'm putting you in a terror database, turn your camera off, you don't talk to people on the streets of London.
I mean, folks, in Moscow 30 years ago,
Uh, that would happen to you.
Beijing, they don't even do that to you.
We are worse than Beijing.
And Steve refused to give them his ID for a while, but they threatened to attack him, and then he gave it to them, and they said, you are now on a database, and it's admitted millions of Britons a year are put in the database.
Steve Watson, finish up, just your thoughts.
Yeah, I remember that day when you were in London, we were filming with you.
That was the day we were in Parliament Square.
That was the day before they banned organized protest within
A certain distance of Parliament Square.
And I remember the cops came over to you and they said, told you to stop filming, etc.
And then I said to them, you know, what's he doing?
He's not done anything wrong.
He hasn't broken any laws.
It's not illegal to do this, is it?
And they said, it will be tomorrow.
And they said it with such satisfaction.
It really sent chills up and down my spine.
And we've seen since then, people in that area arrested for reading out the names of
Dead soldiers from newspapers.
But it wasn't just there.
Remember in another part of London, we were just out by shops interviewing people.
Remember the lady with the oranges?
It was a vegetable shop, a fruit shop.
And she's the one that says, give up your liberty for freedom.
And then the cops just come over and say, turn your camera off.
You can't videotape in London.
Yeah, it was just after the London bombings.
And since then, you know, the visible police presence has declined slightly.
But the attitude and the mood
Really hasn't changed at all.
In fact, it's probably got more insidious.
Well, it's time for people in England to stop putting up with this.
And everybody needs to get this for their children.
Use this article as an example of the state's not your friend.
The state puts poison in your water and food, son, daughter.
You know, all we have is the family.
You'll find your children will start behaving better.
And you know, people need to do what my dad did.
When I was growing up, he took me to Salvation Army at Christmas to feed people with soup lines, to see what getting on drugs or not listening to your parents does.
People, you need to take your children to volunteer at hospitals, to volunteer at Salvation Armies and soup kitchens, as I did Christmas after Christmas and many other times.
And, you know, take, uh, you can also go visit people in government wards, uh, automobile accident victims and others, uh, and, uh, you know, that'll really get your children straight and let them know the government is your enemy.
Now, our founding fathers taught that, and all the good old boys I knew were all dead, all the old World War II vets and older.
All they did was sit around talking bad about the government.
Many of them were in the government.
So, that's what America's about, is distrusting and disliking the government, greedily guarding your liberty and freedom.
Bottom line, Steve, anything else?
No, that's about it really.
I mean, going back to the climate cops, it is... It is classic tyranny, really, because it's turning the traditional role of the family on its head, and it's turning the kids into the polices of the parents.
And anyone will tell you, studied, you know, tyranny or even dystopia in literature, that that theme is in every single example.
It is the archetype!
The creme de la creme, the to the hill, the ultimate, the penultimate, the most hardcore manifestation of black-hearted mass murder evil.
And all you idiots that serve the system, you're gonna be chewed up by it too.
Thank you, Steve.
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Then we have TruthNews.us, JonesReport.com.
InfoWars, of course, is the biggest now.
It has supplanted Prison Planet.
Now, I want to go back to Lindsey Williams because the information he's been bringing out is so important.
I rarely have guests two days in a row, but this is important information.
People are rightfully very interested.
And also Dr. Stan Monteith, who has a show weeknights in the afternoon right here on the GCN Radio Network as well.
RadioLiberty.com is his website.
And I want to give both of them the floor for the rest of this segment to first recap the incredible information, both at the same time.
You guys mediate between each other.
I don't think so.
I want to open the phones up for anybody who wants to call in, specifically for issues of energy and the geopolitical ramifications of what Mr. Williams is saying, if it is indeed is true.
He has a very credible track record.
He did tell Dr. Monteith six, seven weeks before he then publicly broke this news, what he said started unfolding, some of the announcements.
And so trust but verify, we've already gotten a few green lights verifying what he's saying.
So we're taking a very close look.
And a closer look today at this.
So, Lindsey Williams and Dr. Monteith, you're both on together.
You guys are hosting the show right now.
I want to see and hear what you guys have to say.
But let's do this.
Let's throw it to Dr. Monteith and let him conduct the interview for 20 minutes with our guest.
Go ahead, Dr. Monteith.
Alright, fine.
Well, Lindsey has the important part of the story.
So Lindsey, you go ahead and tell the story and the information you want to get out.
Good morning, Alex, and also Dr. Stan, and thank you for allowing me the privilege.
I feel honored to be back here two days straight in a row.
So, yes, it all began 35 years ago with me.
I had the privilege, by the grace of God, and it couldn't have been anything but the providence of God, of literally living with the elite of the world for three years' time.
Now, I won't go back into that story at all.
I will come directly up to what happened to me about nine weeks ago now, to be exact.
Um, had the most startling phone call I ever had in my life.
And believe you me, when you get a phone call from people such as this status, you don't take it lightly.
And on the other end of the line, they said, Lindsey, sorry to have to call you, but he said, uh, you've, you've stepped over the line.
You've said too much.
Uh, you're going to have to not say this, this, this, and this anymore.
Um, and he said, if you do, we're going to do this, this, this, and this.
Those things, I will not tell on the air what they were.
That doesn't matter.
The important part of all of this is that after I agreed not to talk about a few things, and let me say at this point so that you, I can't tell you what they told me not to say, but I'll put it this way.
They positively are not going to open up any more oil fields in America.
The Alaskan oil field, the one in Montana, the one in Utah.
You are not going to see America as self-sufficient on energy.
I know that they'll pass this kind of bill through Congress.
They'll pass that kind of bill through Congress.
They'll pretend to do this and that with ethanol and everything else imaginable.
It's only a charade.
It's a forefront picture.
Just so that they can make themselves look good.
But they know all the time they have no intention of doing this whatsoever.
After this gentleman finished with what he had told me I could not say anymore, I said, OK.
By the way, how's your family doing?
We haven't been living since I saw you 20, 25 years ago.
He became rather polite.
And at that point, I began to ask him some questions, such as,
What's this energy crisis?
The oil, the price of the gas pump is really affecting the American economy.
Where is it going?
I know it's gone down a little bit lately.
I actually expect from what he said that you're going to go back up a little bit and then plummet.
So don't get your hopes up too much yet.
But I can guarantee that because he wouldn't give me a date.
And then he said the one startling thing that I think is the crux of it all.
He said Chaplain Williams
The price of crude oil is going to $50 a barrel.
That is what you can expect.
Well, you can imagine my dismay.
Understand something.
The year was 1984.
I was sitting in the living room of my house in Kasilop, Alaska, where I was living at the time, and the phone rang.
On the other end of the line was a man of the same status as this gentleman that I'm talking about that called me a few weeks ago, and he said,
The price of crude oil is going from $32 a barrel to $10 a barrel.
Now, you think back.
You'll remember it.
Gold was about $800 an ounce, and it plummeted.
Oil plummeted from $32 a barrel to $10.
And he said, would you like people in your audiences for the next few weeks where you're speaking to think you're a prophet?
And you may.
They knew I was a chaplain.
I had been with these people on the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline.
I had lived in the same dorms with them.
They had even come to my services.
And so he knew who I was.
And he said, I said, OK, what do you mean?
He said, it's going to $10 a barrel.
I knew what it would do.
I knew it would decimate the Arab economy.
That was even back in those days from $32 a barrel to $10 a barrel.
They didn't make it quite to $10.
They made it to $11.
And if you'll remember, that's exactly what happened.
Well, this same gentleman, or I should say a similar gentleman, they called me on the phone here a few weeks ago, said it's going to $50 a barrel.
They may make it to $55, but it's going to go down there pretty close.
And so I asked him, I said, how are you going to do this?
This was my first intuition to ask.
Just off the top of my head, he said, we're going to open up two major oil fields in the world.
Now, Dr. Stan, I'm so glad that you're here today.
And Alex,
This is positively a confirmation of the fact that this man was not misleading me, and if he wasn't misleading me about these things, then he probably is not misleading me about the other things he said either, because he said, we're going to open up an oil field in Indonesia and one north of Russia, and Dr. Stanton, on Thursday of last week, you had me on your program on Friday, and it had just come out on Fox News that the USGS actually announced
This huge oil field north of Russia.
Dr. Stan, is that true?
That's absolutely true, and of course, it was 90 million, 90 billion barrels of oil, which is about a third of what they have in Saudi Arabia, but there's to be another oil field is what he told you.
This is what Lyndon told me a number of weeks ago, seven or eight weeks ago when we talked, and he told me exactly what had happened, and he wasn't going to go public with this, but, well, he's able to go public with it.
I think it's important that people understand that
Yeah, I think so.
And one reason, I believe, is because they want to transfer the wealth of this country to other countries.
We're spending at least $300 billion, maybe $400 billion a year for foreign oil.
It's the greatest part of our trade deficit at the present time.
And, of course, this is simply a means by which you transfer the wealth of America and the American people to other nations and the people elsewhere in the world.
And I think this is at least one of the factors.
But you pick up the story there, Lindsey.
Well, what we're talking about today is not a conspiracy.
I just want to stress this because I live with these people.
I know they literally exist.
Everything that you have heard Alex Jones say, everything that you have heard Dr. Stan Monteith say over the years, listening audience, I know you haven't had the experiences that I've had and you didn't live with these people as I did because very few people ever had that privilege.
I consider it a privilege, because I could analyze them on their own turf.
But believe everything you hear Alex Jones say.
Every word of it.
I know sometimes it sounds outlandish, but Alex, I've got to impress on your audiences this morning that they positively must believe everything that you're telling them over these years, and they've got to listen to your program every day.
And it is what's being said, because it's the truth.
Thank you, Lindsey.
These people do exist.
It is not a conspiracy.
It is an agenda.
So, now let me go to the other thing this man told me very quickly, because I know we've got a lot of other material to cover.
He said, we'll open up these two oil fields.
We will flood the world with crude oil.
Then he said, John McCain is our man.
Now, I'm just taking a few of the highlights of what this man said in about an hour and 15 minute conversation.
And I was amazed that he would even take that much time with me.
I don't know what they're going to do just prior to the election, but it's under my impression, even though he would not tell me what they're going to do, he did not say it was going to $50 a barrel just before the election.
He didn't, he wouldn't commit himself to that, but he did say, I gather, with reading between the lines, something major will happen so that they can get their man in.
If they have any way about it, they will.
Then he said some other things that were so amazing.
We'll hear that on the other side of this quick break.
Dr. Monteith and Lindsey Williams.
Will it be an attack on Iran?
We're going to find out in the next few months.
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The broadcast note for you, Webster Griffin Tarbley, who's basically out there saying Obama's the Antichrist.
I say it doesn't matter either way, but we're going to have him here with us for an hour and a half, fresh back from Europe, going through all of the dirt on Obama, and we'll have guests on going over McCain, just so everybody knows there's no difference.
And then, because he happened to be in town, I just learned of this late last night, in the evening,
Mark Kornke was in Texas for some event and decided to drop by Brave New Books, and we're able to get a hold of him this morning.
Mark Kornke will be with us the last 30 minutes of the main show, and then for about 20 minutes into overdrive.
I'd go longer, but I've got a bunch of meetings and events I have to do.
I will also, a day early, go ahead and let you know whether we're having a Willie Nelson concert or not in... Well, I'll do that at about 2.24.
We'll let Tarpley go at
We're good to go.
It is literally going to decimate the Arab world when the price of crude oil goes to $50 a barrel.
From $143 where the hype was to $50 a barrel, can you imagine?
What it will do to the economists of the Middle East, then they'll turn around and build two new economies.
And the frightening part of them is that one of them is the very nation that we had the Cold War with.
But you see, they're no different than communists anyway, because they have a communist mentality.
Now, folks, every bit of this is happening not... Okay, for instance, the real estate debacle of today, the real estate problem.
You think it just started today?
This was organized, thought off, hatched up 10 to 15 years ago when they started the option arms, the interest only, teaser loans, outsourcing of America.
This didn't just happen within the past year or two's time or the last administration.
This was thought off many, many years ago.
The North American Union.
Now, let me just add, they have to bankrupt
Our economy to fully get control of it.
Go ahead.
Yeah, you have to bankrupt the bank before you take it over.
I mean, put the bank in bankruptcy, put the airlines in bankruptcy with fuel, put the banks in bankruptcy with the diesel loans and the real estate problem of today, then the Federal Reserve comes in and takes them all for nothing.
They literally get them.
For not all, not pennies on the dollar, they get them literally for nothing.
So you see, when American corporations spent $59.2 billion in China last year, it wasn't by chance.
It's all by design.
The United States lost 7 million textile jobs, 3 million manufacturing jobs to free trade and outsourcing.
152,000 companies have left the United States of America, and 1 million manufacturing jobs have been lost.
In the U.S.
since President Bush took office.
Well, the federal government is an atrocity.
The federal government gave tax incentives for companies to move offshore.
And the United States goes into debt to other nations at the rate of $1 trillion per year.
America must attract 17% of the world's capital in any given day just to service the national economy.
And folks, some of these things, I heard them talk about the beginning stages of it back
Thirty-five years ago, when I sat in their board meetings, and then they have streamlined their programs ever since then.
And then, seven weeks ago, when this gentleman called me and told me what he did, and on Thursday of this past week, I saw the first page of this actually announced over Fox News, I realized these people are right on track.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Things like this are planned twenty, thirty years in advance.
The North American Union secretive meetings were being held a long time before it ever happened, and when the price of crude oil goes to $50 a barrel, the Arab world is decimated.
They no longer can buy our key bills and securities, and they have to dump
They're reserve currency.
Do you know what that's going to do to the dollar?
Everything they want done to the dollar is going to happen right there in one sweep.
It'll take the value of the dollar to practically zero.
You say, oh, we'd never accept anything but the greenback.
Yes, you will.
When you have to take a wheelbarrow load of paper to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread, you'll beg the Federal Reserve for a new currency, and they'll be right there to give you the North American Union and a new currency.
And then my last question to this gentleman, I know we're coming up on the end of the break here.
We'll come back, cover that, give Dr. Monteef's analysis of what we're talking about, and take your phone calls at 1-800-259-9231, truthnews.us, infowars.com.
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We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Yeah, we're in dark times, but liberty, the spirit of freedom, God's energizing spirit fills all of us that love, decency, and honor.
And the forces of evil are making their move on every front right now.
But a lot of people are waking up to evil, a lot of people are waking up to the world, and a lot of people are standing up with us, and it's a great time to be alive.
I gotta hear this last part.
Oh yeah!
Love it!
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, back to the serious issue.
I want to spend five minutes with both of you, so I want to get the calls here, calls from Canada, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, you name it, because the callers always bring up issues that we may have forgotten to cover, different angles that bring out some key info, so I love the spinning the wheel there and seeing what they'll have to say or ask.
But finishing up, what this big exec told you, and again, we don't normally have people on who say, somebody secretly told me and I can't tell you,
But he's never talked like this.
He's always put out good info.
We know the pastor has really got key information.
We know one of his speeches has been number one off and on on Google for six, eight months.
Tens of millions watching it.
We know it was freaking him out, and we know he was threatened.
And so I believe the story he's telling us.
I don't know if this is going to happen the way that this exec thinks, because there are fissures and separations even in the elite.
But finishing up, are there any key points Dr. Monteef wants to make?
Well, I would simply say that what
Lindsey has said that he was told that there were terrible times coming to America.
And everything, of course, that Lindsey has suggested are things that you and I have talked about for a long time, Alex.
I think there are terrible times lie ahead for America.
And as horrible as it is to contemplate what's going to happen, it may be the only thing that's going to save this country.
We've got to get people who are so affluent and so indifferent and apathetic to realize there's a real problem.
And I think we're going to be asking before very long, I mean, how did this happen?
And I hope your listeners and my listeners will be there to tell them.
Um, Lindsey, just in like three minutes, four minutes, one more come back from Dr. Monteith and we'll go to the calls.
Other key things this individual told you.
Iran, the subject did come up.
Now, I have been under the impression for a long time, and I think probably others of you have too, that we were going to have an invasion on Iran or Israel would invade Iran.
Israel may invade Iran.
But according to this gentleman, the best thing to do with Iran is to bankrupt them.
That's right.
You heard me correctly.
Take a $50 a barrel and literally destroy the economy of Iran.
Thirdly, the last question, I said, what in light of all of this is going to happen to the United States of America?
And I'll put it in his words.
He said, we are going to see a financial collapse in America.
That is so great that it will take years to come out.
I said, are you talking about a Great Depression?
He wouldn't say that.
He wouldn't allow me to put those words in his mouth.
He said, America will see a financial collapse.
That's exactly the way he put it.
That it will take years for it to come out.
Now folks, I am so concerned.
Because you see, for 35 years, I've known that these people know in advance what they're going to do.
Please, I beg of you.
My new DVD, entitled, The Next 12 Months.
I've tried to give all the background.
I've said everything I could.
I'll say more things than what I've said on the air today.
I beg of you, the number is 800-321-2900.
I've had to close down my website.
Now, Alex, people don't fool around when websites mean so much to them.
I had no choice when they gave me this ultimatum.
800-321-2900 is the only place you'll get it, and I'll beg of you, give them a call and find out the details.
Alex, are you there?
Yes, I'm right here.
I want you to come back, Dr. Monteith, and comment on what he just said about Iran.
Well, we're just going to have to wait and see what's going to happen.
I'm getting a lot of information from various places that at least Israel will attack Iran, and of course it'll really draw it into the war.
It won't be an invasion at all, it'll simply be an airstrike on Iran.
I hope and pray that information is false, because this would be a disaster.
It would inflame the entire Muslim world, and of course that should happen.
We're good to go.
What better way to have a terrible, terrible war?
And of course, if we had time, we could talk about Sybil Edmond's revelations and how this suggests to me that we're going to be moving towards a nuclear war because, of course, Sybil Edmond's story was that there is a secret spy ring working at the highest level of our government that is shipping nuclear secrets and nuclear technology to Pakistan so that they can certainly get the
We're good to go.
The American people have realized that we are building up the best enemy money could buy in the Bosnian world and Pakistan and supplying with nuclear weapons.
Thank God.
I just hope to God that I'm wrong.
Okay, and for those that don't know, Sybil Edmonds was working with the Pentagon and FBI and decoding transmissions.
She discovered that the highest levels of the U.S.
government, black ops,
We're of course working with Pakistan and other nations, and it's all come out in mainstream news, separate from the classified things she was gagged on, but she has leaked out some info.
But it's admitted that Britain, the U.S., and Israel helped arm with nukes Pakistan while they're freaking out over Iran, that is nowhere near it seven years away.
We know that they've been shipping all sorts of nukes and Davy Crockett, you know, small tacticals around frogs, as they're known.
And so, they can have plausible deniability.
We know that George Bush Sr.
shipped in 3,500 Iraqi Republican Guard trained by the CIA, put into Saddam's government.
He was CIA.
Then Clinton brought in another 1,000 or so to make it above 5,000.
I know it was the final number.
LA Times reported on this, ladies and gentlemen.
So did other major publications, Washington Times.
And those Iraqis work for the shadow government,
And can be used as patsies or be used as commandos to stage attacks.
And if any of them get caught or killed, people will say, oh look, it's Iraqis.
So there is a huge, very dangerous operation going on here that we keep warning people about.
And civil admins, of course, decoded stuff with our government shipping and narcotics.
Uh, small arms, heavy arms, anti-tank weapons, uh, nukes, nuke parts, uh, this is the, this is the black ops, and then America is the target.
Homeland Security is to bring down America and make sure the population can never get back control of the government and, uh, stop the wrecking ball being brought to the nation, will then be reforged
As a military mercenary ground to recruit the forces to empower the world government and will be a third world despotic system for then on forevermore according to their plan.
Dr. Monteith, you can carry on with that analysis.
Well, I think you're absolutely right.
I think that it's the same pattern that has been used over and over again.
If you go into the real background of the Second World War, it was American corporations and banks, and even our own government that was building up Adolf Hitler, and not only supplied him with military material he needed before the Second World War, but even during the Second World War, this is covered in the books.
Wall Street, the rise of Hitler by Professor Sutton, which we do carry, and then in a book by Charles Hingham, trading with the enemy.
They supplied Adolf Hitler not only before the war, but during the war.
But those terms aren't enough.
They built him.
Those terms aren't enough.
The British intelligence made him, just like they funded the Red Brigades and the takedown of the Czarist Russia in 1917.
All declassified, all admitted.
The globalists are the most dark-hearted, duplicitous individuals you can imagine to all the police and military.
This is the final takedown of the U.S.
Be aware of it.
Their plan is not going well, I would add, and they're behind schedule and having some problems.
So, if God be with us, who can be against this?
But this is, serving this will lead to your destruction.
You better serve liberty and freedom.
I want to now go to phone calls.
Bronco in Canada, you're on the air.
Yes, Bronco.
How's it going?
Hey, Alex.
My question was this.
With the rise in oil prices in the U.S., man, I've been listening to your guests the past few days talking about oil prices falling.
Why doesn't the U.S.
switch its economy and make cars are basically the major contributor, like what people use gas for?
Why don't the social engineers give up all their power and convert to an energy that they don't control?
Yeah, you would think they would.
I mean, why would they give their power up?
They know the government doesn't want what's good for you.
They want to transfer wealth and power to the elite and dumb the population down.
I was reading right here up in Canada, we have an auto manufacturer that's been working on creating an electric car.
And I was reading an article that they created a battery or something that could power a car, an electric car.
You're being logical.
None of this is logical.
They don't want a solution to the problem, but they want the problem.
And they want to be able to, you know, keep us dependent upon, you know, get oil because they control the oil.
You're looking at this thing logically.
You don't look at this thing logically.
But then they know you call for real environmental reforms and things that work.
Nobody's saying oil is good.
And then they bring in, okay, we'll have your kids as spies tattling on you for your light bulbs, and we'll say you shouldn't eat as much food to save the environment, and we'll create new regulations and social workers involved in all your lives.
Look, they've built the United States and Canada
In urban sprawl, it's designed around the car.
You can't reverse that.
You can make cars that are electric or solar.
They're going to try to frustrate, block that regulatory, buy it up, shelve it, control it, hybridize it so it's not as good or economical, slow down its implementation.
This is about raping you now that they've got you dependent on fossil fuels.
Understand, Bronco?
Yeah, and my second question is also, like I know
That oil companies have colluded to shut down the refining capacity over the past, oh, I don't know, to the 70s, if I remember correctly.
Even if they could flood the world market with oil, how are they going to get it to market?
You know what I mean?
Like, it's kind of like a bottleneck at the... That's right, Lindsey Williams comments.
Lindsey Williams comments on that.
The name of the game is control.
Always remember that as long as you live.
Don't try to analyze it.
Just understand what they're doing.
And in order to... When they bring it down to $50 a barrel, it's not necessarily for the purpose of what you're thinking about in refineries.
They're doing this for the purpose of decimating one economy and one culture in the Middle East and making another culture.
And over a period of time, they'll do this.
So, it's not the matter of refineries.
Yeah, I know we haven't had a refiner built in 50 years, but this is not the issue.
You understand, Bronco, it's about shutting the oil off to the Arab nations, imploding that, imploding the U.S., and then the bankers, after they've sucked the country dry, they move on to a new area to start the Ponzi scheme over again.
Yeah, well, that makes sense.
You know, you'd often think that these guys use their ingenious, really, the plan.
If they'd use their powers for good, what they could accomplish.
But that would empower you, and then you would have freedom, and they wouldn't have a monopoly of power.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin in Boston.
You're on the air worldwide.
Thank you, Alex.
Couple of quick comments.
You know, as far as the long-term energy plans, Colonel Fletcher Prouty, who died back in June of 2001, had written about how, you know,
They've been attending meetings and they're planning for this fake peak oil crisis that we're seeing them try to implement now.
They have their paid-off geochemist call it fossil fuel, the idea being that it comes from formerly living organisms and therefore it's a limited quantity, which could have been, you know, it has been believed.
By the general public up until now, but we're now drilling and finding massive amounts of oil, far deeper than any organic material has ever lived.
Yeah, 20,000 feet.
Well, 40,000 feet.
Some of those Russian wells are 40 to 43,000 feet.
And you know who built them?
Who drilled them?
We did.
Our companies went over there and drilled it.
We have made Russia the second largest oil exporter in the world and the largest natural gas exporter, thanks to American money, World Bank money, Eastern Asian
We're not allowed to drill for ours because those are government lands out west and up in Alaska.
Only the planned economies get to grow because then all the wealth goes to the elites.
Thank you for the call, Kevin.
Great points that you make.
Jason and Mash, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, this is Jason Robo.
I'm a student at Humboldt State University in Northern California.
Political science and econ double major with a history minor.
And we're supposed to be the social environmental justice institution, but our alternative energy program called SHAT is infected by Chevron, which has an inherent interest, of course, in preventing viable energy sources.
Our alternatives are going to bring up, you know, how our environmentalism is a joke and these Nazi's silence us.
Yeah, that's it.
They get everybody concerned about the environment, which is legitimate.
They give you false solutions, false crises, and now a huge police state grid.
Yeah, and then, yeah, they silenced you for talking about the actual root causes, so I was curious if you could speak for a moment about the, uh, GM streetcar conspiracy, how these, uh, energy shackles were imposed in the first place.
Yeah, that's all admitted.
Back in the 30s into the 40s, they got us off streetcars, built the society around cars and roads, uh, which people liked.
I'm not saying that was bad, but they did it for control, and, uh, they went in and bought up the streetcar companies and the railroad companies and shut it down.
My grandmother
We're good to go.
First degree, I guess, at Baylor.
Same time with my other grandmother.
They went to school together.
What a small time it was.
You know, what a small state it was then, population-wise.
But then, you know, there's all these photos.
Even when my dad was about three, four years old.
They're great photos of my beautiful grandmother jumping out of the big bullet train from Houston, being picked up by my grandfather.
Those are great black-and-white photos.
And then, yeah, they just got rid of the bullet train.
And it was just, it was almost nothing for her to ride a bullet train down that went 120 miles an hour down to Houston every day.
Yeah, it's amazing, and I'm glad to see your articles, like the one on alcohol recently, and prohibition, and how that was kind of, you know, an inside job for special interests.
It's outrageous that nobody understands these things, and let alone know about Tesla so long ago, who found, like, great ways that we could power our devices.
We'll be right back with the final segment with our guest and it's Webster Griffin Tarpley and then Mark Kornke in studio right here deep in the heart of Texas.
Stay with us.
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Let's do it.
I don't own the clothes I'm wearing
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I've been listening for a long time, over the last couple of days.
I listened to Mr. Williams there and I watched his video and I'm fully enlightened.
All I can say to all of you is thank you all so much.
Last night I had an opportunity to tell my family.
I told them exactly what he said.
Oil is going to go down to $50 a barrel.
You know, the economy's going to implode and all they could think of was, wow, we're going to get cheap gas.
And I'm just like, I'm just thinking to myself, okay, don't you see?
It's not, you know, what's happening.
But, uh, anyway, um, the, uh, you know, I'm enlightened.
There's people that when I talk to, some of them shake their head like I'm a nut and then other people, their jaws drop and they're good.
They're going out and they're spreading the word.
And I have a funny feeling that, uh,
What's going to happen is, because everything's going so fast, and like you've said many times, that they might have bitten off more than they could chew, that the people are going to wake up and revolt.
And it just kind of made me think of a scripture in the Bible that many are the plans of a man's heart, but it's God's purpose that's going to prevail.
But I didn't know if you guys saw this in the Asian Times.
A couple days ago there was a thing where Prime Minister Maliki wanted US troops
I don't think so.
Uh, there was another piece, it was just in there today in the Asian Times where it said, uh, back in 2006 Prime Minister Maliki was not as strong or confident as he was back in 2008 and the Bush administration
Might have more problems than... Yeah, it's all staged over there, and anybody that tries to actually lead their people, they will try to kill.
It's clear the globalists are trying to kill Mohammed Karzai now, in Afghanistan as well.
So they're just constantly stabbing each other in the bank.
Thank you for the call.
I want to thank Pastor Lindsey Williams for coming on.
If anything new develops, sir, please come on.
Dr. Stan Monteith, talk show host right here on Genesis Radio Liberty dot com.
And I want to thank both of you for spending time with us today.
Lindsey, are you going to be ducking out soon?
We'll never hear from you again, because you've been saying you're just going to disappear now.
Alex, you'll love what this gentleman said.
I told him, I said, you know, our family, I've been a Baptist minister for 50 years.
And this gentleman, I told him, I said, we're giving some very definite consideration to the family going back into the ministry.
You'll love this, Alex.
He said, well, Chaplain, he said you did a great job for us up there in Prudhoe.
He said, I wish you the very best.
He said, I think that would definitely be a wise decision for both you and for us.
He said, it's a great idea.
And he said, God bless you.
You know, I thought, God bless America, George Bush.
God of this world.
But God.
God of this world.
God of this air.
Of the true and living God.
God of this world.
We know who that is.
They know who it is, too.
Thank you, Lindsey Williams.
Thank you, Dr. Monteith.
We'll talk to you both soon.
Thanks so much.
See you, Alex.
You bet.
Thank you.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're now going into hour number three with Webster, Griffin, Tarbler.
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It's now time to take the revolution to the next level.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now well into hour number three for the next hour and 20 minutes after the break.
We're going to have Webster Griffin Tarbley fresh back from a tour in Europe.
He has put a book out that we are selling, by the way, at InfoWars.com on the online video bookstore about Barack Obama.
We're also going to be having Dr. Jerome Corsi on next week when his new book comes out.
He says some original new stuff he's dug up.
And I'm not for John McCain.
I want to make that clear.
I am not for John McCain.
I am not for Barack Obama.
I am simply going to have guests on exposing both of them so that people out there listening at least have a chance to understand that both are bought and paid for.
Both are compromised.
They run nothing.
They do nothing.
I think obsessing over Obama itself is a distraction.
We have to spend all our time discrediting the system or they'll stage new attacks, new wars, and then they get the public to stampede to empower their new world order.
They start World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the other wars.
We get all their declassified documents, how they staged them.
They've had other events like trying to sink the Liberty to start war with Russia that failed.
Other events that succeeded like Gulf of Tonkin, 9-11, but in hindsight is now failing.
We have to have a revelation and understanding of government-sponsored terror.
We have to take that mechanism the New World Order uses over and over again and fully expose it to light.
It's like a piece of film, a piece of 35mm film.
If you expose it to even a, you know, tiny bit of light, in a dark room, it's going to be ruined.
Well, we need to expose it to the broad, you know, sunlight.
And the 9-11 fraud is now a piece of film that has been partially exposed, it has spots all over it, it's fading, and soon it'll be completely worthless to them.
And every time there's a terror attack stage, people will look at who stands to gain.
Hence the term, ladies and gentlemen,
Who benefits in Latin?
So we're gonna have Tarpley on about that and several issues.
You know, I've always liked Tarpley.
I exposed Tarpley to a lot of people.
Brought him out to a lot of people.
Put him on C-SPAN.
Um, I'm gonna bring up to Tarpley the fact that he viciously attacked Ron Paul and said some things about him that are manifestly untrue, and I'm gonna ask, you know, Tarpley.
That's why I haven't been on here in a year.
Really hurt my feelings, but I thought, you know, why not have Tarpley on?
I mean, I like the guy.
I don't think he means bad.
I think a lot of his info is very good.
He's a very intelligent person, but I'm gonna bring all these issues up with him today because, uh, because it's, it's, you know, what he's saying about Obama's important, and we respect his opinion, but, uh, I don't like
You know, key people in our movement attacking each other.
So I'm also going to mention that.
It's not going to be some type of brawl or anything.
I don't want people to be aware of that.
And a heads up to everyone, in an hour and 20 minutes, I will be announcing whether we're going to have the Willie Nelson concert or not.
So you'll want to tune in for that as well.
The biggest thing we need to do is wake everybody in our friends, family, neighborhoods, workplaces up, and the best tools we have for that are my films, like Police State 2, The Takeover, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, America Destroyed by Design, Dark Secrets Inside, Bohemian Grove, Order of Death Combo, two films on one DVD I made, but of course the new one, Truth Rising.
Truth Rising shows police trying to plant bombs on 9-11 demonstrators.
We have Jesse Ventura, Willie Nelson, Martin Sheen, Michael Moore all saying inside job.
George Carlin talking about inside job.
The late George Carlin is in this.
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones!
For the next hour and 15 minutes, roughly, we'll be joined by Webster Griffin Tarbley.
He wrote the first major definitive work, unauthorized biography, back in the early 90s on George Herbert Walker Bush.
I have researched everything in that book and followed up and even expanded research with more modern information.
In my film in 2004, Martial Law, 9-1-1, Rise of the Police State,
When BBC and then others after that did report, indeed, that Prescott Bush was the head Nazi in the United States.
And I really respect Webster Tarpeley's fine work.
Of course, his book covers more than just that.
It's now, of course, still in print.
He also has a free version up on the web at his website.
The new book, Obama, the Postmodern Coup, is a very interesting book, and I certainly
Respect Webster Griffin Tarpley's perspective and view on that, and I think it's important to read this book.
That's why we're offering it almost out of print.
A second edition is about to come out, but we have just a few hundred of these.
I believe his publisher is now sold out.
We have some of the only copies of this at InfoWars.com.
Obama, The Postmodern Coup, Webster Griffin Tarpley.
That said, I want to not just discuss Barack Obama's background and the time we have.
We're going to do that
But I suggest you get the book.
But also, at a certain point it becomes academic.
I mean, Hillary represents the exact same people.
John McCain now has Zbigniew Brzezinski's son advising it on foreign policy.
That was in the Associated Press.
We got a lot of calls about that.
Thank Lesher for pointing it out.
Now, at least on the surface, they have kicked Zbigniew Brzezinski off of his foreign policy advisory panel, Barack Obama's, but it doesn't matter.
The whole same crew, as Darpley points out, that wants to attack Russia, that wants to attack other countries in Central Asia,
That wants to move nuclear weapons back into Europe and point them at the Russians.
I mean, everything he's saying is true.
My only difference is perspective on this.
It almost lends credibility to the whole election process when you're talking about Barack Obama versus Hillary and now it's Barack Obama versus John McCain.
I mean, it's a foregone conclusion.
It's like a Don King fight where he owns both the fighters and you know it's going to be rigged.
Either way, and then you've got all these neocons on Fox saying, oh, Israel is going to attack before the election to get John McCain elected.
I don't know if that's the case.
I want to get Tarpley's take on that.
Tarpley is quite a
You know, geopolitical expert, his research is very good.
I constantly study and read and research and find that Tarpoli's information is, again, very accurate.
I only differ with you, Webster, on the inferences you draw on the... I mean, here's an example.
Two years ago, I was saying we weren't going to attack Iran then.
You were saying guaranteed with dates, and so I think we can argue about
How we analyze that data, and what we come up with.
I think you get the point I'm making here, Webster?
Yes, Alex, first of all, let me thank you for inviting me, thank you for stocking my book, and I'm delighted to have this discussion.
I would say, first of all, we have to look at ourselves like a naval battle.
We're confronting a hostile fleet, and you've got to concentrate your fire on the flagship of the hostile fleet, rather than just scattering fire
In every direction, and I think if you turn on the television for ten minutes, there is no doubt that Obama is the candidate favored by the controlled corporate media.
Yes, he is anointed!
It is an endless worship fest, and I watched him in Europe quite a bit over the weekend on C-SPAN Raw footage.
He is a, uh, he is bumbling, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
I know a lot of high school seniors in government class that can speak more eloquently than him, and that is upsetting to me.
You're exactly right, but the choice that's being made is, of course, being made by Wall Street, and it's being made by our old friends, the Trilateral, Rockefeller, Bilderberger, Council on Foreign Relations, Rand Corporation, Chicago Schools, Skull and Bones, and there's order and one for thousands.
Now, there's a reason for this, though.
Why do they support Obama?
What's the reason?
Yes, uh, maybe even more so than Bush.
He's somebody who's been raised literally up out of nothing by these trilateral people.
My personal hypothesis is that he was recruited by his big new bridge in 1981.
I don't think so.
They were looking around for a puppet, a Manchurian candidate.
And of course, they had a broad choice.
Didn't have to be just Obama.
They picked others.
Uh, to deploy into a political upsurge in this country approximately now, 2008, 2010, 2020.
And Obama was one of the political properties that they picked up, so they have been grooming him and indoctrinating him.
By the way, I'm backing you up.
Dr. Dennis Cuddy has done a whole book on all these famous people.
When they're in college, they'll be in the lunch line, and David Rockefeller will be there, or Zbigniew Brzezinski will be there, or Henry Kissinger.
They go pick who they want.
And that, I think, that is my thesis, is that that's what happened with Obama, and therefore all the wonderful coincidences and magic events of his life are guided by that fine trilateral hand behind the scenes.
But now, ultimately, why do they need him today?
Basically two things.
The entire phase of Islamofascism, war on terror, post 9-11, I believe is exhausted.
I think they've gone into a new phase.
The fake environmental Malthusian, the Russians are a threat.
Yes, it's Russia, China, Malthusian, Unabomber kind of stuff, but then it's also human rights, humanitarian concerns, and left cover.
We're going from a phase of right-wing cover imperialism to a phase of left-wing cover imperialism.
This is why so many of our left-liberal friends have not been able to understand this, because they regard all of this as progress.
They think that it's
By the way, the Romans would do this in their different protectorates and new places they'd taken over.
They would put a thug in for 5-10 years to murder, kill, stab, then they would publicly flog him, execute him, apologize, and then rise up somebody from that local area in Germania or Gaul or there in
We're good to go.
Excellent, and in the case of Brzezinski, you can say this is the Hegelian dialectic.
This is one of those cases where you can actually see the Hegelian dialectic at work.
Brzezinski's teacher is a guy called Carl Friedrichs.
So he has a degree in Hegelian dialectic?
Yes, and Friedrichs is a historian.
He wrote The Age of the Baroque.
He's a historian of the Thirty Years' War.
As a professor of the Hegelian dialectic?
Yeah, and Brzezinski is a student at McGill University with this guy, and of course with others.
And essentially what they've said is, you can't keep going with the right-wing stuff.
You can't do Bush-Cheney neocons.
Right now here in Washington, Bush-Cheney neocons are finished.
They're out.
They have no influence.
They're a laughingstock.
They're going to jail.
They're done.
And their policies are out too, and we could go through that in some detail.
But the idea is now, what's the new policy?
The Brzezinski argument is, stop wasting time in the Middle East.
Stop mucking around in the Persian Gulf.
Remember that on a world scale, the main opposition to U.S.
imperialism is Russia and China.
It's the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
You smash those, you've guaranteed U.S.-British world domination for another century.
So get busy doing that, and forget the attack on Iran.
I believe there will be no attack on Iran.
There have been ultimatums delivered to the Israelis.
Well, why did you previously believe that there would be?
I think we came very close, and the closest we came was last August with the rogue B-52.
There was an attempt by the Cheney gang last August to actually hijack
A B-52 intercontinental bomber.
They flew it from North Dakota to Louisiana.
They were going to fly that to the Middle East.
And it had six cruise missiles on it loaded with nukes.
And this was going to take part in the attack on Israel that took place on September 6th.
However, it was stopped on the ground and as that question went up the chain of command,
And began to interest the intelligence agencies.
The word came down, no, no, no, no, no!
And that, I believe, that was the last gasp from Bush and Cheney.
And then we see a string of reports by the CIA and Defense Intelligence saying it's all lies, Iran's not a threat.
But you're saying you don't think Israel's going to wildcard?
Because they're certainly setting up the propaganda front right now.
No, I think a lot of that is disinformation.
The attack that you have to worry about that's going on right now
There's another country, three times bigger than Iran, with nuclear weapons that is being attacked.
It's Pakistan, and I believe there will be a U.S., uh, NATO and Afghan land invasion of northwest Pakistan.
Now, the difference, though, is there's a different... And they've been gal-lighting, they've been preparing the ground on that.
The difference is that now the target list is, how do you weaken Russia?
How do you weaken China?
How do you strip away Chinese allies and Chinese strategic partners?
That means Pakistan is at the top of the list.
Not for this idiotic al-Qaeda bin Laden fairytale that we've already refuted and you've refuted so many times.
But now it's the question.
That's just a rubric, boogeyman cover.
I agree.
But the real reason is that Pakistan is an ally of China.
And that's what they've got to go after.
The goal of the operations out of Afghanistan right now... Chinese encirclement.
Yeah, it's to encircle China by destroying Pakistan.
In other words, by dividing Pakistan into four, five, six countries.
Be it Balochistan, Pushtunistan, Waziristan, Sindh, or whatever you have.
They're going to shatter Pakistan.
Same thing in Iraq.
They want to break it in three parts.
That's why they won't.
Let Maliki kick him out, do you agree with that?
Yes, that's the Bernard Lewis plan, and that of course goes on and on, but now the Bernard Lewis plan is... Stay there, stay there.
Yeah, the great game, balkanization.
Webster will be right back in about four minutes.
We're going to cover a host of issues with our guest.
He's the author of The Obama Postmodern Coup.
Stay with us.
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Man thinks.
Cause he rules it up.
He can do it as he please.
And if things don't change soon He will For a man has invented his doom First step was touching the moon Now there's a woman on my block She'll just sit there as the night grows still She'll say who's gonna take away his license
Obama, the post-modern coup.
Look, the reason I saw the elite, the Fox News type people, having fundraisers for her quietly, Rush Limbaugh trying to make sure that she won, really pushing for that, as the major power structure of the neocons being behind Hillary.
And I said that she was going to be the person that won, and I said five years ago you'd hear Limbaugh endorse her.
I was right about them endorsing her, I was wrong about her winning.
Just like Tarpley was wrong about them attacking Iran a year and a half ago, two years ago, but none of us are perfect.
The point here is I don't claim to have all the answers.
I just know this.
To hold Hillary out and to say, well, we're attacking the main capital ship here in the Infowar, I just say it's all a latrine.
There are all different things floating around in there and I'm not going to say go for either one of them because it's that lesser of evils thing.
It just doesn't matter.
Discredit the whole process.
That's what brings them down.
Discredit them all is what we've got to do.
But now we've got Obama, we've got McCain, so we're analyzing that.
We are looking at that.
I mean, you're not denying, Webster, that Hillary would have been a willing servant of the very elite running Obama today, are you?
Willing, but not as willing as Obama.
Not 100% a slave.
Maybe 50%, 70% a slave.
After all, she's got a two-term president in the House.
She does not owe her entire existence to Big New Brzezinski in the way that Obama does.
Obama is 1,000% a puppet, a total abject slave.
What do you say to Brzezinski's people being in the McCain campaign now?
Yeah, that's it.
Brzezinski's a clever fellow.
He's got one Democratic son, Mark, who's on the Obama side.
And by the way, Brzezinski continues to run Obama.
This is just window dressing.
Brzezinski learned under Carter that he's Dr. Strangelove and he better stay out of the TV.
Uh, Brzezinski was hated under Carter.
He was booed at the Democratic Convention that year.
So he's got one son, Mark, who helps to run Obama, and he's got Ian Brzezinski as a fallback option on the McCain side.
But the reason why Obama is the greatest of all possible disasters
And you've got to get...
And you've got to get the left in America behind war and conflicts again, just like under Clinton.
They were happy to blow the daylights out of Serbia.
The irony is that today you have the peace movement.
They say, we're against the war in Iraq.
How about Afghanistan?
A lot of them are for it.
How about Sudan?
They say we're in favor of attacking Sudan.
The goal of that, of course, is to cut off 7% of the Chinese oil.
They're in favor of attacking Burma, a Chinese ally.
They think it's fine to go after Pakistan because they don't like Musharraf.
And global taxation paid directly to the private banks, making them truly governmental for the first time, with their own armies, intelligence agencies, and mercenaries.
They say, oh, Bush is against the global warming tax, so the left all gets behind it.
And now, oh, Bush is against attacking North Africa, which he's been gearing up and wanting to do, but because he publicly says he's against it, now the left supports it.
I mean, this is, please don't throw me in the briar patch, base psychology.
Yeah, the problem here is you can get the left liberals for all of these policies.
So, the one side of it is Obama is the face of imperialism.
Obama represents a facelift for U.S.-British imperialism in places like Africa.
The second thing is, in terms of potential for strike-breaking, austerity, cutting the living standard,
I mean, I totally agree with you on all of this.
You can't have the temperature set where you want.
That comes directly out of Brzezinski's book, Second Chance.
That's a translation into slogans of about two pages in there where Brzezinski argues against the U.S.
way of life.
It's not attractive to other countries.
But now, here's the biggest consideration of all.
Postmodern fascism.
What is it?
Is it simply a top-down phenomenon?
We have a Bush-Cheney police state where it gets more and more oppressive and more and more wiretaps and more and more snooping and opening the mail?
Or, isn't fascism something else?
Isn't fascism a grassroots
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Okay, Webster, continue.
And certainly, it's cynical.
They put a guy who's half-black up there.
Oh, everything's fine.
There's this pride.
Things have changed.
And then now it fools a large sector of the left.
They keep the wiretaps, the police state.
But it's like the Bush administration was saying, torture children, all overtly.
Now it's smoothed over
It's now institutionalized, refined.
They bring in the fake green revolution to regulate control tax.
and England, they're announcing children cops called climate cops.
In the U.S.
Says, report on your parents.
Obama wants a million to start with.
High schoolers with guns, quote, spying on people bigger than the armed forces.
Keep talking about that.
Yeah, that's the essence of fascism.
In other words, when you look at things like Al Gore's Green Army, Obama's Green Corps, Obama's Homeland Security Corps, Obama's volunteer programs,
All of this gives you the idea of a private army.
In other words, an extra-legal force of goons, thugs, criminals, but also fervently idealistic.
A la Hitler, a la Stalin, a la Mao Zedong and his youth brigades.
I would urge people to look at the young Mussolini.
I think that's a good, clear-cut example.
Well, Al Duce was the groundbreaker, the trailblazer.
He invented what we're seeing today.
Pretty much.
Between 1919 and 1922, the idea of having a movement, now remember... And the march on Rome!
And Mussolini, of course... And so they come in with Obama, and then capture the popular rage in a false revolution against tyranny, truly bringing in official tyranny.
Yes, basically you go to fascism as a ruling elite, you go to fascism when police repression doesn't work anymore, when the army is unreliable, you've got to organize the population to crush itself.
And for that you need a plausible demagogue, you need somebody with this messianic, utopian rhetoric.
Pied Piper.
Pardon me?
Pied Piper.
By the way, again, it's Mussolini.
Look at Mussolini.
He was a radical socialist.
He was a revolutionary, so formidable that Lenin praised him.
And when you look at the foundation of Italian fascism, you've got people like trade union militants, disgruntled war veterans, artists and intellectuals, and these socialists and leftists who have been outraged by Bush are now driven into the arms of this corporate-crafted monster.
Right, and again, Obama has this, nobody else has it.
Bush does not have a fascist mass movement.
You can imagine Bush making a balcony speech a la Mussolini, or Bush making a Nuremberg rally speech in the stadium.
He can't do it.
McCain can't do it.
Mrs. Clinton has a strong following among normal Democrats, but it's not a fanatical mass movement.
People collapsing, worshipping.
Yeah, and this is why Obama is the greatest evil.
In other words, the... Okay, here we go.
Let's recap that right now, back on the main show.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that the days are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
If Barack Obama was a JFK or a Bobby,
They would have whacked him, or will whack him.
As you look at his advisors, his policies, his plans, million man armed youth brigades, environmental brigades, tied him with Al Gore, endorsing him.
Flesh that out, expand that.
Tattletale squads, youth brigades, the war on terror will continue, but overlaid with the new quote environmentalism, people slashing SUV tires.
It's all intensifying right now towards the movement of Barack Obama.
The essence of a top-down dictatorship is what you've seen, right?
The FBI comes and harasses you, they tap your phone.
Fascism is different.
Fascism is a gang of goons who are probably environmentalists at this point, decide that you're a polluter, and they come and burn you out and beat you up or kill you.
And this is the difference.
There's a lot of stuff on the internet.
There's this book by Jonah Goldberg.
There are these things by Naomi Wolf, I think her name is.
There's a guy called Britt who does
The 10 ways you can tell if you're in fascism.
What they all leave out is the mass movement.
The grassroots, bottom up, left cover, radical cover, anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian.
Movement, which is the essence of fascism.
Otherwise, you don't need a new term for fascism.
Why do you have to coin this in the 1920s?
Dictatorships, of course, had been around for a long time.
The young Mussolini, between 1919 and 1922, put together a movement of radical revolutionary socialists who were interventionists in World War I. They wanted war.
That's one possible difference, although it's not as big a difference as you might think.
Artists, intellectuals,
People who were disgruntled war veterans.
People who were coming out of the labor movement, extremely militant trade union.
And you put that all together under breakdown crisis conditions of depression, and of course that's what we've got now, this then becomes a messianic, fascist-style movement.
Because you need a demagogue.
Now, the way in which they've done it today is according to a cookbook.
The cookbook is the Brzezinski-Soros National Endowment for Democracy.
It's what they did in Georgia in the Roses Revolution in Tiflis.
Or in Kiev in the Ukraine with the Orange Revolution at the end of 2004.
You get a telegenic demagogue.
You get lots of money, lots of narcotics.
You get rent-a-mobs and dupe-a-mobs of fervently idealistic, swarming adolescent students and other people who just don't know what they're doing.
You get a media swoon.
You get media whores all over the place, bought and paid for.
You get fake polling.
And then you get slogans.
Colors, a process of branding.
This stuff typically comes out of the National Endowment for Democracy, the Albert Einstein Institute, and a guy called Gene Sharp in Cambridge, Massachusetts, along with an army colonel who works with him.
So they've perfected this
For use in the former Soviet space.
Now, what happened at the beginning of this year was the model of the People Power Coup, or CIA Color Revolution, was brought home into the United States.
And that is what allowed Obama to get this insurmountable lead by gaming the crazy rules of the Democratic Party.
But again, focus on the mass movement.
Fascism is worse than a reactionary government.
People who lived through 1922 in Italy, the seizure of power by Mussolini, or the 1933 seizure of power by Hitler, will say there is just no comparison between some bourgeois government, no matter how corrupt, how repressive, how bellicose.
Because it runs out of gas very soon and then collapses back.
And then you get fascism.
But a fascist system is like a wildfire with 50 mile an hour winds when things is a tinderbox.
It just feeds itself and exponentially grows.
Yes, and of course, ultimately, after the fascists seize power, they then proceed to destroy all the resistance institutions in the society.
They go around, and again, smash you if they decide you're a polluter, or if you're a, you know, you're not appreciating barky Obama enough, they come after you, they beat you up, they harass you.
It's going on on the internet right now.
I mean, you have these Obama trolls.
Some of them are apparently in Gaza, some of them are in Bangalore, India, or other places.
He's got a Storm Troopers on the internet who go around trying to wipe out resistance on the internet.
Now, there'll come a time when that goes into the streets.
Well, they've also announced in Canada, England, Australia, France, that they're now going directly to shutting off the old web and just not... These are the ISPs, major ones.
Uh, not letting you get on the web anymore and only letting you go to sites they want a few thousand.
I mean, it's all happening now.
Everything is coming down.
And I agree with you, Barack Obama's bought and paid for by the same people and he does have that mass appeal, which is very dangerous.
But again, I just want to be clear, you have the Zbigniew Brzezinski people also running the McCain camp.
But let's look at the difference, though.
I'm just saying, I'm not voting for either one.
We need to expose both of them, because if you go to the left and say Barack Obama's bad, and lay all this stuff out that you're saying that's true, Tarpley, I'm talking about psychology here, then they're going to go, oh my God, you're for John McCain.
You're going to first go to them and say, John McCain's New World Order, John McCain represents the neocons, and Israel, and hold on, and hold on, and then you've got the Rockefeller power axis, through Brzezinski, with this demagogue,
Barack Obama, and then as long as you explain that both of them are bad, then they go, oh I see, but if you aggress and attack their demagogue just on the face and say McCain's better, you have just actually energized, through the left-right paradigm mechanism, what's been ingrained in people, Barack Obama.
I want you to address that.
Well, let's look at it.
First of all, if you get Obama, you're going to get Obama as a 1000% puppet of trilateral Bilderberg Rockefeller Soros.
A fanatical Democratic Congress.
This will give you the fascist corporate state.
In very, very short order.
It'll be like Carter, but a thousand percent worse.
Now suppose you get McCain.
Here's my analysis on McCain.
You will get a tired, old, lame duck.
The transition will begin on January 20th.
He'll be a transitional figure in some ways like Ratzinger in the Vatican.
Somebody who's so old that he won't be there, he'll be a one-termer, and he'll be a lame duck as soon as he gets into office.
And he will face a ferociously hostile Democratic Congress.
No, I agree.
Gridlock, separation of power, being accentuated is good.
Hillary will save us, Starblight?
But in the real world that we have now, you've got to say, the only way to do it is 175 delegates shift out of the Obama column and into the Hillary Clinton column.
But Hillary politically doesn't have the will to do that and would be destroyed by the media if she tries.
Could be.
I mean, we'll soon find out.
That's perfectly plausible, but I think this is worth a try.
And then you've got a lame duck, Hillary, and a lame duck.
I mean, obviously, 9% approval rating for the Congress.
The elite knows the system's discredited.
Both parties are discredited.
They've got to give you a new brown face to confuse everybody.
Oh, look, it's changed.
He's a black guy.
And I certainly see what they're doing.
And they've even said, pundits have said, this will bring people back into government, back to the table, back believing in the system.
Then there'll be another revolution in the next four years against his socialism as it'll be built.
Then you'll get a new right-wing government, which I think is the real final plan.
I think ultimately, and this is that you're right, because that's what Samuel Huntington has been writing over the years, eventually what you'll get after that is a right-wing fascism that will look much more like what people think of as the Hitler regime.
But in the meantime, look, the thing with Mrs. Clinton is simply this.
She has now been royally betrayed.
She has been stabbed in the back by the entire Wall Street group.
The media have turned against her.
She's nursing tremendous grudges.
She would actually be more independent than any of the three.
McCain is somebody who can be controlled through rage states.
This is how they controlled Harry Truman.
Obama, we've seen it, he's a complete puppet.
Mrs. Clinton was already less of a puppet to begin with because of a sense of personal identity drawn from the years in the White House and the things that she's done.
She is part of the establishment, of course, which that means she's established.
She's not some nobody from nowhere, some barky who or Jimmy who that the Trilateral Commission has brought forward.
You could argue that when Clinton got to Washington in 1992, he was a puppet of Pamela Churchill Harriman.
And her group, the Democrats for the 1980s.
But she's long dead.
So these people have taken on something of a life of their own by winning elections, and so forth.
The thing with Mrs. Clinton is... I mean, come on, the Clintons were CIA being handled, going back to the London office by Cord Meyer in the 60s.
Sure, but again, you know, that's neither here nor there right now.
These are people who have made their own way, and you know, Kurt Meier is also long gone.
So, those control... No, I'm just saying, where they came from is directly out of the military industrial complex, dropping as a false left, little black hole to suck everybody into.
Tarbly, here's the deal.
Look, everything you're saying I believe.
I've already checked myself.
I respect you.
You know, I brought you on my radio show, tried to build you up, took you and put you on C-SPAN, all of that.
And so, I'm not attacking you here, but I have to bring this up to you.
And I can play the clips.
I don't really want to dig them up and play them.
It's too painful for me to watch.
But I haven't really talked to you in about a year.
I don't think fascists, no.
No, no, no.
Actually, I didn't take the time to dig those out.
Are you saying, Webster, that you didn't give a speech in Canada where you said racists, fascists are behind Ron Paul and the elite?
I don't think so.
Here's my critique of Ron Paul.
You don't think so?
This is ancient history now, but here's the thing.
Ron Paul was useful in the sense of having a Republican saying that he was against the Iraq War.
In other words, having a wrecking ball inside the Republican debates was a good thing.
Now we have a world economic breakdown crisis.
The kind of economics that Ron Paul represents is straight Milton Friedman, Chicago school, I would call it, well, Herbert Hoover economics.
No, what it is is classical economics we've had, and it's the Austrian School of Economics.
Yeah, the Austrian School.
So it's a foreign entity.
This guy, von Hayek, who founded the school, was a paid apologist for a rent-gouging landlord.
Stop, stop, stop.
Look, I want to skip over this in a minute.
But you said, no, no, no, I don't think I said that.
You're not stupid.
You speak three or four languages.
You're a smart guy.
You know what you said in Canada and on your own radio show on this network.
So I'm going to ask you again.
Do you remember saying racist and fascist and are behind Ron Paul?
No, I doubt it.
But again, I'd be happy to stand corrected if I did it.
Anyway... No, you know what we're going to do, Tarpley?
We're going to take these comments, listeners will, they're going to take those videos, they're going to put it together.
I mean, right now, I'm asking you why you said that instead of ducking it.
Because I think that if Ron Paul ever got into power, this would be a disaster.
I think on the other hand, Ron Paul as a protest vote is a fine thing.
Wait a minute, you said it was anti-Mexican, racist, and that that's who was supporting him and a bunch of other... He went very far into mexophobia, certainly, and I think that's...
What are you talking about?
Brzezinski and all them want 30 million illegals here blowing out the social welfare net.
We're not against the Mexicans.
Hold on, Tarpley.
There's 100 million of them coming into the country.
They've been nationalized.
They're very nationalistic.
We're like a country that doesn't have any of its white blood cells, like we have AIDS or something.
And then they come in with incredibly strong nationalistic immune systems politically.
And it's overtaking our country and bankrupting it.
And I'm sick of seeing 12 towns in Texas fly Mexican flags at their courthouses and saying whites aren't allowed here.
And I'm tired of the special treatment the government gives the illegals.
And see, to you, I guess that's because I don't like Mexicans.
And that's not what it is.
It's very painful to have to expose.
You speak Spanish, pal.
So does my wife.
She lived in Spain for six years.
And let me tell you, she hears what's on the Mexican radio.
And our government's behind that.
Look, here's the thing.
Let's compare this to Jeremiah Wright.
Everybody saw Jeremiah Wright, Obama's preacher.
Now, the theology of Jeremiah Wright and his entire mindset
I agree.
about Ron Paul here on my show.
I don't know.
I'd have to look at... Tarpley, you said it on your radio show on this network with everyone tearing their hair out and letting you, leaving you alone to do it over and over again.
You know full well, just don't insult my intelligence.
I like you, Tarpley, but don't insult my intelligence.
I want you to answer for what you said about Dr. Paul because I know he's a good man!
Well, as an individual, I suppose he's a good man.
But, obviously there was a great disappointment with 9-11 Truth, for example.
He said that he was in favor of 9-11 Truth, and he went on television, and he repudiated 9-11 Truth, and he said it was preposterous, and he told us to stop doing it because it was an embarrassment to him.
I agree, that was a betrayal.
Okay, so, you know, good man, but a human being just like everybody else.
But that doesn't mean the fascists are behind him.
It doesn't mean he wants to throw Mexicans into wells.
Again, fascists, I don't know why this comes in, but the point is, the Ford Foundation, in addition to creating organizations in the black community like Jeremiah Wright, in addition to creating similar organizations in every ethnic group,
The Ford Foundation has created these crazy Mexican groups like Aztlan, the group that puts out the map that all the Southwest is going to be annexed to Mexico.
That is a pure Foundation-funded provocation.
Yes, it's admitted, yes.
And instead of responding to that at that level,
It would be important, first of all, to continuously denounce the fact that this is the Ford Foundation and its associated foundations.
And secondly, try to organize those Mexicans yourself.
In other words, try to offer them some kind of a united front where they'd be fighting for something worthwhile.
Because what they don't get out of this axlon nonsense
They don't get a minimum wage, they don't get decent... No, they get to turn the U.S.
into Mexico City, and the U.S.
uses a steam valve to stop true revolution reform in Mexico.
All I want is to understand why you were saying these things, because I agree with everything you just said right there, Webster.
If you want to have me... send me a transcript or send me a recording of what I said, and I'll be glad to... You know what, I'm going to pull it up here in just a minute, but go ahead.
But I don't have it at the top of my head.
Anyway, the point was,
That that kind of Herbert Hoover economics is exactly what you don't need.
Because if you say today, under this condition, we have a dollar crisis, we have the death agony of a dollar, we have a banking panic going on, we have dollar hyperinflation, we have a systemic breakdown crisis of the entire system.
If you say under these conditions, I want the market,
This means death on a huge scale.
The only possible policy under these conditions is to try to get control of the federal government and use it against Wall Street.
Because if you don't do that, Wall Street will take control of the federal government.
They're going to lose you, they're going to suck your eye, they're going to give us no quarter.
So I would say to Ron Paul, stop attacking the government, start attacking Wall Street.
Attack Goldman Sachs.
They're responsible for about 40% of the oil price.
Well, he's always attacking them.
What do you think he does when the Fed Chairman's in there every month?
Yeah, I saw the ads he put on television.
The ad was attacking the Mexicans.
He showed the people swimming across the Rio Grande.
And this was his first TV ad, and I thought that was just... That was not his first TV ad.
And it's a major issue to energize this campaign, and it's a good issue.
Well, I don't think it's a good issue, and I think it didn't prove to be a good issue.
People thought it would be a good issue, and I think this was wrong.
The media that's for Barack Obama was against Ron Paul.
And so that's more proof he was the man.
Stay there.
We're going to skip this break for InfoWars.com.
There's a list on the web for everybody else.
We're going to be right back for all our fine MNFM affiliates in just three minutes.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com.
We have author Webster Tarpley with us.
Okay, let's keep going, Tarpley.
Keep going.
So, on what?
I want to finish up on Ron Paul.
Go ahead.
I'll quit interrupting.
Okay, you want more Ron Paul?
Yeah, I mean, I want to hear you defend that stuff you were saying.
Oh, by the way, let me ask you, where was it a year ago?
Well, you threw down the gauntlet on Paul.
Was it in Calgary?
Because I'm trying to Google the term.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
You were in Canada.
Where were you a year ago in Canada?
I don't know.
It was Vancouver, British Columbia.
That was it.
There we go.
I'm going to find it right now.
All right, wonderful.
Go ahead, Darby.
The point is, what you need now is basically a version of New Deal economics.
And this, I think, is something that would revolve, for example, around foreclosures.
Ron Paul went on Larry Kudlow on CNBC, and he said he didn't believe in bailing out people who had bought too much house.
Well, what you've got to do under these circumstances is a uniform federal law that says simply, no foreclosures.
Stop all foreclosures.
And, uh, take it from there.
So, Ron Paul, I don't think would support that, because that would be big government from his point of view.
You should outlaw foreclosures for five years of the duration of the crisis, of homes, farms, businesses, and everything else that's useful economically.
You should outlaw adjustable-rate mortgages.
You should outlaw derivatives.
The current crisis that's going on is a crisis of one quadrillion dollars of derivatives
And, uh, there is no way out of that unless you simply wipe them out.
You've got to shred them.
You've got to delete them.
You've got to get them out of the world, because you cannot bail out a capital structure that is that huge.
So I never heard Ron Paul talking about any of this stuff.
Another thing you'd need to do is to begin to shift the tax burden.
It is unrealistic in the extreme to talk about abolishing the federal income tax.
The only thing you can do is to shift the tax burden off the individual taxpayer and onto Wall Street.
How about a Tobin tax, or a securities transfer tax, 1% on the entire turnover of Wall Street financial security.
Oh, a money transfer tax, huh?
Yeah, securities transfer tax, with every transaction.
A sales tax for Wall Street.
What's a sales tax in Texas, Alex?
Seven percent.
Seven percent.
If you can pay seven percent, how come Wall Street can't pay one percent?
Make that a demand.
And that's on everything that goes through.
Well, that would slow down a lot of the blind putting and all the rest of it.
And you'd apply that in Chicago, too.
And if it's a quadrillion dollars of derivatives, and maybe two-thirds of that in the U.S., say $650 trillion,
If you take 1% of that, you get $6.5 trillion of tax revenue.
That would go a long way towards guaranteeing the permanent future of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the entire social safety net, which I think are absolutely indispensable.
Ron Paul thinks that these are things to get rid of.
I just want a free country.
I just want stability to be able to raise my family.
But now we go into waters.
Very dangerous.
Well, that's Governor Kaine here in Virginia.
He's not distinguished.
I think the main thing, of course, is Obama.
The point about the election is this is not yet determined.
This is open-ended, and we better seize the time.
The big thing is the scandal dossiers.
Obama does not run on issues.
Obama runs on the fact that he's a messiah.
Therefore, if you try to fight him on issues, it's impotent.
It doesn't work.
You've got to tear down the messiah.
That means ad hominem attacks, scandals.
Here are the scandals that I see.
And all the rest.
One is the Chicago corruption, Resco, Alci, Al-Samari, the three Levantines, the three Syrian or Iraqi Arabs that are behind him.
And these are all three convicted felons, all three embezzlers on a grand scale, millions and millions, hundreds of millions of dollars in some cases.
That's part of his financial machine.
Secondly, the Weathermen terrorists, the bombers,
Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dorn, and a whole clique of other unreconstructed, unrepentant weathermen who are part of his machine.
They're his personal advisors.
Ayers is probably the guy who gave Obama the biggest break he ever got in his career.
That's the second level.
Third level is this, what I call the Ford Foundation Church of the Final Counterinsurgency.
In other words, Trinity United Church of Christ, Jeremiah Wright, Dwight Hopkins, a Ford Foundation fellow, Otis Moss III, another Ford Foundation grant recipient, James Cone.
That is this black liberation theology, which is essentially a doctrine of hatred and to perpetuate racial conflict rather than to get rid of it.
Another level.
Larry Sinclair and Donald Young.
Donald Young, the choir master of that church, found dead right before Christmas of last year.
He was the gay choir master in Wright's Church.
Larry Sinclair is a gay man who said that he had a homosexual encounter twice with Obama in 1999, with Obama using crack cocaine.
I would urge people to look into Larry Sinclair, his allegations.
It's been up on the internet since the middle of January.
And it turned out it was fake, yeah.
Ilyas Akhmadov is living here in Washington at U.S.
government expense, taxpayer expense.
He gets an apartment, a secretary, an office, a travel budget, a PR budget, and a nice stipend that most people could not afford.
And the reason he's here is because Big New Brzezinski lobbied, because Big New Brzezinski is so consumed by hatred of Russia that he wants Akhmadov here.
And then we have this Get Whitey tape, the famous Hate Whitey tape by Michelle Obama, which is clearly in the air and is likely to be brought out after the Democratic Convention is over.
I would just say to the people on the Republican side,
Don't be like that Japanese Admiral at the Battle of Midway, trying to get everything perfect before you launch the attack, because you may get hit first, as the Elliott Spitzer case shows.
So that tape is in the background.
So we've got at least six or seven layers.
All right, Webster, stay there.
We've just got 20 minutes left.
We're going to open the phones up at 1-800-259-9231.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You know what I don't care.
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You know what I don't care.
You know what I don't care.
You know what I don't care.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are carrying his book.
I think it's important.
Information, Obama, The Postmodern Coup, available at InfoWars.com.
This book is now sold out.
We're going to the few places you can get it.
They're doing another reprint right now.
We have a couple hundred of them right now in my bookstore, right here in the room next to me.
Online bookstore, Infowars.com.
Get it today.
Obama, The Post, Modern Coup, Webster, Griffin, Tarpley.
While you're at it, get Truth Rising, my new 9-11 film.
Endgame blueprint for global enslavement.
Hey, Tarpley, have you seen my new film, Endgame, yet?
I'm afraid I haven't.
I've been just doing Obama, Waldo, Waldo, Obama.
Let me tell you one thing, though, Alex.
In Amsterdam, I was just in Amsterdam, Holland, last Tuesday, to give a talk in the series.
They had their docs at the docks.
They have it every couple of months.
They'd had Cynthia McKinney, they'd had a few others, and eventually they got to me.
The main anti-Bilderberg publisher in the Netherlands is a guy called René van Praag.
And he gave me an idea that I wanted to share with you that you should write a book in addition to everything else you've done.
You should somehow boil down your approach to things into a book and he would be
Interested in looking into it with you.
He's put out a tremendous thing.
It's a comic book called Agent Orange.
It's an attack on Prince Bernard, the founder of the Bilderberg Group, showing Bernard as an SA, stormtrooper, and otherwise, you know, Nazi, back in the 1920s and 30s.
So, the guy's got some pretty good things going in his publishing house.
So, maybe you need to get into the book dimension in addition to everything else.
I did put Descent into Tyranny out, and we are working on a book right now, 1984-1776 is the name of it, and it's basically an overview of everything we do and what our philosophy is, so that's a good idea.
Let's cover any other issues you think are important, Webbs, before we take calls.
Just one more, just so people can keep on top of it.
The face of false flag terrorism in the future, right?
Again, I don't think it's going to be Islamic fundamentalist anymore.
The only place they use Islamic fundamentalism now is to invade Northwest Pakistan.
But let me just tick off a bunch of faces, and then you can put together the composite
Of the next false flag.
One of the reasons the ruling elite wants Obama is they think, with Obama, you could do false flag again, because Obama could say it, and then they would believe it.
Whereas if McCain or Hillary said it, they wouldn't believe it.
And that was in the Atlantic Monthly from Andrew Sullivan.
The new face.
The Unabomber.
Ecological terrorism.
Earth first.
This kind of stuff.
Secondly, the guy that I just mentioned, Ilyas Akhmedov.
As a figure for Chechen terrorism, and of course it's not just Chechen terrorism against the Russians, but it's every little group, the Basques...
That's the Roman management system.
And again, the Bernard Lewis plan, of course, just balkanization, right?
Divide and conquer.
Kazimierz Czach, remember him?
The northern Illinois shooter.
The guy who was a student who had left-wing social concerns.
He was concerned about social justice.
And of course, Cho.
But the shooter at Virginia Tech, a psychotic student, but of course, look at him.
He looks like he's Chinese.
He's Korean, but close enough.
He's not a Manchurian shooter.
He's a Korean shooter right next door.
So a Chinese who's crazy and who's shooting.
Another one, Litvinenko.
Litvinenko of the KGB.
Remember him?
The radiological terrorism case in London.
So a Russian with nuclear terrorism.
And then finally this FARC, right?
The Betancourt.
They did a whole media circus around this guerrilla movement, supported to some degree by Venezuela, or at least verbally, that operates inside Colombia.
The goal there is typical Brzezinski.
When a neocon looks at Venezuela, the neocon says, bomb them right away, invade them.
Brzezinski says, you can't do that.
You're too weak.
You're too isolated.
You're too bankrupt.
All right, Webster, we're going to take this break and come back with you in the final segment and take phone calls.
Don't do it.
Everybody stay with us.
We're interviewing the author of Obama, The Postmodern Coup, Webster Griffin Tarbley.
Get the book at InfoWars.com right now.
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If we don't expose the government-sponsored terror, they're going to commit more acts and bring in martial law.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Final segment with Webster Griffin Tarpley.
I did find his Canada speech.
Very interesting, to say the least.
You just type into Google v911truth.org and watch it.
It's very interesting.
I was watching some clips during the breaks, but I did identify and find that.
But I can understand his fears and looking for the establishment, trying to find some popular movement to hijack, but that certainly wasn't Ron Paul.
That certainly wasn't what we saw there, and that was clear to me, and I think he's been very, very healthy for the planet and for people out there to think and understand the Federal Reserve is not their friend, the inflation tax, everything that's happening.
I want to go to Peggy Lynn, Don, Nina, and others here in a moment.
Webster, in the 15 minutes or so we have left, or 14 minutes we have left with you, but
In closing, what do you think is going to happen with the economy?
What are the bankers that own the planet planning to do with that?
We know it's a carbon tax paid directly to them and some other things, but I want Webster Tarpley's take on that.
Well, the Obama program, as he suggested in that, no SUVs, no eating as much as you want, no setting the temperature where you want, is going to be extreme austerity, but with left cover.
For the polar bears to save the planet, global warming, this entire demagogic package of Al Gore and
By the way, let me just show people this.
This is Infowars.net story.
British kids encouraged to become climate cops.
Ads in all the major newspapers saying, report on your parents, create a dossier on them, watch them, report on them.
They wear red, black, and white uniforms with khaki Nazi outfits.
And there's a polar bear there behind them.
Who's their buddy?
Or a panda, of course.
So anyway, it's going to be killer austerity, crushing austerity.
My calculation is the U.S.
living standard is already down 60% from the LBJ period approximately.
Cut that in half again, under the auspices now of left cover.
If there's a strike wave, they want Obama in the White House to be able to break
A nationwide strike wave or general strike, which might well emerge.
And on the global scale, it's the same thing.
Now, none of this will make any difference, because remember, what's coming down is 1,000 trillion of derivatives.
One quadrillion of derivatives have gone into reverse leverage.
And the total crisis, according to other economists we talked to, is 6,000 trillion.
Well, that's an interesting figure.
I'm just going... I'm going by derivatives, and I think the best estimate I could get is about one quadrillion.
So it's one thousand trillion, but I would perfectly... I was assuming to me that it would probably be up to 1.2, 1.5, or up to 6.
Who says 6, Alex?
Well, I've had a lot of different guests on saying the total amount of debt packages, credit cards, mortgages, all the different types of derivatives and leveraging out there, they say it's around $6,000 trillion.
So we're talking $6 quadrillion.
Well, that of course makes it even worse.
You can see, the value of the... But no, you're right.
I mean, you're right.
They say with just derivatives alone, certain types, we're at $1,000.
Well, this obviously is a black hole that can consume the Earth, because the total value of the planet Earth and everything in it at current rates is about 100 trillion at the very most.
So 6,000 trillion, you can see just out of the ballpark.
There is no way to use austerity to prop up these bankrupt structures.
No, they're just preparing us to be slaves.
But they're going to try.
And it will fail.
So you'll have basically the decline of civilization unless somebody stops it.
Now, in the middle of all that, though, I would say, remember, defeat the number one option of Wall Street.
It's clearly Obama.
Obama is the facelift for imperialism.
He's the credibility for false flag.
He's the ability to carry out austerity and strike-breaking on the home front.
If you defeat Obama, you will have defeated the entire banking establishment and the controlled corporate media.
That would then lead to an open field
Again, if it were McCain, it would be a period of intense fighting and gridlock in the Congress, between the Congress and the President, which would be ideal for radicalizing things, in my view, in a New Deal direction, so that you'd get powerful measures for economic recovery that cannot be this free market stuff, but have to be powerful state interventions to get things going again.
In other words, what worked
In the 1930s, and what would work again is distinct from, well, Bush.
Bush is a reincarnation of Herbert Hoover.
Yeah, well, see, I disagree with you on the Webster.
I agree with everything you've said about the world, you know, geopolitical landscape, what's happening, who's behind what.
And just like Ron Paul disagrees with you, I disagree with your solution of more government.
Now I understand the magical plan of angels in government that would direct the largess towards the people and redistribute it.
It isn't going to work.
The New World Order crowd controlled the left and the right.
They controlled the attempted fascist coup with Bush's grandfather behind it.
And they controlled FDR, and so that's where we really differ, Webster.
I think it's a mistake to say they controlled FDR.
They tried to kill him even before he got into office with that attempted assassination in Miami, and then they tried to organize the Morgan coup to overthrow him.
As the McCormick-Dixton Committee showed.
Let's go ahead and talk to Peggy in Pennsylvania.
Peggy, you're on the air.
Lately I'm beginning to think that this show is just another disinformation show and I'll tell you why.
It's much ado about nothing.
Ron Paul came along and he seemed to be the perfect candidate for the typical American.
Intelligent as well as just a normal type of guy.
But all of a sudden he steps down with no... and it was a surprise to all of us.
Hold on, hold on, ma'am, you've made quite a claim here.
Ron Paul lost, and we all asked him to run, so we can't be mad at him for not, quote, winning, but he did win tens of millions of hearts and minds, and people did find out about the New World Order and the North American Union and the Trans-Texas Corridor that's in trouble now.
I mean, that's just an amazing – we have all different types of gifts and ideas here, and this is a place for you to think, a place for you to find information and check what we say.
I mean, I'm doing the best I can.
Alex, he lost because of the corruption in the government.
I'm not going to mention any particular... So how are we bad right now?
I want to hear it from you.
Alright, I'll tell you.
I saw the takeover of Ohio from my own perspective and I know who did it.
I won't mention any names or anything like that.
But there is a force behind this that is not being mentioned.
And Mr. Tarpley, for instance, claims that he wants Hillary as a substitute because she's easier... Wait a minute, ma'am.
Let me ask you a question, Peggy.
Did we screen your phone call?
He knew it was me, if that's what you're asking.
Uh, yeah.
Pardon me?
The guy that answered me knows my voice and he knew it was me.
Let's bring John in here right now.
Ma'am, we don't screen phone calls unless people die.
Alex, please don't do this.
Are you a schizophrenic?
Let me guess, I bet you think the world revolves around you and we all know who you are.
Ma'am, I don't know you from Adam.
Alex, shame on you.
Shame on your life.
Are you a schizophrenic?
I never thought that you would say that.
You are a schizophrenic, aren't you, you nutcase?
How dare you?
Alright, let her go.
Bring John Harmon in here.
You know, I'm tired of these schizophrenics on the internet.
I am really sick of them and their craziness and the fact that people will believe them.
They call in here.
One yesterday called and said the Earth orbits around her and, you know, basically they're the Queen of England and that's the end of it.
And they call in here and then we don't screen your calls and they lie and say we do.
John Harmon, come in here.
Yeah, the question was, do we screen calls, and she answered yes.
I did recognize her voice because she calls in every day, but that doesn't mean we screen calls.
We put her on air.
I don't know who she is.
Yeah, exactly.
We put her on air, asked for her name and where she's calling from, and that's it, and she volunteered.
She said she disagreed with you and Tarpley.
So she went to the head of the line and that was it.
That's Obama, absolutely!
Yeah, my whole issue is that this is a show, a platform for you, the listeners, and our guests, and I take a call and it's, you know, we know who she is.
I don't know who you are, ma'am.
And you're saying that we won't say who really runs things, but then you won't.
You could have said whatever you wanted here, but you chose to do that, and that's part of the meltdown of our society.
Let's talk to Lynn in Toronto.
Lynn, you're on the air, go ahead.
Go ahead, Lynn.
Hi, I'm not an ex-queen at all, I'm just Lynn.
Lynn, did we screen your phone call?
Nope, you just said, thank you, please hold, I'll put you through.
Now, I'm tired of being accused of this.
Go ahead.
At no point have you screened my numbers, you know, and that woman...
She seems to me she could not be specific about anything, you know, and I find the people I'm fighting with up here, same thing.
They hit you with a bunch of things, and I think just trying to make... What's happening is some of the zombies are being woken up, and I'm not trying to be mean to this lady, but I mean others.
And they know the government's bad now, but then they can't tell what else is going on.
Tarpley, you ever run into that?
Well, you have these Obama trolls, right?
That's what I find.
Oh, you think that might be it?
She doesn't like it?
Yeah, sure.
As soon as you're wrapping Obama, a bunch of trolls come out of the woodwork.
Oh, he didn't win in Ohio, did he?
I'd love to know who took over Ohio.
I would have liked her to name the names, but maybe another time.
Yeah, but we're censoring here.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Lynn, anything else?
You know, you're always talking about the police and the fact that they're not educated properly and dangerous here and dangerous there.
No one ever talks about a group of people like up here in Canada.
We've got them at the private corporation and they now have police powers and they're very, very anti-public.
Like, very, very anti-the-people and totally unaccountable.
Yeah, they're setting up these citizens' squads.
They have them in England now.
Well, this comes in the form of what they call a humane society.
The Toronto Group operated legally for many years.
And the government here in Ontario totally sucks up to them.
And I'm sitting back and saying, why?
They don't give a damn about animals.
Why are they supporting groups who couldn't care less?
They've devastated people here in Ontario.
Well, they use something that sounds reasonable like animals to get you in the process of tattling and spying, then they move it over into regular spying.
Do you agree, Webster?
Again, I think that the big danger right now is this idea of grassroots movements around extreme ecology, animal rights, anything like this.
This can become the breeding ground for the next generation of false flesh.
Folks, the book is Obama, the Postmodern Coup.
Webster Griffin Tarbley.
Webster, you're doing a great job.
Let me have you up again in the next few weeks for another interview so we can finish up, okay?
I'd be delighted, Alex.
Thank you very much.
We're going to call you today and set you back up.
Thank you, Webster.
All right, we'll be back.
I've got a key Willie Nelson announcement and then Mark Hornke.
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I think so.
I think so.
We're good.
We're going to be putting out more information by the end of the week, more specifics.
You'll probably hear Willie Nelson back on Friday or maybe even on the Sunday show to announce it in his own words.
You know, he was here in studio with us last Wednesday.
We had him on air last Wednesday.
And I had been wanting to have him on about the impeachment hearings about, you know, pushing to not attack Iran.
I called him up that Wednesday.
He said, well, I'll just come on today.
So we had him on.
We're good to go.
Everything you've heard about him is really the way he is.
Somebody can drive by and flip him off and throw something in his car and he'll say, well, that fella's having a bad day.
I mean, he's really just smooth, great guy.
And he's been anti-establishment for a long time, but I've now learned for 10 years he's been listening to the show, watching the TV show in Austin.
He lives here most of the year in Hawaii, the rest of it.
And really woke up to the New World Order.
And then I was having an event a few
I guess about eight months ago, when Endgame came out, and all of a sudden people said, Willie Nelson's here.
And I was like, yeah, right.
And all of a sudden Willie Nelson walked around the back counter where I was signing DVDs and shook my hand and said, I really appreciate the great job you're doing.
And I gave him my info, he gave me his, and he said, I'll be talking to you.
A few months later, he called me, and then was a guest on the show, and the rest is history.
But to make a long story short, I started talking to him Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
We are doing an event.
It's locked in.
And it is going to be a free event.
It is going to be free.
A free Willie Nelson event.
And he is basically, I said, hey, you're the boss, you tell me what to do or you have somebody else do it and I'll try to, you know, raise the money for the free event or whatever.
He said, no.
He said, you know, you just basically run it.
Invite a bunch of big bands.
I'll invite some friends of mine.
Once they hear I'm involved, a lot of big groups are going to want to come.
He's got Firemade coming up with Neil Young and a bunch of other people, September 20th.
This is going to be in October.
I will tell you that it is going to be in October.
That is when you're going to have this event.
I was going to announce it tomorrow, but things got nailed down today.
But still, for reasons of espionage and other things, I'm not going to get into specifics probably until Friday or maybe even next week.
But this is the kind of emails I get from Willie.
I've talked to him, of course, personally over the phone, but emails as well back and forth.
Why don't you put out the word that we are looking for other acts and let's see who wants to play.
I think there'll be a lot.
And that's in response to my email.
Thanks, Willie.
I'm glad that we've nailed down the date.
I'm going to call Ventura tomorrow to give him the date.
I've got to do that when I get off air today.
The bleep of 11 is only two and a half months away, so I don't want to wait too long getting the details on how you want this to go down.
And that was the response to this that he sent me here.
And also, he said he wants it to be a free event.
And another email yesterday.
I'm supposed to call in the last two days.
I'm so busy I can't even call Willie Nelson up.
I'm gonna be doing that after the show today.
And I gotta call Ventura.
He already said he would come in September or October.
He leaves back to Mexico in November.
Ventura going public for 9-11 Truth here.
You may see some other big people go public for 9-11 Truth at this.
It's going to be about 80% don't attack Iran, don't take us into World War III, but it's also going to be 9-11 Truth when you've got a Ventura and some other surprise guests that are going to be coming.
And this stuff falls right in my lap.
I mean, it is providence, ladies and gentlemen.
It is providence and
We could have a paid event for $10 or whatever, guaranteed $30,000-$40,000 will show up.
The place we've got can take $60,000, but there's not parking for $60,000.
There's parking for about $35,000.
So, folks, you better understand that you're going to have to get bussed in or something to this, because this sucker's capacity is exactly $60,000.
And I think we're going to fill it.
So, I mean, this is going to be absolutely incredible.
Alejandro Jones.
Willie's coming in with his whole band.
Some other big people are probably going to be coming in.
That's a big donation for them.
I mean, their crews are costing them twenty, thirty grand per event.
So they're already giving huge amounts.
Willie is and everybody else through that.
I've got a...
I'm just gonna, I gotta spend my kids' college money on this.
No, we're probably gonna have t-shirt sales there.
Hopefully that'll pay for it.
If not, I'm gonna pay for it.
I'm not gonna ask for donations for it at this time.
It's just, we're doing it.
It's free, baby!
And that's the way it goes!
And I'm not gonna let anybody in on exactly the date yet.
But you'll probably hear Nelson pop in in the near future.
What a show today!
Webster Tarpley.
We've had Stan Monteith and Lindsey Williams on.
We've got Webster Tarpley coming on again next week.
And we've got Mark Cornikey in studio.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Come in with that uh... I'm not gonna ask for donations for it at this time it's just we're doing it it's free baby and uh that's the way it goes and I'm not gonna let anybody in on exactly the date yet but you'll probably hear Nelson pop in in the near future.
What a show today Webster Tarpley we've had uh
Stan Monteith and Lindsey Williams on.
We've got Webster probably coming on again next week.
And we've got Mark Korneke in studio.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Listener, ask yourself, can I be deceived?
Matthew 24 states four times.
In the last days, many will be deceived.
There are many ideas about the mark of the beast and the Antichrist.
What do you know about the beast, its mark, and the Antichrist?
Is the beast a superpower nation or a giant computer in Belgium?
Is its mark an implanted chip, a tattoo, the national ID card, or 666?
Is the Antichrist a person, title, or both?
Some believe these things are in the future.
I think so.
May I have everybody's attention, please?
I've come with a message of information.
9-11 was an inside job.
Do you like being a puppet, sir?
Do you like being a puppet for the New World Order?
How do the American people know that 9-11 was a stage?
Was it engineered by you, David Rockefeller, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR?
Seven years after the attacks of September 11th, a global awakening has taken place.
An inside job?
How dare you?
If you know that there's treason going on, you can be held accountable for treason yourself.
All hell is breaking loose on 6th Avenue.
And if the government has not told the truth in 5 years, we will be here on the 10th anniversary of 9- Truth Rising.
Download the film at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
Or get the DVD at Infowars.com.
It's now time to take the revolution to the next level.
You ever have one of those days where everything goes right?
First, I get the best parking space at work.
Tonight, I have a date with a very lovely Rachel.
And today, I gave a killer presentation in Sydney, finalized a contract in London, and demoed our new product in Boston.
Online, from my desk, with Webex.
Webex lets me take meetings and give presentations from my desk.
I just talk to clients on the phone, and they watch what's happening on my desktop from their desktop.
So I can travel the world and still
We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which
By any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making the planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under a specific condition.
We have to work with dark side, or we're gonna spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will
Willie Nelson was saying in an email last night to go ahead and announce it.
Then I got another one from him about 10 minutes ago that I just read during the break about another location.
So, you know what?
It might be a place with 20,000, a place with 60,000.
We're trying to nail this down.
So whoever puts a YouTube together, my earlier announcement, make sure that it's on there.
That's why this stuff just makes me pull my hair out, because that's why I don't even subconsciously want to do things like this, because then I have to worry about making sure it comes off right.
We were just playing Walter Cronkite calling for world government and saying he sits at the right hand of Satan.
These people are in your face, another Bohemian Grove member.
What a wild day.
I found out last night
Because one of my engineers went down to the event.
He called me and said, Oh, I was just down at Brave New Books.
Mark Hornke was in town.
I said, Oh, is it still going?
He said, No, it's about to end.
I don't have time to go down there, but I want to meet him in person.
I feel like I know him.
I've interviewed him so many times over the years, going back into the mid-90s.
And then when he got back out of prison being set up now, I said, Try to set it up for tomorrow.
Well, they were able to get him before he left town.
He's with us for the rest of this hour.
And we're going to go into overdrive today.
We're on AM and FM right now, but in about 25 minutes, the main transmission will end.
But we'll do about 20 minutes of overdrive.
I'd do 5 hours of overdrive if Cornkey could do it.
Also, I have to deal with this concert and about 10 other insane things that are going on right now.
So as we try to
Finally nailed down this concert that's going on and I want it to be free, they want it to be free too, but who knows what's going to happen here when you're dealing with superstars like this.
But getting into the whole geopolitical realm, Mark Kornke in studio with us.
Mark, good to have you here.
Hey, nice to have you, Alex.
You know what, it's always fun to be down here because down here in Texas we know it's the big state and it's got big hearts and we've got big hospitality.
That's exactly what we've seen all the while we've been here.
We're down here going crazy, man.
And getting hot, too, because, guys, you can fry out on the pavement right now.
Not quite as much as Arizona, but it's getting close there.
So we brought eggs, bacon, and if it's a little warmer here after one, we'll do just fine.
But, yeah, it's been a great time while we've been here.
Appreciate it.
And I want to say thank you to all the people who made it possible, because, you know, we've been flying on the cuff.
We haven't really set a schedule.
Everybody that's needed us here, we've taken care of it.
Mark, you're here in person.
What has it been like in your life when she woke up to the New World Order in the late 80s and now, you know, being one of the leaders of the re-founding of the Patriot community exploding in the 90s, being sent to prison on trumped-up charges with the police on their own squad car running off the road?
I mean, it's been quite a saga for you, and I think it's just beginning.
Well, we've actually been very, very busy, as you know, and as you get into this, you find out there's so much more to do, and that's exciting in and of itself, because you get a chance to meet all the people that are out there, and there's a lot of people, like you said, that have been in this before us, that passed the torch on, and we're now doing the job that they did at one time.
In fact, they didn't have the tools we have.
Look at the great trinkets we have to work with, that they get the word out.
In the past, remember, it used to be, would you like to see a mimeograph?
Think about a U.N.
document, State Department document 7277.
Right, exactly.
And it would be the one thing that they had to work with.
Today, we have virtually every media tool at our disposal that our enemy hoped to manipulate and control.
And our enemy was in the old mindset where they could go to a world governance conference and where all these world leaders and Walter Cronkite could call for world government.
Now we can go get those old tapes and string 20 of them together with prime ministers and leaders calling for it and say, oh that doesn't exist.
Or we can, through Judicial Watch,
Go sue and get North American Union documents.
In the past we did that, but you said to hand them out.
Now we can give them to millions.
Right, and the other fascinating thing is don't forget that while Walter was telling you all about certain things from one direction, he's also the right hand of Satan!
In his own words.
Can you believe he said that?
Well, again, you know, we remember, wasn't it with Bohemian Grove, as I recall, who was the voice in the background for so many years?
Walter Cronkite.
So let's see.
So do you think when people use certain words, especially when you see a statement made like that, even if he was trying to work off the cuff,
That inventory, that process that he used that became a public statement, was sitting somewhere in his subconscious in some way.
He didn't just pull that out of his back pocket.
Usually that represents or demonstrates a mindset, a track, an ideology, a school of thought.
And when you capture it like that, they figure it's a nano-moment that'll never be captured and brought back again.
After all, it's futile resistance.
Because that was done before the internet age.
That's right.
So now we brought it back from the future, you know, back from then to the future.
And that's one of the things for a lot of your listeners right now.
There's a lot of new people that are out there listening maybe for the first time.
But let's say that they've gotten to the internet because they're retired.
Now, you're listening out there right now, and you have a collection of beta tapes, or VHS tapes, or you were in an industry where you even saved part of what you did reel-to-reel.
Or old satellite feeds.
That's right.
There are old files sitting there where people are listening, and when you hear what you hear on the programming like this during the breaks or when we come back... It hits a tumbler.
We need your help, too, because you may have the rest of what we don't have.
And remember that if you can access and work together with us, we're going to get it out.
And now it won't be just that nanobyte back in 1964.
Now it's the truth brought forward to the year 2008.
Think of what a tool that is.
And it's happening more and more.
That's right.
So it's changing the dynamics of the battlefield, which is what we've been doing.
The other side, well, let's put it this way.
I walk all over the place.
I go all over the place.
And I also make a point of doing something everybody listening should do.
Do not hesitate to speak.
Silence and inaction is consent.
That's right.
It is action.
That's the best way to describe it.
Remember, the lack of motion is not an inaction.
The lack of motion is one of many choices.
If you fail to move, your enemy can either... There are two situations.
You can fail, you can stop the motion so that you allow your enemy to move into a position where you can attack them better, or
If you fail to move, and they're on the offensive, you simply become enveloped and overrun.
Well, in this case, the whole idea, there's a lot of people out there with all this cool technology that they may have used in the past, and they're thinking, well, it's obsolete!
I've got MP3, I've got... No!
You have sound bites and you have bits of information and evidence that incriminate and demonstrate over and over again the true culpability of an enemy that we've been facing off and successfully working against.
Think about what we've done in the last 20 years.
Think about what we've done in the last 10 years.
And again, look at the personalities that are coming forward, just like you've described in the program here, that are actually able to lever
Many, many other people.
Now, I'm going to say this.
Alex, you've got a lot of people.
If you have one personality that comes forward, consider this.
It's kind of like when government says, well, I got four letters in the mail.
People say, well, that's not significant.
The old formula was, if they got four letters on a subject, they knew that so many hundred thousand people were actually thinking the same thoughts.
In every situation, just like with these personalities, if you're affecting one or two people that will more than willingly come forward and express their position,
That means that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of others that, given that final push, become part of the wave that supports your effort.
And that's what's happening right now.
That's what you're on the edge of.
Most everybody can see this.
They sense it.
They smell it.
They feel it.
They taste it.
They touch it.
And that's where we are with why everybody must speak out.
Don't worry about the character that was ridiculing you a year and a half ago.
You know what he does now?
He does this, Alex.
He looks down at the ground.
He'll look over at anyone, but he will not look at you when you're speaking about it.
Well, that is the phenomenon now.
But not just looking down, so many people planted those seeds.
You know, in farming, you might have seeds from two years ago, ten years ago, six years ago, that are called volunteers.
They sprout up later.
Or they wash up underneath something and then wash back out.
And that's the same thing.
We've planted billions of seeds.
Millions sprouted before, now millions more are sprouting.
And it's almost like we're putting, in the infall war, landmines out.
But these landmines don't kill people, they unlock minds.
Exactly, in people's minds.
Knock down walls.
And so now, we have littered everything with these landmines, and it is unlocking people's minds.
It is, you know, the tumblers are unlocking, and they're remembering everything we told them, everything we said, and it's all happening.
And the most important thing is, this is part of what is the first phase.
For years I've argued, it's not like you just walk up a series of steps.
Each tier, first of all, you've got to acknowledge the idea that something's different, something's wrong with your environment.
And so that's like pulling yourself up to the next step with virtually every ounce of energy you have in your body.
You think, ah, now I'm at the plateau where I can see everything.
And what you see first is the next step.
You realize as you've now opened your eyes, there's something else going on.
Mark, what do you think we're going to see happen in the next six months, next year, next two years unfolding?
I mean, give us your projection.
Well, actually, again, we have the sliding timeline.
Number one is we have Jorge Bush, the second, the best president Mexico has probably ever had, and will.
We have, perhaps, a person who's looking to create a duchy out of Texas.
We're good to go.
As is traditionally the case, if he gets us into a conflict overseas, what's the argument?
Well, we're already in it!
What did we hear with Iraq?
Well, now that we're in it, we can't back out!
Now, getting us into Iran, especially being a quack, quack, quack, quack, isn't he a lame duck?
That would be one option, but here's the problem.
What if, quack, quack, quack, quack, instead of being a lame duck, he becomes a lion?
And decides to grab hold of the meat and stick?
And that's the most realistic scenario, between a combination of an attack inside the United States, a 9-11 type scenario, which everybody's been talking about, and an attack on Iran, which of course would be an aggressive, a war of aggression, just like the first war of aggression we've been in, you know, with Iraq.
You're going to see a situation where there will be greater and greater response from outside the United States and the international community.
Now, there's two attitudes, and we've already heard this and you're seeing this.
We need to take Americans to the international court.
Now, I understand that that sounds good.
And that sets the precedent for it.
Well, it's the same thing in England.
They have all this tyranny, and then the EU keeps ruling for liberty, but inside the EU it's total tyranny.
They're only setting the precedent in people's minds that that's the court of justice.
And then all of a sudden we go to a higher tier, alien to the United States, outside American jurisprudence.
And so it's, for them, their perception is one way or another they can make this a win-win.
In other words, how do you take and turn a, you know, a mud pie into a, you know, something edible?
You have to, you know, one way or another, even though it looks bad for us, for them, they're directing the actions in such a way that if we decided that we're going to, well, we can't really deal with this in the American system, we'll take him to the world court.
Taking them to the World Court means that we then have no... I mean, what's the appeals process with this?
Where do you go?
And how do you control or regulate a process that is so far away from the people that there is no control or regulation?
That once, as we've already seen with centralized American government,
If you let all the power gravitate to a position so far away you can't see what's going on, the scallywags gravitate there, how can anybody with any intelligence argue that the United Nations, the World Court, and all of these other structures, who would answer now to no one,
Wouldn't gravitate to the exact same policy that we were already complaining about with Washington.
Well, they constantly do this.
Clinton's so evil, Bush is going to come in and save us.
Clinton's been so bad, now Bush is the savior.
And then, okay, we get George Bush, and now he's been really bad, so Barack Obama is going to save us.
And it's the same left-right paradigm, or Tory versus Labor.
Where they control both sides, and I know this is simple to the listeners, but the general public doesn't understand this, and it's literally just a new sheet of paper for the birdcage liner, and then after four to eight years they remove that piece, or be it six years in England or whatever, and they just remove it.
Same thing in Israel, same thing in Germany.
We have to get back to basic issues to try to explain this to the public, issues of liberty.
A lot of people thought Bill Clinton was going to go for martial law because we saw the plans, the executive orders, the gear up, but that started before even Reagan.
It's just gotten bigger and bigger and bigger now where they could try it, but it may be a Barack Obama that does it, it may be a John McCain, but you're saying you think there's a lot of evidence that it may happen now.
Well, that's the first window, is there's a sliding scale.
If Bush decides to make the effort to do this, the problem that we have is how many people, for instance, in the military would actually go along with it.
Well, if there's a terror attack, even if people are awake, it tends to make a lot of people who are on the fence go ahead and get in line.
The way that this would have to be done is, from the military perspective and other people who are in agencies, even who do not go along with or agree with what's happening,
There would have to be a very quick containment bubble to restrict it from expanding into the crisis mode, which is what they want.
And by the way, this isn't a radical thing we're saying.
Under Nixon, the military and others, it was publicly said, and Congress said, do not launch any military operations, do not stage any events.
Right, exactly.
However, go back before that, just exactly something that everybody has disclosed.
You've had it in your videos.
Operation Northwood, which goes back before Nixon.
And Kennedy said no and they killed him.
And that's where, again, when people ask, well, why would they have said that to Nixon?
Inside the system, they already understood, because of the documents that now have been declassified, they knew within the system that that was a possibility.
In fact, it was a probability.
On September 12th, in the Washington Post, they had a Pentagon report put out from the Navy.
Remember that saying, Israel is capable of staging false flag, staged terror events as a pretext to launch a war in the Middle East.
Now again, we had those warnings, those leaks slipping out there.
Somebody declassified Operation Northwoods when it wasn't supposed to be declassified, slipping things out.
So we have a lot of friends inside the government.
The system understands that this scenario, if it's played out, if you're an analyst of any kind, if you're a person working within the system in any way with authority or with responsibility, that you can walk through step-by-step to see the end result.
And it's so obvious now, it goes back to H.G.
Wells, what he stated.
In the Open Conspiracy, said at a given point it would become so obvious that it would be impossible to hide the agenda.
And that at that point it would be the most dangerous for the Ringknockers, for the, you know, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, whoever, the Bilderbergs, in that what would happen is all of their actions could be seen by even the most naive of individuals, or at least they would ask questions.
The problem is that they're not all-powerful.
This is what people make a mistake on.
They want everybody to believe that, but that goes back to the basic rules of warfare, be it European philosophy or Asian, that the basic rule is to convince your enemy that the war is lost before the first... Before the first arrows left the bow, as you said, Sun Tzu, but we're going to go to break and come back with a final main transmission and then do 20 minutes if you can do it in
Overdrive, just for internet audience alone.
PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars stream listeners.
But you're absolutely right about that, Mark.
So we'll come back and get more into those issues with Mark Kornke.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, PrisonPlanet.tv and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll also give you Mark's numbers.
Before he leaves us.
And we're going to come back and talk about Admiral Fallon and some of the other brass leaving.
We'll get his take on what that means.
Stay with us.
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Final segment, the main radio broadcast with Mark Hornke, who's here in town.
It's great to be able to meet him in person.
All these years talking to him over the telephone or on the radio.
We're going to have him on with us for 20 minutes.
That's the 3.20 Central Standard Time.
In fact, I'm going to give you my local studio number for anybody that wants to call in and talk to Mark in that commercial-free segment.
Then on the web, the rebroadcast will begin from the first three and a half hours of the show with Lindsey Williams.
We have back on today Dr. Stan Monteith, Webster Griffin Tarpley, and of course Steve Watson as well.
And that's the issues I wanted to bring up to you, Mark.
He opens up the Sunday paper.
In England, Steve Watson lives in London.
British kids encouraged to become climate cops.
You go to the website, they wear uniforms.
It says, report on your parents, build, it's climatecops.com.
They build a dossier on your parents, you spy on them and report back to the government.
This is what Barack Obama is calling for.
Everything we've said, but they're really announcing it right now.
Your take.
Well, it's interesting, that's exactly where I'd go is, isn't it fascinating?
See, most people say, well this is a unique idea by this dynamic individual who just pulled this out of his hind end.
It was a plastic bag, okay?
It was very messy, very stinky, but he took the plastic bag off and look what he discovered!
When in reality what we see is, and they don't expect this to happen, is for everybody to be able to demonstrate a coordinated effort by a series of individuals who supposedly are disassociated.
Remember, they'll claim, oh, I don't know who that guy is.
Well, wait a minute, okay, the exact same thing that you just proposed here in the United States, this shyster over in England, just dropped in everybody's lap.
And in Australia, they're telling him a new law, four minute showers.
I mean, it's just all about, we control the resources.
Except, you know, and there again, what's fascinating about that is, and again, purely control.
It's just the idea of control.
When you look at the changing technologies, when you have all the conservation and recycling systems in place, why would you have to take a four-minute shower?
The system, you know, for instance, understanding organic... But they're not doing any of the real good environmental stuff.
It's purely designed to get you into the nutcase scenario of being a plebe, you know, being a slave, being a peon.
Oh, no, no.
Otherwise, think about it, with closed system technologies, I got into this years ago, back in the seventies.
Well, I told you it was going to be a rationing car.
Everything you buy is on that.
It also surveils you.
Well, that goes right back to the Soviets.
Remember, people used to stand in line for toilet paper every day.
People used to stand in line for toothbrushes every day.
Making you dependent on the state.
And again, for everybody to say, well if they just gave it a chance.
It killed 100 million people.
It had a chance.
It lasted 70 plus years.
It fogged off into history only so it could be changed.
The amoeba could shift over and drop itself right in the middle of the United States and the unfortunates in England.
And the funny, the comical part about it is, I'm sorry guys, but I would guess that George Orwell was right.
1984, guys, come on!
Well, this is directly out of that.
It's a playbook when you read the website.
Except that an interesting thing.
Years ago, my father had to take some additional college classes.
He worked as an apparatus supervisor in designing equipment for the fire department that he worked for.
And one of the things back in the 70s that came up with these honest college professors who were talking about engineering and also economics, they said, chances are, and this was said, I had a class at Eastern Michigan, he took a class at Eastern Michigan with a totally different professor, and both of them said the same thing.
They said, chances are, within a very short period of time here, we are going to be waging, we're going to have a war waged against us, and we are going to have to fight,
And we're going to have to kill the ecologists, the eco-freaks, because what's going to happen is, they're going to deem, and he said, watch how this works.
They understand it's about getting control of resources.
And killing people.
The bottom line is, what's the agenda you keep hearing?
We've got to kill off 80%.
Well, you know what I say, as I've said before, them first.
You go jump off the cliff like the lemming and let me watch.
Oh, that doesn't look good, Alex.
I don't think we'll do that.
We'll stay here and let the next lemming.
Oh, hey, those ecologists don't bounce very well.
But again, it's about co-opting real environmental and conservation.
That's right.
In other words, we have good projects and policies we can implement.
They're just not being implemented.
Or if they are, the idea is to still keep you on a narrow track that puts you in a time lock 20 years old.
Okay, we're going to be right back in Overdrive, one place to listen, on the streams at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.tv.
In fact, we're just going to continue rolling right now for everybody at InfoWars.com.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Let me give you the toll-free number to call in.
We'll take some calls for 20 minutes, and that's it, because Mark's got to go and I've got things piled to the rafters.
The toll-free number to join us is 888-201-2244, 888-201-2244, or 512-646-5400, 512-646-5400, or 888-201-2244.
And I guess we've got to go ahead and activate the phone system to be able to do that, so call in about 60 seconds.
Mark, continue with whatever you think is important while we have you here in studio.
Well, again, you hit on the right direction.
You're seeing this in publications, just like this brief from England, that it's a totally different age.
In the past, they could have waited.
We wouldn't have known for two or three months, maybe a year, before we found out that, hey, somewhere in an English paper, the London Times or whatever, somebody finally looked on page C14, and lo and behold, here's the exact same thing that was being talked about on the exact same day somewhere in the United States.
The advantage that we have right now is that the information base and the data systems involved are just as much in our command as it is with the enemy.
In fact, more so because their assumption, and for whatever reason, remember we got the thinkers, they got the stinkers, we're in a situation where we're able to cross collate and reference.
The other side seems to assume, and because of the people they chose, they're in a very narrow band.
These people are not the swiftest, you know, they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
Yeah, they're all specialized.
They're all specialized in departmentalization.
The very thing that they're trying to foist upon everybody else is actually becoming their demise.
And the people carrying this out at this level, they think it's good!
Well, again, that's a matter of what Google... I mean the low-level media.
Yes, I'm saying, when you create a police state,
Just like big government, specific criminal minds will gravitate to those positions or control freaks.
And what happens is they may give them another... there's two elements.
One are the zealots who don't care about who they hurt, what's going to happen, because they're into the groove with that.
On the other side you have
Those who literally just would like to hurt people or are into the power factor and they're the ones from the other direction that know they can manipulate the first group and utilize them completely.
So they're the minority in both cases.
This is the comical part about this.
They are not the majority.
They can be neutralized very quickly.
If moose season were to open up tomorrow, there aren't enough moose to go around.
That's why Canada has a moose restricted system, by the way, for hunting.
So that's what we're seeing here.
Everybody goes, well, if they've got spiffy uniforms, they get really cool boots.
Oh, and it's black!
Oh my goodness, yeah, it'll look good on my wall.
Right next to the stuff my dad brought back from World War II.
Japanese uniforms, Japanese swords, you know, it's really cool.
Black uniform, MP5, HK91, hey, they really look great.
They're mine now, by the way.
Well, Mark, I want to say, I mean, you and I are both trying to have a peaceful solution to this and not have World War III.
The point is, is that the public has been trained.
And I've gotten a chance to meet people in business, high-level Hollywood people.
They're just regular folks, too.
A lot of them are awake, too.
People think that I walk on water, or you walk on water, or we're somehow magical, too.
Well, the same goes for people in government.
They think that these elitists are perfect, or invincible, or magic, or different.
No, they're human beings, too.
They're just like everybody else.
I mean, I kind of somewhat thought this myself, that people who were in Hollywood floated on clouds, or that elites were smarter than I was.
Only now, as I, you know, got more prominent and got involved and learned more, I realized, no, that a lot of the people aren't even as smart as I am, and I don't think I'm that smart.
So you're absolutely right.
People need to get past this inferiority complex.
It's not futile to resist.
It is not futile.
You will not be absorbed.
The biggest problem they've got is... Yeah, our movement, so many people have it in their minds that we're beautiful losers and that we can't win, and they freak out when we start winning, thinking it's some type of sellout.
Just the reverse.
No, no, we're prominent.
We're going to wake those people up.
We're going to take the culture over.
That's right.
And one of the things to remember is the other side is not going to.
This is what... Well, let's put it this way.
Have you ever heard your enemy apologize for anything that they say?
We talked about this before.
Yet we're supposed to bend over backwards and apologize for every aspect of our life.
We're supposed to compromise and get in.
You know what?
Like I said, them first.
Everybody has to have that them first.
You know what?
I've got a number ten and a half size military boot here.
I'm going to stick it between the slats of whoever it is that's stupid enough to try and push us around.
I'm going to run his hind end back on down the road, give him a backpack full of rocks, and let him swim halfway back to the spiders.
And that's not that I don't need a peaceful solution, but my problem is this.
Do you talk to a backed-up toilet?
Do you negotiate with a backed-up toilet?
Have you ever done that?
Is anybody out there listening ever done that?
You know how stupid that sounds?
At a given point, you're going to have to go in and get dirty.
In order to make that toilet work again, you're going to have to go in, somebody is going to have to go in and clean things up so that the toilet works again.
Now, you can either, you know, turn your nose to it and then start using a five gallon bucket out behind the house and figure, well, we'll just shut the door on that bathroom.
Or you can enjoy indoor plumbing and civilization by cleaning up the mess.
And that means you don't negotiate with a backed up toilet.
That means that basically you get the plunger and you stomp its hind end.
No, no, I agree with you.
My whole point is a lot of people in the mid-90s and late 90s wanted to go to war.
It is still a solution.
We have a conflict, but my point is we have exposed them, we have politically damaged them, and I thank God it hasn't turned into a shooting war.
Well, in a way, to a degree, the problem with that is we have been successful and we must acknowledge our successes, but we probably would have been better off in a war in 1995.
Because with each step we're going to have a deeper conflict.
I've argued this for years.
If you wait, both sides, in fact our side, is we're not going anywhere.
We're right here where we've been.
We live here.
But your enemy has brought more and more resource to bear, so it will cost you more to win.
But our numbers have swung.
I think we have more resources now than they do.
Exactly, but that's where we get down to the whole argument for years of what's called a battlefield on gimbals.
In other words, both sides are moving towards each other.
The battlefield changes depending upon the amount of weight that moves the pivoting gimbal wall, but at a given point, somebody is going to make contact and come head-to-head.
It's not an if, it is just a when.
Well, it took more than 15 years for it to start in our Revolutionary War.
And again, here, if you look at what we're seeing right now, let me point this out.
That's right.
Well, of course, in England, my personal attitude with them is that unless they turn around and basically ban it, whoever's there right now pushing this program, how are you going to get rid of a bunch of sycophants that are raised as nutcases from youth?
A bunch of little spies on power trips.
In fact, what this is, is these are the interior police.
If everybody, what I've argued for years, and I will do it again... In KVD.
Yes, in Russia, you don't see Hollywood doing any movies about communist Russia.
You can talk about Germany until you're blue in the face,
Before World War II, during World War II, and after World War II, Joseph Stalin killed approximately 100 million people between Georgia, the Ukraine, the Stans, and God knows how many other places.
We can go right on down the shopping list.
Hollywood won't make movies about that because Hollywood liked that.
And because Hollywood was part of that.
No illusion.
You can talk about Germany.
Germany in 1945, while Hitler was dust in Berlin.
Ten years later, Joseph Stalin was still butchering people with reckless abandon, and Holly Weird... And now it's come out, what we always told people, the CIA section chief, I'll never forget about it, seven, eight years ago, on History Channel, and it's now been declassified, and David Rockefeller's written about it in the New York Times and in his books, they put Mao in, and he killed, their government says 60 million in official Chinese records, and we know it's more than
Like 85.
Even the Cultural Revolution in the first year killed 15.5 million acknowledged through intelligence sources in the day.
And this was the starvation of China.
And I've had former White House historians and analysts on, like Richard C. Cook.
I have had Ray McGovern on, former CIA.
I've had all these analysts on.
They say the government is gearing up for a mass culling in the U.S.
They want to fully do that.
Now let me ask you something, guys.
What does that mean?
Because you see, when you give these numbers,
I'll give you an example of how that works.
How many people live in Austin, Texas?
Metro, about a million.
In the city, about 800,000.
So we're looking at 1.5 million to 1.8 million.
We'll use a number here.
In total, it's only about a million.
No, no.
I'm going to say, with the urban.
We're talking about within a reasonable walking distance, there's about 1.5 million people, plus or minus.
It's a little more, but we're going to use that number.
We just gave a number of fifteen million people killed in one year.
In one year, that's ten Austins.
Yeah, now here's a way for people to understand.
I want you to go to the west side of the city, and I want you to imagine walking from one side of the city to the next, and everywhere you go where a person was standing, they are now laying dead.
Every man, every woman, every child, the cats, the dogs, they'd kill everything and anything if they felt it would empower them in some way.
Now, you're not talking one-time Austin.
You're talking in Michigan, for instance, walking from the Upper Peninsula to the bottom of the state with nothing but death before you.
Now, you better all ask this real quick of every American out there, is what do you want of this country?
And here's the thing, do you think you're going to ride this storm out and duck this?
By the way, a lot of you are serving it.
Mainline conservatives giggling and laughing.
I saw an ad on Drudge, a t-shirt saying, I love waterboarding, I'd rather be waterboarding.
If they can do that to somebody else, that's a set of precedent.
They want to do that to you, you little fools.
You own some property, you own some land, you've licked their boots well, you're going to be the first going in the ground.
Yes, in fact you're the first on the menu because you're the easiest one to grab.
That's one of the things that happened with the Cultural Revolution in China.
First on the menu.
It happened in Russia, that's right, it happened.
What about in Cambodia?
Here's a situation where you have a lot of... Anybody who had glasses or had fillings was deemed to be middle class, you were killed.
That's right.
And Zbigniew Brzezinski engineered that and brags about it.
And, in fact, the very voice you hear here with Henry Kissinger, that is one of the demons who absolutely helped to engineer it because he empowered Zbigniew Brzezinski and many others.
That's his protégé.
And conduit.
He created the conduit of resources that allowed them to be able to do it.
Now, they're not working in a vacuum.
And here's the problem, people.
We're not talking over there.
We're talking inside the United States on a scale that most people, that's what bends their mind, is the idea that they have to look at this realistically.
The numbers.
If we go by the litmus test of history, the scale of history, we have demonstrations over and over again of what socialism does.
And if you look at Chinese model versus Russian model versus Ukraine, other places, we're talking, they're probably planning on killing
In the entire multi-phase program, what, 60, 70 million?
If they were to have their way.
But the difference is, unlike Russia, and unlike the... We have guns.
Yeah, we have, we're very well armed.
And if 1% of 100 million gun owners decides to fight, that's 1 million people.
I'd be happy if just, here's the problem, and they don't want anybody to think about this.
Everybody listening has one firearm.
Everybody listening walks out and takes their moose and just walks away from the war.
There are not enough moose to go around.
The black uniformed or blue beret moose are simply not in sufficient numbers.
You don't have to even fight the whole war.
If you went out and just plugged one and let it sit there and twitch,
And strip it for whatever's there, what would they do?
See, what Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, Oh, how we burned in the camps, knowing full well that we had had nothing to lose.
And if we had waited when the mass arrests began, with cudgels and sharp objects, the wretched machine for lack of operatives would have ground to a halt.
So here again, people, what have you got to lose?
What have you got to gain?
Absolutely everything.
You know what?
The only thing I'll say is this.
There's this war, and it is going to be a war, and it'd be nice to say that it'll be peaceful, but it's not going to be because you're dealing with an animal that is a vicious leg-biter.
You ever tried to argue with a dog that's a biter?
There isn't a whole lot of arguing you can do.
You either, A, shoot it, or have a really good 2x4 and smack it side the head and keep her down.
Of course, you can cage it, which would be really good.
It's first containment is a nice idea.
Usually the owner does that, by the way, if he's smart.
But in this case, you're the owner of these dogs.
They plan on just simply letting them run the town.
Well, that's already happening.
Every day, the cops just run up to a guy on a bicycle, no reason, and slam his head in the concrete and then charge him.
And it's on video, and they say, we don't care.
Or throwing a guy off a bridge and tasering him 19 times and laughing.
My whole issue is, you say a lot of police, a lot of people in your family.
Call them peace officers.
That's the difference.
Exactly, peace officers.
They are good.
They're on our side.
They're not doing all of this, so it's certainly not time for going out after moose.
It's a minority issue, first of all, but here's the problem.
There's going to be a given point when you're going to reach the limit, period.
There's just simply that's all there is to it.
And those men, I've had men walk right up to me and say, Hi Mark, you don't know who I am, I'm Deputy so and so.
I just want your look on my face to remember who I am because if I'm in uniform when this starts, the first thing that's disappearing is the uniform and I'm going to be with my family and we're already armed and we're with you.
And the reason they say that is because their perception is that they would like everybody to understand they're not part of this.
And they won't participate.
And I can say this, but I cannot mention names.
I have watched this happen in the last year.
They've already tried to orchestrate something else.
With you?
It already failed.
Yeah, you just spent seven years on video for doing nothing.
They ran you off the road.
Just like they run fifteen feet over the side of the street and knock a guy off a bicycle and then charge him.
Right, exactly.
And the point is that they're pressing the envelope.
But here's the thing.
There are many people, and they will tell you the same thing, that they are expecting to fight because the rabid ones that are chosen for authority
Are not the thinking ones.
You have to get outside this box that you're going to negotiate with a backed-up toilet.
The backed-up toilet, in fact, this one has wheels.
It plans on being rolled down through your neighborhood, okay?
And that's the problem.
Look at him as nothing more than a backed-up toilet.
How do you fix it?
Break out the plunger and get rid of the problem.
Now, we are going to, you do get to choose.
One of the mistakes made here is, I will ask again, I want somebody to go to the National Archives and I want them to show me the vote that took us into the American Revolution.
The American Revolution started on April 19, 1775.
I want you to show me the ballot box and I want you to show me the counting of the votes.
Where is it?
No, it started when they started shooting at each other.
It started when one man said, you know what, I've been out here seven times, Paul made his ride, he told everybody to get up, we all got up, the British came out, the cowards ran, they came out, and eventually, remember when the American Revolution started, the British had to sneak out of Boston.
The Patriot Movement was watching everything that they were doing.
The counties knew that when they moved, they had to mobilize the militias.
And it was made up of all of the people.
And each time they went out, and they stopped.
And they went back.
And each time they went out, they stopped.
And this is part of history that they have to try and delimitate because, wait a minute, they're the most powerful army on the planet.
What were they afraid of?
They were afraid of the people because there weren't enough moose.
Finally, on April 19th, somebody got stupid.
They figured, well, we just got to press the envelope.
One man, probably on our side, probably a 20-year veteran of the French and Indian Wars, said, I'm 62 years old and I ain't getting any younger and I'm not going to do this anymore.
And he voted with a one ounce chunk of lead.
The lead was cast as a, well, residing vote or resounding vote.
It was placed in the red coat ballot box, and then the red coats cast a whole bunch of ballots, the patriots cast a whole bunch of ballots, and the militia withdrew from the election, so to speak, for a little bit of time and ran across the fields out of Lexington proper.
The British collected themselves, went to look for another voting process at Concord, and they found out that they were on the losing side, and the number of votes cast were in favor of the Patriot effort, and the largest military force on the planet, backed by a navy.
And that's the problem with this lawless government and all of its crimes, is it is pushing everyone into a Law of the Jungle scenario, where the cartridge box is now the ballot box.
They're hoping for a reaction.
Notice that I'm not shouting.
I'm responding.
I have a plan.
There are millions of soldiers and former soldiers out there that don't want to fight, but they have a plan too.
And we all understand how to wage war.
It is what we did.
I was a trainer.
I was an OPFOR training commander.
I have managed virtually tens of thousands of men.
That job hasn't changed, and my experience hasn't changed.
And a lot of other men just like me, and men with far more experience with two and three wars under their belt, are on our side simply asking the question, how could the American people be so stupid as to let this happen or put up with it?
At a given point,
Those men are going to cancel.
Let me just list some of the things.
We have illegal aliens who are felons.
The mainstream news admits that's the prize.
A felon who is a foreigner.
They're filling the military up with that.
Foreign troops.
I played Bill Moyers yesterday with Israeli troops in the U.S.
I mean this is now on PBS saying it.
So all of this is going on.
My only point is, I don't want to start a hot war when we are in the Info War destroying them right now.
We are going to have to be ready to do both.
We must be prepared as the militia to, if need be, defend any element of the Patriot movement.
So for you Mark Horny, and we've got to take a few calls here because I've got to go.
What is the line in the sand for you?
I think that if there's a, and again this was planned on for, let's see, we knew as of November of 1994 that in March, from March 21st to March 23rd of 1995 they were planning mass arrests of patriots across the United States.
So you got on air and said they were planning to stage a terror attack?
We told everybody about it and said this is before Oklahoma City.
Remember that would have been the premise for the government doing the bombing and saying the patriots did it.
Now the problem is that Oklahoma City happened in a vacuum.
Because we flat out said here's how it's going to work.
If anybody is picked up, if you try to grab a whole bunch of people, you will die.
I looked right at one person and said, what do you think is going to happen?
I said, the only thing you need to bring is a whole hell of a lot of body bags because ain't nobody going to put up with it and you're going to end up with a whole lot of dead people.
So you're the ones that are going to be at fault for starting this thing, not us, because nobody's going to put up with this anymore.
And that did not happen in a vacuum.
That started in 1988 with the ATF and a series of abuses that went on for five years before Ruby Ridge, where they killed women, they killed men, they attacked people.
Ruby Ridge didn't happen.
Setting precedents, trial balloons.
Progressively moving forward so that by the time they're done, in the year 1993, everybody saw Waco on national television.
And Waco was a progressive, cascading, it was the culmination of five to six years of ongoing abuses.
Now their logic was, I'll keep pressing, I'll keep pressing, after all, you'll have to acquiesce, you'll have to acquiesce.
And they were looking to show them.
I think they were looking to start a fight.
No, they were looking to show you that they could kick at, excuse me, kick rumpus and take names.
And the logic there was to also puff up the infantry that are doing the job because secret... Give them a few victories shooting up churches.
Secret police have to, they have no... They gotta have blood.
They have no spine.
They're cowards.
Okay, just like you see here.
Popping a guy on a bike with three guys with a car or two guys with a car is nothing to me.
That shows me that you're dealing with a pea brain and a thug.
When you attack a church with grandmas, grandpas, women and children and all the working men away, that's what savages do.
They wait till the men were in the field and then they attack the fortress or they attack the town.
The Indians would always attack when the men were in the fields or working because they'd be away from the treasure.
That's exactly what the savages did at Waco, the exact same way.
And everybody saw it on national television and it still failed because what it did is it demonstrated what we tried to explain to everybody behind the scenes long before I did American Peril.
Now the same thing is true now.
It's going to be the same scenario.
At some point they're going to be stupid.
Now if they're smart, they're going to back off and they're going to sit down and maybe do the right thing.
What's going to change that is all these people that are listening saying, I saw what you did and I know who you are.
You're not doing it in a vacuum.
You're not doing it in isolation.
Millions of people know.
Tens of millions of people know.
Here's the thing.
What do you have in your hand?
It's from England!
Not just Americans know.
All of the thinking world knows.
The enemy is in trouble because of that, because there's not, first not a lot of this... Now all this puffing and blustering and black uniforms and festoon with medals is an attempt to intimidate like a beaten wife back into submission.
One of the things I have is a pair of scissors I carry in my combat equipment.
You know what it's for?
I'm looking to try and get at least one of every one of the three-letter alphabet suit patches off each uniform of the ones we've shot.
Because it looks really good on the wall next to the rifles and the hats you've taken, especially the ones with the bloodstains.
You know, war trophies are a fun thing.
Americans are notorious for that.
That's the attitude everybody has to have.
Not this... Oh my goodness!
You're a rabbit!
No, I'm not.
Look at that.
You know what?
See that one there?
You know what, Alex?
I think he's wearing a ten and a half size boot and mine are getting kind of tired.
I'll beat you to him!
Ah, Cornkey, you're something else.
That's the attitude everybody's got to have.
And then again, the other side of the thing, because they're cowards, they are not brave people.
To beat up on Alex by himself on a road, or in a dark alley, or anybody that we know, that's not an act of a man, one-on-one, that's the act of cowards who of course work in packs, when they have to deal with free men and women who stand the line, and in the light of day.
Well, I do want people to know they have strength and power and the enemy is weak.
That's what we need to do.
That's right.
And we need to pray for peace, prepare for war, and we need to prepare to protect our families because there's no doubt this government is completely illegitimate and completely criminal.
At least be ready to feed yourself and take care of yourself.
And Mark, I have to say that you have a lot of courage to say the things you say.
I truly have weighed things and I try.
My job is to wake up as many as I can, to energize as many people as I can, just as you have done and been successful at.
And to just let people know the nature of their enemy so they can make the decisions about what they're going to do.
And then I can point people at you.
I only have time to take two or three phone calls.
Give folks your website.
Okay, real quick here.
Go to www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com.
That's www.libertytreeradio.4mg.com.
And we're also on We The People Radio Network, by the way, wtprn.com.
You'll also find us, if you want to go to YouTube, have some fun guys.
Go to YouTube.
And punch in Liberty Tree Radio.
That's Liberty Tree Radio.
Go to YouTube, punch in Liberty Tree Radio.
You've got some great training videos.
All the videos.
Both of our music videos.
Take a look.
This will give you a chance to see what troops are doing all around the country.
A lot of the training.
And by the way, you will see our new dog, Bruce.
He was 220 pounds when we got him.
He's a black and white dog.
We had to weld two of them together.
One white, one black, and we went schnook.
Ah, no squeezing, only tickle!
Alright, listen, I gotta get some calls here.
Eric in Philly, you are on the air, go ahead.
Hey, wonderful.
Alex, Mark Corky.
You were incarcerated for seven years, Mark, and I believe the main reason you were able to get through that is because you had the unbelievable support of your wife?
Yes, as a matter of fact.
Both Nancy and many friends we had out there across the country.
And your sons.
And all three of the sons of my daughter, too, by the way.
Yeah, because I was actually charged with aggravated assault because the cops said I hit him with my car.
And I had to do three months, and that was very hard, but the thing that got me through it was my family.
Yeah, that's one of their favorite deals, is the... Go right ahead, go right ahead.
It was unbelievable.
I would actually like to send you the info, Mark.
Maybe you could help me out with that.
By the way, you can go to Type Mark Horky on YouTube.
It's one of the hundreds of videos, if you can find it quick, where you can see the squad car video.
Back before YouTube, we aired it on AXS TV, when they were setting you up, and it was the cops were chasing you, and they run you off the road and charge you.
Plus also the dispatch tapes that they didn't think we had because several of the officers were recording their own dispatches.
I'll tell the story now, the rest away.
We had the police officers who knew this was wrong, who did not want to be part of it.
What they did is they had recorded everything.
Well, the sheriff's deputy, the first one following him, he says, why are we following Mark Corky?
Well, we're looking for a bank robber.
What are we following Mark Corky for?
And immediately they said, go to cell phone.
And they were on what is called the command frequency, which is isolated from the dispatch frequency, so command can talk.
And then people ask, why didn't you stop the car?
You had your son with you.
No, I had two of my sons with me.
I got them out of the car is what I did because it was obvious at a given point it became very obvious that they were going to try.
In fact, it was said later in the courtroom.
Did you notice that morning you were being followed and things?
You didn't know what they were planning with your sons.
Right, there was something else going on.
The whole thing, in a nutshell, is the incident itself was orchestrated from beginning to end.
One of the things that came out on the 911 tape is the call from the bank.
Hello, 911.
Yes, we've just been robbed.
Is he right there?
No, he isn't.
Well, where is he?
Well, he just walked out of the front door of the bank, across the street, and over to the Sheriff's Department.
And she goes, what?
Would you repeat that?
Well, we're right here, standing in the bank window, and he went right out the front door, and across the street, and over to the Sheriff's Department.
And it goes dead quiet on the other end.
Now, he then walked across the street, goes to the Dairy Queen, which is only from the distance of here to that store across the street from your office here, and meets with the duty sergeant for the Sheriff's Department.
And then suddenly everybody's after Mark Hornky.
And this is the actual bank robber who absconded with, went into the bank, and took the money.
And this guy, by the way, looks nothing like you.
Nothing like me.
Isn't he tall and gray-haired?
Lean and very thin.
I mean, lean.
Lean and very thin.
Very thin, very thin face.
In fact, I had him on camera.
They knew because they had the cameras.
The bank is all camera'd up.
They had the feeds right there, even as they were... And the sheriff's deputy's on tape going, why are we following Mark Horn?
And the other thing about it... But then other cops show up and run you off the road.
Real quick here, if you'd like to send something to me, pbn...
Box 194, Dexter, Michigan, 48130.
That way, if you need to send any packets or anything, P.B.N.
Box 194, Dexter, Michigan, 48130.
Jay in Florida, quickly, go ahead.
Hey Alex, hey Mark, how you guys doing?
I'm doing great, because you're on the air!
Okay, my question is, I'm sure I know that I'm a Ron Paul supporter, I know Alex is, and Mark, maybe you are too, but
Since Ron's now out, you know, we have one other alternative, which is the Green Party and Cynthia McKinney.
And she stands for truth and the 9-11 truth.
I was just wondering if you guys could take a brief moment to... I like Cynthia McKinney.
I like Cynthia McKinney, but she's anti-gun, so I'm not going to be voting for her.
I think she's a well-meaning lady, but she's mainline liberal.
We are going, we have been supporting the Constitution Party and their candidate.
And you've heard him, you've heard him here.
Okay, fantastic.
Thanks, guys.
Let's move on.
Let's talk to Mike in Ohio.
Thank you.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hi, Alex.
Mark, I just want to let you know I've got all your old tapes that you put out, and I was saying that, you know, my father told me a long time ago, like back in the 70s, he asked me, you know, do you believe everything the government tells you?
And I just, you know, said,
Oh, 75% ball.
And that's when he told me, he goes, you know, son, that you always going to have to fight for your freedom.
And then that's when he told me that one day you might have to.
So I think you're right that people should be getting ready because they've been at this a long time.
Yeah, and they're right there.
He's working on the sink.
They're right there.
They're right there.
Whatever they're doing, they're right around the corner.
They're listening from around the corner.
You don't need cameras everywhere if you have organic cameras walking everywhere.
And it's the state taking the children away and it turns the order of the universe completely on its head.
Think about it.
Got to jump, Mike.
Jeff in Michigan, last transmission.
Go ahead, Jeff.
Hi, Alex and Mark.
I'm glad that I got through and I want to say thank you, Alex, for your efforts and your enlightenment.
We try to bring in the best people as possible on the show.
Good deal.
And to Mark, I'd like to say that a familiar name I hadn't heard in a while.
I worked for the city in which you did for 18 or 19 years and we followed the things that were happening to you and I consequently had become
A whistleblower for the place in which I worked and took on the government and accused them of fraud and corruption and other things publicly in front of council being on tape and I'm sorry to say they got me because I'm not as tough as you guys are but they rode me out and gave me a medical disability and are now voting to take it away and leave me high and dry so
I just want to applaud you guys who continue to fight despite the... Well, we need you.
We can't let them kill 70, 80 million of us, and I appreciate your call.
We need you, all of you, at least on the InfoWar, copies of films, some people about the radio show, other radio shows.
This is how it all happens.
Mark Corky, we are out of time.
This was a real pleasure getting to meet you in person after all these years.
Thank you, Alex, appreciate it.
And just go ahead and take us out of here, my friends in there.
Just really appreciate you coming on the show and spending time with us.
And I wish we had more time.
I've got stuff stacked to the rafters.
I appreciate you spending time with us, Mark.
Thank you very much, Alex.
And by the way, remember your training and you will come back alive!
God, sometimes I think of it.
I'm so focused fighting these people I don't even think about it much.
I'm trying everything I can to set bushfires in the minds of men.
We're going to continue to do so and we'll help you in any way we can.
All it takes is an irate, focused minority to bring down tyranny and we are going to do it.
Mark Hornky again.
Great having you here.
Thank you, Alex.
Man, a lot is happening.
The quickening is upon us.
All right, this transmission ends now.
Be sure and join us there daily.
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