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Filename: 20080619_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 19, 2008
3139 lines.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
I am not Alex Jones.
I am Jason Bermas, and I will be sitting in for the remainder of the week.
Alex should be joining us at some time today.
However, if you didn't know,
Michael Reagan and his cronies have now had Mark Dice's YouTube account pulled.
That's right, because Mark Dice posted that small little audio clip about Michael Reagan threatening his life and really the lives of all 9-11 truthers.
They've pulled his account and he's gonna come on to talk about that but there is a press release.
Talk show host Michael Reagan files copyright infringement claim to remove audio clip of him calling for the murder
I think?
And if this caught national attention, I mean, there's no way to save his job.
He, uh, commissioned for our murders.
Friday, June 13th, Dice received a call from Reagan's producer demanding the clip be removed, claiming they hold the copyright.
And Dice explained that falls under the Fair Use Laws and the clip is evidence of a crime, which it is.
The clip was available at the following URL until Wednesday, June 8th at 343 Pacific Time.
Reagan also removed the entire hour of his show from his podcast directory, so others can't download that part of the show and hear his statements.
Hour 2 of the June 10th show is now missing from the directory, located at RadioAmerica.org.
Audio clips of Reagan's statements may still be available on other YouTube accounts if someone searches for it.
Reagan's statements were made after he heard that Dice and others were sending letters and DVDs to troops stationed in Iraq which supported the idea that the United States officials had allowed the 9-11 attacks to happen on purpose and aided in their execution for political leverage.
According to a 2006 Scripps Howard News Service poll, 36% of Americans believe this.
Oh, and then there's the transcript of the statements.
I would probably try to play it from YouTube, but I'm going to guess most of them are pulled.
It's pretty unbelievable.
And like I said, we're going to have Mark on in a couple minutes.
We're also going to have Jonathan from We Are Change Colorado on in the top of the hour in the second half.
And we're going to be playing some of these urban warfare drills that are going on right now in Colorado.
We've been reporting on in the last few days.
Then at noon, we're going to have Barbara Lowe Fisher from the National Vaccine Information Center.
At one, we're going to have Bob Chapman.
And two, we're going to have Michael Markovich.
And I'm hoping that Alex is going to call in.
He is on vacation, but you know, let's get his opinion, at least on these urban warfare drills.
I really feel like they're gearing up for something big at the DNC.
From trying to provocateur well-meaning people into violence,
To rounding them up, it really looks like they're going to have their bases covered.
And this is scary to me.
You know, I mean, again, Apache helicopters, Blackhawks, they're all being used right now.
So people who are like, you know, that's black helicopter stuff, Jason.
I don't want to hear it.
Well, black helicopters unfortunately do exist.
It's a simple Google search away.
They've been in America for some time now.
It's time to stop being in denial.
It's time to show people this.
It's time to say, hey, wait a minute.
Maybe this shouldn't be going on in our country.
Jonathan posted the videos over at loosechange911.com.
I'm sure Prison Planet will be doing a story very soon.
And we're going to have Mark Dice on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Folks, we're back at the Alex Jones Show, and, uh, joining us now is Mark Dice of The Resistance.
And, uh, Mark, why don't you just tell the people what happened to your YouTube account, how upsetting it is, and how you may not be able to recover this stuff now.
Listen, my entire YouTube account is gone.
I had probably over 60 different videos with, I think, millions of views.
Some of them were up into the multiple hundreds of thousands.
They are all gone.
Permanently suspended.
Account permanently deleted.
Now, I don't know if they were able to pull some strings and get the entire account deleted, or if I had exceeded my quota of so-called copyrighted
Material on there, but this just goes to show that this guy, this clown, is just scrambling to try to dump any evidence of his crime and of his statements down into the memory hole.
I checked a couple other YouTube videos yesterday of his statements and another one was removed due to terms of service violations or whatever.
I don't know if that entire account was closed.
I just think it would be an interesting phenomenon if everybody would start downloading the videos that are there and just continue to post them.
And let's get hundreds of these things out there.
Also, like you mentioned in the beginning of the show, he removed the entire podcast of that day, which is a free podcast.
He removed it from the podcast directory.
Tuesday, June 10th, the second hour is mysteriously now missing from the podcast directory on the bottom of his page.
Also, my entire appearance on his show is missing the entire hour, if not the entire day.
I believe it's actually the entire day.
Monday's show is gone, not available for download.
So this clown is scrambling, trying to claim copyright infringement when the podcasts are freely available, downloadable from his site.
So apparently it's okay for people to download the podcast from his site, but not on YouTube.
And like I said, his producer, Brett,
Last Friday told me that their lawyers wanted the clip pulled, said that they own the copyright and I had clearly stated that it was fair use and he decided to apparently take some action against it and this is just disgusting.
What's even more disgusting is nobody in the press has covered this issue yet.
Nobody in the mainstream press has covered this issue.
A few stories on Google News and so at this point I'm just going to continue
To use this as an engine and as a reason to just ramp up things, ramp up the effort here, man.
And somebody called in the other day on the show and suggested that we use MySpace as an outreach tool.
So let's expand Operation Inform the Soldier.
And again, I don't want this to overshadow Operation Inform the Soldiers, so you can go on MySpace, and now I think they changed the menu items a little bit, but you can search under Friends, or you can browse.
You used to be able to just click the search and the browse feature.
You can find out and search people in different cities, different countries.
You can search for people in Iraq.
You can come up with countless Marines, and we can befriend them.
We can email them videos and links and all kinds of stuff and become directly communicating with them.
So, I just
I'm so frustrated right now, and I want to thank everybody out there for their support, and I want to thank you, Jason, and I just want to also tip my hat to you.
You're doing a great job filling in for Alex Jones.
I know a lot of us, if we couldn't tune into this show in the morning to get our daily dose of the news, I don't know what we would do.
So I just want to say you're doing a great job.
Everybody out there is doing a great job, and it's not just me that Michael Reagan wants to kill.
He wants to kill all of you.
Everybody who's listening to this show right now.
Michael Reagan and the neocons and these Nazis want you all dead.
Absolutely, and that's why we're going to be giving out Radio America's President's contact information yet again today.
If you want to email Jim Roberts and let him know you're very upset that Michael Reagan still has a show and has not been reprimanded for his actions, it is J as in the letter, Roberts, at RadioAmerica.org or JRoberts at AmericanVeteranCenter.org.
And I might say that if you're going to throw those emails out, you might want to email YouTube and let them know how upset you are that Mark Dice's account has been pulled when, you know, he's part of the media, folks.
He's a media critic.
He's an author.
You know, he's had a radio show.
He's a pundit.
He puts out press releases.
There is no excuse for them pulling an entire account over a three minute clip, which he has more than enough right to use, seeing he's in it.
So, if you want to give them a call, it is 703-302-1000 over at RadioAmerica.org and let them know how displeased you are that, again, they're letting their hosts threaten our lives and then they're trying to cover it up after the fact.
They don't want this to be a national news story.
They're doing everything in their power, Mark, to try to put this down the little, uh, the, uh, the blackout trail.
I mean, they don't want this.
The man is a very sick man.
He's called for the hanging of Howard Dean.
Yeah, he wants to blow up little babies in
In the Middle East, and then kill all the mothers as well.
And this is an opportunity for us to really affect the change, to hold somebody accountable, to get them fired.
You know, we tried to get Bush impeached, Dennis Kucinich has introduced the Articles of Impeachment.
It seems that these guys can get away with so much and just let it slide and let it slide, but here we have a chance to get somebody held accountable on one level, to get them to lose their job, to lose their propaganda platform.
And also, I just want to thank everybody so much.
I just can't believe that I'm stuck in the middle of this, and this is just distracting me from getting the Resistance Manifesto revised edition out, but this is something that needs to be done.
And also, please, if anybody wants to call the mainstream press and just demand that this story be covered, because I spent hours and hours emailing everybody, calling news stations, and nobody's covered this.
Nobody at all.
The only people who've called me have been a couple left-wing radio stations and Fairness in Media reporting some website.
I don't know how popular they are.
But nobody's covered this, and so if we just continue to call the Fox News studios and even the left-wing, you would think that MSNBC or somebody in these more liberal networks would be able to cover this and expose this criminal for what he is, but this is just beyond the pale, and I want to just continue to use this as an excuse to show
Uh, that these are criminals, that they can get away with what they want to do, so we need to just prevent that.
And Radio America, I know, has been getting hundreds of calls.
The FCC's been getting dozens of complaints, probably hundreds.
I was on the phone with the FCC trying to find out what the process is for the complaint, and they said it can be quite a lengthy process.
And they're going to be sending me a letter explaining what the consequence is, so hopefully we can get this criminal fired, we can get the FCC to levy a couple hundred thousand dollar fine against Radio America.
I mean, when Howard Stern got a couple million dollar fine just for making some kind of sick jokes, and this guy goes by Scott Free, that doesn't sit well with me and with a lot of people who even call us kooks, Jason.
A lot of people that don't even like us and that aren't even on board understand that this needs to be dealt with.
Absolutely, and when Stern did it, like you said, it was just a couple of off-color jokes.
They really presented no harm to anybody, and there's full coverage right now over at InfoWars.com.
Reagan files copyright claim in an attempt to get Mark Dice's death threat removed.
Let's remind people what this guy said.
Let's play the clip.
Let's play it.
Just so you know, this is what this guy is going to get away with if we let him.
Michael Reagan.
Mike Reagan here everybody.
Mike Reagan here.
Mike Reagan here.
I'm here.
You're there.
Smile and dial 1-800-468-MIKE.
Our website is reagan.com.
Oh, gosh.
There's something else in the news, too, you need to know about.
There are troops in Iraq who are probably going to be getting more than letters.
You know, they have mail call.
You ever go to a summer camp like I did?
You live for mail call?
I'm still waiting for the first letter from my dad and my mom.
Anyway, you're waiting for mail call, and hopefully you get one.
Well, what's going to be going on with mail call is a little bit different now.
They're going to be getting mail, but they're not going to be care packages.
There is a group that's sending letters to our troops in Iraq, and DVDs, claiming 9-11 was an inside job.
Oh, yeah.
And that they should rethink why they're fighting.
They ought to take these, excuse me folks, I'm going to say this.
We ought to find the people who are doing this, take them out, and shoot them.
Just find the people who are sending those letters to our troops to demoralize our troops and do what they're doing.
You take them out.
They are traitors to this country.
And shoot them.
You have a problem with that?
Deal with it.
But anybody who would do that doesn't deserve to live.
You shoot them.
You call them traitors.
That's what they are.
And you shoot them dead.
I'll pay for the bullet.
Mark Deitz, the founder of the Resistance, which he calls a media watchdog group, says that the U.S.
government was responsible for the September 11th terrorist attacks and that the armed forces should know it.
People want the facts.
The Marines are hungry for the truth.
What got them there in Iraq?
Why are they risking their lives?
And we're going to help them understand that.
So he's going to send letters.
And the classified government documents that he says can prove the government's responsibility for the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.
And he's urging others to do the same.
Now, Captain Pete Hegseth, Executive Director of Vets for Freedom... Alright, I've had enough of that, but it's clear.
He is, uh, calling for our executions.
He's about to say that, uh, Mark Dice needs to be taken out on the firing range.
Doesn't even deserve a blindfold.
Folks, are we gonna let him get away with it?
I mean, I know this broadcast has a vast audience.
I know we have great power here.
So I'm gonna say it one more time.
You need to call this number and let them know how displeased you are with Michael Reagan.
It is 703-302-1000.
You need to say
This will not be stood for.
We're a peaceful group.
There is no need to advocate for our murders, Mark.
And now they're trying to intimidate us even further by pulling YouTube accounts that have that very clip.
Yeah, now he's covering up evidence.
And I want to thank 9-11 Truth Inland Empire.
They were out protesting outside of the studios up there in LA and everybody that's just sending stuff out.
And again,
If you don't want to afford the money to send packages to the soldiers, a lot of times you can send just a priority envelope.
It's like five bucks and you can send under 13 ounces of stuff to the soldiers.
Alright, we'll be back after this with Mark Dice.
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Well, folks, someone's taken that Michael Reagan clip and now thrown it up onto archive.org, so it'll be there forever and ever and ever, and there will be no pulling out.
And if you want to express your displeasure with YouTube and something other than an email, we got a phone number for you.
You want to let YouTube know it's not okay to just pull people's accounts when all they're doing is posting
Really up protection and commenting on I mean again.
This is the this guy calls for our deaths We post a three-minute clip and they're gonna pull entire accounts the phone number to get in touch with YouTube and express your displeasure is one six five.
Oh two five three zero zero zero zero that's one six five.
Oh two five three zero zero zero zero but again, we don't want this to overshot overshadow the program and
That we're putting together for the troops.
We still want people to reach out to soldiers in Iraq through both MySpace and mail and send these people care packages with information about what's really going on in this country.
Mark, will you speak to that really quickly?
Yeah, like I said, we're getting the letters and DVDs to the soldiers.
A lot of times you can send them a package under 13 ounces for five bucks if you use a U.S.
priority mail envelope.
And you can also get their addresses.
You have to get a specific address from them.
There's a couple different services that will do that.
Adoptaussoldier.org is one.
Or you can just Google how to write letters to soldiers, how to send packages to soldiers.
And if you don't,
Have the money if you don't want to send the postage, and if you can't, copy DVDs and things.
There's a couple other services, letters2soldiers.org, and they'll connect you with an email of a soldier over there.
You can use your MySpace page and browse the friends list, and browse the country of Iraq, or browse different groups.
Find Iraq veterans groups, and you can email these people directly.
And that's really what caused this hatred and this call to have us killed is because we're taking it up to a new level here.
We're not just informing other people about what's going on.
We're going straight to the truth, straight to the ones that are risking their lives, that are having their lives put in danger based on these lies.
I mean, all of us are affected by 9-11 and by the loss of our freedoms, but nobody else more so than the people that are being shot at and having bombs thrown at them.
And really risking their lives and being killed and maimed, and leaving their families for months and months at a time to secure this country.
And many of them, you know, believe that they're supporting President Bush, believe that this is a just cause, and so if we could just reach out to them, I think that that's the last frontier of uninformed people.
And once we become friends with these people, once they become informed of the circumstances, and once we create a climate
Over there, where people can address these issues, I think that this entire war is going to come crumbling down, and once the soldiers start joining 9-11 Truth and more Veterans for Truth organizations, then we can really get somewhere.
We can start getting this country and this world back on track.
We can prevent any more false flag attacks or minimize them.
And we can start holding these criminals accountable.
So that's what Operation Inform the Soldiers is all about.
So again, you can just Google information on how to send packages, DVDs, and once again, you might not want to send a DVD and a package because somebody might go through this just to make sure because there are certain items that are not supposed to be sent over there.
Pornography, alcohol, and other items.
So somebody might go through the packages.
So just label the DVD a cool Hollywood film that's still in theaters or just got released.
Or just say, hey, here's some movies for you guys.
And let's get it out to the soldiers and send them some care packages and some other goods to help make their time over there a little more, a little easier on them.
And maybe some board games and some other things.
And also you could find lists of items that the soldiers need that'll help make their tours over there a little bit easier for them.
That's right.
The more fun you make these packages, the more likely it's going to be that these people watch the videos and say, you know what, this person's obviously concerned with my safety, with my well-being.
He cares.
If you were to spend, you know, 40 bucks on one of the latest DVD players, you can literally burn files onto the new DVDs and put five or six movies onto one disc.
I know I do that.
And then you can just spindle them up.
And maybe you can put a couple of Hollywood features
Sparsed in and out of there.
The main goal is to reach out to these people in a manner where they know we're trying to help them.
Where they look at this information and go, man, is this what I'm fighting for?
I don't want to be fighting for this.
This doesn't make any sense.
You know, a lot of people are saying, oh, you shouldn't be disturbed.
Well, when is a good time to tell somebody the truth?
Especially somebody with an automatic weapon that can literally take away the lives of
You know, dozens of people in one day with one bad decision.
Which I know has happened.
You know, these people aren't perfect, folks.
They're human beings.
And they need guidance just like the rest of us.
Mark Dice, thank you so much for joining us.
We will keep the listeners posted as to what goes on with YouTube.
Remember, the number to get in touch with YouTube is 650-253-0000.
We'll be back after this.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
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Alright folks, another jam-packed show for ya!
In a half an hour, we're gonna have Barbara Lowe Fisher on the National Vaccine Information Center.
Then at 12.30 we're going to have somebody who worked inside the governor's mansion here in Austin, Texas.
Update you on that story.
Remember, they're now saying it was politically motivated.
Probably a terrorist.
One of those white Al-Qaeda we've been hearing about.
Then at 1 o'clock we're going to have Bob Chapman for an hour of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
And then in the final hour we're going to have Michael Markovich, and this is the
The roadside preacher out of Philadelphia.
The guy that got in trouble with the police for, you know, free speech outside of the Liberty Bell.
But first, we've been talking about these Colorado martial law drills, these urban warfare training drills, black helicopters, ex-military, current military, police, all intertwined, detention centers.
It's the new America.
And from what I'm watching in the videos, I mean, you can watch these helicopters
Flying over, going from rooftop to rooftop in different scenarios.
They're dropping glow sticks with pro-America propaganda on them.
And here with us, joining us to discuss this, is Jonathan from We Are Change Colorado.
Jonathan, are you with me?
Do we not have Jonathan yet?
Alright, well hopefully we'll be going to him soon.
But if you want to see the videos, right now they're posted over at loosechange911.com and it's pretty incredible stuff.
I mean, downtown Denver has been turned into this Urban Warfare Training Center.
It's pretty wild to watch these guys.
Landing on rooftops of businesses, jumping out of these things like all hell's broken loose.
And, uh, I don't know.
I haven't seen anything like it since the Police State films by Alex Jones.
And it is very unnerving to watch these guys in full black uniforms.
They're not supposed to be talking to anybody.
Uh, the mainstream press doesn't seem to be covering it at all.
They do have, uh, one short local news clip intertwined in these YouTube clips.
I guess the one report about the helicopters being in the air.
But what?
They can't follow up on it?
I mean, seriously.
They know the helicopters are in the air.
They don't want to drive down 20 feet to see what's going on on the ground.
They don't want to take a look at these urban war training exercises.
I just don't understand it.
Just don't understand it.
Well, hopefully we can get Jonathan on because he is our...
He's our eyes and ears on the ground here at the InfoWars team right now when it comes to these drills.
Jonathan, are you there?
What's going on, man?
Hey, man.
Alright, so you've posted these videos.
I'm sure they're going to be doing stories on them on InfoWars and PrisonPlanet.com, but why don't you just sum up what you've been doing the last two days and why?
Well, we're chasing around these black helicopters.
Originally, the news did not report on it.
They were actually not allowed
And we actually have our Monday night We Are Change meeting.
And one of our members, Turtle, was on his way to the meeting and he literally saw black helicopters flying right over his car on the I-25.
And there were dudes hanging off, there were chain guns, I mean it looked like something out of the movies.
And he was like swerving and stuff and he showed up to the meeting and he was like, dude, I felt like this guy from the movie Conspiracy Theory.
I thought they were coming after me.
And we were like, yeah, yeah, whatever.
Later, of course, that night, we went out, and there they are, training, landing on buildings, using live fire.
We posted the videos.
Firing paint rounds, firing some kind of, some other kind of lethal weapon.
We're not sure what the projectiles are, but we showed images and pictures of what we found.
All throughout Denver, abandoned buildings being converted into detention facilities, everything.
So, we immediately decided to check it out.
Found out that the military is conducting drills, exercises, all week long in Denver.
And when did this begin, by the way?
This began over the weekend on Monday.
When did this start to happen?
Well, they originally did a bio-warfare exercise a couple of weeks ago, and then there was a bunch of military trucks and black SUVs and white SUVs with tinted windows downtown at the convention center with, on the side of their vehicles, it said, weapons of mass destruction civil response team.
Yeah, and that was part of the scenario where a dirty bomb went off.
And 20,000 people were killed outside and inside the center.
And that's where, of course, the DNC is going to be held.
And then they basically needed a way to get all these bodies and injured people to the hospital.
And it was like, when did they start that exercise?
I want to say they did it right on Tuesday was when that one started, correct?
Yeah, I mean the whole, and then of course, these drills that they're conducting all week, every night, we've been following them around.
They evacuated 1600 Broadway, which is the Colorado State Building.
It's one of Denver's largest buildings.
Blackhawks were landing on the roof all night last night, jumping from buildings to buildings.
Of course, we got footage of this.
People were protesting, and the media is, for the most part, remaining silent.
Now, there was a couple of reports on it the other night.
I posted them in the video.
And everything's on Truthline, everything's on MooseChange blog, um, it's on WeAreChangeColorado.org, it's starting to get out there.
We have the exclusive video, folks, 23 minutes.
I edited it down from 8 hours of footage.
We basically split up in 4 teams and just drove around looking for these things because we knew they were flying around because they're not telling us where they are.
So the video is basically like storm chasers except we're chasing these black helicopters.
We ended up discovering one of the facilities, which is a staging ground for a detention facility, the old Children's Hospital on 21st and Downing in Denver.
That's funny because you see that, you see them landing on that facility and it's got like a big smile on it.
It's pretty ridiculous.
It is ridiculous.
The whole building's fenced off barbed wire, there's security around it.
We actually just went up to it yesterday to see if there'd be any training there.
And I'm not joking, Jason, about maybe 10 seconds in, this car screeches right around us, and this guy runs out.
He's got a badge on his head.
He's like, hey, what are you doing?
You gotta get away from this fence.
And we got this on camera.
We're like, hey, man, we're just, we just want to know if there's any black helicopters today.
We're just spectators.
He's like, you guys gotta get out of here right now.
And it was, I couldn't believe how fast he was on us.
We were just walking up to the fence.
Well, why don't you talk about these, why don't you talk about these little pro propaganda
Um, glow sticks they're dropping with American flags.
Yeah, they're, uh, it's almost like they're practicing either, we're not sure if they're fragging or practicing flashbangs or tear gas or riot control, we don't know.
But as the helicopters fly low, and this is all throughout the city, they're dropping these, like, glow sticks with U.S.
Army patches and American flag patches zip-tied around them.
And, like, kids are going to pick them up and people are like, oh, cool, the military's dropping these on us.
We're the only ones that are like, um, you know, that could be anything.
That could be a test for, you know, who knows what they're dropping on us.
It's totally conditioning.
It's basically coming to say, hey, we're the good guys.
We're here to help.
Look, we're going to assist you.
And they're doing an urban warfare exercise where they're literally, again, rounding up dead bodies and probably quarantining areas.
And they have to prep the rest of the people to know that the military is in charge.
So they're going to drop these little leaflets or whatever.
And I've seen them, you know, again, they're posted, and it just looks, it looks unreal!
It doesn't even, it doesn't even look like America anymore.
It literally is unmarked helicopters, Apaches and Blackhawks, flying around the cities, landing on rooftops, you know, soldiers jumping out, and not in military garb, you know, you can't tell whether they're Army, Navy, Marines, National Guard, they're in black uniforms.
And they're all working together.
It looks like something out of a movie.
It does!
We thought it was like, you know, it, you know what it looks like?
It looks like one of those super villains in an action, Hollywood action film.
And he's like about to rob a bank or something.
And here's his black helicopters and his little mercenary crew.
Cause they're all on Mark.
And they've got, by the way, they're all holding weapons with live fire.
And so when, when they're landed, everyone's, I mean, when we were filming it, there were children screaming, people were running.
Nobody knows.
Cause there was no, there's no forewarning.
Nobody knows where they're drilling.
Nobody knows where they're exercising.
They're just going where they want throughout the city.
The Denver Police Department, we spoke to Sonny Jackson, the spokesperson for the DPD, and he said, yep, you know, they don't tell us and we just kind of comply and they're, you know, they're doing anti-terror drills and it's for your safety.
And I was like, are you kidding me?
The whole thing is nuts.
The whole city is under martial law right now.
Well, some, some law officers actually know that this is bad news and have known this was bad news for years.
And have refused to have this type of thing come to their city and when they refuse they just do it anyway.
But at least those people have the foresight to know it's bad and warn the people, you know?
But when they get a compliant officer like that, who honestly believes that this is for our safety, this is nothing more than a domestic takeover drill.
This is nothing more than to try to put the kibosh on our First Amendment this summer outside of the DNC, which is going to be held from
August 25th to the 28th.
We already know the only group that has a permit to protest there stems from a group who called for violence for God's sakes.
You know?
Who called for red paint to be thrown on people with cameras, cameras destructions, to bring a shield, to wear armor.
Total provocateur bull nonsense.
And they basically just changed their name and they're gonna be there
They're going to try to provocateur something.
They would love to see something pop off so these black helicopters are flying around during the DNC, so the riot police have carte blanche to do whatever they want, and so that the people with a real voice and a real issue are nowhere near the Democratic Convention at all.
You know, and I see that as the whole deal.
I mean, they're prepping it just in time.
We're in June, mid-June.
We're two months away from this really, it's going to be a historic event, whether you like it or not.
You know, a lot of people are brainwashed by the talking points they've put out there, but there is a very good possibility that we may have not only our first African-American president, but possibly our first woman vice president.
You know, he hasn't chosen officially yet, but we all know what happened
During the Bilderberg conference this year, you know, magically, Jonathan, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton secretly meet in Northern Virginia on the night that Bilderberg kicks off in, guess where?
Northern Virginia.
His press secretary is on a plane saying, well, Barack wanted to go to some secret meetings with some people that he didn't want the press around.
That's interesting.
But nobody on that plane had the foresight to put two and two together and come up with four, Jonathan.
That's my big issue with that.
Those guys acted all upset.
Oh, but with the press corps!
You said we were going back to Chicago!
You know, and instead of writing a real story, they're just like, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama meet with Senator Dianne Feinstein at her home.
Okay, that might not be true.
They were at Hillary Clinton's house in D.C.
Alright, that might not be true.
They were at an undisclosed location.
You know, it's just amazing the spin they put out and the fact that they don't even want to pursue the real story.
And the whole city, you know, for the DNC coming up,
We've noticed already facilities that are set up as temporary grounds for... We're not sure what.
But there's two major facilities that... There's tents being set up.
There's fencing.
We're going to be posting a video tonight from what we shot yesterday.
That's not out yet.
Blackhawks were landing on rooftops, the tallest buildings in Denver.
But they look like sniper teams or something.
But it looks like there's a detention facility
About 10 blocks from the convention center.
And the whole convention center, by the way, the National Guard in Colorado is going to be protecting that.
And the entire convention center has 10-foot fences that they're building around it with gates.
And anybody who wants to get near it has to be bussed in.
They approach these gates, the gates open, you enter, and then the gates close.
And in order to get on this bus, you have to have a pass.
So the press is going to be basically embedded behind these big 10-foot fences.
About a quarter mile in to the convention center, and this huge, Auschwitz-looking-like facility is actually the convention.
So, all these demonstrations are going to be way outside of it, in free speech zones, you know, up to two miles away.
They've got detention facilities set up to house people.
They've got black helicopters training to drop, who knows what they're planning to drop on us, but, you know, it could be tear gas, it could be anything, we don't know.
They've got sound beam weapons, they've got riot gear, there's 50 million dollars the city spent on security forces and new equipment.
The whole city, I'm not joking Jason, looks like they're preparing for war.
It's nuts.
Absolutely, and if there was a better time to join We Are Change, it couldn't be any closer to now.
If you're a listener out in Colorado, and you're upset with what you're hearing, with what you're seeing, because you live in Denver,
Well, I got some news for you.
It's time to step up and join We Are Change.
Step up to the plate!
Take a swing!
Take a shot at the title!
You know?
I mean, what is stopping you from activating?
You know, Jonathan doesn't do this, you know, for money or for fame.
He does this because our Constitution and Bill of Rights hang in the balance.
Our very way of life hangs in the balance.
And the more and more we let this criminal elite get away with provocatoring events to make the people look bad,
And make authority look good.
Because you know what, you could have a dozen people die at this DNC and it'll be justified and it'll be the police saved us.
You know, again, they tried to provocateur violence already at this thing.
Red paint, wear a mask, bring a shield, destroy cameras.
The demonstrations are even more outrageous.
There's demonstrations to surround the federal courthouse.
There's demonstrations to bust an illegal immigrant and have them
Uh, rioting in front of the, uh, Capitol building.
There's one demonstration to surround the Denver Mint, which is only one of, I believe, three coin mints in the United States.
Uh, which has actually, we have some footage of that.
That is only about a block away from the Convention Center.
It's right across the street from the city and county of Denver Courthouse.
It's on, it's caddy corner to the city's jail, right across the street from the brand new jail they're building.
It's dead center into a whole world of police headquarters.
And one of the demonstrations that were set up, um, was to surround this Denver Mint and attempt to levitate the building.
And that's the words from the group that's planning it.
And, uh, you know, you can't bend, you can't touch that fence without being, they can shoot you.
I mean, it's a federal facility.
And, uh, I mean, and just surrounding the federal courthouse and demanding the release of prisoners on death row, that demonstration is asking for trouble.
Every single one of the demonstrations that I've seen that these groups planning
It has nothing to do about messages.
I don't even know what the messages are, to be honest with you.
It just looks like they're agitational.
They're aggravated.
It looks like they're provocative.
It puts demonstrators in a dangerous proximity to police.
It looks like they want to make Rush Limbaugh's dream come true of riots in Denver.
I mean, when the neocons are calling for riots in Denver, you better watch out, especially somebody as high level as Rush Limbaugh, who's an obvious operative.
I mean, you don't just get caught
Smuggling in a bunch of Viagra to go outside of the country without your wife, by the way.
Gee, I wonder what he was doing with all that, and all these other pain pills, and it just goes under the radar.
You know?
I mean, this guy's a hardcore drug addict, and he's taking them across country lines, and nothing happens.
Well, that's because he's... He's Rush Bimbo.
Yeah, Rush Bimbo.
We really appreciate it.
And that guy, you know, and the truth is, people like Rush Limbaugh and
And, uh, there's Mike Reagan.
You know, these guys, what they don't get is they're the minority right now.
They have no idea how big this movement's getting, and they better pick a side, because they're on the wrong one now.
So we are Change Colorado here on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jason Burma, stepping in for the week.
Hopefully Alex will be calling in soon.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
The Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas.
I'll be sitting in with Alex for the rest of the week.
If you want to get at me, it's MySpace.com slash Jason Bermas.
I've been getting a ton of emails and a ton of great tips, so I thank all you guys that are getting a hold of me and not whining or ninnying, but actually throwing me news so I can throw it on this program and bring it to all of you.
Look, if you're in Colorado, if you're close to Denver, now's the time to join We Are Change Colorado.
I believe the website is WeAreChangeColorado.org.
And if you don't live in Denver, if you're outside of Denver, if you're outside of Colorado altogether, you can still help by donating to these young men and women.
Because without them, we're not going to get true coverage of the DNC.
And they're the only ones on the ground, I'll guarantee it, with this type of footage.
This should be all over the place.
When you see these YouTube videos of these black helicopters flying around everywhere, and I promise you there will be extensive coverage at Prison Planet Info Wars later, you start to realize that they do have a plan here.
That it's not a constitutional plan.
And that it's not a plan that's going to be good
For the average person.
Some people are emailing and saying, oh, well, they only have a few helicopters.
Well, remember, black helicopters didn't exist 15 years ago.
And there's so many more of us, if they tried something, well, we'd be able to fight back.
Because those sound weapons look like they put off 20 to 30 people at a time with no problem.
And just type in sound weapons CNN over at YouTube and you can watch the clips and the people are like, yeah, it feels like your whole body's on fire for a second.
Well, that's great.
Jonathan, why don't you tell people how they can get involved.
What's the website?
If they can't join We Are Change, how can they donate?
We have a donations model on the WeAreChangeColorado.org website.
We also have TruthAlliance.net as a donations module up there.
Those two sites are connected, basically.
It's the same members on both.
TruthAlliance is a little bit more international membership.
And basically, we're the only two Denver groups next to Colorado 9-11 Visibility, and we are
We're going to be covering everything we can at the DNC.
We've got about 60 people who have pledged to be down there.
We're setting up legal viewers.
We're getting press passes.
We're trying to get basically little convoys set up so we don't get harassed or abused by the police, but we want to get in there so we can cover whatever's going to go down.
And so we're coordinating basically a plan to go throughout the city.
We need money.
We need help.
Most of us are all working Americans as normal.
We don't have much money on the side.
Anything helps.
A dollar helps.
You know, we also hand out 800 DVDs a week, up to that much.
So, one of the most powerful things we can do is start educating.
I handed out DVDs yesterday to security guards and people who were running the drills over at the old Children's Hospital.
What DVDs do you hand out?
I always hand out, we have our own multi-DVDs, but we hand out anything from Terror Storm to Loose Change, America Freedom to Fascism,
Endgame, Washington, You're Fired, American Drug War.
Those are the DVDs we're handing out in mass.
We also have compilation DVDs that basically have all those on there.
So we're trying to hand out information right to the hands of these people.
We were talking to a security guard who was at the fence at this abandoned hospital, and I handed him DVDs, and he seemed really interested.
That was the great thing.
I can't tell you how many people we woke up
They were running up to these helicopters to see what they were doing.
They had no idea what they were doing.
And we even asked people, Jason, you're going to love this, we asked people, you know, what do you think about it?
Some people were so brainwashed that they were saying things like, oh, it's fine, it's great.
Yeah, they have all the rights.
They can do whatever they want.
I love it.
They have no idea about the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And you can check these videos out over at loosechange911.com.
Jonathan, thank you so much.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this with Barbara Lowe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome.
It is June 19th, 2008.
I am Jason Burmess, not Alex Jones.
Alex will be back Sunday, taking a well-deserved vacation with him and his family.
You have been listening
Uh, this week and other times when I've been subbing on the show, you know that, uh, I don't care for the fact that the mainstream media continues to push that vaccinations are the best thing since breakfast.
Now, no one's saying that, uh, I don't want to become immune to disease, uh, that I don't think we should be protected from things like, you know, smallpox, although that's way out there, chicken pox, you know,
I'm not really in favor of the booster shot.
I remember the last time they tried to give me a booster shot.
I was like, nope, sorry, not taking a booster shot, doc.
And it was funny because the doctor had seen Loose Change.
And we were kind of talking shop before that.
He was asking me, you know, what what did I do other than this?
And where where do I go?
And, you know, what's the experience been?
And he was a fan of the movie.
And we started talking.
He's like, well, I see that you you haven't had a booster shot since you went to college.
I'm like, yep.
And he's like, maybe we should give you one of those.
And I'm like, I don't think so, Doc.
I'm not going to be taking any vaccinations today.
And he's like, really?
Why is that?
And I'm like, how many times have they been caught putting mercury in the vaccines, among other things?
And he's talking, he goes, Oh, are you talking about the thimerosal?
And I'm like, yeah.
And he's like, I thought they took that out of most of them.
I'm like, come on, Doc.
I'm like, take a, take a read on the thing.
Most of them still have thimerosal in them.
And he's like, well, what are you worried about?
I'm like, well, it causes autism in children and brain damage and mercury is a poison.
And he's like, so wait a minute, what are you you're scared you're going to get autism at this age?
I go, no, I just don't need my IQ to be lowered and I don't need to get sick from some kind of poison they put in there.
I mean, let's let's be honest.
They've been putting SV40 in the vaccination, simian virus 40.
It's a cancer causing virus.
And that's why there's been a lot of encouragement
At least to me, and others who know about this issue, in the past year.
When Jenny McCarthy, who's dating Jim Carrey, one of the biggest stars on the planet, has come forward, she wrote the book Louder Than Words, she went on Oprah Winfrey, and exposed that her child became autistic after taking a round of shots.
Quote-unquote, bad shots.
Yeah, right.
They're all bad.
There's no good ones.
You know, and this has been a recurring theme on some television shows,
I'm a big fan of the shield on FX and one of the subplots is that he has an autistic son and indeed his son became autistic through the vaccinations and they were going through a struggle to get some kind of a lawsuit together so it is starting to hit the mainstream people are waking up and you know they're waking up when Time magazine on its cover a couple weeks ago on the June 2nd edition
They have a baby with a needle about to go in his arm saying the truth about vaccines.
Worried about autism.
Many parents are opting out of immunizations.
It's right up till that point.
And then they're saying how they're putting the rest of us at risk.
See, we're the bad guys when we know what's going on with the vaccines.
That being said, we have Barbara Lowe Fisher on the line of NVIC.org.
Barbara, how are you?
I'm just great.
I'm very well, and I'm going through some of your material right here.
How are you?
Why don't you just let the listeners know what your website's about and how they can get in touch with you?
We're the oldest and largest consumer-operated website that is disseminating information on vaccination.
Those of us who founded the National Vaccine Information Center had children who were injured or had died from the effects of vaccination.
And we felt that we wanted to give out information that was anchored with scientific references and also that talked about what happens to children after vaccination.
They can reach us at www.nvic.org, that's for National Vaccine Information Center.
We also have a new website, standupbecounted.org, because we've launched a national effort to
Uh, raise funds to do a public education campaign that will alert parents to the risk of vaccination and the fact that their civil liberties are being threatened in this area.
We'll be back after the break with Barbaralow Fisher.
It's the Alex Jones Show, NVIC.org.
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Alright folks, we're back with Barbara Lowe Fisher of MVIC.org, an organization that started up in 1982, so they've been fighting this battle for over 25 years now.
Barbara, you said that most people in your organization got involved through basically vaccinating their children and them having an adverse reaction to it.
And, uh, mostly becoming autistic.
I mean, this has been a real struggle for this to gain, uh, mainstream acceptance in any way, shape or form.
But I've seen in the last year, 18 months with, you know, celebrities like Jenny McCarthy, uh, writing a book called louder than words, her, her boyfriend, Jim Carrey and her marching on Washington, them having them on Oprah Winfrey, that, that this issue is starting to get big and people are starting to take notice.
Well, it's interesting.
Those of us back in the eighties, we had children who were brain injured by the DPT vaccine.
And we worked for 14 years to get a safer vaccine in here for America's children.
But during the last 25 years, we have seen a more than tripling of the numbers of doses of vaccines that the government tells us our children have to get.
We are the most highly vaccinated population in the world.
We force our children to get more vaccines than any other country in the world.
And during that same time period, we have seen this incredible increase in chronic disease and disability among our children as we've vaccinated them more and more.
Now 1 in 6 American child is learning disabled, 1 in 9 has asthma, 1 in 100 to 150 is diagnosed autistic, and 1 in 450 child is diabetic.
We have an epidemic of chronic disease and disability, even though we're vaccinating our children now more than ever.
So those of us in the 1980s, our children suffer brain inflammation after DPT vaccine, and what we're seeing now is children are getting sometimes 8 to 10 vaccines on one day.
And then they're regressing into poor health.
And the autism... See, back when we started, autism was affecting, like, 2 in 10,000 children.
It was just not the problem it is today.
But as we've seen this more and more vaccination, we have seen the numbers of autistic children grow.
So my child was not rendered autistic.
He suffered a brain inflammation within hours of his fourth DPT shot at age 2 1⁄2, and he suffered a mild brain dysfunction, took the form of multiple learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder.
Because the vaccine-induced injury can run the gamut from the milder forms, which is learning disabilities, ADHD, through to autistic behaviors, mental retardation, seizure disorders, and of course the most severe consequences, death.
And what we're seeing is doctors are sticking their heads in the sand.
And when they give all these vaccines to children, and the children regress into poor health,
They are denying that the vaccines had anything to do with the children's regression into poor health.
And this we've seen over and over again with each new vaccine that comes into the schedule.
Doctors saying, oh, you know, when your child suffers paralysis or seizures or, you know, regressing to autism, that didn't have anything to do with the vaccines we just gave your child.
And it's really tragic to sit here for a quarter century and watch this happen over and over again.
However, I do think that this year there was a landmark case where they did have to admit that the vaccinations did cause autistic-like symptoms.
They wouldn't cop to the fact that it actually caused the child's autism, but it did say that it was the vaccinations.
I forget how they worded it.
They said it attacked some kind of, I want to say, mitochondria or something like that.
Yeah, yeah.
Do you know about it?
Tell the listeners.
I do know about that.
That's the Hannah Poling case.
But what's interesting about that case
Is the media kind of made a big deal of it, even though there had been cases prior to the Hannah Poling case that was awarded compensation through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program under a law that was passed in 1986 that I and my organization worked on, actually, back in the 1980s.
There have been awards previous for DPT vaccine-induced brain inflammation.
That is, you know, brain inflammation after DPT, where the kids have become autistic
But they've never been talked about.
It was always kept kind of hush-hush.
With the Hannah Poling case, the parents were medical professionals.
He had been a neurologist at Johns Hopkins, and she was a nurse who then became a lawyer.
And I think it became a very high-profile case, and it was part of a case in the omnibus hearing that is looking at autism and vaccines, and whether or not autistic children should be compensated under this Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
When they conceded, because the government conceded this case, what they basically were saying, well, you know, Hannah had a pre-existing medical condition that just made her more susceptible to the, I think she got seven or nine vaccines on one day, I can't remember exactly, and that made her, and yes, her brain inflammation,
I don't know.
And even my brother is like, well, how do I go about them not vaccinating my kid?
Because they tell me it's the law.
They tell me I have to vaccinate my child.
And I always say to them, well, you have to be stern with these people.
You have to say, you know, there's a conscientious objective waiver and that you want to see this and your kid isn't going to take the vaccination.
How do you tell people to go about keeping it away from their kids?
Well, on our website at NVIC.org, we have all the state laws and the regulations governing vaccine laws.
Because vaccine laws are state laws, they're not federal laws.
Even though the federal government, the Centers for Disease Control, health officials make federal vaccine policy that then is made into law at the state level, it is your state that makes your vaccine laws.
So you need to go on and click on, we have a map, and you click onto the map
And you can read about what are the vaccine laws and what are the exemptions in your state that you're allowed to take.
In all states there is a medical exemption that has to be written by a medical doctor or a doctor of osteopathy.
Those are very hard to get because the government and the American Academy of Pediatrics have so narrowed the contraindications to vaccination, that is, the reasons why you shouldn't vaccinate, that almost no child qualifies for a medical exemption.
And when doctors do try to make, write medical exemptions, they're often questioned by health officials in the state and harassed.
Then there are all but two states that have a medical exemption, I mean, I'm sorry, a religious exemption to vaccination.
Mississippi and West Virginia don't have a religious exemption.
And some states are very narrow in their definition of what qualifies for a religious exemption and others are wider.
So you really need to read the law and what you need to do to file that.
And then there's, in about 17 states, there's a philosophical, personal belief, or conscientious belief exemption.
Those are the states in this country that come closest to conforming to the ethical principle of informed consent.
That is that you have the right, as a healthcare consumer, to know the benefits and risks of a medical intervention and be able to make a free, voluntary decision about it.
And if you live in one of those states, you're very lucky.
And the thing is that a lot of leading doctors and medical organizations are calling for an end to religious and philosophical or conscientious belief exemptions.
They want nothing but the medical exemption to be enforced in this country.
And the National Vaccine Information Center has been sounding the alarm for 25 years.
We've been saying, America, you've got to wake up.
You're going to have your right taken away from you to make voluntary vaccination decisions.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, in the last few days, has written a letter to all of its members.
They are the organization that represents pediatricians in this country.
And they basically have said, we are going to fight the parents who are trying to make vaccination choices that don't conform to government and to the AAP policy.
They are going to mount a national campaign, advertising and public education campaign
To try to, well, I think they're going to try to demonize people who want to make voluntary choices.
You know, right now, the government says our kids are supposed to get 69 doses of 16 vaccines from birth, from the day of birth through age 18.
That's a phenomenal amount of vaccinations.
And we've never, ever done this to our children in all of our history.
We have never exposed our children to so much atypical manipulation of the immune system through vaccination.
And so I think that people have got to really be vigilant and monitor what their state legislatures do.
We try to get the information out to people.
I have a vaccine e-newsletter that I send out weekly to try to keep people up to date on what's happening in your state, what's happening nationally.
About this very important issue that affects every child in this country and every family in this country.
The AAP is suggesting that doctors throw out parents who refuse to vaccinate according to what they say they should do.
That is, refuse to treat them, to refuse to treat the children.
And when you get this kind of a harsh stance by the pediatricians of this country, you know that we are definitely in a very difficult situation that is like a war.
Absolutely, and the mainstream media uses such propaganda and lies to try to demonize us, such as this Time Magazine cover where they say, we are putting the rest of you at risk, and then they just make the blatant lie in here that 1 in 150, the prevalence of autism among 8 year olds in the U.S., autism,
Well, it is still in the full strength in the influenza vaccine.
That the CDC now says every single child from age 6 months through 18 has got to get every year.
That is, it has the full amount.
It is still in the diphtheria tetanus shot, which children get if they don't get DTAP.
It has been reduced to trace levels in most of the other childhood vaccines.
But you know, if you're giving a child every single year a mercury-containing vaccine, and that child happens to be susceptible to not being able to, genetically susceptible, for example, to not
Being able to efficiently excrete mercury from the body, you can really be setting that child up for some serious problems.
Yes, the autism rate has continued to climb even though they have reduced the trace levels in a lot of the vaccines that are given to children since about 2002.
But the problem is,
There are many other components of vaccines that could also be causing brain inflammation.
Alright, it's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this.
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Alright folks, we're back at the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is out for the week with his family on vacation.
Much, much deserved vacation.
I'm Jason Bermas, I'll be sitting in all week.
We're talking to Barbara Lowe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, that's NVIC.org.
And Barbara, we're in a final short segment with you here.
What is your advice to everybody out there listening?
What should they do to protect their children?
They've got to become educated about vaccines.
They can't just blindly trust their doctor, unfortunately.
They need to understand vaccines have toxic components in addition to mercury, aluminum, phenol, oxyethanol, formaldehyde.
There are many, many vaccines that are recommended that have not been properly tested pre-licensure.
Because the standards have become so lax at the federal level, and because these companies are really having a free hand in getting these vaccines produced and licensed and then recommended for use by all children.
You've got to become an educated healthcare consumer, and that means becoming educated about vaccination before you take your child in for a shot.
And how can people support you and your organization?
Well, we are really trying to raise money for the Stand Up Be Counted campaign, so we came out with a national education campaign, the Conner Act.
The campaign by pharma and industry, I mean by the pharmaceutical companies and the medical organizations and government that are trying to say these vaccines are totally safe and effective.
Don't worry about it, just do what we say.
So they can go to standupbecounted.org and make a donation.
We've got DVDs we can send them, we've got bumper stickers that says no forced vaccination, not in America.
You know, that is our mantra now.
We should not be forcing this country to take a pharmaceutical product like a vaccine without our voluntary informed consent.
And what do you think the best tools are?
What are the best books and videos on the subject that are out there?
Oh gosh, there are so many on our website at nbic.org.
We list some of them.
We've got links to all sorts of other organizations, too, that offer information.
I mean, there are so many now that it's difficult to pick them.
So I would just, you know, you're going to, I mean, I do believe in the University of Google.
I think that you can get some fantastic information on the website, and you need to become educated, and we have the ability now with the Internet to be able to get information we never could before.
You can do medical research on the Internet and get medical studies that you would have had to go into a medical library, like I had to do in the 80s in order to write the book I wrote, DPT A Shot in the Dark, in 1985.
You can become your own
Absolutely, the information age is an amazing time.
I also believe in the University of Google and Yahoo and all these different sites and tools.
I'm with you.
Obviously, you have to weave through the information, but it's never been at our fingertips like it has before.
Literally, CDC papers are out there.
There's just so much great stuff.
And it's also easier to reach out to your family and friends through email.
It's so easy to embed a seven minute YouTube video where parents are being threatened with jail time if they don't vaccinate their kids.
I mean, it's just so easy to share this information if you're motivated to do so.
Yes, indeed.
Become an educated consumer.
That is what we need.
We can't be afraid of the truth about vaccination.
It's been hidden from us for too long.
We have to embrace it and we then have to put pressure on our politicians and on our health officials to change it so that we can minimize vaccine injury.
You know, one of my big things is that I explain to people, unfortunately, we live in this consumer obsessed society where we're more apt to take advice from a celebrity than a medical expert or a scientist.
Or a physicist on various issues.
We always want, you know, the person that's been on television.
And that's why I think it was so important that Jenny McCarthy did what she did and wrote that book and went on Oprah and said the vaccines aren't good.
And she continues to march on Washington with Jim Carrey, another superstar.
Don't you feel we should harness that power?
Well, you know, it's interesting because, you know, in the last quarter century, I've debated doctors five times in the Today Show.
I've been on CNN.
This issue has been debated and has been on television and radio, etc., in the last 35 years.
But it wasn't until a really well-known celebrity, like Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey, stepped up and made this issue something that was acceptable to talk about.
Well, I don't know if it's still very politically correct, but at least they stepped up to the plate and got the information out there, and I congratulate them for that.
Thank you so much for joining us.
The website is NVIC.org.
I'm Jason Bermas.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Remember, the Austin Governor's Mansion
Arson that is now politically motivated folks politically motivated and from what I understand They're saying it is a white male in his 20s Somewhere around six feet tall Apparently athletic climb the fence through some kind of fireball or something over with over the thing and they're saying they have a video they haven't released it somehow they still haven't been able to pinpoint who this is and and
A week or so back, we had someone on the program who had worked security inside the Governor's Mansion on the Alex Jones program, and he rejoins us today.
His name is Kevin Titus.
Kevin, thank you for joining us.
What's up, brother?
Why don't you recap what you told Alex a little over a week ago?
Well, basically, I had called in because I kind of thought the whole deal was suspicious, and I was listening to y'all's program.
And, uh, figured I'd call in.
So I basically called in, went over how I thought it was odd that, you know, arson, you know, there was an arson investigation going on.
When I first heard about the incident, I thought it would have been, you know, something related to the construction maybe.
And, uh, when I, when I heard arson on the media, I just kind of, something didn't seem right, you know?
So I called you guys and, uh,
And basically what happened was, uh, I was at work yesterday and, uh, ATS agent, and I want to say it was somebody with the fire marshal's office.
They showed up to my work and they just, they wanted to interview me.
And I guess they were talking to a couple other people.
And why did they say they wanted to interview you?
Uh, it was almost as if they were like, kind of like,
Placing me there they were asking me questions like it was like almost like a you know the TV episodes like where were you your where's your alibi this and that and I'm you know in my mind I'm like I don't have an alibi because for one thing I don't know anything so how can I tell these people so you know what I mean it's like Doesn't make any sense.
Yeah, I'm not even sure what day it started.
I want to say what it wasn't over the weekend Yeah, I think they said it was like 2 a.m.. Or something 2 or 3 Sunday night and
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, how many other people?
Well, I would say about, you know, 25% of the people out in Austin fit that description.
All you have to do is be a male and of average stature and you're in on that description.
It boggles my mind after going down there to cover it.
The media is saying that the security system was broken.
Now, the particular agency that I've worked with,
Uh, they handed over that security system a while back to another agency.
I'm not, you know, sure on the specifics of that.
Cause I'm just, you know, I'm like low level.
I go fix things that break, you know what I mean?
And, uh, it's just, you know, they're asking me all these weird questions and just, you know, it was really kind of, you know, kind of offended me, you know, honestly, you know, it was like defamation of character.
Co-workers over there.
Thinking I'm some, you know, nut job or something.
And then I come home and kind of wanted to see if my neighbor had heard anything.
Cause I, you know, I've heard on here how I've heard from several different people, you know, on Alex Jones Show, how they, how different, you know, ABC agencies, they go do like knocking talks and try to talk to neighbors and this and that.
And they were asking my neighbor, they, they actually came and questioned my neighbor.
I was asking my neighbor questions about me and this and that, and I just thought that was really messed up.
What did your neighbor have to say to that?
Here I am, I don't want to come on here just to make a statement, you know?
Let it be known.
Everybody who knows me knows, you know, I would never do anything as idiotic or, you know, stupid as that, you know?
What benefit would I have?
You know what I mean?
Quid bono.
Who stands to gain?
I mean, you know what?
If they've got all this evidence, I think it's time to put it out into the public.
Let's see these security videos.
I mean, it's more than suspicious that they said that they made the phone call to the fire department when they didn't, when it was a bystander, when the fire was very, very low.
He makes the call.
Uh, DHS.
15 minutes later.
Well, 15 minutes later, the, uh, fire department gets there, but DHS still isn't even there.
They're not there 15 minutes later.
They're there 25 minutes later.
These are the guys that are, that are in the media saying that they made the call.
No, they didn't.
They were nowhere to be found.
And again, I find it very hard to believe that that security system would have been down because when we were working on it, if anything happened to that security system, if it didn't get fixed that day, you know, it was like,
We were in trouble.
You know what I mean?
And I'm sure you still had somebody on the scene.
You know, if the security system wasn't there, you had guards, right?
The normal guards walking around like they normally do.
I mean... Yeah, the whole thing stinks to high hell.
You know, I'm really, I mean, I'm kind of freaked out about, you know, knowing what I know about, you know, the things going on in this government and this and that.
I mean, they're just...
I wouldn't put anything past them at this point.
And I mean, me, I'm a musician, you know what I mean?
I like DJ downtown every now and then, you know what I mean?
It's ridiculous that I could even be pigeonholed into a group that would firebomb the mansion, you know what I mean?
Just because I don't agree with the forced vaccination of Gardasil to the children in Texas doesn't mean, you know what I mean?
No, absolutely.
Just because you have a brain and you're a thinking person.
Uh, you know, it doesn't mean that you should be a suspect in arson, a serious crime.
I mean, really, it kind of makes me want to get a lawyer just for the, you know, can I, I mean, or is that their job?
Is that all they do is defame people's character?
You know what I mean?
It seems to be a recurring theme, uh, with these sort of jack boots, you know, they're more, they're more motivated to quote unquote, get a win than actually solving the crime.
You know, as long as they prosecute somebody and put them in a jail, it's a win for them.
And, uh, they're not really concerned, uh, with the general populace.
And then, like I said, the thing stinks to high hell.
There's... There are just cameras everywhere, folks.
And not just the rotating cameras, the ones that are planted... Yeah, and they're very good, highly equipped cameras.
Yeah, I mean, this is a CCTV, uh, dream.
I mean, they're up in the trees, you can barely see some of the little white cameras.
And then you have the ball cams that rotate around.
Now they're admitting finally that they have video.
You know, they're putting... The weird thing about the description to me is they said that he was either wearing khakis or jeans.
I can usually tell the difference between tacky pants and jeans.
I mean, why don't they just show the video?
That's right.
I don't know why that video's not out yet, and I don't know why this is quote-unquote politically motivated.
Maybe there's something in the video.
Maybe the guy's running down the street with a flag or something before he firebombs it.
I got a tattoo on my arm.
I don't know, man.
Maybe they're trying to superimpose that on him with some Photoshop.
A little laughter effects.
Absolute insanity.
But was he demonized into being the only guy?
I mean, this guy was sending letters home saying that he was actually part of a covert military program and he'd been recruited for army intelligence to his sister.
Everybody disregards that and then you find out that the rider truck that was used, its picture was taken at a military facility in Oklahoma just before the attacks.
You find out they took all
They took all of the security cameras so people couldn't see quote-unquote John Doe number two and they took bombs out of the building on camera.
The bomb squad took bombs out of the building on camera.
Keating, who was the governor at the time, got on television said it was a sophisticated group that they had diffused two other bombs and that they were larger than the first and inside the building.
So they really do create their own reality, don't they Kevin?
They do.
And what's ironic about this whole thing is there's like, you know, my buddies up at work, you know, I mean, I listen to InfoWars and every now and then, you know, when I'm riding around in my work truck or whatever.
And so I kind of, you know, they kind of mess with me a little bit, like, oh, he's a conspiracy theorist, this and that.
Everybody was kind of joking about that, like, oh man, Kevin, they're gonna try to, like, do this and that.
Not all done.
It was just like a ha-ha, kind of laughing, you know, joking type thing.
And, I mean... It's funny until it comes to fruition.
Asking my neighbors questions about me.
It's just like... Yeah, people need to understand, this is not a game.
These are people.
It's not a game.
I mean, I know firsthand, this is not a game.
You know what I mean?
I mean, these people...
I mean, I don't know what to think because, I mean, I ain't never done it.
I mean, I have no criminal history or anything like that.
I mean, these people are trying to pigeonhole me as some terrorist now.
I mean, that's the vibe I got.
No, I guarantee that's what they were trying to do.
You know, they're trying to intimidate you into some kind of wayward confession and then
When you didn't budge, they went to your neighbors and they're probably staking out your home and tapping your phone as we speak.
I mean, they'll probably run surveillance on you for at least another couple weeks until they put out the next asinine theory that, you know, God knows what, but you know what?
We've got a lot of local Texas listeners.
It's time to call up the DHS and demand that they put this video out.
You know, they're saying they've got somebody on tape.
Put the video out.
Let's see what happened there.
Put it out.
I want to see what happened there.
Let's see what other lies we can uncover with their own footage, Kevin.
We must hide the video from the comrades.
I agree.
That's what it is, man.
I mean... Alright, Kevin.
I thank you for stopping.
Is there anything else you want to say in closing?
Oh man, I just wanted to, you know, let it be known.
I mean, everybody who knows me knows the truth.
I mean, you know, I just wanted to make a statement in case these people do try to do anything insane.
All right, man, our prayers are with you and I thank you for joining us.
It's the Alex Jones Program, folks.
Well, there you have it.
Remember, the governor's mansion, you know, first they're not sure it looks accidental, then it's arson.
Then they're saying that the DHS isn't even there.
Then the DHS are the ones that called the fire department, but they weren't on the scene.
Then we find out that no, it was actually a bystander who called the fire department.
We interviewed him.
I believe that's up on InfoWars or JonesReport.com.
Been up there for a couple weeks.
He said that when the fire department got there, it was 10 or 15 minutes later.
It took him a while and that the police still had not arrived until after the fire trucks had got there.
Recently they decided that it was politically motivated.
They said they had a videotape of the assailant giving about the most general description of a human being you could possibly give.
You know, 5'9 to 6 foot, white, athletic, or skinny, and that's it.
Wearing jeans or khakis.
I don't understand how you can't tell the difference between jeans or khakis.
Not that that would really matter, I guess, since most guys who own a pair of jeans also
Own a pair of khakis.
At least I do.
You know, I got my khaki shorts on right now.
But this is the new freedom!
You know?
They'll go and harass somebody like him because he comes on the Alex Jones Show and says that he's worked security in that building and the thing doesn't add up.
That security system being down is ultra suspicious.
And even if it was down, there should have been guards on the scene.
That fire shouldn't have went down the way it did.
There's something fishy there.
Big time.
Big time.
And that's why we're going to keep covering here over at InfoWars.com.
You know, I wish I had some new news on the secession of Oklahoma.
Now, I don't know where it's going with that, but we read the bill yesterday and the resolution passed 92 to 3 from Representative Charles Key, a Republican, out in Oklahoma.
Basically, declaring states' rights.
You know, bringing it back.
Remember, folks, we're not a democracy.
We're a constitutional republic made up of 50 states.
States have power.
The federales don't have all the power.
That's why there are states' rights.
So we can challenge the federales when they become too corrupt, which they have been.
They've become out-of-control corrupt, where they try to fearmonger people into vaccinations.
Where they try to fear-monger people into accepting the end of posi commentatus.
Much like is going on in Denver right now.
Just look at the videos, people.
It's on loosechange911.com and hopefully they're going to be posting it over at Prison Planet and InfoWars shortly.
But we got three videos up there.
Urban warfare training going on right now in Denver, Colorado.
Black helicopters, black uniforms.
Detention centers, zero accountability, and propaganda drops.
Let's not forget the all-important propaganda drops.
I think I'm going to take a few phone calls before we get to our next guest at one o'clock, Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com, but we're going to have an hour of some financial news for you.
Keep up on that.
And then at two o'clock, Michael Markovich, the preacher down in Philadelphia,
Preaching outside of the Liberty Bell and he's arrested for it.
I think we have let's let's bring that story up.
Let's let's preview a little Michael Markovitch because you know, we need more free speech zones in this country, you know free speech zones, which are the exact opposite.
See I love the language.
It's so 1984 now, you have free speech zones.
Hey, guess what?
The country's a free speech zone.
Did you know did you did you?
Did you find that out?
First Amendment?
Nobody knows about that?
Well, people don't know what the amendments to the Constitution are.
They don't understand what free speech is anymore.
Makes me sick.
Makes me ill.
I'll tell you what's not free speech.
A pen where they put you 20, you know, 20 miles away from the actual site, or 20 blocks away, or 5 blocks away, or 2 blocks away.
Who cares?
They're fencing you off so that your voice can't be heard.
I mean, if your free speech zone is you talking to a tree, what's going to get done?
You're out there to affect change.
You're out there to awaken other Americans.
That's what this country is about.
That's why I'm disgusted when people get arrested for quote-unquote peddling when they are well within their First Amendment rights to give away, let me say it again, give away DVDs and other material.
They're not asking for any money.
It's not peddling.
It's literally what the Civil Rights Movement did to be successful.
They went out on the street, they papered and pamphleted the hell out of the place, and they gained support.
That's when you know we're threatening these guys.
When they realize that they can't win when they play by the rules, so they have to break them.
And they break them alright.
They break them again, and again, and again, and again, and again.
And they're going to continue to break those rules if we allow them to.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm Jason Bermas.
It's MySpace.com slash Jason Bermas.
You want to get at me?
We'll be back after this.
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And the days of Ancient Greece?
Right down to the Middle Ages.
Planned Earth kept going through changes.
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And times continued to change.
Nothing stayed the same.
But there were always renegades like... That's right, folks.
We are the new renegades.
And I feel blessed just to be a part of it.
I only wish more of you would stand up and not just listen to this radio broadcast.
Become a part of We Are Change.
Stand up against the vaccination.
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Donate your time.
Your resources.
That's what we need.
We all need to come together on separate issues to try to bring this country back to greatness.
To try to bring back the Constitutional Republic.
A government for and by the people.
I have this vision, folks.
I truly believe it's possible.
It's not about a revolution, it's about a restoration.
A restoration of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the morality that America once had.
We didn't just used to dehumanize people, you know?
But we're on a whole nother level now.
We're on a whole nother level.
Let's take a couple calls before we go to Bob Chapman on the other side.
Let's go to Noah in Texas.
Noah, are you there?
Yes, I'm here.
Hi Jason, nice to talk to you.
I wanted to commend Charles Keyes for introducing that legislation in Oklahoma.
He's also the person that headed up the Oklahoma City bombing investigation and put out the report.
It's really good.
I mean, this guy's a true American hero, absolutely.
Yeah, but it doesn't really say anything about the session, just to be clear.
Okay, I don't know where it was reported about secession, but it just... You know, I read the bill yesterday, and I could swear to God that there was a clause in there about seceding.
I've got a stack in front of me today, so I don't have it... I think it says cease and desist on any activities that are unconstitutional.
But, I mean, it's just saying that the government has stepped back its bounds, and it's trying to say it has to step back, I believe.
But, anyway, that's all I wanted to say.
Alright, thanks man.
I appreciate the call.
Alright, let's pop to the next caller.
Let's go to Chris in Arizona.
Chris, are you there?
Yeah, hello.
What's on your mind, Chris?
Well, Alex had the General Stubblebind on his show a couple of weeks ago.
And I was watching this thing called Crazy Rulers of the World, where they talk about men who stare at goats and stuff like that.
Yeah, I've seen the documentary.
It's actually a three-part documentary.
The first has been opted for a movie, the one you saw.
The Men Who Stare at Goats and the First Earth Battalion.
And Stubblebine was part of this program where they would try to use mind powers to stop the hearts of animals.
Yeah, they said there was one guy who did it, but he did damage to his own heart by doing it or something.
And then they were showing this other guy who was able to do it with his hamster or whatever.
It all seemed a little weird to me, but the whole series had to do with psyops, basically.
I believe the second part was...
About blasting loud music and stuff?
Yeah, correct.
And they also did the Sesame Street music, and then they did a couple Metallica songs.
Yeah, absolutely bizarre stuff.
I've gotta jump.
This is the Alex Jones Show, folks.
We've got Bob Chapman coming up.
I wish we could've stayed with that caller a little longer, because I really do like that documentary series, Crazy Rulers of the World.
It's very interesting.
We'll be back after this.
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks, we are back, and Alex will be back on the Sunday program, taking a much-deserved break.
I'm Jason Burmess, producer of Loose Change.
Go check my stuff out over at loosechange911.com, or give me a holler over at myspace.com slash Jason Burmess.
And right now, we are joined by the InternationalForecaster.com's own Bob Chapman.
How are you today, Bob?
Well, pretty good.
Pretty good.
So, I mean, he joins us every once in a while to give us some forecasting on the economy.
The economy's still in the pits.
I mean, I saw gas prices last night.
They continue to rise.
People are telling me it's tougher to get jobs.
I just read a headline out of CNN that says that a third of the CEOs out there are going to start cutting workers almost immediately.
And it looks like we're in for some pretty rough times.
Well, that figure was up from 22% in April.
To make it even worse.
But these are superficial end result things.
Going on in the bowels of the monetary, financial, and economic world are far worse things.
First of all, the credit crisis is nowhere near over.
At best, it might be 15% over, only because the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank and others are supplying
Anywhere between 500 billion and a trillion dollars a month in short-term financing, mostly to banks and financial firms who, if they didn't have that money, would not be in business.
And they, of course, take part of that money and speculate with it, and the rest of it they take and they lend to other speculators.
So, we have a world that is being financed by the Fed and the ECB,
So people can speculate.
And when you speculate, you don't really create anything except gains and losses.
And the Fed, if you noticed this morning, our Treasury Secretary said that the Fed should have more power to regulate what goes on in Wall Street.
Well, number one, the Fed is the problem.
Wall Street is part of the problem.
And it's like putting the wolf
In charge of the, or the Fox, in charge of the chicken coop.
What they're trying to do is consolidate the financial industries.
That includes all of them.
And when they consolidate them, it'll be a form of nationalization.
So if what's left of the financial industry can't make it
Which in all probability will happen eventually with deflation when it comes.
Then they will have a handful of banks, a handful of brokerage houses, a handful of insurance companies, and they'll all be nationalized.
And this is what they're after because this is the format for corporatist fascism.
And that's what we have in America today.
Well, we see things like the NASDAQ merging with
Will we see Wall Street merge as well?
I mean, will we see just one place to trade?
Is that what you're saying?
Eventually, yes.
The weaker firms, even those, some of whom, like Lehman, is a shareholder in the Fed Reserve, may be split up because they just can't make it.
But most of the middle size and little firms will be gobbled up.
Yes, they'll try eventually to merge all the exchanges.
And they'll delist all of the smaller companies so that they can't raise capital in the equity market, and that they have to go to banks to do that.
And the same thing is going to happen to the banking system, as well as the insurance companies.
And that also will limit the ability of corporations to raise money, because they will have to raise money through banks, some of it through equity, but mostly through banks.
The banks, the government will control the corporations.
And that's how it's going to end up.
This is the dream of Benito Mussolini.
It's absolute fascism and we'll be back after this with Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster.com.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
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All right, folks, we're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show, and we're going to be playing a clip of the conspiracy files a little bit later after Bob Chapman.
Basically, the number seven documentary is coming out.
It's going to be a total hit piece.
Get ready for it.
It'll probably coincide with the same time that the actual report comes out.
This is on July 6th, so I would say look for that NIST report the week of July 6th.
I really would say that.
I can't imagine them not doing that, but
Maybe I'm wrong.
All right, let's go back to Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
You just discussed how they really are trying to bring in a fascist system where there's one place to trade, there's one banking system.
What will this mean for the American people?
Will they be able to get their money out of the banks when this happens?
They won't, right?
They're just going to lose all of their, I guess, quote-unquote, hard assets, their paper assets.
Well, it's hard to say how that'll work out because right now the FDIC, which is the government entity that is financed by banking, that provides the funds when banks go under, I think it has $52 billion and that is probably not even enough to bail out one medium-sized bank.
And government is talking about
150 to 300 banks going under over the next three years.
Now, I've called back 35 experts who worked during the 80s and 90s for the FDIC and asked them to come back to work because they're going to need them because of their experience.
So, I think there's going to be a lot of mergers.
They know the banks that have problems because they see their numbers all the time.
I think there will be a lot of mergers.
Bank A might merge with Bank B and Bank B might get gobbled up by Bank C. That sort of thing.
It is not in their interest to allow banks to go under and people not to get paid.
It's extremely important to all you listeners
That you do not have more than a hundred thousand dollars in any one bank account because beyond that, you're not insured.
So remember that.
And I think what will happen is that Congress will just allocate more money to bail out more banks as they go along.
And of course, what that will do is create more debt for the American public.
And that's not good.
And as they print the money out of nowhere.
Well, the government will allocate it, and they will pay interest on the debt that's issued to be able to finance that.
The people who essentially create money out of thin air is the Federal Reserve, which is a privately owned entity, and I wrote a piece on it this morning.
The Federal Reserve does not use the same kind of accounting system that the corporate America does, or other banks do.
They have their own Federal Reserve operating manual.
And one of the reporters, under the Freedom of Information Act, asked for a copy, because they wouldn't give him one.
And they gave it to him, it was so badly redacted that he couldn't make any sense out of it.
And so they're trying to hide what they're doing, but essentially what they're doing at the Fed is they're taking in what we call toxic waste.
Toxic garbage, which are bonds which consist of mortgages or other kinds of loans, are debt.
And they're worth probably on average around 40 cents on the dollar.
And this private firm, BlackRock, is supposedly trying to peddle the garbage that they're collecting.
And I don't think there's any effort at all, because the Fed never has to mark their books to the market.
And this is extraordinarily important.
Under FASB rules, which is the International Accounting Agency, we'll call it, companies have to, if they have securities, they have to mark them to the market.
In other words, on June 30th, when they finish the second quarter,
And they tell everybody what they're worth, the pluses and the minuses.
They have to go to the market, and they have to find out what their security's worth.
The Fed doesn't have to do that.
The Fed can carry that on the books indefinitely in that suspended state.
So the Fed can just keep on printing, if you may, or creating money as long as it wants.
It's a totally beyond-belief fiat system.
And it is going to collapse.
All you have to do is live long enough to see it.
And I figure, probably about three years down the line, I've read a couple of people who are in the industry, so to speak, which I've been in for 50 years, as opposed to being a writer, of the financial industry.
And they're starting to say the same things that I've been saying for the last three or four years.
They're catching up.
And of course, they're ostracized for it.
But they're speaking up.
And we had the Royal Bank of Scotland two days ago say that we're headed for very, very difficult times.
And then one of the hedge fund managers, who manages $30 billion, said the same thing.
And they both thought that the problems were going to get worse quicker.
They may.
But I've learned in 50 years of being in these situations that you've got to be patient.
Things don't happen as quickly as you think they will.
But it's irrespective.
It's all going to happen.
You mentioned that the Federal Reserve was private.
Can you just lay out how the board members of the Federal Reserve are actually chosen, what their terms are, and how we pick the Fed chair?
Well, the Fed chair is nominated
By the Federal Open Market Committee, which is, in turn, approved by Congress.
I don't know whether it's... The appointee is made by the presidential administration.
And Congress says, yeah, that's okay.
Because Congress doesn't argue, and the reason that they don't is that they are the recipient of large amounts of money from the financial community so they can get re-elected.
And what they don't use in their election, they get to keep.
So, it's a payoff system, just like lobbying is.
And so, he's appointed, he's chosen from within.
The people who work in the different Federal Reserve Banks are chosen and appointed from within.
It's all run by the shareholders who are banks.
And the biggest shareholders, JPMorgan Chase,
His Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, and a myriad of others.
But that group there controls probably about 55-60% of the votes.
And so when you saw this Mickey Mouse-Bear Stearns assassination a couple of months ago, and that's really what it was, it was an effort by the Fed to take Bear Stearns out, and they had all kinds of excuses for doing so.
But the excuses didn't wash, and the reason why is, two days after they declared the deal, which was a $30 billion deal, and the $30 billion was to collect money to offset the values, purportedly, of their bonds, which were toxic garbage, which the Fed took in.
Morgan gave the Fed a billion dollars to cover losses.
Of course, the losses are going to be phenomenal.
But the whole thing is contrived.
But getting back to Bear Stearns, they were taken out because they weren't one of the group, and there were certain parts of Bear Stearns that JPMorgan Chase wanted, and that's why they were taken down.
And there have been a couple of other writers on Wall Street who have come up with the same conclusion, but not many.
And the reason why is they're afraid
They'll get fired from their jobs, or be ostracized within their community, and people like me who write that stuff, just like Alex, are targets of the government, and they do what they can to make our lives miserable.
But the Fed is controlled by the Federal Open Market Committee, and all of those people are appointed and belong to the major banks who own the Fed Reserve.
And it is an absolutely rotten system.
It is arch-criminalism.
And it's got to be done away with.
And given back to the U.S.
Treasury, this has got to be stopped.
Every panic that we've had since 1913 has been planned and executed by the Federal Reserve in behalf of the banking and Wall Street community.
And that's a fact.
So how do we defeat it?
How do we move on from the Federal Reserve into a separate type of monetary system?
I think the only way is you've got, of course, to get Congress to do something about it.
And with the people we have in Congress now, that's not going to happen.
And that's why I've told my subscribers, with the exception of Ron Paul, vote everybody out of office.
And maybe we might have a shot at something.
Otherwise, they're just going to keep doing what they're doing, and they're going to control us.
And with the laws they have in the books now that have been put on in the last seven years,
They can do anything to anybody, anytime they want.
And if they disagree with what Alex says, they pick him up and say, we suspect that he's a terrorist, and they can inter him indefinitely.
They don't even have to bring charges against him.
So if we're not able to defeat this system, how is it that the average American listening to this broadcast can protect themselves from the coming financial crisis?
Well, the first thing I always tell people is get rid of your credit card revolving debt and try to be as clean of debt as you can.
And then you should make plans.
You've got to get insurance for bad days ahead.
You do that by getting freeze-dried and dehydrated foods, a method of purifying water, something to defend your family and your home.
And once you've got that in place, if you have more money,
You can think of buying gold and silver coins and gold and silver shares if you like to speculate.
All right, it's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Bermas, sitting in for the remainder of the week.
We will be back after this.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
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All right, folks, we're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Burma sitting in.
With us is Bob Chapman of TheInternationalForecaster.com, and you've given some great advice.
You've told people don't have more than $100,000 in one bank account at any given time.
Go into hard assets and get rid of their debt.
What else can people do to ensure, you know, that they're going to be okay in five or ten years?
Well, I think that what they have to do is spend their spare time learning more about what is causing all this and passing that information on to other people.
Alex and I do it on the air, but it's up to you out there to pick up the information and give it to other people.
And granted, you know, most people don't want to hear it.
I know there's something wrong, they say, but I don't want to know.
But that's OK.
I've been involved in the exposure of this for almost 50 years, and I feel that if one person out of a hundred listens, then I've accomplished something.
And so that's the attitude you have to take.
And you also have to work on the elected representatives.
Keep on sending them short emails like, I am in disagreement with Bill such and such, and I wish you would vote against it.
And just as simple as that.
You don't have to go into detail because in the congressional offices they have two piles for each bill.
And one is yes and the other is no.
And the letter you'll get back from the congressman or senator's office will read some flowering thing about that particular bill and what the congressperson has done previously.
But still, you make your influence known and you use it.
Within the system, that's all you can do.
It would be nice to say that you could vote for and elect people who would listen and do what the constituents wanted.
That can happen in some cases, and hopefully in more cases than it has in the past.
Those are the things you can do working within the system.
Well, I feel if we want those things to happen, we have to run.
If we want those things to happen, we have to become the government.
We have to become the media.
You know, I had a caller on yesterday saying, you know, I've given all this information to my local senators, my congressmen, the city council, and they look at it, but they just kind of brush me off.
And I'm like, well, then it's time to say, you know, I'm done giving you information.
I'm now going to take your job and run against these people and interject real issues.
Is a good comeuppance to them for not listening.
And, you know, I've seen activists who I thought would never win an election, and did, simply because of persistence.
And you can't give up.
You have to be persistent.
You have to believe what you're doing is a profitable thing for your society, as well as yourself.
And you can't leave it up to Alex and people like Alex on other programs and writers like myself to do it for you.
We'll give you the information.
You've got to carry it.
You've got to, you know, have that message.
And you have to disperse it.
And you've got to remember, it's not a happy message because it's the truth.
And the truth is sometimes a very hard sell.
But you've got to keep on hammering.
And picking off little things that you see which will prove your point.
And eventually people come around.
And the people in your own family are the most difficult to convince.
Yeah, often that is the case.
But I really think that it's about convincing yourself that you can have an effect, that you can be powerful, that you have great power within, and you can expand on that.
So many people give me this defeatist attitude of, I can't change this, and I can't do that.
You know, I was in a bar last weekend and someone saw my little InfoWars
I think so.
Well, and also, those who say what you just said,
You say to them, well, that's okay.
Why don't you just call up the Department of Home Security and ask them which internment camp you're going to be sent to?
Bob, shoot out the websites quick.
All right, thank you.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this.
I'm Jason Bermas, InfoWars.com.
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Alright folks, we're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Before we play this BBC Conspiracy Files clip, it's a three minute trailer.
It makes it look like they may be sympathetic to us, but I guarantee they will not be.
It will be a total and complete hit piece.
I spent some time
With the guy who was interviewing Dylan quite a bit of time actually when we were out in I want to say Yeah, it was in Denver.
It was the first screening at Denver is where they interviewed Dylan and I just want to let people know that this is not going to be This isn't going to be any way positive for us They're gonna wrap it up at the end and say it's definitely fire you watch, you know, maybe I'm wrong, but I'm probably not
That being said, before we go to that clip, I just want to let everybody know that to support this show, we do have some sponsors, and eFoodsDirect is our biggest one.
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That being said, I'm going to be taking your calls in just a moment, but let's play this World Trade Center 7 BBC clip.
Building 7 is the smoking gun of 9-11.
It is the most obvious example of controlled demolition.
It's not real.
The materials and the technologies just aren't there.
If they were, I'd know.
In the building, I heard explosions.
Outside the building, I heard explosions.
I saw this building, which had never been hit by a plane, come crashing straight down.
For it to fall symmetrically and completely and rapidly was quite astounding.
Could one use a controlled demolition on any building?
Did it happen to WTC7 on 9-11?
No, it did not.
As far as I know, that's the first time it's happened in architectural history.
A steel high-rise building has collapsed simply because of damage and fire.
You could hear the building creak.
You could hear things fall.
You can hear the fire burning, and you can hear the destruction way above it.
No steel frame high-rise building has ever collapsed due to fire.
You know, you have to look at what was inside Building 7.
You had the largest Secret Service field office outside of Washington, D.C.
You had the largest CIA field office.
You had a number of government agencies inside the building.
And I think we're just about the last ones in this building right now.
I think you should leave.
Everybody else is gone.
The first explosion I heard when I was on the stairwell here.
Like a boom.
Like an explosion.
Jane, what more can you tell us about this collapse?
Details are very, very sketchy.
The entire half inch of the beam is gone.
Entirely dissolved.
Something happened to cause the steel to really thin and in some places to disappear entirely.
Building 7 is the first high-rise building in the world that has collapsed solely due to
Well, there you go, folks.
Get ready.
July 6th.
That's going to be coming to the BBC.
And I want to point out that Richard Clarke, who some people for some reason love him in this movement because he apologized before the 9-11 Commission.
I just want to let you know, Richard Clarke, you make me sick.
I don't like you.
A lot of people in this movement don't like you.
And the ones that do, wake up, man.
This guy just got on a special and said World Trade Center 7 was not a controlled demolition.
He's a punk.
He doesn't deserve the time of day.
I don't care if he confirms that Cheney was in the P.O.C.
That's great.
We got other confirmation of that.
I don't care if he confirms continuity of government that day.
We got other people that confirm that.
He's a punk.
He's on camera saying that Building 7 isn't a controlled demolition.
It is!
I'm sick of the people within the movement trying to say there's not enough evidence for it.
Are you kidding me?
Well, they've got Barry Jennings on there.
Barry Jennings, of course, is going to be in Fabled Enemies.
I'm anxious to see what he had to say to the BBC and what the BBC puts out there.
Obviously, Dylan was interviewed.
He's in the film.
And the last person you heard from was that Sondar gentleman who originally said to Popular Mechanics that up to 25% of the building was scooped out.
Scooped out!
It's a 47-story skyscraper.
Let's do the math.
That's 12 full stories plus scooped out of the building.
It's bull.
That guy, that Sondar guy, he should stand before a military tribunal eventually.
He knows he's covering up the truth.
The guy before him though, I had never seen before, and he was talking about how some of the beam had simply disappeared.
You know?
They also have other government talking heads like the Lizot family.
The Lizot guy was like, I know about it.
I'll bet you would.
You and your family.
You bunch of criminals.
Alright, let's take some calls.
Let's go to Jim in Ohio.
Jimmy, you there?
What's up, Jim?
Hey, how you doing today?
I just got a couple questions for you.
The last guy that was on, the question was, when the banks go bankrupt and you owe them debt, where does your debt go?
Does it get just erased?
I don't think so.
I think they're going to set up debtors' prisons.
They've been in the process for quite some time, and instead of a prison that you'll live in, you'll have to go work on weekends, kind of like community service.
No kidding?
Then the other question was,
The movie The Condor, Robert Redford, in the last part of it they talk about food shortages and having what to do with all the people and everything.
And this movie was made, like, what, 25 years ago?
Sure, it's way old.
Well, I mean, look, if you read, and I brought this document up yesterday again, but Rebuilding America's Defense is the PNAC document that everybody talks about, the new Pearl Harbor and all that good stuff.
Still, in it, talks about using bioweapons, talks about using food as a weapon, talks about using, you know, weather weapons and mod weapons and
In the last part of that, he comes out and says that very thing.
And in that movie, the government wipes out his whole agency that is supposedly working for the government that knows the truth.
Yeah, well... And then they go after him.
Yeah, it happens.
And, you know, a lot of people think that's just a movie, but our government is more corrupt than any movie could possibly tell.
Unfortunately, truth is much stranger than fiction.
I thank you for the call, Jim.
Let's jump to Tracy in Missouri.
Tracy, you're there.
Hi, Jason.
I was going to ask if you think that the situation going on in Denver goes against the posse comitatus.
Yeah, absolutely.
Absolutely violates posse comitatus.
Posse comitatus is the statute where the police and the military are separate and right now the police and military are working together for a domestic takeover drill in unmarked helicopters in black uniforms.
So absolutely.
That's exactly what's going on right now.
I just wanted to point that out because I hadn't heard you say anything about it today, so I just wanted to point that out.
And they're prepping for this thing that's happening at the end of August, August 25th to August 28th.
Thank you.
If you want to see the videos, hopefully they're going to be posted over at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
But we've got them right now at loosechange911.com and you can go check out these Apaches, these Blackhawks, you can see the detention centers, you can see everybody dressed up in their nice little black uniforms, you can see the propaganda that they're actually dropping on the people, these orange glow sticks with American flags wrapped around them and military patches around them.
Very bizarre.
Very, very bizarre.
Let's jump to Steve in Washington.
Steve, are you with me?
Hi, Dick.
Hi, Jason.
How are you, sir?
I'm doing good.
I was just listening to the gentleman prior to your Building 7 coming down.
And I agree.
I try to tell everybody I can that'll listen.
And most people don't want to listen.
They're too busy with their life.
What you really got to put down to them is that they're not going to be that busy.
They won't be concerned about their season tickets.
They won't be concerned about the next SUV they want to drive.
They won't be concerned even about their housing payment because chances are the bank owns that house and when the bank goes under that means that house is going to be owned by the Federal Reserve Banking System and if they're nice enough to let you keep that house they're probably going to put you in some type of debtor prison.
I agree.
I do that.
I buy them in multiples and I do that.
That's right.
I'm like, Rick, this is the real deal.
This is the reality.
I thank you so much for your call, Steve, and keep pressing on.
You know, we need more info warriors like yourself.
Let's go to Mike in Tennessee.
Mike, are you with me?
I'm with you.
The fellow was talking about paying off revolving debt and credit cards.
Since those are non-secured debt, meaning they can't come take your property, I would say paying off your home would probably be the most important thing.
Something that's got
No, I'm with you.
And that's what I just said, is that if the banks come in and they go out of business, chances are they're the ones that actually own your house.
And then it'll be up to the Federal Reserve Banking System, you know, if they take in that debt, whether you get to keep your home or not.
So yeah, your house is probably the number one priority to pay off.
Well, unless they go to your local registrar's office, they really can't even take your property, but the fact is that
Under the terms of your contract, as long as you don't default, as long as you pay that monthly note by the due date in full, your monthly payment to whoever that is, and I would send it to the original agreed-upon address, they still can't take your property as long as you're paying that note.
They might try to squeeze you and threaten you, but unless you've got corrupt local court systems like we do, and certainly where I live, they would do that against me in a heartbeat because I'm not the old boy network and
I'm burning disk and doing all these other things, which is making a stink around here, but the bottom line is that secure debt, yes.
Unsecured debt, no.
I wouldn't worry about it personally.
All right, man.
Thanks for the opinion.
Let's jump to another caller.
Let's go to Betty in North California.
Or North Carolina, I don't know.
Betty, are you there?
Yeah, I'm here, Jason.
Hello again.
How are you doing?
Oh, I'm doing good, and I'm fired up, buddy.
I'm a 9-11 truther, and I believe that it was the inside job that Building 7 come down.
Absolutely, and you just heard the little clip I played there.
And, you know, how do you feel when someone like the Lozot family, who is the head of Controlled Demolition Incorporated, who helped clean up Oklahoma City, who was contracted to clean up the World Trade Center, gets up there and says, there's no way it was a controlled demolition.
If it was, I'd know about it.
Oh, I gotta let you go, Betty.
You gotta watch the language on this show, folks.
I'm sorry.
She's a really sweet lady, and she's called several different times.
Alright, let's jump to Elliot in Ohio.
Elliot, are you with me?
Elliot, what's on your mind, man?
You there?
Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, I mean, like, uh, I'm about to bring up just a side topic, but, uh, I mean, Larry Silverstein came out and said, yeah, we pulled it, so, I mean,
This is definitely controlled demolition.
Got the dude that owns the whole place saying, by the way, we blew it.
I think.
But the debunkers just, they just literally rewrite the language into saying that pull it means pull down the building.
When we had people call, uh, controlled demolition corporations and say, Hey, could you let me know what the, the term pull it is?
And they like, Oh, that's when they're actually going to take down the building.
You know, it's an obvious term, obvious, but perception is stronger than reality these days.
You know,
Anything else you'd like to say?
I got a question.
You know, I came in like earlier on the day, you're talking about vaccines and all that good stuff.
And I've read up on the information, you know, Merck's putting cancer in the polio vaccines, HPV vaccines are making little girls, you know, paralyzed and all that good stuff.
What about like a tetanus vaccination or all that good stuff?
Do you believe that all the vaccinations... I'll tell you what, I don't trust any of the vaccinations at all.
But I'm not going to say that they're all as bad as each other, okay?
I'm just saying I don't trust them when they openly put SV40 and other types of SV into vaccinations as a preservative.
I don't trust them when they're putting mercury in the vaccinations.
I don't trust them when they're doing these nationwide promotions for women to get vaccinated against HPV, which is kind of a joke.
It's really a joke where I am in Oneona, because it's a big college town.
And, you know, all the local medical officials will tell you, you know, around 80 to 90% of the people that are there have HPV.
And it's, it's really, you know, they say it causes cancer.
And, uh, even my, even my, uh, my girl, she thinks, she thinks the same thing.
She's like, Oh, I'm so worried about this HPV thing.
I'm just like, it's all a scam.
So am I against every vaccination?
Would I take any of them at this point?
Does that answer your question?
Yeah, man.
All right.
All right, thanks for the call, Elliot.
All right, let's go to Derek in Montana.
What's up, Derek?
What's up, man?
Hi, Jason.
I wanted to talk quickly about something that kind of relates to the thing I heard about the people being arrested for peddling when they were just getting... What was that?
I missed the last part of that.
Oh, you... I wanted to talk about something
Uh, the guys that were getting arrested for so-called peddling.
Yeah, yeah, We Are Change Colorado gets arrested because they're handing out free DVDs.
Which is in accordance with the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Yeah, there's... Well, um, I used to live in Patterson, New Jersey, right?
I just moved over to Montana.
And over there they installed a bunch of cameras all over the city recently.
Alright, hold right there.
We're gonna have your phone call on the other side of the Alex Jones Show.
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Alright folks, it's the Alex Jones Show and we are back taking your calls.
We just played the BBC special Conspiracy Files.
And we're going to be playing that again in the fourth hour on the TV.
Remember, if you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member, the last hour is broadcast on the web for y'all.
And I'm rocking my Yankees gear today, showing my New York pride.
And we've got a caller who used to live over in Paterson, New Jersey, discussing the fact that members of We Are Change Colorado were actually arrested and charged with peddling for handing out free DVDs
When weeks prior they had talked to the police, and guess what?
It was okay.
It was well within the law and the Constitution.
You want to elaborate a little bit, Derek?
Yeah, well, what I was going to say is something that kind of ties into that subject.
About four years ago, there were these two guys in my city that started going downtown and setting up a little stand where they would give out free books.
They just had boxes and boxes of books.
Two years later, they started installing cameras all over the whole city, all over downtown.
And, uh, then the next thing I know, a year after that, I'm down there one day downtown, and I'm picking up some books and talking to them, and these police show up.
Two, two policemen show up and tell them that they have to move.
Because, uh, they're asking them questions like, are you selling anything?
Uh, what, what exactly are you guys doing?
So they were trying to find some reason to get them to move.
And they kept saying, oh, you're obstructing the sidewalk traffic.
And so they moved their stuff back even farther.
And they weren't.
And then some lady from a Shahuonda shop said, oh, you guys can set up outside my store.
And before they could move, about six more cop cars showed up, and they swarmed out and arrested these two guys for giving out books.
And I wanted to ask you, what would the rationale behind that be?
What reasons can they detain people just for
Doing, just for giving out some, like, free books.
Uh, their egos.
Uh, the fact that they think that they're... Seriously, that's it.
It's just this new copy ego.
That's the only thing.
That they're, they're the law.
They decide what's, what's constitutional.
They don't even know what the constitution is, man.
I remember, uh, a couple years back, I was walking down my street in upstate New York.
This is an Amish community, by the way.
Literally people in horse and buggy.
Uh, a crime capital by no means whatsoever.
I had a cup of coffee in my hands.
I'm walking down a main road, and the police pulled me over walking.
They're like, hey, you!
What's your name?
I'm like, excuse me?
He's like, what's your name?
I'm like, sir.
Uh, I mean, I have no reason to give you my name.
Is there a reason that you're pulling me over?
They literally got out of the car, started to go for their pepper spray.
They're like, you want us to arrest you?
You want to go to jail right now?
Oh yeah.
I was trying to defend them and say, and, and, and, uh, say what, what the hell are they going for?
Sorry for the language, but they were threatening to arrest me just for that too.
And, uh,
So people on the street decided just to let it be.
And then I said, they said that they were doing an investigation and I said, okay.
And they're like, what's your name?
I'm like, my name is Jason.
And they're like, Jason, what?
I'm like, are you looking for a Jason?
What's going on here?
I mean, how much more info do you need for me?
And eventually I gave them my full name and they got back in their cars.
I almost let him take me downtown, but my girlfriend at the time would have had my head.
She was coming in to meet me.
But yeah, the only thing that gives them that power are their egos.
We'll take your calls later on, but right now we're going to have Markovich come on and discuss how he was arrested for preaching, and convicted by the way, for preaching near the Liberty Bell on a sidewalk.
I guess free speech is gone in this country.
It's the Alex Jones Show!
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All right, folks.
We're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Those joining us at PrisonPlanet.tv on the live video feed, I just want to thank you.
If you missed any of the previous three hours,
We covered a lot, folks.
We had Kevin Titus, who worked over at the Governor's Mansion in Austin, Texas.
We had Barbara Lowe Fisher, the National Vaccine Information Center.
We had Mark Dice of The Resistance.
And we also had Jonathan of We Are Change Colorado, who posted a lot of great videos about the Black Helicopter Ops.
urban warfare drills that are going on in Colorado and right now we have Michael Markovitch, I hope I'm pronouncing his last name correctly, who was arrested for using his First Amendment outside of Philadelphia right by the Liberty Bell and recently convicted of preaching on a sidewalk near the Liberty Bell.
Mr. Markovitch, are you with us?
Yes, I am.
Thanks for having me on the program.
I appreciate it.
Well, thanks for coming on the program.
A breakdown for the listeners
What you were doing when you were initially arrested and how this process took place.
Well, I traveled to a lot of public venues.
I've been on Alex's program before and we talked about the RNC convention in New York City.
Everyone come down, put down on Pier 57 with the free speech areas that are being established more and more.
And here at the Liberty Bell Center in Philadelphia in Independence Hall,
They've established what they call a free speech area, or a free speech zone, in which you also need to get a permit to even engage in activities there.
And I was on the public sidewalk which aligns 6th Street in Philadelphia.
Now they built a new center, it's called the Liberty Bell Center, and that's alongside the sidewalk.
And I was standing on that sidewalk, speaking to people waiting in line,
About the important message that's written right on the Liberty Bell, which is from the Book of Leviticus, which is proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all the inhabitants thereof.
So as I was speaking to Pastor Bai about abortion in our country and how it's very grievous that this is continuing, and about everyone's need to come to know God through Jesus Christ, I'm an evangelist, that's what I do.
I go out to the public square and I declare this message of repentance and the need for a Savior.
And as I was standing on that sidewalk outside the Liberty Bell Center, I was told to go over there, and the ranger motioned where I was to go, which was on the other side of the building, away from the people I was trying to reach.
And this is on a public sidewalk.
It's open to the public.
It's not shut down.
There are other people there that are engaged in activities, and I was prohibited from continuing with my message.
So, I ultimately had been cited for violating the terms and conditions of a permit, a permit in which I never accepted, but it was pushed upon me.
And this permit was basically a verbal permit, and I was told to go to this free speech area.
So, that's what happened.
I tried to reason with these park rangers, asking them to please speak with our legal counsel before they start instituting this.
In fact, the chief ranger that oversees the area down there said that that was a new policy that was just rolled out and it had not made it to the Rangers in the field yet.
This is what had been testified to during the criminal trial.
But I had been charged first with violating the terms and conditions of a permit.
Now, this was a permit I never accepted.
And also, and that was for not going to the free speech zone.
The second charge I got in the mail six months later via certified mail.
And this was a violation of the Code of Federal Regulations, like the permitting issue.
But this one, I decided that I was interfering with agency functions by standing there and speaking to the people on messages on various topics.
So that's what happened, and ultimately I was put on trial and convicted on those two counts.
Well, I want to get into the trial.
I want to get into the conviction on the other side.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be back after this.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is out on vacation with his family, taking a well-deserved rest.
He will be back for the Sunday program.
I've been sitting in all week.
I'll be here tomorrow.
And we're talking to Michael Markovich, a preacher who was arrested for spreading the word on the sidewalk, folks, and then, I guess, recently convicted by trial.
I'm wondering, Michael, when they arrested you, did they just give you a ticket?
Did they bring you down to the station?
How did that process go?
And then, tell me what happened at the trial.
Well, first, to your first question, what happened is that as I was speaking, I had been approached one final time by the supervising ranger, Saperstein, supervising ranger Saperstein, who came and several other rangers and they used pain compliance where they bent my hand behind my back and forcibly made me go into the Liberty Bell Center into a room in which I had been questioned
And then, uh, cited and released.
And after that, uh, the citation, the second citation, which is also a federal violation, came in the mail, certified mail, six months later.
And in relationship to the trial itself, that was a two-day trial in which, um, the prosecution put their case on, of course, and then we put our case on.
And, uh, ultimately I had been found
Guilty of violating the terms and conditions of a permit, and secondly for interfering with agency functions by just simply standing on the sidewalk and speaking with people.
So it definitely is very revealing as to where our country is headed in, or it has been headed in this direction for a very long time now, and it's just getting worse.
And this free speech zone establishment, which is becoming more commonplace at major events, this is now being instituted here.
Yeah, it seems like it doesn't even have to be at a main event like the RNC, like the DNC.
It can be anywhere now, and they're trying to put these into squelch-free speech even further.
They're arresting people, quote-unquote, for peddling when they're giving away DVDs at this point.
I mean, even at a bank!
I get the runaround.
It's a total surveillance society, police state, where they want all these forms of identification, they want all these regulations, so that if they don't agree with what you're saying, you won't be able to say it at all.
And that's what this country has really become.
Anything that is labeled, quote-unquote, a free speech zone is bad news, because the free speech zone is this country.
It's any public property that is in the United States of America, in my opinion.
That's right, and what was very shocking is what Assistant U.S.
Attorney Richard Goldberg was arguing.
He was stating that our defense, and that was a part of our defense, that it was propaganda, and that I was a clear and present danger to people being on that public sidewalk.
In the name of safety, they're starting to shut people down from being able to speak on the public sidewalks about issues that are important to them, and it's happening more and more often.
In fact, what happened is that this U.S.
attorney, Richard Goldberg, asked a judge, Judge Rapoport, who heard this case, to send a message not only to me, but to those in the courtroom and anyone else who would dare stand on public property and share their beliefs without government permission.
And it's very, very revealing.
Yeah, it is much like the government has quote-unquote become God, and we know that a lot of these preachers have really sold their flocks down the river by taking government funding and telling them that when the government comes in, listen to them, go to the camps, it's just unbelievable how far this has gone.
It certainly is.
It certainly is, and you know, they're trying to send this message, and I think that they are
This is getting some attention because of the fund and because I was put on a year probation.
I have to now go down to the U.S.
Probation Office tomorrow by 2 p.m.
and register and not only get permission for, you know, being able to exercise my rights in public, but anywhere I go, I need to now get permission from the U.S.
Probation Office.
And they could deny me for whatever reason they so desire.
If I need to go to a ministry project in another state, I have to get permission from the U.S.
probation office.
So this is really a shocking decision and I think that it should awaken some people to voice some opposition and to stand up for what is right.
Where can people find your information?
What's the website?
How can people help?
Well, I'd encourage people to visit us at repentamerica.com.
That's R-E-P-E-N-T-A-M-E-R-I-C-A dot com.
And on our website, there's actually a link to the video footage.
Now I know it's at infowars.com as well.
If people would like to take a look at that, they can go to our website at repentamerica.com.
You also have it on infowars.com.
If they want to see it on YouTube, they can just go to YouTube and use the keyword, Liberty Bell Center, and it's the very first video.
And in that video footage, you will see this supervising ranger approach me a couple of times and instruct me to go to this free speech area.
And I had declined that, as well as the verbal permit that was issued.
Now, nowhere in what they call the compendium or in the Code of Federal Regulations do we see them being able to issue verbal permits.
Nowhere there is that even listed, and the judge argued in his finding of facts that, well, it's not listed, therefore they can issue it.
So, it really is a bad decision, and we're working on an appeal right now.
Our legal counsel, our attorney, Scott Shields, is getting ready to file that appeal.
It's our hope that this gets shut down, because if they shut down the public sidewalks to the free expression of ideas at the Liberty Bell Center and at Independence Hall in the birthplace of American freedom, then our nation, as it is right now, is in trouble.
You know, that's why it's so important for people to arm themselves with cameras.
Because even if you do go down in a, you know, a court, a courtroom, at least in the court of public opinion, we have a chance.
We can show how corrupt the system is, and shed light on that, and show how corrupt it is all around.
It's not just the police, but it's the judge.
You know, it's the court system that would rule in favor of this, you know, police state measure.
Rule against the First Amendment.
Rule against the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
What else are you guys up to?
What's the next step for Repent America?
Well, right now we're really concentrating on this particular situation because of what it all entails, and trying to get this overturned, and ensuring that people, not only myself, but people who disagree with our message, and we do believe Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and that no man comes to the Father but by Him, but we know that people are going to disagree with that.
But that's why the public street should be open up to discussion and open up to the free expression of ideas, not shut down by government because they're afraid of safety issues or they're using this in the name of safety, but they want to silence us.
And we're going to be headed to a couple of events coming up.
We're going to be in Washington, D.C.
for the Fourth of July and at some other events.
But being out there on a regular basis,
This is becoming very much commonplace.
The free speech zone establishments that are at these major events that are not only at major events, as you said, but they're on college campuses.
They're becoming now just a regular part of a city where someone is told you have to go over there if you want to express your views.
And what's going to stop them from just shutting it all down completely without that permit and then denial of those permits?
Very troublesome in this case, as I said.
Very revealing as to the direction our country continues to head in.
And what is that direction?
I mean, the way I've been seeing it is...
You know, you're going to have more police on the streets.
You're seeing a merger of the military and the police, especially in these drills that are going on in Denver.
I think we're seeing even more sophisticated types of control where, you know, organizations like Recreate 68 get found out, you know, that they're bad, that they're trying to incite violence at the DNC, that they're telling people to bring red paint and throw it on others, to bring shields, to wear armor.
And of course, this is the only group that actually gets the quote unquote permit to protest.
There's no question about it.
That's exactly what their goal is.
You know, they're using fear, these fear tactics, and telling the people, well, you know, we can't have that because there'd be riots, there'd be this, there'd be that, in the name of safety.
We're telling people they need to stay over there, behind that building, behind that tree over there, down the street.
You know, there's a limit on this.
It's so subjective, and these directives are becoming more and more
uh... evident through what's happening to a lot of different people that are out there at the event that we're headed out to the DNC convention as well as the RNC convention and uh... you know we have reason to believe that they're going to do as they did in new york city and and and and and up in uh... massachusetts uh... in boston when they had that the cages established these these cages and i'm saying cages because they're fences that uh... basically you're put into
And you could express yourself in those cages, particularly at the DNC convention where that happened.
But then, at the RNC convention, they put people down in an abandoned warehouse on Pier 57 in caged-in areas.
And when I was escorted in there after having been arrested on a public sidewalk there, because I wouldn't go to the sight and sound or the free speech area that they had established, I was sitting in a cage and looking at all these people of different types of political
It's just amazing where this country has gone.
It truly has become land of the coward, home of the slave, and when they try to tell you that a free speech zone
Is a cage.
Think about it.
They're treating you like an animal.
Literally treating you like a pet.
And letting you know they're the boss.
Well I'm not in line with that.
I'm not down with it.
I'm not getting into any cage.
If you've got to arrest me because of that, so be it.
Again, I'm encouraging a lot of people to go to the DNC this year.
Arm yourself with cameras.
Let them know you're not going to cause violence.
Let them know that you might not have a permit but you're going to be there anyway.
Give out the website one more time, Michael.
It is repentamerica.com, R-E-P-E-N-T-A-M-E-R-I-C-A.com.
All right, thank you for spending time with us, Michael.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to take your calls on the other side and play this World Trade Center 7 clip one more time.
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Alright folks, we're going to be taking your calls in just a moment.
It's the Alex Jones Show, the final half hour.
You can check it out, video feed, PrisonPlanet.tv.
If you missed any of it, we're going to be replaying the whole thing over at InfoWars.com for four whole hours.
Remember, you're not getting this news anywhere else.
Okay, no one else is showing you video of black helicopters in Denver.
We're doing that.
No one else is covering this, uh, breaking BBC conspiracy files.
It's been talked about, but we're going to be the first ones to show you this on air.
So let's just go to it.
Let's, let's pop it up and, uh, let's play the clip.
Oh my God!
Building 7 is the smoking gun of 9-11.
It is the most obvious example of controlled demolition.
It's not real.
The materials and the technologies just aren't there.
If they were, I'd know.
In the building, I heard explosions.
Outside the building, I heard explosions.
I saw this building, which had never been hit by a plane, come crashing straight down.
For it to fall symmetrically and completely and rapidly was quite astounding.
Could one use a controlled demolition on any building?
Did it happen to WTC7 on 9-11?
No, it did not.
As far as I know, that's the first time it's happened in architectural history.
A steel high-rise building has collapsed simply because of damage and fire.
You could hear the building creak.
You could hear things fall.
You could hear the fire burning.
And you could hear the destruction way above it.
No steel-framed high-rise building has ever collapsed due to fire.
You know, you have to look at what was inside Building 7.
You had the largest Secret Service field office outside of Washington, D.C.
You had the largest CIA field office.
You had a number of government agencies inside the building.
And I think we're just about the last ones in this building right now.
I think you should leave.
Everybody else is gone.
The first explosion I heard when I was on the stairwell in.
Like a boom.
Like an explosion.
Jane, what more can you tell us about this collapse?
Details are very, very sketchy.
The entire half inch of the beam is gone.
Entirely dissolved.
Something happened to cause the steel to really thin and in some places to disappear entirely.
Building 7 is the first high-rise building in the world that has collapsed solely due to
Well, there you have it, folks.
The BBC, uh, first time the PrisonPlan.tv subscribers are seeing it.
And, uh, I want to review it one more time before we go to callers, and we're gonna take your calls right now.
You have Sandar at the end there.
He's the guy that said 25% of the building was scooped out.
Total nonsense.
You have Richard Clarke on there.
Total apologist.
Total official version.
At best, not even a lighthop guy.
More of a, more of a, oh, we're so incompetent!
He's scum.
OK, he's total and complete scum.
I'm going to say it again.
Richard Clark is scum.
And Lizzo getting up there and saying, I know about it.
I know about it.
Would you tell about it?
Because you have a bunch of government contracts and, you know, you have a family owned business called Controlled Demolition Incorporated that cleaned up the World Trade Center.
These people are criminals, folks.
They need to be brought to justice.
Let's go to our first caller on the list.
Let's go to Dan in Illinois.
Dan, are you there?
Hello, Jason.
How are you doing, Dan?
You know, the other day you had a guest on from Counterpunch, the gentleman?
Yes, we had Paul Craig Roberts on.
And he's basically still had the faith in the political system.
Well, you know, we all know that the left and the right is all fake and everything else, but my question is, how does any thinking person, after 2006, when the United States of America people came out in record numbers,
I'm good.
How can any thinking person have any faith in that?
Well, here's the deal.
With him and others, I've noticed, when you are in these administrations, like Paul Craig Roberts was, like Ray McGovern was, it is extremely difficult for them to get past this left-right paradigm.
Probably because the right-wing end of it is outwardly evil in many cases, man.
I'm gonna get into your question a little bit more on the other side.
It's the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.com.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back.
It is the Alex Jones Show, and to finish up on that caller's point, everybody I've interviewed that was part of, you know, the Reagan administration in the 80s, or the Bush administration in the 90s, or worked with these people, always seems to fall back into this left-right paradigm.
You know, when I interviewed Ray McGovern years ago,
When we had just put the Democrats into office, he feels like, you know, now they need to be emboldened, but they're gonna do something.
They didn't do anything.
Paul Craig Roberts, although he realizes both of these are corporatized candidates, Barack Obama, he feels is the better one because he's not associated with the Republicans.
I mean, I brought up Bilderberg to him.
I brought up the fact that him and Hillary had probably met with those guys.
And he just does not give any
How you doing Jason?
We got James?
How you doing man?
I was just calling.
Not too bad.
I don't know if you were aware.
A while back, Alex was talking about some marine exercise, military exercises that were maybe supposed to be going on in Indianapolis.
I think they were actually going on this week.
I got a call earlier this week about those types of drills.
The ones I've been focusing on are the ones out in Denver, but apparently there's a couple more going on in the country.
And there's a good chance that, I'm pretty sure one of the callers did call in and say it was going on in Indiana, and it was urban warfare training, right?
Right, and the only thing I wanted to bring attention to was Indianapolis is right next to Beach Grove, which was brought up by the, what is it, Lone Lantern?
LoneLantern.org, sure.
But yeah, I thought it was supposed to be coming up and I wasn't sure if it was going on.
I ain't seen nothing about it.
Well, I think it is going on right now, but if you want to take a look at the type of drills that they're probably carrying out, go to loosechange911.com and go check out the drills going on in Colorado.
Go ahead.
I also had a question.
Like I said, I talked to you previously and we talked about just getting a membership to Prison Planet TV.
The plethora of information that's there.
And I recently was listening to an old mp3 of Alex's where he talked to Hopsicker?
Sure, Daniel Hopsicker, sure.
He did Muhammad Ata and the Venice Flying Circus.
Right, and I can't find that on Prison Planet TV.
I don't know if anybody... If it's not there, it's probably somewhere archived in the free archives over at prisonplanet.com.
I'd say run a couple Google searches.
Give me a MySpace message.
I'll see if I can dig it up for you.
You know, I really dig Hopsicker's research because he goes into the fact that the hijackers
Indeed had very odd intelligence ties, and on top of the intelligence ties, they had ties to being drug dealers.
I mean, these guys weren't radical Islamists.
They were cokeheads that were down at strip clubs.
Let's be real, folks.
Let's go to Wes in Idaho.
Wes, are you with us?
What's on your mind, Wes?
Hello, Jason.
Yes, how are you, sir?
Oh, not too bad.
I wanted to comment on vaccinations, flu shots, and
Allergy shots.
Don't hear much about allergy shots, but on November 22, 1963, I just turned 13 years old, I was given an allergy shot and nearly died from a reaction.
This term that Alex continues to use, I just heard, tainted vaccinations, is misleading.
There is never been any scientific proof that vaccinations
And I'll add flu shots and allergy shots are safe and effective.
No, I'm with you.
You're right.
I mean, I guess that he uses that for the layman's just coming into this.
You're right.
All these vaccinations are poison, in my opinion.
I don't trust any of them.
You know, you can add flu shots and allergy shots to those as well.
I don't hear much discussion about allergy shots.
I'd like to know exactly what I was shot up
Well, I'll tell you what, why don't you go down to NVIC.org and see what kind of information you can dig up over there.
We had a great guest on earlier today discussing it, but when somebody called me up and asked me if I would take any of these vaccinations or any of these shots, I flat out said no.
I am not saying that every single shot out there is pure and complete poison, but I'm not putting it past them and I'm not taking the stuff.
I thank you for the call, Wes.
Let's go to Rodney in Kentucky.
Rodney, are you there?
Ethan Burmess, man, you're doing a fantastic job, sir.
Well, thank you, man.
On the heels of your special guest you had, I'd just like for everybody that's out there to crack open their Bible today and take a look at Psalm 917.
It'll kind of, just ponder it for a minute or two.
The reason I called you is I want to know, I know you can't give a definite answer, where is the line drawn?
When is too much enough?
You know, I mean, I look at the video.
My big thing, the line in the sand for me is the kids.
People out there that have children.
You're right.
I look at the video of the 16-year-old boy, you know, in the video.
Now then, I'm not trying to be Michael Reagan at all, so I won't even, you know, go down that line, but if that was my son... You're talking about, hold on, you're talking about the kid, let's be clear here.
You're talking about the kid who had his teeth knocked out.
In fact, let's play the video.
By an officer, yeah?
Yeah, yeah, let's play it.
Hold on one second, we'll get back to your call in a moment.
Um, let me make sure that I'm actually on there.
Am I on there?
Do we have it?
Do we have the video for the... There it is, right there.
Alright, let's play it.
Police officer caught on tape slamming a teenager's head into a wall.
He knocked out three of the young man's teeth.
It happened after the 16-year-old was arrested for violating rules at a transit center.
You also see the 16-year-old being dragged across the floor.
The officer is suspended without pay.
An investigation found the officer used excessive force but concluded that the teen's injuries were, quote, unintentional.
Yeah, unintentional.
My god.
They just took this kid, smashed his face into a cinder block or brick wall, and put the guy down.
I mean, this is a 16-year-old kid against a grown man, and I gotta tell you, although there's lines to be drawn on the sand, my line was drawn when I found out about 9-11.
That was it.
That's when I decided to get active.
But I think it's different for everybody.
What do you think?
Well, I mean, I agree with you 100%, because I buy 50 blank DVDs every two weeks.
And copy loose-chain 2nd edition Freedom to Fascism and Martial Law 9-11 and hand them out.
But what I'm saying is with this, this is one of these times where I'm not calling for anybody to do anything.
I'm saying if that was my son, I have a 15-year-old son, a 5-year-old daughter, if that man had laid his hand on my son like that, I would give him something to remember that by for the rest of his life.
Every time he couldn't use his right arm or walk with a limp for the rest of his life, he'd think about that.
I mean, you just, that's something like that.
That's our children.
That is the next generation.
That is your flesh and blood.
And if you just sit by and let people do something like that to you, I mean, that to me, that something has to be done about that.
I'm with you, man.
I'm glad you're so fired up, because that should get you fired up.
Thanks for the call, Rodney.
You know, another thing that totally fires me up, and another thing I said to this young gentleman who asked me about my Infowars.com bracelet, was I was like, look, I'm going to lay it out for you right now.
You're telling me that you have no power.
You can't do anything about it.
I'm going to just let you know who runs things, OK?
The people that
Say that they're Christian conservatives, that you praise as your leaders, are occultists, that are into pedophilia, that like to rape little kids.
That's the bottom line.
That should be enough.
A lot of these guys get caught.
Look at Foley.
Foley was heading up, like, the CPS division of the government.
You know, he was, oh, we need to protect the children.
What's he get caught doing?
Oh, he's paging 16-year-old boys.
Dennis Hassert has lived with his, uh,
His male assistant now for years and years and years and years.
We know about Barney Frank getting caught back in the 80s, when I think he was still a Republican, with an underage male brothel in Connecticut.
The horror stories that have come out of the Bohemian Grove via the Franklin cover-up.
Go watch Conspiracy of Silence.
You think you got a strong stomach?
It's 45 minutes long, it's on YouTube, and I'll tell you what, the first time I came across the information,
I couldn't keep my lunch down.
Let's go to Peter in North Carolina.
Peter, are you there?
Hey, Jason.
I want to thank you for having the courage to continue talking about what very few others are willing to talk about.
Well, thank you.
I wanted to comment about, you know, you had a guy on earlier that had a website, Repent America, and I see very few Christians that really see
The hand of God and all that is going on.
You know, the Bible talks about a time when Christ will actually be coming back.
And I believe that we're seeing that day at hand.
And, you know, Jesus said that Satan was the God of this world.
So why are we surprised that the institutions of men are being controlled by it?
Well, I would say this, because most of these
Absolutely, but that's not what I'm saying at all.
I think that the institutionalized Christianity
That we see out there is, you know, they're pushing ridiculous subjects that really are not relevant.
And, you know, separating people by issues like homosexuality or abortion, while the real criminals are raping and robbing, you know, the country blind.
You don't even know how much I'm with you on that.
Thank you for the call, Peter.
I really.
Why are we folk?
And not that those aren't real issues.
You know what I mean?
But they're side issues.
Right now our country's going down the tubes and he's right, you know, homosexual rights and abortion should be side issues for Christians.
They shouldn't be the main focus.
That's how they get you to use your energy and make you feel like you're doing something positive.
But really, you know, there's a chance that your preacher's the demon, unfortunately.
All right, let's go to Kenny in Wisconsin.
Kenny, are you there?
Yeah, Trucker Kenny here.
Boy, I'll tell you something, Jason.
This ain't the same country I grew up in.
I'm a retired cross-country trucker and 62 years old, and I'll tell you what, bud.
Anyway, the reason I called in, Jason, I've got two websites I want the listening audience to look at.
It's a plethora of research information.
It is, the first one is RefDesk, R-E-F,
Okay, and what's the other one?
And what kind of material can we find on these sites?
You're going to find everything from A to Z on RefDesk, and on CONSTITUTION.ORG, you're going to find everything Constitution related, including Supreme Court decisions,
Uh, the transcripts, the whole nine yards, like in D.C.
v. Heller, you can go to the weblog on Constitution.org and you'll read the whole thing.
Alright, Kenny, I'll tell people to check it out.
Thanks for the call.
Let's jump to Jimmy in Tennessee.
Jimmy, are you with us?
Hey, what's up?
I think we could, I got something we could all do that could easily make an effect is start actively boycotting all the sex media companies.
And even retroactively boycotting them where if you have any music or movies from them, I'm not saying you don't watch movies or music, but you start pushing your money into the alternative media that puts out that stuff.
Well, I would just say this, man.
It's going to be awful tough.
I mean, I just know how hard it is to mobilize people and to wean them off mainstream entertainment.
I mean, and we're talking about the big networks here.
It's going to be almost impossible.
I started doing it even to the point of like,
I think that the key is for us to start our own network and I've always, you know, I had a real long discussion about this with Mark Dice last year.
I wonder if he remembers it.
But I was saying you know in order for us to have a chance in this thing we are going to have to build at least one of us out in this alternative media some kind of a empire that is at least 1 10th or 1 20th the size of a Fox News department or an MSNBC only because
I think we can be the David against their Goliath, but I think that we have to almost play by their rules.
In other words, get it on mainstream TV.
The thing is, we don't even have to be organized if everyone just listens and has made a conscious effort to look on the back of their CDs and DVDs and bought, like, the smaller studios and record labels.
We don't have to have rubber stamps on everything.
It would make a big difference.
Unfortunately, we live in an incredible Hulk-Iron Man world where Batman's coming out.
You know, these are the big events for some people's summer lives, man.
It's not even like the barbecue on July 4th or spending time with their kids.
It's, oh my God, look at this Hollywood blockbuster.
That's how much we've fallen as a society.
I thank you for the call.
Let's jump to Matt in Texas.
Matt, are you there?
Hey, what's up, Matt?
Uh, nothing.
I actually wanted to talk to you about the Texas Republican State Convention to which I was a delegate to.
Uh, yeah, man, you know, I actually had to fight my way to the convention.
That was an interesting thing.
At my county convention, I managed to snatch a slot away from a cane supporter.
But anyway, when I got there, you know, we did the whole little pre-convention thing where each district goes into its own thing and we vote our delegates out to the main convention.
I got up to the main convention and was just completely flabbergasted.
The event itself was like Triumph of the Will.
I'm still here.
Can you hear me?
You got that last part right?
Yeah, Triumph of the Will.
Oh yeah, I mean, you know, just huge telescreens, the podiums and all that were all extremely oversized.
You know, they had a soldier come out and help everyone.
He sang the National Anthem and everyone said the Pledge of Allegiance to Texas and the United States.
I was like, what is this, high school?
It was like a demented cross between a pep rally and a Nazi rally.
No, you know, I watched the actual RNC from 2004, grabbing some footage for my latest flick, and it's like a cult, man.
I mean, these people don't have a clue they're wearing funny hats.
They're pledging their allegiance to blindness, you know?
They're pledging their allegiance to an idea that no longer exists, unfortunately.
There is some good news is that they are slowly waking up, even among the diehards.
I wasn't having that hard of a time of
Trying to convince people that something was wrong and that they needed to check it out.
Even in those circles, you guys, all of us, us in the Ron Paul camp and you guys down at the Alex Jones Show, we're reaching these people solitarily, so we need to keep this up.
At the convention, a new organization for Houston, for Ron Paul and all this other stuff was born, and we're going to try and get people together.
Absolutely, Matt.
We can keep pushing forward.
I'm with the message.
I'm with you.
We all have great power.
We all just have to pick an issue and decide again.
I'm gonna do something.
Have the will to do it.
Alright, let's go to Mike in Tennessee.
Mike, are you there?
Mike, are you with us?
Are you there?
I would recommend everybody that can buy your Loose Change DVD and go to the 4th of July events around their communities
We're good to go.
Let's see if we can't get that done sometime for PrisonPlanet.tv in the next few months.
It's definitely some work, but not that much.
Mike, I thank you for the call.
I agree we need to spread this message.
July 4th's a hell of a time to do it, folks.
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Kids Alone!
One more time I want to remind people, 4th of July, coming to PrisonPlanet.tv, 9-11 Chronicles, Truth Rising!
Confrontations with people like David Rockefeller, Zygmunt Brzezinski, Alan Greenspan, Bill and Hillary Clinton, real demons, folks, get called out on their tyranny.
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Cinema verite and just amazing.
Maybe more amazing than Pink Floyd, I don't know.
I know I'm going to get a hell of a lot of MySpace messages about that.
Pink Floyd's the best!
It's Jason Burmiss, and you can get at me at myspace.com slash Jason Burmiss.
And I think Mike's idea is great.
You know, buy one DVD, make 50 copies, and hand them out.
There's going to be a ton of events on July 4th.
There's even going to be parades.
If you're lucky enough to get on one of those parades with the candy, you know, what's stopping you from burning up 100 DVDs and tossing them out to the crowd?
Label them Happy Happy Fun Time.
I don't care what you label them.
I just want them to stick them into the DVD player and get the truth.
That's all I want.
I want people to wake up so that we can restore our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
So that we can have a government for and by the people again.
I know I harp on this every day on the show.
But we need to!
I'm sick of the excuses.
What can I do?
Run for City Council.
Run for Congress.
Run for State Senate.
You can do it.
All right, we can take a couple more calls before the end of the program.
Remember, the whole thing plays over again at InfoWars.com all four hours in case you missed Mark Dice, in case you missed Jonathan from We Are Change Colorado, in case you missed the vaccine talk, in case you missed our coverage of the Austin Governor's Mansion with somebody who works security there, in case you missed Bob Chapman or Michael Markovich.
It's all there.
All right, let's go to Tony in Illinois.
Tony, you're with us.
Yeah, Jason, did I hear you say that these Lizzo brothers, these guys that just happened to be down, you know, on the street that, you know, took the first video?
No, they're separate guys.
You're thinking of the Naude brothers.
Oh, okay.
So those guys down there had no connection with that firm that took the video.
Now, those guys were commissioned to do a documentary on the firefighters.
I really wonder about that.
But anyway, just one last thing.
I remember the 911.
Do you realize how much equipment, that heavy equipment, how much heavy equipment they got out there so fast?
Well, yeah.
I mean, you know, in loose change second edition, we cover the fact that they had found those trucks underneath abandoned with gold in them.
So someone must have told these people to get out of the trucks.
They had that machinery sitting over on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River waiting to come in, because it was there too fast.
It takes a while to get that.
Well, their excuse is going to be that they were running drills, man.
You know, they had those FEMA drills.
They had Tripod going on, so FEMA was there.
See, what they did is they had drills to send counterterrorism experts of the FBI outside of the country.
They were in Monterey, California.
But then they would also have the emergency teams ready to respond on a moment's notice.
Because they were running a bioterror drill.
I thank you for the call, my man.
Remember, you can listen to all of it again over at InfoWarriors.com.
I'm Jason Bermas.
Alex Jones will be back Sunday.
He's on TalkSport tonight.
Don't miss it!
Become an InfoWarrior.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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