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Filename: 20080513_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 13, 2008
2994 lines.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It is already the 13th day of May 2008.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours.
Robert Galen Ross will be joining us coming up in studio in the next hour.
We had him in just a month ago to talk about the RFK, JFK, MLK murders, but I want to get him in to talk about the who's who, the elite, the global structure of the New World Order, and what their overall plans are from his perspective, working, of course,
Uh, for the National Security Agency, and then after that as international oil company consultant, uh, living in scores of nations, and he's been writing about the New World Order now for close to 20 years.
He'll be joining us in studio today.
I also want to have open phones in the first hour, second hour, third hour, fourth hour today on the economy, on the staged election, uh, on more talk of what's happening, uh, with Iran.
We will discuss it all today.
Also, issues like this.
I think this is very important.
Genetically modified human embryos stirs criticism.
It's not enough to manipulate the corn and the wheat and add insects and animal genes to it.
Now they've got to manipulate human beings.
And this is the government just now telling you they're doing this.
It's been going on for decades, of course.
Feds accuse student of terror espionage.
We're talking about Constitution.
We've now written this into an article, what we covered here yesterday on the show, and some people were in the comment section of InfoWars.com, you know, saying, oh, we called Mount Pleasant Dallas.
There's no Bible school there.
Well, you didn't do a very good Google search, did you?
I have to know the name of the school, the full name, the name of the school president, all of it.
We just didn't release that because the individuals we had on are a little bit concerned.
They were threatened with, quote, having their head cut off, arrested, head on a silver platter, if they ever talked about it.
Being told you're not allowed to talk about the Constitution, that is a call for espionage.
That is, quote, terrorism and espionage.
Because we have a rogue government that is destroying the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
We have their training manuals where they say the Constitution and Bill of Rights are terrorist documents and the Founding Fathers are bad.
We have video of FEMA teaching it.
We have squad car video of state police arresting a woman for a pocket Constitution and then discussing amongst themselves, is it illegal to have a Constitution?
Just like a year plus before it broke in the mainstream news that 26,000 preachers have been hired to train their flocks to go to FEMA camps, we released these secret FEMA documents, and people didn't believe that.
Just like you didn't believe they'd get rid of posse comitatus, now they've announced it on the news.
I mean, I'm sorry this is the reality.
I'm sorry this is happening and going on.
I know it's hard to believe that Homeland Security goes into colleges and says, you can't talk about the Constitution, it's a terrorist document.
I know it's hard to believe that globalists like Philip Bobbitt have front page news stories in the local paper in Austin with a picture of a burning Constitution saying it's good, get rid of freedom.
You can't make this stuff up.
Okay, I showed it on the TV show, I've showed it online, we've shown you, we scanned the cover of the local paper with the burning constitution saying it's good.
I'm not the weird one that I'm reporting on them.
Okay, I'm not the bad one.
I understand it's crazy.
I understand it's hard to believe.
It freaks me out, it makes me go into frothing fits.
It's like everybody's emailing me going, how did you know that they would use illegal alien arrest operations as drills to arrest the general public?
That's what FEMA's admitting they're doing.
How did you know that?
Because I watched the Senate hearings in 19... from 1986.
I'm not psychic, folks.
I just... It's all public, okay?
We'll be right back.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, this is not confirmed.
Tony Gosling over at Bilderberg.org in England is reporting a
Newspaper that appears to be a print paper as well as an online journal out of Athens, Greece is reporting that Bilderberg met over the weekend there, this time meeting a few weeks earlier than they normally do.
If this is true, this is the first time in 35 years that Jim Tucker has not discovered where they are located and made it there within the first day of the conference opening.
We've talked to Jim Tucker.
He says he's gotten calls about it.
He's trying to track it down this morning to find out if that is indeed the case.
We have seen these false alarms before.
We have seen people claim and mainstream newspapers claim that Bilderberg has met in their city.
Sometimes it turns out that the newspapers, in the case of Turkey last year, were actually putting out dis-info.
So, we will find out exactly what is happening.
I'm told Steve Watson is working on a report.
Paul Watson is finding out right now all he can on this subject, and he'll be joining us coming up in 22 minutes from now at the bottom of the hour.
We're also going to open the phones up in this first hour into the second, third, and fourth hour at 1-800-259-9231.
Alright, let me just run through some of the headlines that I have here in front of me.
Genetically modified human embryo stirs criticism.
Feds accuse student of terror and espionage.
We're talking about Constitution.
Expect Rod Serling to come walking by any minute.
Eco group calls for voluntary human extinction.
Says masses should be indoctrinated to stop having children in order the human race can die out and save the planet.
We're gonna have this group on, by the way.
Council moves to block surveillance camera project.
See, they put the Homeland Security-funded cameras in, federally-funded cameras decades ago, Homeland Security-funded in the last six years, and then they just convert them over to surveilling us, the fat hogs that basically government sticks a straw in and sucks on.
What we're seeing is belief in global warming slips.
National poll out showing a huge number of people less believe that it's man-made or real.
Yeah, your fraud is starting to implode.
Don't worry, they'll move on to a new fraud as fast as we exposed the last one.
Illegal alien raid part of a FEMA camp drill.
FEMA said a week ago, or back on the 7th to be technical, in multiple papers
That they were doing a drill in the Des Moines Register, uh, in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, and other publications, and Lee Rogers, properly at Rogue Government, uh, said that this will probably be a mass illegal alien arrest, but it'll be a PR stunt, and, uh, he was right, and of course he's right because he knows the history, and in 1986 it came out that in Rec.
84 they had a plan to build a bunch of camps and claim it was for illegal aliens, knowing that that would be popular,
But then really just use that to set the precedent to set up the camps and it would really be used for citizens.
Then two years ago the Houston Chronicle reported that indeed, we have this from the FEMA documents years before, but Houston Chronicle finally reported that it was for U.S.
citizens and that the camps would have dual use for illegal aliens and political dissenters.
So that's the cover story for it and now they have one just outside Austin
Uh, in, uh, what, Taylor.
We've been out there and covered it, had police walk across the parking lot to the other side of the road and said, you're not allowed to videotape in America.
And we just said, go ahead and arrest us, and they backed off.
Some of that video is in Endgame, when you see footage of children playing behind barbed wire, in prison jumpsuits, small children.
Uh, that is a FEMA center over there.
And, uh, they put, uh, political dissidents, uh, people who don't have political views, who happen to have visas in there.
They leave the illegal aliens from Latin America pretty much alone.
And then the feds are very sophisticated.
They use it as a way to make people feel sorry for the illegal aliens, and grandstand, pushing for amnesty, while also setting the precedent for no due process, which is wrong.
So, how do I know this?
How did I know this would happen?
Because, again, I've seen the Senate hearings.
I've read the declassified versions of REX 84.
Illegal alien raid part of FEMA Camp Drill, and it was predicted last week by Lee Rogers that this would be a mass arrest of illegal aliens, and they did raid packing plants yesterday in and around Des Moines, so we'll be going over that.
Also, LA Times reporting, Ron Paul's forces quietly plot GOP convention revolt against McCain.
You're now hearing the mainstream media what we told you was going on months ago.
And it is going to be quite a circus, be assured of that, and we'll see how the media handles it and we'll see what ends up happening, how the Ron Paul revolution ends up looking.
I hope we come out like a rose out of this.
We'll find out, that's certainly a fact, won't we?
Bernanke, financial turmoil in markets easing.
I guess it's like saying as the Titanic began listing
And prepared to go under that it was doing quite nicely.
So we'll go over that.
China sends troops to Sichuan as quake kills more than 10,000 people.
Let me see.
Mother Nature, the weather, has killed at least 40,000 people in the last week and a half in Burma.
I'm sorry, military junta said I need to call it Myanmar now, so I guess I'm Myanmar, wherever you pronounce it.
Guess I'll follow the military, Hunter.
Okay, Miamar.
And now in Sichuan, that's just the preliminary 10,000.
It could be much more, and unfortunately probably will be, but do you see everyone hysterically running around like, I've got to give up all my rights, I've got to have black, you know, ski mask troops everywhere to keep me safe.
Now we had tornadoes kill 20 plus people over the weekend here in the U.S.
Tornadoes a few days before that killed a bunch of people.
A week before that, tornadoes killed a bunch of people.
Doesn't matter, though.
We're just all gonna run around, just... Police looking in bushes, under tables, for al-Qaeda everywhere, but the border's wide open.
But they've built 45 miles of, uh, fence, so... We're using illegal aliens to build it, so the general public thinks they've gotten tough on the illegal aliens.
The, uh, theater continues there.
So that is a sum of what I have in front of me today that we will be covering.
In fact, I'm just iron-willed I'm going to start covering all the news that I have in front of me each day.
That means the news I didn't cover yesterday.
I don't have to go back to that.
That was probably 30 important stories.
30, 40, I'm just guesstimating here in the stack from yesterday that I didn't get to that were all incredibly important.
I probably got to 15 of the stories I had.
I'm going to get to the 30, 40, however many this stack is that I didn't, and today's news today.
And we will be taking your calls as well.
So we're going to get to all this news.
Let me go ahead and get to something that's very, very important.
Now there's a lot of facets to this, but a big one is that I remember in the British press and the French press
In 1997, reading about chimeras, human splices with cows, pigs, insects, plants, and these just weren't where a few genes were changed.
I mean, these were human embryos.
These were babies that were half chimpanzee.
90% chimpanzee, half cow.
They were human embryos put in cows to grow up to a larger size to be harvested, to have their organs harvested.
Oh, and they're growing babies up big!
And I would read this in medical reports and scientific journals, because what would happen is I'd see a BBC article
Saying, oh yeah, they're working on, at this university, putting human embryos, but that have bovine genetics so that it's not rejected by the Jersey cow.
And then they want to go in, they want to grow the embryos up to a larger size to extract valuably needed tissues.
And then I would actually then go Yahoo or Dogpile or AltaVista, they were the big searches at the time.
I would go search around and find the medical journals and, you know, I'd be looking for one and I'd find 50 others, you know, 100 others, 10 others, depending on the search.
And I would sit there for hours at night reading on my slow dial-up connection.
I'd stay at the radio station late at night because they had DSL there, it was quicker.
And I would just read and read, and then I'd try to go on air, and I'd just freak out and start yelling, because it's like... If in 1997, 98, they had babies in cows.
Humanoid, bovine, cross-species creatures.
And I'll tell, you know, and of course, right around that time, I'll never forget, the guy comes up, pokes me in the back, says, I don't like you anymore.
I used to like you.
But I know you're a liar now.
There's no such thing as spider goats.
And I felt pathetic.
I felt dumb.
I felt... I started just going, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
You're a chicken neck slave.
But it was... It just gets to the point where you just feel sorry for the slaves.
And I... I said to him, I said, well, do you currently practice biology in some field?
And he said, no.
And I said, well, when were you in college?
And he said, UT.
And he said, in the mid-70s.
Graduated in 76.
And I didn't even say, look it up.
I just said, fine, I'm a liar.
And I just turned around.
I just don't even care anymore.
You know what?
The FEMA camps are real.
The babies are in the cows.
The spider goats.
You're being fed bioweapons.
We're all gonna get cancer.
It's just... I'm telling the truth, okay?
I mean, that's the end of it.
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That's the big issue!
Is that everything is decades ahead of what the public even knows.
And it's all so reckless.
So they had a phase in the mid and late 90s admitting all of this.
And then I'd go on air and read a Washington Post article about
Costa Rica with private laboratories with part chimpanzee, part human creatures that have been brought to term.
That means they're in cages, ladies and gentlemen, but that they wouldn't let the public see it, but university officials have been down there from the U.S.
and confirmed it.
I mean, that's what mad scientists do.
They're all hyper-competitive.
They all want to, you know, be known in the history books.
They all want to show off.
There's huge money in it.
And this is what we know they have.
Can you imagine what goes on in the government underground laboratories and the private corporate laboratories?
And then we have all these Nobel Prize winners and top scientists and genetic engineer experts on.
We've brought them all to the air who will tell you that you change one gene, it randomly changes thousands.
Each generational expression and recombination of the DNA.
And they're not doing that.
They're changing entire structures and just grafting in plant with animal with insect with just everything you can imagine.
Mammal with reptile with marsupial with bacteria.
And they're feeding it to us and they've already for at least
Six years, got cloned cows and cloned pigs and they're already breeding them and they've approved it to eat and it's already on store shelves and then the company's moved to have legislation passed so you're not allowed to know on the label.
And I remember learning, uh, twelve years ago, thirteen years ago, they were spraying food with live viruses.
Then they finally announced it to the slaves, uh, three years ago, that they soak most meats now in live virus, quote, uh, to kill, uh, other bacteria.
The virus, its scientific Latin name is, uh, well, however you say bacteria-eating virus in Latin.
And then it'll have a sub-
Name for its particular variety and then of course they say well that's completely natural but then you learn it's in millions of times the concentration that it's naturally in your gut and then you find out that it's been engineered and grown in tissue vats from stock of all these other research animals so then it's mixed with all their viruses and bacteria and then there's all these new intestinal problems and then it's linked to it.
Doesn't matter!
It's just like the Monsanto product where a naturally occurring toxic fungus is in and on the different food crops and they argue, well we got FDA approval, I mean this fungus is naturally out there, but this is 50-something thousand times
If you go read the reports, in some cases even higher than that, what is naturally occurring fungus on the outside.
No, no, no.
It's on the inside, and then of course they only look at that toxin it's creating, not the fact that it also then creates cell development sites where the
Soybeans and all the other plants that now do this, that they've designed, are creating the fungal hives, the fungal development, which then excretes it as factories inside.
So there's all of that apparatus.
I mean, if somebody doesn't believe in the devil, doesn't this make you believe in it?
I mean, if the devil doesn't exist, might as well be the devil.
I mean, the people that come up with stuff like this, feed it to their own children,
I could go on for hours, ladies and gentlemen.
But meanwhile, no one's worried about this.
No, no, the police are putting cameras up everywhere, running checkpoints, pulling everybody over, squeezing more money out of the haggard, bedraggled population.
The dollar's being deflated, the currency's falling apart.
And what do they do?
Government just grows and grows and grows and grows and grows, and every form of micromanagement, every form of bureaucracy and paperwork you've got to fill out, and filings you've got to make, and just constantly jumping through hoops and being surveilled, and if you talk back to a cop or even ask a question, they taser you, and prisons being built everywhere, and yes, the news is reporting.
Caller called in about it.
I mean, I already knew this, and I'm not tooting my horn.
My point is this has been confirmed.
So I knew the caller was telling the truth.
The caller said, yeah, did you see this PBS television program about the private prisons going and lobby for stricter laws to put more people in their private prisons?
So I googled that and did find a PBS report on it.
I mean, it's so sick.
Meanwhile, we're all being poisoned.
All these horrible things are happening.
Are we doing anything about the real environmental crisis?
No, no, we're gonna have a global carbon tax on what plants breathe.
And the public's been convinced that carbon dioxide is a deadly weapon.
They're running around like... We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
Alright, Paul Watson and Steve Watson are trying to figure out if this Greek newspaper is accurate.
Tony Gosling over at Bilderberg.org, we've interviewed a great reporter, very credible in the past, is reporting that indeed they met, they did a sneak attack, that Bilderberg met early in Athens, Greece over the weekend.
Now that would mean they were meeting
About two weeks early from what they historically meet.
Sometimes they meet about three weeks from now, sometimes two weeks from now.
It varies.
They're in a window of a couple weeks.
We're not sure right now, but we're going to try to find out very, very soon.
Steve Washington is doing a report with all of the info condensed.
Now we know that about, what was it, five years ago, six years ago, we can look this up and add it to the report.
Kind of pool our
Resources here and our mental resources here and try to assess this.
There was a false start report, but it wasn't a false report.
It was a false start report, I would call it.
It was partially correct.
They had a Bilderberg steering meeting, is what they call it.
They have many meetings with like 20, 25, 30, sometimes as few as 15 members, at the Library of Congress.
It was five or six years ago.
I just remembered that a second ago.
And they had other little steering meetings in Europe where two months before, a month before, a week before, they will have a mini-meeting and it will be Bilderberg attendees there and then even the press will say, okay, it was a Bilderberg steering.
Now, would they have a steering meeting a few weeks early in Athens?
This will be the first time in 30-plus years.
35 or 36 years that Jim Tucker wouldn't have physically made it, wouldn't have physically found out where it was.
We know they're getting more and more inventive, sometimes leasing whole hotels in another country, another region, another part of the world.
We know that they put out disinfo to try to find out where our sources are.
We're trying to get Estelon on the line right now.
I just learned of this in the last hour and a half.
So we're trying to ferret all this out.
Let's go ahead and go to Paul Watson.
Paul, what do we know right now?
Hello, Alex.
All we know is the fact that Bilderberg.org, which is Tony Godling's website, has linked to a Greek newspaper website called patris.gr, which is reporting that Bilderberg met from the 8th to the 11th of May, which is this past weekend.
Now, the Greek news website report and Bilderberg.org don't state at which hotel that this supposed Bilderberg meeting took place.
What we do know is that it was in the Vouliagmeni area of Athens, Greece, which was the same place where Bilderberg met in 1993.
In 1993, they met at the Nafsika Astia Palace Hotel.
Which, from doing basic research into that, you would suspect that if the main meeting was to be in Athens, Greece again, then that's the hotel that it would be at, because the hotel is hidden from view.
It's right on the coastline.
Yeah, but I mean, we have a Greek paper saying that they reportedly met here, but they can't give us the location.
There's no photos.
I don't know, it doesn't smell good to me.
Well, Tony Gosling on his website says that his source, who is called Marek Tysis, told him that it would be in Athens, and that it would either be from the 1st to the 4th of May, or from the 8th to the 11th of May.
And that the hotel was booked up completely for those two days.
But, I mean, it doesn't say what hotel it is.
So at the moment, we can't be sure, though, on his website, Gosling states, quote, this year was the most difficult ever to discover where and when Bilderberg met.
Intelligence gathered the 2008 conference would take place in Greece on one of the first two weekends in May.
We failed to positively identify the date and location before this year's private meeting of Bilderberg, and then it goes on.
So Gosling is saying basically it's the first time since
I believe it's longer than that.
Tucker has always learned the location for over 30 years.
I know it was 33 years, he said, when we were in Canada, so that's two years ago.
That's got to be 35 years.
So I guess 34 is how many he's made it to.
The last one, of course, in Turkey.
In Istanbul, formerly Constantinople.
Paul, what else do you think about the situation?
Well, from before 9-11, whenever Bilderberg met, there was one or two press reports, maybe in Reuters.
After 9-11, it was, you know, a handful.
And then going up to 2006, where you protested Bilderberg, that's when the dam broke, and there were hundreds of articles about it.
There are always at least two dozen articles now about Bilderberg in the days before and the days after it happened.
Apart from this Greek News website article, there are none whatsoever.
And they've got a photo, reportedly, of Bilderberg group members.
It looks like Henry Kissinger here.
And I guess they've got a photo.
We need somebody.
Well yeah, as you mentioned earlier, it's not unheard of, but it's
It's rare that they convene at the start of May.
It's normally at the end of May into early June.
Last year in Turkey it was then the end of May into the start of June.
In Canada the year before it was the 8th to the 11th of June.
Although in 2005 when they met in Germany it was May 5th to 8th, but that's the only case within the last 10 years from what I can see from doing, you know, 10 minutes of checking that they met in the first, basically just after the first week of May, normally at the end of May or into June.
Well, here's a reported translation of it, but it isn't the best.
It says in Greece,
Currently happening, according to information, the World Congress of Secret Club Bilderberg, which has brought paparazzi, I mean, I don't know what that says, for the chances of the world.
But also, this is where prime ministers are nominated.
It should be stressed that according to the infamy that circulates around the Club Bilderberg, they play, for some reason, the role of an informed world government.
Yeah, this is translated from Greek using Babelfish or something, so it's not that good of a translation.
Some say indeed that anything important that has happened in the planet over the past 51 years has first been discussed and organized in her meetings.
The club meets for four days each year in different sites, countries, and 120 politicians, businessmen, journalists, only from
The 30 until 35 selected NATO countries participate.
Participants are prohibited to speak to the press or anyone else, and anything they learn, they are not allowed to mention where they heard it.
Further, they even go as far as to deny that they were there.
It is prohibited for them to tell their home parliaments of their countries if they are politicians, too.
Big Greek interests are there in the list of persons that participate in the meetings of the club in question.
According to information, in the meeting of the club, Bilderberg from 88 to 2007 have participated.
And then it lists some Greek people that have participated.
The only Greek journalist that has taken part in the meetings of the club is Alexis Papahelas.
In the meeting, at the same time, they appear to participate in General Director of Coca-Cola.
And then it just goes on
It doesn't even really say where they met or how they met there.
That's the end of the article.
Paul, what's your gut on this story?
I mean, I believe the Greek press believes they've met.
They just don't... Why would they not mention where they met or what hotel?
They have a photo.
Well, yeah, it's badly translated, but even so, you can tell that there's barely any detail there.
At this stage, it's unreliable.
I mean, the Trilateral Commission only finished their meeting on April 28th, and they're not normally this close together.
They're normally separated by at least a month, maybe even two or so, because some of the same people are obviously going to be at both meetings.
And the Trilateral Commission meeting was in D.C.
this year, so it's not as if it's close by.
Of course, Paul, none of these groups exist.
You're insane for talking about it.
Oh yeah, and of course, Bilderberg is just a talking shop as Rothkoff, the author of the new superclass book that's on your show.
Even though Bilderberg predicted the oil prices would rise beyond $120 before the end of 2008, and they've already passed that within
Five months of 2008, so they have no influence whatsoever.
I mean, the BBC report, they found documents that Bilderberg had set the agenda for the integrated European community and even the single currency as way back as the 50s when they first started meeting.
So they have no influence whatsoever.
Obviously, they say what's going to happen and it happens.
Well, they've been right so far.
They're now talking about $200 barrel oil.
Kissinger said that was the goal two years ago.
What do you think's going on here, Paul?
With this meeting, well, we need to talk to Gosling and we need to talk to Estelin.
I mean, Estelin hasn't updated his English version website since the end of last year.
We need to know what he's been doing and if he's got any information on it, because those are the two people that are going to know about it and if it's taken place.
We just confirmed Tony Gosling from London in the two o'clock hour, so about two hours and twenty minutes from now.
Paul Watson, shifting gears for the rest of this segment,
What do you think is most important that's happening right now?
What are some of the things you're working on?
On the economy, the gear up for war with Iran.
Iran is suing the U.S.
for funding Al Qaeda groups.
Real Al Qaeda, blowing up some of their mosques.
What do you think about what's developing?
I hear domestically with the tasers, where they're telling doctors they can't say tasers kill people.
I mean, I'm just throwing a grab bag out there.
I want your take on what you think is most important right now.
Well, what's worrying me is that now they're arming UK police with tasers.
And the way they're pushing the police state in this country at the moment, as they were about at the end of last week, is by these environmental crime units.
And the cases I cited included the man who allegedly, I mean there's no evidence that he did, but some jobs were.
These people get paid bonuses for writing tickets.
Stopped him in the street and claimed that he dropped an apple core, which is completely biodegradable anyway.
It's actually good for the Earth.
But he ended up spending 18 hours in jail.
He was put in a DNA database
He was shackled and later taken to court, all for the crime of dropping an apple core.
And there are similar cases every week.
There was a woman who bought a sausage roll for her young daughter.
And as she was feeding it to her, a little bit dropped on the street, it was immediately swooped up and eaten by pigeons.
But again, these two environmental crime unit officers immediately rushed across the street to stop her.
And she ended up getting a fine and having to go to court.
So that's... Now let's be clear, let's be clear.
I've told everybody Singapore is the model.
You drop a bubble gum wrapper one year in prison,
You'll also be caned until your back is bloody.
The cameras are in all public bathroom stalls.
The government tests in different sectors, different drugs in the water.
I know the people involved in it.
It is unbelievable.
And they are going to create, in the U.S.
we have 2 million cops.
They're saying they're going to have 2 million EnviroCops by 2011.
And I told you, 5 years in jail for a AA battery that your child drops out of a toy.
Yeah, I mean, it's another tax as well.
They can just walk up to you and claim you dropped a cigarette butt or whatever.
If you pay the £50 fine, which is $100 instantly, then they leave you alone.
It's like the mafia insurance policy.
But if you resist it, then you're going to get arrested.
You're going to go to court.
Meanwhile, they just released
Now let's be clear here.
People are arrested for flying unauthorized flags on their homes in England.
They spend millions of pounds a year
with secret police eating in restaurants for racist words for your conversations uh... we have the headlines there this is all coming here it's the same thing secret police everywhere but you're not for racism will then secret police should be listening to you in cafes but really we know it's for other things
They've banned demonstrations in most areas of England.
The police, if you get in crowds and start talking, come over and demand who you are, put you in a terror database.
This is the total control, Paul.
Yeah, and they introduced it on the platform of micromanaging behavior.
Most people in this country supported the smoking ban.
But what it led to was thousands of council spies that went around
I don't
But it allows them to introduce this new cadre of Stasi-like enviro spies, and it's a huge stealth tax mechanism on top of it.
And meanwhile in the U.S., if you're at a major college and a group of Boy Scouts come by and you work for the administration and you give them a speech about the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Homeland Security comes and says, we'll arrest you for espionage and terror if you ever teach the Constitution again.
Well, that just tells you that the terrorists are in charge now, aren't they?
Put in a DNA database.
Meanwhile, groups of hoodlums are not arrested, and if you've been attacked and robbed five times and finally got an old shotgun you hid and shot the person as they're trying to rape your wife, you get sent to prison for life.
Paul, stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
So your children right now are in public school being taught, go green, green, green.
Things shown in cartoons and movies about going green and sounds reasonable, be nice to the animals.
Don't litter, save the earth.
Oh, let's cut back on our carbon emissions.
They're just culturally legitimizing
Armed enviro-police everywhere micromanaging every facet of your life.
Making the commoner criminals.
So that the criminal mastermind state has an excuse to be involved in your life.
We're not joking about any of this.
You think you can hide out and try to work and pay your taxes and be left alone and drive the speed limit and keep your head down?
You're gonna have CPS come.
You're gonna have your injections.
You're gonna have your enviro-cops.
You're gonna
You're gonna enjoy it.
It's all part of your new system, I hope.
Or we could stand up and fight back against it, I guess, but then you're with Al-Qaeda, criticizing your government's Al-Qaeda.
Paul, it's getting really bad in England.
I mean, I've experienced it on your streets.
What else is going on over there?
Because you are a beta test for a lot of stuff that then happens here.
Well, the most disturbing thing in recent weeks is the fact that if you live in England, I don't know, it's probably the same in the U.S., but
They have what are called catchment areas whereby a family has to live within a certain area to send their children to a certain local school.
Now, one of the councils, and it later emerged that this was going on nationwide, they were applying anti-terrorism powers to track terror suspects in order to spy on a family to try and work out if they were lying about living outside the catchment area of the school.
They were actually watching
When they left the house, tracking them, following them when they got back.
Oh, they use the same thing here, yes.
And they use NSA satellites now to watch us and control us.
And to see if you build a barn on your house.
The whole military is being swung around against us.
Because these aren't real terrorists that aren't government-run, so they're using the anti-terror laws against families.
There's a new one today.
The council that snooped on parents now uses anti-terror laws to spy on fishermen, and they're using it to spy on fishermen who are accused of gathering shellfish in prohibited areas of the harbour, and it's in the same area.
So that's the kind of tyranny that's going on here at the moment.
And as the economies implode, as the fiat system implodes by design, they're just going to add more and more and more and more people to squeeze us.
I wonder how much the public's going to put up with, Paul?
Well, not a lot more, according to the articles I've read, because all the comments after them, because newspaper articles on the internet now allow people to comment, which they didn't do before, but it's almost universal, but they're all talking about
This is proof we need a revolution.
We need it now.
I mean, they sound like Alex Jones when they're daily mail readers and just average British people.
So people are angry about it.
And the government's answer is to build more prisons and hire more cops and try to intimidate people and try to hire bedwetting pastors to tell their flocks to go along with it in England and the U.S.
And I got news, a gaggle of criminal SWAT team members with bed-wetting preachers isn't going to win your New World Order for you, boys.
Certainly not.
I mean, Labour, the Labour government just got voted out almost universally in all the local councils, but it's not going to make any difference.
The same policies are going to be continued.
So if they think by voting out Labour,
I mean, that's the trick that's going to be played on us, as it was played on you.
They're just going to put the Tories in.
Yeah, we've had the right wing, now they're going to give us the left wing.
You've had the left wing, now they're going to give you the right wing, who all vote identical.
Yeah, they're all Bilderberg selected as well.
Paul Watson, I really appreciate you popping in with us.
Tony Gosling from the UK.
Bilderberg.org will be popping in in two hours.
Robert Galen Ross is scheduled to be orbiting in the studio here in the next 20 minutes or so.
And we've got a ton of other news and your phone calls in the queue.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the one and the only GCN Radio Network.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Blueprint for global enslaving.
You have been warned.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Robert Gaylen Ross will be with us for about an hour and a half.
Then, uh, we'll cover more news for 30 minutes, then we got Tony Gosling joining us.
Did Bilderberg Reba Harding meet?
Have they hoodwinked us?
We'll try to find out.
With this leading source of info on the subject coming up I know we got John and George and Scott and Mike and others John disagrees So he'll go to the first to the line here in just a moment Before I bring in Galen, but I'm gonna take calls early in the interview with Galen I'm gonna really try to do that.
So everybody stay with us 1-800-259-9231
Before I go to you, we will be encoding live, we will be streaming live this next hour and a half long interview with Robert Galen Ross for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
We have guests every week in the studio, sometimes multiple times weekly.
We also put up my weekly TV report that's in studio here in Austin that I've been doing for 13 years.
We also
Take the Sunday show that we videotaped and put it on the web.
You see my films first.
You'll be able to see 9-11 Truth Rising July 4th.
So that is going to be coming up.
A PrisonPlanet.tv exclusive and super high quality.
You can burn it to disk all day long and give them to people.
9-11 Chronicles Part 1 Truth Rising.
And there's only going to be two showings of this, and there'll be showings of it a month and a half before it's officially released.
That's this Saturday in Austin, Texas, for Texas listeners and folks in surrounding areas, mainly the Central Texas audience.
You can go to Infowars.com, all tickets are left, and get tickets for the Saturday matinee at 3.30 at the Alamo Ritz in downtown Austin, or Sunday 6.30 p.m., and I'll be there giving a 30-minute speech before each showing.
And so the film is 99% done.
There'll only be a few tweaks from what you see at these screenings.
And we're doing these screenings to get your feedback.
You know, to get your response to the film.
So you can email us and tell us what you thought.
And then it goes directly to DVD.
So we do hope to see everybody out there this Saturday at 3.30.
And of course, this Sunday at 6.30 for the two showings of Truth Rising, which is totally different than any other film I've made.
This is my 19th film.
It is cinema verite.
No voiceover.
And very little of Alex Jones.
It's just amazing.
Wait till you see it.
Okay, you'll get your sneak peek this Saturday and Sunday.
Let's go to John in Illinois, because he disagrees, so we're on the calls right at this point.
We will for him.
Go ahead, John.
Okay, Alex.
This is about the selling of gold and the apparent destruction of the U.S.
dollar, and I know there's a bit of confusion about what's going on, and I've been studying the matter for the last six years, and I've learned quite a bit.
But before we touch on that... Well, we don't have two hours, so just go ahead and make your point.
Okay, well, the seeming paradox of them selling gold to prop up the dollar
This has more to do with trying to stop the gold carry trade from collapsing.
Well, I agree.
I mean, it's very complex, and I study it all the time, and I can barely grasp it, so... And also, I've been advertising on Prison Planet for the last three weeks.
I have a rolling banner, four down, to page 911truth.org.
We're sponsoring Richard Gage on May 30th.
So if any of the Chicago-area listeners will please go down to that banner,
And click on it, they can pre-purchase tickets and help support Richard Gage and his important work.
Yeah, we've had Gage on many times, and he's in 9-11 Chronicles, Part 1, Truth Rising, so I appreciate your call.
I will tell you, sir, though, that I would really ask listeners to only reserve the I-disagree point to actually disagree.
You know,
We don't screen your calls, other than what's your first name, where you're calling from, and you can... You could be calling from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and claim you're calling from Timbuktu, as far as I care.
But if you call in and volunteer, you disagree, you go to the front of the line.
Uh, but then most of you don't really disagree.
And, uh, I don't like that.
But c'est la vie.
I mean, let's be intellectually honest here.
I'm not being mean to you, sir.
It's just that I don't think you really disagreed much with me there.
I think that was more of a way to get on the air and plug something, which is fine.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Robert Galen Ross.
He's in studio with us for the next hour and a half, maybe even longer than Tony Gosling from England.
Has the Bilderberg Group already met in Athens, Greece?
That's what a Greek newspaper's reporting.
We'll see if that's true or a false start.
We know they have steering committee meetings that have thrown people off six years ago, and it's happened before that as well, where they were having a steering committee with about 25, 30 members.
The Library of Congress, K. Billy Hutchinson, was one of the U.S.
representatives there.
They had that about a month before they met in Europe.
So, we've seen this trick before.
We'll be fleshing that out.
We're going to take your calls early in this hour at 1-800-259-9231.
And whatever the subject is, Galen Ross, Robert Galen Ross, can comment on it.
He worked with the NSA in intelligence.
He then was international consultant to oil companies, lived all over the Middle East, all over the world, and he's been fighting the New World Order for decades, written quite a few very well-received, very well-selling books.
We carry quite a few of them at the online bookstore at Infowars.com.
Before we go to him, I'd like to just say this.
I was watching early this morning a clip of Endgame on YouTube, just a little five-minute clip, and I kind of sat back and said, man, I made this documentary.
This is really good.
And I thought, man, this needs to be seen.
It was like I was discovering someone else's work.
And I was just realizing that I tend to not toot my horn.
But this is quite a weapon.
And it really shows who the globalists are, what their master plan is, what they're doing, how to stop them.
The film is 2 hours 20 minutes long.
It's got 40 minutes of extras on the DVD.
It's got about 3 hours total.
It's $19.95.
You can get it for $9.95 when you get it with Terror Storm or some of the other films.
This is how we support ourselves.
This is how I hire more people, get better websites, better servers.
This is how we buy better cameras, fly places, and cover things.
And I advertise on my own show that Endgame is free on Google Video.
And I want you to go watch it there, and I want you to email it out to everybody.
And in fact, I uploaded Endgame myself to Google Video the day it was released at PrisonPlanet.tv, the day it was released on DVD.
And why did I do that?
Because this isn't about making money.
Money is fuel that I put in my engine to fight the New World Order.
We are a juggernaut of truth and liberty against them, and I literally see it as fuel.
To me, who I am, telling the truth, being honorable, being truthful, fighting tyranny, defending my family name, trying to build a better world for those that are going to come in the future, that is what makes me tick.
And I get so focused on that so often that we then don't call for capital and call for the capital we need to do bigger things.
And I wasn't going to mention this right now because it got organized last week.
The nice fellow keeps calling.
He's the original guy that came up with the money bomb for Ron Paul and it got picked up by others.
Uh, and carried one of my listeners.
Um, and he's got this Alex Jones money bomb.
And I kind of thought about it over the weekend, and people around the office have asked me, what are you going to do?
You know, you need to put a PayPal link up.
This guy wants you to, and I thought, should I do that?
You know, I mean, I always raise money for other people.
And I will say that, yes, we're going to get a PayPal up.
In fact, that needs to happen.
We need to make sure that's happening.
Uh, and we need to, if you give us donations, we will buy better computers.
Uh, better, uh, software, better effects for our films.
Uh, we will... I mean, I'm already going to get a bigger office.
We're out looking right now.
But I will, uh, factor that into hiring more people, doing more.
I need to get a second IT person, uh, full-time because it's just overwhelming the amount of work that we've got to do here.
We've got to grow fast because the New World Order is making their move right now.
So that said, there isn't even a PayPal up for this yet, but the next day or two we'll link to the Money Bomb, the Alex Jones Money Bomb, I forget the address.
But the Money Bomb right now is just go to infowars.com and buy Robert Galen Ross' books that we sell, that we support him to.
Buy In Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Have it on DVD, the high quality DVD.
Give it to people.
And if you don't have money, watch it for free on Google Video and pass it on to your email list.
Show it to your friends and family.
It's just it's not that high quality.
That's why we have PrisonPlanet.tv that is 15 cents a day.
Because by having a PrisonPlanet.tv membership, it's in super high quality now.
Two content distribution network servers, three other servers on it.
I mean, it's just a beautiful system, getting better and better all the time.
We don't just have this live video feed we do every day for the listeners in the fourth hour, sometimes earlier.
Sometimes we do the whole show.
It's now posted within an hour of the end of the show for you to watch how you want, when you want, where you want, with the document cam and the guest cam.
We're good to go.
Committed to this.
I mean, I've cast the dice.
The dice are rolled.
And I'm in this fight 110%.
And I've just been realizing, why stand here idle?
Why not even work harder?
You know, why not make three films this year like we're doing right now instead of one a year?
Why not up the game?
Why not update the websites?
Why not make them a higher quality web 2.5 or whatever?
Why not get more aggressive?
I mean, if we're going to fight the new order, let's do it all the way.
So I want to thank all of you that have supported us at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to thank all of you that have gotten the books and videos at Infowars.com or called 888-253-3139.
All of you that have purchased the books and videos, that is really a donation to us so we can continue what we're doing and so I can also try to pay my people well.
I don't know.
If everything starts going to hell in a handbasket, and it's starting to, and our capital goes down, and less money comes in, I'm just going to spend the savings I've accrued, which are modest, but that are there to fund this, to go all the way until we ran out of money, until we aren't here.
You know, that's the goal.
Go all the way.
Like a missile that expends its fuel as it comes in for impact.
We're not retreating.
We're not going back.
And we're doing well.
We're growing.
We're expanding.
My point is, if we go into a depression, I am going to continue on as long as we can.
And you need to realize that.
There is my rant on that subject.
I appreciate Robert Galen Ross joining us in studio.
And, Robert, I'd like you to get into the economy.
You know, you've consulted internationally in finance, in oil, in commerce.
You've worked in the government and intelligence.
You've really, in the books you've written, forecasted a lot of what has actually developed in your film.
You forecasted what would happen with the NAU.
So I really respect your opinion, and we want to bring you here as, you know, another one of our family of
Thanks for being here.
You've got the floor.
Please tell us what's happening with banking.
Okay, the world financial system is in meltdown.
Uh, they won't admit that publicly, but the signs, the vital signs are showing up all the time.
And, uh, we can go back as far as, uh, February 27th, 1995, when fellow named, uh, Nick Leason, uh, was a, uh, one of the key people with, uh, bearings in, uh, Southeast Asia, uh, bearings at
At the time they went under was the Britain's oldest bank, and Leeson got to dealing in derivatives, and he crashed the company in a very short period of time.
And Barings was a very large company at that time, and so this is how vulnerable they are, and I'm sure that all banks have put in
Safety valves to and watch our people very closely to keep from being crashed like that again.
But just recently, as just late as March the 14th, 2008, Bear Stearns went under.
Bear Stearns in November of 2007 was rated by all the
Goldman Sachs at $118 a share.
And so when they finally died in February, they were bought out by JPMorgan Chase at $2 a share.
And so this is how quick this could happen.
There are others looming on the horizon.
On May 9, 2008, the CEO of Citigroup announced that they were fixing to write off $400 billion of their assets.
Now, to them, an asset is something like a mortgage or something like that.
Most of these mortgages are worthless, and so that's the reason they're writing them off.
In the first quarter of 2008, Citigroup lost $5.1 billion.
First quarter of 2007, they lost $10 billion.
So Citigroup is really fixing to go under.
But the Fed Chairman Bernanke has already informed the public that
No bank will go under.
And he's saying, yeah, he said that today.
He said, everything's wonderful.
Meanwhile, the dollar's being devalued at about 30% a year now.
There are millions of houses going into repossession.
People are walking away from millions others.
There's a huge contraction even in retail.
And the media is busy running around saying everything's wonderful.
That's right.
And they're saying that as a smoke screen trying to hide what's really going on behind the curtain.
And if you do a Google search for the MCM money supply, there's a chart on there that shows that the money supply is almost vertical right now.
They're printing money like it's going out of style.
Stay there, Robert Galen Ross will continue with what the global economic architects are up to.
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Robert Galen Ross is our guest.
Your call is coming up in the next segment.
A host of issues we'll be discussing going into the third hour.
Tony Gosling on the Builder Bear Grip joining us in the fourth hour today.
Robert, continuing with the banking situation please.
Okay, for many years the Federal Reserve had their practice was to loan money to their member banks overnight.
They were loaned money to him today, but tomorrow they had to pay it back.
And now the financial situation has gotten so bad now that the Fed now has extended overnight practice to 30 days.
And even they say, if you can't pay us back in 30 days, we'll consider extended that that period.
So it's really getting bad in the financial system.
Now, on September 2007, the Fed interest rate was
On May the 2nd, 2008, they reduced this to 2% in an effort to try to stop this runaway financial problem.
Now, they also, the Bank of England,
Has followed suit.
They've told their banks that they're putting 50 billion pounds available for banks to aid in their financial situation.
And the Japanese central bank has been running at one half percent interest for years.
And the Japanese have been and a lot of other people are borrowing money from the Japanese central bank.
And buying assets around the world, and it costs them a half percent, and then they make what they can off of that.
But this is coming to an end.
Now, one of the major problems that is discussed publicly is what they call a subprime lending problem.
Now, the best way to explain that is that
A bank will lure someone into like they want to buy a home.
They'll offer them a low teaser rate interest, but it's variable.
And so they, they calculate their, their monetary payments and, and the couple figured they can afford that.
But within a few short years, all of a sudden they start kicking into these higher rates.
And in many cases, the bank or lending institution don't even check on the credit availability of this couple.
And so the reason they do that
Just as soon as they loan the money, they don't keep that loan.
They immediately turn around and sell that loan to someone else.
And they also now count loans, as you just said, as an asset.
So a debt is an asset, a liability is an asset, and they leverage that out with fractional reserve banking at least tenfold.
And then they leverage that again tenfold.
Just a Ponzi scheme to the sun.
That's right.
Probably the best way to illustrate this is to take a can of mixed nuts.
Let's say that I eat a lot of mixed nuts and they generally come in a clear plastic jar and you can see what's in it.
But let's say that macadamia nuts sell for $13 a pound, pistachios for $11 a pound, cashews for $10 a pound, and peanuts $8 a pound.
Well, these bags are now, instead of having a clear plastic container, they have a cardboard container or metal container so you can't see what's in it.
But the wrapper around this container shows a lot of macadamia nuts and a lot of pistachios and not many peanuts.
But if you really, when you get around to opening that can, you'll find just very few macadamias.
Just a few more pistachios, maybe a handful of cashews.
So it's another Carnival Barker scam.
That's right.
But in addition to having peanuts, they're even putting in stale and rancid peanuts in here.
Including peanuts that have rat feces in it.
So there's some rat droppings.
That's right.
And they package these with macadamia nuts on the wrapper.
And they sell these to other lending institutions.
Who then leverage it out again and do the same thing.
That's right.
So pretty much it's like one peanut per package of rat turds.
That's right.
But now it's gotten so bad that for many years there was interbank lending practice.
If one bank needed some cash, they'd just go to the bank next door and borrow money from them.
Now they won't loan money to one another because the assets they're putting up for collateral
Are these toxic waste peanuts?
So the Great Ponzi Scheme, it appears, is coming to an end.
Let's talk about, from your experience, living quite a long time, living in third-world countries, where you think this is going to go, and is that why they're gearing up for martial law?
Is that why they've been quietly militarizing for decades, knowing that they were going to implode the economy?
And is it by design?
We know it certainly is in some sectors.
We'll come back with Robert Bick, Galen Ross, and your phone calls.
Please stay with us.
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People wonder how the New World Order can have such incredible power.
They wonder how they can buy armies, countries.
How they can come into every town and city, even small towns, and spend a million, two million to fluoridate your water, because they care about you so much.
How they can buy off anybody.
Anybody that'll take their money.
Because it's all fiat.
They just make it out of nothing.
They back it up with force, they buy with their own fiat.
And then they train the society that debt is good, get into debt, the public schools, the colleges.
It's come out they have credit card agreements with the companies, public schools and colleges, to tell the kids to take credit cards to get in debt.
All designed to get you shackled, all designed to get control.
And now, after bubble, after bubble, after bubble, we're in the final bubbles that economists always said we would see before a total implosion, and that is just a speculative bubble.
Not just speculative on real estate or speculative on one commodity or type of asset, but everything is going speculative.
Food, other commodities, resources, and the government's response being doppelganged and controlled by the private banks that own and control it, is to beef up, to militarize, to build camps, to say the public is the enemy, that the government are the officials, the authorities,
Clearly, in response to the population.
Robert Galen Ross, before we get more into whether you think we're going to have a depression or not, and how we're getting to this apex of the mega-bubble, the super-bubble, A, do you think that's why one of the reasons they're gearing up their police state, and B, do you believe this was engineered by design?
Alex, nothing of significance happens in the entire world that is not very carefully planned years in advance.
These people
Well, I harp on this a lot, but it's because it's a seminal source document
2002, Joseph Stiglitz, chief economist, World Bank.
He's a globalist, but he said he didn't believe in hurting people.
They give him a 119-point plan that they've been using for decades, but they were just now letting their economist in on this.
One of many, but their top guy.
Who they just use for advice, but then they made the decisions where they went into countries and bought off the police, bought off the government over a multi-decade program, got everybody in debt, had the government not pay the debt back by design, then turn off all the utilities, cause riots to further depress all the stocks so they could come in and buy the whole country up for pennies on the dollar, also signing agreements with the government to hand over ports, waterways, infrastructures, roads, government-owned utilities,
Uh, government-owned telecommunications, oil companies.
So, and he said what they did to the third world countries, they're now planning to do to the West.
And I just had him on a few weeks ago.
Again, he's been on the radio with us twice and in an in-person video interview once.
And he admitted, yes, they're engineering this.
I mean, we have the IMF documents where they're saying they're doing it.
There's no debating it.
But, you know, there's a strange guy behind the bushes that's taking care of this fellow named Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela.
The elite denigrate him.
They say he's communist, he's a dictator, he's doing terrible things.
To me, he's a hero because he has single-handedly stopped the creation of the American Union.
And a number of the things that he's done is
He's created what they call the Bank of the South, which is a central bank owned by Venezuela, or funded by Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina.
And they've now dumped the dollar.
You can't buy their oil, and that's what 33%, 34% of all of our oil.
Can't buy it with dollars now.
That's right.
But they created this bank, and they're loaning money to all the Latin American countries to pay off the IMF and World Bank loans early.
So they can get out from under this burden, and they loan this money to them at very low interest rates.
And so, that's one... By the way, I mean, you work for oil companies, you know, they're paying 18 cents a gallon in Venezuela.
They're paying like 25 cents a gallon in Mexico.
They're paying 14 cents a gallon for diesel in Mexico.
Just like we pay five, six times what somebody in Mexico pays for prescription drugs, we pay double what somebody in Europe.
Why is it that Americans are seen as the schmuck cattle, where just we get treated the worst, our cops treat us the worst, everything, but we think we're free?
Well, they've dumbed the people down.
They've done it as it was very carefully planned.
They've done them down in schools.
And they provide them with information on the mass media that they want to hear.
All of it is it's designed a psycho control and so that they they really don't
Uh, protest what's going on.
As long as they can have their six-pack and watch their football game or play a game of pool, that's all I care.
Now, speak of the devil, that may be what's coming next.
I know you were around during the last Great Depression that they admit in mainline textbooks was engineered by the bankers.
Maybe we should start there with what they did then in 1929, deepening for three years
I mean, this is going to be unbelievable.
You know, the real truth is that from 1920 to 1929, the Federal Reserve started a very loose money policy.
They would loan people money on anything.
And so people started investing in stocks and bonds, commodities, because they were going to get rich over it.
And so in 29, all of a sudden, they pulled in the money and they started calling loans.
And people couldn't pay these loans, and a lot of people committed suicide over it.
But this was very carefully designed.
One of the main reasons they did this is that at that point, in 1913, is when they created the Federal Reserve.
And so most of the money were in state banks, and a lot of the state banks wouldn't join the Federal Reserve System.
So they said, well, all right, we'll go get them anyway.
So they said, we've got to crash these state banks and get their money.
And so that was one of the main reasons for the 29 Depression.
And of course, they had already engineered runs on banks before that's come out.
National Banking Association documents have come out.
And they said, give us the Federal Reserve.
There'll never be another recession.
There'll never be another run.
And then they engineered the 29 crash and then cut off all credit as they're getting ready to do now.
We promise.
That's right.
And the stated purpose of the creation of the Federal Reserve was to normalize and steady the financial situation so they wouldn't have all these ups and downs.
But every up and down that's happened in the financial world is created by the central banks.
Well, look at what they're doing now.
Just as the Federal Reserve got more power after they engineered the Great Depression, now they're saying, get rid of the three federal agencies that regulate us.
And I'm not saying they're good, but they're corrupt and controlled, but at least it's some semblance of regulation.
They said, let us run everything secretly, get rid of these three federal agencies, let us run everything.
And then everything will be okay.
So they're saying, just, you know, we're the ones that have engineered this, admittedly, changing the rules for all this loaning, you know, fiat to infinitum, just no limit to infinity.
And now, so that's their formula.
Always create a crisis, and then as the crisis deepens, offer the next solution which expands their power, then they deepen the next crisis even bigger, then they
Get more power, then they expand an even greater crisis and get more power.
But now they're coming into total ownership.
I mean, I've seen the numbers of thousands of trillions of liquid fiat they made that was accepted globally.
They literally bought up the entire global infrastructure, except for a handful of private interest in Europe and the U.S.
Now they're changing laws to take that for middle-class people, and they write white papers saying they don't even need the peasants anymore.
I mean, this
They have created this tsunami of liquidity, bought the world with it, and now they're going to turn that liquidity off and get what crumbs they didn't have.
And all of the funds that they have are created out of thin air.
They're not backed by anything.
But I suggest you go to, do a Google search on MZM money supply, or money stock.
MZM stands for money zero maturity.
And that's made up of the M2 money supply and several other financial indicators.
And I've got their data from the Federal Reserve and created a graph on that.
And the last two or three years, that graph has gone vertical.
Well, in fact, they have a lot of private groups that analyze it, and that's what they say.
Bernanke stopped releasing the numbers 12 months ago.
Did you reverse-engineer that?
How did you get the numbers, the latest ones?
No, I got it from St.
Louis Fed.
Oh, you're talking about the internal money supply numbers?
That's right.
But the Federal Reserve quit reporting the M3 money supply.
Some of the private institutions are still generating the M3, but it's not
Uh, not done by the Fed.
And then you can see the parallel, how suddenly there's cops on every corner, suddenly there's helicopters flying overheads, cameras going in, and then you read the government documents, they say, yeah, we're going to implode everything you've got, and if you riot, or if you fight back against us, we're going to gun you down the streets.
Well, now, a lot of people are really playing down the oil companies, giving them hell about increasing their price of oil.
They're only making the same 8% profit they always do.
They did not raise their prices.
The dollar went down.
Oil is dollar-denominated, so when the value of the dollar goes down, the value of the oil goes up, and so gold and oil and silver and a number of the commodities are dollar-denominated, so they only go up because the dollar is going down.
And that's what the media so craftily and deceptively all day attacks the oil companies when they're only middleman refining brokers between OPEC cartel, which as you know is predominantly Rothschild-owned,
The Arabs are just dumb and conspicuously consume with their private 747s and brothels in front of everybody.
But you worked as a consultant for oil companies.
Can you break that down for people?
As a matter of fact, this fellow named John J. McCloy, he was at the secret meeting at Clint Merchant's the night before Kennedy was killed.
He was named by the oil companies to be the first negotiator of the OPEC meetings.
And so he got with the OPEC nations and they agreed on a price and the production rate.
But McCoy told him, he said, now,
We'll allow you, say, $10 a barrel, but every dollar over $10 a barrel, you must deposit in United States banks, particularly JP Morgan and those large banks, because according to Islamic law, it's illegal to create usury or interest rates.
So rather than make money off of interest, these Arab nations, they put their money in
Banks in New York City.
That's the insane thing.
They said, what, a thousand years ago, during the Dark Ages, the Catholic Church said Christians can't own banks, but Jews can, and that's what gave that original power to that group.
That's right.
It's just the same thing over and over again.
So it's a legalese.
Oh no, the Arabs don't have usury.
No, no, the Western banks are doing it for us.
That's right.
But their money are in the U.S.
And it's the old multiplier.
When a bank has an asset like cash, they can loan that out and create 9 to 1 for every dollar they have on deposit.
And so that
It's the main benefit of having this Arab oil in these U.S.
banks is they turn around and multiply it by nine.
Now, if there was a dictatorship in Alaska with some guy named King Krom, they would be getting all the oil out of there right now and wouldn't be using the Arabs.
They use the Arabs because the British set those countries up 90 years ago, as you know.
You lived over there.
And they made a deal for a monopoly with them.
That's why they run around using the environmentalists as their fronts to keep the real oil from being tapped.
That's right.
They say you can't drill out of California or Florida, places like that, for environmental reasons.
The only reason is to keep it off the market.
And I've charted a lot of the characteristics of oil supply and oil reserves.
And the real facts are that in the very beginning,
The oil coming out of an oil well will shoot up because of the pressure in the well, and then it'll start turning down and will eventually head towards zero.
That is a characteristic of an oil field.
And they're using that to say we have peak oil.
But the other side of that coin is they have discovered massive supplies of oil all over the world that they're not putting on the market.
And they're finding the 50- and 60-year-old wells suddenly are full again.
All over Texas, they're uncapping them and they're full again.
Yeah, they're gradually, just by seepage, are filling up.
And so, all companies lie about it.
For the P&L statement, they overstate their reserves.
And back in 2005, the Federal Reserve, I mean, the Securities and Exchange Commission required Shell Oil companies to redo their reserves and they
Did it five times in a 12-month period, and every time they reduced their stated reserves.
Well, we know that's the same with banking, because they're able to get loans, invest, and leverage those proven reserves.
That's right.
Yeah, so it's like money in the bank.
There's so many subjects here, I want to go ahead and go to some phone calls after the break.
And then we'll just keep you for the whole next hour if you can do that, Robert.
Okay, we might touch on derivatives and then we'll get on to another subject.
Sure, fantastic.
And I want to talk about the mindset, what makes the New World Order tick, why they believe what they believe.
And we have Elite Serial Killers of RFK, JFK, MLK, that book available at InfoWars.com and a couple of the other great books that Robert Galen Ross has written, all available at InfoWars.com.
Or you can also visit his website.
Give that out, Robert.
It's www.4rie.com.
Alright, we're going to break and I promise we're going to go straight to George, Scott, Dave, Mary, and Fred.
On the other side of this quick break, we'll take your calls into the bottom of the next hour.
And for the last 30 minutes, we'll shift gears from Robert Hale and Ross into a whole host of other subjects, whatever he thinks most important.
You know, I get these guests in here, and I say, hey, what do you want to talk about?
He said, hey, I want to talk about the economy.
I was like, absolutely, that's important.
So who knows what he'll want to talk about next?
We will experience that with each other.
Coming up on the other side, InfoWars.com is the website.
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All right, your call's coming up, but Robert wanted to add something about derivatives on the financial end, and then straight to your calls.
Go ahead, sir.
I mentioned in the beginning that this fellow named Neeson that bankrupted the Barings Bank back in 1995 dealing in derivatives, so let's just touch on that a little bit.
What is a derivative?
A derivative is something, by definition, is
The value is based on some underlying asset, like a corporate bond or a treasury bond or something like that.
But it turns out to be a wager.
They can wager on anything.
They can wager on the global warming.
They can wager on the tide levels.
They generally wager on things like the dollar index or something like that.
Let's just look at the involvement of the major banks and derivatives.
JPMorgan Chase has total assets of $1.2 trillion.
They own $91.7 trillion in derivatives.
Citibank has total assets of $1.23 trillion, but their derivative exposure is $34 trillion.
Bank of America has assets of $1.3 trillion.
And their derivative exposure is $32.1 trillion.
Wachovia Bank has assets of a little over a half a trillion, and their exposure is a little over $5 trillion.
HSBC Bank has assets of about $0.2 trillion, exposure of $4.4 trillion.
So if things go wrong, I've just said it,
For example, JPMorgan Chase assets 1.2 trillion, and they have an exposure of about 92 trillion.
They can't pay that off.
So, what are they going to do?
Of course, the Federal Reserve has said that they will not let any bank fail, so the Federal Reserve will step in and save them, but they don't have enough assets to cover their liability.
Now, to be clear,
The big central banks and the private brokerage houses, they have already put their real assets into commodities, into infrastructure, into institutions.
Now they're just going to have the public back up those institutions, their front institutions, and then basically drive the dollar's value into the ground and then leave us holding the bag, claiming this is some communal debt, when it was created out of fraud.
So they get us coming and going.
It's kind of like they ship the drugs in and then put us in jail if they catch us using them.
They always have that formula.
There's a fellow named Jim Rogers that is a big
Yeah, he said that from Singapore.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into the third hour.
I want to get into the power structure of the New World Order from Robert Galen Ross' research briefly later in this hour.
I also want to get his take on what a depression will look like
Versus just a serious inflationary recession.
How long you think that'll go?
Again, he worked in international relations with oil companies, studying these type things.
And also, he worked in association with the National Security Agency.
But right now, we're taking your calls.
Thanks for holding.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in... Actually, John in Illinois.
George in Indiana.
We already went to him.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding, George.
Yeah, Alex.
Can I go off topic?
I'm sure that Robert Gellin Ross can talk about any subject.
Go ahead.
Okay, there's three things I want to mention.
I did the math on the square footage of Florida.
And do you realize we could put 7 billion people in Florida and each would have 20 square feet?
We're not overcrowded in this world.
Second thing I wanted to mention, I wanted to ask you, Alex, is the Fourth Amendment still valid?
The Fourth Amendment has been abolished under H.R. 3162.
Uh, the criminals have to still act like it's there, and still some people in government who aren't criminals but live in delusional la-la land think that it's still in force.
Uh, it's, you know, the Fourth Amendment, as you know, only points out an innate, uh, organic
Or what many call God-given right.
I mean, I don't care what the government says.
You know, the president can't barbecue babies on the White House lawn.
That is inhumane, inhuman, criminal.
It doesn't matter if he says he's supreme dictator and allowed to order the torture of children.
You need to be serious.
But yeah, by and large, the government ignores the Fourth Amendment and says it doesn't exist.
You want to comment on that, Robert?
The first thing I wanted to say is on CNN today, I actually seen that a man
Got put in jail for six months because his 18-year-old daughter failed her GED.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, this started about 10 years ago in Houston.
It's all over the country.
You have to stay in school.
You're not allowed to drop out.
And now the parents are given prison time if they don't.
Look, if you drop a banana peel, six months in jail.
If you batter in your backyard, five years.
This is the new system.
Robert Gaylon Ross, it's always been that way in tyranny.
They always make laws for the common people, don't they?
It doesn't apply to them at all.
Yeah, so for us there's hyper laws, but for them there's no laws.
Yeah, for example, probably the best example is bribery.
If you go down and you give a judge some money, you can go to jail for bribery.
But if a politician, if somebody drops several hundred thousand dollars in his pocket, that's a campaign finance.
Well, here's an example.
They can even break those laws that are tailored for them, and it's all selectively enforced.
Hillary and McCain both went to England in the last six months.
They both raised hundreds of thousands of dollars at Lord Rothschild's house.
You think I'm joking, folks.
Just type McCain Rothschild into Google.
It's Times of London.
They gave him hundreds of thousands.
It said that one dollar is a felony for a foreigner in a foreign country.
And McCain just said, I don't care.
And the Fed said, that's right.
That's right.
We're going to let him do it.
I mean, we've entered a new era here.
Yeah, and we're not going to get all this back until we get rid of the two-party system.
We've got to have independent people in every elected position that are there to look out after the people they represent.
I remember debating a guy like 10 years ago on a talk show in Florida, speaking of the devil, and he was saying that Rothschilds don't exist, that that's a made-up code race word.
I mean, that's what they... I'm not kidding!
It's just, we know the world, we study documents all day, we spend our time knowing what's going on, and then they just say, doesn't exist!
If you go to my book, The Elite Don't Dare Let Us Tell People, I list all of the Rothschilds that are over the age of 50, and what they own, and their position, and it's all right there for you.
Okay, well, I appreciate your call, George.
Good point.
Scott, Dave, Mary, Fred, we'll go straight back to you in just three minutes.
And there's so much I want to talk about with Robert Galen Ross today that we're going to do some behind-the-scenes talk for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers at the 20 after, 24 after.
So you'll want to go to the InfoWars.com streams to listen if you want to hear that behind-the-scenes stuff.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I want the listeners to know that I really appreciate you.
I was thinking about this last night.
My wife's got XM in her car and I was driving her car.
And I was listening to some George Strait song.
They got a George Strait channel on there.
I couldn't get out of the car last night once I got home at one in the morning after working.
All right, now I'm really digressing.
I was listening to these George Strait top 56 hits.
He's now got more hits than anybody in any genre.
That really doesn't matter, does it, folks?
But the point is, I'm listening to George Strait, but he had this song about, you know, wanting to talk to people or tell people, I forget the name of it, you know, after they died, what he wished he could have told them before.
But that's what I want to tell the listeners.
I appreciate you.
And I appreciate everything you do, and I appreciate all the support, and I'm sorry that I blow up on air and freak out and sometimes are rude or whatever, but I really care, and I'm really freaked out because I'm not some shrinking violin.
I'm not even some goody-two-shoes in my life.
Maybe it's because growing up, I saw some, you know, kind of the other side of things, just happened to run into that, that I have been a little bit harder in my life, and in just a few respects.
I'm not saying I'm a tough guy.
But to me, it's just so shocking to see the public dumbed down, mindless, in denial, giggling, smirking, laughing, having no idea it's so criminal, and that things are so bad, and to see the police so trained against the people.
And I don't hate them.
I know they're being used and manipulated and controlled and brainwashed, and there's whole handbooks on it, and I want to reach out to them.
I want their families to have good futures.
I want them to do well.
And then I studied the New World Order, and it's just how evil they are boggles the mind.
But when you know about serial killers and the mindset of control freaks, it really makes sense.
And when you know history, it really makes sense.
We're about to go back to your calls, but Robert Galen Ross, I mean, do you ever marvel at just the horrible, diabolical things they do?
And do you ever feel
I don't know.
If you try to do that in England now, they arrest you.
I mean, it's... I mean, I'm really kind of babbling here.
I'm just putting out my thoughts that I don't claim to be the best at this.
I don't claim to be the Grand Poobah.
I don't claim to have all the answers.
All I know is this new world order is coming down on us.
I'm trying to tell the truth the best I can.
I'm trying to get people rallied to fight against it.
And I see our own movement fighting with each other.
That makes me very sad.
I know that's inevitable, but it... I mean, do you get the point I'm making?
Yeah, Alex, I'm like you.
I'm absolutely convinced you have dedicated the rest of your life to trying to expose all this.
And that's exactly the way I am.
If we don't do this, our children, our grandchildren, their quality of life is going to be terrible.
And it's really our responsibility to do that.
You can't divorce yourself from your kids like that.
You've got to protect them.
And the only way we can do that is try to get the truth out.
Well, that's what it comes down to.
I look at my children, and I image these grandchildren that I know will be here next week, and that's how time flies.
We were talking about that during the break.
Your son's 40-something years old now, and you remember holding him as a baby.
I mean, talk about how time flies, because it really does.
Yeah, my son is adopted, and they brought him to us when he was five days old, and brought him in this little blanket, and I looked in his eyes, and
Of course, that killed me right off.
I mean, that was instant bonding.
But now, he's over 46 years old, and I'm going to go see him in a couple of weeks.
But I've missed so much time with him.
Also, I miss time with my own father and my own mother.
When I was making my way through industry, I ignored them.
I didn't go to visit them like I should.
And I look back, and these were some of the finest people I've ever known in my life.
And I ignored them.
And don't do that.
It's very important that the people you love give them the time.
Well, that's why I get mad.
Because I want to go fishing every week with my son.
I want to, you know, teach him to be better at sports.
Believe me, I like doing all that.
And I'm so obsessed with this that I spend
Few hours a day with my children, but that's not enough.
But I work most weekends, and I'm not whining about this.
I mean, I'm talking about the process.
That's another reason I hate the new world order so much.
Is that I have to totally fight them all the time, and I know they're so evil, and I just, if more good people would get involved and fight evil, we wouldn't be in such dire straits.
And I have to admit, I get mad at the general public who are in denial, you know, who tell me there's no such thing as Rothschilds, or no such thing as New World Order.
I mean, I get that all the time, and I really want to slap them!
I mean, these are hardcore killers coming for them!
And they are living in denial, and I'm sick of it.
Yeah, the people behind all of this, the ones behind the curtain, are hardened criminals.
They don't care about anybody.
They're greedy.
They're power-hungry.
And they don't care how many people are killed in wars.
They create wars.
They finance both sides of wars, all for their own benefit.
And like you, I really get pissed off.
But I've got to be careful that I don't lose my objective.
I don't want to lose my tunnel vision of exposing all of this.
And I'm going to spend all my time, all the spare time I can, exposing these evil people.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Scott in Colorado.
You're on the air, Scott.
Can you hear me?
Hey, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Hey, I'm just like you.
I get very passionate about what the message I'm trying to convey, and a lot of times
It makes it a little harder, because they kind of push away from me.
But anyway, just a couple of points.
I don't want to take much from Mr. Ross today.
I'll keep one of the issues I wanted to discuss with you until another time.
You were talking earlier, though, about genetic engineering.
And one of the things that they're doing right now, and I think I may have even read this in one of your articles somewhere, but I have actually worked with this.
It's called apoptosis.
Are you familiar with that term?
Okay, program cell death.
And what they can do is go in and target certain cells of the human body and program them to live a shorter period of time.
So they can program in a shorter period of time for specific organs that are necessary to not last as long.
And I think that that may be something that they are working on currently.
I actually have a little involvement with some studies.
No, we've had life extension experts on, and certainly all the good things that industry and science discovers, with well-meaning researchers doing it, is compartmentalized.
That has been sent back to the big boys, who already have very serious life extension technologies that they've been suppressing.
Robert Gellin Ross, your take on that?
They're after us from every direction.
For example,
One of their goals is to depopulate the world.
They say there's too many eaters.
Some like 6 billion people in the world, they say it ought to be 2 billion or less.
And so they're literally trying to depopulate Africa for one major example.
And I want people listening to know, when I get up on air and just throw out the warning, hey, fluoride eats holes in your brains, attacks every organ, or when I say every major vaccine's been found to be filled with different cancer viruses,
Yeah, and they have what they call nanobots.
This is actually
Well, they're talking about people don't trust the government anymore.
They're not taking vaccines.
We'll just engineer it into the potatoes.
It's just... It's this forced medication.
I mean, see?
Anything else, Scott?
Real quick, I want to go ahead
And I guess, I'm not really ashamed, loosely plugged, but we had talked about before, I made that video of the Colorado Springs fire drill, and since we're talking about martial law and what's going on, we have 30,000 troops moving into Colorado Springs to Fort Carson right now.
And I tell you, it really concerns me.
But I just want to bring that up again so more people can take a look at what they're doing behind the scenes, and how Posse Comitatus has been repealed, and how they all are working together.
And it's under Colorado Springs Fire Drill, and you can put in Posse Comitatus in your Google search.
Uh, is martial law, which they're now putting in for adults in many cities.
Uh, all of this, uh, cops telling you that there's free speech zones, uh, that's martial law.
Increment of martial law.
It's what?
So everybody's looking for this big overnight thing.
Uh, listen, going from 300,000 cops to 2 million cops and having 10% of the college grads being Homeland Security related, that's martial law right there.
Getting rid of posse commentatus is martial law.
They just put the gun to your head.
They've taken the safety off.
Are they going to pull the trigger?
That's a 10 on a Richter scale.
Robert, comments on that?
It goes back to the old frog in the pan.
As they gradually turn the heat up, the frog just sits there because it's really nice, it's warm, and before you know it, he's cooked.
But if you throw him in a pot of boiling water, he'll jump out.
Yep, that's it.
Let's go to Dave in Wisconsin.
Dave, you're on the air.
I just wanted to say that the Son of God is recorded as saying, for the love of money is the root of all evil.
And I tried to think that through a little bit, and really, anything to do with money management, whether it's in a personal life or a meeting with bankers, has to do with the occult.
And I just finished a book by, let's see, Elizabeth Starr Miller, or Lady Queensborough by her other name, called Occult Theocracy, and it says in there,
On page 581, for the purposes of occult dominion, minds must therefore be rendered passive and negative in order that control can be achieved.
Minds consciously working to a definite end for good are a power.
The scheme for world dominion might be doomed by the recognition of this principle alone.
I just wanted to make that point and also... Well, stay there.
I'm going to come back to you.
I'm going to come... Dave, stay there.
In fact, I'm going to talk to you during the break.
We're going to let you... We're going to give you four minutes during the break and a large portion of the audience and folks watching on the web at PrisonPlanet.tv will be able to hear you on the other side.
So we're going to break for the network.
We're going to do four minutes on the other... behind the scenes for people listening on the InfoWars.com streams.
But yes, you bring up a key point.
Stay with us.
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Way up north to Alaska Way up north to Alaska North to Alaska Go north for Russia's home
You know, Robert, if I had time, that's where I'd be.
I'd be down in Big Bend, going across to the Mexico side, Boquillas, those huge caves and mountains, just something out of a movie.
Or I'd be in Monument Valley, or I'd be up north in Alaska.
Up there during the summer, prospecting around.
I'd go up there and camp for a month, but gotta stay here in the InfoWars.com command bunker.
Now, the fellow was bringing up during the break for behind-the-scenes listeners, the occultism.
And an occult isn't just a witch in a black cauldron.
That's kind of the archetypal image.
It is the system of control of populations.
And it is alchemy.
It is a fraud.
It is a magic.
Magic's just tricking somebody to be able to have private banks that just create money out of nothing and own our governments, own our police, and we all bow down for the real things that can be bought with the fiat.
Just amazing.
And it's getting worse.
And I advise you to do everything you can to prepare what's coming.
And probably the best thing you can do is
You know, this is a short segment.
We'll come back and go to Mary, Fred, Lee, Rob, Ronnie, and others in quick succession, but right now,
Let's talk about what, A, what do you think the chances are that we're going to have a depression versus just a hyperinflationary deep recession, and B, when do you think that'll happen, and C, what will it look like if it does happen?
Well, we're absolutely in a recession now, and if we don't pull out by the end of 2009, we're going into a deep depression.
So watch that very carefully.
Look for the trends in 2009.
And the trends are going towards depression.
That's right.
And it's all based on what the elite are doing to us.
Do that Google search on the MCM money supply.
That's a very important thing to look at.
Because it shows that they're printing money like it's going out of style, and that's driving the cost up of everything that we buy.
And they get to consolidate.
Understand, they implode economies after they get you extended out like a loan shark, and then they get all the real assets in a big bag they put over their shoulder.
Mass global carpetbagging.
That's right.
And they fleece the public ever so often.
And they allow you to gain some assets, and all of a sudden they'll come in and jerk your feet out from under you.
That's been going on for years.
And then the very public that has been ripped off by them will then turn to the same experts to tell them how to get out of it on the news, which will be some new solution that gets them deeper under their control.
And Henry Kissinger said at the, I believe it was 1992 Bilderberg meeting, that
We will essentially create a mass fear by the public, and then they will welcome us as world leaders to come in and save them.
Yeah, that's a quote from Evian France, and that was confirmed that he said that, and they publicly... I mean, I keep plugging this quote because it's so amazing.
Another guy called in with a Carol Quigley quote from the 60s about how they'd create a North American Union, and how they'd call it a confederation, how they'd call it an integration, how they'd merge it through roads.
I mean, it's all there, but...
Head of the CFR, Haas, says we're using fake terror to control you and make you the enemy, and he said, and we're going to use environmentalism as a fad to make humans the enemy, to totally control your life, and quote, make humans the enemy, and we will wage the war against humans.
I mean, this is about hurting you.
And they just publicly say it in the public, thanks, thank you for hurting me.
Let me roll my sleeve up and take an injection.
Oh, you're a Nazi eugenicist.
Oh, let me have a shot.
I trust you.
Yeah, one of the recent fears is global warming.
There are a lot of evidence that the so-called global warming has reversed for the last year, year and a half.
It's getting cooler rather than warmer.
But they won't step up and verify that because they're trying to scare you with global warming.
Well, they say we've got to keep climate stable.
Climate's never been stable on this planet.
That's right.
And all the evidence, every climatologist, every biologist expert says that a warming planet is better for life.
And that this is the lowest in carbon dioxide and oxygen of the hundreds of thousands of ice core samples going back hundreds of thousands of years they've ever found.
And they've now found in studies that desertification in Sahara is happening because of low carbon dioxide.
Plants need it, folks.
It's not a deadly bio-weapon, chemical weapon, as the news has been saying.
It's a lie, folks.
It's a huge hoax.
I think with the elite, Robert, they love to joke.
I mean, it must be a huge joke to them that the public's running in fear from imaginary terrorists and carbon dioxide.
I'm sure they'd get together and laugh about it, how they're scaring us.
Look at those people running.
Look at them hiding.
Look at them crunching down.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time in the Mississippi River she's a-goin' dry.
The interest is up and the stock market's down, and you're only getting mugged if you go downtown.
That's another facet to the economy and floating, is that crime always skyrockets.
People run out of food.
They got to go to crime in order to feed their families, feed themselves, and provide food and shelter, and it's just going to get worse.
And the government knows that.
That's why they openly want to stop us defending ourselves.
They just love it.
They just love making us these little cowardly, domesticated... You got these kids drinking soft drinks full of all this, you know, different dyes and chemicals and sugar and caffeine.
No real exercise, watching TV, playing video games, totally depressed.
But if they were out playing sports or out having to shovel out some horse stalls or out having to work, that actually makes you appreciate your life.
They're totally unhappy because they're not being taught a trade.
They're not being made to work.
You got all these rich yuppies kids that are totally unhappy, out running around like a bunch of heathens.
And it's simple, folks.
If you don't make your children work and make them clean up the house, and I'm talking to myself right now, it's work to make them work.
Uh, because it's easier to just do the work yourself sometimes.
You're going to ruin them.
And the reason I'm getting off on another subject, there's a story here about doctors to remind kids to take their Ritalin via cell phone alerts.
Then soon you'll have to videotape yourself taking the pill to make sure you're taking it.
Associated Press and somebody here on the InfoWars.com comment section under the story says,
The parents are popping more pills than the kids.
I have people in my family on 14 different medications and they can't figure out why they feel like crap all the time.
You know what these kids need?
To get away from these fake city slickers and to, you know, go do some farm work every morning and every evening before and after school for a year and see how hyperactive they are.
Have a milk cow kick you in the shoulder and get chased by a thousand pound
Sal Pig and see how much angst and depression you have.
These little bastards need to learn to appreciate hard work.
Because most of you are growing up to be little worker ants with no need for blackberries and cutesy cell phones.
That's another thing.
They admit that the cell phones used for 10 years, an hour a day, massively increase brain tumors, no doubt.
And it doesn't matter.
I see little kids everywhere with them.
I just... It's just there's no end, Robert.
Well, and also the fast food that they're all consuming leads to obesity.
Obesity leads to other problems that cause life-threatening, like diabetes.
Diabetes, when it really gets to going in the wrong direction, it can cause you to lose your feet, your legs.
And so, and diabetes is directly a function of overweight and obesity.
Well, it's just skyrocketing.
I mean, we had 1 in 33 people in the 1940s, and I have the federal numbers on this, died of cancer.
People lived as long men.
And they smoked and drank even more.
And there was toxic waste all over in the factories.
Why now, magically, is it 1 in 3?
We used to chew on 22 bullets.
The lead.
And we played with mercury.
I've done so many things like that when I was growing up, and I'm still here.
But I'm sure it caused some problems for me.
But what is it now that, I mean, all this is happening?
Well, I don't think I know the GMO food, it's a cocktail of things, alone.
It creates new amino acids, new things that are toxic waste to the body, and your body doesn't know what it is.
They're creating new cellular structures, new compounds in food that have never existed.
Yeah, and does your immune system attack it because it thinks it's an enemy?
We don't know.
Well, you're right.
We actually do know that it's increasing allergies, and that your body gets hyper-aware, and then it finally just succumbs, and that's when you get cancer.
It basically wears out your immune system, then it just breaks and it's over.
Let's take another call here.
Marion, Illinois.
You're on the air with Robert Gellin-Ross.
Go ahead.
Hello, Marion.
Hi, Alex.
What a pleasure and an honor.
Hi, Robert.
Thank you for taking my call.
Um, actually I wanted to put some information out there.
I had heard of, uh, yesterday that a store named Cabala's, it reminds me of the word Cabala, but I actually... Yes, Cabala's.
Cabala's, it's a huge sporting goods store.
They're the biggest.
They had signed out, uh, talking about a homeland security drill.
And I guess they were looking for people supposedly held at, uh, the Sears Center.
I, I called up Cabala's to get some additional information.
And the woman there would seem real excited that they're having this big, you know, Homeland Security, but didn't know too much about it, so I called the Sears Center.
Now, this place is a huge place, like, where they would have sporting events.
You're talking about in Chicago, down by the water?
Yeah, this is actually in Hoffman Estate, which is in southern Chicago.
So she was very guarded, did not want to say too much about it.
She said, uh, I said, Oh, I'm playing kind of stupid.
Oh, can I get like tickets?
Can I watch?
And I guess it's being held inside.
She's like, Oh no, no.
We already have the participants and it's very heavily guarded.
So I actually did see something about that.
Excuse me?
I'll tell you what, go ahead and make your point and then I'll make mine.
Well, it's only until two, which is coming up and I was hoping I don't live close to there.
But if some, you know, maybe some Alex Jones listeners could get out there with some video cameras and interview some of the people coming out to see what actually was being done inside.
I agree.
People should go and act friendly and say, wow, I'm just interested in this or I'm doing a college report on this.
Why don't you tell me about what happened?
But if you'd like, I can tell you what's going on in there.
I'd be very interested.
Well, fantastic.
Where are you in Illinois?
I'm actually in Graves Lake.
Okay, now let's be specific.
Where did you hear about how Cabela's had signs out in previous days wanting the volunteers?
A friend of mine who I met through a Ron Paul meeting, we were together on Super Tuesday watching their returns, and he had called me, and he's like, yeah, something really weird is going on.
I'm seeing these signs.
I guess they went up to Cabela's, the store, and they were seeing signs about, you know, there's going to be this
Okay, I appreciate your call.
Let me tell you what we know about this.
When you look at a secret operation, by itself it's hard to penetrate it.
But when you, over time, look at other similar operations, and then look at what's been declassified, and then you get the on-the-ground intelligence, you can find out exactly what happened.
Now, from past operations like Top-Off 1 and Top-Off 2, that happened shortly after 9-11, from Operation Dark Winter, that they had in early 2001, and these are all mainstream reports,
You can find out exactly what's happening.
Now, take the Denver operation and top off one.
They've also had them in Seattle, Illinois, Chicago, everywhere.
Seattle, Washington, Chicago, Illinois, Dallas, Texas.
They will hire, you know, like five, six bucks an hour.
In some cases, thousands of role players.
They will blow up buses.
They will burn cars.
I don't know.
And taking you to the facility.
It's a mass arrest.
Just like you hear about in Burma, or you hear about in Pakistan, or you hear about in Russia.
That's what this is for.
And they admit that's what it's for.
It's in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
So what always happens with these stories is, people here, I heard they were doing drills for arresting everybody with Cabela's in Illinois.
A week and a, about a week and two days ago, it was first reported by the Des Moines Register and others, that they were taking over the cattle fairgrounds, where they could process tens of thousands of people an hour.
And we went on air, and Lee Rogers put out a report, it's on Infowars.com, it's from Rogue Government, and said, watch, this is going to be an illegal alien roundup.
But they were saying it's part of a homeland security drill.
Well, the government documents, REX 84, now public, said they would use arresting illegals in the first wave, but only a few thousand here and there, there's 30 million, to make the public think it was for them, but really it's for political dissidents.
Okay, they're very, very slick, and so none of this is hidden.
It's just that those who are involved in it are told to shut up.
Now, why are they really doing it?
Why are they having drills with role players in Chicago?
And I actually saw a blurb about that.
It's happening all over the country.
They're having a drill throughout the month, from the 1st to the 8th.
They have another overlapping from the 6th to the 14th, and they have another one later in the month.
And there's all these drills.
The feds pipe-bombed themselves as part of the drill.
There's no doubt those always happen during the drills.
Then later it's come out that it was part of drills.
But then that's also, it's a huge psy-op.
And this is so they can test control of local police.
They can test command and control.
They can prepare the troops and police and feds that people screaming, I'm an American, no, no, please not the camp.
That that's okay.
So this is to acclimate the media.
The population, the police, the military, everybody.
Robert Galen Ross comments on what she was just saying.
You used the right term, PSYOPs.
It's a smoke screen to cover up what they're doing and to point you in the direction they want you to go or to stop you from doing what you'd like to do.
And this is all very carefully controlled.
Well, you notice, decades ago, we knew they'd built camps, it had come out, people would say it was a conspiracy.
Now, on the news, they admit, yeah, they've built camps for the citizens, and John Warner Defense Authorization Act says, in case the American people engage in insurrection.
Why would they need to fund tens of billions of dollars and say the president's above the governors, and that governors can't be trusted?
I mean, they're planning some really bad stuff that they think governors are going to revolt.
What do you think that is, Robert?
Well, there are some governors that are revolting.
Yeah, some of the governors are saying we're fed up with the federal government not enforcing immigration, so they're taking over.
And that is a real threat to them.
And a lot of governors, what is it, like 14 of them now or something, are saying no to the REAL ID Act, National ID Card.
That's right, that's part of it.
They're saying, we don't have to lay down and take this anymore.
If we're going to defend our constituents, we need to really try to defend them and do something about it.
And some of them are doing that.
By the way, for cops driving along in your cars, don't just believe me.
Go to PDD 51.
Go to John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
Don't be lazy.
PDD 51.
Write it down.
Presidential Decision Directive 51.
There's an accompanying executive order, but just PDD 51.
And then also John Warner Defense Authorization Act.
I mean, you know, instead of just laughing and saying, I'm making this up, even though you're being trained for this, but you have double think, go read it.
It says the states no longer.
Congress has no authority.
It says the president is dictator in the first page.
That's also in PD 51.
And then Congress is told the highest level security clearance co-equal with the president.
They're told they can't see it.
How bad is it that even their lapdog Republican members of Homeland Security can't see it?
Well, there's another thing that they don't talk about very much, and the president has two very strong powers.
One of them is a signing statement, and the other is the executive order.
And Congress can pass a law
And when it reaches his desk, he can sign it and then immediately have a signing statement that says, ignore this law, we're not going to do it.
And by the way, that's totally illegal, total fraud, total tyranny.
The executive in the last decade has claimed that signing statement power and claimed it a new legislative power.
In fact, he even has signing statements, Clinton started it, Bush is now doing it all the time, where he'll even announce a new paragraph.
And so it's just, it's godlike.
That's not America, folks.
Go ahead.
And Congress does zero about it.
Congress has the power to stop this.
But they just lay back and just let it happen.
Well I want to admit something.
You can't help but become acclimated to this.
You know, as it gets crazier and crazier, as it gets weirder and weirder, as they taser you for no reason, as they show you video of stomping on innocent, now admitted they were innocent, people's heads who didn't resist.
They said it was for their safety.
Cops running up on guys they say are armed.
That's even bad for the cops.
I get acclimated.
You know, as corporations in the U.S.
say their employees have to have chips under the skin.
I mean, it's getting so crazy that Feds accuse student of terror and espionage for talking about Constitution.
And I have the video and audio in their own documents where they teach the police this.
And this guy was teaching, he worked for the administration.
He's a doctorate student there.
He's already a pastor.
And at the big Bible school, it's Baptist Bible school.
It's the one in Mount Vernon.
And the Homeland Security called him in and said, you'll be arrested for espionage if you ever teach the Constitution again.
And I know, I laugh too, but I've got FEMA on video telling police that.
I've got them pulling a woman over and arresting her for a pocket constitution in the same article.
I mean, how do these police think it's terrorism to talk about the Constitution?
Yeah, but they're brainwashed themselves.
They're trying to earn a living, and the only way they can earn a living is do what they're told to do, and it's sort of their nature to do this.
And they said, all right, I'm just following orders.
But they're doing things that if they were not on the police force or not in the FBI, they wouldn't put up with it.
Well, I mean, I want to ask FBI agents something.
I've got you on video.
I mean, I got FEMA on video.
This isn't just a person telling us this.
I mean, how do you swear an oath to it?
But then if somebody has a pocket constitution, you arrest them?
I mean, what is their major problem?
That's what the red, white, and blue symbolize.
And you ought to have a conscience.
If you're told to do something that is basically against your normal way of doing things, or your normal way of thinking, you need to say, well, now, do I really want to do that?
And you need to say, can I not do that?
Of course, you'd love to get fired when you'd say that.
You need to start using your own conscience in these positions of power.
Let's take another call here.
Fred in Philadelphia.
You're on the air, Fred.
First, I want to get some information, and then I want to share some information.
Alex, just briefly, tell me about this Library of Congress Steering Committee sent over by the Bilderberg Group to the Library of Congress.
You said there was... Well, that's a separate issue from... I don't think you understand what I was saying.
We've got a guest coming up talking about, you know, did they really meet in Greece?
I don't believe they did.
Robert doesn't believe they did.
He told me that privately.
We'll get his take on that in a minute.
I'm saying this could be a steering committee because they have had steering committees that have met in France, met in Virginia, in the U.S., that have been in the news.
By the way, I have actual minutes of steering committee meetings and Bilderberg meetings.
The steering committees do meet several times during the year.
Build-A-Burg meeting is normally the last couple of days of May or the first couple of days of June.
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Robert Galen Ross is our guest.
He's going to stay over five minutes with us in the next hour.
Then we've got Tony Gosling from billaburg.org coming on real fast to try to flesh out this report they may have already met, but that, according to this Athens paper, we'll see what's going on there with Tony Gosling coming up.
But before we go back to Ronnie and James in the next segment,
Robert Gaylen Ross, I wanted to get into the elite's power structure, who they are, and if they have their way, what this world will look like.
You've got the floor.
Okay, the person at the very top of the organization behind the curtain is a fellow named David D. Rothschild.
And David Rockefeller is his agent here in the United States.
Those two are behind all of this power structure.
And their goal is to create the New World Order, the Global Union, and they'll probably change those terms.
They were trying to create the American Union, and Cesar Chavez stopped them, so now they're creating the North American Union.
And now they're even changing the term for North American Union to a less mundane term.
It's something to do with standards and procedures or something like that, but they're trying to... The people have honed in on North American Union, and so they've got to get their attention off of that.
Well, I mean, they just said, John McCain just said, Gary Hart just said, the CFR all said in unison in the last two months, we're not going to call it New World Order anymore, we're going to call it global freedom, global democracy, a league of global democracies.
But when you actually read what they're doing, it's taking our right to vote and our liberty away.
But you're right, they're now trying to change terms because they're worried.
That's right, and when the people really get focused in on something and they say, well I really need to check on that, well then they step in and change the terms so you can't check it.
Well like DynCorp got caught running giant child kidnapping ranks.
I mean it was in the news and they just changed their name.
So they're in power, but
But there are only about three or four thousand of them.
And there's some like six billion of us.
And so we shouldn't put up with that.
We've got to start legally fighting this.
Because if it gets down to the last ditch, we may have to do even more than just verbal and legal tactics.
Well, that's why they're militarizing the police, and again, the police are literally destroying themselves.
I mean, do you want to talk to the cops out there that don't understand what's happening?
Yeah, I really haven't talked to any of them about it.
I mean, you're talking to them right now.
What do you want to say to them?
Okay, well, use your own conscience in what you're doing.
If what you're told to do, if you think it's wrong,
I think about it, because you've got to be concerned about your family, your children, and how what they've told you to do is going to affect them.
And I think there's a good chance now the New World Order is going to lose, and they need to think about being prosecuted later.
That's right.
In fact, they've tried to, and maybe they've already done it, write into laws the provisions to exempt them from
Prosecution later is war criminals and they're trying to make that retroactive to 1995 or something like that to relieve them from being called war criminals later.
Well, that's what the whole NSA thing was, is let's pass a law so what we did isn't criminal.
It's the same thing on torture.
Let us pass a law that torture's okay, because we tortured a bunch of people.
Robert Galen Ross, final segment with you, my friend, on the other side.
Give out your website and some of the titles of your books, then take two calls from Ronnie and James.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Well, it's really going to go back to the days of the Knights of the Round Table where the Kings, when they would go to their neighboring castle to visit a friend, they had to have a big army around them because
They had made their people within their region paupers, and we're going to end up very close to that ourselves.
People are going to be without things, and they're going to be desperate.
They're going to have to resort to crime, and eventually there won't be enough jails to hold them all, and so it's really going to be tough.
And if we get past the end of 2009 and start recovering, then it'll be a short period.
But if we don't get past 2009, it's going to slide into a depression.
Meanwhile, the globalists are showing every indication of trying to move their enslavement ahead.
I mean, they're just going pell-mell wild.
That's right.
All right, Ronnie in California, you're on the air with Robert Gillin Ross.
Go ahead.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones, my brother from another mother.
How are you doing?
I wanted to make two points.
Two days ago, one was about the DC Madam Lady and another one was about the vaccinations.
Two nights ago, I was watching CNN.
And they had said that people are crying foul play and conspiracy about the D.C.
Yeah, they attacked me.
I haven't played that yet or talked about it.
I don't know if you're aware of that.
They had broadcasted PrisonPlanet.com on CNN and InfoWars, and they actually played your interview with her.
Yeah, I mean, it's kind of like I'm, in a way, I really don't like talking about when we're getting covered, but they did murder her.
So, you know, I'm going to play that today.
I keep meaning to.
After Tony Gosling is on with us, I'll play that audio and analyze the lies.
Today, I was watching the CNN.
Today, I always, you know, pay attention to how they're lying to everybody, but they said that they found out that there actually is thermosol in the vaccinations, and they actually admitted to it today on CNN, and saying that now they're going to take it out of the vaccinations.
I know, I know, I know.
I know exactly what you're saying.
I mean, there's probably a thousand more chemicals in there that they're not even talking about.
I mean, Robert, why are you laughing?
It's just so crazy.
Well, I don't know.
It's just so sickening.
It is.
It's sickening.
They're doing major damage to our children.
Autism and Alzheimer's disease.
A lot of those things are caused by things that they put in these injections.
But they're always lying.
They're saying, five years ago, we never put it in there.
Then we took it all out.
Now we put it back in.
It's not bad for you.
Have you ever heard that newscast where they said it's good for you, Mercury?
It's crazy!
These people are crazy!
Anything else, Ronnie?
I'm sorry.
One more thing.
I just last week went to the copycat over here and copied about a thousand papers.
One has about eight websites to look at and I did radio stations to listen to with George Norrie and also in the back I put Google videos to search from 9-11 road to tyranny to Jordan Maxwell and to Naked Truth to different documentaries that people can
You know, anyone can do this.
Anyone can do that.
I mean, I paid $50, $60, $100, whatever.
I'm on a fixed income, and I'm being able to do this, and I'm fighting the New World Order, and I'm doing the Info Wars, and I've been doing this for about 10 years now.
Hang in there.
Don't stop.
I want to see other people do this.
I mean, anyone can do this.
Great, great job.
And I'm going to put the tape in paper, and I'm going to go tape it all over the polls, schools, parks, recreation centers.
And that's what we've got to do.
Thank you so much for the call, Ronnie.
James and others, your calls are coming up.
We've got to let Robert go.
He's got some appointments.
Robert Galen Ross, fire out the website.
My website is www.4rie.com.
That's 4rie.com.
You know, we laugh because it is sick.
I mean, it's... It's really sick.
It's so ridiculous how bad these people are and the public can't see it, some of them.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Hey, I really appreciate you coming in.
I hope folks get your book, The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK, and MLK.
It's amazing, at InfoWars.com.
My pleasure, Al.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Tony Gosling is our guest for this segment and the next.
Then I'm going to cover a bunch of news we haven't gotten to and take a few final calls in the last 30 minutes of the four-hour weekday show we do every Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 3 p.m.
We've now expanded it
to a fourth hour.
We're, of course, back live Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Don't forget, I'll be showing my new film, Truth Rising, story of the 9-11 Truth movement, 9-11 Truth, We Are Change, Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura, Martin Sheen,
Uh, it just goes on and on.
All the people on their side, uh, just amazing who gets confronted.
Alan Greenspan, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, uh, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Barack Obama, uh, John Edwards.
I mean, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
All of them.
I mean, it's just insane.
And it's dynamic.
Well done.
All of these confrontations, you know, on a high-quality video, not some YouTube clip, as most of you have seen it.
And interwoven with the last three years of demonstrations and protests and the footage of Bill Maher being confronted.
Amazing film.
And that's coming up.
Two showings.
And then the film won't come out until July 4th.
It will be available for presentplanet.tv members.
On July 4th and to get on DVD July 4th.
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Hope to see you there.
Okay, let's go to Tony Gosling.
Up on...
PrisonPlanet.com, we have a link to the Infowars.net story.
Complete media lockdown on Athens Bilderberg meeting?
Did recent exposures prompt elite confab into super secrecy?
Or is the Greek newspaper wrong?
Could this just be a steering committee?
Are they partially right?
We know they do have steering committees.
This is the journalist, the man who runs Bilderberg.org.
He first broke this in the Western English language press.
That this could be happening and it's important because they have tried a lot of tricks.
It's been decades since we didn't find out where they were meeting and indeed get there.
They normally meet.
In late May into early June, but joining us is Tony Gosling from the United Kingdom.
Tony, thanks for coming on.
Hi, Alex.
The interesting thing is, though, that I don't think we've had anything whatsoever in the English language about this before the event this year, and there's still very, very little.
I mean, the fact that there was no opportunity for any journalists to actually get there this year means that they're saying very little.
I mean I've had a look at this, obviously I don't speak Greek, I've had a look at this and put it through the various translation devices and things and it certainly looks as if this is the meeting.
The reason I say that is because on the forum, which is kind of off the side of the Bilderberg.org site, there's been a lot of discussion over the past few weeks and months about where this meeting is going to take place.
But this year, we weren't absolutely certain, even though it did look like it might well be Greece, because some of the main participants were going to be in the Greece area at the time.
And also, most interestingly, the financial institutions like the IMF had a kind of holiday booked for that time in Southern Europe.
And also, this particular hotel, it does look as if it was completely block-booked for the Thursday, Friday, well actually Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Sunday... Okay, well let's be clear then.
You're saying, and I think you're a credible source and very accurate in the past, for listeners out there wondering my opinion for what it's worth, that I put a lot at stake in what you believe, Tony, because you're one of the most tireless researchers on this front.
They've done so much work.
You're saying, tentatively, or 80% chance, 70, 60?
I mean, it's almost certain that this was the meeting of the past weekend.
The most significant thing about it is that this is the first time, certainly since I've been doing this, and that's probably for 12 years or so, that we haven't actually managed to figure out where they're meeting for certain beforehand.
Now, we had some pretty good indications that it was going to be in Greece, and at this particular hotel,
In a place beginning with V that I wouldn't even like to try and pronounce.
We'll spell it out for people.
V-O-U-L-I-A-G-M-E-N-I, Volimini, maybe.
It certainly did look like this was where it was going to take place.
Well, this is score one.
A week ago or so, the only trouble was, we weren't absolutely certain.
So there was absolutely no way really that I was going to go
Out saying that this is where the meeting is taking place because although it was a bit of a strong hint that it was going to be here, we weren't sure about it.
Okay, so that's why you think this is so credible and you're saying virtually certain 95% chance?
Yes, I mean for the last three or four weeks on the Bilderberg Forum, we've been saying it certainly looks like one of the first two weekends in Greece in May.
Now this is historically very early for them to be meeting.
No, it's around about the normal time.
I mean, it's during May and June.
There's nothing particularly strange about the timing.
I was looking at some dates.
Don't they generally meet in late May, early June?
Well, yes, but this week we're coming up for the middle of May.
There are other meetings around about this time.
I don't think that's particularly special about this year.
Okay, but what you're saying is so credible is that you had got a lot of intel, a lot of your sources that you trust were pointing towards Athens, Greece, and now it appears that's happened.
Well, the thing that really stands out this year, Alex, is the fact that
We've had absolutely no information about the movements of some of the key Bilderberg people.
What's happening is that they're taking that information off the web now, whereas in past years we were able to kind of look for, for example, the key people like David Rockefeller, the Queen of the Netherlands, the President of Europe, all these various... the European Union, various people like this in the past had been pretty good at putting on the web
Whereabouts they were going, what their engagements were, you know, in the future.
And then you could see where they were clustering.
That's right, exactly.
And this year that's been almost impossible to do because that information has just not been there.
I mean, there's been a little bit, so, you know, we've had a bit of a go at figuring out where they're going to be.
So this is a score, a big one for Bilderberg Group.
This is a big victory.
This is, yeah.
And also, I think, I mean, my own feeling is that it's a little bit ominous that they've decided that they need to really make sure that
Absolutely nobody in the English language covers them.
And that's what's happened this year.
There was not a single English-language journalist there this year.
Well, you just stole my thunder.
Let me stop you.
If you're correct, and I pray you're not, because this will be quite a victory for them.
They hate being hounded by us.
The first time in 30-plus years that Tucker hasn't learned the location.
If this is the case, and I'm being convinced by you, gosh, I hope you're wrong, but that's my next point.
Man, we've got FEMA camp roundup drills going on, bizarre military activities, all sorts of stuff, and I'm not trying to fear-monger, folks.
I mean, other people jump at shadows, but I'm seeing a lot of weird stuff.
I've been very disquieted in my gut, which I also always go off of, and if they don't pull something big, some new war, some new financial thing, they were certainly thinking about it, and the fact that they would go super stealth like this would show and point towards something was happening here that they did not want to be known.
That's right, and also the venue this year is a really isolated place.
Go ahead.
I mean, you know, if you or I were to get down there, Alex, we'd have found it very, very difficult to get close to them, to speak to anyone from the hotel, to ask the waiters, etc., to keep an eye on them, to inform the staff at the hotel about the Nazi roots of Bilderberg, you know, the Prince Bernhard setting it up in the first place, and
That's actually one of the most important things I've found going to these Bilderberg meetings, is to actually have a chat to the staff beforehand.
And when you actually explain to them the connections with fascism and the Nazis, then often the staff are shocked and are actually quite cooperative.
And in fact, you also find, as you probably found yourself, that some of the participants also find these meetings really smothering.
I mean, we had a chat to a couple of politicians when I was at the meeting in Versailles a few years ago, who actually come out of the meeting to buy cigarettes just to have any excuse to get out of the place.
These were the politicians, not the financiers.
By smothering, describe from all the tidbits you've gotten over the years from your sources and even mainstream press reports, by smothering what you mean.
Describe by smothering what you mean.
I mean, describe details of the definition of smothering.
Well, I mean, what they do is they try and make sure that nobody gets any information about these conferences.
I mean, they also have in the past put out disinformation, put out false lists with sort of weird Jewish names, loads of Jewish names on there, so that the idea is to sort of associate that with people like you and I, Alex, to brand us as anti-Semites.
And there's just been very, very little information about it.
They really want to make this an anti-Semitic thing, and that's why they've been caught funding Nazi groups and PR groups, because that's so important that we now have a real political debate about this.
That's right.
They want to tame it with a you-know-what in the punch bowl.
I mean, if you and I had the sort of financing that these people from the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the IMF had, behind their PR operation and behind their intelligence operation, I mean, and their disinformation operation, then, you know, I think we would be laughing.
But, I mean, they have a fantastic amount of resources to put into this.
I think it's pretty clear to me that they're planning something pretty nasty coming up soon.
That's why they've spent a lot of time and effort this year keeping everybody away from them.
Also, of course, it's significant that they're down in Greece because these people are big followers of Greek classical mythology.
Eugenics, their religion is eugenics and the worship of the Spartan eugenic system.
That's right.
So I think it is significant that they wanted to have a big meeting in Greece this year to make it kind of glitzy, but absolutely private.
And it scares me, actually, that they're able to keep any scrutiny by any of the Western press out of there.
Tony Gosselin, Bilderberg.org.
Stay with us if you can.
I want to come back and ask you a few other questions about what you think this big nasty
It is a big idea.
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Tony Gosling, Bilderberg.org, been to many of the meetings, been covering it for more than a decade, joins us.
Weeks ago, he was speculating a lot of evidence was coming in, as he told you, that it was going to be in Greece.
And he believes that it happened last weekend and that they went in and met.
Other than this report from... I mean, do you know how credible this news source is?
I mean, it looks credible.
Looks like they've got a lot of people on staff.
It's just so hard to try to read Greek.
I mean, you really think that they've met and defeated us?
I think so.
This newspaper, I mean there's just two things that make me think that.
First of all is that it was pointed towards Greece anyway.
It looked like it was going to be there.
And then this is a national newspaper in Greece that even though it's printed in Crete, apparently it's circulated right across Greece and it's on the front page of the newspaper picture of this Bilderberg meeting or a picture from afar from a telephoto lens of it happening.
I don't think it's a steering group, but I mean, the thing is, this is part of their little game, but at the end of the day, looking at, comparing all these various sources, I think, you know, that they have definitely been a big security clampdown this year, and it doesn't entirely surprise me.
Alright, well other people get... We haven't found out.
Other people get depressed when their soccer team loses, I get depressed.
Yeah, I know, well it is, it is.
You do feel like it's a bit of a body blow, but in a way, you know, there's only so much you can do at one of these
Extremely secluded, island-style venues.
Anyway, you know, you can't necessarily get very close to them.
But being across the water, circling in a boat, being harassed by police, then gets it in the news, and then we expose the shadow government.
This is not good, if you're right, and Antonio, I respect you, but let me just move forward here.
What do you think, and then make whatever point you want, what do you think the big nasties are that they were planning?
Well it's really difficult to tell that Alex and you know one doesn't want to get really too much into fear-mongering but it does seem to me that we are headed towards some sort of a clash possibly with the Chinese.
There's loads of anti-Chinese stuff going on and goodness knows what's going to happen.
I mean this I've said in the little report I've done about this year's Bilderberg
We're good to go.
I don't know.
As to how obedient they were to the Chinese government.
You know, you think to yourself, hopefully, that journalists will have at least a little interest and sympathy for ordinary people, but these people didn't at all.
And they seemed, thought it was very, very strange that we should even question what the Chinese government wanted to say.
So, you know, that's one aspect of all this.
The other thing, of course, is that we've had two big false flag attacks in the US in 9-11 and here in the UK on 7-7.
One of the places that we haven't had that yet is Israel, so I wonder if something like that could happen over there.
A lot of experts we talk to do think the next staged event is set for Israel.
Well, we'll see.
The other thing, of course, which is a massive possibility is a kind of, I don't know how to describe it really, but a sort of Gulf of Tonkin for real, where you have British ships or US ships that are basically just exploded, and then that is blamed on whoever it is that they want to kick off this war with.
Thankfully, I think, it's fair to say in Britain here that our military is aware of the danger of these kinds of exercises and of also these kind of tricks that are used to get wars started.
I'm not quite so sure that's true out in the rest of the world.
So it will be really interesting to see what happens.
Let's just pray to God that nothing does happen.
The other thing I wanted to say, though, is that I've been doing a lot of reading recently around the whole sort of origins of the New World Order.
I don't know if you, Alex, have ever come across this author, Dennis Wheatley, have you?
It rings a bell.
Dennis Wheatley was one of the most prolific authors that came out of Britain in the 1930s, 40s, 50s, and 60s.
And there was a couple of films made about his books.
One of the most famous is called The Devil Rides Out.
But back in 1941, I discovered Dennis talking about the New World Order.
And this also joins the dots between the Second World War and the current conflict.
What he's saying is in the New World Order, all family life will be at an end, except for the conquerors.
And only the worst element, spiritually, will be allowed to procreate fresh generations to populate a world divided into masters and slaves.
Now, that was 1941 he wrote that, under the shadow of the Second World War.
Well, that's what they're obsessed with.
It's a eugenics empire, and instead we argue about who exactly runs it.
Well, we know what they're carrying out.
I tell you what, Tony, can you stay with us five more minutes?
I want to hear you talk more about this.
Okay, he thinks Bilderberg already happened.
This is true, it's horrible news, but we'll continue to cover it on the other side.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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I think so.
Yeah, I got a smile for everybody I meet, unless you don't try to
Take my baby or drop a bomb on my street.
These control freaks love the fact they can inject you with their bioweapons and the vaccines, carry out their eugenics against you.
I didn't pre-interview Tony Gosling, and here he is bringing up eugenics, bringing up their program, bringing up their control.
He's bringing up an author who had this figured out back during the 40s.
I've heard that name.
Tell me more about that guy.
This is interesting.
Dennis was actually a Second World War hero.
He was a writer in the 30s, but he was also very close to people like Aleister Crowley and some of these occultists.
So he's actually kind of into the white magic style thing, but he was... So he met around these people and he knew what they were up to, so he spelled their names.
Exactly, exactly.
So what's his name again, Dennis what?
It's Dennis Wheatley, W-H-E-A-T-L-E-Y.
I've heard that name.
Now, one of the weird things is that there was a big copyright battle just after he died, and so his material, even though it was published, as I said, in the 30s, right the way up until the 70s, there's hardly been any copies of his books printed at all since then.
So you have to get on to, you know, sort of second-hand bookshops and that kind of thing to get hold of Dennis' stuff.
Okay, but he knew about the New World Order.
What did he say?
Well, he said, as I just explained to you, that stuff.
He was also writing about, he said that Winston Churchill, he believed, was a member of the Illuminati, of Adam Pfeiffer.
He said that in one of his books.
Well, he was a public member of the Druids.
Well, yes, but he's talking about the Illuminati now.
Of course, we need to get serious about this Illuminati stuff, because if you go back far enough, there's plenty of evidence that these people very much did exist.
And the main people who were exposing the Illuminati, back in the time that they very first started, was actually a Freemason himself.
He exposed it, John Robeson, because he could see the way that Freemasonry was being twisted by these people and infiltrated.
George Washington, by the way, before he died, came out against it as well.
Now let's be clear, if we say all Masons are these wicked devils,
They're going to think we're liars because most of them are porch masons lower down in the pyramidal structure, not at the capstone.
But we need to explain that they use the mechanism of the Masonic system to take over and then forge their Illuminati, this subversive political arm funded
By some of the covert European powers, but absolutely.
I mean, that's a historical fact that that exists and goes on.
Well, the other thing Dennis Wheatley says was that there would be, the rest would, the right to homes and children of their own would be reserved for the overlords.
The rest would be herded into barracks and reduced to the level of robots without the right to read or speak or even think for themselves.
Yeah, very nice people.
Yeah, but I find it fascinating that he was talking about all this stuff all that time ago, and then we see this whole idea of Hitler being this kind of man-god as he was at the time.
I think that's what we're going to be seeing in the future, someone coming along to do a similar kind of thing, obviously much better spun than Hitler was.
Also, we're seeing in Britain now, I don't know how much you follow British politics, a really incredible attack on Gordon Brown.
I follow it closely.
I think it's all psychological tactics.
If you go back to the mid-70s, you'll see that the secret state in Britain attacked Harold Wilson in a very similar way.
I think so.
What we will call, I suppose, Christian socialist principles, old-fashioned socialist principles, which is to do with making sure that the poor are reasonably well looked after, that some of the least of the nationalised industries, like our National Health Service over here, is preserved
And, you know, he's fighting for that stuff.
He's also actually quite, it seems, anti-Zionist because he has presided over a government which, for the first time for years, we've had Israeli right-wing speakers turning up at London Airport and then being told, well, we can't guarantee that you're not going to be arrested.
Yeah, that was actually an Israeli General.
Well, let's be clear, that was the Mayor of London helping try to put out the arrest warrant for him.
Notice they just kicked him out.
But, you know, expanding on that, so they were warning him to leave so they wouldn't get him on a warrant.
I think it's more like getting rid of George Bush and putting in a Barack Obama.
I think it's that they know that they're not moving the ball down the field, so they switch left-right, right-left, left-right, back and forth.
You see, there are really two different sorts of leaders in the world today, at least in the Western world.
He's vulnerable and can be manipulated, like Gordon Brown.
I think he's basically quite a weak-minded guy.
And the thing is, maybe that's the reason he's still alive.
I mean, what happened to Robin Cook?
Robin Cook was basically the Labour Party leader-in-waiting.
So when Tony Blair went out, it was almost certain that Robin Cook was going to become leader.
And then he has a heart attack!
Well, he had a big accident during an exercise up in the Scottish mountains.
I don't know.
Well, I have no doubt that the Globalists are very, very serious people.
So, bottom line, Tony Gosling from Mildenburg.org, you think they just had the meeting in Greece this weekend?
I'm afraid so, Alex.
Yep, looks like they've beaten us this year.
I mean, we can't win every year, I suppose, and I just would ask your listeners, let's try next year really hard to track down various hotels.
You know, looking at hotels, are hotels free for that particular weekend?
And to really give him a hard time.
But let me just say this, in case you're wrong, we need to keep looking for the location now.
Because this could be an elaborate foil.
I think it's very unlikely.
You're absolutely right.
We don't know for sure.
And that's always the case.
I mean, as you know, Alex, going to these Bilderberg meetings, you're never 100% sure that you've got the right venue, the right time and the right place.
Until you see David Rockefeller.
Until you see David Rockefeller.
Well, once you actually fly to the venue, you turn up, and you actually turn up on the right morning, on the Thursday morning.
And of course, you have to first be arrested getting off the plane.
Of course, that's always a cue you're at the right city, right country, too.
Yeah, but we really have to work a little bit harder next year.
I mean, I've been doing my best, but we need more people working on this to figure out where they're going to be next year.
We don't want to evade our attention next year.
Tony Gosling, Bilderberg.org.
Thank you for popping in with us, and as this develops in the next few days, I'd like to have you visit with us again.
Thank you for all your great reportage.
Thank you, Alex, for all you do.
Take care.
Look, he's a credible guy.
And he does a lot of good work at his side, and he's been right in the past.
I hope he's wrong this time.
We talked to Jim Tucker this morning.
He doesn't think that he's been fooled, and he hasn't ever been fooled yet.
Uh, he has narrowly found out like a day before it starts and jumped on an all-nighter and flown, you know, 10 hours, 12 hours, uh, to be arrested once he gets off the plane.
He always knows that's, oh, I'm, I'm, I'm here.
Uh, he doesn't think that he's, he wouldn't come on today.
He said, I don't know.
I've got to research.
I'll come on tomorrow.
So we'll have Jim Tucker on tomorrow, no doubt.
Uh, I don't want to beat up on Tony Gosling.
I think he's a good guy.
I hope he's wrong though, because, uh, I hope that they haven't,
Been able to, uh, hide this.
But the fact that they're jumping through all these hoops to do it shows that they're very angry that they're getting so much press coverage.
I mean, seven years ago, the New York Times said I was insane and believed an imaginary Bilderberg group.
Just like I'm insane and thimerosal wasn't in the vaccines, and then it was, but it's out, but mercury's good for you.
See, I mean, it's an insanity.
Everything they do is just so crazy.
Oh, Homeland Security, you talk about the Constitution, need to be arrested, that's terror code.
Again, that sounds insane, but they're doing it.
It's all happening.
I'm going to take a lone caller here, because he's been holding so long, and I'm going to get into the latest Debra Jean Palfrey situation, since people reminded me about it.
James in Ohio, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hello my friend.
I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it anymore.
I want to express the same sentiments your last caller had and let you know that I'm trying to get as many educational DVDs out there as I can.
Endgame, Freedom to Fascism, Terror Storm.
Just pass them out as much as I can.
Limited income, so I do it on payday.
I'll pass out about 25.
But, uh... If every one of our listeners wanted to do that, we'd win this battle very, very quickly.
Yeah, we gotta get together and really work at it.
But no, I wanted to ask you a quick question.
I'm doing a little bit of research on my own, and I come across the red and the blue list.
What do you know?
Other countries always have a list.
People that are to be arrested, people that are to be killed, people that are to be rounded up.
And totalitarian regimes always have these.
They're very hard to carry out.
We see FEMA doing these type drills right now, and they've built camps, and they admit they want to put political dissidents in them.
A lot of bank owners, a lot of well-known preachers, people have even served them on the list to be picked up.
If they try it, it'll be a big canary in the coal mine.
I mean, the common person out there.
The Feds also use this as propaganda, and I appreciate your call, James.
Let me answer your question and move on.
The Feds, and we know people that are Feds and people that put out this info, they love to run around and go, if you ever talk about the new oil order, you're on the list.
If you ever visited a site, you're on it.
Sit in your room with your knees knocking together.
Be afraid.
Don't go out in public.
Hide secretly.
Uh, meet with a militia person behind a bar in the middle of nowhere.
Bring weapons.
That's it.
Watch out for the list.
They're everywhere.
You know, and then you go and it's feds.
Uh, so what?
I mean, they've got a million people.
They keep giving the numbers out from like a year ago of nine hundred and something thousand.
Uh, nine hundred and ninety four thousand on the terrorist list.
And it said, a five-year-old girl takes a picture on the plane of their mother.
The federal marshals protested last year and said, we have to put them on a list for the rest of their life if they're a terrorist.
And then they said, we don't want to do this.
We're told to make up that they're a terrorist.
I mean, it's made up.
It's not real.
It's all part of the hysteria, the backdrop.
You ever sold a car and went in, and normally you only get a $1,000 paycheck every two weeks, but you deposited $5,000 because you sold that old truck?
You're on a terror list for the rest of your life.
I mean, that's just... It's all about getting everyone on a terror list.
Because the terrorists run the government, and they're waging war on us.
And so, so what?
They're the terrorists.
Let's put them on public list as traitor enemies of the Republic.
You know, they can't get us all.
They're not gonna get us all.
We can't be like the Germans and just go along with it.
They always try to set it first.
Well, it's just this minority.
Just the gypsies first.
uh... and you know they've got a culture of robbing and cheating everybody else so it's okay cultural uh... hygiene did to go ahead and arrest them and put them in labor camps for their own good uh... and then there's another group in another group in another group in another but but the main targets always the german people it's always the american people it's always the british people it's always so see they beta test as rex eighty four says the government says will claim it's free legal aliens but it'll be for the citizens
And see, now you see that happening.
As they kind of, yeah, they're roundup arrest teams, and they got, they're putting people through the cattle shoots in Des Moines, Iowa, at the, I mean, I've got the article, there's photos, there's video.
So, see, it's, oh, well, I like these teams that take you to sports stadiums.
You know, that take you to the cattle pens.
I mean, they're putting them through cattle pens.
It's all a message.
It's all... Can't talk about the Constitution.
You're going to cattle pens.
It's all archetypal.
So they want us to all basically potty in our pantses and just all freak out in paranoia and run when they're the traitors.
They're the enemies.
They're shameful.
They're disgusting.
They would have been able to carry this off if we hadn't have exposed that they're the terrorists.
They would have been able to get away with this if we wouldn't have exposed that they carried out the attacks.
Now most people know, now their credibility's blown, they're in deep trouble.
They're just trying to move through things and use their great mass and inertia to follow through.
Alright, shifting gears.
But yeah, there are some lists about who's to be arrested and who's to be killed and they really do have a list of people.
I assure you I'm on the red list, ladies and gentlemen.
Do I care?
I get out on the highway every day, deadly dangerous, and I do it.
Because I want to be able to travel and I enjoy driving.
Do I, uh, you know, cry and whine and, oh my God, I'm on the driving list?
And is there a small chance, much smaller compared to dying in an automobile accident, that they'll come get me and kill me?
But, I mean, I'm a man.
I mean, it's about, you know, going, well, that's, you know, I'm fighting a bunch of scum.
I mean, they might come kill me.
I hope that doesn't happen, but do I take a lot of precautions?
Do I run around in fear?
No, I just kind of go, well,
Yeah, they're a bunch of dimecore child kidnappers.
I gotta speak out against them, you know.
It's not... I mean, the fact that we have to ask ourselves if we should do this, the fact that we have to question whether we should even speak out or do something, shows why we're in so much trouble.
Now listen to this CNN piece.
This is a CNN Prime Saturday.
I've never played it because I'm frankly only talking about myself, but it's an important issue.
Because they imply that, oh, well, they claim that she thought she might be being followed.
No, she said, I think there's a hit out on me.
And then, oh, people claim she said that this was going on.
No, no, she said this.
Or, oh, her manager says the handwriting doesn't look the same, and they use one little example.
And, oh, well, you know, that's just how it is.
So they basically just put out a bunch of disinfo, and it really is shameful.
Here that is.
...kill herself, or did somebody kill her?
Now, we pose that question because it's being posed by hundreds of bloggers, if not the thousands, that are responding to those blogs.
We've asked Josh Loves to check into these for us, and he's joining us now live to actually break this down for us.
Josh, take it away!
Yeah, hey there, Rick.
One of the most prominent blogs taking a look at this is right here.
It's called PrisonPlanet.com, and they've been talking about this very frequently, at times every day.
They have, for example, this one piece that says, her friend said that that's not her signature on the suicide note.
Let me scroll down a little bit, show you the kinds of things that are going on online.
They're putting together a piece, a signature that they've seen from her, or rather a piece of handwriting they've seen of her before, and her handwriting on her suicide note.
They're saying, was she forced to do this?
Is it even really hers?
Also, this same site at another point talks about, look, they say, even the Washington Post said that after she went to jail, she would have been able to make all this money.
She would have been famous.
There would have been book deals, movies.
Why would she possibly do this?
So these are the kinds of things people are batting back and forth and saying, hey, does it even make sense that she would have committed suicide?
Well, you know, when it comes to handwriting, I can tell you just from some of the studies that we've done in the past say that there's no actual definitive way of breaking down what somebody's handwriting.
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John Harmon running the show up in Minnesota.
Billy Bob down here in Austin, Texas, doing a great job as well.
I want to be sure and ask you, John, remind me, I keep forgetting, to play that seven-minute hit piece tomorrow, because I don't want to not do justice to Deborah Jean Palfrey.
I've also been called by the local detective there.
He actually called me when I was out of town last week.
I haven't called him yet.
I'm going to call him when the show ends, and I'll have some tidbits for you tomorrow.
I mean, I've got to do justice here to this hit piece that they did.
I am not going to go over four hours today.
I am not going to be doing that.
When the show ends in about three minutes, that will be it, and then if you want to hear any of the first hour, second hour, third hour, fourth hour that you missed on Bilderberg Developments, did they really meet, with Robert Galen Ross talking about the economy and his take on what's happening there,
Uh, that will restart at the InfoWars stream.
Those are separate from Genesis streams.
If you want to hear any of the rebroadcasts, InfoWars.com.
You gotta go there, right there, to listen.
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All right, I'm out of time for this live transmission.
Big guest later this week.
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I'm just gonna tell you, look for that next week on the show, in the middle of the week.
Gonna leave it at that.
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