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Filename: 20080410_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 10, 2008
2397 lines.
Welcome, my friends.
Already the 10th day of April 2008.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours then in the fourth hour for radio listeners at Infowars.com or people that listen audibly to the radio transmission you're going to hear sneak peek the audio from a sneak peek about 15 minutes of
The new JFK film that I'm working on, which we know the title now, but I'm not going to release that at this point.
We're going to play that, and then some other unseen footage, and then some new video that we posted the last week for PrisonPlanet.TV members.
That is coming up, introduced by me.
I'll be playing the different clips in here in studio, so it will be live in the fourth hour today.
Everybody's chomping at the bit.
I am an FM affiliates to here and I'm very honored that we've gotten now more than 10 stations of call.
Ted was telling me last night it was a three Monday and then five or six by Wednesday and then by today a whole bunch of stations.
We're good to go.
And basically did five and a half hours.
No, I did four and a half hours yesterday.
I did five and a half hours the day before that.
But I am settling in today to only do four hours of live radio.
Now, I learned a few weeks ago that Celica Stillo, the highly decorated Vietnam sniper veteran in the Army, his father, highly decorated World War II Hispanic member of the Army,
In fact, a war hero, both of them.
He then became a police officer in the Valley here in Texas, South Texas, Southwest Texas.
He then, after that, went into the Border Patrol, then he was recruited into the DEA, and ended up being the head DEA officer.
There was only about two dozen of them, but he was the head guy in all of Southern North America, Central America, and South America.
And he witnessed the government loading cocaine every day on the aircraft and flying it back into the U.S.
And he has now been in a national film.
He's been given death threats when he was on Dateline decades ago, and Nightline, and a bunch of other news programs.
He got death threats then, had his place broken into, other things happened.
And he was told, you're gonna be killed, he's talked about this on air, if you don't shut up.
Well, he was in a film I consulted for and worked on, and I'm in the extras.
Because part two of the film is mainly the more conspiratorial angle.
This was just about how destructive drugs are, and a little bit on government drug dealing.
It's award-winning.
It's won a bunch of film festivals.
And Sully's one of the main characters in it.
And for weeks, he's called me back.
We played phone tag.
I haven't been able to get a hold of him.
He was in jail.
And finally, we called yesterday because I had Kevin Booth on the filmmaker, and it reminded me.
It reminded me
About Selly, so we called, we got him, and yes, this is a guy who's a Vietnam shniper, police officer, border patrol, highly decorated DEA.
He got out of the DEA because he wouldn't be part of it.
He quit.
Great record, and they raided his little trailer.
He's a high school teacher.
They raided his little trailer.
And, uh, they came in on him, and they slammed him up against the wall, and they said, uh, saw you on TV.
Saw you on- and laughed.
The police, it's real funny.
And, uh, let him know!
You shouldn't have done that TV show about us stealing drugs, you punk!
The drugs will be shipped in!
Your children will use them!
And if cops talk about it, they'll pull a Serpico in you!
They'll shoot you in the face, or they'll set you up!
That's what the laws are for, is to protect criminals.
So the criminals can rule over us and have their way with us.
Stella Costello joins us in the second hour.
There's a lot more coming up.
It is a big idea.
A New World Order.
In the near future, Earth is dominated by a powerful world government.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
For thousands of years, their dark order grew.
Now, as they hail the birth of the New World Order, their great dream of exterminating 80% of humanity is at hand.
For the first time in history, the elite's plan for world government is blown wide open.
You will learn the secret that drives the entire New World Order agenda.
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They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
That's what they're after these years.
Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Think about how evil the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives are.
Think about how wicked they are.
There have been gun shop owners, one in Tucson that I remember best we interviewed, who had for thieves a hidden camera system on a 24-hour VHS slow-play system, but it got all the audio, and then every second it takes a photo, basically.
And they went in and turned off his main security system, but they didn't see the hidden camera and the VCR behind the wall.
They take him to jail, you know, they rough him up, they laugh at him, and then they start openly talking about which guns they're gonna steal, which guns they're gonna keep.
You have to understand that they are known as the regulators.
They were the first feds.
Going back to the Whiskey Rebellion, there were several Whiskey Rebellions, but it's over 150 years old, what they grew into.
And the feds, they would basically hire criminals.
That's the only person you could hire back then when everybody hated the government, nobody trusted the government.
Common sense was, don't trust the government, taxes are bad, we've got freedom, a man should be able to make whiskey if he wants and sell it.
And it was about the tax.
The government, depending on the different decade, put between a 10 and 20% sin tax on whiskey.
And you had a lot of subsistence farmers, it was especially the poor farmers, that could grow corn and make sour mash, whiskey and things, or do it with wheat, and make hundreds of times the profits selling whiskey, or selling moonshine, locally, instead of paying the tax and going through the system.
And of course the big whiskey makers would use regulators and pay off regulators and the government wouldn't sell locals taxes, the tax stamps.
So it was also a way to control the market.
And so they created the regulators.
And the regulators, they would also hire private companies to enforce as regulators Pinkerton.
I don't
Pull out a Gatling gun and just start shooting men, women, and children in shantytowns.
They would ride in on horseback in Colorado and kill hundreds and just shoot children right in the head and burn them.
I mean, these are famous cases.
Just Google Pinkerton massacres.
Four of the Rockefellers in one famous case.
People own their land, own the gold, and it doesn't matter.
You send in Pinkerton, they'll kill.
You know, this isn't the first time.
You see those Clint Eastwood movies where, you know, the railroad brings in 10 or 15 regulators and calls them regulators?
Those are off the Pinkerton men.
And that's all BATF is, is they're Pinkerton men.
But the government then institutionalized that itself, and they had other companies, but the Pinkertons were the most famous, and they hired the best gunslingers.
They hired people out of prison.
That's what Stalin did.
He opened the prisons up.
That's what Hitler did.
That's what criminal governments do.
You're not going to find an average guy, even if he was a tough guy, who's going to send other innocent cops to jail, or ride down children, or murder people, or do any of this.
You've got to hire crooks, or people that are crooks who haven't been busted yet, but have the criminal mentality.
And so Pinkerton security, amongst others, and then of course the federal regulators, the whiskey regulators, they would come onto your land, they would rage you more often than not, they would just shoot you in the back, take any gold, they'd tie you down, torture you, ask where's the gold, where's the silver buried, because every farm basically would hide their money, they didn't trust banks.
This is going back hundreds of years.
And, uh, they rape your women.
I mean, this was... I mean, they were incredible, because they... they couldn't get in trouble, because they had federal badges.
Uh, the worst criminals were the federal badge men.
And, of course, they got... they operated mainly in the frontier areas, because in the more settled areas in the South, the locals would just rise up and kill them.
And there were hundreds of cases of that, where they'd take regulators, grab them, hang them.
Most of your lynchings were regulators being run down and rode over, because
You know, back then people were tribal, they were aggressive, they knew what survival was about.
If some of the Pinkerton boys, or some of the BATF as they're known today, got out of control, the locals just dealt with them.
So there were certain areas they'd feed on, where it was isolated groups, or in the main cities, or areas where they had corrupt strongmen mayors that would go along with them.
But they would come in and shake you down, and a lot of times just steal your moonshine, break your still, laugh at you,
That's what they did.
And so, that's what the BATF is, and you know, formerly founded, what, in the last 110 years or so, and they've changed names several times each time they get their name burned.
And you see BATF today.
Roy heads, driving brand new Cadillacs, Corvettes, Lamborghinis.
They normally have shaved heads, devil goatees.
Uh, you know, they, uh, a lot of times run prostitutes on the side.
And, uh, I know they're listening right now, wanting to set me up or something.
Just, you know, everybody expects it.
Hey, I'm here.
I'm ready.
You understand?
You don't win.
I know.
You see, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm ready to be ripped apart.
You will be defeated by doing that.
You see, that's what makes the Tree of Liberty grow.
I'm committed, you understand?
And I'm gonna expose who you are.
And so Sella Castillo, Vietnam sniper veteran, police officer, border patrol, high-level DEA agent who said, I'm not gonna be part of drug dealing, he went on national television and told his story and they came and busted him and said, keep your mouth shut, boy, I saw you on TV, real funny.
This is your country, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what we are.
This is who we are.
But it isn't just, you know, BATF running around now, though they're one of the worst groups because they're the oldest and most corrupt.
I've told the story many times.
I was in college.
I was 19.
I was taking history courses.
I was taking RTF, radio, television, film courses.
And I was bouncing back and forth.
I'd even looked into the military.
My dad's like, no, don't do that.
And the recruiter was so seedy and so gangsterish, I was like, man, this isn't good, so I didn't go with that.
I remember going down to the Dobie Mall and visiting one of the recruiters down there a couple times, and I was saying, maybe I'll be a cop.
You know, I want to fight criminals.
And my dad said, hmm, you ought to talk to one of my patients, who at the time was the head marshal in this sector for all of Texas, and I think in other states included.
And my dad said, in a few months, he's scheduled for his regular checkup.
Why don't you come in?
I got a meeting for you.
So I come into the office, and the guy's there, and he goes, hi.
He goes, you're a really handsome, smart, good-looking guy.
He said, Alex, are you a criminal?
And I said, what do you mean?
Am I a criminal?
And he goes, well, your dad tells me you like to fight, and you're tough, and that's always a good thing.
But that's not what they really look for anymore.
He said, if you're not a criminal, he said, 20, 30 years ago,
I would have said, maybe go ahead and get into law enforcement.
He said, if you're not a criminal, don't do it.
And he looked real sad, and I thought it was some kind of joke.
And he had this big ol' six-foot-five guy with gray hair, looks like something out of a movie.
Looks like an FBI agent out of a movie telling me, you're not a criminal, are you?
I was like, is this some kind of test?
And he goes, no.
He just said, I wouldn't do it.
And shook his head.
Because that's a guy, guaranteed, who got in, and sees the drug dealing, the corruption, all the rest of it, and
Wants to tell a young man, don't get involved in this.
I mean, this is despicable.
But it isn't just that they deal drugs and run the prostitutes.
Now they want our guns?
And now they are one-tenth of the one in ten graduating colleges joining their ranks to mind our lives, and they're gonna find crimes.
They're gonna find terrorists.
They're gonna find something to do.
It's all over, folks!
The country's gone!
A highly decorated veteran police officer, border patrol agent, DEA agent, gets raided and they just basically tell him, hey, shouldn't have gone on TV, boy!
Because they are scared!
They don't want you to find out they bring the drugs in!
20-something states passed laws decriminalizing marijuana.
Feds come in and say, we don't care what you say, states!
We're going to continue!
Because 87% of people that use drugs only use marijuana!
And their whole business would be over real fast.
It's disgusting and don't send me an email saying, oh you just smoked pot.
I hate pot.
I've tried almost every illegal drug one time.
And I hated it every time, thank God.
I do not like anything illegal for some reason.
I like the stuff that's legal.
I like alcohol, I like
Caffeine, and I like nicotine, and I only use caffeine now, and they'll probably make that illegal soon.
They're talking about restricting it or something, so I better get off that quick.
Taking me to jail for a bag of coffee beans.
You know... I blew up yesterday, and... It's because I feel desperate, I feel impotent, I feel weak.
I just know evil's closing in on everybody and I know they're persecuting and hurting innocent good people and evil just keeps winning and winning and winning and winning and winning and winning and that's why I yell and scream and yell because it makes me feel better.
It's literally a steam valve as violent energy, you know, kind of comes out my ears and my mouth because
I realize violence doesn't even hurt these people.
You think they care about their scumbag BATF or their dumbed-down cops or their power-tripping FBI people?
The New World Order is setting up a system where they're all going to get slaughtered, basically.
By the way, I don't just say this stuff.
I have broke it down.
I understand the system.
I understand history.
Have you seen everything I talk about come true so far?
That's why I'm freaking out, is I keep hoping the next step won't happen, the next thing won't happen.
I won't be validated, I won't be proven right.
And it's just, it's all confirmed, and it's worse than I even thought.
And I'm telling you, they've built death camps, and they plan to line you and your family up, most of you, and put bullets in the backs of your heads.
And I want this picturesque life to go on.
I want to have time to go water skiing, or fishing, or camping, and I can't.
Because it just gets worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and worse.
And you got these thugs in the government.
It's all about them showing you they're the boss, them showing you they're in charge, and all their propaganda on TV and billboards and radio to worship them.
I'm just sick of it!
I'm sick of lawlessness!
I'm sick of corruption!
I'm tired of innocents being persecuted!
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It is a big idea.
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Most people have no idea.
They're not after money.
They have all the money they need.
They're after power.
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Order In Game on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I wish we weren't an evil nation.
But we are.
All those pictures days are past me now I've got so much more to think about Deadlines and commitments What to leave in What to leave out Against the wind We were running against the wind We found ourselves seeking shelter
Against the Wind.
Alright, Shelly's coming up in about 40 minutes.
I need to get off that subject until he joins us.
I like Shelly.
I'm friends with him.
I know that he's just been persecuted for going on TV.
I've had Terry Reid on, who was a CIA operative.
A lot of them are just technical people.
He was meant to set up airfields, run training.
And he was told they were flying arms down to the anti-communist, and he'd be there at the MENA, and Ollie North was there, and Bill Clinton would drop by.
So much cash, and he'd get his cash payments.
And he'd watch them with giant containers full of cocaine.
He said, we can't do this.
And he went public.
There have been hundreds of others.
I mean, you always hear about Miami, a plane stops, local cops bust it, and it's CIA officers with cocaine.
Or 18-wheelers get caught with cocaine and the FBI comes to the DEA and, you know, takes it away.
Or actually, the state police found it and then gave it to the DEA and the FBI came and took it and gave it to the CIA and just said, that's our cocaine shipment.
Stand down.
It's just all over, folks.
I mean, you've got to admit that we've fallen apart before we're going to get anything back.
I just can't believe they bust people all day and put them in jail when the government ships the majority of the drugs in.
They have licensed cartels that bring it in, and then they have large banks that are certified and launder it.
Mainly Federal Reserve Banks.
Other banks try it, they get raided.
It's all a rigged game!
You know, if you're on drugs out there, it's a mind trick.
Just decide you're getting off of it.
Decide you hate it.
And, uh, you know, ask God to heal you.
And just stop using their trash.
Just stop.
It's such a joke to them.
They love how they hurt you.
These are bad people.
They enjoy hurting people.
They enjoy the power.
They enjoy the raw exercise of it.
Just don't use the drugs.
It's simple.
It's like a rat trap.
It's a piece of cheese.
People go, I can't believe they ship it and then bust us.
It's the trap.
It's how you... It's like a bass saying, I can't believe you put a purple worm on that hook.
They put the worm on the hook.
They drop it down into the water.
They drag it along the bottom and you see it and you run up and bite on it.
Hollywood makes all these movies glorifying drugs.
They sold it to you.
Stop using their drugs.
Stop it.
Get your children out of public schools.
Remember, almost four years ago, it came out in the Associated Press.
We had guests on it.
It was admitted.
Executives that were part of the Federal and Private Commission.
It was mixed together.
A public-private partnership on the new Freedom Commission.
That Orwellian term.
Came out, one executive in Ohio, and said, look, I can't be part of this.
And then he released the internal memos, and it said, we've got 18% of the kids on psychotropic drugs now.
Under this plan, by 2010, we project 50% or more.
And it said, we've written the guidelines that will be with the in-school psychologist and psychiatrist.
Everyone will be screened by law, and we project half of them will be put on drugs.
Remember, what's the national average?
More than two-thirds, sixty-seven percent.
It's sixty-eight percent in Texas.
W-O-A-I-T-V did a report two years ago.
They did a study with the social worker numbers, so Texas is even higher, but the average is sixty-seven percent of foster children are on psychotropic drugs, on average of seven!
And boy, does it kill a lot of them.
A lot of them die.
They give you the drugs, and within two years, most of them start having seizures.
Then they put you on
Anti-seizure medication.
Highly toxic.
And then you ask them, why are you doing this?
It's eugenics.
And they say, these children are inferior.
They have bad genes.
Oh, I have the Texas Commission.
I have the State House hearings where they're saying it.
It's an endgame.
Black-op murder.
Black op murder.
Black op murder.
We are under scientific bombardment.
We are under hell.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It is a chilling prospect.
It is bracing.
It is humbling.
And I want a long life, and I want to continue on.
When I talk about the new order destroying me, we just have to know it is a possibility.
And I place my hands here on air in the creator of the universe's hands.
You know, these atheists and people that don't understand there's more to life than what meets the eye, who haven't ever experienced a relationship with the creator.
Let me tell you, it's real, and I've had experiences in life I won't even tell you about, because it's too amazing, and you need to understand that it is real, and that there is more than what you see on the surface.
And I place my destiny, I place everything I am in God's hands.
I'm not perfect.
In fact, I am a wicked person.
We're all wicked, but I'm aggressive, hateful, all of those things, but I have more love in me times a thousand than the hate.
As bright as my hate burns, my love burns a thousand times brighter.
And I do this because I love you.
And let me tell you, we are now already changing history.
We are already changing destiny.
We are already engaging with the very core of evil on this planet.
Evil knew that we had power from the beginning and fears us.
They only put on the bravado and roared like a young lion to intimidate you.
And I want you to know that each and every one of you are leaders.
Black, white, old, young, Hispanic, Asian, it doesn't matter.
All of you have the spark of the Creator in your soul.
The seed of the universe.
And I just want you to know, I've been honored to know you and to work with you.
And to be able to interact with all of you.
And because I do so many hours a day, it's hard to stay focused like a laser beam.
It's hard to be serious all the time.
It's hard to not blow up.
But I do the best job I can, and I attempt to tell the truth the best I can.
I don't always know the exact truth, or every facet of the truth, but I always reach for it, and we are pure of heart and pure of spirit, and we love you.
Okay, I got a bunch of news, and Seneca's still coming up, but I Google Jesse Ventura's name every day, and there's a lot of news articles the last couple days bashing him for his appearance here last week.
Seems like a hundred years ago so much has happened, but it was just last Wednesday.
AP, TV stations, hundreds of newspapers.
Now it's broken.
Now he's being asked about it on hundreds of other shows as he's on the talk circuit.
Now he did it here first.
That issue broke out mainstream as the show was big enough to get it out because of you spreading the word.
Now these fools are attacking him on shows everywhere.
The audience is calling in and agreeing with him.
They're panicking.
It's magnifying as the fact that the emperor has no clothes is being revealed.
It's destiny.
It's fate.
We couldn't have planned it this way.
It couldn't have happened this good.
So continue to get the YouTube videos of my interview with Jesse Ventura.
The one I did a year and a half ago and the big one that broke last week.
Get those out, everybody.
Redouble your efforts.
Know that it is the planting season for the great harvest of liberty and bringing tyranny to justice.
Not that that fight will even be over, but we have to resist.
If we don't have victories, we're going to be going backwards.
If we can just hold them still, it's a victory.
Which we're not doing.
We've slowed them down so they've panicked, gone into convulsions of angry rage, putting everything they've got against us.
And, uh, we are
Still, even slowing them down even more, and so they're more enraged, frothing and flailing, which only wakes up more of the cattle, more of the sheep, who cease to be sheep, unlock their minds, realize they're being manipulated, and their journey towards liberty and wholesomeness and honor and beauty is begun.
So, this twit on one of Canada's biggest stations,
We're good to go.
Uh, top of the hour is Paul Joseph Watson.
Yeah, you won't hear him here for six months, and you might hear him three days in a row.
That's how we do it here.
Paul, excellent story up on PrisonPlanet.com.
I saw this last night, sent him a story at about 1 a.m.
when I was working.
He got up early England time, Greenwich Mean Time, and put his own info into it and expanded it.
Hello Alex, good to be back.
Yeah, this guy's
He's up there in Calgary, Canada.
He's been a, from what I can see, he's been a hardcore debunker for at least a year.
After writing the article that's on prisonplanet.com about his ridiculous debunking tactics against Ventura, I actually went and listened to some interviews that he did that are on Google Video.
And the claims that he makes in those are just as ludicrous as the claims he makes in this article.
For one, he says that WTC7, Building 7, collapsed not in 7 seconds as every single video from every single angle shows, but he claims it took 18 seconds to collapse, which is an outright lie.
Anyone with two eyes that has watched any of the videos can see that.
He also says that WTC7 did not collapse in its own footprint, which if you take the demolitions
Industry definition of what constitutes collapsing in its own footprint, then it doesn't significantly damage any of the buildings around it, which Building 7 did not.
It fell straight down in its own footprint.
We got the high-resolution photographs of the rubble of WTC 7 around, what was it, 18 months ago, right up close to the rubble, and you could see that it was just piled on top of itself.
It was in its own footprint.
So I watched the videos on Google Video listening to the radio show and basically this guy Breckenridge likes the sound of his own voice.
He had a debate about it with Nathan Moulton of Calgary 9-11 Truth who basically couldn't get a word in edgewise because this guy just ran on and on talking over him and that's what he does, spewing these lies.
So if you read the article that I put up there today
Breckenridge is basically making the point that the collapse of Building 7 was not suspicious because other buildings around the Twin Towers were destroyed when the Twin Towers collapsed.
Which, for a start, yeah, they were destroyed, they were scooped out, but not one completely collapsed.
And certainly none of them collapsed until weeks after when they were deliberately demolished.
The foundations were still standing.
But the most bizarre example he points to is St.
Nicholas Church, which if you look at the picture that I posted of it on PrisonPlanet.com, is basically a four-story church building.
It's not much bigger than a lot of people's houses.
But by the way, it's one of those old-fashioned churches.
In New York, it only looks like, with all four floors, that it might be 5,000 square feet.
It's tiny one rooms on top of each other.
You've got a tiny 60-person sanctuary in the bottom, then you've got where the church mission is, and then you've got two floors for the pastors to live in.
It's a classic mission church.
It's an old antique.
That's why they didn't destroy it.
I mean, it literally
In fact, I looked it up online.
It's the size of a small house.
It's tiny.
And it's right in the shadow of the South Tower.
Giant 1,300 feet tower is right next to it.
You could literally throw a stone and hit the South Tower if you're standing there.
But he says obviously this building was destroyed on 9-11 because it's basically an ant compared to a giant woolly mammoth in comparison to the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
Of course it was destroyed, but WTC 7 was a 47-story skyscraper that would be the biggest building in most major cities.
And by the way, the church is an old stucco brick
Building about a hundred and fifty years old.
So you've got a little bitty brick building, but he doesn't show photos.
He says the huge church was destroyed.
Well, careful not to show any photos of it, because it looks absolutely ridiculous in comparison to a 576 feet tall skyscraper, which was, you know, nearly 400 feet away from the North Tower, which was... It's the biggest building in 33 states.
So that's his big example of how these other buildings were destroyed.
So why is it inconceivable to say that WTC7 was destroyed?
The other one's he sights are WTC3, which is otherwise known as the Marriott Hotel.
Now the picture that he links to is from a different angle.
The one I've got, which is after both towers have collapsed,
And bear in mind that this is WTC3, and you'll see on the map that's posted there, it's sandwiched right in between the towers.
I mean, obviously... Both towers fell on it, and none of the main superstructure collapsed.
Only some of the roof, where the whole building fell on it.
Yeah, it's got a big slice, it's basically sliced in half, but it's still not, the foundations have not collapsed.
And certainly not at 3-4 speed in 7 seconds, not 18.
Like Building 7 did.
And it's a smaller building that had fires that burned for 6 weeks.
It's less than half the height of Building 7 as well.
And it was right in between the twin towers, it took the full brunt of both collapses.
Yeah, it did not.
I think?
NIST themselves admit that debris from the Twin Towers did not cause the collapse of Building 7.
That's right, it was buried in the debris field.
A few small pieces of debris knocked out some windows.
Dust field hit it.
They admit all of that, but he just says NIST gives all the reasons and disproves it.
But if you actually read the 10,000 page report, as scholars and many others have done, it says we believe bombs could have been in the building.
Well yeah, then it says
The original report concluded that fires gutted the building.
Well, all the reports say the fires were confined to just eight floors, and you can see from the images right before it collapsed, the fires are minimal.
And NIST has retracted five different reasons they said it fell.
And his other big citation is this Cambridge University report
Which the BBC reported had already been published in September 2007.
It seemed like they were quite eager to get it out there because it wasn't actually published until five months later in February of this year.
And I mean, it's being completely debunked.
It claims that the path of least resistance, the path of most resistance, sorry,
Did not exist, so it completely contradicts the very laws of physics in saying that the building, the Twin Towers, fell in a vacuum, basically, and there was no resistance whatsoever.
Now, I mean, Breckenridge's article is supposed to be about Building 7, and then he just suddenly switches to a report about the Twin Towers.
So he's all over the place, and it amounts to something laughable.
And ridiculous.
But, for the general public that can't find the U.S.
on a map, or Canada on a map, or doesn't know, you know, the basic continents, can't find Asia, people who think Vietnam is in the Middle East, and that's the general public, they're gonna just see, oh, look, he says it's not true.
He put some links up here.
I mean, see, if you listen to those interviews on Google Video, it's even worse.
He just sounds like some kind of demented chipmunk just running on at the mouth.
I mean, nobody can get a word in because he just continually repeats.
And no, it collapsed in 18 seconds.
It didn't fall in its own footprint.
And then he goes into this thing where he blames the firemen.
He says that 9-11 troopers are blaming the firemen for being in on the conspiracy, which is a classic, you know, extrapolation of the
It's harmful to the victim's line, which is regularly used.
They got feds down at Ground Zero every day.
We haven't even tracked them.
They use fake names.
They've got official passes by the city to be down there, so the cops worship them to bow down.
And that's what they always say.
They always say, you're saying the fireman blew it up?
How dare you?
How dare you?
And just like the communist in martial law, where I walk up politely and they say, he just said something nasty to this woman.
They make something up, they start yelling, he said the fireman did it!
This guy, get him!
And so they're using classic disinfo, so he's going off a script.
Exactly, and now that you've got all kind of kooks down there trying to blame We Are Change for stuff, it's ridiculous.
But I mean, our efforts are having a positive effect because you had the Japanese Member of Parliament
I forget his name, was it Fugito?
Vegeta, yeah.
You had him on a week or two ago, and he was talking about a possible United Nations or European Parliamentary investigation into 9-11.
And I want to be clear, we're not saying they have jurisdiction.
The fact is, though, if we bring attention to this through any means necessary, this will seriously damage the New World Order.
The story today out of the New York Sun is that an official in the newly formed UN Human Rights Council, Richard Faulk, who has been in the news recently where he called Israel's government, he said their behavior was like the Nazis, which of course meant he's an anti-Semite according to the ADL.
He has come out and said that
He wants a UN-led investigation into the possibility that the neocons were involved in 9-11.
That's the New York Sun headline today.
See, I didn't know about that.
That is massive news, Paul.
Is that up on PrisonPlanet.com?
It will be in five minutes.
The article's already been written.
And actually, Mr. Bolton, who obviously John Bolton has tried at every turn to
This is just fabulous news.
Stay there, Paul.
I want you to read us out of that New York Sun article when we get back.
And it sounds like you've already written another article about this, or Steve has.
It'll be up on PrisonPlanet.com in minutes.
In fact, Paul, during the break, you don't get a break.
Update it right now.
We'll be right back.
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I wish a buck was still silver It was back when the country was strong Back before Elvis And before the Vietnam War came along Before the Beatles and yesterday
When a man could still work, still would.
It's the best of the free life behind us now.
And are the good times really over?
We're good to go.
Stop goin' downhill!
And are we rollin' downhill like a snowball headed for hell?
The Liberty Bell!
Supposedly a free country.
They've done everything they can by design to destroy this nation.
And make us dependent on the globalists.
Now they're gonna bankrupt the economy.
Now they're going to bring us into true bondage.
Let's go ahead and go back to Paul Watson.
In the two or three minutes left, you've got other key points that are in this, but people can find out about the fraud of the debunkers and how it's just all pure manufactured lies and sophistry.
But getting into this New York Sun story, that is ultra-massive.
I mean, it's happening.
The dam is breaking.
We are witnessing
The New York Sun headline, UN official calls for study of Neocon's role in 9-11 by Eli Lake, staff reporter for the New York Sun.
And it's Richard Faulk, F-A-L-K, Milbank Professor of International Law at Princeton University, who has just been voted into the position of overseeing the human rights situation in Palestine, so by no means small fry.
And I've got his quote here.
He said, it is possibly true that especially the neoconservatives thought there was a situation in the country and in the world where something had to happen to wake up the American people.
Whether they are innocent about the contention that they made that something happen or not, I don't think we can answer definitively at this point.
All we can say is that there is a lot of ground for suspicion.
There should be an official investigation of the sort the 9-11 Commission did not engage in.
Okay, you've got a link now up on PrisonPlanet.com to the New York Sun story.
Have you been able to write a blurb about this show?
Yeah, the article's posted now.
It's posted at PrisonPlanet.com.
We need to push this as a new major wave.
Give the bait to the enemy operatives, the fake conservatives and liberals.
They're meant to neutralize real liberals and real conservatives.
Give the enemy the bait.
They're rat poison now.
Email it to enemy stations.
Email it to enemy operations.
Out of their arrogance, they will counter-strike and reveal themselves so we can roll in artillery and the info war on them, which we then
Up res to the next level.
The defeat of the enemy is within sight.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
As Mark Cornkey says, fix bayonets.
Paul Watson, thank you.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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You have been warned.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to have open phones later in this hour, into the third hour today.
A ton of economic news, police state news.
It is all so important.
Celica Stillo was raided by the BATF.
He's one of the main people in the American Drug War film that just came out that we have on DVD.
I consulted on the film, available at Infowars.com right now.
And he kept saying that, you know, he's been broken into, he's been threatened.
When you go on Dateline NBC or Nightline, he's been on a bunch of these.
You can see him on YouTube, going back decades ago.
People have uploaded that now, and he was there witnessing government drug dealing as the head DEA agent in Latin America, and he quit.
He went public.
He resigned.
He has, you know, no criminal records, spotless record as an army sniper in Vietnam.
His dad's a big war hero.
He got, like, a bunch of bronze stars, silver stars, all that.
He didn't get the Congressional Medal of Honor, but he was a real famous World War II guy down in the valley.
And, uh, you know, real pro-America folks here in Texas, and they came and raided him because he goes to sell his book at the gun show, and I knew that Selly had quite a few guns of his own.
I remember him coming to the Austin gun show.
I saw him down there where he was selling two or three rifles, just mainline rifles.
They don't care.
It's over for him.
They raided him, and we're trying to get him on the line.
Have you had any luck yet, John, with that?
We hope he's okay.
He's always here whenever we call him to get him on.
But when they raided him, they said, hey, saw you on TV.
It was a real big joke.
They've aired it like 50 times.
It's their number one thing they're airing right now, American Drug War, on Showtime.
But we have the DVD version that's even longer and has three hours of extras, again, at InfoWars.com.
And Shelly is facing trumped-up charges right now.
We'll tell you all about those.
And it's broke, he's just a school teacher.
I want to try to help him, I'm sure they'll probably come after me for that, but we need to help him.
Imagine, he needs to go for a jury trial, needs to get the jury up there and go through.
Vietnam veteran, highly decorated, police officer, border patrol agent, highly decorated DEA agent who got letters of commendation from Reagan and President Bush Sr.
And then he quit and went public about their drug dealing, and now it was over.
Well, now it's... They're very upset.
This is on Showtime.
Airing over and over.
In the last month, 50-plus plays, Kevin was telling me.
Everybody's talking about it.
I'm hearing a buzz on the street.
The DVD available at Infowars.com.
American Drug War.
Shipping them out right now.
So I hope we're able to get Shelly on the line.
Maybe he got time zones screwed up, but he's in Texas.
We hope he's okay.
So upsetting to me.
You know, I heard about it a few weeks ago, and then we played phone tag back and forth, and people were like, oh, it's not that big of a deal, it's just a little gun thing.
And now I find out Kevin's been talking to him, it's a big setup, and it just makes me so mad.
So cowardly.
So cowardly.
But I mean, you know, they shoot Serpico in the face, I mean, he kept telling me how to at the gun shows, they try to have losses at us.
Recruiting him and the rest of it, and he went on air and said Los Zetas in the Valley is CIA run and trained.
They use them as a kick murder squad basically.
God help us.
Well, just like they use Latin Americans.
He told us this two years before it was in the news.
Five years ago was the war started.
He came on air and he said, they're going to occupy it using death squads from Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador.
And I was like, you're kidding.
And he goes, no.
And then about six months later came out in
Latin American papers and then it came out a few years ago on our news.
More than 20,000 hardcore mercs.
I mean, these are guys that would line up little villagers and small children and just go down the line blowing the whole family's heads off and kicking them into pits and burying them.
It was all over the coca.
All over bringing it into market for the hog Americans!
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I think?
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Celica Stillo, Army sniper veteran, highly decorated, comes from a great line of military family here in the United States.
His father served valiantly in World War II, police officer, then a border patrol agent, Sterling record, then became DEA, ran scores of people under him as the head DEA agent for all of Central, South, and Southern North America and Mexico.
Witness the Ella Pongo drug dealing, flying arms in, shipping out masses of cocaine for our school children.
Highly decorated, had letters from presidents, and he resigned.
He quit.
He said, I will not be part of this.
And on the other end of it, we've had Terry Reid and others who are on the other end in MENA seeing Oliver North shipping in the drugs.
And we have the cover of Esquire and all these documentaries.
Now Shelly has been, of course, on Dateline and Nightline and all these other big shows, ABC, NBC, and he got threats way back then, and the last time he was on was about a year ago.
He said, yeah, I've had people ruffle around my house, I've had people wiretapping me, I'm getting followed, I've been threatened at the gun show, where he sells his book, Powder Burns, and a couple guns.
He's a school teacher, and he said that they've told me they're gonna come kill me or set me up soon.
And, you know, people always say to me, and I'm tired of it, when are they going to kill you?
You're still around, when are they going to kill you?
Well, they didn't kill the individual that wrote Dark Majesty, Gary Webb, for about 15 years.
And frankly, I'm sick of it.
You know, it's not funny.
That's why I get mad making jokes.
Well, Alex didn't for real, they hadn't killed him yet.
Well, they didn't kill the DA who went after the Kennedy assassination, and he said, and it's a true story in the movie, and Jim Mars got that directly from Jim Garrison, that he was told by the FBI that some of the good guys, you better stay in the light, stay noisy, stay loud, or it's over.
You're dead, or they're going to set you up.
And they tried to set him up with, every time he'd go in a public bathroom, there'd be some guy with his pants down running at him saying, have sex with me, with FBI guys outside trying to say he was doing that.
I mean, I mean, they tried to set him up for, for, for bills and money and everything else.
Uh, take the able danger.
Colonel who talked about how they were ordered not to stop whoever these hijackers were being trained at U.S.
We know that.
They were decoys.
He tried to testify.
He did.
Then they said he had $68 of unauthorized cell phone calls to his wife.
We're indicting him for $68.
I mean, that's all they could find when you're allowed to use your cell phone to call your wife from the base from the Pentagon saying you're coming home late.
I mean, this is what they do.
And the mob, that's how they operate, always gets you later.
If you're a big fish.
Unless you've never done business with them.
And they have weird little rules.
I've never worked with them, never made deals with them, never been in their system.
They see Selly Costello as theirs.
Because he was in the military, a police officer, a, uh, Border Patrol agent, a DEA agent.
He really triggered a lot of what's coming out now.
And they want to send a message.
Right now.
Now, it hit the zeitgeist.
This isn't some 10-minute report on Dateline NBC.
This isn't some 10-minute report on Nightline.
This isn't... and he's been on them all.
This is a two-hour showtime that's aired more than 50 times and has gone supernova on the street, at the gym.
I've had callers calling and saying, yeah, everybody's talking about it.
This film that I consulted on, I'm proud of that fact.
I mean, I told you four years ago, and I told Kevin, take me out of it, because he had me voicing it.
Just like my two new films don't have me in it.
Even then, I realized, get me out of this film.
That's why I've got an arrangement to get them super cheap from Kevin.
That's why I'm selling them even four bucks cheaper than he is at InfoWars.com.
Because I worked on this thing for four years with Kev, or a lot in the first two years.
And you know, my footage is in all the extras and a lot of my footage is in the film.
I should add that.
But my point is, I'm in the same lot with Selly.
And Selly kept saying this was going to happen, and now these bastards have done it.
It's so disgusting and so evil that we've got to pray for this man.
He is a school teacher.
He doesn't have any money.
He lives in a trailer.
We need to support Selly.
We need to get him a legal defense fund.
Right now, he has an appointed attorney.
They're trying to pressure him to plea bargain.
If he does, then they're going to keep setting him up from there, so when they kill him, they can say, oh, he was just a felon.
That's how they work.
Just like they tried to discredit Webb.
Then they double-tapped him in the head.
And I'm telling you, if we don't get him out of this, I think we're going to end up hearing that Shelly committed suicide.
So we've got him here to tell us that he's not ever going to commit suicide.
Shelly, God bless you, my friend.
Well, thank you for having me, Alex.
Appreciate the effort.
What do you think of that introduction?
I mean, is that accurate?
Yeah, you know, I wasn't a border patrol, but I was a DEA, I was a police officer, detective, sergeant, and so forth.
Okay, somehow I got it mixed up with border patrol in there.
Yeah, that's okay.
I don't know what it was.
You were in a sheriff's department on the border.
I was with the Police Department on the border.
My memory had that.
Yeah, Detective Sergeant, but the reason I'm going on the air with you as we speak right now is because the ATF has been going around calling the media saying that I'm in prison already.
That I'm on my way to prison because of gun violations and so forth.
And I think... Let me stop you.
Let me stop you for a second.
This is key.
Two weeks ago when I first heard, that's what I heard, so they put out, that's what they do, you've already been beaten, you're already in jail, you're already a convict, that's how these people operate.
Go ahead.
Exactly, and basically what happened was I had to fire the public defender because he said there was no way he could help me out.
I really didn't have a defense, and he wanted me to plea out, and I said that when I saw the plea agreement, I said, man, they're just
Incredible what they're asking me to do.
And I told them that no, and I fired him.
I said, you know what?
You're not going to help me.
I have a hearing next week.
A Raymond hearing.
I do not have an attorney at Swisspeak.
I cannot afford one.
That's it.
Look, look, look.
We're going to get you one if I have to pay for at least the first part of the proceeding.
The question is we need to probably bring somebody in from outside even the area because they'll kill good lawyers or they'll shut them down or they'll set them up.
That's why you can't get a lawyer in these good old boy areas.
Tell everybody the story, how it happened, where you are, and then we're going to put the call out to try to bring somebody in for you and try to get people to send you money right now.
Selly, tell everybody what happened.
Well, basically what happened was that the guy that was selling the guns to me, there were handguns and shotguns and so forth.
We both worked at gun shows, and we actually were buying and selling guns, and they got me on what they call a 30-count or 35-count of stroke purchases.
Which means the guy gave the guy the money to buy guns, and we would sell them for a profit, and do that.
Well, bottom line is, I got charged with everything there is to be charged with, and the guy was never being charged with anything.
So basically, they used him as a snitch to set me up.
Oh, there's no doubt.
Let me stop you right there.
Let me stop you.
Because this is one of the most important things, Alex, is the fact that I, at no time did I know that I was breaking the law.
And I didn't hide.
I didn't do anything.
I was just doing what I thought.
I gotta stop you, Sully.
You did not break the law.
This is a misinterpretation of the straw purchase.
The straw purchase, and that's their favorite setup.
They try to do this to me, I believe.
Their favorite straw purchase setup
I don't
It is not people in business who are wholesale, buying, selling, trading, and the guy comes to you and says, I got 30 guns that you can then wholesale, and you're just buying some guns to then sell them.
You see, that's how they work this.
Well, first of all, what they're saying is that I conspired with a guy to buy guns for the past two years.
And secondly, you know, I got arrested living in San Antonio after a guy gave me two shotguns, two Benelli shotguns, and a couple of handguns.
And ATF arrested me and so forth, and charged me with that.
Basically, what they're charging me is with what everybody does at the gun shows, or half of the people that sell guns without a license at the gun shows.
And now they're trying to say that almost every time this guy bursts,
I had something to do with it, and they're citing 35 guns going back to maybe three years.
And basically what it is is that I tried to run a sting operation on ATF a few months back with a local channel, Will Ripley from Channel 5, and ATF found out that we were running that sting operation and pulled out of the show.
But what the ATF is doing, they're going in and they're filming the show.
They got a key to the building, and then they're profiling people, and they're arresting people, entrapping people at the gun show.
Yeah, what they do is, what they do is, is they sell, in some cases, guns that are automatic.
People don't even know it, and they're waiting down the street for them.
Or, I mean, they just pull all sorts, they're trying to shut down gun shops.
They are just doing so much.
They've tripled the size of the BATF.
A reign of terror is going, and Shelley's always working with the media fighting corruption.
I think if you get a jury trial and go in there and explain that they're not following the spirit of the law and that they're fudging it, and with your great record, your impeccable record as school teacher, police officer, DEA, Vietnam vet, I think that you're going to get thrown out of court.
Well, I'm going to use my post-traumatic stress disorder as the reason I've been... That's the reason I left the DEA.
I got involved in so much shit with the DEA that I reported it to the Carey Committee and other people and so forth.
Shelley, stay there.
Stay there, my friend.
I'm going to come back and try to get you some support.
Of course, if they convict you, then you won't be able to be a schoolteacher.
And this just will destroy his life.
I'm going to try to support you, Shelley.
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I read the news today, oh boy
Now we're getting to the crux of the issue.
Now they talked about he shouldn't be a political activist, laughing at him, shoving him around, saying, oh, saw you on TV, saw you on Showtime.
He had protested the war there, he'd organized the community, he had just exposed so much corruption, government drug dealing.
And they are sick and tired of Selly Costello.
And I remember Selly, a year ago on the phone, talking about how the BATF was creeping around, then you said you were going after them.
And I guess they've gone after you, how they try to set people up and frame them.
Dangerous business, but I guess you keep calling it your post-traumatic stress.
What I found with post-traumatic stress, people I've studied, is that because you were a sniper and then you were a police officer and then you were DEA, you know, in helicopters doing raids, you said you've gotten addicted to the excitement and now you're fighting for America really on the right side.
I'm repeating your words from years ago.
And it seems like it is the post-traumatic stress that's leading you down, chasing the bullet, as you've said.
And I don't want to say I've been in combat, but just fighting the New World Order, doing this so much, it's like I'm addicted to fighting them, too, and more and more risk.
I mean, does what I'm saying make sense, Sully?
And the thing about it is that, you know, nobody attacked the ATF or what the illegal stuff that they were doing, the Gestapo tactics that were used on Americans there.
And I called the local paper.
They did a story.
I've been on the news, television, where I talk about what's happening with the ATF and how they're... Well, that's Exhibit A and B. You show that to the jury, showing that they were prejudiced towards you.
This is a political persecution.
Well, not only that.
Go ahead.
On a drug case where I worked as an expert witness, I had one of the assistant United States Attorneys
Tell the defense attorney to warn me that I was going to be arrested some way, shape, or form, and they were going to be coming after me.
I remember last time you were on, last time you were on, I'm now remembering all this is true, folks.
Shelley is an expert witness in gun cases, drug cases.
This is pure persecution.
And the thing about it, when I got arrested, I had my medication.
They gave it to the people where I was incarcerated, knowing the fact that they were not going to be able to give me the medication because the doctor didn't know what it was.
So I went for a day and a half without my medication.
And, you know, I do have a major heart problem.
I do have diabetes and I have hypertension and so forth.
And they threw me in with the population, with 100 of the most
I don't
Law enforcement.
But let me guess, a lot of people in population know about this show and the New World Order.
Did any of them know you and did the word get out that it was a setup?
Well, no.
At that time period, that time, a lot of people didn't know until ATF started contacting the news media.
There's an agent in charge of the Bronzeville office, Aguirre, who's going around calling the news media, telling them that I'm in prison already.
The same guy that keeps on Channel 5.
Uh, with the, uh, with the, uh, with the drug trafficking and, and, and the gun running and stuff like that that, that I was interviewed for and, uh... Oh, you have exposed him specifically.
Tell us about it.
Oh, yeah.
I exposed the ATF, um, uh, what they were doing here at the Far Gun Show.
They were, they had a key to the building and they were coming early in the morning and they would set up on the second floor and they would film the whole show.
And that will let people know when they're leaving the gun show so they could be stopped and entrapped or arrested or whatever.
We live in a country where this shouldn't be happening.
This is, in my opinion, illegal.
Well, it's the Stasi.
It's guilty until proven innocent.
They tripled the size of the BATF.
It's Bush's reign of terror.
And then what they were doing, the people that actually bought guns legally, with paper and everything else,
Two hours later, the ATF was at the house, knocking at the door, saying, where's the gun you just bought?
And the guy said, well, I have it right here.
He said, well, we just want to make sure it's not going into Mexico.
Yeah, right, like Mexico doesn't have guns.
It's the kind of America that we live in that they have the right to do this.
And when they came to my house, they told my wife that if you don't give us consent to search your house, we're going to call the media, we're going to call the police, and we're going to wait for your grandkids to come home.
Threatening children?
I want to hear the story of the search when we get back.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is how they operate.
And now they're doing knock and talks in D.C., Dallas, Boston,
They just come to your door and tell the woman, you let me in or I'm coming back when the kids are here.
No warrant.
Pure evil.
The government is completely evil.
Now are all the officers evil?
But those running the government are terrorists.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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That's H-E-A-R-T-D-R-O-P dot com.
By the way, his website is Powder Burns, one word, powderburns.org.
Get his book there, Cocaine Conquers and the Drug War, Powder Burns.
See photos of him in Vietnam.
He's a sniper.
You can see it all.
DEA, all of it.
Pictures with him and George Herbert Walker Bush, him in helicopters, doing raids on Jungle Labs.
See him on the DEA baseball team.
And as bad as the DEA is these days, nothing compared to the BATF, the original individuals known as the regulators, going after the whiskey tax, just organized crime, basically.
Very scary people.
Very, very scary people.
Just very, very dangerous.
Very, very wicked.
They don't take you on unless you're a hardcore crook, basically.
I mean, how could they?
They're despicable.
They go after the Second Amendment.
The big news article today, how they spent three million trying to shut down a gun shop.
I talked to the gun shop owner this morning.
He said, listen, they've told me if I just leave them alone and don't talk about it, everything will be alright.
No, they want you to shut up while there's publicity so they can have their way with you.
It's all about winning.
It's all about hurting good people.
And I'm not kidding about this.
Celica Stillo, going back to you, my friend.
Let's talk about the raid itself.
Go back to them, what they said to your wife when you got there, what you witnessed.
Well, what happened, Alex, was the fact that at the same time I got arrested in San Antonio,
They sent a goon squad into my mom's house.
She's 83 years old and she lives with my sister who's got Down syndrome.
And they walked in there asking to search the residence that they were looking for guns.
And my mom says, look, Feli Castillo does not live here, has not lived here ever.
And why are you here at the house?
And he says, well, we're looking for guns.
We understand that he's got a storage room full of weapons.
And he says, well, there is nobody.
He doesn't live here.
I don't know why you're here.
And he says, well, can we check the rooms?
I says, my daughter's asleep in one of the rooms.
And they opened the door and they looked and then they went to the other rooms and
I don't know.
That was not a criminal, it was somebody that was uh... Because let's be clear, the wicked shell at the top of the BATF sends out their minions who have no idea what's going on.
Exactly, so they left and at the same time that they went to my mom's house, they went to my house up here, and a mobile home that I live in.
Uh, the guy, the agent in charge of the search, uh, Daniel Casey, uh, threatened my, uh, after they walked in there and, and they looked around and they were looking for guns and they're looking for receipts and all kinds of stuff.
Um, they found the storage room, uh, uh, attached to the house or outside the house.
And, um, they said that, uh, that they had received information.
Well, they had received it because nobody comes to my house.
Number one.
And number two, I says, uh, you know, they asked, uh, to Cersei, I don't have the key.
Sully has the key and I don't know what he's got in there.
So, well, you know, and be honest with you, my wife has no idea what I was doing at the gun show.
She, she knew I went to the gun show.
You know, I sold my boat.
But the thing about it was that, uh, they threatened her.
Casey threatened her by saying, look, if you don't let us search, uh, sign the consent to search, we're going to call the cops and news media.
And it's going to be an embarrassment for you all, and if you still don't, then we're going to wait for your grandkids to come home from school so we can, because my wife, my daughter lives here with her grandkids, and so you need to sign this consent.
So she signed the consent out of fear.
That's terrorism right there.
That's as jackbooted as it gets.
Out of fear, so they took the hinges off the door and they found an AR, an AK, two hunting rifles, and a shotgun.
Well, let's be clear.
You mean semi-automatic?
They'll spin that.
Yes, semi-automatic.
Yeah, Mac 90 AR-15.
The guns that I had for sale at the gun shows, they had one of the guns that was under my name.
They'll probably convert those over to full-auto.
No, no, nothing at all.
They'll probably convert them, but they've been caught doing that in Illinois.
So, you know, it's something that...
I don't
We're doing what I did, but, you know, it's just, I mean, I don't have an attorney right now.
Well, I mean, I've been at the gun show with you.
You'll be there selling your books, and you'll have two or three guns, handguns, rifles you're selling.
I mean, they want to shut down gun shows.
They haven't been able to, so they just harass everybody.
Yeah, there are guys at the gun show right now, if we speak, that don't have a license to sell guns, yet they sell 15, 20, 30 AR-15s.
Uh, to people without license.
And it's the law that they can do it, and the government wants all guns registered so they don't like it.
Now, what happened to you in San Antonio?
I want to hear about what they said to you.
I mean, this is admission, this is political persecution.
Tell us about it.
Well, what happened was, uh, they, uh, I went up there and picked up the guns that I'd given
Yeah, exactly.
And I got stopped by DPS with an agent in the back of the car.
They profiled me on the stop.
Saying that I didn't use the proper measuring to pass the vehicle.
Well, this is them just staging it so they don't know that your friend was working for them.
Yeah, and the thing about it is they ask me a whole bunch of questions.
Do I carry a handgun?
I say, no, I don't carry a handgun.
Do you have a handgun in the truck?
And the guns that I just bought were in the bed of the pickup.
And one of the state troopers went ballistic.
Uh, from my book, he says, this is a conspiracy theorist book, and you know, he went off.
Well, let me stop you.
In my film, Road to Tyranny, it's the squad car video.
They find a pocket constitution, one of my videos flip out and say we're arresting her for it.
That's Texas now, this was in Virginia.
They've been taught through the FBI training manuals that
Patriotism is evil.
So now he goes ballistic because of your book.
Now this is the new America.
He's now a commissar, political officer.
He's got a Vietnam vet, former DEA agent.
He's been all over national television and films.
Very famous exposing this.
No criminal record.
He's got him right where he wants him.
Now, go back and go slowly over this because I didn't know this part.
They find the evil Powder Burns book.
They find a book about... Oh my gosh!
What did he say?
Well, he said he found the book.
He brought it up and choked at him on my face.
And that should be on the camera of the vehicle that he had the camera on.
You gotta get it.
He kept saying to me, you know,
You're a conspiracy theorist and you're doing this and you're doing that.
What's wrong with you?
I mean, why are you acting that way?
Well, we got you and we have a warrant for your arrest, which they did.
I had a warrant already for my arrest and they arrested me.
And ATF came by.
So this was a pleasure celebration.
In fact, he was letting you know, hey you son of a bitch, you expose me to ship drugs in.
Your life's over.
You don't mess with our business.
Yeah, and then, you know, I took my cell phones away and I said, yeah, yeah, I recognize this name, I recognize that name, and yeah, yeah, yeah, you're the guy, you're the guy, and they handcuffed me, and they took me to jail, and they threw me with the
You know, not only did they throw me with the population, Alex, I had $207 in my pocket.
I had my gold chain on and I had my wallet.
They threw me in the population with every personal item I had in my pocket.
They were supposed to take that out, but it's like they threw me in there to
Well, that's what they did to the two Border Patrol agents that did their job, and they've almost been killed, both of them.
Now, let's go to Ramos and Cambion.
That's how they do it.
Let's go back here, though.
I want to be clear about this, because you told me on the phone, when did they make the comments about, oh, we've seen you on Showtime, you know, you shouldn't be politically active.
When did they say all that and repeat exactly what they said?
Well, what happened was, when I got picked up, they took me to the ATR office, and they brought a big book with my picture.
Uh, all the guns that I've bought and with my name and, uh, you know, saying it says, yeah, one of the guys that works for Homeland Security was in the military for 10 years.
Says, yeah, you've got a very interesting, uh, uh, website.
And this man, he says, well, I'm glad you liked it.
And he just smiled at me.
And, and then, uh, we known about you for a long and doing this and doing that.
And, um, you know, I know you have a lot of intelligence, which I do it because a lot of people came and talked to me at the gun shows.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
And they said, well, you know what?
They read me my rights, but at no time did they tell me, do you want to speak to us?
They just kept asking me questions, and I was just trying to weave myself around it.
And they said, well, if you talk to us, we'll let the judge to leave you out on a PR bond.
I said, look, I need to talk to an attorney before I talk to you guys.
So he called the U.S.
Attorney and said, well, he's going to cooperate.
So I went before the judge the following day, you know, shackled like an animal.
And the judge says, well, you know, we're letting you out on your PR bond because you don't have a criminal history.
You don't do this.
And the only thing we asked you to do, the judge says, was for you to get psychological help.
I says, I've been doing that for years and I'm taking my medication for it.
But yet it didn't matter to ATF because they went ahead and just threw me
Into the population, without taking the medication, without... But when did they... This is the key.
Now, shaking your book in your face because you witnessed the Alapongo drug dealing and all that, which is all admitted.
I mean, that idiot cop, that idiot state trooper should be made to sit down and watch the 50-something hours of C-SPAN hearings with the solicitor general, inspector general, the CIA, admitting the CIA shipped in cocaine and created the crack.
I mean, it's admitted!
It's so dumb.
I mean, you know, the low-level cops don't deal drugs, so they get real mad hearing about it.
They don't know that all over the country there have been tens of thousands of convictions of top detectives.
They're just idiots, man.
Yeah, well, not only that.
Here in South Texas, we've got more federal agents getting arrested for corruption.
Oh, it's been all over the news.
And basically, you know, I was the target for them.
I was phone-worn by the 59th District.
What did you say to this State Troop?
I ought to say, how dare you be so anti-American to shake a book in my face?
I said, how do you know it's a conspiracy theorist book?
You haven't even read it!
Well, I don't need to read it.
They're talking about how U.S.
government ran drugs.
You know, there's a couple of bipartisan investigations by the Senate and the Congressional hearings that say that they did.
Well, they did!
And he was just making fun of me and, you know, shaking a book in my face, you know,
And going very unprofessional.
The other guy that was with him was a non-Latino guy and he was very, very professional.
Because, you know, we have to arrest you because we have a warrant for your arrest.
Wait a minute, you're saying it was a Latino that was screaming at you?
Oh yeah, yeah, a guy, you know, a Latino.
Hey, why is that?
Because I've seen a lot of arrests in a lot of places.
He said it was a black cop.
They'll be even meaner to blacks.
And Mexicans, it seems like are meaner than, you know, in Texas to Mexicans.
What is that?
Well, I don't know.
They think that they're doing a favor to the feds?
That there's a possibility maybe that they'll get fired by them?
That's the only logical thing I can think about because, you know, why be that way?
I mean, why not be a professional about it?
Why go off and, you know, he's showing off in front of the ATF?
Look, he felt bad because he knows the government brings the drugs in and it makes his whole job sending zit-faced kids to prison for marijuana.
He just, they're guilty and you should be guilty!
It's evil!
It is against the law to profile, you know, they stopped me not because of a traffic violation and I was going to get a warning and this man
They stopped me because ATL was in the backseat of the car.
Oh, I know, and they had to, like, you're stupid, like, you don't know that it was all a setup.
That's so you don't think it was a sting.
I mean, give me a break.
One of the worst things they kept saying to me, Alex, was the fact that the guy that told me the guy was also arrested was also arrested.
Well, a week later that I went to see the public defender, he said, you know, this guy has not been arrested.
He's not in the system.
It was never an arrest.
No, they always do stage arrests.
Well, they keep busting top Al-Qaeda people, and then two years later you'll hear, oh, they were CIA, and that was a fake arrest just to protect them.
Well, you know, and that's what they did to me, and now I got a court hearing next week, and I don't have an attorney, and I'm trying to get some funds to hire one, because I, uh... Well, let me just tell the BATF something, and all the rest of them.
You think you keep winning, hurting all these innocent people?
The eugenicists running this at the level way above you put poison in your water by design.
We have the documents.
They put cancer viruses and mercury in your shots.
They're carrying out eugenics operations against you.
If you're too stupid to figure out what that is, you better.
The New World Order hates you just as much as they hate Sally and me.
And you ought to realize that you think you're evil.
You think you're tough stuff.
The people above us and above the entire population are totally wicked.
And believe me, they love hurting their own, and they plan on taking your pension funds, totally collapsing everything, and screwing you, too.
So, they're above all of us, and you need to know you are with us, whether you know it or not.
And let me tell evil cops something, too.
In the Bible, there's nothing more evil than people in power positions bearing false witness and abusing good men, good women, widows, veterans, people like that.
And you may not believe in God, but I know.
I don't believe, I know.
I know there's a power in this universe.
When you do evil stuff like this, you're getting the worst karma, you could call it.
Let me tell you something.
You can imagine.
You don't have to wait until you die or any of that.
You are going to have hellish lives.
You're miserable because you're evil.
And no amount of money and power will make you happy.
You're not going to be happy until you're a good person.
And you ought to just, just like Saul of Tarsus, you ought to wake up and stop being evil and hit your knees and stop serving this.
Shelly, do you agree with that statement?
You know, because
You know, I've always been... I now would say this generation of law enforcement guys, they're coming out.
They think that they're about the law, that they can break every law there is.
All law enforcement, we did it the hard way.
We did it the right way.
We did it with evidence and so forth.
You don't manufacture evidence.
You don't go out and you don't have the probable cause to get a search warrant.
You don't go to a house and just threaten people to search the house.
Uh, you know, this is the new generation of law enforcement that we have that they think that they're above the law.
And they're not.
I called John Kerry's office the other day and they're supposed to start an inquiry into my arrest.
And I'm telling you, I'm going to try to use every politician from Maxine Waters, if anybody knows her up in California.
That's right, you testified.
I testified before some committees, and I sent my testimonial to them, and the House Select Committee on Intelligence withdrew, what's his name, the guy that's in charge of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, Porter Goss.
And Maxine Waters testified about my knowledge.
Uh, John Kerry, I'm doing the Iran Contra investigation.
It's also going to be the files I'm going to open up, uh, just as a defense of what I did for the United States.
Now, Sally, do you think this is locals going after you because you're exposing their corruption, or do you think this is the big boys?
I think it's both, to be honest with you, because I did go after the ATF locally, number one.
Number two, the AUSA's Attorney's Office had phone-warned me about coming after me several years ago in a drug case, and that they were going to get me.
And I've been a target of probably the FBI and the DEA, and especially the DEA, because
And you said the DA told you, I'm gonna get you.
Well, God's gonna get them, not us.
And they don't believe, but they will.
They will.
We'll be right back.
We're good.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I got so busy talking to Shelly that I forgot that I wanted to bring Kevin Booth back on for 10-15 minutes with him.
We're going to call Kevin now and see if we can get him on because Shelly is in this American Drug War film.
Sully, you told me off-air that the agents at BATF said, yeah, you're a big political guy, yeah.
Saw you on TV, yeah, shouldn't be political.
I think that's key testimony, and the fact that the cop was waving your book in your face, that's your First Amendment right.
You've testified before Congress.
They've had the CIA Inspector General admit that the CIA brought drugs in.
And still these cops think it's illegal to say it.
It's kind of like Kelly Rushing in Lyon County, Kentucky, one of my listeners, on one VHS tape had Ron Paul's congressional speech called Neocon on the eve of the war, and then part of my film, The Road to Tyranny, on it, and the police, in court, I mean, I talked to the judge on the phone, I called him at home, I said, why are you, he said, well, I'm talking about the case, but yeah, it's going forward, it was in the newspaper.
And they tried to send him to jail.
They said, this film talks bad about police.
This congressman does.
It's illegal to have these videos.
I mean, the cops think... Folks, I'm not joking here.
The police, a lot of them, think videos of Ron Paul are illegal.
I mean, they don't know what America is.
They think free speech is illegal.
They think... Shelley, how did we fall this far?
Well, um...
Education, I think, these people that are coming into law enforcement have no concept of what law enforcement is all about.
They think that they carry a gun and a badge and they can do whatever they want to do.
And that's why you have a lot of them, a big number of them, being arrested for civil rights violations.
What Mr. Casey did here
He violated the Constitutional laws of my wife.
He violated both laws.
I mean, he violated the Fourth Amendment right, I'm certain to hear.
According to your report, which everything you've ever told me has been true, in fact, you usually even water things down against yourself in the name of being honest, Celia.
Frankly, a lot of people do that.
They beat themselves up.
But according to what you've said, there's no doubt that he terroristically, with terroristic threats, engaged in extortion.
And you know, there's court cases where the people are not in court because whatever was seized was
I came illegally, and that's why I'm an expert on this.
I'm an expert witness.
Well, you are an expert witness, and am I right that it's racketeering?
It's an expert witness.
Oh, absolutely.
You know, you violate the law, and you fight the law, what they did illegally.
I mean, that's grounds to throw out the case.
Not only throw out the case, but, you know, you have grounds for an appeal.
And what it is, is that at this time period, Alex, I got no money.
If you guys have an opportunity to buy one of my books, I've got 500 books left.
And I want to sell them because I need my defense funds.
You can email me at powderburns at prodigy dot net.
Let's do that right now.
Let's stop.
Now, I've got a few powderburns left too, but don't buy them from me today, ladies and gentlemen, at infowars.com.
Of the 500 books from his last printing done years ago of an excellent book that the state police, I guess, hate, or some of them hate free speech, you want to find out the truth.
This man has sacrificed his life to do this.
He's now being persecuted.
Go to PowderBurns.org, PowderBurns.org, put a big link up on InfoWars.com.
Buy the books now.
Email Shelly at, give him the email again.
Yeah, PowderBurns at Prodigy.net, and I'll send you an autographed book.
PowderBurns at Prodigy.net.
Now that's not going to get you money quick enough.
I don't want people to wait.
I want them to go to the mailbox.
I want them to send you cash wrapped in aluminum foil, because they scan it, or a check, but if you don't want your name involved, just cash.
And I want you to get Selly's address, and I'm gonna send Selly some money, too.
We're gonna have him on as this develops.
I want listeners to be there next week with him in court.
I want them to see a lot of support.
So when we come back after 60 seconds, Selly, give them your address.
And I do not want people to wait.
He has stood up for us.
He has fought for this country his whole life.
They have told him they're gonna kill him.
He hadn't even told you about that today.
And they're the types that'll double-cap him in the head and say he committed suicide next.
We'll see if Sully agrees with that statement.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Be sure to visit GCNlive.com today.
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Blueprint for Global and Slate.
You have been warned.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Celica Stillo is our guest, a Vietnam sniper in the Army, then he of course was a police officer on the border, then a DEA agent, highly decorated, the head of all their Latin American operations, Mexico down to Colombia, right down to Chile, and they have set him up on straw purchases when he was publicly just had somebody get some guns for him to sell at the gun show.
Totally legal, BATF doesn't care.
The law doesn't matter to them.
Destroying this country is their only goal.
So they get more drug money to drive bigger Corvettes to pay their prostitutes with.
And I'm not joking about that.
It's the most despicable, larcenous, worm-like, scum-filled organization you can imagine.
I mean, it's just rotten from head to toe.
A lot of other agencies are not.
I will say that.
Most agencies actually have good people in them, but they're just bad at the top.
Well, they were rotten from the start, and people know their history.
Shelley, give out your address.
Give out contact points.
Give out a phone number, but not for gossipers to call.
I mean, for lawyers.
This is a tough case.
People that have courage.
People that are willing to go into the belly of the beast.
This is really what it's all about, Selly.
Contact info, email addresses, so people can support you.
Yeah, my address, if you make a check out, it's going to be on Celerino Castillo III, and my address is... Spell that out!
Spell out Celerino.
Celerino, spelled C-E-L-E-R-I-N-O.
Again, C-E-L-E-R-I-N-O, Castillo, C-A-S-T-I-L-L-O III.
And my address is 2709 North 28 1⁄2 Street.
Once again, 2709 North 28 1⁄2 Street, McAllen, spelled M-c-a-l-l-e-n, Texas, 785-01.
And my email, you can email me at powderburns at prodigy.net, powderburns
Folks, he needs your help, and I hope if they try to set me up or something, that people support me and help me.
Shelley, you were told a long time ago they were going to set you up or kill you.
They've threatened to kill you, too.
Yeah, back in doing the Iran-Contra thing, I was basically being set up by the DEA to get whacked on one of my last undercover operations.
And basically what they were trying to do was shut me down of what I knew that was going on.
I went out on a post-traumatic stress disorder from the DEA because of the stuff that I did for them.
In Latin America, and of course I suffer from PTSD out of my Vietnam experiences.
So it's very well documented that I suffer from severe PTSD and I have been on medication for many years.
The problem is that I need a PTSD attorney somewhere in this country that has case trial on this issue because that's what I'm going to be using as my defense.
I don't
And threw me in jail without a... Sully, it's simple.
If my car gets stolen, my house gets broken into, the cops won't come.
But they're out there writing me tickets, and they're out there CPSing people's kids to give them to the pedophiles that run the government.
And I mean, it's just the government's pure filth, and that's just the way it is, and it's rotting towards the tail now.
It'll soon be pure evil, and... Heaven help us.
Stay there, Sully Costello.
I'm gonna get Kevin Booth to pop in briefly with us, and then we'll give out your address again.
I'm gonna move on to other important issues.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got the new Overdrive fourth hour coming up in about 51 minutes.
That's right, a fourth hour.
I'm going to air the exclusive sneak peek.
of the new JFK film we're putting together.
These are just some raw clips of some of the hundreds of hours we're working with.
We've been working on this off and on for three years.
This is the first little window into it, streamed live.
Not just the audio, where you can listen on the internet at InfoWars.com in the fourth hour of Overdrive Radio, but for those that are PrisonPlanet.tv members, you'll be able to see the video from the new film.
It's actually about a 20-minute sneak peek at just some of what will be going into the film.
And this film won't be out for about 6-8 months.
I've got a 9-11 film that's going to be out in about 2, and another 9-11 film that will be out in about 3.
So, that's right, we went ahead and decided to totally go to the next level in 3 films by the end of the year.
How do you like that, New World Order?
Shelly Costello is our guest.
Hey, we can sleep when we're dead, folks.
We're fighting hard here.
Shelly, you're just a sweetheart, a great guy.
This supposed arraignment is coming up Wednesday.
You were saying you'd like to come in the studio in Austin.
Hey, Monday or Tuesday,
Uh, to try to get as much attention as we can, and we'll know by Tuesday if this lawyer that you're broke, but he'll cost two grand just to waive the arraignment, which you're supposed to, you know, get your time to be able to, uh, you know, prepare a case, uh, for the criminal acts they're engaged in.
We need time to have your lawyers be able to put, uh, you know, papers in, why it should, you know, not be arraigned, why it should be dropped.
Uh, this is just disgusting.
Yeah, it's going to be Celerino Castillo III.
Uh, like I said, spell C-E-L-E-R-I-N-O, Castillo, C-A-S-T-I-L-L-O, and the address is 2709 North 28 1⁄2 Street, McAllen, Texas, 78501, 2709 North 28 1⁄2 Street, McAllen, Texas, McAllen, spell M-c-a-l-l-e-n, and, um,
As of last week, Alex, I have been indicted before a grand jury.
No, no, excuse me, indicted.
What's the next step?
It's the arraignment on the indictment.
The arraignment on the indictment, excuse me.
And that's next week, and I'm trying to waive that so I can get an attorney to do that.
Or you can email me, guys, at powderburns at prodigy dot net.
Powder Burns at Prodigy.net.
So let me ask you a question.
Why don't you want to be there for the arraignment?
Why do you want to pay to have a lawyer go do that?
Well, because I need a lawyer to go with me.
I need to go.
So you are going to be going.
I mean, the whole point here is they tried to give you a quote, court appointed.
They work for the system.
That's totally staged.
Oh, exactly.
And when I asked the public defender, you know, knowing that
I don't have an attorney right now.
To give me another public defender.
Yeah, right now, you know Alex, I don't know if you've ever gone through this before.
This is the most stressful thing that's ever happened to me.
You know, being on medication and being, there's a very, I am surprised I have not gone postal on this.
But, you know, I'm trying my very darndest to be a good citizen.
Hey, you're hurting them.
Remember this.
And like you said last time you were on the show, you're still fighting for this country now.
The evil has come.
The night has fallen.
They are now among us.
They are now running everything.
Know that as they persecute you, their evil will now be exposed and it will save a lot of others.
Well, exactly, because my understanding is that they're not going to try to help me.
They lied to me from the get-go.
There is no justice.
The system is corrupt.
I know that the government cannot be trusted to really help somebody else, and what I need to do is go forward with this.
You know, I'm looking to do the rest of my life in jail for one mistake that I might have made in my life.
But you didn't make a mistake.
They interpreted, you know, they claim that you're not allowed to sell guns properly.
You can sell your own collection.
Well, if you're buying guns that are then part of your collection that you then resell, I mean, again, the gun laws are meant to persecute gun owners, not stop criminals.
Exactly, you know, and it's just a shame that, you know, I've placed my life on the line many, many times for my country.
I never thought that I would be fighting for my life now.
And, you know, I still go out and protest the war.
I still go out there and get involved with people for peace and justice.
Hey, briefly tell us how they tried to set you up and get you killed in your last DEA operation.
Well, it was a bus buy, as they say.
You know, I was buying heroin and cocaine on the bus buy, and I gave the bus signal and nobody would come.
I could see the agents sitting there, and the guys had guns with them, and they were gonna come, they were gonna, you know, kill me if I didn't show them the money.
And at the very, very last minute, the guys just got arrested, but they gave them ample time to try to hurt me, because I didn't have a weapon with me, and they did.
And that's how I knew that my career was over with the DEA, and that's why I left the DEA.
When I'm sick leave for six months before I left the DEA because of what they were trying to do to me.
And basically, I had threatened to call a press conference on the Iran-Contra investigation.
That's where I contacted Lawrence Walsh, the spousal prosecutor for Iran-Contra, to let him know what the government was involved in.
And those are the same files that George W. Bush sealed when he came into office.
And those are going to be the same files that I'm going to need
To defend myself in court.
You're a hero.
You're one of the main people cited.
I mean, if it didn't work for Oliver Nord, you know, why can't it work for me?
I mean, Oliver Nord cited national security and, of course, national security was not about to release those things.
And then he got exonerated, although he was a convicted felon.
But that's what he was able to get away with.
You only get national security for shipping drugs into school children.
For selling firearms to the American people, you get prison.
You know, that's one of the things I told the ATF agents.
I mean, what are you guys doing about all those M-16s that are being sold in the black market in Mexico that are a U.S.
military issue?
Bush wants to give $48 billion to Mexico now, up from just $2 billion a year, and that is to build up the drug cartels they want to wage war on the other cartels.
Briefly explain to people who Los Zetas works for and what's really going on.
Well, it's the government.
The military government that's run the cartels for several years now, and it's obvious that if you don't, they come in here into the borders of Texas and Mexico, the Mexican military,
And that they took over the streets, and they took over everything.
So there's no way, shape, or form that the cartels can fight the military.
So who ends up running the drugs is going to be the military.
Running the drugs, using the cartels as their gophers for it.
Now let's be clear though.
Our government, the U.S., is involved with Los Zetas.
Talk about that.
Yeah, well we trained the Zetas.
We trained the Kibiles.
I personally trained the Kibiles down in Latin America, in Guatemala, and all those death squads that we trained down there.
That's going to be my defense, you know.
I was part or instrumental in training this kind of people to come and do all kinds of shit, stuff to other governments, to those third world countries.
And now the crime has spilled over into the U.S.
Yeah, let's explain.
The quote drug war is going in and blowing up villages and having planes spray one group of coca plants but not the others owned by the group that's backed by the right-wing military.
Exactly, and that's how the paramilitaries get trained and that's why they're still around.
They have not been taken out because they're part of the system that works for the military.
As you see now today,
Mexico has finally admitted that they do have a paramilitary group going on in Mexico.
And let's be clear that right down in South Texas, don't say where is a liability, the CIA trains Los Santos right now.
And they train them to wage war against the few small rival drug gangs.
There is a drug war at the big scale
But it's only about who controls the main conduits.
Well, it's called the process of elimination, and that's basically what they have done with the cartels.
And they come over and they've taken over, and the military will continue to run strike operations.
And Bush's $46 billion for Mexico is to finally get a monopoly on the cocaine and heroin coming in.
Yeah, well that's why Blackwater will not lose their license.
Blackwater's on their way to Mexico right now to train the paramilitary groups in Mexico.
And part of it will probably be here in the U.S.
Yeah, it's all going to be just the drug dealers openly ruling everything, but then when your kid uses it, the very drug dealers will then take him to a private FEMA camp.
Thank you so much, Shelly Costello.
We'll stay in contact, and I'm going to have Trey call you right now and set you up for a day in studio next week, okay?
Okay, thank you, Alex, for having me.
Shelly, God bless you.
I think you're going to get a lot of support.
I know my listeners.
Thank you, sir.
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Order Endgame on DVD at PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or watch it online right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslaving.
You have been warned.
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I think so.
Everybody knows who brings the drugs in.
Everybody knows that the day's unloaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guy's lost.
Everybody knows the fight was fixed.
The poor stay poor The rich get rich That's how it goes Everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking.
Everybody knows the captain lied.
Everybody got this broken feeling.
Like their father or their dog just died.
Everybody talkin' to their pockets.
Everybody wants a box of chocolate in a non-stim room.
Everybody knows.
Everybody knows that you love me baby.
Everybody knows that you really do.
Everybody knows that you've been faithful.
Could I give or take a night or two?
Once a country goes corrupt, it's very hard to ever get it back.
The U.S.
now resembles a hyper-fascist third-world cesspit.
There's only a few vestiges of liberty left.
Everybody knows.
It's so sad.
We're going to take calls in the last 30 minutes of the show at 1-800-259-9231 on any of the issues I've raised.
30 minutes of the main show, but then we go into turbo overdrive.
Sudden death overtime in the fourth hour.
Now, I have my cable TV show I did last week.
This hasn't been seen yet.
It hasn't been posted for PrisonPlanet.tv members yet.
And it's only been seen by Austinites.
We're going to air about 30-40 minutes of that.
Then we got 20 minutes, never seen by anybody but me and the guys in this office, of some of the footage and clips and info that are going to be in the new JFK film I've been working on, on and off, for three years.
I'm now working on it intensely.
I'm getting a lot of other interviews and things, but this is some stuff you're definitely going to want to see.
Later in the, I may even do it tomorrow, if not next week, I'm going to play some of the never-before-seen by anybody, E. Howard Hunt video talking about running the operation on Kennedy.
So you're going to get a lot of exclusive stuff in this fourth hour.
So that is coming up today.
Huge news up on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's actually an Infowars.net story.
human rights official wants investigation into U.S.
government role in 9-11.
But just go to Prison Planet, you can link to it right at the main page.
John Bolton!
This is exactly why we voted against the new Human Rights Council.
To stop a 9-11 investigation.
So we're going to cover that after the break.
Before I end this segment, I just want to tell you
That if you don't have a PrisonPlanet.tv membership, you're out of your mind.
You get the fourth hour that some days we go for two, three hours.
You get the fourth hour of Overdrive and you get the video feed where we roll footage, video clips, document cam, two cameras on me.
We've got George Humphries coming in Monday.
He'll be with us in the first hour into the, I mean, in the third hour into the fourth Overdrive hour.
We've got other guests coming in.
They're going to be in studio for this hour.
And then the great part about it is, for PrisonPlanet.tv members, within two hours, usually quicker, but the computer compresses it all, uploads it, and then the link goes live, already posted for you.
So the second it goes live, you have it.
Because when we shoot the TV show in high def, or films in, you know, high def or whatever, we've got to compress it down.
It takes hours, sometimes days.
Got to edit it all, cut it together.
Not now, folks.
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It takes about a minute to sign up by PayPal or credit card.
And then you've got to make your own passcode and username.
You're on PrisonPlanet.tv and you'll be able to see the video coming up that we are going to, you know, the fourth hour of the TV show, really, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
If not, you go to the InfoWars internet streams.
You can listen free there to the audio.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Dad.
Let me get this straight.
Uncivil Liberties takes place in the future, right?
Like Star Wars?
Yeah, that's right.
Slightly in the future.
Wait a second.
I thought Star Wars took place a long, long time ago.
Alright, Einstein.
But it is kind of like Star Wars anyway.
Just like Star Wars, there's an evil empire and some people have started an armed rebellion to fight the evil empire.
Okay, so don't tell me, the government's the bad guys again?
Yep, that's right.
Oh, so your character's like Luke Skywalker?
Not exactly.
I know, you're Chewbacca!
Not really, but my character does help the rebellion to stop the government's evil tracking system, which is happening now in the real world, just like in Uncivil Liberties.
Wait a second, they can't track us, it's a free country!
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Mr. Steve Schenck with this fearless radio program is correct when he says the solution to our difficult times is to store food and get healthy.
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You'd be considered a little bit crazy, but there's no such thing as a little bit dead.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
I have to work with Darkseid, otherwise I'll spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
It's here.
The whole planet turned into a militarized slaughterhouse.
They plan to release bioweapons in the final phase to kill almost every one of us.
And for the few survivors, decades from now, if they launch the black ops and we're unable to stop them, you will cry and remember.
You will remember we warned you.
We tried to stop them as best we could, but you failed.
That is one possible future.
Or, we may be able to wrest control of the levers of the New World Order from these people and then break their system down.
But they say of the ring of power, anyone that clutches the controls instantly is seized by the diabolic wickedness
The New World Order is upon us, ladies and gentlemen.
Huge story up on InfoWars.net.
human rights official wants investigation into U.S.
government role in 9-11.
John Bolton, this is exactly why we voted against the new Human Rights Council.
An official in the newly formed UN Human Rights Council has called for fresh investigation into the events of 9-11 in order to examine the possible role that neoconservatives may have played in the attacks.
The New York Sun picked up the story today, explaining that Richard Falk, a professor of international law, who we're lining up, I should add, for the show Law Emeritus,
We're good.
I guess here on Genesis and spoke of how he is keen to see a fresh investigation to 9-11 in order to address inconsistencies in the official account of what happened.
Mr. Falk told Barrett, it is possibly true that especially the neoconservatives, though there was a situation in the country and it would be something were to happen, it would make the American people.
I kind of babbled through that.
Let me read it again.
I'm trying to hurry here.
Mr. Faulk told Barrett, it is possibly true that especially the neoconservatives thought that there was a situation in the country and in the world where something had to happen to wake up the American people.
Whether they are innocent about the condition and the contention that they made something happen or not, I don't think we can answer that definitively at this point.
All we can say is there is a lot of grounds for suspicion.
There should be an official investigation of the sort the 9-11 Commission did not engage in and the failure to do these things
Is cheating the American people, and in some sense the people of the world, of a greater confidence in what really happened than they presently possess.
Now some people say, oh forget a new investigation, it'll be a whiteout.
A total whitewash.
Well, if you... and that's what the big comedian... Oh, what's his name?
He's in the new film we're putting out.
I love him.
I don't care what he says.
He's funny.
I have this thing on air, I get nervous, kind of subconsciously, and then I can't remember names.
As soon as I'm off air, I'll kick myself and be able to remember them all.
It'll pop my head in a second.
And, you know, he was saying, we don't need a new investigation because the same people will run it and it'll be a fraud.
You know, that always happens with Kennedy and with this and with that.
But yeah, James Carlin, that's it.
George Carlin.
Oh man, my mind is just something else today.
I got so much going on in it.
Yeah, George Carlin.
Well, look at the 79th Congressional Committee.
They spent millions and studied it and said, yeah, multiple people shot him.
The acoustics picked it up.
They had experts in.
They said it was a conspiracy.
There was more than one shooter.
We don't know who killed him.
It was probably elements of the government.
That got no attention.
Just like the coroner and everybody else in L.A.
said, yeah, they shot Bobby Kennedy three times in the back and once in the back of the head.
Sir Hans Arm was pinned down.
He couldn't even have gotten one shot into Bobby.
But back then, we didn't have the internet to get this information out.
So, if there is a sub-body of the UN, because the thing at the Security Council level is totally controlled on military decisions and things like that, and it's controlled, you know, through the higher-level boards and the Secretary General and the committees, but at the mid-levels, and at its different spokes, you can use it as a venue
Via anti-Americanism to bring it out, and then have the investigation widen to where you find out it's globalist involved.
And I said when the attacks happened, I said, they're going to let this come out.
This is so bold.
But they're going to claim a right-wing faction did it, but never prosecute anybody.
They'll just let it be publicly known and blame it on America.
It's key we bring it out and show it's international in scale.
With England involved, with Israel involved, with the Germans involved.
I mean, these intelligence agencies all interlock together.
It's not one group.
It's not just the U.S.
It's not just private corporations.
It's not just the defense contractors that really are the military, and then just basically write the maps of how the Pentagon fits together.
It's really secondary now.
It's not just the British.
It's not just the CIA.
It's not just Defense Intelligence.
It's not just Mossad.
It's all one creature.
You can't even differentiate.
They're all guilty.
That doesn't abscond any of them from the guilt.
It brings them all together and gives you the view of how the crime syndicate operates.
People say, oh they couldn't get together, they couldn't make it work.
How did the Italian Mafia have about 16 different branches when they finally got exposed?
You know, they had J. Edgar Hoover blackmailed where he'd get up and say in the 50s there's no such thing as the Cosa Nostra and it turned out he was vacationing with them and going to the tracks with them and
You know, the racetrack, the horse track.
Well, that's just the Italians.
And they had these big arms and big systems working together, and they'd have occasional wars on average about every 10 years.
But then they would still have commission meetings and fix it and smooth it over.
The agenda, they would fight with each other, but the agenda of keeping the slaves in the dark,
Selling the heroin, selling the cocaine, corrupting the police, running the whorehouses, buying the congressmen.
That all continued.
That's all it is.
You have now each country consolidated under a few kingpins, and then they meet in yearly commission meetings.
In fact, all they do is go to meetings, and they have different meetings over the environment, meetings over infrastructure, and meetings over energy, and meetings over military.
And they just fly around going to these commission meetings.
And they whack each other and kill each other.
You're always reading about Rothschilds being found tortured, dead, or hung, or British royalty being killed, or... I mean, that's always going on, too.
They still kill each other, but... It's whoever controls the levers.
They're always wanting the newest mind control, the newest brainwashing, the newest propaganda.
That's all on autopilot by the big...
Big infrastructures that they've built that now are just self-maintaining, self-functioning autopilots.
And then they just do slight corrections at the cockpit, you understand?
And then the bureaucracies they've built just rage forward, gobbling and growing and... Oh, it's incredible how these... That's how institutions operate.
You know, it's impossible for the government to carry out 9-11.
They're too inept.
But guys in a cave did it on dialysis with a laptop.
Think about the idiocy they sell you.
The government has designed bureaucracy to bog you down.
There's not bureaucracy at the top.
It's command and control.
It was laid out decades before you see something happen.
The infrastructure was built.
The new phasing was done.
Just like computers and technology is phased in.
They phase in from the VHS to the DVD.
They phase in from this processor to that processor.
It's all broad and they'll even let two or three different systems compete to see which is most successful or they'll merge them.
They have competition amongst themselves.
I said I'd take calls and I'm not taking calls.
Uh, who's up first here?
Thomas in Kansas, you're on the air, thank you for holding.
Hey Alex, what's going on, man?
Worldwide transmission against tyranny.
Yeah, I just got my Prison Planet TV dot membership, so I'm pretty stoked about that, but I kind of wanted to talk about the opium over in Afghanistan.
And basically, they're saying now that the opium is going to support, supply morphine and all these other excuses, or how does that work exactly?
There's really no excuses.
The troops openly guard the poppy fields, that's come out in the news, and then it's loaded up on truck and put on plane and publicly flown directly into Kosovo, which is controlled by the United Nations, and then it is sold in bulk to the mass distributors, and the money is directly put into European and U.S.
So the DEA, do they work
They work nationally or do they work internationally with any other group?
So this is interesting because the Napa Superhighway that they're building, or they're going to build, you know, they're talking about doing more business with Columbia.
Here, let me break it down.
I've talked to people in the Army, in the Navy, they'll be there in the Gulf of Mexico, the Coast Guard, they'll be there at bases, they've got these big blimps tethered over the border, and they'll have a guy standing over their shoulder who's an intelligence, and they'll say, okay, we've been tracking this shipment, here comes this plane right now, and he'll say, leave that, and then there'll be another one, he'll go get that one, and
Occasionally when they do bust an 18-wheeler with three tons of pure cocaine, showing it's coming directly from the, you know, from the grower, from the original maker, it was in the AP.
It just said state police busted it with a border patrol and the DEA showed up and the FBI showed up with the CIA and just said we're taking it and nothing was ever said again.
Because that was an important Mexican politician shipment and those officers, a lot of them are getting personal cuts out of it.
It's interesting because I'm noticing a pattern with like wars and like drugs.
You know, you have the Vietnam War, you know.
Tons of heroin coming in, drugs coming in through, you know, caskets, and, you know, and then we have Iraq War, and then Afghanistan, it's just, it's all very interesting.
Well let me stop you, you see, and people always debate, is it about oil, weapons sales, is it for Israel, is it about having a base to attack other countries to be in Iraq?
It's always about all of that.
They don't do something unless it lines up for all their interests, their business interests, okay?
And when you see all those interests agreeing in the crime syndicate, it's gonna happen.
They print the money, they issue the money.
Well then why do they care so much about the 500 billion, conservatively, in narcotic sales a year in the U.S.?
That's just the U.S.
It's, you know, 500 billion in Europe.
It's tens of billions in China, in Japan, in England, tens of billions in Canada.
It's about what banks
Get that money to then loan ten times that out in fractional reserve banking.
But more importantly, you see, it's black money.
It's black world money.
It's ghost money.
It's perfect to corrupt the military.
It's perfect to corrupt the cops.
And then that corrupting process, you can now bring them into underworld black ops with the mercenary forces or with secret forces.
And you can now deploy them domestically.
And so it's about building crime cadres.
They're basically like KVR and Blackwater.
All these other groups are getting a cut, basically.
Well, let me just leave names out of it, but, uh... No, no, uh, the... Mr. Prince is a Christian of the Lord.
And you heard on the news, he's of the Lord.
But, but... Of the Lord.
But let's go back, and, and, you know, the Prince is a Lord.
And explain how this works.
This is admitted in Vietnam.
This is admitted in Afghanistan.
You see, there were two Talibans.
There was the original Wahhabi Taliban brought in by the CIA in the six months, you know, deployed two years before to attack the Soviets, get them to attack.
And that was because the Soviets were controlling a lot of the opium coming out of that region.
The globalists couldn't put up with that.
So they moved in.
But it's never over that one issue, it's about leveraging it time and time again.
I mean, I told people day one, and by the way, Rumsfeld even admitted this, he gave a press conference two weeks before the attack, I'll never forget it, on Fox News, and he said,
We've already paid off most of Saddam's generals.
We've already paid them tens of millions apiece.
Three of his army groups are going to stand down.
Two of the four Republican Guard are going to stand down.
And some said, oh, it's a psy-op to make him not trust his military.
No, he was being... And then, right after the war, he said, I never... After the takeover, I never said that, but that's video.
He said that, and it was true.
Because they'd already trained those guys in the 60s and 70s and 80s here in the U.S.
like Saddam was trained.
And so it was the perfect place to really have a staged war.
You understand?
Because it was fully owned.
So basically the DEA just stays in business because they're getting trickle-down money.
The DEA only goes after cowboys, and they're compartmentalized.
They only go after small operators.
I see.
Or, you know, let's say some guy gets a deal... See, the FARC were producing a lot of the cocaine, about 30%.
So they sent Richard Grasso in Reuters, photo, hugging the head of the Commie Gorillas, and he publicly said, and it's... U.S.
law says drug money can be invested internationally in the stock market.
See, it's all public.
It's not even debatable.
And then the FARC refused, so they finally killed him a few months ago.
It took them eight years, but they finally got him.
And they have the GPS on the planes that taxpayers pay for.
24 hours a day, they shoot down anybody trying to fly in.
They shoot down the missionaries flying in.
And they, with GPS, they'll spray one field right next to the other field they own and run.
So it's all a business.
Okay, and so the DEA is compartmentalized.
Most of them don't even know they're only sicked on the smaller operators that are driving down the price which the banks don't like.
We'll be right back.
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Man thinks, cause he rules the earth.
He can do with it as he please.
Yeah, do you think they hide 500 billion dollars in the U.S.
alone under a turnip patch under a toadstool?
It's the banks, folks.
And these greedy bastards, it's not enough to sell you the drugs, they gotta put you in prison for it.
Hey, listen, criminals, we know what you are, we know who you are, and they know we've woken up to their drug war, so they built a terror war.
So they can arrest anybody they want, even if you don't use their filth.
I know we got Joe, Steve, Greg, John, many others.
And the show's not over.
What I'm going to do is give them the number.
I'm going to be able to talk to Joe, but Steve, Greg, and John, I'll just come to you when we start the show.
And then I'll play the
45 minutes or so of the TV show.
We'll just go over and then coming up in the next hour, at the end of the next hour, we'll play 20 minutes sneak peek from the new JFK film.
This thing won't be out for six months.
You don't even know the name yet.
This is just some clips for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
You'll be able to see the video streaming to you live.
Go sign up right now.
You'll be able to see it, folks.
I mean, this is streaming live to you, and you'll be able to hear the audio, everybody, for free when the show ends.
The official show ends in a couple minutes.
Infowars.com, go there to the audio streams.
People keep emailing me, where are the streams?
Go to Infowars, click where it says Mainstream, and that's it!
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But, you know, it's not even fair to Joe.
Joe, you'll go to the head, Steve, Greg, John.
Please, folks, when we give the number out, like hundreds call now.
We might get hit by a hundred calls at a time.
The computer shows it.
We only have one person answering it, so just everybody let Joe, Steve, Greg, and John call in right now at 512-646-5400.
And I just love the radio show so much I can't even help myself, so we'll just take calls, give you the floor for maybe 10-15 minutes, then I don't know if I'm going to air the JFK first or I might air the TV show from last week first part of it.
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You hear Bush Senior.
New World Order doesn't exist!
They even have psychological designations now.
Mental illness, if you talk about it.
Need to be arrested if you say he ever talked about it.
We're playing this imaginary clip right now.
I've got Reuters admitting the Trans-Texas Corridor is real, but CNN says it doesn't exist!
Transmission starts in 70 seconds!
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