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Filename: 20070107_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 7, 2007
1311 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various issues such as the Israel government allegedly planning to attack Iran with nuclear weapons, the U.S. government's power to open and read mail without warrants, and a Dallas-based food chain that accepts Mexican pesos in Austin. He expresses his frustration and concern over these topics and emphasizes on the need for people to stay informed and aware of what is happening around them. Alex Jones also talks about the current state of affairs in America, mentioning borders, dollar, education system, and how it is being imploded.

News on the hour.
On the half hour.
When it breaks.
When it breaks.
He stands for truth.
He stands for justice.
He stands for what's right.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Call Alex now, toll free at 877-590-5525.
Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
It is the first live broadcast for myself on the new weekend show I'm doing.
Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
Syndicated out of the studios of NewsRadio 590 KLBJ.
Here deep in the heart of Texas.
Welcome to everyone.
I'm going to take a lot of your phone calls today, this afternoon, this evening.
Locally in Central Texas.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
Well, Israel, the Times of London is reporting today, plans to attack Iran's sites with nuclear weapons.
I'm sure that will please a lot of people who can just simply repeat glass parking lot over and over again as their Vedic chant.
Of course, they can't find Iran on a map.
They wouldn't like to be nuked, but it's like the Nazis.
They wanted to kill people too, and they loved their government, and they worshipped, they thought it was manly to kill people in masses, and so you'll probably get what you want.
You'll probably get your nuking of Iran.
We'll be going over that.
Also, Bush, government can open your mail here in the U.S.
without warrants.
I totally agree.
It's great that in third world countries they always read your mail.
Just a few months ago, they were swearing they weren't spying on citizens.
And then, of course, okay, we're spying on you, but only when you're talking to Al-Qaeda.
And then, okay, we're spying on everything, including every purchase you make, and when you go and you get a prescription, it's instantly uploaded.
Oh, and by the way, Google microphones and cameras on your computer are watching everything you do and logging it all.
I get real cynical.
I'm sorry.
I'm really upset, actually.
Dallas-based food chain to accept Mexican pesos right here in Austin.
That's good!
Let's just admit the end of the country publicly.
CFR member, recruit foreigners to the military.
Already been going on for six years.
Another big national news story about how the majority of our ground forces within just three years will be foreigners.
That's right.
Of course, I'm sure.
I'll have to hail all the foreign illegal aliens made legal, or I won't be a good patriot.
You see, that's how the sickness works.
Alright, I'm going to try not to have a meltdown here earlier in the broadcast today.
Also, I thought I'd go over some world almanac numbers for you.
Lightning strikes and grounding are many times more dangerous than terrorism, but the government doesn't care.
They want to hype that up until we're all looking under our tables and beds at night and begging the government to take all of our freedoms while leaving the borders wide open.
Of course, we conveniently ignore that.
Anything to destroy the country, good neocons do.
It's all part of the delusional talk radio world.
And also, terror is trivial when it's not Muslims.
Giant terror attack last weekend, and I didn't even learn of it until Wednesday of last week.
I bet you didn't hear about the big bombing attack at the Madrid airport.
But because, admittedly, Muslims couldn't even be framed in connection with it, you're not going to be hearing about it except here during this transmission.
But let's get serious here.
I listened to the fake conservatives there to neutralize conservatives.
Their number one job is to keep you in the dark just long enough to have blanket amnesty, to bring in the North American Union, to sack the dollar.
And it looks like they're coming in for the big win.
Okay, and then after that happens, it won't matter if you wake up as thumb-sucking conservatives out there, that you really weren't conservatives, that you were totally scammed.
It won't matter then.
They've almost got you.
There's still a chance to save the country, but darn it, you're going to make sure that doesn't happen, I'm sure, many of you out there.
And let's just take one area we've been lied to in.
I mean, we know, at least if you've got any education or if you're informed, that private global corporations are now 46 of the 100 biggest economies, and they've combined forces together.
They're not for free market, they're monopoly men, to come in and buy up our government and other governments, and then seize control of our governments, and use them as engines of global domination for those corporations, not for the American people.
I mean, it'd be one thing if we really had a government that was giving us some of the spoils of going in and sacking Iraq, or giving us some of the spoils of all this.
But the very people doing all of this are the ones dismantling the country itself, as fast as they can.
They are the ones destroying the sovereignty, killing the Bill of Rights that is the heart and soul of the nation.
Regardless, I want the people out there who are for the Iraq War, because from a young age they were brought up that war is manly and war is tough.
And it's patriotic to be for a war, any war, even if you can't find the country you're attacking, on a map.
And they're wedded to it.
I want them to know that it doesn't matter if you're for the war.
You see, they think they're making Americans go to war.
This is the average good old boy out there, and that they're all part of the power system, and they've got all this personal power, and it's George Bush and them together, you know, making the American people do this because they know best.
You don't run anything.
George Bush doesn't run anything.
They're total puppets.
Okay, because if you say this is a free society, which it isn't in many respects, if 78% of Americans in major scientific polls, that number has come up several times, but high 70s, won us out, and 70% of the troops in Gallup polls won out, why hasn't it happened if the people's will is what happens in this country?
Okay, and it isn't just that they lied about WMDs, like, oh, they thought they were there.
We have the White House memo, published public, from six months before the war, with Tony Blair and Bush, where they're saying we can stage WMD fines.
That's a big crime, staging weapons.
Oh, it's there, the exact minutes of it.
And they say that we can sell the public with fake defectors, we can fly U.S.
planes, paint it up like the UNLO, try to get Saddam to shoot them down, like we did with Tonkin and everything else.
Or they go further and talk about how they're going to claim that they know he has WMDs even though they don't.
You see, they premeditatedly, knowingly lied to us.
And then they'll try to say, well, the Democrat evil commies, they're not for the war!
Hillary wants to attack Iran.
Chuckie Schumer wants to attack Iran.
Lieberman wants to attack Iran.
Democrats, in some cases, are outvoting Republicans with Bush to push the whole police state.
They're voting for the Patriot Act.
They're voting for open borders.
They're voting for assault weapons ban.
Everything Bush wants.
And, you know, it's phony conservatives out there listening.
You saying Bush is pro-Second Amendment doesn't make it so.
You lying to yourself and saying he didn't lobby and didn't push the assault weapons ban didn't make it so.
You know, he did push for that.
You see?
And so you need to understand that you need to get off your little power trip, because I know that's what it's all about when you swagger and stumble around with plastic desecrated American flags made by Chinese slaves, all over your car, and your cult members, your Kool-Aid drinkers.
I want you to understand, okay, that 78% of the American people don't want the war.
The generals don't want the war.
Every statistician has said that it is a disaster.
But because defense contractors are making a hundred plus billion dollars a year, it's going to go on and on and on and on.
So don't worry, your junior's got a chance to tromp off and breathe some depleted uranium and be given some experimental shots and get shot up so you can feel like you're a man and your son's a man and you can feel like you're a bunch of tough heroes.
While the borders are wide open, the country's totally imploding, the dollar's imploding, and then now companies all over the U.S.
are going to start trading in pesos and we'll be using pesos.
And they're going to make Texas school children speak in Spanish in one of their primary courses.
Okay, so I just want you to understand that 97% of Texans don't want toll roads on existing roads.
They're going to do it anyways.
And I want you to know that 90% of Americans want the borders shut and controlled.
It isn't going to happen.
And I want you to know 78% don't want this war.
It's going to keep happening.
And I want you to know that 97% of Americans don't want a national ID card, but they put it in as the state ID standardized.
It's happening.
Okay, so just get off your power trip that it's you and the fake conservatives winning, because you know best, and we've got to fight them over there instead of over here, and you're running something, and you're part of the system, because you drive a big truck, and you know how to stick your belly out like it's a weapon at people.
I want you to know you don't run anything!
I want you to know you're a slave, just like I am.
And then maybe you can start getting your little brain cells rubbed together and figure out if you really want to defend this country, you better find out you've been scammed and conned!
But a lot of you don't want to admit that.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com's website.
We'll be right back!
You know what I'm really mad about?
What's got me the most angry?
Is that I didn't think fake conservative talk radio to get any more traitorous or disgusting.
And lose, of course, most of our audience.
As many of the national hosts are doing right now.
They're plunging us.
Websites like PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com are rising.
Just like the fake liberal sites are all imploding.
You know, that's the good news.
The elite's getting what they wanted.
Their world government
But in the process they're waking a lot of people up.
The establishment isn't fooling everybody anymore.
They're fooling less and less people every single day.
And I listen to national talk show hosts, and I also read what they write and the things they say and do.
Take Michael Medved.
He's attacked me and said I should be arrested on air for the things I say.
And Newt Gingrich is out giving speeches now saying we should have banned the First Amendment and arrest people that criticize the government.
I mean, I've got transcripts of it, I've played audio of it.
Oh yeah, land of the free, home of the brave!
Let's just ban free speech, you know, because they can't beat us!
We're going to beat them!
And please try to ban it!
Please arrest me!
Do whatever you're going to do to me!
Just make me a big fat martyr!
Because all I care about is this country and my family that lives in it.
I'm actually red, white, and blue.
I actually bleed red, white, and blue, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why I'm so mad I could just grind my teeth off in absolute anger right now.
I've been able to get through to a lot of people, but not everybody.
And I mean, I've been on national talk shows, like Lars Larson.
Lars was sitting there admitting there was a North American Union, but saying I was a liberal because I was against it.
I mean, pretty soon it'll be, you're a liberal if you're for the Second Amendment.
There's nothing to do with it.
It's just labels.
They just throw around.
That's all they do!
And Michael Bedman, I have the transcript of what he said about Aaron Russo, who I was interviewing yesterday down in Houston.
He's down there getting some medical treatments.
Aaron Russo, famous Hollywood producer.
Made a film about the fact that the private Federal Reserve runs our country.
And Medved saying he's a traitor and needs to be arrested.
Because he made a film saying the IRS is a scam.
I mean, Ronald Reagan said that.
They had a congressional commission that said that.
And even if it wasn't true, Aaron Russo's got a right to say it.
I mean, what's all this arrest talk?
That's going on.
And then he went on to attack, Medved went on to attack Jerome Corsi.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is as Republican and right-wing as you can get.
I mean, he's the guy saying, nuke the Middle East.
I don't agree with him on that, but I agree with him on a bunch of other stuff.
I interview him all the time.
You hear him all over national shows and all over CNN and Fox.
Jerome Corsi went and got all the official documents of the North American Union.
Stuff we already had, but he got attention.
And he writes for Human Events and World Net Daily.
And Medved's doing the same thing, saying he's a traitor, he's a liar.
Medved gives no facts.
So, so, so, this is what I'm saying.
I'm not going to mention all the names.
You know who we're talking about.
There is no CFR, there is no world government, there is no North American Union.
It doesn't exist.
And if you say it does, you're a traitor.
You're a terrorist.
I mean, this is bizarre.
This is bizarre.
But no wonder they're now losing their audiences.
You can go look at the trends.
In just the last year, of course they're losing their audiences.
You can't fool... You know, the average person out there listening to conservative talk radio is not that stupid.
And they're not buying into it anymore.
And the fraud has been exposed.
Just to have them denying that they signed the North American Union almost a year and a half ago, that we're in the North American Union, that they're merging the agencies.
The Army Times is reporting that.
And then they come out and say, well, 20% of our ground forces are now foreigners.
We're going to have them be as many as half in a new expansion by late 2010, so four years from now.
I mean, this is admitted!
You can't make up this type of Twilight Zone stuff.
We post it on the websites.
All we do is go collect and collate, mainly mainstream news, where it's admitted, but we take all the stuff that's in the back of the paper, the stuff that's really important, and we ignore Jay-Z, and we ignore Paris Hilton not wearing underpants, and we ignore the things that don't matter, and we take all the stuff that does.
Like, oh, here's the AP saying they quadrupled the level of mercury in the vaccines.
We already knew that, but here's AP saying it.
Why are they telling you they took it out?
Oh, by the way, here they are admitting it causes autism.
We're just mainstream people that don't buy the propaganda anymore and who are mad about it.
I mean, I'm so mad about this, I can barely do this radio show today.
I was driving up here in my car, not thinking about quitting, but just so disgusted.
I have so much evidence.
So many facts!
Maybe I should just start taking one lie per show and then just slicing through it, dissecting it into thousands of little pieces for you.
Because I know, for everything I say, you've been preconditioned with a comeback that's based on disinfo.
I mean, it's just the psychological warfare the American people have been under.
Back 12 years ago, I talked about the North American Union and how it was coming.
The people said it didn't exist, it was totally delusional.
Now the North American Union is here, we're in it!
The country is being dismantled, the dollar is being dismantled, companies are starting to trade in pesos on the streets of Texas, in businesses, and our military is going to be mainly foreigner.
And now the neocons are on talk radio saying, okay, well it exists, but it's good.
After all these years denying it, now it's good, but what we need to say, you know, open borders, total blanket amnesty is good, guest worker program is good, that's conservative, and then it's bad
To have First Amendment.
It's bad to not want to have your mail read without warrants.
It's bad to not want to be tracked and traced.
I mean, it's just, we're in a lot of trouble, folks.
I mean, look at the stories I've got here in front of me today.
This is the Associated Press, also of ABC News here.
Two different articles.
Government can open your mail, President Bush said, and the government can read American's mail without a judge's warrant.
In a signing statement attached to a postal reform bill, critics say he's wrong.
Because they've been reading our mail without warrants, U.S.
citizens internally.
I'm talking about mail going out of the country, or mail coming in.
And then when they got caught doing it, now remember, this is the same guy who's a total puppet.
Let's be clear, he runs nothing, Hillary runs nothing.
That's why I don't care if it's Pelosi or Hillary or any of these people.
It does not matter.
Frankly, Democrats might be better in office because Republicans on the grassroots will wake up to the fact that they're evil and then maybe we can get something done here.
I mean, when you put a Republican in, it's like some kind of sleeping gas and everybody goes to sleep for four or eight years and wakes up and the country's gone because a Republican wouldn't hurt us!
Some big government Democrats!
Big government!
Government grows more when Republicans are in!
Go look at the graphs!
Getting your freedom isn't going to be simple sound bites.
It isn't going to be just simple liberal conservative terminology and then you just go over the next hill and go to sleep forever.
It's going to take you getting informed, getting involved, and learning what's happening in the world.
But look at this.
Dallas-based food chain, they're right here in Austin, to accept Mexican pesos.
Starting Monday, patrons of the Dallas-based pizza patron chain, which caterers heavy to Latinos, will be able to purchase American pizzas for Mexican pesos.
Our troops are going to be firing, our currency's firing, our currency's imploding, our sovereignty is disappearing.
We'll come back and take calls.
I've got so much news.
You got a much better chance of being struck by lightning than killed by terrorists.
Why don't they have a show on 24 where he fights lightning bolts?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The odds of a child becoming a professional athlete are 1 in 16,000.
But did you know the odds of a child being diagnosed with autism are 1 in 166?
To learn the signs of autism, go to AutismSpeaks.org.
Brought to you by Autism Speaks and the Ad Council.
Rush Limbaugh.
New rules.
Make firms track emails and instant messages.
As you're composing your emails and your chats, you're going back and forth with friends, even if it has nothing to do with business, just make sure that you never write anything that you wouldn't want read back to you while you sit on the stand in court in front of a jury.
This is unbelievable.
Rush is live weekdays from 11 to 2 on News Radio 590.
The Mack Drives Radio Show.
Tonight, 9 to midnight.
On News Radio 590 KLBJ.
Raging for the truth.
Exposing corruption.
Dismantling a false left-right paradigm.
He's Alex Jones.
Alright, Jeffrey, Scott, Rudy, and many others that are patiently holding.
We're going to be going to your calls here in just a few minutes.
The toll free number is 877-590-5525 all over the country, or 836-0590 here locally.
Here in Texas, if you're listening to the mothership, 590 AM.
Here, Kelby J. Alright, just finishing up with the whole war thing.
If this is a free country, if the people make the rules, if the people make the decisions, if what we want is what is carried out, and you've got 78%
Don't believe me!
Don't learn how you're getting scammed.
Don't learn how you're getting lied to.
Don't learn how so much in this world is a fraud.
Don't check into Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports.
Don't type C-A-F-R into Google, because you'll be at the state of Texas website, state of Kentucky website, state of California, the cities, the tens of thousands of school districts and water districts.
And you'll learn they've got a double set of books.
And you'll learn the government has plenty of money.
And you'll find out how you've been scammed.
And you'll find out the master plan to bankrupt the government and then have foreign corporations come in and buy up everything and become the government.
Oh, no, no, no.
Then you might have to do something like save your bank account and save your future.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Just don't listen to me.
Diamonds are really precious.
Okay, and the Iraq War is really good.
And amnesty isn't.
I'm excuse me.
Sorry, Freudian slip there.
The guest worker program is not an amnesty program.
And Bush wasn't for the assault weapons ban.
And they're not recruiting foreigners for our military.
Everything's fine.
There, there.
That makes it a lot easier.
I mean, I hear these people, the same old story.
George Bush appointed the Iraq Study Group.
The Iraq Study Group is run by all the big oil company executives, and they call it an independent group.
They come out and recommend more troops.
And then Bush comes out and criticizes them, and the left jumps on being fooled by that little scam, and goes, oh my gosh, we're for the Iraq Study Group, and then a bunch of the public gets fooled with that Smoke and Mirrors Dog and Pony Show.
I mean, did you even hear what I just said?
Go read the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group.
You see, Bush appoints them, then he acts like he doesn't like them, when the recommendations actually escalate to war.
Man, that is slick.
But see, I mean, we're a publicist who kind of halfway listens, or kind of just looks at the headlines.
Hell, the average American who just reads a few headlines and then struts around the office acting like there's some elite news junkie info warrior.
Folks, you know what it's like when you really read legislation all day?
I spent four hours today researching for this show, and by the time I get here I've got so much information I can't even give it to you.
So, fine.
Everything's wonderful.
The world government's wonderful.
And I'm bad, and I agree with Laura Ingraham and Michael Medved and Sean Hannity and all of them.
I should be arrested, and Jerome Corsi's evil too.
You know, he gets official government documents.
On the Security and Prosperity Partnership with the North American Union, where they say we're a North American Union.
He's wrong.
That's not patriotic.
Trying to save America is wrong.
And Bush's plan legalizes every illegal for six years and lets them bring in unlimited skilled and unskilled workers?
That's not amnesty.
I mean, by every definition it is, but I've been wrong.
All along I've been wrong.
Okay, fine, I'll drink the Kool-Aid.
Okay, it's not an amnesty.
Everything's okay!
I'm for the war!
Kill all of them!
Just bomb the Middle East with nukes!
Just parking lot!
I think I'm going to get on the team.
In fact, I'm going to take calls today.
And I'm just now a member of the New World Order.
I'm now a member of the team here.
And I'm going to go ahead and go to calls.
I'm going to go ahead and talk to Jeffrey.
In Gainesville, Florida, probably some traitor who's anti-government because he doesn't want them reading his mail for his safety.
He doesn't want them using the microphone on his computer to listen to everything he does.
Openly announced.
And he doesn't like giving his kids mercury to brain damage them.
The government knows best.
And he's just, he's probably some type of evil traitor.
So we're going to go ahead and talk to this evil traitor right now.
You need to be in a FEMA camp, boy.
Go ahead, Jeffrey from Gainesville, Florida.
You're on the air.
I'm a first-time caller.
Hi, Alex.
You're probably an Al-Qaeda member, you traitor.
Right, Alex.
You for the war, boy?
I'm a prisonplan.tv member.
I've been listening to you about... Total terrorism.
I used to be a Democrat.
Now I consider myself more of a constitutionalist.
If anyone out there is really still doubting reality, 9-11 was an inside job.
You need to be arrested.
I talked to my brother.
He's a staff sergeant in the Army.
He came down to visit me over Christmas and we were discussing... The EU's good for the troops.
Believe the government.
Experimental vaccines are good for them.
Don't research it.
You talked to him.
You talked to this great, incredible hero.
What did he say?
He said that he was basically taking out the garbage in one of these staff meetings and he overheard all these high-ranking colonels
This is about six months before the invasion of Iraq, discussing how they were going, where they were going to attack from, how they were going to occupy it.
And this was during the time when the President was talking about, oh, you know, diplomacy, and I'm the one who makes the decisions.
That's why the White House memo is so important.
It's six-plus months before, and they're talking about staging WMD fines.
They're talking about frame-ups and saying he doesn't have them.
Of course, of course they were lying.
Of course they were planning to attack the whole time.
Right, right.
I think for me though, that was really the nail in the coffin.
Stay tuned for the Weekend Edition with Kenny Ramire, tonight at 8 on KLBJ.
Corruption never had a worse enemy.
You're locked in to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, my friends.
Blasting out coast-to-coast, border-to-border from right here in Austin, Texas.
We'll be going to your calls here in just a minute or two.
The toll-free number is 877-590-5525.
That's 877-590-5525 or locally at 836-0590.
I remember two years ago, Cy Hirsch at the New Yorker Magazine reported that they were going to deliver bunker-busting nuclear weapons.
To the Israelis to use them against the Iranians.
And Jane's Weapons Quarterly, as far as I'm concerned, is the last word on such things, said those were delivered and are ready.
Plus, Israel has between 400 and 600 of their own nukes, which they don't like to admit to, but that's also in Jane's Weapons Quarterly.
A few weeks ago, Olmert, their Prime Minister, finally did have to admit, ahead of their Knesset, that they do indeed have that.
But then it came out in the Times of London today, the Sunday Times of London, that Israel plans to attack Iran nuke site.
With nuclear weapons, and of course, people who are impotent and weak, and who drive around with lariats in the back of their trucks who don't really rope cows, you know the type you see out there.
They like hearing about nuking people.
I've been around them, heard them on talk radio.
Again, they can't find out right on a map, but they get very, very excited about the use of nuclear weapons.
And so do the globalists!
They've used the equivalent of 4,000 Hiroshima and Nagasaki
A-bombs of DU around the world and it's really killing our troops.
They like that part too.
Did they like anything?
I mean, I'm serious.
These are scum, ladies and gentlemen.
These are absolute scum.
And the fact that Israel and the US would nuke Iran is completely insane.
I mean, even if you want them to illegitimately attack Iran,
They could certainly disrupt any of these peaceful atomic programs with a heavy saturation of conventional bunker busters.
But no, they want to set the precedent to use nuclear weapons.
And of course, the last time it was used was back in 1945 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Just absolutely amazing that this type of thing is going on.
And for those that tuned in, earlier I was joking around saying it's a wonderful thing to have the government read your mail.
First the government denied it.
Now they've been caught doing it domestically, internally, reading your mail.
I remember having family that lived in Guatemala during the 80s.
We'd get mail from them, it was always open.
My family said, that's how it is in the Soviet Union and Third World.
Banana Republics, they read their mail.
And that's how it is here in the U.S.
And a signing statement!
He claims he's above the law, that they passed a law saying he can't do this.
And so he says a signing statement saying, oh yes I can.
And of course the Democrats are all for this.
They love the power they're getting.
Nancy Pelosi now is for, of course, open borders.
That'll be the first thing on the agenda is the blanket amnesty that they call a guest worker program.
After that they have a new hate crimes legislation that will restrict free speech in this country.
And just right down the line, she's got new gainers agreeing with her, he's out stumping saying ban the First Amendment, arrest people for their speech, shut down websites, not land of the free, home of the brave, land of the slaves, home of the surveilled.
And I don't like that, I want to turn it around.
Let's go ahead and go to some phone calls.
Let's talk to Scott in New York.
Thank you for holding Scott, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, I wish you a blessed New Year, you and your whole family.
You too my friend, what's on your mind?
Thank you.
You know, Collegist, I want to make a couple quick comments.
Firstly, back in 88, I first want to say that I was an elected Republican official in upstate New York at the county level.
I was elected four terms.
I'm a conservative.
I'm a Republican.
So this is coming straight from a person who's a Republican.
In 1988, when Rush Limbaugh came on the air, I was so excited that I went to the mayor of my town, who owned a radio station, and asked to put him on.
He did get Rush Limbaugh on, and Rush came on about 1990 on the television for the first time, and they really attacked him, and I was almost in tears watching this guy being attacked.
Little did I know what an infiltrator Rush would have been, and how he's gone along with all the
Anti-conservative, anti-true Republican sentiment.
So for the Republicans listening out there, Rush Limbaugh has been an infiltrator and really has hurt our Republican conservative movement for the past 18 years that he's been on air.
Well, I'm on a few stations that Rush is on, but he's attacked me and so has Bort, so, you know, turnabout is fair play.
But I'll just say this.
I've heard him say the CFR didn't exist 10 years ago, and I cut my teeth listening to this guy.
One of the reasons I'm in talk radio is because I was a fan.
And yeah, real conservatives have come to the point where we're not putting up with crap anymore.
We want our country back, and we're not going to buy it.
And they get on air, and they say, first, the North American Union doesn't exist.
Now we're in it!
And they say it's a good thing.
And I haven't heard Limbaugh say that, but I've heard a bunch of other national hosts say that.
And I mean, I've been on with them when they're saying, you're just a liberal!
You're just against, you know, you're against a trade deal!
It is not a trade deal!
Okay, it's the end of our country, we're in it right now, and look what it's done to our nation!
Look, Alex, Rush Limbaugh got on, he said all the right things, all the things that a conservative Republican would want to hear.
He did a wonderful job of putting us all to sleep, and now we've lost our country.
One other point I want to make concerning communist Russia.
I remember growing up, being in high school in the 80s, listening to my school teachers tell me about communist Russia, how bad it was.
And they relate stories about how... They read your mail!
They are rushing for your speech!
Exactly right!
How they would open their mail, and I'd sit there and I'd say, how are those poor people over there?
I can't even believe they'd allow them to open the mail!
But now they've got these shows in this country.
Now they've got shows like 24 where he tortures kids every episode and where he gets tortured and it's all good to keep America safe.
And then they have a Homeland Security meeting on C-SPAN where they admit that the show, I mean they've admitted it, that it's brainwashing the public.
Their word is, it's great PR to change our morals.
Hell, John Yoo
Whenever he was the head lawyer over at the White House wrote memos saying they can torture children sexually in front of their parents.
Folks, you can't make stuff up that evil.
It's been in major newspapers.
Okay, I've had CFR members on it who've debated him when he says, yeah, we're allowed to do this.
Bottom line, they leave our borders completely wide open and then tell us they want to read our mail to keep us safe from terrorism.
What a joke!
They're using terrorism to take our freedoms, period!
Any Republican listening to you now who supports George Bush because of the war on terror, I want to know how you can possibly support this man when he says the border can be wide open and we don't know who's crossing the border.
When you can resolve that in your mind, then you let me know how you can support this man.
Well, I know this.
The 83 Israeli Plan that's the blueprint for the 2002 Pentagon Plan, it's been all over the news, where they say they wanted to break it in three parts, have sectarian war, break down that first world nation, and hurt those people so that they couldn't be leaders of the Middle East, use the country as a launch base into other nations.
My point is, for anybody who's for the war, just be honest about it.
Don't sit there and lie and lie and like Bush promised the troops she'll be home in six months, mission accomplished, when they planned to be there for 20 years, they're building permanent bases, they lie to us!
Why is lying acceptable?
Whether it's that piece of trash Bill Clinton, or whether it's George Bush, it's a joke!
I hear you and I appreciate your call, my friend.
Good to hear from you, Scott.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rudy in Pasadena, Texas.
You're on the air, Rudy.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
You know, the merging of corporations to become co-managers with government regarding the governance of a country, this is what is driving the proposed Texas Corridor?
Yes, called fascism.
Yeah, and it is part of the U.N.
sustainable development.
Oh, it's publicly?
It's a U.N.
Oh, yeah, I know.
I have the official U.N.
website saying they're killing us.
They're taking over our infrastructure.
They're going to use it to tax with the transponders in your inspection stickers for the North American Union.
They picked the capital, it's Atlanta, and you still can't get the general public to know our country's dead!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yes, and I believe this is just the finishing stage of globalism.
You know, I'm kind of pessimistic in the sense that
History seems to be on their side.
Well, it's on their side because you've got a bunch of cowards who want to believe propaganda.
Look, Hitler said it, and he was right, evil genius that he was, that good propaganda just speaks to laziness.
Good propaganda is simple, it's go back to sleep, oh, that North American Union's not real, oh no, that's not a, oh no, he's not for gun control, oh no, he's a, I mean, it just sells them on going to sleep!
And that's the reason why rights for individuals are now filtered through the lens of all these new ideas.
Personal property rights are being diluted as a result of the highest or the best use.
Yeah, you've got a Republican court, eight of the nine at the time were Republican appointed, and they rule that if a private corporation wants your property, they can go, quote, lobby, that's bribe, a local official to take your land, and by the way, they're not even given just compensation!
Well, the bottom line... How in the hell is that conservative?
Well, the bottom line is that a permanent revolution is taking place before our very eyes.
Stay there, you're a good caller.
Stay there!
Rudy, stay there.
I'm going to put you on hold.
You're a good caller, and I was running over you, and I want you to be able to explain what's happening.
Yes, global corporations got together, and they took over.
We'll be right back.
Why are you a silver talk radio?
If I buried you, would you like to know about the 1901 murder?
Scrap your soul, Shannon.
Hold on.
He stands for truth.
He stands for justice.
He stands for what's right.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Call Alex now, toll free at 877-590-5525.
Now live from Austin, Texas, here's Alex Jones.
All right, we will be taking a lot of your phone calls in this second hour.
We're here live every Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Just a program note, TalkFest is coming to Austin, Texas, what is the 27th of January on that Saturday and I will be with George Norrie at that event.
He's invited me and I'll be
More importantly, in studio with him for, I believe, two-thirds of the show.
That Friday night, he'll be doing the show live here in studio.
So that'll be a lot of fun.
I was listening to local news.
The stations around the country that don't get the local news from the station I do this show out of, KLBJ 590 AM, didn't get a chance to hear the news.
I might knock on those doing the news, they were covering real legitimate stories, but the information being put out by the state of Texas we should elaborate on.
You have to get your Texas tags if you want to drive on the new toll roads that just opened up.
And for three months they let the slaves, that's you and I, drive on them for quote free if we quote went and got the tags.
Now we have to have the tags and they're going to tax you as you drive on the road with your transponder.
Two years ago, we narrowly beat, in the state of Texas, transponders that were going to be in all the inspection stickers to tax us as we drove down the road.
And the same thing's going in nationwide, and it's foreign-owned companies coming in who lobby the politicians with campaign money, and then the politicians basically give the water districts, or the roads, or the universities the infrastructure
is just handed over to private companies.
And we hear, oh, it's free market!
They're going to run things now.
This isn't free market.
This isn't what you call privatization.
That's a confusing smoke screen they use.
This is
46 of the 100 biggest economies being corporations.
They have their own security forces, their own intelligence arms.
They are now coming in and lobbying government to sign over governmental powers illegitimately to them to tax and regulate and control us.
It's like the British Crown licensed the British East India Company to run the government of India over tens of millions of people and to be judge, jury, and executioner.
It's the exact same thing.
It's total imperialism.
It's not free market.
So I hope everybody out there starts becoming aware of that.
Of course, it didn't matter to the state of Texas that we shot down their transponder and inspection sticker program.
They're just trying to reintroduce it, and they run text.paidfor ads with our tax money, a stupid cartoon that's all over television here in Texas, telling us how great the new smart tags are in our inspection sticker.
Oh, we beat them putting it in, but they still run ads telling you how it's coming and how it's great.
You see?
It's slick.
We got calls here from Eric in Australia.
We've got Nork in Atlanta, we've got Kerry in New Mexico, and we've got Patrick and many others.
But I wanted to go back to Rudy from Pasadena, Texas.
We were talking about this whole global program, the Sustainable Development Goals 2000 program of the United Nations, and we are in it right now.
So Rudy, go ahead and finish up your points.
I don't know what he's doing.
Rudy, you're going to have to get on the phone and stop doing whatever you're doing over there.
Okay, we're going to let him go.
That's too bad.
I held you over to go to you, but you're not there.
Let's go ahead and talk to Eric in Sydney, Australia.
Boy, have they been taken over by the globalists.
But again, any resistance is a conspiracy theory.
Ever saying powerful groups want more control, or that powerful corporations lobby and try to get control of government to then fund themselves to the taxing system?
No, it doesn't exist.
Everything's fine.
Go back to sleep.
Everything's wonderful.
And then the dollar hasn't plunged in value by half.
And they're not openly setting up a new national draft, and they're not recruiting foreigners in Mexico City to join the military.
And, yeah.
Let's go ahead.
Caller, you're on the air from Australia.
Hi, Alex.
Go ahead.
How you doing?
Good, sir.
Go ahead.
Listen, man.
My comment is this.
I have some friends, some colleagues, some people I associate with, and they like your show.
They want to support it, but they're afraid of supporting it.
Now, I'm a subscriber to your website, and I've bought some DVDs, and I have friends of mine
Who are afraid that if they subscribe, that the government is watching all your subscriptions, that they'll get a list of names.
And I just want to tell the audience out there, that if you guys don't get out there and support people that you think are doing the right thing, that these people won't be able to keep going.
So, you know, I mean, I think it's very important that if you want to keep your local businesses running, you buy from your local businesses.
And I think that supporting shows like yours, and to all your listeners,
To make sure you get out there and for the coffee subscription to your website which is nothing less than almost a couple of coffees a week.
They should get out there and support you.
Well, I appreciate those words.
You know, there's a reason the government finally announced they're listening to everything, and Google came out and said they're using keyword software to listen off the microphones and cameras built into all-new computer standard.
There's a reason they're saying, yeah, we're reading your mail now.
There's a reason.
This is about intimidation.
It's about conditioning the dumbed-down masses to think this is normal.
But for the awake people, it's to intimidate us.
And I'll say this.
I hope the government is listening to me.
I hope operatives are listening to me, because I know I'm going to sell them on the truth.
They're going to go find out that the majority of narcotics brought into this nation are brought in by government sources, with allied crime corporations.
They're going to learn that the Federal Reserve really is private.
They're going to learn that our government really did create Al-Qaeda.
They're going to learn all of this.
And when they find that out, a lot of them are going to decide to join me.
Now, that's those that aren't cowards.
Others have done the research and found out we're telling the truth, so they are afraid.
I have people all the time, you know, go, man, I know you're telling the truth, but my God, aren't you afraid they're going to get you?
Folks, if we give in to fear, then we are tyrannized.
And the moment you give in to this, and the moment you admit this is real, but then
Say, okay, it's real.
I better shut up.
They've won.
I'm an American.
You're an Australian.
We're free people who come from a shared history of the Magna Carta and common law.
And people worldwide have freedom beating in their breast.
And, you know, I'm not going to go along with this.
But, you know, there's a different type of person from those that know the truth and are scared.
There's also those who will say, none of this exists.
But, boy, I tell you, the government's going to get you
They're so brainwashed that they think the government getting people like me is what the government should do!
There's all these good old boys who think, yeah, go ahead and kill Iraqi kids, yeah, go ahead and nuke, kill them all!
Do they think a government and an elite that will do that will take care of us and care about us?
If you think global corporate leaders care any more about your child than they care about some Iraqi child, I got a bridge I want to sell you.
These are ruthless people!
Okay, I just got an interview with Aaron Russo, top Hollywood producer, on record fingering Nick Rockefeller, telling him about how 9-11 was going to happen 11 months before it happened.
I just went to Houston yesterday, where Aaron's getting treatment down there.
People, when they start getting pretty, you know, sick, they tend to start talking.
And I went down there and got this, you know, this admission, and a lot more.
But I mean, hell, David Rockefeller wrote in his memoir that they're destroying America, and that's their plan, and so what?
Because they know only a few thousand people go read 600-page memoirs by David Rockefeller.
They know the general public's sucking their thumb, loving slavery.
And so I tell everybody out there, don't believe me.
You know, you think depleted uranium is really good for your son or daughter, go get them to enlist, go have them breathe the stuff, and when they're dying in your arms later, just remember I told you.
Okay, I really do support the troops by trying to warn them.
I'm sorry, anything else you want to add from Australia?
Just quickly, you know Rupert from the wilderness, yes?
Have you heard that he's pulling out of public speaking and public representations and pulling down his oil operations?
Did you hear about that?
Yes, I did hear about that.
I did.
Listen, I appreciate your support.
We're out of time.
We're going to break.
I got a bunch of news I want to cover here.
We're talking about nuclear attacks on Iran.
Peanuts kill more Americans than terrorists.
There was a big terror attack last week in Spain, but nobody heard about it.
We'll tell you why.
We'll talk to people all over the country and the world.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com are my websites.
Be sure to check them out.
Crushing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption.
Alright, I'm going to try this one more time.
I'm going to hurry through your calls.
I'm going to try Rudy one more time.
I didn't want to cut him off earlier.
We had a break and I wanted him to be able to finish what he was saying.
Rudy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, that guy, we're not going to go back to him.
That's the last time, okay?
Let's go ahead now and take a call from Cary.
And he's calling us from New Mexico.
Cary, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing today?
Good, sir.
Hey, I'd like to take the time to tell you how much we appreciate your efforts, you know, getting out here on a Sunday and taking time to keep us informed away from your family.
Well, I appreciate... Listen, I'm just trying to save my country, and I'm so frustrated that David Rockefeller, who runs the Trilateral Commission of the CFR, and our entire government, can write a book saying his goal is to destroy America, and I can read the quote, you can go buy the book, you can go read it online, and then I've still got a deal with a national talk show host saying I should be locked up because I talk about stuff like that, because those national hosts are bought and paid for, and they know the average person isn't going to go read that book.
But another thing, Alex, I want to tell you is I'm part of the American Freedom to Fascism of New Mexico volunteers.
And we got an email last week
Where it shows that they offered legislation in the Senate and Congress in New Mexico to repeal the REAL ID Act.
And New Mexico will not participate.
Yes, that is true.
And for those that don't know, REAL ID Act is the national ID card passed in 2005 by law standardizing all the drivers license to go under federal control.
Which makes it a national ID card.
So, you know, I encourage everybody to get a hold of their state legislators and try to get something done.
You know, in a local area, because I don't think we can affect what they're doing in Washington.
I agree.
Vermont, New Hampshire, and New Mexico and other states are moving to block it.
And, oh yeah, all week, all they've talked about on TV and radio and the paper is, oh, should it be Barack Obama?
Should it be Hillary?
Should it be Gingrich?
They're all anti-free speech, pro-Patriot Act, pro-war.
They're all New World Order!
Anybody the media gives attention, anybody that they put out there in front of you from the two controlled parties bought and paid for by the same global crime syndicate is a joke!
Why do we get 60% turnout for some presidential election and we get 8% for local elections?
It's locally that we still have a chance to take over!
So I salute what you just said!
Yeah, I encourage everybody to go to Austin, go to Santa Fe, wherever, and get ahold of their, you know, their congressmen, senators, and we can stop them on the local level in the state.
What do you think about the announcement that, okay, we're reading your mail without warrants, it's freedom, it's good.
One of these days they're going to have to pay the piper on all that stuff.
I'm just hoping I'm here to see it.
But Jack Bauer does it on TV.
I mean, that's what America's about.
It's having your mail read, man.
America's about pesos being used in restaurants in Dallas and Austin.
America's about having a worthless dollar.
America's about being owned by foreign corporations and being a joke.
You didn't know that?
You must be with Al Qaeda.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Patrick in Owenbro, Kentucky.
You're on the air.
That's Owenbro.
God bless you, Alex, and you're doing an excellent job.
It says Owenbro on my screen.
Well, thank you.
Go ahead.
In fact, I'm George Bush with a signing statement.
You are hence Owenbro.
I am the emperor!
Do as I say!
It's freedom!
And commando!
Anyway, I was watching something last week on CBS News or ABC or something and they had this, they said it in a way, they were talking about China and saying, oh, along the lines that China's having a tough time trying to become an empire.
Along that line.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
Oh yeah, China is totally bought and paid for by the globalists.
China has a 10% growth rate.
They're used as an economic weapon to destroy any middle class populations in Europe or the U.S.
And it's all in the deal signed with the trilaterals back in the 70s.
And absolutely... By the way, the CIA, it's now been declassified.
It's even on History Channel.
Actually put Mao into power and he killed 60 million people.
Our government wanted that.
I don't know.
That's global mercantilism.
That's economic warfare.
The globalists made a deal with China to license their goods through them to de-industrialize the industrialized world.
And, you know, the great thing about the Internet, for as long as we'll have it, you know, they've already got Internet 2 in China and they're going to try to do the same thing.
That's right.
They shut down two months ago the free web in China.
Total control Internet 2.
And, you know, the great thing about the internet that we have, you know, you can go to Google, you can type in American-made products, but you can't window shop, you can't look at them, you can't touch them, you can't see if they fit you or not.
And, I mean, what do you think here, Alex?
Because everywhere we go... No, you cannot find anything made in America.
If you do, it's like finding a four-leaf clover.
I mean, literally, it just doesn't exist.
But that's globalism!
Oh, that's good!
That's, you know, more Americans having to work, the husband and wife having to work two jobs.
We have a higher debt ratio than we had in the depths of the Depression in late 1933.
Oh, globalism's been so good, because the news said so.
Oh, is the economy good for you out there, folks?
Well, the television said it was.
It must be.
So just go get a third mortgage and just act like you're rich in front of your neighbors, and everything will be okay.
Don't listen to this evil talk show where we talk about the globalists.
Because the TV that you can trust told you, and national talk show hosts told you, that anybody that talks about globalism is bad and backwards and isn't good.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mike in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Mike.
Speak now or forever hold your peace.
Oh, my name is actually David.
Okay, well, I'm just going off the call list here.
We'll just call you Mike.
Go ahead, Mike.
Okay, okay.
Um, well, it seems that on the forums and on the internet, the intimidation tactics where they say, well, uh, you're crazy.
You're not... 9-11 is not...
Well, what you do is, you go over and you get the Associated Press reporting that Sitcom and the Pentagon are spending billions a year with U.S.
troops illegally being paid in bases to go around attacking anybody who tells the truth on the Internet.
That's bad, but I'm saying like... So, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You go track those people and then you go show how they've done thousands of posts apiece under different names with the exact same text and you show how they're cutting and pasting and now all that's coming out and then you go back to the forum and you show everybody how it's a dirty Fed.
You didn't know about all the fake news they bought?
1.8 billion just in 2005 alone of illegal fake news?
Oh, you didn't know about that?
Type, White House buys $1.8 billion.
I kept saying $1.6 billion.
It's $1.8 billion in fake news.
Go do that and you'll find out the truth.
Alright, we're going to break here in a moment.
Let's just jam one more call in here.
Maybe this is Mike, if I can get myself straight.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hi, Alex.
I am Mike from California.
Yes, go ahead.
Thank you.
How are you doing?
I'm good.
I'm doing a radio show.
I'm fine.
Go ahead.
Hit me.
I basically wanted to find out about what happened about that footage that you all were going to take up there in Taylor, Texas.
Hit me.
Hit me.
Yes, it's on JonesReport.com.
Absolutely free.
The FEMA camp in Taylor, Texas.
Absolutely free for you at JonesReport.com.
I have no understanding, and holy hell, why it isn't up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I tell my people stuff, but they do what the hell they want.
But it's on jonesreport.com.
How's that?
You got it?
Alright, I'll put you on hold.
We'll come back and let you finish up on the other side.
Final 30 minutes straight ahead.
Don't believe me?
The government loves you.
They never lie to you.
Everything's fine.
Go back to sleep.
Beyond the Beltway is next at 6 on News Radio 590, KLVJ.
Coming to you from the capital of Texas, broadcasting the truth coast to coast and worldwide, this is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm just going to start coming on air and doing that.
I'm sick of it!
Hell, look how corrupt this government is!
Four trillion almost missing from the Pentagon.
They won't say who stole it.
Corrupt police running around every crime land of the country.
It's been caught framing people.
Illegal aliens running all over us.
Politicians lying.
Of course the Democrats are going to continue the war.
They're all by the very same people!
I just don't want fake neocon twits out there listening to have their power trips.
I will ruin it for you!
If every one of us was against the war, it would continue.
So stop thinking just because you're for it that, you know, you're making everybody else be involved in the war.
You don't run anything.
You're an absolute slave.
You know what?
If we're gonna be slaves, I'm gonna be here to make sure you have to admit to yourselves you are.
I'm really mad right now, folks.
And yes, we've got incredible video.
We sent two guys out to Taylor earlier this week to the FEMA camp where they're holding other than Mexican illegal aliens.
The problem is they're not getting due process.
They should, or they should be deported out.
But in the executive documents in the Houston Chronicle, they said they're going to use these family facilities.
We got video of kids out there on the swing set, folks.
Whole families.
And they break the families up.
They give the small kids to CPS.
Won't even tell parents where they're at.
And I mean that's just horrible.
CPS five times more likely to abuse your children than any other group.
I mean, this is the type of stuff we're dealing with.
So, we did go to a report out there, and it's on JonesReport.com.
And for the life of me, I may have missed it, but I kept sending it to my other webmasters at InfoWars and Prison Planet, and I never saw it pop up there.
They should do an article about it, too.
We'll see about that in the next few days, but it's up on JonesReport.com for free!
I sent two guys out there with cameras all day.
They threatened to arrest them.
Told them to turn their cameras off for being across the street.
Again, we're in such a free country.
Of course, we told them, the federal jail guards, that it's a free country and that we don't appreciate their color of law, so they had to back off.
Then they were talking about taking our cameras.
You know what?
Just go ahead, you scum.
I mean, that just shows what this country is.
They take people across the street filming their FEMA camp, but they can come over and tell us to turn our cameras off.
You pieces of trash!
Go to Russia!
So anyways, I paid people to be up there and shoot the video, because I was on the radio.
I couldn't go during that period of time.
So I could be on the radio live, covering it while they were out there with live call-ins.
And then I also...
I had my guy put it together for about a day.
Edited it with all the documents and Senate hearings.
It made me want to put people in camps and how they were going to claim those free legals.
It really put citizens in it.
There's a nice little video report up there about 20 minutes long for you.
You can also watch my film.
It cost me $100,000 to make.
And that's Terror Storm for free.
One word, Terror Storm.
Just type it into Google.
You can watch the film for free.
I just make films that cost $100,000 and put them out for free.
That's how I operate.
You can total prove it, isn't this yelling and screaming Alex Jones?
Frankly folks, I don't want to say I'm burnt out, but I'm just really mad and I'm sick of it.
I mean, I'm at the point where these smiley-faced people with American flags all over them, I want to like pull those American flags off their cars and shove them down their throats.
Because they have desecrated America, and they don't know what that flag symbolizes, and they're wearing desecrated flags MADE BY CHINESE SLAVES!
Alright, that's it.
I'm really starting to get mad right now.
I'm very angry about my country being killed.
We have calls here from Germany.
A caller from Germany just hung up.
I got calls from all over.
I don't even know what to say anymore.
I mean, if you're not mad about the fact that our mainline military, the ground forces, will be half illegal alien by 2010, that's mainstream news, then you've got a problem.
And if you don't like the fact that Patron's Pizza from Dallas to Austin is using pesos now, you've got a problem.
And if you don't like the fact that our country's dying, you've got a problem!
And I can't believe fake neocon talk show hosts have got the nerve to get on talk radio, coast to coast, and lie and say none of this is happening!
Mike in Southern California, you got any comments about the Taylor Concentration Camp?
Or were you just asking if we got the video?
Alex, I got comments and I'm there with you man.
You don't understand how angry I am about what's going on.
I'm angry about how our country is going downhill right now.
I'm angry about everybody I talk to are sheeple.
You know what I mean?
They're just scum!
Weak chicken necks!
I'm usually a calm guy, so excuse me if I vent a little bit on the air right now, but I'm glad you got this forum going on.
I'm really upset that... It's now the Maddest Hell Show!
Let's just all start screaming together on air!
I'm upset that we've got troops watching our border in Arizona, and then we've got Mexican whoever coming in with firearms firing upon our troops.
Well, that's right, that's right.
The National Guard's supposed to be watching our borders, right?
That's so bad, I didn't even mention it.
Let me comment on that.
Friday morning,
They put a few hundred down there.
It was all for show.
They're not allowed to have bullets.
And so that's America.
The troops are hightailing it.
Mexican troops.
Same group.
Kills federal officers.
Kills cops all the time.
Media keeps it real quiet.
I mean, a citizen kills a cop.
You'd think Jesus had died.
But, boy, let me tell you.
Mexican troops kill our people.
It's kept real quiet.
Because that might upset people.
Let's not talk about it.
No, no, no.
But, yeah.
They had a
Group at a viewing post down there who'd already seized drug shipments that made the Mexican drug dealers who were guarded by the Mexican troops.
Hell, the US government in conjunction with the Mexican government, the AP reported last Wednesday, is going to pay for GPS for each one of the illegal aliens.
And by the way, when I heard the National Talk Show host talk about that, they didn't mention that when you read the AP article, the US government's helping pay for it!
Ah, they got the unarmed troops running from the Mexicans.
I mean, this is classic.
Our humiliation will never end.
The patheticness of it.
But we deserve it!
We are pathetic!
Basically, I mean, if that's... if everybody around us are sheeple, and I don't know if it's because they're spraying all that chemtrail stuff around us... Mercury's good.
Prozac's good.
Just take it all.
Let me tell you something.
When the government tells you mercury's nutritious, it's true.
I have actual newscasts, local CBS News saying Mercury's good for your brain.
But I'm not going to play it again.
Just type in News says Mercury's good into Google.
You'll get the video clip.
It's been watched millions of times, local news, here at Austin saying Mercury's good for your brain.
Let's go ahead and comments on Mexican GPS.
That's what Steve wants to talk about.
Okay, that's fine, sir.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, calling from Texas, right?
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call.
Yeah, I just wanted to comment.
I heard a story last night on Coast with Art Bell.
He was talking about the Mexican consulate, I think, in the state of Pueblo.
They're giving these people GPS.
In conjunction with the U.S.
Yeah, exactly.
So basically, 200,000 people... Sir, illegals get housing loans without ID, AP.
You don't, though, brother.
You're going to show three and be treated like trash because you're an American who's been raised to be a slave!
Yeah, totally, I know.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, but anyway, I just want to mention that I don't know if you heard about that or not.
I just thought that was interesting.
Did you hear about the Mexican troops?
It's now been confirmed.
Well, they're wearing military uniforms, but it may not be troops, though it's admitted that the Mexican troops drive in flatback trucks, the illegals around, and then shepherd them across the border.
Yeah, just like today, I heard something about the Port of Miami, the three illegal
Iraqis, I guess, that came in on a container or whatever?
And then it turned out they were legal.
Oh, yeah.
It was probably, who knows what it was.
Yeah, really.
All right, well, I just wanted to mention that.
Thanks for taking my call.
Hey, good to hear from you.
Dustin in Germany.
You're on the air calling us from Deutschland.
Thank you for holding her on the air.
Bros from Deutschland, Alex.
So you're an Americaner over there hanging out in Deutschland, huh?
Yeah, I'm an Auslander.
Yeah, and they've got all the same police state stuff being put in there.
Microphones, cameras, everything a slave deserves.
Oh, well, starting 1 January 07, you have to have a special card with a little biometric chip in it to buy cigarettes out of the machine.
Well, it's the same thing here.
Well, you were talking earlier about they were using pesos inside the United States.
Yeah, stay there.
We'll talk about it when we get back.
I'll put you on hold.
Final segment coming up.
Yeah, what's wrong with that?
What are you, with Al-Qaeda or something?
Come on.
I'm going to put you on hold.
No, no.
How dare you even question?
How dare you have free speech?
Newt Gingrich says you should be arrested!
And I think he's right!
The Matt Drudge Radio Show.
Tonight, 9 to midnight, on News Radio 590, KLBJ.
Raging for the truth.
Exposing corruption.
Dismantling a false left-right paradigm.
He's Alex Jones.
Yeah, folks, I can't describe to you how bad it is, how corrupt the elite is, how they've ripped you off, all the scams they've run.
If you think it's bad, they're setting up a whole world government so they can do it to you and no one can stop them.
All the things you're seeing to build a police state are just so you can basically be raped at will and can't resist.
And don't believe me.
Just continue to trust everything and you're going to find out.
Let me tell you.
Again, you're going to see all of you.
And I know most of you agree with me.
I mean, hell, I bet the phone's open all day.
They've been loaded the whole time.
Nobody's called in to disagree.
Because less and less can disagree.
Because I'm telling the truth and I know what I'm talking about.
And I'm just some average person!
This isn't hard!
They write hundreds of books calling us slaves and saying they're going to take our rights away!
I mean, I'm mad about it, okay?
I want the New World Order to go down!
I'm not worried about Nancy Pelosi, that political prostitute.
It's simply owned by the globalists, just like the political prostitutes.
Newt Gingrich saying destroy free speech.
They're all bought and paid for.
And until we realize how bad it really is, it's only going to get worse and worse in this country!
We've got to get mad!
We've got to get upset!
It's out of control, I know it.
Well, we like it when you're overheated, just like my machine gun barrels over here in Deutschland.
Well, you were talking about how the United States was using pesos in the American territory.
Okay, this is what's going on in reality.
A big pizza chain called Patrons is accepting pesos at their register.
And just like El Cenizo in South Texas and a bunch of other towns, don't allow English in U.S.
courthouses, in U.S.
town seats.
But this is, you know, aggressive colonization going on.
Now Mexicans in Mexico will get U.S.
Social Security.
They've merged all that.
Our countries are merging, is my point.
But yeah, this is out of the Dallas Morning News.
Dallas-based food chain to accept Mexican pesos.
Well, I get paid in U.S.
dollars, and I'm over here in Germany.
And they're like toilet paper.
Yeah, I have to get my money converted into euros, which is 76 cents.
In London, it's 50 cents per pound you get for a dollar.
So, like, if you really look at the exchange rates... Hell, hell, I mean, we used to laugh at the Canadians.
Canadian money's worth more than ours now.
But don't you tell some bug-eyed yuppie that.
They don't even know what that means.
They just know they love George Bush and want to hand their guns in.
Trust me, every time I get paid, at least $200 of my paycheck is lost in oblivion due to the exchange rate.
I got two British employees.
Believe me, I know I gotta pay them more just so they can live.
Uh, let's uh, I gotta really move fast now.
This is out of control.
Let's go ahead and talk to Andre in Austin.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex.
Yes sir.
Yeah, I wanted to get your opinion on a documentary I saw the other day called Big Brother Big Business.
Brought, brought more.
Created by CNBC.
Yes, I did see a few clips of it on YouTube.
Just admitting microphones are in every town.
They're not really gunshot detectors.
That's another thing.
In 98 they put microphones in a federal grant in Austin.
They call them gunshot detectors.
You ever heard of the police using gunshot detectors?
Now they admit they're hooked into the Fusion Emergency Management Center and they're using them to listen to people.
Again, that's how government lies to us.
It's a sick joke.
And yeah, on that MSNBC program they admit how everything's tracked and how Big Brother's taking over everything.
Hell, Bush says we don't watch you without a warrant.
Everything's watched.
Bunch of criminals.
Actually, what really surprised me was the fact that Google keeps every single
Every single search engine in a database... Oh, that's nothing, sir!
Google admits they use the built-in microphone and cameras that are on all the new computers and on most of the old ones with keyword computer to listen to the audio in your house!
And hell, we didn't have to investigate to find it out!
They just announced it!
No, and the sheep don't know what that means!
I'm a weirdo, because I get upset that Google comes out and says they're using the microphone and the cameras in my house
Oh my God, oh my God, it's just, it's Twilight Zone!
It's out of control!
Let's go ahead and talk to John in River Rock, Arkansas.
You're on the air, welcome.
Yes sir, Mr. Alex Jones?
Yes sir.
I wanted to ask you a question.
I'm a big fan of yours, I'm actually in the military though.
The problem is I want to support you, but I don't know how to support you on base without violating the UCMJ.
That's right, that's right.
You can't criticize the president or the war or do anything, or they will court-martial you.
Uh, and, uh, you know, you have free speech rights to give people documentary films on a lot of bases.
You'll find out that everybody's already seen my films and is on board.
The troops are more awake than anybody because they know the lies.
They watch U.S.
See, the lie of neocons tell you the troops all love this stuff.
No, the troops are more awake than anybody.
The troops I talked to are all seeing through it, and 70 plus percent want to come home.
So they know it's all a lie, because they see the lies on our television, because they're there in Iraq.
But I'd still be careful about it.
You know, when you're off base, when you're on your own time, you know, when you're at the pub, or when you're at the restaurant, or you're at the rodeo, then give people terror storms.
Talk open and freely.
And I mean, I wouldn't criticize the President.
He's a puppet anyway, so you wouldn't be hurting the New World Order talking about their nobody puppet.
Well, so I just got back from leave.
I went home for the holidays.
And, uh, when I was there, I actually took Terror Storm and, uh, martial law.
I made lots and lots of copies of them and went downtown and passed them out to people.
And, uh, you know, I want to do something here, but I'm new here, I don't know anybody, I don't want to take too many risks, and, uh, you know, I'll keep it up on the, uh, Lt.
Watada issue.
Yes, they're court-martialing him for refusing to be redeployed to Iraq because he believes the war is criminal, and it is criminal.
654,000 dead Iraqis in the last three and a half years.
I just want to say, from my standpoint, from the people I talk to, the people I know, since I'm at the job that deploys Iraq, I can say it's higher than 70% that don't want to go over there.
Yes, sir.
Well, a scientific Gallup poll with the commanders hanging over them while they took the questions, telling them, you better watch how you vote in this poll, still 70% said.
So yeah, it's probably a lot higher.
Oh, so what we hear about the troops all loving it and their morale being high isn't a lie?
Surprise, surprise!
What isn't a lie?
Tell us about it.
It is completely a lie.
Nobody likes being over there.
Well, being lied to is good, though.
That's what it's all about to be an American.
I mean, not to criticize some people, but there are some people out there that have scored pretty low on the ASVAB.
You know what the ASVAB is, don't you?
Well, hell, they lowered this last year below what was allowed before and are actually getting people who are mildly retarded now.
That is actually a true story.
In the Army, they will accept you at pretty low scores.
Yeah, poor, retarded children are now joining the military.
No, that was in the news!
Now again, 70's really retarded, but 75, 80, they're taking people with 80 IQs, folks, and they're retarded!
And that's who they need!
That's people that are here, take your deadly vaccines!
The vaccines that they're giving them are experimental and have admittedly killed them.
But still, they're doing medical experiments on them.
Type in Project Shad into Google.
Don't believe me?
Got to move really fast here now.
I'm out of control.
As I love freedom.
Let's go ahead.
I appreciate your service to the country.
I appreciate our military.
You're good people.
You're just being used.
Not against our military.
I'm against how they're being used.
It's like I'm not against our police.
I'm against how they're being used.
Let's talk to Travis.
You're on the air listening to KLBJ.
We'll talk about KLBJ TalkFest.
Go ahead.
Alex, Travis Doss calling.
Listen, man, I'm really excited about TalkFest.
Uh, Neil Bortz is going to be coming.
I think that guy is the worst of the worst.
What do you have in store for him?
Are you going to debate him on 9-11 Truth?
And how can we as listeners make his life very uncomfortable?
No, be nice.
Listen, I'm going to be on the air with Neil Pond Scumbag.
Listen, listen, I'm going to be on the, uh, I'm going to be on the air with, uh,
George Norey in studio here.
That's what really to me matters.
What about Glenn Beck?
You get him to come too?
Glenn Beck isn't on this station.
He's a neocon who so cowardly he won't even admit he's one.
I think a 9-11 truth debate would be infinitely more compelling than a conversation with George Norey with Neil Bork.
You know what I mean?
Well, you know what?
I ought to play audio on air, but I have to do a bunch of bleeping of Bortz.
No one's ever seen this video.
When I was in New York, he just out of the blue at ground zero walked up to me.
He's like 10 feet tall and started telling me what an idiot I was.
I'd be happy to debate Bortz, but you know what?
I'm a friendly, nice guy.
You know, don't want to mess up people's parade.
Let them, let them have, you know, I mean, I mean, Bortz can do whatever he wants, you know.
KOBJ is top-notch, Alex.
Well, thank you.
I've been kind of just so angry lately I can hardly even control myself.
But is that okay, Travis?
Look forward to it.
All right.
Take care, bro.
Yes, sir.
I know Travis.
He's done one of the Elmo Draft Houses.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, John.
Are you aware that the Secretary of Treasury
Mr. Paulson was arrested in Germany by the World Court.
No, when did this happen?
It happened the 30th of December and if you go to www.worldreports.com and go to the... Okay, okay, we're out of time.
We'll check it out.
See ya!