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Filename: 20050528_Estulin_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 28, 2005
458 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Daniel Estulin discusses his experience attending the 2005 Bilderberg Group conference. He explains that the group's attendees include powerful figures from finance, industry, and politics who coordinate their plans for global domination. Estulin has been covering these meetings with help from intelligence sources from organizations like the CIA and MI6. During this meeting, notable attendees included Etienne d'Avignon, Martin Taylor, Joseph Ackermann, Franco Bernabe, John Brown, David Byrne, Philip Camus, George David, Timothy Collins, Richard Haass, Holbrooke, the Secretary General of NATO, Alan Hubbard, Henry Kissinger, Bernard Kushner, and others. The discussion covers topics like biological weapons as a potential pretext for martial law and selling arms to dictatorships and oligarchies. The show also promotes the Berkey Light water filter, Police State 3 Total Enslavement film, Sheltering in Place video, and No B.O. deodorant. The speaker discusses the Bilderberg Group's frustration with their progress towards global domination and their plans for a worldwide bureaucracy controlling the world population through NGOs. He also mentions potential conflicts over petroleum-rich territories and the group's concerns about "American patriots" resisting their agenda.

The world in the palm of their hands, Bilderberg 2005 by Daniel Estelund.
And I know I'm butchering that.
The annual secret meeting of the Bilderberg Group determines many of the headlines and news developments you will read about it in coming months.
But the establishment media completely blacked it out.
With the exception of a half-dozen high-ranking members of the press who were sworn to secrecy.
Few have ever heard of the exclusive and secretive group called the Bilderberg Group.
Of course, this came out a few days ago.
He might have missed the CNN piece where they said, oh yeah, they're for world government.
But they care about us, and they do control things, but that's alright.
Mainstream news organizations boastful about their no-holds-barred investigative exploits have been strangely reluctant to lift the blackout curtain hiding a major event, the Bilderberg Group's secret annual meeting with the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists, and political figures.
2005 was a bad year for Bilderberg and its future looks gloomy.
Herculean efforts to keep their meetings secret in Germany failed miserably.
Bilderberg's grief is the free world's glory and hope for future restraining the power grabbers in the dawn of the new millennium.
And let's go to Daniel Estillan.
Am I pronouncing your name right, sir?
You are, sir.
Well, it's great to have you.
Sorry about the technical stuff.
Alex, thanks for having me on your show.
I love it.
You bet.
So you're joining us from Madrid?
I live in Madrid, Spain.
It's for my own safety.
I am from Toronto, Canada.
But I felt I'd be safer here and I'd probably live longer living in Madrid than in Toronto.
Well, it's good to have you on with us.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and then let's get into what you witnessed.
You pierced the veil, unlike some of the media that was there, of what was going on this year and who was there and some of the stuff that came out of it.
I was there, I've been doing this for 13 years, and I've been covering the Bill of Burgers with a friend of yours by the name of Jim Tucker from the American Free Press.
Russian expatriates were kicked out of the Soviet Union in 1980.
My father was a dissident who fought for freedom of speech, was jailed, tortured by the KGB, suffered two clinical deaths.
When these people got tired of us, they threw us out.
We moved to Canada, and 12 years ago I came to Spain.
My grandfather was a colonel in the KGB and the counterintelligence in the 1950s, so I am privileged somewhat to get a lot of information from Secret Service, which are our best sources of information.
Not only the KGB people, but the MI6 people, the CIA.
Most of the people who work for the Secretariat, as you probably know, are patriots and they love their country and they're doing it for the good of the nation.
And they're the first ones absolutely terrified of the plans of the Bilderbergers.
Well, Jim Tucker's talked about this over and over again.
You've got royalty, the heads of the most powerful corporations, 150 of them, usually 120 members and about 20, 30 guests, meeting there.
And Jim talks about how when he gets there a few days before they kick him out of the resort, he'll talk to employees and they won't help him.
But when they see how vicious and evil these people are, how you can't look them in the eyes, when they hear about their evil plans, they always give him the scoop, and I know you've had the same thing happen.
So tell us what's happened in the last 13 years, and even what some of the Secret Service, and you've got a photo here of
Well, I want to tell you a little bit about this year because I think pound for pound this year's conference was the strongest in history.
I mean, these people are getting very, very serious.
We'll get to the talking point of the conference in a minute, but again,
Some of the best sources that I have had over the years are the special forces, the CIA, the KGB, the MI6, the Mossad people.
They are the closest ones to the levers of power that these people control.
And ones that they know that they can trust you.
They want to pass on the information as quickly and as soon as they possibly can.
And we're getting some very, very good intelligence.
And over the last 13 years,
Most of the things that we've gotten have come true.
One of the things that, in 1996, these people have tried to assassinate me because myself and a couple of other people, we uncovered their plan to destroy Canada as a nation and join Canada and the United States into one greater North America through this one thing called the Grand Canal Water Project.
And by the way, now Reuters last week admitted Pan American Union.
Oh, exactly.
That's it.
Oh, absolutely.
Again, as I said, this year's conference was the strongest in history, pound for pound.
I have a list of some of the power brokers.
Where is it?
It's right here.
Just check it out, some of the people who are there.
Etienne d'Avignon, who is the Honorary Chairman of Bilderberger, who is the Vice-Chairman of Swiss Tractabel, one of the strongest companies in Europe.
This man owns most of the banks and electrical companies in
In Belgium, Martin Taylor, the international advisor for Goldman Sachs, was there.
The chairman of the Deutsche Bank, Joseph Ackermann, was there.
Most of the European commissioners were there.
Most of the former and present prime ministers were there as well this year.
Franco Bernabe, who is the usual, who is the vice chairman of Rothschild Europe.
The people were there.
John Brown.
The New World Bank had Wolfowitz.
Wolfowitz was there.
I was the only journalist.
There was another kid there taking pictures one morning.
I was the only journalist in the world taking photographs of all these people.
Wolfowitz was there.
James Wolfensohn was there.
I think so.
Oh, Belgium was there.
There was another character, a very interesting man by the name of David Byrne, who was the World Health Organization's Special Envoy on Global Communicable Diseases.
Oh yeah, that's going to be their big plan for control.
I'm presently getting some very interesting information from the sources working for the Bildenbergers and for the CIA people, and I'll have the results in the next couple of weeks.
Oh, absolutely.
But I can tell you, it does not smell very, very good.
Philip Camus was there, who is the head of the European Air Defense.
Who else was there?
The American delegation, of course, David George, or George David.
Timothy Collins, the president of Federal Reserve Bank of New York was there.
Timothy Geithner.
Donald Graham from the Washington Post.
Your neocons, Richard Haass, was there.
Holbrooke was there.
The Secretary General of NATO was there.
Alan Hubbard.
By the way, the sales to dictatorships and oligarchies are at record levels by the U.S.
right now.
Henry Kissinger, Bernard Kushner, who is the director and the founder of Doctors Without Borders, Henry Kravitz, representing Colbert, Kravitz, and Roberts.
And the very interesting thing about these people, as I live in Spain, one of the top telecommunications companies here is called AUNA.
It's on the block.
And at the conference, we got some very, very good information that the KKR, the Colbert, Kravitz, and Roberts,
So they're all there deciding who's going to get all the government contracts.
It's a major scam.
But let's go back to the bio weapons and how they're scurrying around, gearing up for that as a pretext for martial law.
That's the intel we've been getting perpetually.
Tell us about what you're getting now.
Biological weapons.
I'm getting a lot of information from the meeting.
I mean, this is something unprecedented this year.
We have never had so much intelligence from our sources.
See, it rained from the moment we got there.
I'm talking about a torrential downpour for the five days that I was there.
It rained and continued raining from six o'clock in the morning until midnight.
That's at least the time I went to bed.
And one of the things about weapons, modern biological weapons, nuclear weapons, and again the neocon agenda in Iran is on the agenda, and it all goes back, which brings to mind actually the Falklands War.
Now, can I talk a little bit about that?
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Well, one of the things about the Falcons war, it was an operation planned by the Rockefeller-controlled Aspen Institute of Colorado, and it had nothing to do about the British forces against the Argentine forces.
It had to do with nuclear energy.
And the whole thing about Iran is these people want to prevent Iran
I think so.
I think so.
We're good to go.
But again, it was very interesting that Kissinger was talking about the Falklands War while these people were also talking about the upcoming conflict in Iran.
Did you get from your sources, we'll find out after the break, does it look like they may be going into Iran this summer?
Not yet.
I don't have that information yet.
Most of the stuff that I have, most of the stuff I will have over the next few weeks, will deal with some very deep intelligence.
But some of the things, again, the principle... But you know it was being discussed.
Oh, absolutely.
It was being discussed, not only the meeting itself, but it was being discussed in smaller groups.
Again, these people have their meetings and they break into smaller groups and they have their smaller group discussions and then they pass on the agenda to the necessary people who then pass it on to local and national governments and European communities, etc.
Yeah, this is the Big Smokey Room.
We'll be right back with our guests.
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I think so.
We're good to go!
I think so.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're talking to award-winning investigative journalist Daniel Estillan.
And for 13 years he's been covering the Bilderberg Group.
I don't know.
That Jim Tucker is able to get their agenda and then say what's going to happen in the next year, and then that gets implemented.
I mean, what they want is what they get, and five years ago it was denied that it even existed.
You were a kook.
Now it's starting to pop up in our news, but they're telling us, yes, they want world government, but world government's good.
Daniel, what other intel did you get from inside of this conference?
Well, this was one of the most terrifying conferences, I think, in history, at least the 13 years that I've been covering.
Biggest concern that these people have is needless to say energy and you can expect over the next couple of years the price of oil to go up to about $120 to $150 a barrel.
That's what Tucker said that Kissinger said.
Jim and I got the same information from two different sources that the price of oil will go up.
Kissinger is the one to admit it.
Now, according to my sources within the group, who are actually members of the Bilderbergers, these people estimated the extractable world's oil supply to be at a maximum of 35 years under current economic development and population.
However, one of the representatives of an oil cartel at the conference remarked that if we take into consideration both the population explosion
And the economic growth and demand for oil in such countries as China and India, we're looking at enough oil to last for about 20 years.
Now again, they're engineering that, though, to claim there's no oil, and at the same time, as you said, not letting countries develop nuclear energy to have that monopoly.
I mean, again, this is all part of the globalist plan for the New World Order, because slavery is free, and freedom costs a lot of money, and it's not free.
One of the things that they did talk about, at least mention in passing, was one of the ways, what these people need to do is, as there's not enough oil supply, they need to begin eliminating world population.
And that brings to mind a 1974 report commissioned by Nixon in the last couple of months of his
Yeah, written by Kissinger, where they talk about ordering the third world to sterilize half their women or no IMF or World Bank money.
Exactly, on page 9 of that report, I think the second or third last paragraph of the page, they're talking about eliminating 3 billion people in the world and 100 million Americans before the end of 2050.
And that was declassified in 1991.
Now, we've got that on Infowars.com, official CIA commission report with the headline written by, the synopsis written by the demon, the boar, his real code name is.
But going back here, I mean, you just mentioned population control.
Your sources are saying this came up again.
This came up again at the conference.
Now, this isn't the first time it has come up, but it has not come up so resoundingly and mentioned by so many people at one time during any one conference.
And you're saying at the same time, though, that they had the WHO, the head exterminator was there?
Well, exactly.
I'm going to get more information on these people over the next couple of weeks.
But what specifically, Intel, why did you get on population control?
I didn't get enough information on population control to be able to tell you.
I prefer to get enough leads and then to be able to put it all together.
One interesting thing about the oil depletion is I recently attended a discussion forum hosted by Aspen Institute in Berlin and there a new conservative by the name of Gary Schmidt was laboring the looming showdown with the Chinese
Yeah, well they're riding the horse of peak oil.
They're creating artificial scarcity.
The evidence shows that what they're claiming is a fraud.
We'll stay there, sir.
We got a break.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
We'll have one more little short segment and then a little bit of another segment and I've got to get you back on.
It's obvious that 30-45 minutes is not enough time.
So stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're learning what he found out from his sources inside Bilderberg.
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Thank you for listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm gonna play this little ten-minute poem.
The child Roland of the Dark Tower came.
I'm gonna play this clip of this poor lady who's
I think everybody's out to get her.
And everybody else is racist when what she's saying is clearly racist.
From my TV show last night.
Although I was actually sitting in on Texas Frontline.
But it really illustrates stuff.
But that's coming up.
For the next 15 minutes or so, we're honored to have Daniel Estalon.
An investigative reporter.
He's written a big article here.
Published in the U.S.
in the online journal.
Onlinejournal.com or link through at InfoWars.com and see the photos in this nine page report.
He's been there for 13 years.
Working with Jim Tucker and others, he got a lot of inside information from sources inside the resort.
Population control, oil control, WHO people about, you know, coming pandemics.
This is what he was hearing and getting from people that were serving them.
Please continue, Daniel, with whatever areas you think are important for the listeners to know.
Just a couple of things.
Well, first of all, just to finish up on the stuff on the energy.
Conclusion, based on what these people were saying, we can expect a severe downturn in the world's economy over the next couple of years as these people try to safeguard their remaining oil supply by taking money out of people's hands in a recession or worse, a depression.
But again, that's their scam, their excuse to consolidate the wealth.
Sir, they're creating artificial scarcity.
Exactly, but again, they will do it by creating a severe downturn in the world's economy.
So we can expect that over the next couple of years.
While at the same time telling us the economy is great.
So you got from your sources, that's what they were saying?
That's what they were saying at the conference.
We even have the names of the people, but I do need to confirm that first.
So I prefer to go on again and tell you who said what.
A couple of other things we were talking about.
Now something very interesting about the NGOs.
I've covered this three or four years ago and people were laughing at me.
That's non-governmental organizations.
Exactly, calling me a radical.
But one of the funny things about the rise of the NGOs, a development ex-president of the United States, Bill Clinton, called one of the most
Remarkable things that have happened since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Now, ironically, Clinton's statement was picked up by the Wall Street Journal one day after the beginning of the Berlin Wall Conference.
Wall Street Journal is, of course, a paper that was represented at their meetings by people such as Robert Bartley, who is the Vice President, or Paul Gigott, who is the editorial page editor.
Now these people have been, I've written this over five years ago, that the Billburgers have been debating to have for the first time unelected, self-appointed environmental activists be given a position of governmental authority on governing board of the agency which controls the use of atmosphere, outer space, the oceans, and... And then they can claim it's the people because it's some private group that they appointed, and the environmentalists are going to be used to set up Neo-Surfdom.
Needless to say, the environmental movement, of course, is a Rockefeller scam, because to have the environmental movement, you need a lot of money, and only people such as Rockefeller could afford it.
Now, according to the sources I have within the Bildenbergers, the status of the NGOs will be elevated even further in the future, and that is in the near future.
The NGO activity would include agitation at the local level.
They also talked about, at the conference, lobbying at the national level, producing studies to justify global taxation.
That's something that Jim Tucker talked a lot about over the last couple of years through the U.S.
and UN organizations, such as the Global Plan, which is one of the Bildenberg's pet projects for over a decade.
Now, I've talked about this about five years ago.
And the strategy is to advance the global government agenda.
It would include programs to discredit individuals such as myself, such as yourself, such as Jim Tucker and organizations.
So they openly talked about programs!
They openly talked about the NGOs, exactly.
And I think this is the first time, as far back as I can remember, where they actually openly talked about it at the conference.
And so NGO folks is like taking a rent-a-mob and then giving it government power and claiming it represents the people.
Now, the United Nations Environment Program, along with all the environmental treaties under its jurisdiction, would ultimately be governed by, from what I understand, a special body of environmental activists chosen, now look at this, only from accredited NGOs appointed by delegates to the General Assembly of the United Nations, who are themselves appointed by the President
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Daniel Estelin is an award-winning investigative journalist who has been researching the Bilderberg Group for over 13 years.
Estelin was one of only two journalists in the world who witnessed and reported from beyond the heavily guarded perimeter a super-secret meeting at the German
Rockets, Egern, Munich, Bavaria, and Germany on May 5th and 8th.
And what he got out of it was that they're hammer and tongs accelerating their program.
They're frantic.
Population control by the billions.
Kissinger talking about this again.
We're good to go.
One of the things about the NGOs, what these people are putting together, in a nutshell, would provide a direct route from the local on-the-ground, as they call it, NGO affiliates of national and international NGOs to the highest levels of global governance.
I'll give you an example.
The Greater Yellowstone Coalition, which is a group of affiliated NGOs,
Not too long ago, petitioned the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO asking for intervention in the plans of a private company to mine gold on private land near Yellowstone Park in the United States.
Now, the UNESCO Committee did intervene on behalf of these people and immediately listed Yellowstone as a World Heritage Site in danger.
Now, under the terms of the World Heritage Convention, the United States is required to protect the park even beyond the borders of the park and onto the private lands
That's it.
You got it.
Now one of the things that I got from the conference
We have not yet identified the speaker, but according to somebody at the conference, and now if this thing is implemented, it will bring all the people of the world into a global neighborhood managed by a worldwide bureaucracy, under the direct authority of a minute handful of appointed individuals, and policed by thousands of individuals paid by accredited NGOs, certified to support a belief system which to many people is unbelievable and obviously unacceptable.
What else?
Something else that they talked about, something that has been off the radar screens of American newspapers, is the Indonesia-Malaysia standoff.
It was very briefly mentioned, not at the conference itself, but one of the coffee breaks.
Now, it's a military and a political confrontation between these two nations in the petroleum-rich Sulawesi Sea, which both of these nations claim as their territorial rights.
We're good to go.
In fact, the Billibergers at the lounge table next to him all agreed that such a conflict might well give them an excuse to garrison the disputed area with the United Nations peacekeepers.
And then we see articles in the New York Times a week after this, we got this from Tucker, too, that, oh, the UN's got to get more aggressive about enforcing peace and start invading countries.
Well, one of the things about invading nations, again, it wasn't mentioned per se, but it was one of the topics during coffee conversations, the necessity in the future to invade the United States, or at least take on the United States Patriots who are trying to defend the nation against the new world order.
Now, stop right there from your sources, and again, folks, I've talked to Tucker, I've talked to others, the source we've got is a great reporter, works with Tucker, Tucker's got a sterling record on these forecasts,
You're saying American patriots that are fighting this was brought up at Bilderberg?
I'm sorry, what did you say again?
Could you repeat that please?
Specifically, repeat what you said and give us more details.
What I said was that these people are playing around with the idea that when war comes, because again, I have never seen such aggression as at this year's conference against me, against Jim.
I mean, these people, they followed me around.
I live in Madrid, so I flew from Madrid to Italy, and from Italy I caught a connecting flight to Berlin.
It's got to make them angry.
I'm very, very angry.
They pulled me off the plane in Milan.
Nine cops got on the plane, plus four Interpol guys got on the plane.
They pulled me off.
They questioned me for two and a half hours.
They know who I am.
They have my photographs.
They've had my photographs.
We're good to go.
Who made enough noise that the German Foreign Ministry had to come out and publicly say that they had no idea who I was or why I was coming to Germany, but needless to say, they were not going to arrest me for it.
But I want to go back though, because you said that sources said that they are wondering how to deal with quote, American patriots that aren't going along with this agenda.
Tell us everything you know.
Well, the idea, again, is people are getting very, very violent, and they're getting very aggressive, and they're getting very serious.
Their plans, they're not going as fast as they would have liked to.
And one of the things, again, it was not a discussion, one of the key topics of the Bilderberg Conference, but it was... It wasn't on the main agenda.
You're talking about spies, people serving coffee, what they hear in the little sidebars.
Well, actually, we got it from the intelligence people, so it's... I tend to believe them, first of all.
Okay, specifically, okay, specifically tell us what
This is bone-shattering!
You're telling me that one of the
Your sources in there told you this.
We got it from several sources.
And regardless, even of that several sources, even other security people are trying to scare us, it shows that they are talking about us and they're being given these orders to say this.
So either way, it's a confirmed report.
These people are very, very serious and they're getting very, very angry.
I've never seen such pressing... Well, that's because their program... Listen, that's because their program is falling apart.
Well, it actually is falling apart.
Did you know that in the last month, the attacks on myself from a hundred quarters and major magazines and newspapers is just unbelievable?
I mean, we can really see this happening.
I want to just take a second out and tell you, Alex, I think you have one of the best programs in America, and I am a faithful listener and a devout fan of everything that you do.
I didn't know that.
Wow, I'm honored, sir.
I've got to get you back on for several hours sometime.
There's so much to cover, but any other bombshells you want to drop on us?
Let me see.
Again, empowering the United Nations until it becomes a DMU as well as a de facto world government, and advancing this goal by creating a direct United Nations tax on world citizens by taxing people at the wellhead summit that Jim Tucker has already mentioned in the American Free Press and his reports on the Bill of Rights, and I think he must have talked to you about it as well on your show.
They're openly calling for a world tax right now.
They are, exactly.
But you say they're getting very upset.
That's what I'm saying.
I think their whole program's in trouble.
Well, it is in trouble.
I'm not exactly sure because I don't live in the United States, but I think they're way behind schedule and they're getting angry.
And I'm not exactly sure if it has anything to do with Rockefeller getting very, very old.
And if there's anyone behind him who's ready to take over the whole movement.
But for whatever reason, these people are getting very angry.
They're getting vicious.
Well, that's what Jim has said, is that they're getting old and they want to see their plan come to fruition.
Well, they do.
He will definitely not be in Rockefeller's lifetime.
But I have never seen such anger directed at us in the 13 years that I've been covering this and talking to Jim in the 30 years that he's been doing this.
Well, that's because it's all over the news now.
They can't cover it up anymore.
I hope so.
Well, you know, I mean, I get death threats sometimes.
Have you been threatened over this?
Well, they tried to assassinate me in 1996 when we broke the story about them trying to take over Canada and destroy the nation.
And I almost walked into an elevator, but I didn't have a floor.
In one of the skyscrapers in Toronto, one of the intelligent buildings as they call them, and that moment one of the guards was called off and somebody took over the levers of control and actually pulled the elevator up with the floor.
You went and talked to the guards and found that out?
Well, I talked to the police.
Well, exactly!
All the time I get off on the wrong floor when I'm in a big building.
The door just opens, you just go in.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, sir, people can go to onlinejournal.com and read your amazing report and see your photographs.
They can link through to other sites.
Just search your name and people can see past reports you've done for major publications.
Daniel, any other ways for folks to read your fine work?
Actually, I'm working on a book right now on the Bilderbergers, which will come out in Spain in September, and we have several offers from Portugal, from Germany, and I'll be looking at the United States publishers as well to get it out.
Well, I want to have you back on.
Sure, I don't want to wait until September.
I want to get you back on in a couple of weeks, as you codify more of your reports and document them, and then I want to have you back on in September, okay?
Thank you for having me, sir.
Please help us folks to get that done.
We'll get this audio report posted by tomorrow at the latest.
Coming up will be the phone call on a TV show I was doing.