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Filename: 20041117_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 17, 2004
2518 lines.

Alex Jones, a radio host, discusses various conspiracy theories related to politics, elections, secret societies, and global policies. He argues against the impeachment of politicians who support policies he disagrees with, criticizes those who criticize the Patriot Act, and warns about the dangers of a growing dictatorship. He also speaks out against Arnold Schwarzenegger's potential presidency due to his alleged admiration for Hitler and involvement in sexual harassment. Jones encourages listeners to visit his website for more information on these topics and to stay vigilant in fighting against tyranny.

Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Here we are.
It's the 17th day.
Of November 2004, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Again, thank you so much for joining us.
We've got Paul Watson joining us in the next hour, as he does at least once a week.
We've got some other guests as well that we're scheduling.
There is so much to talk about today.
First off, they're now talking about Lord Ridge, Governor Ridge, leaving...
His post as Homeland Security Chief, and again, that doesn't matter.
Bush said they're getting rid of the lightning rods, so you won't pay attention to the new agendas, which is the same agenda.
Expanded, gigantic, total police state.
And then yesterday, I finally went ahead and read the whole article that I had in front of me.
I'd only read the first page about tiny antennas to be in the pill bottles.
And then I read the whole article, I guess another version of it that was in the Austin American-Statesman, and they were admitting everything you do, everything you buy, every product, it'll all be tracked by these RFIDs, and the wireless Internet's going to be used to scan it as you go around your daily business.
And then right next to that story...
Governor Schwarzenegger wants to tax everybody by the mile with transponders or satellite tracker boxes.
It's so good.
And then I get in my car after the TV show last night and I turn on the radio and it's that Clark Howard show.
I'm going to help you save money.
And last week I heard him talking about how he's part of one of these state guards that have been turned into tattletale squads and how proud he is of it.
And then last night it was, You're listening to the Clark Howard Show.
Governor Schwarzenegger's doing something fabulous.
Just fabulous.
He's going to tax you by the mile.
It's going to be a great deal.
I mean, it's so wonderful.
Literally, folks, and that's how the guy talks.
I am just inundated with this propaganda everywhere I go, and I don't even watch much television.
And so I got the articles from the LA Times and ABC Action News and the rest of it, and they had polls.
95% are against it.
You don't think Arnold cares, do you?
He's got the electronic voting machines and men with machine guns and black ski masks.
Just like Austin, Texas.
93% of you are against it.
They're putting it in here locally.
And in Houston.
In Houston, it's 98%.
And they just laugh at you and say, we don't care.
We don't care what you think anymore.
We used to, but now you don't vote anymore.
That's right.
Our special voting machine does.
You go, oh, they wouldn't run a scam with those.
Oh, no, we've just caught them coast to coast doing it.
And see, it's about trillions of dollars.
That's why they're doing all this.
Because now they're going to say, well, you voted for it.
Well, vote me out if you don't like it.
Then their media is going to tell you how popular all these policies are when they're not.
They've got a big problem on their hands, my friends.
A big, big problem on their hands, though, because we're all going to be looking at each other going, well, I'm not for this.
Well, you're not for this.
Well, you're not for it.
Well, you're not for it.
And all these independent polling groups do polls, and they can't find anyone who's for it.
You know, maybe a couple out of a hundred.
And they're going, well, there's a magic group out voting that is.
And that magic group that no one can find says, turn in all the guns.
It's a democracy.
Well, in a democracy, if 51% say take the guns, it happens.
In a republic, you can't because there's certain basic rights everybody's got that no president or no Chuckie Schumer in the Senate can take from you.
That's why they keep telling you people's will, people's will.
Democracy, democracy, democracy.
We'll be right back, my friends.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Wednesday, the 17th day of November, 04.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your calls are coming up.
I have a challenge to the listeners and a challenge to people that disagree with me about the Iraq War.
I believe it's a total fraud and very evil.
Go to prisonplanet.com and link through to where it says photos of Fallujah.
These are Getty News Service.
These are Reuters News Service.
These are confirmed photographs.
And I want you to look at children blown in half
Dead babies, children with their legs blown off, our dead troops, piles of dead bodies, dead Iraqis, dead women, and then I want you to call into my show and say they're not human.
Like I've heard you calling into other shows saying they're not human.
If that's your view, fine, keep it.
But I want you to go look at the dead children and the children with their legs blown off with blood spewing, and I want you to then look at their little bodies...
And I want you to say they're not human.
In fact, call your small children into the room after you're done looking at it and look at them.
And then send them back out of the room and then look at the dead and dying babies, toddlers, five-year-olds, women, and just say they're not human and say it's good.
And then say, nuke them.
You know, put the big bumper stickers on the backs of your trucks I've seen.
Nuke Iraq, nuke Fallujah.
They're very popular right now.
The same website selling stickers like that had like Team Bush and with selling Bush as a helmet with W on the side or Team NASCAR, you know, equating it with some type of winning team.
I want you to go look at it.
Just do it.
Look at the children and then let's see if you can do it.
And if you can, then you are ready to enter hell.
Satan is your brother, your father.
And you should bow down and worship who you are possessed by.
I personally am against all this, and I love God, and I love His children, and I am pained greatly by this.
But I want you to go look at it.
I want you to go face it.
As the Marines we've had on this show, and the soldiers we've had on this broadcast, they've come on and they've faced it, what they saw of the dead and dying children.
And how they shoot anything that moves, how they've been ordered to, how it's a big joke, and how it's broken them, and how they have nightmares about it.
Because they were there.
They had some humanity.
They faced it.
Some of them don't have humanity and love it.
In fact, there was one Reuters reporter we had on who was in the green zone almost a year ago, and down the street they just killed a bunch of children in a crowd because somebody threw some rocks.
They just opened fire and shot everybody.
People protesting over not having water, clean water.
I think you'd protest if you didn't have clean water for six months.
And they killed a bunch of people, including children, and they were arguing with Marines.
Some of these reporters, you know, how dare you?
You killed children.
And the Marines began screaming, Good!
We're going to kill some more of the little bastards!
That was witnessed by a whole bunch of American reporters.
We're going to kill a bunch of the little bastards!
So, they're killing lots of them.
Go look at the handiwork.
I mean, you enjoy talking about it so much.
In your soft, easy boy, lazy chair lifestyle.
Again, I know a liquor store owner, and he said that he'd never sold more whiskey, not on Thanksgiving, not on the day before Christmas.
On the eve of the war and for that week of the bombardment, people were just in drunken delight, sitting in their chairs, associating their personal power with the imperial forces, blasting the living daylights out of a country.
A country our government put under 12 years of sanctions and killed a million and a half of them.
A country where our government put Saddam Hussein into power.
A country where under our funding and orders, a million Iraqis died fighting the Iranians.
Saddam was told, yeah, go ahead and invade Kuwait.
We're your ally.
Again, I don't defend Saddam Hussein.
I don't defend those that put him into power.
Those that were in business with him, like the Bushes and BCCI.
You see, when I think about a problem, I think about the history of it, the factors that go into it.
I know where Iraq is on a map.
I know the history of Iraq going back 3,000 years.
I know about the politics of Iraq.
I know about the different factions in Iraq.
I know about the history of Iran.
I know about the history of Kuwait.
I know about the history of Egypt.
I know about the history of Israel.
I know about the history of all these places.
Because that's what I do.
I spent my time.
Before I made an opinion, before I came out with what I believe, I spent years studying it.
But you, with the nukem on the back of your car, you don't even know where it is on a map, most of you.
In major polls that have been done.
You, half of you, actually think Saddam and bin Laden are the same person in a major poll.
You people are mentally ill.
You are mental cripples.
As Red Buckman said yesterday, you are sickos.
Well, does that mean you're for John Kerry?
John Kerry's for your war, and he wants to expand it.
John Kerry's for the assault weapons ban, and open borders, and signing on to UNESCO, and the free trade area of the Americas, and everything else Bush is for.
They give you a false choice.
They told Iraq, let the UN keep sucking off of you, and running at scams, and feeding off the people, and have controlled genocide going on, and seeds, the oldest form of total war.
Or, the bad cop,
We'll come and get you.
Which is America.
There's you in place of the good cop.
It's a mafia tactic.
Pay us the extortion money, let us run your grocery store, or Luigi's going to burn it to the ground.
Now, if you pay me for protection, I can keep Luigi from burning down your grocery store.
It's just basic mob psychology, basic extortion, basic terrorism, over and over and over again.
And by the way, you think you're part of this system?
You think you're part of this establishment?
You think you're part of all this and that you get power off of watching countries get bombed and you get off on all this because you've never been in any type of real conflict?
You've probably never even been in a real fist fight.
You're soft and weak.
But you're into how macho you are.
You like to strut around.
You'll probably wear a big cowboy hat.
Probably got some cow rope and rope in the back of your pickup truck, and you probably strut around, probably never even been on a horse, or rode a bull, or de-horned.
You're some of the sickest people I've ever seen in my life.
You make me want to vomit all over you.
You're pukes.
You're cowards.
You're weaklings.
You're disgusting.
You're disgusting.
You're murderers.
You have enabled the murder of innocent people by the millions.
You are Nazi filth.
And again, I'm not talking to 98% of our audience who are wonderful, good, intelligent people from across the political spectrum.
I'm talking about those sickos out there.
The ones that email me once a week going, I want to kill you.
You ought to be put in a camp.
Let's nuke those people.
They're animals.
You are sick.
And you ought to repent of what you've turned into.
I mean, I want you to go look at the dead children.
I mean, do you really think it's precision bombardment when they got a hundred howitzers lined up and a hundred tanks lined up just firing into whole zones of a city?
You think that's precision?
For a week straight before they went in.
You think that's precision?
But hey, that's not enough for you.
You don't care about precision.
You say nuke them.
I hear you every day on my radio.
Nuke them, nuke them, nuke them, nuke them.
Kill them all.
They're not human.
Kill them all.
Well, I had a chance to leave.
Yeah, 300,000 people in a city.
People, most of them, are so poor, they're wearing rags.
Their kids don't have shoes.
They don't even have cars, donkeys, nothing.
And there's not another town for 80 miles away through a desert, Rocky Mountain Desert, and you're telling them, just leave, just leave the city, just leave your little house, and we're going to pick most of you up and put you in re-education centers and interrogate you and break up your families.
But that's okay.
Just walk on down the dirt road towards the tanks, and we're going to take good care of you.
Ah, but you don't leave during a hurricane, do you?
Because you don't want to leave your home.
But you tell them to leave.
You sit there.
And then I've got this article here.
I remember seven years ago getting the federal documents, six years ago having members of the federal board on the radio show
Openly, every state, you'll have a transponder or a satellite tracker box in your car that you'll pay for when you get your tags.
Everywhere you go will be tracked and traced.
Everything you do will be taxed.
It's now going into Austin.
The city admits it'll be $1,800 a year on average to drive your car per person.
Well, Oregon has already made it the law to start doing it.
And Arnold Schwarzenegger just proposed it.
It's a federal plan.
New York's proposing it by city and county basis.
It's going in in hundreds of counties and cities.
And it doesn't matter of the poll, the latest poll that just came out.
95.2% question.
Should drivers be taxed by the mile with the use of GPS tracking equipment instead of paying a gasoline tax?
95.2% say no.
4.7% say yes.
That's an ABC News poll out of California.
But Arnold's on TV, how great it's going to be, and how much he loves you, and how this is going to be a big tax cut for you.
Oh, sure it is.
I told you the stated federal plan seven years ago, and it seemed like forever.
That was 2005.
Oh, we don't have to worry about that.
I remember getting the emails, Alex, you're nuts.
I'll never do that.
Now I talk to yuppies, and they go, well, maybe I will just do it, I mean.
As soon as you're faced with it being real, you psychologically decide to accept it as if that gives you some power over it.
You people are perfect slaves.
We'll be right back.
Jack Brownrigg for Midas Resources.
Last summer, we did some two-year comparisons between the equity markets and gold.
Let's update.
January of 2002 to January of 2004, the Dow was up a whopping 2.2%.
The NASDAQ in that same time frame is flat.
Two years ago, the U.S.
dollar was worth 17% more than the euro.
Today, the U.S.
dollar is worth 28% less than the euro.
Guess which one has gold backing?
January of 2002, gold spot was 283.
January of 2004, it's well over $400 at a 13-year high, up near 40%.
Gold is moving.
Equities are treading water.
To say little of the billions lost in market scandals.
We're good to go.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
There's been a lot of new big developments with Darth Arnold.
And we'll be talking about that, plus Ridge to resign.
It's top news all over Europe, and in a lot of our newspapers.
You'll never hear about it nationally.
But the election was stolen, clearly, in Ohio.
But, hey, Bush's ringer took a dive, and so it doesn't even really matter.
There's so much.
And again, we're not for carry, folks.
We're just reporting the facts.
By the way, why aren't you seeing all these photos of children with their legs and arms blown off in our newspapers and magazines and on television?
You're not seeing that because you can't see those images.
You can only see the fake images in violent movies and TV.
That's okay.
But Americans can't handle real images of violence.
Whereas 50 years ago, real images of violence were shown all over television and in major publications.
Because people didn't mind something if it was real.
They wanted to know.
They were more informed.
But they were very angry about making light of it and showing a fictionalized account.
So see, now we see the shifting.
But that's coming up.
Anthony, Jason, Megan, Charles, others, your calls are coming up right now.
I want to get more into this taxation by the mile coming to a town near you very soon.
Anthony in Louisiana, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was going to ask you about, because you have said before, before the assault on Fallujah started, that if we're going to have to be there, we should at least just go ahead and get rid of all the insurgents on a common sense kind of basis and not do the half-hearted assault, and it was delayed due to the presidential election and whatnot.
At the same time, it's not right to go ahead and use all the dead babies and whatnot because you're going to have to have at least some of that to, quote, get rid of all the insurgents if we have to be there in the first place.
I mean, wouldn't it make more sense to just say, you know, I'm for us getting out of there now, you know, making a big apology and just leaving, you know?
I know it's not a grown-up way to think because Iraq is pretty important for oil.
Well, no, no, no.
Sir, maybe I talk too fast.
Maybe I am an illiterate bumpkin who doesn't know how to speak correctly, but let me explain what I said.
Okay, I mean in a Machiavellian worldview.
I mean just from the point of view of philosophy.
I'm against the war.
The war is a fraud.
The war is over oil and using Iraq as a military launch base to invade other countries.
Dick Cheney wrote that in September of 2000.
That's his words, not Clark's, not O'Neill's.
They all back it up too, but here it is from the horse's mouth.
From Darth Cheney's mouth, okay?
So, here it is in your face.
All I said was, is that our government then...
When they go into these wars, on purpose, fights them to extend them, because they're making, on average, about $40 billion a month in profit for the military-industrial complex in Halliburton and others, off the taxpayer largesse.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars.
What is it?
$400 billion plus a year now.
In Iraq alone.
And it's just like Vietnam where we were not allowed to win the war.
It was designed to be protracted and limited.
So I'm not saying I'm for the war.
I'm saying look at how Bush for two months wouldn't let our troops go in.
To Fallujah and let the insurgents dig in, which will kill more insurgents, more of our troops, and most importantly, more of the civilians that didn't sign up for this.
And the military said that.
So my point is, is that they didn't even care about the troops.
Even though they're going to go ahead with this, then they didn't try to minimize loss of life by going in early.
I mean, along that line...
You know, we say most of the Humvees, what, 90% of them aren't armored, so they've had to put their own plywood in with sandbags.
You know, well, Alex, why are you talking about that if you're against the war?
Well, I'm against the war.
I'm also for the troops.
This shows how the government doesn't give a rip about them.
Okay, I mean... So, see, there's multiple conversations and debates and discussions going on simultaneously.
Multifaceted, multivariate.
Well, I mean, in like a perfect world, if they said, well, guys, you know, you, the American people, if you want to get out of Iraq, you know, just tell us.
And would you just say, look, your bottom line is you want us to just go, right?
Or, right?
To leave?
That's what I'd say.
All right.
All right, Alex, thanks.
Hey, thank you.
We should have never gone there to begin with.
And they knew it would become a quackmire, and we'd go, we've got to stick it out.
Then we'd lose $58,000 over 10 years like Nam.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, I'd like to welcome Alan Glass, who is a pharmacist from Marks Plaza Pharmacy in Vancouver, Canada.
Hi, Alan, welcome to the program.
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Yes, the same multinational U.S.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So, you're all going to have to have a national ID card via your driver's license to have a job, and it'll have over a hundred private indexes of all your private information, much of it, of course, mistakes and frauds, instantly pulled up by cameras and police cars that scan your license plates, already going in all over the light poles.
Cameras will be in the bathrooms that are already going in, the government bathrooms, police bathrooms, school bathrooms.
I think.
I think.
That are watching you via the wireless network just to make sure there's no problem.
It'll save lives.
This is all admitted, documented.
All cars will have satellite tracking taxation boxes or transponders.
Tracking and taxing you, starting here in Austin in two years.
They've already passed it.
They say they don't care if we're all against it.
$1,800 a year just to drive in the city while your track hurts you up on average.
And you'll have a national draft, and you'll just have it all, and you'll just love it, I'm sure.
Or we can decide to fight against this and say no to it.
We're about to go to your calls, but here it is out of the LA Times.
DMV chief backs tax by the mile.
Governor Arnold Darkness of the Darkness, that's what his name really means, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday...
Appointed a new Department of Motor Vehicles director who was advocated taxing motorists for every mile they drive by placing tracking devices in their cars.
And cars made for the last eight years all have the plug-ins for these.
Hmm, into their ignitions.
Isn't that nice?
The idea would mean a significant overhaul.
It's an overhaul, see?
But how California collects taxes to maintain its often crumbling roads.
Oh yes, they're crumbling because you're always stealing the money out of that fund.
Actually, I've been to California a lot.
The roads are not crumbling.
Under the plan, the state gas tax, now 18 cents a gallon, will be replaced with a tax on every mile traveled by each car or truck.
Yeah, they're talking about like 25 cents a mile to start.
And it'll track everything you do.
The notion has not been endorsed by Schwarzenegger.
Oh, it's just the new guy he appointed.
It's not his fault.
But it's gaining acceptance among transportation and budget experts.
As Californians drive increasingly more fuel-efficient cars, state road officials are alarmed that the gasoline tax will not rise enough money to keep up with road needs.
Let me stop right there.
I had a Wisconsin state senator on the show six years ago who was on the Federal Board of Transportation.
And he faxed me the memos.
He said, I'm against it.
They know I'm against it, but they're moving with the states to push this.
They're going to claim that because of fuel-efficient cars, there's not enough money.
They're going to claim because of overstrapped state budgets.
They've got to have this.
They're going to put a satellite box in every car.
You'll have to pay for it when you get your tags.
They're only about $50 now.
This will plug in, and they'll make sure you haven't rigged it or unplugged it.
You'll have to plug in the box every certain number of fill-ups.
It'll also have a transponder in it, so they'll check you at the gas pump.
And they're going to keep, of course, the federal tax on that gas, and they're going to go ahead and keep charging you at the pump as well.
And England's now bringing this out, and they say an average of 65 cents, that's the U.S.
calculation, for driving period, and even more than that, it could be upwards of a pound or $2 to drive a mile during peak times.
And again, here in Austin, they admit, the government admits, $1,800 a year to start.
I have the Kansas City Star.
For about a month ago, they're going to have one stretch of toll road.
One 24-mile stretch of toll road.
I even have that article, actually, in my truck.
I ought to go get that.
I showed it on TV last week, and that report's up on the website, prisonplanet.tv.
But it's going to cost you $20 to go to work and come back.
In Illinois, in Chicago, they already have it with the toll roads where, well, it's double the price if you pay at the cash window.
And if you have the transponder, it's half price.
Same thing in New York.
I was just in New York and talking to the cabbies about this.
And see, soon they're just going to completely phase it out.
In fact, they've said the system going in will be completed in the next two years, the first phases of it.
The first phase is nine toll roads on existing roads here in Austin.
And by the way, it's statewide.
It will be $1,800 a year.
$1,800, and that's just a start.
That's just a start.
And Bush has now announced to Karl Rove and others on Meet the Press that, yes, we plan to get rid of the income tax down to about 10%, then they can ratchet it back up, and we're going to give you a sales tax.
Oh, it's so conservative.
Federal control over every terminal, every cashier, every business, every internet business, every everything, and they'll track and trace everything you buy, sell, and do.
Even if you pay cash, you'll have to swipe your ID card, because if you make under $15,000 a year, you're not going to have to pay the sales tax.
It's, after all, graduated.
And it's very fair if you make over a million a year, why, it's going to be 35%.
Let's get those rich people.
Of course, the rich people predominantly own the government and own the systems that are going to be taxing you, and they just love it.
Sure, I'll pay back some of the money I get off you into the system, and then later I can cut the taxes for myself after you're sold on it.
I mean, this is such an incredible system!
Everything you do, everything you buy, everything you sell, tracked and traced.
And by the way, that's admitted by the Congressman Bob Barr, by the ACLU, by Tom DeWeese.
All of them have looked at these bills, this legislation.
This is what it does.
Now, I told you nine, ten years ago about this.
It's been federal plan that long.
It takes this long to build the infrastructure.
So the internal, but public, Department of Transportation memos and documents and statements and the guests we've had on, we've known.
Remember, go back and listen to a show five years ago.
I said exactly what's happening will happen by 2005.
Not because I have a crystal ball, but because I go to the source documents.
So now we're here, see?
It's 2004, and they're a couple years behind in some areas, but not in others.
They're already doing a test in Oregon.
They've already passed the law to do all this, but to incrementally put it in.
Oh, you get big discounts.
You get big discounts if you go ahead and take the satellite tracker, and it's real cheap.
It's just a few cents a mile.
We're just testing it right now.
And then when you go to the gas stations, selected gas stations, you swipe your little card, or this little reader reads your KTAG transponder.
They're getting you all used to it now with your little, you know, tiger passes and the rest of it.
And then you don't just have to pay the gas tax.
You also get a discount on your fuel!
Oh, Exxon and other major oil companies that are participating with Oregon because they care about you!
Because they care.
By the way, this argument that, oh, they've got to raise this new tax with satellite trackers and transponders because you've got fuel-efficient cars...
That's stupid.
If they want to tell the public they need more money and just raise the gas tax because people are driving cars that get 35 miles instead of 15 miles a gallon, they can do that.
By the way, that's a lot more popular than the satellite trackers.
See, that isn't their reason, folks.
It's about tracking and tracing and knowing what you do and what you're up to.
And also, once they got this in place, folks, it's going to be unbelievable.
Can you imagine if it's going to be $1,800 in Austin?
And unelected boards already passed it.
They said they don't care what we say.
Ha, ha, ha.
Rick Perry laughed at us.
He's the guy that appointed it.
Rick Perry, hey, I got the voting machines.
I got troops with machine guns.
Shut up.
I rule you.
I don't care if 98% of you are against it in Houston, 93% in Austin.
All right, let's go to calls.
It's just pointless.
Just a couple years from now when you're getting taxed and you can't drive your car anymore and you're forced to go use that bus and those trains they're putting in for you, and when you're being tracked and traced and everything you do is being controlled, just remember I warned you.
Just remember.
Jason, where are you calling us from?
Thank you.
You know, Alex, when I first discovered you back about a year ago, everything that you're reporting on, all the facts, everything, I thought, finally, somebody who has it together and who's out there in the public.
Getting the word out and waking people up.
And I just want to thank you for it.
Well, let me just say this.
Have you ever heard Clark Howard?
Clark Howard.
How is he doing?
I'm your friend.
But if you listen to him, he's behind the police state.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, he's got a great new system we should all be for being tracked and tagged.
Oh, it's going to save us money.
I mean, what?
And then the show before that.
If you... Hi, this is Clark Howard.
If you'd like to join the Tattletail Squad with me... You know, and the thing is this.
I bring up to people, you know, how Bush is implementing this Nazi-like state, and I give examples of what Hitler did and examples of what Bush is implementing, and people still deny it, you know, on these various call-in radio shows here in Arizona.
This is a very conservative state.
I mean, I can't even get your program...
On a local station, I have to go on the internet.
And, you know, I even sent you an audio clip, emailed it to you, and it was one of these conservative things, I guess.
And I mentioned about Bush and Kerry being cousins, and I got 30 seconds into the call and they cut me off.
You know, major censorship.
They don't want to deal with the real thing.
Did they say it didn't exist?
It wasn't true?
Well, what they said was, I said, we should get to the real issues and the real news.
And I sent you the clip.
I don't know if you got it or not, but feel free to play it on your show.
I mean, it's just amazing.
She just laughed it off and said, oh, yeah, real issues, ha, ha, ha, and then just went on.
This is how you handle them.
You go, Bush is for open borders.
Bush is for the assault weapons ban.
Bush is for the free trade area of the Americas.
Bush says our number one export is jobs.
And I want to know, how can I, in my area, get involved changing things?
Because Senator McCain, he is for all these, you know, tracking systems, doing this, doing that, the National ID card.
The National ID card, the satellite tracker boxes, Arnold Schwarzenegger being president, assault weapons bans, open borders.
He is a monster.
Look, that guy is an elected.
We've seen major fraud in Arizona.
Well, how do I get involved?
I mean, I want to go in and make a change.
I mean, I cannot believe, I was in a discussion last night with somebody who,
And I even showed him the clip on Infowars.com of Bush admitting being his phone bones, and he said that was fake.
Even when they're presented with the facts... So even when Bush goes on Meet the Press, it's fake?
Yeah, exactly.
And then the Tom Brokaw clip you got on your site played that for somebody, and they said, oh, like, they even called that fake, and even went as far as saying that they chopped it up to edit it.
They accused you of editing it for your site.
You know, so it's just ludicrous.
I'm scared for America, man.
I want my freedom back, damn it.
Listen, I hear you.
I appreciate the call.
Look, these people deep down are afraid, and they make whatever excuse they can to deny what's happening.
Well, Bush backs the national sales tax, and I guess they're going to go for that.
As I've been warning you for six years on that subject, since I learned of it, he backs all of this, and so do the Democrats.
And so, Megan in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Megan, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
Good to hear you today.
A couple things.
I emailed you a tip about a clip from CNN that was played in Europe, and I think it was from the beginning of this second invasion in Iraq, of another soldier shooting an Iraqi as a guy is, like, obviously injured and crawling away, and his friends start cheering, and then
They show a clip of the kid saying, yeah, that felt so awesome.
You just want to go do it again.
So I emailed you that clip.
Yeah, I've got that clip.
The point is that if you're in an area that's been held by Marines for 24 hours and there's people dead and dying around you and you don't even know they're insurgents and you just walk over and blow somebody's head off and then they celebrate about it, that's sick.
Again, folks, they didn't celebrate in World War II when they blew somebody's head off.
You know, that's the difference, is the reveling in the death.
Well, and I had one other thing.
I don't know, Chris Christopherson had just re-released an album that he did in the 80s, and it was very much about Panama and Nicaragua and the things that we were doing down there.
Very prophetic, actually, you know, for what is going on now.
And I went to my record store last week to pick it up, and they're going to have to order it for me because
Since the election, so many people came in to buy this obscure CD.
So you might want to look into it.
It's very good.
Very good music and very inspiring music, too, at the same time.
All right.
Well, thanks for the call, Megan.
Charles in Louisiana.
Great call.
Charles, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Mr. Jones?
Yeah, put him on hold.
Just turn your radio off, bro.
That'd be really, really great.
And we'll go back to him in just a second.
Okay, now let's go back to Charles.
Charles, go ahead.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
Hey, how you doing?
I'm fine.
I've seen that tape, too, with the guy shooting the crawling person, our soldiers shooting the civilians.
I'm going to tell you something.
Our soldiers are run by Satanism.
And I'm going to tell you, I've lost respect for our troops over there.
I've lost respect for the American people.
I don't know these people.
They're just brain dead.
You did everything in the world to wake them up.
You sacrificed.
Well, let me stop you.
It is true that our troops play the most demonic death metal music.
I mean, folks, we've got video of it.
Satan power, 666, death, death.
With human skulls on the front, with 666 on the tanks, 666 on the helicopters, coming in there and, you know, burn, baby, burn, and just laughing as things blow up.
There's video of it.
People are like, yeah.
I mean, it is just incredible.
Huge loudspeakers with the sounds of dying rabbits and chanting monks, just like Waco.
Remember they taught them that in a chant.
We'd gather all the kids in the schoolyard, throw them candy and warm them down.
They prepared them for this before they went away.
Yeah, the new chants are, and I can't say all of it, but if it was in the mainstream news, the new chant is about killing children.
Giving them candy and then murdering them, which Joseph Mingala liked to do.
Joseph Mingala, once a week or so, would drive out with a carload of kids, five-year-olds was his favorite, line them up on the side of the street, give them all chocolate, and then watch him eating the chocolate, and he'd walk over with a luger and then shoot him in the head, and then he'd go do something in the car.
Well, let me say this, and please, this is what I feel today.
I'm upset today.
I'm like you.
Some days I have bad days.
I don't care what the American people say, what they do.
They deserve what they get.
Every one of us are responsible for that.
We should be screaming out.
We should be putting signs in our yards.
No new world order.
Down with Bush.
Down with the government.
And they'll come up there and they'll say this and they'll say that and they'll agree with you.
But when it comes time to work, they don't want to do nothing.
They don't want to sacrifice their time or their money.
Or they don't want to support the show.
They're scared to talk.
These people are scary idiots.
They're scary idiots, Mr. Jones.
The American people are finished.
Well, Charles, I don't totally agree with that view.
Some of them are, but a lot of people are awake, are involved.
The media just doesn't give them any attention, so you don't know about it.
We need to get you on television.
Everybody send $20, get you some show time, and let's get off and really get down to work and let the people start donating something while they've still got something.
Pretty soon they ain't going to have nothing.
Stay there, Charles.
I'll let you finish.
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You know, Charles says our military is run by Satan.
And I would have to agree that the globalists controlling America, Europe, and most of the world really are the devil incarnate.
But that doesn't mean that the Iranian government's good or anybody else is.
I mean, the Bible tells you that all these countries are run by the king of this world.
So what you have is larger organizations of wickedness, like one larger mafia consolidating another mafia.
But, you know, if people don't believe me, I can actually ask Paul Watson, who I know is about to come on in 30 minutes, if Paul's listening, or I'll try to call him during the break, he's usually listening, post all those Reuters and AP photos and articles with the tanks with human skulls on them, and the 666, and those video clips with them playing the Slayer music, you know, the Rainblood Satanism music, which seems to be the most popular, and that it's sanctioned.
They have helicopters and tanks going, playing it,
And imagine, the Iraqis think these are liberators?
I mean, let's say you went and saw a Hollywood movie about some futuristic war.
When the evil army comes into your city, they've got skulls and 666 on their tanks.
You know, in a movie, you'd know those were the bad guys.
But our troops are doing it, and well, they're just having fun, you know.
Let me tell you, if I was going into dangerous combat, the last thing I'd do would be dancing around in a 666 outfit with human skulls on my vehicle.
I'd be praying to God for protection and to
I just... And, you know, we just accept all this.
You know, that our military, you know, it's symbols are skulls and death, and, well, we're killers, and... That's occult brainwashing, folks.
We didn't used to be like that.
Our founding fathers didn't have the death motif.
Our armies didn't have the death motif in World War I. That stuff started after World War I, just Prussian brainwashing techniques they used here.
But it's scary.
I mean, if you haven't seen, I mean, a lot of the tanks and helicopters have 666 and beasts and skulls and body parts hanging off of them.
I mean, it's sick.
It's mental illness.
And these people are going to come back here and be our cops.
It's scary.
I mean, what do you think the Muslims, people who are even on our side, think when they see tanks driving along with 666 on them?
They know what that is.
And our generals actually don't just put up with it, they promote it.
Charles, finish up.
What were you saying?
Wait, these listeners can start putting ads in the paper to listen to your show.
Put signs in the yard.
Charles, there's never been an awakening taking place like there is now.
You have made over 4,000 copies of my videos.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
And I just want to thank you, Charles.
I want to thank you, because I'll tell you the truth.
If it wasn't for you, believe it or not, and I'm not praising you, these people wouldn't know where they're at at all.
And they better thank God for you every night.
You've got the guts to stand up for this country and their children, but they don't stand up for themselves.
And thank you.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Take care.
Now, the reason this broadcast is important is because you can hear other people that think the same way, and it's a community.
But again, Peter Jennings and Dan Rather and the rest of them create the illusion that we're all alone.
Create the illusion that we don't have the majority view.
I mean, major poll, 95 plus percent in California aren't against Schwarzenegger's satellite tracker boxes.
93% in Austin, 98% in Houston.
Really, we're the majority view.
Most people know it's bad to give kids psychotropic drugs.
Introducing... Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, we're into hour number two.
I put the challenge out in the last hour to go to prisonplanet.com and link through where it says wartime photos.
We're talking about Reuters, Gannett News Service photos with babies dead, their arms and legs blown off.
You can be on whatever side you want to be of this war, but at least go look at it so you don't think it's all so fun and like a football game or something.
And call me and tell me what you think of these photos.
Also, Lord Schwarzenegger wants to satellite track and tax everybody in California who has a car.
That's the federal plan, years old.
I've been warning you.
We've been detailing that.
Lord Ridge is scheduled to be stepping down from Homeland Security.
There's a bunch of other big scandals with the new Porter Goss, head of CIA, saying he will push the agenda of Lord Bush.
So more political CIA reports to be flooding out from there.
And we're taking your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
Coming up in about 30 minutes, Paul Joseph Watson, who usually joins us about once a week, webmaster for prisonplanet.tv and prisonplanet.com, will be joining us as well.
Right now, let's talk to Ian.
And, uh, Ian, where are you calling us from?
Uh, Saratoga area in upstate New York.
Welcome, sir.
Hey, uh, I've been listening to you for about a year and a half.
I think you're awesome.
I did a report at my college recently on what really happened on 9-11, and I got a bunch of facts, and I read it out loud in front of my class.
It was a persuasive essay, and, uh, a lot of people after class and even my teacher were, was like, that was really persuasive, and, uh,
I think they're going to go check out things on my form.
Well done!
On my form I always post stuff and post evidence and all the proof I can.
I always get people that want to argue with me and say this or that, but I post all the evidence and all the proof and they just come up with short sentences trying to say I'm wrong.
You're a commie!
You're dumb!
So I've been working hard to...
You sound like Bin Laden!
Yeah, and you inspire me to do this stuff, and I think you're awesome, man.
Well, I think you're awesome.
Please stop saying I'm great.
You guys are great.
So, yeah, and I have one question for you.
I was wondering if you ever heard of chemtrails?
Oh, I certainly have, yes.
Yeah, I've been reading a lot about that and how, like...
A good way to fight that is with, they call them chembusters or cloudbusters, or have you ever heard of holy hand grenades or organ generators?
Yeah, you know, all that stuff is really hard to prove, and I don't get into it.
I mean, chemtrails themselves are hard enough to... Look, most people think everything's a chemtrail now when it's really a condensation trail.
But when a jet flies over at 2,000 feet and leaves a giant plume behind it that's there five hours later...
And then the Air Force admits and the Navy admits they've been doing tests.
There is certainly real stuff going on.
They have had the power to manipulate the weather for decades, and we're going to be doing some shows on it.
The problem is then attached to the whole movement dealing with chemtrails is a lot of kooky stuff.
I also heard you a couple of nights ago about how...
There's people in the holes in the buildings at 9-11 where the planes went in.
I was too hot to be there.
Last night I sent you about three photos of people standing inside.
There's a girl standing in the wreckage.
Yeah, I've got the video and the photos.
In fact, that should be posted on our How the Towers Collapse Bombs in the Buildings.
The problem is we post stuff daily and then it gets in different areas.
But yeah, we've got video photos, but any ones you find, send to us.
What email address do you send that to?
Tips at Infowars.com Good.
It's also good to send them to Paul Watson.
It says email the webmaster of Prison Planet.
But great job.
Keep it up.
Oh yeah, thousands of degrees, molding the steel, people standing in the holes.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight.
We're here, my friends.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Let's just continue with your phone calls.
I guess up next is Bill in Ohio.
Bill, welcome.
How are you doing?
Listen, a couple of things I wanted to ask you about.
One was talking about this, having the satellite trackers in the automobiles.
Are they going to do that totally from the standpoint of getting revenue, or is there enough of the aspect of trying to track your comings and goings that they would not,
Exempt an older vehicle.
I know the state of Ohio, for purposes of EPA inspection, if you live in an area where they have to have the tailpipe testing, any car that's over 25 years old, they exempt it because they figure, they say there's so few of them that they wouldn't make any difference.
I just wondered if this satellite tracking would be perhaps, do you suppose, the same thing might carry through
And also, if they do put that in, are they going to get rid of the gasoline tax?
Because I was always under the impression that the purpose of the gas tax was to provide money for construction of new roads and maintenance and upkeep on the existing road system.
And I wondered if they would get rid of the gas tax if they put this in.
There's one other thing also that I'll throw out here, and then I'll just turn the radio on and listen to your answers.
I've heard you talking about skull and bones and some of the Looney Tunes rituals that they do.
Well, several months ago, I can't remember just what time frame this was, but I think it was sometime early this year, I saw an Associated Press article to the effect that the post office had intercepted some freight coming in.
It was bound for someplace up around Cleveland or somewhere up on the lake.
Akron, perhaps.
Up in northern Ohio, there was a shipment of skull.
They thought that they were simply enamel... I don't want to say figurines, because I can't imagine anybody thinking that that... I don't know why anybody would want a skull sitting around.
But they thought that they were just something for decoration.
It turned out that one of them got chipped, and they discovered that there was actual bone underneath.
They were simply coated with enamel, but they were actual real skulls.
And they had launched an investigation to try to find out what was going on.
The shipment had come into the country through, I think, Florida, or through Miami, somewhere in Miami or Jacksonville, perhaps.
And that was the last I ever heard of it.
I'd never heard anything about the disposition of the case, if they found out who was to receive it, or what was the origin of them.
But I just wondered if there was...
I'd heard you talk about some of the rituals that skull and bones goes through at times, and I was wondering why would anybody really want skulls, or what would they do with them?
Okay, let me try to answer that question for you, and I appreciate the call.
My dad taught at the Baylor Dental School, and so he has a skull, and he's a dentist, and when you go to medical school, you have to buy a skull,
And they're very, very expensive because India stopped having their main national export being human body parts.
Before, all the bums that would die, all the poor indigents, they'd scoop you up, they threw you in these beetle rooms, these basements full of these flesh-eating beetles that would really clean off the bones and they'd dunk them in Clorox and bleach them out and sell them.
And so in the past, most of the skeletons you see at the universities, a lot of them are plastic now, were for people from India.
That's where most of the bodies came from.
But they've found a big black market in skulls and body parts now out of Haiti and other places, and other third world countries, Africa, areas of Asia, because it's used in a lot of black magic rituals and other sangria-type...
Sangria is the drink.
It sounds like sangria.
It's kind of like that voodoo religion.
Sangria, yeah, sangria, excuse me.
Sangria, yeah, they want it for sangria.
Sangria is a bunch of different fruits chopped up with liquor.
But sangria, yeah, they want it for sangria.
But they've caught a lot of that.
There have been lawsuits by the Apaches because they admittedly pressed Scott Winton, dug up the body of Geronimo and stole the skull.
And they got a bunch of other famous people's skulls in there.
And they got giant swastikas on the walls.
They eat off Hitler's silverware.
They drink out of skulls.
Devil worshippers do this.
And the cops buzz devil worshippers all the time for committing other crimes or drug dealing and buying skeletons and stuff.
And they do sexual things with skulls.
And that's part of the ritual that Bush has gone through.
Part of being a Christian conservative.
In this country today.
I mean, I'm against it, so I'm evil.
I understand that.
And this is what they do.
So, they're into it.
But no, I didn't see that article about a shipment of skulls.
I have seen other stories about shipments of body parts.
And people are into this stuff.
They're into skulls.
And they think they're real neat.
And they think they get power off of it.
And so there's a lot of rich people around this country that have skulls.
Frankly, I've discovered it's pretty popular.
And people think skulls are just these totems of power.
And so that's a big part of it.
So those were probably destined for some type of voodoo group.
If it was a Mediterranean group.
Again, there I go again.
Caribbean group, Mediterranean group.
But just incredible.
But no.
Going back to your first question.
Of course here I always belabor things.
I wanted to get to a bunch of calls in this segment.
But it's an important question.
This is out of the LA Times.
DMV chief backs tax by the mile.
You said, well, will my old car be exempt?
You know, because the satellite tracker box can't plug into the new electronic ignition because there's not an electronic ignition, a new computer ignition, on my 25-year-old car.
Well, that's where the transponders or the high-powered radio identification devices come in.
That's what they're going to use in Austin.
That's what they're using in the Bay Area of California.
And they say in the articles that you're going to have a choice.
Either take a satellite tracker box...
And you get a discount if you do, because they really want that, or take a transponder.
Now understand, they can put a satellite tracker box in your car and not have it plug into the ignition, because all it does is register how far it travels on the GPS grid, down to an accuracy of about 10 feet.
Every car is going to have to have this.
Everyone is going to have to have this.
And they're going to keep the federal gas tax.
The states are going to put this in and force this in at the state level.
But then under the federal plan, the feds are then going to start taxing you.
When you get on a federal interstate highway, a by-the-mile tax will kick in and be deducted from your account.
You'll have to have an account.
Oregon's already started putting it in.
California's about to do it.
New York's got bills to do it.
Wisconsin's moving to do it.
There are scores of states that are on the cusp of doing it.
But not just states.
Cities and, quote, transit regions, groups of counties like Texas, Central Texas, and then into South Texas, are doing this.
And it is a global model.
So that's what's happening.
And you'll be taxed, you'll be traced, you'll be controlled with these systems.
And if you drive without a transponder, the cameras will automatically scan you.
By the way, all over I-35, these were put in five years ago.
The scanners are already up.
They will scan your car, and if you don't have a transponder, police will immediately be dispatched.
And they're already going in from Indiana to Texas
I mean, four years ago, I'd say about eight states had already had it.
Now, from Florida to Texas, I mean, it's going in everywhere.
In fact, I don't know of a state that isn't putting it in.
Quietly, these cameras that scan and automatically read your license plate.
They're AI computers that automatically read the numbers.
They can scan up to a thousand license plates in a single second.
That's how powerful these cameras are.
And they automatically scan it and then run it.
So everywhere you go, it's the equivalent of a cop running your plates.
You know how a cop will swing in behind you randomly?
And if you kind of look at them funny in a red light, ooh, that must be a criminal, they pull behind you and you see them looking down as you're driving, typing something, and then they look at your plate and they're typing, and then when they see you don't have any warrants, they pull out around you and drive off?
The equivalent of it is everywhere, cops everywhere doing that instantly.
You'll say, well, that'll stop criminals.
That'll stop crime.
You know, this will be a perfect world.
The problem is all the crimes now are going to be petty.
Everything's going to be a crime.
And everywhere you go, they're going to quote, analyze suspicious activity and what you're doing.
I mean, is this a world you want to live under?
By the way, every time cops shoot a girl in the face with rubber bullets and kill her, beat somebody to death, or taser some old woman to death or something, every time we go, oh, there were 25 police surveillance cameras in the area, we're subpoenaing those.
They go, nope, no subpoena, we're immune.
And then if you subpoena it and sue them and spend 20 grand, they go, oh, all those tapes malfunctioned that night.
And we've been involved in cases here where the cop raises the billy club to hit...
The person in the face, we get the tape, and then it cuts to black.
Oh, it malfunctioned.
Next you see the person on a stretcher being put in a, uh... And they go, oh, he assaulted me!
And it just so happened to malfunction at that point, and the judge looks at the jury and goes, hmm... You need to convict the person who had their clavicle and their skull broken.
Because, uh, they obviously assaulted the officer like he said.
The video malfunctioned, just take his word.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Yeah, it's official.
Oregon's already started it.
They're going to make everybody do it.
Lord Schwarzenegger wants to do it.
Your car will be turned into a taxi.
And we knew this was coming all along.
They're putting it in place all over the place.
Including right where I sit.
Right here in Austin.
$1,800 a year to start on average for the average driver.
That'll help you and your family out on top of the other gas taxes.
Let's go ahead and go to Rick in Canada.
Oh, Mike in Canada.
Mike in Canada.
Go ahead.
Alex, how you doing?
Oh, it's Mike.
I'm all right, I guess.
Yeah, I just want to thank you for waking me up.
I've got to tell you, I was sick to my stomach for a couple months learning that the world I lived in was a lie.
I just want to thank you for waking me up.
Well, thank you.
I've got a question for you.
Just a couple quick questions, I think.
Number one, do you have video of Tom Brokaw stating on October 11, 2001 that America is now propelled into the New World Order?
No, I don't, but I heard about that.
Heard about that, but you haven't seen it.
No, have you?
No, I'd love to get a video of that.
If that isn't a little piece of proof right there, then I don't know what is.
Well, I do have Tom Brokaw, the still image from when he said it, is on the web with huge, in white, on a blue background, the New World Order behind him, and everybody called about it, there were news articles about it, but I never got the video.
Okay, another quick question for you.
Washington, the streets are shaped like they form an upside-down star.
The bottom of the stars.
Yeah, and the whole place is full of Masonic Babylonian symbols, and it has a giant occult layout just like Paris.
Yeah, and where the Antichrist sits at the bottom of the stars, where the White House sits.
Have you talked much about that?
I have, yes.
We have covered it.
I mean, they admit that the designer of it was a big Mason, and it's laid out that way.
I mean, that's what the obelisks and all of it are.
And the Republicans, on their logo on the elephant, the star is now upside down on that logo?
Is that related?
I did notice that, yes.
One last question for you.
I know you'll probably be rolling your eyes at this one, but I know that you don't like Michael Moore, but he's just announced that he's going to release a new film, Fahrenheit 9-11 and a half.
What would you say to, what if he is going to help wake people up and expose more of the lie?
He wakes people up to one part of the paradigm and then goes, the U.N.
and the Democrats are going to save you, then he doesn't tell you one-tenth of the truth about 9-11.
Well, yeah, that was probably calculated on his part, and he knew if he went full-blown with that in front of 9-11, he would just be laughed at.
I mean, the guy is a Time Warner minion.
You think he's just having trouble waking up because he just loves America?
You think so?
Well, no!
He's an establishment guy, you know.
What about Fahrenheit 9-11 and a half?
I haven't... Yeah, I know he's making it.
I haven't... I don't know anything about it.
He just announced he's going to make it.
He hasn't even started yet.
All right.
One last question for you.
Where are these Rothschilds now?
Like, are the family...
Working out?
Do they still carry that name?
Yeah, type in N.M.
That's just one of their banks.
Their symbol is five arrows pointed downward with a crown around them with the letter R in it, and it means Redfield.
They're meeting with Arnold Schwarzenegger, vacationing with him, hanging out.
They own most of the big banks.
They own a lot of our Federal Reserve.
They still bear that family name?
Yes, Rothschild, yes.
Yeah, and who's the main sort of Rothschild, would you say, then?
Lord Rothschild in England.
Lord Rothschild.
He lives in England?
Yes, he lives in England.
He's a lord.
And he's still alive?
Yes, he's in the... You can go to my Arnold section and see him and Warren Buffett enjoying themselves in a Scotsman photo.
Do you think they're still at the helm, or they're holding... they're sharing the torch with David Rockefeller?
Yes, they're part of the 13 families.
It's a mafia.
They're families.
All right, my friend.
Well, thank you for your time.
Love your show, and keep fighting the good fight.
Thank you.
It's Lord Jacob Rothschild.
He's the head of the family, at least over the English banking dynasty, and then they've got, what is it, Michelle Rothschild in France.
But they say he's the big dog.
Jacob Rothschild.
Nice person.
Very friendly person.
Cares about you and your family.
Wants to help you.
Oh, man.
It's a twilight zone every day on this show.
All right, we'll be right back with Paul Watson and more of your phone calls at a news blitz.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're now to the halfway point of this worldwide transmission against tyranny.
Paul Joseph Watson will be joining us with his news and analysis for the second half of the broadcast.
We'll continue with calls from Christy, James, Rick, Manuel, and many, many others that are holding.
Coming up here in just a few minutes, before I go to Paul Watson...
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Let's go to Paul Watson.
Paul, good to have you on with us, my friend.
Good to be back, Alex.
I tell you, there is so much going on.
I just want to go over news right now.
What's some of the news you think is most important in the last week?
Well, in the last week, it's got to definitely be what's taking place in Fallujah.
Because we've got massive amounts of American soldiers, Iraqi civilians dying in Fallujah.
Numbers which are just not being reported by the mainstream media on both sides.
The Arab independent media, the American independent media are reporting hundreds, hundreds, thousands of casualties, which you will not see in, you know, USA Today and the Washington Post, so we need to talk about that.
These high-level resignations of Powell, Armitage and others, we've been talking about that for months.
You know, the police state tanks rolling along in L.A., six-year-olds being tasered.
It's all happening.
Oh boy, it certainly is.
Lord Schwarzenegger's minions, the new guy he appointed, says we're going to put satellite tractors or transponders in all your cars.
And they have the nerve to say it's going to save you money when their own plan says 25 cents a mile.
Now, 25 cents a mile instead of 18 cents a gallon, let me see the average car, 22 miles to the gallon...
So 22 miles for 18 cents instead of 25 cents a mile.
How was that a discount, Paul?
Well, I mean, they had the same program in England.
They said, don't worry, it's just a small five pounds charge for driving in certain areas of London.
We're not going to expand it.
You know, the intelligent cameras simply scan your license plate, feed it into a centralized database, and we automatically debit the money from your account.
Two months after they introduced it, they introduced it in areas of Scotland and then they expanded it to say we're going to have this satellite tracker linked in which all new cars have, old cars can be retrofitted with.
Well, the reason I talk about this is, Paul, you've been listening to the show for, what, four years?
I mean, day one, I've been harping on this.
We've had the official federal plans.
The same thing's happening in Western Europe and England.
It always is the same.
And this is the public plan.
The BBC reported an average of 65 cents a mile when translated into dollars to drive in London.
Peak times even higher.
Oregon and California, New York, Texas, Florida, they're all saying they're going to do this now.
And still I get emails, people denying it, as the LA Times and Arnold Schwarzenegger announce it.
They're all announcing it, and we often say that they often run these kind of programs on the Chinese model.
Well, China's just announced that by 2020, if you believe that, they probably have it already.
And then, two days ago, the Pentagon...
Called it the military internet, hooked in with hundreds of satellites, watching everything we do, tracking everything, hooked in with wireless networks on the ground, tracking the hundreds of billions of RFID chips from pill bottles to razors to Campbell's soup cans, everything with its own little antenna scanning and controlling us.
Well, yeah, and it's not just to track what people do.
That's just the surface level.
Essentially, it's to both regulate behavior and regulate access to the normal services which you would require to live your day-to-day life.
So then down the road, if you don't submit to Big Brother, then those services will be taken away.
By the way, this is all already going into place.
Right here where I sit in Austin, face scanning cameras, license plate scanners, giant toll roads, everything.
And citizens in Austin keep going, well, you say there's not going to be a toll booth.
How are you going to do that?
And they go, just watch.
They finally announced, yes, you're going to have to have a transponder in your car.
Oh, man, I just...
And then 90 plus percent of Austinites are against it, and they just say, we don't care.
Try to vote us out.
Ha ha ha.
Because they know.
I mean, it's like California.
We have the poll here on Infowars.com, ABC News.
95.2% in the poll today are against it, Paul.
Well, yeah, I mean, it's like the mobile phone tracking, which was introduced widespread.
I just reported in London alone, last year, 16,000 plus requests by your government to track citizens off the cell phones without warrants.
Go ahead.
Yeah, that's in South Korea.
Location tracking sparks privacy concerns.
People said, well, it's just a matter of convenience, you know, if you're lost, if you're trying to find a... And I've got an article out of London with them doing it, too.
Yeah, so it started out as convenience.
People said, well, why would the government need to do this?
They surely wouldn't abuse the power of this.
And now, in South Korea, it's admitted.
Well, Paul, in Matrix of Evil, I have the big newspaper out of Green Bay with the governor saying, oh, we want to have an added cell phone tax because these trackers in your cell phones now, we can have a center in real time tracking every person.
I mean, it's admitted.
The movement with the cell phones, the next frontier of that technology, is to have the RFID reader embedded, so then when you make purchases, you can make them directly by waving your cell phone over a scanner.
So that's another way to get the RFID chip.
I mean, cell phones are basically an extended accessory of anyone now.
They would basically not need the implanted microchip.
Two and a half years ago, Safeways in Northern California...
Put in smart cards with a little scanner in them and everything was already RFID'd and there's no checkout lanes already two plus years ago and you just throw it in your basket and it's scanned.
Oh, it's so convenient, Paul.
Yeah, the mobile phone one is called PayPass.
They've already announced it.
The FDA has announced tracking of all pill bottles, medication with RFID tags.
So the agenda rolls along as we predicted it a long time ago.
It's just expanding into every different sector of, you know, personal accessories and society.
Let's talk about Fallujah.
You know, every month or so we have a new article of tanks and helicopters with 666 and Satan on them and skulls on them.
I think that's an interesting mindset.
Can you grab some of those articles and put them together?
And we're talking about Reuters and stuff, folks.
Just to give people a flare of the mindset.
I mean, maybe people think that's Christian.
I don't think it is.
Or, oh, the boys are just having fun, and all the articles about them playing heavy metal music.
I mean, that's not the way to win hearts and minds, is tanks driving around with heavy metal, the most horrible death metal that sounds like... I mean, that's what it sounds like.
And we even got the video of the tanks driving around blurring these.
Do you think, I mean, what would you think if an invading army came in and said, we're the good guys here to help you with 666 and Satan down the side of your tank playing music like that?
Well, exactly.
And I mean, you know, go and watch any of the videos that are coming out now from Fallujah.
Whenever there's a large-scale killing or, you know, they take somebody out, it's, you know, hoops of delight from the troops that they've killed some more people.
That's not the way it is.
If you've got a job to do, then you do it.
If you really believe that all these people being killed are insurgents, which is certainly not the case, then, you know, you do the job.
You wouldn't seek delight out of it.
I mean, we had the CNN video around a year ago where, you know, they interviewed the guys and they were saying, I just love killing people.
I can't get enough of it.
And at the same time, we've got the media reporting.
Well, we've had London Independent articles where they're there by the reporter, they're not even hiding this, and they go, watch that lady walking down the road, and they fire, and they watch the blood spray splatter, and they go, good, just killed me another bee.
Yeah, and at the same time, we've got Alawi.
Look, it's so sanctioned, they're greasing women in front of the reporters.
And we've got Alawi, the former CIA trained school bus bomber.
Coming out and saying that there have been no civilian casualties, not one.
And, of course, we have masses of photos of kids with their legs blown off, Gannett News Service photos.
Yeah, the Red Cross official in the article today saying anonymously for fear of being killed himself that at least 800 civilians have been killed in the last 10 days or so.
And then we have in front of reporters the Abrams tank commanders a year ago aiming at the Baghdad Hotel at the Reuters floor and saying, fire!
And then making jokes about it in the Pentagon going, yes, we've ordered them to target independent journalists.
That was admitted in the BBC, yeah.
But here's the spin.
The government claims they've killed 1,200 insurgents, but the definition of insurgents is anyone who doesn't work directly for the military or the Iraqi puppet army, police or government.
So basically, if you're not in servitude to them, then you're classified as an insurgent.
So they've killed... Now, wait a minute.
A week or two ago, they killed the trash truck drivers, and as they begged for their lives, they said, we better cover this up, they want to have a machine gun them to death.
Those guys had passes directly worked for the government.
Yes, in reality, they've killed about 100 real insurgents and a thousand or more civilians in the last two weeks, and that's what all the photos and eyewitness reports show.
But, I mean, Paul, I said this last hour.
Think of a science fiction movie where, let's say, an evil army invades your city, and they've got skulls on the tanks and 666, and they play death metal music and the sounds of dying rabbits...
Well, wasn't it the case that they named the Iraqi insurgent groups Wolverines, which was taken out of a...
Yeah, they called them Wolverines out of Red Dawn, and then they even named their different units names of the Russian units.
That was what the Associated Press was, wasn't it?
And then they named the different units on top of it names of the Russian invaders, you know, the good guys of the Russian invaders.
And then they had another deal.
I mean, there's been so much of this.
It cuts both ways, because while there are civilians dying, we've had... Oh, that's right, they even also named the main operation... Iron Hammer.
Yeah, Nazi name, yeah, for taking out insurgents in Russia, yeah.
But it cuts both ways because again we got more articles about mass graves of US troops.
We had them in the past where cargo planes would transport bodies of dead troops secretly to foreign countries, places like Greece.
Cyprus, yeah.
And Cyprus.
But now we've had eyewitnesses on the Diyali River which ends just east of Baghdad saying that helicopters are flying over at dawn and dumping dead bodies wrapped in plastic bags into the river.
So when the Iraqis recover these bodies for burial, they're reporting characteristics common with Western or U.S.
The bodies are tall, you know, wrapped in a type of plastic and only used by Americans.
The complexions are white for the ones who aren't so badly burned.
And the soldiers on the ground admit anonymously that this is taking place.
So that's the kind of respect your government shows its own soldiers to support the troops.
You know, it's dumping dead Americans in black bags into rivers supporting the troops.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alright folks, your calls are coming up, but me and Paul are going to continue here until the next hour starts with some more news.
We'll go right to your calls and into more news in the next hour.
Paul, I'm trying to dig it out.
This is the problem.
There's so many news articles, so much to keep track of, so much corruption, it's hard to even focus on any one piece of it.
I'm trying to find it.
Last night I noticed a mainstream article, and it was some eastern state, where they had four marines die from their one little small town.
Now, we've only had 35 dead troops in Fallujah.
How can it be four Marines from one town?
And this is what they do.
A whole bunch of troops have been killed just from San Antonio alone, which is, granted, a big city, but these numbers, I've got these articles, these numbers of dead just being reported from different towns.
I need a bigger staff or something so I can just throw this at them and say, calculate it, make calls.
It's higher than 35, and they're reporting hospitals in Germany are literally overflowing with dead body bags.
Photographers all over Fallujah and all over Iraq have got photos of body bags being loaded on helicopters, and helicopters full of body bags all over the place, but then they say 35 dead?
Paul, this doesn't make sense.
Well, now, the Arab media, which some of it is just a propaganda organ, but if you believe the more credible avenues of it, are saying 400 dead U.S.
troops just in the past two weeks.
We've got a report out of this... Let me just add this.
Let me interrupt you again, because this is important.
We lost over 6,000 troops from 1962...
Until, what, 1965.
I'm going from memory here.
I believe it's actually higher.
And they kept them completely secret because they were, quote, advisors.
Now, if they can keep 6,000 dead, then they can do that here, too.
And they've done it over and over again.
Go ahead.
Well, as I mentioned before, they're dumping the bodies in rivers and not reporting the casualty numbers.
But here's the article.
Arab media reporting 400 American soldiers perished in Fallujah.
The prominent Arab media source Islam Memo is reporting that Fallujah resulted in the downing of 16 US fighter jets, 11 attack helicopters, 5 reconnaissance aircrafts and a Chinook plane that was carrying 60 Americans.
We've also got an article which has the photos and the video of where they shoot down the Chinook helicopter and that resulted in three dozen casualties.
Yeah, the video shows it blowing up, and then they admit there's been five helicopters at least shot down.
Reuters reporters and others, BBC reporters, just say there's blown up tanks on every street, blown up Hunvees, rotting U.S.
troops with dogs eating them.
I mean, that's how in control they are, as of two days ago, is that there's dogs eating our dead troops.
And on the flip side, some sources are telling us that they're treating civilians as insurgents, so they're inflating the number of insurgents.
So who knows?
I mean, those two things contradict each other.
The one thing we do know is that on either side, the civilian casualties, American casualties, are not being reported by USA Today, Washington Post.
Well, I know USA Today and others aren't showing all these kids with their legs blown off and, you know, dead women with babies in their arms, burned flat with, you know, their bodies reduced to grease, just skeletons.
I mean, it looks like... This is insane.
Well, yeah, you click on the picture link that we've got on the websites today, and there are, you know, 50, 60 photos of dozens of dead civilians, and they're always saying that no civilian has died as a result of the bombing.
You know, he ought to take the cake from the Baghdad Information Office.
Remember that guy?
They are not in Baghdad.
He's lying.
They ought to have a lally kind of trumps him.
Well, here's the thing.
Two weeks ago, before the bombing started, Alawi came out and said to the Iraqi media, if you don't report what the government tells you to report about what is about to happen in Fallujah, there will be reprisals, which is a kind of way of saying, you know, toe the line or die.
Because they don't just shut down newspapers, they kill newspaper editors and photographers.
Mario Darna, the Reuters photographer who got the footage of the mass graves, was gunned down on the spot, so this is the policy.
Big Brother.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going in, we're going in full throttle, ladies and gentlemen, against the New World Order.
It's propaganda, it's murder forces, it's mind-controlled minions.
It is the beast system we're fighting.
Third hour, Paul Watson rides shotgun with us at least once a week.
He's with us today.
Your calls are coming up.
We've gotten into the cover-ups about what's really happened in Fallujah.
A lot more casualties on both sides than we've been told.
The evidence is overwhelming, even from other mainstream foreign publications.
California moving with DMV satellite tracker attacks.
They're trying to pass a law right now.
Texas is coming in with this with transponders under federal control.
A lot of big high-level resignations, fights inside the CIA, Osama Bin Laden with Al-CIAIDA, supposedly gotten religious approval to start nuking U.S.
It's all coming up.
Paul, what's some of the other stuff you want to cover today?
The resignations from the Bush cabinet and what they mean.
Some people say it's rats leaving a sinking ship, but...
You know, it may be just changing the mask on the same face that we can get into that.
Yeah, that's what Bush told U.S.
News & World Report is these people are lightning rods.
Literally what I said a week before is what Bush then said a week later.
Because it's just common sense.
They're getting rid of them because they're lightning rods, at least some of them.
He said because they're lightning rods for criticism and because they're not energetic enough in putting in our policies.
We'll take Colin Powell.
I mean, his last service to the Bush administration was to lie again about Iran, saying that there's no plans for a regime change in Iran when they've been covertly supporting the opposition there for years.
So his last duty was to lie again.
But privately, there have been several leaks where Colin Powell, in no uncertain terms, has been decidedly unhappy about being the so-called credible front man for the weapons of mass destruction lies
Well, that's also because he's the only guy in the administration who was actually in real combat in Vietnam, and he knows 150,000 troops, only 40,000 of them combat, cannot take over the country of 23 million people.
Yeah, but I mean, we have to remember that Powell's got dirt on his crime partners, but they've also got dirt on him.
So, as I said, it's more of a case of the devil changing its mask to fool people.
Now, Goss has basically told the CIA, you know, you get in line with Bush, this is the policy.
Yeah, they said, you're going to give us policies and memos that agree with our policies, or you're out of the CIA.
And that's on our website right now.
It originated with Lord Drudge.
Yeah, so no whistleblowers, no leaks.
Which, of course, stems from the problems with the leaks they were having, where the FBI and CIA agents came out and blew the whistle on the fact that the White House was scripting terror alerts for political gain.
So they're clamping down on that.
Well, the quote was for political gain and hysteria.
Yeah, so Goss has come out and said no more of that, or basically they'll out people, like they've done with several CIA agents over the past couple of years.
He said that's the rules of the road, period.
Do what we say or you're out.
Yeah, so they're just rallying the troops back around the cause.
Anyone who strays from the agenda has got trouble.
Well, the question is, how are they going to get the next phase of the draft and the invasion of Iran and Syria?
I've got a lot of family in the military and people in the military talking to us.
They've been told they're going into Iran and Syria next.
They're told it's going to happen next year.
And the same forces told me Iraq, not in 2002, but in 2003.
We're getting the same thing out of Bilderberg Group, Paul.
I guess we're going to have to have another terror attack.
Terror attack or civil unrest within the U.S., which will then allow them to pass a raft of police state legislation, which will include the draft.
They've already got the backdoor draft, stop-loss program.
They've already made it clear they're about to introduce the skilled workers draft, so they've already got the first plank of it through.
It's just the widespread plank, which will need some kind of stimulation, maybe later on in 2005.
Your calls coming up right after this quick break.
We'll go straight to your calls, and I want to bam, bam, bam through them.
Telling myself that more than anybody.
I love to belabor and let callers go on forever and myself go on forever.
But we'll rocket through your calls in a Blitzkrieg fashion.
And we'll also talk about the latest developments with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It's like to be a president, and you're going to love it.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we're talking with Paul Watson today.
We're taking your calls.
Christy in Missouri.
Go ahead, Christy.
You're up next.
Hi, Alex.
Next to my husband, who is the original Mr. Incredible.
I think you guys over there are doing a great job, and all the Incredibles, for sure.
I had a couple of things I wanted to talk about.
I don't know if you had covered this or not, but I think it was yesterday's program on Dr. Laura Schlesinger.
Where is she?
Who she is, Dr. Laura?
Of course, yes.
She was pretty upset about the mental health screening that was going to be taking place.
Lord Bush's New Freedom Initiative?
Are you against freedom?
I must be.
Well, she was pretty upset about it, and she was directing people to go to her website.
And I haven't had a chance to go there myself, but I think she might have some kind of action letter or campaign that's going on.
Now, did she talk about the plan, or did she also point out that it's Bush doing it?
No, it was just a very short name.
Yeah, that's what neocons do.
They go, man, this plan's really bad.
The liberals are for it.
They don't tell you it's Bush's plan.
And it's in Congress this week.
They're trying to pass it this week.
We read the bill numbers yesterday, along with the new national ID card.
Forced psychological testing.
Even if your child's homeschooled or private schooled, they will take your child...
And take them for the psychiatrist who openly is funded and selected by the drug companies.
Their own executives have quit and blown the whistle out of Ohio just a few months ago on this.
And it's going to be nationwide.
And then adults?
They're having to pass the accompanying state laws.
You're going to have to go with them.
You'll go with the government.
I'll have to go with them.
I guess when I say no, they'll come and arrest me.
I'll have to go with them, Christy.
Doesn't that sound like freedom?
Going with the mind doctors?
I homeschool four of my kids.
Well, they're going to be coming, and we're not going to have to take them from you because you wouldn't do the psychological testing.
You're not with Al-Qaeda, are you?
Let's get a comment from Paul Watson.
Paul, she sounds dangerous.
Well, here's the thing.
Obviously, first, it's kids.
That's what they do with any of these things, the ID cards in schools, which many people... The law they're trying to pass as adults!
Yeah, and implantable microchips.
They start off with children and old people and then expand it.
That's what they do.
But go and listen to the Soviet defectors.
They'll tell you that one of the major frontiers of dictatorship is the classification of opposition to government policy or authority.
Defined as mental instability.
That's right.
Alexander Shultz in India, but hundreds of other top defectors and incredible patriots for freedom are going.
Russia's under maximum tyranny.
America's following the classic line.
They are panicking right now.
People that have lived it and seen it are leaving the United States freaking out.
Yes, I'm sorry.
I just realized something.
We shouldn't be so upset about this, Christy.
And it's really no big deal.
You'll have to go with them.
We'll all have to go with them.
And we'll all have to be psychologically tested twice a year for children, once for adults.
I mean, that's no big deal.
I mean, that's freedom.
It's scary.
So Dr. Laura was actually talking about it.
Yeah, I was just thinking about it.
She did mention that she was upset with Bush.
Oh, she did.
Well, that's good.
That's, you know, why...
She didn't really go into the fact that it was his idea, but that's what she was saying.
And she was also upset about the fact that the children would be put on the drugs.
Well, I read the WOAI-TV transcript last Friday.
Did you hear me cover that?
No, I didn't.
Over two-thirds of children in Texas are on psychotropics.
And a lot of them are dying.
They're actually killing them.
Because the foster homes get more money per drug they're on.
You know why?
Do you understand that?
Yes, I do.
I've stopped giving... The last three of my kids don't have any vaccination because of all that, and it's just crazy.
I do have some other points.
I don't know if you... Okay, make it real quick.
Okay, I heard Joyce Riley speaking about the number of troops being killed, and the way they classify it, she had heard from somebody, and I can't verify this, but if...
If the soldier isn't killed... No, no, that's admitted.
If they die after they leave the battlefield, it's not a battlefield death.
If he's just in the helicopter, just lifted off the ground, they don't count that.
Oh, that's admitted, yes.
Yeah, okay.
Well, the other thing was, I just think we're all fractured and we're not being effective.
We need to get organized somehow, maybe spend one month on one particular issue and have people call and write letters or whatever needs to be done.
Yeah, Christy, I appreciate your call.
I've got to move on to other callers, to be fair.
Let me just say this to you.
The approach we have, hundreds and thousands of leaders out fighting people on different issues, different topics, educating others, that's what's unstoppable.
Centralization can be infiltrated, taken control of, co-opted, easily targeted.
We need to educate people on every issue, because different issues appeal to others to wake up.
Other people have been abused on different issues.
And, you know, this call to consolidate is not the way to go.
And we are being effective.
I've never seen such an awakening.
And everybody in the inside who's seeing this agrees.
Paul Watson comments?
Well, yeah.
Jefferson said, "...enlighten the people generally, and tyranny will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day."
Key word being generally.
A centralised organisation can be infiltrated.
If you're talking about taking an issue and running with it for a month, then other people from the outside can come in and do that.
Going back to the mental health thing...
I mean, they're creating the very subject cases which will allow them to push this by this, you know, this culture of death in the first place.
You walk down any major city on a Saturday night and you will see that basically a lot of people have turned into barbarians as it is, so it won't be that hard to classify them as mentally unstable.
I mean, should we be worried that a government that sanctions and approves torture is talking about testing as for mental stability?
I mean, pure Soviet slash Nazi.
Just unbelievable.
Thanks, Chrissy, for the call.
James in Michigan, or is it Missouri?
It's Michigan, Alex.
It's always an honor, sir.
I've listened to you for a long time, and I'll tell you that it's good to hear you're the only man on the radio right now that speaks the real truth.
And I'll just say that...
I heard a broadcast the other night on another network on a shortwave, Dr. Stan Monteith, if you're familiar with him.
Yeah, he's a great guy.
I know, he's very good.
And he had a guest on his show, and he was talking about how in America that our votes do not really count.
That when they've put presidents, he said they put presidents in, they don't elect them.
He said that they've used this as a token, especially the last 30 years,
For the people to come out and feel like they're actually voting for their leader.
And then people ask, well, why do they keep doing it then?
Because it's a multi-billion dollar a year industry in the election system.
With all the pundits and the ads.
Local elections still are real in some areas, manipulated in a lot.
But federally, when it comes down to a presidential election, it is staged.
It's staged by the selection of the candidates.
They made it so Bush would actually win this one again.
I mean, but instead of picking Florida this time, they picked another state.
So, Ohio.
And I watched that election most of the night there.
And if you notice, it started off where Kerry was in the lead right at the beginning.
And I want to give you this illusion like Kerry was going to take the election.
And then, of course, later on, as the night went on, they kept going back and forth with electoral votes.
There were 400,000 challenged provisional ballots.
Blackwell, this neocon, kept saying 180,000.
And then when it turned out, it was over 400,000, most of them for Kerry.
Clearly, Kerry won Ohio.
He clearly won New Mexico.
And it doesn't matter, because if he would have won, they'd have had their boy in there, too.
Thanks for the call.
Paul Watson, comments.
Well, I was watching the polls minute by minute.
All the exit polls in the major states said Kerry.
He won, but as he said, it doesn't matter.
With the voting system on a widespread basis, it's the Delphi technique, you know, the apparition that people have power.
They hoodwink people into believing they have power invested in the system, so then those same people will support that system.
It's making people believe they're involved in things when it's just a fraud.
It's called the Delphi technique.
It's well-practiced.
Well said.
Let's talk to Rick.
Rick, where are you calling us from?
Kansas City, Missouri.
Alex, how are you doing today?
Long time no hear from.
Listen, I just wanted to let you know that I got your Tyranny Response Team shirts.
They're really nice.
I've got bumper stickers of yours passed out.
We've got videos being recorded and passed out here in the Kansas City area.
We're getting the word out.
Just real quick, I have...
Speaking of the voting situation and stuff, I just happened to be standing through the TV there this past Saturday night, and on the Saturday night show called Saturday Night Live, they had a deal on there where they had a skit between Kerry and Bush, and the two actors portraying their behavior after the election, and...
Bush is sitting there kind of bummed out.
This actor's acting as if he's bummed out because he's re-elected.
And he basically told Kerry, who's sitting on a beach drinking an umbrella drink and stuff, enjoying himself after the election, that if they'd have got closer during the election, he could have got him some extra votes, but he could have won from Ohio and Florida.
And I thought that was kind of sickening, sitting there putting that on national TV and making a comedy thing out of it and whatnot.
And outside of that, as we speak, we're having some fresh chemtrails being laid down up here in the Kansas City metro area.
And that's all I got, Alex.
I'm going to keep the fight going and keep doing a good job, buddy.
I appreciate the call.
We'll come back and get into some more news.
We'll talk about these resignations.
We'll get into Arnold and his front group, his campaign managers out running around.
Oh, it's Grassroots!
We're his top campaign people.
It's Grassroots.
We're just out here.
We want him to be president.
And now another group's popped up.
He wants him to be president.
Another front group.
It's just unbelievable.
So we'll talk about Arnold, Darkness of the Darkness.
That's what his name really means.
When we get back, and just so much more and more of your calls.
We've got some Big Brother news, too, as well, so we'll be right back.
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I don't mean to get off onto a side issue, but I think birds are really neat.
I mean, I'm not an ornithologist or whatever they call them.
But I think they're, you know, I like to bird watch just on the side of a mountain nature.
Right in the backyard here by the office, I'm walking in the kitchen to get some water, and I see this poof of white, and I look out, it's some type of falcon.
It's just beautiful.
It just killed a dove.
Not a good omen, I guess.
And is on the ground eating it right now beside the office.
It's just weird to see that happen right here in the middle of the city.
Anyways, speaking of the country being gobbled up like a dove, Paul Watson, I mean, let's get more into these resignations, then I want to get into Arnold Schwarzenegger, then we'll come back into some other news and take calls.
What's going on with these resignations from your view?
I mean, obviously we've got Alberto, I love torture, Gonzalez.
Let's talk about him first.
Well, yeah, we had an article back in May of this year which predicted the first people to be resigned, and this is from well-placed sources, would be Tenner, Armitage, and Powell.
And I think Sanchez and Ashcroft were mentioned as well.
Now that source told us that it was kind of infighting between two different factions within the Bush administration.
I'm not certain on that.
I was certain that those names would be the first to resign.
So many people have come out in the last couple of days and asked the question, you know, is it a case of rats leaving a sinking ship?
But Powell, the last thing he did wasn't to speak out against anything that he was made to do during his tenure.
But it was to give out another lie about the supposition that the U.S.
has no plans for regime change in Iran.
Well, same thing with Ashcroft.
He chastised two federal judges who were against the sneak and peek provision being used in all misdemeanors and crimes, by the way, and who were against enemy combatant designation.
So he did that, and now the people they're replacing him with, I mean...
There was this weird thing Tex Mars told me about.
He saw it.
I didn't see it.
Right before Bush a few days ago came out and publicly announced Rice Wither, they were talking to K. Bailey Hutchinson, I think he said on MSNBC, and they said, they're not just friends and colleagues, there's something more, isn't there?
Hutchinson acted all weird and said, well, yes, they're just crazy about each other.
Well, let's not go into the details, but I've heard on several occasions that they do have a very, let's say, special relationship.
So we'll leave it at that.
But I mean, yeah, as I said, Powell, in numerous articles, London Guardian carried several over the past couple of years.
Was apparently furious by the fact that they made him give that presentation in front of the UN about the Niger uranium documents and the so-called 45 minutes claim where Iraq could hit their neighbours and even Britain with the weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes, which was provided, by the way, by a mentally unstable alcoholic.
That was their source for that claim.
So he came out and told the British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, that he was furious about that and he used several expletives in doing so.
So is it a case of, you know, he was just tired of being the front man for this or did he see something more?
I don't know.
Well, now they can all go privately cash in on the new industries of police state they've already set up.
It's like Giuliani runs off to run an anti-terror company.
Yeah, and that's the case with Ridge.
CNN are reporting that Ridge is set to resign as well, because he hasn't made enough money in the government sector, so he wants to go into the private sector, and as you said, make some cash out of those police state infrastructures that he's linked to, so that would definitely be part of the agenda with the others.
Let's shift gears into Arnold.
I mean, we knew it.
They've had this blitz of Jay Leno and three senators, Ted Kennedy...
All these other people, Orrin Hatch, McCain, Arnold himself on TV, and now he's got former campaign heads, this Jones lady, out there running million dollars worth of ads to start with, and they're going to have Arnold parties and Arnold teams and any team sports.
Really, that is, by the way, the Hitler model.
That's what Hitler first invented was team sports and parties around politics.
MoveOn.org didn't invent that, boys and girls.
And I just find that interesting.
I don't even know if they know that.
I mean, this is unbelievable, Paul.
They're really pushing.
Well, what's interesting is that Schwarzenegger was on Larry King Live last night.
Oh, I didn't know that!
Did somebody tape it?
Well, the headline is, Schwarzenegger says he hasn't decided yet whether to run again, and that's for the governorship.
So that's interesting.
Did King bring up the group about...
Him running for president?
Yeah, he did, but Arnold backed off from it as being his tactic to kind of stay in the background.
Yeah, here we go.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I mean, it's right out in front of us.
Arnold, for at least a month, has been in full campaign mode to repeal Article 2, Section 5, or to be accurate, Clause 5 of the Constitution.
And so when they say repeal the 22nd Amendment, they mean go change that amendment with a new one to get rid of Article 2, Clause 5 of the Constitution.
And he's all over TV.
He's all over everywhere.
It's about how great he is, how loving he is, how good he is.
I didn't see Larry King, but obviously Paul Watson's got an article about it.
I hope that's posted at infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
But a lot of stuff gets posted once I get on air that I don't cover.
But he's all over the place.
He's got all his surrogates, all these big dogs.
He's got Warren Buffett, Jacob Rothschild behind him.
He's got...
He's got the big kingmaker George Shultz behind him.
I mean, it's so obvious, and we're years away from the presidential election, but these constitutional conventions are coming up on gay marriage and on flag burning.
Folks, they can rewrite the whole Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment, whatever they want during one of these babies.
And Arnold isn't spending all his time and energy doing this for nothing, but it's like the Patriot Act, too.
Ashcroft denies it exists.
After he's introduced it months later.
And so Arnold did this with the governorship.
After he already had his campaign set up, his people all set up, he then came out and said, alright, I guess I'll run.
That way he wouldn't get heat before then.
Paul, what details do you have of him on Larry King Live?
Well, this is an article out of Bloomberg.
Schwarzenegger says he hasn't decided yet whether to run again.
That's for governorship.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says he hasn't yet decided whether he'll run for re-election in 2006, saying he'll make that decision next year.
And later on, King asked him about the run for presidency.
Arnold said, I haven't thought about running for president.
I'm not even thinking about running for governor again yet.
So that's the exact same canned answer that he gave 60 Minutes.
And as you mentioned before he became governor, all the news articles at one point for a certain period of the news cycle said, it looks unlikely that Schwarzenegger will run for the governorship, and then there was a sudden turnaround.
Yeah, as he said, to avoid him getting that kind of heat, so leaving himself open maybe for 08 by not running for re-election of governor in 2006, that's what it looks like from that Larry King appearance.
And then he can run around, I finished my business in California, I've doubled your deficit, I've taken your guns, I've put satellite trackers in your cars.
I've opened the borders, and now I'm going to have a national campaign to repeal Article 2, Section 5.
The people have been begging for this, and now I'm going to give it to you.
Well, yeah, and I've proven better at predicting the candidates rather than the winner of the elections, but Arnie versus Hillary 08, it looks pretty much set in stone already.
Well, Dana Rohrabacher, a few weeks ago, a week and a half ago, on the 3rd of November, was in the...
San Jose Mercury News saying the leadership of the Republicans want him for president, no wait, we need him after Bush is done.
I mean, he said he's the man, he's turned the corner.
But the question is how they're going to turn around public opinion when the polls suggest that only 1 or 2 percent want him to run.
I remember one of your previous guests a few months ago mentioned
The possibility of there being a terror attack, staged terror attack in San Francisco.
Maybe Arnie can come forward as the leader, the strong front man, and that will give him the political leverage to run.
No, I totally agree with that caller, and I said I agree with him.
I predict that there'll be a terror attack.
In that area, and it'll all be staged, scripted by Bruckheimer.
It's like he scripted the Private Lynch thing.
And Arnold will jump off the helicopter and be holding babies.
The governor was incredible.
He flew by jet immediately.
Or he just so happened to be in the city where the attack happened.
He ran into the burning building.
There he was.
Oh, he's like the movies!
And it doesn't even need to be large scale.
It could be a soft target like a school, like with Beslan in Russia, where he still comes to the rescue.
The political mileage he will get out of that is just unparalleled, and that will probably... Yeah, just like Giuliani's the frontrunner because of New York.
Incredible job he did running the operation.
Go ahead.
Yeah, as you mentioned, Giuliani, they get their gas mileage from terrorist attacks, and people like Giuliani were warned that the towers were about to collapse before they did the only, you know, unparalleled steel structure in history to collapse.
So that's how they get their power, and that's why they release fake terror alerts in the first place.
So you'll see a major attack or a soft target attack in that California area.
Fox News alert!
Hmm, Arnold has really impressed people now.
He saved all those children in California.
Or it could be a natural disaster, too.
There's anything he can opportunistically use.
Man, I'm turning around.
Looks like that amendment might go through now.
Well, this is the way to thank Arnold for what he's done.
I think he's proved himself, don't you?
That's exactly what will happen.
Okay, well, a bunch of other news here, but let's go to some calls.
Paul, anything else you want to cover?
The only other thing, really, is the...
Gates ID smart cards to replace passwords, which is another thing that's been on the back burner for months, which will restrict internet use.
Again, as I mentioned earlier, it's about restricting personal convenience and services unless you submit to Big Brother.
So you're going to have to have a biometric, thumb-printed ID card, which you insert into your computer tower to access the internet.
And two years ago, the new operating system came out, enabled with this, really already built like this, but still passcode accessible, and then they're going to sell a line of ID cards for businesses to get in the buildings with RFID, everything.
Sounds like freedom.
They've already released.
I think they're available for purchase.
The keyboards where they've got a little indent on the keyboard where you place your finger and that replaces your password for anything that you want.
So it's so convenient.
They've already brought it out and many people are using that already privately.
That was a year ago.
Sounds like freedom.
Oh, there's just so much here, Paul, that we do need to go over.
Here's another one out of London Independent.
We were told to fix Ukraine elections by police chiefs.
Senior police officers say they have been ordered to help rig the results of the Ukrainian presidential election and use violence, including bombings, to undermine the opposition.
The second decisive round of presidential elections is to be held next Sunday when the two candidates, the pro-Western opposition leader...
Well, that's just what Putin's been caught doing in 1999 by Moscow police.
Here it is!
The police go public and say we've been ordered to bomb and blame it on the opposition.
Well, yeah, obviously they tried that in Spain.
Some people say it backfired.
The incumbent government carried out the train attack and then tried to blame it on the socialists.
They say they'd take the troops out of Iraq.
They say they'd be soft on terrorism.
But it didn't work because the people came out in protest hours later saying that the government was behind it.
So in that case, it didn't work and the opposition got in power.
So I don't know how that will play out.
Well, here it is.
They agreed to speak with the Independent on the condition of anonymity.
The meeting happened at night in a park after they took elaborate procedures worthy of a John Wayne novel, of a James Bond novel, to ensure privacy.
And it actually said John LaCarre novel, but I'd say a James Bond novel.
The five men, aged between their late 20s and early 50s, held Ministry of Internal Affairs identity cards.
Some covered up their names but revealed their photos, while two showed their entire card complete with names.
Their ranks ranged between full colonel and under colonel.
When asked what the consequences would be of them if their identities were revealed, the officers made gestures showing that they would be shot.
The colonel said the police...
So the bombings were designed to discredit the opposition or the ruling government?
Yeah, they've been told that bombings could be used.
The men also said a special police undercover officer unit had formed to intimidate opposition workers and destroy campaign materials.
They said the group planted a bomb in the campaign office and another in a car of an opposition activist.
It just goes on and on.
Because I remember the Ukrainian...
The incumbent government said that they were on the verge of war with Russia, so I don't know whether they want to keep them in to have that kind of war or get them out.
Well, they obviously say that because they're actually pro-Russia, and then they're able to make people think that they're not.
It's just, man, I tell you folks, this is how they operate.
Let's go ahead and take some more calls here.
Who is up first here?
Who should I go to?
Manuel in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Okay, how you doing, guys?
I want to talk about Schwarzenegger and Eminem's Mosh video.
But first let me tell Paul, as far as that thumb scanning on the keyboard, I remember HBO's Propaganda Place, first season of The Wire, top series, where the guy, he thumb scans and the other guy comes over and says he was like a sergeant.
They were trying to tie into the Matrix database there.
And he says, wow, thank God for the Beast technology.
Now, he didn't say that, but he said, thank God for the technology or we'd be so tied up.
So they've been setting it up for the longest.
And then the CSI episode, oh, everybody's got a chip, it's so great.
Thanks for the Beast.
Thanks for the Beast.
Talking about Arnold, though, just look at how the media worships him and covers up all this stuff.
You missed one, but this is because this is more targeted towards the West Coast, although it's all nationwide.
Conan O'Brien, I think, is set up to take over for Leno.
After Lionel departs.
While I'm called in O'Brien's show, I almost fell off the couch, guys.
This is very strange.
He's singing a jingle.
It was a written skit, it's obvious.
This is more propaganda placement.
And he says, something, something, homeless beggar, four more years till President Schwarzenegger.
I almost lost it.
I don't know what's going on.
But that ties into, it was an old hip-hop song back in 95, 96.
Back then everybody was talking about Umia Abu-Jamal.
It was titled Free Umia, but forget that.
Because there was a line in the song which said, this is 95-96 now, from Caligula to Hitler, and now Schwarzenegger.
Interesting how all these people had roles in government, and I'm sure that, suffice it to say, Schwarzenegger would love to be mentioned among those two fellows there.
But now, the hip-hop bastard seed, which is government-controlled rap, and Eminem making a video where he explicitly, to me, implies that George Bush...
And globalists are behind Saddam Hussein and bin Laden.
Let me tell you what that's like.
To me, that's sophisticated psyop warfare.
Because it's like bin Laden coming out in his statement in his latest video and saying things that you would hear on GCN.
So then people could say, hey, that's what bin Laden said, and Alex Jones made that point.
But here's the thing with Eminem now.
He gets propped up as the so-called voice of hip-hop
All right, Manuel, thank you for the call.
We've got to go to other people, but interesting points.
Look, when did they make Demolition Man?
That was in the mid-90s, and they say, you know, President Schwarzenegger, oh, he first became governor in, you know, 2000, I think they even said a year.
He first became governor in 2000 and something, and then president in 2000-whatever.
I mean, it's just...
It's flaunting it.
It's just flaunted.
Go ahead, Paul.
There's also, they played it, I think it was when Russet was interviewing Schwarzenegger, asking him about the presidency.
They played a clip from a movie, I believe it was probably back in the mid to late 90s, which starred Sylvester Stallone, where he was driving along in a car with a woman, and she was telling him, I think he was some kind of time traveler.
Yeah, that was Demolition Man.
That was the same film, yeah.
And she said the president's Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And you couldn't believe it, but there it is in your face.
They often do things in movies before they do them in real life.
Well, it's like Fox for the Lone Gunman.
The secret government hijacks a jumbo jet to fly it to the towers to have martial law and blame it on the Arabs.
Ha ha ha!
You got that from a movie!
Oh, man.
Let's talk to...
Lynn in Oklahoma.
Lynn, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I'm glad you brought up Mr. Rohrabacher because he was on the Today Show this morning being interviewed by Katie Couric along with a gentleman from an immigration reform group.
And a gentleman from the Immigration Reform Group, opposed to amending the Constitution, brought up that the provision was put in there basically to avoid a Trojan horse situation.
And that's the verbiage he used.
Wait a minute.
Rohrbacher was on TV again?
Yes, sir.
You mean three days in a row?
Yes, sir.
The morning shows were about Arnold?
Yes, sir.
Oh, this is a full-scale operation.
And Mr. Rohrbacher wears back and he says, the idea of a Trojan horse president is ludicrous.
That's what he said.
Listen, the founding fathers at the time, the Austrian Empire, was sending young men with money to European countries to get elected president, and they got a guy elected right around 1789...
Who was an Austrian.
He overthrew it for Austria.
It was written because of the Austrian takeover plan.
I mean, that was even in the Salt Lake City Tribune a year ago about Arnold.
I mean, folks, you couldn't make this stuff up.
And you're telling me people got to tape all these shows and send them to me.
Hold on a second.
Rohrbacher was back on TV again?
Yes, sir.
This morning.
That's all with my own eyes.
And he was saying Arnold should be our president.
Well, he said the idea of a Trojan horse president is ludicrous.
But he was obviously on there promoting the amendment, right?
That's exactly right, amending the Constitution.
But about a minute later, the gentleman from the Immigration Reform Group mentioned the Founding Fathers again.
And Rohrabacher rears back and he says, We don't live in the time of the Founding Fathers.
And then Katie Couric says, Well, isn't this a little bit antiquated?
Showing his utter disdain for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Alex.
It was disgusting is what it was.
Can somebody start taping this for me?
It was the most... Alex, I had to get up and walk away.
I got so mad this morning.
I was furious at what I heard.
What channel was that?
It was NBC, Today Show, this morning.
What time?
It was about 7.15 Central Time this morning, approximately.
Okay, let me just say this.
The polls show 80% of people are against it.
Another poll shows only 1.8% for him.
That's of conservatives.
And we're on that daily.
And so what do they do?
They just blanket, tell us this is the way it is.
I mean, Larry, all these shows, it's everywhere.
Well, Alex and Paul, it was very clear to me, very clear to me that Mr. Warbacher, when he said, we don't live in the time of the Founding Fathers, was making clear, at least to me, that he had nothing but disdain for the Constitution.
That's what I got out of that interview, and it really hacked me off.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
Can somebody mail me this, please?
Can somebody track this stuff?
I can't do it all.
Paul, it's so humiliating.
Imagine if in England, if you had an Austrian there, and nobody in England was for him being president, and all your news stations were saying, He'll be good!
He's good!
I mean, this is sick!
Well, the opposition's so vast at the moment, you know, 1-2% of conservatives on that World Net Daily poll for him.
Here we are, two weeks after Bush is re-elected, and they're already starting the push with four years to go.
I mean, just imagine what this will be like, you know, in three years' time.
It's a long-term agenda.
It's been planned for, you know, years before the last election.
Well, it's like nobody's for the microchips.
It's like 95% of people in polls.
So every day, microchips are good, under your skin, under your skin.
Nobody's for the open borders.
Open borders are good.
Oh, the loving immigrants.
Oh, it's so great.
Oh, they're so wonderful.
I mean, it's just they never shut up.
And now 20% are for microchips in the recent polls on MSN money, after all the propaganda.
Oh, man.
Paul, it's humiliating for us over here.
It's so disgusting.
We'll be right back.
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I think?
This week, they're trying to pass a law to forcibly, psychologically test you.
This week, they're trying to pass a law for a national ID card.
A month-long drum getting louder and louder on every channel, everywhere, wall to wall.
Arnold's great.
Arnold should be our next president.
Arnold, Arnold, Arnold, Arnold, Arnold!
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That's 888-253-3139.
Get angry.
Take action.
Ninety-plus percent of us are against electronic tracking toll booths.
They do it.
We're against Arnold.
They push it.
We're against open borders.
They push it.
They're a bunch of trash!
We've got to hurry through these calls.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
In Demolition Man, Scott Peterson was on death row with Sylvester Stallone.
In real life, Scott Peterson's murdered unborn son was named Connor.
Connor was the surname of the heroes in the Schwarzenegger Terminator movies to murder Sarah Connor's unborn son, John Connor.
So Scott Peterson may perhaps be in some sort of
Operation Monarch Program.
Wait a minute.
You're telling me that in the movie, one of the guys Stallone is locked up with is named Scott Peterson?
That's correct.
Oh, man!
These people are really sick!
And his legal defense in his murder trial today was that a satanic cult killed his wife, which is very suspicious, because how could he afford a $10 million legal defense in a year-long trial?
It covers up Bush's Stanley Hilton case.
They're into such weird stuff, but if that's true... And Schwarzenegger covers up his perversions at Satanic Bohemian Grove, which has a necrophilia room.
You know, this is so sick, and it just indicates...
Total manipulation of the media through Hollywood and the news.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Carla in Missouri.
Carla, you're our last caller.
Sorry to others.
Carla, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, an update on this election.
Forgive me if you've already covered this, but three of the little parties, the Green Party, Nader...
Yeah, in Ohio they're doing a recount.
They're doing a recount, but Amy Goodman covered this, but it's amazing.
She said that old Kerry's got about $50 million.
He's got more than enough to have a recount in all 50 states.
He ain't doing it.
Well, of course he's not.
He's a ringer.
But they said the little people are starting to question it.
And that's something because, I mean, they're saying, what's going on here?
Why did he vote?
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Paul Watson, final comments.
Well, yeah, with that, Kerry won't challenge it.
I mean, the body language right before the election would tell you that Bush knew that he would win.
Kerry knew that he would compete.
I'm not going to lose.
I'm not going to lose.
Well, exactly.
But the positive news is, we've got, I mean, they've got to turn around public opinion polls which are, you know, 2% in their favour.
We've already got 90% with the CNN 9-11 poll.
I mean, this email I got just today.
Alex, I live in Austin and I've followed your tirades off and on for years now.
Admittedly, I sort of filed your opinions as fringe conspiracy theory black helicopter stuff, but now I'm really beginning to wonder if you've really had it right all along.
I first remember seeing the Abu Ghraib images on your site months before it came out in the mainstream press.
At first I figured out it was more fringe stuff.
I watched this happen several times.
I'm beginning to really worry that you may be very right about all this horror.
I am.
And you're right, Paul.
We're in a total maximum war.
They're taking over.
They're psychotic killers.
That's why I freak out.
That's why I'm upset.
They're killers.
They're murderers.
They're devils.
That's what they do.
That's all they are.
We're under attack.
God help us.
Everybody's got to take action now, Paul.
Good job today.
Get in there and fight them.
Take care.
Ladies and gentlemen, Maximum Info War.
Launch it.
Defend the Republic against the New World Order.
Never stop.
This is war!