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Filename: 20040303_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 3, 2004
2461 lines.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Something very bizarre happened yesterday.
Well, a lot of things that are bizarre happened yesterday.
Hello, my friends.
It is Wednesday.
It is already the third day of March in 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, both updated for you daily.
Yesterday, the Senate passed, with a large majority vote, two different amendments.
On to the liability protection law that would partially protect gun manufacturers, gun dealers, distributors.
It had the extension of the 10-year assault weapons ban, the shutdown of the gun shows, and Republicans voted for these amendments.
I mean, the votes weren't even close, and I lamented it.
Larry Pratt couldn't believe it.
The head guy over at Gun Owners of America, a great organization.
And then later that afternoon, there was a big vote in the Senate, and they threw out the whole bill, which is wonderful.
I mean, I wish they would have passed the Liability Protection Act, but that didn't pass, but all the horrible gun control didn't pass either, and obviously, you know, no gun control is better than some, even if you get this liability protection, because the law really didn't even protect gun manufacturers, according to Larry Pratt and others' analysis of it.
So, I'm pleased.
I was very upset yesterday.
I went into a rage, basically, whenever I learned of the vote during the first hour of the show.
Assault weapons ban extension shot down.
Senate Republicans say ban is ineffective, unnecessary.
Now, good job to WRAL.
Fayetteville, North Carolina with their report on this.
But CNN has it, oh, gun control advocates shot it down because they didn't like the bill.
No, it failed because it had gun control in it.
But that's the spin you get out of the controlled media.
The Senate defeated Tuesday a measure that included an extension on the ban on assault weapons.
It would also have immunized the gun industry from lawsuits.
The bill was voted down by Senate Republicans after Democrats succeeded earlier in the day in adding and amending it so that it included extending the ban.
Senate Republican leaders argued against the ban, saying it was ineffective and unnecessary and could cause the House to kill the gunmaker immunity bill.
Tuesday's 90-8 vote against the gun bill virtually ends any chance for gun legislation to make it through Congress this year.
House leaders said last year they did not plan to renew the ban on the manufacturers and importation of at least 19 types of common military-style assault weapons.
It's 80-plus, folks.
The way they interpreted it, it could be even more.
And again, this Liability Protection Act wasn't even very strong, according to the experts, so the whole thing is basically a stalemate.
That's better than them passing gun bills.
I'll take a stalemate.
I really want to repeal these gun laws.
And a stalemate means the assault weapons ban will be repealed in September.
I'm predicting the feds are going to pull a mass shooting.
And, of course, the patsy will blow their own head off, and then we'll all have to reauthorize it and add a bunch of stuff to it.
I'm predicting that.
I hope I'm wrong, but...
I'm generally right, unfortunately.
Okay, Mr. Skull and Bones Carey is really scary.
And I was a poet and didn't know it.
And we'll show it when we get back.
No, I mean, this guy is like Skeletor or something, or someone from Dark Shadows.
We now have the first Skull and Bones presidency guaranteed.
That is, it's guaranteed you'll have a Skull and Bones person in it.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So, the big question is, why would Republicans vote to extend the assault weapons ban, vote for the amendment,
Vote for an amendment as well in the Senate to shut down the gun shows.
Why would they vote for that, help the Democrats pass the amendments, and then vote 90-8 with Democrats voting with them against the entire package?
Democrats voting against their legislation, Republicans voting against their legislation.
But we know the Democrats voted against it because they didn't like the partial...
Liability protection being afforded to gun dealers and manufacturers.
But why would the Republicans, when they had control of the Senate, poison the legislation by helping the Democrats put the poison pill into it?
The different amendments.
And clearly, this is the Republicans, didn't want to really give gun manufacturers liability protection.
But wanted to be able to claim that they tried, and so they had certain members kill it.
Because Republicans, a bunch of them, did vote for those amendments.
And then later, they voted the whole thing down.
90 to 8.
I mean, you've got huge ratio differences here.
You'd have votes of, you know, 46 to 54.
You'd have votes of, what, 43 to...
I mean, a lot of bizarre votes with a lot of Republicans going over.
And then you get this 90-8 vote.
It's like the National Rifle Association in North Dakota a few weeks ago.
They were about to pass a Vermont-style concealed carry.
That is right to carry state.
You don't have a felony, carry a gun.
By the way, crime rates drop and you have a safer society.
That's just common sense.
For those who aren't emotional about it and look at the statistics and common sense facts, we're talking about federal and state numbers here, even internationally when they take the guns, the crime rate explodes.
But, wow, what's going on here?
We've got the NRA going in and defeating legislation and saying to the committee and testimony, the head NRA lawyer, oh, we're not for being able to carry a gun unless it's registered.
And I thought I was listening to Sarah Brady or something.
And we see them here in Texas try to defeat us when we successfully defeat gun legislation, gun grabbing legislation, gun control legislation, victim disarmament legislation.
And we've seen them do it in D.C.
and California and countless other places, and I'm sick of it.
But yesterday I got very angry.
A caller called in during the first hour and said, yeah, they just passed these amendments.
I checked it.
I got very upset, and I shouldn't allow myself to get like that.
It was true.
You know, we can't let the globalists grind us down, as they say.
So, assault weapons ban extension shot down.
Kerry prepares for battle with Bush and says, things are going to change.
And Bush called up his campaign chairman, Kerry's campaign head, and said, congratulations.
Now, if anyone ever needed an example of how this is staged, here it is.
I mean, you have two people who are related to each other.
Now, I've seen a bunch of different news articles, AP, Reuters, other newspapers.
Some say they're 16th cousins.
Some say they're third cousins.
I'm not a genealogy expert.
I don't know.
In fact, I'm not even a novice.
I don't know.
But they're definitely related, and they're related in this generational death cult, this generational ritual abuse cult of skull and bones, where they condition and brainwash the youth of the elite.
And I was reading a mainstream biography of an authorized one of...
Prince Charles, and this was years ago, and they talked about how they sent him to this boarding school with no heat, and he'd get beat up by people, and that's what the royal family wanted.
It's all part of, I don't know, part of a molding psychological process for these guys.
But Kerry and Bush, two years apart in the same secret society, only 15 members each year, and we now had, let's see, one, two, three...
Three or four presidents elected Skull and Bones.
I know three.
I think it's four.
I think there's like ten CIA directors have been, a lot of senators, a lot of key governors, big heads of corporations, heads of banking, Skull and Bones Society.
And it's a weird Nazi death cult.
Which is unusual, because I wonder why John F. Carey, who now claims he's got some Jewish ancestry, he needs to answer about his Nazi affiliations then.
Of course, he'll probably get an ADL, I think he already has, endorsement.
I guess like Arnold, I don't care if Kirk Valtime's a Nazi, we love him, and he went and campaigned for him while it was out in the news that he was a top Nazi who helped hunt down and exterminate Serbs and Jews and put out pamphlets saying kill all the Jews.
Again, I guess that's how you get the endorsement, but maybe Kerry should answer that.
I mean, they admit there's Nazi flags, they eat off Hitler's silverware.
I mean, it was Nazi before the Nazis were even cool.
I mean, they were Nazis before Hitler even came along.
You're like, wait a minute, National Socialist, Hitler was a government agent, Army Intelligence went in to infiltrate this group, decided to take it over, the National Socialist, Workers' Party...
Yeah, that's right.
Hitler was a government agent and went in and took it over and started it.
It was the Fool's Society going back to the Illuminati and Adam Weishaupt and then darker cult groups before that.
And here they are today.
And so I'll probably be attacked on the ADL website because I'm against Nazis.
I understand how this works.
John F. Carey is a member of a Nazi organization.
When you look at big skull and bones members funding Hitler, protecting Hitler, helping get Nazis out of the country, taking their money out of the country up until the early 1950s, as the official government documents show, Prescott Bush did, yeah, most of the Nazi bank money that came out of Germany went into the U.S., and then from the U.S.
down to Argentina and Venezuela and Guatemala to the Germans, and Mexico to a great extent.
A lot of them down there.
But again, I'm against Nazis, so I'm a Nazi.
Again, I'm against gun control, so I'm a liberal.
I'm learning how this works.
Kerry prepares for battle with Bush.
Senator John Kerry all but claimed the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday night.
Well, I heard them doing it today on the radio.
Paul Harvey said he's the nominee.
With what was shaping up to be a triumphant Super Tuesday and the decision of his chief rival, Senator John Edwards, to quit the race.
So Edwards is going to withdraw now from the race today, and they're both worshipping each other.
We have a skull and bones candidacy, period.
A skull and bones member will now win the White House.
A Skull & Bones member will now... You don't have a choice.
You've got two people from the same admitted secret society who say that they won't talk about it.
It's so secret, they won't talk about it.
In fact, Scott, do you know where those files are in the computer?
My Skull & Bones files?
Yeah, well, just go into my file there in the computer, and we'll play those later in the hour.
It's been a while since we played those.
John Forbes, Terry, I'll meet the press going, it's so secret I can't talk about it.
And George Walker Bush saying, so secret I can't talk about it.
Terry prepares for battle with Bush, and he says, change is coming.
And there was a photo last night on CNN's website.
He looked like the vampire from Dark Shadows.
I mean, it's a scary photo, and, you know, a picture can tell a thousand words, and the media can take a shot to make somebody look scary, but he does have that, you know, that skull-faced, aristocratic, you know, vampire look.
I mean, admit it, John Kerry could go to Hollywood and play the part of Nosferatu.
So could Bush's daddy.
I mean, they have that, you know, as relations, they have that same look, but just in the shadows, the way his hands are out, it's like Rumsfeld, who I... Every time I'm watching him, I think of...
You know, the emperor in Return of the Jedi or something.
I mean, these guys don't just engage in evil, they are overtly dripping with it.
But Kerry, the most liberal member of the Senate, he has the most liberal voting record.
Last year, he has the most liberal voting record, but if you index his voting record since he got into office in 1974...
He also has the most liberal voting record.
He beats out his little buddy, Ted Kennedy.
And so you say, well, then who do we vote for?
Well, it doesn't matter.
I mean, if Kerry was in office, I assure you they wouldn't be getting away with open borders and 45% growth in government and supercomputers to China and all of this because the majority of America is conservative, is active, and would be after him
But under Bush, it can all happen.
But I wouldn't vote for Kerry.
I wouldn't vote for Bush.
I mean, I believe this is totally staged.
I believe it's already predetermined.
And this is how most of the world operates.
It's how they operate in China or Russia.
And now that's how we operate here.
I mean, they're both members of a secret society.
They won't talk about.
They're related.
They're from the same part of the country.
And a lot of weird voting machine happened.
A lot of weird stuff with voting machines happened.
Looks like Howard Dean really won some states that Kerry took.
Thanks to the voting machines, and there's a lot of news on that.
Again, I'm no fan of Howard Dean, but the point is, everybody I've talked to who was Democrats really wanted Howard Dean.
I've talked to Democrats, none of them like John Kerry.
But you listen to NPR, they certainly love him.
By the way, I heard him snickering last night on NPR driving home from the studio.
About all the secret society now.
Ooh, the Illuminati runs things.
Oh yeah, we're going to hear that, they said.
They're just throwing it in our face.
Then they cut to Arnold and how wonderful he is.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we went to break a few seconds early.
We're back a few minutes early, but hey, more broadcast time.
What a treat here.
Thank you for joining us today, ladies and gentlemen.
Again, it is the third day of March, and it is 2004 on this Wednesday edition.
I got home late last night.
My website was loading real slow.
So I called my IT guy, my Internet guy, and he said, oh, yeah, you're getting 300,000 hits an hour.
And the servers can handle that, but the big place where our servers are located thought it was a denial of service attack, but they looked at it.
No, it was individual users.
300,000 people an hour.
I mean, that's incredible.
I mean, we get, you know...
I think?
We're good to go.
To me, it's encouraging showing that people are concerned, people are becoming more aware.
And the response we're seeing on the Internet, and I'm just one person of thousands who are prominent fighting the New World Order, just here in the U.S.
alone, so there's a lot of people doing a better job than I am,
I can just report on what we're experiencing on the street and on the radio and on other radio talk shows and on my TV show and on the website is 90 plus percent of people agreeing with us, being concerned, getting involved, wanting to fight the New World Order.
So, what do you think about John Forbes Carey and George W. Bush?
They're cousins, that much is admitted.
We're not sure what type of cousins, but they're cousins.
And they are members of the same satanic order, the same secret society.
What do you think about this?
I mean, is this a real representation of the American people?
And they'd have us believe that there's this big fight between them on policy.
Well, actually, John Forbes Kerry voted for the war, just like Hillary Clinton did, and Mr. Kerry likes big government, and Mr. Kerry likes gun control, and Mr. Kerry likes open borders, and Mr. Kerry voted for campaign finance reform, and Mr. Kerry supported NAFTA and GATT, and Mr. Kerry supports bringing China into the World Trade Organization, which happened in 2001, and
Mr. Kerry supports everything that George W. Bush supports.
I mean, they've got a surface fight over gay marriage, which is just that, a diversion to get a con-con going, a constitutional convention, so they can rewrite the entire Bill of Rights, and then, of course, accidentally they won't even get their gay marriage amendment, their homosexual marriage amendment.
But other than just a few tertiary surface issues...
Which are important issues.
I'm saying, to them, it's just surface.
Past that, there's no difference.
There's no difference.
It's a staged deal.
So people say, well, then what do you do?
Who do you vote for?
Oh, my goodness, this is horrible.
Well, you can just forget the presidential election.
Let's be honest about it.
Let's talk about how it's a staged event.
Let's talk about the electronic voting that's totally fraud-ridden from coast to coast.
With incredible conflicts of interest run on Windows systems where they admit the code is public so any hacker can get into it.
Then on top of it, the companies have been caught with convicted felons for computer crimes running elections and engineers have gone public and said it's a big fraud and it's designed for scamming with back doors and wireless internet connections.
I mean, Clear Channel owns a bunch of the voting machines used all over the country and runs their own candidates in those districts right here in Austin, District 10.
I mean, let's talk about it.
And let's get control of our counties, our cities, our states, and frankly, let's have a couple states secede.
Let's have hundreds more cities pull out of the Patriot Act and pull out of the U.N.
free zones and pass laws like Kennesaw, Georgia, that you have to own a gun, and then the crime rate drops by 97%.
and pass U.N.
Oh, yeah, that's official numbers.
We have that at virginutah.com, by the way, our website on that story.
This is the solution.
Being honest about how serious things are and being honest about what real solutions are.
You can forget this skull and bones election.
Thank you to voters from coast to coast who have truly made this a Super Tuesday.
Terry, a four-time U.S.
Senator from Massachusetts, a decorated Vietnam veteran, told cheering supporters in Washington he was...
Projected to win nine of the ten holding contests Tuesday, including the night's biggest prize, California and New York, and he did win those.
And Edwards' departure, Kerry, faces no major rivals in his bid to claim his party's nomination in July when Democrats meet for their convention.
Some people think Hillary's magically still going to be the candidate.
And I said I don't think Hillary's going to run in 2004.
I do think you're going to see Hillary as a vice president on a ticket in 08 if the Democrats lose.
And I can't divine what the globalists have decided to do.
But I would look for some southern Democrat male with Hillary in 08.
But again, it doesn't matter.
They're all globalists.
By the way, a lot of conservatives that were waking up to
Neocon gun control and open borders and Bush saying hamburger jobs are manufacturing.
Now the election's going into full gear and they're kind of saying, well, Bush is bad, but I just can't be for Kerry.
Only way Bush looks good is next to Kerry or Gore or Hillary.
It doesn't matter.
They're globalists.
I mean, it's really simple.
Okay, we're going to break.
When we get back, we're going to do a whole plethora of other news items.
We have Aaron Zellman, a great American, the founder and the head of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms ownership, joining us at the bottom of the next hour, so an hour away.
We'll cover news and take calls up until that point, and then we'll continue our focus on the state of the Second Amendment.
I haven't even scratched the surface.
Believe me, you don't want to miss the news.
It's coming up.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Again, my friends, we have Aaron Zellman, a great American, great patriot.
Joining us, he's the head and founder of Jews, the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
They've made an incredible new film that I've had a chance to see that I want to carry.
And he's also going to talk about way back in 1946 when a corrupt sheriff took over a county and was stealing elections, how people in Tennessee, military veterans, removed him from office in a gun battle.
So a very interesting story.
We'll go over that as well with Aaron Zellman, who is totally no compromise when it comes to the Second Amendment.
And I'm also going to bring up the passion to Aaron because he is Jewish and get his perspective on it.
Because the passion now, they say, has made $150 million.
As of Monday, it was $125 million.
Now it's $150 million.
I just think it's wonderful.
And we do have that rabbi coming on.
Rabbi Lappin coming on the show, too.
We got Tex Mars on Friday.
To talk about John Kerry and George Bush, the Skull and Bones presidency, how can it be that John Kerry says he's Jewish now, but he's a member of a Nazi organization?
And by the way, Skull and Bones is a Nazi organization.
They were Nazis before the world had heard of Nazis.
The swastika was their symbol back in 225 years ago.
So we'll be doing an expose on the occult.
And how that feeds into the Nazis.
Every time I mention the occult, people go, oh, that doesn't exist, you're crazy.
Even if you're an atheist and don't believe in God and the devil, or you don't believe in Buddha or Allah, you don't believe in rocks.
You don't believe in Coke cans.
You don't believe in anything.
You don't worship anything.
Even if you're that naive because you think you've got it all figured out, what I'm saying is the leaders do believe in it.
Do you understand that?
I mean, atheists think that because they don't believe in it, that it isn't going on in the world.
So even if you don't believe in the devil, the devil's real through people who believe the devil is real.
And if you don't know that Hitler was of the devil, something is really wrong with you.
So we'll be going over that Friday with Text Mars.
And excuse me if I have the sniffles.
Everybody's got these allergies here in Austin.
Some say it's the chemtrails.
E-voting machines run into some problems.
We'll get into that article.
Also, Iraqis blame U.S.
bomb attacks on Army recruits.
And the Arabs are saying only the U.S.
and Israel stand to gain from these blasts.
Well, have the Arabs gotten sophisticated enough now to blow something up and then say that the U.S.
or Israel did it?
Or is it the U.S.
or Israel?
Well, let me see.
We've caught Arabs blowing stuff up to blame it on people.
We've caught Israel doing it.
We've caught the U.S.
doing it.
We've caught the British doing it.
We've caught the Russians doing it.
We've caught the Japanese doing it.
We've caught the Chinese doing it.
We've caught everybody doing it, going back to Nero and Rome.
And there were even earlier examples of problem, reaction, solution than that.
So, I don't know.
I don't know what's going on here.
Shiites blame Americans for Baghdad.
Karbala attacks as more than 140 people killed.
Several explosions rocked major Shiite shrines in Karbala.
And in Baghdad Tuesday morning...
Where thousands of pilgrims were gathered for a religious festival, the one where they hit themselves in the head with the swords, killing more than 140 people and wounding about 500 others.
Oh, you think I'm kidding?
You haven't seen this?
Where they walk around with a short sword, beating themselves in the head with the blood spewing?
Uh, yeah.
There were conflicting reports of an exact number of people killed, according to Iraq's health minister, at least 110.
At least 58 people were killed, 128 people injured.
In the Baghdad attack, other reports suggested at least 80 people were killed in the capital.
I have visited four hospitals, and there are 58 dead, 128 wounded.
But the toll may rise because more people are arriving.
Health Minister said in Karbala, some 80 kilometers south of the capital, five blasts went off shortly after 10 a.m.
And they're saying 50 to 60 killed there.
Could be as high as 100.
And today we still don't know, but it's over 100.
And 40 people.
A real tragedy.
But why would somebody pull up and bomb the Shiites, getting them all stirred up?
It's a very important question.
Here's something that I'd love to see on television, but it's not going to happen.
Clinton Gore set to face 9-11 commission.
This is out of the Associated Press.
The federal panel reviewing the September 11 attacks has scheduled interviews with former President Clinton and former Vice President Al Gore this month, but it's struggling to get similar cooperation from President Bush and administration officials.
Now, I love the blame game.
Republicans will point out how evil Democrats are.
That suddenly makes whatever they're doing okay.
Democrats will point out what Republicans are doing, and then that suddenly makes what they're doing acceptable.
When they're all part of the same system.
And so again, it gives you that illusion of choice because we're all in these two different blocks fighting with each other when the two blocks are two arms on the same system.
And yes, Bill Clinton, three separate times when Sudan and Afghanistan and others said, we've got bin Laden right here, we want the sanctions off of us, we're not with him, we want to arrest him.
The answer then would be bin Laden being told to flee, and then suddenly our government would cruise missile the country that tried to turn him in.
And Bill Clinton said on the record, when he talked to the Long Island Association, and this is in Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, the actual news article, he admitted that, well, we just didn't want to get Bin Laden.
That's all I can say, is that we just didn't want to have him arrested.
And our own government didn't want all the dossiers or files on him.
This is after he was blowing up, you know, U.S.
military bases and bombing embassies and the rest of it.
And so...
They're going to haul Clinton up there, and he's going to sit there and talk about how, I never had anything to do with any of this.
And then the news will say, oh, see, it was Bill Clinton.
And then the neocons will run around going, see, see, it was Clinton.
He had prior knowledge.
Clinton, Clinton.
Well, no, we should be scared because Clinton and Bush had prior knowledge.
Did you know Bush wasn't the first one to issue W199I, the order not to mess with the Pakistani scientists proliferating weapons, not to mess with the Bin Ladens and Al-Qaeda in this country and their fundraisers?
No, did you know that was a reissuance of the same order by Clinton in 1996?
Yes, it's system-wide.
It's like Bush and Kerry, both skull and bones.
We'll go to some of your calls here in a few minutes.
I've got a lot of other news, but I am going to get to your calls first before we do that.
But before we do, I want to re-air these Meet the Press clips.
Here's Bush first, when Tim Russert...
You were both in Skull and Bones.
From Meet the Press.
You got that clip there, bud?
What does that mean for America?
You don't have it?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
I'm sure they are.
Number 322.
I don't know.
I'll tell you what.
Let's stop it.
I couldn't hear you.
Let's start it again, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'll tell you what.
Start it back over for folks.
Here it is.
You were both in Skull and Bones, the secret society.
It's so secret we can't talk about it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
I'm sure they are.
I don't know.
I haven't seen the website.
Number 322.
Are you going to lose?
No, I'm not going to lose.
If you did, what would you do?
Well, I don't plan on losing.
I've got a vision for what I want to do for the country.
See, I know exactly where I want to lead.
All right.
And, again, I'm just, from memory, know how long the clip is.
I still can't hear it, but I'm guessing everyone else can.
So we'll go ahead.
Everything is good there, Scott.
No, you're not feeding it to me, but it's okay.
How about you leave your mic open?
I can hear it.
Let's go ahead and go to the next clip.
And this is... You both are members of Stone and Bone, the secret society at Yale.
What does that tell us?
Not much, because it's a secret.
Is there a secret handshake?
Is there a secret code?
I wish there were something secret I could manifest.
A secret number?
There are all kinds of secrets, Tim, but one thing is not a secret.
I disagree with this president's direction that he's taking the country.
We can do a better job than I intend to do it.
And we'll be watching.
Be safe on the campaign trail.
John Kerry, thanks for joining us.
Okay, so there was the second clip.
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
And we have the video clips of that posted in the Skull and Bones section of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Coming up, man threatened with arrest after taking photos, and this is out of the Belleville newspaper out of East St.
Louis, and the police said that
Well, it was evil.
It was criminal for a man to stand on a public street and take two photos of police.
And we've had them do this to us here in Austin.
We'll be downtown videotaping police, say at Mardi Gras or at some other celebration, and they'll just walk over and say, turn your camera off.
And we'll say, no.
And they say, we're going to take you to jail.
And I say, well, go ahead.
I'm going to own your house.
I'm going to sue you civilly.
At that point, they back off immediately.
But they just pulled this guy over, gave him some tickets, and said, you're lucky, buddy, we're not taking you to jail.
You're not allowed to photograph police.
And we see this trend everywhere.
I mean, they're putting cameras up in the schools, on the roads, in the rest stop bathrooms in Michigan.
The state is doing that.
And now, here in the United States...
The police all over the place are saying, turn your camera off.
I mean, we've been 100 yards from a checkpoint.
We've shown this video on local Austin television.
And police will march over and say, why are you filming?
Well, we're covering what you're doing.
Well, turn the camera off.
Well, no.
Well, I'm going to arrest you.
Well, then you're going to have to.
A lot of people go ahead and turn it off, and then police go ahead and arrest them.
It's like psychologically, because you submit, that means you're really guilty, and they go ahead and take you on to jail and take your camera and film.
Oh, by the way, they did take this guy's camera and film, and they say they're not giving it back.
The police chief says, we don't care if there's not a law.
So that's coming up.
A bunch of police state stuff.
And for police driving along in their cars out there right now, they're saying, oh yeah, you're not allowed to videotape us.
I don't know what planet you're from, but this is America, and that's a fraud.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Minnesota.
John, go ahead.
Hello there.
I got something here that I come across in the summer of 73.
I think you'd be interested in seeing how it fits along with the
Some of the things that have come out since then.
Okay, go ahead.
There was a religious letter being put out, and someone claiming to be an ex-communist sent in a letter in the signet stating how the New World Order wants to take over the country.
On a certain day, all across the nation, in every city or town of any consequential size, they will stage demonstrations.
By noon, the demonstrations would become riots, so you had to call out all the police.
At a set time, while they were rioting, the exterminators would put on their identification armbands so they wouldn't shoot each other.
The first thing they would do was kill all the police.
They had their people in the utility companies across the nation, way back in 1973,
They would turn off all utilities, gas, water, electricity.
They would set fires, loot businesses.
The second group they want to get rid of is judges and attorneys because they wouldn't need them anymore.
They would exterminate everybody that would have the ability.
Yeah, you know, sir, instead of talking about an unsigned letter, let's just go to the facts.
General Clinton K. Parton has talked about this.
It's what the communists tried in Indonesia.
They've done it in other countries.
They've done it in Czechoslovakia.
It's a standard takeover plan.
There's actual public handbooks on how to do it.
The difference is they didn't have to take over like that.
They took over the universities, the schools, the colleges, the newspapers, the banks.
Communism is a tool of the big banks to consolidate power.
And instead, they are now the police, they are now the military, that is the positions of power, and they will go after the citizens, and yes, they will go after good police, they will go after good military, but instead of mass riots, they will carry out terror attacks as the pretext for them to move.
That's their smoke screen.
So that's the new system.
Oh, sure.
That's where Kissinger comes in.
They're going to use
Yeah, Kissinger said that, well, I mean, forget the 1991 comment by Kissinger.
We have generals on television.
We have the head of the U.N.
on television.
They've said that if we're, quote, tied down in the war on terror overseas, that we will, quote, use foreign assets.
You've already seen the NATO AWACS, the Norwegian F-16s.
They're slowly conditioning us to accept this.
Yes, and once they got control, they would send out word to all the demonstrators and rioters who meet at convention centers.
And arenas and explain to them their duties in this new government.
That's exactly what they, and now that's the public plan under a mass inoculation.
You go to the sports stadiums and they've got their controllers there.
And yes, they are preparing to do this, but they're not going to get away with it.
But today they're not called communists, they're called anarchists.
And I don't mean the useful idiot kids that are members of this.
I mean the controllers of these groups.
I've had them walk up and say, yes, we're feds.
Yes, when the time comes, we're going to kill you.
We're taking over.
And then you watch them go to try to provocateur.
They work with the police.
I saw this happen with my own eyes here in Austin.
So, yes, it's true.
I mean, I have video of it happening in Seattle.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, John.
Very interesting.
Randall in Washington.
Randall, go ahead.
Two quick points.
One, I'm going to vote for Kerry.
I am sick of these people that have been lulled to sleep by Bush.
I mean, I think it's going to take somebody with machine guns standing in these people's homes, herding their kids out into a truck, and seizing their property to wake them up.
I've met Republicans that are so asleep, and it's just like this boat that was carried out yesterday.
Eleven people in our own party betrayed us, and three of them voted against the assault weapons ban the first time around.
Now, notice the Republicans put their own poison pill in so they could later vote it down, but then claim that they had voted for it.
Looking back in hindsight, my real... I really wish Al Gore would have won the election, and I say that not because I wanted the country destroyed, but when...
Quentin was in office.
The conservatives were more awake.
Do you want me to hold this?
Yeah, you can finish your comments, then we'll go to Eric and others.
We'll go to Eric up in Skull and Bones territory, Connecticut.
New Haven.
Up there at the tomb.
And in 40 minutes, we've got Aaron Zellman coming on.
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To have the police say, we'll arrest anybody that takes photos of us in East St.
Louis, and we don't care if there's no law, we are the law.
But they want to put a camera down my throat, down your throat.
Also, gun bill being passed back and forth at the state level, and this is a story out of Utah concerning the Second Amendment.
Also, the NYPD, New York Police Department, headline, Hate Cops Go See Mel Gibson's Movie to Decide if It's a Hate Crime.
So, to learn about hate crimes, well, I tell you, this is something else.
And a police group against residents having stun guns.
See, they don't just want you to not have a gun.
They don't want you to have mace.
The big police departments have called to ban that.
They don't want you to have a stun gun in your house or your car.
Just don't protect yourself.
But, ooh, don't take their guns.
So we'll get into that as well.
Also, Russia may be offered bigger say in European security.
They may even merge with the EU.
And again, that's just the tip of the iceberg of what's coming up.
Right now, we'll go back to Randall and Eric and others.
Randall, finishing up your point about if Al Gore was in office, conservatives wouldn't have put up with all this.
No, and just to give you the insanity in the assault weapons debate, Dianne Feinstein changed her bill yesterday.
The ban was supposed to be permanent.
Well, it would have renewed it for another ten years.
Now, to show you how much of a non-issue this is, Carolyn McCarthy in the House issued H.R.
2038, which would have banned 65 rifles, but they knew they were never going to get it through Congress, so a couple of days ago, she issued another one.
Now, get ready for this.
It bans the assault rifle for another 10 years, but what's the high-capacity magazine section of the ban sunset?
So, in other words, you can have the high-capacity magazines, but you can't have the assault weapons
By the way, let me just add something.
According to California's interpretation and the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, any semi-automatic rifle or handgun is to be banned, and they say we have no right to own guns, period.
And according to some of the federal interpretations, a semi-automatic .22 rifle that you use for squirrel hunting would be illegal.
Well, the Brady campaign is misleading everybody because they're telling everybody that weapons are off the market, and that's totally insane because I have 10 of the weapons that are on the ban list, and I have a minimum of 100 magazines per weapon.
Now, and trust me, other than two of the rifles, you can pick up these magazines very cheap.
No, no, listen, listen, listen, and I appreciate the call, Randall.
The gun ban was never meant to be effective.
It's about getting them involved in your life, having the BATF to have more excuses to bust down more doors, to selectively prosecute people for guns that aren't even under the ban.
They can do mental gymnastics, fool the jury.
A lot of people have gone to prison for guns that weren't even, quote, illegal under the ban or illegal for sale or illegal for manufacture.
So it's just all about getting us used to gun bans, the term gun ban, and getting the feds involved.
We'll come back and talk to Eric and Jack and others.
Before I end this hour, I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I have made ten films.
The latest is Matrix of Evil Exposed.
It's excellent.
There's Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
I've made two films on 9-11, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, and Masters of Terror.
I've written a book on it, Descent into Tyranny.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and order these professionally produced videos today.
And your purchase also makes this show possible.
So go to infowars.com or presentplanet.com or call right now, toll free.
Operators are standing by at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
3139, or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001, South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
All right, second hour straight ahead with your calls, ton of news, and Aaron Zellman, stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my friends.
Alex Jones with you here in the second hour of Global Transmission Against Tyranny.
I do this little show Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time.
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
We go out on the AM and FM dial from Rhode Island to Los Angeles, California.
From Providence, Rhode Island to L.A.
And we simulcast on the internet at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And now new shortwave frequencies!
The first two hours of the show are on 94.75.
Big WWCR blowtorch during the day.
We're trying to get you away for the third hour.
But the first two hours, 94.75.
And the last two hours of the nighttime show from 9 to midnight are on 32.10.
And we're trying to get time for that as well.
For the first hour.
Who knows?
Help us find someone, a good station out there.
Some of the other stations say, no, if you don't get it all with us, you just don't get any time.
So we're like, okay, well, we're not going to work with you anymore because of that type of behavior.
There is just a ton of news and information.
I want to go to your calls.
I want to go through more of the calls.
I'm going to give each caller about a minute.
I'm going to try to not interrupt you, have you question your comment, make your statement.
We're going to move on because I want to... A few weeks ago, I was getting better at taking 20, 30, 40 calls in three hours, and I've gotten back down to maybe 15 calls in three hours.
And most of those in the last hour.
So, 1-800-259-9231 is the number to join us, because then I want to get into all this news.
We've got Aaron Zellman coming up from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
Talk about the state of the police state, which they're experts on.
He's also got an organization that covers that.
A new film they've made.
The last armed rebellion or revolt we had in the U.S.
in 1946 that no one seems to know about.
And we will also get into a new film they've made.
Right now, let's go ahead and talk to Eric in Connecticut.
Eric, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
You partially answered one of my questions about the broadcast.
I was listening to your program.
I think it was Monday, and about ten minutes after the hour, the signal just went dead.
Are you
Are they doing payments on some of the towers and you're changing frequencies?
No, sir.
That was another shortwave station you were listening to me on that I've been on for five years.
Oh, okay.
And we said we want to cut back, be on here less, and do some other things with some other stations.
The individual said no, either all of me or nothing.
So we said, okay, we're switching, and as soon as I mentioned the new frequency, they cut us off.
So we're now exclusively on WWCR, but they only had four hours a day for us.
So we're looking for time for that third hour during the day and that first hour at night.
I see.
94.75 is the frequency during the day, 32.10 at night.
Okay, Alex, I'm trying to arrange to...
Play your videos on my public access television station.
I'm going to need some kind of form letter or something like that.
You know, we posted it on the website, and then it gets buried in the archives.
But in the takeover, I say, you were allowed to air this video on AXS TV.
So just look.
Print out the release form.
Sign my name to it.
How's that sound?
Sounds great.
And one more thing, Alex.
The RFID...
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you for the call.
Yeah, that's why we got, I don't know, I looked at the statistics, over a million hits in a few hours last night, 300,000 hits an hour last night.
We're good to go.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends, we're back live.
And just one more programming note, then I'll go back to your calls in the news.
Again, people ask me, how are you in Austin, Texas?
And then you're on other radio stations.
I mean, people, some people really don't think about the world around them to the point that they don't even know, I guess, how Peter Jennings is on their television every night at 530 Central.
It's satellites, folks.
We go out on the digital birds.
We go out on an analog bird.
Those are all listed at GCNlive.com, the network website.
We also have them listed at InfoWars.com in the Listen Live section.
And so I have my broadcast, comes out of Austin, Texas, connects with the folks in Minnesota.
They run the show, have the satellite uplinks.
When you call Minnesota, you're talking to them, not to me.
People all the time go, put Alex on the phone.
You know, they call up there and, well, how dare you not put him on the phone with me?
You know, and I'm here in Austin.
They're up in Minnesota.
And I'm not saying it's all the listeners.
It's a very small minority, but I have to explain things.
Now, I haven't been clear on the shortwave.
We go out on AM, FM, Internet, TV.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Now, we won't be on two hours at night until next week, and I've said this, but I haven't made it clear.
We're only on from 11 to midnight Central on 3210 this week while they move the programs that were there out of the way for us.
We appreciate it.
Now, they're doing that.
We appreciate the programs.
So, you know, they had to move a bunch of shows for us.
So they're doing that.
And so next week I'll be on two hours at night.
It's only one hour a night right now.
And then soon we should have three hours a night for you.
I don't know if we'll ever get three hours during the day.
And you know what?
If you want to hear the whole show, and I understand, I mean, I'd like you to be able to hear the whole show, call that local AM or FM station and tell them, hey, I'm tired of hearing Alex just on shortwave in the Internet.
Pick him up off Star Guide.
I mean, we're on ABC News Feed, premium digital feed.
We've leased a clear channel frequency from the devil themselves.
We're on the clear channel system, paying to do it.
Because, you know, they're buying the backbone itself up for monopoly control.
From the satellites to the voting machines to the candidates, they own it all.
It's a big conspiracy.
You know, the phone company, that's who runs the New World Order, that 60s film.
I forget the name of it.
So we've got the satellites.
We've got everything for you.
We provide the shortwave mainly to reach people overseas.
I mean, I get letters from people in Africa, in Asia, from missionaries.
I get letters from Germany and Switzerland and England.
Folks are listening on the shortwave, and that's that.
And we've got the shortwave frequencies posted at GCNlive.com and on my website.
Okay, let's talk to Jack in Missouri.
Jack, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
God bless you, my friend.
Hey, I got a quickie for you here.
You remember, I know you will recall it, but 9-16-03 when you had Lyle Barkley of Michigan and what the sheriff was doing up there on the property where he was going to take it over?
Oh, yeah, they just said, we don't like you, we're going to take your property.
Right, okay, here's what I got for you.
That's all Homeland Securities, which is United Nations.
I'm going to send you some pictures I took from up here in my county in Missouri.
Of the blue and white road signs out here in the country that the United Nations are moving into these smaller communities.
I'm in a retirement area up here, and they've come in and marked all of our streets over with blue and white street marking signs.
Blue and white, that's United Nations.
Well, I mean, how do you know it's United Nations?
Well, that's their colors or their flag.
Look at their flag.
Yeah, but just because somebody uses blue and white, I mean, I'm not going to be respectful here, Jack.
Okay, but let me tell you this.
Now, hold on, hold on.
There are the Takamars that are communication systems, and I've seen the handbooks for the military on the back of some of the signs.
They have put down helicopter landing zone material for homeland security even before 9-11.
All of that is true.
And let me go one further for you.
Last night, News 8, I got home and caught just the end of it.
Everybody was telling me about it.
And I forgot to tell my webmaster to go find this on the News 8 Austin website and post it on our site.
But they announced that 24 members of the APD were federalized as federal marshals.
Then the head of the group says, we can now fly to Japan or Germany and arrest criminals.
We work for the UN.
And I saw this.
I saw the end of the report on the news.
I only caught the end of it because it airs over and over again on News 8.
And I got home late at night so I couldn't stay up for two hours to watch it re-air.
But I did catch the end of it.
And they said, we work for the UN.
So it showed our police...
In their uniforms, holding their hands up, being sworn in as federal officers to, quote, serve the U.N.
So, yes, sir, it is going on.
What you said, when you hear about a smoking ordinance or the states adopt the thumb scanning for driver's license, all of that, land use, all of this is U.N.
Yes, it's true.
Okay, well, can I send you some pictures, Alex?
Yeah, send it to me.
Okay, I'm going to send this tape.
I recorded your tape there, your program on 9-16, and I'm going to send it to Mike Golden.
I talked to Mike the night before last out in California, and I told him I had some pictures and I had this tape.
And he said, send it to him.
He's got a different program out there now, but...
Anyway, I'll get off here.
I'm going to send you some information.
God bless you, Alex.
Hey, Jack, good to hear from you.
God bless you, too.
And look, I'm not saying that those road markings aren't for troops, because I've confirmed a lot of them are.
The problem is you can't just say they are without the evidence.
But, yes, sir, it is a U.N.
operation, and our government has willingly done it.
I mean, look, we've had...
The folks from the Paragon Foundation on, they've been in Arizona at a meeting about the red wolf that's coming on people's land and killing their sheep, and the U.N.
is running the county commissioner's meeting saying this is under U.N.
I mean, it's really going on.
The caller is telling you the truth.
I just specifically can't confirm what he's saying.
Jackie in Wisconsin.
Jackie, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I wanted to ask you,
What is going on with Haiti?
Because I read in our little newspaper in Kenosha, Wisconsin, I read that the U.S.
military went and got the president out of there.
Are we going to take over Haiti now?
It's official.
It's official.
When Aristide told international radio and foreign press the day of the event that he was kidnapped and told, we'll blow your head off if you don't get on the plane right now,
He was told that.
Total coup d'etat.
He now told the Associated Press that.
It is confirmed fact that the Secretary of State is a big fat liar, Colin Powell.
Believe me, they said, we're not going to help him, we're not going to do anything.
And look, I have the articles posted.
The U.S.
government provided his security the last ten years.
He had special forces troops, not hired mercenaries.
He had those too.
Who were all former U.S.
Special Forces from groups like Sterling and others, these big Merck agencies that are basically still governmental.
We're good to go.
They admit in Reuters and the Associated Press that, yes, U.S.
government, quote, provided the president his security.
I mean, so it was already a puppet dictatorship.
Okay, and then claiming he was elected.
Why is there an uprising in Haiti?
Why is that, too?
Well, because Aristide hadn't played ball.
I mean, it's like Manuel Noriega is their boy, and then Manuel Noriega stops paying his drug cuts into the CIA and starts buying palaces next door to Bush in Switzerland.
I mean, that actually happened, and Bush got mad.
Because the people have a bad standard of living?
Is that why they're revolting then?
Well, no, you've got a bunch of armed thugs working for the CIA with U.S.-made M-16s going in to create the illusion.
See, our government, listen, listen, our government couldn't just put guns to Aristide's head and say, get on a plane.
That'd be too obvious.
They had to have the fake rebel force out there.
Ooh, they're demanding you leave.
Does that answer your question?
Yes, so it's all staged then.
Admittedly, yes, it is staged.
But, hey, you've got Colin Powell saying that's not true, and that's the truth.
So, you know, we don't lie here on The Running Man, he says.
So we're going to take over that country.
Do you know why?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
The globalists had already taken control.
Aristide was their boy.
But a year ago, Lord Bush put sanctions on them, started breaking the country down.
Because he had fallen out of favor with them.
Oh, okay.
So they were just reinstalling control.
But again, people are so shallow, they won't get it when the news says the U.S.
Provided Security Force told him he better get on the plane.
Yeah, the U.S.
Provided Security Force was his government.
He had been a puppet.
But they just can't have the security force while they're on a plane.
They've got to have some rebels burning some buildings and running around with their M-16s.
And people looting everywhere.
Yeah, it helps break down the country.
And then you get to have the IMF and World Bank come in and take over and start more vaccinations and more control.
Okay, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
We'll come back and talk to Regina and Warren and others.
And you can go read the news articles, folks.
It's admitted, okay?
Out in the open, as usual, Colin Powell is lying to you.
I have here the dossier from this week from the British, proving they have weapons of mass destruction.
Turns out they knew it was written by a college student 12 years ago.
I mean, they're liars.
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We've got Aaron Zellman coming up.
I've got a huge stack of news and loaded phone lines.
Quickly to the calls.
Regina in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
I just wanted to mention the situation with Casey Nethercutt.
I just really feel, you know, to want to support him.
I have a letter, a number for the Governor Napolitano.
Okay, remember, most people just tuned in and don't know what you're talking about.
Well, I didn't know how much time you'd give me, Alex, so I'm trying to go quick.
Casey Nethercutt, done nothing wrong, ranch rescue, exposing the open borders.
No, I understand.
They've already kidnapped him once for 56 days and put him in solitary confinement.
He went straight to prison.
No jail, no indictment, no nothing.
And now they said, we're going to frame you, we're going to get you.
And the governor said, under Homeland Security and the Patriot Act, I'm having you arrested.
And he's disappeared back into the gulag.
And, you know, I see this is directly correlated to even our home states that we could, you know, get involved in calling this governor, Governor Napolitano.
It's her number, 602-542-4331.
And I did get to talk to somebody at the Civil Homeland Defense group, and they gave me a couple suggestions of what we could share with them, because I felt kind of at a loss the other day.
The man goes off to jail while in Pennsylvania they're looking at making our district attorneys a permanent job.
Right now they're part-time, and they don't say that we need to do this because there's illegals coming over the border and we have all these things coming in.
It seems to me they just more and more get licensed to...
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Hasn't hurt anybody, hasn't done anything wrong.
For every state.
They just say, we don't like what you're doing.
We're going to put you right in prison without even charging you.
Thanks for the call, Regina.
Can I say something real quick?
You know, we've got the phone numbers also posted on the website.
Yeah, sure, go ahead.
No, no, go ahead.
I'm sorry.
Okay, now what they indicated from Civil Homeland Defense was that this Napolitano, make sure you tell her at the 602-542-4331 that she is preempting Homeland Defense.
She's working against...
Okay, Regina, thank you for the call.
Thank you.
You bet.
Good to hear from you.
I may, though, I like taking the calls.
I enjoy it, but then I never get to the news.
I just may have some days where I don't even take calls.
I am really debating it.
Because the calls are all great.
It's just that I tend to take them like an addict or something and then never get to the news.
Wayne in Colorado, go ahead.
Yeah, this is Warren.
There's kind of an interesting news piece come out of Air Force Academy in Colorado here.
I guess next year the Air Force Academy Falcons, which is a football team, they're going to play one of their games on an aircraft carrier.
And I don't know what kind of New World Order news we can bring from that, but the Navy's going to play a game on a carrier.
Yeah, it's just Brenton Circus.
I mean, literally is a circus.
But you watch these new football leagues.
It's all sponsored by the Army of One.
It's just merging sports and military kind of into this modern Roman system.
I agree with you.
Thank you, Warren.
Okay, thanks.
Good to hear from you.
Dan in Kentucky.
Dan, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I just wanted to call real quick and tell you about AMFM Market in Louisville, Kentucky, and they have a shortwave radio station.
You can check it out.
It's W-J-I-E-S-W at Hotmail.com.
And they beam straight across the United States, east to west, right down through the middle.
So you might want to check that out.
Well, thank you for the call.
Anything else?
That's just it, Alex.
Thank you.
Appreciate the call.
All right.
Look at this article out of the Belleville News.
They're in East St.
It's on Infowars.com.
Man threatened with arrest after taking photos.
Fletcher Parker said all he wanted was a few snapshots of the East St.
Louis Police Department in action, a force he said he strongly supports.
Good, you know how to grovel.
Instead, he said cops seized his digital camera disc, which records the images, and threatened him with arrest.
On Monday, about 11.30 a.m.,
Broad daylight.
Seven or eight city officers had captured a suspect behind a house at 17th Street and St.
Clair Avenue and were leading him back to the squad car.
Police declined to state the nature of the arrest.
Parker said he was driving by when he spotted a crowd of neighbors watching the action, so he stopped and was just taking pictures, standing next to my truck on the opposite side of the street, said Parker, 38, an electrician and city resident who used an older model digital camera.
After taking several snapshots and without taking and talking to the police, Parker said he left.
After driving three blocks, he realized he was being followed by six squad cars.
And then the fun began.
And again, I love taking the calls.
I just get frustrated because I don't get to all this news.
We'll finish the story when we get back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a curtain ring of fire.
In the last segment, I was raving about callers.
Not callers themselves, but just the time constraints.
And the fact that the issues we talk about are complex, so it can't just be sound bites, so we've got to give the callers some time on air, and then that makes it to where other callers can't get on air, and it's frustrating.
I think I'm going to maybe try to alter the format of the show somewhat to where maybe we cover news the first 30 minutes of an hour and then take calls the second half of an hour, or maybe have one hour that's all news and then an hour that's guests and then an hour that's calls, or...
We're going to take calls for our guest Aaron Zellman, who's going to be up with us here in a few minutes.
I know this, though.
He's the preservation of firearms ownership founder and head.
He also heads up C-Cops, a group that exposes the police state.
We're good to go.
I think?
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It also makes this show possible for call toll free, 1-888-253-3139.
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3139, or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Now, Aaron Zellman, my good friend, jpfo.org, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, the most conservative, no-compromise gun group out there.
I mean, even more stringent in many cases than gun owners, who I'm also a big fan of.
We had Larry Pratt on yesterday.
I don't know if you heard me before we hit the last break covering East St.
Louis where a black man got out in broad daylight 50 yards from police, more than 50 yards, took two photos of them.
They pulled him over.
Six squad cars.
They came running out of their cars at me, he said.
Parker said the officers asked him if he was a reporter.
When he said no, asked him why he was taking photos.
They then seized the disc from the digital camera, he said.
After accusing him of obstructing an investigation and warning him he was lucky not to be given a traffic ticket for failing to keep his auto insurance card in the vehicle, they let him go.
An angry Parker...
Said he went an hour earlier to the police department and spoke with Police Chief Ron Matthews and asked for the return of the camera.
The police chief refused.
The chief told me that if they, the officers, had been doing their job, they would have arrested me at the scene and that we wouldn't be having this problem, Parker said.
But when he contacted by telephone about five minutes after Parker left his office, Matthews said, we are looking into this complaint now.
We are going to find out
Well, Alex, this is a good example of why we desperately need to return to a Bill of Rights culture.
The fact that the Bill of Rights has been trampled so freely by the enemies of freedom, these type of situations will happen not just the other day, but also in the future.
I think that people need to understand that the wolf is at the door finally.
It's going to be at everyone's door.
If a guy can be hassled like this for taking photographs...
Then, you know, it's pretty obvious that what are you going to do if they suspect some kind of financial dealings going on they don't approve of?
Or what are they going to do if your neighbor complains about the fact that they don't like the smell of your barbecue?
They think maybe you're roasting marijuana or some nonsense like that.
Well, Aaron, we've confirmed it in Lyon County, Kentucky.
One of my listeners gave a police officer one of my videos and a C-SPAN video of Ron Paul giving his neocon speech last year, and they arrested him, and the judge said, we've confirmed this, it was in the newspaper, the judge told him, he said, it is illegal, you are guilty of giving a police officer an anti-government video, and they're charging him with a terroristic threat, and it's going forward.
Is that police state?
Well, that's beyond police state.
I mean, there's a point to where, you know, the concept behind a police state is that you'll have a nanny state, that the government will look after you and do everything for you.
Of course, you will follow their directions and they do everything for you.
But this is now getting into complete and absolute tyranny.
And this is another example of destroying First Amendment rights and trying to destroy a Bill of Rights culture.
My advice to that individual, quite frankly, is to, as John Ross of the book Unintended Consequences once told me, hide in plain sight.
The more noise you make about this, the sooner they will go away.
Well, they are discussing dropping it, but... Well, I think that you've got to really go after the people.
And I still think one of the best ways to put the police on the defensive...
To leave you alone, if they've got two brain cells to rub together, is simply to remind people of a fact.
They have no right to police protection.
When they dial 911, they have no right to police protection.
Therefore, the question needs to be raised, why is this individual on the payroll?
Why does he get a pension?
Why does he get health care, sick care?
Why is he living in this city if he's a menace to society?
If he's covering up the truth.
Well, Aaron, boiling that down for people, there have been dozens of major court rulings, many Supreme Court rulings, that they have no liability to protect you.
They're not there to protect you.
They're there to respond after a law has been violated, after the state has been violated, because you violate their law.
The government, under this Roman civil law, says, we don't care about you.
They're now ignoring the common law.
And it's just horrible.
Okay, but you see the tactic I'm using here, Alex?
Instead of dealing with them nose to nose on what they want to do, you come around the corner with something else they don't want the public to know about.
And they can't weasel their way out of it.
All they can do is cover it up.
And so I think that's the way to deal with all of the goons, is exposing the fact that they...
Take your money.
Take your taxes.
They lie to you about serving the community.
People misinterpret that as serving the community.
They think that means them.
Not at all.
And they misinform you about these issues.
9-1-1 is a farce.
It's a joke.
It's a fraud.
It's a hoax.
And I think that people should spend more time exposing the big lie.
And that will put these kinds of clowns on the defensive.
They're really goons.
They're not clowns.
They're jackbooted thugs.
Now, obviously, there are good people in police departments, but the system itself now has become predatory, and it honors the corrupt police while going after the good ones.
And I have articles every day where the police don't want citizens to have pepper spray, don't want us to have stun guns, even in our own house, but try to take their gun away.
They're going to say, no way, I've got to protect myself.
Well, it used to be,
That the occasional rotten apple in the police was really kind of a fraction of a percent.
But now it's getting to the point where the good guys are becoming a fraction of a percent.
How did that happen, Aaron?
I'll tell you how I think it happened.
My theory is we went from peace officers.
When I was growing up in Arizona, we had peace officers.
And we went from peace officers to law enforcement officers.
And the mindset was created that they will enforce the laws without even thinking or asking themselves, is this law just?
Is this law constitutional?
Is this law even good for society?
Well, let me give you an example of Arizona, Aaron.
Pardon me?
Let me give you an example of Arizona today.
Oh, it's different.
I've got the articles out of the Tucson paper, the Arizona Republic.
They pull people over at checkpoints and demand blood now.
They don't just take you to jail or say breathalyzer.
They're demanding blood by flashlight in the middle of the night.
Now New Mexico wants to make you blow a breathalyzer, everybody, to start your car.
West Virginia wants to make everybody take the vaccines.
You know, mandatory.
I mean, aren't these examples of police state?
The cameras in the school bathrooms?
Of course they are.
Of course they are.
And I think that...
Well, you know, cameras in the school bathrooms is kind of intriguing because if you study a lot of the people who have been fascists and dictators and such, they've usually had some kind of sexual perversion about them.
So I think that says a whole lot about cameras in the bathrooms and about the people who advocate them.
But, I mean, I see articles in Canada, Tennessee, Texas, they're putting cameras in the showers with the 10- and 12-year-old children, and then when the parents find out and freak out, the principal says, well, your people are nuts.
You're the crazy ones, Aaron, because we don't like... I mean, Winston in 1984 knew that cameras in bathrooms was bad, but these people today think it's good, Aaron.
What happened to us?
I think people need to immediately question the principle if he is a pedophile.
I think that's the attack to take.
Just start raising the question.
Why is he so adamant about having cameras in showers?
Is this person a pedophile?
And have them prove they're not.
Let them spend their entire career and their pension proving they're not a pedophile.
I just can't.
I mean, I mention this every day now, Aaron.
Give them an option.
Take the cameras out or spend the rest of your life in legal hell proving you're not a pedophile.
Well, I mean, Aaron, that's a good tactic, but it's probably true.
But the point is...
That I can't get my brain around that they're actually putting cameras in showers.
It's so Orwellian.
What happened to us that in many school districts they're putting up with this?
Well, I can't really answer all the questions of what happened to us except that people, not enough people really have had the desire to stand up to government and to say, no, we're not going to take this anymore.
And that's going to have to happen in this country.
Which, of course, if I can just lead into something, if you don't mind.
You know, the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Athens is coming up.
And the Battle of Athens, for people who don't know this, is the G.I.s who returned from the European theater of war after World War II came home to Athens, Tennessee, and they had corrupt government.
Just like we're talking about today, corrupt government.
It was on a different level, but it was still corruption.
And they couldn't get honest elections.
Well, describe that.
You had one rich, and you have a long article on the website, a historical article, 1946.
There's this fat cat rich family, owns the town.
The Cantrells.
Yeah, he's the sheriff, and they try to have poll watchers.
They beat up the GIs.
He brings in his Pinkerton men.
He brings in his goons.
Go through the story for us.
Well, people had been writing to the GIs before they came home, telling them about the corruption in the town.
People being picked up on Saturday night, being told they were drunk when they weren't, being thrown into jail, having to buy their way out with a fine.
And then these kind of things were going on, and of course the elections were fixed.
And political cronyism.
And when the GIs came back, came back home to Athens,
They tried to, they wanted honest elections, so they started what they called the GI Party.
And the GI Party simply promised we will have clean politics in this city, or the county.
And the, came election day, people were lined up around the block for the first time really wanting to vote for the GI Party.
And Tennessee did allow poll watchers, and the poll watchers were attacked
One of the respected citizens of Athens was shot when he tried to vote.
And finally the G.I.
said, we've had enough of this.
Now the fat cat hired hundreds of these private security guards.
For the sheriff, right.
And they came into town, they were armed thugs, and they ended up stealing the ballot boxes and taking them to the jail, claiming we're going to make sure we have an honest count here.
And at that point the G.I.'
We're joined by the local farmers and citizens.
They all came armed.
And there was an eight-hour shooting battle in Athens, Tennessee, against the sheriff and his corrupt thugs.
And finally, the front door of the jail was blown off by an explosives expert, one of the G.I.s.
And they let the sheriff's deputies run away.
One of them, I think, was wounded.
And they got ahold of ballot boxes and started counting.
And sure enough, the G.I.
party won.
But that's the story of the Battle of Athens, and the 50th anniversary is coming up this August 1st.
So I would hope people would celebrate that with the same gusto they do July 4th.
And we have an essay contest, by the way, Alex.
We're giving away some nice prizes.
People want to come to our website, jpfo.org, jpfo.org.
Also, plug the new video.
Aaron, I want to carry the video.
Okay, we'll make arrangements for you.
We have a documentary film that we put together.
People have told us that if enough Americans saw this film, gun control would be destroyed in America.
And the documentary is called Innocence Betrayed.
And it's a history of how gun control registration schemes, just like concealed carry schemes, have led to confiscation and then a dictatorship or a police state, if you will, and then a targeting of a certain group of people
That are the victims of a lot of hate and prejudice, and those people are determined by the state that they won't live anymore.
Okay, what's the phone number to order that?
And again, you're going to be with us 30 minutes to the next hour to take calls and cover other news, so we'll be able to give that out again.
It's 800-869-1884.
We'll be back, Aaron.
I want to talk to you about the gun votes going on in the Senate and the passion.
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We're going to get more into their new video, and we're going to take your calls coming up in the next hour, get into a bunch of other news items there in Zelman.
We'll talk about the Senate, which really did some bizarre voting yesterday.
Where Republicans vote for the gun measures, the gun grab measures, and then later, 90 to 8, the whole piece of legislation gets thrown out.
So I'm having trouble figuring this out.
But just a small side issue, Aaron Zellman, because I want to understand this.
I want to get your take, your view on this.
I've been on the air for 10 years, syndicated on some AM and FM stations shortwave for six, almost seven.
And I got on the air, and I would get criticized for not being against Israel.
I was, you know, neutral on the issue.
You know, Israel's getting attacked.
They have a right to defend themselves.
Israel does some bad stuff, too, but, you know.
But I would get attacked.
Oh, I'm an evil Mossad agent, all this stuff.
Then I have the ADL attacking me in the New York Times.
I've never said a word about Jews, saying I'm bad, all this stuff.
So I start getting mad at that.
Then I watch Mel Gibson...
Getting attacked for the passion, which a lot of folks have pointed out, rabbis and people, that no one would have even thought of anti-Semitism until the left interjected this.
They seem to do that in everything.
It's just put labels on things to try to get people fighting.
What's your view on this trend?
It seems to me like the ADL and others are almost trying to stir things up and get people fighting.
Well, what's my take on it?
I don't know.
Do we have a couple hours?
Well, we do if you want.
Let us sum it down in a few minutes.
On our website, as a matter of fact, we put out an alert condemning all of the screaming and yelling about the passion being anti-Semitic and such.
I think the art is pretty much in the beholder's eye, eye of the beholder.
And people will read into this or see into whatever they want.
From the standpoint of the ADL and the rest of their ilk, we challenged them in the alert that we sent out to prove this is not some kind of despicable fundraising scheme.
The ADL profits from anti-Semitism.
And I think that they've gone off in the wrong direction on this issue.
I've talked to a number of Jews that have gone to see the movie.
And it's really a mixed bag of feelings.
Some people think there's some elements of it, and some people think there's none at all.
Well, Aaron, let me just tell you... Some people complain to me about the violence in it, you know, instead of any of the issues.
And probably, you know, some people raise the issue that maybe they should have done more about Christ's teachings and what he was saying, instead of just the brutality.
Well, Aaron, let me give you my perspective.
I grew up in the Baptist church, never heard anybody talk about Jews bad.
I mean, I just never experienced it.
And then here's the ADL jumping around the last few years, just mainstream music singers are anti-Semitic.
Every gun group, they list them in the digital hate group.
But then Arnold, who's a real live Nazi, he's just fine.
I mean, I guess, what is going on here?
Well, remember what I just asked you.
Or the comment I made.
The question we asked, is this some kind of despicable fundraising scheme?
I mean, they've poisoned the well sufficiently now.
And I think that it really, you know, the ADL has a $60 million a year budget, according to the articles that I've read.
But I think they're creating anti-Semitism because now everybody's talking about it and wondering.
Well, maybe they want a $100 million a year budget.
And I think that's why they're up to something that is very dangerous.
The ADL has never been a friend of gun owners, as an example.
Never been a friend of people who are politically conservative.
And so I think that you have to look at the ADL as an organization that at the very least is anti-American.
Yeah, well, all I know is that no one I knew was thinking about anti-Semitism, but now it's like they put it in people's heads.
To go see the movie, you know, looking for that.
And, you know, I've heard rabbis say that.
I'm not the only one saying it.
Aaron Zellman, please stay with us.
We'll be right back with your calls.
A lot of news.
Stay with us, folks.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Providence, Rhode Island.
To Los Angeles, California, I'm Alex Jones, your host, simulcasting on WWCR, shortwave during the day at 94.75 at night, 3210, and the web at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We're talking to an expert on the police state, one of the most staunch pro-secondary groups out there, Aaron Zellman, JPFO director.
Jews of the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
And then we've got Paula and Kirk and Rick and a bunch of other people that are holding.
If you want to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
Your calls are coming up here in the next segment.
I'm having trouble figuring out what happened in the Senate yesterday.
You've got a bunch of Republicans voting with the Democrats for gun bans, for assault weapons bans, for gun show shutdowns.
Then suddenly it goes to the full Senate and they come back a few hours later and vote 90-8, voting the measure down.
What's going on?
Well, I wish I knew.
I mean, it really makes you scratch your head and wonder just what is going on.
But I think that you have a situation here where
There was an attempt to try to push something through, especially the extension of this ban on military-style guns.
I heard the phone lines went nuts.
They did, and I think that it shows a couple of things.
You have to ask if we really have a two-party system.
I would be inclined to think, no, we don't.
It's really a one-party system.
They both seem to vote the same way.
It wasn't until Larry Craig, as I understand it,
We're good to go.
I think?
How shaky the financial situation is going to become in this country.
Well, that's really it.
I mean, they really are, Mr. Zellman, and you've been talking about this for years, so have I, they really are gearing up for martial law.
They really are gearing up for secret arrest in the middle of the night.
And if they think we aren't going to fight back if they start that, they're wrong, aren't they?
Well, I hope they're wrong.
I don't know.
Sometimes you have to ask yourself if there's enough real Americans out there.
We're going to say, I haven't sacrificed all these years just to have you steal my little bit of freedom I have left.
In fact, I want more freedom.
And I'm going to take my freedom back.
And, you know, there's enough gun owners in this country that only a moron would say, well, let's go get them all.
Only a moron would do that.
But they're incrementally moving against this, brainwashing the children.
Well, sure, it's salami tactics a slice at a time.
And I think all the more reason to, you know, we've made a great effort to reach out to kids with our little Grandpa Jack booklets, you know, that help people understand the complex issues, but with a lot of pictures with them.
But we're finding that there are people who are showing our documentary film as an example, the one that is called Innocence Betrayed, that is really changing minds.
We're winning the hearts and minds every time we show this to people.
They begin to realize just how evil the government is
And that's the thing we have to do.
We have to focus on winning hearts and minds.
Instead of trying to win political battles, trying to explain to people a great deal of technical information to them, we really just have to go after hearts and minds.
That's how dictators do it.
They go after hearts and minds.
So those of us from the freedom movement have to learn from the enemy and do the same thing.
They're saying we have to boil it down to get them to wake up, and then once they've woken up, they'll learn the details?
At that point they'll have a thirst for knowledge.
Two guys running against each other from the same secret society.
I mean, talk about not having two parties.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I want you out there, America, to start supporting those of us
The NRA is a Trojan horse, is a government operation.
I don't mean all their members or the rank and file or people that work there.
I mean the top.
In North Dakota, they were going to have a Vermont-style concealed carry.
NRA went into committee, had it changed.
It was going to pass.
In Texas, they tried to block us in 98.
And in 2000, with gun bills, we did defeat despite them.
I mean, we've had senators down here to speak, and they won't come to our rallies, folks.
I mean, that's how out of control they are.
In D.C., a few months ago, they went into a case and said, we believe all guns should be registered.
You shouldn't be allowed to leave your house with them.
Now, that's a quote.
Aaron Zellman, I know you're aware of all these NRA activities.
Isn't it time to not just say, oh, the NRA is just a bunch of buffoons?
With useful idiots following them?
Isn't it time to come out and admit what they are?
A Benedict Arnold?
A Trojan horse?
A Judas Iscariot?
A Brutus?
You don't like them, do you, Alex?
No, I'm sick and tired of them.
Well, you know, I think that organizations that get to be that size at some point, if you have their left hand, I don't know what the right hand is doing, but
There's a lot of things going on there that certainly raise suspicion.
And, I mean, you're not going to get an organization to come out and admit it's wrongdoing.
You won't have the right hand condemning the left hand.
Hey, Aaron, Aaron, it's like opening the hen house door, and there's a fox with a chicken in its mouth, and you close the door and go, oh, it's just an accident, you didn't mean it, you're a good boy, and then it happens night after night, and I'm supposed to go, well, I do have my suspicions about that fox.
Well, you're right.
You're right.
But, you know, it doesn't look good for me, Alex.
It's running an organization to start bad-mouthing another one.
So please understand that.
No, no, listen.
I mean, I'm not a member of your group.
I'm not a member of the gun owners.
I'm not a member of the NRA.
I was a member of the NRA.
I just promote groups I believe in, and, you know, you guys are doing a great job.
And there's a lot of good people in the NRA.
But I'm telling you, I've experienced them at the legislature trying to covertly get gun bills passed.
I've heard that also.
I'll give you an example of some good people at the NRA, and also at the same time you have the examples of those who are promoting policies that make you scratch your head and wonder if you're working with some other group.
Oddly enough, this past month's issue, the current issue right now of an NRA magazine called America's First Freedom, has a two-page article about our documentary film, praising it.
So I think you've got the editors of some of the magazines, you've got the people who work there doing the right thing, and yet their efforts are thwarted by those who want to play footsie or compromise with politicians.
Well, let me be clear.
I think that 99% of the NRA is great.
But, Aaron, if you or I are out there on a sailing ship and the captain's bad, does it matter that there's 200 of us that are good?
No, it doesn't matter.
He creates a very perilous predicament for us.
Well, that's it.
I'm talking about their legislative people, the folks at the top.
I mean, I get the NRA magazine.
I think I've seen one mention about Bush and how he says he'll sign the assault weapons ban and then how he's pro-gun every other article.
It's just not true.
I do not get the magazine, so I haven't seen the articles, but
I think that Mr. Bush needs to do some offense mending, because either he is with us or he's not with us.
And that's something that he has to deal with, and I would suggest he do it sooner than later.
Kind of like he said, you're either with us or against us.
Yeah, well, I guess it's time, Mr. Bush, to tell us if you're with us, gun owners, or you're not.
If the world has to tell you if you're with us or against us, I guess...
It's pretty simple.
He could undertake the simple task of telling gun owners if he's with us or against us.
Well, you know, he was honest.
He said in the campaign he was for current gun laws, and I warned everybody.
I mean, I was sitting there with his quotes, and people go, well, what are you going to do, vote for Al Gore?
No, I'm not.
I think that's a good example of what's wrong with a lot of people, and a lot of the people in the freedom movement, and a lot of politicians, they think that they have to somehow appease the other side.
Well, the worst thing in the world is a moderate.
To look moderate.
Thank goodness George Washington and Tom Jefferson were not moderates, or else where would we be today?
We'd be sipping tea at 2 in the afternoon.
So, you know, I think it's just, this is the problem that we have.
And it's really, you know, everyone is sort of to blame on this, Alex.
There are people who think they should be moderates.
There are people who tolerate moderates.
Well, Larry Pratt has his book out, Confrontational Politics.
And it's true.
I found being confrontational gets things done.
I mean, the Million Mommies came out one year, a couple hundred of them.
I went and bullhorned them.
Next year, there were 20 of them.
Bullhorned them.
They all said, we're not coming back.
I mean, they want to march around and tell their lies.
I'm going to go get in their face.
And I've found getting in politicians' faces has gotten them to stop laws.
I've found groveling, they just ignore you.
But when you get in their face about something, they pay attention.
You see, one of the mistakes I think a lot of people in the freedom movement make is that they're in the habit of petitioning politicians to do something.
When you go to a politician and you beg and plead with them to vote a certain way, all you do is give them more power over you because you've acknowledged they are now the master and you are the servant.
It's supposed to be the other way around.
This is an issue.
I tried for years to get people to see the light on this.
We've got to change the whole concept here.
The politicians have to be the public servants.
We are the masters.
If we don't change it, then we are doomed to servitude and slavery.
You know, I told some cops that were engaging in a checkpoint that a few years ago.
I said, you know, you work for us.
This is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
I don't care what excuses you got.
The government ships these drugs in to create the crisis.
And they said, Alex, we pay our own salaries.
We don't work for you.
And I said, what?
And it was a captain telling me this.
And I said, what do you mean?
And he said, I pay taxes, too.
So now they've got this sick argument that, oh, they pay taxes so they don't work for us.
Well, then let their salary be the amount of taxes they pay.
Yeah, that's a good point.
I want to go to some calls.
Yeah, they get by on a couple hundred dollars a month.
Well, I want to go to some calls, but I do want to get your predictions.
We are the majority.
We've got the Constitution behind us in the Republic, and we've got the power.
We need to start repealing gun laws.
We could see that happen with the assault weapons ban.
Do you think they're going to sneak it through?
And, of course, Bush says he'll sign it.
What's your prediction on that?
Well, I think from what I read, including from the latest alert I saw from Gunners of America, that no one should sit back and say, whoa, we dodged this bullet and got away with it, because this ban could be attached to some kind of must-pass piece of legislation.
So they could attach it to an education, to the economy bill?
Whatever, whatever.
To defense spending, anything.
You know, clean air, whatever tricks there are at the moment.
Of course, there might be some psychiatric patient, God forbid, that goes in a Baptist church or a Jewish center and splatters a bunch of people.
That always seems to happen right before a gun vote.
Well, I was going to say those coincidences happen, don't they?
So I think that people have to realize, that's one of the things we've done, by the way, at JPF, we keep reminding people about the coincidences.
How these things happen, just about when there's some legislation.
And I would encourage you to do that.
Bring that up on the show as often as you can.
Well, I'll tell you what, Aaron, let's do that.
I'll tell you what, let's get into that in a second.
Let's take some of these calls right now.
Paula in Texas, thanks for holding her on with Aaron Zellman.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to say I called in about something, but I wanted to comment on your legislation discussion here.
My husband and I have spoken about it several times
And what would happen if we had accountability in our congressmen and senators where every bill that they passed, they actually had to write a paragraph about every single item in the bill stating why they did vote for it or didn't vote for it?
You know, that's a good idea.
But, you know, they're moving to make their votes secret at different state houses now.
Aaron, comments to that?
Well, you know, in a book that we published one time called Hope,
About a newly elected president, Alexander Hope, who runs America based on a Bill of Rights, on strict Bill of Rights enforcement.
The president in that book had what he called the Bortz Test, a Bill of Rights test.
And if a piece of legislation violated the Bill of Rights in any shape or form, it was null and void, dead on arrival.
And so I think this is something American people should give some thought to.
Every piece of legislation, if it violates the Bill of Rights at any level,
It's null and void, dead on arrival.
Well, I mean, the stuff they're passing now is just... I mean, it violates every canon of a free society.
Well, I think that... You know, I think the American people, Alex, really have to develop an attitude.
Either we abolish anything that violates the Bill of Rights, or those who advocate trampling the Bill of Rights have their careers abolished.
Anything else, Paula?
Yes, I called in about an article that I had typed up out of the newspaper here in Pasadena, Texas.
It's about drive-by-wire, and I had typed it up and sent it in to your tip email address, and it talks about vehicles and their opening throttle is all electronic now, and how a lot of vehicles in the Houston area have been having accidents because their open throttle
Their throttle will just open up and they'll just take off.
And they're holding the brakes as hard as they can and there's nothing they can do about it.
And people are dying.
Well, yeah, that's the point we've made.
These new systems can be remote controlled.
They have the satellite tracker boxes in them or they have the inputs for it.
And it's all electronic.
And they can cut your car off, kill you, do whatever they want.
We'll get Aaron Zellman's comment on the satellite tracking and the rest of it and take more calls when we get back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight, Central.
We're here, folks.
Got Aaron Zellman with us.
He can stay a little bit in the next segment so we can get to all the callers that are holding.
I want to talk a little bit more about the battle for Athens, 50-year anniversary of that coming up.
But going back to the calls, well, real quick, Aaron, we were talking during the break about
Bush, Kerry, I mean, they're related to each other.
They're from the same secret society.
That really proves your point about only having one party in the United States.
Well, yeah, in my personal opinion, I think that we have the Republican Party or the Democrat, you know, take your choice.
And I think this is really a tragedy in this country.
So, again, I can't speak for the members of the organization, but it's my personal opinion.
I think that...
You know, I personally am just getting tired of the lesser of the two evils, because both are evil.
And both parties, or the one party that I have seen, doesn't seem to really care about the American people.
Well, let's face it.
If Al Gore was in right now, we'd have conservative mobilization against the New World Order.
And with Bush in, we don't.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rick in Texas.
Rick, go ahead.
Good afternoon.
I have two quick questions.
You're on new nighttime frequencies, are you not?
Yes, I'm on 94.75 during the day on shortwave, and then at night, right now it's only the third hour at night on 3210.
Next week it'll be two hours, 10 to midnight, and then we're going to get other shortwave soon.
So at night you're on 3210?
3210, yes, sir.
What else is on your mind?
Well, I've noticed the last three months that as it's getting dusk, there's a light that appears in the sky at about
1,500 feet over this part of West Fort Worth, and it'll stay there for three hours.
I tell you what, that's a different type of question.
I'm going to put you on hold and come back to you after we leave Aaron Zellman.
So just stay there, Rick.
Sure, okay.
Okay, Darrell in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Darrell.
Do you have a question for Aaron Zellman or a comment?
Yes, I do.
I'm a member of JPFO, and I have his video, Innocence Betrayed.
It's a powerful video that shows...
Gun control has led to genocides in a number of locations.
They use Turkey, USSR, Uganda, Nazi Germany, etc.
And I urge everyone to get it.
And I also want to plug Aaron's great little Grandpa Jack booklet.
He's got about six of them on gun control, one on the UN.
And lastly, I want to urge everyone to get what I consider the best three videos, exposing the New World Order and how they use terrorist events to enable their own agenda.
And I think they're your very three best, Alex.
911, The Road to Tyranny,
The Masters of Terror and Police State 3, Total Enslavement, and that's all I had to say.
I just thank you both for all you're doing.
Well, Darrell, you're awesome, and we're going to plug Innocence Portrayed in the next segment, and I'm going to attempt to carry it.
I think it's a powerful film as well.
Everybody should see it.
Cliff, no, actually Kurt's up next.
Kurt in Colorado.
You're on with Aaron Zellman.
Go ahead.
Hi, good afternoon.
It's an honor to speak with you.
Could I blast the NRA for just about 10 seconds before I make my point?
Yeah, first of all... I was a long-time NRA member, and I taught the personal protection course for quite a while as an instructor for them.
And, you know, their main purpose was to teach the citizenry how to shoot military-style firearms to protect the country.
You know, what's happened to them?
You know what I mean?
They've just totally... I haven't met an NRA member yet that isn't a compromiser.
All they say is, oh no, it's about hunting now.
It's not about self-defense.
They say cop-killer bullets.
They don't even exist.
Any bullet will kill a cop.
And what's irritating about it is if there was such a thing, that's the only thing the Constitution tells the government hands off of.
Well, that's exactly what the bullet is for that in defense against an Adolf Hitler.
I mean, in Nazi Germany, hey, of course Hitler would want to ban cop-killer bullets.
Aaron Zellman, comments?
Well, I think the caller is making some good points, and so are you, Alex.
There isn't a dictator around who doesn't believe in gun prohibition.
And they really don't want you to have, whether they be dictators today or dictators tomorrow or genocidal wannabes in the future, that armed citizenry disturbs them greatly.
But with dictators, I mean, tyranny always comes knocking at your door wearing a uniform if you read history.
And the thing that really gets me about, like, for example, they have Holocaust Awareness Week going on, and you walk up to these idiots, they're reading the names of these poor people who were victims, and you say, do you know what really caused the Holocaust?
And they can't even tell you that, yeah, well, the first thing Hitler did was take all their arms away.
I've had the head of the ACLU, we were throwing the Patriot out in Austin, march over to me.
And get the old lady, get in my face, and start telling me about how I'm bad because of the Second Amendment and they don't like me trying to add Second Amendment stuff to the Patriot Act resolution.
And I said, you know, you're Jewish.
She goes, yes.
You know, I have family who died, blah, blah, blah.
And I go, well, why are you against me defending myself then?
And she just, she couldn't say anything.
Aaron, what would you say to her?
Well, this is a really old problem within the Jewish community, Alex, quite frankly.
I jokingly say this, but I think I'm serious.
There's a defect in the gene pool.
There's some people in the Jewish community you will never, ever reach with the truth concerning self-defense.
By the way, she came over to confront me about it.
I know.
They've confronted me, too.
Hold on.
Stay there.
Tell us about it when we get back.
We've got a break.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Supreme Court has been telling us that they now follow the UN's orders, and many of our laws are under UN treaty.
I heard you getting calls yesterday, turn on News 8, we have local Time Warner, 24-hour-a-day news, and it
I tuned in and did catch part of the newscast, because they re-air it several times, where it showed them swearing in 24 APD officers as federal marshals and UN marshals.
And it showed the head cop go, well, I now have UN authority.
I can go to any country and arrest whoever I want.
Well, here's the problem.
Now they can come here from countries and grab us.
This is what globalism is all about.
I mean, Aaron Zellman, that's what's so scary about this new world order system we see forming.
Well, the only advice I can give people about this is that there's an old expression in the Talmud.
It goes, if someone comes to kill you, arise quickly and kill them.
If it's some foreigner coming to bang on your door, there's no need to try to have a discussion with them.
They probably don't understand English.
So, I think that's the only option left open to Americans.
What do you think about Tommy Franks going, Well, I'm sad to say it, but after the next attack, we're going to set aside the Constitution for a military form of government.
And then Eberhardt, the head of NORTHCOM, says, Oh, yeah, the Pentagon's watching you and troops on the street.
It's good.
I mean, these are chilling statements.
Yeah, well, I think Tommy Frank's statement was interesting.
I think it was two things.
It was probably an insider talking until it was a trial balloon to see how the American people would react to it.
Very astute, yes.
And I think they got the message that there are certain sectors within America who didn't react favorably.
Oh, that was a big furor across the political spectrum, but Eberhardt at the same time told the L.A.
Times that.
So I think that we're faced with a situation where people better be very proficient with long-range rifles.
Well, what do I say to say, the head of the ACLU, Ruth Epstein, when I'm trying to get a Second Amendment thing added, and it's all my good people down there getting it thrown out, and she's got ten idiots with her, and then she's telling me about how I'm evil because I'm for guns and I'm right-wing.
I mean, what do I say to her?
It really isn't much you can say except to suggest that you get some psychiatric counseling.
I'm serious.
There's not much you can say to someone who has these mental health problems.
In fact, on our website, there's an article there by a psychiatrist, Sarah Thompson, dealing with the mental health problems that gun prohibitionists have.
And I encourage people to go there and
Look for the column called Raging Against Self-Defense.
Well, it is a mental illness because they love it when they see a cop in a black outfit with black boots and black ski mask and black helmet with a German submachine gun.
They love that.
But when they see a citizen with a gun... Aaron, before we go to these final calls and plug the video and stuff, I want to tell you a story.
Three years ago, this was even before 9-11 hysteria, I had a carpet cleaner at the office, okay, in the studio.
And there's a shotgun.
It's a standard shotgun on the wall.
And he walks in, and this guy had a Texas accent and everything.
It wasn't like he was from New York or something.
Never seen a gun.
And he got quiet.
And he said, is that legal?
I said, yeah, man, it's a shotgun.
Buy it at 20 stores in town.
And he kept looking at me, and I said, and I'm a clean-cut guy, just showing him into the office, yeah, and clean this room.
And then suddenly that afternoon I got a bad feeling, and I called down to the carpet cleaner place, and I said, hey, let me talk to the manager.
And I go, yeah, this is Alex Jones.
He goes, yeah, I know who you are.
And, you know, he was a good old boy.
And I said, one of your employees was acting weird down here.
And he goes, yeah, yeah, he reported it to us.
We're sorry.
And then I'm on TV that night, and another employee calls in from the show and goes, oh, yeah, they almost called the police on you.
So that's the new America.
They have these billboards that say report illegal guns.
It's a picture of a revolver.
And then some idiot cable guy's in my house and sees a revolver in a case, some decorative revolver.
I mean, I'm going to have SWAT teams coming in my house.
How do you deal with that level of brainwashing?
Well, I would duct tape him to a chair and make him watch our documentary.
I mean, that's a true story, Aaron.
I have no doubt.
You have to get people.
I tell you, every single gun owner in this country has got to go talk to someone who's not a gun owner and encourage them to come out to the range and learn the fun of a gun.
Once you accomplish that, Sarah Brady's message is dead.
And that's what it's going to take.
So we've got to go out and literally campaign and proselytize and go forth and preach the message.
Look for converts, to put it another way.
If nothing else, converts to common sense.
If nothing else.
I'm surprised Mel Gibson didn't put the Christ comment about sell your cloak and buy a sword.
Well, that's one of the negative things I've heard about the film.
It dwells so much on all the...
They tortured everything.
They didn't really get to the message of Christ.
I thought overall it was the empowering film.
I wish it had been three hours long.
They'll need to have had more.
Let's go back to the calls.
A few others.
We're going to let Aaron go.
He's got a few other news items here.
I guess up next is... Hmm, there's so many here.
Cliff in Virginia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Good afternoon to you gentlemen.
I just got about two or three points I would like to make here.
I'm up here in southwest Virginia.
And I was really thrilled to hear you touch on the U.N.
and our guns.
I just received a call last night from a lawyer in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Jay Sekulow.
I don't know if you ever heard of him.
Yeah, and I know who Jay Sekulow is.
He thinks the Patriot Act is Christian.
What they told me last night, he's trying to take up money in donations now to the U.S.
Supreme Court.
He's getting ready to introduce something there, they said.
Okay, let me be honest with you.
I'm going to do this as gently as I can.
Because Cliff from West Virginia, I wouldn't try to steer you wrong, okay?
Jay Sekulow will not come on this show.
They know who I am.
Jay Sekulow makes millions and millions of dollars off donations.
He does do some good legal work against First Amendment violations.
I was a big supporter of him in the past.
He brags that he helped write the Patriot Act.
He says it's all good.
He says Bush is wonderful and Christian and good, which is not true.
And he's not mad at Bush for rewarding the judge for the federal judgeship, rewarding the Attorney General that burned Judge Roy Moore.
So I'm telling you, they're playing a very sophisticated double game, and it's just like what Aaron was saying about the ADL out there creating all this division to get donations.
I'm telling you, Jay Sekulow is bad news.
I'm so glad you told me this.
Well, yes, and yes, they are trying to pass laws to restrict religion and freedom, and this is happening.
Aaron Zellman, you got any comments?
I know you probably don't want to dive into the middle of this.
Well, Alex, I just want to add one thing.
You know, the United Nations has been actively involved in saying that all religions of the world should be banned, and there should just be one religion, the UN religion.
Huffington said that September 12th.
Yeah, so, you know, this is serious stuff, folks.
I mean, it's
My only point is, you call up about Jay Sekulow, and I'm telling you he's doing bad stuff.
And he won't come on this show and defend it.
And I'm sure what he's telling you is true about all this, but then he tells you George Bush is good when George Bush went after Judge Roy Moore.
Well, another point I'd like to make out here, did you touch on that North Com?
Yes, North American military dictatorship.
Yeah, well, see, I'm ex-military myself, and I was in Central America and Panama back in 87 when I de-roast out.
And about 90 days before I de-roast back to the States was when US Army South took over command.
Yeah, South Com.
Yeah, well, that's when all that changed in.
So I was reading some information on the Internet the other night there about how the globalists got their regions, you know, throughout the world.
So you're saying you'd seen maps of NORTHCOM a long time ago?
Well, let me break that down.
Bill Clinton gave a speech about Homeland Security in NORTHCOM, I have a copy of it, in 1993.
So again, none of this is new, but yes, they've been shutting up the infrastructure, they've been building the FEMA centers, they've been federalizing the police, they've had military engaging in law enforcement covertly since at least 1988.
Aaron Zellman comments.
Well, I think if someone doesn't understand that the handwriting's on the wall...
Or if they're trying to close their eyes to it, they're simply playing right in the hands of those who want to enslave Americans.
It happens over and over.
Isn't tyranny the norm, Aaron?
Well, you know, tyranny usually, the old expression, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
People are being told that this is a way to bring about security, homeland security, and they just don't see the tyranny that comes with it.
It's incredible.
Well, sir, I really appreciate your call to the show, and God bless you, Cliff.
Leon in Colorado.
Go ahead, Leon.
Thank you for taking my call, and I just want to make a couple of comments.
Mr. Feldman, you're a man after my own heart, and I hope I can get that 1-800 number to join your...
Oh, we're going to give it out.
In fact, let's just do that right now.
Aaron, if folks want the video, Innocence Betrayed, if they want the Uncle Jack comic books to wake the kids up, if they want to join, how do they do it?
The toll-free number is 800-869-1884.
And the other number we have is 262-673-9745.
Now, again, give folks that 1-800 again.
Absolutely so.
The documentary film sells for $29.95, postage paid.
And that comes with three of the Grandpa Jack booklets that deal with gun control.
That's a $9 value right there.
All right.
That's great.
I'm going to call right after the show.
I just wanted to comment on what you've been saying about what we need to tell these politicians.
You know, this is what I told all of my politicians and the NRA when they were arguing about these gun grab bills.
I told them that, number one, you know, you're giving the ATF the same power that Hitler gave the Gestapo and Stalin gave the KGB to decide who were enemies of the state.
I said there is no way that I'm going to give up my freedoms for any of these
Giving up my guns and passing this law, there's no way that I'm even going to abide by them.
Well, amen to that.
Also, the border's wide open while they're doing this to us.
Yeah, but I didn't get into that.
The point I wanted to get across is both the people, both the guy at the NRA and all of the staff, when I told them that, they were absolutely silent because they had no answer.
That's what they need to be told.
That this is nothing but lame old stuff, and they need to be confronted with the facts, and that their deception doesn't work.
I agree.
And the first ten times they get a call like that, oh, that's the crazies.
Yeah, but they get hundreds of them, and I think they were getting hundreds of people who were furious.
They are.
Anyway, God bless you.
Okay, good to hear from you.
I appreciate it.
Okay, God bless.
Thank you.
We've got loaded phones here, and I've got to let Mr. Zellman go here, but I'll give each caller about a minute or so.
Who's up next here in order?
Let's talk to Dan in New York, then Ron in New York.
That's it after that.
Dan in New York, go ahead.
Alex, good afternoon.
A few things.
I've been reading the Federalist Papers, which I think Americans should read, with the intent of the Constitution.
And they say the militia is supposed to protect the rights of the people from a standing army.
But according to the ADL and the BATF and all these people, the militia are terrorists.
Well, you know, if you're going to flip the coin around, I think they are terrorists.
They are.
Yeah, and the people need to wake up, Alex, and they've got to accept responsibility for the government and not be afraid to get these people that are breaking the Constitution tried for treason.
Let me boil it down and then get Aaron Zellman's comment.
Let me boil it down.
And I agree with you, Dan.
Thanks for the call.
I have seen hundreds of SWAT teams that have black armored vehicles with skull and crossbones or skulls or cobras painted on it, and they're wearing black ski masks, cussing at people, running around.
That's not freedom.
I mean, Aaron, if people can't see wickedness, the garb of evil is skulls and black.
I mean, for thousands of years, that's to terrorize people.
Why can't people see that?
Alex, I think it's people don't want to believe it.
They don't want to believe what they see.
They want to keep their head in the sand.
I think that's one of the problems we're dealing with here.
So black tanks driving around with skulls painted on them.
I mean, this is freedom.
Well, of course it isn't.
But the point is it's there to terrorize people.
People don't want to believe what they're seeing.
Or there are some fools in America who think this is for their benefit.
Yeah, vehicles driving around with skulls on the sides.
I mean, it's real simple, folks.
Cameras in school bathrooms isn't freedom.
I'm actually in arguments.
I'll tell you, one of the ways, Alex, to stop a lot of this craziness, and everybody, this is something everyone can do, is you start gathering data on politicians' personal lives, and you go public with it.
We've certainly done that.
And you just keep doing it.
And pretty soon these clowns are going to either leave office, or they're going to change their votes.
Well, you're right to say that almost always people that are doing evil things are perverts or criminals in other areas, and that is their Achilles heel is to expose that.
One last call.
Ron New York, go ahead and finish up.
How you doing, Alex?
My radio's been broken.
I haven't listened, but I guess this is on the Mel Gibson thing.
Would you take a comment on that?
Well, to put it in correctness, the critics are just...
Practicing political correctness, of course.
Well, it's not working for them.
The movie's made $150 million.
Yeah, saying that the Gospels are... You can't believe them literally, historically.
All of that is nonsense because Josephus, the noted Jewish historian, backs up the Pilate thing.
Pontius Pilate didn't want anything to do with the crucifixion.
And he has that in his book.
Of course, the paradigm now is not to offend the truth or truth about anything is not important.
I understand, sir, and thank you for the call.
I mean, Aaron Zellman, it is pretty stupid that they'd attack this film and say it was violent, but then Hollywood puts out just indiscriminate stuff much more violent.
I don't know if they're attacking the film based on its violence as much as there are people who are trying to stir things up for their own personal gain.
Yeah, I think that's it.
I think that's really the real criminal act here, if we can put it that way.
And I would say that... I think there's a point I just want to make.
It has nothing to do with the film necessarily or theology, but this is America.
Mel Gibson has a First Amendment right to put together any project he wants and share it with the world.
Now, if the people in Hollywood don't like it, then let them take their millions of dollars and their production studios and make their own damn film.
And tell their side of the story as they see it.
Well, they do do that.
Aaron Zellman, thank you so much for coming on the show, and God bless you, and I appreciate your fight for the Second Amendment.
All right, thank you very much, Alex.
You're awesome.
Take care.
Okay, final segment.
I'll hit a few other top news stories, and yes, I'll get to Rick.
If he's still there and wants to talk about this light in the sky, stay with us.
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All right, it was a powerful broadcast today.
A lot of great callers, and I want to thank our guest.
A ton of news I didn't get to, though, so I'm doing better overall, though, day to day, getting the most of it.
If you want to see the rest of it, go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
Got a few final news stories here, and I want to give a caller a chance to finish up what he was saying.
Before I do that, though, you know, I've made 10 films, I've written a book, I've published a book.
I carry other videos and books by great authors and researchers, and we need your support.
You want to continue to hear us on shortwave, we need that support.
It's very important that, number one, you get the videos because they're waking people up.
These are hardcore.
These are scary, but they're true.
And people need to know the truth.
And 90% of those that see the films are waking up.
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Book cost me like $18 or something.
The point is...
We're good to go.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to order via our secure online shopping cart.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 787-04.
Okay, let's go.
To Rick in Texas.
He says he wanted to talk about something weird he's saying.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, we have your 911 video, and I totally agree with your guests and callers.
But one thing I've noticed the past several months is that around at dusk, there's an object that appears.
At first I thought it was a helicopter, but since it stays in the air for approximately three hours, it seems to me it's some sort of dirigible.
And I take classes in Arlington, Texas, which is about
Well, sir, it may be a commercial advertising blimp, but if it's huge...
30 times the size of the Goodyear blimp.
They have them.
Popular science reported on them.
Some of them they want to put up in low Earth orbit.
Some of them are going to be tethered.
If it's a smaller blimp in its surveillance, it'll be smaller.
It'll be tethered.
And they have those.
And those are Homeland Security blimps.
I was thinking it was something like that because they stay, but you can see them move and you can see them go away.
Okay, then that's some type of mobile blimp.
And I don't know if it's commercial or government.
But I have Washington Post, Popular Science, Associated Press.
They have launched.
There are 84 FBI Cessnas with ground penetrating radar, hundreds of helicopters, at least 10 blimps going around the country spying on us.
They look right through our walls.
But they said they're going to launch hundreds of blimps, hundreds of drones, and they just got FAA approval last year for that.
So that's probably what you're saying.
This is why we need the guns.
Well, I want to use the pen to expose that they're looking through our walls.
I mean, how many people know that police helicopters have stuff that looks right through your walls?
And I don't mean infrared, folks.
I mean ground-penetrating radar.
Which can also be dangerous for the people that are being looked at.
Actually, I have read that, yes.
I was in the military, and we had small radar systems on our Vulcans.
And during...
They weren't allowed to turn them on when people were in the motor pool.
Yeah, up close they can burn you.
Hey, thank you for joining us.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central, back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Be sure and join us.
God bless you all.
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