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Filename: 20021207_Boyster_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 7, 2002
279 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses issues around freedom of speech and civil liberties, with examples from Pennsylvania (prohibiting preachers from reading Old Testament passages condemning homosexuality), England (banning a seven-second ad featuring George W. Bush) and the arrest of Robin Page in the UK for criticizing rural communities and their rights under suspicion of thought crime. The show highlights the increasing censorship and suppression of free speech globally, including in the US and UK.

He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption!
Crashing the lives of disinformation!
Last hour, we had a London Telegraph columnist on who was arrested for saying that rural communities should have the same rights as other minorities.
In this country, they're passing thought crimes legislation as well.
Republicans are greedily signing it, out-punting Clinton.
I know we've got a lot of callers here.
You'll have a chance to get on the air here in just the next few minutes.
I saw a story today, group attacks, gun ads.
This is out of the P.J.
Starr newspaper.
Organization says newspapers should police themselves on firearm sales.
There's also been a move to pass laws nationwide banning gun ads.
In print and even on television.
And wow, this is very interesting.
We have Chris Boystard.
Down to state director of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence on the classified ads loophole and he joins us from Illinois right now where the mayor and the governor and others have said they want a total gun ban.
Chris Boyster, good to have you on the show today.
Do we have Mr. Boyster?
Is he still there?
We're trying to bring him up, maybe we had a difficulty or something.
Mr. Boister?
Yes, good to get you on.
Good afternoon, how are you?
Sorry about that difficulty.
No problem.
Isn't this a First Amendment violation if you're trying to really collude or what I would call rocketeer together to put pressure to get people to not take ads?
No, this isn't.
Let me give you a little bit of clarification on what the newspaper loophole is and what we're trying to do.
We're trying to ask newspapers such as the New York Journal-Star
Uh, the press coverage that we held yesterday to not run classified ads for guns for non-licensed federally firearm dealers.
We're simply asking them to act responsible so that if they do conduct, if they do, uh, sell these ads, that a background check is conducted.
And that the guns do not get in the hands of the wrong people.
But isn't that just a baby step towards what you call the gun show loophole?
The way most of the state laws are written that have passed, I can't go over to my neighbor's house and show a gun to three people and sell it.
It'll shut down flea markets, it'll do all this, and you're just trying to shut down the advertising of this.
I mean, I've bought guns out of the newspaper before.
Criminals are going to get guns, period.
We shouldn't restrict the whole society because there's a few criminals out there.
Sir, what we're really trying to do is make sure that a background check is being conducted.
That's simple.
So you support the Our Lady of Peace Act that passed the House that Bush said he'll sign that registers all gun owners?
What we're doing with this, with the newspaper loophole, is we're asking the newspaper, what we're doing is we're asking the corporations to act as corporate responsibility and
Make sure that if they run classified ads for guns, that a background check is being conducted.
If you look at the Benjamin Smith case that happened, Benjamin Smith tried to illegally purchase a gun through a dealer.
It was found out that he was not eligible.
He was rejected for sale.
Goes to the Peoria Journal-Star, he finds an ad for a gun, buys it illegally, goes out and commits crime with it.
Our issue here is requiring
Our issue here is calling on the national campaign to close the newspaper loopholes required that if they run it, they run it through a licensure with a background check.
Let me just add something.
Let me go back to your question.
As far as my organization, we don't have a stamp on the Our Lady of Peace Act and registration.
We're not so convinced of registration.
In Illinois, we have the FOID card system here which requires people to get a FOID card
Yeah, now old WWII veterans try to, you know, forget to re-up theirs and they get a SWAT team raid.
You got special state police units that go after gun owners.
You got house-to-house searches up there.
Look, you can have these arguments all day that, oh, it'll save one life, let's do it.
Where does that end?
I mean, cars kill more than guns.
People drowning in pools kill more.
But people who are... You mentioned cars.
Registration... Seatbelt laws have improved.
Seatbelt laws... Then why not this?
And blah, blah, blah.
Seatbelt laws have been proven to save lives.
And now we're going to have military checkpoints out to make sure we're wearing our seatbelts.
But seatbelts save lives.
I mean, those are... That's enforcement of the law.
The National Rifle Association and other organizations say... The law is the Second Amendment and the law says you will make no law restricting my gun ownership and the... A federal court just ruled they're going to ban most guns in California!
I mean, I've read Handgun Control Incorporated's own policy papers.
They're on air.
They want to take my guns, all my guns.
Hitler was for gun control.
So, you know, that's an argument that's often used by the National Rifle Association and the pro-gun lobbyists, that we're out to get the guns, that they're out to get the guns.
These are common-sense safety initiatives.
Andrew Cuomo, the head of HUD, said we're going to ban guns one bite at a time.
The issue, I think you're getting off the issue here.
No, the issue is you guys want my guns!
We don't want guns to get in the hands of people, in the wrong hands of people who shouldn't have them.
These are common, you know, every time, that's the issue.
You're going to take away my guns.
You're going to take away my guns.
You're going to take away my guns.
Worldwide, gun control leads to registration, confiscation, extermination.
That's historical facts.
We have the highest amount of
of gun deaths than any other civilization in the world.
That's not true anymore.
England now has the highest crime rate in the world after total gun ban.
We have, the United States of America, has the highest amount, I mean we have the highest, we have the highest amount of gun deaths than any other nation on the planet.
You know, that professor Belisarius just got kicked out of the university.
This is all a bunch of disinformation.
Maybe you believe it, but, uh, sorry.
Well, let me tell you.
The point of the newspaper loophole... Let me go back to the newspaper loophole, which was our original discussion.
This has nothing to do with creating a law or anything.
This is just simply asking corporations to not place classified ads for guns from a non-licensed dealer.
So a background check can be conducted.
Let me ask you a question.
What's wrong with conducting a background check to make sure that a criminal doesn't get a job?
Okay, let me tell you something.
You want me to tell you?
You want me to tell you?
Okay, you can tell me, because I know you're going to tell me.
Okay, Brady 1 started out, five day waiting period.
Sheriff does the background check.
Then it shifted into the second phase of Brady 1.
Brady 2 was defeated, but still being implemented piecemeal.
They started FBI NICS instant check system.
Which we know, they've been keeping the records, they've been caught doing it.
Now they admit, under our Lady of Peace Act, that the Republicans passed, you should love them.
They're sworn to get our guns, so is the NRA, their loyal opposition.
They have now said that it will register all gun owners, go after misdemeanor gun owners.
California, New York Times, today is going to go after about 80% of the guns, saying they're now illegal.
Anything semi-automatic, rifle or handgun, will now be illegal.
The plan is, incrementally, to get this job done, and now it's happening, and we know what the plan is, and we've gone from 300,000 gun dealers to 24,000 gun dealers.
There are whole cities on the west and east coast that don't have a single gun shop.
BATF is harassing them.
I have the quote here by the head of Handgun Control Inc.
Saying that we must completely disarm the American people.
That was out of the National Educator Magazine.
She was proud of herself, Sarah Brady.
Who, by the way, has her own concealed carry permit.
So does Barbara Boxer.
So does your mayor in Chicago.
Now, how do you answer that?
Nine children die a day from gun violence in this nation.
You caught a child under 18, you mean eight gangbangers die a day?
Nine children die a day in this nation.
You mean eight gangbangers that police shoot die a day?
Are you going to tell that to the mother whose innocent child was killed?
That's right, I have told that to the mother's innocent child when I went out to face the 100 bureaucrat Marge.
But you talked about gangbangers, but you said that there's something wrong with background checks.
But a gangbanger who has a total record... Only criminals will have guns.
I'm against all your gun control laws.
They're all a violation of the Bill of Rights.
Well, you're entitled to your beliefs.
And that's what makes this nation great.
I mean, what makes this nation great is that we're all entitled to believe different things.
And we're all entitled.
But the mission of my organization and other organizations like mine is to reduce death and injury that's associated with gun violence.
Let me read this to you.
But let me finish my comment.
The issue of the day, it's always this, oh, you know, you're going to take away my rights, you're coming to get my guns.
Say that if you want, and believe that if you must.
Your story doesn't work.
It's all over the newspaper.
Nine children die in this nation a day from gun violence.
Nine children.
That's not true.
I don't consider 18 and 17 year old drug dealers children.
Well, what do you consider a three-year-old to be outside on the street riding their Hot Wheels and they get caught up in driving by shooting a car?
Is that a gang name?
The culture is sick, we're degenerating into animals, and that's why I need more gun rights than ever to protect my family from the urban cesspools that socialist control freaks create.
And you're talking about... Like Sarah Brady, our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.
Sarah Brady, Chairman of Hangar Control Incorporated, Senator Howard Metzenbaum, the National Educator, January 1994, page 3.
Listen, you know, you talk of, right there, that because our society is coming apart, that's why you even need more guns.
The fact is that, and that's what the National Rifle Association and another in the program lobby have been very successful creating a fear in America.
Everybody had guns.
Don't try the Michael Moore tactic.
Everybody had guns.
More guns in the fifties and our crime rate was much lower.
Guns don't cause crime, my friend!
And see, that's one of the things that the National Rifle Association and the Pearl Gun Lobby is saying to some American people, is that they need guns to protect themselves.
And if people believe that, so be it.
The truth is, is that if you bring your gun home, you're serious.
Hey, you observe and assess rules like Chicago with a total gun ban for handguns, where you have the high crime rate.
D.C., total gun ban.
Highest crime rate in the U.S.
It's where the globalists run things that they have those problems.
Okay, let's take a look at the city of Chicago, for instance.
Alright, I'll stop running over you, but we gotta break.
Just stay with us.
I'll let you give out your website.
Will you stay with us five more minutes?
Uh, yeah, I can.
Alright, you're a nice guy.
You still won't get my guns.
You know, the war started in 1776 when they came for our guns.
We will defend the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
Why don't they deport all the illegals pouring in with their machine guns?
Now that isn't going to happen.
Lord Bush wants your guns so bad he can taste it.
The NRA has sworn to destroy the Second Amendment.
We're smart here.
We understand the true paradigm.
We're not going to get fooled.
We'll be right back.
The phones are loaded with people who want to talk to our guests.
I just want to point out that throughout history, every time they've registered guns, they've confiscated them.
Worldwide, big corporations are giving massive amounts of money to the gun control groups.
But despite that, in the U.S., we've been having some victories against these organized systems, these created groups out there.
We got the million moms who lose their
Tax-free operation there from the major hospital in San Francisco.
There's secret operation there.
And don't forget, before we go back to our guests, our task of creating a Socialist America that will only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.
Sarah Brady, Chairman of Hanger Control Incorporated, Senator Howard Metzenbaum, The National Educator Magazine, January 94, page 3.
So, uh, whether our guest has this mindset or not, this is where the big shots are leading us.
Uh, you were telling us how safe we'll be, uh, with this, uh, system.
Uh, please, uh, please continue, uh, Chris Boister.
How are you?
Thanks for having me back.
Uh, and, uh, we were, I think before the break you were talking about the city of Chicago.
And let me give you an example of, of, of how the, the pro-gun lobby and the National Rifle Association work.
You know, you, you talked about
The city of Chicago did a program called Operation Gunsmoke, where they were trying to find out where the illegal guns were coming into the city.
Yeah, I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Pardon me?
Yeah, loving knock and talk.
What guns do you have?
Well, what they did was they went to undercover agents, went to gun dealers in suburban areas outside the city, and at some point went up to dealers and
Even said that, without a FOID card, even said that they were going to use the gun in the commission of the crime, and they were sold the gun!
So the Illinois Legislature went, after the result of that, went into a... introduced a legislation that would license dealers so that they would be regulated by and monitored by the Illinois State Police to make sure instances like that don't occur.
And the National Rifle Association and the pro-gun lobby did everything in their power to stop it.
By the way, the Illinois government wants the national gun records to be handed out to the other organizations like 100 Bureaucrat March and others.
Just incredible.
What's your website for your organization?
Let's talk to some callers.
Russ in North Carolina, you're on with Mr. Boister.
Go ahead, Russ, go ahead.
All right, Russ.
Got Eddie here.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Oh, boy.
You got Eddie?
Okay, Eddie, go ahead.
All right, Mr. Boister?
Yes, I can barely hear Eddie.
Well, Alex, do you intend to file a message to him with a question?
Talk right into your telephone.
I'm talking as loud as I can, Alex.
How many people die playing high school sports each year, Mr. Boyster?
Uh, I don't have the answer to that.
I don't know.
Now, you gave a reference to a person in Illinois that tried to or attempted to buy a firearm illegally from a licensed dealer?
And they, as a result of the background check, the system worked and he wasn't able to purchase the gun.
Is that not in itself a crime?
Was the man prosecuted?
Yes, he was.
I believe the dealer was prosecuted.
No, not the dealer!
The person that attempted to illegally buy a firearm, was he not prosecuted?
No, I don't believe so.
He should have been prosecuted.
Why did you not take action against the county prosecutor to enforce the federal law?
Look, I agree with you.
If someone breaks the law, I agree with you.
In that situation, if someone breaks the law, the law should be enforced.
But you did not force it upon the person that committed a federal crime by trying to illegally purchase a firearm.
And guess what, sir?
I'm going to agree with you.
If someone commits a crime...
They should be prosecuted.
That's not the argument of the day.
That's the argument of the day!
If you don't nip the crime in the bud, it will continue forever!
Am I going to be able to say anything to you that... Sure, go ahead.
Hold on a second.
Appreciate the call, Eddie.
Go ahead.
And thank you.
You know, I'm not going to be able to stay here and say probably anything to you or any of your listeners that are going to convince you that I think a lot of
I don't have a gun.
Have I said that at one time in my conversation?
Look, I'm not saying that smaller organizations aren't dupes, okay?
Have you ever heard anybody in the... I'm saying the big org... I just read Brady!
Well, I don't know the contents of the entire... I'll tell you what, do you want to stay with us or do you want to leave us?
I've really got to go, but I appreciate the opportunity to... Thanks for joining me, and remember, we will defend this republic.