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Filename: 20021126_Grijalva_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 26, 2002
236 lines.

Journalist Declan McCullough discusses concerns about privacy and the New World Order, touching upon topics such as internet tagging systems, the Department of Homeland Security bill, and European attempts to block public access to certain websites. He emphasizes that these measures are coming from DARPA, a defense department agency, and argues against increasing government power while advocating for protecting privacy, preventing terrorism, and conducting oversight of agencies.

The T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another hour of this live Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Already the 25th of November, 2002.
We're joined by Rahul Rahalva, and he is a congressman-elect.
Here's the headline.
Arizona leaders at the state and federal level are calling for investigators, investigations into armed civilian patrols along the state's border with Mexico.
At issue is the safety of the people on the border.
And the legality of the so-called militia groups formed out of frustration at the inability of the U.S.
border agents to slow illegal immigration from Mexico.
Now, millions a year, just right there in Cochise County, we've had the newspaper editor on who called for the militia to be formed.
Last week, we covered the Arizona Republic news reports, and we're now joined by Congressman Grill Halva.
Congressman, thank you for coming on the show today to talk about your concerns.
Welcome and thank you for inviting me.
So, exactly what's happening and you're quoted here saying you're very concerned about this.
You bet.
I think the rhetoric you're hearing from some of the leaders of these groups is very dangerous to the overall security of the region.
You said the potential for violence is escalating and I think the whole situation has to be investigated.
Yeah, those were the comments and I think it's
It's uh... you know the whole border region is is uh... is a national problem and and uh... you know that
Well, Congressman,
Look, we know that a forestry officer just got shot and killed.
We know Mexican troops are routinely firing and shooting at border patrol vehicles.
We know that drugs are being brought across.
We know that homes are being broken into.
Water systems are being broken.
We know that if you or I try to sneak across the Mexican border, we'll get shot, or if we're lucky, end up six months in a dirt floor jail.
So, you know, to hear that, oh, you know, the Americans are being abusive, I mean, I'm a Texan.
I've been across the border many times with Mexico.
No, it's not a question of accepting, sir.
It's a question of
The issue of people arming themselves and having civilian militias patrolling the border, when that is a legitimate law enforcement issue, and it's a legitimate issue and a result of federal policy, that's a federal intervention, that's a federal role that needs to be played out there, and I think, you know, my disagreement is, with the whole thing, is to having
Thank you.
And the due process and the civil rights are all federal issues, and the call for the investigation is, is this aggravating the situation worse than it already is?
You know, at a national level, we're not dealing with the issue of immigration.
It's been put on the backburners.
There's discussions, financial discussions, occurring today between the Bush administration and the Fox administration on the issue.
But we have a complex problem and a simplistic attitude of calling
Picking up arms is not going to solve, and all it does is acclimate it.
But that's what the Mexican troops do.
They pick up arms all the time, and people try to interfere with drug shipments.
And they're shooting people, running around shooting at vehicles.
They've been captured coming across the border ten miles.
I mean, Mexico, everybody whines about what the U.S.
What about Mexico?
is doing.
Well, there's a joint responsibility here.
That's why the discussions have to be bi-national.
If those behaviors that you're illustrating to me are indeed true, that still begs the question, should then our civilian side and the American side take up the same kind of behavior?
And my response to that is no.
One bad deed does not reward another bad deed.
We're talking to Congressman Raul Grijalva, and he has just been elected there as a new congressman from that area of Arizona.
Look, you say it's an obvious problem, but here's the headline, Bush to push for amnesty, blanket amnesty, we know the corporations want the cheap labor, we know the Democrats want the constituency, and they've tried in the media to make this a racial issue, I don't care what color you are, we've got 400 million people in Latin America, another 10 to 20 million births a year, they're all coming this way, and we've got
I don't know.
I don't think that's the issue.
The issue is that
The issue that you're specifically asking about, the whole policy of migration and immigration, and what we're doing about it, has been a neglected issue in the Southwest and all over this country.
It's not just happening here, it happens... But it's not neglected, it's a policy to leave the border wide open.
How come they say, give up your right to homeland security?
Let's examine for a second the policy that's in place now.
The policy of containment, the policy of sealing the border, the policy of gatekeeper, the policy of putting up walls,
Now, if that deterrent that was seen as the way to do it, and if we follow your logic to seal that border, has that worked?
No, it has not worked.
It's exasperated the problem.
People are dying in the desert, and you have a call for arms on the part of American civilians.
That is not solving the issue.
The issue is much more complex and needs a much broader, comprehensive approach to it, and we're not doing that.
The ball has been dropped at many levels.
And one of the levels that's been dropped is at the national level with this Congress.
And now, belatedly, this administration is beginning to understand that if we don't deal with this problem, this problem is just going to get worse and worse.
Yeah, but the way that you and Vicente Fox, as I'm reading some of your other quotes from your other story, is to give more amnesty, which will only take another 20 million people up here and our infrastructure can't.
This is legalizing a reality.
You're legalizing the reality?
There you go.
Just capitulate to it.
Let the whole 400 million just come right on up here with all the police state and the way of life down there.
And I've been to Mexico many times and that is not the type of government I want for this country.
Now, I'll agree with you.
It's a reality that our government is becoming as tyrannical as the Mexican government.
Or the Venezuelan government, or the Chilean government.
And I'm really freaked out about it.
I'll have to tell you.
I mean, I'm so worried about America, I might move down to Costa Rica.
It's not that I don't want to be around Latin people.
It's that I don't want to be around a government that has two tiers in society.
And, I mean, it's going to destroy our wages, destroy our infrastructure, to have this $400 million coming this way.
Well, I think the number's exaggerated, sir.
With all due respect, there's not $400 million coming this way.
The issue is... Yeah, $20 million every year!
No, I don't think that number's correct.
I think the issue of legalization, the issue of unification of families, the issue of the guest worker program and temporary workers are all issues that are on the table because there is no other way to deal with this issue other than to accept the reality.
Congressman, isn't this really about a Pan-American Union?
I mean, Bush has got the colored money coming out next year.
They're talking about the Amaro in the mainstream news.
Isn't this talking about just getting rid of sovereignty of all these countries?
I don't think.
I think that's... Have you heard about Bush's deal to use multinational troops here domestically, including Mexican and Canadian?
No, I have not.
Well, that's the Army War College.
Are you for Mexican and Canadian troops patrolling America?
No, I'm not.
The issue of sovereignty is not lost when we talk about the issue of immigration.
Well, at least you're more conservative than Bush, then.
Well, I wouldn't go that far either, sir.
Oh, there you go.
Well, I mean, Barbara Boxer's for arming the pilots.
Bush isn't.
Uh, Dick Gephardt's for banning partial birth abortion.
Uh, Bush isn't.
So, I like to illustrate things like that.
So, I'm just showing how ultra-out-of-control, uh, you know, Bush just got one of the most draconian gun control bills ever seen passed through the House.
I mean, you'll probably agree with that legislation.
Do you agree with that legislation?
I disagree.
I agree with the Brady Bill, and I agree with background checks, and I agree that gun shows should require the same background checks.
Well, we've got a caller in Tucson, Arizona.
Larry wants to talk to you.
Larry, you're on the air with our guest who doesn't want the citizens, I guess, down there trying to protect their property.
Go ahead, Larry.
You're on the air with the Congressman.
Hi, Larry.
You know, one of the things that came up that I'd like to see is I'd like to see the
Assets of the Mexican government in the United States frozen and then distributed to all the victims, criminal victims, by the Mexican government, you know, so that we see our hospitals funded.
You know, we see all the people that have been hurt and all the damage that these illegals are causing, you know, paid for by the Mexican government.
I wonder if you could do that in Congress and see too that it gets done.
The other thing, American people here in Tucson, they know about La Raza and the Hazardland.
And they know that the Mexican government is encouraging the illegals to basically push out the Americans so that they can get the land back to Mexico.
That's a good question.
That's a good question.
I've been to some of these meetings and aired some of the tapes.
And the president beforehand said this is all one big region, one country.
And Oslon and this Mecha thing they call for, do you believe Texas and California and all this are part of a mythical kingdom of crystal pyramids controlled by the Aztecs?
But the issue here is that, you know, I don't think this issue needs to be dominated by the kind of stereotyping and prejudices that the one caller did and some of the comments that you've made.
No, I don't.
Wait a minute!
I've been to Metsch's website.
It says, push the white people out with pictures of M16s.
I got them on video chanting anti-white stuff.
I'll tell you what, Congressman, just one more segment, quick break, because let's bring this up, let's talk about it.
Because I know a lot of Hispanics that agree with me that listen to this show.
Okay, so maybe they'll call in.
I'm trying to understand this.
This communications radio network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're talking to a congressman right now, Rahul Rahalva, from there in Arizona.
Rahul, look, you try to play that race card.
I appreciate you joining us.
You've got courage to do that.
A lot of congressmen don't like doing talk shows.
I'm sitting here.
My wife speaks Spanish.
She speaks French as well as several other languages.
I don't know.
A picture of an Aztec priest cutting a white person's heart out.
I can send you links to Metro websites where it's got M16s and flyers that have been handed out.
It's been in the national news.
You know, push out the gringos.
I've got video of it.
So, I think a lot of people are getting involved in this racially.
People who never thought of themselves racially are... I mean, certainly there are white supremacists, there are black supremacists, there are Hispanic supremacists.
Are you saying there isn't a movement in Metro that calls for that?
No, my familiarity with what MECHA is doing, and has done, is they talk about political empowerment, they talk about educational achievement, they talk about history, they talk about identity, they talk about diversity.
I mean, I consider all those things to be legitimate points.
Yeah, their history is that Aztecs, a god race, ran Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California.
I mean, do you believe that history?
I believe that, yeah, I think there's a link between Mexico and the Southwest.
There always has been, and always will continue to be.
I thought it was, uh, the Indians of this country are completely different from the Aztecs that were horrible, bloodthirsty Indians that sacrificed people and grabbed up and killed other Indian populations.
I don't think they were very well loved by the Indians.
So you, were you a member of Mecha in college?
Yeah, when I was at the University of Arizona I was.
Well, look...
I know that when Tony Sanchez ran for governor, there was a lot of racial politicking, and I think that's what lost him the election.
I'm really concerned about this.
So, you think it's bad to have citizens... What about the patrols on their own ranches?
You think it's bad for folks to arrest people on their own property?
I mean, I can do that in my own home or in my backyard at night.
They shouldn't be able to do it on their own ranches?
Yeah, the issue of protecting your private property.
But I think the issue has gone way beyond there when you are having a national call to arms.
And inviting people from throughout the country to come into the region and patrol and to be armed and to serve as a civilian patrol and a civilian militia.
That's gone way beyond the categorization of simply protecting one's property.
Why do you think Bush called the Border Patrol two of the teens out of Cochise?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I would assume that...
Uh, for deployment reasons somewhere else, but I don't have a good answer for that, no.
Well certainly, you know, Cochise is one of the biggest areas in the country where they're pouring across.
It's not, the whole region along the southwest is an area in which, you know, we have a region here in the part of my district where 170 people have died in the desert.
Well, now the government's putting water stations up, so that's... And I believe that's totally appropriate.
That's a humanitarian act.
It has nothing to do with encouragement.
It has nothing to do with... Well, why not just put buses in there, then, to ferry them so nobody dies?
And if somebody's committing a crime, then why should we... I mean, should we...
You make it safer for people to break into businesses?
I mean, I don't understand it.
But look, I've grown up on the border.
I know, but one can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
Wait a minute, Mexican troops have been shooting at Border Patrol vehicles at a forest.
One can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
Wait a minute, Mexican troops have been shooting at Border Patrol vehicles at a forest.
One can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
One can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
One can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
One can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
One can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
One can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
One can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
One can take exaggerations and conspiracy theories to their illogical point.
One can take exaggerations
Uh, the tone of this discussion can't be one of, uh, uh, pointing fingers and staring at congressmen.
The point of this discussion has to be to solve the problem.
But are you saying it's a conspiracy theory?
It's just one question.
Are you saying it's a conspiracy theory to say Mexican troops are routinely shooting at Border Patrol and shooting at vehicles?
Those individual incidents, as I said earlier, does not beg the question of if that individual incident... Well, what's the conspiracy theory?
...then that does not give
Anyone has the right to commit those crimes.
Where's the conspiracy theory?
What have I said is a conspiracy theory?
I'm just saying that conspiracy theories can be taken to be absurd.
No, you just throw that word out.
That's a conspiracy theory.
I'm talking about documented stuff here.
There's documented stuff on these militias as well that you don't highlight.
The documented stuff of their meetings where the whole tone is racist, where the whole tone is white supremacist tone, where things
Uh, not the literature is handed out.
Well, you know, I want to give you a chance to talk about that.
You said it was a few minutes before you want to go.
I don't bring up those examples because those are... Do you have to leave as congressman or do you want to stay?
No, I need to leave pretty soon.
Well, you need to stop what you're doing and Mecha is bad.