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Filename: 19980616_Misc_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 16, 1998
204 lines.

In his show, Alex Jones introduces guests who will discuss topics like the benefits of the police state, firearms in society, and conspiracies. He shares his thoughts on foreign forces within America and the importance of refusing to go along with a false economy created by the government.

I don't know.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Why did you lock me inside?
Do you face the light?
Three, your soul is resonant.
And four, you can't deny.
You've got to win this.
You've got to win this.
We're good to go.
Hello, Austin, Texas!
I'm Alex Jones, and you are watching Exposing Corruption.
Every Tuesday night from 8.30 to 11 p.m.
right here on Channel 10.
But coming up in a couple months, I'll have a new showtime.
And so stay tuned for that, but for the next couple months, we'll be right here on Tuesday nights, live, and I am shimmering this evening.
They tell me not to wear blue, and I still do it.
I guess that's me.
But I want to thank my crew.
I want to thank the Freedom Report.
Mike puts out on Monday evenings from 7 a.m.
to 8 p.m.
And I want to thank everybody across the nation that is standing up.
Now we're going to have a special guest tonight.
Y'all have really grown to enjoy them, and I get a lot of requests for them to come back.
So, even though I disagree with them, they're going to be here.
We're going to have a new guest tonight, though.
We're going to have fun as we've had.
Global Love Cop's going to be here.
Actually, one of his bosses is going to be here.
He's a little more... He's not quite as rambunctious.
He's going to actually stand up and give you a speech about how wonderful the police state's going to be.
Then we're going to have Dr. Anselmo here, but Dr. Anselmo is going to interview, excuse me, Professor Anselmo is going to interview Dr. Flatulence.
So two, a Harvard and a UT professor, are going to be here tonight and they're going to talk to you about a lot of important issues that are important to you and your family's security to make sure that you're safe.
And they're going to talk about firearms, good firearms and bad firearms.
What is a good firearm to the radical egalitarian?
A firearm in the hands of a bureaucrat or federal police force or international police force.
We're going to have President Clinton here for you tonight.
It's some video.
It's kind of bad video.
I'm not sure why.
Looks like the table wasn't hooked up right, but we have Clinton on C-SPAN.
I don't have time to monitor C-SPAN 98% of the time.
Talking about the 80,000 U.N.
drug interdiction forces.
So the drug war is going to get a lot bigger and we'll have U.N.
troops here in our country to keep us safe and make sure Clinton stays in office.
I mean, make sure everything goes good for President Clinton, our loving President.
You remember John Shalekashvili?
He was the last Joint Chief of Staff.
Before him was Colin Powell.
Well, John Shalekashvili is from Poland and his father was a Polish death camp operator.
He was a general.
He worked for the Nazis.
80% of the death camps were in Poland.
And his father was very well known for running the death camps where the Nazis liked it.
He was our Joint Chiefs of Staff.
I'll get into foreign forces inside our country.
Something six months ago I was still laughing at, but I'm getting reports, and Clinton's admitting it, and they're admitting that Chinese troops are training in Alaska, and the Chinese have got Long Beach.
I've been there.
I've shown you that.
It's really starting to get sick.
It looks like... God, this sounds so insane.
It's really happening.
The Third World War has been declared against our country.
Agents are installed and we're in deep trouble.
Yeah, I have a Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement.
We'll read from this.
Very interesting.
This is a good magazine to
Dr. Anselmo and Professor Flatulence.
They really enjoy this one.
They don't like guns and ammo for the common people.
That's bad for them.
But they're going to be here coming up at about 9.15 or so.
And we're going to take some of your phone calls tonight, but we're going to take care and make sure we've got people that really have something they want to talk about before we go to the phone calls.
I forgot to warn my crew about that, now that it makes a big difference.
I have some interesting reports I read last night to you off the AP, out of the Austin American-Statesman, and out of the BBC, and then from La Jornada, a large Mexican newspaper, and I'll get into those in the 10 o'clock hour coming up this evening.
But I'm only going to be on probably about an hour tonight myself.
The professor and the doctor and the Global Lovecock are going to be on.
Most of the evening.
We're going to have the Professor and the Doctor together coming up at about 9.15 and then we're going to have Global Love Cop on after they come on.
But the first clip we're going to go to is Tony Brown from Tony Brown's Journal.
A popular program on PBS and I've always liked Nova and I've always liked Tony Brown's Journal.
For years those are two programs that I have said I enjoy.
Tony Brown never talked about a conspiracy to rob you of your wealth at the Illuminati, a known organized criminal crime ring from Europe.
He's come out with a new book called The Seven Step Plan to Overthrow the Conspiracy that is Stealing Your Money and Your Freedom.
Now he has!
It's called Empower the People.
It's his new book.
And I talked about this last night at length.
I talked about it on my radio program.
I had Congressman Ron Paul on my radio program this Saturday.
The Congressman openly let me... I didn't talk to him personally on the phone.
I talked to his aide and said, just come on the show and talk about whatever you want to talk about.
First thing he talked about was the U.N.
taking over our national parks.
I have that on tape and that'll be here for you next week.
Or perhaps tonight.
Who knows?
Play some audio of that.
Put some images up and things of Congress and Ron Paul and the parks and Clinton and the U.N.
Biodiversity Treaty we signed with them, handing over our parks to them.
This is all real.
It's not conspiracy.
It's a program of slavery.
It is a conspiracy to rob you of your wealth and control of your destiny.
That's what this program is about.
First and foremost is refusing to go along with the Ponzi scheme that the government and its controllers have created.
A scheme where the primary investment for people, they believe, is the stock market.
Well, as long as more money's coming in at the bottom, they can keep these ridiculous profits going, which are conservatively four to five times the actual money value of the actual assets of the company.
You have the Federal Reserve and the Treasury printing
Just in the last six months, 10% more money into the money supply.
They're printing money.
The pressures are going absolutely wild right now.
That's why you have this false healthy economy.
The problem is, is that once the plane comes down, it has no landing gear with this economy.
So I think they should keep printing money for as long as they can, simply because I don't want a crash to come, but it's just going to get worse the longer it goes and the deeper it gets.
Before we go to Tony Brown and then some of your phone calls, that's the clip, let me read to you.
Let me read to you from this week's Capital Times, the newspaper here in Austin, which is a little bit better than the Statesman.
It says, Hope for the Future of America.
The host of Tony Brown's journal describes his vision for saving America from herself and her enemies.
Her enemies!
Now, here's a quote from Tony Brown.
You get to see him personally.
Now, he goes into this much further
In his book, which I just started reading, it's The Power of the People, Tony Brown, and it's incredible.
See, Tony Brown never talked about this because he was studying it for five years.
Funny, he found out about it five years ago like I did, and it was the same way.
I couldn't believe it.
I couldn't believe how deep we were into this.
How much Europe controlled our country, how they've installed military leaders that are under control, executive leaders like the President, most of your chairman of committees in the Congress, both the House and the Senate.
You ask yourself, a conspiracy, it's been made a joke for so long that you laugh at this, but then as more and more information comes out in the alternative media and is documented, much of it's crap, but a lot of it's good information,
The media always give attention to the crap and not to the good information.
They're coming out.
You've seen the articles.
Black helicopters are real.
Secret CIA bases are for your best interest.
They blow stuff up at the bases.
Buildings and stuff.
They're testing things.
The government did spray some biologicals on you, but again, that's for your best interest.
We had to kill people on the New York subway in 1966 for your best interest.
And the media doesn't really talk about it.
They just do a little story here and there and admit it.
And the information's been out since 79.
And we've been talking about it across the country.
From congressmen to generals to good people that we can trust and Tony Brown and others are coming out.
So we've obviously reached that critical mass where more and more people are beginning to speak and are beginning to not care what the group psychology is and say, damn it, I know what's right.
The information's here.
It's in my face.
But the media still throws out that conspiracy theory line.
I'm going to get off my butt in the next few weeks and put together some stuff from Court TV.
I've got four or five different cases where I just watched one day of court TV.
And all the trials were conspiracy trials.
These murderers conspired to murder and did.
These were bank robbers.
These SNL guys.
Bond people.
These are all little conspiracies.
And they're real.
A couple of thugs get together.
A couple of white-collar execs get together and rip you off or steal pension funds or rob banks or whatever criminals do.
And you go, oh yeah, that's conspiracy.
Of course.
That's what McVeigh was, one of the counts he was convicted of was the conspiracy, the premeditated act of destroying Oklahoma City.
Of course, it wasn't McVeigh, he was just a patsy.
We've documented that a hundred times in the program.
But, I won't get into that.
These are real crimes, okay?
Most of the federal charges are conspiracies.
And a lot of state charges are conspiracies.
Conspiracies are real things.
People do it all the time.
You and a co-worker conspire to get somebody fired because they're doing a bad job.
Or maybe you just don't like them.
So seeing how they've taught you to think everything happens by accident and it's all a big coincidence?
Are you coincidence theorists?
I find that even more ridiculous than conspiracy.
Because if you read history, conspiracy is the way it is.
Caesar walks in to the Senate and his best buddy's strapped to death right there.
They conspired to kill him for the Empire.
They divided up amongst themselves.
This is so, so serious and it's going to take Americans
Having the will, having the capacity to refuse to believe the lies any longer and realize that the media is coming out with some corruption and some of their conspiracy now because they have to, because they've lost too much faith.
Because the polls show, even their stilted polls, their slanted polls show that more and more people aren't listening to the media, aren't believing the media.
And the media is twisting and manipulation isn't working as well.
So they've got to start coming out with some of the corruption.
Well, I have found out that it's much worse than I even used to believe.
It is insane.
They are preparing to bring in UN forces, as I heard three years ago and laughed at.
We're going to show you President Clinton talking about this a little bit later in the program.
I mean, I... I just can't believe it.
For the last month or over, since we've seen the smoke in the sky over Mexico and Chiapas and other states,
They're all where the conflict zones are, and the media has even admitted this.
I've shown you the Statesman.
Later I'll get into some of these AP reports and BBC reports.
The media still doesn't print it.
If the Statesman does print it, like they did in the Saturday, June 13th, news section, they will say, Mexico is, has, Mexico breaking truce.
Shootout in Village Wednesday was first firefight between government and rebels since 1994.
They admit that a bunch of people got killed, that the police fired first, but they say it's the first conflict.
I've read in this paper, and I ought to do the research, but I'm one person.
I remember the news and the paper saying, the massacre's down there of whole villages and nobody knew who was doing it.
Whole villages wiped out.