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Filename: 19980505_Misc_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 5, 1998
246 lines.

Alex Jones discusses his belief in the rise of the police state in the United States and predicts a stock market crash. He mentions seeing National Security Agency chiefs discussing the New World Order, as well as rumors about Henry Kissinger talking about it on TV. Europe is considered an enemy by Jones, who also believes that America's gold reserves have been transferred overseas. Secret military forces and black ops are present in major cities, being trained to take over police stations and infrastructure. The CIA is training foreign intelligence officers from 50 countries at secret locations, including Russia and Israel, as part of a larger plan for Europe to control a one Euro currency partially backed by gold.

Issues that you're going to want to be conscious of.
The police state is in full swing.
It is preparing to fully take over the entire nation.
I never make predictions.
But I see a major stock market crash for the next few years.
I see emergency restructuring by the federal and supranational governments.
I have seen National Security Agency chiefs
National Security Advisor Sandy Berger talked about the CFR's Global Regime of Power.
I have seen individuals and I got reports that and I'm sure it's true once information once I get a chance to see the tape that Henry Kissinger in Germany two days ago was on C-SPAN last night talked about the New World Order they're the ones that use that term all the time I've seen Bush use it and Clinton use it
That some in the West will not like the New World Order and the one Euro currency that's coming out?
That was in the Statesman two days ago?
Had it for you last night?
We're in deep trouble.
A lot of you are going to say, well Alex, you're saying that America can't compete with Europe?
Certainly we could on a level playing field.
The problem is that the United Nations, controlled by Europe and their allies in New York,
We have a strategic plan to de-industrialize this country and have done an excellent job of it.
And we have a fiat money system.
Fiat money systems are fine if you have the strongest reserve currency.
The problem is Europe is going to have predominantly the most powerful currency.
It is going to be partially backed by gold.
We're in deep trouble.
They transferred our gold supplies in 1933.
From 33 into the 70s.
By making gold illegal as a commodity.
They transferred the gold to Europe and to the Federal Reserve Bank here in the United States, which is private.
In the last week and a half I've been reading this story out of a statement, not this Sunday but last Sunday, by Neil S. Godfrey.
I wouldn't have even had this if someone that worked up here wouldn't have copied it for me.
It admits here for you that doubt Alex Jones a conspiracy wonk.
Since Congress banned the sale, purchase, or stockpiling of gold by the public in 1933, the ban required all gold, bullion, coins, and certificates to be turned in to Treasury in exchange for dollars.
And I've seen a lot of idiots and morons and fools that say it doesn't matter that we had to turn in our gold at gunpoint sometimes for paper.
They transferred our gold.
They liquidated our reserves.
And now they're going to partially back their currency.
It's a long-term strategic plan.
Who have we been at war with twice this century?
Not China.
Not Russia.
Europe is the enemy.
Europe has made itself the enemy of three peoples.
Europe has been the source of empire.
We're going to show you clips and documentaries
We're going to show you documentation of the police state.
We have newspaper clippings admitting it, but telling you how wonderful it is.
We give you the real spin.
I'm very distraught.
I'm very saddened.
And I am not afraid.
I have Saturday, May 2nd, 1998 statement where it admits that Marines prepare for urban warfare.
They are practicing taking over police stations in Chicago.
Water systems in police stations in San Antonio.
In this article, they tell you the Marines will tour a gas company, water filtration plant, some bridges, underground tunnels, to police and fire departments and other sites.
They're practicing what you would call a takeover.
Some would say there's a lot of wonderful reasons for this.
Why is it secret?
It is not just the Marines.
It is secret, military, black ops forces.
The same that blew up Oklahoma City in 1995.
Watch it, Roberta Reichstag in 1933.
These squads was on Carl Wigglesworth today, who I never listened to.
Reads the news.
Clinton's bad.
China's dangerous.
All these subversions.
The guy was literally freaking out.
I've heard him like five times.
Thousands of secret police in black uniforms.
I only heard 10 minutes of it today driving over here.
It's on 5.50 a.m.
Are practicing taking over police stations in San Antonio.
And they're secret.
He said he called down the newsrooms.
They won't talk about it.
He called the police department.
They told him it's a secret program and they can't talk about it.
It is not Marines.
It is special forces.
And reports are coming out that these people are speaking foreign languages, mainly Turkish.
And if you have family from Louisiana, they'll tell you that some of the military bases in the U.N.
have pretty much taken over.
Again, a year ago, I would have laughed at this.
I would have scoffed at this.
I've had this for you several times.
It was watered up the back of my vehicle.
I had so much stuff in there, I had to dig it out today.
This is from the Sunday, March 29, 1998 statement.
A secret C.I.
And it admits here that over the past decade, the C.I.
has given counter-terrorism training to more than 18,000 foreign intelligence officers from 50 different countries, including Russia, Israel, Egypt.
According to agency officials, some of that training took place abroad.
Not all at Harvey Point, North Carolina.
And they have town folks saying they're real nice folks, Gregory called.
They said they would show us around the base.
Well, they did not show us around the base, but for the most part, they told us the truth.
Well, how'd they tell you the truth, Gregory, if they lied to you?
City manager of this town.
But for the most part, they told us the truth as to what they gave us and showed us.
Basically, they blow things down there.
They blow up cars.
They blow up safes.
They blow stuff up.
They try to reconstruct.
You don't reconstruct an explosion.
They go out and it says here that they haul in buses and limos and they come out burnt out in machine guns.
They're practicing assassinations.
Trucks haul in old limousines and haul out Bort-riddled humps.
No, Bort-riddled blackened hulks.
You read it here, they're training terrorists.
How do I know this?
The October 23rd, 1993, New York Times, as usual, will say I'm using mainstream media, they tell you it's not a problem, it's wonderful, that CIA-trained Egyptian security force agents helped Sheikh Abdel Rahman cook the bomb.
They warned the FBI two days before the time of the bombing.
The FBI had tapes of the bomb being cooked at the World Trade Center bombing in 1993.
They activated terrorists and had them carry it out, just like Andrei Strassmayer,
A German National and the Aryan Republican Army, Strassmeyer's a known CIA agent, I've had the actual documents here from the New American, actual informant documents, all everything from Carol Howe, for you!
I played the newscast of them removing bombs, with the Governor saying they're removing multiple bombs, and then the next news story comes out.
We're going to show you some of that tonight.
Governor Frank Keating up there.
This is standard operating terror procedure to scare the American public.
Let me tell you something.
I'm not going to start fighting information.
And if it ever gets violent, well Alex Jones will have to do what it takes then, won't he?
I intend to die for my country.
How many heavens are my forefathers have done the same?
I would have to be ashamed of myself not to stand in the face of this.
When my uncle was attacked by helicopters in Vietnam thinking he was fighting for his country and saw the drug running.
My cousin is in the control room in Buckley.
My family fought for this nation.
My grandfathers have fought for this nation.
I'm going to fight for this nation.
But the day they go house to house, after the government blows up five or six buildings, standard operating procedure, just like Kennel Discovery Channel 50 years later, they'll tell us 50 years later, that by 1938 we'd broken the Japanese Purple Code.
We had no whole code.
We knew that Japanese task force was steaming towards
Pearl Harbor and the Pacific Police, which Roosevelt moved out from Long Beach, which his grandson, who's on the City Council of Long Beach, has just turned over to the Chinese.
Just things never change, do they?
We knew that, and you let them do that to get us an award.
Take one on the chin!
One night when I came outside out here, some guys walked up and started punching me.
I didn't want to fight.
I let them punch me a couple times with the security cameras, and then defended myself.
You think I'm gonna let some punks push me?
And then,
Hit them first and get in trouble?
Well, the enemy does that to you!
They take one on the chin and then stay there and I have to defend themselves.
This is what we're dealing with.
The difference is, I don't run the country and I wasn't doing anything bad when people came up and hit me.
And then I defended myself.
It's different when they go blow something up and say, oh, this little group here just hit us!
And it isn't even the group that really did it.
Some stupid taxi.
You understand?
They go create the crisis, they create the fear, they offer the solution, a police state.
They are training in all major cities and they have these little fluff articles to tell you from, the Saturday, May 2nd, about how wonderful it is.
I have the wonderful stories in the statement about how they took the gold up so people... The measure prevented people who hoarded gold, you know, those rich people, from profiting when Congress seized value of the dollar in 1934.
The action caused gold prices to rise below 65%.
And who had the gold?
The Federal Reserve, private banks.
It took over in 1913.
It hiked.
It scanned.
I had this week's Time Magazine, I forgot to bring it in.
Every month, every week, in the Newsweek and Time, there's how wonderful Alan Greenspan is.
How he sneezes, the world market shakes.
Because he's the number one puppet in the world right now.
He runs the number one fiat money system.
The number one debt money system.
For every dollar they create, a dollar of debt is created instantly.
And Europe, and that's the presentation that's coming up in a second.
Strategically, he is fixing to create the new, monolith, preeminent, dominant money system.
Who do we have that war with twice this century?
That IG Farben, British Division of Union funded and Ford funded.
Ah, World War I!
We were fighting Hitler in the trenches.
Yes, he was in the trenches.
Don't you know?
We fought Hitler in World War II, didn't we?
We fought those people.
I'm ashamed to be German right now, to be part German.
Because it's so disgusting how evil and manipulative and on the ball these people are.
They never stop!
But like I said last night, I guess my American Indian in me that you can't see, but you see it in my father and I'm proud to have that blood in me, and I guess the Scotch-Irish, you look at the Scotch-Irish, you don't go around stealing from a bunch of people, we usually don't come out on top, but we'll shoot his ass!
We will fight your ass.
The Germans are who we're fighting again.
They are going to dominate the European Union.
That's why they can barely get Britain into it.
Because Britain knows, even though they're a mischievous group of backstabbing criminals, with their central bank, the Bank of England, the original money manipulators.
But the Germans, they just are real good at what they do.
And they're going to control, the bonus state is going to have a majority in the new fiat European bank that will be online within two years.
And by next year, they're gonna, by next January according to the statement, what I saw on C-SPAN, they're gonna have the new Eurodollar.
And within two years, it's gonna be a central bank fully, I mean the central bank's already there, but the boomer state is gonna control it within two years.
Two years, you will have a massive crash in this country, you will have a massive criminal consolidation of wealth, you will have a police state, people will be rounded up wholesale, you'll barely hear about it on the news, you will have successive bombings,
You have FBI agents coming out being killed.
The government will tell you they're traitors.
You have CIA people being killed, DEA people being killed, local sheriffs being killed, being imprisoned.
You have hit squads running all over the nation killing people.
Get ready!
Henry Kissinger, according to a twist I have from Leland Baradage, Big Leland Auto Sales, he never BS's me, he gives me information.
He called me last night and said Kissinger is on TV right now talking about the New World Order.
I believe it!
And talking about how the West isn't going to like the new Euro currency.
But the New World Order will go forward.
I believe Leland because I've seen it, I've played it for you.
Danny Berger calling it Global Regimes of Power.
Anytime you see the CFR meeting or any of these organizations on C-SPAN, you tape it, FP, and you give it to me.
I don't have time to do this!
I just probably may have to turn down an offer to go to Houston.
Because I may have to turn down all that money because I want to stay here in Austin.
I have... I don't know what's going on, but just stay with us.
I have more of an opportunity... Now this is very strange.
Do we know what's going on?
Somebody playing a game or something?
Are we having problems?
Not necessarily.
Just continue.
I'll take care of it.
Oh, okay.
Again, don't listen to the show.
We have technical difficulties.
Peter Jennings and the rest of them, they have million, $100 million studios and $6,000 suits and $4,000 suits and they're there to lie to you and believe that's who you should listen to, not Alex Jones.
I don't know what's going on.
Well, it was just working a second ago.
Can we fix it?
Well, let me just tell my producers.
Well, anyways, we'll figure.
I really don't care anymore.
You know, I don't care.
I don't care about the technical difficulties.
What does it matter?
People laugh at this anyways.
They don't give a damn about what's happening.
They don't understand strategic gain that we are up against.
You have absolutely no conception of what's happening here in the country.
I shouldn't have been diverted by the bond issue here in town.