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Filename: 19980331_Misc_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 31, 1998
176 lines.

On The Alex Jones Show in 1998, technical issues arose with Tom Warner's transmission. Topics included Erwin Schrift's tax analysis, a woman's rape allegation against Bill Clinton, a CIA base in North Carolina, and criticism of Earth First and Greenpeace as government front groups pushing for big government control under the guise of environmentalism. Jones also discussed the dangers of socialist regimes, citing Russia's poor environment and high crime rates.

I don't know.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
I think so.
We're good.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
Here we go ladies and gentlemen, we're having some technical deals with Tom Warner, but we'll get that fixed.
The wonderful AXIS TV staff,
He tries to take care of us down here and fix the Tom Warner problems, or not fix them, just try to relay or reroute the problems because Tom Warner cannot fix the system here for your public access TV.
Um, we got Erwin Schrift and I. I'd forgotten that he was coming on.
And he has his views and his analysis of the tax situation.
A few things I might not agree with him totally on, but I agree with him wholeheartedly that it's criminal.
And I've heard his radio program, which is broadcast nationally.
It's on AM and shortwave stations, I believe.
I've heard it on shortwave here in town.
And it puts out a lot of good information that I have documented and that I do know is true.
I've got a lot to talk about.
Now, last time I came out,
I told you about a lady.
They came out on Mesa Press and that she didn't want to come out with it, but she did come out with it later and actually had to go to the hospital because Bill Clinton busted her lips and beat her up and raped her.
And I'm not going to say her name because she doesn't want to be in the public.
She's mad at the media.
I said it last night before I heard that she doesn't want to be involved in this.
So I'm not going to say her name tonight and I'm not going to get involved.
In any of that.
And again, if you guys don't like the transmission of some of these live shows, I assure you, I'm looking at a monitor that shows the real feed that's leaving here.
You can let Tom Warner know that you don't appreciate them not fixing the problems at AXS TV.
If you could believe that these type of problems were on any other channel, they would fix them.
But I'm sure that Bob here at AXS Television is trying to fix the problem.
Well, a very interesting story came out yesterday, excuse me, Sunday, in Sunday's paper, A28, the Austin American Station.
And it says here, bombs, black copters, spill secret of CIA school.
It talks about how they blow up buildings on this site, how they have black helicopters,
Black Copters that fly over people's houses.
It's top secret.
This is in North Carolina.
And this is pretty serious.
I've been telling you about this for a long time, guys.
This is an Austin American statement on a New York Times whitewash.
This was reprinted from the New York Times by Tim Weiner.
And it talks about how in Hartford, North
Carolina, nine miles out of Hartford, a town as tranquil as an old dog on a porch.
The road ends at a sign that says, Harvey's Point Defense Testing Activity.
And it talks about how it is a CIA base and how they have, look at that!
Access TV fixed it again.
But that is not Access TV's problem, ladies and gentlemen.
That is Tom Warner's problem.
They only have two, I'm not very technical, but they have two ways of writing the signal.
So if there was another live show right now, I would have to take the bad signal.
Tom Warner needs to fix that problem.
And AXS TV has told them 350,000 times about the problem.
We've all written out trouble reports.
And Tom Warner never fixes it.
They say they try to fix it.
I don't take that excuse.
They have a monopoly for the right-of-ways here in town.
And that's why we have AXS TV.
Your tax dollars don't pay for it.
It comes out of your cable bill about 32 cents a month.
So compare the three channels you get of questionable material, but free speech sometimes, with one movie channel.
Most of these movie channels, some of them cost, you know, 20, 30 times what active television costs you.
That's just one movie channel.
So you get a pretty good value.
And you also get a bigger value.
If you have a problem, something goes on in your life, you can come down here in an open studio,
You don't have to be a producer.
You can have a TV show a couple times a year to get your information out.
Or if you want to be a producer and take the classes, you can be on once a week.
That is why.
Okay, later we're going to talk about the CIA school.
I'm going to save that till later.
Then I've got a piece about Earth First and Greenpeace and all these organizations.
I have Earth First Austin.
Um, it talks about in this issue, nuke news, in corporate dominance, yellow bikes, pepper spray, poetry, and much more.
And there's a lot of good information that comes out from these guys, except for one thing.
They're Dukes.
They're a front group.
They're out there so the government can point and say, see, these people want this, or these people want that.
And that's all it comes down to.
That's all it's about.
They don't know what they're talking about on most issues.
They're about watering down private property rights.
They're about big government being able to socialize things in the name of the environment.
How do I know this?
Well, I'm thinking to show you an environmentalist TV show that's here on active television.
And I know some of the people that produce it.
They're nice people.
But they're dukes, and they're ignorant.
I've had several arguments with these people probably four or five months ago.
And I talked about them.
But I figure, since I'm going to talk about them, I might as well play a clip of some of the things they're talking about.
And what they talk about seems real, real reasonable.
And, you know, there's not a big problem.
And they're talking about how we don't want nuclear storage ducts in Texas.
And I agree.
Problem is, is that we've already created all this nuclear waste.
Europe has the most nuclear power of any country in the world, except for Japan.
And we've got all this storage waste from our nuclear weapons programs, and it's terrible, and it's bad, and it's also bad that the government has released massive amounts of radiation, not because they had to back in the fifties, but because they wanted to test it on us.
And of course, that's in this month's Popular Mechanic category, the last two weeks, they admit that something like five tons of uranium were released into the air, and cancer rates did increase.
That's your government, they really love you, let me tell you.
I agree with Earth First and Greenpeace on the basic issue of environment and not releasing radioactivity and things like this.
I think you have better sources of energy rather than nuclear power.
I think in space it's very, very good.
The problem isn't getting the nuclear matter up into space.
There's danger there.
But that's not what we're here to talk about tonight.
But we are going to talk about that some.
My point is, I had conversations with these people and they all agreed that free market is the problem, that the middle class is the problem, not the ultra-rich, they're understanding and can be worked with, and not the poor, it's the middle class.
They're the consumers, they're the ones that demand all this, they're the ones that need to be brought down to their knees by socialism for a group collective.
I find that very, very abhorrent and very, very scary.
Think about that.
Think about it.
It is just insane that these people go their whole lives with pictures of birdies, and pictures of turtles, and pictures of snakes, and pictures of salamanders, and they put all this trouble into things.
They go to their universities and hear from the universities that are bought and paid for by the government and the ultra-riches, foundation money, that the problem is this nasty middle class.
And I'm not just saying this cliché for no reason here.
There was Hitler, there was Stalin, there was Mao, there was every other authoritarian, command-and-control regime.
The middle class is the problem.
And they've been trained, and they were trained.
They were told in college, are you for the voting?
Then you know the middle class is bad.
They take something good and wholesome, get you to accept that, and then tag onto it, like a train, a whole bunch of boxcars of slavery.
And I sat right out here with this gentleman, you're fixing to see in a couple minutes, to his face, and
I've heard him say that the middle class is the problem, that world socialism is the key, that once they socialize things, everything is going to be milk and honey flowing down the streets.
Well, here's the problem.
And here's something that has to be talked about.
Here's something that has to be dealt with.
Every socialist, authoritarian, command-and-control, fascist, doesn't matter, it's all command-and-control.
Don't use their little false slogans and political paradigms.
It's all command-and-control.
Have the worst environment.
It's Russia with its Chernobyl.
And I know Chernobyl was in Ukraine, ladies and gentlemen.
I know that.
But it was in a Russian satellite.
The Russians dump nuclear reactors in their lakes when they're done with them.
They encase them in concrete.
They're so lazy, they just throw them in their lakes and let their people drink them.
They don't put them in underground vaults like we do.
They have a terrible economy, riddled with crime.
It's always been riddled with crime before Perestroika.
People say Russia's organized crime now was always run by organized crime.
It just posed as the state, and it was more consolidated.
It was trying to take over the world, and it was financed by banks here in the U.S.
Yes, private banks financed the Bolshevik Revolution and financed Hitler.
Just a fact.
They're sitting here telling us that we need socialism and the middle class is the problem.
And they don't say that on this tape.
Oh, they talk about democracy and the people's rule and corporate domination.
These people are controlled by the elite corporations, by the top 20 corporations and banks, and insurance companies, and never had the foggiest notion that their education was controlled, that they were put into a group psychology, peer pressure group in the universities and the high schools, and were indoctrinated about environmentalism, which has been a current form of religion, a religion for state control, an excuse, a rationale,
For total command and control.
And I don't want to use that word over and over.
Command and control.
Command and control.
Command and control.
Social engineering.
Social architecture.
But that is what it is.
Let's go ahead and go to just a couple minutes of that first clip that's already cued up.
It is this gentleman.
I don't remember his name.
I just saw it today and got a clip of it.
He's here on AXS TV.
We're good to go.
They're sitting there talking about world socialism and how the middle class is a problem.
Not the IRS, not the federal government, not the military-industrial complex that controls the media and controls the universities and builds these nuclear weapons.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
It's the middle class.
The military-industrial complex that I